The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

Discussion in 'The Thuban Legacy' started by admin, Oct 31, 2015.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°21

    empty. Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    empty. Raven on Fri Aug 03, 2012 1:01 am

    Raven wrote:


    Highly Recommended as background information pertaining to the cosmic metamorphosis and reconfiguration in hyperspacetime,
    beginning with the Gaian hyperdimensional poleshift, December 21st, 2012.
    Shared by MOA forum (Carol) from older sources.

    Caveats and Reanalysis of the Pane Andov videos:

    1. The crop circle and ufo agendas are supported by the Thuban Council.

    2. The accelerated evolution of the local sun from a yellow G2 main sequence star into a red giant into a white dwarf remnant is misidentified from a 4D-spacetime perspective, misconstruing the hyperspace evolution of the local starsystem.
    The Thuban Council so qualifies the statements made and conclusions drawn by Pane Andov in that regard.
    8 minutes following the planetary poleshift at the centre of the earth in 5D-hyperspace Black Hole equivalence; the expanding wavefront, then centred and sourcesink vortexed, will then originate from the planetary starplanet singularity and will indeed render the Earth-Moon-Venus-Mercury-Rahsol inner solar system as a unified information and data emitting superstructure. This new data emitter will then grow at lightspeed under the parameters of a standard cosmology obeying a 4D-spacetime, which however accomodates its evolvement as a Euclidean flat-Minkowski metric into a 5D-Klein Kaluza metric of curved-rotational freedom degrees. The higher dimensional aspects of this hyperphysics, then will allow a transcendence of the lightspeed invariance as a 4D spacetime acceleration limit into its tachyonic expansion of de Broglie phasespeeds as a function of Frequency as inverse time parameter and revisiting the original inflationary string-membrane epoch of the cosmogenesis from its ontologoical cosmogony of the World Logos aka the 'Word of God'.
    The physical potential destruction and reconstruction of the planetary surface in oceans and geology, so will occur in the 'expanded' or 'new space' 'opening up' and in the additional spacetime metric harboured by the extension of the 4D 'flat' spacetime into a 5D 'curved' spacetime. No large scale geological 'destruction' is therefore necessitated by the processing of the galactic signal.

    3. Pane Andov's 'strong magnetic' interference patterns are a derivative of the monopolar nature of consciousness in the new 'opened' and superposed spacetime and so are not directly related to the gamma ray spectrum of the NASA-Fermi data.
    This 'consciousness expansion' so is a function of the 2012 timeline, but its manifestation is hyperspacial and not linespace derived, as would be the case if they were caused by lower dimensional cosmic magnetic fields.

    4. The 'double sun' data and the 'other approaching star/yellow star/white dwarf/Nibiru/Nemesis' data of the videos is dismissed by the Thuban Council as a misidentification of the higher dimensional nature of the 'Shadow Earth', which is indeed 'approaching' in the form of the galactic signal from Hunab Ku aka Sagittarius A*. This takes the form of the 'Thuban Fleet' encompassing all notions of 'ET Contact' or the encoded 'Coming of the Troop of Gad Virgo'. This scenario is also encoded as a 'New Jerusalem' in particular scriptures and scrolls of antiquity.
    In more general terms, this comprises 200 Million ET sentiences, which are already blended or hybridised with old human genetic stock in the multidimensional sense; which will however blend in the hyperspacetime sense as a proportion of this old human 'pioneering sentry' as a 'new starhuman seed'.
    The proportionality relates to a foreguard of 50,000 x 144,000 = 7,200,000,000 as the total populus of Earth at the time of contact.

    5. The merkabah and geometry data of Pane Andov is supported by the Thuban Council.


    The Council of Thuban by Serafina

    Finis Hominis Incere Hominidae Draconis Astrum!
    "Humanity has ended, enter the Starhumanity of Dragons!"

    metamorphosis. sphinx. papillondog.

    As of 24Jun2008, an old Humanity has entered its Cocoon to begin its Metamorphosis into a new Starhuman Papillon or Butterfly-DOG and as GOD's (Primal Source) 'Best Friend'.

    Old 'Caterpillar' Humanity is required to grow Wings, to transform its nature from a 'verocious' annihilator of its environments in search for 'food' into a subtle selfidentification as a fertilising and pollinating 'Butterfly' of a New Starhumanity.

    The wingmaker phenomenon requires elucidation in its scientific and metaphysical origins and purposes. The answers are found in a precursive metaphysics for a physics of the quantum and how the smallest realms of the subatomic nature of superstrings and supermembranes relate as holofractals to the macroworlds from bacteria to clusters of galaxies and the universe as encompassing and unified entity and as the 'Goddess' Aphrodite or the 'Body of the Cosmic Mother' as the archetypical Eve as ambassadora for Barbelo as the cosmic womb.

    Old 'Caterpillar' Humanity is required to grow Wings, to transform its nature from a 'verocious' annihilator of its environments in search for 'food' into a subtle selfidentification as a fertilising and pollinating 'Butterfly' of a New Starhumanity.
    a4metmph. excerpt_ap_0330.

    This forum and related sites around the globe address this human transformation in a profound manner, which unifies and harmonises the divers thought systems and philosophies hitherto invented and discovered by a collective humanity, searching for its purpose of being incarnate upon Gaia during these times of transition.

    The 'ancient wingmakers' are also the 'Original Cosmic Intelligence' encompassingly known as the 'Ancient Ones' and whose phenomenal existence requires elucidation in its scientific and metaphysical origins and purposes. The answers are found in a precursive metaphysics for a physics of the quantum and how the smallest realms of the subatomic nature of superstrings and supermembranes relate as holofractals to the macroworlds from bacteria to clusters of galaxies and the universe as encompassing and unified entity and as the 'Goddess' Aphrodite or the 'Body of the Cosmic Mother' as the archetypical Eve as ambassadora for Barbelo as the cosmic womb.

    Aphrodite is also Venus and the Star of the Mornings and Evenings {Revelation.2.28;22.16; 2Peter.1.19} as Lucifer, Quetzacoatl or Kukulkan of various ancient scrolls and texts of interrelated cultures. SheHe is also known as Lucifera as 'A Lucifer' and as Satanina as 'In A Satan' and as Serpentina as 'In A Serpent' as the Old Gaia encompassed by the Ouroboros, the Galactic Serpent Hunab Ku aka Milky Way aka Perseus and transforming into the New Gaia Serpentina as a StarPlanet.

    sheila-wolk-metamorphosis. metamorphosis__the_dryad__by_aselclub.
    Metamorphosis by Sheila Wolk and the Dryad by Asel Club

    In 23,616 BC, an ET-message:"I Love You!" was sent by Hunab Ku, from the center of the Milky Way Galaxy to the heart of Gaia, arriving 21Dec2012 after travelling 9,360,000 kin at lightspeed.

    ixguq1ww1. end_of_world-20110417-153641.

    world-torus_1_. thothbh.

    earth_sm. 14.

    On August 4th, 2012 and December 21st, 2012 and one year later on August 4th, 2013 and December 16th, 2013 particular 'timelines' will reach their archetypical (and encoded or prophecied) completion to culminate on New Year 2014 in the addition of 1 Hour as 15 days {360/24=15/1} in an archetyped 'New World'.
    From these nexus dates onwards; a new physical reality will be able to manifest in universal reconfiguration, due to the redefinition of the older symbols.


    Welcome in the Dragon's Den of Plato's Cave of Shadows, also being Noah's Ark!

    The Metamorphosis of Narcissus by Salvador Dali, 1937

    v79hmorj9. 15564_10.

    For the initiated Cosmic TwinLogos Chronos, encompassing all cocreated 'individualised' timelines;
    the 'Hour of the Dispensation of the Judgements': July 5th, 2012 to July 14th to July 19th, 2012.


    newearth. twins. phoenix11. dragtwin.
    The Council of Thuban
    She got a few things right here. Origins indeed!
    The Baby is the Little Serpent as a 'new hybrid starhuman race' though and the 'parents' watching are Abba and Baab right at the 'turnabout of time' as the ten degrees from June 23rd to July 2nd, 2012.
    2012 Dates
     Thu24Mar 2011  Palm Saturday 31AD
    Sabbath-Mirror Hiddekel
    1980 year warp from 31AD 
     Fri25Mar 2011  Palm Sunday 31AD1980 year warp from 31AD1
     Mon28Mar 2011 4=494-490=490-486Passion Wednesday 31AD
    1980 year warp from 31AD4
     Thu31Mar 2011 7=497-490=490-483
    Easter Saturday 31AD
    1980 year warp from 31AD7
     Fri01Apr 2011 490=434+49+3½+3½Easter Sunday 31AD
    1980 year warp from 31AD8
     Sun17Apr 2011  Palm Sunday 2011 24
     Wed20Apr 2011  Passion Wednesday 2011 27
     Sun24April 2011  Easter Sunday 2011 31
     Sun01May 2011   Beltane 201138
     Tue10May 2011  Ascension Thursday 31AD1980 year warp from 31AD47
     Fri20May 2011  Pentecost Sunday 31AD1980 year warp from 31AD57
     Thu02Jun 2011  Ascension Thursday 2011 70
     Sun12Jun 2011  Whit Sunday 2011 80
     Mon04Jul 2011 265+7+265=537=268+1+268
    Independence Day 2011AntiGestation of 265+3½=268½ days102
     Thu01May 2014 6Cib9Uo =
    Rev.20Beltane-Walpurgis Nacht 20141134
     Wed30Apr 2014 5Men8Uo =
    as 647+0 days
    Rev.20.3Beltane-Walpurgis Nacht 2014
    The Little Season of Satan as 360/4=90 days in a quarter year
     Fri31Jan 2014 7Cimi4Pax =
    Rev.9.15Euphrates 391+15=406 HOUR Calibration1044
     Thu16Jan 2014 5Chuen9Muan =
    Rev.9.15Euphrates 4 Corner YDMH Calibration1029
     Wed15Jan 2014 4Oc8Muan =
    Eze.4.1-6Ezekiel Israel TIME Calibration1028
     Mon06Jan 2014 8Imix19Kankin = of the Nativity in 3 Magi 2014 in 12+1=13 days of Christmas 20131019
     Wed01Jan 2014 3Cib14Kankin = Year 20141014
     Wed25Dec 2013 9Muluc7Kankin = 20131007
     Sat21Dec 2013 5Chicchan3Kankin = Solstice 20131003
     Wed18Dec 2013 2Ik0Kankin =
    Millennium of 1000 dayyears1000
     Tue17Dec 2013 1Imix19Mac = of 1000 dayyears
    0+999=1000 days
     Mon16Dec 2013 13Ahau18Mac = Calibration of Mayan Long Count in 25,627.795... Civil Years
    9,360,360 Kin = 65 Baktun (144,000x5x13) + 360 Kin as a 'prophetic' Platonic Degree Year Cycle from Friday, December 21st, 2012
     Tue28May 2013 0+360+30+1+(15)+1+30+360
    =391+(7½+7½)+391=797 days
    Rev.8.1&Rev.9.15Timeline from March 24th, 2011 to May 28th, 2013796
     Sat25May 2013   Wesak-Buddha Full Sagittarius Moon in Gemini Sun at 4°8' at 04:25 UCT on May 25th, 2013 & Lunar Eclipse793
     Mon20May 2013 788=781+7=366+365+49+1+7
    150+3+150=0+302=0+152+150 as 303=150+1+1+1+150 days
    Pentecost Monday 20131982 year warp from 31AD
    Solar Transit from Taurus into Gemini on Monday, May 20th, 2013 at 21:09 UCT
     Sun19May 2013  Whit Sunday 20131982 year warp from 31AD787
     Fri10May 2013  Ascension Friday 20131982 year warp from 31AD
    New Moon in Taurus Sun at 00:28 UCT at 19°31' on May 10th, 2013 & Solar Eclipse
     Thu9May 2013  Ascension Thursday 20131982 year warp from 31AD777
     Wed01May 2013   Beltane 2013769
     Thu25Apr 2013   Full Scorpio Moon in Taurus Sun at 5°46' at 19:57 UCT on April 25th, 2013 & Lunar Eclipse763
     Wed10Apr 2013   New Moon in Aries Sun at 20°41' at 09:35 UCT on April 10th, 2013748
     Sun31Mar 2013  Easter Sunday 20131982 year warp from 31AD738
     Wed27Mar 2013  Passion Wednesday 20131982 year warp from 31AD
    Full Libra Moon in Aries Sun at 6°32' Aries at 09:27 UCT on March 27th, 2013
     Sun24Mar 2013  Palm Sunday 20131982 year warp from 31AD731
     Wed20Mar 2013   March Equinox 2013 at 0° Aries at 11:02 UCT on March 20th, 2013727
     Mon11Mar 2013   New Moon in Pisces Sun at 21°24' at 19:51 UCT on March 11th, 2013718
     Mon25Feb 2013   Full Virgo Moon in Pisces Sun at 7°24' at 20:26 UCT on February 25th, 2013704
     Sun10Feb 2013   New Moon in Aquarius Sun at 21°43' at 07:20 UCT on February 10th, 2013689
     Sun27Jan 2013   Full Leo Moon in Aquarius Sun at 7°24' at 04:38 UCT on January 27th, 2013675
     Fri11Jan 2013   New Moon in Capricorn Sun at 21°46' at 19:44 UCT on January 11th, 2013659
     Fri28Dec 2012   Full Cancer Moon in Capricorn Sun at 7°6' at 10:21 UCT on December 28th, 2012645
     Fri21Dec 2012 150+3+150=0+302=0+152+150 as 303=150+1+1+1+150 days
     Solar Transit from Sagittarius into Capricorn on Friday, December 21st, 2012 at 11:12 UCT
    Twin Pregnancy from July 4th, 2011 to March 28th, 2012 to December 21st, 2012 in 537 days
     Thu13Dec 2012   New Moon in Sagittarius Sun at 21°45' at 08:42 UCT on December 13th, 2012630
     Wed28Nov 2012   Full Gemini Moon in Sagittarius Sun at 6°47' at 14:46 UCT on November 28th, 2012 & Lunar Eclipse615
     Tue13Nov 2012   New Moon in Scorpio Sun at 21°57' at 22:08 UCT on November 13th, 2012 & Solar Eclipse600
     Mon29Oct 2012   Full Taurus Moon in Scorpio Sun at 6°48' at 19:49 UCT on October 29th, 2012585
     Mon15Oct 2012   New Moon in Libra Sun at 22°32' at 12:03 UCT on October 15th, 2012571
     Sun30Sep 2012   Full Aries Moon in Libra Sun at 7°22' at 03:19 UCT on September 30th, 2012556
     Sun16Sep 2012   New Moon in Virgo Sun at 23°37' at 02:11 UCT on September 16th, 2012542
     FriAug31 2012   Full Pisces Blue Moon in Virgo Sun at 8°34' at 13:58 UCT on August 31st, 2012526
     Fri17Aug 2012   New Moon in Leo Sun at 25°8' Aries at 15:54 UCT on August 17th, 2012512
    -76=GodMon05Mar 2012Christ=77+76347=470-123Num.33.38-39&Deut.34Birthday of Aaron347
    -73=GodThu08Mar 2012Christ=77+73350=470-120Num.33.38-39&Deut.34Birthday of Moses350
    -53=GodWed28Mar 2012Christ=77+5340+110+74+40+7+7+36+56=370
    Noah's Rainbow Covenant
    Logos Christ Mirror of Mirrors
    1981 year warp from 31AD
    Gestation of 265+3½=268½ days
    -49=GodSun01Apr 2012Christ=77+49 Palm Sunday 2012 374
    -46=GodWed04Apr 2012Christ=77+46377-370=7 Days=1 Week
    Week of Confusion
    Building of the Ark
    Passion Wednesday 2012
    -42=GodSun08Apr 2012Christ=77+42 Easter Sunday 2012 381
    -33=GodTue17Apr 2012Christ=77+33390=430-40Eze.4.1-5Ezekiel's Siege of Israel390
    -32=GodWed18Apr 2012Christ=77+32 Dan.10.2&Dan.10.13
    21 Days of Gabriel-Michael
    -31=GodThu19Apr 2012Christ=77+31-7=1st Mirror Day of 15  392
    -26=GodTue24Apr 2012Christ=77+26-2=6th Mirror Day of 15Eze.4.1-6
    Ezekiel's Week of Astonishment
    -25=GodWed25Apr 2012Christ=77+25-1=7th Mirror Day of 15  398
    -24=GodThu26Apr 2012Christ=77+240=8th Mirror Day of 15Gen.15.13400 Years of Servitude of Abrams' Seed399
    -23=GodFri27Apr 2012Christ=77+231=9th Mirror Day of 15  400
    -19=GodTue01May 2012Christ=77+195=13th Mirror Day of 15 Beltane 2012404
    -17=GodThu03May 2012Christ=77+177=15th Mirror Day of 15  406
    -16=GodFri04May 2012Christ=77+16   407
    -14=GodSun06May 2012Christ=77+14  Full Scorpio Wesak-Beltane Super Moon in Taurus Sun at 16°1' at 03:35 UCT on May 6th, 2012409
    -3=GodThu17May 2012Christ=77+3 Ascension Thursday 2012 420
    -2=GodFri18May 2012Christ=77+2   421
    -1=GodSat19May 2012Christ=77+1   422
    0=GodSun20May & Sun05AugChrist=77430+70=500 dayyears
    Egyptian + Babylonian Captivity
    First New Moon = New Gemini Moon in Gemini Sun at 0°21' at 23:47 UCT on May 20th, 2012 & Solar Eclipse
    30 Dayyears of Moses's Death before Joshua's Crossing of Jordan
    1=AdamMon21May & Sat04AugJesus=761*=AdamGen.5.1-5
    Baptism Wednesday 28AD Julian
    1980+3=1983 year warp from 28AD424/499
    2=SethTue22May & Fri03AugJoseph=752*=Seth
    3=EnosWed23May & Thu02AugHeli=743*=EnosGen.5.9-11
    Baptism Wednesday 28AD Gregorian
    Third Full Moon = Full Aquarius Blue Moon #3 in Leo Sun at 10°15' at 03:28 UCT on August 02nd, 2012
    4=CainanThu24May & Wed01AugMatthat=734*=Cainan=CainGen.5.12-14 427/496
    5=MaleleelFri25May & Tue31JulLevi=725*=Mahalaleel=MehujaelGen.5.15-17
    21 Days of Gabriel-Michael in Hour Mirror
    6=JaredSat26May & Mon30JulMelchi=716*=Jared=IradGen.5.18-20
    Midweek Day July 30th, 2012
    7=EnochSun27May & Sun29JulJanna=707*=Enoch=Enoch
    Pentecost Sunday 2012
    Ascension of Enoch
    Ezekiel's Siege of Judah
    Egyptian Captivity
    8=MathusalahMon28May & Sat28JulJoseph=698*=Methuselah=MethusaelGen.5.25-27 431/492
    9=LamechTue29May & Fri27JulMattathias=689*=Lamech=LamechGen.5.28-32 432/491
    10=NoeWed30May & Thu26JulAmos=6710*=Noah&Amzara
    434+49+7=490 days
    =62+7+1 weeks
    Perfect generation mirror God-Noah-Abraham
    in Adah-Zillah Sisterhood
    11=SemThu31May & Wed25JulNaum=6611*=ShemGen.11.10-11 434/489
    12=ArphaxadFri01Jun & Tue24JulEsli=6512*=ArphaxadGen.11.12-13 435/488
    13=CainanSat02Jun & Mon23JulNagge=64Cursed Cainan Generations in
    Generations 4 to 10 and -1 to -7
    Redeemed in Cosmic Twinship
    Midweek Day July 23rd, 2012
    14=SalaSun03Jun & Sun22JulMaath=63-7=Salah/Jesusina 74ina Maria=42
    Tubalcain&Naamah of Zillah
    New BrotherSisterhood
    150+3+150=0+302=0+152+150 as 303=150+1+1+1+150 days
    Left Twin Christ Jesus
    New AbelCain as SisterBrother
    Pause - Think of That - Selah!
    Mary Magdalene Day on July 22nd, 2012
    Solar Transit from Cancer into Leo on Sunday, July 22nd, 2012 at 10:01 UCT
    15=HeberMon04Jun & Sat21JulMattathias=62-6=Eber/Jesus=New=42
    Jabal&Jubal of Adah
    New Brotherhood
    Right Twin Jesus Christ
    New CainAbel as BrotherSister
    First Full Moon = Full Sagittarius Moon in Gemini Sun at 14°14' at 11:12 UCT on June 4th, 2012 & Lunar Eclipse438/485
    16=PhalecTue05Jun & Fri20JulSemei=61-5=Peleg/Lamech/Mary=41Gen.11.18-19 439/484
    17=RagauWed06Jun & Thu19JulJoseph=60-4=Reu/Methusael/Joseph=40
    10 Days of Imprisonment
    Babylonian Captivity of Jerusalem
    Venus Transit 2012 at Tuesday/Wednesday, June 5th/6th 2012 from 22:04-01:29-04:55 UCT
    Third New Moon = New Cancer Moon in Cancer Sun at 26°55' at 04:24 UCT on July 19th, 2012
    18=SaruchThu07Jun & Wed18JulJuda=59-3=Serug/Mehujael/Jacob=39Gen.11.22-23 441/482
    19=NachorFri08Jun & Tue17JulJoanna=58-2=Nahor/Irad/Matthan=38Gen.11.24-25 442/481
    20=TharaSat09Jun & Mon16JulRhesa=57-1=Terah/Enoch/Eleazar=37
    4th year of Solomon's reign
    Building of the City of Enoch
    Building of Solomon's Temple
    21=AbrahamSun10Jun & Sun15JulZorobabel=561=Abraham/Eliud=36
    3rd year of Solomon's reign
    Zech.4&1Kings.6.1Completion of the Temple Plan444/479
    22=IsaacMon11Jun & Sat14JulSalathiel=552=Isaac/Achim=35
    2nd year of Solomon's reign
    1Kings.6.1 445/478
    23=JacobTue12Jun & Fri13JulNeri=543=Jacob/Sadoc=34
    1st year of Solomon's reign
    David's Loyal Priesthood of Zadok446/477
    24=JudaWed13Jun & Thu12JulMelchi=534=Judas/Azor=33
    7th Nation of Chanaan
    Jesus said, "He who knows the father and the mother will be called the son of a harlot."
    25=PharesThu14Jun & Wed11JulAddi=525=Phares/Eliakim=32
    6th Nation of Chanaan
    26=EsromFri15Jun & Tue10JulCosam=516=Esrom/Abiud=31Acts.13.18-20
    5th Nation of Chanaan
    27=AramSat16Jun & Mon09JulElmodam=507=Aram/Zorobabel=30
    4th Nation of Chanaan
    28=AminadabSun17Jun & Sun08JulEr=498=Aminadab/Salathiel=29Acts.13.18-20
    3rd Nation of Chanaan
    29=NaassonMon18Jun & Sat07JulJose=489=Naasson/Jechonias=28Acts.13.18-20
    2nd Nation of Chanaaan
    Captivity of Babylon452/471
    30=SalmonTue19Jun & Fri06JulEliezer=4710=Salmon/Josias=27
    1st Nation of Chanaan
    Second New Moon = New Gemini Moon in Gemini Sun at 28°43'
    at 15:02 UCT on June 19th, 2012
    Last righteous king of Israel
    Wilderness of Sinai and Death of Aaron and Moses
    31=BoozWed20Jun & Thu05JulJorim=4611=Booz/Amon=26
    430+40=470 as 469+0 days
    Acts.13.18&Eze.4.6Booz of Rachab
    July 5th, 2011 + 366 = July 5th, 2012
    32=ObedThu21Jun & Wed04JulMatthat=4512=Obed/Manasses=25Independence Day 2012
    Obed of Ruth455/468
    33=JesseFri22Jun & Tue03JulLevi=4413=Jesse/Ezekias=24 Second Full Moon = Full Capricorn Moon in Cancer Sun at 12°13' at 18:53 UCT on July 03rd, 2012456/467
    34=DavidSat23Jun & Mon02JulSimeon=4314=David/Achaz=23Isa.38.810° as 10 Shadow Days of Degrees of Ahaz
    Sat23Jun - Mon02Jul 2012
    35=NathanSun24Jun & Sun01JulJuda=4215=Solomon/Joatham=222Samuel.12.24Solomon of Bathsheba458/465
    36=MattathaMon25Jun & Sat30JunJoseph=4116=Roboam/Ozias=21  459/464
    37=MenanTue26Jun & Fri29JunJonan=4017=Abia/Joram=20  460/463
    38=MeleaWed27Jun & Thu28JunEliakim=3918=Asa/Josaphat=19  461/462

    Council of Thuban

    Last edited by Raven on Sun Sep 02, 2012 12:54 am; edited 22 times in total


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    empty. Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    empty. Ashera on Fri Aug 03, 2012 2:38 am


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    empty. Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    empty. Ashera on Fri Aug 03, 2012 2:44 am


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    empty. Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    empty. Ashera on Fri Aug 03, 2012 4:40 am



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    empty. Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    empty. Ashera on Fri Aug 03, 2012 4:43 am


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    empty. Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    empty. Ashera on Fri Aug 03, 2012 4:44 am



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    empty. Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    empty. Ashera on Fri Aug 03, 2012 5:02 am

    "...she will come as a perilous flame and a devious song, a voice in the judgment halls, a banner before armies. She will come girt with the sword of freedom, and before her kings and priests will tremble and cities and empires will fall, and she will be called BABALON, the scarlet woman. For she will be lustful and proud; she will be subtle and deadly, she will be forthright and invincible as a naked blade. And women will respond to her war cry, and throw off their shackles and chains, and men will respond to her challenge, forsaking the foolish ways and the little ways, and she who will shine as the ruddy evening star in the bloody sunset of Gotterdamerung, will shine again as a morning star when the night has passed, and a new dawn breaks over the garden of Pan", Belarion


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    • Post n°28

    empty. Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    empty. Ashera on Fri Aug 03, 2012 5:26 am



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    [​IMG] Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    [​IMG] Ashera on Fri Aug 03, 2012 6:16 am
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2015
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    empty. Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    empty. Raven on Wed Aug 15, 2012 3:22 am
    The Exodus and the Temple of Solomon Merkabahs

    Much controversy exists as to the reality or fiction regarding the Exodus as encoded in the Torah/Old Testament and the relationship with the historical timeline of Egypt and the archaelogical evidence excavated and discovered.

    This treatise shall show that the skepticism of the 'scripture debunkers' (and as illustrated in the link below), is well warranted on technical grounds, is however in disregard of a deeper decoding of the scriptural references used to correlate the 'Logos timeline' with the historical accounts.

    Exodus 12.37-42:
    37And the children of Israel journeyed from Rameses to Succoth, about six hundred thousand on foot that were men, beside children.
    38And a mixed multitude went up also with them; and flocks, and herds, even very much cattle.
    39And they baked unleavened cakes of the dough which they brought forth out of Egypt, for it was not leavened; because they were thrust out of Egypt, and could not tarry, neither had they prepared for themselves any victual.
    40Now the sojourning of the children of Israel, who dwelt in Egypt, was four hundred and thirty years.
    41And it came to pass at the end of the four hundred and thirty years, even the selfsame day it came to pass, that all the hosts of the LORD went out from the land of Egypt.
    42It is a night to be much observed unto the LORD for bringing them out from the land of Egypt: this is that night of the LORD to be observed of all the children of Israel in their generations.

