The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

Discussion in 'The Thuban Legacy' started by admin, Oct 31, 2015.

  1. admin

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    empty. Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    empty. lawlessline on Wed Jul 25, 2012 8:34 am
    Raven wrote: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    This information is 'sensitive' with respect to the 'old human mind' and therefore will not be shared 'a priori' on any non-Thuban affiliated forums.
    This data is however not classified or secret and any unaffiliated visitor to the stated links of the source codes, is free to share, copy and disseminate without copyright restrictions the 'sensitive' information as he or she might desire so to do.
    Old human administration and moderation and censorship on all levels of the old legislatures, will be circumscribed in a manner chosen by the Council of Thuban, authorized and manifested under the auspices and jurisprudence of Dragon Logos Law.

    Raven sorry to cut as it were because I am sure this is all very beautiful stuff, both maths and vision. But. I was never one for Laws, so I can't take the rest on board.I suppose there is a law that is never written. it goes like this: Be.

    The rest is just details of human thinking. I hope you understand and felt it should be stated here. I do stay clear of most thurban threads and respect expression of very point of view. So my work is done here. Moving on.

    "Cottleson Pie Cottleson Pie,Cottleson Pie. A bird can fly but a fly can't bird."

  2. admin

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    empty. Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    empty. Carol on Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:02 am
    And when one lets go of all beliefs what is left?

    Just because data is channeled doesn't make it truth.

    JapA013. What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
  3. admin

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  5. admin

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    empty. Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    empty. lawlessline on Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:48 pm
    Ashera wrote:I do not "channel"...

    And, one cannot search truth...

    ...become the truth

    Be the truth.

    Nearly there. Just take off "the truth" and there you have it. Be. Truth or information is surely just a point of view. the point in the universe that you are observing from. So one mans truth can be anthers illusion?? Just trying to help out. clear things up, in a vision point of view sort of way.

    As oxy said, truth can never be stilled or gathered into a hand nor word.

  6. admin

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    empty. Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    empty. Ashera on Tue Jul 31, 2012 5:49 am

    Apropos "Nature by Numbers": it is so typical to mix the "tool layer" up with the being of living things. The main error of Western thinking was the loss of the distinction of dead and living "things". All fascistoid approaches make this mistake.

    As Jean Baudrillard put it so right in 1976: a workplace accident only can be understood in that context as if one tool would smash the other...

    The same thread of thinking allows it to keep people under the subsistance level.

    "Unclean sexes" inevitably appear under this pressure, understood as top-down steam hammered and degendered slave caste.
  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

  9. admin

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    empty. Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    empty. Raven on Thu Aug 02, 2012 12:29 am
    More on New Age Bullshit deceptions, this time obscured as hidden 'conservative' right-wing political infiltration - or not!

    [3:34:47 PM - Tuesday, July 31st, 2012 - 10UCT]

    Thubanis: Some of you may know of the 'factions in politics' like Republican Right Wing and Democratic left wing stereotype in the Land of Uncle Sam or the Tories of the conservatives in the Uk versus the Progressives of the left in the 'house of commons'
    [3:35:49 PM] Thubanis: Surprise , surprise then here in Australia this standoff is between the 'Liberals' of the right and the conservatives versus the 'Labour' Unionists of the left as the progressives
    [3:37:07 PM] Thubanis: Then we find a hilarious situation, when the 'conservative right, meaning in earnest, Big Brother and Control by 'fiscal responsibility' and budget keeping, progress for profit etc, as a Founder of a new 'spiritual movement' for a new world
    [3:37:15 PM] Thubanis: Excerpt:
    Q11. Is the founder a member of any groups/associations?

    Yes, Frank O’Collins is commissioned as a Notary of One Heaven according to the Covenant of One Heaven. A one-time member of the Liberal Party of Australia up until 1994/5, O’Collins has never been a member or associate of any radical group or movement. However, O’Collins is no longer a financial member of any other professional body or political association.

