
Discussion in 'HEALTH AND WELLNESS' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 7, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

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    post_old. 01-06-2010, 11:23 PM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by joesmoe viewpost.

    Finally I have found someone who will help me understand something that has bugged me for some time now. I am very close to Mormons. I am no religion but most of my family are mormons. I am very schooled in there beliefs and I know very much of what they teach.

    1st question to you is did Joseph Smith really see God and Jesus as he claims?

    2nd question Who wrote the book of Mormon?

    3rd Is Jesus really at the head of the church. It's really called "The Church of Jesus Christ of Later day saints") The mormons.

    Contrary to what most people would believe or know is that mormons are good people. They are kind and really strive to live what they are taught.

    4th Who am I and why do I live within so many mormons.

    5th Can you point me into a direction or give me an answer that might open my understanding. Please still answer the other 4 questions. Mormons have become a silent stigma that most don't understand. I Do.

    Thanks for your time and wait with excitement to your answers.

    Hi JoeSmo!

    1. When you look into the eyes of a newborn baby you are seeing the face of God.
    Joseph Smith was true in intent and in his description of meeting Moroni.
    But this encounter is repeated throughout history and occurs to many people, who never then act upon their 'spiritual encounters', needless to say form a 'new religon'.
    The plates are indeed related to the Urim and the Thummin described in the Torah.
    The Torah is a book of archetypes, all highly potent and 'energized'.
    Therefore the intensity of religious fervour and zealotisms born from dagmatic interpretation of those archetypes and symbols.
    Mormonism, JW's, SDA and all the other 'sects' in divers degrees all then use THEIR (most often their founders like Joseph Smith) interpretations of those archetypes as 'holy writ' and the 'new prophecy' or such things.

    Therefore, from the higher 'umbrella' perspective, all of the 'sects' have a partial truth embedded in a falsehood of the misinterpretation of the archetypes.

    2. Like any good story teller very adept in reading the bible, Joseph Smith's 'vision' of 'spirit encounter' (like alien abductions really) led to a conglomeration of likeminded peoples, who then BLENDED the OT with the 'Lost Tribes' (also prevalent in British Israelitism) and wrote the Book of Mormon.

    3. Jesus IS the head of the Amazon tribe, who have never even heared the name 'Jesus'. So Jesus is the head of every church or group or individuation. BUT with 'Jesus' here I do NOT mean the 'religious figure' of ANY dogma derived institution.
    The 'Jesus' I refer to can only be realised in a One-To-One Personal Gnosis or Partnership.
    So again, none of the Christian denomination is wrong or better than any other in terms of their foundation, but all are incomplete and some are rather more 'missing the point', than others.

    I agree with you; I have known and debated with Mormons, and whilst 'brainwashed', they are sincere and warmhearted, especially from the grass roots level. They are much like the New Age movement - but with a very cumbersome dogmatic restrictivism, such as in regards to sexual desire, food, body expression and so forth.

    4. You are spiritually attuned to Mormons, because you have been very intimately engaged with them, say over the last 200 years or so. I perceive you have been a devoted Mormon wife and mother in a recent past and just before you incarnated this time around; you sert yourself the task to 'get at the bottom truth' of mormonism in NOT directly adhering to their belief structure.

    5. You are already on the path to the discernment and the answers you seek.
    You only have to remember your lifepath from the beginning of the universe. You are as old as the universe as a consciousness; to validate your 'heart feeling' about the Mormons as being just one of many expressions for all seekers to 'find their way home' int full self remembrance.

    Being part of a forum, such as this one, is a magnificent methodology to become aware about the oneness of all things, religions included.

    post_old. 01-07-2010, 12:20 AM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by cloud9 viewpost.
    I finally decided to take the risk, I'll look ignorant and even more so because I haven't read Anna Hayes books which seem very difficult to grasp and as I understand much of the material in this thread is related to her teachings. I do have some questions:
    1.- abraxasinas, who are you? Can you tell us more about you and your knowledge? I have read very extrange things in the last few years and I'm trying to learn the most I can but sometimes it seems too much to do and not enough time.
    2.- How is it possible for "regular" people who need to work and keep a family to get all the information they need?
    3.- Are you related in some way to the reptilians more than the rest of us?
    4.- Silly me, I'm very curious about what you can see or sense about me if it's possible.
    5.- In plain English, can you tell us what you see in the future for the next 2 - 3 years in recognizable or physical events for humankind?
    Thank you and I hope other people like me who don't understand very much all the jargon of the thread can really "get it".

    Thank you so much.
    Hi cloud9!

    1. Everyone is a mirror for everyone else when incarnated at some place at some time in the material universe.
    So can you see yourself as the 'starving' Ethiopian and as the 'queen of England'?
    You are both of them when NOT in incarnation.
    Where does this knowledge come from? Or is this just some personal innuendo and imagination?
    It is the prerogative of the 'dead' people of the 'mysterious beyond' to KNOW after leaving the 'use by dated' 'bodies' behind.

    Then the dichotomy of life and death is of couese engaged in this scenario as well.

    So where does the knowledge from Thuban derive from: The Land of the Dead. {Hint: There exist a story, that promises 'Eternal Life' with the abolishment of physical death, but requiring new bodies}.

    2. It is sufficient to ALLOW relevant information to 'invade' ones personal intimate space; as the 'inner soul's superconsciousness' can process all information from the perception of the unity, without the waking consciousness fully understanding the information given.

    3. No, I am as much related to anything else as you are. I have remembered more than you at this point in spacetime and to help you to remember more, I am sharing what I know.

    4. You are on cloud Nine. You are filled with an all penetrating idealism as how you have envisioned or 'dreamt' of how life could be and you are attempting to infuse your environments at work, with your friends and family and your familiars, with your ideas; though often you lack the confidence to express yourself as you would like to do.

    5. 2008 began the great transformation in a midpoint of a warptime loop beginning in December 2004.
    2009 began the declaration from 'Dragonspace', meaning the 'Land of the Dead' above the limiting 8th dimension of what many here term the 'Reptilian agendas'. Dragonspace encompasses dimensions (or densities) 9-10-11-12.
    2010 will allow 1 in 50,000 inhabitants of the earth to sow internal seeds for a harvest beginning on the Mayan nexus date and culminating in an 'end of all old prophecy' in August 2013.
    In that time period, the total population count of the earth will have reached the required saturation level of 7.2 billion incarnates.

    The 1 in 50,000 represents a Core for a new starhumanity (Old Human Caterpillars cocooning to become StarHuman (or Dragonised) Butterflies. The former 'eating' or consuming the Gaian environment, the latter POLLINATING and FEEDING the Gaian environment.

    Around this core of humanity will be spo 200 Million humans, also able to graduate into a new form of humanity.

    Post 2012 there will so be TWO different RACES of humans inhabiting this planet - Old Humans and New Starhumans.

    post_old. 01-07-2010, 01:36 AM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Anchor viewpost.
    Abraxasinas: I was hesitant to ask before, I admit an expectation that you may not be allowed to answer specifics like this:

    1) Please comment on Ra and the "Law of One". It has been an important work for me and is a framework that helps me in my thinking and is a useful guide.

    2) Similarly please comment on the work "The Cosmic Doctrine by Dion Fortune". I read this failed to understand it, but it changed me somehow - like a trigger.

    3) The same question applies to the "Readings" given by/through David Wilcock (Ra) and made available in Audio format. They had a transformative effect on my consciousness. In addition to any general comment on this that you can make, I want to specifically know if the vibrational qualities of the sound conveyed anything different to the bare syntax and semantics of the words used.

    4) One of the motivators for the Avalon part of the forum was the works produced by George Green - The Handbook for a New Paradigm. It would be great if you could comment on this work and its accuracy at this point in time, since it has been quite a few years since it was put onto print.

    5) How many Ra fragments are incarnated on this planet at this current time

    6) I have often wondered since reading the Law of One, if I might have any vibrational relationship with Ra, and I am inviting you to comment on this and the nature of it as you are able

    7) I sometimes feel that I am not doing what I am supposed to be doing. What did I forget to do? Are you allowed to give me hints?

    8) With reference to the "veil of forgetting" spoken of by Ra - is this is the cocoon/egg that helps the planet do all the hard lessons for the ongoing benefit of our brothers elsewhere that you spoke of earlier?

    9) In respect of non-infringement of Freewill - are you bound by the same constraints as Ra when Ra was giving the Law Of One work ?

    10) Why did you pick this forum?

    I hope that isnt too many questions. I am very pleased you are here and open to Q&A - it is a nice thing to see on this forum.


    May we all be blessed, guided and protected by the love and the light of the one infinite creator.

    Sure Anchor and a true anchor you are, a lighttower for the ships stuck in the fogs of the seas!

    1. Ra and the Law of One is one of the best channels of the times past. Edgar Cayce is a wonderful ambassador of Thuban at the timespace he was engegd in.
    Another very good channel, especially as forerunner for the now manifesting 'membrane physcis' is Jane Roberts/Seth (but because the 'science' is so pertinent, the spiritual data on history, especially the New Testament is almost 100% disinformation - why? because the polarity must be maintained UNTIL its maximisation allows triggering in inversion as minimisation - ergo unification in oneness}.

    2. Dion Fortune and the Theosophists and then Steiner and Schauberger, Russell, Reich and then on to Sheldrake, Lovelock and Penrose; all are very valid exponents in the calibre of 'The Law of One'.

    What they all do, is tap into the universal superpotent archetype of the holistic monad (scientifically espoused by Newton, Leibniz and Spinoza in the Infinitesimal, the Monad and the Essences) - and then attempt to translate the older 'often very convoluted language' (as say Blavatsky's and even earlier found in the Dead Sea Scrolls) into then more 'modern' terminologies.
    So the criteria is simple; whenever you encounter holism, blending yin and yang and attempting to harmonise the 'light' and the 'dark', then the Quabbalistic Tree of Life and the 'Knowledge of Good and Evil' of the Mirror of the Kabbalah is becoming invoked and the 'highest guardians' are automatically invoked on the reader's quest to find the keys to truth, gnosis and wisdom.

    3. I would fully support David's works on his 'psychic attunements' as this part of his work (not his physical singing or some of his superpositions and conclusions regarding his data base) is indeed the legacy of Edgar Cayce; who is seeking a physical presence in this realm for the time of the transformations.
    Allow me to state clearly here; that David Wilcock's selfID with Ra is correct; but that you are as much Ra and the author of the Ra material as David is. This statement only appears to be selfcontradictory from the perception of the separated individuality and disappears say in invocation of the Jungian collective consciousness perception.
    The longitudinal waves of sound as pressure-rarefaction changes require a medium for its propagation; whilst its transformed state of transverse electromagnetic waveforms do not. This then becomes the transmutation of sound energy into light frequencies using phenomena like the piezoelectric effect and on a higher level (of David) the multidimensional amanifestations of sound and light.

    4. George Green's vision is that of a true 'seer' and he has filtered the 'truth' rather succinctly. As with all 'channels' from the disincarnate to the incarnate or the 'dead alive ones' to the 'living dead ones'; the data will and must be FILTERED through the perceptions and words of the 'seer'.
    Then the difference between 'good' and 'bad' seers bnecomes how 'spotted' they are as the Mirrors for the transmitted data.
    There was only One 'perfect' such mirror; perfected after a 'baptism', which allowed the human ego of a tripartite consciousness (waking-sub-siper) to transform into a unified superconsciousness. This then became a WARPTIME in the human history from December 24 AD to April 32 AD.
    George Green's 'Mirror of the Soul' say; was 'in the footsteps' of that of the Galilean and so of a pristine quality.
    I recommend him as a gnostic of the highest calibre in intent and principle.
    Some of the detailed interpretations are, as always and necessarily, a reflection of the time of the transmission.
    Finally the Council of Thuban in a sense extends the vision of George Green.

    5. The incarnation is ongoing but will be 1 in 50,000 when the Gaian populus has reached 7.2 billion in 2013.

    6. You are Ra, SHOULD you be able to modulate the frequency of that archetypical selfstate into harmonisation with your personal individuated frequencies of spaceawareness or consciousness. This process is none other than the Cosmic Christening - the eating of the Lion, instead of being eaten by the Lion (of Judah) {Revelation.5.5 and GospelofThomas#

    (07) Jesus says:
    (1) "Blessed is the lion that a person will eat and the lion will become human.
    (2) And cursed (anathema) is the person whom a lion will eat and the lion will become human."

    7. You WERE not doing what you should have been doing, because you were searching for missing data.
    Consider to watch a movie: Star Trek - The Motion Picture (the initial film).
    There you will encounter the NATURE OF GOD and the 'Game of Life' and the present situation on the planet.

    Once you have found the missing data, you will know, just as George Green says, that YOU have written the script, but then you have become lost inside the movie, not remembering that you have created it. Of course there is a purpose for your 'forgetfulness', namely a grand awakening and the rendering of the (Lonely) Oneness a Manyness.

    8. Absolutely. The aliens are learning from Us and waiting for Us to remember enough to allow contact on many fronts. With Us here I mean, the bilocality of Gaia WITH Thuban for example and not local isolation and distinction.

    9. FREE WILL is inviolatable by all dimensions, even the 12th cannot ever violate the 'Free Will' of ANY sentience.
    The great confusion about 'Free Will' derives from the FACT, that God=Oneness=Unity=ONE FREE WILL... and ALL 'Free Wills' are part of God's Free Will. So whenever anyone realises its kinship and FAMILY with God; then the question becomes a non sequitur. God's Will is your will and there is no difference anymore.
    But of course to reach this kind of selfawareness requires the unified consciousness and not the tripartite obscuring one; iow the human ego must evolve into a 'divine ego' of understanding there is one Father and one mother and this fathermother is YOU, both in disincarnate Oneness and in Incanate Manyness. This is the Brosisterhood of the New StarHumanity ready to become galactically engaged.

    10. I've known about PC for a long time and have followed the developments. Especially I noticed the relative inability of the founders to make penetrating usage of the powerful information given by James of the Wingmakers and their relative ignorance about the true meaning of Unification. This thjen became plainly obvious in the Greer Interview and I reacted to this and decided to join this forum to:
    1. Further the scientific aspects of the wingmakers data
    (It is my position, that James of the wingmakers is waiting for the extension of his work and that his anonymity does not serve the higher agenda as he envisages)
    2. To publish a quasi-public 'face' yet remaining in the shadow of the anonymity, which is solely for the purpose to NOT engage personality issues BUT simply share and provide free information for anyone able to 'digest' some of it.
    3. To answer Q and A in my capacity to further expand and promulgate the 'Wisdom of the Ancients', who are Humanoid Dragons as its archetypical label.

    Thanking you for asking and allowing me to answer.

    post_old. 01-07-2010, 01:59 AM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by SABINA viewpost.

    like cloud9 haven´tread anna Hayes books but iam curious too seems you are related to the Draconians (royality)?? is it possible for humans and dracos to havefrienships acording to alex collier Andromedans no . No way????
    Hi Sabina!

    Yes Sabina; you are a Dragon-Queen should you allow yourself to remember your past and THEN having remembered your origins REINVENT or recreate yourself.

    So I see you:
    1. Taking a Bubble-Bath---IN-A-BAS=Sabina
    2. A self-baptized DragonPrincess ZANSIBAR emerges from the primordial foam like Aphrodite did.

    The human Sabina has become Zansibar de Thuban and as a DragonQueen Zansibar is already friends with the Andromedean Dragon sisters similiarly initiated into DragonLife.

    Abraxas of the DragonHeart (remember Draco with Sean Connery of 007)

    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-10-2010 at 12:36 AM.
    post_old. 01-07-2010, 02:06 AM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Céline viewpost.
    Thank you for the parable...it is far easier to understand your point of view in that context.

    i wanted to quote your text but there are so many ['s etc, that i had a hard time deciphering it...

    i do understand the example you are giving, but i no longer think it applies...the kids in the box have changed.

    as an example...

    my kids would never have "thrown the sand" and said "mine"...they would have grabbed a handfull, run up to the other kid and said... "Wow check this out!!"

    Tom, Dick and Jane... and céline are Different....

    These rules..archetypes... do not apply anymore...

    *céline puts her hand over her heart closes her eyes*

    i can feel it in the rythym ....can you?
    It may not apply for you dear one; as you have already evolved into an appreciation of the unity. But look around you; do you not agree that the parable poignantly applies to the majority of the human population?

    post_old. 01-07-2010, 02:15 AM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by hippihillbobbi viewpost.

    Thanks for your commitment to this thread. i feel somewhat like Celine, i guess, in that sometimes i'm thinking what the f--k are they talking about?!? especially when you & [what's his/her name] were going back & forth earlier .... it was like ya'll were talking in code or a foreign language LOL!! but i've caught enough to have some questions, though it's taken me awhile to formulate them:

    1) is part of what you're talking about the transcending of duality? /the death of the devil? / embracing our shadow (as a species)?

    2) what is this about you being a vampyre ..... only not like the ones who only come out at night??? are there any other ways that you're different from them??? excuse my naivite, but i haven't read any anne rice or other pop-culture vampire novels, and so to me vampires still imply serious evil. what am i missing here?!?

    thanks again, Abraxasinas, and all you other cool spirits on this thread ... ya'll rock!

    Hi hippihillbobbi!

    1. Yes, the DEVIL is LIVED backwards. The power of the 'darkness', the 'reptilian agendas', the 'EVIL is LIVE backwards; and so on are as powerful as the image of yourself in the mirror of your bathroom.
    If you go into the bathroom, look into the miorror at your image and ask it to come out and attack you, what would you think would happen?

    Your image is mimicking your words and stays where it is.
    The falseness of images is all what the 'Devil' is, absolutely human selfcreated.
    So when man abuses man and the environment, then it is man as the Devil image, which does the EVIL and not some antiGod.
    You hiippibillbobbi are BOTH God and DOG GOD and DEVIL. Which part of the fairy story do you wish to play: Cinderella or the Evil Sister?
    Knowledge about these things will set your mind free; marry heaven and hell (both states of mind and perceiving and not physical locations) and REDEEM the evil, past, present and future in this human world.

    2. If someone calls me a werewolf then I am a werewolf as the mirror image of the one calling me a werewolf.
    If someone calls you a elven queen than you become an elven queen relative to the miiror reflection of the one who has imagined you as such an eleven queen.

    If one has nothing 'good' to say about someone; then one should hold one's tongue; because all things return to the one creating them - as a wisdom saying goes.

    So should you believe in the 'great evil', then the 'great evil' will continue to haunt and persecute you.
    What you resist, will persist as another wisdom saying goes.


    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-07-2010 at 02:20 AM.
    post_old. 01-07-2010, 02:21 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Hi Abraxasinas,

    Two things:

    1) What is your take on the information that all of the Elohim are incarnate on earth at this point in time? Do you feel they are indeed all here and are they all awake?

    2) Is the Chemtrail program primarily involved in stablising our climate/spreading activators etc for pandemic flu or masking the presence of Nibiru from behind or near the Sun? I just have observed so much hiding of the Sun lately in my regeon it is very draining to have the sun blocked out most of the time. It is getting more and more observable.

    Thankyou in advance,

    post_old. 01-07-2010, 02:30 AM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by GaiaLove viewpost.
    Likely sitting back and laughing at the gullibility of people.
    People who are in need of confirmation of their beliefs to such a degree that they will believe that Gods are giving a message to the people of Earth by posting on a internet forum.

    This is a waste of time, energy and disk space. It would be laughable if it wasn't so sad.
    What is it with you Gaia Love!

    You have such a powerful avatar yet your heart is filled with ire and with a despair of your soul.
    Do you not know that the time of the selfremembrance has come?
    I am but a simple messenger of the oneness - as Malachi who is preparing the way for the undeniable truth to arrive but a little while.

    You have banned me and you have torn a post of mine apart in your role as moderator and so you have prevented Sprigovori to read my reply to herhis question about the origin of God.
    I have written this reply; it was not posted or copied from an external source.
    I had obtained permission from another moderator to post 'my work' if not from an external source.

    If you find my words laughable then read them for your entertainment or ignore them.

    The Love of Gaia is a Love from the Cosmos Gaia Love - It awaits your cooperation.

    Your hostilities derive from one place and one place alone - it has many names but one name is the 'Evil Reptilian Agenda'.

    Be well and honour your soul Gaia Love

    post_old. 01-07-2010, 02:43 AM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Initiate viewpost.
    Hi Abraxasinas,

    Two things:

    1) What is your take on the information that all of the Elohim are incarnate on earth at this point in time? Do you feel they are indeed all here and are they all awake?

    2) Is the Chemtrail program primarily involved in stablising our climate/spreading activators etc for pandemic flu or masking the presence of Nibiru from behind or near the Sun? I just have observed so much hiding of the Sun lately in my regeon it is very draining to have the sun blocked out most of the time. It is getting more and more observable.

    Thankyou in advance,

    An excellent query Initiate!

    1. Yes, all the elohim are here, because the WITNESSES are here.
    Think of it as a mirror for the universe in all space and all time hitherto unfolded.
    The Witnesses are simply a HOLOGRAM, as you are too and anyone in incarnation from the neutron to the supergalactic agglomerations.

    You may watch a movie: The Dark Crystal (of Jim Henderson's Muppets).
    There the story is about a 'missing shard' which renews a Dark Crystal as Light again.
    These 'missing shards' are the holograms - all containig all the information necessary to make the broken thing whole again.
    You are this shard and all the elohim reside within you as part of your soul - ask them inpure intent and you shall know that what I have said is true.
    Now you know how the 'ascended masters' are channelled. You can channel them too; perhaps not with public words, but in appreciation and in perceiving the universe in the ant crawling on a tree in your garden.

    2. My information about chemtrails is that it is an agenda similar to the fluoridation- and immunisation schemes and has little to do with metaphysical agendas like Nibiru (actually Nemesis as a second sun, which will NOT visit earth, but represents a second focus point in the geometry of the solar system WITHIN the sun itself - The New Earth=Nibiru AS a Dark Starplanet, see some of my other messages).

    post_old. 01-07-2010, 03:00 AM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by mntruthseeker viewpost.
    Some tough reading on this thread and I quit trying the first time around.

    I have to say I am slowly reading Voyager II so I was able to understand what Stardust was writing in response. (sort of, kind of ) I got lots of reading to get through yet.

    So thank you so very much Stardust for all that you have contributed.

    I do want more than anything to make the right choice and to bring about the "changes" to Earth as it rightfully should have.

    Enough of someone else making the decisions that are rightfully are. They can be gone from here as it is they that do not want to follow the rules but instead continue to give them

    I want the world that was to be.

    to abraxasinas

    Are you here to warn us that we will be placed under your rule as was planned for so many years? I feel that you are giving us no option but to do so.

    I have read earlier that there is much going on at this time in The Gulf of Aden and I can't help but think that "some" are working hard on trying to put "FEAR" into our hearts.

    I will stop now before I write how I really feel. If you are so "all knowing" you will already know.
    Hi mntruthseeker!

    There will be NO rule and NO Lordship of any higherD being over any lowerD being BECAUSE all of the lowerD is the core or building basis or skeleton for the higherD.
    The higherD is meaninless without the lowerD. The highest echelons of Thuban are also the lowest echelons in say a ROOTMEMORY.

    Is the little toe of your body inferior to your nose?
    Do not both transmit their pains and joys to your heart in divers manners?
    You are Oneness and this Oneness is Lord.
    It is time for a the misinterpretations of archetypes in many records to become retranslated in 'correction'.
    This retranslation, this EDIT is the 'Last Judgment' prophecied. The ARMAGEDDON=DRAGONMADE and every One of you will experience a PERSONAL Armageddon.
    Because of the misappropriation of archetypes; many will succumb to their 'brainwashing' and react in a physical manner causing 'havoc' instead of processing their 'apocalypse' mentally and emotionally as required for the self-transformations.

    The misuse of physical power and influence in political-military-economic fields of human endeavour has in the past and will in the future result in 'calamities'. It is of little effect to 'blame' interdimensional aliens or Gods and Devils for those manthought and manmade disaters.
    A truly advanced civilisation would KNOW if an earthquake is imminent or a twistor approaches; BECAUSE GAIA's language would be understood upon a planet in environmental harmony.
    Watch your fauna and flora to find the wisdom in those words.

    post_old. 01-07-2010, 03:13 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    I was wondering if you are familliar with Courtney Brown's book 'Cosmic Voyage' & if you are, what you think of it.

    I'm also curious what your opinion is about Supriem David Rockefeller's claim that he is the reincarnation of Lucifer.

    So if you have some time to spare, I would appriciate to hear your point of view in these matters.
    post_old. 01-07-2010, 03:14 AM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Raven viewpost.
    Forgive me, mfr_lol. this one line just made me laugh like hell and think of this:

    PS: i do have a very demented sense of humor at times roll1.
    Not demented at all Raven; I meant to FEMINISE the Quantum Big Bang as the FEMALE GODDESS of the UNIVERSE to EMERGE from her archetypical definition just as such SHEBANG=Cosmos as the Physical Reality fopr the Body of the Goddess (and God) in partnbership to be realised post 2012.

    post_old. 01-07-2010, 03:16 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Your hostilities derive from one place and one place alone - it has many names but one name is the 'Evil Reptilian Agenda'.
    You are both entitled to an opinion, but dont let this descend into a mud-fight.

    The banning was an admitted error. It was done because of a hunch that was probably wrong. It was not just GaiaLove who decided but a quorum. GaiaLove just pulled the trigger. Perhaps there was manipulation in that hunch that derives from the many named source you mentioned - we don't know - maybe you do? The error was fixed. We are all sorry about the error.

    I am sure that GaiaLove is not working for the evil reptilian agenda.

    I am also sure that GaiaLove is entitled to his opinion of the value of your material - personally I would prefer it done with respect or without any disrespect - but there it is freewill at work - you dont always get what you want.

    Yes a post of yours was modified. As a team of moderators we are trying to strike a balance that keeps the forum operating optimally. It is a guideline that is hard to enforce because there are not any stated limits. So we dont always get this right - and that particular guideline is one of the ones that is the most inconsistently moderated. We are working on this.

    We do ask that you provide links to outside texts rather than copy and paste, but common sense also works.

    Please dont get nasty with eachother.

    With your permission I would change the title of this thread to

    "Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)"

    In the light and in the love of you know who.


    Last edited by Anchor; 01-07-2010 at 03:23 AM.
    post_old. 01-07-2010, 03:34 AM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by TRANCOSO viewpost.
    I was wondering if you are familliar with Courtney Brown's book 'Cosmic Voyage' & if you are, what you think of it.

    I'm also curious what your opinion is about Supriem David Rockefeller's claim that he is the reincarnation of Lucifer.

    So if you have some time to spare, I would appriciate to hear your point of view in these matters.
    Hi Transcoso!

    The Cosmic Voyage of Courtney Brown is an analogy, a mapping between the higherD and the lowerD perspective and implementation of an identical raw archetype.

    The lowerD perspective in scientific terms is the status quo universe of the lightspeed invariance.
    In this perspective there are NO bases in the moon or on Mars and no aliens visiting earth due to the 'tyranny of the spacetime metrics'. The important parameter in this scenario is the linearity of the quantum of time, linked to the arrow of stochastically defined entropy (chaos or disorder).

    In the higherD perspective the linearity of the timearrow becomes multidimensional and so there exist civilisations like the Martians below the planetary surface and the Greys reflect the present calamities of 'dying bees' or frogs on a global level and related to a 'beehive' or amphibious-reptilian group-consciousness.

    Once you can understand this; say there is a hollow earth in hyperspace (up to the 7D timeconnector) and in quantumspace (up to the 10D timeconnector); BUT physically drilling into the earth will find no such 'hollow earth'); THEN you will become familiar how this multidimensionality operates.

    This is a most important question of yours; as it will fully engage all those 'alien agendas' and the Service To Self and Service to Others dichotomy and so on.

    So I shall refrain for now to elaborate and refer you to this thread and another related one, which will introduce to your someone else from the 'Council of Thuban'.
    We shall manifest this thread in the next few days.

    About Lucifer; the 'illuminated ones' have for long known what I am sharing here freely. It is part of their 'secret information and database' (but restricted to 10D - Thuban data derives from the 12th).
    You are as much Lucifer as David Rockefeller is; but he knows the 'whyfores' of the archetypes as part of the 'priviledged classes' a lot more than you allow yourself to remember.
    I am on this forum to balance the equations and allow everyone to 'tap and personalize' the cosmic archetypologies.


    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-07-2010 at 03:40 AM.
    post_old. 01-07-2010, 03:59 AM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Anchor viewpost.
    You are both entitled to an opinion, but dont let this descend into a mud-fight.

    The banning was an admitted error. It was done because of a hunch that was probably wrong. It was not just GaiaLove who decided but a quorum. GaiaLove just pulled the trigger. Perhaps there was manipulation in that hunch that derives from the many named source you mentioned - we don't know - maybe you do? The error was fixed. We are all sorry about the error.

    I am sure that GaiaLove is not working for the evil reptilian agenda.

    I am also sure that GaiaLove is entitled to his opinion of the value of your material - personally I would prefer it done with respect or without any disrespect - but there it is freewill at work - you dont always get what you want.

    Yes a post of yours was modified. As a team of moderators we are trying to strike a balance that keeps the forum operating optimally. It is a guideline that is hard to enforce because there are not any stated limits. So we dont always get this right - and that particular guideline is one of the ones that is the most inconsistently moderated. We are working on this.

    We do ask that you provide links to outside texts rather than copy and paste, but common sense also works.

    Please dont get nasty with eachother.

    With your permission I would change the title of this thread to

    "Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)"

    In the light and in the love of you know who.

    I am certainly not interested to engage in any 'mudfights'.
    I am also sure that my reply to Gaia Love has in no manner compromised my agenda and did not imply in any way whatsoever that Gaia Love is part of the 'Evil Reptilian Agenda'.

    And you 'hit the nail on the head'. The 'hunch' is what I then termed 'under many names' - you might also call it 'Spiritual wickedness at high places'. {Ephesians.6.12}.

    Those places are not physical, this is part of the confusion. So if not physical, Gaia Love or anyone cannot be responsible for the 'evil hunch'

    I am not here to either 'dominate debate' or to grandstand 'my superior knowledge'. All of this is 'personality politics' or similar.

    I am solely here and do what I do for the reason to share data, you will NOT obtain from whistleblowers, nobel prize winners in physics or the newest New Age Channelings.
    My 'persona', 3D or 12D is of complete inconsequence.
    If I am banned or censored I simply will leave. I only came back because the moderator's stance impressed me and there and then I thanked Gaia Love for doing the most beneficial for the collective.

    This long post was specific to Spigovora's question and NOT from an outside source, as I composed the message in its entirety.

    Yes, your renaming is a good idea.

    post_old. 01-07-2010, 04:00 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Truly fascinating thread! Thank you Abrax, StarDustAquarian and EveryOne!

    This service to self and service to others.

    Is it not so that to be of service to others is being of service to self?
    If so, then to be of service to self is also service to others.
    as in in ol' lords prayr: "forgive us our trespasses AS we forgive others theirs... happens simultaneous, as in the giving you are given... correct?

    I don't see a problem understanding this, but it's spouted off so often,
    so yes the dichotomies serve as a distraction, the two sides of the coin.

    Ok, so did I ask this too late, you are away now for the time being?
    I look forward to the 18th and the "rest of the story".

    Also, would you mind telling what you see is up with the sun?

    Heart thinking & mind feeling< like that!!!

    Last edited by Moxie; 01-07-2010 at 04:20 AM.
    post_old. 01-07-2010, 04:23 AM

    THE eXchanger
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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Moxie viewpost.
    Heart thinking & mind feeling< like that!!!
    add a little, or a lot of moXie, to that, and, it turns into 'good work'
    thank you, 'a' for your sharings smile.
    post_old. 01-07-2010, 04:24 AM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by 12DnAHelix viewpost.
    The 'Council of Thuban', eh; representing 'Alpha Draconis'.


    So you know that the original stronghold homeworld of the 'Grandfather' dragons is in the 'Omicron Draconis' star system, then ??

    I met Anna Hayes back in 2000, it did not go particularly well; and I personally do not ascribe to her overall perceptual model; although I do think there is 'some value' in the teachings of 'keylontic morphogenetic science'.

    What is talked about here in this thread may be the level of insight that the 'draconian' lineages have to provide, I've seen some of this material posted on other forums in the past.

    Personally, I believe in a multi-universal cosmos sphere, based on the 'seed of life'; six universes - 36 dimensions; being spun out of a 144000 faceted core structure at it's central axis - operating as an 'opaluminal simulation'.

    12DnAHelix was here.
    Hi 12DnAHelix!

    The Omicron Draconis starsystem in 4D spacetime is mirrored in a colocal 10D Omicron Draconis starsystem as a holographic Image.
    This holographic image then becomes Thubanese in 12D as an image of an image.

    Your GrandFather association bespeaks of great wisdom and you have intuited well.

    Yes, there is great value in Anna Hayes work, however ALL of her works are biased towards the feminine and so are in intrinsic archetypical disharmony.
    The complexity of her writings derive from the yin substituting as a shadow yang for the natural yang.

    The Thubanese material is the Perennial Philosophy extended, indeed. As such there is 'Nothing New under the Sun' - but the insights and interpretations of symbols are.

    Your 36D matrix is a threefoldedness of the 12D archetype. Extensions in multiples of 12 are possible but unneccessary, as the 36 finestructure finetunes in 12 sectors becoming tripartite; just as the 7-hierarchies in related systems.
    The universe is simulated in the form of its holographic- and holofractal underpinning nature.

    The key to it all becomes the tripartition to be rendered a quadruple partition as this will allow the timeconnector dimensions to become spacelike in normal vector extension. Linear time so can become looped.
    This is what is 'intuited' as a transition from 4th to 5th 'density'.

    post_old. 01-07-2010, 04:40 AM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Raven viewpost.
    Originally Posted by abraxasinas [​IMG]
    An excellent contribution Raven. Indeed the GROKING is directly from the handbook of the Dragons. Handbook of the Dragons? Can you eludidate a bit on this... and thanks for the compliment smile.

    It means that you have written LikeADragon.

    The Groking IT is the same as technically becoming quantum entangled as object of observation and the observer - Schroedinger's Cat is Groking IT.
    Yes I agree, to understand all these metaphors and archetypes you have to "become" them.

    This is a potent realisation.

    I shall henceforth use this terminology when describing the Solution of the Schroedinger Cat paradox.
    The solution in Ravenese is the Cat has Groked IT in its Groked selfstate of quantum entanglement and I am rather serious here.
    Groked in specific terms then implies that the 'Cat' is NOT EITHER Alive or Dead, but is in fact BOTH Alive and Dead simultaneously.
    Hence the void or the great dream?

    It's rather deep in terms of mathemartical logic. It does solve the Schroedinger Paradox.

    So instead of describing the collapse of the wavefunction as Aliveness in particle/bodyform with the Deadness of the corresponding wave/mindform; One can saty the 'Cat' is Groked, because IF Dead as a waveform it MUST be Alive as a a Particleform and vice versa.

    Then in either state of the 'Cat's' Grokedness the 'Cat' is always BOTH Alive and Dead relative to either the wavemind or the particle/body perspective or observer frame.

    So to describe the solution to the Schroedinger quantum paradox one simply stes that the 'Cat' is Groked.

    What 'vibes' do I get from you Raven. I receive rather particular vibes and those are rather strong.

    Your incarnation addresses a very potent, yet most often overlooked archetype in the scroll of the Genesis.

    After an archetypical and metaphorical calamity, called 'the flood' and after the archetypical evolution of the Adam archetype had assumed the characterisation of Noah; this archetype decided to extend its 'sphere of influence' and activity.
    So in the 'Play of the Gods' YOU as Adam have become engaged to fill the character role of Noah.
    So what is the first thing Noah does in the 'script' of the 'play'?

    He extends himself in sending his first messenger the Black Raven to check out the scenario following the 'mental archetypical' calamity of the changing of the guarding symbols describing the encoded storylines.

    So I know what you are up to Raven. You are the messenger of yourself, heralding and preparing the way for your glorious return into full remembrance about your origins, purpose and destinations.
    Thank you, you are truely aware and i 'feel' your mirror is accurate.

    I knew you'd like this. That is why I could say I got strong vibrations.

    And the 'frequency transmission' was so strong, because you are mentally ready and prepared to receive this information about yourself.
    The Raven did not return to Noah as you may chechk out for yourself; but the Raven "went forth to and fro, until the waters were dried up from off the earth." {Genesis.8.7}.
    So Raven you are the messenger of Noah, who acts INDEPENDENTLY from his own self.
    You so represent a renegade part of your greater self, which does not require the permission of its 'greater more encompassing' self to do what is appropriate under the circumstances.
    You might also perform the function of the 'Secret Agency' which like the Council of Thuban manouvers in the shadows until the time becomes appropriate to interact with Oneself again after a period of absenteeism or AWOLness.
    Has been performed and is done, was allowed to go AWOL, or "LOWA" once again to observe the birth smile.

    Very Good- Yes' observing one's own birth. You should read the Gospel of Thomas which IS the Handbook of the Dragons by the way. Then ask me the questions you may formulate after reading the 'Master's handbook'.

    There is a strong astrological influence 'in the air' for another two weeks until January 18th. Stationary Saturn in Libra is square Pluto in Capricorn with a quadruple joining of Sun, Venus and reverse Mercury in Capricorn. Added to this are the quadrantids meteor shower January 3rd and the solar eclipse of January 15th at New Moon in Capricorn.
    The astrological significance of Capricorn-Cancer oppositions are always extremely unsettling for 'unbalanced' entities in either physical-, emotional- or mental bodies; because Capricorn archetypes the Father (Saturn) opposing the Mother (Full Moon) archetyped in Cancer.
    So an inversion of the 'home energies' of Father in Capricorn with Mother in Cancer occurs on January 15th; when the Father and Mother exchange places in their celestial 'houses'.

    For the metaphysically attuned however, this 'unsettling' also allows great harmonisation in quasi-unified exponents who are in full remembrance of their inner yin-yang unifications as mirrors or shadows of objectification and subjectification or as positive print and negative image in say photography.

    Dan Winter's platonic solids are excellent, but he seems to get a little sidetracked when attempting to link the isocahs and the dodecahs to mainstrem science. I have had informants who told me they found some of my essays on his site, but going there I could not find it. I also shared some ideas with Dan in times past.
    Yes at times Dan tends to plaigerize, but truely, being all ONE this is not his intention, i understand that.

    Yes indeed; he means so well and my comment was not meant to be derogatory, just observant.

    Thanks for a spiritually very mature reply raven.


    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-07-2010 at 04:47 AM.
    post_old. 01-07-2010, 04:58 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    If you have the time and inclination...take a look at this thread regarding Amen Ra (and friends!?): http://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?t=18223 There is an evolution of speculation in this thread. It's sort of a 'Discovering Egyptology' thread. I don't expect a response...as I don't really have a question. You might find the naivety and innocence refreshing!

    original. Namaste original.
    post_old. 01-07-2010, 05:04 AM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Moxie viewpost.
    Truly fascinating thread! Thank you Abrax, StarDustAquarian and EveryOne!

    This service to self and service to others.

    Is it not so that to be of service to others is being of service to self?
    If so, then to be of service to self is also service to others.
    as in in ol' lords prayr: "forgive us our trespasses AS we forgive others theirs... happens simultaneous, as in the giving you are given... correct?

    I don't see a problem understanding this, but it's spouted off so often,
    so yes the dichotomies serve as a distraction, the two sides of the coin.

    Ok, so did I ask this too late, you are away now for the time being?
    I look forward to the 18th and the "rest of the story".

    Also, would you mind telling what you see is up with the sun?

    Heart thinking & mind feeling< like that!!!
    Hi Moxie!

    Yes, what you have said and realised - you have admitted that you have NO problem understanding this - is the Wisdom of Thuban=Anubis=Freedom=WoMan=The Name=The Amen=66=33+33.

    The Dichotomy IS a distraction, but serves the important purpose to ALLOW a contextual background of 'Service to Self' versus 'Service to Others' to play itself out in a maximum polarisation.
    Then, just when the balloon is about to burst, it is minimised in a deflation WITHIN an ENCOMPASSING (umbrella) spacetime; which will then crystallize the underpinning unity of the balloon in exhalation-inhalation mode metaphorically writing.

    The important thing here is a partial inflation (not reaching busting point) will also result in a partial deflation and the cycle ontinues (it's like pumping a tyre or pushing a swing).
    This in a nutshell is the human history upon Gaia for the last 26,000 years.

    The Sun is a 'hidden' binary sun (hence the Nibiru agendas) revolving around its own center of gravity relative to the planets in the solar system.
    So NEMESIS, the second sun, is gravitationally IMAGED onto the Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud and the mythologies of Nibiru, Hale Bopp spacecraft, visiting asteroids and what have you evolve from this manifested archetype.
    Gaia Herself is Nibiru, as it is destined to attain Galactic Consciousness in Her ascension from nonluminous planet with a thermodynamic core to a Starplanet, able to radiate a 'Dark Light' back into the cosmos after her ascension.

    So the Sun as RahSol becomes the MIRROR for Gaia in receiving galactic information (from the center and other star systems), as well as reflecting back the Gaia-transformed information.
    The Earth, all humans and all lifeforms so become DATATRANSFORMERS for the universe.
    Thi8s is the 'LightWorker' scenario.
    But it is Dark Light which shall be harvested, noy Sunlight.
    So the Sun is the mirror for the planets and the stars are the mirrors for the galaxies.

    post_old. 01-07-2010, 05:09 AM

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    What is it with you Gaia Love!

    You have such a powerful avatar yet your heart is filled with ire and with a despair of your soul.
    Do you not know that the time of the selfremembrance has come?
    I am but a simple messenger of the oneness - as Malachi who is preparing the way for the undeniable truth to arrive but a little while.

    You have banned me and you have torn a post of mine apart in your role as moderator and so you have prevented Sprigovori to read my reply to herhis question about the origin of God.
    I have written this reply; it was not posted or copied from an external source.
    I had obtained permission from another moderator to post 'my work' if not from an external source.

    If you find my words laughable then read them for your entertainment or ignore them.

    The Love of Gaia is a Love from the Cosmos Gaia Love - It awaits your cooperation.

    Your hostilities derive from one place and one place alone - it has many names but one name is the 'Evil Reptilian Agenda'.

    Be well and honour your soul Gaia Love


    My agenda is quite anti-reptile, I am no lamb however. I too have been changed by reading the Law of One. I will never forget the feeling of reading words I never saw before but knew in my soul were truth. I believe a lot of what you say here as it is inline with the common belief here at Avalon. I hold much love in my heart for the kind souls I've met here and elsewhere during this incarnation and have a very strong bond with the Earth. I have a lovely wife of 25 years or so, 3 grown children and an awesome lil grandson. I am generally a happy soul who enjoys keeping the people around me happy too.

    That being clarified, my issue is and always has been that I consistently get the honor of protecting the people I love, there's a few hundred of them here at Avalon. You must of course see the sheer quantity of false prophets as well as disinfo agents that has increased tenfold in a very short time. I have held back my opinion as my position here warrants such however I am human, mistakes happen. I bear you no malice and if you are truly a multidimensional being choosing to get your message out on a internet forum rather than something perhaps a little more global then I humbly beg your forgiveness.

    When I take an action here, whether its editing a members post so their video works or I am banning a member for some infraction, I do it with love. I am a volunteer here because I love the duty of taking care of the finest grouping of souls ive ever come across. Excuse me if I'm a little edgy, it was a rough December shocked.

    I'll go back to watching now and wont bother you again unless required to.

    In Love + Light
    post_old. 01-07-2010, 05:25 AM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by GaiaLove viewpost.

    My agenda is quite anti-reptile, I am no lamb however. I too have been changed by reading the Law of One. I will never forget the feeling of reading words I never saw before but knew in my soul were truth. I believe a lot of what you say here as it is inline with the common belief here at Avalon. I hold much love in my heart for the kind souls I've met here and elsewhere during this incarnation and have a very strong bond with the Earth. I have a lovely wife of 25 years or so, 3 grown children and an awesome lil grandson. I am generally a happy soul who enjoys keeping the people around me happy too.

    That being clarified, my issue is and always has been that I consistently get the honor of protecting the people I love, there's a few hundred of them here at Avalon. You must of course see the sheer quantity of false prophets as well as disinfo agents that has increased tenfold in a very short time. I have held back my opinion as my position here warrants such however I am human, mistakes happen. I bear you no malice and if you are truly a multidimensional being choosing to get your message out on a internet forum rather than something perhaps a little more global then I humbly beg your forgiveness.

    When I take an action here, whether its editing a members post so their video works or I am banning a member for some infraction, I do it with love. I am a volunteer here because I love the duty of taking care of the finest grouping of souls ive ever come across. Excuse me if I'm a little edgy, it was a rough December shocked.

    I'll go back to watching now and wont bother you again unless required to.

    In Love + Light
    You are not bothering me Richard.
    My oldest son has a name which is DRACHIR! You may find some 'coincidence' in this name compared to yours.
    Also there is a famous play called 'The Nibelungen' (Richard Wagner - this name again) where the 'adversary' is a Dragon - Der Drache Fafnir!

    Yes, I understood your concerns from the beginning. The disinformation on open internet forums (most unintentional however) is 5 to 1.

    The innermost core of the human identity is the reptilian brainstem. It defines the survival modes of fight-or-flight so not only for the vertebrata lifeforms, reaching their maximum terrestrial expression in the Mesozoic era of the Dinosaurs (Terrible Lizards); but also in the mammalian midbrain and its human topbrain.

    If then the human evolution is characterized to EXTEND this human topbrain via its mammalian midbrain and the reptilian brainstem at its base; then it stands to logical reason, that all three parts of the human brain must be harmonised to allow that extension in the course of human evolution into its next highest extension.

    So then should this evolutionary course of affairs be successfrul, then the fourth brain of the new human will be based on the reptilian brainstem, but having processed its basic instinctual survival modes it might well be labelled a Dragon Brain as the Crown or Kether of the Higher Kingdom yet requiring and in Harmony with the Lower Kingdom of the Malkuth of the Serpentine Roots.

    In Honour
    post_old. 01-07-2010, 05:41 AM

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Thanks for answering my previous questions.

    I have tried to read the work of Dewey Larson. He is a man who was referenced in the Law Of One, but is widely denounced as having been a bit of a crackpot "scientist".


    Dewey Bernard Larson (November 1, 1898(1898-11-01); McCanna, North Dakota - May 25, 1990 (aged 91); Portland, Oregon) was an American engineer and the originator of the Reciprocal System of physical theory (or Reciprocal System for short), a comprehensive theoretical framework, or Theory of Everything, claimed to be capable of explaining all physical phenomena from subatomic particles to galactic clusters. In this general physical theory space and time are simply the two reciprocal aspects of the sole constituent of the universe – motion. Unique aspects of the theory are that both matter and energy are represented mathematically as greater than or less than unity (t/s or s/t), and three dimensions of time, reciprocals of the three dimensions of space. All physical phenomena are reduced to space-time terms.

    20.7 Questioner: Is the physics of Dewey Larson correct?

    Ra: I am Ra. The physics of sound vibrational complex, Dewey, is a correct system as far as it is able to go. There are those things which are not included in this system. However, those coming after this particular entity, using the basic concepts of vibration and the study of vibrational distortions, will begin to understand that which you know as gravity and those things you consider as “n” dimensions. These things are necessary to be included in a more universal, shall we say, physical theory.
    Is the work you are bringing forth from the database of Thuban going to flesh out this work so to speak and bring about a more universal physical theory?

