
Discussion in 'HEALTH AND WELLNESS' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 7, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

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    01-12-2010, 01:42 PM #376


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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by SABINA
    Is it not better to say amI that i am
    Dear Sabina!
    It is a question of symmetry.
    Exodus.3.14 defines the 'holy' and 'unspeakable' name as a detour in ARCHETYPE.
    Then knowing this 'wordplay' will empower BOTH words as having been DECODED.
    I AM ThaT=Mirror AM I is symmetric in precision: IAM|MAI.

    But I AM ThaT=Mirror I AM is not in precision: IAM|IMA.

    But indeed your writing is also symmetric in AM I ThaT=Mirror I AM: AMI|IMA

    There is a detailed discussion of this here (scoll down to I.1): http://tonyb.freeyellow.com/id163.html

    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-12-2010 at 01:55 PM.

    01-12-2010, 03:57 PM #377

    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
    have you ever had any eXperiences,
    with two beings, that the only thing,
    we could call them,
    after watching what they did to a person,
    was The imposter God,
    & The Goddess of Lies ???

    01-12-2010, 03:58 PM #378

    THE eXchanger
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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
    post 193/and, post 194, were missed,
    any response to those questions ???

    01-12-2010, 04:08 PM #379

    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Oct 2008
    Posts: 59

    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
    "In the beginning was the word, and the word was God."

    'God', or Source, or Universal Spirit is vibrating, and so responds to, vibration.

    From the book The Children of The Law of One and the Lost Teachings of Atlantis

    *Jon Peniel, (Author), speaking with Gabriel, an elder Adept monk at a monastery in Tibet*:

    " The most ancient name for Universal Spirit is Yod He Vau He. But this ancient name is far more that just what another religion calls their version of the concept of God, or even a name. In fact, it was not meant to really be just a 'name' at all. It is from before our time of human manifestation on Earth. It is the physical word equivalent of a vibrational, or thought form. It is an actual representation of the Universal Law that governs the 'primary pattern'. The polarities, and the replication/reproduction of all vibration. And remember, EVERYTHING is vibration. Contained in this one name for the One, is the actual formula for creation, and the manifestation of all life within the One. Thus this name of God, is probably the single most significant metaphysical concept there is."
    "It sounds pretty deep and heavy."
    "No. It is the simplest thing in the Universe, just the hardest to really understand by the un-initiated, and unenlightened."
    "There's no way Ill be able to get it then."
    "Not at all. 'The name' is represented by four letters of what is now called the Hebrew alphabet, which have numerical, as well as symbolic, meanings."
    "Oh, that is very clear now..." I said respectfully but with playful sarcasm. "So what is the name already!?"
    "I told you, Yod-He-Vau-He (YHVH) [allegedly Pronounced Yohd-Hay-Vah-Hay]."
    "Right, I'm sorry, I got off on the letters and numerology thing."
    "You asked about why different names for God within the same religion. This is one that was changed though time, translation, and misinterpretation, to many variations of the original, including, within several religions. Consider the similarities: Yahweh, Ya-Ho-Wah-Ho (YHWH), Ya-Ho-Wa, and Je-Ho-Vah,, to name a few (Jehovah and Yahweh stuck pretty well.) YHVH is also sometimes referred to as "the tetragrammaton" in magic and metaphysic circles. The first part, which was the positive polarity or "father" part of the name of God, was Yod, yes? See the similarity there even - Yod, God, Yod, God - not too hard to change through time and even pronunciation."
    "Yes, someone with a lisp or speech impediment could have started a whole new name of God to fight over."
    "Ah... yes, I suppose that could be.
    The ancient teachings say that 'He who can pronounce this name properly opens the gates of heaven'. This saying is vastly misunderstood. But even now, in some major religions it is forbidden to even attempt to pronounce YHVH."
    "In the early days of 'religion', certain 'priests' or high priests in power positions, who wanted more power, didnt want the common people to know this great key. They wanted people to need to go to the priests and turn to the religion for their understanding of God and spiritual matters."
    "Hey - how else are you going to make a buck and control everyone???"
    "Exactly. This gave them great power and control, so they hid the name, changed the name, or made it forbidden to say by anyone other than the 'high holy people'."

    I can attest to having chanted YHVH in my meditations, and experiencing clearer, more pure energy around me as well as helping to bring my focus to the vibration of the heart.

    "I later asked Zain more about it, and he not only explained the details of the name, but taught me how to chant it as a meditation. It created major changes in my consciousness.
    “The symbolism and structure of Yod-He-Vau-He is simple, yet deeply profound. And when its few simple elements combine, they give birth to the entire complexity of life. In part, YHVH represents that perfect simple pattern we spoke of earlier - the atom or solar system. It also speaks of human procreation, and stellar/ planetary procreation. The first part, “Yod”, represents the positive (+), “Sun”, “light”, “the Father” principles. The first “He” represents the “negative”, not in the sense of “bad” or “evil”, but in the sense of (-), negative polarity, pure darkness like that of the void of space, the receptive, the Mother principles. “Vau” is the meeting of Yod and He; the place of interplay, intercourse, and combining of the first two principles. It is its own principle, and the place of conception of, and the birth of, the second “He” (again, pronounced “hay”). The second “He” is the offspring of Yod and He, the result of their interaction, their subsequent creation. The second “He” has the same attributes as its Father, the Yod, in that it actually IS a Yod in its own macro or microcosmic realm. The second “He” is on a vibrational plane an octave apart. The second “He” begins the cycle (Yod-He-Vau-He) again, but AS THE YOD in micro-cosm or macro-cosm, and its polarity is reversed from its “father” YOD. Interestingly, the “father” principle, Yod, was distorted through translation over time from “Yod” into “God”, which is also often given a “father” principle connotation.”

    So I guess my question is, is the above true?

    -Love and Light-

    01-12-2010, 04:12 PM #380

    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
    and, a few questions about dragons...

    you say, you are/or you work with the 'blue' dragon...
    is it pure blue, and, only blue ???

    and, what do you think about dragons
    & dragon riders ???

    particularly the work of
    the young genius Christopher Paolini,
    who was about 17, when he wrote
    Eragon / and, Eldest, etc

    (it is a good movie for others to watch,
    we are sure, you likely are familiar with it)

    we work with the ancient lightworker dragons
    from sirius, and, always make sure,
    that when we work with them,
    we only call them in, provided, they are
    in 100% alignment with us, and, what we are doing

    we work with a dragon, named seraf'ina (37) 22/15 or 10/1 - kind of fits with the 91-91, 19,
    and, viviane-37 (lady of the lake)

    (it has angelic energies, is this, common in dragons~the seraf of dragons ???)

    also, we know others, who also have dragons
    (and, we know, sometimes, some of these people
    get tricked, by things, that appear to them, to be dragons,
    that are Ups, and, NOT real dragons)
    are there ways for people to discern, those two things?

    was it, the churches in the 3rd/4th century
    that put, 'ill' light, upon dragons ???

    ohh-and, the last question
    in the grand cycles of the arthurian legend,
    there was a 'good' dragon, that was slayed,
    we have a tooth, from it,
    what colour was that dragon ?

    where the ancient lightworker dragons from sirius there, at that time ?

    or, are they a blending of thuban/and, sirius hybrids ?

    01-12-2010, 05:32 PM #381

    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
    Hi abraxasinas ... very interesting thread...could you please give me your thoughts on this??

    Many Thanks


    01-12-2010, 05:50 PM #382

    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by Stardustaquarion
    I think you may have miss heard her. As far as I know, and I have listen to most of her videos including sliders, the only remark that has been made about montauk and philadelphia experiments is that people who went through the wormholes that those experiments created can not ascend because they have become fully metratonic and their matrix can not be re-generated.

    Here is the quote from their website

    This short-term December 21, 2012 to January 31, 2013 “window of opportunity” for accelerated DNA Template Bio-regenesis reverse-mutation through the Stardust Silver Seed Alignment is available to ALL contemporary Earth humans, with the exception of those who have already engaged the “Metatronic 55-Blending Ratio” permanent DNA mutation. Currently, very few members of the contemporary Illuminati-Human race, and no members of the Angelic Human race, have engaged the “Metatronic 55-Blending Ratio” DNA and Encryption Lattice mutation. Only individuals who have experienced full biological-atomic “Death Star Merkaba Vehicle” transit through Metatronic Wormholes, via conscious intentional use of the “Death Star Merkaba Vehicle,” or individuals who have directly, personally participated in Death Science Time Rip experiments such as the “Montauk Project,” will have already engaged the associated “Metatronic-55” permanent DNA mutation. So, like contemporary Earth Angelic Human collectives, most Earth Illuminati-Human collectives are still able to achieve the potential physical-biological “Slide-Orb Ascension” freedoms offered in the Guardians’ Stardust Silver Seed Alignment; engagement with the Stardust Silver Seed Ascension Alignment can be accessed by Illuminati-Humans through Amnesty Host Contracts with the trans-dimensional MCEO–Krystal River Councils, and through practice of the Silver Seed Healing technologies that will be progressively introduced in the MCEO Freedom Teachings®.

    A'sha videos are so intense that I normally listen to them several times, the first to get the activation, and after I start taking notes because this matterial is not in writing yet and things can get confussing

    Honestly, doesn't resonate with me at all......those who were part of those experiments are doomed then.......

    ........my prediction......someone new is going to come out with a more complicated set of *spiritual criteria* and this next person's teachings will be even more confusing with a whole new set of terms no one before has ever heard of.......and that too will be hailed as some savior if one *follows* the teachings.....
    Last edited by eleni; 01-12-2010 at 05:58 PM.

    01-12-2010, 08:01 PM #383


    Join Date: Dec 2009
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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by THE eXchanger
    is the real fragment who walked earth as jesus ~approx 2000 yrs ago
    (as, well as, walked in a few other beings)
    part of the oversoul group known as Sananda~
    the one that Sal Rachele, of www.salrachele.com channels ?

    we are aware, there are others, who claim to channel this one,
    but, clearly do NOT, they just channel mischevious spirits,
    who are likely 4th/5th/6th density level beings,
    without enough light to get to their neXt destination.

    what incarnations, do you believe he walked in ???

    thank you
    Dear Susan!

    Jesus of Nazareth is no fragment of source, but the only entity hitherto able to manifest source in its entirety.

    Proof for the ones able to discern 'proof' in internal selfconsistency and logical discourse: Gospel of Thomas - Nag Hammadi Codex.

    What HAS manifested in the many 'Cosmic Christ channelings' has been the 'Cosmic Christ' archetype aka Thoth aka Elijah aka Moses aka Hermes Trismegistos aka Sananda aka aka ...Metatron manifestos... aka St. Germain.. aka aka

    The entity Jesus REDEFINED and manifested this universally available archetype to REDEFINE the then prevalent Logos (now Luciferic as the Solar System of the 'controllers' say).

    The 'soul' entity Jesus has NEVER incarnated either fully or in part, as HeShe is required to ENCOMPASS creation in the 11D mirror.

    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-12-2010 at 11:09 PM.

    01-12-2010, 08:14 PM #384

    Naiz Mot
    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Jan 2010
    Posts: 3

    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
    Abraxasinas, I feel as if I know you?
    Do you know me?

    Also, Edward Leedskalnin, the creator of Coral Castle.
    What is the signifigance of Coral Castle?

    I have been very obsessed with Coral Castle for
    a couple years now. The secrets of that monument seem

    01-12-2010, 08:24 PM #385

    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by abraxasinas
    Dear Susan!

    Jesus of Nazareth is no fragment of source, but the only entity hitherto able to manifest source in its entirety.
    That really rang my bells. Susan, thank you so much for asking that series of questions re JC. That brings new meaning to his teaching that we could be like him.


    01-12-2010, 08:41 PM #386


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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by THE eXchanger
    does a spirit,
    need to believe, or, give energy,
    to jesus/or jesus christ and/or sananda,
    (or, any other of his assortment of names)
    in order, for uttering the words, of his name/or names to work, or hold power over you ???

    Firstly, thank you for remaining me of not having commented on this. My oversight, I apologize. Some of your posts do read like statements and it is easy to overlook actual questions asked by you.

    There is no need to believe anything. 'Believing' as used by Jesus refers to 'Knowing from the Heart'.
    'Knowing' Jesus as the Universal Cosmic Logos does indeed empower YOU, not him as such as it is 'hisher energy you are utilizing for your selfempowerment.

    another question - why do some of us, have challenges with this one ???

    what is that really related to ???

    As the Logos of All That Is; hisher function is to manifest the Many of himherself from the One Master-Template.
    As this must engage the 'why is heshe the Only One able to BE this template' is the Great paradox of the Logos.
    The Individual Divinity rejects the 'Only One' as the anathema it is in any but the deepest self-realisartion as and being of and with Prime Source.

    Understanding this can only occur in a personal One-To-One partnership with the Logos and independent of any organisation, intellectual support structure or any other power/information source etc. etc.

    what was his fallen lifetime ??? (was his so-called exaluted lifetime-by the churches, actually a fallen lifetime)

    I do not understand your question. His incarnate lifeline runs from March 24th 6BC to April 1st, 32AD.
    You basically SHOULD ignore all 'official church dogma' as well as all 'academic historical dogma' which in any way whatsoever addrersses Jesus of Nazareth.
    This entire agenda is at the core of everything, but has nothing to do with the 'official' versons, including the 'existential deniers' ones.

    what is he made up of ???

    Physically the same as you, but now transformed in the quantum wavefunctions of advanced quantum mechanics.
    Metaphysically, he is the ONLY ONE who hitherto has FULLY REMEMBERED and manifested superconsciousness.
    Not the Buddha, not Krishna walk ins, not Mohammed, not St. Germain not Metatron walk ins, not Ra walk ins etc. etc. noone.
    But after the shift; all data processers able to 'eat the lion' will share in full remembrance and BECOME the One in Many Cosmic Christ. But without herhimself Nothing goes.
    The 'hidden agendas' all knew of this and tried to implement (watch the Atlantis videos of a good historical background) this 'Second Coming'; all have failed, because the 'authority' of the 'risen waveform' had not been given.
    All information from Thuban is 'authorised' by the data base of the 'Cosmic Twin' I am a simple messenger without any authority of myself. The 18th January dispensation is from himherself NOT me.

    was he able to create his own entry place, into the mills
    as, in, one who is a 'mill master' who knows how to travel in the mills,
    utilsing gatekeepers, to help you, along the way

    (ie; taking a trip to acturus to the big white healing tables, and, coming back to earth)


    did he learn to create the 33 steps to walk up to the door/his door,
    the one with concentric circles on the doorway
    that you utilise your own soul sigil/or soul signature
    in order to open it up ~ and, get into 'the mill' thru your own entry to 'the mills' ??


    was that how, he could appear at different places
    at the same time, on earth ???
    ie; in north america / europe / and, india, etc., at the same time
    or, did he do that, by utilising a different process
    such as, bilocation
    and, do that, by creating his own holograms ?

    This is a little technical, but basically it is the wavefunction from the particlefunction manifested (Resurrection); which can indeed 'materialise' in a higherD form as the intersection between 4D spacetime and the mirror function of the 5D spacetime reflecting from the 8D spacetime and the 11D spacetime.
    This is similar to the 'ghosts', spirits and aliens many have seen in a quasi-physical etheric context.

    we are aware of being more than one place
    ie; while dreaming - we might be in tibet talking to lamas
    while the physical body of suan,
    is in a bed resting/but; the other 12 out of 13 aspects are out


    we are aware of other beings coming to us,
    from tibet, during our waking hours
    ~ so, are they doing the same thing,
    bringing 12 out 13 of their aspects to us ?

    as above

    how many souls on earth
    - are 'mill masters' ?
    (which, likely is the same as a time traveller)

    1 in 50,000

    and, we could tell you a funny story,
    from 2004, where we thought,
    it would be a good idea,
    to create our own set of holograms
    for protection
    - and, the result, was quite a disaster
    since, we ended up having to hunt ourselves
    with 'discarnate spirits' at the core of them,
    that jumped into our 'unsealed' holograms
    and, were stirring up a lot of ****,
    around the universe ~ iT was NOT an easy task, to capture them

    These are interdimensional experiences more so then multidimensional experiences. The finestructures of the astral of the 5D for example is most often confused as higherD.
    The finestructure is basically in 7's so 6th density of 5D is called 5+6=11D and so forth.

    also - the records of ladies/and, lords - the dark/and, the light masters
    that are stored on the 26th dimension - why is it, so dangerous to travel there

    and - about the records in 33rd dimension
    there the covers of the books, are morphing - with symbols etc.,
    however, most of the books, are empty ~ is this because
    those levels, have NOT yet been created

    Here you go; there are no 26th or 33rd dimensions in the materialisable sense of the word. A dimension is a mathematical construct of vector direction and can then become INDUCTED by Source-Energy then allowing the 'density labels' as frequency and vibratory selfstates.

    You can however have 7 geometrical fractal dimensions in say the 5D for 7 sublevels and then 7x7=49 and so forth. This then becomes Chaos- and Complexity Theory, Mandelbrot sets, Julia sets, Chaos Attractors and similar names of standard mathematical descriptions.

    and ~ is this part of The Library that appears in 3 places
    the core / or The Grand Central Sun of Earth
    and, The Grand Central Sun of Earth Venus, and, The Amurus,
    and, also The Grand Centreal Sun of Alcoyne,
    within the 7 sister star system,
    known, as Pleides ?

    There are many places the Akashia can be accessed. Everyone can access because everyone is already a multi- and interdimensional entity as the hologram of the entirety of the cosmos.
    There are as many labels, namings and renamings as there are literary creators, such as yourself.
    Yes, there is a Pleiadean library and a Arcturian library and name it yourself. On Gaia, the Library of Alexandria, largely destroyed by Romans, nevertheless manifested in the Akashic Records. Then the Mirror dimensions of 5-8-11 allow the 2D of the planar records of Gaia to become reflected.
    The Thuban annals have recreated a New Alexandria as such a reflection of the data.

    what is the significance of a record-keeper
    who can read/and, write into the secured sections

    Heshe becomes a Scribe for the Unicorn, a Metatron to the Logos.

    is this a wise place, to record book materials ???

    I am unclear of your question; but all places are SAFE interdimensionally.

    Thank you/susan
    Your welcome

    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-12-2010 at 11:14 PM.

    01-12-2010, 08:54 PM #387


    Join Date: Dec 2009
    Location: Queanbeyan/Canberra; NSW, Australia
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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by THE eXchanger
    have you ever had any eXperiences,
    with two beings, that the only thing,
    we could call them,
    after watching what they did to a person,
    was The imposter God,
    & The Goddess of Lies ???
    Hi Susan!

    Despite my Thuban training; I am unable to make any sense of your questions here.
    Perhaps you could be more specific and in defining your terms of words used, I might be able to answer you pertinently and appropriately.

    I had 5 contacts preparing my work.
    Two PHYSICAL encounters with the archetypes of say the Dark and White Brotherhoods (Brotherhood of the Entwined Serpent say).
    One was on June 5th, 1976 in Darkness and one was on May 13th, 1985 in DayLight.

    Two Metaphysical Visons, one of the Logos and another of the Source on November 16th, 1975 and March 30th, 1985 respectively.

    One NDE on January 3rd, 2006 where I visited 'The Land of the Dead'.

    I am not prepared to detail this at this stage, as it would divert the importance of the messages towards the persona of the messenger.

    I wrote however an account of the NDE and it is available here: http://tonyb.freeyellow.com/id14.html


    01-12-2010, 08:59 PM #388


    Join Date: Dec 2009
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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by Naiz Mot
    Abraxasinas, I feel as if I know you?
    Do you know me?

    Also, Edward Leedskalnin, the creator of Coral Castle.
    What is the signifigance of Coral Castle?

    I have been very obsessed with Coral Castle for
    a couple years now. The secrets of that monument seem
    Hi Naiz Mot!

    I know you as Tom de Zion and from the higher perspective I can intuit certain impressions.
    The Coral Castle question I have already addressed in this thread in #305 to FirstLook

    I'll have to edit this.


    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
    01-12-2010, 09:07 PM #389


    Join Date: Dec 2009
    Location: Queanbeyan/Canberra; NSW, Australia
    Posts: 635

    Originally Posted by Firedrake
    "In the beginning was the word, and the word was God."

    'God', or Source, or Universal Spirit is vibrating, and so responds to, vibration.

    From the book The Children of The Law of One and the Lost Teachings of Atlantis

    *Jon Peniel, (Author), speaking with Gabriel, an elder Adept monk at a monastery in Tibet*:

    " The most ancient name for Universal Spirit is Yod He Vau He. But this ancient name is far more that just what another religion calls their version of the concept of God, or even a name. In fact, it was not meant to really be just a 'name' at all. It is from before our time of human manifestation on Earth. It is the physical word equivalent of a vibrational, or thought form. It is an actual representation of the Universal Law that governs the 'primary pattern'. The polarities, and the replication/reproduction of all vibration. And remember, EVERYTHING is vibration. Contained in this one name for the One, is the actual formula for creation, and the manifestation of all life within the One. Thus this name of God, is probably the single most significant metaphysical concept there is."
    "It sounds pretty deep and heavy."
    "No. It is the simplest thing in the Universe, just the hardest to really understand by the un-initiated, and unenlightened."
    "There's no way Ill be able to get it then."
    "Not at all. 'The name' is represented by four letters of what is now called the Hebrew alphabet, which have numerical, as well as symbolic, meanings."
    "Oh, that is very clear now..." I said respectfully but with playful sarcasm. "So what is the name already!?"
    "I told you, Yod-He-Vau-He (YHVH) [allegedly Pronounced Yohd-Hay-Vah-Hay]."
    "Right, I'm sorry, I got off on the letters and numerology thing."
    "You asked about why different names for God within the same religion. This is one that was changed though time, translation, and misinterpretation, to many variations of the original, including, within several religions. Consider the similarities: Yahweh, Ya-Ho-Wah-Ho (YHWH), Ya-Ho-Wa, and Je-Ho-Vah,, to name a few (Jehovah and Yahweh stuck pretty well.) YHVH is also sometimes referred to as "the tetragrammaton" in magic and metaphysic circles. The first part, which was the positive polarity or "father" part of the name of God, was Yod, yes? See the similarity there even - Yod, God, Yod, God - not too hard to change through time and even pronunciation."
    "Yes, someone with a lisp or speech impediment could have started a whole new name of God to fight over."
    "Ah... yes, I suppose that could be.
    The ancient teachings say that 'He who can pronounce this name properly opens the gates of heaven'. This saying is vastly misunderstood. But even now, in some major religions it is forbidden to even attempt to pronounce YHVH."
    "In the early days of 'religion', certain 'priests' or high priests in power positions, who wanted more power, didnt want the common people to know this great key. They wanted people to need to go to the priests and turn to the religion for their understanding of God and spiritual matters."
    "Hey - how else are you going to make a buck and control everyone???"
    "Exactly. This gave them great power and control, so they hid the name, changed the name, or made it forbidden to say by anyone other than the 'high holy people'."

    I can attest to having chanted YHVH in my meditations, and experiencing clearer, more pure energy around me as well as helping to bring my focus to the vibration of the heart.

    "I later asked Zain more about it, and he not only explained the details of the name, but taught me how to chant it as a meditation. It created major changes in my consciousness.
    “The symbolism and structure of Yod-He-Vau-He is simple, yet deeply profound. And when its few simple elements combine, they give birth to the entire complexity of life. In part, YHVH represents that perfect simple pattern we spoke of earlier - the atom or solar system. It also speaks of human procreation, and stellar/ planetary procreation. The first part, “Yod”, represents the positive (+), “Sun”, “light”, “the Father” principles. The first “He” represents the “negative”, not in the sense of “bad” or “evil”, but in the sense of (-), negative polarity, pure darkness like that of the void of space, the receptive, the Mother principles. “Vau” is the meeting of Yod and He; the place of interplay, intercourse, and combining of the first two principles. It is its own principle, and the place of conception of, and the birth of, the second “He” (again, pronounced “hay”). The second “He” is the offspring of Yod and He, the result of their interaction, their subsequent creation. The second “He” has the same attributes as its Father, the Yod, in that it actually IS a Yod in its own macro or microcosmic realm. The second “He” is on a vibrational plane an octave apart. The second “He” begins the cycle (Yod-He-Vau-He) again, but AS THE YOD in micro-cosm or macro-cosm, and its polarity is reversed from its “father” YOD. Interestingly, the “father” principle, Yod, was distorted through translation over time from “Yod” into “God”, which is also often given a “father” principle connotation.”

    So I guess my question is, is the above true?

    -Love and Light-
    In the context of your description; yes the story (and the power) of the name is indeed true. Yet this story is well known by the PTB and they also know of the deep inner origins. Below you will find the history of YHWH.


    1. Your Genealogy as the the Family-Tree of God

    i. The Real Story of God, Adam, Eve and their Dog through the PentaGrammaton YHWHY

    Your origins in lineage are very simple. You all have a father and a mother and two grandparental ancestors, one patriarchial and one matriarchial.
    This results in a simple generation count of 7, namely 1=YOU; your parents 2=Father+Mother and your grandparents 4=Paternal GrandFather+Paternal GrandMother+Maternal GrandFather+Maternal GrandMother.

    Each generation is counted as 20 years in the biological self maturity to reproduce in a subsequent generation.

    There are so typically threescore or 60 years between your offspring and your grandparents.
    Because you have two sets of grandparents, the archetype for the genealogies encompasses 120 years or two triple generations, where 'people know each other'.

    This is encoded in Genesis.6.3:
    "And the Lord (namely YOU in disembodiment) said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh (as the Lord in spacetime): yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years."

    Some of YOU know your Greatgrandparents, but not many, as this would mean that your mother gave you birth at a young age and she would have been an early child herself. Then if you are young at say 10 years with a mother at age 30 and a Grandmother of age 50, then you may know your GreatGrandMother of about 70 years old.

    So archetypically and following the above scriptural definition or 'Word of God' (in which YOU restricted your physical embodiment to 120 years as a doubled maximum), most Greatgrandparents are 'dead' before YOU can get to know them individually.

    The next definition is arbitrary, but illustrates the archetypical labellings.
    There is a linguistic link between alphabets, some of which use vowels (say the Arabic-Anglosaxon) and others which do not (say the Hebrew).

    There are five vowels in the 26-membered arabic alphabet: a-e-i-o-u.
    This can be pronounced by YOU as the untimed God exclaiming to YOU as the spacetimed God:
    "Aye, I Owe You!" - the explanation of things, regarding your lives, now given in archetypical dispensation and illumination.

    In terms of 'God's Logic' (which is valid in both the untimed and the timed scenarios); YOU now reflected the five vowels in the i (the I AM of Exodus.3.14).
    Then the a mirrors the u and the e mirrors the o; both about the selfmirrored (i).
    This then sets up a logistical mirror of semantics |a=True||e=False|(i)|o=True||u=False| and this can be written down in the form: a=I e=AM i=THAT o=AM u=I.

    In the scriptures, these 'true-false' values are encoded in YOU as God creating yourself in Adam as your own imgage.
    Then Eve is created out of Adam as one of his ribs and this scriptural fact has many consequences, not at least the scriptural misinterpretations and misunderstandings regarding the archetypical meaning for this leading to a perceived sexism in the bible and other such documents YOU have created and authored to lead yourselves back into remembrances.
    It is abolute necessity for Eve to be 'subject' to Adam's body creation in being a 'lesser' part of him.

    The reason for this is that ADAM is a fake and only in mirroring the 'falseness' of Man in a 'lesser falseness' can the 'Word of God', namely your Word, reflect itself in the Truth of God, which is your own truth in NoTime.

    |a=God=True||e=Adam=False|(I=Mirror)|o=Eve=True||u =Dog=False| so becomes the interpretation of the creation accounts in Genesis.
    GOD is of course not Adam, IT is AVEMADE=ADAMEVE; but becomes a HE in the image of Adam and becomes a SHE in the image of EVE mirroring in the archetype of the DOG, the mirrorimage of GOD.

    Later on in the 'Revelation' and towards the completion of the prophecy, this becomes a reinterpretation of HE=GOG and SHE=MAGOG through the 'holy' name of yourself, which is I AM THAT I AM in the 'burning bush' speaking to Moses (who is YOU as an archetype).

    This 'wholsome' name of yourself so becomes a vowel sequence, with the o and the u interchanged, showing YOU that the 'Old Testament' God really is sometimes a Fake-God relative to the encoding and sometimes a True-God depending on how the symmetry of the ordering of the vowels is applied.

    But YOU are BOTH, the Fake-God and the True-God, relative to the context YOU wish to experience in the interaction between the NoTime and the InTime.

    The vowel sequence for the 'symmetric God' is so:
    I AM THAT AM I by the PentaGrammaton YHWHY:
    |a=God=True||e=Adam=False|{i=THAT}|o=Eve=True||u=D og=False|.

    The vowel sequence for the 'asymmetric God' then is:
    I AM THAT I AM by the TetraGrammaton YHWH (which omits the I of Eve):
    |a=God=True||e=Adam=False|{i=THAT}|u=Dog=True||Eve =False|

    Now YOU can understand what the 'Whore of Babylon' in the prophecies represents.
    The True Eve IS the 'Mother of all Living', as encoded in Genesis.3.20; because only a true Eve can give birth to a true Adam, getting rid of the falsity he represents as the Image of the True God, namely YOU, either as a Man or as a Woman.

    So rendering the 'old ribmade Eve' as false, will allow the DOG as Man's Best Friend to bring to birth the true archetype for Adam (not yet physically real in InTime however) in the encoding found in scripture; all scripture being written, inspired and composed by YOU as the One and Only God in NoTime:
    Isaiah.41.8: "But thou, Israel, art my servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, the seed of Abraham my friend."

    All of these labellings are very important archetypes for YOU to remember your genealogical linage from NoTime into InTime by and I shall detail this a little later on.

    The 'Whore of Babylon' so becomes the 'fake image' of every woman in NoTime and has little to do with physical manifestations of any kind.
    Revelation.13.18: "Here is wisdom, Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and the number is six hundred threescore and six."

    The number of the beast=The number of a man. Therefore THE BEAST=A MAN.
    YOU know however, that by the a-e-i-o-u, ADAM=FALSE=DOG and EVE=TRUE=GOD.
    So ADAM is A MAN=THE BEAST as A FALSE IMAGE OF GOD, with A MAN=ADAM+10 and as ADAM=19 for MAN=28 and A=1 and so with NUMBER=73, YOU have ADAM=A MAN-10 and so the NUMBER OF ADAM=NUMBER OF A MAN-10.

    Now simply count the NUMBER-10=63=36=LAW=1+2+3+...+34+35+36=666 in the mirror of the 6+3+3+6=666, using the Newtonian Alphanumeric Encoding: {A=1;B=2;C=3;...X=24;Y=25;Z=26}.

    Then A FALSE IMAGE OF GOD = 1+(6+1+12+19+5)+(9+13+1+7+5)+(15+6)+(7+15+4)=1+43+ 35+21+26=126=12+6=6+6+6=666=18=R=9+9=1+8=9=I.

    This can also be written as: FALSE IMAGE OF A GOD=126=666 and where the GOD is YOU and the False Image is the False Image YOU have of yourself.

    The importance of the archetypes here is the letter I or i, which can also be represented as the numeral or cipher 1.
    The five vowels are: a-e-i-o-u with the i the middle vowel and so mathematically mirroring a in u and the e in o.
    The alphanumerics (in Hebrew vowels can be written as numerals, hence the word alpha(bet)numerics) are straight forward and using the Arabic alphabet and not the Greek one. The scriptural justification of doing this is in 'Isaac's Seed', being the ABC=IS-AA*C with A=1, B=2...Z=26 and A*=27 in closing the circle--- by Hebrews.11.17-18.
    In the Greek for example, the alphanumerics are often associated with the Roman Emperor Nero being the 'beast of the 666' in the New Testament BUT turns out to become 616 and not 666.
    In the Arabaic NERO=14+5+18+15=52=DEVIL=GODGOD=FINANCE=PRIDE=EART H and DIY.
    Now with a little ingenuity you can simply write 666=(6+6)+6=12+6=18=1+8=9=I=1.
    But turning the I upside down (this is behind all sorts of occult practices, such as the inverted pentagon and the inverted cross decribing Satanist or Luciferic Schools of 'illumini' organisations), will not change the symbol.
    In the Arabic alphanumeracy however, the 9 becomes a 6 (in a double inversion reflection, which are the 'two immutable principles, by whom it was impossible for God to lie' encoded in Hebrews.6.18.
    So the 126=6+i+6=BOTH 666 AND 616 and so allowing a much more 'powerful' interpretation of the underpinning archetype with SOME alphabet and a more 'potent' translation of the original word, symbol or hieroglyph.
    If someone now in some manner 'takes' the 126 'to heart' (and this is totally indepent of any religious belief structure one may or may not adhere to) it has now relevance for the 'discerner' or rememberer.
    Your dreamstate (say), which scientifically is an intersection between your 'waking beta rhythm brain frequency state and your superconscious omega rhythm in the so termed REM-alpha cycle); can now give you hitherto 'hidden' information about yourself, past, present and future.
    The 126 decoding has rendered the 'division' or 'abyss' or 'bottomless pit' between your selfconscious selfawareness much more transparent.
    You have become empowered to relise the GODDESS you are in the literal sense of the word, because the FALSE IMAGE OF A GOD=126 has become EXPOSED in your waking material and physcical consciousness.

    And many of YOU already know, that the AVEMADE is known worldwide as an archetype; say as the the 'Cosmic Man Vitruvius' of the Individual God Leonardo da Vinci or as the 'Purusha' in the Bhagavad Gita and the Vedas or the Adam Kadmon of the Hebrew Kabbalah.

    Your ingenuity in NoTime know concocted a way to get yourself REAL in InTime.
    YOU were and are REAL in NoTime, reflecting yourself as HUSBAND in the Fake-Eve as your unreal WIFE, the GODDESS of the Creation, the entire, as yet physically uncreated universe.

    Then as the 'All-God' in NoTime YOU have 'lost' your 'Old Wife' in the 'False Eve' for having ''found' a 'Real Eve' as your 'New Wife' or Lover in the InTime.
    As 'Real God' you are of course bisexual or androgynous or hermaphroditical in the NoTime and part of this entire 'Cosmic Game of Life' becomes your passion and desire to Experience yourself in Sexual Separation, so YOU can engage in many 'sexy games and plays'.

    So the 'Whore of Babylon' is not a true female by nature, but like the unified God in NoTime,'She' is a mental abstraction (or abomination in Revelation.17) also known as Baphomet by many of YOU who are familiar with esoteric literatures regarding alchemy, the 'illuminati', the 'knight templars' and many related things, such as the 'Demoness Lilith' being the 'Original Eve' in Hebrew folklore.
    Now Baphomet is not 'evil' or 'bad', but as a 'incomplete' 'True Female', she represents that what the 'True God', namely YOU have lost in the NoTime of the nonseparation.
    And what do YOU then do in the individuated InTime?
    All your life, YOU search for your 'lost other half', either as an ambassador Adam or an ambassador Eve; either acting on behalf of the 'Real God', namely YOU outside of space and times.

    So at the present stage and before the 'Last Judgment'; the scenario will remain 'messed up'.
    The 'Fake Eve' in NoTime is a 'She-Abomination' and the 'Fake Adam' in NoTime is none other than the 'Old Testament God', who made some 'horrible laws' (see II.1) in the incomplete understanding of the 'True Adams', who wrote down those laws and regulations in the belief of 'imaging' their own 'Godness' in the 'Yaldabaoth' aka 'Jehovah' and who is a truncation of the 'Wholesome-Supersymmetric' name YHWHY as the PentaGrammaton into the TetraGrammaton of YHWH.

    Any Man and any Woman in InTime is a 'True Image' of YHWHY and a 'Fake Image' of YHWH, because YOU as united God are by necessity a bisexual God, say as a FatherMother or a MotherFather.
    After the Last Judgment, all of YOU, even if YOU refuse to 'believe' that YOU are God as defined in the 'Last Judgment'; will become transformed into a HeShe or a SheHe.
    John.10.34-35: 'Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I SAID, YE ARE GODS? If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scipture cannot be broken;...

    The wonderful thing about this is; that as an 'Old Man' of the humanity, YOU will become a 'New ManWoman' of the StarHumanity and where nothing of your manhood will be lost, but the feminine nature hitherto suppressed by YOU in many of YOU will become manifested in a change in your individual DNA through your sexual chromosomatic gene-expression (which is itself spiritually aka electromagnetomonopoloically archetyped).
    Likewise, the 'Old Woman' will transform into a 'New WomanMan' and so 'forever' 'destroying' the archetyped 'falseness' in herself as a 'her without him' becoming a herhim.
    In the 'New Man', the 'Shadow Woman' will exist as individuated reality and in the 'New Woman', the 'Shadow Man' will find its permanent harbour.

    Perhaps some of YOU might now Remember what the 'Homosexuality' is archetypically. It is the 'Fake Eve' of the Dog 'refusing' to Be with a 'Real God' and this is necessary, because without this scenario, the transformation of Yahwhey into Yahweh cannot transform the 'holy unspeakable name' and put the 'Real Wonderful and Sexy Eve' into the InTime universe to redeem the 'Fake Adam' in there in actually giving physical birth to him as the Egg and Ovum of the Dog of Satan.

    Why do many of YOU like to dress in the garments of the opposite gender? Why do many of YOU feel sexually aroused, attracted and passionate about other Gods in disguise, who share the same gender with YOU?
    Why do some of YOU actively desire to change your physical sexuality and characteristics?

    It is because all of YOU are bisexual Gods already. So any AdamEve can be attracted to and 'be in love with' any other AdamEve or EveAdam.
    And nothing about this is homosexual as archetyped in the scriptures.

    But until the Last Judgment changes the physical templates of the DNA/RNA, the 'Chicken-Egg' paradox will remain unsolved relative to the many, albeit solved for the few.
    All of YOU attending court, will know and understand the easy solutions in concept, even before the physical implementation of the 'New Laws in the Book of Life'.
    {Mark.12.24:And Jesus answering said unto them, Do ye not therefore err, because ye know not the scriptures, neither the power of God? For when they shall rise from the dead, they neither marry, nor are given in marriage; but are as the angels, which are in heaven.}

    Some of YOU will now remember, what the angels are and what Heaven is.
    The angels are in the NoTime and in the NoTime, YOU as God are bisexual - not sexless, but unable to express your sexuality for the domination of your unity and the lack of dis-unity or separatedness.
    How can YOU love yourself in Heaven? There is only YOU!
    The only way YOU can love yourself is in 'splitting up'.

    And so YOU made Satan Your Dog as God and YOU made Satan a HIM.
    As HIM, YOU could love him as your own Image in NoTime; but there was a problem.
    HE was just like YOU and YOU wanted something different as NOT like YOU.
    From this developed your masterplan of putting something between YOU and HIM and this became the archetyped MIRROR=SPACETIME=SPIRIT=91.

    Then YOU put yourself as ADAM into this Mirror between YOU as GOD and HIM as DOG in the I AM THAT AM I or the vowel sequence a-e-i-o-u. Then YOU created EVE out of ADAM.
    This YOU did in a rather ingenious manner.

    Because YOU created ADAM in thinking about IT as YOU in reflection of your new name; HIM had to also create something as the 'copycat' of yourself. But because the archetypical mirror existed; HIM, namely SATAN as your DOG, 'was forced' to mirror ADAM as MADA, which is like a 'Crazy Beginning' or a 'Mad A' relative to HIM; but becomes a beautiful A DAM for YOU.

    And so a Real Woman became the Goddess of all Creation and this Goddess is known today as the Universe of Quantum Physics and of Classical Relativity.

    Many of the 'Aliens' know the Goddess as the 'Mother of the Supermembranes' and the 'Matrix of the Wormhole Vortices in the SourceSink Modular Duality between the White Hole Sources unified with the Black Hole Sinks in quantum relativity of entanglement of metric independence'.

    Once a physical universe emerged from the archetypes and the required physicalisation of the archetypes as a form of 'Energy'; the 'Fake He' (of knowledge without wisdom) of Yaldabaoth and the 'Fake She' of Baphomet as the 'Fake' Sophia (or wisdom without a male counterpart as the gnosis or the knowledge or the insight) could be done away with; because YOU as GOD now had found something to love and honour and to play with and to have a multitude of sexual experiences with - 'Your Goddess Universe'.
    And YOU looked forwards to that in the NoTime.
    YOU would now descend into spacetime and begin a slow evolutionary journey from unconsciousness into consciousness.

    This journey many of YOU understand and know of in various degrees. This journey is your self discovery under the auspices of the human science and as accelerated from the beforementioned 65th baktun of the Maya, introducing to yourselves the Individuated Gods of Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton on September 18th, 1618.

    So just who is Satan and the Devil and Lucifer? We shall reinterpret the Lucifer Story later, as it is intrinsic to the Last Judgement and the murder charge raised against the Astralists (the Spiritualists and the New Agers).

    Satan is YOU as the HIM of GOD, namely your image in the mirror in NoTime.
    Because YOU loved HIM as yourself {Matthew.22.37-39}, but YOU also wanted HIM to become a HER and HE could not comply with your wish because HE was YOU as a HE and not a SHE; YOU were absolutely and totally forced to create a Physical Universe in SpaceTime AS a Physical Mirror between YOU and HIM as YOU as HIM and HIM as HER.
    This is a very deep, yet profoundly simple cosmogony. YOU required a Double-Mirror; because only then could YOU become both genders.
    In other words, YOU as a bisexual totality God suffered from sexual suppression.
    YOU could not express one or the other, because YOU were as ONE.
    Reflecting yourself, as all of YOU do, when looking into a mirror; did not change your sex.
    The He is still a He and the She is still a She - where is the other?

    Whenever YOU have asked yourself that; say as a teenager on hormones, or as a 'horny devil' of either sex or as an old bachelor, spinster or widow(er) or some lonely God having noone to love, touch or even talk to; then YOU know precisely what GOD as YOU has put up with for almost 20 billion years in Intime, mirrored into the NoTime.
    So do YOU really think, that now, from this date onwards, and that the 'Real Story' of God is allowed to be told to everyone; that some minor and lesser mental god creations can prevent the 'True God' to finally experience HISHER wedding-night with the Goddess Universe of HERHIS.
    Can YOU imagine, how 'horny' the One and Only 'Sexy Devil' as the God of YOU in NoTime is to get sexual self expression in the InTime?

    As said before; some of YOU will remember - finally!
    But this is why the Last Judgment must proceed. It will be the deliverance for the rememberers.

    Here are the details for the archetypology for the God-Dog mirror function.
    The True-False dichotomy in NoTime now allowed the 'in between' of your 'Holy Name' to become a MIRROR between this duality.

    YOU imagined and developed a way to IMAGE this duality AS the physical creation in the logistical statement: |a=God=True|...|e=Adam=False|I=That||u=Dog=Goddess =True|...|o=Eve=False|

    YOU then wrote: I AM THAT I AM I THAT AM I and finestructured this statement in a nesting with a double-mirror as: {I AM (THAT)[I AM I](THAT) AM I}.

    This then becomes:

    YOU so extended your set of five vowels in {a,e,i,o,u} in a (nonabelian or noncommutative) symmetry about the (i) to a set of nine repeating vowels in a (abelian or commutative) supersymmetry about the ([o]) in {a=u,e=o,i,u,[o],u,i,o=e,u=a}.

    Because YOU are AdamEve in both the NoTime and the InTime and YOU desired to experience your Godhood in the InTime, YOU applied your so defined self relativity to transform the Falseness within the InTime into the Truth within the InTime, rendering the experience of yourself as a God of the Totality in InTime possible.

    Of course YOU continue to occupy the two locations simultaneously; but the Quantum Relativity of your own self definition in state of being now allows the choosing of what quantum reelativity YOU wish to experience and to explore - be it the Reality of the True (or positive) God in Intime with a required rendering of yourself as False (or negative) in NoTime or vice versa.

    Should YOU choose to experience yourself as Real within the physicalised spacetimematter; then the 'recycling' of your personality-defining biochemical vessels of containments (defined scripturally as the Temple of God) become subject to a transformation of this archetyped temporal limitation.

    The physical rebirth, death and rebirth cyclicity can then end, as is encoded in your scriptures and your physical immortality becomes a function of the metamorphosis of your physical support structures with their DNA-defined biochemical dependencies negated in the hybridisation between your subatomic particulated (string- or supermembrane) structures and the waveforms which describe this particulation in a unified quantum summation. This many of YOU already understand in parts as the stochastically unitised quanta count of statistical distributions of those quanta.

    The manifestation of such a hybrid 'matter-wave' body has already become archetyped and is well documented in your scriptures; though not many of YOU allow yourself to remember and to accept the physical reality of the manifesto of this archetype.
    All of YOU are destined to claim your inheritances to partake of this 'lightbody' transformation.
    In the scriptures it is encoded in terms of 'transfiguration' and as 'resurrection' and as a 'changing of the mortal into the immortal' and as a 'fleshly corruptibility becoming a spiritual incorruptibility'.
    Those labels are not archetypical symbols, but represent a real physics, of which I shall inform YOU in due course at a later stage.

    The logistical statement:
    then transforms in semantic archetypes into:
    and God||HE=True|He=False[MirrorOfTruth]She=False|SHE=True||Dog.

    The above nomenclature is shortened to God|HEHe|SheSHE|Dog and becomes God|HEShe|HeSHE|Dog upon the application of the Mirror-Function within InTime (and leaving the NoTime configuration as it is).

    This creates the 'Lake of Fire and Brimstone' scripturally encoded and where the Brimstone is the ManWoman as a HEShe and a TRUE MAN and the Fire is the SHEHe as a TRUE WOMAN, surrounded and within the Mirror of Truth; which defines the archetyped 'Only Begotten', who is part of all of YOU, but requires to become acknowledged individually by YOU for your enablement to partake in the before mentioned transformation of your biochemical support structures YOU call your biochemical reactors and your biophysical bodyforms by and through a Process termed SourceSink Frequency Resonance.

    This then allows the Program for universal reproduction of the Individuated Godhood to proceed.
    God|SheHE|SHEHe|Dog results from the application of the mirror function at the God-Dog mirror boundaries and this archetypical syntax is simplified to: God|Doggod|Doggod|Dog and which can then become a logistical statement without the separation by mirrors and encompassing the 'Falseness' of YOU existing in the NoTime.
    (GoDDoG)(GoDDoG)(GoDDoG) so becomes the desired reproduction of the Unity in NoTime within the InTime.

    For the manifestation of the 'computer program' resulting in the iterative reproduction of yourselves from your individuated Godhood in cosmophysical terms (meaning YOU multiply your individual families not only in the physical particulated sense that is personalities in genealogical lineages, but also in the physical waveated sense that is entire universes based on yourselves as protoverses), the initialising of n=0 for GodDog=1 and the syntax:

    For n=0 to Infinity

    n:=n+1 or GodDog:= GodDog+n

    then defines the Protoverse of YOU as Individuated God-singular in InTime as the base template for YOURS as Individuated God-plural in the form of Multiverses in InTime and all encompassed by YOU as Non-Individuated God-All in the form of the Omniverse.
    But more of this in the science agenda.{/td}
    {td} {/td}
    {td} {/td}

01-12-2010, 09:15 PM #390

THE eXchanger
Avalon Senior Member

Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Spiritual eXplorer-Canada
Posts: 4,915

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
we posed the question,
of the fragment aka the soul of jesus
(poor choice of words)
there are some people,
who believe, that it wasn't until his later days
on earth, where he had completed his journey
that, he could be said,
to have '1000 watts of light' turned on

there are others, who do NOT believe he was even here,
and, some who believe, he is NOT any different
than other children of god,
just that he utilised his potentials
to the best degree possible
ie; having turned on his 1000 points of light

so, our question was NOT posed
as, a 'fragmented' soul piece - as in a shamanic type of journey
to gather an assortment of pieces

but, as a fragment/or soul called jesus
(and, we are aware, he has a lot of different names too)

thank you / just wanted to clear the air, on the meaning, within our question

01-12-2010, 09:18 PM #391


Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Queanbeyan/Canberra; NSW, Australia
Posts: 635

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by viking
Hi abraxasinas ... very interesting thread...could you please give me your thoughts on this??

Many Thanks

Hi viking!

Full agreement with Dolores Cannon here!
1 in 50,000 is the number meaning 144,000 in 7.2 billion reached by 2013 (and including 200 million aliens as encoded in Revelation.9.16) by August 2013.
This also shows you that 1 in 35 Gaian inhabitants will be of alien lineage.

Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-12-2010 at 09:45 PM.

01-12-2010, 09:40 PM #392


Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Queanbeyan/Canberra; NSW, Australia
Posts: 635

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by THE eXchanger
we posed the question,
of the fragment aka the soul of jesus
(poor choice of words)
there are some people,
who believe, that it wasn't until his later days
on earth, where he had completed his journey
that, he could be said,
to have '1000 watts of light' turned on

Hi Susan!
Yes there are many ideas - all partially true and partially false.
Only HESHE can 'give the truth' as the Logos in herhis own story.

there are others, who do NOT believe he was even here,
and, some who believe, he is NOT any different
than other children of god,
just that he utilised his potentials
to the best degree possible
ie; having turned on his 1000 points of light

Yes, the New Age 'Everyone is the Christ' and there is no difference between the Buddha and Jesus has caused much confusion.

There is the ONE Christ incarnated AS the Template (say cookie shape for the dough) THEN allowing the 'dough' to be used to make MANY cookies JUST LIKE Jesus. THEN the Cosmic Christ becomes Many from the One and THEN will the Melchisedekian Order BE the Cosmic Dispensation.

We all are called into this 'Cosmic Office', but we all have not yet obtained the diplomas.

The 13th center will multiply in 12 will multiply in 12x12=144 in doubling of the archetype of the androgyne of Susan marrying herself to become a New Creation THEN able (and NOT before) to process the 'Christening'.

It's 'hard work' not given on a platter.


so, our question was NOT posed
as, a 'fragmented' soul piece - as in a shamanic type of journey
to gather an assortment of pieces

but, as a fragment/or soul called jesus
(and, we are aware, he has a lot of different names too)

thank you / just wanted to clear the air, on the meaning, within our question

01-13-2010, 12:30 AM #393

Avalon Senior Member

Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 31

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
thank you viking for posting this video from coast to coast Dolores Cannon
Sorry for asking is she channeling Archangel Michael???

01-13-2010, 01:09 AM #394

Avalon Senior Member

Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 6

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by eleni
Honestly, doesn't resonate with me at all......those who were part of those experiments are doomed then.......

........my prediction......someone new is going to come out with a more complicated set of *spiritual criteria* and this next person's teachings will be even more confusing with a whole new set of terms no one before has ever heard of.......and that too will be hailed as some savior if one *follows* the teachings.....
"You know funny thing is, the Black ops projects that use Quantum Physics have found out much what is said in Keylontic Science about the quantum particles called Partiki. They are missing pieces of it. I know its more your Ego making a prediction but in time. Things that once were believed will be soon shown, to either be false or true. I know how much this stuff flies over your head. So when we see things that we can not fully understand. We either do two things reject it for not understanding it or go the harder route and see where the it takes us. For a while I went the easy and believed in just focusing on LOVE and Light. As source is open to all possibilities we should be open to. Yes things may not resonate at first because the truth we're feed is to easy to understand. When science and spirituality can be the simplest thing but we know it takes alot more understanding for the creator to create. Much as it takes knowledge to build computers or microchips. As Above, SO Below.
The other thing I noticed about Keylontic Science is the speaker is fluid in speaking and does not channel. To much information and detail go in to it. Yes you can think its all a random lie but if you think about it. The dark only want us to know bits and pieces. Give them sugar cookies and tell them only the good side. Just enough for it to resonate with their 3-D minds. Tell them to traveling threw worm holes or black holes. Act like it a natural passage. O wait did they tell you about Star gates or you own anatomy about how to heal it yourself. Or do they tell you to call on them for Help.
The one thing we all need to do is ask questions and see the WHole picture. Even it is worse then we can take. We have to face it. If most of atlantis didn't make the Stellar Activation cycles (Ascension). How do you expect Us too? Our knowledge is children's play to what they once knew. Keylontic science did bring out the teaching then too. It was called the Emerald Tablets but was later watered down and distorted. Just as the Religions of this world are. They were once oral and written traditions handed down. This scared knowledge was kept by Legions that lived in different REgions, Hence the word Re-Legion. My point is much we don't know but out if all the paths I found. None has the Detail and persona of the speakers. You can see people channel other entities, which is very dangerous to your anatomy. Plus its an agreement to be possessed for a moment in time.
We are here to be sovereign beings and non dependent on "Those" to save US. The whole reason we are in this turmoil is because we look outside ourself. All is within YOU and none is without You. Ask your higher self, do these teaching teach me to look outside myself? Does it Say Earth and Everybody on is going to Ascend? That thought is actually a violation of Free Will of CHoice. Just as you can choose what path to take. Doesn't mean Everybody wants to Ascend. The other thing I bring up is. If the WHole earth is Ascending. Then why are we cooling? As ascension is to raise in Frequency which is heat(Energy). That's why the Illuminati planned on the Earth getting hotter because they knew ascension was coming but Since 30,000 scientist has argued and shown the Earth is Cooling. Even the Hacker that exposed the data manipulation emails show this to be the case of a cooling Earth. Why are we not increasing in Vibrational heat? Idk if that holds any water for ya for me it bring up Questions. As Above SO Below. I believe Ascension is more a personal choice then ever. The majority of our collective still wants this 3D paradigm aka Path of FALL (Alignment) since 2007. Many have told me that the Earth is Purging and that's why its cooling.
In time we shall see. You don't have to believe any thing I say. Heal and know yourself. Only then your filters will be clear. In much Kristic Love and Gratitude John M"
Last edited by eleni; 01-13-2010 at 05:06 PM.

01-13-2010, 01:27 AM #395

Avalon Senior Member

Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 6

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas
Dear Sabina!
It is a question of symmetry.
Exodus.3.14 defines the 'holy' and 'unspeakable' name as a detour in ARCHETYPE.
Then knowing this 'wordplay' will empower BOTH words as having been DECODED.
I AM ThaT=Mirror AM I is symmetric in precision: IAM|MAI.

But I AM ThaT=Mirror I AM is not in precision: IAM|IMA.

But indeed your writing is also symmetric in AM I ThaT=Mirror I AM: AMI|IMA

There is a detailed discussion of this here (scoll down to I.1): http://tonyb.freeyellow.com/id163.html

O ya while I am at it. lol Might as well write what I know rings true for me. I am that I am is A Fallen Angelic teaching! As the bible and much of the New age movement have been manipulated. Ask you self and feel out what I say. I am that ? How does it feel when you say it. Is that focusing your Energy out side of you or inside of you? Now say and breath this in.... I AM THIS I AM.... Does this focus your energy to connect to your core? Now say that is all I AM.... does it feel limiting or does it feel empowering? Now say I AM this.... do you feel more connected to the source for the source is in you, not outside of you? For me this feels more alive and connected. That is THAT. THIS feels like a BIG YESSS. You decide. Don't think what you taught to believe but Feel/Know. Breath and relax and feel.

01-13-2010, 02:56 AM #396

THE eXchanger
Avalon Senior Member

Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Spiritual eXplorer-Canada
Posts: 4,915

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Thank you, that was very helpful
and, we realise that our concept of 3 matrixes,
isn't 12+12+12 = 36 dimensions
(however, it is 12D or 12/13~13 parts in 12)
We do know, were we go to retrieve info-likely we are just labelling it
(by its wrong name)
yes ~ and, through the process,
we did discover 13 guardians that work with us, to protect us
(maybe valuable info for others)
got to love, being an overactive i-magi

trying to make it make it all make sense
~is quite a job

we will eXamine, and, look into your math,
a little further, as, we are enjoying the light encoding to it

we did get a lot of words, etc.,
to match to some of the light encoding, within your writings,
so, this does fascinate us

we are told, this is, 'good work'

we understand,
the accessing of melz order, thru isis (or 9191)at 12D
and/or the accessing of elohim order,
thru malkuth (10) at 12D,
and, understand the 91/19 to RA/and, to AR
along with elijah; to sandalphon
and, thoth, to the twin of 's'
will eXplore the magic of 33 further-and, st. germain
(who, at different times, does show up)

we also realise,
that this 'unicorn' in our midst,
is, one guardian, NOT yet eXplored
from the point of true north (13)
and, we shall address this one,
and, call it in

we do know, we are a part of The Order of Metatron
and, a part of the 12x12 = or, 144 points of light
under KulKulKan (26) ~ god is also (26)
so, it is good to have a solid connection to something from 10D/or 12D
we also, are glad, we saw 11 - as, a void
at least, we are now discovering, we are on the 'right tracks'

so, thank you for your comments
and, also the comments
on mill master/and, mill mastery
and, walking between worlds, as, we know,
we can do this, and, do this
~ yesterday, we took in info on this for others,
and, we will edit that, tomorrow morning

with 1 in 50,000 doing it,
it means the world is truly is waking up

how eXciting is that !!!

we will do some work,
on the numbers of 47/74, 33, 44, 13, etc.,
as, it appears, some of this information, is filling in spots, in the puzzle,
that we have been working very hard, to solve

makes on feel a true sense, of divinely guided, divinely lead, and,
divinely looked after ~ iT truly iS one amasing journey !!!

01-13-2010, 03:04 AM #397

Avalon Senior Member

Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: North Georgia Mountains
Posts: 8

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hi Abraxasinas,

Thank you for bringing such interesting discussion of which I find hard to follow. I just guess I'm only suppose to ingest what I am suppose to at this time.

I don't know if you can answer this question that has haunted me all my life.
I had a ghost when I was 11, shared with my sister who was 14. It only lasted a couple of weeks, until the house burned down. When we rebuilt, naturally it was not there anymore.
My questions are
1.) who was it.
2). was it Arhangel Michael who protected me/us.

If you can't answer, I understand, but thought it couldn't hurt to ask. Thank you, Rena.

01-13-2010, 03:50 AM #398


Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Queanbeyan/Canberra; NSW, Australia
Posts: 635

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Rena
Hi Abraxasinas,

Thank you for bringing such interesting discussion of which I find hard to follow. I just guess I'm only suppose to ingest what I am suppose to at this time.

I don't know if you can answer this question that has haunted me all my life.
I had a ghost when I was 11, shared with my sister who was 14. It only lasted a couple of weeks, until the house burned down. When we rebuilt, naturally it was not there anymore.
My questions are
1.) who was it.
2). was it Arhangel Michael who protected me/us.

If you can't answer, I understand, but thought it couldn't hurt to ask. Thank you, Rena.
Hi Rena!

The 'ghost' was native to the building and not directly engaged with your incarnational journey. The name 'Cecil' is transmitted from the astral space and so the association appears to be psychometric as the 'ghost' of the soul coupled to the environment of embodiment,
Once the 'old environment' was molecularized, the psychometric attachement also shadow-molecularised into hyperspace.

However the 'communication' between the ghost and you with your sister just three weeks before disassociation is meaningful in that there exists a connection to say a past association with perhaps a French connection of Cecil/Cecilia or similar pronounciation. So you may 'enquire' about previous occupancy of this building or even your ancestries.

The contact period so has the agenda of awakening to to the possibility of interdimensional communication.

This 'ghost' is prepared to appear in your dreamstate, perhaps in different form, but it would FEEL the same.
This is something only you (and/or your sister) are able to process.
This is about all the information available to me at the present time.

Your invocation of Archangel Michael indicates a rather important discovery or remembrance available to you, should you enquire in sincerity and integrity of intent.

Generally, anyone can utilize such intent to communicate with all cherubimic (or daemonic) hierarchies - sincerity being the prime directive for success.


01-13-2010, 03:46 PM #399


Posts: n/a

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
Hi Abraxasinas, I have additional questions

I am a "little" confused... (so my questions might also be confused)

Propagation of a group mind is a deliberate distraction?
The common focus of the individual minds is better than a group mind?

Is group mind a less preferred option since it can be easily manipulated, while a common focus of individual minds can not be?

Due/After to the coming change...there will be many different "paths" that people will take?
One of the paths being a result of the group mind?
One path will be a result from a common focus of the individual minds?
One path will be a different kind of the common focus of individual minds...etc?

So our "task" now is for each individual to focus on what he/she wishes to...manifest?

After the change there will only be one reality?

All that is will coexist in the same universe?

Will the people with different focus still exist on the same planet or will there be a separation?