    [3:37:58 PM] Thubanis:
    Q7. What are the qualifications/skills of the founder of UCADIA?

    The founder, Frank O'Collins does not currently have a university degree or equivalent qualification to validate his knowledge and expertise. Instead, O'Collins is a musician, poet, philosopher, software designer and business documents writer by trade having worked in a wide variety of careers including politics, religion, finance and information technology.

    [3:38:09 PM] Thubanis: This is just too funny! Note this: "" business documents writer""
    [3:39:08 PM] Thubanis: Most people in Australia KNOW what the philosophy olf the 'liberals' is and how it is aligned to the tories of Great Britain and the republicans in the USA
    [3:40:14 PM] Thubanis: The 'Notaries of Heaven' under UCADIA.
    [3:41:34 PM] Thubanis: I might mention here, that there is information relating to ACADIA in the templar lineage agendas. I try to find some data on it.

    [3:42:20 PM] Thubanis: Meanwhile this is yet another deception attempt from the powers that wish to be.

    Arcadia has remained a popular artistic subject since antiquity, both in visual arts and literature. Images of beautiful nymphs frolicking in lush forests have been a frequent source of inspiration for painters and sculptors. As a result of the influence of Virgil in medieval European literature (see, for example, Divine Comedy), Arcadia became a symbol of pastoral simplicity. European Renaissance writers (for instance, the Spanish poet Garcilaso de la Vega) often revisited the theme, and the name came to apply to any idyllic location or paradise. Unlike the word "utopia" (named for Thomas More's book, Utopia), "Arcadia" does not carry the connotation of a human civilization; Arcadia is presented as the spontaneous result of life lived naturally, uncorrupted by civilization.

    The 'hints' as to 'Divine Comedy' and 'Utopia' are here illustrated.
    [3:42:26 PM] Thubanis:

    Q1. What is UCADIA about?

    Q2. What does the word UCADIA mean?

    Q3. What is the underlying idea underpinning the UCADIAN model?

    Q4. Who founded UCADIA?, when and why?

    Q5. Where was the founder of UCADIA born? when? where does he live now?

    Q6. Has any other group(s)/individual(s) contributed to the creation of UCADIA?

    Q7. What are the qualifications/skills of the founder of UCADIA?

    Q8. Who helped fund the creation and update of UCADIA?

    Q9. How big is UCADIA?

    Q10. Because of its size, where is the best place to start with UCADIA?

    Q11. Is the founder a member of any groups/associations?

    Q12. From what sources did all the information in the UCADIAN model come?

    Q13. Where can I find a list of citations of sources for the UCADIAN model?

    Q14. Has any of UCADIA been properly tested and/or checked by “experts”?

    Q15. Does the founder of UCADIA think he is some kind of guru/messiah?

    Q16. Who and what does the founder think he is?

    Q17. What is the end goal/objective of UCADIA?

    Q18. Is UCADIA some kind of religion?

    Q19. Is UCADIA a cult?

    Q1. What is UCADIA about?

    UCADIA represents a spiritual and legal presence, a classification structure of knowledge and rules, a collection of models of law and function of societies and a language of pure symbolic semantic meaning.

    As a spiritual and legal presence, the proof is to be found in the meaning of the word UCADIA; As a classification structure of knowledge and rules, the proof is to be found in the seven (7) patents of UCADIA; As a collection of models of law and function of societies, the proof is to be found in the links to the many political and free society sites; and as a language of pure symbolic semantic meaning, the proof is to be found in the language, both explained in the patents and on this site.

    Q2. What does the word UCADIA mean?

    UCADIA stands for Unique Collective Awareness of DIA. A DIA are pure symbolic representations of meaning, the units of meaning upon which the UCADIAN language of pure symbolic semantic meaning is constructed.

    Unique Collective Awareness (‘UCA”) means the unique collection of all things, a pure concept defined as the ultimate paradox, the absolute. The relationships of UCA are reflected in the first seven (7) patents.

