THE ANSWER to Ancient Calendars & Mayan Timeline Encodings Of The Calendars-BERMANSEDER & SCHWENGER

Discussion in 'Ancient, Indigenous, & Tribal Calendars' started by CULCULCAN, Apr 14, 2014.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The Countdown of The Last Thirteen Moon cyles til The Start of The Grand Cycle of Pacha iNTi

    (under edit)

    The Countdown of The Last Thirteen Moon Cycles begins on 13 DEC 2012 and will flow forward until sunset on the 16th December of 2013 which will signal, The End of The Grand Cycle of Macha & Pacha at sunset.

    The Macha Cycle began 9,360,000 Kin aka days before 21 DEC 2012 and 9,360,360 Kin aka days before 16 DEC 2013.

    The Macha Cycle ends on 21 DEC 2012 at sunset,

    it is also, The 47th Ahua of a sequence of 65 cycles which started onAugust 11th, 3114 BC Gregorian Proleptic = September 6th, 3114 BC Julian = FULL MOON

    This date was also The First Day of a twenty day cycle which starts with: IMIX- Crocodile Glyph on The Mayan Tzolkin Calendar of 260 kin aka days.

    This date was also The First Day of a twenty day cycle which starts with CIPACTLI - Crocodile Glyph on The Aztec Tonalpohualli Calendar

    The Pacha Cycle begins 22 DEC 2012 aka The 47th Ahua at sunrise and it ends on 16 DEC 2013 aka The 65th Ahua at sunset.

    There have been some very Important dates within this greater Grand Cycle which have been clearly indentified as, being important Dr. Calleman with 28 October, 2011John Major Jenkins & Terrance Mckenna with 21 December, 2011.

    The work of Tony Bermanseder of Queensland, Australia& Susan Lynne Schwenger of Dokis First Nation, Ontario in Canadawho have clearly identified them, as being: 28 Oct 2011 aka The 26th Ahua, within a cycle of 65 21 Dec 2012 aka The 47th Ahua, within a cycle of 65 aka along with their own date of: 16 Dec 2013 aka The 65th Ahua, within a cycle of 65 aka

    This date, also aligns with The Last Day on The Aztec Tonalpohualli Calendarknown as 13-Xochitl - Flower which is a 260-day religious calendarused by The Aztec People 17 Dec 2013 aka


    This date, also aligns with The First Day on Tzolk'in Calendar called IMIX aka

    The First of The Last 13 new to full moon cycles

    from 13 DEC 2013 to 17 DEC 2013

    1st of last 13 new to full moon cycles begins:
    13 DEC 2012 to 28 DEC 2012

    21 DEC 2012 - signals The End of The Macha Cycle
    22 DEC 2012 - signals The Start of THE PACHA CYCLE
    which runs until sunset on 16 DEC 2013

    The other new to full moon cycles runs between:

    11 JAN 2013 to 27 JAN 2013

    10 FEB 2013 to 25 FEB 2013

    11 MAR 2013 to 27 MAR 2013

    10 APR 2013 to 25 APR 2013

    10 MAY 2013 to 25 MAY 2013

    8 JUN 2013 to 23 JUN 2013

    8 JUL 2013 to 22 JUL 2013

    6 AUG 2013 to 21 AUG 2013

    5 SEP 2013 to 19 SEP 2013

    5 OCT 2013 to 18 OCT 2013

    3 NOV 2013 to 17 NOV 2013

    3 DEC 2013 to 17 DEC 2013

    which includes:

    17 DEC 2013 - The Start of The 13th Grand Cycle
    The Start of The Pacha iNTi Grand Cycle
    The 1st Full Moon of The 13th Grand Cycle

    1-Cipactli - Crocodile is the first day of new tonalpohualli, or 260-day religious calendar
    IMIX - Aztec Crocodile

    - discovered by Susan Lynne Schwenger & Tony Bermanseder

    The 12th Grand Cycle encompasses 9,360,000 + 360 pacha = 65 cycles x 144,000 + 360 pacha = 9,360,360

    The 26th Ahua - 28 OCT 2011 - The Calleman Date
    The 47th Ahua - 21 DEC 2012 - The John Major Jenikins Date
    The 47th Ahua - 21 DEC 2012 - The Terrance Mckenna Date


    will park the article here
    Last edited: May 7, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    THE CHEROKEE CALENDER - BACKS up 17 DEC 2013 - as Grand Cycle Start Date discovered by Susan Lynne Schwenger - Tony Bermanseder

    THE CHEROKEE CALENDER - BACKS up 17 DEC 2013 - as The Start date of The Grand Cycle of Pacha iNTi at sunrise

    All of The Old Calendars,
    as, well as THE CHEROKEE CALENDER - BACKS up 17 DEC 2013
    as The Start Date of The Grand Cycle of Pacha iNTi at sunrise on The 17th of December 2013,
    which was discovered by Susan Lynne Schwenger - Tony Bermanseder

    is as follows:

    Here is The Ephemeris according to Raven Hails book Cherokee Astrology.
    This gives the Gregorian calendar 2012-2013 dates corresponding
    to the 1st day of the Cherokee week (Hummingbird) along with its day sign.
    Jan. 2, 2012 - 1 Twins
    Jan. 15, 2012 - 1 Redbird
    Jan. 28, 2012 - 1 Rattlesnake Tooth
    Feb. 10, 2012 - 1 Serpent
    Feb. 23, 2012 - 1 Flint
    Mar. 7, 2012 - 1 Raccoon
    Mar. 20, 2012 - 1 Dragon
    Apr. 2, 2012 - 1 Heron
    Apr. 15, 2012 - 1 Wolf
    Apr. 28, 2012 - 1 Hearth
    May. 11, 2012 - 1 Owl
    May. 24, 2012 - 1 The River
    Jun. 6, 2012 - 1 whirlwind
    Jun. 19, 2012 - 1 Eagle
    July 2, 2012 - 1 Rabbit
    July 15, 2012 - 1 Turtle
    July 28, 2012 - 1 Panther
    Aug. 10, 2012 - 1 Deer
    Aug. 23, 2012 - 1 Flower
    Sept. 5, 2012 - 1 Reed
    Sept. 18, 2012 - 1 Twins
    Oct. 1, 2012 - 1 Redbird
    Oct. 14, 2012 - 1 Rattlesnake Tooth
    Oct. 27, 2012 - 1 Serpent
    Nov. 9, 2012 - 1 Flint
    Nov. 22, 2012 - 1 Raccoon
    Dec. 5, 2012 - 1 Dragon
    Dec. 18, 2012 - 1 Heron
    Dec. 31, 2012 - 1 Wolf
    Jan. 13, 2013 - 1 Hearth
    Jan. 26, 2013 - 1 Owl
    Feb. 8, 2013 - 1 The River
    Feb. 21, 2013 - 1 Whirlwind
    Mar. 6, 2013 - 1 Eagle
    Mar. 19, 2013 - 1 Rabbit
    Apr. 1, 2013 - 1 Turtle
    Apr. 14, 2013 - 1 Panther
    Apr. 27, 2013 - 1 Deer
    May 10, 2013- 1 Flower
    May 23, 2013 - 1 Reed
    Jun. 5, 2013 - 1 Twins
    Jun. 18, 2013 - 1 Redbird
    Jul. 1, 2013 - 1 Rattlesnake Tooth
    Jul. 14, 2013 - 1 Serpent
    Jul. 27, 2013 - 1 Flint
    Aug. 9, 2013 - 1 Raccoon
    Aug. 22, 2013 - 1 Dragon
    Sept. 4, 2013 - 1 Heron
    Sept. 17, 2013 - 1 Wolf
    Sept. 30, 2013 - 1 Hearth
    Oct. 13, 2013 - 1 Owl
    Oct. 26, 2013 - 1 The River
    Nov. 8, 2013 - 1 Whirlwind
    Nov. 21, 2013 - 1 Eagle
    Dec. 4, 2013 - 1 Rabbit
    Dec. 17, 2013 - 1 Turtle
    Dec. 30, 2013 - 1 Panther

    This is the list of The Cherokee Calendar cycles
    -it clearly shows that it does NOT align with 21 DEC 2012, or 22 DEC 2012

    - it does clearly show that 17 DEC 2013, is an important date

    - we have identified that it is the only date in the list, that is a full moon
    and, it is the only date, that can be properly calibrated with the number of kin aka days in
    The Tzolk'in Calendar(260), The Haab Calendar(360+5), The Aztec Tonalpohualli Calendar(260),
    The Cherokee Calender (260), The Old First Nations - Metis - Native American Calendar (260),
    and, The Ancient Year which consists of 6 sections of 60 days = 360.

    The changes in The Grand Cycle was discovered in May of 2010,
    by Tony Bermanseder & Susan Lynne Schwenger


    28 OCT 2011 - The 26th Ahua - The Calleman Date
    21 DEC 2012 - The 47th Ahua - The John Major Jenkins Date
    21 DEC 2012 - The 47th Ahua - The Terrance McKenna Date
    21 DEC 2012 - The End of The Macha Grand Cycle at sunset
    22 DEC 2012 - The Start of The Pacha Grand Cycle at sunrise
    16 DEC 2013 - The 65th Ahua - The Susan Lynne Schwenger -Tony Bermanseder Date
    16 DEC 2013 - The End of The Macha Grand Cycle & The Pacha Grand Cycle at sunset
    17 DEC 2013 - Start of The 13th Grand Cycle of Pacha iNTi at sunrise

    The work of Tony Bermanseder can clearly illustrate the importance of the bible codes,
    and, how these dates flow through the assortment of calendar dates related to The Grand Cycles on Earth.

    Further details can be found on:

    or, see this thread on The mists for more info:


    The answer to The Grand Cycle has been found... and everyone is part right !!!

    The answers are in cycles of 5, 6, 13, 20, 60, 65, 260, 360, 360 + 360/361+5 & 144,000 as, well, as The Cycles of The New & The Full Moons that are followed by all indigenous & tribal people worldwide.

    There is only one date, that will satisfy the end, and, the start date of all ancient calendars, from The Mayan Tzolkin (260 days), The Mayan Haab (360/361+5 days), The Aztec Tonalpohualli (260 days), The Cherokee (260 days) to The Ancient First Nations - Metis - Native American (260 days) & (360 days) calendars.

    The Ancient Year, was always measured in relation to a circle, which has 360 Degrees or 360 Days, from an astrological perspective this would relate to a 1 degree precession per day, following through a series of 360 days to complete one year.

    This calendar was originally set into six quarters of sixty days - 6 x 60 = 360 and each of these six quarters where known as: Winter, Spring, Breakup, Summer, Fall, and Freeze Up.

    In 2012, The New Moon occurs on 13 Dec 2012, and, The Full Moon occurs on 28 Dec 2012, which signals The End of The Freeze Up Cycle, and, The Start of The Winter Cycle which was the real beginning of The Annual Yearly Cycle.

    In 2013, The New Moon occurs on 03 Dec 2013, and, The Full Moon on 17 Dec 2013, which signals The End of Freeze Up Cycle, and, The Start of The Winter Cycle, The Beginning of The Annual Yearly Cycle.

    This date is in perfect alignment with The Start of The Winter cycle of 2012-2013 and The Start Date of The 13th Grand Cycle of Pacha iNTi which begins on The 17th of December, 2013.

    The Cycle of The New Moons, along with The Full Moons, and each of The Six Quarters are all connected to very significant Ceremonies, for an assortment of purposes.

    The Date of The 21st of December 2012, does NOT satisfy all calendars and therefore, it can NOT be accepted as the end date of a grand cycle, as, it is NOT in perfect alignment with all known calendars.

    The 21st DEC 2012 is The 47th Ahua Date in the last series of 65 cycles.

    and, is The end of The Macha (female) Cycle of 9,360,000 Kin aka Days (65 cycles x 144,0000) and The 22nd DEC 2012 is the start of The Pacha (male) Cycle, which runs for 360 Kin aka days (6 cycles of 60) and 9,360,000 + 360 = 9,360,360 = 65 cycles X 144,000 + 60 x 6 and The 16th DEC 2013 is The 65th Ahua Date in the last series of 65 cycles.

    The length of The Ancient Cycles were, and, still are 5, 6, 13, 20, 60, 260, 360, 360/361+5, & 144,000. Our correlation date for the last cycle is August 11th 3114 BC Gregorian proleptic or September 6th, 3114 BC Julian.

    It is important to know, that The Gregorian Calendar did NOT exist prior to 1572, when it was created and implemented as The Civil Calendar by Pope Gregory of The Catholic Church, which introduced a leap year, every four years, to account for the missing time.

    A real day is NOT exactly 24 hours in length and this calendar was created to create the ability to allow the time keeping of mechanical clocks & watches, which required exact measures.

    The Ancient Year was 360 Kin aka Days - exactly the number of degrees in a circle or a round.

    The Moon Cycles were given names, and, each tribe utilized slightly different names, The Creator asked All of The Original Ancestors of all of The Tribes to give blessings through the giving of names to everything, including The Naming of The Moon cycles and, to do that they utilized the process of The Naming Ceremony

    The Grand cycle occurs once every 9,360,000 + 360 days = 9,360,360 days= 9,360,000 + 360 = 13 x 5 = 65 cycles x 144,000 + 360c= 26,000 x 360 + 6 x 60 = 468018 x 20.

    These 9,360,360 days run through all of the assortment of Ceremonial Events, namely The Sunrise Ceremony & The Sunset Ceremony, along with The New Moon Ceremony & The Full Moon Ceremony, which holds great importance around the world, to all indigenous & non-indigenous people and tribes.

    The 13th of December 2012 - is a New Moon and The 28th of December, 2012 - is a Full Moon which starts The Winter Cycle of 2012-2013.

    The 21st of December 2012, is The End of The Macha Cycle of 9,360,000 Days and The 16th of December 2013 is The End of The Grand Cycle of Macha & The Grand Cycle of Pacha, which terminates at sunset on The 65th Ahua - 16 DEC 2013 which is the day before The Full Moon of 17th of December 2013.

    These time honoured cycles of 5, 6, 13, 20, 60, 65, 260, 360, 360/361+5 & 144,000 cycles, all flow through The New Moon & The Full Moon, through The Black & The Blue Moon Cycles which were respected very highly by the day, record, time and wisdom keepers.

    These were very important cycles which were related to a vast assortment of ancient practices of day, record, time and wisdom keeping, that are still utilised today by celebrating, creating and doing a specific Ceremony related to each of them.

    The 13th Grand Cycle of Pacha iNTi begins -The 17th December 2013 at sunrise.

    The12th Grand Cycle of Macha & Pacha ends - The 16th December 2013 at sunset aka The 65th Ahua.

    susan lynne schwenger
    - Dokis First Nation, Ontario, Canada

    28 OCT 2011 - The 26th Ahua - The Calleman Date

    21 DEC 2012 - The 47th Ahua - The John Major Jenkins Date

    21 DEC 2012 - The 47th Ahua - The Terrance McKenna Date

    16 DEC 2013 - The 65th Ahua - The Susan Lynne Schwenger -Tony Bermanseder Date

    17 DEC 2013 - Start of The 13th Grand Cycle of Pacha iNTi

    was discovered by Tony Bermanseder & Susan Lynne Schwenger and can also be aligned to important bible codes

    . . .

    The Main Code of The DRESDEN CODEX - MAYAN SUPER NUMBER 1366560 has been cracked & decoded BY Susan Lynne Schwenger & Tony Bermanseder which shows The Mother Earth consists of 12 levels.


    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 20, 24, 26, 30, 32, 36, 39, 40, 45, 48, 52, 60, 65, 72, 73, 78, 80, 90, 96, 104, 117, 120, 130, 144,

    146, 156, 160, 180, 195, 208, 219, 234, 240, 260, 288, 292, 312, 360, 365, 390, 416, 438, 468, 480, 520, 584, 585, 624, 657, 720, 730, 780, 876, 936, 949, 1040, 1095, 1168, 1170, 1248, 1314, 1440, 1460, 1560, 1752, 1872, 1898, 2080, 2190, 2336, 2340, 2628, 2847, 2920, 3120, 3285, 3504, 3744, 3796, 4380, 4680, 4745, 5256, 5694, 5840, 6240, 6570, 7008, 7592, 8541, 8760, 9360, 9490, 10512, 11388, 11680, 13140, 14235, 15184, 17082, 17520, 18720, 18980, 21024, 22776, 26280, 28470, 30368, 34164, 35040, 37960, 42705, 45552, 52560, 56940, 68328, 75920, 85410, 91104, 105120, 113880, 136656, 151840, 170820, 227760, 273312, 341640, 455520, 683280 and 1366560.

    10OCT2008 - SUSAN LYNNE SCHWENGER 10/10/10


    susan lynne schwenger
    Last edited: May 7, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dwapara Yuga, & Kali Yunga

    – Light Age
    – where the conditions on earth are such that only Truth, Peace, Love and Light.
    This Yuga lasts for about 20,000 odd years.

    2. Treta Yuga
    – where humanity is given the option of choosing diluted value system.
    This Yuga lasts for about 15,000 odd years.

    3. Dwapara Yuga
    – dilution of values and increase in options to choose negativity increases.
    This Yuga lasts for about 10,000 odd years.

    4. Kali Yuga
    – wherein there is a lot of negativity around.
    This Yuga, fortunately, lasts for about 5000 years.
    9,360,000/360 = 26000/5000=5.2
    There are transition periods between each Yuga. Time-cycles do not stop.
    Kali Yuga transits into Satya Yuga and the transition period is called Pralaya.
    Pralaya means transformation, not destruction. It gets destructive when there is resistance
    to accepting the new Time-cycle of Truth, Peace, Love and Light.

    December 21st is not the end of the world but it marks the point in Time from when positive energies flood the entire earth.
    Positive Energies always overwhelm negative energies.
    Good eventually defeats bad. We are entering a new time-cycle when only Truth, Peace, Love and Light will prevail.
    The Divine Qualities have to get manifested through human beings, each one of us.
    There is no space of Darkness and negativity anywhere. Human beings cannot carry negativities in the Light Age.
    Only those who chose to hold on to hate, violence, jealousy, greed, etc will have problems.

    The earth responds to the negativities with earthquakes, tsunamis, etc.
    The earth is moving on into the Light Age full of Peace.
    This transition can be smooth, if we human beings spread Light and choose only positivity.

    The Light Masters always try to reduce suffering.
    They observe the response of humanity to the new Spiritual Energies that are spreading all over the earth.
    Using their Freewill many human beings chose to hold on to negativities.
    For those who chose Peace, Love and Light, will receive the benefits of the Light Age.

    Do not be in fear. Surrender your negativities, your limitations, your pain of having suffered injustice, your longing for justice, etc to the Divine Energies and Light Masters. Divine Justice always happens. With Light nothing can be covered-up, everything surfaces.

    Be at peace. Enjoy the Spiritual Shift on 21st December and beyond.

    On 21st December a Spiritual Shift will happen for sure. Whether this will be accompanied by geo-physical changes or upheavals on earth remains to be seen. In any case, Peace will prevail.


    align this properly
    Last edited: May 7, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Incan Calendar

    [​IMG] Sun Stone
    Sun Ston

    The Pre-Columbian people of Mesoamerica kept track of time with calendars which had ritual and religious meaning.

    While the Julian calendar came to the region when it was conquered by Spain in the 16th century and the Gregorian calendar is now in general use, in a few communities some Native American of the area still use the ancient count of days as well.

    All of the Mesoamerican cultures shared a 260 day ritual calendar, for example, the Tzolkin of the Maya civilization.

    In many Mesoamerican cultures people were given the name of the day in this cycle on which they were born (sometimes in addition to another name).

    This 260 day cycle ran concurrently with a 365 day vague solar year. These two calendars came together every 52 years.

    This 52 year cycle, sometimes called a Calendar round, was very significant.

    Commonly elaborate rituals would be held at the end of each calendar round with all fires extinguished, old pots broken, and a new fire kindled symbolizing a fresh start.

    There was a belief in cycles within time, for example that if a significant event happened on a certain day in the 52 year cycle, a similar or related event was likely to happen on the same day in the next 52 year cycle.

    This 52 year cycle was by far the most important for most Mesoamericans with the apparent exception of the Maya elite until the end of the Classic Era, who gave equal importance to the Maya Long Count Calendar.

    Other calendar cycles were also kept track of, such as a lunar calendar, as well as the cycles of other astronomical objects, most importanly Venus.


    Inca Calendar
    Inca Calendar

    So little is known about the calendar used by the Inca that one can hardly make a statement about it for which a contrary opinion cannot be found. Some workers in the field even assert that there was no formal calendar but only a simple count of lunations. Since no written language was used by the Inca, it is impossible to check contradictory statements made by early colonial chroniclers.

    It is widely believed that the quipus of the Inca contain calendrical notations, but no satisfactory demonstration of this is possible.

    A Quipu or khipu were recording devices used in the Inca Empire and its predecessor societies in the Andean region.A quipu usually consists of colored spun and plied thread from llama or alpaca hair or cotton cordswith numeric and other values encoded by knots in a base 10 positional system.

    A Quipus may have just a few strands, but some have up to 2,000 strands. Most historians agree that the Inca had a calendar based on the observation of both the Sun and the Moon and their relationship to the stars.

    Names of 12 lunar months are recorded, as well as their association with festivities of the agricultural cycle;
    but there is no suggestion of the widespread use of a numerical system for counting time, although a quinary decimal system, with names of numbers at least up to 10,000, was used for other purposes.

    The organization of work on the basis of six weeks of nine days suggests the further possibility of a count by triads that could result in a formal month of 30 days.

    The smallest unit of this calendar was a numerical count of three days, which, interacting with a similar count of 10 days, formed a standard 30-day "month."

    Every third year was made up of 13 moons, the others having 12. This formed a cycle of 37 moons, and 20 of these cycles made up a period of 60 years, which was subdivided into four parts and could be multiplied by 100.

    A period of 20 months is also mentioned.

    Although the account of the Chibcha system cannot be accepted at face value, if there is any truth in it at all it is suggestive of devices that may have been used also by the Inca.

    In one account, it is said that the Inca god Viracocha established a year of 12 months, each beginning with the New Moon and that his successor, Pachacuti, finding confusion in regard to the year, built the sun towers in order to keep a check on the calendar.

    Since Pachacuti reigned less than a century before the conquest, it may be that the contradictions and the megareness of information on the Inca calendar are due to the fact that the system was still in the process of being revised when the Spaniards first arrived.

    Despite the uncertainties, further research has made it clear that at least at Cuzco, the capital city of the Inca, there was an official calendar of the sidereal-lunar type, based on the sidereal month of 27 1/3 days.

    It consisted of 328 nights (12 27 1/3) and began on June 8/9, coinciding with the heliacal rising (the rising just after sunset) of the Pleiades; it ended on the first Full Moon after the June solstice (the winter solstice for the Southern Hemisphere).

    This sidereal-lunar calendar fell short of the solar year by 37 days, which consequently were intercalated.

    This intercalation, and thus the place of the sidereal-lunar within the solar year, was fixed by following the cycle of the Sun as it "strengthened" to summer (December) solstice and "weakened" afterward, and by noting a similar cycle in the visibility of the Pleiades.

    Reference: Encyclopedia Britannica
    Last edited: May 7, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Found this thread

    It is not 2012- It is 2013

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 844347
    12/22/2009 12:24 AM
    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    Maybe. but the real changes must happen before that date.

    Anonymous Coward (OP)
    User ID: 833688
    United States
    12/22/2009 12:29 AM
    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    Maybe. but the real changes must happen before that date.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 844347

    Maybe? That is the real calendar there. Posted above.

    I was pondering a few days ago, wonder if 2012, Dec. 21st, 2012 that is, is like Jan. 1st, 2000 and that the new beginning or final calendar ends happens a year later. So I thought, ok, it would be like Jan. 1st, 2001. A sure enough, I found the date of Dec. 16th, 2013 to be the one, when it reaches pinnacle at and 13 Ahau. Then I did the math on the other dates with the Gregorian-Mayan Long Count calendar tool, and found that Dec. 16th, 2013 was the one and makes complete true sense.

    I kind of wonder why Calleman never realized this and same goes with John Major Jenkins. Not too hard to realize and figure out.

    Anonymous Coward (OP)
    User ID: 833688
    United States
    12/25/2009 05:01 PM
    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    Maybe. but the real changes must happen before that date.

    Maybe? That is the real calendar there. Posted above.

    I was pondering a few days ago, wonder if 2012, Dec. 21st, 2012 that is, is like Jan. 1st, 2000 and that the new beginning or final calendar ends happens a year later. So I thought, ok, it would be like Jan. 1st, 2001. A sure enough, I found the date of Dec. 16th, 2013 to be the one, when it reaches pinnacle at and 13 Ahau. Then I did the math on the other dates with the Gregorian-Mayan Long Count calendar tool, and found that Dec. 16th, 2013 was the one and makes complete true sense.

    I kind of wonder why Calleman never realized this and same goes with John Major Jenkins. Not too hard to realize and figure out.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 833688


    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 849346
    12/25/2009 05:18 PM
    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    Your assertion got me curious OP. Check this out. The year may be as you say, but the date could very well be March 21st, 2013.

    [link to]
    Anonymous Coward (OP)
    User ID: 833688
    United States
    12/25/2009 05:25 PM
    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    Your assertion got me curious OP. Check this out. The year may be as you say, but the date could very well be March 21st, 2013.

    [link to]
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 849346

    Interesting. Thanks for posting. Read and glanced through it but it is too much. Trying to make it all complicated with numerology and a lot of other things that might or might not add up. The Dec. 16th, 2013 date or 13 Ahau, seems a lot more simplified to me looking at the whole calendar.

    Lucian Ilea
    User ID: 849335
    12/25/2009 05:26 PM
    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    Dec 16th, 2013 (13 Ahau)

    Sept. 13th, 1619 (1 Ahau)

    June 10th, 1225 (2 Ahau)

    March 8th, 831 (3 Ahau)

    Dec. 3rd, 436 (4 Ahau)

    Aug. 31st 42 (5 Ahau)

    May 28th, -352 B.C. (6 Ahau)

    Feb. 23rd -746 B.C. (7 Ahau)

    Nov. 21st -1141 B.C. (8 Ahau)

    Aug. 18th -1535 B.C. (9 Ahau)

    May 16th -1929 B.C. (10 Ahau)

    Feb. 10th -2323 B.C. (11 Ahau)

    Nov. 8th -2718 B.C. (12 Ahau)

    August 5th -3112 B.C. (13 Ahau)

    Aug. 11th, -3113 B.C. (4 Ahau)

    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 833688

    it is not the Tzolkin calendar which determines the cosmic cycles,but the Tun calendar,which lasts for 360 days
    A tzolkin is a personal calendar which lasts for 260 days,the active period of the universal cycle
    And besides,one cannot say that the end of God's Creation and his Universe will come exactly when on planet earth it will be the day of 13 Ahau,because Earth is not the center of all God's Creation or this universe
    In Arvena Neo et in Arcadia Ego
    I am an Atlantean living in Atlantis when it flew again :)

    ZAL Moxe
    Anonymous Coward (OP)
    User ID: 833688
    United States
    12/25/2009 05:29 PM
    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    You can look at the "The prophecy of Chilam Balam" and completion concludes on a 13 Ahau date. Not 4 Ahau which Dec. 21st, 2012 is.

    Just look at 12/21/2012 as New Year 2000, and think Dec. 16th, 2013 as New Year 2001, which in reality that was the start of the new millenium and the start of the 21st century.

    User ID: 839629
    United States
    12/25/2009 05:30 PM
    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    Well! That's Just Great OP.
    A whole extra year ....
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 844573

    Not being insensitive, but... lolsign

    Lucian Ilea
    User ID: 849858
    12/26/2009 02:37 PM
    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    You can look at the "The prophecy of Chilam Balam" and completion concludes on a 13 Ahau date. Not 4 Ahau which Dec. 21st, 2012 is.

    Just look at 12/21/2012 as New Year 2000, and think Dec. 16th, 2013 as New Year 2001, which in reality that was the start of the new millenium and the start of the 21st century.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 833688

    it does not matter when was the year 2001 in the gregorian calendar
    the mayan calendar is based on real time,not the earth movement around the sun
    why dont you take 14th of july 2012 which is also 13 ahau?
    In Arvena Neo et in Arcadia Ego
    I am an Atlantean living in Atlantis when it flew again :)

    ZAL Moxe
    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 787869
    United States
    01/13/2010 04:26 PM
    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    You can look at the "The prophecy of Chilam Balam" and completion concludes on a 13 Ahau date. Not 4 Ahau which Dec. 21st, 2012 is.

    Just look at 12/21/2012 as New Year 2000, and think Dec. 16th, 2013 as New Year 2001, which in reality that was the start of the new millenium and the start of the 21st century.

    it does not matter when was the year 2001 in the gregorian calendar
    the mayan calendar is based on real time,not the earth movement around the sun
    why dont you take 14th of july 2012 which is also 13 ahau?
    Quoting: Lucian Ilea

    It seems 13 Ahau is more significant than 4 Ahau which Dec. 21st, 2012 falls on, and the calendar also began on 4 Ahau as well, August, 13th, 3113 B.C.

