THE ANSWER to Ancient Calendars & Mayan Timeline Encodings Of The Calendars-BERMANSEDER & SCHWENGER

Discussion in 'Ancient, Indigenous, & Tribal Calendars' started by CULCULCAN, Apr 14, 2014.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The Swastika ★

    To Many people's surprise, the "Nazi" symbol
    was not an original design.

    The image was stolen from India.

    Though the symbol itself (or variations of it)
    can be found in all Ancient cultures around the world.

    The word "Swastika" came from the Sanskrit word "Suastika".

    It means among many other things, some of which are,
    good luck, well being, peace, eternity and so forth.

    It is still widely used in India today.

    Specifically in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism.

    4 minute video:
    "The True History of The Swastika Symbol" :


    Credit: facebook The White Temple of ONE Inner Light

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Packed into some short few days,
    between SEP 11 and 15, tightly clustered up,
    there’s a lineup of major energetic nodes,
    nine major celestial events.

    This series of key alignments most certainly
    will spur profound shifts in perception,
    inducing drastic changes in energy flow
    that eventually will surround us with new landscapes,
    nudging evolution into new directions.

    It is highly meaningful that all this happens on
    and around the mother of all crimes’ 18th anniversary,
    indicating that as a collective we finally arrive
    at a major convergence point where undeniable evidence
    has gained enough stature to be strong enough to collapse
    all kinds of fake narratives.

    Resurgence of truth will cause temporary disorientation,
    potential meltdowns and lapses as well as episodes of free fall.

    (You may want to look at mentioned charts
    and read the rest of this post there,
    as I have added the following comments as captions.

    When you can look at the chart you may better understand what I'm referring to.)

    - SEP 5, 11:10 pm EDT

    (1st major Sun-Moon alignment following New Moon:
    activation, zooming in on the target, maximum drive)

    => see the mystic rectangle, empowered by MOON/JUPITER,
    T-squaring the SUN-EARTH/BLACK MOON axis?

    All the while this Moon is exactly conjunct the American nations’ ASC,
    two minutes of arc into the first house,
    clearly indicating big new beginnings!

    Furthermore, the American URANUS
    sits at this waxing Half Moon’s Washington ASC.

    - SEP 11, 3:31 am EDT

    PLUTO, still retracing its steps,
    for one last 7-week episode in its 247-year orbit (till OCT 24)
    will cross back into I CHING #54’s territory,

    THE MARRYING MAIDEN, where the ruler of the Underworld
    already has spent the better part of the last three years,
    slowly but steadily having built its case
    (think of sealed indictments, exceeding 100,000!).

    Now – as multiple other indicators show,
    all the pieces are in place.

    Everything is lined up perfectly (PALLAS-URANUS)
    for the dam to break.

    Very carefully the public has been prepared,
    step by step lead into this grand unfolding story.

    With PLUTO returning for one last 7-week spell
    into this powerful oracle we will see

    – in a good way

    - all hell breaking loose.

    PLUTO enacting his power through this charismatic oracle
    of profound interaction and passionate involvement,
    churning the wheel, fueling the momentum.

    - SEP 11, 6:48 pm EDT

    PALLAS-URANUS opposition

    => tapping into a more expanded realm of thought,
    this is the energy making one shout out ‘eureka’,
    when insight strikes like a lightning bolt,
    when all of a sudden the many separate dots are connecting,
    when everything all of a sudden makes sense.

    Take note, the PALLAS-URANUS opposition
    is closely tied into the horizon axis by 60/120 degree angles.

    Do you see JUPITER up in the Washington zenith?


    The powerfully charged opposition of Eq
    (Equatorial point = W's global Ascendant),
    all in house 1, opposing MARS, SUN and VERTEX in house 7?

    Also tied into the ASC-DSC axis there's a T-square formed by three
    of the major asteroids:

    JUNO at the 7th house cusp, indicating that whatever manifests
    will bring people together.

    JUNO is at the T-square point of CERES up high in house 9,
    closing in on Royal star ANTARES at 10,01 SG
    (Alpha Scorpii - brightest star in the Scorpio constellation)
    and HYGEIA, closing in on Royal star ALDEBARAN at 10,03 GE,
    (the Bull's Eye, brightest star of the constellation Taurus.)

    This intense T-square with CERES up high forming 90 deg angles to ASC and DSC both,
    this shows an uncompromising Earth goddess rigorously shaking everything up
    that needs to be changed, not shying back from using her scythe,
    paving the way for asteroid HYGEIA's efforts of educating and healing starting to grip.

    Much more could be said about just to start alone.

    One more aspect I want to point out, the connection
    between MERCURY conjunct VENUS 120 deg ahead of VESTA and SEDNA,
    indicating a great emphasis on full disclosure,
    on the release of vast amounts of information supporting all kinds of radical actions.

    - SEP 11, 5:20 pm EDT
    9/11 SOLAR RETURN (SR) =>

    The 9/11 event planted the seed of global awakening.

    Only a highly traumatic event has the power to do that,
    that’s why by cosmic design this was allowed to happen.

