
Discussion in 'HEALTH AND WELLNESS' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 7, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Dai GREAT

    MyO Sun & Moon (LIGHT)

    Dy Ko MyO – Great Bright Light

    . It opens up the spiritual level and helps put people on the path home. Myfeeling is that the corkscrew (mini Master Symbol?) part of the symbolstrengthens our connection with our higher self...to guide us on thespiritual path of healing. I see it going within the vortex of the spiral like alightening bolt, to the core.
    12-9e18326bf6. 12-9e18326bf6.
    dai great (t/v) and; ko bright (t/v with 5points) and; 2 together = MY O sun moon light

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    • 8/10/2019 352 Symbols of Shamballa.doc
      352 Symbols of Shamballa
      Shamballa Multidimensional Healing is now being reintroduced by Germain to humanity.
    • Theoriginal system contained 352 symbols, one for each vibrational level between humanity andGodSource. !t the time of !tlantis, 22 symbols were given. Today, we are ready for the wholesystem. !t each of the 352 levels, there are also initiations we must com"lete on our way bac# to
      merging with Source.$
      The 352 Shamballa Multidimensional Healing symbols have not been given out until nowbecause humanity%s grou" consciousness was not at a level that they could be given out. The352 symbols are not in a manual that one has to memori&e. They are infused directly into one%sactivated Mer#aba 'ields ()ightbody*. +ne%s !M -resence wor#s with the !M -resence of theShamballa facilitator when this infusion ta#es "lace, during an initiation attended by many
      !scended Masters and elestial /eings.
      The 352 symbols are im"lanted into the activated )ightbody of the Shamballa Master over thecourse of 0 attunements. They are intelligent, and are coded to match "articular rece"tors in the)ightbody. They 1#now where to go, so to s"ea#, and line u" in s"ecific locations.
      )ater, when a facilitator does Shamballa healing, they reuest the assistance of various!scended Masters and elestial /eings that the facilitator wor#s with. 4uring the healing, whena s"ecific symbol is needed, the symbol may a""ear to the facilitator or is sim"ly used by the)ight /eings who are wor#ing with the facilitator.
      Symbols may be viewed as light "ac#ets or energy "ac#ets or vibrational "ac#ets condensedenergy of the whole, a "re6"ac#aged condensed energy which will stay in the field of the healeemuch longer without needing constant intention from the facilitator to hold the healing energythere. They are tools. They do not have to be activated or energi&ed, as they are alreadyvibrating.
      7emember, a healer is really a facilitator of a healing "rocess, a channeler of energy. Thehealing is actually done by the "erson receiving the energy. The healer can use a variety of tools
      to facilitate the healing "rocess.
      Since the symbols are multidimensional, meaning that they e8ist in many dimensionssimultaneously, it is im"ossible to truly #now what they loo# li#e. Most as"ects of the symbols arebeyond the range of our sensory systems. n addition, they are in constant motion, vibrating souic#ly that we can not fully gras" an image. 4o not be concerned about their a""earance. 9oumay see them as little lights or hear them humming. f you are aware of symbols during a healingor attunement, :ust allow them to flow through you into the client%s energy bodies.
      1Stone, 4r. ;oshua 4avid, Cosmic Ascension, )ight Technology -ublishing, Sedona, !< =>33?,$??@,". 2. He also mentions this conce"t in his other !scension series volumes, but the most com"letediscussion is this one.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    352 Symbols of Shamballa
    Shamballa Multidimensional Healing is now being reintroduced by Germain to humanity. Theoriginal system contained 352 symbols, one for each vibrational level between humanity andGodSource. !t the time of !tlantis, 22 symbols were given. Today, we are ready for the wholesystem. !t each of the 352 levels, there are also initiations we must com"lete on our way bac# tomerging with Source.
    The 352 Shamballa Multidimensional Healing symbols have not been given out until nowbecause humanity%s grou" consciousness was not at a level that they could be given out. The352 symbols are not in a manual that one has to memori&e. They are infused directly into one%sactivated Mer#aba 'ields ()ightbody*. +ne%s  !M -resence wor#s with the  !M -resence of theShamballa facilitator when this infusion ta#es "lace, during an initiation attended by many !scended Masters and elestial /eings.The 352 symbols are im"lanted into the activated )ightbody of the Shamballa Master over thecourse of 0 attunements. They are intelligent, and are coded to match "articular rece"tors in the)ightbody. They 1#now where to go, so to s"ea#, and line u" in s"ecific locations.)ater, when a facilitator does Shamballa healing, they reuest the assistance of various !scended Masters and elestial /eings that the facilitator wor#s with. 4uring the healing, whena s"ecific symbol is needed, the symbol may a""ear to the facilitator or is sim"ly used by the)ight /eings who are wor#ing with the facilitator.Symbols may be viewed as light "ac#ets or energy "ac#ets or vibrational "ac#ets  condensedenergy of the whole, a "re6"ac#aged condensed energy which will stay in the field of the healeemuch longer without needing constant intention from the facilitator to hold the healing energythere. They are tools. They do not have to be activated or energi&ed, as they are alreadyvibrating.7emember, a healer is really a facilitator of a healing "rocess, a channeler of energy. Thehealing is actually done by the "erson receiving the energy. The healer can use a variety of toolsto facilitate the healing "rocess.Since the symbols are multidimensional, meaning that they e8ist in many dimensionssimultaneously, it is im"ossible to truly #now what they loo# li#e. Most as"ects of the symbols arebeyond the range of our sensory systems. n addition, they are in constant motion, vibrating souic#ly that we can not fully gras" an image. 4o not be concerned about their a""earance. 9oumay see them as little lights or hear them humming. f you are aware of symbols during a healingor attunement, :ust allow them to flow through you into the client%s energy bodies.
    Stone, 4r. ;oshua 4avid,
    Cosmic Ascension
    , )light Technology -ublishing, Sedona, !< =>33?,$??@,". 2. He also mentions this conce"t in his other !scension series volumes, but the most com"letediscussion is this one

