THE ANSWER to Ancient Calendars & Mayan Timeline Encodings Of The Calendars-BERMANSEDER & SCHWENGER

Discussion in 'Ancient, Indigenous, & Tribal Calendars' started by CULCULCAN, Apr 14, 2014.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Walter Cruttenden - Bermanseder- Schwenger work
    related to 390 x 24000 = 9,360,000 = 360 X 26000 Plato Great Year


    This also fits into the work of:
    Susan Lynne Schwenger & Tony Bermanseder
    9,360,000 divided by 360 = 26,000
    9,360,360 divided by 360 = 26,001
    also 9,360,000 divided by 390 = 24,000 - plato's great year
    and, 9,360,360 divided by 390 = 24,000.923
    ~ Susan Lynne Schwenger

    LOST STAR of MYTH & TIME - Walter Cruttenden - great year - plato
    by Mary Sutherland

    Sun has binary partner, may affect the Earth September 13, 2005.

    The ground-breaking and richly illustrated new book,
    Lost Star of Myth and Time, marries modern astronomical theory
    with ancient star lore to make a compelling case for the profound influence
    on our planet of a companion star to the sun.

    Author and theorist, Walter Cruttenden, presents the evidence
    that this binary orbit relationship may be the cause of a vast cycle
    causing the Dark and Golden Ages common in the lore of ancient cultures.

    Researching archaeological and astronomical data at the unique think tank,
    the Binary Research Institute, Cruttenden concludes that the movement
    of the solar system plays a more important role in life than people realize,
    and he challenges some preconceived notions:

    The phenomenon known as the precession of the equinox,
    fabled as a marker of time by ancient peoples, is not due to a local wobbling
    of the Earth as modern theory portends, but to the solar system's gentle curve
    through space.

    This movement of the solar system occurs because the Sun has a companion star;
    both stars orbit a common center of gravity, as is typical of most double star systems.

    The grand cycle–the time it takes to complete one orbit––is called a "Great Year,"
    a term coined by Plato.

    Cruttenden explains the effect on earth with an analogy:

    "Just as the spinning motion of the earth causes the cycle of day and night,
    and just as the orbital motion of the earth around the sun causes
    the cycle of the seasons, so too does the binary motion cause a cycle of rising
    and falling ages over long periods of time, due to increasing
    and decreasing electromagnet effects generated by our sun and other nearby stars."

    While the findings in Lost Star are controversial, astronomers now agree
    that most stars are likely part of a binary or multiple star system.

    Dr. Richard A. Muller, professor of physics
    at UC Berkeley and research physicist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
    is an early proponent of a companion star to our sun;
    he prefers a 26 million year orbit period.

    Cruttenden uses 24,000 years and says the change in angular direction
    can be seen in the precession of the equinox.

    Lost Star of Myth and Time expands on the author's award-winning PBS documentary film "The Great Year," narrated by actor James Earl Jones. The book brings intriguing new evidence to the theory of our binary companion star and an age old mystery
    - the precession of the equinox. Source: Binary Research Institute

    Read more at:


    If we have a companion star, it must be a very dark one,
    The nearest known star is 41/2 light years awa
    y -- too far away to have any influence on our solar system.

    The following I believe to be fact and share it with you although this stuff
    is I know your meat and potatoes . . .
    The author may be refering to the light and dark cycles
    due to the rotation of our solar system within our galaxy.
    it completes this cycle every 26,000 years.
    Each sector going around is called a Yuga.
    Within the 26,00 year cycle our solar system becomes closer
    to the center of the Mily Way Galaxy and then farther out.
    This would be like the summer and winter of our Solar System
    as it approaches the Great Central Sun and then recedes.
    When we are far away (dark cycle), humanity sleeps.
    When we are close (light cycle), humanity awakens.

    The preceson of the Earth the author refers to is a 26,000 year wobble cycle
    of the Earth's poles.


    good information, thanks for sharing it - i know, its not nibiru
    -as, that doesn't exist
    funny thing, doing sunrise ceremonies;
    i have seen '2' suns ?
    not sure, what to think about it,
    or, even what to feel about it
    best perhaps, to just sit with it ;)


    sometimes, i keep coming back to the number '7'
    - and, 'the asteroid belt"
    and, a big sense, that once upon a time, long ago
    - there was a planet there

    • what destroyed it, and, what really occurred,
    • and, when ? and, this sense i know
    and, this kind of plays around inside of me


    This speaks to your memories . . .
    It is written that our solar system at one time had two suns.
    At that time thee was a planet between Jupiter and Mars called Maldek.
    It was a paradise. But no growth.
    So a polarity was created to create growth.
    Things then got out of hand. A paradise no more.
    The planet literally was destroyed creating an asteriod belt that exists in its place today.



    i wonder how that factors into an astrology chart ?
    tony is doing some interesting ones based on equal houses, and, extra things
    you should email your birth info to him, and, i'm sure he'd do your chart
    we are actually finding interesting things in those charts


    This also fits into the work of:
    Susan Lynne Schwenger & Tony Bermanseder
    9,360,000 divided by 360 = 26,000
    9,360,360 divided by 360 = 26,001
    also 9,360,000 divided by 390 = 24,000 - plato's great year
    and, 9,360,360 divided by 390 = 24,000.923
    ~ Susan Lynne Schwenger


    Is there a natural herb or treatment to detox from fluoride, mercury,
    and pineal gland calcification?

    The first intentional addition of fluoride in drinking water occurred in the early 1930′s
    in Nazi Germany. Marketing it as supposed helping children’s teeth, the actual sodium fluoride
    was to sterilize humans and force the masses into a calm docile state of submission
    and declining health-state. Control of the population through this manner was easily achievable.

    Research chemist Charles Perkins was sent by the U.S. government to ascertain the truth
    on water fluoridation and found: “

    ”The German chemists worked out a very ingenious and far-reaching plan of mass control
    that was submitted to and adopted by the German General Staff.

    This plan was to control the population of any given area through mass medication
    of drinking water supplies . . .


    In this scheme of mass control, ‘sodium fluoride’ occupied a prominent place. . .

    However, and I want to make this very definite, the real reason behind water fluoridation
    is not to benefit children’s teeth . . .

    The real purpose behind water fluoridation is to reduce the resistance of the masses
    to domination and control and loss of liberty . . .

    Repeated doses of infinitesimal amounts of fluorine will in time gradually reduce
    the individual’s power to resist domination by slowly poisoning and narco-tizing
    this area of the brain tissue, and make him submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him . . .
    I was told of this entire scheme by a German chemist who was an official
    of the great Farben chemical industries and was prominent in the Nazi movement at the time . . .

    I say this with all the earnestness and sincerity of a scientist who has spend n
    early 20 years researching in chemistry, biochemistry, physiology, and pathology of fluorine . . .

    Any person who drinks artificially fluoridated water for a period of one year
    or more will never again be the same person,
    mentally or physically.”

    Fluoride from water in our drinking water, food, and showers, enters our bloodstream
    and has a half-life of over 20 years, causing massive brain damage to unborn fetuses
    and gradually impairs IQ, as well as depressing cell growth rate.

    Most of the fluoride accumulates in the pineal gland which is the 2nd highest organ
    which receives blood-flow in the body.

    Besides ratfish or skatefish liver oil which has been found to gradually help decalcify
    the pineal gland over time, the natural rootbark of Iboga has been shown
    to do wonders on the pineal gland and overall fluoride and mercury detoxification.

    At Iboga House, we have had several patients who have come for mercury poisoning
    specifically and many showing signs of toxic poisoning.

    Many of these people have said they feel disconnected from themselves
    without enough will or strength to break free. Some call this depersonalization disorder.

    After two iboga treatments, the first of which is meant to detox the body of fluoride
    and other toxins including candida, herpes, and other viral and bacteria loads
    which “officially” are incurable, the second iboga journey is meant to take you
    on a psycho-spiritual journey to face yourself and clear your mind
    in an even greater way.

    Most people receive this experience in some form or another,
    but some may require additional treatment,
    especially if they do not surrender to the experience
    or have many years of toxic bodies and minds.

    The miracles that are experienced with Iboga include having an inner silence
    that has been lost by many for a number of years.

    Resetting receptor sites on cells in your body and brain and resetting the mind
    of cellular memory and overstimulation from marketing,
    EMFs, and the world in general has an immense and empowering effect
    in only a few short days.

    Moughenda Mikala, the shaman at Iboga House, is a 10th generation Nganga
    from the jungles of Gabon who like most indigenous tribes, knows all about the third eye
    through spiritual experience, even though the Bwiti have been secluded from other tribes
    all over the world.

    Through the supplemental use of Moungouli, the secret recipe of the Pygmies,
    which is a paste made up of over 50 rare herbs, this paste is applied to your third eye
    during your second treatment to open up your third eye in as little as 15 seconds.

    Most people who are tapped by Moughenda claim to see his finger with their eyes closed
    and some say it goes through their head and opens up their visionary sight.

    This is because the pineal gland is not just a physical organ but is also the seat of the soul,
    which for many is locked.

    There has been specific programs put in place to keep this locked
    because without clear access to the soul, a human being is simply run
    by programs which are too powerful and too engrained to be broken free of.

    The movie the matrix is actually a powerful wake-up call to how most humans are being used.

    As sad as this may seem, it is a beautiful time to be aliv
    e because all these chemicals and false information is causing u
    s to wake up faster and evolve with greater pressure.

    Source: Waking Times


    glad i found this one
    Last edited: May 2, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    360 + 5 = 365 HAAB calender -The Solar Calendar of The Pyramid of Niches, El Tajin, Mexico

    Pyramid of Niches, El Tajin, Mexico

    It has 365 Niches, representing the solar year, almost perfectly symmetrical ~ and making it SOLAR CALENDAR
    - Susan Lynne Schwenger


    it appears the residents are only 4 feet tall.


    I'll add this into all of the calendar work, i had it filed in the wrong section
    Last edited: May 3, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    MAYAN CALENDER DICOVERY CONFIRMS 2012 end date - 56 - but, what about the mirror of 65 ???



    An ancient Maya text has emerged from the jungles of Guatemala confirming the so-called "end date" of the Maya calendar, Dec. 21, 2012. Considered one of the most significant hieroglyphic finds in decades, the 1,300-year-old inscription contains only the second known reference to the "end date," but does not predict doomsday. "The text talks about ancient political history rather than prophecy," Marcello A. Canuto, director of Tulane University's Middle American Research Institute, said.

    Carved on a stone staircase, the inscription was found at the ruins of La Corona, in the dense rainforest of northwestern Guatemala, by an international team of archaeologists led by Canuto and colleague Tomás Barrientos of the Universidad del Valle de Guatemala.

    WIDE ANGLE: Will the World End in 2012?

    The archaeologists made the discovery as they decided to excavate in front of a building that had been heavily damaged nearly 40 years ago by looters looking for carved stones and tombs. "We knew they found something important, but we also thought they might have missed something," Barrientos said. Indeed, the archaeologists not only recovered 10 discarded hieroglyphic stones, but also something that the looters missed entirely -- an untouched step with a set of 12 exquisitely carved stones still in their original location. Combined with the known looted blocks, the original staircase had a total of 264 hieroglyphs, making it one of the longest ancient Maya texts known, and the longest in Guatemala. According to David Stuart, director of the Mesoamerica Center of the University of Texas at Austin, who deciphered the hieroglyphics, the stairway inscription recorded 200 years of La Corona's history.

    ANALYSIS: 2012 Mayan Calendar 'Doomsday' Date Might Be Wrong

    Bearing 56 delicately carved hieroglyphs, the stone referring to the year 2012 commemorated a royal visit to La Corona (which the ancient Maya called Saknikte’) by the ruler Yuknoom Yich’aak K’ahk’ from the great Maya capital of Calakmul on Jan. 29, 696 A.D.


    Also known as Fire Claw or Jaguar Paw, Yuknoom Yich’aak K’ahk’ had suffered a military defeat the year before, during a war with Calakmul's longstanding rival Tikal (located in modern Peten, Guatemala). "Scholars had assumed that the Calakmul king died or was captured in this engagement, but this new extraordinary text from La Corona tells us otherwise," said Stuart. In the wake of the defeat, the Maya ruler visited La Corona and perhaps other trusted allies to allay their fears after his defeat. According to the archaeologists, the 2012 reference would have been a political move by the Calakmul king, who wanted to reassure the peoples of La Corona after the stunning defeat.

    ANALYSIS: Mayan Ruins Describe Dates Beyond 2012 'Doomsday'

    The key to understanding the reference to 2012 is a unique title that the king gave himself, said the archaeologists. In the text, he calls himself the "13 K’atun lord" -- the king who presided over and celebrated an important Mayan calendar ending, 13 K’atun calendar cycle, in the year 692. In order to vaunt himself even further and place his reign into an eternal setting, the Maya king connected himself forward in time to when the next higher period of the Maya calendar would reach the same 13 number -- December 21, 2012.

    NEWS: Never Mind the Apocalypse: Earliest Mayan Calendar Found

    "This was a time of great political turmoil in the Maya region and this king felt compelled to allude to a larger cycle of time that happens to end in 2012," Stuart said. The discovery is consistent with the only other reference to the 2012 date in ancient Maya inscriptions --Monument 6 from Tortuguero, Mexico. "What this text shows us is that in times of crisis, the ancient Maya used their calendar to promote continuity and stability rather than predict apocalypse," Canuto said.

    Photos: The Calakmul's ruler depicted during a 696 visit to La Corona. Credit: David Stuart;
    - One of the recovered carved stones. Credit: David Stuart.


    NOTE - the 56

    - if you take the mirror of that you get 65

    16DEC 2013 - ends The 65th cycle on The 65th Ahua at sunset and, at sunrise The 66th cycle starts on 17 DEC 2013 (imix)


    yes, many answers in the mirror - susan lynne schwenger


    yes, many answers in the mirror - susan lynne schwenger
    Last edited: May 3, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    LA CONVERGENZE ARMONICA (haven't translated this yet)

    La Convergenza Armonica


    La Convergenza Armonica è un raro allineamento planetario che ha avuto luogo nel nostro sistema solare, tra il Sole, la Luna e altri sei pianeti, il 16-17 agosto 1987. In virtù del rinnovamento completo della griglia energetica planetaria che ne conseguì, grandi ondate di energia divina (luce eterica) sono state trasmesse dal Cosmo verso il pianeta Terra, preparandoci per i
    l Cambio d’Era del 2012.

    Il tempismo della Convergenza Armonica è particolarmente correlato con l’antico Calendario Maya, che prevede l’inizio di una sincronizzazione tra la Terra e la nostra Galassia centrale. Ciò ha aperto un portale energetico verso una maggiore illuminazione per quegli esseri umani che sono pronti per l’Ascensione.

    L’aspetto di maggiore importanza della Convergenza Armonica è l’apporto di una nuova griglia magnetica planetaria, più spiritualizzata nelle sue caratteristiche fondamentali. Le griglie magnetiche planetarie servono da vettori dei campi morfogenetici in una determinata fase evolutiva. Questo cambiamento ha generato un rapido incremento vibrazionale collettivo ed ha permesso l’attivazione e la vivificazione del Corpo di Luce umano, che si è espanso da 7 livelli a 12 livelli, con conseguente estensione in numero del sistema dei chakra umani da 7 a 12[6]. Questo nuovo riconteggio è però ancora parzialmente sconosciuto per le dottrine new-age non aggiornate.