    1 Kings 6.1-3:
    1And it came to pass in the four hundred and eightieth year after the children of Israel were come out of the land of Egypt, in the fourth year of Solomon's reign over Israel, in the month Zif, which is the second month, that he began to build the house of the LORD.
    2And the house which king Solomon built for the LORD, the length thereof was threescore cubits, and the breadth thereof twenty cubits, and the height thereof thirty cubits.
    3And the porch before the temple of the house, twenty cubits was the length thereof, according to the breadth of the house; and ten cubits was the breadth thereof before the house.

    1 Kings 2.10-12:
    10So David slept with his fathers, and was buried in the city of David.
    11And the days that David reigned over Israel were forty years: seven years reigned he in Hebron, and thirty and three years reigned he in Jerusalem.
    12Then sat Solomon upon the throne of David his father; and his kingdom was established greatly.

    Acts 13.15-23:
    15And after the reading of the law and the prophets the rulers of the synagogue sent unto them, saying, Ye men and brethren, if ye have any word of exhortation for the people, say on.
    16Then Paul stood up, and beckoning with his hand said, Men of Israel, and ye that fear God, give audience.
    17The God of this people of Israel chose our fathers, and exalted the people when they dwelt as strangers in the land of Egypt, and with an high arm brought he them out of it.
    18And about the time of forty years suffered he their manners in the wilderness.
    19And when he had destroyed seven nations in the land of Chanaan, he divided their land to them by lot.
    20And after that he gave unto them judges about the space of four hundred and fifty years, until Samuel the prophet.
    21And afterward they desired a king: and God gave unto them Saul the son of Cis, a man of the tribe of Benjamin, by the space of forty years.
    22And when he had removed him, he raised up unto them David to be their king; to whom also he gave their testimony, and said, I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after mine own heart, which shall fulfil all my will.
    23Of this man's seed hath God according to his promise raised unto Israel a Saviour, Jesus:

    The encoding in 1Kings.6.1 so states, that the temple of Solomon was built 480 years following the Exodus; but the encoding from Acts.13.17-21 and with the stated 40-year reign of David adds to 40 (years in the wilderness of Sinai) + 450 years of Judges + 40 years of Saul and Samuel + 40 years of David {1040BC-970BC} + 4 years of Solomon {970BC-931BC} as 40+450+40+40+3=573 years between the Exodus and the building of Solomon's Temple, historically dated to 966 BC.

    The controversial dating for the Exodus by the literal bible interpreters, then give 966+480=1446 BC as the historical date of 1Kings.6, which is however extended to 966+574=1540 BC by the statement of Paul in Acts.13.
    Dating the Exodus to 1446 BC renders the 18th dynasty pharaoh Thutmosis III as the biblical ruler of Egypt, whilst the date 1540 BC indicates the reign of the 18th dynasty pharaoh Ahmose I.
    The skeptics so argue, that the bible is internally inconsistent and so fallible as the 'word of god' and so not the 'ultimate authority' as claimed by the 'believers'.

    The 480x480 Cubits square measurement (derived below as multileveled number code), is encoded as the 480 years following the Israelitic captivity in Egypt as per 1Kings.6.1.1.
    Those 480 cubit years are also the sum of the four daughter levels in 300+100+60+20=480 as the cubit measurements and so allow the finestructuring of the mothership-daughtership transition.

    The so called "2nd Intermediate Period" in the Egyptian history (encompassing of dynasties 15[1674-1535]; 16[1660-1600] and 17[1650-1549] all BC) is set from approximately 1800BC to 1550BC and harbours the 15th Hyksos dynasty, which is said to span 108 years in 6 Hyksos kings. Many historians associate the Hyksos with the 'Philistines' as a 'root origin' for the 'Palestinians' of todays political conflicts.

    The Hyksos (Egyptian heqa khasewet, "foreign rulers"; Greek Ὑκσώς, Ὑξώς, Arabic: الملوك الرعاة, shepherd kings) were an Asiatic people who took over the eastern Nile Delta during the twelfth dynasty, initiating the Second Intermediate Period of ancient Egypt.[3]

    The Hyksos first appeared in Egypt during the eleventh dynasty, began their climb to power in the thirteenth dynasty, and came out of the second intermediate period in control of Avaris and the Delta. By the fifteenth dynasty, they ruled Lower Egypt, and at the end of the seventeenth dynasty, they were expelled.

    The Moses archetype is none other than the Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten (meaning Living Spirit of Aten or Aton); who renamed himself from his older name Amenhotep IV to introduce the monotheistic God of Jacob and Joseph in his 17-year rulership from 1353-1336 BC or 1351-1334 BC according to historical sources.
    In the Amarna period (which is given in the pharaoh's residence being located at Akhetaten, meaning the Horizon of Aten instigated by the rulership of Akhenaten 1353-1336 BC), an outbreak of a pandemic and a plague of diseases occurred; from which the symbols of the 'Plagues of Egypt' under Moses originates as a historical licence of interpretation of the Hebrew scribes.

    After four years of reign, like Solomon, Akhenaten began building a new city about 1349 BC, to serve as the seat of the Aten and a governmental capital of Egypt.
    Superposing the death of Akhenaten as the year 1336 BC then (as the mirrored 4th year in 13+4=17), and specifying this as a Mirror for the Exodus in the 30th 'anniversary year' or SED (becoming the Hebrew SEDER as Passover Supper) of Rameses II of 1249 and of Thutmosis III to 1449 so defines a 200 year period between the 3 pharaohs of the exodus in Thutmosis III [reign from 1479-1425 BC], Akhenaten and Rameses II from 1449 BC to 1249 BC and centred on Akhenaten-Moses in 1349 BC and the transformation of the name Mosis in Thutmosis to Moses in Akhenaten to the Meses in Rameses [reign from 1279-1213 BC].
    The Akhenaten - Solomon 'temple building' then is mirrored in the SEDS and SEDERS of the 'metaphysical passovers' and after 3 years of reign; so also defining the 200 year period from 1246 to 1346 to 1446 in the 4-year offset.

    After reigning for 30 years, Ramesses joined a selected group that included only a handful of Egypt's longest-lived kings. By tradition, in the 30th year of his reign Ramesses celebrated a jubilee called the Sed festival, during which the king was ritually transformed into a god.[41] Only halfway through what would be a 66-year reign, Ramesses had already eclipsed all but a few greatest kings in his achievements. He had brought peace, maintained Egyptian borders and built great and numerous monuments across the empire. His country was more prosperous and powerful than it had been in nearly a century. By becoming a god, Ramesses dramatically changed not just his role as ruler of Egypt, but also the role of his firstborn son, Amun-her-khepsef. As the chosen heir and commander and chief of Egyptian armies, his son effectively became ruler in all but name.

    The 430 year sojourn of the Children of Israel in Egypt (Exodus.12.40 and when Moses was 80 years old; Exodus.7.7), followed by 40 years in the wilderness of Sinai; so become 40+390+40=470 'prophetic' years from the Egyptian captivity from the Thutmosis Exodus of 1449 BC to 1019 BC to 979 BC and in a 'mirrored wilderness' period of 40+40=80 years as the age of Moses at the start of the Exodus.

    The 430=390+40 are however also the dayyears of Ezekiel's siege against Israel and Judah, encoded in Ezekiel.4.1-6 and the 490=450+40 years of the Sinai and the Judges are reencoded in Daniels 70 Sevens in 70 weeks of Daniel.9.24-27.
    The 'subduing of seven cities' are encoded as 'seven cycles or years' so simply represent the 69 weeks in Daniel as the 483 dayyears to which are added the 7 dayyears of 'the conquering' and as the final wee two halfweeks of 3½ dayyears each in Daniel.9.27.
    This then decodes the 480+3+7=490 years as the time of the judges and the wilderness in the 40+450=490 years in Acts.13.18-20
    In adding the 'desolation week', which is also the 'Week of Astonishment' in Ezekiel.2.15-16 and also represents the 'Creation Week' in Genesis.1;2.1-3 and the Building of Noah's Ark in Genesis.7.4; the Exodus now defines the timeperiod between the 'Anointing of the King of Israel' and the Egyptian Captivity in the parallel or reencoding of the Building of Solomon's Temple in Samuel and Saul to David and Solomon and as mirrored in John the Baptist as Samuel and Jesus of Nazareth as Jesus Christ as Saul replaced by Christ Jesus as David and as described in the Psalms and in Job and in the New Testament.

    1Preserve me, O God: for in thee do I put my trust.
    2O my soul, thou hast said unto the LORD, Thou art my Lord: my goodness extendeth not to thee;
    3But to the saints that are in the earth, and to the excellent, in whom is all my delight.
    4Their sorrows shall be multiplied that hasten after another god: their drink offerings of blood will I not offer, nor take up their names into my lips.
    5The LORD is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup: thou maintainest my lot.
    6The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage.
    7I will bless the LORD, who hath given me counsel: my reins also instruct me in the night seasons.
    8I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.
    9Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: my flesh also shall rest in hope.
    10For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.
    [sup11[/sup]Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.

    22Why do ye persecute me as God, and are not satisfied with my flesh?
    23Oh that my words were now written! oh that they were printed in a book!
    24That they were graven with an iron pen and lead in the rock for ever!
    25For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth:
    26And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God:
    27Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another; though my reins be consumed within me.
    28But ye should say, Why persecute we him, seeing the root of the matter is found in me?
    29Be ye afraid of the sword: for wrath bringeth the punishments of the sword, that ye may know there is a judgment.

    54So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.
    55O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?
    56The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.

    So the 'First Coming' in the uniqueness of the resurrection of 31AD becomes a 'Second Coming' in the manyness in 2012 AD.
    The story of Saul, as the first King of Israel so 'coincides' with the Birth of David, the 'anointed messianic' King of Israel in 1040 BC and resets the age or 'time' of Moses as the 80 years from 1046 BC to 966 BC and the construction of Solomon's temple with the addition of the 'seven years' as the ''Week of Confusion' or WOC from 1046 to the 'Birth of David' about 1040.
    This then incorporates the 40 year wilderness of Sinai as the time of David's birth in 1040 as the 'King of Judah' from 1010-1003 in 7 years and followed by 33 years as 'King of the United Israel in the North/Samaria and Judea in the South/Jerusalem to his inauguration as Ruler of Israel in 1010 BC for 40 years to 970 BC when King Solomon reigns for yet another 40 years until the dividing of the Israelitic Kingdom following Solomon's death in 931 BC.

    King David and Solomon were 'co-regents' in the last years of David's 'frailty' and old age with a 7 year period again linking this co-regency, say from 972 - 966 BC in the midweek year of 969 then setting the time interval between Rameses' exodus of 1246 BC to Solomon in 966 BC as 280 cubit years This defines the transition value of Level 5 between the Mothership Level 4 and the Daughtership Level 1, both in the 300 cubit measurement and the encoded timeline for the exodus as described in the Torah is deciphered in the 3 pharaohs of the Exodus and using the racial memory of the 'shepherd kings' in the Hyksos as a historical basis for the metaphysics of the archetypes.
    This begins the snynchronisation of the parallelism between actual biblical history from the hitherto archetyped symbolisms and allegories and irrespective if a real historical King David and King Solomon actually existed in personifications of the their archetypically encoded 'Offices' or agencies of the encoding mechanisms. There would have existed patriarchal figureheads, who would have served the 'office' of the 'King of Israel' encoded in the storyline as a David, preceeded by a Saul and succeeded by a Solomon.

    As is described elsewhere, Adam and Eve never existed as personas, neither did Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph and Aaron.
    They are starsigns combined in houses or sectors and in associations of symbols.
    Everyone with a birthday is an Israelite, a Chosen One, by definition of the Word of God.
    The historical correlations do not begin until the times of the first Israelitic Kings: Saul and David and Solomon.
    Moses never existed, neither did the Exodus as here dated to Rameses II at 1246 BC.

    Solomon's (symbolic and archetyped) Temple was built so 966 BC, 480 years after the Exodus of 1446 as per 1Kings.6.1 at the time of Thutmosis III; and as the century mirror of the 1246 Exodus of pharaoh Rameses II and as the 'imaged pharaoh of the exodus' in the great MOSEAN transformation of Akhenaten and Nefertiti from whom the Moses mythology had developed after a 'real Exodus' of the Hyksos, the 'shepherd kings' who had INVADED Egypt and ruled from in the lower parts of Egypt in the North and the Nile Delta from so 1650-1542 BC from their capitol Avaris (see links provided).
    Adding the 94+7=101 years to the Exodus under Thutmosis III, so gives the Hyksos date of the historical Exodus under Ahmose I.
    Ahmose drove the Hyksos from Lower Egypt in the North and this became mythologised as the Exodus of Moses.

    The Hebrew chronicles and genealogies are all made up from the archetypes of the patriarchs and it is this which is chronicled and then made Talmudic Law and Almanacs in the Jewish archives and records.
    There were no pharaohs named Ramses before Ramses I, founder of the 19th dynasy about 1295 BC and the habit of naming places and locations after the pharaohs is well archived.

    The metaphysical exodus so occurred about 1446 BC in the reign of the 18th dynasty pharaoh Thutmosis III (meaning Thoth is born), but this became a 100-4=96 year displacement from a historical Exodus of the Hyksos about 1542 around the 18th year of rulership of Ahmose I, the founder of the 18th Egyptian dynasty and reigning for 25 years from so 1560 to 1542 and as determined by radiocarbon dating of his mummy in 2010 (mean of 1557).

    Ahmose's reign can be fairly accurately dated using the Heliacal rise of Sirius in his successor's reign, but because of disputes over from where the observation was made, he has been assigned a reign from 1570–1546, 1560–1537 and 1551–1527 by various sources.[13][14] Manetho gives Ahmose a reign of 25 years and 4 months;[13] this figure is supported by a 'Year 22' inscription from his reign at the stone quarries of Tura.[15] A medical examination of his mummy indicates that he died when he was about thirty-five, supporting a 25-year reign if he came to the throne at the age of 10.[13] The radiocarbon date range for the start of his reign is 1570–1544 BCE, the mean point of which is 1557 BC.[16]

    Alternative dates for his reign (1194 to 1170 BC) were suggested by David Rohl,[17] but these were rejected by the majority of Egyptologists even before the radiocarbon date was published in 2010.

    This century of years and offset in the 573+7-480=100=573+3½+3½-480 years became also projected forwards onto the time of the 'God of Israel' as Aten, the God of Jacob and Joseph in pharaoh Akhenaten or Amenhotep IV at the time of 1340 BC and overall points to the First King of Israel in Saul of 1040 BC and as coinciding with the Birth of the 'Anointed' King David of Israel at 1040 BC and the 15th Hyksos dynasty of King at 1620 BC in the 580 years of Acts.13 with the 'year of sevens' and beginning the 'separation' of the names in the 3rd Hyksos generation of Sakir-Har (see below).

    The Fifteenth Dynasty of Egypt was the first Hyksos dynasty, ruled from Avaris, without control of the entire land. The Hyksos preferred to stay in northern Egypt since they infiltrated from the north-east. The names and order of kings is uncertain. The Turin Kinglist indicates that there were six Hyksos kings, with an obscure Khamudi listed as the final king of the Fifteenth Dynasty.[2] (line X.21 of the cited web link clearly provides this summary for the dynasty: "6 kings functioning 100+X years.") The surviving traces on the X figure appears to give the figure 8 which suggests that the summation should be read as 6 kings ruling 108 years.

    The issue of Sakir-Har's name, one of the three earliest 15th Dynasty kings, also leans towards a West Semitic or Canaanite origin for the Hyksos rulers—if not the Hyksos peoples themselves. As Ryholt notes, the name

    Sakir-Har: {This is Thuban's RaHaR Ra-Apep Egyptian parallel to the GodGod assymmetry of the YHWH=IAMTHATIAM tetragrammaton to the YHWHY=IAMTHATAMI pentagrammaton, later evolving into the FatherMother=ShuTefnut=Geb+Nut=Osiris-Set & Set-Nephthys & Horus-Bast etc twinships of the Lion of Egypt in Castor-Pollux etc.
    The 108 years of the 6 Hyksos kings so span from about 1650 - 1542 BC with the 3rd generation at 1620 BC of Sakir-Har mirroring the first division of the FatherMother=CreatorCreation=AdamEve=RaHar=ShuTefnut as 1st and 2nd generations of Salitis and Bnon. This is followed in the 4th-6th generations labeled Khyan, Apaphis and Khamudi}

    is evidently a theophorous name compounded with hr, Canaanite harru, [or] 'mountain.' This sacred or deified mountain is attested in at least two other names, which are both West Semitic (Ya'qub-Har and Anar-Har) and so there is reason to suspect that the present name also may be West Semitic. The element skr seems identical to śkr, 'to hire, to reward,' which occurs in several Amorite names. Assuming that śkr takes a nominal form as in the names sa-ki-ru-um and sa-ka-ŕu-um, the name should be transliterated as either Sakir-Har or Sakar-Har. The former two names presumably mean 'the Reward.' Accordingly, the name here under consideration would mean 'Reward of Har.'[28]

    The Ark of the Covenant and the 144 Cubit Wall of the New Jerusalem

    The Ark of the Covenant encompasses the individuated starhuman merkabah in a matrix of consciousness as the measurements given as 1.125 metres times 0.675 meters time 0.675 meters or a volume of about 0.5126 cubic meters or 512.6 liters. This then represents the Sarcophagus or Coffin of the Pharaoh inscribed in a volume of so 2.109 cubic meters or 2,109 litres.

    The 12x12,000 Sealed Ones as the 12 Tribes of Israel and doubled as the 24 'Rainbow' Elders about the 'Throne of Jasper' in Revelation.4.3-4 then depict the 'Wall of the New Jerusalem' in the 144 cubits as the square of 12x12=144.

    There are thus 3 individuated 'spaceship envelopes' about each starhuman merkabah defined in the Ark of the Covenant; the 3 measurements holofractlaising and magnifying the dimensions of the ark.

    The Outer Circle is 144 cubits = 1.5 cubits x 96
    The Central Circle is 144 cubits = 2.5 cubits x 57.6
    The Inner Circle is 144 cubits = 3 cubits x 48

    As 144 cubits are about 64.8 metres; this superimposed measurement scale defines a Spherical Diameter Area Projection of ۞ = πx2,099.52 m²
    and about 6,595.84 square metres as the size of a large House or property so 81.2 metres to a side and as say about 1.62 acres as 1 acre=4,046.85642 square metres.

    This approximation becomes the golden ratio in the 144 cubits = Phi Φ=½{1+√5} acres Acres; 144 being the twelfth Fibonacci Number F12=144 and generated in the ratio of F13/F12=233/144=1.618055.. as approximation for the Golden Mean Phi Φ=½{1+√5} as Noahs approximations for the Ark.

    In terms of the cubic inscription in an enveloping spherical volume; the 'House of the Starhuman Starship Merkabah' then calculates as 144 cubic cubits or 2,985,984 cubits³ as (64.8 m)³ = 272,097.792 m³ or 272.1 megalitres as the cubic volume and as 402,966.2125 m³ or 403.0 megalitres as the spherical volume in a 3-dimensional spacetime metric.

    As the diameter for the Ark of the Covenant in the inscribing square is √2x(2.5) cubits, this measurement also becomes the diameter for the inscribing circle.
    The circularly chorded segments for the 4 'elemental' Beasts of the Scroll of the Revelation 4.6-8 so each calculate as this diameter halved as the radius minus ½ cubit or as ½√2x(2.5) - ½ - ¾ = 1.25(√2-1) cubits.

    1After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.

    2And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne.
    3And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald.
    4And round about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold.
    5And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.
    6And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind.
    7And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle.

    13And he sendeth forth two of his disciples, and saith unto them, Go ye into the city, and there shall meet you a man bearing a pitcher of water: follow him.

    27For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

    Lion of Judah of the East and the Aquarian Sphinx as the Waterbearer of the West; with the Calf of the North and the Eagle of the Phoenix of the South.

    The Measurements are in Reeds and in Cubits, for 1 Cubit=18 Inches=1.5 Feet=45 cm and for 1 Reed=6 Cubits=9 Feet=108 Inches=270 cm
    The Holy Portion so spans a Square of 25,000x25,000 Square Reeds or about 67.5x67.5 Square Kilometers.

    The Temple of Solomon becomes a Square of 4,500x4,500 Square Reeds or 27,000x27,000 Square Cubits or about 12.15x12.15 Square Kilometers as the 'City of Dark Light' and also a 5,000x5,000 Cubit Square enclosing a 4,500x4,500 Cubit Square and a 30,000x30,000 Cubit Square as the GrandMother-Mother Spaceship transistion and as given by Levels 5-6-7.
    The Dead Sea Scrolls define a New Jerusalem City Construction, which incorporates the following ancient measurement scales of the Hebrews.

    1 Etzbah = 1 Thumbbreadth (tb) = 1.8-2.4cm of mean = 2.1 cm in the 7/6-1=1/6 variance doubled in 1/3

    1 Tefach = 1 Handbreadth (hb) = 4 tb = 7.2-9.6 cm of mean = 8.4 cm

    1 Zeret = 1 Span = 3 hb = 12 tb = 21.6-28.8 cm of mean = 25.2 cm

    1 Amah = 1 Cubit = 2 span = 6 hb = 24 tb = 43.2-57.6 cm = 50.4 cm

    1 Ris = 1 Stadia = 533.33.. span = 266.66.. cubits = 1,600 hb = 6,400 tb = 115.20-153.6 m of mean = 134.4 m

    1 Mil = 15/2 Stadia = 4,000 span = 2,000 cubits = 12,000 hb = 48,000 tb = 864-1,152 m of mean = 1,008 m

    1 Parasa = 4 Mil = 30 Stadia = 16,000 span = 8,000 cubits = 48,000 hb = 192,000 tb and of mean = 4.032 km

    In this architecture, the New Jerusalem is enscribed in a rectangular measure of 140x100 Square Ris and so a square of side 140x266.66...= 37,333.33..cubits or 16,800 meters. This is quarter the size of the reed measure of Ezekiel's City in 150,000 cubits, should we now define the encompassing square of the New Jerusalem Scroll as a measure of 140.625 Ris = 37,500 cubits or 225,000 handbreadths or 900,000 thumbbreadths or 16.875 kilometres (using 1 cubit = 45 cm) precisely.





    Genesis.47.10-11: (King James Version)
    10And Jacob blessed Pharaoh, and went out from before Pharaoh.
    11And Joseph placed his father and his brethren, and gave them a possession in the land of Egypt, in the best of the land, in the land of Rameses, as Pharaoh had commanded.

    1Now these are the names of the children of Israel, which came into Egypt; every man and his household came with Jacob.
    2Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah,
    3Issachar, Zebulun, and Benjamin,
    4Dan, and Naphtali, Gad, and Asher.
    5And all the souls that came out of the loins of Jacob were seventy souls: for Joseph was in Egypt already.
    6And Joseph died, and all his brethren, and all that generation.
    7And the children of Israel were fruitful, and increased abundantly, and multiplied, and waxed exceeding mighty; and the land was filled with them.
    8Now there arose up a new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph.
    9And he said unto his people, Behold, the people of the children of Israel are more and mightier than we:
    10Come on, let us deal wisely with them; lest they multiply, and it come to pass, that, when there falleth out any war, they join also unto our enemies, and fight against us, and so get them up out of the land.
    11Therefore they did set over them taskmasters to afflict them with their burdens. And they built for Pharaoh treasure cities, Pithom and Raamses.
    12But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew. And they were grieved because of the children of Israel.
    13And the Egyptians made the children of Israel to serve with rigour:

    The 13 Scales of the Starship-Merkabahs or 4D-Holograms are tabulated and derived in the following treatises.


    Isaac Newton's Measurements for Solomon's Temple:

    Mounting Square UXYZ:
    Encompassing Square QRST: 500x500=(10x10)2,500
    Greater Temple HIKL: 200x250=(4x5)2,500
    ABEF=DCBA: 100x100=(2x2)2,500[/color]


    Solomon's Temple Description:
    The temple consisted of:

    The oracle or most holy place (1 Kings 6:19; 8:6), called also the "inner house" (6:27), and the "holiest of all" (Heb. 9:3). It was 20 cubits in length, breadth, and height. It was floored and wainscotted with cedar (1 Kings 6:16), and its walls and floor were overlaid with gold (6:20, 21, 30). There was a two-leaved door between it and the holy place overlaid with gold (2 Chr. 4:22); also a veil of blue purple and crimson and fine linen (2 Chr. 3:14; compare Exodus 26:33). It had no windows (1 Kings 8:12). It was considered the dwelling-place of God. The holy place , 1 Kings 8:8-10, called also the "greater house" (2 Chr. 3:5) and the "temple" (1 Kings 6:17). The porch or entrance before the temple on the east (1 Kings 6:3; 2 Chr. 3:4; 9:7). In the porch stood the two pillars Jachin and Boaz (1 Kings 7:21; 2 Kings 11:14; 23:3). The chambers, which were built about the temple on the southern, western, and northern sides (1 Kings 6:5-10). These formed a part of the building. Round about the building were:
    The court of the priests [2 Chr. 4:9], called the "inner court" [1 Kings 6:36]. It contained the altar of burnt-offering [2 Chr. 15:8], the brazen sea (4:2-5, 10), and ten lavers [1 Kings 7:38, 39]. The great court, which surrounded the whole temple [2 Chr. 4:9]. Here the people assembled to worship God [Jeremiah 19:14; 26:2].'s_Temple

    Measurements for Solomon's Temple:
    60x20x30 = 36,000 cubits³

    Measurements for Noah's Ark (singular and doubled):
    300x50x30 = 450,000 cubits³
    600x50x30=300x100x30=900,000 cubits³

    Measurements for Solomon's House in the Forest:
    100x50x30 = 150,000 cubits³

    Measurements for Ezekiel's Holy City:
    The Measurements are in Reeds (1 Cubit=18 Inches=1.5 Feet=45 cm) for 1 Reed=6 Cubits=9 Feet=108 Inches=270 cm for a magnification factor of 6 between Reeds and Cubits.

    The Holy Portion so spans a Square of 25,000x25,000 Square Reeds or about 67.5x67.5 Square Kilometers.

    The Temple of Solomon becomes a Square of 4,500x4,500 Square Reeds or about 12.15x12.15 Square Kilometers as the 'City of Dark Light'.

    Three 'Chariots of the Forest' represent One 'Noahic Ark' and 12½ 'Solomonic Temples'.
    As the New Noahic Ark doubles the 12 Tribes of Israel in 24 Elders; TWO 'Arks of Noah' represent the New Interwovenness of the old encodings in the Torah.
    There are thus 25 'Temples of Solomon' as Volumes within the doubled 'Ark of Noah'; representing 6 'Chariots of the Forest'.

    20And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs.

    15And he that talked with me had a golden reed to measure the city, and the gates thereof, and the wall thereof.
    16And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal.
    17And he measured the wall thereof, an hundred and forty and four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of the angel.

