The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

Discussion in 'The Thuban Legacy' started by admin, Oct 31, 2015.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°49

    empty. The Old Paradigm Crumbles ( A discussion of DNA research and discovery)

    Raven on Fri Sep 07, 2012 2:51 am
    shiloh wrote:

    Commentary by John Shadow aka shiloh, describing the persepective in the interpretation of Thuban 101:

    Epigenetic Inheritance infers the possibility and potential for the human genome
    to retransfigure itself, following a (superlative) change of the environment
    (as is predicted by JS to be completed by August 4th, 2013).

    Epigenetic Inheritance also refers to 'holistic' DNA/RNA encoding patterns
    in comparison to the 'genetic entrapment'
    (you are born this way and cannot change it)
    of the sexchromosomal legacy of the blending and synthesis of parental genes.

    Epigenetics so describes the overall geometrical morphology and 'shape'
    for the biochemical and molecular genetic material to engage the 3%
    of the coding DNA/RNA via its 'intron' envelope
    (of so 90% of the biochemically non-encoding DNA/RNA).

    A Key to this is the supersymmetric DNA/RNA Template,
    which assigns 'magneto charges' to individual nucleotidally coupled baseletters
    (A-T(U) and G-C).

    The 'Epigenetic Envelope' so allows 'sexual differentiation' between the baseletters,
    say in rendering Guanine and Adenosine as 'female' and the coupled Cytosine
    and Thymine/Uracil) as 'male'.

    12D-DNA/RNA Templete of the 8x8=64 Nucleotidal Base Extension
    --- 1. How does nature take creative leaps? In the fossil record
    there are repeated gaps that no "missing link" can fill.

    The most glaring is the leap by which inorganic molecules turned into DNA.

    For billions of years after the Big Bang, no other molecule replicated itself.

    No other molecule was remotely as complicated.

    No other molecule has the capacity to string billions of pieces of information
    that remain self-sustaining despite countless transformations into all the life forms that DNA has produced.

    "From the Mayan Annals:
    There is more to DNA, than is apparant in analysing it experimentally.

    In the 1951/53 Crick-Wilkins-Watson-Franklin (CWWF) mode
    and in all the three nucleotidal base-pairings:

    Adenine-Thymine, Adenine-Uracil and Guanine-Cytosine;
    the purine pentagonal symmetry is suppressed in the hydrogenic bonding.

    Reflecting Adenine and Guanine in the mirror of the Carbon-Double Bond
    realigns the bases.

    The 'twisting' of Cytosine and the reflection of Uracil
    occur in higher dimensional Dragon-Klein-Bottle-Space
    and one hydrogen atom in Guanine forms a new connection
    to the sugar-phosphate backbone, whilst H-N-H=NH2 (amine) switches
    with the Cytosine's backbone connection.

    Subsequently, the double-helix becomes a stacked spiralling sequence
    of pentagons around a decagon with longrange translational order
    and a longrange rotational order with counting frequency XY=1,
    that is as can be observed in Penrose tiling patterns in the ratio of
    rhombus-angles of 36 and 72 degrees.

    The importance of the geometry for the double-helix is found
    in the encompassed pentagonal space, around which the 'nucleotidal staircase'
    ascends and descends.

    This encompassed space serves for the MAGNETIC INDUCTION
    of the Information to be processed in the unfolding of the 'messenger' RNA strands, copying themselves under the instructions of the 'precursor' DNA.

    This Magnetic Induction uses the encoding of experience factoers
    in the form of the Fibonacci-Awareness Triplets:

    (Old SelfState; and Experience; New SelfState),
    with the Newest Self becoming the initialiser
    for the next awareness triplet
    and using the highest Oldest Self
    as the next experience iteratively.

    This defines twinned pentagons to form the geometry
    for the universal genetic encoding and specifies
    a fivefolded symmetry of quasicrystallinity
    and as has been discovered in Shechtmanites.

    A 3-tiered 12-dimensional DNA/RNA so becomes
    the topologically twisted 3-dimensional DNA/RNA only within its unified state.

    Observation of the latter, say via the science of crystallography
    will always display interference patterns indicative
    of the hexagonally connected CWWF mode.

    The first lifeforms on Gaia were Crystalline replicators,
    using the fivefolded symmetries of the pentagon.

    The five Platonic Solids serve as geometrised forms for viruses
    and microbial biota.

    From these endosymbiosis connected archae, prokaryotes and eukaryotes
    and the evolutionary 'living tree' manifested.

    The crystalline nonorganic structures carry crystalline awareness,
    linked to the chiral asymmetries on the subnuclear level of radiaoactivity
    and the nuclear weak interaction in the violation of CP-Symmetry.

    In the DNA/RNA, lefthanded- or L-enantiomated amino acids
    and righthanded- or dextro-enantiomated sugars so allow differentiation
    between constituents in the genetic encoding in terms of geometry
    and associated with 'living' organic entities.

    Inorganic molecules without the DNA/RNA experience
    no MAGNETIC INDUCTION from the Consciousness-Encoding
    and so do not show a predominant preference for chirality
    in their structural definitions.

    Nature's Leaps are evolutionary nexus points,
    describable in Jay Gould's 'punctuated equilibria'.

    The timing for those nexus points are not arbitrary,
    but depend on the diffusion of 'awareness markers',
    either of individual 'discoveries' or group-conscious remembrances.

    The latter relate to Gaian planetary consciousness
    in regards to the collective environments
    and to individual- or group-awarenesses,
    say as morphogenetic resonances in the Noosphere
    or the general mental evolutionary plateau embedded
    in the Gaian consciousness as subsystems."

    Intelligent Designs in the Mayan Annals with Deepak Chopra

    In Lake'ch - I am another yourself!

    Greetings from the Little Serpent, the Baby-Dragon you all have helped
    to create in your endeavours of your imaginations.

    Yes, the Dragon of the MATHIMATIA preceded you in space and in time,
    but his RENAMING as the LUCKDRAGON for a Humanity in Transformation;
    this you have accomplished in your collective efforts to become creative human beings, searching for self-identification in ever-changing visions of yourselves as being more
    than you perceive yourselves to be at any PRESENT timing.

    As the messenger from his excellency, the LOVEDRAGON,
    I shall today answer a number of questions,
    which are addressed in the essay below.

    Deepak Chopra is an awakened Maya amongst you and his many works
    could prove of benefit to your understandings, should you allow yourselves
    to receive his Mayan wisdoms.

    In this essay of his, I shall add to the topics raised in interspersals
    in exclamation symbols "---".

    Intelligent Design Without the Bible by Deepak Chopra

    It is disturbing to see that the current debate over evolution has become us-versus-them.

    To say that Nature displays intelligence doesn't make you a Christian fundamentalist.

    Einstein said as much, and a fascinating theory called the anthropic principle
    has been seriously considered by Stephen Hawking, among others.

    The anthropic principle tries to understand how a random universe
    could evolve to produce DNA, and ultimately human intelligence.

    To say the DNA happened randomly is like saying that a hurricane
    could blow through a junk yard and produce a jet plane.

    It's high time to rescue "intelligent design" from the politics of religion.

    There are too many riddles not yet answered by either biology or the Bible,
    and by asking them honestly, without foregone conclusions,
    science could take a huge leap forward.

    If anyone here is interested in placing this debate
    on a higher plane than us-versus-them,
    I think the main issues are these:

    --- 1. How does nature take creative leaps?
    In the fossil record there are repeated gaps that no "missing link" can fill.
    The most glaring is the leap by which inorganic molecules turned into DNA.
    For billions of years after the Big Bang, no other molecule replicated itself.
    No other molecule was remotely as complicated.
    No other molecule has the capacity to string billions of pieces of information
    that remain self-sustaining despite countless transformations
    into all the life forms that DNA has produced.

    "From the Mayan Annals:

    There is more to DNA, than is apparent in analysing it experimentally.

    In the 1951/53 Crick-Wilkins-Watson-Franklin (CWWF) mode
    and in all the three nucleotidal base-pairings: Adenine-Thymine, Adenine-Uracil
    and Guanine-Cytosine; the purine pentagonal symmetry is suppressed
    in the hydrogenic bonding.

    Reflecting Adenine and Guanine in the mirror of
    the Carbon-Double Bond realigns the bases.

    The 'twisting' of Cytosine and the reflection of Uracil occur
    in higher dimensional Dragon-Klein-Bottle-Space
    and one hydrogen atom in Guanine forms a new connection
    to the sugar-phosphate backbone, whilst H-N-H=NH2 (amine)
    switches with the Cytosine's backbone connection.

    Subsequently, the double-helix becomes a stacked spiralling sequence
    of pentagons around a decagon with longrange translational order
    and a longrange rotational order with counting frequency XY=1,
    that is as can be observed in Penrose tiling patterns in the ratio
    of rhombus-angles of 36 and 72 degrees.

    The importance of the geometry for the double-helix
    is found in the encompassed pentagonal space,
    around which the 'nucleotidal staircase' ascends and descends.

    This encompassed space serves for the MAGNETIC INDUCTION
    of the Information to be processed in the unfolding of the 'messenger' RNA strands,
    copying themselves under the instructions of the 'precursor' DNA.

    This Magnetic Induction uses the encoding of experience factors in the form
    of the Fibonacci-Awareness Triplets:
    (Old SelfState; and Experience; New SelfState),
    with the Newest Self becoming the initialiser for the next awareness triplet
    and using the highest Oldest Self as the next experience iteratively.

    This defines twinned pentagons to form the geometry for
    the universal genetic encoding and specifies a fivefolded symmetry
    of quasicrystallinity and as has been discovered in Shechtmanites.

    A 3-tiered 12-dimensional DNA/RNA so becomes
    the topologically twisted 3-dimensional DNA/RNA only within its unified state.

    Observation of the latter, say via the science of crystallography
    will always display interference patterns indicative
    of the hexagonally connected CWWF mode.




    The first lifeforms on Gaia were Crystalline replicators,
    using the fivefolded symmetries of the pentagon.

    The five Platonic Solids serve as geometrised forms for viruses and microbial biota.

    From these endosymbiosis connected archae, prokaryotes and eukaryotes
    and the evolutionary 'living tree' manifested.

    The crystalline nonorganic structures carry crystalline awareness,
    linked to the chiral asymmetries on the subnuclear level of radiaoactivity
    and the nuclear weak interaction in the violation of CP-Symmetry.

    In the DNA/RNA, lefthanded- or L-enantiomated amino acids
    and righthanded- or dextro-enantiomated sugars so allow differentiation
    between constituents in the genetic encoding in terms of geometry
    and associated with 'living' organic entities.

    Inorganic molecules without the DNA/RNA experience no MAGNETIC INDUCTION
    from the Consciousness-Encoding and so do not show a predominant preference
    for chirality in their structural definitions.

    Nature's Leaps are evolutionary nexus points,
    describable in Jay Gould's 'punctuated equilibria'.

    The timing for those nexus points are not arbitrary,
    but depend on the diffusion of 'awareness markers',
    either of individual 'discoveries' or group-conscious remembrances.

    The latter relate to Gaian planetary consciousness
    in regards to the collective environments and to individual
    or group-awarenesses, say as morphogenetic resonances
    in the Noosphere or the general mental evolutionary plateau embedded
    in the Gaian consciousness as subsystems."

    --- 2. If mutations are random, why does the fossil record demonstrate
    so many positive mutations
    -- those that lead to new species
    -- and so few negative ones?

    Random chance should produce useless mutations thousands of times
    more often than positive ones.

    "From the Mayan Annals:

    There are no random mutations as such.

    There is a statistical spread of mutations about an average,
    and a mean which is defined in increasing the environmental stimuli
    encountered by an embedded organism to increase its self-awareness.

    All mutations, even the 'short-lived' ones serve the purpose
    to provide context for the 'longer lived' ones."

    --- 3. How does evolution know where to stop?
    The pressure to evolve is constant;
    therefore it is hard to understand why evolution isn't a constant.

    Yet sharks and turtles and insects have been around for hundreds of millions of years without apparent evolution except to diversify among their kind.

    These species stopped in place while others, notably hominids,
    kept evolving with tremendous speed, even though our primate ancestors didn't have to.

    The many species of monkeys which persist in original form
    tell us that human evolution, like the shark's, could have ended.

    Why didn't it?

    "From the Mayan Annals:

    There are more than one kind of evolution.

    The physical evolution is a dynamic evolution from the subatomic
    to the elemental to the molecular to the crystalline.

    At the crystalline level the electro-capacitative function
    begins to dominate in a physical sense and evolves to allow self-
    and mutual inductions in cross-reference to a magneto-inductive function
    which is predominantly mental or psychophysical.

    When the crystalline capacity for memory retainment has certain saturation levels,
    then the crystalline form can accomodate magnetic induction of SOURCESINK ENERGY.

    This can be labeled as a form of LIFE-ENERGY.

    This magnetic induction then hybrids the crystalline geometric forms
    with the psychophysical quantum geometry,
    which is also based on the pentagonal symmetry
    and the awareness-triplets of experience-factors.

    In such manner do crystalline geometries life-induct
    as primitive forms of viral, bacyterial and microbial classifications.

    So whilst physical evolution for a certain geometrical 'species'
    might reach plateaus of constancy, the mental evolution continues until
    maximum self-awareness and potential resonance with the SourceSink
    awareness has been attained."

    --- 4. Evolutionary biology is stuck with regard to simultaneous mutations.
    One kind of primordial skin cell, for example, mutated into scales, fur, and feathers.

    These are hugely different adaptations, and each is tremendously complex.

    How could one kind of cell take three different routes purely at random?

    "From the Mayan Annals:

    The primeval cell is defined in a master template as a derivative
    from its subatomic string ancestor.

    The psychophysical cellular entity is that of a memory processor
    and carries a 'subconscious' UNIVERSAL MEMORY of its COSMIC Origins
    embedded within itself.

    This ancestor serves as a quantum geometric entity,
    which allows diversification in regards to the environmental adaptations;
    albeit under the underpinning peripheral encompassment of the self-awareness
    of the entity, coloured by its remembrances, either cognisant or instinctual.

    The interaction of the cell with its environment is a feedback mechanism
    of its memory, leading to ever greater recall of its origins in the dynamical processing
    of its experienced information in linear time."

    --- 5. If design doesn't imply intelligence, why are we so intelligent?

    The human body is composed of cells that evolved from one-celled blue-green algae,
    yet that algae is still around.

    Why did DNA pursue the path of greater and greater intelligence
    when it could have perfectly survived in one-celled plants and animals,
    as in fact
    it did?

    "From the Mayan Annals:

    The DNA is the master-code of the UNIVERSAL MEMORY,
    attempting to REMEMBER ITSELF as the UNITY and ONENESS
    it was before space and time began."

    --- 6. Why do forms replicate themselves without apparent need?

    The helix or spiral shape found in the shell of the chambered nautilus,
    the center of sunflowers, spiral galaxies, and DNA itself seems to be such a replication.

    It is mathematically elegant and appears to be a design that was suited
    for hundreds of totally unrelated functions in nature.

    "From the Mayan Annals:

    The master-code of the DNA uses a bifurcation of the DNA/RNA-template
    into two halves of 10 Amino Acid codons each.

    The Fibonacci pattern of the fivefolded symmetry underpins the entire cosmogenesis
    from the transformation of superstring classes into each other during inflation
    and the natural Lamarckian and Darwinian evolution subsequently."

    --- 7. What happens when simple molecules come into contact with life?

    Oxygen is a simple molecule in the atmosphere, but once it enters our lungs,
    it becomes part of the cellular machinery, and far from wandering about randomly,
    it precisely joins itself with other simple molecules, and together they perform
    cellular tasks, such as protein-building, whose precision is millions of times greater
    than anything else seen in nature.

    If the oxygen doesn't change physically
    -- and it doesn't
    -- what invisible change causes it to acquire intelligence the instant it contacts life?

    "From the Mayan Annals:

    The Oxygen molecule is quantum entangled with the entire universe
    and becomes quantum entangled with a subuniverse,
    say a human body as soon as it begins to interact with the latter.

    As the interactions continue,
    the Oxygen molecule is 'read' by the memory-functions
    it encounters in its subuniversal environment
    and forms associations relevant to its own elemental consciousness."

    --- 8. How can whole systems appear all at once?
    The leap from reptile to bird is proven by the fossil record.

    Yet this apparent step in evolution has many simultaneous parts.

    It would seem that Nature, to our embarrassment,
    simply struck upon a good idea, not a simple mutation.

    If you look at how a bird is constructed, with hollow bones,
    toes elongated into wing bones, feet adapted to clutching branches
    instead of running, etc., none of the mutations by themselves
    give an advantage to survival, but taken altogether,
    they are a brilliant creative leap.

    Nature takes such leaps all the time, and our attempt to reduce them
    to bits of a jigsaw puzzle that just happened to fall into place
    to form a beautifully designed picture seems faulty on the face of it.

    Why do we insist that we are allowed to have brilliant ideas while Nature isn't?

    "From the Mayan Annals:

    Indeed, the brilliance of nature is to create the physical adaptations
    from its genetic templates.

    So when an environmental adaptation proves 'successful' in some species,
    the morphogeneticism of this information is simultaneously shared
    throughout the planetary environment, even the universe in toto.

    As everything is holographically and fractally quantum-entangled;
    two environmental physical adaptations in two different species
    can manifest simultaneously in a third species."

    --- 9. Darwin's iron law was that evolution is linked to survival,
    but it was long ago pointed out that "survival of the fittest" is a tautology.

    Some mutations survive, and therefore we call them fittest.

    Yet there is no obvious reason why the dodo, kiwi,
    and other flightless birds are more fit; they just survived for a while.

    DNA itself isn't fit at all; unlike a molecule of iron or hydrogen,
    DNA will blow away into dust if left outside on a sunny day
    or if attacked by pathogens, x-rays, solar radiation,
    and mutations like cancer.

    The key to survival is more than fighting to see which organism is fittest.

    "From the Mayan Annals:

    All mutations and species, extinct or living at a nexus time serve
    the purpose for a contextual matrix for the universe, a galaxy, a solar system,
    a planet, a moon, a continent, a country, a region, a forest, an individual
    and the subsystems of the individual to evolve concurrently.

    The separation of all things are both universal and individual.

    Just as the galaxies are cells in the body of the universe,
    so are biological cells 'life units' in the body of a plant or an animal.

    There is no survival of the fittest in the overall scheme of things.

    But just as the recycling of biosomatic material, like skin and membrane
    and waste matter is part of the equilibria conditions in an animal body,
    so it is for a planetary body or a galactic body or a universal body.

    The survival of the physically fittest in physical evolution becomes supplemented
    by a survival of the fittest in a mental evolution, once higher levels of self-awareness
    and source remembrances have been attained by the indiviuated being."

    --- 10. Competition itself is suspect, for we see just as many examples
    in Nature of cooperation.

    Bees cooperate, obviously, to the point that when a honey bee stings an enemy,
    it acts to save the whole hive.

    At the moment of stinging, a honeybee dies.

    In what way is this a survival mechanism, given that the bee doesn't survive at all?

    For that matter, since a mutation can only survive by breeding
    -- "survival" is basically a simplified term for passing along gene mutations
    from one generation to the next

    -- how did bees develop drones in the hive,
    that is, bees who cannot and never do have sex?

    "From the Mayan Annals:

    The beehive exhibits group-awareness of the bee species.

    This group-consciousness attunes individuation of singlular or grouped bees
    to its encompassing purposes, say as embodied in the Family of the Queen Bee.

    This Beehive consciousness manifests the electro-capacitative and 'instinctive' nature
    for the Bee-Intelligence.

    The magneto-inductive nature for the Bee-Intelligence is 'missing' in many species
    which exhibit group-awareness and suppress the individuated self-awareness.

    The 'missing' sentience, is then found elsewhere in the universe to reestablish
    the overall equilibria required to define the Bee-Intelligence as part
    of the universal overbody.

    This alien Bee-Intelligence then will have the 'instinctual' beehive nature
    missing in its programmed self expressionism.

    The droned bees are bees, which have assumed a particular genetic subset
    of the master-template, which restricts sexual self-expression
    and as part of the beehive mapping its grouped selfdefinition, so structured."

    --- 11. How did symbiotic cooperation develop?

    Certain flowers, for example, require exactly one kind of insect to pollinate them.

    A flower might have a very deep calyx, or throat, for example than only an insect
    with a tremendously long tongue can reach. Both these adaptations are very complex,
    and they serve no outside use.

    Nature was getting along very well without this symbiosis,
    as evident in the thousands of flowers and insects that persist without it.

    So how did numerous generations pass this symbiosis along if it is so specialized?

    "From the Mayan Annals:

    The universe is a Unity, with all parts quantum entangled with all other parts.
    This can be termed the Standing Wave of the Unified Field,
    processing its Self-Information by and through its kaleidoscope of subsystems
    and in a holographic enfolding of its information.

    This information then is stored as superconscious memory in the sentient organisms
    and can surface in subconsciousness and in waking consciousness.

    The universe is also Self-defined and constructed on Natural Laws and Principles.

    One such principle demands expansion and diversification.

    So when a symbiotic partnership between one or different species,
    say a bacterium and a virus or a rhinoceros and a mynah bird,
    has developed; then the natural tendency for the universe is to enhance
    and multiply this symbiosis in subsystems or fractals.

    Say in the case of the rhinoceros and the mynah bird picking its lice;
    there will be symbiosis between another mynah bird or another species
    picking the bird lice of the mynah bird and so on,
    provided environmental adaptation accomodates this fractalisation."

    --- 12. Finally, why are life forms beautiful?

    Beauty is everywhere in Nature, yet it serves no obvious purpose.

    Once a bird of paradise has evolved its incredibly gorgeous plumage,
    we can say that it is useful to attract mates.

    But doesn't it also attract predators, for we simultaneously
    say that camouflaged creatures like the chameleon survive
    by not being conspicuous.

    In other words, exact opposites are rationalized by the same logic.

    This is no logic at all.

    Non-beautiful creatures have survived for millions of years,
    so have gorgeous ones.

    The notion that this is random seems weak on the face of it.

    "From the Mayan Annals:

    The environmental adaptations of species are often multifaceted.

    Whilst mimicry and camouflage provide survival value,
    extraordinary conspicuousness can ensure reproductionary success.

    There are environmental variables which allow conspicuousness
    in the absence of predators utilising that conspicuousness to their advantage."

    I don't know who will bother to read all these points,
    which I have had to truncate.

    But if you think the answers are in safe hands among the ranks
    of evolutionary biologists, think again.

    No credible scientific theory has answered these dilemmas,
    and progress is being discouraged, I imagine, thanks to fundamentalist Christians.

    By hijacking the whole notion of intelligent design,
    they have tarred genuine scientific issues with the stain of religious prejudice.

    Rescuing Intelligent Design -- But from whom?

    ...... both "secular humanists" and fundamentalist become extremely emotional
    when the debate on evolution is brought up.

    However, new ideas are attacked with emotional vehemence some times
    and then turn out to be right.

    Darwin was a classic example in his day, but recently one only has to review
    the ridicule that greeted three novel ideas:

    1. We live in an expanding universe. Einstein himself disbelieved that one.

    2. Birds are direct descendants of dinosaurs and therefore dinosaurs
    were probably warm-blooded.

    3. A major cataclysm, such as a massive meteor strike, destroyed the dinosaurs
    practically overnight.

    These ideas have gone through the whole cycle from derisory attack
    to general acceptance.

    If you are opposing my comments with passionate vehemence,
    I'd suggest that you are not friendly to the open discussion of evolution,
    no matter which camp you belong to.

    As for those who cite Richard Dawkins as holy writ, may I point to his heated debates
    with Stephen Jay Gould, an equally reputable theorist of evolution?

    May I further point out that evolutionary biology has been considered dubious
    by a wide range of scientists
    (they criticize it for having a weak experimental foundation and a
    wealth of assumptions that seem like post hoc thinking
    --that is, a trait is given a rationale only after it survives,
    which is like saying that driving a Mercedes Benz makes you wealthy,
    as opposed to saying that wealthy people tend to buy Mercedes Benz)
    and current evolutionary theory in general can't be proved experimentally.

    If tempers can settle a bit, I'd like to pursue this discussion further.

    Evolutionary theory is very much up in the air.

    Current news stories make it seem that "intelligent design" is non-scientific piffle,
    motivated by ulterior motives to preserve God and Jesus in the face of Darwin.

    Yet design and intelligence are far from that.

    We find ourselves in a period of fascinating transition.

    Darwinian evolution has proved an enormously fruitful theory,
    but like all theories its weaknesses have showed up over time.

    Darwin did not know that genes existed, a gap repaired by Gregor Mendel.
    In an earlier post I pointed out 12 other gaps that still need repairing.

    I hope you consult them before reading on.

    A new evolutionary theory, should it arise, would have to begin
    with quantum physics.

    Biology is simply physics taken to unbelievably complicated lengths.

    In a physics lab one can experiment with oxygen atoms in isolation.

    Inside a cell, the same oxygen is beyond experimentation.

    We can only think about its complex reactions and then ask ourselves
    if our speculations answer questions better than older speculations.

    Theoretical physics proceeds exactly along the same line

    s--first Einstein dreamed up relativity, then he put it into mathematical language,
    and finally he matched the math against real phenomena.

    He tells us that he was amazed when Nature turned out to agree
    with his original dream.

    From the Mayan Annals:

    "Man know thyself, then will you know the universe and God."
    ---Pythagoras, 529 BC.

    "The history of science is the science itself."
    ---Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1800.

    "Imagination is more important than knowledge."

    "Science without religion is lame and religion without science is blind."

    "God does not play dice with the world."

    "Abstract thought can grasp reality, as the ancients dreamed."
    ---Albert Einstein, 1929"

    The raw facts in this case are simple, insofar as cosmology
    has anything simple about it:

    Nature evolves.

    Rudimentary forms become more complex.

    The war between chaos and orderliness is never won by either side.

    They coexist. To a physicist, life is "negative entropy," that is,
    an exception to a universal rule.

    Entropy, the tendency for energy to disperse, is the basic rule in the universe.

    When any system can preserve energy instead, it stands out as an "island"
    of negative entropy.

    (consult Erwin Schrodinger's paper, "What Is Life?"
    which is readily available on the Web.)

    You and I are such islands, and there is no reason on the face of it
    why we don't blow away and disperse in waves of radiating heat
    the way a rock cools off after a hot day, the same way a star eventually
    expends its heat and dies.

    The force which apparently preserves negative entropy is one chief aspect of evolution.

    Evolution is the enemy of energy dispersion, or "fast decay," to use a favored term
    from physics.

    It keeps energy intact for long periods of time
    --say, billions of years in the case of life on Earth.

    Evolution has even found ways to gain new energy,
    for example, when creatures eat and drink.

    We probably have to grant that evolution isn't accidental.

    Of course there is huge debate over this, but setting all prejudice aside,
    the simple fact is that the universe could have remained an inchoate mass
    of heated gases moving relentlessly toward their fate of becoming cool gases.

    The universe took another route, one which involves negative entropy.

    The very same basic atoms of oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen that float in interstellar space took the alternate route of evolving into the building blocks of life.

    Physics cannot explain this simultaneity of entropy and its opposite
    without tentative recourse to the notion that something like design is at work.

    Until physics can explain apparent design and why entropy developed evolution
    as its enemy when there was no need to, biology is helpless to explain life,
    since there is no such thing as Darwinian "survival of the fittest" among atoms.

