
Discussion in 'HEALTH AND WELLNESS' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 7, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    LIFE Of Healing - facebook
    November 27, 2018 ·

    Shamballa 1024
    Shamballa, Historical Systems

    System founded by June Stephansen

    This system includes new Shamballa Symbols that incorporate the highest vibrations of the Shamballa energy.
    The Shamballa 1024 symbols deactivate the disease in the human and animal bodies,
    reaching the essence of being and allowing deeper healing.
    Only the symbols necessary for the patient's recovery will be transferred during activation.

    Following this activation I experienced a sharp increase in the intuition and the reception of spiritual messages.

    From the words of the founder:

    The Shamballa 1024 system consists of a group of Geometric Symbols for treatment with High Vibration Frequencies.

    These High Vibration Symbols can be used in combination with Reiki or Shamballa MDH.

    Associated with the symbols of these two systems, Shamballa 1024 becomes a powerful tool as it reinforces
    all forms of treatment for which the symbols act as catalysts, allowing the frequency
    of the 5th dimension to remain in the new reality.

    Treatment is carried out by means of a mini-activation that can be transmitted to people or animals.

    There are 4 levels of symbols. When you acquire Shamballa 1024 your Spiritual Guidance
    will determine what you are able to receive. Some will be able to receive the first two levels,
    others will receive the first three. Still others will receive all four levels.
    The designated symbols will be transmitted in a single activation.
    The activation can be repeated after some time to receive the symbols not previously assimilated.

    Note: on the internet you can download manuals of a system of the same name,
    also attributed to June Stephansen but divided into 4 levels,
    introduced in Italy by a Romanian master.

    I contacted June Stephansen for clarification on this and the same has confirmed to me
    have nothing to do with that system, that the system channeled by you
    provides a single activation and geometric symbols,
    which act as a computer software for the body human,
    changing human DNA into crystalline DNA.

    It is a healing modality of the 5th dimension.

    No prerequisites are required.

    You will receive a remote activation, a manual and a certificate.

    Price: € 40.00

    Federico Franchin Master / Teacher Reiki Usui,
    Kundalini and KAruna ki, theta Healer
    sensitive, medium, mediumistic channels, divinatory readings with angelic charts
    for information and appointments write to puntoluce100@gmail.com
    or call 3485120528- 3895686631
    I'm also on WhatsApp

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    "Shamballa 1024" by June Stephansen

    The New Healing Modalities

    The New Modalities have hit the 5 D Earth Plane or Reality. Most
    of you who are guided are receiving the Shamballa 1024 Symbols and
    you were guided by your Guides for you to receive them. By
    receiving these Symbols of the Higher Vibrational Frequencies many
    of you are afforded can do your work with more efficiency and
    without tiring. For most of you are finding out that the Guides
    are responding to you better and giving you a clear vision or you
    can hear better of what it is you are doing. This is no accident.
    They were waiting for the 8:8 Stargate .it is the NOW times to get
    you started on your Missions. Congratulations too many of you if
    not all of you. Timing may be off for some of you .you have to be
    ready to receive .and it is only when you are ready that your Guide
    (s) will allow for it.

    In the next few months many of you will be coming forward for the
    Shamballa 1024 Symbols. These are so important for you to do your
    Mission that it will make the utmost difference for healing others.
    For you see Western Medicine will be wining down. Western Medicine
    is a 3 D modality that has seen its day. It does not work in the 5
    D. Those who have risen in their Frequencies will no long be able
    to depend on Western Medicine to heal. We have already seen the
    influence of Drugs and Chemicals and their counter-affects on the
    human body. Most disturbingly the numbers of humans who have cancer
    and other debilitating illnesses that seem to linger no matter what
    kinds of treatments are used or available. Well there are no 3 D
    earthly remedies to fix the abnormalities of illnesses afflicting
    the masses. 80% of the human population of the earth is sick with
    something. The immune systems of the Earths population are far
    below normal. If you have a compromised immune system it is caused
    from the following; lowered because of chemicals from drugs, foods
    lased with a chemical preservatives, foods with added synthetic
    mixtures, agriculture products which is tainted with pesticides, GMO
    in mutated crops then incorporated into the food stuff, chemically
    made vitamins, synthetic estrogen, flu shots, children's vaccines to
    name a few. And then the other not so nice influences on the immune
    system are caused from man-made viruses put out into the atmosphere
    via Chemtrails, shots given to the US military that are tainted
    enough to cause long lasting illnesses. West Nile virus is a man-
    made virus that was put into mesquites genetics and then they were
    released into the air to the general public.