    13 obviously is the highest completion. Speaks for itself in the Mayan calendar., so the real question is why is Ahau significant? Ahau is the Sun King or Lord and it also means completion. When you have 13 Ahau together, essentially that means double completion or highest completion.

    13 Ahau also occurs when katuns (7200 days) complete after 13 cycles. If you subtract 7200 days from Dec. 16th, 2013 you get March 31st, 1994, which is 2 Ahau. Take then 7200 days x 13 katun cycles and it equates to 93,600 days. So subtract that from Dec. 16th, 2013 and it comes up to be Sept. 9th, 1757, which it falls on 13 Ahau! BINGO! It all lines up!

    13 Ahau falls on Tuns (360 days) as well. 360 days x 13 tun cycles = 4680 days.
    Dec. 16th, 2013 minus 4680 days = Feb. 22nd 2001. BAM! 13 Ahau!

    Next is the winal in the Long Count, a winal is 20 days. 20 days x 13 winal cycles = 260 days. Thus, 260 days from Dec. 16th, 2013 = March 31st, 2013 which is 13 Ahau again!

    [link to]

    Now I got to thinking something else. Perhaps there is a 0 year in the Mayan Long Count Calendar.

    The Mayan Calendar started on August 11th, 3113 B.C. but the calendar was in negative territory before that date, just like -1 BC in the Gregorian calendar. If the Long Count calendar started on that date and there was never a calendar before that, then we would not see it go into negative territory as you can see if you plug in a number into the calendar conversion tool, such as May 10th, 4000 B.C. You can see it is in negative territory, and there was a calendar then. It is just that year 0 began on - 3113 B.C. (Gregorian)

    So again, we would not see it go into negative calendar years if the Mayan Calendar didn't exist before hand and just plopped on August, 11th, 3113 B.C. By plugging in dates before that, it would THEN say ERROR or nothing at all, but we can see that isn't the case. 0 year started on August 11th, 3113 B.C.

    And just like the Gregorian/Julian calendar, there is no ZERO YEAR. The Mayan Long Count I believe can thus be considered in that exact same line of thinking.

    August 5th -3112 B.C. (13 Ahau)

    Aug. 11th, -3113 B.C. (4 Ahau)

    So from August 11th, -3113 B.C. to August 5th, 3113 B.C. (360 days later) that was 0 year! It hit YEAR 1 on August 5th, -3112 B.C. Now you can almost disregard that ZERO YEAR, and the real Mayan calendar began on August 5th, -3112 B.C. on (13 Ahau). Just like thinking 1 AD

    A little background:

    In some contexts, however, such as astronomy, it can be more convenient to regard time as a continuous variable, and label time periods as intervals on a continuous scale, that is, as measurements of the total time elapsed since the start of the era. According to this interpretation, elapsed time year 1 begins exactly one full year after the starting point, and the first year is year 0 (meaning that zero full years have elapsed since the starting point).

    Maya historiography
    Many Maya historians, but not all, assume (or used to assume) that a year 0 exists in the modern calendar and thus specify that the epoch of the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar occurred in 3113 BC rather than 3114 BC. This would require the sequence 1 BC, 0, AD 1 as in early astronomical years.[13]

    [link to]

    Third millennium

    The third millennium of the Gregorian calendar began on 1 January 2001, rather than the popularly-celebrated 1 January 2000. This is a direct consequence of the absence of a year zero in the anno Domini era. Had there been a year zero, which might be considered part of the first millennium, then 1 January 2000 would indeed mark 2000 years since the year numbering datum and be the start of the third millennium.
    This also applies to centuries. Thus, the 20th century began on 1 January 1901; and the 21st century began on 1 January 2001.

    Above it describes how the 3rd millennium began on Jan 1st, 2001 rather than the popular thought/celebrated date of Jan. 1st, 2000 because of the direct consequence of the absence of the year ZERO. Now it can be thought of that Dec. 21st, 2012 is like Jan. 1st 2000, and Jan 1st, 2001 is like Dec. 16th, 2013.

    Dec 16th, 2013 (13 Ahau)

    Sept. 13th, 1619 (1 Ahau)

    June 10th, 1225 (2 Ahau)

    March 8th, 831 (3 Ahau)

    Dec. 3rd, 436 (4 Ahau)

    Aug. 31st 42 (5 Ahau)

    May 28th, -352 B.C. (6 Ahau)

    Feb. 23rd -746 B.C. (7 Ahau)

    Nov. 21st -1141 B.C. (8 Ahau)

    Aug. 18th -1535 B.C. (9 Ahau)

    May 16th -1929 B.C. (10 Ahau)

    Feb. 10th -2323 B.C. (11 Ahau)

    Nov. 8th -2718 B.C. (12 Ahau)

    August 5th -3112 B.C. (13 Ahau) (YEAR 1)

    Aug. 11th, -3113 B.C. (4 Ahau) (ZERO YEAR)

    You can see then when it starts on August 5th, -3112 B.C. (13 Ahau) and you go baktun by baktun (144,000 days each) it goes up the ladder perfectly. 13 Ahau, 12 Ahau, 11 Ahau, 10 Ahau, and so on, until it reaches 13 cycle baktun completion on Dec. 16th, 2013.

    Now check this out and why Dec. 21st, 2012 doesn't add up. If you take 144,000 days (baktun) minus by Dec. 21st, 2012, you get Sept. 8th, 1618. On that day it falls on Mayan Day Count 8 Oc. Then from there, subtract 144,000 days by that day of Sept. 8th, 1618 and you get June 8th, 1224, which is day count 12 Ben and so on.

    So you can see above there, subtracting 144,000 days from 12/21/12 doesn't line up accurately at all looking at Mayan Long Count days if you compared it to starting at Dec. 16th, 2013 and subtracting 144,000 days. (shown clearly above)

    Jenkins and others say the calendar began on August, 11th, 3114 B.C. but looking at the calendar conversion tool, that isn't 0 day. but actually August, 11th, 3113 B.C. is.

    Revelator Stargate
    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/22/2012 03:49 PM
    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    Well being 3 years away from Dec. 21st, 2012 as of today, I have realized the calendar doesn't end on 12/21/12, but in 2013 instead. I have proof as well!
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 833688

    Crazy I wrote this exactly 3 years ago!! Amazing how time goes by so fast!

    Last Edited by Revelator Stargate on 12/22/2012 03:49 PM


    It is not 2012- It is 2013

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 833688
    United States
    12/21/2009 09:12 PM
    It is not 2012- It is 2013

    Well being 3 years away from Dec. 21st, 2012 as of today, I have realized the calendar doesn't end on 12/21/12, but in 2013 instead. I have proof as well!

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 846293
    12/21/2009 09:19 PM

    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    Anonymous Coward (OP)
    User ID: 833688
    United States
    12/21/2009 09:19 PM
    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    And PIN THIS once I reveal!
    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 846605
    12/21/2009 09:19 PM
    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    And PIN THIS once I reveal!
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 833688

    Anonymous Coward (OP)
    User ID: 833688
    United States
    12/21/2009 09:30 PM
    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    And PIN THIS once I reveal!

    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 846605

    hmm makes me not want to share now :(

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 822837
    United States
    12/21/2009 09:35 PM
    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    Well being 3 years away from Dec. 21st, 2012 as of today, I have realized the calendar doesn't end on 12/21/12, but in 2013 instead. I have proof as well!
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 833688

    I too suspect it may be march 22nd, 2013 exactly 33 years from building the Georgia Guidestones...

    I am not saying I am sure, just suspect

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 846605
    12/21/2009 09:35 PM
    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    And PIN THIS once I reveal!


    hmm makes me not want to share now :(
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 833688

    That's cause you ain't got nothing!

    Anonymous Coward (OP)
    User ID: 833688
    United States
    12/21/2009 09:37 PM
    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    Wanna to bet? :)

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 846605
    12/21/2009 09:41 PM
    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    Wanna to bet? :)
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 833688

    Via paypal?

    Pffft... I still see NOTHING!
    Anonymous Coward (OP)
    User ID: 833688
    United States
    12/21/2009 09:42 PM
    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    Wanna to bet? :)

    Via paypal?

    Pffft... I still see NOTHING!
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 846605

    Paypal! LOL! Naw, this is free of charge. But please relax. One moment please.

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 846619
    United States
    12/21/2009 09:43 PM
    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    Wanna to bet? :)
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 833688

    DO NOT DELAY 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    SHHH... go away!

    Anonymous Coward (OP)
    User ID: 833688
    United States
    12/21/2009 09:45 PM
    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    Dec 16th, 2013 (13 Ahau)

    Sept. 13th, 1619 (1 Ahau)

    June 10th, 1225 (2 Ahau)

    March 8th, 831 (3 Ahau)

    Dec. 3rd, 436 (4 Ahau)

    Aug. 31st 42 (5 Ahau)

    May 28th, -352 B.C. (6 Ahau)

    Feb. 23rd -746 B.C. (7 Ahau)

    Nov. 21st -1141 B.C. (8 Ahau)

    Aug. 18th -1535 B.C. (9 Ahau)

    May 16th -1929 B.C. (10 Ahau)

    Feb. 10th -2323 B.C. (11 Ahau)

    Nov. 8th -2718 B.C. (12 Ahau)

    August 5th -3112 B.C. (13 Ahau)

    Aug. 11th, -3113 B.C. (4 Ahau)

    Anonymous Coward (OP)
    User ID: 833688
    United States
    12/21/2009 09:46 PM
    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    And it can thus be considered that Dec. 21st, 2012 is like Jan. 1st, 2000 and that Dec. 16th, 2013 is Jan. 1st. 2001

    Popular culture misconception is that New Year 2000 was the start of the 21st century and the millennium but New Year 2001 actually marked the first year of these two distinctions. So essentially now then Dec. 16th, 2013 marks the start of the new beginning and not Dec. 21st, 2012!

    Anonymous Coward (OP)
    User ID: 833688
    United States
    12/21/2009 09:47 PM
    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    Here is the calendar conversion tool.

    [link to]

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 846605
    12/21/2009 09:48 PM
    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    I stand corrected, you have something.
    Anonymous Coward (OP)
    User ID: 833688
    United States
    12/21/2009 09:49 PM
    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    I stand corrected, you have something.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 846605

    You want a little something more? This is the proof!

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 846605
    12/21/2009 09:51 PM
    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    I stand corrected, you have something.

    You want a little something more? This is the proof!
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 833688

    Yep, yep, can't argue with the numbers.
    What else you got?

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 844573
    12/21/2009 09:56 PM
    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    Well! That's Just Great OP.
    A whole extra year ....

    Anonymous Coward (OP)
    User ID: 833688
    United States
    12/21/2009 09:59 PM
    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    I stand corrected, you have something.

    You want a little something more? This is the proof!

    Yep, yep, can't argue with the numbers.
    What else you got?
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 846605

    Dec. 16th, 2013 (13 Ahau)

    Katun- 144,000 days

    At the end of the 13 Ahau Katun

    Hunab-ku= Galactic Center

    The prophecy of Chilam Balam, the singer, of Cabal-chen, 4 Mani. (below)

    On <the day> 13 Ahau the katun will end in the time of the Itzá, in the time of /

    Tancah <Mayapan>, lord. There is the sign of Hunab-ku 6 on high. The raised wooden standard shall come. It shall be displayed to the world, that the world may be enlightened, lord. There has been a beginning of strife, there has been a beginning of rivalry, when the priestly man shall come to bring the sign <of God> in time to come, lord. A quarter of a league, a league <away> he comes. You see the mut 9-bird surmounting the raised wooden standard. A new day shall dawn in the north, in the west.

    Itzamná Kauil shall rise. Our lord comes, Itzá. Our elder brother comes, <oh> men of Tantun. Receive your guests, the bearded men, the men of the east, the bearers of the sign of God, lord. Good indeed is the word of God that comes to us. The day of our regeneration comes. You do not fear the world, Lord, you are the only God who created us. It is sufficient, then, that the word of God is good, lord. <He is> the guardian of our souls. He who receives him, who has truly believed, he will go to heaven with him. Nevertheless <at> the beginning were the two-day men.
    Let us exalt his sign on high, let us exalt it <that we may gaze upon it today with the raised standard. Great is the discord that arises today. The First Tree of the World is restored; it is displayed to the world. This is the sign of Hunab-ku on high.Worship it, Itzá. You shall worship today his sign on high. You shall worship it furthermore with true good will, and you shall worship the true God today, lord. You shall be converted to the word of Hunab-ku, lord; it came from heaven. Oh it is he who speaks to you! Be admonished indeed, Itzá. They will correct their ways who receive him in their hearts in another katun, lord.
    Believe in my word itself, I am Chilam Balam, and I have interpreted the entire message of the true God <of> the world; it is heard in every part of the world, lord, the word of God, the Lord of heaven and earth. Very good indeed is his word in heaven, lord.
    He is ruler over us; he is the true God over our souls. /

    But those to whom <the word> is brought, lord: thrice weighed down is their strength, the younger brothers native to the land. Their hearts are submerged <in sin>. Their hearts are dead in their carnal sins. They are frequent backsliders, the principal ones who spread <sin>, Nacxit Xuchit in the carnal sin of his companions, the two-day rulers.<They sit> crookedly on their thrones; crookedly in carnal sin. Two-day men they call them. For two days <endure> their seats, their cups, their hats. They are the unrestrained lewd ones of the day, the unrestrained lewd ones of the night, the rogues of the world. They twist their necks, they wink their eyes, they slaver at the mouth, at the rulers of the land, lord. Behold, when they come, there is no truth in the words of the foreigners to the land. They tell very solemn and mysterious things, the sons of the men of Seven-deserted-buildings, the offspring of the women of Seven-deserted-buildings, lord.

    Who will be the prophet, who will be the priest who shall interpret truly the word of the book?

    [link to]
    oct 28/2011
    User ID: 846669
    12/21/2009 10:05 PM
    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    what's 0ct 28 2011 all about then, If I want the truth ill have to research myself.

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 846678
    United States
    12/21/2009 10:18 PM
    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    its actually AlenI pet told me.

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 844573
    12/21/2009 10:23 PM
    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    what's 0ct 28 2011 all about then, If I want the truth ill have to research myself.
    Quoting: oct 28/2011 846669

    I believe this is the end date based on the Mayan Model as put forth by Dr. Calleman, and as presented by Ian Xel Lungold. BOWMAN has a few threads on this.
    Anonymous Coward (OP)
    User ID: 833688
    United States
    12/21/2009 10:44 PM
    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    what's 0ct 28 2011 all about then, If I want the truth ill have to research myself.

    I believe this is the end date based on the Mayan Model as put forth by Dr. Calleman, and as presented by Ian Xel Lungold. BOWMAN has a few threads on this.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 844573

    This is the main reason why Calleman came up with the Oct. 28th, 2011 date, was because it fell on 13 Ahau.

    Calleman stresses that 13 Ahau is so important which is why 4 Ahau on Dec. 21st, 2012 can't be the end date:

    "Another equally compelling reason why December 21, 2012 cannot be the true date of completion of creation is that this day is 4 Ahau in the tzolkin count. Since the Long Count consists of exactly 7200 tzolkin rounds then the true end of creation must fall on a day that is 13 Ahau in the tzolkin count so that the tzolkin rounds even out. If we want to find out what is the real date of ending of the creation cycles we must therefore look for a day around the year 2012, which is 13 Ahau in the tzolkin count. The inscriptions in Palenque, written about a thousand years after the Long Count was devised in Izapa, seem to indicate that the date of relevance is October 28, 2011, which in fact is 13 Ahau in the tzolkin count."

    [link to]

    Well.......Dec. 16th, 2013 is also 13 Ahau

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 757124
    United States
    12/21/2009 10:49 PM
    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    Well being 3 years away from Dec. 21st, 2012 as of today, I have realized the calendar doesn't end on 12/21/12, but in 2013 instead. I have proof as well!
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 833688

    You mean 2011 or 2014. I have better proof.

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 757124
    United States
    12/21/2009 10:50 PM
    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    Here is the calendar conversion tool.

    [link to]
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 833688

    Oh come on. We all know how the UK likes to make up numbers.

    Anonymous Coward (OP)
    User ID: 833688
    United States
    12/21/2009 10:51 PM
    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    Well being 3 years away from Dec. 21st, 2012 as of today, I have realized the calendar doesn't end on 12/21/12, but in 2013 instead. I have proof as well!

    You mean 2011 or 2014. I have better proof.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 757124

    Use the calendar conversion tool and show me the proof. Doubt you have better, but please share. :)

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 757124
    United States
    12/21/2009 10:52 PM
    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    Well being 3 years away from Dec. 21st, 2012 as of today, I have realized the calendar doesn't end on 12/21/12, but in 2013 instead. I have proof as well!

    You mean 2011 or 2014. I have better proof.

    Use the calendar conversion tool and show me the proof. Doubt you have better, but please share. :)
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 833688

    Well, much like global warming, we have to subtract from the number given to get an true reading.

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 824170
    United States
    12/21/2009 10:54 PM
    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    its actually AlenI pet told me.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 846678

    Actually, whatever your calendars indicate, whatever the Mayans do or don't do, etc., the date IS 12/21/2012.

    The date is not because anybody got it wrong (or got it right)--the date is because of Divine Intervention.

    The Divine One is not trying to hide the date because the plan is to let humanity know just how long they have to prepare, and many will use their freewill to not prepare.

    You will find that as we get closer, more and more information on what really will be happening will be coming our, from sources on AND off world…

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 844573
    12/21/2009 10:57 PM
    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    This is the main reason why Calleman came up with the Oct. 28th, 2011 date, was because it fell on 13 Ahau.

    Calleman stresses that 13 Ahau is so important which is why 4 Ahau on Dec. 21st, 2012 can't be the end date:

    "Another equally compelling reason why December 21, 2012 cannot be the true date of completion of creation is that this day is 4 Ahau in the tzolkin count. Since the Long Count consists of exactly 7200 tzolkin rounds then the true end of creation must fall on a day that is 13 Ahau in the tzolkin count so that the tzolkin rounds even out. If we want to find out what is the real date of ending of the creation cycles we must therefore look for a day around the year 2012, which is 13 Ahau in the tzolkin count. The inscriptions in Palenque, written about a thousand years after the Long Count was devised in Izapa, seem to indicate that the date of relevance is October 28, 2011, which in fact is 13 Ahau in the tzolkin count."

    [link to]

    Well.......Dec. 16th, 2013 is also 13 Ahau
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 833688

    This is very interesting- apparently some of his peers/ colleagues disagreed- and heatedly- with the October date. Makes sense based on what you've described here. Thank you.
    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 844665
    United States
    12/21/2009 11:02 PM
    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    No, it is definitely 2012.

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 428255
    12/21/2009 11:52 PM
    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    Well! That's Just Great OP.
    A whole extra year ....
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 844573


    Appears this girl or guy, was on the right track

    they just didn't have enough mathematical formulas, to understand how to put it all together
    this statement :

    Anonymous Coward (OP)
    User ID: 833688
    United States
    12/21/2009 09:46 PM
    Re: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    And it can thus be considered that Dec. 21st, 2012 is like Jan. 1st, 2000 and that Dec. 16th, 2013 is Jan. 1st. 2001

    Popular culture misconception is that New Year 2000 was the start of the 21st century and the millennium but New Year 2001 actually marked the first year of these two distinctions. So essentially now then Dec. 16th, 2013 marks the start of the new beginning and not Dec. 21st, 2012!

    SUSAN says;

    AHUA dates mark ENDINGS not BEGINNINGS (as, the poster states)

    16 DEC 2013 - marks The End of The 360 Day Pacha Cycle, and,

    The End of The Grand Cycle of Macha (9,360,000=5x13x144000) & The Grand cycle of Pacha (6 x 60=360)

    = 9,360,000 + 360= 9,360,360/360=26,0001 Ancient Years

    while 17 DEC 2013 - marks The Start of The Grand Cycle of Pacha iNTi at sunrise - A FULL MOON - IMIX

    So, although they were close in their assumptions of guessing the date, they certainly did NOT understand beginnings, nor endings

    - and, not sure, what they are on about comparing 2012 to 2000 ? and, 2012 to 2001 ? (that makes NO sense)

    See all of the correct mathematical equations, etc., on The 260 Kin Thread

    The original discovery of The 13th Grand Cycle

    - The Full Moon of 17 DEC 2013, occurred back in 1984, with Susan Lynne Schwenger & The Source,

    when i was in my 26th year (still only 25).

    Susan Lynne Schwenger


    Anonymous Coward (OP)
    User ID: 833688
    [​IMG] United States
    12/21/2009 09:46 PM

    - Revelator Stargate -- just copied their post ???

    User ID: 1507989
    [​IMG] United States
    12/22/2012 03:49 PM


    The following is from:
    (5 posts)


    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    Revelator Stargate
    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/22/2012 07:29 PM
    -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012


    (Freaking weird how he says, "so you can stock up on snacks and beverages" Do the elites know something we don't?)

    The Mayan Long Count begun on 0 day or which was August 11th, -3113 (astronomical counting).

    Now some feel the Long Count had not only a 0 day but also a zero year. August 11th, -3113 to August 5th, -3112 was that zero year. from to August 6th, -3112 would be

    Now perhaps the calendar begun counting at that 1 Year. Not at 0, but at Year 1. Just like how the Gregorian calendar begins at 1 AD. You logically don't count starting at 0, but at 1. So it can be consider this way....

    The 3rd millennium begun on Jan. 1st, 2000 if only the Gregorian calendar started at 0, but it doesn't, it begins at 1 AD, which means technically the start of the 3rd millennium began on Jan. 1st, 2001.

    Could this line of thinking than apply to the Dec. 21st, 2012 date? This essentially could be like thinking Jan. 1st, 2000 was the start of the new millennium when technically it was Jan. 1st, 2001 because the calendar started at 1.

    This means if there was a 0 year in the Long Count, which looks like that was the case, and if the calendar didn't begin counting at 0 but instead of Year 1, then the Maya Long Count calendar technically ends a year later or 1 Tun later (360 days) from Dec. 21st, 2012. That date is Dec. 16th, 2013, which falls on 13 Ahau.

    Here is the proof from my research that the true end date of the Mayan calendar is technically about a year off.

    Dec 16th, 2013 (13 Ahau)

    Sept. 13th, 1619 (1 Ahau)

    June 10th, 1225 (2 Ahau)

    March 8th, 831 (3 Ahau)

    Dec. 3rd, 436 (4 Ahau)

    Aug. 31st 42 (5 Ahau)

    May 28th, -352 B.C. (6 Ahau)

    Feb. 23rd -746 B.C. (7 Ahau)

    Nov. 21st -1141 B.C. (8 Ahau)

    Aug. 18th -1535 B.C. (9 Ahau)

    May 16th -1929 B.C. (10 Ahau)

    Feb. 10th -2323 B.C. (11 Ahau)

    Nov. 8th -2718 B.C. (12 Ahau)

    August 5th -3112 B.C. (13 Ahau)

    Aug. 11th, -3113 B.C. (4 Ahau)

    And it can thus be considered that Dec. 21st, 2012 is like Jan. 1st, 2000 and that Dec. 16th, 2013 is Jan. 1st. 2001

    Popular culture misconception is that New Year 2000 was the start of the 21st century and the millennium but New Year 2001 actually marked the first year of these two distinctions. So essentially now then Dec. 16th, 2013 marks the start of the new beginning and not Dec. 21st, 2012!

    Again, we don't start counting our Gregorian calendar at year 0 right???? It goes like -2 B.C, 1 B.C. 1 A.D, 2 A.D. and so on.

    We skip over that zero year. There is no zero year. So why did these Mayan calendar researchers count zero year, thus coming up with the end date of Dec. 21st or 23rd, 2012? It makes no sense! How could they be so stupid not to have figured this out? We have all been duped as to what the real and true Mayan calendar end date is.


    Last Edited by Revelator Stargate on 12/26/2012 02:03 AM

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 30669939
    United States
    12/22/2012 07:32 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    Done with the Mayan calendar bull. Move on

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/22/2012 07:34 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    Done with the Mayan calendar bull. Move on
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 30669939

    Read and understand this. This could be momenumental if I am correct. It makes complete sense if you can follow what I am trying to say here.

    If anyone can disprove me on my theory, than I will be happy to admit I am wrong with it.

    If you can't disprove me, then this could be the TRUE Mayan Calendar so called "end date" and new beginning.

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/22/2012 07:36 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    I came up with this theory exactly 3 years ago.

    Thread: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    I just remembered about it and wanted to dig this up again.

    Last Edited by Revelator Stargate on 12/22/2012 07:49 PM

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/22/2012 07:39 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    And then it will start over, like any calendar. No doom, nothing will happen.
    Quoting: Dr. Super Bowl Dave

    Maybe so. The real end date that I have or the so called Armageddon or Apocalpyse date is April 4th, 2015 (Blood Red Moon) Passover day.

    Thread: The 2015 Blood Red Moon Passover (ARMAGEDDON) Esoteric Time Code

    I am very confident in that theory for many reasons.

    Last Edited by Revelator Stargate on 12/22/2012 07:39 PM

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/22/2012 08:03 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    This is the main reason why Calleman came up with the Oct. 28th, 2011 date, was because it fell on 13 Ahau.

    Calleman stresses that 13 Ahau is so important which is why 4 Ahau on Dec. 21st, 2012 can't be the end date:

    "Another equally compelling reason why December 21, 2012 cannot be the true date of completion of creation is that this day is 4 Ahau in the tzolkin count. Since the Long Count consists of exactly 7200 tzolkin rounds then the true end of creation must fall on a day that is 13 Ahau in the tzolkin count so that the tzolkin rounds even out. If we want to find out what is the real date of ending of the creation cycles we must therefore look for a day around the year 2012, which is 13 Ahau in the tzolkin count. The inscriptions in Palenque, written about a thousand years after the Long Count was devised in Izapa, seem to indicate that the date of relevance is October 28, 2011, which in fact is 13 Ahau in the tzolkin count."

    [link to]

    Well.......Dec. 16th, 2013 is also 13 Ahau

    Calleman's theory is correct, he is just got the wrong 13 Ahau date!

    Last Edited by Revelator Stargate on 12/22/2012 08:07 PM

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/22/2012 08:18 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    Very interesting this was posted just recently correlating with my date of Dec. 16th, 2013.

    [link to]

    great scott

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 8691221
    United States
    12/22/2012 08:24 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    I lov how the supposed logic comes in AFTER nothing has happened. Nobody was spouting this shit before.
    Revelator Stargate (OP)

    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/22/2012 08:53 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    I lov how the supposed logic comes in AFTER nothing has happened. Nobody was spouting this shit before.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 8691221

    If you could read, I came up with this theory exactly 3 years ago.





    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/22/2012 09:00 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    Schwenger, biggest discovery in 13 centuries, related to Mayan calendars

    Susan Lynne “Serafina” SCHWENGER aka Seraf’ina
    discovers Mayan Elders End Time of The 12th Grand Cycle, Ahau 18 Mac=13th MM

    and, The start of The 13th grand cycle 17 DEC 2013

    Susan’s discovery relates to a greater Mayan calendar synchronized to Tzolkin of 260 day counts
    and the Calendar Round of the Haab of 365 days synchronized to the Tzolkin.

    These are the lowest number of days, which factor both 260 and 365 and exactly 52 Haab or Mayan years.

    These 52 years so began 52 = 13 x 4 Haab before December 16th, 2013
    or precisely 73 Tzolkins before December 16th, 2013;
    which is a 13 Ahau date as

    The significance so becomes the matching of two 13 Ahau Dates
    in the following details of subtracting 52 Haab,

    Read more here:

    [link to]

    She discovered this back in 2010 it is said. Or was it me that discovered it towards the end of 2009 and she just saw and took my research on GLP? LOL

    Thread: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    Last Edited by Revelator Stargate on 12/22/2012 09:01 PM

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/22/2012 09:08 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    I just read this! :)

    "THE ANSWER to THE CALENDAR MYSTERY has been found

    there is ONLY one date that satisfies all old ancient calenders
    - and, calendar cycles

    (except The Gregorian Calander which wasn't created until 1572).

    The Aztec Tonalphonualli Calendar (260=13x20),
    The Haab Calendar (360 +5),
    The Tzolkin Calendar (260),
    The Cherokee Calendar (260),
    The First Nations Calendar (360), now, it is in sync with The 365/366 Gregorian Calendar
    The Metis Calendar (360), now it is in sync with The 365/366 Gregorian Calendar
    The Native American Calendar (360), now it is in sync with The 365/366 Gregorian Calendar

    The Ancient Year Calendar(360), which operated in a full circle of 360 days (sunrise, and, sunsets)
    and, it has a 1 degree per day advancement aka precessional cycle,
    and,it is the true length of a real year.
    (1 x 360=360=A full circle or calendar round).

