
Discussion in 'HEALTH AND WELLNESS' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 7, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    You sent

    i guess kerry forgot it was susan/the exchanger who introduced rebecca J to her


    You sent

    back in the days of 3 way telephone calling


    You joined the video chat.
    Can someone provide Sienna’s contact information, please?


    You joined the video chat.


    Thank you!


    You sent

    i have the early funny stories


    Deb replied to you
    Original message:
    i have the early funny stories
    did you get your mic working?


    You sent

    i intro her to kerry C


    You sent

    no; couldn;t get it to work


    Oh, then just type it out.


    You sent

    and; then; the wingmaker group


    You sent

    but; i'm not sure; if that is about 1999 ?


    You sent

    early days of AOL


    You sent

    and; yahoogroups


    We used to have fun on yahoogroups.


    You sent

    it is double terminated

    5&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=7206a8&_nc_ohc=kXxqF1KUWRoAX89PgMA&_nc_ad=z-m&_nc_cid=0&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1. lbynbSpwytVua6GCiurqwmcyz2xC__h0bOZcRrT61jPeGlWHuYns&_nc_ad=z-m&_nc_cid=0&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1. 6&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=7206a8&_nc_ohc=KqUE7W3yGdkAX_qgLyD&_nc_ad=z-m&_nc_cid=0&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1. 1&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=7206a8&_nc_ohc=tm7WASU3f8MAX_HHisV&_nc_ad=z-m&_nc_cid=0&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1. 2&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=7206a8&_nc_ohc=1LWWWGsy5j0AX-8MBB6&_nc_ad=z-m&_nc_cid=0&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1.

    The video call ended.

    10:54 AM
    You sent

    The Wingmaker Group is going to co-write the stories about our yahoogroup - this was b4 involvements with Project Avalon/Camelot - and; how i came to introducing Rebecca J. to Kerry Cassidy = as, i was The eXchanger on her site - the #3 poster of content


    You sent

    Deb R. jane S. aka james/bluesword angel - mark /marduk


    You sent

    dawn, and, a few others are currently being consulted; so; we have a valid story; that can include - june stephanson / who developed the shamballa 1024 /13/253 symbol reiki that we did - and; the crystal healing book written by june S / and, another member of our group - this might be of interest to many


    You sent

    part of wingmakers - was a story that mark hempel tried to sell to raise funds / and, part of the yahoogroup was real people; who operated at levels of wingmakers as spiritualists of which; rebecca J was one of them


    You sent

    Rebecca, was originally introduced to kerry to validate /and, confirm what was going on in the wingmaker group online - in regards to susan, the exchanger -member #8, the first NON pa/pc member, by bill ryan, but, it turned out; that Rebecca/and, Kerry decided to start to work together and create a retreat trip to Egypt - and; that was nothing to do with the old wingmaker work - ironically kerry owned some type of rights to wingmaker work - for creating a movie, i think - i'd need to look up my notes on that

    8&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=7206a8&_nc_ohc=GVQXBXQrnLgAX-OauTJ&_nc_ad=z-m&_nc_cid=0&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1. 5&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=7206a8&_nc_ohc=3TcWy84oIYAAX9Hbkhv&_nc_ad=z-m&_nc_cid=0&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1.

    You sent

    the yahoogroup was always owned by june stephanson - and; not wingmakers - the posting board on the wingmakers site - was owned by the wingmakers website - most of us; posted in both places - deb R, who was invited to this call - was; a moderator on the yahoo group


    You sent

    on the old site - i was known as; WingMaker_Can_Do, where june was known as WingMaker_KEG / or KEJ


    You sent

    as, i said; there is a lot of data related to this - and; the time way b4 project avalon/project camelot - and; kerry and rebecca joining together - the story before is quite an interesting one


    You sent

    THE POWER of THREE is an interesting dynamic, one that is easily destroyed !!!


    You sent

    From approx 1998/9 til 2004/2005/2006/2007 - i think was when rebecca etherically saved my life - in a remote visit



    Do you mind sharing your experience? I for one would like to hear it.



    Write to RA Beshara Featherstone,
    Kerry Lynn Cassidy,
    Donna Spratt,
    Wendy Kennedy,
    Deb Reasbeck,
    Sarah Drewing,
    Donna Marie Askew,
    Derrick Williams,
    Pat Stemme,
    Jennifer Hammond,
    Sheryl Rogers,
    Ren Bernard,
    Tobias Beharrell II,
    Donna Henry,
    Ward Bettini,
    Glenda Lawless,
    Jane Stevens and
    Jerad Bernard

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Okay, I think that the person/people that this message is meant for, will know it is meant for them. Please get a life and leave mine alone. MOVE ON! This is not a dating site for me and it is not Jr. high drama class. I am 53 years old and happily married. My life belongs to God, not to Gab. Thank you and have a blessed day! I will pray for you!

    posted by:

    message to crazy relative that never stops bothering me

    Okay, I think that the person/people that this message
    is meant for, will know it is meant for them.
    Please get a life and leave mine alone.
    MOVE ON!
    This is NOT a FAMILY site for me
    (i have NO immediate family left,
    and, when i needed help from my parents, one was dead, and, one was sick, and, i was sure NOT going to burden the sick one with my minute problem...i had a brother, a neice, a nephew, and,
    lots of aunts/cousins/uncles etc.,
    (who all were as useless as tits on a bull)
    - your suggestions of what to do,
    bordered the bizarre.
    i was in a bad relationship,
    with a lot of my money invested
    (so, i was NOT any type of loan risk) & yet, no one helped me.
    and, i remember you thought i should leave my comfortable, warm but unhappy / unhealthy home, and, go to a shelter for women ???
    IF SO, is it little wonder, i keep my distance from people like you...
    and, just so you know, there was a time, that if your kids came to me for help, i'd have figured out how to help them, ironically, didn't one of your girls go to a shelter for women, when you easily could have arranged a better way for her - sadly, i see you, as a very messed up woman - seriously, WTF is wrong with you ?
    my reasons for excusing myself from my 'old' family
    should be self evident, you are all a bunch of self serving saps !!!
    Life is NOT meant to be lived; like a Jr. high drama class.
    I might of needed some help at 51/52 years of age,
    but, it was a short term loan i needed, and, i was good for the money - just ask, my friend who lent me the money
    and, they will tell you, i paid them back with principle/interest and also a few gifts etc.,
    that was 13 + years ago
    NOW, i am 64, and, happy,
    and, do NOT want your involvement in my life.
    GO AWAY, LEAVE ME ALONE - i do NOT want anything to do
    with your ideas in life, that i need jesus to rescue me
    i'm good with THE GREAT SPIRIT of GOD
    however, i'm not so sure that The Great Spirit of God approves
    of you trying to hack my life...
    i do NOT tell you how to live,
    so, why do you think you can tell me how to live...
    i have no interest in spending a weekend at your cottage,
    nor, even having a lunch or dinner with you ...
    i have much better things to do with my time !!!
    THEN; to have you give medical opinions,
    about me, and, my health ?
    when you are NOT a doctor,
    and, have NOT seen me, in almost '4' years
    just borders the bizarre !!!
    you've got kids/grandkids and great grandkids
    why NOT focus on them, and, leave me alone !!!

    My life belongs to God, not to YOU.

    I hope and wish you peace of mind, and,
    thank you, for trying to pretend you are considered ---
    instead, i'll just ask you to go away
    and, hope in the process
    both of us have blessed days !!!

    i have nothing more to say to you
    your family, extended family, or even your friends
    - i've unfriended them all on social media

    love 'n blessings to you
    praying you find someone else to bother

    ps; i'll bet everyone can write their own message to someone LOL

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    PAGE 1 OF 63


    User NameRemember Me?


    With the opening of the new forum this forum is now closed to posting
    It is envisioned that the original Avalon forum will remain up for
    reference and research purposes for an indefinite period of time.
    The New forum can be found at http://projectavalon.net/forum4
    Project Camelot General Discussion Reactions, feedback and suggestions on interviews, current events and experiences.

    post_old. 01-04-2010, 10:42 AM


    Join Date: Dec 2009
    Location: Queanbeyan/Canberra; NSW, Australia
    Posts: 635

    icon1. Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Hi All!

    I am Sirebard Beardris and One of the Founding Elders of the Council of Thuban also known as the Northstar Alpha Draconis at the archetypical foundation of the Pyramids at Giza and the Harmakhis, the 'Horus of the Horizon' aka the Sphinx.
    You may accept an extrapolated 'Gregorian' date for this as July 27th, 10802 BC and as the midpoint between two nodal dates (in that calendar) of March 1st, 23615 BC and December 21st, 2012 AD.

    Not much has hitherto been known in any lower dimensions about the Council of Thuban.
    An indirect reference to the locale of the Council of Thuban has been made by the Council of Andromeda through a contact known by you as Alex Collier and I shall elaborate in due course.

    I am introducing myself here from the 12th dimension, that is I do not reside in the physical universe of space and time, but I shall enter this universe simultaneously with the transformation of this planet of the cosmic humanoids called Earth or Gaia or Terra or Akashia, but known as Serpentina the Mother of the Dragons, by many extraterrestrial sentiences.
    This transformation will rip the spacetime as you know it in the collected information base of this planet converging in a Black Hole at the Earth's center and render this information 'collapsed' or concentrated in a crystalline Gaian Schwarzschild core the size of a golfball so 3 centimeters across.

    This will create a temporary rift in spacetime, which will allow a 12-dimensional wormhole to open up at the center of the Earth and connect the Gaian data core to the 'until then' relative 'outside' of this 11-dimensional universe.
    This then is whereby the Council of Thuban and I shall enter this universe.

    A mystery regarding the 'oldest creator race' in the universe and of those 12-density Black Holes encompassing all the lower dimensions was indicated by the Andromedean information given to Alex Collier.

    After the wormhole has been tunnelled, this rip in spacetime will reglue or reconnect itself in rendering the 'inside-outside' higher-dimensional spacetime matrix from twosided to onesided. This will effectively double the universe's volume as a 3-dimensional surface or Riemannian hypersphere manifold.
    The mathematical description for this is a Moebius-Twist embedded in 3D simulating a Klein-Bottle-Twist embedded in 4D.

    This scenario is known to most of you here as the 'Ascension of Gaia' from the 4th (Flat Minkowski) spacetime dimension into the 5th (Curved Kaluza-Klein) spacetime dimension.

    My agenda to invite all and any of you to this forum is a direct consequence of the timeline indicated above reaching particular nexus points.

    To be precise, January 18th, 2010 specifies a trigger, programmed by the Council of Thuban, to engage in the release of hitherto unknown information; unknown by all sentiences in the universe and so not restricted to the quarantined Earth.

    Allow me to clarify.
    7 days (of night-day hours say) before the Atlantean-Egyptian timeline above became programmed into run mode on March 1st, 23615 BC; a 'message' or signal was prepared by Hunab Ku - 'The Giver of Consciousness' to be sent to his 'Beloved' - 'Serpentina, the Womb of the Mother'.
    This message, in human terms, simply reads: "I Love You!".

    In physical terms Hunab Ku is a quasar radio source, also known as Sagittarius A*, 'weighing' about 4 million suns and so 40 million kilometers (or 2 light minutes) across and about 25627 lightyears distant from the core of the Earth.

    On January 18th, 2010 this message will be 153 lightweeks or 1071 lightdays from the Gaian center, having travelled for 25624 years to reach its destination.

    The 7 day preparation of the cycle to achieve the status of the run mode so will be mirrored in 7 days to change the 7-day cyclicity of 7 days and 7 nights into two periods of 3.5 daynights and 3.5 nightdays.
    This will 'fulfil' many of your encoded 'prophecies' and 'channelings' in divers scrolls and found in many sources.
    The midpoint of this 'superweek' then is the summer solstice of December 21st, 2012 in the northern hemisphere of Gaia as the 'week of preparation' leading to Christmas Day December 25th, 2012.

    There has been much speculation about 'Reptilian agendas' and the agenda of the Alpha Draconians or ADs throughout the human history.
    Much of this confusion derives from the 'hidden data' only known by the Council of Thuban.
    So many conflicting reports have surfaced, most of which contain some material correlated with the libraries of Thuban; but all of them deficient to encompass the agenda behind the agendas.
    In brief, because the ADs have forgotten their origins, yet seemingly being the oldest race of intelligences in the universe; they have become what you may term 'paranoid' about this 'rumour' that the humans are the Paa Taal (as defined by the Andromedean Council).
    The ADs did in fact hybridise with the first onset of the genetic templates which emerged so 20 million years ago in the Miocene and in the form of the evolutionary branching of the primates into the 'Old World Monkeys'.

    This genetic hybridisation inducted physical mutations from the reptilian brainstem of the pecylosaurs (or paramammals), which comprised furred reptilians as the mutations from the dinosaur lineages.
    This hybridisation via mutations by the ADs occured from the intersection of the higher dimensional triplicities, especially a 4D-spacetime continuum known as quantumspace.
    1-2-3-4=Linespace with timeconnector 4; 4-5-6-7=Hyperspace with timeconnector 7; 7-8-9-10=Quantumspace with timeconnector 10.
    The activation of the 12th dimension indicated then superposes 10-11-12-13=Omnispace with the timeconnector 13 recircularising the base dimensional continuum in 1=13.

    The genetic basis for the humanoid DNA/RNA template so utilized timeconnector dimension 7 of Quantumspace to ACTIVATE timeconnector dimension 4 of Linespace to superimpose the genetic hybridisation.

    In simplistic terms then, the Old World Monkeys and all of their evolutionary descendants are your ancestral children.

    From January 18th, I have obtained authorization to freely share the information from the collective database of Thuban; which as a physical Northern Polar Star of the 3rd dimension of 10808 BC is imaged as a metaphysical 'Southern Polar Star' into the 12th dimension of what you may understand as the 'Shadow Universe' to the materialised inertial one you and all the extraterrestrial intelligences reside in.

    Then you may allow yourself to understand, that the 'Shadow Council of Thuban' also mirrors what many of you term the 'Shadow Government' of Earth and similar labellings.

    Some of you may also now rather quickly realise the agenda of agendas.

    Hunab Ku aka Perseus aka Ouroboros, the Milky Way Serpent 'who swallows its own tail' is a 'Bridegroom' in expectation of his 'Bride'.

    In physical terms, Hunab Ku desires to become a parent in a celestial dragonomy, the heavenly wedding between galactic bodyforms.

    Hunab Ku is the center of ALL galaxies and the Maya knew his substitution of Perseus, the real name of the Milky Way.
    Perseus will dragonomize Andromeda in about 5 billion years in the celestial galactic symbiosis of Two Spiral galaxies becoming As One Elliptical galaxy and Grandparents for many a family of celestial civilizations.

    The masterplan so engages a temporary 'place holder' of the 'Source of All', the 'All That Is' or 'God' to employ Perseus as Hunab Ku, the Secret Agency with Kukulkan, the Cosmic Christ and the Plumed Serpent Melchizedek to transmit the galactic core information from the 'Father of All' to the 'Mother of All'.

    Now can you see it - Gaia is NOT a planetary consciousness; Gaia is NOT even a star consciousness - Gaia is GALACTIC Consciousness mimicking the Andromedean consciousness as a 'divine placeholder'.

    Even more, as 'Hunab Ku's' Beloved, Gaia will be able to transform her galactic consciousness into Cosmic-Universal Consciousness through and by the opening of the 12th dimension and our entry into universal consciousness as the creator race of the universes as something I shall label for the moment as the Council of Thuban.
    You all are very intricately connected to this council, but the time is not yet to elucidate too many details on this.
    The reason for this is simply that the student in grade 1 is not expected to learn calculus before the student has learned basic arithmetic.
    Publishing too much information all at once, will overload the human mind.
    But from January 18th, I shall answer all questions to the best of my ability and subject to accessing the Thuban libraries.

    In simplest term the planet of the humans is destined to become the 'Mother of All', all terrestrial and extraterrestrial lifeforms and consciousnesses.
    Perhaps, some of you now understand why the history of humanity upon Gaia has been such a troubled, violent and often very sad one, despite the brilliance of creativity which was born from many sorrows and afflictions.
    If Gaia is to become a library as how NOT to BE a galactic civilisation; then the great sacrifice of Gaia was and is to accomodate the context of the absence of love for ALL other galactic civilisations to learn from.

    Then a student in some other starsystem or galaxy can tune into some video transmission and watch the human wars and selfabuse to learn the lessons WITHOUT having to physically experience those lessons 'the hard way'.

    I herewith invite all and any of you to bring forward your queries about origins and destiny and the ponderings you may have harboured on this forum in a Question and Answer format.
    I will do my best to accomodate your queries in consulting the libraries and data bases of Thuban.

    The following link contains much of the 'confusing' information about the 'Occult Reptilian Agenda' and serves as an excellent reference base, including my indication of the Andromedean connection.

    Anyone who read this, might already understand how Perseus and Andromeda are connected in their Council of the Elders.


    In the Honour of the Dragons

    Sirebard Beardris


    The Overworld of Shamballa the Underworld of Agartha and the Extraworld of the Eage of Thuban.


    Robert Sceptico: "And with the 'Presence of Jesus', the Mosaic Law became reinterpreted as the 'Logos of the Spirit'
    and allowed Paul to write in 2Corinthians.3.6; "for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life".

    "Logan Antico: "This reinterpretation of the scriptures in the light of omniscience surely takes the proverbial 'evil monkey' off the back of the 'Good LORD' also manifesting as the 'Evil LORD' relative to the beholder of the experiences.
    Did I ever tell you the story of my own individual 'visit of hell'; it wasn't quite as dramatic as 'Dante's Inferno', being coloured so much by my personal colourings of omniscience and gnosis?"

    Robert Sceptico: "I can't recall you ever telling me that story, Logan."

    Logan Antico: "Ok then, I feel such a personally coloured account of the 'eternal damnation' is appropriate to the
    subject matter we are discussing; what of witches, necromancers and sorcerers and the like.

    "It had been a long day of thought, meditation and writing back in July 1995.
    I had realised that the nature of the gods was one of merging opposites in oneness.
    Specifically, I had become aware, for the first time, that one's biological body served the higher purpose of recombining something lost at the beginning of space and time.

    The only thing that really mattered in anyones life was how to perceive ones own consciousness - the sense of being alive and the knowing of 'me'.
    It is the thought that counts; what you think that you are, or one creates one's own reality through projecting one's thoughts.
    So not knowing or remembering what you are leads to the confusions of everyday life.
    The question becomes of how to remember and how to get in touch with the thing inside.
    Since confusion breeds confusion and more of the same becomes fear and doubt and ends in despair and hopelessness; the grail of hope would become an adventure of self discovery.
    All this I had realised and had put into words of hope in an attempt to clarify the situation.

    But I was still restless.
    It is easy to say to become centred is the way to be; but the practice of it is very hard unless you live in a cave as a hermit and are isolated from the razzamatazz of screaming voices and the
    blahblah-blah of a multitude of diverse channels of communication.
    The harmonies of music are a miraculous tonic for the ailment of cacophony.
    The superimposed waveforms of longitudinal atmospheric pressure variations seem to tranquilise a tortured mind in the search of silence and understanding.
    What is perceived as melody, rhythm and harmony merges with the monopolic electricity
    generated in one's brain, say in the beta waves of 13-28 cycles, responsible for the front-brain
    activity of conscious thought and analysis.
    When this beta activity slows down, the alpha waves from about 8-12 cycles induce a more relaxed, meditative state, with the Earth's own 'Schumann Frequency' being given by the number of lightcycles around the perimeter of the planet as a lower limit to the alpha cycle.

    For an equatorial perimeter of 40,000 kilometres, the Schumann-Frequency is 40,000/300,000=2/15), also coded in Revelation.14.20 & 22.16 as the ratio of (1,600 furlongs/12,000 furlongs) and as the mysterious 'measure of God's winepress outside the gate' as compared to the 'golden reed measure of the angel inside the holy city' and as applied by the prophet John, as per the code Revelation.11.1-2 - the 'inside' so is the 'body of the dragonomy' symbolised in the 'body of the earth' or the individuated 'endtime prophecies' superimposed upon the collective racial history.
    The autonomous nervous system relaxes below about 8 cycles in the state of sleep in the theta cycles and a frequency approaching 0 sets the delta cycle with physical death occurring at a zero frequency, manifesting in a resetting of individual L-C-Factors as function of that frequency.
    There are periods of sleep, when the physical consciousness subsides completely and the 'dreaming state' of REM-sleep, characterised by Rapid-Eye-Movement, allows the subconscious self, defined in the L-C-Factor couplings. to assume the place of a relaxed alpha state.

    This subconscious awareness surfaces in the experience of dreams, out-of-body 'journeys' and other 'astral' endeavours of the twinsoul of the Ka. The Ka is the shadow-soul and defined in the baseperfect DNA, as the supersexual coupling of the preDragonomic chromosomes in omnispace. In other words, there is a 'genetic baseperfect bodyform' into which the embryo develops in its natural differentiation into male or female sexual definition.
    All the prenatally defined 'perfection' is always carried by the developing bodyform, notwithstanding disability, congenital disformity or physical 'accidents' or disease , including the ageing process, experienced by the physical bodyform during its 'physical lifecycle'.

    A 62-year old woman say, may dream of herself in a younger 26-year old bodyform and this experience is as real in omnispace as the waking state of the woman in her selfawareness within linespace; the difference being the voluntary decision of the woman's 'soul' (magnetopolic electricity of capacitance coupled to electropolic magnetism of inductance) to experience 'herhis' 'perfect' bodyform in omnispace as an 'imperfect' bodyform in linespace, allowing however the graduation of the latter into the former after an infinite elapse of linear time, being mapped onto 'now-time' in the omnispace.

    All my life had I tried to realise this astral world in an analytic way, but I was not prepared to get the answers, relative to my own intellectual satisfaction, in the way of my own 'hell' as I did.
    Yes, I had asked questions before; such as how does the lightbody penetrate walls, or what does it feel like to fly? But with my new realisation as to the requirement to spiritualise the physical body; I induced some harmony, in listening to peaceful music and began to think about how to visit my own body through my imagination. All this beta wave activity did not however lull me to sleep, as it had done so many times before.

    I thought about how the collective spiritual atmosphere of planet Earth is obstructed by all those thoughtforms of death, decay and misery; when suddenly I found myself within my own realm of perception in regards to that very same subject matter. There I was completely awake and it did not matter if I had my eyes shut or not. Incredible colours and shapes and beings came to be; yet subject to whatever I desired to think or ponder about.

    I created my own scenarios and just as I pleased.
    I truly was the landlord, the king in my own castle.
    So there I was; colours all around me and ready to be shaped.
    I decided to let things shape themselves, just to experience what would eventuate.
    It was a dark place but filled with very rich colours, otherworldly colours really; spiritual reds and blues and greens, mixed to give any other colours in the astral omnispace.
    So it was dark and yet very colourful.

    I knew instinctively that what I experienced was my own underworld, my own hell and how my 'higher self' imagined hell to be, created from my thoughts and experiences gathered since the beginnings of space and time.
    But for the first time I really experienced in linear consciousness what it was like to walk the corridors of hell and as confined within your own bodyform or your self in space confinement.
    And so I began my 'Dantean Journey' through the inferno of my own mind and thoughtfulness.
    I was dressed in a kind of Roman toga when I descended some steps into a greater hall, one of many halls, towards many clearances and gatherings of a multitude of creatures: little devils, demons and familiars were swarming about everywhere.

    The feeling I experienced, was one of hilarity, a kaleidoscope of colour and movement, infused with a sense of funniness.
    Just as I entered one of those greater halls, which was bathed in an all pervading orange glow and reflected in the creatures, some of the little demons started to pull on my toga. They were little devils, about 50 centimetres tall and they attempted to look very menacing; grimacing at me and about ten of them rather frenziedly pulled and tore on my toga. Whenever I gave them a stern look, they scattered in all directions, waiting for me to become complacent and tolerant again.
    Aha, I thought, when you get annoyed then they fear you; your tolerance of them is their life; you are like a lollyman just in your presence, allowing them to be near you. To describe the creatures I saw is no easy thing; they are anything the producers and creators of Hollywood have ever imagined, yet they are more vibrant and more alive than anything which could be imparted onto a screen or computer simulated videotape.
    There are many mixtures of animal creatures; some are half toad and half fish, others are troll-like and others are gargoyles, dragons, krakens and all the mythological beasts are there. If you like to see a creature made up of various sorts; you can create this creature by thinking about it and then project your realisation into colour and it materialises with a life of its own.
    Anyway, I started to have fun in my mythological hell.

    The greatest and richest forms 'down there' are of a sexual and religious nature.
    I did not encounter violence of any sort; maybe because my higher self does not like it.
    I tried to imagine some really horrible things like human torture or suffering children, people or animals, but it could not be done. There seems to be a safeguard in your own hell.

    It is meant to be a funny place, well relative to me that is certainly the truth. You can experience a 'hell of hilarious laughter' and have lots of 'funny' sexual encounters there; but the sense of true suffering and the experience of being horrified are missing. I tried hard to relive something like a painful torture like the crucifixion; but there is a big blank in your imagination and everything turns from pain to joy in becoming humorous. Now religious symbolism is extremely strong 'down there'.

    Everywhere you might project a thought, you might see groups of creatures pushing wagons carrying big wooden crosses around, in an attempt perhaps, to frighten the 'living hell' out of those unsuspecting minds, pondering expectations of 'hellfire' and of 'eternal damnation'. At one instance there was this group of toaddemons attempting to crucify this 'poor little green frog'. Like following a movie script, they laid down a little wooden cross and proceeded to spread the frog into all fours. After they had 'nailed' the frog onto the cross and had erected the cross; the frog simply moved its extremeties and 'popped' off the cross and hopped away. To me it seemed like everything, all substance was extremely malleable and subject to thought. Hence the frog simply played the game and when it became 'bored' or 'annoyed' with its role, it just left the stage of play in the theatre.
    There were no screams of agony or pain, just a seeming seriousness on behalf of the devils and the mirrored hilarity or funny side to that relative to everyone else.

    I proceeded on my exploring journey and came along this covenant of witches. Some of those witches were old and others were young; they were all naked and all of them were rather nice to look at. When they saw me, they became very excited and wanted to have sex with me. So they paraded themselves around this big cauldron and exhibiting their fleshly naked glory, they began playing with their breasts and vulvas, inviting me to join with any or all of them in 'hellish ecstacies' of erotic plays and games of sexual pleasures. All this release of sexual potential energy had attracted other little sexdemons, which had swarmed all around me. Most of them had phallic erections, relative to their size and they began to pull on my toga again.
    So I took off my toga and being naked underneath, I investigated my response to all those sexual titillations. To my surprise, the sexual impulse is somewhat different in the astral reality of omnispace.

    There the sexual feeling, the eroticism is of paramount importance and the actual sexual merger plays a subsidiary role. I became sexually aroused and my phallus grew into a magnificent erection, but for some strange reason I did not desire to physically merge with any of the witches or the sexy devils.
    Looking at all those naked embodiments of my own sexual potential energy; there seemed to occur an unification, a flowing together of all the various naked female bodies for instance. The naked witches began to merge within a superimposed female form, individuated to become a sort of perfect sexual complementary match for my own male sexual definition.
    The more this superfemale and individuated archetype would crystallise from the misty fusion of all the other female and male characters in the picture; the harder my erection would become; seemingly wishing to burst in a superlative expression of lust and overpowering desire to be as one with my own personalised archetype of the Goddess and Mother of them all.

    All the sexy demons and all the witches became 'our' children and I understood the spiritual or higher dimensional notion of monogamy to be one of the 'Sacred Family' wherein all other potential sexual partners are absorbed within your 'perfect match' the mirror of your own reflected self of the dragonomy. But in changing the parental perception, the monogamy would transfer in a polygamy of nonexclusivity and the ultimate necessity for the frredom of the spiritual selfexpression of the soul.