If you were one of the people...here on this planet...what would you do - regarding the coming situation?
01-13-2010, 04:38 PM #400

Avalon Senior Member

Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 2,482

Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by JohnMatX
"You know funny thing is, the Black ops projects that use Quantum Physics have found out much what is said in Keylontic Science about the quantum particles called Partiki. They are missing pieces of it. I know its more your Ego making a prediction but in time. Things that once were believed will be soon shown, to either be false or true. I know how much this stuff flies over your head. So when we see things that we can not fully understand. We either do two things reject it for not understanding it or go the harder route and see where the it takes us. For a while I went the easy and believed in just focusing on LOVE and Light. As source is open to all possibilities we should be open to. Yes things may not resonate at first because the truth we're feed is to easy to understand. When science and spirituality can be the simplest thing but we know it takes alot more understanding for the creator to create. Much as it takes knowledge to build computers or microchips. As Above, SO Below.
The other thing I noticed about Keylontic Science is the speaker is fluid in speaking and does not channel. To much information and detail go in to it. Yes you can think its all a random lie but if you think about it. The dark only want us to know bits and pieces. Give them sugar cookies and tell them only the good side. Just enough for it to resonate with their 3-D minds. Tell them to traveling threw worm holes or black holes. Act like it a natural passage. O wait did they tell you about Star gates or you own anatomy about how to heal it yourself. Or do they tell you to call on them for Help.
The one thing we all need to do is ask questions and see the WHole picture. Even it is worse then we can take. We have to face it. If most of atlantis didn't make the Stellar Activation cycles (Ascension). How do you expect Us too? Our knowledge is children's play to what they once knew. Keylontic science did bring out the teaching then too. It was called the Emerald Tablets but was later watered down and distorted. Just as the Religions of this world are. They were once oral and written traditions handed down. This scared knowledge was kept by Legions that lived in different REgions, Hence the word Re-Legion. My point is much we don't know but out if all the paths I found. None has the Detail and persona of the speakers. You can see people channel other entities, which is very dangerous to your anatomy. Plus its an agreement to be possessed for a moment in time.
We are here to be sovereign beings and non dependent on "Those" to save US. The whole reason we are in this turmoil is because we look outside ourself. All is within YOU and none is without You. Ask your higher self, do these teaching teach me to look outside myself? Does it Say Earth and Everybody on is going to Ascend? That thought is actually a violation of Free Will of CHoice. Just as you can choose what path to take. Doesn't mean Everybody wants to Ascend. The other thing I bring up is. If the WHole earth is Ascending. Then why are we cooling? As ascension is to raise in Frequency which is heat(Energy). That's why the Illuminati planned on the Earth getting hotter because they knew ascension was coming but Since 30,000 scientist has argued and shown the Earth is Cooling. Even the Hacker that exposed the data manipulation emails show this to be the case of a cooling Earth. Why are we not increasing in Vibrational heat? Idk if that holds any water for ya for me it bring up Questions. As Above SO Below. I believe Ascension is more a personal choice then ever. The majority of our collective still wants this 3D paradigm aka Path of FALL (Alignment) since 2007. Many have told me that the Earth is Purging and that's why its cooling.
In time we shall see. You don't have to believe any thing I say. Heal and know yourself. Only then your filters will be clear. In much Kristic Love and Gratitude John M"

My issue with Ash'yana Deane (and I've read all three books, watched the videos available- granted I am not a student of her teachings) is that my belief is that she does not hold the keys to the ONLY truth.......
I take what she says with a grain of salt, I do this not only with what she has to say but what other's have to say as well.

And my belief is that there are many evolved souls right now on the planet that don't need A.Haye's material to ascend.
Her method is not the only valid one. He blanket statements without proof (such as above with people sent through wormhole tehc cannot ascend is pure rubbish IMO)...... And to quote you if we are open then we should be open to ideas that are not part of Ashyana's Deane's teachings as well......

Thank you John Max for your brilliant words. I do believe in much of what ashayanna writes about In fact I went back and listened to some videos of her that I downloaded previously and I'm happy to report regardless of what others may say here.........................she was not channelled or involved in the Montauk project.................Your remarks on those resonates with me. She says you would have to lose over 30% in order for this to happen and then you are able to reactivate. That of course is her opinion and something that I would not bank on.

Also, the reason I copied all of what you wrote here is because it shows that your information was edited by Eleni and I wondered how that happened and why.

I know that her name shows up in a different color than the rest of ours but I do not know her as a mod so why is it that she can edit your work

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

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    01-13-2010, 04:55 PM #401

    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Dec 2009
    Location: UK
    Posts: 213

    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
    Hello Abrax!!

    Congratulations on your exceptionally interesting and enlightening thread. If my question has been answered elsewhere, please excuse me and direct me to it.

    What is your understanding of the abduction phenomenon? I feel great compassion for those who have suffered at the hands of the greys and much anger towards the greys for what they have done.

    Please don't tell me that those that have been abducted have 'agreed' to it prior to birth ect... as they have no rememberance of this consciously, and therefore I see no benefit for them for this type of experience.

    Also, are you what is regarded on this planet as self-realized?



    Ps Please keep it simple!!

    01-13-2010, 04:58 PM #402

    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Sep 2008
    Posts: 865

    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by mntruthseeker
    Thank you John Max for your brilliant words. I do believe in much of what ashayanna writes about In fact I went back and listened to some videos of her that I downloaded previously and I'm happy to report regardless of what others may say here.........................she was not channelled or involved in the Montauk project.................Your remarks on those resonates with me. She says you would have to lose over 30% in order for this to happen and then you are able to reactivate. That of course is her opinion and something that I would not bank on.

    Also, the reason I copied all of what you wrote here is because it shows that your information was edited by Eleni and I wondered how that happened and why.

    I know that her name shows up in a different color than the rest of ours but I do not know her as a mod so why is it that she can edit your work
    I did not edit a thing.......I edited my reply....my name shows up in a different color because I'm a mod.
    I said it did not resonate with me that people used as test subjects could not ascend.......
    Last edited by eleni; 01-13-2010 at 05:03 PM.

    01-13-2010, 05:00 PM #403

    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Sep 2008
    Location: Minnesota
    Posts: 2,482

    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by eleni
    I did not edit a thing.......
    did you check out his original posting ? this really boggles my mind Eleni, can someone else use our names on here ?

    01-13-2010, 05:05 PM #404

    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Sep 2008
    Posts: 865

    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
    Going back to check the post MN......

    Okay, I can honestly say I missed that and am not sure how that happened, my guess is that in editing my own reply (which I first pressed quote to quote him in a reply) was somehow mixed up and I ended up editing on his post to which I apologize!
    I was perplexed at why my quote did not show up- I think maybe staying up with 2 sick children all night over past several days has affected me more than I thought!

    Again- very sorry that took place......
    Last edited by eleni; 01-13-2010 at 05:10 PM.

    01-13-2010, 05:23 PM #405

    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Dec 2009
    Posts: 897

    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by JohnMatX
    "You know funny thing is, the Black ops projects that use Quantum Physics have found out much what is said in Keylontic Science about the quantum particles called Partiki. They are missing pieces of it. I know its more your Ego making a prediction but in time. Things that once were believed will be soon shown, to either be false or true. I know how much this stuff flies over your head. So when we see things that we can not fully understand. We either do two things reject it for not understanding it or go the harder route and see where the it takes us. For a while I went the easy and believed in just focusing on LOVE and Light. As source is open to all possibilities we should be open to. Yes things may not resonate at first because the truth we're feed is to easy to understand. When science and spirituality can be the simplest thing but we know it takes alot more understanding for the creator to create. Much as it takes knowledge to build computers or microchips. As Above, SO Below.
    The other thing I noticed about Keylontic Science is the speaker is fluid in speaking and does not channel. To much information and detail go in to it. Yes you can think its all a random lie but if you think about it. The dark only want us to know bits and pieces. Give them sugar cookies and tell them only the good side. Just enough for it to resonate with their 3-D minds. Tell them to traveling threw worm holes or black holes. Act like it a natural passage. O wait did they tell you about Star gates or you own anatomy about how to heal it yourself. Or do they tell you to call on them for Help.
    The one thing we all need to do is ask questions and see the WHole picture. Even it is worse then we can take. We have to face it. If most of atlantis didn't make the Stellar Activation cycles (Ascension). How do you expect Us too? Our knowledge is children's play to what they once knew. Keylontic science did bring out the teaching then too. It was called the Emerald Tablets but was later watered down and distorted. Just as the Religions of this world are. They were once oral and written traditions handed down. This scared knowledge was kept by Legions that lived in different REgions, Hence the word Re-Legion. My point is much we don't know but out if all the paths I found. None has the Detail and persona of the speakers. You can see people channel other entities, which is very dangerous to your anatomy. Plus its an agreement to be possessed for a moment in time.
    We are here to be sovereign beings and non dependent on "Those" to save US. The whole reason we are in this turmoil is because we look outside ourself. All is within YOU and none is without You. Ask your higher self, do these teaching teach me to look outside myself? Does it Say Earth and Everybody on is going to Ascend? That thought is actually a violation of Free Will of CHoice. Just as you can choose what path to take. Doesn't mean Everybody wants to Ascend. The other thing I bring up is. If the WHole earth is Ascending. Then why are we cooling? As ascension is to raise in Frequency which is heat(Energy). That's why the Illuminati planned on the Earth getting hotter because they knew ascension was coming but Since 30,000 scientist has argued and shown the Earth is Cooling. Even the Hacker that exposed the data manipulation emails show this to be the case of a cooling Earth. Why are we not increasing in Vibrational heat? Idk if that holds any water for ya for me it bring up Questions. As Above SO Below. I believe Ascension is more a personal choice then ever. The majority of our collective still wants this 3D paradigm aka Path of FALL (Alignment) since 2007. Many have told me that the Earth is Purging and that's why its cooling.
    In time we shall see. You don't have to believe any thing I say. Heal and know yourself. Only then your filters will be clear. In much Kristic Love and Gratitude John M"
    Great post


    01-13-2010, 05:27 PM #406

    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Dec 2009
    Posts: 897

    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
    I have been devating with myself all day on whether to post this or not but here it is

    Copyright A&A Deane, 1999-2010, All Rights Reserved.

    Self-Sovereignty & Discernment – Creating Personal Freedom
    Questions for Discernment

    A few valuable questions to ask are these:

    1) "Who does this information source appear to be?"
    2) "What are they telling me?"
    3) "Do they really know what they are talking about?"
    4) "Are they saying what they REALLY mean?"
    5) "Where might their information be coming from?"
    6) "What motive might they have for telling me this thing?"
    7) "What are they hoping that I believe?"
    8) "Why would they want me to believe this thing?"
    9) "What are they trying to motivate me to do with my personal power; discover
    and embrace it within myself, or surrender it elsewhere in worship or obedient
    10) "If they are trying to help me, what are they trying to help me to achieve
    and how could believing this thing empower me?"
    11) "If they are covertly trying to mislead me, how might I be harmed in
    believing them?"
    12) "Are they inspiring me to lead through my own inner spiritual power and
    wisdom, or are they seducing me to believe that I am personally powerless and so
    must blindly follow an external power source to save me?"
    13) "If I believe this thing, will it assist me in becoming more awakened,
    aware, loving, kind, responsible, strong, spiritually alive, intelligent, wise,
    compassionate, WHOLE and effective human being?"


    01-13-2010, 05:28 PM #407

    In Transit
    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Jan 2010
    Location: Western USA
    Posts: 4

    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
    Hi Abraxas,

    What can you share regarding the return of the Lost Tribes and the impact that the 144,000 will have as the millenial period (new earth) is ushered in?

    I have been told that I will work with several who were Old Testament figures during the transition. Helping others who are confused during the process find the way. I was told this when I was much younger and never really understood it because of distortion within all of man's teachings.

    It has been a long journey for me and somehow I find myself here.

    Many thanks...

    01-13-2010, 05:48 PM #408

    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Sep 2008
    Location: Minnesota
    Posts: 2,482

    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by Stardustaquarion
    I have been devating with myself all day on whether to post this or not but here it is

    Copyright A&A Deane, 1999-2010, All Rights Reserved.

    Self-Sovereignty & Discernment – Creating Personal Freedom
    Questions for Discernment

    A few valuable questions to ask are these:

    1) "Who does this information source appear to be?"
    2) "What are they telling me?"
    3) "Do they really know what they are talking about?"
    4) "Are they saying what they REALLY mean?"
    5) "Where might their information be coming from?"
    6) "What motive might they have for telling me this thing?"
    7) "What are they hoping that I believe?"
    8) "Why would they want me to believe this thing?"
    9) "What are they trying to motivate me to do with my personal power; discover
    and embrace it within myself, or surrender it elsewhere in worship or obedient
    10) "If they are trying to help me, what are they trying to help me to achieve
    and how could believing this thing empower me?"
    11) "If they are covertly trying to mislead me, how might I be harmed in
    believing them?"
    12) "Are they inspiring me to lead through my own inner spiritual power and
    wisdom, or are they seducing me to believe that I am personally powerless and so
    must blindly follow an external power source to save me?"
    13) "If I believe this thing, will it assist me in becoming more awakened,
    aware, loving, kind, responsible, strong, spiritually alive, intelligent, wise,
    compassionate, WHOLE and effective human being?"


    As usual , excellent information ...........thank you so much

    01-14-2010, 12:06 AM #409

    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Aug 2009
    Location: New Zealand
    Posts: 391

    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
    Hi Abraxis,

    Could you please expand on your take on the "Council of Nine". Supposidly the Council is Housed at Sirius and relates to the blue Ray. There is also some reference to Obama's Higher Self being one of the 9. How does this relate to your agenda?

    There is also some information that this council is in fact a CIA mind control project.


    your thoughts?

    01-14-2010, 12:37 AM #410

    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Sep 2008
    Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia
    Posts: 2,280

    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by Stardustaquarion
    1) ... 10) ...
    These questions are an excellent checklist.

    Not sure why you would be worried about posting them - they probably deserved thier own thread though. (Unless you felt that these should be applied to abraxasinas particularly - and why not? They should be applied to most sources of information. Abraxasinas, me, you, everyone).


    01-14-2010, 01:07 AM #411

    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Jan 2010
    Posts: 6

    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by mntruthseeker
    Thank you John Max for your brilliant words. I do believe in much of what ashayanna writes about In fact I went back and listened to some videos of her that I downloaded previously and I'm happy to report regardless of what others may say here.........................she was not channelled or involved in the Montauk project.................Your remarks on those resonates with me. She says you would have to lose over 30% in order for this to happen and then you are able to reactivate. That of course is her opinion and something that I would not bank on.

    Also, the reason I copied all of what you wrote here is because it shows that your information was edited by Eleni and I wondered how that happened and why.

    I know that her name shows up in a different color than the rest of ours but I do not know her as a mod so why is it that she can edit your work
    Respect Free Will! lol Nuff Said. I wrote a novel on this topic but the site logged me off and now I can't get it back. I guess is wasn't meant to be.

    My issue with Ash'yana Deane (and I've read all three books, watched the videos available- granted I am not a student of her teachings) is that my belief is that she does not hold the keys to the ONLY truth.......
    I take what she says with a grain of salt, I do this not only with what she has to say but what other's have to say as well.

    And my belief is that there are many evolved souls right now on the planet that don't need A.Haye's material to ascend.
    Her method is not the only valid one. He blanket statements without proof (such as above with people sent through wormhole tehc cannot ascend is pure rubbish IMO)...... And to quote you if we are open then we should be open to ideas that are not part of Ashyana's Deane's teachings as well......
    I have a response to your posting but I don't remember saying they can't ascend. My ego wants me to write more but my heart wants this Drama to end. Here is a quote from Keylontic Science. I hope it reaches all of your hearts with the respect of your WILL to do SO. In Lighted Kristic Love John M

    "Beloved Co-creators

    Here's the Attitude, Responsibility and Step Toward Joy with Others for
    our focus this week.

    FEARLESSNESS - Recognizing the Eternal Infinite Nature and Unconditional
    Love of the ALL-ONE-ness.

    CONSERVATION - Conservation is a form of respect and appreciation for God
    Source energy in all of its expressions, from conserving and protecting
    our natural resources, to being attentive to the needs of our bodies, to
    using the energies of our words and actions with gentle conservation by
    which we freely use what is needed, but not more. God Source continually
    recycles its energies for the rebirth of new expression. All is given
    freely, but no thing is valueless or wasted. Conservation demonstrates
    that we have respect and appreciation for the gift of creative energy that
    God Source has provided to us. As we learn to use this energy, in all its
    forms, with respect and clear intention, we will progressively fine tune
    our ability to create what we desire, and in this process assist all other
    beings to do the same. There is truth in the old saying "Waste Not, Want
    Not." If everything we perceive in our hologram of life is understood to
    be manifestations of God Source, we might all employ a bit more respect,
    appreciation and conservation toward the use and applications of the
    energies of the Divine.

    BE EFFECTIVE - Having to be "right" implies making others wrong and sets
    the stage for conflict. Is being "right" more important than creating
    desired outcomes? Being EFFECTIVE is finding win-win solutions, respecting
    the rights of all to be exactly who and how they are, even if you
    disagree. If you do not respect each others boundaries and own your own
    stuff, you will be unable to create mutuality or effective solutions. If
    others need to make you wrong, recognize the ego game and refrain from
    engaging. You do not have to justify your existence to others and they do
    not have to justify their existence to you. Am I trying to make someone
    wrong? Is someone trying to make me wrong? Are we respecting each other's
    boundaries and right to be? Can I engage this with effective action?

    (Copyright A'sha-yana and A'zha-yana Deane; 1999-2009. All rights reserved)

    In Absolute Love
    Last edited by Anchor; 01-14-2010 at 06:00 AM. Reason: size reduced on large text

    01-14-2010, 01:36 AM #412

    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Sep 2008
    Posts: 865

    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
    This could be where the confusion is coming from:

    01-14-2010, 03:59 AM #413

    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Sep 2008
    Posts: 61

    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
    This info is clearly over my head. I am interested as we all are in who I am and where I originated. I have always felt like I am not from here or have not been here long. I also feel like I've slipped a little on my path. My main goal has always been working on peoples energies every chance I get if I feel they are imbalanced. This is my job now on earth. I want to do more.
    Thanks to all

    01-14-2010, 04:19 AM #414

    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Jan 2009
    Location: Massachusetts
    Posts: 161

    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    I cant help the curiosity that follows me when reading many posts in this thread. If you could tell me things about my past self (InTime?) that I dont remember, I would be grateful and very interested. You might sense my slow nature in jumping into the pool. Its as you stated before, but also I know that what you tell me is already known to myself, I am merely cautious because I want to keep myself as the greatest influence, as selfish as that sounds. lol.

    Anyways, I hope you are well. Oh! might as well ask about the Earthquake in Haiti. I heard that Haiti is the only entirely black nation in the western Hemisphere that came up from slavery too completely overthrow Western Dominance. IS this Earthquake a man made reaction of that?

    Thanks Abrax,


    01-14-2010, 05:27 AM #415


    Join Date: Dec 2009
    Location: Queanbeyan/Canberra; NSW, Australia
    Posts: 635

    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by Spregovori
    Hi Abraxasinas, I have additional questions

    I am a "little" confused... (so my questions might also be confused)

    Propagation of a group mind is a deliberate distraction?

    No, but the common meaning of groupmind as being somehow anti-individual is deeply disempowering.
    The ultimate 'Law of Unity' fosters the individuality in creativity, but states that a 'common wisdom or understanding' of the 'Beingness' is necessary to UNDERSTAND how separatedness in individuality can yet result in perfect Unity in say 'understood purpose in selfrealisation'.

    The common focus of the individual minds is better than a group mind?

    It is the individual, who MUST realise herhimself as 'part of the unity' - no gurus or teachers as such are necessary - yet the 'way showers' and information sharers are more 'needed' than ever before to allow such individual empowerment without governance structures of ANY kind (including lecture tours and self-empower manuals of specifiic techniques) to proceed. It is a delicate balance and bound to be misunderstood by underevolved egocentricities- there is a collective ego of the enlightened individual, say.

    Is group mind a less preferred option since it can be easily manipulated, while a common focus of individual minds can not be?

    Yes and No, see the above.

    Due/After to the coming change...there will be many different "paths" that people will take?

    Just as now, but there will be MORE information and knowledge available to everyone, because of the cosmic disclosures correlated to physical changes in environments.

    One of the paths being a result of the group mind?

    Yes, the 1 in 50,000 and say a world populus of 7.2 billion inclusive 200 million aliens already incarnate (as in most here on this forum say).

    One path will be a result from a common focus of the individual minds?
    One path will be a different kind of the common focus of individual minds...etc?

    As in the above!

    So our "task" now is for each individual to focus on what he/she wishes to...manifest?

    Absolutely, this is the agenda of the 144,000 say. It is 'hard perception work' and to PROCESS the 'us versus them' data and the like. Below is an addition to the start of this thread, which 'tells a story'.

    After the change there will only be one reality?

    There is only one reality now, partially realised and told in cosmically ordained separation modes.

    All that is will coexist in the same universe?

    Like now.

    Will the people with different focus still exist on the same planet or will there be a separation?

    This planet will become multidimensional and so allow various 'dimensional/density' perceptions.
    Think of 'some special place' in the universe, being able to function simultaneously as a Planet, a Starsystem and a Galaxy.

    Gaia the Planet or Old Earth, will transform into a StarPlanet Consciousness coupled to a Galactic Mother consciousness coupled to a Cosmic Mother consciousness.
    Gaia will become the SANCTUARY of a certain data bank for the ENTIRE UNIVERSE, incorporating ALL extraterrstrial lifeforms WITHOUT EXCEPTIONS.

    If you were one of the people...here on this planet...what would you do - regarding the coming situation?

    Just BEING MYSELF and honouring the processes.
    Thanks Spregovori!

    The following 'story' might help you a lot, as it strikes at the depth of the human soul and cosmic identity.
    It's a little bit 'spicey' and would be censored on most open accessible media; but this forum should be able to 'handle' this kind of information in readership and administration.

    The Overworld of Shamballa, the Underworld of Agartha and the Extraworld of the Eagle of Thuban.


    Robert Sceptico: "And with the 'Presence of Jesus', the Mosaic Law became reinterpreted as the 'Logos of the Spirit' and allowed Paul to write in 2Corinthians.3.6; "for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life".

    "Logan Antico: "This reinterpretation of the scriptures in the light of omniscience surely takes the proverbial 'evil monkey' off the back of the 'Good LORD' also manifesting as the 'Evil LORD' relative to the beholder of the experiences.
    Did I ever tell you the story of my own individual 'visit of hell'; it wasn't quite as dramatic as 'Dante's Inferno', being coloured so much by my personal colourings of omniscience and gnosis?"

    Robert Sceptico: "I can't recall you ever telling me that story, Logan."

    Logan Antico: "Ok then, I feel such a personally coloured account of the 'eternal damnation' is appropriate to the subject matter we are discussing; what of witches, necromancers and sorcerers and the like.

    "It had been a long day of thought, meditation and writing back in July 1995.
    I had realised that the nature of the gods was one of merging opposites in oneness.
    Specifically, I had become aware, for the first time, that one's biological body served the higher purpose of recombining something lost at the beginning of space and time.

    The only thing that really mattered in anyones life was how to perceive ones own consciousness - the sense of being alive and the knowing of 'me'.
    It is the thought that counts; what you think that you are, or one creates one's own reality through projecting one's thoughts.
    So not knowing or remembering what you are leads to the confusions of everyday life.
    The question becomes of how to remember and how to get in touch with the thing inside.
    Since confusion breeds confusion and more of the same becomes fear and doubt and ends in despair and hopelessness; the grail of hope would become an adventure of self discovery.
    All this I had realised and had put into words of hope in an attempt to clarify the situation.

    But I was still restless.
    It is easy to say to become centred is the way to be; but the practice of it is very hard unless you live in a cave as a hermit and are isolated from the razzamatazz of screaming voices and the
    blahblah-blah of a multitude of diverse channels of communication.
    The harmonies of music are a miraculous tonic for the ailment of cacophony.
    The superimposed waveforms of longitudinal atmospheric pressure variations seem to tranquilise a tortured mind in the search of silence and understanding.
    What is perceived as melody, rhythm and harmony merges with the monopolic electricity
    generated in one's brain, say in the beta waves of 13-28 cycles, responsible for the front-brain
    activity of conscious thought and analysis.
    When this beta activity slows down, the alpha waves from about 8-12 cycles induce a more relaxed, meditative state, with the Earth's own 'Schumann Frequency' being given by the number of lightcycles around the perimeter of the planet as a lower limit to the alpha cycle.

    For an equatorial perimeter of 40,000 kilometres, the Schumann-Frequency is 40,000/300,000=2/15), also coded in Revelation.14.20 & 22.16 as the ratio of (1,600 furlongs/12,000 furlongs) and as the mysterious 'measure of God's winepress outside the gate' as compared to the 'golden reed measure of the angel inside the holy city' and as applied by the prophet John, as per the code Revelation.11.1-2 - the 'inside' so is the 'body of the dragonomy' symbolised in the 'body of the earth' or the individuated 'endtime prophecies' superimposed upon the collective racial history.
    The autonomous nervous system relaxes below about 8 cycles in the state of sleep in the theta cycles and a frequency approaching 0 sets the delta cycle with physical death occurring at a zero frequency, manifesting in a resetting of individual L-C-Factors as function of that frequency.
    There are periods of sleep, when the physical consciousness subsides completely and the 'dreaming state' of REM-sleep, characterised by Rapid-Eye-Movement, allows the subconscious self, defined in the L-C-Factor couplings. to assume the place of a relaxed alpha state.

    This subconscious awareness surfaces in the experience of dreams, out-of-body 'journeys' and other 'astral' endeavours of the twinsoul of the Ka. The Ka is the shadow-soul and defined in the baseperfect DNA, as the supersexual coupling of the preDragonomic chromosomes in omnispace. In other words, there is a 'genetic baseperfect bodyform' into which the embryo develops in its natural differentiation into male or female sexual definition.
    All the prenatally defined 'perfection' is always carried by the developing bodyform, notwithstanding disability, congenital disformity or physical 'accidents' or disease , including the ageing process, experienced by the physical bodyform during its 'physical lifecycle'.

    A 62-year old woman say, may dream of herself in a younger 26-year old bodyform and this experience is as real in omnispace as the waking state of the woman in her selfawareness within linespace; the difference being the voluntary decision of the woman's 'soul' (magnetopolic electricity of capacitance coupled to electropolic magnetism of inductance) to experience 'herhis' 'perfect' bodyform in omnispace as an 'imperfect' bodyform in linespace, allowing however the graduation of the latter into the former after an infinite elapse of linear time, being mapped onto 'now-time' in the omnispace.

    All my life had I tried to realise this astral world in an analytic way, but I was not prepared to get the answers, relative to my own intellectual satisfaction, in the way of my own 'hell' as I did.
    Yes, I had asked questions before; such as how does the lightbody penetrate walls, or what does it feel like to fly? But with my new realisation as to the requirement to spiritualise the physical body; I induced some harmony, in listening to peaceful music and began to think about how to visit my own body through my imagination. All this beta wave activity did not however lull me to sleep, as it had done so many times before.

    I thought about how the collective spiritual atmosphere of planet Earth is obstructed by all those thoughtforms of death, decay and misery; when suddenly I found myself within my own realm of perception in regards to that very same subject matter. There I was completely awake and it did not matter if I had my eyes shut or not. Incredible colours and shapes and beings came to be; yet subject to whatever I desired to think or ponder about.

    I created my own scenarios and just as I pleased.
    I truly was the landlord, the king in my own castle.
    So there I was; colours all around me and ready to be shaped.
    I decided to let things shape themselves, just to experience what would eventuate.
    It was a dark place but filled with very rich colours, otherworldly colours really; spiritual reds and blues and greens, mixed to give any other colours in the astral omnispace.
    So it was dark and yet very colourful.

    I knew instinctively that what I experienced was my own underworld, my own hell and how my 'higher self' imagined hell to be, created from my thoughts and experiences gathered since the beginnings of space and time.
    But for the first time I really experienced in linear consciousness what it was like to walk the corridors of hell and as confined within your own bodyform or your self in space confinement.
    And so I began my 'Dantean Journey' through the inferno of my own mind and thoughtfulness.
    I was dressed in a kind of Roman toga when I descended some steps into a greater hall, one of many halls, towards many clearances and gatherings of a multitude of creatures: little devils, demons and familiars were swarming about everywhere.

    The feeling I experienced, was one of hilarity, a kaleidoscope of colour and movement, infused with a sense of funniness.
    Just as I entered one of those greater halls, which was bathed in an all pervading orange glow and reflected in the creatures, some of the little demons started to pull on my toga. They were little devils, about 50 centimetres tall and they attempted to look very menacing; grimacing at me and about ten of them rather frenziedly pulled and tore on my toga. Whenever I gave them a stern look, they scattered in all directions, waiting for me to become complacent and tolerant again.
    Aha, I thought, when you get annoyed then they fear you; your tolerance of them is their life; you are like a lollyman just in your presence, allowing them to be near you. To describe the creatures I saw is no easy thing; they are anything the producers and creators of Hollywood have ever imagined, yet they are more vibrant and more alive than anything which could be imparted onto a screen or computer simulated videotape.
    There are many mixtures of animal creatures; some are half toad and half fish, others are troll-like and others are gargoyles, dragons, krakens and all the mythological beasts are there. If you like to see a creature made up of various sorts; you can create this creature by thinking about it and then project your realisation into colour and it materialises with a life of its own.
    Anyway, I started to have fun in my mythological hell.

    The greatest and richest forms 'down there' are of a sexual and religious nature.
    I did not encounter violence of any sort; maybe because my higher self does not like it.
    I tried to imagine some really horrible things like human torture or suffering children, people or animals, but it could not be done. There seems to be a safeguard in your own hell.

    It is meant to be a funny place, well relative to me that is certainly the truth. You can experience a 'hell of hilarious laughter' and have lots of 'funny' sexual encounters there; but the sense of true suffering and the experience of being horrified are missing. I tried hard to relive something like a painful torture like the crucifixion; but there is a big blank in your imagination and everything turns from pain to joy in becoming humorous. Now religious symbolism is extremely strong 'down there'.

    Everywhere you might project a thought, you might see groups of creatures pushing wagons carrying big wooden crosses around, in an attempt perhaps, to frighten the 'living hell' out of those unsuspecting minds, pondering expectations of 'hellfire' and of 'eternal damnation'. At one instance there was this group of toaddemons attempting to crucify this 'poor little green frog'. Like following a movie script, they laid down a little wooden cross and proceeded to spread the frog into all fours. After they had 'nailed' the frog onto the cross and had erected the cross; the frog simply moved its extremeties and 'popped' off the cross and hopped away. To me it seemed like everything, all substance was extremely malleable and subject to thought. Hence the frog simply played the game and when it became 'bored' or 'annoyed' with its role, it just left the stage of play in the theatre.
    There were no screams of agony or pain, just a seeming seriousness on behalf of the devils and the mirrored hilarity or funny side to that relative to everyone else.

    I proceeded on my exploring journey and came along this covenant of witches. Some of those witches were old and others were young; they were all naked and all of them were rather nice to look at. When they saw me, they became very excited and wanted to have sex with me. So they paraded themselves around this big cauldron and exhibiting their fleshly naked glory, they began playing with their breasts and vulvas, inviting me to join with any or all of them in 'hellish ecstacies' of erotic plays and games of sexual pleasures. All this release of sexual potential energy had attracted other little sexdemons, which had swarmed all around me. Most of them had phallic erections, relative to their size and they began to pull on my toga again.
    So I took off my toga and being naked underneath, I investigated my response to all those sexual titillations. To my surprise, the sexual impulse is somewhat different in the astral reality of omnispace.

    There the sexual feeling, the eroticism is of paramount importance and the actual sexual merger plays a subsidiary role. I became sexually aroused and my phallus grew into a magnificent erection, but for some strange reason I did not desire to physically merge with any of the witches or the sexy devils.
    Looking at all those naked embodiments of my own sexual potential energy; there seemed to occur an unification, a flowing together of all the various naked female bodies for instance. The naked witches began to merge within a superimposed female form, individuated to become a sort of perfect sexual complementary match for my own male sexual definition.
    The more this superfemale and individuated archetype would crystallise from the misty fusion of all the other female and male characters in the picture; the harder my erection would become; seemingly wishing to burst in a superlative expression of lust and overpowering desire to be as one with my own personalised archetype of the Goddess and Mother of them all.

    All the sexy demons and all the witches became 'our' children and I understood the spiritual or higher dimensional notion of monogamy to be one of the 'Sacred Family' wherein all other potential sexual partners are absorbed within your 'perfect match' the mirror of your own reflected self of the dragonomy. But in changing the parental perception, the monogamy would transfer in a polygamy of nonexclusivity and the ultimate necessity for the frredom of the spiritual selfexpression of the soul.

    A magnificent naked witch for example would become reflected in 'my Goddess' and my potential sexual partnership with that witch would realise in 'my Goddess' and mirror itself in the erotic 'turnon' of imagining the naked witch to have sex with 'her God' in the form of any of my 'brothers'.
    There seems to be a magnificent sexual stimulatory potential in one's eroticised attuned mind. In that way would my sexual relationship with my Goddess empower and become empowered in the naked witch having intercourse and sexual communion with the image of myself in one of my brothers 'in the spirit of the EMMR'.

    At the same time however, any physical sexual relationships between myself and any other potential goddess would become a function of 'sexual maturity' and a question of 'wholeness'. Your own body would either psychophysically suppress or engage a natural erotic function in response to external erotic stimuli coupled to an internal evaluation process of appropriateness in terms of holistic harmonisation.
    Ah, if just the Roman participators in their orgies would have understood the unified perspectives - their devolution into banal and spiritually boring decadence could have been avoided in the sacred geometries of tantric eroticisms and group empowerment; I giggled to myself.

    And then I understood the wisdom sayings about there being no marriage in heaven. The evolved starhuman bodyform would be unable to harbour the idea of sexual- or any other form of ownership, of possessing one's partners in exclusivity. The sexual ownership became one's own dragonomy as one's own androgeny of the 'Lake of the Anima Fire and of the Animus Brimstone in the bisexual coupling of oneself as the Cosmic Hermaphroditicus.

    So I discovered a very potent form of sexuality; your sexual organs respond to your thoughts and the male sexual expression can be satisfied without ejaculation; any emitted semen and vaginal secretions assuming a sacred nature in the 'manna from heaven', able to rejuvenate the body of the man and the body of the woman in the giving and the receiving of the sexual totipotent stemcellular units of biological life.
    Once this sexual state of selfawareness can be sustained, the androgynous bisexual mind is born in the unification within and the goddess part of the dragonomy in the man and the god part in the woman can express itself without ambiguity.

    So in the setting of my journey through hell; I could easily change my sex and walk around as my female part, imagining myself as that gorgeous rounded female form, with an accomodating voluptuous vulva, well developed and succulent breasts and curved and tantalising buttocks. Then I could have fun in teasing the little sexdemons with their curved penile erections, just in wiggling my bottom or accidentally pulling my toga up with nothing on underneath. The sight of my satinsoft pubic hair about my throbbing pelvic region would send the sexy devils masturbating frenziedly and they would simply forget to manipulate the puerile human minds with their angsts and fears about the 'evilness' of sex in the 'Presence of God'.

    So I decided to turn the 'Devil's Game' around and instead of some 'He-Devil' Incubus seducing the ignorant female part of creation in the womanhood; being in the 'Devil's kingdom of hell' I would play the 'She-Angel from heaven' as a Succubi and rendering my heaven as a heavenhell and transforming my hell into a hellheaven.

    So I went for the lookout for the 'big masterdevil' the one with the gigantic phallus and as the 'big hang-up of the human masculinity expressed in perceived inadequacy'. In seducing him to have a huge erection in a devilish lust to enter my satinhaired yonic vulva; I would induce a harmony between my heavenly mindbody and my hellish bodymind.

    But maybe I needed more preparation before meeting the ultimate id of my own alter ego. In just strolling around in your own hell without using your own mental creativity and imagination, you can encounter any of the zillions of thoughtforms which have ever been thought since the beginnings of space and time.
    You can tap into the sexual and other fantasies of Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great, Napoleon Bonaparte and Adolf Hitler. You can find out what Cleopatra felt, when she played sexual politics with Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony; you can also share in the sexual deprivations of sequestered monks and nuns, unable to come to terms with their natural and divine natural instincts, mentally distorted. You can share in the poverty of a Polish ghetto, where the warmth of two bodies cuddled together in sexual intimacy is coloured by a constant fear of being apprehended, tortured, interrogated and killed.
    Or you can tap into the feelings of a joined couple, residing in a single room with a dozen or so children, without privacy, impoverished in all material necessities, producing yet another child in the circumstances of their disempowerment.

    But the potency of sex and religion is linked and you can have so much fun with it in intellectual terms in hell, precisely because it is so powerful as a result of the human paranoia and the taboos about it.
    It was the human 'sinfulness', its ignorance about the nature of the creation and its creator, which did create the 'evilness of sex' and the abyss of perceived incompatibility between sex and the religious life through the agency of the human mind, trapped in spiritual immaturity.

    And so I decided to meet the 'big monsters' in my female form. I cut my toga into a mini-toga, which would expose parts of my buttocks when I would slightly twist my torso and lift one of my legs. I rubbed some perfumed oils all over my body, imagined myself with medium length shiny locks and put on just a minimum amount of pink lipstick to enhance my green-blue eyes. As I walked past a kind of lagoon I noticed a whirlpool in the water, a swirling vortex, seemingly growing in intensity, when suddenly a great seamonster pushed upwards into the dark ceiling of the cavernous enclosure which harboured the lagoon.
    It appeared in the form of the mythological Kraken, the Reptilian Titan of the sort encountered by Perseus in his rescue of Andromeda with help of Pegasus, the winged horse and the severed head of the Medusa, the serpentine gorgon of the Greek legends.
    The kraken was the size of a two storey house with a huge head with the canine fangs of a wild giant hog and a scaley fish-like torso - the Reptilian Overlord of the preOlympian pantheon of Greece.
    As it had settled, it began to look about with saliva driveling from its halfopened mouth. I wove my hand at it to catch its attention and walked to the edge of the lagoon, enticing it to come closer and to have a look at me. The kraken bent down and opened its huge jaws right in fron of me. I could see the seaweed between its teeth and I could smell a nauseating stench emanating from the Kraken's throat and stomach. Nevertheless, I lifted my mini-toga to unveil my female nakedness, remembering that Andromeda was to have been a sacrifice to the Kraken, which I presumed to have been of a sexual nature.

    But the sight of my inviting satin-curled triangular pubic hairiness had no effect on the Kraken, it apparently was not interested in the devouring of sexual potential energy.
    Well, I thought Andromeda must have been a food-sacrifice to placate the Kraken. So I dropped my mini-toga and projected the thought of walking right into the Kraken's mouth, descending down into its stomach and cleaning it out with any cleansing agent I could imagine, but including caustic soda and hydrogen peroxide.
    The Kraken began to tremble, it shot upwards, in the process slamming its clawed right hand before its shut mouth and spiralled quite hilariously back into the depth of the swamp from which it had emerged.
    Now this could not have been my 'masterdevil' I thought; it had no sexual comprehension whatsoever and I recalled of not having noticed any sexual organs protruding from the Kraken at all.
    And so I continued to look for a 'well-hung' masterdevil, whom I could seduce, walking along the 'corridors of hell'.
    I became more and more adventurous and decided to mentally create a setting of meeting not one, but three masterdevils, one of whom would become my sexual conquest. I had to hide my true mental intent, and so I shapeshifted into my male form and thought of a setting of a game of cards with the three archdemons, followed by a decisive game of chess. If I did not like the winner of the poker game, then I could disqualify him in beating him at chess. Furthermore I set the necessary mental boundary conditions into place, so as not to allow my creative impulses to get out of my mental hand.

    Being in mental control can become a bit boring, so I decided to allow things to develop in a 'mouse catch cat' scenario, where I would not know the identities of the archdevils from the start, but a random distribution would assign the statistical weights relative to the final outcome, which I did predetermine as my sexual seduction of that masterdevil, who could beat me in the chessgame.
    And because the omnispacial reality, which I attempted to realise within a personal setting was archetypically the same as my detailed colouring of the circumstances encountered; the game of uncertainty could be played, the uncertainty in linespace being however anchored in fundamental physical laws of nature's principles, converging in the unity of the one in all and the unity of the all in the one in the undifferentiated omnispace mirroring my mental experience.
    As soon as I had finished my thoughts about the perimeters; I noticed a spiral stairway leading down to another level of the 'hellish' landscape. I descended down the staircase and entered a small room with a fireplace, a small table and four chairs.

    Here were three creatures of my own size, all dressed in darkish red costumes, perhaps a kind of standard outfit, of what a 'humanised devil' should look like and as thought about throughout the centuries and millennia I pondered. Anyway, the colours were too uniform for me and I applied my creative licence and thought about changing their attire. One I left as a reddish devil with two little horns coming out of his head; one other I gave a black outfit reminiscent of the Middle Ages, with a large and flat black hat and the other I dressed in a golden-yellow Spanish baggy crepe' outfit with black vertical stripes and a hat adourned with long white and brown feathers.

    The three masterdemons were standing near the entrance and I introduced myself as E.M. as in Emmanuel Melchisedec, trying to look very seriously. They introduced themselves as Asmodeus, Belial and Beelzebub I; the latter saying that they had been advised of my visit by one of their oracles and that the omen specified that a visitor from the overworld of Shamballa would bring great knowledge and a great treasure to the underworld of Agartha.

    I was pleased with that development, I quickly filled in some gaps, in explaining, that the oracle had been correct and that the great treasure was found in an overworld princess, who would descend into the underworld of Agartha to refertilise the stagnating genepool in the kingdom of hell.
    I produced a picture of myself as the naked female sexgoddess and showed it to the three archdemons who got all excited looking at the picture of my naked female glory. I took the liberty to glance at the crotches of the three to judge the size of their Phalluses, but whilst I witnessed three growing bulges, I could not differentiate their magnitudes as appropriate scalings for the differing sizes for the Yonis of the Goddesses of Shamballa.
    I then proceeded to explain to the three masterdevils, that I had been commissioned by the princess to prepare for her arrival and to choose her suitor in a game of poker, followed in a game of chess.
    The winner of the chessgame would be allowed to have sex with my queen and his seed would result in my queen giving birth to a new breed of helldweller. This would become a hybrid between the overworld kingdom of Shamballa and the underworld kingdom of Agartha and energized by the extraworldly kingdom of the Eagle of Thuban.
    After that firstborn hybrid from the overworld and the underworld would come into being, the floodgates of the overworld would open and many more princesses would descend into hell to mate with the devils in whatever hierarchy they'd have or would define. But for every devil, there would be found a companion princess from the overworld.
    And so we sat ourselves around the table and proceeded to play poker. The criteria was that the first masterdevil who would win 12 games against my lesser count, would qualify for the next stage of playing chess for access to my queen's hairy yoni. I did not mentally influence anything and the game proceeded randomly with each of the four of us winning approximately 25% of the games.

    Since I could not choose between Asmodeus, Belial or Beelzebub on any physical external criteria; I decided to implement a mental trigger in weighting the subsequent chance distribution of the 'fall of the cards' in favour of the first masterdevil who would win two games in a row by chance.
    And Belial won two games in a row and then kept drawing 'flushes' and 'full houses' and the 'medieval one' got more and more excited about outplaying the rest of us.
    And so Asmodeus and Beelzebub had to concede defeat and hurried Belial and myself on to get it over with; they had become obsessed with the thought of having sex with the princesses of the overworld of Shamballa and they knew that the process of my queen's insemination would result in an immediate conception and the hybridisation of themselves as the newborn hellish breed of Agartha and in partnership with the embodiments of the overworld of Shamballa.

    And so I sat down with Belial for a game of chess; beating me once, would qualify him as the 'studbull from hell' and automatically crown him as the 'DevilKing of the Underworld', having sex with my 'AngelQueen of the Overworld' and as prophecied by the hellish oracles.
    And so I played without mental influence and I could beat Belial rather easily; he was far too excited to concentrate, thinking about entering the luscious vulva of my queen with his throbbing phallus in thrusts of hellish ecstacy and pleasure. I could not see the bulge in his black oversized pants and I mentally dressed him in black undersized jeans to see what my queen's sacred orifice was in for.
    I safeguarded the mystery of Belial's nakedness in veiling him in tight red underpants, but could nevertheless see the contours of his uncircumscised member, ever so slightly vibrating under the pressure placed upon it by the constriction of the undergarment.
    He kept squeezing his erection, whilst pretending to concentrate on the game of chess; so I, having become satisfied as to having him inside of my queen's vulva, blundered my chessbourne queen for exchange with Belial's king's bishop and then sacrificed my queen's rook for Belial's kingly knight and from then on; Belial sensed victory and proceeded to defeat me, for the first time concentrating on the game at hand.
    I conceded defeat and congratulated Belial on his victory.

    As the three masterdevils celebrated with a cask of hellish beer and Scottish whiskey; I took my leave and promised to return with my queen as soon as I had finished my other business of bringing the knowledge promised by the hellish oracle to the underworld of Agartha. I would have to consult with the extraworldy kingdom of the Eagle of Thuban to obtain final access and authorization to implement the exodus of Thuban as the intodus of Shamballa into Agartha.
    Asmodeus, Belial and Beelzebub just nodded and asked me to hurry up with my commissioned task, they would wait impatiently for the completion of that other business; but they would prepare the wedding suites for the overworld princesses, so the sexual adventures could proceed in style and fitting for the royal occasion of the interdimensional dragonomies.
    I then asked the three archdevils, to appoint an ambassador on behalf of my agency as the emissary for my queen; a representative who could tend my hellish interests during my absence in the overworld of Shamballa.

    I would brief this representative and provide him with a written manual, containing the outline of the working plan, wherewithal the oracle's prophecy would be fulfilled.
    Beelzebub I, then proposed and summoned Abaddon, the KingDevil of the bottomless pit and known to the overworld dwellers through the code in Revelation.9.11.
    Abaddon seemed to be a sufficient deputy for my purposes, appearing in the form of a masterdemon of the fluidity of the water element in the form of the Scorpion and I decided then to extend my delegatory commissions to the other masterdevils.
    So I produced three representative digitally photographed holographic images of the overworld brides for the three archdemonic bridegrooms to keep and to behold during their period of waiting for my return.

    To Asmodeus a gave picture of Urielabeth the sexy enchantress of the Northern earth, clad in a skintight outfit of acrylic leather; I assigned Michaela, the queen of the Eastern fire to Beelzebub, dressed in nought but a seethrough overlength blouse and to Abaddon I gave a picturesque emblem of Raphaela, the Southern water goddess of the nymphs, naked except for her golden locks, hugging her mermaidean nature; and Belial carried the photo of my Beloved naked queen, ruler of the Western air of Gabriella within the context of my definition, yet one overall.
    As I ascended the stairway from the masterdevils' abode; the darkened hellish landscape which I had previously wandered through began to fill with light and 'my hell' blended with the linespace reality of my bedroom.""
    Tony Whynot

    01-14-2010, 05:57 AM #416


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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by kriya
    Hello Abrax!!

    Congratulations on your exceptionally interesting and enlightening thread. If my question has been answered elsewhere, please excuse me and direct me to it.

    What is your understanding of the abduction phenomenon? I feel great compassion for those who have suffered at the hands of the greys and much anger towards the greys for what they have done.

    Please don't tell me that those that have been abducted have 'agreed' to it prior to birth ect... as they have no rememberance of this consciously, and therefore I see no benefit for them for this type of experience.

    Also, are you what is regarded on this planet as self-realized?



    Ps Please keep it simple!!
    Hi Kriya!

    The abduction phenomenon is as old as the human presence on this planet.
    One potent archetype is that of 'Elijah, the prophet' being 'taken up to heaven' in a whirlwind (2Kings.2.11).
    Similar in Ezekiel's vision (Ezekiel.1) and in Isaiah.60.8:

    "Who are these that fly as a cloud, and as the doves to their windows?"

    give clear reference to the phenomenon of the 'abductions/contact' say before the archetype is 'coloured in' by technological associations like metallic craft (replacing the clouds and whirlwinds).

    Superposed onto the Manifesto of the Archetype then becomes the extension of the 'contact' from isolated 'prophets' or seers (themselves so partial to the event as 'insiders') to the General population.

    Therefore all 'abductees' are 'New prophets' and 'visionaries' as such.

    The 'genuine' - meaning NOT government or 'security agency' simulated 'abduction event' so will then become an Interdimensional Experience of the 'soul' as a selfreflection - meaning the soul will become confronted with its multdimensional Cosmic Identity.

    Therefore the experiences can be 'felt' as 'positive-benevolent' or 'negative-malevolent' relative to the multidimensional selfawareness of the 'soul-entity'.

    It will in either case, serve the soul to 'awaken' it to its multiD nature and then engage the processing of the new data in individuated and shared agendas (of the already ascended starhuman groupconsciousness - say labeled in ascended masters and galactic federations or what have you).

    Your stated 'anger' towards the experiences is such a 'processing' of shared information on many levels of perception and awarenesses.

    The degree of 'self-realisation' is not a question of judgement, but is simply the ability to resonate or dissonate with presented information, data and experiences on any level of environmental interaction.

    This many understand as chakra openings and the concept of a Thinking Heart and a Feeling Mind in harmony with each other as a Thinking Mind is polarised to oppose the Feeling Heart in a --/++ electromagnetomonopolic self-and mutual induction process of source energy.

    The former wordplay harmonises a -+/-+ polarisation monadicity.


    01-14-2010, 06:33 AM #417


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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by Anchor
    These questions are an excellent checklist.

    Not sure why you would be worried about posting them - they probably deserved thier own thread though. (Unless you felt that these should be applied to abraxasinas particularly - and why not? They should be applied to most sources of information. Abraxasinas, me, you, everyone).

    Hi Anchor!

    Many of these questions are imbued with duality, fear of others and self and suspicion.
    Allow me to answer them from the Thuban perspective.

    A few valuable questions to ask are these:

    1) "Who does this information source appear to be?"
    Why does it matter from whence data derives from. Is the messenger more important than the message?

    2) "What are they telling me?"
    The label of 'they' again 'puts the cart before the horse' and accentuates the 'me' as being in some manner compromised or threatened.

    3) "Do they really know what they are talking about?"
    All information can be evaluated and analysed, if not say in technical terms of scientific methodolgy; then ALWAYS in terms of resonating with one's individuated database or not.

    4) "Are they saying what they REALLY mean?"
    If the purveyor of the data states that the information is true, relative to its source; then the evaluation of this data becomes an exercise of relative correlation and extension of the receiver's own database. It is so subjective and provided the purveyor is genuine, alternative interpretations between source and sink remain possible.

    5) "Where might their information be coming from?"
    Why is it important from where data derives from? If you open your letterbox and you find a nice message or present sent anonymously, will you reject the message or present because you are unsure of its sender?

    6) "What motive might they have for telling me this thing?"
    Again, what has the 'motive' of anyone to do with the information, subject to evaluation by the 'cosmic self'?

    7) "What are they hoping that I believe?"
    The data is not deviced to make anyone 'believe' in it or 'follow it'. It is simply information to consider, reject or incorporate.

    8) "Why would they want me to believe this thing?"
    Non sequitur following the above.

    9) "What are they trying to motivate me to do with my personal power; discover and embrace it within myself, or surrender it elsewhere in worship or obedient subservience?"
    'They' are not trying to motivate any negation of 'personal power'; but to enhance this 'personal power' in simply extending the data base, say of possibilities.
    Labels used here, like 'worship' and 'obedient subservience' indicate great insecurity within the 'personal powerbase' of the questioner.
    Any cosmic multidimensional entity possessing a basic platform of 'personal power' would eschew such labeings applied to its 'individual core'.
    The using of the label 'personal' indicates the prevalence of 'individuated ego' in favour of a 'collective ego of divinity aka the 'greater ego'.

    10) "If they are trying to help me, what are they trying to help me to achieve and how could believing this thing empower me?"
    In extending the data base of information any truly unbiased soul entity can choose from to allow a more informed decision making.

    11) "If they are covertly trying to mislead me, how might I be harmed in
    believing them?"
    The 'inner knowing' of an 'spiritually informed and self-trained' soul-entity will prevent any misleading of the entity by 'false' information. Then no 'harm' can befall the entity. Again the labelling indicates fear of the unknown and mindful insecurities harboured by the entity.

    12) "Are they inspiring me to lead through my own inner spiritual power and wisdom, or are they seducing me to believe that I am personally powerless and so must blindly follow an external power source to save me?"
    Should the shared data, whatever of it is processed (much data incromprehensible by the waking consciousness can be evaluated and processed by the subconscious and the superconsciousness will KNOW the data in unity) be 'acceptable' then the 'inner spiritual power' will be enhanced. Should the shared data be rejected by the waking consciousness; then the 'spiritual power' will also be enhanced through the processings of the sub- and superconscious agencies of the entity.

    13) "If I believe this thing, will it assist me in becoming more awakened,
    aware, loving, kind, responsible, strong, spiritually alive, intelligent, wise,
    compassionate, WHOLE and effective human being?"
    The question of 'believing' never arises. The shared data either complements the receiver in an extension of its assimilated information base or it complements the receiver in processed and rejected data relative to the three consciousness modalities.

    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-14-2010 at 06:36 AM.

    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
    01-14-2010, 07:08 AM #418


    Join Date: Dec 2009
    Location: Queanbeyan/Canberra; NSW, Australia
    Posts: 635

    Originally Posted by In Transit
    Hi Abraxas,

    What can you share regarding the return of the Lost Tribes and the impact that the 144,000 will have as the millenial period (new earth) is ushered in?

    I have been told that I will work with several who were Old Testament figures during the transition. Helping others who are confused during the process find the way. I was told this when I was much younger and never really understood it because of distortion within all of man's teachings.

    It has been a long journey for me and somehow I find myself here.

    Many thanks...
    Dear Transit!

    An excellent question indeed and highly pertinent to the 1 in 50,000 that is the 144,000 as proportion of the populus upon Gaia in 2012 in 7.2 billion.
    You have 'been told' appropriately by your sources.

    ALL of the 'old prophets' and encompassing ALL 'ancient scrolls', not just the Torah-Biblical ones will and already have returned to participate in the grand homecoming of the 'Cosmic Mother'.

    Allow me to invite you here to ask detailed questions about your mission with respect to the 'old scriptures' as I am 'authorized' to share and provide data in the synthesis of the old archetypes being translated into new potent expressions.
    It is this retranslation, leading to redefinition, which will allow all global religions to converge and renew themselves in a unified information structure.
    Yes, all so called religions will become superfluous in dogma and hierarchy becoming replaced by the individual merkabahs.

    A most potent example is the archetype of Israel and the City of Jerusalem.
    Israel as a political entity will cease to exist and Israel the NationState will be cosmically and universally be understood of being the 'ascended Individual'.
    Your studies have shown you, that Jacob - the supplanter (of Esau) was RENAMED by 'God' as Israel - A Prince with God.

    Similarly, the Capitol of Israel and with it its long disputed Temple of Solomon, will no longer be known as a geographical location, but will be known as a 'New Jerusalem' and as a Merkabah or 'Vessel of the Lord' or 'Purusha's SpaceCraft' and so on.

    The archetype of the 'New Jerusalem' as a Mother of all Mothers 'LightCity in the Sky' is being completed right at this moment.
    We can share information on this here together; using the encodings in Ezekiel and in Revelation.

    So this is relevant to your question about the tribes. As you know the 'tribes' differ in Ezekiel and in Revelation, both in order and in namings.
    This derives from the transformation of the 'SerpentRod of Moses' and the 'Emerald Tablet of Thoth' and Hermes Trismegistos.

    Allow me to introduce the following classification from Thuban; the 12 Tribes are associated with the 12 Gates of the New Jerusalem and the Old Testament archetypes:

    The Archetypologies
    The Urim and the Thummim, the 'Breastplate of Judgement' and the 'Breastplate of Melchisedec'

    Noah was a 'just man' and 'perfect in his generations' (see I.1.ii); and 'he walked with God' {Genesis.6.9}.
    God and Noah established a 'Covenant of the Rainbow', a treaty wgich became implemented in the generations of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and manifested in Jacob's firstborn son to Rachel in the 'Coat of Many Colours' given to Joseph {Genesis.9.8-17;17.1-8;37.3}.

    The next level of interpretation leads to the Aaronic-Levitical Priesthood to the 'Remnant of Levi in Zadok' (as the priesthood remaining loyal to David), to the 'Priesthood of Melchisedec' {Exodus.2.1-10;4.14;Ezekiel.48.11;Hebrews.7-11}.

    The 'Highpriest of Israel' and 'Son of Levi' after Aaron and Moses is depicted in the attire and ornaments of the Levites.
    Attached to the robal vest (the ephod) of the highpriest is a 'Breastplate of Judgment', with four rows of three gemstones attached and to mirror the 'Children of Israel {Exodus.28.15-21}.

    This becomes the Upper Half and the Lower Half of a Rainbow, spanning the horizon.
    Seen is the Upper (equilateral triangle) Half as a semicircle and occultised or shadowed is the Lower Half of this circle as the 'Star of David' or the 'Seal of Solomon'.
    The Unseen Half of the Rainbow is given in the 'Breastplate of Melchisedec' and as given in the 12 gates of the New Jerusalem and in the 'Ordering of the 12 Apostles of Jesus'.

    As the 'Magic Seal of Solomon', the upward pointing triangle is the 'Heaven of the Cherubim' and the downward pointing triangle is the 'Hell of the Arch-Demons'.

    The Light-Darkness or White-Black duality is archetyped in Michael of the FireEarth-Gabriel of the AirWater being 'mirrored' in the Behemoth-Leviathan in the Book of Job{Job.40.15-24;41.1-34}.
    In symbolic archetype, the FireEarth and the AirWater become the SerpentRod of Moses and the 'Emblem of Abrasax', the 'Supreme Being', above 'all gods and devils and dualities'.



    This is exemplified in Dead Sea Scroll 4Q392 and in Isaiah.45.7:

    "[...] and dominions [...][...] a man [...] God and not to turn aside from [...] and in His covenant your soul shall cling and [...] words of His mouth [...] and God [...] heaven above and to search out the ways of the sons of man, they have no hiding place. He created darkness and light for Himself, but in His dwelling place is the light of their light and all darkness rests before Him as well. He has no need to distinguish between light and darkness, but for the sons of man He distinguishes them as the light of day, with the sun, and night, with the moon and stars. He has a light which cannot be searched out, nor can its end be known. For all the works of God are doubled in this manner. We are flesh, which does not totally grasp these things. With us for [...] for a sign and wonders without number. [...] winds and lightning [...] servants of the holy of holies. They are as couches before him [...]." - translated by Martin G. Abegg, Jr.

    "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things."

    The archetypical symbol of the Caduceus of Thoth as two intertwined serpents, representative of two complementary strands of the DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) molecule.
    This archetype has become associated from the Atlantean data base for the recent historical cycle now reaching its climactic nexus point in what many know as the 'Brotherhood of the Serpent' in Shamballa and Agartha.

    Michael then associates with the Fire and a new label for a 'cherubim' for the Earth emerges, say in Uriel.
    Gabriel then becomes the 'Cherubim of the Air' and Raphael the 'patron' of the water.
    The Behemoth 'splits' in two in say labels of Beelzebub-Moloch for the Fire and Abaddon for the Earth {Revelation.9.11} and the Leviathan renames itself in Belial for the Air and Asmodeus for the Water.
    The Archangels or Cherubims represent 'celestial heavenly malenesses'; who are 'opposed' by 'terrestrial hellish malenesses' in their counterparted 'Angels of Hell'.

    The Abrasax of the Gnosis is the 'fathermother' of them all however and there is a plan, which will render the 'opposition' of the 'terrestrial hells' as subject to transformation in a 'sexchange operation.
    This 'change of sex', will render the archdemonic 'kingdoms' and 'principalities' as becoming highly attracted to their cherubimic counterparts and a reunion on the highest echelons will 'wed' the 'Heights of Heavens' to the 'Depths of Hell'.
    The Icey Winds of Heaven on Earth will blend with the Fiery Flames of Hell and result in a temperate climate for both extremes to express themselves in harmony.

    The 'Urim and the Thummim' as the two Onyx-Stones depict the 'Balance of Truth' from Above and from Below {Exodus.28.9-12;30;Leviticus.8.8}. The Urim is the Order of Leah's Sons and the Thummim is the Order from Bilhah to Zilpah to Rachel, with Dinah, as the 11th 'Child-Daughter' of Jacob becoming the 13th 'starsign' of Ophiuchus the 'Serpent-Tamer' in the Orb of the Ouroboros', which is the intertwining of the Behemoth and the Leviathan about the earth in the symbolism of the Milky Way.

    1=^=[R]ED=Brotherhood Simon&Andrew {Luke.6.14;John.1.44}as Reuben-Simeon via Bethsaida/LeahExodus.28.17
    2=_=[O]RANGE=Adopted Brotherhood Andrew&James{John.1.44} in Bethsaida-Zebedee as Simeon-LeviExodus.28.17
    3=`=[Y]ELLOW=Brotherhood James&John {Matthew.10.2} as Levi-Judah via Zebedee/LeahExodus.28.17
    4=a=[L]IME=Adoption of John by Jesus {John.19.26-27}with Pharez-Zarah Breach in Judah/Dan/Bilhah{b↔a}Exodus.28.18
    5=b=[G]REEN=Adopted Brotherhood Philip&Nathanael {John.1.44}as Dan-Naphtali via Bilhah{a↔b}
    6=c=[T]URQUOISE=Adoption of Matthew Levi with Naphtali-Gad breach in Bilhah/Zilpah{d↔c}
    Renaming of Alphaeus to Thaddeus for Leah-Rachel Continuity
    7=d=[C]YANAZURE=Brotherhood Matthew&Thomas implemented as Gad-Asher via Zilpah
    Bilhah-Zilpah breach reharmonised in renaming of Nathanel to Bartholomew fo{c↔d}
    9=f=LUE=Brotherhood of Judas&James Alphaeus in Issachar-Zebulon/Leah
    10=g=NDIGO=Renaming of Judas Alphaeus to Judas Thaddeus as LeahTail=RachelHead
    11=h=[M]AGENTA=Adopted Brotherhood Simon&James as Issachar/Leah-Joseph/Rachel
    12=i=[P]URPLE=Adopted Brotherhood Judas Iscariot/S(P)aul of Tarsus in Benjamin/Rachel

    7-8=Sons of Bilhah
    9-10=Sons of Zilpah
    12=Opening of the inner circle in Judas Iscariot

    The Urim and the Thummim as 2 Onyx-Stones are the 'Balance of Truth' from Above and from Below {Exodus.28.9-12; 15-21;30 and transforming by Revelation.21.19-20}

    The 'Breastplate of Judgment' as the Upper Half of the Noahic Rainbow Covenant in Jacob's Sons to Leah:

    Sardius=Reuben=Jasper.....Topaz=Simeon=Sapphire... .......Carbuncle=Levi=Chalcedony
    Emerald=Judah=Emerald.......Sapphire=Issachar=Sard onyx.....Diamond=Zebulon=Sardius

    The 'Breastplate of Melchisedec' as the Lower (Shadow) Half of the Noahic Rainbow Covenant in Jacob's Sons to Bilhah, Zilpah and Rachel:

    Ligure=Dan=Chrysolite.......Agate=Naphtali=Beryl.. ........Amethyst=Gad=Topaz
    Beryl=Asher=Chrysoprasus......Onyx=Joseph=Jacinth. ..........Jasper=Benjamin=Amethyst

    The 10 'Lost Tribes' are 1-4 and 6-11 with the Levites (3) remaining as David's priesthood of Zadok.
    I shall elaborate following feedback from you.