    1In the five and twentieth year of our captivity, in the beginning of the year, in the tenth day of the month, in the fourteenth year after that the city was smitten, in the selfsame day the hand of the LORD was upon me, and brought me thither.
    2In the visions of God brought he me into the land of Israel, and set me upon a very high mountain, by which was as the frame of a city on the south.
    3And he brought me thither, and, behold, there was a man, whose appearance was like the appearance of brass, with a line of flax in his hand, and a measuring reed; and he stood in the gate.
    4And the man said unto me, Son of man, behold with thine eyes, and hear with thine ears, and set thine heart upon all that I shall shew thee; for to the intent that I might shew them unto thee art thou brought hither: declare all that thou seest to the house of Israel.
    5And behold a wall on the outside of the house round about, and in the man's hand a measuring reed of six cubits long by the cubit and an hand breadth: so he measured the breadth of the building, one reed; and the height, one reed.

    8I saw also the height of the house round about: the foundations of the side chambers were a full reed of six great cubits.

    13And these are the measures of the altar after the cubits: The cubit is a cubit and an hand breadth; even the bottom shall be a cubit, and the breadth a cubit, and the border thereof by the edge thereof round about shall be a span: and this shall be the higher place of the altar.

    The 'Great Cubit' is defined in the ancient documents as being a 'Cubit and a Handbreadth' and 3 'Handreadths' being 1 such Cubit, being equal to 2 Spans.
    A 'Full Reed' so is a 'Great Cubit' of 7 Cubits or 21 inches compared to the Reed of 6 Cubits, each of 18 inches as here stipulated for the measurement conversions.
    The Merkabah measurements so form a 'Great Measurement' in 1 sixth being added to the base value as an upper limit say.

    Generally, the ancient Hebrew measurement units can be tabulated and calibrated as follows:

    1 Etzbah = 1 Thumbbreadth (tb) = 1.8-2.4cm of mean = 2.1 cm in the 7/6-1=1/6 variance doubled in 1/3

    1 Tefach = 1 Handbreadth (hb) = 4 tb = 7.2-9.6 cm of mean = 8.4 cm

    1 Zeret = 1 Span = 3 hb = 12 tb = 21.6-28.8 cm of mean = 25.2 cm

    1 Amah = 1 Cubit = 2 span = 6 hb = 24 tb = 43.2-57.6 cm = 50.4 cm

    1 Ris = 1 Stadia = 533.33.. span = 266.66.. cubits = 1,600 hb = 6,400 tb = 115.20-153.6 m of mean = 134.4 m

    1 Mil = 15/2 Stadia = 4,000 span = 2,000 cubits = 12,000 hb = 48,000 tb = 864-1,152 m of mean = 1,008 m

    1 Parasa = 4 Mil = 30 Stadia = 16,000 span = 8,000 cubits = 48,000 hb = 192,000 tb and of mean = 4.032 km

    The ratio of Outside City/Inside City=1,600/12,000=2/15 for the ratio 1 Hour/1 Day=1/24=X/360=Degree Transformation Factor/360 and for X=15. This is representative for 1 Mil = 15/2 Stadia or 1 Stadia = 2/15 Mil in the above and becomes a more general ratio as described, say as the circumference of the earth as 200,000 furlongs and a furlong measure of 200 mtric metres.

    So the ½Hour of Silence in Heaven (Revelation.8.1) and the 'Hour of the Beast' (Revelation.17.12) relate to 7½ Days as a 'super week' and 15 Days respectively.
    This is also the definition of a 'Roman Stadia' as 2/15 of a Mile or a 'Imperial Furlong' of so 214.53 meters.

    For the Cubit of 18 inches and the 'Great Cubit' of 18 3=21 inches; this 'stadia' so spans the inteval of 400 'Cubits' in 7,200 inches or 180 meters and 8,400 inches or 210 meters respectively (for an 'inch' of 25 millimeters).

    The Greatest Scale of the Holofractal New Jerusalem so manifests Spaceship Gaia in Magnification factor 7½, that is the basic Schumann Resonance as 7.5 Hertz, the frequency of the Lightpath X=cT travelling the circumference of the earth 7½ times in 1 second in 40,000 km x 7.5 Hertz = 300,000 km per second, that is the speed of light.

    The Base measure of 12,000 furlongs=4,800,000-5,600,000 Cubits {1 furlong (Roman stadium)=625 feet=7,500 inches=400 Cubits for 180-210 meters} so becomes a lower limit for the 200,000 furlongs (imperial) standardising the circumference of the earth as 40,000 km = 200,000 furlongs (imperial).

    This describes a Cube inscribed in a Sphere of diameter √2x4,800x(0.45)=2,160x√2 kilometers to 2,520x√2 kilometers or a circular area projected as ۞ = πx2,332,800 km² - πx3,175,200 km² and about the size of so 7.33-9.98 million square kilometers and an area on a scale encompassing the continent of Australia in a scale of so 7.69 million square kilometers or Brazil (8.51) or the United States (9.63) or China (9.60) or Canada (9.98) in million square kilometres.

    The Magnification factor increases this Base measure to 7.5x12,000=90,000 furlongs=16,200 km-18,900 km=36,000,000-42,000,000 Cubits for a Sphere of diameter √2x36,000x(0.45)=16,200x√2 kilometers to 18,900x√2 kilometers or a circular area projected as ۞ = πx131,220,000 km² - πx178,605,000 km² about the size of 412.239788-561.104156 million square kilometers as an area equal to the total surface area of the planet Earth in so 510 million square kilometers.

    This then represents an atmospheric embedding of the planet Gaia in a radial bubble interval from 11,455 km - 13,364 km in the mean 12,410 km, which becomes the average approximate value for the Equatorial and Polar terrestrial diameters, approximated in 12,756 km and 12,714 km in the mean value 12,735 km respectively. The atmospheric envelope so quadruples the volume of the Earth in the doubling of its radius earth and defines an atmospheric extent, averaged as 6,042 km from the mean of so 6,368 kilometers from the Earth's surface.

    15And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits.
    16A window shalt thou make to the ark, and in a cubit shalt thou finish it above; and the door of the ark shalt thou set in the side thereof; with lower, second, and third stories shalt thou make it.
    17And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; and every thing that is in the earth shall die.
    18But with thee will I establish my covenant; and thou shalt come into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons' wives with thee.

    17And the flood was forty days upon the earth; and the waters increased, and bare up the ark, and it was lift up above the earth.
    18And the waters prevailed, and were increased greatly upon the earth; and the ark went upon the face of the waters.
    19And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; and all the high hills, that were under the whole heaven, were covered.
    20Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered.

    The Dimensions of the Ark relate to the 15 Cubits as the 15 days of the WOC Offset and the timewarp - see below. 300x50x30=450,000=15x30,000 in the ratio 30:5:3 and LengthxArea=300x1500 in ratio 1:5 in the height of the Ark of 30 cubits being covered in 15 cubits of water that is halfway as 30+15=45. The total 'Height' of the Flood, to 'cover the mountains', so is 150% the Height of the Ark. The 'StarHuman Merkabah' is defined in a wavelength of √15=2πR=πD for 3D/2=3√15/2π=1.849...

    The ratio 5:3=1.666.. approximates the Golden Mean (Y=1.618033...) in the Fibonacci Series: 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13, adjacent numbers and so the decoding for the 'Ancient Span' or 'Foot' as 3 'Handbreadths' becomes 0.308 centimeters or about 12 'inches' with 24 inches or 2 'Spans' defining the 'Ancient Cubit' (6 Cubit/4 Cubit=108/72=3/2) as the Inverse of the Golden Mean as 1/Y=X=0.618033...~0.616...and for 6 'foot' or 6 'spans' of 72 'inches' being the 'Height of a StarMan' as approximately 6 'foot' or 4 'cubits' or 18 'handbreadths' of so 185 cm - again in the 3/2 or 150% ratio.

    The 'Ancient Cubit' then becomes the 'Measurement Unit'.

    The 15 day Offset of the warptime and the Dimensions of the Arkian Merkabah - see above and related messages.

    1 Kings 6;7 (King James Version)

    1 Kings 6
    1And it came to pass in the four hundred and eightieth year after the children of Israel were come out of the land of Egypt, in the fourth year of Solomon's reign over Israel, in the month Zif, which is the second month, that he began to build the house of the LORD.
    2And the house which king Solomon built for the LORD, the length thereof was threescore cubits, and the breadth thereof twenty cubits, and the height thereof thirty cubits.
    3And the porch before the temple of the house, twenty cubits was the length thereof, according to the breadth of the house; and ten cubits was the breadth thereof before the house.

    4And for the house he made windows of narrow lights.
    5And against the wall of the house he built chambers round about, against the walls of the house round about, both of the temple and of the oracle: and he made chambers round about:
    6The nethermost chamber was five cubits broad, and the middle was six cubits broad, and the third was seven cubits broad: for without in the wall of the house he made narrowed rests round about, that the beams should not be fastened in the walls of the house.
    7And the house, when it was in building, was built of stone made ready before it was brought thither: so that there was neither hammer nor axe nor any tool of iron heard in the house, while it was in building.
    8The door for the middle chamber was in the right side of the house: and they went up with winding stairs into the middle chamber, and out of the middle into the third.
    9So he built the house, and finished it; and covered the house with beams and boards of cedar.
    10And then he built chambers against all the house, five cubits high: and they rested on the house with timber of cedar.
    11And the word of the LORD came to Solomon, saying,
    12Concerning this house which thou art in building, if thou wilt walk in my statutes, and execute my judgments, and keep all my commandments to walk in them; then will I perform my word with thee, which I spake unto David thy father:
    13And I will dwell among the children of Israel, and will not forsake my people Israel.
    14So Solomon built the house, and finished it.
    15And he built the walls of the house within with boards of cedar, both the floor of the house, and the walls of the ceiling: and he covered them on the inside with wood, and covered the floor of the house with planks of fir.

    16And he built twenty cubits on the sides of the house, both the floor and the walls with boards of cedar: he even built them for it within, even for the oracle, even for the most holy place.
    17And the house, that is, the temple before it, was forty cubits long.
    18And the cedar of the house within was carved with knops and open flowers: all was cedar; there was no stone seen.
    19And the oracle he prepared in the house within, to set there the ark of the covenant of the LORD.
    20And the oracle in the forepart was twenty cubits in length, and twenty cubits in breadth, and twenty cubits in the height thereof: and he overlaid it with pure gold; and so covered the altar which was of cedar.

    21So Solomon overlaid the house within with pure gold: and he made a partition by the chains of gold before the oracle; and he overlaid it with gold.
    22And the whole house he overlaid with gold, until he had finished all the house: also the whole altar that was by the oracle he overlaid with gold.
    23And within the oracle he made two cherubims of olive tree, each ten cubits high.
    24And five cubits was the one wing of the cherub, and five cubits the other wing of the cherub: from the uttermost part of the one wing unto the uttermost part of the other were ten cubits.
    25And the other cherub was ten cubits: both the cherubims were of one measure and one size.
    26The height of the one cherub was ten cubits, and so was it of the other cherub.
    27And he set the cherubims within the inner house: and they stretched forth the wings of the cherubims, so that the wing of the one touched the one wall, and the wing of the other cherub touched the other wall; and their wings touched one another in the midst of the house.
    28And he overlaid the cherubims with gold.
    29And he carved all the walls of the house round about with carved figures of cherubims and palm trees and open flowers, within and without.
    30And the floors of the house he overlaid with gold, within and without.
    31And for the entering of the oracle he made doors of olive tree: the lintel and side posts were a fifth part of the wall.
    32The two doors also were of olive tree; and he carved upon them carvings of cherubims and palm trees and open flowers, and overlaid them with gold, and spread gold upon the cherubims, and upon the palm trees.
    33So also made he for the door of the temple posts of olive tree, a fourth part of the wall.
    34And the two doors were of fir tree: the two leaves of the one door were folding, and the two leaves of the other door were folding.
    35And he carved thereon cherubims and palm trees and open flowers: and covered them with gold fitted upon the carved work.
    36And he built the inner court with three rows of hewed stone, and a row of cedar beams.
    37In the fourth year was the foundation of the house of the LORD laid, in the month Zif:
    38And in the eleventh year, in the month Bul, which is the eighth month, was the house finished throughout all the parts thereof, and according to all the fashion of it. So was he seven years in building it.

    1 Kings 7
    1But Solomon was building his own house thirteen years, and he finished all his house.
    2He built also the house of the forest of Lebanon; the length thereof was an hundred cubits, and the breadth thereof fifty cubits, and the height thereof thirty cubits, upon four rows of cedar pillars, with cedar beams upon the pillars.

    3And it was covered with cedar above upon the beams, that lay on forty five pillars, fifteen in a row.
    4And there were windows in three rows, and light was against light in three ranks.
    5And all the doors and posts were square, with the windows: and light was against light in three ranks.
    6And he made a porch of pillars; the length thereof was fifty cubits, and the breadth thereof thirty cubits: and the porch was before them: and the other pillars and the thick beam were before them.
    7Then he made a porch for the throne where he might judge, even the porch of judgment: and it was covered with cedar from one side of the floor to the other.
    8And his house where he dwelt had another court within the porch, which was of the like work. Solomon made also an house for Pharaoh's daughter, whom he had taken to wife, like unto this porch.
    9All these were of costly stones, according to the measures of hewed stones, sawed with saws, within and without, even from the foundation unto the coping, and so on the outside toward the great court.
    10And the foundation was of costly stones, even great stones, stones of ten cubits, and stones of eight cubits.
    11And above were costly stones, after the measures of hewed stones, and cedars.
    12And the great court round about was with three rows of hewed stones, and a row of cedar beams, both for the inner court of the house of the LORD, and for the porch of the house.
    13And king Solomon sent and fetched Hiram out of Tyre.
    14He was a widow's son of the tribe of Naphtali, and his father was a man of Tyre, a worker in brass: and he was filled with wisdom, and understanding, and cunning to work all works in brass. And he came to king Solomon, and wrought all his work.
    15For he cast two pillars of brass, of eighteen cubits high apiece: and a line of twelve cubits did compass either of them about.
    16And he made two chapiters of molten brass, to set upon the tops of the pillars: the height of the one chapiter was five cubits, and the height of the other chapiter was five cubits:
    17And nets of checker work, and wreaths of chain work, for the chapiters which were upon the top of the pillars; seven for the one chapiter, and seven for the other chapiter.
    18And he made the pillars, and two rows round about upon the one network, to cover the chapiters that were upon the top, with pomegranates: and so did he for the other chapiter.
    19And the chapiters that were upon the top of the pillars were of lily work in the porch, four cubits.
    20And the chapiters upon the two pillars had pomegranates also above, over against the belly which was by the network: and the pomegranates were two hundred in rows round about upon the other chapiter.
    21And he set up the pillars in the porch of the temple: and he set up the right pillar, and called the name thereof Jachin: and he set up the left pillar, and called the name thereof Boaz.
    22And upon the top of the pillars was lily work: so was the work of the pillars finished.
    23And he made a molten sea, ten cubits from the one brim to the other: it was round all about, and his height was five cubits: and a line of thirty cubits did compass it round about.
    24And under the brim of it round about there were knops compassing it, ten in a cubit, compassing the sea round about: the knops were cast in two rows, when it was cast.
    25It stood upon twelve oxen, three looking toward the north, and three looking toward the west, and three looking toward the south, and three looking toward the east: and the sea was set above upon them, and all their hinder parts were inward.
    26And it was an hand breadth thick, and the brim thereof was wrought like the brim of a cup, with flowers of lilies: it contained two thousand baths.
    27And he made ten bases of brass; four cubits was the length of one base, and four cubits the breadth thereof, and three cubits the height of it.
    28And the work of the bases was on this manner: they had borders, and the borders were between the ledges:
    29And on the borders that were between the ledges were lions, oxen, and cherubims: and upon the ledges there was a base above: and beneath the lions and oxen were certain additions made of thin work.
    30And every base had four brasen wheels, and plates of brass: and the four corners thereof had undersetters: under the laver were undersetters molten, at the side of every addition.
    31And the mouth of it within the chapiter and above was a cubit: but the mouth thereof was round after the work of the base, a cubit and an half: and also upon the mouth of it were gravings with their borders, foursquare, not round.
    32And under the borders were four wheels; and the axletrees of the wheels were joined to the base: and the height of a wheel was a cubit and half a cubit.
    33And the work of the wheels was like the work of a chariot wheel: their axletrees, and their naves, and their felloes, and their spokes, were all molten.
    34And there were four undersetters to the four corners of one base: and the undersetters were of the very base itself.
    35And in the top of the base was there a round compass of half a cubit high: and on the top of the base the ledges thereof and the borders thereof were of the same.
    36For on the plates of the ledges thereof, and on the borders thereof, he graved cherubims, lions, and palm trees, according to the proportion of every one, and additions round about.
    37After this manner he made the ten bases: all of them had one casting, one measure, and one size.
    38Then made he ten lavers of brass: one laver contained forty baths: and every laver was four cubits: and upon every one of the ten bases one laver.
    39And he put five bases on the right side of the house, and five on the left side of the house: and he set the sea on the right side of the house eastward over against the south.
    40And Hiram made the lavers, and the shovels, and the basons. So Hiram made an end of doing all the work that he made king Solomon for the house of the LORD:
    41The two pillars, and the two bowls of the chapiters that were on the top of the two pillars; and the two networks, to cover the two bowls of the chapiters which were upon the top of the pillars;
    42And four hundred pomegranates for the two networks, even two rows of pomegranates for one network, to cover the two bowls of the chapiters that were upon the pillars;
    43And the ten bases, and ten lavers on the bases;
    44And one sea, and twelve oxen under the sea;
    45And the pots, and the shovels, and the basons: and all these vessels, which Hiram made to king Solomon for the house of the LORD, were of bright brass.
    46In the plain of Jordan did the king cast them, in the clay ground between Succoth and Zarthan.
    47And Solomon left all the vessels unweighed, because they were exceeding many: neither was the weight of the brass found out.
    48And Solomon made all the vessels that pertained unto the house of the LORD: the altar of gold, and the table of gold, whereupon the shewbread was,
    49And the candlesticks of pure gold, five on the right side, and five on the left, before the oracle, with the flowers, and the lamps, and the tongs of gold,
    50And the bowls, and the snuffers, and the basons, and the spoons, and the censers of pure gold; and the hinges of gold, both for the doors of the inner house, the most holy place, and for the doors of the house, to wit, of the temple.
    51So was ended all the work that king Solomon made for the house of the LORD. And Solomon brought in the things which David his father had dedicated; even the silver, and the gold, and the vessels, did he put among the treasures of the house of the LORD.

    Raven LionHeart 45 icon_study. 543611. 139717.

    Last edited by Raven on Sat Aug 18, 2012 5:45 am; edited 7 times in total
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2015
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    empty. Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    empty. Raven on Wed Aug 15, 2012 3:57 am


    astro17. astro18. astro19. astro20. astro21. astro22.



