THE ANSWER to Ancient Calendars & Mayan Timeline Encodings Of The Calendars-BERMANSEDER & SCHWENGER

Discussion in 'Ancient, Indigenous, & Tribal Calendars' started by CULCULCAN, Apr 14, 2014.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    TiMELiNE 2056
    Susan Lynne Schwenger & Tony Bermanseder
    have done significant work calibrating ancient
    and modern time clearly defining:
    The Last 5 Ages aka The Last 5 Eras of PLANET EARTH

    THE 5th ERA- The Age of Atlantis or Atlantean Cycle

    THE 4th ERA- The Age of Zep Tepi of Egypt or Egyptian Cycle

    THE 3rd ERA- The Age of Lemuria and Pleiades Lemurian /Pleiadian cycle

    The 2nd ERA- The age of Hyperborea/Arcturus or Hyperborean
    or Arcturian Cycle

    The 1st ERA- The Age of Dragon - Draco or Thuban Cycle
    (where it all started)

    "SCiENCE is proving THE RiSHiS RiGHT !!!


    ~ THE ERA of THE ORiGiNAL SPARK, iN12D, iT iS TiME

    Science proving THE RISHIS right

    - The Discovery of Western Scientists Susan Lynne Schwenger & Tony Bermanseder
    The alignment of all the ancient & tribal calendars explores the scientific discoveries of
    The Rishis, originally written by ancient Vedic Sages,
    and, how they have only recently been rediscovered
    by Western scientists,
    Susan Lynne Schwenger, and, Tony Bermanseder,
    and, how Science, along with scientific discoveries
    have NOW proven THE RISHIS right.
    Susan Lynne Schwenger & Tony Bermanseder have done
    significant work calibrating ancient and modern time
    clearly defining:
    The Last 5 Ages aka The Last 5 Eras of PLANET EARTH
    THE 5th ERA- The Age of Atlantis or Atlantean Cycle
    THE 4th ERA- The Age of Zep Tepi of Egypt or Egyptian Cycle
    THE 3rd ERA- The Age of Lemuria and Pleiades Lemurian /Pleiadian cycle
    The 2nd ERA- The age of Hyperborea/Arcturus or Hyperborean or Arcturian Cycle
    The 1st ERA- The Age of Dragon - Draco or Thuban Cycle (where it all started)
    "SCiENCE is proving THE RiSHiS RiGHT !!!
    - The Discovery of Susan Lynne Schwenger & Tony Bermanseder
    -The alignment of all the ancient & tribal calendars showing:
    The End of The Macha (9,360,000 days)"....
    THE ANSWER to Ancient Calendars & Mayan Timeline Encodings
    Of The Calendars-Tony Bermanseder & Susan Lynne Schwenger
    TiMELiNE FROM 1635 BC to 2056 AD
    Click on top jpg POST # 91 to open to easy read format
    DiSCOVERY with Mathematics, Physics and Relations that prove a 12 Level Universe
    The Tridecagonal Twin Tetractys of Thuban
    An Alphanumerical Dragon Matrix for a Starhuman World in JCCJ=13+13=26
    26x9 = 234 = 13x18
    26x18 = 468 = 13x36
    0.1 2 3...13|14...24 25 26|27 28...35 36Modulus 36n=26k+r 1.A0B0C0...M0|N0...X0Y0Z0|A1B1...I1J136 = 26 + 10J1
    2.T2S2R2...H2|G2...W1V1U1|T1S1...L1K172 = 52 + 20T2
    3.U2V2W2...G3|H3...R3S3T3|U3V3...C4D4108 = 104 + 4D4
    4.N5M5L5...B5|A5...Q4P4O4|N4M4...F4E4144 = 130 + 14N5
    5.O5P5Q5...A6|B6...L6M6N6|O6P6...W6X6180 = 156 + 24X6
    6.H8G8F8...V7|U7...K7J7I7|H7G7...Z6Y6216 = 208 + 8H8
    7.I8J8K8...U8|V8...F9G9H9|I9J9...Q9R9252 = 234 + 18R9
    8.B11A11Z10...P10|O10...E10D10C10|B10A10...T9S9288 = 286 + 2B11
    9.C11D11E11...O11|P11...Z11A12B12|C12D12...K12L12324 = 312 + 12L12
    10.V13U13T13...J13|I13...Y12X12W12|V12U12...N12M12360 = 338 + 22V13
    11.W13X13Y13...I14|J14...T14U14V14|W14X14...E15F15396 = 390 + 6F15
    12.P16O16N16...D16|C16...U15T15S15|R15Q15...H15G15432 = 416 + 16P16
    13.Q16R16S16...C17|D17...N17O17P17|Q17R17...Y17Z17468 = 468 + 0
    14.J1=19I1=19H1=19............In Reflection......C0=18B0=18A0=18
    13 Rows reflected

    can be found here: Cosmogenesis - A Story of Creation in Membrane Mirror Symmetry


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Comet 46P/Wirtanen
    Comet 46P/Wirtanen is a short-period comet with an orbital period of 5.4 years. The comet is relatively small in size with an estimated diameter of just 1.2 kilometers. The object was the original target for ESA’s Rosetta spacecraft but the launch window was missed so 67P/Churymov-Gerasimenko was Rosetta’s target in the end.