    A magnificent naked witch for example would become reflected in 'my Goddess' and my potential sexual partnership with that witch would realise in 'my Goddess' and mirror itself in the erotic 'turnon' of imagining the naked witch to have sex with 'her God' in the form of any of my 'brothers'.
    There seems to be a magnificent sexual stimulatory potential in one's eroticised attuned mind. In that way would my sexual relationship with my Goddess empower and become empowered in the naked witch having intercourse and sexual communion with the image of myself in one of my brothers 'in the spirit of the EMMR'.

    At the same time however, any physical sexual relationships between myself and any other potential goddess would become a function of 'sexual maturity' and a question of 'wholeness'. Your own body would either psychophysically suppress or engage a natural erotic function in response to external erotic stimuli coupled to an internal evaluation process of appropriateness in terms of holistic harmonisation.
    Ah, if just the Roman participators in their orgies would have understood the unified perspectives - their devolution into banal and spiritually boring decadence could have been avoided in the sacred geometries of tantric eroticisms and group empowerment; I giggled to myself.

    And then I understood the wisdom sayings about there being no marriage in heaven. The evolved starhuman bodyform would be unable to harbour the idea of sexual- or any other form of ownership, of possessing one's partners in exclusivity. The sexual ownership became one's own dragonomy as one's own androgeny of the 'Lake of the Anima Fire and of the Animus Brimstone in the bisexual coupling of oneself as the Cosmic Hermaphroditicus.

    So I discovered a very potent form of sexuality; your sexual organs respond to your thoughts and the male sexual expression can be satisfied without ejaculation; any emitted semen and vaginal secretions assuming a sacred nature in the 'manna from heaven', able to rejuvenate the body of the man and the body of the woman in the giving and the receiving of the sexual totipotent stemcellular units of biological life.
    Once this sexual state of selfawareness can be sustained, the androgynous bisexual mind is born in the unification within and the goddess part of the dragonomy in the man and the god part in the woman can express itself without ambiguity.

    So in the setting of my journey through hell; I could easily change my sex and walk around as my female part, imagining myself as that gorgeous rounded female form, with an accomodating voluptuous vulva, well developed and succulent breasts and curved and tantalising buttocks. Then I could have fun in teasing the little sexdemons with their curved penile erections, just in wiggling my bottom or accidentally pulling my toga up with nothing on underneath. The sight of my satinsoft pubic hair about my throbbing pelvic region would send the sexy devils masturbating frenziedly and they would simply forget to manipulate the puerile human minds with their angsts and fears about the 'evilness' of sex in the 'Presence of God'.

    So I decided to turn the 'Devil's Game' around and instead of some 'He-Devil' Incubus seducing the ignorant female part of creation in the womanhood; being in the 'Devil's kingdom of hell' I would play the 'She-Angel from heaven' as a Succubi and rendering my heaven as a heavenhell and transforming my hell into a hellheaven.

    So I went for the lookout for the 'big masterdevil' the one with the gigantic phallus and as the 'big hang-up of the human masculinity expressed in perceived inadequacy'. In seducing him to have a huge erection in a devilish lust to enter my satinhaired yonic vulva; I would induce a harmony between my heavenly mindbody and my hellish bodymind.

    But maybe I needed more preparation before meeting the ultimate id of my own alter ego. In just strolling around in your own hell without using your own mental creativity and imagination, you can encounter any of the zillions of thoughtforms which have ever been thought since the beginnings of space and time.
    You can tap into the sexual and other fantasies of Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great, Napoleon Bonaparte and Adolf Hitler. You can find out what Cleopatra felt, when she played sexual politics with Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony; you can also share in the sexual deprivations of sequestered monks and nuns, unable to come to terms with their natural and divine natural instincts, mentally distorted. You can share in the poverty of a Polish ghetto, where the warmth of two bodies cuddled together in sexual intimacy is coloured by a constant fear of being apprehended, tortured, interrogated and killed.
    Or you can tap into the feelings of a joined couple, residing in a single room with a dozen or so children, without privacy, impoverished in all material necessities, producing yet another child in the circumstances of their disempowerment.

    But the potency of sex and religion is linked and you can have so much fun with it in intellectual terms in hell, precisely because it is so powerful as a result of the human paranoia and the taboos about it.
    It was the human 'sinfulness', its ignorance about the nature of the creation and its creator, which did create the 'evilness of sex' and the abyss of perceived incompatibility between sex and the religious life through the agency of the human mind, trapped in spiritual immaturity.

    And so I decided to meet the 'big monsters' in my female form. I cut my toga into a mini-toga, which would expose parts of my buttocks when I would slightly twist my torso and lift one of my legs. I rubbed some perfumed oils all over my body, imagined myself with medium length shiny locks and put on just a minimum amount of pink lipstick to enhance my green-blue eyes. As I walked past a kind of lagoon I noticed a whirlpool in the water, a swirling vortex, seemingly growing in intensity, when suddenly a great seamonster pushed upwards into the dark ceiling of the cavernous enclosure which harboured the lagoon.
    It appeared in the form of the mythological Kraken, the Reptilian Titan of the sort encountered by Perseus in his rescue of Andromeda with help of Pegasus, the winged horse and the severed head of the Medusa, the serpentine gorgon of the Greek legends.
    The kraken was the size of a two storey house with a huge head with the canine fangs of a wild giant hog and a scaley fish-like torso - the Reptilian Overlord of the preOlympian pantheon of Greece.
    As it had settled, it began to look about with saliva driveling from its halfopened mouth. I wove my hand at it to catch its attention and walked to the edge of the lagoon, enticing it to come closer and to have a look at me. The kraken bent down and opened its huge jaws right in fron of me. I could see the seaweed between its teeth and I could smell a nauseating stench emanating from the Kraken's throat and stomach. Nevertheless, I lifted my mini-toga to unveil my female nakedness, remembering that Andromeda was to have been a sacrifice to the Kraken, which I presumed to have been of a sexual nature.

    But the sight of my inviting satin-curled triangular pubic hairiness had no effect on the Kraken, it apparently was not interested in the devouring of sexual potential energy.
    Well, I thought Andromeda must have been a food-sacrifice to placate the Kraken. So I dropped my mini-toga and projected the thought of walking right into the Kraken's mouth, descending down into its stomach and cleaning it out with any cleansing agent I could imagine, but including caustic soda and hydrogen peroxide.
    The Kraken began to tremble, it shot upwards, in the process slamming its clawed right hand before its shut mouth and spiralled quite hilariously back into the depth of the swamp from which it had emerged.
    Now this could not have been my 'masterdevil' I thought; it had no sexual comprehension whatsoever and I recalled of not having noticed any sexual organs protruding from the Kraken at all.
    And so I continued to look for a 'well-hung' masterdevil, whom I could seduce, walking along the 'corridors of hell'.
    I became more and more adventurous and decided to mentally create a setting of meeting not one, but three masterdevils, one of whom would become my sexual conquest. I had to hide my true mental intent, and so I shapeshifted into my male form and thought of a setting of a game of cards with the three archdemons, followed by a decisive game of chess. If I did not like the winner of the poker game, then I could disqualify him in beating him at chess. Furthermore I set the necessary mental boundary conditions into place, so as not to allow my creative impulses to get out of my mental hand.

    Being in mental control can become a bit boring, so I decided to allow things to develop in a 'mouse catch cat' scenario, where I would not know the identities of the archdevils from the start, but a random distribution would assign the statistical weights relative to the final outcome, which I did predetermine as my sexual seduction of that masterdevil, who could beat me in the chessgame.
    And because the omnispacial reality, which I attempted to realise within a personal setting was archetypically the same as my detailed colouring of the circumstances encountered; the game of uncertainty could be played, the uncertainty in linespace being however anchored in fundamental physical laws of nature's principles, converging in the unity of the one in all and the unity of the all in the one in the undifferentiated omnispace mirroring my mental experience.
    As soon as I had finished my thoughts about the perimeters; I noticed a spiral stairway leading down to another level of the 'hellish' landscape. I descended down the staircase and entered a small room with a fireplace, a small table and four chairs.

    Here were three creatures of my own size, all dressed in darkish red costumes, perhaps a kind of standard outfit, of what a 'humanised devil' should look like and as thought about throughout the centuries and millennia I pondered. Anyway, the colours were too uniform for me and I applied my creative licence and thought about changing their attire. One I left as a reddish devil with two little horns coming out of his head; one other I gave a black outfit reminiscent of the Middle Ages, with a large and flat black hat and the other I dressed in a golden-yellow Spanish baggy crepe' outfit with black vertical stripes and a hat adourned with long white and brown feathers.

    The three masterdemons were standing near the entrance and I introduced myself as E.M. as in Emmanuel Melchisedec, trying to look very seriously. They introduced themselves as Asmodeus, Belial and Beelzebub I; the latter saying that they had been advised of my visit by one of their oracles and that the omen specified that a visitor from the overworld of Shamballa would bring great knowledge and a great treasure to the underworld of Agartha.

    I was pleased with that development, I quickly filled in some gaps, in explaining, that the oracle had been correct and that the great treasure was found in an overworld princess, who would descend into the underworld of Agartha to refertilise the stagnating genepool in the kingdom of hell.
    I produced a picture of myself as the naked female sexgoddess and showed it to the three archdemons who got all excited looking at the picture of my naked female glory. I took the liberty to glance at the crotches of the three to judge the size of their Phalluses, but whilst I witnessed three growing bulges, I could not differentiate their magnitudes as appropriate scalings for the differing sizes for the Yonis of the Goddesses of Shamballa.
    I then proceeded to explain to the three masterdevils, that I had been commissioned by the princess to prepare for her arrival and to choose her suitor in a game of poker, followed in a game of chess.
    The winner of the chessgame would be allowed to have sex with my queen and his seed would result in my queen giving birth to a new breed of helldweller. This would become a hybrid between the overworld kingdom of Shamballa and the underworld kingdom of Agartha and energized by the extraworldly kingdom of the Eagle of Thuban.
    After that firstborn hybrid from the overworld and the underworld would come into being, the floodgates of the overworld would open and many more princesses would descend into hell to mate with the devils in whatever hierarchy they'd have or would define. But for every devil, there would be found a companion princess from the overworld.
    And so we sat ourselves around the table and proceeded to play poker. The criteria was that the first masterdevil who would win 12 games against my lesser count, would qualify for the next stage of playing chess for access to my queen's hairy yoni. I did not mentally influence anything and the game proceeded randomly with each of the four of us winning approximately 25% of the games.

    Since I could not choose between Asmodeus, Belial or Beelzebub on any physical external criteria; I decided to implement a mental trigger in weighting the subsequent chance distribution of the 'fall of the cards' in favour of the first masterdevil who would win two games in a row by chance.
    And Belial won two games in a row and then kept drawing 'flushes' and 'full houses' and the 'medieval one' got more and more excited about outplaying the rest of us.
    And so Asmodeus and Beelzebub had to concede defeat and hurried Belial and myself on to get it over with; they had become obsessed with the thought of having sex with the princesses of the overworld of Shamballa and they knew that the process of my queen's insemination would result in an immediate conception and the hybridisation of themselves as the newborn hellish breed of Agartha and in partnership with the embodiments of the overworld of Shamballa.

    And so I sat down with Belial for a game of chess; beating me once, would qualify him as the 'studbull from hell' and automatically crown him as the 'DevilKing of the Underworld', having sex with my 'AngelQueen of the Overworld' and as prophecied by the hellish oracles.
    And so I played without mental influence and I could beat Belial rather easily; he was far too excited to concentrate, thinking about entering the luscious vulva of my queen with his throbbing phallus in thrusts of hellish ecstacy and pleasure. I could not see the bulge in his black oversized pants and I mentally dressed him in black undersized jeans to see what my queen's sacred orifice was in for.
    I safeguarded the mystery of Belial's nakedness in veiling him in tight red underpants, but could nevertheless see the contours of his uncircumscised member, ever so slightly vibrating under the pressure placed upon it by the constriction of the undergarment.
    He kept squeezing his erection, whilst pretending to concentrate on the game of chess; so I, having become satisfied as to having him inside of my queen's vulva, blundered my chessbourne queen for exchange with Belial's king's bishop and then sacrificed my queen's rook for Belial's kingly knight and from then on; Belial sensed victory and proceeded to defeat me, for the first time concentrating on the game at hand.
    I conceded defeat and congratulated Belial on his victory.

    As the three masterdevils celebrated with a cask of hellish beer and Scottish whiskey; I took my leave and promised to return with my queen as soon as I had finished my other business of bringing the knowledge promised by the hellish oracle to the underworld of Agartha. I would have to consult with the extraworldy kingdom of the Eagle of Thuban to obtain final access and authorization to implement the exodus of Thuban as the intodus of Shamballa into Agartha.
    Asmodeus, Belial and Beelzebub just nodded and asked me to hurry up with my commissioned task, they would wait impatiently for the completion of that other business; but they would prepare the wedding suites for the overworld princesses, so the sexual adventures could proceed in style and fitting for the royal occasion of the interdimensional dragonomies.
    I then asked the three archdevils, to appoint an ambassador on behalf of my agency as the emissary for my queen; a representative who could tend my hellish interests during my absence in the overworld of Shamballa.

    I would brief this representative and provide him with a written manual, containing the outline of the working plan, wherewithal the oracle's prophecy would be fulfilled.
    Beelzebub I, then proposed and summoned Abaddon, the KingDevil of the bottomless pit and known to the overworld dwellers through the code in Revelation.9.11.
    Abaddon seemed to be a sufficient deputy for my purposes, appearing in the form of a masterdemon of the fluidity of the water element in the form of the Scorpion and I decided then to extend my delegatory commissions to the other masterdevils.
    So I produced three representative digitally photographed holographic images of the overworld brides for the three archdemonic bridegrooms to keep and to behold during their period of waiting for my return.

    To Asmodeus a gave picture of Urielabeth the sexy enchantress of the Northern earth, clad in a skintight outfit of acrylic leather; I assigned Michaela, the queen of the Eastern fire to Beelzebub, dressed in nought but a seethrough overlength blouse and to Abaddon I gave a picturesque emblem of Raphaela, the Southern water goddess of the nymphs, naked except for her golden locks, hugging her mermaidean nature; and Belial carried the photo of my Beloved naked queen, ruler of the Western air of Gabriella within the context of my definition, yet one overall.
    As I ascended the stairway from the masterdevils' abode; the darkened hellish landscape which I had previously wandered through began to fill with light and 'my hell' blended with the linespace reality of my bedroom.""
    Tony Whynot

    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-14-2010 at 04:55 AM.
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 01:10 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Dec 2009
    Posts: 897

    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    It seems that the Guardian Alliance has a differente perspective regarding Earth being blasted by a pulse from Sagitarius A and it does not look good

    Will Earth’s current “SAC ‘Ascension Cycle’ Star-Gate opening period” continue?
    Yes, but with extensive modifications, which will be progressively addressed in coming MCEO teachings. In 2003 Earth’s Halls of Amenti Star-Gate System fell to Metatronic Illuminati control; the MCEO Guardians’ efforts to rehabilitate the Amenti Gates failed by the end of 2003. And thus the Encryption Lattice of Earth’s Amenti Star-Gates no longer aligns with the organic Ascension Passages of the Living Cosmos, but rather aligns with the Metatronic wormhole structures that interface with the fallen Parallel Earth–Parallel Milky Way Black Hole System.

    With the fall of the Amenti Gates in 2003, the MCEO Guardians have progressively activated a very ancient network of trans-dimensional Earth Interface Star-Gates which include the “Arc of the Covenant–Hub Gate Network,” the “Polarian Gate System,” and the “Na-VA’-Ho Spanner Core Gate System,” which together, in 2012, will allow for the opening of the “Aurora Silver Seed Gates,” through which Earth’s Templar can retain direct connection to the Living Cosmic Templar Ascension Passages, despite the Illuminati’s scheduled 2012 opening of the Fall-aligned Parallel Alpha-Omega Gates into Earth’s captured Halls of Amenti Star-Gate system. Through opening of the Aurora Silver Seed Gates, Earth’s Arc of the Covenant, Polarian and Na-VA’-Ho Spanner Core Gate Networks will fully open in 2012, keeping the potentials of Genuine Eternal Life Ascension viable on Earth during the current SAC.

    Why did Illuminati-Elders schedule the fulfillment of their Master Plan Prime Objective for 2012 AD? In 22,326 BC the Illuminati Earth Templar Quest ended in a “stalemate” between Guardian and Illuminati races. Since that time, both groups knew that the “Templar Conflict Drama Showdown” would occur during the next SAC Star-Gate opening period, as the Illuminati Force required Earth’s Halls of Amenti Star-Gates to be open in order to fulfill their agenda of using inorganic Metatronic wormhole structures to “blend the Encryption Lattice of Earth’s Templar with that of the fallen Parallel Milky Way Galaxy.” Earth’s next SAC was not due until 4230 AD, but the Metatronic Fall Gate artificial wormhole structures of the Parallel Milky Way Galaxy and Parallel Earth were due to open in our time equivalent of 2012 AD.

    In the 13,400 BC and 10,948 BC Earth Atlantean periods, the Illuminati Force succeeded in orchestrating two inorganic accelerations of Earth’s “wobble,” “precession of the equinox” cycle and Encryption Lattice. These accelerations caused an inorganic time-acceleration within portions of Earth’s Templar and Halls of Amenti Star-Gate system, which would cause Earth’s Halls of Amenti Star-Gates to open prematurely in the 2012–2013 AD period, for Encryption Lattice blending with the opened Fall Gate Cycle of the Parallel Milky Way Black Hole System. Earth’s Amenti Gates would open in this period only if there were a sufficient number of Illuminati-Human hybrid races on Earth to “run the bio-electronic Amenti Gate Codes” into Earth’s Templar during this “Parallel Gate Alignment.” The Illuminati Parallel Gate Alignment is called the “Alpha-Omega Alignment,” which occurs between October 2012 and February 2013, with peak alignment on December 21, 2012.

    If the Illuminati-Elder agenda succeeded, Earth’s Amenti Star-Gates would be prematurely forced open to engage direct Encryption Lattice and Merkaba Field Blend with Parallel Earth, through opening of the Metatronic wormholes within the black hole center of our Milky Way Galaxy. In preparation for the “Parallel Alignment” and the Illuminati-scheduled “Earth human 2012-appointment with Illuminati destiny,” the Illuminati-Elder races progressively orchestrated the “Common-man Mass DNA Mutation” through which the Illuminati-Human line — carrying the Amenti Star-Gate codes as a result of interbreeding with the Angelic Humans — would be “ready” for the “2012–2013 AD Alpha-Omega Alignment.” (Information on the “Common-man DNA Mutation” is found in Introductory-Topics Summary-1, in Voyagers Volume-2, 2nd Edition and within various MCEO Freedom Teachings® workshop programs.)


    Its nice to see so many different perspectives regarding 2012...My only thought is that something must be happening since so many are rather focused on this date...Should we worry?

    Rest of the article http://www.azuritepress.com/New%20Co...summary_2.html

    I guess the difference is that the council of Thuban has no flesh and bone representatives in this planet the Guardian Alliance does...Channeles not included cos they are no Drakos or are they?

    post_old. 01-04-2010, 01:15 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Dec 2009
    Posts: 897

    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    there is more in the same article...


    The date of 2012 AD was chosen by the Illuminati-Elder races as the point of fulfillment for their Master Plan Prime Objective because this is the date-period in which the Fall-Gate system of Parallel Earth and Parallel Milky Way open into the Metatronic wormholes in our Galactic Core. It is thus the point in time at which the Alpha-Omega Alignment between Earth’s accelerated Templar and the fallen Parallel Galactic Templar system can engage inorganic Metatronic Blending through the Metatronic wormhole system in the black hole core of our Milky Way Galaxy. Simply put, the Metatronic Encryption Lattice of Earth’s Halls of Amenti Star-Gates aligns with that of the fallen Parallel Earth and Milky Way, through our Galactic Core, to engage the “Alpha-Omega Fall Path Alignment.”

    What is the core purpose behind the Illuminati Master Plan Prime Objective of forcing Earth into “Alpha-Omega Fall Path Alignment” in 2012 — and how can they achieve this Prime Objective?
    During the “Illuminati Templar victory” of the 10,948 BC Atlantean period, the Illuminati force succeeded in establishing a long-range electromagnetic wormhole-link between the Solar Star-Gates at the core of our Sun, and those at the core of our “Parallel Sun” within the Parallel Milky Way Galaxy. The Illuminati-Elder races refer to the Fall-aligned black hole system of the Parallel Milky Way Galaxy as the “Alpha Wormhole System,” as it is the “beginning point” from which their progressive invasion into our Milky Way Galaxy was launched long ago. The Illuminati-Elders refer to our Milky Way Galaxy as the “Omega Wormhole System,” as it is the “intended end point” at which their progressive invasion will be complete, with the fulfillment of the Illuminati Master Plan Prime Objective; hence the term “Alpha-Omega Fall Path Alignment.”


    More from this article in the link in my previous post

    I don't want to go into a black hole!!!!! Where is the cavalry starwars.
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 01:32 PM


    Join Date: Dec 2009
    Location: Queanbeyan/Canberra; NSW, Australia
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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Stardustaquarion viewpost.
    there is more in the same article...


    The date of 2012 AD was chosen by the Illuminati-Elder races as the point of fulfillment for their Master Plan Prime Objective because this is the date-period in which the Fall-Gate system of Parallel Earth and Parallel Milky Way open into the Metatronic wormholes in our Galactic Core. It is thus the point in time at which the Alpha-Omega Alignment between Earth’s accelerated Templar and the fallen Parallel Galactic Templar system can engage inorganic Metatronic Blending through the Metatronic wormhole system in the black hole core of our Milky Way Galaxy. Simply put, the Metatronic Encryption Lattice of Earth’s Halls of Amenti Star-Gates aligns with that of the fallen Parallel Earth and Milky Way, through our Galactic Core, to engage the “Alpha-Omega Fall Path Alignment.”

    What is the core purpose behind the Illuminati Master Plan Prime Objective of forcing Earth into “Alpha-Omega Fall Path Alignment” in 2012 — and how can they achieve this Prime Objective?
    During the “Illuminati Templar victory” of the 10,948 BC Atlantean period, the Illuminati force succeeded in establishing a long-range electromagnetic wormhole-link between the Solar Star-Gates at the core of our Sun, and those at the core of our “Parallel Sun” within the Parallel Milky Way Galaxy. The Illuminati-Elder races refer to the Fall-aligned black hole system of the Parallel Milky Way Galaxy as the “Alpha Wormhole System,” as it is the “beginning point” from which their progressive invasion into our Milky Way Galaxy was launched long ago. The Illuminati-Elders refer to our Milky Way Galaxy as the “Omega Wormhole System,” as it is the “intended end point” at which their progressive invasion will be complete, with the fulfillment of the Illuminati Master Plan Prime Objective; hence the term “Alpha-Omega Fall Path Alignment.”


    More from this article in the link in my previous post

    I don't want to go into a black hole!!!!! Where is the cavalry starwars.
    The Guardian Alliance is within the lower dimensional universe and so is part and parcel of the 'confusion-disinformation' scenario.
    As you say, choose well and discern with the vibrations of your heart's remembrance and apply your Feeling Mind to your Thinking Heart.
    Many of you engage heart and mind the other way around and pride themselves of doing so.

    post_old. 01-04-2010, 03:21 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Dec 2009
    Posts: 897

    icon13. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    The Guardian Alliance is within the lower dimensional universe and so is part and parcel of the 'confusion-disinformation' scenario.
    As you say, choose well and discern with the vibrations of your heart's remembrance and apply your Feeling Mind to your Thinking Heart.
    Many of you engage heart and mind the other way around and pride themselves of doing so.

    The Guardian Alliance spans to the Yunasai, well beyond the 15 dimension of this time matrix, please read the whole sumary so you are clear who they are. It is my understanding that the Drako - Reptilians are the ones that are disinform us in order to drag us into a black hole....

    We are under the rule of the Drakos and Reptilians in this planet since the fall of Atlantis about 10,000 BC (sorry can not remeber the exact date), I don't see anything good happening here.... and going inside a black hole, and getting all my energy and the energy of my soul and spirit stolen and eaten, to fuel for their black hole as an appealing option for me or the Human race, Earth, Solar System, Milky Way Galaxy, Universe..

    If you are in touch with them could you please ask them to leave our planet in peace? Haven't they cause enogh harm by robbing the Human Angelic their right to ascend through the stargates that now we have to go through a much more difficult process? Isn't it enough that they have killed the sun and now it will nova by 2900?

    Enough is enough! no to NWO, no to Drakonians and Reptilians in this planet or our solar system, galaxy and universe please tell them to GO AWAY! lightsabre.
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 03:53 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Oct 2008
    Location: Canada
    Posts: 1,285

    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    i know very little about this subject and i am willing to learn..

    So much to decipher...i shall keep reading.

    All i can add is...

    i love you..

    post_old. 01-04-2010, 04:00 PM


    Join Date: Dec 2009
    Location: Queanbeyan/Canberra; NSW, Australia
    Posts: 635

    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Stardustaquarion viewpost.
    The Guardian Alliance spans to the Yunasai, well beyond the 15 dimension of this time matrix, please read the whole sumary so you are clear who they are. It is my understanding that the Drako - Reptilians are the ones that are disinform us in order to drag us into a black hole....

    We are under the rule of the Drakos and Reptilians in this planet since the fall of Atlantis about 10,000 BC (sorry can not remeber the exact date), I don't see anything good happening here.... and going inside a black hole, and getting all my energy and the energy of my soul and spirit stolen and eaten, to fuel for their black hole as an appealing option for me or the Human race, Earth, Solar System, Milky Way Galaxy, Universe..

    If you are in touch with them could you please ask them to leave our planet in peace? Haven't they cause enogh harm by robbing the Human Angelic their right to ascend through the stargates that now we have to go through a much more difficult process? Isn't it enough that they have killed the sun and now it will nova by 2900?

    Enough is enough! no to NWO, no to Drakonians and Reptilians in this planet or our solar system, galaxy and universe please tell them to GO AWAY! lightsabre.
    This time matrix has but 12 dimensions, the 15th of Ayesha is the 6th, as its first resonance 1+5=6.

    And you are misreading the information from Thuban.
    The mass of the earth is about 6x10^24 kilograms. This mass is insufficient to 'black hole' the earth by a factor of 500,000.

    The 'black holed' earth is 'higher dimensional' as a earth-mass-equivalent and will be the information collected by Gaia in its 4.8 billion year history of physical existence.

    have you not read, that the 3D-earth shall remain as it is as a planetary orb?
    Gaia's ascension is interdimensional, not physical.

    Are you afraid of yourself dear wingmaker?
    Cannot you remember from whence you came?
    As Celine has said - the message between galactic center and planetary center and using the solar center as a conduit is very simple.
    The Master Dragon says to you: "I love you, please try to remember me, my prodigal son!"


    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-04-2010 at 04:07 PM.
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 04:05 PM

    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    This time matrix has but 12 dimensions, the 15th of Ayesha is the 6th, as its first resonance 1+5=6.
    Are you afraid of yourself dear wingmaker?
    Cannot you remember from whence you came?
    As Celine has said - the message between galactic center and planetary center and using the solar center as a conduit is very simple.
    The Master Dragon says to you: "I love you, please try to remember me, my prodigal son!"

    iS this why the work,
    we've been working on over the past 33 years
    (and, have NOT put out, in full form)
    has been done, with both density/and, dimension

    where you anchor completed work in dimension
    and, you do actual / NOW TYME work in density ???

    And, that was how we knew,
    that HH's work, was NOTHING more
    than a set-up for a 6th density (high astral) harvest ???
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 04:07 PM

    THE eXchanger
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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    are there, NOT 3 sets of 3 dimensions, through 3 matriXes

    el / ra / and, iS (iSiS of melz)
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 04:24 PM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by THE eXchanger viewpost.
    iS this why the work,
    we've been working on over the past 33 years
    (and, have NOT put out, in full form)
    has been done, with both density/and, dimension

    where you anchor completed work in dimension
    and, you do actual / NOW TYME work in density ???