    THE 47th Ahua of a sequence of 65 ahua dates is 21 DEC 2012,
    The end of Macha (female) cycle- and, 22 Dec 2012 is The Start of Pacha (male)
    - and, it ends 360 days later...
    22 DEC 2012 to 16 DEC 2013 - is 360 days - the correct length of THE ANCIENT YEAR

    - The 16 DEC 2013 is The 65th Ahua in a cycle of 65,
    AND, 9,360,360=65x144,000+6 cycles x 60 = 9,360,360
    AND, 9,360,000/360 =26,000 Years to The Grand Cycle
    360/360=1 Year

    - all known ancient & old calendars can be calibrated SUCCESSFULLY to this date.

    There are also Old Calenders of The Cree, Ojibway-Ojibwa-Ojibwe, Blackfeet, Ottawa Alconquin, etc.,
    that are also 260 Days in length, and, align to Full Moon Cycles.

    The Current Grand Cycle, is The 12th Grand Cycle of Macha & Pacha which ends 16 DEC 2013 at sunset.

    The 13th Grand Cycle of Pacha iNTi starts 17 DEC 2013 at sunrise,
    on the date of The Full Moon,
    that starts The Winter Cycle on The Ancient Calendar
    which is still used by First Nation - Metis- Native Americans
    related to their New Moon and Full Moon Ceremony & Cycles
    utilized for an assortment of purposes, and, reasons for their Ceremonial Practices.

    This is the one calendar, that most people forgot about
    - this is very likely because the dates on it, shift with The Gregorian Calendar,
    although, the appearances of new, and, of full moon happens right on time.
    Also, it is only on The Gregorian Calendar that 24 hrs in a day exists,
    in the ancient calendar, the length of a day, shifted daily,
    as, well as, the time of the sunrise, and, the sunset shifts daily.

    The Ancient Calendar flows through 6 cycles of 60 or 360 days
    - it is, always to be started in The Last Full Moon of December, which
    is called The Winter Cycle.

    The six cycles are known as: Winter, Spring, Break Up, Summer, Fall & Freeze Up,
    and, the 6 cycles are spaced 60 days apart.

    The Grand Cycle of Pacha iNTi does NOT begin until The 17th of December, 2013 at sunrise.

    This formula can be proven mathematically & scientifically
    - through full, new, black, and, blue moon phases using cosmic time.

    Discovered by Susan Lynne Schwenger & Tony Bermanseder in May 2010

    This is THE RIGHT ANSWER !!!"

    Discovered in May of 2010? Looks like I discovered it before them. Either they saw and took my research on GLP or they figured this out in a completely different way by themselves. In either case, very interesting.

    Last Edited by Revelator Stargate on 12/22/2012 09:09 PM

    Libra II
    User ID: 1001450
    12/22/2012 09:19 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    The Mayan calendar is just like any other. When it ends it starts where it ended. You know, cycles and shit and fuck-ups.

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/22/2012 09:23 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    The Mayan calendar is just like any other. When it ends it starts where it ended. You know, cycles and shit and fuck-ups.
    Quoting: Libra II 1001450

    Lets have some real comments here and try to debunk my theory or ask any questions. Not juvenile comments.

    Again, why would these Mayan calendar researchers include a year zero for their calculations to come up with the so called end date of Dec. 21st or 23rd, 2012? It makes no sense at all. I mean this is basic type of logic here.

    It would be like taking the Gregorian calendar and including a year zero to it. i.e. -2 B.C. -1 B.C. 0 Year 1 A.D. 2 A.D. etc.

    Last Edited by Revelator Stargate on 12/22/2012 09:24 PM

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/22/2012 09:44 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    For the calendar to end of 4 Ahau or Dec. 21st, 2012 never made any sense to me which is why I was intrigued with Ian Lungold and Carl Calleman's theories.

    13 Ahau is the highest form of completion in regards to the Mayan Calendar and when you combined that with the 13th baktun, you get the highest form of calendar completion, interlocking all the gears in the Mayan cycle. Thus, Dec. 16th, 2013 is 13 Baktun and 13 Ahau. The strongest possible completion you can possibly get!

    Lotus Flower

    User ID: 16091860
    United Kingdom
    12/22/2012 09:46 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    I came up with this theory exactly 3 years ago.

    Thread: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    I just remembered about it and wanted to dig this up again.
    Quoting: Revelator Stargate

    Well, I shall leave you to your theory OP.

    As for me, I intend to get on with my life, all this worry about the end of the world or moving into a different dimension/age/time is wasting energy that could be better spent on living life at the moment.


    Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares - Hebrews 13:2

    One Crowded hour of glorious life, is worth an age without a name - Thomas Osbert Mordaunt


    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    I just read this! Very intriguing!!!


    [link to]


    Last Edited by Revelator Stargate on 12/22/2012 09:47 PM

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/22/2012 09:50 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    I came up with this theory exactly 3 years ago.

    Thread: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    I just remembered about it and wanted to dig this up again.
    Quoting: Revelator Stargate

    Well, I shall leave you to your theory OP.

    As for me, I intend to get on with my life, all this worry about the end of the world or moving into a different dimension/age/time is wasting energy that could be better spent on living life at the moment.
    Quoting: Lotus Flower

    Oh I totally agree with you. But if you want to read the theory and try to understand it, then go for it.

    Although I think my 2015 Blood Red Moon Passover theory could be possibly one of the most important theories that has ever been posted on GLP or the Internet in general.

    Last Edited by Revelator Stargate on 12/22/2012 09:51 PM

    User ID: 30667037
    12/22/2012 10:23 PM Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    I came up with this theory exactly 3 years ago.

    Thread: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    I just remembered about it and wanted to dig this up again.
    Quoting: Revelator Stargate

    Well, I shall leave you to your theory OP.

    As for me, I intend to get on with my life, all this worry about the end of the world or moving into a different dimension/age/time is wasting energy that could be better spent on living life at the moment.
    Quoting: Lotus Flower

    Oh I totally agree with you. But if you want to read the theory and try to understand it, then go for it.

    Although I think my 2015 Blood Red Moon Passover theory could be possibly one of the most important theories that has ever been posted on GLP or the Internet in general.
    Quoting: Revelator Stargate

    I understand your theory RS...i GET the point of not counting '0' completely.
    As ever, time will unfold and reveal :)
    I've never been able to wrap my head around ancient calenders but i admire those, like yourself that have actually immersed yourself in understanding them and calculating them, outside of the Gregorian 'time mindset'.

    Well done with your work - i hope it's revealing. I've personally found the past 2 years to be extremely evolutionary...and no doubt will continue to revel in thie unfolding that is occuring.

    I find it amazing that many people, especially on here, expected over the course of 1 day, for the world to change forever.

    Like all processed...there's the a beginning , middle and end.

    Please continue posting your findings as there are some of us here interested in hearing theories based on personal calculations - far more intriguing than 'i heard from..' predictions!

    Merriest Christmas to you RS!

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 30667037
    12/22/2012 10:25 PM Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    'scuse my typo's - this new keyboard is a nightmare!

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/22/2012 10:38 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    'scuse my typo's - this new keyboard is a nightmare!
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 30667037

    LOL no problem. Thanks for your commment. I appreciate it. Merry Christmas to you too! Ireland has always been a place that I would love to visit.

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 30667037
    12/22/2012 10:45 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    You'd love it - truth seekers are especially welcome :)


    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    I can clearly show you why the Mayan Calendar Long Count doesn't end or end its cycle on December 21st, 2012 or December 23rd, 2012. There are three gears in the Mayan calendar. The Long Count, The Haab, and the Tzolkin. All the gears need to be aligned and interlocked and it clearly doesn't for Dec. 21st or 23rd, 2012, but the three calendar gears perfectly interlock with each other on Dec. 16th, 2013. Care for me to explain more why this is the case?

    User ID: 30628067
    12/23/2012 04:08 AM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    I came up with this theory exactly 3 years ago.

    Thread: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    I just remembered about it and wanted to dig this up again.
    Quoting: Revelator Stargate
    Well, I shall leave you to your theory OP.

    As for me, I intend to get on with my life, all this worry about the end of the world or moving into a different dimension/age/time is wasting energy that could be better spent on living life at the moment.
    Quoting: Lotus Flower

    Oh I totally agree with you. But if you want to read the theory and try to understand it, then go for it.

    Although I think my 2015 Blood Red Moon Passover theory could be possibly one of the most important theories that has ever been posted on GLP or the Internet in general.
    Quoting: Revelator Stargate

    I agree, most impressive is the link again for those who have eyes to see (and a brain to work out the mathematics). Thread: The 2015 Blood Red Moon Passover (ARMAGEDDON) Esoteric Time Code

    Alas I see no takers here..instead I see people who are falling for 'the boy who cried wolf' scenario. Your call, their plan.

    On topic, I agree with you calculations for the Mayan long count (Gregorian date). Around the same time, comet ISON makes its perihelion around the Sun.

    Great work OP, keep posting your grand efforts as the research work and correlations are second to none..BRAVO!

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 10422385
    12/23/2012 12:52 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    The Mayan Long Count begun on 0 day or which was August 11th, -3113 (astronomical counting). You can see that in the Maya Long Count to Gregorian conversion link below.

    Now some feel the Long Count had not only a 0 day but also a zero year. Between August 11th, -3113 to August 5th, -3112 was that zero year. from to August 6th, -3112 would be

    Now perhaps the calendar begun counting at that 1 Year. Not at 0, but at Year 1. Just like how the Gregorian calendar begins at 1 AD. You logically don't count starting at 0, but at 1. So it can be consider this way....

    The 3rd millennium begun on Jan. 1st, 2000 if only the Gregorian calendar started at 0, but it doesn't, it begins at 1 AD, which means technically the start of the 3rd millennium began on Jan. 1st, 2001.

    Could this line of thinking than apply to the Dec. 21st, 2012 date? This essentially could be like thinking Jan. 1st, 2000 was the start of the new millennium when technically it was Jan. 1st, 2001 because the calendar started at 1.

    This means if there was a 0 year in the Long Count, which looks like that was the case, and if the calendar didn't begin counting at 0 but instead of Year 1, then the Maya Long Count calendar technically ends a year later or 1 Tun later (360 days) from Dec. 21st, 2012. That date is Dec. 16th, 2013, which falls on 13 Ahau.

    Here is the proof from my research that the true end date of the Mayan calendar is technically about a year off.

    Dec 16th, 2013 (13 Ahau)

    Sept. 13th, 1619 (1 Ahau)

    June 10th, 1225 (2 Ahau)

    March 8th, 831 (3 Ahau)

    Dec. 3rd, 436 (4 Ahau)

    Aug. 31st 42 (5 Ahau)

    May 28th, -352 B.C. (6 Ahau)

    Feb. 23rd -746 B.C. (7 Ahau)

    Nov. 21st -1141 B.C. (8 Ahau)

    Aug. 18th -1535 B.C. (9 Ahau)

    May 16th -1929 B.C. (10 Ahau)

    Feb. 10th -2323 B.C. (11 Ahau)

    Nov. 8th -2718 B.C. (12 Ahau)

    August 5th -3112 B.C. (13 Ahau)

    Aug. 11th, -3113 B.C. (4 Ahau)

    And it can thus be considered that Dec. 21st, 2012 is like Jan. 1st, 2000 and that Dec. 16th, 2013 is Jan. 1st. 2001

    Popular culture misconception is that New Year 2000 was the start of the 21st century and the millennium but New Year 2001 actually marked the first year of these two distinctions. So essentially now then Dec. 16th, 2013 marks the start of the new beginning and not Dec. 21st, 2012!

    Again, we don't start counting our Gregorian calendar at year 0 right???? It goes like -2 B.C, 1 B.C. 1 A.D, 2 A.D. and so on.

    We skip over that zero year. There is no zero year. So why did these Mayan calendar researchers count zero year, thus coming up with the end date of Dec. 21st or 23rd, 2012? It makes no sense! How could they be so stupid not to have figured this out? We have all been duped as to what the real and true Mayan calendar end date is.

    Quoting: Revelator Stargate

    Oh dear, you really don't understand do you? The big deal about the end date is that it renews the Katun. The name of the Katun derives from the name of the day it starts on, so if you are saying that the end date is on a day named 13 Ahau, you are denying the veracity of the date that the Mayans wrote which is 4 Ahau 3 Kankin. Give it up. The cycle ended in 1988. Nothing bad was supposed to happen. The ceremony was held, the stone was erected. Time goes on and the days continue to count. Leave our culture and knowledge out of your delusions of doom and/or ascension.

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/23/2012 01:13 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    The Mayan Long Count begun on 0 day or which was August 11th, -3113 (astronomical counting). You can see that in the Maya Long Count to Gregorian conversion link below.

    Now some feel the Long Count had not only a 0 day but also a zero year. Between August 11th, -3113 to August 5th, -3112 was that zero year. from to August 6th, -3112 would be

    Now perhaps the calendar begun counting at that 1 Year. Not at 0, but at Year 1. Just like how the Gregorian calendar begins at 1 AD. You logically don't count starting at 0, but at 1. So it can be consider this way....

    The 3rd millennium begun on Jan. 1st, 2000 if only the Gregorian calendar started at 0, but it doesn't, it begins at 1 AD, which means technically the start of the 3rd millennium began on Jan. 1st, 2001.

    Could this line of thinking than apply to the Dec. 21st, 2012 date? This essentially could be like thinking Jan. 1st, 2000 was the start of the new millennium when technically it was Jan. 1st, 2001 because the calendar started at 1.

    This means if there was a 0 year in the Long Count, which looks like that was the case, and if the calendar didn't begin counting at 0 but instead of Year 1, then the Maya Long Count calendar technically ends a year later or 1 Tun later (360 days) from Dec. 21st, 2012. That date is Dec. 16th, 2013, which falls on 13 Ahau.

    Here is the proof from my research that the true end date of the Mayan calendar is technically about a year off.

    Dec 16th, 2013 (13 Ahau)

    Sept. 13th, 1619 (1 Ahau)

    June 10th, 1225 (2 Ahau)

    March 8th, 831 (3 Ahau)

    Dec. 3rd, 436 (4 Ahau)

    Aug. 31st 42 (5 Ahau)

    May 28th, -352 B.C. (6 Ahau)

    Feb. 23rd -746 B.C. (7 Ahau)

    Nov. 21st -1141 B.C. (8 Ahau)

    Aug. 18th -1535 B.C. (9 Ahau)

    May 16th -1929 B.C. (10 Ahau)

    Feb. 10th -2323 B.C. (11 Ahau)

    Nov. 8th -2718 B.C. (12 Ahau)

    August 5th -3112 B.C. (13 Ahau)

    Aug. 11th, -3113 B.C. (4 Ahau)

    And it can thus be considered that Dec. 21st, 2012 is like Jan. 1st, 2000 and that Dec. 16th, 2013 is Jan. 1st. 2001

    Popular culture misconception is that New Year 2000 was the start of the 21st century and the millennium but New Year 2001 actually marked the first year of these two distinctions. So essentially now then Dec. 16th, 2013 marks the start of the new beginning and not Dec. 21st, 2012!

    Again, we don't start counting our Gregorian calendar at year 0 right???? It goes like -2 B.C, 1 B.C. 1 A.D, 2 A.D. and so on.

    We skip over that zero year. There is no zero year. So why did these Mayan calendar researchers count zero year, thus coming up with the end date of Dec. 21st or 23rd, 2012? It makes no sense! How could they be so stupid not to have figured this out? We have all been duped as to what the real and true Mayan calendar end date is.

    Quoting: Revelator Stargate

    Oh dear, you really don't understand do you? The big deal about the end date is that it renews the Katun. The name of the Katun derives from the name of the day it starts on, so if you are saying that the end date is on a day named 13 Ahau, you are denying the veracity of the date that the Mayans wrote which is 4 Ahau 3 Kankin. Give it up. The cycle ended in 1988. Nothing bad was supposed to happen. The ceremony was held, the stone was erected. Time goes on and the days continue to count. Leave our culture and knowledge out of your delusions of doom and/or ascension.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10422385

    Um what?? The cycle ended in 1988? I have never heard that anywhere. Take your stupid spam elsewhere as apparently you don't have a brain to even figure out what I wrote.

    Revelator Stargate (OP)

    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/23/2012 01:23 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    I came up with this theory exactly 3 years ago.

    Thread: It is not 2012- It is 2013

    I just remembered about it and wanted to dig this up again.
    Quoting: Revelator Stargate

    Well, I shall leave you to your theory OP.

    As for me, I intend to get on with my life, all this worry about the end of the world or moving into a different dimension/age/time is wasting energy that could be better spent on living life at the moment.
    Quoting: Lotus Flower

    Oh I totally agree with you. But if you want to read the theory and try to understand it, then go for it.

    Although I think my 2015 Blood Red Moon Passover theory could be possibly one of the most important theories that has ever been posted on GLP or the Internet in general.
    Quoting: Revelator Stargate

    I agree, most impressive is the link again for those who have eyes to see (and a brain to work out the mathematics). Thread: The 2015 Blood Red Moon Passover (ARMAGEDDON) Esoteric Time Code

    Alas I see no takers here..instead I see people who are falling for 'the boy who cried wolf' scenario. Your call, their plan.

    On topic, I agree with you calculations for the Mayan long count (Gregorian date). Around the same time, comet ISON makes its perihelion around the Sun.

    Great work OP, keep posting your grand efforts as the research work and correlations are second to none..BRAVO!
    Quoting: nli 30628067

    Thanks so much! Happy Holidays to you! And a big thank you for letting me know about Comet ISON! This unlocks a lot of possible very important things related to the Mayan Calendar ending and cycling back over on Dec. 16th, 2013.

    I am glad you have the eyes, the brain (IQ) and took the time to really read over my research and understand it. Apparently not many do. LOL

    Ok, you got me thinking about this Comet ISON and this could be HUGE! More research to come related to this.

    Again a big thank you for making me aware of this!

    Last Edited by Revelator Stargate on 12/23/2012 01:29 PM

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/23/2012 01:39 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012
    Wow man! This shit could be real. This comet passes right around Dec. 16th, 2013.

    great scott

    COMET ELENIN could have been the deception and this could be the REAL DEAL!

    Sun-Grazing Comets As Triggers For Electromagnetic Armageddon

    "Large sun-grazing comets could bring on the sort of global electronics meltdown usually associated with electromagnetic pulse weapons or a full-scale nuclear exchange.

    Or so says David Eichler, lead author of a forthcoming Astrophysical Journal Letters paper positing that a sun-grazing comet roughly the size of Hale-Bopp (with a nucleus some 30 kms in diameter), could trigger cosmic ray-generating shockwaves large enough to initiate a global electromagnetic Armageddon."

    [link to]

    Last Edited by Revelator Stargate on 12/23/2012 01:54 PM

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 26823460
    United States
    12/23/2012 02:23 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    OP This past week I was listening to a man named Thomas Hughes being interviewed by Lisa Harrison on her radio show. He has some especial powers. Anyway, he said that the date was 13/13/13. Now that does not exist right? Yes, it does. The vatican changed the calendar and the names of the months, and the amount of days in each month. The old calendar was based on the moon which means that each month has 28 days and there were 13 months. So if you do the math and you make each month only have 28 days then there would be 13 months instead of 12. When I made the calculation I came up with December 15, 2013. So it appears that you might be correct. 1 day off...close enough for government work! :) Anyway this guy is pretty cool. Just thought I let you know.
    Revelator Stargate (OP)

    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/23/2012 02:27 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    OP This past week I was listening to a man named Thomas Hughes being interviewed by Lisa Harrison on her radio show. He has some especial powers. Anyway, he said that the date was 13/13/13. Now that does not exist right? Yes, it does. The vatican changed the calendar and the names of the months, and the amount of days in each month. The old calendar was based on the moon which means that each month has 28 days and there were 13 months. So if you do the math and you make each month only have 28 days then there would be 13 months instead of 12. When I made the calculation I came up with December 15, 2013. So it appears that you might be correct. 1 day off...close enough for government work! :) Anyway this guy is pretty cool. Just thought I let you know.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 26823460

    Interesting, very interesting! That would explain why Ophiuchus is missing. That is the 13th month!

    And thanks! Yeah, I know I am right!

    Nobody can debunk my theory. It is December 16th, 2013 that the Long Count Mayan calendar ends and starts over again on December 17th, 2013.

    How stupid could these Mayan calendar researchers have been when figuring out the Long calendar end date? It is basic common logic. They included a year 0 in their calculations, which should not have been done!

    Revelator Stargate (OP)

    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/23/2012 02:32 PM

    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    Thread: ALERT ***** C/2012 S1 (ISON) could be the greatest Comet ever seen by Mankind !!!!



    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012
    Coming in 2013: The Comet of the Century?

    Read more: [link to]
    This is all adding up to the end date of the Mayan Long Count calendar onDec. 16th, 2013.

    The puzzle is coming together and I have much more to add to this later!

    Last Edited by Revelator Stargate on 12/23/2012 02:37 PM

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/23/2012 03:22 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012



    "Dr. Mike Baillie at the Queen’s University in Belfast, Ireland has made a very interesting discovery. He noticed that peaks in ammonium and nitrate in the ice core record, signatures of comet impacts with Earth, occur on or near baktun endings in the Mayan calendar."

    [link to]

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/23/2012 03:49 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    Could comet ISON be the return of Quetzalcotal?

    "Quetzalcoatl, “The Feathered Serpent”, is the name of an important Mesoamerican deity whose origins can be traced back to the city of Teotihuacan, and whose worshipping reached its maximum during the Postclassic period, when several cultures--the Maya, Toltecs, Aztecs and other polities in Central Mexico--show evidence of the cult."



    "The figure of Quetzalcoatl is represented in many different ways according to different epochs and Mesoamerican cultures. He is both represented in his non-human form, as a feathered serpent, with plumage along its body and around the head, as well as in his human form, especially among the Aztecs and in Colonial codices. In his human aspect, he is often depicted in dark color with a red beak, symbol of Ehecatl, the wind god, and with a cut shell as a pendant, symbol of Venus. In many images he is depicted wearing a plumed headdress and holding a plumed shield."

    [link to]

    [link to]

    Quetzalcoatl is known as the "feathered serpent".

    This comet ISON will pass closest to the Sun next year around December 16th, 2013, when the Sun is in constellation Ophiucus, known as the Serpent-bearer.


    It has been said that the "feathered serpent" is associated with comets!


    "Likewise, they also referred to a comet as “a star that smoked.” Therefore we see Venus and thus Quetzalcoatl were, indeed, associated with comets.

    The other descriptions of Quetzalcoatl were that he arrived from the east, was bearded and wore a long robe, eventually departed and promised to return in the future. In Europe comets were often referred to as “bearded stars” and modern astronomers also use the term “bearded” in reference to comets:

    “…when the comet is east of the sun, and moves from him, it is said to be bearded, because the light precedes it in the manner of a beard…”

    It was also common to describe comets and their long tails as stars wearing long robes. For instance, on a print by Friedrick Madeweis from 1681 that documented the path of Kirch’s Comet across the sky it included a reference to the “long trailing robe” of its tail. Often times the image of beards and robes were combined as an old bearded man wearing a long robe as a way to represent comets. This seems to be the case for Quetzalcoatl. Likewise, the other elements of this myth, i.e., rising in the east, departing and returning in the future are all consistent with the interpretation of Quetzalcoatl as a comet.

    Quetzalcoatl is composed of two words: quetzal + coatl. Quetzal refers to feathers and coatl refers to a snake thus the traditional translation of Quetzalcoatl is “feathered serpent.”

    [link to (secure)]

    Last Edited by Revelator Stargate on 12/23/2012 03:51 PM

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/23/2012 06:55 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    This could be the Nostradamus comet!

    [link to]

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 8501601
    United States
    12/23/2012 09:15 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    Would you bet your life on it?
    Revelator Stargate (OP)

    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/24/2012 12:29 AM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    Would you bet your life on it?
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 8501601

    That it ends on that day and begins anew again? Yes, the theory is 100% accurate because it is a very silly mistake that they included year 0 in their calculations when the calendar should have been started at year 1. I know I am right about this 100%

    And here is another thing I saw related to my date!

    "The Mayan calendar ends on the Gregorian calendar date of December 16, 2013. Were most people think that this is the end of world. While others believe that it is simply a change of enlightenment in this current time. A new sunrise would step towards changes, in the mankind where they become more aware of their surroundings and change in their way of thinking for their fellow man."

    [link to]

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 1610534
    United States
    12/24/2012 03:49 AM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    This is a new theory (at least to me) OP, but extremely compelling if your suppositions are correct about it not being already included in the Mayan calculations. After all, you are 1-year-old at the end of your first, year, not the beginning.

    Question: Western calendars are linear - they just go in a straight line forever. The Mayan calendar is cyclical. So while your theory passes for a linear calendar, couldn't it be said that the "year zero" for a cyclical calendar like the Mayan is the last year of the previous cycle?

    For example, in a hundred year cycle, you would reach year 100 at the end of the hundreth year. Then, that hundreth year would continue until the new year of one is reached. So instead of calling it year zero, you'd be calling it year hundred, because it's the name of the number of years that had already been reached. If this is how the Mayan calender works, then their year zero does exist, but it is named after the last year of the previous cycle. So the question arises, when does the cycle end - at the achievement of the end of the last year, or at the achievement of the end of the first year? Because between the two dates is the "year zero."

    User ID: 18270639
    United States
    12/24/2012 04:22 AM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012


    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 30720768
    United Kingdom
    12/24/2012 04:22 AM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    The Mayan Long Count begun on 0 day or which was August 11th, -3113 (astronomical counting). You can see that in the Maya Long Count to Gregorian conversion link below.

    Now some feel the Long Count had not only a 0 day but also a zero year. Between August 11th, -3113 to August 5th, -3112 was that zero year. from to August 6th, -3112 would be

    Now perhaps the calendar begun counting at that 1 Year. Not at 0, but at Year 1. Just like how the Gregorian calendar begins at 1 AD. You logically don't count starting at 0, but at 1. So it can be consider this way....

    The 3rd millennium begun on Jan. 1st, 2000 if only the Gregorian calendar started at 0, but it doesn't, it begins at 1 AD, which means technically the start of the 3rd millennium began on Jan. 1st, 2001.

    Could this line of thinking than apply to the Dec. 21st, 2012 date? This essentially could be like thinking Jan. 1st, 2000 was the start of the new millennium when technically it was Jan. 1st, 2001 because the calendar started at 1.

    This means if there was a 0 year in the Long Count, which looks like that was the case, and if the calendar didn't begin counting at 0 but instead of Year 1, then the Maya Long Count calendar technically ends a year later or 1 Tun later (360 days) from Dec. 21st, 2012. That date is Dec. 16th, 2013, which falls on 13 Ahau.

    Here is the proof from my research that the true end date of the Mayan calendar is technically about a year off.

    Dec 16th, 2013 (13 Ahau)

    Sept. 13th, 1619 (1 Ahau)

    June 10th, 1225 (2 Ahau)

    March 8th, 831 (3 Ahau)

    Dec. 3rd, 436 (4 Ahau)

    Aug. 31st 42 (5 Ahau)

    May 28th, -352 B.C. (6 Ahau)

    Feb. 23rd -746 B.C. (7 Ahau)

    Nov. 21st -1141 B.C. (8 Ahau)

    Aug. 18th -1535 B.C. (9 Ahau)

    May 16th -1929 B.C. (10 Ahau)

    Feb. 10th -2323 B.C. (11 Ahau)

    Nov. 8th -2718 B.C. (12 Ahau)

    August 5th -3112 B.C. (13 Ahau)

    Aug. 11th, -3113 B.C. (4 Ahau)

    And it can thus be considered that Dec. 21st, 2012 is like Jan. 1st, 2000 and that Dec. 16th, 2013 is Jan. 1st. 2001

    Popular culture misconception is that New Year 2000 was the start of the 21st century and the millennium but New Year 2001 actually marked the first year of these two distinctions. So essentially now then Dec. 16th, 2013 marks the start of the new beginning and not Dec. 21st, 2012!

    Again, we don't start counting our Gregorian calendar at year 0 right???? It goes like -2 B.C, 1 B.C. 1 A.D, 2 A.D. and so on.

    We skip over that zero year. There is no zero year. So why did these Mayan calendar researchers count zero year, thus coming up with the end date of Dec. 21st or 23rd, 2012? It makes no sense! How could they be so stupid not to have figured this out? We have all been duped as to what the real and true Mayan calendar end date is.

    Quoting: Revelator Stargate

    Yes one day DOOM will come to earth but not yet.

    The Mayans never gave the date of doom and the end of life on Earth,etched on stones was about what life was going be like in 21 dec 2012 ,and if you compare there pictures and read there scripts then you can see us yes you and me,they talk about flying objects to DNA stands etc,it was the future they saw.