    Q3. What is the underlying idea underpinning the UCADIAN model?

    It’s about an idea that life is a dream of awareness in motion, that because we exist within the dream, we are bound by the rules of the dream, but because we are also awareness, we can determine how the dream unfolds.

    Q4. Who founded UCADIA? When and why?

    Frank O’Collins founded UCADIA back in 1995 after fifteen years of research and reflection. UCADIA was first launched on the Internet in 2001 and the additional websites launched starting in 2005. The reason why UCADIA was created relates to the personal journey of Frank O’Collins as explained on this site. The simplest answer is that the information could no longer be ignored and needed to be presented for all to see.

    Q5. Where was the founder of UCADIA borne? when? where does he live now?

    Frank O'Collins was born was borne at the Mercy Maternity Hospital East Melbourne (formerly known as Emerald Hill), Melbourne Australia March 14th 1965. O'Collins now lives in Sydney Australia.

    Q6. Has any other group(s)/individual(s) contributed to the creation of UCADIA?

    Until 2009, Frank O’Collins has been the sole Architect of UCADIA and all the information on the associated websites. No other group has contributed to its creation and while Frank O’Collins has shared various insights throughout the years with a handful of individuals, he remains its sole Author. In August 2009, through the Covenant of One Heaven a conference of notaries was founded and is now the custodians of ongoing development, refinement, correction and publication of the UCADIAN information.

    Q7. What are the qualifications/skills of the founder of UCADIA?

    The founder, Frank O'Collins does not currently have a university degree or equivalent qualification to validate his knowledge and expertise. Instead, O'Collins is a musician, poet, philosopher, software designer and business documents writer by trade having worked in a wide variety of careers including politics, religion, finance and information technology.

    Q8. Who helped fund the creation and update of UCADIA?

    Up until 2010, the sole funding for the creation and update of UCADIA has been through the personal investment of its founder Frank O’Collins with no related benefactors, patrons, major donations or any other direct or indirect external financial assistance. From 2010, ongoing funding and development is managed by the notaries of One Heaven and associated societies of UCADIA through coordinated fundraising and asset management programs.

    Q9. How big is UCADIA?

    The UCADIA Model is represented presently by 38,500 web pages over 50 websites including political, spiritual, economic, scientific, information technology, societies, legal, financial and economic sites.

    Q10. Because of its size, where is the best place to start with UCADIA?

    Because of the tens of thousands of pages and over 50 web sites, it is easy to be overwhelmed with UCADIA. That is why it is recommended all readers begin with the e-books the Journey of UCA and the Journey of Self first as a good outline to the intention and core concepts of UCADIA before branching out into the other related web sites and information.

    Q11. Is the founder a member of any groups/associations?

    Yes, Frank O’Collins is commissioned as a Notary of One Heaven according to the Covenant of One Heaven. A one-time member of the Liberal Party of Australia up until 1994/5, O’Collins has never been a member or associate of any radical group or movement. However, O’Collins is no longer a financial member of any other professional body or political association.

    Q12. From what sources did all the information in the UCADIAN model come?

    The Information contained in the Ucadian model up until 2010 has come from three principle sources: (1) Detailed reading and analysis of thousands of texts and articles on a wide variety of subjects from physics, chemistry, history, sociology, biology, mathematics, politics, economics etc read by Frank O’Collins; (2) Original invention and critical analysis by Frank O’Collins on the thousands of texts and articles written, producing unique perspectives on the material written; and (3) Divine inspiration.

    Q13. Where can I find a list of citations of sources for the UCADIAN model?

    Where a direct quote of information is reproduced in any way within any of the writing on any site of UCADIA, an embedded citation is listed. However, UCADIA does not adhere to the Roman citation method that requires all arguments to be based on the assumption of referenced primary texts in order to be legitimate.

    Q14. Has any of UCADIA been properly tested and/or checked by “experts”?

