THE ANSWER to Ancient Calendars & Mayan Timeline Encodings Of The Calendars-BERMANSEDER & SCHWENGER

Discussion in 'Ancient, Indigenous, & Tribal Calendars' started by CULCULCAN, Apr 14, 2014.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member





    The Starseed Generations of the 12th Egyptian Dynasty of the Great Pyramid

    Pharaoh Senusret III, the 81st pharaoh of Egypt according to the Turin King List (TKL),
    reigned from 1879BC to 1840 BC and shared his reign with his son Amenemhat III (82nd king)
    from 1840BC to 1813BC towards the end of the 12th dynasty of Egypt.

    Dynasty 12 encompassed a period from 1991BC to 1801BC
    and from the founder of this dynasty known as Amenemhat I (77th king)
    to its last female Queen pharaoh Neferusobek (84th pharaoh),
    daughter of Amenemhat III and the wife of Amenemhat IV as the 83rd king of the TKL.

    As Amenemhat IV had no son, Queen Neferusobek became pharaoh
    following the death of Amenemhat IV in 1805BC.

    Amenemhat I (1991BC – 1972BC) had been the vizier
    (adviser, architect and administrator) of the last pharaoh Mentuhotep IV
    of the 11th dynasty and was not of the royal bloodline of the preceding pharaohs.

    He was a nomarch, a local provincial nomadic ruler,
    overseeing the administration and political settings of a tribal or clan-based culture.

    He was the son of a priest Senusret and a mother Nefret
    and is identified in texts of antiquity, like the Masoretic Torah
    and the Old Testament as Ishmael, son of Abraham and Hagar,
    the Egyptian handmaiden of Sarah, Abraham’s half-sister wife
    and concubine of Abram of Ur of the Chaldees (2053BC – 1878BC).

    The 11th dynasty of Egypt was founded by a ‘legendary’ person
    called Intef the Elder ruling as Mentuhotep I from Upper Egypt,
    capitol Thebes from 2134BC – 1991BC
    and as the historical pharaoh Mentuhotep IV (1998BC – 1991BC).

    Mentuhotep I as 71st king in the TKL is included,
    but Mentuhotep IV (2010BC-1998BC) is omitted from the TKL (lacuna)
    between the 76th king and the 77th king Amenemhat I as an archetyped
    or ‘legendary' Ishmael.

    The legendary ‘local ruler’ Intef the Elder from the 10th Egyptian dynasty
    so is identified from the Zep Tepi ancient records as Abram of Ur of the Chaldees
    migrating from Sumer into Egypt in a time period of 25 years from 1978BC to 1953BC
    and imaged in a time period of 25 years from 2132BC to 2157BC
    to identify the ‘Battle of Siddim’ {Zep Tepi code Gen.14}
    as the Sumerian invasion of the Gutha dynasty
    ending the Akkadian Sumerian 16th dynasty of Sargon of Akkad
    in in the encoded time frame for the 17th dynasty of Gutium from 2168BC to 2025BC
    and contemporary with the 2nd dynasty of Lagash of Sumer from 2149BC to 2025BC
    according to the Sumerian King List (SKL).

    This interwovenness of Sumerian dynasties is paralleled in the second intermediary period
    of Egypt from the Zep Tepi (the time before time) records from 1801BC to 1533BC
    encompassing dynasties 13 to 17 and ending with the expulsion of the Hyksos
    under the founder of the 18th Egyptian dynasty Ahmose I (1550BC-1525BC).

    The Middle Kingdom of Egyptian history spanning dynasties 11 and 12
    from Mentuhotep I at 2134BC to 1801BC
    and Queen Neferusobek intersects the first intermediary period of Egypt
    of dynasties 7 to 10 (2193BC-2168BC) from the great age of the pyramid builders
    of the Old Kingdom from 3134BC to 2193BC of dynasties 1 to 6 .

    From 2193BC, the Egyptian kings ruled from Memphis of the Northern Lower Egypt
    (dynasties 7-8), but became subject to the rulers of Southern Upper Egypt,
    who reigned from Heracleopolis from 2168BC (dynasties 9-10) contemporary
    with the pharaohs of the 11th dynasty, who’s capitol was Thebes from 2134BC to 2061BC
    and the time of Abram as a Intef the Elder, ‘keeper of the door of the South’.

    The life of archetyped Ishmael as the 21st generation from the Zep Tepi
    ‘time of the gods or time before time’ is encoded as being 137 years
    from 1977BC to 1840BC and a year corresponding to the birth of Judah
    as the 4th son of the Hebrew patriarch Jacob-Israel as the 22nd generation
    of Hebrew patriarchs from the creation of Adam in the year 4009BC as 1Tishri-247
    in the Hebrew metonic cycle and precession-based soli-lunar calendar system.

    137 years are also the encoded lifetimes of Levi, son of Jacob born in 1843BC
    from 1843BC to 1706BC as a parallel 23rd generation from their grandfather Isaac
    as a parallel 21st generation to Ishmael.

    Furthermore, Kohat, the 24th generation as the son of Levi sires Amram
    as the 25th generation.

    Kohat is encoded to have lived for 133 years and Amram is encoded to have lived again
    for 137 years to mirror both the 24th and the 25th generations
    in a convergence of 3 generations in the focus of a central mirror
    of the 23rd generation due to the interwovenness of the 23rd generation
    in the 12 starseed generations of the archetyped Jacob-Israel.

    The succession of the patriarchs so identifies Kohat as a one-sided mirror of time
    of the year 1883BC as a relative past reflecting a 250-year timespan
    in a central double-sided mirror of a relative present Joseph Aquarius
    (who lived from 1813BC to 1703BC) in a one-sided mirror of Amram
    of time of the year 1633BC as a relative future.

    As Amram is the father of the brotherhood of the encoded exodus
    in Aaron and Moses as a 26th generation, a succession birth of Aaron and Moses
    in the years 1703BC and 1700BC within the timeframe within the Joseph Mirror
    is imaged outside of the mirror in a ‘true birth’ of Moses as the year of the Hyksos expulsion
    of Ahmose I, founder of the 18th dynasty of Egypt and the beginning of the New Egyptian Kingdom.

    This chronos so defines the historical exodus as the Hyksos expulsion of 1533BC
    as the birth of Moses, precisely 80 years before an encoded exodus of the year 1453BC
    took place in the encoded timeline of the Hebrew Masoretic testimony.

    Moses as a historical pharaoh of the 15th dynasty, known as Khamudy in the TKL
    and as Khyan-Apakhnan in the Aegyptiaca of the Ptolemaic Egyptian historian Manetho
    (300BC-200BC) was however 80 years old in the year 1620BC,
    which is encoded as the ’10 plagues of Egypt’ coincident
    with the Santorini-Thera volcanic eruption of archaeological
    and carbon-based historical chronology.