    Its the book of life etched on stone by the Mayans,the real book of life.

    Now you can see, now you read what the Mayans etched on stone,it was the future.

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 13484018
    United States
    12/24/2012 04:24 AM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    ok whatever OP

    ... go ahead and write a book and see how many you can sell to the doomtards before next year. I think it's funny that i didnt see any of these "researched theories" before dec 21 and now everybody has the "real" date.

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 1610534
    United States
    12/24/2012 04:47 AM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    ok whatever OP
    ... go ahead and write a book and see how many you can sell to the doomtards before next year. I think it's funny that i didnt see any of these "researched theories" before dec 21 and now everybody has the "real" date.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13484018

    It's called "failure analysis," or for those of you still picking your noses, "learning." It's also part of the scientific method. You observe the world, theorize what it going on, make predictions about what will happen next, watch what happens, and make new theories based on observations.

    That includes reconsidering other theorize in the light of new information.

    What you are doing, on the other hand, is promoting ignorance, despair, the destruction of learning, shame, stupidity, the mocking condemnation of the learning process itself, and the disruption of the collaborative possibilities the internet enables. You are trying, along with other like you, to undermine and destroy thousands of years of human efforts to come together and try to build a better world. Because of this, you are the enemy of humanity. You are the enemy of truth, of learning, of goodness, and of kindness. You are the destroyer of minds and hearts, and the helper of all of the hells and misery ever to visit the human race. Your life is worth than death, your words are poison, and you are the enemy of all the goodness in the world. In a just world, you would be jailed for life for your efforts to destroy civilization, and your mocking tongue would be silenced behind the slam of a steel prison door, and the entire world would sigh in relief when you were finally locked up for good.

    I hope that was clear.

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 12268682
    United States
    12/24/2012 05:16 AM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    Get a clue. Nothing happened on the 21st. Then the "real" date was supposed to be the 23rd and nothing happened then either. Now you've made a new date a year from now. Nothing is going to happen then either.

    Are you really that deluded as not to be able to see it? Or just too stubborn to admit it?

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 28780784
    12/24/2012 09:11 AM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    Thank you OP for your great research.

    When my friend asked me: why nothing happened on the 21st, my answer was:

    The calculations of present day researchers of Maya calendar must be wrong.

    So I was right and I believe you are probably closer to the truth than the rest of the so called researchers.

    I think the PTB know the real date also, and that was a purposefully orchestrated misinformation so the profane are confused, and put their guard down when the real thing happens .

    The shilling on this thread is the proof.

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 30773834
    12/24/2012 09:43 AM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012



    User ID: 30776638
    United States
    12/24/2012 10:28 AM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    I'm sorry, do you have a degree in Mayan Anthropology? Mathematics? Archaeology? What is your expertise that you make these claims? You just quoted a bunch of dates at me as though I should immediately understand their significance, and then said you were right. Can we acknowledge, at least, that this is not about Doomsdays or Armageddons? That there is no "End Time"? That, regardless of any academic interest in the understanding of Mayan time records and spirituality, there is only as much credence to their superstitions ad there is to modern Christianity? To the Shamanistic beliefs of South American tribes? To the Norse and Greek Pantheons?
    I grow weary of this innate need in humans to see themselves annihilated. Let's focus instead on moving forward, shall we?

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 744032
    12/24/2012 10:50 AM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    Done with the Mayan calendar bull. Move on
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 30669939

    Read and understand this. This could be momenumental if I am correct. It makes complete sense if you can follow what I am trying to say here.

    If anyone can disprove me on my theory, than I will be happy to admit I am wrong with it.

    If you can't disprove me, then this could be the TRUE Mayan Calendar so called "end date" and new beginning.
    Quoting: Revelator Stargate

    So your saying we shouldn't believe any scholar who studied the Mayan culture in depth and already said the Mayan calendar ends on 21/12/12 but should believe you because you put a few numbers up on a forum???

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 744032
    12/24/2012 10:50 AM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    For the calendar to end of 4 Ahau or Dec. 21st, 2012 never made any sense to me which is why I was intrigued with Ian Lungold and Carl Calleman's theories.

    13 Ahau is the highest form of completion in regards to the Mayan Calendar and when you combined that with the 13th baktun, you get the highest form of calendar completion, interlocking all the gears in the Mayan cycle. Thus, Dec. 16th, 2013 is 13 Baktun and 13 Ahau. The strongest possible completion you can possibly get!
    Quoting: Revelator Stargate

    Reguardless of your bullshit, the calendar still goes past 2012, 2013 and 2014. Sorry,man. Even the mayans said its not the end. What do you want out of life that u think GLP can provide?
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 7242405



    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 28780784
    12/24/2012 10:51 AM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    I'm sorry, do you have a degree in Mayan Anthropology? Mathematics? Archaeology? What is your expertise that you make these claims? You just quoted a bunch of dates at me as though I should immediately understand their significance, and then said you were right. Can we acknowledge, at least, that this is not about Doomsdays or Armageddons? That there is no "End Time"? That, regardless of any academic interest in the understanding of Mayan time records and spirituality, there is only as much credence to their superstitions ad there is to modern Christianity? To the Shamanistic beliefs of South American tribes? To the Norse and Greek Pantheons?
    I grow weary of this innate need in humans to see themselves annihilated. Let's focus instead on moving forward, shall we?
    Quoting: ImportantQuestions 30776638

    Funny, how you are on conspiracy forum and you ask for degrees. You are obviously in a wrong place. There is a lot of scientific forums you can join.

    People with degrees are the most manipulated and for them finding true knowledge is impossible. They only follow what they are told to learn.

    Thank you OP for your research.

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 744032
    12/24/2012 10:58 AM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    I'm sorry, do you have a degree in Mayan Anthropology? Mathematics? Archaeology? What is your expertise that you make these claims? You just quoted a bunch of dates at me as though I should immediately understand their significance, and then said you were right. Can we acknowledge, at least, that this is not about Doomsdays or Armageddons? That there is no "End Time"? That, regardless of any academic interest in the understanding of Mayan time records and spirituality, there is only as much credence to their superstitions ad there is to modern Christianity? To the Shamanistic beliefs of South American tribes? To the Norse and Greek Pantheons?

    I grow weary of this innate need in humans to see themselves annihilated. Let's focus instead on moving forward, shall we?
    Quoting: ImportantQuestions 30776638

    Funny, how you are on conspiracy forum and you ask for degrees. You are obviously in a wrong place. There is a lot of scientific forums you can join.
    People with degrees are the most manipulated and for them finding true knowledge is impossible. They only follow what they are told to learn.

    That really is a fine line. The OP came and gave some data and calculations that contradict scholars who have studied the Mayan culture in detail. So were suppose to believe the OP is correct and prove him wrong over those who have already done the work and the people who live there today? So they are all wrong as well? That makes absolutely no sense!
    Thank you OP for your research.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 28780784

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 744032
    12/24/2012 10:59 AM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    That really is a fine line. The OP came and gave some data and calculations that contradict scholars who have studied the Mayan culture in detail. So were suppose to believe the OP is correct and prove him wrong over those who have already done the work and the people who live there today? So they are all wrong as well? That makes absolutely no sense!

    User ID: 30628141
    United States
    12/24/2012 11:14 AM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    Done with the Mayan calendar bull. Move on
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 30669939

    please if you haven't already, accept jesus as your lord and savior. the time is now.

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 29285808
    United States
    12/24/2012 12:37 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012


    Where can I buy your book!?!?!?

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 13484018
    United States
    12/24/2012 12:37 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    "oh well since the other dates were wrong here's the real date" And didnt they find new information indicating the calendar went on millions of years into the future. It is almost laughable how many people will just not let this thing go... and call it research and science. It's called OCD. Get on some meds, find ya a girl, and try to let this mayan thing go.

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 28437585
    United States
    12/24/2012 12:39 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    I for one thankyou OP for bringing the discrepancy to our attention


    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 29012924
    United States
    12/24/2012 01:39 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012


    Where can I buy your book!?!?!?
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 29285808

    Look for it soon. Will be charging $50 for it since it will have how this date will transform consciousness even more than what 12/21/12 brought...

    Just kidding! :)

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 29012924
    United States
    12/24/2012 01:42 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    I for one thankyou OP for bringing the discrepancy to our attention

    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 28437585

    Thanks. It is a very simple calendar discrepancy that even a 7 year old can understand. Again, can anyone disprove my theory? I will be more than happy to admit I am wrong if someone can disprove it.

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 29012924
    United States
    12/24/2012 01:44 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    "oh well since the other dates were wrong here's the real date" And didnt they find new information indicating the calendar went on millions of years into the future. It is almost laughable how many people will just not let this thing go... and call it research and science. It's called OCD. Get on some meds, find ya a girl, and try to let this mayan thing go.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13484018

    If you can read a little more closely regarding this thread, I came up with this theory exactly three years ago and just remembered my research I did on this topic 3 years ago and wanted to revisit it.

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 28316373
    United States
    12/24/2012 01:53 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    I thought the mayan calender was based on an alignment that just happened has nothing to do with our calender it was an alignment based on the stars!

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 26633771
    United States
    12/24/2012 03:29 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    Comet ISON looks to be the Nostradamus comet!! I will explain why this is the case soon!



    User ID: 30762642
    12/24/2012 05:47 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    I tell you OP, the game ISON.

    Done some research of my own on this comet and especially the NAME..very interesting but not funny.

    Looking forward to what you have unearthed..I do believe there is a correlation to the true galactic midnight. As Ursula would say..the dragons tail whips up a frenzy.

    By the by, such an astronomic show weighs heavily on the psyche when, at a time of diminishing liberty, we are at witts end to remain sane.


    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 26571076
    United States
    12/24/2012 05:56 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    I tell you OP, the game ISON.

    Done some research of my own on this comet and especially the NAME..very interesting but not funny.

    Looking forward to what you have unearthed..I do believe there is a correlation to the true galactic midnight. As Ursula would say..the dragons tail whips up a frenzy.

    By the by, such an astronomic show weighs heavily on the psyche when, at a time of diminishing liberty, we are at witts end to remain sane.
    Quoting: fortytwo

    Happy holidays to you and get ready for some earthshaking information to come related to this. A GLP exclusive! :)

    Revelator Stargate (OP)

    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/24/2012 10:47 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    Thank you OP for your great research.

    When my friend asked me: why nothing happened on the 21st, my answer was:

    The calculations of present day researchers of Maya calendar must be wrong.

    So I was right and I believe you are probably closer to the truth than the rest of the so called researchers.

    I think the PTB know the real date also, and that was a purposefully orchestrated misinformation so the profane are confused, and put their guard down when the real thing happens .

    The shilling on this thread is the proof.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 28780784

    You are welcome. Happy Holidays to you in Germany. Yeah, the shilling on this thread, how many one or two stars, and not even a pin thread on this is proof. :)

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/24/2012 10:49 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    ok whatever OP
    ... go ahead and write a book and see how many you can sell to the doomtards before next year. I think it's funny that i didnt see any of these "researched theories" before dec 21 and now everybody has the "real" date.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13484018

    It's called "failure analysis," or for those of you still picking your noses, "learning." It's also part of the scientific method. You observe the world, theorize what it going on, make predictions about what will happen next, watch what happens, and make new theories based on observations.

    That includes reconsidering other theorize in the light of new information.

    What you are doing, on the other hand, is promoting ignorance, despair, the destruction of learning, shame, stupidity, the mocking condemnation of the learning process itself, and the disruption of the collaborative possibilities the internet enables. You are trying, along with other like you, to undermine and destroy thousands of years of human efforts to come together and try to build a better world. Because of this, you are the enemy of humanity. You are the enemy of truth, of learning, of goodness, and of kindness. You are the destroyer of minds and hearts, and the helper of all of the hells and misery ever to visit the human race. Your life is worth than death, your words are poison, and you are the enemy of all the goodness in the world. In a just world, you would be jailed for life for your efforts to destroy civilization, and your mocking tongue would be silenced behind the slam of a steel prison door, and the entire world would sigh in relief when you were finally locked up for good.

    I hope that was clear.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1610534


    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/24/2012 10:54 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    I'm sorry, do you have a degree in Mayan Anthropology? Mathematics? Archaeology? What is your expertise that you make these claims? You just quoted a bunch of dates at me as though I should immediately understand their significance, and then said you were right. Can we acknowledge, at least, that this is not about Doomsdays or Armageddons? That there is no "End Time"? That, regardless of any academic interest in the understanding of Mayan time records and spirituality, there is only as much credence to their superstitions ad there is to modern Christianity? To the Shamanistic beliefs of South American tribes? To the Norse and Greek Pantheons?
    I grow weary of this innate need in humans to see themselves annihilated. Let's focus instead on moving forward, shall we?
    Quoting: ImportantQuestions 30776638

    No, no, and no.

    My expertise is that I am pretty good at researching information and using multicontextual analysis.

    I have also studied the Mayan calendar and read numerous books about 4-5 years ago related to it from Carl Calleman, John Major Jenkins, Geoff Stray, among others. I then used my own brain and researched the calendar myself.

    I thought the whole Dec. 21st, 2012 was a deception. Hell, they made a Hollywood movie related to that date, so you just knew something was a little off.

    I was intrigued by Calleman's research and the importance of the 13 Ahau Tzolkin end date. He had it at Oct. 28th, 2011, which was 13 Ahau. But I quickly realized that even his theory might be right in some ways, the date was off. So I am embarked on my own journey researching it and figuring out the numbers, which I will explain in more depth later.

    Then to my amazement, I realized the Mayan calendar researchers included the Year 0 in their calculations, which they shouldn't have done, thus the calendar is off by a year, or 360 days according to the Mayan Long Count.

    Last Edited by Revelator Stargate on 12/24/2012 11:03 PM

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/24/2012 10:59 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    The Mayan Long Count begun on 0 day or which was August 11th, -3113 (astronomical counting). You can see that in the Maya Long Count to Gregorian conversion link below.

    Now some feel the Long Count had not only a 0 day but also a zero year. Between August 11th, -3113 to August 5th, -3112 was that zero year. from to August 6th, -3112 would be

    Now perhaps the calendar begun counting at that 1 Year. Not at 0, but at Year 1. Just like how the Gregorian calendar begins at 1 AD. You logically don't count starting at 0, but at 1. So it can be consider this way....

    The 3rd millennium begun on Jan. 1st, 2000 if only the Gregorian calendar started at 0, but it doesn't, it begins at 1 AD, which means technically the start of the 3rd millennium began on Jan. 1st, 2001.

    Could this line of thinking than apply to the Dec. 21st, 2012 date? This essentially could be like thinking Jan. 1st, 2000 was the start of the new millennium when technically it was Jan. 1st, 2001 because the calendar started at 1.

    This means if there was a 0 year in the Long Count, which looks like that was the case, and if the calendar didn't begin counting at 0 but instead of Year 1, then the Maya Long Count calendar technically ends a year later or 1 Tun later (360 days) from Dec. 21st, 2012. That date is Dec. 16th, 2013, which falls on 13 Ahau.

    Here is the proof from my research that the true end date of the Mayan calendar is technically about a year off.

    Dec 16th, 2013 (13 Ahau)

    Sept. 13th, 1619 (1 Ahau)

    June 10th, 1225 (2 Ahau)

    March 8th, 831 (3 Ahau)

    Dec. 3rd, 436 (4 Ahau)

    Aug. 31st 42 (5 Ahau)

    May 28th, -352 B.C. (6 Ahau)

    Feb. 23rd -746 B.C. (7 Ahau)

    Nov. 21st -1141 B.C. (8 Ahau)

    Aug. 18th -1535 B.C. (9 Ahau)

    May 16th -1929 B.C. (10 Ahau)

    Feb. 10th -2323 B.C. (11 Ahau)

    Nov. 8th -2718 B.C. (12 Ahau)

    August 5th -3112 B.C. (13 Ahau)

    Aug. 11th, -3113 B.C. (4 Ahau)

    And it can thus be considered that Dec. 21st, 2012 is like Jan. 1st, 2000 and that Dec. 16th, 2013 is Jan. 1st. 2001

    Popular culture misconception is that New Year 2000 was the start of the 21st century and the millennium but New Year 2001 actually marked the first year of these two distinctions. So essentially now then Dec. 16th, 2013 marks the start of the new beginning and not Dec. 21st, 2012!

    Again, we don't start counting our Gregorian calendar at year 0 right???? It goes like -2 B.C, 1 B.C. 1 A.D, 2 A.D. and so on.

    We skip over that zero year. There is no zero year. So why did these Mayan calendar researchers count zero year, thus coming up with the end date of Dec. 21st or 23rd, 2012? It makes no sense! How could they be so stupid not to have figured this out? We have all been duped as to what the real and true Mayan calendar end date is.

    Quoting: Revelator Stargate

    Oh dear, you really don't understand do you? The big deal about the end date is that it renews the Katun. The name of the Katun derives from the name of the day it starts on, so if you are saying that the end date is on a day named 13 Ahau, you are denying the veracity of the date that the Mayans wrote which is 4 Ahau 3 Kankin. Give it up. The cycle ended in 1988. Nothing bad was supposed to happen. The ceremony was held, the stone was erected. Time goes on and the days continue to count. Leave our culture and knowledge out of your delusions of doom and/or ascension.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10422385

    I saw your comment. LOL!

    Ok, please tell me more. Tell me more about 4 Ahau 3 Kankin (which I already know about) and tell me more how the cycle ended in 1988 because I haven't heard that ANYWHERE and I have read a lot of Mayan calendar books. So yes, please enlighten me and what the heck is the stone that was erected anyways?

    Last Edited by Revelator Stargate on 12/24/2012 10:59 PM

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 1507723
    12/24/2012 11:23 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    LOL. Ya good luck with that one.

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 10422385
    12/25/2012 02:38 AM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    The Mayan Long Count begun on 0 day or which was August 11th, -3113 (astronomical counting). You can see that in the Maya Long Count to Gregorian conversion link below.

    Now some feel the Long Count had not only a 0 day but also a zero year. Between August 11th, -3113 to August 5th, -3112 was that zero year. from to August 6th, -3112 would be

    Now perhaps the calendar begun counting at that 1 Year. Not at 0, but at Year 1. Just like how the Gregorian calendar begins at 1 AD. You logically don't count starting at 0, but at 1. So it can be consider this way....

    The 3rd millennium begun on Jan. 1st, 2000 if only the Gregorian calendar started at 0, but it doesn't, it begins at 1 AD, which means technically the start of the 3rd millennium began on Jan. 1st, 2001.

    Could this line of thinking than apply to the Dec. 21st, 2012 date? This essentially could be like thinking Jan. 1st, 2000 was the start of the new millennium when technically it was Jan. 1st, 2001 because the calendar started at 1.

    This means if there was a 0 year in the Long Count, which looks like that was the case, and if the calendar didn't begin counting at 0 but instead of Year 1, then the Maya Long Count calendar technically ends a year later or 1 Tun later (360 days) from Dec. 21st, 2012. That date is Dec. 16th, 2013, which falls on 13 Ahau.

    Here is the proof from my research that the true end date of the Mayan calendar is technically about a year off.

    Dec 16th, 2013 (13 Ahau)

    Sept. 13th, 1619 (1 Ahau)

    June 10th, 1225 (2 Ahau)

    March 8th, 831 (3 Ahau)

    Dec. 3rd, 436 (4 Ahau)

    Aug. 31st 42 (5 Ahau)

    May 28th, -352 B.C. (6 Ahau)

    Feb. 23rd -746 B.C. (7 Ahau)

    Nov. 21st -1141 B.C. (8 Ahau)

    Aug. 18th -1535 B.C. (9 Ahau)

    May 16th -1929 B.C. (10 Ahau)

    Feb. 10th -2323 B.C. (11 Ahau)

    Nov. 8th -2718 B.C. (12 Ahau)

    August 5th -3112 B.C. (13 Ahau)

    Aug. 11th, -3113 B.C. (4 Ahau)

    And it can thus be considered that Dec. 21st, 2012 is like Jan. 1st, 2000 and that Dec. 16th, 2013 is Jan. 1st. 2001

    Popular culture misconception is that New Year 2000 was the start of the 21st century and the millennium but New Year 2001 actually marked the first year of these two distinctions. So essentially now then Dec. 16th, 2013 marks the start of the new beginning and not Dec. 21st, 2012!

    Again, we don't start counting our Gregorian calendar at year 0 right???? It goes like -2 B.C, 1 B.C. 1 A.D, 2 A.D. and so on.

    We skip over that zero year. There is no zero year. So why did these Mayan calendar researchers count zero year, thus coming up with the end date of Dec. 21st or 23rd, 2012? It makes no sense! How could they be so stupid not to have figured this out? We have all been duped as to what the real and true Mayan calendar end date is.

    Quoting: Revelator Stargate

    Oh dear, you really don't understand do you? The big deal about the end date is that it renews the Katun. The name of the Katun derives from the name of the day it starts on, so if you are saying that the end date is on a day named 13 Ahau, you are denying the veracity of the date that the Mayans wrote which is 4 Ahau 3 Kankin. Give it up. The cycle ended in 1988. Nothing bad was supposed to happen. The ceremony was held, the stone was erected. Time goes on and the days continue to count. Leave our culture and knowledge out of your delusions of doom and/or ascension.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10422385

    I saw your comment. LOL!

    Ok, please tell me more. Tell me more about 4 Ahau 3 Kankin (which I already know about) and tell me more how the cycle ended in 1988 because I haven't heard that ANYWHERE and I have read a lot of Mayan calendar books. So yes, please enlighten me and what the heck is the stone that was erected anyways?
    Quoting: Revelator Stargate

    Trying to reply, right after I posted that the OP banned me from his threads. If this works I will post more.

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 10422385
    12/25/2012 03:08 AM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    Thanks OP for unbanning me.

    Here's the thing with the correlations that lead to Dec. or any other time in 2012. I will try to make it simple so that anyone can try to follow my logic, do the math, do the counting and disprove what I say. If someone can do that, I will admit that we are wrong.

    1. The 13 baktun cycle is equal to 5200 x 360 days. The 360 day year is a vague year and since there are 365.25 days in a solar year, every year the solar calendar once you set the two in motion, the vague years (tun) will gain 5.25 days every year against the solar year (ha'ab).

    2. 13 baktuns, or 5200 tuns (vague years) is equal to 5128 solar years plus 280 days.

    3. The date recorded in the Dresden codex is 4 ahau 3 kankin. The 4 ahau is derived from the Tzolkin, which is a civic calendar that gives a name to the days, like our days are called by the names of the week. The Tzolkin date is a series of 13 numbers paired with a sequence of 20 symbols. The 4 kankin means that this day called 4 ahau occurs on the 5th day of the month of kankin.

    4. The ha'ab being a solar calendar must accurately predict the seasons and conditions. It must remain steady and aligned with the solar cycle or it becomes useless to the people that use it. This means that we can know the time of year intended for any date that includes the ha'ab. Just like we know that October happens the same time every year.

    5. The Tzolkin repeats every 260 days, but when you pair it with the ha'ab date, no day will have the same name twice in 52 solar years. This means that if we know the solar calendar date and the Tzolkin date we can automatically deduce the name of the solar year. The Mayans didn't record the name of the solar year because it was implied already.

    6. In this case, the only solar year when the end date of the cycle can occur is called 2 Etznab. In Aztec lands, the year was called 2 Tecpatl. According to the order of the years, this is the year after One Acatl, the year when it was prophecied that Quetzalcoatl would return. If he didn't return in that year, the people knew that it would be at least another 52 years before he might.

    7. We know from numerous Spanish and native sources that the year in course when Cortes arrived was One Acatl. This is the only reason the Aztecs did not kill Cortes and allowed him into the city. Had it been any other year they would not have thought he could be Quetzalcoatl. We know that the year was 1519.

    8. If the year following One Acatl is 2 Tecpatl, or 2 Etznab in Mayan lands, then it tells us that the only time the calendar cycle can end is in a year such as 1520, 1572,1624,1676,1728,1780,1832,1884,1936, 1988 or 2040.

    I will write more in a while.

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 10422385
    12/25/2012 03:27 AM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    So yes, please enlighten me and what the heck is the stone that was erected anyways?

    The word Tun means stone. It also means vague year. There is an archaic relationship between the two that runs deep in all Mayan languages that I am aware of. In some languages it is Ton, and in parts of Chiapas it also has the connotation of "saintly". This is one of the tricky things about the Mayan language. There are so many nuances that are not obvious to a westerner. Lots of words mean different things depending on the context it is used in, but at some deep level they all belong to the same root concept.

    A stone was erected, like it always is and has been over the centuries, to mark the new cycle. Tun, Katun, Baktun, they are all stones.

    And I'm sorry OP if I got pissy and then to make it worse, I didn't realize it was you that were asking the question. I get a bit touchy about the 2012 disinformation because it is a land, a people and a culture that I love very much.

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 10422385
    12/25/2012 04:57 AM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    The leap year was not needed, because the days started at different times of the day, depending on the ruling cardinal point of the year in question. If it was a year from the east, Ben, the year and all of the days in that year started at sunrise. After 18 Uinals, or solar months of 20 days each, an additional 5 days was added.
    The last day was extended until noon when the new year Etznab was ushered in.
    The years from the west started at sunset and the years from the south at midnight.
    After four years the extra day is accounted for, but not counted as a day.
    Therefore, according to the Thompson correlation, for every four years of his calculation,
    there is an error of 1 day. When we are talking about a cycle of more than 5000 years,
    it is significant.By the end of the cycle, the error is more than 24 solar years.

    Using the Thompson correlation, the end date does not follow the logical sequence and it does not produce a reliable solar calendar date, while the way I am explaining maintains a solid, steady and predictable solar year even after more than 5000


    Thanks OP for unbanning me.

    Here's the thing with the correlations that lead to Dec. or any other time in 2012. I will try to make it simple so that anyone can try to follow my logic, do the math, do the counting and disprove what I say. If someone can do that, I will admit that we are wrong.

    1. The 13 baktun cycle is equal to 5200 x 360 days. The 360 day year is a vague year and since there are 365.25 days in a solar year, every year the solar calendar once you set the two in motion, the vague years (tun) will gain 5.25 days every year against the solar year (ha'ab).

    2. 13 baktuns, or 5200 tuns (vague years) is equal to 5128 solar years plus 280 days.

    3. The date recorded in the Dresden codex is 4 ahau 3 kankin. The 4 ahau is derived from the Tzolkin, which is a civic calendar that gives a name to the days, like our days are called by the names of the week.
    The Tzolkin date is a series of 13 numbers paired with a sequence of 20 symbols.
    The 4 kankin means that this day called 4 ahau occurs on the 5th day of the month of kankin.

    4. The ha'ab being a solar calendar must accurately predict the seasons and conditions. It must remain steady and aligned with the solar cycle or it becomes useless to the people that use it. This means that we can know the time of year intended for any date that includes the ha'ab. Just like we know that October happens the same time every year.

    5. The Tzolkin repeats every 260 days, but when you pair it with the ha'ab date, no day will have the same name twice in 52 solar years. This means that if we know the solar calendar date and the Tzolkin date we can automatically deduce the name of the solar year. The Mayans didn't record the name of the solar year because it was implied already.

    6. In this case, the only solar year when the end date of the cycle can occur is called 2 Etznab.

    In Aztec lands, the year was called 2 Tecpatl. According to the order of the years,
    this is the year after One Acatl,
    the year when it was prophecied that Quetzalcoatl would return.
    If he didn't return in that year, the people knew that it would be at least another 52 years before he might.

    7. We know from numerous Spanish and native sources that the year in course when Cortes arrived was One Acatl. This is the only reason the Aztecs did not kill Cortes and allowed him into the city. Had it been any other year they would not have thought he could be Quetzalcoatl. We know that the year was 1519.

    8. If the year following One Acatl is 2 Tecpatl, or 2 Etznab in Mayan lands, then it tells us that the only time the calendar cycle can end is in a year such as 1520, 1572,1624,1676,1728,1780,1832,1884,1936, 1988 or 2040.

    I will write more in a while.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10422385

    You are welcome. You know your stuff as you are part of the Mayan culture and people right? I had a feeling you would give an educated challenging response. :)

    You do realize there is nothing on the Internet that mentions the Mayan Long Count ending in 1988 and cycling over right?

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/25/2012 12:23 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    The leap year was not needed, because the days started at different times of the day, depending on the ruling cardinal point of the year in question. If it was a year from the east, Ben, the year and all of the days in that year started at sunrise. After 18 Uinals, or solar months of 20 days each, an additional 5 days was added. The last day was extended until noon when the new year Etznab was ushered in. The years from the west started at sunset and the years from the south at midnight. After four years the extra day is accounted for, but not counted as a day. Therefore, according to the Thompson correlation, for every four years of his calculation, there is an error of 1 day. When we are talking about a cycle of more than 5000 years, it is significant.By the end of the cycle, the error is more than 24 solar years.