    All atoms survive unless they undergo thermonuclear change inside stars
    or devolve through proton decay.

    There is no such thing as competition among atoms,
    because atoms are not sentient and have no needs to compete over.

    There is no such thing as passing a trait along to the next generation of atoms,
    since atoms don't have sex or reproduce except as individuals
    (one must make exceptions for cooperative structures like crystals,
    which is why the physics of crystals has traditionally come closet
    to theorizing how DNA came to be).

    Physics is an experimental science, and there are few workers in the profession
    who think about the origins of life, except as speculation, since there aren't
    many viable experiments to run.

    True, some researchers have done rudimentary experiments
    with the early components of the Earth's atmosphere, such as methane gas,
    to see if the addition of electricity (to imitate lightning storms) might give us a model
    for the "primordial soup" out of which life emerged.

    But this is far, far from an experiment which could show us how DNA learned
    to replicate itself.

    The theory that DNA was brought to Earth via asteroids from elsewhere
    in space merely sidesteps the whole question.

    Since physics doesn't need a theory of life to go forward with its main research,
    most of which is on the quantum level, biology has been given a faulty,
    indeed nonexistent theory to build upon.

    Darwin's theory of evolution is ten or twenty steps higher than subatomic physics
    on the chain of knowledge, and Darwin jumped aboard without any of the previous steps being filled in.

    So it's a wonder that Darwinism succeeded.

    To skip so many steps of explanation and still turn out to be right is astonishing.

    Medicine hasn't been so lucky.

    For hundreds of years its explanations of mental disorders, for example,
    were totally faulty until the recent discovery of basic chemical imbalances
    in the brain, and those discoveries in turn depended on the discovery
    of neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin.

    Until basic mechanisms were uncovered at the molecular level,
    explanations for psychosis on the macro level
    (the level of behavior, speech, and thinking) had no basis.

    What we need, therefore, is an explanation that can fill in the missing steps
    that Darwin leapt over.

    Hundreds of theorists have seriously worked at this problem,
    well outside the current debate ignited by religionists who demand
    that Genesis must be defended.

    Here are some leading principles that I personally support:

    Intelligence doesn't "appear" at a late stage of evolution.
    It seems to be inherent in nature.

    "From the Mayan Annals:

    The intelligence you speak of is OLDER than the material Universe.

    It EXISTS Before the Big Bang as the PREENERGY of the MATHIMATIA.

    IT is PURE IMAGINATION, yet intelligent and infinite in its POTENTIAL.

    To HAVE a material universe, finding ITSELF at some linear nexus point of NOW;
    the END of this linear universe had to BECOME DEFINED BEFORE
    its very BEGINNING.


    Then the 'Little Superstring' in the 2nd dimension
    and rooted in the 11th PROJECTS itself from the NOTIME into NOWTIME
    and at ANY ARBITRARY NEXUS POINT in linear time;
    the INHERENT INTELLIGENCE to REDEFINE its own creator,
    as the LOVEDRAGON aka the 'Little Serpentine Superstring."

    2. Before there is intelligence in action, there is the potential for
    intelligence. This must precede the Big Bang and still exists at a
    subtle level of Nature.

    "From the Mayan Annals:

    Absolutely, the Universe is ONE HOLOGRAM,
    ONE 11-dimensional Black Hole, BOUNDED asymptotically in the 3rd
    and the 10th dimension; and yet UNBOUNDED in terms of its cyclic nodal nature
    in the 11th dimension and its potential multidimensional extent
    using the 3-dimensional as a seedling PROTOVERSE.

    Everything is made of vibrating superstrings,
    whose parameters define the minimum metric of physicality and measurement.

    The self-definition of the Source-Superstring is PREENERGY
    at the core of all of nature's Levels as a core- and universal memory."

    3. The primary evidence for intelligence in the universe
    isn't design but consciousness.
    In some mysterious way Nature knows what it is doing.

    "From the Mayan Annals:

    Absolutely, the 2/11-dimensional superstring is aware of everything
    and awaits a potential redefinition of himself by himself.

    After a particular nexus point in the linear unfoldment of time has been reached,
    the Him will become a HIMHER and the twosided superstring-duality
    will become redefined as a onesided superstring modality.

    And this redefinition will have been created by the created superstring carriers
    in the 3-dimensional universe as a 'higher dimensional' universe
    relative to the superstring of the MATHIMATIA of the complex plane."

    4. Chaos and orderliness coexist, one being necessary for the other.

    "From the Mayan Annals:

    This is the 3rd Principle of the Mayan Cosmogenesis:

    3. Order and Disorder; Negentropy and Entropy!"

    5. Evolution manipulates chaos the way an artist manipulates paint,
    to turn basic ingredients into complex forms.

    "From the Mayan Annals:

    Indeed, Evolution, both Darwinian and Lamarckian in tandem,
    apply the principle of Order as EVOLUTION-PRESSURE
    to counteract the thermodynamic entropy of the linear time-arrow."

    6. Consciousness may exist in photons, which seem to be the carrier
    of all information in the universe.

    "From the Mayan Annals:

    There are two kinds of photons; the inertia-produced ones
    and the sourcesink gauge-interaction ones.

    The inertia-photons are produced by accelerated inertia carriers
    such as fusion protons in the sun emitting electromagnetic radiation.

    As the protons have mass and carry COULOMB-CHARGE,
    the emitted photons are massproduced and carry no COLOUR-CHARGE
    or magnetocharge.

    The gauge-photons are transformed bosonic superstrings
    and are produced by the acceleration of COLOUR-CHARGES
    of massless superstrings and the gage-photons do carry COLOUR-CHARGE.

    The acceleration of COLOUR-CHARGE represents the AWARENESS function
    in psychophysical terminology and this AWARENESS ACTS
    on any collection of superstring spacetime quanta as a magnified
    or holographic superstring VOLUMAR.

    The Product of Awareness and the Volumar defines the COLOUR-CHARGE
    in the form of INVERSE SOURCESINK ENERGY in a physical quantity
    of the STAR-COULOMB and as the UNIT for Physical Consciousness."

    7. The creative principle is eternal.

    "From the Mayan Annals:

    The Creator in a lower dimension creates himself in the higher Creation
    and in a Broken SuperSymmetry for the purpose to Recreate himself
    in the lower dimension from the vantage point of the higher dimension."

    Using these as working principles, we might make tremendous progress
    in explaining the missing gaps in evolutionary theory.

    But will we? I don't know, since too few minds are occupied in such theorizing.

    But the notion of intelligent design will surely survive, because the greatest project of all
    -- explaining the existence of human intelligence
    -- is never going to go away.

    Current religious opinion is a blip on the screen compared to the centuries-long quest
    to understand ourselves, and although current science is more fruitful and valid,
    it too is only a passing phase.

    The Maya understands both the utter simplicity and the intricacies
    of the encompassing cosmology of the uncreated creator of the creation
    becoming created from the creation and as the solution of the Chicken-Egg paradox.

    IAmWhoIAm! - A Dream of the Dreamer and a Dreamer of Dreams!

    Transcription factors promoting the expression of certain genes
    may be involved at the same time in repressing neighbouring genes [19].

    Finally, epigenetic mechanisms include reverse transcription of altered transcripts
    [15, 16], which has the effect of rewriting the genetic messages encoded
    in genomic DNA, and hence distinctly blurring the boundaries
    between epigenetic and genetic.

    [4:04:00 - Friday, September 7th, 2012 - (+10UCT)]
    Ishtara Raven:
    (yes and they are discovering how reverse transcription works
    by studying virus such as HIV, it literally reprograms the cell
    to create more virus protiens, it highjacks the cell and uses the cells own genome
    to create totally different protiens then it was originally coding for)

    [4:04:48 PM] Ishtara Raven: literally rewriting the DNA

    [4:05:41 PM] Thubanis: Yes, this announcement was made yesterday, Raven

    [4:05:54 PM] Thubanis: And it is down your alley now

    [4:06:16 PM] Thubanis: So you can comment on this from your own trainings now

    [4:06:25 PM] Thubanis: It was global you know; I mean worldwide mainstream news

    [4:07:49 PM] Ishtara Raven: well unfortunately most MOA readers lack the science and will get overwhelmed with the vocabulary lol, but these articles are right on the money. And the further they go with PCR research in replicating and studying DNA, the more the results are showing epigenetic flow has a lot to do with things.

    [4:08:38 PM] Ishtara Raven: slowly the old paradigm is crumbling in DNA research, they can now sequence the entire human genome for around $1000

    [4:08:54 PM] Ishtara Raven: but its as this one article says, its data overload now

    [4:09:15 PM] Ishtara Raven: they have so much data now that its a literal nightmare putting it all together

    [4:09:40 PM] Ishtara Raven: they have pieces and the research is changing rapidly

    [4:10:07 PM] Thubanis: Yes you got it

    [4:10:11 PM] Ishtara Raven: as more pieces are put together, but its such a complex field now, with literally hundreds of specializations just to study one part

    [4:10:23 PM] Thubanis: And I started with an interview back in 1998

    [4:10:59 PM] Thubanis: You should add this dear as reply to 'ease' their ignorance

    [4:11:17 PM] Thubanis: This was a breakthrough

    [4:11:30 PM] Ishtara Raven: sure, well it is a huge breakthrough

    [4:11:43 PM] Thubanis: Because for the human medicine to change, it must first be templated higherD see that?

    [4:12:12 PM] Ishtara Raven: because it smashes the long held beliefs that DNA to RNA to protien is the only way, its not and has been proven.

    [4:12:27 PM] Thubanis: So BECAUSE humans now KNOW of the possibilities to say heal genetic defects, they CAN in fact be healed now in a inside-outside communication across the intradimensional membrane

    [4:12:37 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes of course

    [4:13:02 PM] Thubanis: Yes this is what those posts show - a Lamarckian renaissance

    [4:13:10 PM] Ishtara Raven: indeed

    [4:13:21 PM] Thubanis: Its all about the matrix

    [4:13:48 PM] Ishtara Raven: well and humanity has been trapped scientifically way
    to many years by the Darwin fanatics

    [4:13:54 PM] Thubanis: Indeed

    [4:14:22 PM] Thubanis: Darwin was a 'nice guy' actually,
    but his interpreters misconstructed much of his work

    [4:15:30 PM] Thubanis: As today, the trouble was not Darwin versus Lamarck,
    but religious zealots meddling in things they dont understand very well

    [4:15:59 PM] Ishtara Raven: and thats not to say Darwin wasn't right in many ways,
    he added to the understanding. But like in relgion, some people really glam
    onto the fundamentalist view and this is what happened with Darwin.
    The scientists took it as bible and stuffed Lamark onto the shelves
    and our understanding has stagnated for decades because of this.

    [4:16:12 PM] Thubanis: What I just said

    [4:16:27 PM] Ishtara Raven: right, lol mindblend

    [4:16:32 PM] Thubanis: Yes

    [4:16:57 PM] Ishtara Raven: i was busy typing and did not realise you said the same thing lo
    [4:17:14 PM] Thubanis: Its mental harmonizing dear

    [4:17:33 PM] Ishtara Raven: indeed it is :)

    543611. Raven Lionheart 543611.

  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°50

    empty. Khan Academy

    empty. Raven on Sat Sep 08, 2012 2:27 am

    Hello all,
    I want to introduce you to Sal Khan, the founder of Khan Academy, a FREE online learning environment from elementary level all the way up to advanced college level learning. This type of learning is very New World and Sal’s vision and passion are extraordinary. Enjoy his inspiring story and hopefully it may change some peoples fear of learning into passion and understanding.

    Some of you might not know that I am currently attending college to earn a degree as a Radiology Technician and as a result I am taking prerequisite courses to be accepted into this program summer 2013. Now until last quarter I had not attended college for about 25 years and so I was on shaky ground when it came to the course load and most of my classes were hybrids, taught both in class and online. My subjects of study over the 6 weeks of summer quarter were intermediate algebra, medical terminology and a college level biology class....14 credit hours total.

    So as you might imagine I was feeling a bit overwhelmed with all of it, not having attended any formal schooling for so many years, and faced with a very short quarter I needed help and quick lol. In my algebra class, a young woman turned me onto Khan Academy and with his quick videos and practice sessions I was able to gain the confidence in math to succeed in this class. I also found some nice biology videos and such to help with my understanding of DNA and cellular metabolism and various other subject related material, also produced by Sal Khan.

    Now I am sharing this here with you all because I realize that some of the concepts we discuss here in Thuban may be over some peoples heads a bit scientifically, but this is no excuse to dismiss the material, not just our science but any and all science. I truly believe that anyone with the desire to understand these sometimes lofty concepts can apply themselves to the task and broaden their scope.

    I know it is a ‘knee jerk’ concept for a lot of people to shy away from science, having experienced this feeling myself at times, but this is because it requires a bit of work on the individuals part and a good teacher to convey these concepts. Sal Khan is an excellent teacher and he conveys and reduces very complex subjects into real learning that will give you these foundations, that when you have absorbed, will stick with you for life. You will no longer have the fear and knee jerk response to scientific jargon and higher level academia.

    Just watch a few of his learning videos below and see for yourself how he makes it interesting and actually very easy to learn what has intimidated far too many people, including myself….higher level math always being my nemesis LOL.

  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°51

    empty. Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    empty. Raven on Thu Sep 13, 2012 3:00 am
    Planet Earth, ETs and the Akashic Sphere of the Remembrances

    Indeed, the Akashic Record is often misunderstood and misinterpreted; as it is a 'quantum event'; meaning it is connected not only to the planetary consciousness, called Gaia, but to all 'souls' of the linear past, present and future.
    All souls are quantum entangled, meaning that many nested collective and encompassing energies interact holographically.
    In simple words; all souls in a planetary realm are part of and enveloped by the Gaian planetary consciousness.
    Then all planetary consciousnesses with their integrated 'soul families' and individual souls become integrated in a solar star consciousness; becoming galactic, groupgalactic and supergalactic before unifying in the cosmic- or universal consciousness of the Genesis Monad splitting into a Creator-Creation Duality, which then recombines in a Creator-Creation Duad as a Shadow Monad and potentialized in the original Genesis Monad in what might be termed the Cosmic Genome of the 'Masterplan'.
    Then the Gaia Akash or soul-collective becomes the repository of this 'Masterplan' in holographically Imaging the rest of the universe in what Kryon calls the 'Inner Crystal'; which by necessity must so be within every individuated soul incarnated within the Gaian 'Noosphere' or 'the Quarantine Zone' defined as the Lagrangian P1 point between the Solar and the Gaian nexus of gravitational potential equilibrium.
    The balance of the gravity between the central Sun and Gaia as a 3D planet so defines two interacting spheres in higherD spacetime.
    In particular, this L1 nexus can be defined in an alternative higher dimensional form; showing what this 'Cosmic Mother Planet' Gaia represents as a higher D and not as a necessarily physicalised 'Quantum Energy'.

    The cosmogenesis of the birth of the universe in a Quantum Big Bang from a prior undefinable VOID=Infinitum coincided with the bifurcation of the FatherMother (just a common label for the CreatorCreation or the YinYang say) into an Outside-Inside dimensional split; something termed 'The Veil' by some and the 'Dividing of the Firmaments' in say Genesis in the Torah (OT).
    So the Outside Father became 'separated' from the Inside Mother and this Inside Mother is termed Gaia in many accounts as the Universal Mother for all Life (ET and human and nonhuman terrestrial); with the Outside father being associated with the names of the Creator such as God, Jehovah, Allah, Ahura Mazda, Shiva, Brahman and so on.

    This is 'common knowledge' and has been a foundational part of the so called 'Perennial Philosophy' aka the 'Wisdom of the Ancients' throughut the histories of the cosmic sentiences.

    What has not been known, is the 3D dimensional intersection of the Akash with its higherD envelope.
    This interaction realm defines the 'Quarantine Zone' of Gaia; established necessarily at the birth of the universe into physicality and so 15 billion years before the local galaxy and subsequently the local solar system and the planet earth entered 3D physical existence.

    The birth of the universe engaged a higher dimensional lightspeed expansion of a then physicalised spacetime from the outside into the inside.
    This then resulted in a Big Bang Cosmology as being rediscovered by the Gaian scientists and astrophysicists.
    However this outside-in cosmo mechanics had to be mirrored in a inside-out cosmo mechanics and this by conservation and equilibrium principles required the Inversion of the Big Bang expansion in a lightspeed inverson centered on the Mirror Image of the 'Creator-Monad' or 'God' and as the 'Creation-Monad' - namely Gaia, the Cosmic Goddess.

    Then a simple calculation of this inversion lightspeed as the 'Big Crunch' of the higher dimensional cosmogenesis for the 'Big Bang' will show that the 'Gaian Quarantine Zone' is defined by an increase of a spherical bubble in a radius of about 105 millimeters per year (or about 4 inches).
    {Lightspeed=c=300,000 kilometers per second for 1/c=0.00000333... inverse kilometers per second or about 3.33 nanometers per second.
    As there are 365.2425 days in a Civil year for 24 hours of 3600 seconds each: 365.2425x24x3600/c=0.10518984 meters}.
    Then the 'Bubble of the Akashia aka the Noosphere of Velikovsky/Teilhard de Chardin/Sheldrake/Lovelock becomes defined in this calculation in multiplying by the Age of the Universe or the Big Bang.
    So for an age of 15 billion years, Akashic Radius=1.6 million kilomters and for an age of 20 billion years it is 2.1 million kilometers and as defined by empirical measurements in 3D space in the extent of the Lagrangian P1 nexus and the so termed Hill Sphere.

    A contour plot of the effective potential of a two-body system due to gravity and inertia at one point in time.
    The Hill spheres are the circular regions surrounding the two large masses.

    Hill sphere

    An astronomical body's Hill sphere is the region in which it dominates the attraction of satellites. For a planet to retain a moon, the moon must have an orbit that lies within the Hill sphere of the planet. That moon would, in turn, have a Hill sphere of its own. Any object within that distance would tend to become a satellite of the moon, rather than of the planet itself.
    In more precise terms, the Hill sphere approximates the gravitational sphere of influence of a smaller body in the face of perturbations from a more massive body. It was defined by the American astronomer George William Hill, based upon the work of the French astronomer Édouard Roche. For this reason, it is also known as the Roche sphere (not to be confused with the Roche Limit). The Hill sphere extends between the Lagrangian points L1 and L2, which lie along the line of centers of the two bodies. The region of influence of the second body is shortest in that direction, and so it acts as the limiting factor for the size of the Hill sphere. Beyond that distance, a third object in orbit around the second (e.g. Jupiter) would spend at least part of its orbit outside the Hill sphere, and would be progressively perturbed by the tidal forces of the central body (e.g. the Sun), eventually ending up orbiting the latter.

    Formula and examples

    If the mass of the smaller body (e.g. Earth) is m, and it orbits a heavier body (e.g. Sun) of mass M with a semi-major axis a and an eccentricity of e, then the radius r of the Hill sphere for the smaller body (e.g. Earth) is, approximately [1]


    When eccentricity is negligible (the most favourable case for orbital stability), this becomes

    In the Earth example, the Earth (5.97×1024 kg) orbits the Sun (1.99×1030 kg) at a distance of 149.6 million km. The Hill sphere for Earth thus extends out to about 1.5 million km (0.01 AU). The Moon's orbit, at a distance of 0.384 million km from Earth, is comfortably within the gravitational sphere of influence of Earth and it is therefore not at risk of being pulled into an independent orbit around the Sun. All stable satellites of the Earth (those within the Earth's Hill sphere) must have an orbital period shorter than 7 months.
    The previous (eccentricity-ignoring) formula can be re-stated as follows:

    This expresses the relation in terms of the volume of the Hill sphere compared with the volume of the second body's orbit around the first; specifically, the ratio of the masses is three times the ratio of the volume of these two spheres.
    A quick way of estimating the radius of the Hill sphere comes from replacing mass with density in the above equation:

    where ρsecond and ρprimary are the densities of the primary and secondary bodies, and life2. and life3. are their radii. The second approximation is justified by the fact that, for most cases in the solar system, life4. happens to be close to one. (The Earth-Moon system is the largest exception, and this approximation is within 20% for most of Saturn's satellites.) This is also convenient, since many planetary astronomers work in and remember distances in units of planetary radii.

    True region of stability

    The Hill sphere is but an approximation, and other forces (such as radiation pressure or the Yarkovsky effect) can eventually perturb an object out of the sphere. This third object should also be of small enough mass that it introduces no additional complications through its own gravity. Detailed numerical calculations show that orbits at or just within the Hill sphere are not stable in the long term; it appears that stable satellite orbits exist only inside 1/2 to 1/3 of the Hill radius. The region of stability for retrograde orbits at a large distance from the primary, is larger than the region for prograde orbits at a large distance from the primary. This was thought to explain the preponderance of retrograde moons around Jupiter, however Saturn has a more even mix of retrograde/prograde moons so the reasons are more complicated.[2]
    Further examples

    An astronaut could not orbit the Space Shuttle (with mass of 104 tonnes), where the orbit is 300 km above the Earth, since the Hill sphere of the shuttle is only 120 cm in radius, much smaller than the shuttle itself. In fact, in any low Earth orbit, a spherical body must be 800 times denser than lead in order to fit inside its own Hill sphere, or else it will be incapable of supporting an orbit. A spherical geostationary satellite would need to be more than 5 times denser than lead to support satellites of its own; such a satellite would be 2.5 times denser than osmium, the densest naturally-occurring material on Earth. Only at twice the geostationary distance could a lead sphere possibly support its own satellite; since the moon is more than three times further than the 3-fold geostationary distance necessary, lunar orbits are possible.
    Within the solar system, the planet with the largest Hill radius is Neptune, with 116 million km, or 0.775 AU; its great distance from the Sun amply compensates for its small mass relative to Jupiter (whose own Hill radius measures 53 million km). An asteroid from the main belt will have a Hill sphere that can reach 220 000 km (for 1 Ceres), diminishing rapidly with its mass. In the case of (66391) 1999 KW₄, a Mercury-crosser asteroid which has a moon (S/2001 (66391) 1), its Hill sphere measures 22 km in radius.
    A typical extrasolar "hot Jupiter", HD 209458 b [3] has a Hill sphere of radius (593,000 km) about 8 times its physical radius (approx 71,000 km). Even the smallest close in extrasolar planet, CoRoT-7b [4] still has a Hill sphere radius (61,000 km) 6 times greater than its physical radius (approx 10,000 km). Therefore these planets could have small moons close in.

    A non-rigorous but conceptually accurate derivation of the Hill radius can be made by equating the orbital velocity of the orbiter around a body (i.e. a planet) and the orbital velocity of that planet around the host star. This is the radius at which the gravitational influence of the star roughly equals that of the planet. This is accurate to within factors of order unity.



    Where RH is the Hill radius, a is the semi-major axis of the planet orbiting the star. With some basic algebra:

    Giving a Hill radius of:

    End of wiki reference

    The generalised derivation for the Hill Sphere radius in the wiki reference is not clear.

    What is set equal are the angular velocities of the Earth about the Sun and the the angular velocity of say an orbiting satellite about the Earth at the primary Lagrangian point.

    ωEarth around Sun =2πf=2π/T=v/a=√(GMSun/a)/a =√(GMSun/a3)

    because the centripetal force and acceleration of the Earth about the Sun is mEarth.agravitational=mEarth.v2/a=GmEarth.MSun/a2

    ωSatellite around Earth =2πf=2π/T=v/RHill=√(GMEarth/RHill)/RHill=√(GMEarth/RHill3)

    Then GMSun/a3=GMEarth/RHill3

    and the result follows:


    The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life


    The formulation above so relates the gravitational-inertial astrodynamics of the Hill Spheres of starsystems, many of whom harbour planetary systems, to the lightspeed inversion of the densification bubbles (or atmospheric fields) of the cosmogenesis of the universe and by the projection of its linear age, itself. The timeevolution of the Binary ellipsoidal focus in the geometry becomes mapped onto the circular central singularity of the orgins of space and time itself.

    The time has now been reached in the nexus evolvement of the warpzone for the Gaian metamorphosis to explain this inter- and multidimensionality further, as hitherto to understand these concepts mentally, required a selfconsistent logic and modus operandi of thinking within a methodology not commonly supported and engaged in by present educational systems of the planet earth.

    Subsequently, this kind of approach to thinking patterns and selftraining has hitherto remained in the realm of the 'specialists', the percentage of the incarnated souls predispositioned to abstract model buildings in terms of mathematics and semiotiks - the logos of symbols and archetypes.

    All Extraterrestrial Intelligences consider Gaia to be their Mother.

    All such ET sentiences occupying whatever galactic- or extragalactic location also are encompassed by inertia-defined Hill Spheres; awaiting however the Gaian activation to manifest their own lightspeed inversion fields in the complementary functionality of the densification of the higher dimensional light matrices in their lower dimensional expressions.
    This is the prerequisitur for the metaphysical ontology of manifesting the spacetimed protoverse from the void-infinitum of the singularly centred in the geometrisation of the complex manifold in 2 dimensions, then allowing the 11-dimensional higher braned universe (and potentialised multiverse) to emerge from its lower dimensional precursor.

    In physical terms, this allows the ET civilisations to function in the absence of the Gaian resistance field of the lightspeed inversion and so to follow evolutionary pathways based on the higher dimensional forms of the same genetic templates manifest in genetic selfexpression in the 'resistence field' or the 'Impedence Bubble' found on the Gaian Mother template.

    An encompassing purpose and modus operandi for the omniversal agenda so relates the hybridisation of the light matrix of the extra-terrestrial intelligence to the hybridisation of the inverted light matrix of the terrestrial evolutionary development.
    A slogan or motto so could express this as: "When the ETs are getting heavier, then the Gaian lifeforms will become lighter!"

    In many planetary systems in many starsystems in many galaxies, the universal intelligence seeks to express itself from a basic blueprint of cosmogenetic definition.
    This cosmic DNA manifests in the Gaian resistance field in a distribution of a space-inherent consciousness carriers and assumes the morphogenetic (and geometric) forms of mineral, flora, fauna and the human vessels or merkabahs in embodiments.

    A distinction can however be made for these 'kingdoms of the lifeforms' and the differentiation engages the self- and mutual induction or coupling between particular elements of the 'supergenetic' or hyperspacial 'higher dimensional' genetic encoding.
    Only the human carries a dual coupling of electrocapacitative and magnetoinductive nucleotidal basepairings, say defined in C-factors of the electropolar capacitance and the L-factors of the magnetopolar inductance.

    The ET is biased in magnetopolarity and the nonhuman Gaian lifeforms are biased in electropolarity.
    In particular, the ET SELFINDUCES electric capacity, but cannot mutually CROSSINDUCE the cosmic capacitance, which can also be labelled as the function of the deintellectualised 'Instinct' of the group consciousness in a form of the NOUS of the 'Mother- or Creation wisdom or sophia' of the BODY as the morphogenetic vehicle for spacetime selfexpression in PARTICULARISATION.

    Corollarily, the nonhuman Gaian lifeforms SELFINDUCE magnetic inductance, but cannot CROSSINDUCE the cosmic inductance, which can also be called the deinstinctualised (or deemotionalised) 'Intellect' of the group consciousness in a form of NOUS of the 'Father- or Creator Understanding or OmniScience' of the MIND as the nonmorphogenetic vehicle for spacetime selfexpression in WAVEFORMATION.

