The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

Discussion in 'The Thuban Legacy' started by admin, Oct 31, 2015.

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    • Post n°40
    Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    Raven on Mon Aug 27, 2012 2:28 am

    devakas wrote:

    with free fall miseries in high mental speculations self worshipers are in love in romance with their own intelect. there is no love to God.

    Intellect is a term used in studies of the human mind, and refers to the ability of the mind to come to correct conclusions about what is true or real, and about how to solve problems. Historically the term comes from the Greek philosophical term nous, which was translated into Latin as intellectus (derived from the verb intelligere) and into French (and then English) as intelligence.
    Devakas, do we spam your veda thread with ad hominem BS like the above? Is it possible for you to just read something without commenting such venom?
    And don't worry hon, the educational system is so broken that it has successfully dumbed down most of the human race. I will give you a quote that I feel is very relevant, especially in your case.
    Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.Albert Einstein, "Science, Philosophy and Religion: a Symposium", 1941 US (German-born) physicist (1879 - 1955)

    Namaste, Raven 511220748. 3562770023.
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    • Post n°41
    Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    Raven on Mon Aug 27, 2012 6:20 am

    The 13th Planet Dark Moon Lilith as the 'Hidden Nemesis of Wormwood Nibiru'
    and other NABS misidentifications

    A Deeper Look: Astrology Beyond the Traditional Planets

    Lilith - The Dark Moon

    (published in The Second Road newsletter, October 1998.)

    by Catt Foy

    copyright 1998, Catt Foy

    She is reputedly Adam's first wife, before Eve. She is known as a demoness, the killer of infants in their cradles. She is the original woman, who refused to be subjugated to a man's desires. Consort to both the devil and God himself, she is the enigmatic and mysterious Lilith.

    A little-known element in astrology charts, Lilith is known as the "dark Moon" and, as such, represents our "dark" or hidden emotional selves. According to Lois Daton, author of "Lilith, The Planet of the Doodler," the physical existence of Lilith was confirmed by the United States Weather Bureau in 1879. Lilith is the name used for two different celestial bodies - one is located in the asteroid belt and is not our subject here, the other is an invisible body orbiting the earth approximately three times farther away than the Moon, Luna. It is this Lilith which is of interest here.

    Lilith's placement in the chart is especially important to women, and represents the power of the original woman. In a man's chart, Lilith's placement will reveal the hidden power struggles or other issues he may have, resolved or unresolved, with the women in his life.

    Lilith was known to the Chaldean astrologers; the Egyptians called her Nephthys. The name Lilith is derived from the old Semitic word for night, "lel" or "lelath", in Arabic "laylah," which also means "ghost" or "spectre" in Hebrew. She is associated with the Death card in Tarot and with the goddesses Persephone, Hecate, Athena, Minerva. She is associated with the Owl, representing secrecy and wisdom, and she is frequently connected with cats.


    In Lilith astrology one can use three Lilith Moon’s. Black Moon Lilith, Asteroid Lilith and the lesser known Dark Moon Lilith. Together they work as a Triple Moon Goddess, which describes a process of transformation. The three Lilith’s are also useful in pinpointing which brand of Lilith energy is strongest in your chart and at which stage you may have the most issues with. After studying Eris in detail it is apparent to me that she is the higher octave of Lilith. Eris is the Uber-Dark Goddess and by combining her with the outer planets we can see how each corresponds quite neatly with three phases of the moon.

    To see the Lilith archetype in terms as a triple goddess makes total sense to me. After I wrote this post I discovered Demetria George had come up with a similar concept about Lilith. Comparing it to the bible story she says: ” The Asteroid Lilith describes the first stage in the mythical journey where she is suppressed, humiliated and flees in a fiery rage to the desolate wilderness. The Dark Moon Lilith depicts the pain of her exile where she plots and executes revenge. The Black Moon Lilith shows how she transmutes her distorted image back into its natural healthy expression” [1]


    [2:53:05 PM] Thubanis:

    The Astronomical Lilith

    The Moon travels along an elliptical path around the Earth. An ellipse has two focal points, and the other focal point, not occupied by the Earth has been called the Dark Moon, the Black Moon or Lilith. This is a slightly simplified definition, since, actually, the Moon and the Earth both move around their common centre of gravity, and the path of the Moon is not a neat el...lipse, but a rather wobbly affair. One must distinguish between the mean orbit of the Moon, which is a slowly elongating ellipse, and the actual orbit, which vaccilates around the mean path, due to interference of various kinds. Just as there a "mean" and a "true" Lunar Node, so there is a "mean" and a "true" ellipse and a "mean" and a "true" Lilith. I write "true" in inverted commas, because the Moon's Node is only "true" about twice per month, when the Moon is actually on it, for the rest of the time, it is as "untrue" as the mean Node. In fact, when working with a point so close to the Earth, one should also take the great parallax into consideration, i.e. consider, from which point on the Earth one is actually looking at a point in the heavens. Astrology observes the planets geocentrically, as if from the Earth's centre, and not topocentrically, from the actual place of the observer.

    Black Moon Lilith is the ultimate archetype in Dark Goddess Astrology. Her myth comes from Lilith, Adams first wife who refused to lay beneath him during the sexual act and otherwise.

    She chose to be exiled from paradise rather to submit to God. She is also the serpent who tempted Eve with the forbidden fruit (enlightenment/sex), which then banished both Adam & Eve from paradise also.

    There are many full versions of this myth on the net She can be said she represents the Witch archetype. Magic, the kundalini, occult knowledge, the taboo, owning your sovereignty, the shadow, dreams, psychic ability, goddess power and creativity that is not just about making babies.

    With Black Moon Lilith there are two points that you can place in the chart. The Mean and the True (or Osculating.) I used to think the True wasn't important until I saw it rising in the chart of Marilyn Monroe and then decided to look it up and see if it was relevant. Bear in mind you really need an accurate birthtime to use True Lilith as it wavers so much. Mean Lilith is best to use without a time. I like what Juan Antonio Revilla says about it here:

    "The Mean Apogee or Black Moon... It's movement is actually as round and regular as the hands of a clock and it is very easy to calculate. This roundness of its motion is not a good representative of the nocturnal and magic demoness Lilith; "he goes onto say. "The Osculating Apogee,... Some people reject it because it doesn't make any sense to them to have it swing as much as 30 degrees from the mean position and have abrupt and irregular changes of velocity and direction, but I think it is precisely this erratic behavior what makes it the best representative of the irrational, instinctive, and primal symbolism of Lilith."
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2016
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    • Post n°42
    Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    Raven on Tue Aug 28, 2012 6:02 am

    On Timelines, Nirvana and the Prophets

    [6:31:54 PM-Tuesday, August 28th, 2012 -(+10UCT)]
    Michael: see how often we have to edit our own messages?
    [6:47:09 PM] Michael: theres a difference between being a god or a dog or a demigod or a "human" or a whatever and being God... all beings are atman no being is paramatman but paramatman is all beings.
    [6:56:04 PM] Thubanis: I agree.
    [6:44:54 PM] Thubanis: And it is this which is over Xmas
    [6:45:03 PM] Thubanis: Job is done
    [6:45:29 PM] Thubanis: Because as McKenna and the 'looking glasses' say (well)
    [6:45:34 PM] Thubanis: The timeline ends
    [6:46:13 PM] Thubanis: I like McKenna, even though he denies the Logos in his justified dislike of religion's dogma
    [6:46:29 PM] Thubanis: The 'looking glass' could be disinfo
    [6:47:21 PM] Ishtara Raven: well the Indian philosophy is endemic, they are so ancient with it, its one huge ego trip, i mean it all derives from their silly caste makes me wonder how the hell people who consider themselves so enlightened can see themselves and their beliefs as superior to all else, it is a societal meme that is ingraned in them.
    [6:48:41 PM] Ishtara Raven: on the surface it smells of roses, until you logically disect its real nature, and deep down, all navel gazers have a hatred for life
    [6:49:11 PM] Ishtara Raven: they want to deny their very own existance
    [6:49:15 PM] Thubanis: You are taking it far, but yes I feel similar
    [6:49:15 PM] Ishtara Raven: what rubbish
    [6:49:30 PM] Thubanis: In the final analysis yes
    [6:49:59 PM] Thubanis: But they dont go that far and get trapped in their desire for nivana denying that they desire anything - idiots
    [6:50:04 PM] Thubanis: Hypocrites
    [6:50:08 PM] Ishtara Raven: exactly
    [6:50:40 PM] Ishtara Raven: but most are so caught up in all the glitter of this thing called 'nirvana' they cant see the train wreck at the end of it all
    [6:51:03 PM] Thubanis: Yes the creation ex nihilo stumps them
    [6:51:26 PM] Thubanis: WHO created Atman and those prahatman stuff they throw around
    [6:51:30 PM] Ishtara Raven: if the creator was so Xxxxxxxx blissful, why even create physical life at all
    [6:51:51 PM] Thubanis: It came either from nothing the nonexistent OR it existed always
    [6:52:25 PM] Thubanis: But eternal existence is impossible to create anything physical and so the Atman Brahman whatever must be AbbaBaab from the well defined 'creation ex nihilo' as an asymptotic one-directional timearrow of entropy
    [6:52:33 PM] Ishtara Raven: he could of just went on dreaming, what is the purpose, do they ask this?
    [6:52:49 PM] Thubanis: No just ask them to explain the above lol
    [6:53:23 PM] Thubanis: They cant, but then they go like Billy Ryan, saying that the universe is trillions of years old, like devakas and co
    [6:54:12 PM] Thubanis: I am sharing this
    [6:54:13 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes i think the orginal sages of old tapped into the truth but then it became distorted over many centuries, just like christianity today, the eastern beliefs all have a true core and beautiful similarities and creation stories
    [6:54:48 PM] Ishtara Raven: personal interpretation instead of divine
    [6:55:05 PM] Thubanis: Yes the basic buddhistic journeys are ok, but should be blended as the Occident with the Orient - east and west in harmony
    [6:55:40 PM] Thubanis: Lol Jesus knew of course with the sayings of the lights shining even unto the west
    [6:55:53 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes everyone is praying to the same God
    [6:56:04 PM] Ishtara Raven: all giving different names, flavors and colors
    [6:58:42 PM] Thubanis: Still like those tantra temples lol, something good from Brahman

    [7:00:13 PM] Ishtara Raven: Indeed, it is very interesting that one called Jesus can ignite so much debate and discussion over the milennia, no one ever really looks at this and asks why he is such a polar figure? But most people like other people to do their thinking for them, its so much easier when the Pope tells them, or a guru , or other 'relgious' authority figure. Fact of the matter is....the subject of Jesus himself, MAKES people think.

    [7:00:47 PM] Ishtara Raven: why is that?
    [7:00:57 PM] Ishtara Raven: well to us its a no brainer
    [7:01:02 PM] Thubanis: Yes and are Mohammed or Krishna or Gautama ridiculed and polarised like that? Think about it; evidence galore.
    [7:01:12 PM] Ishtara Raven: no
    [7:01:32 PM] Ishtara Raven: how can you critizise emptyness?
    [7:01:55 PM] Thubanis: Strange yes? The religion debunkers too dont seem to show much interest in debunking those other 'figure heads'
    [7:02:52 PM] Thubanis: Is Jesus more 'unique' than Krishna, Mohammed and Gautama and the Bab and Zoroaster then?
    [7:02:52 PM] Ishtara Raven: no they are tolerated

    [7:03:08 PM] Michael: the syllable OM in sanskrit is a representation of the vibration created from God's desire to be both one and many.. within all of us is God.. you so adamantly promote the Gospel of Thomas
    [7:03:27 PM] Michael: split a branch and you will find me
    [7:03:28 PM] Thubanis: Makes you wonder and shows you why the 'devils' knew Jesus as soon as he returned from the 'wilderness' to enter the temple at Jerusalem.
    [7:03:59 PM] Thubanis: But this is 'bible bashing' lol and 'cultish'
    [7:04:05 PM] Ishtara Raven: lol indeed
    [7:04:28 PM] Thubanis: And we know rather well now just where those 'devils' are today lol.

    [7:04:30 PM] Michael: you just dont understand the atma atman and paramatman
    [7:04:41 PM] Thubanis: See the implications?
    [7:04:43 PM] Michael: it is what the Gospel of Thomas speaks
    [7:05:29 PM] Ishtara Raven: [6:55 PM] Thubanis:
    [7:05:05 PM] Ishtara Raven: [7:03 PM] Michael:
    <<< the syllable OM in sanskrit is a representation of the vibration created from God's desire to be both one and many.. within all of us is God.. you so adamantly promote the Gospel of Thomas
    split a branch and you will find me
    you just dont understand the atma atman and paramatman

    [7:05:08] Ishtara Raven: we just dont understand lol
    [7:05:12 PM] Thubanis: BECAUSE the 'devils' know, they get so upset and disoriented.
    [7:05:31 PM] Thubanis: Right
    [7:05:47 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes and this is true power
    [7:05:54 PM] Ishtara Raven: we can witness it
    [7:06:04 PM] Thubanis: Indeed
    [7:06:09 PM] Ishtara Raven: no BS here

    [7:08:29 PM] Thubanis: Well I am pleased, that you understand the GOT Michael, indeed!
    [7:09:39 PM] Michael: I never claimed not to understand it
    [7:09:56 PM] Thubanis: Good for you!
    [7:10:15 PM] Thubanis: Be happy!
    [7:11:00 PM] Michael: Ive enjoyed it since I was probably 14 years old in this life I just enjoy lots of cultures

    [7:11:13 PM] Michael: and comments like this 6:47:21 PM]
    Ishtara Raven: well the Indian philosophy is endemic, they are so ancient with it, its one huge ego trip, i mean it all derives from their silly caste makes me wonder how the hell people who consider themselves so enlightened can see themselves and their beliefs as superior to all else, it is a societal meme that is ingrained in them.
    [7:11:44 PM] Michael: do not give proper respect to the diversity and complexity of Indian society
    [7:13:47 PM] Ishtara Raven: i have no respect for Societal memes, yep its true....but i do have respect for all PEOPLE, including the Indian people.