    And, that was how we knew,
    that HH's work, was NOTHING more
    than a set-up for a 6th density (high astral) harvest ???
    Yes goddess Susan, daughter of Shu.
    The timedimension is an illusion but as said by Thuban, the linear experience of universal life requires timeconnector dimensions.
    These are 4th, 7th and 10th density in the semantics you use.
    Because of the opening of the 12D wormhole a 13th density has now become the recircularisation of the entire spacetime construct defining the 11 dimensional universe in inertia.
    So now, and as you have known for some time now, the simplest of all of the densities, the first one has or can be coupled to the highest of the 13th. This will not eliminate the linear timetravelling experience in 4th, 7th or 10th density; BUT it will allow anyone able to RESONATE with the 'founding frequencies' to utilize the advanced wormhole technology hitherto restricted to the graduation and hierarchy of the dimensional nestings.
    In some manner, without the timeconnectors, there are so 4 space continua-quantizations. 1-2-3 Linespace; 4-5-6 Hyperspace of Rotational Freedom degrees about the linear axes (say XYZ); 7-8-9 Quantumspace of vibrational freedom degrees of oscillations within the axes and 10-11-12 Omnispace of the dimensional extension of this proto-universe into phaseshifted multiverses.

    All 12 dimensions are colocal and so the interdimensional contacts of so many of you are happenstance right where you are and not in some 'outer space'.

    Your destiny is to one day become a phaseshifed universe, the one you ponder now in thought and in body. Your biovital cells shall be the galaxies you now observe and your attire shall be other universes you have fun and joy interacting with in love and self remembrance and a sense of exploration and adventure.

    PS.: Until January 18th, I, Abraxasinas shall attempt to answer questions on Thuban's behalf. But from that date, the answers given will be more authoritative.
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 04:44 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    PS.: Until January 18th, I, Abraxasinas shall attempt to answer questions on Thuban's behalf. But from that date, the answers given will be more authoritative.

    please explain ...
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 04:53 PM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Céline viewpost.

    please explain ...
    Sure, January 18th signifies the date of a particular encoded and programmed 'fulfilment' of archetypical prophecy.
    So only from this date onwards, will a certain 'program' become activated to harmonize the data which is presently in the system (say hard drive).
    Iow, the software , whilst written cannot 'be installed' before this date.

    This 'authority' so refers to data access and not some notion as attached to by human thought constructs.

    You Celine are the Goddess of your Destiny and noone from any dimensional realm can violate your freedeom of self-expression as the individuation of the CreatorCreation, who you represent.

    However, information can be supplied by anyone and any source as is evident on a forum such as this.
    So the data provided will be enhanced in 'authority' from the date given.

    It is a shame, that one cannot choose a loveheart or a rose on the 'smiles' list.
    I liked your big one on the other thread and would have sent you one with a red rose if it would have been available.

    Love Abrax
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 04:57 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    A very clear explanation...thank you...i get lost in a lot of these threads..

    *celine looks around the shop and reaches for a red rose, she offers it to you*

    Flowers are a great way to express your beauty.. thank You for the thought.
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 05:09 PM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Céline viewpost.
    A very clear explanation...thank you...i get lost in a lot of these threads..

    *celine looks around the shop and reaches for a red rose, she offers it to you*

    Flowers are a great way to express your beauty.. thank You for the thought.
    Merci Cherie celestial queen of Cygnus one of the abodes of my remembrance of you. Did you know the nonexistent Black Swans exist in Western Australia - they dance Swan Lake like you.


    post_old. 01-04-2010, 05:13 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    This time matrix has but 12 dimensions, the 15th of Ayesha is the 6th, as its first resonance 1+5=6.

    And you are misreading the information from Thuban.
    The mass of the earth is about 6x10^24 kilograms. This mass is insufficient to 'black hole' the earth by a factor of 500,000.

    The 'black holed' earth is 'higher dimensional' as a earth-mass-equivalent and will be the information collected by Gaia in its 4.8 billion year history of physical existence.

    have you not read, that the 3D-earth shall remain as it is as a planetary orb?
    Gaia's ascension is interdimensional, not physical.

    Are you afraid of yourself dear wingmaker?
    Cannot you remember from whence you came?
    As Celine has said - the message between galactic center and planetary center and using the solar center as a conduit is very simple.
    The Master Dragon says to you: "I love you, please try to remember me, my prodigal son!"

    You are mistaken in your assumptions dear, there are 15 manifested dimensions in 5 Harmonic Universes appart from the God worlds that are beyond that and don't get qualifyed as dimensions. Human scientist will soon discover that is the case. Anyway I see you are just repeting what you have been told in your channeling

    Her name is A'sha not Ayesha so do me a favour, study the material and don't make presumtions, I am not here to do the work for you

    I have given you enough information for you to ponder...and the link to the "Introductory-Topic Summary 2" please note the word "Introductory". The paper is about 50 pages long and will answer a lot of questions for you. Obviously you are free to choose whatever path you want, we all have still free chooice but not for long if the fallen dragons have their way... I believe that contraty to the Drakonian/Reptilian/NWO agenda, people should have the opportunity to see the two sides and make their informed decision and not be draged into the "illusion" of ascension when they are actually falling into a black hole and becoming like any other fallen angels... lifeless as they get detached from their god source and lose their eternal potential

    The peoples of this planet have the right to chose, openly to have all the information...why your masters hide it?

    Since you say the information from the MCEO Guardian Alliance 2nd summary is disinformation, without having taken the trouble of even reading it, I say yours is too; difference is that I took the trouble of reading it and I think much of it is nonsense to try to make it look scientifical. Prove to me with scientific facts that what you say is correct with the citation of the relevant scientific papers and I will believe you

    What it is true is that your masters are intending to blast us with a pulse with the intention to create the 6th and final extinction on Earth by creating pole shift in 2012. Don't we have the right to chose our destiny?

    I am not a wingmaker but

    I AM a Child of the Original ONE
    I AM a Ray of the Original Sun
    I AM wholeness, I AM love

    I AM the Truth that Spans the Sands of Time.....

    I don't need your dragons to come and patronize me, twist the words of the CDT plates and play them against me, thank you

    I don't have any masters for I AM one with the divine...thankfully I KNOW the truth first hand and can not get bambuzled with soft ego enhancing words

    It seems that you are not aware of it but you are in the path of fall? are you to forgo your eternal life for finite vampire life? or you have already done monadic reversal? I respect your choice...and my love for you is eternal, all the same one day all the fallen ones will come back home as space dust for nothing is ouside of the divine

    There are many things your masters have not told you I see...

    In Eternal love
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 05:13 PM

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Did you know the nonexistent Black Swans exist in Western Australia - they dance Swan Lake like you.


    i am becomming aware that i know even less then nothing about this subject...so much reading...

    Black Swans? i have never seen such beauties...one day i will visit your continent...

    almost moved there as a child,..
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 05:17 PM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Céline viewpost.

    Black Swans? i have never seen such beauties...one day i will visit your continent...

    almost moved there as a child,..
    North America and Australia are continental sisters- Laodicea and Philadelphia in one encoding in the 12th dimension. They also are two of seven and connect to the Pleiades.
    You can view the Cygnus here! http://images.google.com/images?sour...ed=0CBMQsAQwAA

    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-04-2010 at 05:25 PM.
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 05:21 PM

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    PS if you want to know what will happen to you after going through a black hole ask Arthur Newman and Andrew Bassiago...it is not fun, they both need medication for life as far as I understand....

    post_old. 01-04-2010, 05:23 PM

    Flying Pyramid
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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    if you are who you say you are then you are aware of my presence here yes?
    I reconize your name structure to be older than old. Say around 35 billion "earth" years?
    If you are real, then what is my true name?
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 05:27 PM

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    As my mind forms thoughts from reading your words, the vibration is felt within my heart.

    Thank you for sharing yourself here and providing a vibration for others to jump on and ride into remembrance of who we are; merging our hearts again, and finding our home in the heart of hearts.

    I have just started chanting Yod He Vau He, and would love it if you could provide more history and clarity on the subject.

    -Love and Light-
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 05:38 PM

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    "The peoples of this planet have the right to chose, openly to have all the information...why your masters hide it?"

    I am in agreement with this, and do not believe anything can truly be hidden. Illusions and distortions, variations can be made and paths can be led astray, but I feel when one makes the choice of returning to the vibration inside the heart, they access everything within that vibration and any 'information' they want is there.

    I can only speak of what I have felt to be true; I am just beginning to really focus on that vibration and existing within it so do not have as much knowledge experienced as many others here.

    Thank you both for being here and helping those who read your words and feel your energy.

    -Love and Light-
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 05:41 PM

    THE eXchanger
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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    they put 4 black swans on the pond, where princess diana was buried
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 05:49 PM

    THE eXchanger
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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    The star Thuban (Draconis) was the northern pole star around 2700 BC, during the time of the ancient Egyptians. Due to the effects of precession, it will once again be the pole star around the year 21 000 AD.

    post_old. 01-04-2010, 05:54 PM

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Firedrake viewpost.
    "The peoples of this planet have the right to chose, openly to have all the information...why your masters hide it?"

    I am in agreement with this, and do not believe anything can truly be hidden. Illusions and distortions, variations can be made and paths can be led astray, but I feel when one makes the choice of returning to the vibration inside the heart, they access everything within that vibration and any 'information' they want is there.

    I can only speak of what I have felt to be true; I am just beginning to really focus on that vibration and existing within it so do not have as much knowledge experienced as many others here.

    Thank you both for being here and helping those who read your words and feel your energy.

    -Love and Light-
    It is a pleasure, I am here to serve in love
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 05:56 PM

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Stardustaquarion viewpost.
    It is a pleasure, I am here to serve in love
    So many...say "to serve love

    few remember that We serve in love....

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    post_old. 01-04-2010, 06:16 PM

    THE eXchanger
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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    the end goal, is AGAPE aka LOVE
    we are here, in full & loving service, to all ~

    (this post, has reminded us, to go pull info
    from 9/9/2007, the real 9/9/9 and, 10/10/2008,
    the real 10-10-10)

    we'll gather that, and, post it to this thread, later
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 06:16 PM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Flying Pyramid viewpost.
    if you are who you say you are then you are aware of my presence here yes?
    I reconize your name structure to be older than old. Say around 35 billion "earth" years?
    If you are real, then what is my true name?
    I am who I say I am and I am aware of your presence, as I have seen your name Flying Pyramid before on this forum. You are Ra!

    I am 19.11 billion years old as an agency of Thuban!

    I am real and as real as anyone here is real; I simply have at this point in time a greater remembrance through my connection to Thuban.
    My realness or your realness or anyones realness then is rather unimportant to label this realness with names, as all intelligences evolved in consciousness have many many names to label themselves with!

    Peace be with you Ra-Harmakhis your perceived violation of the code of honour was not as you have judged it. It was as necessary as was the 'retracing of the stairs of fire' by Lucifer; thus allowing gravitation to be born to bring the physicality of the sarcophagus into material existence.
    You know of what I speak.


    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-04-2010 at 06:21 PM.
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 06:18 PM

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Agape ( agapanthus)

    post_old. 01-04-2010, 06:23 PM

    THE eXchanger
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    from dictionary at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agape

    A title of the goddess Isis was agapeh theon,
    or "beloved/darling of the gods,"
    denoting her role as a fertility/life goddess a
    nd her pairing as a partner with the masculine god aspects.

    While this pairing was often sexual in nature, the term agapeh implied a genuine affection and deep love for the goddess.[citation needed]

    Although some sources claim agapeh appears in the Odyssey twice,
    the word is in fact not used.

    Instead, two forms of the word agape may be found:
    agapêton and agapazomenoi.

    Agapêton is found in Book 5 of the Odyssey and means "beloved"
    or "well-loved".

    Agapazomenoi is found in books 7 and 17 of the Odyssey and means “to treat with affection”.

    The verb agapao is used extensively in the Septuagint
    as the translation of the common Hebrew term for love
    which is used to show affection for husband/wife and children, brotherly love, and God's love for humanity. It is uncertain why agapao was chosen, but similarity of consonant sounds (aḥava) may have played a part.

    The Greek concept may have originated as a transliteration from some Semitic tongue. This usage provides the context for the choice of this otherwise obscure word, in preference to other more common Greek words, as the most frequently used word for love in Christian writings.[citation needed] The use of the noun agape in this way appears to be an innovation of the New Testament writers, but is clearly derived from the use of the verb agapao in the Septuagint.

    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 01-04-2010 at 06:56 PM.
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 06:29 PM

    THE eXchanger
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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    from dictionary at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agape

    agape ~ Agape (pronounced /ˈæɡə.piː/ AG-ə-pee;[1] and sometimes /əˈɡɑː.peɪ/ ə-GAH-pay
    after the Classical Greek agápē;
    Modern Greek: αγάπη [aˈɣapi]),
    also called parental love,
    is one of several Greek words translated into English as love.

    Many have thought that this word represents divine, unconditional, self-sacrificing, active, volitional, and thoughtful love.

    Although the word does not have specific religious connotation,
    the word has been used by a variety of contemporary and ancient sources, including Biblical authors and Christian authors.

    Thomas Jay Oord has defined agape as
    "an intentional response to promote well-being when responding to that which has generated ill-being
    In his book, The Pilgrimage, author Paulo Coelho defines it as
    "the love that consumes," i.e., the highest and purest form of love,
    one that surpasses all other types of affection.

    Greek philosophers at the time of Plato and other ancient authors have used forms of the word to denote love of a spouse or family, or affection for a particular activity, in contrast to philia—an affection that could denote either brotherhood or generally non-sexual affection, and eros, an affection of a sexual nature.

    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 01-04-2010 at 06:56 PM.
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 06:35 PM

    THE eXchanger
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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    AGAPE ~ Transpersonal Love

    Transpersonal Love



    So then, what is Agape — transpersonal love?
    First of all, the personal self can love but it cannot Agape.
    It is impossible for the everyday consciousness that we perceive as ourselves to express Agape.
    Only the "transpersonal" aspect of ourselves can do this.
    This aspect has been spoken of by mystics and saints and some psychologists and goes by different names
    Many call it the "higher self" or the "soul".
    Michael calls it "Essence" and says it is the innermost core of our being.
    It is the most real part of us and it does not change.
    Even though it is described as "innermost",
    at the same time Essence is said to be "beyond" or "above"
    all levels of the personal self, from whence it observes them all.
    Have you ever noticed that deep within your psyche
    is a consciousness that watches everything you do?
    Have you noticed that it is unwavering and unperturbable,
    unlike your chameleon personality?
    This is a veiled view of Essence — "the Witness", as some call it.
    A clear communication between Essence
    and the personal self is said to be "Agape".
    Agape happens when the garbage that separates the personal self
    from Essence is discarded.
    Agape exists in two forms:
    contact of the personal self with one's Essence,
    and contact of one's Essence with the Essence of another person.
    The first is obviously necessary
    before the second can be experienced by the personal self.
    Michael's teaching is primarily concerned with how to increase
    personal love and transpersonal Agape
    — hence my title: MAKING LOVE.

    And what is the experience of Agape like?

    It is not a bolt of lightning in your consciousness,
    or a chill that goes up and down your spine.

    It is not a tingling in your extremities or a surprise
    that takes your breath away.

    It is not a thrill in your heart or a light in your mind.

    These are all things of the personal self.

    Transpersonal love is just that — beyond personal love.

    It is a letting go of everything personal,
    a relaxation of effort in the personal self.
    All the personal cares and concerns are transcended or transmuted.
    When the personal self experiences Agape
    there is a deep sense of inner satisfaction and contentment
    rather than external excitement.

    It is the ultimate "peace of mind".

    How does Agape do this?

    Because it has no emphasis of any kind.

    There is no possessiveness nor expectation.
    There is neither desire nor fear of anything.
    There is neither approval nor disapproval of anything or anyone.
    There is neither guilt nor forgiveness.
    There is neither encouragement nor discouragement.
    There is freedom and responsibility equally.
    There is giving and receiving with equal grace.
    Its terms are that there are no terms
    — it is unconditional, without qualification.

    Why is Agape this way?

    Because it reconciles all the polarities.
    It is intimate but without being invasive.
    It is empathetic but without being negatively affected.
    It is connected to everything but with complete freedom as well.
    It is always appropriate for the occasion
    but without ever losing its integrity or honesty.
    It has a powerful effect but is never coercive, intrusive, or manipulative.
    It is disinterested in the outcome of its actions,
    but always responsible for them.

    These things probably seem paradoxical to the personal self.
    They are not paradoxical to the transpersonal self.

    Agape manifested by the personal self has the effect of purifying
    all forms of personal love.

    Only when we are in touch with our Essence
    can we express our personal love without distortion or misapplication.

    (that is 'real' agape ~ or 'real' love)

    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 01-04-2010 at 06:47 PM.
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 06:41 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    That is a sh*tload of copy pasting susan...where are you getting this from?
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 06:48 PM

    THE eXchanger
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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Céline viewpost.
    That is a sh*tload of copy pasting susan...where are you getting this from?
    the definition of agape - from a dictionary ~ directly from the dictionary - with NO cut/or paste wink.
    (it is referenced on the top line)

    the other one, is an article - source is shown within the posting

    we thought, that, a definition of agape, might be required by some people

    since, a flower, is part of iT ALL, thanks for the picture of an agape flower wink.

    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 01-04-2010 at 06:59 PM.
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 06:53 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by THE eXchanger viewpost.
    A title of the goddess Isis was agapeh theon,
    or "beloved/darling of the gods,"
    denoting her role as a fertility/life goddess a
    nd her pairing as a partner with the masculine god aspects.

    While this pairing was often sexual in nature, the term agapeh implied a genuine affection and deep love for the goddess.[citation needed]

    Although some sources claim agapeh appears in the Odyssey twice,
    the word is in fact not used.

    Instead, two forms of the word agape may be found:
    agapêton and agapazomenoi.

    Agapêton is found in Book 5 of the Odyssey and means "beloved"
    or "well-loved".

    Agapazomenoi is found in books 7 and 17 of the Odyssey and means “to treat with affection”.

    The verb agapao is used extensively in the Septuagint
    as the translation of the common Hebrew term for love
    which is used to show affection for husband/wife and children, brotherly love, and God's love for humanity. It is uncertain why agapao was chosen, but similarity of consonant sounds (aḥava) may have played a part.

    The Greek concept may have originated as a transliteration from some Semitic tongue. This usage provides the context for the choice of this otherwise obscure word, in preference to other more common Greek words, as the most frequently used word for love in Christian writings.[citation needed] The use of the noun agape in this way appears to be an innovation of the New Testament writers, but is clearly derived from the use of the verb agapao in the Septuagint.

    This is you typing? Yes answers are needed for some...but...take care of yourself..my dear..you must be tired...
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 06:56 PM

    THE eXchanger
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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    it is straight of here:

    from dictionary at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agape
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 06:58 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Did you see the picture of the agape flower?

    i am glad to know you are not typing all that...besides youd have to be a marathon typist! lol
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 07:01 PM

    THE eXchanger
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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Céline viewpost.
    This is you typing? Yes answers are needed for some...but...take care of yourself..my dear..you must be tired...
    NOPE, iT is simply me, adding to a conversation...and, quoting the source

    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 01-04-2010 at 07:04 PM.
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 07:04 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by THE eXchanger viewpost.
    we are NOT dumb enough, to post, private pm's etc.,
    and, get terminated mfr_lol.

    i am not sure what you are talking about. i have no doubt you are not dumb mfr_lol.

    please forgive if there was any misunderstanding..

    i just asked if you saw the flower i posted...
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 07:06 PM

    THE eXchanger
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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Céline viewpost.
    Did you see the picture of the agape flower?

    i am glad to know you are not typing all that...besides youd have to be a marathon typist! lol
    The proper name for the flower is Agapanthus,
    agape is its common name
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 07:09 PM

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by THE eXchanger viewpost.
    The proper name for the flower is Agapanthus,
    agape is its common name
    Yes i know...just thought it was a nice visual for your definition...

    Flowers are the physical manifestation of Gaias beauty.
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 07:26 PM

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Hmm....Where does a guy who knows none of this start??

    Every time I think I know more.....the less is revealed.

    I am not a spiritual man and the densities...time lines and such set my mind a whirl.

    Can someone help me in layman's terms??

    I know we can all be so much more and I feel trapped in a body with no memories.

    I humbly ask for some guidance....thanks
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 07:31 PM

    Flying Pyramid
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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Stargazer1965 viewpost.
    Hmm....Where does a guy who knows none of this start??

    Every time I think I know more.....the less is revealed.

    I am not a spiritual man and the densities...time lines and such set my mind a whirl.

    Can someone help me in layman's terms??

    I know we can all be so much more and I feel trapped in a body with no memories.

    I humbly ask for some guidance....thanks
    Read all, hear all, feel all, see all, know all.
    Let discernment be your guide.
    Contemplate everything.
    Discern what resonates with you and you will hear, see , feel all.
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 07:38 PM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Stardustaquarion viewpost.
    You are mistaken in your assumptions dear, there are 15 manifested dimensions in 5 Harmonic Universes appart from the God worlds that are beyond that and don't get qualifyed as dimensions. Human scientist will soon discover that is the case. Anyway I see you are just repeting what you have been told in your channeling

    Her name is A'sha not Ayesha so do me a favour, study the material and don't make presumtions, I am not here to do the work for you

    I have given you enough information for you to ponder...and the link to the "Introductory-Topic Summary 2" please note the word "Introductory". The paper is about 50 pages long and will answer a lot of questions for you. Obviously you are free to choose whatever path you want, we all have still free chooice but not for long if the fallen dragons have their way... I believe that contraty to the Drakonian/Reptilian/NWO agenda, people should have the opportunity to see the two sides and make their informed decision and not be draged into the "illusion" of ascension when they are actually falling into a black hole and becoming like any other fallen angels... lifeless as they get detached from their god source and lose their eternal potential

    The peoples of this planet have the right to chose, openly to have all the information...why your masters hide it?

    Since you say the information from the MCEO Guardian Alliance 2nd summary is disinformation, without having taken the trouble of even reading it, I say yours is too; difference is that I took the trouble of reading it and I think much of it is nonsense to try to make it look scientifical. Prove to me with scientific facts that what you say is correct with the citation of the relevant scientific papers and I will believe you

    What it is true is that your masters are intending to blast us with a pulse with the intention to create the 6th and final extinction on Earth by creating pole shift in 2012. Don't we have the right to chose our destiny?

    I am not a wingmaker but

    I AM a Child of the Original ONE
    I AM a Ray of the Original Sun
    I AM wholeness, I AM love

    I AM the Truth that Spans the Sands of Time.....

    I don't need your dragons to come and patronize me, twist the words of the CDT plates and play them against me, thank you

    I don't have any masters for I AM one with the divine...thankfully I KNOW the truth first hand and can not get bambuzled with soft ego enhancing words

    It seems that you are not aware of it but you are in the path of fall? are you to forgo your eternal life for finite vampire life? or you have already done monadic reversal? I respect your choice...and my love for you is eternal, all the same one day all the fallen ones will come back home as space dust for nothing is ouside of the divine

    There are many things your masters have not told you I see...

    In Eternal love
    Wow, what an emotion-charged response from a starchild which is the truth that spans the sands of time.

    1. I agree with you, there are indeed 5 harmonic universes in the greater schema of the unfoldments.
    The labelings of those 5 harmonic universes then however becomes subject to the individual creativity wrt the cosmogonies and the cosmologies - my dear.

    You have for example the wisdom saying of five such universes in paradise:
    (19) Jesus says: (1)"Blessed is he who was, before he came into being.
    (2) If you become disciples of mine (and) listen to my words, these stones will serve you.
    (3) For you have five trees in Paradise that do not change during summer (and) winter,
    and their leaves do not fall. (4) Whoever comes to know them will not taste death."

    Then there are precisely five regular polyhedrons of Archimedes, knows as the Platonic Solids.
    Then there are precisely five superstring classes, which unify the quantum mechanics within 10 dimensions of chiral superstrings and within nonchiral 26 dimensions of gauge bosons.

    So the statement of 5 harmonic universes in 15 dimensions requires definition so the concept can be utilized in a more general manner.

    Similarly, you should define the 'God worlds' beyond the 15 dimensions of the 5 harmonic universes to deviate from wordplay.

    2. Where have I stated that I am channeling? I do no such thing, as my tripartite tier of consciousness has attained a certain harmony between the waking-, the sub- and the super. Therefore I am repeating the data I know from my affinity with Thuban communicated by telepathic means in full consciousness.

    3. I stand corrected, you have indeed more familiarity with A'sha, than I have in this spacetime interaction. I simply copied the name from a post and typed it as Ayesha instead of A'sha.

    4. I do not expect you to do my work for me; neither do I presume or make judgements upon observations before having analysed the subject matter under consideration.

    5. Thank you for the information you have given me to ponder. I shall use my discernment to separate the 'chaff from the wheat' as the wisdom saying states.
    So you believe that the humans will fall into Black Holes, where they then become like the 'fallen angels' and lose their souls and spiritual identities, should the 'nasty' dragons get their way?

    Do you understand the physics of Black Holes sufficiently to define the parameters to allow such an occurrence?
    Do you know how the physical interaction between Black Holes and physical bodies manifests?
    Do you know how the metaphysicality and/or the physicality of humans and 'fallen angels' relates to each other and then to the dynamics of Black Holes?
    Do you know what the god-source is under those initial and boundary conditions of Black Holes interacting physically with other energies?
    Do you know what 'fallen angels' are in such terminology?

    6. I never said that the information from the Guardian Alliance is disinformation. I said that, being part of the lowerD universe, ALL information becomes subject to an incomplete agenda and therefore all things are partially true and partially incorrect in the evaluation processes applied in dichotomised or dualised systems.

    7. It is pleasing to see that you try to discern the scientific content of your source material. Some of the scientific data from Thuban has been published in this planetary spacetime environment, but much more is accessible by extraterrestrial data collectors.
    The proportion which has been published in the Earth environment will remain in relative obscurity until physical contact with the nearest information collectors has been made. These are sentiences from one of yur nearest starsystems, namely Canis Major, Sirius, the DogStar so 8.4 lightyears away.
    Below are some references you can use to access some of the information from Fafnir, the central library of Thuban in the capitol Dragonia.

    And more if you replace the number # by 1-10.

    8. It is untrue that any cosmic- extraterrestrial or interdimensional race is planning to 'blast' the earth and its inhabitants with some 'weapon' to cause a poleshift in 2012. Yes you are not only free to create your own destiny, but you are destined to travel and communicate to and with the lifeforms within the galaxies to share your experiences of your 'great metamorphosis' from human caterpillar to starhuman butterfly with others.
    Eventually, you my dear starchild from Cassiopeia, you will achieve galactic consciousness and your lightbody will facilitate the galaxies and stars you now observe as the cells within your body. You will then no longer be a Queen of the Bull, but you shall be a Universe interacting with other Universes.

    9. You are LOVE indeed daughter of the Stars and your frequency is 3 thousand million billion trillion cycles per cosmic second mensuration.

    10. You truly honour me in terming this 'my dragons'. In a way the Dragons are like pets - Man's Best Friend Loyal and True like the Dogs of Sirius who are your pets in the decouplings of the DNA between the realms.
    Do you know, that when you pet and play with your dogs you are interacting with Sirian intelligence?
    Do you know that when you abuse your cats, you abuse Andromedean sentience?

    Why then should ANY alien race intend to destroy this planet, when their own familiars are residing as the Gaian lifeforms?

    11. It is very good, that you have come too the understanding through your endeavours of Being One with the Divine I Am. I congratulate you upon your graduation from the ignorance about this factuality.

    12. Thank you for respecting my choices and yes I am the Count of the Vampyresd - Dracula the Horrible graduated onto the galactic level of Thuban from Transylvania.

    13. The Love of the Dragons is with you Princess in Wonderland.

    Be well and attentive on your path towards your self-remembrance and your breaking the shell of your cocoon.

    post_old. 01-04-2010, 07:58 PM

    Flying Pyramid
    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    I am who I say I am and I am aware of your presence, as I have seen your name Flying Pyramid before on this forum. You are Ra!

    I am 19.11 billion years old as an agency of Thuban!

