THE ANSWER to Ancient Calendars & Mayan Timeline Encodings Of The Calendars-BERMANSEDER & SCHWENGER

Discussion in 'Ancient, Indigenous, & Tribal Calendars' started by CULCULCAN, Apr 14, 2014.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Ancient African Skies
    by Laurance R. Doyle, The SETI Institute | April 07, 2005 07:07am ET

    "Bwana! That must be it!" I pointed back over my right shoulder at some man-sized stone pillars off on a rise from the dirt road we were driving on. The road would be described by Kenyans as "corrugated" meaning that we had to get out in some places to look for it on our way to the Turkana region--not too far from where the most ancient hominid fossils had been found by Richard Leakey, Director of the National Museums. We had heard of an ancient astronomy site in this region made up of basalt pillars that were magnetic, so needed to be remeasured using something other than compasses. Eddie Frank, of the Tusker Trail Company, some students[​IMG] from various places in the U.S., and I had come to do just that. We had camped with hippos at Lake Nivasha, swum in Lake Turkana known to have over 3 million crocodiles in it, watched as several million pink flamingos had taken to the air around Lake Nakuru, and seen the migration of a couple million wildebeests across the Masaai Mara plains, all on our roundabout safari to this ancient astronomy site.

    The pillars were known as "Namoratunga" or "stone people" in the Turkana language. They had been said to have been built for an astronomical purpose, to reckon the Borana calendar, and were reputed to be a couple of thousand years old. They had petroglyphs on them, some matching the ancient property symbols of the Kush, a people of the Sudan who had once conquered Egypt (in the 8th Century B.C.) and whose language has yet to be deciphered. From maps of ancient Kush, I knew that the front of almost all their pyramids appeared to face the star Sirius, which has not changed its position in the sky very much for the last several thousand years.

    We had a description of the Borana calendar, but this did not make astronomical sense. For example, the new year of the Borana calendar was said to occur when the star beta Triangulum was "in conjunction" with the new moon (new, give or take a couple of days). A new moon is, of course, close to the sun (i.e., a thin crescent), and consequently found in the twilight sky. However, the star beta Triangulum is a 3rd magnitude star and could not been seen in twilight. Thus, we could not even get the Borana new year started according to the description we had from anthropologists.

    We made camp under some acacia trees and the next day tramped over to the ancient site. It was obvious that the stone pillar had been polished by the wind over a long time. We used navigational sextants to measure the angles between each pillar from the others, and a measuring strip to map the interdistances between them. The day was blessedly cloudy--the first such day in the Turkana desert we had seen. We sketched the petroglyphs on each of the pillars as well. And Matunga, our cook, brought us all lunch at the site with some very good Kenyan tea.

    Sitting among the pillars it occurred to me that perhaps the translation of the word "conjunction" might have been incorrect. What had been taken to mean "rising with" on the same place on the horizon, might instead mean "rising single-file after." Humm, that could account for having pillars also line up with the stars and the moon. There are seven special Borana calendar stars that define six places in the sky. The Borana calendar stars are: beta Triangulum, Pleiades, Aldebaran, Bellatrix, central Orion and the star Saiph taken together, and Sirius. Well if the single file idea was correct, then at the beginning of the Borana year the star beta Triangulum would rise--mark the place with a pillar, for example--and then at dawn, the new moon would rise in the same location on the horizon. (We were at 3.4 degrees[​IMG] north latitude, so the stars there rise almost vertically--actually 3.4 degrees off the vertical to be exact.) However, this vertical single-file "conjunction" also would not work because (here very close to the equator) the star beta Triangulum was rising about 35 degrees north of east but the farthest north the moon ever got (in its 18.6-year cycle called "regression of the lunar nodes") was 28.5 degrees north of east. So, again, the calendar could not even get started[​IMG]. What kind of a calendar was this, I thought? When we had met with the scientists at the National Museums of Kenya they also did not know how the calendar worked. Yet the Borana are practical people; they would not have made up an apparently ancient calendar that didn't work.

    Ah, ancient! I knew that while the star Sirius had not moved much, many of the stars had altered their apparent position on the sky (this "precession" is due to the wobble of the Earth's rotation axis over a complete circle on the sky every 26,000 years). During the time the first pyramids in Egypt were built, the North Star was not Polaris in the Little Dipper, but Thuban, in the constellation of Draco the Dragon. This is where several openings in the great pyramids were aligned. The Namoratunga site was said to possibly be as old as 300 B.C. based on some carbon dating of bones. We precessed the Borana stars then back to 300 B.C., and some "moved" quite a bit. But where was beta Triangulum in 300 B.C.? Before I answer that question, let's take a quick look at how, actually, the Borana calendar is supposed to work.

    There are no weeks in the Borana calendar (our 7-day week only comes from the seven ancient planets that appeared to circle the Earth--Sun, Saturn, Moon, then in English a switch to Norse gods--Oden, Thor, and so on). The Borana have 27 day names, and 12 (lunar) month names. The first day of the new year starts on the day name "Bitto Tessa" on the month "Bito Kara." (This is when Triangulum is in "conjunction" with the new moon.) One then simply counts the day names through the month based on that first astronomical observation--conjunction of the new moon at the beta Triangulum position. The description continues; one will know that the next month begins when the new moon is "in conjunction" with the next star or star system[​IMG], in this case, Pleiades (a blue star cluster). This occurs 29.5 days after the start of the first month. That means that one runs out of day names a couple of days early. This is OK, and the names of the days that started the month are also the names of the days that finish the month. (This is the same for all the months, adjusted for the observations, of course, allowing a variation of a day or two here and there based on the astronomical observation.)

    The third month starts when one spots the new moon rising "in conjunction with" the star Aldebaran, and so on down the list of six Borana star positions for the first six months. Why does this work? It is because the "sidereal month" (time for the moon to move from a certain star position back to that position again--27.3 days) is not the same as the "synodic month" or the time it takes the moon to go from a particular phase (full-moon to full-moon phase, for example) back to that phase again (29.5 days). The synodic month is longer because the Earth has orbited the Sun just a bit also in a months time and the moon has had to (sort of) "catch up." That is, when the moon arrives at the same place again (star position), the Earth has moved a bit farther and so to align with on the exact opposite side of the Earth from the Sun (same lunar phase again) the moon has to travel a bit farther. (Try this if you like with three people, one the moon, one the Earth, and one the Sun, with the Sun shining a light onto the others they move around the Sun and Earth, respectively; see what happens.)

    So, back to the 300 B.C. positions of the stars--would the calendar work if we put the stars back to the same time as the pillars were expected to have been put there? Indeed, the second new moon rose at the exact place where Pleiades used to rise in 300 B.C.! An exciting moment! The next new moon? It rose at the 300 B.C. position of Aldebaran! The next? Bellatrix! The next? In between central Orion and the star Saiph! And finally the 6th new moon of the year rose where the star Sirius rose (and still rises) on the horizon! It worked in 300 B.C.!

    Well, it looked as if we had deciphered an ancient calendar! The next six months of the year are defined by a switch of the moving parts. Instead of the horizon location changing, the next six months are defined by the various phases of the moon rising at the Triangulum only position (and therefore one can only check the calendar in the middle of the month). But this all worked too. One goes through the full moon, three-quarter (gibbous) waning moon, quarter waning moon, large crescent waning, medium crescent waning, and finally small crescent waning--all rising at the Triangulum position--until one is back to the new moon at the Triangulum position again and Happy New Year! (The exception is that every three years another month is added because the lunar year is 11 days short of the solar year--this is a kind of "leap month" the Borana folks use.)

    So what about the 19 stone pillars that make up Namourantunga--are they indeed used for the ancient Borana calendar? We found that they made 25 alignments with the seven positions on the sky of the ancient Borana stars or star systems[​IMG]. After some calculations, we found that this many alignments could only have occurred randomly about 43 times out of 10,000 random star positions (counting the alignments with the pillars generated randomly by computer[​IMG], and doing this test of randomly made-up star position 10,000 times for good measure). In other words, we found also that the pillars at Namoratunga--to have made as many as 25 or more alignments with the seven specific ancient positions of the Borana stars-- would only occur randomly 0.43% of the time. From this mathematical experiment we could be about 99.57% sure that the pillars at Namouratuna had been build to do just that--line up with the Borana calendar star positions for 300 B.C.! And the petroglyphs on the pillars? The Turkana said they were ancient family names. This was interesting too, because a lot of them match the symbols on the pyramids of the ancient Kush people--symbols said to be royal property symbols. Perhaps the Kush also got as far south as they did north in ancient times. And perhaps petroglyphs might be a way (besides linguistics and genetics) to trace the migrations of ancient peoples.

    As we began the long drive back to Nairobi I felt a quiet excitement. We had discovered a way of keeping time and one of the ways of thinking of some of the ancient African astronomers who had lived in the Turkana desert over two thousand years before. They looked at the sky and understood how it worked and, with the stars and moon as intermediaries, we had shared this special order with them across the millennia. We had read the same book of the sky together, and the practice of timekeeping that so often seems to separate us had, instead, this time brought us closer together.

    Note: You can read a more detailed description of the Borana Calendar and Namoratunga at:


    Namoratunga is an archaeoastronomical site on the west side of Lake Turkana in Kenya, believed to have been founded around 300 BC. It is easily visible on the Lodwar – Kalokol roadside, 20 meters from the road. Namoratunga II (3°25′22″N 35°48′10″E) contains 19 basalt pillars, aligned with 7 star systems: Triangulum, Pleiades, Bellatrix, Aldebaran, Central Orion, Saiph, and Sirius. Namoratunga means "people of stone" in the Turkana language. Mark Lynch and L.H. Robbins discovered the site in 1978. Lynch believes the basalt pillars tie the constellations or stars to the 12-month 354-day lunar calendar of Cushitic speakers of southern Ethiopia. The pillars align with the movements of the 7 constellations corresponding to a 354-day calendar. The pillars are surrounded by a circular formation of stones. One grave with a pillar on top exists in the area. Namoratunga I (2°23′0.04″N 36°8′2.52″E)[1] contains a similar grave but no pillars.[2][3]

    See also
    1. Kubiak, M. (1982), "Eclipse at Namoratunga", The Observatory, vol. 102, p. 211.
    2. Helaine, Seline (1997), Encyclopaedia of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures (Springer), p. 755. ISBN 978-0-7923-4066-9
    3. Krupp, Edwin C. (2003), Echoes of the Ancient Skies: The Astronomy of Lost Civilizations (Dover), pp. 170–172. ISBN 978-0-486-42882-6


    The Borana calendar consist of 29.5 days and 12 months for a total 354 days in a year. It has no weeks. It is a lunar and stellar calendar.[1]

    It is believed that the Borana of developed their own calendar around 300 BC. The Borana calendar is a lunar-stellar calendrical system, relying on astronomical observations of the moon in conjunction with seven particular stars or constellations. Borana Months (Stars/Lunar Phases) are Bittottessa (Triangulum), Camsa (Pleiades), Bufa (Aldebaran), Waxabajjii (Belletrix), Obora Gudda (Central Orion-Saiph), Obora Dikka (Sirius), Birra (full moon), Cikawa (gibbous moon), Sadasaa (quarter moon), Abrasa (large crescent), Ammaji (medium crescent), and Gurrandala (small crescent).[1]
    1. Bita Kara
    2. Gardaduma
    3. Bita Lama
    4. Sonsa
    5. Sorsa
    6. Rurruma
    7. Algajima
    8. Lumasa
    9. Arb
    10. Gidada
    11. Walla
    12. Ruda
    13. Basa Dura
    14. Areri Dura
    15. Basa Ballo
    16. Areri Ballo
    17. Carra
    18. Adula Dura
    19. Maganatti Jarra
    20. Adula Ballo
    21. Maganatti Britti
    22. Garba Dura
    23. Salban Dura
    24. Garba Balla
    25. Salban Balla
    26. Garda Dullacha
    27. Salban Dullacha
    (first two or three days are repeated during the months)
    Months can be identified by moon phase in relation to seven stars or star groups. They are Triangulum, Pleiades, Aldebaran, Bellatrix, central Orion, Saiph, and Sirius star systems.
    Months and Star System
    1. Bittottessa-Triangulum
    2. Camsa-Pleiades
    3. Bufa-Aldebaran
    4. Wacabajjii-Belletrix
    5. Obora Gudda-Central Orion-Saiph
    6. Obora Dikka-Sirius
    7. Birra-full moon
    8. Cikawa-gibbous moon
    9. Sadasaa-quarter moon
    10. Abrasa-large crescent
    11. Ammaji-medium crescent
    12. Gurrandala-small crescent
    1. Doyle, Laurance R. The Borana Calendar REINTERPRETED. Current Anthropology. Physics and Astronomy Department, University of California, Santa Cruz, at NASA Ames Research Center, Space Sciences Division, M.S., retrieved: 7 April 2010.


    Oromo Calendar

    Time is a very important concept in Gadaa and in Oromo life. Gadaa itself can be narrowly defined as a given set of time (period) which groups of individuals perform specific duties in a society. Gadaa could also mean age. The lives of individuals, rituals, ceremonies, political and economic activities are scheduled rather precisely. For this purpose, the Oromo have a calendar. The calendar is also used for weather forecasting and divination purposes.

    The Oromo calendar is based on astronomical observations of the moon in conjunction with seven or eight particular stars or star groups (Legesse, 1973 and Bassi, 1988) called Urji Dhaha (guiding stars). According to this calendar system, there are approximately 30 days in a month and 12 months in a year. The first day of a month is the day the new moon appears. A day (24 hours) starts and ends at sunrise.

    In the Oromo calendar each day of the month and each month of the year has a name. Instead of the expected 29 or 30 names for days of a month, there are only 27 names. These 27 days of the month are permutated through the twelve months, in such a way that the beginning of each month moves forward by 2 or 3 days. The loss per month is then the difference between the 27-day month and the 30-day month, (Legesse, 1973). One interesting observation is that, as illustrated in the computing of time like in the Oromo calendar, Oromos visualization of events is cyclical just as many events in nature are cyclical.

    Since each day (called ayyaana) of a month has a name, the Oromo traditionally had no use for names of the days of a week. Perhaps it is because of this that today in different parts of Oromia different names are in use for the days of a week.

    Each of the 27 days (ayyaana) of the month has special meaning and connotation to the Oromo time-keeping experts, called ayyaantu. Ayyaantu can tell the day, the month, the year and the Gadaa period by keeping track of time astronomically. They are experts, in astronomy and supplement their memory of things by examining the relative position of eight stars or star groups, (Bassi, 1988) and the moon to determine the day (ayyaana) and the month. On the basis of astronomical observations, they make an adjustment in the day name every two or three months.

    The pillars found a few years ago in north-western Kenya by Lynch and Robbins (1978) has been suggested to represent a site used to develop the Oromo calendar system. According to these researchers, it is the first archaeo-astronomical evidence in sub-Saharan Africa. Doyle (1986) has suggested 300 B.C. as the approximate date of its invention.

    According to Asmarom Legesse (1973), "The Oromo calendar is a great and unique invention and has been recorded only in a very few cultures in history of mankind." The only other known cultures with this type of time-keeping are the Chinese, Mayans and Hindus. Legesse states that the Oromo are unusual in that they seem to be the only people with a reasonably accurate calendar which ignore the sun.
    Last edited: May 16, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    MEDICINE WHEELS are 28 day lunar calendars

    Medicine wheels are 28 day lunar calendars, as, well as solar calendars
    ~ each spoke represents a day within the lunar cycle
    ~ there are six (6) spokes within the solar cycle that extend beyond the circle
    and, they can be aligned to the sunrise, on the first day of each of The Six (6) Season Calendar Months
    known as: Winter, Spring, Break-up, Summer, Fall, and, Freeze-up Seasons.
    The Six (6) Season Calendar aka The Ancient Year (360) aka The Thirteen (13) Moon Calendar
    - is defined by a start date on the last full moon of December, each and every year - which begins The Winter Cycle
    flowing through The Spring cycle, The Break-up Cycle, The Summer Cycle, The Fall Cycle, and, The Freeze-up Cycle.
    It can also be aligned to a Six (6) Event Calendar
    where it aligns 4 seasons (winter, spring, summer, fall, and,
    runs through the yearly dates of both The Equinox & The Solstice
    ~ Susan Lynne Schwenger


    Medicine Wheel, A Native American Sacred Site and National Historic Landmark in Wyoming - 213 feet
    Source of Photograph: Source= |Date= |Author= U.S. Forest Service Photo |Permission= {{PD-USGov-USDA-FS



    The Bighorn Medicine Wheel predates the Indian tribes in the region and is thought to be about 700 years old.

    Members of the Crow tribe, who have long used the Medicine Wheel for rituals, ascribe its creation to a boy named Burnt Face. According to the story, the boy fell into the fire as a baby and was severely scarred.

    When Burnt Face reached his teen years, he went on a vision quest in the mountains, where he fasted and built the medicine wheel. During his quest, he helped drive away an animal who attacked baby eaglets. In return, he was carried off by an eagle and his face was made smooth.

    For centuries, the Bighorn Medicine Wheel has been used by Crow youth for fasting and vision quests. Native Americans also go to Bighorn to offer thanks for the creation that sustains them, placing a buffalo skull on the center cairn as a prayer offering. Prayers are offering here for healing, and atonement is made for harm done to others and to Mother Earth.

    A number of great chiefs, including Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce, have come to the Bighorn Medicine Wheel to pray for wisdom and guidance to lead their people in the transition from freedom to reservation life. The medicine wheel was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1969.
    ~ Listry Dakota




    Ojibwe Indian stone medicine wheel
    Key to stone medicine wheel:
    1. Creator - Center of life, the Medicine Wheel itself.
    2. Earth Mother - Gives us our home, and lives.
    3. Father Sun - Warms life, source of energy and light.
    4. Grandmother Moon - Guides dreams and visions.
    5. Turtle Clan - The element of earth. Growth and life.
    6. Frog Clan - The element of water. Cleansing.
    7. Thunderbird Clan - The element of fire. Energy.
    8. Butterfly Clan - The element of air. Transformation.
    9. The North - Knowledge and wisdom.
    10. The East - Daybreak, Illumination. Spirit.
    11. The South - Youth and innocence. Emotion.
    12. The West - Introspection, Looks within.
    13. Snow Goose – Direction.
    14. Otter - Balanced female energy.
    15. Cougar - Leadership without insisting.
    16. Red Hawk - Observant. Messengers of the Gods.
    17. Beaver - Builder and do-er.
    18. Deer - Power and gentleness.
    19. Flicker – Music.
    20. Sturgeon - Moving through life, swimming.
    21. Brown Bear - Sweetness of truth.
    22. Raven - Keeper of Sacred law.
    23. Snake - Power of creation. Transmutation.
    24. Elk - Stamina. To go the distance.
    25. Cleansing - To make clean. Purify
    26. Renewal - To begin again.
    27. Purity - Clean and innocent.
    28. Clarity - Unclouded. Free from darkness.
    29. Love - To delight in a higher state of appreciation.
    30. Wisdom - Knowledge and sense. Intelligence and foresight.
    31. Illumination - To enlighten. Cast light upon.
    32. Growth - To become. To change from one state to another. To advance.
    33. Trust - To place confidence in the reliance on the integrity and friendship of another.
    34. Experience - Knowledge and understanding
    35. Introspection - To look inside.
    36. Strength - Power and vigor of mind.
    Courtesy Cedar Tree Institute, Marquette, Michigan
    Last edited: May 16, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    ANCIENT CHINESE & HINDI CALENDARS - 60 YEAR CYCLE - Start on The Full Moon + Chinese 60 year astrology - Susan Lynne Schwenger & Tony Bermanseder

    The Hindu calendar, always has a month start with a full moon and it ends with the next full moon.

    The Chinese Lunar Calendar, always has a month start with a new moon and it ends with the next new moon.

    The first new moon in 2011, is 04 Jan 2011, and, The first full moon in 2011, is 19 Jan 2011 ~ 9:22 PM (21:22 hours)UTC

    The Chinese New Year 2011 - The Year of The "White" Metal Hare (aka Rabbit) 辛卯 and, it starts on 3rd February, 2011, which marks a 'new' moon, along with, the beginning of The Chinese New Year of 2011.

    This is, the 3rd earth branch year of 10 branches and, it, the 7th heavenly stem of 12 stems

    This is, termed The Hsin Mao, and, 2011, it is the twenty-eighth (28th) cycle in The Sixty (60) Year of Cycles.

    The Chinese utilise Earth Branches, along with Heavenly Stems within The 60 Year Cycle.

    2011 - The Hsin Mao 28/60 will symbolize prudence, which is, the characteristic tied to eXercsing sound judgement in practical affairs, and, it is, traditionally considered to be a virtue.

    The old ancients, saw this, as:

    Chastity-Castilas or Purity of Knowledge, Honesty, & Wisdom,
    Temperance-Temperantia Self Control of Abstention, Honour, & Justice,
    Charity-Caritas Will of benevolence, generosity, & Sacrifice,
    Diligence-Industria, Persistence of effort, ethics, & Rectitude,
    Patience-Patientia, Peace of ahimsa, mercy, sufferance,
    Kindness-Humanitas, Satisfaction of compassion, integrity, and, loyalty,
    Humility~Humilitas Bravery of Altruism, modesty, & Reverence

    The word comes from The old french word "prudence" from the 13th century, and, its root in Latin is prudentia (related to foresight, and, sagacity), This year, is going to be, all about attaining the ability to judge between virtuous and vicious actions, NOT only in the general sense, but, also with regard to operating by taking appropriate actions at a given time, or a given place. It is a time, for many, to take action, that is courageous, as opposed to acting reckless, or being cowardly in your actions, For this reason, this year is going to start/and, finish with a set of cardinal (pivotal) virtues. "Good work, is good work", and, it is a time, for brothers/and, for sisters, to aid, and, to assist, and, to help others. It is a time, to take risks, and, to speak out, so, others, might learn, how to eXchange, and, how to become better eXchangers...

    2011, is The Year of The Start of The Grand eXchanges, so, resolve to be, the best eXchanger, that you can be. Aristotle, in The Nicomachean Ethics, gives a very lengthy account of The Virtue of PHROESIS (Greek: ϕρονησιϛ), which has traditionally been translated as "prudence", although this has become increasingly problematic as the word has fallen out of common usage. More recently ϕρονησιϛ has been translated by such terms as "PRACTICAL WISDOM", "PRACTICAL JUDGEMENT", or 'RATIONAL CHOICE" ~ Remember all is choice !!! And, all choices, lead to a different set of consequences. If you do NOT love your consequences, simply start a process to change your choices. 2011, brings forth a new type of eXchange, along with eXchanges, and, if woven, in ways, that you give more, than you receive both sides of any equation, will gain abundance and, enter into The Process of "much gathers more". The year of The White Metal Hare / Rabbit, is all about expressing your feelings through your lower, and, higher heart(s), along with, expressing your thoughts, through your lower, and, higher mind/(s)...

    Quite simply put, you make it all happen, by "your deeds". The Study of Chinese Magic, and, Magical Arts, has always placed Astrology, as, one of the most important. There are 12 animal signs, and, has always, and, in all ways greatly influenced the lives of The Chinese, and, other people, who have chosen to study, its merits. It is based NOT only upon The Philosophical, but also The Mathematical conception of existence. The Chinese invented The System known as: Jikkan Junishi ~ which relates to 10 stems, as, well as, 12 Branches These Ten (10) Heavenly Stems are related to The Yin-Yang Principles, and, the elements of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. These Twelve (12) earthly branches are related to The Twelve (12) Animals:

    The Rat,
    The Ox,
    The Tiger,
    The Hare/Rabbit,
    The Dragon,
    The Snake,
    The Horse,
    The Sheep,
    The Monkey,
    The Rooster,
    The Dog,
    The Wild Boar/Pig,

    along with:

    The Ten (10) Stems, and, The Twelve (12) Heavenly Branches, they are combined, to create: A cycle of Sixty (60) Two (2) Symbol Combinations. ie; 1958 - was The Year of The Golden Earth Dog The previous year for this was 1898, and, the next year, for Golden Earth Dogs, will be 2018. (-60, +60) This Complex Calendar of The Chinese is known as: The Sexagenarian Cycle.

    Typically the calendar is depicted in a line, BUT when written out in a circle, the symbols are also used to note the time of day and directions.

    (insert chart of hours of the day)

    The Year of The Rat was:
    1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008
    The Year of The Ox was:
    1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

    The Year of The Tiger was:
    1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

    The Year of The Hare/Rabbit was:
    1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

    The Year of The Dragon was:
    1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000

    The Year of The Snake was:
    1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001

    The Year of The Horse was:
    1918, 1930, 1942, 1954,1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

    The Year of The Ram was:
    1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

    The Year of The Monkey was:
    1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

    The Year of The Rooster was:
    1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

    The Year of The Dog was:
    1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018

    The Year of The Pig was:
    1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

    The Chinese Lunar Calendar, along with the animal signs are based on a Twelve (12) Year Cycle, used for dating the years. They represent a Cyclical Concept of Time, rather than, the Western Linear Concept of Time.

    The importance of The Chinese Lunar Calendar, is, that it is based upon The Cycles of The Moon, and, thus, are constructed in a different way, than, that of a WESTERN SOLAR CALENDAR.

    The Chinese calendar, has The Beginning of The Year falling somewhere between Late January, and, Early Februrary.

    The lunar year has Twelve (12) moons and each moon lasts for just over 29.5 or Twenty-nine and a half days.

    In order to make the days in each moon full days, there are Six (6) 'small' months which have Twenty-nine (29) Days each and Six (6) 'larger' months which have Thirty (30) Days each, making for a total of 354 days, eleven days short of the solar calendar. Occasionally the length of the Chinese years changes and there may be either Seven (7) 'small' months (a total of 353 days), or sometimes Seven (7) 'large' months (a total of 355 days). As each year passes, The Lunar Calendar usually falls short of the solar year by ten to twelve days, so in order to bring the lunar calendar in line with the solar calendar an extra month is added at roughly three-year intervals. The Chinese have adopted the Western calendar since 1911, but The Lunar Calendar is still used for festive occasions such as the Chinese New Year or when Chinese horoscope is used. Many Chinese calendars will print both the solar dates and the Chinese lunar dates.

    In the West, the years are dated from the birth of Jesus Christ, for example, 1977 means 1,977 years after the birth of Christ.

    This represents a linear perception of time, with time proceeding in a straight line from the past to the present and the future. In traditional China, dating methods were cyclical, cyclical meaning something that is repeated time after time according to a pattern.

    A popular folk method which reflected this cyclical method of recording years are The Twelve (12) Animal Signs.

    Every year is assigned an animal name or "sign" according to a repeating cycle:
    Rat, Ox, Tiger, Hare/Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Boar/Pig.

    Therefore, every twelve (12) years the same animal name or "sign" would reappear.

    There is also a sixty-year cycle used in China.

    This cycle is made by cooperation of astrological features known as Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches.

    Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches are up to give sixty different combinations and these combinations form a sixty-year period.

    They are also linked to days and hours, and to the twelve animals.

    It means that your Heavenly Stem and Earthly Branch also influence your fortune and your temperament.

    ~ Susan Lynne Schwenger


    Chinese Astrology - RELATES to The signs and, The hours

    It is The Divination of The Future from The Chinese calendar, with its Twelve (12) Cycle of The Animals - aka The Chinese Zodiac which reveals specific principle characteristics of the system: along with The Five (5) Elements of Thought, through calendrical cycles, which are based on Astronomy, as, well as, Ancient Chinese religion.

    The Chinese Zodiac refers to a pure calendrical cycle: there are no equivalent constellations like for the occidental zodiac. Back in The Imperial Times, The Rulers employed Astrologers, who spent their time, watching The Sky, for heavenly omens, which would predict the future of the state; this practice was much different, than the practice of divination. The twelve (12) animals, along with five (5) elements, flow through 60 year cycles.

    The Restless Mouse
    Hours ruled by the Mouse : 11 p.m. to 1 a.m.
    Direction of its sign : Directly North
    Season and principle month : Winter - December
    Corresponds to the Western sign : Sagittarius
    Fixed element : Water
    Stem : Positive

    The Diligent Ox
    Hours ruled by the Ox : 1 a.m. to 3 a.m.
    Direction of its sign : North-Northeast
    Season and principle month : Winter - January
    Corresponds to the Western sign : Capricorn
    Fixed element : Water
    Stem : Negative

    The Powerful Tiger
    Hours ruled by the Tiger : 3 a.m. to 5 a.m.
    Direction of its sign : East-Northeast
    Season and principle month : Spring - February
    Corresponds to the Western sign : Aquarius
    Fixed element : Wood
    Stem : Positive

    The Delicate Rabbit (or hare)
    Hours ruled by the Rabbit : 5 a.m. to 7 a.m.
    Direction of its sign : Directly East
    Season and principle month : Spring - March
    Corresponds to the Western sign : Pisces
    Fixed element : Wood
    Stem : Negative

    The Celestial Dragon
    Hours ruled by the Dragon : 7 a.m. to 9 a.m.
    Direction of its sign : East-Southeast
    Season and principle month : Spring - April
    Corresponds to the Western sign : Aries
    Fixed element : Wood
    Stem : Positive

    The Diplomatic Snake
    Hours ruled by the Snake : 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
    Direction of its sign : South - Southeast
    Season and principle month : Spring - May
    Corresponds to the Western sign : Taurus
    Fixed element : Fire
    Stem : Negative

    The Productive Horse
    Hours ruled by the Horse : 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
    Direction of its sign : Directly South
    Season and principle month : Summer - June
    Corresponds to the Western sign : Gemini
    Fixed element : Fire
    Stem : Positive

    The Gentle Sheep (or goat or ram)
    Hours ruled by the Sheep : 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
    Direction of its sign : South-Southwest
    Season and principle month : Summer - July
    Corresponds to the Western sign : Cancer
    Fixed element : Fire
    Stem : Negative

    The Merry Monkey
    Hours ruled by the Monkey : 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
    Direction of its sign : West-Southwest
    Season and principle month : Summer - August
    Corresponds to the Western sign : Leo
    Fixed element : Metal
    Stem : Positive

    The Enthusiastic Rooster
    Hours ruled by the Rooster : 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
    Direction of its sign : Directly West
    Season and principle month : Fall - September
    Corresponds to the Western sign : Virgo
    Fixed element : Metal
    Stem : Negative

    The Dutiful Dog
    Hours ruled by the Dog : 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
    Direction of its sign : West-Northwest
    Season and principle month : Fall - October
    Corresponds to the Western sign : Libra
    Fixed element : Metal
    Stem : Positive

    The Chivalrous Pig (or boar)
    Hours ruled by the Pig : 9 p.m. to 11 p.m.
    Direction of its sign : North - Northwest
    Season and principle month : Fall - November
    Corresponds to the Western sign : Scorpio
    Fixed element : Water
    Stem : Negative

    Many people do NOT realise the depth of The Chinese System and, believe, that only ONE singular animal, goes to a year, NOT so, as, also 'the hours" relate also to your chart. These yearly cycles represent what others perceive you as being: while a person might appear to be a Dragon they might actually be a Snake internally and an Ox secretively. Combined with these 5 elements, this will makes for 8640 combinations (5 elements, 12 animals, 12 months, 12 times of day). The inner animal is assigned by the month of birth

    This dictates your love life, and also your inner persona, and, it is critical to a proper understanding of your compatibility with other signs

    It may be considered what the individual wishes to become, or believes to be their true self. The secret animal is determined by exact time of birth and is your own true sign which your personality is based on.

    It is important to compensate for daylight savings or any clock adjustment performed by your country, as it is mapped according to the sun's location and not the local time. These are said to be critical for the proper use of Chinese astrology.

    Many Western displays of the Chinese zodiac omit these, as well as the elements, for easier consumption and understanding.



    Chinese Five Elements Diurnal Cycle 24 hour cycle of energy in the human body. waxing and waning of energy in each organ.
    during the time of the living breath, and the time of the dead breath.diurnal and nocturnal actually.
    in the microcosm and the macrocosm of universal eternity.

    The Wu Xing, or the Five Movements, Five Phases or Five Steps/Stages, are chiefly an ancient mnemonic device, in many traditional Chinese fields. It is sometimes translated as Five Elements, but the Wu Xing are chiefly an ancient mnemonic device, hence the preferred translation of "movements", "phases" or "steps" over "elements". By the same token, Mu is thought of as "Tree" rather than "Wood".[1]

    The five elements are:
    The system of five phases was used for describing interactions and relationships between phenomena. It was employed as a device in many fields of early Chinese thought, including seemingly disparate fields such as geomancy or Feng shui, astrology, traditional Chinese medicine, music, military strategy and martial arts. The system is still used as a reference in some forms of complementary and alternative medicine and martial arts. Some[who?] claim the original foundation of these are the concept of the Five Cardinal Points.


    The Interactions of Wu Xing: The creation cycle (black, circle shaped arrows) and the overcoming cycle (white, star shaped arrows).

    The doctrine of five phases describes two cycles, a generating or creation (生, shēng) cycle, also known as "mother-son", and an overcoming or destruction (剋/克, ) cycle, also known as "grandfather-nephew", of interactions between the phases.

    The common memory jogs, which help to remind in what order the phases are:
    • Wood feeds Fire;
    • Fire creates Earth (ash);
    • Earth bears Metal;
    • Metal carries Water (as in a bucket or tap, or water condenses on metal);
    • Water nourishes Wood.
    • Wood absorbs Water;
    • Water rusts Metal;
    • Metal breaks up Earth;
    • Earth smothers Fire;
    • Fire burns Wood.
    Other common words for this cycle include "begets", "engenders" and "mothers."

    • Wood parts Earth (such as roots; or, Trees can prevent soil erosion);
    • Earth absorbs (or muddies) Water (or Earth dam control the water);
    • Water quenches Fire;
    • Fire melts Metal;
    • Metal chops Wood.
    This cycle might also be called "controls", "restrains" or "fathers".

    Cosmology and feng shui


    Another illustration of the cycle.
    Main article: Feng Shui

    According to Wu Xing theory, the structure of the cosmos mirrors the five phases. Each phase has a complex series of associations with different aspects of nature, as can be seen in the following table. In the ancient Chinese form of geomancy known as Feng Shui practitioners all based their art and system on the five phases (Wu Xing). All of these phases are represented within the Ba gua. Associated with these phases are colors, seasons and shapes; all of which are interacting with each other.[2]

    Based on a particular directional energy flow from one phase to the next, the interaction can be expansive, destructive, or exhaustive. With proper knowledge of such aspect of energy flow will enable the Feng Shui practitioner to apply certain cures or rearrangement of energy in a way they believe to be beneficial for the receiver of the Feng Shui "Treatment."

    Ba gua

    Main article: Ba gua
    The movements have also been correlated to the eight trigrams of the I Ching:

    I ChingHeavenEarthThunderWindWaterFireMountainLake
    Trigrams☰ 乾 qián☷ 坤 kūn☳ 震 zhèn☴ 巽 xùn☵ 坎 kǎn☲ 離 lí☶ 艮 gèn
    ☱ 兌 duì
    Chinese medicine


    Five Chinese Elements - Diurnal Cycle
    Main article: Traditional Chinese medicine

    The interdependence of Zang Fu networks in the body was noted to be a circle of five things, and so mapped by the Chinese doctors onto the five phases. For instance, the Liver (Wood phase) is said to be the "mother" of the heart (Fire phase), and the Kidneys (Water phase) the mother of the Liver. The key observation was things like kidney deficiency affecting the function of the liver. In this case, the "mother" is weak, and cannot support the child. However, the Kidneys control the heart along the Ke cycle, so the Kidneys are said to restrain the heart. Many of these interactions can nowadays be linked to known physiological pathways (such as Kidney pH affecting heart activity).[citation needed]
    The key thing to keep in mind with the Chinese medical application of the five elements is that it is only a model, and it is known to have exceptions.

    The citation order of the Five Phases, i.e., the order in which they are cited in the Bo Hu Tong and other Han dynasty texts, is Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth. The organs are most effectively treated, according to theory, in the following four-hour periods throughout the day, beginning with the 3 a.m. to 7 a. m. period: Metal organs (see the list below), Earth organs, Fire1 organs, Water organs, Fire2 (the "non-empirical" Pericardium and Triple Burner organs), and Wood organs, which is the reverse of the citation order (plus an extra use of Fire and the non-empirical organs to take care of the sixth four-hour period of the day). These two orders are further related to the sequence of the planets going outward from the sun (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, or Water, Metal, Fire, Wood, and Earth) by a star diagram similar to the one shown above.[3]

    The sequence of the five elements (Traditional Chinese medicine):promotion, inhibition, Cheng (bullying), Wu (insult).

    Celestial stem

    Main article: Celestial stem
    Heavenly StemJia 甲
    Yi 乙
    Bing 丙
    Ding 丁
    Wu 戊
    Ji 己
    Geng 庚
    Xin 辛
    Ren 壬
    Gui 癸
    Year ends with4, 56, 78, 90, 12, 3

    Main article: Chinese music
    The Yuèlìng chapter (月令篇) of the Lǐjì (禮記) and the Huáinánzǐ (淮南子) make the following correlations:
    ColourGreen and BlueRedYellowWhiteBlack


    The Basic Pentatonic Scale
    jué 角 (mi)zhǐ 徵 (so)gōng 宮 (do)shāng 商 (re) 羽 (la)
    • The Chinese word 青 qīng, has many meanings, including green, azure, cyan, and black. It refers to green in Wu Xing.
    • In most modern music, various seven note or five note scales (e.g., the major scale) are defined by selecting seven or five frequencies from the set of twelve semi-tones in the Equal tempered tuning. The Chinese "lǜ" tuning is closest to the ancient Greek tuning of Pythagoras. See Chinese musicology.)
    Martial arts


    Main article: Tai chi chuan

    Taijiquan uses the five elements to designate different directions, positions or footwork patterns. Either forward, backward, left, right and centre, or three steps forward (attack) and two steps back (retreat).[5]
    The Five Steps (五步 wǔ bù):
    Chin Pu (進步 jìn bù) - Forward step.
    T'ui Pu (退步 tùi bù) - Backward step.
    Tsuo Ku (左顧 (simpl.: 左顾) zǔo gù) - Left step.
    You P'an (右盼 yòu pàn) - Right step.
    Chung Ting (中定 zhōng dìng) - The central position, balance, equilibrium.


    Main article: Xingyiquan
    Xingyiquan uses the five elements to metaphorically represent five different states of combat.
    WoodCrushingBēngTo collapse, as a building collapsing in on itself.
    FirePoundingPàoExploding outward like a cannon while blocking.
    EarthCrossingHéngCrossing across the line of attack while turning over.
    MetalSplittingTo split like an axe chopping up and over.
    WaterDrillingZuānDrilling forward horizontally like a geyser.
    See also


    Tablet, in Chinese and Manchu, for the gods of the 5 elements in the Temple of Heaven

    • Feng Youlan (Yu-lan Fung), A History of Chinese Philosophy, volume 2, p. 13
    • Joseph Needham, Science and Civilization in China, volume 2, pp. 262–23
    • Maciocia, G. 2005, The Foundations of Chinese Medicine, 2nd edn, Elsevier Ltd., London

    1. ^千古中医之张仲景. Wood and Metal were often replaced with air. Lecture Room, CCTV-10.
    2. ^Chinese Five Elements Chart Information on the Chinese Five Elements from Northern Shaolin Academy in Microsoft Excel 2003 Format
    3. ^ See 5 Xing in Citation Order.
    4. ^promotioninhibitionChengwu
    5. ^Wu, Kung-tsao (1980, 2006). Wu Family T'ai Chi Ch'uan (吳家太極拳). Chien-ch’uan T’ai-chi Ch’uan Association. ISBN 0-9780499-0-X.
    External links


    1958 - The Year of The Golden Earth Dog


    Chinese Astrology is the divination of the future from the Chinese calendar, which is based on astronomy, and ancient Chinese philosophy.

    In particular, Chinese Astrology is based on the sexagenary cycle of 60 years that has been documented
    since the time of the Shang Dynasty at the latest.

    This basic cycle has been constructed from two cycles: the 10 heavenly stems (the five elements in their yin and yang forms) and the 12 earthly branches, or the 12-year cycle of animals referred to as the Chinese zodiac.

    The Chinese animal zodiac also operates on a cycle of months or 'moons' and of hours of the day.

    The Chinese zodiac refers to a pure calendrical cycle; there are no equivalent constellations like those of the occidental zodiac.

    In imperial Chinese times there were astrologers who watched the sky for heavenly omens that would predict the future of the state, but this was a quite different practice of divination from the popular present-day methods.

    Background of Chinese Astrology:
    The ancient Chinese astronomers called the 5 major planets by the names of the element they were associated with: Venus corresponds to Metal (gold); Jupiter to Wood; Mercury to Water; Mars to Fire; Saturn to Earth. According to Chinese Astrology, a person's destiny can be determined by the position of the major planets, along with the positions of the Sun, Moon and comets and the person's time of birth and Zodiac Sign. The Chinese Astrology system of the twelve year cycle of animal signs was built from observations of the orbit of Jupiter. Chinese astronomers divided the celestial circle into 12 sections to follow the orbit of Suìxing (Jupiter, the Year Star). Astronomers rounded the orbit of Suixing to 12 years (from 11.86). Suixing was associated with Sheti and sometimes called Sheti. A laborious system of computing one's fate and destiny based on one's birthday and birth hours is still used regularly in modern day Chinese astrology to divine one's fortune. The 28 Chinese constellations are quite different from the 88 Western constellations. In addition to astrological readings of the heavenly bodies, the stars in the sky form the basis of many fairy tales. For example, the Summer Triangle is the trio of the cowherd (Altair), the weaving maiden fairy (Vega), and the "tai bai" fairy (Deneb). The two forbidden lovers were separated by the silvery river (the Milky Way). Each year on the seventh day of the seventh month in the Chinese calendar, the birds form a bridge across the Milky Way. The cowherd carries their two sons (the two stars on each side of Altair) across the bridge to reunite with their fairy mother. The tai bai fairy acts as the chaperone of these two immortal lovers.

    The lunisolar calendar in Chinese Astrology:
    The 60-year cycle consists of two separate cycles interacting with each other. The first is the cycle of ten heavenly stems, namely the Five Elements (in order Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water) in their Yin and Yang forms. The second is the cycle of the twelve Zodiac animal signs or Earthly Branches. They are in order as follows: the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep (ram or goat), monkey, rooster, dog, and boar . This combination of 5 elements × 12 animals creates the 60-year cycle, which always starts with Wood Rat and ends with Water Boar. Since the zodiac animal cycle of 12 is divisible by two, every zodiac sign can also only occur in either yin or yang: the dragon is always yang, the snake is always yin, etc. When trying to calculate the relevant year, an easy rule to follow is that years that end in an even number are yang, those that end with an odd number are yin. The cycle proceeds as follows:

    If the year ends in 0 it is Yang Metal.
    If the year ends in 1 it is Yin Metal.
    If the year ends in 2 it is Yang Water.
    If the year ends in 3 it is Yin Water.
    If the year ends in 4 it is Yang Wood.
    If the year ends in 5 it is Yin Wood.
    If the year ends in 6 it is Yang Fire.
    If the year ends in 7 it is Yin Fire.
    If the year ends in 8 it is Yang Earth.
    If the year ends in 9 it is Yin Earth.
    However, since the (traditional) Chinese zodiac follows the (lunisolar)

    Chinese calendar, the switch over date is the Chinese New Year, not January 1 as in the Gregorian calendar. Therefore, a person who was born in January or early February has the sign of the previous year. For example, if a person was born in January 1970, his or her element would still be Yin Earth, not Yang Metal. Similarly, although 1990 was called the year of the horse, anyone born from January 1 to January 26, 1990 was in fact born in the Year of the Snake (the sign of the previous year), because the 1990 Year of the Horse did not begin until January 27, 1990.

    For this reason, many online sign calculators (and Chinese restaurant placemats) will give a person the wrong sign if he/she was born in January or early February.

    The start of a new Zodiac is also celebrated on Chinese New Year along with many other customs.

    Five elements in Chinese Astrology:
    The Yin or Yang is broken down into Five Elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water) on top of the cycle of animals. These are modifiers and affect the characteristics of each of the 12 animal signs. Thus, each of the 12 animals are governed by an element plus a Yin Yang Direction. The Chinese conception of 'element' is therefore quite different to the Western one.

    The Western elements were seen as the basic building blocks of matter. The Chinese 'elements', by contrast, were seen as ever changing and moving forces or energies - one translation of xing is simply 'the five changes'. The balance of yin and yang and the five elements in a person's make-up has a major bearing on what is beneficial and effective for them in terms of feng shui, the Chinese form of geomancy. This is because each element is linked to a particular direction and season, and their different kinds of qì or life force.

    Wood in Chinese Astrology:
    The East
    Azure Dragon
    The Planet Jupiter
    The Color Green
    Liver and gallbladder
    Generous, Warm, Persuasive, Co-operative, Seeks to Expand and Grow
    Idealistic, Ethical, Enthusiastic, Seeks to Explore
    Wood 'Governs' the Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon

    Fire in Chinese Astrology:
    The South
    Vermilion Bird
    The Planet Mars
    The Color Red
    Circulatory system and Heart
    Dynamic, Humanitarian, Energetic, Passionate, Enterprising, Adventurous, Restless
    Competitive, Leadership Skills, Strong, Single-minded, Loves a good laugh
    Fire 'Governs' the Snake, Horse and Sheep.

    Earth in Chinese Astrology:
    Three Enclosures, Change of seasons
    The Yellow Dragon
    The Planet Saturn
    The Color Yellow
    Digestive system, Spleen and stomach
    Patient, Militaristic, Prudent, Stable, Reliable, Hard-working, Ambitious, Stubborn, and very energetic
    Disciplined, Tenacious, Logical, Governed by Service and Duty to Others
    'Governs' Dragon, Rat, and Ox. It is the central balance of the elements and can lend qualities to all 12 animals as well.

    Metal in Chinese Astrology:
    The West
    White Tiger
    The Planet Venus
    The Color White
    Respiratory system & Lungs Determined, Self-reliant, Unyielding, Strong, Tenacious, Forceful
    Reserved, Needs Personal Space, Sophisticated, Seeks pleasure, caring, respectful
    Metal 'Governs' the Monkey, Rooster, Dog.

    Water in Chinese Astrology:
    The North
    Black Tortoise
    The Planet Mercury
    The Color Black
    Skeletal/Excretory System and Lungs
    Secretive, Charming, Intuitive, Compassionate, Sensitive, Creative
    Flexible, Compliant, Eloquence, Intellectual
    Water 'Governs' the Pig, Rat, Ox.

    Element cycles in Chinese Astrology:
    Interactions of Five Chinese Elements - Cycles of Balance and Cycles of ImbalanceThe doctrine of five phases describes two Cycles of Balance, a generating or creation cycle and an overcoming or destruction cycle of interactions between the phases.

    Generating: Wood feeds Fire; Fire creates Earth (ash); Earth bears Metal; Metal collects Water and Water nourishes Wood.

    Overcoming: wood parts earth; earth absorbs water; water quenches fire; fire melts metal and metal chops wood

    The 12 zodiac animals in Chinese Astrology:
    In Chinese astrology the zodiac of twelve animal signs represents twelve different types of personality. The zodiac traditionally begins with the sign of the Rat, and there are many stories about the Origins of the Chinese Zodiac which explain why this is so.

    Rat (Yang, 1st Trine, Fixed Element Water): Forthright, disciplined, systematic, meticulous, charismatic, hardworking, industrious, charming, eloquent, sociable, shrewd. Can be manipulative, cruel, dictatorial, rigid, selfish, obstinate, critical, over-ambitious, ruthless, intolerant, scheming. Ox (Yin, 2nd Trine, Fixed Element Water): Dependable, calm, methodical, patient, hardworking, ambitious, conventional, steady, modest, logical, resolute, tenacious. Can be stubborn, narrow-minded, materialistic, rigid, demanding. Tiger (Yang, 3rd Trine, Fixed Element Wood): Unpredictable, rebellious, colorful, powerful, passionate, daring, impulsive, vigorous, stimulating, sincere, affectionate, humanitarian, generous. Can be restless, reckless, impatient, quick-tempered, obstinate, selfish. Rabbit (Yin, 4th Trine, Fixed Element Wood): Gracious, kind, sensitive, soft-spoken, amiable, elegant, reserved, cautious, artistic, thorough, tender, self-assured, astute, compassionate, flexible. Can be moody, detached, superficial, self-indulgent, opportunistic, lazy. Dragon (Yang, 1st Trine, Fixed Element Wood): Magnanimous, vigorous, strong, self-assured, proud, direct, eager, zealous, fiery, passionate, decisive, pioneering, ambitious, generous, loyal. Can be arrogant, tyrannical, demanding, eccentric, dogmatic, over-bearing, impetuous, brash. Snake (Yin, 2nd Trine, Fixed Element Fire): Deep thinker, wise, mystic, graceful, soft-spoken, sensual, creative, prudent, shrewd, ambitious, elegant, cautious, responsible, calm, strong, constant, purposeful. Can be loner, bad communicator, possessive, hedonistic, self-doubting, distrustful, mendacious. Horse (Yang, 3rd Trine, Fixed Element Fire): Cheerful, popular, quick-witted, changeable, earthy, perceptive, talkative, agile mentally and physically, magnetic, intelligent, astute, flexible, open-minded. Can be fickle, anxious, rude, gullible, stubborn, lack stability and perseverance. Sheep (Yin, 4th Trine, Fixed Element Fire): Righteous, sincere, sympathetic, mild-mannered, shy, artistic, creative, gentle, compassionate, understanding, mothering, determined, peaceful, generous, seeks security. Can be moody, indecisive, over-passive, worrier, pessimistic, over-sensitive, complainer. Monkey (Yang, 1st Trine, Fixed Element Metal): Inventor, motivator, improviser, quick-witted, inquisitive, flexible, innovative, problem solver, self-assured, sociable, polite, dignified, competitive, objective, factual, intellectual. Can be egotistical, vain, selfish, cunning, jealous, suspicious. Rooster (Yin, 2nd Trine, Fixed Element Metal): Acute, neat, meticulous, organized, self-assured, decisive, conservative, critical, perfectionist, alert, zealous, practical, scientific, responsible. Can be over zealous and critical, puritanical, egotistical, abrasive, opinionated. Dog (Yang, 3rd Trine, Fixed Element Metal): Honest, intelligent, straightforward, loyal, sense of justice and fair play, attractive, amiable, unpretentious, sociable, open-minded, idealistic, moralistic, practical, affectionate, dogged. Can be cynical, lazy, cold, judgmental, pessimistic, worrier, stubborn, quarrelsome. Pig (Yin, 4th Trine, Fixed Element Water): Honest, simple, gallant, sturdy, sociable, peace-loving, patient, loyal, hard-working, trusting, sincere, calm, understanding, thoughtful, scrupulous, passionate, intelligent. Can be naive, over-reliant, self-indulgent, gullible, fatalistic, materialistic. In Chinese astrology the animal signs assigned by year represent what others perceive you as being or how you present yourself. It is a common misconception that the animals assigned by year are the only signs, and many western descriptions of Chinese astrology draw solely on this system. In fact, there are also animal signs assigned by month (called inner animals) and hours of the day (called secret animals).