    Comet 46P/Wirtanen was discovered by Carl A. Wirtanen in 1948 at the Lick Observatory, California via photographic plate. The plate was exposed on 17 January 1948 during a stellar proper motion survey at the observatory. It took over a year before the object was recognised as a short-period comet due to a lack of observations.
    Hyperactive Comet

    46P belongs to a small family of comets that boast a higher level of activity than expected for their nucleus size. They emit more water vapor than they should. This is one of the reasons for added interest in this regular visitor to the proximity of Earth’s orbit .
    2018 Perihelion

    The next perihelion passage of comet Wirtanen will be on 16 December 2018 when it will pass 0.078 AU (7,220,000 mi) from Earth. The icy space rock is expected to reach magnitude 3. This is the brightest prediction of known and future passes of this comet. This is also currently the brightest prediction for all comet passes in 2018 unless a new discovery is made after time of writing (we can but hope!).
    Observing opportunities [Updated October 2018]

    Comet Wirtanen is currently at visual magnitude 10 making it observable in modest sized backyard telescopes. The comet will however gradually brighten further through 2018.
    Throughout the summer months, the comet has moved from Aquarius in to Cetus brightening to magnitude 12 by the end of August. Wirtanen then dipped further South where the icy rock currently struggles to rise above 20 for observers at any location above 50 deg latitude (Northern Europe or Northern United States and Canada).
    Throughout the Autumn, the comet will begin to increase in brightness quite considerably but sinks ever lower as it reaches the midway point between Fornax and Sculptor making observation difficult for observers above 50 degrees in latitude.
    Things begin to improve through November after a dramatic U-turn moving swiftly North through Eridanus towards Taurus. This is where the comet will reach closest approach on 16 December 2018, right at the point when positioned between the Pleiades and Hayades clusters. From here on in, the comet remains in a much more favourable position for northern sky observers high up in the sky by after sunset.
    46P Wirtanen Visualisation

    Finder Charts

    01 October 2018 – 30 November 2018

    46p1-300x191. 46p1_neg-300x191.
    Click images to enlarge
    01 Oct – 30 Nov (Zoomed Versions)

    46p2-300x250. 46p2_neg-300x250.
    Click images to enlarge
    01-14 December 2018

    46p3-300x202. 46p3_neg-300x202.
    Click images to enlarge
    14-30 December 2018

    46p4-300x207. 46p4_neg-300x207.
    Click images to enlarge

    Associated Meteor Shower

    A meteor shower was forecast by Mikhail Maslov, a Russian forecaster using computer models of crossings of comet Wirtanen’s debris stream. He predicted four crossings in total between December 10th and 14th, 2012. Even though, the comet had passed close to the Earth’s orbital plane on many occasions in the past, Earth has not run directly in to the comet’s debris streams before. Although the shower was overshadowed by the coinciding Geminid meteor shower, Maslov’s prediction proved correct.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    COMET iSON was predicted in 2010 by Susan Lynne Schwenger
    to be at its zenith on 16/17 December 2013 (End Date 16 Dec 2013 - Start Date 17 Dec 2013)
    which marked the '360' Day Ancient Year of The Ending of The 5th Era, The Era of Atlantis,
    which went into THE WOMB on 22 December 2012 + 360 Day/Kin = 16 DEC 2013

    THE CURRENT GRAND CYCLE began on 17 DEC 2013.

    Susan Lynne Schwenger who predicted Comet Ison in June 2010,
    to be at its zenith for the change in the grand cycles,
    which she originally discovered in 1984,
    stating end of cycle December 16, 2013 and start of cycle December 17, 2013
    (16 Dec 2013, 17 Dec 2013)
    has again been the only person to predict
    a comet for December 2018. :)

    She said...
    "This comet will come in alignment with
    the last new or no moon cycle,
    ending 22 December 2018
    Full Moon ."
    ~susan lynne schwenger
    PREDICTED ON: 12 August 2018

    Susan Lynne Schwenger was born under the 13th Full Moon in 1958
    ironically, this full moon in 2018, also marks her 60th birthday,
    and, will also be in the sign of Cancer which is where her natal moon was placed,
    in her natal astrological chart when she was born.