    La Convergenza Armonica ci ha proiettato nel conto alla rovescia finale di 25 anni dei 5.125 del grande ciclo Maya, verso la fine del ciclo di precessione equinoziale di 26 mila anni e verso la data finale del lungo computo Maya, che volgeranno sincronicamente al termine nel 2012.

    La Convergenza Armonica del 1987 è stata un annuncio dell’incombente fine dei tempi per come noi la conosciamo e una preparazione per lo spostamento della Terra dalla realtà 3D alla realtà 5D previsto dal 2012 in avanti. Molti studiosi fanno coincidere la data della Convergenza Armonica con il passaggio “ufficiale” alla Nuova Era dell’Acquario. Per approfondire →

    [6] Chi conosce il sistema musicale temperato occidentale, potrà paragonare questo passaggio all’uso della scala cromatica di 12 suoni al posto della scala diatonica di 7 suoni. Le applicazioni musicali di queste scale non sono altro che utilizzi frattalici/olografici dello stesso sistema archetipicamente strutturato di energie vibratorie che esistono ad un livello superiore.


    translation ???
    Last edited: May 3, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Ancient Calendars & The Magic of Numbers related to Day Time Record Wisdom Keeping

    Ancient Calendars

    Many European and Mediterranean-based peoples inherited the ancient Sumerian-Babylonian sexagesimal system of time keeping, using 24 hours in a day, with hours of 60-minutes each, and 60 seconds per minute. There are still today 360 degrees in a circle due to the ancient Babylonian year of 360 days. (That all changed after the catastrophe of 701 B.C.) Now our year is about 365 1/4 days long.

    Many used the Moon's cycles, in 28-29 day Lunar calendars, trying to reconcile this regular (monthly) movement with the annual Solar cycles.

    Calendars of ancient peoples help to confirm the Biblical time frame. They point to a 6,000 year span (or shorter), which is consistent with a literal reading of the Bible.

    The Chinese calendar, for example, is at about the year 4707 (in 2010). It appears to mark the birthdate of Noah (or some other pivotal event), from some 300 years before the Great Flood. Their civilization does not at all predate that time. But they have laid claim to this particular starting point or starting person's origin.
    The Mayan Calendar will reset in 2012. Of course some are making money by predicting the end of the world then, but its origins plotted backward date back to 5,125 years ago, or to about 400 years earlier than the Chinese reckoning.

    Many calendars have been passed down from Ancient India. The Mahabharat calendar began about 3,200 B.C. That would put its start between the Mayan and the Chinese calendars, i.e. from some event in the pre-Flood era.

    The origin of the ancient Egyptian Calendar is still debated. Some contend that it began about 4,500 years ago, others that it began a little before 6,000 years ago (4236 B.C.). (Both are consistent with Biblical chronology.)

    No civilization has a calendar going back for 15,000 or 20,000 years. But evolution contends that humans have been humans (mentally and physically) for well over 100,000. Now wait, if that is true doesn't it seem like someone somewhere would have devised an accurate calendar long before the Bible's contended date of about 6,000 years ago? Once again, real science lines up just fine with the Bible's contentions. But evolutionists have to ignore the evidence in order to pretend that their theory is plausible. They would claim that humans wandered around (figuring out fire and the wheel) for several tens of thousands of years - and then "poof!" suddenly on every continent, within hundreds of years of each other - they all decided to start inventing calendars?

    The stories of an original ancient paradise (like the Garden of Eden) persist around the world. Created by God(s), long life spans, a perfect environment, and early civilized men who later fell to violence and evil are all part of these stories. See Frazier's book.

    Not only cultures, but organizations want to establish their historical stability. In Italy some can trace their roots back to the remnants of ancient Rome. In Japan many families can trace their ancestry back to the Shogun times. Or in America for example, "Daughters of the American Revolution" (as one organization) can point to a long heritage. Wanting to establish a strong past has been important for many peoples.
    Although completely different in nature - in a similar way - the Catholic Church claims credibility of a priesthood descending from St. Peter. The longevity gives an appearance of greater authority, no matter the current batch of priests and bishops, etc. Businesses too may do this when they boast of how long they've been established. (The web page for Hudson's Bay Co. boasts of their 1670 establishment, for example.)
    Establishing credibility or seniority - this happens today. Certainly past peoples did so as well. The Egyptians appear to have tried to get their "origins" to be older than others. Did they "fudge a little"? The Sumerians somehow dated the life spans of early rulers into the "thousands" of years. It is an interesting exaggeration of the true pre-Flood life expectancies of the pre-Flood patriarchs. They actually lived up to around 900-950 years.

    I hope this reasoning helps to clarify and reconcile the human propensity to seek validation and credibility versus the true (and unexaggerated) Biblical time framework and its accurate genealogies.
    There is an excellent book on-line (free to download) that correlates post-Flood geneologies and the early spread of ancient peoples, After the Flood by Cooper, This book shows that the Table of Nations in Genesis, Chapters 10 and 11, is stunningly accurate when compared to what we know of ancient human migrations and settlement patterns.

    Ancient Calendars


    The ancient Egyptians began numbering their years when the star Sirius rose at the same place as the Sun. The Egyptian calendar was the first solar calendar and contained 365 days. These were divided into 12 30-day months and five days of festival (Neugebauer 1969). From astronomical calculations, Sirius and the Sun coincided in 4241 and 2773 BC, so either of these could have served as Egyptian Year 1.
    The calendar used by the ancient Greeks was based on the Moon, and is known as the Metonic calendar. This calendar was based on the observations of Meton [​IMG] of Athens (ca. 440 BC), which showed that 235 lunar months made up almost exactly 19 solar years. This 19-year cycle became known as the Metonic cycle. However, given a nominal twelve-month year, an additional [​IMG] lunar months needed to be added to synchronize the cycle. These were added in years 3, 5, 8, 11, 13, 16, and 19 of the cycle. Around 325 BC, Callippus [​IMG] modified the calendar by noting that 4 19-year Metonic cycles with 940 months were very close to 27,759 days. This is called the Callipic cycle. Hipparchus [​IMG] noted that an even more accurate cycle (now called the Hipparchic cycle) consisted of four Callipic cycles less a day, in which [​IMG] days were very nearly 3760 months. However, neither system was widely used. A lunar-based calendar is still used by some religious sects to determine holidays. Easter, for instance, generally occurs on the first Sunday following the first full moon after the vernal equinox, although the actual scheme is a bit more complicated still (Montes).

    Prior to 46 BC, the Roman calendar, or what has been reconstructed of it, is described as a "mess." The Romans calendar originally started the year with the vernal equinox and consisted of 10 months (Martius, Aprilis, Maius, Junius, Quntilis, Sextilis, September, October, November, and December) having a total of 304 days. The numbers still embedded in the last four months of the year are the fossil of this (September, October, November, and December, contain the Latin roots for the numerals seven, eight, nine, and ten, but now fall on the ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth months of the year). The 304 days were followed by an unnamed, unnumbered period in winter. The Roman emperor Numa Pompilius (715-673 BC) introduced February and January between January and March, increasing the length of the year to 354 or 355 days. Then in 450 BC, February was moved to its current position.

    In the year 46 BC, the Greek Sosigenes [​IMG] convinced Julius Caesar to reform the calendar to a more manageable form. The Julian calendar consisted of cycles of three 365-day years followed by a 366-day leap year.
    January31Janus, two-headed god of doorways and gates
    February28/29Februarius, the month of expiation
    March31Mars, god of war
    April30derived from Latin verb meaning "to open"
    May31Maia, goddess of Spring and growth
    June30Juno, goddess of wisdom and marriage
    July31Julius Caesar
    August31Augustus Caesar
    September307 in Latin
    October318 in Latin
    November309 in Latin
    December3110 in Latin
    Although a great improvement over the Metonic calendar, the Julian calendar was still not quite in synchronization with the seasons. The Venerable Bede, [​IMG] an English scholar who lived from 673-735, noted that the vernal equinox had slipped three days earlier than the traditional March 21. The Julian calendar remained in use, however, until replaced by the Gregorian calendar in the late sixteenth century. Although the Roman abbot Dionysius Exiguus proposed that the years be numbered from the birth of Christ in about 524 (Boyer 1968, p. 272), Bede [​IMG] was the first to actually date events from the birth of Christ. This system gives rise to the familiar classification of dates as BC or AD (also sometimes denoted BCE and CE). Interestingly enough, probably because the concept for zero was not widely used in Europe at the time, this method of dating omits the year zero, so that the year 1 BC is followed immediately by the year 1 AD. In any case, whoever zeroed the calendar made an error, since the Bible says Jesus was alive in Herod's time, but Roman records showed that Herod died in what turns out to be 4 BC.

    The German astronomer Christoph Clavius [​IMG] (1537-1612) was the motivating force behind the needed revision of the Julian calendar. The reform brought the calendar back in synchronization with the seasons (which now occurred 11 days earlier that their traditional dates), and altered the rules under which leap years occurred. By the new rules, the years that were divisible by 400 were leap years, while other century years were not. These modifications were sufficient to match almost precisely the length of the tropical year.
    The reform was first adopted by Pope Gregory XIII, who decreed that the day after October 4, 1582 would be October 15, 1582. This decree was followed by the Catholic countries of France, Spain, Portugal, and Italy. Various Catholic German countries (Germany was not yet unified), Belgium, the Netherlands, and Switzerland followed suit within a year or two, and Hungary followed in 1587. Because of the Pope's decree, the reform of the Julian calendar came to be known as the Gregorian calendar. The rest of Europe did not follow suit for more than a century. The Protestant German countries adopted the Gregorian reform in 1700. By this time, the calendar trailed the seasons by twelve days. England finally followed suit in 1752, declaring that Wednesday, September 2, 1752 was immediately followed by Thursday, September 14, 1752 as shown in the below calendar. The English calendar was also used in America.

    English Calendar:

    September 1752
    Sweden followed England's lead in 1753. Russia, however, did not follow suit until 1918, when January 31, 1918 was immediately followed by February 14th. In fact, Russia is not on the Gregorian calendar, but on a more accurate one of their own devising. The Russian calendar is designed to more closely approximate the true length of the tropical year, thus has one additional rule for when a year is a leap year. It will remain in synchronization with the Gregorian calendar for thousands more years, by which time one or both will have probably fallen into disuse. Similarly, Iranian calendar is also a more accurate version of the Gregorian calendar (Ross).

    The names of the days of the week were derived from gods, "planets," and--in some languages--metals. These name were later carried over to almost all modern European languages, though the names may sound different. In English, Wednesday is derived from a form of the Norse god Odin and Thursday from the Norse God Thor.

    During the French Revolution, the French invented and put into use a new French revolutionary calendar. The Revolutionary calendar was established in October 1793, but Year I was made effective on September 22, 1792 (the autumnal equinox). The Revolutionary calendar had 12 months of 30 days, plus 5 or 6 leap days (with a rule for leap years). The French Revolutionary calendar was abolished when Napoleon re-instituted the Gregorian calendar on December 31, 1805.

    The Julian calendar still remains in some use, since it is the basis of the system of the Julian date, devised by Clavius' [​IMG] contemporary Julian Scaliger [​IMG] (1540-1609). (In addition, some religious sects still calculate holidays based on the Julian calendar.) The name for this system, incidentally, was from Julius Scaliger, [​IMG] not Julius Caesar. In it, Scaliger [​IMG] defined Day One was as a day when three cycles converged on it. The first cycle was the 28 year period over which the Julian calendar repeats. (After 28 years, all the dates fall on the same days of the week, so you need only buy 28 calendars. Note that since the Gregorian calendar was adopted the calendar now takes 400 years to repeat.) The second was the 19 year Metonic cycle, over which phases of the moon almost land on the same dates of the year. The third cycle was the 15 year ancient Roman tax cycle. Scaliger [​IMG] picked January 1, 4713 BC on the Julian calendar as Day One (Seidelmann 1992, p. 55). I don't know the significance for picking this date as opposed to any other "triple convergence" date.

    After Julian date One, subsequent Julian dates are sequential. Therefore, midnight before January 1, 1982 is Julian Date 2,444,970.5. The modified Julian date system, defined as the Julian date minus 2,400,000.5, is also occasionally used by astronomers, but not so frequently in recent years. The Julian and Gregorian calendars differ by 13 days in the 20th and 21st Centuries. They would have been in synchronization during the 3rd Century.

    The following table gives the dates corresponding to January 1, 1989 in the Gregorian calendar for various other calendar systems (Astronomical Almanac).

    CalendarYear for Gregorian 1989Year Begins
    Byzantine7498Sept. 14, 1989
    Chinese(4626)Feb. 6, 1989
    Diocletian1706Sept. 11, 1989
    Grecian (Seleucidæ)2301Sept. 14 or Oct. 14, 1989
    Indian (Saka)1911Mar. 22, 1989
    Islamic1410Aug. 3, 1989*
    Japanese2649Jan. 1, 1989
    jewish (A. M.)5750Sept. 29, 1989*
    Julian1989Jan. 14, 1989
    Nabonassar2738Apr. 26, 1989
    Roman (A. U. C)2742Jan. 14, 1989
    *begins at sunset

    AD, Aztec Calendar, Babylonian Calendar, BC, BCE, Besselian Epoch, Chinese Calendar, CE, Egyptian Calendar, French Revolutionary Calendar, Gregorian Calendar, Hebrew Calendar, Hindu Calendar, Iranian Calendar, Islamic Calendar, Julian Calendar, Julian Date, Julian Epoch, Mayan Calendar, Roman Calendar, Time



    Berlekamp, E. R.; Conway, J. H.; and Guy, R. K. Winning Ways for Your Mathematical Plays, Vol. 2: Games in Particular. New York: Academic Press, pp. 795-800, 1982.
    Bickerman, E. J. Chronology of the Ancient World, rev. ed. London: Thames and Hudson, 1980.
    Boyer, C. B. A History of Mathematics. New York: Wiley, 1968.
    Dershowitz, N. and Reingold, E. M. Calendrical Calculations: The Millennium Edition. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1999.
    Doggett, L. E. "Calendars." Ch. 12 in Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac (Ed. P. K. Seidelmann). Mill Valley, CA: University Science Books, pp. 575-608, 1992.
    Duffett-Smith, P. "Calendars." §1 in Practical Astronomy with Your Calculator, 3rd ed. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-2, 1992.
    Gill, H. S. " Ancient/Classical History."
    Hollon, B. "An Introduction to Calendars."
    Kraitchik, M. "The Calendar." Ch. 5 in Mathematical Recreations. New York: W. W. Norton, pp. 109-116, 1942.
    Lee, S. E. "Calendar Conversions."
    Linden, W. "Today's Calendar and Clock Page."
    McCarty, R. "Calendar Reform."
    [​IMG] McLean, J. "CalendarLand."
    [​IMG] Montes, M. J. "Calculation of the Ecclesiastical Calendar."
    Neugebauer, O. The Exact Sciences in Antiquity, 2nd ed. New York: Dover, pp. 80-91, 1969.
    Parise, F. (Ed.). The Book of Calendars. New York: Facts on File.
    Ross, K. L. "Iranian Calendars."
    Schocken, W. A. The Calculated Confusion of the Calendar. New York: Vantage Press, 1976.
    Seidelmann, P. K. (Ed.). Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac. Mill Valley, CA: University Science Books, 1992.
    Stockton, J. "John Stockton's Date & Time Miscellany."
    Tøndering, C. "Frequently Asked Questions about Calendars."
    United States Government Printing Office. Astronomical Almanac for the Year 2000. Washington, DC: U. S. Government Printing Office, p. B2, 2000.
    Vardi, I. "The Calendar." Ch. 3 in Computational Recreations in Mathematica. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, pp. 35-55, 1991.
    Vardi, I. "Calendar.m."