    To sum it up, while a person might appear to be a dragon because they were born in the year of the dragon, they might also be a snake internally and an ox secretively. In total, this makes for 8,640 possible combinations (five elements x 12 animals in the 60 year cycle (12 x 5 = 60) , 12 months, 12 times of day) that a person might be. These are all critical for the proper use of Chinese astrology.

    The months - the inner animals in Chinese Astrology:
    The 12 animals are also linked to the traditional Chinese agricultural calendar, that runs alongside the better known lunar calendar. Instead of months, this calendar is divided into 24 two week segments known as Solar Terms. Each animal is linked to two of these solar terms for a period similar to the Western month. Unlike the 60 year lunar calendar, which can vary by as much as a month in relation to the Western calendar, the agricultural calendar varies by only one day, beginning on the Western February 3rd or 4th every year. Again unlike the cycle of the lunar years, which begins with the Rat, the agricultural calendar begins with the Tiger as it is the first animal of spring. An individual's monthly animal sign is called their inner animal and is concerned with what motivates a person. Since this sign dictates the person's love life and inner persona, it is critical to a proper understanding of the individual's compatibility with other signs. As each sign is linked to a month of the solar year, it is thereby also linked to a season. Each of the elements are also linked to a season, and the element that shares a season with a sign is known as that sign's fixed element. In other words, that element is believed to impart some of its characteristics to the sign concerned. The fixed element of each sign applies also to the year and hour signs, and not just the monthly sign. It is important to note that the fixed element is separate from the cycle of elements which interact with the signs in the 60 year cycle.

    The hours - the secret animals in Chinese Astrology:
    The Chinese zodiac is also used to label times of day, with each sign corresponding to a "large-hour", which is a two-hour period (24 divided by 12 animals). It is therefore important to know the exact time of birth to determine it.

    The secret animal is thought to be a person’s truest representation, since this animal is determined by the smallest denominator: a person’s birth hour. As this sign is based on the position of the sun in the sky and not the time of your local clock, it is important to compensate of daylight savings time. However, some online systems already compensate for daylight savings time, and astrologers may compensate your time for you oblivious to the fact that you've compensated it yourself, leading to an inaccurate reading. The large-hour in which a person is born is their secret animal. It is a person's own true sign which their personality is based on. Note that while this chart is quite accurate, the exact time at which each animal begins shifts by the day.

    23:00 - 01:00: rat
    01:00 - 03:00: ox
    03:00 - 05:00: tiger
    05:00 - 07:00: rabbit
    07:00 - 09:00: dragon
    09:00 - 11:00: snake
    11:00 - 13:00: horse
    13:00 - 15:00: sheep
    15:00 - 17:00: monkey
    17:00 - 19:00: rooster
    19:00 - 21:00: dog
    21:00 - 23:00: pig

    Categorizations of the twelve signs in Chinese Astrology:
    Power Signs

    Romance Signs


    The Four Animal Trines in Chinese Astrology:
    The First Trine in Chinese Astrology:

    The first trine consists of the Rat, Dragon, and Monkey. These three signs are intense and powerful individuals, capable of great good or great evil. They make great leaders, but the three have different approaches. Rats and Dragons have a tendency to be quite dictatorial and autocratic, whilst Monkeys are more diplomatic. Frustrated when hampered, these signs are ruled by highly potent energy and unpredictability. They are intelligent, magnanimous, charismatic, charming, authoritative, confident, eloquent and artistic. They can also be tyrannical, bombastic, prejudiced, deceitful, imperious, ruthless, power-hungry, and megalomaniacal.

    The Second Trine in Chinese Astrology:
    The second trine consists of the Ox, Snake, and Rooster. These three soul mates conquer life through endurance, application, and slow accumulation of energy. Although each sign is fixed and rigid in opinions and views, they are genius in the art of meticulous planning. They are hardworking, discreet, modest, industrious, charitable, loyal, punctual, philosophical, patient, and good-hearted individuals with high moral standards. They can also be self-righteous, vain, critical, judgmental, unimaginative, narrow-minded, petty, and pessimistic.

    The Third Trine in Chinese Astrology:
    The third trine consists of the Tiger, Horse, and Dog. These three signs seek one another, and are like-minded in their pursuit of humanitarian causes. Each is a gifted orator and excels at verbal communication. Relationships and personal contact are of highest priority and each one seek their intimate soul mate. Idealistic and impulsive, the Tiger, Horse and Dog follow the beat of their own drummer. Defiant against injustice, these three signs wilt without large amounts of physical affection and loyal support for causes. They are productive, enthusiastic, independent, engaging, dynamic, and honourable. They can also be rash, rebellious, quarrelsome, hot-headed, reckless, anxious, moody, disagreeable, stubborn, and selfish.

    The Fourth Trine in Chinese Astrology:
    The fourth trine consists of the Rabbit, Sheep and Pig. The quest for these three signs is the aesthetic and beautiful in life. Their calm nature gives them great leadership abilities. They are artistic, refined, intuitive, and well-mannered. These souls love the preliminaries in love, and are fine artists in their lovemaking. The Rabbit, Sheep and Pig have been bestowed with calmer natures than the other 9 signs. These three are compassionately aware, yet detached and resigned to their condition. They seek beauty and a sensitive lover. They are caring, unique, self-sacrificing, obliging, sensible, creative, emphatic, tactful, and prudent. They can also be naive, pedantic, insecure, cunning, indecisive, and pessimistic.

    Origins of the Chinese Zodiac in Chinese Astrology:
    According to one legend, in the sixth century B.C. the Jade Emperor invited all the animals in creation to a race, only twelve showed up: the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Lamb, Monkey, XXXX, Dog, and Pig, and according to their places in the race, the Jade Emperor had given them each a number starting with the Rat who was the winner of the race. Many legends arose from the Race of the Chinese Zodiacs. One told of the reason why cats and rats shall always be enemies: He and the cat (at the time good friends) were poor swimmers, so they asked the ox if they could stay on top of his head to cross the river. Along the way he pushed the cat off of the ox's back. And the cat, incapable of swimming, lagged behind. The rat stayed on top of the ox's head until the ox was almost at the finish line. And as the ox was about to cross it, the rat jumped from the ox's head and became first place. And the cat and rat have been enemies ever since. Another legend tells that the cat had asked the rat to wake him up the day of the Race. The rat agreed, but on the said day, he did not wake the cat in his greed to win. When the cat finally woke up and got to the racing ground, he found the race to be over. The cat then swore revenge upon the rat. The legend of the Zodiac Race, of course, is by far the least credible of all explanations of the origin of the Chinese zodiac. Because the "twelve earthly branches" which correspond with the zodiac, was already in existence as early as the Zhou era, long before the advent of Buddhism. A parallel decimal set of symbols called "ten heavenly stems", corresponding with yin-yang dualism and the five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, water) was in existence in the Shang dynasty as the stems were part of Shang rulers' names. The Zodiac, or the "twelve earthly branches" is probably devised together with the ten heavenly stems. As a duodecimal numeral system, the twelve earthly branches is probably evidence for trade between early tribes that later contributed to the Chinese civilization on the one hand, and the Mesopotamian civilization, which perfected duodecimal arithmetics, on the other. The Chinese zodiac, though not entirely identical with the Greek zodiac, nonetheless shares with it the duodecimal system and the idea of using animals as numerical symbols. This is a hint for the triangular relations between early Chinese, Mesopotamian and Greek cultures. When the Bulgars, an early Turkic tribe within the Hun tribal federation that invaded Europe at the end of the Roman Empire, brought with them the very same Chinese zodiac. This is a probability that the Chinese zodiac is of northern Chinese origin, commonly shared among Altaic and northern Chinese tribes. However, nowadays the Thai and Tibetans use the same zodiac with slight modification, probably due to millennia of contact with the Chinese civilization.

    Chinese zodiac in other countries:
    The Chinese zodiac signs are also used by cultures other than Chinese. For one example, they usually appear on Japanese New Year's cards and stamps. The United States Postal Service and those of several other countries issue a "Year of the _____" postage stamp each year to honor this Chinese heritage. However, those unfamiliar with the use of the Chinese lunar calendar usually just assume that the signs switch over on Jan 1 of each year. Those who are serious about the fortune telling aspect of the signs can consult a table, such as the one above. The Chinese zodiac is also used in some other Asian countries that have been under the cultural influence of China. However, some of the animals in the Zodiac may differ by country. East Asia:
    For example, the Vietnamese zodiac is almost identical to Chinese zodiac except that the second animal is the water buffalo instead of the ox, the fourth animal is the cat instead of the rabbit and the eighth animal is the goat instead of the sheep. The Japanese zodiac includes the wild boar instead of the pig, and the Thai zodiac includes a naga in place of the dragon. Turkic people:
    The European Huns used the Chinese Zodiac complete with "dragon", "pig". This common Chinese-Turkic Zodiac was in use in Balkan Bulgaria well into the Bulgars' adoption of Slavic language and Orthodox Christianity. Following is the Hunnish or Turkic Bulgarian Pagan zodiac calendar, distinctive from the Greek zodiac but much in conformity with the Chinese one:

    History Of Chinese Astrology
    Chinese Astrology is more than 2,000 years old. Originally, astrology and astronomy were inseparable. Practitioners were always present as officials of the imperial court. Astrology was also used to show what would even happen to a nation. By the time of the Tand Dynasty (618-907) a whole encyclopedia had been written about how to give astrology readings for people. Astrology was always traditionally regarded very highly in China, and indeed Confucius is said to have treated astrology with respect saying: "Heaven sends down its good or evil symbols and wise men act accordingly". The 60 year cycle combining the five elements with the twelve animal signs of the zodiac has been documented in China since at least the time of the Shang (Shing or Yin) dynasty (ca 1766BC - CA 1050BC). Oracles bones have been found dating from that period with the date according to the 60 year cycle inscribed on them, along with the name of the diviner and the topic being divined about. One of the most famous astrologers in China was Tsou Yen who lived in around 300 BC, and who wrote: "When some new dynasty is going to arise, heaven exhibits auspicious signs for the people".

    Year Of The Rat
    The Year of the Rat in Chinese Astrology.
    Rat people are expressive and can be talkative sometimes. They like to go to parties and spend time chatting with their friends. Rat people usually have more acquaintances than real friends. The Rat is also quick witted.
    Most rats get more accomplished in 24 hours than the rest of us do in as many days. Rat people are Stubborn.
    They prefer to live by their own rules. They are very organized and talented. The Rat makes a good businessman or politician. Unfortunately, as soon as the Rat earns money, they spend it.

    Ranking order : First
    Hours ruled by the rat : 11pm - 1am
    Direction of its sign : Directly North
    Season and principal month : Winter December
    Corresponds to Western sign : Sagittarius
    Fixed Element : Water
    Stem : Positive

    31 January 1900 - 18 February 1901
    10 February 1912 - 5 February 1913
    5 February 1924 - 24 January 1925
    24 January 1936 - 10 February 1937
    10 February 1948 - 28 January 1949
    28 January 1960 - 14 February 1961
    15 February 1972 - 2 February 1973
    2 February 1984 - 19 February 1985
    18 February 1996 - 6 February 1997
    7 February 2008 - 25 January 2009
    24 January 2020 - 11 February 2021
    Greatest Affinity : Dragon, Monkey
    Greatest Enmity : Horse.

    Year Of The Ox
    The Year of the Ox in Chinese Astrology.
    Ox people are hard working and persistent. They hold up their high standards as a model and severely judge those who don't aspire to maintain these same ideals. They are capable of fearsome rages, therefore it is better not to cross an Oxen. They are patient, and caring and that makes the Oxen the best friend you can ever have.

    Ranking order : Second
    Hours ruled by the ox : 1 am - 3 am
    Direction of its sign : North-Northeast
    Season and principal month : Winter-January
    Corresponds to Western sign : Capricorn
    Fixed Element : Water
    Stem : Negative

    19 February 1901 - 7 February 1902
    6 February 1913 - 25 January 1914
    25 January 1925 - 12 February 1926
    11 February 1937 - 30 January 1938
    29 January 1949 - 16 February 1950
    15 February 1961 - 4 February 1962
    3 February 1973 - 22 January 1974
    20 February 1985 - 8 February 1986
    7 February 1997 - 28 January 1998
    26 January 2009 - 14 February 2010
    12 February 2021 - 31 January 2022
    31 January 2033 - 18 February 2034
    Greatest Affinity : Rooster, Snake
    Greatest Enmity : Sheep.

    Year Of The Tiger
    The Year of the Tiger in Chinese Astrology.
    Born Leader, is the key word for the Tigers. Tigers are unpredictable, always tense. and like to be in a hurry. They are magnetic characters and their natural air of authority confers a certain prestige on them. Although they love adventures, and are addicted to excitement.

    Ranking order : Third
    Hours ruled by the tiger : 3 am - 5 am
    Direction of its sign : East-Northeast
    Season and principal month : Winter-February
    Corresponds to Western sign : Aquarius
    Fixed Element : Wood
    Stem : Positive

    8 February 1902 - 28 January 1903
    26 January 1914 - 13 February 1915
    13 February 1926 - 1 February 1927
    31 January 1938 - 18 February 1939
    17 February 1950 - 5 February 1951
    5 February 1962 - 24 January 1963
    23 January 1974 - 10 February 1975
    9 February 1986 - 28 January 1987
    28 January 1998 - 15 February 1999
    15 February 2010 - 2 February 2011
    1 February 2022 - 21 January 2023
    Greatest Affinity : Dog, Horse
    Greatest Enmity : Monkey.

    Year Of The Rabbit
    The Year of the Rabbit in Chinese Astrology.
    Rabbits are usually kind, sweet and popular people. Rabbit people have good artistic sense and taste. They are also usually well-dressed. Rabbit people are also pessimistic. They are conservative and insecure. They can be great partners in relationships. Romantic and sweet, faithful too, rabbit people never lack of suitors.

    Ranking order : Fourth
    Hours ruled by the rabbit : 5 am - 7 am
    Direction of its sign : Directly East
    Season and principal month : Spring - March
    Corresponds to Western sign : Pisces
    Fixed Element : Wood
    Stem : Negative

    29 January 1903 - 15 February 1904
    14 February 1915 - 2 February 1916
    2 February 1927 - 22 January 1928
    19 February 1939 - 7 February 1940
    6 February 1951 - 26 January 1952
    25 January 1963 - 12 February 1964
    11 February 1975 - 30 January 1976
    29 January 1987 - 16 February 1988 16 February 1999 - 4 February 2000
    3 February 2011 - 22 January 2012
    22 January 2023 - 9 February 2024
    8 February 2035 - 27 January 2036
    2047 - 2048: Fire Hare
    Greatest Affinity : Sheep, Boar
    Greatest Enmity : Rooster.

    Year Of The Dragon
    The Year of the Dragon in Chinese Astrology.
    Dragons are born leaders and masters of ceremonies. Dragon people get things started and keep them moving. They are feisty and gifted with power and luck. Irritable and stubborn, the Dragon is a real big mouth and his words often outrun his thoughts. Nevertheless, his opinions are worth listening to and his advice is always good. The Dragon is often loved. He is never disappointed in love. In fact, he is frequently the cause of some drama of despair. The women of this sign are surrounded by admirers and often demanded in marriage.

    Ranking order : Fifth
    Hours ruled by the DRAGON : 7 am - 9 am
    Direction of its sign : East-Southeast
    Season and principal month : Spring - April
    Corresponds to Western sign : Aries
    Fixed Element : Wood
    Stem : Positive

    16 February 1904 - 3 February 1905
    3 February 1916 - 22 January 1917
    23 January 1928 - 9 February 1929
    8 February 1940 - 26 January 1941
    27 January 1952 - 13 February 1953
    13 February 1964 - 1 February 1965:
    31 January 1976 - 17 February 1977
    17 February 1988 - 5 February 1989
    5 February 2000 - 23 January 2001
    23 January 2012 - 9 February 2013
    10 February 2024 - 28 January 2025 Greatest Affinity : Rat , Monkey
    Greatest Enmity : Dog.

    Year Of The Snake
    The Year of the Snake in Chinese Astrology.
    Snake people are born charming and popular. Snakes are spotlight magnets, and they will not be ignored. They makes decisions quickly and firmly.Snake people rely heavily on first impressions, on their own feelings, on their sympathies, rather than on facts, on the advice and opinions on others. They seem to have a kind of sixth sense in this way. They are capable of telling big lies. The Snake should stick to careers that won't involve any risk, even the risk of working too hard, for to tell the truth, the Snake is a bit lazy. Snake can be jealous and possessive in love.

    Ranking order : Sixth
    Hours ruled by the SNAKE : 9 am - 11 am
    Direction of its sign : South - Southeast
    Season and principal month : Spring - May
    Corresponds to Western sign : Taurus
    Fixed Element : Fire
    Stem : Negative

    4 February 1905 - 24 January 1906
    23 January 1917 - 10 February 1918
    10 February 1929 - 29 January 1930
    27 January 1941 - 14 February 1942
    14 February 1953 - 2 February 1954
    2 February 1965 - 20 January 1966
    18 February 1977 - 6 February 1978
    6 February 1989 - 26 January 1990
    24 January 2001 - 11 February 2002
    10 February 2013 - 30 January 2014
    29 January 2025 - 16 February 2026
    15 February 2037 - 4 February 2038 Greatest Affinity : Ox , Rooster
    Greatest Enmity : Boar.

    Year Of The Horse
    The Year of the Horse in Chinese Astrology. Horse people are active and energetic. They got plenty of sex-appeal and know how to dress.The horse is very quick-witted. The Horse is hot-blooded, hot-headed, impatient, and an egoist. The Horse is a worker, adepts at handling money and a good financier. The Horse will give up everything for love. Horses are proud yet sweet-natured, arrogant yet oddly modest in their approach to love, envious but tolerant, conceited yet humble.

    Ranking order : Seventh
    Hours ruled by the HORSE : 11 am - 1 pm
    Direction of its sign : Directly South
    Season and principal month : Summer - June
    Corresponds to Western sign : Gemini
    Fixed Element : Fire
    Stem : Positive

    25 January 1906 - 12 February 1907
    11 February 1918 - 31 January 1919
    30 January 1930 - 16 February 1931
    15 February 1942 - 4 February 1943
    3 February 1954 - 23 January 1955
    21 January 1966 - 8 February 1967
    7 February 1978 - 27 January 1979
    27 January 1990 - 14 February 1991
    12 February 2002 - 31 January 2003
    31 January 2014 - 18 February 2015
    17 February 2026-5 February 2027
    Greatest Affinity : Tiger, Dog
    Greatest Enmity : Rat.

    Year Of The Goat
    The Year of the Goat in Chinese Astrology.
    Goat people are elegant, charming, artistic, gifted and fond of nature. People born under this sign are also the most creative. They usually shy from confrontation, pull back when faced with heavy decision-making and blatantly refuse to take an unpopular stand in a conflict. Goat people are dreamers. They are obsessed with their appearance. Goats like to study the esoteric to know more about the unknown. They enjoy reading books about horoscope and fortune telling. Goat people are very romantic sensitive, sweet and darling.

    Ranking order : Eighth
    Hours ruled by the Goat : 1 pm - 3 pm
    Direction of its sign : South - Southwest
    Season and principal month : Summer - July
    Corresponds to Western sign : Cancer
    Fixed Element : Fire
    Stem : Negative

    13 February 1907 - 1 February 1908
    1 February 1919 - 19 February 1920
    17 February 1931 - 5 February 1932
    5 February 1943 - 24 January 1944
    24 January 1955 - 11 February 1956
    9 February 1967 - 29 January 1968
    28 January 1979 - 15 February 1980
    15 February 1991 - 3 February 1992
    1 February 2003 - 21 January 2004
    19 February 2015 - 7 February 2016
    Greatest Affinity : Rabbit, Boar
    Greatest Enmity : Ox.

    Year Of The Monkey
    The Year of the Monkey in Chinese Astrology.
    Monkeys are fun and loving persons who are always cheerful and energetic. If you go to a party, you'll find Monkeys at the center of attention. Their charm and humor is the key to their popularity. Monkey people are very good at problem solving. Wherever you are, whoever you may be, if you've got a problem pick up the phone and dial-a-Monkey. Monkeys know how to listen closely and work out solutions at the same time.

    Ranking order : Ninth
    Hours ruled by the MONKEY : 3 pm - 5 pm
    Direction of its sign : West - Southwest
    Season and principal month : Summer - August
    Corresponds to Western sign : Leo
    Fixed Element : Metal
    Stem : Positive

    20 February 1920 - 7 February 1921
    6 February 1932 - 25 January 1933
    25 January 1944 - 12 February 1945
    12 February 1956 - 30 January 1957
    30 January 1968 - 16 February 1969
    16 February 1980 - 4 February 1981
    4 February 1992 - 6 January 1993
    22 January 2004 - 8 February 2005
    8 February 2016 - 27 January 2017
    26 January 2028 - 12 February 2029
    Greatest Affinity : Dragon, Rat
    Greatest Enmity : Tiger.

    Year Of The Rooster
    The Year of the Rooster in Chinese Astrology.
    Rooster people are very observant. Roosters have a very keen "sixth sense". With Roosters what you see is exactly what you get. There are no hidden depths to the Rooster's character. Rooster make great hosts and adore entertaining. The main virtue in the Rooster character is loyalty. They make devoted friends. When Roosters love and admire someone, they will even catch the moon just to keep them happy.

    Ranking order : Tenth
    Hours ruled by the rooster : 5 pm - 7 pm
    Direction of its sign : Directly West
    Season and principal month : Autumn - September
    Corresponds to Western sign : Virgo
    Fixed Element : Metal
    Stem : Negative

    22 January 1909 - 9 February 1910
    8 February 1921 - 27 January 1922
    26 January 1933 - 13 February 1934
    13 February 1945 - 1 February 1946
    31 January 1957 - 17 February 1958
    17 February 1969 - 5 February 1970
    5 February 1981 - 24 January 1982
    23 January 1993 - 9 February 1994
    9 February 2005 - 28 January 2006
    28 January 2017 - 15 February 2018
    13 February 2029 - 2 February 2030 Greatest Affinity : Ox, Snake
    Greatest Enmity : Rabbit.

    Year Of The Dog
    The Year of the Dog in Chinese Astrology. Dogs are born old and get younger as they age. They take everything very serious. The Dog enters a relationship where he is the giver and the partner is the taker. He is usually very generous and loyal, and in love, he is honest and straightforward.

    Ranking order : Eleventh.
    Hours ruled by the Dog : 7 pm - 9 pm
    Direction of its sign : West - Northwest
    Season and principal month : Autumn - October
    Corresponds to Western sign : Libra
    Fixed Element : Metal
    Stem : Positive

    1898 - 2 February 1899
    10 February 1910 - 21 January 1911
    28 January 1922 - 14 February 1923
    14 February 1934 - 25 January 1935
    2 February 1946 - 21 January 1947
    17 February 1958 - 8 February 1959
    6 February 1970 - 26 January 1971
    25 January 1982 - 12 February 1983
    9 February 1994 - 30 January 1995
    29 January 2006 - 17 February 2007
    16 February 2018 - 4 February 2019
    3 February 2030 - 22 January 2031
    Greatest Affinity : Tiger , Horse
    Greatest Enmity : Dragon.

    Year Of The Pig
    The Year of the Pig in Chinese Astrology.
    Pigs are models of sincerity, purity, tolerance, and honor. They are careful and caring, obliging and chivalrous. Put your trust in him, he won't let you down and he will never try to. Pigs are the people everyone admires most. In relationship, Pig people are sensitive, sweet but naive, and caring. They are romantic and certainly are the marriage type. But on the other hand, Pigs are also possessive, jealous and exclusive.

    Ranking order : Eleventh
    Hours ruled by the Pig : 7 pm - 9 pm
    Direction of its sign : West - Northwest
    Season and principal month : Autumn - October
    Corresponds to Western sign : Libra
    Fixed Element : Metal
    Stem : Positive

    3 February 1899 - 31 January 1900
    30 January 1911 - 17 February 1912
    16 February 1923 - 4 February 1924
    4 February 1935 - 23 January 1936
    22 January 1947 - 9 February 1948
    8 February 1959 - 27 January 1960
    27 January 1971 - 14 February 1972
    13 February 1983 - 1 February 1984
    27 January 1971 - 14 February 1972
    16 February 2007 - 6 February 2008
    5 February 2019 - 24 January 2020
    23 January 2031 - 10 February 2032
    10 February 2043 - 29 January 2044
    Greatest Affinity : Tiger , Horse
    Greatest Enmity : Dragon.

    Five Elements
    Each animal has a predominant natural element that rules over them. There are five elements : water, wood, fire, metal, and earth. There are no earth elements because earth occupies the center of all elements. In addition to each animal having a natural element, each individual year has a presiding element. In some years, the year element is in sympathy with the animal's element, in other years it will work against. So in the non-sympathetic years, an animal might have to overcome more obstacles that the year encompasses.

    Animal Sign Origins
    The real origin of the animal signs in Chinese astrology is not clear. Legend suggests the creation is attributed to the Yellw Emperor in 2637 B.C. The Yellow Emperor is a semimythical figure. Another legend attributes Buddha c.563-c.483 B.C, with the creation of the animal cycle. Buddha had invited all the animals to visit him but only twelve turned up. To show thanks, Buddha dedicated a year to each animal throughout history. The years were allocated in the order the animals arrived.


    Dates - note, chinese new year, doesn't begin on the 1st of a Gregorian Calendar Year
    this includes your year, along with The Element Dates

    1900 Rat Metal (1/31/1900 to 2/18/1901)
    1901 Ox Metal (2/19/1902 to 2/7/1902)
    1902 Tiger Water (2/8/1902 to 1/28/1903)
    1903 Cat Water (1/29/1903 to 2/15/1904)
    1904 Dragon Wood (2/16/1904 to 2/3/1905)
    1905 Snake Wood 2/4/1905 to 1/24/1906)
    1906 Horse Fire (1/25/1906 to 2/12/1907)
    1907 Goat Fire (2/13/1907 to 2/1/1908)
    1908 Monkey Earth (2/2/1908 to 1/21/1909)
    1909 Rooster Earth 1/22/1909 to 2/9/1910)
    1910 Dog Metal (2/10/1910 to 1/29/1911)
    1911 Pig Metal (1/30/1911 to 2/17/1912
    1912 Rat Water (2/18/1912 to 2/5/1913)
    1913 Ox Water (2/6/1913 to 1/25/1914)
    1914 Tiger Wood (1/26/1914 to 2/13/1915)
    1915 Cat Wood (2/14/1915 to 2/2/1916)
    1916 Dragon Fire (2/3/1916 to 1/22/1917)
    1917 Snake Fire (1/23/1917 to 2/10/1918)
    1918 Horse Earth (2/11/1918 to 1/31/1919)
    1919 Goat Earth (2/1/1919 to 2/19/1920)
    1920 Monkey Metal (2/20/1920 to 2/7/1921)
    1921 Rooster Metal (2/8/1921 to 1/27/1922)
    1922 Dog Water (1/28/1922 to 2/15/1923)
    1923 Pig Water (2/16/1923 to 2/4/1924)
    1924 Rat Wood (2/5/1924 to 1/23/1925)
    1925 Ox Wood (1/24/1925 to 2/12/1926)
    1926 Tiger Fire (2/13/1926 to 2/1/1927)
    1927 Cat Fire (2/2/1927 to 1/22/1928)
    1928 Dragon Earth (1/23/1928 to 2/9/1929)
    1929 Snake Earth (2/10/1929 to 1/29/1930)
    1930 Horse Metal (1/30/1930 to 2/16/1931)
    1931 Goat Metal (2/17/1931 to 2/5/1932)
    1932 Monkey Water (2/6/1932 to 1/25/1933)
    1933 Rooster Water (1/26/1933 to 2/13/1934)
    1934 Dog Wood (2/14/1934 to 2/3/1935)
    1935 Pig Wood (2/4/1935 to 1/23/1936)
    1936 Rat Fire (1/24/1936 to 2/10/1937)
    1937 Ox Fire (2/11/1937 to 1/30/1938)
    1938 Tiger Earth (1/31/1938 to 2/18/1939)
    1939 Cat Earth (2/19/1939 to 2/7/1940)
    1940 Dragon Metal (2/8/1940 to 1/26/1941)
    1941 Snake Metal (1/27/1941 to 2/14/1942)
    1942 Horse Water (2/15/1942 to 2/4/1943)
    1943 Goat Water (2/5/1943 to 1/24/1944)
    1944 Monkey Wood (1/25/1944 to 2/12/1945)
    1945 Rooster Wood (2/13/1945 to 2/1/1946)
    1946 Dog Fire (2/2/1946 to 1/21/1947)
    1947 Pig Fire (1/22/1947 to 2/9/1948)
    1948 Rat Earth (2/10/1948 to 1/28/1949)
    1949 Ox Earth (1/29/1949 to 2/16/1950)
    1950 Tiger Metal (2/17/1950 to 2/5/1951)
    1951 Cat Metal (2/6/1951 to 1/26/1952)
    1952 Dragon Water (1/27/1952 to 2/13/1953)
    1953 Snake Water (2/14/1953 to 2/2/1954)
    1954 Horse Wood (2/3/1954 to 1/23/1955)
    1955 Goat Wood (1/24/1955 to 2/11/1956)
    1956 Monkey Fire (2/12/1956 to 1/30/1957)
    1957 Rooster Fire (1/31/1957 to 2/17/1958)
    1958 Dog Earth (2/18/1958 to 2/7/1959)
    1959 Pig Earth (2/8/1959 to 1/27/1960)
    1960 Rat Metal (1/28/1960 to 2/14/1961)
    1961 Ox Metal (2/15/1961 to 2/4/1962
    1962 Tiger Water (2/5/1962 to 1/24/1963)
    1963 Cat Water (1/25/1963 to 2/12/1964)
    1964 Dragon Wood (2/13/1964 to 2/1/1965)
    1965 Snake Wood (2/2/1965 to 1/20/1966)
    1966 Horse Fire (1/21/1966 to 2/8/1967)
    1967 Goat Fire (2/9/1967 to 1/29/1968)
    1968 Monkey Earth (1/30/1968 to 2/16/1969)
    1969 Rooster Earth (2/17/1969 to 2/5/1970)
    1970 Dog Metal (2/6/1970 to 1/26/1971)
    1971 Pig Metal (1/27/1971 to 2/14/1972)
    1972 Rat Water (2/15/1972 to 2/2/1973)
    1973 Ox Water (2/3/1973 to 1/22/1974)
    1974 Tiger Wood (1/23/1974 to 2/10/1975)
    1975 Cat Wood (2/11/1975 to 1/30/1976)
    1976 Dragon Fire (1/31/1976 to 2/17/1977)
    1977 Snake Fire (2/18/1977 to 2/6/1978)
    1978 Horse Earth (2/7/1978 to 1/27/1979)
    1979 Goat Earth (1/28/1979 to 2/15/1980)
    1980 Monkey Metal (2/16/1980 to 2/4/1981)
    1981 Rooster Metal (2/5/1981 to 1/24/1982)
    1982 Dog Water (1/25/1982 to 2/12/1983)
    1983 Pig Water (2/13/1983 to 2/1/1984)
    1984 Rat Wood (2/2/1984 to 2/19/1985)
    1985 Ox Wood (2/20/1985 to 2/8/1986)
    1986 Tiger Fire (2/9/1986 to 1/28/1987)
    1987 Cat Fire (1/29/1987 to 2/16/1988)
    1988 Dragon Earth (2/17/1988 to 2/5/1989)
    1989 Snake Earth (2/6/1989 to 1/26/1990)
    1990 Horse Metal (1/27/1990 to 2/14/1991)
    1991 Goat Metal (2/15/1991 to 2/3/1992)
    1992 Monkey Water (2/4/1992 to 1/22/1993)
    1993 Rooster Water (1/23/1993 to 2/9/1994)
    1994 Dog Wood (2/10/1994 to 1/30/1995)
    1995 Pig Wood (1/31/1995 to 2/18/1996)
    1996 Rat Fire (2/19/1996 to 2/6/1997)
    1997 Ox Fire (2/7/1997 to 1/27/1998)
    1998 Tiger Earth (1/28/1998 to 2/15/1999)
    1999 Cat Earth (2/16/1999 to 2/4/2000)
    2000 Dragon Metal (2/5/2000 to 1/23/2001)
    2001 Snake Metal (1/24/2001 to 2/11/2002)
    2002 Horse Water (2/12/2002 to 1/31/2003)
    2003 Goat Water (2/1/2003 to 1/21/2004)
    2004 Monkey Wood (1/22/2004 to 2/8/2005)
    2005 Rooster Wood (2/9/2005 to 1/28/2006)
    2006 Dog Fire (1/29/2006 to 2/17/2007)
    2007 Pig Fire (2/18/2007 to 2/6/2008)
    2008 Rat Earth (2/7/2008 to 1/25/2009)
    2009 Ox Earth (1/26/2009 to 2/13/2010)
    2010 Tiger Metal (2/14/2010 to 2/2/2011)
    2011 Cat Metal (2/3/2011 to 1/22/2012)
    2012 Dragon Water (1/23/2012 to 2/9/2013)
    2013 Snake Water (2/10/2013 to 1/30/2014)
    2014 Horse Wood (1/31/2014 to 2/18/2015)
    2015 Goat Wood (2/19/2015 to 2/7/2016)
    2016 Monkey Fire (2/8/2016 to 1/27/2017)
    2017 Rooster Fire (1/28/2017 to 2/15/2018)
    2018 Dog Earth (2/16/2018 to 2/4/2019)
    2019 Pig Earth (2/5/2019 to 1/24//2020)


    Very interesting that we identified this calendar too


    9,360,000 days = 9,360,000/360= 26000 = 5 x 5200
    9,360,360 days = 9,360,360/360=26001 = 5 x 5200.20


    Information related to The Ancient Chinese Calendar

    It was Emperor Wu of The Han Dynasty that introduced reforms on The Chinese Calender
    His Tàichū (太初, "Grand Inception" Calendar created in 104 BC placed a year in the winter solstice in the 11th month and, he was the first to utilize a system of 24 solar terms to determine the intercalary month, in which the calendar months (only had 29 or 30 whole days).

    These months occur when the sun does NOT pass a principal term (that is, it remains within the same sign of the zodiac, throught that month) and, thus, these months are designated as intercalary months.

    The solar year of The Taichu calendar was defined as:
    365 Days + 385/1539 days
    and The Lunar Month as 29 Days + 43/81 days.
    The sun's mean motion was utilized to calculate the solar terms until the year of 1645
    The conjunction of The Sun and The Astronomical "NEW" Moon was always calculated utilizing the 'mean motions' of both The Sun and The Moon.

    • The Cycle was a Nineteen (19) Year Cycle
    In The Ancient Chinese Calendar, this would make 19 solar years, equal to 235 months which is the same as The Metonic Cycle of 19 solar years, equal to 235 months. From that information, it is possible to determine that, there are 7 intercalary months, within 19 years or 235 months 235 Months = (12 Months X 19 Years= 228) + 7 months = 235 months.

    IF 1 tropical year was calculated as: 365 1/4 days, 1 synodic month would be : 29 499/940 days.
    Also, 76 years =365*76+76/4= 27759 days, and likewise 940 months = 29*940+499=27759 days.

    THE SUN AND THE MOON RETURN TO THEIR ORIGINAL POSITIONS. In other words, 76 years = 940 months, meaning that 76 years is a cycle, or the sun and moon both together return to their original positions after 76 years. The 19-year-cycle was used in the "Six Early Calendars"(古六历,Gǔlìulì).

    And a 600 year cycle with 221 intercalary months is used in the Yuánshǐ Calendar in the Liang(N) dynasty(401-439, established in Liangzhou). And then a 391 year cycle with 144 intercalary months was used in the Dàmíng Calendar from the Ninth year of Tianjian(天监九年, 510) in the Liang Dynasty(502-557, established in Jiankang).

    After the Délíng Calendar of the Tang Dynasty (618-907, established in Chang'an), the calendar was made with the true new moon, the cycle could no longer be used to determine the intercalary months.
    ~ Susan Lynne Schwenger


    "The Hindu calendar, always has a month start with the day of The Full Moon
    and it ends with the evening of the day before the next full moon."

    ~ Susan Lynne Schwenger


    TONY, any comments on The Durinal Cycle
    ~except that an ancient day, or even a modern day isn't exactly 24 hours ?
    Thanks, Susan


    i see, this calculation (posted on page 1)
    9,360,000 days = 9,360,000/360= 26000 = 5 x 5200
    9,360,360 days = 9,360,360/360=26001 = 5 x 5200.20
    ~ Susan Lynne Schwenger & Tony Bermanseder


    Tàichū (太初, "Grand Inception" Calendar - Emperor Wu - Han Dynasty (365 385/1539 days) & The Luner Month as 29 43/81 days - 19 solar years = 235 months

    The Metonic Cycle of 19 solar years, equal to 235 months.
    "Six Early Calendars"(古六历,Gǔlìulì) of 19 solar years, equal to 235 months

    Yuánshǐ Calendar in the Liang(N) dynasty(401-439, established in Liangzhou) - 600 year cycle with 221 intercalary months

    The Dàmíng Calendar from the Ninth year of Tianjian(天监九年, 510) in the Liang Dynasty(502-557, established in Jiankang) - 391 year cycle with 144 intercalary months

    The Délíng Calendar of the Tang Dynasty (618-907, established in Chang'an), the calendar was made with the true new moon, the cycle could no longer be used to determine the intercalary months.

    The Sixty Year Cycle of The Chinese Astrology
    9,360,360 Ancient Days/360 Ancient Days=26,001 Ancient Years of 360 Ancient Days
    9,360,000 Ancient Days/360 Ancient Days=26,000 Ancient Years of 360 Ancient Days
    5 cycles fit into this:
    9,360,000 days = 9,360,000/360= 26000 = 5 x 5200
    9,360,360 days = 9,360,360/360=26001 = 5 x 5200.20
    Last edited: May 18, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Dying life of the tribe. Photographer decided to travel the world for 3 years, visiting 35 tribes in

    Dying life of the tribe.
    Photographer decided to travel the world for 3 years, visiting 35 tribes in all 5 continents.
    The pictures are amazing:

    Last edited: May 19, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    COMET STORIES - posting them all here to this thread

    Wayne Herschel Author
    SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Nov 7th
    Wayne Herschel Author


    If Earth was in that position today it could have been the end of the world!
    There are masses of false claims on ISON and now you can interact with it live
    every day and get all the viewing updates as we countdown to the two high risk possibilities

    that media and scientists are not keen to speculate on.

    DATA... 5km wide nucleus
    Passes close to Sun Nov 30th
    RISK 1 EVALUATION DEC 1ST... did it fragment ... or not...
    December 25th ... spectacular view date over Christmas
    — with Samoil Tzar.


    • Debi Hooper ClarkKinda thought it might be LOL

      Debi Hooper ClarkWe expect your educated colorful updates as it nears the Sun
      Bill HollenbachWill do.
      Wayne Herschel AuthorElaine... yeah... there were a lot of lies posted about the comet as Nibiru or UFO...

      here is the explanation for what you referred to...
      A few months ago scientists did the unthinkable... they presented 3 hubble space images as one

      and made it look like a UFO... It was lapped up like crazy. The three images were as follows:
      1) approaching perfect image shot (image streaks)
      2) perfect image position (no streak)
      3) moving away from perfect position (image streaks)
      Put 3 together as one image and it looks like a V shape UFO...
      The Nibiru cult websites went ballistic. Over 100 websites screamed out conspiracy!

    • Is Comet ISON accompanied by UFOs?
      The latest news reports reveal Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON)
      is brightening and may yet become the comet of the century. But is ISON a comet?
    • Bill HollenbachYup, as far as the sun is away... time to panic.. heeeeheheheheheheh
    • Wayne Herschel AuthorViewing is early morning East above Sun Rise here in the South... Bill...
      can folks see similar in the North early morning before sunrise or will they only see it a week later?
      HollenbachNope, from South America, ie Texas etc, it is visible in the South East.
    • Wayne Herschel AuthorWhen will folks in the North start seeing it Bill?
    • Wayne Herschel AuthorLIVE WATCH INTERACTIVE PAGE
      use your curser on the image and try positions and views as you please
      Interactive 3D Model of Comet ISON - Comet ISON 2013

      Interactive 3D Model of Comet ISON. This 3D model provided by Solar System Scope shows Comet ISON's
      location and path for any given date.

      Bill HollenbachAround December, during the day, if it " behaves"
      Elaine SchweersThank you Wayne The info that I have seen is not coming from Scientist as they are as bewildered

      as most people are. I enjoy your continuous input as I do respect your knowledge as well as I know of your experiences
      that you have had are so important as we all have much to share as the truth is unveiled. Thank you for being you.

      Wayne Herschel Author:
      Earth is moving towards the area where the comet is right now... RIGHT IN EARTH ORBIT PATH.

      As ISON heads towards the close encounter with the sun

      We head towards the crossing point on January 12th (2014) where it is right now.

      Some Scientists believe the debris trail field will mainly be dust and will possibly result in a stunning meteor shower

      beating all records over the last 70 years. Some say a large rock or two could have been discharged too

      so some big meteors perhaps like a meter wide or so at the most which will probably burn up.

      November the 30th it take only a day to pass around the back of the sun due to its incredible speed...

      December the first astronomers will wait and watch to see if it was lost falling into the sun
      and consumed or if it fragmented... or if it stayed solid and intact.

      Over December if the comet is intact or fragmented and not lost or around the 25th

      it will probably be at its brightest to view... maybe beating records again over the last 70 or so years
      and even be partly visible with daylight at the most.

      Márton Molnár-Göb:

      - with regularly updated magnitude graphics
    • [​IMG]

      C/2012 S1 ( ISON )

      Wayne Herschel AuthorLiliya Kamala ...
      I had to remove that mass of false claims as all were unfounded.

      Firstly the listing of ISON as a small solar system body is a bit of a silly classification choice of words
      by authorities to measure small 'bodies' 'anomalies' in our solar system.
      The plasma claims with Mars and everything else there is what I have been upset about.
      The videos and website lies and scams are rife to create fear and sensationalism
      so you go to their pages and click their adverts. They are making a lot of $ while creating chaos.

      We are happy to discuss one questionable claim at a time rather than a mass of stuff

      Scott Houdekshould that chart be in English???? Wayne Herschel Author
      Wayne Herschel Author
      Scott... the one Marton posted?
      Scott HoudekOK thanks Wayne Herschel Author

      Wayne Herschel AuthorIm off to bed just now as I want to try photograph ISON tomorrow
      before Sun rise if there are no clouds. It will be through binoculars. A fiddly task but works well
      Scott Houdekgood night and GOOD LUCK!

      Márton Molnár-GöbScott, on that page all the important detail is in english
      and the numbers for dates are universal the title on magnitude images is in japanese
      but that's all, the timetable below it is in simple arabic numbers!
    • Noelle RoeI find the timing suspect.
      It's very interesting that they come out with something like this at this time. Pretty weird...

      Russian fireball shows meteor risk may be bigger
    • Meteors are probably four to five times more likely to strike
      Earth than scientists previously believed, according to a study published Wednesday.

      Jenn ArielaIncrease Earth Aura, let go greed and all bad human behaviours, reduce political disputes and violence,
      beware of order out of chaos. What will come will come, it's time humanity rise up and move forward.
    • Scott HoudekI wish that where true
    • Jenn ArielaIson is not there to destroy earth, it's evil human with greed who is destroying earth all the time..

    • [​IMG]
    • Timeline Photos
    • Order out of Chaos “Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives.
    • I think we’re being run by maniacs for manical ends and I think I’m liable to be put away as insane for expressing that.
    • That’s what’s insane about it.” John Lennon Will the Brotherhood actually play the fake alien invasion card?
    • No one knows for sure what the future will bring, but based on their history, the elites doubtless hope to continue their process of “Order out of Chaos,” to further centralize and globalize their control.
    • This term Order out of Chaos, in Latin Ordo ab Chao, is the slogan of the 33rd degree of Freemasonry. “Secret Societies have a great motto ‘Ordo Ab Chao’ meaning ‘Order Out of Chaos’.
    • Agendas are formulated designed to give the powerful more power. Chaos is created, and media blitzed.
    • Then cries go out for solution. Laws are passed which could never have been passed without the chaos.
    • The order, has reigned through deception of the masses, and the agenda is accomplished.” –James Arthur, “Mushrooms and Mankind” (38) “The Latin inscription on the banner around the Judaic eagle's head (below the Star of David) E Pluribus Unum ("From the Many – the One") In other words, first they combined all the ancient stellar cults, now they’re going to combine the world’s governments, militaries, currencies, banks.” Michael Tsarion, “Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology”
    • The Illuminati New World Order can and will be defeated through a world wide awakening.
    • Once the world’s population understands the information presented by people who are willing
      to stand out to tell the truths, these secret society rule will by necessity be phased out.
    • As the populations awaken, the Brotherhood and their conspiratorial control mechanisms that have worked to enslave mankind for thousands of years will quickly crumble. We must shun secret societies and shame on their members.
    • Shun the world’s “royalty,” their knights and vassals, shame on their spineless lapdogs. It is high time for free humanity to make a stand.
    • Support smaller communities and be independent. Don't believe in what ever government tells you.
    • Don’t buy their pharmaceuticals, don’t drink their fluoridated water, and don’t take their vaccines.
    • Don’t eat their junk, genetically modified, nutrient starved food. Support your local businesses
      and not from huge corporations and department stores. Don’t watch their main stream media “programs” or tune into their “channels.” Don’t buy into their propaganda, mind control “news,” their magazines, or expert opinions.
    • Don’t be scared of their bogeymen, fall for their patsies, or accept their problem-reaction-solutions.
    • Refuse RFID chips and the big brother surveillance society. As they phase from fiat currency to their cashless credit based system, we phase into precious metals and old-fashioned trade with locals with barter.
    • The key to overcoming the conspiratorial, oppressive world system is by focusing on and improving your own local systems.
    • Be a capable Anarchy follow your own rules and up hold and build a high moral awareness community.
    • We’ve given our responsibility away and it’s time to reclaim it. “One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.”~Plato The biggest obstacle in overcoming the conspiracy is information.
    • The most important thing to do is continue educating yourself and start awakening others to the global conspiracy.
    • Educate your friends, family, neighbors and coworkers.
    • Share this message to everyone you can. Make your own copies (I hereby give permission) and pass it on to everyone you know!
    • By: New Meritocracy Council


    Wayne Herschel AuthorAwe...
    Cloudy this morning... missed viewing ISON
    In a week or so it will be visible early morning before sun rise but best seen through binoculars...
    Here is the best ISON data by an Aus astronomer:

    Petey SymoneI cannot open that Aussie Astronomer link...Is anyone else having trouble?

    Wayne Herschel AuthorBill Hollenbach... as our resident astronomer here...
    what times are best to view ISON in south Africa?
    Here is the most recent image from Astro Bob in Australia...
    She sure is a blue green comet and sounds close to the Hopi prophecy of the sign of the return of the Katchinas..

    . star visitors.


    made by Susan Lynne Schwenger on 06 JUNE 2010
    - however, Comet Ison was NOT discovered until 2012???
    original predictions on her website:

    "That a comet will come to mark the end of the grand cycle
    and, will be at its zenith on 16 Dec 2013'
    - Predicted 06-JUNE-2010


    Calendar Calibrations are here:


    made by Susan Lynne Schwenger on 06 JUNE 2010
    - however, Comet Ison was NOT discovered until 2012???
    original predictions on her website:

    "That a comet will come to mark the end of the grand cycle
    and, will be at its zenith on 16 Dec 2013'
    - Predicted 06-JUNE-2010


    Calendar Calibrations are here:


    Wayne Herschel AuthorHopi Prophecy... the blue comet...[​IMG]
    Hopi Indians Blue Star Comet ISON 2013 2014 | Comet 2012 S1 - ISON

    comet2012.comHopi Indians :
    The last prophecy Comet 2012 S1 (ISON)And the Ninth and Last Sign
    -You will hear of a dwelling-place in the heavens, above the earth,
    that shall fall with a great crash. It will appear as a blue star.
    Very soon after this, the ceremonies of my people will cease.
    (under edit -- add rest of article to post)



    The Flash
    07/09/2013 11:03pm
    “The Blue Star”
    March 22nd, 2013

    The following visions were given to me during the rosary at the Marian Movement of Priests cenacle (March 22nd) ,
    and the message was given to me after receiving the Eucharist April 14th):

    I was shown over several consecutive weekly MMP cenacle’s, a pair of scales…
    evenly balanced at first..then one side suddenly went down very quickly…..
    and next I saw a huge hammer slam down on the scale that was weighted down…
    which was symbolic of the sins weighing down the scale of course …..
    the hammer symbolic of God’s justice….
    I was told..that our infrastructure will go down soon.