    41.19 Questioner: Could you tell me the difference between space/time and time/space?

    Ra: I am Ra. Using your words, the difference is that between the visible and invisible or the physical and metaphysical. Using mathematical terms, as does the one you call Larson, the difference is that between s/t and t/s.
    I have frequently seen reference to higher numbers of dimensions in this thread. It truly boggles my mind. Six was quite enough for me. Three of space, three of time.

    In the work you have presented so far, is the Space/Time and Time/Space the two sides of your mirror?

    I have always conceptualized that my higherself exists in Time/Space, where as the incarnated me that is typing this is stuck in Space/Time.

    In moments of inspiration (the ideas kind!), I deem it that the inspiration is a flow from my t/s resident self to s/t resident self - issued through a connection between the two - where "help" is passed from one to the other. At some moments when I can align myself to hold this connection I become inspired.

    Does this map to your explanations of "everything"?

    Have I got the wrong end of the stick ?

    post_old. 01-07-2010, 06:37 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    The lowerD perspective in scientific terms is the status quo universe of the lightspeed invariance.
    In this perspective there are NO bases in the moon or on Mars and no aliens visiting earth due to the 'tyranny of the spacetime metrics'. The important parameter in this scenario is the linearity of the quantum of time, linked to the arrow of stochastically defined entropy (chaos or disorder).

    In the higherD perspective the linearity of the timearrow becomes multidimensional and so there exist civilisations like the Martians below the planetary surface and the Greys reflect the present calamities of 'dying bees' or frogs on a global level and related to a 'beehive' or amphibious-reptilian group-consciousness.

    Once you can understand this; say there is a hollow earth in hyperspace (up to the 7D timeconnector) and in quantumspace (up to the 10D timeconnector); BUT physically drilling into the earth will find no such 'hollow earth'); THEN you will become familiar how this multidimensionality operates.
    Wait.... so are you suggesting then, that all of this information that we have been hearing from "whistleblowers" and otherwise reading in various books and online sources is nothing more than a figment of an overactive 3D imagination?

    Perhaps that is not what you are saying, but that is sort of how it "reads" to me.... Can you clarify?

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

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    01-07-2010, 07:41 AM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by TempestGarden viewpost.
    Wait.... so are you suggesting then, that all of this information that we have been hearing from "whistleblowers" and otherwise reading in various books and online sources is nothing more than a figment of an overactive 3D imagination?

    Perhaps that is not what you are saying, but that is sort of how it "reads" to me.... Can you clarify?
    Hi TempestGarden!

    Indeed, this what is real and what is not real is a tricky question.
    One person's dream, vision or nightmare becomes another's hallucination, fata morgana or mental illusion or mental disease.

    The Roswell incident was a 'real physical event' and the crop circles (the ones NOT made by nighly stalkers) are there for anyone to see.
    The featureless 'spacecraft' of Rendlesham forest was 'really physically' touched by the military personell.
    But in the same instance the earth is not hollow if investigated with 4D spacetime physical equipment.
    So can there be lifeforms found in the mantle of the earth and can there be bases on the moon and constructs on Mars and Venus?

    The science of Roswell engages the intersection of 4D linear spacetime physics with its higher dimensional template or encompassment.

    Just as you can cast a 2D-shadow against the ground on a sunny day as a being manouvering in 3D space; so can a 4D space being cast a 3D shadow into a 3D space reality.

    So the Roswell 'crash' manifested a 4D reality in a 3D 'wreckage' and the zigzag '3D impossible acceleration physics of UFO's becomes a superimposition of say timeframes observed in a 'warptime' relative to the 3D space observer.

    For any 4D physicalised material reality to appear as a 3D object in that 3D space requires a bit of manouvering.
    Because the higherD reality is frequency based, this frequency modulation also relating to what is called consciousness in quantum terminology; requires the DECELERATION of this 'consciousness' becoming equivalent to a DENSIFICATION of a more 'plasmic' selfstate in quantum energy.

    In simplest terms, the lower the spacial consciousness (defined in technical detail in many posts on this forum); the higher the density.
    Corollarily then, any sentient lifeform inhabiting a 3D space must have a high consciousness to become 'quasi invisible' under ordinary circumstances and the 3D space measurements.

    Since the universe existed, there existed also a Frequency Shield. This Frequency Shield grows at so 105 millimeters per year and is centered on the center of the earth. This shield so has grown to encompass the earth at a distance of so 2 million kilometers. This swallows the Moon, but only extends so 5% to the planet Venus.

    So the Moon is very well suited to house bases build by 'higherD plasma physics' which then allows densification within the resistance field.
    So apart from the earth itself, only the moon will exhibit direct physical evidence of the ET presence in terms of technology and structure.

    Then the constructs on the other planets will allow partial manifestation (like Rendlesham), where the nature of the 'structures' remains ambiguous if observed by 3D space related measuremant apparatus, such as telescopes and cameras.

    The alien-human interaction proceeds on such a path of full densification of consciousness in the earth plane intersecting with partial densification of the higher consciousness (because of the Frequency Shield) of 'outer space'.

    There are no 'figments of 3D imagination', as all IMAGINATION serves to physically IMAGE the consciousness of whatever lifeform in whatever dimension.


    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-07-2010 at 07:44 AM.
    post_old. 01-07-2010, 08:08 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Hi TempestGarden!

    Indeed, this what is real and what is not real is a tricky question.
    One person's dream, vision or nightmare becomes another's hallucination, fata morgana or mental illusion or mental disease.

    The Roswell incident was a 'real physical event' and the crop circles (the ones NOT made by nighly stalkers) are there for anyone to see.
    The featureless 'spacecraft' of Rendlesham forest was 'really physically' touched by the military personell.
    But in the same instance the earth is not hollow if investigated with 4D spacetime physical equipment.
    So can there be lifeforms found in the mantle of the earth and can there be bases on the moon and constructs on Mars and Venus?

    The science of Roswell engages the intersection of 4D linear spacetime physics with its higher dimensional template or encompassment.

    Just as you can cast a 2D-shadow against the ground on a sunny day as a being manouvering in 3D space; so can a 4D space being cast a 3D shadow into a 3D space reality.

    So the Roswell 'crash' manifested a 4D reality in a 3D 'wreckage' and the zigzag '3D impossible acceleration physics of UFO's becomes a superimposition of say timeframes observed in a 'warptime' relative to the 3D space observer.

    For any 4D physicalised material reality to appear as a 3D object in that 3D space requires a bit of manouvering.
    Because the higherD reality is frequency based, this frequency modulation also relating to what is called consciousness in quantum terminology; requires the DECELERATION of this 'consciousness' becoming equivalent to a DENSIFICATION of a more 'plasmic' selfstate in quantum energy.

    In simplest terms, the lower the spacial consciousness (defined in technical detail in many posts on this forum); the higher the density.
    Corollarily then, any sentient lifeform inhabiting a 3D space must have a high consciousness to become 'quasi invisible' under ordinary circumstances and the 3D space measurements.

    Since the universe existed, there existed also a Frequency Shield. This Frequency Shield grows at so 105 millimeters per year and is centered on the center of the earth. This shield so has grown to encompass the earth at a distance of so 2 million kilometers. This swallows the Moon, but only extends so 5% to the planet Venus.

    So the Moon is very well suited to house bases build by 'higherD plasma physics' which then allows densification within the resistance field.
    So apart from the earth itself, only the moon will exhibit direct physical evidence of the ET presence in terms of technology and structure.

    Then the constructs on the other planets will allow partial manifestation (like Rendlesham), where the nature of the 'structures' remains ambiguous if observed by 3D space related measuremant apparatus, such as telescopes and cameras.

    The alien-human interaction proceeds on such a path of full densification of consciousness in the earth plane intersecting with partial densification of the higher consciousness (because of the Frequency Shield) of 'outer space'.

    There are no 'figments of 3D imagination', as all IMAGINATION serves to physically IMAGE the consciousness of whatever lifeform in whatever dimension.

    Makes complete sense and fits with my intuition. Thanks.
    post_old. 01-07-2010, 08:10 AM

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Suddenly this thought came up.
    It might just be that what the Greys have set as their ultimate goal, is the cloning of the human soul.
    post_old. 01-07-2010, 08:26 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by TRANCOSO viewpost.
    Suddenly this thought came up.
    It might just be that what the Greys have set as their ultimate goal, is the cloning of the human soul.
    The human soul cannot be cloned in the scientific sense by any means, as it is part of the One Soul of the All That Is.
    The (non robotic) Greys are attempting to BECOME part of the Human Soul, because their association with 'All That Is' is akin the insectoid group consciousness.
    All nonhuman terrestrial lifeforms are primarily capacitative, i.e. electropolically coupled in self-and mutual inductions and with a secondary inductive coupling as (shadow) intelligence.
    The human template is both electropolic and magnetopolic and in this way it is UNIQUE throughout the universe (hence Alex Collier's and other's humanoid races).
    All extraterrestrial intelligences are complementary to the nonhuman sentiences (i.e flora, fauna, mineral, fungi etc).

    So the Grey-Intelligence seeks harmonisation with the DNA/RNA of the insect fauna upon Gaia.

    Doing this will render the Greys capapble of the emotional-spiritual aspects of Gaian insect life and so harmonise with the human 'royalty' template (yes the Alpha Draconians are like the Greys in seeking the emotional components) ONLY accessible on Gaia (again evolved BECAUSE of the Frequency Resistance/Impedance Shield).

    The Humans as Gaian stewards ARE MEANT to MIRROR all the Environments within themselves and so become as One with their fauna and flora familiars.
    Hitherto only the native and indigenous peoples of Gaia have understood the human stewardship to be of COSMIC IMPORTANCE.

    post_old. 01-07-2010, 08:49 AM

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    and the crop circles (the ones NOT made by nighly stalkers) are there for anyone to see.
    You mentioned crop circles.
    What is their purpose, how should they be interpreted? Are they to be seen as 'messages' to the human population, & if they are, why are they not much more clear in what the messages mean?
    If you could, please answer this question, for it is a subject of much debate.
    post_old. 01-07-2010, 10:46 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by TRANCOSO viewpost.
    You mentioned crop circles.
    What is their purpose, how should they be interpreted? Are they to be seen as 'messages' to the human population, & if they are, why are they not much more clear in what the messages mean?
    If you could, please answer this question, for it is a subject of much debate.
    Sure Trancoso!

    The (noty made by stealth by artists in the dark) crop circles and ice circles and snow circles, all are messages from the Earth itself, using the magnetic higherD field of Gaia; albeit energy inducted from the interdimensional electromagnetomonopolic (the scientific name for spirit) energy residing as the Zero-Point-Energy (ZPE) or Vortex-Potential-Energy (VPE) in 'free space' meaning the Impedance ratio becomes the square of the magnetic permeability (muo) to electric permittivity (epsilono)constants in Maxwell's Equations for the Electromagnetic Field Vectors Sqrt(muo/epsilono)=120Pi~377 Ohm from c^2=muoxepsilono.

    Yes, they are meant to be messages to all of the human population and their meaning is relatively clear, as the messages are invariable geometric and in particular engaging the Platonic Solids and the underpinning 'sacred Geometry' of the Fibonacci pentagonal supersymmetry underlaying the creation of the physical universe from the metaphysics of mathematics.

    Most interpretations about the cop circles on the web are appopriate and much work and effort has already been undertaken to 'decipher' the messages.

    Should you be interested in a particular configuration, then I will be pleased to answer you in interpretation relatve to my data base.

    post_old. 01-07-2010, 11:47 AM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Thanks for answering my previous questions.

    I have tried to read the work of Dewey Larson. He is a man who was referenced in the Law Of One, but is widely denounced as having been a bit of a crackpot "scientist".


    Dewey Bernard Larson (November 1, 1898(1898-11-01); McCanna, North Dakota - May 25, 1990 (aged 91); Portland, Oregon) was an American engineer and the originator of the Reciprocal System of physical theory (or Reciprocal System for short), a comprehensive theoretical framework, or Theory of Everything, claimed to be capable of explaining all physical phenomena from subatomic particles to galactic clusters. In this general physical theory space and time are simply the two reciprocal aspects of the sole constituent of the universe – motion. Unique aspects of the theory are that both matter and energy are represented mathematically as greater than or less than unity (t/s or s/t), and three dimensions of time, reciprocals of the three dimensions of space. All physical phenomena are reduced to space-time terms.

    20.7 Questioner: Is the physics of Dewey Larson correct?

    Ra: I am Ra. The physics of sound vibrational complex, Dewey, is a correct system as far as it is able to go. There are those things which are not included in this system. However, those coming after this particular entity, using the basic concepts of vibration and the study of vibrational distortions, will begin to understand that which you know as gravity and those things you consider as “n” dimensions. These things are necessary to be included in a more universal, shall we say, physical theory.
    Is the work you are bringing forth from the database of Thuban going to flesh out this work so to speak and bring about a more universal physical theory?

    41.19 Questioner: Could you tell me the difference between space/time and time/space?

    Ra: I am Ra. Using your words, the difference is that between the visible and invisible or the physical and metaphysical. Using mathematical terms, as does the one you call Larson, the difference is that between s/t and t/s.
    I have frequently seen reference to higher numbers of dimensions in this thread. It truly boggles my mind. Six was quite enough for me. Three of space, three of time.

    In the work you have presented so far, is the Space/Time and Time/Space the two sides of your mirror?

    I have always conceptualized that my higherself exists in Time/Space, where as the incarnated me that is typing this is stuck in Space/Time.

    In moments of inspiration (the ideas kind!), I deem it that the inspiration is a flow from my t/s resident self to s/t resident self - issued through a connection between the two - where "help" is passed from one to the other. At some moments when I can align myself to hold this connection I become inspired.

    Does this map to your explanations of "everything"?

    Have I got the wrong end of the stick ?


    Hi Anchor!

    Dewey Larson is no crackpot; as he fully expected the demetricated branetheories in a simplistic version of reducing physical parameters into 'dimensionless' constants of dynamics.
    The references in the Ra material is absolutely superb and 100% on the mark. I have interspersed the highlights.

    " I am Ra. The physics of sound vibrational complex, Dewey, is a correct system as far as it is able to go.

    There are those things which are not included in this system. However, those coming after this particular entity, using the basic concepts of vibration and the study of vibrational distortions, will begin to understand that which you know as gravity and those things you consider as “n” dimensions. These things are necessary to be included in a more universal, shall we say, physical theory"

    Dewey's less than 1 and greater than 1 approach for motion v=ds/dt or lightpath X=cT is insufficient for any descriptive physical theory BUT he has singlehandedly exposed the core of sdtring theoru called T-Duality. T-Duality defines a physics on a spacetime dimension R to beciome absolutely physically equivalent to a physics described in a radius 1/R.
    This renders R and 1/R in comnbination dimensionless and of course Rx1/R=1 which resurrects Deweys Reciprocity Physics.

    Ra says, that a DEMETRICATED (meaning no spacetime background as in Newton and aligned to continuous fields in General Relativity GR) theory of vibrations (strings) and mltidimensions (n) will refine Dewey's proposals.
    Next, the trouble with a continuous Gravitational field as in GR is of course incompatible with the Quantization techniques of quantum mechanics and so the 'fieldparticle' the Graviton cannot become deduced from a classical field theory such as GR.

    Yes, the Thuban science is the groundwork for the demetricated 'old' string theory and in its (relative) simplicity gives credit to Dewey.

    There are no three time dimensions; but I know where this concept (say David Wilcock's) stems from. There are the 3 space dimemensions of XYZ axes which define Translation.
    Now envisage either a clockwise or anticlockwise rotation about each of these axwes and you have 6 dimensions with 3 (Hyperspace) of them invisible due to the shrinking of R in 1/R (Dewey).
    Next allow each of the XYZ parameters to Vibrate, say oscillate to and fro for 3 (Quantumspace) dimensions for a total of 9 space dimensions.

    Now you can add a time dimension as the 4th (actually the 1st hyperspace dimension) as LINESPACETIME of Translation; a 7th (actually the 1st Quantumspace D or the 4th Hyperspace D) as the HYPERSPACETIME of (Penrose Twistorspacetime) and a 10th (actually the 1st Omnispace D or the 4th Quantumspace D or the 7th Hyperspace D) as the QUANTUMSPACETIME of the conventional 10D string theory.

    The Omnispacetime then spans 10-11-12-13=1 to close the continuum with the 10D becoming a inertial massparametric asymptotic lightspeed invariant METRIC spacetime MIRRORED in a 11D MEMBRANE/AREA spacetime and IMAGED in a 12D VOLUMAR/VOLUME spacetime.
    Mathematically and geometrically this engages the notion of defining a Hypersphere (Riemann) which in 3D looks like a doughnut but is actually the surface area (manifold) of a sphere in 4 space dimensions, called a 4-Ball.
    Because of the Moebius strip-Klein Bottle mathematical definitions, you can then transform the different dimensional spaces in topological transformations and turn the entire holofractal universe inside out, so doubling its volume AS a surface area of (say a balloon) adding the inside colour to the outside colour.

    As you can see this concept differs from the Wilcock idea of spacetime being the inverse of timespace.
    It sort of works in the liespace sense, but not in the recircularisation, as in the latter the timedimensions become absorbed in a multi-dimensional NOWTIME called the Instanton.
    The Instanton of that DEFINES the Quantum Big Bang.

    Similarly your t/s s/t inspirational moments are quite appropriate in the terms of the T-Duality, but not in the simplistic dynamics of Dewey.
    The string-membrane-volumars or BRANES ARE SPACE, TIME. MATTER and the dynamics reduce to twhat happened at the beginning of the universe; BEFORE inflation, before the Branes became physically defined as spacetimematter and so before the Oneness or God was anything else but a mathematically abstract concept.
    I AM THAT I AM = MATHIMATIA =95=All That Is (Exodus.3.14}.
    The in a most basic way, your intuitions and Dewey do map the 'God Theory' - in a most basic way it is however.
    Iow T-Duality - the 6th Principle of Inversion/Constancy Rules the Physicality of Beingness.

    post_old. 01-07-2010, 11:59 AM

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Good Morning...As you can tell from earlier I have a problem following this thread.

    But I did have a question about the myths of Dragons and gargoyles from the middle ages and ancient times.

    Is there any connections of their manifestations in our world and the Draconians of which you speak??

    Also there was a Camelot interview with the Brothers Pickering speaking of ETs looking like miniature T Rex dinosaurs...can you comment on that and the role that ETs played in Dino development?

    Thanks so much
    post_old. 01-07-2010, 12:05 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron viewpost.
    If you have the time and inclination...take a look at this thread regarding Amen Ra (and friends!?): http://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?t=18223 There is an evolution of speculation in this thread. It's sort of a 'Discovering Egyptology' thread. I don't expect a response...as I don't really have a question. You might find the naivety and innocence refreshing!

    original. Namaste original.
    Hi orthodoxymoron!

    I have read your thread and your 'egyptology' is highly relevant for the present time as 'Egypt' became the repository for the Atlantean data base and exodus and the wayshower for the present nexus time in the monuments of the pyramids and the sphinx.
    Also the Egyptian mythos was used to compose the hermetic archetypes later resurfacing in Mesopotamia then becoming the Torah (via Gilgamesh and such) and the bible.

    Iow the Egyptian archetypes, numerics, hieroglyphs and pantheons all are manifesting right now in the times of the fulfilment of the 'prophecies'.

    post_old. 01-07-2010, 12:16 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Stargazer1965 viewpost.
    Good Morning...As you can tell from earlier I have a problem following this thread.

    But I did have a question about the myths of Dragons and gargoyles from the middle ages and ancient times.

    Is there any connections of their manifestations in our world and the Draconians of which you speak??

    Also there was a Camelot interview with the Brothers Pickering speaking of ETs looking like miniature T Rex dinosaurs...can you comment on that and the role that ETs played in Dino development?

    Thanks so much
    Hi stargazer!

    The physical appearance or depictions of Dragons relates to the group consciousness of the planetery 'psychometric' field say. This is Verdansky's and Teilhard de Chardin's Noosphere as a kind of atmosphere surrounding the planet. It also relates to Rupert Sheldrake's 'Morphogenetic Resonance' to similar effect.
    The discovery of the 'Terrible Lizard' bones of 'Iguanodon' created the name 'Dinosaur' and so entered the human mind of the imaginations.

    From that time onwards, the older 'dragon pictures' as winged firespewing creatures (see DragonHeart with Sean Connery) became replaced by those of more T.Rex - and Alligator etc. looking ones.

    But before that, say in medieval Europe a Dragon was a twolegged human looking serpentine creature from the 'correct' archetype of the medieval SERPENT, which did not glide sideways, but like a SINUSOIDAL WAVEFORM, that is up and down like the picture in an oscilloscope.

    So in its most fundamental form a DRAGON is a trigonometric waveform humanised in cosmic consciousness.

    post_old. 01-07-2010, 12:39 PM

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Hello Abraxasinas. I have posted it in the thread, but you might have not seen it, so I will ask again.

    1. What can you tell us about the conflict between the Lyrians and the alpha Draconis?

    2. What is Freewill in Creation?

    3. Who are the Founders?

    Thanks, Steven
    post_old. 01-07-2010, 02:35 PM

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.

    You have such a powerful avatar yet your heart is filled with ire and with a despair of your soul.

    The Love of Gaia is a Love from the Cosmos Gaia Love - It awaits your cooperation.

    Your hostilities derive from one place and one place alone - it has many names but one name is the 'Evil Reptilian Agenda'.

    Be well and honour your soul Gaia Love

    i weighed it very carefully, the decision to respond to this. He needs no protecteur, as he said, he is no lamb...

    Yes , his avatar is powerful. He has more strength then any man i have known. His love has grown ten time fold in the last year. His love for Gaia, is humbling ...i can still remember the look in his face, every time he saves a fly or some other bug from a spiders web.... wub2.

    Evil reptilian agenda... sigh.. tears.

    This has been thrown around a lot lately....and personally i doubt all the people using these terms truly understand them (not to say you dont)..

    Richard has 0 agenda. He , like all of us is here to learn.

    His mannerisms and view points may not always be presented with love...but his intentions are heavy with love.

    i know him better then anyone else ..any place..or anytime.

    *celine smiles at Richard and Abraxas *
    post_old. 01-07-2010, 03:05 PM

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Initiate viewpost.
    Makes complete sense and fits with my intuition. Thanks.
    Same here.
    post_old. 01-07-2010, 03:26 PM

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Lord wont you buy them each a mercedes benz..............
    post_old. 01-07-2010, 03:58 PM

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by GaiaLove viewpost.
    Likely sitting back and laughing at the gullibility of people.
    People who are in need of confirmation of their beliefs to such a degree that they will believe that Gods are giving a message to the people of Earth by posting on a internet forum.

    This is a waste of time, energy and disk space. It would be laughable if it wasn't so sad.
    It took 6 pages for someone to say it .. lol.. I am having fun with this thread. I *knew* I shouldn't have published that guide to channeling... looks like someone found it lol
    post_old. 01-07-2010, 05:47 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Thanks for your time on this matter. There are very few if any who really understand mormonism enough to give an educated answer. I have a few more questions for you if you don't mind in my quest for oneness of all things, religions included as you have stated.

    1st set of questions:

    Joseph Smith Claimed at 14 to have seen God and Jesus in a vision. He calls it the First Vision. Moroni was the second Vision. Here is his discription in his own words. http://www.lds.org/library/display/0...-1-3-4,00.html Did he really see God and Jesus? He claims they looked alike. This is profound because that discribes to us the nature of God. If he did not see them then whom did he see or did he just make it up?

    2nf Set of Questions:

    Joseph Smith wrote D & C (doctrine & covenants) formally known as book of comandments. The writings are directly from Jesus Christ to him about different subjects and trials that the mormons were going through at that time. Jospeh Smith wrote them down as he recieved them or as he inquired of the Lord as he puts it.

    Was Jesus Christ, aka Emmanuel really talking to him? Was Joseph Smith Channeling Jesus Christ/Emmanuel? If it was not Emmanuel who was he channeling?

    3rd and Final set of Questions:

    This one has to do with Jesus Christ. I have watched and read accounts were people are being abducted and they don't want to be abducted. They have called out in prayer to Jesus saying "Jesus help me". The abductions have stopped and no longer took place.
    Some say these are the 200 Fallen angels that enoch wrote about. Also they could be Lucifer and his 1/3 that fell from Heaven.

    Why is it that the abductions stopped just by calling on Jesus to help? Why is his power unmatched on this earth? To me no one has been able to explain why people get so much help on every level of there life just by praying to him. What is the explaination for this?

    Thanks again for your answers and the time it takes to do so. I very much appreciate it.

    post_old. 01-07-2010, 07:14 PM

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by soapcrates viewpost.
    Lord wont you buy them each a mercedes benz..............
    My friends all drive Porches, I must make A-mends...
    "Life IS mystical! It's just that we're used to it"​

    Evil cannot be killed. Only redeemed.

    Chat us up at: Avalon Chat
    post_old. 01-07-2010, 07:24 PM

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    is the real fragment who walked earth as jesus ~approx 2000 yrs ago
    (as, well as, walked in a few other beings)
    part of the oversoul group known as Sananda~
    the one that Sal Rachele, of www.salrachele.com channels ?

    we are aware, there are others, who claim to channel this one,
    but, clearly do NOT, they just channel mischevious spirits,
    who are likely 4th/5th/6th density level beings,
    without enough light to get to their neXt destination.

    what incarnations, do you believe he walked in ???

    thank you
    post_old. 01-07-2010, 07:25 PM

    THE eXchanger
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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    does a spirit,
    need to believe, or, give energy,
    to jesus/or jesus christ and/or sananda,
    (or, any other of his assortment of names)
    in order, for uttering the words, of his name/or names to work, or hold power over you ???

    another question - why do some of us, have challenges with this one ???

    what is that really related to ???

    what was his fallen lifetime ??? (was his so-called exaluted lifetime-by the churches,
    actually a fallen lifetime)

    what is he made up of ???

    was he able to create his own entry place, into the mills
    as, in, one who is a 'mill master' who knows how to travel in the mills,
    utilsing gatekeepers, to help you, along the way

    (ie; taking a trip to acturus to the big white healing tables, and, coming back to earth)

    did he learn to create the 33 steps to walk up to the door/his door,
    the one with concentric circles on the doorway
    that you utilise your own soul sigil/or soul signature
    in order to open it up ~ and, get into 'the mill' thru your own entry to 'the mills' ??

    was that how, he could appear at different places
    at the same time, on earth ???
    ie; in north america / europe / and, india, etc., at the same time
    or, did he do that, by utilising a different process
    such as, bilocation
    and, do that, by creating his own holograms ?

    we are aware of being more than one place
    ie; while dreaming - we might be in tibet talking to lamas
    while the physical body of suan,
    is in a bed resting/but; the other 12 out of 13 aspects are out

    we are aware of other beings coming to us,
    from tibet, during our waking hours
    ~ so, are they doing the same thing,
    bringing 12 out 13 of their aspects to us ?

    how many souls on earth
    - are 'mill masters' ?
    (which, likely is the same as a time traveller)

    and, we could tell you a funny story,
    from 2004, where we thought,
    it would be a good idea,
    to create our own set of holograms
    for protection
    - and, the result, was quite a disaster
    since, we ended up having to hunt ourselves
    with 'discarnate spirits' at the core of them,
    that jumped into our 'unsealed' holograms
    and, were stirring up a lot of ****,
    around the universe ~ iT was NOT an easy task, to capture them

    also - the records of ladies/and, lords - the dark/and, the light masters
    that are stored on the 26th dimension - why is it, so dangerous to travel there

    and - about the records in 33rd dimension
    there the covers of the books, are morphing - with symbols etc.,
    however, most of the books, are empty ~ is this because
    those levels, have NOT yet been created

    and ~ is this part of The Library that appears in 3 places
    the core / or The Grand Central Sun of Earth
    and, The Grand Central Sun of Earth Venus, and, The Amurus,
    and, also The Grand Centreal Sun of Alcoyne,
    within the 7 sister star system,
    known, as Pleides ?

    what is the significance of a record-keeper
    who can read/and, write into the secured sections

    is this a wise place, to record book materials ???

    Thank you/susan

    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 01-07-2010 at 07:47 PM.
    post_old. 01-07-2010, 07:45 PM

    THE eXchanger
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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by soapcrates viewpost.
    Lord wont you buy them each a mercedes benz..............
    just wait until you fly, under your own power,
    full force, full throttle, and, really own iT
    you might be able to say 'benS there' lmao.
    post_old. 01-07-2010, 08:32 PM

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Initiate viewpost.
    Makes complete sense and fits with my intuition. Thanks.
    Well, I am glad that you think so...

    I think I am gonna have to re-read that a few times. Maybe I am just not smart enough to grasp all of this. That is looking like more and more of a possibility every day.
    post_old. 01-07-2010, 08:59 PM

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Fredkc viewpost.
    My friends all drive Porches, I must make A-mends...
    Porche? The poor peoples Ferrari! naughty.
    post_old. 01-07-2010, 09:19 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Hello to all, this is my first post smile. !

    I always wondered when and where was Jesus Christ born. I think that Bible holds information about different person or am I wrong? Who is the information holder of the real Christ? Are we wrong when we want seek one believes. If someone says it is 100% right, than there must be something wrong with it. My opinion smile. .

    Thank you!
    post_old. 01-07-2010, 09:31 PM


    Posts: n/a

    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    While trying to "organize" the posts here and get out of them what I see to be needed most at this time I made a "summary". It is totally possible I screwed up and that summary is incorrect!

    What I see relevant might not be relevant to all...I am not "lecturing" here...I am just..."thinking things through"...in a way....

    But it might help others that also...like to...touch, smell, taste, see...to understand better...

    The short summary thus far:

    The name is Sirebard Beardris - One of the Founding Elders of the Council of Thuban also known as the Northstar Alpha Draconis

    Northstar Alpha Draconis is at the original/prototype foundation of the Pyramids at Giza and the Harmakhis, the 'Horus of the Horizon' aka the Sphinx.

    The god of sun?

    You are not entirely here physically on Earth or Gaia or Terra or Akashia, but known as Serpentina the Mother of the Dragons, by many extraterrestrial sentiences. You will arrive when the planet will go through transformation. This process will cause a wormhole to appear in the center of the planet. This wormhole will make a "connection" which will enable the Council of Thuban to come here.

    After the opening of the wormhole there will be a "process" in which the universe size will increase - the planet will ascend from 4th into the 5th dimension.

    On January 18th, 2010 - a trigger, programmed by the Council of Thuban, to engage in the release of yet unknown information; unknown by all sentiences in the universe and so not restricted to the quarantined Earth

    This information is traveling from quasar radio source, also known as Sagittarius A.

    Quasars = first identified as being high redshift sources of electromagnetic energy, including radio waves and visible light, that were point-like, similar to stars.

    Sagittarius A = is a bright and very compact astronomical radio source at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy

    Hunab Ku = Perseus = Ouroboros = the Milky Way is the center of ALL galaxies.

    On January 18th, 2010 this message will be 153 light weeks or 1071 light days from the Gaian center, having traveled for 25624 years to reach its destination.

    From January 18th, you can to freely share the information from the collective database of Thuban.

    1071 light days = 27741115225555.2 kilometers

    The Reptilian agenda is misunderstood?

    Alpha Draconians have gone "senile" and forgot about how it all started?

    They consider themselves to be the biggest and the brightest and the Andromedan suggestion that the humans could be the Paa Taal is frightening to them since it shatters their believe system?

    Alpha Draconians "mixed" their DNA with human in the past.

    We the people...are creators of our experience...the experience is formed by how we put out our energy of thought and perception to the environment...by doing so we mirror ourselves in everything that happens to us...and...this is the process which helps us to find out how to love ourselves? This happens when we have enough experience to truly appreciate the good stuff???

    During that experience we can create the falseness of images...and have a distorted view on all that is?

    We can experience things completely different than someone else that stands right besides us?

    We see what we want to see...or hear...or feel?

    There is no judge or jury...there is just us and what we choose to experience?

    At the end of all things...there is no king, no government....no higher authority...there is just us and what we make?

    The agenda of all agendas is to realize that....we just simply are...and can be what we want to be... the rest (all the shadow, nwo, Illuminati, draconian agenda...etc) is just...a bump in the road...just something we made to experience it?

    There is no "must" for anyone to become or do anything....no hierarchy to climb up to...no expectations to live up to?

    Project Camelot is a good thing since it brings people together and enables the discussion about relevant subjects? This can bring people of same thought together and form collectives. The "other side" also has a beneficial effect since the individual "collective" is formed and than we have polarization between the collectives?

    What is this polarization?

    Free Will might be a bad choice of words since it is given to choose to experience whatever you choose to experience with 1 exception - one can not deexist God......BUT....one can choose not to live miserably?

    The ET ships at present cannot enter the realm of the Earth in a physical manner to a distance of 2 million kilometers (encompassing the Moon and so 5% to the planet Venus)...

    However inter dimensionally UFO they are like the clouds you see in the sky in a plasmic form.

    This is due to the Frequency Shield?
    Is this shield the quarantine this planet is under?
    Why is it under quarantine?
    So we can no go and spread our "humanity" in other places?

    Since 2010 it will be possible for (1 in 50,000 at the time we have 7,2 billion people) inhabitants of the earth to represents a Core for a new star-humanity and Post 2012 there will so be TWO different RACES of humans inhabiting this planet - Old Humans and New Star-humans.

    We will be living together in am "harmony"?

    Thx for the answer about the begging of all that is...I have page 4 saved (before it was changed) so the answer is full...I have this all thread saved on my pc in case...."something might happen". I will have to ...read that answer again...several times....

    Last edited by Spregovori; 01-07-2010 at 09:37 PM.
    post_old. 01-07-2010, 09:37 PM

    THE eXchanger
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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    iN the chart of wingmakers

    shining ones
    virachoca (noah?)

    along with
    The Creator Gods
    Genetic Planners/and, Life carriers

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    page 9 of 63

    post_old. 01-07-2010, 09:47 PM

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Last edited by mntruthseeker; 01-07-2010 at 10:52 PM.
    post_old. 01-07-2010, 10:37 PM

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by mntruthseeker viewpost.
    So are you behind all of these postings under the name of Abraxasinas ?
    omg , of course not .. I am just highly amused that this topic hits on so many points that I wrote in my half-joke post on channeling.. there is even a January date when some major energy portal opens or something lol winksmiley02.
    post_old. 01-07-2010, 10:56 PM

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by TheChosen viewpost.
    omg , of course not .. I am just highly amused that this topic hits on so many points that I wrote in my half-joke post on channeling.. there is even a January date when some major energy portal opens or something lol winksmiley02.
    OH LOL I actually realized my mistake on that so I deleted my postings

    I am lost again

    I have been digging into as much knowledge as I can on all the different races and just when I think I have an answer something like this happens...........

    I dont know what to think about all that is being posted here and believe me, I dont need any more confusion in my life

    wall. wall.
    post_old. 01-07-2010, 10:57 PM

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by TheChosen viewpost.
    omg , of course not .. I am just highly amused that this topic hits on so many points that I wrote in my half-joke post on channeling.. there is even a January date when some major energy portal opens or something lol winksmiley02.
    I should not do this....and I know better.

    But Chosen...I just went to your web page and it alluded to finding an awakening through Bioware's Baldurs Gate computer game.

    So do I discount your beliefs by the little I read there??
    post_old. 01-07-2010, 11:01 PM

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    When in doubt.. take a step back, relax and do something light and fun. Spiritual growth has this funny property of either slowing you down when you are moving too fast or kicking you forward when you are being lazy smile. . Most of the work is anyway done on the subconscious/astral levels.. so things get more clear with time, insights start pouring in.. and suddenly you just know things and know where to look for more information.

    Stargazer1965: Do what you believe is right, if that little information is enough to give you a deciding information then use it. Do not forget that many popular movies/tv shows/games/literature contains a lot of hidden information.

    Last edited by TheChosen; 01-07-2010 at 11:05 PM.
    post_old. 01-07-2010, 11:05 PM

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by TheChosen viewpost.
    When in doubt.. take a step back, relax and do something light and fun. Spiritual growth has this funny property of either slowing you down when you are moving too fast or kicking you forward when you are being lazy smile. . Most of the work is anyway done on the subconscious/astral levels.. so things get more clear with time, insights start pouring in.. and suddenly you just know things and know where to look for more information.
    Oh I agree...the imagination is the exercise for the brain and the spirit.

    I'm just asking why you disparage what is written here....I don't agree or disagree with Abraxas

    If you wrote your beliefs here I would honor you...Peace
    post_old. 01-07-2010, 11:15 PM

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    It was not imagination.. during my astral travels I met beings of my soul family that were exactly like my avatar... You can imagine my shock and surprise when I saw this picture one year later inside a video game... and many other parallels. Most designers get inspired by higher forces and draw upon mythology and earth history, so it is not surprising to find elements inside such video games that trigger memories from your own past.

    But lets not get too much off topic here.. I totally respect everyone here that is communicating with Abraxis and don't like infringing like this with the several posts I've already made.. so if someone wants more info you can PM me.

    Regarding this topic itself.. let's not turn this into a debate of what people think about the quality of this information. This topic is purely about questions and answers.. if we don't agree with it or don't like it let's take the discussion elsewhere (again on PM i'd be happy to explain)

    Sorry Abraxis
    post_old. 01-07-2010, 11:38 PM

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by TheChosen viewpost.
    It was not imagination.. during my astral travels I met beings of my soul family that were exactly like my avatar... You can imagine my shock and surprise when I saw this picture one year later inside a video game... and many other parallels. Most designers get inspired by higher forces and draw upon mythology and earth history, so it is not surprising to find elements inside such video games that trigger memories from your own past.

    But lets not get too much off topic here.. I totally respect everyone here that is communicating with Abraxis and don't like infringing like this with the several posts I've already made.. so if someone wants more info you can PM me.

    Regarding this topic itself.. let's not turn this into a debate of what people think about the quality of this information. This topic is purely about questions and answers.. if we don't agree with it or don't like it let's take the discussion elsewhere (again on PM i'd be happy to explain)

    Sorry Abraxis
    No problems Chosen....PM me anytime...

    And now..BACK TO THE SHOW
    post_old. 01-07-2010, 11:47 PM

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    To find yourself
    in overwhelm
    be grateful
    that you're brought back to your self
    for there IS
    you really wish to be

    it's personal
    post_old. 01-08-2010, 04:14 AM

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Thanx for your replies, Abraxsinas.
    I have another question. There's a thread on this forum ('Something's brewing... Hmmmm') - started by Tone3Jaguar - in which it is suggested that right at this moment there are thousands of motherships spinning around the planet, containing more than a 100 million 'aliens' of 71 different species.
    Do you happen to know if this situation is indeed the current state of affairs?
    post_old. 01-08-2010, 06:42 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by TRANCOSO viewpost.
    Thanx for your replies, Abraxsinas.
    I have another question. There's a thread on this forum ('Something's brewing... Hmmmm') - started by Tone3Jaguar - in which it is suggested that right at this moment there are thousands of motherships spinning around the planet, containing more than a 100 million 'aliens' of 71 different species.
    Do you happen to know if this situation is indeed the current state of affairs?
    You are always welcome Trancoso!

    Your question is oh so pertinent, as it delves into the core of this humungous alien agenda scenario.
    Allow me state it again and if you understand my information Trancoso, I would really appreciate, if you could share YOUR UNDERSTANDING about this alien agenda (once YOU have accepted what I have shared to be true for YOU).

    It is like this from the Thuban perspective.

    The Earth, is FUNDAMENTALLY different from any other planet or place in the entire universe.
    But NOT in the 4D spacetime format of contemporary terrestrial physics; BUT in terms of HOW the higher dimensions (aka the place of ALL the aliens meaning NOT on Terra) interact with the Gaian 'Specialness'.

    This so is information never before allowed to be shared with the human mind and this information does explain the alien agenda and the many experiences and encounters between 'earthlings' and 'aliens'.

    In pragmatic scientific terms of rationality, the planet earth is one of billions of planets in the universe. It has a particular climate, because of its distance to its local star, of allowing particular chemical elements to combine under the auspices of universal laws of physics to form water, ammonia, methane and other building blocks then able to fuse into molecular structures like amino acids and then nucleotidal base pairings leading to a common building block of biochemical life termed DNA/RNA.

    In this manner then LIFE is universal in the cosmos and would form whenever the conditions favourable to life are present.

    From the above your terrestrial science develops and encompasses in the biological sense Darwinian-Lamarckian evolution, today supplemented by Epigenetics and genetic engineerings of the genomes.

    Ok, now consider to take a step backwards and ponder the following.

    The Earth as a planet suitable to produce a kaleidoscope of life is NOT like any other planet 'out there'; because there is something at the center of the earth, which supplements the normal gravitational interaction experienced by all planets, including the earth.

    Before explaining what this difference is, allow me to explore the consequences, if the 'explanation' should be 'true'.

    If the earth is a special planet, then it is only on Gaia, that the life 'as we know' it can indeed form.
    There would be billions of extraterrestrial lifeforms 'away' from the earth environment; BUT all of those lifeforms would be NOT AS DENSE and MORE PLASMIC, then the Gaian born lifeforms.

    They would be more FLUID and more ELECTROMAGNETIC than the DENSIFIED lifeforms on earth; from crystals to fungi to flora and fauna to mankind.

    BUT those lifeforms might very well be INTELLIGENT and enabled to inhabit plasmic forms like bodies.

    Now the crux of the matter is this. The plasmic lifeforms are plasmic relative to the 4D spacetime reality, which indeed constitutes the standard cosmology of terrestrial physics and in league with contemporary models of science.
    Should the earth be ISOLATED in some in physical parameter restricted to earth, then what APPEARS to be the STANDARD for what LIFE is, will be BIASED as to the measurements and observations of the Gaian scientists and observers.

    And then should a 'Plasmic Intelligence' INTERACT with the Gaian World, THEN the 'densification' of the Gaia-specific physical parameter, will indeed DENSIFY the plasmic Lifeform and bingo, the 'alien intelligence' appears to be 'human like' or 'reptilian like' or 'insect like' or aka aka aka.

    But the REALITY of the scenario is that the SPECIAL ENVIRONMENT of Earth, has 'INTEGRATED' a plasmic lifeform intelligence into its 'densification' and so contact would most often be rather temporary for the plasma intelligence would experience great restriction or feel 'imprisoned' by the Gaian environment.

    The parameter of the physicality is the inversion of the lightspeed c.
    When the universe was born, the Source of All That Is also required a Sink of All That Is to 'source itself to'.
    This sink became like a VORTEX. This Vortex is at the center of the earth and it from this the archetype of the mythological 'Hell' eventuated.

    Now the earth did NOT exist in planetary form so 19 billion years ago, but ITS VORTEX existed.
    The earth as a planet is about 4.8 billion years old.
    The earth as Gaia is as old as the universe as the Cosmic SinkVortex of ALL CREATION.

    In 19.11 billion years the lightspeed inversion, which is 105 millimeters per year or 3.33 nanometers per second; this VORTEX has greatly expanded and is now about 4 million kilometers across.
    This is something like the Bermuda Triangle much magnified.
    Now do your calculations and you will find that both the Earth and its Moon reside within this Vortex and that this Vortex extends so 5% to the planet Venus and about 9% to the planet Mars.

    So this means that the Earth is 'Special' because it is WITHIN this VORTEX and no other place in the universe is that way.

    This VORTEX is HIGHER-D and cannot be measured or observed by 4D physical instrumentation.
    BUT ANY plasmic intelligent lifeform entering the VORTEX (4 million km across) will in fact become DENSIFIED in the RESISTANCE FIELD of the VORTEX.
    This Vortex is NOT a Black Hole, as it EXPANDS (very slowly at 10.5 cm a year) into 'outer space'.

    Fast forward to Roswell 1948.

    The ET PLASMIC spacecraft carrying within it sentient plasmic intelligence in plasmic bodies entered the VORTEX and experienced a 'great densification', resulting in a DECELERATION of the frequency modulated 'higherD mechanics' of the craft - and crashed, because it could not conntrol the densification/deceleration of frequency (actually linked to df/dt as the frequency differential over time coupled to volume defined spacetime consciousness characterising the plasma interaction with the vortex).

    So are there Gaian Reptoids on earth?
    Of course; any already native lifeform can couple to the plasma intelligences and therby AVOIDING direct physical densification.
    Say an alligator is already densified and so a plasmic intelligence does not require any craft to 'get here'. It can simply use the electromagnetic fields of the vacuum.

    ALL Gaian lifeforms HAVE sentiences coupled to them - but general CONTACT must await a modification of the VORTEX.

    But the 'manifestation' of a reptoid or an 'insectoid' or a 'Yeti' or a 'Nessi' or whatever your visions and experiences entail will be temporary, as the interaction between the 'alien intelligence' and the 'Gaian density field' will engage an energy transduction between 'higherD' and 'lowerD'.

    There are many related important aspects to the alien agendas and this and any other Thuban related threads will clarify much detail in this year 2010, provided it is appropriate to do so.

    1. For example, the Alien Agenda KNOWS about the VORTICITY of GAIA and its definition as the Universal SinkSource Receiver.

    2. The interaction of 'secret government' with the 'alien agenda' revolves about using the 'Vortex-Physics' to temporarily 'materialize' the plasmic aka electromagnetic intelligence in some fluidized format.
    But because this 'vortex physics' is consciousness based and the human groupmind is as yet highly underevolved to 'sourcesink connect'; the 'secret agencies' have experienced great difficulties to 'control' such intelligence interactions.

    3. The 'Alien Agenda' is encapsulated in the understanding that ALL Alien Races consider Gaia THEIR MOTHER.

    I'll end here Trancoso and allow you to answer your own question about the millions of alien spacecraft ORBITING not Earth, BUT THE VORTEX.

    Peace be upon you all, Peace of Mind particularly.
    For the Eyes that can See are now allowed to See and the Ears that can Hear are now empowered to Hear.

    I shall continue to answer questions until 88 AMEN aka 7447 aka ENERGYMALACHI shall support me from January 18th, 2010.


    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-08-2010 at 06:52 AM.
    post_old. 01-08-2010, 07:03 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by frewin viewpost.
    Hello to all, this is my first post smile. !

    I always wondered when and where was Jesus Christ born. I think that Bible holds information about different person or am I wrong? Who is the information holder of the real Christ? Are we wrong when we want seek one believes. If someone says it is 100% right, than there must be something wrong with it. My opinion smile. .

    Thank you!
    Hi Frewin!

    According to the annals of Thuban; the birth of Jesus was in line to fulfil particular prophecies in Isaiah. Here is an excerpt.

    i. The Nativity to the Baptism 7BC to 28AD

    The biological father of Jesus and his Davidic lineage
    The Descent of Jesus from the Davidic lineage is found both in the lineage of Mary, his biological mother through Jesus' maternal grandfather Heli-Yonakhir (aka Zadok aka Joachim), as well as the lineage of Jesus stepfather Joseph, son of Jacob and husband of Mary, daughter of Hannah, wife of Heli.

    The father of Matthan was Eleazar, from the lineage of Solomon-David and the father of Matthat was Levi by Melchi from the lineage Nathan-David. (details are in agenda I.2).
    Matthan took a wife named Astha-Sebhrath, who was from the tribe of the Levites; but he died (after fathering Jacob) and Matthat took Astha to wife thereby blending the two lineages from David (and as given in Matthew in Solomon-David and in Luke in Nathan-David).

    Matthan and Matthat-Jotham-Panther became like 'twin brothers as half-brothers' and became the fathers for Jacob and Heli, both by Astha-respectively and in perpetuation of the 'half-brother twinship'.