    © 1996-2007 Eric W. Weisstein





    Since the early part of the twentieth century, information about the prehistoric sites of Britain has been amassing to the point where it is now possible to discover, not only the underlying system by which sites were placed, but also the measures used in the process. Robin Heath is a leading researcher in this field and his recently released title The Measure of Albion (co-authored by John Michell), demonstrates that the Earth's dimensions were accurately known prior to 3000 BC and that a system of surveyance and measure based on simple numerical and geometrical rules existed. This article, extracted from his ground-breaking work, reveals how the cycles between the Sun, Moon and Earth, acted as the basis for imperial units of measurement.

    The relationship the orbital period of the earth holds to the lunation cycle - the moon's phases, is a complex one, and the sun and the moon are not easily married. There are intrinsic difficulties and compromises which exist in the design of any calendar, and only one calendar-structure, our Gregorian 'Roman' calendar, is ever discussed in our schools. This is regrettable, because the different calendars used by various cultures throughout history provide a fascinating and instructive view of human cultural and social development.

    Anthropologists have suggested that human culture began with the structuring of time and ritual, this was followed, much later, by regulation of weights and measures. The calendar preceded the measures, and we should not be surprised to find that the word mensuration is still in force to describe accurate measurement of quantity - length, areas, volume. From these are derived the weights. The root of this word, mens, relates directly to the moon, and we might inquire why this should be so. The modern sophisticated lifestyle, enjoyed within what has been described as a 'solar culture', latterly neglects the moon and is largely abstracted from any actual observations of the sky. As a consequence our technological culture finds difficulty in appreciating the role of an ancient skywatcher, even more so when it comes to reckon how their observations might have been recorded and subsequently analysed. But we must answer a basic question: how is measurement linked with the moon?

    It must be an obvious first fact that initially, for any calendar type, a set of observations had to be wrestled from the skies. These observations, we shall discover, had to be stretched over many years. In ancient times, even in preliterate times, they must have been recorded in some form or another. Whenever this important practical detail has been addressed by researchers, it has often been assumed that the ability to write down numerical values was possible by whichever culture was undertaking the observations. Linguistic or numerical listing was employed and the storage media were clay tablets, papyrus codices, leather scrolls or hieroglyphics.

    Whilst this may have been true for the 'classical' cultures of antiquity - Egyptian, Sumerian, Hindu-Greek and Graeco-Roman - it is supposed not to have been true for the megalithic culture of northwestern Europe, thought to be pre-literate. Here, some archaeologists suppose that, in the absence of any other hardware, the mythical astronomer-priest remembered it all, a view expressed by the late Professor Richard Atkinson, who said of megalithic astronomers, "

    ...supposing that the Astronomical Ephemeris is not published, but is transmitted by word of mouth to its users in the form of epic verse which must be strictly memorised and reproduced."

    The result is a vague and largely unsubstantiated theory concerning oral tradition, involving the transmission of all those observations by word of mouth from some able-memoried yet chimaeric 'astronomer-priest'. Every full and new moon and every sunrise and sunset position is somehow remembered by an alleged process of memory and passed down through the generations - a process for which not one shred of hard evidence exists.

    Thus the evidence for advanced ancient astronomy in megalithic Europe - and there is a considerable amount of it - lies wholly at odds with the lack of any known storage medium other than the sites themselves. Unfortunately, in the European climate, then or today, we cannot expect artefacts such as tally sticks or knotted rope to have survived. To the orthodoxy, only two things are thought to have survived the passage of time - and ironically these are committed to memory by our present students through the somewhat disparaging nick-name given to that section of an archeology department which studies neolithic and bronze age culture - 'stones and bones'.

    The geometry and astronomy of ancient sites is not currently seen as a useful artefact in providing evidence about the culture which built them. This is hardly scientific and it is far from satisfactory to leave this situation unchallenged. In this article I suggest that mnemonics were used to aid the process of passing valuable astronomical information down through perhaps 100 generations of neolithic astronomers. These mnemonics are inherent within the geometry used to implement the actual designs of stone rings. The shapes store the astronomical information.

    We may begin with a tantalizing piece of evidence which suggests that the neolithic and Bronze Age astronomers could count in the sense that we would understand the term, and to quite high numbers. This evidence is hidden, somewhat obscurely yet characteristically within the difficult texts of professor Alexander Thom. During the surveys of many alignments to the key stations of the solar year, Thom found that the equinoctial markers were not aligned truly east-west, as one might have expected them to have been. Consistently, equinoctial markers and alignments were made to an declination well over half a degree to the north. Thom figured, and it is hard not to agreed with his reasoning here, that the builders of stone calendars were attempting the efficient task of making one set of markers record the dates for both summer and winter halves of the year. Now, the summer half is longer than the winter half, and to make one set of stones 'do' for a calendar throughout the year is an obvious labour-saving piece of practical engineering. Thom equated the misalignment from east-west to the difference between winter and summer halves of the year and concluded that the observers had divided the solar year into two in order to arrive at the correct declination. His conclusions remain unchallenged to this writer's knowledge.

    The site plans for megalithic sites indicate a sophisticated use of geometry involving the right triangle and accurate surveying. The practical skills involving the construction of Avebury and Stonehenge would (and do) tax even our eminent specialists today. It remains obvious that tallying the number of days in the year or month was eminently feasible, and several mesolithic fragments of bone seem to confirm this fact amongst early humans. Even amongst tribal communities today, wooden tally sticks and knotted ropes are used for the same purposes of recording days and lunations, this further substantiating a belief that counting by notches or knots would reasonably have been de rigeur in neolithic times.

    To attempt to shed light on this largely misunderstood area of our past it is necessary for researchers to place themselves within the mindset of ancient astronomers by repeating the measurements and experiencing the more practical ways to record astronomical events. The writer has spent the past ten years emulating as far as is realistically possible the horizon observations of neolithic people. This has been undertaken at a variety of sites in Britain and France, and within the present climatic conditions of much greater cloud cover than occured five millenia ago. Memorising solar and lunar positions was seen as an unnecessary imposition from the start - and less arduous methods quickly become obvious when faced with such a herculean task.

    Sunrises and sunsets swing annually along an arc of the horizon whose angle is determined, given flat terrain, wholly by the latitude of the observations. Because this angle changes quite rapidly over the latitude limits of the megalithic culture, sites confirm the astronomic intention of their builders because of their unique angular relationship to the local horizon, which aligns the site to the local extreme solar azimuths. In southern Britain, the angle is about eighty degrees, whilst in northern Scotland it widens to ninety degrees. Many examples of neolithic sites which monitor solstice and equinox positions of solar rise or set, or the extreme lunar standstill positions, may be found catalogued within the works of Thom, Somerville, Lockyer and others. It is not proposed to detail these here, but as an example, the Station Stone rectangle at Stonehenge appears to have been built around the fact that, uniquely at the latitude of Stonehenge, the extreme sun and opposite extreme moon rises and sets occur at right angles to each other, indicating both that the monument was intelligently sited to take advantage of this fact, and that the builders were aware of the astronomic and geometric implications of the station stones, aligning them to indicate these major solsticial and lunsticial points against the horizon. If Stonehenge had been constructed at either Southampton or Oxford, this relationship would break down and the Station Stone rectangle would become a parallellogram, impossible to then place around the perimeter of the Aubrey circle.

    The Observations

    In marking off days and lunations on lengths of dowel, the eleven day disparity between the solar year and the lunar year is found directly. In performing this simple task it is seen how important this disparity must have been to ancient man. It is the vital data from which the calendrical relationships between sun and moon cycles may be understood - and therefore the most important piece of numerical data after the number of days in a lunar month and the length of the solar year.

    The lunar year, that is twelve lunations, takes 354 days to complete, whilst the solar year over-runs by about a further 11 days to give 365 days. These are approximate figures and do not include the fractional parts of days. They are the raw figures that an amateur observer, with keen eyes and persistence, could be expected to return using a solar horizon marker and noting the lunar phase cycle of about 29 or 30 days days. Counting days does not even require that the sun be visible, although its rising on an equinoctial marker must be observed to complete the count at 'year-end'.

    With a twentieth century mathematical education, one counts or tallies 365 days from an initial tally and discerns that the new moon occurs between every twenty-nine and thirty days. Even without the benefit of modern mathematics, tally rods show clearly and unequivocally a mismatch of about a third of a lunation between the end of 12 lunations (the lunar year) and the end of the solar year. If Christmas Day enjoys a full Moon, then in three year's time, there will be another full Moon at Christmas. There are about twelve and a third lunations in the tropical (seasonal) year.

    In a culture which we assume not to have understood fractions, the only way to understand synchronous events between two different periodicies is to await a 'return' - a repeat cycle when the fractional component disappears within a whole number multiple of itself. As a very basic example, to serve an apple pie to three people involves recognising that three thirds equals a whole. Get the angle wrong and someone gets a small piece! For the cycles of the sun and the moon, the phase of the moon at the end of each solar year 'fixes' the angles in a three-solar-year pie, so that, if we wish to fit 36 lunations in three lunar years (3 x 12) - then all is equal and there are no fights. But if we wished to fit 36 lunations into three solar years, the third slice of the 'lunation' pie is larger, containing an additional lunation (plus a bit more) - and the pieces in time order are 12, 12, 13 lunations, totalling 37 in three years. No mathematics beyond the tally marks and no fractions are needed - after three years, the phase of the moon is almost the same as it was at the first observation - there will have been observed 37 lunations plus a small addition.

    This observation is the most basic repeat cycle calendar that is possible. As such it is the first soli-lunar calendar possible, and the traditional Muslim calendar is based on the above observations. Every month, the first crescent of the new moon is observed, defining the beginning of the new month, whilst each year Ramadan commences 11 days earlier. To synchronize solar to lunar cycles, after 36 lunations (1063 days), an extra or intercalary month (lunation) brings the tally to 1092.63 days, whereas three solar tropical years take 1095.72 days to complete. The differential error in three years is 3.09484 days, which is 0.1048 lunations, and to account for this, a final extra lunar month is added every 30 years.

    Cultural Implications

    The threefold nature of the lunar cycle is already familiar to us. Culturally, the folklore of the three stages of womanhood - maiden, mother and crone (wise-woman) is now reinforced astronomically, and it is the final year which invokes the thirteenth month, the number of the wise-woman or crone. The trefoil motif of much Celtic art, such as the Manx symbol, is suggested here. In constrast, the solar year presents a four-fold structure annually to any observer, through the two solstices and two equinoxes, and today we still resolutely identify four seasons. Solar emblems, icons and talismans from ancient cultures are almost invariably four or eight-fold structures and we may cite the swastika and the wheel of Shiva as popular examples in modern use. The pagan calendar 'quarter day' festivals of Imbolc, Beltane, Lugnasagh and Samhain are further confirmation that solar calendars invoke division of the year into four or eight, however much neo-pagans convince themselves that the quarter days are 'lunar' and therefore related to the Goddess.

    Calendar Structures

    The assumption that ancient neolithic astronomers were familiar with this three year synchronous cycle is greatly reinforced beyond comparing it with Bronze Age art and Celtic designs, when one investigates other (closer) synchronicities between elapsed years and lunations. At some time in the distant past each of the examples below appears to have been used to fabricate a useable calendar.

    The Five year 'Coligny' Calendar After five years, there are 61.84 lunations, an undershoot of just 0.16 lunations (4.7 days) from 62 moons. Despite carrying the largest error in the group, the famed Coligny calendar, a Roman-Celtic artefact from the fifth century BCE, is based on five solar years and is of 62 lunations in length.

    The Eight year 'Mithraic' Calendar After eight solar years, another and very close synchronicity delivers 99 lunations (98.945 lunations, an undershoot of 0.055 lunations or 1.59 days). Because of the numerical structure of the Great Henge at Avebury (99 stones) and the two inner circles (27 and 29 stones), I have suggested elsewhere that Avebury was built in order to monitor this 8 year soli-lunar cycle. It is interesting to note that Venus is also closely synchronized to this 8 year period, completing five synodic periods of 584 days. The link between Cretan practices and their mythology is mentioned by Frazer in The Golden Bough, and suggests that this soli-lunar calendar was in general use before 1500 BCE.

    8 solar years = 2921.937592 days
    99 lunations = 2923.52841 days
    5 Venus synodic cycles
    (584 days) = 2920 days

    The Nineteen year 'Metonic' Calendar

    The most accurate synchronous cycle of the sun and moon known to the ancient world (although not presently identified with the neolithic astronomers of Europe) now emerges automatically from the three and eight year cycles identified here. The cycle attributed to Meton and named after this fourth century B.C.E. Greek mathematician-astronomer takes nineteen solar years and synchronises with 235 lunations, to within just two hours. The astonishing accuracy may be better understood when we consider the errors of the three year cycle (+3.09 days) with those of the eight year cycle (-1.59 days). Nineteen is twice eight plus three, and twice -1.59 plus 3.09 gives a combined error of better than 0.01 day (about two hours). It's one hell of a coincidence.

    At Stonehenge we find nineteen slender dressed bluestones within the sarsen circle of (originally) thirty upright stones. Many stone circles contain 19 stones in their perimeters, particularly in the south-west of England. These examples indicate that the builders may have been familiar with, and may even have originated knowledge of, the Metonic cycle. It is hard to believe that Meton discovered the cycle when the Jewish calendar based on its numerical sequences pre-dates the 4th century BC.

    These calendars, and therefore the relationship between solar and lunar cycles, are likely to have naturally evolved from initial observations of the three-year soli-lunar cycle, if only because here the solar-lunar synchronicity is first noticed. So far, I have neither produced evidence nor any cultural artefact which might suggest that the three-year cycle was a calendar structure understood by neolithic culture, an omission which must now be rectified.

    Measuring Astronomical Periodicities with Length

    We first demonstrate that there is a presumption amounting to a certainty that a definite unit was used in setting out these rings. It is proposed to call this the Megalithic yard. it will appear that the Megalithic yard is 2.72 ft.

    Alexander Thom, Megalithic Sites in Britain (Oxford, 1967, page 36)

    Professor Alexander Thom published the survey plans of over 300 megalithic circles and worked with Piggott and Atkinson to provide the most accurate survey plans ever undertaken of both Avebury and Stonehenge. His discovery of the Megalithic yard met with derision in many quarters and it is not proposed to pick through the spent conflicts of the past here; Thom's suggested length for the Megalithic yard was accurately delivered from his data and subsequent statistical analysis: 2.72 feet plus or minus 0.003 feet.