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    352 Symbols of Shamballa
    Shamballa Multidimensional Healing is now being reintroduced by Germain to humanity. Theoriginal system contained 352 symbols, one for each vibrational level between humanity andGodSource. !t the time of !tlantis, 22 symbols were given. Today, we are ready for the wholesystem. !t each of the 352 levels, there are also initiations we must com"lete on our way bac# tomerging with Source.
    The 352 Shamballa Multidimensional Healing symbols have not been given out until nowbecause humanity%s grou" consciousness was not at a level that they could be given out. The352 symbols are not in a manual that one has to memori&e. They are infused directly into one%sactivated Mer#aba 'ields ()ightbody*. +ne%s  !M -resence wor#s with the  !M -resence of theShamballa facilitator when this infusion ta#es "lace, during an initiation attended by many !scended Masters and elestial /eings.The 352 symbols are im"lanted into the activated )ightbody of the Shamballa Master over thecourse of 0 attunements. They are intelligent, and are coded to match "articular rece"tors in the)ightbody. They 1#now where to go, so to s"ea#, and line u" in s"ecific locations.)ater, when a facilitator does Shamballa healing, they reuest the assistance of various !scended Masters and elestial /eings that the facilitator wor#s with. 4uring the healing, whena s"ecific symbol is needed, the symbol may a""ear to the facilitator or is sim"ly used by the)ight /eings who are wor#ing with the facilitator.Symbols may be viewed as light "ac#ets or energy "ac#ets or vibrational "ac#ets  condensedenergy of the whole, a "re6"ac#aged condensed energy which will stay in the field of the healeemuch longer without needing constant intention from the facilitator to hold the healing energythere. They are tools. They do not have to be activated or energi&ed, as they are alreadyvibrating.7emember, a healer is really a facilitator of a healing "rocess, a channeler of energy. Thehealing is actually done by the "erson receiving the energy. The healer can use a variety of toolsto facilitate the healing "rocess.Since the symbols are multidimensional, meaning that they e8ist in many dimensionssimultaneously, it is im"ossible to truly #now what they loo# li#e. Most as"ects of the symbols arebeyond the range of our sensory systems. n addition, they are in constant motion, vibrating souic#ly that we can not fully gras" an image. 4o not be concerned about their a""earance. 9oumay see them as little lights or hear them humming. f you are aware of symbols during a healingor attunement, :ust allow them to flow through you into the client%s energy bodies.
    Stone, 4r. ;oshua 4avid, Joshua David Stone
    Cosmic Ascension
    , )Light Technology -ublishing