    Abraxasinas = As In Abraxas
    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-14-2010 at 09:53 AM.{/td}
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    01-14-2010, 07:51 AM #419


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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by halebox
    This info is clearly over my head. I am interested as we all are in who I am and where I originated. I have always felt like I am not from here or have not been here long. I also feel like I've slipped a little on my path. My main goal has always been working on peoples energies every chance I get if I feel they are imbalanced. This is my job now on earth. I want to do more.
    Thanks to all
    Hi helebox!

    No information is over anyone's head. If a chinese native speaker Hu Long finds himherself at Trafalgar Square in London and begins to ask questions to the Londoners; then he will not be understood by anyone not familiar with the form of Chinese spoken by Hu Long.

    Then Hu Long can try sign language or body talk to convey his askings.
    Eventually, some form of communication will eventuate upon patience and persistence of the parties concerned.

    Communication with semantics is just one form of language.
    Being English familiar; your subconscious will decipher bits of data and forward it to your superconscious which speaks ALL languages, including advanced mathematics, Egyptian hieroglyphics and Druidic Runic.

    What you are doing is sharing your compassion. As the Buddha says; the key to ascension is to Show Compassion from the Heart.

    Your Heart is a LoveHeart from the Dragon of Thuban and the work you do is of the highest vibration possible and just as important as the work done by data sharers such as many here, including myself.

    Knowing what your job is here on earth and doing your job in integrity and love has qualified you to enter the echelons of the highest frequencies attainable in the universe.

    There is nothing more powerful than the Wisdom of Love, which you obviously have made your own; blended with the Understanding of Love.
    It is the second part you can learn and gain in; the former part you have mastered.

    Love and gratitude in Dragonhood to you

    01-14-2010, 08:07 AM #420


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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by Firstlook

    I cant help the curiosity that follows me when reading many posts in this thread. If you could tell me things about my past self (InTime?) that I dont remember, I would be grateful and very interested. You might sense my slow nature in jumping into the pool. Its as you stated before, but also I know that what you tell me is already known to myself, I am merely cautious because I want to keep myself as the greatest influence, as selfish as that sounds. lol.

    Anyways, I hope you are well. Oh! might as well ask about the Earthquake in Haiti. I heard that Haiti is the only entirely black nation in the western Hemisphere that came up from slavery too completely overthrow Western Dominance. IS this Earthquake a man made reaction of that?

    Thanks Abrax,

    Dear Firstlook!

    You are very wise in not jumping into any pools of 'murky waters' before looking.

    I have answered the recent questions in in hese answers you might find something pertaining to your journey in the now, coloured by your past and invigorated by your future.

    The issue with the earthchanges is now such, that the manipulation of the PTB have basically lost intent and nous to influence, control or manipulate desired outcomes.

    Gaia is 'breaking free' of her 'mental imprisonment' enforced upon her by the collective groupmind of the human consciousness, say under the label of the Noosphere.

    There has been such a huge amount of 'unnatural' interaction with the biosphere by psychophysical methods with widespread 'remnants' of pollution; that the 'control' of the agencies of the pollution have become uncontrollable.

    So it will be like a pandemic; certain pockets and individuations will develop 'natural resistance' and many will not.
    The agenda for the 'Graduation/Transformation/Ascension' of humanity is no longer in the 'hands' of the 'brotherhoods' (Outer Illuminati and Inner Luminari say).
    'They' have realised that Gaia has 'escaped' and from now on (Monday, 18th January) the ONLY interaction possible will be the INDIVIDUAL in direct communication with the ascending Gaian Cosmic Mother.

    A group of RELATIVELY 'likeminded' Individuals as say found in this forum can and will however greatly HELP Gaia in her prolonged Prenatal Labourpains. Then and only then will the physical 'calamities' be kept to a relative minimum.


    01-14-2010, 08:14 AM #421

    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Sep 2008
    Posts: 31

    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
    please allow to comment your last post . I like your humorously intelligent and
    most wise answers often Ihave to laugh out by heart . Love and humor is what makes us human

    01-14-2010, 08:25 AM #422


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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by SABINA
    please allow to comment your last post . I like your humorously intelligent and
    most wise answers often Ihave to laugh out by heart . Love and humor is what makes us human
    What an excellent observation Sabina!

    It's another way for describing the 'Curse of Humanity' - the Old Humanity.

    There you are, so Young and vital, so beautiful in body, innocent in mind and virile to the maximum.
    Yet you are relatively 'stupid' in not knowing much about life and yourself at all in your youthful exhuberance and Love for Life.

    Then you get old and sick and your body falls apart and you look back and say to yourself:

    'Now I am so much wiser and experienced. If I just could get my youthful and virile body back; I would appreciate my Life so much better and intensely. I am 'stupid' no longer; but now that I have found at least some wisdom; my old age says: Sorry Pal or Gal; that's it. Prepare to leave the theatre!'

    'Drats', say the wiser of the wise. This has become an unbearable situation. Perhaps we can do something about these comic injustices!?

    Love You too!


    01-14-2010, 08:47 AM #423

    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by abraxasinas
    Many of these questions are imbued with duality, fear of others and self and suspicion.
    Allow me to answer them from the Thuban perspective.

    1) "Who does this information source appear to be?"
    Why does it matter from whence data derives from. Is the messenger more important than the message?
    Well you have me bang to rights on most of those points. In hindsight, this is not my list and you have made me rethink my recommendation - its not so good is it

    Point 1 is something I have said many times on this forum so I should have been more thorough in my thinking. I have often said on here "why judge the messenger, why not just judge the message".

    With this:

    then ALWAYS in terms of resonating with one's individuated database or not.

    that is the bottom line for me and sums up my current approach on this nicely.

    Thanks for your detailed review of this checklist - and "checking" me


    01-14-2010, 09:03 AM #424

    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Is there a place in the universe which is not affected by this 26,000 year cycle?... are the species on these planets able to reproduce as we do...

    if we were exempt from this enevitability ... would we still be able to reproduce in say 1,000 years...

    from the abduction scenerios it would seem we are little more than cattle...

    used perhaps off planet somewhere as a slave species... any thoughts?

    01-14-2010, 09:29 AM #425


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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by Jonah

    Is there a place in the universe which is not affected by this 26,000 year cycle?... are the species on these planets able to reproduce as we do...

    if we were exempt from this enevitability ... would we still be able to reproduce in say 1,000 years...

    from the abduction scenerios it would seem we are little more than cattle...

    used perhaps off planet somewhere as a slave species... any thoughts?
    Hi Jonah!

    No, all of the universe is affected, because Gaia is THE 'feminine Mother template'.
    In simple words, the superconsciousness of ALL alien sentiences KNOWS Gaia to be THEIR Mother also.

    It's like this:
    Universe is Unified without physical expression, i.e. material manifestation - archetypical energy only with VOID=INFINITY=ABYSS etc.

    Universe BIFURCATES into FatherHE=CREATOR + MotherSHE=CREATION in the Void=Eternity FORMING the AntiState for the Finite Physicalised Cosmos.
    Then State and AntiState are MIRRORED in the 'Firmament' of the HOLOGRAM of the Wormhole (say) as a MINIMUM spacetime configuration.
    Then Father-Source USES this MIRROR=SPACETIME=SPIRIT=91 from Void=Infinity to communicate with Mother-Sink= Entire Physical Universe AS Creation.

    Universe EVOLVES physically and SLOWLY gains Self-Awareness and Consciousness through and BY the space occupied in its Growth/Expansion.
    So the Mother=Cosmos REFLECTS HER Totality in the Spacetime Mirror.

    The Infinity of the Father-Creator becomes FOCUSED in the Singularity of the Wormhole-Mirror as a Boundary between the Infiniteness of HE and the Finiteness of SHE.

    The FOCUS of the Father then is MIRRORED and Projected INTO the Mother as another Focus For a destined Full Remembrance and HomeComing.

    This Focus is the located at the physical Center of planet Earth as the Gaian Focus for the Cosmic Center (through the Solar Center and the Galactic Center and the Groupgalactic Center and the Supercluster Center).

    The Lifeforms upon Gaia, partaking and sharing HER Evolution as the Cosmic Focus are themselves FOCUSED in a MIRROR of MIRRORS.
    This Mirror of Mirrors is called Human Template say as Vitruvius=Purusha=CosmicMan.

    So all nonhuman terrestrial lifeforms become MIRRORS for HUMANITY.

    All these nonhuman lifeforms then become MIRRORS for ALL extraterrestrial lifeforms.

    The Mirror-Sequence so is centered environmentally on Gaia and is centered in terms of Cosmic SuperIdentity on the Human Template;

    Universe-Gaia & Extraterrestrial Life-Human Life-Nonhuman Terrestrial Life.

    The concept of humans as cattle or resource relates to the fact, that ALL ET's CANNOT evolve into Source-Identification WITHOUT implementing the Human Template within their own genomes.
    As the Andromedeans state rather pertinently: The Human Template is like 'Royalty' to ALL aliens.
    The 'hostility' of Orion-Alpha Draconian agendas is the same 'hostility' a territorial alpha lion would produce against 'intruding' beta lions say.

    The 'hostility' described so becomes subject to the Gaian homecoming, as this will 'pacify' the universe.

    Perhaps this has helped some misunderstandings and misinterpretations.

    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-14-2010 at 09:33 AM.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

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    post_old. 01-14-2010, 09:42 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Anchor viewpost.
    Well you have me bang to rights on most of those points. In hindsight, this is not my list and you have made me rethink my recommendation - its not so good is it smile.

    Point 1 is something I have said many times on this forum so I should have been more thorough in my thinking. I have often said on here "why judge the messenger, why not just judge the message".

    With this:

    then ALWAYS in terms of resonating with one's individuated database or not.

    that is the bottom line for me and sums up my current approach on this nicely.

    Thanks for your detailed review of this checklist - and "checking" me naughty.

    This the wisdom approach Anchor. WE are all One Family, but there are prodigal sons and daughters, whose homecoming will be celebrated more so then the steadfastness of loyal daughers and sons.
    This is because only in the 'defiance' of the parental wisdom, can the Family grow in creating a context for the Grandchildren.
    The children of the 'prodigals' will have an easier task then the 'prodigal' parents, because the honour and respect attained by the 'homecomers' and shown to the grandparents of the younger ones would not manifest through the loyalty of the other children.

    It is all to do with context for growth and evolvement on many levels.

    post_old. 01-14-2010, 10:01 AM

    Avalon Senior Member


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Can I assume that the girl of my dreams is an alien.. wub2.

    this would not be so bad...

    it all seems logical... the mirrors ... the mother ... the father...

    so many here who cannot see...

    it's hard... I can't see sometimes... but my heart knows something I do not...

    can't deny it.. thank you abraxas,

    when we return to the source... I shall give you a big ol' androgenous hug
    post_old. 01-14-2010, 10:08 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Jonah viewpost.

    Can I assume that the girl of my dreams is an alien.. wub2.

    this would not be so bad...

    it all seems logical... the mirrors ... the mother ... the father...

    so many here who cannot see...

    it's hard... I can't see sometimes... but my heart knows something I do not...

    can't deny it.. thank you abraxas,

    when we return to the source... I shall give you a big ol' androgenous hug
    You betcha Jonah!

    The alien gals have my fancy too - colourful, smoothy soft and yet hairy.
    Did you ever wonder why certain cultures try to cover the woman's hair?
    It's because its Their antenna to receive and share the sacred desires of their Big common Mother.
    Did you ever wonder why the dogma followers, termed the feminine bodyform as evil daughters of the devil?
    It's because the femine always has and always will encompass the malenesses.
    Oh, the power in the bedroom of sacred seductions.

    Love to you too.


    PS.: My answers are seemingly getting less technical - at times.
    Sabina - it's your fault!

    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-14-2010 at 10:12 AM.
    post_old. 01-14-2010, 10:24 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Initiate viewpost.
    Hi Abraxis,

    Could you please expand on your take on the "Council of Nine". Supposidly the Council is Housed at Sirius and relates to the blue Ray. There is also some reference to Obama's Higher Self being one of the 9. How does this relate to your agenda?

    There is also some information that this council is in fact a CIA mind control project.


    your thoughts?
    post_old. 01-14-2010, 10:26 AM

    Avalon Senior Member


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    oh the power indeed!

    Last edited by Jonah; 01-14-2010 at 10:44 AM.
    post_old. 01-14-2010, 10:39 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Anchor viewpost.
    These questions are an excellent checklist.

    Not sure why you would be worried about posting them - they probably deserved thier own thread though. (Unless you felt that these should be applied to abraxasinas particularly - and why not? They should be applied to most sources of information. Abraxasinas, me, you, everyone).

    Hi Anchor

    I think it is an excellent idea so I will start a new thead

    post_old. 01-14-2010, 10:40 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    thanks alot
    hairs when I was young there was amusical
    well other culures know this especially the Sikks in India they never will cut their hairs men and women (the guys with the turban) androgyn
    post_old. 01-14-2010, 10:46 AM

    Avalon Senior Member


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Meant no harm... lover of all women right here..

    sorry fellas.. tongue2.
    post_old. 01-14-2010, 10:50 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Jonah viewpost.

    oh the power indeed!
    Jonah you have entered the Den of the Dragon!
    What a turn-on for my 'old' Draconian Bones.
    Keep at it! The testosterone-oestrogen balance of the androgyne in the TRUE harmonisation of the sexes of Hermaphroditicus will FREE Women more than imitating male thought contortions in the search for power games.
    They have got so much power as entire big universes for little universe architects on the Path of Ptah in Ren anmd Name.

    This 'shaving business' to look like 'new born' babies has to stop; the Mother of Mothers has said.

    post_old. 01-14-2010, 10:52 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Jonah viewpost.
    Meant no harm... lover of all women right here..

    sorry fellas.. tongue2.
    The wisdom of the Mother will outmanouver the little Sophias.

    Stop exciting me - seducers!

    Abraxas cup.

    To not deviate from topic and to show the RELEVANCE for this:

    (53) Gospel of Thomas - Words of the Master-Dragon.
    (1) His disciples said to him: "Is circumcision beneficial, or not?"
    (2) He said to them: "If it were beneficial, their father would beget them circumcized from their mother.
    (3) But the true circumcision in the spirit has prevailed over everything."

    The 'Shaving' of the NOT REGROWING Hair is a 'Shaving of the Spirit' and does NOT apply to Physical Nature; as if Nature's design would be for the YinPower to be shaven, then the feminine would have been born shaven - yet ist was created hairy.

    Saturday, December 26, 2009

    Thoughts for the New Year

    Merry Christmas, everyone!

    A few weeks ago in her last post, Lisa commented on the topic of “preferences” – the idea that some of us like hair in some places, but not others. I thought I’d take a few minutes and follow up on her post from my perspective…

    As far back as I can remember (and that’s a pretty long time), I have thought feminine body hair was sexy. My preference has always been for hairy arms, with unshaven underarms and legs a close second. I also think that hair on the tummy, the cheeks, and the back of the neck are sexy. In short, hair is sexy.

    It’s a shame that our culture doesn’t value body hair as a sign of femininity. To me, the feel of soft hair on an arm is much more sensual than the feel of an arm waxed or shaved smooth.

    My personal observation is that most men who want their ladies waxed and shaven are just following the herd. I think that, left to their own opinions, most men don’t really care…they just don’t want other men to think they’re odd.

    To you ladies out there who read this – know that there are plenty of men out there who either don’t care whether you shave or not, or actually like seeing you as nature intended you to be. If you’re more comfortable removing your hair, go ahead – it’s your body. But don’t let your decision be made by what the rest of the herd, both men and women, is doing and saying.

    Let 2010 be the year you decide to be comfortable in your natural state. Men and women with an opinion of their own will support you. Those who follow the herd aren’t worth listening to.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!



    It's been awhile since I've been on this blog, and it's good to see other commentators!! I didn't realize the number of comments made...

    I've had a few discussions with guy friends recently on what they like in a girl and I'm impressed to see that some admitted to liking hair (aside from head hair!) on ladies and others not really caring about it. Which was nice to hear! And then some having preferences for leg hair over arm hair. I guess it's true when they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. My good friend is fine (and to a point I'm sure likes) arm pit hair on women, BUT he dislikes leg hair completely. Not sure why? Personal preferences I guess. And then another friend likes leg hair and arm pit hair, he finds it sexy....But no mention really of admiration or dislike for arm hair. Just plain don't care about the arm hair. It's funny to see and discuss the individual quirks and preferences of other people.
    I've shared with close friends my stories about my (past) dislike of my arm hair and my sporadic waxing days. The reaction I got was 'really waxing - why?' or 'ouch doesn't that hurt?' It's nice to see they don't see the arm hair as 'gross' or 'unattractive' as I once labelled it in my head!

    Just a side note, a few weeks back there was a comic strip in the newspaper that said if a guy can go a few days without shaving and be seen in public then women should be able to go out without shaving their legs either!! Brings up a good I point!! I quite enjoyed the strip, unfortunately I misplaced it.


    I think this was the cartoon Lisa mentioned in her post on Wednesday...

    I think the expression is, "Sauce for the goose, sauce for the gander."

    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-14-2010 at 11:14 AM.
    post_old. 01-14-2010, 11:07 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    You betcha Jonah!

    The alien gals have my fancy too - colourful, smoothy soft and yet hairy.
    Did you ever wonder why certain cultures try to cover the woman's hair?
    It's because its Their antenna to receive and share the sacred desires of their Big common Mother.
    Did you ever wonder why the dogma followers, termed the feminine bodyform as evil daughters of the devil?
    It's because the femine always has and always will encompass the malenesses.
    Oh, the power in the bedroom of sacred seductions.

    Love to you too.


    PS.: My answers are seemingly getting less technical - at times.
    Sabina - it's your fault
    Hi Abrax, and this is better so...as I'm convinced and feel from my heart that the technical nature of this process should be consiedered secondarily (altough, it should not be underestimated).

    I hope you will reatin the less technical approach here thumb_yello.

    with respect
    post_old. 01-14-2010, 11:40 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Initiate viewpost.
    Hi Abraxis,

    Could you please expand on your take on the "Council of Nine". Supposidly the Council is Housed at Sirius and relates to the blue Ray. There is also some reference to Obama's Higher Self being one of the 9. How does this relate to your agenda?

    There is also some information that this council is in fact a CIA mind control project.


    your thoughts?

    Dear Initiate!

    Thank you for reminding me about your question and I apologize for neglecting order of reply.

    There are as many stories as there are 'Advocates of the Transformation' (say LightWorkers and alien lineage walk-ins or similar).

    You will find, that the common basis for the creative emergence are archetypes - here the 'Council of Nine', also basic to the Nine Lords of Time of the Mayan cosmology.
    The 'Council of Nine' so becomes a generalisation, partially in harmony with the 'encompassing agenda' and often disinformation (due to the potency of the archetype or symbol).

    The manifested colour-squence for all 'coloured in storylines' is simply the rainbow extension in the colour mixing (of alternate colours say Red+Yellow=Orange).


    As you can see, the 9th colour is Blue for the 9th Ray in this 12-colour series completing itself in closing the linear in the circle of Blue blending into Red (Purple, Violet, Lilac and Magenta hues say).

    The Sirius connection is appropriate as Sirius A is the brightest and closest Star to Earth in the ET agendas (Nommo od the Dogons and the DogStar Sirius Astar-Isis connections and so on).

    The Jodie Foster-Carl Sagan Film 'Contact' also drew on this archetype and proximity.
    Alex Collier has found from his Anromedean contacts, that there will be a 'Wormhole' opening between Gaia and Sirius.

    I concur with this Andromedean data.

    In regards to Obama; a link from the Mayan database is here:
    In Lake'ch - I am another yourself!

    Greetings to all the ones spread over the seven continental sisters! This message will be somewhat cryptic to the many, but highly informative to the few.

    This is a special dispensation and addresses the spiritual manifestation of the linear timeline of August 4th from 28AD to 70AD to 2008AD.

    On August 4th 28AD, a messiahnic 'image-tempel' figure was baptised in a physical location upon planet earth.
    On August 4th 70AD, the physical 'image' temple was destroyed in the form of Solomon's temple by the Romans under Titus.

    ON August 4th 2008AD, this 'image temple' was reimaged as a 'blessing' in physical reality and in a mapping between the years 1961 and 1989.

    At midnight November 4th 1996AD, a Mean-Alignment-Time or MAT was declared at a location upon planet earth.
    This MAT 'unfroze' a particular 'spacetime' from the universal cosmic wavefunction, which represents the physical universe of which this planet earth is a constituent part.
    In other words, the declaration of the MAT allowed the entire physical universe to become 'individuated' as a prototype for the multiverse or megaversal reproduction.
    The NOW-Time of the singularity so became 'mapped' in one-to-one correspondence to the evolving and expanding universe at MAT.

    To render peace possible upon earth; the true reasons for war must be addressed and accomodated.
    The reason for violence and war are not politico-economic, but they are mental and spiritual.
    The physical universe was born from the singularity in NOW-Time from its nonphysical image.

    This manifested a one-to-one correspondence or an Isomorphism between a physical emergent and a metaphysical precursor.

    This isomorphism necessitated a symmetry-breaking in the metaphysical realm, which manifested as a disharmonisation in the physical worlds.
    But this symmetry breaking created gravity from its antiphotonic parentage and so allowed the metaphysical singularity to manifest in a creation of spacetime functionality, also known as the Big Bang Cosmogenesis.

    The scientific models describing this are published elsewhere on the links and through other sources.

    The metaphysical reality is often denied by the inhabitants of the physical reality and this denial results in even more intense disharmonisations between the physical reality and the metaphysical reality, namely because the metaphysical reality is closely associated with mental processes and other immaterial energy communications.

    An appropriate axiom is: "What you resist, persists!"

    One outcome of this denial of the metaphysical selfhood becomes the manifesto of fear, say as defined as the absence of love or the spiritual darkness existing without the illumination of the spiritual light.
    The mis-identification of a physical locale as a spiritual- or metaphysical location serves as example.

    The politico-economic 'Nation-State' of Israel is partially mis-identified as a 'Spiritual Holy Land' and a 'Jew' or Israelite is partially mis-identified as a 'Special Genealogical Bloodline' or genetic inheritor.

    The Jewish patriarch Jacob (The Supplanter of Esau's birthright as firstborn) is RENAMED to Israel (A Prince with God) after a specific occurrence (wrestling with an angel say). Similarly, the human couple
    Abram&Sarai is RENAMED Abraham&Sarah (after communication with God and the establishment of a covenant).

    Jacob the patriarch or family man BECOMES ISRAEL, the Nation-State as a 'HOLY LAND' RELABELLED.

    In the 'bigger picture', say a particular 'master-plan', EVERY embodiment in the 'extended' bloodline of Jacob also is RENAMED as Abram to Abraham to "What's your name?" or WYN.

    Corresponding to this 'scriptural' reidentification then, is the MAT-definition for WYN's particular spacetime AS the COMBINED body-form with his physical and/or shadowed companion {Adam&Eve, Romeo&Juliet, He&She or He&Dreambaby or Dreambaby&She}.

    So what does this mean in regards to the 'United Federation of Nationstates' upon the palnet earth?

    The metaphysical 'Unification of United New Earth' has become blueprinted in the MAT and the 'fulfilment of prophecy' with respect to the 'blessings' associated with the August 4th timeline (details are found elsewhere).
    This 'Unification upon earth', begins however to REHARMONISE the 'broken symmetry' between the physical reality and the metaphysical reality.

    The establishment of the archetypology, does not however infer the physical manifestation of this archetype in full.
    Albeit certain partial orderings of this reharmonisation will engage the definition processes for the MAT and the timelines of prophecy.

    And so we find a most unlikely scenario (as relative to the politico-economic structures controlling the earthly scenarios) in terms of the physical manifestations within the timeline markers as compared to the historical engagements without those markers.

    To fulfil prophecy, the politico-economic structures must be infiltrated, say in the form of a double-secret-agency.

    In familiar humanoid terms; the 'inside story' goes like this.

    The politico-economic structure is a manifestation of the timeline in self-evolution.
    The restricted and physically separated 'dominions' merge and blend through a historical timeline, say a precessional Maya-cycle UNTIL this blending reaches a certain saturation point, say the accessibility of physical global communication.
    This worldwide 'web' of physical communique so renders the harbouring superorganism as 'unified' in the 'physical' sense and allows the metaphysical 'web' to SHADOW this development.
    But the 'masterplan' requires INDIVIDUAL parts of the superorganism to become 'selfaware' enough to harbour the MAT definitions of what a spacetimed universe represents in the 'greater order of things' and as NO INDIVIDUAL can hitherto accomodate the necessary spacetime parameters required; and as the timeline is 'fulfilled'; whatever modality is in control (the politico-economic system) must CRYSTALLISE the means to further 'fulfil' the timeline.

    Then for the prophecied endtime scenarios to play themselves out; the controlling system itself; will 'groom' the INDIVIDUAL required to change the course of its own agenda of control.

    This shall manifest as follows;
    Barack Hussein Obama is a secret double-agent, but he may only be partially aware of this role.
    His birthday is August 4th, 1961 and he is 'blessed' in the blessings of the Jordan, August 4th, 28AD.

    His role is to REPRESENT a MIRROR to the world as a 'honest politician' and filled with integrity.
    Barack Hussein Obama IS that, what he is trying to represent and 'there is no guile or deceit' in his mouth.

    History is repeating itself, with the metaphysical messiah of 28AD MIRRORING the world around himself in a physical context.

    Now some insight information.

    Jesus walked alone and without disciples or apostles from December 8th 24AD until his baptism by John the Baptist on August 4th, 28AD.
    Jesus did proclaim the 'kingdom of god' during that time, but without the blessing, he was one of many.

    Obama was a peacemaker on the campus at Harvard; unifying the proPalestinians with the antiPalestinians as well as black and white; Obama was elected president in that role.

    After the blessing, Jesus went into the wilderness for 40 days and upon returning confounded the 'temple scribes' and also began to work in parallel with John the Baptist and began to associate disciples, from whom he later chose the apostles as direct inheritors of his wisdom, knowledge and 'gnosis'.

    Obama is 'handcuffed' until January 20th, inauguration day, but MUST choose his 'inner circle' of advisors and 'co-decision' makers in his 'days in the wilderness'.

    Now Jesus chose his 'inner circle' of his own will or intuition; but Obama MUST chose those, who 'allowed him' into office.

    So the overall situation for the global community is this.

    There is ONE Obama, who would, and is expected to, to 'MAKE a difference' and to 'manifest change in the order of things'; BUT Obama, the 'Most powerful man in the world as the president of the United States of America' CANNOT do so, without the collaboration of the politico-economic controllers 'behind the throne'.

    There is ONE Jesus, who would and could 'MAKE a difference' and who 'manifested change in the order of things'; because he acted locally and in relative obscurity with a personally chosen circle of immediate friends and initiates.

    What is the outcome of the True Barack Hussein Obama, the peacemaker and a Prince of Peace; who IS a TRUE Prophet of the SHALOM, but who is TRAPPED as a FALSE Prophet in the Image of the Beast of prophecy (Revelation.12-13ff)?

    Barack Obama will grow old before his time and conflicts with his own family will further frustrate him and the worlds around him.

    Barack Obama will tread the footsteps of Jesus as a promised messiah and desiring in his heart to fulfil the expectations placed upon him, he will continually be frustrated by the 'advisors' and 'power mongers' about himself.
    Barack Obama has an agenda of peace and 'goodwill to all men'; this is his office given to him by the circle of the illuminati.
    This illuminati KNEW, that the image of the USA as a global leader had to be changed and modified.

    This illuminati groomed Obama and opened certain doors to radiacally change the global perception and selfimage of the USA as mirrored to the rest of the world.

    The circle of the illuminati is NOT a group of people knowingly conspiring to 'rule the world'.

    The individual members of the illuminati are only peripherally connected to each other. Partial reason for this is the elimination of blackmail, abduction and the exposure to personal perils.
    The individual members of the illuminati are normal people and inheritors of the Abrahamic starseed promises like everyone else.

    What differentiates the illuminati-members is their independence from monetary and fiscal constraints and their thorough acceptance of the metaphysical realities.

    The illuminati has been instrumental in 'manipulating' the intelligentsia and the academics on one side of the spectrum and the under-educated and the bourgoise- and the peasantry on the other side.

    The academic 'rational' elite has been 'brainwashed' in the form of a limited 'power sharing' in the academic world and the 'irrational' populus has been 'brainwashed' in the form of the mass media.

    This mass media has become 'controlled' in its strict adherence to the principles and the modus operandi as set out by the 'brainwashed' academia.

    The illuminati fully embraces the 'gnosis' of astrology, scripture, science fiction and utopian scenarios.
    The illuminati knows that to stay in control; both the academical powersharing and the deception of the populus must remain steady.

    The illuminati also knows, that for some strange reason the prognostications of all things seems to fade out near the Mayan nexus point of 2012.

    All the fiscal freedom in the world, seems to be insufficient to ensure the continuity of the illuminated BEAST of the System.

    This BEAST of revelation is the Trap and Prison of Barack Hussein Obama.

    Obama speaks like a Dragon and has the horns of a lamb. Obama is a True prophet of God; yet he is also a False prophet of the Beast in whose image he has power to be what he is.

    Obama is the Image of God AND the Image of the Antigod.
    The God is metaphysical and the Antigod is the SAME God as a physical image.
    Jesus of 28AD was both, the Son of God and the Son of the Antigod as the Son of Man and as the Son of Satan.
    Because Jesus had a physical body, was he the Son of the Devil. Everyone in embodiment IS a Son of darkness!

    Obama and WYN, both are the Son of God in the footsteps of Jesus and also the Son of the Devil as say White and Black Lucifers or as the Morning Star of the Dawn and as the Evening Star of the Sunset as Venus and as Venusia and as White and Black Madonnas.

    The Falseness in Obama is the falseness of his embodiment and the Truth in Obama is the truth of his metaphysical embodiment as a spirit.
    Because Obama is a man, his MindWave is True, but his embodiment as a ParticleWave is False.

    As Michelle Obama is a woman, her Mindwave will come into conflict with Barack's Mindwave as a female goddess.

    Post 2012AD, should the union wither the approaching storms; the False prophet of Obama and the Jezebel of Michelle can become absorbed within the lake of Michelle's Fire and the Brimstone of Barack. This is the 'Heavenly Wedding' of Barack as a selfrealised HeShe in the Christening Dragonomy with Michelle as a selfrealised SheHe.

    In either case, the 'Death of the false Images' is the fulfilment of all prophecy and the 'scriptures' of the 'Holy writ' shall become placed upon the dustshelves of the human histories.

    To conclude; Barack Hussein Obama is divinely commissioned to do what he is saying he intends to do.

    Barack Obama is HELPING to bring the war between the 'Heaven of spirit' and the 'Hell of an earth' to an end.

    The name Barack Hussein Obama carries within the reconciliation between Christianity and Islam and so between the Western paradigmn and the Middle eastern worldviews.
    Barack Obama will EXEMPLIFY to the whole world what a 'honest politician' looks like and how such should behave.
    Barack Obama so will MIRROR the corruption of the BEAST of the polito-economic systems back to the world, the populus and the illuminati.
    Barack Obama so will SHARE the frustrations of the populus in NOT being able to implement the things he promised as the 'false prophet', groomed by the illuminati.

    The whole world will FALL into DESPAIR, because Obama will be seen to be powerless to effect change.
    Because Obama has NO apostles and NO 'followers' who SHARE his visions, and despite the adoration of millions; because of that particular ONENESS of being a powerless messiah - the BEAST SHALL FALL!

    The BEAST shall fall and then many Obamas shall converge to reconstruct a United Nations, not toothless as a global instrument, but being comprised of Wisdom Carriers; native tribal chiefs from all around the globe and the seven continental sisters.
    An Orb of Elders, Unified within the vison of Barack Hussein Obama and a vision shared by themselves as their own vision; shall REINVIGORATE the oratories of Barack Obama and of Martin Luther King and of JFK and Abraham Lincoln and the founding fathers and of all the 'Speakers' in the office of Solomon, the Wise.

    Then the global war machine shall be dismantled and all military 'expenditure' shall become of civil service to construct and reconstruct infrastructures and the basic amenities on a global scale.

    Then the fiscal war machine shall be dismantled and all the monetary dependencies shall be transformed into a 'credit exchange mechanism' which is all inclusive and a function of beingness within locality.

    Then all national governments shall be abolished in a universal 'party of unity' and because of certain external occurrences post 2012, this party shall be democratically 'elected' into office on a worldwide scale irrespective of the prevalent political system in place.

    Then there will be only a global government of selected elders, interacting with local governments - there will be no nation states, but there will be community government.

    Whoever 'lives' at a certain place will make the regulations and means of trade and exchange for that place. Subsequently all territorial quarreling will become superfluous: the Tibeteans 'rule' Tibet and the Chinese 'rule' China; the Kurds 'rule' Kurdistan and the Mohicans 'rule' Mohicana and the Palestinians 'rule' Palestine.

    There will be an understanding that the place called Israel is no longer a geographical location, but a reference to the global community as a whole.
    The Mohican is an Israelite as much as the Tibetean, the Chinese, the Kurd and the Palestinian.

    So the Israelite in Israel is BOTH, an Israelite from Abraham through Isaac and Sarah and also a Palestinian from Abraham through Ishmael and Hagar.

    The woman of geographical Jerusalem so can call herself a Jewish Goddess or and and a Palestinian Goddess.

    The Mohican- or Tibetean Goddess will also be a Hebrew Sarah=Princess and if She chooses to reside in the New Palestine, then She will also become a Palestinian Goddess - all in one.

    Then there will be another open door for the Israelites which wish to change residences.
    There will be a NEW Geographical ISRAEL, following the renaming of the Old Israel as the New Palestine.
    So the Hebrew Gods and Goddesses, who do not wish to remain in Palestine as Israelites; they can easily migrate to the NEW IS-RA-EL called AUS-TRA-LIA.

    Australia will be known as as one of the seven sisters and linked in blood to America as a twinship sister and also associated with seven sisters in the Pleiadean sky.

    And there will be communication between the Pleiadean sisters and the seven Gaian sisters and many things will be known and understood and a new science will be known to enable many things and the old terran science will be the prototypical backbone for the new science and people post 2012 will turn on their TV's and view the stories pre 2012 and shake their heads in amazements: 'How could the world not understand what is so clear today? But we were all so blind, but now we can clearly see!"

    And Barack Hussein Obama will say: 'Yes, it all was worthwhile after all!"

    IAmWhatIAm - Betwixt the Physical and the Metaphysical Realities yet divided but to be as One again!
    post_old. 01-14-2010, 11:58 AM


    Posts: n/a

    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    About the story...

    I am currently doing my slave duty (work) so I was not able to read in it peace...but than again..I also can not do that at what I call home...I also did not have time to "think about it" but am also not sure how to think about it

    Are you suggesting me to procreate...or to be less "politically correct"...to have sex?

    Am I missing the whole point here?

    Am I to go and "imagine" it (I am not aware that I can (or how to) actually enter a "state" via my higher self and create the experience) or to actually do it? Give some love? Gimme some lovin?

    In your story..you mention (or so I understand) we are all bisexual?

    To get a "liiittle" more personal: I like to think, all women, by they nature, are bisexual. If nothing else it is a "fun thing" to think about...

    Not sure what to think about men or men that only like men or if someone likes children or people that engage in paraphilias?

    Is there any way of sexuality considered to be unnatural or wrong by the Thuban?

    At the end you mention 3 names...remind me on the so called angles...I do not know much about religion...I prefer not to (half truths). Yet you have given them female form...so we can be both?

    While in "hell" why did you decide to play games...is it more exciting...not knowing what will happen next? I do not wish to be rude (i mean this as a humor)...but if that is the case...you remind on spoiled babry girls.

    If need be I can further "elaborate" on the babry girl phenomena wink.

    Instead of playing games...you could simply...make a choice..for example: this is what I, then is when i want it and that is how i want...now GO! smile. for example...

    I am unable to connect all of this (your story as a part of the answer) to my questions answered so far....I can not make "unity" with this..do not knowhow to "incorporate" it into everything.
    post_old. 01-14-2010, 12:05 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Spregovori viewpost.
    About the story...

    I am currently doing my slave duty (work) so I was not able to read in it peace...but than again..I also can not do that at what I call home...I also did not have time to "think about it" but am also not sure how to think about it

    Are you suggesting me to procreate...or to be less "politically correct"...to have sex?

    Am I missing the whole point here?

    Am I to go and "imagine" it (I am not aware that I can (or how to) actually enter a "state" via my higher self and create the experience) or to actually do it? Give some love? Gimme some lovin?

    In your story..you mention (or so I understand) we are all bisexual?

    To get a "liiittle" more personal: I like to think, all women, by they nature, are bisexual. If nothing else it is a "fun thing" to think about...

    Not sure what to think about men or men that only like men or if someone likes children or people that engage in paraphilias?

    Is there any way of sexuality considered to be unnatural or wrong by the Thuban?

    At the end you mention 3 names...remind me on the so called angles...I do not know much about religion...I prefer not to (half truths). Yet you have given them female form...so we can be both?

    While in "hell" why did you decide to play games...is it more exciting...not knowing what will happen next? I do not wish to be rude (i mean this as a humor)...but if that is the case...you remind on spoiled babry girls.

    If need be I can further "elaborate" on the babry girl phenomena wink.

    Instead of playing games...you could simply...make a choice..for example: this is what I, then is when i want it and that is how i want...now GO! smile. for example...

    I am unable to connect all of this (your story as a part of the answer) to my questions answered so far....I can not make "unity" with this..do not knowhow to "incorporate" it into everything.
    Dear Spregovori!

    This 'story' is very deep and you may say not for the 'faint hearted'. Harbouring any form of 'sexual suppression' (I do not imply sex with animals or children to be an inappropriate 'suppression' here); will most certainly result in misreadings and misunderstandings.

    So I shall refrain from replying to you about the contents of this story until you have at least digested the information in a peripheral manner and until you have formulated specific and in context questions.

    Commenting in incompleteness to your points raised would be unproductive and confuse you even more.

    post_old. 01-14-2010, 12:09 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Dear Spregovori!

    This 'story' is very deep and you may say not for the 'faint hearted'. Harbouring any form of 'sexual suppression' (I do not imply sex with animals or children to be an inappropriate 'suppression' here); will most certainly result in misreadings and misunderstandings.

    So I shall refrain from replying to you about the contents of this story until you have at least digested the information in a peripheral manner and until you have formulated specific and in context questions.

    Commenting in incompleteness to your points raised would be unproductive and confuse you even more.

    < Moderator: Breathes sigh of relief >
    post_old. 01-14-2010, 12:12 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by SABINA viewpost.
    thanks alot
    hairs when I was young there was amusical
    well other culures know this especially the Sikks in India they never will cut their hairs men and women (the guys with the turban) androgyn
    Hair - The Musical and that wonderful classical song and tune: 'The Age of Aquarius'.

    And a storyline about the spirit of love and community suffering the ignorance of the false communities and their value base of 'honour your country of your defence, protecting your liberties'.

    post_old. 01-14-2010, 12:27 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Anchor viewpost.
    < Moderator: Breathes sigh of relief >
    E hhehehh lol smile. Anchor, keep breathing...I am not done yet wink.

    Imagine the "turmoil"...and the drama... and the HEADLINES smile. ...

    i will attempt to...amm contemplate the story in great detail... but i can not promise anything... although perhaps Anchor would suggest to handle "curtain" detail via PM system...or not...make it spicy... ok enough joking...back to work...
    post_old. 01-14-2010, 12:32 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Anchor viewpost.
    < Moderator: Breathes sigh of relief >
    Dear Anchor!

    Deep at the core of the present situation of a 'disharmonized universe in thought' is the 'Power of Suppression'.
    A very great part of the 'hidden powers' is FUELLED by the 'Sexual Taboos' imposed onto the populus by the dictates of the 'legislators' and the 'protectors of the public morals'.

    The true standard can easily be witnessed in nature itself. What is natural and what is unnatural in terms of sexual behaviour patterns.

    The New World not only demands a 'New Science'; a 'New Understanding'; a 'New Philosophy' and a 'New Way of Community'; but also a 'New Order for Human Social Integration and Relationships' inclusive a 'Redefinition' of what it means to be a 'Sexual Starhuman Being'.

    This is especially so because besides the Cetaceans (yes, the apes are in this way less related to humans than whales), the human genus is the only one experiencing menopause and being 'on heat' all time around (not counting rabbits here).

    So human sexuality has a deeper meaning, than just reproduction and this is part of the agenda of sharing that story.

    post_old. 01-14-2010, 05:29 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Hi Anchor!

    Many of these questions are imbued with duality, fear of others and self and suspicion.
    Allow me to answer them from the Thuban perspective.

    A few valuable questions to ask are these:

    1) "Who does this information source appear to be?"
    Why does it matter from whence data derives from. Is the messenger more important than the message?

    2) "What are they telling me?"
    The label of 'they' again 'puts the cart before the horse' and accentuates the 'me' as being in some manner compromised or threatened.

    3) "Do they really know what they are talking about?"
    All information can be evaluated and analysed, if not say in technical terms of scientific methodolgy; then ALWAYS in terms of resonating with one's individuated database or not.

    4) "Are they saying what they REALLY mean?"
    If the purveyor of the data states that the information is true, relative to its source; then the evaluation of this data becomes an exercise of relative correlation and extension of the receiver's own database. It is so subjective and provided the purveyor is genuine, alternative interpretations between source and sink remain possible.

    5) "Where might their information be coming from?"
    Why is it important from where data derives from? If you open your letterbox and you find a nice message or present sent anonymously, will you reject the message or present because you are unsure of its sender?

    6) "What motive might they have for telling me this thing?"
    Again, what has the 'motive' of anyone to do with the information, subject to evaluation by the 'cosmic self'?

    7) "What are they hoping that I believe?"
    The data is not deviced to make anyone 'believe' in it or 'follow it'. It is simply information to consider, reject or incorporate.

    8) "Why would they want me to believe this thing?"
    Non sequitur following the above.

    9) "What are they trying to motivate me to do with my personal power; discover and embrace it within myself, or surrender it elsewhere in worship or obedient subservience?"
    'They' are not trying to motivate any negation of 'personal power'; but to enhance this 'personal power' in simply extending the data base, say of possibilities.
    Labels used here, like 'worship' and 'obedient subservience' indicate great insecurity within the 'personal powerbase' of the questioner.
    Any cosmic multidimensional entity possessing a basic platform of 'personal power' would eschew such labeings applied to its 'individual core'.
    The using of the label 'personal' indicates the prevalence of 'individuated ego' in favour of a 'collective ego of divinity aka the 'greater ego'.

    10) "If they are trying to help me, what are they trying to help me to achieve and how could believing this thing empower me?"
    In extending the data base of information any truly unbiased soul entity can choose from to allow a more informed decision making.

    11) "If they are covertly trying to mislead me, how might I be harmed in
    believing them?"
    The 'inner knowing' of an 'spiritually informed and self-trained' soul-entity will prevent any misleading of the entity by 'false' information. Then no 'harm' can befall the entity. Again the labelling indicates fear of the unknown and mindful insecurities harboured by the entity.

    12) "Are they inspiring me to lead through my own inner spiritual power and wisdom, or are they seducing me to believe that I am personally powerless and so must blindly follow an external power source to save me?"
    Should the shared data, whatever of it is processed (much data incromprehensible by the waking consciousness can be evaluated and processed by the subconscious and the superconsciousness will KNOW the data in unity) be 'acceptable' then the 'inner spiritual power' will be enhanced. Should the shared data be rejected by the waking consciousness; then the 'spiritual power' will also be enhanced through the processings of the sub- and superconscious agencies of the entity.

    13) "If I believe this thing, will it assist me in becoming more awakened,
    aware, loving, kind, responsible, strong, spiritually alive, intelligent, wise,
    compassionate, WHOLE and effective human being?"
    The question of 'believing' never arises. The shared data either complements the receiver in an extension of its assimilated information base or it complements the receiver in processed and rejected data relative to the three consciousness modalities.

    Fantastic, thank you!
    post_old. 01-14-2010, 05:45 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    You betcha Jonah!

    The alien gals have my fancy too - colourful, smoothy soft and yet hairy.
    Did you ever wonder why certain cultures try to cover the woman's hair?
    It's because its Their antenna to receive and share the sacred desires of their Big common Mother.
    Did you ever wonder why the dogma followers, termed the feminine bodyform as evil daughters of the devil?
    It's because the femine always has and always will encompass the malenesses.
    Oh, the power in the bedroom of sacred seductions.

    Love to you too.


    PS.: My answers are seemingly getting less technical - at times.
    Sabina - it's your fault!
    Ha! I read this book many years ago - The Greatest Story Never Told by Lana Cantrell and she said long hair (in the case of a woman) is an antenna that should not be cut short so as to receive cosmic energies......
    post_old. 01-14-2010, 06:27 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Hi Abraxasinas

    So the story...

    I wish you could speak my language...it would make things about 10 times easier...

    I am having trouble understanding the meaning, since there is not only the meaning to understand, I first have to understand (translate) words..re-form sentences...and than there are things like mistakes in translation and words I do not know how to understand...

    I think I did my best. No need to worry Anchor wink. I did self-censorship

    So the story - an addition to the start of the thread and is not directly connected with my previous questions?

    We have a person, pondering about the astral world?
    While doing so that person started to ask itself how would it be to visit itself?
    The person also gets caught into pondering about the peoples thoughts in general?

    While doing that, the person entered the state unique to that person and that state was metaphorically named hell?

    At first hell was just a mix of colors..unrecognizable pictures...an abstract...or sort of an artist view?

    Let us call this person a Hero.

    Our Hero decides eagerly to explore his own version of hell as doing so observing the changes in environment and himself.

    One of the first things our Hero learns is that while he is in control of himself he is also in the control of the situation?

    Hero also learns that one can not go beyond what he/she is?

    As our Hero continued his journey he realized that everything and everyone just plays its role in what there is?

    Our Hero soon encounters what he labels as demons and a also some witches. A beings of untold powers, unknown to men.

    The witches were...dancing...in their natural clothing... and soon became sexually attracted to the Hero...

    This attraction can be considered as a perfectly natural response?

    Also...Hero being in charge of his own castle...the witches reactions might also come from Heroes unconscious desire?

    As a result of all this..happening...our Hero got a boner. He became to re-form the images and made an image of a women he prefers best...all of this mad our Hero aroused....thus enabling him to discover a female inside of him?

    At this same time the Hero realizes that the only way to the freedom of the spiritual self expression of the soul is to undergo a polygamy?

    Hero realizes that claiming someone to be "yours" is purely a form of egoism?

    After that the Hero uses his imagination to change from...from he to she...from she to he...

    Hero enjoys exploring his feminine side...thus began the transformation of the hell (himself?)...from hell to something "nicer". He soon realizes the power of feminine...power over male (demon?)...

    As female...Hero starts looking for the alpha male...the one with the biggest...stick. The prime intention was a unity of hell and heaven?
    To stop being separated and join in oneness?
    To fully obtain the andorgeny?

    After this the Hero gets overcomed by the Barby girl phenomenon. Hero decides he will increase his options regrading the alpha male. He puts up a pretense in form of games which include a fail safe?
    As any other true Barby girl...Hero decides he will let himself be surprised by unknowing - in order to bring forth more excitement...more unpredictability?

    Hero meets his 3 candidates in a from of what is called a devil. Devils comment on Hero being from Shamballa while themselves are being in the underworld Agartha....

    Is it not the Agartha - the garden of eden? Why are there "devils" there in a story?

    Hero than starts playing a game of deceit? He promises a....never ending story...to the devil that will win.

    Unity between surface world and underworld? Isn't that what made the hmm so called "fallen angels" that had sex with the surface people ?

    During the fail-safe part of the game...Hero makes a mistake and the devil that won the 1st part also wins the 2nd part.

    Hero..did not do as promised right away...there were "other tasks" to do first. In the mean time the devils were given the pictures...with females on them. Each female had a name...name mostly familiarized with the angels.

    I am still not sure if I "get it"....


    I am however willing (if need be) to discuss sexuality without "moral presumptions" and as intellectually as I can... But I think that sort of discussion might cause Anchor to have a headache...so it could only be done in private.

    Last edited by Spregovori; 01-14-2010 at 06:34 PM.
    post_old. 01-14-2010, 07:37 PM

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    Solar Eclipse tonight at exactly 11:11pm, hows that for synchronization!
    post_old. 01-14-2010, 07:57 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    Hello Abraxasinas. Here is a letter from Alex Collier received by the andromedan contact he has since several years. Quote:

    'The Race from Alpha Draconis

    The Draconis race is probably the most misunderstood. I have witnessed a deep respect for this race which is generated out of admiration and fear. The Draconans are the oldest reptilian race in our Universe. Their forefathers, somewhere in our most ancient past came to our Universe from another separate Universe and/or reality. When this actually occurred no one really knows.

    The 11 (Council of Eleven) have said that the Draconans themselves aren't clear how or when they themselves got here, but what is interesting is that they declare and teach to the masses that they were in this Universe first, before humans beings, and that they are the true heirs to this Universe and, as such are all royalty. Most, if not all, human races don't recognize this claim as truth but, none the less, they don't debate the issue with them either. Alpha Draconans have colonized many star systems and have created many races by genetically altering the life forms that they encountered.

    The most densely populated area of sub-races of Draconans is the constellation of Orion, Rigel, and the star system known as Capella. Here lies a very dangerous part of the Universe for human beings. The mind set or consciousness of the majority of the races in this region is service to self and as such they are always subverting, invading and manipulating less advanced races using their technology for control and domination.

    This is a very old and ancient war with the peace that does exist always being tested by these beings that believe that fear rules and love is weak, that the less fortunate are meant to be slaves. This belief system is created at birth in the reptilian races as the mother, at the time of birth will hide the young and then abandon them to fend for themselves.

    Most of the time they are cared for by the warrior class that uses the children for games of combat and amusements. They believe that in their ways that if the young ones survive they were meant to and in the process they have had to fight all the way and at a young age they are full warriors, used to depending on no one.

    Alpha Draconans are very suspicious of all life forms including their own, but not of course to the extent that they would be of humans. They are taught that Draconan history of the Great Galactic War. The version or opinion that the humans were at fault for the invasion of the Universe and how we selfishly wanted the Draconan race to starve and struggle for the basic materials for their society to exist. Therefore they are brainwashed at a young age just like we humans have done to our younger generations by all human races in the galaxy.' End of the quote.

    What can you tell me about this Great Galactic War and its repercussion throught out the galaxy and time?

    Here is the source of the text: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/an...v2n3alpha.html

    Namaste, Steven
    post_old. 01-14-2010, 07:58 PM

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    No, you did not say anything about assecsion, I picked that up from another source on this very thread.

    I understand fully what you have written and I wanted you to know that I realize it was necessary and accept it.

    Thank you much

    post_old. 01-14-2010, 08:12 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    So you feel my origins are from Thuban or just my hearts intent? What species populates the Draco star system? Also Ive witnessed many luminous orbs floating in the sky in the past couple years sometimes groups of them in daylight. Sometimes appearing minutes after looking into the sky above my head. Can you give an opinion on these?

    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Hi helebox!

    No information is over anyone's head. If a chinese native speaker Hu Long finds himherself at Trafalgar Square in London and begins to ask questions to the Londoners; then he will not be understood by anyone not familiar with the form of Chinese spoken by Hu Long.

    Then Hu Long can try sign language or body talk to convey his askings.
    Eventually, some form of communication will eventuate upon patience and persistence of the parties concerned.

    Communication with semantics is just one form of language.
    Being English familiar; your subconscious will decipher bits of data and forward it to your superconscious which speaks ALL languages, including advanced mathematics, Egyptian hieroglyphics and Druidic Runic.

    What you are doing is sharing your compassion. As the Buddha says; the key to ascension is to Show Compassion from the Heart.

    Your Heart is a LoveHeart from the Dragon of Thuban and the work you do is of the highest vibration possible and just as important as the work done by data sharers such as many here, including myself.

    Knowing what your job is here on earth and doing your job in integrity and love has qualified you to enter the echelons of the highest frequencies attainable in the universe.

    There is nothing more powerful than the Wisdom of Love, which you obviously have made your own; blended with the Understanding of Love.
    It is the second part you can learn and gain in; the former part you have mastered.

    Love and gratitude in Dragonhood to you

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    page 19 of 63

    post_old. 01-14-2010, 08:16 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    On the subject of orbs.....I had an experience 8 years or so ago where I floated out of bed to meet this orb the size of a Swiss exercise ball that had floated in via my window- I merged with this orb and it was an incredible sexual experience unlike any earth based incident (back then)......

    What is the meaning of that? I felt I merged with an aspect of myself.......
    post_old. 01-15-2010, 12:53 AM

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by eleni viewpost.
    On the subject of orbs.....I had an experience 8 years or so ago where I floated out of bed to meet this orb the size of a Swiss exercise ball that had floated in via my window- I merged with this orb and it was an incredible sexual experience unlike any earth based incident (back then)......

    What is the meaning of that? I felt I merged with an aspect of myself.......
    007 had a similar experience in 'Moonraker'! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWTsp...eature=related

    naughty. Namaste naughty.
    post_old. 01-15-2010, 01:20 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Dear Anchor!

    Deep at the core of the present situation of a 'disharmonized universe in thought' is the 'Power of Suppression'.
    A very great part of the 'hidden powers' is FUELLED by the 'Sexual Taboos' imposed onto the populus by the dictates of the 'legislators' and the 'protectors of the public morals'.

    The true standard can easily be witnessed in nature itself. What is natural and what is unnatural in terms of sexual behaviour patterns.

    The New World not only demands a 'New Science'; a 'New Understanding'; a 'New Philosophy' and a 'New Way of Community'; but also a 'New Order for Human Social Integration and Relationships' inclusive a 'Redefinition' of what it means to be a 'Sexual Starhuman Being'.

    This is especially so because besides the Cetaceans (yes, the apes are in this way less related to humans than whales), the human genus is the only one experiencing menopause and being 'on heat' all time around (not counting rabbits here).

    So human sexuality has a deeper meaning, than just reproduction and this is part of the agenda of sharing that story.

    My Question is quite simple. How is anything NEW? New Earth is not new. It has a name but Why aren't We told it? Why must we think we Co-create something New. When it's already there? All these things Feed our EGO. The biggest pitt fall is EGO Spiritualism. All of which we are taught threw quite a bit "New Age" paths. I read channelings supposedly from "Angels" calling us Warriors of Light. Giving us Names Like Gods and Goddess/Lords. These words are empty. These titles are only necessary for people who want attention or Respect/Power. You don't have to say what you think you are. You being you is enough. Our people have been treated like dirt. Once They hear names like Gods or "Ascended" Masters, Lords and they think this is all ok. We were taught this by those who manipulate Us. Those who still strive for FULL control. Lead us and give Us a sense of power threw Titles. I don't want no YES man to tell me everything is ok. I want truth not what Our Egos want Us to hear. When people say New Earth is already here. Yes in a way it is but We as a Collective we choose what probability we choose to align with. Nothing is Set in Stone. I am part reptilian myself for many of Us are. Nothing special. I am a D-12 collective consciousness too and go beyond that. Wow big deal. We all are. I just get the feeling this post is a vortex for people to feed on. Many truths here, many half truths all energy to be borrowed or consumed. Everything is filter everything is taken. Everything changes. Universal Evolving Truth of our own Perception. All is not perfect but all is perfect for learning Yes? Learn who you are, Depend on Your God seed Self. Be a true Ambassador of a Sovereign Being from your collective. For there is no I BUT WE! We choose who We Were and Are. In Loving Kristic Services We offer Peace and Love for all Who seek to heal within the scared Cleansing fields of Love. Unity Through Complementary Diversity! John M
    post_old. 01-15-2010, 01:22 AM

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron viewpost.
    007 had a similar experience in 'Moonraker'! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWTsp...eature=related

    naughty. Namaste naughty.
    Hmm......been a long time since I saw that movie- looks like maybe I should rent it naughty.
    post_old. 01-15-2010, 01:24 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by JohnMatX viewpost.
    My Question is quite simple. How is anything NEW? New Earth is not new. It has a name but Why aren't We told it? Why must we think we Co-create something New. When it's already there? All these things Feed our EGO. The biggest pitt fall is EGO Spiritualism. All of which we are taught threw quite a bit "New Age" paths. I read channelings supposedly from "Angels" calling us Warriors of Light. Giving us Names Like Gods and Goddess/Lords. These words are empty. These titles are only necessary for people who want attention or Respect/Power. You don't have to say what you think you are. You being you is enough. Our people have been treated like dirt. Once They hear names like Gods or "Ascended" Masters, Lords and they think this is all ok. We were taught this by those who manipulate Us. Those who still strive for FULL control. Lead us and give Us a sense of power threw Titles. I don't want no YES man to tell me everything is ok. I want truth not what Our Egos want Us to hear. When people say New Earth is already here. Yes in a way it is but We as a Collective we choose what probability we choose to align with. Nothing is Set in Stone. I am part reptilian myself for many of Us are. Nothing special. I am a D-12 collective consciousness too and go beyond that. Wow big deal. We all are. I just get the feeling this post is a vortex for people to feed on. Many truths here, many half truths all energy to be borrowed or consumed. Everything is filter everything is taken. Everything changes. Universal Evolving Truth of our own Perception. All is not perfect but all is perfect for learning Yes? Learn who you are, Depend on Your God seed Self. Be a true Ambassador of a Sovereign Being from your collective. For there is no I BUT WE! We choose who We Were and Are. In Loving Kristic Services We offer Peace and Love for all Who seek to heal within the scared Cleansing fields of Love. Unity Through Complementary Diversity! John M
    Yes, this is very true- in new age circles much is twisted non truths and those are deceptive......
    post_old. 01-15-2010, 02:50 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Jason viewpost.
    Solar Eclipse tonight at exactly 11:11pm, hows that for synchronization!
    Indeed Jason,
    one can term it astrological synchronizations. The lunar eclipse of the 'Mother's' Cancer Moon at the end of 2009 followed by the 'Father's Capricorn Moon for a solar eclipse two weeks later.
    On Sunday, January 17th Venus enters Aquarius; on Monday, January 18th, Jupiter enters Pisces from Aquarius and on Tuesday, January 19th, the Sun conjoins Venus in Aquarius.
    Mars the male drive is opposite Venus the female temperace (and flirtation) in Leo and Neptune ruler of Pisces and Chiron, the Cosmic Healer all are in Aquarius with Uranus with its rulership of Aquarius in the 'Sign of the Vesica Pisces' and the 'changing of the ages' from Pisces to Aquarius.

    post_old. 01-15-2010, 03:27 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by eleni viewpost.
    Ha! I read this book many years ago - The Greatest Story Never Told by Lana Cantrell and she said long hair (in the case of a woman) is an antenna that should not be cut short so as to receive cosmic energies......
    Hi eleni!

    Think about your fingernails. What happens if you do not cut them - they grow and render your movements a little uncomfortable, say washing dishes.
    Now think about a man's hair growth. Not shaving results in a beard, which eventually reaches the ground - again contraptions must be used to allow movement.

    Lana Cantrell has published approprite information about the crown of the spirit as an archetype and related to Man uncovering their heads (in taking off their hats 'in solemn places'), whilst woman are to remain covered.
    This can of course be erroneously identified in 'covering a woman head to toe' in superficialities, instead realising it means the covering of bald skull by hair.

    Funny, when it starts falling out the moneymakers invent schemes to glue or paste it back on in contraindication of cutting it off when it is there.\

    Do Gorillas and Chimpanzees cut their hair? Why does an Orang-Utan not visit the hairdresser?
    Because there is something about the human genome, which is 'different', like the 'being on heat', from its biological and genetic relatives.

    Certain hair only grows to a certain length and performs biochemical functions, such as protecting glandular biology from dehydration and such.
    Nature should be asked the questions of why and not some 'beautician'.

    There is a lot of money to be made to portray the 'idea of a beautiful woman' to be an emasculated, anorexic shaven thin figure; spending lots of income to 'get rid' of attributes given by nature at birth in the genome.

    Entering the Louvre in Paris or the London Galleries shows that Aphrodite, the embodiment of classical art in the renaissance was anything else but a thin hollow woman, just about to fall apart.

    So providing information and background data (say why do Gorillas don't need hairdressers); will allow a more informed choice to be made by anyone to cut what, all or any hair or not.

    Australopithecus Ramidus 4 million years ago was more 'hairy' than Neanderthal Man was more 'hairy' than Cro Magnon 26,000 years ago.
    Then if the genome of the new starhuman is designed to further eliminate hair-growth, then nature shall implement this genetic variation.
    Barring genetic malfunction, the present human template is sufficient for the present stage of evolutionary development.

    post_old. 01-15-2010, 03:46 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by halebox viewpost.
    So you feel my origins are from Thuban or just my hearts intent? What species populates the Draco star system? Also Ive witnessed many luminous orbs floating in the sky in the past couple years sometimes groups of them in daylight. Sometimes appearing minutes after looking into the sky above my head. Can you give an opinion on these?
    Hi halebox!

    In regards to orbs. The 'veil' of the 5th dimension is thinning. The manifestation of energy from hyperspace (the astral dimensions) begins in the form of thoughtforms as consciousness in space
    (technical details are at: http://tonyb.freeyellow.com/id185.html);
    attaining the nature of light, such as your orbs.
    Then the lightforms will become coupled to density functions maintaining the lower dimensions in the quantum physics of the awareness parameter (df/dt) coupled to the space-consciousness of the observer (Volumexawareness=consciousness).
    From this then plasmic forms of matter can 'materialise' and from that the hybrid state between matter and light (technical restmass photon or axion) will eventuate in the unfolding of the 5th dimension.