    For anyone who wishes to begin to understand the relationship between the sun and the moon as seen from earth, the single most important numerical data is the 'over-plus' of the solar year over the lunar year. It is 10.875 days, interestingly ten and seven-eighths days. In three years this accrues to 32.625 days, thirty-two and five eighths days. For a culture without the tool-box of modern mathematics, this would be observed as a three-year cycle of synchronicity - 37 lunations plus a three day overshoot of the moon's position. Thirty-six lunations take 1063.1 days to complete, leaving 32.625 days to the end of the third solar year. Using modern decimals, in three years there are 37.10480 lunations and to obtain such a string of decimal points requires repeated observations over many three year periods.

    Another way to arrive at the same figure is to note that the 36 lunations (three lunar years of 12 lunations each) fall short of three solar years, and 1.104812 additional lunations must then elapse before the completion of the third solar year. Now, 1.104812 lunations is 32.625 days, a figure which in inches is also 2.7188 feet, and placed well within Thom's tolerance figure for the Megalithic yard. Therefore, if one inch is assumed to equal one day, the Megalithic yard corresponds exactly to the three year mismatch between sun and moon cycles - the 'error' in days. To be so exact implies a level of astronomical observation and mathematical procedure far beyond the currently held beliefs concerning this culture. This begs a question - do we now enlarge our perception about megalithic culture or attribute the above numerical relationship as a strange coincidence?

    Perhaps additional information will assist the reader in answering this question. In a single 'average' year there are 12.3682659 lunations. At the risk of repetition, the reader will appreciate that to obtain such an accurate figure requires that many year's observations be recorded, summed and averaged, as the following table demonstrates.

    In 3 years there are 37 lunations: 37/3 = 12.333
    In 5 years there are 62 lunations: 62/5 = 12.400
    In 8 years there are 99 lunations: 99/8 = 12.375
    In 19 years, there are 235 lunations: 235/19 = 12.36842

    The annual lunation figure approaches (but does not equal) the actual value only after 19 years's worth of observations have been tallied. If we now assume that the Megalithic yard represents one lunation period, then 0.3682659 x 32.625 inches yields 12.01 inches, or almost exactly an Imperial foot (error 0.12%). In other words, if one is using the Megalithic yard as a length (of time) which represents the lunation period then the annual discrepancy between solar and lunar cycles becomes a foot. In three years, this discrepancy becomes, of course, the Imperial Yard.


    It must be seen as very curious that, in the same countries where neolithic people were constructing their stone monuments using the Megalithic yard, and were observing solar and lunar cycles assiduously, the units of length which arose from their astronomy uses those same units which, until very recently indeed, remained the preferred units of measurement of these same countries. Indeed, it is only because the writer is well grounded in the use of Imperial units that the above correlations were noticed; the metric system of units completely obfuscates the connections here shown. Fortunately, it is still possible to visit a stationers and purchase a foot ruler subdivided into inches, whilst a builder's merchants will happily supply a yard-rule, marked up in feet and inches.

    So curious is this accurate connection between units of length and the astronomy of the sun and moon that I suggest, from the evidence presented here, that the origin of these units dates from at least four millenia ago in neolithic Europe. The earliest accurate observational astronomy presently known to us was based on the inch and the foot, whilst the Megalithic yard itself 'stored' the astronomical constants needed to marry the sun and moon into a useable calendar.


    The Stone Circles of the British Isles by Aubrey Burl (Yale, 1987)
    Sun, Moon & Stonehenge by Robin Heath (Bluestone Press, 1998)
    A Beginner's Guide to Stone Circles by Robin Heath (Hodder, 1999)
    Megalithic Sites in Britain by Alexander Thom (Oxford, 1967)
    Megalithic Science, Overcoming a History of Denial, Robin Heath, 3rd Stone, issue 36, Oct-Dec 1999, page 18.

    Robin Heath is an independent full-time researcher of cosmic cycles living in Pembrokeshire, Wales, having previously enjoyed an industrial career in electronics and been a senior lecturer in mathematics and engineering, where he also taught surveying techniques. He is a regular contributor to many publications around the world and is also researching the pre-literate roots of astronomy and astrology, particularly the sacred geometry and calendar systems of the megalithic culture of northwestern Europe.

    Author of Sun, Moon and Stonehenge (Bluestone Press, 1998), Sun, Moon, Earth (Wooden Books, 1999) and A Beginner's Guide to Stone Circles (Hodder & Stoughton, 1999), he conducts guided tours to sites in Europe. All books can be purchased signed by the author. Contact Robin via email at

    Cycles of Time – Playing with Numbers

    Science, Calendrics and Numerology – It’s Not All Superstition


    Previous posts on these subjects:

    Scaling Factors – Fractal Coils

    In terms of developing a cohesive numbering system, it is important to make the distinction between the idealized numbers and the observed numbers. The Venus Cycle, for example, is idealized at 584 days, however, the current estimate is 583.92 days. The duration can vary from cycle to cycle. There are a few traditions that relate the smallest measures to the largest. I’m hoping to find a recurrence of certain numbers between shorter measures (nothing smaller than a second) to the longest (in the trillions of years). Should certain appear repetitively, or as multiples of others, especially across calendar systems, then that may just prove to be a basis for theAbysmal Calendar’s fractal time experiment.


    Mesoamerican Numerology

    The Maya harmonic number is 1,366,560 days. This harmonizes in whole numbers several time measures in Maya cosmology. Harmonic Number: 1,366,560 = 73 x 32 x 13 x 9 x 5 = 73 x 20 x 13 x 9 x 8

    1,366,560 days
    = 5, 256 x 260 (sacred calendar)
    = 3, 796 x 360 (1 tun)
    = 3, 744 x 365 (1 Haab)
    = 2340 x 584 (1 Venus Cycle – synodic period of Venus)
    = 1752 x 780 (1 Mars Cycle – synodic period of Mars)
    = 72 x 52 x 365 = 73 x 52 x 360 = 72 x 73 x 260
    = 468 x 8 x 365 = 468 x 5 x 584

    Chinese Numerology

    Most importantly for the Chinese Calendar is the stem-branch system, which assigns 10 celestial stems and 12 earthly branches to different measures of time. The year in the Chinese calendar has both, although the earthly branches, i.e. the animals of the Chinese zodiac receive most of the attention. The celestial stems are a combination of Yang-yin with the five Chinese elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water). These two cycles combine to create a pattern of 60 years. 60 is a key number for tying time (60 seconds, 60 minutes, 60 years, etc…) with space (6 x 60 degrees in a circle). More on this below when we take a look at Mesopotamian numerology.

    As described elsewhere, the I Ching is an oracular system developed in China consisting of 64 hexagrams made of 6 lines. Each line is either broken or firm as illustrated below (note, hexagrams are read from the bottom up, for what it’s worth):


    This system is used by theAbysmal more for its binary structure, as well as its use in relating the Chinese calendar to the seasons and other attributes. If you’re interested in oracular readings, see here.

    In terms of using this for numerology, there is the following attributations:

    6 x 64 = 384 – this is total number of lines in the I Ching as well as the number of days in 13 lunations (13 x 29.5384 days = 384)

    384 days x 64 = 67.29 years
    = 6 minor sunspot cycles (6 x 11.2 solar years)

    67.29 years x 64 = 4306.27 years
    = 2 zodiacal ages (also 384 sunspot cycles)

    6 x 4306.27 years = 25, 838 years
    = 1 Precession of the Equinoxes

    These numbers are generalizations, and not as accurate as modern astronomical measures of these phenomena. Nevertheless, they are an example of numerology at work. We have the luxury of being able to harmonize what works from various systems with what works in others. One example of this is the relationship between 64 and 260 as detailed in the following.


    Franklin’s Magic Square

    Ben Franklin played with magic squares a great deal (I guess when he wasn’t busy doing countless other things). He arranged the numbers from 1 – 64 in an 8×8 square such that the numbers down each column, and across each row add up to 260.


    Although the diagonals do not add up to 260, there are other patterns within the square that do.


    Quite an astounding discovery. I’m sure both the Maya and Chinese are impressed. I know I am. If we join the numbers in the magic square beginning at 1 by drawing a line to 2, then 3 and so one, we get the following pattern:


    There’s a certain symmetry that’s hard to ignore, and equally hard to find meaning in. Nevertheless, it’s fun with numbers, and may work itself into our fun with numbers later on. Maybe I’ll just hang it on the wall next to a picture of Ben Franklin’s brain.

    Mesopotamian Numerology

    Sumer, Babylon and so on, used a sexigesimal (base 60) system for reckoning.

    Harmonic Number: 12, 960, 000 = 60 x 60 x 60 x 60

    The calendar system they used was of 360 days + 5 extra days (different from the Maya tun which didn’t compensate with the extra 5 days). We can say that the Mesopotamians had 360 calendar days, divided into 12 months of 30 days each, whereas the Maya had 360 consecutive days, divided into 18 winal of 20 days each.

    With the precession of the equinoxes, the stars shift about 1 degree every 72 years (it’s a little less than this, and the rate isn’t constant. The Mesopotamians calculated it as 72, which is pretty close). So along the ecliptic (the apparent path of the Sun agains the backdrop of the zodiac, if we could see them during the day), the sun would pass into any given sign one day earlier every 72 years. For example, the Sun passed into Aries on April 19th for the better part of the 20th Century, and now it does so on April 18th. (We’re referring to the astronomical constellations here, not the astrological zodiac. Those signs are fixed in place).

    Every 360 years, the sun would pass through the entire zodiac, and start again at Aries. This cycle would take 25, 920 years (360 degrees x 72 years), which is close to the current estimate of 25,772 years for a full precession.

    25, 920 = 60 x 432

    432 is another key number in Mesopotamian, and ancient Indian time reckoning, especially as it pertains to longer periods of time.

    60 seconds = 1 minute
    60 minutes = 1 degree
    360 degrees = 1 circle
    60 seconds = 1 minute
    60 minutes = 1 hour
    24 hours = 86,400 seconds = 43,200 x 2

    Hindu Time Measure

    The sources for some of these immense measures of time is the Vishnu Purana. Once again we see the appearance of the numbers 360 and 432.

    Reckoning of Time: the Devas
    • 1 human year = 1 day of the Devas.
    • 30 days of the Devas = 1 month of the Devas. (= 30 human years)
    • 12 months of the Devas = 1 year of the Devas = 1 divine year (= 360 human years)
    • The lifespan of the Devas is 100 years of the Devas (= 36,000 human years)
    Reckoning of Time: the Yuga
    • 4,000 + 400 + 400 = 4,800 divine years (= 1,728,000 human years = 4 x 432,000) = 1 Krita Yuga
    • 3,000 + 300 + 300 = 3,600 divine years (= 1,296,000 human years = 3 x 432,000) = 1 Tretá Yuga
    • 2,000 + 200 + 200 = 2,400 divine years (= 864,000 human years = 2 x 432,000) = 1 Dwápara Yuga
    • 1,000 + 100 + 100 = 1,200 divine years (= 432,000 human years) = 1 Kali Yuga
    • 12,000 divine year = 4 Yuga (= 4,320,000 human years) = 1 Mahayuga (also called divine yuga)
    Reckoning of Time: Brahma
    • 1,000 Mahayuga = 1 kalpa = 1 day (day only) of Brahma
    • 2,000 Mahayuga = 2 kalpa = 1 day & 1 night of Brahma
    • 30 days of Brahma = 1 month of Brahma (259.2 billion years)
    • 12 months of Brahma = 1 year of Brahma (3.1104 trillion years)
    • 50 years of Brahma = 1 Pararddha
    • 2 Parardha = 100 years of Brahma (lifespan) = 1 Mahakalpa (311.04 trillion human years)

    I’m not so sure what I’m going to do with this mess of numbers. Some of these have interesting correlations, others may harmonize well into some semblance of a time reckoning system, and others may not. The point is harmonizing traditions that may stem from common elements, and in cases where they don’t, harmonize them anyway. This exercise isn’t so much to accomodate different calendar traditions, as this would be near impossible, it’s more to look at numerological relationships in the context of daykeeping, and finding what may work for theAbysmal Calendar in looking at longer spans of time.

    308 Days to Dec 21st 2012

    THE MAYA or MAYAN HAAB - does have 360+5 = 365
    and, in a leap year 361 +5 = 366
    (although, the poster of the last message on this thread, didn't cover it)
    We will:
    Where the last 5 days on the calendar are:
    0 vayeb - 27th dec
    1 vayeb - 28th dec
    2 vayeb - 29th dec
    3 vayab - 30th dec
    and, 4 vayab - 31st dec
    and, are days, in the past, where an assortment of ceremonies were practiced.
    We wrote an article on this, and, will find it, and, post it...
    Susan Lynne Schwenger


    The old link to that information is here:

    i'll post in the important info below:

    Venus Awakens - during the last 5 dead days of 2011 - 0 vayeb, 1 vayeb, 2 vayeb, 3 vayeb, 4 vayeb - dec 27 - dec 31 -2011

    THEeXchanger on Thu Dec 29, 2011 8:10 am

    29 dec 2011
    It is important to know, that The Mayan, did NOT just have 3 calendars - The Haab, The Tzolkin, and, The Long Count,mbut, there are 25 Calendars some of which, are only known, to The High Priests/The High Priestess and The Holy Beings

    This particular calendar was activated when The Gregorian Calendar was ushered in, back in the late 1500's
    and this was:


    ~ it took place, on


    or, The Gregorian Calender ~ and, contrary to popular belief and they are NOT dead days or dead nights !!!

    This information, was discovered by Susan Lynne Schwenger, through accessing light encoded records, of The Anasuzi, from the ending of the 11th Grand Cycle, located within The Books of Lives aka The Akashic Records.


    AND, VERY SPECIAL days & nights !!!


    They measured the END of a day, at sunset !!!

    NOT, as we measure days, from 12:00 midnite to 11:59 PM

    So, The Eve of December 26th - at sunset is a very, very special time.

    THE HAAB CALENDAR is based on 360 Kin/Days + 5 Kin/Days

    just as, this calender, which gives us back,


    it aligns with 01 JAN 2010 to The Day of 26 DEC 2010, (360 Kin/Days) and then at Sunset on the 26 DEC 2010


    iT iS known, as 0 Vayeb to 4 Vayeb

    0 Vayeb - is The Eve of 26 DEC 2011, at sunset

    and, runs over into 27 DEC 2011

    1 Vayeb - 28 Dec 2011
    2 Vayeb - 29 Dec 2011
    3 Vayeb - 30 Dec 2011
    4 Vayeb - Dec 31 2011

    and, then

    -on The Sunrise of 01 Jan 2012

    ~ This would usher in

    The Day of The Feast of The Beginnings of a New Year

    This happens every year at the end of the year based on THE GREGORIAN CALENDAR
    which was developed in the late 1500's by Pope Gregory.

    Question :

    so, how do you participate in the 5 day/5night medicine dance ???


    just ask/ask/ask to get into the web - it goes on every year

    have you heard the expression,

    'you do NOT leave anyone behind, you simply move up, to meet their higher eXpressions' - susan lynne schwenger

    well in your higher eXpressions, you are already there ~ participating [​IMG]

    "iT iS WHERE ...