    The Galactic Federation and the Ascended Masters sent the
    Shamballa 1024 to the earth plane early last year when the earth
    moved into the early entry of the 5 D. It was the start of getting
    the Human-Galactic Healers (those born to the earth from another
    dimension that would be doing Healing on Humans and Animals) readied
    for their Missions. Those of you who were ready or awake enough,
    and minus your illnesses, and could to hear the Guide- these are
    those who received these Symbols. Many of you had to heal
    yourselves first before getting the symbols to incorporate into your
    Healing Work.

    Many of you will be working with the Newly Awakened Sleepers -
    These who frequencies are of the Lower Vibration and not high enough
    to be healed by the Shamballa 1024. A series of 5 Symbols-
    "Energies of Light" Symbols were sent last August to help Lower
    vibrational humans hold onto the High Vibrational Shamballa 1024
    Healing Symbols for which to heal. So many of you need to obtain
    these 5 symbols so that you can do work on both the Lower and the
    Higher vibrational humans who need Healing. It is not a matter of
    trying to heal .it is a matter of getting the best results of
    Healing itself for the lower vibrational humans which is 90% of the
    Spiritual Realm that has just awakened. These humans will need your

    Many of you will be surprised to know that you are from the
    Universe and from another dimension. You were sent here to do your
    Missions. In this case you were sent here to do Healing on the
    highest level. You were awakened first. You are the ones that
    will "Heal" those of the masses that are awakening now. You will
    not be teachers but Healing Masters in your own Right. The
    Shamballa 1024 Symbols are not attunements to be transferred from
    teacher to student. All of you who receive the Shamballa 1024 are
    or will be Healing Masters. Many of you do Reiki, Star-chamber,
    Vogel Crystal, TRINE Healing, Emotional Healing, Physical Healing,
    Chakra Cleanses, Crystal healing, Color Therapy, Sound Therapy -
    this list can go on and on.will get heightened affects from your
    work just by adding the Shamballa 1024 Healing Symbols.

    The Symbols are Free to those of you who are supposed to get
    them. Some of you will not be able to get them at all. And some of
    you will have to wait until you are ready to receive them. Be
    patient your time will come.

    The New symbols of Light are available to all of you .even if you
    are not a healer. These symbols are to speed up the awakening
    process of the sleepers and those who need to get high vibrational
    healing but your vibration level at the moment may be to low to get
    a Shamballa 1024 session. Looking at the symbols for a few minutes
    a day .3 minutes each time .will help you raise your vibration and
    also help you hold onto the Shamballa 1024 mini-attunement you are
    about to receive. The Shamballa 1024 Healing sessions are done over
    the phone with a corded telephone. You can do this anywhere in the
    World. The time is usually 12 to 25 minutes in any given session.
    Lower vibrational clients need about three sessions or
    treatments .or they need to have an "Energies of Light" card to look
    at for about a week to hold the High Frequency Vibration of Healing
    of the Shamballa 1024 symbols from a healing session. The symbols
    are sent telepathically through the corded phone. A cell phone or
    remote phone cannot be used because of the electromagnetic energies
    that distort the symbols when the transfer of healing symbols takes

    I hope this information clears a lot of misconceptions about the
    Shamballa 1024 and the 5 symbols of "Energies of Light".

    Please feel free to share. The article must be shared/sent in its

    Shamballa1024Modality@yahoogroups.com jstephansen@e...

    Written by June Stephansen for

    Galactic Guide- Joelle,

    Galactic Federation of Light,

    Senior Medical Officer of the New Jerusalem Starship

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    "Shamballa 1024" by June Stephansen

    The New Healing Modalities

    The New Modalities have hit the 5 D Earth Plane or Reality. Most
    of you who are guided are receiving the Shamballa 1024 Symbols and
    you were guided by your Guides for you to receive them. By
    receiving these Symbols of the Higher Vibrational Frequencies many
    of you are afforded can do your work with more efficiency and
    without tiring. For most of you are finding out that the Guides
    are responding to you better and giving you a clear vision or you
    can hear better of what it is you are doing. This is no accident.
    They were waiting for the 8:8 Stargate .it is the NOW times to get
    you started on your Missions. Congratulations too many of you if
    not all of you. Timing may be off for some of you .you have to be
    ready to receive .and it is only when you are ready that your Guide
    (s) will allow for it.