    The 137 years are encoded in the Great pyramid of Giza as the prevalent physical constant
    of quantum mechanics as a foundational physical parameter and so relates the physical world
    of science with the greater history of the universe and the civilizations arising upon planet Earth.

    Known as Alpha (), the finestructure constant describing the probability of light
    interacting with matter {=2kee2/hc=60e2/h=1/137.04}; 1 in 137-138 photons
    will interact with an electron to define the proportion of the mass-self-state
    to the massless electromagnetic self-state within a material-spiritual context.

    Using the Ben Ben capstone of the pyramid as a 1/100th miniaturization
    for the architectural Great Pyramid of Giza; Giza
    = {√([½s]2+H2)+2s}/{(√2s2)+H}/100 = 647.788/4.72818 = 137.005

    The Great Pyramid dimensions here are for a base square side of 230.6 meters
    as 440 royal Egyptian cubits and a diagonal length of √(2s2) with a height H of 146.7 m
    or 280 royal cubits to derive the triangular height for a face of the pyramid as
    h={√([½s]2+H2) by the Pythagorean theorem a2 + b2 = c2.

    1 royal cubit of 28=7x4 digits is measured by cubit rods,
    differing in size from 523.5 to 529.2 mm and adds 1 palm to an ordinary cubit of 24=6x4 digits
    as 6 palms and 4 fingers. The degree of precision to derive alpha,
    so depends on the cubit rod used to measure royal cubits.

    Using the minimum range of 523.5 mm the side length of the Great Pyramid
    calculates as 230.34 m and the height H calculates as 146.58 m.

    Using the maximum range of 529.2 mm s calculates as 232.85 m and H calculates as 148.18 m.

    Using the royal cubit with full integer values Giza = {√([½s]2+H2)+2s}/{(√2s2)+H}/100 = {√(48,400+78,400)+880}/100{(√(387,200)+280} = 1236.090/9.022 = 137.008

    The difference between a 360-day circle year and a 365.2422 tropical-seasonal
    and star-based year is 5.241 days, which for the cursed 687 years calculate
    as 687x5.2422=3601.39 extra days and is precisely 3600 days
    as 10 circle-degree years for 686.73 Years,
    that is a fractional day count for the 687th year in the reckoning of times.

    Adding 137 years to the cursed 687 years doubles the degree years of the unit circle
    to 687+137=820=720+100 years to identify the 36 degrees as a tenth of the unit circle
    and as a hundredth of the 3600=60x60 unit measurement of the sexagesimal number count
    of Sumer and related ancient civilizations. Sumer used the sar*
    =603=216,000 and the sar=602=3600 and a ner=600 as one sixth of a sar
    for a sos as a unit count of 601=60 and 600=1 in their additive progressive number
    counts to measure volumes, areas, and length displacements.

    The reduction of the physical size to that of the Ben Ben capstone
    in the alpha encoding in the Great Pyramid so derives from the sexagesimal
    measuring system of ancient Mesopotamia and the Zep Tepi time before times.

    The ancient measurements of time relate to the precessional cycle of a day count
    of exactly 9,360,000 (Mayan Kin days) as 26,000x360 degree-day years
    with 5x13=65 baktun of 144,000 days each for 5x13x144,000 = 5x1,872,000
    = 9,360,000 days for a tropical year based on the metonic cycle of 235 lunations
    of 29.5306 days each, being the same as 19 tropical years approximated as 365.2425 ‘civil day years’
    and 365.25 Julian day years.

    This calculus defines a Mayan precession as 25,626.8 Gregorian 365.2425-day years
    for the present time and defines the Hebrew calendar reckoning from the creation
    on 1Tishri-247=19September 4009BC as the encoded Zep Tepi time for the birth
    of archetyped Adam as the first of the 26 generations.

    Furthermore, seven generations are encoded as being ‘cursed’
    in the ‘slaying’ of Adam’s and Eve’s second son Abel by Cain
    as their firstborn son.

    Counting the 7 cursed generations from Adam to Seth
    to Enos to Cainan to Mahalaleel to Jared to Enoch and the birth of Methuselah
    sum to 687 years as parallel to the 7 generations
    from Cain to Enoch to Irad to Mahajuel to Methusael to Lamech to Jabal
    =New Cain and his brother Jubal=New Abel.

    The following 300 years of Enoch are then no longer cursed,
    and Enoch’s ‘bodily’ ascension mirrored in the Sumerian creation mythology
    as the ‘heavenly ascent’ of the shepherd Etana describes the ‘resurrection’ of Abel
    in a cosmic rebirth of both Cain and Abel.

    The birth of Methuselah as father of Lamech in the Adamic generations on the Zep Tepi date
    of September 15th, 3322BC=1Tishri440 so becomes the starting point of a new time count,
    with the death of archetyped Methuselah after 969 years on Zep Tepi star date
    September 11th, 2353BC=1Tishri1409 setting the 600th year of Noah and
    the year of the Gilgamesh-Noah flood encoded in the SKL
    and the Hebrew King List HKL of the Genesis encoding from the Zep Tepi chronology.

    As the flood is defined as one 370-day year from the Genesis code
    and relates to the lifetime of Noah as 950 years from 2953BC to 2003BC;
    the birth of Noah’s grandson and son of Noah’s son Shem (2453BC)
    - Arphaxad encoded to occur two years after the flood {Gen.11.10}
    and as Arphaxad is born in the 100th year of Shem the Gilgamesh-Noah flood
    is ‘excised’ in a manner of Enoch’s 300 years doubled in Noah’s 600 years
    and the new generational count in the HKL begins with the day Noah enters the Ark,
    which is determined to be 46 ‘temple days’ after Noah’s 600th birthday
    on 17Heshvan1409 as October 27th, 2353BC
    on a proleptic backwards extrapolated Julian calendar.

    The 12th dynasty of Egypt then redefines the 23rd Adamic generation
    in the star-seed of Abraham and Sarah in fusing the 24th to 26th generations
    in the Joseph central mirror as a sexual chromosomal function
    in the ‘lifting of the monosexual patriarchal succession count
    of the Adamic generations as the chromosome pairings in the human genome.

    This is initially encoded in the 6th cursed Cainan generation of Lamech,
    who’s first wife Adah lifts the curse in the brotherhood of Jabal and Jubal
    as a new Cain-Abel brotherhood and Lamech’s second wife Zillah
    who birthed a brother-sisterhood in Tubalcain with Naamah {Gen.4}.