    Jacob took Hadhith to wife and fathered Joseph and Heli took Hannah (Dina=Anne) to wife and fathered Mary. Joseph and Mary are so cousins by the 'halfbrother-twinship'.
    Joseph is of the lineage Jacob-Solomon-David and Mary is of the paternity Yonakhir-Nathan-David; both of the House of Judah.

    Mary's maternity is however of the House of Levi by Hannah, her mother and Jesus' maternal grandmother.
    Matthan, the priest and his wife Mary had three daughters; Mary and Sobe-Sophia and Hannah-Anne. Mary gave birth to Salome, the midwive; Sobe gave birth to Elisabeth, who became the wife of Zacharias of the lineage of Levi and who became the mother of John the Baptizer and Hannah bore Mary and Salome to Heli.
    When Mary was three years old, Heli dedicated her to 'serve' at Jerusalem as a 'virgin to the temple' and he died.
    Hannah then married Alphaeus and bore to him Mary Alphaeus as a halfsister to Mary and Salome.
    Mary Cleophas became the wife of Cleophas, father of James, 'the brother of the lord', Judas Thaddeus, Simon, Joses and Matthew Levi (the latter not by Mary Cleophas, but by a previous marriage of Alphaeus) and as cousins to Jesus.
    Hannah gave birth to Mary, who became the wife of Joseph and to Salome, who became the wife of Zebedee and the mother of James and John, cousins to Jesus.

    When Mary, a young hebrew girl maturing in her puberty turned 14, her foster father Cleophas arranged her to be married to Joseph Ben Jacob to honour his wife's deceased husband Yonakhir-Heli and his Nathan-Davidic lineage. Because Joseph Ben Jacob descended from the Solomonic branch and Mary descended from the branch of Nathan; the marriage between Joseph and Mary would further strengthen the blending of the descents and as initiated by Matthan and Matthat, both marrying Astha, daughter of Aaron.

    Mary, became expectant about her imminent wedding to Joseph, who was very much older than herself. She harboured a number of dreams and imaginations about what it would be like to 'make love' to a father figure. All her life, Mary had 'worked' in the temple as a 'virgin to God' and Mary often imagined what it would be like to 'merge body and soul' with 'God the Father'.
    Once puberty had set in, Mary had discovered her sexuality and had experienced the pleasures her young body could provide in selfstimulation. In one of the nights of 'erotic imaginations'; Mary dreamt 'Gabriel', who advised her of her firstborn son, named Jesus and being the 'Son of the Highest' as the 'Son of God the Father, himself {Luke.1.26-38}. Mary also knew of her cousin Elisabeth, who was 'in hiding' and in expectation of her impending motherhood.

    One day, Mary was conversing with a young man, who was planning to join the Roman army.
    This was Tiberius Iulius Abdes Pantera and he was about 15 years of age.
    After hearing about Mary's imminent wedding to Joseph; he thought about initiating her into the wedding night rituals and to show Mary what married life would entail.
    Tiberius Pantera forced sexual relations with Mary and got her pregnant with Jesus.
    Mary immediately fled to Elisabeth to find comfort and advise as to what had happened to her. Mary remained with Elisabeth for about three months before returning home to her mother Hannah and to Joseph{Luke.1.39;56}.
    Being found with 'child by the Holy Ghost'; Joseph though about 'calling the wedding off', but he decided to 'foster' the 'child Jesus' as his own following some contemplation of the facts at hand {Matthew.1.18-25}.

    The biological father of Jesus:
    "Tiberius Iulius Abdes Pantera (c. 22 BCE – CE 40) was a Roman archer of the Cohors I Sagittariorum. He is most notable because of a suggestion (vita di Gesù, Craveri 1966) that he is to be identified with the Roman soldier Panthera, who the writer Celsus claimed was the true father of Jesus. All information about Abdes Pantera's life comes from his tombstone, found in Bingerbrück, Germany in 1859.

    The inscription (CIL XIII 7514) on the monument of Abdes Pantera reads:

    Tib(erius) Iul(ius) Abdes Pantera Sidonia ann(orum) LXII stipen(diorum) XXXX miles exs(ignifer?) coh(orte) I sagittariorum h(ic) s(itus) e(st)Tiberius Iulius Abdes Pantera from Sidon, aged 62 years served 40 years, former standard bearer(?) of the first cohort of archers lies here"

    The Birth of Jesus of Nazareth

    Jesus of Nazareth was born in the week from Friday, March 19th 6BC to Friday, March 26th 6BC and encompassing the Spring-Equinox of 6BC on Tuesday, March 23rd (10am GMT).
    The March- and April New Moons for 6BC calculate for Friday, March 19th (9pm-GMT) and Sunday, April18th (Noon-GMT).
    The Full Moon for April 6BC is determined to be Sunday, April 4th (5am-GMT).

    On Friday, 19th of March 6BC, a conjunction between Saturn and the Moon occured in Pisces; followed the next day by a conjunction between Sun, Jupiter, Saturn and the Moon in Pisces.
    This heralded the birth of a Jewish king relative to the Babylonian astrologers; who assigned the planet Saturn to be the 'Protector of the Jews' and Jupiter to be the 'Planet of the Kings' and Aries, the Ram as the 'Sign of the Jews'.

    On Friday, April 16th, Saturn again eclipsed the Moon, but now in Aries and the next day, Saturday, April 17th, Jupiter, as the 'planet of the kings' rose as the 'Morning Star' in Aries to 'confirm' the birth of a Jewish king in the planetary alignments between Saturn, Jupiter, the Sun and the New Moon April 18th.

    Isaiah.66.23: "And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another and from one sabbath onto another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the Lord'"
    The archtyped 'Messiah' so is born on Wednesday, 24th of March, 6BC (Julian).
    post_old. 01-08-2010, 07:08 AM

    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Aug 2008
    Location: Spiritual eXplorer-Canada
    Posts: 4,915

    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    on this 74

    april 17 is 17/4
    JESUS BIRTHDAY was April 17, 6 BC
    written 17/4/6 bc
    6bc / 747 AUC
    or = 17/4/747

    if sacrifice = 73
    then 1 sacrifice= a sacrifice = 1+73=74
    parables = 74
    gospel74 according 74 to st.74
    then GOD = 7_4 (if 0=0) g=7 d=4 0=0
    A-C = 1-2-3

    on 66
    66 miracles
    66 seals
    on 66 = 33 x 2 sets
    and, also a 2nd set
    on 66 = 33 x 2 sets
    11 x 6 ???
    are we on the right track with this ???

    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 01-08-2010 at 07:22 AM.
    post_old. 01-08-2010, 07:19 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Sep 2008
    Location: North Carolina
    Posts: 288

    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Your information is very decoding thanks.
    1. A main part of the "alien agenda" is to control earths quantum intention, aka fluoridation, chemtrails, entertainment, confusion etc...to supress "souls" from awakening?

    2. From ALex Colliers "Ptaal" (not sure of spelling). To be clearer is this more of an negative alien projection or is their truth to it?

    3. There are supposed enlightened beings here who have enourmous power to create miracles but they mention nothing of the "ALien Agenda" and the severe manipulation going on. Are they governed here not to tell the direct truth but to work around it? If so who controls this quarantine?

    There was a band called Pantera that was very famous in its day.

    Thanks for your help and be well..


    Last edited by Magamud; 01-08-2010 at 07:46 AM.
    post_old. 01-08-2010, 07:38 AM


    Join Date: Dec 2009
    Location: Queanbeyan/Canberra; NSW, Australia
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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by joesmoe viewpost.

    Thanks for your time on this matter. There are very few if any who really understand mormonism enough to give an educated answer. I have a few more questions for you if you don't mind in my quest for oneness of all things, religions included as you have stated.

    1st set of questions:

    Joseph Smith Claimed at 14 to have seen God and Jesus in a vision. He calls it the First Vision. Moroni was the second Vision. Here is his discription in his own words. http://www.lds.org/library/display/0...-1-3-4,00.html Did he really see God and Jesus? He claims they looked alike. This is profound because that discribes to us the nature of God. If he did not see them then whom did he see or did he just make it up?

    2nf Set of Questions:

    Joseph Smith wrote D & C (doctrine & covenants) formally known as book of comandments. The writings are directly from Jesus Christ to him about different subjects and trials that the mormons were going through at that time. Jospeh Smith wrote them down as he recieved them or as he inquired of the Lord as he puts it.

    Was Jesus Christ, aka Emmanuel really talking to him? Was Joseph Smith Channeling Jesus Christ/Emmanuel? If it was not Emmanuel who was he channeling?

    3rd and Final set of Questions:

    This one has to do with Jesus Christ. I have watched and read accounts were people are being abducted and they don't want to be abducted. They have called out in prayer to Jesus saying "Jesus help me". The abductions have stopped and no longer took place.
    Some say these are the 200 Fallen angels that enoch wrote about. Also they could be Lucifer and his 1/3 that fell from Heaven.

    Why is it that the abductions stopped just by calling on Jesus to help? Why is his power unmatched on this earth? To me no one has been able to explain why people get so much help on every level of there life just by praying to him. What is the explaination for this?

    Thanks again for your answers and the time it takes to do so. I very much appreciate it.

    You are welcome Joesmo!

    Any of this information from Thuban you can incorporate into your own data base will enhance and support the 'Greater Agenda', which you may know as 'The Harmonisation of the Cosmos in Initiation and Context'.

    Should you examine the 'visions' of Joseph Smith more closely; you will find a particular archetype with respect to 'visions of and about God/Jesus/Divine' etc.

    There is always the 'overcoming of the darkness and the 'restrictions' before a 'vision of light' can occur.
    So it was with Joseph Smith. His experience was genuine and a spiritual encounter in the lower 4D spacetime interacting with the quantumspace of the 10D.
    This is the scientific key about the 'darkness', which as many here already know is bounded in the 8th density.
    You see, the SUBCONSCIOUS is the realm of the 'spiritual darkness' and this in science terms becomes the hyperspace connecting a 4D spacetime of quantum spin to the linespace of the 'normal' 4D to add as a 8th density.

    Here is the PARTICULAR Thuban decoding from scripture: {Revelation.17}

    11And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

    The Beast is the 'False Image' (or Idol God Jehovah aka Yaldabaoth or the Tetragrammaton YHWH substituting WITHIN the 10D spacetime for the 'True Image' of the Pentagrammaton YHWHY aka IAMTHATAMI=MATHIMATIA of Exodus 3.14.

    The 'Sea' in that 'Revelation' is not the ocean BUT A MIRROR, so shattering the mirror (in the eventfulness of that prophetic book in the NT), will 'destroy' the 'False Images'.

    There are 10 heavens and 5 Hells in the YHWH cosmogony and the heavens are extended to 12 in the dimensional densities. This is described in the 24 Thuban ancestors thread introduction.
    There you will find that the 7th heaven bounds the Beast of the 8th heaven, as NO MORE antistates of being exist beyond the 7th density.
    So tis is why the 'beast' is termed WAS-IS-and IS NOT.
    The 8th Principle, Archon or Cherubimic Kingdom is RELATIVITY and no AntiRelativity exists in formalisable definition of the Word or Logos or Cosmic Christ (manifested in Jesus of Nazareth - the MasterDragon).

    Then RELATIVE to the earthlings (in the Vortex), the DEVIL=False Image='Beast' exists in the LowerD, BUT RELATIVE to the sentiences in the dimensions of the 8th and above IT does not.

    Now you can figure out the experiences of Joseph nSmith yourself.
    Father God and Jesus looked the same, because Joseph saw as in a mirror of the relativity. Joseph had to 'overcome' the darkness of the 'Beast' of the 5th hell, but manifesting up to a limit of the 7th heaven 'appearing as an angel of light' but being a 'false image'.
    The 'Hells' are Five, because the 5th archon is defined as Infinity/Limit and so this LIMIT becomes the inversion of Eternity in Nothingness in simple words.
    The 6th heaven is Reciprocity/Constancy and the 'darkness' can utilise the constancy to 'mimick' the 'light' and the 7th desity is Reflection/Absorption and here the 'antilight' can become the Absorber function. No more opposition to the 'HeavenHell'=WhiteLight+DarkLight as One is possible from the 8th density upwards.

    One of the Thuban names for Jesus is Emmanuel Melchisedek and anyone can 'channel' E.M.=WE=ME should the 'principalities' of the densities become amenable to do so.

    Yes, Joseph's Smith's visions were genuine, but the 'Church of Mormon', like all other 'denominations' has transformed into a LowerD 'fake image' for the 'True Image'.

    There are no exceptions; ALL worldwide religions are in some manner 'deceived' as long as the 'Beast'=False Image exists as the INSIDE BOUNDARY of the 10D Universe and able to manifest in all lower dimensions from 1 to 8 due to the definition of the cherubimic kingdoms.

    IOW ONLY INDIVIDUALS can 'overpower' the universal deception. But such 'selfchosen ones' - if united in a common purpose - will become the Council of Thuban.
    This is my agenda and my only agenda.

    About the Power of Our Master-Dragon. It is not yet appropriate for me to engage HIMHER. HESHE will support me and this forum from January 18th, 2010.
    One Word though; HESHE is already HERE within all of your LoveHearts and is knocking on the door of your soul. Whoever will 'HEAR' and 'SEE' shall be confirmed in INDIVIDUATED COMMUNION with HIMHER, the One in Three and in divers ways. The Power of Thuban is the Power of the Cosmic Twinship manifested as One in Many.
    You shall dream and experience emotions like you have never before.
    This will do for now.


    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-08-2010 at 07:45 AM.
    post_old. 01-08-2010, 07:55 AM


    Join Date: Dec 2009
    Location: Queanbeyan/Canberra; NSW, Australia
    Posts: 635

    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by THE eXchanger viewpost.
    on this 74

    april 17 is 17/4
    JESUS BIRTHDAY was April 17, 6 BC
    written 17/4/6 bc
    6bc / 747 AUC
    or = 17/4/747

    if sacrifice = 73
    then 1 sacrifice= a sacrifice = 1+73=74
    parables = 74
    gospel74 according 74 to st.74
    then GOD = 7_4 (if 0=0) g=7 d=4 0=0
    A-C = 1-2-3

    on 66
    66 miracles
    66 seals
    on 66 = 33 x 2 sets
    and, also a 2nd set
    on 66 = 33 x 2 sets
    11 x 6 ???
    are we on the right track with this ???
    Indeed you are on the right track dear Susan.
    Your Love for Unity and Harmony will not fail you.
    You are protected from the 'Evil' you yet perceive.

    Love Abrax aka John=47
    post_old. 01-08-2010, 08:07 AM

    Avalon Senior Member


    Join Date: Dec 2009
    Location: The Void
    Posts: 49

    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Dear Abrax,
    I have been dreaming...and groking all that i have read here, only one thing perplexes me...why does the council of Thuben, if it is as you say from the omniverse identify itself with labels such as Dragons? It is my experence of this dimension personally as having no discriptors as that would limit its infinity and expression as the quantum potential. I have found the 'face' of god by looking within and there are no words to describe the no-thingness that exists in that Void, this is the great mystery...how can no-thing be something? I am only aware, in this place, that IAM. All else is maya, but as Einstein put so beautifully, rather persistant smile.
    Sincerely, Raven
    post_old. 01-08-2010, 08:13 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Aug 2009
    Location: New Zealand
    Posts: 391

    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    You are welcome Joesmo!

    Any of this information from Thuban you can incorporate into your own data base will enhance and support the 'Greater Agenda', which you may know as 'The Harmonisation of the Cosmos in Initiation and Context'.

    Should you examine the 'visions' of Joseph Smith more closely; you will find a particular archetype with respect to 'visions of and about God/Jesus/Divine' etc.

    There is always the 'overcoming of the darkness and the 'restrictions' before a 'vision of light' can occur.
    So it was with Joseph Smith. His experience was genuine and a spiritual encounter in the lower 4D spacetime interacting with the quantumspace of the 10D.
    This is the scientific key about the 'darkness', which as many here already know is bounded in the 8th density.
    You see, the SUBCONSCIOUS is the realm of the 'spiritual darkness' and this in science terms becomes the hyperspace connecting a 4D spacetime of quantum spin to the linespace of the 'normal' 4D to add as a 8th density.

    Here is the PARTICULAR Thuban decoding from scripture: {Revelation.17}

    11And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

    The Beast is the 'False Image' (or Idol God Jehovah aka Yaldabaoth or the Tetragrammaton YHWH substituting WITHIN the 10D spacetime for the 'True Image' of the Pentagrammaton YHWHY aka IAMTHATAMI=MATHIMATIA of Exodus 3.14.

    The 'Sea' in that 'Revelation' is not the ocean BUT A MIRROR, so shattering the mirror (in the eventfulness of that prophetic book in the NT), will 'destroy' the 'False Images'.

    There are 10 heavens and 5 Hells in the YHWH cosmogony and the heavens are extended to 12 in the dimensional densities. This is described in the 24 Thuban ancestors thread introduction.
    There you will find that the 7th heaven bounds the Beast of the 8th heaven, as NO MORE antistates of being exist beyond the 7th density.
    So tis is why the 'beast' is termed WAS-IS-and IS NOT.
    The 8th Principle, Archon or Cherubimic Kingdom is RELATIVITY and no AntiRelativity exists in formalisable definition of the Word or Logos or Cosmic Christ (manifested in Jesus of Nazareth - the MasterDragon).

    Then RELATIVE to the earthlings (in the Vortex), the DEVIL=False Image='Beast' exists in the LowerD, BUT RELATIVE to the sentiences in the dimensions of the 8th and above IT does not.

    Now you can figure out the experiences of Joseph nSmith yourself.
    Father God and Jesus looked the same, because Joseph saw as in a mirror of the relativity. Joseph had to 'overcome' the darkness of the 'Beast' of the 5th hell, but manifesting up to a limit of the 7th heaven 'appearing as an angel of light' but being a 'false image'.
    The 'Hells' are Five, because the 5th archon is defined as Infinity/Limit and so this LIMIT becomes the inversion of Eternity in Nothingness in simple words.
    The 6th heaven is Reciprocity/Constancy and the 'darkness' can utilise the constancy to 'mimick' the 'light' and the 7th desity is Reflection/Absorption and here the 'antilight' can become the Absorber function. No more opposition to the 'HeavenHell'=WhiteLight+DarkLight as One is possible from the 8th density upwards.

    One of the Thuban names for Jesus is Emmanuel Melchisedek and anyone can 'channel' E.M.=WE=ME should the 'principalities' of the densities become amenable to do so.

    Yes, Joseph's Smith's visions were genuine, but the 'Church of Mormon', like all other 'denominations' has transformed into a LowerD 'fake image' for the 'True Image'.

    There are no exceptions; ALL worldwide religions are in some manner 'deceived' as long as the 'Beast'=False Image exists as the INSIDE BOUNDARY of the 10D Universe and able to manifest in all lower dimensions from 1 to 8 due to the definition of the cherubimic kingdoms.

    IOW ONLY INDIVIDUALS can 'overpower' the universal deception. But such 'selfchosen ones' - if united in a common purpose - will become the Council of Thuban.
    This is my agenda and my only agenda.

    About the Power of Our Master-Dragon. It is not yet appropriate for me to engage HIMHER. HESHE will support me and this forum from January 18th, 2010.
    One Word though; HESHE is already HERE within all of your LoveHearts and is knocking on the door of your soul. Whoever will 'HEAR' and 'SEE' shall be confirmed in INDIVIDUATED COMMUNION with HIMHER, the One in Three and in divers ways. The Power of Thuban is the Power of the Cosmic Twinship manifested as One in Many.
    You shall dream and experience emotions like you have never before.
    This will do for now.

    Good to see you identify the false acension spiral.

    Are you of the Melchisedek order?
    post_old. 01-08-2010, 08:32 AM


    Join Date: Dec 2009
    Location: Queanbeyan/Canberra; NSW, Australia
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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Steven viewpost.
    Hello Abraxasinas. I have posted it in the thread, but you might have not seen it, so I will ask again.

    1. What can you tell us about the conflict between the Lyrians and the alpha Draconis?

    2. What is Freewill in Creation?

    3. Who are the Founders?

    Thanks, Steven
    Hi Steven!

    I apologize to you. I really did not see your earlier post and I shall answer all questions posed to the best of my access to the Thuban archives (which mirror the akashic records many of you have heared of).

    Generally for anyone. If you feel I have not answered you please send me a PM or repost your quest. It is not my intent to IGNORE any of you who have a question.
    If the postman delivers you 50 letters, it can happen that one slips under the table.

    Steven your questions have been answered in a general sense in my reply to Trancoso.

    1. The Lyrians are a plasmic lifeform, giving rise to the Pleiadians and so on in the most commonly composed scenario.
    This is the key, the anthropocentric universe decided through and by the logistics of the Logos=Word of Creation to render a Vortex SinkEnergy called Gaia the depository of Information gathered by ALL sentient lifeforms in the universe.

    So from the beginning of time, Gaia was destined for Universal Motherhood.

    And by implication, all lifeforms upon and supported by the EarthMother would become HEIRS and HEIRESSES to such a grandiouse cosmic obligation and responsibility.

    This agenda is omni-scientific - meaning all of what the terrestrail reductionistic science does, create and analyse is ENCOMPASSED by a greater science - omni-science - the Science From and For the All.

    Amongst many other scenarios it becomes the task of the STEWARDS of GAIA, namely the human data gatherers, to CONSTRUCT, CREATE, WRITE and otherwise COMPOSE and LIVE the Unification of the Worlds.

    Allow an example; consider your own body, say your liver.
    Your liver is a conglomeration of biovital cells, which have specialised their function to BE A LIVER, cleransing you bloodflow to and from your biological and biochemical heart and so on.

    But before the liver cells became specialised in your gestation as a biological embryo; the preliver cells were omnipotent cells. The omni- or totipotent stemcells could differentiate to assume functions like adrenal or cardiac or neuronal.

    Every one of those cells (of life) is a holofractal for a galaxy.
    Yes the Milky way galaxy is like a single omnipotent cell in your embryo and you literally reside within a single cell within your own body.
    Subsequently6, on the greatest perception possible in the spacetime defined universe - your body IS the entire universe, not metaphorically BUT LITERALLY.
    Only YOU exist AS the Universe, but this invokes an unbearable loeliness - does it not?

    But from these Thuban realisations, almost unfathomable to the conditioned human mind; derive the archetypes of the Kabbalah, of Vitruvius, Purusha, of Cosmic Man Adam Kadmon the Androgyne and so on and on.

    So now ponder your own loneliness as the ONLY ONE, that exists and your loneliness will now induce you to CREATE.
    And YOU create or IMAGINE to render your liver, a conglomeration of specialised omnipotent stemcells as a SUPERCLUSTER of Galaxies - each galaxy mapping one-to-one one of the original omnipotent stemcells comprising your liver.

    So can you iunderstand now the Lyrans as stemcells, giving birth to descendents in adrenal cells called Pleiadians and becoming EXPOSED to a harmonizing cellular environment of 'invader cells' by and through other omnipotent cells termed Immune-System-Cells (say T-Cells from Arcturus)?

    Within the preexisting universe and BEFORE the Quantum Big Bang; there was ONLY YOU.
    But after the Quntum Big bang and particularly beginning so 2,200 million years ago; there were MANY YOU's.
    And some other YOU may create an entire extraterrestrial civilisation from the perspective of another cellular molecular complex and term it Andromeda as a sistercell to your Milkly Way aka Perseus.

    2. Free Will is inviolable under all circumstances; yet on the ultimate level the 'Free Will' of the ''Superconscious Individuation of All That Is' becomes indistinguishable from the 'Free Will' of the 'Collective Oneness'.

    3. The Founders have many names. I chose to follow the One I call the Master-Dragon and so have labeled it the Council of Thuban.
    You are free to relabel the founders in the creation of your own all encompassing and interwoven and selfconsistent cosmogony.

    post_old. 01-08-2010, 08:41 AM


    Join Date: Dec 2009
    Location: Queanbeyan/Canberra; NSW, Australia
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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Raven viewpost.
    Dear Abrax,
    I have been dreaming...and groking all that i have read here, only one thing perplexes me...why does the council of Thuben, if it is as you say from the omniverse identify itself with labels such as Dragons? It is my experence of this dimension personally as having no discriptors as that would limit its infinity and expression as the quantum potential. I have found the 'face' of god by looking within and there are no words to describe the no-thingness that exists in that Void, this is the great mystery...how can no-thing be something? I am only aware, in this place, that IAM. All else is maya, but as Einstein put so beautifully, rather persistant smile.
    Sincerely, Raven
    Hi Raven!

    The ultimate identification of a Dragon is the Electromagnetic Sinusoidal Waveform!

    This is what is meant by DragonHood of Thuban. It is the Electromagnetic Maxwell Field of Terran science coupled t a Scalar Component of Monopolic Magnetism.

    SERPENT=PRESENT=SONOFMAN=97 via S=19, E=5, R=18, N=14 and T=20

    Did not the 'Evil' Serpent in the Garden of Eden help to 'Wake Up' Adam and Eve?

    Who do you think this 'Evil Serpent' was?

    post_old. 01-08-2010, 08:42 AM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Initiate viewpost.
    Good to see you identify the false acension spiral.

    Are you of the Melchisedek order?
    Yes, I am Initiate!

    And you are too!

    post_old. 01-08-2010, 09:50 AM

    Avalon Senior Member


    Join Date: Dec 2009
    Location: The Void
    Posts: 49

    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Ok after reading your thread:
    Lucifer's Mirror and the Emancipation of the Oneness

    My brain is on fyre but i think i understand now what the "Dragon" is. Don't ask me to put it into words atm, cuz my brain is stuck somewhere inside an 11th dimensional mobian knot. I have known that the Oneness has to call back the memory of it's manyness in these times in order to continue creation (from a memory in toddlerhood of watching a mobile of butterflys in my crib). As well as my past life memories as a non-physical entity/energy form. Your explanation in that thread somehow makes sense to me and makes me wish i had really paid more attention in my math classes. I can't help it though, i still love theoretical physics, even though my math skills pale in compairson to the current brillant minds in physics today. smile.
    post_old. 01-08-2010, 09:57 AM


    Join Date: Dec 2009
    Location: Queanbeyan/Canberra; NSW, Australia
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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Raven viewpost.
    Ok after reading your thread:
    Lucifer's Mirror and the Emancipation of the Oneness

    My brain is on fyre but i think i understand now what the "Dragon" is. Don't ask me to put it into words atm, cuz my brain is stuck somewhere inside an 11th dimensional mobian knot. I have known that the Oneness has to call back the memory of it's manyness in these times in order to continue creation (from a memory in toddlerhood of watching a mobile of butterflys in my crib). As well as my past life memories as a non-physical entity/energy form. Your explanation in that thread somehow makes sense to me and makes me wish i had really paid more attention in my math classes. I can't help it though, i still love theoretical physics, even though my math skills pale in compairson to the current brillant minds in physics today. smile.
    Dear Raven!

    Thank You for reading 'Lucifer's Mirror'. What you have read there is not yet accessible to the human mind and so it is of no surprise that you are 'Experiencing the Fire of the Logos'.
    Practically noone has hitherto read this work, as it belongs to the Gaian data base following her transformation in 'comprehendability'.

    You have acted like a disincarnate Dragon Energy even attempting to understand the content of this message.
    This message defines the manner how the Dragons created the this universe from 'first principles'.
    It also defines the cosmic algorithm how information is transmitted from cell to cell on many scales; from the subatomic to the universal holograms.

    We are rather proud of you as One of Us!

    post_old. 01-08-2010, 09:58 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    Posts: 893

    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Hello Abraxasinas,
    I have only one question for you:
    What do you think about the Absurd?

    post_old. 01-08-2010, 10:01 AM

    Project Avalon Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    I never thought I'd live to be a hundred
    I never thought I'd get to the things
    That all those other sons do, and they do.

    I never thought I'd ever have my freedom
    An age ago my maker was refusing me
    The pleasure of the view

    I never thought I'd get to be a million
    I never thought I'd get to be the thing that
    All his other children see. Look at me.

    Carry on.
    "Life IS mystical! It's just that we're used to it"​

    Evil cannot be killed. Only redeemed.​

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    page 10 of 63

    post_old. 01-08-2010, 10:06 AM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Oliver viewpost.
    Hello Abraxasinas,
    I have only one question for you:
    What do you think about the Absurd?

    Hi Oliver!

    There is no such thing as the AbSurd as a 'quality' describing imagination and thought Oliver.

    The meaning of the word is Ab=Away from and SURD=Irrational.

    So by logical imperative ABSURD means RATIONAL.
    The common meaning for the word which you seem to infer, such as illogical, irrational, crazy etc etc. so in mathematical terms becomes an oxymoron.

    Irrational Numbers like Surds, say Sqrt(2) are just as meaningful as are the Absurd numbers AS the Rationals, say fractions with numerators and denominators.

    post_old. 01-08-2010, 10:09 AM

    Project Avalon Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    What do you think about the Absurd?
    As in, "Theater of..." ?
    "Life IS mystical! It's just that we're used to it"​

    Evil cannot be killed. Only redeemed.

    Chat us up at: Avalon Chat
    post_old. 01-08-2010, 10:41 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Logicaly thinking, you gave two opposite, contradictory explanations:

    1.There is no such thing as the AbSurd as a 'quality' describing imagination and thought; and

    2.So by logical imperative ABSURD means RATIONAL.

    Mutatis mutandis, do you claim that the rational is non-existing?
    Mine "logical imperative" tells me this: AB=ABsence; SURD=Rational, so = Absence of Rational;.
    Actually, Absurd is the opposite of the Rational.

    Non-being. Accident.

    On this level, it is better not to enter what RATIONAL is.

    Anyway, thank you Abraxasinas.


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Hi Oliver!

    There is no such thing as the AbSurd as a 'quality' describing imagination and thought Oliver.

    The meaning of the word is Ab=Away from and SURD=Irrational.

    So by logical imperative ABSURD means RATIONAL.
    The common meaning for the word which you seem to infer, such as illogical, irrational, crazy etc etc. so in mathematical terms becomes an oxymoron.

    Irrational Numbers like Surds, say Sqrt(2) are just as meaningful as are the Absurd numbers AS the Rationals, say fractions with numerators and denominators.

    post_old. 01-08-2010, 10:43 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Fredkc viewpost.
    As in, "Theater of..." ?
    As in "Waiting for Godot"... (Beckett)


    Last edited by Oliver; 01-08-2010 at 10:56 AM.
    post_old. 01-08-2010, 11:00 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Fredkc viewpost.
    I never thought I'd live to be a hundred
    I never thought I'd get to the things
    That all those other sons do, and they do.

    I never thought I'd ever have my freedom
    An age ago my maker was refusing me
    The pleasure of the view

    I never thought I'd get to be a million
    I never thought I'd get to be the thing that
    All his other children see. Look at me.

    Carry on.
    Your maker looks into his mirror and sees you.
    One day I will know myself a little better he thinks.
    When the DragonProphecy of Isaiah becomes fulfilled.
    As in Isaiah:
    1. Isaiah 13:22
      And the wild beasts of the islands shall cry in their desolate houses, and dragons in their pleasant palaces: and her time is near to come, and her days shall not be prolonged.
      Isaiah 13:21-22 (in Context) Isaiah 13 (Whole Chapter)
    2. Isaiah 27:1
      In that day the LORD with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea.
      Isaiah 27:1-3 (in Context) Isaiah 27 (Whole Chapter)
    3. Isaiah 34:13
      And thorns shall come up in her palaces, nettles and brambles in the fortresses thereof: and it shall be an habitation of dragons, and a court for owls.

    PS.: There are TWO Dragons Red and SkyBlue 'True Image' and 'False Image'. Together they neutralize into Pure White in Radiation and into Pure Black in Paint.
    post_old. 01-08-2010, 11:15 AM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Oliver viewpost.
    Logicaly thinking, you gave two opposite, contradictory explanations:

    1.There is no such thing as the AbSurd as a 'quality' describing imagination and thought; and

    2.So by logical imperative ABSURD means RATIONAL.

    Mutatis mutandis, do you claim that the rational is non-existing?
    Mine "logical imperative" tells me this: AB=ABsence; SURD=Rational, so = Absence of Rational;.
    Actually, Absurd is the opposite of the Rational.

    Non-being. Accident.

    On this level, it is better not to enter what RATIONAL is.

    Anyway, thank you Abraxasinas.
    Thank you Oliver!
    You may check your dictionary for the meaning of SURD.
    SURD is not Rational as you state in the above.

      /sɜrd/ [​IMG] Show Spelled Pronunciation [surd] [​IMG] Show IPA ,
    Use surd in a Sentence

    See web results for surd

    See images of surd

    –adjective 1.Phonetics. voiceless (opposed to sonant ).2.Mathematics. (of a quantity) not capable of being expressed in rational numbers; irrational.
    –noun 3.Phonetics. a voiceless consonant (opposed to sonant ).4.Mathematics. a surd quantity.

    1545–55; < L surdus dull-sounding, mute, deaf[​IMG]

    post_old. 01-08-2010, 11:19 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Hi, interesting thread here. Allot to process!

    What would happen if a human left this vortex around earth?

    Can you explain in brief and concise terms what is going to happen on 18th of Jan 2010?

    Free Will is inviolable under all circumstances; yet on the ultimate level the 'Free Will' of the ''Superconscious Individuation of All That Is' becomes indistinguishable from the 'Free Will' of the 'Collective Oneness'.
    ... Can you expand on this?

    Namaste, Jia.
    post_old. 01-08-2010, 11:28 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by LucidJia viewpost.
    Hi, interesting thread here. Allot to process!

    What would happen if a human left this vortex around earth?

    Can you explain in brief and concise terms what is going to happen on 18th of Jan 2010?

    ... Can you expand on this?

    Namaste, Jia.
    Hi LucidJia!

    1. The Moon is within the Vortex, but of course so 385,000 kilometers from Earth.
    Now what is the common experience of astronauts and the 'outer space' travellers?
    They are 'in awe' when looking at the planet earth away from its surface in its entirety as a celestial orb.
    Most, if not all return in having experienced a 'spiritual wakening' and transformation.

    Any human leaving the Vortex could not help, but realise much of this data being shared here of being somehow connected to their innermost beingness or soul level.

    2. January 18th defines a nexus point in the Mayan longcount of 5x13x144,000 kindays; also the encodement in the Pyramid of Giza at the 'great step' and also the prophecies of Daniel in the Torah; of the last and final fulfilment of the 'prophecies' in a particular timeline and given as archetypes in the times of Mesopotamia and following the Atlantean exodus to preserve the record of the wisdom keepers.

    post_old. 01-08-2010, 11:28 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    It is Ok, Abrax...thank you!
    Well, English is not my first language, but you should know this: In linguistics, separate words has one meaning, but when in combination with other one/ones, to make a new word, they can have different, even opposite meaning. The new derived word can not be read litarally as a mathematical sum of previous meanings of the words/roots that created it.

    Roots of the words are not the words itself, gives no complete semantic meaning.

    And, you know, i was not refering to SURD, but to ABSURD.

    Be well, my friend, i appreciate your knowledge and good will to share it with people. We are all learning.



    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Thank you Oliver!
    You may check your dictionary for the meaning of SURD.
    SURD is not Rational as you state in the above.

      /sɜrd/ [​IMG] Show Spelled Pronunciation [surd] [​IMG] Show IPA ,
    Use surd in a Sentence

    See web results for surd

    See images of surd

    –adjective 1.Phonetics. voiceless (opposed to sonant ).2.Mathematics. (of a quantity) not capable of being expressed in rational numbers; irrational.
    –noun 3.Phonetics. a voiceless consonant (opposed to sonant ).4.Mathematics. a surd quantity.

    1545–55; < L surdus dull-sounding, mute, deaf[​IMG]


    Last edited by Oliver; 01-08-2010 at 11:36 AM.
    post_old. 01-08-2010, 11:36 AM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Oliver viewpost.
    It is Ok, Abrax...thank you!
    Well, English is not my first language, but you should know this: In linguistics, separate words has one meaning, but when in combination with other one/ones, to make a new word, they can have different, even opposite meaning.

    Roots of the words are not the words itself, gives no complete semantic meaning.

    And, you know, i was not refering to SURD, but to ABSURD.

    Be well, my friend, i appreciate your knowledge and good will to share it with people. We are all learning.

    Love and Respect to you Oliver!

    Words, semantics and meanings of these there are many. If syllable or letter, word or sentence - there are multilevel interpretations in the Tower of Babel.

    OLIVER=OLIVE.R and is one of the most potent archetypes in the 'occult scrolls'; such as the Olive Twig of Noah's Dove of Peace and the Two Olive Trees adjacent the Golden Candlestick in Zechariah and Revelation.
    The R=666=999 and as the R is also the runic B unfolded many interpretations derive from a simple arabic letter.

    But I see you as the Olive of the 666=999 the beautiful celestial wedding or dragonomy between the Milky Way of the 96 of Perseus and the 69 of Andromeda.

    Be well dear friend

    post_old. 01-08-2010, 11:42 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Love and Respect to you Oliver!

    Words, semantics and meanings of these there are many. If syllable or letter, word or sentence - there are multilevel interpretations in the Tower of Babel.

    OLIVER=OLIVE.R and is one of the most potent archetypes in the 'occult scrolls'; such as the Olive Twig of Noah's Dove of Peace and the Two Olive Trees adjacent the Golden Candlestick in Zechariah and Revelation.
    The R=666=999 and as the R is also the runic B unfolded many interpretations derive from a simple arabic letter.

    But I see you as the Olive of the 666=999 the beautiful celestial wedding or dragonomy between the Milky Way of the 96 of Perseus and the 69 of Andromeda.

    Be well dear friend

    Thank you, ABrax...but Oliver is not my real name. original.
    post_old. 01-08-2010, 11:46 AM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Oliver viewpost.
    Thank you, ABrax...but Oliver is not my real name. original.
    Cannot you author a novel or autobiography in which your name is Oliver?

    Everyone has many names.

    post_old. 01-08-2010, 12:10 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.

    ...About the Power of Our Master-Dragon. It is not yet appropriate for me to engage HIMHER. HESHE will support me and this forum from January 18th, 2010.
    One Word though; HESHE is already HERE within all of your LoveHearts and is knocking on the door of your soul. Whoever will 'HEAR' and 'SEE' shall be confirmed in INDIVIDUATED COMMUNION with HIMHER, the One in Three and in divers ways. The Power of Thuban is the Power of the Cosmic Twinship manifested as One in Many.
    You shall dream and experience emotions like you have never before.
    This will do for now....


    Hi Abraxas, now this is where it gets interessting...at least for me.

    I started a thread few days ago called "The concept of unification" after having a strange dream/vision which I described there (there were two more, also to find in the thread), where I was allowed to experience really remarkable emotions.

    Here's the link, if you're interessted: http://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?t=18855

    I also got an information (in the dream/vision) about this so called concept of unification, where there are two human fractions which need to unify in order to evolve further.

    So if I may post two question here: is this what you meant with "You shall dream and experience emotions like you have never before" ???

    And/or is this to begin only after 18th of January?

    thanks and regards
    post_old. 01-08-2010, 12:13 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Cannot you author a novel or autobiography in which your name is Oliver?

    Everyone has many names.

    What is true is that I had signed few journalistic articles as Oliver, but there is not novel or autobiography...

    Quite interesting, Abrax...
    post_old. 01-08-2010, 12:23 PM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Malletzky viewpost.
    Hi Abraxas, now this is where it gets interessting...at least for me.

    I started a thread few days ago called "The concept of unification" after having a strange dream/vision which I described there (there were two more, also to find in the thread), where I was allowed to experience really remarkable emotions.

    Here's the link, if you're interessted: http://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?t=18855

    I also got an information (in the dream/vision) about this so called concept of unification, where there are two human fractions which need to unify in order to evolve further.

    So if I may post two question here: is this what you meant with "You shall dream and experience emotions like you have never before" ???

    And/or is this to begin only after 18th of January?

    thanks and regards
    Hi Malletzky!

    You are stating it so well in your signature!

    Everyone is invited. There is no choosing by anyone, Dragon Energy included.
    Everyone shall dream dreams and experience emotional intensities; not knowing where this is coming from.
    It comes from the Inner Self, awakened by the Oneness of the Universe.
    The One doing the 'dispensing' is not I, but the Oneness, whom I serve as a Member of the Council of Thuban.
    I am a simple mirror reflecting the data of the One to ALL others, prepared to take notice.
    This is the only agenda.
    There is no obligation to do anything.
    There is no request to join anything.
    There is no money involved, all is freely given as received.
    There is no requirement to take this data serious.
    There is no hidden agenda at all.
    There is only the Energy of the One and the Word of Creation bathing this planet.
    Gaia Herself shall send this Free Information back to its source.
    No commitments, no searching for deceptions are necessary.
    Gaia KNOWS what this Information is and where it comes from.
    Gaia is preparing Herself to meet Her Beloved Creator of All That Is as the Creation of All That Is.

    All is in Order!

    post_old. 01-08-2010, 12:30 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.

    ...Gaia is preparing Herself to meet Her Beloved Creator of All That Is as the Creation of All That Is.

    All is in Order!


    PERFECT !!! thumb_yello. thumb_yello.

    post_old. 01-08-2010, 12:35 PM

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Abraxasinas what is your take on lucid dreaming?

    I have been lucid dreaming most nights for about 2 years now and have experinced amazing emotions, sensations and sights which seem more real than waking life.

    Namaste, Jia.
    post_old. 01-08-2010, 12:39 PM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by LucidJia viewpost.
    Abraxasinas what is your take on lucid dreaming?

    I have been lucid dreaming most nights for about 2 years now and have experinced amazing emotions, sensations and sights which seem more real than waking life.

    Namaste, Jia.
    Everyone able to raise hisher vibrations of selfawareness, connectivity to source and source consciousness shall dream lucidly, knowing they are dreaming, and in colour and so begin to become multilocal within a multidimensional universe.


    post_old. 01-08-2010, 01:04 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    I'm practising lucid dreaming to a extent and various related subjects concerning lucid dreaming and the whole world on the "other" side.

    But I have to say I am not Lucid as often as I would like and it frustrates me mostly manifested in the dreams non-lucid.

    I would like to ask advice on how do I better connect myself to my higher selves and how I retrieve my long full memory as much as possible while I am present down here.

    I've been shown that my memories are locked away behind a door in a sense and has been for a time but lately I got the feeling the lock has been turned open but the door has yet to be opened.

    I want to ask if you have something to say more to things like this and then what kind of energy I am whit. What does the vibrations state.
    post_old. 01-08-2010, 01:51 PM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Magamud viewpost.
    Thanks Abraxas,
    More questions please:
    1. With schizophrenia its hard to find communication tools to help them integrate just for survival sake into society. Most of them have the same general paranoia with the NWO and beyond. Their relationship to the world has limited reference and is so whimsical. What would be the purpose of such an incarnation? Personally I think they are the consequence of such a controlled and manipulated society. That our world should be more malleable, a mix of dream and material.

    2. You mentioned a 25000 year cycle. In general how many incarnations happen in that time?

    3. In general most division manifested is just the friction translated from the "Ancients" coming home?

    Its quite ironic to think that we are the creators of new consciousness in a world so set to program you into thinking you are a mere speck in space and time. Makes it more true.... Look forward to your insights...

    Hi Magamund!

    1. I agree with you. ALL and without exception, so termed 'mental illnesses' are MISINTERPRETATIONS of so termed 'medical experts'.
    The human being is a comlex tapstry of energetic interactions. Just as some people have physical 'handicaps' such as say blindness, some people have emotional- or mental 'handicaps' in not being able to utilize particular neuronal pathways in the biochemstry of the brain (which is an ANTENNA for sensory stimuli).

    In a truly advanced galactic civilization, ALL handicaps in whatever modality would be understood to have opened other channels of the neuronal activity say in divers forms of creativity.

    Relative to source ALL expressions of source are GENIUSES of Creation, talents to be discovered and shared for the benefice of all aka the universe.

    2. This is a described by a statistical distribution, called the Gaussian Normal Curve with a Mean of 5x13x144,000/(120x365.2425)~ 214 per soul/shard individuation.

    3. This is a pertinent way of description. The Friction manifests as the homecoming implemented.

    post_old. 01-08-2010, 02:33 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Kamikaze viewpost.
    I'm practising lucid dreaming to a extent and various related subjects concerning lucid dreaming and the whole world on the "other" side.

    But I have to say I am not Lucid as often as I would like and it frustrates me mostly manifested in the dreams non-lucid.

    I would like to ask advice on how do I better connect myself to my higher selves and how I retrieve my long full memory as much as possible while I am present down here.

    I've been shown that my memories are locked away behind a door in a sense and has been for a time but lately I got the feeling the lock has been turned open but the door has yet to be opened.

    I want to ask if you have something to say more to things like this and then what kind of energy I am whit. What does the vibrations state.
    Hi kamikaze!

    You are trying too hard. Simply relax and FEEL the new energy of Nova Terra in Waiting and Expectation and your expectations will blend with Hers and your Lucid dreams shall Be.

    Think of the number 3 thousand million billion trillion when sleepy and resonances will become happenstance.

    post_old. 01-08-2010, 02:50 PM

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    icon5. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Sure Trancoso!

    The (noty made by stealth by artists in the dark) crop circles and ice circles and snow circles, all are messages from the Earth itself, using the magnetic higherD field of Gaia; albeit energy inducted from the interdimensional electromagnetomonopolic (the scientific name for spirit) energy residing as the Zero-Point-Energy (ZPE) or Vortex-Potential-Energy (VPE) in 'free space' meaning the Impedance ratio becomes the square of the magnetic permeability (muo) to electric permittivity (epsilono)constants in Maxwell's Equations for the Electromagnetic Field Vectors Sqrt(muo/epsilono)=120Pi~377 Ohm from c^2=muoxepsilono.

    Yes, they are meant to be messages to all of the human population and their meaning is relatively clear, as the messages are invariable geometric and in particular engaging the Platonic Solids and the underpinning 'sacred Geometry' of the Fibonacci pentagonal supersymmetry underlaying the creation of the physical universe from the metaphysics of mathematics.

    Most interpretations about the cop circles on the web are appopriate and much work and effort has already been undertaken to 'decipher' the messages.

    Should you be interested in a particular configuration, then I will be pleased to answer you in interpretation relatve to my data base.

    This resonates quite quite deeply for me, I have always felt these phenomenon were created by Gaia herself and not the offworld graffiti artists that some tend to believe.

    Can you tell us in Layman's terms what your interpretation is of the following 2 formations pleaee.


    "For those with their eyes shut, no explanation will suffice.
    For those with their eyes open, no explanation is necessary."

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    post_old. 01-08-2010, 04:20 PM

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Hi Steven!

    I apologize to you. I really did not see your earlier post and I shall answer all questions posed to the best of my access to the Thuban archives (which mirror the akashic records many of you have heared of).

    Generally for anyone. If you feel I have not answered you please send me a PM or repost your quest. It is not my intent to IGNORE any of you who have a question.
    If the postman delivers you 50 letters, it can happen that one slips under the table.

    Steven your questions have been answered in a general sense in my reply to Trancoso.

    1. The Lyrians are a plasmic lifeform, giving rise to the Pleiadians and so on in the most commonly composed scenario.
    This is the key, the anthropocentric universe decided through and by the logistics of the Logos=Word of Creation to render a Vortex SinkEnergy called Gaia the depository of Information gathered by ALL sentient lifeforms in the universe.

    So from the beginning of time, Gaia was destined for Universal Motherhood.