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    352 Symbols of Shamballa
    Shamballa Multidimensional Healing is now being reintroduced by Germain to humanity. Theoriginal system contained 352 symbols, one for each vibrational level between humanity andGodSource. !t the time of !tlantis, 22 symbols were given. Today, we are ready for the wholesystem. !t each of the 352 levels, there are also initiations we must com"lete on our way bac# tomerging with Source.
    The 352 Shamballa Multidimensional Healing symbols have not been given out until nowbecause humanity%s grou" consciousness was not at a level that they could be given out. The352 symbols are not in a manual that one has to memori&e. They are infused directly into one%sactivated Mer#aba 'ields ()ightbody*. +ne%s  !M -resence wor#s with the  !M -resence of theShamballa facilitator when this infusion ta#es "lace, during an initiation attended by many !scended Masters and elestial /eings.The 352 symbols are im"lanted into the activated )ightbody of the Shamballa Master over thecourse of 0 attunements. They are intelligent, and are coded to match "articular rece"tors in the)ightbody. They 1#now where to go, so to s"ea#, and line u" in s"ecific locations.)ater, when a facilitator does Shamballa healing, they reuest the assistance of various !scended Masters and elestial /eings that the facilitator wor#s with. 4uring the healing, whena s"ecific symbol is needed, the symbol may a""ear to the facilitator or is sim"ly used by the)ight /eings who are wor#ing with the facilitator.Symbols may be viewed as light "ac#ets or energy "ac#ets or vibrational "ac#ets  condensedenergy of the whole, a "re6"ac#aged condensed energy which will stay in the field of the healeemuch longer without needing constant intention from the facilitator to hold the healing energythere. They are tools. They do not have to be activated or energi&ed, as they are alreadyvibrating.7emember, a healer is really a facilitator of a healing "rocess, a channeler of energy. Thehealing is actually done by the "erson receiving the energy. The healer can use a variety of toolsto facilitate the healing "rocess.Since the symbols are multidimensional, meaning that they e8ist in many dimensionssimultaneously, it is im"ossible to truly #now what they loo# li#e. Most as"ects of the symbols arebeyond the range of our sensory systems. n addition, they are in constant motion, vibrating souic#ly that we can not fully gras" an image. 4o not be concerned about their a""earance. 9oumay see them as little lights or hear them humming. f you are aware of symbols during a healingor attunement, :ust allow them to flow through you into the client%s energy bodies.
    Stone, 4r. ;oshua 4avid,
    Cosmic Ascension
    , )ight Technology -ublishing, Sedona, !< =>33?,$??@,". 2. He also mentions this conce"t in his other !scension series volumes, but the most com"letediscussion is this one.

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    • 8/10/2019 352 Symbols of Shamballa.doc
      352 Symbols of Shamballa
      Shamballa Multidimensional Healing is now being reintroduced by Germain to humanity. Theoriginal system contained 352 symbols, one for each vibrational level between humanity andGodSource. !t the time of !tlantis, 22 symbols were given. Today, we are ready for the wholesystem. !t each of the 352 levels, there are also initiations we must com"lete on our way bac# to
      merging with Source.$
      The 352 Shamballa Multidimensional Healing symbols have not been given out until nowbecause humanity%s grou" consciousness was not at a level that they could be given out. The352 symbols are not in a manual that one has to memori&e. They are infused directly into one%sactivated Mer#aba 'ields ()ightbody*. +ne%s !M -resence wor#s with the !M -resence of theShamballa facilitator when this infusion ta#es "lace, during an initiation attended by many
      !scended Masters and elestial /eings.
      The 352 symbols are im"lanted into the activated )ightbody of the Shamballa Master over thecourse of 0 attunements. They are intelligent, and are coded to match "articular rece"tors in the)ightbody. They 1#now where to go, so to s"ea#, and line u" in s"ecific locations.
      )ater, when a facilitator does Shamballa healing, they reuest the assistance of various!scended Masters and elestial /eings that the facilitator wor#s with. 4uring the healing, whena s"ecific symbol is needed, the symbol may a""ear to the facilitator or is sim"ly used by the)ight /eings who are wor#ing with the facilitator.
      Symbols may be viewed as light "ac#ets or energy "ac#ets or vibrational "ac#ets condensedenergy of the whole, a "re6"ac#aged condensed energy which will stay in the field of the healeemuch longer without needing constant intention from the facilitator to hold the healing energythere. They are tools. They do not have to be activated or energi&ed, as they are alreadyvibrating.
      7emember, a healer is really a facilitator of a healing "rocess, a channeler of energy. Thehealing is actually done by the "erson receiving the energy. The healer can use a variety of tools
      to facilitate the healing "rocess.
      Since the symbols are multidimensional, meaning that they e8ist in many dimensionssimultaneously, it is im"ossible to truly #now what they loo# li#e. Most as"ects of the symbols arebeyond the range of our sensory systems. n addition, they are in constant motion, vibrating souic#ly that we can not fully gras" an image. 4o not be concerned about their a""earance. 9oumay see them as little lights or hear them humming. f you are aware of symbols during a healingor attunement, :ust allow them to flow through you into the client%s energy bodies.
      1Stone, 4r. ;oshua 4avid, Cosmic Ascension, )ight Technology -ublishing, Sedona, !< =>33?,$??@,". 2. He also mentions this conce"t in his other !scension series volumes, but the most com"letediscussion is this one.