    The Dream, and, The Dreamer, become one, and, the same" ~Susan Lynne Schwenger

    "DANCING is ... the highest eXpression of energy,
    which in its lower six eXpressions, consists of colour, frequency, light, sound, tone and vibration
    - which is feed into the upper six, through the lower central vertical channel " - susan lynne schwenger

    (perhaps, someone could help me, draw this) (wink)



    Posts: 239
    Join date: 2011-03-16
    Location: Lærad Mimamaid

    Post n°8

    Re: Venus Awakens - during the last 5 dead days of 2011 - 0 vayeb, 1 vayeb, 2 vayeb, 3 vayeb, 4 vayeb - dec 27 - dec 31 -2011

    Post Ashera on Thu Dec 29, 2011 8:20 am
    This is called "the great passage hand".

    "to hive or to hive off, this is how to bee", Mirubieh Ashera


    "in deed, iT is" ~ susan lynne schwenger

    Some people do physically particapate in this event ~esp. The High Priests, The High Priestess, and, The Holy Beings

    So, if you choose to gather with others, or, just do this alone, it is, possible to do this !!!

    This is NOT restricted, iT iS OPEN and, quite available to anyone in any root race, which wishes to do this !!!

    or eXample, in 2010 --INTO 2011

    iT is THE TIME of THE ANNUAL MEDICINE DANCE DATES which were special, and, still are unique,
    to those that follow the ways of The Old Ancients who celebrated the last 5 days/nights of a year

    iT is THE TIME of THE ANNUAL MEDICINE DANCE DATES which were special, and, still are unique,
    to those that follow the ways of The Old Ancients who celebrated the last 5 days/nights of a year, they are termed - 0 Vayeb to -4 Vayeb, At Sundown, on 26 DEC 2010 through 27 DEC 2010 to 31 DEC 2010, through to sunrise on 01JAN2011, these are sacred days on The HAAB Calender (360 + 5 days)
    ~as, well, as, The Gregorian Calendar...

    The sunset of The 26th December 2010, signals the start of the next day, to The Old Ancient ones, so, when the sun went down the day ended, so, if you are born after sunset, you are really born on the next day.

    0 vayeb, starts at sundown on the 26th, and, ends at sunrise on 01JAN2011 and, occurs in each, and, every year.

    So, here iS to everyone doing The Annual Medicine Dance of 2010
    - which leads us all into 2011 - The Year of The Start of The Grand eXchanges
    - which occurs in a year with an energetic 22 - which is a master number
    (2011= 2 (0) x 11 = 22)

    did most people know, this was a master number year ???

    and, for 2011

    DATES which were special, and, still are unique, o those that follow the ways of The Old Ancients who celebrated the last 5 days/nights of a year

    iT is THE TIME of THE ANNUAL MEDICINE DANCE DATES which were special, and, still are unique,
    to those that follow the ways of The Old Ancie who celebrated the last 5 days/nights of a year, they are termed - 0 Vayeb to -4 Vayeb, At Sundown, on 26 DEC 2011 through 27 DEC 2011 to 31 DEC 2011, through to sunrise on 01JAN2012, these are sacred days on The HAAB Calender (360 + 5 days)
    ~as, well, as, The Gregorian Calendar...

    The sunset of The 26th December 2011, signals the start of the next day, to The Old Ancient ones, so, when the sun went down the day ended, so, if you are born after sunset, you are really born on the next day.

    0 vayeb, starts at sundown on the 26th, and, ends at sunrise on 01JAN2012
    and, occurs in each, and, every year.

    So, here iS to everyone doing The Annual Medicine Dance of 2011
    - which leads us all into 2012 - The Year of The Grand eXchanges
    - which occurs in a year with an energetic 23 - which is 5

    in very old numerology
    2(0) 11 = can actually eXpress 22
    22 is a master number

    in very old numerology
    2(0) 12 = can actually express 24
    24 is

    in very old numberology
    2 (0) 13 = can actually eXpress 26
    26 is god = dog

    ~ Susan Lynne Schwenger

    Sharing a quote about vision:

    "There is NOT enough darkness in the world to put out the light of even one small candle". ~ Robert Alden



    Posts: 470
    Join date: 2011-10-16
    Age: 43
    Location: Sweets Dreaming

    Post n°14

    Re: Venus Awakens - during the last 5 dead days of 2011 - 0 vayeb, 1 vayeb, 2 vayeb, 3 vayeb, 4 vayeb - dec 27 - dec 31 -2011

    Post Owlsden on Thu Dec 29, 2011 8:52 am

    THEeXchanger wrote:Question :
    so, how do you participate in the 5 day/5night medicine dance ???

    just ask/ask/ask to get into the web - it goes on every year

    have you heard the expression,'you do NOT leave anyone behind, you simply move up, to meet their higher eXpressions'
    - susan lynne schwenger

    well in your higher eXpressions,you are already there ~ participating Wink

    "iT iS WHERE ...

    The Dream, and, The Dreamer, become one, and, the same" ~Susan Lynne Schwenger

    "Beautifully said Susan"

    [12/6/2011 9:36:34 PM] DeeD In The Suns: Your imagination is your greatest "tool".. as you imagine so you create! Imagine that F!
    [12/6/2011 9:36:46 PM] DeeD In The Suns: You will always be
    [12/6/2011 9:36:52 PM] DeeD In The Suns: for you are always here and there
    [12/6/2011 9:36:54 PM] DeeD In The Suns: :*
    [12/6/2011 9:38:00 PM] DeeD In The Suns: You are your "biggest story"
    [12/6/2011 9:38:10 PM] DeeD In The Suns: In your dream, = your imagination
    [12/6/2011 9:38:35 PM] DeeD In The Suns: You create yourself into being
    [12/6/2011 9:38:39 PM] DeeD In The Suns: through your imagination
    [12/6/2011 9:38:41 PM] DeeD In The Suns: :*
    [12/6/2011 9:39:00 PM] DeeD In The Suns: We are a "dream" of the Dreamer
    [12/6/2011 9:39:11 PM] DeeD In The Suns: we were dreamed into being
    [12/6/2011 9:39:21 PM] DeeD In The Suns: Dreamer = Creator
    [12/6/2011 9:39:48 PM] DeeD In The Suns: You have been given the gift of "imagination"
    [12/6/2011 9:40:01 PM] f: so if we are a dream, what were we before
    [12/6/2011 9:40:01 PM] DeeD In The Suns: Eye am the Dreamer
    [12/6/2011 9:40:06 PM] DeeD In The Suns: and the Experiencer
    [12/6/2011 9:40:09 PM] DeeD In The Suns: as are you!


    The imagination is i - magi [​IMG]

    funny thing, it, the imagination - has both a positive - negative - and, an observer mode

    some people who observe, NEVER really ever get into the action

    makes me wonder, where all THE real eXchangers are !!!

    thanks for popping into this thread DEB,

    YOUR good INPUT - allows for more output [​IMG]


    "if you wish to understand the universe, think of energy, frequency, and vibration" - Nikola Tesla

    "if you wish to understand the universe,
    think of energy,
    which is colour, frequency, light, sound, tone and vibration,
    and it all moves through your central vertical channel"
    - susan lynne schwenger

    that is the lower six + 1, the higher 6 will be released soon
    i've been busy, re-writing the book, i never put out there
    called "The Final Synthesis" ~ eXKavier


    "DANCING is ...

    the highest eXpression of energy, which in its lower six eXpressions,
    consists of colour, frequency, light, sound, tone, and vibration and, it flows through the lower central vertical channel (LCVC) into the higher central vertical channel (HCVC)

    3 + 3 = 6 + 1/2 + 1/2 = 7 + 6 = 13
    aspects to solve the puzzle of what you are in your entirety or totallity...

    the upper six, can be written in complex higher d mathematics, which your higher self, essence aka The Core, and, your Monad (past, present, future, now) aspects already understand, and, can compute on their own, all the answers, are already 'inside'

    ~ it is 'on board' equipment, make sure yours is NOT 'on bored' (pardon the pun)"
    - susan lynne schwenger


    How Numerology Works
    by Tracy V. Wilson


    In the world of Harry Potter, Hermione Granger's favorite subject is arithmancy. The novels don't offer much detail, but they make it clear that arithmancy involves the magical properties of numbers. Hermione learns[​IMG] to use complex charts to perform numerical divination, or tell the future using numbers.

    In the real world, arithmancy is known as numerology. According to numerologists, everything in the world is dependent upon the mystical properties of numbers. These properties come from the numbers' inherent vibration. Other new-age practitioners use the term vibration to describe beliefs in the power[​IMG] of items like crystals, gemstones, colors and essential oils.

    As the theory goes, each number has a unique vibration, giving it certain properties. These properties can shed light onto a person's behavior or predict whether romantic partners are compatible. Numerological analysis can determine a person's lucky number or lucky day. Recurring numbers can offer clues into how the world works or the significance of people and events. According to many numerologists, nothing happens by accident -- everything happens because of numbers.

    Most numerologists credit Pythagoras with founding the field of numerology. Pythagoras was a philosopher who was born in Greece around 569 B.C. Historians don't know much about Pythagoras, since little of his original work survives and most of the people who wrote about him did so hundreds of years after his death. In fact, some historians believe that the discoveries usually attributed to Pythagoras really came from several of his followers. In addition, some historians argue that the personality traits ascribed to him -- like that he would not allow his followers to eat or even touch beans -- are apocryphal.


    The sum of sequential odd integers, beginning with one, is a square number.
    Pythagoras and his followers, known as Pythagoreans, studied mathematics, music and philosophy. Many textbooks credit the Pythagorean school[​IMG] with several important discoveries, including:
    • The Pythagorean theorem, which states that in a right triangle, the square of the length of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides (a2 + b2 = c2)
    • The mathematical proportions in musical harmonies, likely discovered through the use of stringed instruments
    • The first irrational number, the square root of two, or Pythagoras' constant
    In addition, Pythagoras and his followers believed in mystical properties of numbers. According to Underwood Dudley, author of "Numerology: Or What Pythagoras Wrought", the Pythagoreans became interested in number mysticism after discovering a particularly fascinating fact about numbers. If you add up a series of odd numbers beginning with the number one, the result is always a square number.

    Discoveries like this led the Pythagoreans to the conclusion that "all is number." According to one interpretation, this means that people can measure everything in the world and describe it in terms of numbers and proportions. This is a reasonable idea, and it has had a big influence on science and mathematics. But according to another interpretation, "all is number" means that everything in the world is made of numbers and can be reduced to a numerical value[​IMG].

    The latter interpretation is the foundation of numerology. We'll look at what else numerology involves in the next section.


    How Numerology Works
    by Tracy V. Wilson


    The Properties of Numbers

    In their study of mathematical concepts, the Pythagoreans sorted numbers into categories. Numbers like 1, 4 and 9 were square because a corresponding number of dots or pebbles could be arranged in a perfect square. One, three, six and 10 were triangular -- one, three, six or 10 dots can be arranged into regular triangles. Two, six and 12 were oblong, since the corresponding number of pebbles formed rectangles.

    Along with describing numbers in terms of math and geometry, the Pythagoreans also described them in terms of non-numerical traits. These traits had more to do with intuition and mysticism than science or mathematics. For example, odd numbers were masculine, and even numbers were feminine. The number one was creative, since the addition of multiple ones can create any other number. Two represented duality and was female, while three was male. As the sum of two and three, five represented marriage, and since it fell exactly in the middle of the numbers one through nine, it also represented justice.

    Ten was a sacred number, largely because it is the sum of the first four digits. The holiness of the number 10 led to a list of 10 fundamental opposites:
    • Limited and unlimited
    • Odd and even
    • One and many
    • Right and left
    • Masculine and feminine
    • Rest and motion
    • Straight and crooked
    • Light and darkness
    • Good and evil
    • Square and oblong [Source: Dudley]
    After the death of Pythagoras, interest in mathematical mysticism ebbed. It reappeared with the Neo-Pythagoreans around the first century A.D. Pythagoras' non-mathematical theories eventually faded. In the late 1800s, Mrs. L. Dow Balliett published several books on number vibration, music and colors. Other writers may have published work prior to Balliett, but her books seem to incorporate Pythagorean principles and add the concepts used in numerology today.

    According to Balliett and modern numerologists, each number has a specific vibration. People, foods, objects and colors also vibrate. In order to live a productive and harmonious life, people should make sure their environment vibrates in harmony with their own vibrations. This concept appears frequently in other new-age practices, some of which describe it as an affect of the movement of subatomic particles. However, there has been little scientific study to identify or quantify such a vibration or to analyze its affect on human existence.

    Some numerologists have also associated this vibration with the music of the spheres, or the sound Pythagoras believed the planets and the Sun made while orbiting the Earth. Pythagoras believed that the planets were embedded within transparent, physical spheres and that the distance between them corresponded to musical ratios. Science has since disproved both of those ideas, as well as the idea that the sun orbits the Earth.

    Unlike the Pythagoreans, modern numerologists apply numbers to people in addition to applying intangible concepts to numbers. According to most numerologists, the numbers one to nine have unique properties that are the direct result of their inherent vibration. Some of these properties come from Pythagorean writings, and others come from the way cultures around the world use and approach numbers.

    Different numerologists apply different attributes to numbers, but here's a run-down of some of the most popular.


    Some systems also designate numbers with repeating digits as master numbers, which include all the attributes of two other numbers:
    • 11: 1 and 2
    • 22: 2 and 4
    • 33: 3 and 6
    • 44: 4 and 8
    Numerology purports to tell the future, guide human behavior, predict the outcome of relationships and otherwise divine the unknowable by figuring out a person's numbers. For example, if the number nine has a particular vibration, a person whose number is nine has the same vibration. That person can choose what to eat, where to go and how to live based on which choices have a vibration that is compatible with nine. We'll look at how numerologists determine a person's number next.

    Numerology and Synesthesia

    Numerology applies non-numeric concepts to numbers. Similarly, synesthesia is a neurological condition in which a person associates one sense with perceptions from an unrelated sense. For example, a person with synesthesia might associate colors with words or smells with musical notes.


    How Numerology Works
    by Tracy V. Wilson


    Translating Names to Numbers

    The process of translating words to numbers is central to numerology. The practice has roots in Greek, Latin and Hebrew gematria, or the practice of turning words into numbers for the purpose of divination. People have used gematria to study and interpret the Torah, the Bible and other religious texts.

    Most of the time[​IMG], numerologists focus on people's names, using a simple chart to change names into numbers. Different numerology systems use different charts, but an easy one begins with "a" equaling 1, "b" equaling 2 and so forth.

    Numerologists typically use the name a person received at birth. Some argue that unborn babies select their names themselves and communicate[​IMG] them to their parents psychically, making sure their name will suit them and yield the correct number. According to numerologists, the name a person receives at birth is more significant than nicknames, names taken upon marriage, or otherwise changed names.

    To determine a person's number, the numerologist picks the corresponding numbers from the chart and adds them together. If the result has two or more digits, the numerologist will add those digits together, repeating that step until arriving at a single digit. For example:


    The total for the name "Harry" is 34, "James" is 12, and "Potter" is 31, for a total of 77. In some systems, the number 77 might be a master number, but most would add the two digits together for a total of 14, and then add one and four for a total of 5.