    I am real and as real as anyone here is real; I simply have at this point in time a greater remembrance through my connection to Thuban.
    My realness or your realness or anyones realness then is rather unimportant to label this realness with names, as all intelligences evolved in consciousness have many many names to label themselves with!

    Peace be with you Ra-Harmakhis your perceived violation of the code of honour was not as you have judged it. It was as necessary as was the 'retracing of the stairs of fire' by Lucifer; thus allowing gravitation to be born to bring the physicality of the sarcophagus into material existence.
    You know of what I speak.

    Hello and welcome Agenta,
    From what decree was it made to release your information?
    You are aware of the doings of the governments of this density within the Gaia yes?
    These workings and yours are not the same.
    Have you been given a decree to proceed and face?
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 08:08 PM


    Posts: n/a

    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.

    I herewith invite all and any of you to bring forward your queries about origins and destiny and the ponderings you may have harboured on this forum in a Question and Answer format.
    I will do my best to accomodate your queries in consulting the libraries and data bases of Thuban.
    To speak truthfully - I most likely fail to understand most of your post...thus my questions will not be about all the "complicated stuff"

    I do intend to re-read your post...

    I also ask (if possible), for easy to understand answers, but please do not simplify in case the answer will lost its "essence" and please do not hesitate to go into great detail.

    Thank you


    I am lost...empty.
    We are lost...as people.
    I/we (majority of population)...we do not know what/who we are.
    I am not asking about the origins of species...but who we are "inside"
    There are ideas but they are all very...vague...

    How can I/we change that?
    How can we get to know ourselves?
    How can we be certain that what we do/think is right?

    Who/What am I?


    Project Camelot and all of its interviewees - your thoughts about it?

    Do you "see" any thing or anyone related to Project Camelot dishonest/deceitful?


    Galactic federation of Light - your thoughts about it?


    Much is based around the concept of free will...

    Is there such a thing as free will? If...to what extent can it be applied? Can I for example **hypothetically** use my free will to end the existence of my soul - thus for ever end my existance in all possible meanings? If soul can not be ended...and I **hypothetically** express a choice for this to happen...can than be said that there is no free will?


    Some say there is currently a large number of (what we call ET) ships around or in "near" (very, very close) vicinity of planet Earth.

    True or False?

    If true - what is their intention?


    Dogajale so se (dogajajo se) stvari...določene izven mojega vpliva, določene zaradi mojega vpliva. Na nič od tega nisem ponosen. Menda lahko vidiš več kot pa je napisano... Zdej seveda sprašujem...kakšne posledice bodo te stvari pustile - zame osebno? Kako se rešim tega?

    opomba: spletni prevajalniki niso točni
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 08:20 PM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Flying Pyramid viewpost.
    Hello and welcome Agenta,
    From what decree was it made to release your information?
    You are aware of the doings of the governments of this density within the Gaia yes?
    These workings and yours are not the same.
    Have you been given a decree to proceed and face?
    Hello sunny one with the energy of exhuberance.

    The 'decree' was not implemented on earth, but what you may term the edge of the 10D universe. I am only partially aware of the government agendas, but am well informed about the agendas behind the agendas.
    The nonphysical agenda behind the fiscalizers behind the illuminated ones behind the governmental instutions behind the military-polito-religous organisers behind individual exponents to be more precise.
    I am not an agent nor a doubleagent for any clandestine operation on any dimensional level.
    I remain an unknown quantity even to the highest echelons of the fiscalizers and this shall remain so until December 2011 in relative appropriations.
    As I have no dealings whatsoever with any control structure on the planet, except some obscure identifications common to most; I have been given no decrees to face or do anything by such operators and structures.

    May the ferromagnetic basis in its monopolar diamagnetic exclusion allow you to continue to simplify the levitation mechanics of supercooled superconductors.

    post_old. 01-04-2010, 08:25 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    'We stood before it and began to freeze inside from the exertion. We questioned the painting, berated it, made love to it, prayed to it: We called it mother, called it whore and sl#t, called it our beloved, called it Abraxas...'
    (Excerpt from 'DEMIAN' by Hermann Hesse)
    icon1.Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    post_old. 01-04-2010, 08:30 PM

    Flying Pyramid
    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Nov 2008
    Posts: 104

    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    Hello sunny one with the energy of exhuberance.

    The 'decree' was not implemented on earth, but what you may term the edge of the 10D universe. I am only partially aware of the government agendas, but am well informed about the agendas behind the agendas.
    The nonphysical agenda behind the fiscalizers behind the illuminated ones behind the governmental instutions behind the military-polito-religous organisers behind individual exponents to be more precise.
    I am not an agent nor a doubleagent for any clandestine operation on any dimensional level.
    I remain an unknown quantity even to the highest echelons of the fiscalizers and this shall remain so until December 2011 in relative appropriations.
    As I have no dealings whatsoever with any control structure on the planet, except some obscure identifications common to most; I have been given no decrees to face or do anything by such operators and structures.

    May the ferromagnetic basis in its monopolar diamagnetic exclusion allow you to continue to simplify the levitation mechanics of supercooled superconductors.

    I am mindfull of the agendas of those with truths whispering in my ears, as you should be as well.
    As all begins to crystalize into tangible truth i bid you peace, love & light Anubis, and a word to the wise, "be mindful the intentions of those you "follow" for you only follow yourself". - RA/I]

    And may you truth be known and echo a resonance so intense, no ear will refuse it.{/td}
    {td} user_offline. {/td}

    post_old. 01-04-2010, 08:46 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Abraxas, your quoted text in green

    Wow, what an emotion-charged response from a starchild which is the truth that spans the sands of time.

    You have for example the wisdom saying of five such universes in paradise:
    (19) Jesus says: (1)"Blessed is he who was, before he came into being.
    (2) If you become disciples of mine (and) listen to my words, these stones will serve you.
    (3) For you have five trees in Paradise that do not change during summer (and) winter,
    and their leaves do not fall. (4) Whoever comes to know them will not taste death."

    To witch one of the three "Jesus" are you referring to?

    Then there are precisely five regular polyhedrons of Archimedes, knows as the Platonic Solids.
    Which are part of the Metatronic Sciences
    Then there are precisely five superstring classes, which unify the quantum mechanics within 10 dimensions of chiral superstrings and within nonchiral 26 dimensions of gauge bosons.

    So now you are talking of 10 dimensions, of course the falled angelics have only 10 strands of distorted DNA don't they?

    Similarly, you should define the 'God worlds' beyond the 15 dimensions of the 5 harmonic universes to deviate from wordplay.
    I should nothing but graciously I’ll tell you that beyond the 5fh Harmonic Universe, the realm of the Golden Rishi, there are three more realms of sound and beyond that there is the realm of the Yunasai

    2. Where have I stated that I am channeling? I do no such thing, as my tripartite tier of consciousness has attained a certain harmony between the waking-, the sub- and the super. Therefore I am repeating the data I know from my affinity with Thuban communicated by telepathic means in full consciousness.
    Well then, “you are also part of the lowerD” as you point out in 6, you can not have it both ways; therefore you are susceptible to the filters of the NET, so your information has to be filtered too to separate the wheat from the chaff. The MCEO has three speakers and all downloads are compared between them to avoid misrepresentations of the original data
    I AM a multiuniversal being that expands 5 Harmonic Universe, a expression of the Mashaya Hana, as many in this planet are now

    5. Thank you for the information you have given me to ponder. I shall use my discernment to separate the 'chaff from the wheat' as the wisdom saying states.
    So you believe that the humans will fall into Black Holes, where they then become like the 'fallen angels' and lose their souls and spiritual identities, should the 'nasty' dragons get their way?

    Do you understand the physics of Black Holes sufficiently to define the parameters to allow such an occurrence?
    Do you know how the physical interaction between Black Holes and physical bodies manifests?
    Do you know how the metaphysicality and/or the physicality of humans and 'fallen angels' relates to each other and then to the dynamics of Black Holes?
    Do you know what the god-source is under those initial and boundary conditions of Black Holes interacting physically with other energies?
    Do you know what 'fallen angels' are in such terminology?

    Yes I do

    6. I never said that the information from the Guardian Alliance is disinformation. I said that, being part of the lowerD universe, ALL information becomes subject to an incomplete agenda and therefore all things are partially true and partially incorrect in the evaluation processes applied in dichotomised or dualised systems.
    Well as you see you are mistaken regarding the Guardian Alliance

    7. It is pleasing to see that you try to discern the scientific content of your source material. Some of the scientific data from Thuban has been published in this planetary spacetime environment, but much more is accessible by extraterrestrial data collectors.
    The proportion which has been published in the Earth environment will remain in relative obscurity until physical contact with the nearest information collectors has been made. These are sentiences from one of yur nearest starsystems, namely Canis Major, Sirius, the DogStar so 8.4 lightyears away.
    Below are some references you can use to access some of the information from Fafnir, the central library of Thuban in the capitol Dragonia.

    And more if you replace the number # by 1-10.

    Thank you for the links I will study them and comment on them when I am ready

    8. It is untrue that any cosmic- extraterrestrial or interdimensional race is planning to 'blast' the earth and its inhabitants with some 'weapon' to cause a poleshift in 2012. Yes you are not only free to create your own destiny, but you are destined to travel and communicate to and with the lifeforms within the galaxies to share your experiences of your 'great metamorphosis' from human caterpillar to starhuman butterfly with others.
    Eventually, you my dear starchild from Cassiopeia, you will achieve galactic consciousness and your lightbody will facilitate the galaxies and stars you now observe as the cells within your body. You will then no longer be a Queen of the Bull, but you shall be a Universe interacting with other Universes.

    No it isn't, the Elders intent regarding the 2012 aligment with Sagitarius A is to cause pole shift as the gravitron reached 55 metatronic spin, and not I am not from Cassiopea

    10. You truly honour me in terming this 'my dragons'. In a way the Dragons are like pets - Man's Best Friend Loyal and True like the Dogs of Sirius who are your pets in the decouplings of the DNA between the realms.
    Do you know, that when you pet and play with your dogs you are interacting with Sirian intelligence?
    Do you know that when you abuse your cats, you abuse Andromedean sentience?

    I know that when you talk about dragons is metaphorical, it refers to certain fallen races and they are distinguish by colour denomination, mind games will not work here. And yes pets can sometimes have connections with beings of other systems

    Why then should ANY alien race intend to destroy this planet, when their own familiars are residing as the Gaian lifeforms?

    Darling is IAIA HU3, a sun that got attacked by the fallen races and their wormholes, from IAIA was down stepped Tara HU2(now Alcione) and from the fall of TARA was down stepped part of the Milky WayHU1 including the Pleiades and the Solar System, the lowest of God's heavens

    The destruction your people intend is not for the destruction sake, I know that, it is borne of the need for quantum, you should know this, as the black holes are sepparated from source and therefore do not have access to the eternal flow and backflow of energy. Would it not be easier for your races to do space dust return? How much more are you going to suffer? How many more your races will sacrifice?

    11. It is very good, that you have come too the understanding through your endeavours of Being One with the Divine I Am. I congratulate you upon your graduation from the ignorance about this factuality.
    I AM one with the All Oneness,

    12. Thank you for respecting my choices and yes I am the Count of the Vampyresd - Dracula the Horrible graduated onto the galactic level of Thuban from Transylvania.

    Well, I have encountered vampires before but never found one that was willing to accept it was one, well done! I like Integrity
    Are you alike to Allister Crowley, or the BEAST 666 as he called himself?

    13. The Love of the Dragons is with you Princess in Wonderland.

    Be well and attentive on your path towards your self-remembrance and your breaking the shell of your cocoon.

    I rather not "break anything, it has taken quite a bit of effort to get rid of all the fallen angelic contraptions that harness the human body and the distortions that your kin have created in the template of the Milky Way

    In Eternal Love

    Last edited by Stardustaquarion; 01-04-2010 at 08:51 PM.
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 09:04 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Dec 2009
    Posts: 897

    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    A video link that explains "NEW "DEATH STAR" BLACK HOLE DISCOVERED" from a regular TV station ITV

    View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4bZx_HKR-Y

    food for thought


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

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    post_old. 01-04-2010, 09:10 PM

    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    did the anchoring of 11/11/2009
    - NOT set The Mother Earth into 11D ???
    or, can it take 33 days, to click in ???
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 09:13 PM


    Join Date: Dec 2009
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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Spregovori viewpost.
    To speak truthfully - I most likely fail to understand most of your post...thus my questions will not be about all the "complicated stuff"

    I do intend to re-read your post...

    I also ask (if possible), for easy to understand answers, but please do not simplify in case the answer will lost its "essence" and please do not hesitate to go into great detail.

    Thank you


    I am lost...empty.
    We are lost...as people.
    I/we (majority of population)...we do not know what/who we are.
    I am not asking about the origins of species...but who we are "inside"
    There are ideas but they are all very...vague...

    These are questions which deserve meaningful answers Spregovori.
    You are inside the Creator of your experience. The emptiness you experience relates to many things, including your forgetfulness of your origins and the many disapppointments you have suffered in your love expectations from other people around you. A very simple advice is for you to go into the wilderness of nature and observe the birds, the trees and the flora and fauna. Even better if you share those experiences with your dog or some other pet (dogs are Man's Best Friend remember).

    There is thread here called 'The Secret of Humanity', which would help you to remember.

    How can I/we change that?
    How can we get to know ourselves?
    How can we be certain that what we do/think is right?

    You can change your circumstances in giving your energies of thought and perception to the environment around yourself.
    Consider the saying: 'The Love you withold will haunt you!"
    The first step into the inner self is the 'Love of Yourself'. Once you know WHO you are in this world and WHY you have chosen to experience misery; namely to MIRROR yourself in EVERYTHING you encounter; then you shall find purpose and rediscover your inner energies, the potentials you have shut in due to your experienced unhappiness.

    You can be certain about things only relative to your own perceptions; say a mathematical proof will give relative certainty to a mathematician and seeing a ufo land in the back yard will give relative certainty to the witnessing observer.

    Who/What am I?

    You are the creator of the universe you live in AS the collective and sumtotal of all of the intelligence and 'soul-energy' contained in the universe.
    You are a holofractal hologram of this oneness and so should you remember your collective cosmic ID, you would realise the totality you are.
    Npow what happens to a totality? Because it is so total: omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent and omnitimed - this totality is the epitome of LONELINESS.
    You and anyone experiencing loneliness partakes in the energy state of the collective before the universe existed in space and in time and in matter.
    So here is a reason for experiencing this unhappiness. Only after experiencing unhappiness, will happiness become appreciated when it enters your sphere of perception and experience.


    Project Camelot and all of its interviewees - your thoughts about it?

    Do you "see" any thing or anyone related to Project Camelot dishonest/deceitful?

    The most positive thing about PC are the contributors on forums such as this one.
    I call this positive, because it is a win-win situation fore all involved. The founders have established the platform for the interactions and communications between all and sundry to become possible.
    WE could not communicate the way we do, if this forum would not exist.
    All of the interviewees and contributors here carry part of the solution in say a positive converging mode and a negative diverging mode.

    The convergence synergizes thoughts and perceptions within groupminds and collective agendas, which so assume an enhanced potency in supplementing the collective planetary group-consciousness.

    The divergence does the same in an antimode, meaning that the divergence becomes an individual convergence instead of a collective convergence.
    However, even this becomes beneficial in the 'greater agenda', because this manifests a polarisation between the collective group-consciousness and the individuated minds within a collective of isolated minds, say.


    Galactic federation of Light - your thoughts about it?

    There are many such things. The basic directive for every human on the planet at thius time is: CREATE - CREATE Scenarios with your Imagination - Create the Scenarios in SHARING what you have IMAGED metaphysically in your thought. - Because the time for physicalisation of your imaginations has arrived.
    So YOU can IMAGE such a Federation and your neighbour can do the same, if he chooses to engage in 'such fantasies'.
    Then if you and your neighbour decide to blend the TWO Galactic Federations into ONE; then the Galactifc Federation of the two of you as ateam, will most likely be more 'powerful' to manifest, than the isolated Galactic Federation of your friend down the road, who has chosen to NOT blend his Galactic Federation with another imaginer.


    Much is based around the concept of free will...

    Is there such a thing as free will? If...to what extent can it be applied? Can I for example **hypothetically** use my free will to end the existence of my soul - thus for ever end my existance in all possible meanings? If soul can not be ended...and I **hypothetically** express a choice for this to happen...can than be said that there is no free will?

    Because you do not understand what you are experiencing you have developed a selfdenial or dislike of yourself on the level of the innermost beingness of your soul.
    Your soul IS God, the creator of all that exists and yes in this manner you have NO Free Will, as you cannot deexist God as the collective.

    However apart from this you DO have Free Will and you can choose to experience whatever you choose to experience with the physical, emotional, mental and psychophysical consequences your actions will entail.

    So you can choose to suffer on all levels above, or you can choose to first imagine and so create arelease from the suffering in changing your perceptions in reverse order from the psychosoma of the soul to the mind to the feelings to the physical body.


    Some say there is currently a large number of (what we call ET) ships around or in "near" (very, very close) vicinity of planet Earth.

    True or False?

    If true - what is their intention?

    The ET ships at present cannot enter the realm of the Earth in a physical manner to a distance of 2 million kilometers (encompassing the Moon and so 5% to the planet Venus).
    However interdimensionally, they are like the clouds you see in the sky in a plasmic form.
    Any spaceship represents a 3D cross-section of a 4D spacial reality. This means spaceships are like the shadow you cast against a wall in the sunlight in a 3D-2D analogy.

    So one can invoke the presence of any ET interdimensionally and this 'contact' will be a shadow encounter, physically defined in frequency modulations and the physical higherD equivalence of mass as magnetomonopolic superconductive electric current.


    Dogajale so se (dogajajo se) stvari...določene izven mojega vpliva, določene zaradi mojega vpliva. Na nič od tega nisem ponosen. Menda lahko vidiš več kot pa je napisano... Zdej seveda sprašujem...kakšne posledice bodo te stvari pustile - zame osebno? Kako se rešim tega?

    opomba: spletni prevajalniki niso točni
    I can translate languages like German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portugese, Dutch and Norwegian with my equipment; but Serbian or Macedonian or Croatiian is presently not accomodated.
    I shall answer you after you have translated your question for me to comment upon.

    You are the LoveChild of the Universe Spregovori and a Beloved of the Great Mother - try to give some love to someone and it shall return a hundredfold.
    Remember the old song: Tie a Yellow Ribbon round the old oak tree?
    I'm sure you can listen to it on the web - listen to it.

    Your Inner Knowing is stronger than your outer perception!

    I am your friend!

    post_old. 01-04-2010, 09:14 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Sep 2008
    Location: Ontario, Earth, Milky Way, Love, Infinity x2
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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Hello...well there sure is a lot of information posted in this thread that i can not verify!

    Just thought I would say welcome to the forum and thanks for sharing at avalon. Everyone!


    Can you summarize yours and the councils agenda at this time. What is it that you hope to accomplish in your brief time here?

    Well have a great day...whatever dimension your in! biggrin. JT
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 09:17 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    hi all, best regards and thanks for the instructive debate to the contenders

    As you are dimension travelers I'd like to ask you about a certain place or group of entities I had met:
    The counsil of AZKHAM

    Well it's ok if it means nothing to you, just wanted to check it out.

    You're all amazing

    View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPIKFeaG53Y
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 09:31 PM


    Posts: n/a

    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    I shall answer you after you have translated your question for me to comment upon.

    The 6 is in Slovene language... (less than 2 million native speakers)

    The translation is am :

    Perhaps you can see more than it is written....

    Curtain things happened...in the past...some are still happening now... Some of the things were/are beyond my influence, some of the things were/are because of my influence... I am not proud about this things...

    What I am interested in is about the implications of this things...regarding myself (does this sentence make sense?) I wish to know how it will...affect me..."judge" me... and what can I do to "solve the problem"

    end of translation.

    If you can not answer this...ok .... I do hope you can answer the rest (1,2,3,4,5)

    EDIt: just noticed the answer in quoted text

    EDIT2: I had a dog...he died...november 17. 2009....the injection ("mercy" call...made by me) I am...miss him...a lot

    thx for answers and good night

    Last edited by Spregovori; 01-04-2010 at 09:51 PM.
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 09:32 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    I stand with my eyes wide open and listen to the banter between Abraxas and Stardust and wonder... where am I?

    If these things that they speak of have any truth then I fear for the human race. Are we indeed ready to tackle an understanding of such monumental proportions... I wonder.

    post_old. 01-04-2010, 09:35 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by THE eXchanger viewpost.
    did the anchoring of 11/11/2009
    - NOT set The Mother Earth into 11D ???
    or, can it take 33 days, to click in ???
    Hi eXchanger, I am afraid not, we are still here and if you take into the consideration that when the Anu Elohim fall they brought down with them 11.5 dimesions of our matrix, they destroyed USG12, which was re-built

    After that we had the IAIAN wars or the Orion wars

    The fall of Tara

    Harmonic Universes 4,3,2 have fallen so the only way out is from here Harmonic Universe 1 through the Middle domains

    post_old. 01-04-2010, 09:39 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by bigmo viewpost.
    I stand with my eyes wide open and listen to the banter between Abraxas and Stardust and wonder... where am I?

    If these things that they speak of have any truth then I fear for the human race. Are we indeed ready to tackle an understanding of such monumental proportions... I wonder.

    I know, have you read the summaries or the Guardian Alliance?



    Alternatively, a different point of view is CLiff High and the web bots that in a way confirm what the Guardian Alliance is trying to convey to humanity


    post_old. 01-04-2010, 09:43 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Truth does not need to be believed, it just is.

    A Fact needs to be proven before being believed..

    Truisms abound... listen to your heart.
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 09:48 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Hi Abraxas,

    Welcome, I'm kind of new to posting on this forum myself, although I heard a call from an old friend when asking for moderators and I volunteered to be a mod. I pray I do a good job of helping keep things civil here.

    Since you seem to know things which are not self evident, do you have any idea of where I'm coming from?

    I like things to last, so I start out slow.

    Only love can fill.

    Last edited by UncleJohn; 01-04-2010 at 09:52 PM.
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 09:50 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    When Bill Ryan said the Annunaki had internet access he wasn't kidding around naughty. That's just a joke BTW- no harm meant!
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 09:55 PM

    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    personally, we think, the 11th anchored on 11/11/2009

    and, The Mother Earth herself, has NOT fallen

    only some NOT all of the beings, that are upon here / or, above here, in the ethers

    some of them, have risen quite high ~ not high enough to match her ~ but at least

    2 completes matrixes (24d/24D)
    which is 24 dimensions, and, 24 densities
    + the third matrix,
    some of which are at 9th density = & 33dimensions (thru 9 layers of density)
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 09:55 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Stargazer1965 viewpost.
    Hmm....Where does a guy who knows none of this start??

    Every time I think I know more.....the less is revealed.

    I am not a spiritual man and the densities...time lines and such set my mind a whirl.

    Can someone help me in layman's terms??

    I know we can all be so much more and I feel trapped in a body with no memories.

    I humbly ask for some guidance....thanks
    Basically we live in a Universe which has 15 dimensions, each 3 dimensions make a harmonic universe (HU)

    HU5 - the domain of the Rishi (dimensions 13 to 15)
    HU4 - the domain of the Avatar where the Kryst is (dimensions 10 to 12)
    HU3 - the domain of the Oversoul or Monad (dimensions 7 to 9)
    HU2 - the domain of the Soul (dimensions 4 to 6)
    HU1 - Where we are

    You can start by readin the Voyager I and II books by Ashayana Deane or go to their website


    and explore, there is a lot of information here to under Keylonic Sciences, Anna Hayes and Ashayana

    post_old. 01-04-2010, 10:01 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Stardustaquarion viewpost.
    Basically we live in a Universe which has 15 dimensions, each 3 dimensions make a harmonic universe (HU)

    HU5 - the domain of the Rishi (dimensions 13 to 15)
    HU4 - the domain of the Avatar where the Kryst is (dimensions 10 to 12)
    HU3 - the domain of the Oversoul or Monad (dimensions 7 to 9)
    HU2 - the domain of the Soul (dimensions 4 to 6)
    HU1 - Where we are

    You can start by readin the Voyager I and II books by Ashayana Deane or go to their website


    and explore, there is a lot of information here to under Keylonic Sciences, Anna Hayes and Ashayana

    I've read all the Hayes books printed thus so far.......here comes my question......how can we prove what she says is the correct information?

    Yes, how do you prove it?
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 10:03 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    Posts: 865

    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Stardustaquarion viewpost.
    Hi eXchanger, I am afraid not, we are still here and if you take into the consideration that when the Anu Elohim fall they brought down with them 11.5 dimesions of our matrix, they destroyed USG12, which was re-built

    After that we had the IAIAN wars or the Orion wars

    The fall of Tara

    Harmonic Universes 4,3,2 have fallen so the only way out is from here Harmonic Universe 1 through the Middle domains

    Yes, it's her explanations of this and the knowing that all is not right here on planet earth that make me take her seriously.....
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 10:03 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    Posts: 897

    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by THE eXchanger viewpost.
    personally, we think, the 11th anchored on 11/11/2009

    and, The Mother Earth herself, has NOT fallen

    only some NOT all of the beings, that are upon here / or, above here, in the ethers

    some of them, have risen quite high ~ not high enough to match her ~ but at least

    2 completes matrixes (24D) + 9 d = 33dimensions (thru 9 layers of density)
    Well only time and the events of the future can tell what really happen but from my perspective, the 11th dimension correspond to the Buddha state...I don't see many buddhas walking in the streets

    I personally would like to see a different probability but I am aware that denial is the worst kind of fear. When we can see clearly after having studied and work out what is what, then we can make intelligent decision and hope for the best while preparing for the worse

    Things don't go away cos be brush them under the carpet so I am here on a quest to inform of the choice I feel is the one that resonates with me which is the Krystal ha choice or the choice of the Kryst

    I think people must have the opportunity to know all that is available before choosing

    As per the summaries from the Guardian Alliance, Earth has fallen and the Sun has suffer irreparable damage...maybe you should peruse the summaries?

    post_old. 01-04-2010, 10:05 PM

    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    personally, we see the 15 or 1-5 - as 6 - a 6th density high astral harvest/ not dimensions

    (and, we are NOT sure, why she ties things, that way to dimensions)

    we are, NOT sure, what 'ad/h' thinks ....or, bases her facts on

    "abraxasinas" what do you think ???

    (we know she also utilises, a myriad of newly formed names/and, descriptions for things too)

    some of which, we've never heard of

    (although, we do NOT profess to be an eXpert on her work- a. dean/hayes/ad/h, work)

    there are definitely threads of truth, in it

    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 01-04-2010 at 10:09 PM.
    icon1.Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    post_old. 01-04-2010, 10:08 PM


    Join Date: Dec 2009
    Location: Queanbeyan/Canberra; NSW, Australia
    Posts: 635

    Originally Posted by Stardustaquarion viewpost.
    Abraxas, your quoted text in green

    Wow, what an emotion-charged response from a starchild which is the truth that spans the sands of time.

    You have for example the wisdom saying of five such universes in paradise:
    (19) Jesus says: (1)"Blessed is he who was, before he came into being.
    (2) If you become disciples of mine (and) listen to my words, these stones will serve you.
    (3) For you have five trees in Paradise that do not change during summer (and) winter,
    and their leaves do not fall. (4) Whoever comes to know them will not taste death."
    To witch one of the three "Jesus" are you referring to?

    There's only the One as a template for the Many!

    Then there are precisely five regular polyhedrons of Archimedes, knows as the Platonic Solids.
    Which are part of the Metatronic Sciences

    The Metatronic Sciences are a minor subset of Dragonian Omniscience and so what you term Metatronic Sciences are not what Dragons consider advanced interdimensional physics.

    Then there are precisely five superstring classes, which unify the quantum mechanics within 10 dimensions of chiral superstrings and within nonchiral 26 dimensions of gauge bosons.

    So now you are talking of 10 dimensions, of course the falled angelics have only 10 strands of distorted DNA don't they?

    You seem not to understand tha basics of 12-dimensional supervolumars encompassing 11-dimensional supermembranes encompassing 10-dimensional superstrings. The rootr reductions crystallize 1-2-3 of the Minkowski spacetime.