    And by implication, all lifeforms upon and supported by the EarthMother would become HEIRS and HEIRESSES to such a grandiouse cosmic obligation and responsibility.

    This agenda is omni-scientific - meaning all of what the terrestrail reductionistic science does, create and analyse is ENCOMPASSED by a greater science - omni-science - the Science From and For the All.

    Amongst many other scenarios it becomes the task of the STEWARDS of GAIA, namely the human data gatherers, to CONSTRUCT, CREATE, WRITE and otherwise COMPOSE and LIVE the Unification of the Worlds.

    Allow an example; consider your own body, say your liver.
    Your liver is a conglomeration of biovital cells, which have specialised their function to BE A LIVER, cleransing you bloodflow to and from your biological and biochemical heart and so on.

    But before the liver cells became specialised in your gestation as a biological embryo; the preliver cells were omnipotent cells. The omni- or totipotent stemcells could differentiate to assume functions like adrenal or cardiac or neuronal.

    Every one of those cells (of life) is a holofractal for a galaxy.
    Yes the Milky way galaxy is like a single omnipotent cell in your embryo and you literally reside within a single cell within your own body.
    Subsequently6, on the greatest perception possible in the spacetime defined universe - your body IS the entire universe, not metaphorically BUT LITERALLY.
    Only YOU exist AS the Universe, but this invokes an unbearable loeliness - does it not?

    But from these Thuban realisations, almost unfathomable to the conditioned human mind; derive the archetypes of the Kabbalah, of Vitruvius, Purusha, of Cosmic Man Adam Kadmon the Androgyne and so on and on.

    So now ponder your own loneliness as the ONLY ONE, that exists and your loneliness will now induce you to CREATE.
    And YOU create or IMAGINE to render your liver, a conglomeration of specialised omnipotent stemcells as a SUPERCLUSTER of Galaxies - each galaxy mapping one-to-one one of the original omnipotent stemcells comprising your liver.

    So can you iunderstand now the Lyrans as stemcells, giving birth to descendents in adrenal cells called Pleiadians and becoming EXPOSED to a harmonizing cellular environment of 'invader cells' by and through other omnipotent cells termed Immune-System-Cells (say T-Cells from Arcturus)?

    Within the preexisting universe and BEFORE the Quantum Big Bang; there was ONLY YOU.
    But after the Quntum Big bang and particularly beginning so 2,200 million years ago; there were MANY YOU's.
    And some other YOU may create an entire extraterrestrial civilisation from the perspective of another cellular molecular complex and term it Andromeda as a sistercell to your Milkly Way aka Perseus.

    2. Free Will is inviolable under all circumstances; yet on the ultimate level the 'Free Will' of the ''Superconscious Individuation of All That Is' becomes indistinguishable from the 'Free Will' of the 'Collective Oneness'.

    3. The Founders have many names. I chose to follow the One I call the Master-Dragon and so have labeled it the Council of Thuban.
    You are free to relabel the founders in the creation of your own all encompassing and interwoven and selfconsistent cosmogony.

    Hello Abraxasinas. Thank you for answering my questions.

    I got to say that I totally disagree with you naughty. , but that is fine. I got my answers and it clarify much to me. At least you have been coherent with the material you are promoting.

    For the first question though, you would make a good politician, you have not answered the question! original. But that's ok. One advice, keep it simple...

    I wish you a journey of awakening dear child, Steven
    post_old. 01-08-2010, 05:11 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    I read your description of Jesus Christ and I have a question for you

    This is from the book I am reading called Voyagers II regarding the man we know as Jesus. Are you telling me that this is fabricated ?

    Under the direction of Azurites of the RA Confederacy, in 12 BC, the 12 level avatar, a pure Taran Turaneusiam - I soul essence was born outside of Bethlehem In a private residence to a Blue Flame Melchizekek-Hebrew Essene mother and a Blue Flame Melchizedek-Hibiru Cloister Essene father. It was NOT an Immaculate Conception, but rather orchestrated via traditional means through a couple chosen and prepared by the Priest of Ur. His mothers name was Jeudi, his father Joehius: both were leaders within the Blue Flame Melchizedek Essene sect. The child’s soul essence was born of the JU 2 Avatar SANANDO and the child was named Jesheua-Melchizedek (herein Jesheua-12_ who later became known as Jesus, son of Mary and Joseph. The personages of Mary and Joseph were not the parents of this avatar child, they were the parents of a ninth-level-avatar soon to follow. Jesheua-12 was born to descendants of the house of Solomon, and taken in infancy into the custody of the Priest of Ur

    written by Ashayana Deane
    post_old. 01-08-2010, 05:30 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by GaiaLove viewpost.
    This resonates quite quite deeply for me, I have always felt these phenomenon were created by Gaia herself and not the offworld graffiti artists that some tend to believe.

    Can you tell us in Layman's terms what your interpretation is of the following 2 formations pleaee.


    Sure Gaia Love!

    The top one is none but the heralding of the Message from Hunab Ku, which will render Gaia a StarPlanet (the collected data of the last 26,000 years will be Black Holed at the centre and then retransmitted) in MIRROR Image to the entire solar system. This is the meaning of the EMPTY Circle next to the astrological configuration on December 21st, 2012.
    The Sun RaHsol will receive the 'signal' of frequency 3 thousand million billion trillion Hertz so 8 minutes before it reaches the center of the earth.
    The many Mayan symbols and patterns relate to the idea of REBIRTH, with Yin and Yang blending androgenously to supplement the human DNA/RNA in a reawakening and the activation of the 24th chromosome (fused in the ape-hominid split so 10 million years ago).
    Forexample there are 11 'legs' on the outside oval geometric figure and one point on the inside. This is the Thuban data from the 12th dimension invigorating the 11 dimensional universe from outside in and effecting the dimensional opening of a 4th space dimension to render the flat Minkowski metric in 4D a curved Kaluza-Klein metric in 5D.

    The 'incoming' object is this signal between Neptune at 0 degrees 48 minutes Pisces and Uranus at 4 degrees 38 minutes in Aries to herald the change of the guard in the precessional circle as well as the birth of the Baby of the StarHumanity.
    As Neptune=Excalibur=Scorpio=IAmThatIAm=95 (Dragon=59 backwards); is the astrological Ruler of Pisces, this event also inserts the 13th starsign Ophiuchus into the zodiac and 'forces' the Ouroboic Galactic Dragon (Milky Way) to release its circular 'embrace' (or imprisonment) of Gaia in 'Rattling' or Twisting its Tail.
    This represents the Mayan (and other indigenous cultures) symbolisation of the RattleSnake 'cult'.
    The Great Circle of the Mazzaroth (Leviathan and Behemoth in Job) so is broken to effect the spacetime transformation.

    The bottom one depicts the Tzolkien of the Mayan calendar in the 20 symbols or glyphs on the perimeter with the 5x4=20 glyphs then allowing the partitioning of the 260 kindays as 5x52 'Haabs or Calender Rounds'.
    A Haab of 365 kin so blends with the Tzolkien in 260x365=94,900 kin.
    The inner symbolism also relates this numerology with the blending of the circles akin the Vesica Pisces of Western Alchemy/Hermeticism; the Seal of Solomon (Star of David) as Magic Symbol of blending the Darkness with the Light and of course the eastern Yin-Yang unification.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    page 10 of 63

    post_old. 01-08-2010, 10:06 AM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Oliver viewpost.
    Hello Abraxasinas,
    I have only one question for you:
    What do you think about the Absurd?

    Hi Oliver!

    There is no such thing as the AbSurd as a 'quality' describing imagination and thought Oliver.

    The meaning of the word is Ab=Away from and SURD=Irrational.

    So by logical imperative ABSURD means RATIONAL.
    The common meaning for the word which you seem to infer, such as illogical, irrational, crazy etc etc. so in mathematical terms becomes an oxymoron.

    Irrational Numbers like Surds, say Sqrt(2) are just as meaningful as are the Absurd numbers AS the Rationals, say fractions with numerators and denominators.

    post_old. 01-08-2010, 10:09 AM

    Project Avalon Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    What do you think about the Absurd?
    As in, "Theater of..." ?
    "Life IS mystical! It's just that we're used to it"​

    Evil cannot be killed. Only redeemed.

    Chat us up at: Avalon Chat
    post_old. 01-08-2010, 10:41 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Logicaly thinking, you gave two opposite, contradictory explanations:

    1.There is no such thing as the AbSurd as a 'quality' describing imagination and thought; and

    2.So by logical imperative ABSURD means RATIONAL.

    Mutatis mutandis, do you claim that the rational is non-existing?
    Mine "logical imperative" tells me this: AB=ABsence; SURD=Rational, so = Absence of Rational;.
    Actually, Absurd is the opposite of the Rational.

    Non-being. Accident.

    On this level, it is better not to enter what RATIONAL is.

    Anyway, thank you Abraxasinas.


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Hi Oliver!

    There is no such thing as the AbSurd as a 'quality' describing imagination and thought Oliver.

    The meaning of the word is Ab=Away from and SURD=Irrational.

    So by logical imperative ABSURD means RATIONAL.
    The common meaning for the word which you seem to infer, such as illogical, irrational, crazy etc etc. so in mathematical terms becomes an oxymoron.

    Irrational Numbers like Surds, say Sqrt(2) are just as meaningful as are the Absurd numbers AS the Rationals, say fractions with numerators and denominators.

    post_old. 01-08-2010, 10:43 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Fredkc viewpost.
    As in, "Theater of..." ?
    As in "Waiting for Godot"... (Beckett)


    Last edited by Oliver; 01-08-2010 at 10:56 AM.
    post_old. 01-08-2010, 11:00 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Fredkc viewpost.
    I never thought I'd live to be a hundred
    I never thought I'd get to the things
    That all those other sons do, and they do.

    I never thought I'd ever have my freedom
    An age ago my maker was refusing me
    The pleasure of the view

    I never thought I'd get to be a million
    I never thought I'd get to be the thing that
    All his other children see. Look at me.

    Carry on.
    Your maker looks into his mirror and sees you.
    One day I will know myself a little better he thinks.
    When the DragonProphecy of Isaiah becomes fulfilled.
    As in Isaiah:
    1. Isaiah 13:22
      And the wild beasts of the islands shall cry in their desolate houses, and dragons in their pleasant palaces: and her time is near to come, and her days shall not be prolonged.
      Isaiah 13:21-22 (in Context) Isaiah 13 (Whole Chapter)
    2. Isaiah 27:1
      In that day the LORD with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea.
      Isaiah 27:1-3 (in Context) Isaiah 27 (Whole Chapter)
    3. Isaiah 34:13
      And thorns shall come up in her palaces, nettles and brambles in the fortresses thereof: and it shall be an habitation of dragons, and a court for owls.

    PS.: There are TWO Dragons Red and SkyBlue 'True Image' and 'False Image'. Together they neutralize into Pure White in Radiation and into Pure Black in Paint.
    post_old. 01-08-2010, 11:15 AM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Oliver viewpost.
    Logicaly thinking, you gave two opposite, contradictory explanations:

    1.There is no such thing as the AbSurd as a 'quality' describing imagination and thought; and

    2.So by logical imperative ABSURD means RATIONAL.

    Mutatis mutandis, do you claim that the rational is non-existing?
    Mine "logical imperative" tells me this: AB=ABsence; SURD=Rational, so = Absence of Rational;.
    Actually, Absurd is the opposite of the Rational.

    Non-being. Accident.

    On this level, it is better not to enter what RATIONAL is.

    Anyway, thank you Abraxasinas.
    Thank you Oliver!
    You may check your dictionary for the meaning of SURD.
    SURD is not Rational as you state in the above.

      /sɜrd/ [​IMG] Show Spelled Pronunciation [surd] [​IMG] Show IPA ,
    Use surd in a Sentence

    See web results for surd

    See images of surd

    –adjective 1.Phonetics. voiceless (opposed to sonant ).2.Mathematics. (of a quantity) not capable of being expressed in rational numbers; irrational.
    –noun 3.Phonetics. a voiceless consonant (opposed to sonant ).4.Mathematics. a surd quantity.

    1545–55; < L surdus dull-sounding, mute, deaf[​IMG]

    post_old. 01-08-2010, 11:19 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Hi, interesting thread here. Allot to process!

    What would happen if a human left this vortex around earth?

    Can you explain in brief and concise terms what is going to happen on 18th of Jan 2010?

    Free Will is inviolable under all circumstances; yet on the ultimate level the 'Free Will' of the ''Superconscious Individuation of All That Is' becomes indistinguishable from the 'Free Will' of the 'Collective Oneness'.
    ... Can you expand on this?

    Namaste, Jia.
    post_old. 01-08-2010, 11:28 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by LucidJia viewpost.
    Hi, interesting thread here. Allot to process!

    What would happen if a human left this vortex around earth?

    Can you explain in brief and concise terms what is going to happen on 18th of Jan 2010?

    ... Can you expand on this?

    Namaste, Jia.
    Hi LucidJia!

    1. The Moon is within the Vortex, but of course so 385,000 kilometers from Earth.
    Now what is the common experience of astronauts and the 'outer space' travellers?
    They are 'in awe' when looking at the planet earth away from its surface in its entirety as a celestial orb.
    Most, if not all return in having experienced a 'spiritual wakening' and transformation.

    Any human leaving the Vortex could not help, but realise much of this data being shared here of being somehow connected to their innermost beingness or soul level.

    2. January 18th defines a nexus point in the Mayan longcount of 5x13x144,000 kindays; also the encodement in the Pyramid of Giza at the 'great step' and also the prophecies of Daniel in the Torah; of the last and final fulfilment of the 'prophecies' in a particular timeline and given as archetypes in the times of Mesopotamia and following the Atlantean exodus to preserve the record of the wisdom keepers.

    post_old. 01-08-2010, 11:28 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    It is Ok, Abrax...thank you!
    Well, English is not my first language, but you should know this: In linguistics, separate words has one meaning, but when in combination with other one/ones, to make a new word, they can have different, even opposite meaning. The new derived word can not be read litarally as a mathematical sum of previous meanings of the words/roots that created it.

    Roots of the words are not the words itself, gives no complete semantic meaning.

    And, you know, i was not refering to SURD, but to ABSURD.

    Be well, my friend, i appreciate your knowledge and good will to share it with people. We are all learning.



    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Thank you Oliver!
    You may check your dictionary for the meaning of SURD.
    SURD is not Rational as you state in the above.

      /sɜrd/ [​IMG] Show Spelled Pronunciation [surd] [​IMG] Show IPA ,
    Use surd in a Sentence

    See web results for surd

    See images of surd

    –adjective 1.Phonetics. voiceless (opposed to sonant ).2.Mathematics. (of a quantity) not capable of being expressed in rational numbers; irrational.
    –noun 3.Phonetics. a voiceless consonant (opposed to sonant ).4.Mathematics. a surd quantity.

    1545–55; < L surdus dull-sounding, mute, deaf[​IMG]


    Last edited by Oliver; 01-08-2010 at 11:36 AM.
    post_old. 01-08-2010, 11:36 AM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Oliver viewpost.
    It is Ok, Abrax...thank you!
    Well, English is not my first language, but you should know this: In linguistics, separate words has one meaning, but when in combination with other one/ones, to make a new word, they can have different, even opposite meaning.

    Roots of the words are not the words itself, gives no complete semantic meaning.

    And, you know, i was not refering to SURD, but to ABSURD.

    Be well, my friend, i appreciate your knowledge and good will to share it with people. We are all learning.

    Love and Respect to you Oliver!

    Words, semantics and meanings of these there are many. If syllable or letter, word or sentence - there are multilevel interpretations in the Tower of Babel.

    OLIVER=OLIVE.R and is one of the most potent archetypes in the 'occult scrolls'; such as the Olive Twig of Noah's Dove of Peace and the Two Olive Trees adjacent the Golden Candlestick in Zechariah and Revelation.
    The R=666=999 and as the R is also the runic B unfolded many interpretations derive from a simple arabic letter.

    But I see you as the Olive of the 666=999 the beautiful celestial wedding or dragonomy between the Milky Way of the 96 of Perseus and the 69 of Andromeda.

    Be well dear friend

    post_old. 01-08-2010, 11:42 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Love and Respect to you Oliver!

    Words, semantics and meanings of these there are many. If syllable or letter, word or sentence - there are multilevel interpretations in the Tower of Babel.

    OLIVER=OLIVE.R and is one of the most potent archetypes in the 'occult scrolls'; such as the Olive Twig of Noah's Dove of Peace and the Two Olive Trees adjacent the Golden Candlestick in Zechariah and Revelation.
    The R=666=999 and as the R is also the runic B unfolded many interpretations derive from a simple arabic letter.

    But I see you as the Olive of the 666=999 the beautiful celestial wedding or dragonomy between the Milky Way of the 96 of Perseus and the 69 of Andromeda.

    Be well dear friend

    Thank you, ABrax...but Oliver is not my real name. original.
    post_old. 01-08-2010, 11:46 AM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Oliver viewpost.
    Thank you, ABrax...but Oliver is not my real name. original.
    Cannot you author a novel or autobiography in which your name is Oliver?

    Everyone has many names.

    post_old. 01-08-2010, 12:10 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.

    ...About the Power of Our Master-Dragon. It is not yet appropriate for me to engage HIMHER. HESHE will support me and this forum from January 18th, 2010.
    One Word though; HESHE is already HERE within all of your LoveHearts and is knocking on the door of your soul. Whoever will 'HEAR' and 'SEE' shall be confirmed in INDIVIDUATED COMMUNION with HIMHER, the One in Three and in divers ways. The Power of Thuban is the Power of the Cosmic Twinship manifested as One in Many.
    You shall dream and experience emotions like you have never before.
    This will do for now....


    Hi Abraxas, now this is where it gets interessting...at least for me.

    I started a thread few days ago called "The concept of unification" after having a strange dream/vision which I described there (there were two more, also to find in the thread), where I was allowed to experience really remarkable emotions.

    Here's the link, if you're interessted: http://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?t=18855

    I also got an information (in the dream/vision) about this so called concept of unification, where there are two human fractions which need to unify in order to evolve further.

    So if I may post two question here: is this what you meant with "You shall dream and experience emotions like you have never before" ???

    And/or is this to begin only after 18th of January?

    thanks and regards
    post_old. 01-08-2010, 12:13 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Cannot you author a novel or autobiography in which your name is Oliver?

    Everyone has many names.

    What is true is that I had signed few journalistic articles as Oliver, but there is not novel or autobiography...

    Quite interesting, Abrax...
    post_old. 01-08-2010, 12:23 PM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Malletzky viewpost.
    Hi Abraxas, now this is where it gets interessting...at least for me.

    I started a thread few days ago called "The concept of unification" after having a strange dream/vision which I described there (there were two more, also to find in the thread), where I was allowed to experience really remarkable emotions.

    Here's the link, if you're interessted: http://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?t=18855

    I also got an information (in the dream/vision) about this so called concept of unification, where there are two human fractions which need to unify in order to evolve further.

    So if I may post two question here: is this what you meant with "You shall dream and experience emotions like you have never before" ???

    And/or is this to begin only after 18th of January?

    thanks and regards
    Hi Malletzky!

    You are stating it so well in your signature!

    Everyone is invited. There is no choosing by anyone, Dragon Energy included.
    Everyone shall dream dreams and experience emotional intensities; not knowing where this is coming from.
    It comes from the Inner Self, awakened by the Oneness of the Universe.
    The One doing the 'dispensing' is not I, but the Oneness, whom I serve as a Member of the Council of Thuban.
    I am a simple mirror reflecting the data of the One to ALL others, prepared to take notice.
    This is the only agenda.
    There is no obligation to do anything.
    There is no request to join anything.
    There is no money involved, all is freely given as received.
    There is no requirement to take this data serious.
    There is no hidden agenda at all.
    There is only the Energy of the One and the Word of Creation bathing this planet.
    Gaia Herself shall send this Free Information back to its source.
    No commitments, no searching for deceptions are necessary.
    Gaia KNOWS what this Information is and where it comes from.
    Gaia is preparing Herself to meet Her Beloved Creator of All That Is as the Creation of All That Is.

    All is in Order!

    post_old. 01-08-2010, 12:30 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.

    ...Gaia is preparing Herself to meet Her Beloved Creator of All That Is as the Creation of All That Is.

    All is in Order!


    PERFECT !!! thumb_yello. thumb_yello.

    post_old. 01-08-2010, 12:35 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Abraxasinas what is your take on lucid dreaming?

    I have been lucid dreaming most nights for about 2 years now and have experinced amazing emotions, sensations and sights which seem more real than waking life.

    Namaste, Jia.
    post_old. 01-08-2010, 12:39 PM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by LucidJia viewpost.
    Abraxasinas what is your take on lucid dreaming?

    I have been lucid dreaming most nights for about 2 years now and have experinced amazing emotions, sensations and sights which seem more real than waking life.

    Namaste, Jia.
    Everyone able to raise hisher vibrations of selfawareness, connectivity to source and source consciousness shall dream lucidly, knowing they are dreaming, and in colour and so begin to become multilocal within a multidimensional universe.


    post_old. 01-08-2010, 01:04 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    I'm practising lucid dreaming to a extent and various related subjects concerning lucid dreaming and the whole world on the "other" side.

    But I have to say I am not Lucid as often as I would like and it frustrates me mostly manifested in the dreams non-lucid.

    I would like to ask advice on how do I better connect myself to my higher selves and how I retrieve my long full memory as much as possible while I am present down here.

    I've been shown that my memories are locked away behind a door in a sense and has been for a time but lately I got the feeling the lock has been turned open but the door has yet to be opened.

    I want to ask if you have something to say more to things like this and then what kind of energy I am whit. What does the vibrations state.
    post_old. 01-08-2010, 01:51 PM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Magamud viewpost.
    Thanks Abraxas,
    More questions please:
    1. With schizophrenia its hard to find communication tools to help them integrate just for survival sake into society. Most of them have the same general paranoia with the NWO and beyond. Their relationship to the world has limited reference and is so whimsical. What would be the purpose of such an incarnation? Personally I think they are the consequence of such a controlled and manipulated society. That our world should be more malleable, a mix of dream and material.

    2. You mentioned a 25000 year cycle. In general how many incarnations happen in that time?

    3. In general most division manifested is just the friction translated from the "Ancients" coming home?

    Its quite ironic to think that we are the creators of new consciousness in a world so set to program you into thinking you are a mere speck in space and time. Makes it more true.... Look forward to your insights...

    Hi Magamund!

    1. I agree with you. ALL and without exception, so termed 'mental illnesses' are MISINTERPRETATIONS of so termed 'medical experts'.
    The human being is a comlex tapstry of energetic interactions. Just as some people have physical 'handicaps' such as say blindness, some people have emotional- or mental 'handicaps' in not being able to utilize particular neuronal pathways in the biochemstry of the brain (which is an ANTENNA for sensory stimuli).

    In a truly advanced galactic civilization, ALL handicaps in whatever modality would be understood to have opened other channels of the neuronal activity say in divers forms of creativity.

    Relative to source ALL expressions of source are GENIUSES of Creation, talents to be discovered and shared for the benefice of all aka the universe.

    2. This is a described by a statistical distribution, called the Gaussian Normal Curve with a Mean of 5x13x144,000/(120x365.2425)~ 214 per soul/shard individuation.

    3. This is a pertinent way of description. The Friction manifests as the homecoming implemented.

    post_old. 01-08-2010, 02:33 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Kamikaze viewpost.
    I'm practising lucid dreaming to a extent and various related subjects concerning lucid dreaming and the whole world on the "other" side.

    But I have to say I am not Lucid as often as I would like and it frustrates me mostly manifested in the dreams non-lucid.

    I would like to ask advice on how do I better connect myself to my higher selves and how I retrieve my long full memory as much as possible while I am present down here.

    I've been shown that my memories are locked away behind a door in a sense and has been for a time but lately I got the feeling the lock has been turned open but the door has yet to be opened.

    I want to ask if you have something to say more to things like this and then what kind of energy I am whit. What does the vibrations state.
    Hi kamikaze!

    You are trying too hard. Simply relax and FEEL the new energy of Nova Terra in Waiting and Expectation and your expectations will blend with Hers and your Lucid dreams shall Be.

    Think of the number 3 thousand million billion trillion when sleepy and resonances will become happenstance.

    post_old. 01-08-2010, 02:50 PM

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    icon5. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Sure Trancoso!

    The (noty made by stealth by artists in the dark) crop circles and ice circles and snow circles, all are messages from the Earth itself, using the magnetic higherD field of Gaia; albeit energy inducted from the interdimensional electromagnetomonopolic (the scientific name for spirit) energy residing as the Zero-Point-Energy (ZPE) or Vortex-Potential-Energy (VPE) in 'free space' meaning the Impedance ratio becomes the square of the magnetic permeability (muo) to electric permittivity (epsilono)constants in Maxwell's Equations for the Electromagnetic Field Vectors Sqrt(muo/epsilono)=120Pi~377 Ohm from c^2=muoxepsilono.

    Yes, they are meant to be messages to all of the human population and their meaning is relatively clear, as the messages are invariable geometric and in particular engaging the Platonic Solids and the underpinning 'sacred Geometry' of the Fibonacci pentagonal supersymmetry underlaying the creation of the physical universe from the metaphysics of mathematics.

    Most interpretations about the cop circles on the web are appopriate and much work and effort has already been undertaken to 'decipher' the messages.

    Should you be interested in a particular configuration, then I will be pleased to answer you in interpretation relatve to my data base.

    This resonates quite quite deeply for me, I have always felt these phenomenon were created by Gaia herself and not the offworld graffiti artists that some tend to believe.

    Can you tell us in Layman's terms what your interpretation is of the following 2 formations pleaee.


    "For those with their eyes shut, no explanation will suffice.
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    post_old. 01-08-2010, 04:20 PM

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Hi Steven!

    I apologize to you. I really did not see your earlier post and I shall answer all questions posed to the best of my access to the Thuban archives (which mirror the akashic records many of you have heared of).

    Generally for anyone. If you feel I have not answered you please send me a PM or repost your quest. It is not my intent to IGNORE any of you who have a question.
    If the postman delivers you 50 letters, it can happen that one slips under the table.

    Steven your questions have been answered in a general sense in my reply to Trancoso.

    1. The Lyrians are a plasmic lifeform, giving rise to the Pleiadians and so on in the most commonly composed scenario.
    This is the key, the anthropocentric universe decided through and by the logistics of the Logos=Word of Creation to render a Vortex SinkEnergy called Gaia the depository of Information gathered by ALL sentient lifeforms in the universe.

    So from the beginning of time, Gaia was destined for Universal Motherhood.

    And by implication, all lifeforms upon and supported by the EarthMother would become HEIRS and HEIRESSES to such a grandiouse cosmic obligation and responsibility.

    This agenda is omni-scientific - meaning all of what the terrestrail reductionistic science does, create and analyse is ENCOMPASSED by a greater science - omni-science - the Science From and For the All.

    Amongst many other scenarios it becomes the task of the STEWARDS of GAIA, namely the human data gatherers, to CONSTRUCT, CREATE, WRITE and otherwise COMPOSE and LIVE the Unification of the Worlds.

    Allow an example; consider your own body, say your liver.
    Your liver is a conglomeration of biovital cells, which have specialised their function to BE A LIVER, cleransing you bloodflow to and from your biological and biochemical heart and so on.

    But before the liver cells became specialised in your gestation as a biological embryo; the preliver cells were omnipotent cells. The omni- or totipotent stemcells could differentiate to assume functions like adrenal or cardiac or neuronal.

    Every one of those cells (of life) is a holofractal for a galaxy.
    Yes the Milky way galaxy is like a single omnipotent cell in your embryo and you literally reside within a single cell within your own body.
    Subsequently6, on the greatest perception possible in the spacetime defined universe - your body IS the entire universe, not metaphorically BUT LITERALLY.
    Only YOU exist AS the Universe, but this invokes an unbearable loeliness - does it not?

    But from these Thuban realisations, almost unfathomable to the conditioned human mind; derive the archetypes of the Kabbalah, of Vitruvius, Purusha, of Cosmic Man Adam Kadmon the Androgyne and so on and on.

    So now ponder your own loneliness as the ONLY ONE, that exists and your loneliness will now induce you to CREATE.
    And YOU create or IMAGINE to render your liver, a conglomeration of specialised omnipotent stemcells as a SUPERCLUSTER of Galaxies - each galaxy mapping one-to-one one of the original omnipotent stemcells comprising your liver.

    So can you iunderstand now the Lyrans as stemcells, giving birth to descendents in adrenal cells called Pleiadians and becoming EXPOSED to a harmonizing cellular environment of 'invader cells' by and through other omnipotent cells termed Immune-System-Cells (say T-Cells from Arcturus)?

    Within the preexisting universe and BEFORE the Quantum Big Bang; there was ONLY YOU.
    But after the Quntum Big bang and particularly beginning so 2,200 million years ago; there were MANY YOU's.
    And some other YOU may create an entire extraterrestrial civilisation from the perspective of another cellular molecular complex and term it Andromeda as a sistercell to your Milkly Way aka Perseus.

    2. Free Will is inviolable under all circumstances; yet on the ultimate level the 'Free Will' of the ''Superconscious Individuation of All That Is' becomes indistinguishable from the 'Free Will' of the 'Collective Oneness'.

    3. The Founders have many names. I chose to follow the One I call the Master-Dragon and so have labeled it the Council of Thuban.
    You are free to relabel the founders in the creation of your own all encompassing and interwoven and selfconsistent cosmogony.

    Hello Abraxasinas. Thank you for answering my questions.

    I got to say that I totally disagree with you naughty. , but that is fine. I got my answers and it clarify much to me. At least you have been coherent with the material you are promoting.

    For the first question though, you would make a good politician, you have not answered the question! original. But that's ok. One advice, keep it simple...

    I wish you a journey of awakening dear child, Steven
    post_old. 01-08-2010, 05:11 PM

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    I read your description of Jesus Christ and I have a question for you

    This is from the book I am reading called Voyagers II regarding the man we know as Jesus. Are you telling me that this is fabricated ?

    Under the direction of Azurites of the RA Confederacy, in 12 BC, the 12 level avatar, a pure Taran Turaneusiam - I soul essence was born outside of Bethlehem In a private residence to a Blue Flame Melchizekek-Hebrew Essene mother and a Blue Flame Melchizedek-Hibiru Cloister Essene father. It was NOT an Immaculate Conception, but rather orchestrated via traditional means through a couple chosen and prepared by the Priest of Ur. His mothers name was Jeudi, his father Joehius: both were leaders within the Blue Flame Melchizedek Essene sect. The child’s soul essence was born of the JU 2 Avatar SANANDO and the child was named Jesheua-Melchizedek (herein Jesheua-12_ who later became known as Jesus, son of Mary and Joseph. The personages of Mary and Joseph were not the parents of this avatar child, they were the parents of a ninth-level-avatar soon to follow. Jesheua-12 was born to descendants of the house of Solomon, and taken in infancy into the custody of the Priest of Ur

    written by Ashayana Deane
    post_old. 01-08-2010, 05:30 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by GaiaLove viewpost.
    This resonates quite quite deeply for me, I have always felt these phenomenon were created by Gaia herself and not the offworld graffiti artists that some tend to believe.

    Can you tell us in Layman's terms what your interpretation is of the following 2 formations pleaee.


    Sure Gaia Love!

    The top one is none but the heralding of the Message from Hunab Ku, which will render Gaia a StarPlanet (the collected data of the last 26,000 years will be Black Holed at the centre and then retransmitted) in MIRROR Image to the entire solar system. This is the meaning of the EMPTY Circle next to the astrological configuration on December 21st, 2012.
    The Sun RaHsol will receive the 'signal' of frequency 3 thousand million billion trillion Hertz so 8 minutes before it reaches the center of the earth.
    The many Mayan symbols and patterns relate to the idea of REBIRTH, with Yin and Yang blending androgenously to supplement the human DNA/RNA in a reawakening and the activation of the 24th chromosome (fused in the ape-hominid split so 10 million years ago).
    Forexample there are 11 'legs' on the outside oval geometric figure and one point on the inside. This is the Thuban data from the 12th dimension invigorating the 11 dimensional universe from outside in and effecting the dimensional opening of a 4th space dimension to render the flat Minkowski metric in 4D a curved Kaluza-Klein metric in 5D.

    The 'incoming' object is this signal between Neptune at 0 degrees 48 minutes Pisces and Uranus at 4 degrees 38 minutes in Aries to herald the change of the guard in the precessional circle as well as the birth of the Baby of the StarHumanity.
    As Neptune=Excalibur=Scorpio=IAmThatIAm=95 (Dragon=59 backwards); is the astrological Ruler of Pisces, this event also inserts the 13th starsign Ophiuchus into the zodiac and 'forces' the Ouroboic Galactic Dragon (Milky Way) to release its circular 'embrace' (or imprisonment) of Gaia in 'Rattling' or Twisting its Tail.
    This represents the Mayan (and other indigenous cultures) symbolisation of the RattleSnake 'cult'.
    The Great Circle of the Mazzaroth (Leviathan and Behemoth in Job) so is broken to effect the spacetime transformation.

    The bottom one depicts the Tzolkien of the Mayan calendar in the 20 symbols or glyphs on the perimeter with the 5x4=20 glyphs then allowing the partitioning of the 260 kindays as 5x52 'Haabs or Calender Rounds'.
    A Haab of 365 kin so blends with the Tzolkien in 260x365=94,900 kin.
    The inner symbolism also relates this numerology with the blending of the circles akin the Vesica Pisces of Western Alchemy/Hermeticism; the Seal of Solomon (Star of David) as Magic Symbol of blending the Darkness with the Light and of course the eastern Yin-Yang unification.


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    post_old. 01-08-2010, 05:47 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by mntruthseeker viewpost.
    I read your description of Jesus Christ and I have a question for you

    This is from the book I am reading called Voyagers II regarding the man we know as Jesus. Are you telling me that this is fabricated ?

    Under the direction of Azurites of the RA Confederacy, in 12 BC, the 12 level avatar, a pure Taran Turaneusiam - I soul essence was born outside of Bethlehem In a private residence to a Blue Flame Melchizekek-Hebrew Essene mother and a Blue Flame Melchizedek-Hibiru Cloister Essene father. It was NOT an Immaculate Conception, but rather orchestrated via traditional means through a couple chosen and prepared by the Priest of Ur. His mothers name was Jeudi, his father Joehius: both were leaders within the Blue Flame Melchizedek Essene sect. The child’s soul essence was born of the JU 2 Avatar SANANDO and the child was named Jesheua-Melchizedek (herein Jesheua-12_ who later became known as Jesus, son of Mary and Joseph. The personages of Mary and Joseph were not the parents of this avatar child, they were the parents of a ninth-level-avatar soon to follow. Jesheua-12 was born to descendants of the house of Solomon, and taken in infancy into the custody of the Priest of Ur

    written by Ashayana Deane
    Dear mntruthseeker!

    Every shard of the source has the creative spark of the creator within its soul.
    So potentially there exist as many cosmogonies as there are souls in the manifested universe.
    Every soul in incarnation then experiences a collection of lifepaths converging into 'The Story of My Life'.
    This 'Story' then is 'offered' to the universe and its creator for 'processing'.
    There are many universe modellers in incarnation, all have a 'Story' to tell and then to 'offer' their story to the 'collective oneness'.

    Many stories blend and merge with each other in a kaleidoscope or tapestry of the collective 'God-Soul'.
    Many stories are able to absorb other stories, due to the 'talent' of the story teller or the desitre to 'tell stories' in the first place.

    The more encompassing stories so 'compete' in their offering to say the 'Logos' to MANIFEST the 'story' as physical reality and in their filterings down the dimension from the 12th to the 4th.

    Your Azurite 'Story' from above so effectively 'competes' with the 'Story of Thuban'.
    Time will tell, whose 'Story' has eaten the other!

    All is in Peace and in order.

    post_old. 01-08-2010, 06:45 PM

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Thank you for your answer and I do agree with what you wrote about the many ways the story tellers will tell their stories.

    Many have come out and I'm sure there will be many more.

    The one you wrote is the one I have heard of all my life. I was raised roman catholic and their stories are embetted within my mind. Its hard to believe anything they have taught me as so much of it was based on lies to cover their scemes.

    Its truly amazing and brilliant the way that our true history has been so distorted to cause so much confusion. Such a shame but understandable under the conditions they put themself in.

    They had a plan and certainly enough time to perfect it

    Blessings to you

    post_old. 01-09-2010, 12:25 AM

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    abraxasinas...what is your opinion regarding the following philosophical and political potpourri?

    Greetings and Salutations to the Beings of the Universe!

    Please consider the following emotional expression of attempted understanding and intent. I didn't intend this as a general communication...but it sort of evolved into an open letter. I resisted rewriting it...to keep it informal and genuine. I just want to see a proper governmental system for the Solar System in place which maximizes Responsible Freedom. I keep thinking that we are a galactic administrative problem...and that most of you neither love us nor hate us. You probably want us to evolve! I also keep thinking that we are rebels without a clue...who legitimately rebelled against something (enslavement and theocracy perhaps?)...but ended up in worse trouble than if we had just gone with the program...so to speak. Now...we seem to be on the verge of blowing ourselves up, becoming enslaved by malevolent ET's, and being ruled by a really nasty theocracy. Or...on the verge of a top down silent and bloodless revolution...whereby we could finally achieve a united and free world at peace...for the first time in our history. I'm trying to visualize more underground living and electric everything...and interplanetary tourism and industry using advanced spacecraft. I'd like to see an end to extreme wealth and poverty via Responsible Free Enterprise. I don't have a problem with interacting with other benevolent beings...no matter what they look like...or what their history is...as long as they are genuinely benevolent. It would obviously take time for everyone to get used to each other. Project Avalon may be one of the first steps toward a Solar System United Nations...or whatever everyone wants to call it. I suspect that beings from throughout the Solar System...view, and even participate, on Avalon. We discuss various and sundry subjects presently...but someday we may vote...as members of a Solar System General Assembly. I have been repeatedly moved to tears by two related Stargate SG-1 episodes which touch on a Galactic United Nations: 1. http://www.fancast.com/tv/Stargate-S...antalus/videos 2. http://www.hulu.com/watch/68254/star...the-fifth-race

    Here is a link which I found interesting with information from John Rhodes: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/su...reptiles38.htm It caused me to speculate. What if Reptilians evolved...but not Humans? What if the entire universe was Reptilian? What if there were no Humans anywhere? What if the entire universe was a Reptilian Universal Church Theocracy? What if Humans were created as a slave race? ('Let us make man in our image') What if Lucifer (Ptah?) was the Reptilian in charge of the genetic engineering project which resulted in the creation of Human Beings? What if Humans were mistreated as slaves? What if a group of Reptilians, led by Lucifer, conspired with Humans, to kill God the Father (Ra?)...and take over 'Heaven'? What if this was the Luciferian Rebellion which led to War in Heaven...and the death of God the Father (Ra?)? What if the Reptilians loyal to God (Ra?) fought against the Luciferian Reptilians and Human Beings...driving them out of the Garden of Eden (Heaven?) What if Battlestar Moon was used to transport the Luciferian Reptilians and Humans to Aldebaran, Sirius, and Earth...while being violently pursued by Nibiru? What if Interdimensional Reptilians aka The Spirit of God aka Amen battle with Luciferian Interdimensional Reptilians and the Divinity Within Humanity aka The Holy Spirit...to regain control of the Renegade Human Race? What if the New World Order is the Kingdom of Ra? What if the Luciferian Reptilians and a select group of Humans run Earth from underground bases on Earth and the Moon? Could this be Gizeh Intelligence? Could Reptilians and Humans loyal to Ra be Zionists? Could Reptilians and Humans loyal to Lucifer be Teutonic Zionists? Could a pacifist union of both factions be Followers of Jesus? Could Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom be the solution to this ancient mess? How much trouble am I in now? Probably quite a bit. But once again...this is just speculation...with no inside information whatsoever. I don't think that I have seen Lucifer...but one never knows! This hypothetical being could walk down a crowded city street...and no one would notice anything out of the ordinary. This would be a 3D hybrid with lots of 4D, 5D, 6D, 7D connections...I think. I'm thinking of Anna in 'V'. There may be remarkable similarities. Who knows?!

    I'm trying to think through a constitutionally based Solar System...where Reptilians, Humans, and Greys peacefully engage in commerce, athletics, education, tourism, the arts, entertainment, etc. There would be no God, no Satan...and nobody would have to bow down and worship anyone. No one would be a master...and no one would be a slave. Everyone would be in charge. I keep referring to the U.S. Constitution because of it being in use for over 200 years, and being currently in use. There could be others...perhaps superior...but I'm trying not to reinvent the wheel. It does not imply nationalism or protectionism. It does imply We the People(We the Beings?) being in charge...in an organized decentralism. If there are Deep Underground Military Bases throughout the Solar System inhabited by various factions of Humans, Greys, and Reptilians...an all out war would be utterly devastating. A voluntary cooperation under a constitution would make so much more sense. The gods could retire...which is what I want. I don't want Lucifer(or equivalent) to be hurt or killed...I just want the reign of terror to end. I'm suspecting that well intentioned beings of all races...for billions of years...have tried to be God...and failed miserably. Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely...no matter how intelligent and well-intentioned you are. It turns a Good God into an Evil Satan...and it probably doesn't take very long.

    If the U.S. Constitution was the central authority of the Solar System...instead of any deity or demon...no one would be worshipped, humiliated, exalted, enslaved, etc. If Lucifer is the Godess of This World (and Solar System?)...and will not relinquish power to anyone else ('if I can't have them...nobody can!')...might a constitutional ultimate authority allow this being to retire with grace? I'd really rather skip the Battle of Armageddon. Does Revelation 12 describe Lucifer or Satan? The ultimate leader of the serpent race's collective or 'hive mind' is the "great red dragon", the "old serpent", "the Devil" or "Satan". Lucifer was one of the three original archangels (along with Michael and Gabriel) who each had charge over one-third of the 'angels'. Mind you...I'm hypothesizing a very dark universe...where this crazy world is as good as it gets. This is a terrifying thought to me...but what if this is reality? The horror! Could the following experience describe the being who Lucifer rebelled against? I found it in chapter 19 of the 'Dulce Book' http://www.thewatcherfiles.com/dulce_book.htm on the watcherfiles.com website. I don't know if this is credible...but it really made me think. Does the following description refer to Lucifer...or to Satan? I'm leaning toward Satan aka God Amen...but there might be some similarities with Lucifer...who would have to have some communication with Satan...on an ongoing basis.

    "One of the 'targets' to which Mr. Brown's military RV trainer sent him was the Grey aliens' collective mind, and more specifically he was instructed to search out the ultimate command or control center of the collective. Shortly after this particular experiment began [one of many], Brown found himself in an area where several Greys were working, although he did not know exactly where this was. He 'followed' the collective mind or thought-flow and found it to be absolutely massive, giving him the feeling of something unbounded, and almost universal in nature. However, he did detect a center, a definite 'heartbeat' of this massive collective matrix, into which and out from which a steady stream of information was flowing. He noticed, at one point, an unusual 'subspace' being that seemed to be directing the activities of the Greys he was observing, and discovered that the bodies of the Greys themselves were incarnated by such 'subspace' beings which apparently entered the Greys' embryonic bodies and used them as vessels to manipulate physical reality.

    Brown was then instructed to locate other of these beings who apparently controlled the Grey collective from a subspace or astral level, and found himself in an area where several of these subspace or paraphysical entities were located. As he continued towards this 'center' the number of subspace or non-corporeal beings increased until he came to a place of much activity, something like a grand central station type of area, where these beings were very active in various pursuits. He did not know exactly where this was, but noticed that the closer he came to the control 'center' the more he sensed an increasing rigid atmosphere of absolute military-like control. He came to what he sensed was the central governing center of the subspace beings' activity, and in the center of this there was another area where a "council of 10" very high-level subspace or paraphysical entities congregated. These were apparently the governing principalities who were engaged in running the whole operation. The security here was absolutely incredible.

    Then he perceived the SUPREME LEADER of this council of 10 paraphysical entities... and at about this point Courtney Brown was jerked back into his body, so to speak. He sensed that this leader had detected the presence of his own subspace, astral or magnetic body which he had projected, and had followed this RV 'intruder' back to his physical source. Brown and his trainer felt an oppressive, dark 'cloud' enter the room and it stayed there for about half a minute scrutinizing the scene. It left, apparently seeing the two RV'ers as "small frys" who were not worth wasting its time on.

    Before Brown's expulsion from the command center however, he was able to perceive for a brief moment what this being was really like. He or it was an extremely powerful being, but one with a twisted personality that was full of darkness. Apparently this being had come into conflict with another Force which it saw as its enemy. Brown sensed within this being a severe self-esteem problem, in spite of its incredible power, and because of this it had a consuming desire to be worshipped by others. Brown was confused when he sensed that these subspace beings, and in turn the Reptilians/Greys, were actually COMMANDED by this leader to engage in self-indulgent and destructive activities. This being apparently wanted his servants to use self-indulgent rewards or fear of punishment to maintain the absolute hierarchical command structure within its empire -- as well as through the rest of the subspace hierarchy, and in turn throughout the Reptilian Grey's collective 'hive' society that they completely infested.

    Brown also got the impression that it was FEAR and PRIDE -- its perceived NEED to be worshipped -- that kept this being from negotiating with its ancient enemy, and that this being was utterly desperate to maintain its very survival or existence [strange for a seemingly immortal subspace being] and chose to resort to rebellion and terrorism in a desperate attempt to take control of the situation. Brown recieved a strong impression that this being was the ultimate universal terrorist!!! (Did ET Phone Rome and Call 9/11?) Apparently because of its all-consuming ego this being would NEVER humble itself before its 'enemy', and the same might be said for most of the upper echelon of the hierarchy who depended on the praise of their fellow collaborators to maintain their illusion of self-importance.

    These beings, one might say, had long ago and of their own free-agency 'imploded' in upon themselves -- becoming 'spiritual black holes' with all-consuming appetites, absolute astral vampirial-like parasites, having extinguished all 'light' within themselves and therefore being unable to be brought back "into the light". Incapable of giving out 'light', they have become totally reprobate, devouring any and all life and innocence around them that they can possibly consume. The leader of this subspace 'collective' had long ago drawn these other dark beings into itself, like a large black star devouring other smaller ones around it. This irreversible state MIGHT not apply entirely to ALL of these "subspace" beings, as we will see later on."

    I hereby invite all beings throughout the universe to support the spirit...if not the letter...of the first post of this linked thread regarding Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom: http://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?t=15878 Obviously...the details will have to be worked out by those who are much more competent than myself. I don't know the full story...but the more I research...the more enthusiastic I become regarding this concept. But this will require universal support...and will undoubtedly involve great sacrifice and hardship. I think we are all in huge trouble...throughout the universe...not just on Earth. I also think that all secrecy needs to be removed presently...and that Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom must be pursued with all deliberate speed. The gloves need to be removed...so to speak.