    Using the Thompson correlation, the end date does not follow the logical sequence and it does not produce a reliable solar calendar date, while the way I am explaining maintains a solid, steady and predictable solar year even after more than 5000 years.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10422385

    Ok, I see what you are saying that for every 4 years the Long Count is off a year, thus in solar years over a 5000 year period it is off by 24 solar years, thus coming up with that 1988 date.

    Again, I have never heard of that theory before ever! You are saying the GMT correlation is off quite a bit. Have you ever emailed this logic and brought it up to other Mayan calendar researchers out there. Maybe email John Major Jenkins and sees what he thinks of that theory?

    To me, right off, it doesn't sound right. I believe the GMT correlation is the most accurate and I can explain more as to why later and put it into simple terms. :)

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 28780784
    12/25/2012 12:33 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    waiting for more of your research results..................fascinating!

    After I looked through your information, it's an obvious mistake that they (the researchers) overlooked the year 0, which was mistakenly counted in as a full year.

    Makes a lot of sense.

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 10422385
    12/25/2012 12:39 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    Thanks OP for unbanning me.

    Here's the thing with the correlations that lead to Dec. or any other time in 2012. I will try to make it simple so that anyone can try to follow my logic, do the math, do the counting and disprove what I say. If someone can do that, I will admit that we are wrong.

    1. The 13 baktun cycle is equal to 5200 x 360 days. The 360 day year is a vague year and since there are 365.25 days in a solar year, every year the solar calendar once you set the two in motion, the vague years (tun) will gain 5.25 days every year against the solar year (ha'ab).

    2. 13 baktuns, or 5200 tuns (vague years) is equal to 5128 solar years plus 280 days.

    3. The date recorded in the Dresden codex is 4 ahau 3 kankin. The 4 ahau is derived from the Tzolkin, which is a civic calendar that gives a name to the days, like our days are called by the names of the week. The Tzolkin date is a series of 13 numbers paired with a sequence of 20 symbols. The 4 kankin means that this day called 4 ahau occurs on the 5th day of the month of kankin.

    4. The ha'ab being a solar calendar must accurately predict the seasons and conditions. It must remain steady and aligned with the solar cycle or it becomes useless to the people that use it. This means that we can know the time of year intended for any date that includes the ha'ab. Just like we know that October happens the same time every year.

    5. The Tzolkin repeats every 260 days, but when you pair it with the ha'ab date, no day will have the same name twice in 52 solar years. This means that if we know the solar calendar date and the Tzolkin date we can automatically deduce the name of the solar year. The Mayans didn't record the name of the solar year because it was implied already.

    6. In this case, the only solar year when the end date of the cycle can occur is called 2 Etznab. In Aztec lands, the year was called 2 Tecpatl. According to the order of the years, this is the year after One Acatl, the year when it was prophecied that Quetzalcoatl would return. If he didn't return in that year, the people knew that it would be at least another 52 years before he might.

    7. We know from numerous Spanish and native sources that the year in course when Cortes arrived was One Acatl. This is the only reason the Aztecs did not kill Cortes and allowed him into the city. Had it been any other year they would not have thought he could be Quetzalcoatl. We know that the year was 1519.

    8. If the year following One Acatl is 2 Tecpatl, or 2 Etznab in Mayan lands, then it tells us that the only time the calendar cycle can end is in a year such as 1520, 1572,1624,1676,1728,1780,1832,1884,1936, 1988 or 2040.

    I will write more in a while.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10422385

    You are welcome. You know your stuff as you are part of the Mayan culture and people right? I had a feeling you would give an educated challenging response. :)

    You do realize there is nothing on the Internet that mentions the Mayan Long Count ending in 1988 and cycling over right?
    Quoting: Revelator Stargate

    Of course I realize it. Very few people, including Mayas are aware of this. Only a handful of people in Yucatan, Belize, the Tenec lands and some of the grandfather nations like the Mam know anything about the calendar. They have continued to erect stones and tally the years in secret since the fall of the Triple Alliance in 1460. The astronomical events that marked the true end date was the so called harmonic convergence in Aug 1987, when all of the inner planets were conjunct each other and the sun in the space of a few days. The new agers of the day were dancing nude in the moonlight trampling pyramids and going on about how this event was preparation for the 2012 doom date. I have to tell you that the people in the know had a really good laugh about that, they still laugh about it. The real date was here and everyone was celebrating a bogus event and "preparing" for a wrong calendar date of doom, when the real thing was happening.

    Just to be clear, I am not Mayan. I am half Canadian native and half Mexican native. I married a Yucatecan Maya and have lived in Mayan regions on and off for 50 years. My father in law was one of the men who knows where the stones are and he took me with him to the ceremony because they needed an interpreter for the people from Belize, since the Mayan they speak is not understood by the Yucatec Mayas of today.

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 10422385
    12/25/2012 12:52 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    The leap year was not needed, because the days started at different times of the day, depending on the ruling cardinal point of the year in question. If it was a year from the east, Ben, the year and all of the days in that year started at sunrise. After 18 Uinals, or solar months of 20 days each, an additional 5 days was added. The last day was extended until noon when the new year Etznab was ushered in. The years from the west started at sunset and the years from the south at midnight. After four years the extra day is accounted for, but not counted as a day. Therefore, according to the Thompson correlation, for every four years of his calculation, there is an error of 1 day. When we are talking about a cycle of more than 5000 years, it is significant.By the end of the cycle, the error is more than 24 solar years.

    Using the Thompson correlation, the end date does not follow the logical sequence and it does not produce a reliable solar calendar date, while the way I am explaining maintains a solid, steady and predictable solar year even after more than 5000 years.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10422385

    Ok, I see what you are saying that for every 4 years the Long Count is off a year, thus in solar years over a 5000 year period it is off by 24 solar years, thus coming up with that 1988 date.

    Again, I have never heard of that theory before ever! You are saying the GMT correlation is off quite a bit. Have you ever emailed this logic and brought it up to other Mayan calendar researchers out there. Maybe email John Major Jenkins and sees what he thinks of that theory?

    To me, right off, it doesn't sound right. I believe the GMT correlation is the most accurate and I can explain more as to why later and put it into simple terms. :)
    Quoting: Revelator Stargate

    The thing is that it is just a calendar for tallying the days and keeping track of time. There is no other significance. The only importance of the 13 baktun cycle is that it marks 1/5 of a full zodiac precession. Any cycle is divided into 5 parts based on the old number system.

    Everybody has just assumed the GMT correlation is right. Nobody really questions it, even when the glaring error of the supposed end date falling in a solar year where the date written cannot occur and the placement of the month is months off is staring them in the face.

    This is what happens when you try to understand a foreign concept through western eyes. You try to make it fit with what you already know. The simplicity of the calendar can best be appreciated when you suspend western ideas and get into the numbers. It is so intricate yet so simple. The GMT was devised by coming up with a formula to convert a calendar date to a Julian date and then to our calendar. It is convoluted and defies the simplicity, of course leading to mistakes.

    I and a few others have been trying to explain for years. I usually get flamed, ignored or banned for telling what I know on the internet. A lot of money has been made, not by Mayans over this scam. My only interest is that these lies have been attributed to a noble people and now that the lies are exposed and nothing happened in 2012, people will say the Mayas were wrong. No they weren't. The 2012 merchants were wrong.

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/25/2012 01:25 PM

    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    waiting for more of your research results..................fascinating!

    After I looked through your information, it's an obvious mistake that they (the researchers) overlooked the year 0, which was mistakenly counted in as a full year.

    Makes a lot of sense.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 28780784

    Thank you! More to come soon related to this and Comet ISON that very well could tie in nicely to why the Mayan calendar recycles next year at this time.

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 30794986
    12/25/2012 01:28 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    The comet ison hs no chance of hitting earth sorry

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 30794986
    12/25/2012 01:29 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    The comet ison hs no chance of hitting earth sorry

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/25/2012 01:30 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    The leap year was not needed, because the days started at different times of the day, depending on the ruling cardinal point of the year in question. If it was a year from the east, Ben, the year and all of the days in that year started at sunrise. After 18 Uinals, or solar months of 20 days each, an additional 5 days was added. The last day was extended until noon when the new year Etznab was ushered in. The years from the west started at sunset and the years from the south at midnight. After four years the extra day is accounted for, but not counted as a day. Therefore, according to the Thompson correlation, for every four years of his calculation, there is an error of 1 day. When we are talking about a cycle of more than 5000 years, it is significant.By the end of the cycle, the error is more than 24 solar years.

    Using the Thompson correlation, the end date does not follow the logical sequence and it does not produce a reliable solar calendar date, while the way I am explaining maintains a solid, steady and predictable solar year even after more than 5000 years.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10422385

    Ok, I see what you are saying that for every 4 years the Long Count is off a year, thus in solar years over a 5000 year period it is off by 24 solar years, thus coming up with that 1988 date.

    Again, I have never heard of that theory before ever! You are saying the GMT correlation is off quite a bit. Have you ever emailed this logic and brought it up to other Mayan calendar researchers out there. Maybe email John Major Jenkins and sees what he thinks of that theory?

    To me, right off, it doesn't sound right. I believe the GMT correlation is the most accurate and I can explain more as to why later and put it into simple terms. :)
    Quoting: Revelator Stargate

    The thing is that it is just a calendar for tallying the days and keeping track of time. There is no other significance. The only importance of the 13 baktun cycle is that it marks 1/5 of a full zodiac precession. Any cycle is divided into 5 parts based on the old number system.

    Everybody has just assumed the GMT correlation is right. Nobody really questions it, even when the glaring error of the supposed end date falling in a solar year where the date written cannot occur and the placement of the month is months off is staring them in the face.

    This is what happens when you try to understand a foreign concept through western eyes. You try to make it fit with what you already know. The simplicity of the calendar can best be appreciated when you suspend western ideas and get into the numbers. It is so intricate yet so simple. The GMT was devised by coming up with a formula to convert a calendar date to a Julian date and then to our calendar. It is convoluted and defies the simplicity, of course leading to mistakes.

    I and a few others have been trying to explain for years. I usually get flamed, ignored or banned for telling what I know on the internet. A lot of money has been made, not by Mayans over this scam. My only interest is that these lies have been attributed to a noble people and now that the lies are exposed and nothing happened in 2012, people will say the Mayas were wrong. No they weren't. The 2012 merchants were wrong.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10422385

    Ok, I respect your idea and thoughts on this. I can see what you are saying somewhat. I still don't know how you get to that date to well. It is kind of confusing if you ask me. But anyways, I can show you pretty clearly later why the GMT is correct, and why the calendar ends on Dec. 16th, 2013 and recycles on Dec. 17th, 2013. Supposedly, I am not the only one that has figured this out as I posted earlier on this thread.

    I will make it so clear cut to understand this logic. It might take me time to compile my thoughts and research and lay it out clearly.

    And then you will be able to see so clearly when it is all said and done, why Dec. 21st, 2012 was an obvious lie or complete misconception or a Homer "DOOOHHH" moment, and why Dec. 16th, 2013 is the REAL DEAL!

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/25/2012 01:34 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    The comet ison hs no chance of hitting earth sorry
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 30794986


    But according to some astronomers, it could be the most impressive comet in centuries!

    It is a fairly large, sun grazing comet.

    It could outshine the Moon and be seen even during the day.

    And this is what intrigues me this most if you failed to read over this thread fully.

    Sun-Grazing Comets As Triggers For Electromagnetic Armageddon
    [link to]

    Last Edited by Revelator Stargate on 12/25/2012 01:35 PM

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 30794986
    12/25/2012 01:39 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    So every one who studied the calender like over hundreds of people are wrong but 1 person is right interesting

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/25/2012 02:22 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    So every one who studied the calender like over hundreds of people are wrong but 1 person is right interesting
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 30794986

    Here are the Mayan calendar researchers who studied it and arrived to certain dates and correlations. Out of these, the GMT is the most accurate.



    But the big discrepency is Year 0 was included. Dooh! putin

    Last Edited by Revelator Stargate on 12/25/2012 02:24 PM

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 10422385
    12/25/2012 03:00 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    Only one of those researchers has the solar month right, Ramos. How can the correlation be the more correct if the solar date is not constant?

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/25/2012 03:05 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    Only one of those researchers has the solar month right, Ramos. How can the correlation be the more correct if the solar date is not constant?
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10422385

    Can you please explain how? I am still confused with your dates.

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 10422385
    12/25/2012 03:36 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    The start date is recorded as 8 Cumkhu. This is a solar calendar date, like saying 10th of May to us. We all know that the 10th of May can only happen in May. Not in December, not in July. Only in May.

    The length of the long cycle is 5200 Tun, or 5200 x 360 days. The Tun is not the solar year. The solar year component appears in the old dates as a means to indicate the name of the day, the month and day of the month it falls on, and since a day can only have the same name every 52 years, each day name in a 52 year solar cycle of years is unique and repeats every 52 years.

    The long cycle corresponds to 5128 solar years plus 280 days. Do the math and tell me this is wrong. It isn't.

    For a moment, lets forget about correlations and just use logic and counting. If the start date is 8 Cumkhu, in order to know the name of the day of the month that the end date will occur, we have to count forward in the months 280 days. Which brings us to 3 Kankin, as it is written. Try it and see I am right:

    Starting at 8 Cumkhu we count the remaining 12 days of Cumkhu and since Cumkhu is the last full month of the solar year, we add the 5 Uayeb

    Cumkhu 12
    Uayeb 5
    Pop 20
    Uo 20
    Zip 20
    Zodz 20
    Tzec 20
    Xul 20
    Yaxkin 20
    Mol 20
    Chen 20
    Yax 20
    Zac 20
    Ceh 20
    Mac 20
    Kankin 0, 1, 2

    This brings the new cycle to 3 Kankin, as it should, as it is written in Mayan lands.

    Now this means that likewise, whatever day we chose as a possible start date in a correlation, the end date must correspond to a date 280 days after on the solar calendar. So if the start date was in July, it would mean that the end of cycle could never be in December or any other time but April.

    The people I know don't need correlations because they never stopped counting. That's why by their method they can still know exactly where they are in the solar cycle, they can still predict with accuracy the solar transits of the zenith and nadir, the eclipses and the Venus cycle, while the GMT correlation does none of those things.

    User ID: 5574044
    United States
    12/25/2012 04:03 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    Did you take the Calendar Act of 1751 into account?
    Revelator Stargate (OP)

    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/25/2012 04:04 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    Did you take the Calendar Act of 1751 into account?
    Quoting: Paddy

    Irrelavant to the case.

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/25/2012 04:11 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    The start date is recorded as 8 Cumkhu. This is a solar calendar date, like saying 10th of May to us. We all know that the 10th of May can only happen in May. Not in December, not in July. Only in May.

    The length of the long cycle is 5200 Tun, or 5200 x 360 days. The Tun is not the solar year. The solar year component appears in the old dates as a means to indicate the name of the day, the month and day of the month it falls on, and since a day can only have the same name every 52 years, each day name in a 52 year solar cycle of years is unique and repeats every 52 years.

    The long cycle corresponds to 5128 solar years plus 280 days. Do the math and tell me this is wrong. It isn't.

    For a moment, lets forget about correlations and just use logic and counting. If the start date is 8 Cumkhu, in order to know the name of the day of the month that the end date will occur, we have to count forward in the months 280 days. Which brings us to 3 Kankin, as it is written. Try it and see I am right:

    Starting at 8 Cumkhu we count the remaining 12 days of Cumkhu and since Cumkhu is the last full month of the solar year, we add the 5 Uayeb

    Cumkhu 12
    Uayeb 5
    Pop 20
    Uo 20
    Zip 20
    Zodz 20
    Tzec 20
    Xul 20
    Yaxkin 20
    Mol 20
    Chen 20
    Yax 20
    Zac 20
    Ceh 20
    Mac 20
    Kankin 0, 1, 2

    This brings the new cycle to 3 Kankin, as it should, as it is written in Mayan lands.

    Now this means that likewise, whatever day we chose as a possible start date in a correlation, the end date must correspond to a date 280 days after on the solar calendar. So if the start date was in July, it would mean that the end of cycle could never be in December or any other time but April.

    The people I know don't need correlations because they never stopped counting. That's why by their method they can still know exactly where they are in the solar cycle, they can still predict with accuracy the solar transits of the zenith and nadir, the eclipses and the Venus cycle, while the GMT correlation does none of those things.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10422385

    Ok, it is still pretty confusing what you wrote and explaining it. I mean, this is nowhere to be found in Mayan books or the Internet to understand it more. This is kind of making me think that this whole new Mayan calendar calculation thing you have is like a New Jerusalem Russ calendar.

    The GMT is most accurate when it comes to eclipses, etc. That is how they figured it out.

    Where is 8 Cumkhu recorded anyways in a Mayan glyph? I don't believe there is anything out there, any glyph that shows the Dec. 21st, 2012 date. It was all calculated by the beginning date, and that is how they got to it. Now I have to see if the beginning date of the Mayan calendar has ever been clearly shown in a glyph.

    More to look into related to this, but I am sorry, I am not seeing at all how you are figuring out your calculations to the Mayan Long Count and why you say it ended in 1988 and why it is off by 24 years.

    Does that mean, the Mayan calendar Long Count started 24 years before the beginning date of Aug. 13th, -3114?

    User ID: 30848433
    United States
    12/25/2012 04:14 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    Did you take the Calendar Act of 1751 into account?
    Quoting: Paddy

    Irrelavant to the case.
    Quoting: Revelator Stargate

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 10422385
    12/25/2012 04:22 PM
    Report Abusive Post
    Report Copyright Violation
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    Now for the correlation of the solar year ha'ab with our calendar.

    The start of the calendar was different according to region because a solar calendar has to accurately and reliably predict when to plant, when it will rain, when it won't and in the tropics this changes quite a lot depending on altitude and how close you are to the coast.

    The first day of the solar new year in the Yucatan was celebrated on July 24, which is the day when the sun crosses into the local southern hemisphere (2nd zenith transit).

    The autumn equinox falls on 0 Zodz, the first transit of the nadir and the transit of the Pleiades on the local zenith at midnight happens on November 21, or 0 Yaxkin and the second transit of the nadir happens on 0 Yax. This is important.

    The word Yax means young or green. Yaxkin is green or young sun. During the period between Yaxkin and Yax the sun is farthest from the local midheaven, it has gone to the south, land of the gods to be renewed. Yax happens on Jan. 20th, the name Young means that the sun has been renewed.

    Likewise, the spring equinox falls on 0 Mac, March 21st and the first solar transit of the zenith happens on May 20, or 0 Pax, when the sun crosses into the local northern hemisphere. It isn't a coincidence that all of these important events fall on the first day of the Uinal. It is a very reliable calendar for agriculture, which is the basis of mesoamerican culture.


    User ID: 5574044
    United States
    12/25/2012 04:23 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    Did you take the Calendar Act of 1751 into account?
    Quoting: Paddy
    Irrelavant to the case.
    Quoting: Revelator Stargate

    Agreed that it is not as significant as including an extra year by adding the year zero but still it is just a matter of counting days isn't it?

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 10422385
    12/25/2012 04:25 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    The start date is recorded as 8 Cumkhu. This is a solar calendar date, like saying 10th of May to us. We all know that the 10th of May can only happen in May. Not in December, not in July. Only in May.

    The length of the long cycle is 5200 Tun, or 5200 x 360 days. The Tun is not the solar year. The solar year component appears in the old dates as a means to indicate the name of the day, the month and day of the month it falls on, and since a day can only have the same name every 52 years, each day name in a 52 year solar cycle of years is unique and repeats every 52 years.

    The long cycle corresponds to 5128 solar years plus 280 days. Do the math and tell me this is wrong. It isn't.

    For a moment, lets forget about correlations and just use logic and counting. If the start date is 8 Cumkhu, in order to know the name of the day of the month that the end date will occur, we have to count forward in the months 280 days. Which brings us to 3 Kankin, as it is written. Try it and see I am right:

    Starting at 8 Cumkhu we count the remaining 12 days of Cumkhu and since Cumkhu is the last full month of the solar year, we add the 5 Uayeb

    Cumkhu 12
    Uayeb 5
    Pop 20
    Uo 20
    Zip 20
    Zodz 20
    Tzec 20
    Xul 20
    Yaxkin 20
    Mol 20
    Chen 20
    Yax 20
    Zac 20
    Ceh 20
    Mac 20
    Kankin 0, 1, 2

    This brings the new cycle to 3 Kankin, as it should, as it is written in Mayan lands.

    Now this means that likewise, whatever day we chose as a possible start date in a correlation, the end date must correspond to a date 280 days after on the solar calendar. So if the start date was in July, it would mean that the end of cycle could never be in December or any other time but April.

    The people I know don't need correlations because they never stopped counting. That's why by their method they can still know exactly where they are in the solar cycle, they can still predict with accuracy the solar transits of the zenith and nadir, the eclipses and the Venus cycle, while the GMT correlation does none of those things.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10422385

    Ok, it is still pretty confusing what you wrote and explaining it. I mean, this is nowhere to be found in Mayan books or the Internet to understand it more. This is kind of making me think that this whole new Mayan calendar calculation thing you have is like a New Jerusalem Russ calendar.

    The GMT is most accurate when it comes to eclipses, etc. That is how they figured it out.

    Where is 8 Cumkhu recorded anyways in a Mayan glyph? I don't believe there is anything out there, any glyph that shows the Dec. 21st, 2012 date. It was all calculated by the beginning date, and that is how they got to it. Now I have to see if the beginning date of the Mayan calendar has ever been clearly shown in a glyph.

    More to look into related to this, but I am sorry, I am not seeing at all how you are figuring out your calculations to the Mayan Long Count and why you say it ended in 1988 and why it is off by 24 years.

    Does that mean, the Mayan calendar Long Count started 24 years before the beginning date of Aug. 13th, -3114?
    Quoting: Revelator Stargate

    Lots of places, namely the Dresden Codex. It is written as a ring date in the 9th Baktun, because the ring dates indicate where the solar and tun cycles coincide. This date is also noted in songs and on countless monuments and stele.
    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 10422385
    12/25/2012 04:27 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    Or you could count backwards 280 days from 3 kankin and it will confirm that the start date had to be 8 cumkhu.

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 1028311
    12/25/2012 04:29 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    OP What makes you believe the calendar start date is correct ? TO know when it ends you need to know were it starts this is were you should start do your own research you CAN find the answer

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 10422385
    12/25/2012 04:48 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    OP What makes you believe the calendar start date is correct ? TO know when it ends you need to know were it starts this is were you should start do your own research you CAN find the answer

    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1028311

    What you need to know is the full calendar date for the same event recorded in both ways. With that you can narrow it down. The arrival of Cortes is noted by natives in the old fashion and by the Spaniards in their own, so it really isn't that hard. Honestly folks. Throw out the complicated formulas. It is really very simple, you lose the true amazingness of the calendar when you try to see it through western eyes and adapt it to our less perfect calendar. The inscriptions give us a start date. They give us an end date, and both of these dates include the name of the day and it's placement in the month in course. We know that a day name paired with a solar date can only happen once every 52 years, so it really narrows it down for us. If the end date is 3 Kankin, we know that whatever the year, it will have to be in April during the month of Kankin, 4th day to be precise. From this we can deduce what the year in course was called. In this case, the only year that can have a day named 4 Ahau 3 Kankin is 2 Etznab. We can therefore discard any years that don't fall on 2 Etznab as being possible end date candidates.

    We know that the year that Cortes arrived was 1519/20 which was known to be the year One Ben. The Mayans didn't believe in Quetzalcoatl. He was imposed during the Toltec expansion and the times of the Triple Alliance, but by 1520 the people had abandoned their cities and gone back to their old ways. But the Aztecs did believe in Quetzalcoatl. The year for them was Ce Acatl, One Cane and it was the year that it was prophecied that their god would return. This is the only reason why he was allowed to enter Tenochtitlan. We also know that the year that follows 1 Ben is 2 Etznab, coincidentally the name of the only year that can have a day called 4 Ahau 3 Kankin, the only year where the 13 Baktun cycle can end. So knowing this, the only years where the end date would be possible are the ones I gave in an earlier post. The most recent was 1988. If the timekeepers that held the ceremony were wrong, it only means that it couldn't happen until 2040. All other months besides April are impossible. All other years besides 1936, 1988, 2040 are impossible. Staring everyone right in the face is the proof that the GMT correlation is wrong, but people are so caught up in the convoluted attempts to make this calendar fit their own, and with no real knowledge of Mayan philosophy that the real cool thing about the Mayan calender is lost on them.
    Revelator Stargate (OP)

    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/25/2012 05:27 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    This is an interesting read:

    [link to]

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 1474539
    12/25/2012 05:28 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    OP Excellent work the anwser is within your post the modern what we call myans are believers the calendar builders were knowers
    Revelator Stargate (OP)

    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/25/2012 05:35 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    I am sorry but I am sticking by the tried and true GMT correlation. It has too much support to deny it. Thus, with your dates, and how you think the Mayan calendar is off by 24 years, I am not even going to try to figure out your logic. It is like trying to figure out the New Jerusalem Russ calendar.

    "The Maya and Western calendars are correlated by using a Julian day number (JDN) of the starting date of the current creation – 4 Ajaw, 8 Kumk'u.[n 4] This is referred to as a correlation constant. The generally accepted correlation constant is the Modified Thompson 2, "Goodman, Juan H. Martinez-Hernandez, Thompson" – GMT correlation of 584,283 days.Using the GMT correlation the current creation started on September 6, 3114 BC (Julian) or August 11 in the Proleptic Gregorian calendar. The study of correlating the Maya and western calendar is referred to as the correlation question.[7][8][9][10][11] In Breaking the Maya Code, Michael D. Coe writes: "In spite of oceans of ink that have been spilled on the subject, there now is not the slightest chance that these three scholars (conflated to GMT when talking about the correlation) were not right...".[12]

    The evidence for the GMT correlation is historical, astronomical, and archaeological:

    Historical: Calendar Round dates with a corresponding Julian date are recorded in Diego de Landa's Relación de las cosas de Yucatán, the Chronicle of Oxcutzkab and the books of Chilam Balam. Oxcutzkab and de Landa record a date that is a Tun ending. Regarding these historical references in The Skywatchers Aveni writes: "All the assembled data are consistent with the equation November 2, 1539 = Thus for the GMT, or 11.16 correlation we find that A = 584,283...".[13] The fall of the capital city of the Aztec Empire, Tenochtitlan, occurred on August 13, 1521. A number of different chroniclers wrote that this was a Tzolk'in (Tonalpohualli) of 1 Snake. Post-conquest scholars such as Sahagun and Duran recorded Aztec calendar dates with a calendar date. Many indigenous communities in the Mexican states of Veracruz, Oaxaca and Chiapas[14] and in Guatemala, principally those speaking the Mayan languages Ixil, Mam, Pokomchí, and Quiché, keep the Tzolk'in and in many cases the Haab'.[15] These are all consistent with the GMT correlation.

    Astronomical: Any correct correlation must match the astronomical content of classic inscriptions. The GMT correlation does an excellent job of matching lunar data in the supplementary series.[16] For example: An inscription at the Temple of the Sun at Palenque records that on Long Count there were 26 days completed in a 30 day lunation.[17] This Long Count is also the entry date for the eclipse table of the Dresden Codex[18] [n 5] which gives eclipse seasons when the Moon is near its ascending or descending node and an eclipse is likely to occur. Dates converted using the GMT correlation fall roughly in this eclipse season. The Dresden Codex contains a Venus table which records the heliacal risings of Venus. The GMT correlation agrees with these to within a few days which is as accurately as these could have been observed by the ancient Maya.

    Archaeological: Various items that can be associated with specific Long Count dates have been isotope dated. In 1959 the University of Pennsylvania carbon dated samples from ten wood lintels from Tikal.[27] These were carved with a date equivalent to 741 AD using the GMT correlation. The average carbon date was 746±34 years."

    [link to]


    East side of stela C, Quirigua with the mythical creation date of 13 baktuns, 0 katuns, 0 tuns, 0 uinals, 0 kins, 4 Ahau 8 Cumku - August 11, 3114 BCE in the proleptic Gregorian calendar.