    Many elements of the UCADIA model have been submitted to academic and industry experts for their review over the years, including the fields of physics, philosophy, chemistry and mathematics. However, in almost all cases due to the lack of adherence to established academic protocols for precisely how new research is recognized as valid, no official validations have yet been given (as at 2009) to any of the information contained in UCADIA.

    Q15. Does the founder of UCADIA think he is some kind of guru/messiah?

    No. Frank O’Collins goes out of his way to demonstrate he does not think, behave or believe he is any kind of guru or messiah. In fact, UCADIA has an entire chapter devoted to explain the illness affecting many—but not the author—who openly or secretly believe themselves to be messiahs, called “messiah Syndrome”.

    Q16. Who and what does the founder think he is?

    The Founder of UCADIA, Frank O’Collins considers himself to be a man, no more or less special than any other man. That is why he lists his final will and testament with details on how he came to write UCADIA so it is clear to all who care to read that he considers the value and usefulness of the ideas of UCADIA fare more important than any personal benefit and awareness.

    Q17. What is the end goal of UCADIA?

    The end goal of UCADIA is that individuals have access to comprehensive, logical, integrated models of society capable of offering a real difference and that these alternatives provide choice when current societies face periods of crisis in coming years concerning depression, climate change and rule of law.

    Q18. Is UCADIA some kind of religion?

    No, UCADIA is not some kind of new religion. Many elements of UCADIA refer to religion and extend certain narratives and belief systems concerning religious history as key models. However, all religious references and information remains firmly in the context of models of society and society function and not as an exclusive separation from existing religious and cultural beliefs.

    Q19. Is UCADIA a cult?

    UCADIA in no way can be called a cult, unless the individual making such accusations wishes to deliberately misrepresent UCADIA for some ulterior motive. By definition, such a slander implies “some kind of unorthodox or spurious religion”—in other words against orthodox religious beliefs and without sound foundation. UCADIA demonstrates through its religious models a fulfilment of orthodox beliefs, not a conflict. Furthermore, UCADIA demonstrates comprehensive scriptural references and frameworks—again contrary to any poorly founded fringe group. Therefore, any claim of UCADIA being a cult must be treated as deliberately false and/or misinformed.

    [3:42:40 PM] Thubanis:

    [3:48:32 PM] THE13THBRIDGE: TONY - now, THIS IS INTERESTING - 20 calendars - of which, they give 16 of them
    [3:52:13 PM] THE13THBRIDGE: every one of them - fits into those 144
    [3:52:18 PM] THE13THBRIDGE: numbers
    [3:52:32 PM] THE13THBRIDGE: except one - the 5th on tz'otz-tun 364 day

    [3:53:00 PM]Thubanis:

    The reference to esotericism, from which I am rather sure O'Collins received his 'inspration' about UCADIA is a famous painting of the rennaisance.

    Btw I checked some of the proposed 'unified science' from this Ucadia site and it is laughable. He invents new names, which have absolutely nothing to do with the well tested and verified physical nature and structure of the factual universe... an example is this below and anyone halfway familiar with ANY real science would see that O'Collins simply has no deeper familiarity with the real science of the human historical journey.

    For example a magneton is a well defined characteristic of quantum mechanics, regarding the intrinsic angular momentum of an electron. Frank Collins then 'invents something' he considers unique to the UCADIA 'unified theory' as a magneton and distinguishes it as a magnetic 'agent' from the 'electric' agent. A truly 'heavenly' fantasy!...

    Also any physics graduate clearly understands that neutrinos are ALWAYS associated intrinsically to the weak nuclear force (radioactivity) and so do NOT characterise the strong nuclear force. But then the NABSERS and quasi scientists mislead the seekers and now they hide as ex-political conservatives. It must be something in the waters they drink. The "heaton" as a new form of the 'calorie' and the 'phlogiston' prior to the discovery of 'Oxygen' as a 'particle of Heat'??!! Truly amazing that such nonsense is published on the web as a 'science or classification system' onto which a 'new world' could be built from the old previous construction. And the guru groupies follow this stuff and attempt to share this around? Learn some real physics and learn some real history before sprouting your nonsense about in your mental environment pollutions.