    1.Fri, 07Oct28BC
    Fri, 05Oct28BC
    No Leap DayNo Leap DayWed, 07Oct1953Leap DayLeap Day 
    2.Mon, 24Jan22BC
    Mon, 22Jan22BC
    Cleansing of the SanctuaryDaniel.8.14Sun, 24Jan196036 Year Warp36 Year Warp2300
    3.Cosmic Conception in
    265 Gestation Days
    Sat, 04Jul7BC
    Sat, 02Jul7BC
    Tue, 04Jul30
    Tue, 02Jul30
    of Cosmic Twinship Christ 7BC
    Fri, 04Jul1975Mon, 04Jul2011-265
    4.The Star Gaia
    The Old Earth
    Sun, 05Jul7BC
    Sun, 03Jun7BC
    Wed, 05Jul30
    Wed, 03Jul30
    1st Day of (Anti)GestationSat, 05Jul1975Tue, 05Jul2011-264
    5. Wed, 15Jul7BC
    Wed, 13Jul7BC
    Sat, 15Jul30
    Sat, 13Jul30
    11th Day of (Anti)GestationTue, 15Jul1975Fri, 15Jul2011-254
    6. Sat, 25Jul7BC
    Sat, 23Jul7BC
    Tue, 25Jul30
    Tue, 23Jul30
    21-Day Mirror of Gabriel 7BCFri, 25Jul1975Mon, 25Jul2011-244
    7. Sun, 26Jul7Bin C
    Sun, 24Jul7BC
    Wed, 26Jul30
    Wed, 24Jul30
    49-Day Mirror of Daniel 7BCSat, 26Jul1975Tue, 26Jul2011-243
    8. Wed, 19Aug7BC
    Wed, 17Aug7BC
    Sat, 19Aug30
    Sat, 17Aug30
    Midpoint of 49-Day Daniel MirrorMon, 19Aug1975Thu, 19Aug2011-219
    9.Star of Leviathan
    70 DayYears of
    Babylonian Captivity
    Sat, 12Sep7BC
    Sat, 10Sep7BC
    Tue, 12Sep30
    Tue, 10Sep30
    Conception of AntiChrist 1975 Future Past
    Activation of AntiZion in the Birth Mirror of Golgotha
    Fri, 12Sep1975Mon, 12Sep2011-195
    10.Star Alpha AntiZionisSun, 13Sep7BC
    Sun, 11Sep7BC
    Wed, 13Sep30
    Wed, 11Sep30
    1st Day of AntiChrist Gestation
    1st Day of AntiZion
    Sat, 13Sep1975Tue, 13Sep2011-194
    11. Sun, 27Sep7BC
    Sun, 25Sep7BC
    Wed, 27Sep30
    Wed, 25Sep30
    15 Days as 1 Hour between the end of timeloop #3
    and 12,000 days of Revelation.21.15-17
    Sat, 27Sep1975Tue, 27Sep2011-180
    12.Star Omega AntiZionis
    64 Days from Babylon
    Sun, 15Nov7BC
    Sun, 13Nov7BC
    Wed, 15Nov30
    Wed, 13Nov30
    64th Day of AntiZion in Golgotha
    Activation of the Mirror of Calvary
    Sat, 15Nov1975Tue, 15Nov2011-131
    13.Red Serpent Stars a
    Star Serpentis g
    Mon, 16Nov7BC
    Mon, 14Nov7BC
    Thu, 16Nov30
    Thu, 14Nov30
    in Christh1st Day of Calvary in 7+3=10
    Sun, 16Nov1975
    Vision of the Loving Eyes
    Wed, 16Nov2011-130
    14.Star Serpentis hTue, 17Nov7BC
    Tue, 15ov7BC
    Fri, 17Nov30
    Fri, 15Nov30
    2nd Day of Calvary in 7+3=10Mon, 17Nov1975Thu, 17Nov2011-129
    15.Star Serpentis iWed, 18Nov7BC
    Wed, 16Nov7BC
    Sat, 18Nov30
    Sat, 16Nov30
    3rd Day of Calvary in 7+3=10Tue, 18Nov1975Fri, 18Nov2011-128
    16.Star Serpentis jThu, 19Nov7BC
    Thu, 17Nov7BC
    Sun, 19Nov30
    Sun, 17Nov30
    4th Day of Calvary in 7+3=10Wed, 19Nov1975Sat, 19Nov2011-127
    17.Star Serpentis aFri, 20Nov7BC
    Fri, 18Nov7BC
    Mon, 20Nov30
    Mon, 18Nov30
    5th Day of Calvary in 7+3=10Thu, 20Nov1975Sun, 20Nov2011-126
    18.Star Serpentis bSat, 21Nov7BC
    Sat, 19Nov7BC
    Tue, 21Nov30
    Tue, 19Nov30
    6th Day of Calvary in 7+3=10Fri, 21Nov1975Mon, 21Nov2011-125
    19.Star Ophiuchus clk
    = Star of Behemoth
    Sun, 22Nov7BC
    Sun, 20Nov7BC
    Wed, 22Nov30
    Wed, 20Nov30
    7th Day of Calvary in 7+3=10Sat, 22Nov1975Tue, 22Nov2011-124
    20.Star Serpentis dMon, 23Nov7BC
    Mon, 21Nov7BC
    Thu, 23Nov30
    Thu, 21Nov30
    8th Day of Calvary in 7+3=10Sun, 23Nov1975Wed, 23Nov2011-123
    21.Star Serpentis eTue, 24Nov7BC
    Tue, 22Nov7BC
    Fri, 24Nov30
    Fri, 22Nov30
    9th Day of Calvary in 7+3=10Mon, 24Nov1975Thu, 24Nov2011-122
    22.Star Serpentis f
    Red Serpent Stars w
    Wed, 25Nov7BC
    Wed, 23Nov7BC
    Sat, 25Nov30
    Sat, 23Nov30
    Mirror of Calvary in the 10th Day of 7+3=10Tue, 25Nov1975Fri, 25Nov2011-121
    23. Thu, 26Nov7BC
    Thu, 24Nov7BC
    Sun, 26Nov30
    Sun, 24Nov30
    1st of 50 and of 3+7=3+4+3=10 DaysWed, 26Nov1975Sat, 26Nov2011-120
    24. Sat, 28Nov7BC
    Sat, 26Nov7BC
    Tue, 28Nov30
    Tue, 26Nov30
    3rd of 50 and 3rd of 3+7=3+4+3=10 DaysFri, 28Nov1975Mon, 28Nov2011-118
    25. Sun, 29Nov7BC
    Sun, 27Nov7BC
    Wed, 29Nov30
    Wed, 27Nov30
    4th of 50 and 4th of 3+7=3+4+3=10 DaysSat, 29Nov1975Tue, 29Nov2011-117
    26. Wed, 02Dec7BC
    Wed, 30Nov7BC
    Sat, 02Dec30
    Sat, 30Nov30
    7th of 50 and 7th of 3+7=3+4+3=10 DaysTue, 02Dec1975Fri, 02Dec2011-114
    27. Sat, 05Dec7BC
    Sat, 03Dec7BC
    Tue, 05Dec30
    Tue, 03Dec30
    10th of 50 and 10th of 3+7=3+4+3=10 DaysFri, 28Nov1975Mon, 28Nov2011-111
    28. Thu, 17Dec7BC
    Thu, 15Dec7BC
    Sun, 17Dec30
    Sun, 15Dec30
    22nd of 50 DaysWed, 17Dec1975Sat, 17Dec2011-99
    29. Sun, 20Dec7BC
    Sun, 18Dec7BC
    Wed, 18Dec30
    Midpoint of 50 Days as 25th DaySat, 20Dec1975Tue, 20Dec2011-92
    30. Mon, 21Dec7BC
    Mon, 19Dec7BC
    Thu, 19Dec30
    Midpoint of 50 Days as 26th DaySun, 21Dec1975Wed, 21Dec2011-95
    31. Thu, 24Dec7BC
    Thu, 22Dec7BC
    Sun, 24Dec30
    Sun, 22Dec30
    29th of 50 DaysWed, 24Dec1975Sat, 24Dec2011-120
    32. Tue, 05Jan6BC
    Tue, 03Jan6BC
    Fri, 05Jan31
    Fri, 03Jan31
    41st of 50 and 1st of 7+3=3+4+3=10 DaysMon, 05Jan1976Thu, 05Jan2012-80
    33. Fri, 08Jan6BC
    Fri, 06Jan6BC
    Mon, 08Jan31
    Mon, 06Jan31
    44th of 50 and 4th of 7+3=3+4+3=10 DaysThu, 08Jan1976Sun, 08Jan2012-77
    34. Mon, 11Jan6BC
    Mon, 09Jan6BC
    Thu, 11Jan31
    Thu, 09Jan31
    47th of 50 and 7th of 7+3=3+4+3=10 DaysSun, 11Jan1976Wed, 11Jan2012-74
    35. Tue, 12Jan6BC
    Tue, 10Jan6BC
    Fri, 12Jan31
    Fri, 10Jan31
    48th of 50 and 8th of 7+3=3+4+3=10 DaysMon, 12Jan1976Thu, 12Jan2012-73
    36. Thu, 14Jan6BC
    Thu, 12Jan6BC
    Sun, 14Jan31
    Sun, 12Jan31
    50th of 50 and 10th of 3+7=3+4+3=10 DaysWed, 14Jan1976Sat, 14Jan2012-71
    37.Star Draconis fFri, 15Jan6BC
    Fri, 13Jan6BC
    Mon, 15Jan31
    Mon, 13Jan31
    1st Day of Golgotha Image in 3+7=10Thu, 15Jan1976Sun, 15Jan2012-70
    38.Star Draconis eSat, 16Jan6BC
    Sat, 14Jan6BC
    Tue, 16Jan31
    Tue, 14Jan31
    2nd Day of Golgotha Image in 3+7=10Fri, 16Jan1976Mon, 16Jan2012-69
    39.Star Draconis dSun, 17Jan6BC
    Sun, 15Jan6BC
    Wed, 17Jan31
    Wed, 15Jan31
    3rd Day of Golgotha Image of Golgotha in 3+7=10Sat, 17Jan1976Tue, 17Jan2012-68
    40.Star of Htomeheb
    = Star Suhcuihpo klc
    Mon, 18Jan6BC
    Mon, 16Jan6BC
    Thu, 18Jan31
    Thu, 16Jan31
    4th Day of Golgotha Image in 3+7=10Sun, 18Jan1976Wed, 18Jan2012-67
    41.Star Draconis bTue, 19Jan6BC
    Tue, 17Jan6BC
    Fri, 19Jan31
    Fri, 17Jan31
    5th Day of Golgotha Image in 3+7=10Mon, 19Jan1976Thu, 19Jan2012-66
    42.Star Draconis aWed, 20Jan6BC
    Wed, 18Jan6BC
    Sat, 20Jan31
    Sat, 18Jan31
    6th Day of Golgotha Image in 3+7=10Tue, 20Jan1976Fri, 20Jan2012-65
    43.Star Draconis jThu, 21Jan6BC
    Thu, 19Jan6BC
    Sun, 21Jan31
    Sun, 19Jan31
    7th Day of Golgotha Image in 3+7=10
    Day of Gnosis of the Cosmic Twinship 2012
    Wed, 21Jan1976Sat, 21Jan2012-64
    44.Star Draconis iFri, 22Jan6BC
    Fri, 20Jan6BC
    Mon, 22Jan31
    Mon, 20Jan31
    8th Day of Golgotha Image in 3+7=10Thu, 22Jan1976Sun, 22Jan2012-63
    45.Star Draconis h
    Star Aqua Draconis
    Sat, 23Jan6BC
    Sat, 21Jan6BC
    Tue, 23Jan31
    Tue, 21Jan31
    9th Day of Golgotha Image in 3+7=10Fri, 23Jan1976Mon, 21Jan2012
    Chinese Water Dragon
    New Moon k 2012
    46.Star Draconis g
    Cyan Dragon Stars a
    Sun, 24Jan6BC
    Sun, 22Jan6BC
    Wed, 24Jan31
    Wed, 22Jan31
    10th Day of Golgotha Image in 3+7=10
    Activation of Zion Image
    Sat, 24Jan1976Tue, 24Jan2012-61
    47.Star Zion Alpha aMon, 25Jan6BC
    Mon, 23Jan6BC
    Thu, 25Jan31
    Thu, 23Jan31
    1st Day of 10+10+21+19+4=60+4=63+1
    of the Zion=64 Image
    Sun, 25Jan1976Wed, 25Jan2012-60
    48. Thu, 04Feb6BC
    Thu, 02Feb6BC
    Sun, 04Feb31
    Sun, 02Feb31
    11th Day of 10+10+40+4=60+4=63+1
    of Zion=64 Image with Whit Sun Image
    Wed, 04Feb1976Sat, 04Feb2012-50
    49. Sun, 14Feb6BC
    Sun, 12Feb6BC
    Wed, 14Feb31
    Wed, 12Feb31
    21st Day of 20+40+4=60+4=63+1=21+42+1
    of Zion=64 Image with Ascension Thu Image
    Sat, 14Feb1976Tue, 14Feb2012-40
    50. Mon, 01Mar6BC
    Mon, 27Feb6BC
    Thu, 01Mar31
    Thu, 27Feb31
    36th Day of 20+15+25+4=60+4=63+1
    of Zion=64 Image with Gabriel 21-Day Image
    Sun, 29Feb1976Wed, 29Feb2012-25
    51. Sat, 06Mar6BC
    Sat, 04Mar6BC
    Tue, 06Mar31
    Tue, 04Mar30
    42nd Day of 41+19+4=60+4=63+1=42+21+1
    of Zion=64 Image
    Sat, 06Mar1976Tue, 06Mar2012-19
    52.265 Gestation Days
    Wed, 24Mar6BC
    Wed, 22Mar6BC
    Sat, 24Mar31
    Sat, 22Mar31
    60th Day of 60+4=63+1
    of Zion=64 Image initiated in the Christ Mirror
    Wed, 24Mar1976Sat, 24Mar2012-1
    53.The Evening Star
    Palm Sunday 31
    Thu, 25Mar6BC
    Thu, 23Mar6BC
    Sun, 25Mar31
    Sun, 23Mar31
    Birth of Christ 6BC after 265 Gestation DaysThu, 25Mar1976Sun, 25Mar2012+1
    54.The Day Star
    Palm Monday 31
    Fri, 26Mar6BC
    Fri, 24Mar6BC
    Mon, 26Mar31
    Mon, 24Mar31
    2nd Day of Christ MirrorFri, 26Mar1976Mon, 26Mar2012+2
    55.The Lucifer Star
    Seder Tuesday 31
    Sat, 27Mar6BC
    Sat, 25Mar6BC
    Tue, 27Mar31
    Tue, 25Mar31
    3rd Day of Christ MirrorSat, 27Mar1976Tue, 27Mar2012+3
    56.The Death Star
    AlphaOmega awwa
    Passover Wednesday 31
    Sun, 28Mar6BC
    Sun, 26Mar6BC
    Wed, 28Mar31
    Wed, 26Mar31
    COSMIC CHRIST MIRRORSun, 28Mar1976Wed, 28Mar2012+4
    57.The Lucifera Star
    Last Supper Thursday 31
    Mon, 29Mar6BC
    Mon, 27Mar6BC
    Thu, 29Mar31
    Thu, 27Mar31
    5th Day of Christ MirrorMon, 29Mar1976Thu, 29Mar2012+5
    58.The Night Star
    Good Friday 31
    Tue, 30Mar6BC
    Tue, 28Mar6BC
    Fri, 30Mar31
    Fri, 28Mar31
    6th Day of Christ MirrorTue, 30Mar1976Fri, 30Mar2012+6
    59.The Morning Star
    Easter Saturday 31
    Wed, 31Mar6BC
    Wed, 29Mar6BC
    Sat, 31Mar31
    Sat, 29Mar31
    7th Day of Christ Mirror
    Activation of the AntiZion Image
    Wed, 31Mar1976Sat, 31Mar2012+7
    60.Easter Sunday 31Thu, 01Apr6BC
    Thu, 30Mar6BC
    Sun, 01Apr31
    Sun, 30Mar31
    1st Day of 4+19+21+10+10=4+60=1+63
    of Cosmic Pregnancy as AntiZion Image
    Thu, 01Apr1976Sun, 01Apr2012
    Palm Sun
    61. Fri, 02Apr6BC
    Fri, 31Mar6BC
    Mon, 02Apr31
    Mon, 31Mar31
    2nd Day of 4+19+21+10+10=4+60=1+63
    of Cosmic Pregnancy as AntiZion Image
    Fri, 02Apr1976Mon, 02Apr2012
    Palm Mon
    62. Sat, 03Apr6BC
    Sat, 01Apr6BC
    Tue, 03Apr31
    Tue, 01Apr31
    3rd Day of 4+19+21+10+10=4+60=1+63
    of Cosmic Pregnancy as AntiZion Image
    Sat, 03Apr1976Tue, 03Apr2012
    Seder Tue
    63. Sun, 04Apr6BC
    Sun, 02Apr6BC
    Wed, 04Apr31
    Wed, 02Apr31
    4th Day of 4+19+21+10+10=4+60=1+63
    of Cosmic Pregnancy as AntiZion Image
    Sun, 04Apr1976Wed, 04Apr2012
    Pass Wed
    64. Mon, 05Apr6BC
    Mon, 03Apr6BC
    Thu, 05Apr31
    Thu, 03Apr31
    5th Day of 4+19+21+10+10=4+60=1+63
    of Cosmic Pregnancy as AntiZion Image
    Mon, 05Apr1976Thu, 05Apr2012
    Supper Thu
    65. Tue, 06Apr6BC
    Tue, 04Apr6BC
    Fri, 06Apr31
    Fri, 04Apr31
    6th Day of 4+19+21+10+10=4+60=1+63
    of Cosmic Pregnancy as AntiZion Image
    Tue, 06Apr1976Fri, 06Apr2012
    Good Fri
    66. Wed, 07Apr6BC
    Wed, 05Apr6BC
    Sat, 07Apr31
    Sat, 05Apr31
    7th Day of 4+19+21+10+10=4+60=1+63
    of Cosmic Pregnancy as AntiZion Image
    Wed, 07Apr1976Sat, 07Apr2012
    Easter Sat
    67. Thu, 08Apr6BC
    Thu, 06Apr6BC
    Sun, 01Apr31
    Sun, 06Apr31
    8th Day of 4+19+21+10+10=4+60=1+63
    of Cosmic Pregnancy as AntiZion Image
    Thu, 08Apr1976Sun, 08Apr2012
    Easter Sun
    68.21-Days of Gabriel 31Mon, 19Apr6BC
    Mon, 17Apr6BC
    Thu, 19Apr31
    Thu, 17Apr31
    19th Day of 4+19+21+10+10=4+60=1+63
    of Cosmic Pregnancy as AntiZion Image
    Mon, 19Apr1976Thu, 19Apr2012+26
    69. Thu, 06May6BC
    Thu, 04May6BC
    Sun, 06May31
    Sun, 04May
    36th Day of 4+40+10+10=4+60=1+63
    of Cosmic Pregnancy as AntiZion Image
    Thu, 06May1976Sun, 06May2012
    Easter Sun
    Syzygy Moon
    70.Ascension Thu 31Mon, 10May6BC
    Mon, 08May6BC
    Thu, 10May31
    Thu, 08May31
    40th Day of 4+40+10+10=4+60=1+63
    of Cosmic Pregnancy as AntiZion Image
    Mon, 10May1976Thu, 10May2012+47
    71.Star of Arachne
    Pentecost 31
    Thu, 20May6BC
    Thu, 18May6BC
    Sun, 20May31
    Sun, 18May31
    50th Day of 4+50+10=4+60=1+63
    of Cosmic Pregnancy as AntiZion Image
    Thu, 20May1976Sun, 20May2012
    Solar Eclipse cA!cB
    72.Star AntiZion Alpha aSun, 30May6BC
    Sun, 28May6BC
    Wed, 30May31
    Wed, 28May31
    60th Day of 4+60=1+63=1+21+21+21
    of Cosmic Pregnancy as AntiZion Image
    Activation of Golgotha Mirror in 3+7=10 Days
    Sun, 30May1976Wed, 30May2012+67
    73.Red Dragon Stars a
    Star Draconis g
    Mon, 31May6BC
    Mon, 29May6BC
    Thu, 31May31
    Thu, 29May31
    1st Day of Golgotha in 7+3=10Mon, 31May1976Thu, 31May2012+68
    74.Star Draconis hTue, 01Jun6BC
    Tue, 30May6BC
    Fri, 01Jun31
    Fri, 30May31
    2nd Day of Golgotha in 7+3=10Tue, 01Jun1976Fri, 01Jun2012+69
    75.Star Draconis iWed, 02Jun6BC
    Wed, 31May6BC
    Sat, 02Jun31
    Sat, 31May31
    3rd Day of Golgotha in 7+3=10Wed, 02Jun1976Sat, 02Jun2012+70
    76.Star Draconis jThu, 03Jun6BC
    Thu, 01Jun6BC
    Sun, 03Jun31
    Sun, 01Jun31
    4th Day of Golgotha in 7+3=10Thu, 03Jun1976Sun, 03Jun2012+71
    77.Star Draconis aFri, 04Jun6BC
    Fri, 02Jun6BC
    Mon, 04Jun31
    Mon, 02Jun31
    5th Day of Golgotha in 7+3=10Fri, 04Jun1976
    Venus of Babylon
    Mon, 04Jun2012
    Lunar Eclipse cA"iB
    78.Star Draconis bSat, 05Jun6BC
    Sat, 03Jun6BC
    Tue, 05Jun31
    Wed, 03Jun31
    6th Day of Golgotha in 7+3=10Sat, 05Jun1976
    Lucifer of Babylon
    Tue, 05Jun2012+73
    79.Star of Behemoth
    = Star Ophiuchus clk
    Sun, 06Jun6BC
    Sun, 04Jun6BC
    Wed, 06Jun31
    Wed, 04Jun31
    in AntiChrist
    7th Day of Golgotha in 7+3=10
    Sun, 06Jun1976Wed, 06Jun2012
    Venus Transit
    80.Star Draconis dMon, 07Jun6BC
    Mon, 05Jun6BC
    Thu, 07Jun31
    Thu, 05Jun31
    8th Day of Golgotha in 7+3=10Mon, 07Jun1976Thu, 07Jun2012+75
    81.Star Draconis eTue, 08Jun6BC
    Tue, 06Jun6BC
    Fri, 08Jun31
    Fri, 06Jun31
    9th Day of Golgotha in 7+3=10Tue, 08Jun1976Fri, 08Jun2012+76
    82.Star Draconis f
    Red Dragon Stars w
    Wed, 09Jun6BC
    Wed, 07Jun6BC
    Sat, 09Jun31
    Sat, 07Jun31
    Mirror of Golgotha in the 10th DayWed, 09Jun1976Sat, 09Jun2012+77
    83. Thu, 10Jun6BC
    Thu, 08Jun6BC
    Sun, 10Jun31
    Sun, 08Jun31
    1st of 50 and 1st of 3+7=3+4+3=10 DaysThu, 10Jun1976Sun, 10Jun2012+78
    84. Fri, 11Jun6BC
    Fri, 09Jun6BC
    Mon, 11Jun31
    Mon, 09Jun31
    2nd of 50 and 2nd of 3+7=3+4+3=10 DaysFri, 11Jun1976Mon, 11Jun2012+79
    85. Sat, 12Jun6BC
    Sat, 10Jun6BC
    Tue, 12Jun31
    Wed, 10Jun31
    3rd of 50 and 3rd of 3+7=3+4+3=10 DaysSat, 12Jun1976Tue, 12Jun2012+80
    86.Star of AnthonySun, 13Jun6BC
    Sun, 11Jun6BC
    Wed, 13Jun31
    Wed, 11Jun31
    Mirror of Anthony de Padua Serpentis in AntiChrist
    4th of 50 and 4th of 3+7=3+4+3=10 Days
    Sun, 13Jun1976Wed, 13Jun2012+81
    87. Mon, 14Jun6BC
    Mon, 12Jun6BC
    Thu, 14Jun31
    Thu, 12Jun31
    5th of 50 and 5th of 3+7=3+4+3=10 DaysMon, 14Jun1976Thu, 14Jun2012+82
    88. Tue, 15Jun6BC
    Tue, 13Jun6BC
    Fri, 15Jun31
    Fri, 13Jun31
    6th of 50 and 6th of 3+7=3+4+3=10 DaysTue, 15Jun1976Fri, 15Jun2012+83
    89. Wed, 16Jun6BC
    Wed, 14Jun6BC
    Sat, 16Jun31
    Sat, 14Jun31
    7th of 50 and 7th of 3+7=3+4+3=10 DaysWed, 16Jun1976Sat, 16Jun2012+84
    90. Thu, 17Jun6BC
    Thu, 15Jun6BC
    Sun, 17Jun31
    Sun, 15Jun31
    8th of 50 and 8th of 3+7=3+4+3=10 Days.Thu, 17Jun1976Sun, 17Jun2012+85
    91. Fri, 18Jun6BC
    Fri, 16Jun6BC
    Mon, 18Jun31
    Mon, 16Jun31
    9th of 50 and 9th of 3+7=3+4+3=10 DaysFri, 18Jun1976Mon, 18Jun2012+86
    92. Sat, 19Jun6BC
    Sat, 17Jun6BC
    Tue, 19Jun31
    Wed, 17Jun31
    10th of 50 and 10th of 3+7=3+4+3=10 DaysSat, 19Jun1976Tue, 19Jun2012
    93. Sun, 20Jun6BC
    Sun, 18Jun6BC
    Wed, 20Jun31
    Wed, 18Jun31
    June Solstice 2012
    11th of 50 Days
    Sun, 20Jun1976Wed, 20Jun2012+88
    94. Thu, 01Jul6BC
    Thu, 29Jun6BC
    Sun, 01Jul31
    Sun, 29Jun31
    21st of 50 DaysThu, 01Jul1976Sun, 01Jul2012+99
    95. Sun, 04Jul6BC
    Sun, 02Jul6BC
    Wed, 04Jul31
    Wed, 02Jul31
    Midpoint of 50 Days as 25th DaySun, 04Jul1976Wed, 04Jul2012+102
    96. Mon, 05Jul6BC
    Mon, 03Jul6BC
    Thu, 05Jul31
    Thu, 03Jul31
    Midpoint of 50 Days as 26th DayMon, 05Jul1976Thu, 05Jul2012+103
    97. Thu, 08Jul6BC
    Thu, 06Jul6BC
    Sun, 17Jun31
    Sun, 15Jun31
    28th of 50 DaysThu, 08Jul1976Sun, 08Jul2012+106
    98. Tue, 20Jul6BC
    Tue, 18Jul6BC
    Fri, 20Jul31
    Fri, 18Jul31
    1st of 50 and 1st of 3+7=3+4+3=10 DaysTue, 20Jul1976Fri, 20Jul2012+118
    99. Fri, 23Jul6BC
    Fri, 21Jul6BC
    Mon, 23Jul31
    Mon, 21Jul31
    44th of 50 and 4th of 7+3=3+4+3=10 DaysFri, 23Jul1976Mon, 23Jul2012+121
    100. Mon, 26Jul6BC
    Mon, 24Jul6BC
    Thu, 26Jul31
    Thu, 24Jul31
    47th of 50 and 7th of 7+3=3+4+3=10 DaysMon, 26Jul1976Thu, 26Jul2012+124
    101. Tue, 27Jul6BC
    Tue, 25Jul6BC
    Fri, 27Jul31
    Fri, 27Jul31
    48th of 50 and 8th of 7+3=3+4+3=10 DaysTue, 27Jul1976Fri, 27Jul2012+125
    102. Thu, 29Jul6BC
    Thu, 27Jul6BC
    Sun, 29Jul31
    Sun, 27Jul31
    50th of 50 and 10th of 7+3=3+4+3=10 DaysThu, 29Jul1976Sun, 29Jul2012+127
    103.Cyan Serpent Stars w
    Star Serpentis f
    Fri, 30Jul6BC
    Fri, 28Jul6BC
    Mon, 30Jul31
    Mon, 28Jul31
    1st Day of Calvary Image in 3+7=10Fri, 30Jul1976Mon, 30Jul2012+128
    104.Star Serpentis eSat, 31Jul6BC
    Sat, 29Jul6BC
    Tue, 31Jul31
    Tue, 29Jul31
    2nd Day of Calvary Image in 3+7=10Sat, 31Jul1976Tue, 31Jul2012+129
    105.Star Serpentis dSun, 01Aug6BC
    Sun, 30Jul6BC
    Wed, 01Aug31
    Wed, 30Jul31
    3rd Day of Calvary Image in 3+7=10Sun, 01Aug1976Wed, 0Aug2012+130
    106.Star Suhcuihpo klc
    = Star of Htomeheb
    Mon, 02Aug6BC
    Mon, 31Jul6BC
    Thu, 02Aug31
    Thu, 31Jul31
    4th Day of Calvary Image in 3+7=10Mon, 02Aug1976Thu, 02Aug2012+131
    107.Star Serpentis bTue, 03Aug6BC
    Tue, 01Aug6BC
    Fri, 03Aug31
    Fri, 01Aug31
    5th Day of Calvary Image in 3+7=10Tue, 03Aug1976Fri, 03Aug2012+132
    108.Star Serpentis aWed, 04Aug6BC
    Wed, 02Aug6BC
    Sat, 04Aug31
    Sat, 02Aug31
    6th Day of Calvary Image in 3+7=10Wed, 04Aug1976Sat, 04Aug2012+133
    109.Star Serpentis jThu, 05Aug6BC
    Thu, 03Aug6BC
    Sun, 05Aug31
    Sun, 03Aug31
    7th Day of Calvary Image in 3+7=10Thu, 05Aug1976Sun, 05Aug2012+134
    110.Star Serpentis iFri, 06Aug6BC
    Fri, 04Aug6BC
    Mon, 06Aug31
    Mon, 04Aug31
    8th Day of Calvary Image in 3+7=10Fri, 06Aug1976Mon, 06Aug2012+135
    111.Star Serpentis hSat, 07Aug6BC
    Sat, 05Aug6BC
    Tue, 07Aug31
    Tue, 05Aug31
    9th Day of Calvary Image in 3+7=10Sat, 07Aug1976Tue, 07Aug2012+136
    112.Star Serpentis g
    Cyan Serpent Stars a
    Sun, 08Aug6BC
    Sun, 06Aug6BC
    Wed, 08Aug31
    Wed, 06Aug31
    10th Day of Calvary Image in 3+7=10Sun, 08Aug1976Wed, 08Aug2012+137
    113.Star Omega ZionisMon, 09Aug6BC
    Mon, 07Aug6BC
    Thu, 09Aug31
    Thu, 07Aug31
    1st Day of Zion=64Mon, 09Aug1976Thu, 09Aug2012+138
    114.Star Alpha ZionisMon, 11Oct6BC
    Mon, 09Oct6BC
    Thu, 11Oct31
    Thu, 09Oct31
    64th Day of Zion=64Mon, 11Oct1976Thu, 11Oct2012+201
    115.Star of NahtaivelTue, 12Oct6BC
    Tue, 10Oct6BC
    Fri, 12Oct31
    Fri, 10Oct31
    The 1st Day of 49+21=70Tue, 12Oct1976Fri, 12Oct2012+202
    116. Fri, 05Nov6BC
    Fri, 03Nov6BC
    Mon, 05Nov31
    Mon, 03Nov31
    Midpoint of 49-Day Daniel Mirror
    25th Day of 49+21=70
    Fri, 05Nov1976Mon, 05Nov2012+226
    117. Sat, 13Nov6BC
    Sat, 11Nov6BC
    Tue, 13Nov31
    Tue, 11Nov31
     Sat, 13Nov1976Tue, 13Nov2012
    Solar Eclipse
    118. Sun, 28Nov6BC
    Sun, 26Nov6BC
    Wed, 28Nov31
    Wed, 26Nov31
     Sun, 28Nov1976Wed, 28Nov2012
    Lunar Eclipse
    119. Mon, 29Nov6BC
    Mon, 27Nov6BC
    Thu, 29Nov31
    Thu, 27Nov31
    49-Day Mirror of Daniel 2012Mon, 29Nov1976Thu, 29Nov2012+250
    120. Tue, 30Nov6BC
    Tue, 28Nov6BC
    Fri, 30Nov31
    Fri, 28Nov31
    21-Day Mirror of Gabriel 2012Tue, 30Nov1976Fri, 30Nov2012+251
    121. Fri, 10Dec6BC
    Fri, 08Dec6BC
    Mon, 10Dec31
    Mon, 08Dec31
     Fri, 10Dec1976Mon, 10Dec2012+261
    122.The Star Serpentina
    The New Earth
    Mon, 20Dec6BC
    Mon, 18Dec6BC
    Thu, 20Dec31
    Thu, 18Dec31
    Birth of the StarPlanet Gaia SerpentinaMon, 20Dec1976Thu, 20Dec2012+271
    123.Cosmic Birth in
    265+7=272 Gestation Days
    Tue, 21Dec6BC
    Tue, 19Dec6BC
    Fri, 21Dec31
    Fri, 19Dec31
    of Cosmic Twinship Christ 2012
    Tue, 21Dec1976Fri, 21Dec2012+272
    124.The Star MagdalaWed, 22Dec6BC
    Wed, 20Dec6BC
    Sat, 22Dec31
    Sat, 20Dec31
    1st Day of the Cosmic Twinship Baby of the StarHumanityWed, 22Dec1976Sat, 22Dec2012
    Lucifera of Babylon
    125. Thu, 23Dec6BC
    Thu, 21Dec6BC
    Sun, 23Dec31
    Sun, 21Dec31
    2nd Day of the Cosmic Twinship Baby of the StarHumanityThu, 23Dec1976Sun, 23Dec2012+274
    126. Fri, 24Dec6BC
    Fri, 22Dec6BC
    Mon, 24Dec31
    Mon, 22Dec31
    3rd Day of the Cosmic Twinship Baby of the StarHumanityFri, 24Dec1976Mon, 24Dec2012+275
    127. Sat, 25Dec6BC
    Sat, 23Dec6BC
    Tue, 25Dec31
    Tue, 23Dec31
    4th Day of the Cosmic Twinship Baby of the StarHumanitySat, 25Dec1976Tue, 25Dec2012+276
    128. Sun, 26Dec6BC
    Sun, 24Dec6BC
    Wed, 26Dec31
    Wed, 24Dec31
    5th Day of the Cosmic Twinship Baby of the StarHumanitySun, 26Dec1976Wed, 26Dec2012+277
    129. Mon, 27Dec6BC
    Mon, 25Dec6BC
    Thu, 27Dec31
    Thu, 25Dec31
    6th Day of the Cosmic Twinship Baby of the StarHumanityMon, 27Dec1976Thu, 27Dec2012+278
    130. Tue, 28Dec6BC
    Tue, 26Dec6BC
    Fri, 28Dec31
    Fri, 26Dec31
    7th Day of the Cosmic Twinship Baby of the StarHumanityTue, 28Dec1976Fri, 28Dec2012+279
    131. Wed, 29Dec6BC
    Wed, 27Dec6BC
    Sat, 29Dec31
    Sat, 27Dec31
    8th Day of the Cosmic Twinship Baby of the StarHumanityWed, 29Dec1976Sat, 29Dec2012+280
    132. Thu, 30Dec6BC
    Thu, 28Dec6BC
    Sun, 30Dec31
    Sun, 28Dec31
    9th Day of the Cosmic Twinship Baby of the StarHumanityThu, 30Dec1976Sun, 30Dec2012+281
    133. Fri, 31Dec6BC
    Fri, 29Dec6BC
    Mon, 31Dec31
    Mon, 29Dec31
    10th Day of the Cosmic Twinship Baby of the StarHumanityFri, 31Dec1976Mon, 31Dec2012+282
    134. Sat, 01Jan56BC
    Sat, 30Dec6BC
    Tue, 01Jan32
    Tue, 30Dec31
    11th Day of the Cosmic Twinship Baby of the StarHumanitySat, 01Jan1977Tue, 01Jan2013+283
    135. Sun, 02Jan5BC
    Sun, 31Dec6BC
    Wed, 02Jan32
    Wed, 31Dec31
    12th Day of the Cosmic Twinship Baby of the StarHumanitySun, 02Jan1977Wed, 02Jan2013+284
    136. Mon, 03Jan5BC
    Mon, 01Jan5BC
    Thu, 03Jan32
    Thu, 01Jan32
    13th Day of the Cosmic Twinship Baby of the StarHumanityMon, 03Jan1977Thu, 03Jan2013+285
    137. Tue, 04Jan5BC
    Tue, 02Jan5BC
    Fri, 04Jan32
    Fri, 02Jan32
    14th Day of the Cosmic Twinship Baby of the StarHumanityTue, 04Jan1977Fri, 04Jan2013+286
    138. Wed, 05Jan5BC
    Wed, 03Jan5BC
    Sat, 05Jan32
    Sat, 03Jan32
    15th Day of the Cosmic Twinship Baby of the StarHumanityWed, 05Jan1977Sat, 05Jan2013+287
    139. Thu, 06Jan5BC
    Thu, 04Jan5BC
    Sun, 06Jan32
    Sun, 04Jan32
    16th Day of the Cosmic Twinship Baby of the StarHumanityThu, 06Jan1977Sun, 06Jan2013+288
    140.Maya Date: 18MacSat, 16Dec5BC
    Sat, 14Dec6BC
    Mon, 16Dec32
    Mon, 14Dec32
    360th Day of the Cosmic Twinship Baby of the StarHumanity
    Recalibration of 360° Degree-Circle Year
    Fri, 16Dec1977Mon, 16Dec2013+632
    141.21-Gabriel Days + 1900 Years = 693,983 Days
    for 17Sep53 to 07Oct1953
    Fri, 17Sep17
    Fri, 15Sep17
    Mon, 17Sep53
    Mon, 15Sep53
    The Image Date for Wed, 07Oct1953
    The Graduation of the StarHumanity as a Galactic Civilization
    Thu, 17Sep1998Sun, 17Sep2034+8212
    Raven LionHeart 45 icon_study. [​IMG][​IMG]

    Post last edited Aug 19th 2012
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2015
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°32

    empty. Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    empty. Ashera on Wed Aug 15, 2012 4:09 am
    Then read the bible correctly:

    The Egyptians did not want the LORD crap...