    Many numerology systems also use a person's date of birth to arrive at another number known as the birth, life or destiny number. Harry's birthday, July 31, 1980, becomes:


    Some numerologists use charts or diagrams to examine the numbers and letters in relations to one another. These diagrams can resemble astrological charts and can add additional layers of meaning to the numerological reading. But regardless of whether a numerologist uses a simple or complex system to determine the results, the final analysis will often sound much like a horoscope.

    Numerologists will interpret the results and the connotations of each number to make recommendations or theorize about a person's future. Recommendations often include:
    • Lucky days or lucky numbers
    • Optimal career paths for a person's numerological temperament
    • Negative tendencies to avoid
    • Positive attributes to emphasize
    • What to look for in a romantic partner
    Like astrology, numerology is a type of applied mysticism - it correlates a mystical symbol with a person's life. For this reason, some people have credited numerology with helping them to make personal or financial decisions. However, there's no proof that the system works or that there is any real correlation between the numbers and their associated concepts. We'll look at this and some of the other controversies surrounding numerology in the next section.

    The Number of the Beast

    The technique used to determine a person's number has also been used to associate people's names with the number of the beast, or 666, which appeared in the book[​IMG] of Revelation. Many people associate this number with the end of the world or the devil, although with enough tweaking it's possible to make virtually anyone's name total 666.


    How Numerology Works
    by Tracy V. Wilson

    The Birthday Paradox

    People often express excitement when they learn that a friend or acquaintance shares[​IMG] their birthday. However, shared birthdays are common -- in a group of only 23 people, there is a 50 percent probability that two will have the same birthday. To learn more about the birthday paradox, check out The Birthday Problem from Wolfram Math World or our question of the day on the subject.

    Criticism of Numerology

    Some people notice the repeated appearance of a particular number in their daily lives, in historical records or in religious texts like the Bible. It often seems that the repetition is too frequent to be coincidental. In some cases, people have theorized that these repeating numbers have special significance or demonstrate the influence of a deity or supernatural force. Although not strictly part of numerology, this perception often assigns numerology-like attributes to the frequently appearing numbers. This has led to the 23 Enigma and other beliefs that specific numbers are at the center of a pattern or conspiracy.

    Critics, on the other hand, dismiss such occurrences as coincidence for a number of reasons:
    • People are good at recognizing patterns. While this helps people learn[​IMG] to read, count and recognize faces, it can also encourage people to interpret random events as patterns.
    • Because of the small number of numerals that exist in the world, repetitions are inevitable.
    • Because of the small number of round, square or otherwise distinctive numbers in the world, repetitions of those are inevitable as well.
    These criticisms can also apply to the practice of numerology. For example, some practitioners say they see their numbers everywhere, and that this confirms that numerology is real. However, according to critics, the frequent appearance is coincidental. In addition, critics point out that people are likely to remember seeing their numbers and forget seeing other numbers. In other words, a person whose number is seven will remember seeing lots of sevens while disregarding all the sixes, eights and other numbers he encounters. People are also more likely to remember the numerical attributes that apply to them while disregarding the ones that don't. This phenomenon is known as confirmation bias.

    But the biggest criticism of numerology is that it's based on an invented system of counting. This system developed to allow people to count objects in groups of ten, most likely because most people have ten fingers on which to count. Even the English words for numbers, which come from Old English, reflect these groupings of ten. "Eleven" means "one left," and "twelve" is an abbreviation of "two left."

    However, this system, known as a base-10 system, isn't the only -- or even necessarily the oldest -- system of counting. Indigenous tribes in Australian, New Guinea, Africa and South America developed number systems that counted in pairs. Rather than one, two, three, four, five, six, these progressed more along the lines of one, two, two plus one, two twos, two twos plus one, three twos. Some societies also used base-12 and base-60, which we still use to tell time.

    In other words, numerology, like astrology, is based on an invented system that people developed to better organize the objects around them. While people often find such systems helpful on a spiritual or emotional level, there's no scientific evidence to prove that the system really works the way practitioners say it does.
    To read more about numerology, astrology and related topics, check out the links on the next page.


    How Numerology Works
    by Tracy V. Wilson

    Lots More Information

    Related Articles
    More Great Links



    1 3 1 1 5 = 11
    Last edited: May 5, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    KNOWING - is someone trying to tell us something ?

    Knowing - Is someone trying to tell us something?

    For some strange reason the movie "Knowing" continues to reasonate like if someone is trying to tell us something? We saw the oil spill in the Gulf happening right before our eyes. Coincidence, maybe.. What about the idea of events written in lattitude/longitude coordinates? Did you see the movie? What are you thoughts about it? Are we dealing here with Hollywood deception or does the movie present us some hidden knowledge in plain sight?


    Here the incredible slotscene of the movie


    "That Movie was on las tnight...I will say that if the Sun belted a MASSIVE CME, like one we have not witnessed in 1000's of years, then we could be in deep poo as far as destroying the mag field and Ozone and allowing in massive amounts of UV radiation."



    Why this enigmatic reference to Ezekiel to annonce the birth, destruction if you will, of a new world.

    In Europa, a lot of Roman churches dating back to the 12-14th century have this same reference to Ezekiel depicted on the tymphan. Something big is being annonced to those who want to see.

    Below the image taken from the movie "Knowing" and some pictures from churches representing the same scene from Ezekiel. Coincidence...?




    Below the highest of the Tarot trumps cards, called the world. The 22 major Arcanas where first discovered in the 15th century in Italy. Some scolars say that the images are much older and that they are dating back to pharaon Egypt. Again we see the same reference to Ezekiel to indicate something big. But what's the meaning of the symbols?



    David Flynn - Astronomical Procession part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


    video was done by Vincent Bridges a former guest.

    Brilliant guy as well

    He Also did a Follow-up interview after that called "The Alchemists Tower"

    MAY 17th 2011

    Click Play to Listen:

    Or Watch the YouTube Version

    Vincent Bridges is an internationally known author, lecturer and esoteric historian,· the co-author of two books on the mysterious 20th century alchemist Fulcanelli, and an expert commentator and historical consultant on nine History Channel and Discovery Channel shows on Nostradamus. He is also the author/editor of The Ophanic Revelation and is currently working on several books on Shakespeare, Rudolphine Prague and the Hermetic Revolution.

    This is Vincents second appearance on our show, to listen to his first interview click HERE

    Vincent Bridges latest book: The Ophanic Revelation

    The Enochian Alphabet - Language of the Angels - Vincent Bridges

    Vincent's Website:

    More work by Vincent:



    I enjoyed listening about the compass rose (something that interests me). The magic and mysticism of 33 degrees eluded me however. Maybe I need to see video 2!


    33 contains 2 master number 11, and, 22 ;)


    yes, an interesting thread
    Last edited: May 5, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Mark Amaru Pinkham of Guardians of the Holy Grail says:


    The Right Hand Path perpetuates Time and the Cycles of Time. It does so by perpetuating the status quo and its underlying duality (this includes the duality of me and you, humans and a separate God).

    The polar duality of male/female, positive/negative, Twin Snakes or Boys, Right Hand Spiral/Left Hand Spiral is the warp and woof that time weaves itself upon. The Maya knew this. Their calendar, the Tzolkin, was woven upon the polarity as interlocking Twin Snakes.

    They knew that only by re-uniting the polarity can time be transcended. And they knew that it was through the Left Hand Path the polarity is reunited internally and thereby transcended.

    The Fifth World - the World of Venus and Love - will reunite the polarity and take us beyond Find Guardians of The Holy Grail on


    i'll leave this in this section, and, add a little more of his work to this thread
    Last edited: May 6, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Aluna Joy Yaxkin - HAPPY NEW YEAR - 26 JULY 2012 - The year of 7 CAUAC - 365 DAY CYCLE


    Aluna Joy Yaxkin
    Happy New Year ...

    Today (July26th) we enter the year of 7 CAUAC ...

    A 365 day cycle of energy that acts like a Lightening Bolt / a deeply catalyzing blast of pure light that can activate full realization.

    7 Cauac is my personal birth KIN (Yahoo) and the energy of the year for ALL of US! ***

    We Channel in order to Catalyze

    - Inspiring Energy
    - We Seal the Matrix of Self-Generation
    - with the Resonant tone of Attunement
    - We are guided by the Power of MAGIC.

    So.... What do you feel this new CAUAC energy will assists us with at this time???

    ... and ... How will you USE this energy to be of greater service to humanity and the earth???

    Blessings to one and ALL.

    Aluna Joy Yaxkin



    The Great Gift of the Calendars

    Aluna Joy Yaxkin
    June 1998

    A vision that began almost 22,000 years ago was revealed to a group of 20 spiritual adventurers in the sacred site of Tikal, Guatemala during the Spring Equinox, 1998. The group received knowledge directly from Mayan Elders regarding the Mayan Cosmovision and the gifts of the Mayan calendars.

    The ancient Maya were great visionaries. They dedicated thousands of years to the observations of cycles of time. When the elders developed the calendars, they entered into the cosmic energy to discover the truth. The Maya understood everything is cyclic in nature. They studied the cycle of insects, plants, humans, the earth, the solar system, cycles of the macro and micro cosmos, Universal cycles, and even linear cycles. They created 20 calendars. Of these 20, the western world knows of 5. Today the living Maya are allowed to speak of 15 of these calendars. 5 of these Calendars they cannot speak of at this time. These are the Calendars of our cosmic ancestors.

    The 20 Mayan Calendars

    The 20 Mayan Calendars are listed below. The bulk of the information released was about the Tzolk'in because it relates to the human being and can be used for our ascension process and to learn to live in harmony with nature and the cosmos.

    CALENDAR 1. IXIM TUN - 130 days. This is the calendar of the corn and nature and was created for agriculture. Two of theses cycles are one Tzolk’in cycle. This was very important for agriculture for the Maya.

    CALENDAR 2. MOM TUN - 180 days. A micro cycle of insects. This had a relationship with agriculture, as insects perform fertilization.

    CALENDAR 3. TZOLK’IN - 260 days, also called Chol q’ij, A 20-week cycle of 13 days each. The energy of the day blends a little into the next day. It is a human biorhythmic cycle and relates to the birth cycle. It holds the interrelationship with all that is, and is a harmonic point with certain cycles within certain planets and with a relation to God. This cycle is the most important and is considered a sacred cycle. The ancient ones established 20 energies that give us our reality. We have 20 fingers and toes that have invisible threads. The threads in our fingers connect us to the stars. The threads in our toes connect us to the Earth. Our 20 fingers and toes are one reason why this Mayan calendar has 20 day signs and why the Tzolk'in uses 20 days per month.

    There are also 13 points of power in the human body, the joints of the ankles, the knees, the hips, wrists, elbow, shoulders and neck. This is the reason why the Mayan week is 13 days long. Through these joints, energy enters our body, according to the day, hour and place we are born. The 13 X 20 = 260 sacred days for humanity and is a magical number in Mayan Cosmovision.

    THE 13 NUMBERS - The 13 numbers act like a like a pyramid. From numbers 1 to 7 we are climbing up with much effort. At the number 8 we are in perfect harmony and on top the pyramid, and 9 to 13 is down hill creating ease with the energies, as they no longer force us to develop.

    THE 13 POINTS OF POWER. THE NUMBERS of the Tzolk'in

    1 = Great force and power. The first gear but it does not flow easily. Bottom of the pyramid.
    2 = Polarized but in balance. 2 energies, positive and negative.
    3 = The addition of creative right brain energy.
    4 = The balance. The four energies/elements of the universe; wind, water, earth, and fire.
    5 = Elevation of creation. The 5th element ether. Is a helper to #8.
    6 = Imbalance - Many tests and things to learn and to evolve to.
    7 = Energy to catalyze. Great power Vs great temptations. A final test.
    8 = Complete energies of the material world. Top of the pyramid. Male authority.
    9 = Female authority. Represents the emotional, intuitive, the artist.
    10 = Creativity - flowing.
    11 = Many tests and payments. Psychic/mental order. Test to transmute to knowledge.
    12 = Strong energy because 12 is a spiritual catalyst.
    13 = The base of the pyramid. Realization - Transmutation.

    The 20 Suns of the Tzolk'in

    For the Quiche of Guatemala the 20 suns begin their count with BATZ. Every day has its own guardian. Humanity needed to have a physical description or significance for each day. As the Mayan world had a deep relationship with nature and the animals, nature and the animals became a key to distinguish each energy from each other. Each day is related with a force of nature or one animal. Example - Kaan is symbolized by the serpent. If we only talked about the energy of the day, the information could not be transmitted. The human needed an image to understand the energy of Ix. We can just say Ix, but also using the jaguar gives better understanding.

    BATZ = Chuen. The thread of time and destiny. Weaving of history of humanity.
    EE = Eb. The path. The journey, business people.
    AJ = Ben. Staff of authority. Power. Authority of Mother Earth and personal space.
    IX = Ix. Jaguar. Feminine Energy. Magician.
    TZ'IKIN = Men. Bird of power. Liaison between Sun and Earth.
    AJMAC = Cib. The test of life. The sin. The forgiveness.
    NOK = Caban. The intelligence. Knowledge, wisdom, great potential.
    TIJAX = Etznab. The double-bladed knife. Drastic symbol. Noble. Yin/Yang.
    KAWUQ = Cauac. Family, friends, disciples, abundance, abundance of crops.
    JUNAJPU = Ahau. Grandfather SUN. Elder and child. A day doubled.
    IMOX = Imix. The left hand/side. Intuition. Development of the 6,7 and 8th senses.
    IQ' = Ik. Wind. Breath. Subtleness. Art. Thinkers.
    AQ'AB'AL = Akbal. Birth of a new day. Awakening. Many opportunities.
    CAT = Kan. - A life to fish things out that are hidden.
    KAAN = Chicchan. A powerful day for cosmic energy. Eternal fire. A day to develop.
    KAME = Cimi. The death/rebirth. Knowledge of the Elders. Communion with the dimensions.
    KEJ = Manik. Energy of forests. Can give or receive deception.
    Q'ANIL = Lamat. A seed. A plant. It grows with abundance.
    TOJ = Muluc. Offer payments. Past life Karma. Fire.
    TZ'I' = Oc. The law. The counselor. Fairness. Authority.

    The Maya lived in a world of harmony because life was based on the sacred calendar. There were no psychological problems because no one was forced to live a life that was something other than what their destiny called for. A person born with a day of art was trained as an artist. A person with a day of authority was trained as a leader. Life was respected and lived in harmony with natural cycles.

    The most mind blowing information released about the cycle of Tzolk'in was the knowledge of an ancient technology for human beings to greatly accelerate the awakening process by using sacred geography, the Tzolk'in and one's Mayan birthday. In order to use this technology, we would need to know 2 things. First we need to understand the sacred geography of sacred places around the globe and what day and hour in the Tzolk'in the site relates to. On a special day and hour based on this calendar the sacred site becomes fortified with a beam of cosmic light in which one can be exposed to accelerate awakening beyond what we have experienced to date. Secondly, we would need to know our birth Sun and know what sacred sites on the earth it relates to.