    [7:13:49 PM] Thubanis: It is very enlightened to create caste systems indeed
    [7:14:08 PM] Michael: we have caste systems in the west too
    [7:14:19 PM] Ishtara Raven: never said we didnt
    [7:14:29 PM] Thubanis: Brahmins on top and lepers at the bottom. Reminds me of Jesus' times.
    [7:15:16 PM] Thubanis: But Nirvana is for all lol, just not in the presence of the most enlightened.
    [7:15:32 PM] Ishtara Raven: lol
    [7:16:07 PM] Thubanis: And Jesus went there to learn the tricks of the hypocrisy trades from the gurus
    [7:16:39 PM] Thubanis: Why he went to the lepers in Judea
    [7:19:09 PM] Michael: He was sincere in his desire to help the world
    [7:19:35 PM] Michael: he didnt understand it and no one really does
    [7:20:07 PM] Thubanis: Oh no Jesus did not understand what he said in the gospels and the GOT
    [7:20:46 PM] Michael: he made a lot of mistakes
    [7:20:47 PM] Thubanis: He opinionated and improvised
    [7:21:02 PM] Thubanis: Lots and lots
    [7:21:21 PM] Thubanis: It is even surprising he is even remembered by historians
    [7:21:23 PM] Michael: he did however... what he was suppposed to do
    [7:21:49 PM] Thubanis: Because hundreds were murdered by the Romans every month in those times
    [7:21:52 PM] Michael: its somewhat of a paradox
    [7:22:19 PM] Thubanis: A typical catch 22
    [7:23:24 PM] Thubanis: Whoever supposed Jesus to do what he did, might have had a plan or something
    [7:23:53 PM] Ishtara Raven: There was a plan?
    [7:24:13 PM] Thubanis: Well if Jesus did what he was supposed to do Raven
    [7:24:33 PM] Ishtara Raven: right
    [7:24:54 PM] Thubanis: Jesus must have been 'sent' or ordered or asked or he must have KNOWN this himself see that?
    [7:24:57 PM] Michael: he showed that theres more to life than the physical world
    [7:25:18 PM] Ishtara Raven: indeed
    [7:25:57 PM] Thubanis: Many socalled dreamers and 'back to nature' peoples are doing just that; never mind so called 'spiritual peoples'
    [7:26:20 PM] Thubanis: The most enlightened ones are the best equipped
    [7:27:12 PM] Thubanis: They might have been to the tantra temples to get even better equipped
    [7:28:04 PM] Thubanis: A bit of Maya there with all this illusion of the physical
    [7:28:43 PM] Thubanis: Perhaps the Indian constructeurs forgot their vedantic mandalas for a day or two
    [7:28:55 PM] Michael: what does the mother of Buddha have to do with the illusion of the physical?
    [7:29:22 PM] Thubanis: Every Mother incarnate has a Buddha Son
    [7:29:39 PM] Thubanis: And human births could just be physical

    [7:30:56 PM] Michael: theres a lot in the meanings of names
    [7:31:07 PM] Michael: and the roles
    [7:31:16 PM] Michael: Maya being the mother was no coincidence
    [7:31:44 PM] Thubanis: Maia the Pleiadean is a sexy chick and stargoddess indeed
    [7:32:26 PM] Thubanis: She is on one of the tantra temples, naked and having fun and pleasures

    [7:33:47 PM] Thubanis: This convo should be placed on Devakas thread Raven
    [7:33:56 PM] Thubanis: It would make her day
    [7:34:17 PM] Ishtara Raven: oh god
    [7:34:18 PM] Thubanis: Lol I am thinking about it. She spammed Thuban
    [7:34:20 PM] Ishtara Raven: haha
    [7:34:33 PM] Thubanis: Will Devakas complain to Carol?
    [7:34:34 PM] Ishtara Raven: again?
    [7:34:39 PM] Thubanis: Nono, I mean on principle
    [7:34:53 PM] Thubanis: Or on the Devil thread of magamud
    [7:35:12 PM] Thubanis: Or on Thuban
    [7:35:21 PM] Thubanis: What do you think?
    [7:35:30 PM] Ishtara Raven: what does the devil say?
    [7:35:49 PM] Thubanis: Devakas spams magamud, well did for a few weeks
    [7:36:02 PM] Ishtara Raven: sure why not
    [7:36:26 PM] Thubanis: Thuban thread would be best, but would not have the impact

    [7:39:19 PM] Michael: all Im saying is... the wisdom in the gospel of Thomas and the wisdom of the India is the same wisdom
    [7:40:10 PM] Ishtara Raven:
    <<< [6:55:53 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes everyone is praying to the same God

    [7:40:50 PM] Thubanis: Nice statement to end this convo Michael, thank you for it
    [7:43:39 PM] Ishtara Raven: and it is NOT the same lol; same god but not same wisdom
    [7:44:14 PM] Michael: in a sense it is
    [7:45:35 PM] Michael: or should I say in essence it is
    [7:47:08 PM] Ishtara Raven: well i am going to say goodnight Michael
    [7:47:14 PM] Ishtara Raven: sweet dreams all
    [7:47:45 PM] Ishtara Raven: [​IMG]: [​IMG] [​IMG]:
    [7:48:32 PM] Ishtara Raven: Thank you for your participation dear
    [7:49:41 PM] Michael: sweet dreams to you [​IMG] I think I will have to write something for you that links the wisdom of India with the gospel of Thomas... I certainly wont keep you awake any longer :)
    [7:50:17 PM] Michael: or myself for that matter its even later here
    [7:51:09 PM] Ishtara Raven: well i know what your saying and while on somethings we may disagree, I know we are speaking along familar lines, so its all good
    [7:52:55 PM] Michael: Im not sure we disagree Im just not sure you are as familiar with indian culture as I am.. I do understand that there is a lot of diversity in indian culture... as there is in western civilization... there are so many branches of christianity and very many branches of hinduism and buddhism/jainism

    [7:54:54 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes and likewise i think you misunderstand what i mean by meme and thought constructs in general. i am not critizing the Indian people themselves, or their culture, just the memes that grip them and the whole world, the ones that cause division and hate you know, i am not here to throw stones, only shed light.
    [7:55:18 PM] Ishtara Raven: Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.
    Albert Einstein
    [7:55:22 PM] Ishtara Raven: one of my favorites
    [7:55:27 PM] Michael: I am not sure what meme means to be honest
    [7:56:05 PM] Ishtara Raven: oh dear, well thats another whole discussion and i really need to go to bed. perhaps Tony will elaborate or we save that for another day.
    [7:56:13 PM] Michael: Ill google it lol
    [7:56:21 PM] Ishtara Raven: hehe go for it
    [7:56:36 PM] Ishtara Raven: we have an entire thread on spruz dedicated to it called the war of the memes
    [7:56:46 PM] Ishtara Raven: good read, if you like reading
    [7:56:54 PM] Michael: but yeah I know what you mean about the divisions whatnot
    [7:56:57 PM] Ishtara Raven: for most its all TLTR too long to read
    [7:59:14 PM] Ishtara Raven: here its on gaia too, i cant get spruz to load atm, my ram is full apparently
    [7:59:26 PM] Ishtara Raven: goodnight
    [7:59:33 PM] Michael: goodnight [​IMG]
    [8:03:18 PM] Thubanis:
    Michael Toldnes - JT!

    RavenLion [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] DragonHeart
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    • Post n°43
    Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    Raven on Thu Aug 30, 2012 4:17 pm

    empty. Re: CONTACT

    empty. Didymos Yesterday at 5:48 pm
    Floyd wrote: More Niburu nonsense to consider for those worried about a non existent planet heading for earth.

    If its a 'large body' you are looking for head down to your local MacDonalds and you will find plenty there.

    Orbits and Gravity
    Planet X is claimed to be on an orbit that brings it close to the Sun every 3600 years. Now, if we assume that this orbit obeys the laws of gravity, then we can calculate its distance at any given time. This depends on the math of gravity, which is pretty well understood.

    However, the equations used to figure distance based on orbital velocity are not simple, but I used the method as described by Dr. Joseph Gallant, Assistant Professor of Physics at Kent State University, which allows for plug-and-chug solutions. I find that in one year, Planet X must be about 900 million kilometers away from the Earth, give or take a hundred million. This is much closer to Earth than Saturn, and just a bit farther than Jupiter!
    [Note (added July 27, 2002): A small Oops here; when I did this calculation originally, I did it incorrectly, and got a distance too small by about a factor of two (I originally said 550 million kilometers). I have been more careful and got this new number.]

    I have written up detailed notes on how I arrived at this figure: what assumptions I made and how I calculated it. They are on the "Planet X and Orbit Math page. There is a fair bit of math there, but hopefully I have made it clear what I did and why I did it.

    So, Planet X was roughly the same distance to us a Saturn in May 2002, it should have been at least as bright as Saturn and getting brighter by the minute. Saturn is one of the brightest objects in the sky. We see nothing like this, so again I conclude Planet X does not exist.

    Of course, Mr. Hazlewood claims that we do not understand gravity, but that's completely incorrect. We understand gravity well enough to calculate orbits for comets and asteroids and send probes to other planets. If Planet X doesn't obey the laws of gravity as we know them, then it's magic, and then he's wrong anyway.

    Nice find Floyd.

    Here are some 'easy to watch' additions to Phil Plait's critique, which you might appreciate.
    Thubanis might add some more detailed maths regarding the 'eccentricity' of 'Nibiru's' orbital dynamics. If he does, i will add it here.

    From thubanis:

    The Centripetal force for an orbiting body dynamically moving in a gravitational field is given as Newton's famous:

    Fcentripetal = massxacceleration = ma = mv2/r​

    and must be balanced by the gravitational force between mass m and the 'force centre', which in a starsystem is of course the central sun of mass M.
    We term the mass m the mass of Nibiru (or any other planet or orbiting body) and the mass M the mass of the Sun in Newton's gravitational law:

    and where r is the distance between Nibiru and the Sun at any time of the orbit.

    mv2/r=GmM/r2... for ... ½mv2 = ½GmM/r​

    This is a case of the 'Virial Theorem':

    400px-ellipse_properties_of_directrix_and_string_construction_svg. 300px-elps-slr_svg.

    Nibiru and the Sun now form a 'closed' interacting dynamical system and elementary conservation laws of energy and momentum (both linear and angular) are preserved in such a system. As the Sun remains relatively at rest relative to Nibiru, the kinetic energy of the system can be approximated to derive from Nibiru (or the orbiting body) alone.

    The Total Energy is Kinetic Energy:

    plus Gravitational Potential Energy:

    for a 'combined mass' system given by the 'reduced mass', acting on the center of gravity between the two masses':
    mreduced = mM/(m+M)​

    The Total Energy E so is:

    But 2KE=GPE in the Virial Theorem:
    ½mv2 = ½GmM/r ...for... E = ½GmM/r-GmM/r = -½GmM/r​

    And for circular and elliptical orbits the distance between m and M is maximised as the major axis '2a' between Aphelion (furthest distance from the Sun say as Apoapsis) and Perihelion (closest approach to the central mass M as Periapsis) for a semimajor orbital axis coordinate 'a'.

    E = -½GmM/a = ½(mM/[m+M])v2 - GmM/r​

    This defines the velocity of Nibiru in its orbit around the sun:

    v2 = 2G(m+M)/r - G(m+M)/a = 2G(m+M){1/r - 1/2a}

    But Velocity=Displacement/Time = v=dx/dt for:

    v(r) = v=dx/dt = √(2G[m+M]).√(1/r - 1/2a) = √(G[m+M]/a).√(2a/r - 1)

    vperihelion = √{(1+e)G(M+m)/(1-e)a} maximum velocity...with... rperihelion = a(1-e)=a-ae ~ 0 for e close to 1
    vaphelion = √{((1-e)G(M+m)/(1+e)a} minimum velocity...with... raphelion = a(1+e)=a+ae ~ 2a for e close to 1

    Eccentricity e = (raphelion-rperihelion)/(raphelion+rperihelion) = √{1-[b/a]2}

    For a minimum distance of Nibiru at Perihelion of 1 AU = 1.5x1011 meters, the eccentricity computes as:...e=1-rperihelion/a =0.996
    rperihelion = a(1-e) = 1.5x1011 meters for a maximum velocity:...vperihelion = √{(1+e)G(M+m)/(1-e)a}~42,190 m/s or 151,884 km/hour.
    raphelion = a(1+e) = 7.025x1013 meters for a minimum velocity:...vaphelion = √{(1-e)G(M+m)/(1+e)a}~87 m/s or 314 km/hour.
    a=½(raphelion+rperihelion)=3.52x1013 meters...and...b=√{raphelion.rperihelion)=2.298x1012 meters​

    The Gravitational Acceleration of Nibiru must be the centrally directed force interaction:

    agrav = dv/dt = (dv/dr).(dr/dt)= (dv/dr).v = d{½v2}/dr = d{½.2G(m+M)(2a/r-1)/a}/dr = (G(m+M)/a).d{2a/r-1}/dr = {G(m+M)/a}.{-2a/2r2} = -G(m+M)/r2 required.

    agrav = dv/dt = -G(m+M)/r2

    dv/dr = √(G[m+M]/a).{-a/(r2√(2a/r - 1)) = -√(G[m+M]a).√(r/(2a-r)/r2

    Which becomes the differential equation for the distance x of Nibiru at a time t:

    dx = dr = √(2G[m+M])√(1/r - 1/2a)dt ...and corollarily... dt = √{(2ar/(2a-r)}/√(2G[m+M]) dr

    for displacement coordinates between x=0 and x=2a; that is the 'hitting' of the Sun (or the earth) within a distance r=1 AU=150 billion kilometres or 1.5x1011 meters and the maximum distance at Perihelion at twice the semimajor axis 2a= 471 AU or so 71 billion kilometers or 44 billion miles.

    Integrating this for the displacement x of Nibiru from the Sun as the central focus at a time t:

    t(x) = t(r) = ∫dx = ∫dr = 1/√(2G[m+M])∫√{(2ar/(2a-r)} dr

    To evaluate this integral some more engaging mathematical concepts, definitions and derivations, requiring some algebraic manipulations, are applied. I show this for the mathematically familiar in a quote:

    1. We change the surdic formula {√Box}=√(2ax/(2a-x) into a form of {1/√Box}, because the derivative of d{√Box}/dx=(d(Box)/dx)/(2√Box)


    Because the surdic quadratic form f(x)=4a2x-2ax2 has derivative f'(x)=4a2-4ax , we rewrite the numerator (2ax) = -½(4a2-4ax) + 2a2

    Since d{√(4a2x-2ax2)}/dx =-½(4a2-4ax)/√(4a2x-2ax2), the integral equation then reads:

    t(r) = ∫dr = √(4a2r-2ar2)/√(2G[m+M]) + (1/√(2G[m+M])∫2a2/√(4a2r-2ar2)dr

    2. The second part of the integral engages the inverse trigonometric functions as integral solutions and we complete the square of the denominator to obtain a usable integrable form:
    from x=asiny with inverse y=arcsin(x/a) and dx/dy=acosy and (acosy)2+(asiny)2=a2 for dy/dx=1/acosy=1/√(a2-(asiny)2)=1/√(a2-x2)

    2a2/√(4a2x-2ax2) = 2a2/√{2a(a2-[x-a]2)} = √(2a3)/√{(a2-[x-a]2}

    The integral equation, evaluated in the integration limits from r=R to r=0, now becomes:

    t(r) = ∫dr = √(4a2r-2ar2)/√(2G[m+M]) + {√(2a3)/√(2G[m+M])}{arcsin[(r-a)/a]}
    = √(4a2R-2aR2)/√(2G[m+M]) + √{a3/G[m+M]}{arcsin[(R-a)/a] - arcsin(-1)} = √(4a2R-2aR2)/√(2G[m+M]) + √{a3/G[m+M]}{arcsin[(R-a)/a] + π/2}

    t(R) = √(4a2R-2aR2)/√(2G[m+M]) + √{a3/G[m+M]}{arcsin[(R-a)/a] + π/2}

    For any given distance R of Nibiru from the Sun, the time t for this displacement can then be calculated.
    As arcsinx is defined in a domain for x from -90° at Perihelion for R=0 to +90° at Aphelion for R=2a for a counterclockwise semiorbit from maximum apehelion to minimum Perihelion; we indicate these extreme values with an intermediate value when R=a and so when Nibiru would be at a distance of its own orbital semimajor axis from the sun. This path then takes a combined semiperiod of 1800 years from R=-1800 years at apehelion and R=0 years at Perihelion for the arcsin values of +90°=π/2 radians and -90°=-π/2 radians respectively. The value at 0°=0 radians then defines a timeframe within this 1800 year half cycle measured from Perihelion say, as the minimum time coordinate at t=0 at Perihelion for R=0.
    R cannot be 0 in the orbital equations however, as the displacement at Perihelion is rperihelion=a(1-e), which requires the elliptical orbit to become circular for e=1. The Perihelion then maximises the eccentricity for the values of R. The timevalue t=0, so at R=0 is arbitrary and can be assigned at any R-coordinate in the orbit in relation to the arclength travelled.
    The mass m of Nibiru can be neglected in this formulation, because M+m=1030+m with m much smaller than M.

    a) R=a with the arcsin{(a-a)/a}+π/2=arcsin{0}+π/2=0+π/2=π/2, and
    t(R=a) = √(4a3-2a3)/√(2GM]) + π/2√(a3/GM) = √(a3)/GM){1+π/2} = {√(4.36x1040/1.33x1020){2.57}=1.81x1010x2.57~4.65x1010 seconds or so 1475 'civil' years in the past at so 537 AD.