    Beginning 2,200 million years ago; the ET sentience became aware of itself and began to build its own waveforms in the form of bodies in coevolution with the Gaian adaptations utilising the presence of Oxygen in the terrestrial atmosphere to develop multicellular lifeforms from the prokaryotic (no nucleus) precursors of the universal genetic encodings localised within the Gaian Impedance Bubble.
    In particular, the endosymbiosis of the prokaryotes allowed the eukaryotes (cells with nuclei) to 'evolve' in symbiotic partnerships and this original form of MUTUAL INDUCTION originated the evolutionary developments for a mutual symbiosis and the grander cosmic scales of the projected and programmed future timelines of the universal evolvements.
    The ET morphogenetics so adapted thermselves in light encoded forms to the primordial lifeforms of cellular mitosis and endosymbiosis on Gaia, so INDUCING the Capacitance of the SELFINDUCTION into the biovital environments of the early Gaian planetary schema.

    This represented stage 1 of the cosmic masterplan of the Creator Logos - the Gaian Impedence Field became the repository of the ET data of the mindinduction of the waveform, now CROSSINDUCTED in particularised Bodyforms of the earliest multicellular lifeforms, themselves emergent from the prokaryotic geometric conscious carriers in the form of bacteria and viruses in a physicality defined by biochemcal interaction with the encountered environments.
    The ET waveform of magnetopolar source energy SELFINDUCES electropolar capacitance; which then is CROSSINDUCED in mutual feedback loops into Gaian lieforms in a form of 'ET descendents', modeled in say natural electromagneto-monopolar currents in quantum wave mechanics and analogous to the electromagnetic fields of Kirchhoff and Maxwell sans the monopolic components of the thus defined consciousness parameters (described in related messages, such as 'Genesis of Genesis' and the 'Consciousness' threads).
    The ET magnetopolarity so 'infiltrates' the Gaian environment from a time nexus of 2.2 billion years ago and when the Gaian light inversion had created a 'Cocoon Bubble' in extent of (19.11-2.2 )billion years x 3.33.. nanometers per second x 3600x24x365.2425 seconds or 1.78 million kilometers radial extent from the center of the Earth and within the Hill Sphere calculated from the inertial astrophysics.

    For comparison, this scale encompasses the Gaian Moon and is at a distance of about 5% to the neighbouring planet Venus.
    The Venusian ETs so are found in the sentient lifeforms of the planetary neigbourhood and crystallize in a function of evolutionary witness to their greater cosmic agenda of the World Logos.

    The second stage of the cosmic masterplan of the Creator Logos implements the SELFINDUCTION of the magnetopolar induction from the ET intelligence, by then in an extensive process of colonising the Universe in waveformations from the nexus point of the 2.2 billuion years and bounded in the lightspeed invariance (speed of light).
    Iow, the ET intelligence would manouver within a spacetime bubble of 4,400 million years in diameter and being focused on the Gaian Mother; they would begin to manifest the extragalactic agenda, say in cooperation with the any spacetime locaction in coordinate vicinity of the 2.2 billion lightyear radius.

    As the Andromeda Galaxy (Messier 31 or M31) is the closest Spiral Galaxy to the Milky Way (Perseus) galaxy at about 2.5 million lightyears and a scale of 2,200 million lightyears includes all such galaxies below a cosmological redshift z=√(5/3)-1=0.291 {from the electromagnetic node at n=1 for recessional velocity ratio v/c=1/(n+1)² and (z+1)²=(n²+2n+2)/(n²+2n)}; all relatively nearby galaxies and astrophysical objects become subject to the Gaian mother blueprint.
    The nearby galactic clusters display a preponderance of galaxy mergers and an increased star formation in the 'blueness' of the spectra, as proposed in 1978 by astrophysicists Harvey Butcher and Augustus Oemler.

    The divers mythologies and legends of the human genus, say from the 10 Great Ages of the ET-Humanoid-Starman Induction by the electromagnetic monopolar 'natural electricity of life' so can be retraced in a geometric progression of the fivefolded supersymmetry inherent in an earlier five-tiered symmetry of superbrane classes, based on the pentagonal algorithms of the cosmogenesis.

    This is exposited in the main threads on the cosmogony of the universe leading into its cosmology of the omniversal holofractalisation into multiverses from its protoversal seedling of the singularity.
    The ratio 2.234722566/2.002094499=1.116192351 for a 11.7% margin of about 260 million years for the first age then reducing in the 'error' margin of the deviation in subsequent ages.

    Age 1 = 2,031,250,000 Great Platonic Circle Years as the 'Age of the Multicellular Cosmic Organism' [Paleo-Proterozoic]
    so 2,002,094,499-2,234,722,566 'Civil Years' from the Node and descriptive for the first 'advanced' organisms in eukaryotes and multicellulars, utilising 'free oxygen'

    Age 2 = 406,250,000 Great Platonic Circle Years as the 'Age of the Amphibians' [Devonian-Paleozoic]
    in so 400,418,900-446,944,513 'Civil Years' from the Node and describing the 'Conquering of the Land from the Seas'

    Age 3 = 81,250,000 Great Platonic Circle Years as the 'Age of the Reptoid-Paramammal' [Cretaceous-Mesozoic]
    in so 80,083,780-89,388,903 'Civil Years' from the Node and describing the extension of the reptilian rootbrain by the mammalian midbrain in the Pecylosaurs and the first primates as ancestors for the lineage of the apes.

    Age 4 = 16,250,000 Great Platonic Circle Years as the 'Age of the Primate-Mammals' [Neogene-Cenozoic]
    in so 16,016,756-17,877,781 'Civil Years' from the Node and descriptive for the emergence of the ancestral apes as genetic basis for the apeman

    Age 5 = 3,250,000 Great Platonic Circle Years as the 'Age of Ape-Man' [Neogene-Cenozoic]
    in so 3,203,351.2-3,575,556 'Civil Years' from the Node as descriptive for the ascent of Homo Habilis from Australopithecines stock

    Age 6 = 650,000 Great Platonic Circle Years as the 'Age of Homo Erectus' [Quaternary-Cenozoic]
    in so 640,670-715,111 'Civil Years' from the Node and specifying the diversity of the Homo Habilis stock branching into Home Erectus

    Age 7 = 130,000 Great Platonic Circle Years as the 'Age of Homo Sapiens'
    in about 128,134-143,022 'Civil Years' from the Node and defining the emergence of Homo Sapiens as the ancestor for Homo Sapiens Sapiens or 'Modern Man' in the Cro Magnon stock and 'Mitochodrial Eve' in the Würm glacial period (110,000 to 12,000 years ago) following the previous Riss/Illinoian glacial period (200,000-130,000 years ago). This last glacial period is bounded in the Pleistocene as the 'Age of man' in the chronos of 2,588,000 years to 12,500 years ago approximately and is defined in the 'Ice Age' with respect to the retreat of continental glaciers.

    Age 8 = 26,000 Great Platonic Years of 360 'Days' as 9,360,000 'Mean Solar Days' as the 'Age of Homo Sapiens Sapiens'
    in 25,626.81-28,604.5 'Civil Years' from the Node and defining the beginning of the last 5 Longcount Cycles in 13 Mayan Baktuns of 144,000 Kin-Days each. This is astrophysically matched to a present terrestrial precession of the planetary axis of rotation about the celestial poles; and which cyclic completion spans a 'precessional age' of 26,000 circle years.

    Age 9 = 5,200 Great Platonic Years of 360 Mayan Kin as 1,872,000 'Mean Solar Days' as the 'Age of Homo Sapiens Sapiens Astralis'
    in 5,125.36-5,720.89 'Civil Years' from the 2012-Node and beginning August 11th, 3114 BC as Mayan date 4 Ahau 8 Cumku to December 21st, 2012 AD as 4 Ahau 3 Kankin in its final extent and dating back so 595.53 'Civil Years' or 217,512.1 Kin to January 31st, 3709 BC Gregorian and March 1st, 3710 BC Julian in the Mayan Longcount - 8 Lamat 11 Pop and as the summation of 1 Baktun (144,000 Kin); 10 Katun (72,000 Kin); 4 Tun (1,440 Kin); 3 Vinal (60 Kin) and 12 Kin to a daycount of 144,000+10x7,200+4x360+3x20+12=217,512.

    The Pentagonal symmetry subdivides the ninth age in 9 subages in the Circular Cyclicity of 360/5=72:

    Subage 1 = 1,872,000/5=374,400 -417,902.4 Kin as the Time of Millennial Transition for the Human Civilisation
    in 1,025.07-1,144.18 'Civil Years' from the 2012-Node in the dates 13 Edznab 6 Muan; October 17th, 868 Gregorian and October 13th, 868 Julian and 4 Ahau 13 Cumku; November 25th, 987 Gregorian and November 20th, 987 Julian in a 119.11 year variance

    Subage 2 = 374,400/5=74,880 -83,580.5 Kin as the Time of the Scientific Reasoning in Universal Applicability
    in 205.01-228.84 'Civil Years' from the 2012-Node in the dates 1 Ahau 8 Kankin; February 19th, 1784 and 4 Ahau 8 Zac; December 17th, 1807 in a 23.83 year variance

    Subage 3 = 74,800/5=14,976 Kin -16,716.1 Kin as the Time for the Preparation of the Inside Cocoon
    in 41.00-45.77 'Civil Years' from the 2012-Node in the dates 6 Kan 17 Kayab; March 17th, 1967 and 4 Kan 12 Mac; December 21st, 1971 in a 4.76 year or a 1,740 day variance

    Subage 4 = 14,976/5=2,995.2 Kin -3,343.22 Kin as the Time for the Preparation of the Outside Cocoon in the Warpzone
    in 8.201-9.153 'Civil Years' or 2,995-3,343 'Civil Days' from the 2012-Node in the dates 2 Caban 5 Zac; October 26th, 2003 and 12 Chiccan 8 Yax; October 8th, 2004 in a 0.953 year or a 348 day variance

    Subage 5 = 2,995.2/5=599.04 -668.64 Kin as the Time for the 1980 anniversarial Logos mapping in the Warpzone
    in 1.640-1.831 'Civil Years' or 599-669 'Civil Days' from the 2012-Node in the dates 11 Chuen 4 Kayab; February 21st, 2011 and 3 Imix 9 Uo; May 1st, 2011 in a 0.191 year or a 70 day variance

    Subage 6 = 599.04/5=119.808 -133.729 Kin as the Time of the Gestation and Pregnancy in the Warpzone
    in 0.328-0.366 'Civil Years' or 120-134 'Civil Days' from the 2012-Node in the dates 13 Cimi 9 Yaxkin; August 9th, 2012 and 1 Ahau 3 Mol; August 23rd, 2012 in a 0.038 year or a 14 day variance

    Subage 7 = 119.808/5=23.9616 -26.746 Kin as the Time of the 13th Starsign of Dinah Arachne Ophiuchus
    in 0.066-0.073 'Civil Years' or 24-27 'Civil Days' from the 2012-Node in the dates 3 Ben 16 Ceh; November 24th, 2012 and 6 Cib 19Ceh; November 27th, 2012 in a 0.007 year or a 3 day variance

    Subage 8 = 23.9616/5=4.79232 -5.34915 Kin as the Time of the Pains of the Labour for the Gaian Rebirth as a Starplanet
    in 0.013-0.015 'Civil Years' or 4.7-5.3 'Civil Days' from the 2012-Node in the dates 11 Ix 17Mac; December 15th, 2012 and 12 Men 18 Mac; December 16th, 2012 in a 0.002 year or a 'shortened' 1 day variance

    Subage 9 = 4.79232/5=0.958464 -1.069830 Kin as the Time of the Birth of the New World
    in 0.0026-0.0029 'Civil Years' or the 'Evening of Metamorphosis' before the 2012-Node in the dates 3 Cauac 2 Kankin; December 20th, 2012 and 4 Ahau 3 Kankin; December 21st, 2012 in a 0.0003 year or a 0.11 day or a 3 hour variation {2º40'22"}

    Age 10 = 360 days from December 21st, 2012 as December 16th, 2013 and as Mayan date 13 Ahau 18 Mac, then specifies the New Starhuman Identity as a hybridisation between the Homo Sapiens Sapiens and the ET.

    All ETs could begin their own homecoming from so 2.2 billion years ago and at an approximate halfway point of the physical creation of Gaia as a planetary sphere of influence within the Milky Way galaxy and when the Big Bang lightspeed expansion reached its mirror potential (situated omni-scientifically at a 16.9 billion spacetime coordinate).

    In generalised terminology then; the ET is seeking to hybridise its magnetopolarisation of the waveform of the mind-intellect with the electropolarisation of the particularised bodyforms of the mind-emotional or mind-instinctual.
    As this instinctual mind is coupled to a space-intrinsic consciousness of all spacetime defined metric coordinates; the Gaian nonhuman lifeforms become the complementary 'missing links' in the merkabahs of all extraterrestrial sentiences.
    This is rendered imperative in the definition of this spacial consciousness as a inertia inependent quantum angular acceleration acting upon the quantisation of spacetime parameters in the form of wormhole equivalents.

    In other words, ALL Gaian nonhuman lifeforms and including mineral, fungi, bacteria, viruses, flora and fauna represent the ET particularised and individualised bodyforms or morphogenetic merkabahs.
    The nonhuman lifeforms so are destined to couple their electropolar capacitances, defined in groupminded waveforms or 'hive souls' to the magnetopolar inductances of the ET waveminds of the extraterrestrial intelligences.
    The presence of the humanoid, carrying a unique individuation, both ET-intelligent and Gaian-instinctual; so serves as the Genetic Bridge between the electropolar cosmic ID and the magnetopolar cosmic ID; both selfinductive in activated genomatic expressions, but suppressed in the mutual inductions because of the cocooning of the gaian environments.
    The ET so became instrumental in inducing itself in the Homo Sapiens Sapiens, once a sufficient evolutionary plateau for the processing of the cosmic consciousness became possible in the overall timeline of the cosmogenesis.
    The so called humanoid so represents an already hybridised cosmic merkabah, having evolved physically and emotionally in the Gaian Instinct of the nonhuman genomatic templates in the electrocapacitative C-factors, as well as having attained magnetoinductive L-factors via the waveforms of the ETs.
    Human associations with the nonhuman Gaian lifeforms so represents the 'humanisation' of the ET in a desired modality of interspecies communication and renders the 'pet' and the 'familiar' as a true partnership between the waveformed ET and the individuated 'Familiar Friend'.
    In more general terms, the mutual and self-induction of the genomatic elements of the ElectroMagnetic Monopolar Radiation or EMMR defines the so called 'Spirit of the Source Energy' interacting and communicating with itself in the holofractal components of the Holographic Omniverse.

    The ET has accumulated great wisdom and technology in the extraterrestrial evolution away from the Gaian Impedence Bubble; albeit remaining 'consciousness coupled' to the Cocoon of the 'Cosmic Creation Mother' via the 'missing' C-factors of the ET genomatic templates.
    This ET technology is consciousness based and defined in the wormhole physics of the cosmogenesis.
    This technology so is founded on the EMMR and the omniphysics of the light matrix as the quantisation of spacetime in the original fundamentals of the cosmology of the matter based birth of the universe as a quantum defined coupling between consciousness and the inertial parameters of space and time and mass related to the nature of both electropolar and magnetopolar 'charges'.
    The Starships and the Cities of extraterrestrial civilisations so are not manifest as similar to Gaian technology as developed within the Impedance Field of the light inversion; but are defined in a higher dimensional expression of the light matrix.
    There exist thus many ET civilisations, which are manifest in 'Cities of monopolar light energy' and where this 'light energy' represents a dedensified energy structure of 'Light in Stasis', meaning that the Invariance of the Electromagnetic Radiation or EMR, say as manifested in the Gaian Resistance Field as the Light from the Stars is circularised in a higher dimensional densification of the Bosonic Selfstate Quantum and as a Pairing of the Fermionic Selfstate of the say atomic structure common in the terrestrial physics.
    The Lightships of the ETs so can be built to specifications of a more dense atomic physics; but require the existence of a 4th hyperspace dimension to become materializable in the Gaian cocoon of the light inversion.

    The Gaian rebirth at the nexus point will 'open up and reglue' the original wormhole quantum of the cosmogony in a 'poleshift' mirror reversal of a galactic signal and so allow a 4th spacial dimension to become accessible for the omniverse.
    As this hyperspace transformation will occur at the Gaian planetary center; it will take just 7 seconds for the returning and reflected signal of the wormhole at the centre of the Earth to reverse its eonold long accumulation of data collection as a Black Hole equivalent in 5D hyperspacetime to become a 5D hyperspacetime White Hole .
    As the radial displacement of the Gaian Hill Sphere is so 2.1 million kiklometers the lighspeeded signal will become a wavefront reaching this coordinate in 2.1 million km/c and so about 7 seconds.
    This 7 second interval will then be synchronised and calibrated with all ET civilisations within the 2,200 million extent of the nodal universe as defined in the cosmology of the quantum relativity.
    So the ET civilisations will become enabled to activate their own Impedence Cocoons and so partake in their hitherto elusive densification of the source energy in their consciousness couplings to the EMMR.
    This 'densification' was suppressed and restricted to the Gaian Mother template to allow the greater cosmic agenda to follow its course of development.
    This nexus point for the ET evolution so will complete a cycle which had begun 2.2 billuion years earlier.
    At this nexus point, the extra-Gaian realm became potentialized (in memory activation) in the electromagnetic return of the higher dimensional timearrow coordinate and when technically, the Universal Protoverse Seedling in 11 dimensions first attained its maximum potential to extend itself and so reflect back into the lower dimensional realms and also to refract into the higher dimensional spacetime of 12D, namely the 'Outside Exile' of the Creator/Father.
    As Gaia as a soul, existed in physicality at this nexus coordinate; the extraterrestrial universe became conscious and aware of their own Mother and could begin to focus their attention and homecoming plans on their 'Womb of the Physicality' of their origins.
    So the ET visitations begun about 2.2 billion years ago and when the terestrial atmosphere became oxygen enriched to allow hitherto aquatic primitive lifeforms to extend thier habitats into airborne and terrestrial environments.

    On a soul level, the encompassing Gaian planetary mother soul then greatly enhanced its own experiences and partitioned interactions in environmental coevolutions of increasingly complex biological and biochemical lifeforms.
    This coevolution was 'watched' by the extraterrestrial lifeforms not evolved from the Gaian soul complex and for the purpose to eventually synergize their own ET cosmo evolotions with that of their Cosmic Home of the Cosmogenesis of the Universe.
    This 'watching' and 'waiting' by the ETs would end, once the 'Earthlings' would have evolved physically and mentally to a stage of self remembrance regarding their own familiar relationship and partnership with the original CreatorCreation Monad of the FatherMother defined before the Universe was born into physical materiality.
    All 'Human Recallers' would be required to claim their cosmic inheritances as Sons and Daughters of their Father Creator and their Mother Gaia.
    In doing so, their old humanity would graduate to a Starhuman Remembrance and all such acolytes would become enabled to process their own Shadows in the Sons transmutating into SonDaughters and all daughters metamorphosing into DaughterSons - so RECREATING the original FatherMother of the Monadic Duality in a Mirrored FatherMother+Motherfather Dyadic Monad or Harmonized Unity, Oneness or Wholesomeness.
    This Inner Akash, which will never be 'empirically discovered'; so resides within any and all StarHuman Children of the FatherMother.


    [​IMG] Raven Lionheart de Thuban de Draconis [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Last edited by Raven on Thu Sep 13, 2012 7:00 am; edited 2 times in total
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2016
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°52

    empty. Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    empty. Raven on Thu Sep 13, 2012 5:14 am
    Raven wrote: Message from the Ashtar Command 9/12/12 ‘Goodwill Towards Man’ (slight revision)

    Dear Starbeings,
    We regret to inform you that Commander Ashtar dipped into our highly prized Draconian Whiskey barrels that we had stashed onboard, given to us by the notorious Thuban Fleet. Now dear ones you may not know or realize the effects of such strong Scottish Highland brews, but, this must be stressed here and now. These incredible and unique spirits are thrice distilled from a malt and grain mash with a hint of peat and cause the imbiber to exaggerate and embellish the truth…aye even sometimes omitting it….if you catch our drift here. So we have taken liberty to ‘re-interpret’ Commander Ashtar’s attempt to convey some grand cosmic truths to you dear ones. The editing and enhancements are found in the brackets inserted appropriately and affectionately throughout the great commander’s speech.

    Seemingly impossible dreams are now being reached by you and all of the people of your Earth who envisioned for themselves a land designed as an incredible reward for everything that they would have to endure to enable themselves to be the receiver of such a wonderful gift.
    We always make this sound as general as possible because even we have no idea WTF we are talking about.
    This day is now rapidly approaching. It is in your sites
    , it is just up ahead
    some random Fucking distance
    , and when we use these metaphors for you we usually mean
    that most of this is total BS
    they are up ahead quite some distance
    BFE But F@ck Egypt for those of you who don’t speak internet shorthand
    , but you are indeed closing in on them, getting closer every day and this is why we use the term ‘soon’ or ‘in the days ahead’, for this is the best we can do.
    Why? Because we can’t give you a definitive date on anything when we make this XXXX up out of thin air…we must string you along…forever…if that’s what it takes.

    Believe it or not, we do not know when it is you will reach this next milestone for yourselves.
    Of course we don’t know, how the hell could we?
    We still do not know our dear friends when it is the first members of your people will poke through, so to speak, the bubbles of dimensional layer.
    The veil some call this, or the cosmic cacoon in other words
    This is what you are waiting on. You are not waiting on us to do anything.
    No infact is is us who is waiting on you, could you hurry the fuck up please, before Commander Ashtar drinks all the Draconian Whiskey, we would like some too
    It can be said that it is we that is waiting on you, although we tell you we are not sitting around waiting for anything, as we are working very diligently each and every day, all day, all, what to you would be night
    for those who don’t understand…a freaking eternity ok, this is what it is like trying to get you fools to understand
    , and all throughout what to you would be a week. It is then
    and ONLY then
    that we start all over again in a constant continual motion, and what we are doing is helping you burst through this bubble.
    Soon we will be doing the hula dance and thrusting our hips in gyrating motions UNTIL you get the drift!!!

    This is what we are doing each day for you. We are not lounging around and taking it easy while you do all the work,
    Well we would be, but as said, Commander Ashtar is doing that as he has locked himself in his state room with all the damn whisky, while we edit his bleeping post. I mean we could be laying on our arses too and having a fine time with all the beautiful women around here….they torture us you know…
    as we have said, we are here to assist you and assist you we will do around the clock, as you say, for this is why we are here
    here, there and everywhere and who is on first, what is on second and so on
    and while we are here we are not going to do anything else until we complete our task and begin to escort the first of you up and through the dimensional layers that have divided us for so long. For some of you, it has been so long since you worked, lived and socialized with us, your friends and your family of the higher realms. We see that many of you have forgotten what it is like working with our command on board our ships.
    If you only knew *deep sighs*
    If you could remember more clearly you would remember that we do not loaf around
    Fu&K around…well sometimes, but we keep that a secret from the commander.
    , that we work tirelessly, we work in duty and honor for our commands and our beliefs in service to others, in our, what you can say in a way is charity to others, though, we do not look at it as charity as you may.
    Someone has to help you poor gulliable Earthlings.

    We look at it as what we are, it is what we do
    coocoocachoo…it’s the Walrus…lalalala..
    It is our lives, it is our hopes, it is our dreams, it is everything for us and about us, and that is helping another. You may be able to see this and you may be able to start remembering this, for many of you, yes many of you are members of our organization the Ashtar Command. There are not just a few of you who are incarnated representatives of our organization, no. There are quite a number of you and this figure may surprise.
    7.2 billion precisely…might shock the crap out of you actually eh?
    We would say that there are among your people approximately two to three million of you who are members of our organization. Does this surprise you? Is this number surprising?
    Is it, IS IT??? COME ON ANSWER ME!!!
    Is this number quite higher than you had imagined? We feel this
    what number, there is a freaking number? Really
    number would outweigh the number many of you may have envisioned considering the miniscule
    very very very tiny
    number of you that have awakened and have responded to your true divine purpose, your mission here in service to others and this planet as well who is also ‘another’, you may say, as she too is a being, a living, breathing and conscious being, an emotionally experiencing being.
    Don’t believe us? Just ask Dr. Phil

    She is not just a rock that floats in space as many of you may imagine a planet as.
    We can’t get more descriptive here dear ones, since we don’t want to overload your sensitive systems so we will be very general… but here is something from wiki to help your understanding…In geology, a rock is a naturally occurring solid aggregate of one or more minerals or mineraloids. For example, the common rock is granite is a combination of the quartz, feldspar and biotite minerals. The Earth's outer solid layer, the lithosphere, is made of rock.g….

    She is alive. She breathes through her trees, these are her lungs. She drinks her own waters and absorbs them through her soil. She cools herself with ice and she warms herself with the sun. She nourishes herself with the essence of life, with love, the love she receives from her furry creatures, insects, birds, fishes, all kinds of animals and humans as well. This is how the love that she has for you and gives to you is reciprocated. She asks for so little, yet she gives so much. Do you see how much she gives you?
    What the hell is the score on the Patriots game?
    She gives you a home, she gives you shelter, she gives you materials to make your clothing , she gives you plenty of food, she gives you plenty of water, she gives you cloud cover to protect you from the burning rays of the sun and she gives you warmth to shelter you from her cold spells. She provides you an education and fun, excitement and adventure.
    Although the educational opportunities are grossly ignored by many and not shared with the whole world
    She provides you mystery and wonder, challenges and absolutely breathtaking beauty.

    Can you believe sometimes how beautiful she is? We cannot, for we have traveled to such a great many places throughout this universe and we will tell you that there is not many places as beautiful as she. We wish you to remember this and we wish you to think about this the next time you are passing a factory or a power plant polluting her skies, her soil and her water. Remember that the next time you see piles of garbage in fields or in forest. Remember that as you are driving down yet another stretch of asphalt that blankets her like scars on a beautiful child. Remember this, for we are going to help you change all this, but we always want you to remember what had happened to her, and we want you to do your best to make sure it never happens again.

    This we will also make sure, for we will always be here in one form or another, in representation, to look over you, to keep in touch with you, to always observe what is going on here for this planet, she is a very special place. She is a little different we will say than any other place in this entire universe. We wish to describe for you a little bit how and why she is so beautifully unique. She is so precious, for she was built a little differently. Her upbringing you may say was a little more complex, a little more nurtured and treasured and attended to than many other planets in this entire universe, for it was here on this outpost way out beyond the center of this gorgeous galaxy where many great minds from all over this universe came together and chose this planet where there was to be built a very special civilization. A place where beings from all throughout this entire universe, throughout each and every galaxy could come here and join together in brotherhood, in sisterhood, in common good and love and service to each other.
    Gaia is the Universal Mother for all sentience in the Universe

    It was here that it would be more a fairground, more a university, if you will, more a great conference hall, a place where all different kinds of beings from all different kinds of lives would come and share together their journeys, their stories, their histories, their cultures and their gifts. This planet was
    IS a remarkable place
    to be a remarkable place, a great library, a living and breathing and feeling library, where all of the people that visited here or lived here could walk through the forest or through fields or through flowers and learned the histories of all of the different races and cultures and worlds throughout this entire universe. How this would be done, you may ask?
    already happening now maybe…look around, is this not true already? But obviously Commander Ashtar was extremely drunk by this point, so you see how he insults your intelligence? Highly sorry for that dear ones, please accept our apologies.