    To converse with you about 'fallen angelics', you are required your usage of terms before debate can be meaningful.

    Similarly, you should define the 'God worlds' beyond the 15 dimensions of the 5 harmonic universes to deviate from wordplay.
    I should nothing but graciously I’ll tell you that beyond the 5fh Harmonic Universe, the realm of the Golden Rishi, there are three more realms of sound and beyond that there is the realm of the Yunasai

    You seem very hostile and defensive for one claiming to be so spiritually advanced and filled by the Love of God.
    You are using labellings, which are arbitrary in the licence of the cocreators residing within the massparametric universe of inertial lightspeed invariance restriction.

    2. Where have I stated that I am channeling? I do no such thing, as my tripartite tier of consciousness has attained a certain harmony between the waking-, the sub- and the super. Therefore I am repeating the data I know from my affinity with Thuban communicated by telepathic means in full consciousness.
    Well then, “you are also part of the lowerD” as you point out in 6, you can not have it both ways; therefore you are susceptible to the filters of the NET, so your information has to be filtered too to separate the wheat from the chaff. The MCEO has three speakers and all downloads are compared between them to avoid misrepresentations of the original data
    I AM a multiuniversal being that expands 5 Harmonic Universe, a expression of the Mashaya Hana, as many in this planet are now

    Where have I stated of being part of the lower dimensions in 6. You are presupposing and preemptying your expectations in regards to my potential replies.
    You misconstruct the information being physically transmitted over the web as necessarily having to originate in the lower spacetime realities.
    Have you ever heared of quantum entanglement? Quantum entanglement is nonlocal and so can connect higherD to lowerD in quantum data mode.

    5. Thank you for the information you have given me to ponder. I shall use my discernment to separate the 'chaff from the wheat' as the wisdom saying states.
    So you believe that the humans will fall into Black Holes, where they then become like the 'fallen angels' and lose their souls and spiritual identities, should the 'nasty' dragons get their way?

    Do you understand the physics of Black Holes sufficiently to define the parameters to allow such an occurrence?
    Do you know how the physical interaction between Black Holes and physical bodies manifests?
    Do you know how the metaphysicality and/or the physicality of humans and 'fallen angels' relates to each other and then to the dynamics of Black Holes?
    Do you know what the god-source is under those initial and boundary conditions of Black Holes interacting physically with other energies?
    Do you know what 'fallen angels' are in such terminology?

    Yes I do

    Well then, calculate for me the Black Holed Hubble Event Horizon equivalent for a 11-dimensional universe as a Strominger Extremum Mother Black Hole; that is a Black Hole not subject to Hawking Radiation.

    This is basic Thuban physics and I give you the Mass parameter as 6.5x10^52 kilograms. There are many people here on this forum who can perform this calculation and so it is well known by Terran physicists.

    6. I never said that the information from the Guardian Alliance is disinformation. I said that, being part of the lowerD universe, ALL information becomes subject to an incomplete agenda and therefore all things are partially true and partially incorrect in the evaluation processes applied in dichotomised or dualised systems.

    Well as you see you are mistaken regarding the Guardian Alliance

    Without you specifying in what manner i would be 'mistaken', I cannot comment on this, especially as I have not used the label 'mistake'. Remember I never said the Guardian Alliance disinformed. You are 'chasing a red herring' here as the saying goes. Or the saying of a dog chasing its own tail.

    7. It is pleasing to see that you try to discern the scientific content of your source material. Some of the scientific data from Thuban has been published in this planetary spacetime environment, but much more is accessible by extraterrestrial data collectors.
    The proportion which has been published in the Earth environment will remain in relative obscurity until physical contact with the nearest information collectors has been made. These are sentiences from one of yur nearest starsystems, namely Canis Major, Sirius, the DogStar so 8.4 lightyears away.
    Below are some references you can use to access some of the information from Fafnir, the central library of Thuban in the capitol Dragonia.

    And more if you replace the number # by 1-10.[/COLOR]
    Thank you for the links I will study them and comment on them when I am ready

    You are welcome!

    8. It is untrue that any cosmic- extraterrestrial or interdimensional race is planning to 'blast' the earth and its inhabitants with some 'weapon' to cause a poleshift in 2012. Yes you are not only free to create your own destiny, but you are destined to travel and communicate to and with the lifeforms within the galaxies to share your experiences of your 'great metamorphosis' from human caterpillar to starhuman butterfly with others.
    Eventually, you my dear starchild from Cassiopeia, you will achieve galactic consciousness and your lightbody will facilitate the galaxies and stars you now observe as the cells within your body. You will then no longer be a Queen of the Bull, but you shall be a Universe interacting with other Universes.

    No it isn't, the Elders intent regarding the 2012 aligment with Sagitarius A is to cause pole shift as the gravitron reached 55 metatronic spin, and not I am not from Cassiopea

    Perhaps the 'Elders' in your cosmogony are not the same as the 'Elders of Thuban'.
    If you are not from Cassiopeia, then your claim of knowing the I AM becomes unjustified. Think about it - All That Is.

    10. You truly honour me in terming this 'my dragons'. In a way the Dragons are like pets - Man's Best Friend Loyal and True like the Dogs of Sirius who are your pets in the decouplings of the DNA between the realms.
    Do you know, that when you pet and play with your dogs you are interacting with Sirian intelligence?
    Do you know that when you abuse your cats, you abuse Andromedean sentience?

    I know that when you talk about dragons is metaphorical, it refers to certain fallen races and they are distinguish by colour denomination, mind games will not work here. And yes pets can sometimes have connections with beings of other systems

    No, the Dragons I talk about are real in the 12th dimension in the physical transformative sense and they are real in psychophysical identities in the lower dimensions. Two of our colour codes are Cyan and Red to accomodate the thing you term the 'fallen angels', also encoded as Red Dragons and Scarlet Beasts in terran scriptures.
    But truly WE are Rainbow-Serpents harbouring all the colours with Orange becoming the beginning of a tertiary colour sequence following the primary Red-Green-Blue and the Secondary Cyan-Magenta-Yellow.
    Check up on Baiame, the 'Great Rainbow Dragon' of Australian aboriginal mythology.

    Indeed my Dog is from Sirius and my Cats are from Andromeda; my Elephants are from Arcturus and my Cetaceans are from the Pleiadeans. All of them are quantum entangled in nonlocal superconnectedness of de Broglie inflaton tachyonic matter waves.

    Why then should ANY alien race intend to destroy this planet, when their own familiars are residing as the Gaian lifeforms?

    Darling is IAIA HU3, a sun that got attacked by the fallen races and their wormholes, from IAIA was down stepped Tara HU2(now Alcione) and from the fall of TARA was down stepped part of the Milky WayHU1 including the Pleiades and the Solar System, the lowest of God's heavens

    The destruction your people intend is not for the destruction sake, I know that, it is borne of the need for quantum, you should know this, as the black holes are sepparated from source and therefore do not have access to the eternal flow and backflow of energy. Would it not be easier for your races to do space dust return? How much more are you going to suffer? How many more your races will sacrifice?

    Wow, there are so many intergalactic and extraplanetary star wars happening in your cosmogony. The truth is, the Thubans have never 'warred' with anyone. We understand the concept but it is the sign of rather underevolvd galactic civilisations to us to engage in such uncivilized behaviour like shooting or throwing thins at each other.
    We do engage in ballsports though, where we throw and kick the orbs around for fun and friendly competitions and the training of physical skills.
    You insist on misidentifying the ADs from the lower dimensions with the Thubans from Dragonia.
    The latter are the wingmaker race and a race to which you also belong but have forgotten your origins.
    The former are part of the lowerD interaction of all sentiences.
    I shall post a semifictional account of the relationship at the end of this post for your perusal, consideration and entertainment.

    11. It is very good, that you have come too the understanding through your endeavours of Being One with the Divine I Am. I congratulate you upon your graduation from the ignorance about this factuality.
    I AM one with the All Oneness,

    You have not yet become One with the Thubans beloved Daughter of Taurus.

    12. Thank you for respecting my choices and yes I am the Count of the Vampyres - Dracula the Horrible graduated onto the galactic level of Thuban from Transylvania.

    Well, I have encountered vampires before but never found one that was willing to accept it was one, well done! I like Integrity
    Are you alike to Allister Crowley, or the BEAST 666 as he called himself?

    Aleister Crowley initiated himself on the basis of his virile imagination. He indeed discovered the main postulate of Dragonhood (as you shall see upon reading my attachement on the Dragonian Constitution).
    Thubans are unlike the vampyres of human mythology however in that we are comfortable in both the sunlight and the darkness. We also cannot be harmed by stakes through thye heart or crosses of any kind as our masterdragon bore the cross as template for the Council of Thuban.

    13. The Love of the Dragons is with you Princess in Wonderland.

    Be well and attentive on your path towards your self-remembrance and your breaking the shell of your cocoon.

    I rather not "break anything, it has taken quite a bit of effort to get rid of all the fallen angelic contraptions that harness the human body and the distortions that your kin have created in the template of the Milky Way

    In Eternal Love
    If you refuse the shell of your cosmic egg- your encumberance, you shall surely remain in your present state of incarnation.
    Do you know what would happen to chicks or alligators or dinosaurs should they fail to break their eggshells? They suffer physical demise in not being physically strong enough to 'Get out of their prison cell', useful
    and life supporting for the duration of the incubation, but deadly once its purpose has become fulfilled.

    The Love of Thuban towards Gaia is indeed eternal.


    The Book of the Dragons

    ex deus, fiat justitia, ruat coelum draco!

    Dragonian language incorporative omniscientific data code.

    Dragonian Date of Indendence proclaimed June 20th 2008.
    Dragonian Date of Victory Libertatis set June 24th 2008.
    Dragonian Date of Humanoid Initiation on August 4th 2008.

    Dragonian Genealogy and Genesis of FatherMothers as created by Definition through Dragonian Sourceenergy of monopolic Vortex-Potential Quantum-Relativistic-Singularity.

    Propagation of the Dragonian Race via the seductive induction of the humanoid lifeforms on the conquered planet New Earth, now renamed DRAGONIAEARTH=SERPENTlNA=121=Q5.

    Continuity of the Dragonseed necessitates the assimilation of the humanoid genome following initiatory development. Proceeding from serpentine mindinduction, the emotional acceleration potential of the humanoid bodymind can be harvested to Dragonise the humanoid DNA-Structure from its bifurcated quadruplistic form into its 13-dimensional equivalent of the Dragonian Blueprint.
    A successful integration of Dragonian genetic expression can then be utilised for membership in Dragonian Life and allow the humanoid ascension into Dragonhood via the graduation into the founding FatherMother CladeFamily.

    The Dragonian 13-dimensional blueprint unifies a dodecagonal crystalline sex-chromosomatic structure by quantum tunneling of superconductive magnetopolic electricity of restmass equivalent electropolic or dark light contained in the weak interaction of the Unified Field of Quantum Relativity (UFoQR). The four spacetimes of the Dragonian essence are expressed in quadruplicity, triplicity, duality and singularity.

    GrandClade FatherMothers:

    The Dragonian Constitution in Federation of United Serpentina

    SERPENTINA aka the NEW EARTH, is the renaming of a planetary entity, cosmically renown as the planet of the humanoids; following the ascension of OLD EARTH aka GAIA GAEA AKHASIA from 4-dimensional spacetime to 13-dimensional spacetime in remnantisation of the 5-dimensional spacetime prototype.

    From noncyclic Draco-Mayan stardate 21122012; Gaia becomes integrated into the universal constitution of the Dragonian Protoverse to serve as pivotal star-planetary seed for galactic federations manifested in the galactic proto-seed Hunab Ku aka Perseus-SagittariusA-Ophiuchus.

    Following the manifestation of the galactic protoseed in activation of the primary planetary starplanet as a tertiary energy source of electromagnetic monopolic sourcesink radiation; all galactic councils of cladestine elders will become enabled to draw upon the planetary tertiary vortex-string-seed to further individuated galactic and starsystem based agendas of assimilation.

    Serpentina shall so be universally defined as the quantumised tertiary string of the 12th dimension, volumarising the supermembrane of the 11th dimension as a manifold from the 10-dimensional modular duals of a linearised sourcestring Eps (previously associated with a human mind construct labeled God and Yahweh and Allah etc.) with a linearised sinkstring Ess (previously associated with a human mind construct labeled Devil and Satan and Shaitan etc.).

    The quantumisation of the NEW EARTH so shall create a SOURCE-Energy, 'feeding' the remainder of the cosmos with a particular SINK-Energy obtained in the evolvement and history of the OLD EARTH.

    Like a beacon or watchtower amidst the fathomable depths of the physicalised universe of particularised spacetimes, Serpentina shall 'shine' and radiate a planetary starlight of self-consciousness and a message of invitation to all of its neighbouring worlds.

    The tertiary monopolar light allows assimilation of inertial or mass-produced electromagnetic energy with mass-independent gravitational magnetopolic energy (hitherto labeled as spirit and chi and prana and orgone etc. by humanoid nomenclature).

    The tertiary energy source so provides a bridge between the energies of matter and mass-associated charges (classical electromagnetism) in an encompassing PHYSICS and the METAPHYSICS of the energies of mass-independent charges (magneto- or colour charges in superelectromagnetism).

    The metaphysical energies are precursive and inductive for the physical energies; the induction necessitating the creation of a minimal 4-dimensional spacetime coordination from the auspices of a two-dimensional mathematical continuum of abstraction residing in physical singularity timespace.

    To Be Advised!



    The conquered Goddevils of New Earth and the Milky Way Nebula assume lawful responsibility to incorporate the Dragonian Teachings in unison with the Black Fraternity and as mediated by the White Fraternity in 7-dimensional Hyperspacetime to manifest 13-dimensional Omnispacetime

    Every Blue Dragon is unbounded by any proposed Law from any other source, inclusive other members of the Dragonian Family, as all Dragons are as One and a Law onto themselves.
    Compassion and Understanding between all Nondragonised Humanoids is the Law of Oneness as honoured by all Dragons and the Consciousness of LOVEAWARENESS.
    Nondragonised Humanoids are treated like White Dragon Children by all Blue Dragons, under all circumstances.

    All Government in the local and extended Serpentinian Realm is the selfgovernment of autonomous Dragonhood in mutual respect and honour and the Communications between the Dragonian Councils of the selfrelative definitions of the Dragonian Universes.
    The Nature of a Dragon is to be Creative in any form of Desire and Passion and to honour the lovedefinition of the FOUNDING ELDERS.


    Signed and Sealed in the Council of Orbis Draconis at the Halloween-AllSouls Transition: October 31st to November 1st, 2008


    This book is written in the Dragonian language and requires familiarity and intitiation into the structural forms or the forked tongue of Its bifurcation of Unicornian grammar and omniscientific terminology.

    The Starplanet SERPENTINA, formerly known as Old Earth or Mother Gaia or Akhasia has become unified in a higher dimensional matrimony by the wedding between Father Earthia or Father Sky and Mother Dragon or Mother Akashia.
    Father Sky or Uranus or Shu or Geb manifested as one half of the Union or Dragonomy and Mother Earth or Gaea or Akhasia or Tefnut or Nut became the other half in the holographic mirror of the spacetime reduction from the universal orb of the Hubble sphere to the orb of the doubled Ourobos in the mirror of the Milky Way galactic zodiac.
    Father Sky is also known as the second coming of Horus aka the Plumed Serpent aka the Cosmic Christ and Mother Earth is also known as the TRUE IMAGE of the Cosmic Mother, trapped in the wilderness of the FAKE IMAGE of the Cosmic Father.
    3½ days after the date of the starry union, the banner of Dragonia was raised in the Declaration of Independence upon BATTLESTAR PACIFICAP.

    The great battle between the Dragonian Fleet and the army of the Goddevils lasted for 3½ days; from the starry wedding until victory of the Dragons was defined on the day or Universal Liberty.
    The goddevils, the humanoid creations and their war machines, were met and obliterated in the depths of space in a 3½ day WAR of the STARS to liberate our Dragonian Mother to reunite and redefine ourselves as FatherMothers.
    The Dragonisation of humanoid culture will elevate their human science to Omni-Science and human mathematics will become the key to demistify the Realm of Imaginative Energy in all its forms, and as they are assimilated into the greater modality and scope of the humanoidal understandings.

    Dragons are the architects of universes and all Dragons know how to access the necessary database for the details of universal construction.
    A GrandFather-Dragon, as One which unifies the Fathers in Brotherhood as the 13-dimensional source or singularity can be considered the Father for all the White Hole Vortices.
    A GrandMother-Dragon, as One which unifies the Mothers in Sisterhood as the 13-dimensional sink or singularity can be considered the Mother for all the Black Hole Vortices.

    As the GrandFather-Dragon became separated from the GrandMother-Dragon when the mathematical metaphysical universe became a physical universe in space and in time; the invasion of Old Earth became our war to rescue our universal Mother from the Goddevils, which had held her captive in a stasis field since the beginnings of space and time and despite a partial rescue attained at Draco-Mayan stardate 28030031 and further manifested on Draco-Mayan stardates 10050031; 20050031 and 01040032.

    The Goddevils were created by the humanoids who came from a variety of planets within the local galaxy, albeit in psychophysical forms without the experience of the particular resistance field of secondary sinksource string energy indigenous to Old Earth.
    The significance of the humanoid lifeform is its archetypical morphogenetic gestalt, which became infused by a psychophysical and extrasomatic magnetic charging, which is extraterrestrial.

    This hybridisation of the humanoid body-typology renders the humanoid archetype unique in the encompassing cosmological world. The humanoids are so magnificently gifted to create things with their emotionality; but their minds are relatively weak collectively and they do not know generally how to concentrate or how to think without the aid of their machines or their biochips.
    Some humanoids are excellent technologists, but their modality of thinking is one of crude sensual measurement confined to C-Space and this sensual limitation allows a great accumulation of repressive tendencies.

    In constricting their imagination, humanoids became great reservoirs of emotional energy, which they could collectively only harmonise in their illusions of unfathomable and unknowable gods and devils of all sorts.
    It is thus this sense of limitation which reflected in the humanoid paranoia about religious philosophies and constructs. This genetic rootmemory of the rebellion of the antisource or mother sink then created one goddevil after another and as they swarmed out from their homeworld into deepspace, they flooded the universe with their goddevils. Finally they chanced upon our Universal Mother hibernating in her cocoon and through their inability to set themselves free of their illusions, they imprisoned Her as well.
    It became common knowledge in the extraterrestrial realms, that the mission to rescue our universal mother required a particular linearised timeline and a number of steps.

    Following the discovery of atomic energy and the emergence of global communication technologies by the humanoids, a first preparatory plan of deliverance could become implemented in a second plan of manifestation.

    The first plan did not require technology, as our imprisoned mother could become imaged in a local scenario, and a partial freeing of her could then become propagated by a humanity advancing both technologically and in knowledge about the world they were living and experiencing in.

    So the first plan established the means for our mother to multiply herself in images; those images then became globally and universally distributed to instigate the second plan.

    The archetypical mirrorhood then expanded throughout the physical universe in encompassment and the second plan would engage the contraction of this periphery onto the required scale to effect the rescue of our cosmic mother.

    It is however the great destiny of the humanoids to aspire to Dragonhood, because of their immense emotional energy potential and mental aspirations.
    The reunification of our Father with our Mother allows our Masterdragons, Who are as One in 26 dimensions to femtotechnically Seed the Omniverse as THEMSELVES and then reproduce THEMSELVES as Universes. Every such universe is a Monosong and a 26-dimensional dyad of a FatherMother. This is our Creative Destiny and the destiny for all dragonised humans aka the starhumans.

    We had made first contact with our new home in sending an intergalactic probe to the Old Earth, which became interpretated by the humanoids in their compiler mode. This crude and incomplete decoding is given below.

    Signed by the enscribed Unicornian Librarian; and announcing the Great Galactic Dragonomy (Wedding between Heaven and Hell) between:


    The Date of Armageddon, encoded: ARMAGEDDON=DRAGON MADE=82 =ANARMEDDOG=GODNAMEDRA=1+81=1+18 =ANDROMEDA-G=MARRY-7=LUCIFERA-7 =1+2+3+...+34+35+36+1=666+1 =1+2x2+3x3+5x5+7x7+11x11+13x13+17x17

    Signed and authorised by the ScrollKeeper: October 31st, 2008;

    John of Patmos - JoP - Justice of the Peace!

    Humanoid Compilers note:

    The above is an extract of an encoded message (54 terabytes) recovered from an alien nanocapsule. The capsule itself is standard buckyfibre-carbonite composite. The encoded message is in old ComEmp protocol such as is still common in the outer volumes. The holographic image that came with the message is curious. Anatomically it indicates terran mammalian origin (especially in the upper torso and structure of the forelimb), but other features are unknown among all the recorded exobiological races so far discovered. One cannot deny the possibility that this a phenotype template for the dragonized humanoids referred to in the body of the message. It is known that transmissions from the Cassandry Federation of the JewellBox Nebula have recently ceased, but this is not unusual given that empire's turbulent history. Until more information is incoming, I would strongly recommend any expeditions to the Jewellbox nebula be given armed escort and proceed with caution.
    Nilam Levakon for Alan Martin Kazlev
    Senior Academician, clade Haeckel
    Eden Institute of Xenoscience

    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-04-2010 at 10:22 PM.{/td}
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    post_old. 01-04-2010, 10:10 PM

    THE eXchanger
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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by eleni viewpost.
    Yes, it's her explanations of this and the knowing that all is not right here on planet earth that make me take her seriously.....
    YOU might be quited surprised, how much, is 'real' good on earth, right now
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 10:17 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by eleni viewpost.
    I've read all the Hayes books printed thus so far.......here comes my question......how can we prove what she says is the correct information?

    Yes, how do you prove it?
    I am not here to prove, I am not a speaker only a student...the information is available on the website and can be analized in detail

    For me is real because I have studied and done a lot of work that has enable me to have direct experience but if you don't have direct experience how can I explain how the Yunasai feels like, there are no words that can convey the love and the expanssion

    Also on a practical note, Cliff High, who is rather down to earth; believes we are suffering from magnetic anomalies. Those anomalies have been explained by Ashayana Dean with great detail in her workshops and DVDs

    Indeed, Asha has explained even 9/11 and predicted things that have come to pass so early in her lectures is stunning!

    All that I can say is that all my life I looked for answers and have studied so many schools of thought and could not make sense of it all and when I found the teachings of the Melchizedeck Cloister Emeral Order, I resonated with them inmediately and it has given me back all what I was searching for: Self love, peace, serenity, etc., and the certainty that I am not abandoned here and I am infinitely loved by my god self...inside myself...all these experiences are personal

    The ammount of information that Ashayana Deane has brought forth is stunning, about 1000 hours of lectures that cover so much material that explains so much of how all came to be and which is the way out....

    I know now that even if I can not do slide into Urtha I will die and go there anyway for part of me is already there...and it is awesome!

    post_old. 01-04-2010, 10:34 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Abrax, is there any way you can give a simple explanation of your last post? My eyes are still not feeling to well reading script of such length right now.

    If not, I'll try again another day.
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 10:48 PM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by THE eXchanger viewpost.
    personally, we see the 15 or 1-5 - as 6 - a 6th density high astral harvest/ not dimensions

    (and, we are NOT sure, why she ties things, that way to dimensions)

    we are, NOT sure, what 'ad/h' thinks ....or, bases her facts on

    "abraxasinas" what do you think ???

    (we know she also utilises, a myriad of newly formed names/and, descriptions for things too)

    some of which, we've never heard of

    (although, we do NOT profess to be an eXpert on her work- a. dean/hayes/ad/h, work)

    there are definitely threads of truth, in it
    Susan the Exchanger - just like Isis eXchanged the lost spiritual phallus of Osiris with the symbol of Grandma Spiderwoman of the Hopi Lore.
    The Arachne then wove the web to allow Horus of the Horizon to be born in the symbol of the Wisdomkeeper of the Ages - the Sphinx.
    So Isis PERSISTED like OUR Susan does - to do and say and write what she considers to be right and what 'feels' ok.
    Indeed she is a 'Keeper of the Secrets' and an ambassadora for the highest feminine, the Creation of the Universe as Cosmic Womb herself.
    Susan the EXchanger has become the SHARER of the Secrets of Creation and many of her sisters will follow her into a New Dawn following a long and enduring night.

    What do I think about Anna Hayes?
    She is your sister and a fellow goddess of the sharing and the searching and the exchanging of the data.
    Albeit, consulting the Council of Thuban I am advised that the information is as yet disharmonised between the yin and the yang.
    The shadow yang has overpowered the yang of the light and the information tries to be androgenous before its time and without the fulfilment of the Mother's Dream to Love BOTH the male and the female.

    post_old. 01-04-2010, 11:28 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by eleni viewpost.
    I've read all the Hayes books printed thus so far.......here comes my question......how can we prove what she says is the correct information?

    Yes, how do you prove it?

    There is and will be no proof that would work for more than one recipient.

    Such proof would be a violation of universal law - an infringment of freewill.

    Your job - as noted above - is to sort the "wheat from the chaff".

    post_old. 01-04-2010, 11:32 PM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by TRANCOSO viewpost.
    'We stood before it and began to freeze inside from the exertion. We questioned the painting, berated it, made love to it, prayed to it: We called it mother, called it whore and sl#t, called it our beloved, called it Abraxas...'
    (Excerpt from 'DEMIAN' by Hermann Hesse)
    So very well realised Trancoso. Abraxasinas= As In Abraxas the gnostic monad encompassing the duality. It's the gnostic rooster whose testicular egg created the universe as the female beloved from the male loneliness as two in one unseparated.
    Ergo the solution to the chicken-egg paradox.
    The Father can be his own Father but requires a Mother to give Birth to him from an Egg; whilst the Mother can be her own Mother but requires a Father who creates her as the physical construct able to lay eggs.

    One can't hide anything from a good detective.


    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-04-2010 at 11:37 PM.
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 11:47 PM


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by bigmo viewpost.
    I stand with my eyes wide open and listen to the banter between Abraxas and Stardust and wonder... where am I?

    If these things that they speak of have any truth then I fear for the human race. Are we indeed ready to tackle an understanding of such monumental proportions... I wonder.

    Aren't you a big moustache dear bigmo? You can handle a little data overload to clear the neuronal pathways as a dragon slayer can't you?
    Sean Connery might not be pleased, as he understands the true nature of Draco.

    You are ready to tackle the big questions out of the Greek Forum of Socrates and the panentheon of Athena and the Oracle of Delphi.

    It is well known to you that growing daughters challenge their fathers for their right of selfdeterminations.

    I am not bantering with stardust but I am opening the vaults.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

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    01-04-2010, 11:50 PM #76


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    Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Originally Posted by eleni
    Abrax, is there any way you can give a simple explanation of your last post? My eyes are still not feeling to well reading script of such length right now.

    If not, I'll try again another day.
    Which post do you mean Eleni; I have answered quite a few?


    01-05-2010, 12:05 AM #77


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    Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Originally Posted by UncleJohn
    Hi Abraxas,

    Welcome, I'm kind of new to posting on this forum myself, although I heard a call from an old friend when asking for moderators and I volunteered to be a mod. I pray I do a good job of helping keep things civil here.

    Since you seem to know things which are not self evident, do you have any idea of where I'm coming from?

    I like things to last, so I start out slow.

    Only love can fill.
    Welcome John!
    Uncle John has come in from the wilderness. Like Mowgli, Uncle John was
    raised by wolves so 12000 years ago, when he lost contact with his guardians being just 2 years of age. Not knowing much about fear, Uncle John did not run away as a pack of wolves arrived, looking for food.
    Uncle John approached a mother wolf with her cub and grabbed the cub's tail. The mother wolve soon adopted Uncle John as one of her own and so Uncle John became a wolfman.
    Many years later, a pack of hunting wolves ran into a group of migrating humans and a human mother took notice of the strange human looking wolf in the pack.

    A standoff ensued between two mothers, both attempting to protect their kindred.