    For a value of R=a/2 one calculates t(R=a/2) = √{3a3/4GM} + √(a3/GM).(π/2-½)~(1.57x1010)x(1.07)~=1.68x1010 seconds or so 532 years in the past, near say 2012-532=1480 AD.

    If Nibiru is destined to intersect the 1 AU scale in 2012, then Nibiru was 234.7/2=117.4 AU or so 17.6 billion kilometers from the Sun's position about 532 years ago and around the year 1480, when the Renaissance began in the European 'Old World' and when the 'Age of Science' 'enlightened' the 'Dark Middle Ages' of superstition and ignorance with names like Michelangelo, Boticelli, Leonardo da Vinci and Christopher Columbus.

    b) R=2a at the maximum distance from the Sun and with the arcsin{(2a-a)/a}+π/2=arcsin{1}+π/2=π/2+π/2=π, then the time t(R=2a) = √(8a3-8a3)/√(2GM) + {√(a3/GM)}x{π} = 0+π{√(a3/GM)}={π}{1.81x1010}~5.68x1010 seconds or 18000 years in the past as required for the Aphelion boundary condition for the integral equation.
    Remember, that the velocity of Nibiru changes in slowing down in the transversing of Aphelion and speeds up in the transversion of the Perihelion. So it takes longer to travel from Aphelion to the midpoint of the elliptical orbit as a quarter of the total path, then it does to travel from this midpoint to the Perihelion, namely at an R=R* coordinate for which t(R*)=-900 as 900 years in the past.

    c) R=0~1AU with the arcsin{(1AU-a)/a}+π/2~arcsin{-0.995}+π/2~π(0.5-0.468)~0.032 for the hypothesized approach of 1 AU or r=1.5x1011 meters; the time in seconds is:
    t(1AU) = √{[4(1.24x1027)(1.5x1011) - 2(3.52x1013)(2.25x1022)]/2.67x1020} + (0.032){√(a3/GM)}~1.67x109 + 0.58x109~2.25x109 seconds or 71.3 years in the past.

    This then shows, that Nibiru would have been the same distance as Earth from the Sun already about 71 years ago in the year 1941 and would have approached ever closer to its Perihelion position from 1941 to 2012.

    400px-ellipse_properties_of_directrix_and_string_construction_svg. 300px-elps-slr_svg.

    Kepler's Second Law becomes:

    For Linear Momentum p=mv the Angular momentum (vector) h=rxv=L/m corresponds as L=mr2ω=mrv=Iω with ω=v/r=2π/T and I=Σmr2=Moment of Inertia

    The Area for a Circle in y2/r2+x2/r2=1 as A=πr2 corresponds in x2/a2+y2/b2=1 as A=πab

    dA=½r.rdθ=½r2ω.dt for dA/dt=½r2ω =πab/T=Orbital Perimeter/Period


    Kepler's 3rd Law becomes:

    For tangential linear velocity: v=ωr=2πr/T; angular velocity ω=v/r=2πf=2π/T with frequency f=1/Period=1/T


    GmM/r2 = mv2/r ...for...GM/r = v2 ...for... v=perimeter/period=2πr/T ...for... GM/r = 4π2r2/T2...for...T2 = 4π2r2r/GM

    T2/a3 =4π2/GM

    Nibiru's period T=3600 years and the Sun's mass is 2x1030 kg with Newton's 'G' = 6.7x10-11 m3/(kg.s2)

    a3=GMT2/4π2=4.36x1040 meters, using 3600 years = 3600x365.2425x24x3600=1.1x1011 seconds for unitary consistency.

    a = {4.4x1040} meters = 3.52x1013 meters =(3.52x1013)/(1.5x1011) meters = 234.7 AU for a Perihelion-Apehelion scale of 2a=469.4 AU or about 70.4 Billion kilometers

    The Nibiru identification of 3600 years could very well be a created and fostered and 'appreciatedly tolerated New Age joke of deception' from the 'ptb' in using a concept of 'a second for a year' in the proportionality of 3600 seconds to the hour in a mimicry to the prophetic encoding of the 'day for a year' principle enciphered in the Book of Ezekiel, chapter 4. One might recall the reference in Ezekiel.1 to the 'chariots from the heavens' at the river Chebar, also often associated with the 'ancient Hindu flying machines' or vimanas and other such 'vessels from the skies', also used by the disinformers and 'artiste's de NABS' to mindconfuse their gullible audiences.

    These 2 videos represent a classical manner as to how the 'alternative readers' are misled by the 'ptb', one might simply call a 'Federation of the Feds'. I highly recommend anyone to take the time to watch those 2 videos and then to REALLY and deeply think about the proposed 'truth' of this information. Feel free to share our discussion on this Raven. It might be ok on Floyd's threads or Thuban. Those videos and their 'proposed' realism form a backbone for the 'ptb' deception, which began after World War II with the transfer of the European 'feds' to the 'New Worlds'.


    [5:05:01 AM-Friday, August 31st, 2012 - (+10UCT)]


    [4:38:19 AM] Ishtara Raven: ok i have watched the first video and your correct, this is absolutely a disinfo campaign by the ptb. At about half way through the video it gets rediculious. And its the same rehash events proposed by the NABS community for some time. Old world Empire shit and cosmic wars blah blah, prison planet, blah blah.
    [4:41:05 AM] Ishtara Raven: just incredibly stupid stuff lol. i was a bit intrigued at first then as the Domain descriptions and Old world Empire stuff came in I immediately realised this is bogus crap, not written in 1947 by some nurse, no way.
    [4:54:14 AM] Ishtara Raven: she uses the word pervert a lot, so written by someone who obviously has experienced abuse. Also in one passage the alien calls the earth 'ghetto'. She says the closest aproximation you could come if you searched every planet in the universe to 'HELL' woud be earth.
    [4:54:54 AM] Ishtara Raven: not so sure the word ghetto is of the times in 1947, it is a heavily over used word today amongst the youth.
    [4:55:33 AM] Ishtara Raven: so yeah total BS
    [5:05:39 AM] Thubanis: Indeed and I have indicated this here.
    [5:05:54 AM] Thubanis: This is a power post took me all day to really debunk Nibiru
    [5:06:00 AM] Thubanis:
    [5:06:13 AM] Thubanis: I mean I had to do a lot of astrophysics maths
    [5:06:23 AM] Ishtara Raven: yeah i was just looking now
    [5:06:30 AM] Thubanis: I am exhausted lol
    [5:06:38 AM] Ishtara Raven: yeah this book and videos are such a crock of shit
    [5:07:22 AM] Thubanis: Well it is a classic because it mixes up a reasonable history and metaphysics about origins with military BS and brainwashings
    [5:07:48 AM] Thubanis: See that it conveniently skipped all time references between say 500 BC and 1000 AD
    [5:07:50 AM] Ishtara Raven: so you know what that means Tony, according to the alien...there are no saints, just hypnotic traps controlling us. So we are a redundant Moses, Akhenaten program lol
    [5:08:00 AM] Ishtara Raven: oh yeah
    [5:08:06 AM] Thubanis: Oh yes
    [5:08:38 AM] Thubanis: I commented on this thread about the importance of this. It 'explains' the NABS rather good
    [5:09:00 AM] Ishtara Raven: whoever wrote this tried to make it sound like it was written in 1947, but they screwed up so much its a decerning reader of course.
    [5:09:20 AM] Thubanis: If floyd does not mind we can say more there, but it is perhaps a little off topic
    [5:09:42 AM] Thubanis: Of course, but not many can discern this stuff
    [5:10:05 AM] Ishtara Raven: no, 'brainwashed' by the incessant lies and Nabs bs
    [5:10:20 AM] Ishtara Raven: this stuff is truly satanic
    [5:10:24 AM] Ishtara Raven: evil to the core
    [5:10:39 AM] Thubanis: You did not see part 2 yet?
    [5:10:46 AM] Thubanis: I only watched part 2
    [5:10:53 AM] Ishtara Raven: no i just started it, i finished part one
    [5:11:05 AM] Ishtara Raven: it has to be similarly stupid
    [5:11:10 AM] Thubanis: Watch it nevertheless, then you see this even better
    [5:11:22 AM] Ishtara Raven: did you watch part 1?
    [5:11:22 AM] Thubanis: Some nice pics lol
    [5:11:42 AM] Ishtara Raven: listening to this guys voice is obnoxious as hell too lol
    [5:11:48 AM] Thubanis: I was busy doing maths, calculating the Nibiru equations
    Ishtara Raven
    [5:14:49 AM] Thubanis: [5:12:17 AM] Ishtara Raven: well i imagine your pretty exhausted
    [5:13:16 AM] Thubanis: See the maths? A kind of course in applied calculus for you
    [5:13:41 AM] Ishtara Raven: no i just was looking at it when i came back into skype because i saw you were typing, but i will look
    [5:14:01 AM] Thubanis: Not hard but subject to detail; I made an error in overlooking the integration constant lol
    [5:14:16 AM] Thubanis: So I had to edit a bit[
    5:16:28 PM-Saturday, September 1st, 2012 -(+10UCT)]
    Ishtara Raven: well i watched that whole 2 part video lol, it was horrible
    [5:16:38 PM] Thubanis: Yes but rather informative
    [5:16:41 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes its ok dear, i understand
    [5:16:49 PM] Thubanis: As to how the new agers are deceived
    [5:17:31 PM] Thubanis: You saw the inner contradictions that this alien agenda is very human control based
    [5:17:34 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah like carol believing that just because that 'guru' was levitating it makes it real vs a magician like chris isack
    [5:18:13 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes the ptb really have people brain washed
    [5:18:25 PM] Thubanis: In a very devious manner as you saw
    [5:18:41 PM] Thubanis: Pushing thheir own control agendas in stating the opposite see
    [5:19:06 PM] Ishtara Raven: i mean come on, how could anyone take that alien interview serious? its a joke, but i know there are lots of people out there who do, and take it dead serious
    [5:19:12 PM] Thubanis: 'If you wanna be free' escape the prison
    [5:19:16 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes
    [5:19:20 PM] Thubanis: And yet the prison is real from them
    [5:19:22 PM] Ishtara Raven: its evil to the core
    [5:19:41 PM] Thubanis: Not made by new agers raven
    [5:19:56 PM] Thubanis: See how they omitted all things Jesus?
    [5:19:57 PM] Ishtara Raven: david icke pushes the same agenda too, calls earth a prison planet
    [5:20:01 PM] Ishtara Raven: never mentioned him
    [5:20:09 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes, i noticed
    [5:20:32 PM] Thubanis: Yes they stopped with Cyrus who was the christ symbol, so you can see that whoever made this knows
    [5:20:56 PM] Thubanis: This showed me, that the authors know the bible and the GOT
    [5:21:04 PM] Ishtara Raven: you bet they do
    [5:21:18 PM] Thubanis: Why your evil label is appropriate
    [5:21:23 PM] Ishtara Raven: and enough to twist the history into a highly fabricated tale
    [5:21:29 PM] Thubanis: Exactly
    [5:22:13 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah like about 2 years ago this book was being advertised heavily
    [5:22:37 PM] Thubanis: Using newspaper articles makes it appear genuine see?
    [5:22:49 PM] Ishtara Raven: i saw some ad on FB for it or somewhere and followed it and read like 10 mins of it and lost interest
    [5:23:12 PM] Ishtara Raven: oh yeah its very deceptive as are much of the new age crap out there
    [5:24:16 PM] Thubanis: My point is, that from a 'source material' such as this many many you tube stories and videos spawn and this then is the NABS infiltration of a partially correct ET-human agenda and purposeful histories
    [5:24:31 PM] Ishtara Raven: what struck me to the core was the 'bodiless' agenda and heavily eastern influence the author was trying to convey through the guise of a real ET, the Domain giving mankind the vedas.....come on.
    [5:25:23 PM] Thubanis: Indeed and on MOA you can see what a powerful memeplex the eastern mysticism has become as a NABS core
    [5:25:47 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes and this is my point exactly, many people already feel the vedas were ET inspired and why there are so many followers, it totally fits the NABs person who is influenced by them, like Michael for instance
    [5:26:18 PM] Ishtara Raven: oh not just MOA
    [5:26:26 PM] Ishtara Raven: FB is flooded with it
    [5:27:13 PM] Ishtara Raven: i had to turn off a few peoples news feeds because they post every 5 seconds on the shit, couldnt see anyone elses posts

    [5:16:28 PM-Saturday, September 1st, 2012 -(+10UCT)]
    Ishtara Raven: well i watched that whole 2 part video lol, it was horrible
    [5:16:38 PM] Thubanis: Yes but rather informative
    [5:16:41 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes its ok dear, i understand
    [5:16:49 PM] Thubanis: As to how the new agers are deceived
    [5:17:31 PM] Thubanis: You saw the inner contradictions that this alien agenda is very human control based
    [5:17:34 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah like carol believing that just because that 'guru' was levitating it makes it real vs a magician like chris isack
    [5:18:13 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes the ptb really have people brain washed
    [5:18:25 PM] Thubanis: In a very devious manner as you saw
    [5:18:41 PM] Thubanis: Pushing thheir own control agendas in stating the opposite see
    [5:19:06 PM] Ishtara Raven: i mean come on, how could anyone take that alien interview serious? its a joke, but i know there are lots of people out there who do, and take it dead serious
    [5:19:12 PM] Thubanis: 'If you wanna be free' escape the prison
    [5:19:16 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes
    [5:19:20 PM] Thubanis: And yet the prison is real from them
    [5:19:22 PM] Ishtara Raven: its evil to the core
    [5:19:41 PM] Thubanis: Not made by new agers raven
    [5:19:56 PM] Thubanis: See how they omitted all things Jesus?
    [5:19:57 PM] Ishtara Raven: david icke pushes the same agenda too, calls earth a prison planet
    [5:20:01 PM] Ishtara Raven: never mentioned him
    [5:20:09 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes, i noticed
    [5:20:32 PM] Thubanis: Yes they stopped with Cyrus who was the christ symbol, so you can see that whoever made this knows
    [5:20:56 PM] Thubanis: This showed me, that the authors know the bible and the GOT
    [5:21:04 PM] Ishtara Raven: you bet they do
    [5:21:18 PM] Thubanis: Why your evil label is appropriate
    [5:21:23 PM] Ishtara Raven: and enough to twist the history into a highly fabricated tale
    [5:21:29 PM] Thubanis: Exactly
    [5:22:13 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah like about 2 years ago this book was being advertised heavily
    [5:22:37 PM] Thubanis: Using newspaper articles makes it appear genuine see?
    [5:22:49 PM] Ishtara Raven: i saw some ad on FB for it or somewhere and followed it and read like 10 mins of it and lost interest
    [5:23:12 PM] Ishtara Raven: oh yeah its very deceptive as are much of the new age crap out there
    [5:24:16 PM] Thubanis: My point is, that from a 'source material' such as this many many you tube stories and videos spawn and this then is the NABS infiltration of a partially correct ET-human agenda and purposeful histories
    [5:24:31 PM] Ishtara Raven: what struck me to the core was the 'bodiless' agenda and heavily eastern influence the author was trying to convey through the guise of a real ET, the Domain giving mankind the vedas.....come on.
    [5:25:23 PM] Thubanis: Indeed and on MOA you can see what a powerful memeplex the eastern mysticism has become as a NABS core
    [5:25:47 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes and this is my point exactly, many people already feel the vedas were ET inspired and why there are so many followers, it totally fits the NABs person who is influenced by them, like Michael for instance
    [5:26:18 PM] Ishtara Raven: oh not just MOA
    [5:26:26 PM] Ishtara Raven: FB is flooded with it
    [5:27:13 PM] Ishtara Raven: i had to turn off a few peoples news feeds because they post every 5 seconds on the XXXX, couldnt see anyone elses posts

    Raven Lionheart icon_study. [​IMG][​IMG]
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    • Post n°44
    Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    Ashera on Thu Aug 30, 2012 6:24 pm

    Raven wrote:

    devakas wrote:with free fall miseries in high mental speculations self worshipers are in love in romance with their own intelect. there is no love to God.