    This encoding of 3322BC is then revisited and reinaugurated in the 20th generation
    of Abram-Sarai renamed as half-brother-sisterhood as Abraham-Sarah
    of the starborn generations and take effect in the 22nd generation of Jacob-Israel
    with his four star mothers Leah, Zilpah, Bilhah and Rachel giving birth to the 6 sons of Leah
    with 2 sons of Bilhah and 2 sons of Zilpah and 2 sons of Rachel as the 12 sectors
    of the Universal Unit Circle as the Great Wheel of Times.

    The 11th child of Jacob and Leah is Dinah as a 13th star sign
    and the 12 patriarchal sons of the Zodiac are doubled in 12 matriarchal daughters
    as the 24 elders about the ‘heavenly throne’
    defined by the Great River Hiddekel emanating from central Eden
    as the geographical location of physical Israel in Jerusalem.

    This is the effect of the ancient baktun count of 12x12,000 days
    of the mathematically and numerologically defined day count
    of the precession of the seasons of the equinoxes of a tropical year.

    As Jacob is renamed from ‘the supplanter’
    (of Esau’s firstborn birthright, then redefined in the Judaic Pharez-Zarah bloodline
    and then the Josephian Manasseh-Ephraim breach) as Israel the patriarch;
    Israel as a geographical physical location becomes many folded as the ‘body forms’
    of the star seeded inheritors by the birthright of being in physical incarnation
    upon planet Earth as testimony keepers from the stars and their pre-existence
    as constituents and members of the Zep Tepi extra-terrestrial family and legacy.

    Having a birthday upon planet Earth is the only requirement to participate
    in the grand metamorphosis of the universe and the consciousness manifestation
    of the legacy of the Universal Logos known as Thoth of the Ptah and Ren Imhotep of 2663BC
    in the 3rd dynasty of Egypt and as Quetzacoatl or Kukulkan or Gugumatz
    in Mesoamerican creation mythology and as Hermes and Mercury in Greek-Roman mythos
    and as well as Hermes Trismegistus in occult-hidden ‘secret’ bloodline societies and groups.

    The human bodyform based incarnations of Zep Tepi elders attained its permanent status
    at the midpoint of the precessional 5th and final precessional sub-cycle
    extended in the consciousness evolution of the greater cosmos.

    The last precessional cycle of 65x144,000 days was the 5th cycle of 5 beginning
    with the physical manifestation of Homo Sapiens upon planet Earth dating to a time of
    325x144,000=46,800,000 days or 128,134.15 tropical years ago
    and ignoring a deviation of about 8 creation days per precessional cycle
    for the calibration of a changing length of a day using 1 sos as 1 cosmic second
    for a cosmic hour of 60 minutes or on hour of 3600 seconds.

    The Adamic generations and the utility of the mesonic cycle based Hebrew calendar
    began on September 19th, 4009BC Julian and 6020 years before the 5th precessional cycle
    ended on December 21st, 2012AD.

    The midpoint of a time mirrored 4009BC to 4009AD period
    is the year 0 as the excised year of the Gilgamesh-Noah flood Zep Tepi
    dated from as the ‘Day of Recognisance’ Midnight 24:00UCT December 31st, 1BC
    = 00:00UCT January 1st, 1AD.

    Ren Imhotep descended in incarnation on July 26th, 7BC
    and was born April 17th, 6BC as the final temporary Zep Tepi elder
    and agent for universal consciousness enhancement
    and evolution within a unique planetary environment
    and lifeform birthing chamber known as planet Earth,
    mother of creation Eve’s for a father of creator Adams.

    A twin metonic cycle existence as the older human form completed
    after two metonic cycles of 38 years in 31AD to 34AD,
    with Ren Imhotep manifesting the archetyped Enoch of the HKL
    as the archetyped Etana of the SKL in a physical transformation
    of the old human bodyform into a new starhuman bodyform.

    But the completion of the 5th precessional cycle dated from March 1st, 23,516BC
    to a Sphinx-Giza-Angkor Wat temple alignment of star date July 26th, 10,802BC
    and when the original Giza-Angkor Wat temple of the ancients was constructed
    by Zep Tepi expeditions to become reinaugurated by Ren Imhotep from 2663B
    with the celestial northern pole aligning with Alpha Draconis aka Thuban
    was required before the new starhuman bodyform could become ubiquitously available
    for the starhuman descendants upon planet Earth.

    It was a time of alignment of the stars in the sky with particular architectural constructions
    upon the Earth, like the alignment of the stars of the ‘Osirian belt’
    with the pyramids of Giza and the temple structures of Angkor Wat in Thailand
    aligning with the stars of the Draco constellation.

    Then the Gizean king’s chamber pointed to the Draco constellation in the northern sky
    by shafts forming a passage for the kings of the Earth to travel back to their places of origins
    and the queens of the Earth likewise could return to their original home
    of the Sirian star-system and the rising of Isis and as perceived from the Earth.

    Ren Imhotep as vizier of the Nebka-Djoser-Sekhemkhat lineage of the 3rd Egyptian dynasty
    then inaugurated the 4th dynasty of pharaohs Sneferu, Khufu, Radjedef and Khafra
    as the four Adamic 23rd to 26th generations as the corresponding kings in the TKL
    in attempting to rekindle the Egyptian building of pyramids in Djoser’s step-pyramid
    of Saqqara and using the existing pyramids of Giza as a template for construction.

    Djoser was the 19th pharaoh of the TKL in the third Egyptian dynasty Zep Tepi
    dated from 2663BC to 2593BC.

    But the starhuman embryo was conceived on March 31st, 2012,
    and was born on December 21st, 2012, and would grow into childhood
    and an age of 7 years on December 21st, 2019.

    The universal starhuman template form of Ren Imhotep,
    the anointed Logos and Word and sound
    (Om of the Mathimatia=IAmThatIAm!=IamThatAmI?=95 in Tetragrammaton asymmetric
    YWHW exclamation and Pentagrammaton symmetric YWHWY form)
    of creation would enter its teenager maturity at age 13 and the year 2025.

    From that day onwards and reaching adult status on December 21st, 2030;
    the old world could be replaced by a new world and the old human temporary body forms
    could become substituted and exchanged by the transhumanist agenda
    of the masterplan of the creation and as defined by the maleness
    of the Creator-Creation yangyin-modus operandi of the Science-knowledge
    in perfected harmony and synchronicity with the female Creation-Creator yinyang-mode
    of operation of the worldly wisdom of the Sophia-gnosis.