    Last Edited by Revelator Stargate on 12/25/2012 06:27 PM

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 10422385
    12/25/2012 06:16 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    I'll have to tell the timekeepers they have been doing it wrong all these years and that they should check out Wikepedia. ROFLMAO!! I think the OP and most of the researchers have too much invested in their attempts to make this calendar fit with their own that they resist logic and simplicity. You have to understand that the cycles that make up different instances of the calendar are very predictable and constant. The GMT calculation counts days that were absorbed by the practice of extending the last day of a solar year by one quarter of a day. This is why a date that should be in April occurs in December using the GMT correlation. If you forget about the GMT and other similar formulas, if you actually sit down and work it out based on the fact that a solar calendar follows the same solar cycle as the one we use, it's just partitioned differently, then we can easily find the correlation. Anyways, I have said enough and it's falling on deaf ears because so few want truth, they prefer to show off what they think they know.
    Revelator Stargate (OP)

    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/25/2012 06:24 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    I'll have to tell the timekeepers they have been doing it wrong all these years and that they should check out Wikepedia. ROFLMAO!! I think the OP and most of the researchers have too much invested in their attempts to make this calendar fit with their own that they resist logic and simplicity. You have to understand that the cycles that make up different instances of the calendar are very predictable and constant. The GMT calculation counts days that were absorbed by the practice of extending the last day of a solar year by one quarter of a day. This is why a date that should be in April occurs in December using the GMT correlation. If you forget about the GMT and other similar formulas, if you actually sit down and work it out based on the fact that a solar calendar follows the same solar cycle as the one we use, it's just partitioned differently, then we can easily find the correlation. Anyways, I have said enough and it's falling on deaf ears because so few want truth, they prefer to show off what they think they know.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10422385

    I am not going to argue. You have your own theory as to whatever it is.

    Calleman, Jenkins, Stray, Coe, etc. etc. all consider GMT as the correct correlation.

    And the GMT correlation was agreed upon three people that had numerous experience and expertise in calendars, archeology, and astronomy. So it is hard to argue there. But where I am saying they are wrong figuring out the end date was they included year 0, which shouldn't have been done. As to why they did that, I have no idea.

    But I can cleary show later, why Dec. 16th, 2013 adds up perfectly. And if you can't see the logic behind it, than I am sorry.

    Last Edited by Revelator Stargate on 12/26/2012 02:19 AM

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/25/2012 06:29 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    I'll have to tell the timekeepers they have been doing it wrong all these years and that they should check out Wikepedia. ROFLMAO!! I think the OP and most of the researchers have too much invested in their attempts to make this calendar fit with their own that they resist logic and simplicity. You have to understand that the cycles that make up different instances of the calendar are very predictable and constant. The GMT calculation counts days that were absorbed by the practice of extending the last day of a solar year by one quarter of a day. This is why a date that should be in April occurs in December using the GMT correlation. If you forget about the GMT and other similar formulas, if you actually sit down and work it out based on the fact that a solar calendar follows the same solar cycle as the one we use, it's just partitioned differently, then we can easily find the correlation. Anyways, I have said enough and it's falling on deaf ears because so few want truth, they prefer to show off what they think they know.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10422385

    Let me ask, do you agree that August 11, 3114 BC was the beginning of the Long count calendar?

    Last Edited by Revelator Stargate on 12/25/2012 06:30 PM

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 10422385
    12/25/2012 06:33 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    I'll have to tell the timekeepers they have been doing it wrong all these years and that they should check out Wikepedia. ROFLMAO!! I think the OP and most of the researchers have too much invested in their attempts to make this calendar fit with their own that they resist logic and simplicity. You have to understand that the cycles that make up different instances of the calendar are very predictable and constant. The GMT calculation counts days that were absorbed by the practice of extending the last day of a solar year by one quarter of a day. This is why a date that should be in April occurs in December using the GMT correlation. If you forget about the GMT and other similar formulas, if you actually sit down and work it out based on the fact that a solar calendar follows the same solar cycle as the one we use, it's just partitioned differently, then we can easily find the correlation. Anyways, I have said enough and it's falling on deaf ears because so few want truth, they prefer to show off what they think they know.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10422385

    Let me ask, do you agree that August 11, 3114 BC was the beginning of the Long count calendar?
    Quoting: Revelator Stargate

    No, I don't agree. 8 Cumkhu is the same as July 7th, and the year is 3140 BC.


    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    there is NO DOUBT WHATSOEVER the Mayans witnessed amazing sights, and experienced civilisation ending events.

    if we are 1 5200th out in our calculations, or in other words, if ONE year was missed out somehow, next year could well be it

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/25/2012 06:52 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    I'll have to tell the timekeepers they have been doing it wrong all these years and that they should check out Wikepedia. ROFLMAO!! I think the OP and most of the researchers have too much invested in their attempts to make this calendar fit with their own that they resist logic and simplicity. You have to understand that the cycles that make up different instances of the calendar are very predictable and constant. The GMT calculation counts days that were absorbed by the practice of extending the last day of a solar year by one quarter of a day. This is why a date that should be in April occurs in December using the GMT correlation. If you forget about the GMT and other similar formulas, if you actually sit down and work it out based on the fact that a solar calendar follows the same solar cycle as the one we use, it's just partitioned differently, then we can easily find the correlation. Anyways, I have said enough and it's falling on deaf ears because so few want truth, they prefer to show off what they think they know.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10422385

    Let me ask, do you agree that August 11, 3114 BC was the beginning of the Long count calendar?
    Quoting: Revelator Stargate

    No, I don't agree. 8 Cumkhu is the same as July 7th, and the year is 3140 BC.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10422385

    This is the calendar convertor tool.

    [link to]

    What you have to understand that in order for the cycle to be complete. The Long Count has to be at the end of its cycle, the Tzolkin has to be at the end of its cycle, and the Haab has to be at the end of its cycle. It is like the gears have to be perfectly in tuned. December 21st, 2012 didn't have all 3 gears perfectly interlocked thus it fails.

    This should explain it well.

    Last Edited by Revelator Stargate on 12/25/2012 06:56 PM

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 10422385
    12/25/2012 07:01 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    I'll have to tell the timekeepers they have been doing it wrong all these years and that they should check out Wikepedia. ROFLMAO!! I think the OP and most of the researchers have too much invested in their attempts to make this calendar fit with their own that they resist logic and simplicity. You have to understand that the cycles that make up different instances of the calendar are very predictable and constant. The GMT calculation counts days that were absorbed by the practice of extending the last day of a solar year by one quarter of a day. This is why a date that should be in April occurs in December using the GMT correlation. If you forget about the GMT and other similar formulas, if you actually sit down and work it out based on the fact that a solar calendar follows the same solar cycle as the one we use, it's just partitioned differently, then we can easily find the correlation. Anyways, I have said enough and it's falling on deaf ears because so few want truth, they prefer to show off what they think they know.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10422385

    Let me ask, do you agree that August 11, 3114 BC was the beginning of the Long count calendar?
    Quoting: Revelator Stargate

    No, I don't agree. 8 Cumkhu is the same as July 7th, and the year is 3140 BC.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10422385

    This is the calendar convertor tool.

    [link to]

    What you have to understand that in order for the cycle to be complete. The Long Count has to be at the end of its cycle, the Tzolkin has to be at the end of its cycle, and the Haab has to be at the end of its cycle. It is like the gears have to be perfectly in tuned. December 21st, 2012 didn't have all 3 gears perfectly interlocked thus it fails.
    Quoting: Revelator Stargate

    No it doesn't. How do you explain that a solar calendar from a supposedly advanced civilization doesn't accurately predict when a month occurs?

    As for the order of Katuns, you have it wrong. Very wrong.

    The order is as follows:

    4 Ahau
    2 Ahau
    13 Ahau
    11 Ahau
    9 Ahau
    7 Ahau
    5 Ahau
    3 Ahau
    1 Ahau
    12 Ahau
    10 Ahau
    8 Ahau
    6 Ahau

    4 Ahau

    The name of the Katun is taken from the name of the day that the renewal occurs. It will always be Ahau and it will always follow the above sequence in order. It counts out 7200 days.

    Do the counting and you will see that I am right.
    Revelator Stargate (OP)

    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/25/2012 07:18 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    Let me ask, do you agree that August 11, 3114 BC was the beginning of the Long count calendar?
    Quoting: Revelator Stargate

    No, I don't agree. 8 Cumkhu is the same as July 7th, and the year is 3140 BC.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10422385

    This is the calendar convertor tool.

    [link to]

    What you have to understand that in order for the cycle to be complete. The Long Count has to be at the end of its cycle, the Tzolkin has to be at the end of its cycle, and the Haab has to be at the end of its cycle. It is like the gears have to be perfectly in tuned. December 21st, 2012 didn't have all 3 gears perfectly interlocked thus it fails.
    Quoting: Revelator Stargate

    No it doesn't. How do you explain that a solar calendar from a supposedly advanced civilization doesn't accurately predict when a month occurs?

    As for the order of Katuns, you have it wrong. Very wrong.

    The order is as follows:

    4 Ahau
    2 Ahau
    13 Ahau
    11 Ahau
    9 Ahau
    7 Ahau
    5 Ahau
    3 Ahau
    1 Ahau
    12 Ahau
    10 Ahau
    8 Ahau
    6 Ahau

    4 Ahau

    The name of the Katun is taken from the name of the day that the renewal occurs. It will always be Ahau and it will always follow the above sequence in order. It counts out 7200 days.

    Do the counting and you will see that I am right.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10422385

    Ah ha! I see how you are miscalculating it wrong. I did the same thing 3 years ago when I was trying to figure it out. You start counting the katuns beginning at 13 Ahau, and then so on.

    I will clearly show you why this is the case later.

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 10422385
    12/25/2012 07:25 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    No, I don't agree. 8 Cumkhu is the same as July 7th, and the year is 3140 BC.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10422385

    This is the calendar convertor tool.

    [link to]

    What you have to understand that in order for the cycle to be complete. The Long Count has to be at the end of its cycle, the Tzolkin has to be at the end of its cycle, and the Haab has to be at the end of its cycle. It is like the gears have to be perfectly in tuned. December 21st, 2012 didn't have all 3 gears perfectly interlocked thus it fails.
    Quoting: Revelator Stargate

    No it doesn't. How do you explain that a solar calendar from a supposedly advanced civilization doesn't accurately predict when a month occurs?

    As for the order of Katuns, you have it wrong. Very wrong.

    The order is as follows:

    4 Ahau
    2 Ahau
    13 Ahau
    11 Ahau
    9 Ahau
    7 Ahau
    5 Ahau
    3 Ahau
    1 Ahau
    12 Ahau
    10 Ahau
    8 Ahau
    6 Ahau

    4 Ahau

    The name of the Katun is taken from the name of the day that the renewal occurs. It will always be Ahau and it will always follow the above sequence in order. It counts out 7200 days.

    Do the counting and you will see that I am right.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10422385

    Ah ha! I see how you are miscalculating it wrong. I did the same thing 3 years ago when I was trying to figure it out. You start counting the katuns beginning at 13 Ahau, and then so on.

    I will clearly show you why this is the case later.
    Quoting: Revelator Stargate

    No, the start date is 4 Ahau and the end date is also 4 Ahau. Listen OP. I don't need calendar calculators and correlation formulas. The calendar has continued to be counted in a place I will not name since the Mayas abandoned their cities. Nobody ever asked the people that actually know. All of the people that say they know on the internet are white, westerners and do not speak any Mayan. And when someone like me tries to share this unadalterated knowledge, it is brushed off. Paternalistic colonial attitudes still going strong in the 21st century.

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/25/2012 07:33 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    This is the calendar convertor tool.

    [link to]

    What you have to understand that in order for the cycle to be complete. The Long Count has to be at the end of its cycle, the Tzolkin has to be at the end of its cycle, and the Haab has to be at the end of its cycle. It is like the gears have to be perfectly in tuned. December 21st, 2012 didn't have all 3 gears perfectly interlocked thus it fails.
    Quoting: Revelator Stargate

    No it doesn't. How do you explain that a solar calendar from a supposedly advanced civilization doesn't accurately predict when a month occurs?

    As for the order of Katuns, you have it wrong. Very wrong.

    The order is as follows:

    4 Ahau
    2 Ahau
    13 Ahau
    11 Ahau
    9 Ahau
    7 Ahau
    5 Ahau
    3 Ahau
    1 Ahau
    12 Ahau
    10 Ahau
    8 Ahau
    6 Ahau

    4 Ahau

    The name of the Katun is taken from the name of the day that the renewal occurs. It will always be Ahau and it will always follow the above sequence in order. It counts out 7200 days.

    Do the counting and you will see that I am right.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10422385

    Ah ha! I see how you are miscalculating it wrong. I did the same thing 3 years ago when I was trying to figure it out. You start counting the katuns beginning at 13 Ahau, and then so on.

    I will clearly show you why this is the case later.
    Quoting: Revelator Stargate

    No, the start date is 4 Ahau and the end date is also 4 Ahau. Listen OP. I don't need calendar calculators and correlation formulas. The calendar has continued to be counted in a place I will not name since the Mayas abandoned their cities. Nobody ever asked the people that actually know. All of the people that say they know on the internet are white, westerners and do not speak any Mayan. And when someone like me tries to share this unadalterated knowledge, it is brushed off. Paternalistic colonial attitudes still going strong in the 21st century.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10422385

    You are clearly not getting it. Yes, the beginning of the calendar started on a 4 Ahau.

    What I am doing is that you have to truly begin the calendar at year 1, not year 0. Um do we count the Gregorian calendar with a year 0? No! There is no such thing as a year 0. Pretty common logic right? So why do the Mayan calendar researchers included year 0 in their calculations? Doesn't make any sense at all!

    So year 1 or is

    August 5th -3112 B.C. (13 Ahau)

    And thus we begin to start counting the baktuns and katuns at year 1, not year 0, even though true zero in the Mayan Long Count is a 4 Ahau.

    Do you still not understand?

    Last Edited by Revelator Stargate on 12/25/2012 07:36 PM


    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 10422385
    12/25/2012 09:39 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    Yes, I know what you are saying, but you are not understanding what I am saying. My point is that your approach is wrong. You are trying to make a calendar system that is based on a vigesimal number system and which produced a very accurate calendar for people living in the tropics obey our imperfect calendar, which is suited to latitudes 30 - 45 and uses a different number system. This unduly complicates matters and you start missing the intricate details that emerge when you crunch the numbers. The only way to disprove what I say is do the exercises, don't depend on someone elses formulas and correlation engines. It looks to me like you don't want to do the work and prefer to carry on down a path away from real knowledge. I don't want to piss on your thread anymore, but I have left more than enough information for people to do the counting and follow the logic to confirm or debunk what I claim.

    All you apparently have is a correlation written by two guys that sacked and raided treasures from our communities and a bunch of internet "experts", none of them Mayan and Wikepedia. Any work you do based on that will not lead you to the right answer, because your approach is flawed.

    I have seen it in action where it never stopped being calculated and know it works, have tested it in the places it was invented. You will never convince me, because I have been where you are on the path to learning. I read lots, and then tested the theories where they were used and found out that those correlations are wrong. It was later confirmed that I was right by the people that have kept the count going. I didn't just assume those correlations and I did the work and proved to myself that 2012 or any correlation that ends in December is wrong, I was able to let go of what I thought I knew and learned something new and stunningly intricate and simple.

    I hope you sell lots of books to others that can't let go. Nice to see people can still make a buck off of us injuns

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/25/2012 09:51 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    Yes, I know what you are saying, but you are not understanding what I am saying. My point is that your approach is wrong. You are trying to make a calendar system that is based on a vigesimal number system and which produced a very accurate calendar for people living in the tropics obey our imperfect calendar, which is suited to latitudes 30 - 45 and uses a different number system. This unduly complicates matters and you start missing the intricate details that emerge when you crunch the numbers. The only way to disprove what I say is do the exercises, don't depend on someone elses formulas and correlation engines. It looks to me like you don't want to do the work and prefer to carry on down a path away from real knowledge. I don't want to piss on your thread anymore, but I have left more than enough information for people to do the counting and follow the logic to confirm or debunk what I claim.

    All you apparently have is a correlation written by two guys that sacked and raided treasures from our communities and a bunch of internet "experts", none of them Mayan and Wikepedia. Any work you do based on that will not lead you to the right answer, because your approach is flawed.

    I have seen it in action where it never stopped being calculated and know it works, have tested it in the places it was invented. You will never convince me, because I have been where you are on the path to learning. I read lots, and then tested the theories where they were used and found out that those correlations are wrong. It was later confirmed that I was right by the people that have kept the count going. I didn't just assume those correlations and I did the work and proved to myself that 2012 or any correlation that ends in December is wrong, I was able to let go of what I thought I knew and learned something new and stunningly intricate and simple.

    I hope you sell lots of books to others that can't let go. Nice to see people can still make a buck off of us injuns
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10422385

    I still don't know how you arrived to 3140 BC for the Long Count beginning or 1988 as being the end of the Long Count cycle or who came up with that. I don't see your theory anywhere on the Internet or correlations that I can figure out. I would at least see some sort of information about that in the vast Internet world related to your dates but I don't ANYWHERE. hmmm You said that not many Mayan actually know about this calendar cycle but only a select few. That tells me something right there!

    If you want to believe in your correlations ,which is so confusing to understand, than go for it, that is fine by me. I can't convince you and I don't care for that matter, and no I am not going to write some book. All my research is free of charge. :)

    I am sticking to the tried and true GMT correlation, which appears to be the most accurate than any other correlations. These people who came up with the GMT were experts in calenderics, astronomy, and archeology. Sure, there are some to this day, that still think the GMT correlation is off. Well i can understand why, because things don't add up because zero year was included in the calculation, which messes everything up, especially when it comes to figuring out katun cycles.

    And regardless of what day YOUR Mayan calendar falls on and ends, it must be at the end of the 13th Long Count, the end of the 13th Tzolkin month, and the end of the 20th sacred Haab day for it to work.

    Again, I will show you the calculations more in depth later but at this point you probably don't even care. :)

    Last Edited by Revelator Stargate on 12/26/2012 02:11 AM

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 10422385
    12/25/2012 10:10 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    The tried and true GMT correlation that gives you a solar calendar date that desynchronizes from the solar cycle by one day every 4 years. It's like saying that next year the day named Tuesday March 4th will happen on August 28th of 2022. That would make no sense at all, just like your argument doesn't make any sense at all.

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/25/2012 10:18 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    The tried and true GMT correlation that gives you a solar calendar date that desynchronizes from the solar cycle by one day every 4 years. It's like saying that next year the day named Tuesday March 4th will happen on August 28th of 2022. That would make no sense at all, just like your argument doesn't make any sense at all.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10422385

    It is not my agruement. You are disagreeing with everyone that helped calculate the Gregorian and Julian calendars and the experts that figured out that GMT correlation. You are argueing with them, not me.

    Again, no where to be found on the Internet is your theory about how the GMT correlation desynchronizes from the solar cycle every 4 years or the Mayan calendar beginning in -3140 BC and ending in 1988 AD. Do you know who New Jerusalem Russ is? LOL

    Hey, at least my end date of Dec. 16th, 2013 was figured out by someone else too a few year ago, and I think they figured it out in a completely different way than me. :)

    Last Edited by Revelator Stargate on 12/25/2012 10:18 PM

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 10422385
    12/25/2012 10:54 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    So essentially you are saying that the real Mayans who have kept the count all these years are wrong, and the westerners that don't know the language, the history and the philosophical connotations of the symbols know better. At least the people I know can use the calendar to predict when the seasons will occur, and not have a month called by a name that represents the concept of the driest time of the year (Kankin, yellow or old sun) happening in December instead of April.

    I will let them know they are wrong and all of the timekeepers since the end of the Triple Alliance have been wrong too. They will get a good laugh at you.
    Revelator Stargate (OP)

    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/25/2012 10:59 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    So essentially you are saying that the real Mayans who have kept the count all these years are wrong, and the westerners that don't know the language, the history and the philosophical connotations of the symbols know better. At least the people I know can use the calendar to predict when the seasons will occur, and not have a month called by a name that represents the concept of the driest time of the year (Kankin, yellow or old sun) happening in December instead of April.

    I will let them know they are wrong and all of the timekeepers since the end of the Triple Alliance have been wrong too. They will get a good laugh at you.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10422385

    Laugh at not me but all of the ones who came up with the GMT correlation, Julian calendar calculations and Gregorian.

    Even you said only a select few Mayans know what kind of calendar you have or are talking about. Sounds like you are the Mayan New Jerusalem Russ to me.

    I only laugh at how they included year 0 in their calculations.

    Last Edited by Revelator Stargate on 12/25/2012 11:00 PM

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/25/2012 11:57 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    It has NOW been revealed!

    Thread: Comet ISON C/2012 S1 is bolon yokte of the mayans

    Thread: Get ready for a super comet

    Thread: Daylight Comet coming SOON

    Comet ISON Will Be Visible During The Day,Discoverers Announce

    [link to]


    Quatrain II.46
    After great misery for mankind an even greater one approaches, when the great cycle of the centuries is renewed. It will rain blood, milk, famine, war and disease. In the sky will be seen a fire, dragging a tail of sparks.

    (When is the great cycle of centuries renewed as described above? Yup, Dec. 16th, 2013 of the Mayan Long Count calendar).

    Quatrain II.41
    The great star for seven days will burn, The cloud will cause two suns to appear: The big mastiff all night will howl, When the great pontiff changes countries.

    [link to]

    Sun-Grazing Comets As Triggers For Electromagnetic Armageddon

    [link to]

    Last Edited by Revelator Stargate on 12/26/2012 02:09 AM

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/26/2012 01:29 AM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    Again, just read this:

    [link to]

    Interesting isn't it that this woman, whom I am going to email soon to discuss my same discovery got to the same end and cycle Mayan Long Calendar date as I did, and apparently she came up with it in an entirely different way than me?

    It is quite chilling.

    Last Edited by Revelator Stargate on 12/26/2012 01:39 AM

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/26/2012 01:44 AM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    Last Edited by Revelator Stargate on 12/26/2012 01:46 AM

    User ID: 30848433
    United States
    12/26/2012 07:13 AM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    What will you do if it turns out that the world doesn't end when you think it does? Will you admit that everything you've said has been bogus?

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 10422385
    12/26/2012 07:22 AM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    Well, waste your time defiling a very simple time counting mechanism. I thought you might be open to the real thing, but you aren't. I am not the only person that says this, but they don't have websites or youtube videos and they don't speak English. Some of them don't even have electricity. If you read Spanish, try reading Bolio. He is one of the best. He actually speaks Mayan and has lived among Mayan speaking peoples for a long time. He also hasn't done anything dickhead to pervert the traditions. There are also some archives in the university in the western Yucatan by Miguel Espinosa V. also in Spanish. They may be hard to find. Problem is, that nobody wants to listen to the descendants unless we dress in funny pseudo Mayan clothes and call ourselves Mayan sounding names. If we can play a flute and drum, even better. But if you want real knowledge, ask a whitie like Calleman. Anyone who isn't too lazy to turn off youtube and use the information I have left can explore what I have said by doing the counting. I will leave the OP to his grand delusion.

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 23852739
    12/26/2012 08:02 AM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    Well, waste your time defiling a very simple time counting mechanism. I thought you might be open to the real thing, but you aren't. I am not the only person that says this, but they don't have websites or youtube videos and they don't speak English. Some of them don't even have electricity. If you read Spanish, try reading Bolio. He is one of the best. He actually speaks Mayan and has lived among Mayan speaking peoples for a long time. He also hasn't done anything dickhead to pervert the traditions. There are also some archives in the university in the western Yucatan by Miguel Espinosa V. also in Spanish. They may be hard to find. Problem is, that nobody wants to listen to the descendants unless we dress in funny pseudo Mayan clothes and call ourselves Mayan sounding names. If we can play a flute and drum, even better. But if you want real knowledge, ask a whitie like Calleman. Anyone who isn't too lazy to turn off youtube and use the information I have left can explore what I have said by doing the counting. I will leave the OP to his grand delusion.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10422385



    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    What will you do if it turns out that the world doesn't end when you think it does? Will you admit that everything you've said has been bogus?
    Quoting: Questioner 30848433

    Lets hope the GLP effect saves the day yet again!

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 30177801
    United States
    12/26/2012 12:35 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    Done with the Mayan calendar bull. Move on
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 30669939
    it was a grand scam. maya means illusion in hindu.

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 28997387
    United States
    12/26/2012 12:45 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    Well, waste your time defiling a very simple time counting mechanism. I thought you might be open to the real thing, but you aren't. I am not the only person that says this, but they don't have websites or youtube videos and they don't speak English. Some of them don't even have electricity. If you read Spanish, try reading Bolio. He is one of the best. He actually speaks Mayan and has lived among Mayan speaking peoples for a long time. He also hasn't done anything dickhead to pervert the traditions. There are also some archives in the university in the western Yucatan by Miguel Espinosa V. also in Spanish. They may be hard to find. Problem is, that nobody wants to listen to the descendants unless we dress in funny pseudo Mayan clothes and call ourselves Mayan sounding names. If we can play a flute and drum, even better. But if you want real knowledge, ask a whitie like Calleman. Anyone who isn't too lazy to turn off youtube and use the information I have left can explore what I have said by doing the counting. I will leave the OP to his grand delusion.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10422385

    I would suggest you start your own thread about your Mayan calendar beginning and end dates and clearly explain it because at this point now it is very confusing and it almost gives you a headache trying to understand it. Like you said, please stop "pissing" on my thread and theory!. Thanks!

    This thread is not about try to debate whether the GMT correlation is right or not.

    Read this:

    [link to]

    [link to]

    End of story!

    Last Edited by Revelator Stargate on 12/26/2012 03:05 PM

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 9595622
    United States
    12/26/2012 01:44 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    So reading all this, let me paraphrase:

    OP: I'm so great! Look at my awesome theory nobody can debunk!

    AC: Uhh, I talk to mayans who've kept the count going and you're wrong.

    OP: I'm not wrong! The other people who came up with the basis of my theory would have to be wrong so complain to them!

    We get the "year 0" thing.

    Still not sure why you're trying to tie Nostradamus "end of the world" predictions to the Mayan calendar?

    That's like tying when the next earthquake will happen because we have a December 31st.

    Nostradamus? Sure.
    Comet Ison? Sure.
    Blue Kachina? Sure.

    But none of this is Mayan. Please think about how you're insulting the Mayan culture by tying "end of great cycle" with "Armageddon" based off some internet research that the Mayans themselves don't contribute to.

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 29012348
    United States
    12/26/2012 02:50 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    So reading all this, let me paraphrase:

    OP: I'm so great! Look at my awesome theory nobody can debunk!

    AC: Uhh, I talk to mayans who've kept the count going and you're wrong.

    OP: I'm not wrong! The other people who came up with the basis of my theory would have to be wrong so complain to them!

    We get the "year 0" thing.

    Still not sure why you're trying to tie Nostradamus "end of the world" predictions to the Mayan calendar?

    That's like tying when the next earthquake will happen because we have a December 31st.

    Nostradamus? Sure.
    Comet Ison? Sure.
    Blue Kachina? Sure.

    But none of this is Mayan. Please think about how you're insulting the Mayan culture by tying "end of great cycle" with "Armageddon" based off some internet research that the Mayans themselves don't contribute to.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 9595622

    I am very confident in my theory and the numbers don't lie. I will be happy to show you more of the calculations soon.

    Very good you actually get "year zero" I am trying to explain. But you obviously don't get multi contextual analysis and building a solid theory around it. Nor do you get what speculation is. This is a conspiracy site right?

    The Book of Chilam Balam eludes to certain things happening that seem pretty doomy!

    Again, this is speculation and a theory as to what can happen at the end of the Mayan Long Count cycle. Get it?

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/26/2012 11:27 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    20 kins equal 1 uinal or 20 days
    18 uinals equal 1 tun or 360 days
    20 tuns equal 1 katun or 7,200 days
    20 katuns equal 1 baktun or 144,000 days

    [link to]

    Dec. 16th, 2013 minus 1,872,000 days or 144,000 days x 13 baktun cycles = August 5th -3113 B.C.(13 Ahau) All 13 katuns completed!

    Dec. 16th, 2013 minus 93,600 days or 7,200 days x 13 cycle katuns = Sept. 9th, 1757 (13 Ahau) All 13 Katuns completed!

    Dec. 16th, 2013 minus 4680 days or 360 days x 13 cycle tuns = Feb. 22nd, 2001 (13 Ahau) All 13 Tuns completed!

    Dec. 16th, 2013 minus 260 days or 20 days x 13 cycle uinals = March 31st, 2013 (13 Ahau) All 13 Uinals completed!

    You see, all the gears rotate perfectly this way. It can't be done if you compute it by Dec. 21st, 2012

    Last Edited by Revelator Stargate on 12/26/2012 11:59 PM

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/27/2012 12:11 AM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    Maximum completion when it reaches like for Dec. 16th, 2013 NOT MAXIMUM COMPLETION when it reads

    Again, 13 divided by end of maximum completion of 20 number days = ~.618 Phi!

    The Ahaus Lining Up to 13 Ahau Completion on Dec. 16th, 2013 by the 13 baktuns or 144,000 days for each baktun.

    Dec 16th, 2013 (13 Ahau)

    144,000 days earlier...

    Sept. 13th, 1619 (1 Ahau)

    144,000 days earlier and so on...