    Then it was as if I was “flying” (for lack of better description) behind a comet…
    only this comet had blue tinges around the edges..and was actually blue…
    .and it had a blue tail…..and I heard…
    ”the blue star will be upon you soon….”
    I have been shown this comet many years ago…
    .but tonight is the first time Jesus has called it “blue star”….
    I have never been given a name for this comet….
    so I was quite taken aback.

    In the blackness of space this ball of (seemingly like) fire, the comet, the heavenly body passing very, very close to earth……
    but this time it was as if I was in a field, and I was actually hoeing weeds, then I look over to my left and I see this heavenly body pass on the horizon, not falling to earth, but “passing by”……
    then there were scenes of intense devastation, having come from earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, magma, tsunamis, wind….
    very high winds….it was if the trees were almost bent in two……

    Then I “felt” more than heard the thunder that will accompany the passing of this comet; this thunder will be a sign of the approaching moment when we will be oblivious of any person around us as we experience the illumination of our consciences; a moment in time that will stop as each person experiences it at the very same time; it will be like our “particular” judgment, that judgment every soul goes through at death.

    We will be shown everything as a movie. I am sure you have heard and read many “after death” experiences of people coming back and sharing that their life “passed before them”….that is what we will experience. ”

    Another statement by “Sadie Jaramillo”
    Message to John Leary

    October 8, 1999

    Jesus said: “My people, you will see a major celestial event when a part of a comet will effect the earth, but not the final chastisement. Many will be frightened by this event, but it will coincide with My Warning experience.

    As you all see your sins and how I would judge you, some may be frightened also to see their judgment in how you offended Me. Everyone will be given a knowledge of My love and a new sense of right and wrong according to My ways you will be given a second chance to reform your lives and make your souls right with Me in Confession.

    Those, that do not heed this Warning and follow the Antichrist, will be led down the broad road to hell. Focus your love on Me in My Real Presence of the Host, and you will have the strength to endure the coming tribulation.”

    Messages from this year 2013

    Jesus said: “My people, awhile ago I gave you a message about the coming Ison comet as a sign of the Warning.

    Today, I am telling you that this comet is not only a sign, but it is an omen of bad things coming
    such as the evil of the Antichrist in the tribulation. You are seeing signs of war, signs of financial instability, and signs of riots in various countries . My faithful need to have all of their preparations ready for when you will have to leave for My refuges.

    My refuge builders also need to put the finishing touches on their preparations for food, water, and bedding that will be shared with My pilgrims. My faithful should think of themselves as pilgrims because they are coming to a place of holy ground where there will be perpetual Adoration at every refuge.

    They will have My angels protecting them, and they will be healed of all of their health problems
    when they look upon My luminous cross in the sky.”

    May 7 2013..Jesus said: “My people, some of you are aware of the Ison Comet that will come close to the earth around November and Decem ber. I showed you this in an earlier message, but I did not mention the significance of this comet. Your astronomers are telling you that this comet will appear as brighter than a full moon.

    I told you that the meteor over Russia was a sign of a war coming. Now you are seeing how Israel is protecting itself by a second bombing of potential missiles in Syria that were headed to Hamas. I also gave you a sign of the coming financial problems after Pope Francis was elected. Now, I am telling you that this comet is a sign of the coming Warning. I wil

    09/11/2013 12:26am

    I know of these prophesies, and they are intriguing indeed. They are difficult to date, since they had no written Language as we know it. However they did make petroglyphs, and some are quite astonishing. Google "Holy Ghost Rock", it's in Utah as I recall.

    Back in January when you posted your article, I generally would have agreed with your assessment.
    The prophesies are interesting and thought provoking, but without a solid date and source they can't be considered completely credible. However, in May I had a wake-up call. And the wake-up calls have been pouring in ever since.

    I suggest you reopen the case, so to say. I have Learned much about the Hopi since June. The first thing I Learned is I still have a LOT to Learn. Book of the Hopi is a good introduction. t's one of the oldest and most well-documented books on the subject, respected around the world, and well-received by the Hopi themselves.

    The Hopi state, as recorded in this book, that the Blue Kachina (Saquasohuh) is a far away unseen star,not a space station or an asteroid impact (pg. 334). Until this unknown blue star appears in the sky, the 9th prophesy is not fulfilled. Breathing easier now?

    Don't. It has appeared. Apparently it's been visible under the proper conditions since 2010. I'm sure you're naturally skeptical of this sort of thing, as am I. But I've consumed just about all there is available on the subject, there is something there, and indications are that it's getting closer, and is basically on our doorstep. If so, it will be visible to the whole world very soon. It's not ISON, although there may be a tie-in. This is something else, something eerie & bizarre. It's the kind of thing you hope & pray is just a Lense flare, or refraction.But it tracks the sun precisely, and seems to defy all known characteristics of an optical anomaly. Worse, the same object has been recorded by at Least two cameras, different models entirely. And yes, it's blue. I'm not sure if I can post the Links here, but I'll post the title of the video, and you just have search it on YouTube.

    Without further adieu, meet what very possibly could be the Blue Star Kachina of Hopi Prophesy,
    and final warning before Judgment Day...

    These are time Lapse videos of a volcano in Costa Rica. The camera is positioned on top of a mountain, facing West, towards the volcano. You can see the volcanic steam rising, and the glow of the Lava at night.

    Fast forward until you see the setting sun. Note the bright blue object. Please Let it be a Lense flare! Unfortunately it's there even when the sky is nearly overcast, and the camera is in the shadow! You will see it blink out briefly once, in one of the videos. I thought, aha, it is a Lense flare. Wrong. It's an eclipse. It has a moon. OMG!!!

    "Actividad del Volcán Turrialba 20 Abril 2010 (Cámara OVSICORI)"
    "Actividad del Volcán Turrialba 28 Enero 2010 (Cámara OVSICORI)"
    "Actividad del Volcán Turrialba 30 Enero 2010 (Cámara OVSICORI)"
    "Actividad del Volcán Turrialba 2527 Enero 2010 (Cámara OVSICORI)"

    "And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn" - Matthew 24:30


    "Blue Kachina and Its Moon"
    Apr 20, 2013 - 35 min

    "Planet X System Observations and Orbital Analysis"
    Jul 28, 2013 - 90 min

    Many alternative writers claim that the Hopi have “ancient” prophecies that foretold the Euro-American settlement
    of the continental United States as well as its ultimate destruction

    NASA and Comet ISON: The Hopi Blue Star Comet

    Posted on July 3, 2013by melbrake
    The Hopi Blue Star Comet has been called many things such as Comet Ellen 2011 and Comet Holmes 2009.
    But, could Comet ISON be the real Blue Star Comet predicted by the Hopi and other Native Americans.
    NASA released new images (from Hubble, May 2013) of Comet ISON heralding through our multiverse at 48, 000 mph towards the Sun. Comet ISON should be visiable in our Earth skies (in the East, Northern Hemisphere) November 2013. To view check out the link:
    More on Comet ISON:

    Hopi Indians : The last prophecy Comet 2012 S1 (ISON)
    And the Ninth and Last Sign - You will hear of a dwelling-place in the heavens, above the earth, that shall fall with a great crash. It will appear as a
    blue star. Very soon after this, the ceremonies of my people will cease.
    After the last Signs the great destruction is coming. The world shall rock to and fro. The white man will battle against other people in other lands, with those who possessed the first light of wisdom (Asia). There will be many columns of smoke and fire such as White Feather has seen the white man make in the deserts not far from here. Only those which come will cause disease and a great dying.

    Many of my people, understanding the prophecies, shall be safe. Those who stay and live in the places of my people also shall be safe. Then there will be much to rebuild. And soon, very soon afterward, Pahana will return (Christ). He shall bring with him the dawn of the Fifth World. He shall plant the seeds of his wisdom in their hearts. Even now the seeds are being planted. These shall smooth the way to the Emergence into the Fifth World.
    kuhnible says:
    10/18/2013 8:19am

    What if the comet Halley was the Blue Kachina?
    What if the the 9th sign of the Hopi was the falling of the Twin Towers?
    What if Comet ISON is the Red Kachina?


    Wayne Herschel Author:




    Timeline Photos
    BREAKING: Huge Meteor Reported By Three People To Me here at @[143389385671837:274:Southern California Weather]
    that was directly over Los Angeles around the 7:45pm hour this evening ..

    Did you see it? Hear any reports? Let me know below and ask your family or friends if they saw or heard anything. .
    By: Southern California Weather


    Comet ISON, Passing In 2013, Could Be Brighter Than Moon
    Posted: September 27, 2012

    A new comet named C/ 2012 S1 (ISON) could be brighter than the moon when it passes the Earth in 2013. In fact, scientists believe it may be so bright that it is visible during the day. While some astronomers are skeptical about comet ISON’s brightness, others like Karl Battams, a scientist at the Naval Research Laboratory who monitors comets for the NASA-supported Sungrazer Comet Project, assure that we should watch for it, reports NBC News. Battams stated:

    “This is one to watch, definitely. But the astronomy community in general tries not to overhype
    these things. Potentially it will be amazing. Potentially it will be a huge dud.”

    ISON’s discovery was based off of imagery collected on Friday by the International Scientific Optical Network’s 16-inch Santel reflecting telescope in Russia, and the new comet soon rose to the top of the charts. Since the superstar comet’s discovery, scientists have been going back through their files to locate and “pre-discovery” images, so that they can calculate ISON’s orbit.

    The National Post notes that Ernesto Guido, Giovanni Sostero & Nick Howes, who first discovered the comet, stated: “Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) will get to within 0.012AU of the Sun (extremely close) at the end of November 2013 and then to ~0.4AU from Earth at the beginning of January 2014!”

    AU is short for an Astronomical Unit, and it the approximate distance between the Earth and our Sun (about 1.1 million miles). The astronomers continued, “According to its orbit, this comet might become a naked-eye object in the period November 2013 – January 2014.” Because of its closeness to the sun, comet ISON could be brighter than the full moon, which Astronomy Magazine’s Michael E. Bakich asserts that it “probably will become the brightest comet anyone alive has ever seen.”

    Over the next year, as comet ISON approaches, we can expect it to be compared with the Great Comet of 2007, and even the Great Comet of 1680. Of course, we can also expect mumbles about past letdowns,
    such as Comet Kohoutek and Comet Elenin. Despite this, we may still be treated to an awesome view come November of 2013.


    Comet ISON Will Be Visible During The Day, Discoverers Announce
    Posted: 09/26/2012 8:33 am EDT Updated: 09/26/2012 8:33 am EDT

    By: Joe Rao
    Published: 09/26/2012 07:12 AM EDT on

    A newly discovered comet has the potential to put on a dazzling celestial display late next year,
    when it will be so bright you may be able to see it briefly in the daytime sky.


    Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) photographed at the RAS Observatory near Mayhill, NM on Sept. 22, 2012,
    by amateur astronomers Ernesto Guido, Giovanni Sostero and Nick Howes of the Remanzacco Observatory.

    The discovery of the object named Comet ISON was announced Monday (Sept. 24) by Russians Vitali Nevski and Artyom Novichonok, who detected it in photographs taken three days earlier using a 15.7-inch (0.4-meter) reflecting telescope of the International Scientific Optical Network (ISON), near Kislovodsk. The new comet is officially known as C/2012 S1.

    When first sighted, Comet ISON was 625 million miles (1 billion kilometers) from Earth and 584 million miles (939 million km) from the sun, in the dim constellation of Cancer. It was shining at magnitude 18.8 on the reverse scale used by astronomers to measure the brightness of sky objects (the lower the number, the brighter the object). That makes the comet currently about 100,000 times fainter than the dimmest star that can be seen with the unaided eye.

    This image shows the newfound comet C/2012 (ISON) as seen by the Remanzacco Observatory in Italy.

    The image, taken by amateur astronomers Ernesto Guido, Giovanni Sostero and Nick Howes, is a confirmation view of the comet. But at its perihelion (its closest point to the sun), due on Nov. 28, 2013, the comet will come within 800,000 miles (1.2 million km) of the sun’s surface and could evolve into a dazzling object ? possibly bright enough to be visible for a short time in broad daylight. [Spectacular Comet Photos (Gallery)]

    The most exciting aspect of this new comet concerns its preliminary orbit, which bears a striking resemblance to that of the “Great Comet of 1680.” That comet put on a dazzling show; it was glimpsed in daylight and later, as it moved away from the sun, it threw off a brilliantly long tail that stretched up from the western twilight sky after sunset like a narrow searchlight beam for some 70 degrees of arc.
    (A person's clenched fist, held at arm’s length, covers roughly 10 degrees of sky.)


    This NASA graphic shows the orbit and current position of comet C/2012 S1 (ISON).

    The comet is at present located at 6.25 AU from the sun, with 1 AU being the distance from Earth to the sun. Image released Sept. 24, 2012. The fact that the orbits are so similar seems to suggest Comet ISON and the Great Comet of 1680 could related or perhaps even the same object.

    Comet ISON will be barely visible to the unaided eye when it is in the predawn night sky, positioned against the stars of Leo in October 2013. On Oct. 16 it will be passing very near both Mars and the bright star Regulus — both can be used as benchmarks to sighting the comet. In November, it could be as bright as third-magnitude when it passes very close to the bright first-magnitude star Spica in Virgo.

    The few days surrounding the comet’s closest approach to the sun on Nov. 28, 2013, are likely to be most interesting. It will whirl rapidly around the sun in a hairpin-like curve and perhaps becomes a dazzlingly bright (negative-magnitude) object. The comet will then whirl north after perihelion and become visible during December both in the evening sky after sunset and in the morning sky before sunrise. Just how bright it will be and how long the tail may get during this time frame is anybody’s guess, but there is hope that it could evolve into a memorable celestial showpiece.

    And in case you haven’t checked your 2013 calendar, Nov. 28 is already a special day for those living in the United States: It is the Thanksgiving Day holiday. Which leads to the question: Will Comet ISON be a dazzler, or a turkey?

    Joe Rao serves as an instructor and guest lecturer at New York's Hayden Planetarium. He writes about astronomy for The New York Times and other publications,
    and he is also an on-camera meteorologist for News 12 Westchester, New York.
    Last edited: May 19, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Calendar of ISLAM

    Islamic Date

    Names of the Months
    1 Muharram
    2 Safar
    3 Rabi' al-awal
    4 Rabi' al-Thaany
    5 Jumaada al-awal
    6 Jumaada al-Thaany
    7 Rajab
    8 Sha'baan
    9 Ramadaan
    10 Shawwal
    11 Dhu al-Qi'dah
    12 Dhu al-Hijjah

    Important note: The Islamic day and month displayed here are approximate. The start of a month in the canonical Islamic calendar is based on the first physical sighting of the new moon at a given location, which depends on a number of factors which are difficult or impossible to compute, including weather and visual acuity of the observer. The date displayed above is computed based on the actual time of the new moon, which may occur a day or so before it is actually visible. Also, note that this date is computed relative to Universal Time, which is essentially equivalent to Greenwich Mean Time.
    The starting point for the Islamic calendar was fixed at the date of the new moon during the first lunar month in the year in which Mohammed and his followers left Mecca for Medina (the Hegira). The abbreviation A.H. stands for 'Anno Hegirae' (Latin for the Year of the Hegira). The Hegira (which is actually pronounced Hijra) is often translated as 'the flight'; however this translation has been questioned by Islamic scholars; it probably means 'to break off from the relations or abandon one's own tribe.' The Hegira is believed to have occured on 20 September 622 C.E.

    The Islamic calendar was created in 639 C.E. (A.H. 17) by the Second Caliph 'Umar ibn Al-Khattab (592-644 C.E.). The civil epoch (the zero date for the Islamic calendar) is July 16, 662 C.E., when the new moon was first visible in Arabia in the first lunar month (it actually became new the day before).

    The day begins at sunset in the Islamic calendar.

    The Islamic calendar is strictly based on lunar cycles. For this reason, each year is about 11 days short of a solar year. Hence the start of each month will be different from one year to the next. The Islamic calendar is used to determine important religious holidays such as the start and end of Ramadan. Therefore the date of these festivals rotate backwards through the solar year. This has been attributed to the fact that the Islamic calendar originated in the desert regions close to the equator. Seasonal differences are not as marked as in higher latitudes. Therefore it was less important that holidays synchronize with the solar year.
    Last edited: May 20, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Solar Cycle, Solar Maximum etc.,

    Solar maximum

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaFor the spacecraft, see Solar Maximum Mission.
    Main article: Solar cycle (read next post)


    The current prediction for Sunspot Cycle 24 gives a smoothed sunspot number maximum of about 66 in the Summer of 2013. The smoothed sunspot number has already reached 67 (in February 2012) due to the strong peak in late 2011 so the official maximum will be at least this high. The smoothed sunspot number has been flat over the last four months. We are currently over four years into Cycle 24. The current predicted and observed size makes this the smallest sunspot cycle since Cycle 14 which had a maximum of 64.2 in February of 1906. NASA

    Solar maximum or solar max is a normal period of greatest solar activity in the 11 year solar cycle of the Sun. During solar maximum, large numbers of sunspots appear and the sun's irradiance output grows by about 0.07%.[1] The increased energy output of solar maxima can impact Earth's global climate and recent studies have shown some correlation with regional weather patterns.[citation needed]

    At solar maximum, the Sun's magnetic field lines are the most distorted due to the magnetic field on the solar equator rotating at a slightly faster pace than at the solar poles.[citation needed] The solar cycle takes an average of about 11 years to go from one solar maximum to the next, with duration observed varying from 9 to 14 years.

    Three recent solar cycles

    Large solar flares often occur during a maximum. For example, the Solar storm of 1859 struck the Earth with such intensity that the northern lights could be seen as far south as Rome, approximately 42° north ofthe equator.


    Predictions of a future maximum's timing and strength are very difficult; predictions vary widely. The last solar maximum was in 2000. In 2006 NASA initially expected a solar maximum in 2010 or 2011, and thought that it could be the strongest since 1958.[2] However, more recent projections say the maximum should arrive in autumn of 2013 and be the smallest sunspot cycle since 1906.[3] The un-smoothed monthly sunspot number was still rising as of March 2014.[4]


    IMAX documentary about solar maximum called Solarmax.[5]
    NASA CME documentary X class Corona Mass Ejection 2012-07-14 documentary

    Grand solar minima and maxima

    Main article: Solar variation
    Grand solar maxima occur when several solar cycles exhibit greater than average activity for decades or centuries. Solar cycles still occur during these grand solar maximum periods but the intensity of those cycles are more intense. Grand solar maxima have shown some correlation with global and regional climate changes.

    400 year history of sunspot numbers.

    Solar minimum events and approximate dates
    Homeric minimum [6]950BC800BC
    Oort minimum (see Medieval Warm Period)10401080
    Medieval maximum (see Medieval Warm Period)11001250
    Wolf minimum12801350
    Spörer Minimum14501550
    Maunder Minimum16451715
    Dalton Minimum17901820
    Modern Maximum1900present
    A list of historical Grand minima of solar activity[7] includes also Grand minima ca. 690 AD, 360 BC, 770 BC, 1390 BC, 2860 BC, 3340 BC, 3500 BC, 3630 BC, 3940 BC, 4230 BC, 4330 BC, 5260 BC, 5460 BC, 5620 BC, 5710 BC, 5990 BC, 6220 BC, 6400 BC, 7040 BC, 7310 BC, 7520 BC, 8220 BC, 9170 BC.

    See also
    1. C. D. Camp and K. K. Tung (2007). "Surface warming by the solar cycle as revealed by the composite mean difference projection". Geophysical Research Letters 34: L14703. Bibcode:2007GeoRL..3414703C. doi:10.1029/2007GL030207. Retrieved 20 January 2012.
    2. "Solar Storm Warning", Science@NASA, 10 March 2006, Accessed 26 Mar. 2010
    3. "NASA/Marshall Solar Physics - Solar Cycle Prediction". NASA. Retrieved 2012-01-13.
    5. "Solarmax (2000)". IMDB. Seattle, WA, USA:, Inc. Retrieved August 6, 2012.
    6. Celia Martin-Puertas, Katja Matthes, Achim Brauer, Raimund Muscheler, Felicitas Hansen, Christof Petrick, Ala Aldahan, Göran Possnert & Bas van Geel (April 2, 2012). "Regional atmospheric circulation shifts induced by a grand solar minimum". Nature Geoscience 5 (6): 397–401. Bibcode:2012NatGe...5..397M. doi:10.1038/ngeo1460.
    7. Usoskin, Ilya G.; Solanki, Sami K.; Kovaltsov, Gennady A. (2007). "Grand minima and maxima of solar activity: new observational constraints" (PDF). Astron. Astrophys. 471 (1): 301–9. arXiv:0706.0385. Bibcode:2007A&A...471..301U. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20077704.

    Solar cycle

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    This article is about the sunspot cycle. For 28-year cycle of Julian calendar, see Solar cycle (calendar).

    400 year sunspot history


    "The current prediction for Sunspot Cycle 24 gives a smoothed sunspot number maximum of about 69 in the late Summer of 2013. The smoothed sunspot number reached 68.9 in August 2013 so the official maximum will be at least this high. The smoothed sunspot number has been rising again towards this second peak over the last five months and has now surpassed the level of the first peak (66.9 in February 2012). Many cycles are double peaked but this is the first in which the second peak in sunspot number was larger than the first. We are currently over five years into Cycle 24. The current predicted and observed size makes this the smallest sunspot cycle since Cycle 14 which had a maximum of 64.2 in February of 1906."[1] The monthly sunspot number was still rising as of March 2014.[2]

    The solar cycle (or solar magnetic activity cycle) is the periodic change in the Sun's activity (including changes in the levels of solar radiation and ejection of solar material) and appearance (visible in changes in the number of sunspots, flares, and other visible manifestations). Solar cycles have an average duration of about 11 years. They have been observed (by changes in the sun's appearance and by changes seen on Earth, such as auroras) for hundreds of years.

    Solar variation causes changes in space weather, weather, and climate on Earth. It causes a periodic change in the amount of irradiation from the Sun that is experienced on Earth.

    It is one component of solar variation, the other being aperiodic fluctuations.

    Powered by a hydromagnetic dynamo process, driven by the inductive action of internal solar flows, the solar cycle:


    Samuel Heinrich Schwabe (1789–1875). German astronomer, discovered the solar cycle through extended observations of sunspots


    Rudolf Wolf (1816–1893), Swiss astronomer, carried out historical reconstruction of solar activity back to the seventeenth century

    The solar cycle was discovered in 1843 by Samuel Heinrich Schwabe, who after 17 years of observations noticed a periodic variation in the average number of sunspots seen from year to year on the solar disk. Rudolf Wolf compiled and studied these and other observations, reconstructing the cycle back to 1745, eventually pushing these reconstructions to the earliest observations of sunspots by Galileo and contemporaries in the early seventeenth century. Starting with Wolf, solar astronomers have found it useful to define a standard sunspot number index, which continues to be used today.

    Until recently it was thought that there were 28 cycles in the 309 years between 1699 and 2008, giving an average length of 11.04 years, but recent research has showed that the longest of these (1784–1799) seems actually to have been two cycles,[3][4] so that the average length is only around 10.66 years. Cycles as short as 9 years and as long as 14 years have been observed, and in the double cycle of 1784-1799 one of the two component cycles had to be less than 8 years in length. Significant variations in amplitude also occur. Solar maximum and solar minimum refer respectively to epochs of maximum and minimum sunspot counts. Individual sunspot cycles are partitioned from one minimum to the next.

    Following the numbering scheme established by Wolf, the 1755–1766 cycle is traditionally numbered "1". The period between 1645 and 1715, a time during which very few sunspots were observed, is a real feature, as opposed to an artifact due to missing data.[5] This epoch is now known as the Maunder minimum, after Edward Walter Maunder, who extensively researched this peculiar event, first noted by Gustav Spörer. In the second half of the nineteenth century it was also noted (independently) by Richard Carrington and by Spörer that as the cycle progresses, sunspots appear first at mid-latitudes, and then closer and closer to the equator until solar minimum is reached. This pattern is best visualized in the form of the so-called butterfly diagram, first constructed by the husband-wife team of E. Walter and Annie Maunder in the early twentieth century (see graph below). Images of the Sun are divided into latitudinal strips, and the monthly-averaged fractional surface of sunspots calculated. This is plotted vertically as a color-coded bar, and the process is repeated month after month to produce this time-latitude diagram.


    The sunspot butterfly diagram. This modern version is constructed (and regularly updated) by the solar group at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center.

    The physical basis of the solar cycle was elucidated in the early twentieth century by George Ellery Hale and collaborators, who in 1908 showed that sunspots were strongly magnetized (this was the first detection of magnetic fields outside the Earth), and in 1919 went on to show that the magnetic polarity of sunspot pairs:
    • Is always the same in a given solar hemisphere throughout a given sunspot cycle;
    • Is opposite across hemispheres throughout a cycle;
    • Reverses itself in both hemispheres from one sunspot cycle to the next.
    Hale's observations revealed that the solar cycle is a magnetic cycle with an average duration of 22 years. However, because very nearly all manifestations of the solar cycle are insensitive to magnetic polarity, it remains common usage to speak of the "11-year solar cycle".

    Half a century later, the father-and-son team of Harold Babcock and Horace Babcock showed that the solar surface is magnetized even outside of sunspots; that this weaker magnetic field is to first order a dipole; and that this dipole also undergoes polarity reversals with the same period as the sunspot cycle (see graph below). These various observations established that the solar cycle is a spatiotemporal magnetic process unfolding over the Sun as a whole.


    Time vs. solar latitude diagram of the radial component of the solar magnetic field, averaged over successive solar rotation. The "butterfly" signature of sunspots is clearly visible at low latitudes. Diagram constructed (and regularly updated) by the solar group at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center.

    Phenomena, measurement, and causes

    Spots from two adjacent cycles can co-exist for some time, and since it was discovered that the Sun reverses magnetic polarity from one solar cycle to the next, spots from different cycles can be distinguished by direction of their magnetic field. However, it takes some months before a definite decision can be made as to the true date of solar minimum. One of the principal authorities that determine the date of the solar minimum is SIDC (the Solar Influences Data Analysis Center), which is located in Belgium and works with agencies such as NASA and ESA.

    The most important information today comes from SOHO (a project of international cooperation between ESA and NASA), such as the MDI magnetogram, where the solar "surface" magnetic field can be seen.

    The basic causes of the solar variability and its cycles are still under debate, with some researchers suggesting a link with the tidal forces due to the gas giants Jupiter and Saturn,[6][7] or due to the solar inertial motion.[8][9] Another cause of Sun spots can be solar jet stream "torsional oscillation".

    Patterns have been noted in solar cycles. For example, the Waldmeier effect is the phenomenon that cycles with larger maximum amplitudes tend to take less time to reach their maxima than cycles with smaller amplitudes;[10] there is also a negative correlation between maximum amplitudes and the lengths of earlier cycles, which allows a degree of prediction.[11]

    Effects of the solar cycle

    The Sun's magnetic field structures its atmosphere and outer layers all the way through the corona and into the solar wind. Its spatiotemporal variations lead to a host of phenomena collectively known as solar activity. All of solar activity is strongly modulated by the solar magnetic cycle, since the latter serves as the energy source and dynamical engine for the former.


    Activity cycles 21, 22 and 23 seen in sunspot number index, TSI, 10.7cm radio flux, and flare index. The vertical scales for each quantity have been adjusted to permit overplotting on the same vertical axis as TSI. Temporal variations of all quantities are tightly locked in phase, but the degree of correlation in amplitudes is variable to some degree.

    cont'd page 2 of 2


    part 2 of 2

    Surface magnetism

    Sunspots may exist anywhere from a few days to a few months, but they eventually decay, and this releases magnetic flux in the solar photosphere. This magnetic field is dispersed and churned by turbulent convection, and solar large-scale flows. These transport mechanisms lead to the accumulation of the magnetized decay products at high solar latitudes, eventually reversing the polarity of the polar fields (notice how the blue and yellow fields reverse in the graph above).

    The dipolar component of the solar magnetic field is observed to reverse polarity around the time of solar maximum, and reaches peak strength at the solar minimum. Sunspots, on the other hand, are produced from a strong toroidal (longitudinally directed) magnetic field within the solar interior. Physically, the solar cycle can be thought of as a regenerative loop where the toroidal component produces a poloidal field, which later produces a new toroidal component of sign such as to reverse the polarity of the original toroidal field, which then produces a new poloidal component of reversed polarity, and so on.

    Solar irradiance

    The total solar irradiance (TSI) is the amount of solar radiative energy incident on the Earth's upper atmosphere. TSI variations were undetectable until satellite observations began in late 1978. Radiometers carried on satellites from the 1970s to the 2000s[12] has shown that solar irradiance varies systematically over the 11-year sunspot cycle, both in total irradiance and in the relative components of the irradiance (UV Light ratios to Visible Light Ratios). The solar luminosity is about 0.07 percent brighter during solar maximum than during solar minimum but observations from spacecraft in the 2000s showed that the ratio of ultraviolet to visible light is much more variable than previously thought.[13]

    The major finding of satellite observations is that TSI varies in phase with the solar magnetic activity cycle[14] with an amplitude of about 0.1% and an average value of about 1366 W/m2 (the "solar constant"). Variations about the average up to −0.3% are caused by large sunspot groups and of +0.05% by large faculae and bright network on a week to 10 day timescale.[15] (see TSI variation graphics.[16]) TSI variations over the several decades of continuous satellite observation show small but detectable trends.[17][18]

    TSI is higher at solar maximum, even though sunspots are darker (cooler) than the average photosphere. This is caused by magnetized structures other than sunspots during solar maxima, such as faculae and active elements of the "bright" network, that are brighter (hotter) than the average photosphere. They collectively overcompensate for the irradiance deficit associated with the cooler but less numerous sunspots. The primary driver of TSI changes on solar rotational and sunspot cycle timescales is the varying photospheric coverage of these radiatively active solar magnetic structures.

    Short-wavelength radiation

    A solar cycle: a montage of ten years' worth of Yohkoh SXT images, demonstrating the variation in solar activity during a sunspot cycle, from after August 30, 1991, to September 6, 2001. Credit: the Yohkoh mission of ISAS (Japan) and NASA (US).

    With a temperature of 5870 kelvins, the photosphere of the Sun emits a very small proportion of radiation in the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and above. However, hotter upper layers of the Sun's atmosphere (chromosphere and corona) emit more short-wavelength radiation. Since the upper atmosphere is not homogeneous and contains significant magnetic structure, the solar ultraviolet (UV), EUV and X-ray flux varies markedly in the course of the solar cycle.

    The photo montage to the left illustrates this variation for soft X-ray, as observed by the Japanese satellite Yohkoh from after August 30, 1991, at the peak of cycle 22, to September 6, 2001, at the peak of cycle 23. Similar cycle-related variations are observed in the flux of solar UV or EUV radiation, as observed, for example, by the SOHO or TRACE satellites.

    Even though it only accounts for a minuscule fraction of total solar radiation, the impact of solar UV, EUV and X-ray radiation on the Earth's upper atmosphere is profound. Solar UV flux is a major driver of stratospheric chemistry, and increases in ionizing radiation significantly affect ionosphere-influenced temperature and electrical conductivity.

    Solar radio flux

    Emission from the Sun at centimetric (radio) wavelength is due primarily to coronal plasma trapped in the magnetic fields overlying active regions.[19] The F10.7 index is a measure of the solar radio flux per unit frequency at a wavelength of 10.7 cm, near the peak of the observed solar radio emission. F10.7 is often expressed in SFU or solar flux units (1 SFU = 10−22 W m−2 Hz−1). It represents a measure of diffuse, nonradiative heating of the coronal plasma trapped by magnetic fields over active regions. It is an excellent indicator of overall solar activity levels and correlates well with solar UV emissions.

    The solar F10.7 index is measured daily at local noon in a bandwidth of 100 MHz centered on 2800 MHz at the Penticton site of the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory (DRAO), Canada. The solar F10.7 cm record extends back to 1947, and is the longest direct record of solar activity available, other than sunspot-related quantities.[20][21]

    Sunspot activity has a major effect on long distance radio communications particularly on the shortwave bands although medium wave and low VHF frequencies are also affected. High levels of sunspot activity lead to improved signal propagation on higher frequency bands, although they also increase the levels of solar noise and ionospheric disturbances. These effects are caused by impact of the increased level of solar radiation on the ionosphere.

    It has been suggested that 10.7 cm solar flux could interfere with point-to-point terrestrial communications.[22]

    Geoeffective eruptive phenomena


    An overview of three solar cycles shows the relationship between the sunspot cycle, galactic cosmic rays, and the state of our near-space environment.[23]

    The solar magnetic field structures the corona, giving it its characteristic shape visible at times of solar eclipses. Complex coronal magnetic field structures evolve in response to fluid motions at the solar surface, and emergence of magnetic flux produced by dynamo action in the solar interior. For reasons not yet understood in detail, sometimes these structures lose stability, leading to coronal mass ejections into interplanetary space, or flares, caused by sudden localized release of magnetic energy driving copious emission of ultraviolet and X-ray radiation as well as energetic particles. These eruptive phenomena can have a significant impact on Earth's upper atmosphere and space environment, and are the primary drivers of what is now called space weather.

    The occurrence frequency of coronal mass ejections and flares is strongly modulated by the solar activity cycle. Flares of any given size are some 50 times more frequent at solar maximum than at minimum. Large coronal mass ejections occur on average a few times a day at solar maximum, down to one every few days at solar minimum. The size of these events themselves does not depend sensitively on the phase of the solar cycle. A good recent case in point are the three large X-class flares having occurred in December 2006, very near solar minimum; one of these (an X9.0 flare on Dec 5) stands as one of the brightest on record.[24]

    Cosmic ray flux

    The outward expansion of solar ejecta into interplanetary space provides overdensities of plasma that are efficient at scattering high-energy cosmic rays entering the solar system from elsewhere in the galaxy. Since the frequency of solar eruptive events is strongly modulated by the solar cycle, the degree of cosmic ray scattering in the outer solar system varies in step. As a consequence, the cosmic ray flux in the inner solar system is anticorrelated with the overall level of solar activity. This anticorrelation is clearly detected in cosmic ray flux measurements at the Earth's surface.


    A drawing of a sunspot in the Chronicles of John of Worcester.

    Some high-energy cosmic rays entering Earth's atmosphere collide hard enough with molecular atmospheric constituents to cause occasionally nuclear spallation reactions. Some of the fission products include radionuclides such as 14C and 10Be, which settle down on Earth's surface. Their concentration can be measured in ice cores, allowing a reconstruction of solar activity levels into the distant past.[25] Such reconstructions indicate that the overall level of solar activity since the middle of the twentieth century stands amongst the highest of the past 10,000 years, and that Maunder minimum-like epochs of suppressed activity, of varying durations have occurred repeatedly over that time span.

    Effects on Earth

    Terrestrial organisms
    Main article: Solar variation

    The impact of the solar cycle on living organisms has been investigated (see chronobiology). Some researchers claim to have found connections with human health.[26][27]

    The amount of ultraviolet UVB light at 300 nm reaching the Earth varies by as much as 400% over the solar cycle due to variations in the protective ozone layer. In the stratosphere, ozone is continuously regenerated by the splitting of O2 molecules by ultraviolet light. During a solar minimum, the decrease in ultraviolet light received from the Sun leads to a decrease in the concentration of ozone, allowing increased UVB to penetrate to the Earth's surface.[28]

    Radio communication
    Main article: Skywave

    Skywave modes of radio communication operate by bending (refracting) radio waves (electromagnetic radiation) through the Ionosphere. During the "peaks" of the solar cycle, the ionosphere becomes increasingly ionized by solar photons and cosmic rays. This affects the path (propagation) of the radio wave in complex ways which can either facilitate or hinder local and long distance communications. Forecasting of skywave modes is of considerable interest to commercial marine and aircraft communications, amateur radio operators, and shortwave broadcasters. These users utilize frequencies within the High Frequency or 'HF' radio spectrum which are most affected by these solar and ionospheric variances. Changes in solar output affect the maximum usable frequency, a limit on the highest frequency usable for communications.

    Terrestrial climate
    Main article: Solar variation

    Both long-term and short-term variations in solar activity are hypothesized to affect global climate, but it has proven extremely challenging to directly quantify the link between solar variation and the earth’s climate.[29] The topic continues to be a subject of active study.

    Early research attempted to find a correlation between weather and sunspot activity, mostly without notable success.[30] Later research has concentrated more on correlating solar activity with global temperature. Most recently, research suggests that there may also be regional climate impacts due to the solar cycle. Measurements from the Spectral Irradiance Monitor on NASA’s Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment show that solar UV output is more variable over the course of the solar cycle than scientists had previously thought, resulting in, for example, colder winters in the US and southern Europe and warmer winters in Canada and northern Europe during solar minima.[31]

    There are three suggested mechanisms by which solar variations are hypothesized to have an effect on climate:
    • Solar irradiance changes directly affecting the climate ("Radiative forcing").
    • Variations in the ultraviolet component. The UV component varies by more than the total, so if UV were for some (as yet unknown) reason having a disproportionate effect, this might cause an effect on climate.
    • Effects mediated by changes in cosmic rays (which are affected by the solar wind) such as changes in cloud cover.
    The sunspot cycle variation of 0.1% has small but detectable effects on the Earth’s climate.[32] Work by Camp and Tung suggests that changes in solar irradiance correlates with a variation of ±0.1 K (±0.18°F) in measured average global temperature between the peak and minimum of the 11-year solar cycle.[33]

    The effect of solar variation at time scales longer than a solar cycle is also of interest to climate science. The current scientific consensus is that solar variations do not play a major role in determining present-day global warming,[29] since the measured magnitude of recent solar variation is much smaller than the forcing due to greenhouse gases,[34] but the level of understanding of solar impacts is low.[35]

    Effects on spacecraft

    The coronal mass ejections ("CME") associated with solar flares produces a radiation flux of high-energy protons, sometimes known as solar cosmic rays. These can cause radiation damage to electronics and solar cells in satellites. The solar proton events also can cause single-event upset (SEU) events on electronics; at the same, the reduced flux of galactic cosmic radiation during solar maximum (see section "Cosmic ray flux" above) will decrease the high-energy component of particle flux.

    If astronauts on a space mission are above the shielding effect produced by the Earth's magnetic field, the radiation from a CME would also be dangerous to humans; many future mission designs (e.g., for a Mars Mission) therefore incorporate a radiation-shielded "storm shelter" for astronauts to retreat to during such a radiation event.

    In view of the problems in space flight occurring during high solar activity, prediction of the latter becomes more and more important. A particular method that relies on several consecutive cycles was established by Wolfgang Gleißberg.[36]

    See also

    NASA solar science
    2. Usoskin, I. G.; Mursula, K.; Arlt, R.; Kovaltsov, G. A. (2009). "A Solar Cycle Lost in 1793-1800: Early Sunspot Observations Resolve the Old Mystery". The Astrophysical Journal 700 (2): L154. arXiv:0907.0063. Bibcode:2009ApJ...700L.154U. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/700/2/L154. edit
    3. "Centuries-old sketches solve sunspot mystery". New Scientist. 1 Aug 2009. p. 10.
    4. Eddy, John A. (June 1976). "The Maunder Minimum". Science 192 (4245): 1189–1202. Bibcode:1976Sci...192.1189E. doi:10.1126/science.192.4245.1189. JSTOR 17425839. PMID 17771739.
    5. H. Schwentek and W. Elling; Elling (July 1984). "A possible relationship between spectral bands in sunspot number and the space-time organization of our planetary system". Solar Physics 93 (2): 403–13. Bibcode:1984SoPh...93..403S. doi:10.1007/BF02270851.
    6. Attila Grandpierre (December 3, 2004). "On the origin of solar cycle periodicity". Astrophysics and Space Science 243 (2): 393–400. Bibcode:1996Ap&SS.243..393G. doi:10.1007/BF00644709.
    7. Charvátová I. (2000). "Can origin of the 2400-year cycle of solar activity be caused by solar inertial motion?" (PDF). Ann. Geophys. 18 (4): 399–405. Bibcode:2000AnGeo..18..399C. doi:10.1007/s00585-000-0399-x.
    8. Charvatova, Hejda (2008-9). Possible role of the Solar inertial motion in climatic changes (PDF). CA: Bill Howell .
    9. Waldmeier M., 1939, Astron. Mitt. Zurich, 14, 439
    10. Zhan-Le Du1, Hua-Ning Wang and Xiang-Tao He, The Relation between the Amplitude and the Period of Solar Cycles, Chin. J. Astron. Astrophys. Vol. 6 (2006), No. 4, 489–494
    11. Active Cavity Radiometer Irradiance Monitor (ACRIM) solar irradiance monitoring 1978 to present (Satellite observations of total solar irradiance); access date 2012-02-03
    12. "An influence of solar spectral variations on radiative forcing of climate". Nature 467 (7316). October 6, 2010.
    13. Willson RC, Hudson HS; Hudson (1991). "The Sun's luminosity over a complete solar cycle". Nature 351 (6321): 42–4. Bibcode:1991Natur.351...42W. doi:10.1038/351042a0.
    14. Willson R.C., Gulkis S., Janssen M., Hudson H.S., Chapman G.A.; Gulkis; Janssen; Hudson; Chapman (1981). "Observations of solar irradiance variability". Science 211 (4483): 700–2. Bibcode:1981Sci...211..700W. doi:10.1126/science.211.4483.700. PMID 17776650.
    15. Total Solar Irradiance Graph from ACRIM page. ACRIM project web page.
    16. Willson R.C., Mordvinov A.V.; Mordvinov (2003). "Secular total solar irradiance trend during solar cycles 21–23". Geophys. Res. Lett. 30 (5): 1199. Bibcode:2003GeoRL..30e...3W. doi:10.1029/2002GL016038.
    17. Scafetta N., Willson R.C. (2009). "ACRIM-gap and TSI trend issue resolved using a surface magnetic flux TSI proxy model". Geophys. Res. Lett. 36 (5): L05701. Bibcode:2009GeoRL..3605701S. doi:10.1029/2008GL036307.
    18. Tapping K.F. (1987). "Recent solar radio astronomy at centimeter wavelength: the temporal variability of the 10.7-cm flux". J. Geophys. Res. 92 (D1): 829–838. Bibcode:1987JGR....92..829T. doi:10.1029/JD092iD01p00829.
    19. John White and Ken Tapping (February 2012). "The Penticton Solar Flux Receiver". QST (The American Radio Relay League): 39–45.
    20. Davies, Kenneth (1990). Ionospheric Radio. IEE Electromagnetic Waves Series #31. London, UK: Peter Peregrinus Ltd/The Institution of Electrical Engineers. p. 34. ISBN 0-86341-186-X.
    21. "The Effect of 10.7 cm Solar Radiation on 2.4 GHz Digital Spread Spectrum Communications". NARTE News 17 (3). July–October 1999.
    22. "Extreme Space Weather Events". National Geophysical Data Center.
    23. "The Most Powerful Solar Flares Ever Recorded".
    24. Solanki, Sami K.; Usoskin, Ilya G.; Kromer, Bernd; Schüssler, Manfred; Beer, Jürg (2004). "Unusual activity of the Sun during recent decades compared to the previous 11,000 years" (PDF). Nature 431 (7012): 1084–7. Bibcode:2004Natur.431.1084S. doi:10.1038/nature02995. PMID 15510145.
    25. Halberg, F; Cornélissen, G; Otsuka, K; Watanabe, Y; Katinas, GS; Burioka, N; Delyukov, A; Gorgo, Y; Zhao, Z (2000). "Cross-spectrally coherent ~10.5- and 21-year biological and physical cycles, magnetic storms and myocardial infarctions". Neuroendocrinology Letters 21 (3): 233–258. PMID 11455355.
    26. Lowell WE, Davis GE Jr (2008). "The light of life: Evidence that the sun modulates human lifespan". Medical Hypotheses 70 (3): 501–7. doi:10.1016/j.mehy.2007.05.053. PMID 17951015.
    27. Consensus Development Conference Statement Sunlight, Ultraviolet Radiation, and the Skin, NIH, 1989
    28. Joanna D. Haigh "The Sun and the Earth’s Climate", '‘Living Reviews in Solar Physics’' (access date 31 January 2012
    29. Weart, Spencer (2003). "Changing Sun, Changing Climate?". The Discovery of Global Warming. Harvard University Press. ISBN 0-674-01157-0. Retrieved 17 April 2008.
    30. Ineson S., Scaife A.A., Knight J.R., Manners J.C., Dunstone N.J., Gray L.J., Haigh J.D.; Scaife; Knight; Manners; Dunstone; Gray; Haigh (October 9, 2011). "Solar forcing of winter climate variability in the Northern Hemisphere". Nature Geoscience 4 (11): 753–7. Bibcode:2011NatGe...4..753I. doi:10.1038/ngeo1282.
    31. Labitzke K., Matthes K. (2003). "Eleven-year solar cycle variations in the atmosphere: observations, mechanisms and models". The Holocene 13 (3): 311–7. doi:10.1191/0959683603hl623rp.
    32. C. D. Camp and K. K. Tung; Tung (2007). "Surface warming by the solar cycle as revealed by the composite mean difference projection". Geophysical Research Letters 34 (14): L14703. Bibcode:2007GeoRL..3414703C. doi:10.1029/2007GL030207. Retrieved 20 January 2012.
    33. Houghton, J.T.; Ding, Y.; Griggs, D.J. et al., eds. (2001). "6.11 Total Solar Irradiance—Figure 6.6: Global, annual mean radiative forcings (1750 to present)". Climate Change 2001: Working Group I: The Scientific Basis. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Retrieved 15 April 2007. ; see also the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, in which the magnitude of variation in solar irradiance was revised downward, although the evidence of connections between solar variation and certain aspects of climate increased over the same time period: Assessment Report-4, Working group 1, chapter 2
    34. Forster, P., V. Ramaswamy, P. Artaxo, T. Berntsen, R. Betts, D.W. Fahey, J. Haywood, J. Lean, D.C. Lowe, G. Myhre, J. Nganga, R. Prinn, G. Raga, M. Schulz and R. Van Dorland (2007), "2.9.1 Uncertainties in Radiative Forcing", in IPCC AR4 WG1 2007, Chapter 2: Changes in Atmospheric Constituents and Radiative Forcing, ISBN 978-0-521-88009-1
    35. Wolfgang Gleißberg (1953). Die Häufigkeit der Sonnenflecken (in German). Berlin: Ahademie Verlag.
    Julian calendar
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    This is an article about a calendar used for civil and liturgical purposes.
    SeeJulian day for the day-number calendar used for astronomical and historical calculations.

    The Julian calendar was a reform of the Roman calendar introduced by Julius Caesar in 46 BC (708 AUC). It took effect in 45 BC (709 AUC). It was the predominant calendar in most of Europe, and in European settlements in the Americas and elsewhere, until it was superseded by the Gregorian calendar.

    The Julian calendar has a regular year of 365 days divided into 12 months, as listed in Table of months. A leap day is added to February every four years. The Julian year is, therefore, on average 365.25 days long. It was intended to approximate the tropical (solar) year.

    Although Greek astronomers had known, at least since Hipparchus, a century before the Julian reform, that the tropical year was a few minutes shorter than 365.25 days, the calendar did not compensate for this difference.

    As a result, the calendar year gained about three days every four centuries compared to observed equinox times and the seasons. This discrepancy was corrected by the Gregorian reform of 1582.

    The Gregorian calendar has the same months and month lengths as the Julian calendar, but inserts leap days according to a different rule. Consequently, the Julian calendar is currently 13 days behind the Gregorian calendar; for instance,1 January in the Julian calendar is 14 January in the Gregorian.

    The Julian calendar has been replaced as the civil calendar by the Gregorian calendar in almost all countries which formerly used it, although it continued to be the civil calendar of some countries into the 20th century.

    Most Christian denominations in the West and areas evangelized by Western churches have also replaced the Julian calendar with the Gregorian as the basis for their liturgical calendars.

    However, most branches of the Eastern Orthodox Church still use the Julian calendar for calculating the dates of moveable feasts, including Easter (Pascha). Some Orthodox churches have adopted the Revised Julian calendar for the observance of fixed feasts, while other Orthodox churches retain the Julian calendar for all purposes.[1]

    The Julian calendar is still used by the Berber people of North Africa and on Mount Athos. In the form of the Alexandrian calendar, it is the basis for the Ethiopian calendar, which is the civil calendar of Ethiopia.