    Well, how it would be done was, let us say, you come upon a beautiful tree, and this tree would actually begin to speak to if you began to speak to it.
    All of you can actually do this right now, go on try it, be a tree… here is a song for you to help the process…

    It would begin to reveal to you its history, where it has come from, who raised her, how she lives and breathes and thinks, and she would explain to you the culture of the people and their planet that brought her here. Say you would then walk through flowers in a field and you would say hello to them and they, the flowers, would say hello back to you. You could ask them what kind of flowers that they are and they would tell you. You could ask them where they come from and they would explain this to you. You could ask them who are the people that brought you beautiful flowers here, and they would begin to describe for you the history of their people.

    What do you think of that? Do you think that was a wonderful vision that these beings who journeyed here and conferred together came up with? Well, that is the truth dear ones. That is the true history of your planet, and we have a surprise for you. Nothing has changed. This plan was not discarded or forgotten long ago through the aging sands of windblown time, no. This plan is still the plan, and it is still very viable and possible for you to experience just what it is that this planet was designed and sculpted for.
    Plans within plans within plans…dear ones, but don’t get too carried away or you might become infected with your own grand imaginations like Sheldon Nilde and screw the pooch at the same time your tapping into cosmic truths, twisting them into abominations
    What do you think?
    Do you think?
    Is this exciting and does this surprise you?
    DEE DEE DEE *claps hands* *do the hokie pokie and turn yourself about…that’s what its all about!!! I am the Walrus coo coo ca choo...
    Can you believe that there will be a day when you can walk through the forest and speak to all the different kinds of trees and they will recite for you their long history and the cultures that have brought them here to this beautiful little blue planet that floats majestically on the outskirts of this, your beautiful Milky Way galaxy?
    Again…please forgive the Commander here for insulting your intelligence, great apologies.

    What we have said here is true dear ones, and this is the vision we see for your planet until this very day. You, the people of Earth, the children of her, are all brothers and sisters and this entire planet is the house,
    is the home
    that you share. We wish you to always remember this the next time you have an issue with another and they may say something you do not agree with and you feel compelled to lean into them with harsh words or a rather hostile vibration.
    Also check out anger management courses, we hear these are very effective on Earth
    . We just wish to remind you of what kind of special place is this home that you share with them and that if you and this other person were not special as well, you would not be here, for only certain individuals were ‘selected’, you may use the word ‘chosen’ if you'd like
    self chosen…all humans here chose to be here now and each of them has potential which can be unlocked
    , as some of your ancient texts use the word chosen instead of selected, that is the only difference. We simply have begun to use the word selected, but it was then when your ancient books were written that we, yes it was we, chose to use the word chosen.
    coo coo ca chooose, coo coo aaachoo….which word would you choose?

    Are you beginning to see who we may be now?
    your future selves, coming back to meet the past, the ancestors of their linage…you are the ones you have been waiting for, the Elders returned
    Yes dear ones, we are all of those ‘Gods’ that were spoken of in your Holy Bible, your Quran, your Torah, your Egyptian manuscripts, all of your wonderful and beautiful and in many ways accurate ancient texts, spiritual, religious, as you say, historical books and stone carvings. Yes, we are the ‘Gods’ as you called us then, and many of you still use the term God, but we do not you see, that is the only difference. Again, we simply do not refer to ourselves as Gods as perhaps some of us dared thousands of years ago in your time. This has caused a great deal of confusion, as many of you today still debate with each other whether there is one God or many Gods or false Gods and we say to you it's really rather a matter of simplicity and is very easy to understand.
    One in Many and Many in One...'we stole this from the Thubans *smirk*

    We, the members of the Ashtar Command and also our brothers and sisters of Galactic Federation of Light were here way back then. We traveled in our ships which were quite an eyeful for the human population here as you can imagine, and we possessed tools of greatly advanced technology, tools that they had never before seen. So naturally they believed we were something different than they, we were something far and above them, which is not true whatsoever, we wish to make that clear today and every day. We are you, so how could we be any different than you? We simply possessed tools and technologies and clothing that they did not, for they were, you may say, in their ‘infancy’, although a few thousand years ago considering you have been here hundreds of thousands of years is certainly not an infant child, no, but in terms of technology yes, you were at a stage of your development that was more the world of a child, for you had fallen great steps ‘down’, you may say, or behind would be more accurate.
    The above is total BS, obviously the Commander had drank a great deal at this point…we discovered two full casks had been drained and a third tapped…let us just say he has one hell of a hangover this morning…. All life evolved from 2,200 million years ago from the minutest probacteria and the endosymbiosis to reach the present stage of human technology; so will the ET technology depend on the 'inside dreams' of the evolved prokaryotes to manifest in the 'outside dreams'. The ‘outer space' cannot be independent from the 'inner space' because the holofractal universe functions on the fractal geometry and so on. It’s all quantum holographically entangled and connected. So please dear ones, don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. Here is a real reference of the origins of life on the planet, our apologies

    Your people and your civilization reverted back from a super advanced technological world back to an age where you were learning the finer points, we will say, of farming and of hunting and gathering. Not all at the same time, but through different periods. Your modern-day historians and archaeologists and scholars believe this was your birth, when you were just learning these things, but we remind you that you were not at all learning them, you were in a way relearning them, for you had done these types of chores before, but it was not here and it was not on this planet, no.

    You had learned to farm and hunt and gather and domesticate animals and all these things attributed to your ancestors here on this planet far removed from this planet on other planets where you originally came from, where you first began to build civilizations. Do you see? When you came here you were far from learning agricultural standards and practices. When you came here you were fully knowledgeable beings living in a fully functional technological world, an advanced world, a world far more advanced technologically than you are today. You were also much further advanced spiritually, mentally, emotionally and academically than you are today.

    More BS of course, our apologies once again *sigh*

    Yes, this is what some of your ancient texts referred to as the ‘fall of man’. The ‘fall of man’ was not your journey here or your reason or cause for you being here, we wish to make that clear. The fall of man refers to a period in your history when a cataclysm caused your advanced societies to plummet into the ocean and caused many of you to start all over again from the beginning where you had to relearn agriculture and relearn how to hunt and to gather and to fish, how to domesticate animals and relearn how to treat each other and work and socialize with each other, for you see, what happened here was a tragedy that left only a very small number of you, and when this happens there is going to be a regression period, for so much of your knowledge and your advancement and your refinement was lost deep below the seas.
    Dear Lord this is getting old….sorry for this

    Do you understand this clearer today dear one? Do you see how the entire portrayal of your history is just one great big false story, a misleading story, a work of fiction? You were never primitive beings on this planet. You were not what your scholars and historians and archaeologists refer to as cavemen and cavewomen, that is obscene, that is a lie. You came here as very highly advanced beings from so many different planets in this universe, and it is the cultures of these planets, it is your brothers and sisters of these worlds who are offended the most by these slanderous portrayals of your history and the name that has been given your ancestors; caveman and cavewoman. It is what your ancient books describe as blasphemy. That is blasphemous.
    This entire section is pure blasphemy, dear starbeings we have secured the rest of the Draconian Whisky onboard and have asked the Thuban Fleet to kindly come and take it back. We now fully realize the extreme danger it has put our Commander under as well as the entire ship, we cannot allow our members to be tempted into such debauchery ….*heavy sighs*

    We will, with your assistance, for you were here and you will remember being here, rewrite all of your ancient texts including, and we wish to be delicate here, the collection of books that you refer to as the Holy Bible, for there are many wonderful stories and historical depictions contained within those wonderful pages and we, those who were also here throughout those periods of your history wish to simply make them more accurate, bring them more to life, fill in some of the blanks, as you say, and clear up some misconceptions, confusions and outright blasphemies.
    Umm this is really embarrassing, but it has come to our attention that the Thuban Fleet seems to have knowledge about the above subject and the Commander was chatting with the Lord of Hosts while imbibing, so of course this got a little out of hand, our apologies once again….sorry if we sound like broken records…*cough*

    This is what we, with you, are going to do, and do not worry, for those of you who believe that we are going to delete some of the many characters portrayed in these ancient books, for the most part, all of the characters that you read about were actual living, breathing beings here on this planet and, for the most part again, we say their lives and their tales were described very accurately, yes. What do you think about that?
    ok total BS here, once again and our intel comes from the Thubans, they are really saving our arses on this one. According to them the entire bible is a heavily encoded and archetyped allegory of the creation story…basically, and I am not sure we should say this, but the bible is a stargate and its timeline is unfolding as we speak. I don’t think we are qualified to say much more, but you can refer yourselves to their archives for further intelligence and discussion on the matter
    We would love to see you talk amongst yourselves today and discuss who we may be referring to and discuss with yourselves if this surprises you. Did you think that the stories recited in your Holy Bible were works of fiction, were the work of over imaginative minds, or did you think these books were compiled merely to control you and so they were works created by the members of the cabal or their paid writers?

    We say to you this is not the case and that many of these stories are, in large part, fairly accurate accounts of the true history and the lives of many of your brothers and sisters who may even have returned here through the form of incarnation to be with you here again in your world today. What do you think about that? Do you find that exciting? Do you find that surprising? Do you find that comforting? Well, we will tell you, and we don't wish to spoil any surprises that we have for you in the days to come, but we will say to you surely that there are many individuals who grace so many pages of your collection of books you know as the Holy Bible that are walking, living, breathing, thinking and feeling in your world today. They are your brothers and sisters and they may even be members of our organization or our brothers and sisters of the Galactic Federation of Light.
    Oh for godsake we are running out of white out….

    What do you think about that? Is that surprising that some of the major historical figures in your Holy Bible are members of one of our two organizations? We feel this will surprise many of you, and we feel there will be a great outcry
    bloody hell the tears are flowing
    from some of you that may read these words who believe
    don’t believe it, none of it….we are implementing a 13 step program for the Commander as we speak ,and other affected crew members… apparently some of the ladies joined in the festivities…please excuse us while we try to recover from this mess
    for some reason that these historical figures would never be a part of our alliance. We ask you what would lead you to believe this. Do you believe that, as they did so much to help the people, their fellow brothers and sisters thousands of years ago, that they would give up on what inspires them the most? Do you think that they would move on to other practices and ways of life? Or do you think that they, the first chance they would get, would return here to continue doing what it is that inspires them, that motivates them, that makes them feel alive and return here, and in love and in charity and in service to others continue on in their ‘mission’? Yes, are you getting the connection now?
    Unplug yourselves from the above nonsense, now, our apologies

    They were a group of individuals, men and women, who thousands of years ago walked from town to town on the dry scorched earth of your planet and preached to all who would listen. They preached of a better way and they shared messages of hope, of love, of peace and prosperity and good will towards man, every man, and that included every woman and child alike. These men and women were real. They existed. Their stories were accurately depicted in the pages of what you refer to as your New Testament. They were on a mission then and they are on a mission today. They have never stopped working towards their mission. They were missionaries then and they are missionaries today, and they are honorable members of our alliance of the Ashtar Command and our brothers and sisters of the Galactic Federation of Light.
    Apparently the Commander was sobering up at this point….WHEW!!!!

    That is what they do today, for they no longer have to walk over miles and miles of dirt road with wind and sand blowing in their faces to reach yet another town and preach their words while standing upon a rock. No, today they have a different form of transportation, one that can take them to different lands and different planets all throughout this galaxy and each and every galaxy throughout this entire universe. This is what they do today. They have never stopped, although again, we just do not use the word ‘preach’ anymore, for it is outdated, archaic, and we instead use the term ‘shining our light’
    (removing ignorance)
    for yes, they are like us, just like some of you may have suspected all along. You were very intuitive right from the beginning and we say to you bravo, job well done, for you saw what so many others did not see.

    We are your brothers and sisters who have returned here to continue our mission in love and charity, in service to others and goodwill towards man. We are the Ashtar Command.
    And the Thuban Fleet, don’t forget about them either, but please don’t drink their Whiskey…you have a first hand example of how it can confound the mind.

    [9/12/2012 8:36:33 PM] Ishtara Raven: lol i love that dragon pic and the ketchup comment
    [9/12/2012 8:43:37 PM] Thubanis: hehe
    [9/12/2012 8:44:07 PM] Thubanis: Let us be the evil which we are labelled so
    [9/12/2012 8:44:22 PM] Ishtara Raven: tasty morsels lol
    [9/12/2012 8:44:28 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah lets eat em
    [9/12/2012 8:44:37 PM] Thubanis: With the shrek clip yes
    [9/12/2012 8:44:49 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah so cute that one
    [9/12/2012 8:45:04 PM] Ishtara Raven: eddy murphy is hilarious
    [9/12/2012 8:45:16 PM] Ishtara Raven: as the donkey
    [9/12/2012 8:45:37 PM] Thubanis: Yes i like Eddy in this role suits perfectly

    [9/12/2012 8:48:52 PM] Ishtara Raven: We say to you this is not the case and that many of these stories are, in large part, fairly accurate accounts of the true history and the lives of many of your brothers and sisters who may even have returned here through the form of incarnation to be with you here again in your world today. What do you think about that? Do you find that exciting? Do you find that surprising? Do you find that comforting? Well, we will tell you, and we don't wish to spoil any surprises that we have for you in the days to come, but we will say to you surely that there are many individuals who grace so many pages of your collection of books you know as the Holy Bible that are walking, living, breathing, thinking and feeling in your world today. They are your brothers and sisters and they may even be members of our organization or our brothers and sisters of the Galactic Federation of Light.

    What do you think about that? Is that surprising that some of the major historical figures in your Holy Bible are members of one of our two organizations? We feel this will surprise many of you, and we feel there will be a great outcry from some of you that may read these words who believe for some reason that these historical figures would never be a part of our alliance. We ask you what would lead you to believe this. Do you believe that, as they did so much to help the people, their fellow brothers and sisters thousands of years ago, that they would give up on what inspires them the most? Do you think that they would move on to other practices and ways of life? Or do you think that they, the first chance they would get, would return here to continue doing what it is that inspires them, that motivates them, that makes them feel alive and return here, and in love and in charity and in service to others continue on in their ‘mission’? Yes, are you getting the connection now? ((omg Tony, Moses and Elija and Noah are on the ashtar command ship, did you know this?))
    [9/12/2012 8:50:24 PM] Ishtara Raven: We will, with your assistance, for you were here and you will remember being here, rewrite all of your ancient texts including, and we wish to be delicate here, the collection of books that you refer to as the Holy Bible, for there are many wonderful stories and historical depictions contained within those wonderful pages and we, those who were also here throughout those periods of your history wish to simply make them more accurate, bring them more to life, fill in some of the blanks, as you say, and clear up some misconceptions, confusions and outright blasphemies.

    This is what we, with you, are going to do, and do not worry, for those of you who believe that we are going to delete some of the many characters portrayed in these ancient books, for the most part, all of the characters that you read about were actual living, breathing beings here on this planet and, for the most part again, we say their lives and their tales were described very accurately, yes. What do you think about that? We would love to see you talk amongst yourselves today and discuss who we may be referring to and discuss with yourselves if this surprises you. Did you think that the stories recited in your Holy Bible were works of fiction, were the work of over imaginative minds, or did you think these books were compiled merely to control you and so they were works created by the members of the cabal or their paid writers?

    [9/12/2012 8:51:00 PM - Thursday, September 13th, 2012 - (+10UCT)]
    Thubanis: Ashtar Command of course Sananda=Jesus is there too! Didn't you know that?
    [9/12/2012 8:51:11 PM] Ishtara Raven: oh for sure
    [9/12/2012 8:52:02 PM] Thubanis: But it kis interesting that those 'channelings' are actually a parallel agenda to the actual timeline
    [9/12/2012 8:52:07 PM] Ishtara Raven: lol just reading we are you's latest post
    [9/12/2012 8:52:27 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes it is kind of uncanny
    [9/12/2012 8:52:50 PM] Thubanis: Can you see then, that whatever or whoever 'channels' this, actually is tuning into the deeper stuff, reading the archetypes and then mistranslates the symbols?
    [9/12/2012 8:53:27 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah i can see this
    [9/12/2012 8:53:32 PM] Thubanis: Its actual validation of our perspectives and cosmologies to a yes 'uncanny' extent
    [9/12/2012 8:54:06 PM] Thubanis: They are 'copycating' our stuff, thinking it is 'Ashtar Command' of GLF or whatever
    [9/12/2012 8:54:22 PM] Ishtara Raven: They were a group of individuals, men and women, who thousands of years ago walked from town to town on the dry scorched earth of your planet and preached to all who would listen. They preached of a better way and they shared messages of hope, of love, of peace and prosperity and good will towards man, every man, and that included every woman and child alike. These men and women were real. They existed. Their stories were accurately depicted in the pages of what you refer to as your New Testament. They were on a mission then and they are on a mission today. They have never stopped working towards their mission. They were missionaries then and they are missionaries today, and they are honorable members of our alliance of the Ashtar Command and our brothers and sisters of the Galactic Federation of Light.
    [9/12/2012 8:54:26 PM] Thubanis: I noticed this for 2 years now
    [9/12/2012 8:54:27 PM] Ishtara Raven: this was telling
    [9/12/2012 8:54:50 PM] Thubanis: New Testament yes
    [9/12/2012 8:55:03 PM] Thubanis: Old Testament is not historical
    [9/12/2012 8:55:17 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah i have not read much of thier material
    [9/12/2012 8:55:33 PM] Ishtara Raven: but of what i have read, i see the mistranslation
    [9/12/2012 8:56:28 PM] Ishtara Raven: all of these storys and channelings will converge
    [9/12/2012 8:57:10 PM] Ishtara Raven: McKennas concrescance
    [9/12/2012 8:57:30 PM] Ishtara Raven: he saw it too
    [9/12/2012 8:58:42 PM] Thubanis: Yes
    [9/12/2012 8:59:34 PM] Thubanis: Reply with it lol to show them their ways we are you might get upset, but I think he is not 'fully with it' anyway
    [9/12/2012 9:00:10 PM] Ishtara Raven: Do you understand this clearer today dear one? Do you see how the entire portrayal of your history is just one great big false story, a misleading story, a work of fiction? You were never primitive beings on this planet. You were not what your scholars and historians and archaeologists refer to as cavemen and cavewomen, that is obscene, that is a lie. You came here as very highly advanced beings from so many different planets in this universe, and it is the cultures of these planets, it is your brothers and sisters of these worlds who are offended the most by these slanderous portrayals of your history and the name that has been given your ancestors; caveman and cavewoman. It is what your ancient books describe as blasphemy. That is blasphemous.
    [9/12/2012 9:00:15 PM] Ishtara Raven: and then they digress lol
    [9/12/2012 9:00:38 PM] Thubanis: Yes the human filter is shining through now the bias
    [9/12/2012 9:00:44 PM] Ishtara Raven: of course
    [9/12/2012 9:01:10 PM] Ishtara Raven: cavemen are so blasphemous lol, like the lions and tigers and bears are too
    [9/12/2012 9:01:11 PM] Thubanis: Same kind of 'preachy love and light' style across most channelers
    [9/12/2012 9:01:44 PM] Thubanis: Denying the Cro Magnon ancestry dear oh dear
    [9/12/2012 9:02:03 PM] Thubanis: Now tell them that they were amoebas once?! lol
    [9/12/2012 9:02:14 PM] Ishtara Raven: 'hipocrasy'
    [9/12/2012 9:02:26 PM] Ishtara Raven: i would be burned at the stake for such comments lol
    [9/12/2012 9:02:49 PM] Thubanis: On the bonfires of the NABS yes
    [9/12/2012 9:03:07 PM] Ishtara Raven: well we did a good post on that on camelot
    [9/12/2012 9:03:15 PM] Ishtara Raven: didn't we transfer it to MOA?
    [9/12/2012 9:03:26 PM] Ishtara Raven: the origins of life post you did
    [9/12/2012 9:03:47 PM] Thubanis: Its on MOA as a TLTR
    [9/12/2012 9:03:53 PM] Ishtara Raven: Right
    [9/12/2012 9:04:05 PM] Ishtara Raven: i feel so silly
    [9/12/2012 9:04:10 PM] Thubanis: We are
    [9/12/2012 9:04:56 PM] Thubanis: [Wednesday, September 12, 2012 9 PM] Ishtara Raven:

    <<< slanderous portrayals ofNo 'advanced' ET would talk like that!
    [9/12/2012 9:05:20 PM] Thubanis: Very human emotional - and fearful
    [9/12/2012 9:05:28 PM] Ishtara Raven: i feel like replying with a parody of his post with a factual one, saying commander Ashtar had a bit much of the celestial wine that day and got his facts mixed up lol
    [9/12/2012 9:05:44 PM] Thubanis: Yes you should this convo
    [9/12/2012 9:06:06 PM] Thubanis: Hahah Make it Draconian whiskey
    [9/12/2012 9:06:12 PM] Ishtara Raven: hahahaha
    [9/12/2012 9:06:25 PM] Ishtara Raven: omg *snort*
    [9/12/2012 9:06:29 PM] Thubanis: from the Scottish highlands
    [9/12/2012 9:06:41 PM] Thubanis: Imported by the Thuban fleet
    [9/12/2012 9:06:46 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah then tack this convo on
    [9/12/2012 9:06:50 PM] Ishtara Raven: hahaha
    [9/12/2012 9:07:01 PM] Thubanis: Yes time for some fun
    [9/12/2012 9:07:14 PM] Ishtara Raven: lol yeah i better get busy

    icon_jokercolor. Raven Lionheart of Thuban Draconis icon_jokercolor.

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life #24862 February 23rd, 2011

    A thread on Camelot Forum, which was found unsuitable fore Camelot's readership by the administration and moderation 'team'. The entire thread was either deleted or confiscated in April 2011.
    Thuban saved this thread, no longer available, in a partially edited version here:

    Arachne wrote:

    What are the ET’s? Why do we not already have a mass contact scenario? With all the billions and billions of planets, stars and galaxies, by logic alone we can come to the conclusion that we cannot possibly be alone and the sole sentience of the universe. The universe is billions of years old and surely by now has produced a sentient life form, logically and by similar conclusions, many more than just one, that can indeed travel the stars with the technology to manipulate time and space in order to traverse long distances across it’s vastness. But where are they? What do we have as evidence for their existence?

    Of all the UFO evidence we have gathered on this planet at this time, the story is a pretty compelling one. From numerous sightings, videos and abduction reports, channelers, visionaries, contactees, myth and religion, as well as the ‘secret black ops’ programs, we can logically deduce we are not alone and have never been alone. The evidence is full and rife with testimony and validity that we are being visited. These ET intelligences are visiting us and have been doing so for many thousands if not millions of years. But, if they are in fact as numerous as the evidence supports, why do we not have a massive contact scenario already? Why, despite the huge logs of information and evidence of their existence, have they not manifested and introduced themselves to the masses? Why do they appear so elusive and mysterious? The answer is simple in defining what they are and where they come from, and what earth is and it’s role in all of this.

    To manifest physically or not manifest….this is the question. The ET’s are crystalline light data, like light encoded DNA. They exist higher dimensionally as crystalline light codes and have evolved right along with the whole of creation and Earth itself. The difference between them and us is one of density, plain and simple and it is the reason that when they do appear, most often we see them as plasma like light, that seems to have the ability to phase shift in and out of visible range, sometimes appearing more solid and other times transparent and disappearing all together. When we see them appear in our atmosphere they are in a state of flux and what we see is actually a light shadow projected onto our 3-D space.

    The earth is cocooned in a resonance sphere of pure density, called a Hill sphere, which surrounds the planet and extends out to about 2 million km or so. When the universe was created, the nexus point of this sphere manifested as a Lagrangian gravity point which later became the planet itself as archetype for this inverted light, hence the most extreme and dense place in the universe.

    The ET’s also have a hill sphere but because of their resistance fields being made of light and higher dimensional, its suppressed and thus they cannot completely solidify themselves or their ships, they are lacking the information to do so. Gaia is the universal template or source code for manifesting this solidity, but at the moment is dimensionally closed off from the rest of the universe and so cannot share her data yet. The 2012 scenario and birth will collapse this hill sphere into a higher dimensional black hole about the size of a golf ball and this will flip inside out and become a white hole, or data emitter, thus ending the Gaian Quarantine Zone. She will then ‘shine’ her own dark density light codes out into the universe, providing the ET sentience the necessary information to activate their own suppressed hill spheres. Until this occurs the ET’s cannot physically manifest themselves without the data that the Mother Gaia is blueprinted for. So they like us have been waiting a very long time and are bound to the same timeline and prophecies as we are.

    All ET intelligences consider Gaia as their Mother for these reasons.
    So the LIGHTBODY of the ETs will solidify in MIRROR of the Human darkbody LIGHTENING. This means that the planets in the universe will simply become akashic just like the earth is and able to densify their data in 3-D physicality. It takes just 7 seconds for this to happen cosmic scalewise, when the signal from the Hunab Ku finally arrives and activates the flip. 8 mins later the Sun will communicate for the first time higher dimensionally with Gaia, and share a two way data stream.

    The 'Absolution' for NABS 'love&lighters'

    So the Human merkabah will hybridise with the Light and the ET lightbody will hybridize with it’s density to become more solid. All humans are ET hybridizations now but do not remember in most cases. So the activation of the Lightbody Merkabah and descension/ascension is dependent on the shift of this higher dimensional pole flip to occur on Dec 21st 2012.

    Arachne aka 'banned' Raven at the Camelot forum from February 2011 to April 2011
    Remember, this kind of information was deemed unsuitable and 'too dangerous' by the administration of that forum

    Raven Lionheart de Starship 'Absolution' - Thuban DragonFleet Commander

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  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    • Post n°53
    Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    Raven on Tue Sep 18, 2012 2:11 am

    NASA Starts Work on Real Life Star Trek Warp Drive
    Jesus Diaz

    9/17/12 1:00pm
    17zeozjwvnp1p. 1

    Bet they won't get far, Zefram Cochrane was or will be born this year according to the first contact timeline.
    ij6xmfkke6bag71lmhip. TheRedFez
    View discussion >>

    "Perhaps a Star Trek experience within our lifetime is not such a remote possibility." These are the words of Dr. Harold "Sonny" White, the Advanced Propulsion Theme Lead for the NASA Engineering Directorate. Dr. White and his colleagues don't just believe a real life warp drive is theoretically possible; they've already started the work to create one.
    Yes. A real warp drive, Scotty.
    When it comes to space exploration, we are still cavemen. We got to the Moon and sent some badass robot to Mars. We also have those automatic doors that swoosh wide open when you get near them, but that's about it. It's cool, but we are far from being the space civilization we'll need to become to survive for millennia.
    The Apollo 11 Moon Landing Liveblog The Apollo 11 Moon Landing Liveblog The Apollo 11 Moon Landing Liveblog

    Apollo 11 Mission Commander Neil Armstrong and Lunar Module Pilot Buzz Aldrin are now on course to…Read more Read more
    With our current propulsion technologies, interstellar flight is impossible. Even with experimental technology, like ion thrusters or a spaceship's aft pooping freaking nuclear explosions, it would require staggering amounts of fuel and mass to get to any nearby star. And worse: it will require decades—centuries, even—to get there. The trip will be meaningless for those left behind. Only the ones going forward in search for a new star system would enjoy the result of the colossal effort. It's just not practical.
    So we need an alternative. One that would allow us to travel extremely fast without breaking the laws of physics. Or as Dr. White puts it: "we want to go, really fast, while observing the 11th commandment: Thou shall not exceed the speed of light."