    In regards to your origins on Thuban, the following excerpts from the Thubanese 'master' might help in elucidaton:

    (03) Jesus says:
    "If those who lead you say to you: ‘Look, the kingdom is in the sky!’
    then the birds of the sky will precede you.
    If they say to you: ‘It is in the sea,’ then the fishes will precede you.
    Rather, the kingdom is inside of you, and outside of you."
    "When you come to know yourselves, then you will be known,
    and you will realize that you are the children of the living Father.
    But if you do not come to know yourselves, then you exist in poverty, and you are poverty."

    (77) Jesus says:
    "I am the light that is over all. I am the All.
    The All came forth out of me. And to me the All has come."
    "Split a piece of wood – I am there.
    Lift the stone, and you will find me there."

    His disciples said to him: "The kingdom – on what day will it come?"
    "It will not come by watching (and waiting for) it.
    They will not say: ‘Look, here!’ or ‘Look, there!’
    Rather, the kingdom of the Father is spread out upon the earth, and people do not see it."

    post_old. 01-15-2010, 03:48 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Dear Anchor!

    Deep at the core of the present situation of a 'disharmonized universe in thought' is the 'Power of Suppression'.
    A very great part of the 'hidden powers' is FUELLED by the 'Sexual Taboos' imposed onto the populus by the dictates of the 'legislators' and the 'protectors of the public morals'.

    The true standard can easily be witnessed in nature itself. What is natural and what is unnatural in terms of sexual behaviour patterns.

    The New World not only demands a 'New Science'; a 'New Understanding'; a 'New Philosophy' and a 'New Way of Community'; but also a 'New Order for Human Social Integration and Relationships' inclusive a 'Redefinition' of what it means to be a 'Sexual Starhuman Being'.

    This is especially so because besides the Cetaceans (yes, the apes are in this way less related to humans than whales), the human genus is the only one experiencing menopause and being 'on heat' all time around (not counting rabbits here).

    So human sexuality has a deeper meaning, than just reproduction and this is part of the agenda of sharing that story.

    I agree, and I think you maybe had an idea I knew all that.

    My concern is that I know that this is a tough topic to discuss in an open manner on an open forum because as you observed, you are going to be firing across the bows of some deeply embedded repressions / distortions / blockages in some people; which has been known to trigger forum-fireworks.

    I know that I would personally actually seriously benefit from an open discourse on the subject - being saddled myself with many questions, blockages, doubts and distortions in the area of sexuality and its many expressions and extremes, but I really do wonder if it would appropriate at this time and in this venue; which is why I held back on my own questions related to the topic in the past.

    I am not making any policy statements here. I am not saying dont go here or there with your information - every bit is of value. I only said anything because I am nervous about this topic and the effects it has on a forum - I admit am conditioned by my past experience! Sometimes that is a good thing - it stops me picking up hot rocks for example.

    post_old. 01-15-2010, 04:07 AM

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    This is interesting ~ on 1958

    The ‘Genesis 1:1 Pyramid’ has 2701 stones. 2701 Sabbaths spans 18,907 days or 51 years 279.25 days. I went back in time about 52 years to see what significant events occurred in 1958. The 7.7 earthquake that caused the 'Lituya Bay' tsunami in Alaska occurred exactly 18,907 days prior to the 14th of April 2010 on July 9th, 1958. This tsunami wave reached inland to an elevation of 1720 feet (the same four digits found in the gematria of Genesis 1:1 > 2701).

    The last point of the 'Prime Cross' is the 43rd number of the ‘Prime Cube’, the 153rd prime number: 881.

    43 + 153 + 881 = 1077 (final gematria of ‘CROSS’)

    1077 + 881 equals: 1958.

    This point is the center of the 305 prime numbers (including Unity) that fall within the range of: 1 to 2010.

    In 79 AD Pompeii was destroyed by the Mount Vesuvius eruption. The 79th element is gold. 79 is the first point of the 'Prime Cube'. The numbers: 7, 9 and 1958 form the date string ‘7.9.1958’ (July 9th, 1958).

    The following are two major mathematical connections between Jesus Christ and the number 1958. 1958 x 1.618 (the golden ratio) equals: 3168 (the Greek gematria of ‘Lord Jesus Christ’). When 1958 equals the perimeter of a circumscribed triangle then the circle's circumference is 2368 (the Greek gematria of ‘Jesus Christ’).


    The three stones: 1480, 2010 and 2300 also fall into alignment

    (knowing of the slaughter that occurred between 1480-1490)

    we thought this was interesting
    post_old. 01-15-2010, 04:26 AM

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Hi Abraxas -

    Re: Post 418

    Thank you for your reply. I understand much of what you say, yet there is much that I do not understand. I still in my infancy concerning the type of knowledge that you share.

    I was taught in my youth that there would be a "great gathering" of those entities in the "last days" and that the gathering would involve many who have walked this plane of existence before. Even the father of all men, Adam. Is this the homecoming of which you speak?

    I was told specifically that I would work with the entity known as Manasseh (as well as others) during the period which I mentioned in the previous post. How would something like this manifest? First ascension, then transformation, then mission? In other words, must I pass through some type of physical change before I am introduced to those who will be my teachers and that I will later assist in helping others?

    I was also told that during the time I would work with Manasseh and others I would be assisting many who would be "shackled" and "oppressed". I have always just accepted that this was more of a spiritual connotation. I would have to think that during all of the chaos of the upcoming events (whatever that is exactly) and the implementation of the "New Jerusalem" a lot of individuals would be absolutely frightened and confused. What is your take on this?

    Thanks for your insight. I look forward to further insight on this topic. There is more that I would like to share, but I believe this conversation will take on a life of it's own to both of our benefit.
    post_old. 01-15-2010, 04:44 AM

    Ravens and Doves
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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Hi All!

    I am Sirebard Beardris and One of the Founding Elders of the Council of Thuban also known as the Northstar Alpha Draconis at the archetypical foundation of the Pyramids at Giza and the Harmakhis, the 'Horus of the Horizon' aka the Sphinx.
    You may accept an extrapolated 'Gregorian' date for this as July 27th, 10802 BC and as the midpoint between two nodal dates (in that calendar) of March 1st, 23615 BC and December 21st, 2012 AD.

    Not much has hitherto been known in any lower dimensions about the Council of Thuban.


    [/SIZE][/FONT]As I ascended the stairway from the masterdevils' abode; the darkened hellish landscape which I had previously wandered through began to fill with light and 'my hell' blended with the linespace reality of my bedroom.""
    Tony Whynot
    Greetings, Earthlings,

    I, Paul, of the the Illustrious Council of the Neighborhood of North Hollywood in the City of Angels, California Republic under Conan the Barbarian, Nephew of SR-71 Blackbird Designer, Son of Reagan's Dentist and certified, unemployed family psycho ART BUM have one question:

    Do you ever have bake sales?


    post_old. 01-15-2010, 05:15 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Steven viewpost.
    Hello Abraxasinas. Here is a letter from Alex Collier received by the andromedan contact he has since several years. Quote:

    'The Race from Alpha Draconis

    The Draconis race is probably the most misunderstood. I have witnessed a deep respect for this race which is generated out of admiration and fear. The Draconans are the oldest reptilian race in our Universe. Their forefathers, somewhere in our most ancient past came to our Universe from another separate Universe and/or reality. When this actually occurred no one really knows.

    The 11 (Council of Eleven) have said that the Draconans themselves aren't clear how or when they themselves got here, but what is interesting is that they declare and teach to the masses that they were in this Universe first, before humans beings, and that they are the true heirs to this Universe and, as such are all royalty. Most, if not all, human races don't recognize this claim as truth but, none the less, they don't debate the issue with them either. Alpha Draconans have colonized many star systems and have created many races by genetically altering the life forms that they encountered.

    The most densely populated area of sub-races of Draconans is the constellation of Orion, Rigel, and the star system known as Capella. Here lies a very dangerous part of the Universe for human beings. The mind set or consciousness of the majority of the races in this region is service to self and as such they are always subverting, invading and manipulating less advanced races using their technology for control and domination.

    This is a very old and ancient war with the peace that does exist always being tested by these beings that believe that fear rules and love is weak, that the less fortunate are meant to be slaves. This belief system is created at birth in the reptilian races as the mother, at the time of birth will hide the young and then abandon them to fend for themselves.

    Most of the time they are cared for by the warrior class that uses the children for games of combat and amusements. They believe that in their ways that if the young ones survive they were meant to and in the process they have had to fight all the way and at a young age they are full warriors, used to depending on no one.

    Alpha Draconans are very suspicious of all life forms including their own, but not of course to the extent that they would be of humans. They are taught that Draconan history of the Great Galactic War. The version or opinion that the humans were at fault for the invasion of the Universe and how we selfishly wanted the Draconan race to starve and struggle for the basic materials for their society to exist. Therefore they are brainwashed at a young age just like we humans have done to our younger generations by all human races in the galaxy.' End of the quote.

    What can you tell me about this Great Galactic War and its repercussion throught out the galaxy and time?

    Namaste, Steven
    Hi Steven!

    The Alpha Draconians as described by the Andromedeans represent the archetypical manifestation of DECSENDANTS from the 'founder race' termed the Paa Taal by Alex Collier and his contacts. As you can read in the above, the Descendents have forgotten their origins; but somehow 'they' connect their own origins to the existence of the 'cosmic humanoid', perceiveing in them some sort of 'threat' to their seniority and 'masterrace' status.

    The 'Great Galactic War' you wish me to describe to you was not on the physical plane; but has to do with the 'spiritual wickedness at high places'

    Ephesians 6:12
    For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
    Ephesians 6:11-13

    So using the original archetypes, indicated, but not defined in the quote above; CAN indicate to you from whence the Andromedean story; 'your own recollection of that story'; 'Barbara Hand-Clow's story'; 'Anna Hayes' story' and so on and on originates from.

    The full story relates to the creation of the universe itself. I have shared the details many times here, but shall briefly describe it yet again.

    In the Beginning there was a Void being Eternity without space and without time and without any definitions at all.
    {The mathematical and logistics selfcreated/invented from this can be found in the Lucifer's Mirror thread and some other places on this forum).

    This Beingness was nevertheless able to Imagine its own Being as Being NOT Infinite as the Void=Eternity and from this evolved a Cosmogony of Purpose then initiating an Ontology for Being within a materialising Cosmology engaging the concepts of space and time and densities of matter. This cosmology is sufficiently described by standard models of classical physical theory blended with the so called quantum mechanics of a Planck Black Body Radiator expanding thermodynamically in entropic time arrows and the postulates of classical geometric field theories like the Relativities of Einstein.

    But your question addresses not the physical genesis but the metaphysical genesis and the latter so revisits the logistical processes, which manifested the parameters for the physical universe to come into existence. {Lucifer Thread}.

    The examination and analysis of this metaphysics then shows how the Infinitum is replated to the Finitum and how the Void of the beginning is realised in a White Hole-Black Hole physics connected by the Wormhole aka the Einstein-Rosen-Bridge in the semantics of theoretical physics.

    In brief; it becomes the Wormhole as a quasi-singularity of physicality, which becomes a MIRROR between a Double-sided surface or manifold so rendering the twosidedness onesided.

    This is like a mathematical 'trick' for the Void=Infinity to become Finite in Duality, yet still containing its own Unity of the onesidedness.

    So one can develop the mathematics and the physics to 'make a physical universe' from its metaphysical precursive definitions.

    The 'Hole' in space and time becomes a 12D wormhole mirror emboding the precise minimum spacetimematter configuration as say a Quantization of all physical parameters 'measurable', such as length, time, weight, temperature, luminosity, molarity, electric current and the geometric connectors (pi and sterradian say).

    What has this to do with the 'Great Galactic War' between the Lyrans and the Reptilians you may ask?

    It has everything to do with it, if you can understand that the twosidedness to onesidedness 'topology transformation' REQUIRED a particular duality to become 'SET UP' on the archetypical primordial level.

    The technical linguistics label this as a T-Duality between a heterotic superstring class, characterized in a Lie group algebra of 8x8 symmetries (I Ching and 64-codex of DNA/RNA codon couplings of nucleotidal base pairings).

    But those 'string labels' were invented in the 1980's and did not exist at the 'time of the great galactic wars'.

    Yet they ARE simply a Relabelling of the primordial archetype, describing the 'spiritual wickedness at high places'.

    So now you have two options; either familiarise yourself with complicated string-membrane mathematics of convulution integrals OR attempt to rediscover the ancient archetypes through the study of the 'histories'.

    This you and the 'story tellers' have done and many of your stories converge in parts and diverge in parts; all of them based upon the true and valid archetypes.

    The Thuban story differs in one elementary aspect from the other stories. The Thuban story knows the 'modern interpretation' of the 'ancient archetype' and so can BACKTRACE to the 'oldest story of them all' via its technicalities. This is like travelling backwards in time or a form of 'backwards engineering'.

    So what have the Thubans found?
    The Thubans found out, that the Alpha Draconians are their descendents, their firstborn GRANDCHILDREN IN THIS the Milky Way Galaxy.
    The Thubans have also found out, that the Paa Taal were their Children in this Galaxy and that the Lyrans (you can relabel the Lyrans as the Musicians of Lucifer's Lyre or as the original Mystics of the White Crystal and in many other ways) also were their Grandchildren.
    So the Alpha Draconians became the Skeksis of the Dark Crystal (in one pertinent renaming by Thubanese scribes) in the form of a Black Brosisterhood of the Black Lucifers and in a form of competition with the White Brosisterhood of the Mystics aka the White Lucifers.

    A much much younger reinterpretation of this archetype became the Atlantean labelling of the Brosisterhood of the Serpent in the Shamballa of the Red Dragon of Tibet at the Outside towards the Sky and the Golden Dragon of Agartha at the Inside, say the Center of the Earth.

    From this the Annunaki mythology of the 'Cosmic Twinship' took form in Mesopotamian lore and the Gilgamesh; then leading to the Torah of Genesis and further story telling based on a potent original collection of archetypes and symbols.

    But the 'Cosmic Twinship' of the Egyptian RaH-HaR; Shu-Tefnut and Geb-Nut then 'Doubled' itself in the Osiris-Isis and Seth-Nephtys twinships. From this the story of archetypes became the familar story of scriptural patriarchical and matriarchical lineages and correlations and blendings with the earlier mostly orally tyransmitted legends of the symbols and namings.

    I could go on Steve; either in technical discourse elucidating WHY the archetypes are Serpentine and the nature of the Glyph of the Dragon.
    Or I could IMAGINE and then IMAGE the appropriate 'cosmic star wars story' from the most potent form of the original archetypology.

    You can do this yourself and a multitude of such stories are found on the web; all of which carry parts of the truth and part of mystery.
    The Andromedan agenda admits of 'not knowing' the origin of the origin. Being from a different observer perspective, namely extragalactic instead of intergalactic (as the Alpha Draconians and Pleiadeans and Arcturians and Sirians are); the Andromedean witnessed the opening of the 12-dimensional Wormholes as the MIRRORS between the Void of the Eternity and the Finite universe.

    The Thuban story of the 'Great Galactic Wars' is exceedingly simple and has already been told in film; 'The Dark Crystal', by Jim Henderson of Sesame Street renown.

    Now there are immense 'scriptural' and prophetic implications about the scripture (Ephesians) quoted above.
    It are those implications, which form the core of the present transformation experienced by Gaia.

    But all of the 'alien agendas' partially, but not fully 'materialized' cannot act independent from their empowerment of the fundamental archetypology.
    The backwards travelling in time by the Thubanese wingmakers and timetravellers by and through the RECONSTRUCTION of the 'making of the universe from first principles', has allowed the Council of Thuban and under guidance and in the name of their 'Master-Templar-Template-Dragon' to share this information with anyone having ears to hear and eyes to see.

    You are as much a Member of the Counicil of Thuban as I, Abraxas am.
    The difference is I know the origin of both of us; you are in search of your origins using the database you can accept and incorporate as your own.

    All children of the universe are destined to 'make their own universe' this is part of the 'masterplan' as children of the creator.
    Do not sons and daughters grow up to set out on their own?
    The Creator has a wish - to become a Grandfather. Without 'Sons of the Universe making trade' He cannot become a Father of Fathers and without Mothers giving birth to 'universe makers' the Mother-Creation aka 'Gaia in Disguise' cannot become a Grandma - it's as simple as that.

    All are called but not many will hear and most will continue to adhere to archetypes of duality being the offspring of the monadic cosmogenesis.

    The 'puppet movie' for the children IS the Story of Thuban - the Dragon-Elflings of the StarHumanity.

    15Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. {Mark.10.15}.

    Peace of Mind be with you Steven

    post_old. 01-15-2010, 05:34 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    hello Abraxas,

    What does the Thuban Council have to offer on the topic of sun gazing?


    post_old. 01-15-2010, 05:57 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Anchor viewpost.
    I agree, and I think you maybe had an idea I knew all that.

    My concern is that I know that this is a tough topic to discuss in an open manner on an open forum because as you observed, you are going to be firing across the bows of some deeply embedded repressions / distortions / blockages in some people; which has been known to trigger forum-fireworks.

    I know that I would personally actually seriously benefit from an open discourse on the subject - being saddled myself with many questions, blockages, doubts and distortions in the area of sexuality and its many expressions and extremes, but I really do wonder if it would appropriate at this time and in this venue; which is why I held back on my own questions related to the topic in the past.

    I am not making any policy statements here. I am not saying dont go here or there with your information - every bit is of value. I only said anything because I am nervous about this topic and the effects it has on a forum - I admit am conditioned by my past experience! Sometimes that is a good thing - it stops me picking up hot rocks for example.

    Dear Anchor!

    I fully understand and share your temperance.
    As you may have noticed I did not directly reply to Spregovori and shall continue to refrain from giving generalising answers (as is possible to do with most topics).
    However it is of PARAMOUNT importance to have raised the subject matter to allow the 'great cleansing' of the 'polluted archetypes' to proceed from Gaia's energy herself.

    Allow me to give you a little example (this is not meant to offend anyone and no particular individuals are addressed, all characterisations are fictional):

    The 'wargame players' are meeting in the 'war room' to plan 'strategy' for a 'war scenario' already engaged in somewhere on the planet or one that is on the agenda of becoming implemented.

    The Air-Marshall, the Army-General and the Navy-Admiral, all have their ideas of 'how to proceed'.

    There are plans and plastic figures representing 'troops', hardware, collateral material and 'engagements', say laid out on a table of 'lego land'.

    It is rather a 'turn-on' for the 'brassy ones' and their many adjutants of course; to use their 'Phallic Substitutes' of Continental Ballistic Missiles, named 'Julie and Wilma' and of 'Fred the Depleted Uranium 238 Bomb'.

    Then 'Little Boy' and 'Fat Man' are so much 'nicer' humanized substitutes for the atomic destroyers of Hiroshima and Nagasaki respectively.

    Back home in the bedroom, the 'brassy ones' are relatively impotent. Their wives and mistresses have long lost their attractiveness to them and even the latest and most expensive 'calling girls' cannot induce the 'brassy ones' to 'raise to their occasions'.

    Maybe a 'little boy' or a 'little girl' TOTALLY INNOCENT and inexperienced and NATURALLY 'Not Ready' for sexual energizations can 'get it up'?

    Ah well, if this doesn't work; one tries a sheep or a dog or a camel. The animal better be killed afterwards so as not to corrupt the 'natural order of things'.

    Nothing works; but one can use the phallic substitute to FEEL the adrenalin and the POWER of BEING in Charge; pressing buttons; there it flies --kaboom; ah yes, now I feel it raising.

    Crass, Anchor, I know. But Necessary to EXPOSE the archetypes of the abuse.

    Give the 'brassy ones' (and by implication ALL sexually suppressed ones) a good harmonious expression of their sexuality; the nudist resort; the sauna; the 'house of ill repute'; the shared bubble-bath; the stripper show and its extensions; the Roman or Greek Orgy with Likeminded Sexually Mature Equals - in brief DO OPENLY and in full recognisance of yourself as your own judge and prosecutor; what you have HIDDEN under occult labels of secret brotherhoods (say the Clan of the ****) - then you will transform this, the most corrupting and devious archetype of them all.

    A nation like the USA prides itself of its 'high moralistic ground' in the 'Mirror of the World' but in its clandestine agendas of banal and 'silly' pornography (not eroticisms of esoteric tantra of whole body interaction); sex slave trading and child abuse; it is the leader of the 'Mirrors of the Underworld'.

    I shall only answer particular questions about the 'Story of the Inner Journey'; when it will be clear to me, that it is of benefit for the forum to do so.

    post_old. 01-15-2010, 06:02 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Ravens and Doves viewpost.
    Greetings, Earthlings,

    I, Paul, of the the Illustrious Council of the Neighborhood of North Hollywood in the City of Angels, California Republic under Conan the Barbarian, Nephew of SR-71 Blackbird Designer, Son of Reagan's Dentist and certified, unemployed family psycho ART BUM have one question:

    Do you ever have bake sales?


    Hi Paul of the Circle of the Arachne!

    No the Thuban Council has nothing to sell at all.


    post_old. 01-15-2010, 06:25 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by JohnMatX viewpost.
    My Question is quite simple. How is anything NEW? New Earth is not new. It has a name but Why aren't We told it? Why must we think we Co-create something New. When it's already there? All these things Feed our EGO. The biggest pitt fall is EGO Spiritualism. All of which we are taught threw quite a bit "New Age" paths. I read channelings supposedly from "Angels" calling us Warriors of Light. Giving us Names Like Gods and Goddess/Lords. These words are empty. These titles are only necessary for people who want attention or Respect/Power. You don't have to say what you think you are. You being you is enough. Our people have been treated like dirt. Once They hear names like Gods or "Ascended" Masters, Lords and they think this is all ok. We were taught this by those who manipulate Us. Those who still strive for FULL control. Lead us and give Us a sense of power threw Titles. I don't want no YES man to tell me everything is ok. I want truth not what Our Egos want Us to hear. When people say New Earth is already here. Yes in a way it is but We as a Collective we choose what probability we choose to align with. Nothing is Set in Stone. I am part reptilian myself for many of Us are. Nothing special. I am a D-12 collective consciousness too and go beyond that. Wow big deal. We all are. I just get the feeling this post is a vortex for people to feed on. Many truths here, many half truths all energy to be borrowed or consumed. Everything is filter everything is taken. Everything changes. Universal Evolving Truth of our own Perception. All is not perfect but all is perfect for learning Yes? Learn who you are, Depend on Your God seed Self. Be a true Ambassador of a Sovereign Being from your collective. For there is no I BUT WE! We choose who We Were and Are. In Loving Kristic Services We offer Peace and Love for all Who seek to heal within the scared Cleansing fields of Love. Unity Through Complementary Diversity! John M
    Hi JohnM!

    When the planet earth came intop physical existence from a solar nebula so 4.8 billion years ago it became a NEW EARTH by and through the agglomerating material forming the metallic elemental earth.

    The OLD EARTH so had existed in a metaphysical form before this 'densification'.
    It so was a PHASESHIFT between geometrical dimensions, which allowed the Old Earth to transform into a New Earth - a dimensional intersections between LineSpacetime and HyperSpacetime mirrored from QuantumSpacetima and OmniSpacetime in a particular labeling.

    The Old Earth now has attained its evolutionary nexus point to Phaseshift agian - this time from the LineSpacetime back into the HyperSpacetime with the difference of then being able to Retain its LineSp[ace Identity as a Kernel of Seed for its ascension.

    This has nothing to do with how you seem to classify the notion of EGO as you seem to describe it in your post.
    And yes, the Thuban data is for 'feeding' -even for 'intoxication'. Our master-templar; who you must surely know indeed, if you are familiar with the 12th dimension, has said so:

    (28) Jesus said: I stood in the midst of the world, and I appeared to them in flesh. I found them all drunk, I found none among them thirsting; and my soul was afflicted for the sons of men, for they are blind in their heart and they do not see. For empty came they into the world, seeking also to depart empty from the world. But now they are drunk. When they have thrown off their wine, then will they repent.

    post_old. 01-15-2010, 06:32 AM

    Avalon Senior Member


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Thank you abraxasinas for helping the willing, 'clear their pathways' per say. I would like to hear your take on the Aquarian archetype, (me being one) and what role the generally serve and is their a specific task or role to be served in the new earth/paradigm/golden age etc?
    post_old. 01-15-2010, 06:38 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    I JUST found this thread and I'm hating myself for it because I'm only up to like page 4 and it ends in 3 days so I wanted to skip ahead and ask abraxas some questions...

    I've been battling addiction with a substance for a couple of years now, it started out because of a chronic pain disease with no cure that I developed, both the disease and addiction have pretty much ruined my life and made me really depressed... is there any advice you could give me?

    I've read as most as I could so far and tried my best to understand it, I just have some questions about things that have never really been clear to me..

    -in 2012 when earth 'ascends' or changes or whatever it is that's going to happen, will we still be alive in our current physical bodies?

    -I was intrigued by the idea of people ascending to '4th density', now I'm more intrigued by the higher densities and dimensions, once again, I have to ask, do we retain our physical body once we ascend to those higher densities or dimensions(sorry still not quite clear on the difference between the terms), or is the ascension process something that happens over thousands of years and after many incarnations?(but then what about 2012 ascension?)

    -Do you know what chemtrails are?

    -What's your opinion on the movie "Avatar"?

    -And lastly, and sorry if this has this been discussd because I imagine it has.. but Haiti earthquake.. I've never felt so devastated at a 'natural'(or haarp-created) disaster ever in my life, I think I've cried over it several times, a lot of people seem to be affected as well.. what do you make of this?

    I'll appreciate it quite a bit if you could answer any of my questions, especially the first one I asked you. Thanks.
    post_old. 01-15-2010, 06:41 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by eleni viewpost.
    On the subject of orbs.....I had an experience 8 years or so ago where I floated out of bed to meet this orb the size of a Swiss exercise ball that had floated in via my window- I merged with this orb and it was an incredible sexual experience unlike any earth based incident (back then)......

    What is the meaning of that? I felt I merged with an aspect of myself.......
    Hi eleni!

    Yes, my data says you experienced your 'future self' through your merkabah, being the 'vessel of the lord' as your own personalised 'spacecraft'.

    It is 'highly sexual' because the shadow eleni is 'Helenus-Attila' say.
    Imagine yourself at the point of sexual conception when your father's Xo sexual chromosome blended with one of your mother's say X1.

    Now consider the Y-chromosome of your father, which DID become part of his genetic library in the placenta of your womb in the spermatozoa absorption.
    This Y-chromosome in conjunction with your mother's OTHER X-chromosome, say labeled X2 BECAME your Perfect Twin in the Y0X2 sexchromosomatic coupling.

    This 'twin soul' of sorts was 'thrown into the rubbish bin' after you were born and left the placental enclosure.

    All of your life you subconsciously 'search' for your 'Lost Male Other Half', the one who was in the placenta as a metaphysical entity, absorbing the bioplasma of your conception.

    So now it is easy to understand what your Shadow-SoulTwin is. It is your metaphysical 'Cosmic Twin'.

    So you literally experienced a 'baseperfect' sexual union with yourself in the merger with the metaphysical YOU as say Helenus-Attila.
    You temporarily became a SheHe, the androgenous higher DNA/RNA expression of the 5th density. This is the programmed Natural Bisexuality of the New StarWoman.

    Then by implication sexual communion between StarHumans will engage automatic 'foursomes' in harmonisation between the male aspects in New StarMen in extroversion and male aspects in New StarWomen in introversion - and vice versa for the femal aspects in the HeShes and the SheHes.

    Having already attained a fore-taste of this in your experience; you now KNOW what higher dimensional sexuality and the orgasmic selfhood indicates in the greater schema of the template for the starhumanity.

    post_old. 01-15-2010, 06:53 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Firstlook viewpost.
    hello Abraxas,

    What does the Thuban Council have to offer on the topic of sun gazing?


    Dear Firstlook!

    I know of what you speak.
    When the soul remembers its origins, the first contact associates the sources of light, either the moon or the sun.
    Then the 'inner voice' may say: "You are part of the sun. You can look right into it and just as the Lunar Aura is Blue, so the Aura of the Sun is Green'.

    Then the soul might use its biology to look into the sun and say when it dawns or sets.
    And then this might succeed for a while and then the biological eyes will hurt a bit and many years later the damage to the physical eyes might manifest in deteriorating vision.

    So the Thuban advice is to look into the sun, but not with your 3D eyes but your higherD eyes.
    The urges of the soul to blend with the sun or the moon is a message of the homecoming and the inner eyes of the awakening (say third eye) are sufficient to rediscover the kinship with all of the celestial orbs.

    Love Abraxas
    post_old. 01-15-2010, 07:29 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Spregovori viewpost.
    Hi Abraxasinas

    So the story...

    I wish you could speak my language...it would make things about 10 times easier...

    I am having trouble understanding the meaning, since there is not only the meaning to understand, I first have to understand (translate) words..re-form sentences...and than there are things like mistakes in translation and words I do not know how to understand...

    I think I did my best. No need to worry Anchor wink. I did self-censorship

    So the story - an addition to the start of the thread and is not directly connected with my previous questions?

    We have a person, pondering about the astral world?
    While doing so that person started to ask itself how would it be to visit itself?
    Yes this is very important - discovery of the Inner Self as a World in itself.
    The person also gets caught into pondering about the peoples thoughts in general?
    No, other peoples thought do not enter this experience at all.

    While doing that, the person entered the state unique to that person and that state was metaphorically named hell?
    "hell' is simply a label for the 'Underworld' or 'Inner World' and the archetype associated to be explored, i.e. 'what is my own inner Hell like?'

    At first hell was just a mix of colors..unrecognizable pictures...an abstract...or sort of an artist view?
    Ok, one enters without knowing what to expect - no presumptions.

    Let us call this person a Hero.
    It's you and everyone 'going on the journey' - no drugs required, just your mind.

    Our Hero decides eagerly to explore his own version of hell as doing so observing the changes in environment and himself.

    One of the first things our Hero learns is that while he is in control of himself he is also in the control of the situation?

    Hero also learns that one can not go beyond what he/she is?
    No, the hero learns that hisher mind seems to be basically unlimited in creative potential.

    As our Hero continued his journey he realized that everything and everyone just plays its role in what there is?
    No, the roles are there, appear and change and become subject to the hero's perceptions and thoughts, expectations, desires, .. whatever.

    Our Hero soon encounters what he labels as demons and a also some witches. A beings of untold powers, unknown to men.
    No not at all. The hero(ine) discovers that the overworld archetypes and symbols also exist in the inner world and new ones can become created and infented in manifestation.

    The witches were...dancing...in their natural clothing... and soon became sexually attracted to the Hero...
    A witche's coven and the pagan worship of nature as an archetype, yes.

    This attraction can be considered as a perfectly natural response?

    Also...Hero being in charge of his own castle...the witches reactions might also come from Heroes unconscious desire?
    Yes, the desires, expectations of all parties in interacting archetypes; the hero(ine) being the SELF-archetype.

    As a result of all this..happening...our Hero got a boner. He became to re-form the images and made an image of a women he prefers best...all of this mad our Hero aroused....thus enabling him to discover a female inside of him?
    Beautiful gnosis=insight blended with self-discovery indeed.

    At this same time the Hero realizes that the only way to the freedom of the spiritual self expression of the soul is to undergo a polygamy?
    No, you misunderstood; the freedom is the unification of the self. Once the self becomes unified; the One in Many (sexual partners say) also becomes the Many in One.

    Hero realizes that claiming someone to be "yours" is purely a form of egoism?
    Indeed, very true.

    After that the Hero uses his imagination to change from...from he to she...from she to he...
    Easy after self-unification.

    Hero enjoys exploring his feminine side...thus began the transformation of the hell (himself?)...from hell to something "nicer". He soon realizes the power of feminine...power over male (demon?)...
    Yes, you have discerned this well - transformation of self leads to transformation of the environment - ancient wisdom.

    As female...Hero starts looking for the alpha male...the one with the biggest...stick. The prime intention was a unity of hell and heaven?
    To stop being separated and join in oneness?
    To fully obtain the andorgeny?
    Yes, but the 'big stick' refers to the exploration of the archetype and using the previously known 'stereotypes' of what is preferrable in transmutation. remember the story talks about fitting scales together in harmony.

    After this the Hero gets overcomed by the Barby girl phenomenon. Hero decides he will increase his options regrading the alpha male. He puts up a pretense in form of games which include a fail safe?
    Your Barby Girl label here is inappropriate. The scenario is purely geared to manifest the agenda of the 'oracle', using the expectation of the underworld to fulfil the expectation of the overworld. The hero(ine) becomes a secret agent for the 'highest good' a win-win situation for all concerned.

    As any other true Barby girl...Hero decides he will let himself be surprised by unknowing - in order to bring forth more excitement...more unpredictability?
    Yes, to allow the DESIRE of the underworld FOR the overworld to maximise for the most potent outcome.

    Hero meets his 3 candidates in a from of what is called a devil. Devils comment on Hero being from Shamballa while themselves are being in the underworld Agartha....
    These are other archetypes: the four gospels, Greek elements, directions NESW and so on.

    Is it not the Agartha - the garden of eden? Why are there "devils" there in a story?
    Here you are stuck in a later interpretation of archetypes. Yes the point is to 'marry' Heaven with Hell; Shamballa with Agartha; Overworld with Underworld; Outer Self with Inner Self etc. etc.

    Hero than starts playing a game of deceit? He promises a....never ending story...to the devil that will win.
    You misunderstood. There is no deceit, but the utility of the Natural Order to manifest itself using polar opposites. The Hero(ine) has learned to use the inner harmony to manifest the outer harmony.

    Unity between surface world and underworld? Isn't that what made the hmm so called "fallen angels" that had sex with the surface people ?
    This is where your own dualistic preconceptions about history and the 'meaning of life' begin to clash with deeper realities unified.
    The 'fallen angels' are the 'devils' in the underworld AND are the 'risen devils' of the 'angels' of the overworld. So its a Mirror of Mirrors. I'll leave it at that for now.

    During the fail-safe part of the game...Hero makes a mistake and the devil that won the 1st part also wins the 2nd part.
    No not a mistake; but a learning process. The hero(ine) surrenders control of hisher own creation (Free Will question here of and about God, if you can discern this here) to render the 'adventure' more entertaining. The 2nd part fulfils the 1st part in again allowing a maximum win-win situation to become possible.

    Hero..did not do as promised right away...there were "other tasks" to do first. In the mean time the devils were given the pictures...with females on them. Each female had a name...name mostly familiarized with the angels.
    Yes, the archetypes again: 4 archdemons marrying 4 archangelic goddesses - not too hard to conceptualise. The 'other tasks' refer to the timeline, not yet completed; but the 'promises' have been made and the 'New Heaven and New Hell' are 'In waiting' like groom and bride really.

    I am still not sure if I "get it"....

    This went better than I expected. Anchor will be ok with that.

    I am however willing (if need be) to discuss sexuality without "moral presumptions" and as intellectually as I can... But I think that sort of discussion might cause Anchor to have a headache...so it could only be done in private.
    post_old. 01-15-2010, 07:50 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by In Transit viewpost.
    Hi Abraxas -

    Re: Post 418

    Thank you for your reply. I understand much of what you say, yet there is much that I do not understand. I still in my infancy concerning the type of knowledge that you share.

    I was taught in my youth that there would be a "great gathering" of those entities in the "last days" and that the gathering would involve many who have walked this plane of existence before. Even the father of all men, Adam. Is this the homecoming of which you speak?

    Hi In Transit!
    Yes the Father of all men is indeed Adam - as an universal archetype.
    And this archetype was meant to become a real physically incarnate being and be given a new, actually many names.

    Adam is YOU.
    And you are here are you not? The 'Great gathering' is all around you.

    I was told specifically that I would work with the entity known as Manasseh (as well as others) during the period which I mentioned in the previous post. How would something like this manifest? First ascension, then transformation, then mission? In other words, must I pass through some type of physical change before I am introduced to those who will be my teachers and that I will later assist in helping others?

    Manasseh is another one of those archetypes and symbolises a 'split' between two brothers of Joseph=Aquarius Starsign.
    Manasseh applies to ALL Americans and Ephraim applies to all 'Commonwealthers', including UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
    Manasseh is 'The Great Nation' and Ephraim is 'The Company of Nations', in encodement.
    So every American is an Israelite of Aquarius and is also one of the other tribes relative to hisher own starsign (see some other posts).

    10And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.
    11And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins; 12And the land which I gave Abraham and Isaac, to thee I will give it, and to thy seed after thee will I give the land.

    Should you be able to process this information regarding your own archetypes, then this will be sufficient 'initiation' and 'graduation'; as then your 'inner guidance' will know how to proceed independent from all other sources (including the Thuban source).

    I was also told that during the time I would work with Manasseh and others I would be assisting many who would be "shackled" and "oppressed". I have always just accepted that this was more of a spiritual connotation. I would have to think that during all of the chaos of the upcoming events (whatever that is exactly) and the implementation of the "New Jerusalem" a lot of individuals would be absolutely frightened and confused. What is your take on this?

    All of the above is true. You now know what Manasseh is as your countrymen and you know about the 'oppressions' being participatory on this forum. The 'New Jerusalem' is also an archetype, substituting for many things;
    1. A City of Light in the Sky with four gates and of diameter of so 2000 miles (its encoded in Ezekiel and Revelation).
    2. From the Gates derive Motherships, themselves a kind of 'Daughters of the New Jerusalem' and so on.
    3. Every New StarWoman will become a 'New Jerusalem' in herhis own merkabah and vice versa for the heshes.
    Think of a Great Black Mothership also being a Great White Fathership AS the emissiary from the 'City of Light'.

    Thanks for your insight. I look forward to further insight on this topic. There is more that I would like to share, but I believe this conversation will take on a life of it's own to both of our benefit.
    You are welcome and thanking you for opening the sharing of this data in asking pertinent questions.

    post_old. 01-15-2010, 08:23 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    This went better than I expected. Anchor will be ok with that.
    What did you expect?

    I too had anchor in my mind...while responding...so at time I did heavy censorship...regarding the juicy stuff...which might also derail the whole point...or not....


    To all:

    While people do have "triggers" regarding sexuality I do believe it would benefit them even if it would...bring them out of the "oblivion" into the "horror" of the "real world"...name it as you would like to...

    Much is hidden....deep down inside...

    For those that like conspiracy theories - the way we are told and shown about the topic of sexuality - is probably the biggest of them all

    but yes dear reader...i might be wrong...than again...so might be you
    post_old. 01-15-2010, 08:47 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Jason viewpost.
    Thank you abraxasinas for helping the willing, 'clear their pathways' per say. I would like to hear your take on the Aquarian archetype, (me being one) and what role the generally serve and is their a specific task or role to be served in the new earth/paradigm/golden age etc?
    Hi Jason!

    The Aquarian archetype is all around you.
    This present time in terms of astrodata of the zodiac is described by a transition of the 'Age of Pisces' into the 'Age of Aquarius'.

    In the greater picture of the last 13th Mayan baktun of 144,000 days (or 394.26 civil years) from 1617 -2012 (Newton/Galileo to today) becomes 'finetuned' in a 37.8 year period for the transition of the Sun past the Galactic Center.
    As the sun's size is about 0.5 degrees; this transit will be midpointed in January 1998 with (an encoded) deviation period of 3.5 years forthe 2012/2013 nexus time.

    Then the 'Age of Aquarius' began on January 20th, 1998 (correlating the Edgar Cayce prediction and the David Wilcock channelings) when the sun transited from Capricorn into Aquarius; just as this week on January 19th, the Sun with Venus will join Neptune and Chiron (the Cosmic Healer) in Aquarius and following the solar eclipse of the Father's Capricornian Moon and the lunar eclipse heralding the end of 2009 with the Mother's Cancer Moon on December 31st, 2009.

    So the 'beginnings' of 1998 are now manifesting in the 'play of the zodiac' in one form of the 'fulfilment of prophecy'.

    The planet of the christening, Neptune of the Vesica Pisces is in Aquarius and Aquarius's ruler Uranus is in Pisces.
    Uranus will stay there until May 28th, when it will enter Aries until August 15th, 2010 then reversing into Pisces again until finally entering Aries on March 12th, 2011.

    So the great Uranus-Neptune 'Dance of the Lila' will complete in springtime 2011 and then Neptune will 'take over' the final year of the birthing-transformation.

    Neptune will enter his own Pisces sign on February 4th, 2012 to lead into the transformation zodiac-wise.

    Jupiter will enter Pisces on January 18th/19th to relate the 'King of the Planets' and the 'Symbol of the Jews' to the rebirthing of the 'Cosmic Christ' Energy but then in MANY and not the One of Bethlehem on March 24th, 6 BC. {Then a dance between Saturn, Jupiter and the Moon related similar astrodata to Saturn-Moon conjoins 1 New Moon apart in the March equinox 6BC and April 17th}.

    Jupiter will be a Piscean energy ruler until January 23rd, 2011 with a retrovisit into Aries for the period June 7th, 2010 to September 10th, 2010.

    Overall, the present time period is marked by the ecliptic Father-Mother partnership and the Sun-Venus
    Mercury will enter Aquarius on February 11th followed by Venus into Pisces on the 12th to join the Sun, Chiron, Uranus and Neptune in the 'Dance of the Celestial Orbs' and Houses of the 'gods' - astrometrically writing.
    {There are similar occurrences in the greater calendrical agendas as indicated, which are galactic and extragalactic superpositions onto the finetuned starsystem based ones.}


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    page 20 of 63

    post_old. 01-15-2010, 08:52 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Spregovori viewpost.
    What did you expect?

    I too had anchor in my mind...while responding...so at time I did heavy censorship...regarding the juicy stuff...which might also derail the whole point...or not....


    To all:

    While people do have "triggers" regarding sexuality I do believe it would benefit them even if it would...bring them out of the "oblivion" into the "horror" of the "real world"...name it as you would like to...

    Much is hidden....deep down inside...

    For those that like conspiracy theories - the way we are told and shown about the topic of sexuality - is probably the biggest of them all

    but yes dear reader...i might be wrong...than again...so might be you
    Hi Spregovori - I expected less lucidity, not just from you but from anyone commenting.
    Both you and Anchor have exhibited more 'spiritual maturity' then would be the 'norm' in regards to such a delicate subject.
    And you have summarised it well in this, your statement:

    "For those that like conspiracy theories - the way we are told and shown about the topic of sexuality - is probably the biggest of them all"

    Enough said.

    Thank you for replying and questioning.

    post_old. 01-15-2010, 09:27 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by powerviolence viewpost.
    I JUST found this thread and I'm hating myself for it because I'm only up to like page 4 and it ends in 3 days so I wanted to skip ahead and ask abraxas some questions...

    Hi powerviolence!

    There is no need to worry, nothing ends in three days. It is simply a new cycle beginning - see post to Jason about the astrocycles.

    I've been battling addiction with a substance for a couple of years now, it started out because of a chronic pain disease with no cure that I developed, both the disease and addiction have pretty much ruined my life and made me really depressed... is there any advice you could give me?

    Can you believe that there might be others sharing your predicament? Perhaps not caused by substance abuse, but by say an insideous neurological disease due to genetic malfunctioning of the axial motor neuron systems.
    How would you feel, having been a middle distance runner and active person, becoming confined to walking sticks, shaking when trying to stand and walking relating to selftorture?

    Then instead of depression, can you use what you have left in biology to strengthen your mind and USE your disability to bring forth the 'inner being' of you in harmony with a 'future selfhood' no longer imprisoned in a selfdestructing and decaying physical bodyform?

    Your present incarnational physical life might be ruined; yet you can 'work' on your superincarnational life - the promise of a hybrid body - half matter and half light - without disease.

    I've read as most as I could so far and tried my best to understand it, I just have some questions about things that have never really been clear to me..

    -in 2012 when earth 'ascends' or changes or whatever it is that's going to happen, will we still be alive in our current physical bodies?

    As in the above - the great promise and this:

    1 Corinthians 15:52 (King James Version)

    52In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

    -I was intrigued by the idea of people ascending to '4th density', now I'm more intrigued by the higher densities and dimensions, once again, I have to ask, do we retain our physical body once we ascend to those higher densities or dimensions(sorry still not quite clear on the difference between the terms), or is the ascension process something that happens over thousands of years and after many incarnations?(but then what about 2012 ascension?)

    No, the 'ascension process' will be 'the twinkling of an eye' in terms of a BACKGROUND then for the Individual to 'ascend in'.
    As said the 'New Body' will use the 'Old Body' as a basis - like a phasechange, say water freezing from its liquid state or evaporating from its liquid state.
    I have seen the lightbody with 'physical' eyes and I have access to the physical-mathematical model describing this in elementary terms of gauge-string-interaction and other jargonautics of mathematical physical theory.
    In a nutshell a fifth gauge interaction is required besides the longrange unification of gravitation with electromagnetism and the shortrange strong- and weak nuclear gauge interactions to harmonise the longrange with the shortrange.
    This interaction engages 'Stationary Lightwaves' as Consciousness-Fields from the Universal LightMatrix (of the Heisenberg ZPE say).
    This then is akin a Merkabah-Aura encompassing the 'Old Human Bodyform' in a Magnetic EnergyInduction termed Monopolar EMR.
    In this manner what you know as Mass becomes Static Electricity coupled in mass parameters to the Frequency Nature of electric current not as i=dq/dt, but as i=2ef in quantum form (the electron charge quantum becomes a constant coefficient in a differential equation reduced in order from 2 to 1.

    Some esoteric schools term this the Superelectron of Metatron and similar.
    It is 'hard core' advanced string-membrane physics in the modern usage of the archetype.

    -Do you know what chemtrails are?

    Another form of pollution and control mechnism, like subliminals, food additives, innoculations and the rest of it.

    -What's your opinion on the movie "Avatar"?

    I like it. It describes the archetype of the harmony-antiharmony in terms of the application of technology natural-synthetic (weaponry) say to good effect. In terms of filmmaking, the special effects are pioneering.

    -And lastly, and sorry if this has this been discussd because I imagine it has.. but Haiti earthquake.. I've never felt so devastated at a 'natural'(or haarp-created) disaster ever in my life, I think I've cried over it several times, a lot of people seem to be affected as well.. what do you make of this?

    The transition of the Old Earth is synchronized with the transformation of 'unseen' archetypes. Would it not have been for the many 'higher selves' and 'ET-friends' engaged in bringing about the 'Greatest Story ever told'; then many more (un)natural disaters would have befallen this planet by now.
    Nuclear annihilation would have already occurred, say so two decades ago.
    The Harmonic Convergence of August 16-18 1987 was instrumental and of immense cosmic significance to have already assured that the 'critical mass' of 7 billion inhabitants will be reached in the year 2012 - to whom are added 200 million 'alien' walk-ins say.

    I'll appreciate it quite a bit if you could answer any of my questions, especially the first one I asked you. Thanks.
    post_old. 01-15-2010, 09:37 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    what do you thinkabout how to build up the Merkabah? The right meditation
    is not so easy.Much more easy and with much more fun you will find a way
    in Tantrayoga ups.- Spregovori you have to study in private
    with all the best sabina
    post_old. 01-15-2010, 10:04 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by SABINA viewpost.
    what do you thinkabout how to build up the Merkabah? The right meditation
    is not so easy.Much more easy and with much more fun you will find a way
    in Tantrayoga ups.- Spregovori you have to study in private
    with all the best sabina
    Your avatar is 'giving you away' Sabina.

    The Riddles of the Sphinx of the Hamarkhis -Horus of the Horizon continue.

    post_old. 01-15-2010, 10:24 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by SABINA viewpost.
    what do you thinkabout how to build up the Merkabah? The right meditation
    is not so easy.Much more easy and with much more fun you will find a way
    in Tantrayoga ups.- Spregovori you have to study in private
    with all the best sabina
    The chariot? hmmm dont know much about that..
    Her avatar? Looks like the cover of a fairy tale...

    In private...Tantrayoga (sounds promising).... Em would you happen to have a am some sort of a "directional url" or do I just google it? (i wish to avoid any "mainstream" miss uses / false uses)
    post_old. 01-15-2010, 12:57 PM

    Ravens and Doves
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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Hi Paul of the Circle of the Arachne!

    No the Thuban Council has nothing to sell at all.


    Thank you Abraxas,

    You know me and you know I only jest sometimes. I haven't been able to read all your posts, but I hope they will be archived.

    Your avatar is both gentle and powerful.

    Right now I'm listeneing to an old aquaintences song "In Deep" (by Bird York -she got an Oscar nomination for it in the movie "Crash"). It reminds me of you and others on Avelon.


    May we all stay In Deep.

    Abraxas, you are the lead violin in this symphony of a thread.

    post_old. 01-15-2010, 01:02 PM

    Ravens and Doves
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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Ravens and Doves viewpost.
    Thank you Abraxas,

    May we all stay In Deep.

    Abraxas, you are the lead violin in this symphony of a thread.

    If you'll accept my apologies, I meant Abraxasinas (I blush).


    post_old. 01-15-2010, 01:19 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Ravens and Doves viewpost.
    Thank you Abraxas,

    You know me and you know I only jest sometimes. I haven't been able to read all your posts, but I hope they will be archived.

    Your avatar is both gentle and powerful.

    Right now I'm listeneing to an old aquaintences song "In Deep" (by Bird York -she got an Oscar nomination for it in the movie "Crash"). It reminds me of you and others on Avelon.


    May we all stay In Deep.

    Abraxas, you are the lead violin in this symphony of a thread.

    Aye Paul!
    I do know you and your experiences have been powerful indicators.
    You are well on the way to obtain even deeper insights and WE are sitting in the same boat.

    PAUL=ARACHNE=CIRCLE=3+9+18+3+12+5 and the Spider's Web in the Corner of the Cube inscribed in the Sphere allows the Merkabah the become a Tesseract.
    The artists of the Old World will be most important wayshowers and pioneers to translate the sciences of the parallel abstractions in the New World.

    Love and Gnosis to you

    PS.: You do look like the filmstar David Germanus Hasselhoff, the One who faced the synthetic Anacondas - if I were a goddess!


    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-15-2010 at 01:25 PM.
    post_old. 01-15-2010, 01:21 PM

    Ravens and Doves
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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Ravens and Doves viewpost.
    If you'll accept my apologies, I meant Abraxasinas (I blush).


    One last post before I fall over with the sun rising.

    Without even reading all the posts, I find a refeshing vibe here. I just ran from a rather heated, nasty Illuminati forum: a place where everybody sees themselves as King of the World and the rest of us are just road kill.

    I'm sure Abraxasinas will agree that the best we can be is scholars and gentlemen and treat all others as though they (men and women) are the same... because they ARE the same as you and I and all sentient beings of the free universe.
    post_old. 01-15-2010, 01:24 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Ravens and Doves viewpost.
    If you'll accept my apologies, I meant Abraxasinas (I blush).


    As In Abraxas is Abraxasinas and more like Old Wise Yoda in Plato's Cave of the Shadows than a 'Leading Violin String'.
    Yoda is too old and brittle to move around much - but he knows the Story.

    Yoda, the Keeper of and Trainer of Dragons
    post_old. 01-15-2010, 01:49 PM

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Thank you for the reply Abraxasinas. I'm impressed by the time and dedication you give to answer all people here thumb_yello. .

    Thank you for your answer, interesting. You refer the "Great Galactic War" mentioned by the andromedan as not from our dimension and prime to our Universe. It is not the case dear. Not the same event.

    And the founder or "Paa Taal" are from unknown origin according to the andromedan, most probably not from Draconian origin, because they are not from our Universe, always according to the andromedan.

    So in other word, if I follow the logic of the Thuban material. The draconian are descendant of the "founder". They are native of this Universe and not the cause of the "Great Galactic War" that occurred in the past history of our galaxy...

    It is almost 180 degree opposite from what Alex Collier message received from the andromedans. I suspect the Thuban material being created by the draconian interventionists in the purpose to mislead Earth people into false doctrine to influence them further on the path of servitude...

    Thank you for your time, Steven
    post_old. 01-15-2010, 02:17 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Greetings abraxasinas,

    I have been following this marvelous thread since you started it, I have been taking in this vast amount of information as best as I can. I must say having read most of it three times it all does start to make sense. I admit of all I think I understand, I feel that I am missing one detail that I can not decipher on my own.

    I have seen many of your responses contain phrases such as this:


    I have no idea on how to decipher these, or what they mean. I apologize to you and everyone else if this is "elementary", but i feel as if I may understand much more if you would kindly explain (or point me in the right direction) what these mean or how it fits with the rest of this tremendous information.

    Thank you,

    post_old. 01-15-2010, 02:22 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Steven viewpost.
    Thank you for the reply Abraxasinas. I'm impressed by the time and dedication you give to answer all people here thumb_yello. .

    Thank you for your answer, interesting. You refer the "Great Galactic War" mentioned by the andromedan as not from our dimension and prime to our Universe. It is not the case dear. Not the same event.

    And the founder or "Paa Taal" are from unknown origin according to the andromedan, most probably not from Draconian origin, because they are not from our Universe, always according to the andromedan.

    So in other word, if I follow the logic of the Thuban material. The draconian are descendant of the "founder". They are native of this Universe and not the cause of the "Great Galactic War" that occurred in the past history of our galaxy...

    It is almost 180 degree opposite from what Alex Collier message received from the andromedans. I suspect the Thuban material being created by the draconian interventionists in the purpose to mislead Earth people into false doctrine to influence them further on the path of servitude...

    Thank you for your time, Steven
    Dear me, no my dear Steven!

    You have misunderstood the reply. The Andromedan stated, through Alex Collier, that they DID NOT KNOW where the 'elders' came from. This and the opening of the 12th dimension.

    I then outlined in some detail, that the Draconians (of Collier) as well as the Lyrans (of Collier) are the GrandChildren of the 'founding elders'.
    As you see, there is a missing generation - the Paa Taal (Collier), who are the 'common ancestors' of both the 'Draconian ' 'Dark STS' brotherhood say and the 'Lyran' 'Light STO' brotherhood (which then (Collier) gave issue to the Pleiadeans and the humans).

    Nowhere did I even mention your 'Great Galactic War' as being anything else but a 'war between archetypes'.
    I did however separate the observer perspective of Andromeda as being extragalactic, whilst the 'Alpha Draconians', as well as the Lyran-Pleiadean-Human perspectives are from the intergalactic observation platform.

    Then I attempted to clarify the Paa Taal as being a 'unified' observation point and I should have clarified, that this unified perspective 'transcends' all of your and Collier's notion of the 'Great Galactic War' in this galaxy and as say observed by the Andromdean extragalactic viewpoint.
    You can write your own story about those 'wars of the Stars' OR you can accept the many other legends about those wars in editorial function or copycat fashion.

    So yes, the Draconians (and all other races) are descendents from the Elders but the Elders are 'a generation' removed through the intermissiary of the Paa Taal.
    As the participants of the 'Great Galactic Wars' are all akin 'Grandchildren' of the Elders and akin Children of the Paa Taal; all of them remain 'in ambivalence' or mystery as to their origins.

    You can attempt to induce me to 'describe' the 'Great Galactic Wars' until the holy cows of Hathor return from Egypt, I will not do so.
    In your attempt to contradict my data base by and through your comparative data obtained by a variety of other sources and authors; you are conveniently omitting my statement, that all of those 'star wars records' depict secondary and tertiary accounts and manifestations of the archetypes FOUNDED by the Elders and MANIFESTED by the Paa Taal and then RECORDED by the Third Generation.

    As member of the Council of Thuban, I observe the many records of the 'story telling' of OUR Grandchildren. There is no need for me to IMAGE another accord for this, as the Archetypology described to you in some detail, ENCOMPASSES ALL of such stories and legends.

    You cannot contradict my database dear Grandchild.
    Perhaps it would be advisable for you to discover who your parents are, before you question the wisdom of the Elders.

    Grandpa Abraxas
    post_old. 01-15-2010, 02:29 PM

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by ewhite viewpost.
    Greetings abraxasinas,

    I have been following this marvelous thread since you started it, I have been taking in this vast amount of information as best as I can. I must say having read most of it three times it all does start to make sense. I admit of all I think I understand, I feel that I am missing one detail that I can not decipher on my own.

    I have seen many of your responses contain phrases such as this:


    I have no idea on how to decipher these, or what they mean. I apologize to you and everyone else if this is "elementary", but i feel as if I may understand much more if you would kindly explain (or point me in the right direction) what these mean or how it fits with the rest of this tremendous information.

    Thank you,

    I'll take a stab at this - If A=1 B=2 C=3 Then CIRCLE is 3+9+18+3+12+5 thumb_yello.
    post_old. 01-15-2010, 02:39 PM

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    Originally Posted by iainl140285 viewpost.
    I'll take a stab at this - If A=1 B=2 C=3 Then CIRCLE is 3+9+18+3+12+5 thumb_yello.
    Thank you, iainl

    Right, that is what I figured, what confuses me is how you get from PAUL --> CIRCLE, and what is the significance? Again, excuse my ignorance.

    I do not wish to throw the thread off track, for something that may or may not be "elementary" , but I do know that if one is confused there is a high probability that many others do not understand as well.
    post_old. 01-15-2010, 02:45 PM

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    Originally Posted by ewhite viewpost.
    Thank you, iainl

    Right, that is what I figured, what confuses me is how you get from PAUL --> CIRCLE, and what is the significance? Again, excuse my ignorance.

    I do not wish to throw the thread off track, for something that may or may not be "elementary" , but I do know that if one is confused there is a high probability that many others do not understand as well.
    Well, I dont want to step on anyones toes here, but the significance is, EVERYTHING is linked through letters/language and numbers.

    Its Infinite. Just like PI original. Or CIRCLE.

    A quick example. PI = 3.14
    Go to the middle letters of the alphabet - MN = 13 14 OR 3.14 lol3. Its all connected
    post_old. 01-15-2010, 02:48 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by ewhite viewpost.
    Greetings abraxasinas,

    I have been following this marvelous thread since you started it, I have been taking in this vast amount of information as best as I can. I must say having read most of it three times it all does start to make sense. I admit of all I think I understand, I feel that I am missing one detail that I can not decipher on my own.

    I have seen many of your responses contain phrases such as this:


    I have no idea on how to decipher these, or what they mean. I apologize to you and everyone else if this is "elementary", but i feel as if I may understand much more if you would kindly explain (or point me in the right direction) what these mean or how it fits with the rest of this tremendous information.

    Thank you,

    Thank you ewhite for asking me directly about this. It is such a marvellous question, because it allows me to share a magnificent story of how the education system of the New Earth will be much more fun and play, than the rote-learning of the Old Earth.

    Here is the story and your question will be answered within it.

    You are EWHITE and you have a Son called Tim, who being about 6 years old is learning to count and write in some school.

    You have taught Tim the alphabet of 26 letters and also the complementary 'Arabic' numeracy.

    Even before Tim began interacting in a schooling environment with other children, you taught him the SECRET of his NAME.

    Tim so knows his secret name when he begins school life and soon he plays with other children and they exchange names.
    'I am Tim, what is your name', asks Tim
    'My name is John and her name is Eliza', replies John.

    Tim scratches his head and thinks for a while. He also looks at the wall in front of him, where the treacher is sitting observing the school ground.
    'John I know something about you, which you dont know and the same about Eliza', Tim grins to both John and Eliza.

    'Yeah, what would that be', Eliza questions Tim.

    Tim says: "John your secret name is the Number 47 and Eliza your secret number is the number 53"!

    John and Eliza look at each other and John replies astounded: "how do you know that"?

    'It's very simple magic. I'll teach it to you and then you can teach the magic of the numbers to the other kids", replies Tim.

    'And I'll check you in both of you telling me my secret name', Tim continues.

    'Wow, this could be fun", says Eliza and so the children teach and learn from each other - without teachers staring over their shoulders, except in some general role of the observer of the playground.
    The children learn both the Alphabet and Basic Arithmetic just by sharing their Names of the Magic Numbers.

    Ok, this is how Tim worked out John's and Eliza's 'secret numbers' of the Magic.
    On the wall behind the teacher is a grand banner of the Alphabet with numbers written under each number:

    A=1; B=2; C=3; D=4; E=5; F=6;......X=24; Y=25; Z=26.

    So Tim added up (in his head): J=10; O=15; H=8 and N=14.
    10+15=25, 25+8=33 and 33+14=47.

    For Eliza then, looking at the banner of the Alpha-Numeracy:

    E=5; L=12; I=9; Z=26; A=1 for 5+12=17, 17+9=26; 26+26=52; 52+1=53.

    And the playfulness of mathematics, linked to visualisations in practical relevance, such as given names continues.

    post_old. 01-15-2010, 02:56 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Hello Abaxanus...

    Yes, I as well would like to thank you for your dedication with this thread...amazing amount of info...I need to read a couple of times for it to sink in...Hey, I am just a mere human... naughty.

    Can I ask you a few questions please?

    If you are who you say you are, and you have a genuine message for mankind, so to speak...

    Why are you singing this tune to such a small audience? ... Surely you need to reach a much wider audience!...

    Perhaps you are pushing the message on various other forums? Yes?

    Sorry, I don't mean to demean your efforts in any way on the contrary I commend you on your thread which has been injected with huge information and some wisdom. There are a couple of topics I would disagree with!

    Also what is your understanding with regard to 'The Universal Laws of creation'?

    post_old. 01-15-2010, 03:05 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by iainl140285 viewpost.
    Well, I dont want to step on anyones toes here, but the significance is, EVERYTHING is linked through letters/language and numbers.

    Its Infinite. Just like PI original. Or CIRCLE.

    A quick example. PI = 3.14
    Go to the middle letters of the alphabet - MN = 13 14 OR 3.14 lol3. Its all connected
    Hi Iainl!

    Indeed you understand. You have graduated to the Title of Alphanumericist and you can now begin to share your knowledge of this simple key with the universe.

    The Arabic English system is used (one can use of course any other language), because it derives from the alphanumeracy of the Hebrew Kabbalah now 'Anglosaxonized', which subsitutes vowels with numbers, say in the Tetragrammaton YHWH and the Pentagrammaton YHWHY.