    Original Prediction
    POST 260

    PREDICTION 8) That a comet will come to mark the end of the grand cycle
    and, will be at its zenith on 16 Dec 2013 ~ Susan Lynne Schwenger
    - Predicted 06-JUNE-2010 (comet was NOT discovered until 2012)
    - Predicted 06-JUNE-2010

    Original Prediction
    POST 260


    Comet iSON discovered in late 2012,

    was predicted by Susan Lynne Schwenger 06 JUN 2010


    "This comet will come in alignment with
    the last new or no moon cycle,
    ending 22 December 2018 Full Moon
    ~susan lynne schwenger
    PREDICTED: 12 August 2018
    POST 260


    See pages 9 and 10

    Visually comet 46P/Wirtanen is the brightest comet in the night sky.
    Recent visual reports by Marco Goiato, Christopher Wyatt, and Michael Mattiazzo
    indicate a visual magnitude near 8.5 to 8.6 using low power binoculars.
    The comet is located in the constellation Fornax favoring observers in the southern hemisphere.
    Martin Mobberley posted a new image of comet 46P/Wirtanen taken remotely from Siding Spring
    in Australia on 2018-Oct-27. T
    his image shows a large coma that is elongated toward PA 355.
    A contour plot shows the development of a teardrop shape indicating the coma is lengthening into a tail.
    Image Link:…/46p_20181027_1055_mpm.jpg
    Martin Mobberley Image Link:

    [​IMG] 46p_20181027_1055_mpm.

    "THE next ICE AGE will OCCUR in sync with 16th December 2013,
    end time of The Grand Cycle of Pacha & Macha
    and, 17th December 2013 -The Start Time of The Grand Cycle of Pacha iNTi,
    they occur, once every 104,000 years, which is 4 cycles of 26,000 ancient years"
    - Susan Lynne Schwenger
    Predicted 30-MAY-2010

    "An ice age occurs once every 104,000 ancient years
    if 360 days is the length of an ancient year
    there are 26,000 ancient years x 4 cycles = 104,000 ancient years
    the importance of our calendar calibrations,
    are, as follows:
    in 9,360,360 ancient days/360 ancient days = 26,001 ancient years
    or (5 major cycles x 13 minor cycles x 144,000 days) + (6 seasons x 60 days=360)
    =9,360,360 ancient days
    in 9,360,000 ancient days/360 ancient days= 26,000 ancient years
    The ancient day-record-time-wisdom keepers, were out by 360 ancient days
    16th December 2013, is the end of The Macha (9,360,000) & Pacha (360) Grand Cycle
    17th December 2013, is the start of The Pacha iNTi (9,360,000) Grand Cycle" Susan Lynne Schwenger - 30 May 2010

    "The equations of:
    390 x 24000=9,360,000
    360 x 26000=9,360,000
    260 x 36000=9,360,000
    also, are in sync with 5 major cycles x 13 minor cycles = 65 cycles x 144,000 days = 9,360,000 days
    9,360,000/390 = 24,000 ancient years
    9,360,000/360 = 26,000 ancient years
    9,360,000/260 = 36,000 tzolkin cycles"
    ~ Susan Lynne Schwenger - 30 May 2010

    "One alteration or one single move can change absolutely EVERYTHiNG !!!
    ~ susan lynne schwenger

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Question: what is fractal 93,600 ?

    That he uses the 93,600 fractal
    of our correct 9,360,000=144,000x65 baktun counts
    is of course on the marker.
    The rest of it is playing around from a premise
    of this fractal significance
    and assigning a different say month-season count to it.
    As 18 months are 1½ years you can do something
    like this without fussing the underpinning structure.
    I would have been more impressed
    if he would use the correct 9,360,000 kin count
    and put his 18 month cycles into this.
    Then it would be in appropriate order.
    It's good work but changing the seasons as per year
    by a small amount and allowing this small change
    to accrue to be placed into the larger encompassing cycles
    will NOT synchronise the greater cycle
    unless it fits into the 65 baktuns as this larger count.
    THE ANSWER to Ancient Calendars & Mayan Timeline Encodings Of The Calendars

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The Age of Aquarius Defined for a New World
    Time period of emphasis for Uranus in Taurus
    with Mars in Aquarius from May 15th, 2018 to April 26th, 2026
    {Age of Aquarius as triggered in the 12 sign transition
    from Aries to Aries in 12x7=84 years from 2010/11/12-2094/95/96.
    Uranus is approximately 7 years in every one of the 12 starsigns}.