    Traditional force/energy

    Level---UCA element name

    Gravity---1. Unita---NEDA Unita

    Strong force---2. Super sub---E Neutrino

    Radiation (gamma)---2. Super sub---Cosmics

    Magnetism---2. Super sub---Magneton

    Light---3. Sub atomic---Photon

    Heat (infrared)---3. Sub atomic---Heton

    Electricity---3. Sub atomic---Electron,Positron

    Burn (fire)---4. Atomic---Hydrogen

    [3:52:45 PM] THE13THBRIDGE: which obviously fits with 364 1
    [3:52:47 PM] Thubanis:
    [3:53:04 PM] THE13THBRIDGE: or 365 - there 'rebooting day' as , aluna calls it - or, dead day
    [3:53:17 PM] THE13THBRIDGE: in haab 360 5
    [3:54:10 PM ] Thubanis: It so is used by many new agers to link the 'Tomb of Mary Magdalene' or 'God' or the 'Black Madonna' etc etc to this painting and the ARCADIA ARCHETYPE

    [3:54:14 PM] Thubanis: "Et in Arcadia ego" is a Latin phrase that most famously appears as the title of two paintings by Nicolas Poussin (1594–1665). They are pastoral paintings depicting idealized shepherds from classical antiquity, clustering around an austere tomb. The more famous second version of the subject, measuring 87 by 120 centimetres (34.25 x 47.24 in), is in the Louvre, Paris, and also goes under the name "Les bergers d'Arcadie" ("The Arcadian Shepherds").

    [3:55:00 PM] THE13THBRIDGE: yes, poussin
    [3:55:11 PM] THE13THBRIDGE: reincarnated as a famous british painter
    [3:55:16 PM] THE13THBRIDGE: named Ralph Shepherd
    [3:55:32 PM] THE13THBRIDGE: part of a group of 12 painters in britian
    [3:56:22 PM] Thubanis: LOOK HERE
    [3:56:31 PM] Thubanis: Arcadia

    The 16th century Italian explorer Giovanni da Verrazzano applied the name "Arcadia" to the entire North American Atlantic coast north of Virginia. In time, this mutated to Acadia. The Dictionary of Canadian Biography says: "Arcadia, the name Verrazzano gave to Maryland or Virginia 'on account of the beauty of the trees', made its first cartographical appearance in the 1548 Gastaldo map and is the only name on that map to survive in Canadian usage. . . . In the 17th century Champlain fixed its present orthography, with the 'r' omitted, and Ganong has shown its gradual progress northwards, in a succession of maps, to its resting place in the Atlantic Provinces".

    [3:57:47 PM] Thubanis: The letter 'R' omitted renders Arcadia as Acadia with CR=U phonetically as See R with R=666=99
    [3:59:50 PM] THE13THBRIDGE: can someone capture this painting - and post it somewhere on thubansprutz

    [3:59:51 PM ] Thubanis: Finally this 'critique' from an Icke forum tells the brainwashed seeker a little more about Frank O'Collins and the real motives of UCADIA. Interesting that one 'conspirator' critiques another 'conspirator here.

    The UCADIA organization, created by Frank O'Collins, from which Brian quotes in his article and promotes on his website is simply a "model" from which to form a new society. It appears as a large organization with many affiliates but upon closer examination you will notice that every single affiliate website which are listed in his website are all owned by Frank himself. There are no member lists or contacts other than Frank. All websites have been created from the same template. The organization is built around philosophies which Frank highlights in his 2 books, "The Journey of UCA" and "The Journey of Self". The former outlining his concepts, ideologies, language and complex symbols which make up this language. The latter exposing his ideoligies regarding religion, the soul, the mind, ancient systems of law, socio-political models and much more... Frank, however, advocates the United Nations model and seperates the world into unions, eerily similar to the Club of Rome's plan to divide the world into 10 regions. It seems odd to me that a man who seems to be knowledgeable in so many aspects of social and political systems would be oblivious to the reality of why, and by whom, the United Nations were formed. How can a man who is well versed in ancient systems of law and the etymology of words and is advocating a new system of law, be supporting the United Nations model?

