
Discussion in 'HEALTH AND WELLNESS' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 7, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Cho Ku Rei have a few translations depending on how you look at it. The translationsare “Direct from Spirit” or “Let the Power be Here”.As stated earlier, one of the most important applications of Cho Ku Rei is to turn on 2
    degree energy. In Reiki, the first degree energy warms up the muscles and tissues like aheating pad. This energy is very effective and efficient in most cases, especially for self-treatment. When working on clients, however, many have severe energy depletions intheir fields, and would normally take a significant time to balance. With the use of ChoKu Rei symbol, the energy is more penetrating and works at a much higher level; itscolor is Golden White and shoots out of the palm chakras like laser beams.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    When turning on the second degree energy, there are two steps:1.

    Self – empowerment2.

    Directing the energy
    Bringing the energy into yourself require a little visualization, and the use of the alternateCho Ku Rei. The following is a visualization to help you properly uses the symbol andit’s energy.1.

    Link into the energy by imaging a wave of energy above your head. See this wavedrifting through space. Tap into this energy by drawing in your mind’s eye, ahorizontal line inside the wave above your head, saying silently ”Cho”. Next, anchorthis energy into you by drawing a line down to your crown chakra, saying “Ku”silently.2.

    Now balance, align and center all your subtle bodies and chakras by seeing the energythat is anchored in your body begin to swirl around your body in a counterclockwiseswirling motion. Say silently ”Rei”. When the spiral has gone all the way around thebody, start another spiral, crossing at your third eye, seeing is a little smaller than thefirst spiral. Say “Cho” silently. Continue with the spirals, crossing at each chakra untilyou have created seven, one for each chakra. Continue to silently repeat the names”Cho”, “Ku”, “Rei” with each chakra. The spirals will align the subtle bodiesgoverned by each chakra.When performed, this exercise brings a frequency of energy into the body that helps toground and center the body/mind/spirit.Once the energy has stabilized and is flowing freely throughout the body, trace thesymbol into the palms of the hands, intoning the sacred name three times. You can re-empower your hands as many time as you like, to increase the amount of energy thatflows through you. The energy will stay activation in your body until you have completedthe hands-on work. You can also re-empower your hands each time you change positionsof the body, providing a sense of sacredness in each part of the client’s body.The Cho Ku Rei can also be used in any way you can imagination, for any purpose thatwould be beneficial and good for you and all others concerned. Just write down what youwant or need, visualize or write the symbol with your mind or hand to empower it. Useyour imagination and experiment; the uses are limitless. And remember not to leave thesymbols lying around where others may see them, respect and honor the system assacred. The healing effects of Cho Ku Rei are enhanced by maintaining the visualizationor ”holding” the symbol in your mind during healing work. It can be seen to existbetween your hands that are on a client’s body, or you can beam the energy across theroom to a client. If you notice a great need for energy in the body, you can activate bothpalms and the third eye area with Cho Ku Rei, and visualize three symbols going into aclient’s body where needed while intoning the sacred name three times.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    It cleans, it energizes and it revitalizes the chakras and the entire body. It insures our earth connection. Itis used before attunement and after treatment. I tworks with the spine energy (Kundalini) that isawakening and led into ascension. It works with allchakras, together with the Om symbol. Allows thesealing of the astral journey, so that can be safelydone.
    means peace, serenity and spirit. It is also knownas the Mental-Emotional symbol, the Dragon orUnicorn, and the Key to the Universe. It is saidthat this symbol works by activating the “God”within. It deserves the deepest respect as itallows direct accesses to the client’s deepsubconscious mind. If you can’t focus intentlyon the client’s needs, visualize an etheric wallbetween you and your client at your elbows toprotect the client from your stray thoughts.
    6-6aa144f736. 6-6aa144f736. 6-6aa144f736. 6-6aa144f736.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    on right -
    on left
    sei he ki

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    The Hon Sha Za Sho Nen addresses the soul essence between the healer and healee andcan be used when the client cannot ask for a healing (comatose, severely injured, unableto communicate). Do not force a healing on someone through your will, as this has thepotential of incurring a karmic debt; intend that this symbol be used for the greatest goodof all.

    See the person in front of you with the Kanji character written on them.2.

    See the Cho Ku Rei written on top of the Distance Symbol.3.

    Hold the energy until you feel it stop.4.