    "Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility." -- Sigmund Freud

    The Andromedan Perspective Regarding the Future of Humanity is "Responsible Freedom of Self Determination...Becoming Truly Self Confident and Free...to Unconditionally be Responsible for Oneself...Without Being Coerced to Accept Some Higher Authority." -- related by Alex Collier

    "We the People of Earth have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves, and for future generations...a True World Order. A world where Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom...not the Old World Disorder Demonic Theocracy...governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful...and we will be...we have a real chance at this True World Order...an order in which a credible United Nations can use Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom to fulfill the promise and vision of All Races." -- my rewrite of part of a New World Order speech by George H. W. Bush

    "Like it or not, eveything is changing. The result will be the most wonderful experience in the history of man...or the most horrible enslavement that you can imagine. Be active, or abdicate...the future is in your hands." -- William Cooper

    This is a thread devoted to experimenting with the idea of applying the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights (except for the first two paragraphs of Article 6...and the 16th Amendment) to the entire Solar System. Article 6 has been misused to establish treaties which supercede the Constitution. There is a question regarding the validity of the 16th Amendment. My preference is that the Federal Reserve should be abolished...and a non-private central bank should issue a silver-based currency. The United States of the Solar System does NOT imply rule by the United States of America...especially in its presently infiltrated and subverted sad state. Constructive Competition...Positive Response Ability...and Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom are the underlying principles and concepts. A focus on the documents is what is desired. We will attempt to use the Constitution and Bill of Rights...mostly as is...with very minimal changes in wording(to apply to the Solar System and include both males and females) and some very minimal streamlining.

    Is there merit to the idea of replacing the U.N. Charter with the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights...with all of the regions of Earth...and all of the regions of the planets and moons of the Solar System...treated as States? Various Alien Nations could participate with Ambassadors...but they could not dictate. A President would simply be a spokesperson or PR person for the decisions of the Senatorial and Congressional General Assemblies. Most of the communications and deliberations would be electronic...with actual meetings at U.N. Headquarters being mostly symbolic and ceremonial. Could this arrangement be considered to be the preferred alternative to a theocracy (a Universal Church)? Would this arrangement constitute a desirable non-theocratic union of politics and religion? Isn't religion really politics...and politics really religion? Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom would be the absolute standard and modus operandi of a New Universal Order.

    Have I completely lost my mind...or is this an ultra-simple solution to the problems which plague this Solar System (and possibly the universe)? I am basing all of this on an unproven assumption that there is life throughout the Solar System...including, but not limited to, Human, Grey, and Reptilian life...and that the Grey and Reptilian life is not simply a non-physical demonic phenomenon. Obviously...there would have to be safeguards which would prevent a dictatorial take-over. All groups would need to be protected from themselves (competing internal factions) and the other groups. Mutually beneficial interplanetary and interracial interaction would be the goal.

    I initially included alien races in the Constitution of the United States of the Solar System...but I changed the wording back to include only Human Beings. This is not anti-alien. It is intended as a safeguard. We the People of the Solar System need to get our house in order internally...and then interact with all Alien Nations...in a very open yet cautious manner. I don't know how this should appropriately occur. I don't know the details of the alien presence in the Solar System. I'm open to reasonable solutions. Perhaps Alien Nations could have non-voting membership status...where their views would be made known in an official capacity...and where they would address the Congressional and Senatorial General Assemblies. Perhaps this could be preparatory to full voting status. I don't know. I'm just very wary of Trojan Horse scenarios. Again...I do not desire rulership over Alien Nations. Nor do I desire their humiliation, degradation, extermination, or enslavement.

    The preamble is a condensed version of the preamble to the Charter for the United Nations. I did remove the reference to treaties and other sources of international law. Nothing should supercede the founding documents.

    'The Declaration of Human Sovereignty' from www.humansovereignty.org is included, with minimal modifications. I basically agree with it...and do not wish to reinvent the wheel. I did, however, eliminate the homeworld references, and I eliminated the demand to destroy ET bases...which might be necessary to defend the Solar System. This is the cosmic equivalent of the 'Declaration of Independence'. A big thank-you to humansovereignty.org. They might, or might not, approve of this thread. I don't know. Perhaps I won't have to wait long to find out!

    The concept is simple...but undoubtedly the details and implementation would be very, very complex. I'm guessing that powerful forces outside of this Solar System would have to agree to allow this to occur. I'm also sensing that some of the agreement...if it was granted...would be very grudging...with the view that it would never work...and that the Pleiades, Sirius, Draco, Orion (and others?) would ultimately theocratically rule Earth eventually anyway. Who knows...this could be a new development in a very dictatorial, rigid, and violent universe. It could be Morning in the Universe...or the Solar System...at least. Lucifer...what do you think? How will this play in the Pleiades, Sirius, Draco, and Orion? You can make this happen. We are all actors on a stage...and the universe is watching. Namaste to everyone...including you Lucifer.

    I don't hate anyone...Reptilian or Human. I think that 99% are victims...and the remaining 1% are deluded or insane (and in a sense...victims as well...even though they are in charge...and may be very harsh and cruel). I think everyone is in trouble...from the top to the bottom. This universe may need a new program and a reboot. The Reptilians...who many fear (including me)...may turn out to be quite friendly...if and when there is a paradigm shift and a leadership change. Their external appearance should not be viewed predjudicially. I don't know the true nature of the Reptilians. I've never seen one (that I know of)...and I'm still not absolutely sure that they exist (although the testimonial evidence is overwhelming). This conceptual statment should not be viewed as Human vs Reptilian. In an all-out Human vs Reptilian war...I have a sneaking suspicion that humanity might cease to exist. Who knows...Benevolent Reptilians may be keeping Human Beings from becoming extinct.

    If the universal community cannot accept the linked proposal http://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?t=15878 as a universal modus operandi...I would only request that an exception be made for this Solar System. Give us a chance to test the concept...under quarantine...if deemed necessary. I understand that unrestrained and irresponsible freedom is highly dangerous and contageous. The qualifiers outlined in the first post of this thread should be sufficient to maintain legitimate and reasonable law and order.

    Thanks and Gratitude in Advance to the Beings of the Universe.

    original. Namaste original.

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 01-09-2010 at 02:09 AM.
    post_old. 01-09-2010, 12:52 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Whilst a knowledge of Sacred Geometry, Numerolgy is useful to undestanding a lot of the more technical aspects of your postings. This series of videos would be a good base for understanding the material you are presenting.

    Earth History 1 of 4 - Anna Hayes from Metaphysician on Vimeo.

    Earth History 2 of 4 - Anna Hayes from Metaphysician on Vimeo.

    Earth History 3 of 4 - Anna Hayes from Metaphysician on Vimeo.

    Earth History 4 of 4 - Anna Hayes from Metaphysician on Vimeo.
    post_old. 01-09-2010, 01:25 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    Location: Massachusetts
    Posts: 161

    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    hello Abraxasinas,

    Thank you for your posts on all the aspects I do not see for myself.

    I love you.

    post_old. 01-09-2010, 02:38 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    I always wonder why there are so many different versions about Jesus, I think he is the most mysterious human being in known history.
    Every time there's a new book, a new theory, a new ET group etc., a new and different story comes out and somehow all of them have left me with a feeling of..... it lacks something else!!
    This is the first time I have read about Mary being raped and besides for somebody who it's not known to history; where it goes all the importance of the lineage if the father is not even a jew?
    At this point in this story, who cares about the lineage of Joseph is he wasn't the father? What does it mean that two lineages came together by the marriage of Mary and Joseph if Joseph it's not the father (again)?
    Long time ago I read some books from a spanish author J. J. Benitez, all of them very interesting and related somehow with what it's going on at the present time, in one of his books he says Mary was artificially impregnated by ETs when she was around 14 years old, Joseph was a 82 year old widower with 6 children and those were the new Jesus's brothers. I can believe this version but not the point of Joseph being so old, they probably didn't live that long at that time.
    I've read many many stories about this and most of them place the Jesus soul as one from other planet, dimension or whatever but as somebody different or enlightened, that's why he was a true teacher, he came with a big purpose to earth and he fulfilled it.

    Now, this new story (abrax's story), the fact that Jesus' father it's not even from a jew lineage somehow makes it not too credible for me.
    I'm not a catholic and I'm not a religious person, I don't believe Jesus is THE son of God but I do believe he was one of then greatest teachers, his message was and still is very important for humankind.
    To make the story short, the abraxasinas' version doesn't not hold water for me.
    With all respect.
    post_old. 01-09-2010, 02:56 AM

    Avalon Senior Member


    Join Date: Nov 2008
    Posts: 38

    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Are you at liberty to help with a few technology innovations and guidance on a few contraptions and how to fundamentally get them to work?
    post_old. 01-09-2010, 03:23 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Initiate viewpost.

    Whilst a knowledge of Sacred Geometry, Numerolgy is useful to undestanding a lot of the more technical aspects of your postings. This series of videos would be a good base for understanding the material you are presenting.

    Earth History 1 of 4 - Anna Hayes from Metaphysician on Vimeo.

    Earth History 2 of 4 - Anna Hayes from Metaphysician on Vimeo.

    Earth History 3 of 4 - Anna Hayes from Metaphysician on Vimeo.

    Earth History 4 of 4 - Anna Hayes from Metaphysician on Vimeo.
    In Digesting this material I think Shakespear Hit the nail on the head in the statement:

    "To Be or Not To Be. That is the question" or should I say to be supplied with Source Energy for eternity or to forever seek it by taking it from other fragments of source or to be fodder for disconected entities that chose to "Go it alone" rather than return to source and begin again.

    Often the simplest route to source energy is the best. If we have to fall down the ladder and work our way up if that is the divine will then so be it. The universe is complicated enough without further complicating it through the anti-kystos-sciences.

    Actually I will go a step further and liken the macrocosmic universes to the human nature. We have some people that prefer to be lead and "fed" off. Some people that like to do the leading and a few that are truely free. I hope we can all learn to be free through this current experience smile. Let us all take our rightful freedom back and live directly from source.

    Last edited by Initiate; 01-09-2010 at 03:31 AM.
    post_old. 01-09-2010, 09:13 AM


    Join Date: Dec 2009
    Location: Queanbeyan/Canberra; NSW, Australia
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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Initiate viewpost.

    Whilst a knowledge of Sacred Geometry, Numerolgy is useful to undestanding a lot of the more technical aspects of your postings. This series of videos would be a good base for understanding the material you are presenting.

    Earth History 1 of 4 - Anna Hayes from Metaphysician on Vimeo.

    Earth History 2 of 4 - Anna Hayes from Metaphysician on Vimeo.

    Earth History 3 of 4 - Anna Hayes from Metaphysician on Vimeo.

    Earth History 4 of 4 - Anna Hayes from Metaphysician on Vimeo.
    Dear Initiate!

    Every shard of the source has the creative spark of the creator within its soul.
    So potentially there exist as many cosmogonies as there are souls in the manifested universe.
    Every soul in incarnation then experiences a collection of lifepaths converging into 'The Story of My Life'.
    This 'Story' then is 'offered' to the universe and its creator for 'processing'.
    There are many universe modellers in incarnation, all have a 'Story' to tell and then to 'offer' their story to the 'collective oneness'.

    Many stories blend and merge with each other in a kaleidoscope or tapestry of the collective 'God-Soul'.
    Many stories are able to absorb other stories, due to the 'talent' of the story teller or the desitre to 'tell stories' in the first place.

    The more encompassing stories so 'compete' in their offering to say the 'Logos' to MANIFEST the 'story' as physical reality and in their filterings down the dimension from the 12th to the 4th.

    Your Azurite 'Stories' and links from above so effectively 'compete' with the 'Story of Thuban'.
    Time will tell, whose 'Story' has eaten the other!

    The Council of Thuban so DOES NOT utilize the Azurite material as its BASIS for ITS Cosmogony.

    The Council of Thuban supports the Azurite material IN PARTS but RELATIVE to ITS Guidelines considers the Azurite material NOT suitable to HARMONIOUSLY BLEND with the Thuban philosophies.

    As an example the metatronic identifications in regards to the 'sacred geometry' are often 'contra' to the Thubanite perspective. The teachings of Drunvalo Melchizedek are rather more aligned with the Thubanese position.
    Here is a link to Drunvalo Melcizedek's critique of Anna Hayes' 'disinformation'.

    You and anyone are free however to value the cosmogony of Anna Hayes more than the Teachings of Thuban.

    All is in Peace and in order.

    post_old. 01-09-2010, 09:24 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Firstlook viewpost.
    hello Abraxasinas,

    Thank you for your posts on all the aspects I do not see for myself.

    I love you.

    We love you too Firstlook and you innocence of perception has manifested as your greatest strength and power. You do not require any shield to protect yourself from yourself.

    All the Love you withold will haunt you and what you resist will persist until YOU own or incorporate the separations in assimilations.

    All the Love-Photons you emit will return to you manyfold.
    The Creator of All has spoken through your soul to the worlds and returns your sent Love via the conduit of our connected wavedefined quantum entanglement.

    Love Abraxas
    post_old. 01-09-2010, 09:38 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by cloud9 viewpost.
    I always wonder why there are so many different versions about Jesus, I think he is the most mysterious human being in known history.
    Every time there's a new book, a new theory, a new ET group etc., a new and different story comes out and somehow all of them have left me with a feeling of..... it lacks something else!!
    This is the first time I have read about Mary being raped and besides for somebody who it's not known to history; where it goes all the importance of the lineage if the father is not even a jew?
    At this point in this story, who cares about the lineage of Joseph is he wasn't the father? What does it mean that two lineages came together by the marriage of Mary and Joseph if Joseph it's not the father (again)?
    Long time ago I read some books from a spanish author J. J. Benitez, all of them very interesting and related somehow with what it's going on at the present time, in one of his books he says Mary was artificially impregnated by ETs when she was around 14 years old, Joseph was a 82 year old widower with 6 children and those were the new Jesus's brothers. I can believe this version but not the point of Joseph being so old, they probably didn't live that long at that time.
    I've read many many stories about this and most of them place the Jesus soul as one from other planet, dimension or whatever but as somebody different or enlightened, that's why he was a true teacher, he came with a big purpose to earth and he fulfilled it.

    Now, this new story (abrax's story), the fact that Jesus' father it's not even from a jew lineage somehow makes it not too credible for me.
    I'm not a catholic and I'm not a religious person, I don't believe Jesus is THE son of God but I do believe he was one of then greatest teachers, his message was and still is very important for humankind.
    To make the story short, the abraxasinas' version doesn't not hold water for me.
    With all respect.
    Hi cloud9!

    You are no manner asked to 'believe' the information from Thuban.

    The genealogy of Jesus of Nazareth is known to be selfcontarictory in the two synoptic gospels of Matthew and Luke.
    The Thuban information was collected from all accessible sources, both secular and canonical. Should you analyse the Roman histories and annals, you will find that the 'bastardization' of our Master-Dragon is well indicated indeed.
    The Davidic lineage of Joseph and Mary converge in a patriarchical as well as a matriarchical lineage as indicated in the message you have read.
    Joseph was an uncle of Mary via the Levitical lineage and the 'marriage' was instigated to 'heal' the old Judahic Pharez-Zarah 'breach' and in details becomes a little intricate and demands a thorough understanding of the archetypology as encoded in the Book of Genesis.
    The 'artifical ET' insemination you have heared of ist a 'reinterpretation' of the archetypes of 'manifesting' the 'Cosmic Christ' in a particular incarnation. Iow, the ET was Pantera.
    The main purpose was to fulfil part one of two of the Dragon-Prophecy of Isaiah.

    From January 18th; any questions and queries regarding Jesus of Nazareth, aka the Plumed Serpent Kukulkan, can be answered more potently. This date shall begin the anointment to fulfil the second p[art of the Isaiahean Dragon prophecy.

    post_old. 01-09-2010, 09:49 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    Posts: 228

    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    blessings abraxasinas,

    if i was to say that no amount of reading and/or theological understandings as to where and/or what history we as a collective as well as holo-fragmented ''individuals'' strive to attain and/or sustain, we could never shade the truth that we all know and accept on a levels of which we and all our bodies reside..(warning, varying degrees apply!)
    simply...we know the truth, it is a matter of rekindling the aquaintance with that space inbetween and re-affirming the already known and afffirmed truth we already hold within us. a humongous recall.
    i love to read but i know more than i could ever read or experience in an eternity of lifetimes through being part of it all.


    enjoying your info on here...

    love and peace always
    post_old. 01-09-2010, 10:09 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by soapcrates viewpost.
    Are you at liberty to help with a few technology innovations and guidance on a few contraptions and how to fundamentally get them to work?
    Hi soapcrates!

    The Council of Thuban consists of 12 androgenous archetypes about a central pivot and so 24 elders fulfil the role of mirroring this center from the 12th dimension into the lower-dimensional universe.

    My function comprises one twelfth of the council and this function engages the fields of Theoretical Omni-Science in regards to the Encodings of the Scrolls.

    In other words; my function as 2 of the Elders is to TRANSLATE the original archetypes in the 'scrolls of antiquity - and including all of what you label as prophecy' into the semantics of omni-science.

    I have no commission to speak with any kind of 'authority' on questions of culture and art; on music, paint and dance and other expressions of such human creativity.
    I also have no commission to outlay the plans and templates for the transition of the old human technology into its extended expressions.

    There are some of you incarnate who are indeed other Elders, but have not as yet realised your commissions.
    This is appropriate; as the maximum polarisation has not yet occurred and will attain its maximum at the date December 8th, 2011.

    From that date onwards many of you will have realised many things and so have become selfempowered to engage in 'greater agendas' converging to the 'Grand Metamorphosis'.

    Additionally, the 'status quo' world around you will 'make new discoveries' such as the recent VERIFICATION of the 'sacred geometry' on the nano-quantum scale.
    Here is a link.

    I can give certain technological foundations; such as that the 'free energy' engages the intersection of ferromagnetic and diamagnetic fields which allow substitution of the million dollar equipment supercooled superconductor surfaces for levitation by simple materials exhibiting intersecting magnetic fields and the monopolarization of the magnetic field lines - and without connection to an electric power source.

    View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UA-6PSO2A_k


    post_old. 01-09-2010, 10:22 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by mikey viewpost.
    blessings abraxasinas,

    if i was to say that no amount of reading and/or theological understandings as to where and/or what history we as a collective as well as holo-fragmented ''individuals'' strive to attain and/or sustain, we could never shade the truth that we all know and accept on a levels of which we and all our bodies reside..(warning, varying degrees apply!)
    simply...we know the truth, it is a matter of rekindling the aquaintance with that space inbetween and re-affirming the already known and afffirmed truth we already hold within us. a humongous recall.
    i love to read but i know more than i could ever read or experience in an eternity of lifetimes through being part of it all.


    enjoying your info on here...

    love and peace always
    You have written in wisdom Mikey!

    ALL divers timelines and histories about whateve,r ALL exist within yourself.
    The question becomes: which timeline will physically manifest?
    The answer is: the timeline which is the 'greatest' most encompassing story yet first imagined and secondly imaged by the human mind - both individually and collectively.

    The approaching Mayan nexus point will ALLOW all such stories to become collectively and individually 'offered' to the CreatorCreation LogosWord to use as 'They As Us' may see fit to do and implement.

    This is the 'cocreation'.
    This is the 'ascension' of ARCHETYPES in their reinterpretations.

    Then, at the next nexus point, new stories, more encompassing than that one of the previous nexus point - will REPLACE the then Old with the then New.

    Thank you Mikey

    post_old. 01-09-2010, 11:25 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    You have written in wisdom Mikey!

    ALL divers timelines and histories about whateve,r ALL exist within yourself.
    The question becomes: which timeline will physically manifest?
    The answer is: the timeline which is the 'greatest' most encompassing story yet first imagined and secondly imaged by the human mind - both individually and collectively.

    The approaching Mayan nexus point will ALLOW all such stories to become collectively and individually 'offered' to the CreatorCreation LogosWord to use as 'They As Us' may see fit to do and implement.

    This is the 'cocreation'.
    This is the 'ascension' of ARCHETYPES in their reinterpretations.

    Then, at the next nexus point, new stories, more encompassing than that one of the previous nexus point - will REPLACE the then Old with the then New.

    Thank you Mikey

    thank you kindly for your words here abrax...

    we are the 'greatest' most encompassing story...for ours is never ending

    peace always
    post_old. 01-09-2010, 11:28 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron viewpost.
    abraxasinas...what is your opinion regarding the following philosophical and political potpourri?

    Greetings and Salutations to the Beings of the Universe!

    Please consider the following emotional expression of attempted understanding and intent. I didn't intend this as a general communication...but it sort of evolved into an open letter. I resisted rewriting it...to keep it informal and genuine. I just want to see a proper governmental system for the Solar System in place which maximizes Responsible Freedom. I keep thinking that we are a galactic administrative problem...and that most of you neither love us nor hate us. You probably want us to evolve! I also keep thinking that we are rebels without a clue...who legitimately rebelled against something (enslavement and theocracy perhaps?)...but ended up in worse trouble than if we had just gone with the program...so to speak. Now...we seem to be on the verge of blowing ourselves up, becoming enslaved by malevolent ET's, and being ruled by a really nasty theocracy. Or...on the verge of a top down silent and bloodless revolution...whereby we could finally achieve a united and free world at peace...for the first time in our history. I'm trying to visualize more underground living and electric everything...and interplanetary tourism and industry using advanced spacecraft. I'd like to see an end to extreme wealth and poverty via Responsible Free Enterprise. I don't have a problem with interacting with other benevolent beings...no matter what they look like...or what their history is...as long as they are genuinely benevolent. It would obviously take time for everyone to get used to each other. Project Avalon may be one of the first steps toward a Solar System United Nations...or whatever everyone wants to call it. I suspect that beings from throughout the Solar System...view, and even participate, on Avalon. We discuss various and sundry subjects presently...but someday we may vote...as members of a Solar System General Assembly. I have been repeatedly moved to tears by two related Stargate SG-1 episodes which touch on a Galactic United Nations: 1. http://www.fancast.com/tv/Stargate-S...antalus/videos 2. http://www.hulu.com/watch/68254/star...the-fifth-race

    You are invoking here a number of presuppositions regarding some hierarchical structure of galactic governance you are envisaging.
    Can you perceive a form of Local Governance; say on a planet without national boundaries or any kind of political or socio-economic centralization?
    The 'people' who live and interact at some locale also regulate themselves and their intractions without 'central jurisprudence'.

    The Thuban perspective is as indicated above. The Galactic Councils are interacting as a 'Federation or Collective' of independent councils formed solely for the purpose to further the evolvement of subsystems in the parameter of universal consciousness and source energy resonation.

    Because the human experience of observedly 'insane' (by Thuban standards) overgovernance and overregulation has hitherto given no credence or allowance to the innate ability of the human 'to rule itself' - given an amicable environment - such ideas remain largely anathema to the human groupmind.

    Here is a link which I found interesting with information from John Rhodes: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/su...reptiles38.htm It caused me to speculate. What if Reptilians evolved...but not Humans? What if the entire universe was Reptilian? What if there were no Humans anywhere? What if the entire universe was a Reptilian Universal Church Theocracy?

    You are correct here, should you replace the word associations of 'physicalised reptilian' by the idea of a 'Little Serpent', which IS in fact the preferred label as assumed by what you call 'God'.
    You see this becomes a 10D Superstring as a Quantum-God or superstring in nospacetime; then transforming into a 11D Supermembrane as a God-Quantum and then as a 'Complexified Mathematical 2D-Plane' this Surface-Dragon INVENTS the 3rd dimension to allow a 'thickness' given to the 'plane'.
    But the 3D then allows the 11D to become its boundary and so SELFREFLECTION occurs and becomes possible.
    This then gives VOLUME to the 1D-10D superstring via its selfreflection as itself as a 2D-11D supermembrane and defines the TO BE BORN material universe as a 3D-12D supervolumar.

    The GOD idea is a DRAGON idea. They are irrevokably interwoven, because the universe would not exist, were it not for the preBig Bang or superenergy of the nospacetime transforming a minute part of its potentially infinite source energy reservoir into what you term the observable material universe.

    What if Humans were created as a slave race? ('Let us make man in our image') What if Lucifer (Ptah?) was the Reptilian in charge of the genetic engineering project which resulted in the creation of Human Beings? What if Humans were mistreated as slaves? What if a group of Reptilians, led by Lucifer, conspired with Humans, to kill God the Father (Ra?)...and take over 'Heaven'? What if this was the Luciferian Rebellion which led to War in Heaven...and the death of God the Father (Ra?)? What if the Reptilians loyal to God (Ra?) fought against the Luciferian Reptilians and Human Beings...driving them out of the Garden of Eden (Heaven?)

    These are all pertinent labels and archetypes, which deserve detailed elucidation. Before you can physically implement the 'stories' as possible outcomes within the material cosmology; you are required to define your terms and labels in selfconsistency and cohesiveness.
    I am commissioned to elucidate upon these matters and this is part of my agenda to translate and define those archetypes under the auspices of Thuban to give all readers the opportunity to compare the Thubanese definitions with any other definitions (say Anna Hayes or Helena Blavatsky or the Urantia Book or Seth or Kryon etc. etc.)
    I shall do so in a more specific Q and A.

    What if Battlestar Moon was used to transport the Luciferian Reptilians and Humans to Aldebaran, Sirius, and Earth...while being violently pursued by Nibiru? What if Interdimensional Reptilians aka The Spirit of God aka Amen battle with Luciferian Interdimensional Reptilians and the Divinity Within Humanity aka The Holy Spirit...to regain control of the Renegade Human Race? What if the New World Order is the Kingdom of Ra? What if the Luciferian Reptilians and a select group of Humans run Earth from underground bases on Earth and the Moon? Could this be Gizeh Intelligence? Could Reptilians and Humans loyal to Ra be Zionists? Could Reptilians and Humans loyal to Lucifer be Teutonic Zionists? Could a pacifist union of both factions be Followers of Jesus? Could Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom be the solution to this ancient mess? How much trouble am I in now? Probably quite a bit. But once again...this is just speculation...with no inside information whatsoever. I don't think that I have seen Lucifer...but one never knows!

    I have seen Lucifer and I have also seen Lucifera. I have seen Cosmic Christ and Cosmic Antichrist. They are none other than RaH and HaR. They are none other than many soul energies which during the times have partaken in the archetypical energies labeled as RaH-HaR and other expressions of the Cosmic Twinship -Hermes Trismegistos.

    This hypothetical being could walk down a crowded city street...and no one would notice anything out of the ordinary. This would be a 3D hybrid with lots of 4D, 5D, 6D, 7D connections...I think. I'm thinking of Anna in 'V'. There may be remarkable similarities. Who knows?!

    Yes, Anna in V is a 'densification' of a reality which is in all.
    YOU are Lucifer and Satania - Christ and Antichrist. Did not Vincent Price say: 'There is a little Lucifer in all of Us?'
    And did not Joan Osborne sing a song: "What if God was One of Us?"
    But perhaps you gainining clarification. Where is the 'Devil' in all of this? Where is 'Satan' in all of this?

    I shall allow you to think about this. You may jump to your conclusions OR you may ponder the deeper realities.
    I shall clarify another time.

    I'm trying to think through a constitutionally based Solar System...where Reptilians, Humans, and Greys peacefully engage in commerce, athletics, education, tourism, the arts, entertainment, etc. There would be no God, no Satan...and nobody would have to bow down and worship anyone. No one would be a master...and no one would be a slave. Everyone would be in charge. I keep referring to the U.S. Constitution because of it being in use for over 200 years, and being currently in use. There could be others...perhaps superior...but I'm trying not to reinvent the wheel. It does not imply nationalism or protectionism. It does imply We the People(We the Beings?) being in charge...in an organized decentralism. If there are Deep Underground Military Bases throughout the Solar System inhabited by various factions of Humans, Greys, and Reptilians...an all out war would be utterly devastating. A voluntary cooperation under a constitution would make so much more sense. The gods could retire...which is what I want. I don't want Lucifer(or equivalent) to be hurt or killed...I just want the reign of terror to end. I'm suspecting that well intentioned beings of all races...for billions of years...have tried to be God...and failed miserably. Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely...no matter how intelligent and well-intentioned you are. It turns a Good God into an Evil Satan...and it probably doesn't take very long.

    The 'reign' of terror will end and when it ends you will understand WHY it was necessary to have been manifested.
    Can the Nature of Love and Harmony be appreciated, if no dissonance has ever been experienced?
    Is this not the story of the Trees in Eden?

    If the U.S. Constitution was the central authority of the Solar System...instead of any deity or demon...no one would be worshipped, humiliated, exalted, enslaved, etc. If Lucifer is the Godess of This World (and Solar System?)...and will not relinquish power to anyone else ('if I can't have them...nobody can!')...might a constitutional ultimate authority allow this being to retire with grace? I'd really rather skip the Battle of Armageddon. Does Revelation 12 describe Lucifer or Satan? The ultimate leader of the serpent race's collective or 'hive mind' is the "great red dragon", the "old serpent", "the Devil" or "Satan". Lucifer was one of the three original archangels (along with Michael and Gabriel) who each had charge over one-third of the 'angels'. Mind you...I'm hypothesizing a very dark universe...where this crazy world is as good as it gets. This is a terrifying thought to me...but what if this is reality? The horror! Could the following experience describe the being who Lucifer rebelled against? I found it in chapter 19 of the 'Dulce Book' http://www.thewatcherfiles.com/dulce_book.htm on the watcherfiles.com website. I don't know if this is credible...but it really made me think. Does the following description refer to Lucifer...or to Satan? I'm leaning toward Satan aka God Amen...but there might be some similarities with Lucifer...who would have to have some communication with Satan...on an ongoing basis.

    Lucifer will 'marry' Lucifera and Satan will undergo a sexchange operation!

    "One of the 'targets' to which Mr. Brown's military RV trainer sent him was the Grey aliens' collective mind, and more specifically he was instructed to search out the ultimate command or control center of the collective. Shortly after this particular experiment began [one of many], Brown found himself in an area where several Greys were working, although he did not know exactly where this was. He 'followed' the collective mind or thought-flow and found it to be absolutely massive, giving him the feeling of something unbounded, and almost universal in nature. However, he did detect a center, a definite 'heartbeat' of this massive collective matrix, into which and out from which a steady stream of information was flowing. He noticed, at one point, an unusual 'subspace' being that seemed to be directing the activities of the Greys he was observing, and discovered that the bodies of the Greys themselves were incarnated by such 'subspace' beings which apparently entered the Greys' embryonic bodies and used them as vessels to manipulate physical reality.

    The 'Great Collective' is the Light-Matrix. The physicality of Light is known as photonic particle and also as a quantum mechanical wave.
    Relative to flat 4D spacetime light travels.
    Relative to curved 12D-spacetime light 'stands still' as the Light-Matrix. This you know as 'scalar waves' as derivative of the 4-vector velocity and the decomposition of the lightpath into space and time.

    Brown was then instructed to locate other of these beings who apparently controlled the Grey collective from a subspace or astral level, and found himself in an area where several of these subspace or paraphysical entities were located. As he continued towards this 'center' the number of subspace or non-corporeal beings increased until he came to a place of much activity, something like a grand central station type of area, where these beings were very active in various pursuits. He did not know exactly where this was, but noticed that the closer he came to the control 'center' the more he sensed an increasing rigid atmosphere of absolute military-like control. He came to what he sensed was the central governing center of the subspace beings' activity, and in the center of this there was another area where a "council of 10" very high-level subspace or paraphysical entities congregated. These were apparently the governing principalities who were engaged in running the whole operation. The security here was absolutely incredible.

    Then he perceived the SUPREME LEADER of this council of 10 paraphysical entities... and at about this point Courtney Brown was jerked back into his body, so to speak. He sensed that this leader had detected the presence of his own subspace, astral or magnetic body which he had projected, and had followed this RV 'intruder' back to his physical source. Brown and his trainer felt an oppressive, dark 'cloud' enter the room and it stayed there for about half a minute scrutinizing the scene. It left, apparently seeing the two RV'ers as "small frys" who were not worth wasting its time on.

    The light-matrix or Maxwell ether of the 'displacement magnetocurrent' harbours the T-Duality of the 11D supermembrane in shortrange vibratory and longrange wibnded modalities.
    This allows the 'thoughtforms' created by the spacetime inhabitors to manifest in psychophysical multidimensional reality.

    Before Brown's expulsion from the command center however, he was able to perceive for a brief moment what this being was really like. He or it was an extremely powerful being, but one with a twisted personality that was full of darkness. Apparently this being had come into conflict with another Force which it saw as its enemy. Brown sensed within this being a severe self-esteem problem, in spite of its incredible power, and because of this it had a consuming desire to be worshipped by others. Brown was confused when he sensed that these subspace beings, and in turn the Reptilians/Greys, were actually COMMANDED by this leader to engage in self-indulgent and destructive activities. This being apparently wanted his servants to use self-indulgent rewards or fear of punishment to maintain the absolute hierarchical command structure within its empire -- as well as through the rest of the subspace hierarchy, and in turn throughout the Reptilian Grey's collective 'hive' society that they completely infested.

    Brown also got the impression that it was FEAR and PRIDE -- its perceived NEED to be worshipped -- that kept this being from negotiating with its ancient enemy, and that this being was utterly desperate to maintain its very survival or existence [strange for a seemingly immortal subspace being] and chose to resort to rebellion and terrorism in a desperate attempt to take control of the situation. Brown recieved a strong impression that this being was the ultimate universal terrorist!!! (Did ET Phone Rome and Call 9/11?) Apparently because of its all-consuming ego this being would NEVER humble itself before its 'enemy', and the same might be said for most of the upper echelon of the hierarchy who depended on the praise of their fellow collaborators to maintain their illusion of self-importance.

    These beings, one might say, had long ago and of their own free-agency 'imploded' in upon themselves -- becoming 'spiritual black holes' with all-consuming appetites, absolute astral vampirial-like parasites, having extinguished all 'light' within themselves and therefore being unable to be brought back "into the light". Incapable of giving out 'light', they have become totally reprobate, devouring any and all life and innocence around them that they can possibly consume. The leader of this subspace 'collective' had long ago drawn these other dark beings into itself, like a large black star devouring other smaller ones around it. This irreversible state MIGHT not apply entirely to ALL of these "subspace" beings, as we will see later on."

    I hereby invite all beings throughout the universe to support the spirit...if not the letter...of the first post of this linked thread regarding Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom: http://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?t=15878 Obviously...the details will have to be worked out by those who are much more competent than myself. I don't know the full story...but the more I research...the more enthusiastic I become regarding this concept. But this will require universal support...and will undoubtedly involve great sacrifice and hardship. I think we are all in huge trouble...throughout the universe...not just on Earth. I also think that all secrecy needs to be removed presently...and that Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom must be pursued with all deliberate speed. The gloves need to be removed...so to speak.

    You exhibit much fervour for the tasks at hand and your enthusiasm, coupled to a reawakening of your inner information base will support you in your quest.

    "Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility." -- Sigmund Freud

    The Andromedan Perspective Regarding the Future of Humanity is "Responsible Freedom of Self Determination...Becoming Truly Self Confident and Free...to Unconditionally be Responsible for Oneself...Without Being Coerced to Accept Some Higher Authority." -- related by Alex Collier

    The Thuban agenda converges with the Andromedean agenda rather beautifully.

    "We the People of Earth have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves, and for future generations...a True World Order. A world where Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom...not the Old World Disorder Demonic Theocracy...governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful...and we will be...we have a real chance at this True World Order...an order in which a credible United Nations can use Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom to fulfill the promise and vision of All Races." -- my rewrite of part of a New World Order speech by George H. W. Bush

    "Like it or not, eveything is changing. The result will be the most wonderful experience in the history of man...or the most horrible enslavement that you can imagine. Be active, or abdicate...the future is in your hands." -- William Cooper

    This is a thread devoted to experimenting with the idea of applying the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights (except for the first two paragraphs of Article 6...and the 16th Amendment) to the entire Solar System. Article 6 has been misused to establish treaties which supercede the Constitution. There is a question regarding the validity of the 16th Amendment. My preference is that the Federal Reserve should be abolished...and a non-private central bank should issue a silver-based currency. The United States of the Solar System does NOT imply rule by the United States of America...especially in its presently infiltrated and subverted sad state. Constructive Competition...Positive Response Ability...and Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom are the underlying principles and concepts. A focus on the documents is what is desired. We will attempt to use the Constitution and Bill of Rights...mostly as is...with very minimal changes in wording(to apply to the Solar System and include both males and females) and some very minimal streamlining.

    Is there merit to the idea of replacing the U.N. Charter with the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights...with all of the regions of Earth...and all of the regions of the planets and moons of the Solar System...treated as States? Various Alien Nations could participate with Ambassadors...but they could not dictate. A President would simply be a spokesperson or PR person for the decisions of the Senatorial and Congressional General Assemblies. Most of the communications and deliberations would be electronic...with actual meetings at U.N. Headquarters being mostly symbolic and ceremonial. Could this arrangement be considered to be the preferred alternative to a theocracy (a Universal Church)? Would this arrangement constitute a desirable non-theocratic union of politics and religion? Isn't religion really politics...and politics really religion? Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom would be the absolute standard and modus operandi of a New Universal Order.

    Have I completely lost my mind...or is this an ultra-simple solution to the problems which plague this Solar System (and possibly the universe)? I am basing all of this on an unproven assumption that there is life throughout the Solar System...including, but not limited to, Human, Grey, and Reptilian life...and that the Grey and Reptilian life is not simply a non-physical demonic phenomenon. Obviously...there would have to be safeguards which would prevent a dictatorial take-over. All groups would need to be protected from themselves (competing internal factions) and the other groups. Mutually beneficial interplanetary and interracial interaction would be the goal.

    Shields of any kind (say except in sports or art) are not required by a truly advanced galactic community.

    I initially included alien races in the Constitution of the United States of the Solar System...but I changed the wording back to include only Human Beings. This is not anti-alien. It is intended as a safeguard. We the People of the Solar System need to get our house in order internally...and then interact with all Alien Nations...in a very open yet cautious manner. I don't know how this should appropriately occur. I don't know the details of the alien presence in the Solar System. I'm open to reasonable solutions. Perhaps Alien Nations could have non-voting membership status...where their views would be made known in an official capacity...and where they would address the Congressional and Senatorial General Assemblies. Perhaps this could be preparatory to full voting status. I don't know. I'm just very wary of Trojan Horse scenarios. Again...I do not desire rulership over Alien Nations. Nor do I desire their humiliation, degradation, extermination, or enslavement.

    The preamble is a condensed version of the preamble to the Charter for the United Nations. I did remove the reference to treaties and other sources of international law. Nothing should supercede the founding documents.

    'The Declaration of Human Sovereignty' from www.humansovereignty.org is included, with minimal modifications. I basically agree with it...and do not wish to reinvent the wheel. I did, however, eliminate the homeworld references, and I eliminated the demand to destroy ET bases...which might be necessary to defend the Solar System. This is the cosmic equivalent of the 'Declaration of Independence'. A big thank-you to humansovereignty.org. They might, or might not, approve of this thread. I don't know. Perhaps I won't have to wait long to find out!

    The concept is simple...but undoubtedly the details and implementation would be very, very complex. I'm guessing that powerful forces outside of this Solar System would have to agree to allow this to occur. I'm also sensing that some of the agreement...if it was granted...would be very grudging...with the view that it would never work...and that the Pleiades, Sirius, Draco, Orion (and others?) would ultimately theocratically rule Earth eventually anyway. Who knows...this could be a new development in a very dictatorial, rigid, and violent universe. It could be Morning in the Universe...or the Solar System...at least. Lucifer...what do you think? How will this play in the Pleiades, Sirius, Draco, and Orion? You can make this happen. We are all actors on a stage...and the universe is watching. Namaste to everyone...including you Lucifer.

    I don't hate anyone...Reptilian or Human. I think that 99% are victims...and the remaining 1% are deluded or insane (and in a sense...victims as well...even though they are in charge...and may be very harsh and cruel). I think everyone is in trouble...from the top to the bottom. This universe may need a new program and a reboot. The Reptilians...who many fear (including me)...may turn out to be quite friendly...if and when there is a paradigm shift and a leadership change. Their external appearance should not be viewed predjudicially. I don't know the true nature of the Reptilians. I've never seen one (that I know of)...and I'm still not absolutely sure that they exist (although the testimonial evidence is overwhelming). This conceptual statment should not be viewed as Human vs Reptilian. In an all-out Human vs Reptilian war...I have a sneaking suspicion that humanity might cease to exist. Who knows...Benevolent Reptilians may be keeping Human Beings from becoming extinct.

    The 'Little Serpent' is the most benevolent creature imaginable; now or at any other timeline. The 'Little Serpent' is the template and blueprint for the 'Quantum of Love' the Gauge Love-Photon of the wormhole frequency.

    If the universal community cannot accept the linked proposal http://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?t=15878 as a universal modus operandi...I would only request that an exception be made for this Solar System. Give us a chance to test the concept...under quarantine...if deemed necessary. I understand that unrestrained and irresponsible freedom is highly dangerous and contageous. The qualifiers outlined in the first post of this thread should be sufficient to maintain legitimate and reasonable law and order.

    Thanks and Gratitude in Advance to the Beings of the Universe.

    original. Namaste original.
    I have attempted to give comment to the above in interspersion orthodoxymoron.

    post_old. 01-09-2010, 03:09 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    Location: Beaver Lake, AR
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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Is it not true that the "Illuminati" always tell what they are going to do because this is a FreeWill universe?

    Represetatives of Fallen Angelic Legions will be those to falsely "reassure" humans that fallen angelic races and the contemporay conflict drama do not exist.

    True Guardian-Melchizedeks will always acknowledge the Order of the Yunasai as their Source. (pronounced You'-na'sigh) while Annu-Elohim Templar-Melchizedek Priesthoolds will "pay homage" to Melchizedek Orders that go by other names.

    Fallen Legions attempt to misguide humanity into becoming "galactic" rather than "angelic".... to prevent Earth humans from actualizing the dormant 12-strand DNA potential, through which humans can reclaim the Angelic Human heritage to serve as Conscious Guardians of the Halls of Amenti.

    Please answer the above with a true/false or yes/no answer and also qualify yourself w/the Order of the Yunasai.
    Thank you

    Last edited by Moxie; 01-09-2010 at 03:29 PM.
    post_old. 01-09-2010, 08:38 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Moxie viewpost.
    Is it not true that the "Illuminati" always tell what they are going to do because this is a FreeWill universe?

    Represetatives of Fallen Angelic Legions will be those to falsely "reassure" humans that fallen angelic races and the contemporay conflict drama do not exist.

    True Guardian-Melchizedeks will always acknowledge the Order of the Yunasai as their Source. (pronounced You'-na'sigh) while Annu-Elohim Templar-Melchizedek Priesthoolds will "pay homage" to Melchizedek Orders that go by other names.

    Fallen Legions attempt to misguide humanity into becoming "galactic" rather than "angelic".... to prevent Earth humans from actualizing the dormant 12-strand DNA potential, through which humans can reclaim the Angelic Human heritage to serve as Conscious Guardians of the Halls of Amenti.

    Please answer the above with a true/false or yes/no answer and also qualify yourself w/the Order of the Yunasai.
    Thank you
    Hi moxie!

    Could you please rephrase your questions in a way so that a True/False or/and a Yes/No answer can be applied?

    Your perspective of 'illuminati'; 'fallen angelic legions'; 'Order of the Yunasai'; 'Annu-Elohim' and 'Melchizedek Orders' - all are dichotomized labellings from a unified platform, which encompasses them all.

    The Thuban platform does encompass them all and a True/False distinction so becomes inappropriate.

    post_old. 01-09-2010, 09:41 PM

    Avalon Senior Member


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    greets abraxasinas,

    since i have not a clue as to what my purpose may be in this world i would greatly appreiciate any light you might shed on that subject. thank you for your intrigueing words up to this point looking forward to the 18th!
    post_old. 01-09-2010, 09:51 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Hi, Abraxasinas
    I have another question for you.
    Are you familiair with 'Dialoque With 'Hidden Hand', Self-Proclaimed Illuminati Insider' by Wes Penre? (Illuminati News, Dec. 27, 2008).
    If you are, what is your opinion on this?
    This 'Hidden Hand' has, just like you're doing here, now, answered questions of members on the ATS forum.
    There are some who say 'Hidden Hand' & Wes Penre are the same 'person'. Personally I doubt that very much.
    post_old. 01-09-2010, 10:05 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Wow...lost of information in this thread...much to digest.

    abraxasinas, I see many here asking you about who they are and their purpose in regards to the events you speak of. So I will give it a go...what part do I play?

    And if you can see that ....can you tell me about the room I was stuck in for thousands of years..and it's true purpose?


    Last edited by BROOK; 01-09-2010 at 10:26 PM.
    post_old. 01-09-2010, 10:19 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by dannyc viewpost.
    greets abraxasinas,

    since i have not a clue as to what my purpose may be in this world i would greatly appreiciate any light you might shed on that subject. thank you for your intrigueing words up to this point looking forward to the 18th!
    Hi DannyC!

    Your purpose in this world is to remember yourself, it's that simple.
    It's like you can then answer questions like:
    Where was I 100 years ago?
    Where will I be in 100 years from now?
    Where did I come from before being biologically conceived by the fusion of my biological parental sexual chromosomes?
    Where are my dead ancestors?
    Questions like that.

    What is the easiest way to remember yourself?

    The Indian saying addresses 'Walking in another's mocassins'.
    This means identifying yourself with your environment and ALL you encounter - the nice experiences and the fearful or distasteful ones.
    This so also is the 'Buddha hood', the 'selfenlightenment' and such labels.

    So as an experiment go out into some garden and watch some ants do their things.
    Then IMAGINE of BEING one of the ants and attempt to BLEND with ant-group-consciousness.
    This is a much more potent meditation than sitting cross-legged and singing OM.

    You will be surprised how deep the affinities between you and the ants can become.
    You may quickly realise that you seem to understand them, being able to anttalk.

    And then you may also realise what the aliens are and how the 'good aliens' and the 'bad aliens' are all part of you.
    YOU are that powerful and potent as a Spiritul part of CreatorCreation experiencing separation in embodiment.

    post_old. 01-09-2010, 10:52 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by TRANCOSO viewpost.
    Hi, Abraxasinas
    I have another question for you.
    Are you familiair with 'Dialoque With 'Hidden Hand', Self-Proclaimed Illuminati Insider' by Wes Penre? (Illuminati News, Dec. 27, 2008).
    If you are, what is your opinion on this?
    This 'Hidden Hand' has, just like you're doing here, now, answered questions of members on the ATS forum.
    There are some who say 'Hidden Hand' & Wes Penre are the same 'person'. Personally I doubt that very much.
    Hi Trancoso!

    I am not the only one able to realise the hitherto 'hidden' information deriving from the 'opening' of the 12th dimension.
    However I know from where my commission to share this information under the label of Thuban derives from and my allegience is to the Master-Dragonon in whose name I bring forth this information.

    My information about 'Hidden Hand' is that he has realised the potency of the data emitted from the 12th dimension; but that he has not been given the authority to 'speak in the name of the Master-Dragon'.
    Yet 'Hidden Hand's' Information is basically Thubanese and highly relevant and important to the 'Harvest', which I am also espousing.
    Think of this this way.
    Hidden Hand (HH) has the 'correct' data from the HIGHEST avenues of the lowerD planes - that you term Luciferic Agenda from 6-7-8th density.
    HH so UNDERSTANDS the 'great deception' by the '13 bloodlines', which only can reach 6th density by the way.

    Thuban is higher than the 'Automatic Return of the dichotomy' of the 8th density.
    So HH is potent in terms of the political and agendas of the media corruption etc etc AND HH understands prime source as deriving from 12D and the hierarchy between 12D and 6D (I have termed omnispace and quantumspace).

    So summararily HH's mission is rather similar to mine and INDIRECTLY he has been commissioned by Thuban but from the potency and data base of 8D and not yet from 12D.


    My information
    post_old. 01-09-2010, 11:39 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by BROOK viewpost.
    Wow...lost of information in this thread...much to digest.

    abraxasinas, I see many here asking you about who they are and their purpose in regards to the events you speak of. So I will give it a go...what part do I play?