    If we understood these 2 things and traveled to the place on the right day and hour the awakening and ascension process would be greatly accelerated. To be at that point is very special. The energy there would vibrate with your own vibration and you would experience power and magic. You would receive messages from the Creator at that moment. It would be the equivalent of meditating for a lifetime. If you also arrived in the right year, the Maya Elders insinuated to the fact that you could instantly awaken to your full potential! This is one of those "being in the in right place at the right time" kind of deals. Since the technology is partially hidden from most of humanity. this reminder from the Maya it is another great lesson for us to listen to spirit and traveling to where spirit calls us. Without this ancient technology we need to develop the inner technology of the spirit. Intuition! Either way, when we arrive at the right place at the right time, the results would be the awesome.

    These places of power are most often rocky mountains. The peaks of these rocks have special designs. These designs, which some Mayan elders can interpret which Sun it is aligned with, are the same around the earth. The power is very concentrated is these places. They are bridges between heaven and Earth. In Guatemala there is the high concentration of volcanoes and the Maya call this place the heart of the Earth. For example, the volcano near Antigua is Volcano Agua and is for 1 Akpu (1 Ahau). Mt Shasta is also a one of these power places.

    CALENDAR 4. TUN - 360 days A cosmic Galactic cycle. Perfect harmony with the cycles of the planets, stars, and galaxies.

    CALENDAR 5. TZ’OTZ TUN - 364 days. The bat cycle. 13 months of 28 days each. A calendar of Prophecy. In the Maya world there are 5 Mayan tribes who are using it in a very secret way.

    CALENDAR 6. IK TUN - Moon calendar and follows the actual natural moon cycles. The tides and woman's cycles. 13 months.

    CALENDAR 7. HAAB’ - 365 days . 18 Months of 20 days with a 5-day celebration cycle called Vayab. This is the most famous Mayan calendar and the most exact Mayan calendar. According to NASA it is .00000001 accurate to the atomic clock calendar. Within a 180,000 year cycle there is only a one day adjustment needed to keep this calendar accurate. There are controversies about the beginning of the Haab calendar between Mayan tribes.

    CALENDAR 8. KIEJEB - 400 days. Another prophetic calendar. 10 Mayan tribes still use this calendar today.

    CALENDAR 9. MUCHUCHU MIL - the 52-year calendar, a Mayan century. A very important calendar that maps the zenith passage of the Pleiades over Meso America. This calendar synchs the Haab and the Tzolk’in. When this calendar ends, all the fires are put out and for 5 days there are no fires and all will fast. Then on 0 Pop, the Haab the fires are re-lit by Priests and Priestesses. This tradition still happens.

    CALENDAR 10. CHOL TUN - 260 years. Work just like the Tzolk’in, but with years. A macrocosmic calendar.

    CALENDAR 11. KU TUN - 520-year calendar, but this calendar cycle varies every 4 years. The 4 pillar calendar. This is a large cycle in which the energy flows for all humanity. It has special qualities and is a helper for certain situations and is very important when someone is having a chart read. It acts as an added ingredient to the Prophetic calendar.

    CALENDAR 12. TIKU TUN - Is divided into 2 well-known cycles. The first is Belejeb Bolon Tiku which is 9 x 52 cycles of darkness equaling 468 years. The second is OXALAJUJ TIKU - 13 of 52 cycles of the 13 heavens or 13 lights that equal 676 years. This is also a prophetic calendar.

    CALENDAR 13. AJAU TUN - Cycles of 20 years that mark the prophecies for 20 years. Archaeologists know of this one.

    CALENDAR 14. EKOMAL TUN - 520 years - Marks the feminine/masculine radiation from the Sun. It is a prophetic calendar and give clues about humanity to this point and in the future.

    CALENDAR 15. OX LAJUJ BAKTUN- 5200 years. This is the long count calendar the archeologists know something about. It is a prophetic calendar and marks the Suns/Worlds. In the Gregorian year of 1998 we are in the year 5186 of the 4th Sun in this 5200-year calendar. There are only 14 years left to experience the change to the 5th Sun.

    These are the names for the 5 calendars the Maya are not ready to speak of at this time: CALENDAR 16. WACH WOU

    Many thanks to the Mayan Elders, Rigoberto Ixchep Chanchovan, Gerardo Barrios Kaanek', Carlos Barrios, Felice Reyes, Alfonzo Tayum, Miguel Viente Ixchop and Mercedes Longfellow who shared this ancient wisdom with our group. Be it noted here, that the author of this article nor any of the above elders were not paid in any way for publishing this Mayan Cosmovision article. It is unacceptable to charge for this information.

    ALUNA JOY YAXK'IN is an internationally known author, spiritual life coach, sacred site guide, alternative historian, ordained minister and modern mystic. She inspires and encourages others to recognize and accept their own authentic divinity and connection to God. In the Inca world, Aluna is considered a Qawaq (cow-wak) Clairvoyant, or seer of living energy. Those who know Aluna, call her a modern mystic and/or a psycho-geographical healer. Aluna simply considers herself a Spiritual Archaeologist using her Clairvoyant/Clairsentient gifts to read ancient history of sacred sites. She helps others to tune their inner ears to hear, and also brings forward to modern times the wisdom and teachings of the past. She speaks on the subjects of Spiritual Archaeology and the Awakening of Spiritual Consciousness through the guardians and masters of ancient cultures of the Maya, Inca, and Egyptian/Atlantis worlds. Aluna's work has been influenced by a life long interaction with the Star Elders combined with a series of shamanic experiences that accelerated over 2 decades of travel in the sacred sites of Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Peru, Bolivia, Egypt, Greece, England, Australia and New Zealand. Aluna acts as a cross cultural Spiritual Guide on unique pilgrimages to Mexico, Guatemala and Peru, and occasionally Egypt. She is a carrier of one of the rare Stones of Ica from Peru. She also offers Star Elder Sessions, formulates Sacred Site Essences. She is the author of "Mayan Astrology", "The Mayan Daykeeper" and "The Mayan Time Decoder". Her articles have been published worldwide since 1994

    Copyright © 1998 - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article on the condition that the content remains complete, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.
    Aluna Joy Yaxk'in - PO Box 1988 Sedona, AZ 86339 USA


    Under Edit "The Mayan Super Code of The Dresden Codex # 1366560 contains a total of 144 whole number divisable factors:


    8-9 #12 Tiki Tun is made up of 2 parts, 468years=9x52 years called Belejeb Bolon Tiku (see 468 or see 52) + 13x52 years = 676 years, 468 + 676 =1144

    9-10 #15 OX LAJUJ BAKTUN, 5200 YRS, CAN BE FACTORED , USING 52, 80, 20, AND, 10

    11-13 #12 Tiki Tun is made up of 2 parts, 468years=9x52 years called Belejeb Bolon Tiku (see 468 or see 9) + 13x52 years = 676 years, 468 + 676 =1144

    12-15 #6 IK TUN MOON - Difference between NEW MOON & FULL MOON CEREMONIES - 14.75 HRS, OR 14 HRS, 18 MINUTES


    15-20 #13 AJAUTUN 20 years, #15 OX LAJUJ BAKTUN, 5200 YRS, CAN BE FACTORED , USING 52, 80, 20, AND, 10


    22-40 #8 KIT JEB 400 DAYS ~ 360 + 40, are both factors of 144 of 1366560, and, 360 + 40 = 400 (see 360)


    25-52 #12 Tiki Tun is made up of 2 parts, 468years=9x52 years called Belejeb Bolon Tiku (see 468 or see 9) + 13x52 years = 676 years, 468 + 676 =1144 years # 9 MUCHUCHU MIL = 52 years 15 OX LAJUJ BAKTUN, 5200 YRS, CAN BE FACTORED , USING 52, 80, 20, AND, 10

    31-80 #15 OX LAJUJ BAKTUN, 5200 YRS, CAN BE FACTORED , USING 52, 80, 20, AND, 10
    37-130 #1 IXIMTUN 130 kin
    42-180 # 2 MOMTUN 180 kin
    48-260 #3 TZOLKI'IN 260 kin, #10 CHO TUN 260 years #4 TUN 360 kin

    52-360 #7 HAAB 360, #8 KIT JEB 400 DAYS ~ 360 + 40, are both factors of 144 of 1366560, and, 360 + 40 = 400 (see 40)

    53-365 #7 HAAB + O-4 VAYEB 360+5, #9 MUCMUCHUMIL - 52 DAYS
    57-468 )
    59-520 #11 KUTUN 520 YEARS, #14 EKOMALTUN 520 YEARS
    115- 17520
    143-683280 &
    144-1366560." SUSAN LYNNE SCHWENGER 10 OCT 2008 10/10/10


    #5 TZ'OTZ'TUN 364 days (if this is an Arguellies one - and, it isn't divisable by 144 factoRs of 1366560, and, it is lacking him adding 'one day out of time' ~ which is NOT only a very strange thing to call a date, there is NO such thing, as "A Day OUT OF TIME", UNLESS the sun doesn't rise; or doesn't set one day - which NEVER happens, the sun, moon, stars, planets, etc., always show up on time

    #16. WACH WOU ~ NO info
    #17. OX WOU ~ NO info
    #18. WIN WOU~ NO info
    #19. NAWUAL WOU - NO info
    #20. NIMK’ KU - NO info


    #15 OX LAJUJ BAKTUN, 5200 YRS, CAN BE FACTORED , USING 52, 80, 20, AND, 10 - it has now been added into 'worksheet chart' above


    Subject: Full of questions
    Posted on: April 03 2005 @ 01:43 AM

    By: Abyss


    Hey there.

    I've been studying the dreamspell and mayan calendars a lot lately, and there are a lot of questions that have been coming up that I haven't been able to find answers to on the net. Could someone help me out here?

    Ok, here goes:

    How many distinct Tzolkin counts are there? I know of 2, the "Traditional Kiche" one that has 8 batz as the starting point, and the one for the Dreamspell calendar. Are there any more? Is there a seperate one for Yucatec?

    Is there any information on the 17-22 mayan calendars? There's plenty of info on the Haab and Tzolkin,
    but the only place so far I've been able to find any scrap of info on the others is a part of Aluna Joy's site, here:

    But it just gives the length of each cycle, it doesn't explain the intricacies of the calendars.

    Plus, the article is 7 years old; has any new information on the remaining 5 or so calendars been revealed since then?

    Is the Tz'otz Tun the mayan version of Jose's Dreamspell calendar? * funny they would ask that LOL

    What calendar is the Tun'uc?

    What was it about the Haab that made it so accurate? How did the Mayans deal with the leap year?

    Muchas Gracias


    Re:Full of questions

    Posted on: April 13 2005 @ 09:38 PM
    By: TreeFrog


    hey there Abyss... I don't think anyone knows an exact number of distinct tzolkin counts...

    In ancient times the traditional count was used in the Yucatan...

    with the rise of Chicchan Itza at the beginning of the 11th baktun the maya incorporated the 52 year 'calendar round' fixed on the solar-zenith passage on July 26 (which in turn related to Pleiades cycles)...

    From this tradition (and later the Chilam Balam) comes the Dreamspell calendar which today is validated by Yucatec Mayan Shamans such as Hunbatz Men and Quetza Sha.

    In this sense the dreamspell is the Yucatec count, being that, rather than a linear count of days (as the traditional count), it is based on the Chilam Balam year-bearers (Kan, Muluc, Ix, & Cauac) which always fall on the zenith passage (at lattitude of Chicchen Itza) on/around July 26.

    It's unlikely you will find much info on the other calendars unless you study under a real mayan shaman
    (there are organizations which can help you with this).

    One reason for the dreamspell dispensation I feel is that it satisfies the desire of the non-indigenous to incorporate numerous cycles together, without opening the secrets of the native daykeepers The Tz'otz Tun does seem very similar to the 13-moon (13 x 28 = 364).

    The classic maya also followed a stellar zodiac divided into 13 segments of 28 days (or at least all the evidence points that way according to scholars Linda Schele, Hugh Harleston, Jose Arguelles and many others)

    The Tun Uc is 'Year of the moon-power of seven'... this is the dreamspell 13-moon calendar

    The traditional haab is really not all that accurate in that it does not incorporate a leap year so it falls out of step with the solar year by one day every fourish years.

    The mayans dealt with leap year calculations by knowing that 1507 solar years was equal to 1508 haabs
    this info is to the best of my human and therefore flawed knowledge peace :mrgreen:

    Saq Be - Forum


    THIS ONE DOES NOT FIT IN CALENDAR 5. TZ’OTZ TUN - 364 days. The bat cycle. 13 months of 28 days each. A calendar of Prophecy. In the Maya world there are 5 Mayan tribes who are using it in a very secret way.

    This calendar does NOT fit into the 144 component factors of The Mayan Super Number 1366560 although, 4 and 360 are there, this one, is about 4 x 91, and, 91 is NOT one of these factors.

    My research, would lead me to believe, that this calendar is linked to José Argüelles of Dreamspell although i do NOT have proof of that.

    The Dreamspell is an esoteric calendar based on a modern interpretation of the Maya calendar
    by New Age spiritualist, Mayanist philosopher, and author José Argüelles, initiated in 1987 and released as a board game in 1993.

    He has a calendar, he utilizes, with 4 x 91 = 364 + 1 = 365 (same length as The Haab Calendar, but NOT the HAAB calendar) The 4 stands for the seasons of spring, summer, fall, winter and, the 91 stands for the number of days in each season, rounded out to the nearest whole number. His 1 day, is what he terms 'one day out of time' or '1 day out of time", i never understood why he would pick this term, a day out of time, implies that the day doesn't happen, and, thus, you would have NO sunrise, NOR sunset, which, in this world, is virtually impossible. The sun always rises, and, always sets.

    Aluna Joy, calls it a 'rebooting day', while i have seen the Vayeb 0, Vayeb 1, Vayeb 2, Vayeb 3, Vayeb 4, described at the last 5 dead days, on the calendar, and, are related to December 27, 28, 29, 30, and, 31.

    While others, have it falling into every July... this year 26 JUL 2012 was the new year, which makes the Vayeb 0, Vayeb 1, Vayeb 2, Vayeb 3, Vayeb 4, as 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 JUL 2012. It appears there is a lot of information on it, on this link AND, due to its large following, very likely it deserves its own thread

    It is clearly obvious to me, that this 'dreamspell calendar' is NOT a part of the old mayan calendars & cosmology. Everyone knows, the great masters of Cosmology followed the movement of the sun, the moon, the stars, the planets, etc., because they always show up on time, and, in time. It was the movement of the new and, the full moon cycles, through black, and, through blue moon phases, along with the sunrises, and, the sunsets which allowed us to further prove our calibrations related to The End Date aka The End Time which flows through 2011, into 2012, and, ends in 2013. THE 65TH AHUA - 16 DEC 2013 AT SUNSET, was determined to be,

    The End Date of The 12th Grand Cycle, and, at sunrise on 17 DEC 2013, it was The Start Date of The 13th Grand Cycle,

    The calibration of The Long Count, The Haab (360+5) & The Tzolk'in (260) is here on this website: dec 2013 260 kin Further info can be found on: aka

    Our conclusion, is that CALENDAR 5. TZ’OTZ TUN - 364 days aka The Bat Cycle (13 x 28=364) is NOT a calendar of Prophecy, and, certainly is NOT very, very secret, it is our belief, that when people say, very secret, it is anything but, very,very secret.

    Susan Lynne Schwenger




    Aluna Joy Yaxkin SAYS...