    It is the sacred wound.

    As we are at the 18th SR, the ASC-DSC axis forms a grand square
    with PALLAS and URANUS.

    Furthermore there’s SEDNA conjunct VESTA, at the chart’s root =>
    sacred intention and irrefutable persistence to dig down to the darkest roots.

    - BI WHEEL

    Inside 9/11, outside 18th Solar return =>
    MOON conjunct 9/11 URANUS.

    The transiting nodal axis is congruent with the 9/11 plumb line,
    flanked by SATURN and PLUTO, the planets that were in opposition in 2001

    – at this 38-year PL/SA cycle’s culmination (1989-2020).

    Also, the nodal axis is T-squaring the 9/11 ASC-DSC with enigmatic trickster MERCURY
    at the 9/11 ASC (in LIBRA, house 12, letting us know right away that trickery
    and deception were at play, and that the cosmic game plan was to challenge us
    finding our way out of the maze.

    - SEP 12, 0:13 am EDT
    American People’s LUNAR RETURN
    – 27,12 AQ => The 9/11 VOC GEMINI MOON sits at this Lunar return’s ASC,
    while the DSC is conjunct the Galactic Centre (GC) (27,07 SG).

    All the while the transit SUN is conjunct the American nation’s BLACK MOON (exact 8+ hours later).

    - SEP 12, 5:06 am EDT
    MARS-JUPITER waning square =>

    this is another strong hint that time for critical action has arrived,
    that this action is based on meticulous planning guided by insight.

    The waning square marks the moment of initiating integration,
    this is the critical moment of forcefully pushing for a re-orientation.

    - SEP 12, 8:48 am EDT
    SUN conjunct the American nation’s BLACK MOON =>
    opening the next chapter of shadow work.

    The fact that this chart is so remarkably similar to the 9/11 chart
    indicates that within these coming 12 months the mother of all crimes
    will prove to be a main pillar of the Great Awakening.

    - SEP 13, 9:15 am EDT

    within the whole series of key alignments this is this most powerful one.

    This is a one in 12 years moment, marking a time of great general expansion,
    optimism and spiritual orientation.

    JUPITER at the GC is re-setting the tone for evolution’s next push into the unknown,
    and this chart indicates nature and coloration of upcoming great adventures.

    It’s again an amazing synchronicity that this heliocentric chart’s MERCURY
    is at the exact degree of Washington’s ASC,
    mimicking the 9/11 MERCURY’s placement,
    while PLUTO is dead on at the American capital’s midnight point.

    MERCURY closing in on a waning square with PLUTO
    hints at imminent quantum leaps in perception,
    demanding for re-evaluation of what we were told to be true.

    - SEP 13, 9:17 am EDT

    MOON at apogee – Now this is something!

    Only two minutes after JUPITER is perfectly aligned with the GC,
    the MOON happens to reach its farthest distance from Earth,
    which will be its greatest distance from Earth in six months.

    Within this entire cluster of nine important turning points
    this one is the one with the highest charge.

    Furthermore, the MOON at its most distant point from Earth,
    allegorically speaking at the bottom of the ocean’s deepest trench
    is setting the direction for this next beg cosmic adventure to be inwards,
    into the darkest depths of our collective psyche.

    - SEP 14, 0:33 am EDT

    FULL MOON at 21,05 PISCES =>

    less than a day after JUPITER and the MOON have redirected the collective aim,
    the MOON reaches fullness.

    In another amazing synchronicity we see Washington’s zenith
    at Full Moon within less than one degree of the ocean’s deepest trench.

    - Sep 15, 11:33 am EDT

    The transiting LUNAR NODES cross the 15° 07' 30" mark,
    entering oracles #38 OPPOSITION, and #39 OBSTRUCTION

    – reanimating the American People’s Earth-Sun polarity.

    For two months, till NOV 12, the nodes will express through this deeply inquisitive polarity.

    - The American People’s present evolutionary stage,
    as mirrored in the nation’s secondary progressions (P2),
    which is any astrologer’s most powerful predictive tool,
    a technique that allows the zooming in on the timing
    when major changes and breakthroughs are likely.

    P2 is based on the principle that each of Earth’s rotations (day)
    is the fractal of one year, one full revolution of Earth around the SUN.

    What you are seeing here are the planetary position some 243+ days
    after JULY 4, 1776. => See the triple conjunction of PALLAS, SUN and SEDNA
    in the 15th degree of PISCES, the epitome of full disclosure,
    accompanied by an applying (exacting) MOON-JUPITER opposition
    tied into a Mystic rectangle (blue lines),
    mutually balancing out oppositions through friendly sharing and dialogue
    (60/120 degree angles).


    Inside: P2 American People, outside:

    Full Moon SEP 14 => On the day of FULL MOON, SEP 14,
    transiting BLACK MOON is exactly aligned with the American nation's P2 SUN at 14,54 PISCES.

    Also, the transiting nodal axis is in line with the P2 JUPITER-MOON opposition
    - hinting at BIG events that will change the course of history,
    redefining the trajectory of the American nation's evolution.