    Months (Roman) Lengths before 45 BC Lengths as of 45 BC Months (English)
    Ianuarius[2] 29 31 January
    Februarius 28 (leap years: 23 or 24) 28 (leap years: 29) February
    Mercedonius/Intercalaris 0 (leap years: 27) (abolished) —
    Martius 31 31 March
    Aprilis 29 30 April
    Maius 31 31 May
    Iunius[2] 29 30 June
    Quintilis[3] (Iulius) 31 31 July
    Sextilis (Augustus) 29 31 August
    September 29 30 September
    October 31 31 October
    November 29 30 November
    December 29 31 December

    The ordinary year in the previous Roman calendar consisted of 12 months, for a total of 355 days. In addition, a 27-day intercalary month, the Mensis Intercalaris, was sometimes inserted between February and March. This intercalary month was formed by inserting 22 days after the first 23 or 24 days of February the last five days of February, which counted down toward the start of March, became the last five days of Intercalaris. The net effect was to add 22 or 23 days to the year, forming an intercalary year of 377 or 378 days.[4]

    According to the later writers Censorinus and Macrobius, the ideal intercalary cycle consisted of ordinary years of 355 days alternating with intercalary years, alternately 377 and 378 days long. On this system, the average Roman year would have had 366¼ days over four years, giving it an average drift of one day per year relative to any solstice or equinox.

    Macrobius describes a further refinement wherein, for 8 years out of 24, there were only three intercalary years, each of 377 days. This refinement averages the length of the year to 365.25 days over 24 years. In practice, intercalations did not occur schematically according to these ideal systems, but were determined by the pontifices.

    So far as can be determined from the historical evidence, they were much less regular than these ideal schemes suggest. They usually occurred every second or third year, but were sometimes omitted for much longer, and occasionally occurred in two consecutive years.

    If managed correctly this system allowed the Roman year, on average, to stay roughly aligned to a tropical year. However, since the Pontifices were often politicians, and because a Roman magistrate's term of office corresponded with a calendar year, this power was prone to abuse: a Pontifex could lengthen a year in which he or one of his political allies was in office, or refuse to lengthen one in which his opponents were in power.[5] If too many intercalations were omitted, as happened after the Second Punic War and during the Civil Wars,the calendar would drift rapidly out of alignment with the tropical year. Moreover, because intercalations were often determined quite late, the average Roman citizen often did not know the date, particularly if he were some distance from the city.

    For these reasons, the last years of the pre-Julian calendar were later known as "years of confusion”. The problems became particularly acute during the years of Julius Caesar's pontificate before the reform,63–46 BC, when there were only five intercalary months, whereas there should have been eight, and none at all during the five Roman years before 46 BC. The reform was intended to correct this problem permanently, by creating a calendar that remained aligned to the sun without any human intervention.

    This feature proved useful very soon after the new calendar came into effect. Varro used it in 37 BC to fix calendar dates for the start of the four seasons, which would have been impossible only 8 years earlier.[6]

    A century later, when Pliny dated the winter solstice to 25 December because the sun entered the 8th degree of Capricorn on that date,[7] this stability had become an ordinary fact of life.

    Context of the reform

    The approximation of 365¼ days for the tropical year had been known for a long time but was not used directly since ancient calendars were not solar (except in Egypt).

    It was the mean length of the year in the octaeteris, a cycle of 8 lunar years popularized by Cleostratus (and also commonly attributed to Eudoxus) which was used in some early Greek calendars, notably in Athens.

    The same value was the basis of the 76 years cycle devised by Callippus (a student under Eudoxus) to improve the Metonic cycle.

    The length of the year in the cycle of Meton was less accurate: about 30 minutes too long (1 day in 48 years). In Egypt, a fixed year of 365 days was in use, drifting by one day against the sun in four years. An unsuccessful attempt to add an extra day every fourth year was made in 238 BC (Decree of Canopus). Caesar probably experienced the solar calendar in that country. He landed in the Nile delta in October 48 BC and soon became embroiled in the Ptolemaic dynastic war, especially after Cleopatra managed to be "introduced" to him in Alexandria.

    Caesar imposed a peace, and a banquet was held to celebrate the event.[8] Lucan depicted Caesar talking to a wise man called Acoreus during the feast, stating his intention to create a calendar more perfect than that of Eudoxus[8] (Eudoxus was popularly credited with having determined the length of the year to be 365¼ days).[9]

    But the war soon resumed and Caesar was attacked by the Egyptian army for several months until he achieved victory. He then enjoyed a long cruise on the Nile with Cleopatra before leaving the country in June 47 BC.[10]
    Caesar returned to Rome in 46 BC and, according to Plutarch, called in the best philosophers and mathematicians of his time to solve the problem of the calendar.[11]

    Pliny says that Caesar was aided in his reform by the astronomer Sosigenes of Alexandria[12] who is generally considered the principal designer of the reform. Sosigenes may also have been the author of the astronomical almanac published by Caesar to facilitate the reform.[13]

    Eventually, it was decided to establish a calendar that would be a combination between the old Roman months, the fixed length of the Egyptian calendar, and the 365¼ days of the Greek astronomy. According to Macrobius,
    Caesar was assisted in this by a certain Marcus Flavius.[14]

    ^ Towards a Common Date of Easter. (5–10 March). World Council of Churches/Middle East Council of Churches Consultation, Aleppo, Syria.
    ^ Jump up to: a b c The letter J was not invented until the 16th century.
    Jump up ^ The spelling Quinctilis is also attested; see page 669 of The Oxford Companion to the Year.
    Jump up ^ Blackburn, B. & Holford-Strevens, L. The Oxford Companion to the Year. Oxford University press, 1999, reprinted with corrections, 2003. p. 669-70.
    Jump up ^ Censorinus, De die natali 20.7 (Latin)
    ^ Jump up to: a b Varro, On Agriculture I.1.28
    Jump up ^ Pliny, Natural History: (Book 18, LIX / LXVI / LXVIII / LXXIV)
    ^ Jump up to: a b Lucan, Pharsalia: Book 10
    Jump up ^ Émile Biémont, Rythmes du temps, astronomie et calendriers, éd. De Boeck (Bruxelles), 2000 (ISBN 2-8041-3287-0), p. 224
    Jump up ^ Suetonius, Caesar 52.1
    Jump up ^ Plutarch, Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans: Caesar 59.
    Jump up ^ Pliny, Natural History: (Book 18, LVII)
    Jump up ^ Encyclopædia Britannica Sosigenes of Alexandria.
    Jump up ^ Macrobius, Saturnalia I.14.2 (Latin).


    Julian calendar
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    This article is about a calendar used for civil and liturgical purposes. For the day-number calendar used for astronomical and historical calculations, see Julian day.

    The Julian calendar, introduced by Julius Caesar in 46 BC (708 AUC), was a reform of the Roman calendar. It took effect in 45 BC (709 AUC). It was the predominant calendar in most of Europe, and in European settlements in the Americas and elsewhere, until it was refined and superseded by the Gregorian calendar. The difference in the average length of the year between Julian (365.25 days) and Gregorian (365.2425 days) is 0.002%.

    The Julian calendar has a regular year of 365 days divided into 12 months, as listed in Table of months. A leap day is added to February every four years. The Julian year is, therefore, on average 365.25 days long. It was intended to approximate the tropical (solar) year. Although Greek astronomers had known, at least since Hipparchus, a century before the Julian reform, that the tropical year was a few minutes shorter than 365.25 days, the calendar did not compensate for this difference. As a result, the calendar year gained about three days every four centuries compared to observed equinox times and the seasons. This discrepancy was corrected by the Gregorian reform of 1582. The Gregorian calendar has the same months and month lengths as the Julian calendar, but inserts leap days according to a different rule. Consequently, the Julian calendar is currently 13 days behind the Gregorian calendar; for instance, 1 January in the Julian calendar is 14 January in the Gregorian.

    The Julian calendar has been replaced as the civil calendar by the Gregorian calendar in almost all countries which formerly used it, although it continued to be the civil calendar of some countries into the 20th century. Most Christian denominations in the West and areas evangelized by Western churches have also replaced the Julian calendar with the Gregorian as the basis for their liturgical calendars. However, most branches of the Eastern Orthodox Church still use the Julian calendar for calculating the dates of moveable feasts, including Easter (Pascha). Some Orthodox churches have adopted the Revised Julian calendar for the observance of fixed feasts, while other Orthodox churches retain the Julian calendar for all purposes.[1] The Julian calendar is still used by the Berber people of North Africa, and on Mount Athos. In the form of the Alexandrian calendar, it is the basis for the Ethiopian calendar, which is the civil calendar of Ethiopia.


    Table of months for The Julian Calendar



    The ordinary year in the previous Roman calendar consisted of 12 months, for a total of 355 days. In addition, a 27-day intercalary month, the Mensis Intercalaris, was sometimes inserted between February and March. This intercalary month was formed by inserting 22 days after the first 23 or 24 days of February; the last five days of February, which counted down toward the start of March, became the last five days of Intercalaris. The net effect was to add 22 or 23 days to the year, forming an intercalary year of 377 or 378 days.[4]
    1. The letter J was not invented until the 16th century.
    2. The spelling Quinctilis is also attested; see page 669 of The Oxford Companion to the Year.
    3. Jump up ^ Blackburn, B. & Holford-Strevens, L. The Oxford Companion to the Year. Oxford University press, 1999, reprinted with corrections, 2003. p. 669-70.


    According to the later writers Censorinus and Macrobius, the ideal intercalary cycle consisted of ordinary years of 355 days alternating with intercalary years, alternately 377 and 378 days long. On this system, the average Roman year would have had 366¼ days over four years, giving it an average drift of one day per year relative to any solstice or equinox. Macrobius describes a further refinement whereby, in one 8 year period within a 24 year cycle, there were only three intercalary years, each of 377 days (thus 11 intercalary years out of 24). This refinement averages the length of the year to 365.25 days over 24 years.

    In practice, intercalations did not occur systematically according to any of these ideal systems, but were determined by the Pontifices. So far as can be determined from the historical evidence, they were much less regular than these ideal schemes suggest. They usually occurred every second or third year, but were sometimes omitted for much longer, and occasionally occurred in two consecutive years.

    If managed correctly this system could have allowed the Roman year to stay roughly aligned to a tropical year. However, since the Pontifices were often politicians, and because a Roman magistrate's term of office corresponded with a calendar year, this power was prone to abuse: a Pontifex could lengthen a year in which he or one of his political allies was in office, or refuse to lengthen one in which his opponents were in power.[5]

    If too many intercalations were omitted, as happened after the Second Punic War and during the Civil Wars, the calendar would drift out of alignment with the tropical year. Moreover, because intercalations were often determined quite late, the average Roman citizen often did not know the date, particularly if he were some distance from the city. For these reasons, the last years of the pre-Julian calendar were later known as "years of confusion". The problems became particularly acute during the years of Julius Caesar's pontificate before the reform, 63–46 BC, when there were only five intercalary months (instead of eight), none of which were during the five Roman years before 46 BC.

    Caesar's reform was intended to solve this problem permanently, by creating a calendar that remained aligned to the sun without any human intervention. This proved useful very soon after the new calendar came into effect. Varro used it in 37 BC to fix calendar dates for the start of the four seasons, which would have been impossible only 8 years earlier.[6] A century later, when Pliny dated the winter solstice to 25 December because the sun entered the 8th degree of Capricorn on that date,[7] this stability had become an ordinary fact of life.
    1. Censorinus, De die natali 20.7 (Latin)
    2. Varro, On Agriculture I.1.28
    3. Pliny, Natural History: (Book 18, LIX / LXVI / LXVIII / LXXIV)


    Julian reform
    Realignment of the year

    The first step of the reform was to realign the start of the calendar year (1 January) to the tropical year by making 46 BC (708 AUC) 445 days long, compensating for the intercalations which had been missed during Caesar's pontificate. This year had already been extended from 355 to 378 days by the insertion of a regular intercalary month in February. When Caesar decreed the reform, probably shortly after his return from the African campaign in late Quintilis (July), he added 67 more days by inserting two extraordinary intercalary months between November and December.[15]

    These months are called Intercalaris Prior and Intercalaris Posterior in letters of Cicero written at the time; there is no basis for the statement sometimes seen that they were called "Undecimber" and "Duodecimber".[16] Their individual lengths are unknown, as is the position of the Nones and Ides within them.[17]

    Because 46 BC was the last of a series of irregular years, this extra-long year was, and is, referred to as the "last year of confusion". The new calendar began operation after the realignment had been completed, in 45 BC.[18]

    Changes to the months

    The Julian months were formed by adding ten days to a regular pre-Julian Roman year of 355 days, creating a regular Julian year of 365 days. Two extra days were added to January, Sextilis (August) and December, and one extra day was added to April, June, September and November. February was not changed in ordinary years, and so continued to be the traditional 28 days. Thus, the ordinary (i.e., non leap year) lengths of all of the months were set by the Julian calendar to the same values they still hold today. (See Sacrobosco's theory on month lengths below for stories purporting otherwise).

    The Julian reform did not change the method used to account days of the month in the pre-Julian calendar, based on the Kalends, Nones and Ides, nor did it change the positions of these three dates within the months. Macrobius states that the extra days were added immediately before the last day of each month to avoid disturbing the position of the established religious ceremonies relative to the Nones and Ides of the month.[19] However, since Roman dates after the Ides of the month counted down toward the start of the next month, the extra days had the effect of raising the initial value of the count of the day following the Ides in the lengthened months. Thus, in January, Sextilis and December the 14th day of the month became a.d. XIX Kal. instead of a.d. XVII Kal., while in April, June, September and November it became a.d. XVIII Kal.

    Romans of the time born after the Ides of a month responded differently to the effect of this change on their birthdays. Mark Antony kept his birthday on the 14th day of January, which changed its date from a.d. XVII Kal. Feb. to a.d. XIX Kal. Feb., a date that had previously not existed. Livia kept the date of her birthday unchanged at a.d. III Kal. Feb., which moved it from the 28th to the 30th day of January, a day that had previously not existed. Augustus kept his on the 23rd day of September, but both the old date (a.d. VIII Kal. Oct.) and the new (a.d. IX Kal. Oct.) were celebrated in some places.

    The inserted days were all initially characterised as dies fasti (F -- see Roman calendar).[20] The character of a few festival days was changed. In the early Julio-Claudian period a large number of festivals were decreed to celebrate events of dynastic importance, which caused the character of the associated dates to be changed to NP. However, this practice was discontinued around the reign of Claudius, and the practice of characterising days fell into disuse around the end of the first century AD: the Antonine jurist Gaius speaks of dies nefasti as a thing of the past.[21]


    The old intercalary month was abolished. The new leap day was dated as ante diem bis sextum Kalendas Martias, usually abbreviated as a.d. bis VI Kal. Mart.; hence it is called in English the bissextile day. The year in which it occurred was termed annus bissextus, in English the bissextile year.

    There is debate about the exact position of the bissextile day in the early Julian calendar. The earliest direct evidence is a statement of the 2nd century jurist Celsus, who states that there were two halves of a 48-hour day, and that the intercalated day was the "posterior" half. An inscription from AD 168 states that a.d. V Kal. Mart. was the day after the bissextile day. The 19th century chronologist Ideler argued that Celsus used the term "posterior" in a technical fashion to refer to the earlier of the two days, which requires the inscription to refer to the whole 48-hour day as the bissextile. Some later historians share this view. Others, following Mommsen, take the view that Celsus was using the ordinary Latin (and English) meaning of "posterior". A third view is that neither half of the 48-hour "bis sextum" was originally formally designated as intercalated, but that the need to do so arose as the concept of a 48-hour day became obsolete.[22]

    There is no doubt that the bissextile day eventually became the earlier of the two days for most purposes. In 238 Censorinus stated that it was inserted after the Terminalia (23 February) and was followed by the last five days of February, i.e. a.d. VI, V, IV, III and prid. Kal. Mart. (which would be the 24th to 28th days of February in a common year and the 25th to the 29th days in a leap year). Hence he regarded the bissextum as the first half of the doubled day. All later writers, including Macrobius about 430, Bede in 725, and other medieval computists (calculators of Easter) followed this rule, as did the liturgical calendar of the Roman Catholic Church until 1970. However, Celsus' definition continued to be used for legal purposes. It was incorporated into Justinian's Digest,[23] and in the English statute De anno et die bissextili of 1236, which was not formally repealed until 1879.

    The effect of the bissextile day on the nundinal cycle is not discussed in the sources. According to Dio Cassius, a leap day was inserted in 41 BC to ensure that the first market day of 40 BC did not fall on 1 January, which implies that the old 8-day cycle was not immediately affected by the Julian reform. However, he also reports that in AD 44, and on some previous occasions, the market day was changed to avoid a conflict with a religious festival. This may indicate that a single nundinal letter was assigned to both halves of the 48-hour bissextile day by this time, so that the Regifugium and the market day might fall on the same date but on different days. In any case, the 8-day nundinal cycle began to be displaced by the 7-day week in the first century AD, and dominical letters began to appear alongside nundinal letters in the fasti.[24]

    During the late Middle Ages days in the month came to be numbered in consecutive day order. Consequently, the leap day was considered to be the last day in February in leap years, i.e. 29 February, which is its current position.

    Sacrobosco's theory on month lengths

    The Julian reform set the lengths of the months to their modern values. However, a 13th-century scholar, Sacrobosco, proposed a different explanation for the lengths of Julian months[25] which is still widely repeated but is certainly wrong.

    According to Sacrobosco, the month lengths for ordinary years in the Roman Republican calendar, from January to December, were:

    30, 29, 30, 29, 30, 29, 30, 29, 30, 29, 30, 29.

    Sacrobosco then thought that Julius Caesar added one day to every month except February, a total of 11 more days to regular months, giving the ordinary Julian year of 365 days. A single leap day could now be added to this extra short February:

    31, 29/30, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 30.

    He then said Augustus changed this, by taking one day from February to add it to Sextilis, and then modifying the alternation of the following months, to:

    31, 28/29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31

    so that the length of Augustus (August) would not be shorter than (and therefore inferior to) the length of Iulius (July), giving us the irregular month lengths which are still in use.

    There is abundant evidence disproving this theory. First, a wall painting of a Roman calendar predating the Julian reform has survived,[26] which confirms the literary accounts that the months were already irregular before Julius Caesar reformed them, with an ordinary year of 355 days, not 354, with month lengths arranged as:

    29, 28, 31, 29, 31, 29, 31, 29, 29, 31, 29, 29.

    Also, the Julian reform did not change the dates of the Nones and Ides. In particular, the Ides were late (on the 15th rather than 13th) in March, May, July and October, showing that these months always had 31 days in the Roman calendar,[27] whereas Sacrobosco's theory requires that March, May and July were originally 30 days long and that the length of October was changed from 29 to 30 days by Caesar and to 31 days by Augustus. Further, Sacrobosco's theory is explicitly contradicted by the 3rd and 5th century authors Censorinus[28] and Macrobius,[29] and it is inconsistent with seasonal lengths given by Varro, writing in 37 BC,[6] before Sextilis was renamed for Augustus in 8 BC, with the 31-day Sextilis given by an Egyptian papyrus from 24 BC,[30] and with the 28-day February shown in the Fasti Caeretani, which is dated before 12 BC.[31][/sup]

    Adoption of the Julian calendar

    Caesar's reform only applied to the Roman calendar. However, in the following decades many of the local civic and provincial calendars of the empire and neighbouring client kingdoms were aligned to the Julian calendar by transforming them into calendars with years of 365 days with an extra day intercalated every four years.[32] The reformed calendars typically retained many features of the unreformed calendars. In many cases, the New Year was not on 1 January, the leap day was not on the bissextile day, the old month names were retained, the lengths of the reformed months did not match the lengths of Julian months, and, even if they did, their first days did not match the first day of the corresponding Julian month. Nevertheless, since the reformed calendars had fixed relationships to each other and to the Julian calendar, the process of converting dates between them became quite straightforward, through the use of conversion tables known as hemerologia.[33] Several of the reformed calendars are only known through surviving hemerologia.

    The three most important of these calendars are the Alexandrian calendar, the Asian calendar and the Syro-Macedonian calendar. Other reformed calendars are known from Cappadocia, Cyprus and the cities of Syria and Palestine. Most reformed calendars were adopted under Augustus, though the calendar of Nabatea was reformed after the kingdom became the Roman province of Arabia in AD 106. There is no evidence that local calendars were aligned to the Julian calendar in the Western empire. Unreformed calendars continued to be used in Gaul, Greece, Macedon, the Balkans and parts of Palestine, most notably in Judea.

    The Alexandrian calendar adapted the Egyptian calendar by adding a 6th epagomenal day as the last day of the year in every fourth year, falling on the 29 August preceding a bissextile day. It was otherwise identical to the Egyptian calendar. The first leap day was in 22 BC, and they occurred every four years from the beginning, even though Roman leap days occurred every three years at this time (see Leap year error). This calendar influenced the structure of several other reformed calendars, such as those of the cities of Gaza and Ascalon in Palestine, Salamis in Cyprus, and the province of Arabia. It was adopted by the Coptic church and remains in use both as the liturgical calendar of the Coptic church and as the civil calendar of Ethiopia.

    The Asian calendar was an adaptation of the Macedonian calendar used in the province of Asia and, with minor variations, in nearby cities and provinces. It is known in detail through the survival of decrees promulgating it issued in 8BC by the proconsul Paullus Fabius Maximus. It renamed the first month Dios as Kaisar, and arranged the months such that each month started on the 23rd of the corresponding Roman month; thus the year began on 23 September, Augustus' birthday. Since Greek months typically had 29 or 30 days, the 31st day of 31 day months was named Sebaste—the emperor's day—and was the first day of these months. The leap day was a second Sebaste day in the month of Xandikos, i.e. 24 February. This calendar remained in use at least until the middle of the fifth century AD.

    The SyroMacedonian calendar was an adaptation of the Macedonian calendar used in Antioch and other parts of Syria. The months were exactly aligned to the Julian calendar, but they retained their Macedonian names and the year began in Dios = November until the fifth century, when the start of the year was moved to Gorpiaios = September.

    These reformed calendars generally remained in use until the fifth or sixth century. Around that time most of them were replaced as civil calendars by the Julian calendar, but with a year starting in September to reflect the year of the indiction cycle.

    The Julian calendar spread beyond the borders of the Roman Empire through its use as the Christian liturgical calendar. When a people or a country was converted to Christianity, they generally also adopted the Christian calendar of the church responsible for conversion. Thus, Christian Nubia and Ethiopia adopted the Alexandrian calendar, while Christian Europe adopted the Julian calendar, in either the Catholic or Orthodox variant. Starting in the 16th century, European settlements in the Americas and elsewhere likewise inherited the Julian calendar of the mother country, until they adopted the Gregorian reform. The last country to adopt the Julian calendar was the Ottoman Empire, which had used it for financial purposes for some time, but adopted it officially as the civil calendar (the "Rumi calendar") in 1840.

    Leap year error

    Although the new calendar was much simpler than the pre-Julian calendar, the pontifices initially added a leap day every three years, instead of every four. According to Macrobius, the error was the result of counting inclusively, so that the four-year cycle was considered as including both the first and fourth years; this was perhaps the earliest recorded example of a fence post error. After 36 years, this resulted in three too many leap days. Augustus remedied this discrepancy by restoring the correct frequency. He also skipped three leap days over 12 years in order to realign the year. Once this reform was complete, intercalation resumed in every fourth year and the Roman calendar was the same as the Julian proleptic calendar.[34]

    The historic sequence of leap years in this period is not given explicitly by any ancient source, though Scaliger established that the Augustan reform was instituted in 8 BC. Several solutions have been proposed, which are summarised in the following table. The table shows for each solution the implied proleptic Julian date for the first day of Caesar's reformed calendar (Kal. Ian. AUC 709) and the first Julian date in which the Roman calendar date matches the proleptic Julian calendar after the completion of Augustus' reform.


    Scaliger's proposal is the most widely accepted solution. It closely matches Macrobius' description and results in a calendar year and leap year cycle which exactly matches the proleptic Julian calendar at the time of Caesar's reform, except for his belief that the first reformed year, 45 BC, was not a leap year. Although some scholars, including Mommsen, support Ideler's view that 45 BC was a leap year, Brind'Amour has proved that there was only one bissextile day before 41 BC (in the table above, this rules out both Ideler's solution and the solution proposed by Bünting in 1590 and again by Radke in 1960).[44]

    All proposals which end the triennial cycle before 9 BC are provably incorrect (keeping only the candidate solutions proposed by Scaliger and most recently by Bennett in the table above). The Asian calendar reform[45] decreed by the proconsul Paullus Fabius Maximus aligned the calendar of the Asian province to the Roman calendar with a New Year falling on Augustus' birthday. It cannot have taken effect any earlier than 9 BC, and the decree states that the first reformed year was a leap year in a triennial cycle.

    In 1999, an Egyptian papyrus was published that gives an ephemeris table for 24 BC with both Roman and Egyptian dates.[30] While the Egyptian and lunar synchronisms match the Roman dates on the proleptic Julian calendar, they do not match them on any previously proposed solution for the triennial cycle. One suggested resolution of this problem, which matches the data of the papyrus, is a new triennial sequence, in which the triennial leap years started in 44 BC and ended in 8 BC, with leap years resuming in AD 4 (this is the solution most recently proposed in 2003 by Bennett in the table above).


    Month names

    The Julian reform did not immediately cause the names of any months to be changed. The old intercalary month was abolished and replaced with a single intercalary day at the same point (i.e. five days before the end of February). January continued to be the first month of the year.

    The Romans later renamed months after Julius Caesar and Augustus, renaming Quintilis as "Iulius" (July)[2] in 44 BC and Sextilis as "Augustus" (August) in 8 BC. Quintilis was renamed to honour Caesar because it was the month of his birth.[46] According to a senatus consultum quoted by Macrobius, Sextilis was renamed to honour Augustus because several of the most significant events in his rise to power, culminating in the fall of Alexandria, occurred in that month.[47]

    Other months were renamed by other emperors, but apparently none of the later changes survived their deaths. In AD 37, Caligula renamed September as "Germanicus" after his father;[48] in AD 65, Nero renamed April as "Neroneus", May as "Claudius" and June as "Germanicus";[49] and in AD 84 Domitian renamed September as "Germanicus" and October as "Domitianus".[50] Commodus was unique in renaming all twelve months after his own adopted names (January to December): "Amazonius", "Invictus", "Felix", "Pius", "Lucius", "Aelius", "Aurelius", "Commodus", "Augustus", "Herculeus", "Romanus", and "Exsuperatorius".[51] The emperor Tacitus is said to have ordered that September, the month of his birth and accession, be renamed after him, but the story is doubtful since he did not become emperor before November 275.[52] Similar honorific month names were implemented in many of the provincial calendars that were aligned to the Julian calendar.[53]

    Other name changes were proposed but were never implemented. Tiberius rejected a senatorial proposal to rename September as "Tiberius" and October as "Livius", after his mother Livia.[54] Antoninus Pius rejected a senatorial decree renaming September as "Antoninus" and November as "Faustina", after his empress.[55]
    Much more lasting than the ephemeral month names of the post-Augustan Roman emperors were the names introduced by Charlemagne.[56] He renamed all of the months agriculturally into Old High German. They were used until the 15th century, over 700 years after his rule, and continued with some modifications until the late 18th century in Germany and in the Netherlands. The names (January to December) were: Wintarmanoth (winter month), Hornung (the month when the male red deer sheds its antlers), Lentzinmanoth (Lent month), Ostarmanoth (Easter month), Wonnemanoth (love-making month), Brachmanoth (plowing month), Heuvimanoth (hay month), Aranmanoth (harvest month), Witumanoth (wood month), Windumemanoth (vintage month), Herbistmanoth (autumn/harvest month), and Heilagmanoth (holy month).

    The calendar month names used in western and northern Europe, in Byzantium, and by the Berbers, were derived from the Latin names. However, in eastern Europe older seasonal month names continued to be used into the 19th century, and in some cases are still in use, in many languages, including: Belarusian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Finnish, Georgian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Polish, Romanian, Slovene, Ukrainian. When the Ottoman empire adopted the Julian calendar, in the form of the Rumi calendar, the month names reflected Ottoman tradition.

    Year numbering

    The principal method that the Romans used to identify a year for dating purposes was to name it after the two consuls who took office in it, so this eponymous or named year was called the consular year. Since 153 BC, they had taken office on 1 January, the start of the calendar year. The calendar year is the order that the months were listed in calendars or fasti displayed on painted walls or on stone tablets, and has been January to December since about 450 BC according to Ovid or since about 713 BC according to Macrobius and Plutarch (see Roman calendar). Julius Caesar did not change the beginning of either the consular year or the calendar year. In addition to consular years, the Romans sometimes used the regnal year of the emperor, and by the late 4th century documents were also being dated according to the 15-year cycle of the indiction. In 537, Justinian required that henceforth the date must include the name of the emperor and his regnal year, in addition to the indiction and the consul, while also allowing the use of local eras.
    In 309 and 310, and from time to time thereafter, no consuls were appointed.[57] When this happened, the consular date was given a count of years since the last consul (so-called "post-consular" dating). After 541, only the reigning emperor held the consulate, typically for only one year in his reign, and so post-consular dating became the norm. Similar post-consular dates were also known in the West in the early 6th century. The system of consular dating, long obsolete, was formally abolished in the law code of Leo VI, issued in 888.

    Only rarely did the Romans number the year from the founding of the city (of Rome), ab urbe condita (AUC). This method was used by Roman historians to determine the number of years from one event to another, not to date a year. Different historians had several different dates for the founding. The Fasti Capitolini, an inscription containing an official list of the consuls which was published by Augustus, used an epoch of 752 BC. The epoch used by Varro, 753 BC, has been adopted by modern historians. Indeed, Renaissance editors often added it to the manuscripts that they published, giving the false impression that the Romans numbered their years. Most modern historians tacitly assume that it began on the day the consuls took office, and ancient documents such as the Fasti Capitolini which use other AUC systems do so in the same way. However, Censorinus, writing in the 3rd century AD, states that, in his time, the AUC year began with the Parilia, celebrated on 21 April, which was regarded as the actual anniversary of the foundation of Rome.[58]

    Many local eras, such as the Era of Actium and the Spanish Era, were adopted for the Julian calendar or its local equivalent in the provinces and cities of the Roman Empire. Some of these were used for a considerable time.[59] Perhaps the best known is the Era of Martyrs, sometimes also called Anno Diocletiani (after Diocletian), which was associated with the Alexandrian calendar and often used by the Alexandrian Christians to number their Easters during the 4th and 5th centuries, and continues to be used by the Coptic and Ethiopian churches.

    In the Eastern Mediterranean, the efforts of Christian chronographers such as Annianus of Alexandria to date the Biblical creation of the world led to the introduction of Anno Mundi eras based on this event.[60] The most important of these was the Etos Kosmou, used throughout the Byzantine world from the 10th century and in Russia until 1700. In the West, the kingdoms succeeding the empire initially used indictions and regnal years, alone or in combination. The chronicler Prosper of Aquitaine, in the fifth century, used an era dated from the Passion of Christ, but this era was not widely adopted. Dionysius Exiguus proposed the system of Anno Domini in 525. This era gradually spread through the western Christian world, once the system was adopted by Bede.

    The Julian calendar was also used in some Muslim countries. The Rumi calendar, the Julian calendar used in the later years of the Ottoman Empire, adopted an era derived from the lunar AH year equivalent to AD 1840, i.e. the effective Rumi epoch was AD 585. In recent years, some users of the Berber calendar have adopted an era starting in 950 BC, the approximate date that the Libyan pharaoh Sheshonq I came to power in Egypt.

    New Year's Day

    The Roman calendar began the year on 1 January, and this remained the start of the year after the Julian reform. However, even after local calendars were aligned to the Julian calendar, they started the new year on different dates. The Alexandrian calendar in Egypt started on 29 August (30 August after an Alexandrian leap year). Several local provincial calendars were aligned to start on the birthday of Augustus, 23 September. The indiction caused the Byzantine year, which used the Julian calendar, to begin on 1 September; this date is still used in the Eastern Orthodox Church for the beginning of the liturgical year. When the Julian calendar was adopted in AD 988 by Vladimir I of Kiev, the year was numbered Anno Mundi 6496, beginning on 1 March, six months after the start of the Byzantine Anno Mundi year with the same number. In 1492 (AM 7000), Ivan III, according to church tradition, realigned the start of the year to 1 September, so that AM 7000 only lasted for six months in Russia, from 1 March to 31 August 1492.[61]
    During the Middle Ages 1 January retained the name New Year's Day (or an equivalent name) in all Western European countries (affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church), since the medieval calendar continued to display the months from January to December (in twelve columns containing 28 to 31 days each), just as the Romans had. However, most of those countries began their numbered year on 25 December (the Nativity of Jesus), 25 March (the Incarnation of Jesus), or even Easter, as in France (see the Liturgical year article for more details).

    In Anglo-Saxon England, the year most commonly began on 25 December, which, as the winter solstice, had marked the start of the year in pagan times, though 25 March is occasionally documented in the 11th century. Sometimes the start of the year was reckoned as 24 September, the start of the so-called "western indiction" introduced by Bede.[62] These practices changed after the Norman conquest. From 1087 to 1155 the English year began on 1 January, and from 1155 to 1751 on 25 March.[63] In 1752 it was moved back to 1 January.

    Even before 1752, 1 January was sometimes treated as the start of the new year – for example by Pepys[64] – while the "year starting 25th March was called the Civil or Legal Year".[65] To reduce misunderstandings on the date, it was not uncommon in parish registers for a new year heading after 24 March, for example 1661, to have another heading at the end of the following December indicating "1661/62". This was to explain to the reader that the year was 1661 Old Style and 1662 New Style.[66]

    Most Western European countries shifted the first day of their numbered year to 1 January while they were still using the Julian calendar, before they adopted the Gregorian calendar, many during the 16th century. The following table shows the years in which various countries adopted 1 January as the start of the year. Eastern European countries, with populations showing allegiance to the Orthodox Church, began the year on 1 September from about 988. The Rumi calendar used in the Ottoman empire began the civil year on 1 March until 1918.


    From Julian to Gregorian

    Main article: Gregorian calendar
    The Julian calendar was in general use in Europe and Northern Africa until 1582, when Pope Gregory XIII promulgated the Gregorian calendar. Reform was required because too many leap days are added with respect to the astronomical seasons on the Julian scheme. On average, the astronomical solstices and the equinoxes advance by about 11 minutes per year against the Julian year. As a result, the calculated date of Easter gradually moved out of alignment with the March equinox.

    While Hipparchus and presumably Sosigenes were aware of the discrepancy, although not of its correct value, it was evidently felt to be of little importance at the time of the Julian reform. However, it accumulated significantly over time: the Julian calendar gained a day about every 134 years. By 1582, it was ten days out of alignment from where it supposedly had been in 325 during the Council of Nicaea.
    The Gregorian calendar was soon adopted by most Catholic countries (e.g. Spain, Portugal, Poland, most of Italy). Protestant countries followed later, and the countries of Eastern Europe adopted the "new calendar" even later. In the British Empire (including the American colonies), Wednesday 2 September 1752 was followed by Thursday 14 September 1752. For 12 years from 1700 Sweden used a modified Julian calendar, and adopted the Gregorian calendar in 1753, but Russia remained on the Julian calendar until 1918 (1 February became 14 February), while Greece continued to use it until 1 March 1923 (Gregorian).[74]
    Since the Julian and Gregorian calendars were long used simultaneously, although in different places, calendar dates in the transition period are often ambiguous, unless it is specified which calendar was being used. In some circumstances, double dates might be used, one in each calendar. The notation "Old Style" (O.S.) is sometimes used to indicate a date in the Julian calendar, as opposed to "New Style" (N.S.), which either represents the Julian date with the start of the year as 1 January or a full mapping onto the Gregorian calendar. This notation is used to clarify dates from countries which continued to use the Julian calendar after the Gregorian reform, such as Great Britain, which did not switch to the reformed calendar until 1752, or Russia, which did not switch until 1918.

    Throughout the long transition period, the Julian calendar has continued to diverge from the Gregorian. This has happened in whole-day steps, as leap days which were dropped in certain centennial years in the Gregorian calendar continued to be present in the Julian calendar. Thus, in the year 1700 the difference increased to 11 days after February 28 (Gregorian); in 1800, 12; and in 1900, 13. Since 2000 was a leap year according to both the Julian and Gregorian calendars, the difference of 13 days did not change in that year: 29 February 2000 (Gregorian) fell on 16 February 2000 (Julian). This difference will persist through the last day of February, 2100 (Gregorian), since 2100 is not a Gregorian leap year, but is a Julian leap year. Monday 1 March 2100 (Gregorian) falls on Monday 16 February 2100 (Julian).[75][/sup]


    Eastern Orthodox usage


    Russian icon of the Theophany (6 January), the highest-ranked feast which occurs on the fixed cycle of the Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendar.

    Although all Eastern Orthodox countries (most of them in Eastern or Southeastern Europe) had adopted the Gregorian calendar by 1924, their national churches had not. The "Revised Julian calendar" was proposed during a synod in Constantinople in May 1923, consisting of a solar part which was and will be identical to the Gregorian calendar until the year 2800, and a lunar part which calculated Pascha (Easter) astronomically at Jerusalem. All Orthodox churches refused to accept the lunar part, so almost all Orthodox churches continue to celebrate Pascha according to the Julian calendar (with the exception of the Estonian Orthodox Church and the Finnish Orthodox Church).[76][77]

    The solar part of the Revised Julian calendar was accepted by only some Orthodox churches. Those that did accept it, with hope for improved dialogue and negotiations with the Western denominations, were the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, the Patriarchates of Alexandria, Antioch, the Orthodox Churches of Greece, Cyprus, Romania, Poland (from 1924 to 2014 but remain permitted to use the Revised Julian calendar for some parishes, that want it), Bulgaria (the last in 1963), and the Orthodox Church in America (although some OCA parishes are permitted to use the Julian calendar). Thus these churches celebrate the Nativity on the same day that Western Christians do, 25 December Gregorian until 2800.

    The Orthodox Churches of Jerusalem, Russia, Serbia, Poland (from 15 June 2014), Macedonia, Georgia, Ukraine, and the Greek Old Calendarists and other groups continue to use the Julian calendar, thus they celebrate the Nativity on 25 December Julian (which is 7 January Gregorian until 2100). The Russian Orthodox Church has some parishes in the West which celebrate the Nativity on 25 December Gregorian.

    Parishes of the Orthodox Church in America Bulgarian Diocese, both before and after the 1976 transfer of that diocese from the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia to the Orthodox Church in America, were permitted to use the 25 December Gregorian date. Some Old Calendarist groups which stand in opposition to the state churches of their homelands will use the Great Feast of the Theophany (6 January Julian/19 January Gregorian) as a day for religious processions and the Great Blessing of Waters, to publicize their cause.[citation needed]

    The Oriental Orthodox Churches generally use the local calendar of their homelands. However, when calculating the Nativity Feast, most observe the Julian calendar. This was traditionally for the sake of unity throughout Christendom. In the West, some Oriental Orthodox Churches either use the Gregorian calendar or are permitted to observe the Nativity according to it. The Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church celebrates the Nativity as part of the Feast of Theophany according to its traditional calendar.[citation needed]

    1. Towards a Common Date of Easter. (5–10 March). World Council of Churches/Middle East Council of Churches Consultation, Aleppo, Syria.
    2. The letter J was not invented until the 16th century.
    3. The spelling Quinctilis is also attested; see page 669 of The Oxford Companion to the Year.
    4. Blackburn, B. & Holford-Strevens, L. The Oxford Companion to the Year. Oxford University press, 1999, reprinted with corrections, 2003. p. 669-70.
    5. Censorinus, De die natali 20.7 (Latin)
    6. Varro, On Agriculture I.1.28
    7. Pliny, Natural History: (Book 18, LIX / LXVI / LXVIII / LXXIV)
    8. Lucan, Pharsalia: Book 10
    9. Émile Biémont, Rythmes du temps, astronomie et calendriers, éd. De Boeck (Bruxelles), 2000 (ISBN 2-8041-3287-0), p. 224
    10. Suetonius, Caesar 52.1
    11. Plutarch, Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans: Caesar 59.
    12. Pliny, Natural History: (Book 18, LVII)
    13. Encyclopædia Britannica Sosigenes of Alexandria.
    14. Macrobius, Saturnalia I.14.2 (Latin).
    15. It is not known why he decided that 67 was the correct number of days to add, nor whether he intended to align the calendar to a specific astronomical event such as the winter solstice. Ideler suggested (Handbuch der mathematischen und technischen Chronologie II 123-125) that he intended to align the winter solstice to a supposedly traditional date of 25 December. The number may compensate for three omitted intercalary months (67 = 22+23+22). It also made the distance from 1 March 46 BC, the original New Years Day in the Roman calendar, to 1 January 45 BC 365 days.
    16. E.g. "... we have a sidelight on what was involved in "the year of confusion" as it was called. According to Dion Cassius, the historian, there was a governor in Gaul who insisted that, in the lengthened year, two months' extra taxes should be paid! The extra months were called Undecimber and Duodecimber." (P. W. Wilson, The romance of the calendar (New York, 1937), 112). The eponymous dating of the cited passage (Dio Cassius 54.21) shows that it actually refers to an event of 15 BC, not 46 BC.
    17. J. Rüpke, The Roman Calendar from Numa to Constantine: Time, History and the Fasti, 117f., suggests, based on the ritual structures of the calendar, that 5 days were added to November and that the two intercalary months each had 31 days, with Nones and Ides on the 7th and 15th.
    18. William Smith, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities: Year of Julius Caesar), following Ideler, interprets Macrobius, Saturnalia 1.14.13 (Latin) to mean that Caesar decreed that the first day of the new calendar began with the new moon which fell on the night of 1/2 January 45 BC. (The new moon was on 2 January 45 BC (in the Proleptic Julian calendar) at 00:21 UTC, according to IMCCE (a branch of the Paris Observatory): Phases of the moon (between −4000 and +2500).) However, more recent studies of the manuscripts have shown that the word on which this is based, which was formerly read as lunam, should be read as linam, meaning that Macrobius was simply stating that Caesar published an edict giving the revised calendar — see e.g. p.99 in the translation of Macrobius by P. Davies. Smith gives no source or justification for his other speculation that Caesar originally intended to commence the year precisely with the winter solstice.
    19. Macrobius, Saturnalia 14.9 (Latin). Exceptionally, the extra day in April was inserted as the 26th, a.d. VI Kal. Mai. in the Julian calendar, in order to avoid adding a day to the Floralia, which ran from a.d. IV Kal. Mai (27th day of April in the pre-Julian calendar) to a.d. V Non. Mai.
    20. Macrobius, Saturnalia 1.14.12 (Latin).
    21. A. K. Michels, The Calendar of the Roman Republic Appendix II; J. Rüpke, The Roman Calendar from Numa to Constantine 113-114, 126-132, 147.
    22. W. Sternkopf, "Das Bissextum", (JCP 41 (1895) 718–733).
    23. Justinian, Digest 50.16.98.
    24. Dio Cassius 48.33.4, 60.24.7; C. J. Bennett, "The Imperial Nundinal Cycle", Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 147 (2004) 175-179.
    25. Roscoe Lamont, "The Roman calendar and its reformation by Julius Caesar", Popular Astronomy 27 (1919) 583–595. Sacrobosco's theory is discussed on pages 585–587.
    26. Roman Republican calendar
    27. Macrobius, Saturnalia 1.13.7 and 1.14.7-8 (Latin), Censorinus, De die natali 20.10 (Latin), (English).
    28. Censorinus, De die natali 20.9 (Latin), (English)
    29. Macrobius, Saturnalia 1.14.7 (Latin)
    30. A. R. Jones, "Calendrica II: Date Equations from the Reign of Augustus", Zeitschrift fűr Papyrologie und Epigraphik 129 (2000) 159-166.
    31. A. Degrassi, Inscriptiones Italiae XIII: Fasti et Elogia 2: Fasti Anni Numani et Iuliani; Accedunt Feralia, Menologia Rustica, Parapegmata (Rome, 1963) 66 (Latin)
    32. This section is based on S. Stern, Calendars in Antiquity (OUP 2012) 259-297.
    33. Studied in detail in W. Kubitschek, Die Kalendarbücher von Florenz, Rom und Leyden (Vienna, 1915)
    34. Macrobius, Saturnalia 1.14.13-15 (Latin); Nautical Almanac Offices of the United Kingdom and the United States. (1961). Explanatory Supplement to the Ephemeris London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office. p. 410–1.
    35. J. J. Scaliger, De emendatione temporum (Paris, 1583), 159, 238.
    36. C. J. Bennett, "The Early Augustan Calendars in Rome and Egypt", Zeitschrift fűr Papyrologie und Epigraphik 142 (2003) 221-240 and "The Early Augustan Calendars in Rome and Egypt: Addenda et Corrigenda", Zeitschrift fűr Papyrologie und Epigraphik 147 (2004) 165-168; see also Chris Bennett, A.U.C. 730 = 24 B.C. (Egyptian papyrus).
    37. For the list of triennial leap years proposed by Bünting, Christmann and Harriot, see Harriot's comparative table reproduced by Simon Cassidy (Fig. 6). The table numbers years as Julian years, where Julian year 1 = 45 BC. Thus, Scaliger and Clavius (col. 7) resume intercalation in Julian year 53 = AD 8, while Bünting (col. 8) and Harriot (col. 3) resume it in Julian year 49 = AD 4 and Christmann (col. 9) in year 52 = AD 7.
    38. J. Christmann Muhamedis Alfragani arabis chronologica et astronomica elementa (Frankfurt, 1590), 173. His argument assumed that the triennial cycle started in the third Julian year.
    39. J. Kepler, De Vero Anno Quo Æternus Dei Filius Humanan Naturam in Utero Benedictæ Virginis Mariæ Assumpsit (Frankfurt, 1614) Cap. V, repub. in F. Hammer (ed.), Johannes Keplers Gesammelte Werke (Berlin, 1938) V 28.
    40. C. L. Ideler, Handbuch der mathematischen und technischen Chronologie (Berlin, 1825) II 130-131. He argued that Caesar would have enforced the bissextile day by introducing it in his first reformed year. T. E. Mommsen, Die Römische Chronologie bis auf Caesar (Berlin, 1859) 282-299, provided additional circumstantial arguments.
    41. H. Matzat, Römische Chronologie I (Berlin, 1883), 13-18. His argument rested on Dio Cassius 48.33.4 which mentions a leap day inserted in 41 BC, "contrary to the (i.e. Caesar's) rule", in order to avoid having a market day on the first day of 40 BC. Dio stated that this leap day was compensated "later". Matzat proposed this was done by omitting a scheduled leap day in 40 BC, rather than by omitting a day from an ordinary year.
    42. W. Soltau, Römische Chronologie (Freiburg, 1889) 170-173. He accepted Matzat's phase of the triennial cycle but argued that it was absurd to suppose that Caesar would have made the second Julian year a leap year and that the 36 years had to be accounted from 45 BC.
    43. G. Radke, "Die falsche Schaltung nach Caesars Tode", Rheinisches Museum für Philologie, Geschichte und griechische Philosophie 103 (1960) 178-185. He proposed that Augustus initiated the reform when he became pontifex maximus in 12 BC.
    44. P. Brind'Amour, Le calendrier romain (Ottawa, 1983), 45-46.
    45. OGIS 458 (Greek); U. Laffi, "Le iscrizioni relative all'introduzione nel 9 a.c. del nuovo calendario della provincia d'Asia", Studi Classici e Orientali 16 (1967) 5-99.
    46. Suetonius, Caesar 76.1
    47. Suetonius, Augustus 31.2; Macrobius, Saturnalia 1.12.35 (Latin)
    48. Suetonius, Caligula 15.2.
    49. Tacitus, Annals 15.74, 16.12.
    50. Suetonius, Domitian 13.3.
    51. Dio Cassius 73.15.3.
    52. Historia Augusta, Tacitus 13.6. On the chronology see R. McMahon, Tacitus
    53. Surveyed in K. Scott, Honorific Months, Yale Classical Studies 2 (1931) 201-278.
    54. Suetonius, Tiberius 26.2.
    55. Historia Augusta, Antoninus Pius 10.1.
    56. Einhard, Life of Charlemagne, 29.
    57. Chronography of AD 354
    58. Censorinus De die natali 21.6 (Latin). Because the festivities associated with the Parilia conflicted with the solemnity of Lent, which was observed until the Saturday before Easter Sunday, the early Roman church did not celebrate Easter after 21 April — Charles W. Jones, "Development of the Latin Ecclesiastical calendar", Bedae Opera de Temporibus (1943), 1–122, p.28.
    59. For a partial survey see A. E. Samuel, Greek and Roman Chronology: calendars and years in classical antiquity (Munich, 1972), 245ff. Samuel introduces his survey by saying: "The number of eras which came into use and then expired to be replaced by yet other eras during Hellenistic and Roman times is probably not infinite, but I have not been able to find the end of them." Anatolian eras are exhaustively surveyed in W. Leschhorn, Antike Ären: Zeitrechnung, Politik und Geschichte im Schwarzmeerraum und in Kleinasien nördlich des Tauros (Stuttgart, 1993).
    60. A. A. Mosshammer, The Easter Computus and the Origins of the Christian Era (Oxford, 2008) 27-29.
    61. История календаря в России и в СССР (Calendar history in Russia and in the USSR)
    62. M. L. R. Beaven, "The Regnal Dates of Alfred, Edward the Elder, and Athelstan", English Historical Review 32 (1917) 517-531; idem, "The Beginning of the Year in the Alfredian Chronicle (866-87)", English Historical Review 33 (1918) 328-342.
    63. Catholic Encyclopedia, General Chronology (Beginning of the Year).
    64. Pepys Diary, "I sat down to end my journell for this year, ..."
    65. Spathaky, Mike Old Style New Style dates and the change to the Gregorian calendar.
    66. Spathaky, Mike Old Style New Style dates and the change to the Gregorian calendar. "An oblique stroke is by far the most usual indicator, but sometimes the alternative final figures of the year are written above and below a horizontal line, as in a fraction (a form which cannot easily be reproduced here in ASCII text). Very occasionally a hyphen is used, as 1733-34."
    67. John James Bond, "Commencement of the Year", Handy-book of rules and tables for verifying dates with the Christian era, (London: 1875), 91–101.
    68. Mike Spathaky Old Style and New Style Dates and the change to the Gregorian Calendar: A summary for genealogists
    69. The source has Germany, whose current area during the sixteenth century was a major part of the Holy Roman Empire, a religiously divided confederation. The source is unclear as to whether all or only parts of the country made the change. In general, Roman Catholic countries made the change a few decades before Protestant countries did.
    70. Sweden's conversion is complicated and took much of the first half of the 18th century. See Swedish calendar.
    71. Per decree of 16 June 1575. Hermann Grotefend, "Osteranfang" (Easter beginning), Zeitrechnung de Deutschen Mittelalters und der Neuzeit (Chronology of the German Middle Ages and modern times) (1891–1898)
    72. 1751 in England only lasted from 25 March to 31 December. The following dates 1 January to 24 March which would have concluded 1751 became part of 1752 when the beginning of the numbered year was changed from 25 March to 1 January.
    73. See Rumi calendar for details. It is often stated that Turkey adopted the Gregorian calendar in 1926 or 1927. This refers to the adoption of the Anno domini era.
    74. Nautical almanac offices of the United Kingdom and United States, Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Ephemeris and the American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac (London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1961), 413–6. Note that the date given there for Greece -- 10/24 March 1924 -- is actually the date that the Church of Greece adopted the Revised Julian calendar; see Social Security Administration publication GN 00307.180 - Gregorian/Julian calendar. Also, areas of Russia not under Bolshevik control at the start of 1918 adopted the Gregorian calendar on different dates; see the summary at Toke Nørby, The Perpetual Calendar..
    75. Fourmilab Calendar Converter webpage
    76. "Estonian Orthodox Church (Estonian Events)". Vancouveri Eesti Apostliku Õigeusu Kirik. 2010.
    77. Bishop Photius of Triaditsa, "The 70th Anniversary of the Pan-Orthodox Congress, Part II of II"; "HELSINGIN SANOMAT (International edition)". 21 September 2007.