    June 10th, 1225 (2 Ahau)

    March 8th, 831 (3 Ahau)

    Dec. 3rd, 436 (4 Ahau)

    Aug. 31st 42 (5 Ahau)

    May 28th, -352 B.C. (6 Ahau)

    Feb. 23rd -746 B.C. (7 Ahau)

    Nov. 21st -1141 B.C. (8 Ahau)

    Aug. 18th -1535 B.C. (9 Ahau)

    May 16th -1929 B.C. (10 Ahau)

    Feb. 10th -2323 B.C. (11 Ahau)

    Nov. 8th -2718 B.C. (12 Ahau)

    August 5th -3112 B.C. (13 Ahau) (YEAR 1)

    Aug. 11th, -3113 B.C. (4 Ahau) (ZERO YEAR)

    You can see then when it starts on August 5th, -3112 B.C. (13 Ahau) and you go baktun by baktun (144,000 days each) it goes up the ladder perfectly. 13 Ahau, 12 Ahau, 11 Ahau, 10 Ahau, and so on, until it reaches 13 cycle baktun completion on Dec. 16th, 2013 and 13 Ahau, It doesn’t equate if you compute it with the base of Dec. 21st, 2012 as shown below:

    Dec 21st, 2012 (4 Ahau)

    Sept. 18th, 1618 (5 Ahau)

    June 15th, 1224 (6 Ahau)

    March 13th, 830 (7 Ahau)

    Dec. 9th, 435 (8 Ahau)

    Sept. 5th, 41 (9 Ahau)

    June 3rd, -353 B.C. (10 Ahau)

    Feb. 28th -747 B.C. (11 Ahau)

    Nov. 26th -1142 B.C. (12 Ahau)

    Aug. 23rd -1536 B.C. (13 Ahau)

    May 21st -1930 B.C. (1 Ahau)

    Feb. 16th -2324 B.C. (2 Ahau)

    Nov. 13th -2719 B.C. (3 Ahau)

    August 5th -3112 B.C. (13 Ahau) (YEAR 1)

    Aug. 11th, -3113 B.C. (4 Ahau) (ZERO YEAR)

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/27/2012 01:30 AM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    Just saw this on the Drudge Report now.

    'Brighter than a full moon': The biggest star of 2013... could be the comet of the century
    A comet discovered by two Russian astronomers will be visible from Earth next year. Get ready for a once-in-a lifetime light show, says David Whitehouse

    [link to]

    Revelator Stargate (OP)

    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/27/2012 01:57 AM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    Looks like I am not the only one who is clearly beginning to see the connections. DOOM ON!

    Written by Jim Mccanney

    "November 05, 2012 posting ... i am not a great Nostradamus Quatrain fan however the following is interesting ... this just in from a fan ... Nostradamus predicts that two events will be concurrent ... the entrance of a great comet into the solar system from cancer at the same time as the death of a pope ... we already have a great comet from cancer which is C/2012/S1 ... now if the Pope dies this signifies according to Nostradamus a time of great tribulation for earth ... here is QIV.6 mouse copied from the internet follows ...

    There will appear towards the North
    Not far from Cancer the bearded star:
    Susa, Siena, Boeotia, Eretria,
    The great one of Rome will die, the night over.

    November 03, 2012 posting ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW i was just working on the orbit of comet C/2012/S1 and an AMAZING alignment is in the brewing IF the comet survives the mars passage unaltered (next october) and the solar encounter a year from now ... starting around january 8th of 2014 to january 14, 2014 there is a quadruple whammmmmmy of an alignment that involves earth !!!! we have Venus at inferior conjunction with earth AND the new moon passing AND none other than Jupiter the big guy ALL ALIGNED electrically with the moon coming out of the blocking position and in what i call "the new moon passing" ... this is getting real interesting ... the comet will be in the clear night sky and we will be looking directly at its nose and we may get to see some real fireworks along with seeing what the ancients saw ... lightning bolts across the heavens with the earth in the middle and we may witness first hand what in the moses event they called the RED HAND OF DEATH ... just prior to this we will get a bird's eye broadside view of the comet and it may be interacting with earth at some of these points in time ... more information soon ... keep posted ... OOOOPS ... i just have to add another factor that is making this all the more interesting ... the solar maximum will be at its peak !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! get ready folks ... and just remember one little detail ... the bankers and their secret new world order plans CANNOT DO A THING ABOUT THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! although they will be working feverishly to come out of this with full control ... their only option will be to create major chaos around the world including major wars ... are the prophesies coming true ???"

    [link to]

    Last Edited by Revelator Stargate on 12/27/2012 01:58 AM

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 30939391
    12/27/2012 02:19 AM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    20 kins equal 1 uinal or 20 days
    18 uinals equal 1 tun or 360 days
    20 tuns equal 1 katun or 7,200 days
    20 katuns equal 1 baktun or 144,000 days

    [link to]

    Dec. 16th, 2013 minus 1,872,000 days or 144,000 days x 13 baktun cycles = August 5th -3113 B.C.(13 Ahau) All 13 katuns completed!

    Dec. 16th, 2013 minus 93,600 days or 7,200 days x 13 cycle katuns = Sept. 9th, 1757 (13 Ahau) All 13 Katuns completed!

    Dec. 16th, 2013 minus 4680 days or 360 days x 13 cycle tuns = Feb. 22nd, 2001 (13 Ahau) All 13 Tuns completed!

    Dec. 16th, 2013 minus 260 days or 20 days x 13 cycle uinals = March 31st, 2013 (13 Ahau) All 13 Uinals completed!

    You see, all the gears rotate perfectly this way. It can't be done if you compute it by Dec. 21st, 2012
    Quoting: Revelator Stargate

    Ok, but they add 5 more days without names to make 365 days year.

    User ID: 18270639
    United States
    12/27/2012 02:21 AM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012



    Revelator Stargate (OP)

    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/27/2012 02:25 AM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    20 kins equal 1 uinal or 20 days
    18 uinals equal 1 tun or 360 days
    20 tuns equal 1 katun or 7,200 days
    20 katuns equal 1 baktun or 144,000 days

    [link to]

    Dec. 16th, 2013 minus 1,872,000 days or 144,000 days x 13 baktun cycles = August 5th -3113 B.C.(13 Ahau) All 13 katuns completed!

    Dec. 16th, 2013 minus 93,600 days or 7,200 days x 13 cycle katuns = Sept. 9th, 1757 (13 Ahau) All 13 Katuns completed!

    Dec. 16th, 2013 minus 4680 days or 360 days x 13 cycle tuns = Feb. 22nd, 2001 (13 Ahau) All 13 Tuns completed!

    Dec. 16th, 2013 minus 260 days or 20 days x 13 cycle uinals = March 31st, 2013 (13 Ahau) All 13 Uinals completed!

    You see, all the gears rotate perfectly this way. It can't be done if you compute it by Dec. 21st, 2012
    Quoting: Revelator Stargate

    Ok, but they add 5 more days without names to make 365 days year.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 30939391

    No they don't. 360 tun cycle. They take out 5 days.

    Quiet Revolution
    User ID: 30305908
    12/27/2012 05:01 AM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    The Super Comet ISON or is that SION.
    It's gonna be quite a show.

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 28995974
    United States
    12/27/2012 11:27 AM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    The Super Comet ISON or is that SION.
    It's gonna be quite a show.
    Quoting: Quiet Revolution 30305908

    Yup! And it could create some major havoc to Earth. My Mayan calendar calculations don't lie. It's fail proof! Never been more 100% certain of something like this!

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 26666395
    United States
    12/28/2012 02:00 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012


    User ID: 30997414
    United States
    12/28/2012 02:14 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    Bump to read later

    User ID: 30431482
    United States
    12/28/2012 02:50 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    possibly why tptb pushed it so hard this year, to feed off the fear. Then let a year go by and when the comet pages in dec 2013 the people will be unprepared. I keep thinking of Mother Shiptons prophesy - that the comet will pass many times, getting closer and closer with each pass. So we have another 6 or 7 years with more and more destructive storms and natural calamities. Peace out.

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/28/2012 09:17 PN
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    possibly why tptb pushed it so hard this year, to feed off the fear. Then let a year go by and when the comet pages in dec 2013 the people will be unprepared. I keep thinking of Mother Shiptons prophesy - that the comet will pass many times, getting closer and closer with each pass. So we have another 6 or 7 years with more and more destructive storms and natural calamities. Peace out.
    Quoting: upliftedlala

    Never does it say anything about 6 or 7 years. But it does say something about 7 days which parallels Nostradamus Quatrain saying:

    Quatrain II.41

    The great star for seven days will burn, The cloud will cause two suns to appear: The big mastiff all night will howl, When the great pontiff changes countries.

    Mother Shipton Prophecy

    For storms will rage and oceans roar
    When Gabriel stands on sea and shore
    And as he blows his wondrous horn
    Old worlds die and new be born.

    A fiery dragon will cross the sky
    Six times before this earth shall die
    Mankind will tremble and frightened be
    for the sixth heralds in this prophecy.

    For seven days and seven nights
    Man will watch this awesome sight.
    The tides will rise beyond their ken
    To bite away the shores and then
    The mountains will begin to roar
    And earthquakes split the plain to shore.

    And flooding waters, rushing in
    Will flood the lands with such a din
    That mankind cowers in muddy fen
    And snarls about his fellow men.

    He bares his teeth and fights and kills
    And secrets food in secret hills
    And ugly in his fear, he lies
    To kill marauders, thieves and spies.

    Man flees in terror from the floods
    And kills, and rapes and lies in blood
    And spilling blood by mankinds' hands
    Will stain and bitter many lands

    And when the dragon's tail is gone,
    Man forgets, and smiles, and carries on
    To apply himself - too late, too late
    For mankind has earned deserved fate.

    His masked smile - his false grandeur,
    Will serve the Gods their anger stir.
    And they will send the Dragon back
    To light the sky - his tail will crack
    Upon the earth and rend the earth
    And man shall flee, King, Lord, and serf.

    But slowly they are routed out
    To seek diminishing water spout
    And men will die of thirst before
    The oceans rise to mount the shore.

    And lands will crack and rend anew
    You think it strange. It will come true.

    And in some far off distant land
    Some men - oh such a tiny band
    Will have to leave their solid mount
    And span the earth, those few to count,
    Who survives this (unreadable) and then
    Begin the human race again.

    But not on land already there
    But on ocean beds, stark, dry and bare
    Not every soul on Earth will die
    As the Dragons tail goes sweeping by.

    Not every land on earth will sink
    But these will wallow in stench and stink
    Of rotting bodies of beast and man
    Of vegetation crisped on land.

    But the land that rises from the sea
    Will be dry and clean and soft and free
    Of mankinds' dirt and therefore be
    The source of man's new dynasty.

    And those that live will ever fear
    The dragons tail for many year
    But time erases memory
    You think it strange. But it will be.

    And before the race is built anew
    A silver serpent comes to view
    And spew out men of like unknown
    To mingle with the earth now grown
    Cold from its heat and these men can
    Enlighten the minds of future man.

    To intermingle and show them how
    To live and love and thus endow
    The children with the second sight.
    A natural thing so that they might
    Grow graceful, humble and when they do
    The Golden Age will start anew.

    The dragon's tail is but a sign
    For mankind's fall and man's decline.
    And before this prophecy is done
    I shall be burned at the stake, at one
    My body singed and my soul set free
    You think I utter blasphemy
    You're wrong. These things have come to me
    This prophecy will come to be.

    And this reminds me describing above the dragon's tail and flooding waters to:

    The Revelation
    of St. John the Divine

    The Woman and the Dragon
    1 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:
    2 and she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.
    3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns,and seven crowns upon his heads.
    4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth:and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.5 And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.
    6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.
    7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,
    8 and prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.
    9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
    10 And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven,
    Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.
    11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
    12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.
    13 And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child.
    14 And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time,from the face of the serpent.
    15 And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood.16 And the earth helped the woman; and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth.

    Last Edited by Revelator Stargate on 12/28/2012 09:27 PM

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/28/2012 09:38 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    Waiting for ISON

    [link to]

    Last Edited by Revelator Stargate on 12/28/2012 09:38 PM

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/28/2012 11:39 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    20 kins equal 1 uinal or 20 days
    18 uinals equal 1 tun or 360 days
    20 tuns equal 1 katun or 7,200 days
    20 katuns equal 1 baktun or 144,000 days

    [link to]

    Dec. 16th, 2013 minus 1,872,000 days or 144,000 days x 13 baktun cycles = August 5th -3113 B.C.(13 Ahau) All 13 katuns completed!

    Dec. 16th, 2013 minus 93,600 days or 7,200 days x 13 cycle katuns = Sept. 9th, 1757 (13 Ahau) All 13 Katuns completed!

    Dec. 16th, 2013 minus 4680 days or 360 days x 13 cycle tuns = Feb. 22nd, 2001 (13 Ahau) All 13 Tuns completed!

    Dec. 16th, 2013 minus 260 days or 20 days x 13 cycle uinals = March 31st, 2013 (13 Ahau) All 13 Uinals completed!

    You see, all the gears rotate perfectly this way. It can't be done if you compute it by Dec. 21st, 2012
    Quoting: Revelator Stargate

    To further explain:

    [link to]

    "The Tzolkin is a repeating cycle of 260 days which is made up of a cycle of 13 being repeated 20 times. The Tzolkin is read from the top left (1 Imix), down 20 places to the bottom of the first column (7 Ahau) up to the top of the second column (8 Imix) and so on. The cycle of 13 repeats itself in such a way that, over the 260 days, all 20 of the glyphs in the key to the left of the Tzolkin appear 13 times. The 260 day cycle ends with 13 Ahau."

    [link to]

    So for the Tzolkin cycle it is 20 periods of 13 days = 260 days.

    Everything rotates in this 13 cycle.

    At the end of each 260 days is 13 Ahau, which then cycles back over to 1 Imix.

    In order for the calendar to reach maximum competion the 20 uinals, the 20 tuns, the 20 katuns, and the 20 baktuns have to be completed in the 13 cycle, all reaching 13 Ahau. Get it?

    And as shown above with my calculations, it does! Maximum completion is shown on Dec. 16th, 2013 and can't be done for computing the date of Dec. 21st, 2012.

    Not argueing that the calendar didn't start on 4 Ahau is the Tzolkin date and 8 Kumku is the Haab date or August 11, 3114 BCE in the Gregorian calendar.

    What I am pointing out is you don't start counting the Long count calendar year at 0 (just like we don't start counting our Gregorian calendar at 0 but instead we start it at year 1). Thus, the Mayan Code has now been cracked!

    December 16th, 2013 (13 Ahau Maximum Completion). All 13 Ahaus line up perfectly! The 3 calendars, the Long Count, the Tzolkin, and the Haab all interlock together in perfect order. It is like hitting the jackpot!


    Last Edited by Revelator Stargate on 12/28/2012 11:52 PM


    nonymous Coward
    User ID: 31083042
    12/29/2012 10:50 AM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012


    i want DOOM!!!
    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 31031457
    United Kingdom
    12/29/2012 03:12 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    shame you didn't make this thread about the comet and not some mayan calender bullshit.
    Revelator Stargate (OP)

    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/29/2012 03:30 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    shame you didn't make this thread about the comet and not some mayan calender bullshit.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 31031457

    Shame you don't have much of an IQ or brain to see the connections heh?

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/29/2012 03:36 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    So we know the Mayans tracked the Venus cycle and I wanted to see what the cycle would be in 2013.

    [link to]

    We have Venus Retrograde happening on Dec. 21st, 2013. hmmmm

    The Haab' comprises eighteen "months" of twenty days each, plus an additional period of five days ("nameless days") at the end of the year known as Wayeb'

    So how does this relate to my end date of Dec. 16th, 2013?

    "The Haab' comprises eighteen "months" of twenty days each, plus an additional period of five days ("nameless days") at the end of the year known as Wayeb'


    The five nameless days at the end of the calendar, called Wayeb', were thought to be a dangerous time. Foster (2002) writes "During Wayeb, portals between the mortal realm and the Underworld dissolved."

    [link to]

    December 16th, 2016 plus 5 nameless Wayeb days = December 21st, 2013 (Venus at Retrograde Station)

    Last Edited by Revelator Stargate on 12/29/2012 03:42 PM

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 30920477
    12/29/2012 03:41 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    Op, let me throw some facts.

    I really like your theory but let's be careful not to be overly excited.

    Yes, I always agreed that the Mayan calendar must terminate the Long Count at a 13 Ahau day, and of course 21/12/2012 does not fit the profile, but 28/10/2011 or 16/12/2013 fit.

    However, the end of Mayan Calendar does not mean nothing. Even if it occurs then in December 2013. The Mayans only had two tablets pertaining to the end date of the Loung Count and these were not discovered in central locations to the Mayans, meaning that whatever they foresee was not so important. Apparently, the end of Long Count should brought the return of their god of Creation and War, Bolon Yokte.

    This can mean that Mayan predict that either: alien or aliens would return in that day, AND/OR war would occur (if the God is symbolic rather than literal). This, we do not know.

    Interestingly, the period around 2010-2016 is a highly charged square between Uranus and Pluto, which always bring situation of world crises, revolutions, radical personalities and conflict. You can remember the previous alignments of Uranus and Pluto back in the sixties or in the thirties. This fits well with the Mayan prediction of Bolon Yukte.

    Also interestingly, in both those days, 16/12/2013 and 4/4/2015 there are alignments of Mars and a Full Moon with the ongoing Uranus/Pluto, respectively in both dates. This increases the energy of the ongoing zeitgeist and crises, and might indeed correlate with more significant events (probably not the end of the world, but something historical, yes).

    About comet ISON: the comet will pass at an established orit. No risk at all of danger to Earth, but it might be a major visual show, as the comet might shine as bright as the Moon for a few days. This kind of events has happened many times in medieval times - the only thing it does, is potencial panic to the population.

    By the way, in March 2013 there might be another naked eye comet. Still, no danger. And perhaps no show will ever occur, as often these comets turn out to become nothing. Only rarely they do become major visual sights.

    Note: I don't care for comments saying BS. You guys are wasting your time coming to these threads just to post those comments. We want serious discussion here.
    Revelator Stargate (OP)

    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/29/2012 03:50 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    Op, let me throw some facts.

    I really like your theory but let's be careful not to be overly excited.

    Yes, I always agreed that the Mayan calendar must terminate the Long Count at a 13 Ahau day, and of course 21/12/2012 does not fit the profile, but 28/10/2011 or 16/12/2013 fit.

    However, the end of Mayan Calendar does not mean nothing. Even if it occurs then in December 2013. The Mayans only had two tablets pertaining to the end date of the Loung Count and these were not discovered in central locations to the Mayans, meaning that whatever they foresee was not so important. Apparently, the end of Long Count should brought the return of their god of Creation and War, Bolon Yokte.

    This can mean that Mayan predict that either: alien or aliens would return in that day, AND/OR war would occur (if the God is symbolic rather than literal). This, we do not know.

    Interestingly, the period around 2010-2016 is a highly charged square between Uranus and Pluto, which always bring situation of world crises, revolutions, radical personalities and conflict. You can remember the previous alignments of Uranus and Pluto back in the sixties or in the thirties. This fits well with the Mayan prediction of Bolon Yukte.

    Also interestingly, in both those days, 16/12/2013 and 4/4/2015 there are alignments of Mars and a Full Moon with the ongoing Uranus/Pluto, respectively in both dates. This increases the energy of the ongoing zeitgeist and crises, and might indeed correlate with more significant events (probably not the end of the world, but something historical, yes).

    About comet ISON: the comet will pass at an established orit. No risk at all of danger to Earth, but it might be a major visual show, as the comet might shine as bright as the Moon for a few days. This kind of events has happened many times in medieval times - the only thing it does, is potencial panic to the population.

    By the way, in March 2013 there might be another naked eye comet. Still, no danger. And perhaps no show will ever occur, as often these comets turn out to become nothing. Only rarely they do become major visual sights.

    Note: I don't care for comments saying BS. You guys are wasting your time coming to these threads just to post those comments. We want serious discussion here.
    Quoting: Anonymous Coward 30920477

    Thanks for a refreshingly intelligent post instead of the shill and spam comments. I apprecate it. Interesting how you mentioned 4/4/15. Have you seen my thread related to that date?

    Anyway, I know about the Comet coming in March 2013 and I am aware that the ISON Comet wont hit earth or anything like that, but will be a likely spectacular comet. But have you seen that Forbes article about the theory of a comet going into the Solar corona thus creating an CME event that could be much larger than the Carrington 1859 event? Also, interesting isn't it that Solar Max 24 will be at its peak next year around December 2013? Sure, this is all speculation but it really makes you think doesn't it?

    Thanks for liking my theory. The numbers don't like. You mentioned Calleman's date. I have already mentioned that date on the first page of this thread. And you are correct, every 260 days falls on a 13 Ahau. Calleman in order to get to his Oct. 28th, 2011 date had to thus change the beginning date, thus throwing out the GMT calculations and the support behind it out into the bath water.

    I still leave the GMT calculations in tact but just add another tun year, 360 days to it, thus coming up with the perfect syncronized date of Dec. 16th, 2013

    Last Edited by Revelator Stargate on 12/29/2012 03:51 PM

    User ID: 30977384
    United States
    12/29/2012 03:50 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    "Good Karma" I.O.U.

    Revelator Stargate (OP)
    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/29/2012 03:54 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    You said,
    "However, the end of Mayan Calendar does not mean nothing. Even if it occurs then in December 2013. The Mayans only had two tablets pertaining to the end date of the Loung Count and these were not discovered in central locations to the Mayans, meaning that whatever they foresee was not so important. Apparently, the end of Long Count should brought the return of their god of Creation and War, Bolon Yokte.

    This can mean that Mayan predict that either: alien or aliens would return in that day, AND/OR war would occur (if the God is symbolic rather than literal). This, we do not know.

    Interestingly, the period around 2010-2016 is a highly charged square between Uranus and Pluto, which always bring situation of world crises, revolutions, radical personalities and conflict. You can remember the previous alignments of Uranus and Pluto back in the sixties or in the thirties. This fits well with the Mayan prediction of Bolon Yukte."

    Well it could be the idea that Bolon Yukte is the comet. I have to research more into this and what Bolon Yukte means.

    Last Edited by Revelator Stargate on 12/29/2012 04:01 PM

    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 31038267
    United Kingdom
    12/29/2012 03:56 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012


    Anonymous Coward
    User ID: 31038267
    United Kingdom
    12/29/2012 03:57 PM
    Re: -SUPER COMET ISON THEORY- Mayan Calendar Ends On Dec. 16th, 2013, Not Dec. 21st, 2012

    they've got a year to get your guns off you then?


    ABOVE POSTS from



    All I can say here is to wish Revelator Stargate well in his research Susan. He derives his biblical conclusions from a rather fundamentalist-orthodox perspective, which imo is very erroneous, but he tries to fit the dates and symbols in an admirable fashion nevertheless.

    His December 16th, 2013 date is logical and just like your date Susan and no you did not 'steal his ideas', lol. The discussion he has about the 1988 date and the 8 Cumku Haab revolves all about the actual counting of the days and nights as his 'native foe' advocates.

    This reduces to the simple fact that the latter does NOT accept the starting date of or August 11th, 3114 BC. The miscount either way of 1988 to 2012 is so the same as 3140 BC to 3114 BC as said by this poster.

    The argument of the solar year here is the technical manner of calling this 360 days or the Haab of 365 days. The native poster called the solar year as 365.25 days but then used the Haab to divide 5200x360=1,872,000 into 365x5128 years plus 280 days. A quarter day per year for this 5128 'haab-year' then gives you an error of 1282 days or about 3.5 'haab- years' or an error of 3.6 'cycle-years' for the 1300x4 '360-kin-year'.

    The native poster uses the correct 52 year cycle, but seems to then mix up the number of kins per this 'year' and this creates the discrepancies. So he can't use 52x100x360 AND 52x100x365 as the same calculus, which I suspect he does in ignoring the mathematical consistency required. The error is 52x100x5=26,000 kin and for a quarter kin, this becomes 6,500 days or 18 years of 360 kin and 17.8 years for 365 kin. He then uses some other summation, I could not see to arrive at a 24 year discrepancy between the two kin counts for the solar years.

    This creates the discrepancy between the science based 5125 civil years plus 132 days to the 5128 native years plus 280 days.

    5128x365+280 = 1,871,720+280 = 5125x365.2425 + 132.2 = 1,871,867.8 + 132.2 = 1,872,000 either way.

    So if you then simply say, that the 'civil date' is wrong by a quarter of a day every year as an 'unnecessary' leap year insertion, then 5200 OR 5128 years will create an error in the calendrical kin count, if you simply say, that this quarter of a day is 'missing' or absorbed by local conditions, as the native poster does.

    It does appear the native has a distaste for 'Western practice of basic mathematics'.

    A relevant discussion for Revelator Stargate about Comet ISON is right here on the forums and is here on your main one:

    You can use this link to 'enlighten' him a little if you wish to do so. He said in this thread he is aware of your work, did he not?



    The original poster was

    Anonymous Coward (OP)
    User ID: 833688
    United States
    12/21/2009 09:46 PM

    - Revelator Stargate --- isn't very likely the same person as the original poster

    User ID: 1507989
    United States
    12/22/2012 03:49 PM

    Revelator Stargate very likely copied The Original Posters info - and, then just started their own thread
    which is why they don't know the mathematics or sciences, moon cycles, or even the types of calendars etc. to compare things too...

    there is NO DOUBT, they can NOT even write a simple equation.

    i had The 13th grand cycle - of The Last Moon in December when i would be 54 - back in 1984, when i was 25 - with work i did with '"The Source’ - that is why i kept referring to it; as; The 13Th Grand Cycle (and, very likely you kept wondering why is she calling this, The 13th Grand Cycle?) because a few times, you did ask me that.

    I can cite, quite a few websites, and, surface a lot of people who can attest to the fact, i talked about the Grand Cycles as early as 1984, with Virginia Monte, La Mura von Boelling, Darlene, Bev, Cheryl & Farley, and, many others -- Ermina Tsounis at Harmonic Converage in 1987, who i worked on the +/- 111 & 144 notes of separtion through 432.

    i was also quite active on a number of old posting boards/forums - and, know there is a lot fo stuff pertaining to that if, i took the time to search for it.

    However, without you & your expertise - i';d have very likely just kept calling it The 13th Grand Cycle, without realizing the significance of tying it into The Mayan Tzolki''in utilizing mathematics and science, not just using my own knowledge of Ceremony - and, new and full moons, etc.,

    The sorting out of all the calendars, that fit into the equation - like the Aztec Ton (260), and all The Assortments of Native American, Metis & First Nations (360) & (260) Calendars, and, then looking at 15 different Mayan Calendars - and, only having to discard one of them, i know both of us had to pay great attention to details... .

    Your brilliance in matching dates, realizing the importance of information i had, and, then figuring out how the 'real'puzzle all fit together was brilliant, and, then, you already had all those bible codes you were working on, the day distances between events, pattern recognition, relations etc., which really was amazing ...

    NO DOUBT, that if someone knew they had they real answer and, knew what they had stumbled on, they would have shouted it from the rooftops, making "proper'' claims for their findings, but, also doing like we did, backing it up with facts & figures, etc., with they clearly did NOT

    They even referred to 16 DEC 2013 - as, a beginning date - when it is NOT a beginning date, but an end of cycle date.

    Anyway, very likely they are trying to do a crash course in trying to come into a full understanding of all our good work copying things off our website i copied their messages here, so, we;ve got an original record of them

    Life is always interesting ;)

    maybe its time to remember, we didn;t finish The Work on The Pacal Equation ;)


    surprised i have a copy of this from 2012
    - its also amazing how many times this poster has changed his info LOL
    - my URL is blocked from that website, NOT sure why ???
    Last edited: May 12, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Doomsday no more: BU researchers find oldest Mayan calendar

    Doomsday no more: BU researchers find oldest Mayan calendar

    Written by Christina Janansky
    Published May 21, 2012

    The world’s end may not arrive in December 2012 after all. An archeology expedition led by Boston University researchers and students gives insight into recently discovery Mayan calendars.

    The Xultun lunar calendar, roughly five centuries older than previously discovered Mayan calendars, was recently discovered, according to a Science Magazine report released Thursday. The calendar debunks the prediction of an apocalypse in December.

    A team of BU researchers and students confirmed these findings during an archeology expedition in northeast Guatemala. The research team, which was studying the ancient Mayan ruins, uncovered a well-preserved room containing vivid murals and a ninth-century Mayan lunar calendar, the oldest evidence of precise astronomical measurements among the Mayans.

    The Xultun mural is significant because of its old age and astronomical precision, according to Science. However, the mural is important for a number of other reasons.

    First, it raises questions as to why scribes began to write on walls instead of in books. One theory, according to the release in Science, is that the tiny room where it was found may have been an “office” dedicated to the practices of Mayan scribes. The room, which is located along the outskirts of the Maya site, may have been a meeting place for these scribes to complete their work.

    William Saturno, one of the lead researchers of the expeditions and an assistant professor of archaeology at BU, has come up with another theory.