    Close the session by ”seeing” the healee surrounded by white light and touch yourfingers together to sever the energy connections.– is the symbol for absentia or distanthealing. With it, a healing can be sent toanyone regardless of the “distance”. Thissymbol is composed of five Kanjicharacters; a pictographic language thatrepresents actions, sounds, colors or things.Kanji often convey a complete idea orconcept. This expression means” Theperson here is the perfect spiritual truth”.In the East this would mean ”The Buddhain me meets the Buddha in you” It is theactivation of this script with Cho Ku Reithat allows an absentia healing through time and sace to haen.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    part 3
    Because I attune people from many different time zones, I find it easier to not use thetelephone to pass attunements. I also find the internet contact during the attunement to bedistracting. However, you may find that the increased contact with the person you areattuning makes the attunement process easier. Be creative and use whatever works bestfor you.
    The Ascended Masters also have a Masters Medical Assistance Program. I actually callthese the MAP teams. You can have a personal MAP team for your own healing, or youcan have a MAP team which will work with you in all your healing sessions. If youinitiate a MAP team for your professional work, then the same team will work with youevery time that you work. On this team will be various beings, or energies, that haveskills that you require and that relate to the methods of healing that you use. On theseMAP teams are also beings or devas known as the Overlighting Beings of Healing. Thedevas are in charge of the manifestation of everything upon our planet, and they are alsoresponsible for the healing of all third dimensional entities. There are devas that relate totrees, plants, animals and birds, even devas that relate to places. One of theseOverlighting Devas is also known as Pan. When we talk about Pan, most people think ofa Greek God, but in fact Pan is a great way of summing up the universal energy in thethird dimension. The Ascended Master in charge of these MAP healing teams, and theMAP healing program, both on a personal and professional basis, is a being known asLorpuris. Machaelle Small Wright, a lady in America, has done a great deal of work inhelping to set up this system with the Ascended Masters.If you require a personal MAP healing session, then make the followingaffirmation: "I affirm that I would like to initiate a MAP healing session. I call upon the

    Overlighting Devas of Healing, Pan, the MAP healing team, (here also name anypersonal Ascended Masters that you may wish to work with) and my I Am Presence orHigher Self.” Then confirm that you wish the session to last for exactly sixty minutesearth time, (higher dimensions have no concept of time as we know it). Don't cross yourfeet or your hands, or put your arms over your body during a session, as this will interferewith the clear flow of energies.During the first session, tell them about any health issues that you need to address.or the type of health or emotional issues that are causing you the most problemspersonally. You may, or may not, have direct communication from the team during yourfirst session, but certainly you will feel the energies moving through your body. Youmight see colors, shapes, feel tingling sensations etc. You can always discuss with theteam any problems or effects that you are experiencing, and they will respondaccordingly. Don't ask for a MAP session more than once in every twenty-four hours.Allow this space of time for the energies to settle in, as this is a very powerful technique.One of the best times to initiate a session is when you are lying down, maybe in bed inthe morning when you wake up, or at night just before you fall asleep.If you wish to work with the MAP team in a professional capacity, then affirmthat you would like a professional MAP healing team assigned to you for your healingwork, and then every time that you conduct a healing session, affirm that you would likethe presence of your team. Ask them for a code name, which could be any thing from'Coca Cola' to the 'Holy Healing Team'. Don't imagine that because it is not a holysounding name, that it is not a reverent one. To initially set up your Professional MAPhealing team, first of all initiate a personal healing session, then ask for the code nameduring that session.Whatever name is given to you. then that's the one to use. By having this codename it will make many, that still have fear issues to be addressed concerning channelingand working with subtle energies, feel easier. If you wish to go further into this whole

    fascinating field of work I suggest reading Machaelle Small Wright's book

    fascinating field of work I suggest reading Machaelle Small Wright's book MAP, the Co-Creative White Brotherhood Medical Assistance Program.Lastly, we would like to give a word of warning about working with any of thecontents of this book. After reading this book, some people might be encouraged to thinkthat now they have seen the Reiki Symbols, it is no longer necessary for them to attend aReiki class. In fact this is not true. The symbols will not work for you until you havebeen attuned to them. Having a knowledge of the symbols by themselves. without theattunements, does not mean that you have Reiki. We would also like to remind you thatcrystals are very powerful tools, and that they can create imbalances as well as heal them,if they are used in an uncontrolled way. Crystals are co-creators, they will help to createanything that you want. Make sure that you are clear about what it is that you reallywant, and not what you think you want. Remember. you get what you ask for? So co-create a reality of Love and Light, and go forward in this Love and Light. Help the earthand humanity to come into their wholeness. Through your Love and though your serviceothers will also realize that the way forward is through Service in Compassion and Love.Walk in Love, walk in Light, allow the energy of Mahatma to flow through your heart,and speed your journey to Freedom.
    A quick and effective healing technique was given by Archangel Michael toShamballa Master, Jan Harkey, for the purpose of healing the planet and people. Shedubbed this method ‘SBZ’ for ‘Slice/Burn/Zap. It can be used in distant healings as wellas local work, and takes about 10-20 minutes. Michael encourages all Shamballa Mastersto use this technique!