    The gnosis of the Djed of the Egyptian Spirit of the Mind and Osirian Khu ‘Tree of Life’
    would be shared and given to the old female mothers as the New Eves
    and the wisdom of the Yoni of the Egyptian Spirit of the Body and Sethian Khat
    of the throne of Isis would be shared and given to the old male fathers
    as the New Adams by the twin logos of the Egyptian lion twinship
    of the old Zep Tepi 3-tiered generations of RaHar
    to Rah+Apep to Shu/Father Sky-Tefnut/Mother Earth
    to Geb/Father Earth-Nuit/Mother Sky.

    The ascended Ren Imhotep JC would merge with an ascended Ren Imhotep CJ
    as two in one yet as one in two, before returning to gather and collect hisher family
    as herhis eternalised starhuman family in a quantum entangled multidimensional
    interdimensional advanced quantum mechanical genomatrix
    utilizing the Rainbow Covenant of Gilgamesh-Noah.

    The coupling of a new Adam with a new Eve so would become inseparable,
    as the JCCJ coupling cannot be separated, and old-world contracts
    and laws would become enhanced and attain an advanced status
    compared to their old definitions and procedures.

    The exile or quarantine of the starborn time travellers upon planet Earth
    would end and the adventurers, choosing mindful forgetfulness
    and amnesia to physically manifest their extra-terrestrial mental cognisance
    could participate in a grand homecoming celebration of starhuman graduation status.

    They had incarnated in a universally, galactically, star-system and planetary unique context
    and environment, where physical necessities and principles could manifest
    in their most extreme forms of maximized and minimized frequency modulations
    and vibratory states underpinning the creation of the physical universe in spacetime
    from a prior metaphysical plenum of timespace.

    The old human time travellers from Zep Tepi so chose to incarnate in a pre-conceptualized attempt
    to unify the universally required context of polar oppositions and the potential conflict
    of either mutually and self-inducting attraction or repulsion.

    It was part of the grand masterplan of the collective universal mind through
    the Universal Logos of Creation, to reproduce itself in fractalized parts
    to then allow the individuated parts to become data collectors through the experience
    of their environments and to eventually accumulate enough information
    to reproduce the universal collective in unique sui generis hologramlike miniature forms
    of the cosmic totality.

    For that purpose of physicalisation of the metaphysical reality,
    the metaphysical and archetyped body forms of the acolytes
    had to become supramentalized, resulting in immortalized starhuman body forms
    as a hybrid state of a biologically restricted old human bodyform of electrical capacitance
    and magnetic inductance with a biologically unrestricted light body form
    utilizing the quantum mechanical properties of a mass dependent electromagnetic radiation spectrum of spacetime, with the monopolar electromagnetic radiation from the multidimensional timespace
    of the metaphysical precursor of the physicalized universe.

    The metaphysical mind and consciousness had to become physicalized
    as the masterplan of the Creator-Creation modality of Eigen-vibration of a source-sink or

    White Hole-Black Hole duality doubling or twinning itself
    as a Möbian-Klein Bottle Dragon sink-source or Black Hole-White Hole duality
    as a monadic dyad searching and desiring its own transformation
    as a dyadic monad as two in one manifesting as one in two.

    This would change a one-sided manifold or topological surface embedded
    in four dimensions of spacetime into a one-sided topological surface
    embedded in five dimensions of spacetime and enable the continuity of spacetime
    to explore and experience the multi- and inter-dimensionality of a 12-dimensional omnispace matrix
    of frequency as inverse time defined omniverse as a collection of multiverses,
    albeit manifesting as extensions of a seedling protoverse
    as the universe of the beginning of spacetime from eternal timespace.




    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The Starseed Generations of the 12th Egyptian Dynasty of the Great Pyramid and the Number 137 (

    • The Starseed Generations of the 12th Egyptian Dynasty of the Great Pyramid and the Number 137 Pharaoh Senusret III, the 81st pharaoh of Egypt according to the Turin King List (TKL), reigned from 1879BC to 1840 BC and shared his reign with his son Amenemhat III (82nd king) from 1840BC to 1813BC towards the end of the 12th dynasty of Egypt. Dynasty 12 encompassed a period from 1991BC to 1801BC and from the founder of this dynasty known as Amenemhat I (77th king) to its last female Queen pharaoh Neferusobek (84th pharaoh), daughter of Amenemhat III and the wife of Amenemhat IV as the 83rd king of the TKL. As Amenemhat IV had no son, Queen Neferusobek became pharaoh following the death of Amenemhat IV in 1805BC. Amenemhat I (1991BC – 1972BC) had been the vizier (adviser, architect, and administrator) of the last pharaoh Mentuhotep IV of the 11th dynasty and was not of the royal bloodline of the preceding pharaohs. He was a nomarch, a local provincial nomadic ruler, overseeing the administration and political settings of a tribal or clan-based culture. He was the son of a priest Senusret and a mother Nefret and is identified in texts of antiquity, like the Masoretic Torah and the Old Testament as Ishmael, son of Abraham and Hagar, the Egyptian handmaiden of Sarah, Abraham’s half-sister wife and concubine of Abram of Ur of the Chaldees (2053BC – 1878BC). The 11th dynasty of Egypt was founded by a ‘legendary’ person called Intef the Elder ruling as Mentuhotep I from Upper Egypt, capitol Thebes from 2134BC – 1991BC and as the historical pharaoh Mentuhotep IV (1998BC – 1991BC). Mentuhotep I as 71st king in the TKL is included, but Mentuhotep IV (2010BC-1998BC) is omitted from the TKL (lacuna) between the 76th king and the 77th king Amenemhat I as an archetyped or ‘legendary Ishmael.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Starseed Generations of Egypt and the Number 137>
    The Starseed Generations

    Of The 12th Egyptian Dynasty

    Of The Great Pyramid


    1. The Starseed Generations of the 12th Egyptian Dynasty of the Great Pyramid and the Number 137

      Pharaoh Senusret III, the 81st pharaoh of Egypt according to the Turin King List (TKL),
      reigned from 1879BC to 1840 BC
      and shared his reign with his son Amenemhat III (82nd king)
      from 1840BC to 1813BC towards the end of the 12th dynasty of Egypt.

      Dynasty 12 encompassed a period from 1991BC to 1801BC
      and from the founder of this dynasty known as Amenemhat I (77th king)
      to its last female Queen pharaoh Neferusobek (84th pharaoh),
      daughter of Amenemhat III and the wife of Amenemhat IV as the 83rd king of the TKL.
      As Amenemhat IV had no son, Queen Neferusobek became pharaoh
      following the death of Amenemhat IV in 1805BC.