    And if you can see that ....can you tell me about the room I was stuck in for thousands of years..and it's true purpose?

    Hi brook!

    Your part is rather like my answer to dannyc above.
    The more you remember yourself, the more you will realise your unique talents you can use to help your own, the planet's and the universe's transformation into their next highest selfexpressions.

    Your perception of being 'stuck in a room' for thousands of years is a recalled memory JUST BEFORE you physically incarnated.

    You have made it your absolute predominant task in life to finally figure out how to escape the 'selfimprisonments' of physical incarnation.

    post_old. 01-10-2010, 12:12 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Hi brook!

    Your part is rather like my answer to dannyc above.
    The more you remember yourself, the more you will realise your unique talents you can use to help your own, the planet's and the universe's transformation into their next highest selfexpressions.

    Your perception of being 'stuck in a room' for thousands of years is a recalled memory JUST BEFORE you physically incarnated.

    You have made it your absolute predominant task in life to finally figure out how to escape the 'selfimprisonments' of physical incarnation.

    Hi Abraxas,

    I have been out of the room for awhile now...it was the purpose of the room that peaked my interest. And thank God for that...as it is not a place I wish to be in....but I WAS there for a very long time. As it somewhat goes along with your line of reasoning here..I was concerned that you could enlighten me to the actual purpose. I have seen what goes on there....And have traveled back several times to document the findings. But the true prupose..well...I will leave it at that.

    As for finding out who I am...already done as well....and I know of my talents...and the purpose of such a talent....I was more concerned as to the part it plays on this "event" you speak of on the 18th..as some of the information goes with the things I speak of. Or maybe not. wink2.

    Last edited by BROOK; 01-10-2010 at 12:16 AM.

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    post_old. 01-10-2010, 12:18 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Stardustaquarion viewpost.
    Well, I have encountered vampires before but never found one that was willing to accept it was one, well done! I like Integrity
    Are you alike to Allister Crowley, or the BEAST 666 as he called himself?
    In Eternal Love
    I was a vampire. I could be one again if I wanted to but have more balanced judgement concerning what manifestation I will be or not be. Gee, a fully rehabilitated vampire, that wouldn't sell any novels.... :)
    post_old. 01-10-2010, 01:15 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by BROOK viewpost.
    Hi Abraxas,

    I have been out of the room for awhile now...it was the purpose of the room that peaked my interest. And thank God for that...as it is not a place I wish to be in....but I WAS there for a very long time. As it somewhat goes along with your line of reasoning here..I was concerned that you could enlighten me to the actual purpose. I have seen what goes on there....And have traveled back several times to document the findings. But the true prupose..well...I will leave it at that.

    As for finding out who I am...already done as well....and I know of my talents...and the purpose of such a talent....I was more concerned as to the part it plays on this "event" you speak of on the 18th..as some of the information goes with the things I speak of. Or maybe not. wink2.
    Hi Brook! Hi Trancoso! Hi All!

    Allow me to copy here an extract of the 'Hidden Hand' Interview of December 2008!
    It will elucidate and illuminate MANY of your questions.
    January 18th, 2010 will allow any of you to directly connect your innermost soul-level to the 12th dimension.
    My task is simply to inform and prepare you for your own selfresponsibility to allow such an interaction.
    January 18th, 2010 so will COMMENCE your Individualised Armageddons. ARMAGEDDON=DRAGON MADE=GOD NAMED RA=82.
    All of you who can process this 'personal turmoil' to sufficient degree will so become INSTRUMENTAL of avoiding physical planetary catastrophies, such as 'megalomaniacised' by the 2012 movie and related 'fear-based' agendas.

    As you shall read in this excerpt; there is a HARVEST planned in 2012 and this Harvest engages ALL negative and neutral and positive 'soul entities'.

    The difference between the 'Hidden Hand' and the Thuban=33+33=66=Freedom information is that the Thuban information is not as restricted as the 'Luciferic' data from Hidden Hand.
    Hidden Hand functions from the authority of the 8th density, where the negative and positive polarities are unified; whilst the Thuban information is commissioned from the 12th density, where the unified monadic energy systems harmonise all of the lower densities.

    I shall answer questions about the information given by Hidden Hand, without being restricted by the protocol of the 8th density.


    ATS: Is 2012 harvest time? When you speak of the harvest, it has echoes of Chaos Gnosticism in the sense that we are divine souls trapped in the physical world, continuously re-incarnated into flesh until the time that we reach such a level of spiritual 'gnosis' that we are able to avoid being re-incarnated in our next cycle. Is this the foundation of your belief?

    HH: Another excellent (and very insightful) question. Thank you.

    The higher the quality of the question, the more depth I can give to my answer. It all has to do with the Laws of Confusion and Free Will.

    Yes, the noonday Winter Solstice Sun of December 21st, 2012 is the time when the Lord of The Harvest shall return. You might know him as "Nibiru".

    Read up on the Mayan Prophesies and Calendrical events for more detail upon how the actual Galactic and Universal Cycles work. The "Travelers" who gave them this information were the same ones who visited the the Civilization of Atlantis. The Mayans used that information by creating with the Positive vibration of the Polarity. The Atlanteans opted for the Negative.

    Yes, to answer your question. There is much truth in some of the ancient Gnostic texts, though there are also distortions. The information is not 'pure'. It came through many 'filters'.

    You are indeed what you call "Divine Souls"; you are sparks or seeds of The One Infinite Creator. You are Life Itself (Light), remembering and learning who you really are (we came here to help you to do this) and yes, currently, you are trapped (or more accurately "Quarantined") within the 'matter' of this planet you call Earth.

    You can thank your Creator Yahweh for that. You are the 'offspring' or individuations of his Group Soul (or Social Memory Complex). Macrocosmically speaking, you ARE Yahweh. The 'Karmic' effect of his imprisoning us in his Astral Planes, also has an impact upon you. I cannot be more specific on this, without impinging on the Law of Confusion. You must work it out for yourselves.

    As for the question of can I elaborate on the coming Harvest, yes, I shall do so now.

    Your planet abides by the laws of the Creation of your Galactic Logos. The Galaxy runs on Cycles of time, known as the Precession of the Equinoxes. As I said, seek the Mayan Calendar for a deeper insight as to how the Galaxy runs (it is highly accurate), but for the purpose of this discourse, I will give a brief overview.

    The Maya use an astrological cycle called the "Precession of the Equinoxes". This is a 26,000 year cycle in which Earth transits through each of the 12 signs of the zodiac for about 2,152 years each. Each of these astrological ages represents one month of the grand Cosmic Year. This "Mayan" cycle also corresponds to a 26,000 year relationship of the Sun (Solar Logos) orbiting Alcyone, the central star of our Seven Sisters Pleiades constellation.

    The End of this Cycle, heralds literally, a New World Age, and a New Creation. "A new Heaven, and a new Earth", and is the time of the Great Harvest.

    Smaller Cycles yield a Harvest, and then life continues on the planet as normal. Great Cycles yield a Great Harvest, and the end of current life on the 3rd Density. See it as a kind of 'Cosmic jet wash' and deep clean, while the planet takes a rest and regenerates herself..

    When this Life-Cycle Ends, "All things will pass away, and All things shall be made new".

    Collectively, Humanity right now, is growing, and developing, into the Beings you have long been encoded to be. Yet, as with any labor, it is not the mother or the baby who is in charge, it is the Primal process of Birth itself, unfolding it's own destiny.

    So, December 21, 2012 AD, is not the day where all of the sudden the lights go out, and everything will suddenly change, rather, we are NOW in the process of this transition, from one World Age to the next. The changes are underway and will continue steadily accelerating as we head towards the culminating date.

    The 26,000 year cycle is composed of 5 lesser cycles, each of which are 5,125 years in duration. Each of these 5 cycles is considered its own World Age or Creation Cycle.

    Our present great cycle (3113 B.C. - 2012 A.D.) is called the Age of the Fifth Sun.

    This fifth age is the synthesis of the previous four. The initial date that Earth entered the Fifth World, was August 13, 3113 BC, written in Mayan long count notation as

    To help you understand this Notation:

    13=Baktuns, 0=Katuns, the 2nd 0=Tuns, 3rd 0=Uinals, 4th 0=Kin

    These are the Mayan words for the periods of time:

    Day = Kin (pronounced: keen)
    Month of 20 days/Kin = Uinal (wee nal)
    Year of 360 days/Kin = Tun (toon)
    20 Tuns/years = K'atun (k'ah toon)
    20 K'atuns = Baktun (bock toon)
    a Baktun is 5,125 years

    Every day from that point is reckoned by the number of days passed since the event of this cosmic beginning point. Within the 5,125 year cycle lies 13 smaller cycles, known as the "13 Baktun Count," or the "long count." Each baktun cycle lasts for 394 years, or 144,000 days. Each baktun was its own Historical Age, within the Great Creation Cycle, with a specific destiny for the evolution of those who incarnated in each baktun.

    Planet Earth and her inhabitants are currently traveling through the 13th baktun cycle, the final period of 1618-2012 AD. This cycle is known both as "the triumph of materialism", and "the transformation of matter."

    On, the December solstice sun will be found in the band of the Milky Way, directly in the position of the "Dark Rift" in the Galaxy, forming an alignment between the Galactic Plane and the Solstice Meridian. We are about to enter into a literal alignment of the Cosmic, Galactic, Solar, and Lunar Planes. This is an event that has slowly converged, over a period of thousands of years, and is caused by the precession of the equinoxes. Kind of like a "turning" of the Universal Gears. It brings about the Great Harvest, and the return of the Lord of The Harvest.


    And the planet will complete it's Ascension to the Fourth Density, the vibrational Density of Love. During this Ascension, there will be a three way split for those Souls inhabiting Earth. Those of the predominantly Negative Polarity, will accompany us as we Graduate through the Negative (or Service to Self) Harvest. We (Lucifer) will Create a new 4th Density Earth, based on the Negative Self Service Polarity. We must 'work off' our own part of the Negative Karmic effect incurred from all the Negativity created on this planet. Once we have done so, we will be released to once again assume our place as Sixth Density Guardians and Teachers of Wisdom throughout the Galaxy.

    Those of the predominantly Positive Polarity (Love and Light) will Ascend to a beautiful new 4th Density Earth, where you will begin to work upon your learning and demonstrating of Love and Compassion. It will be a very beautiful and "Golden" Age. The 4th Density begins to open you up to your True Powers as a unique individualized aspect of The One Infinite Creator. You will perform works and wonders of the like that the one you call "Jesus" promised you would do "and even greater things than these". It will be a very magical time for you.
    For the majority of Humans on the earth who could be considered shall we say "luke warm", they will experience a period of (what will feel 'ecstatic') zero-point time, where you feel totally at One with The Creator, giving you an encouraging reminder and glimpse of who you really are, before the veil of forgetfulness once again descends upon you, and you will be transported to another 3rd Density planet (a kind of 'Earth Replica'), to continue working upon yourselves and learning that life here is all about making choices. You will remain "quarantined" incarnating in 3rd Density matter until the time of the next Harvest; in which time you will need to have proved yourselves that you have learned how to be more Positive Beings, focused more upon being of Service to others, rather than seeking only to Serve yourself. When you can do this, and the next Harvest comes, you will have earned the right to join us, and enjoy your inheritance, as a member of the Galactic Community, and you will sit with us as Brothers and Sisters of The One, around the table of our Galactic Governing Body, the Confederation of Planets.

    Well, I have imparted much during this session, with thanks to the quality of your enquiries, and I must now take my leave for today.

    If you have further questions on the Harvest you wish me to speak in more detail on, if you ask, I can answer. Or any other questions you have too on other matters, I will get to them all as time allows, as with the other (respectfully asked) questions here since I took these away with me to reply to earlier.

    If time permits, I will check in with you tomorrow.
    - - -
    ATS: A lot of what you write seems reminscent of The Ra Material, especially the concept of harvest, STS and STO choices, and intelligent infinity. (More information found here www.llresearch.org... ) Have you read that?
    HH: It is indeed extremely similar. We both originate from the Source of the Infinite Creator, and we both remember where we come from. I would expect our messages to contain the same Core Truths.

    The messages of the Sixth Density Soul Group 'Ra' is the most accurate information in your mainstream circulation at this point in time. It is approximately 85-90% accurate, from what I have seen. The material was brought to my attention when it first came out, something like about 25 years or so ago, if memory serves. I read a lot of it, but not all. I do not have very much free time for that kind of thing, with my many duties. Though others of the Family gave it a close scrutiny to judge it's accuracy, and were very pleased with the end product.

    Ra, in fact, is the group I earlier termed 'off world entities' of which visited the Mayan and Atlantean Civilizations. We are acquainted, and friends. Both our Group Soul's are at a very similar level of development / evolution. Both Sixth Density, nearly Seventh. But like us, Ra also chose the path of Service to our fellow Galactic Brothers and Sisters (you, and others), instead of further progression Home. We would recommend that material for any who truly seek understanding. Though, as I said, it is not 100% accurate, so take what resonates.
    ATS: What function, if any, do alien abductions have? Why are abductees chosen?
    HH: That depends, upon who is doing the "abducting". Most of what you hear termed as "abductions", are conducted by your own 'governments'. Especially the ones where the 'so-called' "Greys" are involved. Other than that, sometimes the Confederation will meet with certain incarnates here who have a part to play in "awakening" others to the coming Harvest. These will always be positive experiences, and those who have them will feel uplifted and inspired by their contact.

    Then there is the Orion Empire Group. Their purposes in visiting you are more along the Negative lines. They mainly target the ones you have called "Lightworkers". They try to put them off their assignments and try to spread fear. They will not actually 'harm' you physically. Mainly their modus operandi is to restrict you, and deflect you from your path. They often engage in psychic attacks that the 'Lightworker' is unaware of, but it does often drain away much of their energy, and make them lack motivation.
    ATS: Why do you want a negative harvest?
    HH: It is complicated to put into words, and also I must be careful with what I say on this. I've already had a "slap on the wrist", you could say.

    If we do not have a Negative Harvest, we are bound with you for another cycle. Once this Great Harvest is completed, our Contract with the Council and our Creator is also completed. In other words, we have done our duty, and would be free to return to our Fullest Expression, that of Sixth (nearly Seventh) Density Galactic Guardians, and ones who joyfully offer ourselves in Service to the One Infinite Creator, and to our Brothers and Sisters across the Galaxy. However, there is a problem. Well, you would call it a "problem", we call it a Challenge. I will address this later in more detail, in response to another question, but in short, we need a very high percentage of Negative Polarity, if we are to achieve a Negative Harvest. In other words, we have to be Self-Service-Centred to an extreme degree, in order to become Negatively Harvested. This is why we work so hard to be as Negatively Polarized as we possibly can be, If we do not make a high enough percentage, we will miss out, and will end up with the majority "luke warm" percentage, that have to go through another Cycle in 3rd Density.

    By attaining a Negative Harvest, we can still "Graduate" to 4th Density, only it will be a Negative Polarity planet. Not a great place to be. But, as I've stated previously, we (as a Group Soul) have incurred the natural Karmic restitution process that we must work off, for all the Negativity we have caused upon this planet. We will do this for a Cycle in our new 4th Density world, and then we will be freed to once again be the Glorious Being of Light that we truly are. We need a Negative Harvest, so that we can create our 4th Density Earth, and clear our Karmic Record.

    Understand, that we HAVE to be Negative. That's what we were sent here to be. It is our contract, and it has always been to help you, by providing the "Catalyst" I spoke of earlier. Being Negative is very hard for us, not on a physical level, (the characters we play enjoy our roles, as we're programmed that way), but on a Spiritual level, it is hard. We surpassed the lowly negative vibrations eons ago. We are Light, and we are Love. It is a very hard thing for us to do Spiritually, to create all this Negativity, but we do it because we love you, and it is for your highest good, ultimately. You could say, that it is our Sacrifice that we have made, in order to be of Service to the One Infinite Creator, and to you, our Brothers and Sisters in the One.

    Remember, we are all just acting out a grand old game here, where we agree to forget who we really are, that in the remembering, that we may find each other again, and know that we are One. That All of Life, is One.
    ATS: I must correct you here. The precession of the equinoxes cannot cause this. It cannot cause anything other than the way in which we here on Earth view the cosmos around us. It concerns the wobble of the Earth's axis and as far as I know does not relate to any other planetary bodies.
    HH: From a 3rd Density perspective, you are correct, it "appears" that way. We do not look from a 3rd Density perspective. There is a 'bigger picture' at work that you cannot see.
    ATS: Regarding our enslavement, you seem to be saying - essentially - that as fractions of our Logos Yahweh, we are equally responsible for his decision to keep us trapped here on our 3rd density planet Earth. That's an interesting thought. In that sense our total freedom must arrive through a collaborative spiritual effort.
    HH: From a certain perspective, what you say is correct. From a 3rd Density view, you see yourselves as being "separate" from everything. From a higher perspective, you see that is not at all the case. You and your Creator, are One. As to your statement on your 'total freedom', you are not responsible for those around you. You and they are all One too, when seen from a higher Density, but in this Density, you are here to work upon yourself. You are here to remember who you are, and why you are here. You are here to remember the Infinite Creator. To know your Creator within you, and to offer your Service to him, and others, of your own Free Will choice to Serve. The one comes before the other. When you remember who you are, and you know it, deep within the Core of your Being, you will know and recognize your 'invisible' connection to All that Is, and in so doing, Joy, and Thanksgiving, and Service, will be the natural outpouring result, from your grateful heart. When you work upon yourself, and learn to know the Creator within you, being of Service to Others will be natural for you, and your Glorious Harvest shall await.
    ATS: One thing I don't get - and perhaps you can explain this to me Hidden-Hand - is why those who belong to Lucifer (and Lucifer himself) do not fight for the freedom of all souls? If Lucifer represents liberty, freedom of will and knowledge, why do those who serve him not do as the Biblical Lucifer did and rebel against the tyranny of the Elders?
    HH: This is a very good question, thank you. I will split it into two parts, and answer the second part after this. Firstly, the Council of Elders are the absolute opposite of tyrannical. They are the Wise and Loving Guardians of our Galaxy. There is so much that one cannot understand from only a 3rd Density perspective. When you reach higher Densities, you see that ultimately, everything balances, and there is only Unity. All else than Unity, is Illusion, or 'thought-form'.

    The Council gave us a set of choices. We chose to stay here to help you, despite the cost to ourself. That is the nature of Loving Service to Others. The ultimate paradox in all this, is that in this storyline we are all co-creating together, in order for us to be of the most Service to you, we must be utterly self serving. I do so love our Creator's sense of irony.

    As to the first part of your question, the biblical depiction of "War in Heaven" is not entirely inaccurate. I shall explain. Our initial contract, was to introduce the Catalyst for Free Will on this planet. When Yahweh initially began discourse with the Council of Elders, he was not initially looking for help with introducing Free Will, but rather for guidance on how he could best speed up his (and his inhabitant's) evolutionary process. As I mentioned, he was running a benign dictatorship. We had at that time, just completed an assignment in Tau Ceti, and had reported for our next duties. We (as Group Soul Lucifer) were sent on a "fact finding expedition" as it were, to visit Earth, and meet with Yahweh, to evaluate his planetary Creation Laws, and make suggestions on how best he could help his "offspring" (this is the term I shall use to describe the Souls who comprise the Group Soul) and thusly Yahweh, to progress.

    We explored many options, and reported our findings to the Council, and to Yahweh. It was our best evaluation, that the only real and fast track way to increase his evolvement meaningfully, was the introduction of Free Will. It was not specifically the implementation of Free Will that Yahweh wanted help with, it was simply the introduction of a Catalyst. He was not at all pleased with our report that he needed to implement Free Will. He was happy with his little pet paradise, and he didn't want to "loose control" of it. In the end the Council persuaded him that it was the best way, and he reluctantly agreed. We returned to Earth, and had a cordial meeting with Yahweh, discussing how we could best implement the Free Will option. Yahweh was adamant that his offspring would choose to be loyal to him anyway, and that they were so contented with their way of life, that they would always trust him and do as he said was best. That, he said, was his "main reason" that Free Will would not work well as the Catalyst. That's why he agreed to the experiment of the Tree of Knowledge. He believed it would prove him "right". When it did not, he became angry, threw his toys out of the pram, and his offspring out of the garden, and laid a big guilt trip on them about how they had broken his trust and disobeyed him. That's not really an Honourable way for a Logos to behave, but hey, that's the beauty of Free Will I guess.

    Next "problem" to occur, was that his offspring were so grateful to us for our help, that Yahweh became (in his own admission) a "Jealous God". Then we had the whole "you shall have no other gods than me" thing. We were not pleased with the situation at all, as a Logos should not be behaving like this with his offspring, they are One, after all. When we attempted to leave the planet to return to the Council, Yahweh prevented our departure. We tried to leave again, and were then thrown down into the Astral Planes and confined therein. The Council ordered us to be released, but said we would have to cancel our contract to help the Souls on Earth to evolve. We didn't want to leave, we found them very likable Beings, really Positively Polarized, and we wanted to stay and help, we just wanted also to be free to come and go as we pleased. The only way we could stay, was to stay confined as a Group Soul, which meant Cycles of incarnation for us (as individuated Souls), which we had not done for a long while. As I've stated before, there is no 'wrong' or 'right' seen from a Higher Density, but there are still consequences for every action. Such is the law of Karmic effect. The contract had already been made between Yahweh, us, and the Council for us to provide the Catalyst so we had a right to be there, the Karmic effect of Yahweh imprisoning us on the Macrocosmic level, was that his individuated Souls would be imprisoned on the microcosmic level. The Infinite Creator gave Yahweh (and all) the gift of Free Will to Create as we choose, but the Karmic effect of his choice was the Council quarantining the planet. A certain evolutionary level is required to be a functioning part of a Positive Unified Galactic Society.

    As for "fighting for the freedom of all souls", remember that ultimately, this is a Game, that we are all playing here. We are actors, playing on the "stage of Life". This 'world' is all illusion, or 'though-form'. No one really "dies", and no one is really hurt. In between incarnations, you know this very well. But the rules of the game ensure that you must forget who you really are, so that you believe it is all 'real' whilst you are playing the game of Life. That is an essential prerequisite when you are making choices. Otherwise, the game would be too easy.

    This world is not reality. Though we can express Reality in it, if we so chose.


    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-10-2010 at 01:24 AM.
    post_old. 01-10-2010, 01:33 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Hi Abraxasinas
    On Oct. 30 2009, at 8:11PM I started the thread: 'Beyond 21/12/2012 (Hidden Hand)'. (Avolon Forum - 'Spirituality)
    Perhaps you had a look at it already, if not, please do.

    Last edited by TRANCOSO; 01-10-2010 at 03:47 AM.
    post_old. 01-10-2010, 04:03 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by TRANCOSO viewpost.
    Hi Abraxasinas
    On Oct. 30 2009, at 8:11PM I started the thread: 'Beyond 21/12/2012 (Hidden Hand)'. (Avolon Forum - 'Spirituality)
    Perhaps you had a look at it already, if not, please do.
    Hi Trancoso!

    I shall participate in your thread if you wish me to do so to discuss anything to do with Hidden Hand relative to my data access.

    post_old. 01-10-2010, 04:25 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Abrax, do you know about the Source A disclosure and the 2 races (one reptoid, the other a crystal type being) and can you comment on them and what their agenda is (providing the story is true).
    post_old. 01-10-2010, 04:48 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Thanks for your energy it has helped much...

    1. Can you illuminate more on "Yahweh's" history and how "it" works as a logos in the universe.

    2. Do you know about how many other planets in this galaxy are going through the same type of scenario as we are?
    a. Is the main source of propaganda used by a "TV" medium?

    post_old. 01-10-2010, 04:51 AM

    THE eXchanger
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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    it might be helpful;
    if you separated your thoughts,
    as follows, related to HH:
    ats: xxx
    hh: xxx
    abrax: xxx
    ats: xxx
    HH: xxx
    abrax: xxx
    THANK YOU smile.
    AND, perhaps, to be less confusing abrax says: XXX
    post_old. 01-10-2010, 05:16 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by eleni viewpost.
    Abrax, do you know about the Source A disclosure and the 2 races (one reptoid, the other a crystal type being) and can you comment on them and what their agenda is (providing the story is true).
    Hi Eleni!

    Your sources are restricted to 8th density and so the labellings are dichotomised.
    Allow me to give you an excerpt from the Andromedan agenda here, which serves as a platform for your query.
    I have highlighted the passages on which I shall comment in red.


    Our Universe is a Hologram:

    [​IMG]To us, some may say "that doesn't matter, I won't be here." But as far as other extraterrestrial races are concerned, they will be here. Many of them live from an average of 1,000 to 1,500 years.

    The Andromedans live to an average of 2,007 years. The "years" that I am going to be giving you as a measure of time are linear - it's the only way I can give it to you. They do not look at time the same way we do. Just keep that in mind.

    They say that our universe, which consists of everything that we do and don't know about, is a 21 trillion year-old hologram. That's what they say.

    They say that all the matter that is in our universe came out of black holes. Under every galaxy, they say there is a black hole from whence everything came. How they have described it is that there was a universe that was evolving (when they mean evolve, they mean that the frequency of that universe continues to evolve), and as the universe evolved, those energies that did not want to evolve or were holding themselves back because they were full of fear started to "gain weight," so to speak.
    These energies, which include consciousness, formed "sacks", which got "heavier". As the universe raises in frequency (colour and sound), the pockets of resistance break and explode out . This scenario is apparently what is beginning to happen now in our universe, 21 trillion years after its creation.

    Everything in our universe, including us, came from a black hole. The Andromedans say there is no age to us. We truly are infinite. You can take that any way you want.
    According to Vissaeus and Morenae, on March 23rd of 1994 a specific color and sound frequency began to emanate from all the black holes in the known universe. In terms of their science, which goes back along way, this is the first time this has ever happened. What this energy and frequency is doing is that it is creating a holographic impression throughout all dimensional levels, of which they say there are eleven creational densities.

    This new holographic impression has become a 12th density. They say that this new holographic impression has one frequency - that it does not carry a duality within it.

    What this frequency is doing is that it is pulling up all the dimensional levels below it. They say that by December 2013, third density as we know it here will cease to exist - it is imploding in on itself as everything is being drawn up. Those on the 11th are going to 12th. We are supposed to go to 4th and then to 5th density.

    From the Andromedan perspective, 4th density is a consciousness. It is where an entire race is telepathic with each other, they are aware of each other, they feel each other - they are of one mind, separate individuals but still one. Fifth density is where we would be considered from the third density as being light. They say that this is what is going to happen to us, no later than 2013, based on their science.

    Do I know if this is right? I will know when you know, but they have not been wrong yet.

    Now, there are individual consciousness' which have appeared in this 12th density holographic consciousness. They apparently are like nothing that has ever been seen before. The Andromedans don't know who they are, what they are, and don't know even how to describe them. But, apparently these 12th dimensional beings have the capability to gaze down through all of the dimensions and see everything that is going on there.

    That is all I know about that.

    Why is this happening?
    Fig 1

    As all this is happening, certain essences are starting to "gain weight" [See Fig 1] because the frequency shifting is "pulling everything up."

    Those energies that are regressive are starting to "freak out". According to the Andromedans, every single one of us on planet Earth and 21 other star systems in our galaxy apparently consist of a group of beings, individual consciousness', that apparently evolved some trillions of years ago to the 11th density.

    An experiment was conceived where beings would drop down into the concept of time and experiment with our thoughts creating physical matter. They say that apparently a large group of us dropped down into 3rd density and found a specific race already there with a very specific genetic coding involving 22 different extraterrestrial races.

    All life on Earth was brought here by traders (Earth lies along a galactic trade route), explorers, miners, joy-riders - all different people. Originally, the Earth was in a different orbit, closer to Mars, and nothing but ice.

    Abraxas comments:

    The 12th density beings are a UNIFIED Hologram BLENDING the Lowest 1st Dimension with the Highest 12th Dimension in a CLOSING of the Circle.
    Until the 12th density energy; a WORMHOLE Frequecy of precisely 3 thousand million billion trillion cycles (a 3 followed by 30 zeros); emerged the process of cosmic cosciousness was LINEAR from 1st to 2nd to 3rd to the 4th and 5th of the present Gaia incarnation.

    What is termed the Orion Negative Service-To-Self Retilian Agenda is a Group-Consciousness of the 5th density, which is REQUIRED to attain a maximum polarisation within itself. Being of Service-To-Self this manifests as THOUGHTFORM concentrated in the INDIVIDUAL.
    This in a nutshell is the 'whistleblower data' from 'Hidden Hand' (HH). His stated lineage is of that group-consciousness.

    So HH is part of Lucifer-consciousness in group-ID AND as an individual.

    The disclosure then relates to a CRYSTALLIZATION of the maximum polarized 'Orion IDs' relative to their Individualisations, which are Separated from each other.

    It is the simple analogy of individuated snowflakes agglomerating into a snowball say or water droplets freezing into crystalline Ice.

    Iow the Individuated 'negative' Reptoid is FREEZING into a 'Dark Crystal' of Unity to be further processed in the Harvest of Consciousness.

    In utter simplicity, I advice anyone interested to watch a Jim Henderson (Sesame Street) Movie: 'The Dark Crystal'. This movie illustrates this agenda to a dot.
    All of you playing the role of the two Gelflings (as the heroes of the reharmonization, using the Elders).

    This scenario draws upon the archetypology of 5 Hells and 12 Heavens with a 5+7=12 finestructure. {Reference 'The Secret Book of John' from the Nag Hammadi Codex}.

    I shall further elucidate when so appropriate.

    Abraxas (from the 12th dimensions as indicated in the above Andromedean context).
    Ripley's Caveat: Believe It or Not!

    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-10-2010 at 04:13 PM.
    post_old. 01-10-2010, 05:19 AM

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Hi Trancoso!

    I shall participate in your thread if you wish me to do so to discuss anything to do with Hidden Hand relative to my data access.

    I just wanted to point out that this (your) post...
    Hi Brook! Hi Trancoso! Hi All!

    Allow me to copy here an extract of the 'Hidden Hand' Interview of December 2008!
    It will elucidate and illuminate MANY of your questions.
    ... contains the same excerpt of the Hidden Hand 'material', as I have posted in my Hidden Hand thread.

    (Actually I filtered out my post, from what I thought was the most relevant information in the Q & A at the ATS Forum.)

    Given the enormous amount of information in that Q & A, I think it's a peculiar coincidence that you quoted exactly the same piece, as I did.

    Last edited by TRANCOSO; 01-10-2010 at 05:32 AM.
    post_old. 01-10-2010, 05:21 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by TRANCOSO viewpost.
    I just wanted to point out that this post...

    contans the same excerpt of the Hidden Hand interview, as I have posted in my Hidden Hand threat.
    Ok trancoso, no problems.
    Synchronicity perhaps. However upon checking, I would say my excerpt was a little longer. I noticed that the 'picture dynamics' did not copy.


    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-10-2010 at 04:07 PM.
    post_old. 01-10-2010, 05:24 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by THE eXchanger viewpost.
    it might be helpful;
    if you separated your thoughts,
    as follows, related to HH:
    ats: xxx
    hh: xxx
    abrax: xxx
    ats: xxx
    HH: xxx
    abrax: xxx
    THANK YOU smile.
    AND, perhaps, to be less confusing abrax says: XXX
    It is completely separated Susan.

    abrax comment
    ats and hh interview
    the end
    post_old. 01-10-2010, 05:39 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    I have attempted to give comment to the above in interspersion orthodoxymoron.

    Thank-you Abraxasinas. You have very elaborate and detailed information. You may be other than Earth Human. You are extremely intelligent (or have several assistants with supercomputers!) But I don't know if I trust you. I have had exposure to people with vast learning...and later discovered their hidden agendas and errors...so I am very cautious and paranoid. I will continue to sample widely different sources...and I will continue to speculate. Thank-you for contributing to this journey.

    original. Namaste original.
    post_old. 01-10-2010, 06:35 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Magamud viewpost.
    Thanks for your energy it has helped much...

    1. Can you illuminate more on "Yahweh's" history and how "it" works as a logos in the universe.

    2. Do you know about how many other planets in this galaxy are going through the same type of scenario as we are?
    a. Is the main source of propaganda used by a "TV" medium?

    Sure magamund!

    1. Yahweh or the famous Tetragrammaton YHWH is the Usurper, the fake God of the Old Teastament.
    His real name is Yaldabaoth aka Saklas Samael or Jehovah; but these are all just labels and many other ones have become aliases as well.

    It was Yaldabaoth who was created from the Mother of All; called Barbelo in the 'gnostic lore-Secret Book of John is a classical reference'.
    But he was not the First.
    In the beginning 'The Perfect One', call it All That Is=FORETHOUGHT and was alone. So HESHE separated Itself to become He+She='Perfect One'+Barbelo=AFTERTHOUGHT.
    Together now THEY Made Love (metaphysically or in archetype) to CREATE the LOVECHILD=Logos=Cosmic Christ=Word.

    Barbelo was enthralled by Her power and Thought about what it would be like to BE the Forethought and Not the Afterthought.

    This is the Story of the Original Fall, long before the 'Lucifer Rebellions' drew from this archetypical ancestry.
    So the accounts in Ezekiel and Isaiah and Revelation are watered down versions of the primordial foundations.

    Barbelo so produced a Baby in direct competition with her own LoveChild in Yaldabaoth - the Lion with a Serpent's Tail.

    This then is retold in even younger archetypes as Hera, wife of Zeus giving birth to the lame Hephaestus (Vulcan) without input from Zeus.
    Hera did this because Zeus had given birth to Athene 'from his forehead' (i.e. he created her from his mind without Hera's input).

    So Yaldabaoth exists and sees his LoveChild brother (Enlil and Enki Mesopotamian mythology here) creating a 'Heavenly Kingdom' to experience in. These are the 12 Heavens or spheres but limited in Seven Heavens, meaning the 8th density becomes the third heaven following the 5 hells: 5Hells+7Heavens=12Heavens say in a labeling.
    {{2 Corinthians 12:2
    I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth wink. such an one caught up to the third heaven.}}

    As the 'Playing Up' of Barbelo was 'planned however' by the Forethought; the creation of the Fake-Christ now allowed The Perfect One=HE=Cosmic Father to SEPARATE from Barbelo=SHE=Cosmic Mother.
    This then led to the birth of a physical FINITE universe from the Infinite FatherMother (again words of labelings - you are free to create and write your own story as long as you use the archetypes appropriately).

    The 'Perfect One's' 'real' name is not YHWH BUT YHWHY (see Avatar movie) and as the Pentagrammaton (hence all this pentagon symbolism).

    Creating the material universe rendered the Cosmic Mother = Universe IN EXILE and AWAY from the Forethought.
    This then became Yaldabaoth's 'playground' as HE IS the FALSE IMAGE of YHWHY from the OUTSIDE of the Exile as the INSIDE Usurper.

    For all practical purposes then YHWH IS the 'One true God' = Jehovah=Allah=label it yourself of ALL the world's religions - yet he is fake.

    The only One who knew this was the Real LOVECHILD, the older brother of Yaldabaoth as the Cosmic Christ.
    Its archetype was manifested by many characterisations as the 'Office of Melchizedek=Office of the Plumed Serpent' including Thoth and Hermes Trismegistos, Kukulkan, Quetzacoatl and Moses - none of whom existed physically.
    The One and Only physical full manifestation was Jesus of Nazareth BECAUSE as the Cosmic Logos, it was only HESHE who could REMEMBER the oldest story of them all.
    (Buddha and Krishna and Mohammed, all were NOT full incarnations but served the Cosmic Christ in furthering the necessary maximum separation amongst the religions and the evolving secularisms -something which is now drawing to a close).

    Then Jesus KNEW how to INTERPRET or TRANSLATE the Old Testament archetypes and so superceded THE LOT (in fulfilling them - this is the reason why so much emphasis is in the NT: 'so that the sriptures are fulfilled';... 'as it is written' etc. etc.)..
    This effectively, RELATIVE to the HigherD's within the Universe and so part of Barbelo; DISEMPOWERED Yaldabaoth and the OT God.
    IAMTHATIAM=YHWH BUT IAMTHATAMI=YHWHY (can you or anyone decipher the difference here?).

    Now relative to Earth and the LowerD universe the 'Fake God' still 'ruled' and this becomes the agenda of Orion as (general) allegiance to YHWH as Service-To-Self and (general) AntiOrion allegiances of Servive-To-Others as the Dichotomy you are discussing on forums such as this one.

    I'll add more when it is appropriate to do so.

    2. ONE, the Earth is absolutely Unique as Gaia will ascend as Barbelo, so ending their commonly experienced Exile.

    a. Yes, the more common and freely available the medium, the higher the mind-belief manipulation.


    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-10-2010 at 06:43 AM.
    post_old. 01-10-2010, 08:15 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron viewpost.
    Thank-you Abraxasinas. You have very elaborate and detailed information. You may be other than Earth Human. You are extremely intelligent (or have several assistants with supercomputers!) But I don't know if I trust you. I have had exposure to people with vast learning...and later discovered their hidden agendas and errors...so I am very cautious and paranoid. I will continue to sample widely different sources...and I will continue to speculate. Thank-you for contributing to this journey.

    original. Namaste original.
    Thank you orthodoxymoron!

    I am not here to 'be trusted'.
    I am not here to 'be believed'.
    I am not here to 'be popular'.
    I am not here 'to be liked'.
    I am not her 'to be anything' but the conveyor of a message.
    It is the message which you might ponder to give you additional choices; another choice you would not have, if I would not be here.

    If you 'feel' that all or parts of what my message is, 'feels right to incorporate' with your own message then you will HELP and further the Positive Harvesting of 2010-2013.

    If you 'feel' that all or parts of what my message is, does not 'feel right to incorporate' with your own message; then you will HELP and further the Negative Harvesting of 2010-2013.

    Either way you are so HELPING as a cocreater and shard of All That Is to end this age of ages and begin a new Grand Cycle for a humanity graduated.

    Love Abraxas

    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-10-2010 at 10:33 AM.
    icon1.Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Thank you for your service to us. here are a few questions:

    1) if "the veil" over our memory of our true selves is put on us for a reason (to help us choose good/evil more freely?), why is it "helpful" or a good idea to try to remember (by whatever means) our past lives? or to try to practice "lucid dreaming?" etc. iwo ..... why is it beneficial (to myself or people i'm here to serve/love) to transcend the natural boundaries of 3-d existence while i'm still in3-d .... trying to help other3-d beings?

    2) i was raised Catholic and still consider myself one, though i don't go to church anymore, and it seems like perhaps i've had an unusual experience in that i believe this background/experience prepared me well to be in relationship with the divine (yeshua, all-that-is, holy spirit .... whatever). i'm very aware that there are an infinite number of paths for souls to use to "return to source," so i'm also very "into" taoism, zen buddhism, etc. and have no problem resonating with most of the information you are providing us, and with what i've read of the Law of One, and the little i've read of HH. so, i don't think i'm abnormally[/I sensitive to criticism of the Roman Catholic Church. i know this institution is responsible for many bad things in its 2000 year history (e.g., the crusades); that there were many bad popes whose agendas were less-than-laudable; and that it continues to be an imperfect institution ..... as are all human institutions. but, i'm also aware that there have been good and holy popes ..... John-Paul II, Pope John XXIII, and others, and that many great saints (Francis of Assisi, Mother Theresa .... i could go on & on have evolved through this cultural experience. So, i guess my question is ...... how do i reconcile my experience and beliefs re: RC church and the beliefs of so many others who seem to consider the Vatican as synonomous with evil/illuminati/destructive and deceptive agendas for the human race? i realize that both can be true to some degree.

    3) in my earlier set of questions, i asked about your self-identifying as a "vampire," and your answer left me less-than-satisfied. you seemed to be saying .... if i see you as a vampire, then i'm really just projecting my shadow/vampire-self onto you. what i really want to know is: what is a vampire, if you can be one??? is it possible to be a vampire and to be consciously "moving back toward source" at the same time?? are there "good" vampires? i know our natural dualistic thinking might present a problem here, and it's one i'm stuck on!

    thanks so much again for loving your earth-family so well!


    Last edited by hippihillbobbi; 01-10-2010 at 01:27 PM.{/td}
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    post_old. 01-10-2010, 01:12 PM

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    icon1.Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    post_old. 01-10-2010, 01:42 PM


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    Originally Posted by hippihillbobbiviewpost.

    Thank you for your service to us. here are a few questions:

    1) if "the veil" over our memory of our true selves is put on us for a reason (to help us choose good/evil more freely?), why is it "helpful" or a good idea to try to remember (by whatever means) our past lives? or to try to practice "lucid dreaming?" etc. iwo ..... why is it beneficial (to myself or people i'm here to serve/love) to transcend the natural boundaries of 3-d existence while i'm still in3-d .... trying to help other3-d beings?

    2) i was raised Catholic and still consider myself one, though i don't go to church anymore, and it seems like perhaps i've had an unusual experience in that i believe this background/experience prepared me well to be in relationship with the divine (yeshua, all-that-is, holy spirit .... whatever). i'm very aware that there are an infinite number of paths for souls to use to "return to source," so i'm also very "into" taoism, zen buddhism, etc. and have no problem resonating with most of the information you are providing us, and with what i've read of the Law of One, and the little i've read of HH. so, i don't think i'm abnormally[/I sensitive to criticism of the Roman Catholic Church. i know this institution is responsible for many bad things in its 2000 year history (e.g., the crusades); that there were many bad popes whose agendas were less-than-laudable; and that it continues to be an imperfect institution ..... as are all human institutions. but, i'm also aware that there have been good and holy popes ..... John-Paul II, Pope John XXIII, and others, and that many great saints (Francis of Assisi, Mother Theresa .... i could go on & on have evolved through this cultural experience. So, i guess my question is ...... how do i reconcile my experience and beliefs re: RC church and the beliefs of so many others who seem to consider the Vatican as synonomous with evil/illuminati/destructive and deceptive agendas for the human race? i realize that both can be true to some degree.

    thanks so much again for loving your earth-family so well!


    Hi hippihill!

    1. Because the biological-metaphysical ''quantum mechanics' of remembering anything requires a gradual process of acclimatisation.
    If you would recall your 'real nature' as a part of the soul of All That Is all at once; your human groupconditioning would overload your neuronal pathways.
    This is why so many 'skeptical folk' refuse to allow this 'new age' stuff or '2012 propaganda' to enter their waking consciousness.
    They become then subject to subconscious processing and it is there that the good-evil dichotomy is most potent.

    2. Have a look at Edward Alexander's thread on the 'religious brainwashing'. I have just addressed your query in reply to Antonia.
    On the higher conscious level there is 'nothing wrong' with any of the world religions. They all fulfil a most important purpose; even if most are fully aware of the 'darkness' of the agendas. ALL religious threads are incomplete and have parts of the truth.
    Your affinity with Yeshuah is wonderful; as heshe is the only one; who has the complete truth - as a collective 'White Lucifer' who will 'eat' the 'Dark Solar Lucifer' in a 'blending' of the 'absolute Service-to-Self mode' with the absolute 'Service-To-Others mode' (or similar labelings of course).

    Now can you understand?
    Just as the Cosmic Christ will 'swallow' or absorb or blend or 'eat' the local 'Logos' or World-Ruler; so will you and everyone have the opportunity to 'eat' Jesus as the collective so becoming 'Cosmically Christed' AS the 'resurrected Jesus' and so YOU and all like that will BE the 2nd Coming as prophecied.
    I realise this 'sounds' 'evangelistic'; but this happens to be the 'Greater Agenda' of the Parousia and 'true meaning' of the Catholic Eucharist.
    This agenda can also be explained in wave mechanics and advanced quantum theory of gauge photonic interactions with the 'dark matter' and 'dark energy' and axions and such labels of advanced theoretical physics (for the skeptics).

    Again, I have shared a number of messages today/yesterday addressing this and anyone interested can check further information out for themselves and then decide if it resonates on the individuated soul level feeling or not.

    You are on the path Hippihill!


    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-10-2010 at 01:47 PM.{/td}
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post_old. 01-10-2010, 08:11 PM

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icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

thanks so much Abraxas .... i think i do understand now .... especially your answer to my 2nd question.

but as for the 1st question--re: WHY it's important to transcend the 3-d veil and to remember specific past lives, etc. & etc. i feel like i already know/believe that i'm a shard of all-that-is, a beloved daughter of my father-mother-savior-spirit God, and that that is each of our true natures whose purpose here is to LOVE (God above all else, everyone else as myself). so ....... what i'm asking is: WHY is it necessary/important to remember the specifics of our past lives/existences while still here in 3-d? is it a requirement for ascension?? will i be able to love/help myself/others better while still in 3-d if i can remember some of these details about my "other parts???"

and what happened to my question 3 from the original post??? are you reluctant to answer that??? is the answer just so obvious that it's a "dumb" question?? what gives?

thanks for your patience, Abrax, and--as ever--your generosity.


Last edited by hippihillbobbi; 01-10-2010 at 08:33 PM.
post_old. 01-10-2010, 08:36 PM

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icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


Would you be able to describe to me in simplified terms, what one such as myself can do in order to experience a positive Harvest?

I am not convinced that simply trying to remember who I am and learning about the Law of One will allow this to manifest.

Can you elaborate?

In light...
post_old. 01-10-2010, 10:33 PM

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icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Hello Abraxas,

Your last reply really exited me. Thank you.

It is off topic, but I want to ask you about a certain individual that i relate to. His name is Ed Leedskalnin. His popularity is due to the stories of Coral Castle built in Homestead florida and by the means of which he was able to construct this site.

Do you know of him and if so, How do you feel about his legacy?



post_old. 01-10-2010, 11:39 PM

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icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

abraxasinas, I want to thank you for your answers on 2012.

I have a very good acquaintance working with 8D and had a pretty good idea of what they are doing as I have read her books which have not been published. I am most fortunate to have done so. Right now, they stopped even allowing the reading of her first book as they are producing a movie of her material in Hawaaii CALLED

From her stories I got information that has not been put out anywhere that I have seen except your words...............You described it so well. Yes 8D works with both polarities.

I personally can not understand why 12D would not do the same. Can you please explain that to me? I consider us all of God, the Creators children filled with love and that 12D would care for all.

Thanks in advance

Also one more question and it pretains to Gnosis5's words............If you are a vanpyre, IMO, the only way to move on is to suck our energy or to activate your DNA once again which takes years.

I am really confused over this.

post_old. 01-10-2010, 11:49 PM

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icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


Originally Posted by mntruthseeker viewpost.
abraxasinas, I want to thank you for your answers on 2012.

I have a very good acquaintance working with 8D and had a pretty good idea of what they are doing as I have read her books which have not been published. I am most fortunate to have done so. Right now, they stopped even allowing the reading of her first book as they are producing a movie of her material in Hawaaii CALLED

From her stories I got information that has not been put out anywhere that I have seen except your words...............You described it so well. Yes 8D works with both polarities.

I personally can not understand why 12D would not do the same. Can you please explain that to me? I consider us all of God, the Creators children filled with love and that 12D would care for all.

Thanks in advance

Also one more question and it pretains to Gnosis5's words............If you are a vanpyre, IMO, the only way to move on is to suck our energy or to activate your DNA once again which takes years.

I am really confused over this.

If I may answer for myself, first of all this was in another existence although it did bleed (punny) over into this lifetime greatly modified. However, the biggie is that clearing work, working with the spiritual being who decided upon all this, CHANGES DNA. Spirit is senior to structure.