    In the next few months many of you will be coming forward for the
    Shamballa 1024 Symbols. These are so important for you to do your
    Mission that it will make the utmost difference for healing others.
    For you see Western Medicine will be wining down. Western Medicine
    is a 3 D modality that has seen its day. It does not work in the 5
    D. Those who have risen in their Frequencies will no long be able
    to depend on Western Medicine to heal. We have already seen the
    influence of Drugs and Chemicals and their counter-affects on the
    human body. Most disturbingly the numbers of humans who have cancer
    and other debilitating illnesses that seem to linger no matter what
    kinds of treatments are used or available. Well there are no 3 D
    earthly remedies to fix the abnormalities of illnesses afflicting
    the masses. 80% of the human population of the earth is sick with
    something. The immune systems of the Earths population are far
    below normal. If you have a compromised immune system it is caused
    from the following; lowered because of chemicals from drugs, foods
    lased with a chemical preservatives, foods with added synthetic
    mixtures, agriculture products which is tainted with pesticides, GMO
    in mutated crops then incorporated into the food stuff, chemically
    made vitamins, synthetic estrogen, flu shots, children's vaccines to
    name a few. And then the other not so nice influences on the immune
    system are caused from man-made viruses put out into the atmosphere
    via Chemtrails, shots given to the US military that are tainted
    enough to cause long lasting illnesses. West Nile virus is a man-
    made virus that was put into mesquites genetics and then they were
    released into the air to the general public.

    The Galactic Federation and the Ascended Masters sent the
    Shamballa 1024 to the earth plane early last year when the earth
    moved into the early entry of the 5 D. It was the start of getting
    the Human-Galactic Healers (those born to the earth from another
    dimension that would be doing Healing on Humans and Animals) readied
    for their Missions. Those of you who were ready or awake enough,
    and minus your illnesses, and could to hear the Guide- these are
    those who received these Symbols. Many of you had to heal
    yourselves first before getting the symbols to incorporate into your
    Healing Work.

    Many of you will be working with the Newly Awakened Sleepers -
    These who frequencies are of the Lower Vibration and not high enough
    to be healed by the Shamballa 1024. A series of 5 Symbols-
    "Energies of Light" Symbols were sent last August to help Lower
    vibrational humans hold onto the High Vibrational Shamballa 1024
    Healing Symbols for which to heal. So many of you need to obtain
    these 5 symbols so that you can do work on both the Lower and the
    Higher vibrational humans who need Healing. It is not a matter of
    trying to heal .it is a matter of getting the best results of
    Healing itself for the lower vibrational humans which is 90% of the
    Spiritual Realm that has just awakened. These humans will need your

    Many of you will be surprised to know that you are from the
    Universe and from another dimension. You were sent here to do your
    Missions. In this case you were sent here to do Healing on the
    highest level. You were awakened first. You are the ones that
    will "Heal" those of the masses that are awakening now. You will
    not be teachers but Healing Masters in your own Right. The
    Shamballa 1024 Symbols are not attunements to be transferred from
    teacher to student. All of you who receive the Shamballa 1024 are
    or will be Healing Masters. Many of you do Reiki, Star-chamber,
    Vogel Crystal, TRINE Healing, Emotional Healing, Physical Healing,
    Chakra Cleanses, Crystal healing, Color Therapy, Sound Therapy -
    this list can go on and on.will get heightened affects from your
    work just by adding the Shamballa 1024 Healing Symbols.

    The Symbols are Free to those of you who are supposed to get
    them. Some of you will not be able to get them at all. And some of
    you will have to wait until you are ready to receive them. Be
    patient your time will come.

    The New symbols of Light are available to all of you .even if you
    are not a healer. These symbols are to speed up the awakening
    process of the sleepers and those who need to get high vibrational
    healing but your vibration level at the moment may be to low to get
    a Shamballa 1024 session. Looking at the symbols for a few minutes
    a day .3 minutes each time .will help you raise your vibration and
    also help you hold onto the Shamballa 1024 mini-attunement you are
    about to receive. The Shamballa 1024 Healing sessions are done over
    the phone with a corded telephone. You can do this anywhere in the
    World. The time is usually 12 to 25 minutes in any given session.
    Lower vibrational clients need about three sessions or
    treatments .or they need to have an "Energies of Light" card to look
    at for about a week to hold the High Frequency Vibration of Healing
    of the Shamballa 1024 symbols from a healing session. The symbols
    are sent telepathically through the corded phone. A cell phone or
    remote phone cannot be used because of the electromagnetic energies
    that distort the symbols when the transfer of healing symbols takes

    I hope this information clears a lot of misconceptions about the
    Shamballa 1024 and the 5 symbols of "Energies of Light".