      Amenemhat I (1991BC – 1972BC) had been the vizier (adviser, architect, and administrator)
      of the last pharaoh Mentuhotep IV of the 11th dynasty and was not of the royal bloodline
      of the preceding pharaohs.
      He was a nomarch, a local provincial nomadic ruler,
      overseeing the administration and political settings of a tribal or clan-based culture.

      He was the son of a priest Senusret and a mother Nefret and is identified in texts of antiquity,
      like the Masoretic Torah and the Old Testament as Ishmael, son of Abraham and Hagar,
      the Egyptian handmaiden of Sarah, Abraham’s half-sister wife and concubine
      of Abram of Ur of the Chaldees (2053BC – 1878BC).

      The 11th dynasty of Egypt was founded by a ‘legendary’ person
      called Intef the Elder ruling as Mentuhotep I from Upper Egypt,
      capitol Thebes from 2134BC – 1991BC and as the historical pharaoh
      Mentuhotep IV (1998BC – 1991BC). Mentuhotep I as 71st king in the TKL is included,
      but Mentuhotep IV (2010BC-1998BC) is omitted from the TKL (lacuna)
      between the 76th king and the 77th king Amenemhat I as an archetyped or ‘legendary Ishmael.

      The legendary ‘local ruler’ Intef the Elder from the 10th Egyptian dynasty
      so is identified from the Zep Tepi ancient records as Abram of Ur of the Chaldees
      migrating from Sumer into Egypt in a time period of 25 years from 1978BC to 1953BC
      and imaged in a time period of 25 years from 2132BC to 2157BC to identify the ‘Battle of Siddim’
      {Zep Tepi code Gen.14} as the Sumerian invasion of the Gutha dynasty
      ending the Akkadian Sumerian 16th dynasty of Sargon of Akkad
      in in the encoded time frame for the 17th dynasty of Gutium
      from 2168BC to 2025BC and contemporary with the 2nd dynasty of Lagash of Sumer
      from 2149BC to 2025BC according to the Sumerian King List (SKL).

      This interwovenness of Sumerian dynasties is paralleled
      in the second intermediary period of Egypt from the Zep Tepi
      (the time before time) records from 1801BC to 1533BC
      encompassing dynasties 13 to 17 and ending with the expulsion of the Hyksos
      under the founder of the 18th Egyptian dynasty Ahmose I (1550BC-1525BC).

      The Middle Kingdom of Egyptian history spanning dynasties 11 and 12
      from Mentuhotep I at 2134BC to 1801BC and Queen Neferusobek
      intersects the first intermediary period of Egypt of dynasties 7 to 10 (2193BC-2168BC)
      from the great age of the pyramid builders of the Old Kingdom
      from 3134BC to 2193BC of dynasties 1 to 6 .

      From 2193BC, the Egyptian kings ruled from Memphis of the Northern Lower Egypt
      (dynasties 7-8) but became subject to the rulers of Southern Upper Egypt,
      who reigned from Heracleopolis from 2168BC (dynasties 9-10) contemporary
      with the pharaohs of the 11th dynasty, who’s capitol was Thebes from 2134BC to 2061BC
      and the time of Abram as a Intef the Elder, ‘keeper of the door of the South’.

      The life of archetyped Ishmael as the 21st generation from the Zep Tepi
      ‘time of the gods or time before time’ is encoded as being 137 years
      from 1977BC to 1840BC and a year corresponding to the birth of Judah
      as the 4th son of the Hebrew patriarch Jacob-Israel as the 22nd generation
      of Hebrew patriarchs from the creation of Adam in the year 4009BC
      as 1Tishri-247 in the Hebrew metonic cycle and precession-based soli-lunar calendar system.

      137 years are also the encoded lifetimes of Levi, son of Jacob
      born in 1843BC from 1843BC to 1706BC as a parallel 23rd generation
      from their grandfather Isaac as a parallel 21st generation to Ishmael.
      Furthermore, Kohat, the 24th generation as the son of Levi sires Amram
      as the 25th generation. Kohat is encoded to have lived for 133 years
      and Amram is encoded to have lived again for 137 years to mirror
      both the 24th and the 25th generations in a convergence of 3 generations
      in the focus of a central mirror of the 23rd generation due to the interwovenness
      of the 23rd generation in the 12 starseed generations of the archetyped Jacob-Israel.

      The succession of the patriarchs so identifies Kohat as a one-sided mirror
      of time of the year 1883BC as a relative past reflecting a 250-year timespan
      in a central double-sided mirror of a relative present Joseph Aquarius
      (who lived from 1813BC to 1703BC) in a one-sided mirror of Amram o
      f time of the year 1633BC as a relative future.

      As Amram is the father of the brotherhood of the encoded exodus
      in Aaron and Moses as a 26th generation, a succession birth of Aaron and Moses
      in the years 1703BC and 1700BC within the timeframe within the Joseph Mirror
      is imaged outside of the mirror in a ‘true birth’ of Moses as the year of the Hyksos expulsion
      of Ahmose I, founder of the 18th dynasty of Egypt and the beginning
      of the New Egyptian Kingdom.

      This chronos so defines the historical exodus as the Hyksos expulsion of 1533BC
      as the birth of Moses, precisely 80 years before an encoded exodus of the year 1453BC
      took place in the encoded timeline of the Hebrew Masoretic testimony.

      Moses as a historical pharaoh of the 15th dynasty, known as Khamudy in the TKL
      and as Khyan-Apakhnan in the Aegyptiaca of the Ptolemaic Egyptian historian Manetho
      (300BC-200BC) was however 80 years old in the year 1620BC,
      which is encoded as the ’10 plagues of Egypt’ coincident w
      ith the Santorini-Thera volcanic eruption of archaeological
      and carbon-based historical chronology.

      The 137 years are encoded in the Great pyramid of Giza as the prevalent physical constant
      of quantum mechanics as a foundational physical parameter and so relates the physical world
      of science with the greater history of the universe and the civilizations arising upon planet Earth.

      Known as Alpha (a), the finestructure constant describing the probability of light interacting
      with matter {a=2pkee2/hc=60pe2/h=1/137.04}; 1 in 137-138 photons will interact
      with an electron to define the proportion of the mass-self-state to the massless electromagnetic
      self-state within a material-spiritual context.

      Using the Ben Ben capstone of the pyramid as a 1/100th miniaturization
      for the architectural Great Pyramid of Giza; aGiza = {√([½s]2+H2)+2s}/{(√2s2)+H}/100 = 647.788/4.72818 = 137.005

      The Great Pyramid dimensions here are for a base square side of 230.6 meters
      as 440 royal Egyptian cubits and a diagonal length of √(2s2) with a height H
      of 146.7 m or 280 royal cubits to derive the triangular height for a face of the pyramid
      as h={√([½s]2+H2) by the Pythagorean theorem a2 + b2 = c2.