    Intellect is a term used in studies of the human mind, and refers to the ability of the mind to come to correct conclusions about what is true or real, and about how to solve problems. Historically the term comes from the Greek philosophical term nous, which was translated into Latin as intellectus (derived from the verb intelligere) and into French (and then English) as intelligence.
    Devakas, do we spam your veda thread with ad hominem BS like the above? Is it possible for you to just read something without commenting such venom?
    And don't worry hon, the educational system is so broken that it has successfully dumbed down most of the human race. I will give you a quote that I feel is very relevant, especially in your case.
    Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.Albert Einstein, "Science, Philosophy and Religion: a Symposium", 1941 US (German-born) physicist (1879 - 1955)
    Namaste, Raven 511220748. 3562770023.

    Intellect has nothing to do with intelligence... do not corrupt the terms here...
    What you are aiming at is all too obvious..
    Look to what it can lead:

    Critique of the German Intelligentsia

    Luther >> Bismarck >> Hitler; cp. Hugo Ball Rome >> Augustine >> Luther << 0 >> Kingdom of Ararat >> Pontifeces Maximi <<
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    • Post n°45
    Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    Raven on Sat Sep 01, 2012 6:57 am

    August 2nd, 2012 with August 17th with August 31st, 2012
    Friday, Aug 02, 2012 at 03:28 UCT full in Leo Sun and Aquarius Moon
    Saturday, Aug 17, 2012 at 15:54 UCT new in Leo Sun and Leo Moon
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    empty. Re: Aquaries1111 Corner

    Aquaries1111 Yesterday at 11:14 pm



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    August 2nd, 2012 with August 17th with August 31st, 2012
    Friday, Aug 02, 2012 at 03:28 UCT full in Leo Sun and Aquarius Moon
    Saturday, Aug 17, 2012 at 15:54 UCT new in Leo Sun and Leo Moon
    Saturday, Aug 31, 2012 at 13:58 UCT full in Virgo Sun and Pisces Moon

    Post n°569
    [​IMG] Re: The Music Lounge
    [​IMG] Aquaries1111 Yesterday at 10:17 pm
    Venus Lucifera Aphrodite de Taurus May 16th, 1922 - March 24th, 1995 - September 1st, 2012

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    • Post n°47

    empty. Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    empty. Raven on Sun Sep 02, 2012 1:08 am


    The Council of Thuban by Serafina

    Finis Hominis Incere Hominidae Draconis Astrum!

    "Humanity has ended, enter the Starhumanity of Dragons!"

    metamorphosis. sphinx. papillondog.
    As of 24Jun2008, an old Humanity has entered its Cocoon to begin its Metamorphosis into a new Starhuman Papillon or Butterfly-DOG and as GOD's (Primal Source) 'Best Friend'.

    Old 'Caterpillar' Humanity is required to grow Wings, to transform its nature from a 'verocious' annihilator of its environments in search for 'food' into a subtle selfidentification as a fertilising and pollinating 'Butterfly' of a New Starhumanity.

    The wingmaker phenomenon requires elucidation in its scientific and metaphysical origins and purposes. The answers are found in a precursive metaphysics for a physics of the quantum and how the smallest realms of the subatomic nature of superstrings and supermembranes relate as holofractals to the macroworlds from bacteria to clusters of galaxies and the universe as encompassing and unified entity and as the 'Goddess' Aphrodite or the 'Body of the Cosmic Mother' as the archetypical Eve as ambassadora for Barbelo as the cosmic womb.


    Old 'Caterpillar' Humanity is required to grow Wings, to transform its nature from a 'verocious' annihilator of its environments in search for 'food' into a subtle selfidentification as a fertilising and pollinating 'Butterfly' of a New Starhumanity.

    a4metmph. excerpt_ap_0330.

    This forum and related sites around the globe address this human transformation in a profound manner, which unifies and harmonises the divers thought systems and philosophies hitherto invented and discovered by a collective humanity, searching for its purpose of being incarnate upon Gaia during these times of transition.

    The 'ancient wingmakers' are also the 'Original Cosmic Intelligence' encompassingly known as the 'Ancient Ones' and whose phenomenal existence requires elucidation in its scientific and metaphysical origins and purposes. The answers are found in a precursive metaphysics for a physics of the quantum and how the smallest realms of the subatomic nature of superstrings and supermembranes relate as holofractals to the macroworlds from bacteria to clusters of galaxies and the universe as encompassing and unified entity and as the 'Goddess' Aphrodite or the 'Body of the Cosmic Mother' as the archetypical Eve as ambassadora for Barbelo as the cosmic womb.

    Aphrodite is also Venus and the Star of the Mornings and Evenings {Revelation.2.28;22.16; 2Peter.1.19} as Lucifer, Quetzacoatl or Kukulkan of various ancient scrolls and texts of interrelated cultures. SheHe is also known as Lucifera as 'A Lucifer' and as Satanina as 'In A Satan' and as Serpentina as 'In A Serpent' as the Old Gaia encompassed by the Ouroboros, the Galactic Serpent Hunab Ku aka Milky Way aka Perseus and transforming into the New Gaia Serpentina as a StarPlanet.

    sheila-wolk-metamorphosis. metamorphosis__the_dryad__by_aselclub.
    Metamorphosis by Sheila Wolk and the Dryad by Asel Club

    In 23,616 BC, an ET-message:"I Love You!" was sent by Hunab Ku, from the center of the Milky Way Galaxy to the heart of Gaia, arriving 21Dec2012 after travelling 9,360,000 kin at lightspeed.

    ixguq1ww1. end_of_world-20110417-153641.

    world-torus_1_. thothbh.

    earth_sm. 14.

    On August 4th, 2012 and one year later on August 4th, 2013 and December 16th, 2013 particular 'timelines' will reach their archetypical (and encoded or prophecied) completion to culminate on New Year 2014 in the addition of 1 Hour as 15 days {360/24=15/1} in an archetyped 'New World'.
    From these nexus dates onwards; a new physical reality will be able to manifest in universal reconfiguration, due to the redefinition of the older symbols.


    Welcome in the Dragon's Den of Plato's Cave of Shadows, also being Noah's Ark!

    The Metamorphosis of Narcissus by Salvador Dali, 1937

    v79hmorj9. 15564_10.

    For the initiated Cosmic TwinLogos Chronos, encompassing all cocreated 'individualised' timelines;
    the 'Hour of the Dispensation of the Judgements': July 5th, 2012 to July 14th to July 19th, 2012.


    twins. phoenix11. dragtwin.

    The Council of Thuban

    2012 Dates
     Thu24Mar 2011  Palm Saturday 31AD
    Sabbath-Mirror Hiddekel
    1980 year warp from 31AD0
     Fri25Mar 2011  Palm Sunday 31AD1980 year warp from 31AD1
     Mon28Mar 2011 4=494-490=490-486Passion Wednesday 31AD
    1980 year warp from 31AD4
     Thu31Mar 2011 7=497-490=490-483
    Easter Saturday 31AD
    1980 year warp from 31AD7
     Fri01Apr 2011 490=434+49+3½+3½Easter Sunday 31AD
    1980 year warp from 31AD8
     Sun17Apr 2011  Palm Sunday 2011 24
     Wed20Apr 2011  Passion Wednesday 2011 27
     Sun24April 2011  Easter Sunday 2011 31
     Sun01May 2011   Beltane 201138
     Tue10May 2011  Ascension Thursday 31AD1980 year warp from 31AD47
     Fri20May 2011  Pentecost Sunday 31AD1980 year warp from 31AD57
     Thu02Jun 2011  Ascension Thursday 2011 70
     Sun12Jun 2011  Whit Sunday 2011 80
     Mon04Jul 2011 265+7+265=537=268+1+268
    Independence Day 2011AntiGestation of 265+3½=268½ days102
     Thu01May 2014 6Cib9Uo =
    Rev.20Beltane-Walpurgis Nacht 20141134
     Wed30Apr 2014 5Men8Uo =
    as 647+0 days
    Rev.20.3Beltane-Walpurgis Nacht 2014
    The Little Season of Satan as 360/4=90 days in a quarter year
     Fri31Jan 2014 7Cimi4Pax =
    Rev.9.15Euphrates 391+15=406 HOUR Calibration1044
     Thu16Jan 2014 5Chuen9Muan =
    Rev.9.15Euphrates 4 Corner YDMH Calibration1029
     Wed15Jan 2014 4Oc8Muan =
    Eze.4.1-6Ezekiel Israel TIME Calibration1028
     Mon06Jan 2014 8Imix19Kankin = of the Nativity in 3 Magi 2014 in 12+1=13 days of Christmas 20131019
     Wed01Jan 2014 3Cib14Kankin = Year 20141014
     Wed25Dec 2013 9Muluc7Kankin = 20131007
     Sat21Dec 2013 5Chicchan3Kankin = Solstice 20131003
     Wed18Dec 2013 2Ik0Kankin =
    Millennium of 1000 dayyears1000
     Tue17Dec 2013 1Imix19Mac = of 1000 dayyears
    0+999=1000 days
     Mon16Dec 2013 13Ahau18Mac = Calibration of Mayan Long Count in 25,627.795... Civil Years
    9,360,360 Kin = 65 Baktun (144,000x5x13) + 360 Kin as a 'prophetic' Platonic Degree Year Cycle from Friday, December 21st, 2012
     Tue28May 2013 0+360+30+1+(15)+1+30+360
    =391+(7½+7½)+391=797 days
    Rev.8.1&Rev.9.15Timeline from March 24th, 2011 to May 28th, 2013796
     Sat25May 2013   Wesak-Buddha Full Sagittarius Moon in Gemini Sun at 4°8' at 04:25 UCT on May 25th, 2013 & Lunar Eclipse 793
     Mon20May 2013 788=781+7=366+365+49+1+7
    150+3+150=0+302=0+152+150 as 303=150+1+1+1+150 days
    Pentecost Monday 20131982 year warp from 31AD
    Solar Transit from Taurus into Gemini on Monday, May 20th, 2013 at 21:09 UCT
     Sun19May 2013  Whit Sunday 20131982 year warp from 31AD787
     Fri10May 2013  Ascension Friday 20131982 year warp from 31AD
    New Moon in Taurus Sun at 00:28 UCT at 19°31' on May 10th, 2013 & Solar Eclipse
     Thu9May 2013  Ascension Thursday 20131982 year warp from 31AD777
     Wed01May 2013   Beltane 2013769
     Thu25Apr 2013   Full Scorpio Moon in Taurus Sun at 5°46' at 19:57 UCT on April 25th, 2013 & Lunar Eclipse763
     Wed10Apr 2013   New Moon in Aries Sun at 20°41' at 09:35 UCT on April 10th, 2013748
     Sun31Mar 2013  Easter Sunday 20131982 year warp from 31AD738
     Wed27Mar 2013  Passion Wednesday 20131982 year warp from 31AD
    Full Libra Moon in Aries Sun at 6°32' Aries at 09:27 UCT on March 27th, 2013
     Sun24Mar 2013  Palm Sunday 20131982 year warp from 31AD731
     Wed20Mar 2013   March Equinox 2013 at 0° Aries at 11:02 UCT on March 20th, 2013727
     Mon11Mar 2013   New Moon in Pisces Sun at 21°24' at 19:51 UCT on March 11th, 2013718
     Mon25Feb 2013   Full Virgo Moon in Pisces Sun at 7°24' at 20:26 UCT on February 25th, 2013704
     Sun10Feb 2013   New Moon in Aquarius Sun at 21°43' at 07:20 UCT on February 10th, 2013689
     Sun27Jan 2013   Full Leo Moon in Aquarius Sun at 7°24' at 04:38 UCT on January 27th, 2013675
     Fri11Jan 2013   New Moon in Capricorn Sun at 21°46' at 19:44 UCT on January 11th, 2013659
     Fri28Dec 2012   Full Cancer Moon in Capricorn Sun at 7°6' at 10:21 UCT on December 28th, 2012645
     Fri21Dec 2012 150+3+150=0+302=0+152+150 as 303=150+1+1+1+150 days
     Solar Transit from Sagittarius into Capricorn on Friday, December 21st, 2012 at 11:12 UCT
    Twin Pregnancy from July 4th, 2011 to March 28th, 2012 to December 21st, 2012 in 537 days
     Thu13Dec 2012   New Moon in Sagittarius Sun at 21°45' at 08:42 UCT on December 13th, 2012630
     Wed28Nov 2012   Full Gemini Moon in Sagittarius Sun at 6°47' at 14:46 UCT on November 28th, 2012 & Lunar Eclipse615
     Tue13Nov 2012   New Moon in Scorpio Sun at 21°57' at 22:08 UCT on November 13th, 2012 & Solar Eclipse600
     Mon29Oct 2012   Full Taurus Moon in Scorpio Sun at 6°48' at 19:49 UCT on October 29th, 2012585
     Mon15Oct 2012   New Moon in Libra Sun at 22°32' at 12:03 UCT on October 15th, 2012571
     Sun30Sep 2012   Full Aries Moon in Libra Sun at 7°22' at 03:19 UCT on September 30th, 2012556
     Sun16Sep 2012   New Moon in Virgo Sun at 23°37' at 02:11 UCT on September 16th, 2012542
     FriAug31 2012   Full Pisces Blue Moon in Virgo Sun at 8°34' at 13:58 UCT on August 31st, 2012526
     Fri17Aug 2012   New Moon in Leo Sun at 25°8' Aries at 15:54 UCT on August 17th, 2012512
    -76=GodMon05Mar 2012Christ=77+76347=470-123Num.33.38-39&Deut.34Birthday of Aaron347
    -73=GodThu08Mar 2012Christ=77+73350=470-120Num.33.38-39&Deut.34Birthday of Moses350
    -53=GodWed28Mar 2012Christ=77+5340+110+74+40+7+7+36+56=370
    Noah's Rainbow Covenant
    Logos Christ Mirror of Mirrors
    1981 year warp from 31AD
    Gestation of 265+3½=268½ days
    -49=GodSun01Apr 2012Christ=77+49 Palm Sunday 2012 374
    -46=GodWed04Apr 2012Christ=77+46377-370=7 Days=1 Week
    Week of Confusion
    Building of the Ark
    Passion Wednesday 2012
    -42=GodSun08Apr 2012Christ=77+42 Easter Sunday 2012 381
    -33=GodTue17Apr 2012Christ=77+33390=430-40Eze.4.1-5Ezekiel's Siege of Israel390
    -32=GodWed18Apr 2012Christ=77+32 Dan.10.2&Dan.10.13
    21 Days of Gabriel-Michael
    -31=GodThu19Apr 2012Christ=77+31-7=1st Mirror Day of 15  392
    -26=GodTue24Apr 2012Christ=77+26-2=6th Mirror Day of 15Eze.4.1-6
    Ezekiel's Week of Astonishment
    -25=GodWed25Apr 2012Christ=77+25-1=7th Mirror Day of 15  398
    -24=GodThu26Apr 2012Christ=77+240=8th Mirror Day of 15Gen.15.13400 Years of Servitude of Abrams' Seed399
    -23=GodFri27Apr 2012Christ=77+231=9th Mirror Day of 15  400
    -19=GodTue01May 2012Christ=77+195=13th Mirror Day of 15 Beltane 2012404
    -17=GodThu03May 2012Christ=77+177=15th Mirror Day of 15  406
    -16=GodFri04May 2012Christ=77+16   407
    -14=GodSun06May 2012Christ=77+14  Full Scorpio Wesak-Beltane Super Moon in Taurus Sun at 16°1' at 03:35 UCT on May 6th, 2012409
    -3=GodThu17May 2012Christ=77+3 Ascension Thursday 2012 420
    -2=GodFri18May 2012Christ=77+2   421
    -1=GodSat19May 2012Christ=77+1   422
    0=GodSun20May & Sun05AugChrist=77430+70=500 dayyears
    Egyptian + Babylonian Captivity
    First New Moon = New Gemini Moon in Gemini Sun at 0°21' at 23:47 UCT on May 20th, 2012 & Solar Eclipse
    30 Dayyears of Moses's Death before Joshua's Crossing of Jordan
    1=AdamMon21May & Sat04AugJesus=761*=AdamGen.5.1-5
    Baptism Wednesday 28AD Julian
    1980+3=1983 year warp from 28AD424/499
    2=SethTue22May & Fri03AugJoseph=752*=Seth
    Gen.5.6-8 &Gen.4 425/498
    3=EnosWed23May & Thu02AugHeli=743*=EnosGen.5.9-11
    Baptism Wednesday 28AD Gregorian
    Third Full Moon = Full Aquarius Blue Moon #3 in Leo Sun at 10°15' at 03:28 UCT on August 02nd, 2012
    4=CainanThu24May & Wed01AugMatthat=734*=Cainan=CainGen.5.12-14 427/496
    5=MaleleelFri25May & Tue31JulLevi=725*=Mahalaleel=MehujaelGen.5.15-17
    21 Days of Gabriel-Michael in Hour Mirror
    6=JaredSat26May & Mon30JulMelchi=716*=Jared=IradGen.5.18-20
    Midweek Day July 30th, 2012
    7=EnochSun27May & Sun29JulJanna=707*=Enoch=Enoch
    Pentecost Sunday 2012
    Ascension of Enoch
    Ezekiel's Siege of Judah
    Egyptian Captivity
    8=MathusalahMon28May & Sat28JulJoseph=698*=Methuselah=MethusaelGen.5.25-27 431/492
    9=LamechTue29May & Fri27JulMattathias=689*=Lamech=LamechGen.5.28-32 432/491
    10=NoeWed30May & Thu26JulAmos=6710*=Noah&Amzara
    434+49+7=490 days
    =62+7+1 weeks
    Perfect generation mirror God-Noah-Abraham
    in Adah-Zillah Sisterhood
    11=SemThu31May & Wed25JulNaum=6611*=ShemGen.11.10-11 434/489
    12=ArphaxadFri01Jun & Tue24JulEsli=6512*=ArphaxadGen.11.12-13 435/488
    13=CainanSat02Jun & Mon23JulNagge=64Cursed Cainan Generations in
    Generations 4 to 10 and -1 to -7
    Redeemed in Cosmic Twinship
    Midweek Day July 23rd, 2012
    14=SalaSun03Jun & Sun22JulMaath=63-7=Salah/Jesusina 74ina Maria=42
    Tubalcain&Naamah of Zillah
    New BrotherSisterhood