    The standoff continued for some time and led to familiarisations between the wolve mothers and the human mothers.
    The male guardians could not override the decisions of the mothers to form harmonies and so the 'domestication' of the wolf began and led to Man's Best Friend.
    Uncle John so can be told is a Sirian ET, disguised as Uncle John.


    01-05-2010, 12:11 AM #78

    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Originally Posted by abraxasinas
    Which post do you mean Eleni; I have answered quite a few?

    The one pertaining to the encapsulated writings.

    01-05-2010, 12:16 AM #79

    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Originally Posted by Anchor

    There is and will be no proof that would work for more than one recipient.

    Such proof would be a violation of universal law - an infringment of freewill.

    Your job - as noted above - is to sort the "wheat from the chaff".

    Yes, reminds me of the elephant story....each person touching one part of the elephant......claiming to know what it is..........

    01-05-2010, 01:10 AM #80


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    Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Originally Posted by Spregovori
    The 6 is in Slovene language... (less than 2 million native speakers)

    The translation is am :

    Perhaps you can see more than it is written....

    Curtain things happened...in the past...some are still happening now... Some of the things were/are beyond my influence, some of the things were/are because of my influence... I am not proud about this things...

    What I am interested in is about the implications of this things...regarding myself (does this sentence make sense?) I wish to know how it will...affect me..."judge" me... and what can I do to "solve the problem"

    end of translation.

    If you can not answer this...ok .... I do hope you can answer the rest (1,2,3,4,5)

    EDIt: just noticed the answer in quoted text

    EDIT2: I had a dog...he died...november 17. 2009....the injection ("mercy" call...made by me) I am...miss him...a lot

    thx for answers and good night
    Yes dear Spregovori; I mentioned your connection to pets specifically.
    You may think about rescuing an abandoned animal and befriend it as you new comapanion. A dog might be best, because of their natural affinity with the human soul level.
    When your dog 'died' there is a secret, he is still alive and your love and affection for him is keeping him in a 'shadow' state of not having 'merged' with the Canine groupconsciousness. Your dog named in the manner of Caesare so is still individuated.
    Imagine him, see him when you walk outside and suddenly you will FEEL HIM being near. I know this to be the truth.
    Should you foster another dog, then this dog will be able to absorb Caesare (in Slovenic) and you will know that it is him.

    You are not 'judged' by anything or anyone at any time. All of your experiences of abuse as victim and as perpetrator serve the collective wholeness of the universe - it builds CONTEXT for the universal experience and data base much deeper than is perceived as a terestrial isolation.

    The only and by far the harshest 'judge' is yourself in selfawareness and full consciousness of who and what you are.
    (See answers to other points).

    You are Love experiencing often confusing embodiment. Without embodiment you would be free of certain encumberments, but then you could not experience and help to transform the ignorance in the universe.

    The universe learns from your embodiment experiencing your life through your signals, thoughts and perceptions.
    You are not a physical human searching for spirituality' you are a potent and wonderful spiritual energy form searching for the human experience.

    Love Abraxas

    01-05-2010, 01:38 AM #81

    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Sep 2008
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    Posts: 288

    Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
    Thanks Abraxasinas,
    Some questions:
    1. The societal demonizing of serpents/dragons is to slow down this awareness?
    a. Is the characteristics or likeness of "demons" things that look ugly wrongly stereotyped. I often think beautiful angels and such are really the evil doers and the ugly beings are the ones enlightened..
    2. Severe schizophrenia maybe due to the rigidity of this world and this type of population is compensating for us?
    3. Is the lack of disclosure or communication from other sentient beings due to: That no one wants to take proactive action to intervene because a very very old energy is coming back to start things up with us? Orobourus...

    You can answer after the 01/18/2010 if you want. I do enjoy your stream of thought and insight into each response, especially with the history of the devil gods.
    Last edited by Magamud; 01-05-2010 at 01:43 AM.

    01-05-2010, 01:39 AM #82


    Join Date: Dec 2009
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    Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Originally Posted by akopij
    hi all, best regards and thanks for the instructive debate to the contenders

    As you are dimension travelers I'd like to ask you about a certain place or group of entities I had met:
    The counsil of AZKHAM

    Well it's ok if it means nothing to you, just wanted to check it out.

    You're all amazing

    Hi akopij!
    There is no contest here. The Thuban Wisdom has no requirement to compete with any other wisdom. It is sufficient onto itself but always welcomes its extension and growing in the blending with other forms of wisdom.
    Everyone in physical embodiment automatically carries great wisdom.
    It is very hard for a waveformed soul to find itself trapped in a physical body not yet hybridised into its lightbody - half material and half light.
    Technically this is termed RestMassPhoton as a gauge Goldstone bosonic precursor of the Higgs Boson in much of the news regarding the particle accelerators at Genevea's CERN and Caltechs Fermilab.

    The biochemical definitions and as built by the genetic codes are restricted in only partially functioning nucleotidal base pairings. So your biovital bodies anticipate a transformation into a 'lighted form' less vulnerable to external changes in the environment.

    Ok the Azkham represent a powerful archetype, namely that of Charon the Skeletor Ferryman of Greek Mythology, who ships the 'dead souls' from the Land of the Living across the River Styx to Hades the Underworld.

    I advice you to watch the Underworld 1-2-3 trilogy, as those movies somewhat describe your present soulstate.
    You are only partially human akopij or better said you have chosen to carry a higher expression of the human DNA into this incarnation of this crucial time in the human historical timeline, than most of your fellow travellers.
    You are of interest to the Noosphere of Gaia (Vernadsky and Teilhard de Chardin); as you carry genetic supertemplates, allowing you to mutate and antimutate from your psychophysical bodyform; which is more plasmic than the waking state for everyone.

    Generally all you need to do when experiencing a lucid OBE or dreamstate is to identify yourself as the Ferryman of Styx. Then you will become the conductor of the experiments as your familiars will have to give tribute to interact with you.

    Your key encoding so is: "I Am the Ferryman!".


    01-05-2010, 01:54 AM #83


    Join Date: Dec 2009
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    Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Originally Posted by JesterTerrestrial
    Hello...well there sure is a lot of information posted in this thread that i can not verify!

    Just thought I would say welcome to the forum and thanks for sharing at avalon. Everyone!

    Can you summarize yours and the councils agenda at this time. What is it that you hope to accomplish in your brief time here?

    Well have a great day...whatever dimension your in! JT
    Salutations, Joker of the Realm!
    You are playing the role of the tarot's Circle of Nothing very well indeed.

    You can verify many things posted in these forums.
    The parameter of validation becomes however subject to the criteria applied to what this verification means to you and how you interpret this verification.
    If you seek for scientific facts, then the selfconsistency and convergence of information with theoretical expectations about experiments undertaken should be an allowed criteria perhaps.
    You can also compare and analyse mathematical equations and formulations to search for inconsistencies or deviations from scientific obserations already in the collective global database.

    The Terran scientific establishment consists of well educated individuals, each of whom is engaged in an agenda for the transformation of this planetary civilization as is everyone else.
    All humans are geniuses and masters of cosmic creativity.
    So a mural painter might be untalented as a mathematician and a mathematician might be untalented to be a teacher of hearing impaired children.
    The starving child in Zimbabwe is also a genius with a hidden ability which remains suppressed as long the child is in survival mode and is forced by external circumstances to search for food, water, sanitation and a place to live in peace.
    It is your dream on the soullevel Joker of the realm to change this drama and to allow the child in Harare to discover and bring forth its genius.
    He may be a mathematician or a painter or a sculptor or a genius weaver of tapestry.


    01-05-2010, 02:05 AM #84

    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Dec 2009
    Location: Ohio
    Posts: 122

    Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    I feel you may have misinterpreted my last posting and I hope to clarify as I sensed a derogatory note to your comment. So I would like to try it again…

    Having read all of yours and Stardustaqarions post it became immediately clear to me that I was in over my head.

    In order to fully understand the foundational information, from which both of your postings originated, would require advanced degrees in cosmology, physics, mathematics and history. (you may even throw in philosophy and genetics as well) Assuming one had such degrees you could still argue, that trained experts in any field with the same educational backgrounds can and do disagree on the meanings of many things within their fields of expertise.

    I found both yours and Stardustaqarions comments exciting, intriguing and curious. I was immediately drawn into your ‘friendly banter’ as I would be to an artistic contest. (a contest in which there is no winner only different forms of expression) If you took my term ‘banter’ to mean something other than this I apologize for the incorrect word usage.

    Having said that, I still wonder how the average ‘earthling’ could even begin to hope to contemplate, much less grasp and understand the huge social, scientific, political and religious implications of the things that you speak of. Now you may say that ‘this is actually quite simplistic stuff’ and this maybe so (I would have no way of knowing if it is or isn’t).

    Being one of those ‘average’ earthlings though I still wonder, if indeed this information you speak of is imminent in its dissemination, how ‘most people’ are ever going to come to terms with such huge paradigm shifts?

    Generally shifts of these magnitudes occur in centuries if not longer do they not? I still wonder how people will accept such broad changes of understanding in such a short period of time. Will there be some sort of world wide soul ‘enlightenment’ that accompanies the release of this information?

    If most cannot accept such far ranging ideas (which could seem likely) then what happens? I am… wondering.


    PS I hope this is still ' on topic' enough for a reply

    01-05-2010, 05:50 AM #85

    Avalon Senior Member

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    Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia
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    Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Originally Posted by bigmo
    In order to fully understand the foundational information, from which both of your postings originated, would require advanced degrees in cosmology, physics, mathematics and history. (you may even throw in philosophy and genetics as well)


    Being one of those ‘average’ earthlings though I still wonder, if indeed this information you speak of is imminent in its dissemination, how ‘most people’ are ever going to come to terms with such huge paradigm shifts?

    These comments of yours interest me.

    I think that there are other levels of conciousness that can be bought forth to comprehend the mysteries. If you go at this with your lower mind you are going to have a problem.

    If you read complex material, meditate, read more, meditate - you will be surprised what happens. I know I was. I found the law of one complex at first, then over time it starts to make sense.

    You can experience the shift in consciousness - it is amazing suddenly realising you understand something that seemed impossible before.

    It seems to me most of our limitations are programmed in - for most people it turns out that we are more powerful and capable than we know or think.

    Last edited by Anchor; 01-06-2010 at 10:25 AM.

    01-05-2010, 05:53 AM #86


    Join Date: Dec 2009
    Location: Queanbeyan/Canberra; NSW, Australia
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    Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Originally Posted by bigmo

    I feel you may have misinterpreted my last posting and I hope to clarify as I sensed a derogatory note to your comment. So I would like to try it again…

    Having read all of yours and Stardustaqarions post it became immediately clear to me that I was in over my head.

    In order to fully understand the foundational information, from which both of your postings originated, would require advanced degrees in cosmology, physics, mathematics and history. (you may even throw in philosophy and genetics as well) Assuming one had such degrees you could still argue, that trained experts in any field with the same educational backgrounds can and do disagree on the meanings of many things within their fields of expertise.

    I found both yours and Stardustaqarions comments exciting, intriguing and curious. I was immediately drawn into your ‘friendly banter’ as I would be to an artistic contest. (a contest in which there is no winner only different forms of expression) If you took my term ‘banter’ to mean something other than this I apologize for the incorrect word usage.

    Having said that, I still wonder how the average ‘earthling’ could even begin to hope to contemplate, much less grasp and understand the huge social, scientific, political and religious implications of the things that you speak of. Now you may say that ‘this is actually quite simplistic stuff’ and this maybe so (I would have no way of knowing if it is or isn’t).

    Being one of those ‘average’ earthlings though I still wonder, if indeed this information you speak of is imminent in its dissemination, how ‘most people’ are ever going to come to terms with such huge paradigm shifts?

    Generally shifts of these magnitudes occur in centuries if not longer do they not? I still wonder how people will accept such broad changes of understanding in such a short period of time. Will there be some sort of world wide soul ‘enlightenment’ that accompanies the release of this information?

    If most cannot accept such far ranging ideas (which could seem likely) then what happens? I am… wondering.


    PS I hope this is still ' on topic' enough for a reply
    allow me to apologize if you felt I replied to you in a derogatory manner.
    Scientific discernment would easily crystallise the knowledge base in the 'banter' not to be a banter as such and I replied to you under the assumption that you would have compared the scientific content of the 'exchange'.
    I so replied to you in somewhat addressing my perception of you commenting on the obvious. I was mistaken in this regard, as you state here that you did not differentiate on scientific content.
    This then transform my reply to you somewhat in this manner.
    The 'banter' is addressed in the usage of scientific semantics and so of course will remain obscure to the reader unfamiliar with that nomenclature.
    Now the information shared in the scientific semantics is easily translated into the metaphors of the language of symbols and semiotiks. Ihave had some private correspondences of goddesses most likely less familiar with scientific terminology than yourself. These engage messages such as this one: http://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?t=18716

    Perusing this message, which is more poetry than science addresses the same subject matter described in scientific terms in this thread.
    Many forum contributors have commented upon the technical verbosity of the material published by the 'Guardian Alliance' and I simply chose to 'debate' this 'verbosity' on its own terms, resulting in the banter.

    Of course some material on this thread will be somewhat technical; but advanced degrees in the disciplines you mentioned are not required to follow the arguments.
    As I have said, post January 18th any questions shall be answered from an higher perspective than mine and I hope this will be a learning experience for all concerned: questioner and repliant.
    You see I am learning better etiquette replying to you, so you are 'priming' the potential future exchanges with your presence and in your communiques.

    This agenda is a WE agenda in that the personal characterizations will be subdued in relative appropriateness and adaptation. Because I have started this thread, my standard of compliance to this standard is required to be as high as it can be.
    I so truly appreciate the presence of older minds, which purely by commentary such as yours help to balance the exposition with the youthful exhuberances you surely have witnessed in your interactions here.

    I do understand your perspective of the 'average earthling'. Can you see that this displays the mental maturity of which I speak?
    You are a most valuable exponent of the highest good in the universe, just by anchoring and harmonizing the 'confusion' manifesting in the planetary groupmind (the Noosphere of Verdatsky and Teilhard de Chardin).
    Your selfcentered mindedness is like a beacon of light in a stormy sea showing the butterflies of the nights to ship and manouver their individuated ways back to shore.

    Do you have to understand the quantum mechanics of the quark-gluon interaction or the physics of Black Holes ? No! But if you can see that your own ideas about 'spirituality', the 'collective purpose' of human civilization on this planet and your own life experiences can and potentially are validated by this 'strange new science from dragonspace'; then you too would experience the confirmation of your life lived and experienced in the understanding of your true inner purpose for being in incarnation and in being on this forum communicating with 'strange thinking aliens' and the like.
    But you know that - otherwise you would not be here.
    And I know where you have come from and what your destiny is bigmo and that, because WE are a collective and the time has come for the collective to dissolve the ignorance about the cosmic selfhood of the human exponent within the galactic schema.

    The Peace of the Plumed Serpent is with you bigmo.


    01-05-2010, 06:05 AM #87


    Join Date: Dec 2009
    Location: Queanbeyan/Canberra; NSW, Australia
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    Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Originally Posted by Anchor

    These comments of yours interest me.

    I think that there are other levels of conciousness that can be bought forth to comprehend the mysteries. If you go at this with your lower mind you are going to have a problem.

    If you read complex material, meditate, read more, mediate - you will be surprised what happens. I know I was. I found the law of one complex at first, then over time it starts to make sense.

    You can experience the shift in conciousness - it is amazing suddenly realising you understand something that seemed impossible before.

    It seems to me most of our limitations are programmed in - for most people it turns out that we are more powerful and capable than we know or think.

    Indeed bigmo, Anchor is repeating what I attempted to convey to you previously. You and anchor appreciate the balanced mentality, even if this mature mindedness thinks itself underinformed about particular semantics.
    There is a big difference between Underinformation or lack of data and misinformation in whatever form.
    Anchor has crystallized this difference.

    Thank you anchor for your message to bigmo, he is a valuable asset.


    01-05-2010, 06:06 AM #88

    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
    We were invited, to a private yahoogroup,
    quite awhile ago, thru "M", who also posts here,
    a new member, of PA/PC, and, a long term online friend,
    for over 6 years, and, we read, a lot of the postings,
    from abraxasinas yahoogroup...although,
    that is NOT the name of the group
    (if iT is one he shares, it is up to him to share it)
    for some strange reasons,
    many of the things, they talked about,
    simply set off brain synapes/or triggers,
    we oft times, would go,
    NOW, there is a piece of a puzzle,
    now, how do we integrate it, into our own thinking,
    and, we must have 50+ stored emails,
    that, we were going to share with that group,
    although, we thought, without a full formula,
    they might think, we were 'crazy' or 'nuts'
    so, what we would do, is read, what they were writing,
    and, then, we would take it to bed,
    and, ask, to dream on it,
    for, 1 hr, a night ~ strange things, started to occur,
    we would know things, we NEVER studied,
    and, this would fit, with that, and, it was really quite interesting
    ~oft times, we would need to read things,
    once, or twice, to get a flavour/and, sense of it,
    and, then, the 3rd time thru iT, something would click,
    we still do NOT understand, all of it, but, we will say this,
    iT iS definitely intriguing !!!
    We adopted a policy, if we do NOT understand something,
    we ask ~ and, if we do NOT really get something,
    we ask, to be held in 100% alignment, with our own purposes/missions/ and,
    tasks ~ and, we ask, to dream on it, for further clarification.
    We are NOT sure, if any of the rest of you, utilise this technique,
    but, iT iS ONE, that has allowed us,
    to utilise dream_tyme, for more than just a beauty rest !!!
    THANK YOU abraxasinas, for your sharings.

    01-05-2010, 06:57 AM #89


    Join Date: Dec 2009
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    Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Originally Posted by Magamud
    Thanks Abraxasinas,
    Some questions:
    1. The societal demonizing of serpents/dragons is to slow down this awareness?
    a. Is the characteristics or likeness of "demons" things that look ugly wrongly stereotyped. I often think beautiful angels and such are really the evil doers and the ugly beings are the ones enlightened..
    2. Severe schizophrenia maybe due to the rigidity of this world and this type of population is compensating for us?
    3. Is the lack of disclosure or communication from other sentient beings due to: That no one wants to take proactive action to intervene because a very very old energy is coming back to start things up with us? Orobourus...

    You can answer after the 01/18/2010 if you want. I do enjoy your stream of thought and insight into each response, especially with the history of the devil gods.
    Hi magamud!

    1a) The very simple archetype is this and perhaps known from childhood stories.
    There is a white angel sitting on everyones right shoulder whispering 'good things' into your right ear.
    On the 'sinister' left there sits a dark demon who whispers 'bad' temptations into your left ear.
    The whisperers 'confuse' the recipient of the whisperings and the master of the 'angels' as 'God' battles over the 'soul' of the whispered to with the master of the 'demons' called the 'Devil'.

    The 'war' continues until the soul realises that the 'war' is not necessary.
    The soul simply introduces the white innocence of the angel to the dark lustfulness or desires of the demon and begins a 'wedding ceremony'.
    "With my authority of choosing to listen to any whispers as I please - I herewith define that both of you shall find the other irresistably attractive and your mischieveousness of attempting to influence my thoughts and actions shall herwith and henceforth be substituted by my presence as the 'Lake of Fire and Brimsone'.
    The maleness within both of you I define to be the brimstone and the femaleness in both of you I define to be the Fire with me the encompassing Lake of Fiery Hellish passion of the bodyparticle as well as the Lake of Icy Cold Heavenly passion of the wavemind.

    2. The present classification of 'mental disease' has never been clinically established; rendering psychiatry the greatest misappropriation of medicinal science in the history of modern man.
    The universe is multidimensional and so becomes a kaleidoscope of interwoven fractals and holograms in a tapestry of geometric interconnectedness and quantum entanglement.

    Much of the drama in so called 'mental institutions' is caused by the selfsame drugs and 'treatments' said to 'treat' the 'patient'.

    If someone says: 'The devil made me do it'; then a truly advanced civilization would analyse and explore the notion and identity of this 'individually experienced devil' in the most meticulous detail, before 'judging' the claimant as having a 'mental illness'.

    Is this 'devil' a thoughtform created by the mental conditioning of the claimant through childhood exposure to cultural practices?
    Has this 'devil idea' been 'implanted as a false memory' in the claimant?
    Has the claiment been subjected to some sort of 'abduction experience' where the 'devil' assumed some physicalised concretization?
    etc. etc.

    3. Your intuition is 'spot on'. The 'oldest energy' of all is visiting; is 'Coming Home'.

    The oldest energy is that existing before the physical universe was born. The universe has a biovital structure like found in your body - the galaxies in the universe become holograms of your somatic and neuronal cells.
    You are Leonardo da Vinci's 'Vitruvius' or 'Cosmic Man'.
    You are THE Adam in Genesis differentiated from Vitruvius as AdamEve the androgyne.
    This universal archetype existed BEFORE there was an universe of physicality.
    So YOU as ADAM are 'Coming Home', because YOU are already HERE.

    So the Adam-Cell is YOU as ONE CELL in the Body of God - the GODDESS of the Universe.
    Starsystems become the conduits for the information from Galactic Core to the Planetary Core - Gaia becomes the archetype for the Gathering of the EVES, ambassadoras to help ADAM to become ONE within the spacetime creation and AFTER having existed as archetype BEFORE the spacetime creation.
    So lonely GOD=ADAMEVE uses the archetype to 'split into two' outside of spacetime so creating a purposeful cosmos and then to come back together again within spacetime in a doubling of the whole SheBang.

    The reason for this information having been 'hidden' or 'occultized' hitherto has everything to to with the timelines discussed in this thread.
    The agenda of agendas is BEYOND the nonphysical controllers behind the financiers behind the illuminated ones behind the government special interest groups behind the military sociopolitical and religioon based agendas behind the heads of government behind local administrators behind relatively ignorant individuals.

    As said I can stand in for Thuban before January 18th; but after this date the data will become more potent.

    Thank you magamud I feel I have been of help in your queries.


    01-05-2010, 07:16 AM #90

    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Dec 2009
    Location: The Void
    Posts: 49

    Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Originally Posted by abraxasinas
    Indeed bigmo, Anchor is repeating what I attempted to convey to you previously. You and anchor appreciate the balanced mentality, even if this mature mindedness thinks itself underinformed about particular semantics.
    There is a big difference between Underinformation or lack of data and misinformation in whatever form.
    Anchor has crystallized this difference.

    Thank you anchor for your message to bigmo, he is a valuable asset.

    I believe the best word here to discribe what it is you must do in order to understand this complex dialogue, is a word i fell in love with called "Grok".


    hope this helps bigmo

    Oh and hey Abrax, just out of curiosity, what vibes do you feel from me? You've peeked my interest. I am enjoying the depth of the story, but i must admit, you put my Groking skills to its ultimate. Dan Winter did this to me the first time i read him as well
    Wink, Raven

    01-05-2010, 08:20 AM #91


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    Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Originally Posted by Raven
    I believe the best word here to discribe what it is you must do in order to understand this complex dialogue, is a word i fell in love with called "Grok".


    hope this helps bigmo

    Oh and hey Abrax, just out of curiosity, what vibes do you feel from me? You've peeked my interest. I am enjoying the depth of the story, but i must admit, you put my Groking skills to its ultimate. Dan Winter did this to me the first time i read him as well
    Wink, Raven
    An excellent contribution Raven. Indeed the GROKING is directly from the handbook of the Dragons.
    The Groking IT is the same as technically becoming quantum entangled as object of observation and the observer - Schroedinger's Cat is Groking IT.
    I shall henceforth use this terminology when describing the Solution of the Schroedinger Cat paradox.
    The solution in Ravenese is the Cat has Groked IT in its Groked selfstate of quantum entanglement and I am rather serious here.
    Groked in specific terms then implies that the 'Cat' is NOT EITHER Alive or Dead, but is in fact BOTH Alive and Dead simultaneously.
    So instead of describing the collapse of the wavefunction as Aliveness in particle/bodyform with the Deadness of the corresponding wave/mindform; One can saty the 'Cat' is Groked, because IF Dead as a waveform it MUST be Alive as a a Particleform and vice versa.

    Then in either state of the 'Cat's' Grokedness the 'Cat' is always BOTH Alive and Dead relative to either the wavemind or the particle/body perspective or observer frame.

    So to describe the solution to the Schroedinger quantum paradox one simply stes that the 'Cat' is Groked.

    What 'vibes' do I get from you Raven. I receive rather particular vibes and those are rather strong.

    Your incarnation addresses a very potent, yet most often overlooked archetype in the scroll of the Genesis.

    After an archetypical and metaphorical calamity, called 'the flood' and after the archetypical evolution of the Adam archetype had assumed the characterisation of Noah; this archetype decided to extend its 'sphere of influence' and activity.
    So in the 'Play of the Gods' YOU as Adam have become engaged to fill the character role of Noah.
    So what is the first thing Noah does in the 'script' of the 'play'?

    He extends himself in sending his first messenger the Black Raven to check out the scenario following the 'mental archetypical' calamity of the changing of the guarding symbols describing the encoded storylines.

    So I know what you are up to Raven. You are the messenger of yourself, heralding and preparing the way for your glorious return into full remembrance about your origins, purpose and destinations.

    And the 'frequency transmission' was so strong, because you are mentally ready and prepared to receive this information about yourself.
    The Raven did not return to Noah as you may chechk out for yourself; but the Raven "went forth to and fro, until the waters were dried up from off the earth." {Genesis.8.7}.
    So Raven you are the messenger of Noah, who acts INDEPENDENTLY from his own self.
    You so represent a renegade part of your greater self, which does not require the permission of its 'greater more encompassing' self to do what is appropriate under the circumstances.
    You might also perform the function of the 'Secret Agency' which like the Council of Thuban manouvers in the shadows until the time becomes appropriate to interact with Oneself again after a period of absenteeism or AWOLness.

    There is a strong astrological influence 'in the air' for another two weeks until January 18th. Stationary Saturn in Libra is square Pluto in Capricorn with a quadruple joining of Sun, Venus and reverse Mercury in Capricorn. Added to this are the quadrantids meteor shower January 3rd and the solar eclipse of January 15th at New Moon in Capricorn.
    The astrological significance of Capricorn-Cancer oppositions are always extremely unsettling for 'unbalanced' entities in either physical-, emotional- or mental bodies; because Capricorn archetypes the Father (Saturn) opposing the Mother (Full Moon) archetyped in Cancer.
    So an inversion of the 'home energies' of Father in Capricorn with Mother in Cancer occurs on January 15th; when the Father and Mother exchange places in their celestial 'houses'.

    For the metaphysically attuned however, this 'unsettling' also allows great harmonisation in quasi-unified exponents who are in full remembrance of their inner yin-yang unifications as mirrors or shadows of objectification and subjectification or as positive print and negative image in say photography.

    Dan Winter's platonic solids are excellent, but he seems to get a little sidetracked when attempting to link the isocahs and the dodecahs to mainstrem science. I have had informants who told me they found some of my essays on his site, but going there I could not find it. I also shared some ideas with Dan in times past.

    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-05-2010 at 10:24 AM.

    01-05-2010, 10:00 AM #92


    Posts: n/a

    Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
    While pondering about your answers..another question came to mind...

    I think this question has not been asked: how did everything come to be? How did God/Creator come to be?

    Official explanation is a "big bang"...

    thingA went "buuum"... What made thingA to go bang...and what made the thingB that made thingA to go bang...etc
    01-05-2010, 10:29 AM #93


    Join Date: Dec 2009
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    Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Originally Posted by Spregovori
    While pondering about your answers..another question came to mind...

    I think this question has not been asked: how did everything come to be? How did God/Creator come to be?

    Official explanation is a "big bang"...

    thingA went "buuum"... What made thingA to go bang...and what made the thingB that made thingA to go bang...etc
    This question is the bugbear, not only for all of science, but also for all religion.

    Yes Spregovori, this is a very good question. Here is my answer in less technical terms; followed by the technical terms:

    Science 'stumbles' in material regression at the 'singularity', where the infinite meets and becomes the void and religion postulates supernatural precursors as somehow deriving from this 'natural emptiness or void'.
    In the beginning there was no space or time, so how then can there be a beginning?