    Call in the Shamballa symbol, AMSUI, sword of Archangel Michael.Picture it in your hands as you cut psychic ties from all sides of the ‘object’ area. If

    you are clairvoyant, you may see the ties being cut. Any ties that are left representsthe Karma that the person or place needs to resolve in this lifetime. It is their intentwhich will help people release what remains.

    Turn yourself into the purple flame by saying “Shamballa on” and envisionyourself pure flame. Jan then ‘walks into’ the essence of the person on distanthealings to burn negative energies. Or she puts her hands onto someone or someplaceand pictures them burning violet with her.

    To bring in the Mahatma energy, create a mental 3D pyramid and place it overa person or place. Hold your hands up and request the Mahatma energy. You may seeor feel this energy creating a ball of golden light in your hands. Bring the ball into thepyramid. You may see electric sparks like lightning going through the pyramid in theprocess of grounding the energy. Hold the ball and image in your mind until thelightning stops, bringing the Mahatma further into the pyramid until completelygrounded. Release it back to Source when you know it is grounded. Trust your ownknowing.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    part 2

    How to pass a distance attunement will vary from teacher to teacher based on intuitivepreferences. What I do is imagine that the person I am attuning is sitting in a chair rightin front of me. I call upon my Guides, Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, my Soul,Mother Earth, Father Sky, etc. and also those beings working for the highest good of theperson being attuned. I ask that the space around myself and the person I am attuning becleared charged for the highest good and that it remain that way during the attunement.Because I am very comfortable working via distance and can feel my support system, Ido not sage or clear in the usual ways. If the person I am working with wishes to do so,then I encourage them (and you) to set your space for the attunement in whatever wayworks best.Once I have called in the guides and asked the space be cleared, charged and maintained,I then ask for assistance in passing the attunement for the highest good of all concerned.I do so because the attunement affects not only myself and the person being attuned butmany others as well, including other people, animals, crystals and plants in theirenvironment and mine. We are all One. Then I wait until the guides tell me it is time tobegin the attunement. I can usually tell this because I feel an energetic shift, a readiness.If you have already attuned someone in person and have felt this, then it is probablygoing to be similar when attuning via distance. If you are not sure when to begin, justbegin at the appointed time.. Raku can be Used to :-

    Clean & Fix Sushuma, Major Chakra (fromperineum to muladhara charka (our head))Send Negative energy in Sushuma to Ground (Earth).Although the Raku is only used now in attunements toground energy and separate the auras of Master andstudent, the use of the Raku may evolve as we evolve.As we tune into the multitude of frequencies, more ofour brain mass will be needed to interpret the multi-sensory signals we will be receiving from otherdimensions. I believe this is beginning to happen nowwith many people
    13-8ea50eaa86. 13-8ea50eaa86.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    part 1
    in last post is raku symbols


    Raku can be Used to :-

    Clean & Fix Sushuma, Major Chakra (fromperineum to muladhara charka (our head))
    Send Negative energy in Sushuma to Ground (Earth).
    Although the Raku is only used now in attunements toground energy and separate the auras of Master and student, the use of the Raku may evolve as we evolve.As we tune into the multitude of frequencies, more ofour brain mass will be needed to interpret the multi-sensory signals we will be receiving from other dimensions. I believe this is beginning to happen now with many people
    13-8ea50eaa86. 13-8ea50eaa86.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Dy Ko MyO – Great Bright Light

    . It opens up the spiritual level and helps put people on the path home. Myfeeling is that the corkscrew (mini Master Symbol?) part of the symbolstrengthens our connection with our higher self...to guide us on thespiritual path of healing. I see it going within the vortex of the spiral like alightening bolt, to the core.
    12-9e18326bf6. 12-9e18326bf6. 12-9e18326bf6. 12-9e18326bf6. 12-9e18326bf6. 12-9e18326bf6. 12-9e18326bf6.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Shamballa Level 4 Symbol
    Shamballa Level 4 Symbol

    Dy Ko MyO

    Dy Ko MyO – Great Bright Light

    . It opens up the spiritual level and helps put people on the path home. Myfeeling is that the corkscrew (mini Master Symbol?) part of the symbolstrengthens our connection with our higher self...to guide us on thespiritual path of healing. I see it going within the vortex of the spiral like alightening bolt, to the core.


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