    Exact ephemerides:
    28May 2010-14Aug2010---Aries;
    12Mar 2011-28Apr2094---Aries to Pisces;

    20th Jan2019 at 9:00 UCT Sun into Aquarius;
    followed by total lunar eclipse at perigee (supermoon)
    Jan 21st, 2019 at 5:17 UCT All planets are aligned
    in direct motion from January 7th
    (Uranus, the Aquarius ruler goes direct)
    to March 6th (Mercury goes retrograde in Gemini)
    in a relatively rare transition with astrological alignments
    and aspects.

    The period from 2018 to 2025 is ruled by what Uranus
    is doing as Aquarius ruler in Taurus in collaboration with Mars in Aquarius.

    March 6th so is a very important date in the astro-analysis, as on this day Uranus
    enters Taurus from Aries as the overall cycle determinant from 2018 to 2026.

    The emphasis of those 8 years of Uranus in Taurus is however the time
    from May 15th. 2018 to March 6th, 2019.

    Many people might be able to align and realize their 'tumultuous emotions' in this period with this data.

    Tony Bermanseder
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2019

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Many sky watchers have witnessed a halo around the moon
    --a ring of light that surrounds the lunar disk at a radius of 22 degrees.
    The phenomenon is caused by pencil-shaped ice crystals in cirrus clouds that bend moonlight.
    On Dec. 21st, 2012
    -- Harald Edens of Magdalena, New Mexico, witnessed a rare double halo:


    21 DEC 2012 - End of Grand Cycle of Macha (9,360,000 Days)
    5 major cycles x 13 minor cycles x 144,000 Days = 9,360,000 Ancient Days

    This Rare Double Halo around The Moon
    signals The Start of The Grand Cycle of Pacha
    (360 Days) which ends
    +360 days on 16 December 2013,
    at sundown the evening of the day before
    the full moon of 17 December 2013,
    which signals
    The START of The Grand Cycle of Pacha iNTi (9,360,000 days)
    when every single calendar in the world, restarts in alignment with the full moon.

    These grand cycles were originally discovered by:
    Susan Lynne Schwenger in 1984.

    The proper mathematics, physics, relations and science
    along with all the calculations of tropical and sidereal time, etc.,
    was done & discovered by:
    Tony Bermanseder & Susan Lynne Schwenger
    between 2008-2010,
    which proved that The Grand Cycle of Macha,
    ended 21 December 2012,
    The Grand Cycle of Pacha,
    ended 16 December 2013,
    and, The Grand Cycle of Pacha iNTi,
    began 17 December 2013...

    (on a gregorian calendar)

    The ancient keepers of the night advanced the 'new' day at the 'sunset' of the previous day
    (thus, the actual advancement of the day, occurred exactly at sunset on 16 Dec 2013 Gregorian Time)

    "The day/night record time wisdom keepers,
    were out by exactly 360 days,
    which is the length of an ancient year.
    ~ susan lynne schwenger
    This was the biggest discovery in the last 13 centuries,
    related to Day-Night, Record, Time, and Wisdom Keeping.



    "Just after 7 PM local time I noticed a bright 22-degree halo around the moon,"
    says Edens. "It was only when I started photographing that halo
    when I discovered a rare 9-degree halo inside the 22-degree halo."

    The inner 9-degree halo is caused by ice crystals in the shape of pyramids.

    "Apart from the 9-degree circular halo, an 18-degree
    and perhaps a 35-degree circular halo
    were also present at times," he adds.
    All of these "odd-radius" halos are caused by icy pyramids.
    The display quickly became even more varied.

    Edens saw at least a dozen different kinds of luminous rings and arcs,
    enumerated in his complete description of the event.

    "The display was highly transient," he notes.
    "Not only did the cirrus move fairly swiftly in the sky, but the halos
    - especially the odd-radius halos - appeared to come
    and go over the course of just a few minutes."
    But what a few minutes it was!

    Realtime Space Weather Photo Gallery

    This geometry can be applied to the quantum geometry
    of the unified field of quantum field theory
    and the standard model of particle physics



    Tuesday, July 27th, 10,802 BC - a Day of Celestial Impact

    9,360,000 Days = 65x144,000 Days = 5x13x144,000 Days
    = 130x72,000 Days = 360x26,000 Days = 25,626.81 Civil Years

    from Saturday, March 1st, 23,615 BC = -
    = 4 Ahau 3 Kayab to Tuesday, July 27th, 10,802 BC
    = - 4 Ahau 13 Muan

    Midpoint of Young Dryas impact event and 12,821 Civil years ago from 2018;

    to Friday, December 21st, 2012 AD = = 4 Ahau 3 Kankin

    to Monday, December 16th, 2013= 13.. = 13 Ahau 18 Mac

    The Completion of final 13 Ahau Calendar Round
    to initiate the New World Calendar
    from the Old World Mayan Calendar
    in one 360 Day cycle.