      1 royal cubit of 28=7x4 digits is measured by cubit rods,
      differing in size from 523.5 to 529.2 mm and adds 1 palm to an ordinary cubit of
      24=6x4 digits as 6 palms and 4 fingers.
      The degree of precision to derive alpha, so depends on the cubit rod
      used to measure royal cubits. Using the minimum range of 523.5 mm
      the side length of the Great Pyramid calculates as 230.34 m and the height H
      calculates as 146.58 m. Using the maximum range of 529.2 mm s
      calculates as 232.85 m and H calculates as 148.18 m.

      Using the royal cubit with full integer values aGiza = {√([½s]2+H2)+2s}/{(√2s2)+H}/100 = √(48,400+78,400)+880}/100{(√(387,200)+280} = 1236.090/9.022 = 137.008

      The difference between a 360-day circle year and a 365.2422 tropical-seasonal
      and star-based year is 5.241 days, which for the cursed 687 years calculate as
      687x5.2422=3601.39 extra days and is precisely 3600 days
      as 10 circle-degree years for 686.73 Years,
      that is a fractional day count for the 687th year in the reckoning of times.

      Adding 137 years to the cursed 687 years doubles the degree years of the unit circle
      to 687+137=820=720+100 years to identify the 36 degrees as a tenth of the unit circle
      and as a hundredth of the 3600=60x60 unit measurement of the sexagesimal number count
      of Sumer and related ancient civilizations.
      Sumer used the sar*=603=216,000 and the sar=602=3600 and a ner=600
      as one sixth of a sar for a sos as a unit count of 601=60 and 600=1
      in their additive progressive number counts to measure volumes, areas,
      and length displacements.
      The reduction of the physical size to that of the Ben Ben capstone in the alpha encoding
      in the Great Pyramid so derives from the sexagesimal measuring system
      of ancient Mesopotamia and the Zep Tepi time before times.

      The ancient measurements of time relate to the precessional cycle of a day count of exactly
      9,360,000 (Mayan Kin days) as 26,000x360 degree-day years with 5x13=65 baktun of 144,000 days
      each for 5x13x144,000 = 5x1,872,000 = 9,360,000 days for a tropical year based
      on the metonic cycle of 235 lunations of 29.5306 days each,
      being the same as 19 tropical years approximated as 365.2425 ‘civil day years’
      and 365.25 Julian day years.
      This calculus defines a Mayan precession as 25,626.8 Gregorian 365.2425-day years
      for the present time and defines the Hebrew calendar reckoning from the creation
      on 1Tishri-247=19September 4009BC as the encoded Zep Tepi time
      for the birth of archetyped Adam as the first of the 26 generations.

      Furthermore, seven generations are encoded as being ‘cursed’ in the ‘slaying’
      of Adam’s and Eve’s second son Abel by Cain as their firstborn son.
      Counting the 7 cursed generations from Adam to Seth to Enos to Cainan
      to Mahalaleel to Jared to Enoch and the birth of Methuselah sum to 687 years as parallel
      to the 7 generations from Cain to Enoch to Irad to Mahajuel to Methusael to Lamech
      to Jabal=New Cain and his brother Jubal=New Abel.

      The following 300 years of Enoch are then no longer cursed, and Enoch’s ‘bodily’ ascension
      mirrored in the Sumerian creation mythology as the ‘heavenly ascent’
      of the shepherd Etana describes the ‘resurrection’ of Abel
      in a cosmic rebirth of both Cain and Abel.

      The birth of Methuselah as father of Lamech in the Adamic generations on the Zep Tepi date of September 15th, 3322BC=1Tishri440 so becomes the starting point of a new time count, with the death of archetyped Methuselah after 969 years on Zep Tepi star date September 11th, 2353BC=1Tishri1409 setting the 600th year of Noah and the year of the Gilgamesh-Noah flood encoded in the SKL and the Hebrew King List HKL of the Genesis encoding from the Zep Tepi chronology.

      As the flood is defined as one 370-day year from the Genesis code
      and relates to the lifetime of Noah as 950 years from 2953BC to 2003BC;
      the birth of Noah’s grandson and son of Noah’s son Shem (2453BC)
      - Arphaxad encoded to occur two years after the flood {Gen.11.10}
      and as Arphaxad is born in the 100th year of Shem the Gilgamesh-Noah flood is ‘excised’
      in a manner of Enoch’s 300 years doubled in Noah’s 600 years
      and the new generational count in the HKL begins with the day Noah enters the Ark, which is determined to be 46 ‘temple days’ after Noah’s 600th birthday on 17Heshvan1409 as October 27th, 2353BC on a proleptic backwards extrapolated Julian calendar.

      The 12th dynasty of Egypt then redefines the 23rd Adamic generation in the star-seed of Abraham and Sarah in fusing the 24th to 26th generations in the Joseph central mirror as a sexual chromosomal function in the ‘lifting of the monosexual patriarchal succession count of the Adamic generations as the chromosome pairings in the human genome.
      This is initially encoded in the 6th cursed Cainan generation of Lamech,
      who’s first wife Adah lifts the curse in the brotherhood of Jabal and Jubal
      as a new Cain-Abel brotherhood and Lamech’s second wife Zillah
      who birthed a brother-sisterhood in Tubalcain with Naamah {Gen.4}.

      This encoding of 3322BC is then revisited and reinaugurated in the 20th generation
      of Abram-Sarai renamed as half-brother-sisterhood as Abraham-Sarah
      of the starborn generations and take effect in the 22nd generation of Jacob-Israel
      with his four star mothers Leah, Zilpah, Bilhah and Rachel giving birth to the 6 sons of Leah
      with 2 sons of Bilhah and 2 sons of Zilpah and 2 sons of Rachel
      as the 12 sectors of the Universal Unit Circle as the Great Wheel of Times.

      The 11th child of Jacob and Leah is Dinah as a 13th star sign
      and the 12 patriarchal sons of the Zodiac are doubled in 12 matriarchal daughters
      as the 24 elders about the ‘heavenly throne’ defined
      by the Great River Hiddekel emanating from central Eden
      as the geographical location of physical Israel in Jerusalem.

      This is the effect of the ancient baktun count of 12x12,000 days of the mathematically
      and numerologically defined day count of the precession of the seasons
      of the equinoxes of a tropical year.

