THE ANSWER to Ancient Calendars & Mayan Timeline Encodings Of The Calendars-BERMANSEDER & SCHWENGER

Discussion in 'Ancient, Indigenous, & Tribal Calendars' started by CULCULCAN, Apr 14, 2014.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    another soul from c1e7 is sal rachele
    he does good work
    but, i do NOT agree
    with his published timelines for earth
    he is an old king cast priest c1e7
    6th old soul moving into 7th old
    last king cast to the side of energy #1029

    WE shared agreements during the 1990s
    until approx 2004, thru the time frame
    of timelines that included
    and, we are still friends who cross paths
    very infrequently, to chat on skype...

    We are the last king cast to the side of truth
    we are an old king cast sage c1e7
    6th old soul moving into 7th old
    last king cast to the side of truth #343

    another soul from c1e7 is Farley
    he does good work, we are still good friends
    he is an old king cast priest c1e7
    6th old soul
    last king cast to the side of energy #643

    WE shared agreements from the start of the internet,
    or, AOL time frame of timelines
    with agreements back in 80s
    we exchange frequently
    since we are friends on facebook,
    but, my good work is NOW vastly different
    than the good work he does.
    At one point; there was a woman
    who has written a secret book,
    who i tried to connect Farley, Sal, and, myself with...
    but, sadly dynamics between her, and, one of the guys
    just didn't gel into anything substantial to create anything with...
    i am still in touch with the woman
    who is also an immediate soul family
    member of c1e7
    kind of interesting the '3' last kings of a soul family
    would get to meet each other
    in 3D life and living...

    in THE FiNAL FiRE OF 16 Dec 2013,
    i choose to rescind all contracts that existed with task companions
    of the 3d incarnated variety...

    now, i move toward '2020'
    knowing that one significant soul
    will come in to cross my path,
    that is a task companion,
    a soul from c1e1,
    a magnetic king casted soul,
    with the role of artisan? sage? king? server? priest? warrior? or scholar?
    i have NOT physically crossed paths with this soul,
    but, i have a knowing about who they are,
    and, they are in my dreams...

    also, i will cross paths with a soul
    from C1E1, a traveling companion
    who shares the same raw # 343
    who is a king cast scholar
    who also resides in Canada
    (this person is currently known to me)
    but, i have NOT physically crossed paths with this soul,
    i KNOW, who they are,
    and, they are in my dreams...
    we have an active daily dialogue with each other...
    enough dialogue for one day. eXcept to say:
    are you ready ?
    do you have any questions ?
    ~susan lynne schwenger
    The Exchanger - White Lotus Star
    Talks with Thunder with THUNDERS
    (which are part of The Source
    ~a cycled off soul family of intelligence)
    #in12d #thefinalfire #the13thbridge #theoriginalspark
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2019

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Ruby Falconer
    14 SEP 2019
    Full Moon at Pisces 21°05’, September 14, 2019 at 12:33 am EDT.

    Art: Nyx by Ravynne Phelan

    This Moon cycle, begun on August 30 with the Virgo New Moon,
    has highlighted a clash between mutable signs.

    These signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) operate through the mind.

    flexible, the mutable signs create great intensity when pitted against each other.

    We feel hung on a tight string, vibrating at a rate that increases anxiety and fear.

    The Full Moon brings this intensity to culmination.

    As Mercury, Venus, Sun and Mars shift out of Virgo and into Libra

    - the sign that seeks dynamic balance between the opposites

    – a desire for reconciliation will emerge.

    And, there are difficult transits ahead

    – Saturn will slow to station and will turn direct on September 18;
    Jupiter and Neptune will form their third exact square on September 21.

    A solution to the on-going drama can be found
    in the association of Pisces the sign of this Full Moon

    – with its Egyptian ally, Sothis. Pisces is a water sign

    – compassionate, fluid, receptive.

    At its best, Pisces is a sign of planetary service;

    in its shadow, it has difficulty recognizing and setting boundaries.