    ~ Susan Lynne Schwenger & Tony Bermanseder

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    3X3X3 = 27 Permutations YCM for 18+9 elementary particles

    Update to alphaghayin code

    3 X 3 X 3 = 27 Permultations YCM for 18 + 9 elementary particles
    ~ is another chart created by Tony Bermanseder

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    TiMELiNE 2056
    Susan Lynne Schwenger & Tony Bermanseder
    have done significant work calibrating ancient
    and modern time clearly defining:
    The Last 5 Ages aka The Last 5 Eras of PLANET EARTH

    THE 5th ERA- The Age of Atlantis or Atlantean Cycle

    THE 4th ERA- The Age of Zep Tepi of Egypt or Egyptian Cycle

    THE 3rd ERA- The Age of Lemuria and Pleiades Lemurian /Pleiadian cycle

    The 2nd ERA- The age of Hyperborea/Arcturus or Hyperborean
    or Arcturian Cycle

    The 1st ERA- The Age of Dragon - Draco or Thuban Cycle
    (where it all started)

    "SCiENCE is proving THE RiSHiS RiGHT !!!


    ~ THE ERA of THE ORiGiNAL SPARK, iN12D, iT iS TiME

    Science proving THE RISHIS right

    - The Discovery of Western Scientists Susan Lynne Schwenger & Tony Bermanseder
    The alignment of all the ancient & tribal calendars explores the scientific discoveries of
    The Rishis, originally written by ancient Vedic Sages,
    and, how they have only recently been rediscovered
    by Western scientists,
    Susan Lynne Schwenger, and, Tony Bermanseder,
    and, how Science, along with scientific discoveries
    have NOW proven THE RISHIS right.
    Susan Lynne Schwenger & Tony Bermanseder have done
    significant work calibrating ancient and modern time
    clearly defining:
    The Last 5 Ages aka The Last 5 Eras of PLANET EARTH
    THE 5th ERA- The Age of Atlantis or Atlantean Cycle
    THE 4th ERA- The Age of Zep Tepi of Egypt or Egyptian Cycle
    THE 3rd ERA- The Age of Lemuria and Pleiades Lemurian /Pleiadian cycle
    The 2nd ERA- The age of Hyperborea/Arcturus or Hyperborean or Arcturian Cycle
    The 1st ERA- The Age of Dragon - Draco or Thuban Cycle (where it all started)
    "SCiENCE is proving THE RiSHiS RiGHT !!!
    - The Discovery of Susan Lynne Schwenger & Tony Bermanseder
    -The alignment of all the ancient & tribal calendars showing:
    The End of The Macha (9,360,000 days)"....
    THE ANSWER to Ancient Calendars & Mayan Timeline Encodings
    Of The Calendars-Tony Bermanseder & Susan Lynne Schwenger
    TiMELiNE FROM 1635 BC to 2056 AD
    Click on top jpg POST # 91 to open to easy read format
    DiSCOVERY with Mathematics, Physics and Relations that prove a 12 Level Universe
    The Tridecagonal Twin Tetractys of Thuban
    An Alphanumerical Dragon Matrix for a Starhuman World in JCCJ=13+13=26
    26x9 = 234 = 13x18
    26x18 = 468 = 13x36
    0.1 2 3...13|14...24 25 26|27 28...35 36Modulus 36n=26k+r 1.A0B0C0...M0|N0...X0Y0Z0|A1B1...I1J136 = 26 + 10J1
    2.T2S2R2...H2|G2...W1V1U1|T1S1...L1K172 = 52 + 20T2
    3.U2V2W2...G3|H3...R3S3T3|U3V3...C4D4108 = 104 + 4D4
    4.N5M5L5...B5|A5...Q4P4O4|N4M4...F4E4144 = 130 + 14N5
    5.O5P5Q5...A6|B6...L6M6N6|O6P6...W6X6180 = 156 + 24X6
    6.H8G8F8...V7|U7...K7J7I7|H7G7...Z6Y6216 = 208 + 8H8
    7.I8J8K8...U8|V8...F9G9H9|I9J9...Q9R9252 = 234 + 18R9
    8.B11A11Z10...P10|O10...E10D10C10|B10A10...T9S9288 = 286 + 2B11
    9.C11D11E11...O11|P11...Z11A12B12|C12D12...K12L12324 = 312 + 12L12
    10.V13U13T13...J13|I13...Y12X12W12|V12U12...N12M12360 = 338 + 22V13
    11.W13X13Y13...I14|J14...T14U14V14|W14X14...E15F15396 = 390 + 6F15
    12.P16O16N16...D16|C16...U15T15S15|R15Q15...H15G15432 = 416 + 16P16
    13.Q16R16S16...C17|D17...N17O17P17|Q17R17...Y17Z17468 = 468 + 0
    14.J1=19I1=19H1=19............In Reflection......C0=18B0=18A0=18
    13 Rows reflected
    can be found here: Cosmogenesis - A Story of Creation in Membrane Mirror Symmetry