      As Jacob is renamed from ‘the supplanter’ (of Esau’s firstborn birthright,
      then redefined in the Judaic Pharez-Zarah bloodline
      and then the Josephian Manasseh-Ephraim breach)
      as Israel the patriarch; Israel as a geographical physical location
      becomes many folded as the ‘body forms’ of the star seeded inheritors
      by the birthright of being in physical incarnation
      upon planet Earth as testimony keepers from the stars and their pre-existence
      as constituents and members of the Zep Tepi extra-terrestrial family and legacy.

      Having a birthday upon planet Earth is the only requirement to participate in the grand metamorphosis of the universe and the consciousness manifestation of the legacy of the Universal Logos known as Thoth of the Ptah and Ren Imhotep of 2663BC in the 3rd dynasty of Egypt and as Quetzacoatl or Kukulkan or Gugumatz in Mesoamerican creation mythology and as Hermes and Mercury in Greek-Roman mythos and as well as Hermes Trismegistus in occult-hidden ‘secret’ bloodline societies and groups.
      The human bodyform based incarnations of Zep Tepi elders attained its permanent status at the midpoint of the precessional 5th and final precessional sub-cycle extended in the consciousness evolution of the greater cosmos.

      The last precessional cycle of 65x144,000 days was the 5th cycle of 5 beginning with the physical manifestation of Homo Sapiens upon planet Earth dating to a time of 325x144,000=46,800,000 days or 128,134.15 tropical years ago and ignoring a deviation of about 8 creation days per precessional cycle for the calibration of a changing length of a day using 1 sos as 1 cosmic second for a cosmic hour of 60 minutes or on hour of 3600 seconds.

      The Adamic generations and the utility of the mesonic cycle based Hebrew calendar began on September 19th, 4009BC Julian and 6020 years before the 5th precessional cycle ended on December 21st, 2012AD.

      The midpoint of a time mirrored 4009BC to 4009AD period is the year 0 as the excised year of the Gilgamesh-Noah flood Zep Tepi dated from as the ‘Day of Recognisance’ Midnight 24:00UCT December 31st, 1BC = 00:00UCT January 1st, 1AD.

      Ren Imhotep descended in incarnation on July 26th, 7BC and was born April 17th, 6BC as the final temporary Zep Tepi elder and agent for universal consciousness enhancement and evolution within a unique planetary environment and lifeform birthing chamber known as planet Earth, mother of creation Eves for a father of creator Adams.

      A twin metonic cycle existence as the older human form completed after two metonic cycles of 38 years in 31AD to 34AD, with Ren Imhotep manifesting the archetyped Enoch of the HKL as the archetyped Etana of the SKL in a physical transformation of the old human bodyform into a new starhuman bodyform.

      But the completion of the 5th precessional cycle dated from March 1st, 23,516BC to a Sphinx-Giza-Angkor Wat temple alignment of star date July 26th, 10,802BC and when the original Giza-Angkor Wat temple of the ancients was constructed by Zep Tepi expeditions to become reinaugurated by Ren Imhotep from 2663B with the celestial northern pole aligning with Alpha Draconis aka Thuban was required before the new starhuman bodyform could become ubiquitously available for the starhuman descendants upon planet Earth.

      It was a time of alignment of the stars in the sky with particular architectural constructions upon the Earth, like the alignment of the stars of the ‘Osirian belt’ with the pyramids of Giza and the temple structures of Angkor Wat in Thailand aligning with the stars of the Draco constellation.
      Then the Gizean king’s chamber pointed to the Draco constellation in the northern sky by shafts forming a passage for the kings of the Earth to travel back to their places of origins and the queens of the Earth likewise could return to their original home of the Sirian star-system and the rising of Isis and as perceived from the Earth.

      Ren Imhotep as vizier of the Nebka-Djoser-Sekhemkhat lineage of the 3rd Egyptian dynasty then inaugurated the 4th dynasty of pharaohs Sneferu, Khufu, Radjedef and Khafra as the four Adamic 23rd to 26th generations as the corresponding kings in the TKL in attempting to rekindle the Egyptian building of pyramids in Djoser’s step-pyramid of Saqqara and using the existing pyramids of Giza as a template for construction. Djoser was the 19th pharaoh of the TKL in the third Egyptian dynasty Zep Tepi dated from 2663BC to 2593BC.

      But the starhuman embryo was conceived on March 31st, 2012, and was born on December 21st, 2012, and would grow into childhood and an age of 7 years on December 21st, 2019.
      The universal starhuman template form of Ren Imhotep, the anointed Logos and Word and sound (Om of the Mathimatia=IAmThatIAm!=IamThatAmI?=95 in Tetragrammaton asymmetric YWHW exclamation and Pentagrammaton symmetric YWHWY form)
      of creation would enter its teenager maturity at age 13 and the year 2025.

      From that day onwards and reaching adult status on December 21st, 2030;
      the old world could be replaced by a new world and the old human temporary body forms
      could become substituted and exchanged by the transhumanist agenda of the masterplan
      of the creation and as defined by the maleness of the Creator-Creation yangyin-modus operandi
      of the Science-knowledge in perfected harmony and synchronicity
      with the female Creation-Creator yinyang-mode of operation of the worldly wisdom
      of the Sophia-gnosis.

      The gnosis of the Djed of the Egyptian Spirit of the Mind and Osirian Khu ‘Tree of Life’
      would be shared and given to the old female mothers as the New Eves and the wisdom
      of the Yoni of the Egyptian Spirit of the Body and Sethian Khat of the throne of Isis
      would be shared and given to the old male fathers as the New Adams by the twin logos
      of the Egyptian lion twinship of the old Zep Tepi 3-tiered generations of RaHar
      to Rah+Apep to Shu/Father Sky-Tefnut/Mother Earth to Geb/Father Earth-Nuit/Mother Sky.

      The ascended Ren Imhotep JC would merge with an ascended Ren Imhotep CJ
      as two in one yet as one in two, before returning to gather and collect hisher family
      as herhis eternalised starhuman family in a quantum entangled
      multidimensional interdimensional advanced quantum mechanical genomatrix
      utilizing the Rainbow Covenant of Gilgamesh-Noah.

      The coupling of a new Adam with a new Eve so would become inseparable,
      as the JCCJ coupling cannot be separated, and old-world contracts and laws
      would become enhanced and attain an advanced status compared
      to their old definitions and procedures.

      The exile or quarantine of the starborn time travellers upon planet Earth
      would end and the adventurers, choosing mindful forgetfulness and amnesia
      to physically manifest their extra-terrestrial mental cognisance could participate
      in a grand homecoming celebration of starhuman graduation status.

      They had incarnated in a universally, galactically, star-system and planetary unique context
      and environment, where physical necessities and principles could manifest
      in their most extreme forms of maximized and minimized frequency modulations
      and vibratory states underpinning the creation of the physical universe in spacetime
      from a prior metaphysical plenum of timespace.