    'After your seed shall the New Nation be called', it is written to Abraham via ISAAC=IS.AAC=IS.AA*C=IS.ABC because if A=1 and B=2 and...and Z=26, then the next A=A* will be like a B if the Z=A in the closing of the Circle of the alphabet.

    Hebrews 11:18
    Of whom it was said, That in Isaac shall thy seed be called:

    post_old. 01-15-2010, 03:17 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Thank you ewhite for asking me directly about this. It is such a marvellous question, because it allows me to share a magnificent story of how the education system of the New Earth will be much more fun and play, than the rote-learning of the Old Earth.
    Much Appreciation to both you and Iainl, sometimes we tend to make things more complicated than they really are. It all makes perfect sense now. I feel a tad embarrassed for looking too deep into the significance completely bypassing the obvious. Thank you again for your example.
    post_old. 01-15-2010, 03:18 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by viking viewpost.
    Hello Abaxanus...

    Yes, I as well would like to thank you for your dedication with this thread...amazing amount of info...I need to read a couple of times for it to sink in...Hey, I am just a mere human... naughty.

    Can I ask you a few questions please?

    If you are who you say you are, and you have a genuine message for mankind, so to speak...

    Why are you singing this tune to such a small audience? ... Surely you need to reach a much wider audience!...

    I am not doing this on 'my' behalf, but on OUR behalf. I do know the general timeline, but I do not know the details of this timeline until these are transmitted to me. In some way I am learning what comes next in interacting here. All teachers are also students. I am not really a teacher but a simple councillor and scribe and witess to the things coming.

    Perhaps you are pushing the message on various other forums? Yes?

    No, I run some forums in my name of John Shadow; but on these forums the 'rigidity' of thinking is far more 'mainstream' (and manipulated) as here.
    I am doing what I am doing as long as it shall last or be appropriate.

    Sorry, I don't mean to demean your efforts in any way on the contrary I commend you on your thread which has been injected with huge information and some wisdom. There are a couple of topics I would disagree with!

    Many disagree with many things. Some agree with most things and some agree with some things. This is as it should be.
    To accept everything I share as some 'New Commandment from Thuban' would be MOST counterproductive and stifle your evolution to DISCOVER yourself in the grandest manner possible.

    Also what is your understanding with regard to 'The Universal Laws of creation'?

    My understanding of 'The Universal Laws of Creation' are the THUBANESE VERSION. I am sure there are many other versions there for your discernment and comparison.

    A lot of my work is a little technical and suffused with what is known as 'Universal Insight/Gnosis' or the 'perennial Philosophy' (Wisdom of the Ancients).
    This link gives access: http://tonyb.freeyellow.com

    post_old. 01-15-2010, 03:21 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by SABINA viewpost.
    what do you thinkabout how to build up the Merkabah? The right meditation
    is not so easy.Much more easy and with much more fun you will find a way
    in Tantrayoga ups.- Spregovori you have to study in private
    with all the best sabina

    You can try this to build your Merkaba


    the psonn of Lyra


    It is a very safe method

    post_old. 01-15-2010, 03:21 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by ewhite viewpost.
    Much Appreciation to both you and Iainl, sometimes we tend to make things more complicated than they really are. It all makes perfect sense now. I feel a tad embarrassed for looking too deep into the significance completely bypassing the obvious. Thank you again for your example.
    You are most welcome and I am pleased that now it appears obvious to you.
    You have learned and discovered one of the 'secret keys' to decipher the archetypes of the universe.

    Love Abrax
    post_old. 01-15-2010, 03:25 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Hi Iainl!

    Indeed you understand. You have graduated to the Title of Alphanumericist and you can now begin to share your knowledge of this simple key with the universe.

    The Arabic English system is used (one can use of course any other language), because it derives from the alphanumeracy of the Hebrew Kabbalah now 'Anglosaxonized', which subsitutes vowels with numbers, say in the Tetragrammaton YHWH and the Pentagrammaton YHWHY.

    'After your seed shall the New Nation be called', it is written to Abraham via ISAAC=IS.AAC=IS.AA*C=IS.ABC because if A=1 and B=2 and...and Z=26, then the next A=A* will be like a B if the Z=A in the closing of the Circle of the alphabet.

    Hebrews 11:18
    Of whom it was said, That in Isaac shall thy seed be called:

    Cool, thanks lol3.
    What other 'titles' are there? original.
    Any pointers on where I should focus my study on nxt?
    post_old. 01-15-2010, 03:30 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by iainl140285 viewpost.
    Cool, thanks lol3.
    What other 'titles' are there? original.
    Any pointers on where I should focus my study on nxt?
    Whatever you would like to become. The stars behind the stars shall be your nonlimitation.

    Before extending in knowledge and wisdom, secure your basis, would be my advice.



    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    page 21 of 63

    post_old. 01-15-2010, 03:32 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by viking View Post
    Hello Abaxanus...

    Yes, I as well would like to thank you for your dedication with this thread...amazing amount of info...I need to read a couple of times for it to sink in...Hey, I am just a mere human...

    Can I ask you a few questions please?

    If you are who you say you are, and you have a genuine message for mankind, so to speak...

    Why are you singing this tune to such a small audience? ... Surely you need to reach a much wider audience!...

    I am not doing this on 'my' behalf, but on OUR behalf. I do know the general timeline, but I do not know the details of this timeline until these are transmitted to me. In some way I am learning what comes next in interacting here. All teachers are also students. I am not really a teacher but a simple councillor and scribe and witess to the things coming.

    Perhaps you are pushing the message on various other forums? Yes?

    No, I run some forums in my name of John Shadow; but on these forums the 'rigidity' of thinking is far more 'mainstream' (and manipulated) as here.
    I am doing what I am doing as long as it shall last or be appropriate.

    Sorry, I don't mean to demean your efforts in any way on the contrary I commend you on your thread which has been injected with huge information and some wisdom. There are a couple of topics I would disagree with!

    Many disagree with many things. Some agree with most things and some agree with some things. This is as it should be.
    To accept everything I share as some 'New Commandment from Thuban' would be MOST counterproductive and stifle your evolution to DISCOVER yourself in the grandest manner possible.

    Also what is your understanding with regard to 'The Universal Laws of creation'?

    My understanding of 'The Universal Laws of Creation' are the THUBANESE VERSION. I am sure there are many other versions there for your discernment and comparison.

    A lot of my work is a little technical and suffused with what is known as 'Universal Insight/Gnosis' or the 'perennial Philosophy' (Wisdom of the Ancients).
    This link gives access: http://tonyb.freeyellow.com

    Thank you so much for your reply...you are certainly quick of the mark!!

    The first question you forgot to answer... Why do you choose such a small audience with such an important message for mankind??

    I would have thought you would have broadcast the information on a much larger scale...

    post_old. 01-15-2010, 03:37 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by viking viewpost.
    Thank you so much for your reply...you are certainly quick of the mark!!

    The first question you forgot to answer... Why do you choose such a small audience with such an important message for mankind??

    I would have thought you would have broadcast the information on a much larger scale...

    Perhaps it is in everyones interest for this data to remain relatively obscure for a while. It's 2010 not 2011 and not yet 2012.

    Here's a Story to share for you.

    The Parable of Hans Schatten

    There once lived a gardener in a place not known in part but in all. The gardener so could not plant anything somewhere in particular, but could only plant where he himself was as being nowhere and everywhere.

    The gardener wished to plant an apple-seed he had found to be part of himself in the place he was and so the gardener thought of himself as not being nowhere anymore, but to be right in the place of the apple seed.

    So the apple seed became real and occupied a real space, but caused the gardener to disappear from that real space into an unreal space. The gardener so became the unreal image in unreal space of the real image of the apple seed in the real space.

    And so the apple seed was born as real space to occupy, but being surrounded by an unreal space and there where the gardener still followed his dream to see the apple seed grow and blossom into a full apple tree after he had planted it.

    For the dream of the gardener was to grow the apple seed into a full apple tree and after reaching maturity, the apple tree would blossom and yield its fruit of apples which carried their own apple seeds within.
    Because this was the plan of the gardener as the unreal image of the real image. Should the single apple seed become two apple seeds, then any two apple seeds could image each other and the real images in the real space, would enable the gardener to use the real image of one of the apple seeds to mirror himself in the realness of one of the apple seeds in the gardener's unreality becoming real in the reality.

    Then the single seed of the gardener could multiply and the single apple tree could become a forest of apple trees and so on ad infinitum.

    But there would always have to be the first single apple seed which the gardener had become in real space as the image of himself in the unreal space. There could not have been two seeds of the one gardener, because two seeds would have meant that the gardener divided itself into two and that was not the plan of the planter.

    This initial apple seed would always remain to be the Seed of all Seeds around which the other seeds and apple trees and apple forests could grow, multiply and reproduce.

    Then the gardener would find himself in the real space too and leave his exile in the unreal space. The gardener would become reborn as the image of the image and all other apple seeds would similarly become gardeners themselves, as this was the nature of all things and the beginning of it all.

    Hans Schatten; for my apple seeded daughter in the unreal space to become real.

    Hans Schatten is the German translation for John Shadow

    post_old. 01-15-2010, 03:43 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Abraxsinas- thank you for answering my question about the large orb.......
    very interesting and makes sense to me........

    As usual I have to reread your replies to others........and another thank you for taking time to answer everyone's questions in depth.......

    As far as the sexual material goes........I find it rather surprising that the subject doesn't get more coverage in *conspiracy communities*........
    post_old. 01-15-2010, 03:51 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by eleni viewpost.
    Abraxsinas- thank you for answering my question about the large orb.......
    very interesting and makes sense to me........

    As usual I have to reread your replies to others........and another thank you for taking time to answer everyone's questions in depth.......

    As far as the sexual material goes........I find it rather surprising that the subject doesn't get more coverage in *conspiracy communities*........
    Dear Eleni!

    The 'perpetrators' are as 'scared' of the subject as are the 'victims'.
    Allow me to thank you for coming forward with your experience, as it's sharing allowed me to elaborate on its significance for everyone - science and spirituality in harmony.

    Love Abraxas

    PS.: By the way the Denver Airport thing is a 'key archetype' empowered but somewhat 'mistranslated' by the 'performing artists'.

    But you, your children or anyone need not be 'afraid' of it. It has and will be negated in its archetypical engulfment.

    The Children with their Grandparents shall outfox their Parents and Children.
    post_old. 01-15-2010, 03:54 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Thank you once again for your speedy response...

    And thank you for the Parable they are always so profound...

    Heres one for you ... I hope you like... original.

    The story of a man going into another country, who called together his servants and loaned them money to invest for him while he was away.

    He gave $5,000 to one, $2,000 to another, and $1,000 to the last---dividing it in proportion to their abilities---and then left on his trip. The man who received the $5,000 began immediately to buy and sell with it and soon earned another $5,000. The man with the $2,000 went right to work, too, and earned another $2,000.

    But the man who received the $1,000 dug a hole in the ground and hid the money for safekeeping.

    After a long time their master returned from his trip and called them to him and asked for an accounting. The man to whom he had entrusted the $5,000 brought him $10,000. His master praised him for this good work. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, he told him, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Begin the joyous tasks I have assigned unto you.

    Next came the man who had received the $2,000, with the report. "Sir, you gave me $2,000 to use, and I have doubled it". Good work, his master said. You are a good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over this small amount, so now I will give you much more with which to work.

    Then the man with the $1,000 came and said. "Sir, I knew you were a hard man, and I was afraid you would rob me of what I earned, so I hid your money in the earth and here it is."

    Ah, but his master replied, "Wicked man! Lazy man! Since you knew I would demand your profit, you should at least have put my money into the bank so I could have some interest. Take the money from this man and give it to the man with $10,000," shouted the master. For the man who uses well that which he has, will be given more, and he shall have abundance. But from the man who is unfaithful, even what little responsibility he has shall be taken from him for he has done naught with the gift. "Cast out that man who has been unfaithful for neither did he share of the cache that it be rendered useful."

    But when I, the Messiah, shall come in my glory, and all the angels with me, then I shall sit upon my presiding chair of glory.

    All the nations shall be gathered before me. I will separate the people as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and place the sheep at my right hand, and the goats at my left.

    Then I, in justice, shall say to those at my right: "Come blessed of my Father, into the Kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world. For I was hungry and you fed me; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you invited me into your homes; naked and you clothed me; sick and in prison, and you visited me."

    Then these righteous ones will reply, "Sir, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and give unto you anything to drink? Or a stranger, and help you? Or naked and clothe you? We remember not that you were in prison and we visited thee.

    And I, in authority, will tell them, "WHEN YOU DID IT TO THESE, MY BROTHERS, YOU WERE DOING IT UNTO ME!" Then I will turn to those on my left and say, "AWAY WITH YOU, YOU CURSED ONES, INTO THE ETERNAL FIRE PREPARED FOR THE DEVIL AND HIS ANGELS. For I was hungry and you would not feed me; thirsty, and you gave me naught to drink; a stranger, and you refused me in; naked, and you would not help to cover my body; sick, and in prison, and you did not visit me."

    Then these ones will cry out and reply: "Lord, when did we ever see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and not help you?"


    Ye ones carry a grave responsibility unto a weary people---ones crying out in pain and death. Ye shall be given that which is suitable into your hands for management; ye will be required to do thy job to perfection for the times are critical. Ye shall not throw it about in carelessness, but ye shall use of the abundance to gain more for the glory of the transition and the new kingdom at hand.

    With the asking, however, also comes the responsibility. Ye shall not be in asking just because you "are" and you expect to not put forth thine works, but rather to live off the labor of another. It shall not come to pass in such a manner. That is the irresponsibility of those who only read of half the passages. Come unto me ye who are weary and heavy laden and I shall give unto thee rest. I shall cast out those who come in expectations of riches without labor in my vineyards. Ye must be in the discerning between those who NEED and are honestly in pain and trouble, and those who are wanting to take of the abundance for themselves that they produce not. Ye shall be given to know the difference. If those who "take", go from you and learn their lessons and return to petition entry unto the kingdom, they shall be again given consideration, and if the testing is ratified, they shall be allowed entry.

    These things I say unto you of my beloved shepherds, for ye work in confusion at that which ye should do, and who is to be included within the tiny circle of management, in the final days of perplexity. Let is unfold gently.


    post_old. 01-15-2010, 04:07 PM


    Join Date: Dec 2009
    Location: Queanbeyan/Canberra; NSW, Australia
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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by viking viewpost.
    Thank you once again for your speedy response...

    And thank you for the Parable they are always so profound...

    Heres one for you ... I hope you like... original.

    The story of a man going into another country, who called together his servants and loaned them money to invest for him while he was away.

    He gave $5,000 to one, $2,000 to another, and $1,000 to the last---dividing it in proportion to their abilities---and then left on his trip. The man who received the $5,000 began immediately to buy and sell with it and soon earned another $5,000. The man with the $2,000 went right to work, too, and earned another $2,000.

    But the man who received the $1,000 dug a hole in the ground and hid the money for safekeeping.

    After a long time their master returned from his trip and called them to him and asked for an accounting. The man to whom he had entrusted the $5,000 brought him $10,000. His master praised him for this good work. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, he told him, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Begin the joyous tasks I have assigned unto you.

    Next came the man who had received the $2,000, with the report. "Sir, you gave me $2,000 to use, and I have doubled it". Good work, his master said. You are a good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over this small amount, so now I will give you much more with which to work.

    Then the man with the $1,000 came and said. "Sir, I knew you were a hard man, and I was afraid you would rob me of what I earned, so I hid your money in the earth and here it is."

    Ah, but his master replied, "Wicked man! Lazy man! Since you knew I would demand your profit, you should at least have put my money into the bank so I could have some interest. Take the money from this man and give it to the man with $10,000," shouted the master. For the man who uses well that which he has, will be given more, and he shall have abundance. But from the man who is unfaithful, even what little responsibility he has shall be taken from him for he has done naught with the gift. "Cast out that man who has been unfaithful for neither did he share of the cache that it be rendered useful."

    But when I, the Messiah, shall come in my glory, and all the angels with me, then I shall sit upon my presiding chair of glory.

    All the nations shall be gathered before me. I will separate the people as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and place the sheep at my right hand, and the goats at my left.

    Then I, in justice, shall say to those at my right: "Come blessed of my Father, into the Kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world. For I was hungry and you fed me; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you invited me into your homes; naked and you clothed me; sick and in prison, and you visited me."

    Then these righteous ones will reply, "Sir, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and give unto you anything to drink? Or a stranger, and help you? Or naked and clothe you? We remember not that you were in prison and we visited thee.

    And I, in authority, will tell them, "WHEN YOU DID IT TO THESE, MY BROTHERS, YOU WERE DOING IT UNTO ME!" Then I will turn to those on my left and say, "AWAY WITH YOU, YOU CURSED ONES, INTO THE ETERNAL FIRE PREPARED FOR THE DEVIL AND HIS ANGELS. For I was hungry and you would not feed me; thirsty, and you gave me naught to drink; a stranger, and you refused me in; naked, and you would not help to cover my body; sick, and in prison, and you did not visit me."

    Then these ones will cry out and reply: "Lord, when did we ever see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and not help you?"


    Ye ones carry a grave responsibility unto a weary people---ones crying out in pain and death. Ye shall be given that which is suitable into your hands for management; ye will be required to do thy job to perfection for the times are critical. Ye shall not throw it about in carelessness, but ye shall use of the abundance to gain more for the glory of the transition and the new kingdom at hand.

    With the asking, however, also comes the responsibility. Ye shall not be in asking just because you "are" and you expect to not put forth thine works, but rather to live off the labor of another. It shall not come to pass in such a manner. That is the irresponsibility of those who only read of half the passages. Come unto me ye who are weary and heavy laden and I shall give unto thee rest. I shall cast out those who come in expectations of riches without labor in my vineyards. Ye must be in the discerning between those who NEED and are honestly in pain and trouble, and those who are wanting to take of the abundance for themselves that they produce not. Ye shall be given to know the difference. If those who "take", go from you and learn their lessons and return to petition entry unto the kingdom, they shall be again given consideration, and if the testing is ratified, they shall be allowed entry.

    These things I say unto you of my beloved shepherds, for ye work in confusion at that which ye should do, and who is to be included within the tiny circle of management, in the final days of perplexity. Let is unfold gently.


    Indeed viking, an old parable of wisdom.

    One thing I can share with you here.

    The goats and sheep are the SAME beings - one is real and the other fake.

    39And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

    40Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. 41Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

    So it will be YOUR FAKE IMAGES which shall be 'cast into the lake of fire and brimstone'; i.o.w it will be LIES and DECEITS NOT souls or living entities.

    The "Beast from the Sea' is the 'Beast from the Mirror - YOUR own false image as the MIRROR of YOURSELF.
    The Beast of the Earth' as the 'False Prophet' is YOU as this False Image of the Real YOU.

    This information is very deep. Should you not understand it now, you shall in the near future. Please try not to be troubled by it at this point in time.
    This info is a Master-Key.


    post_old. 01-15-2010, 04:28 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Indeed viking, an old parable of wisdom.

    One thing I can share with you here.

    The goats and sheep are the SAME beings - one is real and the other fake.

    39And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

    40Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. 41Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

    So it will be YOUR FAKE IMAGES which shall be 'cast into the lake of fire and brimstone'; i.o.w it will be LIES and DECEITS NOT souls or living entities.

    The "Beast from the Sea' is the 'Beast from the Mirror - YOUR own false image as the MIRROR of YOURSELF.
    The Beast of the Earth' as the 'False Prophet' is YOU as this False Image of the Real YOU.

    This information is very deep. Should you not understand it now, you shall in the near future. Please try not to be troubled by it at this point in time.
    This info is a Master-Key.


    Thank you once again for your astuteness!...much appreciated.

    Well, I hope my path will lead me to 'real' ... and may yours also. winksmiley02.

    icon1.Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Hi Abraxas --

    this thread is Blowing My Mind!!! and i also feel so blessed and privileged to have "happened" upon it! i know we're all thanking you a lot, Abraxasinas, but hopefully this is not getting "old" to you .... as i'm sure we all feel such a natural and intense gratitude for our exposure to this information and our interaction with your spirit. iow .... You Rock!!!

    i am probably not "getting" at least one fourth of the material you present, Abrax. most of the scientific, technical, astrological and numerical data elude me. but i'm sure i am "getting" the main thrust of your message to all of us here at this time and--again--am SO VERY appreciative of this opportunity to learn and grow. merci, gracias, grazi, thankyouthankyouthankyou!!!

    i have 2 questions, please:

    1) if the ascension is a sudden event as you seem to indicate, will those either "left behind" or those "matriculating" to other densities, planets, etc. (other than those ascending to 4th or 5th density positive) be aware of their friends and loved ones' (who have ascended) absence??? will it all be understood and accepted (by each soul/entity) before-hand? or, will there be some sort of "veil" that will serve to mask the absence of the missing/ascended ones .... sort of like the veil over our memories while in 3-d?? will we/they miss them/us??? would it be anything like grieving for loved ones after they die? or will it be joyous, like celebrating a resurrection?? or .... will it depend on our individual or group polarity at said time???

    2) will those of us who haven't any experience/knowledge of things like lucid dreaming, astral-travel, knowledge of past lives, astrology, numerology, physics (quantum or otherwise, LOL!) be handicapped by our lack of this type of awareness/experience? is a desire to "love God with all our hearts, minds, and souls .... and our neighbors as ourselves" sufficient to qualify us as potential "ascendees" without any further esoteric knowledge to back up our basic love-of/faith-in the eternal Father-Mother-Savior-Spirit God?? or, are we peons "doomed" to find a school like Harry Potter's to initiate us into the above-mentioned mysteries before we can hope to work and play and sing and dance with our Sister-Brothers, Brother-Sisters on the New Earth???

    thanks again, dear brother.
    with love,


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    post_old. 01-15-2010, 05:11 PM

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    post_old. 01-15-2010, 05:19 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Wow, Abrax, what a Parable. An eye opener...and so meaningful.

    I understand that to:

    ...become reborn as the image of the image...
    is to become ME...I know who I am...

    Thanks thumb_yello.


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Perhaps it is in everyones interest for this data to remain relatively obscure for a while. It's 2010 not 2011 and not yet 2012.

    Here's a Story to share for you.

    The Parable of Hans Schatten

    There once lived a gardener in a place not known in part but in all. The gardener so could not plant anything somewhere in particular, but could only plant where he himself was as being nowhere and everywhere.

    The gardener wished to plant an apple-seed he had found to be part of himself in the place he was and so the gardener thought of himself as not being nowhere anymore, but to be right in the place of the apple seed.

    So the apple seed became real and occupied a real space, but caused the gardener to disappear from that real space into an unreal space. The gardener so became the unreal image in unreal space of the real image of the apple seed in the real space.

    And so the apple seed was born as real space to occupy, but being surrounded by an unreal space and there where the gardener still followed his dream to see the apple seed grow and blossom into a full apple tree after he had planted it.

    For the dream of the gardener was to grow the apple seed into a full apple tree and after reaching maturity, the apple tree would blossom and yield its fruit of apples which carried their own apple seeds within.
    Because this was the plan of the gardener as the unreal image of the real image. Should the single apple seed become two apple seeds, then any two apple seeds could image each other and the real images in the real space, would enable the gardener to use the real image of one of the apple seeds to mirror himself in the realness of one of the apple seeds in the gardener's unreality becoming real in the reality.

    Then the single seed of the gardener could multiply and the single apple tree could become a forest of apple trees and so on ad infinitum.

    But there would always have to be the first single apple seed which the gardener had become in real space as the image of himself in the unreal space. There could not have been two seeds of the one gardener, because two seeds would have meant that the gardener divided itself into two and that was not the plan of the planter.

    This initial apple seed would always remain to be the Seed of all Seeds around which the other seeds and apple trees and apple forests could grow, multiply and reproduce.

    Then the gardener would find himself in the real space too and leave his exile in the unreal space. The gardener would become reborn as the image of the image and all other apple seeds would similarly become gardeners themselves, as this was the nature of all things and the beginning of it all.

    Hans Schatten; for my apple seeded daughter in the unreal space to become real.

    Hans Schatten is the German translation for John Shadow

    post_old. 01-15-2010, 05:23 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Dear Eleni!

    The 'perpetrators' are as 'scared' of the subject as are the 'victims'.
    Allow me to thank you for coming forward with your experience, as it's sharing allowed me to elaborate on its significance for everyone - science and spirituality in harmony.

    Love Abraxas

    PS.: By the way the Denver Airport thing is a 'key archetype' empowered but somewhat 'mistranslated' by the 'performing artists'.

    But you, your children or anyone need not be 'afraid' of it. It has and will be negated in its archetypical engulfment.

    The Children with their Grandparents shall outfox their Parents and Children.
    Abrax, can you expand on the Denver Airport being archetypal?
    post_old. 01-15-2010, 05:27 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    I wish to conform or dismiss (if wrong) a few things....

    Individuality should be perused since it is empowering to be yourself?

    Each individual is to do this by him/her self but advice may be given?

    Individuality helps us to maintain control of ourselves and our thoughts - thus the control of what we want to create?

    Creative potential of the mind of each individual is unlimited?

    We can be whatever we want to be?

    The only way one can be free is to stop being divided?
    post_old. 01-15-2010, 05:32 PM

    Jacqui D
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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    hello Abrax, may i ask what happens to those kind souls who at this time have come from the higher densities to aid /help with humanity. Will they continue back to those densities when the ascension takes place or by choice or a plan contract made continue on another path either to further their enlightenment and or connect back to creator source.
    Is it true that once you join the well of mass consciousness that you have achieved the oneness with creator that there is no going back?
    You have finally reached the point of no return shall i say.
    I think i will stand at that well and wait awhile before i make that decision, perhaps at that point you are ready but as i write this my comprehension of this is too overwhelming.
    Thank you again for your time, no one can be told that enough if they are helping those on their path to understanding.
    I would like to ask you Abrax you may not have the answer but i feel you will have i made a good choice to be here on Earth at this time or was i persuaded i have often wondered.
    post_old. 01-15-2010, 10:59 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Spregovori viewpost.
    The chariot? hmmm dont know much about that..
    Her avatar? Looks like the cover of a fairy tale...

    In private...Tantrayoga (sounds promising).... Em would you happen to have a am some sort of a "directional url" or do I just google it? (i wish to avoid any "mainstream" miss uses / false uses)
    hi Spregovori,
    today in mainstream tantrayoga is the most missunderstand yoga especially in
    the west.The ancient Raja(royal) familieswere initated in Shakti/Shakta
    (spiritual energie of female/male god) to "produce a vehicel" fitting for an advanced soul to come down to earth.Khajuaho tempel of sensuality(1000AD)
    google it maybe you find some Photos fom the old erotic status.
    there are thousends of books availible you have to search ....Iam sure you will
    find some which resonates with you
    Iam sorry its not so easy don`have a link to an internet site have had a nice
    book but in italian language.ca.30 years go out of Print. Google Kamasutra
    all the best sabina
    post_old. 01-15-2010, 11:49 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Hi JohnM!

    When the planet earth came intop physical existence from a solar nebula so 4.8 billion years ago it became a NEW EARTH by and through the agglomerating material forming the metallic elemental earth.

    The OLD EARTH so had existed in a metaphysical form before this 'densification'.
    It so was a PHASESHIFT between geometrical dimensions, which allowed the Old Earth to transform into a New Earth - a dimensional intersections between LineSpacetime and HyperSpacetime mirrored from QuantumSpacetima and OmniSpacetime in a particular labeling.

    The Old Earth now has attained its evolutionary nexus point to Phaseshift agian - this time from the LineSpacetime back into the HyperSpacetime with the difference of then being able to Retain its LineSp[ace Identity as a Kernel of Seed for its ascension.

    This has nothing to do with how you seem to classify the notion of EGO as you seem to describe it in your post.
    And yes, the Thuban data is for 'feeding' -even for 'intoxication'. Our master-templar; who you must surely know indeed, if you are familiar with the 12th dimension, has said so:

    (28) Jesus said: I stood in the midst of the world, and I appeared to them in flesh. I found them all drunk, I found none among them thirsting; and my soul was afflicted for the sons of men, for they are blind in their heart and they do not see. For empty came they into the world, seeking also to depart empty from the world. But now they are drunk. When they have thrown off their wine, then will they repent.

    "When the planet earth came intop physical existence from a solar nebula so 4.8 billion years ago it became a NEW EARTH by and through the agglomerating material forming the metallic elemental earth."

    Is time Simultaneous? For if it is then NEW Earth is Not New. New is feeding our Ego. For we are trained to live by our Ego. Which Ego hungers for Power. How is this not Related?

    "this time from the LineSpacetime back into the HyperSpacetime with the difference of then being able to Retain its LineSp[ace Identity as a Kernel of Seed for its ascension."

    So our Linear 3D Minds will go back into HyperSpacetime which is a more a Multi Dimensional mind frame foundation. Threw which we Retain our Linear 3D mind set after/during Ascension. So why then will we keep one Identity of our 3D mind. When we all are Multi Dimensional. I am sorry but your explanation is quite strange. Many twist to known words with a Metapsychical add-on. Don't try to Resonate be it.

    "And yes, the Thuban data is for 'FEEDING' -even for 'intoxication'. Our master-templar; who you must surely know indeed, if you are familiar with the 12th dimension, has said so:"

    This statement of Feeding does not sit well. From what my heart knows. True 12 D beings don't not need to FEED us information. I know you are quite scattered in your search for truth. Almost all of us are. In time our searches will lead to other expressions that suite us at times. How do you receive your information?

    "Jesus said: I stood in the midst of the world, and I appeared to them in flesh. I found them all drunk, I found none among them thirsting; and my soul was afflicted for the sons of men, for they are blind in their heart and they do not see. For empty came they into the world, seeking also to depart empty from the world. But now they are drunk. When they have thrown off their wine, then will they repent."

    Why quote a Distorted Text all of which people awakening know this truth. Jesus name was not Jesus but Yeshua. The Reptilian incarnates at the time were apart of the Council of Nicaea which distorted the Bible even further.

    It is most proper to call Him Yeshua. It was indeed his proper name, given to him by his parents, and only in Hebrew does this name have any meaning. In Hebrew Yeshua means both "Salvation," and the concatenated form of Yahoshua, is "Lord who is Salvation." The name Jesus has no intrinsic meaning in English whatsoever.


    FYI Yeshua was apart of the Priesthood of Melchizedek. Trance channeling is dangerous way to get information. You are agreeing to let entities in and could take over or crash your DNA template or what you call Master templar. I heard this guy talking about this being Ki or something like that and he said he has to be careful during his radio interviews about talking about the being KI because he loves to be on the radio aka TAKE OVER HIM. Why must one be careful if channeling is a good thing? Let me find the Link to the video.
    icon1.Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    post_old. 01-16-2010, 02:11 AM


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    Originally Posted by hippihillbobbiviewpost.
    Hi Abraxas --

    this thread is Blowing My Mind!!! and i also feel so blessed and privileged to have "happened" upon it! i know we're all thanking you a lot, Abraxasinas, but hopefully this is not getting "old" to you .... as i'm sure we all feel such a natural and intense gratitude for our exposure to this information and our interaction with your spirit. iow .... You Rock!!!

    i am probably not "getting" at least one fourth of the material you present, Abrax. most of the scientific, technical, astrological and numerical data elude me. but i'm sure i am "getting" the main thrust of your message to all of us here at this time and--again--am SO VERY appreciative of this opportunity to learn and grow. merci, gracias, grazi, thankyouthankyouthankyou!!!

    i have 2 questions, please:

    1) if the ascension is a sudden event as you seem to indicate, will those either "left behind" or those "matriculating" to other densities, planets, etc. (other than those ascending to 4th or 5th density positive) be aware of their friends and loved ones' (who have ascended) absence??? will it all be understood and accepted (by each soul/entity) before-hand? or, will there be some sort of "veil" that will serve to mask the absence of the missing/ascended ones .... sort of like the veil over our memories while in 3-d?? will we/they miss them/us??? would it be anything like grieving for loved ones after they die? or will it be joyous, like celebrating a resurrection?? or .... will it depend on our individual or group polarity at said time???

    Hi hippihillbobbi!

    The 'ascension' is also a 'descension'.
    Gaia, the physical planet is giving birth to herself as a metaphysical planet, albeit 'keeping' her physicality as a core.
    It's as simple as a peach. The physical earth is the core of the peach in the process of becoming a 'fruity' peach. So the structure of the earth will utilize its 'Seedling Physicality' to 'grow' and transform into a StarPlanet.

    For this to occur; some 'spark' from the cosmos must merge at the center of the earth.
    This 'spark' is the Mayan nexus point and so when the 'message' from Hunab Ku aka the Galactic Center 'hits' the center of the earth, this 'Hollow Core' will transform inside-out and become a 'power source' to begin sending 'messages' back to the galactic center and the rest of the universe.

    All lifeforms on the planet so must also transform, as the emitted 'Dark Light' from the earth center will be like a new atmosphere for the planet and then expanding at the speed of light PHYSICALLY as a 'new radiostation' for the universe.

    The setups of SETI of the Gaian scientists have it backwards. It is the other way around. It is not the ET's sending messages to earth, but it is earth sending messages to the ETs.

    The individual transformations are however not instantaneous for all.
    This is encoded as a 'New Song of Moses'; which only the 'selfchosen ones' can sing i.e. 'tune into' - the New Tune of Gaia herself.
    In the below, the 'throne' is your LoveHeart as the God-Vibration of what is in Thubanese science termed the Love-Photon and the lamb is the One Cosmic Christ having manifested in the Many, that can 'sing the new melodies'.
    3And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth.{Revelation.14.3}
    3And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints.{Revelation.15.3}

    The 'throne' so also becomes the new center of the earth transformed from a Black HoleEnergy Receiver into a White Hole Energy Emitter and say as the LoveHeart of Gaia then 'ascended' from a planetary mother to a Cosmic Mother.

    This whole thing is a LoveStory of Cosmic Proportions really. Many of you KNOW that already.

    2) will those of us who haven't any experience/knowledge of things like lucid dreaming, astral-travel, knowledge of past lives, astrology, numerology, physics (quantum or otherwise, LOL!) be handicapped by our lack of this type of awareness/experience?
    No, as the only thing that matters is for you to UNDERSTAND Yourself, so YOU can tune into this 'flow of energy' emitted from Gaia-Serpentina.

    =SERPENTINA=GAIA IN A MOTHER=18+23+1+79=121.

    is a desire to "love God with all our hearts, minds, and souls .... and our neighbors as ourselves" sufficient to qualify us as potential "ascendees" without any further esoteric knowledge to back up our basic love-of/faith-in the eternal Father-Mother-Savior-Spirit God??

    Yes, it is quite sufficient. You will have eternity to learn all these 'other things'. These 'other things' are however necessary to BE HERE NOW for the Old archetypes to be able to be become REDEFINED in the 'Book of Life' as New archetypes.

    or, are we peons "doomed" to find a school like Harry Potter's to initiate us into the above-mentioned mysteries before we can hope to work and play and sing and dance with our Sister-Brothers, Brother-Sisters on the New Earth???

    You are the Magic of Harry Potter dear one - and already initiated in the Magic.

    thanks again, dear brother.
    with love,


    No problems, brothersister in thought and deed.

    {td} user_offline. {/td}

    post_old. 01-16-2010, 02:16 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Malletzky viewpost.
    Wow, Abrax, what a Parable. An eye opener...and so meaningful.

    I understand that to:

    is to become ME...I know who I am...

    Thanks thumb_yello.
    You have understood the deep inner meaning of the parable Malletzky.

    YOU are the gardener and the planter of yourself.

    post_old. 01-16-2010, 03:11 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    I am who I say I am and I am aware of your presence, as I have seen your name Flying Pyramid before on this forum. You are Ra!

    I am 19.11 billion years old as an agency of Thuban!

    I am real and as real as anyone here is real; I simply have at this point in time a greater remembrance through my connection to Thuban.
    My realness or your realness or anyones realness then is rather unimportant to label this realness with names, as all intelligences evolved in consciousness have many many names to label themselves with!

    Peace be with you Ra-Harmakhis your perceived violation of the code of honour was not as you have judged it. It was as necessary as was the 'retracing of the stairs of fire' by Lucifer; thus allowing gravitation to be born to bring the physicality of the sarcophagus into material existence.
    You know of what I speak.

    Hm. So we have another Ra around. If he's Ra, what's my true name? smile.

    Winter Wolf
    post_old. 01-16-2010, 03:22 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by eleni viewpost.
    Abrax, can you expand on the Denver Airport being archetypal?
    Sure eleni!

    The 'Big Picture' of this present time is archetypical in that the stories and many converging and diverging data streams experienced in the history of this galactic-planetary civilization are all records of a 'Third Generation'.
    There so is a 'Second Generation' and a 'First Generation' whose 'stories' have never been told. These 'legends' are 'hinted at' as say in Egyptian cosmology as the RaH-HaR Unity, the Shu-Tefnut Separation within the Unity as the Cosmic Twinlion of Egypt and the Geb-Nut Separation giving rise to the Osirian-Isis Family, the Sephirot of Kabbalah as the 'Tree of Life' etc. etc. Then the Fourth Generation becomes the experienced reality, shadowed however by the 'legends' of the third generation.

    What many perceive as this 'Great Galactic War' of the 'ET's versus Et's for and against Humans' is ALL 3rd generation stuff of mixed metaphors and symbols.

    The Cosmic Twinship of the Egyptian Lion is also the Brotherhood of Uraeus, the Clan of the Entwined Serpent.
    So the 3rd generation archetype (Geb=Father Earth and Nut=Mother Sky) is aligned to the Prehistory for this present cycle of completion as the 65 baktuns of the Maya and the 26,000 year cycle.

    This prehistory then identifies the 3rd generation archetype with the 'Rise and Fall of Atlantis' as the PreEgyptian manifestation of the 2nd generation archetype.

    The data gatherers and information sequesterers KNOW this archetypology of the 2nd generation and attempt to BE the Unification of the labeled Shu-Tefnut Separation within the unification.

    So Geb, as Shu=FatherSky becomes renamed say in the Shamballa of the SkyDragon from Above and Nut, as Tefnut=MotherEarth becomes renamed say in the Agartha of the EarthDragon from Below.

    Then of course the 'Knowers of the Egyptian LionTwin as 2nd Generation' of Shu-Tefnut attempt to play out the Separation within Unity archetype via the manifesto of the Geb-Nut 3rd generation.

    So you have the 'Brotherhood of the Illuminated Sun of Lucifer-Shamballa' and the 'Brotherhood of the Luminated Moon of Lucifera-Agartha'.

    Knowing of the 2nd generation origins; BOTH 'clans' SEARCH for the manifestation of themselves AS the 2nd generation from BEING 'in control' of the 3rd generation as the two clans and 'controlling and manipulating' the 4th generation of the 'separated humanity' by whatever means accessible.

    Denver airport is like a vortex of concentrated energy for the encoding of the search or 'calling' for the 2nd Generation. This 2nd generation is a blending of ET archetypes with the human constructed archetypes then interacting and relating to the former.

    Because the 3rd generation is and must be human as 'Children or Clans of the Separated power' (say Sun and Moon), but as 'offspring' from the 2nd generation can also be lineaged 'to the stars' - the ET agendas evolve and develop.

    The thing not hitherto understood by all, including the PTB; is that the 1st generation is ABOVE all of the alien agendas of say the 2nd generation and the human agendas of the 3rd generation and is so able to pursue a deeper and more encompassing agenda.

    In the 'bigger picture', the human cosmic ID is 1st generational by definition but suppressed.
    Therefore the 'partial remembrances' of the 3rd generation PTB assign the 'missing memory' to 2nd generational ETs and attempt to unify the 2nd and 3rd generation by 'clandestine means' keeping the 4th generation in ignorance about their 'wisdom of understanding the 'True Story of Humanity'.

    The confusion arises in the PTB (both the Sun-Lucifer worshippers and the Moon-Lucifera worshippers), because both clans misunderstand the nature of the 4th generation as being NOT a clan, but INDIVIDUATED aspects of the 1st generation.
    So 'their' masterplan of 'separating' the 4th generation so as not to allow their unification is exactly what is required by the 'master plan'.
    The 'master-plan' is to allow maximum separation in the 4th generation (the I am Osiris...I am Isis... I am Sananda... I am Ashtar... etc. etc. channelings and 'New Age' Love and Light ideas et. etc.) in a very particular, even PECULIAR fashion.

    You can easily witness this 'peculiarity' on this forum.
    The 'Love and Light' talk and writing is a form of 'quasi unification' and peculiar, exactly because it has replaced the ordinary 'Human Ego', based mainly on fear, conformity and surrender to 'law and order and morality' by a 'I am part of God' 'ego of divinity, say'.

    Now as you may also witness on this forum; MOST contributors have not at all 'overcome their human ego' - but 'they' truly think or perceive that they have done so.

    The 'master-plan' applauds this development; because this is one of the secrets of the 1st generation.
    To 'play being God' without truly understanding what the game (and God) is, is precisely what is necessary to absolutely and totally undermine the agenda of the PTB, trapped in their isolated clanships of the 'knowing'.

    In simple words; the Individual 'pretend Godhood' absorbs the archetypes within the individual and then it becomes a quest of SELF-RESPONSIBILITY to 'play the game, walk the talk and speak one's truth' and similar sentiments.
    So the clan-ships of the 'New Age'; also witnessed on this forum are fundamentally DIFFERENT from the 'clanships of the Illuminati and the Luminary.
    The former accentuate the 'True Law of the Cosmos' - Separation within the Unity of the Oneness of the Individual; whilst the latter accentuates the Unity within the Separation - this Unity becoming not the Individual but the hierarchical clanship or family.

    I'll end here, as this is getting too long; but shall further elucidate if asked the relevant questions.

    But perhaps you can see that the Service-To-Self versus the Service-To-Others motto is a misnomer at the present time. It was appropriate at the time of the Ra-channellings, when the seeds for the 'divine egocentricity' were laid.
    Today there are many Ra's and Thor's and Aphrodite's (all true and genuine BUT 3rd generational) around and all Service is to the True Self Unified in the Individual AND Unified in the First Generation - beginning with the 1 in 50,000 and of a number of which many are already on this forum.

    Finally, the Denver airport symbology serves as a 'calling beacon' for the 2nd generation of ET-walkins. For example the leader and groomed heir of Agartha was Adolf Hitler and the Agartha Clan expects a 'walk-in' from Bavaria to COMPLETE the implementation of the 1000-year third kingdom/reich.
    To be more particular, Adolf Hitler was an ordinary 4th generation entity then 'groomed' as a 3rd generation entity, 'walked in' by a 2nd generation ET entity where however this 2nd generation ET WAS CREATED (or soul energized) by a COLLECTIVE 3rd generation entity of the Lucifera-Luminari clan.
    This process is being attempted to be repeated, using the 'Bavaria-Munich-Austria' archetype of geographical location as a 'trigger' for a 2nd generation 'walk-in' short-cutting the 3rd generation creative energization.

    This has already 'failed' or has become implemented in 'tipsy turvey' fashion by the 'encompassing agenda' of the elders.


    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-16-2010 at 03:32 AM.
    post_old. 01-16-2010, 03:29 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    You quote the bible a lot. Is this coming from you or from Thubanese source?
    Is Thuban a reptilian race?
    Are there whole planets of higher dimension of beings where only that dimension beings reside? If so are they visible to a lower dimension being like us? Or do you enter another dimensional universe as you go up? Or do you just become non physical at a certain dimension?
    Will you show a picture of yourself at some point. I understand being faceless may be better to get the info out.
    The other night I left my body during sleep but I was semi conscious so I could feel myself floating away. This has happened many times but I get scared and succumb to blacking out and going with falling asleep and not wanting to see whats going to happen next. I am going to face this fear and see where I am floating away to.
    I cant wait for a dimensional change all my energy is pushing it foward!
    post_old. 01-16-2010, 03:34 AM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by WinterWolf viewpost.
    Hm. So we have another Ra around. If he's Ra, what's my true name? smile.

    Winter Wolf
    You are Winter Wolf.
    And yet you have many names, including Summer Deer, Spring Dragon and Autumn Harvest.

    post_old. 01-16-2010, 03:41 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    You are Winter Wolf.
    And yet you have many names, including Summer Deer, Spring Dragon and Autumn Harvest.

    I have been called by different names including Ra and Apollo. However, none of those are my true name.

    Do you know it?

    Winter Wolf
    post_old. 01-16-2010, 03:44 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by halebox viewpost.
    You quote the bible a lot. Is this coming from you or from Thubanese source?
    Is Thuban a reptilian race?
    Are there whole planets of higher dimension of beings where only that dimension beings reside? If so are they visible to a lower dimension being like us? Or do you enter another dimensional universe as you go up? Or do you just become non physical at a certain dimension?
    Will you show a picture of yourself at some point. I understand being faceless may be better to get the info out.
    The other night I left my body during sleep but I was semi conscious so I could feel myself floating away. This has happened many times but I get scared and succumb to blacking out and going with falling asleep and not wanting to see whats going to happen next. I am going to face this fear and see where I am floating away to.
    I cant wait for a dimensional change all my energy is pushing it foward!
    Dear halebox!

    The Thubanese source for the bible derives from the authors of the scripts in that bible.
    So when I quote 'bible' then what I quote is quoted in the understanding who wrote the original passage, bypassing editorial translations.

    Anyone carrying a reptilian brainstem is of the Thuban 'race'. As all humans carry reptilian brainstems, all humans are disguised Thubans.

    All higher dimensions are colocal and covariant with the base dimensions of Length, Breadth and Width.

    Whenever you look into a mirror or reflection of yourself you see the 'True Me'.
    Personas of scribes and messengers are entirely irrelevant to the messages supplied.

    This is very important: Do not fear your floating away in your OBEs.
    Release your attachements in mind and BE FREE.
    Once you have succeeded o0nce in this; it will be so easy.
    You have been blessed with a great gift to release fear in others.

    post_old. 01-16-2010, 03:48 AM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by WinterWolf viewpost.
    I have been called by different names including Ra and Apollo. However, none of those are my true name.

    Do you know it?

    Winter Wolf
    I have just consulted the Thubanese archives and have been told to tell you, that you should be able to figure it out yourself.

    Access to the almagests is not required for you to obtain the information you seek.

    post_old. 01-16-2010, 03:54 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    I have just consulted the Thubanese archives and have been told to tell you, that you should be able to figure it out yourself.

    Access to the almagests is not required for you to obtain the information you seek.

    I already know what my true name is. I was wondering if you knew it, that's all. Apparently you do not. That's ok. Not many are allowed to know who I am anyway. smile. I predate you. smile.

    Winter Wolf

    Last edited by WinterWolf; 01-16-2010 at 04:04 AM.
    post_old. 01-16-2010, 03:55 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Spregovori viewpost.
    I wish to conform or dismiss (if wrong) a few things....

    Individuality should be perused since it is empowering to be yourself?

    Yes and you meant pursued and not perused, did you not? It can also be perused.

    Each individual is to do this by him/her self but advice may be given?

    Yes, this is right on the button.

    Individuality helps us to maintain control of ourselves and our thoughts - thus the control of what we want to create?

    Individuality is the reason and purpose of creation to allow the Creator-Source to experience Separated Individuality within hisher own Unity.

    Creative potential of the mind of each individual is unlimited?


    We can be whatever we want to be?

    Yes, but the manifestation of this will require basis, work, intent and purpose.

    The only way one can be free is to stop being divided?
    100% true and correct - divided in oneself.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    page 22 of 63

    post_old. 01-16-2010, 04:08 AM

    Avalon Senior Member


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    This is an interesting thread indeed. I've been following with interest and have many questions yet I find myself at a loss at which one to ask.

    Maybe this is the appropriate one: Why do I seem to draw the things to me that I do?

    I'm sincere in my asking of it because I do not have the answer. If you could help then it would be greatly appreciated.

    post_old. 01-16-2010, 04:10 AM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by WinterWolf viewpost.
    I already know what my true name is. I was wondering if you knew it, that's all. Apparently you do not. That's ok. Not many are allowed to know who I am anyway. smile.

    Winter Wolf
    Dear Winter Wolf!

    What is the point for the universe to 'hide' your true name?

    Can you not see, that you are playing 'hide and seek' with yourself?

    What is the benefit for the universe or parts of the universe to 'know' or not to know your name?

    What is the answer for this in terms of X and Y:

    X+Y=XY=ixi ?

    This is also a 'hidden name' yet is freely shared with all to ponder and solve.

    If your 'hidden' name is a priviledge for yourself, then like Secret Agent 007 you must 'hide' your mission to save the worlds. Yet the secret agency can be internal without external form and then the hidden names remain in the isolation of the secret one.

    The one in the mirror knows all names, as it shares your mind.
    But in not sharing your images with other mirrors, you will become trapped in your own name.
    It is of more benefit for the universe to have many names, as then the universe is able to mirror itself in its holographic nature of the shards.

    post_old. 01-16-2010, 04:19 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Dear Winter Wolf!

    What is the point for the universe to 'hide' your true name?

    Can you not see, that you are playing 'hide and seek' with yourself?

    What is the benefit for the universe or parts of the universe to 'know' or not to know your name?

    What is the answer for this in terms of X and Y:

    X+Y=XY=ixi ?

    This is also a 'hidden name' yet is freely shared with all to ponder and solve.

    If your 'hidden' name is a priviledge for yourself, then like Secret Agent 007 you must 'hide' your mission to save the worlds. Yet the secret agency can be internal without external form and then the hidden names remain in the isolation of the secret one.

    The one in the mirror knows all names, as it shares your mind.
    But in not sharing your images with other mirrors, you will become trapped in your own name.
    It is of more benefit for the universe to have many names, as then the universe is able to mirror itself in its holographic nature of the shards.

    Funny. I am not trapped in my own name. The universe knows my name as I am part of it. My name would not mean anything to anyone here much less understand it. It is a simple name and yet not.

    There is power in names and mine is one. If the universe chooses to withhold my name from other beings then that is its choice. I am a creature of the universe and its agent.

    If ixi=-1 than what is (-1)x(-1)?

    i is the square root of -1.
    It's an imaginary number because it doesn't exist. However, the variable i helps us simplify complex equations.
    - From the Answerbag

    You know...when saying X and Y together it does sound like IxI. A math equation? To be honest I've not heard of IxI before until this forum.

    Time has no meaning for me, only for this shell I house.

    Winter Wolf

    Last edited by WinterWolf; 01-16-2010 at 04:25 AM.
    post_old. 01-16-2010, 04:37 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Jacqui D viewpost.
    hello Abrax, may i ask what happens to those kind souls who at this time have come from the higher densities to aid /help with humanity. Will they continue back to those densities when the ascension takes place or by choice or a plan contract made continue on another path either to further their enlightenment and or connect back to creator source.
    Is it true that once you join the well of mass consciousness that you have achieved the oneness with creator that there is no going back?
    You have finally reached the point of no return shall i say.
    I think i will stand at that well and wait awhile before i make that decision, perhaps at that point you are ready but as i write this my comprehension of this is too overwhelming.
    Thank you again for your time, no one can be told that enough if they are helping those on their path to understanding.
    I would like to ask you Abrax you may not have the answer but i feel you will have i made a good choice to be here on Earth at this time or was i persuaded i have often wondered.
    Dear Jacqui!

    The 'higherD' souls 'coming to help' are neither 'above you' in density nor 'below you in density'.
    Rather these souls are within you and without you in the form of a 'more encompassing viewpoint perspective'.

    If you fly in a plane and you are observing the people below you on the surface of the earth; you are indeed 'higher up' and you can see more; than the people not in the plane. It is still the same density above and below.

    So the 'higherD' beings are aspects of yourself who, due to their being not restricted in the 3D bodyform can observe you as yourself in the 3D, but from a more encompassing viewpoint.

    As long as you are in 3D incarnational form, as long will the higherD beings share this 3D density with you. The higherDness so is COEXISTING with you right where you are.

    So when YOU as a 3D bodyform become 4D, then the higherD aspects of yourself will all remain with you and 'ascend' with you.

    However the 4D bodyform is fundamentally different from the 3D bodyform and the multi-and interdimensionality of 4D will allow you to identify with your higherD aspects much more efficiently than you can do in 3D.
    The 4D is in a sense timeless in that the hologramic universe, who you are in template form, can be magnified in its blueprint in a fractal universe.

    There is no point of no return, once you have graduated Jacqui. You simply encompass that point, owning it as your center - like the hard core of a plum as the 3D-you becoming a 'fruity' plum as the 4D-you.

    The 4D-you is as One with the creator as you are as your 3D-you, right now. But the environment to express yourself in will change - a bit like in your dreams where you can float and do things you find hard to do in your waking state.

    You are here at this time and place because you were adamant to be part of the 'Great Awakening'.
    Your feeling of 'being persuaded' derives from your deep inner connection and remembrance to your 'group-soul'.
    Here and now, you identify yourself as Jacqui with 'parts of you' the higherD's from before - seeminly other 'higher evolved' souls.

    It's all you dear one - it's your Soul-Family all you and evolved through and by many 'lifetimes' and experiences - the Unified You.
    There is so much more to you, then you allow yourself to remember.

    post_old. 01-16-2010, 04:44 AM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by WinterWolf viewpost.
    Funny. I am not trapped in my own name. The universe knows my name as I am part of it. My name would not mean anything to anyone here much less understand it. It is a simple name and yet not.

    There is power in names and mine is one. If the universe chooses to withhold my name from other beings then that is its choice. I am a creature of the universe and its agent.

    If ixi=-1 than what is (-1)x(-1)?

    i is the square root of -1.
    It's an imaginary number because it doesn't exist. However, the variable i helps us simplify complex equations.
    - From the Answerbag

    You know...when saying X and Y together it does sound like IxI. A math equation? To be honest I've not heard of IxI before until this forum.

    Time has no meaning for me, only for this shell I house.

    Winter Wolf
    Hi winter wolf!

    Yes, you are an agent for the universe - your universe.
    To create your universe as a phaseshift of the protoverse you can use the equation stated.
    The secret name is X+Y=-1=XY, so Y=-1/X and you can then work out what X is in a quadratic equation and then substitute X to get Y.
    That's the secret.

    post_old. 01-16-2010, 04:52 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    What is you information on exclusive soul mates or is this just a comforting thought for people afraid to be alone. It believe in many soul mates as in people youve know and love for many lives. I dont long for my soul mate as i really love all equally. Is there any advancement that requires 2 souls other than reproducing?

    Your thoughts on autism?.....
    post_old. 01-16-2010, 04:53 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Hi winter wolf!

    Yes, you are an agent for the universe - your universe.
    To create your universe as a phaseshift of the protoverse you can use the equation stated.
    The secret name is X+Y=-1=XY, so Y=-1/X and you can then work out what X is in a quadratic equation and then substitute X to get Y.
    That's the secret.

    You misunderstand me. I am not an agent of my universe or whatever universe you think I created.

    I am from the void and of the void, the nothingness and totality of all. In me is creation and death, light and dark. I am that which resides in all things. I am, was and will be.

    I exist in my physical shell but I am more than my physical home.

    A math equation does not explain me in an esoteric way.

    Winter Wolf
    post_old. 01-16-2010, 04:57 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Shairia viewpost.
    This is an interesting thread indeed. I've been following with interest and have many questions yet I find myself at a loss at which one to ask.

    Maybe this is the appropriate one: Why do I seem to draw the things to me that I do?

    I'm sincere in my asking of it because I do not have the answer. If you could help then it would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi Shairia!

    You draw things to you because you allow yourself to remember what you came here to do.
    Your environment, small and big, local and global is nothing but a mirror of your iner state of self-awareness and spacetime consciousness.

    Then if you harbour say a fear of spiders, then you will meet spiders to process your fear.
    Then if you love the water, then whenever you are in contact with water; certain remembrances will enhance your perceptions and raise your selfawareness.

    The deeper reason for this is that the time of self-processing in a 'restricted' environmental feedback mirror is drawing to an end.

    It is this 'environmental restriction', which manifests as the 'quarantine' of earth as a planet and of humanity as a 'confused civilization'.

    So the 'selfchosen' ones are 'fast-tracking' their self-processing to be able to help and support the many ones, which have forgotten or are unwilling to 'choose and process' themselves.

    post_old. 01-16-2010, 05:17 AM

    Avalon Senior Member


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    I have to admit the first line of your response caught my attention. I am the type of person that prefers not to complicate simple things and I find truth in simplicity.

    I'm not sure my selfawareness (and I feel I have always been) is an inner state but more of an outer sense of connection of all things.

    I harbor no fear of anything for fear is a useless emotion. It is a stage long past experienced and disgarded. I don't feel I have ever been hampered by my environment but instead enhanced by it's power. Possibly that is why I am able to temporarily transcend the quarantine... winksmiley02.

    You did pick up on "water" which was very interesting to me.

    I thank you for your response I will ponder on what you have said some more as you might have just hit upon something important for me.
    post_old. 01-16-2010, 05:18 AM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by WinterWolf viewpost.
    You misunderstand me. I am not an agent of my universe or whatever universe you think I created.

    I am from the void and of the void, the nothingness and totality of all. In me is creation and death, light and dark. I am that which resides in all things. I am, was and will be.

    I exist in my physical shell but I am more than my physical home.

    A math equation does not explain me in an esoteric way.

    Winter Wolf
    I do not misunderstand you winter wolf.
    Your discourse above is accurate in parts but missing in other parts.
    This is relative to the Thuban cosmogony which, is in fact explicatory of the Void in mathematical equations.
    Albeit, being based on the Nature of the Void and the Nature of Eternity; your concept of the void and totality will reduce to a subset of the voids and the totality defined in said Thubanese cosmogony.
    That is to say, your Definitions, mathematical or otherwise either encompass or do not encompass ANY other such logistical definitions.
    This is termed LOGOS.
    So everyone, including you, is commissioned to utilize the Individual Logos to precisely Create the Individuated Universe from the Common Logos being rendered Individualised.

    Because you deny yourself to BE a universe creator, your application of the universal Logos, common and accessible to all, must, by definition, be a logical subset of the Thuban Logos, which DID create this universe as a blueprint or prototype.

    Subsequently, your claim of being an agent for the Thuban-Dragon created universe is refuted and selfcontradictory as you do not challenge the Thuban-Creation with your own creation.

    Then your secret agency and mission is that of a 'Thuban pretender' attempting to infiltrate a universe, not of your making in a clandestine fashion.

    You might argue the inapplicability of the Thubanese Logos until the Anubian Dogs of Sirius come home to bark; but the Universal Logos aka Yeshua Ben Joseph-Pantera Bar Thomas Dydimos has not as yet been displaced or challenged successfully by any suitor; despite everyone being invited to do so.

    The Thubanese Logos functions UNDER that Logos and not any other.

    post_old. 01-16-2010, 05:41 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    I do not misunderstand you winter wolf.
    Your discourse above is accurate in parts but missing in other parts.
    This is relative to the Thuban cosmogony which, is in fact explicatory of the Void in mathematical equations.
    Albeit, being based on the Nature of the Void and the Nature of Eternity; your concept of the void and totality will reduce to a subset of the voids and the totality defined in said Thubanese cosmogony.
    That is to say, your Definitions, mathematical or otherwise either encompass or do not encompass ANY other such logistical definitions.
    This is termed LOGOS.
    So everyone, including you, is commissioned to utilize the Individual Logos to precisely Create the Individuated Universe from the Common Logos being rendered Individualised.

    Because you deny yourself to BE a universe creator, your application of the universal Logos, common and accessible to all, must, by definition, be a logical subset of the Thuban Logos, which DID create this universe as a blueprint or prototype.

    Subsequently, your claim of being an agent for the Thuban-Dragon created universe is refuted and selfcontradictory as you do not challenge the Thuban-Creation with your own creation.

    Then your secret agency and mission is that of a 'Thuban pretender' attempting to infiltrate a universe, not of your making in a clandestine fashion.

    You might argue the inapplicability of the Thubanese Logos until the Anubian Dogs of Sirius come home to bark; but the Universal Logos aka Yeshua Ben Joseph-Pantera Bar Thomas Dydimos has not as yet been displaced or challenged successfully by any suitor; despite everyone being invited to do so.

    The Thubanese Logos functions UNDER that Logos and not any other.

    Hm. Are you calling me an Anubian dog? I haven't been called that in eons!! roftl.

    I do not need to infiltrate something that I am already a part of. I am a part of everything. I exist in everything. I exist in all realms, dimensions, space, time...whatever you want to call it.

    You and I have different view points. I'll just leave it at that.

    Winter Wolf
    post_old. 01-16-2010, 06:04 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by JohnMatX viewpost.
    "When the planet earth came intop physical existence from a solar nebula so 4.8 billion years ago it became a NEW EARTH by and through the agglomerating material forming the metallic elemental earth."

    Is time Simultaneous? For if it is then NEW Earth is Not New. New is feeding our Ego. For we are trained to live by our Ego. Which Ego hungers for Power. How is this not Related?

    Hi JohnMatX!

    Time is relative in the sense of a spacetime coordinated cosmology.
    A demetricated cosmology introduces the 'Instantenuity of Time' as a 'Now-Moment' and defines the latter as the 'Bridge' between a 'Timed Universe' and a 'NoTimed' Universe.

    Your usage of the label 'Ego' in this context and its relevance to the label 'New' are both unwarranted within the context of the label 'Time' and become even more so in a more generalised sense. Your comments so are rendered meaningless and superfluous in that context.

    "this time from the LineSpacetime back into the HyperSpacetime with the difference of then being able to Retain its LineSpace Identity as a Kernel of Seed for its ascension."

    So our Linear 3D Minds will go back into HyperSpacetime which is a more a Multi Dimensional mind frame foundation. Threw which we Retain our Linear 3D mind set after/during Ascension. So why then will we keep one Identity of our 3D mind. When we all are Multi Dimensional. I am sorry but your explanation is quite strange. Many twist to known words with a Metapsychical add-on. Don't try to Resonate be it.