    Sun magnetic field will ‘flip upside down’ within weeks, says NASA


    November 16, 2013 – SPACE – Sun is set to “flip upside down” within weeks as its magnetic field reverses polarity in an event that will send ripple effects throughout the solar system.

    Although it may sound like a catastrophic occurrence, there’s no need to run for cover. The sun switches its polarity, flipping its magnetic north and south, once every eleven years through an internal mechanism about which little is understood.

    The swap could however cause intergalactic weather fronts such as geomagnetic storms, which can interfere with satellites and cause radio blackouts.

    UPDATE: Sun has 'flipped upside down' as new magnetic cycle begins

    Nasa said in August that the change would happen in three to four months time, but it is impossible to give a more specific date. Scientist won’t know for around another three weeks whether the flip is complete.
    The impact of the transfer will be widespread as the sun’s magnetic field exerts influence well beyond Pluto, past Nasa's Voyager probes positioned near the edge of interstellar space.

    The event will be watched closely by researchers at Stanford University’s Wilcox Solar Observatory, which monitors the sun's magnetic field on a daily basis.

    Todd Hoeksema, director of the Wilcox Solar Observatory, said the polarity change is built up throughout the eleven year cycle through areas of intense magnetic activity known as sunspots which gradually move towards the poles, eroding the existing opposite polarity.

    Eventually, the magnetic field reduces to zero, before rebounding with the opposite polarity. “It's kind of like a tide coming in or going out,” Hoeksema said. “Each little wave brings a little more water in, and eventually you get to the full reversal.”
    One of the most noticeable effect on Earth will be a boost in the occurrence, range and visibility of auroras - the Northern Lights. “It’s not a catastrophic event, it’s a large scale event that has some real implications, but its not something we need to worry about,” added Hoeksema.

    –Independent, TEP


    • Blackburn, Bonnie; Holford-Strevens, Leofranc (2003, reprinted with corrections). The Oxford Companion to the Year. Oxford University Press.
    • Brind'Amour, Pierre (1983). Le Calendrier romain: Recherches chronologiques. Ottawa University Press.
    • Feeney, Dennis (2007). Caesar's Calendar: Ancient Time and the Beginnings of History. Berkeley: University of California Press.
    • Rüpke, Jörg (2011). The Roman Calendar from Numa to Constantine: Time, History and the Fasti. Wiley.
    • Stern, Sacha (2012). Calendars in Antiquity: Empires, States and Societies. Oxford University Press.
    • Nautical Almanac Offices of the United Kingdom and the United States of America (1961). Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Ephemeris and the American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac. London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office.

    Berber calendar

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    Seasons in North Africa: Atlas Mountains in January and April.

    The Berber calendar is the agricultural calendar traditionally used in regions of North Africa. It is also known in North-African Arabic dialects as the ﻓﻼّﺣﻲ fellaḥi "rustic" or ﻋﺠﻤﻲ ɛajami "foreign" calendar. It is employed to regulate the seasonal agricultural works, in place of the Islamic calendar, a lunar calendar considered ill-adapted for agriculture because it does not relate to seasonal cycles.[1] The Berber calendar, a legacy of Roman Mauretania, is a surviving form of the ancient Julian calendar, the calendar used in Europe before the introduction of the Gregorian calendar. with month names derived from Latin.

    There have been other indigenous calendars among the Berber peoples[2] in the past, for example that of the Guanches of the Canary Islands, but relatively little is known of these.

    Tteṭṭsen iyaren, ttlalan-d
    Iseggasen ttlalan-d, ttmettan
    U yettdimi day Ṛebbi

    Months lie down and are born again
    Years are born and die
    Only God is eternal
    —Traditional saying of Ouargla[3]

    The older calendars

    Not much is known about the division of time among ancient Berbers. Some elements of a pre-Islamic, and almost certainly pre-Roman, calendar emerge from some medieval writings, analyzed by Nico van den Boogert. Some correspondences with the traditional Tuareg calendar suggest that in antiquity there existed, with some degree of diffusion, a "Berber" time computation, organized on native bases.

    Tab. 1 - The Berber months
    drawn from medieval works

    (van den Boogert 2002)
     Name of the month"Meaning"
    1tayyuret tezwaretThe first small moon
    2tayyuret teggweratThe last small moon
    5tasra tezwaretThe first herd
    6tasra teggweratThe last herd
    7awdayeɣet yezwarenThe first antelope babies
    8awdayeɣet yeggweranThe last antelope babies
    9awzimet yezwarenThe first gazelle babies
    10awzimet yeggweranThe last gazelle babies
    11ayssi / aysi?
    There are not enough elements to reconstruct this calendar fully, but known characteristics include many month names' appearing in couples (in the Tuareg world, even in triplets), which suggests a time division different from the present one, made up of months of about 30 days.

    Some further information, although difficult to specify and correlate with the situation in the rest of North Africa, may be deduced from what is known about time computation among the Guanches of the Canary Islands. According to a 17th-century manuscript by Tomás Marín de Cubas, they computed their year, called Acano, by lunations of 29 days (suns) beginning from the new moon. It began in summer, when the sun enters in Cancer, on June 21: at the first conjunction (at the first new moon after the Summer solstice) they celebrated nine festival days for the crop.[4]

    The same manuscript states (although somewhat obscurely) that graphical-pictorical records of such calendarial events (tara) were made on different supports, and on this basis some modern scholars identified alleged descriptions of astronomical events connected to annual cycles in a series of geometric paintings in some caves of Gran Canaria island, but the results of these studies are for now highly speculative.[5]

    The name of only one month is known in the native language, handed down as Beñesmet. It seems it was the second month of the year, corresponding to August.[6] Such a name, in case it was made up by something like *wen "that of" + (e)smet (or (e)zmet?), may correspond, in the list of medieval Berber month names, with the ninth and tenth months, awzimet (properly aw "baby of" + zimet "gazelle").[citation needed] But data are too scarce for this hypothesis to be deepened.

    The current Julian calendar

    The agricultural Berber calendar still in use is almost certainly derived from the Julian calendar, introduced in the Roman province of Africa at the time of Roman domination. Evidence includes the following:
    • the names of the months of this calendar (both in Berber language and in Maghrebi Arabic), derive from the corresponding Latin names;
    • the beginning of the year (the first day of yennayer) corresponds to the 14th day of January in the Gregorian calendar, which coincides with the offset accumulated during the centuries between astronomical dates and the Julian calendar;
    • the length of the year and of the individual months is the same as in the Julian calendar: three years of 365 days followed by a leap year of 366, without exceptions, and 30- and 31-day months, except for the second one that has 28 days. The only slight discrepancy lies in that the extra day in leap years is not usually added at the end of February, but at the end of the year.
    Jean Servier has doubted that the calendar descends directly from the Julian calendar of the Latin era, and has hypothesized that is came from a Coptic calendar brought into North Africa by Arabs.[7][page needed] However, the structure of the Copt calendar is extremely different from that of the Berber one. Moreover, traces of the Roman calendar denominations of Kalends, Nones and Ides exist: El Qabisi, an Islamic jurisconsult by Kairawan who lived in the 11th century, condemned the custom of celebrating "pagans'" festivals and cited, among traditional habits of North Africa, that of observing January Qalandas ("Kalends").[8]

    The months

    There are standard forms for the names of the Amazigh (Berber) calendar. The table below also provides the forms used in Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. In some areas they may be different due to poor communication and manipulation by the government.[citation needed] Moreover, pronunciation differs according to the region.

    Tab. 2 - The names of the months in various zones of Berber and Arab North Africa
    MonthRif-Tamazight (north Morocco)Chleuh (south Morocco)Kabyle (Algeria)Berber of Djerba (Tunisia)Tunisian Arabic
    SeptemberCutembir (c=sh)shutanbirshtembershtámbershtamber
    DecemberDujembirdujanbirbu- (du-)jemberdujámberdejember
    The "Gates of the Year"

    In addition to the subdivision by months, within the traditional agricultural calendar there are other partitions, by "seasons" or by "strong periods", characterized by particular festivals and celebrations. For the key moments of the year, Jean Servier uses the picturesque name of "Gates of the Year" (tibbura useggwas), even if, by rule, this term seems to be employed only in singular form to denote the Winter Solstice period.[citation needed]

    Not all the four seasons have retained a Berber denomination: the words for spring and autumn are used almost everywhere, more sparingly the winter and, among northern Berbers, the Berber name for the autumn has been preserved only in Jebel Nafusa (Libya).
    • Spring tafsut (Ar. er-rbiʿ) - Begins on 15 furar (28 February)
    • Summer anebdu (Ar. es-sif) - Begins on 17 mayu (30 May)
    • Autumn amwal / aməwan[9] ( (Ar. le-xrif) - Begins on 27 ghusht (30 August)
    • Winter tagrest (Ar. esh-shita') - Begins on 16 numbír (29 November)
    An interesting element is the existing opposition between two 40-day terms, one representing the allegedly coldest part of winter ("The nights", llyali) and one the hottest period of summer ("The Dog Days", ssmaym, awussu).[10]


    A page from a Tunisian calendar, showing the correspondence of 1 Yennayer ʿajmi (in red on bottom) with the 14 January of the Gregorian calendar. The writing on the bottom signals that it is ʿajmi New Year's Day and that al-lyali al-sud ("the black nights") are beginning.

    The coldest period is made up by 20 "White nights" (Berber: lyali timellalin, Arabic: al-lyali al-biḍ), from 12 to 31 dujamber (Gregorian dates: 25 December - 13 January), and 20 "black nights" (Berber: lyali tiberkanin, Arabic al-lyali al-sud), beginning on the first day of yennayer, corresponding to the Gregorian 14 January.

    The first day of the year is celebrated in various ways in the different parts of North Africa. A widespread tradition is a meal with particular foods, which vary from region to region (for example a "couscous with seven vegetables"), but in many zones it is provided by the sacrifice of an animal (usually a chicken). In Algeria, such a holiday is celebrated even by many people who don't use the Berber calendar in daily life.

    A characteristic trait of this festivity, which often blurs with the Islamic Day of Ashura (see below), is the presence, in many regions, of ritual invocations with formulas like bennayu, babiyyanu, bu-ini, etc. Such expressions, according to many scholars, may be the corrupted forms of the ancient bonus annus (happy new year) wishes.

    A curious aspect of the Yennayer celebrations concerns the date of New Year's Day. Though once this anniversary fell everywhere on 14 January,[11] because of a likely mistake introduced by some Berber cultural associations very active in recovering customs on the verge of extinction, at present in a wide part of Algeria it is common opinion that the date of "Berber New Year's Day" is 12 January and not the 14th. This New Years is sometimes known as Moroccan New Years.

    Today, the celebration of the Amazigh new year is encouraged for cultural and political reasons. In 2008, Libya officially celebrated the Amazigh new year, though Libyan Amazigh activists claim that Libyan dictator Muammar al-Gaddafi has manipulated its celebration.[citation needed]

    Before the cold ends completely and spring begins fully, there is a period of the year that is very feared. It consists of ten days straddling the months of furar and mars (the last five of the former and the first five of the latter), and it is characterised by strong winds. It is said that, during this term, one should suspend many activities (agricultural and artisan), should not marry nor go out during the night, leaving instead full scope to mysterious powers, which in that period are particularly active and celebrate their weddings. Due to a linguistic taboo, in Djerba these creatures are called imbarken, i.e. "the blessed ones", whence this period takes its name.

    Like the strong winter cold, the Dog Days also last 40 days, from 12 yulyuz (25 July) to 20 shutanbir (2 September). The apical moment of the period is the first of ghusht "August" (also the name awussu, widespread in Tunisia and Libya, seems to date back to Latin augustus). On this date, particular rites are performed, which manifestly derive from pre-Islamic, and even pre-Christian, traditions. They consist, in particular, of bonfires (which in many locations take place around the summer solstice: a custom already condemned as Pagan by St. Augustine), or water rituals, like those, common in the coastal towns of Tunisia and Tripolitania, that provide to dive in the seawaters for three nights, in order to preserve one's health. In these ceremonies, whole families used to enter the water, bringing with them even their pets. Though the rite has been revisited in an Islamic frame (in those nights, the water of the Zamzam Well, in Mecca, would spill over, and in the sea there would be beneficial sweet water waves), many call this celebration "the nights of the error". It was in fact usual that, in order to achieve fertility and prosperity, men and women copulated among the flucts.

    Another important period for the agricultural calendar is that of the ploughing. In this context, a date considered fundamental is the 17th of (k)tuber, in which one may start ploughing his fields. In Arabic, this period is called ḥertadem, that is "Adam's ploughing", because in that date the common ancestor of humanity is said to have begun his agricultural works.

    Influences from the Islamic calendar


    Iḍ n innayr

    Following centuries-long contacts with the Arab-Islamic culture, the celebrations linked to the Julian calendar have been sometimes integrated into the Islamic calendar, leading to the suppression of some traditional holidays or to the creation of duplicates.

    The most evident example are the celebrations for the new year, which in many cases have been transferred to the first Islamic month, i.e. Muḥarram, and more precisely to the ʿĀshūrā’, which falls on the 10th day of that month. This holiday has an important mournful meaning in the Shia Islam, but it is substantially ignored among Sunnis. Many studies have shown the relationships between the joyful celebration of this holiday in North Africa and the ancient New Year's Day celebrations.

    Tab. 3 - Correspondencies between Arabic and Berber names of the Islamic months
     Arabic nameBerber name
    1Muḥàrrambabiyannu (Ouargla)
    ʿashura' (Djerba)
    2Sàfaru deffer ʿashura'
    3Rabiʿ al-awwalelmilud
    4Rabiʿ al-thaniu deffer elmilud
    5Jumada al-awwalmelghes (Djerba)
    6Jumada al-thaniasgenfu n twessarin "the rest (the waiting) of the old women" (Ouargla)
    sh-shaher n Fadma (Djerba)
    7Rajabtwessarin "the old women"
    8shaʿabanasgenfu n remdan "the rest (the waiting) of Ramadan" (Ouargla)
    9Ramadansh-shaher n uzum' "the month of the fasting" (Djerba)
    10Shawwaltfaska tameshkunt "the little holiday" (Djerba)
    11dhu al-qaʿidau jar-asneth "that between the two (holidays)" (Djerba)
    12Dhu al-Hijjahtfaska tameqqart "the big holiday" (Djerba)
    The Tuareg calendar


    The she-camel constellation (Ursa Major plus Arcturus), whose appearance int the sky marks the beginning of the Tuareg astronomical year

    Tuaregs share many elements with northern Berbers concerning the subdivision of the year. Even they make reference to two different cycles, a solar one similar to the Julian calendar and a lunar one for religious purposes.

    However the climatic, biological and socio-cultural differences between the desert and more temperate territories create some differences, especially in the subdivision of seasons.

    The computation of the years

    The traditional Berber calendar was not linked to an era with respect to which years were calculated. Where traditional ways to compute the years have been preserved (Tuareg civilization), years are not expressed with numbers but each of them has a name characterizing it.

    Starting from the 1960s, however, on the initiative of the Académie Berbère of Paris, some Berbers have begun computing the years starting from 950 BC, the approximate date of the rising into power of the first Libyan Pharaoh in Egypt, Shoshenq I, whom they identified as the first prominent Berber in history (he is recorded as being of Libyan origin).[12] For example, the Gregorian year 2010 corresponds to the year 2960 of the Berber calendar.

    This innovation has been adopted with conviction by many supporters of the Berber culture and is now a part of the cultural heritage of this people, fully integrated in the system of traditional customs related the North-African calendar.[citation needed]


    Photo taken on 31 December 2007 near Tafraout (Morocco), with the writings aseggas ameggaz ("good year") in Tifinagh and bonne année 2959 ("good year 2959") in French. Note the 1-year mistake, as 2959 corresponds to the Gregorian year 2009.

    Neologisms and false traditions

    An interesting aspect from the anthropological point of view, concerning the birth of traditions, is the flourish of innovations that "restore" alleged forgotten customs. This phenomenon exists in the context of the rediscovery of a long-denied and hidden identity and is aimed at regaining a lost or endangered heritage. The calendar, perceived as particularly important due to its connection to the control of time, has been the object of many of these innovations, some of which have gained consensus and been adopted as a genuine part of Berber traditional heritage. Examples follow.

    The Names of the Months

    Since the names of the months used in pre-Roman era are unknown (those shown in Table 1 are known only in the academic community), some tried to reconstruct "authentically Berber" names. Beginning with the most known name, yennayer, some have considered it a Berber word composed of yan (the numeral "one" in various Berber dialects) and (a)yur, "moon/month", and on this basis reconstructed the other month names: 1. yenyur or yennayur, 2. sinyur, 3. krayur, 4. kuzyur, 5. semyur, 6. sedyur, 7. sayur, 8. tamyur, 9. tzayur 10. mrayur, 11. yamrayur 12. megyur.

    Tab. 4 - The "Berber" week
    DayAcadémie BerbèreCompounds with numerals
    The weekdays

    Even for the weekdays, the ancient native names are unknown, so some tried to "fill in the blanks" with new terms. Two series of them are currently widespread. The first and best known is of unclear origin, but probably dates to the circle of the Académie Berbère of Paris in the late 1960s; the second one simply repeats for the weekdays the same process used for the months, with the creation of a suffix -as ("day") in place of -yur.[13] The former series, which begins with Monday[14] and refers to the "European" denominations, is not prone to misunderstandings, while the latter, which refers to a numerical order of the days (beginning, too, with Monday), interferes with the Arabic system currently in use, which starts instead from Sunday, resulting sometimes with the new names being used to refer to different days.[15]

    Days and people names

    Often, calendars and almanacs published by Berber militants and cultural circles associate a personal name to each day of the year, in imitation of Western calendars. This also meets the need to reappropriate the traditional proper names, which the Arabization measures in Algeria and Morocco tend to substitute with strictly Arabic ones. Even in this field, it is not uncommon to find improvised lists of names, with nouns collected at random, as a result of casual readings and sometimes even of mistakes or typos.[citation needed]


    Three Berber calendars. Among other things, it may be noticed that the names of the weekdays are different between the bottom-right calendar and the leftmost one. Even the month names have the traditional ones on the right and the new ones on the left. All of them refer to the Shoshenq era (Gregorian + 950).

    See also
    1. On this argument, see e.g.: Encyclopédie Berbère 11, p. 1713, Servier (1985: 365 ss.), Genevois (1975: 3 ss.).
    2. Mughal, Muhammad Aurang Zeb. 2012. Tunisia. Steven Danver (ed.), Native Peoples of the World: An Encyclopedia of Groups, Cultures, and Contemporary Issues, Vol. 3. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, pp. 688-689.
    3. Jean Delheure, Vivre et mourir à Ouargla - Tameddurt t-tmettant Wargren, Paris, SELAF, 1988, p. 128-129.
    4. Quote from Barrios García (1997: 53), original in Spanish; English text in Barrios García (1995: 4).
    5. (See J. Barrios García 1995 and 1997)
    6. See, e.g. Barrios García (2007: 331 and passim)
    7. Servier, 1962
    8. Idris, 1954
    9. amwal is the form found in Jebel Nafusa (Jadu); aməwan is the corresponding word in tuareg. Cp. V. Brugnatelli, "Notes d’onomastique jerbienne et mozabite", in K. Naït-Zerrad, R. Voßen, D. Ibriszimow (éd.), Nouvelles études berbères. Le verbe et autres articles. Actes du "2. Bayreuth-Frankfurter Kolloquium zur Berberologie 2002", Köln, R. Köppe Verlag, 2004, pp. 29-39, in particular p. 33.
    10. On this topic, see e.g. chapter "Llyali et Ssmaym" in Genevois (1975, pp. 21-22)
    11. In fact, as remarked by Genevois (1975: 11), "the agricultural calendar (ancient Julian calendar) has therefore at present a 13-day delay".
    12. Benbrahim, Malha. "La fête de Yennayer: pratiques et présages" (in French). Retrieved 2007-09-04.
    13. On this topic, see Achab (1995: 270), who points out how this procedure was proposed on the first number of the magazine Tifawt (April–May 1994), by Hsin Hda.
    14. At least, in the calendars adopting this series, the order usually appears with Monday being the first day. Moreover, the names sem ("Friday") and sed ("Saturday") respectively contain abbreviations of the Berber numerals semmus, "5" and sedis, "6", which supports the previous assertion.
    15. An example of such confusion among the very supporters of these neologisms: in Lahcen Oulhaj, Grammaire du tamazight: eléments pour une standardisation, Rabat, Centre Tarik ibn Zyad pour les études et la recherche, 2000, p. 151, the weekdays are presented in the "European" order: aynas, the "Day One", is put in correspondence with Monday and asamas ("Day Seven") with Sunday. Yet, in a sentence of the text (p. 113) one reads "Teddu s timzgida as n asedyas! 'Il faut aller à la mosquée le vendredi!'", with asedyas ("Day Six") corresponding to Friday (as in the "Arab" order), and not to Saturday as in the summary table of p. 151. The enumeration beginning from Monday seems to be the original, according to Achab (1995: 270); an example of use starting from Sunday (from Moroccan magazine Tifinagh of 1995) can be seen in the picture showing various Berber calendars, at the end of this article.
    • "Calendrier" [Calendar]. Encyclopédie Berbère (in French) 11. Aix-en-Provence: Editions Edisud. 1992. pp. 1713–1719. ISBN 9782857445814.
    • "Il calendario degli uomini liberi", Africa, Epicentro (Ferrara), year V, no. 16 (January/February 2000), pp. 30–33 (in attachment: a Berber calendar for 2000)
    • Achab, Ramdane (1996). La néologie lexicale berbère: 1945-1995. M.S. — Ussun amazigh (in French) 9. Paris - Louvain: Peeters Publishers. ISBN 9068318101.
    • José Barrios García, "Tara: A Study on the Canarian Astronomical Pictures. Part I. Towards an interpretation of the Gáldar Painted Cave", in: F. Stanescu (ed.) Proceedings of the III SEAC Conference, Sibiu (Romania), 1–3 September 1995, Sibiu, Lucian Blaga University from Sibiu, 1999, 15 pp. - ISBN 973-651-033-6
    • José Barrios García, "Tara: A Study on the Canarian Astronomical Pictures. Part II. The acano chessboard", in: C. Jaschek & F. Atrio Barandelas (eds.). Proceedings of the IV SEAC Meeting "Astronomy and Culture" (Salamanca, 2-6 Sep. 1996), Salamanca, Universidad de Salamanca, 1997, pp. 47–54 - ISBN 84-605-6954-3
    • José Barrios García, "Investigaciones sobre matemáticas y astronomía guanche. Parte III. El calendario", in: Francisco Morales Padrón (Coordinador), XVI Coloquio de historia canarioamericana (2004), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Cabildo de Gran Canaria - Casa de Colón, 2006 ISBN 84-8103-407-X, pp. 329–344.
    • Nico van den Boogert, "The Names of the Months in Medieval Berber", in: K. Naït-Zerrad (ed.), Articles de linguistique berbère. Mémorial Vycichl, Parigi 2002, pp. 137–152 - ISBN 2-7475-2706-9
    • Saïd Bouterfa, Yannayer - Taburt u swgas, ou le symbole de Janus, Alger, El-Musk, 2002 - ISBN 9961-928-04-0
    • Gioia Chiauzzi, Cicli calendariali nel Magreb, 2 vols., Naples (Istituto Universitario Orientale), 1988
    • Jeannine Drouin, "Calendriers berbères", in: S. Chaker & A. Zaborski (eds.), Études berbères et chamito-sémitiques. Mélanges offerts à K.-G. Prasse, Paris-Louvain, Peeters, 2000, ISBN 90-429-0826-2, pp. 113–128
    • Henri Genevois, Le calendrier agraire et sa composition, "Le Fichier Périodique" no. 125, 1975
    • Henri Genevois, Le rituel agraire, "Le Fichier Périodique" 127, 1975, pp. 1–48
    • Mohand Akli Haddadou, Almanach berbère - assegwes Imazighen, Algiers (Editions INAS) 2002 - ISBN 9961-762-05-3
    • H. R. Idris, "Fêtes chrétiennes célébrées en Ifrîqiya à l'époque ziride", in Revue Africaine 98 (1954), pp. 261–276
    • Emile Laoust, Mots et choses berbères, Paris 1920
    • Umberto Paradisi, "I tre giorni di Awussu a Zuara (Tripolitania)", AION n.s. 14 (1964), pp. 415–9
    • Serra, Luigi (1990). "Awussu". Encyclopédie Berbère (in French) 8. Aix-en-Provence: Editions Edisud. pp. 1198–1200. ISBN 9782857444619.
    • Jean Servier, Les portes de l'Année. Rites et symboles. L'Algérie dans la tradition méditerranéenne, Paris, R. Laffont, 1962 (new edition: Monaco, Le Rocher, 1985 ISBN 2268003698)
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    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member



    Hopi Indian prophecies are no longer
    things of myth...

    the final one is happening right now.

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    A journal of one man's path toward spiritual enlightenment
    by physical and mental purity, fasting, raw food diet,

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    Hopi Prophecies

    Kachina Dancer

    Hopi Elders pass warnings and prophecies from generation to generation
    through oral traditions and reference to ancient rock pictographs and tablets.

    Hopi Blue Star or Blue Kachina Prophecy

    An ancient Hopi Indian prophecy states, "When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge". This will be the Day of Purification. The Hopi name for the star Sirius is Blue Star Kachina. It will come when the Saquasohuh (Blue Star) Kachina dances in the plaza and removes his mask.

    Blue Star Kachina Doll



    We Are All Related
    Dr. Allen Ross

    The end of all Hopi ceremonialism will come when a "Kachina" removes his mask during a dance in the plaza before uninitiated children [the general public]. For a while there will be no more ceremonies, no more faith. Then Oraibi will be rejuvenated with its faith and ceremonies, marking the start of a new cycle of Hopi life.

    World War III will be started by those peoples who first revealed the light (the divine wisdom or intelligence) in the other old countries (India, China, Islamic Nations, Africa.)

    The United States will be destroyed, land and people, by atomic bombs and radioactivity. Only the Hopis and their homeland will be preserved as an oasis to which refugees will flee.

    Bomb shelters are a fallacy. "It is only materialistic people who seek to make shelters. Those who are at peace in their hearts already are in the great shelter of life. There is no shelter for evil.

    Those who take no part in the making of world division by ideology are ready to resume life in another world, be they Black, White, Red, or Yellow race. They are all one, brothers."

    The war will be "a spiritual conflict with material matters. Material matters will be destroyed by spiritual beings who will remain to create one world and one nation under one power, that of the Creator."

    That time is not far off. It will come when the Saquasohuh (Blue Star) Kachina dances in the plaza and removes his mask. He represents a blue star, far off and yet invisible, which will make its appearance soon.

    The time is foretold by a song sung during the Wuwuchim ceremony. It was sung in 1914 just before World War I, and again in 1940 before World War II, describing the disunity, corruption, and hatred contaminating Hopi rituals, which were followed by the same evils spreading over the world. This same song was sung in 1961 during the Wuwuchim ceremony.

    The Emergence to the future Fifth World has begun. It is being made by the humble people of little nations, tribes, and racial minorities. "You can read this in the earth itself.

    Plant forms from previous worlds are beginning to spring up as seeds [as described in SW-II, Effects and Coming Events # 1]. This could start a new study of botany if people were wise enough to read them. The same kinds of seeds are being planted in the sky as stars. The same kinds of seeds are being planted in our hearts. All these are the same, depending how you look at them. That is what makes the Emergence to the next, Fifth World.

    "These comprise the nine most important prophecies of the Hopis, connected with the creation of the nine worlds: the three previous worlds on which we lived, the present Fourth World, the three future worlds we have yet to experience, and the world of Taiowa, the Creator, and his nephew, Sotuknang."

    The Hopi and others who were saved from the Great Flood made a sacred covenant with the Great Spirit never to turn away from him. He made a set of sacred stone tablets, called Tiponi, into which he breathed his teachings, prophecies, and warnings.

    Before the Great Spirit hid himself again, he placed before the leaders of the four different racial groups four different colors and sizes of corn; each was to choose which would be their food in this world. The Hopi waited until last and picked the smallest ear of corn. At this, the Great Spirit said:

    "It is well done. You have obtained the real corn, for all the others are imitations in which are hidden seeds of different plants. You have shown me your intelligence; for this reason I will place in your hands these sacred stone tablets, Tiponi, symbol of power and authority over all land and life to guard, protect, and hold in trust for me until I shall return to you in a later day, for I am the First and I am the Last."

    The Great Chieftain of the Bow Clan led the faithful ones to this new land, but he fell into evil ways. His two sons scolded him for his mistake, and after he died they assumed the responsibilities of leadership. Each brother was given a set of Tiponi, and both were instructed to carry them to a place to which the Great Spirit directed them.

    The elder brother [of the shining light] was told to go immediately to the east, toward the rising sun, and upon reaching his destination to start back immediately to look for his younger brother, who remained on Turtle Island [the Continental United States of America].

    His mission was to help his younger brother to bring about the Purification Day, at which time all evildoers would be punished or destroyed, after which real peace, brotherhood, and everlasting life would be established.

    The elder brother would restore all land to his younger brother, from whom the Evil one among the white men had taken it. The elder brother [of the shining light] also would come to look for the Tiponi tablets and fulfill the mission given him by the Great Spirit.

    The younger brother was instructed to travel throughout the land and mark his footsteps as he went about. Both brothers were told that a great white star would appear in the sky; when that happened, all people would know that the elder brother had reached his destination. Thereupon all people were to settle wherever they happened to be at that time, there to remain until the elder brother returned.

    The Hopi settled in the area now known as Four Corners, where the state lines of Arizona, New Mexico, Utah and Colorado meet. They lived in humble simplicity and the land produced abundant crops.

    Hopi Indian Pueblo, Oraibi, Arizona
    This area is the "heart" of Turtle Island [the U.S.] and of Mother Earth, and it is the microcosmic image of the macrocosm of the entire planet. Each Hopi clan perpetuates a unique ceremony, and the ceremonies together maintain the balance of natural forces of sunlight, rain and winds, and reaffirm the Hopi respect for all life and trust in the Great Spirit.

    The Hopi were told that after a time White Men would come and take their land and try to lead the Hopi into evil ways. But in spite of all the pressures against them, the Hopi were told they must hold to their ancient religion and their land, though always without violence. If they succeeded, they were promised that their people and their land would be a center from which the True Spirit would be reawakened.

    It is said that after many years the elder brother might change the color of his skin, but his hair will remain black. He will have the ability to write, and he will be the only person able to read the Tiponi. When he returns to find his younger brother, the Tiponi will be placed side by side to show all the world that they are true brothers.

    Then great judgment will take place, for the elder will help the younger brother to obtain real justice for all Indian brothers who have been cruelly mistreated by the white man since he came to Turtle Island.

    The transformed elder brother, the True White Brother, will wear a red cloak or a red cap, similar to the pattern on the back of a horned toad. He will bring no religion but his own, and will bring with him the Tiponi tablets.

    He will be all-powerful; none will be able to stand against him. He will come swiftly, and in one day gain control of this entire continent. It is said, "If he comes from the East, the destruction will not be so bad. But if he comes from the West, do not get up on your housetops to see because he will have no mercy."

    The True White Brother will bring with him two great, intelligent and powerful helpers, one of whom will have a sign of a swastika (a masculine symbol of purity), and the sign of the sun. The second great helper will have the sign of a celtic cross with red lines (representing female life blood) between the arms of the cross.

    When the Great Purification is near, these helpers will shake the earth first for a short time in preparation. After they shake the earth two times more, they will be joined by the True White Brother, who will become one with them and bring the Purification Day to the world.

    All three will help the "younger brother" (the Hopi and other pure-hearted people) to make a better world. In the prophecies, the two helpers are designated by the Hopi word for "population," as if they were large groups of people.

    The Hopi were warned that if these three great beings failed, terrible evil would befall the world and great numbers of people would be killed. However, it was said that they would succeed if enough Hopi remained true to the ancient spirit of their people.

    The True White Brother and his helpers will show the people of earth a great new life plan that will lead to everlasting life. The earth will become new and beautiful again, with an abundance of life and food. Those who are saved will share everything equally. All races will intermarry and speak one tongue and be a family.

    Hopi prophecy states that World War III will be started by the people who first received the Light — China, Palestine, India and Africa. When the war comes, the United States will be destroyed by "gourds of ashes" which will fall to the ground, boiling the rivers and burning the earth, where no grass will grow for many years, and causing a disease that no medicine can cure.

    This can only mean nuclear or atomic bombs; no other weapon causes such effects. Bomb shelters will be useless, for "Those who are at peace in their hearts already are in the Great Shelter of Life. There is no shelter for evil. When the Saquahuh (blue Star) Kachina dances in the plaza and removes his mask, the time of the great trial will be here." The Hopi believe that only they will be saved.

    The Hopi also have prophesied that "Turtle Island could turn over two or three times and the oceans could join hands and meet the sky." This seems to be a prophecy of a "pole shift" — a flipping, of the planet on its axis. The Hopi call this imminent condition — and that of society today — "Koyaanisqatsi", which means "world out of balance... a state of life that calls for another way. "

    The following extraordinary Hopi prophecy was first published in a mimeographed manuscript that circulated among several Methodist and Presbyterian churches in 1959. Some of the prophecies were published in 1963 by Frank Waters in The Book of the Hopi.

    The account begins by describing how, while driving along a desert highway one hot day in the summer of 1958, a minister named David Young stopped to offer a ride to an Indian elder, who accepted with a nod. After riding in silence for several minutes, the Indian said:

    "I am White Feather, a Hopi of the ancient Bear Clan. In my long life I have traveled through this land, seeking out my brothers, and learning from them many things full of wisdom.

    I have followed the sacred paths of my people, who inhabit the forests and many lakes in the east, the land of ice and long nights in the north, and the places of holy altars of stone built many years ago by my brothers' fathers in the south.

    From all these I have heard the stories of the past, and the prophecies of the future. Today, many of the prophecies have turned to stories, and few are left — the past grows longer, and the future grows shorter.

    "And now White Feather is dying. His sons have all joined his ancestors, and soon he too shall be with them. But there is no one left, no one to recite and pass on the ancient wisdom.

    My people have tired of the old ways — the great ceremonies that tell of our origins, of our emergence into the Fourth World, are almost all abandoned, forgotten, yet even this has been foretold. The time grows short.

    Hopi Pueblo

    "My people await Pahana, the lost White Brother, [from the stars] as do all our brothers in the land. He will not be like the white men we know now, who are cruel and greedy. We were told of their coming long ago. But still we await Pahana.
    "He will bring with him the symbols, and the missing piece of that sacred tablet now kept by the elders, given to him when he left, that shall identify him as our True White Brother.

    "The Fourth World shall end soon, and the Fifth World will begin. This the elders everywhere know. The Signs over many years have been fulfilled, and so few are left.

    "This is the First Sign: We are told of the coming of the white-skinned men, like Pahana, but not living like Pahana men who took the land that was not theirs. And men who struck their enemies with thunder.

    "This is the Second Sign: Our lands will see the coming of spinning wheels filled with voices. In his youth, my father saw this prophecy come true with his eyes — the white men bringing their families in wagons across the prairies."

    "This is the Third Sign: A strange beast like a buffalo but with great long horns, will overrun the land in large numbers. These White Feather saw with his eyes — the coming of the white men's cattle."

    "This is the Fourth Sign: The land will be crossed by snakes of iron."

    "This is the Fifth Sign: The land shall be criss-crossed by a giant spider's web."

    "This is the Sixth sign: The land shall be criss-crossed with rivers of stone that make pictures in the sun."

    "This is the Seventh Sign: You will hear of the sea turning black, and many living things dying because of it."

    "This is the Eight Sign: You will see many youth, who wear their hair long like my people, come and join the tribal nations, to learn their ways and wisdom.

    "And this is the Ninth and Last Sign: You will hear of a dwelling-place in the heavens, above the earth, that shall fall with a great crash. It will appear as a blue star. Very soon after this, the ceremonies of my people will cease.

    "These are the Signs that great destruction is coming. The world shall rock to and fro. The white man will battle against other people in other lands — with those who possessed the first light of wisdom.

    There will be many columns of smoke and fire such as White Feather has seen the white man make in the deserts not far from here. Only those which come will cause disease and a great dying.

    "Many of my people, understanding the prophecies, shall be safe. Those who stay and live in the places of my people also shall be safe. Then there will be much to rebuild.

    And soon — very soon afterward — Pahana will return. He shall bring with him the dawn of the Fifth World. He shall plant the seeds of his wisdom in their hearts. Even now the seeds are being planted. These shall smooth the way to the Emergence into the Fifth World.

    "But White Feather shall not see it. I am old and dying. You — perhaps will see it. In time, in time..."

    The old Indian fell silent. They had arrived at his destination, and Reverend David Young stopped to let him out of the car. They never met again. Reverend Young died in 1976, so he did not live to see the further fulfillment of this remarkable prophecy.

    The signs are interpreted as follows: The First Sign is of guns. The Second Sign is of the pioneers' covered wagons. The Third Sign is of longhorn cattle. The Fourth Sign describes the railroad tracks. The Fifth Sign is a clear image of our electric power and telephone lines. The Sixth Sign describes concrete highways and their mirage-producing effects. The Seventh Sign foretells of oil spills in the ocean. The Eighth Sign clearly indicates the "Hippy Movement" of the 1960s. The Ninth Sign was the U.S. Space Station Skylab, which fell to Earth in 1979. According to Australian eye-witnesses, it appeared to be burning blue.

    Another Hopi prophecy warns that nothing should be brought back from the Moon -- obviously anticipating the Apollo 11 mission that returned with samples of lunar basalt.

    If this was done, the Hopi warned, the balance of natural and universal laws and forces would be disturbed, resulting in earthquakes, severe changes in weather patterns, and social unrest. All these things are happening today, though of course not necessarily because of Moon rocks.

    The Hopi also predicted that when the "heart" of the Hopi land trust is dug up, great disturbances will develop in the balance of nature, for the Hopi holy land is the microcosmic image of the entire planet; any violations of nature in the Four Corners region will be reflected and amplified all over the Earth.

    In 1959, a six-man delegation of traditional Hopi leaders led by the late spiritual leader, Dan Katchongva, traveled to the United Nations Building in New York to fulfill a sacred mission in accordance with ancient Hopi instructions.

    Because of their prophetic knowledge, the Hopi leaders felt it was time to go East to the edge of their motherland, where "a house of mica" [The United Nations building] would stand at this time, where Great Leaders from many lands would be gathered to help any people who are in trouble."

    They were to go when the motherland of the Hopi and other Indian brothers were about to be taken away from them and their way of life was in danger of being completely destroyed by evil ones among the White Men and by some other Indian brothers who were influenced by the White Race.

    This is a clear and present danger: the betrayal of Indian-U.S.A. treaties, land sales, and coal and uranium mining are destroying the Hopi land and its people — and all other peoples and lands, in eventual effect...

    According to prophecy, at least one, two or three leaders or nations would hear and understand the Hopi warnings, as "It is told that they too should know these ancient instructions".

    Upon hearing the message of the Hopi, they would act immediately to correct many wrongs being done to the chosen race — the Red Man who was granted permission to hold in trust all land and life for the Great Spirit.

    This prophecy would seem to have failed. Hopi prophecy also declares that the doors of the "Glass House" would be closed to them. This was the case at first, though they have delivered their message to the United Nations Assembly since then:

    "When the Great Leaders in the Glass House refuse to open the door to you when you stand before it that day, [Repeated, again in 1993] do not be discouraged or turn about on the path you walk, but take courage, determination, and be of great rejoicing in your hearts, for on that day the White Race who are on your land with you have cut themselves from you and thereon lead themselves to the Greatest Punishment at the Day of Purification. Many shall be destroyed for their sins and evil ways. The Great Spirit has decreed it and no one can stop it, change it, or add anything to it. It shall be fulfilled!"

    On August 7, 1970, a spectacular UFO sighting was witnessed by dozens of people and photographed by Chuck Roberts of the Prescott (Arizona)"Courier". This sighting occurred after a "UFO calling" by Paul Solem and several Hopi Indians.

    This sighting was interpreted by some Hopis as being a partial fulfillment of a certain Hopi prophecy given by the Great Spirit Maasau and inscribed on Second Mesa, warning of the coming of Purification Day, when the true Hopi will be flown to other planets in "ships without wings."

    Hopi prophecy also tells us that there will be a mass migration of Indians northward from Mexico and Central and South America. The migration will be led by a 130-year old Indian named Etchata Etchana. The movement will come after the huge fire and explosion that will herald the advent of the True White Brother.

    According to Hopi belief, the survivors of the Great Deluge thousands of years ago split up into four groups that moved north, south, east and west. Only one group completed their journey — to the North Pole and back — under the guidance of a brilliant "star" in which the Great Spirit Maasau traveled.

    When he landed, he drew a petroglyph on Second Mesa, showing a maiden (with the traditional "butterfly" hair arrangement) riding in a wingless, dome-shaped craft. The petroglyph signified the coming Day of Purification when the true Hopi will fly to other planets in "ships without wings."

    The prophecy also warns that there will be three divisions among the Hopi The first division was in 1906 between the Traditionalists and the Modernists. The Traditionalists were forced to leave Oraibi and move to Hotevilla. The second division took place in the wake of the spectacular appearance of UFOs in August, 1970.

    Hopi Elder messages to the world:

    Prophecy Rock

    LaVan Martineau was raised by Native Americans as a child and was fluent in the sign language used by many tribes. A stint in the military exposed him to the science of crypanalysis, the study of codes and symbols, and later enabled him to decipher the hidden meanings of American petroglyphs.

    In his book, The Rocks Begin To Speak, Martineau gives the following interpretation of "The Hopi Life Plan," symbol by symbol.

    Symbol A represents the Creator pointing down close to the ground from where the Hopi claim to have come.

    The short vertical lines near the Creator's hand B thus represent the Hopi people.

    The Creator is holding in his left hand "the life plan" or "trail" C upon which the Hopi are to embark.

    Near this hand is a circle D which represents "holding" of the entire continent in trust for the Creator, as he had instructed. (Since this photograph was taken, viewers of this panel have added a bow to the right hand of the Creator which was not apparent when Martineau surveyed the carving.)

    Point E on the trail or life plan represents a time when it was predicted by the Creator that the Hopi would digress from the true path given to them and pursue another way.

    The square F is said to represent Oraibi, and the line or path G coming down from the square represents the false path of the wicked Oraibi-- the Hopi who are always trying to outdo and hold themselves above others, without the help of God. (This line is above the true path.)

    The figures H standing upon the false path represent the wicked themselves. Older Hopi claim that heads have recently been added to these symbols, for they remember a time when no heads existed on these figures. The absence of heads would represent the punishment or death that the wicked must undergo as a result of following the false path.

    The two zigzag lines I stemming from the false path represent the careless and different paths to permanent destruction pursued by the wicked. Each zigzag is the pursuit of a careless and wicked intention that will eventually come to a dead end when all evil intentions have been exhausted.

    This "dead end" is shown by the symbol turning around or sagging down J. The upper zigzag line has recently been scratched and marred to such an extent that is resembles a fourth figure, which the Hopi say was not there originally. Whether it was or was not does not seriously affect this translation.

    Symbol K is the true path of everlasting life, symbol L, which is shown at four points along this true path. The incorporation of the symbol old age (a cane) with life (a branching corn leaf) represents everlasting life.

    This true path to everlasting life is bisected at three different points by three half circles M, which might have been complete circles at one time. (This panel has been scratched over so many times that it is often difficult to distinguish the correct form of these symbols).

    The Hopi say that they are gourds which are shaken, thus representing three great wars or shakings that will transpire before the everlasting life is reached. The last circle represents the "final war" of purification in which all evil will be destroyed.

    At point N on this panel the false path connects with an everlasting life symbol, showing that some may return to the true path and to everlasting life. The two zigzag lines which extend beyond this point of possible return to the path of everlasting life thus truly indicate permanent destruction, since the wicked have gone beyond this point of no return.

    Symbol O, at the end of the path is the great spirit holding an everlasting life symbol in his hand. He is shown waiting here at the end of the trail just as he was shown at the beginning of it. For this reason he is called the first and the last.

    Symbol P is difficult to distinguish, again because of the panel having been repeatedly scratched instead of chalked (for photographing). It more closely resembles three dots, but the Hopi claim it is a Catholic cross added to the panel after a bad experience with the Catholics in the seventeenth century. This symbol was placed there by the Creator's instructions, to show that the Hopi way and the Catholic way should not combine.

    Another Interpretation:

    Near Oraibi, Arizona, there is a petroglyph known as Prophecy Rock which symbolizes many Hopi prophecies. Its interpretation is:

    The large human figure on the left is the Great Spirit. The bow in his left hand represents his instructions to the Hopi to lay down their weapons. The vertical line to the right of the Great Spirit is a time scale in thousands of years. The point at which the great Spirit touches the line is the time of his return.

    The "life path" established by the Great Spirit divides into the lower, narrow path of continuous Life in harmony with nature and the wide upper road of white man's scientific achievements. The bar between the paths, above the cross, is the coming of white men; the Cross is that of Christianity. The circle below the cross represents the continuous Path of Life.

    The four small human figures on the upper road represent, on one level, the past three worlds and the present; on another level, the figures indicate that some of the Hopi will travel the white man's path, having been seduced by its glamour.

    The two circles on the lower Path of Life are the "great shaking of the earth" (World Wars One and Two). The swastika in the sun and the Celtic cross represent the two helpers of Pahana, the True White Brother.

    The short line that returns to the straight Path of Life is the last chance for people to turn back to nature before the upper road disintegrates and dissipates. The small circle above the Path of Life, after the last chance, is the Great Purification, after which corn will grow in abundance again when the Great Spirit returns. And the Path of Life continues forever...

    The Hopi shield in the lower right corner symbolizes the Earth and the Four-Corners area where the Hopi have been reserved. The arms of the cross also represent the four directions in which they migrated according to the instructions of the Great Spirit.

    The dots represent the four colors of Hopi corn, and the four racial colors of humanity



    Hopi Prophecy

    Martin Gashweseoma
    Traditional Hopi Elder and Guardian of the
    Sacred Stone Tablets of the Fire Clan

    Hopi prophecy warns that nothing should be brought back from the Moon. If this were done, the Hopi warned, the balance of natural and universal laws and forces would be disturbed, resulting in earthquakes, severe changes in weather patterns, and social unrest. All these things are happening today, though of course not necessarily because of Moon rocks.

    On August 7, 1970, a spectacular UFO sighting was witnessed by dozens of people and photographed by Chuck Roberts of the Prescott Courier. This occurred after a "UFO calling" by several Hopi Indians and was interpreted by some Hopis as being a partial fulfillment of a certain inscribed on Second Mesa, warning of the coming of Purification Day, when the true Hopi will be flown to other planets in "ships without wings."

    The survivors of the Great Deluge thousands of years ago split up into four groups that moved in all four directions. Only one group completed their journey -- to the North Pole and back -- under the guidance of a brilliant "star" in which the Great Spirit Massau'u traveled.

    Upon landing, he drew a petroglyph on Second Mesa, showing a maiden riding in a wingless, dome-shaped craft. The petroglyph signified the coming Day of Purification when the true Hopi will fly to other planets in "ships without wings."