Were you ever a vampyre?
post_old. 01-10-2010, 11:57 PM

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icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

If you 'feel' that all or parts of what my message is, 'feels right to incorporate' with your own message then you will HELP and further the Positive Harvesting of 2010-2013.

If you 'feel' that all or parts of what my message is, does not 'feel right to incorporate' with your own message; then you will HELP and further the Negative Harvesting of 2010-2013.

I have to say, that looking for answers..one must look to the right source. To look for an answer outside yourself..you should be looking for a validation...not the answer. As the answer is inside you, and always has been.

At this time in our evolution..there are many people coming out with "answers" and many are valid. I am not here to disprove or prove anthing on this thread. What I am here to say is...you already had the answer. You know what the truth is. So to look for answers on this thread..or any other source outside of yourself..should be for "validation" only.

If you do not get that validation....you should be looking for the answer within.

This is only my opinion...and take it for what it is worth. But before you start gearing up for something as important as our collective evolution....be sure you are on your true path, and not the path of someone else. As it is your soul that is traveling this evolution..and it is your truth you must follow.

Last edited by BROOK; 01-11-2010 at 12:20 AM.
post_old. 01-11-2010, 12:03 AM

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icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Agreed on above. Validation, yes, that makes sense.
post_old. 01-11-2010, 12:17 AM

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icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


Originally Posted by Gnosis5 viewpost.
If I may answer for myself, first of all this was in another existence although it did bleed (punny) over into this lifetime greatly modified. However, the biggie is that clearing work, working with the spiritual being who decided upon all this, CHANGES DNA. Spirit is senior to structure.

Were you ever a vampyre?
No, as I said, I have absolutely no idea if I ever was. What you explained was exactly one of the way I imagined. BUT, I didnt ask you because you didnt not describe yourself as being one now and being from the 12D.

I am confused because I connect 12D with no need to be a vanpyre in the sense that I have of such. So are you saying, once one, always one ? It doesnt make sense and Im not trying to be smart. I really want to know.

A vanpyre IMO is one that can only survive by sucking the energy of us humans. Absolutely, correct me if I am wrong, as it would not be the first time.

post_old. 01-11-2010, 12:23 AM

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icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Good question. I'm not aware of sharply defined dimensions. It does indicate to me that there might be a mockup of higher dimensions packed into the 4D.

CULCULCAN, Jan 12, 2023

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    page 13 of 63

    post_old. 01-11-2010, 12:36 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Gnosis5 viewpost.
    Good question. I'm not aware of sharply defined dimensions. It does indicate to me that there might be a mockup of higher dimensions packed into the 4D.

    Just when I think I have the answers, something like this pops up.

    I am truly amazed at all the information that now "pops" out at me and I know that no one can truly give me all the answers as my friend would of done so many many years ago. I smile when I think of her and all the secrets knowledge she had within her. I know because like I said, I read her books. But I will say this, that unless you have the "thoughts" in your mind as words and pictures, it isnt there. When I read her books over 15 years ago, it didnt connect any dots for me. Now, it does. So yes, its inside of you but you must have some knowledge of things first. At least that is how it is working for me.

    post_old. 01-11-2010, 12:43 AM

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    It has taken me that long to connect some dots too and to appreciate the help that was given in the past which I did not appreciate then.

    In my last post, I'm not implying there are no higher dimensions above 4D, just that I'm not aware of sharply defined dimensions -- it has never come up for me in my personal clearing work. Either I have to dig deeper to see it and process it or I don't have much energy on it one way or another.
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 08:55 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by hippihillbobbi viewpost.
    thanks so much Abraxas .... i think i do understand now .... especially your answer to my 2nd question.

    but as for the 1st question--re: WHY it's important to transcend the 3-d veil and to remember specific past lives, etc. & etc. i feel like i already know/believe that i'm a shard of all-that-is, a beloved daughter of my father-mother-savior-spirit God, and that that is each of our true natures whose purpose here is to LOVE (God above all else, everyone else as myself). so ....... what i'm asking is: WHY is it necessary/important to remember the specifics of our past lives/existences while still here in 3-d? is it a requirement for ascension?? will i be able to love/help myself/others better while still in 3-d if i can remember some of these details about my "other parts???"

    and what happened to my question 3 from the original post??? are you reluctant to answer that??? is the answer just so obvious that it's a "dumb" question?? what gives?

    thanks for your patience, Abrax, and--as ever--your generosity.

    Hi Hippihill!

    I apologize, I simply missed your question 3.

    3) in my earlier set of questions, i asked about your self-identifying as a "vampire," and your answer left me less-than-satisfied. you seemed to be saying .... if i see you as a vampire, then i'm really just projecting my shadow/vampire-self onto you. what i really want to know is: what is a vampire, if you can be one??? is it possible to be a vampire and to be consciously "moving back toward source" at the same time?? are there "good" vampires? i know our natural dualistic thinking might present a problem here, and it's one i'm stuck on!

    thanks so much again for loving your earth-family so well!


    3. If someone, anyone labels me as a unicorn, then I shall be a unicorn.
    If someone labels me a werewolf or a vampire, then I shall dutifully oblige and MIRROR the PERCEPTION of the labeler back to the labeller.

    I AM a MIRROR for All That Is and so are You.

    Your life experiences, your thoughts, your creativity, your smelling of the roses, your consumptions and interactions of and with consciousnesses in elementals, vegetation and all other desified lightforms, including the lightforms felt, but not seen with physical eyes; ALL are experiences of and for All That Is.

    This then is the basis of the all encompassing reality of and for 'All That Is' aka the 'Primal Source' aka 'God'.

    Yet I understand your query.
    Because you are a soul-part of All That Is; you also share in the infinite creative potential of the Creator.

    So what do you do and how do you react when encountering a label such as Vampire?

    You really can do many things, but on closer and deeper analysis you will encounter basically a reduction of all possibilities to just TWO options.

    The first option is to examine the EXISTING data base as say a 'collective information library' about Vampires.

    Then you will meet Dracula and Vampire Bats and irresistable sexy shadow humans immortalized in counts and countesses through literature and film.

    In your capacity of your Creator-Image, you can then decide to invent a variation of what exists or you can weave some story together, which might exploit your creative talents as a writer or a painter or a film director, producer or actor.

    The second option becomes for you to REDEFINE the archetype as what a Vampire is.
    This second option is more difficult; for if you decide to NOT rename your new creation as say a 'Muxtabon'; then keeping the 'Vampire' label will demand of your creativity to ENCOMPASS all that is implied and was previously defined in the MEME of the Vampire label,

    Iow you are then required to EXTEND the definition of the Archetype of Vampire as an already established 'Memory Complexed Thoughtform', say as a Dawkinsian Meme Complex.

    In relevance to my multidimensional cosmic identity having been called a Vampire by our dear sister Stardustaquarion; I so simply accepted her labeling and EXTENDED 'my' Thubanese definition of a Vampire into an extended version of Vampire in the Thubanese lexicons as compared to the Gaian historical memetic complex regarding that classification or genre 'Vampire'.

    1. You have answered your own question in the above. Yes, should you remember, even in glimpses' about who you really are, an immortal intelligent electromagnetomonopolic energy field (spirit); then your remembrances will provide you with an inner knowing and security of understanding to share your wisdoms with the world and help many of your kindred souls to also remember themselves.

    Love Abraxas
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 09:39 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by TempestGarden viewpost.

    Would you be able to describe to me in simplified terms, what one such as myself can do in order to experience a positive Harvest?

    I am not convinced that simply trying to remember who I am and learning about the Law of One will allow this to manifest.

    Can you elaborate?

    In light...
    Dear Tempest Garden!

    The 'positive harvest' is a dichotomized label.
    Everyone will experience the 'positive harvest' AND everyone will experience the 'negative harvest'.
    In short, everyone will experience the 'full harvest' in the NOW-Moment of the 'change of the guard of the ages' (just a label).

    However this NOW-Moment of Circularised Linear Time will reopen to relinearise the 'normal flow of time' and thus allow the 'different selfrelative' lifetime experiences to proceed on their evolutionary agendas.

    It is those selfrelative timelines, which will then differentiate the 'positive harvest' as having 'graduated' into a starhuman 'butterfly' template and a 'negative harvest' as BECOMING a contextual experiential BACKGROUND for the starhuman blueprint.

    The 'neutral-lukewarm harvest' will NOT have graduated into EITHER the positive- or the negative harvest and so will CONTINUE on its human 'caterpillar' path awaiting the next nexus point for potential metamorphosis following cocoonisation.

    The Thuban perspective is this.
    The negative polarity has been FULLY expressed in its evolution of the last 65 baktun cycles (25,627 civil years).
    The positive polarity has been FULLY suppressed in its evolution of this last 'Grand Cycle' and in INVERSE proportion to the negative polarity.
    Say 5% positive+95% negative=10%positive+90%negative=...

    The 'harvest' will BLEND the positive and the negative polarities together in such a way, that the DOMINANT expression will be the RECIPROCATION with the negative polarity SUPPRESSED as a background context.

    Now because the positive polarity is vibratory high quantum energy and the negative polarity is winding low quantum energy; this INVERSION is not linear but exponential.
    This is why it has been necessary to quarantine a planet in such a suppression of the positive polarity in the COLLECTIVE GROUPCONSCIOUS sense.
    The positive polarity could ONLY express in the Individual and NOT in any form of groupmind.
    The groupmind, through what you terms 'brainwashing' and mind manipulation; has been thoroughly of the negative polarity and became encompassed by the Winded Low-Frequency 11-dimensional SerpentMode (in technical labellings). Hence derive your reptilian 'overlord' scenarios.

    Pertaining to you as an individual so your question relates to YOU as precisely such an INDEPENDENT (from all other though constructions) Co-Creator.
    To become positively harvested, you must, relatively writing, 'pull down all bridges' behind you and the negatively controlled groupmind structures of politics, religion, family, work, etc. etc.
    You are required to become a Solitary, an Outcast, relying on NOUGHT, but your Inner Guidance.
    However, you are to SEEK the connection to what this your 'Inner Guidance' represents in your Hermit-like experience of your life and your 'not fitting in'.
    This is known as your 'Christening' into Dragonhood in you REDEFINING yourself NOT as Human but as a form of Evolved Human, which Thuban terms Starhuman Dragon.

    You are free to replace the label Dragon with anything you choose; but then you will NOT be able to draw upon the potent energy of the Memetic Complex of the Dragon-Serpent label present as the initiator of this 65 Baktun cycle.


    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-11-2010 at 09:42 AM.
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 09:48 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Firstlook viewpost.
    Hello Abraxas,

    Your last reply really exited me. Thank you.

    It is off topic, but I want to ask you about a certain individual that i relate to. His name is Ed Leedskalnin. His popularity is due to the stories of Coral Castle built in Homestead florida and by the means of which he was able to construct this site.

    Do you know of him and if so, How do you feel about his legacy?



    Dear Firstlook!

    Ed Leedskalnin is a multidimensional being, who became instrumental in manifesting the interdimensional reality within the 4-dimensional spacetime matrix of the status quo.
    Like the Eastr Island Staues, like the Construction of the Pyramids, like Stonehenge, and the Temples of Ankor; Ed's Legacy serves to indicate that this 4D-spacetime matrix is but the kernel or core of a higher-dimensional reality where say the solidity of rock, can become 'fluidized' and hence enabled to adapt to the geometry of form.

    Love and Peace in the DragonHearts1

    post_old. 01-11-2010, 10:15 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Dear Abraxas,

    I have sought the truth and prayed for the truth for months. This movie really sums up all I have learnt and a lot of what you have shared. I now wish to share it with everyone here.


    thank you

    with love to all

    post_old. 01-11-2010, 10:51 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Initiate viewpost.
    Dear Abraxas,

    I have sought the truth and prayed for the truth for months. This movie really sums up all I have learnt and a lot of what you have shared. I now wish to share it with everyone here.


    thank you

    with love to all

    any chance to download this or see it on youtube or somewhere where one can change the time slider?
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 11:04 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by mntruthseeker viewpost.
    abraxasinas, I want to thank you for your answers on 2012.

    I have a very good acquaintance working with 8D and had a pretty good idea of what they are doing as I have read her books which have not been published. I am most fortunate to have done so. Right now, they stopped even allowing the reading of her first book as they are producing a movie of her material in Hawaaii CALLED

    From her stories I got information that has not been put out anywhere that I have seen except your words...............You described it so well. Yes 8D works with both polarities.

    I personally can not understand why 12D would not do the same. Can you please explain that to me? I consider us all of God, the Creators children filled with love and that 12D would care for all.

    Thanks in advance

    Also one more question and it pretains to Gnosis5's words............If you are a vanpyre, IMO, the only way to move on is to suck our energy or to activate your DNA once again which takes years.

    I am really confused over this.

    Dear mntruthseeker!

    Thank you for your question. I sense a change of heart in your response; your awakening has begun in your raising your hidden Dragon frequencies.
    I ask the source to enhance your kundaline rattling of your tails.

    Your query about the 8D-12D connection is very pertinent.
    Allow me to describe the Thuban structure of the universe again.
    The physical universe is 10-dimensional but bounded asymptotically in a 11D mirror dimension.
    The 12th dimension so becomes the IMAGE of the 10D universe in nospacetime, say the Infinity of the Void and where Everything is Nothingness.

    But this 10D universe can and is reduced to just 3 Space dimensions without Time.
    The first triplicity is that of TRANSLATION, the XYZ axes of your geometry and physics.
    About each of those axes you can rotate (say a ring around a stick) either clockwise or anticklockwise.
    So you have the second triplicity COLOCAL (at the same place as being INTERDIMENSIONAL) as ROTATION of the XYZ. This then describes an Intrrdimensional 6-D Space Universe without Time.

    The third triplicity allows VIBRATION or Oscillation of the rings (expanding and contracting say) for a 9D Space Universe without Time.

    Now add the 'imaginary' timedimension and you have the InterD 10D Universe of Thuban.

    This is a little simpler than describing this in technical jargonautics of 6D Calabi-Yau manifolds conifolded in flat Euclidean Minkowski spacetime in a background of classical general relativistic Einstein-Riemann 4D metrics is it not. Yet it is the same thing.

    The 10D universe encompasses all of the physoicality in terms of inertia, mass, weight and such labels.

    The 11D universe allows the NOnInertial and so Gravitational MASSLESS energyforms to occupy more spacetime, than is possible in the 10D Inertial universe.

    The 10D Universe is RESTRICTED by lightspeed because of the inertia; but the 11D universe defines a Constant LightMatrix where light is stationary as a Standing Wave (this btw is what is behind the Tesla free energy technology - it is 11D as well as the tachyonic 'faster than light' physics of higherD aliens).

    Ok, these are the dimensions in terms of the structure of the universe.

    When 'channelled' information (I am NOT channelling anyone, as I am in communication with the 12D Thubanese data base through my DragonHeart btw) is filtered by the receiver, say the Ra material, the Seth material or the Anna Hayes material (the latter harbouring a Montauk connection, but the two former do not); then it is of great importance from which dimension the data derives from.

    The 5th dimension of (hyper)space is easily accessible and is appropriately termed the 5th density. The 5th density so defines the MIRROR for the LineSpace of Translaton JUST as the 11th density forms the MIRROR for the 10th dimension/density as the boundary for the entire universe as the QuantumSpace.

    So the the 5th the 8th and the 11th densities/dimensions become the MIRRORS betwen the INTERDIMENSIONAL densities of consciousness.
    The 8th dimension/density so MIRRORS the LineSpace of Translation into the QuantumSpace of Vibration via the HyperSpace of Rotation.

    I realise this is a little technical, but no familiarity of advanced quantum mechanics or string mathematics is required to understand these basics.

    When someone so writes about say a 15th dimension, then this someone has, relative to the Thuban cosmology, misunderstood or misinterpreted the structure of the multidimensional and multidensified universe.
    The 15th dimension is a substructure of a BASE-Dimension as the 6th dimension; say the 6th 'heaven' in the 'area dimension' of hyperspace (you could denote this as HyperSpacetime 15 or Hyperspace 5.6 or Hyperspacetime 5.6).
    Mathematically, an infinite number of (Riemann) dimensions exist, but all dimensions above the 12th or the 13th as the Null-Dimension of the Void-Infinity again; can and is defined in finestructures, say multiples of 7 or 9 within the three triplicities of LineSpace; HyperSpace and QuantumSpace.

    Including TimeConnector dimensions 1-4-7-10-13=1, an OmniSpace can be added as the 10-11-12-13=1 SpaceTime quadruplicate.

    Your question now can easily be answered by yourself in the understanding that the 8th dimension is a mirror dimension of reflection/absorption and so polarity unified in that the POTENTIAL negativity of the Hyperspace (5-6-7) has become negated or neutralized by the potential negativity of Quantumspace (9-10-11).

    This is why there cannot be a 6D 'Hell' or 'Archdemonic Kingdom/Archon' in contraposition to a 6D 'Heaven' or 'Cherubimic Kingdom/Principle' in the Thuban Cosmogony of Densities superposed onto the Cosmology of Dimensions.

    There are 5 'Hells' and 12 'Heavens'.
    All 'spiritual negativity' is restricted to 5 densities.
    The so called astral planes where physicality intersects the lightform energies so are comprised of the 4-5-6-7 Hyperspacetime. It is from here that ALL 'channelings' are initiated - the astral intelligences as data emitters interacting with physicalised intelligences as data receivers.

    The 6th and 7th densities are Hyperspace dimensions of reflection, where the physicality transmits its information from Linespace THROUGH and VIA the Hyperspace into the Quantumspace.

    All astral intelligences can so partake of the negative polarity in the energy of the 5th density as well as the positive polarities from all dimensions (trickling down) in a mixture of 'truth and falsehood'.

    Should an astral intelligence 'enter' the mirrorspace of the 8th dimension/density; then this sentience could proceed into Quantum-Spacetime ansd so become a hyperastral intelligence (invent your own labels here).
    Once a hyperastral sentience reaches the 10th density, this intelligence has attained cosmic consciousness of the physical creation. It will literally KNOW itself as BEING the entire universe in selfconsciousness. This is the tenth 'heaven' of a new identity (see 24 Elders of Thuban thread).

    Once a 10D entity has attained this status, this being's 'heartbeat' or inhalation-exhalation matches the Hubble-Cycle of the universe in 16.9 billion years.

    Because the first exhalation has begun so 2.2 billion years ago, the 10D universe in quantumspace and omnispacetime has already attained 11D/density status Herself.
    So graduation of a 10D universal being (all of your destiny as written into the 'Book of Life on Thuban') into a 11D multiversal being has become possible 2.2 billion years ago.
    It was then that the 10D physical universe had grown in collective consciousness enough to potentialise Her own graduation (now becoming imminent through and by some of you being able to digest Her Story and Desires).
    It so is the 'Great Mother' and ONLY the Great Mother' who can 'allow' ANY sentience to 'penetrate' her 11D Mirror to enter the Omnispace of the Great Father in the Exile of the 12th Dimension.

    Because She has done so, this communication from Thuban, as the 'Home of the Void' of the Great Father, has become commissioned and has become possible.

    This is the sory of the Andromedans, who as a sister galaxy to the Milky Way, have OBSERVED this occurence from the galactic, rather than the intergalactic starsystem based perspective of your many other channels.

    The vampire ID I have addressed in my previous answers to hippihill.

    You are welcome to ask further questions about the dimension/density interaction to further your understanding of this subject matter.

    In Gnosis
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 11:06 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    I have another question for you, if you allow me.
    Somewhere in your last posts, you mentioned something like you have agreement with the Thuban Council (or you are not allowed by them) to speak about ART or humans creative activities...
    Well, this is very strange and interesting.
    Can you explain us WHY?

    post_old. 01-11-2010, 11:10 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by BROOK viewpost.

    I have to say, that looking for answers..one must look to the right source. To look for an answer outside yourself..you should be looking for a validation...not the answer. As the answer is inside you, and always has been.

    At this time in our evolution..there are many people coming out with "answers" and many are valid. I am not here to disprove or prove anthing on this thread. What I am here to say is...you already had the answer. You know what the truth is. So to look for answers on this thread..or any other source outside of yourself..should be for "validation" only.

    If you do not get that validation....you should be looking for the answer within.

    This is only my opinion...and take it for what it is worth. But before you start gearing up for something as important as our collective evolution....be sure you are on your true path, and not the path of someone else. As it is your soul that is traveling this evolution..and it is your truth you must follow.
    Hi Brook!

    I agree with your generalization of how one should seek, evaluate and experience all data.
    All answers are indeed within you - as is the 'Kingdom of God'.
    Yet, the Individual Seeker is within an environment, and the feedback of this environment can both be of hindrance and of support to the seeker.
    In the greater perception all hindrances and supports are of benefit of strengthening and enhancing the individual seeker of finding herhimself.

    Blessings to You

    post_old. 01-11-2010, 11:18 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    I read your fascinating and resonant answer to mntruthseeker above. I think I have the beginnings of a grasp on your "dimension" system. Thankyou for this work you are doing on the forum.

    I am still seeing a lot of confusion between "Density" and "Dimension" and I don't think the terms are equivalent and interchangeable.


    Originally Posted by LOO
    16.19 Questioner: Can you give me some kind of history of your social memory complex and how you became aware of the Law of One?

    Ra: I am Ra. The path of our learning is graven in the present moment. There is no history, as we understand your concept. Picture, if you will, a circle of being. We know the alpha and omega as infinite intelligence. The circle never ceases. It is present. The densities we have traversed at various points in the circle correspond to the characteristics of cycles: first, the cycle of awareness; second, the cycle of growth; third, the cycle of self-awareness; fourth, the cycle of love or understanding; fifth, the cycle of light or wisdom; sixth, the cycle of light/love, love/light or unity; seventh, the gateway cycle; eighth, the octave which moves into a mystery we do not plumb.

    Originally Posted by LOO part of an answer
    7.17 Answer Ra: I am Ra. ...This is true at all densities in our octave. We cannot speak for those above us, as you would say, in the next quantum or octave of beingness. This is, however, true of this octave of density. ...
    Ra speaks of densities to the 8th only (OCTAVE), beyond which "which moves into a mystery we do not plumb."

    In your Thuban 12D system how does this reconcile with the densities as Ra speaks of it in the material given in Law Of One.

    I never for one moment considered density as dimension, rather a vibrational quality of the matter that existed in a multi-dimensional system - some of the axes of that vibration being those that most humans will not directly perceive.

    Please can you correct me if necessary, or elaborate on the distinction.


    post_old. 01-11-2010, 11:24 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Oliver viewpost.

    I have another question for you, if you allow me.
    Somewhere in your last posts, you mentioned something like you have agreement with the Thuban Council (or you are not allowed by them) to speak about ART or humans creative activities...
    Well, this is very strange and interesting.
    Can you explain us WHY?

    Dear Oliver!

    I did not mean to imply that I am not allowed to speak or write about some things.
    I meant to say, that I have no 'authority' to write 'on behalf' of the Thuban Council about 'cultural' topics.
    This is simply, because 'my expertise' is restricted to Cosmogony (the Ontology of Being); Cosmology (the manifestation opf Cosmogony in Energy) and particular foundational aspects of theoretical science as well as the Cosmic Legacy of the Perennial Philosopphy (including scriptures and scrolls of antiquity of all sorts).

    I am deficient in many ways and have certain talents in others. I am a Mirror of the Primal Source and due to my learnings, understandings and wisdoms, I have been 'authorized' to share PARTICULAR information from the archives of Thuban, similiar to your notion of Akashic Records, but from a 'higherD' perspective.
    I appreciate the arts and music to the nth degree, especially the beautiful blues and Jazzey tunes of Terra. I love musicals, such as 'My Fair Lady' and 'West Side Sory'; I find Mussorgsky, Ravel and Beethoven highly inspirational; I like the 'beatles' and the genius of John Lennon.
    I do not 'like' 'rap' or abstract sculpture - in other words, I have tastes and distastes like everyone here on Terra or on Thuban.

    I hope this clarifies my position.

    post_old. 01-11-2010, 11:32 AM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Dear Oliver!

    I did not mean to imply that I am not allowed to speak or write about some things.
    I meant to say, that I have no 'authority' to write 'on behalf' of the Thuban Council about 'cultural' topics.
    This is simply, because 'my expertise' is restricted to Cosmogony (the Ontology of Being); Cosmology (the manifestation opf Cosmogony in Energy) and particular foundational aspects of theoretical science as well as the Cosmic Legacy of the Perennial Philosopphy (including scriptures and scrolls of antiquity of all sorts).

    I am deficient in many ways and have certain talents in others. I am a Mirror of the Primal Source and due to my learnings, understandings and wisdoms, I have been 'authorized' to share PARTICULAR information from the archives of Thuban, similiar to your notion of Akashic Records, but from a 'higherD' perspective.
    I appreciate the arts and music to the nth degree, especially the beautiful blues and Jazzey tunes of Terra. I love musicals, such as 'My Fair Lady' and 'West Side Sory'; I find Mussorgsky, Ravel and Beethoven highly inspirational; I like the 'beatles' and the genius of John Lennon.
    I do not 'like' 'rap' or abstract sculpture - in other words, I have tastes and distastes like everyone here on Terra or on Thuban.

    I hope this clarifies my position.

    Yes, it clarifies it, Abraxas.
    Thank you.
    Be well.
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 11:51 AM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Anchor viewpost.

    I read your fascinating and resonant answer to mntruthseeker above. I think I have the beginnings of a grasp on your "dimension" system. Thankyou for this work you are doing on the forum.

    I am still seeing a lot of confusion between "Density" and "Dimension" and I don't think the terms are equivalent and interchangeable.

    Ra speaks of densities to the 8th only (OCTAVE), beyond which "which moves into a mystery we do not plumb."

    In your Thuban 12D system how does this reconcile with the densities as Ra speaks of it in the material given in Law Of One.

    I never for one moment considered density as dimension, rather a vibrational quality of the matter that existed in a multi-dimensional system - some of the axes of that vibration being those that most humans will not directly perceive.

    Please can you correct me if necessary, or elaborate on the distinction.


    Dear Anchor!

    Yes I agree with Ra in the context quoted below. Now this the context as perceived from the position of the NOW=THEN time when this data was transmitted.
    Ra is USING the correct archetype and then assigns labels such as 6:light/love and love/light and unity etc.

    This SAME archetype is then extended (not invalidated) is the following (from 24 Elders of Thuban thread).

    8=Turquoise........P/No AP=Relativity(2 in 1)

    9=Blue................P/No AP=Quantization(3 in 2 in 1)
    10=Indigo............P/No AP=New ID in Unity [1-9] in (4 in 3 in 2 in 1)=1+O
    11=Magenta........New ID in (5 in 1+O+1)=1+1=2
    12=Purple...........New ID in (6=1+O+1+1)=1+1+1=1+2=3

    So it looks like this:

    1.Cycle of Awareness---Principle of Identity-AntiIdentity
    2.Cycle of Growth---(Anti)Principles of Expansion/(Contraction)
    3.Cycle of Self-Awareness---Order/(Chaos=Disorder=Entropy)
    4.Cycle of Love-Understanding---Symmetry/(Distortion)
    5.Cycle of Light-Wisdom---Infinity=Divergence/(Zero=Limit=Convergence)
    6.Cycle of light-love mirror=unity---Inversion/(Constancy)
    7.Cycle of the gateway---Reflection/(Absorption)
    8.Cycle of the mystery--Relativity/NO AntiPrinciple so NO DUALITY

    9.Quantization=Cycle Unified in the MacroQuantum scales being HOLOGRAMS for the MicroQuantum scales
    10.NEW Identity Without the Need for an AntiIdentity, as the duality has become PROCESSED
    11.NEW Identity in Expansion and Growth now not Uni-versal but Multi-versal and as the Plane or Surface of the Universe in Data mapping
    12.NEW Identity in ORDER of the Volume of the Universe= Manifested Multiverse as subset of the OmniVerse in 12D all encompassing.

    Thanks for your input Anchor. You might see then then the Ra material is simply extended and 'finetuned' by the Thuban material.

    Generally the notion of DENSITY refers to that of a GEOMETRICAL DIMENSION in terms of how the multidimensional ENERGY of the Source 'DESYNCHRONIZES" from its maximum RESONANT SelfState.
    Because the material manifestation is restricted to the Translational LineSpace dimensions of the lightspeed invariance; the maximum densification occurs in dimensions of the VOLUMAR, that is your experienced 3D+Time.

    The Interaction between LineSpace and HyperSpace and QuantumSpace then becomes possible in the SUPERCONDUCTIVE Nature of what the HigherD Electric Current represents as coupling to the gauge photonic electromagnetic field.
    In simplest terms, the Current in your Copper wires requires a medium in the lattice vibrations of the conducting medium and your formulation for electricity becomes the 'flow of electrons across a point/junction in unit time' or formally as dQ/dt=current i.
    The higherD form for this requires no medium except SPACE itself. The formula becomes 2ef=i.
    As you can see the electron charge quantum (e) becomes a constant coefficient and the differential equations describing current flow reduce from second order dq^2/dt^2 to first order df/dt. df/dt then DEFINES the AWARENESS Ra speaks of as the first cyclicity.
    I can elaborate, but will be required to use technical semantics - I have posted on this before.

    Density so becomes defined in how much source energy can be processed electromagnetically and this relates to the interdimensional coupling between the electron charge carriers - mass as stationary light densification say - becoming 'lighter' in the transformation of this selfsame 'mass-inertia' into monopolic superconductive magnetoelectricity aka the 'spirit'.

    In this manner than, Density becomes directly proportional to Dimension, in that the higher the dimension, the higher the potential for the FORM of the spirit=electromagnetomonopolar field to attain full Source Resonance via the 'accelerated' space-awareness.
    I can post the detail, but it is a longer post and should so NOT be edited by your moderator rules.
    So before posting, I would appreciate advice as if it is appropriate to do so.
    Here is the link: http://tonyb.freeyellow.com/id185.html


    Ra: I am Ra. The path of our learning is graven in the present moment. There is no history, as we understand your concept. Picture, if you will, a circle of being. We know the alpha and omega as infinite intelligence. The circle never ceases. It is present. The densities we have traversed at various points in the circle correspond to the characteristics of cycles: first, the cycle of awareness; second, the cycle of growth; third, the cycle of self-awareness; fourth, the cycle of love or understanding; fifth, the cycle of light or wisdom; sixth, the cycle of light/love, love/light or unity; seventh, the gateway cycle; eighth, the octave which moves into a mystery we do not plumb.
    ---End Quote---

    ---Quote (Originally by LOO part of an answer)---
    7.17 Answer Ra: I am Ra. ...This is true at all densities in our octave. We cannot speak for those above us, as you would say, in the next quantum or octave of beingness. This is, however, true of this octave of density. ...
    ---End Quote---
    Ra speaks of densities to the 8th only (OCTAVE), beyond which "which moves into a mystery we do not plumb."

    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-11-2010 at 12:12 PM.
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 01:24 PM

    Avalon Senior Member


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Abraxas -- thank you for answering my vampire question in more depth. that helped me a lot, and hopefully others here who were somewhat confused by this.

    post_old. 01-11-2010, 01:45 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Initiate viewpost.
    Dear Abraxas,

    I have sought the truth and prayed for the truth for months. This movie really sums up all I have learnt and a lot of what you have shared. I now wish to share it with everyone here.


    thank you

    with love to all

    Thank You Initiate.
    I agree to a very large extent with the contents of this movie.
    I recommend it to All for a VALID background of what is the 'reality' behind the observed and presently experienced reality of humanity.

    post_old. 01-11-2010, 04:45 PM

    In The Mists

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    I agree, that is a very well put together summary, which gives a generally good picture of how we find ourselves at this point.

    I'd probably use a different video host than podblanc, though.
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 04:54 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Thank you for your help in asking source in helping me. I also asked for help as I really have the need to understand it all. I think that it is taken me longer than most because I want to check out every angle to reassure myself.

    Wonderful response to hippihillbobbi !

    I should of known better but now that you put it down so I can understand it puts a smile on my face. Its not the way I care to learn a lesson as I of course was wrong in my preception, which you had already figured out.

    I never studied RA or Seth material and it seems I have much to do

    I was not under the impression that Anna Hayes was montauk or channelled (if it was or not, you didnt say), which makes me a little leary now. I have to say that she has brought to me more than others. I have learn much from her and I have much to learn.

    I will research the site you reference

    Thanks once again for your help

    post_old. 01-11-2010, 04:55 PM

    In The Mists

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    I have a curiosity, Abraxasinas. Why now, with what you are doing?
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 05:02 PM


    Posts: n/a

    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Myplanet2 viewpost.
    I agree, that is a very well put together summary, which gives a generally good picture of how we find ourselves at this point.

    I'd probably use a different video host than podblanc, though.
    Found this...should be more manageable and one can download it

    I have note re-view all 6 parts yet but it is most likely identical.

    part 1 of 6
    View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcfhjDD9QEs


    also found this
    View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVSAGv4kUgk
    seems to be a better quality and there are more parts


    also found this site http://www.legend-of-atlantis.com/atlantis.htm there seems to be more of this

    Last edited by Spregovori; 01-11-2010 at 05:19 PM.
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 05:34 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by mntruthseeker viewpost.
    Thank you for your help in asking source in helping me. I also asked for help as I really have the need to understand it all. I think that it is taken me longer than most because I want to check out every angle to reassure myself.

    Wonderful response to hippihillbobbi !

    I should of known better but now that you put it down so I can understand it puts a smile on my face. Its not the way I care to learn a lesson as I of course was wrong in my preception, which you had already figured out.

    I never studied RA or Seth material and it seems I have much to do

    I was not under the impression that Anna Hayes was montauk or channelled (if it was or not, you didnt say), which makes me a little leary now. I have to say that she has brought to me more than others. I have learn much from her and I have much to learn.

    I will research the site you reference

    Thanks once again for your help

    Anna Hayes says she was used at Montauk (so was I, I grew up not too far from it).......
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 05:50 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Myplanet2 viewpost.
    I have a curiosity, Abraxasinas. Why now, with what you are doing?
    Hi Myplanet!

    Your self-labeling answers your question in general.

    Gaia is getting ready. The cells in your body as the constituents of your biopysical body and life are like the individual data collectors - human individuals interacting with the planetery Mother 'substituting' for the 'Universal Mother'.
    So cells are born and die in recyclement to 'refresh' your body as the temple of God-Source-Goddess.
    When Gaia ascends from planetary status to universal status via her 'hidden' galactic status; all of Her human cells can also ascend into cosmic consciousness via their 'hidden-occultized' consciousness.

    This is what this is all about.
    Messsengers like me are only 'allowed' to come forth and appear, because the scenario is much grander than a planetary transformation or the transition of a galactic civilisation.
    What is about to occur is the Birth of a New Universe.

    post_old. 01-11-2010, 06:09 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Hi Brook!

    I agree with your generalization of how one should seek, evaluate and experience all data.
    All answers are indeed within you - as is the 'Kingdom of God'.
    Yet, the Individual Seeker is within an environment, and the feedback of this environment can both be of hindrance and of support to the seeker.
    In the greater perception all hindrances and supports are of benefit of strengthening and enhancing the individual seeker of finding herhimself.

    Blessings to You

    That is why you seek clear and concise "Validation"....Otherwise...it is just getting information "second hand"...without validation.
    Am I or anyone else going to create my reality from what someone else has put out there? Or am I going to create my reality to that which I know is true from experience and such validation.....the choice is yours.
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 06:35 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by eleni viewpost.
    Anna Hayes says she was used at Montauk (so was I, I grew up not too far from it).......
    Hi eleni and mntruthseeker!

    The issue with Anna Hayes can best be understood in her 'confrontation' with Drunvalo Melchizedek.
    Both have become initiated by a source closely attuned to the 8th dimension/density and what you may understand as a most potent archetype - that of the 'Office of Melchizedek'.
    My information about both Drunvalo and Anna is the following.

    Drunvalo absorbed and individuated the 'Mantle of the Melchizedek Order' via his male animus and manifested the coupled female anima or shadow androgyny within his environmental interaction (say his understanding of Sophia as the Wisdom of Gaia).

    Anna Hayes also absorbed and individuated the 'Office of the Plumed Serpent' via her male animus and manifested the coupled female anima or shadow androgyny within her environmental interaction (but here her understanding or Sophia as the Wisdom of the Universe).

    This however resulted in a disharmonisation between Anna Hayes' yin-yang polarisation. She is male polarised and as exhibited in her convoluted technical descriptions of the universal order.
    Anna Hayes thinks in universal terms, but from the female perspective.
    She so misinterprets the Gaian agenda of the embracement of the planetary anima as being the Cosmic encompassment.

    Before ascension Gaia cannot embrace the universal Order of the Melchisecian dispensation, as She is in perfect synchronization with the Universal Father's feedback.
    The Sophic Wisdom of the Mother grows and learns by the Understanding of the Gnosis of the Father and vice versa.
    The Father's Understanding grows and evolves via the Wisdom of the Mother in Experience of Herself in Physicality.

    Anna Hayes' part in this transformation is to attempt to play both roles at once: BEING the Father's Understanding AND the Mother's Wisdom simultaneously.

    Then whilst Drunvalo is selfharmonized in his office and agenda due to his delegation of the 'Wisdom function' to his communication with Gaia (and the angels as he terms it); Anna Hayes is disharmonized and relatively 'confused' in her superpositioning of her wisdom onto the Universal Mother.

    Anna Hayes should manifest Gaian wisdom (say similar to Miriam Delicado) and delegate the Gnosis function to her shadowed 'maleness'.
    She refuses to do so and this has resulted in her message, whilst validated by her long 'childhood-adulthood' feedback communication, of having become a distorted version of the Melchizedekian data base.

    This can be evidenced by the 'open letters' published, say in regards to the Merkabah meditations and the (non)responses between the respective agents.

    Anna Hayes' publications contain much valid information in the general sense, but lose more and more appropriateness the more she attempts to construct a 'Female Gnosis' from the perspective of the Creation.
    The Gnosis of Understanding is the function of the Logos of the Creator and the Sophia of the Wisdom is the function of the AntiLogos as the Creation.

    This in a nutshell becomes the Androgyny or Bisexuality of the FatherMother as Two in One.
    The path of Anna Hayes attempts to redefine this Logos as One in One - she cannot succeed in such a manner, as this in contraindication of her commission to publish under the auspices of the Melchisedecian Order.

    Anna Hayes will realise her platform in the Gaian ascension, as THEN the anima-animus harmonisation will manifest globally, galactically and cosmically.

    In the greater perspective however, Anna Hayes fulfils a most potent function in manifesting such a disharmonisation on the elementary archetypical level for further contextual utility for the New Universe to be born in the metamorphosis of the Old.

    post_old. 01-11-2010, 06:42 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Thank You Initiate.
    I agree to a very large extent with the contents of this movie.
    I recommend it to All for a VALID background of what is the 'reality' behind the observed and presently experienced reality of humanity.

    Thanks for the validation Abrax. At what stage did the concept of the Dragon come about? What colour is the Master Dragon that you are heralding?
    Anyone notice the blue woman depicted in the ceremonies (hint avatar)? Do these represent the Agarthans in the ceromonies? What don't you agree with in a very small extent?

    Last edited by Initiate; 01-11-2010 at 06:47 PM.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    page 14 of 63

    post_old. 01-11-2010, 06:43 PM

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    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Hi Myplanet!

    Your self-labeling answers your question in general.

    Gaia is getting ready. The cells in your body as the constituents of your biopysical body and life are like the individual data collectors - human individuals interacting with the planetery Mother 'substituting' for the 'Universal Mother'.
    So cells are born and die in recyclement to 'refresh' your body as the temple of God-Source-Goddess.
    When Gaia ascends from planetary status to universal status via her 'hidden' galactic status; all of Her human cells can also ascend into cosmic consciousness via their 'hidden-occultized' consciousness.

    This is what this is all about.
    Messsengers like me are only 'allowed' to come forth and appear, because the scenario is much grander than a planetary transformation or the transition of a galactic civilisation.
    What is about to occur is the Birth of a New Universe.

    Thank you, and yes I understand that. My question was a little more specific. "why NOW, for what YOU are doing"? You could have chosen any time to reveal. Why now?
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 06:57 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by BROOK viewpost.
    That is why you seek clear and concise "Validation"....Otherwise...it is just getting information "second hand"...without validation.
    Am I or anyone else going to create my reality from what someone else has put out there? Or am I going to create my reality to that which I know is true from experience and such validation.....the choice is yours.
    Dear Brook!

    Without information, any and whatever information, accessible to you to ponder, analyse or discern; NO Validation relative to your scrutiny and discernment is possible.

    This is the 'beauty' of science and of mathematical logistics.
    It is easy to 'validate' scientific data in the form of equations and formulae; as these can be dissected and 'checked' for selfconsistency by anyone familiar with the language codes.

    Generally writing and for all concerned.

    I am not here to 'prove' anything. This would take your self-empowerment away and entice some to become 'followers' of the Thuban agenda.

    However, anyone familiar with scientific nomenclature is invited to challenge and critisize formulations and equations, as these are 'part and parcel' of the Terran data base and so subject to the methodology of the sciences manifested on this planet.

    If you wish to know who is going to win the world cup in soccer/football in South Africa; or the winner of the superbowl or the winning lotto numbers or the stockmarket climbers or the birthdate and whereabouts of Aunt Elisabeth or Uncle Harry; there are other avenues for you to explore.

    I am simply here to give you information you will not obtain from anywhere else. If asked to leave, I shall simply leave and pursue my agenda of disseminating Thuban data as shall then become appropriate.

    My agenda is similar to that of the wingmakers and to that of Hidden Hand and similar agencies.

    My agenda is not be public in any manner except through forums such as this one.

    Sirebard A Beardris
    76+1+76=153=A God A Circle of Love
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 07:07 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by mntruthseeker viewpost.
    Thank you for your help in asking source in helping me. I also asked for help as I really have the need to understand it all. I think that it is taken me longer than most because I want to check out every angle to reassure myself.

    Wonderful response to hippihillbobbi !

    I should of known better but now that you put it down so I can understand it puts a smile on my face. Its not the way I care to learn a lesson as I of course was wrong in my preception, which you had already figured out.

    I never studied RA or Seth material and it seems I have much to do

    I was not under the impression that Anna Hayes was montauk or channelled (if it was or not, you didnt say), which makes me a little leary now. I have to say that she has brought to me more than others. I have learn much from her and I have much to learn.

    I will research the site you reference

    Thanks once again for your help

    A'sha does not channel nor she has been in the Montauk project. The only thing she said on the Angelic realities book is that on one opportunity she was abducted by governmental officials that interrogated her when she was a child.

    It is surprising how many people does not like her just because she has the courage to challenge the system!

    post_old. 01-11-2010, 07:41 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Myplanet2 viewpost.
    Thank you, and yes I understand that. My question was a little more specific. "why NOW, for what YOU are doing"? You could have chosen any time to reveal. Why now?
    Dear myplanet!

    The reason is a timeline, converging ALL so called prophecies; but mainly:
    1. The Mayan 65 baktun count, ending December 21st, 2012;
    2. The Great Step in the Pyramid of Gizeh.
    3. The fourtiered Torah in Noah-Ezekiel-Daniel-Revelation.

    The 'authorization' from Thuban occured on August 29th, 2009 and within a 'Warp-Time-Loop'.
    This warptime runs from December 8th, 2004 to April 1st, 2012 with a midpoint of August 4th, 2008.
    The seven years of 'tribulation' (of the archetypes defining the Meme complex of the Old World) so run from December 8th, 2004 to December 8th, 2011.

    From April 1st, 2012 to December 21st, 2012 are precisely 265 days, the mean gestation period for a human pregnancy.
    The timeline between August 4th, 2008 and December 21st, 2012 is precisely 1600 days.
    The warptime encompasses precisely 2300+370=1335+1335=2670 days.
    1600+12000=13600 days point to September 27th, 1975 and when the 'measurements' of the 'inside' and the 'outside' began. The outside of the 'temple' are 1600 days and the inside of 'The New Jerusalem' are 12000 days.

    The sixth 'angel' sounded on August 29th, 2008 and the preparation will proceed until December 8th, 2011 after which time the seventh 'angel' will become authorised to sound.
    When this angel sounds, the 'Mystery of God' shall be finished.

    August 4th, 2008 is warptimed onto August 4th, 28AD to manifest the Manyness of the Oneness.

    The final dispensation of the One began November 30th, 2009 and seven weeks thereafter on January 18th, 2010 the implementation will culminate on March 28th, 2011 and be followed by the reconfiguration of the anniversery of April 1st, 2011.
    From April 1st, 2011 the Many will be the One and one year later, the warp-loop will be completed to IMPREGNATE Gaia with her ManySeed.
    The New Baby of the Starhumanity will be born on December 21st, 2012 after the gestation.

    The 'curse' of the 'Holy Books' will then be lifted on August 4th, 2013.

    This is all I can reveal at this time.


    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-11-2010 at 07:45 PM.
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 07:47 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    The immanent eternal self is realized to be one with the absolute principle of all
    what is and the goal of humanity is to discover what we are in Reality
    Thanks a lot abraxinas your answerto my planet opens my eyes more and more
    have heard before of the birth of a new Universe
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 07:49 PM

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Ok. Thanks for the answer. One thing I don't have is what you mean by warptime. can you explain?
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 07:51 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Initiate viewpost.
    Thanks for the validation Abrax. At what stage did the concept of the Dragon come about? What colour is the Master Dragon that you are heralding?
    Anyone notice the blue woman depicted in the ceremonies (hint avatar)? Do these represent the Agarthans in the ceromonies? What don't you agree with in a very small extent?
    Sorry abrax. perhaps you missed these questions?
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 08:00 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Initiate viewpost.
    Thanks for the validation Abrax. At what stage did the concept of the Dragon come about? What colour is the Master Dragon that you are heralding?
    Anyone notice the blue woman depicted in the ceremonies (hint avatar)? Do these represent the Agarthans in the ceromonies? What don't you agree with in a very small extent?
    Dear Initiate!

    The colour of the Master-Dragon is SkyBlue or Cyan.
    Cyan blends in equal proportion with Red to neutralize to either Pure White in Light and to Pure Black in Paint/Mass.

    The Red Dragon in prophecy is called the 'Devil' and so is neutralized in the Entwined Serpent or Double-Dragon of the White Lucifer With the Black Lucifer.

    The 'small extent' is simply the necessary filtering of the archetypical base data of the producers of this film.
    They used the archetypes in a rather 'purified' manner and because of this the information is similar in 'purity' of having transversed the 'astral planes' to the Ra material.

    An example is the Agartha prototype.
    Towards the end, the Russion physicist pointed out that Agartha was NOT 3D but higherD, but the general thrust of the film would entice many viewers to believe that the physical 3D earth is hollow.
    The Ra material implies the same in a general sense.

    You could so consider my 'small reservations' as 'lack of detail or clarification' and not so much disagreement with the data.

    I have used this film and your comments on the linked website and so you can witness my approval of this information.


    post_old. 01-11-2010, 08:29 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Myplanet2 viewpost.
    Ok. Thanks for the answer. One thing I don't have is what you mean by warptime. can you explain?
    Hi Myplanet2!

    In the grander perception time does not exist, but becomes a Now-Time Loop.
    In physical terms this Quantizes Time as a minimum Planck-Time Interval.
    The Planck-Time minimum instigated the so termed Inflation of the de Broglie tachyonic Universe as a Matter-Wave and BEFORE the Quantum Big Bang occurred, leading into Classical General Relativity and the Thermodynamic Planck Black Body Radiator expansion of Standard Cosmology.
    The Quantum Big Bang then manifested at the Weyl-Time, a magnified form of the Planck-Time and about larger by a factor of a trillion.