    150+3+150=0+302=0+152+150 as 303=150+1+1+1+150 days
    Left Twin Christ Jesus
    New AbelCain as SisterBrother
    Pause - Think of That - Selah!
    Mary Magdalene Day on July 22nd, 2012
    Solar Transit from Cancer into Leo on Sunday, July 22nd, 2012 at 10:01 UCT
    15=HeberMon04Jun & Sat21JulMattathias=62-6=Eber/Jesus=New=42
    Jabal&Jubal of Adah
    New Brotherhood
    Right Twin Jesus Christ
    New CainAbel as BrotherSister
    First Full Moon = Full Sagittarius Moon in Gemini Sun at 14°14' at 11:12 UCT on June 4th, 2012 & Lunar Eclipse438/485
    16=PhalecTue05Jun & Fri20JulSemei=61-5=Peleg/Lamech/Mary=41Gen.11.18-19 439/484
    17=RagauWed06Jun & Thu19JulJoseph=60-4=Reu/Methusael/Joseph=40
    10 Days of Imprisonment
    Babylonian Captivity of Jerusalem
    Venus Transit 2012 at Tuesday/Wednesday, June 5th/6th 2012 from 22:04-01:29-04:55 UCT
    Third New Moon = New Cancer Moon in Cancer Sun at 26°55' at 04:24 UCT on July 19th, 2012
    18=SaruchThu07Jun & Wed18JulJuda=59-3=Serug/Mehujael/Jacob=39Gen.11.22-23 441/482
    19=NachorFri08Jun & Tue17JulJoanna=58-2=Nahor/Irad/Matthan=38Gen.11.24-25 442/481
    20=TharaSat09Jun & Mon16JulRhesa=57-1=Terah/Enoch/Eleazar=37
    4th year of Solomon's reign
    Building of the City of Enoch
    Building of Solomon's Temple
    21=AbrahamSun10Jun & Sun15JulZorobabel=561=Abraham/Eliud=36
    3rd year of Solomon's reign
    Zech.4&1Kings.6.1Completion of the Temple Plan444/479
    22=IsaacMon11Jun & Sat14JulSalathiel=552=Isaac/Achim=35
    2nd year of Solomon's reign
    1Kings.6.1 445/478
    23=JacobTue12Jun & Fri13JulNeri=543=Jacob/Sadoc=34
    1st year of Solomon's reign
    David's Loyal Priesthood of Zadok446/477
    24=JudaWed13Jun & Thu12JulMelchi=534=Judas/Azor=33
    7th Nation of Chanaan
    Jesus said, "He who knows the father and the mother will be called the son of a harlot."
    25=PharesThu14Jun & Wed11JulAddi=525=Phares/Eliakim=32
    6th Nation of Chanaan
    26=EsromFri15Jun & Tue10JulCosam=516=Esrom/Abiud=31Acts.13.18-20
    5th Nation of Chanaan
    27=AramSat16Jun & Mon09JulElmodam=507=Aram/Zorobabel=30
    4th Nation of Chanaan
    28=AminadabSun17Jun & Sun08JulEr=498=Aminadab/Salathiel=29Acts.13.18-20
    3rd Nation of Chanaan
    29=NaassonMon18Jun & Sat07JulJose=489=Naasson/Jechonias=28Acts.13.18-20
    2nd Nation of Chanaaan
    Captivity of Babylon452/471
    30=SalmonTue19Jun & Fri06JulEliezer=4710=Salmon/Josias=27
    1st Nation of Chanaan
    Second New Moon = New Gemini Moon in Gemini Sun at 28°43'
    at 15:02 UCT on June 19th, 2012

    Last righteous king of Israel
    Wilderness of Sinai and Death of Aaron and Moses
    31=BoozWed20Jun & Thu05JulJorim=4611=Booz/Amon=26
    430+40=470 as 469+0 days
    Acts.13.18&Eze.4.6Booz of Rachab
    July 5th, 2011 + 366 = July 5th, 2012
    32=ObedThu21Jun & Wed04JulMatthat=4512=Obed/Manasses=25Independence Day 2012
    Obed of Ruth455/468
    33=JesseFri22Jun & Tue03JulLevi=4413=Jesse/Ezekias=24 Second Full Moon = Full Capricorn Moon in Cancer Sun at 12°13' at 18:53 UCT on July 03rd, 2012456/467
    34=DavidSat23Jun & Mon02JulSimeon=4314=David/Achaz=23Isa.38.810° as 10 Shadow Days of Degrees of Ahaz
    Sat23Jun - Mon02Jul 2012
    35=NathanSun24Jun & Sun01JulJuda=4215=Solomon/Joatham=222Samuel.12.24Solomon of Bathsheba458/465
    36=MattathaMon25Jun & Sat30JunJoseph=4116=Roboam/Ozias=21  459/464
    37=MenanTue26Jun & Fri29JunJonan=4017=Abia/Joram=20  460/463
    38=MeleaWed27Jun & Thu28JunEliakim=3918=Asa/Josaphat=19  461/462


    John 21 King James Version (KJV)
    1 After these things Jesus shewed himself again to the disciples at the sea of Tiberias; and on this wise shewed he himself.
    2 There were together Simon Peter, and Thomas called Didymus, and Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, and the sons of Zebedee, and two other of his disciples.
    3 Simon Peter saith unto them, I go a fishing. They say unto him, We also go with thee. They went forth, and entered into a ship immediately; and that night they caught nothing.
    4 But when the morning was now come, Jesus stood on the shore: but the disciples knew not that it was Jesus.
    5 Then Jesus saith unto them, Children, have ye any meat? They answered him, No.
    6 And he said unto them, Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find. They cast therefore, and now they were not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes.
    7 Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved saith unto Peter, It is the Lord. Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he girt his fisher's coat unto him, (for he was naked,) and did cast himself into the sea.
    8 And the other disciples came in a little ship; (for they were not far from land, but as it were two hundred cubits,) dragging the net with fishes.
    9 As soon then as they were come to land, they saw a fire of coals there, and fish laid thereon, and bread.
    10 Jesus saith unto them, Bring of the fish which ye have now caught.
    11 Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land full of great fishes, an hundred and fifty and three: and for all there were so many, yet was not the net broken.
    12 Jesus saith unto them, Come and dine. And none of the disciples durst ask him, Who art thou? knowing that it was the Lord.
    13 Jesus then cometh, and taketh bread, and giveth them, and fish likewise.
    14 This is now the third time that Jesus shewed himself to his disciples, after that he was risen from the dead.
    15 So when they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me more than these? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my lambs.
    16 He saith to him again the second time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my sheep.
    17 He saith unto him the third time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time, Lovest thou me? And he said unto him, Lord, thou knowest all things; thou knowest that I love thee. Jesus saith unto him, Feed my sheep.
    18 Verily, verily, I say unto thee, When thou wast young, thou girdest thyself, and walkedst whither thou wouldest: but when thou shalt be old, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, and another shall gird thee, and carry thee whither thou wouldest not.
    19 This spake he, signifying by what death he should glorify God. And when he had spoken this, he saith unto him, Follow me.
    20 Then Peter, turning about, seeth the disciple whom Jesus loved following; which also leaned on his breast at supper, and said, Lord, which is he that betrayeth thee?
    21 Peter seeing him saith to Jesus, Lord, and what shall this man do?
    22 Jesus saith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? follow thou me.
    23 Then went this saying abroad among the brethren, that that disciple should not die: yet Jesus said not unto him, He shall not die; but, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee?
    24 This is the disciple which testifieth of these things, and wrote these things: and we know that his testimony is true.
    25 And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.

    The Council of Thuban

    Last edited by Raven on Sat Oct 27, 2012 11:47 am; edited 3 times in total​
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Posts: 509
    Join date: 2010-04-10
    Age: 48
    Location: The Emerald City
    • Post n°48

    empty. Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    empty. Raven on Thu Sep 06, 2012 4:24 am

    [3:31:22 PM - Thursday, September 6th, 2012 (+10UCT)]

    Michael Toldnes - JT!: so now ya got me thinkin...whats the difference between a lizard and me
    [3:32:27 PM] Michael Toldnes - JT!: i mean how the heck do they regrow their limbs anway...and whats stoping the humans from doin it


    Study sheds new light on functioning of our DNA

    By: JournalNow Staff | The Washington Post
    Published: September 06, 2012 Updated: September 06, 2012 - 12:00 AM

    Most of a person's genetic risk for common diseases such as diabetes, asthma and hardening of the arteries appears to lie in the shadowy part of the human genome once disparaged as "junk DNA."

    Indeed, the vast majority of human DNA seems to be involved in maintaining individuals' well-being, a view radically at odds with what biologists have thought.

    Those are among the key insights of a nine-year project to study the 97 percent of the human genome that's not made up of genes.

    The Encyclopedia of DNA Elements Project, nicknamed Encode, is the most comprehensive effort to make sense of the totality of the 3 billion nucleotides that are packed into our cells.

    The project's chief discovery is the identification of about 4 million sites involved in regulating gene activity. Previously, only a few thousand such sites were known.

    In all, at least 80 percent of the genome appears to be active at least sometime in our lives. Further research may reveal that virtually all of the DNA has been kept for a reason.

    "This concept of 'junk DNA' is really not accurate. It is an outdated metaphor," said Richard Myers of the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology, in Alabama, and one of the leaders of the project involving more than 400 scientists at 32 institutions.

    "The genome is just alive with stuff. We just really didn't realize that beforehand," said Ewan Birney of the European Bioinformatics Institute in England.

    The new insights are contained in six papers published Wednesday in the journal Nature. More than 20 related papers are appearing elsewhere.

    The human genome consists of about 3 billion nucleotides, the "letters," strung one to another in chains. Specific stretches of those nucleotides carry the instructions for making specific proteins. The proteins, in turn, become the blocks of tissues and the enzymes, hormones and carrier molecules that do most of the cell's work.

    The Human Genome Project identified the correct linear sequence of those letters. At its completion in 2003, only 21,000 genes had been identified.

    The genes made up only 3 percent of the cell's DNA, leaving biologists to wonder about what function, if any, the remaining 97 percent had. Encode was created to try to answer that question.

    The new research helps explain how so few genes can create an organism as complex as a human being. The answer is that regulation — turning genes on and off at different times in different types of cells, adjusting a gene's output and coordinating its activities with other genes — is where most of the action is.

    "It's worth reminding ourselves that we are very, very complex machines," Birney said. "It shouldn't be so surprising that the instruction manual is really pretty fearsomely complicated."