    The Hopi also predicted that when the heart of the Hopi land trust is dug up, great disturbances will develop in the balance of nature, for the Hopi holy land is the microcosmic image of the entire planet; any violations of nature in the Four Corners region will be reflected and amplified all over the Earth.

    Martin Gasheseoma said recently that Hopi "elders told us that when the plants blossom in the middle of winter, we would need to go to Santa Fe to warn everyone of suffering and destruction to come unless they change their ways. Last year, in the middle of winter the plants began to blossom."

    How much suffering and destruction will accompany the time of the purification, and what will be its end result? Martin Gasheseoma foretells judgment in front of a big mirror and death to those who are evil and wicked, with only a handful of people surviving in every nation overseas who will then come to this continent, "which we call heaven."

    "All the suffering going on in this country with the tornadoes, floods, and earthquakes is carried on the breath of Mother Earth because she is in pain," says Roberta Blackgoat, an elder of the Independent Dineh (Navajo) Nation at Big Mountain.

    She explains that the Four Corners area is particularly sacred because it literally holds Mother Earth's internal organs — coal and uranium which the Bureau of Indian Affairs has allowed the Peabody Coal Mine to mine. (Owned by Lehman
    Brothers Bank.)

    [A delegation of Navajo, Hopi and Lakota warned Lehman Brothers stockholders of the dire consequences of mining sacred Black Mesa.]

    [Lehman files for bankruptcy.]

    "They are trying to take her precious guts out for money," says Blackgoat. "My grandfather told me that coal is like the liver, and uranium is both the heart and lungs of Mother Earth." Hopi and Navajo traditionalists are fighting the mining.

    These life and death matters will be determined when Pahana returns, and theories abound as to Pahana's identity. Since Pahana has also been called the White Brother, and since he is to return from the east, Hopi of past centuries wondered whether he could have been a Spaniard or an Anglo and devised tests for determining the true Pahana, including knowledge of the greeting of brotherhood, similarities of religious beliefs, and possession of the missing piece of the stone tablet. Many were tested, including Catholics, Baptists, and Mormons, but none passed to the satisfaction of traditional Hopi.


    Fate of Lakotahs Highlights America's Failed Native American Policies
    By Stephen Lendman
    Nov 21, 2008


    Have the Seventh Sign of Hopi Prophecy Come True?
    2010 06 25

    Image by Jack o' thdaw
    The following is the 9ine Hopi Prophecies. Have the 7th one just been fulfilled, with the Oil spill in the Gulf? The 8th could refer to "counter cultural's" walking out on regular society and "civilization" and the 9th could be referring to Betelgeuse going supernova in 2012 (Kachina).

    1. "This is the First Sign: We are told of the coming of the white-skinned men, like Pahana, but not living like Pahana men who took the land that was not theirs. And men who struck their enemies with thunder.


    2. "This is the Second Sign: Our lands will see the coming of spinning wheels filled with voices. In his youth, my father saw this prophecy come true with his eyes -- the white men bringing their families in wagons across the prairies."


    3. "This is the Third Sign: A strange beast like a buffalo but with great long horns, will overrun the land in large numbers. These White Feather saw with his eyes -- the coming of the white men's cattle."

    4. "This is the Fourth Sign: The land will be crossed by snakes of iron."

    Us rail Network​

    5. "This is the Fifth Sign: The land shall be criss-crossed by a giant spider's web."

    US Power Grid​

    6. "This is the Sixth sign: The land shall be criss-crossed with rivers of stone that make pictures in the sun."


    7. "This is the Seventh Sign: You will hear of the sea turning black, and many living things dying because of it."

    8. "This is the Eight Sign: You will see many youth, who wear their hair long like my people, come and join the tribal nations, to learn their ways and wisdom.

    9. "And this is the Ninth and Last Sign: You will hear of a dwelling-place in the heavens, above the earth, that shall fall with a great crash. It will appear as a blue star. Very soon after this, the ceremonies of my people will cease.

    Betelgeuse: Ready to go Supernova?

    Red Ice Radio

    Neil Kramer - The End of the Fourth Age

    Gary A. David - Eye of the Phoenix

    Marshall Masters - The Kolbrin and Ancient Records of Planet X

    The Full Hopi Prophecy

    The end of all Hopi ceremonialism will come when a "Kachina" removes his mask during a dance in the plaza before uninitiated children [the general public]. For a while there will be no more ceremonies, no more faith. Then Oraibi will be rejuvenated with its faith and ceremonies, marking the start of a new cycle of Hopi life.

    World War III will be started by those peoples who first revealed the light (the divine wisdom or intelligence) in the other old countries (India, China, Islamic Nations, Africa.)

    The United States will be destroyed, land and people, by atomic bombs and radioactivity. Only the Hopis and their homeland will be preserved as an oasis to which refugees will flee. Bomb shelters are a fallacy. "It is only materialistic people who seek to make shelters. Those who are at peace in their hearts already are in the great shelter of life. There is no shelter for evil. Those who take no part in the making of world division by ideology are ready to resume life in another world, be they Black, White, Red, or Yellow race. They are all one, brothers."

    The war will be "a spiritual conflict with material matters. Material matters will be destroyed by spiritual beings who will remain to create one world and one nation under one power, that of the Creator."

    That time is not far off. It will come when the Saquasohuh (Blue Star) Kachina dances in the plaza and removes his mask. He represents a blue star, far off and yet invisible, which will make its appearance soon. The time is foretold by a song sung during the Wuwuchim ceremony. It was sung in 1914 just before World War I, and again in 1940 before World War II, describing the disunity, corruption, and hatred contaminating Hopi rituals, which were followed by the same evils spreading over the world. This same song was sung in 1961 during the Wuwuchim ceremony.

    The Emergence to the future Fifth World has begun. It is being made by the humble people of little nations, tribes, and racial minorities. "You can read this in the earth itself. Plant forms from previous worlds are beginning to spring up as seeds [as described in SW-II, Effects and Coming Events # 1]. This could start a new study of botany if people were wise enough to read them. The same kinds of seeds are being planted in the sky as stars. The same kinds of seeds are being planted in our hearts. All these are the same, depending how you look at them. That is what makes the Emergence to the next, Fifth World.

    "These comprise the nine most important prophecies of the Hopis, connected with the creation of the nine worlds: the three previous worlds on which we lived, the present Fourth World, the three future worlds we have yet to experience, and the world of Taiowa, the Creator, and his nephew, Sotuknang."

    The Hopi and others who were saved from the Great Flood made a sacred covenant with the Great Spirit never to turn away from him. He made a set of sacred stone tablets, called Tiponi, into which he breathed his teachings, prophecies, and warnings. Before the Great Spirit hid himself again, he placed before the leaders of the four different racial groups four different colors and sizes of corn; each was to choose which would be their food in this world. The Hopi waited until last and picked the smallest ear of corn. At this, the Great Spirit said:

    "It is well done. You have obtained the real corn, for all the others are imitations in which are hidden seeds of different plants. You have shown me your intelligence; for this reason I will place in your hands these sacred stone tablets, Tiponi, symbol of power and authority over all land and life to guard, protect, and hold in trust for me until I shall return to you in a later day, for I am the First and I am the Last."

    The Great Chieftain of the Bow Clan led the faithful ones to this new land, but he fell into evil ways. His two sons scolded him for his mistake, and after he died they assumed the responsibilities of leadership. Each brother was given a set of Tiponi, and both were instructed to carry them to a place to which the Great Spirit directed them. The elder brother [of the shining light] was told to go immediately to the east, toward the rising sun, and upon reaching his destination to start back immediately to look for his younger brother, who remained on Turtle Island [the Continental United States of America]. His mission was to help his younger brother to bring about the Purification Day, at which time all evildoers would be punished or destroyed, after which real peace, brotherhood, and everlasting life would be established. The elder brother would restore all land to his younger brother, from whom the Evil one among the white men had taken it. The elder brother [of the shining light] also would come to look for the Tiponi tablets and fulfill the mission given him by the Great Spirit.

    The younger brother was instructed to travel throughout the land and mark his footsteps as he went about. Both brothers were told that a great white star would appear in the sky; when that happened, all people would know that the elder brother had reached his destination. Thereupon all people were to settle wherever they happened to be at that time, there to remain until the elder brother returned.

    The Hopi settled in the area now known as Four Corners, where the state lines of Arizona, New Mexico, Utah and Colorado meet. They lived in humble simplicity and the land produced abundant crops. This area is the "heart" of Turtle Island [the U.S.] and of Mother Earth, and it is the microcosmic image of the macrocosm of the entire planet. Each Hopi clan perpetuates a unique ceremony, and the ceremonies together maintain the balance of natural forces of sunlight, rain and winds, and reaffirm the Hopi respect for all life and trust in the Great Spirit.

    The Hopi were told that after a time White Men would come and take their land and try to lead the Hopi into evil ways. But in spite of all the pressures against them, the Hopi were told they must hold to their ancient religion and their land, though always without violence. If they succeeded, they were promised that their people and their land would be a center from which the True Spirit would be reawakened.

    It is said that after many years the elder brother might change the color of his skin, but his hair will remain black. He will have the ability to write, and he will be the only person able to read the Tiponi. When he returns to find his younger brother, the Tiponi will be placed side by side to show all the world that they are true brothers. Then great judgment will take place, for the elder will help the younger brother to obtain real justice for all Indian brothers who have been cruelly mistreated by the white man since he came to Turtle Island.

    The transformed elder brother, the True White Brother, will wear a red cloak or a red cap, similar to the pattern on the back of a horned toad. He will bring no religion but his own, and will bring with him the Tiponi tablets. He will be all-powerful; none will be able to stand against him. He will come swiftly, and in one day gain control of this entire continent. It is said, "If he comes from the East, the destruction will not be so bad. But if he comes from the West, do not get up on your housetops to see because he will have no mercy."

    The True White Brother will bring with him two great, intelligent and powerful helpers, one of whom will have a sign of a swastika (a masculine symbol of purity), and the sign of the sun. The second great helper will have the sign of a celtic cross with red lines (representing female life blood) between the arms of the cross.

    When the Great Purification is near, these helpers will shake the earth first for a short time in preparation. After they shake the earth two times more, they will be joined by the True White Brother, who will become one with them and bring the Purification Day to the world. All three will help the "younger brother" (the Hopi and other pure-hearted people) to make a better world. In the prophecies, the two helpers are designated by the Hopi word for "population," as if they were large groups of people.

    The Hopi were warned that if these three great beings failed, terrible evil would befall the world and great numbers of people would be killed. However, it was said that they would succeed if enough Hopi remained true to the ancient spirit of their people. The True White Brother and his helpers will show the people of earth a great new life plan that will lead to everlasting life. The earth will become new and beautiful again, with an abundance of life and food. Those who are saved will share everything equally. All races will intermarry and speak one tongue and be a family.

    Hopi prophecy states that World War III will be started by the people who first received the Light -- China, Palestine, India and Africa. When the war comes, the United States will be destroyed by "gourds of ashes" which will fall to the ground, boiling the rivers and burning the earth, where no grass will grow for many years, and causing a disease that no medicine can cure. This can only mean nuclear or atomic bombs; no other weapon causes such effects. Bomb shelters will be useless, for "Those who are at peace in their hearts already are in the Great Shelter of Life. There is no shelter for evil. When the Saquahuh (blue Star) Kachina dances in the plaza and removes his mask, the time of the great trial will be here." The Hopi believe that only they will be saved.

    The Hopi also have prophesied that "Turtle Island could turn over two or three times and the oceans could join hands and meet the sky." This seems to be a prophecy of a "pole shift" -- a flipping, of the planet on its axis. The Hopi call this imminent condition -- and that of society today -- "Koyaanisqatsi", which means "world out of balance...a state of life that calls for another way. "

    The following extraordinary Hopi prophecy was first published in a mimeographed manuscript that circulated among several Methodist and Presbyterian churches in 1959. Some of the prophecies were published in 1963 by Frank Waters in The Book of the Hopi. The account begins by describing how, while driving along a desert highway one hot day in the summer of 1958, a minister named David Young stopped to offer a ride to an Indian elder, who accepted with a nod. After riding in silence for several minutes, the Indian said:

    "I am White Feather, a Hopi of the ancient Bear Clan. In my long life I have traveled through this land, seeking out my brothers, and learning from them many things full of wisdom. I have followed the sacred paths of my people, who inhabit the forests and many lakes in the east, the land of ice and long nights in the north, and the places of holy altars of stone built many years ago by my brothers' fathers in the south. From all these I have heard the stories of the past, and the prophecies of the future. Today, many of the prophecies have turned to stories, and few are left -- the past grows longer, and the future grows shorter.

    "And now White Feather is dying. His sons have all joined his ancestors, and soon he too shall be with them. But there is no one left, no one to recite and pass on the ancient wisdom. My people have tired of the old ways -- the great ceremonies that tell of our origins, of our emergence into the Fourth World, are almost all abandoned, forgotten, yet even this has been foretold. The time grows short.

    "My people await Pahana, the lost White Brother, [from the stars] as do all our brothers in the land. He will not be like the white men we know now, who are cruel and greedy. we were told of their coming long ago. But still we await Pahana.

    "He will bring with him the symbols, and the missing piece of that sacred tablet now kept by the elders, given to him when he left, that shall identify him as our True White Brother.

    "The Fourth World shall end soon, and the Fifth World will begin. This the elders everywhere know. The Signs over many years have been fulfilled, and so few are left.

    "This is the First Sign: We are told of the coming of the white-skinned men, like Pahana, but not living like Pahana men who took the land that was not theirs. And men who struck their enemies with thunder.

    "This is the Second Sign: Our lands will see the coming of spinning wheels filled with voices. In his youth, my father saw this prophecy come true with his eyes -- the white men bringing their families in wagons across the prairies."

    "This is the Third Sign: A strange beast like a buffalo but with great long horns, will overrun the land in large numbers. These White Feather saw with his eyes -- the coming of the white men's cattle."

    "This is the Fourth Sign: The land will be crossed by snakes of iron."

    "This is the Fifth Sign: The land shall be criss-crossed by a giant spider's web."

    "This is the Sixth sign: The land shall be criss-crossed with rivers of stone that make pictures in the sun."

    "This is the Seventh Sign: You will hear of the sea turning black, and many living things dying because of it."

    "This is the Eight Sign: You will see many youth, who wear their hair long like my people, come and join the tribal nations, to learn their ways and wisdom.

    "And this is the Ninth and Last Sign: You will hear of a dwelling-place in the heavens, above the earth, that shall fall with a great crash. It will appear as a blue star. Very soon after this, the ceremonies of my people will cease.

    "These are the Signs that great destruction is coming. The world shall rock to and fro. The white man will battle against other people in other lands -- with those who possessed the first light of wisdom. There will be many columns of smoke and fire such as White Feather has seen the white man make in the deserts not far from here. Only those which come will cause disease and a great dying. Many of my people, understanding the prophecies, shall be safe. Those who stay and live in the places of my people also shall be safe. Then there will be much to rebuild. And soon -- very soon afterward -- Pahana will return. He shall bring with him the dawn of the Fifth World. He shall plant the seeds of his wisdom in their hearts. Even now the seeds are being planted. These shall smooth the way to the Emergence into the Fifth World.

    "But White Feather shall not see it. I am old and dying. You -- perhaps will see it. In time, in time..."

    The old Indian fell silent. They had arrived at his destination, and Reverend David Young stopped to let him out of the car. They never met again. Reverend Young died in 1976, so he did not live to see the further fulfillment of this remarkable prophecy.

    The signs are interpreted as follows: The First Sign is of guns. The Second Sign is of the pioneers' covered wagons. The Third Sign is of longhorn cattle. The Fourth Sign describes the railroad tracks. The Fifth Sign is a clear image of our electric power and telephone lines. The Sixth Sign describes concrete highways and their mirage-producing effects. The Seventh Sign foretells of oil spills in the ocean. The Eighth Sign clearly indicates the "Hippy Movement" of the 1960s. The Ninth Sign was the U.S. Space Station Skylab, which fell to Earth in 1979. According to Australian eye-witnesses, it appeared to be burning blue.

    Another Hopi prophecy warns that nothing should be brought back from the Moon -- obviously anticipating the Apollo 11 mission that returned with samples of lunar basalt. It this was done, the Hopi warned, the balance of natural and universal laws and forces would be disturbed, resulting in earthquakes, severe changes in weather patterns, and social unrest. All these things are happening today, though of course not necessarily because of Moon rocks.

    The Hopi also predicted that when the "heart" of the Hopi land trust is dug up, great disturbances will develop in the balance of nature, for the Hopi holy land is the microcosmic image of the entire planet; any violations of nature in the Four Corners region will be reflected and amplified all over the Earth.

    In 1959, a six-man delegation of traditional Hopi leaders led by the late spiritual leader, Dan Katchongva, traveled to the United Nations Building in New York to fulfill a sacred mission in accordance with ancient Hopi instructions. Because of their prophetic knowledge, the Hopi leaders felt it was time to go east to the edge of their motherland, where "a house of mica" [The United Nations building] would stand at this time, where Great Leaders from many lands would be gathered to help any people who are in trouble."

    They were to go when the motherland of the Hopi and other Indian brothers were about to be taken away from them and their way of life was in danger of being completely destroyed by evil ones among the White Men and by some other Indian brothers who were influenced by the White Race. This is a clear and present danger: the betrayal of Indian-U.S.A. treaties, land sales, and coal and uranium mining are destroying the Hopi land and its people -- and all other peoples and lands, in eventual effect...

    According to prophecy, at least one, two or three leaders or nations would hear and understand the Hopi warnings, as "It is told that they too should know these ancient instructions". Upon hearing the message of the Hopi, they would act immediately to correct many wrongs being done to the chosen race -- the Red Man who was granted permission to hold in trust all land and life for the Great Spirit. This prophecy would seem to have failed. Hopi prophecy also declares that the doors of the "Glass House" would be closed to them. This was the case at first, though they have delivered their message to the United Nations Assembly since then:

    "When the Great Leaders in the Glass House refuse to open the door to you when you stand before it that day, [Repeated, again in 1993] do not be discouraged or turn about on the path you walk, but take courage, determination, and be of great rejoicing in your hearts, for on that day the White Race who are on your land with you have cut themselves from you and thereon lead themselves to the Greatest Punishment at the Day of Purification. Many shall be destroyed for their sins and evil ways. The Great Spirit has decreed it and no one can stop it, change it, or add anything to it. It shall be fulfilled!"

    On August 7, 1970, a spectacular UFO sighting was witnessed by dozens of people and photographed by Chuck Roberts of the Prescott (Arizona)"Courier". This sighting occurred after a "UFO calling" by Paul Solem and several Hopi Indians. This sighting was interpreted by some Hopis as being a partial fulfillment of a certain Hopi prophecy given by the Great Spirit Maasau and inscribed on Second Mesa, warning of the coming of Purification Day, when the true Hopi will be flown to other planets in "ships without wings."

    Hopi prophecy also tells us that there will be a mass migration of Indians northward from Mexico and Central and South America. The migration will be led by a 130-year old Indian named Etchata Etchana. The movement will come after the huge fire and explosion that will herald the advent of the True White Brother.

    According to Hopi belief, the survivors of the Great Deluge thousands of years ago split up into four groups that moved north, south, east and west. Only one group completed their journey -- to the North Pole and back -- under the guidance of a brilliant "star" in which the Great Spirit Maasau traveled. When he landed, he drew a petroglyph on Second Mesa, showing a maiden (with the traditional "butterfly" hair arrangement) riding in a wingless, dome-shaped craft. The petroglyph signified the coming Day of Purification when the true Hopi will fly to other planets in "ships without wings."

    The prophecy also warns that there will be three divisions among the Hopi The first division was in 1906 between the Traditionalists and the Modernists. The Traditionalists were forced to leave Oraibi and move to Hotevilla. The second division took place in the wake of the spectacular appearance of UFOs in August, 1970.

    Prophecy Rock

    Near Oraibi, Arizona, there is a petroglyph known as Prophecy Rock which symbolizes many Hopi prophecies. Its interpretation is:

    The large human figure on the left is the Great Spirit. The bow in his left hand represents his instructions to the Hopi to lay down their weapons. The vertical line to the right of the Great Spirit is a time scale in thousands of years. The point at which the great Spirit touches the line is the time of his return.

    The "life path" established by the Great Spirit divides into the lower, narrow path of continuous Life in harmony with nature and the wide upper road of white man's scientific achievements. The bar between the paths, above the cross, is the coming of white men; the Cross is that of Christianity. The circle below the cross represents the continuous Path of Life.

    The four small human figures on the upper road represent, on one level, the past three worlds and the present; on another level, the figures indicate that some of the Hopi will travel the white man's path, having been seduced by its glamour.

    The two circles on the lower Path of Life are the "great shaking of the earth" (World Wars One and Two). The swastika in the sun and the Celtic cross represent the two helpers of Pahana, the True White Brother.

    The short line that returns to the straight Path of Life is the last chance for people to turn back to nature before the upper road disintegrates and dissipates. The small circle above the Path of Life, after the last chance, is the Great Purification, after which corn will grow in abundance again when the Great Spirit returns. And the Path of Life continues forever...

    The Hopi shield in the lower right corner symbolizes the Earth and the Four-Corners area where the Hopi have been reserved. The arms of the cross also represent the four directions in which they migrated according to the instructions of the Great Spirit.

    The dots represent the four colors of Hopi corn, and the four racial colors of humanity.



    Have the Seventh Sign of Hopi Prophecy Come True?
    2010 06 25

    Image by Jack o' thdaw​
    The following is the 9ine Hopi Prophecies. Have the 7th one just been fulfilled, with the Oil spill in the Gulf? The 8th could refer to "counter cultural's" walking out on regular society and "civilization" and the 9th could be referring to Betelgeuse going supernova in 2012 (Kachina).

    1. "This is the First Sign: We are told of the coming of the white-skinned men, like Pahana, but not living like Pahana men who took the land that was not theirs. And men who struck their enemies with thunder.


    2. "This is the Second Sign: Our lands will see the coming of spinning wheels filled with voices. In his youth, my father saw this prophecy come true with his eyes -- the white men bringing their families in wagons across the prairies."


    3. "This is the Third Sign: A strange beast like a buffalo but with great long horns, will overrun the land in large numbers. These White Feather saw with his eyes -- the coming of the white men's cattle."

    4. "This is the Fourth Sign: The land will be crossed by snakes of iron."

    Us rail Network​

    5. "This is the Fifth Sign: The land shall be criss-crossed by a giant spider's web."

    US Power Grid​

    6. "This is the Sixth sign: The land shall be criss-crossed with rivers of stone that make pictures in the sun."


    7. "This is the Seventh Sign: You will hear of the sea turning black, and many living things dying because of it."





    8. "This is the Eight Sign: You will see many youth, who wear their hair long like my people, come and join the tribal nations, to learn their ways and wisdom.

    9. "And this is the Ninth and Last Sign: You will hear of a dwelling-place in the heavens, above the earth, that shall fall with a great crash. It will appear as a blue star. Very soon after this, the ceremonies of my people will cease.

    Betelgeuse: Ready to go Supernova?

    Red Ice Radio

    Neil Kramer - The End of the Fourth Age

    Gary A. David - Eye of the Phoenix

    Marshall Masters - The Kolbrin and Ancient Records of Planet X

    The Full Hopi Prophecy

    The end of all Hopi ceremonialism will come when a "Kachina" removes his mask during a dance in the plaza before uninitiated children [the general public]. For a while there will be no more ceremonies, no more faith. Then Oraibi will be rejuvenated with its faith and ceremonies, marking the start of a new cycle of Hopi life.

    World War III will be started by those peoples who first revealed the light (the divine wisdom or intelligence) in the other old countries (India, China, Islamic Nations, Africa.)

    The United States will be destroyed, land and people, by atomic bombs and radioactivity. Only the Hopis and their homeland will be preserved as an oasis to which refugees will flee. Bomb shelters are a fallacy. "It is only materialistic people who seek to make shelters. Those who are at peace in their hearts already are in the great shelter of life. There is no shelter for evil. Those who take no part in the making of world division by ideology are ready to resume life in another world, be they Black, White, Red, or Yellow race. They are all one, brothers."

    The war will be "a spiritual conflict with material matters. Material matters will be destroyed by spiritual beings who will remain to create one world and one nation under one power, that of the Creator."

    That time is not far off. It will come when the Saquasohuh (Blue Star) Kachina dances in the plaza and removes his mask. He represents a blue star, far off and yet invisible, which will make its appearance soon. The time is foretold by a song sung during the Wuwuchim ceremony. It was sung in 1914 just before World War I, and again in 1940 before World War II, describing the disunity, corruption, and hatred contaminating Hopi rituals, which were followed by the same evils spreading over the world. This same song was sung in 1961 during the Wuwuchim ceremony.

    The Emergence to the future Fifth World has begun. It is being made by the humble people of little nations, tribes, and racial minorities. "You can read this in the earth itself. Plant forms from previous worlds are beginning to spring up as seeds [as described in SW-II, Effects and Coming Events # 1]. This could start a new study of botany if people were wise enough to read them. The same kinds of seeds are being planted in the sky as stars. The same kinds of seeds are being planted in our hearts. All these are the same, depending how you look at them. That is what makes the Emergence to the next, Fifth World.

    "These comprise the nine most important prophecies of the Hopis, connected with the creation of the nine worlds: the three previous worlds on which we lived, the present Fourth World, the three future worlds we have yet to experience, and the world of Taiowa, the Creator, and his nephew, Sotuknang."

    The Hopi and others who were saved from the Great Flood made a sacred covenant with the Great Spirit never to turn away from him. He made a set of sacred stone tablets, called Tiponi, into which he breathed his teachings, prophecies, and warnings. Before the Great Spirit hid himself again, he placed before the leaders of the four different racial groups four different colors and sizes of corn; each was to choose which would be their food in this world. The Hopi waited until last and picked the smallest ear of corn. At this, the Great Spirit said:

    "It is well done. You have obtained the real corn, for all the others are imitations in which are hidden seeds of different plants. You have shown me your intelligence; for this reason I will place in your hands these sacred stone tablets, Tiponi, symbol of power and authority over all land and life to guard, protect, and hold in trust for me until I shall return to you in a later day, for I am the First and I am the Last."

    The Great Chieftain of the Bow Clan led the faithful ones to this new land, but he fell into evil ways. His two sons scolded him for his mistake, and after he died they assumed the responsibilities of leadership. Each brother was given a set of Tiponi, and both were instructed to carry them to a place to which the Great Spirit directed them. The elder brother [of the shining light] was told to go immediately to the east, toward the rising sun, and upon reaching his destination to start back immediately to look for his younger brother, who remained on Turtle Island [the Continental United States of America]. His mission was to help his younger brother to bring about the Purification Day, at which time all evildoers would be punished or destroyed, after which real peace, brotherhood, and everlasting life would be established. The elder brother would restore all land to his younger brother, from whom the Evil one among the white men had taken it. The elder brother [of the shining light] also would come to look for the Tiponi tablets and fulfill the mission given him by the Great Spirit.

    The younger brother was instructed to travel throughout the land and mark his footsteps as he went about. Both brothers were told that a great white star would appear in the sky; when that happened, all people would know that the elder brother had reached his destination. Thereupon all people were to settle wherever they happened to be at that time, there to remain until the elder brother returned.

    The Hopi settled in the area now known as Four Corners, where the state lines of Arizona, New Mexico, Utah and Colorado meet. They lived in humble simplicity and the land produced abundant crops. This area is the "heart" of Turtle Island [the U.S.] and of Mother Earth, and it is the microcosmic image of the macrocosm of the entire planet. Each Hopi clan perpetuates a unique ceremony, and the ceremonies together maintain the balance of natural forces of sunlight, rain and winds, and reaffirm the Hopi respect for all life and trust in the Great Spirit.

    The Hopi were told that after a time White Men would come and take their land and try to lead the Hopi into evil ways. But in spite of all the pressures against them, the Hopi were told they must hold to their ancient religion and their land, though always without violence. If they succeeded, they were promised that their people and their land would be a center from which the True Spirit would be reawakened.

    It is said that after many years the elder brother might change the color of his skin, but his hair will remain black. He will have the ability to write, and he will be the only person able to read the Tiponi. When he returns to find his younger brother, the Tiponi will be placed side by side to show all the world that they are true brothers. Then great judgment will take place, for the elder will help the younger brother to obtain real justice for all Indian brothers who have been cruelly mistreated by the white man since he came to Turtle Island.

    The transformed elder brother, the True White Brother, will wear a red cloak or a red cap, similar to the pattern on the back of a horned toad. He will bring no religion but his own, and will bring with him the Tiponi tablets. He will be all-powerful; none will be able to stand against him. He will come swiftly, and in one day gain control of this entire continent. It is said, "If he comes from the East, the destruction will not be so bad. But if he comes from the West, do not get up on your housetops to see because he will have no mercy."

    The True White Brother will bring with him two great, intelligent and powerful helpers, one of whom will have a sign of a swastika (a masculine symbol of purity), and the sign of the sun. The second great helper will have the sign of a celtic cross with red lines (representing female life blood) between the arms of the cross.

    When the Great Purification is near, these helpers will shake the earth first for a short time in preparation. After they shake the earth two times more, they will be joined by the True White Brother, who will become one with them and bring the Purification Day to the world. All three will help the "younger brother" (the Hopi and other pure-hearted people) to make a better world. In the prophecies, the two helpers are designated by the Hopi word for "population," as if they were large groups of people.

    The Hopi were warned that if these three great beings failed, terrible evil would befall the world and great numbers of people would be killed. However, it was said that they would succeed if enough Hopi remained true to the ancient spirit of their people. The True White Brother and his helpers will show the people of earth a great new life plan that will lead to everlasting life. The earth will become new and beautiful again, with an abundance of life and food. Those who are saved will share everything equally. All races will intermarry and speak one tongue and be a family.

    Hopi prophecy states that World War III will be started by the people who first received the Light -- China, Palestine, India and Africa. When the war comes, the United States will be destroyed by "gourds of ashes" which will fall to the ground, boiling the rivers and burning the earth, where no grass will grow for many years, and causing a disease that no medicine can cure. This can only mean nuclear or atomic bombs; no other weapon causes such effects. Bomb shelters will be useless, for "Those who are at peace in their hearts already are in the Great Shelter of Life. There is no shelter for evil. When the Saquahuh (blue Star) Kachina dances in the plaza and removes his mask, the time of the great trial will be here." The Hopi believe that only they will be saved.

    The Hopi also have prophesied that "Turtle Island could turn over two or three times and the oceans could join hands and meet the sky." This seems to be a prophecy of a "pole shift" -- a flipping, of the planet on its axis. The Hopi call this imminent condition -- and that of society today -- "Koyaanisqatsi", which means "world out of balance...a state of life that calls for another way. "

    The following extraordinary Hopi prophecy was first published in a mimeographed manuscript that circulated among several Methodist and Presbyterian churches in 1959. Some of the prophecies were published in 1963 by Frank Waters in The Book of the Hopi. The account begins by describing how, while driving along a desert highway one hot day in the summer of 1958, a minister named David Young stopped to offer a ride to an Indian elder, who accepted with a nod. After riding in silence for several minutes, the Indian said:

    "I am White Feather, a Hopi of the ancient Bear Clan. In my long life I have traveled through this land, seeking out my brothers, and learning from them many things full of wisdom. I have followed the sacred paths of my people, who inhabit the forests and many lakes in the east, the land of ice and long nights in the north, and the places of holy altars of stone built many years ago by my brothers' fathers in the south. From all these I have heard the stories of the past, and the prophecies of the future. Today, many of the prophecies have turned to stories, and few are left -- the past grows longer, and the future grows shorter.

    "And now White Feather is dying. His sons have all joined his ancestors, and soon he too shall be with them. But there is no one left, no one to recite and pass on the ancient wisdom. My people have tired of the old ways -- the great ceremonies that tell of our origins, of our emergence into the Fourth World, are almost all abandoned, forgotten, yet even this has been foretold. The time grows short.

    "My people await Pahana, the lost White Brother, [from the stars] as do all our brothers in the land. He will not be like the white men we know now, who are cruel and greedy. we were told of their coming long ago. But still we await Pahana.

    "He will bring with him the symbols, and the missing piece of that sacred tablet now kept by the elders, given to him when he left, that shall identify him as our True White Brother.

    "The Fourth World shall end soon, and the Fifth World will begin. This the elders everywhere know. The Signs over many years have been fulfilled, and so few are left.

    "This is the First Sign: We are told of the coming of the white-skinned men, like Pahana, but not living like Pahana men who took the land that was not theirs. And men who struck their enemies with thunder.

    "This is the Second Sign: Our lands will see the coming of spinning wheels filled with voices. In his youth, my father saw this prophecy come true with his eyes -- the white men bringing their families in wagons across the prairies."

    "This is the Third Sign: A strange beast like a buffalo but with great long horns, will overrun the land in large numbers. These White Feather saw with his eyes -- the coming of the white men's cattle."

    "This is the Fourth Sign: The land will be crossed by snakes of iron."

    "This is the Fifth Sign: The land shall be criss-crossed by a giant spider's web."

    "This is the Sixth sign: The land shall be criss-crossed with rivers of stone that make pictures in the sun."

    "This is the Seventh Sign: You will hear of the sea turning black, and many living things dying because of it."

    "This is the Eight Sign: You will see many youth, who wear their hair long like my people, come and join the tribal nations, to learn their ways and wisdom.

    "And this is the Ninth and Last Sign: You will hear of a dwelling-place in the heavens, above the earth, that shall fall with a great crash. It will appear as a blue star. Very soon after this, the ceremonies of my people will cease.

    "These are the Signs that great destruction is coming. The world shall rock to and fro. The white man will battle against other people in other lands -- with those who possessed the first light of wisdom. There will be many columns of smoke and fire such as White Feather has seen the white man make in the deserts not far from here. Only those which come will cause disease and a great dying. Many of my people, understanding the prophecies, shall be safe. Those who stay and live in the places of my people also shall be safe. Then there will be much to rebuild. And soon -- very soon afterward -- Pahana will return. He shall bring with him the dawn of the Fifth World. He shall plant the seeds of his wisdom in their hearts. Even now the seeds are being planted. These shall smooth the way to the Emergence into the Fifth World.

    "But White Feather shall not see it. I am old and dying. You -- perhaps will see it. In time, in time..."

    The old Indian fell silent. They had arrived at his destination, and Reverend David Young stopped to let him out of the car. They never met again. Reverend Young died in 1976, so he did not live to see the further fulfillment of this remarkable prophecy.

    The signs are interpreted as follows: The First Sign is of guns. The Second Sign is of the pioneers' covered wagons. The Third Sign is of longhorn cattle. The Fourth Sign describes the railroad tracks. The Fifth Sign is a clear image of our electric power and telephone lines. The Sixth Sign describes concrete highways and their mirage-producing effects. The Seventh Sign foretells of oil spills in the ocean. The Eighth Sign clearly indicates the "Hippy Movement" of the 1960s. The Ninth Sign was the U.S. Space Station Skylab, which fell to Earth in 1979. According to Australian eye-witnesses, it appeared to be burning blue.

    Another Hopi prophecy warns that nothing should be brought back from the Moon -- obviously anticipating the Apollo 11 mission that returned with samples of lunar basalt. It this was done, the Hopi warned, the balance of natural and universal laws and forces would be disturbed, resulting in earthquakes, severe changes in weather patterns, and social unrest. All these things are happening today, though of course not necessarily because of Moon rocks.

    The Hopi also predicted that when the "heart" of the Hopi land trust is dug up, great disturbances will develop in the balance of nature, for the Hopi holy land is the microcosmic image of the entire planet; any violations of nature in the Four Corners region will be reflected and amplified all over the Earth.

    In 1959, a six-man delegation of traditional Hopi leaders led by the late spiritual leader, Dan Katchongva, traveled to the United Nations Building in New York to fulfill a sacred mission in accordance with ancient Hopi instructions. Because of their prophetic knowledge, the Hopi leaders felt it was time to go east to the edge of their motherland, where "a house of mica" [The United Nations building] would stand at this time, where Great Leaders from many lands would be gathered to help any people who are in trouble."

    They were to go when the motherland of the Hopi and other Indian brothers were about to be taken away from them and their way of life was in danger of being completely destroyed by evil ones among the White Men and by some other Indian brothers who were influenced by the White Race. This is a clear and present danger: the betrayal of Indian-U.S.A. treaties, land sales, and coal and uranium mining are destroying the Hopi land and its people -- and all other peoples and lands, in eventual effect...

    According to prophecy, at least one, two or three leaders or nations would hear and understand the Hopi warnings, as "It is told that they too should know these ancient instructions". Upon hearing the message of the Hopi, they would act immediately to correct many wrongs being done to the chosen race -- the Red Man who was granted permission to hold in trust all land and life for the Great Spirit. This prophecy would seem to have failed. Hopi prophecy also declares that the doors of the "Glass House" would be closed to them. This was the case at first, though they have delivered their message to the United Nations Assembly since then:

    "When the Great Leaders in the Glass House refuse to open the door to you when you stand before it that day, [Repeated, again in 1993] do not be discouraged or turn about on the path you walk, but take courage, determination, and be of great rejoicing in your hearts, for on that day the White Race who are on your land with you have cut themselves from you and thereon lead themselves to the Greatest Punishment at the Day of Purification. Many shall be destroyed for their sins and evil ways. The Great Spirit has decreed it and no one can stop it, change it, or add anything to it. It shall be fulfilled!"

    On August 7, 1970, a spectacular UFO sighting was witnessed by dozens of people and photographed by Chuck Roberts of the Prescott (Arizona)"Courier". This sighting occurred after a "UFO calling" by Paul Solem and several Hopi Indians. This sighting was interpreted by some Hopis as being a partial fulfillment of a certain Hopi prophecy given by the Great Spirit Maasau and inscribed on Second Mesa, warning of the coming of Purification Day, when the true Hopi will be flown to other planets in "ships without wings."

    Hopi prophecy also tells us that there will be a mass migration of Indians northward from Mexico and Central and South America. The migration will be led by a 130-year old Indian named Etchata Etchana. The movement will come after the huge fire and explosion that will herald the advent of the True White Brother.

    According to Hopi belief, the survivors of the Great Deluge thousands of years ago split up into four groups that moved north, south, east and west. Only one group completed their journey -- to the North Pole and back -- under the guidance of a brilliant "star" in which the Great Spirit Maasau traveled. When he landed, he drew a petroglyph on Second Mesa, showing a maiden (with the traditional "butterfly" hair arrangement) riding in a wingless, dome-shaped craft. The petroglyph signified the coming Day of Purification when the true Hopi will fly to other planets in "ships without wings."

    The prophecy also warns that there will be three divisions among the Hopi The first division was in 1906 between the Traditionalists and the Modernists. The Traditionalists were forced to leave Oraibi and move to Hotevilla. The second division took place in the wake of the spectacular appearance of UFOs in August, 1970.

    Prophecy Rock

    Near Oraibi, Arizona, there is a petroglyph known as Prophecy Rock which symbolizes many Hopi prophecies. Its interpretation is:

    The large human figure on the left is the Great Spirit. The bow in his left hand represents his instructions to the Hopi to lay down their weapons. The vertical line to the right of the Great Spirit is a time scale in thousands of years. The point at which the great Spirit touches the line is the time of his return.

    The "life path" established by the Great Spirit divides into the lower, narrow path of continuous Life in harmony with nature and the wide upper road of white man's scientific achievements. The bar between the paths, above the cross, is the coming of white men; the Cross is that of Christianity. The circle below the cross represents the continuous Path of Life.

    The four small human figures on the upper road represent, on one level, the past three worlds and the present; on another level, the figures indicate that some of the Hopi will travel the white man's path, having been seduced by its glamour.

    The two circles on the lower Path of Life are the "great shaking of the earth" (World Wars One and Two). The swastika in the sun and the Celtic cross represent the two helpers of Pahana, the True White Brother.

    The short line that returns to the straight Path of Life is the last chance for people to turn back to nature before the upper road disintegrates and dissipates. The small circle above the Path of Life, after the last chance, is the Great Purification, after which corn will grow in abundance again when the Great Spirit returns. And the Path of Life continues forever...

    The Hopi shield in the lower right corner symbolizes the Earth and the Four-Corners area where the Hopi have been reserved. The arms of the cross also represent the four directions in which they migrated according to the instructions of the Great Spirit.

    The dots represent the four colors of Hopi corn, and the four racial colors of humanity.




    As Black Elk prophesied.....

    The time has come for all sacred circles of many tribes to come together
    and join as strong links in the sacred hoop, and when the sacred hoop rises in the south.....

    the sacred tree shall bloom and blossom and bring great joy to mankind and all the Earth. It is said that in that day the trees themselves shall rejoice
    and the sea will roar with fullness...

    Psalm 96: verse 12, 13

    Barry Winfred Bailey
    says, and, i quote him:

    "I link this to the Bible because prophets of many diversities...
    say the same thing....
    even Christian and Muslim are the same......
    but men divise and make divisions and war..
    .it is men who lie and commit murder using religion as a cover...
    even Jesus said to his disciples
    "they will kill you and think they are doing a service to God"....
    but it is the lies of men in power who distort the truth.
    The blood of the people is on their hands! "

    Thank you Roaring Mouse/Barry, this is really good stuff :)


    "A MESSAGE to ALL of My Relations"

    iT iS TiME, to send out a message:

    To all the people of The Pacha Mama aka The Mother World, and, The Pacha Camac aka The Father World.

    You can NO longer sit idle, waiting for 'The One' that some people have called The Pahana, The Great White Brother from The Stars.

    For it is well known, that within the higher densities & dimensions, that what many of you are holding as your current sets of beliefs, that these beliefs, do NOT always contain any 'real' knowledge aka The Truth.

    For a belief, is NOT always a proven truth, the sheer root along with the component parts of the word “belief" equals BE LiE F***.

    Know that, the negative pole of a spiritualist is 'blind faith’ while the positive pole of a spiritualist is verification, and, it is important, vastly important at this time to verify all things.

    There is currently developing within you these higher aspects within all souls who currently walk incarnate upon earth, this new found sense, or, what could be termed a newly developing inner sense of real knowing, and, it is creating quite a stirring !!!

    Perhaps, that is why there is NO longer any reason to await The Pahana.

    Perhaps, we are the ones, we have been waiting for ?

    The 'real' pahana is actually hidden safely within you !!!

    Each, and, everyone of you is created with the same raft of potentials.

    We have a roadmap ~ given to us, back in 1975 There is a strong inner stirring, along with a strong inner knowing, that The Great Mystery aka The Great Spirit has already returned, and, sent back into this world ~ many wise ones.

    These ancient ones, are very old souls who clearly understand, what iT iS, to be, ONE with all their aspects, which makes up the totality of "THE ORiGiNAL SPARK".

    This work, dovetailed back into work we did back in 1987, related to the +/- 144 notes of separation in the ancient scales of music,
    along with color or colour work - of 12 + 1 + black + white..

    For once, within this world, there did reign much in the ways of truth, where living in truth, through a set of virtues, expressed itself, as, the end result, agape aka love.

    THESE important discoveries, are just NOW, coming back into The Light, and, are being understood by many.


    The greatest lie, ever told to men/or women, was that of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.

    LOVE has virtues, and, virtues contain conditions - any great master of magic, would NEVER weave her/his energies, without conditions.

    There eXists a return of Souls who have chosen to live from their higher hearts, and, from their higher minds.

    Souls who are stuffed full of joy, of harmony, and, of peace as, this will be, The New Way of LiViNG, and, iT WiLL eXist in every way.

    Those who clearly understand, that it is through, being caring, helpful, and, kind.

    Those who clearly operate, and, understand about the divine masculine, and, about the divine feminine, that resides within all living beings, and, that these types of Souls are already here,
    eXchanging, living, sharing, and, transporting themselves into the levels necessary to create, and, to co-create, a virtual heaven, right on earth.

    They are very busy, building the foundations of this new world, which is known, as PACHA iNTi, the divine blending of The Mother World, and, The Father World.

    So, there is NO need to wait, for Pahana, when so many, are already here, living right in this The Pivot of The NOW.

    For although it has been said, many, many times, that the ones, you are waiting for, are already here.

    There are NOW many, who are here now, as 'Maya Returned’ they are The Rainbow Warriors, distributed into every root race, and, residing absolutely everywhere...

    just look around, they are everywhere.

    Those who have come here, from The Stars, and, they have fallen into every root race, within all the colours, and, spectrums of the rainbow, and, they are within both female and male incarnations, and, they already tap into the truth of their own androgyny.

    ALL of these ones, have already entertained, their chief dragons, and, will NOT be swayed by the temptations of Self Depreciation, Self Destruction, Martyrdom, Stubbornness, Greed, Arrogance, or Impatience, for they have already tamed, and, already transformed their dragons, and, they are here, on Pacha iNTi, at this time, to be, and, to act with virtues, expressing their true natures, of being, caring, considerate, good,generous, kind, and, loving people.

    They are already here,playing a part, a part of a great altering, great changing, and, great shifting, so, iT iS, no longer necessary to prophetise anyone, for there is NOT any special man, woman, nor, even a child, that is coming, to save the world.

    All beings, are created equal and, iT iS what they do with their equations, through their assortment of presented choices, that stand to alter, the equations of what, they all, hold in their true potentials, to be.

    They are here, with inner knowing, and, upmost understanding,
    related to their prior eXistence, NOT just in this world, but, in many worlds, and, they are truly the ones,here to alter, change, and, shift this world, they will bring with them 'great' knowings
    along, with 'grand' eXpressions of things, that go way beyond, just feeling, or just thought, they will bring, with them mathematics, relations, and, symbols, and, within them, there is an 'inner shining'.

    Just as, within all, are hidden all the assortment of pieces of the 'sacred' pieces of the puzzle that is awaiting assembly, through The Pivot of The Now.

    These ones, iT iS, them, that are your true brothers, and, true sisters, your real uncles/and aunties, and, your long lost cousins,
    for it is true, we are all related....

    that was one thing, very well remembered by many. The Fourth World ended, long ago. The Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, and, Twelve Worlds, many are living NOW.

    The 12th Grand Cycle will end at Sundown on 16 DEC 2013.
    The 13th Grand Cycle will start at Sun Up on 17 DEC 2013.

    In Higher Self, in Essence, and, in Monad, the new world has already begun for many.

    As, we look for signs, we might stop to remind you,you are a DREAMER, you are a WEAVER, you are a SKY TRAVELER,
    you are a SKY WALKER and, iT iS when, The Dreamer, and, The Dream, are united as one, that YOU become ONE with THE DREAM, AND, THE DREAMER.

    And, iT iS when, The Weaver picks up the yarn or strings, and, starts to weave a new pattern that you become THE WEAVER
    AND, iT is when you dream, that you learn to reach up, and, to travel the skies, that you become a STAR TRAVELER or SKY WALKER

    When you unite, all your "12" + "1" parts - and, walk back into THE ORiGiNAL SPARK then, and, only then, will you walk back into the world, of everything iS in poSSible.

    Susan Lynne "Seraf'ina" Schwenger

    onto part 2


    according to Seraf'ina / Cosmic Grandmother

    PART 1 OF 9

    The signs of a new worldmen, women and children from all root races,who are already living right, who are already here,and, it will be through their actions, and, their deeds,that they will "shine" like "the sun" and,that they will "shine' like "the stars"and, they will "speak' their words loudly, like thunder.

    27 MAY 2010 - Tone: 1 - Unity, Sun Sign: Crocodile (IMIX) (6th Night of Galactic cycle)

    We discovered the end-time for the current 27 MAY 2010-16 DEC 2013 (ending of The 12th Grand Cycle) -- The new world, Pacha iNTi, starts 12/17/2013 (start of The 13th Grand Cycle)

    NO ONE, not even They Mayan Elders~or, their Day-Record-or Wisdom Keepers, knew this date -- all of them, they are still talking 2011, and, 2012 - or 13 moons


    We are, The SSS 57 of The Office of The Plumed Serpent KuKulKan

    in The Mode of Cosmic Healer of The Ancient Eagle
    in The Mode of Cosmic eXchanger of The Ancient Condor
    in The Mode of Cosmic Weaver of The Star Spider Women Clan
    in The Mode of Dragon Master / Dragon Rider of The Star Dragon / Serpent Men Clan

    in conjunction with The Forever Grandfather, Grandpa Eagleman, Kul Kul of Kan Clan
    in conjunction with The Forever Grandmother, Grandmother Star Spider Woman, Cul Cul of Can Clan
    in conjunction with Serafina, The Lady Rainbow Serpent Dragon

    We are, Susan Lynne Schwenger aka Seraf'ina


    PART 2 OF 9

    And, that The Second Sign, is that they will already have, as on board equipment
    spinning wheels, filled with energy, which eXpresses their energy, as colour, frequency, light, sound, tone, and, vibration and, it will travel through the triad, trinity, and, trine of ethers.

    And, if you look, you will see it, within their eyes, their true shining, will shine thorugh.

    In many countries, around this world, there are many people, of all root races, who are already here, and, who already operate like this.

    The ones, many are sitting around, waiting for, are already here. Many of you, The Maya who have returned !!!


    PART 3 OF 9

    The signs of a new world...

    The Third Sign, did NOT manifest, all over the world, for the cow, is a holy animal, in many places in the far east of this world.

    However, it is true, that there are many bulls, within this 'new order' of beings
    who have already chosen to incarnate at this time, and, many have already started processes, to take THE BULLIES, who try to control this planet by their horns, and, twist them, right into the ground, in order to stop, their crazy eXchanges
    for truly, men/women and children, were put here on this earth to live, in peace; and; harmony with one, another, and, to share.