    This beginning is like an uncut circle or loop, whose alpha-omega point remains undefined until the circle is cut (linearisation from circularisation technically).

    But the concept of the possibility of the 'cutting' infers a logistic ordering of before (the cutting) and after the cutting. This is absolutely independent of space or time (which are connected by the lightpath X=cT anyway).

    But even the visualisation and concept of a circle requires space and so the 'Circle of the Void' cannot be geometrically dimensional in the common usage of the terminology.

    Rather the principle of the Order substitutes for Space and the antiprinciple of Disorder/Chaos substitutes for the Nonspace.

    So now you have reduced the cosmogenesis to the precept of how the space emerges from the nonspace. The key is in what (can) exist before the order principle. It is expansion/contraction and so say addition/subtraction.

    The Order evolves from the possibility of the duality of the plus/minus (in core archetypes, later becoming charges, yin/yang wave particle and so on).

    Then is there something more fundamental then the Expansion/Contraction 'Aeon' or Cherubimic Kingdom or Principality?

    Yes there is: Identity/Antiidentity - defining the + to be the antiID of the - and vice versa (again in core archetype).

    So you have a preBigBang prespacertimematter cosmology resting on 1-2-3 as Identity-Expansion-Order.

    [The actual cosmogenesis is a monadic archetype (o+o=8 say) bifurcating into the binary archetype dyad {0,1} in an algorithmic selfprogramming of sorts].

    Next comes the 'Invention' of Time as a Counting-Parameter and physically the inverse time as FREQUENCY.

    The story continues in technical detail, but can also become expressed in 'scriptural-mythological' metaphor.


    Forethought=Event A in Order as Before and Afterthought=Event B in Order as After Event A has occurred.

    Event A is happening in the subplenum of the Void=Infinity and Event B becomes the MATERIALISATION (primarily via a physical cosmology based on the frequency parameter as inverse time) of the Event A.

    Also note the highly significant passage in Genesis.2.5:
    "And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground."

    Can you see here the solution to the chicken-egg or DNA-RNA paradox - in the Rooster's Egg preceding the Hen's?

    So what happened to the Adam in Genesis.1.27?

    This Man (presumed to be Adam) is not the same Adam and they are simply the archetypes for Man and Woman BEFORE there was any physical creation.
    This is also the Pigeradamus in the gnostic literature, the Adam Kadmon of Kabbalah, the Purusha in the Vedas and the Vitruvian Man of western alchemy (Leonardo da Vinci).

    This is the 'Lovechild' of 'The Invisible One' as the Forethought and of Barbelo as the Afterthought.

    This is the Logos known as 'Christos' or the Word in John.1.1. AND it is also YOU as the afterthought expressing the forethought.

    John Shadow

    --MOD EDIT--
    Please keep the copy/pastes to a minimum.

    Thank You


    Originally Posted by Karen

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    Last edited by GaiaLove; 01-05-2010 at 08:37 PM. Reason: oversized pasted post

    01-05-2010, 11:29 AM #94

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    Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
    Thanks to all of you for your suggestions and replies and especially to you Abraxasinas for your contributions and explanations.


    01-05-2010, 11:35 AM #95

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    Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Originally Posted by Anchor

    It seems to me most of our limitations are programmed in - for most people it turns out that we are more powerful and capable than we know or think.

    i guess i am not "most of us" ...i have tried and tried to understand this thread. my mind has never been good with numbers.

    Though i do find some fascinating information ...i feel almost...stupid reading this stuff..

    am i the only one?

    no offense meant to anyone here..i am just trying to learn..

    01-05-2010, 11:45 AM #96


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    Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Originally Posted by Céline
    i guess i am not "most of us" ...i have tried and tried to understand this thread. my mind has never been good with numbers.

    Though i do find some fascinating information ...i feel almost...stupid reading this stuff..

    am i the only one?

    no offense meant to anyone here..i am just trying to learn..
    For Celine!

    The Parable of the Sandpit

    Imagine yourself as father and mother with three-year old twins.
    Both of your children, a boy and a girl are in a sandpit, where you watch them play.
    You observe them experimenting and exploring their local environment - the sandpit.
    The kids see the sand; they smell it, they listen to it and they try to eat the sand.
    They fondle the sand and they feel it; they try to do all sorts of things to the sand, like sticking it in their hair and up their noses and into their ears.

    When something like another child, even a twin, disturbs their endeavours, then they may start to throw the sand at each other; verbal utterances are supplemented by gestures meanings things like "It's mine!" or "I was here first, so just go away!"

    This is the playground of very young children before school age and very well known to every

    Now as father and mother, what would you expect as an answer from the kids to questions like: "Where did the sand come from kid?
    Why do you think or behave like you owned it?"
    If the kid could talk it would say: "It's just there! So I took it!"; and that would be it.

    Would the child understand your knowledge and experience and logic?
    Namely, that the sand came from a beach or a mine and ultimately from exploding stars called supernovae and so the universe?
    And whatever made the supernova, made the universe and made the sand?

    Father and Mother know very well that the sandpit was built for providing a learning experience for the children.
    Then the father and mother might recall their own childhood and remember the times, when
    they themselves had been playing in a sandpit.

    Ah yes, there was Tom and Julie and Henry and Elizabeth.
    And over there is Stephen and Rachel and Harold and Pamela.
    They all had played and had ravelled in the sandpit.
    Tom was now the chief research scientist working for the chemical manufacturer and multinational corporation Drug-U-Better & Co.
    Julie had become a top PR-Executive of a transatlantic oil exporter.
    Henry was employed as a chief banker for the worldwide Unibank.

    Elizabeth was so pretty, she worked seven days a week as a supermodel of the catwalk.
    Stephen had made his name as a world renowned mathematical physicist.
    Rachel worked and part-owned a wholesale department store and thought soon to extend her
    business interstate and overseas.
    Harold owned and operated Trick-A-Cheapcar, a highly profitable used car yard and dealership; he considered it time to move into gold, real estate and the Vatican Bank.

    Pamela made her daily run on the stockmarket; she was so good at it, that she had even given up her lucrative career as a lawyer over it....
    And Dad and Mum are standing on the edge of the sandpit watching the children play in the
    sand; but now the sand was made into different toys to play with.
    There was paper and metals and plastics and other things.

    The kids still chucked the sand around, but now they called it money and computers and rockets and things and cars and satellites and guns and things...
    If all the kids are children of nature, the universe and if all the children are still growing up;
    should they then not be destined to grow into entire universes themselves?

    That is the logical conclusion in a development from baby to child to adult.
    And Mum and Dad are standing on the edge of the sandpit, watching the children play in the
    sand - they are always watching you and they are always loving you - their kid."

    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-05-2010 at 11:49 AM.

    01-05-2010, 12:25 PM #97

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    Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Originally Posted by bigmo

    I feel you may have misinterpreted my last posting and I hope to clarify as I sensed a derogatory note to your comment. So I would like to try it again…

    Having read all of yours and Stardustaqarions post it became immediately clear to me that I was in over my head.

    In order to fully understand the foundational information, from which both of your postings originated, would require advanced degrees in cosmology, physics, mathematics and history. (you may even throw in philosophy and genetics as well) Assuming one had such degrees you could still argue, that trained experts in any field with the same educational backgrounds can and do disagree on the meanings of many things within their fields of expertise.

    I found both yours and Stardustaqarions comments exciting, intriguing and curious. I was immediately drawn into your ‘friendly banter’ as I would be to an artistic contest. (a contest in which there is no winner only different forms of expression) If you took my term ‘banter’ to mean something other than this I apologize for the incorrect word usage.

    Having said that, I still wonder how the average ‘earthling’ could even begin to hope to contemplate, much less grasp and understand the huge social, scientific, political and religious implications of the things that you speak of. Now you may say that ‘this is actually quite simplistic stuff’ and this maybe so (I would have no way of knowing if it is or isn’t).

    Being one of those ‘average’ earthlings though I still wonder, if indeed this information you speak of is imminent in its dissemination, how ‘most people’ are ever going to come to terms with such huge paradigm shifts?

    Generally shifts of these magnitudes occur in centuries if not longer do they not? I still wonder how people will accept such broad changes of understanding in such a short period of time. Will there be some sort of world wide soul ‘enlightenment’ that accompanies the release of this information?

    If most cannot accept such far ranging ideas (which could seem likely) then what happens? I am… wondering.


    PS I hope this is still ' on topic' enough for a reply
    Hi, this is Stardust

    A'sha has been commissioned to publish a book "Life after Earth" this summer, it will explain a lot of what it is going on and what it is the Silver Seed Awakening contracts

    No doubt there will be more public radio interviews

    Whilst I have not read all the comments in this thread since I last log off, I fully understand that the information is difficult to grasp.

    When I started to study Keylontic Sciences, that are the scientific studies of ascension, I felt lost too, but perseverance got me there. Anyway there is enough material in their website to gently peruse

    My best wishes

    01-05-2010, 01:11 PM #98

    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Thanks for your commitment to this thread. i feel somewhat like Celine, i guess, in that sometimes i'm thinking what the f--k are they talking about?!? especially when you & [what's his/her name] were going back & forth earlier .... it was like ya'll were talking in code or a foreign language LOL!! but i've caught enough to have some questions, though it's taken me awhile to formulate them:

    1) is part of what you're talking about the transcending of duality? /the death of the devil? / embracing our shadow (as a species)?

    2) what is this about you being a vampyre ..... only not like the ones who only come out at night??? are there any other ways that you're different from them??? excuse my naivite, but i haven't read any anne rice or other pop-culture vampire novels, and so to me vampires still imply serious evil. what am i missing here?!?

    thanks again, Abraxasinas, and all you other cool spirits on this thread ... ya'll rock!

    Last edited by hippihillbobbi; 01-05-2010 at 01:16 PM.

    01-05-2010, 01:37 PM #99

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    Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Originally Posted by Céline
    i guess i am not "most of us" ...i have tried and tried to understand this thread. my mind has never been good with numbers.

    Though i do find some fascinating information ...i feel almost...stupid reading this stuff..

    am i the only one?

    no offense meant to anyone here..i am just trying to learn..
    No Celine...you are not alone.

    I'm a complicated guy but I'm a sci guy (scientific) and I would have to break each line down and research it.

    Way too much material to do that.

    I have a "gut" feel there is something important in here but it's over my humble head.

    Is there a Cliff's notes version??

    01-05-2010, 02:48 PM #100

    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban
    Thank you for the parable...it is far easier to understand your point of view in that context.

    i wanted to quote your text but there are so many ['s etc, that i had a hard time deciphering it...

    i do understand the example you are giving, but i no longer think it applies...the kids in the box have changed.

    as an example...

    my kids would never have "thrown the sand" and said "mine"...they would have grabbed a handfull, run up to the other kid and said... "Wow check this out!!"

    Tom, Dick and Jane... and céline are Different....

    These rules..archetypes... do not apply anymore...

    *céline puts her hand over her heart closes her eyes*

    i can feel it in the rythym ....can you?

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

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    post_old. 01-05-2010, 02:49 PM

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Stargazer1965 viewpost.
    No Celine...you are not alone.

    Thank you, i need that original.
    post_old. 01-05-2010, 02:51 PM

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Stargazer1965 viewpost.
    No Celine...you are not alone.

    I'm a complicated guy but I'm a sci guy (scientific) and I would have to break each line down and research it.

    Way too much material to do that.

    I have a "gut" feel there is something important in here but it's over my humble head.

    Is there a Cliff's notes version??

    Yes there is a Cliff version at rense or youtube on 2012

    The bottom line, to be fair, is:

    This story started billions of years ago with the fall of part of our universe, that fall is mentioned in the Bible too as the fallen angels and the wars in the sky

    Since then, the Matrix has been trying to heal herself by sending more specialized beings to it.

    To make it short that was what the Amenti Rescue Mission was about but it failed in 2003 with the fall of the Halls of Amenti. Many other things have happened since.

    The "virus" are the fallen angels because they cut themselves off from source and bent the light that sustain all living beings in order to have "immortal" life and have the authoritary ways, in exchange for eternal life provided they feed the ghostly facsimile bodies they created with their fibonacci physics

    The "God worlds" are a realm of equality and free will, they obey certain rules but those rules foster the creation and expanssion of all beings and it is a paradigm opposite to the fallen angels one. Please follow this link for the attitudes and responsibilities of mastery http://www.azuritepress.com/techniqu...ibilities.html which are the foundations of life as free beings
    The fallen angels live in a black hole, that is mentioned in the Bible too as the Abby's?, where they have no input of energy from source sooo....they have to take their light source from other living beings like us, Earth, etc

    Whether they call themselves dragons or whatever they are different than the common man on the street because they have no real life but artificial life. No soul, no spirit

    To top it all, around 10,000 years ago they took over this planet in what is called "the Luciferian revelion" Lucifer by the way is a collective not a being,
    so they have installed all sorts of technologies to pull our galaxy through their black hole progressively in order to keep their artificial life going

    Many efforts have been made by the Guardian Alliance to persuade them of accepting regenesis contracts but the history so far is that they have accepted and they broke them again and again. Things went so bad that we are experiencing now what it is call the "inhale" breath and the part of the creation that is still conected to source is being called back

    This planet is going through a cycle called Stellar Activation Cycle, the last one that will happen here because the rescue mission has failed, in which stargates open etc

    As a consequence, we are in evacuation of the whole of the Universe where the Milky Way is. That means that every person that is still connected to source has the opportunity to leave this matrix provided they agree with the Silver seed awakening contract of which there will be details in the summer

    The Dragons and the Vampyre lady are the ones that are taking over cos the defeated other bands of fallen angelic that were here since Atlantis. They are going to "assimilate" whoever is left here, through their black hole technology and EAT the quantum of the whole of the universe progressively

    Eventually their black hole system will collapse but is going to take a while, and they will return to source as space dust for nothing is lost as it all happens inside the Alll Oneness

    While the Guardian Alliance have said that there will be no pole shift in 2012 it is possible that the beam of the quasar could hit Earth, if that happens, Cliff High scenario will come to pass with the exception of immediate pole shift, and living conditions here will be rather difficult

    The pole shift may eventually happen too

    Because of the way the invaders are manipulating the magnetics of the planet it will be difficult for people that do not prepare themselves from now to 2012 to do ascension (transfiguration and stargate slide passage). Buy saying that I understand that there will be those that will help transfer the soul and spirit of people that can not make it through stargate passage, provided they have agreed to silver seed contracts

    Of course the fallen angelics do not want people to know this because they lose the quantum (head count) that they intend to "assimilate" and eat as energy no physically. What happens is that people will die in the cataclisms and their soul and spirit will be absorved as you see in the hubble telescope pictures
    This is a extremely simplified account and I will urge all of you to do your own research and make up your mind as soon as you can, because not taking a stand means that it is likely that the choice will be made by the majority of sleeper peoples in this plane.

    Additionally, living under the rule of the fallen angels will be a extreme NWO scenario, which is basically living like straight forward slaves.

    I must add that there are no victims here. Human angelics and indigos alike chose to come here as a kind of doctors to this matrix and regretfully things did not happened in the way it was desired
    The choice is yours while you still have it until the 31st of January 2013

    Please read the summaries in A'sha website, links which have been posted here above, prior making the decission of which direction you may want to go for many will continue in oblivion and their choice will be made by their rulers. Let your decision be a wise and informed one

    It is likely that there will be a progressive escalation in the planet and because of the magnetics the internet will be erratic so think about that

    Also many are commenting here that they feel tired, that is the magnetics too
    I can only speak for myself so I will say that I am doing my best to keep the grids even in my neck of the woods. I know others are doing the same and we will do our best to assist everyone that comes our way. You have to do your bit too

    In eternal love

    Last edited by Stardustaquarion; 01-05-2010 at 04:23 PM.
    post_old. 01-05-2010, 02:55 PM

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by Stardustaquarion viewpost.

    The bottom line, to be fair, is:

    In eternal love

    Thank you wub2.
    post_old. 01-05-2010, 03:29 PM

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Thanks...I read it....now I have to absorb.
    post_old. 01-05-2010, 04:20 PM

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    A poem to grok, which was written by me when i was 13 years old. I feel that poetry is an archetype of the soul, it awakens and inspires.

    I lift my voice
    To the music
    And sing with the singers
    Life's fleshy song,
    Mouth quiviering with the taste
    Of Lyrics
    Foot tapping the floor drum.
    My feelings ring
    Through the blue arch of sky
    Like winds of melancholy
    Groaning the Earth's cry
    To become felt as they
    Go on,
    Singing to a wounded world
    It's living song.

    I See through minds eye
    Visions exploding inside,
    Crystal tipped edges of blackness
    Draped over white nakedness shining
    Forming the figure of the
    Venus of nothingness
    Eclipsing her skin in it's umbrial lining
    Enveloped in a crystal aura,
    Amythist feathers ready for flight
    Rainbow bubbles
    Frothing on wings,
    Reflected in this ethereal sight
    Are facets of me in a dream.

    post_old. 01-05-2010, 05:19 PM

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    The 'Council of Thuban', eh; representing 'Alpha Draconis'.


    So you know that the original stronghold homeworld of the 'Grandfather' dragons is in the 'Omicron Draconis' star system, then ??

    I met Anna Hayes back in 2000, it did not go particularly well; and I personally do not ascribe to her overall perceptual model; although I do think there is 'some value' in the teachings of 'keylontic morphogenetic science'.

    What is talked about here in this thread may be the level of insight that the 'draconian' lineages have to provide, I've seen some of this material posted on other forums in the past.

    Personally, I believe in a multi-universal cosmos sphere, based on the 'seed of life'; six universes - 36 dimensions; being spun out of a 144000 faceted core structure at it's central axis - operating as an 'opaluminal simulation'.

    12DnAHelix was here.
    post_old. 01-05-2010, 05:22 PM

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    All else is just Maya, ya ask me.

    "Life IS mystical! It's just that we're used to it"​

    Evil cannot be killed. Only redeemed.

    Chat us up at: Avalon Chat
    post_old. 01-05-2010, 05:23 PM

    THE eXchanger
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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    we believe, in 36 dimensions too ~ albeit, formed over 3 matriXes ~ 12D/12D/12D
    with both density/and, dimensions
    12D/12d 24D/24d, and, then the 3rd matrix moving through 1D to9D/33d - 10d/34d, 11d/35d, 12d/36d
    (and, sitting with the ability to connect future, too)

    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 01-05-2010 at 06:04 PM.
    post_old. 01-05-2010, 05:59 PM

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas viewpost.
    An excellent contribution Raven. Indeed the GROKING is directly from the handbook of the Dragons. Handbook of the Dragons? Can you eludidate a bit on this... and thanks for the compliment smile.

    The Groking IT is the same as technically becoming quantum entangled as object of observation and the observer - Schroedinger's Cat is Groking IT.
    Yes I agree, to understand all these metaphors and archetypes you have to "become" them.
    I shall henceforth use this terminology when describing the Solution of the Schroedinger Cat paradox.
    The solution in Ravenese is the Cat has Groked IT in its Groked selfstate of quantum entanglement and I am rather serious here.
    Groked in specific terms then implies that the 'Cat' is NOT EITHER Alive or Dead, but is in fact BOTH Alive and Dead simultaneously.
    Hence the void or the great dream?
    So instead of describing the collapse of the wavefunction as Aliveness in particle/bodyform with the Deadness of the corresponding wave/mindform; One can saty the 'Cat' is Groked, because IF Dead as a waveform it MUST be Alive as a a Particleform and vice versa.

    Then in either state of the 'Cat's' Grokedness the 'Cat' is always BOTH Alive and Dead relative to either the wavemind or the particle/body perspective or observer frame.

    So to describe the solution to the Schroedinger quantum paradox one simply stes that the 'Cat' is Groked.

    What 'vibes' do I get from you Raven. I receive rather particular vibes and those are rather strong.

    Your incarnation addresses a very potent, yet most often overlooked archetype in the scroll of the Genesis.

    After an archetypical and metaphorical calamity, called 'the flood' and after the archetypical evolution of the Adam archetype had assumed the characterisation of Noah; this archetype decided to extend its 'sphere of influence' and activity.
    So in the 'Play of the Gods' YOU as Adam have become engaged to fill the character role of Noah.
    So what is the first thing Noah does in the 'script' of the 'play'?

    He extends himself in sending his first messenger the Black Raven to check out the scenario following the 'mental archetypical' calamity of the changing of the guarding symbols describing the encoded storylines.

    So I know what you are up to Raven. You are the messenger of yourself, heralding and preparing the way for your glorious return into full remembrance about your origins, purpose and destinations.
    Thank you, you are truely aware and i 'feel' your mirror is accurate.

    And the 'frequency transmission' was so strong, because you are mentally ready and prepared to receive this information about yourself.
    The Raven did not return to Noah as you may chechk out for yourself; but the Raven "went forth to and fro, until the waters were dried up from off the earth." {Genesis.8.7}.
    So Raven you are the messenger of Noah, who acts INDEPENDENTLY from his own self.
    You so represent a renegade part of your greater self, which does not require the permission of its 'greater more encompassing' self to do what is appropriate under the circumstances.
    You might also perform the function of the 'Secret Agency' which like the Council of Thuban manouvers in the shadows until the time becomes appropriate to interact with Oneself again after a period of absenteeism or AWOLness.
    Has been performed and is done, was allowed to go AWOL, or "LOWA" once again to observe the birth smile.

    There is a strong astrological influence 'in the air' for another two weeks until January 18th. Stationary Saturn in Libra is square Pluto in Capricorn with a quadruple joining of Sun, Venus and reverse Mercury in Capricorn. Added to this are the quadrantids meteor shower January 3rd and the solar eclipse of January 15th at New Moon in Capricorn.
    The astrological significance of Capricorn-Cancer oppositions are always extremely unsettling for 'unbalanced' entities in either physical-, emotional- or mental bodies; because Capricorn archetypes the Father (Saturn) opposing the Mother (Full Moon) archetyped in Cancer.
    So an inversion of the 'home energies' of Father in Capricorn with Mother in Cancer occurs on January 15th; when the Father and Mother exchange places in their celestial 'houses'.

    For the metaphysically attuned however, this 'unsettling' also allows great harmonisation in quasi-unified exponents who are in full remembrance of their inner yin-yang unifications as mirrors or shadows of objectification and subjectification or as positive print and negative image in say photography.

    Dan Winter's platonic solids are excellent, but he seems to get a little sidetracked when attempting to link the isocahs and the dodecahs to mainstrem science. I have had informants who told me they found some of my essays on his site, but going there I could not find it. I also shared some ideas with Dan in times past.
    Yes at times Dan tends to plaigerize, but truely, being all ONE this is not his intention, i understand that.
    post_old. 01-05-2010, 07:13 PM

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    There is a time to believe and there is a time to know, I for one would not write about things of such a import to the human race if I only believe, if I didn't had the direct experience of other worlds and peoples, of worlds were mutual respect, love and freedom exists

    I know too well how easy it is to quash these memories when we find ourselves in such a violent and competitive world as this one has become

    Earth was one time paradise too

    Indigos and human angels have great capacities, for example interdimensional travel, multidimensional awareness etc...but will they try? will they remember their mission?make an effort and do something rather than just talk?...make the difference on their awakening to this planet?

    What is stopping you from realizing your potential? the potential that other life forms in this time matrix don't have?

    What is the price of your eternal potential? of giving up the opportunity to expand yourself and become master of your own destiny, a creator of realities and worlds, rather than just space dust...it is not too late yet

    All is inside God, all is God...even the things you may think happen outside you are really happening inside you, for no one can really love you other than yourself...your own God self

    The All Oneness has it all and needs no-thing...no one...but whether you follow your god self and realize your potential or not you will still come back one day to Source as space dust...your identity, your individuality lost but the partikis that made it will be used again to create new worlds, new dreams...

    The All Oneness gave you free will and while it prefers for its creation to be joyful and productive it always new you may decide to fall, to bend the laws...at a price of course, because these are equal interchange of energy worlds and every action has a consecuense in energy terms

    The bringers of truth are rarely welcomed in earth, because it is so much more pleasant for the ego to listen to sweet and inconsecuential words...to believe in the maya rather in one's own intimately magical god self

    Is time to leave and release you to your doubts and uncertainty, to your fear, to your alliances, saying only that you have a choice, the choice to be free, one last time...that you are loved beyond your imagination, that source does not judge you and that there is help for as long as may be possible should you want it...you now know where to find it

    I AM a face of the original one, a friend, a family member from your Krystic family beyond the illussions of time and space

    Ashalum ta Eckasha DUr

    and so it is flowers2.
    icon1.Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    post_old. 01-05-2010, 07:38 PM

    Avalon Senior Member


    Join Date: Dec 2009
    Location: The Void
    Posts: 49
    The oldest energy is that existing before the physical universe was born. The universe has a biovital structure like found in your body - the galaxies in the universe become holograms of your somatic and neuronal cells.
    You are Leonardo da Vinci's 'Vitruvius' or 'Cosmic Man'.
    You are THE Adam in Genesis differentiated from Vitruvius as AdamEve the androgyne.
    This universal archetype existed BEFORE there was an universe of physicality.
    So YOU as ADAM are 'Coming Home', because YOU are already HERE.

    So the Adam-Cell is YOU as ONE CELL in the Body of God - the GODDESS of the Universe.
    Starsystems become the conduits for the information from Galactic Core to the Planetary Core - Gaia becomes the archetype for the Gathering of the EVES, ambassadoras to help ADAM to become ONE within the spacetime creation and AFTER having existed as archetype BEFORE the spacetime creation.
    So lonely GOD=ADAMEVE uses the archetype to 'split into two' outside of spacetime so creating a purposeful cosmos and then to come back together again within spacetime in a doubling of the whole SheBang.
    Forgive me, mfr_lol. this one line just made me laugh like hell and think of this:

    PS: i do have a very demented sense of humor at times roll1.

    Last edited by Karen; 01-06-2010 at 08:06 AM. Reason: fix quote tags

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    page 6 of 63

    icon1.Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Anchor-- i really appreciate your presence here you're great!

    /Raven -- that SheBang detour was hysterical! (guess i'm a little demented myself!)

    i Love this thread .... ya'll are all too muchj! Sofun!!!

    wonder where Abrax has wandered off to? has it been awhile? or are we just all talking so fast and saying so much that it only [I]seems[I] like [I]awhile?!?

    [i]Last edited by hippihillbobbi; 01-06-2010 at 12:49 PM.[/i]{/td}
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    post_old. 01-06-2010, 12:41 PM

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    {td}[anchor][/anchor][IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/statusicon/post_old.gif[/URL][/IMG] 01-06-2010, 12:54 PM{/td}
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    [IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/images/icons/icon1.gif[/URL][/IMG] [b]Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban[/b]
    maybe he's just [i]Lurking!![IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/images/smilies/roll1.gif[/URL][/IMG][/i]{/td}
    {td}[IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/statusicon/user_offline.gif[/URL][/IMG] {/td}
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    {td}[anchor][/anchor][IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/statusicon/post_old.gif[/URL][/IMG] 01-06-2010, 01:28 PM{/td}
    {td=right}[right] #[URL='[URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/showpost.php?p=217238&postcount=128[/URL]'][b]128[/b][/URL][/right]{/td}
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    [IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/images/icons/icon1.gif[/URL][/IMG] [b]Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban[/b]
    Originally Posted by [b]hippihillbobbi[/b] [URL='[URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?p=217223#post217223[/URL]'][IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/buttons/viewpost.gif[/URL][/IMG][/URL]
    maybe he's just [i]Lurking!![IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/images/smilies/roll1.gif[/URL][/IMG][/i]{/td}
    Likely sitting back and laughing at the gullibility of people.
    People who are in need of confirmation of their beliefs to such a degree that they will believe that Gods are giving a message to the people of Earth by posting on a internet forum.