    The Science Of The Rishis: The Spiritual And Material Discoveries Of The Ancient Sages Of India By Vanamali

    Explores the scientific discoveries of The Rishis, writen by Ancient Vedic Sages, and how they have only recently been rediscovered by Western scientists, Susan Lynne Schwenger, and, Tony Bermanseder who proved that 21 December 2012, was the signal for the last count-down of 360 sunsets, which is the real length of the ancient year, leads to The End Date of: 16 December 2013, the day before the full moon.
    The New Cycle went into The Womb of 22 December 2012
    +360 Days = 16 Dec 2013 END DATE
    FULL MOON of 17 December 2013 signals RESTART
    -Susan Lynne Schwenger predicted that a comet would come and be at its zenith on 16-17 December 2013, and, it happened !!!
    ~ THE ERA of THE ORiGiNAL SPARK, iN12D, iT iS TiME
    Main Cosmosdawn Forum:
    Spirits helping Spirits since 1975 - Susan Lynne Schwenger ~ 13
    Cosmosdawn Forum :
    Forum of Tony Bermanseder

    Forum of Susan Lynne Schwenger

    Blog :

    Radio Show:




    TiMELiNE 2056


    press on jpg picture - to enlarge it

    QUESTION why is 1933 important ???

    This mapping is defined in the coupling of the inertial and the noninertial charge carriers
    and as a proportionality defined by the square of the speed of light 'c':
    ElectroCharge e=√(Alpha).LP.c2 and MagnetoCharge e*=2Re.c2, with LP=√(hG/2πc3)
    as the Planck-Radius and Alpha=2πk.e2/hc as the electromagnetic finestructure constant defining
    the interaction probability between matter and light and Re=ke2/mec2 as the classical electron radius,
    which also defines the manifestation range for the nuclear interactions in the 'asymptotic confinenment'
    of gluonic-mesonic colour charges. The effective electronmass is given as me and the Coulomb constant k=1/4πεo.

    Friday, November 4th, 2011 = Closing of the Circle of the Mean-Alignment-Time (MAT)
    in the 'Unfreezing of the Protoverse's Wavefunction B(n)=(2e/hA)exp[-Alpha.T(n)] at 13.00 UCT
    calibrated to Midnight, November 4th, 1996 local ACT-Australia Time
    in a 15-year preparation for a Father-Grandson generational alignment from
    1933-1980-1996-2011 in the Foursome Circle of the TwinLogos manifested
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    The Cosmic Story: Leo/Aquarius Blood Moon, Lunar Eclipse, 2019
    Embodying Our Lion-Hearted Being of Light

    Lion sun.

    Even though I promised myself a break after 12 years of writing
    New and Full Moon reports, I find myself wanting to write
    about this lunar eclipse.

    Perhaps because it sits on my Aquarius Jupiter,
    or because the Cancer North Node is on my Moon
    or that Neptune is squaring my ascendant.

    Or that the first eclipse of this series,
    the total solar eclipse of August 2017 occurred on my Saturn in Leo.

    This final eclipse in Leo/Aquarius is a bookend
    to the Leo Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017,
    which marked the shift in nodal axis from Virgo/Pisces
    to Leo/Aquarius.

    For one last time, we are experiencing an eclipse in these signs
    before all the eclipses shift to Cancer/Capricorn for the next year and a half.

    It is said that the constellation of Leo represents our urge
    to evolve our consciousness, to evolve to a higher state of being human.

    Carl Jung saw Leo as the sign of individuation
    -- the act of becoming uniquely oneself.

    Leo is associated with the Sun, the source of light, warmth and life.

    And Leo is associated with the heart,
    which is the real source of greater consciousness.

    And in Linda Turner's book, The Mystery of the White Lion,
    she brings up the point that while here in the northern hemisphere
    we are watching the precession of the Equinoxes from the world age
    of Pisces into Aquarius, it also gives rise to the fact that in the southern hemisphere, they will be precessing into the Age of Leo on their Spring Equinox.

    Each astrological Age has a shadow side reflected in the southern hemisphere.

    As we approach the Age of Aquarius, we are also engaging in its' opposite sign
    of Leo, which was rising on the Spring Equinox in the North about 11,500 BC.

    So while we wait for the Age of Aquarius, we are also preparing to engage
    our Leo side -- each of us has to individuate and become the queen or king.

    That means, we each have to mediate between heaven and Earth,
    between spirit and matter, between individuals and the group.