    Khoji Viharato Celestial Rhythms on Facebook

    (see charts, next post)

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Packed into some short few days, between SEP 11 and 15,
    tightly clustered up, there’s a lineup of major energetic nodes,
    nine major celestial events.

    This series of key alignments most certainly will spur profound shifts in perception,
    indulging drastic changes in energy flow that eventually will surround us
    with new landscapes, nudging evolution into new directions.

    It is highly meaningful that all this happens on
    and around the mother of all crimes’ 18th anniversary,
    indicating that as a collective we finally arrive at a major convergence point
    where undeniable evidence has gained enough stature to be strong enough
    to collapse all kinds of fake narratives.

    Resurgence of truth will cause temporary disorientation,
    potential meltdowns and lapses as well as episodes of free fall.

    Khoji ViharaCelestial Rhythms

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    SEP 5, 11:10 pm EDT
    WAXING HALF MOON (1st major Sun-Moon alignment following New Moon:
    activation, zooming in on the target, maximum drive) =>
    see the mystic rectangle, empowered by MOON/JUPITER,
    T-squaring the SUN-EARTH/BLACK MOON axis?
    All the while this Moon is exactly conjunct the American nations’ ASC,
    two minutes of arc into the first house, clearly indicating big new beginnings!
    Furthermore, the American URANUS sits at this waxing Half Moon’s Washington ASC.

    Khoji Vihara‎ of Celestial Rhythms on facebook

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    • SEP 11, 3:31 am EDT
      PLUTO, still retracing its steps, for one last 7-week episode
      in its 247-year orbit (till OCT 24) will cross back into I CHING #54’s territory,
      THE MARRYING MAIDEN, where the ruler of the Underworld
      already has spent the better part of the last three years,
      slowly but steadily having built its case (think of sealed indictments, exceeding 100,000!).

    • Now – as multiple other indicators show, all the pieces are in place.

      Everything is lined up perfectly (PALLAS-URANUS) for the dam to break.

      Very carefully the public has been prepared, step by step lead into this grand unfolding story.

      With PLUTO returning for one last 7-week spell into this powerful oracle we will see

      – in a good way

      - all hell breaking loose.

      PLUTO enacting his power through this charismatic oracle of profound interaction
      and passionate involvement, churning the wheel, fueling the momentum.
    kv17. kv17.

    Khoji Vihara‎ of Celestial Rhythms on facebook

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    SEP 11, 6:48 pm EDT

    PALLAS-URANUS opposition => tapping into a more expanded realm of thought,
    this is the energy making one shout out ‘eureka’, when insight strikes like a lightning bolt, all of a sudden the many separate dots are connecting, when everything all of a sudden makes sense.

    Take note, the PALLAS-URANUS opposition is closely tied into the horizon axis by 60/120 degree angles.

    Do you see JUPITER up in the Washington zenith? T-squaring

    The powerfully charged opposition of Eq (Equatorial point = W's global Ascendant),
    BLACK MOON, NEPTUNE and EARTH, all in house 1, opposing MARS, SUN and VERTEX
    in house 7?

    Also tied into the ASC-DSC axis there's a T-square formed by three
    of the major asteroids:

    JUNO at the 7th house cusp, indicating that whatever manifests will bring people together.

    JUNO is at the T-square point of CERES up high in house 9,
    closing in on Royal star ANTARES at 10,01 SG
    (Alpha Scorpii - brightest star in the Scorpio constellation)
    and HYGEIA, closing in on Royal star ALDEBARAN at 10,03 GE,
    (the Bull's Eye, brightest star of the constellation Taurus.)

    This intense T-square with CERES up high forming 90 deg angles to ASC and DSC both,
    this shows an uncompromising Earth goddess rigorously shaking everything up
    that needs to be changed, not shying back from using her scythe,
    paving the way for asteroid HYGEIA's efforts of educating and healing starting to grip.

    Much more could be said about just to start alone.

    One more aspect I want to point out, the connection between MERCURY
    conjunct VENUS 120 deg ahead of VESTA and SEDNA,
    indicating a great emphasis on full disclosure,
    on the release of vast amounts of information supporting all kinds of radical actions.
    kv18. kv18.

    Khoji Vihara‎ of Celestial Rhythms on facebook

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    • SEP 11, 5:20 pm EDT
      9/11 SOLAR RETURN (SR) => The 9/11 event planted the seed of global awakening.

      Only a highly traumatic event has the power to do that, that’s why by cosmic design
      this was allowed to happen. It is the sacred wound.

      As we are at the 18th SR, the ASC-DSC axis forms a grand square
      with PALLAS and URANUS. Furthermore there’s SEDNA conjunct VESTA,
      at the chart’s root => sacred intention and irrefutable persistence
      to dig down to the darkest roots.
    kv19. kv19. THE GOOD WORK of
    Khoji Vihara‎ of Celestial Rhythms on facebook

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    September 10, 2013 at 9:44 PM

    yes, occupy everything
    between 4d and 12 d
    i've got the 13th bridge
    ~susan lynne schwenger
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2019

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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