    Searching for warp bubbles

    The answer lies precisely in those laws of physics. Dr. White and other physicists have found loopholes in some mathematical equations—loopholes that indicate that warping the space-time fabric is indeed possible.
    Working at NASA Eagleworks—a skunkworks operation deep at NASA's Johnson Space Center—Dr. White's team is trying to find proof of those loopholes. They have "initiated an interferometer test bed that will try to generate and detect a microscopic instance of a little warp bubble" using an instrument called the White-Juday Warp Field Interferometer.
    It may sound like a small thing now, but the implications of the research huge. In his own words:
    Although this is just a tiny instance of the phenomena, it will be existence proof for the idea of perturbing space time-a "Chicago pile" moment, as it were. Recall that December of 1942 saw the first demonstration of a controlled nuclear reaction that generated a whopping half watt. This existence proof was followed by the activation of a ~ four megawatt reactor in November of 1943. Existence proof for the practical application of a scientific idea can be a tipping point for technology development.
    By creating one of these warp bubbles, the spaceship's engine will compress the space ahead and expand the space behind, moving it to another place without actually moving, and carrying none of the adverse effects of other travel methods. According to Dr. White, "by harnessing the physics of cosmic inflation, future spaceships crafted to satisfy the laws of these mathematical equations may actually be able to get somewhere unthinkably fast—and without adverse effects."
    He says that, if everything is confirmed in these practical experiments, we would be able to create an engine that will get us to Alpha Centauri "in two weeks as measured by clocks here on Earth." The time will be the same in the spaceship and on Earth, he claims, and there will not be "tidal forces inside the bubble, no undue issues, and the proper acceleration is zero. When you turn the field on, everybody doesn't go slamming against the bulkhead, which would be a very short and sad trip."
    The energy problem, solved

    There was only one problem with all this: where does the energy come from? While we knew that warp drives were theoretically possible, physicists have always argued that they would require a ball of exotic matter the size of Jupiter to power it. Clearly, that was not practical. But thankfully, Dr. White has found a solution that changes the game completely.
    The Eagleworks team has discovered that the energy requirements are much lower than previously thought. If they optimize the warp bubble thickness and "oscillate its intensity to reduce the stiffness of space time," they would be able to reduce the amount of fuel to manageable amount: instead of a Jupiter-sized ball of exotic matter, you will only need 500 kilograms to "send a 10-meter bubble (32.8 feet) at an effective velocity of 10c."
    Ten c! That's ten times the speed of light, people (remember, the ship itself would not go faster than the speed of light. But effectively it will seem like it does).
    That means that we would be able to visit Gliese 581g—a planet similar to Earth 20 light years away from our planet—in two years. Two years is nothing. It took Magellan three years to circumnavigate around our home planet—from August 1519 to September 1522. A four year roundtrip to see a planet like Earth is completely doable. And there are even closer destinations where we can send robots or astronauts.
    This May Very Well Be the First New Earth This May Very Well Be the First New Earth This May Very Well Be the First New Earth

    You are looking at what could be the fourth planet on the Gliese 581 star system, 20.3 light years…Read more Read more
    The important thing is that there is now a door open to a different kind of exploration. That, like Dr. White says, "perhaps a Star Trek experience within our lifetime is not such a remote possibility." We may be witnessing the very beginning of a new age of space exploration, one that would finally take us from our pale blue dot back to where we belong.
    Why We Need to Reach the Stars (and We Will) Why We Need to Reach the Stars (and We Will) Why We Need to Reach the Stars (and We Will)

    We reached the Moon in a tin can, built a humble space station, and have a plan to reach Mars in a…Read more Read more
    I don't know about you, but I'm more excited than when Captain Kirk got his first unobtonanium underpants.

    RELATED READING: Astronomers estimate there are 17 billion Earth-sized planets just in our Galaxy. That means our Universe is bubbling with life, perhaps with as many as 7.99 billion civilizations. How many of those have warp travel capability?

    They, the Terran astrophysicists and cosmologists 'are getting there'!

    The warpvelocity derives from the reconfiguration of the Inflation wavespeed, known as the De Broglie string-brane inflation phase, which resets the velocity vector as displacement over time parameter as a holofractal-holographic 'cosmic frequency' applicable to the scaling function R(t), that is a displacement coordinate at time t.

    It can easily be easily shown, that the de Broglie GROUP VELOCITY for the warp bubble, described below as 'Carol's pebble' can indeed NEVER exceed lightspeed 'c', but that there is an associated PHASE VELOCITY, which ALWAYS does exceed lightspeed 'c'.

    {Proof, using de Broglie matter wave formulations: wavelength=λ=h/mV and E=hf (Planck) and E=mc2 (Einstein):
    Wave Speed=Vphase=WavelengthxFrequency=(λ.f)=(h/mVgroup).(mc2/h)=c2/Vgroup > c for all Vgroup < c}

    So the orthodox and well established formalism of quantum theory allows the Groupspeed of 'wavepackets', which remain restricted to the 'lightspeed' barrier to bust this limit in their Phasespeeds, which are by definition always Tachyonic.

    The Template for the Omniverse in 2/11 dimensions and the Reconfigured Universe effectualised in the cyclicity timeloop April 1st, 2012 to May 1st, 2014

    Following are some basic Newtonian parameters, which shall reconfigure the prewarped and warptimed universe of observation and subject to mensuration techniques.
    The basic new parameter, supplementary to the warped 4-dimensional metric of flat Minkowski spacetime (the Riemann R4 space); is the unfolding of a 4th spacial dimension, rendering to flat R4 spacetime as a curved (Kaluza-Klein) R5 spacetime.

    Those Newtonian parameters, describing initial- and boundary conditions for the transformed universe then become subject to refinement and rigorous description in mathematical and logical analysis and discourses in the postwarp period in the evolutionary cosmology of the omniverse.

    The reconfigured universe is fractal and selfsimilar to itself.
    What is observed and measured as the physical universe before the postwarp period constitutes a partial cosmology of the omniverse in the manifesto of its seedling - its protoversal template of selfsimilarity.

    The protoverse represents a template or blueprint, which is axially defined and so not arbitrary in its expansionary freedom degrees.

    It took 16.9 billion (civil) years, for the c-invariant relativistic protoverse to attain its maximisation boundary parameter, and as given in the minimisation condition, commonly known as the Quantum Big Bang Oscillation of the Heisenberg Virtual-Energy-Matrix (the Zero-Point Energy or ZPE).

    After the protoverse attained its preset boundary; the modular selfduality of the sourcesink membrane energy became enabled to expand its own metric maximum and so to extend its old boundary condition.

    The new boundary condition then scale-magnified the 'old' Hubble-Horizon (RH) in the lightpath X=ct; meaning that for every metric second (s*), the 'old' Hubble-Event-Horizon 'grew' by 300,000 kilometers, so creating 'new' spacetime from the multiverse initialisation onwards.

    The inflaton of the sourcesink membrane-coupling however restricts the massparametric cosmology of the axially dependent protoverse to follow an asymptotic cosmoevelotion.
    The axial dependency is given as the major axis of a prolate spheroid. Then rotation about this major axis will render the defining geometrical foci invariant.

    Rotation about either of the minor axes, will however result in the foci tracing out a point-circle; thus defining the omniverse as the integral summation of all phaseshifted Multiverses and assuming the shape of an oblate spheroid (in 3/12 dimensions).

    This fixates the ∞=8=[Infinity]-Center-Point or Origin of the Protoverse-Multiverse-Omniverse as a Point-Particle Universal-Seedling and subject to that asymptotic expansion in a massparametric infinite linearised time, which becomes however cyclic in 16.9 Gyear intervals of the c-invariance and when the first initialising Multiverse is born.

    The minimal membrane-seedling so magnifies or inflates itself in the holofractal wormhole-perimeter/Hubble-radius (λps/RH=2πrps/RH=Ho/fo=no), defining a cyclic now-time parameter as the instanton. The instanton becomes generalised in the Nodal Hubble Constant Ho=dn/dt=n/t. The boundary multiverse so is born in the colocality of the lightpath X=ct=RH. This renders the age of the multiverse, measured to be an extended universe, fixed in 16.9 Gyears in template configuration.
    For the multiverse, containing the protoverse as its own inertial seed, to reproduce; it is required to lose its axial constancy and so must phaseshift about either of its minor axes. This phaseshift will occur in the above specified timeline and it is this phaseshift, which shall 'rip' the present 4-dimensional spacetime metric in a 'Möbian Twist' to add a fifth dimension to the then reconfigured Universe.



    Schwarzschild-HubbleRadius: RH=2GoMH/c2
    Gravitational String-Oscillator(ZPE)Harmonic-Potential-Energy: EPo=½hfo=hc/4πlP=½mPc2=GomPMH/RH for string-duality coupling between wormhole mass mP and closure Black Hole metric MHcriticalVSeed

    Gravitational Acceleration per unit-stringmass: ag= GoMH/RH2=GoMHc4/4Go2MH2=c4/4GoMH=c2/2RH=½Hoc
    for a Nodal Hubble-Constant: Ho=c/RH

    Inflation Parameters:

    De Broglie Phase-Velocity (VdB) and de Broglie Phase-Acceleration (AdB):

    VdB=RHfo ~ 4.793x1056 (m/s)* ~ 1.598x1048 c = 1022RH
    AdB=RHfo2~ 1.438x1087 (m/s2)*

    1. There exists a metric omniversal stringmass seed Epso, which defines the universal metric as a Harmonic Planck-String ZPE-Oscillator, also labeled Harmonic-Membrane-Oscillator or HMO.
    This can be denoted as the heterotic supermembrane EpsEss with coupling constants:
    Eps.Ess=h2 and Eps/Ess=fo2 and for a E8xE8 lie group algebraic supersymmetry.

    2. This omniversal HMO couples its string parameters as a minimum (vibratory) metric spacetime configuration in modular string-membrane duality to its (winded) maximisation and as given in the Seeding Initial/Boundary conditions.
    This can be written as both inertial upper-bounds and inflationary lower-bounds of the c-invariance as:


    3. The Seedling Universe or Protoverse so becomes a fractal of the encompassing Multiverse, the latter being envelope-bounded by the Omniverse.

    The Seedling Multiverse so carries its Seedling Protoverse as asymptotic massparametric origin in encompassment.
    As the Protoverse is defined in the Schwarzschild-Hubble-Metric of General Relativity; its asymptotic approach is bounded in a gravitational interaction between Strominger Black Holes.

    Strominger BH's are extremal as boundary conditions for any applied Black Hole astrophysics.
    The gravitational interaction is defined in the cosmological principle, defining isotropy and homogeneity on the galactic supercluster scale for a Mass-Inertia-Seedling smaller than the critical Black Hole mass in:

    Mo=RSarkarc2/2Go< MH=RHc2/2Go.

    Physical Black Holes can only exist up to the Supercluster (or Sarkar) limit, as at the Sarkar metric, the boundary condition of the cosmology is attained, rendering more energetic Black Holes as "Stromingerised''.
    This 'missing mass' of the protoverse then ensures the asymptotic cosmoevolution for the multiverse in allowing the holofractal superpositioning of the omniverse-multiverse-protoverse=universe hierarchical triplicity.

    4. The deceleration of the Strominger Mother-Black Hole (MBH) as


    then utilises its Daughter-Black Hole of the galactic supercluster definition in MSarkar as gravitationally bounded subsystem to 'shrink' in a cyclic recharge time (trecharge) to its minimum wormhole energy configuration


    from its metric maximisation RH=2GoMH/c2=c/Ho.

    5. The cyclic recharge time trecharge=nrecharge/Ho so defines a 'New Big Bang'; where this 'Recharge Big Bang' occurs however within a protoverse-defined omniverse.

    The initialising Big Bang created the spacetime metric from the protoverse 'singularity' for the purpose to allow the initialising multiverse to become manifest. This multiverse became boundary defined in the inflaton-instanton and reached its completion 16.9 Gyears after the initialisation of the omniverse at timeinstantenuity to=1/fo=1/fps=fss ~3.333x10-31 s*.

    Timeinstantenuity encompassed the string-membrane epoch of the cosmology from Nulltime t=0 to Planck-Time tP=lP/c to timeinstantenuity to.

    6. The recharge cycletime nrecharge so avoids any possible 'heat death' or 'ultraviolet catastrophe' for the universe, postulated under the proviso of stellar generations exhausting their nuclear fuel to generate thermodynamic energy.

    Without inertia content, the protoverse defines a decreasing gravitational constant over linearised time.
    This derives from the finestructure constants for the longrange electromagnetic- and gravitational interactions as:

    2πGomP2/hc=1 ↔2πke2/hc=alpha
    and for mass-charge unification conditions:


    Monopole (GUT)-Unificationmass
    Mu=30[ec] via Stoney-Planck-Unit-Unification;
    the basic nucleon (neutron) mass mc=(alpha)9mP.

    For a n-cyclic cosmoevolution then, G(n)=GoXn and where X is defined in the Euler-Identity:


    The addition of inertia to a purely electromagnetic monopolic cosmology then varies the value of Newton's gravitational constant G as a function of the micro-macro evolution of the Black Holes and renders the applicable local G-constant as mensuration dependent on the precision measurement for the basic nucleon mass mcYn for a local epoch-cycle coordinate n=Hot.

    rpsYn=RH then defines nrecharge =ln[RH/rps]/ln[Y] ~ 234.472 or about 3.9628 Trillion years.

    The Cyclic Universe, so 'rebangs' itself every 4 Trillion years or so to ensure its continuation of selfexploration and by interdimensional civilisations defined in multiverses, each of which is required to be seeded in a prototypical template universe as mirror holofractal of itself.

    Carol wrote:

    Question: I understand what a Torus is having passed through a few with full conscious awareness into other spiritual dimensions. However, there are two different things operating here. One is a spontaneous trip through a Tours Ring and the second is a pass through that is based on desire coupled with intention (unconscious as in dreaming or conscious as in RVing). And then there are sine waves that at point of intersection all information each contains is exchanged. Now I would imagine that with quantum physics (and believe me I'm not expert here) one can use intention to seek out a sine wave that has the data information desired. One of the things I did learn and experience was awareness as a quantum particle. Therefore, the experience was also zero point awareness where one exists within the heart of all knowledge (past, present, future). Most anyone having had that experience can recreate the vibrational frequency to return to source and universal knowledge. This is not an intellectual exercise as the experience is also downloaded to the cellular 'memory' level.

    Thank you for your questions Carol!

    Yes, your experience of passing through a wormhole and as you did describe it, engages the fundamental matrix of spacetime. Now this matrix is actually a field of dynamic stasis; meaning that the concepts of space and time become linearised 'mappings' in say a temporal superposed matrix for the experiences of 'before, now and after'.

    Your experience of sinusoidal waves might indicate this to you. Allow a simple example to illustrate this to you.

    Go to your car and apply paint to one of the wheels on its outside and where the rubber connects with the road when driving upon it. Imagine of changing a flat tyre. Then the driving of your car will 'paint the road' in a marking of the roundness of the tyre projected into the linerarity, say in the colour streak of paint now marking the road.

    In a creative context, you have now allegorised the radial independence of a Circular Multiverse upon the linearisation of the temporal spacetimes of the common 4-dimensional flat Minkowski metric used by the contemporary Terran physicist.

    Similarly, the angle between your small and big hands on your wristwatch at 3 o'clock is 90 degrees and this angle is the same on the clock face of 'Big Ben' in London at 3 o'clock, despite one clock face being very much larger in their radius (or perimeter), than the other.

    So here then, you find your sinusoidal wave mechanics and here then is the reason as to why Quantum Theory utilises 'wave functions', then expressed in probability distributions in convoluted mathematical nomenclature.

    Now, you might have heard of the old 'aether' controversy of the first few decades of the 20th century, say in the Michelson-Morley experiment and the Sagnac effects and so on. This controversy, also engaging James C. Maxwell and the ideas of the 'primera essence' of the Greeks and later neoplatonic (say) philosophers like Spinoza, Swedenborg, Leibnitz, Newton, Mach and Einstein, tried to show that the relative movement of things requires a background matrix of sorts to allow space and time to become the parameters for the dyamics.

    Now this 'aether' is actually the Zero-Point-Field, you also mentioned, but it required a novel new understanding and interpretation and away from the 'Maxwell Aether' say. This also relates to the work of Tesla and the 'super electromagnetic waveforms' as a higher dimensional form of 'natural current'.

    Again, allow me to give you a simple example. Imagine yourself near the ocean say on the shores of Spain, Cadiz and imagine yourself throwing a pebble into the Atlantic Ocean there. About 6000 kilometers to your west lies the Island of Bermuda and your friend Owlsden is there and sees the same pebble you threw into the Atlantic at Cadiz reapper at Hamilton, Bermuda in the Sargasso Sea of the Atlantic Ocean.

    So what is the dragon physics behind this apparent teleportation? It is the transfer of the energy of the Cadiz pebble to the Bermuda pebble using the 'Lightmatrix' of the dragonspacetimes.

    I could explain this in the form of 4-vectors and the basis for the Pythagorean theorem applied to 4 dimensions, but it might suffice to say, that ONLY a complete stasis in SPACE can allow a maximum dynamic in TIME. This means that ANY movement of inertial 'bodies' or things in any spacial direction MUST DIMINISH the timecoordinate and so REDUCE the velocity of the 'object' through space and time.

    This then is a roundabourt way to 'prove' the Theory of Special Relativity from its encompassing higher dimensional spacetime matrix, ergo the 'Maxwell Aether'.

    So now what has this to do with Carol's pebble of Cadiz?

    The 'teleportation' was 'instantaneous' and did not engage the 'speed of light' as acceleration limit for inertia carriers at all? Or did it?

    It can be easily shown, that the de Broglie GROUP VELOCITY for Carol's pebble can indeed NEVER exceed lightspeed 'c', but that there is an associated PHASE VELOCITY, which ALWAYS does exceed lightspeed 'c'.

    {Proof, using de Broglie matter wave formulations: wavelength=λ=h/mV and E=hf (Planck) and E=mc2 (Einstein):

    Wave Speed=Vphase=WavelengthxFrequency=(λ.f)=(h/mVgroup).(mc2/h)=c2/Vgroup > c for all Vgroup < c

    So the orthodox and well established formalism of quantum theory allows the Groupspeed of 'wavepackets', which remain restricted to the 'lightspeed' barrier to bust this limit in their Phasespeeds, which are by definition always Tachyonic.

    Ergo, without further ado, your 'higher dimensional' experiences are well founded in a new physics, which considers the Physicality of Consciousness as the decisive parameter and not the older concepts of space and time, which become emergent phenomena from this 'lightmatrix' of Cosmic Consciousness. It is just this proviso, which is becoming more and more accepted in the mainstream as the background independent membrane physics in 11-dimensional branespace and 12-dimenional volumar space. I have written a more technical essay on how this 'Consciousness' then becomes rigorously defined in the lower dimensional physics in 3D and this paper is published here:

    The nuclear scale for Gamma Electromagnetic radiation is that of the nuclear bonds within atoms and so of the order of the size of the subatomic elemental particle (or wavicle) configurations and geometries. This spans a characteristic size of femtometers and attometers in 10-15 to 10-18 meters respectively. These are also so 0.000001 to 0.000000001 nanometers and indicate the 'smallness' and high energy state for this subatomic realm of physical energy manifestation.

    The 'Love Photon' is yet 10,000 times smaller and hence 10,000 times more energetic as a quantum of energy and so cannot be quantum engineered. As a comparison, the electron microscope cannot resolve a size smaller than the electron scale itself, namely a size of 3 femtometers or 0.000003 nanometers.

    So what about your question then?

    How do you know this?
    How does the 12-dimensional DNA manifest in the mind of the human brain, the mind, the starhuman merkabah?

    Not quite. More like how does it create the wormhole in the first place? I suspect with intention - conscious or unconscious.. yet what is the trigger? Intention?

    I did not ask you Carol lol! It was a question posed on behalf of you. But yes the intention relates directly then to the 'Consciousness matrix' and this is universally accessible by all 'perceivers' under the auspices of their being able to RESONATE with the wormhole frequency. The wormholes are like 'expanding bubbles' within this 'resonance matrix' and their central regions become the 'stargates' for interdimensional communications as the said 'Kerr Tori'. The Kerr Tori are 'perimeter' defined in the 'Love Frequency' but are locally defined by the so called 'Planck-Length'. This is the thickness of the 'doughnut' being so a trillion times smaller than the size of it as a 'singularity quantum'. So this looks geometrically like a very very thin ring for the Dragonomies.

    How do I know this? By the application of the consciousness fields in resonance dragon physics Carol. A relatively thorough study of histories and the sciences also helps in unbiased analysis and application.

    Warp Drive

    What a concept! Modify the space around you to "move" The deformation of space would be like moving the space around the vehicle that is in fact not moving at all... I like that! I wonder if there could be personal warp mechanisms too??


    Jorgelito from Thuban Forum; September 18th, 2012 (+10UCT)

    phoeni10. phoeni10. phoeni11.

    The Council of Dragon Elders from the 12th Dimension in Thuban Omnispace and as activated September 10th-September 17th, 2012

    Last edited by Raven on Tue Sep 18, 2012 10:01 am; edited 1 time in total​
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2015
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Posts: 8934
    SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Sep 13th 2012

    just a little humour ...


    "The spider builds her cocoon...
    she lays her eggs in it, and, then lets her eggs feed on her body
    she plays 'sleeping beauty, sleeping energy, and, sleeping love'
    albeit, her spirit is, as endless, as, it is timeless,,,
    she gives of her whole physical self,
    so, she might become many more selves / or, spiders, that will weave many great webs,
    a great sacrifice ~ however, just as the living man, woman, or child eats a moose, that moose becomes a man
    ~ something of great value to ponder"
    ~ susan lynne schwenger
    ~ Susan Lynne Schwenger

    Spider cannibalism
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Spider cannibalism is a special case of cannibalism in which a female spider kills and eats a male of the same speciesbefore, during, or after copulation. Rarely, these roles are reversed. While there are some species where sexualcannibalism is normal, the aforementioned reversal of roles is abnormal in all.
    Nephila sp. eating a conspecific
    Females eating males

    It is often said that the male (usually significantly smaller than the female, down to 1% of her size as seen in Tidarren sisyphoides) is likely to be killed by the female after the coupling, or sometimes even before intercourse has been initiated. This supposed propensity is what gave the black widow spider, Latrodectus mactans, its name. However, the three species of North American black widows do not seem to usually kill the male (although they have been known to).
    Males can sometimes even live in the web of a female for a while without being harmed in any way. The male Australian redback spider Latrodectus hasselti is killed
    by the females after it inserts its second palpus in the female genital opening; in over 60% of cases the female then eats the male.
    Although the male Latrodectus hasselti may sometimes die during mating without the female actually consuming it, this species represents a possible strategy of "male sacrifice".
    The male redback, while copulating, 'somersaults' and twists its abdomen directly onto the fangs of its mate. Most males get consumed at this stage
    (Maydianne CB Andrade reports 65%).[1] Males that 'sacrifice' themselves gain the benefit of increasing their paternity relative to males who do not get cannibalized.[1]
    However, despite these examples and many other similar reports, the theory of the 'sacrificial male' has become greater than the truth.
    Mating of spiders is not always followed by cannibalism. Foelix writes, "The supposed aggressiveness of the female spider towards the male is largely a myth...
    only in some exceptional cases does the male fall victim to the female." [2] Michael Roberts says, "It is rare for a fit male to be eaten by the female."[3]
    And yet, spider cannibalism has been proved to occur in some species more than in others, mainly species belonging to Latrodectus.
    There has always been speculation on why this sacrifice of male mates might occur despite the fact that there is an obvious disadvantage to the sacrificial males.
    One theory is that once the male has mated, he is unlikely to mate again and so any further extension of his life is of lesser evolutionary benefit
    than his indirectly contributing nutrition to the eggs. Having more offspring would give the male
    the advantage of having his genes passed on over other males that might avoid being eaten.
    This scenario would be consistent with the hypothesis of Roberts that old or unfit males get eaten, whilst younger and fitter ones may survive to mate again.[3]
    Males eating females

    Males of a few spider species are known to eat females. Examples include Allocosa brasiliensis and Evarcha culicivora. In these species,
    the males are larger than females, an extraordinary case in spiders.
    It seems that males will eat older females who are less fertile than their young counterparts. This is the case with Allocosa brasiliensis.
    Sacrificial mothers

    Non-reproductive cannibalism

    Some spiders, such as Pholcus phalangioides, will prey on their own kind when food is scarce. Also, females of Phidippus johnsoni have been observed carrying dead males in their fangs.

    1. ^ a b Andrade, Maydianne C.B. Behavioral Ecology (2003), 14:531–538
    2. ^ Foelix, Rainer F. Biology of Spiders, 1982.
    3. ^ a b Roberts, Michael J. Spiders of Britain and Northern Europe, Collins, London, 1995.

    Post last edited Sep 18th 2012


    Jorgelito - Posted Sep 18th 2012

    What we eat experiences being human

    It is thought provoking. The spirit of those things we take into us incarnate in us. They would then experience being human.
    There's probably not a lot of separation in the spirit department, so we would experience elk, rabbit and chicken as they experience us.The concept becomes even more interesting when we allow the moose to be any energy, any feeling. anything of the heart, anything of the spirit.
    Say I experience the beauty and stillness of early morning on the beach. It's a magical feeling. Like being with a lover. Maybe something is incarnating in my person. It feels that way at least.
    What does it experience in me? Perhaps being, being life, being whatever it can be.

    The Mother Spider

    I think the spider does not think in terms of sacrifice when she gives her life to her children. It is not something that crosses her spider brain.
    But again it is thought provoking. She knows what spiderhood means and it happens to include this morbid scenario, But in this she is in her glory. In this life and death are inconsequential. In this she can realize her total spiderhoodness, her total being. spider-web-cora-marshall.

    • Post last edited Sep 18th 2012


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    • Post n°54

    empty. Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    empty. THEeXchanger on Tue Sep 18, 2012 3:46 am

    "free has the greatest of all costs" - susan lynne schwenger


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    • Post n°55

    empty. Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    empty. THEeXchanger on Tue Sep 18, 2012 3:48 am

    "most people do NOT put any value on anything given away for free"
    - susan lynne schwenger


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    • Post n°56

    empty. Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    empty. THEeXchanger on Tue Sep 18, 2012 3:55 am

    No one is interested in 'real' stuff
    they would rather have fairy tales and feel goods
    ~most are too busy, thinking they are all one
    and, that they are excerising their 'unconditional' love
    which creates absolutely NO conditions
    ~which results in a rather 'fruitless' eXercise
    - sad, but, all true
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2015
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°57

    empty. Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    empty. Raven on Wed Sep 19, 2012 8:25 am

    'The Gospel Of Jesus' Wife,' New Early Christian Text, Indicates Jesus May Have Been Married

    Posted: 09/18/2012 1:55 pm Updated: 09/19/2012 4:18 am

    Dragons will see, that Jesus' 'wife-disciple' here is of course Mary Magdalene as the 'Woman to become 'Male as a Female'' in the Gospel of Thomas (Lambdin) and addresses the Starhuman metamorphosis or dragonomy or 'alchemical wedding' of Revelation.19 ff. The agenda is rather more cosmically intricate and interwoven in archetypical representation, than the NABS interpretation of 'The Da Vinci Code' and similar genres.

    The references to the 'mother' and 'Mary' are shown below:

    (114) Simon Peter said to him, "Let Mary leave us, for women are not worthy of life."
    Jesus said, "I myself shall lead her in order to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every woman who will make herself male will enter the kingdom of heaven."