    The UCADIA model also supports a global currency. In chapter 18 of "The Journey of Self" entitled "EKELOS - ethical economics", Frank states that "A single global currency however, would fundamentally alter and enable a revolution in the way trade is conducted around the world" He continues with the idea that every human being would be digitally identified through corporate controlled Unique Digital Avatars.
    "In the 21st century, all human beings are identified by electronic information in some way on a number of computer systems. This electronic information might be as simple as dates of births, deaths and marriages. Electronic information will also exist if a person has a bank account, or earns income and is subject to paying taxes."
    "A credit would be printed on a smart card device with an electronically charged value of 1, 5, 10, 20. Alternatively a credit would be a corporate created device storing credits through their credit network (such as EFTPOS)."

    In other words, Frank would like a societal model based on UN philosophy, a global currency controlled by corporations and a unique digital identification system which stores all your personal information which would also be controlled by corporations. Sound familiar?

    So for the Dragons here, the true 'quasi-political' agenda of UCADIA should become rather obvious and as exemplified by the critique of the Icke forum above. And this is just what my first impression about this was. This could actually be a real ptb infiltrator and 'double-agent whistleblower' if this UCADIA has a big readership as is claimed. Then, due to the lack of substance, this could be 'big brother' deception at its devious worst.


    People around the globe are awakening to the truth. I am grateful to so many people who have taken the time to share their knowledge so that we may all benefit from their insight. I thank you as well Brian, for sharing your thoughts, however, it is my opinion that your website, through collaboration, is deliberately set up as a stepping stone to the UCADIA website, which is a classic dis-information website.

    [9:01:41 PM] Thubanis: On this link Frank O'Collins directly 'wars' with ninz, the OP on the Icke thread at the 'University of Ucadia' - One can see, that ninz is tolerated there by the admins and mods for a while, but that the general mileu as NABS reurgitation should be selfevident. Ninz got the 'Lucifer' archetype all wrong, whilst Frank has this symbol rather right; but so has the Lucifer Trust and the 'Illuminati' as the 'Enlightened Ones' now don't they?

    This forum is comparable to MOA though in terms of scope and membership and so I do no longer carry the view, that Frank O'Collins functions in the capacity of a ptb infiltrator, like the Camelot/Avalon became or were. He seems to be sincere in his wellmeaning 'self delusions' and the 'mental illnesses' he accuses other 'alternative reformers' though.

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    [8:09:02 PM] Thubanis: Beware Princesses of the New Age of Aquarius - beware!~

    Susan the calendars are ok as they are

    [1:30:19 PM - Wednesday, August 1st, 2012 - 10UCT]