    And, this old eXchange, which has gone very wrong, needs to be terminated...
    within old traditions, younger people, respected/and, looked after their elders
    and, their elders, were amongst, their greatest teachers, in this new world, the 'new children' are amongst some of our 'greatest teachers" and, a sign of the real times of a change, is, that everyone will be student/and, teacher, and, teacher/and, student...

    after all, it is always the teacher, that learns more than the student if, the teacher teaches things right !!! The very best teacher, is always the very best student :)


    PART 4 OF 9

    Signs of a new world...

    The Fourth Sign:
    The land will be crossed by women/and, men and children,
    made from iron, who are strong,
    and, have wills of iron,
    those, who will NOT be bent, nor bend,
    NOR, will they,
    continue to allow,
    anything that is less than light,
    nor, anything less than love.
    Already, they are here,
    and, they are walking amongst us !!!


    PART 5 OF 9

    And, The Fifth Sign,

    that the land shall be criss-crossed by a giant spider's web, perhaps, this is The Prophecy, of The Star Spiderwoman energies, coming in, and, coming through, all men/women and children who choose in this time, to ask to reconnect themselves,to this This the Fifth sign,

    WiLL iT TO BE, so, iT WiLL BE, and, so iT is ... 13


    PART 6 OF 9

    and, the Sixth sign:

    That the men/women and children of this earth, will choose, to regain, their shining.

    And, the only 'pictures' they will make are of the nature, that when you get eye ball to eye ball with another, you will be able to see their shining, along with being able to see your own,
    within each other eyes... and, this world, is full of many, who have this type of "shining" already

    So, just take your energy within, and, start the process, to shine it out to the world...
    take a smile, and, put it on your face, then, go out into the world...
    and, start passing these smiles out...
    yes, iT iS, very possible, to see, 'pictures' in the eyes of others !!!

    Everyone is, a mirror, and, everyone is a lesson ...
    the choice to be, a good lesson, or a bad lesson ...
    is ultimately, up to each, and, to everyone of us .


    THE CONSQUENCES of a well intended life, are a beauty to behold !!!
    The gift of yourself, to another, is to be, a WELL-WELL ;)


    PART 7 OF 9

    "This is the Seventh Sign:
    You will hear of the sea turning black, and many living things dying because of it."

    PART 7 OF 9

    I HAVE not YET done this one yet ;)
    However, i will, as, there is another 'black' sea, and, that's the one,that is inside, of each & every one of us.
    Suffice to say, there is always , and, in all ways, an ending of one life cycle, to start the next life cycle the collective consciousness, will largely determine who remains, and, who goes there are some, who will NOT be going to the type of worlds, they think they might be going to all actions, determine LARGELY,



    However, i will come back, to discuss, at a later point on these threads, what i term "the black sea" and, "the black see" within
    Thank You


    PART 8 OF 9

    "This is the Eight Sign: You will see many youth, who wear their hair long like my people, come and join the tribal nations, to learn their ways and wisdom.

    part 8 of 9 - has been happening since the 60's

    and, more and more people are discovering the 'red; and; the rainbow roads


    PART 9 OF 9

    "And this is the Ninth and Last Sign: You will hear of a dwelling-place in the heavens, above the earth, that shall fall with a great crash. It will appear as a blue star. Very soon after this, the ceremonies of my people will cease.

    Many people are starting to find the blue/and, white star bursts within their heads;
    and, are waking up in record numbers

    Many people are leaving the churches in record numbers,
    the egyptains had NO record of christanity, 3000 years ago ;)


    Hopi Elders' Prophecy
    Oraibi, Arizona, June 8, 2000

    "You have been telling people that this is the Eleventh Hour, now you must go back and tell the people that this is the Hour. And there are things to be considered. . . .

    Where are you living? What are you doing? What are your relationships? Are you in right relation? Where is your water?

    Know your garden. It is time to speak your truth. Create your community. Be good to each other. And do not look outside yourself for your leader.

    Then he clasped his hands together, smiled, and said, "This could be a good time! There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly. Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water.

    And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate. At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, least of all ourselves. For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey come to a halt.

    The time of the one wolf is over. Gather yourselves! Banish the word 'struggle' from your attitude and your vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration. We are the ones we've been waiting for.

    Hopi Elders Prophesy

    To my fellow swimmers: here is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift, that there are those who will be afraid, who will try to hold on to the shore, they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly.

    Know that the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, and keep our heads above water. And I say see who is there with you and celebrate.
    At this time in history we are to take nothing personally, least of all ourselves, for the moment we do, our spiritual growth and journey come to a halt.

    The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves. Banish the word struggle from your attitude and vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration. For we are the ones we have been waiting for."




    Have you heard of ancient gigantic ruins all over the Pacific, even in some unhabited islands, some being partly or completely submerged?

    Have you heard of unknown pyramids, lost cities of giants, or remains of vanished civilizations from the previous worlds in the Southwest desert or elsewhere?

    Did you know that in some remote ruins can be found radioactivity, as well as layers of petrified human flesh and scattered pieces of space ships?

    Did you know that some sophisticated artefacts have been found deep underground in mines
    and in very old geological deposits?

    Civilizations have appeared and disappeared since millions of years on our planet, and their histories have been carefully recorded.

    This is not mere mythology nor fairy tale: it is Hopi knowledge, backed by plenty of material evidences.

    The role of the Hopi kwanitaka or priest of the One Horn Society, is to preserve the sacred knowledge about the previous three worlds that have vanished, but have left traces behind as a testimony of their existence, such as sacred sites and objects that are carekept by the kwanitaka,
    along with the stories that have been passed on with them for ages. Note that, according to Lakota tradition, the chief who received the sacred pipe from White Buffalo Calf Woman was named Standing Hollow Horn.

    The One Horn priests know about lost continents, such as I'atik and Naotsiti, the two Mother lands that sunk in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. They describe civilizations and nations that have disappeared over the course of ages, the rise and downfall of highly developped cities and societies all over the Americas, or the vanishing of some races, like the red headed and bearded giants who had roamed the continent since ages, personified as Palatangwak katchina for the future memory

    Countless uncovered burials in North America and elsewhere have revealed abnormally tall squeletons or momies, some of which had six fingers and toes, many of which had red hair. Like most giant remains found around the globe, they have been systematically eradicated by institutions such as the Smithsonian and turned into derision as being hoaxes. But there is still enough documentation and proofs left to verify these facts.

    Even into historical times, explorers and early colonists reported many cases of tribes of giants.
    Did you know that the Earth was once part of a Confederacy of twelve sister planets? Ancient Hopi knowledge teaches that Tiahuanaco in Bolivia, known by many as the most ancient ruin on Earth, was first destroyed eighty thousand years ago for launching a technological space conquest. This is not New Age lore: this is Hopi knowledge. The role of the priests of the Two Horn Society is to establish contact with star people and to maintain this Confederacy alive.

    Of the two hundred and eighty or so different katchinas that the Hopi honor in their ceremonies,
    several were star people who came from different star systems to teach them their sacred ways.
    Their chiefs, Eototo and Aholi, came from the Pleiades. So when we consider science and civilization as an ongoing process happening throughout the universe since aeons of ages, what is the importance of our own human life, so short and so small on this scale?

    This knowledge teaches us to remain humble, that we are only but a tiny little part of this whole reality and that there is a larger Plan, a direction, an evolution, a purpose to all of it, as it is Creator's will. But we were gifted with free will and many times already over the course of history, human societies have brought destruction upon themselves and their environment, for not living in accordance with the Plan of Creation, which is to simply live and Peace and in a sacred way. The whole world was previously destroyed three times for this reason, and those purifications were to give us another chance for a new start.

    The Hopi have kept in memory their evolution over these worlds, to remember the lessons learnt.
    Oswald White Bear Fredericks, the main source for the now famous Book of the Hopi, was a great world wide known spiritual master. He had in his frontyard a collection of ancient pieces of space crafts and advised me to watch for some as I would go through certain places He told me he was the last one representing the Hopi in the Confederacy of planets and still willingly going to fly with the space brothers in their vessels, when they landed on top of Prophecy Rock behind his isolated house.

    His work was to gather and copy all petroglyphs and pictographs of the America, to explain them with Hopi knowledge. He showed me one drawing on which we could see a human being with the four superior chakras shown and asked me what was the part of ourself that connects us with the Creator.

    To the best of my knowledge, I answered: ''The crown chakra, the kopavi (Hopi word for: ''the door at the top of the head'').' He replied: ''When the Dalai Lama was sitting in that same chair, he replied exactly the same thing. You are true people from the origin.''

    White Bear always greeted me with the nakwatch, the Hopi hand shake, as a sign of true brotherhood. Such a teacher can never be replaced. Hopi Katsi Et Tuwa Eyesni...

    By: SunBôw TrueBrother


    ~When birds fall from the sky and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people shall come unto the earth from many colors, classes, creeds, who by their actions and deeds shall make the earth green again.

    They will be known as the warriors of the Rainbow." ~Hopi Prophecy ♥


    The Prophecy of the Rainbow Warriors.

    This is just one telling as ascribed to the 19th century mystic
    Eyes of Fire a wise-women of the Ininiwok peoples, commonly known now as the Cree Indians:

    The sky is clouding, the grass is fading, People anguish, the dark is rising.

    The Earth She writhes beneath the claws of the minds that are poisoned
    Her children tossed on the waves of cruel desire and corruption
    It could be you, don't shrink away from the need of the hour
    Don't turn away from the hand stretched in pain of your Mother.

    Her name means freedom, Her body earthgreen, Her blood clear water, her voice is birdsong.

    The Earth cries out, can't you hear, take your courage in hand now.

    Our deeds must speak of the love for all beings waxing strong now
    We can't allow the heartless ones to destroy this great wonder
    Slaughtering wales, felling trees, with no thought for the future.

    Here rule the demons, they love no creature,

    Their words are poison, they weave dark futures.


    Gather all ye who love the world from distant lands beneath the tall sky
    In visions past I have seen you awake the spirit moving
    Gather all ye who love the world from distant lands beneath the tall sky
    In visions past I have seen you awake the spirit moving
    And now the wind is shifting, the tide is turning,
    The mist is rising, a rainbow forming
    Rainbow warriors, the stars are calling
    Rainbow warriors, the trees are falling
    Rainbow warriors, the spirit dying,

    Rainbow warriors, the world is crying out in pain.

    And I shall never rest in peace till this cruel reign is ended
    And all the children of the Earth shall be free,
    Her wounds all mended.

    Your time has come, make the Earth green again, don't delay now. Victory has been foreseen for the people who do.

    Rainbow warriors, create new Eden,
    Clear rain a'falling, blue sky unending,

    Unfearful faces, starlight revealing,
    Small creatures dancing, glad voices singing,
    Free children playing with chains that are broken,
    Rainbow warriors, the future lies within your hands.

    The prophecy has a powerful resonant effect upon all of us awakening human beings. We see clearly the very signs for the fulfillment of its message.

    The prophecy is very clear that it is not talking about a coming generation of American Indian people alone. People from all the distant lands beneath the tall sky are welcomed to pitch in. Every colour in the human rainbow family is fully invited to lend a hand.

    Ininiwok/Cree: There would come a time when the "keepers of the legend, stories, culture rituals, and myths, and all the Ancient Tribal Customs" would be needed to restore us to health, making the earth green again.

    Ininiwok/Cree: The Rainbow Warriors would show the peoples that this "Ancient Being" (the Great Spirit), is full of love and understanding, and teach them how to make the "Earth or Elohi" beautiful again.

    The ancestors said that... there would come a time when the Earth would become very sick.

    Because of this unrelenting greed of the new culture, the Earth would be filled with deadly liquids and metals, the air would be rendered foul with smoke and ash, and even the rains, which were intended to cleanse the Earth, would plummet in poison drops. Birds would fall from the sky, fish and would turn belly up in the waters and whole forests would begin to die.

    Under the symbol of the rainbow, all of the races and all of the religions of the world would band together to spread the great wisdom of living in harmony with each other and with all the creations of the Earth. Those who taught this way would come to be known as "the rainbow warriors".

    Although they would be warriors, they would carry with them the spirits of the ancestors, they would carry the light of knowledge in their heads and love in their hearts, and they would do no harm to any other living thing.

    The legend said that after a great struggle, using only the force of peace, these rainbow warriors would finally bring an end to the destruction and desecration of Mother Earth and that peace and plenty would then reign through a long, joyous and peaceful golden age here on Mother Earth.'

    Lee Standing Bear Moore, Manataka American Indian Council:

    Among the few who possess inner strength to resist the mass unconsciousness will rise a new neo-indigenous people.

    Prophecies foretell of a people who will rise from earth's ashes like the thunderbird, symbolizing rebirth. They will bring balance and harmony back to Mother Earth.

    The first of these beings will come as teachers and storytellers to remind us of ancient truths of the star people and beyond. They will be pathfinders leading the way to a new universe, a new reality.

    Lee Standing Bear Moore, Manataka American Indian Council: Great leaders, Warriors and Shamans of many nations will be born and they will cleanse the earth for rebirth.

    Next will come the Planters sowing seeds of truth, justice and freedom.

    The Storytellers, Warriors and Planters will live in the way of the Great Spirit and teach ways to keep Mother of the Ground sacred forevermore.

    They will be called Rainbow Warriors for they will gather the four sacred directions, all distinctly separate but forever connected in the Circle of Life.

    In this time of social and environmental degradation the Rainbow Warriors represent the forces destined to turn back the tide.

    With no central church or set of beliefs and no fixed religion or dogma it is prophecy open to all. In fact few Rainbow Warriors even refer to themselves as such in conversation. Being a Rainbow Warrior is a truth best kept alive inside the heart.

    Amongst the Rainbow Warriors are people who may seem more correctly Buddhists, Hindus, Spiritualists, Christians, Alchemists, Pagans and myriad other spiritual seekers of every path imaginable.

    Though some spiritual beliefs may differ the cause at hand is one with them all. So become a Rainbow Warrior and get more people to join in and then we are on our way to creating Heaven on Earth.







    The Rainbow Warrior - 41min Documentary


    Rainbow Warriors


    Robbie Robertson Peyote Healing (Native American)
    Please note this was written by Primeaux & Mike, not by R. Robertson.


    Wani wachiyelo Ate omakiyayo
    (Father help me I want to live)

    Atay nimichikun
    (Father you have done this)

    Oshiya chichiyelo
    (Humbly have pity on me)

    Wani wachiyelo Atay omakiyayo
    (Father help me I want to live)

    Wani wachiyelo Atay
    (Father I want to live)


    The Awakening - Verdell Primeaux & Johnny Mike
    approx 8 different videos - on a playlis


    An American Indian Legend
    - Nation Unknown

    There once was a man, who was raising his young son.
    The mother had passed away in childbirth and he was teaching his son all that he knew.
    This son, grew up and in time wanted to go to a nearby village and find him a companion.
    Many months passed and the young man returned to his home, and with him he had a woman, his wife.
    They lived in the home of his father.

    Shortly after, They had a son.
    And the father, now a grandfather began teaching this young boy all that he knew.
    How to respect the forest, the animals and life.
    The mother, tiring of sharing her home with the old man told her husband that she wanted the old man out.

    The father spoke "I cannot, this is his home and he built it for us."
    She spoke "If you do not make him leave then I will take our son and I will leave."
    The father agreed and spoke to his son.
    "My son, tomorrow I want you to take Grandpa out and leave him. Give him this blanket."
    The young boy cried. "Why do you do this? Grandpa has been teaching me all that I know. Why do I have to do this to him?"
    The father spoke. "Son, follow the wishes of your father."
    So the next morning, the father went hunting to the North.
    The son took Grandpa as far as he could walk to the South.

    That evening the young boy was sitting on the bed crying when his father came In.
    He saw the blanket on the bed.
    "Son, I thought I told you to give Grandpa the blanket?"
    "I gave Grandpa half of the blanket. The other half, I will give to you some day."
    The mother and father understood the message.
    And they went and brought Grandpa back.


    "everyone is a spirit
    ~ thus everyone needs to develop that 'true spirit' within"
    ~ Susan Lynne Schwenger


    "Spirit is...every colour of the rainbow" ~ Susan Lynne Schwenger



    Hopi Elder David Monongye,
    excerpts from a letter to the Dalai Lama, 1982

    ''We understand very well that the highest way of life can only be based on a spiritual foundation... Since thousands of years, the Hopis have followed this principle, they have survived until this day, proving the truth and strength of a way of life based on spiritual power, instead of on violent forms of control. We have received our name Hopi for this reason. It means ''Peaceful'' but much more. It refers to the Law of Creator and the way to live in harmony with it. In our society, those who violate the ways of the natural order are called Ka-Hopi, meaning evil, corrupt and destructive...''

    ''As we were warned, the Hopi Tribal Council and the US governement have used this concept of centralized government to control and exploit our lands and its resources, as well as the life in our villages. It was the instrument to negociate with the outside companies in our name, but without our consentment... The Hopi say they live at the spiritual center of the Earth, Tuwanasavi. They describe the Earth as a spotted fawn, each spot having a certain power...''

    ''We grow our food in the lower valleys, on grounds without surface water. We depend on our prayers which must reach, through the spiritual way, the Provider of water and food, without whom no one could live on this land... Each ceremony has it place in an annual cycle following the seasons. All activities, chants and movements of the danses accomplished during this cycle help to keep the Earth in balance and especially the climatic conditions necessary to each season. The Hopis offer their prayers to all and this is shown in the fact that they never charge admission fees to spectators, knowing that some among them might have a good heart and pray with them. The spectators who pray help the ceremony to bring abundance of rain and food...''

    ''Long ago, we asked Great Spirit, personified as Maasaw, the permission to live here with Him. We never invaded this continent, as the new comers did. He allowed us to stay as carekeepers and gave us our name HOPI, leaving with us the sacred stone tablets as our title of carekeepers of the Earth. We can have this title only with the condition of taking care for all peoples and for all living beings. He also warned us that if we get away from the way of life He prepared for us, we would loose this title.''

    ''Keeping these instructions, we migrated to every parts of the continent, leaving our houses behind, leaving petroglyphs and other evidences of our presence as symbols of our revendications as spiritual carekeepers. In this way, we planted a spiritual seed in each place we rested, so they can spread to the four directions and help the connections... After many centuries of migrations, we reached this place which is now our permanent homeland. Here we planted a master spiritual seed, with its roots reaching all other roots, which meet in this place and make the Earth fruitful. This place was originally called Sip Oraibi, meaning ''solid foundation''. Sanctuaries were built to the four directions, not as border markers, but as protection with sacred powers. Those who desecrate those sanctuaries or defy in any way the powers that are related to them, attract a curse upon themselves.''

    ''In this way, this region has served as a sancturay to allow all life on Earth to continue. We take part in preserving this spiritual center by following the instructions of Maasaw. We know that Hopiland is not the only spiritual center in the world. Other places were selected by Creator, through those who follow the instructions in other countries, to serve as sanctuaries in the times of the great world changes to come. Their roots can be found through the ancient knowledge guiding us to those places.''

    ''It was predicted that with time, the Natives would go away from their original way, adopting the strangers' concepts, that their spiritual and religious values would be destroyed, and that their foundation, their language, their culture and their identity would cease to exist. When this happens, only a few will remain faithful to the ancient knowledge and wisdom. If they are strong enough, these few will gather, unite the ancient knowledge that they will remember together and search for the roots established by the Hopi, until they find the master root.''

    ''What will happen then will be a great source of joy for all, especially for those who will have persevered on the original way through the ages and who will feel honored to be able to accomplish the impossible in spite of the repression from outside forces. But if these last initiates of the ancient way are dominated, a great purification through the forces of Nature will be called to restore the plan of the Creator. The Universal Plan is very clear, but people are afraid to face it or to talk about it by fear of being labelled as doomsayers, and to be dishonored among respectable people. But it really represents the solution by which Creator will put the world back into order.''

    ''The Hopis have no objection to this plan because we don't think ourselves as above the Creator. We don't need to describe the exact way by which this purification will be accomplished. Creator has the weapons of Nature, above and beyond the weapons that the humans have built for their own destruction. We Hopis are waiting, because we know nothing can stop what the Creator has to do. Those who have served the destructive forces by their way of life will reap their just reward by loosing the right way of Creator. No doom would be awaiting us if we had not acting as children and wouldn't have played with our toys of destruction. Since it is this way, we must face what is awaiting us.''

    ''Hopis observe closely each step in the process of the world changes, and know when to take their next action, according to their instructions. This is why when the gourd of ashes of the prophecy was dropped on Japan, the atomic bomb, killing many people, the Hopis reacted by deciding that from now on, they would bring their message to the world to warn that no use of force should be applied. We knew that an attempt to control the world would only lead to its destruction. This is the simple reality of life. We can use this warning for our benefit or for our loss, the choice is ours.''

    ''Our prophecies warned us that if we don't listen to those warnings and use their advanced technology to conceive the most powerful weapons and have a greater control over Nature, this would cause great harm to the Earth and to life. Those people will have no understanding, they will believe in the power of their own mental concepts and will act as if they were a super race. They will play games and win wealth by tricks, and even by treason, using false promises in their competition for power. Who knows what they are able of in their corruption?''

    ''Maybe there is still enough time left to awaken those who are mislead and avoid the disaster. We learned from our ancestros that the actions of the humans through prayers are so powerful that they decide of the future of life on Earth. We can choose if the great cycles of Nature will bring prosperity or disasters. This power was manifested long ago when our spiritual visions were as one. Will this concept still apply in the supersonic age?''

    ''Let's not be discouraged. Let's purify our mind from all illusion. Let's get rid of hatred and establish love whitin ourselves. Let's unite in a renewed faith in our Creator, so we can maybe avoid the destruction resulting from our trust in weapons and other devices conceived by our mental. And let us never forget the future of our children and those who are yet to come.''

    I had the great honor to visit Grand Father David Monongye in his home in Hotevilla, when he was 117 years old. Is kwahkwah! Lolamai...

    One United Nation for the Great Earth Peace


    Return to the Sacred Hoop. coming together as One...

    Retour au Cercle Sacré, se réunissant en Un...

    Retorno al Circulo Sagrado, uniendose en Uno...



    Many ancient traditions mention some supernatural beings, spirit guides, mythological heroes or star people, often incarnated in ceremonies through masked dancers. The Apache talk about the Gahan, the Navajo have the Yeibichai, the Yaqui mention the Nagual. The Pueblos and Hopi have the Katchinam (plural of Katchina), which name can be translated by ''mighty spirit'' or ''giver of life'', the word ''katsi'' meaning ''spirit'' as well as ''way of life''. The Hopi have around 280 Katchinam who appear throughout the ceremonial cycle at different rythm, each one having its own story and role. The Koyemsim or Mud Heads, are said to be the most ancient katchina. Their mask is made of leather instead of wood. They are usually the ones who play the drums so they appear in almost every Katchina dance. On the other hand, Saqwasohu, the Blue Star Katchina, appeared only three times during the last century.

    Every katchina plays a unique part in the ceremonies. Each clan has their own guardian deities, with specific teachings and ritual practices, according to their past history; those characters are often being portrayed as having played in important part in the history of the clan. Kokopeli lead the largest group of clans during the migrations with his heat making flute and carrying the seeds to cultivate, while following a star in the sky. Eototo and Aholi, the chiefs of the Katchinam who came from the Pleiades, protected with their lives the clans escaping from an attack on Palatkwapi, the Red City of the South....

    There is a katchina playing a special role, as the initiator of all Hopi children. Between the age of six and eight, every Hopi children will be allowed for the first time in the underground kiva, the home of the katchinam, to meet face to face with Angwusnasomtaka, the Mother Crow, also called the Whipper. She comes followed on each side by two Hu Katchinam, which is translated as ''ogres''.

    The Hu is a frightening being with horns, big teeth and a black beard intended to personify fear for the children, kind of like the sand man of the legend. The other time the children see the Hu is at Wuwutsim, around our Halloween, when they go around the houses in the villages to capture unattended children. Offerings of food are left on the doorsteps to appease them and make them continue on their way. The Hu is the only katchina that can be seen outside of the Hopi summer, lasting from our winter solstice to summer solstice and marking the annual cycle of katchina dances.

    But when children meet the Hu Katchinam as helpers of Angwusnasomtaka, it is for their initiation into the secrets of Hopi ceremonies, which makes them only then fully Hopi. The Hu carry some sharp and hard yucca leaves that the Whipper will use to whip the children. One by one the children are brought to Angwusnasomtaka by their spiritual uncle and the Crow Mother whips them four times, once on each arm and leg. The children are then taught about the real existence of the katchinam and how the Hopi initiates incarnate them during the masked dances. From that time on, the initiated children are allowed to take part in the katchina dances if they wish to and they know about the spirit world.

    You may wonder why the whipping of children in a people called Hopi, which means people of Peace. First understand that the whipping is not meant to hurt or leave any marks, but to strike the child's memory. It is a rite of passage to help them understand about the limits of the physical body and the limitless spirit world beyond and its power. This understanding is conditional and necessary to be able to take part in the ceremonies and serve as a channel for the katchinam to incarnate during the dances.

    The Mother Crow is thus the one who initiates and opens the doors into the spirit world and the ceremonies. To be considered fully a Hopi, every child has to taste the medicine of Mother Crow and understand that this physical body is but a receptacle of the spirit and life force or ''katsi''. Only from that point can the initiate take part in Hopikatsi, the way of life maintaining Peace and balance, through prayers, ceremonies and teachings. Thus we can see some katchina dancers aged only six or seven.

    Before their initiation, children are thought to believe that the katchinam come to visit the villages during the ceremonies, without being explained that they dance through their masked relatives. It can be somewhat compared to the story of Santa Claus in our modern society, with the difference that when the secret will be broken and the truth revealed, it will be to gain an access to sacred knowledge. Until then, the children are taught about the different katchina with carved representations or dolls. Although they are called katchina dolls and reproduce with great craftmanship the costumes and accessories of the katchinam, these figurines are not considered as ritual object since the spirit don't incarnate in them.

    According to each individual gifts and talents, spiritual uncles and aunts help their nephews and nieces to find their place and roles in the ceremonial organization of the clans. Different persons will be chosen to incarnate different katchinam, or to play drums, rattles or any other role in the ceremonies. Not all Hopis dance with the katchinam, most just come to see them perform. Some ceremonies ask for much preparation, including abstention from certain foods and sexual relations for a certain time prior to doing them. In the case of the snake dance, which is performed once every two years in one or two last villages still practicing it, the candidates must first catch snakes and spend two weeks with them in the kiva to get familiar with the reptiles. If they get stressed or bit, they can't take part as snake dancers but can play another part. When a man breaks one of the vows he had to take to participate in a ceremony, he can be allowed to act as a sacred clown. The sacred clowns play an important role, incarnating all odd and funny behaviors human beings can have. Their shows alternate with that of the katchina dancers, changing turn about every half hour, from sunrise to sunset, giving an impression of a cycle of chaos and order alternating with each other. The clowns also accompany the katchina dancers when they arrive to the katsonvi, the public ceremonial place, carrying all kinds of gifts for the audience. They repeat this generous distribution of gifts each time they enter in scene about every hour.

    When I took my first vision quest as a young lad thirty years ago, I met Raven spirit who became my first spirit guide and ally. A few months later, I visited the Hopi for the first time and was received with a warm welcome and great honors, being offered many teachings, an eagle feather from a ceremonial costume with other medicines and an invitation to the first katchina dance I saw. Over the years, Raven spirit visited me several times, eventually to introduce me to other spirit allies. After a while he started to take the appearance of Angwusnasomtaka, with raven wings and mask, and a human body but twice as tall as us. On a special vision quest in the spring of 1987, Angwusnasomtaka appeared clearly to me and made me taste the medicine of her whip, teaching me that physical matter is but pure energy organized by spirit and can be reorganized to transmute at the spirit's will.

    The following spring I was adopted by the Hopi Coyote clan of Hotevilla. We shared many medicines and teachings among clan brothers during ceremonies and pilgrimages to sacred sites. There are rock paintings in the desert that are seen dancing at times. For having observed miles of petroglyphs on Hopi land over periods of times, I can also assert that some of them appear or disappear, some others shift shapes and show different writings from time to time. These are messages for spirits of old, the katchinam, that are being continously updated for the rare ones who still take the time to read them. They have shown me the best proofs of spirits acting upon matter and transmuting it. There are many ancient stories of some medicine people who can shape shift and theses stories are still going around in the Hopi and Dineh regions. While material evidences of the past cover the area, like dinosaur tracks or ancient ruins, other signs and messages of a more subtle nature can be observed with an attentive eye.

    Incidentally, Angwusnasomtaka is the guardian deity of my Coyote clan, holding a special place on the altar in every of its ceremonies. It was the second katchina figure I carved after Mosairu, the White Buffalo. When I was adopted in the kiva, we sealed a box of sacred objects I was given to carry along with the teachings I had received, and I was I was given my Hopi name. Then, I was filled with an unexplainable energy, stood up and joined with the katchina dancers, performing in synchronicity with them a song and the steps of a dance I had never learnt. The katchinam had come to dance in me.

    The Coyote clan was the one that sealed the door of the underworld at the end of the last third world. Prophecy says that at the end of this fourth world, the Coyote clan will open the door to the next fifth world. Thomas Banyacya, the late spokesman for the Hopi traditional elders of Oraibi who opened the doors of the UN to Native representatives with the International Year for Indigenous Peoples in 1992, was Coyote clan. We are coming close to the end of the fourth world and the beginning of the fifth.

    May Peace prevail on Earth... Hopi Katsi Et Tuwa Eyesni...


    One United Nation for the Great Earth Peace

    We have seen in previous posts how the Blue Star of the Hopi prophecy has been associated with different recent unusual apparitions of blue celestial bodies since Supernova 1987A, and the comets Hyakutake in 1996, Hale-Bopp in 1997 and Holmes in 2007.

    We have also considered the International Space Station which can be seen in our skies since a decade as a bright blue artificial star watching our world like a big eye.

    Since prophecies can relate to series of events manifesting on several levels, they can also have many interpretations. It has often been suggested that the return of the Blue Star has something to do with the creation by the UN of the State of Israel, whose flag holds a single six pointed blue star.

    The year this major turning point in world's political history happened, 1948, coincides with the year the Hopi Elders decided to speak out and bring their message to the world.

    In their first address they mentioned the Blue Star prophecy. A version mentions a nine pointed blue star to which I could never find any correspondence. But the world first heard of the Hopi Blue Star the year Israel was born.

    Seen as the manifestation of prophecies from the Bible, this event has also served to secure a strategic center for Western judeo-christian interests in the Middle-East.

    Israel is not only a geographic center at the crossroads of three continents, it has also been at the core of international news and global concerns for its crucial and sensitive situation in the stakes of the world's powers, being the fourth nuclear power in the world, known for often breaking international laws and for its harsh treatments towards the neighboring and domestic Palestinian populations. With growing tensions around, it is a matter of time before the area's unsettled issues are again brought up.

    The Bible prophecies also include an apocalyptic doomsday with a final war in Harmagedon, in Israel, which many believe is drawing near.

    Within months following the creation of the State of Israel, another blue star appeared in the world, on the flag of the NATO. A clue that could indicate a relation between the blue star of the Hopi prophecy and the NATO, is that Saqwasohu, the Blue Star Katchina, wears on his mask a four pointed cross-star, which is the most widely used Hopi symbol for a star and is the same one that can be found on the NATO's flag.

    The fact that NATO and Israel have the only two flags bearing a single blue star could hardly be only be a mere coincidence. Other flags that carry a single white star on a blue background are Somalia, Taiwan, the Philippines and Puerto Rico; Panama's flag has a blue and a red star. All these countries host strategic military strongholds guarding the hegemony of the US-run NATO.

    The prophecy says that when the blue star appears as a sign of the coming of the Great Purification, another smaller red star called the Red Purifier will come, which will shake the world with fire. Again it might be another coincidence that the only flag in the world with a single red star, or any amount of red stars, apart from Panama, which has also a blue star, and Tunisia, which encloses it inside a moon crescent, is the flag of a country that was born just five years after Israel: the infamous North Korea, which heightened the tensions just recently by threatening its neighboring rival with a nuclear war.

    At the beginning, the NATO was only one of the two main actors in the bipolar splitting of the world's political influence, characteristic of the cold war.

    The first major war that involved the NATO was the Korean war that split the peninsula with a truce in 1953 in two opposed countries that are technically still at war. Since the Perestroika and the first Gulf War, the NATO has imposed itself as the new world policing army, replacing the UN blue helmets by claiming that: ''Previous international forces failed duty, allowed terrorists to re-arm.''

    In the last two decades, we have seen the blue star of the NATO come to represent a world policing international army continously involved in dirty wars, from Bosnia to Somalia, from Afghanistan to Iraq. There is currently 30,000 US troops in South Korea only, as part of regular contingents continuously deployed around the globe by the NATO.

    During this same period started the continuos occupation of space by men, first with the Mir station, which was replaced after its crash a decade later by the International Space Station which stills hovers above us.

    We may wonder why at the same time that the ISS was being built we were hearing about star wars and anti missiles shields. It makes it sound akward that the world's largest military powers were collaborating on a costly space program while planning a nuclear aggression on each other.

    Whether or not related to the Hopi prophecy, the blue star of the NATO has now imposed itself to the world as the international policing army under the uncontested iron glove of the US Pentagon.

    They have told the world that they are willing to do anything to protect their best ally, the blue star of Israel. The massive financial and military support might soon include permanent international military troops guarding the borders of Israel.

    The unconventional weapons that are being used in the Middle East include radioactive and chemical contaminants, leaving a trail of death for generations to come. It is also a known fact that the majority of the US nuclear arsenal is now deployed in the Middle East.

    The biblical prophecies of Revelation also talk about a star called Wormwood falling from the sky, that would turn a third of all waters into a bitter poison.

    The Russian word for wormwood is Tchernobyl. No need to be a prophet to understand that the increasing development and promotion of nuclear energy in North America is also increasing the chances of reproducing many more Tchernobysl. In fact, with all the nuclear tests that were conducted in the continental US, North America is much more contaminated with radioactive pollutants than we would generally believe and the long term effects of such contamination are just starting to be felt.

    We should never forget either that all nuclear centrals for so called civilian use are basically power plans refining the uranium into plutonium for military use. Nuclear facilities are as lethal as bombs, the only difference is that they kill slowly, unlike weapons.

    Although we cannot be absolutely sure to what the Blue Star Katchina refers, we can see that a series of celestial apparitions and global events related to a blue star symbol seem to point out to our generation. In any case, the appearance of the Blue Star Katchina to dance on the public place and remove his mask is to announce the end of this Fourth World through the Great Purification by fire, followed by the beginning of the next Fifth World.

    A dwelling place falling from heaven is to be the final sign.

    The worst case scenario of a third world war with a nuclear holocaust, that several prophecies from many traditions seem to announce, is certainly something every human of good will would want to avoid. Generations of wisdom keepers and activists have worked to stop this scenario from happening and it is still not too late to act in order to minimize the ongoing and possibly awaited destruction.

    There is a greater Destiny that we cannot change, like the course of the planets; but there is a Fate that we create with our free wil
    l according to our choices and actions. We all can take part in changing the the world's history. Prophecies warn us to prepare for the worst, while working towards the best outcome. Only the way of Peace with all of Creation is viable and sustainble, so only it will survive.

    May the way of Peace prevail on Earth... Hopi Katsi Et Tuwa Eyesni...


    Nichidatsu Fujii to Hopi Grandfather David Monongye
    Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo : The Lotus Sutra 21st Century Nuclear Peace Prophecy

    An Address by the Most Venerable Nichidatsu Fujii, on the Occasion of an Evening with Grandfather David Monongye, Elder of the Hopi Nation (June 1982)

    Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo

    I am a follower of a sutra, Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo, expounded by the Lord Buddha, which we have just chanted.

    The Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo (Lotus Sutra) contains a prophecy. It says that there will come a time when all living beings will be about to be burned in a total conflagration. The survival, not only of human beings, but all life, is endangered. Prophecies also exist in the western world and recently many people read them. However, they speak to us only of a doomsday for humanity, but nothing of the world that follows. In other words, it is predicted that humanity will perish around the end of the 20th century.

    The Lotus Sutra says,

    "When all the living see, at the kalpa's end;
    The conflagration when it is burning;
    Tranquil is this realm of mine."

    Deliverance will be brought about when the living beings seem to be burned in the total conflagration.
    Deliverance will appear in the hearts and minds of the human beings. Then this realm of ours will become peaceful and tranquil. This is a prophecy of the 21st century. We cannot continue living for the day -- within the next twenty years -- on which we will be annihilated. We must be able to live embracing a future with hope and joy.

    Perhaps many doubt whether this is possible, considering the present threat posed by nuclear weapons. However, we should dispel this doubt.

    A small number of our people walked across the United States praying to eliminate nuclear weapons and all armaments, and to prevent war itself. A handful of Japanese people who do not speak English have received support from Americans throughout this country. The American people are on the path of finding a way of survival in their hearts and minds.

    The foundation of the Native Americans' religion is faith in Mother Earth, which brings forth all life. In the Lotus Sutra there is also a chapter entitled "Springing Up Out of the Earth" which contains a prophecy that the earth will open and produce immeasurable people who will relieve the sufferings of the world. Moreover, the Lotus Sutra expounds on the blessings of heaven. The chapter, "The Parable of the Herbs", preaches that what cultivates and fosters the growth of trees and plants which grow on the earth is rain that comes from heaven. This rain falling down from the heavens is religion. All life on earth, plants and trees, will be cultivated by correct religion.

    It was not only the American people who accepted the peace walk against nuclear weapons. The people in Europe have already accepted it and themselves launched walks and mass demonstrations which are spreading throughout Europe. This power will not be suppressed buy politics or violence. The movement against nuclear weapons that arose in the United States will not be contained. It is the government which will be forced to convert the policies. Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo is a sutra that prophesizes this.



    The Venerable Nichidatsu Fujii (1885–1985) was a Japanese Buddhist monk, and founder of the Nipponzan-Myōhōji order of Buddhism.

    Fuji was greatly inspired by his meeting with Mahatma Gandhi in 1931 and decided to devote his life to promoting non-violence. He is best known world-wide for his decision in 1947, to begin constructing Peace Pagodas in many locations around the world, as shrines to World peace. The first Peace Pagodas were built as a symbol of peace in the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki where the atomic bombs took the lives of over 150,000 people, almost all of whom were civilian, at the end of World War II.


    "Return of the Dragon Kin" - (The Essence of Spirit in Motion)

    "Reverse Warrior" By GeoGlyphiks

    The Hopi Elders say that we have now entered into the age of the bird clan.
    The Great winged denizens of the cosmos are no longer separate from our essence.
    The Angles, Dragons, Phoenix, Griffins, and winged sacred guardians of the veils now live within our hearts.
    We are the guardians, protectors, teachers, and guides of the sacred ways.
    We are the progenitors of the eternal light.
    Our essence is born of the stars and our wings unite our spirits with the heavens.

    We welcome the Return of the Dragon Kin.

    The sacred light serpents of spiritual transformation...
    from the Kundalini rising within our bodies...
    the ley lines shifting the grid within Mother Earth.
    To the Sky guardians protecting our realm from foreign invasion..
    .the the Serpents of Light breathing in the prana lifeforce through our spirits.
    These are the mighty Dragon Kin.
    They have always been amongst us since the birth of our beautiful race.

    Yet now, after long lying dormant...
    their magik is now born again into this world hailing the dawn of a new age of unity and profound inner transformation.
    If you seek the dragon..
    .don't look to the sky alone..
    .look to the heart...
    the dragon is the essence of spirit in motion.

    Each one of us has been blessed with the sacred opportunity to introduce something new and profound into this world.

    We are the seed bearers of a unique and beautiful potency.

    A potency that has the power to help transform our race into a peaceful, compassionate,
    and creative family moving together in harmony with ALL that is.
    Spread your wings and let your passions fly free.

    Written by: Ehren Cruz -

    To read more of Ehren's profound writings, please visit

    Artwork Coming Soon to! Stay Inspired!

    Pave the way..

    ∞ One Love ∞

    ~ Jalai Lama
    The Modern Art of Jalai Lama


    The Hopi

    interview on March 15th with author Gary A. David about the ancient Hopi Mysteries
    is now ready for your listening pleasure and truth seeking.



    There is an Indian proverb that says:
    "That everyone is a house with four rooms,
    a physical, an emotional, a mental and a spiritual
    Most of us tend to live in one room most of the time,
    but unless we go into every room every day,
    even if only to keep it aired,
    we are not a complete person."


    "You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour, now you must go back and tell the people that this is the Hour. And there are things to be considered . . .

    Where are you living?
    What are you doing?
    What are your relationships?
    Are you in right relation?
    Where is your water?
    Know your garden.
    It is time to speak your Truth.
    Create your community.
    Be good to each other.
    And do not look outside yourself for the leader."

    Then he clasped his hands together, smiled, and said, "This could be a good time!"

    "There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are torn apart and will suffer greatly.

    "Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above water. And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate. At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, Least of all ourselves. For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.

    "The time for the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves! Banish the word struggle from you attitude and your vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.

    "We are the ones we've been waiting for."

    The Elders,
    Oraibi, Arizona
    Hopi Nation



    American Indians are a diverse ethnic group. Their languages, customs, social systems varied greatly.
    One common characteristic found in many Indian nations was an affinity to the spiritual side of life. Out of this came many prophecies.

    One of the most fascinating set of prophecies comes out of the Hopi nation located in the Southwestern United States. Many prophecies foretold by the Hopi appear to have come true. Some of these are:

    "The Fourth World shall end soon, and the Fifth World will begin. This the elders everywhere know. The Signs over many years have been fulfilled, and so few are left.

    "This is the First Sign: We are told of the coming of the white-skinned men, like Pahana, but not living like Pahana men who took the land that was not theirs. And men who struck their enemies with thunder.

    "This is the Second Sign: Our lands will see the coming of spinning wheels filled with voices. In his youth, my father saw this prophecy come true with his eyes -- the white men bringing their families in wagons across the prairies."

    "This is the Third Sign: A strange beast like a buffalo but with great long horns, will overrun the land in large numbers. These White Feather saw with his eyes -- the coming of the white men's cattle."

    "This is the Fourth Sign: The land will be crossed by snakes of iron."

    "This is the Fifth Sign: The land shall be criss-crossed by a giant spider's web."

    "This is the Sixth sign: The land shall be criss-crossed with rivers of stone that make pictures in the sun."

    "This is the Seventh Sign: You will hear of the sea turning black, and many living things dying because of it."

    "This is the Eight Sign: You will see many youth, who wear their hair long like my people, come and join the tribal nations, to learn their ways and wisdom.

    "And this is the Ninth and Last Sign: You will hear of a dwelling-place in the heavens, above the earth, that shall fall with a great crash. It will appear as a blue star. Very soon after this, the ceremonies of my people will cease.

    "These are the Signs that great destruction is coming. The world shall rock to and fro. The white man will battle against other people in other lands -- with those who possessed the first light of wisdom. There will be many columns of smoke and fire such as White Feather has seen the white man make in the deserts not far from here. Only those which come will cause disease and a great dying.

    Overall, the theme of Hopi prophecy is that the Earth is going to soon go through a great purification and that humanity can make the decision as to how extreme this purification will be. Their belief is that the world goes through a period of destruction and renewal and that we are about to enter into a new age, the 5th world (or 6th depending upon the source).

    Other Native American Prophecies

    Mohawk Prophecy of the Seventh Generation

    According to the prophecy of the Seventh Generation, seven generations after contact with the Europeans the Onkwehonwe would see the day when the elm trees would die. The prophecy said that strange animals would be born deformed and without the proper limbs. Huge stone monsters would tear open the face of the earth. The rivers would burn. The air would burn the eyes of man. According to the prophecy of the Seventh Generation the Onkwehonwe would see the time when the birds would fall from the sky. The fish would die in the water. And man would grow ashamed of the way that he had treated his Mother and Provider, the Earth.

    Finally, according to this prophecy, after seven generations of living in close contact with the Europeans, the Onkwehonwe would rise up and demand that their rights and stewardship over the Earth be respected and restored.

    According to the wisdom of this prophecy, men and women would one day turn to the Onkwehonwe for both guidance and direction. It is up to the present generation of youth of the Kanienkehaka to provide leadership and example to all who have failed. The children of the Kanienkehaka are the seventh generation.

    Deganawidah: The Two Serpents
    American Prophecies by Scott Peterson

    When Deganawidah was leaving the Indians in the Bay of Quinte in Ontario, he told the Indian people that they would face a time of great suffering. They would distrust their leaders and the principles of peace of the League, and a great white serpent was to come upon the Iroquois, and that for a time it would intermingle with the Indian serpent as a friend.

    This serpent would in time become so powerful that it would attempt to destroy the Indian, and the serpent is described as choking the life's blood out of the Indian people. Deganawidah told the Indians that they would be in such a terrible state at this point that all hope would seem to be lost, and he told them that when things looked their darkest a red serpent would come from the north and approach the white serpent, which would be terrified, and upon seeing the red serpent he would release the Indian, who would fall to the ground almost like a helpless child, and the white serpent would turn all its attention to the red serpent. The bewilderment would cause the white serpent to accept the red one momentarily.

    The white serpent would be stunned and take part of the red serpent and accept him. Then there is a heated argument and a fight. And then the Indian revives and crawls toward the land of the hilly country, and then he would assemble his people together, and they would renew their faith and the principles of peace that Deganawidah had established.

    There would at the same time exist among the Indians a great love and forgiveness for his brother, and in this gathering would come streams from all over -- not only the Iroquois but from all over -- and they would gather in this hilly country, and they would renew their friendship. And Deganawidah said they would remain neutral in this fight between the white and red serpents.

    At the time they were watching the two serpents licked in this battle, a great message would come to them, which would make them ever so humble, and when they become that humble, they will be waiting for a young leader, an Indian boy, possibly in his teens, who would be a choice seer. Nobody knows who he is or where he comes from, but he will be given great power, and would be heard by thousands, and he would give them the guidance and the hope to refrain from going back to their land and he would be the accepted leader.

    And Deganawidah said that they will gather in the land of the hilly country, beneath the branches of an elm tree, and they should burn tobacco and call upon Deganawidah by name when facing the darkest hours, and he will return. Deganawidah said that as the choice seer speaks to the Indians that number as the blades of grass, and he would be heard by all at the same time, and as the Indians are gathered watching the fight, they notice from the south a black serpent coming from the sea, and he is described as dripping with salt water, and as he stands there, he rests for a spell to get his breath, all the time watching to the north to the land where the white and red serpents are fighting.

    Deganawidah said that the battle between the white and the red serpents opened very slowly but would then become so violent that the mountains would crack and the rivers would boil and the fish would turn up on their bellies. He said that there would be no leaves on the trees in that area. There would be no grass, and that strange bugs and beetles would crawl from the ground and attack both serpents, and he said that a great heat would cause the stench of death to sicken both serpents. And then, as the boy seer is watching this fight, the red serpent reaches around the back of the white serpent and pulls from him a hair which is carried toward the south by a great wind into the waiting hands of the black serpent, and as the black serpent studies this hair, it suddenly turns into a woman, a white woman who tells him things that he knows to be true but he wants to hear them again.

    When this white woman finishes telling these things, he takes her and gently places her on a rock with great love and respect, and then he becomes infuriated at what he has heard, so he makes a beeline for the north, and he enters the battle between the red and white serpents with such speed and anger that he defeats the two serpents, who have already been battle weary.

    When he finishes, he stand on the chest of the white serpent, and he boasts and puts his chest out like he¹s the conqueror, and he looks for another serpent to conquer. He looks to the land of the hilly country and then sees the Indian standing with his arms folded and looking ever so noble that he knows that this Indian is not the one to fight. The next direction that he will face will be eastward and at that time he will be momentarily blinded by a light that is many times brighter than the sun.

    The light will be coming from the east to the west over the water, and when the black serpent regains his sight, he becomes terrified and makes a beeline for the sea.
    He dips into the sea and swims away in a southerly direction, and shall never again be seen by the Indians.
    The white serpent revives, and he too sees the light, and he makes a feeble attempt to gather himself and go toward that light.

    A portion of the white serpent refuses to remain but instead makes its way toward the land of the hilly country, and there he will join the Indian People with a great love like that of a lost brother.
    The rest of the white serpent would go to the sea and dip into the sea and would be lost out of sight for a spell.

    Then suddenly the white serpent would appear again on the top of the water and he would be slowly swimming toward the light. Deganawidah said that the white serpent would never again be troublesome to the Indian People.

    The red serpent would revive and he would shiver with great fear when he sees that light.
    He would crawl to the north and leave a bloody, shaky trail northward, and he would never be seen again by the Indians.
    Deganawidah said as this light approaches that he would be that light, and he would return to his Indian People,
    and when he returns, the Indian People would be a greater nation than they had ever been before.

    Iroquois Prophecy

    It's prophesied in our Instructions that the end of the world will be near when the trees start dying from the tops down.

    That's what the maples are doing today. Our Instructions say the time will come when there will be no corn, when nothing will grow in the garden, when water will be filthy and unfit to drink.
    Then a great monster will rise up from the water and destroy mankind. One of the names of that monster is "the sickness that eats you up inside" like diabetes or cancer or AIDS. Maybe AIDS is the monster. It's coming. It's already here.

    Our prophet Handsome Lake told of it in the 1700s. He saw Four Beings, like four angels, coming from the Four Directions.

    They told him what would happen, how there would be diseases we'd never heard of before.
    You will see many tears in this country.
    Then a great wind will come, a wind that will make a hurricane seem like a whisper.
    It will cleanse the earth and return it to its original state.
    That will be the punishment for what we've done to the Creation.