    [5:50:42 PM] Thubanis: xxxxxxx10 billion/p is the encoding numberxxxxxxx
    [5:51:54 PM] Nicholas BlackHawk: Welcome to my work:)
    [5:51:55 PM] Thubanis: This is very good news, as it will allow the 'observing and waiting' ET sentience without the 'cocoon' or cosmic egg of the human 'quarantine zone' to 'activate via electromagnetomonopolar induction' some of the 'junk' coupling between the actual biology, like organs, the nervous system, the endocrine systems and the general encoding matrix
    [5:53:07 PM] Thubanis: Iow, a new 'genetic healing' apparatus can now become active in the so called junk dna BECAUSE the Inside of the cocoon has DISCOVERED part of the interdimensional matrix connecting the 'inside of the cosmic ovum or womb' with its outside
    [5:53:42 PM] Thubanis: So the 'healers' will have much more 'multiD 'tools' to work with
    [5:54:05 PM] Thubanis: This should beome evident from 2013 in 'medical breakthroughs' in the 'new timelines' from the 'Gaian rebirth' in the higher D matrix
    [5:56:49 PM] Thubanis: How long it will take for the general humanity to benefit from this remains to be seen however. Yet the 'alternative energy healers' will develope some real 'clout' and an actual power source from this
    [5:57:44 PM] Thubanis: Yes Nic, as an 'energy healer' this should be good news for you.
    [5:59:44 PM] Thubanis: Potentially now, all degenerative and genetic diseases like genetic abnormality and birth defects and multidinous blockages have become subject to a form of 'advanced gene therapy'
    [6:01:28 PM] Thubanis: And in collaboration with totipotency (stemcells from the umbilical cord, spermatozoa and menstruation/ovulation as blood agencies); this could herald a new chapter to guide the old medicine from the 20th century into the 21st century, say as envisioned by 'science fiction' writers
    [6:02:44 PM] Thubanis: As a reference look at the comments of 'Bones' in Star Trek - The Journey Home

    [6:03:32 PM] Thubanis: And this JT, relates to your question about lizards regrowing limbs, whilst humans can not atm
    [6:04:03 PM] Thubanis: In the human the 'regrowing genes' are blocked in some way, but in the lizard they are not
    [6:04:29 PM] Thubanis: So 'accessing the coding matrix' will allow a new repair function.
    [6:06:05 PM] Thubanis: Of course imo, it should 'come from the external matrix', say of the ETs BEFORE the 'inner matrix' of the human medical science will 'catch up' in 'discovering' just where the 'dis-ease' is coded in the dna genomatic matrix of the 3 billion nucleotidal basepairings defining the genes
    [6:07:58 PM] Thubanis: But 'strange healings' of people, hitherto called 'impossible', can be expected from 2013 onwards

    shiloh wrote:Thuban 101 presents and introduces:

    Hologenomic Epigenetics - The Key to the higher dimensional Genetics

    Radio National
    with Robyn Williams
    on Sunday 01/11/1998

    Lamarck's Signature

    A talk about the ideas of Jean Baptiste Lamarck, a French aristocrat who provided one of the two more unconventional theories of evolution.


    Robyn Williams:
    This program has always been a good home for Mavericks. And why not? Unrelenting orthodoxy can be boring. And one of the great scientific Mavericks of history was Jean Baptiste Lamarck, a French aristocrat who provided one of the more unconventional theories of evolution, you know, the one that says giraffes' necks get longer as they stretch for food, and the neck extension gets passed to baby giraffes.

    All of which is, of course, scientific heresy. But Lamarck also founded invertebrate zoology; he actually coined the term 'vertebrate' and he also popularised the word 'biology' all those years ago. Not bad for someone dismissed too quickly as a man who got it wrong.

    Well one of Lamarck's disciples is Professor Ted Steele from the University of Wollongong. He claims to have found confirmation of Lamarck's idea of evolution at the cellular level. His theories too, you won't be surprised to hear, are also considered controversial. And here he is to tell you all about them.

    Ted Steele::
    My office had clearly been disturbed. There imprinted on the note pad was the outline of a message. I deduced that my close associate, John, had left the incriminating note.

    I explained to my wife over the phone that the distinctive curves of the Js and Ts bore all the hallmarks of John's particular writing style.

    In science we often depend on 'signatures' to interpret events and phenomena we either cannot see directly or only perceive in vague outline. All fossilised reconstructions in biology require empathetic interpretative skills and indeed day-to-day data interpretation in the more quantitative sciences such as physics and molecular biology, require the same 'signature recognition' skills.

    The identification of sub-atomic particles in atom smashing machines depends on the 'tracks' such elementary particles leave in 'cloud chamber' detection devices. The detection of elusive neutrinos coming from the sun depends on sensitive devices located deep underground. A unique positive signal is recorded when a neutrino makes a rare direct hit with another sub-atomic particle.

    And in the well known cases of comets and asteroids, we have no doubt that the craters on the moon's surface are the impact sites of such large cosmic bolides. Indeed, we are absolutely certain that similar and visually distinct craters on the earth and other bodies in the solar system, are caused in this way, even though we rarely witness the impact event itself.

    Today I want to tell you of the history and significance of some of the data which has arisen from our research on the molecular genetics of the immune system, the system which allows our body to produce disease-fighting antibodies in the bloodstream.

    My principal collaborators in this scientific adventure are Professor Bob Blanden of the John Curtin School of Medical Research, and Dr George Weiller of the Research School of Biological Sciences at the Australian National University in Canberra.

    The evidence we now have in hand is quite unequivocal: etched into the very fabric of our chromosomes are the telltale signs of what we will technically describe as 'soma-to-germline genetic impact events'.

    The strength and quality of this evidence is now as strong, metaphorically speaking, as our confidence in the origin of craters, the impact sites of cosmic bolides. We thus have clear evidence for what we have termed is 'Lamarck's Signature' written into our genes. A story we have now recounted in a book for the general reader. Let me explain.

    In 1809, 50 years before Darwin's 'Origin of Species' appeared, the great French biologist, Jean Baptiste de Lamarck first articulated the emerging concept that species transform themselves 'one into the other'. Lamarck is thus one of the founding fathers of modern biology and evolutionary thinking.

    Lamarck assumed that bodily characteristics acquired in the parents by use or disuse of a tissue or organ system reacting to a sustained environmental stimulus could be inherited by the offspring. That is, the notion of the inheritance of acquired characteristics.

    In modern parlance, Lamarck, and later Charles Darwin, assumed what we would now term 'soma-to-germline flow of genetic information'. The dictionary defines the word 'soma' as 'of the body', not part of the reproductive germ cells, our eggs or sperm.

    In contrast to Lamarck, Charles Darwin's central idea of 1859 was that parents possessing the best characteristics for survival in that environment would be 'selected' to produce the next generation of offspring. This is the process of natural selection. Over eons of evolutionary time, Darwin imagined that new species would arise through natural selection of favoured types.

    This revolutionary proposal has ripped through the intellectual and spiritual life of mankind. It is, in the words of the philosopher Daniel C. Dennett, 'Darwin's Dangerous Idea' because it contradicted prevailing religious views that God created all species in a period of about a week a few thousand years ago.

    But Darwin also had another equally dangerous idea which he borrowed, and modified from Lamarck, and from his grandfather, Erasmus Darwin, namely the notion of the genetical inheritance of acquired characteristics. Darwin called his idea 'pangenesis'.

    The spur for his theory arose from Darwin's acute observations of the exquisite variations and adaptations of plants and animals, particularly the latter, when domesticated by man. To quote Darwin's own words:

    '... with animals the increased use or disuse of parts has had a marked influence ... in the domestic duck ... the bones of the wing weigh less and the bones of the leg more, in proportion to the whole skeleton, than do the same bones in the wild-duck; and this change may be safely attributed to the domestic duck flying much less, and walking more, than its wild parents.'

    And Darwin went on to state:

    'The great and inherited development of the udders in cows and goats in countries where they are habitually milked, in comparison with these organs in other countries, is probably another instance of the effects of use.'

    Darwin considered that during an acquired adaptation, the somatic cells of the target organ would be excited to emit genetic material in a form he called 'gemmules', also known as 'pangenes'. They were thought to be discharged into the bloodstream and in the course of their circulation around the body they would register on the germ cells, the sperms and eggs, and be transmitted as part of the genetic endowment to the next generation.

    His idea of a role for somatically emitted 'gemmules' having an inherited effect on what we would now call the 'germline DNA' is very similar in principle to our current ideas on the genetic evolution of the immune system.

    Why has this apparently innocuous proposition been so controversial?

    First, in 1885, three years after Darwin's death, a German biologist, August Weismann, responding to the challenge of Darwin's Theory of Pangenesis, erected his now famous 'barrier' between the somatic cells and germ cells. 'Weismann's Barrier' was assumed to protect the germ cells from any type of genetic change within the body.

    The bulk of Weismann's experimental refutation focused on testing whether acquired parental mutilations could be inherited.

    He is most famous for his work on chopping off the tails of rats shortly after birth. He then showed in breeding experiments extending over many generations, that such tail chopping at birth never produced a tailless offspring.

    Critics of this experiment have pointed out that such experiments did not test Lamarck's idea. A short tail caused by chopping is a modification that was not produced by the rat. In contrast, Lamarck believed that only modifications produced by a response of the rat to the environment would be inherited.

    Of course any rational individual would have known that the Jewish custom of circumcision of young boys has never resulted in a baby boy born without a foreskin.

    The Lamarckian theme was next developed by the Austrian biologist, Paul Kammerer. His most famous experiment concerned his work on the midwife toad, Alytes Obstetricians.

    Most toads and frogs mate in water, yet Alytes mates on dry land. Normal water-borne species of the male toads mating in water firmly grasp the female around the waist, maintaining the embrace for considerable time, days and weeks, until she spawns her eggs. To maintain this grip on the slippery female, the male develops calloused and horny-spined nuptial pads on its palms and fingers. However the Alytes variety, mating on dry land, do not have or need these pads because the female's skin is dry and rough. Paul Kammerer reported that if Alytes were induced to copulate in water like other toads, over several generations they eventually developed nuptial pads as an acquired hereditary trait.

    Critics dismissed these results as fraudulent, and these unproven charges drove Kammerer to suicide.

    The third historical influence which has contributed to making Lamarckian thought a 'no-go' zone in science, can be attributed to the activities of the Russian plant breeder, T.D. Lysenko.

    Lysenko was appointed by Joseph Stalin to improve Russian agriculture during the 1930s through to the 1950s. He applied questionable and non-scientific procedures in an effort to demonstrate crop yield improvement using a seed treatment and germination process referred to as 'vernalisation'.

    The Lysenkian approach to reviving Lamarckian ideas completely alienated Western scientists because he also ruthlessly pursued his scientific opponents who were executed by Stalin, or sent to the Gulag.

    But what about our recently published data on the genes which encode the disease fighting antibodies of the immune system? These data point to 'Lamarck's Signature' identified as the imprint of numerous soma-to-germline genetic impact events etched into the DNA of our chromosomes encoding antibody genes. Events which have repeatedly occurred over 400-million years of evolutionary time from sharks to humans.

    The first point to make is that antibody genes have a unique structure which allows us to identify clear DNA sequence patterns in what we call either the 'germline configuration' or the 'somatic configuration'.

    In general terms the 'germline configuration' refers to the pattern of the genes in our sperm or eggs. The 'somatic configuration' refers to the particular structure of the antibody genes when they are expressed in our circulating white blood cells, the B-lymphocytes.

    In the 'somatic configuration', antibody genes in response to foreign invading germs, undergo rapid mutation. Those mutant B-cells expressing the fittest antibody gene sequence are then selected and induced by the invading microbe to secrete antibodies.

    Essentially we find that there are many tell-tale features of the 'somatic mutation pattern' literally written into the 'germline configuration.'

    The simples interpretation is that they have arisen there by the reverse transcriptase-mediated soma-to-germline flow of genetic information.

    Lamarck's legacy in modern biology we believe is now quite pervasive. It is written as 'soma-to-germline genetic impact signatures' into the DNA of our chromosomes. And we do not think at all that it is restricted only to the genes of the immune system. As project 'Hugo', the 'human genome project', uncovers the sequence of many more of our genes, we may find Lamarck's signature written all over them.

    Indeed much present evidence points to such a Lamarckian gene feedback loop operating for many other genes in the cell, the so-called highly conserved 'housekeeping genes' which keep us functioning normally.

    I thank you for listening.

    Robyn Williams:
    And thanks for explaining those genetic mysteries, which of course you can find in Ted Steele's book and read it at your leisure. It's called 'Lamarck's Signature' and is published by Allen & Unwin. Professor Steele is at the University of Wollongong.

    Next week, Antoinette Holm from Newcastle tackles The Body Machine. I'm Robyn Williams.

    Guests on this program:

    Professor Ted Steele
    University of Wollongong
    Dept. of Biological Sciences
    Wollongong, NSW
    Author of the book: "Lamarck's Signature",
    published by Allen & Unwin
    shiloh wrote:From the Principle of Recursive Genome Function to Interpretation of HoloGenome Regulation by Personal Genome Computers.

    Andras J. Pellionisz
    HolGenTech, Sunnyvale, California


    Recursion on is widespread, not excluding genomics; see in quantum theory, in neural network algorithms, recursive PCR and search- & alignment algorithms. By removal of "Junk DNA" and "Central Dogma" axioms, the principle of recursive genome function (Pellionisz, 2008) permits, and the compute-need of analysis of DNA necessitates to supersede dogma and enter a new era of consideration if the intrinsic algorithms of genome function are based on a DNA>RNA>PROTEIN>DNA (etc) recursion.

    The intertwined genomic- and epigenomic processes result in the concept of HoloGenome Regulation.

    An array of recursive algorithms is surveyed for consideration to interpret recursive genome function: recursion in quantum theory of the HoloGenome, Back-propagation, Tensor Network Theory, Support Vector Machine neural net approaches - utilized e.g. in microRNA mining.

    Closest attention is focused on "fractal interpretation of genome function" wherein "pyknon-like elements; PLE" (repetitive motifs, Rigoutsos et al., 2006) are the material basis of self-similar repetitions in the DNA, to govern fractal growth (FractoGene, 2002).

    New results of an analysis of the smallest full DNA of free living organisms (Mycoplasma Genitalium) where the found PLE frequency over rank log/log curve follows the Zipf-Mandelbrot Parabolic Fractal Distribution Curve (ZMPFDC), while A,C,T,G random-strings of identical length did not show PLE-architecture; ZMPFDC did not appear.

    Fractality of DNA provides "algorithmic reference sequence" and thus "fractal defects" can be targeted, reducing the burden on brute force. Deployment of Personal Genome Computers (PGC) accelerates computing, based on FPGA-hybrids eminently suited for small-bit-size string manipulations, developed for defense, financial & graphic computing.

    "Fractal defects" correlate with hereditary syndromes. Existing software ported to PGC with hybrid hardware benchmarks acceleration by orders of magnitude.

    Verification of the value of human DNA at $5,000 and the value of its interpretation provides a margin of $60,000 making FPGA-hybrid PGC under $20,000 hw and $3,200 sw feasible for the ecosystem.

    The singularity of inversion of cost/value takes genome computing to end users, like computers went from monsters of mainframes to widespread and user-friendly PC-s, thereby positively disrupting the ecosystem of computing.

    Wiki-reference on 'orthodox-standard' interpretation.