    (105) Jesus said, "He who knows the father and the mother will be called the son of a harlot."

    (101) "Whoever does not hate his father and his mother as I do cannot become a disciple to me. And whoever does not love his father and his mother as I do cannot become a disciple to me. For my mother [...], but my true mother gave me life."

    (99) The disciples said to him, "Your brothers and your mother are standing outside."
    He said to them, "Those here who do the will of my father are my brothers and my mother. It is they who will enter the kingdom of my father."

    (55) Jesus said, "Whoever does not hate his father and his mother cannot become a disciple to me. And whoever does not hate his brothers and sisters and take up his cross in my way will not be worthy of me."

    (53) His disciples said to him, "Is circumcision beneficial or not?"
    He said to them, "If it were beneficial, their father would beget them already circumcised from their mother. Rather, the true circumcision in spirit has become completely profitable."


    A recently unearthed papyrus fragment indicates that early Christians believed Jesus was married, according to a Harvard Divinity School professor.

    A discovery by a Harvard researcher may shed light on a controversial aspect of the life of Jesus Christ.

    Harvard Divinity School professor Karen L. King says she has found an ancient papyrus fragment from the fourth century that, when translated, appears to indicate that Jesus was married.

    The text is being dubbed " The Gospel of Jesus' Wife." The part of it that's drawing attention says, "Jesus said to them, 'my wife'" in the Coptic language. The text, which is printed on papyrus the size of a business card, has not been scientifically tested to verify its dating, but King and other scholars have said they are confident it is a genuine artifact.

    "Christian tradition has long held that Jesus was not married, even though no reliable historical evidence exists to support that claim," King said at a conference in Rome on Tuesday. "This new gospel doesn’t prove that Jesus was married, but it tells us that the whole question only came up as part of vociferous debates about sexuality and marriage. From the very beginning, Christians disagreed about whether it was better not to marry, but it was over a century after Jesus’s death before they began appealing to Jesus’ marital status to support their positions."

    King, who focuses on Coptic literature, Gnosticism and women in the Bible, has published on the Gospel of Judas and the Gospel of Mary of Magdala. She presented her research Tuesday evening in Rome, where scholars are gathered for the International Congress of Coptic Studies.

    The idea that Jesus was unmarried and chaste is largely accepted by Christian denominations and a reason for the practice of celibacy among Roman Catholic priests.

    "Beyond internal Catholic Church politics, a married Jesus invites a reconsideration of orthodox teachings about gender and sex," said journalist and author Michael D'Antonio, who writes about the Catholic Church, in a blog on The Huffington Post. "If Jesus had a wife, then there is nothing extra Christian about male privilege, nothing spiritually dangerous about the sexuality of women, and no reason for anyone to deny himself or herself a sexual identity."

    The quote about Jesus' wife is part of a description of a conversation between Jesus and his disciples. In the conversation, Jesus talks about his mother twice and speaks once about his wife. One of them is identified as "Mary." His disciples discuss whether Mary is worthy of being part of their community, to which Jesus replies, “she will able to be my disciple.”

    The fragment has eight incomplete lines of writing on one side and is badly damaged on the other side, with only three faded words and a few letters of ink that are visible, even with the use of infrared photography and computer-aided enhancement.

    The private owner of the papyrus first approached King in 2010. King said she didn't believe the document was authentic, but the owner persisted. She then asked the owner to bring the papyrus to Harvard, where she became convinced it was a genuine early Christian text fragment. Along with Princeton University professor Anne Marie Luijendijk and Roger Bagnall, director of the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, King claims to have confirmed the document is real. The document's owner has not been named and King said he does not want to be identified.

    It's unclear when the text was initially discovered. The owner who showed it to King found it in 1997 in a collection of papyri that he acquired from the previous owner, who was German. The papyri included a handwritten German description that had the name of a now-deceased professor of Egyptology in Berlin who called the fragment a "sole example" of a document that claims Jesus was married.

    The scholars believe the text is from Egyptian Christians before the year 400, as it is written in the language used at that time. Since writing appears on both sides of the fragment, scholars believe it came from a codex, a kind of book, and not a scroll. The scholars also believe the document is a translation of an earlier one that was likely written in Greek.

    King notes in her research that the idea of Jesus' celibacy hasn't always existed, and that early Christians debated whether they should marry or practice celibacy. It was not until around the year 200 that Christian followers began to say Jesus was unmarried, according to a record King cites from Clement of Alexandria. In his writing, Clement -- an early theologian -- said that marriage was a fornication put in place by the devil, and that people should emulate Jesus by not marrying.

    One or two decades later, Tertullian of Carthage in North Africa declared that Jesus was "entirely unmarried" and told Christians to remain single. But Tertullian did not come out against sex altogether and allowed couples to get married one time, denouncing divorce and remarriage as overindulgent. A century earlier, the First Epistle of Paul to Timothy said in the New Testament that people who forbid marriage are going by the "doctrines of demons," but did not include anything about Jesus being married in order to make the point.

    The point of view that ultimately became dominant was that celibacy is preferred as a high sexual virtue among Christians, but that marriage is needed for the sake of reproduction.

    "The discovery of this new gospel," King said, "offers an occasion to rethink what we thought we knew by asking what role claims about Jesus' marital status played historically in early Christian controversies over marriage, celibacy, and family. Christian tradition preserved only those voices that claimed Jesus never married. The Gospel of Jesus's Wife now shows that some Christians thought otherwise."

    The life of historical Jesus is often a matter of controversy, and this is not the first time it's been proposed that Jesus was married. Most recently, Dan Brown's novel "The Da Vinci Code" depicted Jesus as being married to Mary Magdalene. The book was published as fiction, but nonetheless attracted loud criticism from Vatican officials.

    Front of fragment with translation


    Back of fragment with translation


    UPDATE: 4:28 p.m. -- Speaking on a conference call Tuesday from Rome, King said that some people who have read about the discovery have asked if the papyrus fragment was describing Jesus as being married to the Christian faith, not to a woman.

    "One cannot overrule that it might be him saying 'my wife as a church,' but in the context where he's talking about 'my mother' and 'my wife' and talking about 'my disciple,' the one thing you would not say is that the church would be 'my disciple.'"

    Even before King's discovery, there has been speculation that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene. "I do not think Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene," King clarified Tuesday, adding, "whether he was or was not married ... I really think the tradition is silent and we don't know."

    King also said that a professor who saw her report asked her if the text on the papyrus could have been a homily and not a gospel, an idea she said she had not considered.

    King added that she hopes the discovery will diminish the view outside of academic circles that the debate over marriage and sexuality in the early church is "fixed and over." In current church debates over issues such as same-sex marriage and marriage among Catholic priests, "having more voices from the early church and a better, more accurate version of early Christianity is more helpful," she said.

    Magdalene's Dream in John
  8. admin

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    • Post n°58

    empty. Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    empty. Raven on Thu Sep 20, 2012 3:55 am

    The Womb of Wombs and a hexcored Trinity of the FatherMother Becoming FatherMother+MotherFather in the 4 Generations of the Cosmic Logoscode

    [from December 10th, 2011 to August 24th, 2012 to September 24th, 2012]

    Dove: Tony
    <<< Abba MUST LOVE GAIA in all ways Dove. Only THEN can the BODYMIND of Gaia as the Universe human bonding can manifest this.....yet?
    Or never?

    1 John 4:

    1Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
    2Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:
    3And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.
    4Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.
    5They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them.
    6We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.
    7Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.
    8He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.

    DD: Truth is much stranger than fiction.

    <<< 3And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

    Tonyblue: Here is the trinity

    1 John 5:

    1Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him.
    2By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep his commandments.
    3For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.
    4For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.
    5Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?

    6This is he that came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ; not by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit that beareth witness, because the Spirit is truth.
    7For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.
    8And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.

    9If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater: for this is the witness of God which he hath testified of his Son.
    10He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God hath made him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son.
    11And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.
    12He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.

    <<< 6This is he that came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ; not by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit that beareth witness, because the Spirit is truth.
    7For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.
    8And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.

    Tonyblue: WATER AND BLOOD
    Dove: Yess
    Tonyblue: So there is your justification. 7=Male trinity
    Tonyblue: 8=Female trinity

    Tonyblue: Father-Son-Grandson mirrored in Granddaughter-Daughter-Mother
    Dove: I like 8
    Tonyblue: So you see Holy Ghost=Male and the Holy Spirit is female in the code. Water=Daughter and Son=Word
    Tonyblue: Father=Yang=Fire and the Mother=Yin=Blood. So your YIN is the true blood of the entire universe, as the cosmos is a femme Body. The human blood so is the 'lifeforce' of the REMEMBRANCE, as Jesus's Eucharist embodied in the words of him: " you must eat my flesh and drink my blood, or will not be able to enter the Father's kingdom". The BODY of the remembrance namely Jesus 'sacrificed' individuality and the BLOOD of the Remembrance as the 'electricity' of life as the New Rainbow Covenant.

    <<< Dove time is 8 am to 8 pm Saturday, December 10th, 2011 for the RISING of the Testimony in the Ascent=Descent of the Logos Promises of 31AD and symbolised by a window of time from the lunar eclipse to the 3½ days following the fulfilment of the 'deeds' of the seven angels, detailed in a previous post of mine (the swansong one on the external forums). The UCT time is from the onset (umbral shadow) of this final eclipse for 2011 from about 1 pm Saturday, December 10th to 1 am Sunday, December 11th, 2011 and spans from Midnight Saturday, December 10th to Midday Sunday, December 11th, 2011 my local time. The Aquarian ruler Uranus begins to move forwards again at 0°39' Aries at 7:05 am UCT to further signify this nexus event of December 10th, 2011.

    Now recall, that the devastating Sendai, Japan Tsunami and Earthquake occurred on Friday, March 11th, 2011 and heralding the entry of Uranus into Aries from Pisces on Saturday, March 12th, 2011 at 0° Aries and reaching its retrostation on Sunday, July 10th, 2011 as the begin of the 10x15=150 day cycles to Wednesday, December 7th, 2011 for the Noahic Flood/Revelation Scorpion timeline at 4°34' Aries to again become stationary and retrograde on Friday, July 13th, 2012 at 8°32' Aries with its subsequent forward station on Thursday, December 13th, 2012 at 4°37' Aries.
    This then completes the Uranian nexus points in the gestation period towards the Gaian rebirth on Friday, December 21st, 2012 at 4°38' Aries and is followed in the calendrical recalibration for 2013 in the retrostation on Thursday, July 18th, 2013 at 12°35' Aries and the next forward station on Wednesday, December 18th, 2013 at 8°35' Aries, following the calendrical resetting of 13 Ahau 18 Mac for Monday, December 16th, 2013.

    Uranus will leave Aries and enter Taurus on Wednesday, May 16th, 2018 (the 96th Birthday of Maria Infinity) at 0° Taurus to reenter Aries at 30° from Thursday, November 8th, 2018 to Wednesday, March 6th, 2019, after which Uranus remains in Taurus for its subsequent astrodynamical journeys for its overall 84-year orbit {about 7 years for each starsign or Israelitic Tribe in 7x12=84} around the sun and its heralding of the Age of Aquarius on Tuesday, January 20th, 1998 in the galactic alignment detailed elsewhere, but at 8°12' Aquarius at 6:46 UCT.
    Uranus sojourned in the warpzone in 2010 from Friday, May 28th to Tuesday, July 6th to Saturday, August 14th at 0° and 0°35' and 0° Aries respectively.

    Dove: the Spirit, the water and the blood in a human being no?

    Tonyblue: yes the femme fatale

    Dove: Kor said to me, that the blood coming off the cross, was a gift from God and it gave him eternal life
    Tonyblue: Yes and interpreted as such by the catholics etc. But it is a far deeper meaning in this redemption, than 'sacrifice'. And the memeplex hell has broken lose since December 8th. You all need to be 'on your guards'
    Dove: so it's sacrifice and what else?
    Tonyblue: There are the 'deceivers' now see. Sacrifice is Jesus own fake maleness Dove. He did not want his own body, as he knew the Abba Story
    Dove: =)
    Tonyblue: So he decided to sacrifice his INDIVIDUAL Body to become the universal male body for ALL MEN following him. This is what I term the One in Many and the Many in One
    Dove: i see
    Tonyblue: The resurrection so created the transformation in the mirror of spacetime. Ego the strange hyperphysics in the Turin Shroud. So Jesus simply 'faded into the universal matrix' AS the 12th Dimension of a Mirror- or Shadow Bodyform see?
    Dove: He went back to Source

    Tonyblue: And the sayings in the GOT, namely that he is under the rocks and everywhere, but people cant see him. Sort of yes. He BECAME the Female MotherMind and the only one. So allowing MM's true malemindedness to EXCHANGE see?
    Tonyblue: ALL femmes have malemindedness as MMs. This has become the Babylon Whore 44=D+D=8 as 71=BABYLON. A false infinity symbol; if you ever come to meet one. Rejecting physical femininity for mental fakeness.
    Dove: How sad
    Tonyblue: Indeed, but necessary to fulfil the scriptures. Problem is that 44 as this MENTAL WHORE=69=JEHOVAH; physically she is divine as Jesus' Mother harlot of course...
    (105) Jesus said, "He who knows the father and the mother will be called the son of a harlot." Gospel of Thomas; Nag Hammadi Codices, cannot delegate her own role.

    Tonyblue: So unless she turns and releases those memeplexes of the collective NABS as old as creation itself; the Revelation cannot conclude.
    Tonyblue: This is OUR problem as well as my 'individual' templated one as a witness to Jesus and MM see this now?
    Dove: I think she needs to be seduced. Yes!
    Tonyblue: I dont know Dove, but yes Jesus himself, whom she rejects as physical potential.
    Dove: I am concerned...for what is to happen now
    Tonyblue: But this is WHY I am so sad. Me too. I can't see her 3D mind ever changing. Her ego is humungous and her selfdelusion and deception literally out of any of the living worlds.

    This morning was the Lunar Eclipse,Live footage from Slooth space camera Hawaii,Singapore,Australia December 10,2011

    QUEEN GAIA = MAGDALENE GAIA = 62+18=80 'swallows' as the Red Dragon Light of Darkness the Cosmic Lunar and symbolic MARY MAGDALENE in the BIRTH=57=MOON=GEMINI=ROSE=EROS=MARY of the Gemini Moon in the Sagittarius Sun and the Shadow of the Earth.

    Many Female ambassadoras are born as the Manyness of Mary Magdalene as the 'Brides for the Lambs' in the Eucharist of the Original One. Every such 'Gaian New Eve' is fallen pregnant by the Original One in a Womb within a Womb and for the Manyness of the Christchild for a New World under construction in template function of the universal selfbirth.

    The epiphany of PAUL=CIRCLE=50=LION=SNAKE=ARACHNE as SAUL=53=DEBORAH on the 'Road to Damascus' becomes the transformation of the Prosecutor of the One and Only into the Lover of the One and Only; thus redeeming Judas as Judith in Benjamin Pisces Vesicas in the mirror of the 12 Brothers in 12 Sisters as 24 Elders. The Circle of the Exclusivity is broken in the 13th 'Starsign' Dinah Ophiuchus as the Cosmic Androgyne of the Dragonomy Twinship JCCJ as HeSheSheHe to allow the concentricity of the New Covenant of Baiame, the Rainbow Serpent of Creation aka Abba.

    [From August 24th, 2012]
    Totanubis: It is the 4th generation spoken of in the bible….here are some quotes

    Genesis 15:15-17 all King James Version (KJV)
    15 And thou shalt go to thy fathers in peace; thou shalt be buried in a good old age.
    16 But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again: for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full.
    17 And it came to pass, that, when the sun went down, and it was dark, behold a smoking furnace, and a burning lamp that passed between those pieces.

    Hebrews 3:10
    Wherefore I was grieved with that generation, and said, They do always err in their heart; and they have not known my ways.

    1 Peter 2:9
    But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light;

    Colossians 1:26
    Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints:

    Matthew 16:4
    A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he left them, and departed.

    Matthew 23:33
    Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?

    Matthew 23:36
    Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this generation.

    Matthew 24:34
    Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.

    He means the 3rd from the RaHaR archetype as the 1st Generation.
    RaHaR=RaH+Har, the 'Sun God with the Egyptian Devil-Serpent as the image unseparated in a object-subject diffentiation, then attempts to differentiate itself in 'making a distinction' between 'self' and 'other self'.
    This is also the God-Satan or God-Dog or God-Antigod dichotomy as a real object or 'god being' looking at its own mirror image, the mirror being a potentially created 'Spacetime' in an 'Anglosaxon' or English Gematria-Isaac code (IS AA*C for A*=B) gematria code.
    The 2nd Generation then becomes a new 'realisation in Lucifer's Mirror {see here for a detailed description of the cosmogenesis: Lucifer's Mirror } and is termed the ShuTefnut renaming of RaHaR in SkyFather Shu and EarthMother Tefnut, both as a undivided Egyptian LionTwin.
    This indivisbility or oneness , effectively 'trapping' or imprisoning the RaHaR and SkyEarth or DayNight initialising cosmic generations then becomes metaphysically encoded in an undividable 360 daynight 'Great or Platonic Year' or 'a Circle of 360 degrees. This cycle so is made up of 360 days and 360 nights as 720 halfcycles.

    A 'divine messenger' from the gods, better labeled as a GoDDdoG, the latter finding itself trapped like an anti 'Alice in Wonderland' in its own Mirrorhood of the 'Inner Self = Outer Self' here then assumes the agency of a 'divine brotherhood' in the Egyptian Hermes Trismegistos aka Thoth aka Mercury aka Quetzacoatl aka Gugamatz aka Kukulkan aka the office of a 'Cosmic Christ'.
    a Cosmic Christ with his brother being Ptah in Egyptian lore and some other 'brother' in others, always however redefining the RahHaR 1st generation as the God-Goddess or God-AntiGod dichotomy.

    This 'sacred=scared' messenger then induces the 'breaking of the circle of degrees' in extending the 360 daynight year or cycle into a 365 dayyear cycle. In the Egyptian mythology, this takes the legend or tale of Thoth playing 'checkers' with Rah for a prize of 5 days and 5 nights to allow the cosm ic reproduction in the sexual communication and intercourse to begin in the separation of Father Sky from Mother Earth, also known in a later retelling of this creation mythology as the Greek Titanic FatherSky Ouranus being partnered with the Titanic MotherEarth Gaea.

    The 3rd Generation then finally is 'created' or emerges after Thoth 'wins' the checker game and the Cosmic LionTwin ShuTefnut transforms into father Earth Geb with Mother Sky Nut, now separated to have 'cosmic children'. In the Greek mythology, this translates into the Olympians under Zeus and his brothers and sisters usurping their 'Titanic parents' and so fortwith in other legends and mythos.

    The 4th Generation then becomes defined in the 'children' of Geb and Nut in a more definitive version of the Egyptian Ennead or the 'Nine Timelords of the Maya' and parallel nomenclature and labelings.

    A righteyed and solar Eye of Rah-Horus-Hathor-Ptah is related to a lefteyed and lunar Eye of Har-Bastet-Anubis-Thoth-Maat and where Maat defines the sexchange of the 'satanic cosmic brother' image Apep into Har.
    In the Hebrew version, these generations become the Abram-Sarai archetype becoming renamed into the 1st Generation as Abraham-Sarah, followed by Isaac-Rebekah as the 2nd Generation and followed in the 3rd Generation by Jacob, renamed into Israel with his four 'wives' or 'Mothers of the starsigns as the Tribes of Is-ra-el' in Leah with Zilpah and Rachel with Bilhah.

    The 4th Generation then is defined in the actual physical incarnation of the TwinLogos as the author and 'Cosmic Lawgiver' of the creation mythos and a CosmoGenesis, which becomes the metaphysical basis for the Emergence or Selfbirth of a Physicalised Cosmology in the biorth of the Universe as a seedling Multiverse and encompassed by a higher dimensional Omniverse, realigninmg the metaphysics with the physics in a cosmoevolution of the script of the original Source energy of the RaHaR or GoDDoG abstraction.

    In the New Testament then this actual 'lawgiving' of the incarnated Cosmic TwinLogos in JCCJ is encoded by a righteyed or rightsided male JC and lefteyed or leftsided female CJ to manifest the 4th generation as a lineage of the four cosmic generations with only the 3rd generation having claim to historical validity in actual incarnated personas and characters and say as the 'intentionally obsured' parentage of this selfsame Cosmic World TwinLogos.

    Matthew 23:36
    Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this generation.

    Totanubis: Obvious that this relates to the second coming see.
    All in John's gospel as the 'sending of the holy ghost' aka 'the comforter'

    Colossians 1:26
    Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints:

    This is the one lol and not to be found by the navel gazers and nirvana world denying gurus

    But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again: for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full.

    The 4th generation here means that the duality will be harmonised in 'brotherhood' mirrored in 'sisterhood'.
    So all Old Adams and Eves are to 'play' Osiris-Set' and 'Isis-Nephthys' twinships to manifest the MI-IM or JCCJ cosmic twinship.

    The name Amorites etc all relate to something called the 'battle of the kings' in Genesis.14 and the 'Blessing of Abraham by Melchizedek, King of Salem' as the forerunner of Melchisedec, the Office of the Cosmic Christ amending and redefining the "lawfulness of the Torah or Old Testament' by the 'New Testament', including the gnostic gospel of John and the gnostic Book of Hebrews in adjunction to the synoptic writings of the New Testament, canonized and apocryphal.

    Abraham as a forerunner to Jacob 'wrestling' with the 'angeldemon' and such embedded esoteric codes so relate to a Renaming of an Old World in a New World in the 'generations' of the Office of the 'Cosmic Lawmaker' and the 'Cosmic Lawgiver'.

    Abram Sarai become Abraham and Sarah; Jacob becomes Israel and I am using Lilith the DarkMoon as the New Planet, the 13th

    Ishtara Raven: Yeah I saw this and it feels right to me and well it would be a good idea to address it

    Totanubis: It fits all of us very well, well when you take the extended astrodynamic definitions into account as the dynamic 13th and 14th star signs Ophiuchus as the Scorpio of John becoming the Eagle or Phoenix of the resurrection and rebirth as the Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp and the Taurus-Gemini cusp of Arachne as the 14th starsign and together defining the Dinah Sisterhood of Is-ra-el as the 'OT Mary Magdalene' for the 24=12+12 Elders of the Book of John's Revelation in chapter 5.

    Then you take the 'Second or Dark Sun' as the Binary Nemesis to the Star of the local starsystem in RahSol, instead of the sillyness of the NABS about Nibiru's and the misidentification of revelations 'Wormwood' as a physicalised celestial body on an apocalyptic path to 'destroy' the planet earth. Wormwood aka Nibiru is a hyperdimensional entity and exists as such, but is not to be identified with comets, brown dwarves or asteroids; the latter being physical objects defined by the Laws of Nature and physics and the former forming metaphysical archetypes, which serve the fulfilment and evolvement of the cosmic story, drama and 'movie making.
    The feminine elders as the goddesses returning, so become a metaphysics partially physicalising in the ambassadors of the Worldlogos in the human aspirants, desiring to metamorphose into environment 'pollnating' and 'sexually genetic seeding' starhuman butterflies of dragons from their environment destroying and verociously 'greedy' and 'hungry' caterpillar existence.

    Acts 26:13-15 {King James Version (KJV)}
    13At midday, O king, I saw in the way a light from heaven, above the brightness of the sun, shining round about me and them which journeyed with me.
    14And when we were all fallen to the earth, I heard a voice speaking unto me, and saying in the Hebrew tongue, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.
    15And I said, Who art thou, Lord? And he said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest.




    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu

    Last edited by Raven on Thu Sep 20, 2012 9:39 am; edited 5 times in total
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2015
  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°59

    empty. Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    empty. Raven on Thu Sep 20, 2012 7:45 am
    Der Spiegel des Luzifer's und die Emanzipation der Gesamtheit

    Lucifer's Mirror and the Emancipation of the Oneness

    This is for English and German Speakers on the forums. An English translation is provided.

    SACSAYHUAMAN; CUSCO; PERU = PURE HUMAN OCCUS SAY SAAC= PURE HUMAN OCC US AS [Y=I]SAAC (see below for A...A and decode Isaac's Seed).
    Some key decodings, say as 'proposed' by the 'channeled or human mind invented' agenda from the wingmakers 'Ancient Arrow site in New Mexico can now be given and these keys can subsequently be utilized to decode the Armageddon protocols of the hierarchies.

    B*=8=E.M.=EMMANUEL MELCHISEDEC=84+86=170=8
    36+15=51=LAW+15; FATHER=58=STAR; MOTHER=79=SWORD=WORDS
    LUCIFERA=75=Supergenetic Sexchange Operative=ANDROMEDA=MARRY 75=B*MARY=B*BIRTH=B*GEMINI=B*MOON=...
    {Nostradamus Q.96, Century X - IAM(THAT)AMI=PACI(F)ICAP=LIA(F)AIL}.
    YOU=61=16+45=USE 16=LOVE+7=SUN+7=GABRIEL+7=DRAGON+B=A+59+A}}}

    The Metamorphosis of Narcissus by Salvador Dali, 1937​

    Wenn JoW(James of Wingmakers) from ANU schreibt (Camelot); dann ist dieser Name mit vielen anderen Namen der Esoterika verbunden.
    ANU ist nicht nur der 'König' der Annunaki, sondern auch der Usurpor 'Gott' der gnostischen Legenden und auch als Jehovah-Satan und Allah-Shaitan und anderen Dualitäten bekannt.
    Der ursprüngliche Archetyp ist als Yaldebaoth beschrieben (siehe 'Das Geheime Buch des Johannes' vom Nag Hammadi Kodex, Ägypten,1945).
    Die Wichtigkeit und der Ursprung dieser Archetypologie ist der Grund warum ein physikalisches Universum existiert und beschreibt eine ganz besondere Reise der kreativen Intelligenz, die von JoW als (Sovereign Integral = Absolute Summation) bezeichnet wird.
    Bevor ich diese Schilderung der Archetypen fortsetze, eine logische and wissenschaftliche Darstellung ist angebracht um die Wasser vorzubereiten.
    Die Emanzipation der Menschheit besteht als ein Miniaturbild und als Archetyp für das ganze Weltall.
    Dieses Weltall is ein physisches Weltall in Raumzeit und existiert als ein Unterteil des metaphysischen Universums.
    Als jedoch das metaphysiche Universum das Raumzeit abhängige physikalische Weltall erschuf, da existiert ein Parameter der Grenze der das physische mit dem metaphysischen verbindet.

    When JoW (James of Wingmakers) about ANU (Camelot) schreibt, then is this labeling related to many other names in the esoteric literature. ANU is not only the 'King of the Annunaki', but he `is also the usuper 'God' of gnostic legends and also functions under labels of Jehovah-Satan, Allah-Shaitan and other such dualities.
    The original archetype is known as Yaldebaoth (ref. 'The Secret Book of John', Nag Hammadi Codex, Egypt,1945).
    The importance and origin of this archetypology is the reason for the existence of a physical universe and describes a rather particular journey of a creative intelligence, labeled as Sovereign Integral=Absolute Summation by JoW.
    Before continuing with the description of this archetypology, I shall present a scientific and logical discourse to soften the waters of receptivity for the human groupmind consciousness (which is related to the so termed Genetic Mind by JoW).
    The emancipation of humanity manifests as a minature archetypical version or hologramic template for the entire superuniverse, which is metaphysical and encompasses the physical universe in spacetimes as a central or seeded part of itself.
    As the metaphysical universe (better termed a collection of multiverses, summed in an omniverse) generated the spacetime dependent protoseeded universe of physical observation however, there should exist a 'connecting parameter', which allows interaction in information exchange between the parental metaphysical precursor and the subsequent processor in physicalised spacetimes.