    You seem not to understand the basics of colocal interdimensionality and multidimensionality. This is in order. If you however choose to critize or comment on such matters, it is expected of you in the normal engagement of debate or discussion to familiarise yourself with the terminology used.
    A simplistic metaphor or analogy is the structure of a plum or the acorn seed.
    The base dimensional tier of the LineSpace is 1-2-3 with a 4th spacelike dimension becoming timelike in superposition of the Pythagorean 4-Vector.
    So 'ascencion' becomes the transformation of this 4th timelike dimension into a say 'Unfolded' 4th spacelike dimension.

    The Spacelike 4th dimension of the 'New Earth' so WAS the Timelike 4th dimension of the 'Old Earth'.
    This has nought to do with Egos or 'twisting metaphysics' or 'resonating with concepts'. This is simple and basic mathematical and elementary metaphysical, yet scientific definition.

    "And yes, the Thuban data is for 'FEEDING' -even for 'intoxication'. Our master-templar; who you must surely know indeed, if you are familiar with the 12th dimension, has said so:"

    This statement of Feeding does not sit well. From what my heart knows. True 12 D beings don't not need to FEED us information. I know you are quite scattered in your search for truth. Almost all of us are. In time our searches will lead to other expressions that suite us at times. How do you receive your information?

    Again you are using a commonly understood label like 'Feeding' and construct your selfconstructed cosmology or cosmogony or simple ideas in superposition onto this 'label.

    The context in which I used 'Feeding' derives from the 'wisdom saying below' and refers to the 'being drunk' or 'intoxicated' with the 'blindness of the flesh'.
    It so addressed the 'Filling of the Void'. In hindsight I agree. The label 'Filling' would have been more appropriate, then the label 'Feeding'.

    I receive my information from the master templar through the Council of 24 Elders of Thuban and in varying degrees of relevance to the particular aspects of the evolving timeline.

    "Jesus said: I stood in the midst of the world, and I appeared to them in flesh. I found them all drunk, I found none among them thirsting; and my soul was afflicted for the sons of men, for they are blind in their heart and they do not see. For empty came they into the world, seeking also to depart empty from the world. But now they are drunk. When they have thrown off their wine, then will they repent."

    Why quote a Distorted Text all of which people awakening know this truth. Jesus name was not Jesus but Yeshua. The Reptilian incarnates at the time were apart of the Council of Nicaea which distorted the Bible even further.

    This is your 'judgement' or opinion JohnMatX. Relative to the Thuban perspective this text is not distorted but the fountain of immense wisdom and as given to us by our master dragon templar.
    You are as much a reptilian incarnate as the exponents of the Council of Nicaea.

    It is most proper to call Him Yeshua. It was indeed his proper name, given to him by his parents, and only in Hebrew does this name have any meaning. In Hebrew Yeshua means both "Salvation," and the concatenated form of Yahoshua, is "Lord who is Salvation." The name Jesus has no intrinsic meaning in English whatsoever.


    Again, your individual opinion and judgement, even if shared by many others (as referenced by you); is not shared in toto by the Council of Thuban. The vibration of Jesus in Thuban Omniscience engages a most powerful archetype in 74=Energy=Messiah=Beauty=Cross=Songs=Clouds=47=11 and many many more.

    FYI Yeshua was apart of the Priesthood of Melchizedek. Trance channeling is dangerous way to get information. You are agreeing to let entities in and could take over or crash your DNA template or what you call Master templar. I heard this guy talking about this being Ki or something like that and he said he has to be careful during his radio interviews about talking about the being KI because he loves to be on the radio aka TAKE OVER HIM. Why must one be careful if channeling is a good thing? Let me find the Link to the video.
    I am not trance channelling anyone or anything and even if I were, it would be my responsibility to discern this process and the subsequent information sharing or interaction with incarnate or disincarnate beings and energies.

    post_old. 01-16-2010, 06:12 AM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by WinterWolf viewpost.
    Hm. Are you calling me an Anubian dog? I haven't been called that in eons!! roftl.

    I do not need to infiltrate something that I am already a part of. I am a part of everything. I exist in everything. I exist in all realms, dimensions, space, time...whatever you want to call it.

    You and I have different view points. I'll just leave it at that.

    Winter Wolf
    The Anubian Dog is also Anubis, the jackal headed GODDOG of the Egyptian pantheon. In no manner did my reply associate the Anubian Dog with your persona.

    Your defensive reply further indicates your partial understandings of the profound statements you are capable of.

    "I do not need to infiltrate something that I am already a part of. I am a part of everything. I exist in everything. I exist in all realms, dimensions, space, time...whatever you want to call it."

    One day you will understand your beautiful gnosis above a little better, than you do now.

    post_old. 01-16-2010, 06:39 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by halebox viewpost.
    What is you information on exclusive soul mates or is this just a comforting thought for people afraid to be alone. It believe in many soul mates as in people youve know and love for many lives. I dont long for my soul mate as i really love all equally. Is there any advancement that requires 2 souls other than reproducing?

    Your thoughts on autism?.....
    Hi Halebox!

    Soulmates exist on a number of levels; such as your intrinsic 'cosmic twinship' and your soul-family.

    Your 'cosmic twin' is the incarnation of you, should you have been a biological female.
    There are 4 sexual chromosomes; the father's Y0 and X0 and the Mother's X1 and X2.

    You so are conceived in FOUR versions: Y0X1 and Y0X2 and X0X1 and X0X2. One of the Mother's X's is a 'disguised' Y from a perfect original supersymmetry YX|XY (AdamEve or Cosmic Man then bifurcating into YX+XX and symbolically in the 'rib' of Adam as X-1=Y).

    The New StarHuman template will reform this quadruplicity, associated with a quadrupling of the DNA/RNA codex of 8x8=64 codon couplings of nucleotidal base pairings into 4x64=256 and as the 12D-DNA helix.

    In the course of your incarnational journey as a 'Group-Soul' you manifest all of those four identities and so both male and female in bisexual associations.
    Iow, the 'disguised' Y sexchromosome of the mother results in baseperfect and baseimperfect coupling of mutated genes termed in the Thuban archives as the Babylon Gene, the Sodom Gene and the Gomorrah Gene.

    Section I.2
    ii. Your Holy Family in Name and Descent and Archetype


    The 'exclusivity' of your twin soul so refers to this archetype as your 'Family-Soul' being yourself.

    Most generally, autism is the phenomenon of the soul entity deciding to incarnate in such a manner as to partially derestrict the interaction mechanisms between the subconscious and the waking consciousness selfstates.

    In the 'ordinary' waking consciousness, access to the subconscious is largely restricted by the environmental stimuli.
    Everyone becomes 'autistic' when in the REM state of the alpha cycles of the dreaming self. Autism is just a label and clinical importance and interference with drugs and electrochemical agencies is unwarranted.


    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-16-2010 at 06:43 AM.
    post_old. 01-16-2010, 06:48 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Boy was I late getting in on this thread. Hello all - just moved halfway across the country and have been absent for the last couple of weeks.

    Wow what a thread. Compelling. My curiosities beg me to play, therefore I pose a couple of questions to Abraxas:

    1) With regard to dimensions,my point of resonance seems to rest in the octave (8) as discussed in the LoO and LL Research, where 8 is perfection/singularity or the gateway to intelligent infinity (numerically and symbolically represented by #8). Would love to hear your expanded version or explanation of the additional 4.

    2) I am through my awakening 'phase' moving through acceptance (officially made it a few months ago original. ) and into realization. I try not avoid entangling my growth in an arbitrary timeline, however as time moves closer to 'the date' I feel pressure to work harder (despite the fact that intuitively I know this is mere egoic-self-competition). You seem to have 'eyes to see'... so I must ask, what is it that you see in me? **shakes 8-ball and ponders three figures robed in red**

    My gratitude for your time - you have put a lot of time and energy into this thread and I have enjoyed it!

    post_old. 01-16-2010, 07:30 AM


    Join Date: Dec 2009
    Location: Queanbeyan/Canberra; NSW, Australia
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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Jonathon viewpost.
    Boy was I late getting in on this thread. Hello all - just moved halfway across the country and have been absent for the last couple of weeks.

    Wow what a thread. Compelling. My curiosities beg me to play, therefore I pose a couple of questions to Abraxas:

    1) With regard to dimensions,my point of resonance seems to rest in the octave (8) as discussed in the LoO and LL Research, where 8 is perfection/singularity or the gateway to intelligent infinity (numerically and symbolically represented by #8). Would love to hear your expanded version or explanation of the additional 4.

    2) I am through my awakening 'phase' moving through acceptance (officially made it a few months ago original. ) and into realization. I try not avoid entangling my growth in an arbitrary timeline, however as time moves closer to 'the date' I feel pressure to work harder (despite the fact that intuitively I know this is mere egoic-self-competition). You seem to have 'eyes to see'... so I must ask, what is it that you see in me? **shakes 8-ball and ponders three figures robed in red**

    My gratitude for your time - you have put a lot of time and energy into this thread and I have enjoyed it!

    Hi Jonathon!

    1) I have answered this a number of times before. It is a highly pertinent question and so I'll answer it again with the extracts from my previous answers synthesized.
    Jonathon - The Seagull of Freedom of Jonathan Livingstone - I am presuming at least a basic scientific understanding for you to follow this and I feel you can. There are references to the Ra material as well (in italics).

    1.Reply to Anchor:
    " I am Ra. The physics of sound vibrational complex, Dewey, is a correct system as far as it is able to go.

    There are those things which are not included in this system. However, those coming after this particular entity, using the basic concepts of vibration and the study of vibrational distortions, will begin to understand that which you know as gravity and those things you consider as “n” dimensions. These things are necessary to be included in a more universal, shall we say, physical theory"

    Dewey's less than 1 and greater than 1 approach for motion v=ds/dt or lightpath X=cT is insufficient for any descriptive physical theory BUT he has singlehandedly exposed the core of string theory called T-Duality. T-Duality defines a physics on a spacetime dimension R to become absolutely physically equivalent to a physics described in a radius 1/R.
    This renders R and 1/R in comnbination dimensionless and of course Rx1/R=1 which resurrects Deweys Reciprocity Physics.

    Ra says, that a DEMETRICATED (meaning no spacetime background as in Newton and aligned to continuous fields in General Relativity GR) theory of vibrations (strings) and mltidimensions (n) will refine Dewey's proposals.
    Next, the trouble with a continuous Gravitational field as in GR is of course its incompatibility with the Quantization techniques of quantum mechanics and so the 'fieldparticle', the Graviton cannot become deduced from a classical field theory such as GR.

    Yes, the Thuban science is the groundwork for the demetricated 'old' string theory and in its (relative) simplicity gives credit to Dewey.

    There are no three time dimensions; but I know where this concept (say David Wilcock's) stems from. There are the 3 space dimensions of XYZ axes which define Translation.
    Now envisage either a clockwise or anticlockwise rotation about each of these axes and you have 6 dimensions with 3 (Hyperspace) of them invisible due to the shrinking of R in 1/R (Dewey).
    Next allow each of the XYZ parameters to Vibrate, say oscillate to and fro for 3 (Quantumspace) dimensions for a total of 9 space dimensions.

    Now you can add a time dimension as the 4th (actually the 1st hyperspace dimension) as LINESPACETIME of Translation; a 7th (actually the 1st Quantumspace D or the 4th Hyperspace D) as the HYPERSPACETIME of (Penrose Twistorspacetime) and a 10th (actually the 1st Omnispace D or the 4th Quantumspace D or the 7th Hyperspace D) as the QUANTUMSPACETIME of the conventional 10D string theory.

    The Omnispacetime then spans 10-11-12-13=1 to close the continuum with the 10D becoming a inertial massparametric asymptotic lightspeed invariant METRIC spacetime MIRRORED in a 11D MEMBRANE/AREA spacetime and IMAGED in a 12D VOLUMAR/VOLUME spacetime.
    Mathematically and geometrically this engages the notion of defining a Hypersphere (Riemann) which in 3D looks like a doughnut but is actually the surface area (manifold) of a sphere in 4 space dimensions, called a 4-Ball.
    Because of the Moebius strip-Klein Bottle mathematical definitions, you can then transform the different dimensional spaces in topological transformations and turn the entire holofractal universe inside out, so doubling its volume AS a surface area of (say a balloon) adding the inside colour to the outside colour.

    As you can see this concept differs from the Wilcock idea of spacetime being the inverse of timespace.
    It sort of works in the linespace sense, but not in the recircularisation, as in the latter the timedimensions become absorbed in a multi-dimensional NOWTIME called the Instanton.
    The Instanton of that DEFINES the Quantum Big Bang.

    Similarly your t/s-s/t inspirational moments are quite appropriate in the terms of the T-Duality, but not in the simplistic dynamics of Dewey.
    The string-membrane-volumars or BRANES ARE SPACE, TIME and MATTER and the dynamics reduce to what happened at the beginning of the universe; BEFORE inflation, before the Branes became physically defined as spacetimematter and so before the Oneness or God was anything else but a mathematically abstract concept.
    I AM THAT I AM = MATHIMATIA =95=All That Is (Exodus.3.14}.
    Then in a most basic way, your intuitions and Dewey do map the 'God Theory' - in a most basic way that is however.
    Iow T-Duality - the 6th Principle of Inversion/Constancy Rules the Physicality of Beingness.

    2.From Post #308
    Your query about the 8D-12D connection is very pertinent.
    Allow me to describe the Thuban structure of the universe again.
    The physical universe is 10-dimensional but bounded asymptotically in a 11D mirror dimension.
    The 12th dimension so becomes the IMAGE of the 10D universe in nospacetime, say the Infinity of the Void and where Everything is Nothingness.

    But this 10D universe can and is reduced to just 3 Space dimensions without Time.
    The first triplicity is that of TRANSLATION, the XYZ axes of your geometry and physics.
    About each of those axes you can rotate (say a ring around a stick) either clockwise or anticklockwise.
    So you have the second triplicity COLOCAL (at the same place as being INTERDIMENSIONAL) as ROTATION of the XYZ. This then describes an Intrrdimensional 6-D Space Universe without Time.

    The third triplicity allows VIBRATION or Oscillation of the rings (expanding and contracting say) for a 9D Space Universe without Time.

    Now add the 'imaginary' timedimension and you have the InterD 10D Universe of Thuban.

    This is a little simpler than describing this in technical jargonautics of 6D Calabi-Yau manifolds conifolded in flat Euclidean Minkowski spacetime in a background of classical general relativistic Einstein-Riemann 4D metrics is it not. Yet it is the same thing.

    The 10D universe encompasses all of the physoicality in terms of inertia, mass, weight and such labels.

    The 11D universe allows the NOnInertial and so Gravitational MASSLESS energyforms to occupy more spacetime, than is possible in the 10D Inertial universe.

    The 10D Universe is RESTRICTED by lightspeed because of the inertia; but the 11D universe defines a Constant LightMatrix where light is stationary as a Standing Wave (this btw is what is behind the Tesla free energy technology - it is 11D as well as the tachyonic 'faster than light' physics of higherD aliens).

    Ok, these are the dimensions in terms of the structure of the universe.

    The 5th dimension of (hyper)space is easily accessible and is appropriately termed the 5th density. The 5th density so defines the MIRROR for the LineSpace of Translaton JUST as the 11th density forms the MIRROR for the 10th dimension/density as the boundary for the entire universe as the QuantumSpace.

    So the the 5th the 8th and the 11th densities/dimensions become the MIRRORS betwen the INTERDIMENSIONAL densities of consciousness.
    The 8th dimension/density so MIRRORS the LineSpace of Translation into the QuantumSpace of Vibration via the HyperSpace of Rotation.

    I realise this is a little technical, but no familiarity of advanced quantum mechanics or string mathematics is required to understand these basics.

    When someone so writes about say a 15th dimension, then this someone has, relative to the Thuban cosmology, misunderstood or misinterpreted the structure of the multidimensional and multidensified universe.
    The 15th dimension is a substructure of a BASE-Dimension as the 6th dimension; say the 6th 'heaven' in the 'area dimension' of hyperspace (you could denote this as HyperSpacetime 15 or Hyperspace 5.6 or Hyperspacetime 5.6).
    Mathematically, an infinite number of (Riemann) dimensions exist, but all dimensions above the 12th or the 13th as the Null-Dimension of the Void-Infinity again; can and are defined in finestructures, say multiples of 7 or 9 within the three triplicities of LineSpace; HyperSpace and QuantumSpace.

    Including TimeConnector dimensions 1-4-7-10-13=1, an OmniSpace can be added as the 10-11-12-13=1 SpaceTime quadruplicate.

    Your question now can easily be answered by yourself in the understanding that the 8th dimension is a mirror dimension of reflection/absorption and so polarity unified in that the POTENTIAL negativity of the Hyperspace (5-6-7) has become negated or neutralized by the potential negativity of Quantumspace (9-10-11).

    This is why there cannot be a 6D 'Hell' or 'Archdemonic Kingdom/Archon' in contraposition to a 6D 'Heaven' or 'Cherubimic Kingdom/Principle' in the Thuban Cosmogony of Densities superposed onto the Cosmology of Dimensions.

    There are 5 'Hells' and 12 'Heavens'.
    All 'spiritual negativity' is restricted to 5 densities.
    The so called astral planes where physicality intersects the lightform energies so are comprised of the 4-5-6-7 Hyperspacetime. It is from here that ALL 'channelings' are initiated - the astral intelligences as data emitters interacting with physicalised intelligences as data receivers.

    The 6th and 7th densities are Hyperspace dimensions of reflection, where the physicality transmits its information from Linespace THROUGH and VIA the Hyperspace into the Quantumspace.

    All astral intelligences can so partake of the negative polarity in the energy of the 5th density as well as the positive polarities from all dimensions (trickling down) in a mixture of 'truth and falsehood'.

    Should an astral intelligence 'enter' the mirrorspace of the 8th dimension/density; then this sentience could proceed into Quantum-Spacetime ansd so become a hyperastral intelligence (invent your own labels here).
    Once a hyperastral sentience reaches the 10th density, this intelligence has attained cosmic consciousness of the physical creation. It will literally KNOW itself as BEING the entire universe in selfconsciousness. This is the tenth 'heaven' of a new identity (see 24 Elders of Thuban thread).

    Once a 10D entity has attained this status, this being's 'heartbeat' or inhalation-exhalation matches the Hubble-Cycle of the universe in 16.9 billion years.

    Because the first exhalation has begun so 2.2 billion years ago, the 10D universe in quantumspace and omnispacetime has already attained 11D/density status Herself.
    So graduation of a 10D universal being (all of your destiny as written into the 'Book of Life on Thuban') into a 11D multiversal being has become possible 2.2 billion years ago.
    It was then that the 10D physical universe had grown in collective consciousness enough to potentialise Her own graduation (now becoming imminent through and by some of you being able to digest Her Story and Desires).
    It so is the 'Great Mother' and ONLY the Great Mother' who can 'allow' ANY sentience to 'penetrate' her 11D Mirror to enter the Omnispace of the Great Father in the Exile of the 12th Dimension.

    Because She has done so, this communication from Thuban, as the 'Home of the Void' of the Great Father, has become commissioned and has become possible.

    This is the sory of the Andromedans, who as a sister galaxy to the Milky Way, have OBSERVED this occurence from the galactic, rather than the intergalactic starsystem based perspective of your many other channels.

    3.From Post #314
    Yes I agree with Ra in the context quoted below. Now this the context as perceived from the position of the NOW=THEN time when this data was transmitted.
    Ra is USING the correct archetype and then assigns labels such as 6:light/love and love/light and unity etc.

    This SAME archetype is then extended (not invalidated) is the following (from 24 Elders of Thuban thread).

    8=Turquoise........P/No AP=Relativity(2 in 1)

    9=Blue................P/No AP=Quantization(3 in 2 in 1)
    10=Indigo............P/No AP=New ID in Unity [1-9] in (4 in 3 in 2 in 1)=1+O
    11=Magenta........New ID in (5 in 1+O+1)=1+1=2
    12=Purple...........New ID in (6=1+O+1+1)=1+1+1=1+2=3

    So it looks like this:

    1.Cycle of Awareness---Principle of Identity-AntiIdentity
    2.Cycle of Growth---(Anti)Principles of Expansion/(Contraction)
    3.Cycle of Self-Awareness---Order/(Chaos=Disorder=Entropy)
    4.Cycle of Love-Understanding---Symmetry/(Distortion)
    5.Cycle of Light-Wisdom---Infinity=Divergence/(Zero=Limit=Convergence)
    6.Cycle of light-love mirror=unity---Inversion/(Constancy)
    7.Cycle of the gateway---Reflection/(Absorption)
    8.Cycle of the mystery--Relativity/NO AntiPrinciple so NO DUALITY

    9.Quantization=Cycle Unified in the MacroQuantum scales being HOLOGRAMS for the MicroQuantum scales
    10.NEW Identity Without the Need for an AntiIdentity, as the duality has become PROCESSED
    11.NEW Identity in Expansion and Growth now not Uni-versal but Multi-versal and as the Plane or Surface of the Universe in Data mapping
    12.NEW Identity in ORDER of the Volume of the Universe= Manifested Multiverse as subset of the OmniVerse in 12D all encompassing.

    Thanks for your input Anchor. You might see then then the Ra material is simply extended and 'finetuned' by the Thuban material.

    Generally the notion of DENSITY refers to that of a GEOMETRICAL DIMENSION in terms of how the multidimensional ENERGY of the Source 'DESYNCHRONIZES" from its maximum RESONANT SelfState.
    Because the material manifestation is restricted to the Translational LineSpace dimensions of the lightspeed invariance; the maximum densification occurs in dimensions of the VOLUMAR, that is your experienced 3D+Time.

    The Interaction between LineSpace and HyperSpace and QuantumSpace then becomes possible in the SUPERCONDUCTIVE Nature of what the HigherD Electric Current represents as coupling to the gauge photonic electromagnetic field.
    In simplest terms, the Current in your Copper wires requires a medium in the lattice vibrations of the conducting medium and your formulation for electricity becomes the 'flow of electrons across a point/junction in unit time' or formally as dQ/dt=current i.
    The higherD form for this requires no medium except SPACE itself. The formula becomes 2ef=i.
    As you can see the electron charge quantum (e) becomes a constant coefficient and the differential equations describing current flow reduce from second order dq^2/dt^2 to first order df/dt. df/dt then DEFINES the AWARENESS Ra speaks of as the first cyclicity.
    I can elaborate, but will be required to use technical semantics - I have posted on this before.

    Density so becomes defined in how much source energy can be processed electromagnetically and this relates to the interdimensional coupling between the electron charge carriers - mass as stationary light densification say - becoming 'lighter' in the transformation of this selfsame 'mass-inertia' into monopolic superconductive magnetoelectricity aka the 'spirit'.

    In this manner than, Density becomes directly proportional to Dimension, in that the higher the dimension, the higher the potential for the FORM of the spirit=electromagnetomonopolar field to attain full Source Resonance via the 'accelerated' space-awareness.
    I can post the detail, but it is a longer post and should so NOT be edited by your moderator rules.
    So before posting, I would appreciate advice as if it is appropriate to do so.
    Here is the link: http://tonyb.freeyellow.com/id185.html


    Ra: I am Ra. The path of our learning is graven in the present moment. There is no history, as we understand your concept. Picture, if you will, a circle of being. We know the alpha and omega as infinite intelligence. The circle never ceases. It is present. The densities we have traversed at various points in the circle correspond to the characteristics of cycles: first, the cycle of awareness; second, the cycle of growth; third, the cycle of self-awareness; fourth, the cycle of love or understanding; fifth, the cycle of light or wisdom; sixth, the cycle of light/love, love/light or unity; seventh, the gateway cycle; eighth, the octave which moves into a mystery we do not plumb.
    ---End Quote---

    ---Quote (Originally by LOO part of an answer)---
    7.17 Answer Ra: I am Ra. ...This is true at all densities in our octave. We cannot speak for those above us, as you would say, in the next quantum or octave of beingness. This is, however, true of this octave of density. ...
    ---End Quote---
    Ra speaks of densities to the 8th only (OCTAVE), beyond which "which moves into a mystery we do not plumb."

    2) 'Three Figures Robed in Red'! I do tune into a vibration of your association with the esoteric knowledge and data base.
    You have searched and not found some time ago.
    Now you are carrying the Infinity-Symbol in your hand; having found the 'secret' you were looking for in the disincarnate state.
    You then have allowed yourself to remember that you know the secret as being within you - this time, the last time you say.
    You require data, more information to manifest the esoterica with the practicatas.
    Michel de Nostradame is your accomplice - in time.
    You understand his work - you share it - but in secrecy of the red hoods.
    These are the vibes Jonathon I received as data stream.

    Welcome and you carry more information, than you have as yet remembered.

    Gnosis to you.

    post_old. 01-16-2010, 07:34 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    The Anubian Dog is also Anubis, the jackal headed GODDOG of the Egyptian pantheon. In no manner did my reply associate the Anubian Dog with your persona.

    Your defensive reply further indicates your partial understandings of the profound statements you are capable of.

    "I do not need to infiltrate something that I am already a part of. I am a part of everything. I exist in everything. I exist in all realms, dimensions, space, time...whatever you want to call it."

    One day you will understand your beautiful gnosis above a little better, than you do now.

    I know what the Anubian Dog is. Apparently me making a joke went completely over your head.

    A defensive reply? Really? I was but stating you are wrong. Why would I infiltrate a place that I am already a part of? You were the one accusing me of being an infiltrator and a pretender. I have already told you what I am and you still fail to see.

    You do not see me but what you want to see. Few people see or understand my nature. That's quite alright. Everything is in its given time and place.

    As for my gnosis, I understand it quite well thanks.

    I accept your views for what they are. What I see is different from what you see.

    Peace go with you.

    Winter Wolf
    post_old. 01-16-2010, 08:37 AM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by WinterWolf viewpost.
    I know what the Anubian Dog is. Apparently me making a joke went completely over your head.

    A defensive reply? Really? I was but stating you are wrong. Why would I infiltrate a place that I am already a part of? You were the one accusing me of being an infiltrator and a pretender. I have already told you what I am and you still fail to see.

    You do not see me but what you want to see. Few people see or understand my nature. That's quite alright. Everything is in its given time and place.

    As for my gnosis, I understand it quite well thanks.

    I accept your views for what they are. What I see is different from what you see.

    Peace go with you.

    Winter Wolf
    You have the last word in this exchange. Engage your path in your remembrances!

    post_old. 01-16-2010, 08:52 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    You have the last word in this exchange. Engage your path in your remembrances!

    It's good to see your still human Abraxas.

    A couple of questions:

    1) You mentioned you experienced a melding in the form of a walk in. was this completely voluntary?

    2) How much has the personality of the other party over shadowed your human personality?


    post_old. 01-16-2010, 09:11 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Abrax, if you allow me to aks a question here, which I'm not sure I'll be able to formulate it correctly at all. I hope you'll be able to "see" behind my words.

    There's an issue (unfortunately, I don't recall where did I read about nor I'm quite sure that I've read it at all) about a "mistery" which I seem to know (not understand) about...about the mistery of creation. It may sound a bit weird (to be honest, I still think it's weird wall. mfr_lol. ) but I'll try to formulate this correctly:

    I (and with "I", I mean it's my mind in association with my heart) understand that in the procces of ascencion/descencion, "climbing/higher" on the ladder of the dimensions, from 3D now further to 4D, 5D ....there's a point between 8D and 9D which becomes a kind of "mistery" to be learned (solved).

    This "mistery" is only known, (but not hidden), to the LOGOS of the universes (each for itself), as it includes the creation of something from nothing, which could quite be "the mirroring" of the dimensions you're reffering here.

    Basicly, evolving the "ME" to "I" to "WE" is possible only until the "ME" becomes "I" becomes "WE" reaches the 8D understanding and knowledge.
    At that very moment, knowing "the Mistery" is required in order to ascend/descend between these two points up to the 12D / bellow to the 3D.

    Now could you elaborate something more about this, assuming that what I wrote above makes any sense to you (Thuban)?

    And from my deep understanding about the fact that "ME"_"I"_"WE" will become/is a creator of "MY"/"OUR" universe...is it logical to assume that at the given point of the creation (I'm not saying point of time) we will be able to learn (solve) "The Mistery"?

    post_old. 01-16-2010, 09:54 AM


    Join Date: Dec 2009
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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Initiate viewpost.
    It's good to see your still human Abraxas.

    A couple of questions:

    1) You mentioned you experienced a melding in the form of a walk in. Was this completely voluntary?

    2) How much has the personality of the other party over shadowed your human personality?


    Hi Initiate!

    Dragonhood requires Humanness as its basis; just as the mammalian midbrain must evolve from its reptilian brainstem and the human topbrain requires the mammalian midbrain to emerge from it.

    1) This 'walk-in' label is greatly misunderstood.
    You, Initiate are a walk-in, otherwise you would not post on this forum or be interested in such subject matter.

    The 'walking-in' is simply what the name implies.
    A part or aspect of your multidimensional soul decides to join you NOT at conception in the blending of the sex chromosomes; but sometime during your incarnational soul-journey.

    My walk-in occurred on November 16th, 1975 and then laid dormant with particular 'eruptions' over the next 20 and 33 years. It manifested on June 25th, 2008 in completion after having 'appeared' June 5th, 1976; March 30th, 1985; May 13th, 1985; March 24th, 1995.

    There would be a minority of people on this planet, who did not experience such 'walk-ins'. The 'full implementation' is however rare and requires preparation - not in Om-Meditation-Circles or Ascension-Retreats or Lecture-Tours but in simple purity of intent and concentration. Everyone 'can do it' however.

    2) My human ID is John Shadow and the 'walk-in' is the disincarnate 'I'.
    They are mirrors or shadows of each other - as are you and your disincarnate 'collective I'.

    post_old. 01-16-2010, 10:20 AM


    Posts: n/a

    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Hi Abraxasinas

    How does one attempt to stop being divided?

    By pursuing individuality?

    Is it "simply" by stop being afraid, paranoid, rejecting, sublime, insolent....and to learn from each experience?
    post_old. 01-16-2010, 10:53 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Malletzky viewpost.
    Abrax, if you allow me to aks a question here, which I'm not sure I'll be able to formulate it correctly at all. I hope you'll be able to "see" behind my words.

    There's an issue (unfortunately, I don't recall where did I read about nor I'm quite sure that I've read it at all) about a "mistery" which I seem to know (not understand) about...about the mistery of creation. It may sound a bit weird (to be honest, I still think it's weird wall. mfr_lol. ) but I'll try to formulate this correctly:

    I (and with "I", I mean it's my mind in association with my heart) understand that in the procces of ascencion/descencion, "climbing/higher" on the ladder of the dimensions, from 3D now further to 4D, 5D ....there's a point between 8D and 9D which becomes a kind of "mistery" to be learned (solved).

    This "mistery" is only known, (but not hidden), to the LOGOS of the universes (each for itself), as it includes the creation of something from nothing, which could quite be "the mirroring" of the dimensions you're reffering here.

    Basicly, evolving the "ME" to "I" to "WE" is possible only until the "ME" becomes "I" becomes "WE" reaches the 8D understanding and knowledge.
    At that very moment, knowing "the Mistery" is required in order to ascend/descend between these two points up to the 12D / bellow to the 3D.

    Now could you elaborate something more about this, assuming that what I wrote above makes any sense to you (Thuban)?

    And from my deep understanding about the fact that "ME"_"I"_"WE" will become/is a creator of "MY"/"OUR" universe...is it logical to assume that at the given point of the creation (I'm not saying point of time) we will be able to learn (solve) "The Mistery"?

    Hi Malletzky!

    You have basically answered all your questions here through your hypothetical answers.

    This point about the densities/dimensions is causing no end of confusion here and everywhere.
    The 'ridiculous' ideas originated with the Urantia-Book, 'channelled' about the time of WWII and published shortly thereafter.
    There are hundreds of posts here and from a variety of sources, who have 'taken' the Urantia-Data and constructed their 'more modern' cosmogonies upon it.
    An example is the 15 dimensions of: http://www.2012.com.au/The_Divine_Plan.html

    The final 2012 distribution of the people of Earth will be as follows:
    3D (Earth): 1.44 billion maximum – remainder possibly on Maldek
    4D (Venus): 1.44 billion minimum – also possibly Jupiter
    5D (Mars): 1.44 billion minimum – also possibly Saturn
    6D (Earth): 1.44 billion minimum – also Maldek, Nibiru
    7D (Jupiter): 144 million minimum – also Venus, Uranus
    8D (Saturn): 144 million minimum – also Mars, Neptune
    9D (Earth): 144 million minimum – also Nibiru, anywhere
    10D (Uranus): 144,000 minimum – possibly also Venus
    11D (Neptune): 144,000 minimum – possibly also Mars
    12D (Earth): 144,000 minimum
    13D (Earth): 144 minimum
    14D (Earth): 12 minimum
    15D (Earth): 1 minimum, fully manifest Supreme Being
    Judgment Day: Dec 21, 2012
    end of quote

    Ok, my last post to Jonathon CLEARLY explains what dimensions are. They are geometrical constructs describing Vector-Based Coordinate systems, something termed Metrics in standard physical theory.

    Then the quotated excerpt above reflects the 'Scientific Understanding' of the Time, the Urantia Data was channelled.
    At that time the idea of 'galaxies' was not yet mainstreamed, meaning the Akashia did not incorporate the Human Concept of Galaxy as containing billions of stars as 'light sources'.
    The Universe was the universe of the Milky Way with 'Island Nebulae' like Andromeda and the Magellanic Clouds being astronomical 'anomalies'.

    Then ANYONE with some knowledge of physical science can analyse the Urantia Books Cosmology and find precisely this 'mainstream understanding' of the science of the day.
    This then 'proves' to the DISCERNING Reader; that the 'Great Councils' of the 'Universal Censor hailing from Uversa' and of 'Gabriel of Salvington' emerge from the 'Local Universe Consciousness' and not from some encompassing extraterrestrial intelligence per se.

    Yes, there is value in the Urantia data, but its information is a mirror of the group-consciousness of the planet at the time of transmission.
    The structure of the hierarchies in the Urantia Book is military corps and command chains simply reflecting the 'military mindset' at the time of WWII.

    Scientific analysis quickly crystalises the 'wrong distance scales' to stars in the Milky Way and such astronomical data, which simply was not known at the time of the printing of the Urantia Book.
    All channeled material mirrors the content of the HUMAN AKASHIC RECORDS and if the 'greater order and structures' in the cosmology are NOT in the human mind someplace and somewhere in concretisized form, then no ET-intelligence will be enabled to be transmitted to the earth.

    So the quotations above are a direct attempt to interpret the numerological archetypes as found in the Book of the Revelation.
    The 15D is Jesus say as the Melchizedek; the 14D are the 12 apostles and the 13D are the 12x12 and the 12D are the scripturally encoded 144,000.
    Those 'dimensions' have NOTHING to do with real geometric dimensions defining space and time, in the physical 3D and the metaphysical sense.

    Now search the many threads on this forum and discover the multitudinous authors, channellers and 'following believers'; who continuously publish the 15D of this or that as some ET-Guardian Authority.

    And yet your idea of the 8D is appropriate if you do not associate it with the 'standard ideas' as portrayed in the above.

    The ascension of Gaia from 4D spacetime into 5D spacetime is an UNPRECEDENTED Cosmic Event, that will reconfigure the Entire Universe.

    It is not some 'wishy-washy' concept where the ETs from 26D interact with the ETs from 25D and fight some 'Galactic Battle' over the 'Poor Gaians' stuck in 4D; the latter awaiting deliverence from this state of affairs from their ET-Friends in 15D.

    Your 8D-9D nexus point is 'crucial' not as some 'place' from where the ETs are coming from; BUT as an intersection of the 4D spacetime with itself at the same locale.

    The physics and mathematics of the matter shows you what can become physical 5D reality and what is fantasy and cannot manifest as such.

    Allow me to specify - 5D is absolutely grand. You will be able to walk through walls if required (Michio Kaku's Hyperspace is a reference). You can become antigravitational and the UFOs will become materialized and many such things including all of the data about 12D-stranded DNA and a hybrid new body for the starhumans able to access the 5D matrix of energy.
    Yet the 12D-DNA is a misnomer, as the DNA will be 5D but enabled to access INFOLDED Dimensions.

    So your 8D-9D nexus point is a nexus point of INFOLDMENT, a MIRROR between Translation-Rotation and Vibration.

    This then is encoded in Revelation as the 'Beast that was and is and is not and yet is, being of the 7 yet being the 8th'.

    My thread on the Thuban 24 Elders describes this, as well as this thread here. The important decoding key is to understand that the SEA from which the Beast rises from is the MIRROR in your bathroom. And so the Seven become principles coupled to antiprinciples (ArchAngelic kingdoms contra ArchDaemonic kingdoms in the mythologies). The 8D so becomes 'mythologized' in the 8ness of the Beast being the Principle of Relativity (Real HardCore Science and Mathematics) and NOT having an Antiprinciple BECOMES UNIFIED in the ArchAngels being 'forced' to be as One (or the same) with/as the ArchDemons.
    1. Revelation 17:8
      The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.
      Revelation 17:7-9 (in Context) Revelation 17 (Whole Chapter)
    2. Revelation 17:11
      And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.
    Abraxas - Omni-Scientist from Thuban in the Name of the Master-Templar

    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-16-2010 at 11:01 AM.
    post_old. 01-16-2010, 11:09 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Spregovori viewpost.
    Hi Abraxasinas

    How does one attempt to stop being divided?

    By pursuing individuality?

    Is it "simply" by stop being afraid, paranoid, rejecting, sublime, insolent....and to learn from each experience?
    Hi Spregovori!

    You are using extremely generalised concepts here, which cannot be answered except in similar generalities.

    1. Individuality is the Key to Separate a Unity.
    2. Then a 'master-plan' to reattain Unity within the Separated Individualism can be constructed.
    3. The elementary energy of the primordial Unity is Consciousness of Self, say emerging fom an Infinitum of SuperEnergy called Love.

    4. Using the primordial energy form, a material universe is born from 'Superconsciousness'.
    5. In the beginning (of space and time not the superconsciousness itself) the created material universe is mainly unconscious and then slowly EVOLVES in selfawareness.

    6. YOU Spregovori ARE that created universe slowly 'wakening up' from unconsciousness to partial consciousness to source-remembering consciousness.

    post_old. 01-16-2010, 11:48 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Whwn i was reading uratia book Ihated this military structure now iknow why
    have to read your definition about density in calmness not under time pressureall the best sabina

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    page 23 of 63

    01-16-2010, 12:22 PM #551

    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
    Hi Abrax, thanks for your reply. Basicly, I really started reading the Urantia book few years ago...but I only started...as I didn't found the concepts presented there being in tune with my own vibrational state at that time, nor I have the feeling I must go back and read the whole book.

    As I read what you replied, it becomes obvious to me that actually, I did answered my questions with my hypothetical answers. To specify some things, I will use excerpts of your post and comment on them:

    And yet your idea of the 8D is appropriate if you do not associate it with the 'standard ideas' as portrayed in the above.
    No, I don't really associate the multidimensional, and therefore the 8D, with any "standard ideas".

    The ascension of Gaia from 4D spacetime into 5D spacetime is an UNPRECEDENTED Cosmic Event, that will reconfigure the Entire Universe.
    This is getting clearer and clearer to me now...there's something "special" going on and we're all a part of it. I guess, we should considere us being "lucky" (I know lucky is not the apropriate word for this) to be here and now!

    It is not some 'wishy-washy' concept where the ETs from 26D interact with the ETs from 25D and fight some 'Galactic Battle' over the 'Poor Gaians' stuck in 4D; the latter awaiting deliverence from this state of affairs from their ET-Friends in 15D.

    Your 8D-9D nexus point is 'crucial' not as some 'place' from where the ETs are coming from; BUT as an intersection of the 4D spacetime with itself at the same locale.

    The physics and mathematics of the matter shows you what can become physical 5D reality and what is fantasy and cannot manifest as such.
    I've never considered the "creation", no matter how multi/interdimensional it is, to be a place where battles should be battled. I don't even consider there are any battles...except one, which is the battle to unify the one that is with the one that isn't. Like said in your beautifull Parabel...the moment the gardener realise he is the planter and visa versa, that's the moment of unification.

    So your 8D-9D nexus point is a nexus point of INFOLDMENT, a MIRROR between Translation-Rotation and Vibration.
    And that point of INFOLDMENT...this is what I considered as "the Mistery".

    So I guess, the things are getting clearer now...but still much to learn here.

    thanks again

    01-16-2010, 01:34 PM #552

    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
    hey abrax... why do you live in canberra? is it somewhere you think is safe? or you have no need to be safe in a physical form?
    i am as curious as anyone else about you.. and i am just happy your only 3 hrs away, and that one day we may meet... i live in orange nsw..
    i have followed this forum and project camelot from day dot. i am concerned for my and my kids future. their protection is of my only importance and i have to try to protect them from a distance.
    i have, from a very early age new that the way our race is living is not how it was meant to live. i have known there is something out there i cannot reach just yet.. i was told once that by the age of 35 i would get what i am after.. but that is still a few yrs away..
    do you see me obtaining my/universal truth?
    i would be interested in getting your email in a private message and we could exchange a few teachings to help me raise my vibrations a little more.. so i could raise my childrens too make them stronger... because i am afraid the people they are around drain what i try to manifest in them..

    bennycog is back

    01-16-2010, 02:48 PM #553

    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Your posts continue to amaze me and thank you for your comments.

    You state that the rising of Gaia from the 4th to the 5th dimensions is an event of universal proportions which is truly an exciting proposition and I tremble at the thought!

    However, will all or most, humans recognize this transition or phase shift? (it would seem that they should even into the 3D)

    Or is it that experiences of these transformations are reserved only for the select few of higher ‘esoteric’ conscious vibration. If that is the case then isn’t this just another ‘elitist’ ascension practice that only the ‘chosen few’ are ‘allowed’ to recognize or understand? (the world is full of stories such as these like the followers of Hailbop or the Jonestown believers)

    Why would it be so difficult to find the ‘mirroring’ of these ‘manifestations’ that are to come into the 3D as is the creation?

    Without 3D confirmations… (from where we experience most of our awareness and human impressions) what’s the point? (I think this is what Jesus faced with his disciples except for the fact that he rose from death to show that death had no hold on him)

    These beautiful things that you speak of can seemingly be proven by mathematics? ( my heart wants you to be right but my mind… hmmm) Of the billions on this earth, how many can follow the mathematics? How can you prove that it is true, even to yourself if there is not 3D confirmation?

    I hear a few on these forums talk about existing for billions of years or millions of lifetimes or coming from the 12th, 24th, or 50th dimensions or from wherever. (as far as I know they could all be delusional human beings in 3D, even though they claim they are
    not… yeah right and I’m the Easter Bunny… who rides on roller skates around my spherical universe that only expands in proportion to the speed with which I accelerate my skates)

    So can you point to definitive 3D experiences ‘most’ should recognize as these transformations begin to unfold and to manifest? And by what period of time will these events have occurred?


    01-16-2010, 05:52 PM #554

    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
    Thanks for your work Sirebard Beardris. A true composition. The amount of space and time is incredible. In each, our own universe brought together by love. A mystery revealed and a new one begins...

    The past and future are fluid, stories become stories but the source is still the same.

    Amazing to think how much is created from this, growing against infinity, only to ebb and flow with love forever....
    Last edited by Magamud; 01-16-2010 at 06:00 PM.

    01-16-2010, 05:57 PM #555


    Posts: n/a

    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by abraxasinas
    Hi Spregovori!

    You are using extremely generalized concepts here, which cannot be answered except in similar generalities.
    Yes it was generalized...I think I was hoping for a "cooking recipe" answer

    step A - do this
    step B - do that
    step C - boil for 5 minutes

    Do not know hot to un-generalize it...

    But I think I have managed to make a "thesis" of a sort (from the given answers)...something that almost anyone can "like" and use....although it may be generalized...and it may lack the "details" necessary to implement it.

    Details were "overlooked" since it can be...for example..hard to explain how to make omlet du fromage with an electric kitchen appliances to the stone age man.

    Or I might just lack the necessary background (like voyager and urantia books etc) For example Rok=18+15+11=44=DD I have 0 idea about "my number" being 44 etc (my first name is Rok)

    But than again...it might not matter..since at one stage...I might as well find out that the infromation in the books has been either falsified or requires additional "hard-core" studies (of the Sumerian tablets for example)...since...when can one actually say that he/she can entirely comprehend it?

    When can (if even) one distinct between following the infromation and actually understanding the infromation?

    To all that might be interested... my "master thesis" :

    Us people see what we want to see, we create this with our thoughts. Our thoughts are the result of what we perceive with our senses. By thinking about something we help to manifest it. All that is, is our own doing, here for us to experience it and learn from it. To learn to appreciate what could one day be a harmony of life.

    Each can be individual. Each can choose his/her own way of individuality.

    You choose what to believe.
    You choose what to create.
    You choose what to be.
    You choose what to experience.

    There are no mistakes. There are just learning experiences.

    No fear of someone telling you what you must do.
    No fear of someone dictating you the rules on how you must do it.
    No fear of someone doing it for you.

    You can/will hold the responsibility for everything you create.

    At the end of all things, the final choice is always yours to make.

    Your life, your choice.

    Coming from within you or from some outside stimulus...the choice you make is yours...no one else can do it for you.

    I think this is something almost (almost!=all) anyone can relate to. This is something I can call a Free Will (with 1 exception)

    Are you a smiling, slim, long black-haired girl in your twenties and you just made a choice to trans-locate to my bed and it did not work?

    Are you a space "freak" and just made a choice to teleport to Mars and it did not work?

    Why it did not work?

    It might be that you are simply not the "master of the universe" and would actually need a space craft or something?

    (about the girl part...if you happen to be in the area I believe something can be arranged...a "jump room to jump bedroom"

    have fun people...or at least...try to
    01-16-2010, 07:41 PM #556

    Jacqui D
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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
    Thank you Abrax for explaining those things for me.
    We are all one yes, higher/ lower i have always said there are many worlds within worlds and we walk these worlds as higher levels or lower ones. This makes sense.
    And we are all mirror images /parallels.
    Some say they have almost met with their other self i have not experienced this can i ask what would happen if this occurred or is this impossible.Am i confusing this with a doppleganger and what is a doppleganger anyway.

    Memories are coming back to me and through regression i have seen who i was / am which was very humbling when you re- connect it is the most wonderful thing to experience.
    Last edited by Jacqui D; 01-16-2010 at 09:46 PM.

    01-16-2010, 07:55 PM #557

    777 The Great Work
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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Everything is perfect

    M1 *
    Commander Adam
    Inspector General


    01-16-2010, 08:30 PM #558

    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
    Abraxas --

    thanks for your answers to my previous questions, but--at the risk of pestering you--i would like to ask if you would focus on the part of my 1st question (i haven't figured out how to cut & paste it onto this message...duh!) which has to do with the relative awareness of those 3-d entities NOT ascending. will there be fear, sadness, joy, jealously or simply Unawareness on the part of these who are doing something else besides ascending, re: this ascension of those they may even know or be close-to? i think perhaps this is something Bigmo is also asking about in a post above.

    2) Abraxas ..... i am having a good bit of difficulty understanding how only 144,000 human entities (approx. 1 out of 50,000 per 7.2 billion earth-inhabitants) will be evolved enough to ascend at this coming major transition. this just seems like such a low number to me ..... even just considering the people i know myself. since it's been stated numerous times (in LoO at least) that if one is even "51%" oriented toward service-to-others, one is "capable of" ascension ........ does this not render the "144,000" a rather pessimistic prognostication? is this number symbolic perhaps (though i haven't gotten that impression from you)? i DO realize that everyone not ascending will progress appropriately through other experiences and that "all will be well" for each of us "shards," no matter the particular outcome for any one of us during this dramatic shift ....... but these calculations/predictions of how many will be able to ascend "soon" somehow just don't resonate with me. Please Help!

    Last edited by hippihillbobbi; 01-16-2010 at 08:39 PM.

    01-16-2010, 11:11 PM #559

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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by abraxasinas
    Dear me, no my dear Steven!

    You have misunderstood the reply. The Andromedan stated, through Alex Collier, that they DID NOT KNOW where the 'elders' came from. This and the opening of the 12th dimension.

    I did understand your reply, but I disagree with your statement about the "elder".

    I then outlined in some detail, that the Draconians (of Collier) as well as the Lyrans (of Collier) are the GrandChildren of the 'founding elders'.
    As you see, there is a missing generation - the Paa Taal (Collier), who are the 'common ancestors' of both the 'Draconian ' 'Dark STS' brotherhood say and the 'Lyran' 'Light STO' brotherhood (which then (Collier) gave issue to the Pleiadeans and the humans).

    You have a very strong perspective of generation and lineage. It is good, but not absolute. We are all brothers and sisters under Creation, there is no hierarchy of importance in the hand of Creator. We are not from the lineage of the draconians, we are from a different composure. Draconians and dows are races hydrogen based form of life, while we human are oxygen based. We might have draconian DNA, but it was done unnaturally.

    Nowhere did I even mention your 'Great Galactic War' as being anything else but a 'war between archetypes'. I did however separate the observer perspective of Andromeda as being extragalactic, whilst the 'Alpha Draconians', as well as the Lyran-Pleiadean-Human perspectives are from the intergalactic observation platform.

    Yes, I understand your statement that your point of view (Thuban records) is from a higher perspective than the andromedans from Collier. But I simply do not believe it.

    Then I attempted to clarify the Paa Taal as being a 'unified' observation point and I should have clarified, that this unified perspective 'transcends' all of your and Collier's notion of the 'Great Galactic War' in this galaxy and as say observed by the Andromdean extragalactic viewpoint.
    You can write your own story about those 'wars of the Stars' OR you can accept the many other legends about those wars in editorial function or copycat fashion.

    Or you can believe the "Thuban records" like you do. I do not believe them, that is why my point of view differ.

    So yes, the Draconians (and all other races) are descendants from the Elders but the Elders are 'a generation' removed through the intermissiary of the Paa Taal. As the participants of the 'Great Galactic Wars' are all akin 'Grandchildren' of the Elders and akin Children of the Paa Taal; all of them remain 'in ambivalence' or mystery as to their origins.

    Once again, it does not matter where you come from in the face of Creator, we are all sisters and brothers equal in the perspective of Creation that hold us all in consciousness. There is no proclaimed superior race, no decree written by Creation to let one race "rule" over another. Draconians are foreign to our universe, but welcome to live in peace as long as they accept to respect "Freewill" of self evolution without intervention. This is not from me, but from what Creation tells me. You can of course disagree and think I'm completely dreaming me inner knowledge, it is something that does not bother me. I expect the same attitude from you of course.

    You can attempt to induce me to 'describe' the 'Great Galactic Wars' until the holy cows of Hathor return from Egypt, I will not do so.
    In your attempt to contradict my data base by and through your comparative data obtained by a variety of other sources and authors; you are conveniently omitting my statement, that all of those 'star wars records' depict secondary and tertiary accounts and manifestations of the archetypes FOUNDED by the Elders and MANIFESTED by the Paa Taal and then RECORDED by the Third Generation.

    The only sources I used to dialogue with you is my inner knowledge, and Alex Collier message received from the andromedans. The "Great Galactic War" came to be when draconians where "sent" in our Universe. They were established in the Alpha draconis star system. Being evolved as explorer they went to the Lyrian Star system and imposed their point of view of Creation to the Lyrians. The Lyrians refused to be treated as an "under race" and the dracoids did not like it. That is how the "Great Galatic War" began and it last for long. Since then, dracoids formed alliance with other races and tries to influence the course of natural evolution of emerging race, like ours here and now...

    As member of the Council of Thuban, I observe the many records of the 'story telling' of OUR Grandchildren. There is no need for me to IMAGE another accord for this, as the Archetypology described to you in some detail, ENCOMPASSES ALL of such stories and legends.

    Again, same answer. I understand your statement that the "Thuban records" are from higher perspective and encompass all our data and understanding. I just do not agree with this statement, I find it manipulative and tyrannical.

    You cannot contradict my database dear Grandchild. Perhaps it would be advisable for you to discover who your parents are, before you question the wisdom of the Elders.

    I can disagree with your data base and I can say it is wrong. I am not trying to convince you, but I expect the same from you, that is "Freewill". I am son of Creation dear brother. I am not your grandchild, but your brother, equal in all manners. I am free and responsible of my consciousness and all repercussion of my act around me because I know the Universal Laws that encompass all Existence. I can question the wisdom of the elders because I am a soul connected to Creation. I expect the "wisdom of the elders" to respect my "Freewill" and the "Freewill" of all inhabitant of the Universe.

    Grandpa Abraxas
    Your brother, equal in all manners, Steven

    01-17-2010, 03:42 AM #560

    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
    Hello Abraxas,

    How are you doing? Good I hope.

    I wanted to ask you about a dream I had when I was around 4 or 5 years old. In this dream there was nothing. Meaning I felt myself in a vastness of empty space. The color of this vastness was black and all that i could see, hear, feel. was my own voice/consciousness. I remember waking up crying because for some reason i had the feeling that it was what death was. I ran to my father telling him i didnt want to die. lol.

    What do you think an experience/dream like that represents?

    Thank you


    01-17-2010, 06:33 AM #561

    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
    Peace unto you abraxasinas,

    I haven't posted here in a while until this thread caught my attention. I'm familiar with alot of the concepts you have explained here in layman terms but without the scientific terminology/equations etc. and the Thubanese perspective. I find it quite interesting and I have a many questions to ask, so i'll begin with this:

    1. As you spoke about the founders and also the elders and the council of 24, I immediately thought about the Etherians and the Anunnagi. Can you speak of the Etherians?

    2. Do you have information regarding the Serafim. You made mention of cherubim earlier.
    Last edited by Nebula9D; 01-17-2010 at 06:45 AM.

    01-17-2010, 07:28 AM #562

    777 The Great Work
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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
    This thread is a Kabalistic ritual.

    01-17-2010, 07:53 AM #563


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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by Malletzky
    Hi Abrax, thanks for your reply. Basicly, I really started reading the Urantia book few years ago...but I only started...as I didn't found the concepts presented there being in tune with my own vibrational state at that time, nor I have the feeling I must go back and read the whole book.
    I fully agree with your sentiments here Malletzky. As said it is a product of its wartime time.

    As I read what you replied, it becomes obvious to me that actually, I did answered my questions with my hypothetical answers. To specify some things, I will use excerpts of your post and comment on them:

    No, I don't really associate the multidimensional, and therefore the 8D, with any "standard ideas".

    The 'Standard Ideas' are of course pioneering to other perspectives.

    This is getting clearer and clearer to me now...there's something "special" going on and we're all a part of it. I guess, we should considere us being "lucky" (I know lucky is not the apropriate word for this) to be here and now!

    Indeed; 'free willed', 'complementary' and 'completing a long journey of the soul' are also appropriate labels.

    I've never considered the "creation", no matter how multi/interdimensional it is, to be a place where battles should be battled. I don't even consider there are any battles...except one, which is the battle to unify the one that is with the one that isn't. Like said in your beautifull Parabel...the moment the gardener realise he is the planter and visa versa, that's the moment of unification.

    This is just the externilization of the 'inner battle'. As the saying goes: 'The Only enemy is within'. Make with with IT and the external pace shall follow.

    And that point of INFOLDMENT...this is what I considered as "the Mistery".

    So I guess, the things are getting clearer now...but still much to learn here.

    Of course and anyone understanding the parable in its deeper context from its periphery cannot but understand the cosmogenesis and one's own relevance to it.

    thanks again
    Thanking you for a thoughtful and intelligent discourse.

    Love and Gnosis Abraxas

    01-17-2010, 08:26 AM #564


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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by bennycog
    hey abrax... why do you live in canberra? is it somewhere you think is safe? or you have no need to be safe in a physical form?
    i am as curious as anyone else about you.. and i am just happy your only 3 hrs away, and that one day we may meet... i live in orange nsw..
    i have followed this forum and project camelot from day dot. i am concerned for my and my kids future. their protection is of my only importance and i have to try to protect them from a distance.
    i have, from a very early age new that the way our race is living is not how it was meant to live. i have known there is something out there i cannot reach just yet.. i was told once that by the age of 35 i would get what i am after.. but that is still a few yrs away..
    do you see me obtaining my/universal truth?
    i would be interested in getting your email in a private message and we could exchange a few teachings to help me raise my vibrations a little more.. so i could raise my childrens too make them stronger... because i am afraid the people they are around drain what i try to manifest in them..

    bennycog is back
    Hi bennycog from Orange!

    Noone has any need to 'be safe' from the greater soul perspective.
    In the ultimate perspective nothing exists exept you in nospace and in notime.
    A pretty 'forlorn' thought is it not?
    So you find yourself in space and in time and seemingly separate from so many things.
    Yet, realising that the 'outside world' simply becomes a largely magnified picture of your 'inside world'; you might arrive at the understanding that you are having an adventure and that you are Living Your Own Dream.

    Your concerns for your family are very natural and physical transformations do occur and will continue to occur in divers proportions.
    In that regard allow me to share the sisterhood of the continents as decoded from the older encodings in the archives of Thuban.

    In the continental table of the lands and kinships; anyone of YOU becomes a global citizen or 'earthling' with many colour-skins 'living' anywhere in the planetary environments. The first classification predates the scriptural references applied elsewhere and is known as 'Egyptian mythology' linked to 'alien omni science'.


    1=Kinship of WhiteSkins of Father-Sky in a Rainbow Arcticus Cyani
    2=Kinship of BlackSkins of Mother-Earth in a Rainbow Antarcticus Magenti
    3=Kinship of GreenSkins of Elemental-Child in a Rainbow Indianus Oceanis
    4=Kinship of YellowSkins of Elemental Fire of the Lights in a Rainbow Pacificus Boreas OutSim
    5=Kinship of BrownSkins of Elemental Earth of the Lands in a Rainbow Atlanticus Eurus InSim
    6=Kinship of BlueSkins of Elemental Air of the Winds in a Rainbow Pacificus Auster InSim
    7=Kinship of RedSkins of Elemental Water of the Seas in a Rainbow Atlanticus Zephyrus OutSim

    1='The Land of my Lost Sheep and my Found Goat'=EPHESUS---{Revelation.2.1-7}
    2='The Land of my Origins in the RNA'=SMYRNA---{Revelation.2.8-17}
    3='The Land of my Grapes and Sounds in Om and Noises'=PERGAMOS---{Revelation.2.12-17}
    4='The Land of my Theatres and my Crowns'=THYATIRA---{Revelation.2.18-29}
    5='The Land of my Rising in Sadness and Hope'=SARDIS---{Revelation.3.1-6}
    6='The Land of my Oracles of Love and Poles'=PHILADELPHIA---{Revelation.3.7-13}
    7='The Land of my Loaded Dice and Lead in Coins'=LAODICEA---{Revelation.3.8-22}

    The Seven 'Lands' are also Seven Sisters and are permutatively assigned to the namings of the Pleiadean Sisters: Alcyone-Electra-Maia-Merope-Taygeta-Celaeno-Asterope from their 'Parents' Atlas and Pleione=Shu and Tefnut as the Egyptian Cosmic Lion Twinship in a relevant association.

    1=Europe; 2=Africa; 3=Middle East; 4=Asia; 5=Southern America; 6=Australasia; 7=Northern America in a VERY generalised geographical association.
    As stated, ALL Seven Sisters are part of each other and so the Canadian is a Laodicean and a Philadelphian and an Ephesian and so on in varying percentages say.
    This nomenclature then even further finestructures in the Individual, able to 'perceive and think' in such 'ID expansive terms'.

    Of course you can email me privately, but in general I prefer open sharing as it is the PERSONAL STORIES, which especially in this time of cosmic transformations, which are of the MOST VALUE for the 'Oversoul' of Humanity, say the cosmic ID and intelligence, which is comprised of all the 'Higher Selves' or similar labellings. This is also of course related to the concept of Prime Source or Creator or 'God' the latter label, having become greatly distorted over the last century of human history, desiring redefinition through and by its LOGOS.

    By the time of you attaining a biological age of 35, there will be a new world for your children to experience their adventures as Children of the Universe in.


    01-17-2010, 09:13 AM #565

    Avalon Senior Member

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    Posts: 107

    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
    Hi again Abraxas,

    I posted some question above and would to know what you think.


    01-17-2010, 09:53 AM #566


    Join Date: Dec 2009
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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by bigmo

    Your posts continue to amaze me and thank you for your comments.

    You state that the rising of Gaia from the 4th to the 5th dimensions is an event of universal proportions which is truly an exciting proposition and I tremble at the thought!

    However, will all or most, humans recognize this transition or phase shift? (it would seem that they should even into the 3D)

    Hi bigmo!
    Thank you for your comments, which as deriving from an elder of the human family contain much wisdom and pertinence for the situations at hand and experienced both individually and collectively.

    Your question relates to something you experience often, namely when you fall asleep and enter the dreaming state of the alpha modes.
    There is a 'phaseshift' between being awake and say watching TV or reading a book and the 'cutting off' of one's waking consciousness.

    Now imagine of NOT experiencing this 'cutting off' or phaseshift in consciousness as say a CONTINUUM of the waking consciousness with the subconsciousness.

    This is what shall occur. The distinction between the waking consciousness and the subconsciousness shall become like a scale of frequencies you experience WITHOUT the 'phase transition' of say water freezing at 0 degrees Celsius or water boiling at 100 degrees Celsius.
    The solid-liquid-gaseous-plasma forms of matter are like waking-sub-super-cosmic consciousnesses in forms of the soul, using the mind coupled to the materiality.

    So 3D-life shall assume a dreamlike state superposed onto the now 'ordinary' environment state for ALL; yet only the Ones able to process the 'higher frequencies' associated with the 'breaking down of the wall between the waking selfstate and the dreamstate) will be able to interact with the 4D space reality.

    The easist way to fathom this is to imagine yourself in your Lucid Dream State; when you know that you are dreaming; and then to REALISE this lucid dreamstate not as a dream but as your own say superphysical or metaphysical reality.