    So the reason I'm writing to finish off this amazing eclipse series
    on the Leo/Aquarius axis is to share what I've learned during these past 19 months.

    I've finally understood what it means to be 'lion-hearted'
    and to live with my 'heart's hope'.

    While I am an initiated priestess of Sekhmet, the lioness Goddess of Egypt,
    it has been this Leo/Aquarius eclipse series that has brought me
    full awareness of what it means to be lion-hearted.

    Sekhmet eneregy.

    To be lion-hearted means to be protective of life, to be strong,
    to be wild and fierce, to be loving and playful, to live according to natural law, connected to all the rest of Nature through Gaia's web of life.

    Lions are the stewards of the land. Lion and Lioness,
    both literally and symbolically, show us the mystery of love, truth and light.

    Any study of history and mythology will show that lions and lionesses
    always attended the kings and queens, heroes and heroines.

    They are humanity's friends and protectors.

    To be lion-hearted, we must first leave behind fear.

    Fear is coded into our reptilian brain our fight or flight instinct
    -- but it doesn't have to take over our conscious attitude.

    As King of the Animals, the lion walks and guards his land,
    he eats of the animals (who eat the plants and drink the waters)
    who live on the land and keeps the balance of Nature.

    Lions teach us that we are all connected
    and if we can face our fears
    (shadows) and embrace them as our Beloved,
    we can create balance,
    calm and peace within and around ourselves.

    The lion reminds us that it is time to remember
    that all life is a blessing
    and that we're connected to Mother Earth's web of life.

    It's time to come in from the cold. We are all related.

    If we're lion-hearted, we know it is our responsibility (Saturn in Capricorn)
    to steward and protect our land and our people, to be kings and queens/leaders
    when we see what needs to be done.

    In ancient times, the falcon-headed god Horus,
    associated with the Solar Logos of Cosmic Law (Aquarius and the eagle),
    is associated with lions as well.

    Horus is a culture-bringer, as is the Lion who stewards his land
    and keeps things in balance.

    Leo shows us how to become women and men of heart,
    of integrity and authenticity.

    We need to find our courage to be leaders,
    so we can protect what we love in the coming years.

    If you want to learn more about the mystery of being 'lion-hearted',
    I recommend Linda Tucker's The Mystery of the White Lions.

    The Super Blood Wolf Moon total lunar eclipse 2019

    Lunar Eclipse end.

    This Blood Moon, Wolf Moon, Super Moon total lunar eclipse
    in Leo and Aquarius is as powerful as its many names.

    A Lunar Eclipse happens when the Moon passes into Earth's shadow.

    Since this eclipse will be a total eclipse, the entire Moon will pass into the Earth's dark shadow.

    During the period of totality the Moon will glow a crimson red
    (hence the title Blood Moon).

    This happens due to sunlight filtering through Earth's atmosphere effectively scattering the violet side of the visible spectrum of light.

    A Super Moon means that the Moon is at its closest to Earth,
    so it appears bigger (14%) and brighter (30%).

    The Wolf Moon is the Native American name for the first full Moon
    in the month after the Winter Solstice.

    It's also called the Old Moon or the Moon after Yule by the Anglo-Saxons.

    So how will this lunar eclipse live up to its names?

    Leo-Aquarius total Lunar Eclipse, January 20-21, 2019

    This Leo total Lunar Eclipse occurs on January 20th at 9:16pm PST and on January 21st at 12:16am EST/ 5:16am GMT.


    Leo is the sign not only of individuation but of creative self-expression,
    fun and play, children and lovers.

    All the things that make life worthwhile. Aquarius is the sign of collective consciousness which is transforming out of patriarchy into partnership.

    2020's Winter Solstice conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn
    at this same degree in Aquarius will mark a real shift in collective consciousness.

    The Sabian symbol for the Moon at 1* Leo is: Blood rushes to a man's head
    as his vital energies are mobilized under the spur of desire.

    This indicates a need to be innovative and pioneering.

    Something has shifted and we become more vital and alive
    as new ideas come into play.

    It's time to dream of something more.

    The Sabian symbol for the Sun at 1* Aquarius:

    An old adobe Mission in California.

    This symbol is such a mixed metaphor.

    The adobe Mission is a symbol of a guiding spiritual ideal
    that was made concrete.

    But at what price?

    The Catholic missionaries took away the Native Americans own way of being in connection to the spirit in nature.

    Objectively, this symbol shows a great concern for humanity
    which calls for people to step into leadership positions.

    With Aquarius, we need to look beyond the bounds
    of what has been established and discover new ideas
    and techniques to reconnect to Spirit.