    Please feel free to share. The article must be shared/sent in its

    Shamballa1024Modality@yahoogroups.com jstephansen@e...

    Written by June Stephansen for

    Galactic Guide- Joelle,

    Galactic Federation of Light,

    Senior Medical Officer of the New Jerusalem Starship

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Attached Files:


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    fascinating field of work I suggest reading Machaelle Small Wright's book MAP, the Co-Creative White Brotherhood Medical Assistance Program.Lastly, we would like to give a word of warning about working with any of thecontents of this book. After reading this book, some people might be encouraged to thinkthat now they have seen the Reiki Symbols, it is no longer necessary for them to attend aReiki class. In fact this is not true. The symbols will not work for you until you havebeen attuned to them. Having a knowledge of the symbols by themselves. without theattunements, does not mean that you have Reiki. We would also like to remind you thatcrystals are very powerful tools, and that they can create imbalances as well as heal them,if they are used in an uncontrolled way. Crystals are co-creators, they will help to createanything that you want. Make sure that you are clear about what it is that you reallywant, and not what you think you want. Remember. you get what you ask for? So co-create a reality of Love and Light, and go forward in this Love and Light. Help the earthand humanity to come into their wholeness. Through your Love and though your serviceothers will also realize that the way forward is through Service in Compassion and Love.Walk in Love, walk in Light, allow the energy of Mahatma to flow through your heart,and speed your journey to Freedom.
    A quick and effective healing technique was given by Archangel Michael toShamballa Master, Jan Harkey, for the purpose of healing the planet and people. Shedubbed this method ‘SBZ’ for ‘Slice/Burn/Zap. It can be used in distant healings as wellas local work, and takes about 10-20 minutes. Michael encourages all Shamballa Mastersto use this technique!

    Call in the Shamballa symbol, AMSUI, sword of Archangel Michael.Picture it in your hands as you cut psychic ties from all sides of the ‘object’ area. If

    you are clairvoyant, you may see the ties being cut. Any ties that are left representsthe Karma that the person or place needs to resolve in this lifetime. It is their intentwhich will help people release what remains.

    Turn yourself into the purple flame by saying “Shamballa on” and envisionyourself pure flame. Jan then ‘walks into’ the essence of the person on distanthealings to burn negative energies. Or she puts her hands onto someone or someplaceand pictures them burning violet with her.

    To bring in the Mahatma energy, create a mental 3D pyramid and place it overa person or place. Hold your hands up and request the Mahatma energy. You may seeor feel this energy creating a ball of golden light in your hands. Bring the ball into thepyramid. You may see electric sparks like lightning going through the pyramid in theprocess of grounding the energy. Hold the ball and image in your mind until thelightning stops, bringing the Mahatma further into the pyramid until completelygrounded. Release it back to Source when you know it is grounded. Trust your ownknowing.

    Hélita Além Do Tarô



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    fascinating field of work I suggest reading Machaelle Small Wright's book MAP, the Co-Creative White Brotherhood Medical Assistance Program.Lastly, we would like to give a word of warning about working with any of thecontents of this book. After reading this book, some people might be encouraged to thinkthat now they have seen the Reiki Symbols, it is no longer necessary for them to attend aReiki class. In fact this is not true. The symbols will not work for you until you havebeen attuned to them. Having a knowledge of the symbols by themselves. without theattunements, does not mean that you have Reiki. We would also like to remind you thatcrystals are very powerful tools, and that they can create imbalances as well as heal them,if they are used in an uncontrolled way. Crystals are co-creators, they will help to createanything that you want. Make sure that you are clear about what it is that you reallywant, and not what you think you want. Remember. you get what you ask for? So co-create a reality of Love and Light, and go forward in this Love and Light. Help the earthand humanity to come into their wholeness. Through your Love and though your serviceothers will also realize that the way forward is through Service in Compassion and Love.Walk in Love, walk in Light, allow the energy of Mahatma to flow through your heart,and speed your journey to Freedom.
    A quick and effective healing technique was given by Archangel Michael toShamballa Master, Jan Harkey, for the purpose of healing the planet and people. Shedubbed this method ‘SBZ’ for ‘Slice/Burn/Zap. It can be used in distant healings as wellas local work, and takes about 10-20 minutes. Michael encourages all Shamballa Mastersto use this technique!

    Call in the Shamballa symbol, AMSUI, sword of Archangel Michael.Picture it in your hands as you cut psychic ties from all sides of the ‘object’ area. If

    you are clairvoyant, you may see the ties being cut. Any ties that are left representsthe Karma that the person or place needs to resolve in this lifetime. It is their intentwhich will help people release what remains.