    And who does is an enemy of life.

    Akhnaten = Mosis? Another result of some Rorschach test?

    One must see the whole plot, starting with the Etruscan-Roman subversion politics in North Africa.

    No wonder that historians want to blank that out, or?

    That is the root of "modern" monotheism and the belief in the LORD and in his nowadays liberalized and emancipated forms. That can be taken back anytime if power constellations allow that. Christian fundamentalists are getting off their starting blocks...

    Following Hugo Ball and his "Critique of the German Intelligentsia" all this led via Luther and Bismarck to WWI, and as its consequence to the Hitler fascism.

    Now the repitition in form of a farce seems to happen. Mathematically spoken: a dangerous simulation


    Windowless Monads...
    finally the "discharging mass" as Elias Canetti put it
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2015
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°33

    empty. Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    empty. Raven on Sun Aug 19, 2012 8:36 am

    1.Fri, 07Oct28BC
    Fri, 05Oct28BC
    No Leap DayNo Leap DayWed, 07Oct1953Leap DayLeap Day 
    2.Mon, 24Jan22BC
    Mon, 22Jan22BC
    Cleansing of the SanctuaryDaniel.8.14Sun, 24Jan196036 Year Warp36 Year Warp2300
    3. Sun, 08Dec14BC
    Sun, 06Dec14BC
    Wed, 08Dec23
    Wed, 06Dec23
    Warpzone=1335+1335=2300+370=2670 days
    Sun, 08Dec1968Wed, 08Dec2004
    4. Fri, 04Aug10BC
    Fri, 02Aug10BC
    Mon, 04Aug27
    Mon, 02Aug27
    Warpzone Mirror
    1335+1335=2300+370=2670 days
    Fri, 04Aug1972Mon, 04Aug2008
    5. Fri, 28Mar8BC
    Fri, 26Mar8BC
    Mon, 28Mar29
    Mon, 26Mar29
    1600=1000+600 days from WarpMirror to Rebirth
    29Mar2010-21Dec2012=1000 Rebirth {2Pet.3.8;Rev.20}
    05Aug2008-21Dec2012=1600 Winepress {Rev.14.20;19.15}
    Thu, 28Mar1974Sun, 28Mar2010
    6. Sat, 16Aug8BC
    Sat, 14Aug8BC
    Tue, 16Aug29
    Tue, 14Aug29
    Ascension of Mary57=TempleDay#-1Fri, 16Aug1974
    Mon, 16Aug2010
    7. Sun, 17Aug8BC
    Sun, 15Aug8BC
    Wed, 17Aug29
    Wed, 15Aug29
    Ascension of Mary57=TempleDay#0
    -391-15=-406 Days for 12,000+1600 and 391+15=406 Temple Days
    Isaiah 66:23(KJV)
    "And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the Lord."
    Sat, 17Aug1974
    New Moon in Leo Sun eA!eB
    at 19:02 UCT
    Tue, 17Aug2010
    8. Mon, 18Aug8BC
    Mon, 16Aug8BC
    Thu, 18Aug29
    Thu, 16Aug29
    Ascension of Mary57=TempleDay#1Sun, 18Aug1974
    Wed, 18Aug2010
    9. Tue, 24Mar7BC
    Tue, 22Mar7BC
    Fri, 24Mar30
    Fri, 22Mar30
    1000 Millennium Days
    Mayan New Long Count {2Pet.3.8;Rev.20}
    1st of the 1135=1+638+496=1+152+486+391+15+90 Generation Days
    Mon, 24Mar1975
    Thu, 24Mar2011
    10. Sat, 28Mar7BC
    Sat, 26Mar7BC
    Tue, 28Mar30
    Tue, 26Mar30
    2300 days from warpzone
    Fri, 28Mar1975
    Mon, 28Mar2011
    11.Cosmic Conception in
    265 Gestation Days
    Sat, 04Jul7BC
    Sat, 02Jul7BC
    Tue, 04Jul30
    Tue, 02Jul30
    of Cosmic Twinship Christ 7BC
    Fri, 04Jul1975
    Mon, 04Jul2011
    12.The Star Gaia
    The Old Earth
    Sun, 05Jul7BC
    Sun, 03Jun7BC
    Wed, 05Jul30
    Wed, 03Jul30
    1st Day of (Anti)GestationSat, 05Jul1975
    Tue, 05Jul2011
    13. Sat, 25Jul7BC
    Sat, 23Jul7BC
    Tue, 25Jul30
    Tue, 23Jul30
    21-Day Mirror of Gabriel 7BCFri, 25Jul1975
    Mon, 25Jul2011
    14. Sun, 26Jul7BC
    Sun, 24Jul7BC
    Wed, 26Jul30
    Wed, 24Jul30
    49-Day Mirror of Daniel 7BCSat, 26Jul1975
    Tue, 26Jul2011
    15.Millennium MirrorTue, 04Aug7BC
    Tue, 02Aug7BC
    Fri, 04Aug30
    Fri, 02Aug30
    Mon, 04Aug1975
    Thu, 04Aug2011
    16. Wed, 19Aug7BC
    Wed, 17Aug7BC
    Sat, 19Aug30
    Sat, 17Aug30
    Midpoint of 49-Day Daniel MirrorTue, 19Aug1975
    Fri, 19Aug2011
    17.Star of Leviathan
    70 DayYears of
    Babylonian Captivity
    Sat, 12Sep7BC
    Sat, 10Sep7BC
    Tue, 12Sep30
    Tue, 10Sep30
    Conception of AntiChrist 1975 Future Past
    Activation of AntiZion in the Birth Mirror of Golgotha
    Fri, 12Sep1975
    Mon, 12Sep2011
    18.Star Alpha AntiZionisSun, 13Sep7BC
    Sun, 11Sep7BC
    Wed, 13Sep30
    Wed, 11Sep30
    1st Day of AntiChrist Gestation
    1st Day of AntiZion
    Sat, 13Sep1975
    Tue, 13Sep2011
    19. Sun, 27Sep7BC
    Sun, 25Sep7BC
    Wed, 27Sep30
    Wed, 25Sep30
    15 Days of Antizion as 1 Hour between the end of timeloop #3
    and 12,000 days of Revelation.21.15-17
    Sat, 27Sep1975
    Tue, 27Sep2011
    20. Sun, 01Nov7BC
    Sun, 30Oct7BC
    Wed, 01Nov30
    Wed, 30Oct30
    Image of 15 Days of Antizion as 50th DaySat, 01Nov1975
    Tue, 01Nov2011
    21.Star Omega AntiZionis
    64 Days from Babylon
    Sun, 15Nov7BC
    Sun, 13Nov7BC
    Wed, 15Nov30
    Wed, 13Nov30
    64th Day of AntiZion in Golgotha
    Activation of the Mirror of Calvary
    Sat, 15Nov1975
    Tue, 15Nov2011
    22.Red Serpent Stars a
    Star Serpentis g
    Mon, 16Nov7BC
    Mon, 14Nov7BC
    Thu, 16Nov30
    Thu, 14Nov30
    in Christh
    1st Day of Calvary in 7+3=10
    Sun, 16Nov1975
    Vision of the Loving Eyes
    Wed, 16Nov2011
    23.Star Serpentis hTue, 17Nov7BC
    Tue, 15ov7BC
    Fri, 17Nov30
    Fri, 15Nov30
    2nd Day of Calvary in 7+3=10Mon, 17Nov1975Thu, 17Nov2011-129
    24.Star Serpentis iWed, 18Nov7BC
    Wed, 16Nov7BC
    Sat, 18Nov30
    Sat, 16Nov30
    3rd Day of Calvary in 7+3=10Tue, 18Nov1975Fri, 18Nov2011-128
    25.Star Serpentis jThu, 19Nov7BC
    Thu, 17Nov7BC
    Sun, 19Nov30
    Sun, 17Nov30
    4th Day of Calvary in 7+3=10Wed, 19Nov1975Sat, 19Nov2011-127
    26.Star Serpentis aFri, 20Nov7BC
    Fri, 18Nov7BC
    Mon, 20Nov30
    Mon, 18Nov30
    5th Day of Calvary in 7+3=10Thu, 20Nov1975Sun, 20Nov2011-126
    27.Star Serpentis bSat, 21Nov7BC
    Sat, 19Nov7BC
    Tue, 21Nov30
    Tue, 19Nov30
    6th Day of Calvary in 7+3=10Fri, 21Nov1975Mon, 21Nov2011-125
    28.Star Ophiuchus clk
    = Star of Behemoth
    Sun, 22Nov7BC
    Sun, 20Nov7BC
    Wed, 22Nov30
    Wed, 20Nov30
    7th Day of Calvary in 7+3=10Sat, 22Nov1975Tue, 22Nov2011-124
    29.Star Serpentis dMon, 23Nov7BC
    Mon, 21Nov7BC
    Thu, 23Nov30
    Thu, 21Nov30
    8th Day of Calvary in 7+3=10Sun, 23Nov1975Wed, 23Nov2011-123
    30.Star Serpentis eTue, 24Nov7BC
    Tue, 22Nov7BC
    Fri, 24Nov30
    Fri, 22Nov30
    9th Day of Calvary in 7+3=10Mon, 24Nov1975Thu, 24Nov2011-122
    31.Star Serpentis f
    Red Serpent Stars w
    Wed, 25Nov7BC
    Wed, 23Nov7BC
    Sat, 25Nov30
    Sat, 23Nov30
    Mirror of Calvary in the 10th Day of 7+3=10Tue, 25Nov1975
    Fri, 25Nov2011
    32. Thu, 26Nov7BC
    Thu, 24Nov7BC
    Sun, 26Nov30
    Sun, 24Nov30
    1st of 50 and of 3+7=3+4+3=10 DaysWed, 26Nov1975
    Sat, 26Nov2011
    33. Sat, 28Nov7BC
    Sat, 26Nov7BC
    Tue, 28Nov30
    Tue, 26Nov30
    3rd of 50 and 3rd of 3+7=3+4+3=10 DaysFri, 28Nov1975Mon, 28Nov2011-118
    34. Sun, 29Nov7BC
    Sun, 27Nov7BC
    Wed, 29Nov30
    Wed, 27Nov30
    4th of 50 and 4th of 3+7=3+4+3=10 DaysSat, 29Nov1975Tue, 29Nov2011-117
    35. Wed, 02Dec7BC
    Wed, 30Nov7BC
    Sat, 02Dec30
    Sat, 30Nov30
    7th of 50 and 7th of 3+7=3+4+3=10 DaysTue, 02Dec1975Fri, 02Dec2011-114
    36. Sat, 05Dec7BC
    Sat, 03Dec7BC
    Tue, 05Dec30
    Tue, 03Dec30
    10th of 50 and 10th of 3+7=3+4+3=10 DaysFri, 05Dec1975Mon, 05Dec2011-111
    37. Thu, 17Dec7BC
    Thu, 15Dec7BC
    Sun, 17Dec30
    Sun, 15Dec30
    22nd of 50 DaysWed, 17Dec1975Sat, 17Dec2011-99
    38. Sun, 20Dec7BC
    Sun, 18Dec7BC
    Wed, 18Dec30
    Midpoint of 50 Days as 25th DaySat, 20Dec1975Tue, 20Dec2011-96
    39. Mon, 21Dec7BC
    Mon, 19Dec7BC
    Thu, 19Dec30
    Midpoint of 50 Days as 26th DaySun, 21Dec1975Wed, 21Dec2011-95
    40. Thu, 24Dec7BC
    Thu, 22Dec7BC
    Sun, 24Dec30
    Sun, 22Dec30
    29th of 50 DaysWed, 24Dec1975Sat, 24Dec2011-92
    41. Tue, 05Jan6BC
    Tue, 03Jan6BC
    Fri, 05Jan31
    Fri, 03Jan31
    41st of 50 and 1st of 7+3=3+4+3=10 DaysMon, 05Jan1976Thu, 05Jan2012-80
    42. Fri, 08Jan6BC
    Fri, 06Jan6BC
    Mon, 08Jan31
    Mon, 06Jan31
    44th of 50 and 4th of 7+3=3+4+3=10 DaysThu, 08Jan1976Sun, 08Jan2012-77
    43. Mon, 11Jan6BC
    Mon, 09Jan6BC
    Thu, 11Jan31
    Thu, 09Jan31
    47th of 50 and 7th of 7+3=3+4+3=10 DaysSun, 11Jan1976Wed, 11Jan2012-74
    44. Tue, 12Jan6BC
    Tue, 10Jan6BC
    Fri, 12Jan31
    Fri, 10Jan31
    48th of 50 and 8th of 7+3=3+4+3=10 DaysMon, 12Jan1976Thu, 12Jan2012-73
    45. Thu, 14Jan6BC
    Thu, 12Jan6BC
    Sun, 14Jan31
    Sun, 12Jan31
    50th of 50 and 10th of 3+7=3+4+3=10 DaysWed, 14Jan1976
    Sat, 14Jan2012
    46.Star Draconis fFri, 15Jan6BC
    Fri, 13Jan6BC
    Mon, 15Jan31
    Mon, 13Jan31
    1st Day of Golgotha Image in 3+7=10Thu, 15Jan1976
    Sun, 15Jan2012
    47.Star Draconis eSat, 16Jan6BC
    Sat, 14Jan6BC
    Tue, 16Jan31
    Tue, 14Jan31
    2nd Day of Golgotha Image in 3+7=10Fri, 16Jan1976Mon, 16Jan2012-69
    48.Star Draconis dSun, 17Jan6BC
    Sun, 15Jan6BC
    Wed, 17Jan31
    Wed, 15Jan31
    3rd Day of Golgotha Image of Golgotha in 3+7=10Sat, 17Jan1976Tue, 17Jan2012-68
    49.Star of Htomeheb
    = Star Suhcuihpo klc
    Mon, 18Jan6BC
    Mon, 16Jan6BC
    Thu, 18Jan31
    Thu, 16Jan31
    4th Day of Golgotha Image in 3+7=10Sun, 18Jan1976Wed, 18Jan2012-67
    50.Star Draconis bTue, 19Jan6BC
    Tue, 17Jan6BC
    Fri, 19Jan31
    Fri, 17Jan31
    5th Day of Golgotha Image in 3+7=10Mon, 19Jan1976Thu, 19Jan2012-66
    51.Star Draconis aWed, 20Jan6BC
    Wed, 18Jan6BC
    Sat, 20Jan31
    Sat, 18Jan31
    6th Day of Golgotha Image in 3+7=10Tue, 20Jan1976Fri, 20Jan2012-65
    52.Star Draconis jThu, 21Jan6BC
    Thu, 19Jan6BC
    Sun, 21Jan31
    Sun, 19Jan31
    7th Day of Golgotha Image in 3+7=10
    Day of Gnosis of the Cosmic Twinship 2012
    Wed, 21Jan1976Sat, 21Jan2012-64
    53.Star Draconis iFri, 22Jan6BC
    Fri, 20Jan6BC
    Mon, 22Jan31
    Mon, 20Jan31
    8th Day of Golgotha Image in 3+7=10Thu, 22Jan1976Sun, 22Jan2012-63
    54.Star Draconis h
    Star Aqua Draconis
    Sat, 23Jan6BC
    Sat, 21Jan6BC
    Tue, 23Jan31
    Tue, 21Jan31
    9th Day of Golgotha Image in 3+7=10Fri, 23Jan1976Mon, 21Jan2012
    Chinese Water Dragon
    New Moon k 2012
    55.Star Draconis g
    Cyan Dragon Stars a
    Sun, 24Jan6BC
    Sun, 22Jan6BC
    Wed, 24Jan31
    Wed, 22Jan31
    10th Day of Golgotha Image in 3+7=10
    Activation of Zion Image
    Sat, 24Jan1976
    Tue, 24Jan2012
    56.Star Zion Alpha aMon, 25Jan6BC
    Mon, 23Jan6BC
    Thu, 25Jan31
    Thu, 23Jan31
    1st Day of 10+10+21+19+4=60+4=63+1
    of the Zion=64 Image
    Sun, 25Jan1976
    Wed, 25Jan2012
    57. Thu, 04Feb6BC
    Thu, 02Feb6BC
    Sun, 04Feb31
    Sun, 02Feb31
    11th Day of 10+10+40+4=60+4=63+1
    of Zion=64 Image with Whit Sun Image
    Wed, 04Feb1976Sat, 04Feb2012-50
    58. Sun, 14Feb6BC
    Sun, 12Feb6BC
    Wed, 14Feb31
    Wed, 12Feb31
    21st Day of 20+40+4=60+4=63+1=21+42+1
    of Zion=64 Image with Ascension Thu Image
    Sat, 14Feb1976Tue, 14Feb2012-40
    59. Mon, 01Mar6BC
    Mon, 27Feb6BC
    Thu, 01Mar31
    Thu, 27Feb31
    36th Day of 20+15+25+4=60+4=63+1
    of Zion=64 Image with Gabriel 21-Day Image
    Sun, 29Feb1976Wed, 29Feb2012-25
    60. Sat, 06Mar6BC
    Sat, 04Mar6BC
    Tue, 06Mar31
    Tue, 04Mar30
    42nd Day of 41+19+4=60+4=63+1=42+21+1
    of Zion=64 Image
    Sat, 06Mar1976Tue, 06Mar2012-19
    61.265 Gestation Days
    Wed, 24Mar6BC
    Wed, 22Mar6BC
    Sat, 24Mar31
    Sat, 22Mar31
    60th Day of 60+4=63+1
    of Zion=64 Image initiated in the Christ Mirror
    Wed, 24Mar1976
    Sat, 24Mar2012
    62.The Evening Star
    Palm Sunday 31
    Thu, 25Mar6BC
    Thu, 23Mar6BC
    Sun, 25Mar31
    Sun, 23Mar31
    Birth of Christ 6BC after 265 Gestation DaysThu, 25Mar1976Sun, 25Mar2012+1
    63.The Day Star
    Palm Monday 31
    Fri, 26Mar6BC
    Fri, 24Mar6BC
    Mon, 26Mar31
    Mon, 24Mar31
    2nd Day of Christ MirrorFri, 26Mar1976Mon, 26Mar2012+2
    64.The Lucifer Star
    Seder Tuesday 31
    Sat, 27Mar6BC
    Sat, 25Mar6BC
    Tue, 27Mar31
    Tue, 25Mar31
    3rd Day of Christ MirrorSat, 27Mar1976Tue, 27Mar2012+3
    65.The Death Star
    AlphaOmega awwa
    Passover Wednesday 31
    Sun, 28Mar6BC
    Sun, 26Mar6BC
    Wed, 28Mar31
    Wed, 26Mar31
    Wed, 28Mar2012
    66.The Lucifera Star
    Last Supper Thursday 31
    Mon, 29Mar6BC
    Mon, 27Mar6BC
    Thu, 29Mar31
    Thu, 27Mar31
    5th Day of Christ MirrorMon, 29Mar1976Thu, 29Mar2012+5
    67.The Night Star
    Good Friday 31
    Tue, 30Mar6BC
    Tue, 28Mar6BC
    Fri, 30Mar31
    Fri, 28Mar31
    6th Day of Christ MirrorTue, 30Mar1976Fri, 30Mar2012+6
    68.The Morning Star
    Easter Saturday 31
    Wed, 31Mar6BC
    Wed, 29Mar6BC
    Sat, 31Mar31
    Sat, 29Mar31
    7th Day of Christ Mirror
    Activation of the AntiZion Image
    Wed, 31Mar1976Sat, 31Mar2012+7
    69.Easter Sunday 31
    Palm Sunday 2012
    Thu, 01Apr6BC
    Thu, 30Mar6BC
    Sun, 01Apr31
    Sun, 30Mar31
    1st Day of 4+19+21+10+10=4+60=1+63
    of Cosmic Pregnancy as AntiZion Image
    Thu, 01Apr1976
    Sun, 01Apr2012
    70.Palm Monday 2012Fri, 02Apr6BC
    Fri, 31Mar6BC
    Mon, 02Apr31
    Mon, 31Mar31
    2nd Day of 4+19+21+10+10=4+60=1+63
    of Cosmic Pregnancy as AntiZion Image
    Fri, 02Apr1976Mon, 02Apr2012
    Seder Tuesday
    71.Seder Tuesday 2012Sat, 03Apr6BC
    Sat, 01Apr6BC
    Tue, 03Apr31
    Tue, 01Apr31
    3rd Day of 4+19+21+10+10=4+60=1+63
    of Cosmic Pregnancy as AntiZion Image
    Sat, 03Apr1976Tue, 03Apr2012+10
    72.Passover Wednesday 2012Sun, 04Apr6BC
    Sun, 02Apr6BC
    Wed, 04Apr31
    Wed, 02Apr31
    4th Day of 4+19+21+10+10=4+60=1+63
    of Cosmic Pregnancy as AntiZion Image
    Sun, 04Apr1976Wed, 04Apr2012+11
    73.Last Supper Thursday 2012Mon, 05Apr6BC
    Mon, 03Apr6BC
    Thu, 05Apr31
    Thu, 03Apr31
    5th Day of 4+19+21+10+10=4+60=1+63
    of Cosmic Pregnancy as AntiZion Image
    Mon, 05Apr1976Thu, 05Apr2012+12
    74.Good Friday 2012Tue, 06Apr6BC
    Tue, 04Apr6BC
    Fri, 06Apr31
    Fri, 04Apr31
    6th Day of 4+19+21+10+10=4+60=1+63
    of Cosmic Pregnancy as AntiZion Image
    Tue, 06Apr1976Fri, 06Apr2012+13
    75.Easter Saturday 2012Wed, 07Apr6BC
    Wed, 05Apr6BC
    Sat, 07Apr31
    Sat, 05Apr31
    7th Day of 4+19+21+10+10=4+60=1+63
    of Cosmic Pregnancy as AntiZion Image
    Wed, 07Apr1976Sat, 07Apr2012+14
    76.Easter Sunday 2012Thu, 08Apr6BC
    Thu, 06Apr6BC
    Sun, 01Apr31
    Sun, 06Apr31
    8th Day of 4+19+21+10+10=4+60=1+63
    of Cosmic Pregnancy as AntiZion Image
    Thu, 08Apr1976Sun, 08Apr2012+15
    77.21-Days of Gabriel 31Mon, 19Apr6BC
    Mon, 17Apr6BC
    Thu, 19Apr31
    Thu, 17Apr31
    19th Day of 4+19+21+10+10=4+60=1+63
    of Cosmic Pregnancy as AntiZion Image
    Mon, 19Apr1976
    Thu, 19Apr2012
    78. Thu, 06May6BC
    Thu, 04May6BC
    Sun, 06May31
    Sun, 04May
    36th Day of 4+40+10+10=4+60=1+63
    of Cosmic Pregnancy as AntiZion Image
    Thu, 06May1976Sun, 06May2012
    Easter Sun
    Syzygy Moon
    79.Ascension Thu 31Mon, 10May6BC
    Mon, 08May6BC
    Thu, 10May31
    Thu, 08May31
    40th Day of 4+40+10+10=4+60=1+63
    of Cosmic Pregnancy as AntiZion Image
    Mon, 10May1976
    Thu, 10May2012
    80.Ascension Thu 2012Mon, 17May6BC
    Mon, 15May6BC
    Thu, 17May31
    Thu, 15May31
    47th Day of 4+40+10+10=4+60=1+63
    of Cosmic Pregnancy as AntiZion Image
    Mon, 17May1976
    Thu, 17May2012
    81.Star of Arachne
    Pentecost 31
    Thu, 20May6BC
    Thu, 18May6BC
    Sun, 20May31
    Sun, 18May31
    50th Day of 4+50+10=4+60=1+63
    of Cosmic Pregnancy as AntiZion Image
    Thu, 20May1976
    Sun, 20May2012
    Solar Eclipse cA!cB
    82.Star of Arachne
    Pentecost 2012
    Thu, 27May6BC
    Thu, 25May6BC
    Sun, 27May31
    Sun, 25May31
    57th Day of 4+50+10=4+60=1+63
    of Cosmic Pregnancy as AntiZion Image
    Thu, 27May1976
    Sun, 27May2012
    83.Star AntiZion Alpha aSun, 30May6BC
    Sun, 28May6BC
    Wed, 30May31
    Wed, 28May31
    60th Day of 4+60=1+63=1+21+21+21
    of Cosmic Pregnancy as AntiZion Image
    Activation of Golgotha Mirror in 3+7=10 Days
    Sun, 30May1976
    Wed, 30May2012
    84.Red Dragon Stars a
    Star Draconis g
    Mon, 31May6BC
    Mon, 29May6BC
    Thu, 31May31
    Thu, 29May31
    1st Day of Golgotha in 7+3=10Mon, 31May1976
    Thu, 31May2012
    85.Star Draconis hTue, 01Jun6BC
    Tue, 30May6BC
    Fri, 01Jun31
    Fri, 30May31
    2nd Day of Golgotha in 7+3=10Tue, 01Jun1976Fri, 01Jun2012+69
    86.Star Draconis iWed, 02Jun6BC
    Wed, 31May6BC
    Sat, 02Jun31
    Sat, 31May31
    3rd Day of Golgotha in 7+3=10Wed, 02Jun1976Sat, 02Jun2012+70
    87.Star Draconis jThu, 03Jun6BC
    Thu, 01Jun6BC
    Sun, 03Jun31
    Sun, 01Jun31
    4th Day of Golgotha in 7+3=10Thu, 03Jun1976Sun, 03Jun2012+71
    88.Star Draconis aFri, 04Jun6BC
    Fri, 02Jun6BC
    Mon, 04Jun31
    Mon, 02Jun31
    5th Day of Golgotha in 7+3=10Fri, 04Jun1976
    Venus of Babylon
    Mon, 04Jun2012
    Lunar Eclipse cA"iB
    89.Star Draconis bSat, 05Jun6BC
    Sat, 03Jun6BC
    Tue, 05Jun31
    Wed, 03Jun31
    6th Day of Golgotha in 7+3=10Sat, 05Jun1976
    Lucifer of Babylon
    Tue, 05Jun2012+73
    90.Star of Behemoth
    = Star Ophiuchus clk
    Sun, 06Jun6BC
    Sun, 04Jun6BC
    Wed, 06Jun31
    Wed, 04Jun31
    in AntiChrist
    7th Day of Golgotha in 7+3=10
    Sun, 06Jun1976
    Wed, 06Jun2012
    Venus Transit
    91.Star Draconis dMon, 07Jun6BC
    Mon, 05Jun6BC
    Thu, 07Jun31
    Thu, 05Jun31
    8th Day of Golgotha in 7+3=10Mon, 07Jun1976Thu, 07Jun2012+75
    92.Star Draconis eTue, 08Jun6BC
    Tue, 06Jun6BC
    Fri, 08Jun31
    Fri, 06Jun31
    9th Day of Golgotha in 7+3=10Tue, 08Jun1976Fri, 08Jun2012+76
    93.Star Draconis f
    Red Dragon Stars w
    Wed, 09Jun6BC
    Wed, 07Jun6BC
    Sat, 09Jun31
    Sat, 07Jun31
    Mirror of Golgotha in the 10th DayWed, 09Jun1976
    Sat, 09Jun2012
    94. Thu, 10Jun6BC
    Thu, 08Jun6BC
    Sun, 10Jun31
    Sun, 08Jun31
    1st of 50 and 1st of 3+7=3+4+3=10 DaysThu, 10Jun1976
    Sun, 10Jun2012
    95. Fri, 11Jun6BC
    Fri, 09Jun6BC
    Mon, 11Jun31
    Mon, 09Jun31
    2nd of 50 and 2nd of 3+7=3+4+3=10 DaysFri, 11Jun1976Mon, 11Jun2012+79
    96. Sat, 12Jun6BC
    Sat, 10Jun6BC
    Tue, 12Jun31
    Wed, 10Jun31
    3rd of 50 and 3rd of 3+7=3+4+3=10 DaysSat, 12Jun1976Tue, 12Jun2012+80
    97.Star of AnthonySun, 13Jun6BC
    Sun, 11Jun6BC
    Wed, 13Jun31
    Wed, 11Jun31
    Mirror of Anthony de Padua Serpentis in AntiChrist
    4th of 50 and 4th of 3+7=3+4+3=10 Days
    Sun, 13Jun1976
    Wed, 13Jun2012
    98. Wed, 16Jun6BC
    Wed, 14Jun6BC
    Sat, 16Jun31
    Sat, 14Jun31
    7th of 50 and 7th of 3+7=3+4+3=10 DaysWed, 16Jun1976Sat, 16Jun2012+84
    99. Sat, 19Jun6BC
    Sat, 17Jun6BC
    Tue, 19Jun31
    Wed, 17Jun31
    10th of 50 and 10th of 3+7=3+4+3=10 DaysSat, 19Jun1976
    Tue, 19Jun2012
    100. Sun, 20Jun6BC
    Sun, 18Jun6BC
    Wed, 20Jun31
    Wed, 18Jun31
    June Solstice 2012
    11th of 50 Days
    Sun, 20Jun1976Wed, 20Jun2012+88
    101. Thu, 01Jul6BC
    Thu, 29Jun6BC
    Sun, 01Jul31
    Sun, 29Jun31
    21st of 50 DaysThu, 01Jul1976Sun, 01Jul2012+99
    102. Sun, 04Jul6BC
    Sun, 02Jul6BC
    Wed, 04Jul31
    Wed, 02Jul31
    Midpoint of 50 Days as 25th DaySun, 04Jul1976Wed, 04Jul2012+102
    103. Mon, 05Jul6BC
    Mon, 03Jul6BC
    Thu, 05Jul31
    Thu, 03Jul31
    Midpoint of 50 Days as 26th DayMon, 05Jul1976Thu, 05Jul2012+103
    104. Tue, 20Jul6BC
    Tue, 18Jul6BC
    Fri, 20Jul31
    Fri, 18Jul31
    1st of 50 and 1st of 3+7=3+4+3=10 DaysTue, 20Jul1976Fri, 20Jul2012+118
    105. Fri, 23Jul6BC
    Fri, 21Jul6BC
    Mon, 23Jul31
    Mon, 21Jul31
    44th of 50 and 4th of 7+3=3+4+3=10 Days
    1st DragonStarDay DSD#1 from Sun's Cancer-Leo Ingress at 10:01 UCT; 22Jul2012
    Fri, 23Jul1976
    Mon, 23Jul2012
    106. Thu, 29Jul6BC
    Thu, 27Jul6BC
    Sun, 29Jul31
    Sun, 27Jul31
    50th of 50 and 10th of 7+3=3+4+3=10 DaysThu, 29Jul1976
    Sun, 29Jul2012
    107.Cyan Serpent Stars w
    Star Serpentis f
    Fri, 30Jul6BC
    Fri, 28Jul6BC
    Mon, 30Jul31
    Mon, 28Jul31
    1st Day of Calvary Image in 3+7=10Fri, 30Jul1976
    Mon, 30Jul2012
    108.Star Serpentis eSat, 31Jul6BC
    Sat, 29Jul6BC
    Tue, 31Jul31
    Tue, 29Jul31
    2nd Day of Calvary Image in 3+7=10Sat, 31Jul1976Tue, 31Jul2012+129
    109.Star Serpentis dSun, 01Aug6BC
    Sun, 30Jul6BC
    Wed, 01Aug31
    Wed, 30Jul31
    3rd Day of Calvary Image in 3+7=10Sun, 01Aug1976Wed, 0Aug2012+130
    110.Star Suhcuihpo klc
    = Star of Htomeheb
    Mon, 02Aug6BC
    Mon, 31Jul6BC
    Thu, 02Aug31
    Thu, 31Jul31
    4th Day of Calvary Image in 3+7=10Mon, 02Aug1976Thu, 02Aug2012+131
    111.Star Serpentis bTue, 03Aug6BC
    Tue, 01Aug6BC
    Fri, 03Aug31
    Fri, 01Aug31
    5th Day of Calvary Image in 3+7=10Tue, 03Aug1976Fri, 03Aug2012+132
    112.Star Serpentis aWed, 04Aug6BC
    Wed, 02Aug6BC
    Sat, 04Aug31
    Sat, 02Aug31
    6th Day of Calvary Image in 3+7=10Wed, 04Aug1976Sat, 04Aug2012+133
    113.Star Serpentis jThu, 05Aug6BC
    Thu, 03Aug6BC
    Sun, 05Aug31
    Sun, 03Aug31
    7th Day of Calvary Image in 3+7=10Thu, 05Aug1976Sun, 05Aug2012+134
    114.Star Serpentis iFri, 06Aug6BC
    Fri, 04Aug6BC
    Mon, 06Aug31
    Mon, 04Aug31
    8th Day of Calvary Image in 3+7=10Fri, 06Aug1976Mon, 06Aug2012+135
    115.Star Serpentis hSat, 07Aug6BC
    Sat, 05Aug6BC
    Tue, 07Aug31
    Tue, 05Aug31
    9th Day of Calvary Image in 3+7=10Sat, 07Aug1976Tue, 07Aug2012+136
    116.Star Serpentis g
    Cyan Serpent Stars a
    Sun, 08Aug6BC
    Sun, 06Aug6BC
    Wed, 08Aug31
    Wed, 06Aug31
    10th Day of Calvary Image in 3+7=10Sun, 08Aug1976
    Wed, 08Aug2012
    117.Star Omega ZionisMon, 09Aug6BC
    Mon, 07Aug6BC
    Thu, 09Aug31
    Thu, 07Aug31
    1st Day of Zion=64Mon, 09Aug1976
    Thu, 09Aug2012
    118. Mon, 23Aug6BC
    Mon, 21Aug6BC
    Thu, 23Aug31
    Thu, 21Aug31
    15 Days of Zion as 1 Hour between the end of timeloop #3
    and 12,000 days of Revelation.21.15-17
    32nd DragonStarDay DSD#32 from Sun's Leo-Virgo Ingress at 17:07 UCT; 22Aug2012
    Mon, 23Aug1976
    Thu, 23Aug2012
    119. Mon, 27Sep6BC
    Mon, 25Sep6BC
    Thu, 27Sep31
    Thu, 25Sep31
    Image of 15 Days of Zion as 50th DayMon, 27Sep1976
    Thu, 27Sep2012
    120.Star Alpha ZionisMon, 11Oct6BC
    Mon, 09Oct6BC
    Thu, 11Oct31
    Thu, 09Oct31
    64th Day of Zion=64Mon, 11Oct1976
    Thu, 11Oct2012
    121.Star of NahtaivelTue, 12Oct6BC
    Tue, 10Oct6BC
    Fri, 12Oct31
    Fri, 10Oct31
    The 1st Day of 49+21=70Tue, 12Oct1976
    Fri, 12Oct2012
    122. Fri, 05Nov6BC
    Fri, 03Nov6BC
    Mon, 05Nov31
    Mon, 03Nov31
    Midpoint of 49-Day Daniel Mirror
    25th Day of 49+21=70
    Fri, 05Nov1976Mon, 05Nov2012+226
    123. Sat, 13Nov6BC
    Sat, 11Nov6BC
    Tue, 13Nov31
    Tue, 11Nov31
     Sat, 13Nov1976Tue, 13Nov2012
    Solar Eclipse
    124. Sun, 28Nov6BC
    Sun, 26Nov6BC
    Wed, 28Nov31
    Wed, 26Nov31
     Sun, 28Nov1976Wed, 28Nov2012
    Lunar Eclipse
    125. Mon, 29Nov6BC
    Mon, 27Nov6BC
    Thu, 29Nov31
    Thu, 27Nov31
    49-Day Mirror of Daniel 2012Mon, 29Nov1976Thu, 29Nov2012+250
    126. Tue, 30Nov6BC
    Tue, 28Nov6BC
    Fri, 30Nov31
    Fri, 28Nov31
    21-Day Mirror of Gabriel 2012Tue, 30Nov1976Fri, 30Nov2012+251
    Millennium Mirror
    Mon, 06Dec6BC
    Mon, 04Dec6BC
    Thu, 06Dec31
    Thu, 04Dec31
     Mon, 06Dec1976
    Thu, 06Dec2012
    128.Millennium MirrorThu, 16Dec6BC
    Thu, 14Dec6BC
    Sun, 16Dec31
    Sun, 14Dec31
    Thu, 16Dec1976
    Sun, 16Dec2012
    129.The Star Serpentina
    The New Earth
    Mon, 20Dec6BC
    Mon, 18Dec6BC
    Thu, 20Dec31
    Thu, 18Dec31
    Birth of the StarPlanet Gaia SerpentinaMon, 20Dec1976
    Thu, 20Dec2012
    Tue, 21Dec6BC
    Tue, 19Dec6BC
    Fri, 21Dec31
    Fri, 19Dec31
    of Cosmic Twinship Christ 2012
    Cosmic Birth in 265+7=272 Gestation Days
    Tue, 21Dec1976
    Fri, 21Dec2012
    131.The Star MagdalaWed, 22Dec6BC
    Wed, 20Dec6BC
    Sat, 22Dec31
    Sat, 20Dec31
    1st Day of the Cosmic Twinship Baby of the StarHumanityWed, 22Dec1976
    Sat, 22Dec2012
    Lucifera of Babylon
    132. Thu, 23Dec6BC
    Thu, 21Dec6BC
    Sun, 23Dec31
    Sun, 21Dec31
    2nd Day of the Cosmic Twinship Baby of the StarHumanityThu, 23Dec1976Sun, 23Dec2012+274
    133. Sat, 25Dec6BC
    Sat, 23Dec6BC
    Tue, 25Dec31
    Tue, 23Dec31
    4th Day of the Cosmic Twinship Baby of the StarHumanitySat, 25Dec1976Tue, 25Dec2012+276
    134.Millennium MirrorMon, 27Dec6BC
    Mon, 25Dec6BC
    Thu, 27Dec31
    Thu, 25Dec31
    6th Day of the Cosmic Twinship Baby of the StarHumanityMon, 27Dec1976
    Thu, 27Dec2012
    135. Sat, 01Jan56BC
    Sat, 30Dec6BC
    Tue, 01Jan32
    Tue, 30Dec31
    11th Day of the Cosmic Twinship Baby of the StarHumanitySat, 01Jan1977Tue, 01Jan2013+283
    136. Thu, 06Jan5BC
    Thu, 04Jan5BC
    Sun, 06Jan32
    Sun, 04Jan32
    16th Day of the Cosmic Twinship Baby of the StarHumanityThu, 06Jan1977
    Sun, 06Jan2013
    Sat, 16Dec5BC
    Sat, 14Dec5BC
    Tue, 16Dec32
    Tue, 14Dec32
    360th Day of the Cosmic Twinship Baby of the StarHumanity
    Recalibration of 360° Degree-Circle Year
    Fri, 16Dec1977
    Mon, 16Dec2013
    Sun, 17Dec5BC
    Sun, 15Dec5BC
    Wed, 17Dec32
    Wed, 15Dec32
    1st day of the Cosmic Calendar ReCalibrationSat, 17Dec1977
    Tue, 17Dec2013
    Tue, 16Jan4BC
    Tue, 14Jan4BC
    Fri, 16Jan33
    Fri, 14Jan33
    Euphrates 4 Corner YDMH Calibration
    Mon, 16Jan1978
    Thu, 16Jan2014
    Wed, 31Jan4BC
    Wed, 29Jan4BC
    Sat, 31Jan33
    Sat, 29Jan33
    Euphrates 391+15=406 HOUR Calibration
    Tue, 31Jan1978
    Fri, 31Jan2014
    Sun, 29Apr4BC
    Sun, 27Apr4BC
    Wed, 29Apr33
    Wed, 27Apr33
    -391-15=-406 Days for 12,000+1600 and 391+15=406 Temple Days
    Isaiah 66:23(KJV)
    "And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the Lord."
    Sat, 29Apr1978
    Tue, 29Apr2014
    New Moon in Taurus Sun bA!bB
    at 06:14 UCT
    Mon, 30Apr4BC
    Mon, 28Apr4BC
    Thu, 30Apr33
    Thu, 28Apr33
    Beltane-Walpurgis Nacht 2014
    The Little Season of Satan as 360/4=90 days in a quarter year
    Sun, 30Apr1978
    Wed, 30Apr2014
    Tue, 01May4BC
    Tue, 29Apr4BC
    Fri, 01May33
    Fri, 29Apr33
    Beltane-Walpurgis Nacht 2014
    The Little Season of Satan as 360/4=90 days in a quarter year
    Mon, 01May1978
    Thu, 01May2014
    144.21-Gabriel Days +
    1900 Years = 693,983 Days
    for 17Sep53 to 07Oct1953
    Fri, 17Sep17
    Fri, 15Sep17
    Mon, 17Sep53
    Mon, 15Sep53
    The Image Date for Wed, 07Oct1953
    The Graduation of the StarHumanity as a Galactic Civilization
    Thu, 17Sep1998
    Sun, 17Sep2034+907