    “I don’t know for certain as to why [the calendar] is there,” Saturno said in a phone interview, “but I think it was probably copied to the wall as a matter of reference.”

    He believes Mayan scribes created these murals out of convenience. Rather than constantly opening and closing books, scribes copied important information to the walls to have it handy.


    Aside from detailed symbols and pictures, the mural contains another set of numbers that weakens pop-culture’s interpretation of the Mayan’s supposed 2012 “end of the world” prediction.

    The Mayans, whose lives revolved around a multi-faceted calendar system, measured time through a variety of cycles, including a 144,000-day one called a “baktun.” It was once believed that the Mayans predicted the world’s end with the conclusion of the 13th baktun, which falls at the end of December 2012.

    However, Mayan experts have dismissed this apocalyptic interpretation, explaining that the conclusion of baktuns mark the end of current cycles and the emergence of new ones. This new find at Xultun further reinforces that the Maya’s conception of time was not finite—the new calendar extends 17 baktuns, about 2,000 years past 2012.

    “I never bought into any of the end of the world predictions and never really know what I should trust,” said Jeanine Ilacqua, a sophomore in the College of Communication.

    Ilacqua said she feels this discovery will ease the concerns of “dooms-dayers” who believe the world will end in December of this year, she said. “It does bring a new perspective to be considered.”


    While researchers, such as Saturno, are still trying to answer the many questions created by the Xultun find, they said the murals suggest scribes had sophisticated knowledge of astronomy and mathematics as early as the eighth century.

    “It’s really our first glimpse at what the scientific process in this century is like,” Saturno said.

    “We never got to see what scientists, mathematicians and astronomers in the eighth century in the New World were doing. This is what they’re writing and thinking about. I think that’s pretty cool.”

    In an attempt to answer some questions about the Mayan at Xultun, researchers are now analyzing the Xultun tables by comparing them to other Mayan monuments at different sites. They are hoping to understand if mathematical concepts, astronomical understanding and calendars were centralized or if they were discovered independently in the different regions of the Mayan empire.

    CORRECTION: This article originally cited an anecdote from a BU student on the expedition in northeast Guatemala. The information, however, was taken from a news story published by The Boston Globe without proper attribution. Additionally, the article originally stated the Xultun lunar calendar predicted an apocalypse in December, but the discovery debunks that theory.


    Boston University-led expedition reveals oldest Mayan calendar


    William Saturno, a Boston University archeologist, excavates a mural in a house in Xultun, massive Mayan ruins in Guatemala. The mural depicts a figure who may have been the town scribe. Excavation and preservation of the site were supported by the National Geographic Society. (Photo by Tyrone Turner © 2012 National Geographic) Credit:
    By Carolyn Y. Johnson

    In the rainforest-covered ruins of a Mayan city dating back more than 1,100 years, a Boston University-led excavation has turned up the oldest evidence of that civilization’s mastery of astronomy—a precise lunar calendar scrawled on what appears to be an ancient blackboard.

    The calendar, consisting of delicately-painted symbols and columns of numbers, was one of a number of texts found on the wall of a room in a residential area of the massive complex of ruins called Xultun in northeast Guatemala, the scientists reported Thursday in the journal Science. It’s four to five centuries older than previous Mayan calendars, and the earliest found on a wall rather than in books.

    The small room where it was found may have been a kind of office for Mayan scribes. With numbers and glyphs scrawled along the wall and over sections of a mural, it suggests scribes had sophisticated knowledge of astronomy and mathematics as early as the ninth century.

    Scholars who study the Maya said the well-preserved room provides insights into the people’s lives beyond those drawn from the more lasting stone monuments and artifacts that archeologists often depend on to reconstruct ancient civilizations. It’s almost as if the researchers can peer over the shoulders of the scribes who were writing and thinking there. The BU-led team reported sections of the wall had been plastered over to make space for new text.

    “For me what’s really amazing is people are erasing and changing it and adapting it,” said Charles Golden, associate professor of anthroplogy at Brandeis University, who was not involved in the research. “You get these works in progress that really humanizes this, it kind of demystifies it.”

    Another set of numbers painted on a section of wall undermines an idea that has been embraced in popular culture—including the movie “2012”—that the Maya predicted the world would end in “13 baktuns” or about 5,000 years, which works out to the end of 2012. That idea has long been dismissed by scholars, who explain that the Maya calendar is like a car’s odometer that turns over when it reaches that date, not a doomsday prediction. The new find reinforces that the Maya’s conception of time was not finite, because it contains a calendar that extends 17 baktuns, about 7,000 years.

    The Maya lived in Mexico and Central America, and were a dominant force in that area, with a written language and an understanding of astronomy and calendars. Their civilization, known for stepped pyramids, spanned from about 2000 B.C. to the arrival of the Spanish about 3,500 years later.

    The room was uncovered by a combination of chance and persistence. A determined BU undergraduate, Maxwell Chamberlain, spotted a faded painting on a patch of wall during his lunch break, while exploring trenches dug by looters. William Saturno, an assistant professor of archeology at BU who led the team, began an excavation, and discovered a magnificent, nearly life-sized portrait of a Maya king, adorned with a brilliant blue feather head-dress. Further excavation, supported by the National Geographic Society, revealed a row of mysterious figures and one badly-damaged wall, which was covered with writing.

    Eventually, a Sudoku-like analysis, using information about what numbers were visible in the table to calculate what numbers the rest of the table must have contained, revealed that the incomplete table was a 13-year lunar calendar. Another set of numbers, the scientists report, seem to record other astronomical and planetary events.

    “We find inside this city that’s been known about for a century, in this little house on the outskirts of town ... all these numbers and writings and calculations that involve both the calendar and astronomy and observations and history and the preparations of texts,” Saturno said.

    The modest room has only begun to yield its secrets, with more texts yet to be deciphered. Marc Zender, a visiting assistant professor of anthropology at Tulane University not involved in the research, compared the work to being able to see the notes and scribblings that led to famous mathematical theorems.

    “These astronomical tables are written across some figures at interesting angles, only in the part of the room where light falls through the doorway,” Zender said. Most likely scribes were at work in the room, and “they were probably consulting books, but maybe it was getting onerous to flip through the book; they may have simply copied them on to the wall so they didn’t have to keep opening their bark-paper books.”
    Zender said he hoped to use the tables to look at monuments left behind by the Maya at other sites, to understand whether mathematical and astronomical understanding and calendars were centralized, or whether they were being derived and calculated in different regions of the Mayan empire.

    Saturno said he is investigating whether imaging might be used to reveal what is written beneath areas that have been plastered over. The room has a recessed niche in the back, where the king’s portrait sits, and the archeologists found evidence of a bone rod that would have held a curtain that could cover up the image of the king. On the same wall is a second mysterious figure, a vividly-painted man who holds a stylus in a hand—perhaps a scribe who worked in the room.

    “It’s an astonishing discovery,” said Stephen Houston, a professor of anthropology and archeology at Brown University. Such calculations and tables appear in books from about 500 years later, but “here, we see them instead, painted with some care I might add, in what might seem to be an arbitrary arrangement in an elite chamber.” He said the find raises difficult questions about what the scribes were up to, including why they would have written the tables on the wall.

    Carolyn Y. Johnson can be reached at Follow her on Twitter @carolynyjohnson.



    Found: The Oldest Maya Calendar (and No, the World's Still Not Ending)

    By Jeffrey Kluger Monday, May 14, 2012

    Tyrone Turner / National Geographic / AP
    A painted wall of a Mayan site that dates to the 9th century in Xultun, Guatemala
    Here's what's not going to happen this year: the earth won't end on Dec. 12; it won't be swallowed by a black hole, consumed by the sun or get taken out by a collision with the imaginary planet Nibiru. Here's what will happen: as of today, more people than ever will believe that those calamities will occur on precisely the day they're predicted to. The reason: a new discovery — just reported in the journal Science — of the earliest known Mayan astronomical calendar, featuring elaborate and detailed work by one of the most impressive civilizations that ever lived.

    It was earlier interpretations of other Mayan calendars that gave rise to the Internet-fueled doomsday scenarios of the past few years — mostly because one calendar cycle the Mayans computed ends Dec. 12 (though no one paid much attention to the fact that another one was supposed to begin immediately after that). If people can stay focused on the science this time though, they'll find a lot to be impressed by in the new findings.

    (MORE: Not So Apocalypto: What the Mayan Calendar Tells Us About Latin America in 2012)

    The site described in the Science paper seems modest at first: a small painted room unearthed in 2011 in the Mayan ruins in Xultun, Guatemala. The overall Xultun site was first described by archaeologists in 1915 and has been explored — and, sadly, plundered — intermittently ever since. But the 2011 find was something new. As described in the paper by a team led by archaeologist William Saturno of Boston University, the room was built in the early 9th century and appears to have been originally used to depict historical figures and events in Mayan history. The west, north and east walls of the room, as well as the ceiling, were covered with murals, and some of the text associated with the paintings pegs the events as having occurred in the year 814.

    But the room did not remain a solemn and commemorative place for long. Soon it was repurposed for much more prosaic uses, with the east and west walls getting plastered over and pressed into service as a kind of 9th century blackboard, onto which astronomical and calendrical calculations could be etched. Multiple layers of plaster were applied, with multiple new columns of numbers and glyphs then getting inscribed on them — the equivalent of erasing your notes and starting over.

    That constant reworking was clearly worth the effort, yielding a precise and detailed system of marking time and reading the skies. Most of the east wall appears to have been given over to tracking lunar cycles and using them to frame relatively short periods in the Mayan calendar. The north wall involved planetary observations, which helped establish what the archaeologists call Long Count dates. "These [longer] spans are usually 3,000 to 4,000 years," the authors write.

    The numbers used in the calculations are not numerals as we know them, of course, but arrangements of dots and bars, with each dot representing a 1 and each bar representing a 5. With the help of that simple coding, it's possible to understand some of the Mayan units of time, such as the 360-day tun unit, the 20-day winal unit and the single-day k'in. The monthly cycles of the moon are also assembled into 178-day lunar semesters.

    (MORE: There's Money to Be Made in the 2012 Apocalypse)

    "Visible atop at least five of the columns are individual moon glyphs combined with facial profiles," Saturno and his colleagues write. "Enough detail is visible on two of these glyphs to see that they are deities."
    The smallest timescales on the longer-range north wall are 117-day cycles, which coincide with the synodic period of Mercury — or the amount of time it takes for Earth and Mercury, when they are in a given position relative to each other, to return to that precise position as they move through their orbits. Other larger and more complex calculations suggest that the Mayans were trying to develop formulas to synchronize cycles of the moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars. These would then be assigned relevance in the Mayans' spiritual practices.

    "One goal of the Maya calendar keepers," the investigators write, "was to seek harmony between sky events and sacred rituals."

    The calculations in the Xultun room were precursors to what's known as the Dresden Codex, a much more sophisticated series of Mayan formulas recorded on bark-paper books in the 15th century. But the 9th century Mayans working in the Xultun room were not reluctant to publish their own, more preliminary work — something that seems evident from the unusually tidy nature of the inscribed notes. "These repeatedly replastered sections may have been used as a kind of reference for the preparation of other more permanent or public monuments," the researchers write.

    The Mayans no doubt would have preferred that those permanent monuments were preserved, rather than just the astronomical faculty lounge in which they did their background work. But archaeology is capricious and which clues survive the centuries or are lost to them is impossible to predict. Either way, the Mayans left us plenty to ponder. None of it points to the end of our world — all of it, however, can help enrich it.

    MORE: Mayan 2012 Apocalypse Prediction Is Inaccurate, Expert (Obviously) States




    interesting to note
    1195740, 341640, 2448420, and, 1765140 all divide by 20 evenly

    more info on this discovery here:
    Last edited: May 12, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    December 2012

 1st Dec

    Ahau 2nd Dec

    Imix 3rd Dec

    Ik 4th Dec

    Akbal 5th Dec

    Kan 6th Dec

    Chicchan 7th Dec

    Cimi 8th Dec

    Manik 9th Dec

    Lamat 10th Dec

    Muluc 11th Dec

    Oc 12th Dec

    Chuen 13th Dec

    Eb 14th Dec

    Ben 15th Dec

    Ix 16th Dec

    Men 17th Dec

    Cib 18th Dec

    Caban 19th Dec

    Etznab 20th Dec

    Cauac 21st Dec

    Ahau 22nd Dec

    Imix 23rd Dec

    Ik 24th Dec

    Akbal 25th Dec

    Kan 26th Dec

    Chicchan 27th Dec

    Cimi 28th Dec

    Manik 29th Dec

    Lamat 30th Dec

    Muluc 31st Dec




    Susan I fixed your calendar here in the pixel size. If a download is too big, click on properties and reduce the size shown there. Here the size was 1230 px or so, I reduced it to 888, which is the standard size for the browser settings here atm approximately.



    Last edited: May 12, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    2013 - Chinese - The Year of The Snake





    Snake & World

    Both are very nice snakes! Interesting. So I look them up . . .
    Something interesting pops up. The snake associated with eternity and immortality as a circle biting its tail is the same motif of very early world maps; they all have the the sea surrounding the world like a snake biting its tail. Thus it describes the world as being encircled by eternity and immortality and life (metaphor of water). This is thought provoking.


    NICE ONE :)
    Last edited: May 13, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    THE ETERNAL CAMELOT-The Seven Sacared Islands & Great Bear Constellation - Arthur~Arktos~Arth Fawr

    -The Seven Sacred Islands & Great Bear Constellation
    - Arthur~Arktos~Arth Fawr

    The name Arthur is derived from Arktos, “Bear,” the Welsh Arth Fawr, and related to Artoius, “the Plough Man,” a name for the Big Dipper.


    King Arthur's celestial Camelot is often said to be the Great Bear or Big Dipper. Since this constellation never sets, it is said to mark a region of the heavens that is home to King Arthur and other "immortal" Knights of the Round Table.

    Legend states that when King Arthur died he was appropriately entombed within a terrestrial reflection of the Great Bear. He was brought to the Island of Avalon, which, with six other islands nearby was a perfect reflection of the Big Dipper or Great Bear on Earth.

    John Michell and other sacred scientists of England believe that today Avalon is Glastonbury, and together with the previously six islands make up seven "star mounds" in the form of the Big Dipper. King Arthur’s tomb was supposedly discovered by monks on the grounds of Glastonbury Abbey, which was built next to Glastonbury Tor.

    So King Arthur eternally rests within the terrestrial Great Bear of Glastonbury, the eternal Camelot.

    PHOTOGRAPH CREDIT: Frances Howard-Gordon

    1) "Glastonbury: Maker of Myths" by Frances Howard-Gordon.

    Mark Amaru Pinkham says: The legendary King Arthur was a synthesis of monarchs, including the ancient Fisher King who was a human Holy Grail. The ladle and chalice of the Great Bear constellation is a celestial the Holy Grail.

    Mark Amaru Pinkham of Guardians of The Holy Grail on Facebook:!/photo.php?fbid=10200528469162107&set=o.143941290358&type=1&theater


    -The Seven Sacred Islands & Great Bear Constellation
    - Arthur~Arktos~Arth Fawr


    The name Arthur is derived from Arktos, “Bear,” the Welsh Arth Fawr, and related to Artoius, “the Plough Man,” a name for the Big Dipper.

    King Arthur's celestial Camelot is often said to be the Great Bear or Big Dipper. Since this constellation never sets, it is said to mark a region of the heavens that is home to King Arthur and other "immortal" Knights of the Round Table.

    Legend states that when King Arthur died he was appropriately entombed within a terrestrial reflection of the Great Bear. He was brought to the Island of Avalon, which, with six other islands nearby was a perfect reflection of the Big Dipper or Great Bear on Earth.

    John Michell and other sacred scientists of England believe that today Avalon is Glastonbury, and together with the previously six islands make up seven "star mounds" in the form of the Big Dipper. King Arthur’s tomb was supposedly discovered by monks on the grounds of Glastonbury Abbey, which was built next to Glastonbury Tor.

    So King Arthur eternally rests within the terrestrial Great Bear of Glastonbury, the eternal Camelot.
    PHOTOGRAPH CREDIT: Frances Howard-Gordon
    1) "Glastonbury: Maker of Myths" by Frances Howard-Gordon.

    Mark Amaru Pinkham says: The legendary King Arthur was a synthesis of monarchs, including the ancient Fisher King, who was a human Holy Grail. The ladle and chalice of the Great Bear constellation is a celestial the Holy Grail.

    Mark Amaru Pinkham of Guardians of The Holy Grail on Facebook:!/photo.php?fbid=10200528469162107&set=o.143941290358&type=1&theater
    Last edited: May 13, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Tony, any idea where we put out this info ???


    The Secret of Stonehenge
    Original article by Gary Vey here: Celtic Myths Photo by: Knoweth Pics and research by Thomas O. Mills

    Stonehenge and the Medicine Wheel by Guest, Thomas O. Mills

    Pic: .Bala
    We’re proud to bring you this fascinating article speculating about the possible significance of one of our oldest monuments – Stonehenge. Thomas believes that along with many other circular alignments across the globe, Stonehenge shares a powerful message for us all. Over to Thomas:-At the present time, there are many theories, speculations, and thoughts about the true meaning of Stonehenge.
    To my knowledge no one has ever given an explanation for the number of circles, the numbers of stones in each circle, what the complex was positioned for or why it was built. Many say that it is lined up with the equinox, the solstice, or the moon cycles, but they never really shown a diagram to prove their point. So, I do not believe I am out of line by saying that at the present time no one really knows when it was built, what it represents, or the reason for its construction.

    Stone Medicine Wheels

    When I ask my Elder Native American friends “What are these stone medicine wheels I hear about all the time?” Their response is usually the same, “They represent our astronomical cycle of life or our pathway of life, the Earthʼs delicate balance in space.” When I ask “Why arenʼt we building any new ones?” They say “The time is not right yet, everyone will build them towards the end times.”

    When I look at stone circles around the globe including Stonehenge, I would have to agree. Stones, arranged in circles, have been found around the world in Turkey, England, Israel, Africa, Egypt, Mexico and the Americaʼs. They have been built at different periods of time in Earthʼs history by everyone, in many different locations, using small stones, huge stones, pyramids, and observatories. What could the ancient ones have been trying to tell us about Earthʼs delicate balance and why?

    In the Americaʼs, stone circles have been given the name “Medicine Wheels” and there are many different reasons given for their constructions. Some say they are places for healing, medicine, sacred ceremonies, spiritual guidance, magic, and even some sort of secret technology. But all I really see, are piles of stones arranged in the same circular pattern. Thousands of people have visited these sites and nothing has ever happened to them, no magic, no medicine, or secret technology, nothing has ever embraced them to my knowledge.

    It is the Hopi belief, based on their Creation story, that east has not always been located in the same position as it is today. They believe that our planet has shifted on its axis at predetermined times account the twin polar ice caps departed their post or melted and the loss of this weight caused the planet to teeter off balance, spin around crazily, and then roll over twice.This is the third time that this shift has occurred and the North and South poles were located in different locations in each of the three previous events or times.

    Bighorn National Forest
    Wyoming Medicine Wheel
    Pic: Thomas O. Mills, Figure 1
    Charles Hapgood wrote a book called Path of the Pole in 1958, with a foreword by Albert Einstein, he speculated that the earthʼs crust can rotated or slip above the inner core, like the skin of an orange, and he calls this event earth crust displacement. On his climate change chart for the last 100,000 years, he carbon dated thousands of core samples to conclude that this slippage has happened at least three times in that time period or exactly the same count as the Hopi elders have been saying for many hundreds of years.
    The Hopi version is based on a verbal story passed down from generation to generation and Hapgoodʼs version is based on the data he collected around the planet in his scientific study.

    The Hopi Truth Wheel

    In order to prove the Hopi and Hapgood, and find out the truth about all the stone circles, I have come up with a simple tool that I call the Hopi Truth Wheel or the Hopi Wheel of Truth.

    [​IMG]Hopi Truth Wheel
    Pic: Thomas O. Mills, Figure 2
    The equinox, the winter solstice and the summer solstice are very important events to the Hopi. Many of their most important ceremonies are based on these occurrences. The equinox, which occurs twice a year, once on March 20th and then again on September 21st or 22nd, when the earthʼs axis is straight up, not pointing towards the sun or away from the sun and therefore the day is split equally into two equal halves, or half daylight and half darkness; the perfect balance.
    The summer and winter solstice take place 28 degrees north or south from this point of the equinox, so the halfway mark would be 14 degrees on each side or the cross-quarter mark. All five of these measurements are very important and used by the Hopi throughout the year.

    I have divided the circle into 12 equal pieces by using the number 30 instead of the number 28 to work with whole numbers in our system of mathematics. I believe one would get the same results with what ever system of mathematics you use account of the way the stone circles are designed. If it takes the earth 72 years to move just one degree through the procession of the equinox, and in our system there are 360 degrees in a circle, then it would take 360 x 72 or 25,920 years to travel the whole circle, using our system.
    A person using this tool, at the time of the equinox, facing east at sunrise would have west directly behind him, north would be to his left and south to his right, and by using this tool he would have at least 14 points of reference (similar to a gyroscope) to measure the earthʼs delicate balance or its orientation in space.
    I have learned that having two or three points of reference is very important. For example, when building a fence over a long distance, if you put the first and last post in place, then a person standing in the middle, can move a marker back and forth between the two, and then someone standing behind the first post, can line them up perfectly straight between the three points and make a very straight fence. Two points will not work.

    Stonehenge’s Orignal Alignment

    Two archaeologists, Thomas Darvill and Geoffrey Wainwright, have been working at Stonehenge for many years. They believe this is what the complex looked like when all the stones were in their original place, Figure 3. This is also Stonehenge present orientation to the four directions, north, south, east, and west.

    At the present time the complex does not line up with the equinox, the solstice or any planets, stars, or events. Therefore, at the present time, no one has any idea what the complex was really used for or when it was built.[​IMG]
    Stonehenge Original Alignment
    Pic: Thomas O. Mills, Figure 3
    If we turn the structure and the earth to face true east,[​IMG]
    Stonehenge Original Alignment
    Pic: Thomas O. Mills, Figure 4
    Pic: Thomas O. Mills, Figure 5
    And then add the Hopi Truth Wheel. See Figure 5.
    [​IMG]<Click on images to enlarge>
    You would see that the sun on the morning of the equinox would enter the complex between the exact center of two large stones, split one of the smaller center stones into two equal pieces and then pass through two of the large stones in the center and depart the complex between two more large stones in the back of the circle at true west.

    The sun on the morning of the summer and winter solstice would split the next two stones on each side of this center stone and land on two of the large stones in the second ring of stones where both of these events could be marked and measured for reference when the equinox occurred.

    There would be four more points of reference between the remaining eight large stones that could line up with four different stars at that moment. The stars would change as time went by account of the procession of the equinox, but the location of the stars would mark the exact time that the complex was used. Astronomers can move the procession forward or backward and calculate the exact time and date. This might be one more reason for the complex and the reason the builders used such large stones, that could not be moved.

    Balancing the Planet

    The complete complex would be a very effective way of showing our balanced planet at the time of the equinox, or it would have been an excellent tool to do the job of balancing the planet if it was out of balance or orientation in its orbit for some reason.

    With east in this direction everything starts to make sense. The eight large stones in the middle of the circle would act as a type of gun site allowing the light of four stars to meet in the middle of the circle. The north-south lines that were not needed would not go through the circle nor would the four unneeded lines that complete the twelve divisions of the circle.

    If a person was standing at the center of the circle the morning of the equinox they would see two points of reference to the north and two points of reference to the south. Then the sun would rise in the direction of true east between the two large stones in the outer circle and split the small center stone in the ring of 60 stones and then pass through the exact center of the two large stones and out the opposite side of the complex. This would give the observer six points of reference to the earth delicate balance and I do not believe you could get the same result by shifting the complex in any other direction. This might be the reason the complex was built. There is no other explanation that I can find. The Creator of the complex needed the sun and the stars to find the earths perfect balance in space.

    The North Pole 17,000 Years Ago

    [​IMG]Stonehenge in Google Earth
    Pic: Thomas O. Mills, Figure 6
    The complex also tells me that the Creator of the complex used a stele as a reference point to block the suns rays at the time of the equinox. That he needed at least six points of reference and that he was very worried about the Earths delicate balance at different times in our past.If you follow the direction of the north line northward, it takes you to a location at 60 degrees north, 73 degrees west which is the exact location that Charles Hapgood suggest in his book, The Path Of The Poles, as a location of the north pole at around 17,000 Before Present.
    The only location I have ever been in my life where the equinox, the solstice and the stars are measured for a worldly event, and objects are arranged in a broken circle (Kachina Dancers) is a Hopi Plaza or a Hopi Kiva, their underground ceremonial chamber. The Hopi truth wheel works at Stonehenge in my mind.

    In 2003, 150 miles inland from the port of Maputo, Southeast Africa, Johan Heine was searching for a plane that had crashed. He passed over thousand of stone circles that he thought were cattle pens that the natives had piled together for corrals and finally landed at a place he named, “Adams Calendar” a stone circle on top of a high ridge.When I place the Hopi Wheel of Truth on the site:[​IMG]
    Adams Calendar, South Africa
    Pic: Thomas O. Mills, Figure 7
    and if you follow the north line with google earth:
    Which according to Hapgood, would date the site to around 75,000 years ago.[​IMG]
    Adams Calendar, South Africa
    Pic: Thomas O. Mills, Figure 8
    The Gobekli Tepe Stone Circle

    Hopi Truth Wheel at Gobekli Tepe,
    South Eastern Turkey
    Pic: Thomas O. Mills, Figure 9
    In 1964, in Southeastern Turkey, the University of Istanbul discovered a stone circle the called Gobekli Tepe. When I place the Hopi Wheel of Truth on the site:-This rock was placed to pinpoint the equinox. A similar structure was built at Monte Alban in Southern Mexico called building “J” to pinpoint the solstice.
    Monte Alban, Southern Mexico

    There was not enough room on top of the pyramid for an observatory so the location of the Solstice was pinpointed on the ground with this building. Building “J”.I believe that many of the Mayan Temples were built to complete the same task as Stonehenge, Adams Calendar, Gobekli Tepe, and the American Medicine Wheels. When I place the Hopi Wheel of Truth on the Mayan Complex of Monte Alban in Southern Mexico:[​IMG]
    Monte Alban, Southern Mexico
    Pic: Thomas O. Mills, Figure 10
    Monte Alban in Google Earth
    Pic: Thomas O. Mills, Figure 11
    And if you line up the Avenue of the Dead with google earth you see that it lines up with Hapgoodʼs north pole location of 12,000 BC.
    The Mayan Complex of El Tajin and the Wheel of Refaim


    El Tajin with Truth Wheel
    Pic: Thomas O. Mills, Figure 12
    And on the stone circle located on the Golan Heights in Israel called the Wheel of Refaim.[​IMG]

    Golan Heights, Israel
    Pic: Thomas O. Mills, Figure 13
    Our present pole would correspond to the ancient site of Tiahuanaco located in Western Bolivia.

    Pic: Thomas O. Mills, Figure 14
    And the ancient temples at Baalbek in Lebanon would correspond to Hapgoodʼs pole location of 50,000 years ago.
    Baalbek, Lebanon
    Pic: Thomas O. Mills, Figure 15
    The whole pyramid complex in Egypt could be the largest of our stone circles and indeed show our pathway of life and the astronomical cycle for our planet, just as the elders said.[​IMG]
    Pyramid Alignment
    Pic: Thomas O. Mills, Figure 16
    Many stone circles all around the globe, were positioned in-line with the equinox and the two solstice but the earth was rotating in a different position during those times. Iʼve mentioned only a few and hope others will use the Hopi Wheel of Truth in their search for the truth, in the future.
    Will we, as a civilization build stone circles in the end times, to try and find the earthʼs delicate balance after our polar ice caps melt? Only time will tell.

    Thomas O. Mills
    The Book of Truth, A New Perspective on the Hopi Creation Story & Stonehenge If This Was East (Amazon UK)
    The Book of Truth, A New Perspective on the Hopi Creation Story & Stonehenge If This Was East (Amazon US)

    *Footnote: Stonehenge gives us the numbers 432 & 4,320.
    The Great Pyramid uses the scale of 1: 43,200 to give us the dimensions of the earth.
    Pyramids height 481.3949 X 43,200 = 3938.685 miles Polar radius of the earth 3949 miles.
    Pyramids perimeter at the base 3023.16 X 43,200 = 24,734.94. Equatorial circumference of the earth 24,902.

    Special Thanks to:
    Thomas O. Mills and Gary Vey Editor Viewzone Magazine

    ** note added by admin
    ** original text downloaded 5/12/2014


    Wow. What an interesting and seems to be true correlation between medicine wheel and Stonehenge. A planetary medicine wheel it appears it to be working under the same principles of a Hopi medicine wheel.


    yes, this is interesting, will need to fix this thread
    Last edited: May 13, 2014

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