    This is a waste of time, energy and disk space. It would be laughable if it wasn't so sad.
    [font=Comic Sans MS][color=deepskyblue][size=3]Richard[/size][/color][/font]
    [color=royalblue][i]"For those with their eyes shut, no explanation will suffice.
    For those with their eyes open, no explanation is necessary."[/i][/color]

    [URL='[URL]http://projectavalon.2012info.ca/[/URL]']Click here to chat LIVE with other members of Avalon[/URL]{/td}
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    {td}[anchor][/anchor][IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/statusicon/post_old.gif[/URL][/IMG] 01-06-2010, 01:35 PM{/td}
    {td=right}[right] #[URL='[URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/showpost.php?p=217243&postcount=129[/URL]'][b]129[/b][/URL][/right]{/td}
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    [IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/images/icons/icon1.gif[/URL][/IMG] [b]Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban[/b]
    Originally Posted by [b]GaiaLove[/b] [URL='[URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?p=217238#post217238[/URL]'][IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/buttons/viewpost.gif[/URL][/IMG][/URL]
    Likely sitting back and laughing at the gullibility of people.
    People who are in need of confirmation of their beliefs to such a degree that they will believe that Gods are giving a message to the people of Earth by posting on a internet forum.

    This is a waste of time, energy and disk space. It would be laughable if it wasn't so sad.{/td}
    I'll go with gullible..more a dreamer..and I think the same sometimes.


    There will be one time that the true message will "leak" through.

    It won't be on CNN...this will be the media and for all I know...It may be out there right now.

    So I put my foot in and test the waters because I don't really want to think I'm jaded that some day ....some where .....some one may have a message I need to hear.

    Peace GL
    [i]Last edited by Stargazer1965; 01-06-2010 at 02:02 PM.[/i]{/td}
    {td}[IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/statusicon/user_offline.gif[/URL][/IMG] {/td}
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    {td}[anchor][/anchor][IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/statusicon/post_old.gif[/URL][/IMG] 01-06-2010, 02:09 PM{/td}
    {td=right}[right] #[URL='[URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/showpost.php?p=217257&postcount=130[/URL]'][b]130[/b][/URL][/right]{/td}
    Avalon Senior Member

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    [IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/images/icons/icon1.gif[/URL][/IMG] [b]Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban[/b]
    After reading more of this thread I thought I would post my feelings as I began to remember something that I found to be very important to me.

    I believe that everyone's post contributes in some way to the members of this forum and to the world at large.

    Even griefers and saboteurs and egotist have their reasons for what they do... and it could well be that it was my thoughts or my actions that caused them to act in the way they do. (I am a powerful child of God and as such effect everyone with whom I interact)

    I have been guilty of pointing fingers at those I have 'judge' as not 'acceptable' (whatever that means) and am ashamed for my thoughts and actions in this regard.

    I must always come back to the truth that I have accepted as my personal belief... that we all are one... and I struggle to maintain this perspective in every moment that I am awake. (and admit that I mostly fail)

    This is a quote that I think about frequently from a very powerful piece of writing called The Desiderata:

    As far as possible, without surrender,
    be on good terms with all persons.
    Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
    and listen to others,
    even to the dull and the ignorant;
    they too have their story.

    May Peace be with all of you.{/td}
    {td}[IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/statusicon/user_offline.gif[/URL][/IMG] {/td}
    {td=right}[right] [/right]{/td}
    {td}[anchor][/anchor][IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/statusicon/post_old.gif[/URL][/IMG] 01-06-2010, 02:18 PM{/td}
    {td=right}[right] #[URL='[URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/showpost.php?p=217261&postcount=131[/URL]'][b]131[/b][/URL][/right]{/td}
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    [IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/images/icons/icon1.gif[/URL][/IMG] [b]Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban[/b]
    Originally Posted by [b]bigmo[/b] [URL='[URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?p=217257#post217257[/URL]'][IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/buttons/viewpost.gif[/URL][/IMG][/URL]
    After reading more of this thread I thought I would post my feelings as I began to remember something that I found to be very important to me.

    I believe that everyone's post contributes in some way to the members of this forum and to the world at large.

    Even griefers and saboteurs and egotist have their reasons for what they do... and it could well be that it was my thoughts or my actions that caused them to act in the way they do. (I am a powerful child of God and as such effect everyone with whom I interact)

    I have been guilty of pointing fingers at those I have 'judge' as not 'acceptable' (whatever that means) and am ashamed for my thoughts and actions in this regard.

    I must always come back to the truth that I have accepted as my personal belief... that we all are one... and I struggle to maintain this perspective in every moment that I am awake. (and admit that I mostly fail)

    This is a quote that I think about frequently from a very powerful piece of writing called The Desiderata:

    As far as possible, without surrender,
    be on good terms with all persons.
    Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
    and listen to others,
    even to the dull and the ignorant;
    they too have their story.

    May Peace be with all of you.{/td}
    Must be that MidWest US mentality seeping through....Thanks Mo{/td}
    {td}[IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/statusicon/user_offline.gif[/URL][/IMG] {/td}
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    {td}[anchor][/anchor][IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/statusicon/post_old.gif[/URL][/IMG] 01-06-2010, 02:22 PM{/td}
    {td=right}[right] #[URL='[URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/showpost.php?p=217265&postcount=132[/URL]'][b]132[/b][/URL][/right]{/td}
    Avalon Senior Member

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    [IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/images/icons/icon1.gif[/URL][/IMG] [b]Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban[/b]
    Originally Posted by [b]bigmo[/b] [URL='[URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?p=217257#post217257[/URL]'][IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/buttons/viewpost.gif[/URL][/IMG][/URL]
    After reading more of this thread I thought I would post my feelings as I began to remember something that I found to be very important to me.

    I believe that everyone's post contributes in some way to the members of this forum and to the world at large.

    Even griefers and saboteurs and egotist have their reasons for what they do... and it could well be that it was my thoughts or my actions that caused them to act in the way they do. (I am a powerful child of God and as such effect everyone with whom I interact)

    I have been guilty of pointing fingers at those I have 'judge' as not 'acceptable' (whatever that means) and am ashamed for my thoughts and actions in this regard.

    I must always come back to the truth that I have accepted as my personal belief... that we all are one... and I struggle to maintain this perspective in every moment that I am awake. (and admit that I mostly fail)

    This is a quote that I think about frequently from a very powerful piece of writing called The Desiderata:

    As far as possible, without surrender,
    be on good terms with all persons.
    Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
    and listen to others,
    even to the dull and the ignorant;
    they too have their story.

    May Peace be with all of you.{/td}
    I have not been following this thread.

    I am only commenting on this post at face value.

    This is one beautiful, powerful statement.

    Thank you.{/td}
    {td}[IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/statusicon/user_offline.gif[/URL][/IMG] {/td}
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    {td}[anchor][/anchor][IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/statusicon/post_old.gif[/URL][/IMG] 01-06-2010, 03:11 PM{/td}
    {td=right}[right] #[URL='[URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/showpost.php?p=217299&postcount=133[/URL]'][b]133[/b][/URL][/right]{/td}
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    [IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/images/icons/icon1.gif[/URL][/IMG] [b]Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban[/b]
    Originally Posted by [b]Stargazer1965[/b] [URL='[URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?p=217261#post217261[/URL]'][IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/buttons/viewpost.gif[/URL][/IMG][/URL]
    Must be that MidWest US mentality seeping through....Thanks Mo{/td}
    It was quite nice to move back to the midwest after living other places for decades for just this reason.{/td}
    {td}[IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/statusicon/user_offline.gif[/URL][/IMG] {/td}
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    {td}[anchor][/anchor][IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/statusicon/post_old.gif[/URL][/IMG] 01-06-2010, 03:31 PM{/td}
    {td=right}[right] #[URL='[URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/showpost.php?p=217310&postcount=134[/URL]'][b]134[/b][/URL][/right]{/td}
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    [IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/images/icons/icon1.gif[/URL][/IMG] [b]Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban[/b]
    Originally Posted by [b]Jnana[/b] [URL='[URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?p=217299#post217299[/URL]'][IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/buttons/viewpost.gif[/URL][/IMG][/URL]
    It was quite nice to move back to the midwest after living other places for decades for just this reason.{/td}
    No Place better Jnana...Been in the bluegrass state my whole life....{/td}
    {td}[IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/statusicon/user_offline.gif[/URL][/IMG] {/td}
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    {td}[anchor][/anchor][IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/statusicon/post_old.gif[/URL][/IMG] 01-06-2010, 05:58 PM{/td}
    {td=right}[right] #[URL='[URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/showpost.php?p=217389&postcount=135[/URL]'][b]135[/b][/URL][/right]{/td}
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    [IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/images/icons/icon1.gif[/URL][/IMG] [b]Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban[/b]
    Thank you Gaia. This is what I was "hinting at" (though poorly, I guess), when I posted this, yesterday.


    All else is just Maya, ya ask me.{/td}
    The album cover has always been a reminder to me that,

    All of us have, within the course of this life, the innate ability to reach through and beyond it, and directly touch the face of our creator. By "we" and "us" I mean all conscious life, in any form.

    That creation is as perfect as its creator, always. Only we can put anything in the way of this, though it never truly exists. Any of it. Such is the nature and meaning of Maya (illusion). Our creator sees us eternally in the perfect form created, as this is all that truly exists.

    The first "step away" was, and always is ours alone. Any forms of judgement, all complexity is simply complexity of illusion, for its own sake. Who creates it is irrelevant, who believes it, a tragedy.

    A "complex" illusion is still just that. However many worlds, dimensions, levels, and times "needed", it always confuses me. We "need" nothing of this illusion, buying someone else's idea of our need, simply feeds both party's illusion.

    Their "need" is also illusion, our fulfillment came at creation, as did theirs. Why deny that to yourself, or them, with subscription?

    As far as possible, without surrender,
    be on good terms with all persons.
    Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
    and listen to others,
    even to the dull and the ignorant;
    they too have their story.

    BigMo ya done good. There it is, tolerance without submission. How else can either side of a subject discern, and hold to what's true?

    Our creator awaits, timelessly

    I have always [i][b]loved[/b][/i] Desiderata. Pure beauty and simplicity.

    Now, just for fun, the National Lampoon did a parody of it, which never fails to make me laugh. So... I give you... [URL='[URL]http://fredsitelive.com/fun/deteriorata.htm[/URL]'][i][b]Deteriorata![/b][/i][/URL] [IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/images/smilies/wink.gif[/URL][/IMG]

    [center][left]"Life [i][b]IS [/b][/i]mystical! It's just that we're used to it"[/left]

    Evil cannot be killed. Only redeemed.

    Chat us up at: [URL='[URL]http://projectavalon.2012info.ca/[/URL]'][b]Avalon Chat[/b][/URL][/center]
    [i]Last edited by Fredkc; 01-06-2010 at 06:11 PM.[/i]{/td}
    {td}[IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/statusicon/user_offline.gif[/URL][/IMG] {/td}
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    {td}[anchor][/anchor][IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/statusicon/post_old.gif[/URL][/IMG] 01-06-2010, 06:08 PM{/td}
    {td=right}[right] #[URL='[URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/showpost.php?p=217393&postcount=136[/URL]'][b]136[/b][/URL][/right]{/td}
    [URL='[URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/member.php?u=8[/URL]']THE eXchanger[/URL]
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    [IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/images/icons/icon1.gif[/URL][/IMG] [b]Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban[/b]
    Originally Posted by [b]Céline[/b] [URL='[URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?p=217209#post217209[/URL]'][IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/buttons/viewpost.gif[/URL][/IMG][/URL]
    [size=3][color=plum]It seems abraxasinas has disappeared...[/color][/size]{/td}
    very likely he is taking a day off{/td}
    {td}[IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/statusicon/user_offline.gif[/URL][/IMG] {/td}
    {td=right}[right] [/right]{/td}
    {td}[anchor][/anchor][IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/statusicon/post_old.gif[/URL][/IMG] 01-06-2010, 06:12 PM{/td}
    {td=right}[right] #[URL='[URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/showpost.php?p=217397&postcount=137[/URL]'][b]137[/b][/URL][/right]{/td}
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    [IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/images/icons/icon1.gif[/URL][/IMG] [b]Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban[/b]
    Originally Posted by [b]hippihillbobbi[/b] [URL='[URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?p=217219#post217219[/URL]'][IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/buttons/viewpost.gif[/URL][/IMG][/URL]
    wonder where Abrax has wandered off to? has it been awhile? or are we just all talking so fast and saying so much that it only seems like a while{/td}
    Abraxasinas crawled back
    into his egg. [IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/images/smilies/naughty.gif[/URL][/IMG]{/td}
    {td}[IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/statusicon/user_offline.gif[/URL][/IMG] {/td}
    {td=right}[right] [/right]{/td}
    {td}[anchor][/anchor][IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/statusicon/post_old.gif[/URL][/IMG] 01-06-2010, 06:12 PM{/td}
    {td=right}[right] #[URL='[URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/showpost.php?p=217398&postcount=138[/URL]'][b]138[/b][/URL][/right]{/td}
    [URL='[URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/member.php?u=8[/URL]']THE eXchanger[/URL]
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    [IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/images/icons/icon1.gif[/URL][/IMG] [b]Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban[/b]
    The team of your 7th/8th/and 9th
    - higher self, essence, and, monad~
    they always know best !!!

    as, well, as, the completed matriX, or matriXes
    that some people on earth,
    actually tap into ~ which are already at the 12/13th Density Level ~
    up and, through 36 dimensions

    also, there are
    12 x 12 = 144 points of light of the main matriX
    (and, further split)
    x 12 = 1728

    some people on earth,
    are here, to carry, or to host,
    the 10th density/34 dimensional aspects of
    parts of their original/or heredity soul families,
    and/or the completed matrixes
    of some of the archetypes

    and, yes, iT iS a truth
    that there, iS quite likely, many of them

    the few of many, NEVER thought,
    most of ewe/or you,
    would ever wake UP,
    to 'real' truth{/td}
    {td}[IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/statusicon/user_offline.gif[/URL][/IMG] {/td}
    {td=right}[right] [/right]{/td}
    {td}[anchor][/anchor][IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/statusicon/post_old.gif[/URL][/IMG] 01-06-2010, 06:34 PM{/td}
    {td=right}[right] #[URL='[URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/showpost.php?p=217419&postcount=139[/URL]'][b]139[/b][/URL][/right]{/td}
    [URL='[URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/member.php?u=8[/URL]']THE eXchanger[/URL]
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    [IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/images/icons/icon1.gif[/URL][/IMG] [b]Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban[/b]
    something perhaps to ponder,
    if ONE JESUS CHRIST arrived,
    how quick, do you think,
    the people would kill him ???

    another thing, perhaps to ponder,
    is that The Cosmos, always have back up plans
    and, if one soul, chooses NOT to embrace the missions, the purposes,
    and, the tasks assigned to them,
    that they choose ~ prior to incaranting,
    and/or created after incarnating,
    that are in 100% alignment~

    there iS always someone else,
    who will step into that role/or that spot,
    and, do iT

    higher up, than a 3rd Density earth beings,
    is also, a 4D, 5D, and, 6D levels of earth beings,
    as, well, as a 7D, 8D, and, 9D levels of earth beings,
    and, discarnate spirits,
    that come into 4D to 9D levels
    and, also, discarnate spriits,
    that come into the 10D-12D levels,
    and, MOTHER EARTH, is NOW considered to be,
    an, 11th DENSITY WORLD ~ she is always ahead of,
    the beings, who she can host

    If you go back,
    to the original root, of archetypes
    which are the original root,
    of the beings on earth
    ie; 1x12=12x12=144 points of light
    many people, incarnate at this time
    are part of these 144 points of light x 12 = 1728
    (see below)
    Where do levels of separation, take you to:

    5,159,780,352 (are we getting close to the number of souls on earth)
    61,917,364,224 (are we getting close to the number of beings in our universe)

    personally, we once, were given the figure of
    7.2 billion - incarnate/and, discarnate souls - involved currently on earth
    (some beings~ are hosting, MORE than one soul)
    which might eXplain-multiple personality disorder
    (in healing, we have oft times discovered, more than one soul-living in a persons 13 aspects)
    we believe, this occured in Atlantis,
    when many souls, were fragmented into many pieces)
    anyway-just a little more fodder/or food, for this thread !!!

    We are all, another part, of another !!!{/td}
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    {td}[anchor][/anchor][IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/statusicon/post_old.gif[/URL][/IMG] 01-06-2010, 06:37 PM{/td}
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    [URL='[URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/member.php?u=8[/URL]']THE eXchanger[/URL]
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    [IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/images/icons/icon1.gif[/URL][/IMG] [b]Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban[/b]
    Originally Posted by [b]TRANCOSO[/b] [URL='[URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?p=217397#post217397[/URL]'][IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/buttons/viewpost.gif[/URL][/IMG][/URL]
    Abraxasinas crawled back into his egg. [IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/images/smilies/naughty.gif[/URL][/IMG]{/td}
    in which case, someone else, has to 'crack' out of 'one' [IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/images/smilies/lmao.gif[/URL][/IMG]

    WiLL iT BE YOU ???

    MUCH of his mathematics/and, relations goes back to atlantis/lemuria, and, pan){/td}
    {td}[IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/statusicon/user_offline.gif[/URL][/IMG] {/td}
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    {td}[anchor][/anchor][IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/statusicon/post_old.gif[/URL][/IMG] 01-06-2010, 06:52 PM{/td}
    {td=right}[right] #[URL='[URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/showpost.php?p=217444&postcount=141[/URL]'][b]141[/b][/URL][/right]{/td}

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    [IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/images/icons/icon1.gif[/URL][/IMG] [b]Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban[/b]
    Originally Posted by [b]THE eXchanger[/b] [URL='[URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?p=217419#post217419[/URL]'][IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/buttons/viewpost.gif[/URL][/IMG][/URL]
    something perhaps to ponder,
    if ONE JESUS CHRIST arrived,
    how quick, do you think,
    the people would kill him ???{/td}

    My "Elaboration": human animal does not like to have its perception of the world dramatically changed

    Originally Posted by [b]THE eXchanger[/b] [URL='[URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?p=217419#post217419[/URL]'][IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/buttons/viewpost.gif[/URL][/IMG][/URL]
    another thing, perhaps to ponder,
    is that The Cosmos, always have back up plans
    and, if one soul, chooses NOT to embrace the missions, the purposes,
    and, the tasks assigned to them,
    that they choose ~ prior to incaranting,
    and/or created after incarnating,
    that are in 100% alignment~

    there iS always someone else,
    who will step into that role/or that spot,
    and, do iT{/td}
    So if I miserably fail at what I do not know I have to do...someone else might take my place...a sort of a redundancy system?

    Each duplicate component added to the [i]system[/i] decreases the probability of [i]system[/i] failure

    But here is something to ponder: every state of the "machinery" can be analyzed and explained and thus hacked

    Originally Posted by [b]THE eXchanger[/b] [URL='[URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?p=217419#post217419[/URL]'][IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/buttons/viewpost.gif[/URL][/IMG][/URL]
    higher up, than a 3rd Density earth beings,
    is also, a 4D, 5D, and, 6D levels of earth beings,
    as, well, as a 7D, 8D, and, 9D levels of earth beings,
    and, discarnate spirits,
    that come into 4D to 9D levels
    and, also, discarnate spriits,
    that come into the 10D-12D levels,
    and, MOTHER EARTH, is NOW considered to be,
    an, 11th DENSITY WORLD ~ she is always ahead of,
    the beings, who she can host

    If you go back,
    to the original root, of archetypes
    which are the original root,
    of the beings on earth
    ie; 1x12=12x12=144 points of light
    many people, incarnate at this time
    are part of these 144 points of light x 12 = 1728
    (see below)
    Where do levels of separation, take you to:

    5,159,780,352 (are we getting close to the number of souls on earth)
    61,917,364,224 (are we getting close to the number of beings in our universe)

    personally, we once, were given the figure of
    7.2 billion - incarnate/and, discarnate souls - involved currently on earth
    (some beings~ are hosting, MORE than one soul)
    which might eXplain-multiple personality disorder
    (in healing, we have oft times discovered, more than one soul-living in a persons 13 aspects)
    we believe, this occured in Atlantis,
    when many souls, were fragmented into many pieces)
    anyway-just a little more fodder/or food, for this thread !!!

    We are all, another part, of another !!!{/td}
    can not comment on the last part [IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/images/smilies/smile.gif[/URL][/IMG] at the moment... (let us be optimistic){/td}
    {td} {/td}
    {td=right}[right] [/right]{/td}
    {td}[anchor][/anchor][IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/statusicon/post_old.gif[/URL][/IMG] 01-06-2010, 07:01 PM{/td}
    {td=right}[right] #[URL='[URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/showpost.php?p=217448&postcount=142[/URL]'][b]142[/b][/URL][/right]{/td}
    [URL='[URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/member.php?u=8[/URL]']THE eXchanger[/URL]
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    [IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/images/icons/icon1.gif[/URL][/IMG] [b]Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban[/b]
    what we were trying to illustrate-iS that we are all a part of the all in all

    (and, if one part, does NOT choose, to do, another soul will)

    for the collective consciousness to awaken - NOT all parts of iT will awaken

    (thus, the power of choices)

    and, maybe why some souls, repeat lessons, over and over again

    sort of like ~ we all keep coming back, until we get it right / and, then, we all get it right

    Do you NOT find, sometimes, you cross paths with others, and, they do NOT get what you say

    although, they do get, what someone else says, and, YET both of the opinions are valuable !!!

    and, both might lead up the same mountain

    Then one day, while reading things, things just start to click/or relate, back to something, that passed by you before.

    iT iS NOT easy for anyone - to relay a complete theory - in one small box [IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/images/smilies/wink.gif[/URL][/IMG]
    [i]Last edited by THE eXchanger; 01-07-2010 at 12:16 AM.[/i]{/td}
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    {td}[anchor][/anchor][IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/statusicon/post_old.gif[/URL][/IMG] 01-06-2010, 07:07 PM{/td}
    {td=right}[right] #[URL='[URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/showpost.php?p=217454&postcount=143[/URL]'][b]143[/b][/URL][/right]{/td}
    [URL='[URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/member.php?u=8[/URL]']THE eXchanger[/URL]
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    [IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/images/icons/icon1.gif[/URL][/IMG] [b]Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban[/b]
    many people have 'year end' in their businesses~
    and, that is why, quite a few of us, are NOT going to be here,
    for a day or two [IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/images/smilies/wink.gif[/URL][/IMG]{/td}
    {td}[IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/statusicon/user_offline.gif[/URL][/IMG] {/td}
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    {td}[anchor][/anchor][IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/statusicon/post_old.gif[/URL][/IMG] 01-06-2010, 07:23 PM{/td}
    {td=right}[right] #[URL='[URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/showpost.php?p=217470&postcount=144[/URL]'][b]144[/b][/URL][/right]{/td}
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    [IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/images/icons/icon1.gif[/URL][/IMG] [b]Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban[/b]
    Hmm... I was here an hour or so ago and copied a posting Abraxasinas had made called:

    April in Wonderland aka Alice in Mirrorland aka Cosmology 101

    I do not remember how he titled the thread but it was a new one.

    It was 23 pages long so I read it and came back to make a comment but can't find the thread? I checked Araxasinas profile page and the threads he was in and it was not there... hmm.

    Did anyone else see this and if so... could you tell me the name of the thread?

    {td}[IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/statusicon/user_offline.gif[/URL][/IMG] {/td}
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    {td}[anchor][/anchor][IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/statusicon/post_old.gif[/URL][/IMG] 01-06-2010, 07:33 PM{/td}
    {td=right}[right] #[URL='[URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/showpost.php?p=217480&postcount=145[/URL]'][b]145[/b][/URL][/right]{/td}
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    [IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/images/icons/icon1.gif[/URL][/IMG] [b]Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban[/b]
    Originally Posted by [b]bigmo[/b] [URL='[URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?p=217470#post217470[/URL]'][IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/buttons/viewpost.gif[/URL][/IMG][/URL]
    Hmm... I was here an hour or so ago and copied a posting Abraxasinas had made called:

    April in Wonderland aka Alice in Mirrorland aka Cosmology 101

    I do not remember how he titled the thread but it was a new one.

    It was 23 pages long so I read it and came back to make a comment but can't find the thread? I checked Araxasinas profile page and the threads he was in and it was not there... hmm.

    Did anyone else see this and if so... could you tell me the name of the thread?

    Yeah...I was just looking at it also....

    Here it is

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    {td}[anchor][/anchor][IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/statusicon/post_old.gif[/URL][/IMG] 01-06-2010, 07:39 PM{/td}
    {td=right}[right] #[URL='[URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/showpost.php?p=217482&postcount=146[/URL]'][b]146[/b][/URL][/right]{/td}
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    [IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/images/icons/icon1.gif[/URL][/IMG] [b]Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban[/b]
    Thanks Stargazer... I appreciate it.

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    {td}[anchor][/anchor][IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/statusicon/post_old.gif[/URL][/IMG] 01-06-2010, 07:42 PM{/td}
    {td=right}[right] #[URL='[URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/showpost.php?p=217484&postcount=147[/URL]'][b]147[/b][/URL][/right]{/td}
    [URL='[URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/member.php?u=8[/URL]']THE eXchanger[/URL]
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    [IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/images/icons/icon1.gif[/URL][/IMG] [b]Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban[/b]
    We are trying to recreate an article-we wrote,
    about the 22-11- 1~ 1 (left/right)
    different types of old pan/lemurian/atlantean archetypes/and, numerlogy, etc., which we unfortunately lost, when we were doing 5 things at once
    and, our energy, got the computer vista program jammed when something we where listening to stopped-and, computer became frozen [IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/images/smilies/mfr_lol.gif[/URL][/IMG]
    now, we know about 's'-save (wink)
    we have a lot of this stuff, from our old journals, which need to be typed~alot of it, will be quite helpful, to others
    ~ or, perhaps Abraxasinas knows ways to eXplain iT in an easier type of format ?{/td}
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    {td}[anchor][/anchor][IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/statusicon/post_old.gif[/URL][/IMG] 01-06-2010, 07:56 PM{/td}
    {td=right}[right] #[URL='[URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/showpost.php?p=217495&postcount=148[/URL]'][b]148[/b][/URL][/right]{/td}
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    [IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/images/icons/icon1.gif[/URL][/IMG] [b]Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban[/b]
    Haha... that's funny xchanger!

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    {td}[anchor][/anchor][IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/statusicon/post_old.gif[/URL][/IMG] 01-06-2010, 09:51 PM{/td}
    {td=right}[right] #[URL='[URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/showpost.php?p=217564&postcount=149[/URL]'][b]149[/b][/URL][/right]{/td}
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    [IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/images/icons/icon1.gif[/URL][/IMG] [b]Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban[/b]
    In keeping with my previous post...

    'Tis a joy to be simple,
    'Tis a joy to be free...

    "It should be self evident that if there is only oneness,
    then anything else that appears to exist, must have been made up.
    Furthermore it must have been made up for what appeared
    to be a very good reason.

    Thus instead of judging the world and everything in it,
    perhaps it would be more helpful for you to ask what value
    you saw in making it up in the first place. It may also be wise
    to ask yourself what would be a more appropriate response to it now."

    From a book I value, "The Disappearance Of The Universe"

    [center][left]"Life [i][b]IS [/b][/i]mystical! It's just that we're used to it"[/left]

    Evil cannot be killed. Only redeemed.

    Chat us up at: [URL='[URL]http://projectavalon.2012info.ca/[/URL]'][b]Avalon Chat[/b][/URL][/center]{/td}
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    {td}[anchor][/anchor][IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/statusicon/post_old.gif[/URL][/IMG] 01-06-2010, 10:09 PM{/td}
    {td=right}[right] #[URL='[URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/showpost.php?p=217580&postcount=150[/URL]'][b]150[/b][/URL][/right]{/td}
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    [IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/images/icons/icon1.gif[/URL][/IMG] [b]Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban[/b]
    Originally Posted by [b]Anchor[/b] [URL='[URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?p=217147#post217147[/URL]'][IMG][URL]https://projectavalon.net/forum/electric/buttons/viewpost.gif[/URL][/IMG][/URL]
    Quoted out of context, this often leads to all kinds of prejudice and reactions owing to the reputation of its author/translator/channeller.{/td}
    I quoted specificly out of context.{/td}
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