    Raven LionHeart 45 icon_study. 543611. 139717.

    Last edited by Raven on Sun Aug 26, 2012 6:04 am; edited 13 times in total
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    empty. Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    empty. orthodoxymoron on Sun Aug 19, 2012 9:44 am
    Posts: 6494
    Join date: 2010-09-28

    • Post n°34
    I've been wondering if we really live in a rather hostile and nasty universe -- and if Earth is the wild, wild west -- with innovations in physicality, behavior, and governance -- which the rest of the universe considers to be rebellion and heresy??!! I get the picture of a VERY advanced ET Civilization in North Africa in antiquity (and presently??!!) which genetically engineered human physicality -- and got into a helluva lot of trouble for doing so. Then, it seems that the Hebrews jumped out of the frying-pan and into the fire -- by following a New God into the desert -- after being promised the Promised-Land -- as God's Chosen People. I'm seeing nasty factional fighting throughout history -- between Gods who are Mighty -- but not Almighty -- and certainly not pure and ethical (by any current high-road ethical standards). I'm not judgemental in all of this -- but I certainly wish for things to dramatically improve -- at least within this particular solar system. It really wouldn't surprise me if (on a reincarnational basis) the rabbit-hole really does mostly go right up my @$$. This deeply frightens me. Once again, there is an aspect of the Thuban stuff that is attractive -- but I lean toward Christocentric-Egyptology, Jesus-Studies, and Astronomy -- all mixed together. However, at some point, I think I should completely read through that old Thuban Q&A on the old Project Avalon site. It tweaks my brain -- and makes me think about things in a new way (but not necessarily a good way). BTW -- what if all of us were Draconian Reptilians in antiquity??!! What if some of us became Humans (with Reptilian Souls)??!! What if the Reptilian God declared WAR on the New Humans??!! That would make "God" seem like "Satan" to the Humans -- wouldn't it??!! The Human Leader would be their "God" -- but certainly not the God of the Universe -- and probably relatively powerless compared to the Traditional Reptilian God. Does the Universe need to be governed by Absolute Power (on the part of God) -- with Absolute and Unquestioning Obedience (on the part of Everyone Else)??!! Can Responsible-Freedom be introduced into this equation -- without destroying Law and Order in the Universe??!! I think I see the Nature of the Problems -- and I am fearful regarding what part I might've played in all of this. I think I need to stop this mental and spiritual torture -- and do something else -- at least for a while.

  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Posts: 2021
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    • Post n°35
    Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    devakas on Sun Aug 19, 2012 1:11 pm

    orthodoxymoron wrote:
    There is a verse in Bhagavad Gita where Arjuna looks at the field of enemies and soberly admits to Krisha that he is in mental and spiritual torture. He sees friends and family member, he sees his beloved teachers on the enemies side. He cried to Krishna who was his most trusted friend. He asked his advice. How I can fight with my friends my family members my teachers. They are so powerful and they maybe injured and maybe killed. Then he decided that he will not fight. Krishna adviced him to fight. He said. I know everything I know future, I made already decision. YOU HAVE TO TRUST ME. If you will surrender to Me I will do what needs to be done. Arjuna asked the proof that Krishna is God and creator of spititual and material world, universes. Bhagavad Gita is all about it.

    Arjuna then asked advice how he can fight and maybe killing his friends, teachers? Krishna again explained that all who do not believe in God they create haoc. Krishna adviced that ONLY if Arjuna surenders and TRUST him, all demons will be killed (as Krishna already decided) and Arjuna will be saved. Arjuna was crying he felt tortured. Krishna said you should surender to me and trust. You were born as kshatrya fighter of demons and you should perform your duty. If you are not serving me with your duty, you do not trust me you will not be saved. If you will surender to me (not other gods) I will take care of the battle and you will be saved.
    i have to find this verse in Bhagavad Gita, when God talked with Arjuna. And Arjuna was liberated from the torture when he fully surendered to Krishna who is creator of all spiritual and material worlds.

    I think I need to stop this mental and spiritual torture

    Arjunas decision was different. He did not go against God, he did what God adviced. Arjuna finally surendered fully and completely, bow to God as He recognized Him and did fight....

  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Posts: 509
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    Age: 48
    Location: The Emerald City
    • Post n°36

    empty. Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    empty. Raven on Mon Aug 27, 2012 6:20 am

    The 13th Planet Dark Moon Lilith as the 'Hidden Nemesis of Wormwood Nibiru'
    and other NABS misidentifications

    A Deeper Look: Astrology Beyond the Traditional Planets

    Lilith - The Dark Moon

    (published in The Second Road newsletter, October 1998.)

    by Catt Foy

    copyright 1998, Catt Foy

    She is reputedly Adam's first wife, before Eve. She is known as a demoness, the killer of infants in their cradles. She is the original woman, who refused to be subjugated to a man's desires. Consort to both the devil and God himself, she is the enigmatic and mysterious Lilith.

    A little-known element in astrology charts, Lilith is known as the "dark Moon" and, as such, represents our "dark" or hidden emotional selves. According to Lois Daton, author of "Lilith, The Planet of the Doodler," the physical existence of Lilith was confirmed by the United States Weather Bureau in 1879. Lilith is the name used for two different celestial bodies - one is located in the asteroid belt and is not our subject here, the other is an invisible body orbiting the earth approximately three times farther away than the Moon, Luna. It is this Lilith which is of interest here.

    Lilith's placement in the chart is especially important to women, and represents the power of the original woman. In a man's chart, Lilith's placement will reveal the hidden power struggles or other issues he may have, resolved or unresolved, with the women in his life.

    Lilith was known to the Chaldean astrologers; the Egyptians called her Nephthys. The name Lilith is derived from the old Semitic word for night, "lel" or "lelath", in Arabic "laylah," which also means "ghost" or "spectre" in Hebrew. She is associated with the Death card in Tarot and with the goddesses Persephone, Hecate, Athena, Minerva. She is associated with the Owl, representing secrecy and wisdom, and she is frequently connected with cats.


    In Lilith astrology one can use three Lilith Moon’s. Black Moon Lilith, Asteroid Lilith and the lesser known Dark Moon Lilith. Together they work as a Triple Moon Goddess, which describes a process of transformation. The three Lilith’s are also useful in pinpointing which brand of Lilith energy is strongest in your chart and at which stage you may have the most issues with. After studying Eris in detail it is apparent to me that she is the higher octave of Lilith. Eris is the Uber-Dark Goddess and by combining her with the outer planets we can see how each corresponds quite neatly with three phases of the moon.

    To see the Lilith archetype in terms as a triple goddess makes total sense to me. After I wrote this post I discovered Demetria George had come up with a similar concept about Lilith. Comparing it to the bible story she says: ” The Asteroid Lilith describes the first stage in the mythical journey where she is suppressed, humiliated and flees in a fiery rage to the desolate wilderness. The Dark Moon Lilith depicts the pain of her exile where she plots and executes revenge. The Black Moon Lilith shows how she transmutes her distorted image back into its natural healthy expression” [1]

    Ishtara Raven: people all over the place on FB, and various forums are posting the most absurd crap, NIBIRU, annunaki…evil ET invasions, the whole gambit.

    Totanubis: Yep

    Totanubis: Last days of prophecy Raven; it is necessary and to be expected

    Totanubis: The 'great falling away from the cosmic truth' it is called

    Totanubis: Look at the new earth chart

    Totanubis: I added the 15 days as 4 corners

    Totanubis: So August 9th - August 23rd 2012 is the third of the legislature and the fourth is September 27th - October 2012 of the executive function

    Ishtara Raven: are we in a WOC?

    Ishtara Raven: why am I so insensed at the blindness?

    Totanubis: This becomes the 'death of the antichrist' in law and then manifested from September 27 - October 11

    Totanubis: No deeper

    Totanubis: The 'judgement was written'

    Totanubis: August 23rd was the final day of the Zion imaged from the AntiZion

    Ishtara Raven: my dream last night was these two serpent snake hearts entwining, I was trying to help them entwine, but they were sort of fighting it and each had a side to tell me, I was downloaded with so much stuff, but all of what I mostly brought to my conscious mind is primal anger in a way. They finally merged into colors but i was struggling with them, arguing all night it seemed. I don’t know what it means.

    *** Totanubis: sent NewEarth.jpg ***

    Totanubis: Yes because of August 23rd

    Ishtara Raven: ok that makes sense it seems

    Ishtara Raven: it was like something was finalized

    Totanubis: Before the judgements can be executed they have to be legislated

    Ishtara Raven: but man i seriously became like the mediator of the century in this dream

    Totanubis: This legislation is 15 days a twin Woc mirrored in a 'Day of the Lord'

    Totanubis: Of course the witnesses' testimony see

    Totanubis: The 2 serpents are the lovehearts in the chart

    Ishtara Raven: yes i realised this

    Totanubis: Conception to Birth of antichrist blended with Anticonception to Antibirth of this same antiLogos energy

    Ishtara Raven: and in a weird way Tony, I felt I was helping them somehow and it is related to you and DD and us all, i was like a defender stating my case and listening to both sides

    Totanubis: The chart is clear to the days, even though they can’t read it

    Ishtara Raven: funny all day i thought of Oct 11th

    Totanubis: Just like the so called 2nd Sun or Nemesis, often associated with Nibiru and Wormwood, asteroids and comets, relates to the empty focus of the earth's orbit about the sun

    Totanubis: But generally, I now understand how to fully implement this Nibiru-2nd Sun NABS (New Age Bullshit)

    Totanubis: It has been always there lol

    Totanubis: It never left see, this Dark Moon or extra sun energy

    Totanubis: Both Nemesis as the 'hidden sun' and as Nibiru as the hidden moon

    Totanubis: It is the 4th generation spoken of in the bible….here are some quotes

    Genesis 15:15-17
    King James Version (KJV)
    15 And thou shalt go to thy fathers in peace; thou shalt be buried in a good old age.

    16 But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again: for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full.
    17 And it came to pass, that, when the sun went down, and it was dark, behold a smoking furnace, and a burning lamp that passed between those pieces.

    Hebrews 3:10
    Wherefore I was grieved with that generation, and said, They do always err in their heart; and they have not known my ways.

    1 Peter 2:9
    But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light;

    Colossians 1:26
    Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints:

    Matthew 24:34
    Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.

    Totanubis: He means the 3rd

    Matthew 16:4
    A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he left them, and departed.

    Matthew 23:33
    Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?

    Matthew 23:36
    Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this generation.

    Totanubis: Obvious that this relates to the second coming see

    Totanubis: All in John's gospel as the 'sending of the holy ghost' aka 'the comforter'

    Colossians 1:26
    Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints:

    This is the one lol

    Totanubis: Not to be found by the navel gazers

    16 But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again: for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full.