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    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    352 Symbols of Shamballa

    Shamballa Multidimensional Healing is now being reintroduced by Germain to humanity.

    The original system contained 352 symbols,

    one for each vibrational level between humanity and GodSource. !

    at the time of Atlantis, 22 symbols were given.

    Today, we are ready for the whole system.

    it each of the 352 levels, there are also initiations we must complete on our way back to merging with Source.

    The 352 Shamballa Multidimensional Healing symbols have not been given out until now because

    humanitys group consciousness was not at a level that they could be given out.

    The352 symbols are not in a manual that one has to memorize.

    They are infused directly into ones activated Merkaba fields
    (lightbody*. ones i am presence works with the i aM presence of the
    Shamballa facilitator when this infusion takes place, during an initiation attended by many ascended Masters and celestial /beings.

    The 352 symbols are implanted into the activated )light body of the Shamballa Master over the course of 0 attunements.

    They are intelligent, and are coded to match "articular receptors in the)light body.

    They Know where to go, so to speak, and line u" in specific locations.)

    later, when a facilitator does Shamballa healing, they request the assistance of various ! ascended Masters
    and celestial /beings that the facilitator works with. during the healing,
    when a specific symbol is needed, the symbol may appear to the facilitator or is simply used by the)
    light /beings who are working with the facilitator.

    Symbols may be viewed as light packets or energy packets or vibrational packets
    condensed energy of the whole,
    a pre_packaged condensed energy which will stay in the field of the healee
    much longer without needing constant intention from the facilitator to hold the healing energy there.

    They are tools.

    They do not have to be activated or energized, as they are already vibrating.
    Remember, a healer is really a facilitator of a healing process, a channeler of energy.
    The healing is actually done by the person receiving the energy.
    The healer can use a variety of tools to facilitate the healing process.
    Since the symbols are multidimensional, meaning that they exist in many dimensions simultaneously,
    it is impossible to truly know what they look like.
    Most aspects of the symbols are beyond the range of our sensory systems.
    in addition, they are in constant motion, vibrating so quickly that we can not fully grasp an image.

    do not be concerned about their appearance.
    you may see them as little lights or hear them humming.
    if you are aware of symbols during a healing or attunement,
    just allow them to flow through you into the clients energy bodies

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Shamballa Reiki: Meaning, Levels and Training

    by Pritika Kalani

    November 8, 2020

    in Mental Health
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    Shamballa Reiki or Shamballa Multi-Dimensional Healing is a complete energy healing system.

    Introduction to Shamball Reiki

    Developed by the great spiritual teacher John Armitage (a.k.a. Hari Das Melchizedek), it is used for personal healing and spiritual development. Armitage claimed to have received these clairvoyant instructions from the Ascended Master Saint Germain.
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    This spiritual practice was used by him during his incarnation as a priest in the Atlantean healing temples. These energies were hen channelled by Armitage.
    The individuals of Atlantis believed that they had access to twenty-two symbols or energy frequencies.
    However, Saint Germain told Armitage that Earth’s vibration was high enough to infuse the whole system of three hundred and fifty-two symbols into ourselves to assist the ascension and healing of Lady Gaia. these multi-dimensional energy frequencies and symbols are directly infused into an individual’s energy fields by Shamballa teachers/masters.
    This ancient healing system is still used by Shamballa masters to heal their disciples/students. The attunements open you to receive through your higher self up to three hundred and fifty-two etheric symbols.
    These symbols are revealed in the form of meditation, healing or even sometimes in a dream state; one for each dimensional level between the creator energy and the individual.
    These symbols are keys that open the gateway to these wonderful dimensional frequencies. The symbols are revealed to you as their needs arise.
    Shamballa recognizes the I Am Presence or the Mahatma Energy which is a link to Divinity that is expressed in a feeling, living and deep knowledge of the connection that is Oneness with all life.

    Understanding Shamballa Reiki

    Shamballa is based on a popular belief that all individuals have been attuned to Reiki in the past and this ability can be awakened again in order to heal the world and benefit mankind.
    Therefore, the principles of Reiki which were introduced by Mikaomi Usui in the 20th century are combined with the principles of Shamballa i.e. the ancient metaphysical teaching with its roots in India and Tibet.
    Since Shamballa operates on a higher vibrational plane, it enables faster energy transfers at high intensity.
    It helps you connect or re-connect with the fullest expression of your being. This enables you to experience fulfilment in all spheres of your life such as career, relationship, finance, health, etc.