    Size of junk DNA

    About 95% of the human genome has at one time been designated as "junk", including most sequences within intronsand most intergenic DNA. While much of this sequence may be an evolutionaryartifact that serves no present-day purpose, some junk DNA may function in ways that are not currently understood. Moreover, the conservationof some junk DNA over many millions of years of evolutionmay imply an essential function. Some who consider the "junk" label as something of a misnomer, but others who consider it appropriate as junk is stored away for possible new uses, rather than thrown out; others prefer the term "noncoding DNA" (although junk DNA often includes transposonsthat encode proteins with no clear value to their host genome). About 80% of the bases in the human genome may be transcribed,[3] but transcription does not necessarily imply function.[citation needed]

    Broadly, the science of functional genomics has developed widely accepted techniques to characterize protein-coding genes, RNA genes, and regulatory regions. In the genomes of most plantsand animals, however, these together constitute only a small percentage of genomic DNA (less than 2% in the case of humans).[4] The function, if any, of the remainder remains under investigation. Most of it can be identified as repetitive elementsthat have no known biological function for their host (although they are useful to geneticists for analyzing lineageand phylogeny). Still, a large amount of sequence in these genomes falls under no existing classification other than "junk". For example, recent experiments removed 1% of the mouse genome and were unable to detect any effect on the phenotype[5]. This result suggests that the DNA is nonfunctional. However, it remains a possibility that there is some function that the experiments performed on the mice were merely insufficient to detect. This can also be evidence for reconstructing ancestral lineages.

    While overall genome size, and by extension the amount of junk DNA, are correlated to organism complexity, there are many exceptions. For example, the genome of the unicellular Polychaos dubium(formerly known as Amoeba dubia) has been reported to contain more than 200 times the amount of DNA in humans[6][7].

    The pufferfish Takifugurubripes genome is only about one tenth the size of the human genome, yet seems to have a comparable number of genes. Most of the difference appears to lie in the junk DNA. This puzzle is known as the C-value enigmaor, more conventionally, the C-value paradox[8]. Endofwiki

    Principle of Recursive Genome Function Supersedes Dogmas; By Andras Pellionisz, Online Ahead of Print; (Scientific Visionary Vindicated)

    A Eureka Moment concerning the fractal character of neuronsled in turn to a novel picture of genomics where protein structures act back recursively upon their DNA code-- in outright contradiction to prevailing orthodoxy. A household name in neurosciencefor his tensor network theory, Dr. András Pellioniszhas recently had another far-reaching discovery borne out. This insight has now received striking confirmation in stunning results from the new field of epigenetics-- promising a whole raft of novel medical diagnoses and therapies.

    Sunnyvale, Calif. (PRWEB) July 16, 2008 -- A landmark article on "The Principle of Recursive Genome Function" (received December 7, accepted December 18, 2007) by András J. Pellionisz appears online in Springer's e-Journal Cerebellum.

    The paper marks the first anniversary of an historic event--the release of pilot results for ENCODE, the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements project. Building on the results of the Human Genome Project, the ENCODE effort revealed a far more complex DNA coding sequence than was ever previously imagined. "There's a lot more going on than we thought," said Collins, who is director of the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI). Dr. Collins issued a mandate a year ago "the scientific community will need to rethink some long-held views".
    A happy few did not need to rethink either the "central dogma of molecular biology" (Crick, 1956) or the misnomer of "junk" DNA (Ohno 1972), since they never believed them in the first place. The dictum claiming that a flow of information from proteins back to DNA "never happens" or the idea that 98.7% of the human genome should be disregarded as junk was never very believable.

    As a direct response to Dr. Collins' call, the principle of recursive genome function (PRGF) in one stroke sweeps away two dogmas which prevailed for over 50 years concerning the function of the double helix.

    Recursive genome function is a process whereby proteins iteratively access information packets of DNA to build hierarchies of more complex protein structures. Such recursive development is illustrated in the fractal growth of cerebellar Purkinje neuron.


    Starting from a primary information packet, a Y-shaped, fractal protein template is constructed by a "forward growth" process - in accord with the traditional picture - via transcription of DNA to RNA (where, in turn, RNA builds nucleic acids up into structural protein). In the course of constructing the Y-shaped template, the primary gene is turned on. Thus, the most primitive part of the process retains Watson's simplified scheme. The principle does not contradict the 'DNA makes RNA makes proteins' picture, but rather goes beyond it - dispensing with both the hitherto forbidden feedback mechanism as well as the entire notion of junk DNA.

    On the contrary, the genetically crucial process known as methylation demonstrates just such a "backward" flow. In a stunning reversal of long-held views, it now appears that environmental influences can act directly on the genetic code. Moreover, methylation of DNA is not merely epigenetic, but HoloGenomic:

    Dr. Alexandre Akoulitchev, Oxford University, UK (not involved in the study) says: "The PRGF of Pellionisz is helping not only his recursive algorithmic approach to the genome (FractoGene), but puts the various meanings of 'epigenetics' into the perspective of clearly defined novel axioms. The PostModern Age of Genomics (starting with his, synthesizes inconsistent interpretations and haphazard notions of "epigenetics" into a solid scientific foundation of HoloGenomics."

    Leroy Hood (2003) and finally Richard Dawkins (2008) have suggested that genomics is now a branch of information science. With modern genomics becoming postmodern genome informatics, a natural question arises: What axioms will take the place of outmoded assumptions?

    The traditional axioms could not put to a dignified rest because, as the wisdom has it, "data never kill theories, only better theory can kill less tenable theories."

    The principle of recursive genome function addresses this fundamental, decisive role. The time has come to go public, after more than a decade of clandestine work - not even asking for support.

    András Pellionisz is a biophysicist, formerly of New York University. Since heading up HelixoMetry in Silicon Valley, he has been busy assembling a portfolio in anticipation of the time when the imposing dogmas and their bulwarks would give way. A widely published author, Pellionisz remained largely silent for 15 years to spare him a collision with the powers that were.

    His pioneering work in biological neural networks, aired in over a hundred publications, won him both NIH support and recognition by way of the Alexander von Humboldt Prize for Senior Distinguished American Scientists.

    When Pellionisz also made a bold step and published his research on the fractal geometry of cellular development based on a recursive DNA paths (1989), his next NIH application was overlooked by his peers and the establishment maintained a double lock on genomics. Their ideology was: Don't look back on DNA, since recursion can "never happen" and even if you would, "there is only junk."

    As a scientist with his first degree in engineering, he developed a neural net application for NASA, using the parallel computers of the time (so-called Transputers).

    By 2005 fundamental problems with underlying axioms of genomics became too obvious. Meanwhile, millions, if not hundreds of millions were dying of junk DNA diseases while 98.7% of the human DNA was officially still considered untouchable.

    Together with his fellow pioneers, Dr. Pellionisz launched the trial balloon of International PostGenetics Society. Indeed, almost a year ahead of disclosing the official conclusions of ENCODE that "junk" DNA is anything but, the IPGS became the first organization to officially abandon the misnomer at its European Inaugural in 2006. At that meeting, Pellionisz pioneered the approach of diagnosis (leading to therapy and eventual cure) of junk DNA diseases caused by fractal defects in genomic regulatory sequences.

    In late 2006 a manuscript attempting to close the chapter on junk DNA was co-authored by 20 Founders of IPGS. Those suffering from "junk DNA diseases" probably wish that the manuscript was given the benefit of a peer-review.

    Instead, the mounting pressure caused publication of ENCODE results 3 months earlier than planned. Thirty major papersshredded long-held views and printed staggering statements such as "the concept of genes is a myth." A deafening silence ensued.

    Rather than heeding advice of Dr. Collins of "re-thinking long-held beliefs" research went "genome-wide" for more data, as next-generation sequencing made the entire genome of many species (including humans) available with rapidly melting price tag.

    Application of brute force to turn out more data instead of revising axioms created its own problems, however. A dreaded DNA data deluge looms large. Without a combination of algorithmic reduction as well as building the proper computing architecture, the brute force approach of full genome sequencing and genome-wide analysis have already hit a compute- and data-wall.

    The old bottleneck "get info" (sequencing to obtain data). The new bottleneck is "use info" (understanding what sequenced data mean). The promise inherent in the Principle is that an algorithmic reduction delivers us an understanding of physiological and therefore pathological genome function in a new light. This clears the road for rapid advancement beyond a long-overdue breakthrough. In HoloGenomics, all, including non-genic conditions can now be focused upon. This is the direct response to consumers, including those who are not even patients. For those impatient enough to prevent some undesirable conditions, the principle opens an opportunity.

    Brian Flanagan
    Phone: ( 1) 319-338-6250begin_of_the_skype_highlighting ( 1) 319-338-6250
    shiloh wrote:ISIS Report 12/01/09

    Epigenetic Inheritance

    "What Genes Remember"

    Epigenetic inheritance of acquired characters more powerful than inheritance of genes

    The experience of one generation can modify genes passed on to the next via a variety of mechanisms that blur the distinction between epigenetic and genetic Dr. Mae-Wan Ho
    A fully referenced version of this article is posted on ISIS members' website.
    Details here

    "Sins of the fathers, and their fathers"

    The experience of young boys could affect not just their own health in later life, but also the health of their sons and grandsons. The UK research team led by Marcus Pembrey at the Institute of Child Health, University College London published their findings in 2006 in the European Journal of Human Genetics [1], accompanied by a News and Commentary piece, "Sins of the fathers, and their fathers" [2].
    Two years later, a long feature article, "What genes remember", in Prospect Magazine stated [3]: "Many geneticists now think that the behaviour of our genes can be altered by experience - and even that these changes can be passed on to future generations. This finding may transform our understanding of inheritance and evolution."
    The significance of the finding is that it departs from well-known and generally accepted environmental effects on the unborn foetus in mother's womb or other maternal effects, mediated by the many provisions in the egg cell during embryogenesis, and after birth, in mother's milk.
    In contrast, effects passed on through the paternal line are associated with sperm cells that contain very little apart from the father's genes.
    Somehow, the father's experience as a young boy appeared to have affected his genes and the changes are transmitted to his male offspring in what appears to be a case of Lamarckian inheritance of acquired characters that still gets many biologists hot under the collar (see Box)..

    Lamarck, the scourge of neo-Darwinists

    French naturalist Jean Baptiste de Lamarck (1744-1829) is credited with having invented the discipline of biology and also for being the first to propose a comprehensive theory of evolution: organisms evolve through natural means and not through special creation. The two main mechanisms in Lamarck's theory of evolution were: ‘use and disuse', use enhances and reinforces the development of the organs or tissues while disuse results in atrophy; and ‘inheritance of acquired characters', transmitting to subsequent generations the tendency to develop certain new characteristic that the organism has acquired in its own development. Lamarck's theory preceded Charles Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection by more than 50 years [4] (see Lamarck the Mythical Precursor, ISIS scientific publication).
    While Darwin invoked the inheritance of acquired characters as a subsidiary mechanism to the natural selection of random variations, his modern-day disciples, the neo-Darwinists, have strenuously opposed any taint of Lamarckism. They insist that genetic variations - changes in base sequence of DNA - arise by random mutations unrelated to the environment or their survival value, which are then subject to environmental selection; those mutants that survive, survive, while the rest die out [5] (see Why Lamarck Won't Go Away, ISIS scientific publication). This belief is encapsulated in Francis Crick's Central Dogma of molecular biology, which decreed that genetic information flows strictly one-way from DNA to RNA to protein (that determine the characteristics of the organism selected by the environment), and never in reverse. In their words, the environment can never pass information back to the genes, so acquired characters cannot be inherited.
    Since the mid-1970s, if not before, molecular geneticists have been turning up evidence that increasingly contradicts the Central Dogma, and by the early 1980s, the new genetics of the ‘fluid genome' had emerged [6] (see Living with the Fluid Genome, ISIS publication). But apart from a few ‘heretics', no one dared to say a word against the Central Dogma or the neo-Darwinian theory of evolution which depends on it.
    Things have changed a lot since the human and other genomes were sequenced, and deposited in one freely accessible central database [7] (Death of the Central Dogma, SiS 24). The database is not much good for business, or drug discovery [8] (The human genome sellout, ISIS News 6), but turns out to be very good [7] "for research that exposes the poverty of the genetic determinism ideology that has led to the creation of the database in the first place."
    The 2004 series Life after the Central Dogma [9] (Science in Society 24) marked the end of genetic determinism, and documented why the new genetics demands a thoroughly ecological approach in our public health, environment, and social policies. Research findings since have strongly reinforced this message to policy makers. It now appears that the experience of individuals during critical periods of early development can influence not just their own lives as adults, but those of their children and children's children.[/b]

    The Avon Study

    The UK Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) is a long-term health research project involving more than 14 000 mothers enrolled during pregnancy in 1991 and 1992. Analysing data from the study, researchers showed that the sons of fathers who smoked before puberty had a significantly greater body mass index (measure of obesity) at 9 years of age: 18.15 compared with 17.23 in sons of fathers that never smoked [1]. But there was no effect on the body mass index of the daughters.
    Faced with this intriguing finding, the research team turned to old records of people born in1890, 1905, and 1920 from Overkalix, an isolated community in Northern Sweden, where previously, they had reported an association of ancestral food supply with longevity and death from cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
    Re-analyzing the records showed that the paternal grandfathers' food supply during mid childhood was indeed linked to the risk of death in grandsons, but not in grand-daughters. Poor availability of food was associated with reduced risk of death in grandsons by 35 percent while good availability of food was associated with increased risk of death by 67 percent compared with controls.
    In contrast, the nutritional status of the paternal grandmother had no influence on the grandsons, but affected the granddaughter in a similar way. Good food availability increased the risk of death for grand-daughters by 113 percent, while poor food availability decreased the risk of death by 49 percent.
    A previous study on the same ALSPAC database had found an association between high birth weight in grand children and type 2 diabetes in maternal grandparents; but not in paternal grandparent [10].

    Epigenetic inheritance

    The results of the ALSPAC studies imply that experience during a crucial period of life could influence more than one generation in a sex-specific way.
    Although the mechanisms involved in humans are not yet known, this kind of trans-generational effects is being taken more seriously because similar effects - now described as ‘epigenetic inheritance' - have been documented in a substantial number of animal studies. For example, how an adult rat responds to stress was found to depend on whether its mother cared for it adequately as a pup, which marks certain genes for the rest of its life [11] (Caring Mothers Reduce Response to Stress for Life, SiS 24), and we shall update that fascinating story [12] (Caring Mothers Strike Fatal Flow against Genetic Determinism, SiS 41). Another series of studies show that a single exposure of rats during embryogenesis to the fungicide vincozolin is sufficient to cause a range of serious diseases and abnormalities in the adults that are transmitted to three further generations [13] (see Epigenetic Toxicology, SiS 41).
    Epigenetic change is usually defined as that which does not involve changing DNA sequences, or "the structural adaptation of chromosomal regions so as to register signal or perpetuate altered activity states" [14], but such definition are rapidly becoming obsolete.
    In reality, epigenetic modifications encompass a great variety of mechanisms acting not just at transcription but at post-transcription and translation of genetic messages, and indeed, even rewrites genomic DNA itself [15, 16] (see Epigenetic Inheritance through Sperm Cells, and Rewriting the Genetic Text in Brain Development and Evolution, SiS 41). Epigenetic mechanisms include various enzyme-catalyzed chemical modifications of genomic DNA (methylation of cytosine residues in CpG dinucleotides) and histone chromatin proteins (methylation, acetylation, phosphorylation, ubiquitinylation, etc.), which recruits other proteins such as transcription factors and repressors, that together, determine the activity state of specific genes or sets of genes [17, 18]. Also included are changes to the genetic messages transcribed [19, 20]. RNA editing systematically alters base sequences, such as changing adenosine (A) to inosine (I), which is read as guanosine (G), resulting in an entirely new message. Alternative splicing creates different proteins; and RNA interference determines which messages are cleaved, or blocked from translation. Transcription factors promoting the expression of certain genes may be involved at the same time in repressing neighbouring genes [19]. Finally, epigenetic mechanisms include reverse transcription of altered transcripts [15, 16], which has the effect of rewriting the genetic messages encoded in genomic DNA, and hence distinctly blurring the boundaries between epigenetic and genetic.
    Epigenetic modifications occur in cell differentiation, so that different genes are expressed, different messages are altered, say in brain cells as opposed to skin cells, and they are inherited by the daughter cells in cell division. Most epigenetic changes are ‘erased' in the germ cells that produce the next generation (DNA methylation is studied in greatest detail in this respect), but some modifications survive, and are passed on to the next generation. We shall be dealing with different examples in other articles in this series.