    4th generation here means that the duality will be harmonised in 'brotherhood' mirrored in 'sisterhood'

    Totanubis: So all Old Adams and Eves are to 'play' Osiris-Set' and 'Isis-Nephthys' twinships to manifest the MI-IM or JCCJ cosmic twinship

    Totanubis: The name Amorites etc all relate to something called the 'battle of the kings'

    Totanubis: Abraham as a forerunner to Jacob 'wrestling' with the 'angeldemon' and such stuff

    Totanubis: To be RENAMED

    Totanubis: New World New Generation

    Totanubis: Abram Sarai become Abraham and Sarah

    Totanubis: Jacob becomes Israel

    Totanubis: I am using it as the New Planet, the 13th

    Ishtara Raven: yeah i saw this and it feels right to me

    Ishtara Raven: well it would be a good idea to address it

    Totanubis: It fits all of us very well, well when you take the extended astro definitions into account as the dynamic 13th and 14th star signs

    Totanubis: The feminine elders as the goddesses returning

    Ishtara Raven: yes i saw this feminine energy in the descriptions

    Totanubis: Lilith is often VERY much associated with the fundamentalist religions

    Totanubis: Why it is so potent as a transformation archetype and office

    Totanubis: Lilith is of course our Lucifera the sexchanged Satan himherself

    Totanubis: Succubi, Mother of all demons and so on

    Totanubis: Ok I give an overview

    Totanubis: It has to do with the seasons

    Totanubis: You know that 30 degrees define 1 sign as a month and as 30°

    Ishtara Raven: right

    Totanubis: The Lilith Moon is just like the 'Nemesis' Sun

    Totanubis: Aka this Nibiru-Annunaki-Giants BS

    Ishtara Raven: ah ok, unseen but still influencing

    Totanubis: Lilith takes 40 degrees to travel a sign

    Ishtara Raven: yes they don’t understand what it is

    Totanubis: Yes

    Ishtara Raven: instinctively they all know, but attach something 3-D to it like a
    planet, dark star ect, when its higher dimensional really

    Totanubis: So one year for 12x30=360 becomes 9 Lilith 'months' or cycles for 9x40=360

    Totanubis: It is the 'Little Season' of 90 days in 2014

    Ishtara Raven: wow that’s interesting

    Totanubis: Fully calibrated cosmically

    Totanubis: Indeed

    Ishtara Raven: also 9 months is a gestational period too

    Totanubis: The 40 degrees are well known and you can get the degrees from any more detailed ephemerides

    Totanubis: Exactly

    Totanubis: You got it

    Ishtara Raven: well I got that first, when you said 9 Lilith months

    Totanubis: The entire birth-antibirth cycle of the Rebirth is defined by seasons

    Totanubis: Now enter the ancients the record keepers

    Totanubis: Druids, Indians and adepts, alchemists

    Totanubis: Its the 'old wicca' as the modern Dragon omni-scientists

    Ishtara Raven: hehe

    Totanubis: If you search the web on Lilith Dark Moon you will find much confusion

    Totanubis: About what Lilith is. Many try to blend the science with the astrology and so on

    Ishtara Raven: well the one link you provided seemed pretty accurate

    Totanubis: Its much simpler than tha

    fates---: is Satan evil?

    Totanubis: No

    Totanubis: EVIL=LIVE

    Totanubis: And part of the duality necessary to create the Monadic Dyad from the Dyadic Monad

    Ishtara Raven: the false perception of oneself is what is evil in the sense of the word fates

    Totanubis: Yes Raven can explain the duality required to EXIST, but NOT necessary to become EXPRESSED

    Ishtara Raven: humanity has a great self esteem problem

    Totanubis: In the New World fates, in the places of the 'sanctum', the sanctuaries say

    fates---: is Lilith = Satan something to break free from?

    Ishtara Raven: no its something to realize and remember, the Goddess realized.

    Totanubis: Violence as you see it now will still exist, BUT become 'boxed' in, say in computer games or cyber space

    Totanubis: Then it will no longer be necessary, for people to carry guns to kill and shoot and protect things

    Totanubis: Something like that, think about it

    Totanubis: What is BAD and EVIL today will still exist in a 'parallel cyberspace' say

    Ishtara Raven: the shaitain or satan your referring to is the fake, the image that causes mankind to fail to see the face of god and vs versa, because humans cannot see the divinity, they cannot see their own in each other. And Abba cannot see his goddess.

    Totanubis: No fates you are to LOVE Lilith

    Totanubis: As your core and as part of yourself

    fates---: who is the enemy?

    Totanubis: What is considered evil today will all CONVERGE into a New form of starhuman sexuality

    Totanubis: Yourself, your ignorance your vanity your refusal to surrender to your higher disincarnate nature

    fates---: Yaldabaoth?

    THE13THBRIDGE: most peoples greatest enemy is themselves

    THE13THBRIDGE: and; then the doors they leave open; esp; when they sleep at night

    Totanubis: REFUSAL=LASUFER

    Totanubis: Is the 'Original sin'

    THE13THBRIDGE: all kinds of things - fly in; and; fly through; and; out

    THE13THBRIDGE: and;it is so simple to block that

    Totanubis: Yes, but Yaldabaoth is simply a mental construct embodied AS the duality in all things

    THE13THBRIDGE: and, allow only those things; that are in alignment

    Ishtara Raven: yes the false perceptions of the self

    Totanubis: Yes, but Yalda is simply a mental construct embodied AS the duality in all things

    [2:10:49 PM] Thubanis: Any competent astrologer can then READ this chart Fates
    [2:11:02 PM] Thubanis: You can write your own book from the symbols
    [2:11:26 PM] Thubanis: AND for everyone, there are many online descriptions for the basics
    [2:11:40 PM] Thubanis: Like Jupiter in the 4th house Jupiter in Taurus
    [2:11:54 PM] Thubanis: Jupiter trine Uranus and square Mercury etc etc
    [2:12:05 PM] Thubanis: I can do this of course but many others can too
    [2:12:30 PM] fates---: hmm alright, ill see what i can find
    [2:12:38 PM] Ishtara Raven: well no one but you knows the Thuban interpretation as well though Tony, I am trying but I am not well versed in astrology as you
    [2:12:51 PM] Thubanis: Yes Raven and this I have emphasised many times
    [2:13:07 PM] Thubanis: Libra is linked to the New Moon and the Dragon Nodes
    [2:13:24 PM] Thubanis: Thuban uses EQUAL houses not Koch or Placidus
    [2:13:56 PM] Thubanis: Thuban returns the entire structure of the constellations to its origins and the birth of the astrology
    [2:13:58 PM] Ishtara Raven: right all that i realise, its the interpretations that are somewhat different as you have a deeper understanding of the symbols and such
    [2:14:44 PM] Thubanis: The major problem with the online stuff is House 6, as fates found out
    [2:15:06 PM] Thubanis: Everything else is very good if the analysis is competent
    [2:15:08 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah some of the interpretations are out there
    [2:15:19 PM] Thubanis: They are actully often overcomplicating things
    [2:15:29 PM] Thubanis: I dont use sextiles and quartiles etc, as these are all finetunings
    [2:16:05 PM] Thubanis: And as the elementary structure is being reconfigured, the finetunings get worse and worse
    [2:16:22 PM] Thubanis: The emphasis in any chart are always Conjunctions and Oppositions

    [2:16:39 PM] Thubanis: Even Trines ands squares are becoming less potent
    [2:16:42 PM] fates---: like the placement of my black moon
    [2:16:53 PM] fates---: in the opposite house of my dragon node
    [2:16:55 PM] Ishtara Raven: right the major aspects
    [2:17:21 PM] Thubanis: So the old astrology raves on about the trines and the squares, as benevolent and malevolent respectively
    [2:17:29 PM] Thubanis: It is no longer so
    [2:17:46 PM] Thubanis: Squares can be VERY beneficial challenges
    [2:18:01 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes why i never read the Tarot in reverse
    [2:18:19 PM] Thubanis: BUT the Conjunctions are always valid as the eclipses see
    [2:18:26 PM] Thubanis: And fates' chart is full of them
    [2:18:29 PM] Ishtara Raven: i always thought reversal interpretation silly
    [2:18:39 PM] Thubanis: His chart is dominated by conjunctions and oppositions
    [2:18:56 PM] Ishtara Raven: lol sounds like mine
    [2:19:05 PM] Thubanis: Yes like Satan's reverse speech; total NABS humbug
    [2:19:22 PM] fates---: reverse speech?
    [2:19:28 PM] Thubanis: The pentagon is BOTH up and down in rotation in the DYNAMIC interpretations see?
    [2:20:07 PM] Thubanis: This 13th sign has made the hitherto static charts dynamic
    [2:20:10 PM] Ishtara Raven: well each Tarot card is an archetype, containing both light and dark aspects, i just always let the archtype speak and if i felt a negative influence i would say so, no need to reverse interpret
    [2:20:46 PM] fates---: interesting
    [2:20:54 PM] Ishtara Raven: i dont know i read Tarot very differently then most, i travel through the landscape of the symbols
    [2:20:58 PM] Ishtara Raven: and i feel things
    [2:21:22 PM] Ishtara Raven: so i guess i approach Astrology similarly, by feeling it out
    [2:22:06 PM] Thubanis: But here too I will put Lilith into it so there will be a later version
    [2:22:22 PM] fates---: can you send all the charts tony?
    [2:22:37 PM] fates---: it would be nice to see what everyone looks like
    [2:22:50 PM] Ishtara Raven: i can send you mine and james core chart if you like fates
    [2:22:56 PM] fates---: ok
    [2:23:03 PM] Michael: what celestial body corresponds to "lillith"
    [2:23:34 PM] Thubanis: The empty focus of the moons orbit around the earth Michael
    [2:24:07 PM] *** Ishtara Raven sent RavJamCore.jpg ***
    [2:24:53 PM] Thubanis: Just like the socalled 2nd Sun or Nemesis, often associated with Nibiru and Wormwood, asteroids and comets, relates to the empty focus of the earth's orbit about the sun
    [2:25:51 PM] fates---: wow very cool, thanks raven
    [2:26:00 PM] fates---: your signs are in almost the same place
    [2:26:05 PM] Thubanis: I will send the corecharts fates, after I have added Lilith to them
    [2:26:20 PM] Michael: the empty focus? could you elaborate?
    [2:26:44 PM] Thubanis: Simple geometry
    [2:26:53 PM] Thubanis: A circle has only 1 center as a focus
    [2:27:42 PM] Thubanis: Squash the circle, you get an ellipse with this center becoming two focal points say as defined in physical optics and the mathematical definition of conic sections, of what an ellipse is
    [2:28:39 PM] Ishtara Raven: hah susan your first house is in gemini, the twins, interesting
    [2:28:41 PM] Thubanis: Susan you gotta press save on this send if you want your chart as it is now
    [2:28:57 PM] Thubanis: Yes and Raven this is Thuban
    [2:29:09 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes i realise that
    [2:29:18 PM] Ishtara Raven: aquarius midhaven
    [2:29:22 PM] Ishtara Raven: download it Susan
    [2:31:18 PM] Thubanis: In Placidus Susan's ascendant would be Gemini , but in Thuban it is Taurus and then CONJUNCT her Lilith as 12th house
    [2:31:48 PM] Thubanis: It is not much of a change, all the degrees stay the same of course
    [2:32:03 PM] Thubanis: But the houses change in the angles
    [2:32:16 PM] Thubanis: Because the houses are made EQUAL
    [2:32:29 PM] Ishtara Raven: she has a stellum in her 8th house too
    [2:32:33 PM] Ishtara Raven: doesnt surprise me
    [2:32:57 PM] Thubanis: So Thuban form puts Lilith in Susan's 12th house of the dreamers
    [2:33:32 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes i read that yesterday, very cool
    [2:33:56 PM] Thubanis: This is still the same in Placidus on a rough check lol
    [2:34:01 PM] Ishtara Raven: explains a lot of her abilities there too in house 12 as an astral walker
    [2:34:16 PM] Thubanis: So the old charts are close, very close in most cases
    [2:34:36 PM] Thubanis: I think someone born at the poles would see differences in the systems
    [2:34:55 PM] Thubanis: There the houses are very skewed
    [2:35:36 PM] Thubanis: But Raven, Susan and me have the same Lilith House but under different signs
    [2:35:58 PM] Ishtara Raven: Uranus retrograde in her 3rd house seems to reflect her prolific nature of communication and why she says people fear her energy, totally uranian infused with leo manamity....raven interpretation on the fly lol
    [2:36:00 PM] Thubanis: Mine is Pisces dreamer see and Susan's is in the dreamer house
    [2:36:29 PM] Thubanis: But the Tubans seem to be opposites in the Lilith definitions
    [2:36:43 PM] Thubanis: Aries and Libra and Leo and Aquarius
    [2:36:50 PM] Ishtara Raven: i thought my lilith was in 8th house?
    [2:36:54 PM] Thubanis: I commented on this before
    [2:37:24 PM] fates---: raven and rok = 8
    tony and susan = 12
    sui and fates = 6
    [2:37:26 PM] Thubanis: No you are in the 4th of the family in Aries; Rok as Aries is in the 8th
    [2:37:59 PM] Thubanis: In Aries you oppose now (in complementarity) Xeia's Lilith in Libra and Fates' Lilith in Libra
    [2:38:01 PM] Ishtara Raven: i dont know how you find it
    [2:38:09 PM] Thubanis: What?
    [2:38:15 PM] Thubanis: Ephemerides
    [2:38:22 PM] Ishtara Raven: the lilith in my chart
    [2:38:22 PM] Thubanis: Its a simple calculus
    [2:38:59 PM] fates---: oppose eh?
    [2:39:01 PM] Ishtara Raven: so its like behind the sun but the houses have rotated why its in aries 8th house?
    [2:39:04 PM] Thubanis: every 40 days Lilith travels 40 degrees so it takes a month and 10 days to go thriough one sign
    [2:39:38 PM] Thubanis: Yes, as siad it is the change in the sun per sign
    [2:39:50 PM] Thubanis: the elliptical center of gravity say
    [2:40:06 PM] Thubanis: I find a pic hang on
    [2:42:26 PM] *** Thubanis sent Lilith darkMoon.jpg
    [2:43:15 PM] Thubanis:

    [2:43:54 PM] Thubanis:
    [2:45:33 PM] Thubanis:
    [2:46:10 PM] Michael: you saying the midspace of the earth's shadow?
    [2:46:16 PM] Thubanis:
    [2:46:25 PM] Thubanis: No simple, simple geometry
    [2:46:37 PM] Thubanis: Definition of how a circle changes into an ellipse
    [2:46:59 PM] Thubanis: This underpins celestial mechanics from Copernicus to Kepler to Newton
    [2:47:35 PM] Ishtara Raven: ok so its like midway between earth and the moons apogee
    [2:48:01 PM] Thubanis: Those refs are all incomplete Raven, most emphasize the 'dark' aspects of Lilith as a Demon Mother symbolically
    [2:48:32 PM] Thubanis: But adding The Mother of all as in Revelation.12 HARMONISES ALL THIS AS YOU SHOULD KNOW
    [2:48:50 PM] fates---: that video is awesome :)
    [2:48:56 PM] Thubanis: This diagram is not to scale Raven
    [2:49:17 PM] Thubanis: Yes and as you can see in your chart Lilith is YOUR Descendant Fates
    [2:49:30 PM] Thubanis: I better finish it, instead of chatting here
    [2:50:02 PM] Thubanis: Like the center of gravity between Sun and Earth is WITHIN the Sun and not in a place in between Raven
    [2:50:11 PM] Ishtara Raven: right i see there are two versions, the actual dark moon called lilith and the empty focus moon which is a place and not an actual satellite which is called black moon lilith
    [2:50:42 PM] Thubanis: Not as bad with this empty focus of course as the Moon is not that much 'lighter' than the earth but still the foci are closer together
    [2:50:45 PM] fates---: make sense being what am i
    [2:51:07 PM] Thubanis: But it is THIS which changes the 30 degree month to 40 degrees ok?
    [2:51:19 PM] Thubanis: Yes this is the 'mixup'
    [2:51:22 PM] Ishtara Raven: wow
    [2:51:24 PM] Thubanis: There are 3 actually
    [2:51:27 PM] Thubanis: 3 lilith's
    [2:51:27 PM] Ishtara Raven: this is facinating
    [3:02:35 PM] Thubanis: It's from there that lilith derives as the oldest feminine of all even BEFORE the physical universe emerged from its metaphysical cocoon
    [3:02:59 PM] fates---: Apep is a snake see: Dark Desire/Anubis Dark Desire 4/Anubis_Dark_Desire-08.jpg
    [3:03:15 PM] Thubanis: Lilith = GODDESS = Barbelo, Raven
    [3:03:23 PM] Thubanis: Yes fates
    [3:03:45 PM] Thubanis: Rah-Apep became labelled as God-Satan and Osiris-Set etc
    [3:03:50 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes i know tony
    [3:04:16 PM] Thubanis: I gotta go and do fates chart I don't want to waste my time arguing
    [3:04:17 PM] fates---: Set fights Apep
    [3:04:23 PM] Ishtara Raven: i was trying to make a point about it to michael since he seems so perturbed on the names
    [3:04:40 PM] fates---: it is his job
    [3:04:46 PM] fates---: i think Ra did also
    [3:04:50 PM] fates---: on the other end
    [3:04:51 PM] Michael: what do you feel kundalini is exactly
    [3:05:08 PM] Thubanis: Anubis fights Set as Son of Apep fates indeed; so you see your higherD association with Anubis here
    [3:05:59 PM] fates---: makes sense, Anubis dosnt "agree" entirely with Set
    [3:06:08 PM] Michael: because to ascribe goddess qualities to it is rather making it out to be something more important than it is
    [3:06:26 PM] Thubanis: Anubis is then 'the sondaughter' of Uraeus the Egyptian symbol of the Kundalini
    [3:06:33 PM] Thubanis: The Serpent of Serpents and the symbol of the pharoah's power
    [3:06:54 PM] fates---: Dark Desire/Anubis Dark Desire 4/Anubis_Dark_Desire-28.jpg
    [3:07:16 PM] Thubanis: Anubis is the son of Set and Nephthys but also inseminated by Osiris
    [3:07:28 PM] Thubanis: So Anubis becomes Isis 'stepson'
    [3:07:45 PM] THE13THBRIDGE: remind me to tell you another time
    [3:07:51 PM] Thubanis: He is the duality harmonised say as Hermaphroditus
    [3:08:04 PM] fates---: Bi sexual
    [3:08:14 PM] Thubanis: So then you can retell all this as the story of Aphrodite and Hermes and Hephaestus
    [3:08:32 PM] Thubanis: YES
    [3:08:45 PM] Thubanis: BOTH 6 and 9 are bisexual 'unclean'
    [3:08:49 PM] fates---: Set is bisexual too
    [3:08:54 PM] Thubanis: Hathor's Miror and Anubis
    [3:09:10 PM] Thubanis: Set is sexchanged
    [3:09:26 PM] Thubanis: From Lucifer to Lucifera or Satan to Satania
    [3:09:43 PM] Thubanis: There is NO sexchange for the 'Devil' as this is the fake
    [3:09:57 PM] Thubanis: The only true evil is the DEVIL=LIVED
    [3:10:06 PM] fates---: Dark Desire/Anubis Dark Desire 4/Anubis_Dark_Desire-29.jpg
    [3:10:19 PM] fates---: is that unclean?
    [3:10:26 PM] Thubanis: The DESIRE of LILITH is the sexdrive cosmic
    [3:10:51 PM] Thubanis: It is demonic UNTIL Lilith becomes a manyness in New Eves
    [3:11:12 PM] Thubanis: Nono unclean means 'middle path' in the tree of life
    [3:11:25 PM] Ishtara Raven: [3:04 PM] Michael:
    <<< what do you feel kundalini is exactly

    it is the primordial divine energy, that created all things Michael and is the mother and father of all things. This is the same energy that transformed the body of Jesus. It is eternal and life giving and highly sexual at its deepest levels. It is the urge to procreate.

    [3:11:29 PM] fates---: So Set, Anubis, Horus, Ra?
    [3:11:41 PM] Thubanis: The right path is even numbers as females and the left path is male numbers as odd
    [3:11:55 PM] Michael: kundalini is not the primordial divine energy that created all things
    [3:12:05 PM] Thubanis: No the clean male path is 1-3-5-8
    [3:12:14 PM] Michael: its just a tool of that energy
    [3:12:15 PM] Thubanis: Osiris-Horus-Thoth-Ptah
    [3:12:32 PM] fates---: Horus is Daath?
    [3:12:35 PM] Thubanis: The clean female path is 2-4-7
    [3:12:51 PM] Thubanis: Isis-Bastet-Nephthys
    [3:13:03 PM] Thubanis: Daath=11 is the 'hidden' path
    [3:13:13 PM] Thubanis: Daath is 6-9-11
    [3:13:15 PM] Michael: Ive really gotta break this down for you guys...
    [3:13:31 PM] Thubanis: Hathor-Anubis-Daath=Lilith say
    [3:13:53 PM] Thubanis: Set=10
    [3:14:06 PM] fates---: Kingdom is Set
    [3:14:22 PM] Thubanis: An even number by definition but faking Dragquen as 10=1+0=1 as Osiris' 'brother'
    [3:14:43 PM] Thubanis: Malkuth is root = 10 and Kether=Crown=1
    [3:14:53 PM] fates---: yes, 10 is root
    [3:14:59 PM] fates---: Kether is Ra
    [3:15:13 PM] fates---: middle path
    [3:15:14 PM] Thubanis: As an OLDER generation yes
    [3:15:19 PM] Thubanis: There are 4 gens
    [3:15:48 PM] Thubanis: Ra becomes Shu becomes Geb becomes Osiris-Set brotherhood
    [3:16:20 PM] Thubanis: This is named differently by historical cultures, but all share the same story
    [3:16:36 PM] fates---: Hmm ok, then we are thinking of the same construct
    [3:16:44 PM] Thubanis: Middle path is 1-11-6-9-10 yes
    [3:16:45 PM] fates---: 1 = male? not so sure
    [3:16:50 PM] fates---: yes
    [3:16:58 PM] Thubanis: Odd numbers are male even are female
    [3:17:10 PM] fates---: [8/24/12 10:12:10 PM] Wyzard: No the clean male path is 1-3-5-8
    [3:17:15 PM] Thubanis: The exception is the BRIDGE 7-8 Nephthys-Ptah
    [3:17:24 PM] fates---: The clean female path is 2-4-7-10
    [3:17:42 PM] Thubanis: They allow the sexchange via the 'unclean' bisexes 6 and 9
    [3:18:34 PM] Thubanis: Yes, Set is cosmically original Femme
    [3:18:48 PM] Thubanis: The Wife of God in waiting
    [3:18:55 PM] fates---: 1 = Ra 11 = Horus 9=Anubis 10=Set
    [3:18:59 PM] fates---: what is 6?
    [3:19:10 PM] Thubanis: No
    [3:19:15 PM] Thubanis: Hathor=6
    [3:19:25 PM] Thubanis: 3=Horus
    [3:19:35 PM] Michael: kundalini is really very simple... and I understand that you get it associated with sex and creative energy because it primarily resides around the lower chakras associated with survival procreation and whatnot.. energy collects and coils up in those areas when one focuses too much on the material/physical plane it doesnt matter if your focusing on sex or looking at a rock on the ground some energy is going to accumulate in the lower chakras that associate with the material world
    [3:19:51 PM] Thubanis: The Old interpretations
    [3:20:04 PM] Thubanis: Without the Daath=11 actually
    [3:20:23 PM] Thubanis: 'No old humans are allowed' to enter the 'forbidden pathways'
    [3:21:12 PM] Thubanis: You might find Devakas on MOA more akin your cosmology and ideas Michael
    [3:28:54 PM] Ishtara Raven: well its as Jesus said, very few would be given or shown the truth, i am so frustrated with the whole lot of them these days. its sickening that no one can seem to see the true meaning of the GOT, its so beautiful
    [3:29:10 PM] Thubanis: Yes as am I
    [3:29:18 PM] Thubanis: Why I dont say much see
    [3:29:24 PM] Thubanis: Pointless
    [3:29:33 PM] Ishtara Raven: i am seriously ready to go on a full throttle rant on FB
    [3:29:43 PM] Thubanis: Egomania rules their psyches
    [3:29:48 PM] Ishtara Raven: likely piss them all off, so sick of it
    [3:29:51 PM] Thubanis: Why not
    [3:30:05 PM] Ishtara Raven: you have people posting the most absurd XXXX
    [3:30:13 PM] Thubanis: Yep
    [3:30:32 PM] Thubanis: Last days of prophecy Raven; it is necessary and to be expected
    [3:30:33 PM] Ishtara Raven: i can see why Crowley was so hateful of the human race lol, he took it to extremes of course
    [3:30:49 PM] Thubanis: The 'great falling away from the cosmic truth' it is called
    [3:31:16 PM] Thubanis: Yes he understood that sexuality is the salvation and nothing else
    [3:31:23 PM] Thubanis: But he could not take it further in his abuse of substances and his megalomania too
    [3:31:30 PM] Ishtara Raven: my blood is boiling, its like i dont know how much longer i can hold my tongue, and yet if i do speak, what then?
    [3:31:40 PM] Thubanis: All ok
    [3:31:50 PM] Thubanis: Look at the new earth chart
    [3:31:59 PM] Thubanis: I added the 15 days as 4 corners
    [3:32:18 PM] Thubanis: So August 9th - August 23rd
    [3:32:21 PM] Ishtara Raven: are we in a WOC?
    [3:32:33 PM] Ishtara Raven: why am i so pisssed
    [3:32:50 PM] Thubanis: Becomes the 'death of the antichrist' in law and then manifested from September 27 - October 11
    [3:32:58 PM] Thubanis: No deeper
    [3:33:07 PM] Thubanis: The 'judgement was written'
    [3:33:20 PM] Thubanis: August 23rd was the final day
    [3:34:32 PM] Ishtara Raven: my dream last night was these two serpent snake hearts entwining, i was trying to help them entwine, but they were sort of fighting it and each had a side to tell me, i was downloaded with so much stuff, but all of what i mostly brought to my conscious mind is primal anger in a way. They finally merged into colors but i was struggling with them, arguing all night it seemed. i dont know what it means
    [3:34:44 PM] *** Thubanis sent NewEarth.jpg ***
    [3:35:04 PM] Thubanis: Yes because of August 23rd
    [3:35:14 PM] Ishtara Raven: ok that makes sense it seems
    [3:35:23 PM] Ishtara Raven: it was like something was finalized
    [3:35:34 PM] Thubanis: Before the judgements can be executed they have to be legislated
    [3:35:37 PM] Ishtara Raven: but man i seriously became like the mediator of the century in this dream
    [3:36:00 PM] Thubanis: This legislation is 15 days a twin-Woc mirrored in a 'Day of the Lord'
    [3:36:27 PM] Thubanis: Of course the witnesses testimony see
    [3:36:48 PM] Thubanis: The 2 serpents are the lovehearts in the chart
    [3:36:55 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes i realised this
    [3:37:42 PM] Thubanis: Conception to Birth of antichrist blended with Anticonception to Antibirth of this same antiLogos energy
    [3:37:45 PM] Ishtara Raven: and in a weird way Tony, I felt I was helping them somehow and it is related to you and DD and us all, i was like a defender stating my case and listening to both sides
    [3:38:00 PM] Thubanis: The chart is clear to the days, even though they cant read it
    [3:38:17 PM] Ishtara Raven: funny all day i thought of Oct 11th
    [3:38:59 PM] fates---:

    [3:39:01 PM] Thubanis: Should be shared with Xeia and Rok Raven
    [3:39:47 PM] Thubanis: October 11th is an important nexus yes
    [3:40:34 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah likely you should send the chart in here
    [3:40:39 PM] Ishtara Raven: the update
    [3:40:59 PM] Thubanis: I meant the info about August 23rd and the 4 blocks of twin wocs
    [3:41:23 PM] Thubanis: It is best looked at at MOA, where you can magnify it
    [3:41:28 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes i know, but as reference i meant, i can see it on the chart
    [3:41:53 PM] Thubanis: Yes, but since Xeia had those dreams as well I decided to say something about it
    [3:42:22 PM] Ishtara Raven: well i think its significant, both our dreams
    [3:42:41 PM] Ishtara Raven: she pegged the fear right on
    [3:43:06 PM] Thubanis: Yes and regarding the Judas Gospel
    [3:43:14 PM] Thubanis: I should say something
    [3:43:30 PM] Thubanis: Judas becomes Judith
    [3:43:43 PM] Thubanis: 'This is why he is called the 'Son of Perdition'
    [3:43:57 PM] Thubanis: So fates, Judas in the bible is like Set
    [3:44:19 PM] Thubanis: This is the key to understanding the Nag Hammadi stuff about Judas Iscariot
    [3:44:43 PM] Thubanis: Much of the Nag Hammadi stuff is of a far lesser quality than the GOT
    [3:45:14 PM] Thubanis: GOT rules supreme as the Logos words of the transfigured cosmic Jesus as a universal waveform
    [3:45:19 PM] fates---: hmm, interesting, Judas is like Set
    [3:45:27 PM] Thubanis: Yes, or anyone in the duality
    [3:45:34 PM] Ishtara Raven: oh my spider must be ok, i checked the Roses this morning and it was gone, so maybe you were right Susan, 'she' was building an egg nest of sorts. I didnt know what was going on last night so i became concerned when it seemed she was getting caught in her web and exhausted.
    [3:45:41 PM] Thubanis: Everyone is Judas becoming Judith
    [3:45:46 PM] fates---: brb
    [3:45:59 PM] Thubanis: August 23rd Raven
    [3:46:21 PM] Thubanis: This date is so potent as the Transit of the Sun from Leo into Virgo
    [3:46:32 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah the cusp, i had forgot about it
    [3:46:36 PM] Thubanis: Your spider is losing its virginity lol
    [3:46:42 PM] Ishtara Raven: the Spider was trying to tell me lol
    [3:46:57 PM] Thubanis: Yes, the Dragon Dates became empowered exactly 1 month ago
    [3:47:20 PM] Thubanis: MM-Day of the Ingressing Leo Sun from Cancer with the Mother-Father symbol of the ancients
    [3:48:40 PM] Ishtara Raven: well maybe i will post all this stuff about the black Lilith moons on FB,
    [3:48:44 PM] Thubanis: Recall Every Day from July 4th, 2011 to December 21st, 2012 is part of the Barbelo-Yalda creation preceding the Big Bang
    [3:48:53 PM] Thubanis: Sure
    [3:49:08 PM] Thubanis: I might put relevant parts of this convo on the forums
    [3:49:16 PM] Thubanis: As Susan wanted
    [3:49:20 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah
    [3:49:30 PM] Ishtara Raven: a whole Lilith expose
    [3:49:36 PM] Thubanis: Indeed
    [3:49:47 PM] Thubanis: This is a nice video too
    [3:49:54 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes i was watching it
    [3:49:55 PM] Thubanis: Lilith
    [3:50:03 PM] Ishtara Raven: great immagry
    [3:50:33 PM] Thubanis: Yes Kali is awakened
    [3:50:41 PM] Thubanis: Ask Sui too
    [3:50:53 PM] Thubanis: Kali awakening date was July 22nd
    [3:51:00 PM] Ishtara Raven: i got all excited today and i think i will get myself a new computer and take some classes on photo manipulation and illustration. i have all these ideas fermenting.
    [3:51:26 PM] Thubanis: I do the chart now or fates will haunt me
    [3:51:32 PM] Ishtara Raven: lol go go
    [3:51:36 PM] Thubanis: Gracias
    [5:31:36 PM] fates---: im back
    [6:07:45 PM] fates---: (coffee) Asleepy
    [6:09:29 PM] fates---: [8/24/12 10:51:30 PM] Wyzard: I do the chart now or fates will haunt me
    [6:10:06 PM] fates---: (chuckle)
    [6:11:28 PM] fates---: |-) Well, im going to get some sleep i think. I'll be online tomorrow
    [6:40:09 PM] *** Thubanis sent fates.gif ***
    [6:40:38 PM] Thubanis: I hope this is without errors
    [6:40:55 PM] Thubanis: I leave it up until further notice
    [6:51:09 PM] fates---: Hey Tony, im still awake
    [6:52:50 PM] Thubanis: Sure, some of this data will be shared on the forums
    [6:52:50 PM] fates---: are you sure thats the right one?
    [6:53:05 PM] Thubanis: yes
    [6:53:23 PM] Thubanis: This is your chart with the astromath describing your natal chart
    [6:53:51 PM] fates---: i think you sent the old one
    [6:54:08 PM] *** fates--- sent Fates (incomplete) .gif ***
    [6:54:23 PM] Thubanis: No you see Lilith on in descriptions in green?
    [6:54:47 PM] fates---: nope
    [6:55:46 PM] *** Thubanis sent FatesSwanson.jpeg ***
    [6:56:26 PM] Thubanis: Sorry, yes, you were correct
    [6:56:38 PM] fates---: a ha! AWESOME!
    [6:57:00 PM] fates---: dark moon is right between libara and virgo
    [6:57:08 PM] Thubanis: Yours is the first and only Thuban chart with Lilith in it for now
    [6:57:09 PM] fates---: Thanks soo much!
    [6:57:13 PM] Thubanis: Np
    [6:57:22 PM] fates---: wow
    [6:57:24 PM] Thubanis: Yes Descendant
    [6:57:47 PM] Thubanis: Is the line between Libra and Virgo
    [6:57:59 PM] fates---: what does that mean?
    [6:58:19 PM] Thubanis: Just definition on the partitioning of the zodiak
    [6:58:53 PM] fates---: What does the major aspect mean? :)
    [6:59:56 PM] Thubanis: Dominant astroaspects
    [7:00:23 PM] Thubanis: All of your planets are basically in conjunctions
    [7:00:35 PM] Thubanis: Why you have empty houses
    [7:00:42 PM] fates---: Ruler of the MidHeaven = Noon and Decendent = Dusk
    [7:00:51 PM] Thubanis: but this you can analyse yourself using your books
    [7:01:16 PM] Thubanis: No your midheaven is the triple conjunction why it is dominant
    [7:01:34 PM] Thubanis: The mathcodes say this in shorthand
    [7:01:52 PM] fates---: ah i see
    [7:02:11 PM] Thubanis: Yes there are many more codes like sextiles and stuff
    [7:02:22 PM] Thubanis: As said I dont place much importance on those
    [7:02:43 PM] Thubanis: But many older astrodescriptions are ok there
    [7:02:59 PM] Thubanis: It is that I concentrate on the most powerful things
    [7:03:35 PM] Ishtara Raven: hello
    [7:03:43 PM] Ishtara Raven: can anyone see this
    [7:03:50 PM] fates---: hmm, so overall in the Thuban context, what can you scry from this?
    [7:04:22 PM] Thubanis: You are to reinvent yourself
    [7:05:11 PM] fates---: interesting, so what i was previously destoned to be is now different
    [7:06:20 PM] fates---: if my soul didnt scribe the nero pathways of this body/brain, and i didnt not make the choices i did, this body would have been someone fated far differerently
    [7:06:44 PM] Thubanis: No I dont see this. I see it as a astrocross
    [7:06:59 PM] Thubanis: Look at midheaven you are across houses 9 and 10
    [7:07:04 PM] Thubanis: In the Fatherhood
    [7:07:19 PM] Thubanis: But the Motherhood is only 3 and not 4 and 4 is vacant
    [7:07:33 PM] Thubanis: So the imbalance is to redesign your 4th house
    [7:07:45 PM] fates---: Family
    [7:07:57 PM] Thubanis: This then activates the cross with the Ascendant and the Descendant
    [7:08:07 PM] fates---: thats an oxy moron for me, i dont desire to have a family
    [7:08:21 PM] fates---: i already have one outside of this realm
    [7:08:47 PM] Thubanis: What I mean cosmic communication replacing old human one
    [7:09:00 PM] Thubanis: Cosmic family for the human one this on all levels



    [2:52:07 PM - Saturday, August 25th, 2012]
    [2:52:43 PM] Thubanis:

    [2:52:07 PM - Saturday, August 25th, 2012]
    [2:52:43 PM] Thubanis:
    The Astronomical Lilith

    The Moon travels along an elliptical path around the Earth. An ellipse has two focal points, and the other focal point, not occupied by the Earth has been called the Dark Moon, the Black Moon or Lilith. This is a slightly simplified definition, since, actually, the Moon and the Earth both move around their common centre of gravity, and the path of the Moon is not a neat el...lipse, but a rather wobbly affair. One must distinguish between the mean orbit of the Moon, which is a slowly elongating ellipse, and the actual orbit, which vaccilates around the mean path, due to interference of various kinds. Just as there a "mean" and a "true" Lunar Node, so there is a "mean" and a "true" ellipse and a "mean" and a "true" Lilith. I write "true" in inverted commas, because the Moon's Node is only "true" about twice per month, when the Moon is actually on it, for the rest of the time, it is as "untrue" as the mean Node. In fact, when working with a point so close to the Earth, one should also take the great parallax into consideration, i.e. consider, from which point on the Earth one is actually looking at a point in the heavens. Astrology observes the planets geocentrically, as if from the Earth's centre, and not topocentrically, from the actual place of the observer.

    Black Moon Lilith is the ultimate archetype in Dark Goddess Astrology. Her myth comes from Lilith, Adams first wife who refused to lay beneath him during the sexual act and otherwise.

    She chose to be exiled from paradise rather to submit to God. She is also the serpent who tempted Eve with the forbidden fruit (enlightenment/sex), which then banished both Adam & Eve from paradise also.

    There are many full versions of this myth on the net She can be said she represents the Witch archetype. Magic, the kundalini, occult knowledge, the taboo, owning your sovereignty, the shadow, dreams, psychic ability, goddess power and creativity that is not just about making babies.

    With Black Moon Lilith there are two points that you can place in the chart. The Mean and the True (or Osculating.) I used to think the True wasn't important until I saw it rising in the chart of Marilyn Monroe and then decided to look it up and see if it was relevant. Bear in mind you really need an accurate birthtime to use True Lilith as it wavers so much. Mean Lilith is best to use without a time. I like what Juan Antonio Revilla says about it here:

    "The Mean Apogee or Black Moon... It's movement is actually as round and regular as the hands of a clock and it is very easy to calculate. This roundness of its motion is not a good representative of the nocturnal and magic demoness Lilith; "he goes onto say. "The Osculating Apogee,... Some people reject it because it doesn't make any sense to them to have it swing as much as 30 degrees from the mean position and have abrupt and irregular changes of velocity and direction, but I think it is precisely this erratic behavior what makes it the best representative of the irrational, instinctive, and primal symbolism of Lilith."

    [2:54:54 PM] Thubanis: As you can see, the manifesto of the REAL LILITH will be that embodied by ANY DQBee
    [2:55:07 PM] Thubanis: I am doing fates chart now
    [2:57:29 PM] Thubanis: Interestingly, September 12th, 2011 was the actual Conception of the Antichrist, manifesting in the 'loss of true core love' as some of us recall. This is emphasized on the New Earth chart
    [7:06:18 PM] Ishtara Raven:

    (22) Jesus saw infants being suckled. He said to his disciples, "These infants being suckled are like those who enter the kingdom."
    They said to him, "Shall we then, as children, enter the kingdom?"
    Jesus said to them, "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; and when you fashion eyes in the place of an eye, and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, and a likeness in place of a likeness; then will you enter the kingdom."

    laetoliafar. lilith-snake-seductress-succubus.

    The Testimony of the World Logos from Thuban

    Regarding your Temple of Solomon link and the '15 cubits'

    [8:15:44 PM-Monday, August 27th, 2012 (+10UCT)]

    15And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits.
    16A window shalt thou make to the ark, and in a cubit shalt thou finish it above; and the door of the ark shalt thou set in the side thereof; with lower, second, and third stories shalt thou make it.
    17And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; and every thing that is in the earth shall die.
    18But with thee will I establish my covenant; and thou shalt come into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons' wives with thee.

    17And the flood was forty days upon the earth; and the waters increased, and bare up the ark, and it was lift up above the earth.
    18And the waters prevailed, and were increased greatly upon the earth; and the ark went upon the face of the waters.
    19And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; and all the high hills, that were under the whole heaven, were covered.
    20Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered.

    The Dimensions of the Ark relate to the 15 Cubits as the 15 days of the WOC Offset and the timewarp - see below. 300x50x30=450,000=15x30,000 in the ratio 30:5:3 and LengthxArea=300x1500 in ratio 1:5 in the height of the Ark of 30 cubits being covered in 15 cubits of water that is halfway as 30+15=45. The total 'Height' of the Flood, to 'cover the mountains', so is 150% the Height of the Ark. The 'StarHuman Merkabah' is defined in a wavelength of √15=2πR=πD for 3D/2=3√15/2π=1.849...

    The ratio 5:3=1.666.. approximates the Golden Mean (Y=1.618033...) in the Fibonacci Series: 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13, adjacent numbers and so the decoding for the 'Ancient Span' or 'Foot' as 3 'Handbreadths' becomes 0.308 centimeters or about 12 'inches' with 24 inches or 2 'Spans' defining the 'Ancient Cubit' (6 Cubit/4 Cubit=108/72=3/2) as the Inverse of the Golden Mean as 1/Y=X=0.618033...~0.616...and for 6 'foot' or 6 'spans' of 72 'inches' being the 'Height of a StarMan' as approximately 6 'foot' or 4 'cubits' or 18 'handbreadths' of so 185 cm - again in the 3/2 or 150% ratio.

    The 'Ancient Cubit' then becomes the 'Measurement Unit'.

    The 15 day Offset of the warptime and the Dimensions of the Arkian Merkabah - see above and related messages.

    [8:17:19 PM] Thubanis: [3:33:40 PM] Thubanis: Oh ok, yes I was looking at your Solomon link
    [3:33:57 PM] Thubanis: Yes he has figured that the temple is the starhuman merkabah
    [3:34:32 PM] Thubanis: Yes August 22nd, was when Sun ingressed Virgo
    [3:34:35 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah i found that link following the crop circle links on the descriptions
    [3:34:44 PM] Thubanis: This is a month of the Lion see
    [3:35:04 PM] Thubanis: MM=CJ entwining JC
    [3:35:06 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah i think Dawns birthday is the 31st of August.
    [3:35:10 PM] Thubanis: Leo-Virgo
    [3:35:49 PM] Thubanis: Unicorn is Virgo, why the royals have this as the ultimate 'secret sign' in Britain
    [3:35:59 PM] Ishtara Raven: we never really have stayed in touch much, she has always been sort of a pompous one, until recently
    [3:36:04 PM] Thubanis: In their emblems of the ptb
    [3:36:14 PM] Ishtara Raven: oh i wondered
    [3:36:32 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes i noticed a lot of unicorns in their sygils
    [3:37:26 PM] Ishtara Raven: but i found it interesting this guy seemed to realise the temple is the human body, i had not seen anyone besides us decode this before
    [3:37:35 PM] Thubanis: Yes as we know for years
    [3:37:56 PM] Ishtara Raven: his name is Tony too lol
    [3:37:56 PM] Thubanis: His 120 cubit is our 144 cubit of Revelation too
    [3:38:33 PM] Thubanis: Your last or third last post was even named after 144 cubits
    [3:38:47 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah i read through his descriptions and such and his take on the big bull basin
    [3:39:11 PM] Thubanis: The magic 15 of Noah's ark fits into the 120
    [3:39:31 PM] Thubanis: This is another key
    [3:39:42 PM] Thubanis: Noone really never made any sense of this
    [3:39:43 PM] Thubanis: wait
    [3:40:28 PM] Ishtara Raven: well it astounds me how many people have visited his site, our stuff is so much more comprehensive though, detailed.
    [3:40:52 PM] Thubanis: Now take this literally
    [3:41:08 PM] Ishtara Raven: you cant it makes no sense
    [3:41:17 PM] Ishtara Raven: 15 cubits would not cover a mountain lol
    [3:41:39 PM] Thubanis:

    Genesis 7:16-24
    16 And they that went in, went in male and female of all flesh, as God had commanded him: and the Lord shut him in.
    17 And the flood was forty days upon the earth; and the waters increased, and bare up the ark, and it was lift up above the earth.
    18 And the waters prevailed, and were increased greatly upon the earth; and the ark went upon the face of the waters.
    19 And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; and all the high hills, that were under the whole heaven, were covered.
    20 Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered.
    21 And all flesh died that moved upon the earth, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of beast, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, and every man:
    22 All in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was in the dry land, died.
    23 And every living substance was destroyed which was upon the face of the ground, both man, and cattle, and the creeping things, and the fowl of the heaven; and they were destroyed from the earth: and Noah only remained alive, and they that were with him in the ark.
    24 And the waters prevailed upon the earth an hundred and fifty days.

    [3:41:46 PM] Thubanis: Indeed
    [3:42:09 PM] Thubanis: 1 cubit is 18 inches or so 45 cm
    [3:42:28 PM] Thubanis: 150=120+30 etc
    [3:42:28 PM] Ishtara Raven: wow no one has realised this yet i bet lol
    [3:43:09 PM] Thubanis: Mathematically it relates to sqrt(15) as the size of the Vitruvius egg

    [3:43:22 PM] Ishtara Raven: weird enough we all watched the prince of egypt tonight, annimation about Moses and Carla loved it, but she did not understand why God had to kill those Egyptian babies
    [3:43:41 PM] Ishtara Raven: the first born
    [3:44:18 PM] Thubanis: Because as wavelength this becomes a very good approximatrion of the Golden Mean and on this the 'dimensions' of the ark are stated
    [3:44:38 PM] Thubanis: Its symbolic tell her this NEVER happened
    [3:44:48 PM] Ishtara Raven: and then the sand surrounded Moses and she told me she had a scarry dream about sand englufing Seattle, a huge sand storm.
    [3:44:57 PM] Thubanis: It is the same as Abraham 'sacrificing' Isaac
    [3:45:09 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah i told her
    [3:45:25 PM] Thubanis: Then an 'angel' says to 'sacrifice' a Ram instead
    [3:45:33 PM] Thubanis: The Ram is the firstborn get it?
    [3:45:35 PM] Thubanis: As Aries
    [3:45:40 PM] Thubanis: Reuben
    [3:45:45 PM] Ishtara Raven: she has been reading too much crap on the internet about the rapture, asks me daily about it and i tell her what it means, not the nabs BS you know
    [3:45:53 PM] Ishtara Raven: oh wow yeah
    [3:46:00 PM] Thubanis: It MEANS changing the Inheritance
    [3:46:11 PM] Thubanis: From the firstborn to the nextborn
    [3:46:22 PM] Thubanis: Jesus lineage was NOT first see
    [3:46:26 PM] Thubanis: It was the fourth in Judah after Reuben Aries, Simeon Taurus and Levi Gemini
    [3:46:31 PM] Ishtara Raven: true
    [3:47:00 PM] Thubanis: This then is made clear in Reuben-Aries-Ishmael-Pharez-Mannaseh-Esau-Cain ...
    [3:47:04 PM] Ishtara Raven: well i will try to make sense of it for her, somehow. between her dad and internet crap she is confused a bit, but its ok she is so young
    [3:47:06 PM] Thubanis: Losing their birthright as firstborns to the secondborns, often encoded as twins
    [3:47:36 PM] Thubanis: Well I consider it VERY important, you telling the true story amidst the crapola
    [3:48:10 PM] Thubanis: It is not hard use the bible codes and interpret them correctly
    [3:48:12 PM] Ishtara Raven: well i try, i am not so hot at conveying things to her though, i have to non-complicate it for her somehow
    [3:48:42 PM] Thubanis: Ram=1st and Pisces=12
    [3:48:53 PM] Thubanis: So alpha omega ourobos
    [3:49:07 PM] Thubanis: Head becomes Tail and vice versa
    [3:49:23 PM] Thubanis: Jesus said it: "The first will be last and the last first'
    [3:49:41 PM] Thubanis: This means many other things though as well
    [3:49:57 PM] Ishtara Raven: right
    [3:50:49 PM] Thubanis: If Carla watches a movie where 'babies' are slaughtered, then this is only a story to exemplify something deeper for people who cant read or write
    [3:51:25 PM] Thubanis: So I would make it very clear to her, that this is human MISUNDERSTANDING of the deeper story
    [3:51:28 PM] Ishtara Raven: well i had not seen it before and i didnt know until it came up
    [3:51:34 PM] Ishtara Raven: i was a bit horrified
    [3:51:52 PM] Thubanis: I know of it. It relates to Herod's slaughter after Bethlehem recall?
    [3:52:01 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes
    [3:52:07 PM] Thubanis: Same archetype
    [3:52:09 PM] Ishtara Raven: he also killed all the first born
    [3:52:22 PM] Thubanis: Yes it is the Passover symbol
    [3:52:44 PM] Thubanis: Try to tell Carla, this has become Easter Eggs and rebirth now
    [3:52:51 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes because God instructed Moses to paint all the doors with lambs blood, this has deeper meaning as well
    [3:53:07 PM] Thubanis: Resurrection also meaning Winter is followed by Spring and new fertility
    [3:53:16 PM] Thubanis: Sunshine after the nights
    [3:53:27 PM] Thubanis: Yes same thing
    [3:53:34 PM] Ishtara Raven: well she is really taken by all this rapture stuff
    [3:53:42 PM] Thubanis: The Lambs are the Rams of Reuben
    [3:54:00 PM] Thubanis: Rapture?
    [3:54:09 PM] Thubanis: Not fundamentalist religion
    [3:54:35 PM] Thubanis: Tell her that Moses is an OFFICE he never existed as a singular person
    [3:54:51 PM] Thubanis: The Dead Sea never parted in 3D
    [3:55:01 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes all that stuff on the internet about God whisking away his chosen. she says its on dec 21st lol. i hugged her today and kissed her and i said the rapture was this, our moment now loveing each other and being together as a family.
    [3:55:15 PM] Thubanis: There was an historical exodus, but this was 1450 BC
    [3:55:30 PM] Thubanis: Oh dear
    [3:55:32 PM] Thubanis: Yes
    [3:55:55 PM] Ishtara Raven: so in a way she is excited but afraid too of being separated from me and such
    [3:56:06 PM] Thubanis: There will be NO difference in 3d perception between December 21st and December 22nd
    [3:56:22 PM] Thubanis: The earth will look rather the same
    [3:56:32 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes i tell her these things
    [3:56:38 PM] Thubanis: What will have changed is the data matrix of the cosmos
    [3:56:59 PM] Thubanis: The outer space Will be able to contact and physicalise
    [3:57:04 PM] Ishtara Raven: i try very hard to separate her fictional impressions from reality and speak truthfully to her
    [3:57:12 PM] Thubanis: This is all in an immediate 3D sense
    [3:57:26 PM] Thubanis: The metaphysics however will be forever changed
    [3:57:34 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes i have told her about contact and telling her that she will be teaching me lol
    [3:58:07 PM] Thubanis: Yes dreams will be more intensive getting more and more 'real' in blending the higherD with the 3D
    [3:58:23 PM] Thubanis: So all this will and is already happening
    [3:58:41 PM] Thubanis: For us it is the Breaking of the Coccon though
    [3:58:51 PM] Thubanis: Contact will manifest sometime after this
    [3:59:22 PM] Ishtara Raven: what do you make of her sandstorm dream, i guess this was a few days ago or so, after we built the sand castles she told me tonight of this dream. She said she was on the beach and a huge sand storm came up and buried all of Seattle and she was afraid.
    [3:59:23 PM] Thubanis: Hopefully earlier than later
    [3:59:43 PM] Thubanis: It is the incoming wave
    [4:00:04 PM] Thubanis: Now only 4 lightmonths away
    [4:00:13 PM] Ishtara Raven: the scene in the movie of Moses being caught and buried in a sandstorm is what triggered her memory
    [4:00:23 PM] Thubanis: Sandstorms and tsunamis whatever, same symbol
    [4:00:50 PM] Ishtara Raven: hmmm interesting, yeah i felt similar about it, that she is picking up on the true exodus
    [4:00:59 PM] Thubanis: Of course
    [4:01:00 PM] Ishtara Raven: the real metaphysical flood
    [4:01:06 PM] Thubanis: yes
    [4:01:21 PM] Thubanis: Its a mental war between truth and falsehood
    [4:01:35 PM] Thubanis: Cosmic Logos versus antilogi
    [4:01:45 PM] Thubanis: Outer space versus Inner space


    Thought this was interesting, crop circle reported on the 26th

    Check this out, all his stuff is heavily copywritten. I just discovered this site while looking through the links on this latest crop circle. He has some interesting diagrams of the temple of Solomon being related to the human body
    It might be asked: Why would the Temple involve sex? – and the short answer is 1) because it displays a definite Edenic theme in its decorations and architecture and 2) Eden itself was a place of fertility, displaying the Creator’s powers to produce all manner of life in abundance and 3) the land of Israel, the Promised Land, is biblically presented as the new Eden. And finally and more importantly, 4) the Divine plan for mankind’s spiritual redemp-tion is portrayed through the human birthing process, and since this process involves sex, the Temple portrays spiritual redemption in human sexual terms.
    Raven LionHeart 45 icon_study. 543611. 139717.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2015
  10. admin

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    • Post n°37
    Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    orthodoxymoron on Sat Aug 25, 2012 12:37 pm

    Ashera wrote:

    Who were the Gods and Godesses of Egypt??? I'm not necessarily asking about Egyptian Mythology. I'm asking about the Deities Behind the Mythologies. What was the Pre-Exodus "Law of God"?? The Law and God revealed in the Pentateuch seem problematic and dysfunctional to me. I desire a solid and pure Ancient Theological Foundation upon which to build in modernity -- but I'm not seeing one. I suspect that it might exist -- but where is it??? When I read the first five books of the Old Testament -- I get the sinking-feeling that we have a "God-Problem". The New-Testament seems to attempt to make this "God-Problem" go away -- but the results are somewhat unsatisfactory and unsatisfying. I like the Teachings Attributed to Jesus -- but something is still wrong -- even within the Gospels. I have suggested the possibility of Responsibility-Based Law as being a proper foundation for Responsible-Politics, Responsible-Religion, and Responsible-Business -- yet I continue to be quite irresponsible and ineffective. I have been considering a Ceremonial-Anglican and Conservative-Constitutional approach to Solar System Governance -- yet I really don't know what the hell I'm doing. I'm just very dissatisfied with the way things are. I like the Theological Idealism of Ellen G. White -- yet there are HUGE problems with this prophetess -- and with the church she founded. I keep wondering if there is a hidden and proper unification of law, politics, and religion -- lurking somewhere in Ancient Babylon and Egypt??!! I like thinking about this while watching the 1963 classic "Cleopatra" (Elizabeth Taylor).

    Posts: 6494
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    • Post n°38
    Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    orthodoxymoron on Sat Aug 25, 2012 12:47 pm


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