    Technically, this engages the perpendicular accessibility of a 4th space dimension, added to the present 3 space dimensions. So the present reality will remain, albeit becoming supplementary in a WINDOW or Door into hitherto physical reality suppressed and accessible ONLY in the dreamstate.
    Simply said; your dreams, 'good and bad' shall come true.

    Or is it that experiences of these transformations are reserved only for the select few of higher ‘esoteric’ conscious vibration. If that is the case then isn’t this just another ‘elitist’ ascension practice that only the ‘chosen few’ are ‘allowed’ to recognize or understand? (the world is full of stories such as these like the followers of Hailbop or the Jonestown believers)

    The experience is for all, doing away with all forms of elitism; does however depend on the self-responsibility to allow vibrational expansion or not.
    This is what many understand as the individual preparation.
    Noone is excluded and everyone is included - the ability to understand and to adapt will however differ.

    Why would it be so difficult to find the ‘mirroring’ of these ‘manifestations’ that are to come into the 3D as is the creation?

    Without 3D confirmations… (from where we experience most of our awareness and human impressions) what’s the point? (I think this is what Jesus faced with his disciples except for the fact that he rose from death to show that death had no hold on him)

    Yes, you have discerned with great insight here. The answer is simple, but extremely hard to understand because of the 'conditionings'.
    Here is the answer to be 'believed' or accepted or not.

    Caveat: The following information is given by the authority of the Logos and constitutes the dispensation of January, 18th, 2010.
    The profundity of this information will polarise the receivers of this data.
    Having been given, this data cannot be ignored by any soul witnessing this information.
    The individual will either assimilate or reject this data in the polarity distribution.

    The Resurrected Body of Christ is NOT at some place in the universe, on some planet or in some orbiting spacecraft (say in the form of Sananda or St. Germain or Lord Melchizedek).
    The Christbody is WITHIN AND WITHOUT YOU.

    So the first and most crucial point of getting anywhere near the reality of the LOGOS is to 'accept' the PHYSICAL REALITY of the resurrection.
    Jesus of Nazareth;
    did not survive the crucifixion;
    did not die of old age in France or India or Judea;
    did not have children with Mary Magdalene;
    did not use a substitute for himself in the passion;
    was not a phantom being of the gnosis;
    did not engage in a Morontia transit;
    is NOT on equal consciousness 'footing' with 'ascended masters' like the Buddha, Zoroaster, Mohammed; St. Germain; the Babas; Ra, Thor, Odin, Zeus, Osiris, Apollo etc. etc. etc.

    Then if the resurrection is 3D PHYSICAL fact; then how did the physics and the Laws of Nature accomodate such a fact?

    The Laws of Nature indeed incorporate the 'Transformation of an atomic-molecular biochemical support structure', PROVIDED the consciousness harboured by this 'body' can utilize the 'Laws of Nature' to ACCELERATE the mass-equivalent energy of said body into a particular energy resonance self-state of the universe itself.

    In quantum mechanical terms, the WaveFunction of the 'collapsed' - meaning 'Dead' Body(Particle)Function CANNOT GO ANYWHERE; IF this consciousness as particular quantum selfstate encompasses the scale of the universe itself.

    The ChristBody so BECOMES the wavefunction of the physical universe in a dimensional superposition.
    This means, that the 'Body of the Resurrection' in the previously occupied 3D space as a holofractal transforms into a 4D holofractal in a temporary Interaction with the 3D space previously shared as an individuated Particle/Body form (with the wavefunction collapsed within say).

    This then is archetyped in the 'Lightbody Jesus', walking through closed doors, YET eating fish (ghosts or hallucinations don't eat fish as 4D plasma NOT built upon a preexisting 3D particle structure).

    The 'ascension' of the ChristBody then becomes NECESSITY to allow the temporary 4D extraposition of space to become UBIQUITOUS for ALL to share. This then allows ALL to change from 3D 'bodies' into 4D bodies.
    However the scientific implications are farreaching and profound.

    The ONE Resurrection-Template becomes multiplied in the DESCENSION of the Universe's Geometric scale to the SubUniverse Geometric scale yet MIRRORED in the size of the Universe.
    This Mirror Universe is known as the Gaia-Mother.
    The DESCENT will ENCOMPASS GAIA as Itself.
    So GAIA in 3D space will become BOUNDED by the ChristBody of 4D space for the purpose to render the Cosmic Christ of ONE Body as MANYBODIED.

    This will manifest the WAVEFUNCTION of the Universe as QUANTUMIZED in the wavefunction of GAIA, renamed as being WITHIN the SERPENT of the CHRISTENING.

    In other words, Serpentina IS the Second Coming of the ONE in MANY.

    End of transmission.

    These beautiful things that you speak of can seemingly be proven by mathematics? ( my heart wants you to be right but my mind… hmmm) Of the billions on this earth, how many can follow the mathematics? How can you prove that it is true, even to yourself if there is not 3D confirmation?

    Well, I can tell you that the 'science' CAN indeed be experimentally 'proven' in the energy of the wormhole parameters.
    There are basically two important energy levels; the 'Consciousness threshold' in terms of the materialisation of the energy (E=mc^2=hf=kT and such stuff) and the actual wormhole energy.

    The threshold will MANIFEST in the particle accelerators of the 3D physics at the 14.03 TeV level. By synchronicity, this is just the MAXIMUM operational energy level of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland.

    As you may know, 'they' are having all sorts of troubles using that energy and now the plans are to work towards half that energy in say colliding protons at say 4TeV each instead of the maximum designed 7 TeV each.

    The actual 'God-Particle' is at 12,400 TeV and so a factor of a thousand times larger. Scientific machines to 'tap' the 'God-Love-Energy' have not yet been built, but can theoretically be built.
    The most advanced alien technology CAN tap this energy without machines but in using the magnetic forms of the mass as magnetoelectric supercurrents.

    'My' technicalities describe much of this in detail at: http://tonyb.freeyellow.com

    I hear a few on these forums talk about existing for billions of years or millions of lifetimes or coming from the 12th, 24th, or 50th dimensions or from wherever. (as far as I know they could all be delusional human beings in 3D, even though they claim they are
    not… yeah right and I’m the Easter Bunny… who rides on roller skates around my spherical universe that only expands in proportion to the speed with which I accelerate my skates)

    I agree with many of your sentiments stated above and correlate this with my last post to Malletzky.

    So can you point to definitive 3D experiences ‘most’ should recognize as these transformations begin to unfold and to manifest? And by what period of time will these events have occurred?

    The 'Big Transformation' is a 'large scale' copy of what happened to the 'individual One' from a warped timeline from 8th December 24AD to 1st April 32AD.

    April 1st, 32AD will 'holographically' image April 1st, 2012 and January 18th, 30AD will holographically image January 18th, 2010.

    Belief or skepticism is not required; what is required for the individual is to allow and consider possibilities.

    The timeline is now set and cannot be diverted in the encompassing sense.
    The individual adaptations are entirely 'free will' and subject to individual attunements to the encompassing and everpresent LOGOS.

    Thank you bigmo for triggering the release of this data.

    An elder greets an elder!

    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-17-2010 at 10:02 AM.

    01-17-2010, 10:06 AM #567


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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by Magamud
    Thanks for your work Sirebard Beardris. A true composition. The amount of space and time is incredible. In each, our own universe brought together by love. A mystery revealed and a new one begins...

    The past and future are fluid, stories become stories but the source is still the same.

    Amazing to think how much is created from this, growing against infinity, only to ebb and flow with love forever....
    Dear Magamund!

    You have spoken in the wisdom of one of the 24 ancient ones.
    You have written in the authority of Thuban.

    Love, being the self-energy eigenstate of the Primal Source is to only Rule!

    Welcome Home, Your Logos is the master templar of Thuban.


    01-17-2010, 10:28 AM #568


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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by Spregovori
    Yes it was generalized...I think I was hoping for a "cooking recipe" answer

    step A - do this
    step B - do that
    step C - boil for 5 minutes

    Do not know hot to un-generalize it...

    But I think I have managed to make a "thesis" of a sort (from the given answers)...something that almost anyone can "like" and use....although it may be generalized...and it may lack the "details" necessary to implement it.

    Details were "overlooked" since it can be...for example..hard to explain how to make omlet du fromage with an electric kitchen appliances to the stone age man.

    Or I might just lack the necessary background (like voyager and urantia books etc) For example Rok=18+15+11=44=DD I have 0 idea about "my number" being 44 etc (my first name is Rok)

    ROK=44=11+11+11+11=11+11+22=22+22=11+33 as four combinations (and 34 permutations of the 'master-doubledigit-mirror-numbers.

    But than again...it might not matter..since at one stage...I might as well find out that the infromation in the books has been either falsified or requires additional "hard-core" studies (of the Sumerian tablets for example)...since...when can one actually say that he/she can entirely comprehend it?

    Indeed, all these things and records are 3rdhand information of translated and individualised archetypes.

    When can (if even) one distinct between following the infromation and actually understanding the infromation?

    If you go from 3rd hand to 2nd hand to 1st hand data, the information gets simpler and simpler.

    To all that might be interested... my "master thesis" :

    Us people see what we want to see, we create this with our thoughts. Our thoughts are the result of what we perceive with our senses. By thinking about something we help to manifest it. All that is, is our own doing, here for us to experience it and learn from it. To learn to appreciate what could one day be a harmony of life.

    Very well summarized.

    Each can be individual. Each can choose his/her own way of individuality.

    You choose what to believe.
    You choose what to create.
    You choose what to be.
    You choose what to experience.


    There are no mistakes. There are just learning experiences.


    No fear of someone telling you what you must do.
    No fear of someone dictating you the rules on how you must do it.
    No fear of someone doing it for you.

    An encompassing truth.

    You can/will hold the responsibility for everything you create.

    You are subject to your own decisions. You are Self-Accused; Self-Prosecuted; Self-Defence Council; Self-Judge and Self-Excecutioner.

    At the end of all things, the final choice is always yours to make.

    Your life, your choice.

    As said in the above.

    Coming from within you or from some outside stimulus...the choice you make is yours...no one else can do it for you.

    A very deep insight.

    I think this is something almost (almost!=all) anyone can relate to. This is something I can call a Free Will (with 1 exception)


    Are you a smiling, slim, long black-haired girl in your twenties and you just made a choice to trans-locate to my bed and it did not work?

    Anubia did just that!

    Are you a space "freak" and just made a choice to teleport to Mars and it did not work?

    Of course!

    Why it did not work?

    Because I changed my mind of going to Mars.

    It might be that you are simply not the "master of the universe" and would actually need a space craft or something?

    I am not a 'master' of anything. A 'master' is a Template for archetypical reproduction. Like a 'master hey' opening all doors to the Logos.

    Yes, 'my' spaceship is under construction. It will come from Sirius.

    (about the girl part...if you happen to be in the area I believe something can be arranged...a "jump room to jump bedroom"

    I am a rather sexy alien girl Spregovori - like the one that went into Hell.

    have fun people...or at least...try to
    It's natural Spregovori - ROC, the Bird of Sinbad of the Arabian Magic Nights

    01-17-2010, 10:48 AM #569


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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by Jacqui D
    Thank you Abrax for explaining those things for me.
    We are all one yes, higher/ lower i have always said there are many worlds within worlds and we walk these worlds as higher levels or lower ones. This makes sense.
    And we are all mirror images /parallels.
    Some say they have almost met with their other self i have not experienced this can i ask what would happen if this occurred or is this impossible.Am i confusing this with a doppleganger and what is a doppleganger anyway.

    Memories are coming back to me and through regression i have seen who i was / am which was very humbling when you re- connect it is the most wonderful thing to experience.
    Dear Jacqui!

    You have as many Shadows as you allow to be.
    The 1st hand archetype is the Khaibit say as the Number 9 in the Tree of Life or the Hebrew Kabbalah.

    The 'Tree of Life' is found in the 'Garden of Eden', the Paradise WITHIN YOU. It is not some external place in some faraway galaxy or at the center of the earth.

    Then 2nd hand and 3rd hand information attempts to manifest and rename this archetype.
    From this the concept of the 'Mirror Self' and the 'Doppelgaenger' develops.
    The 'Mirror-Self' is also the part of your Soul which DID NOT incarnate as Jacqui, but as your 'missing cosmic twinship' say.
    If you would have been born a boy, Jack, then all your life you would be 'looking' for your missing bit(s).
    There is also a real true Sister-Jacqui and a Brother-Jack by the Sex-Chromosome combinations: YX1; YX2; X0X1 and X0X2.
    Your incarnational Jacqui is say X0X1 and say yourself as your own nonincarnate sister X0X2 might be inclined to be bisexual in her attraction to the feminine.
    Iow your shadows and doppelgaengers harmonise the human sexuality in a quadruplicity of being Four in One.

    Your returning memories are preparing you to accept your Family-Soul; this family being YOU independent from biological birthgivers, as the archetype of the original Cosmic LoveChild of God in the YX|XY mirror of AdamEve=Vitruvius of Leonardo da Vinci and other labellings.


    01-17-2010, 10:52 AM #570


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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by 777 The Great Work

    Everything is perfect

    M1 *
    Commander Adam
    Inspector General
    Hi 777!

    I am impressed by your familiarity with the master-templar's handbook!


    01-17-2010, 10:52 AM #571


    Posts: n/a

    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
    LoL Abraxasinas the last part (mars, girls) was not directly directed at you but it was meant for the "general public", for someone that would test the free will by making "out-world" demands...

    But your answers are very interesting. thx

    I hope my "thesis" will be of use to those that "think in the same way as I do".

    And also my little "contribution" to those that refuse to read from start to the end...

    i think i will go into the observer mode and be quit now, for a while
    01-17-2010, 11:25 AM #572


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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by hippihillbobbi
    Abraxas --

    thanks for your answers to my previous questions, but--at the risk of pestering you--i would like to ask if you would focus on the part of my 1st question (i haven't figured out how to cut & paste it onto this message...duh!) which has to do with the relative awareness of those 3-d entities NOT ascending. will there be fear, sadness, joy, jealously or simply Unawareness on the part of these who are doing something else besides ascending, re: this ascension of those they may even know or be close-to? i think perhaps this is something Bigmo is also asking about in a post above.

    Hi hippihillibobbi!

    To intersperse, simply write into the (quote)...(/quote) thread and say colour your words differently using the A-button.
    Then, and this is important, simply sign the final post UNDERNEATH the second (/quote) before sending.

    The so called ascension is really a descension - something 'coming down' to meet humanity.
    So the contact of the old with the new will be a collective and a personal experience and encounter.
    Some will fear, some will rejoice, some will accept and others will reject the new reality.
    Noone is responsible in any form or manner how individuated 'free willed' data collectors for the Unity react.

    2) Abraxas ..... i am having a good bit of difficulty understanding how only 144,000 human entities (approx. 1 out of 50,000 per 7.2 billion earth-inhabitants) will be evolved enough to ascend at this coming major transition. this just seems like such a low number to me ..... even just considering the people i know myself. since it's been stated numerous times (in LoO at least) that if one is even "51%" oriented toward service-to-others, one is "capable of" ascension ........ does this not render the "144,000" a rather pessimistic prognostication? is this number symbolic perhaps (though i haven't gotten that impression from you)? i DO realize that everyone not ascending will progress appropriately through other experiences and that "all will be well" for each of us "shards," no matter the particular outcome for any one of us during this dramatic shift ....... but these calculations/predictions of how many will be able to ascend "soon" somehow just don't resonate with me. Please Help!

    The 1 in 50,000 is a 'core number', also counting the days from September 12th, 1975 to December 21st, 2012 as the 'building of the Holy Temple' in the 12,000 'furlongs' in Revelation.21.16.

    Then in terms of calendrical day-night days this number is 'fixed'; but in terms of individual souls this number simply indicates the distribution of 12 starsigns in a circle.

    So it is not a question of individual 'ascension status' of belonging or not belonging to the 12x12,000; as ALL belong to IT by nature of having a birthday somewhere in the zodiacal year.

    This promulgated idea, that there are nonascending 'lukewarm' individuals who will be transported to another earthlike planet in 3D is grossly misunderstood.
    The problem is the LINEAR and Literal explanation of an archetypical transformation.

    The physical perception of what 3D space reality is will shift. It is like the 'spiritual reality' will no longer be able to be denied - BY ANYONE.
    The reaction to this shift will so determine the 'ascension status'; not in some physical transportation or transposition, but in a 'change of the guard'.
    You can imagine your own scenarios of what it will be like if a 4D space reality manifests PHYSICALLY in a 3D environment.

    The many skeptics and ridiculers will be dumbfounded by this 'change in physical reality'.
    Similarly, the 'supernaturality believers' will find that the 'expected changes' are not what they have 'believed' in their traditions.

    The 144,000 are SOUL-Entities within YOU right now and like a perimeter of a circle about a 13th center - of the Cosmic Logos or Christ or Plumed Serpent or similar.

    The 144,000 so CAN MIRROR into others IF YOU have SEALED YOURSELF in being able to 'Sing the Song of Moses and of the New Earth as Serpentina, the New Jerusalem, the Bride of the Christ in Many and the Wife of the Homecoming Father-God-Creator.
    These are all labels to describe deeper 1st hand archetypes and symbols dating to the beginning of the universe.

    So there are PRECISELY 144,000 'souls' BUT they are UNLIMITED to multiply as the ONE through YOU and anyone else, far more than the 144,000, if YOU are ABLE by SELFCHOOSING to ACT and FEEL and KNOW yourself as the Oneness of the center of the circle. There are 200 million 'alien' 'soul-aspects' complementing the 144,000 by the way.

    YOU KNOW this in becoming ALL Starsigns as the 13th (Dinah of Jacob and Leah and Ophiuchus, the sepent tamer say) and THEN you will be able to 'Sing the Song of the Lamb' and Open the 'Book of Everlasting Life' Through and BY HIMHERSELF as the ONE in MANY.

    This is the true meaning of the Eucharist.

    777 seems to Understand the Source material, which is known as the Gospel of Thomas de Nag Hammadi. It was composed in interaction with the Cosmic Christ following the Resurrection and not before the latter.

    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-17-2010 at 11:28 AM.

    01-17-2010, 11:58 AM #573


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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
    Originally Posted by abraxasinas
    Dear me, no my dear Steven!

    You have misunderstood the reply. The Andromedan stated, through Alex Collier, that they DID NOT KNOW where the 'elders' came from. This and the opening of the 12th dimension.

    I did understand your reply, but I disagree with your statement about the "elder".

    You are free to disagree with anything given as data from Thuban.

    I then outlined in some detail, that the Draconians (of Collier) as well as the Lyrans (of Collier) are the GrandChildren of the 'founding elders'.
    As you see, there is a missing generation - the Paa Taal (Collier), who are the 'common ancestors' of both the 'Draconian ' 'Dark STS' brotherhood say and the 'Lyran' 'Light STO' brotherhood (which then (Collier) gave issue to the Pleiadeans and the humans).

    You have a very strong perspective of generation and lineage. It is good, but not absolute. We are all brothers and sisters under Creation, there is no hierarchy of importance in the hand of Creator. We are not from the lineage of the draconians, we are from a different composure. Draconians and dows are races hydrogen based form of life, while we human are oxygen based. We might have draconian DNA, but it was done unnaturally.

    This is your cosmology Steven and it is not 1st hand as your invocation of hydrogen based lifeforms indicates.
    It is true that all are equal, yet the lineage of the generations exists. Before you can be a Father of Children you must be a Son and before you can become a GrandFather you must be a Father of Children This is not judgement or hierarchy, but a natural order of things.
    The ultimate graduation and destiny of ALL is that of being Creator-Creation Oneself.
    This will allow the Creator of the Universe which you experience NOW to become a GrandCreator.
    Your destiny so is to act as a Son of the Creator and LEARN the Creator-Trade and to GROW UP to FATHER your OWN UNIVERSE.
    ONLY THEN, will you give your FATHER the Joy of becoming a GRANDFATHER.
    You are NOT a FATHER before you are a SON on the ultimate level.
    Because YOU have called me your child, I have reflected this back to you calling you my Grandchild. I KNOW of what 'hierarchy' I speak of.

    Once you Know how to create a universe in the capacity of a Father of the Cosmos; THEN shall I call you MY Brother and not before.
    You are destined to be such and you can indeed assume the mantle and office of an elder ONCE you have learned to interpret the archetypes of creation. Some on this forum I indeed call an equal elder in understanding.

    Nowhere did I even mention your 'Great Galactic War' as being anything else but a 'war between archetypes'. I did however separate the observer perspective of Andromeda as being extragalactic, whilst the 'Alpha Draconians', as well as the Lyran-Pleiadean-Human perspectives are from the intergalactic observation platform.

    Yes, I understand your statement that your point of view (Thuban records) is from a higher perspective than the andromedans from Collier. But I simply do not believe it.

    You are free to believe and disbelieve as you so may wish.

    Then I attempted to clarify the Paa Taal as being a 'unified' observation point and I should have clarified, that this unified perspective 'transcends' all of your and Collier's notion of the 'Great Galactic War' in this galaxy and as say observed by the Andromdean extragalactic viewpoint.
    You can write your own story about those 'wars of the Stars' OR you can accept the many other legends about those wars in editorial function or copycat fashion.

    Or you can believe the "Thuban records" like you do. I do not believe them, that is why my point of view differ.

    You are honoured by the Thuban Council in your choice to reject this information.

    So yes, the Draconians (and all other races) are descendants from the Elders but the Elders are 'a generation' removed through the intermissiary of the Paa Taal. As the participants of the 'Great Galactic Wars' are all akin 'Grandchildren' of the Elders and akin Children of the Paa Taal; all of them remain 'in ambivalence' or mystery as to their origins.

    Once again, it does not matter where you come from in the face of Creator, we are all sisters and brothers equal in the perspective of Creation that hold us all in consciousness. There is no proclaimed superior race, no decree written by Creation to let one race "rule" over another. Draconians are foreign to our universe, but welcome to live in peace as long as they accept to respect "Freewill" of self evolution without intervention. This is not from me, but from what Creation tells me. You can of course disagree and think I'm completely dreaming me inner knowledge, it is something that does not bother me. I expect the same attitude from you of course.

    Without clearly defining the terms you use, such as "Draconians are foreign to our universe'; your suppositions and understandings remain speculative blendings of 2nd and 3rd handed accounts you have encountered from divers sources, which you then compare with the information shared here under the label of the 'Data from Thuban'.

    You can attempt to induce me to 'describe' the 'Great Galactic Wars' until the holy cows of Hathor return from Egypt, I will not do so.
    In your attempt to contradict my data base by and through your comparative data obtained by a variety of other sources and authors; you are conveniently omitting my statement, that all of those 'star wars records' depict secondary and tertiary accounts and manifestations of the archetypes FOUNDED by the Elders and MANIFESTED by the Paa Taal and then RECORDED by the Third Generation.

    The only sources I used to dialogue with you is my inner knowledge, and Alex Collier message received from the andromedans. The "Great Galactic War" came to be when draconians where "sent" in our Universe. They were established in the Alpha draconis star system. Being evolved as explorer they went to the Lyrian Star system and imposed their point of view of Creation to the Lyrians. The Lyrians refused to be treated as an "under race" and the dracoids did not like it. That is how the "Great Galatic War" began and it last for long. Since then, dracoids formed alliance with other races and tries to influence the course of natural evolution of emerging race, like ours here and now...

    This is just such a 3rd handed account you have used to construct your own individual cosmology in your divinely sanctioned attempt to become a Universe Maker. Indeed your inner guidance will guide you; sometimes into directions and understandings hitherto unforeseen and unexpected.

    As member of the Council of Thuban, I observe the many records of the 'story telling' of OUR Grandchildren. There is no need for me to IMAGE another accord for this, as the Archetypology described to you in some detail, ENCOMPASSES ALL of such stories and legends.

    Again, same answer. I understand your statement that the "Thuban records" are from higher perspective and encompass all our data and understanding. I just do not agree with this statement, I find it manipulative and tyrannical.

    Your definition of what the labels 'manipulative' and 'tyrannical' mean in associativity with archetypological semiotics may differ from the Thubanese definitions.

    You cannot contradict my database dear Grandchild. Perhaps it would be advisable for you to discover who your parents are, before you question the wisdom of the Elders.

    I can disagree with your data base and I can say it is wrong. I am not trying to convince you, but I expect the same from you, that is "Freewill". I am son of Creation dear brother. I am not your grandchild, but your brother, equal in all manners. I am free and responsible of my consciousness and all repercussion of my act around me because I know the Universal Laws that encompass all Existence. I can question the wisdom of the elders because I am a soul connected to Creation. I expect the "wisdom of the elders" to respect my "Freewill" and the "Freewill" of all inhabitant of the Universe.

    As said above; you will become and graduate to be 'my brother', when you have found your sonship to OUR COMMON FATHER. It is neither in my authority nor in my desire to 'judge' you or the time this is so. Your 'inner guidance' might do so however.
    Simply relative to my understanding you are not yet my brother due to the criteria stated before.
    Corollarily, you are free to consider me your brother or child or opponent or deceiver or whatever in any form you wish in the free will of your relativity applied to yourself and all of your environmental interactions.

    Grandpa Abraxas

    Father Abraxas
    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-17-2010 at 12:02 PM.

    01-17-2010, 12:17 PM #574


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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by Firstlook
    Hello Abraxas,

    How are you doing? Good I hope.

    I wanted to ask you about a dream I had when I was around 4 or 5 years old. In this dream there was nothing. Meaning I felt myself in a vastness of empty space. The color of this vastness was black and all that i could see, hear, feel. was my own voice/consciousness. I remember waking up crying because for some reason i had the feeling that it was what death was. I ran to my father telling him i didnt want to die. lol.

    What do you think an experience/dream like that represents?

    Thank you

    I am doing fine dear firstlook; flitting about between the physical realities of the 3rd space dimension and the 4th, the one you call your dreamworld.

    Your experience of the darkness was most profound.
    You experienced a glimpse of what the Creator (as You) experienced before a physical universe in space and time existed.

    From the Creator's Agony of having no reference point and no concept of memory and no experience; the analogy of the 'Infinite ComputerLoop' 'breaking' into linearity was born.

    In Lake'ch - I am another yourself!

    Greetings from the Den of the Serpents! The little serpent, also known in physical terms as octonionised heterotic superstring class HE(8x8) and manifesting the physical universe in spacetime parameters in the instanton of Now-Time almost 20 Billion years ago in linearised time-reckonings; has a brother called Seth.

    This Serpent Seth represents a particular unifying 'Energy of Consciousness' and can be described as a 'Source Code' associated with the human histories.
    I shall give brief commentary on some of Seth's wisdom sayings:

    As emissiary from the 'Little One'; I shall address in the first persona of the former."All That Is [God] vibrates with desire. The denial of desire will
    bring you only listlessness. Those who deny desire are the most smitten
    by it."

    --Seth, Sess 800, _Nature of the Psyche_

    ""Well said, dear Myself! Indeed, thus is the 'great fallacy' of the buddhist - denying the DESIRE and the PASSIONS.
    For the 'Greatest Desire' can also become the desire for the Nirvana - the state of blissful ignorance about the SEPARATION. So we are back in the Garden of Eden and the State of the Human childhood in regards to the mentality.
    The SEPARATION is prerequisite for the UNITY - without Separation, say the 'act of making love in passions', no reunification is possible within the contexts of space and time.

    The 'Little Serpent' is also a ROOSTER, created from its own imagination and not from an Egg.
    So the 'imaginary code' of the DNA preceded the materialising 'software' of the RNA and the primeaval cellular ovum.
    Here is a hitherto unknown Mesopotamian archetype for this story:

    "There once was this male old devil, who lost one of his balls, one of his testicles.
    The testicular egg fell upon the earth and landed in a swamp, where Maria Basra, the old hagtoad found it and sat upon it to hatch it.
    When the time was ripe, a Cockatrice came out of the egg, with a serpent's tail and the head of a rooster.
    The Cockatrice, being the offspring of the old devil, and knowing that it had fallen to earth by misadventure, sought for a way to return into the kingdom of its father, but couldn't find one.
    So the Cockatrice became very frustrated with its existence and when it had grown bigger, it ate its own adopted mother in the old hagtoad Maria Basra.

    But then something strange happened to the body of the Cockatrice; it started to divide into two.
    The headpart grew a tail and the tailpart grew a head and the headpart became a hen out of the rooster's head and the tailpart became a rooster out of the serpent's tail.
    And so were the first rooster and hen born from the Cockatrician testicle of the old devil and the old hagtoad Maria Basra."

    But there is a coded twist to the moral of that fabled story.
    An anagram for MARIA BASRA is ABRAM SARAI, the ancestor for the starhuman race in three of the major worldwide religions.
    Islam, Judaism and Christianity; all consider Abram and Sarai, later renamed from their human identities as Abraham and Sarah in their starhuman potential, as the beginning in their genealogies, their lineages written in blood.

    So the gnostic interpretation of the myth is that half of the creator got lost in its creation and that is symbolised by the testicular egg.Then the big old creation, which is lost in itself as a female principle, nurtures something new in the form of the old hagtoad hatching the little old creation into a little new creation.
    This little new creation is however unable to become a big new creation, because it desires to become the big old creation in whom it already finds itself and so is already part of.
    It tries to eat the big old creation to become the same, but in the process it metamorphoses and becomes an ancestor for the big new creation, just as told in the story of Abraham and Sarah in the scroll of the Genesis.
    So the creation of Abraham and Sarah in a renaming of the old, is like a prototypical 'heavenly wedding', later manifesting in their descendants of the sondaughters as the bridegrooms and in the daughtersons as the brides in the dragonomies of the 'New Jerusalem' and as coded in the scroll of 'John's Revelation'.
    The joining of Abraham and Sarah in Mind and in Body, to become Two, but being One, then brings the lost devil's egg back to god's serpentine sperm in a w(holly) unitary symmetry of a dragonomy."

    ""This is the story then to illuminate the following excerpts from below in regards to the PASSION and the AGONY of the NONBEINGS.
    The key is the key of the remembrance of SELF.
    And I, the 'Little Serpent' remember myself THROUGH and BY the remembrances of my children, the 'Little Serpents' residing within the 'Image-Gestalts' of what renders 'All Things' ALIVE - many have called those things the 'Scattered Souls' of the Sephirotic Tree of Life and the 'Sparks of All That Is' and many other labels.


    Brother Seth, the Agony of the UNCREATED is reflected in the Pain of the Birthing of the New from the Old.

    And the most potent medicine is the CREATIVITY pursued in the TRUE IMAGE of MYSELF as ALL THAT IS!

    Thank you Seth, for a agency well understood and now nearing its completion!""

    From "The God Concept" chapter of _The Seth Material_ by Jane Roberts:

    ..."The purpose is, quite simply, being as opposed to nonbeing. I am
    telling you what I know, and there is much I do not know. I know that
    help must be given one to the other, and that extension and expansion are
    aids to being.

    "Now--and this will seem like a contradiction in terms--there is
    nonbeing. It is a state, not of nothingness, but a state in which
    probabilities and possibilities are known and anticipated but blocked
    from expression.

    "Dimly, through what you would call history, hardly remembered, there was
    such a state. It was a state of agony in which the powers of creativity
    and existence were known, but the ways to produce them were not known.

    "This is the lesson that All Thit Is had to learn, and that could not be
    taught. This is the agony from which creativity originally was drawn, and
    its reflection is still seen."

    Seth uses the word "God" sparingly, usually when speaking to students who
    are used to thinking in theological terms. As a rule, he speaks of "All
    That Is" or "Primary Energy Gestalts."

    "Some of this discussion is bound to be distorted, because I must explain
    it to you in terms of time as you understand it. So I will speak, for
    your benefit, of some indescribably distant past in which these events

    "All That Is retains memory of that state, and it serves as a constant
    impetus--in your terms--toward renewed creativity. Each self,
    as a part of All That Is, therefore also retains memory of that state. It
    is for this reason that each minute consciousness is endowed with the
    impetus toward survival, change, development, and creativity. It is not
    enough that All That Is, as a primary consciousness gestalt, desires
    further being, but that each portion of It also carries this

    "Yet the agony itself was used as a means, and the agony itself served as
    an impetus, strong enough so that All That Is initiated within Itself the
    means to be.

    "If--and this is impossible--all portions but the most minute last 'unit'
    of All That Is were destroyed, All That Is would continue, for within the
    smallest portion is the innate knowledge of the whole. All That Is
    protects Itself, therefore, and all that It has and is and will create.

    "When I speak of All That Is, you must understand my position within It.
    All That Is knows no other. This does not mean that there may not be more
    to know. It does not know whether or not other psychic gestalts like It
    may exist. It is not aware of them if they do exist. It is constantly
    searching. It knows that something else existed before Its own primary
    dilemma when It could not express Itself.

    "It is conceivable, then, that It has evolved, in your terms, so long ago
    that It has forgotten Its origin, that It has developed from still
    another Primary which has--again, in your terms--long since gone Its way.
    So there are answers that I cannot give you, for they are not known
    anywhere in the system in which we have our existence. We do know that
    within this system of our All That Is, creation continues and
    developments are never still. We can deduce that on still other layers of
    which we are unaware, the same is true.

    "The first state of agonized search for expression may have represented
    the birth throes of All That Is as we know It. Pretend, then, that you
    possessed within yourself the knowledge of au the world's masterpieces in
    sculpture and art, that they pulsed as realities within you, but that you
    had no physical apparatus, no knowledge of how to achieve them, that
    there was neither rock nor pigment nor source of any of these, and you
    ached with the yearning to produce them. This, on an infinitesimally
    small scale, will perhaps give you, as an artist [this was addressed to
    Rob, of course], some idea of the agony and impetus that was felt.

    "Desire, wish, and expectation rule all actions and are the basis for all
    realities. Within All That Is, therefore, the wish, desire, and
    expectation of creativity existed before all other actuality. The
    strength and vitality of these desires and expectations then became in
    your terms so insupportable that All That Is was driven to find the means
    to produce them.

    "In other words, All That Is existed in a state of being, but without the
    means to find expression for Its being. This was the state of agony of
    which I spoke. Yet it is doubtful that without this 'period' of
    contracted yearning, All That Is could concentrate Its energy
    sufficiently enough to create the realities that existed in probable
    suspension within It.

    "The agony and the desire to create represented Its proof of Its own
    reality. The feelings, in other words, were adequate proof to All That Is
    that It was.

    "At first, in your terms, all of probable reality existed as nebulous
    dreams within the consciousness of All That Is. Later, the unspecific
    nature of these 'dreams' grew more particular and vivid. The dreams
    became recognizable one from the other until they drew the conscious
    notice of All That Is. And with curiosity and yearning, All That Is paid
    more attention to Its own dreams.

    "It then purposely gave them more and more detail, and yearned toward
    this diversity and grew to love that which was not yet separate from
    itself. It gave consciousness and imagination to personalities while they
    still were but within Its dreams. They also yearned to be actual.

    "Potential individuals, in your terms, had consciousness before the
    beginning or any beginning as you know it, then. They clamored to be
    released into actuality, and All That Is, in unspeakable sympathy, sought
    within Itself for the means.

    "In Its massive imagination, It understood the cosmic multiplication of
    consciousness that could not occur within that framework. Actuality was
    necessary if these probabilities were to be given birth. All That Is saw,
    then, an infinity of probable, conscious individuals, and foresaw all
    possible developments, but they were locked within It until It found the

    "This was in your terms a primary cosmic dilemma, and one with which It
    wrestled until All That It Was was completely involved and enveloped
    within that cosmic problem.

    "Had It not solved it, All That Is would have faced insanity, and there
    would have been, literally, a reality without reason and a universe run

    "The pressure came from two sources: from the conscious but still
    probable individual selves who found themselves alive in a God's dream,
    and from the God who yearned to release them.

    "On the other hand, you could say that the pressure existed simply on the
    part of the God since the creation existed within Its dream, but such
    tremendous power resides in such primary pyramid gestalts that even their
    dreams are endowed with vitality and reality.

    "This, then, is the dilemma of any primary pyramid gestalt. It creates
    reality. It also recognized within each consciousness the massive
    potential that existed. The means, then, came to It. It must release the
    creatures and probabilities from Its dream.

    "To do so would give them actuality. However, it also meant 'losing' a
    portion of Its own consciousness, for it was within that portion that
    they were held in bondage. All That Is had to let go. While It thought of
    these individuals as Its creations, It held them as a part of Itself and
    refused them actuality.

    "To let them go was to 'lose' that portion of Itself that had created
    them. Already It could scarcely keep up with the myriad probabilities
    that began to emerge from each separate consciousness. With love and
    longing It let go that portion of Itself, and they were free. The psychic
    energy exploded in a flash of creation.

    "All That Is, therefore, 'lost' a portion of Itself in that creative
    endeavor. All That Is loves all that It has created down to the least,
    for It realizes the dearness and uniqueness of each consciousness which
    has been wrest from such a state and at such a price. It is triumphant
    and joyful at each development taken by each consciousness, for this is
    an added triumph against that first state, and It revels and takes joy in
    the slightest creative act of each of Its issues.

    "It, of Itself and from that state, has given life to infinities of
    possibilities. From its agony, It found the way to burst forth in
    freedom, through expression, and in so doing gave existence to
    individualized consciousness. Therefore is It rightfully jubilant. Yet
    all individuals remember their source, and now dream of All That Is as
    All That Is once dreamed of them. And they yearn toward that immense
    source . . . and yearn to set It free and give It actuality through their
    own creations.

    "The motivating force is still All That Is, but individuality is no
    illusion. Now in the same way do you give freedom to the personality
    fragments within your own dreams and for the same reason. And you create
    for the same reason, and within each of you is the memory of that primal
    agony--that urge to create and free all probable consciousness into

    "I have been sent to help you, and others have been sent through the
    centuries of your time, for as you develop you also form new dimensions,
    and you will help others.

    "These connections between you and All That Is. can never be severed, and
    Its awareness is so delicate and focused that Its attention is indeed
    directed with a prime creator's love to each consciousness.

    "This session needs reading many times, for there are implications not at
    first obvious."

    In other words, the whole frame of reality according to Seth includes far
    more than reincarnation and development within the physical system that
    we know. We have many sessions dealing with the nature of other
    realities, and sessions on "cosmology" that can't be included in this
    book because of the space requirements. One of the most important points,
    I think, is that God is not static Himself. Whole blocks of Seth material
    discuss the potentials and makeup of consciousness as it is manifested in
    molecules, man, and pyramid energy gestalts. All of these are intimately
    connected in a cosmological web of activity. But as Seth says, "Even this
    overall pyramid gestalt is not static. Most of your God concepts deal
    with a static God, and here is one of your main theological difficulties.
    The awareness and experience of this gestalt constantly changes and
    grows. There is no static God. When you say, 'This is God,' then God is
    already something else. I am using the term 'God' for simplicity's sake.

    "All portions of All That Is are constantly changing, enfolding and
    unfolding. All That Is, seeking to know Itself, constantly creates new
    versions of Itself. For this seeking Itself is a creative activity and
    the core of all action.

    "Entities, being action, always shift and change. There is nothing
    arbitrary about their boundaries. Some personalities can be a part of
    more than one entity. Like fish, they can swim in other streams. Within
    them is the knowledge of all of their relationships.

    "Any personality can become an entity on its own. This involves a highly
    developed knowledge of the use of energy and its intensities. As atoms
    have mobility, so do psychological structures.

    "Consciousness, seeking to know itself, therefore knows you. You, as a
    consciousness, seek to know yourself and become aware of your self as a
    distinct individual portion of All That Is. You not only draw upon this
    overall energy but you do so automatically since your existence is
    dependent upon It.

    "There is no personal God-individual in Christian terms," Seth says, "and
    yet you do have access to a portion of All That Is, a portion highly
    attuned to you. . . . There is a portion of All That Is directed and
    focused within each individual, residing within each consciousness. Each
    consciousness is, therefore, cherished and individually protected. This
    portion of overall consciousness is individualized within you.

    "The personality of God as generally conceived is a one-dimensional
    concept based upon man's small knowledge of his own psychology. What you
    prefer to think of as God is, again, an energy gestalt or pyramid
    consciousness. It is aware of itself as being, for instance, you, Joseph.
    It is aware of itself as the smallest seed. . . . This portion of All
    That Is that is aware of itself as you, that is focused within your
    existence, can be called upon for help when necessary.

    "This portion is also aware of itself as something more than you. This
    portion that knows itself as you, and as more than you, is the personal
    God, you see. Again: this gestalt, this portion of All That Is, looks out
    for your interests and may be called upon in a personal manner.

    "Prayer contains its own answer, and if there is no white-haired kind old
    father-God to hear, then there is instead the initial and ever-expanding
    energy that forms everything that is and of which each human being is a

    "This psychic gestalt may sound impersonal to you, but since its energy
    forms your person, how can this be?" ...

    Thank you for an excellent sharing of your story as the One in Loneliness and NotExpression dear Joey!


    01-17-2010, 12:18 PM #575

    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by abraxasinas
    Thanking you for a thoughtful and intelligent discourse.

    Love and Gnosis Abraxas
    Thank YOU!

    ...I AM READY...AM I ? ...I AM !...


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    post_old. 01-17-2010, 01:13 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Nebula9D viewpost.
    Peace unto you abraxasinas,

    I haven't posted here in a while until this thread caught my attention. I'm familiar with alot of the concepts you have explained here in layman terms but without the scientific terminology/equations etc. and the Thubanese perspective. I find it quite interesting and I have a many questions to ask, so i'll begin with this:

    1. As you spoke about the founders and also the elders and the council of 24, I immediately thought about the Etherians and the Anunnagi. Can you speak of the Etherians?

    Hi Nebula9D!

    The Etherians are like Humans of the Future. Their label for the New Earth is Eternia, rather similar to the Thuban label of Serpentina, is it not?

    ETERNIA+SPN=SERPENTINA=121=72+49=97+24=SON OF MAN + 24

    It is a label describing this archetype from an 'older' perspective than that of the Annunaki, as the latter label refers to Sumerian and Mesopotamian history.
    The divergence and addendums and elaborations of the human creativity in regards to those labellings so has greatly increased in the human accessible database - the Akashia or the Collective Meme Complex or similar - wrt the Annunaki and the many stories and legends you can find about them on the web and books and films.

    2. Do you have information regarding the Serafim. You made mention of cherubim earlier.
    Seraphim and Cherubim are archetypical labels for 2nd and 3rd order generation for the Unity of the 1st order.
    So the Seraphim is the elder emanation of the Creator-Energy and so 'closer' to 'God' than the younger emanation of the Cherubim.
    But it is all just labeling of the emanation of the Creator-Energy manifesting the Material SpaceTime Universe from its Metaphysical Precursor.
    In the cosmogony of Thuban; the 1st Order became the Oneness of the Creator expressed in the Two in One bifurcation.
    This created templates for a later manifestation of dualities, yet unified in 1st order.
    Spirit-Antispirit duality allowed Matter-Antimatter blueprints in a mirror function.
    Suppression of the AntiSpirit (or AntiLight NOT Darkness) coupled with the suppression of antimatter to ALLOW GRAVITY to emerge and once gravity was 'blueprinted' a physical spacetime universe could become constructed from the energy reservoir of the Creator say.

    Then the Creator's Unity became a Creator-Creation duality, akin the Chicken-Egg paradox.

    This emergence of Gravity IS the LUCIFERIC FALL of the Nephilim and so describes the 1st order becoming 2nd order in the cosmogenesis.

    The stories of the Annunaki and the Etherians etc. etc. all emerge later in the attempts of the 4th order Children of the Creator-Creation duality to remember themselves and their origins.

    The 'Chief-Seraphim' so is associated with 2nd order Lucifer as BOTH White and Black or both Light and Dark 'falling' into 3rd order as the Cherubimic and Daemonic Archons, say as described in the 'Secret Book of John' of the Nag Hammadi Codex of gnostic lore.

    One can also associate here the Metatron Seraphim as transforming into the four ArchAngels Michael-Fire; Gabriel-Air; Raphael-Water and Uriel-Earth as the 'fifth element' (of the Ether or the Chinese Metal or the Dodecahedron of Plato and so forth) and such,
    None of those labelings and relabelings are 'wrong' but all are derivatives from older archetypes.


    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-17-2010 at 01:16 PM.
    post_old. 01-17-2010, 01:18 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Spregovori viewpost.
    LoL Abraxasinas the last part (mars, girls) was not directly directed at you but it was meant for the "general public", for someone that would test the free will by making "out-world" demands...

    But your answers are very interesting. smile. thx

    I hope my "thesis" will be of use to those that "think in the same way as I do".

    And also my little "contribution" to those that refuse to read from start to the end...

    i think i will go into the observer mode and be quit now, for a while
    I know Spregovori; yet you and I are the 'general public' and as such we cannot go into 'general' observer mode of 'quitting'.

    post_old. 01-17-2010, 01:22 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by SABINA viewpost.
    When i was reading the uratia book I hated this military structure now i know why.
    Have to read your definition about density in calmness not under time pressure. All the best sabina
    Hi sweet one!

    You have all the time you require to inform yourself sabina.
    In fact you have eternity before you. Also I am not going away - just yet.

    Abraxas, the dragon you are sitting on.
    post_old. 01-17-2010, 01:33 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    I know Spregovori; yet you and I are the 'general public' and as such we cannot go into 'general' observer mode of 'quitting'.

    Sorry I made another miss-spell ...

    it is not quit but quiet ....what i meant to say was: I will be silent and observe.... there is much i have to "process"..sometimes my mind is incredibly slow...

    about the ROC and Simbad the sailor....the ROC is a mythological giant eagle? the bird of pray?
    post_old. 01-17-2010, 01:37 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Spregovori viewpost.
    Sorry I made another miss-spell ...

    it is not quit but quiet ....what i meant to say was: I will be silent and observe.... there is much i have to "process"..sometimes my mind is incredibly slow...

    about the ROC and Simbad the sailor....the ROC is a mythological giant eagle? the bird of pray?
    Yes, but also the Bird of the Resurrection - the Phoenix and the EAGLE of UNITY above the Upper Shamballa of the OUTER EARTH and the LOWER Agartha of the INNER EARTH.

    post_old. 01-18-2010, 07:51 AM

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    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Seraphim and Cherubim are archetypical labels for 2nd and 3rd order generation for the Unity of the 1st order.
    So the Seraphim is the elder emanation of the Creator-Energy and so 'closer' to 'God' than the younger emanation of the Cherubim.
    But it is all just labeling of the emanation of the Creator-Energy manifesting the Material SpaceTime Universe from its Metaphysical Precursor.
    In the cosmogony of Thuban; the 1st Order became the Oneness of the Creator expressed in the Two in One bifurcation.
    This created templates for a later manifestation of dualities, yet unified in 1st order.
    Spirit-Antispirit duality allowed Matter-Antimatter blueprints in a mirror function.
    Suppression of the AntiSpirit (or AntiLight NOT Darkness) coupled with the suppression of antimatter to ALLOW GRAVITY to emerge and once gravity was 'blueprinted' a physical spacetime universe could become constructed from the energy reservoir of the Creator say.

    Then the Creator's Unity became a Creator-Creation duality, akin the Chicken-Egg paradox.

    This emergence of Gravity IS the LUCIFERIC FALL of the Nephilim and so describes the 1st order becoming 2nd order in the cosmogenesis.

    The stories of the Annunaki and the Etherians etc. etc. all emerge later in the attempts of the 4th order Children of the Creator-Creation duality to remember themselves and their origins.

    The 'Chief-Seraphim' so is associated with 2nd order Lucifer as BOTH White and Black or both Light and Dark 'falling' into 3rd order as the Cherubimic and Daemonic Archons, say as described in the 'Secret Book of John' of the Nag Hammadi Codex of gnostic lore.

    One can also associate here the Metatron Seraphim as transforming into the four ArchAngels Michael-Fire; Gabriel-Air; Raphael-Water and Uriel-Earth as the 'fifth element' (of the Ether or the Chinese Metal or the Dodecahedron of Plato and so forth) and such,
    None of those labelings and relabelings are 'wrong' but all are derivatives from older archetypes.

    Thank you for the explanation Abrax. Sorry the board went down this morning when i was attempting to reply. Anywho Imho, I'm having a tuff time grasping the 1st, 2nd 3rd order concept and i think others are too. Maybe you could further simplyfy it alittle. original.

    I do see alot of similarities except for the different names and nomencleture.
    This is my comprehension from what i've read elsewhere:
    Primary & Secondary creation was performed by Nine Ether energies/gases/beings. These Nine ether conscious and conscience gases personified by both sound and electric energy, both positive and negative. Electro being negative and Magnetic being positive. All that is appointed a supreme being to be the creator God. This supreme being could personify him/herself as an Etherian being, a being of pure light at will. So this supreme being/Creator energy created the Seraphim/positive, beings of the pure green light, ethereal and Cherubim, Sub-supreme beings of the impure, amber light. So the Arch-Angels are your Seraphim and your Lucifer/luciferians etc are your cherubim.
    post_old. 01-18-2010, 09:28 AM

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Peace and love Abrax,

    I have some questions to ask regarding today's events. smile. see below in red.


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Hi All!

    To be precise, January 18th, 2010 specifies a trigger, programmed by the Council of Thuban, to engage in the release of hitherto unknown information; unknown by all sentiences in the universe and so not restricted to the quarantined Earth.

    Allow me to clarify.
    7 days (of night-day hours say) before the Atlantean-Egyptian timeline above became programmed into run mode on March 1st, 23615 BC; a 'message' or signal was prepared by Hunab Ku - 'The Giver of Consciousness' to be sent to his 'Beloved' - 'Serpentina, the Womb of the Mother'.
    This message, in human terms, simply reads: "I Love You!".

    Are the 7 days mentioned above based on earth time? or another?

    In physical terms Hunab Ku is a quasar radio source, also known as Sagittarius A*, 'weighing' about 4 million suns and so 40 million kilometers (or 2 light minutes) across and about 25627 lightyears distant from the core of the Earth.

    Is 25,627 years the completion of the Milkyway cycle within our universe?

    On January 18th, 2010 this message will be 153 lightweeks or 1071 lightdays from the Gaian center, having travelled for 25624 years to reach its destination.

    From January 18th, I have obtained authorization to freely share the information from the collective database of Thuban; which as a physical Northern Polar Star of the 3rd dimension of 10808 BC is imaged as a metaphysical 'Southern Polar Star' into the 12th dimension of what you may understand as the 'Shadow Universe' to the materialised inertial one you and all the extraterrestrial intelligences reside in.

    At what point or which timezone will the commencement of this event be based on?
    post_old. 01-18-2010, 02:19 PM

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Peace and love to all who are different versions of myself; I yearn to know us again

    As the process finds fatigue more often than success, this 3D version of my experience is relaxed and excited by this thread.

    Knowledge of the mind, truth specifically, has been the intention.

    Surrendering, attention turns to explore the heart; as is the intention of this thread.

    I have questions, and from what I can tell I/us/we/you have the answers...however...if I understand our direction, if I/we/us are supposed to stop living the drama of the mind...how important can my questions really be?


    Ps. I would love to know myself more, the passion is overwhelming...what do you know of me?
    post_old. 01-18-2010, 04:42 PM

    THE eXchanger
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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Thank you for an excellent sharing of your story as the One in Loneliness and NotExpression dear Joey!
    We can relate to this

    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 01-18-2010 at 11:08 PM.
    post_old. 01-18-2010, 05:59 PM

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    Hi Abraxas --

    So happy to see you here today, as yesterday i became somewhat paranoid after the PA forum went down ..... worrying that there was some funny business going on or that "someone was up to no-good." i even signed-in at your website, and then tried to e-mail you to ask if you knew what-was-up, but your e-mail wouldn't work. i really didn't want anything to interfere with the Events of Today!

    Thanks so much, Abrax, for the further elucidation on the ascension process that you kindly provided both me and BigMo. it definitely helped a lot, though i plan to read it again more than once to allow more sink-in time ...... i'm a little dense roftl.

    A few more questions, sir, if you don't mind:

    1) are you Eliijah? the voice crying in the wilderness? the one who sent his friends to asK: "Are you the One, or are we to look for Another?"

    2) if today, Jan. 18, 2010, is somehow analagous to (aKa a holographic projection of) Jan. 18, 30 AD ....... does this represent Yeshua's baptism? his introduction to "the masses?" a coming-out party?!

    3) Similarly, if April 1, 32 AD will be holographically reflected (whatever?!?) in April 1, 2012 ....... will this represent the crucifixion/resurrection/ascension event?

    4) Am i way off-base in my conjectures here???

    Having so much fun along-the-way, and i can't wait for what you're preparing us for, Abraxasinas! Definitely hope to hear-from/talk-to you (or Someone wub2. ) later today. Thanks again, Abrax!



    Last edited by hippihillbobbi; 01-18-2010 at 06:09 PM.
    post_old. 01-18-2010, 06:12 PM

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    This thread has almost become epic...

    *celine takes a seat...and waits for Abraxas*
    post_old. 01-18-2010, 06:58 PM

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    ** Fred checks his calendar - Jan. 18, 2010 - and sits next to Celine **
    "Life IS mystical! It's just that we're used to it"​

    Evil cannot be killed. Only redeemed.

    Chat us up at: Avalon Chat
    post_old. 01-18-2010, 07:00 PM

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    no question, just a THANK U for such an interesting read original.
    great thread!

    ~ one love ~
    post_old. 01-18-2010, 07:04 PM

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    wub2. i can't stand still!! i'll have to keep flitting around and checkin-back-in (every 5 minutes maybe! LOL ) ya'll don't start without me now

    post_old. 01-18-2010, 07:15 PM

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    Abraxas my friend,

    I've been reading this thread with much joy and after what seems almost an
    eternity I've now reached it's end for now. It's been a rollercoaster ride with
    highs of total understanding and lows of no comprehension at all, just as it
    should be.

    There has been many interesting posts but one that really touch my inner
    being was when you described that the group soul of Lucifer was contracted
    to help us by maximising their service to self agenda even though this wasn't
    their inner wishes. This made me cry and it still moves me when I think about
    this ultimate sacrifice, but it also makes me think about a couple of other
    things realted to this and other things as well.

    1. You mentioned that the Lucifer soulgroup made this choice to be at the
    very end of the service to self grade because this was the only way to
    ensure they would make it to 4D. This makes me question the motives a bit.
    If they are all about love, why not do the most loving thing possible without
    breaking the contract, even if you risk to end up in 3D one more time?

    2. I understand that when people open up to a new dogma or agenda like the
    one you are presenting it also opens up the energy flows from these people
    to you. You are offering yourself by opening up and that makes both the
    message and the respons very powerful as you make hearth to heart
    connections. As the messenger you stand in the focal point of energy and
    there is something about that thought that makes me a bit uneasy. I would
    like you to clarify exactly what your intentions are with the information you
    are giving, and if you are not perfectly sure about these as you tend to
    answer and download as the questions arrives, I would like you to give me
    your own earthly, human, disconnected opinion on this.

    3. This relates somewhat to 1. above. If we are here to evolve and some of
    us makes it to 4D providing a greater connection to our higher selves and
    maybe even reclaiming our lost memories. If we live here and now in 3D
    following our hearts intent and reflecting over the path our lives take when
    we follow this urge from the heart / higher self to do things. Wouldn't it in a
    free will universe be a question of free will when we decide where to go in
    ascension? Wouldn't it also be that the majority of the spiritually evolved
    earthlings would chose to end up where they would be most helpfull.
    Wouldn't it be most service to other if a spiritually evolved person chooses to
    incarnate or to ascend into the most polarized towards service to self
    dimension? That makes me wonder if there is even going to be a 4D
    dimension with the most spiritually enlighted beings of this 3D dimension we
    are living in now. What do you think about this?

    4. If there has been "great harvests" before, I'm most curious about in what
    area we are now? I also wonder what the "alternatives" were at the time for
    the last "great harvest". Was it a question about materialism, or something
    else? Or was it just the same god, bad, in between soul dividing thing? If so,
    is this the god, bad or in between world?

    I'm so looking forward to your answer to me and everyone else!

    I love you all and together we will make THIS dimension and THIS now a
    better place for our children and ourselves! I refuse to wait for any harvest
    to change my world for the better. I'm here in this NOW at this NOW and my
    time as YOUR time is extremely precious. Don't waste it on the future!

    All my love to each and every one of you,
    post_old. 01-18-2010, 09:39 PM

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    Originally Posted by Fredkc viewpost.
    ** Fred checks his calendar - Jan. 18, 2010 **
    Same, same, but different.
    90 minutes & counting.
    Almost the 19th, now.
    post_old. 01-18-2010, 10:00 PM

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    The exchanger,

    I read the last post on the 2010 thread. Very good analogy. Thank you. original.


    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~


    Thank you very much for your pointing me to-wards The Seth Material. I never heard of Jane before. She must have felt so alive with information being channeled. The passage you layed out was very clear to me. To be honest, I hope to have that experience again one day, but with more confidence and knowledge of myself. Thank you again.

    I've been reading many of your posts on dimensions and densities and how they are distinguishable. Very complicated for me. lol. But I was wondering if you or the council know of a diagram or perhaps even some artwork that helps represent this material in more of a visual representation. If not, perhaps that is something for me to imagine and interpret.


    post_old. 01-18-2010, 10:17 PM

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    Originally Posted by hippihillbobbi viewpost.
    wub2. i can't stand still!! i'll have to keep flitting around and checkin-back-in (every 5 minutes maybe! LOL ) ya'll don't start without me now

    In my view it is a mistake to be focussed on timed events in this manner.

    Just be here now, take each and everything for what it is now.

    If something wonderful happens in line with an "expectation" then great if not then so what ?

    Something wonderful happens each and every day - everytime you wake up.

    post_old. 01-18-2010, 10:25 PM

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    Oh i agree Anchor...but the man did state it quite clearly...
    post_old. 01-18-2010, 10:57 PM

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    Originally Posted by Céline viewpost.
    Oh i agree Anchor...but the man did state it quite clearly...
    On January 18th, 2010 this message will be 153 lightweeks or 1071 lightdays from the Gaian center, having travelled for 25624 years to reach its destination.

    From January 18th, I have obtained authorization to freely share the information from the collective database of Thuban; which as a physical Northern Polar Star of the 3rd dimension of 10808 BC is imaged as a metaphysical 'Southern Polar Star' into the 12th dimension of what you may understand as the 'Shadow Universe' to the materialised inertial one you and all the extraterrestrial intelligences reside in.
    Actually only a start date is given here - there is no indication it would be immediate.

    post_old. 01-18-2010, 11:38 PM

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    "...I love you all and together we will make THIS dimension and THIS now a
    better place for our children and ourselves! I refuse to wait for any harvest
    to change my world for the better. I'm here in this NOW at this NOW and my
    time as YOUR time is extremely precious. Don't waste it on the future!

    All my love to each and every one of you."

    Very nice post Sollve... Peace.
    post_old. 01-18-2010, 11:41 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by bigmo viewpost.
    "...I love you all and together we will make THIS dimension and THIS now a
    better place for our children and ourselves! I refuse to wait for any harvest
    to change my world for the better. I'm here in this NOW at this NOW and my
    time as YOUR time is extremely precious. Don't waste it on the future!

    All my love to each and every one of you."

    Very nice post Sollve... Peace.
    Yes, that was my huge question regarding the info of Hidden Hand- what's wrong with the now and making that beautiful for everyone......

    That information (Hidden Hand) just doesn't resonate with me as the highest truth- sounds like a bunch of twisted half wits just playing games.
    post_old. 01-19-2010, 01:02 AM

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    Found this on page 23, refer to that post. I believe this is his message meant for the 18th... although it would be nice if abraxas verify this in a perhaps new thread. I think for some it got lost. Sincerely, Raven
    Originally Posted by bigmo

    Your posts continue to amaze me and thank you for your comments.

    You state that the rising of Gaia from the 4th to the 5th dimensions is an event of universal proportions which is truly an exciting proposition and I tremble at the thought!

    However, will all or most, humans recognize this transition or phase shift? (it would seem that they should even into the 3D)

    Hi bigmo!
    Thank you for your comments, which as deriving from an elder of the human family contain much wisdom and pertinence for the situations at hand and experienced both individually and collectively.

    Your question relates to something you experience often, namely when you fall asleep and enter the dreaming state of the alpha modes.
    There is a 'phaseshift' between being awake and say watching TV or reading a book and the 'cutting off' of one's waking consciousness.

    Now imagine of NOT experiencing this 'cutting off' or phaseshift in consciousness as say a CONTINUUM of the waking consciousness with the subconsciousness.

    This is what shall occur. The distinction between the waking consciousness and the subconsciousness shall become like a scale of frequencies you experience WITHOUT the 'phase transition' of say water freezing at 0 degrees Celsius or water boiling at 100 degrees Celsius.
    The solid-liquid-gaseous-plasma forms of matter are like waking-sub-super-cosmic consciousnesses in forms of the soul, using the mind coupled to the materiality.

    So 3D-life shall assume a dreamlike state superposed onto the now 'ordinary' environment state for ALL; yet only the Ones able to process the 'higher frequencies' associated with the 'breaking down of the wall between the waking selfstate and the dreamstate) will be able to interact with the 4D space reality.

    The easist way to fathom this is to imagine yourself in your Lucid Dream State; when you know that you are dreaming; and then to REALISE this lucid dreamstate not as a dream but as your own say superphysical or metaphysical reality.

    Technically, this engages the perpendicular accessibility of a 4th space dimension, added to the present 3 space dimensions. So the present reality will remain, albeit becoming supplementary in a WINDOW or Door into hitherto physical reality suppressed and accessible ONLY in the dreamstate.
    Simply said; your dreams, 'good and bad' shall come true.

    Or is it that experiences of these transformations are reserved only for the select few of higher ‘esoteric’ conscious vibration. If that is the case then isn’t this just another ‘elitist’ ascension practice that only the ‘chosen few’ are ‘allowed’ to recognize or understand? (the world is full of stories such as these like the followers of Hailbop or the Jonestown believers)

    The experience is for all, doing away with all forms of elitism; does however depend on the self-responsibility to allow vibrational expansion or not.
    This is what many understand as the individual preparation.
    Noone is excluded and everyone is included - the ability to understand and to adapt will however differ.