    The Sabian symbol for the total solar eclipse that began this series
    in August 2017 at 29* Leo:

    A mermaid emerges from the ocean waves ready for rebirth in human form.

    This Mermaid symbolizes the longings of the heart,
    the rejected knowing of the heart which is now coming to the forefront of consciousness.

    That is why mermaids and sirens are known for their singing
    -- they sing the longing of our hearts.

    Hopefully we are becoming open-hearted and finally listening to our heart's hope.

    Astrological Energies of this Eclipse

    Whenever we have a total lunar eclipse, the Earth's shadow blocks
    out the sunlight reflected on the Moon and we have a break in the cosmic flow
    of energies.

    We get to see what shadow elements block us from achieving
    the potential consciousness offered by the Full Moon.

    What keeps us from being more lion-hearted?

    Is it fear fostered by religious or cultural beliefs?

    Is it fear we've inherited from our families and tribes?

    Is it the fear of what the culture does to people who speak out against the norm?

    Once we face our fears and embrace our shadows,
    we can begin to be lion-hearted, we can begin to live free
    and create our own lives and a new culture.

    The lunar eclipse is challenged by Uranus 29* Aries,
    so there can be some surprises in store.

    It is also a renewed call to remember our archetypal identities,
    our unique call to life.

    To strengthen our resolve.

    The square urges us to find ways to incorporate our inner rebel
    while still being concerned with the needs of the group.

    The eclipse is also challenged by the asteroid Pallas in Libra,
    the supreme strategist and diplomat,
    which is opposite Uranus, the rebel and innovator.

    It's important to stay in balance.

    Since these two energies are in cardinal signs,
    they are the movers and shakers of this fixed sign eclipse.

    Find a way to become a rebel with a cause.

    During the eclipse, figure out what you need to do to be free
    to act in alignment with your heart's wisdom.


    We have some wonderful fiery vital energy to help us be inspired
    during and after this lunar eclipse.

    Venus and Jupiter in Sagittarius are about to connect
    in the early morning sky on Tuesday, January 22nd,
    so try to get up early to see it.

    Venus and Jupiter are called the great benefics,
    meaning they bring good luck and ease to us.

    Before they join together, they each make a square to Neptune in Pisces:

    Jupiter on January 13th and Venus an hour before the eclipse.

    Both Jupiter in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces are in the signs
    of their rulership, so they bring a strong spirituality to these times.

    The Jupiter/Venus square to Neptune can open up our
    divine creative imagination or it can cast us into illusion
    and delusions of grandeur.

    The best way to work with this energy is to move it through your body
    (Sagittarius loves to combine the physical, mental and spiritual energies)
    and then go create something.

    After the eclipse, as the Moon travels through Leo,
    it will create a fire grand trine between Mars in Aries
    and Venus/Jupiter in Sagittarius, activating some positive outcomes
    for us if we do our work -- Mars square Saturn.

    Hours after the eclipse, Mars in Aries squares Saturn in Capricorn
    -- each in the sign they hold rulership over.

    As you can see, the cosmic energies downloading to us now
    are pure and free to assume their most potent purpose.

    Usually Mars and Saturn are opposite types of energies

    -- Mars is the puer, the energy that just jumps into life,
    while Saturn is the old man who upholds rules and limits
    and tries to crush Mars' enthusiasms.

    Saturn's purpose puts pressure in our Mars action,
    so it's important to be resilient.

    Learn (if you haven't already) to be comfortable with being uncomfortable.

    Learn to witness the chaos in the world without being swept into it.

    Learn to let Mars act as the cosmic warrior while Saturn works
    to establish a stable new form of society or a new routine in your own life.

    Learn to get these energies working together within yourself
    and they will begin to work together in the outer world.

    The highest and best good that comes from this challenging aspect
    is that we give structure to our actions, that we act to enhance
    our unique purpose in life for the sake of the world.

    It is to learn discipline and to be responsible for our actions.

    Saturn's sense of purpose is putting pressure on our Mars action.

    We must learn resilience, to be comfortable with being uncomfortable.

    Just witness the chaos without becoming the chaos.

    Let a new organizing principle, that originates from the Higher Self,
    recreate your life.

    Our cosmic instructions from this total lunar eclipse seems to be:

    1. Learn to be lion-hearted.
    2. Learn to believe in yourself and your purpose.
    3. Learn the discipline needed to achieve your purpose.
    4. Let that Mermaid's longing to incarnate bring a new song to the world.

    It's a call to live in joy!

    Here in Rhode Island, the weather shifted from clear to snow
    and rain so we probably won't get to see the eclipse.

    But if you have clear skies, go out and enjoy the show that Mother Moon
    and Mother Earth have graced us with.

    Bright Blessings,

    Posted by: "Laurie" <>
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2019

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