      The old human time travellers from Zep Tepi so chose to incarnate
      in a pre-conceptualized attempt to unify the universally required context
      of polar oppositions and the potential conflict of either mutually
      and self-inducting attraction or repulsion.

      It was part of the grand masterplan of the collective universal mind
      through the Universal Logos of Creation, to reproduce itself in fractalized parts
      to then allow the individuated parts to become data collectors
      through the experience of their environments and to eventually accumulate
      enough information to reproduce the universal collective in unique sui generis hologramlike miniature forms of the cosmic totality.

      For that purpose of physicalisation of the metaphysical reality, the metaphysical
      and archetyped body forms of the acolytes had to become supramentalized,
      resulting in immortalized starhuman body forms as a hybrid state of a biologically restricted
      old human bodyform of electrical capacitance and magnetic inductance
      with a biologically unrestricted light body form utilizing the quantum mechanical properties
      of a mass dependent electromagnetic radiation spectrum of spacetime,
      with the monopolar electromagnetic radiation from the multidimensional timespace
      of the metaphysical precursor of the physicalized universe.

      The metaphysical mind and consciousness had to become physicalized as the masterplan
      of the Creator-Creation modality of Eigen-vibration of a source-sink
      or White Hole-Black Hole duality doubling or twinning itself
      as a Möbian-Klein Bottle Dragon sink-source
      or Black Hole-White Hole duality as a monadic dyad
      searching and desiring its own transformation as a dyadic monad
      as two in one manifesting as one in two.

      This would change a one-sided manifold or topological surface embedded
      in four dimensions of spacetime into a one-sided topological surface embedded
      in five dimensions of spacetime and enable the continuity of spacetime
      to explore and experience the multi- and interdimensionality
      of a 12-dimensional omnispace matrix of frequency as inverse time
      defined omniverse as a collection of multiverses,
      albeit manifesting as extensions of a seedling protoverse
      as the universe of the beginning of spacetime from eternal timespace.

      angkorwat-1-. thuban22-. thuban_precession_polaris-5b86d70346e0fb00251f4a32-.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Last edited: Apr 26, 2023

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    23 Mar 2023 - Pluto In Aquarius Links To 1161 Bce / Late Bronze Age Collapse (20 Year Shift) | Cosmogenesis - Library of Akbar Ra in Alexandria Thuban (

    "For some, THE TRUTH,
    is going to be a very HARD SWALLOW"...
    "The first lie, is unconditional love...
    energy operates on specific conditions...
    actions you weave as virtues,
    with ONLY THE GREAT SPiRiT of GOD,
    as, judge, and, as, witness...
    and, NO ONE to save you !!!
    who think that another soul, can get them off their self imposed hooks, going to NEED a rude AWAKENiNG."
    - "jesus, is merely a highly advanced example,
    of what type of potentials you have as onboard
    equipment, and, someone to emulate,
    did, he NOT say, as, i am, so, to are you ?
    ~susan lynne schwenger @13linesofspirit @in12d #thefinalfire #theoriginalspark
    THE JOURNEY to: #the13thbridge #biblecodes #maya #civil #calendar
    THE ANSWER to Ancient Calendars & Mayan Timeline Encodings Of The Calendars-BERMANSEDER & SCHWENGER
    23 Mar 2023 - Pluto In Aquarius Links To 1161 Bce / Late Bronze Age Collapse (20 Year Shift) | Cosmogenesis - Library of Akbar Ra in Alexandria Thuban (
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2023

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    23 Mar 2023 - Pluto In Aquarius Links To 1161 Bce / Late Bronze Age Collapse (20 Year Shift) | Cosmogenesis - Library of Akbar Ra in Alexandria Thuban (


    pluto went into aquarius in 1161 bce,
    right around the time of the late bronze age collapse...
    those 20 years saw the biggest shift in human history up til then.
    Ancient Mesopotamia and egypt had been relatively stable since ancient sumer.
    That all came crashing down...violently !!!

    Chanda Sparkles says:
    Pluto will dip his toe in Aquarius March 23rd, 2023.
    We will get a taste of what is in store until he goes retrograde May 1st, 2023
    to return back to the tail end degrees of Capricorn.
    23 jan 2023

    Sort byRecent
    Cindy L.
    @13LiNESofSPiRiT I forgot to mention the last time Pluto was in Aquarius the American
    and French Revolutions happened.
    I fully expect our govt will not exist in it's current form when this astrological event is over.

    Cindy L.@ImCindyLouWho
    This is a short period March 23, 2023, to June 11, 2023
    to give us a taste of what's to come.

    When it officially goes into Aquarius is January 21, 2024.

    That starts the 20 yr period.

    "Pluto represents themes surrounding destruction, death, and rebirth,
    while Aquarius represents revolution, rebellion, and reshaping humanity."
    Pluto's role is to keep the engine of the universe going,
    by eliminating what can no longer sustain life.
    If something is rotten, Pluto will eliminate it, to leave space for healthy growth,"
    Remember that Pluto is a generational planet.
    That means we'll see Pluto's influence on a larger,
    collective scale- nations and the world.
    So hang on things are about to get really bumpy.

    Read More:

    Read More:
    What You Need To Know About Pluto's First Station In Aquarius In Centuries - Glam
    Pluto spends a lot of time channeling each planet, so it's been a while since it was in Aquarius.
    However, a new age is almost upon us, and with it, big change.

    23 Mar 2023 - Pluto In Aquarius Links To 1161 Bce / Late Bronze Age Collapse (20 Year Shift) | Cosmogenesis - Library of Akbar Ra in Alexandria Thuban (

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    28 JAN 2023

    APOD: Comet ZTF over Mount Etna (2023 Jan 28)
    Image Credit & Copyright: Dario Giannobile
    Explanation: Comet-like plumes are blowing over the volcanic peaks of Mount Etna in this wintry mountain-and-skyscape from planet Earth. The stacked and blended combination of individual exposures recorded during the cold night of January 23, also capture naked-eye Comet ZTF just above Etna's snowy slopes. Of course increasing sunlight and the solar wind are responsible for the comet's greenish coma and broad dusty tail. This weekend Comet ZTF is dashing across northern skies between north star Polaris and the Big Dipper. From a dark site you can only just spot it as a fuzzy patch though. That's still an impressive achievement if you consider you are gazing at a visitor from the distant Oort cloud with your own eyes. But binoculars or a small telescope will make for an even more enjoyable view of this Comet ZTF in the coming days.
    Starship Asterisk* • APOD Discussion Page

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