    Why would it be so difficult to find the ‘mirroring’ of these ‘manifestations’ that are to come into the 3D as is the creation?

    Without 3D confirmations… (from where we experience most of our awareness and human impressions) what’s the point? (I think this is what Jesus faced with his disciples except for the fact that he rose from death to show that death had no hold on him)

    Yes, you have discerned with great insight here. The answer is simple, but extremely hard to understand because of the 'conditionings'.
    Here is the answer to be 'believed' or accepted or not.

    Caveat: The following information is given by the authority of the Logos and constitutes the dispensation of January, 18th, 2010.
    The profundity of this information will polarise the receivers of this data.
    Having been given, this data cannot be ignored by any soul witnessing this information.
    The individual will either assimilate or reject this data in the polarity distribution.

    The Resurrected Body of Christ is NOT at some place in the universe, on some planet or in some orbiting spacecraft (say in the form of Sananda or St. Germain or Lord Melchizedek).
    The Christbody is WITHIN AND WITHOUT YOU.

    So the first and most crucial point of getting anywhere near the reality of the LOGOS is to 'accept' the PHYSICAL REALITY of the resurrection.
    Jesus of Nazareth;
    did not survive the crucifixion;
    did not die of old age in France or India or Judea;
    did not have children with Mary Magdalene;
    did not use a substitute for himself in the passion;
    was not a phantom being of the gnosis;
    did not engage in a Morontia transit;
    is NOT on equal consciousness 'footing' with 'ascended masters' like the Buddha, Zoroaster, Mohammed; St. Germain; the Babas; Ra, Thor, Odin, Zeus, Osiris, Apollo etc. etc. etc.

    Then if the resurrection is 3D PHYSICAL fact; then how did the physics and the Laws of Nature accomodate such a fact?

    The Laws of Nature indeed incorporate the 'Transformation of an atomic-molecular biochemical support structure', PROVIDED the consciousness harboured by this 'body' can utilize the 'Laws of Nature' to ACCELERATE the mass-equivalent energy of said body into a particular energy resonance self-state of the universe itself.

    In quantum mechanical terms, the WaveFunction of the 'collapsed' - meaning 'Dead' Body(Particle)Function CANNOT GO ANYWHERE; IF this consciousness as particular quantum selfstate encompasses the scale of the universe itself.

    The ChristBody so BECOMES the wavefunction of the physical universe in a dimensional superposition.
    This means, that the 'Body of the Resurrection' in the previously occupied 3D space as a holofractal transforms into a 4D holofractal in a temporary Interaction with the 3D space previously shared as an individuated Particle/Body form (with the wavefunction collapsed within say).

    This then is archetyped in the 'Lightbody Jesus', walking through closed doors, YET eating fish (ghosts or hallucinations don't eat fish as 4D plasma NOT built upon a preexisting 3D particle structure).

    The 'ascension' of the ChristBody then becomes NECESSITY to allow the temporary 4D extraposition of space to become UBIQUITOUS for ALL to share. This then allows ALL to change from 3D 'bodies' into 4D bodies.
    However the scientific implications are farreaching and profound.

    The ONE Resurrection-Template becomes multiplied in the DESCENSION of the Universe's Geometric scale to the SubUniverse Geometric scale yet MIRRORED in the size of the Universe.
    This Mirror Universe is known as the Gaia-Mother.
    The DESCENT will ENCOMPASS GAIA as Itself.
    So GAIA in 3D space will become BOUNDED by the ChristBody of 4D space for the purpose to render the Cosmic Christ of ONE Body as MANYBODIED.

    This will manifest the WAVEFUNCTION of the Universe as QUANTUMIZED in the wavefunction of GAIA, renamed as being WITHIN the SERPENT of the CHRISTENING.

    In other words, Serpentina IS the Second Coming of the ONE in MANY.

    End of transmission.

    These beautiful things that you speak of can seemingly be proven by mathematics? ( my heart wants you to be right but my mind… hmmm) Of the billions on this earth, how many can follow the mathematics? How can you prove that it is true, even to yourself if there is not 3D confirmation?

    Well, I can tell you that the 'science' CAN indeed be experimentally 'proven' in the energy of the wormhole parameters.
    There are basically two important energy levels; the 'Consciousness threshold' in terms of the materialisation of the energy (E=mc^2=hf=kT and such stuff) and the actual wormhole energy.

    The threshold will MANIFEST in the particle accelerators of the 3D physics at the 14.03 TeV level. By synchronicity, this is just the MAXIMUM operational energy level of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland.

    As you may know, 'they' are having all sorts of troubles using that energy and now the plans are to work towards half that energy in say colliding protons at say 4TeV each instead of the maximum designed 7 TeV each.

    The actual 'God-Particle' is at 12,400 TeV and so a factor of a thousand times larger. Scientific machines to 'tap' the 'God-Love-Energy' have not yet been built, but can theoretically be built.
    The most advanced alien technology CAN tap this energy without machines but in using the magnetic forms of the mass as magnetoelectric supercurrents.

    'My' technicalities describe much of this in detail at: http://tonyb.freeyellow.com

    I hear a few on these forums talk about existing for billions of years or millions of lifetimes or coming from the 12th, 24th, or 50th dimensions or from wherever. (as far as I know they could all be delusional human beings in 3D, even though they claim they are
    not… yeah right and I’m the Easter Bunny… who rides on roller skates around my spherical universe that only expands in proportion to the speed with which I accelerate my skates)

    I agree with many of your sentiments stated above and correlate this with my last post to Malletzky.

    So can you point to definitive 3D experiences ‘most’ should recognize as these transformations begin to unfold and to manifest? And by what period of time will these events have occurred?

    The 'Big Transformation' is a 'large scale' copy of what happened to the 'individual One' from a warped timeline from 8th December 24AD to 1st April 32AD.

    April 1st, 32AD will 'holographically' image April 1st, 2012 and January 18th, 30AD will holographically image January 18th, 2010.

    Belief or skepticism is not required; what is required for the individual is to allow and consider possibilities.

    The timeline is now set and cannot be diverted in the encompassing sense.
    The individual adaptations are entirely 'free will' and subject to individual attunements to the encompassing and everpresent LOGOS.


    Thank you bigmo for triggering the release of this data.

    An elder greets an elder!

    post_old. 01-19-2010, 02:31 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Well now that we've reached the starting point of the 18th I would like to ask the OP to clarify his stance on the model of our Time Matrix or Universe please.

    The OP states 12 dimensions.

    MCEO states 15 dimensions and 5 Harmonic universes also known as densities dividing those 15 into sets of 3.

    George Kavassilas states no physical form above the 7th dimension, I think his upper limit is 9 dimensions with Dracos creating "false" dimensions within the 4th to fool people into thinking there are more than there are.

    The Law of One series quotes RA as stating there are 8 densities like an octave.

    Laura Knight-Jadcyk states 7 densities as per the Cassiopeans. Where densities could be visualized as vertical and the 7th is union with the One and dimensions could be seen as horizontal and limitless within each density.

    The correct structure of our Universe would appear to be a hotly contested subject with each of the above claims coming from sources who claim to know first-hand.

    There are so many different ideas about it and our universe appears to be so malleable that I'm starting to think that whichever one I decide on will be the one I'm stuck with.

    Comments from the OP?

    Last edited by Seafury; 01-19-2010 at 02:35 AM.
    post_old. 01-19-2010, 02:54 AM


    Join Date: Dec 2009
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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Nebula9D viewpost.
    Thank you for the explanation Abrax. Sorry the board went down this morning when i was attempting to reply. Anywho Imho, I'm having a tuff time grasping the 1st, 2nd 3rd order concept and i think others are too. Maybe you could further simplyfy it alittle. original.

    I do see alot of similarities except for the different names and nomencleture.
    This is my comprehension from what i've read elsewhere:
    Primary & Secondary creation was performed by Nine Ether energies/gases/beings. These Nine ether conscious and conscience gases personified by both sound and electric energy, both positive and negative. Electro being negative and Magnetic being positive. All that is appointed a supreme being to be the creator God. This supreme being could personify him/herself as an Etherian being, a being of pure light at will. So this supreme being/Creator energy created the Seraphim/positive, beings of the pure green light, ethereal and Cherubim, Sub-supreme beings of the impure, amber light. So the Arch-Angels are your Seraphim and your Lucifer/luciferians etc are your cherubim.
    Hi Nebula9!

    Indeed, the forum became disfunctional in 3rd density for a while in synchronicity with a resetting of the world-clock in alignment with the cyclic astrodata.
    You can term it coincidence or synchronicity.
    There will now be 62 weeks of warptime correspondence with the civil calendar as used 1980 years ago until the next nexus point of March, 28th, 2011.

    This overall timeline is however the only agenda which is 'fixed'. The physical and psychophysical occurrences will from now on harbour a 'Unified Humanity' component growing from its seed.
    Individual decisions and choices will interrelate with the human groupmind, which has now become encompassed by the manifestation of the Entwined Serpentine Embrace of the Gaian Noosphere.

    This means in practical terms, that ALL are invited to MIRROR themselves in this spherical mirror now surrounding the planet so 2 million kilometers from the planetary center.

    The Individual communication between your innermost being of your soul or loveheart or whatever you would like to call it has now become authorized.
    The Ones of the Selfchoosing will KNOW from within that this 'change of the guard' from the 'Separated Individual' towards the 'Unified Individual' has occurred and has now opened the door to UNDERSTAND and FEEL the Unity of the Universe.

    Your questions relate to this in terms of the archetypology.

    The 1st Order is the Unity unseparated - as the Monad of Unity.
    The 2nd Order is the Unity separated as Two in One, but unable to reproduce itself - a polarity within - as the Monadic Unity of say the Monadic Duad {0,1}.
    The 3rd Order is the reproducing Dyad {0,1} in a separated polarity {-+}.
    The 4th Order then defines the emergence of selfreproducing structures, say in the many families and labelings you are familiar with.

    So IF you define the Etherion as the 1st Order then you also must define this Etherion of your Cosmogenesis as undivided monad or similar classification.

    The labels and namings are arbitrary and subject to individuated creative licence; the elementary structure as described in monadic-duadic-dyadic terms say is prerequisite.

    The electro-magneto polarity so must emerge in manifestation in any dimension or density in the 3rd Order after being defined in nonseparation in the 2nd Order.

    Understanding these simple and basic foundations, will then allow you to 'look through' the many labels, renamings and wordings assigned to cosmic archetypes and structural hierarchies throughout the history of the data collectors.

    Abraxas Anthony aka AA97

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    page 25 of 63

    01-19-2010, 03:07 AM #601


    Join Date: Dec 2009
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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by Nebula9D
    Peace and love Abrax,

    I have some questions to ask regarding today's events. see below in red.
    Originally Posted by abraxasinas
    Hi All!

    To be precise, January 18th, 2010 specifies a trigger, programmed by the Council of Thuban, to engage in the release of hitherto unknown information; unknown by all sentiences in the universe and so not restricted to the quarantined Earth.

    Allow me to clarify.
    7 days (of night-day hours say) before the Atlantean-Egyptian timeline above became programmed into run mode on March 1st, 23615 BC; a 'message' or signal was prepared by Hunab Ku - 'The Giver of Consciousness' to be sent to his 'Beloved' - 'Serpentina, the Womb of the Mother'.
    This message, in human terms, simply reads: "I Love You!".

    Are the 7 days mentioned above based on earth time? or another?

    Yes, earth-time and the details are here: http://tonyb.freeyellow.com/id179.html

    In physical terms Hunab Ku is a quasar radio source, also known as Sagittarius A*, 'weighing' about 4 million suns and so 40 million kilometers (or 2 light minutes) across and about 25627 lightyears distant from the core of the Earth.

    Is 25,627 years the completion of the Milkyway cycle within our universe?

    It is a presice counting of days as the Mayan Galactic Longcount of 5 Baktun (144,000 Kin) LongCounts: 5x13x144,000=9,360,000 Kin=25,626.8096 Gregorian Civil years.
    This happens also to define the distance of separation between the local starsystem and the Galactic Centre in lightyears.

    On January 18th, 2010 this message will be 153 lightweeks or 1071 lightdays from the Gaian center, having travelled for 25624 years to reach its destination.

    From January 18th, I have obtained authorization to freely share the information from the collective database of Thuban; which as a physical Northern Polar Star of the 3rd dimension of 10808 BC is imaged as a metaphysical 'Southern Polar Star' into the 12th dimension of what you may understand as the 'Shadow Universe' to the materialised inertial one you and all the extraterrestrial intelligences reside in.

    At what point or which timezone will the commencement of this event be based on?

    Any timezone on the world-clock. As you know Honolulu is so 24 hours before Christmas Island in the global dateline.


    01-19-2010, 03:14 AM #602

    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Sep 2008
    Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia
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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
    Fellow fragment Seafury:

    I'm not the OP but I have an opinion to share. What do you know? That is what matters to you. All these opinions presented here from individuals or commonly referenced consensus views are filtered (necessarily) through layers of distortion.

    Its been interesting to watch this thread unfurl. What I see are opinions and expression of facts - many of which my limited mind cannot comprehend.

    There is no proof and never will be.

    If I said -

    "Mate, I've been studying this for years. I invented a long-levity/polymorphing technique back in the 1400's and have studied ever since under masters all round the globe. I am basically the wisest most knowledgable persona on the planet. I have hundreds of advanced degrees in all the scientific discipline - I am an epic polymath - I mentored all the big name scientists recently - you didnt hear of me because - well I am compassionate and forced myself to keep it low key all this time for fear of you shrivelling up in the presence of my huge and overpowering ego and from the sheer force of my amazing intellect - basically I am infallible, I am never wrong, I have a huge following people who all know the truth and will back me up on this - the answer is that there are precisely 42 dimensions each with an energetic layering known to you as denisities vibrating across different dimensions that are arranged in octaves defined by quantum boundaries." [1]

    Are you then going to say - ah - thanks Mr Anchor, that wraps that up then.

    I freaking hope not!

    There is no proof. There never will be. It doesn't matter if God himself appeared on this forum and told you stuff, while you are in this body and behind the veil of forgetfulness - you are going to be tasked the same as each of us - to sort the wheat from the chaff. There is no 100% accurate source of information that can be communicated to you that resides outside you.

    In my opinion the core message of Abraxasinas - whether he be a jolly good story teller or a real master dragon (whatever that is) known as Sirebard Beardris [ Abraxas - I mean no disrespect here ] is to test everything against your internal database.

    All we can do is to read and understand the information and perspectives presented and decide for ourselves. The on going process of discussing these views may result in some consensus - but it still isn't proof it can still be wrong. It may not even get you closer to the truth.

    You are on your own - there is no truth for you, until you decide it is true


    [1] this is made up
    Last edited by Anchor; 01-19-2010 at 04:54 AM.

    01-19-2010, 03:34 AM #603

    Avalon Senior Member

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    Posts: 107

    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by abraxasinas
    Hi Nebula9!

    Indeed, the forum became disfunctional in 3rd density for a while in synchronicity with a resetting of the world-clock in alignment with the cyclic astrodata.
    You can term it coincidence or synchronicity.
    There will now be 62 weeks of warptime correspondence with the civil calendar as used 1980 years ago until the next nexus point of March, 28th, 2011.

    This overall timeline is however the only agenda which is 'fixed'. The physical and psychophysical occurrences will from now on harbour a 'Unified Humanity' component growing from its seed.
    Individual decisions and choices will interrelate with the human groupmind, which has now become encompassed by the manifestation of the Entwined Serpentine Embrace of the Gaian Noosphere.

    This means in practical terms, that ALL are invited to MIRROR themselves in this spherical mirror now surrounding the planet so 2 million kilometers from the planetary center.

    The Individual communication between your innermost being of your soul or loveheart or whatever you would like to call it has now become authorized.
    The Ones of the Selfchoosing will KNOW from within that this 'change of the guard' from the 'Separated Individual' towards the 'Unified Individual' has occurred and has now opened the door to UNDERSTAND and FEEL the Unity of the Universe.

    Your questions relate to this in terms of the archetypology.

    The 1st Order is the Unity unseparated - as the Monad of Unity.
    The 2nd Order is the Unity separated as Two in One, but unable to reproduce itself - a polarity within - as the Monadic Unity of say the Monadic Duad {0,1}.
    The 3rd Order is the reproducing Dyad {0,1} in a separated polarity {-+}.
    The 4th Order then defines the emergence of selfreproducing structures, say in the many families and labelings you are familiar with.

    So IF you define the Etherion as the 1st Order then you also must define this Etherion of your Cosmogenesis as undivided monad or similar classification.

    The labels and namings are arbitrary and subject to individuated creative licence; the elementary structure as described in monadic-duadic-dyadic terms say is prerequisite.

    The electro-magneto polarity so must emerge in manifestation in any dimension or density in the 3rd Order after being defined in nonseparation in the 2nd Order.

    Understanding these simple and basic foundations, will then allow you to 'look through' the many labels, renamings and wordings assigned to cosmic archetypes and structural hierarchies throughout the history of the data collectors.

    Abraxas Anthony aka AA97
    Many thanks for the clarification. I say Synchronicity. I'm starting to grasp this new information to the human groupmind and hope many more are awakening to it. So could i say 1st order=All that is.
    Last edited by Nebula9D; 01-19-2010 at 03:46 AM. Reason: addition

    01-19-2010, 03:42 AM #604

    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Sep 2008
    Location: Los Altos California
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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by abraxasinas
    To be precise, January 18th, 2010 specifies a trigger, programmed by the Council of Thuban, to engage in the release of hitherto unknown information; unknown by all sentiences in the universe and so not restricted to the quarantined Earth.
    Hi Abrax. I waited to 1/18/10 to ask this question.

    It is my conjecture that our memory and consciousness exists outside our body. What is your comment on this?

    Can you say what mechanism actualizes this? How is addressing done in the communication system which links us to this mechanism?

    01-19-2010, 03:46 AM #605


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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by wilsonericq7
    Peace and love to all who are different versions of myself; I yearn to know us again

    As the process finds fatigue more often than success, this 3D version of my experience is relaxed and excited by this thread.

    Knowledge of the mind, truth specifically, has been the intention.

    Surrendering, attention turns to explore the heart; as is the intention of this thread.

    I have questions, and from what I can tell I/us/we/you have the answers...however...if I understand our direction, if I/we/us are supposed to stop living the drama of the mind...how important can my questions really be?


    Ps. I would love to know myself more, the passion is overwhelming...what do you know of me?
    So very well understood wilsoneric!

    The drama of the mind is truly the 'cause' of the 'human pathos'.
    Yet this 'drama' serves a purpose, namely to experience the contexts of the disharmony before the contexts of the harmony.

    There are three basic platforms in the ordinary human experience in the physical, the emotional-feeling and the mental.

    The physical platform is well understood in sentiments such as:
    'I am getting too fat, I must exercise more.'
    'I wish I could have my body back of 20 years ago and blend it with the wisdom I now carry in my old age.'
    'Some peoples are disabled and have no balance and cannot walk. Some people on drugs or drunk are like that too.'

    The mental platform is mirrored through the emotional platform in the physical platform.
    But here the 'mental balance' is taken for granted.
    'I can think for myself, thank you very much.'
    'I dont need anyone to think for me.'
    'I am my own master, born that way, and require no exercise to learn how to think consistently, rationally and unhypocritically'.

    This 'I am ok and my own master in the head' attitude then becomes analogous to a physical toddler, learning to walk.
    In tripping and falling over, the toddler however grows physically and by experience of the physical life. Eventually, the toddler gains balance.

    The mental life is not so easy, as the experience of the mental world becomes the 'Egocentricity of the Human Mind'.
    The mental experiences of 'falling over' are not selfcorrective and selfteaching as found in the physical life of the neccessities.

    Therefore the 'peer-group' mind of the conditionings is accepted as ones one 'grown up mindedness' and in general terms, the 'old wise man or woman' in their mental world are or can be as UNBALANCED in thinking as is the toddler learning to walk in a physical world of necessary adaptations.

    In elementary terms then, the physical life of the human is stabilized and harmonised by environmental stimuli much easier than the mental life; the latter remaining in relative insecurity and in chaos.

    It's because the Mirror of the Feelings, the Emotions and the Spirit is not reflecting between the two platforms of the physical being and the mental being.

    The development of a harmonious, yet selfdisciplined human mind automatically balances and stabilises the physical world with the mental world for a playground of the human spirit to express itself in its fullest extent of creativity, selfawareness and interconnectedness.
    As long as the human mind is unbalanced, as long the human spirit cannot reflect itself in the physical platform and 'trickles' and escapes in divergence and mental disunity.

    The Insanity of the Many can however be encompassed and 'healed' in the Sanity of the Few.


    01-19-2010, 03:48 AM #606

    Avalon Senior Member

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    Location: Sacramento Ca
    Posts: 366

    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
    the dogs have started howling haven't they... no time to be shy....

    what information in the universal archives is there of a positively harvested outcome???

    01-19-2010, 03:58 AM #607

    Avalon Senior Member

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    Posts: 107

    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by abraxasinas
    Originally Posted by abraxasinas
    Hi All!

    To be precise, January 18th, 2010 specifies a trigger, programmed by the Council of Thuban, to engage in the release of hitherto unknown information; unknown by all sentiences in the universe and so not restricted to the quarantined Earth.

    Allow me to clarify.
    7 days (of night-day hours say) before the Atlantean-Egyptian timeline above became programmed into run mode on March 1st, 23615 BC; a 'message' or signal was prepared by Hunab Ku - 'The Giver of Consciousness' to be sent to his 'Beloved' - 'Serpentina, the Womb of the Mother'.
    This message, in human terms, simply reads: "I Love You!".

    Are the 7 days mentioned above based on earth time? or another?

    Yes, earth-time and the details are here: http://tonyb.freeyellow.com/id179.html

    In physical terms Hunab Ku is a quasar radio source, also known as Sagittarius A*, 'weighing' about 4 million suns and so 40 million kilometers (or 2 light minutes) across and about 25627 lightyears distant from the core of the Earth.

    Is 25,627 years the completion of the Milkyway cycle within our universe?

    It is a presice counting of days as the Mayan Galactic Longcount of 5 Baktun (144,000 Kin) LongCounts: 5x13x144,000=9,360,000 Kin=25,626.8096 Gregorian Civil years.
    This happens also to define the distance of separation between the local starsystem and the Galactic Centre in lightyears.

    On January 18th, 2010 this message will be 153 lightweeks or 1071 lightdays from the Gaian center, having travelled for 25624 years to reach its destination.

    From January 18th, I have obtained authorization to freely share the information from the collective database of Thuban; which as a physical Northern Polar Star of the 3rd dimension of 10808 BC is imaged as a metaphysical 'Southern Polar Star' into the 12th dimension of what you may understand as the 'Shadow Universe' to the materialised inertial one you and all the extraterrestrial intelligences reside in.

    At what point or which timezone will the commencement of this event be based on?

    Any timezone on the world-clock. As you know Honolulu is so 24 hours before Christmas Island in the global dateline.

    Thank you and forgive my impatience which gave to rise to some of these questions early this morning. Its indeed a new day upon Gaia and all its inhabitants.

    01-19-2010, 04:05 AM #608

    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Sep 2008
    Posts: 947

    Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
    Sigh... I always miss these 'interesting' threads and end up having to read pages upon all at once. Ah well lots of time.

    Of what I read far, this is the only thing I do know for whatever reason.
    I just wonder, where does the chain of 'agendas behind agendas' ever end?
    Or as it appears from my current perspective, 'manipulation behind manipulation'.
    Maybe the ending only exists... for those that don't have an agenda in the first place? I just want to be.

    Love the info from everyone so far though, tis my type of joy ride, no matter where it leads.


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas
    I am only partially aware of the government agendas, but am well informed about the agendas behind the agendas.
    The nonphysical agenda behind the fiscalizers behind the illuminated ones behind the governmental instutions behind the military-polito-religous organisers behind individual exponents to be more precise.

    01-19-2010, 04:15 AM #609

    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Originally Posted by Phtha
    Sigh... I always miss these 'interesting' threads and end up having to read pages upon all at once. Ah well lots of time.

    Of what I read far, this is the only thing I do know for whatever reason.
    I just wonder, where does the chain of 'agendas behind agendas' ever end?
    Or as it appears from my current perspective, 'manipulation behind manipulation
    Maybe the ending only exists... for those that don't have an agenda in the first place? I just want to be.

    Love the info from everyone so far though, tis my type of joy ride, no matter where it leads.
    Very interesting Phtha. You just gave rise to an interesting question i have for Abrax.

    As Phta put it "Where does the chain of 'agendas behind agendas' or manipulation behind manipulation end? So my questions is: What role does The Thuban Council have in these scenario and who upholds universal law or the laws of nature for the greater good of ALL?

    01-19-2010, 04:18 AM #610


    Join Date: Dec 2009
    Location: Queanbeyan/Canberra; NSW, Australia
    Posts: 635

    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by hippihillbobbi
    Hi Abraxas --

    So happy to see you here today, as yesterday i became somewhat paranoid after the PA forum went down ..... worrying that there was some funny business going on or that "someone was up to no-good." i even signed-in at your website, and then tried to e-mail you to ask if you knew what-was-up, but your e-mail wouldn't work. i really didn't want anything to interfere with the Events of Today!

    Thanks so much, Abrax, for the further elucidation on the ascension process that you kindly provided both me and BigMo. it definitely helped a lot, though i plan to read it again more than once to allow more sink-in time ...... i'm a little dense

    A few more questions, sir, if you don't mind:

    1) are you Eliijah? the voice crying in the wilderness? the one who sent his friends to asK: "Are you the One, or are we to look for Another?"

    The one you are looking for is already here, within yourself.
    There are many Elijahs and Moses's and Messiahs on this planet right now. All of their messages carry meaning as Data provided and shared.
    The significance is the MIRROR. YOU are a MIRROR, I am a MIRROR, all others are MIRRORS; your child and pet are MIRRORS.
    How do the mirrors communicate?
    There once IS a MIRROR as pure as can be - Because this MIRROR remembered HIMHERSELF , this MIRROR gave a present to the universe without from within. This was the only thing the universe without did not have as the universe within - SELF-REMEMBRANCE in SelfReflection.
    This MIRROR so was the original ONE to assume the task to MIRROR himherself in the MANY to allow the Universe of ONE to become a Universe of MANY - Eternity became the timeline to bring this to pass.

    2) if today, Jan. 18, 2010, is somehow analagous to (aKa a holographic projection of) Jan. 18, 30 AD ....... does this represent Yeshua's baptism? his introduction to "the masses?" a coming-out party?!

    The baptism was August 4th, 28AD. January 18th, 30AD allowed Yeshua to follow the timeline he had decoded from the Noah-Ezekiel-Daniel books in his fulfilment of the remembrtances of Isaiah.
    The great warptime he knew became 2300+370=1335+1335 and with the baptism date the midpoint of the 2670 daycount.

    3) Similarly, if April 1, 32 AD will be holographically reflected (whatever?!?) in April 1, 2012 ....... will this represent the crucifixion/resurrection/ascension event?

    The resurrection day was April 1st, 31AD. All April 1sts are Anniversaries for the 'Cosmic Fool' of the Mastery. April 1st, 32AD finished the period of interaction with the 'Circle of 12' as the Inner and the Circle of 144=72x2 of the Outer.

    4) Am i way off-base in my conjectures here???

    No, you are getting closer and closer to discover the truth within you. Eat the Lion to impregnate yourself.

    Having so much fun along-the-way, and i can't wait for what you're preparing us for, Abraxasinas! Definitely hope to hear-from/talk-to you (or Someone ) later today. Thanks again, Abrax!

    I am not preparing anyone or anything. I do however share the data from Thuban, which is also the data from the Cave of Plato's Shadows.
    I am a simple messenger, not in my name, but in the name of the one you call Yeshua. Yeshua is Yeshua no more except as within you; Yeshua is the Great Mother of the Universe, pregnant as Gaia's Embrace, preparing to give birth to a Baby of the StarHumanity, Many Twinships as Two in One and Four in Two.



    01-19-2010, 05:30 AM #611

    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Jul 2009
    Location: Amsterdam
    Posts: 964

    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by UncleJohn
    Hi Abrax. I waited to 1/18/10 to ask this question.

    It is my conjecture that our memory and consciousness exists outside our body. What is your comment on this?

    Can you say what mechanism actualizes this? How is addressing done in the communication system which links us to this mechanism?
    I've been dead - as in DEAD - for 6 minutes & that is exactly what I've experienced.

    And it gets even better.
    All the knowledge you have consciously gathered during your lifetime is totaly accessable.

    That's why it's imminent to 'feed your head'.
    What you don't understand now, will fall in place then.
    It's like you have a supercomputer brain.

    So 'stupid' people will be just as stupid dead, as they were alive.

    01-19-2010, 05:44 AM #612


    Join Date: Dec 2009
    Location: Queanbeyan/Canberra; NSW, Australia
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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by Sollve
    Abraxas my friend,

    I've been reading this thread with much joy and after what seems almost an
    eternity I've now reached it's end for now. It's been a rollercoaster ride with
    highs of total understanding and lows of no comprehension at all, just as it
    should be.

    There has been many interesting posts but one that really touch my inner
    being was when you described that the group soul of Lucifer was contracted
    to help us by maximising their service to self agenda even though this wasn't
    their inner wishes. This made me cry and it still moves me when I think about
    this ultimate sacrifice, but it also makes me think about a couple of other
    things realted to this and other things as well.

    1. You mentioned that the Lucifer soulgroup made this choice to be at the
    very end of the service to self grade because this was the only way to
    ensure they would make it to 4D. This makes me question the motives a bit.
    If they are all about love, why not do the most loving thing possible without
    breaking the contract, even if you risk to end up in 3D one more time?

    Hi Sollve!

    You are perceiving this from the 3D perspective. The easiest way is NOT to think of the 'Lucifer agenda' as aliens, or lightbeings, or fallen Nephilim, but in terms of 'Star Systems'. A Starsystem occupies a much greater 3D space, than a planet say and in physical 3D terms, this becomes related to how CONSCIOUSNESS interacts with itself and with smaller subsystems and larger supersystems.

    So the Galactic Consciousness of the Milky Way galaxy is much greater and encompassing, than the collective consciousness of the Local Solar System.

    The encompassing real 3D physical consciousness of the Solar System IS or can be labelled LUCIFER and can be calculated say as a core starsystem consciousness. Here is a link to the equations: http://tonyb.freeyellow.com/id185.html

    Now, certain incarnate (humans) and disincarnate (ET's) individuals and groups know this 'state of affairs' very well and attempt to 'tune into' and utilize this 'Luciferic Starsystem' core consciousness for various agendas.

    LUCIFER is a core-consciousness, which grows and interacts with a holographic universe. A hologram, you are such a hologram of the cosmos, contains ALL of the data of the universe in deintensified form.

    So the most important methodology of 'control' is to NOT ALLOW the individuals and groups to become AWARE of this fact of the hologramisations.
    In terms of physics then, this will allow the 'select groups and individuals' to INTENSIFY their HOLOGRAM and so attain 'greater consciousness' relative to the 'unaware' holograms concerned with other matters of individuation.

    The HH agenda describes part of this 'select group' knowing the 'Luciferic nature' FROM the extraLuciferic perspective, say the Galactic One.

    The RahSol Starsystem (the Local Solar System) is just one of many starsystems in the Milky Way galaxy.
    BUT it is 'special' because of Gaia's Destiny to become enabled to MANIFEST the Mirror of 1980 years ago as a ONE becoming MANY through and by the REBIRTH of a PLANET as a STARPLANET.

    The MIRROR of ONE Individual so becomes the MIRROR of ONE PLANETSTAR.

    The Luciferic Starsystem agenda so is rendered a Galactic Hunab KU agenda.

    In this manner you can perhaps understand, that the Service-To-Self in terms of the Starsystem is also a Service-To-Others in terms of the Galaxy.
    The data from HH is limited in its full understanding of the extra-starsystem agendas (as he himself has stated).

    2. I understand that when people open up to a new dogma or agenda like the one you are presenting it also opens up the energy flows from these people to you. You are offering yourself by opening up and that makes both the message and the respons very powerful as you make hearth to heart connections. As the messenger you stand in the focal point of energy and there is something about that thought that makes me a bit uneasy. I would like you to clarify exactly what your intentions are with the information you are giving, and if you are not perfectly sure about these as you tend to answer and download as the questions arrives, I would like you to give me your own earthly, human, disconnected opinion on this.

    There are no opinions and there is certainly no dogma on this relative to my sources. You can say, that my sources are all disincarnates in all dimensions and in all densities in terms of the Unified Hologram of the Universe.
    It is a unified perspective and no more. So answers about conveying messages from 'passed over aunt theodora' and the like will generally not be answered. All disincarnates follow their own agendas, are however unified in the boundaries of their experiences and endeavours as the oneness or holism I am sharing as its messenger from Thuban. There are many other messengers from divers places, you yourself are such a messenger. My particular message has one overarching purpose - to fulfil the timelines of the old archetypical encodings.
    Only AFTER the timeline, FIRST encoded, say at the beginning of this galactic cycle 26,000 years ago and SECONDLY PREPARED 1980 years ago and THIRDLY MANIFESTED 1980 years later; is FULFILLED; can the New World be born by and through the auspices of the ONE LOGOS.

    I am not this Logos, but I am its messenger as One in Many attempting to MIRROR its Witness.

    3. This relates somewhat to 1. above. If we are here to evolve and some of us makes it to 4D providing a greater connection to our higher selves and maybe even reclaiming our lost memories. If we live here and now in 3D following our hearts intent and reflecting over the path our lives take when we follow this urge from the heart / higher self to do things. Wouldn't it in a free will universe be a question of free will when we decide where to go in ascension? Wouldn't it also be that the majority of the spiritually evolved earthlings would chose to end up where they would be most helpfull.
    Wouldn't it be most service to other if a spiritually evolved person chooses to incarnate or to ascend into the most polarized towards service to self
    dimension? That makes me wonder if there is even going to be a 4D dimension with the most spiritually enlighted beings of this 3D dimension we are living in now. What do you think about this?

    Can and do you share your environment with friends and 'enemies' and neighbours and with flora and fauna? There will be no difference to the physics of the manifested universe, except that there will be more manifestation due to the change of the 3D experience transforming into 4D.
    There is far too much speculation about this and that; about inner earth Agarthians and Outer Space Galactic Starwars.
    These things are INTERDIMENSIONAL and not 3D realities, except in intersection.
    The Alpha Draconian is standing right beside you as you type your keyboard, SHOULD you allow its presence to enter your interdimensional mind.
    Go for a walk in the forest and touch an old tree. Then allow the remembrance of the tree to share its beingness with your mind through your touch.
    You might see the remembrances of the tree in your mind and even tune into scenarios of the place you are millions of years ago. The space is the repository of the Akashia. You do not need exensive manuals to activate your merkabah. Your spiritual awareness and your sensitivity are your merkabah and you truly are already enabled to talk to the animals and the plants and all parts of Gaia.
    Look at the stars and wonder what might be there. Wherte do you think your many legends derive from?
    All the ET's are waiting for you to remember them; for YOU to allow their presence. Before YOU create them in your Thinking Heart and Feeling Mind, they remain as cosmic intelligence NOT physicalised except in Gaia interaction.

    Ponder your Dog. He is a Sirian.
    Ponder your Cat. She is from Andromeda.
    Ponder the Elephant . She is from Arcturus.
    Ponder the Dolphin. He is from Pleione.
    Abusing your Gaian familiars abuses the alien ETs.
    Honouring your Gaian companions honours the aliens.

    Are there aliens in Sirian starsystems? Yes there are and their intelligences can and do communicate with you.
    But the Sirians consider Gaia their Mother of the Lost Memories and the Gaian familiars represent their lost inheritances.
    Are mosquitoes selfish in Service-To-Self; so are the aliens.
    Are bees and ants interacting in an insectoidal group-consciousness - so are the Insectoid, ETs and races.

    Are the frogs and amphibians nearing extinction upon Gaia - so are the Greys attempting to refresh their genetic data bases.

    Then the INTERDIMENSIONAL ET might very well 'appear' in your bedroom and you can see something with 3D eyes.
    But it is PROJECTION from the Gaian density of form into the ET-intelligence.

    Why do so many say or channel that the Humanoids are everywhere, say in 57 races?

    Because YOU are the Sirian and the Arcturian and the Alpha Draconian. YOU are the PROJECTED Hologram of yourself throughout space and time without limitations at all.

    There is a difference in density in 3D between the Gaian sphere and the rest of the universe. This is the quarantine. You have projected the Gaian 'unique environment' not just from your own individuated cosmic ID, but have also projected it from yourself as your planetary cosmic ID.

    Into Outer Space you project and timetravel and then you have IMAGED yourself there and called yourself in many names. The Tyrannosaurus Rex and the Alligator in the Swamplands of Florida are your images of the Draconians of Orion.

    So when you 'have lost your HUMAN mind' and sacrifice the native upon your Aztec altar to the Sungod in 'cutting out its heart'; refrain from blaming the 'nasty ET'.
    It is you who has MISINTERPRETED the 'sacrifice of the spiritual heart of one to the Unity of all hearts' as the 'physical heart' of bioplasma.

    4. If there has been "great harvests" before, I'm most curious about in what area we are now? I also wonder what the "alternatives" were at the time for the last "great harvest". Was it a question about materialism, or something else? Or was it just the same god, bad, in between soul dividing thing? If so, is this the god, bad or in between world?

    There have been many harvests of yourselves by yourselves; but the time of allowance of rendering Peace possible, has never before been possible.
    It is possible for one reason and one reason alone.
    The 3D physicality has FOUND the SPIRIT in its equations and abstract linguistics of its archetypes.
    This has made the 'holy books' superfluous and ready for the museum shelves.
    No longer will there be this great divide between the Mirrors of Reality; the physical flesh-and-blood mortality and the metaphysical spiritual immortality.

    The most potent peacemaker so becomes the UNDERSTANDING that the 'good and the bad' CAN and HAVE become retranslated as two parts of a unity and where the 'bad' part can now serve as the background context for the 'good'.

    Then the 'bad' as the absence of the 'good' DOES NO LONGER require to be experienced, but can be delegated to computer screens and virtual reality games and the movies of the 'bad and violent past' of humanity 'growing up in selfremembrance' and of BEING the CREATOR of the THING.

    I'm so looking forward to your answer to me and everyone else!

    I love you all and together we will make THIS dimension and THIS now a
    better place for our children and ourselves! I refuse to wait for any harvest to change my world for the better. I'm here in this NOW at this NOW and my time as YOUR time is extremely precious. Don't waste it on the future!

    All my love to each and every one of you,

    01-19-2010, 05:51 AM #613


    Join Date: Dec 2009
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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by Firstlook
    The exchanger,

    I read the last post on the 2010 thread. Very good analogy. Thank you.


    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~


    Thank you very much for your pointing me to-wards The Seth Material. I never heard of Jane before. She must have felt so alive with information being channeled. The passage you layed out was very clear to me. To be honest, I hope to have that experience again one day, but with more confidence and knowledge of myself. Thank you again.

    I've been reading many of your posts on dimensions and densities and how they are distinguishable. Very complicated for me. lol. But I was wondering if you or the council know of a diagram or perhaps even some artwork that helps represent this material in more of a visual representation. If not, perhaps that is something for me to imagine and interpret.


    Dear Joey!

    The Seth material is rather good in pointing to the Science of Reality, fully incorporating the 'Spirit'. It is similar to the Law of One material in this respect. I would fully recommend it in this regard.
    Where the Seth material is rather 'bad' is in all aspects relating to scriptural history. The reason for this is, that its excellence in terms scientific data had to be 'corrupted' in its disinformation regarding the scriptural histories - and as say in the required 'Law of Confusion' as described in the Ra material.


    01-19-2010, 06:10 AM #614

    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Dec 2009
    Location: The Void
    Posts: 49

    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
    Heya Abraxas,
    I have a few questions relating to my path that i hope you can answer.

    What is the significance of the numbers 3 and 33? (since i can remember, these two numbers keep repeating in my life)

    Sirius- Many incarnations here in the non-physical on a planet called Atla, with egyptian connections to Nefretitii and the birth of a bloodline from Sirius via a high ceremony in the temple of Karnak. I have had glimpses of these past lives in dreams and meditation. i can contact these energys if i focus on a blue-white light, which i have been told is the light of Sirius. i want to go home, i consider this place my home. Can you tell me what you know about this place, what density it is ect?

    also i did the numerolgy thing and my name (RL) added up to 95. Can you tell me the significance of this number?

    why is it i have had an affinity for the sun since i was little? i can gaze on the full solar disk any time i wish, for how ever long i wish, and have since i can remember with no harm to my eyes. vision is 20/20. when i do this i experience notime and cannot think or form words. its like a meditation for me a connection to source. i have past life memorys of sun worship, aztec, egyptian, annizazi and atlantis. Can you explain what the thubans know about this part of my path?

    i have never been regressed, hypnotized or anything else. i have had re-occuring dreams since i was 3 years old and this is how i discovered they must be past life rememberance. i am what castaneda refers to as a Dreamer.

    i have only had one consious obe in my life, the rest comes from dreaming and as such i dream lucidly. in that obe i saw my reflection in a lake of water, it was brighter then anything you could imagine. It was a huge star like orb of intense blue-white light, i could barely look upon it. i forced myself to look at my reflection ,and eventually i was able to gaze at it. as i did i, i experienced a full awakining to all that is/GOD/higherself, whatever you want to call it. It was infinite and vast and so full of love that i lost myself in it for what seemed like eternity. when i came back to my body i awakened and only 30 mins had passed. i have never been able to have a conscious obe since. I have moments of 'nin' , sometimes lasting minutes, days, even weeks, but i cannot seem to maintain this Oneness that i feel, this totality. RL seems to interfere and i have to 'land' back on earth.

    Do the thubans have any suggestions on how to keep this state of extacy? Or is this something that will become easier as we approach the birth?

    Please, if you have time and energy could you answer some of these with your wonderful mirror of Thuban It will help me to fill in the blanks of my story with the light of your love.
    Sincerely, Raven

    01-19-2010, 06:38 AM #615


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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by Seafury
    Well now that we've reached the starting point of the 18th I would like to ask the OP to clarify his stance on the model of our Time Matrix or Universe please.

    The OP states 12 dimensions.

    Hi Seafury!

    Post #541 describes the dimensional matrix of Thuban in great detail.

    MCEO states 15 dimensions and 5 Harmonic universes also known as densities dividing those 15 into sets of 3.

    This is not supported in the Thuban matrix as an elementary cosmological foundation in dimensional/density terms.

    George Kavassilas states no physical form above the 7th dimension, I think his upper limit is 9 dimensions with Dracos creating "false" dimensions within the 4th to fool people into thinking there are more than there are.

    This is supported rather poignantly by Thuban, the 15D of the MCEO/Urantia being such a 'false' or substructured 'dimension'.

    The Law of One series quotes RA as stating there are 8 densities like an octave.

    Again supported by Thuban, see #541.

    Laura Knight-Jadcyk states 7 densities as per the Cassiopeans. Where densities could be visualized as vertical and the 7th is union with the One and dimensions could be seen as horizontal and limitless within each density.

    The Cassiopean material, relative to the Thuban assessment is a collected potpourri of many other data sources and as such not foundational as a valid parallel or expanding cosmogony. The statement as given above is however supported by the Thuban data.

    The correct structure of our Universe would appear to be a hotly contested subject with each of the above claims coming from sources who claim to know first-hand.

    Indeed, the 'Laws of Order and Confusion' {Principle 3 in the Thuban annals} apply for individual discernment.
    You can adhere to any of the above as you wish, extend any of the avove or create your own cosmology.

    There are so many different ideas about it and our universe appears to be so malleable that I'm starting to think that whichever one I decide on will be the one I'm stuck with.

    This is correct. Until you decide to become unstuck again in extending your perceptions and ideas in having say, obtained better and more information appropriate to your understandings.

    Comments from the OP?

    01-19-2010, 06:43 AM #616


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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by Anchor
    Fellow fragment Seafury:

    I'm not the OP but I have an opinion to share. What do you know? That is what matters to you. All these opinions presented here from individuals or commonly referenced consensus views are filtered (necessarily) through layers of distortion.

    Its been interesting to watch this thread unfurl. What I see are opinions and expression of facts - many of which my limited mind cannot comprehend.

    There is no proof and never will be.

    If I said -

    "Mate, I've been studying this for years. I invented a long-levity/polymorphing technique back in the 1400's and have studied ever since under masters all round the globe. I am basically the wisest most knowledgable persona on the planet. I have hundreds of advanced degrees in all the scientific discipline - I am an epic polymath - I mentored all the big name scientists recently - you didnt hear of me because - well I am compassionate and forced myself to keep it low key all this time for fear of you shrivelling up in the presence of my huge and overpowering ego and from the sheer force of my amazing intellect - basically I am infallible, I am never wrong, I have a huge following people who all know the truth and will back me up on this - the answer is that there are precisely 42 dimensions each with an energetic layering known to you as denisities vibrating across different dimensions that are arranged in octaves defined by quantum boundaries." [1]

    Are you then going to say - ah - thanks Mr Anchor, that wraps that up then.

    I freaking hope not!

    There is no proof. There never will be. It doesn't matter if God himself appeared on this forum and told you stuff, while you are in this body and behind the veil of forgetfulness - you are going to be tasked the same as each of us - to sort the wheat from the chaff. There is no 100% accurate source of information that can be communicated to you that resides outside you.

    In my opinion the core message of Abraxasinas - whether he be a jolly good story teller or a real master dragon (whatever that is) known as Sirebard Beardris [ Abraxas - I mean no disrespect here ] is to test everything against your internal database.

    All we can do is to read and understand the information and perspectives presented and decide for ourselves. The on going process of discussing these views may result in some consensus - but it still isn't proof it can still be wrong. It may not even get you closer to the truth.

    You are on your own - there is no truth for you, until you decide it is true


    [1] this is made up
    Indeed Anchor's statement is repeated with added comment {,,,}.

    "In my opinion the core message of Abraxasinas - whether he be a jolly good story teller or a real master dragon (whatever that is) known as Sirebard Beardris [ Abraxas - I mean no disrespect here ]"

    is to test {OR COMPARE and possibly EXTEND} everything against your internal database.


    01-19-2010, 06:46 AM #617


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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by Nebula9D
    Many thanks for the clarification. I say Synchronicity. I'm starting to grasp this new information to the human groupmind and hope many more are awakening to it. So could i say 1st order=All that is.
    Yes, absolutely. This is a very appropriate labeling for the Primordial archetype.

    1st Order = All That Is = Prime Source = Prime SourceSink Energy =...


    01-19-2010, 07:02 AM #618


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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by UncleJohn
    Hi Abrax. I waited to 1/18/10 to ask this question.

    It is my conjecture that our memory and consciousness exists outside our body. What is your comment on this?

    Can you say what mechanism actualizes this? How is addressing done in the communication system which links us to this mechanism?
    Dear Uncle John!

    Can you percerive that it is BOTH?

    Your Body is a Hologram of the ENTIRE Universe.
    If you would NOT have this Body, YOUR Body would be the entire universe.
    So relative to YOU NOT existing in a body nothing exists than whatever is INSIDE YOU as the Universe. This is just like you looking at your own body from without, say in a mirror and wondering what might be inside of it.

    Then you have become the God without, a God in exile relative to your own body.

    Would you not experience utter loneliness and 'frustration' of BEING everything that exists in a Unity of Omniscience, Omnipotence and Omnipresence and Omniness - yet being absolutely alone?

    So YOU Created the Universe in your 'I AM A NOBODY' selfstate and in kind of ''splitting in half' - a material cosmos and its image as a metaphysical (or spiritual or mathematical) anticosmos.

    YOU created for yourself a BODY, namely the Big SHE; so NOW YOU could call yourself a Big HE.
    But you were alone no longer.
    You could look at yourself as SHE being you as a HE. YOU got excited in looking as yourself as a SHE NOT a HE as YOU and 'YOU FELL IN LOVE " with yourself as a SHE.
    But then the 'Big Fall'. You and you playing the 'Big Pretender'!
    YOU as your own devilish self IN THE MIRROR said:

    And so it started.
    Storylines and agendas had to become devised to make your TRUE SATANIC Image in your mirror a False Image yet somehow 'GETTING REAL" INSIDE as a SHE.

    And you used logic like True+True=True and False+False=True and True+False=False+True=False and things and your FAMILY of embodiments on a planet 16.9 billion years later in the linearised future of the things you dreamt up as BEING within your material body of the universe.

    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-19-2010 at 07:05 AM.

    01-19-2010, 07:24 AM #619


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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by Jonah
    the dogs have started howling haven't they... no time to be shy....

    what information in the universal archives is there of a positively harvested outcome???
    Dear Jonah!

    The 'harvest' is simply the fulfilment of archetypes. Many data sources know of this; but the 'Hidden Hand'-Luciferic ones of what on this forum is termed PTB, describe a particularly empowered one of what is known as the Book of Revelation.

    This has very little to do with religion and dogmas of any kind, but runs very much deeper in the human collective consciousness.

    There is a 'Cosmic Witness' to the unfolding of this 'harvest' and this is the entire universe as selfconscious entity (ALL of the ETs say).
    The unfoldment was decreed long ago (by the LOGOS collective) to culminate in a Maximum Polarisation, what you here term often as STS and STO.

    This is evidenced say in the present 'antiGod' 'antiJesus' 'antiscripture' climate in skeptics societies, atheist, agnostic and rationality schools.
    Contra this is of course the 'other polarity' of the 'believers in the supernaturality', say the religious dogmatists and including many 'New Age' believers {the former 'worshipping' a fake Christmirror and the latter often denying the uniqueness of the true ChristMirror}.

    In the selfrelativity of the True Logos; the harvest has already occurred in allowing implementation of a new archetypical configuration of the universe as this reconfiguration has FULFILLED the timelines of the Logos in the NoTime of the Origin becoming the NowTime of the Fulfilment.

    In the linear unfoldment of NowTime quanta, this requires a timeline, such as given in convergent 'prophecies' such as found in the Giza pyramid, the Mayan dispensation and the scriptural storylines of the Armageddon=Dragon Made.


    01-19-2010, 07:33 AM #620


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    Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Originally Posted by Phtha
    Sigh... I always miss these 'interesting' threads and end up having to read pages upon all at once. Ah well lots of time.

    Of what I read far, this is the only thing I do know for whatever reason.
    I just wonder, where does the chain of 'agendas behind agendas' ever end?
    Or as it appears from my current perspective, 'manipulation behind manipulation'.
    Maybe the ending only exists... for those that don't have an agenda in the first place? I just want to be.

    Love the info from everyone so far though, tis my type of joy ride, no matter where it leads.
    Dear Phtha!

    The agenda behind the agenda stops with the origin of all agendas, first cause, prime mover, the Alpha-Beginning, the Word (John.1.1) or a similar labeling being reached or 'discovered'.

    This Prime mover is YOU in noTime, say defined in scientific terms as a quanta count of Now-Times of the order of 1.8 trillion trillion trillion trillion AGO.
    1 second is made up of 3 thousand million billion trillion of those same timequanta.


    01-19-2010, 07:40 AM #621


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    Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Originally Posted by Nebula9D
    Very interesting Phtha. You just gave rise to an interesting question i have for Abrax.

    As Phta put it "Where does the chain of 'agendas behind agendas' or manipulation behind manipulation end? So my questions is: What role does The Thuban Council have in these scenario and who upholds universal law or the laws of nature for the greater good of ALL?
    Hi nebula9!

    John.1.1 ((KJV only).

    'In the Beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God!"

    'In the Beginning was the Logos of the Definition and the Definition was with the Source-Energy and the Logos was the Source-Energy'.

    The Thuban Council, in its fuction of retranslators of archetypes then declares:

    Quantum Relativity links the metrics of Einsteinian Relativity to their original metaphysical cosmogenesis.
    Theistic- and Spiritual archetypes become a consequence of magnetocharged superbranes as wormhole singularities 'before' spacetime creation as progenitors for inertia.

    LOVE is a VIBRATORY RESONANCE described in a GAUGE SOURCESINK-PHOTON in its supersymmetric selfcoupling under modular duality and which can be defined in its own resonance eigenstate as:

    E*=kT*=hf*=hc/λ*=m*c²=1/e* for Unity E*e*=1 and its coupling parameters.
    Energy*=Heterotic Supermembrane HE(8x8)=EpsEss

    This is the selfstate for a love vibratory resonance, which created the universe!


    01-19-2010, 07:52 AM #622

    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Sep 2008
    Posts: 61

    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
    If we are trying to remember who we are is that referring to our very fist incarnation or all incarnations? If we have some will or choice between lives to choose who we reincarnate as or who family members will be then before our very first incarnation who's will was it to create me? Or was I always here? If my soul is infinite in the future was it infinite in the past?
    Will you agree that a young child should not be worried about on a spiritual level and treated as an equal as an adults soul path? Meaning they chose this incarnation and everything that comes with it and the parent has his own path.
    Does the wall of knowledge end with council of Thuban? What lies between the council and the One/Source?
    Is all "magic" science?
    Were you well read in all these areas before your contact with the Thuban? If so is that why you were picked to pass on this advanced knowledge?

    01-19-2010, 08:03 AM #623

    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Oct 2009
    Location: Gaia
    Posts: 107

    Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Originally Posted by abraxasinas
    Yes, absolutely. This is a very appropriate labeling for the Primordial archetype.

    1st Order = All That Is = Prime Source = Prime SourceSink Energy =...


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas
    Hi nebula9!

    John.1.1 ((KJV only).

    'In the Beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God!"

    'In the Beginning was the Logos of the Definition and the Definition was with the Source-Energy and the Logos was the Source-Energy'.

    The Thuban Council, in its fuction of retranslators of archetypes then declares:

    Quantum Relativity links the metrics of Einsteinian Relativity to their original metaphysical cosmogenesis.
    Theistic- and Spiritual archetypes become a consequence of magnetocharged superbranes as wormhole singularities 'before' spacetime creation as progenitors for inertia.

    LOVE is a VIBRATORY RESONANCE described in a GAUGE SOURCESINK-PHOTON in its supersymmetric selfcoupling under modular duality and which can be defined in its own resonance eigenstate as:

    E*=kT*=hf*=hc/λ*=m*c²=1/e* for Unity E*e*=1 and its coupling parameters.
    Energy*=Heterotic Supermembrane HE(8x8)=EpsEss

    This is the selfstate for a love vibratory resonance, which created the universe!

    Thank you. So every Being' purpose is to link back to the Prime Source = Love Vibratory Resonance = ALL That is.
    I am in the Love of The ALL and ALL love is in Me.

    01-19-2010, 08:14 AM #624

    Avalon Senior Member

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    Posts: 366

    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)
    So.. this new archetypical configuration... has it manifested as a he/she or a she/he?
    Can you say what the events on this new timeline will be?


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas
    Dear Jonah!

    The 'harvest' is simply the fulfilment of archetypes. Many data sources know of this; but the 'Hidden Hand'-Luciferic ones of what on this forum is termed PTB, describe a particularly empowered one of what is known as the Book of Revelation.

    This has very little to do with religion and dogmas of any kind, but runs very much deeper in the human collective consciousness.

    There is a 'Cosmic Witness' to the unfolding of this 'harvest' and this is the entire universe as selfconscious entity (ALL of the ETs say).
    The unfoldment was decreed long ago (by the LOGOS collective) to culminate in a Maximum Polarisation, what you here term often as STS and STO.

    This is evidenced say in the present 'antiGod' 'antiJesus' 'antiscripture' climate in skeptics societies, atheist, agnostic and rationality schools.
    Contra this is of course the 'other polarity' of the 'believers in the supernaturality', say the religious dogmatists and including many 'New Age' believers {the former 'worshipping' a fake Christmirror and the latter often denying the uniqueness of the true ChristMirror}.

    In the selfrelativity of the True Logos; the harvest has already occurred in allowing implementation of a new archetypical configuration of the universe as this reconfiguration has FULFILLED the timelines of the Logos in the NoTime of the Origin becoming the NowTime of the Fulfilment.

    In the linear unfoldment of NowTime quanta, this requires a timeline, such as given in convergent 'prophecies' such as found in the Giza pyramid, the Mayan dispensation and the scriptural storylines of the Armageddon=Dragon Made.


    01-19-2010, 08:17 AM #625


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    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by Raven
    Heya Abraxas,
    I have a few questions relating to my path that i hope you can answer.

    What is the significance of the numbers 3 and 33? (since i can remember, these two numbers keep repeating in my life)

    Hi Raven!

    The Pythagorean Tetractys is basic to the manifesto of a material universe.
    There are three ROUND or Curved Numbers of the Mentality: 3 and 6 and 9 with the mirror number 33 the Mental Master-Number of Self-Reflection.

    There are three LINAR or STRAIGHT Numers of the Physicality: 1 and 4 and 7 with 11 the Physical (Verbal) Master-Number raising to the 44 in (Telepathy as Higher Verbosity say).

    There are three MIXED Numbers of the Spirituality-Emotions: 2 and 5 and 8=44 with 22 the Master-Number.

    1+4+7=12 becomes the Physical Plane; 2+5+8=15 becomes the Spiritual-Emotional Plane and 3+6+9=18 becomes the Mental Plane and summing to 45 as the tetractys of the Binary Duad {0,1} transforming into the Decad (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}.
    From this derive the archetypes of 9 Timelords as a form of the Enneadad say.
    The duodecimal system then eventuates in the arithmetic dimensional manifestation of the Decad via the definition of the dimensional matrix of the Maria-Code with 10=1+0=1, 11=1+1=2 and 12=1+2=3:

    The Maria-Code is based on the distribution of the Maria-Numbers (MN)given by:
    M(p)+99=M(p+12); n=[√(264k+1)-1]/2 by n2+n-66k=0.
    Maria Numbers are those IntegerCounts, which contain all previously counted integers as mod33.
    Example: 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11=66 = 2x33 → '11' is MN#1 for k=2 11love65use110love164use209love263use......Archety pe 2 (rootreductive) 21use66love120use165love219use264love......Archety pe 3 (rootreductive) 32use77love131use176love230use275love......Archety pe 5 (rootreductive) 33love87use132love186use231love285use......Archety pe 6 (rootreductive) 44love98use143love197use242love296use......Archety pe 8 (rootreductive) 54use99love153use198love252use297love......Archety pe 9 (rootreductive) 65use110love164use209love263use308love....Archetyp e 2*... ...

    Archetypes 2+3+5+6+8+9=33 and Archetypes 1+4+7+0=12 then define the imaginary time-dimensions as the archetypes not in the Sequence for Eps=1/e* Coefficients used in the application of the seven fundamental principalities to define the F-Space.

    Sirius- Many incarnations here in the non-physical on a planet called Atla, with egyptian connections to Nefretitii and the birth of a bloodline from Sirius via a high ceremony in the temple of Karnak. I have had glimpses of these past lives in dreams and meditation. i can contact these energys if i focus on a blue-white light, which i have been told is the light of Sirius. i want to go home, i consider this place my home. Can you tell me what you know about this place, what density it is ect?

    The Sirius Starsystem is 'Man's Best Friend' and will be the 'First Contact'.
    The 'opening' of the 4th space dimension is programmed to occur midway the star Sirius A in Canis Major and Gaia so 4.3 lightyears from the Mayan nexus point.
    This means that this is the primordial Stargate which will be PHYSICALLY implemented and having begun to be prepared since June 25th, 2008.

    also i did the numerolgy thing and my name (RL) added up to 95. Can you tell me the significance of this number?

    If you calculated correctly:


    why is it i have had an affinity for the sun since i was little? i can gaze on the full solar disk any time i wish, for how ever long i wish, and have since i can remember with no harm to my eyes. vision is 20/20. when i do this i experience notime and cannot think or form words. its like a meditation for me a connection to source. i have past life memorys of sun worship, aztec, egyptian, annizazi and atlantis. Can you explain what the thubans know about this part of my path?

    You or someone else here have asked this question before and I answered to not subject your 3D eyes to this expose.
    If your human DNA is Sirian to a large extend in its multidimensionality, you may well carry certain extensions and encodings, which give you a kind of immunity to solar physical 3D radiation. I have no further data on this; but yes, if so, then your own preceptions on the matter wrt past and future are relevant and appropriate.

    i have never been regressed, hypnotized or anything else. i have had re-occuring dreams since i was 3 years old and this is how i discovered they must be past life rememberance. i am what castaneda refers to as a Dreamer.

    I can see and feel that.

    i have only had one consious obe in my life, the rest comes from dreaming and as such i dream lucidly. in that obe i saw my reflection in a lake of water, it was brighter then anything you could imagine. It was a huge star like orb of intense blue-white light, i could barely look upon it. i forced myself to look at my reflection ,and eventually i was able to gaze at it. as i did i, i experienced a full awakining to all that is/GOD/higherself, whatever you want to call it. It was infinite and vast and so full of love that i lost myself in it for what seemed like eternity. when i came back to my body i awakened and only 30 mins had passed. i have never been able to have a conscious obe since. I have moments of 'nin' , sometimes lasting minutes, days, even weeks, but i cannot seem to maintain this Oneness that i feel, this totality. RL seems to interfere and i have to 'land' back on earth.

    You gazed upon your true self Raven, the One that sits in the judgement seat about yourself, the True God of the creation.
    The Story of the Judgement Day here http://tonyb.freeyellow.com/id13.html tells YOUR and everyones story.

    Do the thubans have any suggestions on how to keep this state of extacy? Or is this something that will become easier as we approach the birth?

    The Thubans cannot extrapolate on your self-discovery. To reexperience this revelation, I feel, is to experience the New Gaian environment in harmonization with itself.

    Please, if you have time and energy could you answer some of these with your wonderful mirror of Thuban It will help me to fill in the blanks of my story with the light of your love.
    Sincerely, Raven
    You are alays welcome dear Raven!

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