    An expanded range of Reiki energies that are used in Usai Reiki is used in Shamballa Reiki. Shamballa energy helps you access a greater frequency range of Reiki energy for all-round healing.

    Usui Reiki

    It is a simple technique that involves laying hands to transfer energy by attuning to the life energy. The name of this technique is derived from the Japanese words “Rei” that means “the wisdom of God” and “Ki” that means “life force energy”. It cannot be taught in a usual manner and is, therefore “attuned” by the Reiki teacher.
    Shamballa Reiki is no different. It is passed on to the student by his/her master in a similar manner. It can be understood as plugging a bulb to a socket because the dormant energies begin to flow freely.
    Shamballa Reiki practitioners consider Shamballa Reiki a better and more powerful technique than Usui Reiki. The reason is simple: practitioners of Usui Reiki use a fixed pattern of hand movements.
    On the other hand, practitioners of Shamballa Reiki encourage their students to let the energy flow freely and reach wherever it is needed.
    They firmly believe that Shamballa healing energies that were transmitted by St Germain enable a more powerful and direct connection to the divine healing power and therefore provide a profound and intense experience for the individual.

    I Am Presence/Mahatma Energy

    It can be explained as “one with all” or “all is one” energy. It is that energy that identifies and acknowledges that the student is the source as well as the source at the same time. Oneness can be found in the student and it is not separate from the higher source because the student is the source.
    In a lot of ways, I am Presence energy is the energy of ascension where the student knows that he/she is the one with all. These energies greatly benefit during raising your ascension and vibration, psychic development or multi-dimensional healing.

    Levels of Shamballa Reiki

    Level I

    This level enables you to heal yourself as well as healing others.

    Level II

    It enables you to transfer healing energies to distant places or people.

    Level III

    It adds more symbols that enable you to start attuning Shamballa Reiki to Level I students.

    Level IV

    This is the teacher/master level and is attained once the individual receives all the three hundred and fifty-two symbols. It enables you to attune students of all four levels of Shamballa Healing.

    Level V (Shamballa 1024)

    Letting go of negative and old energies can be difficult as the turmoil in our Beingness brings a lot of baggage. An individual moves into ann emotional consciousness transition where all manifest or change into creation.
    It can be understood as a butterfly evolving from a cocoon. This 5D level helps you dream and more importantly, live that dream. The individual becomes a Starseed and a Lightworker and can teach others how to become “All is One That is”.
    The individual often feels new guides come and go. These guides help them grow in a conscious expansion (for a shorter period of time) to help connect with new energies. This system (surprisingly) works with both animals as well as humans.
    Shamballa 1024 comprises of 4 systems that activate an individual’s healing DNA to balance its body. It helps in overriding the existing carbon-based DNA present in the body to allow a DNA recoding process.
    This system is widely used to aid an individual’s ascension process, enable them o work with their third eye, raise their vibrational frequency, remove krama from their past lives and release negative or old energies.

    Level VI (Shamballa Unity Unified)

    This system combines both Shamballa 1024 and Shamballa Reiki allowing all the symbols to work as one.
    The unified Shamballa Symbol is believed to be a gift from Saint Germain.
    An individual can feel when he is ready for his attunement for this unified symbol.
    It carries the energies of the 11 i.e. the beginning of the Master Energies. This reflects an energy that’s available to uplift and inspire humanity. It also reflects a great amount of self-understanding with a clear ability to see through emotional experiences to the truth within.

    A Session of Shamball Reiki

    You can sit comfortably on the floor or a chair or even lie on a table. During the session, your teacher/practitioner might or might not lay hands on you.
    Most people report feeling a range of physical sensations such as heat or tingling. Some people also report strange impressions or thoughts.
    Shamballa Reiki explains these sensations as freeing the spiritual, physical and emotional blockages and replacing them with the healing life force.
    You will feel the difference after one session itself since most people report feeling refreshed and relaxed. Some people also report feeling free from illness and relief from pain.
    Attunements for individuals who wish to become a Shamballa Reiki teacher/master are usually conducted in a class. These classes generally focus on traditional healing methods such as Qi Gong, meditation practices and energy work.
    You do not need to have any prior experience in the field of healing arts or meditation. These classes are available wherever there is a qualified teacher to offer them.
    Tags: Levels of Shamballa ReikiShamballaShamballa Reikishamballa reiki attunementsShamballa Reiki LevelsShamballa Reiki Meaningshamballa reiki symbolsshamballa reiki training

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