    Reference Links:

    Search for Native American Prophecy books




    this thread requires some proof reading - thank you
    Last edited: May 25, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Questions for GLP / Original Poster

    It is was not 2012- but 2013 that is the TRUE End of the Mayan Calender! The reason for the one year mistake is because the Mayans used a zero year and the Gregorian does not! So when the calculations were made the were one year off! Not Dec 21st 2012 but Dec.16th 2013 This information was posted on GLP in 2009. I have known about this and thought it might be time to post this now.



    Dec. 16th, 2013 (13 Ahau)
    Katun- 144,000 days
    At the end of the 13 Ahau Katun
    Hunab-ku= Galactic Center

    The prophecy of Chilam Balam, the singer, of Cabal-chen, 4 Mani. (below)

    On <the day> 13 Ahau the katun will end in the time of the Itzá, in the time of Tancah <Mayapan>, lord. There is the sign of Hunab-ku 6 on high. The raised wooden standard shall come. It shall be displayed to the world, that the world may be enlightened, lord. There has been a beginning of strife, there has been a beginning of rivalry, when the priestly man shall come to bring the sign <of God> in time to come, lord. A quarter of a league, a league <away> he comes. You see the mut 9-bird surmounting the raised wooden standard. A new day shall dawn in the north, in the west.

    Itzamná Kauil shall rise. Our lord comes, Itzá. Our elder brother comes, <oh> men of Tantun. Receive your guests, the bearded men, the men of the east, the bearers of the sign of God, lord. Good indeed is the word of God that comes to us. The day of our regeneration comes. You do not fear the world, Lord, you are the only God who created us. It is sufficient, then, that the word of God is good, lord. <He is> the guardian of our souls. He who receives him, who has truly believed, he will go to heaven with him. Nevertheless <at> the beginning were the two-day men.

    Let us exalt his sign on high, let us exalt it <that we may gaze upon it today with the raised standard. Great is the discord that arises today. The First Tree of the World is restored; it is displayed to the world. This is the sign of Hunab-ku on high. Worship it, Itzá. You shall worship today his sign on high. You shall worship it furthermore with true good will, and you shall worship the true God today, lord. You shall be converted to the word of Hunab-ku, lord; it came from heaven. Oh it is he who speaks to you! Be admonished indeed, Itzá. They will correct their ways who receive him in their hearts in another katun, lord.

    Believe in my word itself, I am Chilam Balam, and I have interpreted the entire message of the true God <of> the world; it is heard in every part of the world, lord, the word of God, the Lord of heaven and earth. Very good indeed is his word in heaven, lord.

    He is ruler over us; he is the true God over our souls.

    But those to whom <the word> is brought, lord: thrice weighed down is their strength, the younger brothers native to the land. Their hearts are submerged <in sin>. Their hearts are dead in their carnal sins. They are frequent backsliders, the principal ones who spread <sin>, Nacxit Xuchit in the carnal sin of his companions, the two-day rulers.<They sit> crookedly on their thrones; crookedly in carnal sin. Two-day men they call them. For two days <endure> their seats, their cups, their hats. They are the unrestrained lewd ones of the day, the unrestrained lewd ones of the night, the rogues of the world. They twist their necks, they wink their eyes, they slaver at the mouth, at the rulers of the land, lord. Behold, when they come, there is no truth in the words of the foreigners to the land. They tell very solemn and mysterious things, the sons of the men of Seven-deserted-buildings, the offspring of the women of Seven-deserted-buildings, lord.

    Who will be the prophet, who will be the priest who shall interpret truly the word of the book?

    Thread where this was all posted in 2009



    I will copy and post on the Thuban forum for reference
    Pecae JT!


    Copied from
    Thread Title It is not 2012- It is 2013



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    It is not 2012- It is 2013
    AnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 833688
    United States
    12/21/2009 09:12 PM

    It is not 2012- It is 2013
    Well being 3 years away from Dec. 21st, 2012 as of today, I have realized the calendar doesn't end on 12/21/12, but in 2013 instead. I have proof as well!
    AnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 846293
    12/21/2009 09:19 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    AnchorAnonymous Coward (OP)
    User ID: 833688
    United States
    12/21/2009 09:19 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    And PIN THIS once I reveal!
    AnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 846605
    12/21/2009 09:19 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    And PIN THIS once I reveal!
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 833688

    AnchorAnonymous Coward (OP)
    User ID: 833688
    United States
    12/21/2009 09:30 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    And PIN THIS once I reveal!

    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 846605

    hmm makes me not want to share now :(
    AnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 822837
    United States
    12/21/2009 09:35 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    Well being 3 years away from Dec. 21st, 2012 as of today, I have realized the calendar doesn't end on 12/21/12, but in 2013 instead. I have proof as well!
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 833688
    I too suspect it may be march 22nd, 2013 exactly 33 years from building the Georgia Guidestones...
    I am not saying I am sure, just suspect
    AnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 846605
    12/21/2009 09:35 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    And PIN THIS once I reveal!


    hmm makes me not want to share now :(
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 833688

    That's cause you ain't got nothing!
    AnchorAnonymous Coward (OP)
    User ID: 833688
    United States
    12/21/2009 09:37 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    Wanna to bet? :)
    AnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 846605
    12/21/2009 09:41 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    Wanna to bet? :)
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 833688

    Via paypal?
    Pffft... I still see NOTHING!
    AnchorAnonymous Coward (OP)
    User ID: 833688
    United States
    12/21/2009 09:42 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    Wanna to bet? :)

    Via paypal?
    Pffft... I still see NOTHING!
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 846605

    Paypal! LOL! Naw, this is free of charge. But please relax. One moment please.
    AnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 846619
    United States
    12/21/2009 09:43 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    Wanna to bet? :)
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 833688

    DO NOT DELAY 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    SHHH... go away!
    AnchorAnonymous Coward (OP)
    User ID: 833688
    United States
    12/21/2009 09:45 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    Dec 16th, 2013 (13 Ahau)
    Sept. 13th, 1619 (1 Ahau)
    June 10th, 1225 (2 Ahau)
    March 8th, 831 (3 Ahau)
    Dec. 3rd, 436 (4 Ahau)
    Aug. 31st 42 (5 Ahau)
    May 28th, -352 B.C. (6 Ahau)
    Feb. 23rd -746 B.C. (7 Ahau)
    Nov. 21st -1141 B.C. (8 Ahau)
    Aug. 18th -1535 B.C. (9 Ahau)
    May 16th -1929 B.C. (10 Ahau)
    Feb. 10th -2323 B.C. (11 Ahau)
    Nov. 8th -2718 B.C. (12 Ahau)
    August 5th -3112 B.C. (13 Ahau)
    Aug. 11th, -3113 B.C. (4 Ahau)
    AnchorAnonymous Coward (OP)
    User ID: 833688
    United States
    12/21/2009 09:46 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    And it can thus be considered that Dec. 21st, 2012 is like Jan. 1st, 2000 and that Dec. 16th, 2013 is Jan. 1st. 2001
    Popular culture misconception is that New Year 2000 was the start of the 21st century and the millennium but New Year 2001 actually marked the first year of these two distinctions. So essentially now then Dec. 16th, 2013 marks the start of the new beginning and not Dec. 21st, 2012!
    AnchorAnonymous Coward (OP)
    User ID: 833688
    United States
    12/21/2009 09:47 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    Here is the calendar conversion tool.
    [link to]
    AnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 846605
    12/21/2009 09:48 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    I stand corrected, you have something.
    AnchorAnonymous Coward (OP)
    User ID: 833688
    United States
    12/21/2009 09:49 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    I stand corrected, you have something.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 846605

    You want a little something more? This is the proof!
    AnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 846605
    12/21/2009 09:51 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    I stand corrected, you have something.

    You want a little something more? This is the proof!
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 833688

    Yep, yep, can't argue with the numbers.
    What else you got?
    AnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 844573
    12/21/2009 09:56 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    Well! That's Just Great OP.
    A whole extra year ....
    AnchorAnonymous Coward (OP)
    User ID: 833688
    United States
    12/21/2009 09:59 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    I stand corrected, you have something.

    You want a little something more? This is the proof!

    Yep, yep, can't argue with the numbers.
    What else you got?
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 846605

    Dec. 16th, 2013 (13 Ahau)
    Katun- 144,000 days
    At the end of the 13 Ahau Katun
    Hunab-ku= Galactic Center
    The prophecy of Chilam Balam, the singer, of Cabal-chen, 4 Mani. (below)
    On <the day> 13 Ahau the katun will end in the time of the Itzá, in the time of /
    Tancah <Mayapan>, lord. There is the sign of Hunab-ku 6 on high. The raised wooden standard shall come. It shall be displayed to the world, that the world may be enlightened, lord. There has been a beginning of strife, there has been a beginning of rivalry, when the priestly man shall come to bring the sign <of God> in time to come, lord. A quarter of a league, a league <away> he comes. You see the mut 9-bird surmounting the raised wooden standard. A new day shall dawn in the north, in the west.
    Itzamná Kauil shall rise. Our lord comes, Itzá. Our elder brother comes, <oh> men of Tantun. Receive your guests, the bearded men, the men of the east, the bearers of the sign of God, lord. Good indeed is the word of God that comes to us. The day of our regeneration comes. You do not fear the world, Lord, you are the only God who created us. It is sufficient, then, that the word of God is good, lord. <He is> the guardian of our souls. He who receives him, who has truly believed, he will go to heaven with him. Nevertheless <at> the beginning were the two-day men.
    Let us exalt his sign on high, let us exalt it <that we may gaze upon it today with the raised standard. Great is the discord that arises today. The First Tree of the World is restored; it is displayed to the world. This is the sign of Hunab-ku on high. Worship it, Itzá. You shall worship today his sign on high. You shall worship it furthermore with true good will, and you shall worship the true God today, lord. You shall be converted to the word of Hunab-ku, lord; it came from heaven. Oh it is he who speaks to you! Be admonished indeed, Itzá. They will correct their ways who receive him in their hearts in another katun, lord.
    Believe in my word itself, I am Chilam Balam, and I have interpreted the entire message of the true God <of> the world; it is heard in every part of the world, lord, the word of God, the Lord of heaven and earth. Very good indeed is his word in heaven, lord.
    He is ruler over us; he is the true God over our souls. /
    But those to whom <the word> is brought, lord: thrice weighed down is their strength, the younger brothers native to the land. Their hearts are submerged <in sin>. Their hearts are dead in their carnal sins. They are frequent backsliders, the principal ones who spread <sin>, Nacxit Xuchit in the carnal sin of his companions, the two-day rulers.<They sit> crookedly on their thrones; crookedly in carnal sin. Two-day men they call them. For two days <endure> their seats, their cups, their hats. They are the unrestrained lewd ones of the day, the unrestrained lewd ones of the night, the rogues of the world. They twist their necks, they wink their eyes, they slaver at the mouth, at the rulers of the land, lord. Behold, when they come, there is no truth in the words of the foreigners to the land. They tell very solemn and mysterious things, the sons of the men of Seven-deserted-buildings, the offspring of the women of Seven-deserted-buildings, lord.
    Who will be the prophet, who will be the priest who shall interpret truly the word of the book?
    [link to]
    Anchoroct 28/2011
    User ID: 846669
    12/21/2009 10:05 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    what's 0ct 28 2011 all about then, If I want the truth ill have to research myself.
    AnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 846678
    United States
    12/21/2009 10:18 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    its actually AlenI pet told me.
    AnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 844573
    12/21/2009 10:23 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    what's 0ct 28 2011 all about then, If I want the truth ill have to research myself.
    Quoting: oct 28/2011 846669

    I believe this is the end date based on the Mayan Model as put forth by Dr. Calleman, and as presented by Ian Xel Lungold. BOWMAN has a few threads on this.
    AnchorAnonymous Coward (OP)
    User ID: 833688
    United States
    12/21/2009 10:44 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    what's 0ct 28 2011 all about then, If I want the truth ill have to research myself.

    I believe this is the end date based on the Mayan Model as put forth by Dr. Calleman, and as presented by Ian Xel Lungold. BOWMAN has a few threads on this.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 844573

    This is the main reason why Calleman came up with the Oct. 28th, 2011 date, was because it fell on 13 Ahau.
    Calleman stresses that 13 Ahau is so important which is why 4 Ahau on Dec. 21st, 2012 can't be the end date:
    "Another equally compelling reason why December 21, 2012 cannot be the true date of completion of creation is that this day is 4 Ahau in the tzolkin count. Since the Long Count consists of exactly 7200 tzolkin rounds then the true end of creation must fall on a day that is 13 Ahau in the tzolkin count so that the tzolkin rounds even out. If we want to find out what is the real date of ending of the creation cycles we must therefore look for a day around the year 2012, which is 13 Ahau in the tzolkin count. The inscriptions in Palenque, written about a thousand years after the Long Count was devised in Izapa, seem to indicate that the date of relevance is October 28, 2011, which in fact is 13 Ahau in the tzolkin count."
    [link to]

    Well.......Dec. 16th, 2013 is also 13 Ahau
    AnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 757124
    United States
    12/21/2009 10:49 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    Well being 3 years away from Dec. 21st, 2012 as of today, I have realized the calendar doesn't end on 12/21/12, but in 2013 instead. I have proof as well!
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 833688

    You mean 2011 or 2014. I have better proof.
    AnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 757124
    United States
    12/21/2009 10:50 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    Here is the calendar conversion tool.
    [link to]
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 833688

    Oh come on. We all know how the UK likes to make up numbers.
    AnchorAnonymous Coward (OP)
    User ID: 833688
    United States
    12/21/2009 10:51 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    Well being 3 years away from Dec. 21st, 2012 as of today, I have realized the calendar doesn't end on 12/21/12, but in 2013 instead. I have proof as well!

    You mean 2011 or 2014. I have better proof.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 757124

    Use the calendar conversion tool and show me the proof. Doubt you have better, but please share. :)
    AnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 757124
    United States
    12/21/2009 10:52 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    Well being 3 years away from Dec. 21st, 2012 as of today, I have realized the calendar doesn't end on 12/21/12, but in 2013 instead. I have proof as well!

    You mean 2011 or 2014. I have better proof.

    Use the calendar conversion tool and show me the proof. Doubt you have better, but please share. :)
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 833688

    Well, much like global warming, we have to subtract from the number given to get an true reading.
    AnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 824170
    United States
    12/21/2009 10:54 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    its actually AlenI pet told me.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 846678

    Actually, whatever your calendars indicate, whatever the Mayans do or don't do, etc., the date IS 12/21/2012.
    The date is not because anybody got it wrong (or got it right)--the date is because of Divine Intervention.
    The Divine One is not trying to hide the date because the plan is to let humanity know just how long they have to prepare, and many will use their freewill to not prepare.
    You will find that as we get closer, more and more information on what really will be happening will be coming our, from sources on AND off world...
    AnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 844573
    12/21/2009 10:57 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    This is the main reason why Calleman came up with the Oct. 28th, 2011 date, was because it fell on 13 Ahau.
    Calleman stresses that 13 Ahau is so important which is why 4 Ahau on Dec. 21st, 2012 can't be the end date:
    "Another equally compelling reason why December 21, 2012 cannot be the true date of completion of creation is that this day is 4 Ahau in the tzolkin count. Since the Long Count consists of exactly 7200 tzolkin rounds then the true end of creation must fall on a day that is 13 Ahau in the tzolkin count so that the tzolkin rounds even out. If we want to find out what is the real date of ending of the creation cycles we must therefore look for a day around the year 2012, which is 13 Ahau in the tzolkin count. The inscriptions in Palenque, written about a thousand years after the Long Count was devised in Izapa, seem to indicate that the date of relevance is October 28, 2011, which in fact is 13 Ahau in the tzolkin count."
    [link to]

    Well.......Dec. 16th, 2013 is also 13 Ahau
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 833688

    This is very interesting- apparently some of his peers/ colleagues disagreed- and heatedly- with the October date. Makes sense based on what you've described here. Thank you.
    AnchorAnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 844665
    United States
    12/21/2009 11:02 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    No, it is definitely 2012.
    AnchorAnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 428255
    12/21/2009 11:52 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    Well! That's Just Great OP.
    A whole extra year ....
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 844573

    It is not 2012- It is 2013
    AnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 844347
    12/22/2009 12:24 AM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    Maybe. but the real changes must happen before that date.
    AnchorAnonymous Coward (OP)
    User ID: 833688
    United States
    12/22/2009 12:29 AM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    Maybe. but the real changes must happen before that date.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 844347

    Maybe? That is the real calendar there. Posted above.
    I was pondering a few days ago, wonder if 2012, Dec. 21st, 2012 that is, is like Jan. 1st, 2000 and that the new beginning or final calendar ends happens a year later. So I thought, ok, it would be like Jan. 1st, 2001. A sure enough, I found the date of Dec. 16th, 2013 to be the one, when it reaches pinnacle at and 13 Ahau. Then I did the math on the other dates with the Gregorian-Mayan Long Count calendar tool, and found that Dec. 16th, 2013 was the one and makes complete true sense.
    I kind of wonder why Calleman never realized this and same goes with John Major Jenkins. Not too hard to realize and figure out.
    AnchorAnonymous Coward (OP)
    User ID: 833688
    United States
    12/25/2009 05:01 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    Maybe. but the real changes must happen before that date.

    Maybe? That is the real calendar there. Posted above.
    I was pondering a few days ago, wonder if 2012, Dec. 21st, 2012 that is, is like Jan. 1st, 2000 and that the new beginning or final calendar ends happens a year later. So I thought, ok, it would be like Jan. 1st, 2001. A sure enough, I found the date of Dec. 16th, 2013 to be the one, when it reaches pinnacle at and 13 Ahau. Then I did the math on the other dates with the Gregorian-Mayan Long Count calendar tool, and found that Dec. 16th, 2013 was the one and makes complete true sense.
    I kind of wonder why Calleman never realized this and same goes with John Major Jenkins. Not too hard to realize and figure out.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 833688
    AnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 849346
    12/25/2009 05:18 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    Your assertion got me curious OP. Check this out. The year may be as you say, but the date could very well be March 21st, 2013.
    [link to]
    AnchorAnonymous Coward (OP)
    User ID: 833688
    United States
    12/25/2009 05:25 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    Your assertion got me curious OP. Check this out. The year may be as you say, but the date could very well be March 21st, 2013.
    [link to]
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 849346

    Interesting. Thanks for posting. Read and glanced through it but it is too much. Trying to make it all complicated with numerology and a lot of other things that might or might not add up. The Dec. 16th, 2013 date or 13 Ahau, seems a lot more simplified to me looking at the whole calendar.
    AnchorLucian Ilea

    User ID: 849335
    12/25/2009 05:26 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    Dec 16th, 2013 (13 Ahau)
    Sept. 13th, 1619 (1 Ahau)
    June 10th, 1225 (2 Ahau)
    March 8th, 831 (3 Ahau)
    Dec. 3rd, 436 (4 Ahau)
    Aug. 31st 42 (5 Ahau)
    May 28th, -352 B.C. (6 Ahau)
    Feb. 23rd -746 B.C. (7 Ahau)
    Nov. 21st -1141 B.C. (8 Ahau)
    Aug. 18th -1535 B.C. (9 Ahau)
    May 16th -1929 B.C. (10 Ahau)
    Feb. 10th -2323 B.C. (11 Ahau)
    Nov. 8th -2718 B.C. (12 Ahau)
    August 5th -3112 B.C. (13 Ahau)
    Aug. 11th, -3113 B.C. (4 Ahau)
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 833688
    it is not the Tzolkin calendar which determines the cosmic cycles,but the Tun calendar,which lasts for 360 days
    A tzolkin is a personal calendar which lasts for 260 days,the active period of the universal cycle
    And besides,one cannot say that the end of God's Creation and his Universe will come exactly when on planet earth it will be the day of 13 Ahau,because Earth is not the center of all God's Creation or this universe
    In Arvena Neo et in Arcadia Ego
    I am an Atlantean living in Atlantis when it flew again :)
    ZAL Moxe
    AnchorAnonymous Coward (OP)
    User ID: 833688
    United States
    12/25/2009 05:29 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    You can look at the "The prophecy of Chilam Balam" and completion concludes on a 13 Ahau date. Not 4 Ahau which Dec. 21st, 2012 is.
    Just look at 12/21/2012 as New Year 2000, and think Dec. 16th, 2013 as New Year 2001, which in reality that was the start of the new millenium and the start of the 21st century.
    User ID: 839629
    United States
    12/25/2009 05:30 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    Well! That's Just Great OP.
    A whole extra year ....
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 844573

    Not being insensitive, but... lolsign
    AnchorLucian Ilea

    User ID: 849858
    12/26/2009 02:37 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    You can look at the "The prophecy of Chilam Balam" and completion concludes on a 13 Ahau date. Not 4 Ahau which Dec. 21st, 2012 is.
    Just look at 12/21/2012 as New Year 2000, and think Dec. 16th, 2013 as New Year 2001, which in reality that was the start of the new millenium and the start of the 21st century.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 833688
    it does not matter when was the year 2001 in the gregorian calendar
    the mayan calendar is based on real time,not the earth movement around the sun
    why dont you take 14th of july 2012 which is also 13 ahau?
    In Arvena Neo et in Arcadia Ego
    I am an Atlantean living in Atlantis when it flew again :)
    ZAL Moxe
    AnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 787869
    United States
    01/13/2010 04:26 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    You can look at the "The prophecy of Chilam Balam" and completion concludes on a 13 Ahau date. Not 4 Ahau which Dec. 21st, 2012 is.
    Just look at 12/21/2012 as New Year 2000, and think Dec. 16th, 2013 as New Year 2001, which in reality that was the start of the new millenium and the start of the 21st century.
    it does not matter when was the year 2001 in the gregorian calendar
    the mayan calendar is based on real time,not the earth movement around the sun
    why dont you take 14th of july 2012 which is also 13 ahau?
    Quoting: Lucian Ilea

    It seems 13 Ahau is more significant than 4 Ahau which Dec. 21st, 2012 falls on, and the calendar also began on 4 Ahau as well, August, 13th, 3113 B.C.
    13 obviously is the highest completion. Speaks for itself in the Mayan calendar., so the real question is why is Ahau significant? Ahau is the Sun King or Lord and it also means completion. When you have 13 Ahau together, essentially that means double completion or highest completion.
    13 Ahau also occurs when katuns (7200 days) complete after 13 cycles. If you subtract 7200 days from Dec. 16th, 2013 you get March 31st, 1994, which is 2 Ahau. Take then 7200 days x 13 katun cycles and it equates to 93,600 days. So subtract that from Dec. 16th, 2013 and it comes up to be Sept. 9th, 1757, which it falls on 13 Ahau! BINGO! It all lines up!
    13 Ahau falls on Tuns (360 days) as well. 360 days x 13 tun cycles = 4680 days.
    Dec. 16th, 2013 minus 4680 days = Feb. 22nd 2001. BAM! 13 Ahau!
    Next is the winal in the Long Count, a winal is 20 days. 20 days x 13 winal cycles = 260 days. Thus, 260 days from Dec. 16th, 2013 = March 31st, 2013 which is 13 Ahau again!

    [link to]
    Now I got to thinking something else. Perhaps there is a 0 year in the Mayan Long Count Calendar.
    The Mayan Calendar started on August 11th, 3113 B.C. but the calendar was in negative territory before that date, just like -1 BC in the Gregorian calendar. If the Long Count calendar started on that date and there was never a calendar before that, then we would not see it go into negative territory as you can see if you plug in a number into the calendar conversion tool, such as May 10th, 4000 B.C. You can see it is in negative territory, and there was a calendar then. It is just that year 0 began on - 3113 B.C. (Gregorian)
    So again, we would not see it go into negative calendar years if the Mayan Calendar didn't exist before hand and just plopped on August, 11th, 3113 B.C. By plugging in dates before that, it would THEN say ERROR or nothing at all, but we can see that isn't the case. 0 year started on August 11th, 3113 B.C.
    And just like the Gregorian/Julian calendar, there is no ZERO YEAR. The Mayan Long Count I believe can thus be considered in that exact same line of thinking.
    August 5th -3112 B.C. (13 Ahau)
    Aug. 11th, -3113 B.C. (4 Ahau)
    So from August 11th, -3113 B.C. to August 5th, 3113 B.C. (360 days later) that was 0 year! It hit YEAR 1 on August 5th, -3112 B.C. Now you can almost disregard that ZERO YEAR, and the real Mayan calendar began on August 5th, -3112 B.C. on (13 Ahau). Just like thinking 1 AD
    A little background:
    In some contexts, however, such as astronomy, it can be more convenient to regard time as a continuous variable, and label time periods as intervals on a continuous scale, that is, as measurements of the total time elapsed since the start of the era. According to this interpretation, elapsed time year 1 begins exactly one full year after the starting point, and the first year is year 0 (meaning that zero full years have elapsed since the starting point).
    Maya historiography
    Many Maya historians, but not all, assume (or used to assume) that a year 0 exists in the modern calendar and thus specify that the epoch of the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar occurred in 3113 BC rather than 3114 BC. This would require the sequence 1 BC, 0, AD 1 as in early astronomical years.[13]
    [link to]
    Third millennium
    The third millennium of the Gregorian calendar began on 1 January 2001, rather than the popularly-celebrated 1 January 2000. This is a direct consequence of the absence of a year zero in the anno Domini era. Had there been a year zero, which might be considered part of the first millennium, then 1 January 2000 would indeed mark 2000 years since the year numbering datum and be the start of the third millennium.
    This also applies to centuries. Thus, the 20th century began on 1 January 1901; and the 21st century began on 1 January 2001.
    Above it describes how the 3rd millennium began on Jan 1st, 2001 rather than the popular thought/celebrated date of Jan. 1st, 2000 because of the direct consequence of the absence of the year ZERO. Now it can be thought of that Dec. 21st, 2012 is like Jan. 1st 2000, and Jan 1st, 2001 is like Dec. 16th, 2013.
    Dec 16th, 2013 (13 Ahau)
    Sept. 13th, 1619 (1 Ahau)
    June 10th, 1225 (2 Ahau)
    March 8th, 831 (3 Ahau)
    Dec. 3rd, 436 (4 Ahau)
    Aug. 31st 42 (5 Ahau)
    May 28th, -352 B.C. (6 Ahau)
    Feb. 23rd -746 B.C. (7 Ahau)
    Nov. 21st -1141 B.C. (8 Ahau)
    Aug. 18th -1535 B.C. (9 Ahau)
    May 16th -1929 B.C. (10 Ahau)
    Feb. 10th -2323 B.C. (11 Ahau)
    Nov. 8th -2718 B.C. (12 Ahau)
    August 5th -3112 B.C. (13 Ahau) (YEAR 1)
    Aug. 11th, -3113 B.C. (4 Ahau) (ZERO YEAR)
    You can see then when it starts on August 5th, -3112 B.C. (13 Ahau) and you go baktun by baktun (144,000 days each) it goes up the ladder perfectly. 13 Ahau, 12 Ahau, 11 Ahau, 10 Ahau, and so on, until it reaches 13 cycle baktun completion on Dec. 16th, 2013.
    Now check this out and why Dec. 21st, 2012 doesn't add up. If you take 144,000 days (baktun) minus by Dec. 21st, 2012, you get Sept. 8th, 1618. On that day it falls on Mayan Day Count 8 Oc. Then from there, subtract 144,000 days by that day of Sept. 8th, 1618 and you get June 8th, 1224, which is day count 12 Ben and so on.
    So you can see above there, subtracting 144,000 days from 12/21/12 doesn't line up accurately at all looking at Mayan Long Count days if you compared it to starting at Dec. 16th, 2013 and subtracting 144,000 days. (shown clearly above)
    Jenkins and others say the calendar began on August, 11th, 3114 B.C. but looking at the calendar conversion tool, that isn't 0 day. but actually August, 11th, 3113 B.C. is.
    AnchorRevelator Stargate

    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/22/2012 03:49 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    Well being 3 years away from Dec. 21st, 2012 as of today, I have realized the calendar doesn't end on 12/21/12, but in 2013 instead. I have proof as well!
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 833688

    Crazy I wrote this exactly 3 years ago!! Amazing how time goes by so fast!
    Last Edited by Revelator Stargate on 12/22/2012 03:49 PM
    AnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 3659375
    01/02/2013 02:10 AM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    AnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 31246634
    01/03/2013 09:22 AM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    Great work. Well done!!

    User ID: 26108394
    United States
    01/13/2013 09:16 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    GET SAVED: Thread: Are you SAVED from DAMNATION?
    "For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another.
    This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.
    Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.
    If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another." -- Galatians 5:14-26
    AnchorSol Neman

    User ID: 31039469
    United States
    01/13/2013 09:38 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    Educate and inform the whole mass of the people...They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty ~ Thomas Jefferson
    Thread: We the People - A Storm is Brewing
    Thread: Signs of the End? ~ Mass Animal & Insect Die-Off, Natural & Man-made Disasters, Strange Events & Dreams

    User ID: 26108394
    United States
    02/11/2013 03:24 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    People need to know this
    GET SAVED: Thread: Are you SAVED from DAMNATION?
    "For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another.
    This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.
    Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.
    If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another." -- Galatians 5:14-26

    User ID: 26108394
    United States
    02/12/2013 08:28 AM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    People need to know this
    Quoting: Veresanctus

    2012 was always the wrong year
    GET SAVED: Thread: Are you SAVED from DAMNATION?
    "For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another.
    This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.
    Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.
    If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another." -- Galatians 5:14-26
    AnchorSolar Guardian

    User ID: 35115271
    02/24/2013 11:44 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    Well! That's Just Great OP.
    A whole extra year ....
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 844573

    Alex Collier says we move to 5th density by December 3 2013
    Thread: December 3, 2013 we will be in 5th density.
    Thread: Changes with the passing of Nibiru on 16th of december 2013

    User ID: 26108394
    United States
    03/05/2013 12:27 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    All things point to 2012 as the actual mayan longcount end year
    GET SAVED: Thread: Are you SAVED from DAMNATION?
    "For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another.
    This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.
    Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.
    If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another." -- Galatians 5:14-26
    AnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 14778846
    United States
    05/18/2013 02:49 AM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    AnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 24991174
    United States
    07/16/2013 03:57 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    AnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 43690690
    United States
    07/20/2013 10:18 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    User ID: 2230505
    United States
    07/20/2013 10:51 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    OP is absolutely right.
    The math is quite simple:
    Calendar went from 1BC to 1AD, or -1 to +1, so an entire year was skipped in the count.
    This means we have to subtract 1 year from our current count.
    Check out Dr. Scott Mcquate's work to learn more on illuminati deception.
    Good work OP. Peace Out. Migueli
    AnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 32412853
    United States
    07/20/2013 10:55 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    Can blame comet ISON this year ... there was nothing to blame last
    AnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 29674024
    07/20/2013 11:40 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    OP is absolutely right.
    The math is quite simple:
    Calendar went from 1BC to 1AD, or -1 to +1, so an entire year was skipped in the count.
    This means we have to subtract 1 year from our current count.
    Check out Dr. Scott Mcquate's work to learn more on illuminati deception.
    Good work OP. Peace Out. Migueli
    Quoting: migueli 2230505

    See also....Susan Lynne Schwenger's work....
    [link to]
    it all fits....even ISON!

    User ID: 43738950
    07/20/2013 11:52 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    AnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 38116888
    United States
    07/21/2013 12:04 AM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    yes, most people feel it, even the people in denial feel it. there is truth in what the op is saying.
    AnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 36522512
    United States
    07/21/2013 12:11 AM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    So doom on this December ???
    Its all over finally......
    AnchorAnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 38116888
    United States
    07/21/2013 12:15 AM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    User ID: 39548908
    07/21/2013 12:27 AM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    When I decide not to buy Christmas presents this year and my family gets pissed....I'm blaming OP.

    It is not 2012- It is 2013
    AnchorA r c t u r u s

    User ID: 43783416
    07/21/2013 07:07 AM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    There will come a time when you believe everything ends.
    This will be the beginning
    [Louis L'Amour]
    my flickr
    [link to]
    AnchorSolar Guardian

    User ID: 43783060
    07/21/2013 07:14 AM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    When I decide not to buy Christmas presents this year and my family gets pissed....I'm blaming OP.
    Quoting: Razorbackkid

    I don't think you will be needing Christmas presents the next month: Thread: Who will go to another 3D planet onboard Andromedan Biosphere this August 2013?
    Alex Collier says we move to 5th density by December 3 2013
    Thread: December 3, 2013 we will be in 5th density.
    Thread: Changes with the passing of Nibiru on 16th of december 2013

    User ID: 43680374
    United States
    07/21/2013 07:24 AM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    I don't really care when it happens. The sooner, the better. Life is basically a joke. More than half the people you meet are brain-dead morons. Is it just me? I deal with fucking idiots every day and I just wish I could punch them in the throat.
    Anchormy name is 905

    User ID: 43913307
    07/29/2013 12:40 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    Damn, not sure if I have the energy to go thru this all again....maybe I'll just watch TV instead..
    "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of Worlds" - J. Robert Oppenheimer
    AnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 19956525
    United States
    07/29/2013 05:03 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    User ID: 16040016
    United States
    07/29/2013 08:41 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    User ID: 43886255
    United States
    07/31/2013 10:15 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    "the truth will stand up, when nothing else will"

    User ID: 33479868
    United States
    08/04/2013 08:42 AM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    And here we go...
    AnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 25709498
    United States
    08/04/2013 08:57 AM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    [link to]

    User ID: 36515118
    United States
    08/04/2013 12:38 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    Posting for future references.
    But I know every rock and tree and creature
    Has a life, has a spirit, has a name...
    AnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 12215932
    United States
    08/04/2013 12:56 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    I just hope my PS4 comes in before then, so I can at least play it a little.
    AnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 46299628
    United States
    09/04/2013 12:41 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    User ID: 46501249
    09/08/2013 10:37 AM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    [link to]
    AnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 8852788
    09/17/2013 05:43 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    User ID: 42411020
    United Kingdom
    09/17/2013 05:45 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    5 Stars OP.
    When you're going through hell, keep going
    [link to]
    AnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 47706937
    United States
    10/01/2013 09:57 AM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    No, it is definitely 2012.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 844665

    tell us more.....
    AnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 47715692
    United Kingdom
    10/01/2013 03:09 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    super pin this
    AnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 48098771
    10/10/2013 01:38 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    AnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 6317258
    United Kingdom
    11/02/2013 05:03 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    AnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 44372991
    11/02/2013 05:08 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    Don't you just love those older posts!
    AnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 48869751
    United States
    11/02/2013 05:18 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    Methane being CH4
    AnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 6317258
    United Kingdom
    11/02/2013 05:20 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    Don't you just love those older posts!
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 44372991


    roll on December 16
    can't wait, all this excitement,

    User ID: 47709664
    11/14/2013 03:22 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    could i inquire why page 1 and 2,
    on this thread will not load ?
    Thank You

    User ID: 47709664
    11/14/2013 03:48 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    Dec 16th, 2013 (13 Ahau)
    Sept. 13th, 1619 (1 Ahau)
    June 10th, 1225 (2 Ahau)
    March 8th, 831 (3 Ahau)
    Dec. 3rd, 436 (4 Ahau)
    Aug. 31st 42 (5 Ahau)
    May 28th, -352 B.C. (6 Ahau)
    Feb. 23rd -746 B.C. (7 Ahau)
    Nov. 21st -1141 B.C. (8 Ahau)
    Aug. 18th -1535 B.C. (9 Ahau)
    May 16th -1929 B.C. (10 Ahau)
    Feb. 10th -2323 B.C. (11 Ahau)
    Nov. 8th -2718 B.C. (12 Ahau)
    August 5th -3112 B.C. (13 Ahau)
    Aug. 11th, -3113 B.C. (4 Ahau)
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 833688

    For the original poster - Anonymous Coward 833688
    1) Are all your dates to the left side,
    the actual Gregorian dates ?
    2) it would seem that the cycle
    you are presenting runs from
    Aug 11th, -3113 BC, an ahua date
    until Dec 16th, 2013 AD, an ahua date
    - and, that you calculated this on
    The Gregorian Calendar ?
    3) could you post the mathematics,
    behind your discovery, i would like to understand this
    Thank You

    User ID: 47709664
    11/14/2013 03:52 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    I too suspect it may be march 22nd, 2013 exactly 33 years from building the Georgia Guidestones...
    I am not saying I am sure, just suspect
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 822837

    Did anything unique happen on this date
    march 22nd, 2013
    -interesting the 33 year gap,
    since '33' is a master number
    AnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 41645700
    United States
    11/14/2013 04:08 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    Old posts are so damn powerful
    AnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 35247724
    United States
    11/14/2013 04:13 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    Doom on! rockon

    User ID: 47709664
    11/14/2013 04:18 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    And it can thus be considered that Dec. 21st, 2012
    is like Jan. 1st, 2000
    and that Dec. 16th, 2013 is Jan. 1st. 2001
    Popular culture misconception is that
    New Year 2000 was the start of the 21st century
    and the millennium but New Year 2001
    actually marked the first year of these two distinctions.
    So essentially now then Dec. 16th, 2013
    marks the start of the new beginning
    and not Dec. 21st, 2012!
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 833688

    You have really lost me here...
    if you were in the 1800's from 1800-1899,
    you would be in the 19th century
    if you were in the 1900's from 1900-1999,
    you would be in the 20th century
    remember - the deadly 31 Dec 1999
    and, everyone was thinking
    what if the worlds computers crash ?
    and, they can NOT flip over to 2000
    if you were in the year 2000,
    you would be in the 21st century
    i'm sorry, but, i can NOT determine
    any relation to, your statement of fact that:
    December 21st, 2012 is = 1 jan 2000
    December 16th, 2013 is = 1 Jan 2001
    how many days, are in your equation
    between 1 jan 2000 and, 1 jan 2001 ?
    and, why would you compare 2000 to 2012,
    and, 2001 to 2013?

    User ID: 47709664
    11/14/2013 04:22 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    Old posts are so damn powerful
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 41645700

    indeed, they are ;)
    why do you hide under Anonymous Coward
    and, id #'s
    41645700 = 27 = 9
    Endings, and, new beginnings :)

    User ID: 47709664
    11/14/2013 04:24 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    Doom on! rockon
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 35247724
    and, there are 7 levels to almost everything :)
    maybe, i should have gotten an anon name yoda

    It is not 2012- It is 2013

    User ID: 47709664
    11/14/2013 04:28 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    How did you adjust for leap years ?
    and, how many leap years
    are in your equation from start to finish ?
    Thank You
    AnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 41645700
    United States
    11/14/2013 04:58 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    Old posts are so damn powerful
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 41645700

    indeed, they are ;)
    why do you hide under Anonymous Coward
    and, id #'s
    41645700 = 27 = 9
    Endings, and, new beginnings :)
    Quoting: eXchanger

    Cool! No idea about the id#, but have always been an AC :D :hf::rockon:

    User ID: 47709664
    11/15/2013 02:24 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    Can you send an email
    to: Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 833688
    United States
    so, they know you have responded to their thread ?
    AnchorAnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 50027829
    United Kingdom
    11/15/2013 02:28 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    excellent stuff
    AnchorAnchorAnonymous Coward
    User ID: 50027829
    United Kingdom
    11/15/2013 02:29 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013
    excellent stuff
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 50027829

    hI 5, OP Son!



    User ID: 47709664

    11/14/2013 03:22 PM
    could i inquire why page 1 and 2,
    on this thread will not load ?
    Thank You
    Answer: i figured it out
    User ID: 47709664

    11/14/2013 03:48 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    Dec 16th, 2013 (13 Ahau)
    Sept. 13th, 1619 (1 Ahau)
    June 10th, 1225 (2 Ahau)
    March 8th, 831 (3 Ahau)
    Dec. 3rd, 436 (4 Ahau)
    Aug. 31st 42 (5 Ahau)
    May 28th, -352 B.C. (6 Ahau)
    Feb. 23rd -746 B.C. (7 Ahau)
    Nov. 21st -1141 B.C. (8 Ahau)
    Aug. 18th -1535 B.C. (9 Ahau)
    May 16th -1929 B.C. (10 Ahau)
    Feb. 10th -2323 B.C. (11 Ahau)
    Nov. 8th -2718 B.C. (12 Ahau)
    August 5th -3112 B.C. (13 Ahau)
    Aug. 11th, -3113 B.C. (4 Ahau)"
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 833688

    For the original poster - Anonymous Coward 833688

    1) Are all your dates to the left side, the actual Gregorian dates ?

    2) It would seem that the cycle you are presenting runs from Aug 11th, - 3113 BC, an ahua date until Dec 16th, 2013 AD, an ahua date- and, that you calculated this on The Gregorian Calendar ?

    3) Could you post the mathematics behind your discovery, i would like to understand this?
    11/14/2013 04:28 PM

    4) How did you adjust for leap years ?

    5) And how many leap years are in your equation from start to finish ?
    11/15/2013 02:24 PM

    6 ) Can you send an email to:

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 833688
    United States

    So they know you have responded to their thread ?
    - eXchanger

    - NOW, we are blocked from GODLIKE PRODUCTIONS ?
    Last edited: May 25, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    GLP - January 3rd 2013 Is The Real Mayan End Date! Not Dec 21st 2012 - ANSWER

    January 3rd 2013 Is The Real Mayan End Date! Not Dec 21st 2012

    Need someone on thuban, to post this thread, thank YOU i have an interesting answer to it, once posted. Many Thanks


    insert thread from here;
    (i can't see it, because my URL is blocked ???)


    This is an interesting topic

    -so, i'll table this for your consideration

    First thing,
    1/3 - 2013
    is a 1+3+2+0+1+3 = 10/1

    (i;ll get to the "meat" of your "13=13"
    in the next post)

    In Lemuria (lemurian) numerology
    and, in Atlantis (atlantean) numerology
    you would separate
    the century, from the year count

    so; Century 19(xx) = 1+9=10/1(xx)
    so; Century 20(xx) = 2+0=2(xx)

    so; 2012 = 2 x 12 = 24
    = The number of elders at the table
    = The number of stones in a breastplate

    20; 2013 = 2 x 13 = 26
    = The number of The Great Spirit aka God aka G*d

    in regular numerology; 2012=5

    in regular numerology; 2013=6

    THE DATE of 21st December 2012
    12 - 21 - 2012 = 1+2+2+1+2+0+1+2=11
    11 is a master number
    11 is also an important number in creation

    if 2012 = 24 and, 12/21=(12+21) = 33*
    and, 33 is a masternumber
    and, 11 is a masternumber
    24x33=792=18/9 - which is about beginnings/endings

    THE DATE of 22nd December 2012
    12- 22 - 2012 = 1+2+2+2+2+0+1+2=12/3
    3 is the number of a triad, trinity of trine

    if 2012 = 24 and, 12/22=(12+22) = 34 = 3+4=7

    THE DATE of 03rd January 2013

    if 2013= 26 and, 1/3=4
    3 is related to: a triad, a trine, or a trinity

    THE DATE of 16th December 2013
    if 2013=26 and, 12/16=28/10/1
    12 - 16 - 2013 = 1+2+1+6+2+0+1+3=16=7
    7 is also an important number in creation
    your soul also moves through 7 levels
    through 7 levels
    11 is a Master Number

    THE DATE of 17th December 2013
    if 2013=26 and, 12/17=29/11
    11 is a masternumber
    12 - 17 - 2013 = 1+2+1+7+2+0+1+3=17/8
    26 + 8 = 34/7
    26 x 8 = 208/10/1

    related to Atlantis & Lemuria
    Atlantean & Lemurian Astrology
    ~ Susan Lynne Schwenger

    0= Zeropoint

    1 = A Master number (1+0=1) (0+1=1)

    2 is NOT a master number,
    (1+1=2)or (2+0=2) or (0+2=2)

    3 - Triad, Trine, Trinty
    (1+2=3) or (2+1=3)or (0+3=3) or (3+0=3)

    4 is NOT a master number,
    (1+3=4) or (2+2=4) or (3+1=4)or (4+0=4) or (0+4=4)

    5 is NOT a master number,
    (1+4=5) or (2+3=5) or (3+2=5) or (4+1=5)
    or (5+0=5) or (0+5=5)

    6 is NOT a master number,
    (1+5=6) or (2+4=6) or (3+3=6) or (4+2=6) or (5+1=6)
    or,(6+0=6) or (0+6=6)

    7 is NOT a master number,
    (1+6=7) or (2+5=7) or (3+4=7) or (4+3=7) or (5+2=7) or
    (6+1=7)or (7+0=7) or (0+7=7)

    8 is NOT a master number,
    (1+7=8) or (2+6=8) or (3+5=8) or (4+4=8) or (5+3=8) or
    (6+2=8) or (7+1=8) or (8+0=8) or (0+8=8)

    9 is NOT a master number,
    (1+8=9) or (2+7=9) or (3+6=9) or (4+5=9) or (5+4=9) or (6+3=9) or (7+2=9) or (8+1=9) or (9+0=9) or (0+9=9)

    NOTE; adding O to any number, gives the same number
    (we are NOT going to type this in, over an over again)

    10 is NOT a master number, until reduced (10=1+0=1)

    11 = A Master number - NEVER REDUCE A MASTER NUMBER

    12 is NOT a master number, until reduced (12=1+2=3)

    13 = A Master number

    22 = A Master number

    24 = The number of Elders at The Table, The number of Stones in a breastplate

    33 = A master number

    44,55,66,77,88,99 = A Master number

    111,222,333,444,555,666,777,888,999 = A Master Number

    1000 is NOT a master number, until reduced down (1+0+0+0=1)

    1111, 2222, 3333, 4444, 5555, 6666, 7777, 8888, 9999...
    144,000 ...
    - are all Master numbers
    (there are more, but, that isn't the topic of this post)
    maybe, i'll start a post on:
    The Lessons of Atlantean & Lemurian Numerlogy

    ~ eXchanger
    Susan Lynne Schwenger


    On your topic of 13-13
    Here is what I found:

    03 jan 2013 – is NOT a 13/13 date
    03 +1 + 2013 = 2017=10/1
    20- 13 = 2x13=26 + (3+1) = 30/3
    Or, 2+0+1+3=6 (year of 2013) energy of 6
    And, 2+0+1+3 + 1 + 3 = 9 (2013 – 1 – 3)

    There are a lot of other dates that do have this 13 energy to them:
    1/10 = 11
    1/12 = 13
    1/21 = 22
    1/30 = (1/3)0, but, its 31/4 not 13
    2/9 = 11
    2/11 = 13
    3/10 = 13
    3/19 = 22
    3/28 = 31 * a reverse of 13
    3/28 = 3+2+8=13
    3/30 = 33
    4/7 = 11
    4/9 = 13
    4/18 = 22
    4/27 = 31 * a reverse of 13
    4/27 = 4+2+7 = 13
    4/29 = 33
    5/6 = 11
    5/8 = 13
    5/26 = 31 * a reverse of 13
    5/26 = 5+2+6=13
    5/28 = 33
    6/5 = 11
    6/7 = 13
    6/25 = 31 * a reverse of 13
    6/25 = 6+2+5=13
    6/27 = 33
    7/4 =11
    7/6 = 13
    7/15 = 22
    7/24 = 31 * a reverse of 13
    7/24 = 7+2+4=13
    8/3 =11
    8/5 = 13
    8/23 = 31 *a reverse of 13
    9/2 = 11
    9/4 = 13
    9/13 =22
    9/20 = 9+2=11
    9/22= 31 *a reverse of 13 also, 9+2+2=13
    10/3 = 13
    10/21 = 31 *a reverse of 13
    11/2 = 13
    11/11 =22
    11/12 =33
    11/20 = 31 *a reverse of 13
    11/29 =1+1+2+9=13
    12/1 = 13
    12/10 = 22
    12/11 = 33 * A master number
    12/28= 1+2+2+8 = 13

    So there are lots of ways to work with numerology to determine master number energies,
    Of 1, 11, 13, 22, 33, etc.,

    NOW you have a lot more ‘13’ energy dates to pick from. However, I do NOT believe you are going to find your answer this way. I SEE YOU ARE TRYING TO DETERMINE SOMETHING,; however, I’m NOT sure what exactly it is ??? Since, you do NOT have a start date, just an end date and you are just simply comparing any two dates, using two calendars… and any two dates, will give you eXactly the same difference.

    The eXchanger
    Susan Lynne Schwenger

    Post to:





    The Julian calendar was a reform of the Roman calendar introduced by Julius Caesar in 46 BC (708 AUC). It took effect in 45 BC (709 AUC). It was the predominant calendar in most of Europe, and in European settlements in the Americas and elsewhere, until it was superseded by the Gregorian calendar.

    The Julian calendar has a regular year of 365 days divided into 12 months, as listed in Table of months. A leap day is added to February every four years. The Julian year is, therefore, on average 365.25 days long. It was intended to approximate the tropical (solar) year.

    Although Greek astronomers had known, at least since Hipparchus, a century before the Julian reform, that the tropical year was a few minutes shorter than 365.25 days, the calendar did not compensate for this difference. As a result, the calendar year gained about three days every four centuries compared to observed equinox times and the seasons. This discrepancy was corrected by the Gregorian reform of 1582.

    The Gregorian calendar has the same months and month lengths as the Julian calendar, but inserts leap days according to a different rule. Consequently, the Julian calendar is currently 13 days behind the Gregorian calendar; for instance, 1 January in the Julian calendar is 14 January in the Gregorian.

    SO, 21 Dec 2012 in the julian calendar is 03 Janurary in the Gregorian Calendar
    - so, they are THE SAME DAYS - nothing tricky here !!! This same 13 day difference would be found, between any two dates !!!

    ~ susan lynne schwenger
    Last edited: May 25, 2014

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