    Sothis is another name for the star Sirius and one of the oldest characterizations
    the Divine Feminine.

    Sothis is the Bodhisattva

    – a soul who willingly returns to be of service to Gaia.

    The keywords for Sothis are Compassionate Detachment

    - a true reconciliation of opposites.

    The Bodhisattva is as a hollow bone, allowing divine force energy
    to pass through their thoughts and actions,
    expressed in every word and deed.

    A high standard, to be sure,
    and, those who aspire to this path can become confused.

    What is right action?

    When are we acting from compassion and when are we contributing to the problem?

    There are no easy answers, but these are the right questions.

    September 13, 2019 by Ruby Falconer.

    Available for chart readings.

    “Shamanic Egyptian Astrology; Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods” by Ruby Falconer & Linda Star Wolf.

    Art: Nyx by Ravynne Phelan

    #astrology #shamanism #shamanicstarology #shamanicegyptianastrology #FullMoon #Pisces #Sothis

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    2019 Pisces Full Moon

    Enlarge this image Click to see fullsize

    13 Sept at 9.33 pm PDT
    14 Sept at 12.33 am EDT- 5.33 am BST (summer time GMT)
    12.33 pm AWST Perth, Australia- 2.33 pm AEST Sydney, Australia

    Can you feel it?

    Neptune in Pisces has been calling you to expand your imagination
    and merge with The Mystical.

    He is the ruler of this Pisces Full Moon.

    For the past two weeks he has been in opposition to the planets in the Virgo cluster.

    He is travelling with the Moon in Pisces and at this Lunation will be opposite Mars in Virgo at 1.25 am EDT.

    Oppositions ask us to find inner balance so we can be agents for change in a positive way.

    Neptune reminds us “we are spiritual beings having a human experience”.

    Astrologer Alan Oken calls Neptune “The Light of Inspiration”.

    This is the planet that guides the dreamer, the artist, the poet, the musician, the dancer,
    the film-maker, and photographer.

    All these use creative imagination to express what is unseen.

    This Full Moon asks you to unleash your inner artist and be guided by your Soul
    as you create the life you want to live.

    Neptune also guides us to Mystical Connection with The Oneness.

    But Neptune is also The Illusionist.

    He can make things seem true when it is actually an illusion.

    The questions he asks us to answer are what is true,
    what is not true, what can never be true.

    He supports us to move out of illusion by letting go of untruths
    especially wanting to make what can never be true real.

    The theme of this Pisces Full Moon is healing, completion,
    and releasing illusion so we become illuminated
    and let our Soul Light shine.

    Neptune is still retrograde asking us to dive deeply
    and discover the Source of All That Is.

    Opposite Neptune Rx at 17 degrees Pisces
    and the Moon at 21 degrees Pisces are Mars 17 degrees Virgo,
    the Sun 21 degrees Virgo, Venus 29 degrees Virgo
    and Mercury 29 degrees Virgo,
    the Rainbow Bridge of Healing into Wholeness.

    Mercury is the ruler of the Virgo cluster (mind, body, spirit healing).

    The planet of our thoughts and perceptions will enter Libra at 3.14 am EDT
    followed by Venus at 9.43 am EDT.

    Together they are asking us to be Loving Kindness in all our relating.

    The Moon enters Aries (new inspired beginnings) at 6.32 pm EDT
    and opposes Venus at 7.34 pm EDT and Mercury at 9.08 pm EDT.

    On Sept 15 at 2.58 am EDT the Aries Moon merges with Chiron Rx at 04 degrees Aries.

    The message is when you heal and release old wounds new beginnings are the gifts.

    Chiron is the spiritual ruler of Virgo.

    The Neptune/Pisces Moon and the Virgo cluster
    are in a T Square with Jupiter at 16 degrees Sagittarius.

    The stress is on Jupiter.

    What is your truth and are you living it or caught in illusion
    trying to make something true that can never be.

    Or more importantly SHOULD NEVER BE TRUE.