    Thubanis: FYI I do NOT consider Aquaries copy-pasting any data publically accessible from there as being in any way a 'break of protocol'.
    [1:30:57 PM] Thubanis: There was one instance, where intimate data about Raven was on cosmosdawn, when it should not have been
    [1:31:28 PM] Thubanis: This was my error and my fault alone, as I did not proof read this post, before it was shared on MOA I recall
    [1:32:35 PM] Thubanis: As I have stopped sharing on MOA. anyone sharing ANY public data from Thuban on ANY other forum is welcome to do so
    [1:33:19 PM] Thubanis: Having said this, I did not see the post in question here, as Carol edited it, so I cannot further comment as to if i feel this is appropriate or not
    [1:35:07 PM] Thubanis: I shared this Ucadia post however to make a point about how the 'would be reformers' fighting each other and there were the two opposing views in that post; besides my obvious comments, which analysed and critisized the metaphysical and scientific 'understanding' of Frank O'Collins
    [1:37:00 PM] Thubanis: I am well aware, that Aquaries is a 'follower' of Frank O'Collins and attempts to display openly how his 'view' and cosmology contrasts, competes or supplements Thuban cosmology. She does the same with oxymoron's 'obsessions' and the Logos deniers on a regular basis.
    [1:37:18 PM] Thubanis: This is nothing to 'worry about'
    [1:38:12 PM] Thubanis: I also know that Aquaries is fundamentally anti-Logos and adversarial to anything we are trying to do here.
    [1:38:39 PM] Thubanis: But after being a 'puppet' of the wishy-washy NABS for so many years, this is a point we can understand, or should try to accomodate
    [1:42:49 PM] Thubanis: What my sharing of this latest NABS nonsense tried to show, was that the real information, necessary to herald in a 'New World' MUST be thoroughly selfconsistent and rationally built on the existing edifices and mental structures
    [1:44:13 PM] Thubanis: Frank's science is utter BS, as anyone with an inkling of the history of science would see straight away. Frank is an expolitician and 'business LAW consultant'. This is why he puts so much emphasis on statutes and regulations.
    [1:47:32 PM] Thubanis: This ninz character is a super debunker and skeptic, who appears to be overzealous in his 'pursuits' of the disinformers. Yet he does a valuable 'job' of this and the refusal of Frank to further engage him and to let it up to his 'moderators' to defend Ucadia also shows the 'true character' in terms of his 'University of Ucadia' of having any cosmic 'clout'. It has a little, as Frank imo means well, but is somewhat 'lost' in his manner of blending his 'lifeexperience' as a 'business law consultant' with his earnest desire to bridge the chasms between real science and the metaphysics.
    [1:47:48 PM] Thubanis: This is the same Thuban and many other 'groups' are doing.
    [1:50:38 PM] Thubanis: The point is however, that the 'uniqueness' of Thuban cannot be copied or shared as some other 'uniqueness', say as Camelot or Avalon or Ucadia or MOA or Nexus or Atticus or Majix etc etc, as to do so, would require a much much deeper understanding of the premises, than you will find on the web and mainstream and alternative sites.
    [1:53:13 PM] Thubanis: So the 'competition' which Aquaries and other Thuban debunkers, espouse is a non sequitur; as to USE or UNDERSTAND Thuban, requires a lot of work, which is NOT found in any form of the NABS, which by nature is OVERGENERALISED in 'Love and Light' and wishy-washy pastings together of what is called New Age Philosophy or religion and also politics.
    [1:54:46 PM] Thubanis: So finally, Aquaries has done the dragons a favour in acting as a delegate from Thuban to MOA and in publishing a Thuban perspective on the value of UCADIA
    [1:55:33 PM] Thubanis: A kind of double-agent in the agency of not knowing what one does, seems an appropriate and final comment on this matter. And Aquaries' sharing of the 'Dead Sea Scroll' post and critique was similar and apparently did not result in 'deletions'. It also should be self evident that the actual 'readership' of anything Thuban is comparatively miniscule. This is at it should be for the dragon science to become a potent factor in the cosmic metamorphosis. Not many can understand the deeper agendas regarding this transformation in the present times.
    [1:56:09 PM] Thubanis: I might be away for a while!

    [2:27:21 PM - Thursday, August 2nd, 2012 - +10UCT]
    Ishtara Raven:
    It appears that there was a misunderstanding about the content and sharing of personal private Thuban chats from Aquaries. I have looked over the shared messages and find nothing personal or private that we would not otherwise share on our own public forums. It appears she took the conversations from our own forums to augment her own discussion about Ucadia and this is fine. I would like to say however should she paste any sensitive material from the private chats I would wish this to be deleted immediately. I will put my trust in Aquaries for now not to do such a thing and honor her desire to share Thuban data streams.

    Sincerely, Raven
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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