    This Weyl-Time becomes a Now-Time-Loop as the Wormhole-Frequency and so defines the intersection of the Finite Universe with its Infinite Source precursor.

    This then is the omni-scientific basis for the concept of Time as being circular and yet becoming linearized in an unfolding of this loop as discrete timeintervals, each of duration the Weyl-Time quantum.

    Any summation or integration of Weyl-Loops so results in periods of time.
    The present 'Greater Timeloop' is the 65 Mayan baktun cycle.
    The following link (The 8x8=64 Cycles of the Metamorphosis of the Human Chryslis} can introduce the details to you.

    Each one of those 64 cycles can be finestructured or subdivided into other cycles and one of those becomes the one indicated in the other post, resulting in your query.
    The 'warptime' label refers to the uniqueness of the One-Many identification, which you may term the 'Office of the Plumed Serpent of Melchisedec'.
    This information from Thuban is 'authorized' by the One holding that 'office' as archetypical foundation in the Cosmic Logos.


    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-11-2010 at 08:33 PM.
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 08:30 PM

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    None of my business, but I'd be aware that the Podblanc site is openly racist. The Atlantis video is available on other sites, so if you don't want to be accused of promoting racism, I'd perhaps use another host of the video. Youtube and Google video both carry it, although lesser quality.
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 08:52 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    This is the 'beauty' of science and of mathematical logistics.
    It is easy to 'validate' scientific data in the form of equations and formulae; as these can be dissected and 'checked' for selfconsistency by anyone familiar with the language codes.
    So I would be very interested in the "scientific" data to explain this analysis:

    If you 'feel' that all or parts of what my message is, 'feels right to incorporate' with your own message then you will HELP and further the Positive Harvesting of 2010-2013.

    If you 'feel' that all or parts of what my message is, does not 'feel right to incorporate' with your own message; then you will HELP and further the Negative Harvesting of 2010-2013.
    And the "validation" of such a conclusion

    Last edited by BROOK; 01-11-2010 at 08:55 PM.
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 08:55 PM

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Hi Myplanet2!

    In the grander perception time does not exist, but becomes a Now-Time Loop.
    In physical terms this Quantizes Time as a minimum Planck-Time Interval.
    The Planck-Time minimum instigated the so termed Inflation of the de Broglie tachyonic Universe as a Matter-Wave and BEFORE the Quantum Big Bang occurred, leading into Classical General Relativity and the Thermodynamic Planck Black Body Radiator expansion of Standard Cosmology.
    The Quantum Big Bang then manifested at the Weyl-Time, a magnified form of the Planck-Time and about larger by a factor of a trillion.

    This Weyl-Time becomes a Now-Time-Loop as the Wormhole-Frequency and so defines the intersection of the Finite Universe with its Infinite Source precursor.

    This then is the omni-scientific basis for the concept of Time as being circular and yet becoming linearized in an unfolding of this loop as discrete timeintervals, each of duration the Weyl-Time quantum.

    Any summation or integration of Weyl-Loops so results in periods of time.
    The present 'Greater Timeloop' is the 65 Mayan baktun cycle.
    The following link (The 8x8=64 Cycles of the Metamorphosis of the Human Chryslis} can introduce the details to you.

    Each one of those 64 cycles can be finestructured or subdivided into other cycles and one of those becomes the one indicated in the other post, resulting in your query.
    The 'warptime' label refers to the uniqueness of the One-Many identification, which you may term the 'Office of the Plumed Serpent of Melchisedec'.
    This information from Thuban is 'authorized' by the One holding that 'office' as archetypical foundation in the Cosmic Logos.

    I'm sorry, but I can not make use of your explanation. It too uses descriptions I have no basis for understanding. Can you tell it in a story? or draw a mental picture?

    I understand how time loops, in the sense that we use the law of attraction to pull experiences from our past and toss them into our future path.
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 08:59 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by eleni viewpost.
    Anna Hayes says she was used at Montauk (so was I, I grew up not too far from it).......
    She "said" then that is probally why I missed it. I seriously didnt get that from her books. (pss I skipped alot of stuff in the back ) I get confused and jump around with her terms and think some of it, I really don't need at this time.

    She told me she was visited by guardians that used orbs and then was visited by reptilians and so they changed the method of visiting so she would not get confused. Me, I have never been visited/channelled/or had information downloaded...............I am strickly on my own.

    But then if you were also in a montauk project then you would have to work twice as hard..................at getting the truth

    have to edit this as I just read what stardust wrote, so Eleni, can you point me to where you got this information ? Thanks, I too, recall hearing exactly what stardust wrote. My head is spinning and YES, it means alot for me. Thank you Eleni

    Last edited by mntruthseeker; 01-11-2010 at 09:09 PM.
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 09:05 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Myplanet2 viewpost.
    None of my business, but I'd be aware that the Podblanc site is openly racist. The Atlantis video is available on other sites, so if you don't want to be accused of promoting racism, I'd perhaps use another host of the video. Youtube and Google video both carry it, although lesser quality.
    Thank you for your advice Myplanet2.
    I have added the you tube series to the link from Initiate.

    post_old. 01-11-2010, 09:09 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Stardustaquarion viewpost.
    A'sha does not channel nor she has been in the Montauk project. The only thing she said on the Angelic realities book is that on one opportunity she was abducted by governmental officials that interrogated her when she was a child.

    It is surprising how many people does not like her just because she has the courage to challenge the system!

    How is it then that she says in one of her long videos (many parts)that she was indeed part of the Montauk project????

    I myself thought it was odd because she did not grow up anywhere near Montauk but then again the very nature of it (time travel, portals and all) makes anything possible......
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 09:20 PM

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by eleni viewpost.
    How is it then that she says in one of her long videos (many parts)that she was indeed part of the Montauk project????

    I myself thought it was odd because she did not grow up anywhere near Montauk but then again the very nature of it (time travel, portals and all) makes anything possible......
    this is from her web page

    A'sha Deane, Born in the USA, raised in traditional Christian perspective, A'sha experienced "Conscious Birthing" as an "Indigo Child", with open reincarnational memory since birth. At the age of 7 she was chosen for a 12-year (1971-1983) course of private MCEO Elementary-Intermediate training from the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order Eieyani Priests of UR of Kauai, Hawaii, in MCEO Emerald Covenant studies and translation of the ancient Cloister-Dora-Teura Plates. ("CDT-Plates" are a set of 12 relic ancient holographic data-recorded discs that digitally store massive amounts of pre-ancient data, reportedly held for many generations since pre-Atlantian times in protective custody of the Eieyani Priests). Following a NDE (Near-Death-Experience) at age 18, A'sha redirected her pursuit of a Psychology degree for a humanitarian spiritual service commitment, engaging full-time MCEO study, while working professionally as a Studio Portrait Artist and in the Theater Management and Commercial Printing industries.
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 09:22 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by BROOK viewpost.
    So I would be very interested in the "scientific" data to explain this analysis:

    And the "validation" of such a conclusion
    Hi Brook!

    You cannot subject data to scientific analysis, if this data does not contain parameters amenable to such analysis.

    I am not here to play wordgames with people.
    If you use words like 'validate', the criteria for validation must emerge from the context from which you operate your semantic constructions from.

    You are playing wordgames, because my context is applied to constructed sentences which attempt to indicate two sides of a coin say metaphorically - whilst you are asking for 'proof' for the metaphorical coin existing.


    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-11-2010 at 09:31 PM.
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 09:30 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Myplanet2 viewpost.
    I'm sorry, but I can not make use of your explanation. It too uses descriptions I have no basis for understanding. Can you tell it in a story? or draw a mental picture?

    I understand how time loops, in the sense that we use the law of attraction to pull experiences from our past and toss them into our future path.
    If you roll a wheel along the ground after having paint put on the perimeter of the wheel, then you will find a Linearization of the circle comprising the perimeter of the wheel.
    The length of the 'painted line' on the floor will be the 'Wavelength' of the wheel as the circumference or size of the wheel.
    The painted line will be like a time-interval or inverse frequency for the movement of the wheel in dynamical motion of rolling along the ground.

    Then each full rotation of the rolling wheel will be like a quantum of time alike the rotation of the wheel being stationary on an axle say not moving linearly but simply revolving about its pivotal axis in Circular Now-Time intervals.

    post_old. 01-11-2010, 09:31 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Hi Brook!

    You cannot subject data to scientific analysis, if this data does not contain parameters amenable to such analysis.

    I am not here to play wordgames with people.
    If you use words like 'validate', the criteria for validation must emerge from the context from which you operate your semantic constructions from.

    You are playing wordgames, because my context is applied to constructed sentences which attempt to indicate two sides of a coin say metaphorically - whilst you are asking for 'proof' for the metphorical coin existing.

    Sorry you feel I am playing word games here...I'm just looking for an answer to your conclusion for such a statement.

    So it would appear that your information in that context is "metaphorical"?...and again..it was concluded as not from scientific data...but from information gathered from an outside source. And if that is the case...it, as I stated earlier on...should have validation of some kind..otherwise it is "secondhand"...to those of us who are unfamiliar with it. And being that is the case...it should require some kind of validation to be take seriously...and to be analyzed with great scrutiny.

    No word games here...just good old fashioned common sense

    I will add it is not my intention to upset you in any way....just looking for some answers to your analysis and conclusions.
    So I will bother you no further...as I think you have answered my question sufficiently

    Thank you

    Last edited by BROOK; 01-11-2010 at 09:41 PM.
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 09:44 PM

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    I can post the detail, but it is a longer post and should so NOT be edited by your moderator rules.
    So before posting, I would appreciate advice as if it is appropriate to do so.
    Here is the link: http://tonyb.freeyellow.com/id185.html
    Thanks the link is perfect - that is the preferred method. I realise that this means you cannot customize the post for the exact context. Should that ever be necessary let me know.

    Unfortunately the mathematics is currently beyond me, but give it time wink.

    post_old. 01-11-2010, 09:49 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by BROOK viewpost.
    Sorry you feel I am playing word games here...I'm just looking for an answer to your conclusion for such a statement.

    So it would appear that your information in that context is "metaphorical"?...and again..it was concluded as not from scientific data...but from information gathered from an outside source. And if that is the case...it, as I stated earlier on...should have validation of some kind..otherwise it is "secondhand"...to those of us who are unfamiliar with it. And being that is the case...it should require some kind of validation to be take seriously...and to be analyzed with great scrutiny.

    No word games here...just good old fashioned common sense
    Hi Brook!

    Now you are 'putting words in my mouth'.

    None of my data is 'second hand' - this is YOUR labeling not mine.
    Some of my information uses metaphor.
    Some of my information uses advanced semantics of science - this data becomes subject to validation ON SCIENTIFIC TERMS.

    What 'validation' do you seek - the prediction of an earthquake or the winning lottery numbers?
    I am who I am and my agenda is to share otherwise unobtainable data.
    If this data is meaningless or worthless for you this is perfectly in order in the scheme of things.
    You are superimposing your preconceived ideas onto my 'expected' response. Iow you are playing intellectualized wordgames with the English language.
    Common sense has little to do with your agenda.

    I shall not continue to engage with your wordgames of banalities.
    If you desire meaningful clarification, ask a meaningful question and I shall answer you to the best of my ability.

    I have no ability to engage in dissonant discourses.

    Be well on your path into enlightenment and you will find your validations in due course.

    Love Abraxasinas
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 09:57 PM

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    If you roll a wheel along the ground after having paint put on the perimeter of the wheel, then you will find a Linearization of the circle comprising the perimeter of the wheel.
    The length of the 'painted line' on the floor will be the 'Wavelength' of the wheel as the circumference or size of the wheel.
    The painted line will be like a time-interval or inverse frequency for the movement of the wheel in dynamical motion of rolling along the ground.

    Then each full rotation of the rolling wheel will be like a quantum of time alike the rotation of the wheel being stationary on an axle say not moving linearly but simply revolving about its pivotal axis in Circular Now-Time intervals.

    Ok. And thanks again for your answer. I can see the above, in terms of turning a circular into a linear representation. And also how repetition would result, as the end point on a loop would equal the start point.

    But in going back to your original post to me that raised the question, I find no more clarity now than I had when I first read it.

    Here it is:

    Dear myplanet!

    The reason is a timeline, converging ALL so called prophecies; but mainly:
    1. The Mayan 65 baktun count, ending December 21st, 2012;
    2. The Great Step in the Pyramid of Gizeh.
    3. The fourtiered Torah in Noah-Ezekiel-Daniel-Revelation.

    The 'authorization' from Thuban occured on August 29th, 2009 and within a 'Warp-Time-Loop'.
    This warptime runs from December 8th, 2004 to April 1st, 2012 with a midpoint of August 4th, 2008.
    The seven years of 'tribulation' (of the archetypes defining the Meme complex of the Old World) so run from December 8th, 2004 to December 8th, 2011.

    From April 1st, 2012 to December 21st, 2012 are precisely 265 days, the mean gestation period for a human pregnancy.
    The timeline between August 4th, 2008 and December 21st, 2012 is precisely 1600 days.
    The warptime encompasses precisely 2300+370=1335+1335=2670 days.
    1600+12000=13600 days point to September 27th, 1975 and when the 'measurements' of the 'inside' and the 'outside' began. The outside of the 'temple' are 1600 days and the inside of 'The New Jerusalem' are 12000 days.

    The sixth 'angel' sounded on August 29th, 2008 and the preparation will proceed until December 8th, 2011 after which time the seventh 'angel' will become authorised to sound.
    When this angel sounds, the 'Mystery of God' shall be finished.

    August 4th, 2008 is warptimed onto August 4th, 28AD to manifest the Manyness of the Oneness.

    The final dispensation of the One began November 30th, 2009 and seven weeks thereafter on January 18th, 2010 the implementation will culminate on March 28th, 2011 and be followed by the reconfiguration of the anniversery of April 1st, 2011.
    From April 1st, 2011 the Many will be the One and one year later, the warp-loop will be completed to IMPREGNATE Gaia with her ManySeed.
    The New Baby of the Starhumanity will be born on December 21st, 2012 after the gestation.

    The 'curse' of the 'Holy Books' will then be lifted on August 4th, 2013.

    This is all I can reveal at this time.

    I haven't studied any numerology and it holds no meaning for me therefore. Is there any way of explaining simply why you have chosen this moment to come forward with your information? I've very curious about this, because of several things. I'm aware of a tremendous shift in consciousness and energy in the last month or so, AND I have recently encountered a great Dragon Queen and conversed with her, AND I've asked some of my higher guides if they'd heard of the council of Thuban, or just simply Thuban, and none of them have. Things are changing very rapidly now, and I'm just trying to keep track of the "players" as they enter and exit the game. why now?
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 10:03 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Hi Brook!

    Now you are 'putting words in my mouth'.

    None of my data is 'second hand' - this is YOUR labeling not mine.
    Some of my information uses metaphor.
    Some of my information uses advanced semantics of science - this data becomes subject to validation ON SCIENTIFIC TERMS.

    What 'validation' do you seek - the prediction of an earthquake or the winning lottery numbers?
    I am who I am and my agenda is to share otherwise unobtainable data.
    If this data is meaningless or worthless for you this is perfectly in order in the scheme of things.
    You are superimposing your preconceived ideas onto my 'expected' response. Iow you are playing intellectualized wordgames with the English language.
    Common sense has little to do with your agenda.

    I shall not continue to engage with your wordgames of banalities.
    If you desire meaningful clarification, ask a meaningful question and I shall answer you to the best of my ability.

    I have no ability to engage in dissonant discourses.

    Be well on your path into enlightenment and you will find your validations in due course.

    Love Abraxasinas
    As I stated:
    I will add it is not my intention to upset you in any way....just looking for some answers to your analysis and conclusions.
    So I will bother you no further...as I think you have answered my question sufficiently

    However...now I must add..."secondhand" is My interpretation of it, "My" analysis of such a statement....and "I" feel it needs great analysis and scrutiny to be taken seriously.

    As for "validation"...well...if you are who you say you are..you should have known "exactly" what went on in that "room" I spoke of...but you did not...and it gave me "validation" that you are not as in touch with your Draconian friends as you might think you are...again..Only "My" analysis..and conclusion

    Now please...continue to "enlighten" everyone here to your findings.

    I'm off on "my agenda"...blessed be

    Last edited by BROOK; 01-11-2010 at 10:30 PM.
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 10:07 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Myplanet2 viewpost.
    Ok. And thanks again for your answer. I can see the above, in terms of turning a circular into a linear representation. And also how repetition would result, as the end point on a loop would equal the start point.

    But in going back to your original post to me that raised the question, I find no more clarity now than I had when I first read it.

    Here it is:

    I haven't studied any numerology and it holds no meaning for me therefore. Is there any way of explaining simply why you have chosen this moment to come forward with your information? I've very curious about this, because of several things. I'm aware of a tremendous shift in consciousness and energy in the last month or so, AND I have recently encountered a great Dragon Queen and conversed with her, AND I've asked some of my higher guides if they'd heard of the council of Thuban, or just simply Thuban, and none of them have. Things are changing very rapidly now, and I'm just trying to keep track of the "players" as they enter and exit the game. why now?
    Hi Myplanet2!

    Ok, I can see where you are coming from. Should you ask your 'higher guides' following January 18th, 2010 - they will KNOW about Thuban.

    Think of this date like a sealed letter from the higherD to the lowerD. The LowerD's contain ALL higher selves, channels and so on whatsoever.
    So because the sealed letter is not read by the astral and higher astral (etheric in some labelings) 'planes'; the Thubanese information is not known under this label.
    It is precisely such an unknown label to differentiate it from say the Melchizedek label - which it is.
    This allows all of the dimensions to clearly COMPARE the Thuban data to all other data due to the uniqueness of the labeling.

    This is part of the timeline indicated above and has very little association with numerology, as these are real 4-dimensional dates of the Gregorian Calendar.

    post_old. 01-11-2010, 10:12 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Hello Abraxasinas

    I have been....(thinking - seeing how I "feel" all this)...and have more questions...

    I have somehow "simplified" statements made along this thread...and formed the "conclusions" that I feel are "close to me"

    Now I wonder if this conclusion are in "harmony" (not sure if it is the good choice of word) with the Thuban perspective.

    I hope this questions do not present a "distraction" to anyone...I am just trying to learn...to explore the possibilities

    Thank you for taking the time to answer.

    So the questions are:

    Us people see what we want to see?
    What we see is the result of what we think?
    What we think is most likely conditioned with what we have been told?

    By thinking about it, we help to manifest it?

    All that is, is our own doing, here for us to experience it and learn from it?
    To learn to appreciate what could one day be a "harmony"?

    The future exists in a form of probabilities and is subject to change at any given time?
    For any event there is an infinite number of possible outcomes, our choices determine which outcomes will follow, all possibilities that can happen do happen in alternate realities?

    Soon there will be a time for a change.
    This change is not just of our own making but the making of all the beings in all that is...a sort of a grand choice presented to us?
    When the "time comes" the end result will be what each individual will choose it to be?

    Besides all of the above, there are many details - of what and how is about to come - but this details are here purely to perform a function of "micro management"?
    In a long run this details are not of prime importance?


    Are you perhaps familiar with the symbols on the picture? (each symbol also has a name, written on the other side)




    If you find this too personal...just skip it:

    You are a human born on this planet?
    You live on this planet?
    You do not channel, you can access the database?
    Are you able to do access the database by "opening your chakras" or did you remember your Cosmic ID?
    What were you like before that?
    Do you have a job, what is it?
    What do you do in your spare time?
    Do you have a family?
    Do you grow your own food?
    Do you ever get angry..etc?
    Do you experience the full "spectrum" of the emotions?

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    page 14 of 63

    post_old. 01-11-2010, 06:43 PM

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    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Hi Myplanet!

    Your self-labeling answers your question in general.

    Gaia is getting ready. The cells in your body as the constituents of your biopysical body and life are like the individual data collectors - human individuals interacting with the planetery Mother 'substituting' for the 'Universal Mother'.
    So cells are born and die in recyclement to 'refresh' your body as the temple of God-Source-Goddess.
    When Gaia ascends from planetary status to universal status via her 'hidden' galactic status; all of Her human cells can also ascend into cosmic consciousness via their 'hidden-occultized' consciousness.

    This is what this is all about.
    Messsengers like me are only 'allowed' to come forth and appear, because the scenario is much grander than a planetary transformation or the transition of a galactic civilisation.
    What is about to occur is the Birth of a New Universe.

    Thank you, and yes I understand that. My question was a little more specific. "why NOW, for what YOU are doing"? You could have chosen any time to reveal. Why now?
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 06:57 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by BROOK viewpost.
    That is why you seek clear and concise "Validation"....Otherwise...it is just getting information "second hand"...without validation.
    Am I or anyone else going to create my reality from what someone else has put out there? Or am I going to create my reality to that which I know is true from experience and such validation.....the choice is yours.
    Dear Brook!

    Without information, any and whatever information, accessible to you to ponder, analyse or discern; NO Validation relative to your scrutiny and discernment is possible.

    This is the 'beauty' of science and of mathematical logistics.
    It is easy to 'validate' scientific data in the form of equations and formulae; as these can be dissected and 'checked' for selfconsistency by anyone familiar with the language codes.

    Generally writing and for all concerned.

    I am not here to 'prove' anything. This would take your self-empowerment away and entice some to become 'followers' of the Thuban agenda.

    However, anyone familiar with scientific nomenclature is invited to challenge and critisize formulations and equations, as these are 'part and parcel' of the Terran data base and so subject to the methodology of the sciences manifested on this planet.

    If you wish to know who is going to win the world cup in soccer/football in South Africa; or the winner of the superbowl or the winning lotto numbers or the stockmarket climbers or the birthdate and whereabouts of Aunt Elisabeth or Uncle Harry; there are other avenues for you to explore.

    I am simply here to give you information you will not obtain from anywhere else. If asked to leave, I shall simply leave and pursue my agenda of disseminating Thuban data as shall then become appropriate.

    My agenda is similar to that of the wingmakers and to that of Hidden Hand and similar agencies.

    My agenda is not be public in any manner except through forums such as this one.

    Sirebard A Beardris
    76+1+76=153=A God A Circle of Love
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 07:07 PM

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by mntruthseeker viewpost.
    Thank you for your help in asking source in helping me. I also asked for help as I really have the need to understand it all. I think that it is taken me longer than most because I want to check out every angle to reassure myself.

    Wonderful response to hippihillbobbi !

    I should of known better but now that you put it down so I can understand it puts a smile on my face. Its not the way I care to learn a lesson as I of course was wrong in my preception, which you had already figured out.

    I never studied RA or Seth material and it seems I have much to do

    I was not under the impression that Anna Hayes was montauk or channelled (if it was or not, you didnt say), which makes me a little leary now. I have to say that she has brought to me more than others. I have learn much from her and I have much to learn.

    I will research the site you reference

    Thanks once again for your help

    A'sha does not channel nor she has been in the Montauk project. The only thing she said on the Angelic realities book is that on one opportunity she was abducted by governmental officials that interrogated her when she was a child.

    It is surprising how many people does not like her just because she has the courage to challenge the system!

    post_old. 01-11-2010, 07:41 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Myplanet2 viewpost.
    Thank you, and yes I understand that. My question was a little more specific. "why NOW, for what YOU are doing"? You could have chosen any time to reveal. Why now?
    Dear myplanet!

    The reason is a timeline, converging ALL so called prophecies; but mainly:
    1. The Mayan 65 baktun count, ending December 21st, 2012;
    2. The Great Step in the Pyramid of Gizeh.
    3. The fourtiered Torah in Noah-Ezekiel-Daniel-Revelation.

    The 'authorization' from Thuban occured on August 29th, 2009 and within a 'Warp-Time-Loop'.
    This warptime runs from December 8th, 2004 to April 1st, 2012 with a midpoint of August 4th, 2008.
    The seven years of 'tribulation' (of the archetypes defining the Meme complex of the Old World) so run from December 8th, 2004 to December 8th, 2011.

    From April 1st, 2012 to December 21st, 2012 are precisely 265 days, the mean gestation period for a human pregnancy.
    The timeline between August 4th, 2008 and December 21st, 2012 is precisely 1600 days.
    The warptime encompasses precisely 2300+370=1335+1335=2670 days.
    1600+12000=13600 days point to September 27th, 1975 and when the 'measurements' of the 'inside' and the 'outside' began. The outside of the 'temple' are 1600 days and the inside of 'The New Jerusalem' are 12000 days.

    The sixth 'angel' sounded on August 29th, 2008 and the preparation will proceed until December 8th, 2011 after which time the seventh 'angel' will become authorised to sound.
    When this angel sounds, the 'Mystery of God' shall be finished.

    August 4th, 2008 is warptimed onto August 4th, 28AD to manifest the Manyness of the Oneness.

    The final dispensation of the One began November 30th, 2009 and seven weeks thereafter on January 18th, 2010 the implementation will culminate on March 28th, 2011 and be followed by the reconfiguration of the anniversery of April 1st, 2011.
    From April 1st, 2011 the Many will be the One and one year later, the warp-loop will be completed to IMPREGNATE Gaia with her ManySeed.
    The New Baby of the Starhumanity will be born on December 21st, 2012 after the gestation.

    The 'curse' of the 'Holy Books' will then be lifted on August 4th, 2013.

    This is all I can reveal at this time.


    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-11-2010 at 07:45 PM.
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 07:47 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    The immanent eternal self is realized to be one with the absolute principle of all
    what is and the goal of humanity is to discover what we are in Reality
    Thanks a lot abraxinas your answerto my planet opens my eyes more and more
    have heard before of the birth of a new Universe
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 07:49 PM

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    Ok. Thanks for the answer. One thing I don't have is what you mean by warptime. can you explain?
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 07:51 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Initiate viewpost.
    Thanks for the validation Abrax. At what stage did the concept of the Dragon come about? What colour is the Master Dragon that you are heralding?
    Anyone notice the blue woman depicted in the ceremonies (hint avatar)? Do these represent the Agarthans in the ceromonies? What don't you agree with in a very small extent?
    Sorry abrax. perhaps you missed these questions?
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 08:00 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Initiate viewpost.
    Thanks for the validation Abrax. At what stage did the concept of the Dragon come about? What colour is the Master Dragon that you are heralding?
    Anyone notice the blue woman depicted in the ceremonies (hint avatar)? Do these represent the Agarthans in the ceromonies? What don't you agree with in a very small extent?
    Dear Initiate!

    The colour of the Master-Dragon is SkyBlue or Cyan.
    Cyan blends in equal proportion with Red to neutralize to either Pure White in Light and to Pure Black in Paint/Mass.

    The Red Dragon in prophecy is called the 'Devil' and so is neutralized in the Entwined Serpent or Double-Dragon of the White Lucifer With the Black Lucifer.

    The 'small extent' is simply the necessary filtering of the archetypical base data of the producers of this film.
    They used the archetypes in a rather 'purified' manner and because of this the information is similar in 'purity' of having transversed the 'astral planes' to the Ra material.

    An example is the Agartha prototype.
    Towards the end, the Russion physicist pointed out that Agartha was NOT 3D but higherD, but the general thrust of the film would entice many viewers to believe that the physical 3D earth is hollow.
    The Ra material implies the same in a general sense.

    You could so consider my 'small reservations' as 'lack of detail or clarification' and not so much disagreement with the data.

    I have used this film and your comments on the linked website and so you can witness my approval of this information.


    post_old. 01-11-2010, 08:29 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Myplanet2 viewpost.
    Ok. Thanks for the answer. One thing I don't have is what you mean by warptime. can you explain?
    Hi Myplanet2!

    In the grander perception time does not exist, but becomes a Now-Time Loop.
    In physical terms this Quantizes Time as a minimum Planck-Time Interval.
    The Planck-Time minimum instigated the so termed Inflation of the de Broglie tachyonic Universe as a Matter-Wave and BEFORE the Quantum Big Bang occurred, leading into Classical General Relativity and the Thermodynamic Planck Black Body Radiator expansion of Standard Cosmology.
    The Quantum Big Bang then manifested at the Weyl-Time, a magnified form of the Planck-Time and about larger by a factor of a trillion.

    This Weyl-Time becomes a Now-Time-Loop as the Wormhole-Frequency and so defines the intersection of the Finite Universe with its Infinite Source precursor.

    This then is the omni-scientific basis for the concept of Time as being circular and yet becoming linearized in an unfolding of this loop as discrete timeintervals, each of duration the Weyl-Time quantum.

    Any summation or integration of Weyl-Loops so results in periods of time.
    The present 'Greater Timeloop' is the 65 Mayan baktun cycle.
    The following link (The 8x8=64 Cycles of the Metamorphosis of the Human Chryslis} can introduce the details to you.

    Each one of those 64 cycles can be finestructured or subdivided into other cycles and one of those becomes the one indicated in the other post, resulting in your query.
    The 'warptime' label refers to the uniqueness of the One-Many identification, which you may term the 'Office of the Plumed Serpent of Melchisedec'.
    This information from Thuban is 'authorized' by the One holding that 'office' as archetypical foundation in the Cosmic Logos.


    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-11-2010 at 08:33 PM.
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 08:30 PM

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    None of my business, but I'd be aware that the Podblanc site is openly racist. The Atlantis video is available on other sites, so if you don't want to be accused of promoting racism, I'd perhaps use another host of the video. Youtube and Google video both carry it, although lesser quality.
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 08:52 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    This is the 'beauty' of science and of mathematical logistics.
    It is easy to 'validate' scientific data in the form of equations and formulae; as these can be dissected and 'checked' for selfconsistency by anyone familiar with the language codes.
    So I would be very interested in the "scientific" data to explain this analysis:

    If you 'feel' that all or parts of what my message is, 'feels right to incorporate' with your own message then you will HELP and further the Positive Harvesting of 2010-2013.

    If you 'feel' that all or parts of what my message is, does not 'feel right to incorporate' with your own message; then you will HELP and further the Negative Harvesting of 2010-2013.
    And the "validation" of such a conclusion

    Last edited by BROOK; 01-11-2010 at 08:55 PM.
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 08:55 PM

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Hi Myplanet2!

    In the grander perception time does not exist, but becomes a Now-Time Loop.
    In physical terms this Quantizes Time as a minimum Planck-Time Interval.
    The Planck-Time minimum instigated the so termed Inflation of the de Broglie tachyonic Universe as a Matter-Wave and BEFORE the Quantum Big Bang occurred, leading into Classical General Relativity and the Thermodynamic Planck Black Body Radiator expansion of Standard Cosmology.
    The Quantum Big Bang then manifested at the Weyl-Time, a magnified form of the Planck-Time and about larger by a factor of a trillion.

    This Weyl-Time becomes a Now-Time-Loop as the Wormhole-Frequency and so defines the intersection of the Finite Universe with its Infinite Source precursor.

    This then is the omni-scientific basis for the concept of Time as being circular and yet becoming linearized in an unfolding of this loop as discrete timeintervals, each of duration the Weyl-Time quantum.

    Any summation or integration of Weyl-Loops so results in periods of time.
    The present 'Greater Timeloop' is the 65 Mayan baktun cycle.
    The following link (The 8x8=64 Cycles of the Metamorphosis of the Human Chryslis} can introduce the details to you.

    Each one of those 64 cycles can be finestructured or subdivided into other cycles and one of those becomes the one indicated in the other post, resulting in your query.
    The 'warptime' label refers to the uniqueness of the One-Many identification, which you may term the 'Office of the Plumed Serpent of Melchisedec'.
    This information from Thuban is 'authorized' by the One holding that 'office' as archetypical foundation in the Cosmic Logos.

    I'm sorry, but I can not make use of your explanation. It too uses descriptions I have no basis for understanding. Can you tell it in a story? or draw a mental picture?

    I understand how time loops, in the sense that we use the law of attraction to pull experiences from our past and toss them into our future path.
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 08:59 PM

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by eleni viewpost.
    Anna Hayes says she was used at Montauk (so was I, I grew up not too far from it).......
    She "said" then that is probally why I missed it. I seriously didnt get that from her books. (pss I skipped alot of stuff in the back ) I get confused and jump around with her terms and think some of it, I really don't need at this time.

    She told me she was visited by guardians that used orbs and then was visited by reptilians and so they changed the method of visiting so she would not get confused. Me, I have never been visited/channelled/or had information downloaded...............I am strickly on my own.

    But then if you were also in a montauk project then you would have to work twice as hard..................at getting the truth

    have to edit this as I just read what stardust wrote, so Eleni, can you point me to where you got this information ? Thanks, I too, recall hearing exactly what stardust wrote. My head is spinning and YES, it means alot for me. Thank you Eleni

    Last edited by mntruthseeker; 01-11-2010 at 09:09 PM.
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 09:05 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Myplanet2 viewpost.
    None of my business, but I'd be aware that the Podblanc site is openly racist. The Atlantis video is available on other sites, so if you don't want to be accused of promoting racism, I'd perhaps use another host of the video. Youtube and Google video both carry it, although lesser quality.
    Thank you for your advice Myplanet2.
    I have added the you tube series to the link from Initiate.

    post_old. 01-11-2010, 09:09 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Stardustaquarion viewpost.
    A'sha does not channel nor she has been in the Montauk project. The only thing she said on the Angelic realities book is that on one opportunity she was abducted by governmental officials that interrogated her when she was a child.

    It is surprising how many people does not like her just because she has the courage to challenge the system!

    How is it then that she says in one of her long videos (many parts)that she was indeed part of the Montauk project????

    I myself thought it was odd because she did not grow up anywhere near Montauk but then again the very nature of it (time travel, portals and all) makes anything possible......
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 09:20 PM

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by eleni viewpost.
    How is it then that she says in one of her long videos (many parts)that she was indeed part of the Montauk project????

    I myself thought it was odd because she did not grow up anywhere near Montauk but then again the very nature of it (time travel, portals and all) makes anything possible......
    this is from her web page

    A'sha Deane, Born in the USA, raised in traditional Christian perspective, A'sha experienced "Conscious Birthing" as an "Indigo Child", with open reincarnational memory since birth. At the age of 7 she was chosen for a 12-year (1971-1983) course of private MCEO Elementary-Intermediate training from the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order Eieyani Priests of UR of Kauai, Hawaii, in MCEO Emerald Covenant studies and translation of the ancient Cloister-Dora-Teura Plates. ("CDT-Plates" are a set of 12 relic ancient holographic data-recorded discs that digitally store massive amounts of pre-ancient data, reportedly held for many generations since pre-Atlantian times in protective custody of the Eieyani Priests). Following a NDE (Near-Death-Experience) at age 18, A'sha redirected her pursuit of a Psychology degree for a humanitarian spiritual service commitment, engaging full-time MCEO study, while working professionally as a Studio Portrait Artist and in the Theater Management and Commercial Printing industries.
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 09:22 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by BROOK viewpost.
    So I would be very interested in the "scientific" data to explain this analysis:

    And the "validation" of such a conclusion
    Hi Brook!

    You cannot subject data to scientific analysis, if this data does not contain parameters amenable to such analysis.

    I am not here to play wordgames with people.
    If you use words like 'validate', the criteria for validation must emerge from the context from which you operate your semantic constructions from.

    You are playing wordgames, because my context is applied to constructed sentences which attempt to indicate two sides of a coin say metaphorically - whilst you are asking for 'proof' for the metaphorical coin existing.


    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-11-2010 at 09:31 PM.
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 09:30 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Myplanet2 viewpost.
    I'm sorry, but I can not make use of your explanation. It too uses descriptions I have no basis for understanding. Can you tell it in a story? or draw a mental picture?

    I understand how time loops, in the sense that we use the law of attraction to pull experiences from our past and toss them into our future path.
    If you roll a wheel along the ground after having paint put on the perimeter of the wheel, then you will find a Linearization of the circle comprising the perimeter of the wheel.
    The length of the 'painted line' on the floor will be the 'Wavelength' of the wheel as the circumference or size of the wheel.
    The painted line will be like a time-interval or inverse frequency for the movement of the wheel in dynamical motion of rolling along the ground.

    Then each full rotation of the rolling wheel will be like a quantum of time alike the rotation of the wheel being stationary on an axle say not moving linearly but simply revolving about its pivotal axis in Circular Now-Time intervals.

    post_old. 01-11-2010, 09:31 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Hi Brook!

    You cannot subject data to scientific analysis, if this data does not contain parameters amenable to such analysis.

    I am not here to play wordgames with people.
    If you use words like 'validate', the criteria for validation must emerge from the context from which you operate your semantic constructions from.

    You are playing wordgames, because my context is applied to constructed sentences which attempt to indicate two sides of a coin say metaphorically - whilst you are asking for 'proof' for the metphorical coin existing.

    Sorry you feel I am playing word games here...I'm just looking for an answer to your conclusion for such a statement.

    So it would appear that your information in that context is "metaphorical"?...and again..it was concluded as not from scientific data...but from information gathered from an outside source. And if that is the case...it, as I stated earlier on...should have validation of some kind..otherwise it is "secondhand"...to those of us who are unfamiliar with it. And being that is the case...it should require some kind of validation to be take seriously...and to be analyzed with great scrutiny.

    No word games here...just good old fashioned common sense

    I will add it is not my intention to upset you in any way....just looking for some answers to your analysis and conclusions.
    So I will bother you no further...as I think you have answered my question sufficiently

    Thank you

    Last edited by BROOK; 01-11-2010 at 09:41 PM.
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 09:44 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    I can post the detail, but it is a longer post and should so NOT be edited by your moderator rules.
    So before posting, I would appreciate advice as if it is appropriate to do so.
    Here is the link: http://tonyb.freeyellow.com/id185.html
    Thanks the link is perfect - that is the preferred method. I realise that this means you cannot customize the post for the exact context. Should that ever be necessary let me know.

    Unfortunately the mathematics is currently beyond me, but give it time wink.

    post_old. 01-11-2010, 09:49 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by BROOK viewpost.
    Sorry you feel I am playing word games here...I'm just looking for an answer to your conclusion for such a statement.

    So it would appear that your information in that context is "metaphorical"?...and again..it was concluded as not from scientific data...but from information gathered from an outside source. And if that is the case...it, as I stated earlier on...should have validation of some kind..otherwise it is "secondhand"...to those of us who are unfamiliar with it. And being that is the case...it should require some kind of validation to be take seriously...and to be analyzed with great scrutiny.

    No word games here...just good old fashioned common sense
    Hi Brook!

    Now you are 'putting words in my mouth'.

    None of my data is 'second hand' - this is YOUR labeling not mine.
    Some of my information uses metaphor.
    Some of my information uses advanced semantics of science - this data becomes subject to validation ON SCIENTIFIC TERMS.

    What 'validation' do you seek - the prediction of an earthquake or the winning lottery numbers?
    I am who I am and my agenda is to share otherwise unobtainable data.
    If this data is meaningless or worthless for you this is perfectly in order in the scheme of things.
    You are superimposing your preconceived ideas onto my 'expected' response. Iow you are playing intellectualized wordgames with the English language.
    Common sense has little to do with your agenda.

    I shall not continue to engage with your wordgames of banalities.
    If you desire meaningful clarification, ask a meaningful question and I shall answer you to the best of my ability.

    I have no ability to engage in dissonant discourses.

    Be well on your path into enlightenment and you will find your validations in due course.

    Love Abraxasinas
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 09:57 PM

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    If you roll a wheel along the ground after having paint put on the perimeter of the wheel, then you will find a Linearization of the circle comprising the perimeter of the wheel.
    The length of the 'painted line' on the floor will be the 'Wavelength' of the wheel as the circumference or size of the wheel.
    The painted line will be like a time-interval or inverse frequency for the movement of the wheel in dynamical motion of rolling along the ground.

    Then each full rotation of the rolling wheel will be like a quantum of time alike the rotation of the wheel being stationary on an axle say not moving linearly but simply revolving about its pivotal axis in Circular Now-Time intervals.

    Ok. And thanks again for your answer. I can see the above, in terms of turning a circular into a linear representation. And also how repetition would result, as the end point on a loop would equal the start point.

    But in going back to your original post to me that raised the question, I find no more clarity now than I had when I first read it.

    Here it is:

    Dear myplanet!

    The reason is a timeline, converging ALL so called prophecies; but mainly:
    1. The Mayan 65 baktun count, ending December 21st, 2012;
    2. The Great Step in the Pyramid of Gizeh.
    3. The fourtiered Torah in Noah-Ezekiel-Daniel-Revelation.

    The 'authorization' from Thuban occured on August 29th, 2009 and within a 'Warp-Time-Loop'.
    This warptime runs from December 8th, 2004 to April 1st, 2012 with a midpoint of August 4th, 2008.
    The seven years of 'tribulation' (of the archetypes defining the Meme complex of the Old World) so run from December 8th, 2004 to December 8th, 2011.

    From April 1st, 2012 to December 21st, 2012 are precisely 265 days, the mean gestation period for a human pregnancy.
    The timeline between August 4th, 2008 and December 21st, 2012 is precisely 1600 days.
    The warptime encompasses precisely 2300+370=1335+1335=2670 days.
    1600+12000=13600 days point to September 27th, 1975 and when the 'measurements' of the 'inside' and the 'outside' began. The outside of the 'temple' are 1600 days and the inside of 'The New Jerusalem' are 12000 days.

    The sixth 'angel' sounded on August 29th, 2008 and the preparation will proceed until December 8th, 2011 after which time the seventh 'angel' will become authorised to sound.
    When this angel sounds, the 'Mystery of God' shall be finished.

    August 4th, 2008 is warptimed onto August 4th, 28AD to manifest the Manyness of the Oneness.

    The final dispensation of the One began November 30th, 2009 and seven weeks thereafter on January 18th, 2010 the implementation will culminate on March 28th, 2011 and be followed by the reconfiguration of the anniversery of April 1st, 2011.
    From April 1st, 2011 the Many will be the One and one year later, the warp-loop will be completed to IMPREGNATE Gaia with her ManySeed.
    The New Baby of the Starhumanity will be born on December 21st, 2012 after the gestation.

    The 'curse' of the 'Holy Books' will then be lifted on August 4th, 2013.

    This is all I can reveal at this time.

    I haven't studied any numerology and it holds no meaning for me therefore. Is there any way of explaining simply why you have chosen this moment to come forward with your information? I've very curious about this, because of several things. I'm aware of a tremendous shift in consciousness and energy in the last month or so, AND I have recently encountered a great Dragon Queen and conversed with her, AND I've asked some of my higher guides if they'd heard of the council of Thuban, or just simply Thuban, and none of them have. Things are changing very rapidly now, and I'm just trying to keep track of the "players" as they enter and exit the game. why now?
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 10:03 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Hi Brook!

    Now you are 'putting words in my mouth'.

    None of my data is 'second hand' - this is YOUR labeling not mine.
    Some of my information uses metaphor.
    Some of my information uses advanced semantics of science - this data becomes subject to validation ON SCIENTIFIC TERMS.

    What 'validation' do you seek - the prediction of an earthquake or the winning lottery numbers?
    I am who I am and my agenda is to share otherwise unobtainable data.
    If this data is meaningless or worthless for you this is perfectly in order in the scheme of things.
    You are superimposing your preconceived ideas onto my 'expected' response. Iow you are playing intellectualized wordgames with the English language.
    Common sense has little to do with your agenda.

    I shall not continue to engage with your wordgames of banalities.
    If you desire meaningful clarification, ask a meaningful question and I shall answer you to the best of my ability.

    I have no ability to engage in dissonant discourses.

    Be well on your path into enlightenment and you will find your validations in due course.

    Love Abraxasinas
    As I stated:
    I will add it is not my intention to upset you in any way....just looking for some answers to your analysis and conclusions.
    So I will bother you no further...as I think you have answered my question sufficiently

    However...now I must add..."secondhand" is My interpretation of it, "My" analysis of such a statement....and "I" feel it needs great analysis and scrutiny to be taken seriously.

    As for "validation"...well...if you are who you say you are..you should have known "exactly" what went on in that "room" I spoke of...but you did not...and it gave me "validation" that you are not as in touch with your Draconian friends as you might think you are...again..Only "My" analysis..and conclusion

    Now please...continue to "enlighten" everyone here to your findings.

    I'm off on "my agenda"...blessed be

    Last edited by BROOK; 01-11-2010 at 10:30 PM.
    post_old. 01-11-2010, 10:07 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)


    Originally Posted by Myplanet2 viewpost.
    Ok. And thanks again for your answer. I can see the above, in terms of turning a circular into a linear representation. And also how repetition would result, as the end point on a loop would equal the start point.

    But in going back to your original post to me that raised the question, I find no more clarity now than I had when I first read it.

    Here it is:

    I haven't studied any numerology and it holds no meaning for me therefore. Is there any way of explaining simply why you have chosen this moment to come forward with your information? I've very curious about this, because of several things. I'm aware of a tremendous shift in consciousness and energy in the last month or so, AND I have recently encountered a great Dragon Queen and conversed with her, AND I've asked some of my higher guides if they'd heard of the council of Thuban, or just simply Thuban, and none of them have. Things are changing very rapidly now, and I'm just trying to keep track of the "players" as they enter and exit the game. why now?
    Hi Myplanet2!

    Ok, I can see where you are coming from. Should you ask your 'higher guides' following January 18th, 2010 - they will KNOW about Thuban.

    Think of this date like a sealed letter from the higherD to the lowerD. The LowerD's contain ALL higher selves, channels and so on whatsoever.
    So because the sealed letter is not read by the astral and higher astral (etheric in some labelings) 'planes'; the Thubanese information is not known under this label.
    It is precisely such an unknown label to differentiate it from say the Melchizedek label - which it is.
    This allows all of the dimensions to clearly COMPARE the Thuban data to all other data due to the uniqueness of the labeling.

    This is part of the timeline indicated above and has very little association with numerology, as these are real 4-dimensional dates of the Gregorian Calendar.

    post_old. 01-11-2010, 10:12 PM


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    icon1. Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Hello Abraxasinas

    I have been....(thinking - seeing how I "feel" all this)...and have more questions...

    I have somehow "simplified" statements made along this thread...and formed the "conclusions" that I feel are "close to me"

    Now I wonder if this conclusion are in "harmony" (not sure if it is the good choice of word) with the Thuban perspective.

    I hope this questions do not present a "distraction" to anyone...I am just trying to learn...to explore the possibilities

    Thank you for taking the time to answer.

    So the questions are:

    Us people see what we want to see?
    What we see is the result of what we think?
    What we think is most likely conditioned with what we have been told?

    By thinking about it, we help to manifest it?

    All that is, is our own doing, here for us to experience it and learn from it?
    To learn to appreciate what could one day be a "harmony"?

    The future exists in a form of probabilities and is subject to change at any given time?
    For any event there is an infinite number of possible outcomes, our choices determine which outcomes will follow, all possibilities that can happen do happen in alternate realities?

    Soon there will be a time for a change.
    This change is not just of our own making but the making of all the beings in all that is...a sort of a grand choice presented to us?
    When the "time comes" the end result will be what each individual will choose it to be?

    Besides all of the above, there are many details - of what and how is about to come - but this details are here purely to perform a function of "micro management"?
    In a long run this details are not of prime importance?


    Are you perhaps familiar with the symbols on the picture? (each symbol also has a name, written on the other side)




    If you find this too personal...just skip it:

    You are a human born on this planet?
    You live on this planet?
    You do not channel, you can access the database?
    Are you able to do access the database by "opening your chakras" or did you remember your Cosmic ID?
    What were you like before that?
    Do you have a job, what is it?
    What do you do in your spare time?
    Do you have a family?
    Do you grow your own food?
    Do you ever get angry..etc?
    Do you experience the full "spectrum" of the emotions?
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