    Further References, shared by Jane Birdy


    shiloh wrote:

    Commentary by John Shadow aka shiloh, describing the persepective in the interpretation of Thuban 101:

    Epigenetic Inheritance infers the possibility and potential for the human genome to retransfigure itself, following a (superlative) change of the environment (as is predicted by JS to be completed by August 4th, 2013).
    Epigenetic Inheritance also refers to 'holistic' DNA/RNA encoding patterns in comparison to the 'genetic entrapment' (you are born this way and cannot change it) of the sexchromosomal legacy of the blending and synthesis of parental genes.
    Epigenetics so describes the overall geometrical morphology and 'shape' for the biochemical and molecular genetic material to engage the 3% of the coding DNA/RNA via its 'intron' envelope (of so 90% of the biochemically non-encoding DNA/RNA). A Key to this is the supersymmetric DNA/RNA Template, which assigns 'magneto charges' to individual nucleotidally coupled baseletters (A-T(U) and G-C).

    The 'Epigenetic Envelope' so allows 'sexual differentiation' between the baseletters, say in rendering Guanine and Adenosine as 'female' and the coupled Cytosine and Thymine/Uracil) as 'male'.


    12D-DNA/RNA Templete of the 8x8=64 Nucleotidal Base Extension

    --- 1. How does nature take creative leaps? In the fossil record there are repeated gaps that no "missing link" can fill. The most glaring is the leap by which inorganic molecules turned into DNA. For billions of years after the Big Bang, no other molecule replicated itself. No other molecule was remotely as complicated. No other
    molecule has the capacity to string billions of pieces of information that remain self-sustaining despite countless transformations into all the life forms that DNA has produced.

    "From the Mayan Annals:
    There is more to DNA, than is apparant in analysing it experimentally. In the 1951/53 Crick-Wilkins-Watson-Franklin (CWWF) mode and in all the three nucleotidal base-pairings: Adenine-Thymine, Adenine-Uracil and Guanine-Cytosine; the purine pentagonal symmetry is suppressed in the hydrogenic bonding.
    Reflecting Adenine and Guanine in the mirror of the Carbon-Double Bond realigns the bases.

    The 'twisting' of Cytosine and the reflection of Uracil occur in higher dimensional Dragon-Klein-Bottle-Space and one hydrogen atom in Guanine forms a new connection to the sugar-phosphate backbone, whilst H-N-H=NH2 (amine) switches with the Cytosine's backbone connection.

    Subsequently, the double-helix becomes a stacked spiralling sequence of pentagons around a decagon with longrange translational order and a longrange rotational order with counting frequency XY=1, that is as can be observed in Penrose tiling patterns in the ratio of rhombus-angles of 36 and 72 degrees.

    The importance of the geometry for the double-helix is found in the encompassed pentagonal space, around which the 'nucleotidal staircase' ascends and descends. This encompassed space serves for the MAGNETIC INDUCTION of the Information to be processed in the unfolding of the 'messenger' RNA strands, copying themselves under the instructions of the 'precursor' DNA.

    This Magnetic Induction uses the encoding of experience factoers in the form of the Fibonacci-Awareness Triplets: (Old SelfState; and Experience; New SelfState), with the Newest Self becoming the initialiser for the next awareness triplet and using the highest Oldest Self as the next experience iteratively.

    This defines twinned pentagons to form the geometry for the universal genetic encoding and specifies a fivefolded symmetry of quasicrystallinity and as has been discovered in Shechtmanites.

    A 3-tiered 12-dimensional DNA/RNA so becomes the topologically twisted 3-dimensional DNA/RNA only within its unified state.
    Observation of the latter, say via the science of crystallography will always display interference patterns indicative of the hexagonally connected CWWF mode.

    The first lifeforms on Gaia were Crystalline replicators, using the fivefolded symmetries of the pentagon. The five Platonic Solids serve as geometrised forms for viruses and microbial biota. From these endosymbiosis connected archae, prokaryotes and eukaryotes and the evolutionary 'living tree' manifested.

    The crystalline nonorganic structures carry crystalline awareness, linked to the chiral asymmetries on the subnuclear level of radiaoactivity and the nuclear weak interaction in the violation of CP-Symmetry.

    In the DNA/RNA, lefthanded- or L-enantiomated amino acids and righthanded- or dextro-enantiomated sugars so allow differentiation between constituents in the genetic encoding in terms of geometry and associated with 'living' organic entities.
    Inorganic molecules without the DNA/RNA experience no MAGNETIC INDUCTION from the Consciousness-Encoding and so do not show a predominant preference for chirality in their structural definitions.

    Nature's Leaps are evolutionary nexus points, describable in Jay Gould's 'punctuated equilibria'. The timing for those nexus points are not arbitrary, but depend on the diffusion of 'awareness markers', either of individual 'discoveries' or group-conscious remembrances.

    The latter relate to Gaian planetary consciousness in regards to the collective environments and to individual- or group-awarenesses, say as morphogenetic resonances in the Noosphere or the general mental evolutionary plateau embedded in the Gaian consciousness as subsystems."

    Intelligent Designs in the Mayan Annals with Deepak Chopra

    In Lake'ch - I am another yourself!

    Greetings from the Little Serpent, the Baby-Dragon you all have helped to create in your endeavours of your imaginations.

    Yes, the Dragon of the MATHIMATIA preceded you in space and in time, but his RENAMING as the LUCKDRAGON for a Humanity in Transformation; this you have accomplished in your collective efforts to become creative human beings, searching for self-identification in ever-changing visions of yourselves as being more than you perceive yourselves to be at any PRESENT timing.

    As the messenger from his excellency, the LOVEDRAGON, I shall today answer a number of questions, which are addressed in the essay below.

    Deepak Chopra is an awakened Maya amongst you and his many works could prove of benefit to your understandings, should you allow yourselves to receive his Mayan wisdoms.

    In this essay of his, I shall add to the topics raised in interspersals in exclamation symbols "---".

    Intelligent Design Without the Bible by Deepak Chopra

    It is disturbing to see that the current debate over evolution has become us-versus-them. To say that Nature displays intelligence doesn't make you a Christian fundamentalist.

    Einstein said as much, and a fascinating theory called the anthropic principle has been seriously considered by Stephen Hawking, among others. The anthropic principle tries to understand how a random universe could evolve to produce DNA, and ultimately human intelligence. To say the DNA happened randomly is like saying that a hurricane could blow through a junk yard and produce a jet plane.

    It's high time to rescue "intelligent design" from the politics of religion. There are too many riddles not yet answered by either biology or the Bible, and by asking them honestly, without foregone conclusions, science could take a huge leap forward.

    If anyone here is interested in placing this debate on a higher plane than us-versus-them, I think the main issues are these:

    --- 1. How does nature take creative leaps? In the fossil record there are repeated gaps that no "missing link" can fill. The most glaring is the leap by which inorganic molecules turned into DNA. For billions of years after the Big Bang, no other molecule replicated itself. No other molecule was remotely as complicated. No other
    molecule has the capacity to string billions of pieces of information that remain self-sustaining despite countless transformations into all the life forms that DNA has produced.

    "From the Mayan Annals:

    There is more to DNA, than is apparent in analysing it experimentally. In the 1951/53 Crick-Wilkins-Watson-Franklin (CWWF) mode and in all the three nucleotidal base-pairings: Adenine-Thymine, Adenine-Uracil and Guanine-Cytosine; the purine pentagonal symmetry is suppressed in the hydrogenic bonding.
    Reflecting Adenine and Guanine in the mirror of the Carbon-Double Bond realigns the bases.

    The 'twisting' of Cytosine and the reflection of Uracil occur in higher dimensional Dragon-Klein-Bottle-Space and one hydrogen atom in Guanine forms a new connection to the sugar-phosphate backbone, whilst H-N-H=NH2 (amine) switches with the Cytosine's backbone connection.
    Subsequently, the double-helix becomes a stacked spiralling sequence of pentagons around a decagon with longrange translational order and a longrange rotational order with counting frequency XY=1, that is as can be observed in Penrose tiling patterns in the ratio of rhombus-angles of 36 and 72 degrees.

    The importance of the geometry for the double-helix is found in the encompassed pentagonal space, around which the 'nucleotidal staircase' ascends and descends. This encompassed space serves for the MAGNETIC INDUCTION of the Information to be processed in the unfolding of the 'messenger' RNA strands, copying themselves under the instructions of the 'precursor' DNA.

    This Magnetic Induction uses the encoding of experience factoers in the form of the Fibonacci-Awareness Triplets: (Old SelfState; and Experience; New SelfState), with the Newest Self becoming the initialiser for the next awareness triplet and using the highest Oldest Self as the next experience iteratively.

    This defines twinned pentagons to form the geometry for the universal genetic encoding and specifies a fivefolded symmetry of quasicrystallinity and as has been discovered in Shechtmanites.

    A 3-tiered 12-dimensional DNA/RNA so becomes the topologically twisted 3-dimensional DNA/RNA only within its unified state.
    Observation of the latter, say via the science of crystallography will always display interference patterns indicative of the hexagonally connected CWWF mode.





    The first lifeforms on Gaia were Crystalline replicators, using the fivefolded symmetries of the pentagon. The five Platonic Solids serve as geometrised forms for viruses and microbial biota. From these endosymbiosis connected archae, prokaryotes and eukaryotes and the evolutionary 'living tree' manifested.

    The crystalline nonorganic structures carry crystalline awareness, linked to the chiral asymmetries on the subnuclear level of radiaoactivity and the nuclear weak interaction in the violation of CP-Symmetry.

    In the DNA/RNA, lefthanded- or L-enantiomated amino acids and righthanded- or dextro-enantiomated sugars so allow differentiation between constituents in the genetic encoding in terms of geometry and associated with 'living' organic entities.
    Inorganic molecules without the DNA/RNA experience no MAGNETIC INDUCTION from the Consciousness-Encoding and so do not show a predominant preference for chirality in their structural definitions.

    Nature's Leaps are evolutionary nexus points, describable in Jay Gould's 'punctuated equilibria'. The timing for those nexus points are not arbitrary, but depend on the diffusion of 'awareness markers', either of individual 'discoveries' or group-conscious remembrances.
    The latter relate to Gaian planetary consciousness in regards to the collective environments and to individual- or group-awarenesses, say as morphogenetic resonances in the Noosphere or the general mental evolutionary plateau embedded in the Gaian consciousness as subsystems."

    --- 2. If mutations are random, why does the fossil record demonstrate so many positive mutations -- those that lead to new species -- and so few negative ones? Random chance should produce useless mutations thousands of times more often than positive ones.

    "From the Mayan Annals:

    There are no random mutations as such. There is a statistical spread of mutations about an average, and a mean which is defined in increasing the environmental stimuli encountered by an embedded organism to increase its self-awareness. All mutations, even the 'short-lived' ones serve the purpose to provide context for the 'longer lived' ones."

    --- 3. How does evolution know where to stop? The pressure to evolve is constant; therefore it is hard to understand why evolution isn't a constant. Yet sharks and turtles and insects have been around for hundreds of millions of years without apparent evolution except to diversify among their kind. These species stopped in place while others, notably hominids, kept evolving with tremendous speed, even though our primate ancestors didn't have to. The many species of monkeys which persist in original form tell us that human evolution, like the shark's, could have ended. Why didn't it?

    "From the Mayan Annals:

    There are more than one kind of evolution. The physical evolution is a dynamic evolution from the subatomic to the elemental to the molecular to the crystalline. At the crystalline level the electro-capacitative function begins to dominate in a physical sense and evolves to allow self- and mutual inductions in cross-reference to a magneto-inductive function which is predominantly mental or psychophysical.

    When the crystalline capacity for memory retainment has certain saturation levels, then the crystalline form can accomodate magnetic induction of SOURCESINK ENERGY. This can be labeled as a form of LIFE-ENERGY.

    This magnetic induction then hybrids the crystalline geometric forms with the psychophysical quantum geometry, which is also based on the pentagonal symmetry and the awareness-triplets of experience-factors. In such manner do crystalline geometries life-induct as primitive forms of viral, bacyterial and microbial classifications.

    So whilst physical evolution for a certain geometrical 'species' might reach plateaus of constancy, the mental evolution continues until maximum self-awareness and potential resonance with the SourceSink awareness has been attained."

    --- 4. Evolutionary biology is stuck with regard to simultaneous mutations. One kind of primordial skin cell, for example, mutated into scales, fur, and feathers. These are hugely different adaptations, and each is tremendously complex. How could one kind of cell take three different routes purely at random?

    "From the Mayan Annals:

    The primeval cell is defined in a master template as a derivative from its subatomic string ancestor. The psychophysical cellular entity is that of a memory processor and carries a 'subconscious' UNIVERSAL MEMORY of its COSMIC Origins embedded within itself.

    This ancestor serves as a quantum geometric entity, which allows diversification in regards to the environmental adaptations; albeit under the underpinning peripheral encompassment of the self-awareness of the entity, coloured by its remembrances, either cognisant or instinctual. The interaction of the cell with its environment is a feedback mechanism of its memory, leading to ever greater recall of its origins in the dynamical processing of its experienced information in linear time."

    --- 5. If design doesn't imply intelligence, why are we so intelligent? The human body is composed of cells that evolved from one-celled blue-green algae, yet that algae is still around. Why did DNA pursue the path of greater and greater intelligence when it could have perfectly survived in one-celled plants and animals, as in fact
    it did?

    "From the Mayan Annals:

    The DNA is the master-code of the UNIVERSAL MEMORY, attempting to REMEMBER ITSELF as the UNITY and ONENESS it was before space and time began."

    --- 6. Why do forms replicate themselves without apparent need? The helix or spiral shape found in the shell of the chambered nautilus, the center of sunflowers, spiral galaxies, and DNA itself seems to be such a replication. It is mathematically elegant and appears to be a design that was suited for hundreds of totally unrelated functions in nature.

    "From the Mayan Annals:

    The master-code of the DNA uses a bifurcation of the DNA/RNA-template into two halves of 10 Amino Acid codons each.
    The Fibonacci pattern of the fivefolded symmetry underpins the entire cosmogenesis from the transformation of superstring classes into each other during inflation and the natural Lamarckian and Darwinian evolution subsequently."

    Last edited by Raven on Thu Sep 06, 2012 5:26 am; edited 6 times in total

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