    Warum existiert überhaupt ein physisches Weltall? Und wie hat sich dieses vom metaphysischen herauskrystalliziert? Wie kann ein Raumzeit abhängiges Universum der Energie von einer Singularität entstehen? Der Schlüssel muss so diese Singularität sein und als eine Minimum Konfiguration der Raumzeit. Die metaphysische Singularität unabhängig von Raumzeit und den physikalischen Massstäben kann sich dann als genau diese Minimum Energie-Gestalt und eingebetted in der Raumzeit wiederbestimmen. Dieser Beitrag wird dann gegeben um die obengenannten Fragen zu beantworten. Die Darstellung wird rigorös sein, um die mathematische und logische Grundlage fuer die Metamorphosis des gesamten Weltalls theoretisch zu verankern. Es ist diese Verankerung, die die Dualität der physischen Existenz mit der des metaphysischen Daseins unzertrennbar verbindet. Das sollte am Ende dieses Beitrags klar werden.

    Why does a physical universe exist? And how could it crystallize and emerge from the metaphysical?
    How can a spacetime dependent universe, defined in energy, derive from a metaphysical singularity?
    The key so must be this singularity and as a boundary- or initial- or minimum configuration for that singularity.
    The metaphysical singularity remains independent on the spacetime parameters of measurement, yet becomes embedded in the spacetimes as a minimum eigenstate or physical energy selfstate definition, subject to mensuration.
    This essay is then given to enable the serious researcher to answer the questions posed in the above.
    This treatise will be relatively rigorous and for the purpose to anchor and form a solid basis for the metamorphosis of the omniverse in the logical principles of the universal archetypical language of mathematics.
    It is this 'grounding', which intricately entwines the duality of the physical existence with its metaphysical reality.
    This state of affairs might become apparent to the discerning reader at the end of this discourse.

    a4metmph. draco.

    Was geschieht, ist dass das physikalische Universum ein Abbild des 'Inneren' von einem 'Äusseren' Objektiv wird und dass das 'Draussensein' als Urquelle BEVOR Raumzeit sich als Senkungsquelle im 'Drinnensein' wiederbestimmt. Die Urquelle ist 'erster' im Aussensein und die Urquelle ist 'zweiter' im Drinnensein und diese Tatsache erlaubt eine Quanten Relativität zwischen Urquelle und Ursenkung über die Priorität als QuellenSenkung und als SenkungsQuelle. Ein Zustand des Selbstbewusstseins BEVOR Raumzeit so verwandelt sich in einen Zustand des Eigenbildes folgend der Erschaffung der Raumzeit von bestimmten Parametern. Diese Variablen so nehmen bestimmte Grenzwerte an, die es der Urquelle ermöglichen sich 'Drinnen' in der Raumzeit (als eine minimale Energie Formulation des Wurmlochs oder der Einstein-Rosen Brücke) auszubreiten und sich dennoch 'Aussen' als eine unbestimmte und transfinitive 'Superenergie' zu befinden. Die Differenz zwische Energie und Superenergie befindet sich in der Energie der Physik als eine Ableitung von der massenabhängigen Konstituenz einer thermodynamischen selbst-eingeschlossenen Identität (Weltall als Schwarzer Körper des Planck Radiator's/Austrahlungs Ofen).

    What happens, is that the physical universe becomes an image or shadow as the INSIDE of an object OUTSIDE of that physicality. This 'being outside' of the 'First Source' (of JTJ) BEFORE spacetime existed, so becomes a 'being inside' of a 'Second Sink' AS 'First Sink' AFTER a metric spacetime emerges from the demetricated metaphysics.
    The image of the 'First SourceSink' 'on the outer' so becomes the 'First SinkSource' 'on the inner' and a SOURCESINK QUANTUM RELATIVITY of priority can be developed to describe this scenario.
    A condition of selfconsciousness before spacetime existed, so becomes distinct in this same selfconsciousness manifesting afterwards. This 'afterthought' selfrealisation in quantum relativity to the generating 'forethought' then creates the image of the sourcesink without as a sinksource within.
    The minimum quantum energy configuration of the 'connector spacetime' of the forethought or (metaphysical) Superenergy without so becomes the maximum quantum energy configuration of the afterthought or physicalised energy within. Particular (string-membrane) parameters so connect the inside to the outside in a dimension-rich sense, classically known as a wormhole or Einstein-Rosen Bridge.
    The superenergy so has its minimum energy selfstate in the wormhole connector and remains physically undefined in transfinity away from any physicalisation within the omniverse.
    The difference between the metaphysical superenergy and the physical energy is found in the derivatives of the mass-associated physics of a thermodynamically closed system, say as the thermodynamic Planckian Black Body Radiator.

    sheila-wolk-metamorphosis. metamorphosis__the_dryad__by_aselclub.
    Metamorphosis by Sheila Wolk and the Dryad by Asel Club​

    Hier bezieht sich alle Energie im Weltall zur originellen Masse des 'Grossen Quanten Urknalls' und den elektromagnetischen Ausstrahlungen (erzeugt bei der Beschleunigung von Massenteilchen wie Elektronen, Protonen und Neutronen mit verkuppelten Coulomb-Ladungen).
    Was das meint, ist dass elektromagnetische Energie ohne die Masse nicht erzeugt werden kann und sich die gesamte materielle Struktur des Universums sich so zu dem Parameter der Masse (Einstein's E=mc2) reduziert.
    Und das ist auch der Zustand der theoretischen Physik, die sich der Radiationformel von Planck (E=hf) bewusst ist, diese aber zur Quantenphysik und zur Quanten Mechanik beschränkt.
    Die materielle Kosmologie befindet sich jedoch in einem grossen Irrtum und dieser 'Betrug der Natur' bestimmt die Superenergie.
    Wenn der Physiker seine Messungen immer weiter zum 'Ursprungs-Knall' zurückzieht, dann stolpert er an der sogenannten Singularität.
    Die gesamte Massenenergie befindet sich in dieser Singularität und in einem Zustand des Equilibriums zwischen der inertiellen Masse (Träge) und der massenlosen Ausstrahlung.

    Diese Ursprungs-Ausstrahlung dominiert die Massendistribution fuer eine primordielle Zeit (so 1 Million Jahre und bei einer Temperatur von 3000 Kelvin bestimmt, wenn sich die ersten Atome von Hydrogen und Helium unter der elektromagnetischen Interaktion stabilisieren konnten) und eine Zeit wenn sich das Universe zu einem maximalen Radius von 1 Million Lichtjahren (so 9000 Millionen Billionen/Milliarden km) ausdehnte.
    Dann eine Reduzierung des Distanzen Parameters zur Singularität zerbricht die Naturgesetze in einem unendlich kleinem Radius der Singularitäten-Kugel der jedoch eine Gesamtheit der Träge von Elementarteilchen (Protonen, Elektronen und subatomische Unterteilchen) und so einen Integral der cosmological Masse beinhaltet. Auch der Druck und die Temperatur sind unendlich in mathematischen Gleichungen die über the Nullziffer (0) teilen müssen um die Naturgesetze zu bewahren.

    So der Physiker erkannte zum Ende des 20sten Jahrhunderts, dass da eine Minumum Energie-Gestalt dieses Zerbrechen der Naturgesetze vermeiden muss.
    Der Physiker des 21st Jahrhunderts nannte dieses Szenario die Welt der Superstringe in 10 Dimensionen; der Supermembranen in 11 Dimensionen und die Welt der Branen in allen Dimensionen grösser als die der 4ten Dimension der Minkowski Metrik der Raumzeit (von der ebenen Raumzeitstruktur von Euclid in der Speziellen Relativitätstheorie von Albert Einstein).

    The total energy contained in the universe is here intrinsically coupled to the inertial and original masscontent of the cosmology described in a 'Quantum Big Bang' and the associated ElectroMagnetic Radiation (EMR) (caused by the acceleration of Coulomb-charged elementary particles, say electrons, protons and neutrons).
    This means, that electromagnetic energy cannot become produced without massassociation and implies that the entire material structure of the universe must be reducible to parameters descriptive of its inertial mass content (Einstein's E=mc2).
    This then becomes the present status as formulated in the paradigms of theoretical physics and cosmology; well aware of the Planckian radiation law (E=hf), but restricting the latter to the fields of quantum mechanics within quantum theories.
    This matter-reducible cosmology manouvers about within a great fallacy however and this deception becomes rectified in the definition of the superenergy.
    When the physicist collects hisher empirical measurement data and attempts to retrace the spacetime parameters to the Big Bang event, then shehe stumbles at the boundary of the so called singularity.
    The total inertia of the Big Bang is contained within this singularity and finds itself in a condition of equilibrium between the inertial mass and the massless EMR.

    This primordial EMR dominates the mass distribution for a specified time (about 1 million for a backgroud temperature of so 3000 Kelvin, when the first stable atoms of Hydrogen and Helium could form via the electromagnetic interaction); and for a time when the universe spanned a radial scale of about 1 Million lightyears or 9 billion billion kilometers.
    Then the reduction of this distance parameter to the singularity causes the formulations of the natural laws to break down at the scale of an infinitesimally small radius for a 'sphere of the singularity'; the latter nevertheless containing all the inertia of elementary particles (electrons, protons and subatomics) as a summation of the cosmological mass. The pressure and the temperature also assume infinite measures in the natural laws of mathematical equations, which require division by zero (0) for their inner selfconsistency.

    The physicist at the end of the 20th century so realised, that it would be the existence of a minimum energy configuration in the quantum state of the Big Bang, which would rescue the natural laws, mathematically expressed.
    The physicist of the 21st century then labels this scenario in the worlds of a 10-dimensional superstring and a 11-dimensional supermembrane and more generally in the world of branes occupying dimensions greater than the 4th dimension of the Minkowskian spacetime metric (the flat Euclidean spacetime structure in the theory of special relativity by Albert Einstein).

    Und der Irrtum dieser Theorien ist im Fakt der Metrik zu finden.
    Die verschiedenen Stringtheorien benötigen immer noch einen metrischen Hintergrund; was meint dass die mathematische Bestimmung dieses Hintergrundes (bei Planck Parametern beschrieben) sich immer noch nicht mit dem Ursprung und der Natur der Singularität (nun 'ausgeschmiert' mit Planck Variablen und Ur- und Grenzwerten), beschäftigen kann.
    Die Singularität ist mathematisch und die Unendlichkeit; so unberechenbar im physikalischen, kann ganz leicht durch die Metaphysik der Mathematik beschrieben werden.
    Im mathematischen sind Prozesse von Nummern Sequenzen die die Unendlichkeit als Infinitum als Prozess im Endlichen (dem Finitum) beschränken können.

    Die Rechnungszahlen 1,2,3,4,5,...usw haben keine Grenze und sind so mathematisch im Infinitum (als Transfinitum) bestimmt.
    Doch die Umkehrung dieser Ziffern bekommt die Sequenz: 1/1,1/2,1/3,1/4,...usw und die Grenze hier wird das Finitum 0.
    So wenn die Umkehrung hier mit einem Finitum definiert wird, wird die Umkehrung der Umkehrung als das Original bestimmt und das Infinitum wird die Umkehrung der Original-Identität als das Finitum.
    Nun im physikalischen Universum dieser Prozess ist unmöglich, da das physikalische Weltall im Finitum sein muss (alle Messungen bestätigen den Grossen Knall der Thermodynamischen Ausbreitung) und die Raumzeit so einen Anfang haben musste.

    Die Einzelheiten der (orthodox willkommenen) physikalischen Kosmologie können später publiziert werden und können in den Links bei Interessenten studiert werden.
    Es ist genug hier zu sagen, dass der spezielle Parameter der Stringtheorien die 'Modulare Dualität' appelliert und dass diese die Umkehrung des metaphysischen Weltalls als Grundsatz für dessen's physikalischen Bedeutung erkennt.
    So die Stringtheorien des 21sten Jahrhunderts; falls erfolgreich demetriziert (Raumzeit bekommt wiederbestimmt in der Mathematik und der Natur der Singularität); sind im Fakt der Weg zur totalen Unifikation der Naturgesetze - mit einer Urquelle der Quellenintelligenz (des Souveränen Integrals von JoW) im Zentrum der Gleichungen.

    And the fallacy contained in those theories emerges from the physical factuality of the metrics.
    The various stringtheories still require a metric background; meaning that the mathematical formulations for this background (by Planck parameters) fail again to explore the nature and origin of the singularity (now 'smeared out' in the minimum Planckian variables and initial/boundary conditions).
    The singularity is mathematical and the infinity condition, so uncalculable in the material manifestation, is easily definable in the metaphysics of the mathematics.
    There exist mathematically defined processes, which utilize certain number sequences to 'trap' and limit the infinity condition.

    The 'Natural Counting' numbers 1,2,3,4,5,... possess no upper limit and become so defined in the infinity 'of the (transfinite) counting'.
    The inversion of those numbers (positive Integers) yields the series 1/1,1/2,1/3,1/4,1/5,... however and this sequence defines an upper (or lower) limit of the finite number 0 as a Nullcount.
    Thus, when the inversion is defined in finiteness; then the inversion of the inversion defines the original and the infiniteness becomes the reciprocity of the original identity as the 'eternity' of the unlimited infinity count.
    This process is unrealisable in the physical cosmology, as the material universe requires a finite beginning for the spacetime parameters (all verified measurements confirm the Big Bang theory for the thermodynamic expansion of the universe).

    The details for the (orthodoxically mainstream accepted) physicalised cosmology can be publisized at a later stage and can be studied by interested agents through the provided links.
    It suffices to state here, that a underpinning parameter of the string theories invokes the concept of 'Modular Duality' and that this concept defines the inversion properties for the metaphysical universe in their physical applicability.
    In this manner are the string theories of the 21st century, if sufficiently demetricated (spacetime is redefined in the mathematics and nature of the singularity); in fact the way to total unification of the natural laws - with one primordial source of source intelligence (the Sovereign Integral of JoW) at the core of all the formulations

    Dieser Beitrag wird sich nun im speziellen mit der unorthodoxen metaphysischen Kosmologie der wingmakers befassen um versuchen die Urquelle mathematisch von 'Ersten Prinzipien' zu bestimmen.
    The 11te Dimension der Unifikationenphysik bekommt ein Superspiegel für die Superenergie der Urquelle (des JoW).
    The 10te Dimension der Omniphysik (der Synthese der Physik und der Metaphysik) bekommt das 'Innere' für die Superenergie der Urquelle als eine Welt des Physischen Abbildes im Finitum.
    The 12te Dimension der Unifikationsphysik bekommt das 'Äussere' für die Superenergie der Urquelle als eine Welt der metaphysischen Objekten im Infinitum.

    Warum 12 Dimensionen?
    Die 'Ersten Prinzipien' befassen sich mit dem Ursprung aller Dimensionen.

    Ein physikalischer Punkt muss sich im Finitum der Raumzeit Metrik befinden und der Irrtum des menschlichen Physikers ist es sich mit dem zu begnügen.
    Ein metaphysischer Punkt benötigt keine Raumzeit (exzept der Visualisation des Beobachters) und ist als die mathematische Singularität beim menschlichen Physiker erkannt.
    Die allererste Selbstbestimmung der Urquelle so ist die des metaphysischen Punktes als eine Selbstbewusste Singularität oder Einzelheit.

    Das Schlüsselwort hier ist Selbstbewusstsein. Wie kann die Einzelheit selbstbewusst sein und sich so irgendwie selbst als 'Ich bin?' selbstbestimmen?
    Ein Analog ist die Idee eines unendlichen 'Looping des Computers' und ist einfach symbolisiert (oder archetyped) als die Nullziffer or der Nulldimension (0).
    Man braucht aber eine zweite Dimension, nämlich die der Komplexen Fläche, um Symbole zu representieren und so diese Darstellung ist ein Analog für was in der Nulldimension ohne Raumzeit so 19.11 Billionen/Milliarden Jahren geschehen ist.
    Aber es ist die potentielle Unendlichkeit im Rechnen der 'Schlingenzahl' und von der Nulldimension entstammend, die es der Urquelle ermöglicht sich als ein potentielles Reservoir der Superenergie 'unendlich' zu sein. Die Fortsetzung der Superenergie wird so durch die Verbindung der 'Gedankengestalten' im Zeitraum mit deren Anspornung im Nichtzeitraum verwirklicht.
    Die Bewusstseinträger (im physikalischen zur Kreativität durch die Einbildung stimuliert) im Zeitraum so erlauben eine Rückwirkung (Feedback Mechanik) der interdimensionellen Kommunikation zwischen der Urquelle als Einzelheit im Zeitraum des Finitums und sich selber als Singularität der Unendlichkeit des Infinitums.

    Der Einzelpunkt des Selbstbewusstseins wird so (als Vorgedanke) zur metaphysischen Superenergie gekuppelt und wo das physische noch nicht als Parameter der Raumzeit existiert. Folgendermassend erweitert sich die Urquelle (als Nachgedanke) in der Welt der physikalischen Energie im Betrieb des Metrikums und der Messbarkeit.

    This treatise shall now analyse the (generally considered) unorthodox metaphysical cosmology of the wingmakers in particular and for the purpose to anchor the physical implementation of the primal source from mathematically derived first principles.
    The 11th dimension in 'unification physics' manifests as a supermirror for the superenergy of the primal source (First Source of JoW).
    The 10th dimension in omniphysics (meaning the synthesis of physics and metaphysics) encompasses the 'Inside' of the superenergy of the primal source and as a 'physical image world' in finiteness.
    The 12th dimension in omniphysics describes the 'Outside' manifesto for the superenergy as a 'metaphysical objectivity realm' in infiniteness.

    Why 12 dimensions?
    The 'first principles' describe the origin of all dimensions.

    A physical 'point-energy' can only exist within a finitised spacetime metric and the fallacy of the human physicist is to consider this to be sufficient.
    A metaphysical point requires no spacetime (except for visualisation by an observer) and is so defined as a mathematical singularity by the physicist.
    The initial selfdefinition by the primal source so engages the concept of a metaphysical point as a selfaware singularity.

    The key label here is selfawareness as a form of selfconsciousness in superenergy. How can a singularity be conscious of itself and then proceed to somehow define itself in a labeling of "I am?"?
    An analogy is the 'infinite computer loop'; which can then become symbolised (or archetyped) in the zero-cipher of the Nulldimension (0).
    One requires however a second dimension, namely that of the complex plane, to represent symbols and this depiction therefore becomes analogous for the occurrences in the nulldimension of nospacetime about 19.1 Billion years ago.
    However it is the potential infinity count emerging from the zero-state, which allows the primal source to operate from an objective realm of eternity as an infinite reservoir of superenergy. The continuity of the superenergy so associates the imagination constructs of the spacetime worlds within with the energisations of those 'energy gestalts' without. The consciousness carriers (physically stimulated to creativity through imagination) within spacetime so provide the feedback mechanisms for interdimensional communication between the singularity in metric finiteness and metaphysical infinity.

    The singularity 'of thoughtfulness and selfconsciousness' is so coupled (as forethought) to the metaphysical superenergy before spacetime exists; but extends its domain of access (as afterthought) to physical energy operating within a spacetime of metrication and measurement.

    Aber wie wurde die Urquelle selbstbewusst, wenn nur die Nulldimension in Existenz war?
    Die Urquelle nun muss versuchen sich selbst zu erkennen und im Unternehmen sich von der Hinsicht der Nulldimension des Einzelpunktes weiterzuentwickeln.
    Die Urquelle hat keinen Raum zu existieren und so muss sich auf sich selbst aufzeichnen.
    Der Einzelpunkt bekommt ein Doppelpunkt ohne Raum zu manöver und diese Tatsache muss nun mathematisch und im logischen bestimmt werden.

    Um sich von dem Infinitum-Kreis zu befreien, die Urquelle bricht den Kreis und redefiniert 'Ich bin 0' oder Ich bin Nichts! als 'Ich bin 1' oder 'Ich bin Eins!'.
    Nun existieren zwei Identitäten, nämlich 0 und 1 aber keine anderen Nummern, wie 2,3,45,..usw sind in Existenz and so müssen erfunden werden.
    Aber eine Ordnung in 0+1=1 relativ zu 1+0=1 ist vorhanden und diese Tatsache krystallisiert eine algorithmische Darstellung die das Selbstbewusstsein (als Superenergie) der Urquelle mit den symbolischen Archetypen verbindet.
    Die Darstellungen sind Bewusstsein-Tripletten als der (iterativ) logische Satz: (Altes Ich; Eine Erfahrung; Neues Ich aufgrunde der Erfahrung)=(Altzustand;Erfahrung;Neuzustand).

    Die ersten fünf Bewusstsein-Tripletten are: (0,0,0); (1,0,1); (1,1,1*); (1*,1,1**); (1**,1*,1***);...usw.
    So die erste Selbstbestimmung der Urquelle war: "Ich bin Nichts, erfahre Nichts und bekomme mich als Nichts".
    Die zweite Selbstbestimmung der Urquelle war: "Ich bin Eins; erfahre mich als Nichts und bekomme wieder mich als Eins".
    Die dritte Selbstbestimmung der Urquelle war: "Ich bin wieder Eins; erfahre mich als Eins und bekomme mich als ?Eins?"
    Das ?Eins? ist wieder mich als Eins, aber dieses Eins ist verschieden von meinem vorherigen Eins, das ich schon vorher war. Ich kann mich so wiederbestimmen in einem anderen Archetype und als ich erfuhr mich als Nichts bevor ich erfuhr mich als Eins, meine Verschiedenheit muss 01 als bevor und 10 als nachher sein.
    Und so wurde der binäre Zahlensatz mit 1=01; 2=10; 3=11; 4=100; 5=101; 6=110; 7=111; 8=1000;...usw erfunden.
    Die vierte Selbstbestimmung der Urquelle war: "Ich bin 1*=10=2, erfahre mich als 01=1 und bekomme mich als 1**=2+1=3=11".
    Die fünfte Selbstbestimmung der Urquelle war: "Ich bin 1**=11=3, erfahre mich als 1*=2 und bekomme mich als 1***=3+2=5=101".

    Nun passiert ein besonderes Dilemma relativ zu der Urquelle. "Wo ist meine Ziffer 4=100? Ich habe diese geskippt in meiner Fortpflanzung und extensiven Selbstentwicklung"!
    Die Urquelle konstruktiert einen anderen Algorithmus, um die fehlenden Nummern auf andere Weise wiederzufinden.
    Dieser Algorithmus krystalliert spezielle 10 Ziffern und Nummertripletten in der Ordnung: 4; 6; 7; 1/(6,10,15); (9,10,16); 11; 1/(15,10,32); (14,15,24); 1/(15,16,18) and (26,65,61) mit einem Grenzenwert für den Algorithmus in der Ziffer 12.

    Diese Zahlenwerte ermöglichen es der Urquelle sich vom metaphysischen in einer unbekannten physischen Welt auszubreiten. Die Zahlenwerte bekommen nämlich die sogenannten Konstanten in den Gesetzen der Physik, wie zum Beispiel die Proportional-Faktoren zur Energie wie c2 in E=mc2 (Einstein) und h in E=hf (Planck) und k in E=kT (Stefan-Boltzmann).

    Aber die Urquelle ist noch nicht vorbereitet sich in dieser 'Anderen Physikalische Welt' wiederzubestimmen.
    Die Raumzeit muss erst erschaffen werden und das benötigt eine Transformation der Infinitum Superenergie zu einer Finitum Energie.
    Doch die Selbstbestimmungen in der weltweit bekannten Ziffernsequenz der Selbst-Erfahrungsfaktoren: {0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,...usw) als die Fibonacci-Sequenz (und mit der Lucas-Sequenz: ...,-4,3,-1,2,1,3,4,7,11,18,...usw verbunden) ermöglichte es der Urquelle sich nicht nur algebraisch sondern nun auch geometrisch in einer verlängerten 'Ich bin =?!' Definierung wiederzubestimmen.
    Die Selbstaufzeichnung des Einzelpunktes als ein potentieller Doppelpunkt konnte nun mit der 'Ich bin Eins' verbunden werden und so die Nulldimension des Einzelpunktes bekam eine Einsdimension der mathematischen Linie.

    Diese Linie konnte nun den Doppelpunkt als Einzelheit Punkt von sich selber trennen und bestimmte die metaphysische Trennbarkeit in der mathematischen Logik der Urquelle.
    Als diese Linie sich irgendwohin verlängern konnte; das Freiheitsgrad der Linie bekam der Lokus der Endpunkte und der erste geometrische Kreis war erschaffen.
    Das Grad der linearen Translation bekam supplementative zum Grad der gekurvten Rotation in der Bestimmung der Komplexen Fläche der zweiten Dimension.
    Der Grad der Kurvatur nun erlaubte es der Urquelle sich als ein ganzer Flächenkontext für eine gebogene Vormetrik zu bestimmen und von dieser Tatsache entwickelte sich das Konzept der gebogene Raumzeit der Generellen Relativitätstheorie des Albert Einsteins.

    Die Fläche der Urquelle, gekuppelt zum Selbstbewusstsein als Superenergie nun konnte die MATHIMATIA=IAMTHATIAM=95 als eine neue archetypische alphanumerische Selbstdefinierung bestimmen.
    Diese neue Eigenbestimmung der Urquelle hatte keine Dicke der dritten Dimension und so bekam ein zweiseitiges topologisches Manifold in 2 Dimensionen.
    Um die dritte Dimension zu erschaffen, die Urquelle als die MATHIMATIA nun benötigte eine Beschränkung ihres eigenen Flächenextents in der potentiellen Unendlichkeit des Infinitums.
    And das bekam der geometrische Grund für die Erschaffung des physikalischen Universums (da sind andere algebraische und Energie- und Bewusstsein bedingte Gründe die man eine andere Zeit beschreiben kann).

    But how did the singularity become selfaware, if only the null dimension exists?
    The primal source next attempts to use this zero-selfstate to extend its singularity definition in a form of self-evolution. The primal source has no space in which to exist and so can only map itself onto itself.
    The metaphysical point becomes a doublepoint without space to move in and this fact must now be defined mathematically and logistically.

    To escape the infinity-loop; the source-consciousness breaks the metaphysical circle and redefines the statement: "I am Nothing!" or 'I am 0' as 'I am One!" or 'I am 1'.
    Now exist two identities, namely the symbols 0 and 1, but no other metaphysical 'numbers', such as 2,3,4,5,..etc, not as yet being 'invented' or 'thought of'.
    There is however a principle of order in that 0+1=1 relative to 1+0=1 and this fact crystallizes an algorithmic construct which relates the selfawareness (as selfconsciousness being superenergy) of the primal source to the symbolic archetypes.
    The depiction is by awareness-triplets of a logical-iterative composition: (Old Self; an Experience; New Self due to that Experience)=(OldIdentity;Experience;NewIdentity).