    We are experiencing a huge internal unraveling. We are being cornered like guilty children, into unveiling any secret left hidden that keeps us from our true selves. Yes... there is no foolin around with the force packed in these last days of 2012. We can not avoid facing our monsters, our fears, our shames. I am blessed that my physical world and life is solid, but this week I am deeply crying for no reason and for old past reasons as well. I am feeling huge indescribable loss that is way beyond my singular presence. I think this might be a healing of ages past that we are healing together so we can move ahead together with light and clarity. I am being faced with forgiving myself in the deepest ways, even if those situations were out of my control. Nothing seems to be in control these days. Thanks to the family for sharing your hearts. It takes courage to be real ... and we really need our community support now!

    Aluna Joy Yaxkin
    Last edited: May 6, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Events - 16 DEC 2013 at sunset 16:18 PM GMT - and, 17 DEC 2013 at sunrise 8:15 AM GMT

    First Light: 06:54
    Dawn: 07:36
    Sunrise: 08:15
    Transit: 12:17
    Sunset: 16:18
    Dusk: 16:57
    Nightfall: 17:39

    First Light: 06:55
    Dawn: 07:37
    Sunrise: 08:15
    Transit: 12:17
    Sunset: 16:19
    Dusk: 16:57
    Nightfall: 17:39


    good info
    Last edited: May 6, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    52 – Aztec Calender Stone and Calendar Wheel OLLIN – PhaiStoS disc OMphalos SwaStika is the KEY

    52 – Aztec Calender Stone and Calendar Wheel – OLLIN – PhaiStoS disc – OMphalos – the SwaStika as Key

    52 – Aztec Calender Stone and Calendar Wheel

    OLLIN – PhaiStoS disc
    SwaStika is the KEY


    The Aztec calendar stone, Mexica sun stone, Stone of the Sun (Spanish: Piedra del Sol), or Stone of the Five Eras, is a large monolithic sculpture that was excavated in the Zócalo, Mexico City‘s main square, on December 17, 1790.[2] It was discovered whilst Mexico City Cathedral was being repaired.[3] The stone is around 12 feet or 3.7 m!!! across and weighs about 24 tons.[4]

    The exact purpose and meaning of the stone is unclear. However archaeologists and historians have proposed a number of theories and it seems likely that there are many aspects to the stone.[5]

    Mexican anthropologist Antonio de León y Gama (1735-1802) remarked that the Sun Stone showed that the Aztecs had knowledge of geometry to be able to carve the stone symmetrically and it showed they also had knowledge of mechanics to be able to move the stone from its quarry to its final destination.[1]
    “The exact purpose and meaning of the stone is unclear”


    “To this day, the theorem of Pythagoras remains the most important single theorem in the whole of mathematics.

    That seems a bold and extraordinary thing to say, yet it is not extravagant;
    because what Pythagoras established is a fundamental characterization of the space in which we move, and it is the first time that is translated into numbers.

    And the exact fit of the numbers describes the exact laws that bind the universe.
    In fact, the numbers that compose right-angled triangles have been proposed as messages which we might send out to planets in other star systems as a test for the existence of rational life there.”

    - Jacob Bronowski 1973

    What follows was written in 1901, and it is being ignored today, why?

    “The moment primitive man began to observe anything, he must have taken note of the stars, and as soon as he began to talk about them he must have started by defining, in some way or other, the particular star he meant…. Observers would first consider the brightest stars and separate them from the dimmer ones; they would then discuss the stars which never set (the circumpolar constellations) and separate them from those which did rise and set. Then they would naturally, in a northern clime, choose out the constellation of the Great Bear or Orion, and for small groups, the Pleiades (op. cit. p. 132)…. A few years’ observation would have appeared to demonstrate the absolute changelessness of the places of the rising and setting of the same stars. It is true that this result would have been found to be erroneous when a long period of time had elapsed and when observation became more accurate, but for hundreds of years the stars would certainly appear to represent fixity, while the movements of the sun, moon and planets would seem to be bound by no law … would appear erratic, so long as the order of their movements was not known.”

    The reflection that Ursa Major was probably the first constellation which made any deep impression upon the mind of prehistoric man in America, as elsewhere, lent an additional interest to the star-group, as I concentrated my mind upon its form and endeavored to imagine it in four equidistant positions, corresponding to the numerals in the symbol Ollin of the calendar-stone of Mexico.

    I succeeded in obtaining, in succession, mental images of the constellation in four opposite positions. This effort led to an unforeseen result which surprised me. In a flash of mental vision I perceived a quadrupled image of the entire constellation, standing [pg 015]out in scintillating brilliancy from the intense darkness of the wintry sky (fig. 3, no. 3). At the same moment I saw that it bore the semblance of a symmetrical swastika of giant proportions. This fact, so unexpectedly realized, gave rise to such an absorbing train of new ideas and interpretations of the data I had accumulated, that I left my window, on that memorable night, with a growing perception of the deep and powerful influence the prolonged observation of Polaris and the circumpolar constellations would naturally have exerted upon the mind of primitive man. Deeply impressed with the striking resemblance between the composite image of Polaris, Ursa Major, and certain forms of the swastika, I started on a fresh line of investigation, and devoted myself to the study of primitive astronomy and its influence upon the intellectual development of mankind in general and the American races in particular. After having worked, during thirteen years, without any preconceived ideas about the ancient Mexican civilization and without formulating any general conclusion concerning it, I saw all the knowledge I had slowly acquired fall into rank and file and organize itself into a simple and harmonious whole.


    “Realizing this I perceived how, with the origin of the swastika, I had found the origin of the set of primeval ideas which had governed the human race from its infancy and which, in Mexican and Central American civilizations, ultimately developed into their ingenious system of government and social organization.”


    Scholars often mention in passing that Itzpapalotl has some (unspecified) connection to the day sign Ollin,

    This may be because the standard form of the sign resembles that of a butterfly. “The butterfly was simultaneously a symbol of the soul and a sign for the concept of olin (undulant circling, rocking, oscillating or rolling movement, representing the space-time continuum, that is, the passage of time in space, marked by changes in the positions of the planets and the day-night sequences). Butterfly equaled olin because of the iconography of olin (see section on geometric designs, p. 180). It was also thus identified because of its movements.

    Butterfly-olin was also a deity unit (Itzpapalotl).” - Eva Hunt
    The Transformation of the Hummingbird: Cultural Roots of a Zinacantecan Mythical Poem
    (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1977) 59, 180-183.​


    Does the above depiction of the AZTEC Calendar Wheel look similar to this Egyptian geodetic omphalos that we see in the image below?
    Is there a similarity in design?

    but but butt
    Here is a ‘free’ online pdf available written by Edward Butts showing how the AZTEC Calender Wheel and the Swastika are intimately related.

    1/ STATEMENT No.1 The Swastika
    by Edward Butts

    2/ The History of the Conquest of Mexico
    by William H. Prescott epoch 1091 aztec&source=bl&ots=rDeuCGSdL6&sig=NKMfc-5QbUI4Y4lef6HrmDVlcSI&hl=en&sa=X&ei=jkuyUNSLCYiqywGo5oDQBw&ved=0CDMQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=national epoch 1091 aztec&f=false

    Time >> Calendar >> Swastika

    The following is a mirror image of above…

    A solar symbol is a symbol which symbolises the Sun. Solar symbols can have significance in psychoanalysis, symbolism, semiotics, astrology, religion, mythology, mysticism,divination, heraldry, and vexillology, among other fields.

    Some solar symbols include:


    What other evidence exists linking the SwaStika to Precession or Calendars?

    The inspired work of Zelia Nuttall

    After having worked, during thirteen years, without any preconceived ideas about the ancient Mexican civilization and without formulating any general conclusion concerning it, I saw all the knowledge I had slowly acquired fall into rank and file and organize itself into a simple and harmonious whole.
    Realizing this I perceived how, with the origin of the swastika, I had found the origin of the set of primeval ideas which had governed the human race from its infancy and which, in Mexican and Central American civilizations, ultimately developed into their ingenious system of government and social organization.


    Four serpents whose bent [pg 027]bodies form a large swastika and whose heads are directed towards a central figure, are represented in the Codex Borgia in association with calendar-signs (fig. 9, cf. Féjérvary, p. 24). I shall have occasion to refer in detail to Mexican serpent-symbolism further on.


    The Quincunx Variously Applied:
    a. Monte Albán Kan cross;

    b. Maya Kin glyph;
    c. Maya Lamat glyph;
    d. Teotihuacán flower sign;
    e. Maya katun completion sign;
    f. Teotihuacán pecked cross;
    g. Maya calendar from the Book of Chilam Balam of Kaua;
    h. Maya calendar from the Madrid Codex looks similar to the work of Richard Feynman we see below in slide 14.
    i. Aztec calendar from Durán
    j. Mixtec calendar from the Codex Féjérvary-Mayer (a-e after Coggins 1980, figs. 2a-d; f after Aveni 1980, fig. 71a;g-j after Aveni 1980, fig. 57).


    Mixtec calendar from the Codex Féjérvary-Mayer
    The earliest history of the codex is unknown. It is named after Gabriel Fejérváry (1780–1851), a Hungarian collector, and Joseph Mayer (1803–1886), an English antiquarian who bought the codex from Fejérváry. In 2004 Maarten Jansen and Gabina Aurora Pérez Jiménez proposed that it be given the indigenous name Codex Tezcatlipoca, from the Nahuatl name of the god Tezcatlipoca (who is shown, with black-and-yellow facial striping, in the centre of its first page), although it is not certain that its creators were Nahuasérváry-Mayer

    Important to note of the four arms of the Mixtec Calendar Cross, the downward pointing tree in the southern arm branches off the main to 3 and 2 smaller branches displaying a left 3/2 right ASYMMETRY.
    All other branches on each of the three arms display a 3/3 symmetry after branching into two.
    Recall the ‘perfect fifths‘ is a 3:2 count.
    These asymmetric flaws appear quite often, usually concerning hands and feet/footprints.


    Also it can be clearly seen that Tezcatlipoca in the center has four diagonal lines emanating from his body towards the four corners.

    Those 4 lines can be clearly associated the SEED pattern we find being utilized on the nano level by nature and man.

    Concealed 3700 years


    clearly ve can zee a spiral in za SS PhaiStoS disk jah!
    now take a look at this ‘logarithmic’ spiral:


    Focus on the center of that spiral for a moment. Can you see the swastika architectureat the very heART, at the core of the GREEK IONIC VOLUTE spiral?


    Yes the IONIC VOLUTE spiral has the ‘Jaina Cross’ a.k.a. as the SS SwaStika as an intimate part of its inherent geometry



    top left: Laksmi top right: Ganesha
    center: Krishna
    bottom left: Saraswati bottom right: Shirdi Sai Baba

    The story of Ganesha acting as the scribe occurs in 37 of the 59 manuscripts consulted during preparation of the critical edition.

    Ganesha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Ganesha is thus the ONLY god to be associated in a “physical” sense with the primordial sacred sound AUM, a telling reminder of his supreme position in the Hindu pantheon.

    Ganesha - the Elephant Headed God, Art and Mythology – Exotic India

    Shirdi Sai Baba

    It is clear that the simple cosmic prototype (the mechanism utilitzed on all levels of scaling) has been found and simplified for all the simpletons like you and me to learn from?


    So in addition to what Zelia Nuttall offered 100+ years ago, my journey has revealed some profound AHA by following the swastika into the nano world and finding profound cosmological APPLICATIONS.


    1/ NANO World APPLICATIONS for the SWASTIKA – the true blue AVATAR



    3/ But this could be the best AHA offered to date.
    Listen to what Jacob Bronowski offers in his explanation of the theorem.
    In addition to his claim that this theorem is the ONE most important mathematical idEA!
    Hello Zelia Nuttall.
    @ 5:30
    “To this day, the theorem of Pythagoras remains the most important single theorem in the whole of mathematics.

    That seems a bold and extraordinary thing to say, yet it is not extravagant; because what Pythagoras established is a fundamental characterization of the space in which we move, and it is the first time that is translated into numbers.

    And the exact fit of the numbers describes the exact laws that bind the universe. In fact, the numbers that compose right-angled triangles have been proposed as messages which we might send out to planets in other star systems as a test for the existence of rational life there.” - Jacob Bronowski 1973

    Can we push back knowledge of the Pythagorean Theorem another 2000+ years to 4000+ BCE?

    Thus adding 3500+ years to the western version still being taught in schools today?
    Apparently we are NOT evolving in ways like we thought.

    Bhaskara’s proof is similar to the proof provided by Pythagoras but about 1500 years older[​IMG]

    NOW IF I WAS AN ENGINEER or DESIGNER LOOKING TO CREATE EFFICIENT ENERGY SOLUTIONS I WOULD BE A FOOL if I overlooked the insignts found in these three links found here:


    In conclusion much can be learned on the nano level about NATURE and EFFICIENCY in fact…What could we learn IF we applied this KEY to the Phaistos Disk in order to extract a SS meSSage?

    “It is therefore all the more remarkable that after more than eighty years of excavation not another single scrap of clay impressed with these stamps had been found at Phaistos, or at any other site in Crete or elsewhere. It would be very surprising if there were not somewhere more examples of the script waiting to be found, but the disk remains so far unique, and the suspicion must arise that it was an isolated object brought from some other area.”

    But but BUTT wait there is another example …. very similar in its spiraling architecture to the PhaiStoS disc and and and it was used as a SOLAR, LUNAR, and STELLAR calendar too.

    But we gotta go to Mesoamerica to find it….and it is connected to the AZTEC Calendar WHEEL, the Calendar STONE and that spiral image by Walter Russell.



    Gotta love it….what if my analysis is close?
    Why would that be cool?

    Because the PhaiStoS disk was found on ME birthday a.k.a. ‘born on the 3rd of July’, and 49 years later viola here I AM.

    ….or how about we just say born on ‘37‘ or ’73
    ….it really does not matter.

    Found on July 3, 1908 at Phaistos, Crete, by Luigi Pernier

    Luigi or shall we say Lou (the name of my mystery grandfather on my dad’s side of the family tree – what if … ??) of course having my birthday and being born in the 1900s we both have 1379 as the first 4 digits of our birthday…
    137-9 Mesoamerica Code – FIAT * LUX

    13 x 7 x 9 = 819

    A prime number code linking the Freemasons to both the Maya in Mesoamerica and also the Mesopotamian cultures too!
    ALL prime numbers end in a 1 – 3 – 7 or a 9 with the exception of 2 and 5.


    So when was the Aztec Calendar Stone ‘RECOVERED’?

    December 17, 1790.[2] It was discovered whilst Mexico City Cathedral was being repaired.[3] The stone is around 12 feet (3.7 m) across and weighs about 24 tons.​
    December 17/1790



    Which yields the fine structure constant
    1/137 plus 16

    and we note it was

    meters in diameter
    Which believe it or not fits the MEME drEaM thEME being passed forward in time. It all fits like magic because it reflects what ‘just is’. TA DA!
    By raphael, on November 8, 2012 at 3:16 am, under 25 and 52, LEY Lady LEI, SWASTIKA and MALTESE CROSS
    Marko Rodin calls ‘25‘ the “cosmic blender”
    Last edited: May 7, 2014

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