    This next week that theme will dominate.

    On Sept 21 we have the last Jupiter/Neptune Square
    (the first was Jan 13 and the second was June 16).

    It is the opportunity to free ourselves from illusion and deception
    and stand in our truth.

    This ongoing Square has been asking us to change and find new ways
    of doing things.

    Our precious planet will not survive unless we do.

    Our Animal Totem guides for Neptune and the Moon in Pisces are Cougar,
    spiritual power, and Wolf, the teacher who guides us through change.

    For the planets in Virgo our guide is Brown Bear, introspection, healing, and The Healer.

    (They are reversed for the Southern Hemisphere).

    For Jupiter in Sagittarius the Animal Totem guides are Elk, strength and stamina, and Owl,
    the wisdom to see through deception and discern the truth.

    For those in the Southern Hemisphere Jupiter is guided by Deer, empathy and compassion.

    The Clan Mother for Pisces is Weighs The Truth, the keeper of equality and Guardian of Justice.

    She teaches us how to find healing solutions and to accept the true truth.

    For Virgo the Clan Mother is Setting Sun Woman.

    She is the keeper of tomorrow’s dreams and goals.

    She teaches us how to preserve and use our resources in a sacred manner.

    She teaches us to Live The Truth.

    (The 13 Original Clan Mothers by Jamie Sams)

    This Full Moon is for dreaming the new way for the world.
    John Lennon’s song “Imagine” is perfect. Here are some lyrics I have chosen.

    Imagine all the people living life in peace…
    You may say I’m a dreamer
    But I’m not the only one
    I hope someday you’ll join us
    And the world will be as One

    Namaste and blessings,

    Dale is available for astrological consultations
    to help you navigate the planetary dance for 2019/2020.
    To contact her you can e-mail her at

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The word was made up by John Koenig
    in 2014 for his Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows
    -- words not in the English language to describe emotional states.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    16 September 2019 – 7 Ajpu (Ahau)

    Ajpu is the sign of the Hero Twins.

    In the Mayan creation epic,
    they conquer the forces of death to create a new world age.

    t is a sign of the heart, of courage, achievement, self-mastery.

    it is the number which marks the center of each trecena
    or 13-day cycle.

    As if we were standing at the top of the pyramid of time,
    we can see in all directions.

    Sometimes, when we can see all roads before us,
    it is difficult to know which one to choose.

    Follow the road of the Hero Twins
    – it is the road of your integrity,
    your aspiration,
    your desire to do something good in the world.

    Jaguar Wisdom

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Image: Ma’at by Pamela Matthews

    September 15, 2019: The Shift to Libra.
    Mercury – communication – and Venus – values – have entered the air sign Libra.

    Later this month, the Sun will follow.

    The shift is from an emphasis on the organizational qualities of Virgo
    to the great desire for relationship that is the essence of Libra.

    Libra is about the relationship between polarities
    – the experience of duality.

    In the language of Shamanic Egyptian Astrology,
    Libra is aligned with Ma’at, goddess of Balance and Truth.

    Virtually identical in appearance to Isis,
    the distinguishing characteristic of Ma’at

    is the feathered plume in her crown.

    In traditional Egyptian mythology Ma’at weighs the hearts
    of the newly deceased against her feather on a scale.

    The symbol for Libra is a scale.

    Scales weigh one thing against another,
    creating a dynamic balance between opposites.

    This is the ideal in human relationships
    – a dynamic balance of power
    – but not always the reality.

    It is said that in ancient Egypt a common greeting was,
    “I wish you Ma’at.”

    The wish was for abundant crops, good health, strong children,
    wealth and prosperity.

    But the wish was also for famine, loss and death.

    The ancient Egyptians understood the cycle of life
    – rebuilding follows destruction, gain follows loss, life follows death.

    The symbolism of Ma’at speaks to the interrelationship of duality
    – not just the tug of war of either/or but rather the mystery of both/and.

    As the astrological energies shift toward Libra,
    we can expect a greater desire to find common ground
    as well as acknowledgment of existing imbalances.