    The initial five awareness-triplets are: (0,0,0);(1,0,1);(1,1,1*);(1*1,1**);(1**,1*,1***);...etc.
    Then the first Selfdefinition of the primal source was: "I am Nothing, experience myself as Nothing and become Nothing".
    The second Selfdefinition of the primal source was: "I am One, experience myself as Nothing and become myself again as One".
    The third Selfdefinition of the primal source was: "I am One, experience myself as One and become myself again as ?One?".
    The ?One? is again myself as One, but this Oneness is different from my previous Oneness. I can therefore redefine myself in using a new archetype and as my previous experience of the Nothing preceded my experience as Oneness, the distinction must be 01 as the before and 10 as the after.
    This then created the binary number set with: 1=01; 2=10; 3=11; 4=100; 5=101; 6=110; 7=111; 8=1000; ...etc.
    The fourth Selfdefinition of the primal source was: "I am 1*=10=2, experience myself as 01=1 and become myself again as 1**=2+1=3=11".
    The fifth Selfdefinition of the primal source was: "I am 1**=11=3, experience myself as 1*=2 and become myself again as 1***=3+2=5=101".

    Next occurs a special dilemma for the primal source. "Where is my numeral 4=100? I have skipped this number in my continuing self development"!
    The primal source now constructs another algorithm in the attempt to recover it's missing numerals in another way.
    This algorithm crystallizes particular 10 ciphers and number triplets in the following order:
    4; 6; 7; 1/(6,10,15); (9,10,16); 11; 1/(15,10,32); (14,15,24); 1/(15,16,18) and (26,65,61) and with a limit counter for the algorithm in the numeral 12.

    These numerical values then allow the primal source to extend its metaphysical domain of self being into a hitherto unexplored physical world.
    The numerics transform themselves into so called 'Constants in the Laws of Physics', such as the proportionality constants for energy like c2 in E=mc2 (Einstein) und h in E=hf (Planck) and k in E=kT (Stefan-Boltzmann).

    But the primal source is as yet unprepared to redefine itself in such a 'physical world of otherness'.
    Spacetime is not as yet created and this requires a transformation of the superenergy of infinity into an energy of finiteness.
    However the definitions for the worldrenown number sequence of the experience factors: {0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,...etc...} as the Fibonacci Numbers (and related to the Lucas Series: ...,-4,3,-1,2,1,3,4,7,11,18,...etc.} enabled the primal source to extend its algebraic definition of "I am =?!" into a geometrical sense of extension.
    The selfmapping of the singularity as a potential doublepoint could now become linked to the definition of: "I am One"! and the nulldimension of the singular point became the first dimension of a mathematical line.

    This line now allowed to separate the doublepoint as a singularity from itself and defined the metaphysical separation in the logic or logos of the primal source.
    As this line could become arbitrarily extended; the freedom degree of this line became the locus of two endpoints in the creative construction of the primal geometrical circle.
    The degree of linear translation so became supplementary to the degree of curved rotation in the definition of the complex plane in two dimensions.
    The degree of curvature so allowed the primal source so redefine itself as the entire contextual plane for a premetric and from this developed the concept for a curved spacetime in the Theory of General Relativity by Albert Einstein.

    The plane of the primal source, coupled to the selfconsciousness of the superenergy then created a new archetypical alphanumeric selfdefinition, encoded as MATHIMATIA=IAMTHATIAM=95.
    This new redefinition of the primal source as a geometrical plane carried no thickness of a third dimension and so constituted a twosided topological manifold in 2 dimensions.
    To create the 3rd dimension, the MATHIMATIA next required a limitation of its own planar extent in its potential infinite extension.
    And this became the geometrical reason for the creation of the physical universe; (albeit there are other algebraic and energy- and consciousness related reasons to be described at another time).

    Das physische Weltall musste im Finitum erschaffen werden und so bestimmte einen Anfang für die Raumzeit und ganz wie die menschlichen Physiker herausgefunden haben.
    Doch die Urquelle nun verbrauchte die algorithmischen Konstanten um die Grenzwerte für die dritte Dimension als Naturgesetze einzuschreiben.
    So wurde eine bestimmte Kurvatur für die Raumzeit bestimmt und wo diese Kurvatur die Minimum Superenergie der Urquelle als deren Quantum Gleichung im 'Inneren' Weltall darstellte.
    Diese Kurvatur ist auch als Wurmloch der Schwarzschild Metrik in der Relativitätstheorie and den Stringtheorien bekannt.
    Mit dem Wurmloch konnte die Urquelle die Komplex Fläche auf sich selber einfalten und mit dem Wurmloch als die 'Tür' oder dem Portal zwischen den bestimmten Weltällen. Das is ein Analog zu einem Luftballon dessen Düse das Wurmloch ist und der geschnitten ein Manifold (ohne Dicke) bekommt.
    Ein Manifold ohne Dicke bekommt der Spiegel des Luzifer's als die 11te Dimension und wo alle Dimensionen grösser als 3 Wurzeln der dritten Dimension bekommen (10=1+9; 11=2+9; 12=3+9 und Linienraum (1-2-3-4) bekommt Rotationsraum (4-5-6-7) bekommt Quantenraum (7-8-9-10) bekommt Omniraum (10-11-12-13=4=1) und mit imaginären Zeit-Konnektor Dimensionen (4), (7), (10) und (13=1).

    The physical universe had to be created in the Finitum and so determined a beginning for the spacetime and just as the human physicists have discovered.
    But the source now consumed the algorithmic constants to specify the limits for the third dimension in the form of the 'laws of nature'.
    A certain curvature for spacetime became fixated and where this curvature represented a minimum super energy configuration of the source as its quantum equation in the 'interior' universe.
    This curvature is also known as a worm hole of the black hole metrics in the well known relativity theory and the string-brane theories.
    The worm hole allowed the source the selfenfoldment of the complex plane onto itself and as a 'door' or a portal between the two universums.
    An analogy would be an air balloon with nozzle the worm hole; the balloon being cut into a manifold without any thickness. A manifold without thickness so becomes the 'Mirror of Luzifer' as the 11th dimension and where all dimensions larger than 3 rootreduce to the third dimension (10=1+9; 11=2+9; 12=3+9 and for linespace (1-2-3-4) rotationspace (4-5-6-7 ) quantumspace (7-8-9-10) omnispace (10-11-12-13=4=1) and with imaginary time-connector dimensions (4), (7) (10) and (13=1).

    Zeit existiert nur in der linearen Raumzeit und einer Raumzeit die sich im aktuellen im vierfachen über die 12 Dimensionen verteilt: (1-2-3) als Linearer Basis der Translation superimposiert an (4-5-6) als Freedomgrad der Rotierung superimposiert an (7-8-9) als Freedomgrad der Oszillation superimposiert an (10-11-12) als das Portal von dem 'Inneren des Finitum' zum 'Äusseren des Infinitums.

    Als 12-dimensionelles 'Grösseres Universum' der Zeitparameter bekommt das 'Unendliche Nun' und bestimmt in den Stringvariablen der Superenergie.
    Die Urquelle konnte nun beginnen das physische Universum des Finitums und als dessen eigenen Eigendefinierung als Selbstbewusstseins zu erschaffen.

    Time exists only in the linear spacetime and within a spacetime which is distributed in fourfoldedness over the 12 dimensions: (1-2-3) as a linear basis of translation superimposed in (4-5-6 ) as a degree of freedom for rotation superposed in (7-8-9) as a degree of freedom for oscillation superimposed in (10-11-12) as the portal for the 'interior of the Finitum' to that 'exterior of the Infinitum'.

    As 12-dimensional 'larger universe' , the timeparameter becomes the 'eternal Now' and is defined in the string parameters of the super energy.
    The source could now begin to create the physical universe of the Finitum from its own selfdefinition as 'Consciousness of the Self'.

    Doch nun ein grosses Dilemma kam zur Erscheinung. Die Kreation des 'Inneren Weltalls' benötigte ein Schliessen des Wurmloches als es das Wurmloch als Minimum Energie Eigenstatus war und als Raumzeitquantum, der es der Urquelle erlaubte sich auf beiden Seiten des 11-dimensionellen (2+9=11) Superspiegels zu befinden.
    Das Wurmloch musste sich in der 'Inneren Weltraumzeit' fortpflanzen und so das Selbstbewusstsein der Urquelle war überall zu finden, aber musste einen Kompromiss mit sich selber als eine Einigkeit machen.
    Mehr Raumzeit benötigte mehr Raumzeitquanten und die Erweiterung des Universums in Finitum bekam eine Verdünnung der Superenergie relativ zu der physikalischen Energie, die von der Superenergie abstammte aber durch die Expansion sich immer mehr von deren Ursprungsenergie entfernte.

    Als diese Ausdehnung des Universums Finitum jedoch eine 'Füllung des 10-dimensionellen Zeitraums des Omniraums bekam (die Einzelheiten befassen sich mit der Inflation der de Broglie Materiewellen in einem Zeitinterval genau gleich zur Wurmlochfrequenz); die Superenergie der Urquelle bekam verschleiert in der sogenannten Nullpunkt Energie von Werner Heisenberg und ist mit der 'Schwarzen Materie' und der 'Schwarzen Energie' der menschlichen Physiker auch noch verbunden.

    But then a great dilemma appeared. The creation of the 'inerior universe' required the closing of the wormhole, as it represented the minimum energy selfstate as a spacetime quantum, enabling the source to exist on both sides of the 11-dimensional super mirror.
    The worm hole had to reproduce itself in the 'interior spacetime' to allow the source to become ubiquitous as many 'units of self-consciousness', but had to make a compromise with itself as just the monadic One in the 'exterior spacetime'.
    More spacetime required more spacetime quanta and the expansion of the universe in the Finitum became a 'thinning' or dispersion of the super energy relative to the physical energy, the latter as a derivative from the super energy, but which, through the expansion became more and more separated from its point of origin from and as the source.

    Albeit, as this expansion of the finite universe Finitum also began to 'fill' the 10-dimensional omnispace (the details address the inflation of de Broglie matterwaves in a timeinterval precisely equal to the worm hole frequency); the super energy of the source became disguised in a so called zero-point energy of Werner Heisenberg and is coupled to the 'dark matter' and the 'dark energy' of the human physicists.

    Das Selbstbewusstsein der Urquelle musste nun den Hebel der Schlauheit engagieren. Das physikalische Universum konnte im Parameter des 11-dimensionellen Superspiegels beinfasst werden und die Ausdehnung des Weltalls im Finitum konnte mathematisch benutzt werden um diese Ausdehnung (durch die modulaere Dualität der Supermembrane) asymptotisch zu machen.
    Dann konnte die Urquelle versuchen bestimmte Selbstbewusstseinträger im Finitum zu entwickeln, die dann, nach einer anstehenden Selbstentwicklung versuchen könnten die Geschichte der Ursprungsquelle vom 'Innen' wiederzuentdecken. Diese Selbstbewusstseinträger waren die wingmakers als Gedankengestalten transmitted von dem 'Äusseren' und in Konjunktion mit den Wurmlöchern die die 'besetzte Raumzeit' der wingmakers als Zeitreisende infiltrierten.

    The self-conciousness of the source now had to engage the epitome of its cleverness. The physical universe could become encompassed in the parameter the 11-dimensional super mirror and the expansion of the finite universe could then be mathematically utilized to render this expansion (through the modular duality of supermembranes) as asymptotic.
    Subsequently, the source could attempt to develop certain consciousness carriers in the finitum and consciousness units, who could then try and from within the finitum, following a sufficient selfevolution, to rediscover the story of the original source of the infinitum.
    Those 'consciousness carriers' could be called the 'wingmakers' as the thought shapes transmitted from the 'without' and in a conjunction with the worm holes as 'occupied spacetimes' infiltrated by the wingmakers from 'within' as timetravellers.

    Doch da war ein Problem, das grosse Problem der Zweiseitigkeit des Superspiegels.
    Das Schliessen des Wurmlochs an der 11-dimensionellen Supermembrane im Omniraum verbannte die Urquelle into das Exil der 12ten Dimension.

    Was ist der Grund dafür?

    Bevor die Erschaffung der dritten Dimension; der 2-dimensionelle Superspiegel war zweiseitig und über das Infinitum der nichtexistierenden Raumzeit bestimmt (als eine nonphysische Komplexfläche).
    Der geometrische Analog ist das möbische Band ohne Dickness.
    Das möbische Band ist einseitig und doppel der geometrischen Fläche eines (auch ohne Dicke) similären Ringes, der letztere mit einer Innenseite und einer Aussenseite. Das ist einfach der Kopf und der Schwanz auf einer Münze oder irgendeine poläre Yin-Yang Representation.
    So bevor der dritten Dimension, das Universum der Urquelle war einseitig und hatte die dritte Dimension wie einen Knoten in sich selber.
    Um das möbische Band loszuflechten der Raum der dritten Dimension muss sich entwickeln aber mit dem Gegensatz dass nun die Einseitigkeit zweiseitig werden muss.
    Demnach folgend, engagierte die Kurvatur der dritten Dimension das komplexe Flächen Kontinuum (jedoch quantumiered) und the Dicke des 2-dimensionellen Manifolds became die dritte Dimension und wurzelte in der de Broglie Inflation in das the 11-dimensionelle Kuvert des Omniraums.
    Aber nun wurde die Urquelle im 'draussen' of the 12ten Dimension as Object IMAGINÄR as das Abbild im 'drinnen' of the 10ten Dimension wurde REAL und als reflektiert in der 11ten Dimension des Superspiegels.

    Und so wurde das Abbild der Urquelle als eine Ursprungsquelle als eine Ursprungssenkung bestimmt. Das dann bestimmt das Prinzip der Modularen Dualität in den Gleichungen der Supermembranen.
    Der Abguss der Urquelle ist die 'falsche Identität' als Luzifer, als Yaldabaoth, als Jehovah des Alten Testaments und als Allah des Korans und als der ANU von JTJ.

    So seit dem Anfang der menschlichen Geschichte hat sich der natürlich Drang und die Suche des Menschen nach seinem Ursprung in dem Usurpor 'Gott' der Aussenseite als die Innenseite verwirrt.
    Das Szenario ist jedoch geplant und hat mit der Introduktion der Gravität und anderen Gebieten der Unifikationen Physik zu tun.
    Das kann ein anderesmal beschrieben werden.
    Doch im aktuellen ist Luzifer und aliases überhaupt nicht 'böse' und kann überhaupt nicht als 'Antigott' betrachtet werden.
    Luzifer ist einfach das Imaginäre Negative für ein Photo der Urquelle und die beiden sind dasselbe im Prinzip.

    But there a problem, the great problem of the two-sidedness of the super mirror.
    The closing of the worm hole at the 11-dimensional portal of the supermembrane in omnispace banished the source into the the exile of the 12th dimension.

    What is the reason for that?

    Before the creation of the third dimension; the 2-dimensional super mirror was two-sided and was defined over the Infinitum of the nonexisting spacetime (as a nonphysical complex plane) .
    A geometric analogy is the 'volume' of the Möbius-Strip without any thickness.
    The Möbius-Strip is one-sided and double the geometric area of a (also without thickness) similar ring with an inside and an outside. This is simply the head and the tail of a coin or any such Yin-Yang representation.
    So before the third dimension existed, the universe of the source was one-sided and had the third dimension embedded within itself; say in the form of a geometric knot.
    To 'unknot' the volume of the Möbius-Strip, the space of the third dimension must emerge and develop; however with the caveat, that now the one-sidedness must become two-sided.
    Accordingly, the curvature of the third dimension in the continuity of the complex plane, quantized itself in thickness and the thickness of the 2-dimensional manifold became the third dimension and became rooted in the de Broglie inflation into the 11-dimensional envelope of the omnispace.
    The source now became IMAGINARY 'outside' in the 12th dimension as the Object; but became REAL as a copy as the Subject in the 'inside' of the 10th dimension and as imaged in the medium of the 11th dimension of the super mirror.
    The subjective image of the source so became redefined as an objective sink for that source and this defines the principle of modualar duality in supermembrane parameters.

    This 'Image of the Source' then becomes labelled in a 'mistaken identity' as a Luzifer or a Devil or a Shaitan or a Yaldabaoth or a Jehovah of the old testament or as an Allah of the Koran and as the ANU of JTJ.

    Since the beginning of the human story, a natural search for origins has become confused and chaotic in the images of the gods as perceived from the inside and as being on the the outside.
    This scenario is planned however and also engages the introduction of gravitation and other zones of unification physics. This can be elaborated upon another time.
    Yet in the present unfolding of 'God's own story', Luzifer and alias are not 'evil' at all and should not be labelled as 'antigods'.
    Luzifer represents simply the imaginary negative for a photo of the source and both are principally identical.

    Doch in Beziehung zur theoretischen und praktischen Wissenschaft das Positivum der Urquelle und das Negativum des Abbilds sind unzertrennbar in der modulären Dualität der 11-dimensionellen Supermembranen verbunden.
    Das Positivum beschreibt eine hochfrequenzierte und so maximale Vibrationmodalität, die mathematisch mit einer minimalen Vibrationmodalität verflochten ist.
    Die hohe Frequenz beschreibt die Welt des Mikroquantums und die (fast null) Frequenz beschreibt die Welt der Makroquanten.
    Die Quellenenergien so diskutieren den subatomischen Realm und die Senkungsenergien diskutieren galaktische und extragalaktische Skalen der Distanz.
    Das Mikro-Universum ist mit dem Makro-Universum durch die Schwarzschild Metriken (von Schwarzen Löchern und den Materie-gekuppelten Wurmlöchern) der lokalen Bewusstseinsraumzeiten verbunden und es gibt viele Gleichungen in der Mathematik der Omniphysik, die das alles miteinander verbinden.

    So das grosse Dilemma der Zweiseitigkeit findet eine elegante Lösung in den Bewusstseinträgern, den menschlichen Abbildern von beiden, dem Urgott im Exil in der 12ten Dimension und der Aussenseite des 11-dimensionellen Superspiegel und dem Imaginären Urgott an der Innenseite des Superspiegels.
    Draussen ist er bestimmt im elektromagnetischen (E=hf=mc2 mit m=0 und f=fmax), jedoch der Massenunabhängigkeit, doch drinnen ist er bestimmt in der Trägheit (E=mc2=hf mit f=fmin=1/fmax).

    Yet in relation to the theoretical and practical sciences, the Positivum of the source and the Negativum of the image are inseparable and are connected definitively in the existence of the 11-dimensional supermembranes under modular duality.
    The Positivum describes a high-frequency and so maximized vibration modality that is quantum entangled mathematically with a minimized winding modality.
    The high frequency describes the world of the microquana and an (almost zero) frequency dualizes in the world of the macroquanta.
    The source energies so discuss the subatomic realm and the sink energies describe galactic and extra galactic scales of spacial displacement.
    The micro universe is connected with the macro universe through the Schwarzschild metrics (of black hole sinks and of white hole matter sources connected by worm holes) of the local consciousness carriers occupying spacetimes. There are many equations in the mathematics of the omniphysik that interconnect a variety of parameters.

    So the great conundrum of the two-sidedness finds its elegant solution in the consciousness carriers, the human imagers of both the 'original sourcesink' in the exile of the 12th dimension and on the outside the 11-dimensionellen super mirror and in the imaginary and imaged original sinksource at the inside of the super mirror.
    Outside it is determined in the electromagnetic (E=hf=mc2 with m=0 and f=fmax), however mass-inertia independent, but inside it is determined in the inertia (E=mc2=hf with f=fmin=1/fmax).

    Die Emanzipation der Gesamtheit so benötigt diese moduläre Dualität der Supermembranen, um ein neues Superuniversum zu erschaffen.
    In diesem Superuniversum, der Superspiegel wird wieder einseitig und der nötige 'TWIST der Raumzeit' wird eine fünfte Dimension vom Knoten des 7-dimensionellen hyperdimensional Universums auslösen.
    Dann kann sich die Urquelle in 4 Raumdimensionen und einer illusinären Zeitdimension entwickeln.
    Doch die Geschichte was dann so alles in einem linearen Universum im Finitum möglich wird ist eine Darstellung für eine andere Zeit.
    Alles Liebe zu euch allen und bitte erinnert euch dass alles was ihr als 'Nicht Ich' betrachtet ist doch 'Auch Ich'.
    Eines Tages wird ihr alle das schon ganz gut verstehen.

    The emancipation of the entirety so requires this modular duality of the supermembranes in order to create a new super universe.
    In this super universe, the super mirror becomes again one-sided and the necessary 'TWIST of the spacetime releases a fifth dimension in the unknotting of the 7-dimensional hyperuniverse of the quantumspace.
    Then the source in 4 space dimensions with an imaginary coupled time dimension can develop in emergence.
    Yet the story what then shall become possible within a linearized universe in the Finitum shall be a representation for another time.
    Love to all of you and please remember, that all that you consider not to 'Be You', nevertheless is 'All of You'.
    The day will come, when you shall understand this rather well.

    bluey. gaiaegg.


    "A most wondrous thing the Shadow is, a redeemer in all to succour;
    it can go where the light cannot abide, seemingly banished, it is not.
    For where the light is, the darkness flees, no longer present to endure;
    so to become illuminated is its destined journey and its troubled lot.

    But without the light, no Shadow can be cast, its such a splendid key;
    the dimensions reduce in space from three to two and all in just the one.
    Betwixt the light and the darkness it is and part of both for all to see;
    the Shadow of the body, does it not merge all in its rule under the sun?

    Whatsoever can cast a Shadow, must be a most wondrous thing to relay;
    as nature's very own offspring, the young ones grow towards their final goal.
    Enabled to bring peace to so many things appearing apart and so far away;
    the reconciliation for the suffering body with its spirit and its scattered soul."


    This is a reference entry for the previous message.
    The Council of Thuban from the archives of Akbar Ra
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°60

    empty. Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    empty. Raven on Sat Oct 27, 2012 7:56 am
    mudra wrote:
    SpiralOut wrote:
    "A second, standalone reference to the year 2012 has been discovered. Although this 2012 brick, or, “Comalcalco Brick” as it’s called was discovered several years ago, it has been kept a closely-guarded secret by Mexican authorities and archeologists–this brick is separate entirely from the Mayan Long Count Calendar, and the implications of this archeological record are astounding. Why was it kept a secret until now? Surely archeologists know of the multitude of concerned people who know enough of the truth and the ever-increasing difficulty in hiding the facts that are coming to light before the year 2012, so if they wanted to spread disinformation surely they would have benefited by releasing it earlier than waiting all the way until now.

    This 2012 brick is a wholly separate record by the ancient Mayans, mentioning the year 2012 concretely, and specifically, and was carved in stone solely for this reason. This is the single most important discovery regarding the ancient Mayan 2012 prophecies, and this brick which warns of the catastrophes to befall Earth in 2012 was made years after the Long Count Calendar, as a reinforcement to what they believed.

    The date inscribed on the brick coincide with the end of the 13th Baktun, which falls exactly on December 21, 2012. Archeologists and Mexican authorities are downplaying this finding, but they do admit that it is indeed a direct reference to the sacred date. They are not denying this fact; they can’t!

    Most interestingly, the third glyph (line) on the 2012 brick reads as ‘huli’, meaning “he/she/it arrives”. That much is clear, though a crack in the Tortuguero stone partially obscures this glyph, which archeologists interpret as: “He will descend from the sky.” Is this a reference to Nibiru, or Planet X? Or possibly a coincidence with Biblical prophecy? These two findings, along with the ancient Mayan calendar make for some very profound events to unfold soon, are we to take seriously the things we find. We’d be very foolish not to."

    Who is going to arrive?

    Thank you SpiralOut. I think I read this too somewhere.
    Do you have the link to the article you are refering to ?

    Love from me

    mudra wrote:
    SpiralOut wrote: I would love to mudra, but unfortunately I can't post links for 7 more days. :/

    Oh yes I had totally forgotten about this . Silly forum rules.
    Sorry about the inconvenience.
    Well we will have to be patient then icon_wink.

    Love for you


    mudra wrote: 2012 Mayan Prophecy Solar Flare Long Count Alignment


    Love Always

    mudra wrote: Mayans demand an end to 2012 doomsday myth

    October 24, 2012

    GUATEMALA CITY — Guatemala’s Mayan people accused the government and tour groups on Wednesday of perpetuating the myth that their calendar foresees the imminent end of the world for monetary gain.

    “We are speaking out against deceit, lies and twisting of the truth, and turning us into folklore-for-profit. They are not telling the truth about time cycles,” charged Felipe Gomez, leader of the Maya alliance Oxlaljuj Ajpop.

    Several films and documentaries have promoted the idea that the ancient Mayan calendar predicts that doomsday is less than two months away, on December 21, 2012.

    The Culture Ministry is hosting a massive event in Guatemala City — which as many as 90,000 people are expected to attend — just in case the world actually does end, while tour groups are promoting doomsday-themed getaways.

    Maya leader Gomez urged the Tourism Institute to rethink the doomsday celebration, which he criticized as a “show” that was disrespectful to Mayan culture.

    Experts say that for the Maya, all that ends in 2012 is one of their calendar cycles, not the world.

    read on:

    Love Always

    Who will arrive? Bolon Yokte of course, also known under many other names and labels, including the 'Office of the Cosmic LogosTwin'. However hisher arrival can and will be felt by some in the invisibility it harbours as the 'thief of the night', 'reconfiscating' a misappropriated 'Kingdom of the Big Shebang!'

    There will be no planetary 'gravitational-geometric' alignment blocking out the sunlight or any such physical phenomenon, as presented in the video shared by Mudra.
    The Sun, as the central focus of the local star system as the focal star Rahsol will however experience a 'data upload' sometime on Friday, December 21st, 2012 and so 8 minutes following a metaphysical 'pole reversal' of the 4-dimensional space, which embeds the 3-dimensional space of the measurable and observable innermost geometrical 'center of gravity' and 'center of mass' of the extended planetary identity.
    This is physically defined as a 'Noosphere' or 'Akashic Bubble' in a metaphysical connotation for a astrophysical definition of a 'Lagrangian Hill Sphere', also embracing the 'consciousness evolution' of the Gaean history of so 4.6 billion years and extends like a cocoon to a distance of about 2 million kilometers from this planetary center. This 'Cosmic Ovum' so encompasses the physical presence and definition of the Moon as Earth's satellite and extends so 5% to the planet Venus, but does not engage any other physicalized object in the local star- or solar system, except in orbital intersections.

    The physicality of any 2012-event relates to the incoming gamma ray signal-wave from Sagittarius A*, aka the Black Hole-White Hole source-sink at the center of the Milky Way host galaxy, known as Hunab Ku, meaning 'The Source of all Movement and Measure' to the Mayans. The 'path' or journey of this galactic wave is called Kuxan Suum aka 'The Way to the Center of the Universe' by the Maya and describes the 'Street of the Rebuilding of the Temple' in particular scriptures (Daniel.9.24-27) and also the 'Journey Home' in certain 'channelings', say as represented by the 'The Voyage Home' Star Trek film of 1986.

    Dragons can read between the lines in this message and in the code of Armageddon = Dragon Made = 82=41+41 = Dream Maerd = Mad Dream 23 = Dream In Dam.

    thothbh. 14_(2). gaiaegg. phoenix11.

    2 Peter 3:9-11
    King James Version (KJV)

    9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
    10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
    11 Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,

    Revelation 3:2-4
    King James Version (KJV)

    2 Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God.
    3 Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.
    4 Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy.

    Revelation 16:14-16
    King James Version (KJV)

    14 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.
    15 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.
    16 And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.

    Q.E.F. mayancaledar. capz. mayanwheel-calendar. Q.E.D

    Q.E.F. = Quod Erat Faciendum.............Raven de Lion de Draconis de Thuban.............Quod Erat Demonstrandum = Q.E.D.​

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