    Those imbalances are painful.

    The process begins with our thoughts and communication
    – Mercury – and proceeds to matters of the heart – Venus.

    September 15, 2019 by Ruby Falconer.
    Available for chart readings.

    “Shamanic Egyptian Astrology; Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods” by Ruby Falconer & Linda Star Wolf.
    Image: Ma’at by Pamela Matthews
    #astrology #shamanism #shamanicstarology #shamanicegyptianastrology #Libra #Ma’at

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Questions ???
    The Quintessence of Lemuria,
    The Teacher of The Teachers of The Dreamers
    The Original Roadmap to the '12' levels of you...
    in a 12 level universe, anchored to zeropoint thru to The 13th Bridge #the13thbridge

    part 1 of 2 (NEED HELP trying to turn this one into 2 videos mp4s to upload to youtube)

    ON YOUTUBE - PART 1A of 2 (starts 8 minutes - hoping to copy 8;00 to 67.00)
    ON YOUTUBE - PART 1B of 2 (starts 67.00 to 120.08

    part 2 of 2


    Susan Lynne Schwenger
    The eXchanger (old project avalon and old project camelot)
    White Lotus Star
    Part 2 of 2

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    of Celestial Realms on facebook

    SEP 15 - NOV 12, 2019

    Yesterday, Sunday, SEP 15, the transiting LUNAR NODES moved on into a new polarity.

    For the coming two months, till NOV 12, this evolutionary dynamo
    (which the Lunar nodes are) will be fuelled by two very intense
    and deeply inquisitive oracles, #38 OPPOSITION (Capricorn),
    and #39 OBSTRUCTION (Cancer),
    which also happen to be the two Gene Keys
    the American People's SUN and EARTH are expressing through

    In most basic terms, whenever the transiting nodes align with one's Sun and Earth
    - which happens every 18 years - we're thrown back onto ourselves,

    - as well as gently, or not so gently

    - nudged to realign with our core principles.

    So first of all, for the coming two months the American nation
    will be reminded of what it truly stands for,
    guided to realign with core principles.

    Most particularly I CHING hexagram #39, OBSTRUCTION
    amplifies and enlivens the nation's basic nature
    which thrives on provocation,
    bringing into the light and exposing what's out of tune,
    intuitively unearthing and addressing what isn't serving its higher purpose.

    The transiting SOUTH node on the other hand now
    expressing through #38, OPPOSITION,
    the principle of polarisation,
    isn't shy to fully dismantle mad expose discord and dissonance.

    kv27. kv27. kv27. kv27. kv27.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    of Celestial Realms on facebook

    SEP 15 - NOV 12, 2019

    Yesterday, Sunday, SEP 15, the transiting LUNAR NODES moved on into a new polarity.

    For the coming two months, till NOV 12, this evolutionary dynamo
    (which the Lunar nodes are) will be fuelled by two very intense
    and deeply inquisitive oracles, #38 OPPOSITION (Capricorn),
    and #39 OBSTRUCTION (Cancer),
    which also happen to be the two Gene Keys
    the American People's SUN and EARTH are expressing through

    In most basic terms, whenever the transiting nodes align with one's Sun and Earth
    - which happens every 18 years - we're thrown back onto ourselves,

    - as well as gently, or not so gently

    - nudged to realign with our core principles.

    So first of all, for the coming two months the American nation
    will be reminded of what it truly stands for,
    guided to realign with core principles.

    Most particularly I CHING hexagram #39, OBSTRUCTION
    amplifies and enlivens the nation's basic nature
    which thrives on provocation,
    bringing into the light and exposing what's out of tune,
    intuitively unearthing and addressing what isn't serving its higher purpose.

    The transiting SOUTH node on the other hand now
    expressing through #38, OPPOSITION,
    the principle of polarisation,
    isn't shy to fully dismantle mad expose discord and dissonance.

    kv27. kv27. kv27. kv27. kv27.

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