    Turn yourself into the purple flame by saying “Shamballa on” and envisionyourself pure flame. Jan then ‘walks into’ the essence of the person on distanthealings to burn negative energies. Or she puts her hands onto someone or someplaceand pictures them burning violet with her.

    To bring in the Mahatma energy, create a mental 3D pyramid and place it overa person or place. Hold your hands up and request the Mahatma energy. You may seeor feel this energy creating a ball of golden light in your hands. Bring the ball into thepyramid. You may see electric sparks like lightning going through the pyramid in theprocess of grounding the energy. Hold the ball and image in your mind until thelightning stops, bringing the Mahatma further into the pyramid until completelygrounded. Release it back to Source when you know it is grounded. Trust your ownknowing.

    Hélita Além Do Tarô

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    SHAMBALLA MULTI DIMENTIONAL HEALINGMANUAL(Adapted from many Shamballa Source by Yulius Eka Agung)
    What is it? I will try to explain in a few simple words. A number of years ago the being Iknow as Germain came to me and asked me if I would like to be involved in a newproject. I was already very busy at the time and so said no, without even asking what theproject was, and he said "It's Reiki". My reply was "It's not for me". I could not see wahtuse Reiki was as I had neen healing with my hands since I was a small boy, and over theyears, I had taught many others how to facilitate healing.Germain asked me to listen to what he had to say. He told me that he was the person whohad incarnated Reiki on the earth during the time of early Atlantis and that it was asystem of empowerment through LOVE. He explained that it was a way of connectingwith the Source through your I AM presence or higher self. He told me the story of howhe and his friends had left the area they lived in, before the end times of that era, and howhe had given some beings who lived in the land we now know as Tibet, a number ofsymbols to see how they would use them. He said these people did not use the symbolsfor the benefit of humanity, but rather kept them to themselves to enjoy their power. Hewent on to say that the people of India had some knowledge of the symbols as well.But for all intent and purposes, Reiki, was lost to the world until it was re- discovered bya Japanese fellow called Dr. Usui. Here is the difference between Usui, Reiki, andShamballa Multi-Dimensional Healing. First of all, the Shamballa system is a completesystem, containing the full 352 symbols given to Germain while he was a high priest inAtlantis. Second, although Reiki has been learned by tens of thousands of people and hashelped many, many people, unfortunately, over the years, it has turned into a verycontrolled system ( you must do this, you must do that ) and generally requires a greatdeal of money to learn. Shamballa is not like that. Yor are asked to take your own powerback and work in accordance with Divine will. You are asked to empower the people youwork with, your clients and students (if you take the master/teachers course ), and to notgive your power away to Reiki, or to anything else

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    In his incarnation during the time of Atlantis, Ascended Master Germain served as a HighPriest in the great Temple of Healing. During that time Atlantis had descended into aculture of duality, ruled by priests and priestesses and members of the royal families.These people, who considered themselves superior, often used those who wereconsidered spiritually and psychically backward as slaves.Seeking to rectify this situation, Master Germain took himself away from mainlandAtlantis and formed a group of healers called The Inspirers. The Inspirers sought to finda technique and way to equalize the spiritual development of all Atlanteans. MasterGermain was given twenty-two symbols that could be projected directly into the energysystem of an individual, and would there-by raise that individual’s vibration to asufficient level where they would transcend their present spiritual situation and be equalamong the Atlanteans.When Atlantis was destroyed, Germain journeyed with the Inspirers to the land nowknown as Tibet. They tried in this place to continue the practice of raising spiritualconsciousness. And, in order to see how this practice would work, gave several symbolsto a number of individuals. Some of the people who received these symbols used themfor the betterment of humankind. However, others did not. Some used these energyfrequencies to manipulate other people and to become powerful over them. Because ofthis abuse of power, Germain decided not to give all of the twenty-two symbols to anyone individual.As the Inspirers traveled on through India, they gave out a few symbols, which eventuallymade their way into the Sanskrit scriptures. This is probably where Dr. Makio Usuiencountered the symbols that he used to found the system of Reiki. Dr Usui wasapparently a genius and a great philosopher and scholar, and he is honored as such bythose who practice the Shamballa system.Master Germain has stated that today, humanities’ vibration has risen to such an extentthat the complete system is now at our disposal. This system, Shamballa Multi-Dimensional Healing, which is comprised of 352 symbols, includes the Golden Flower ofLife sphere which contains all five platonic solids as well as all forms, shapes andsymbols in the physical universe.Many people see a correlation between later day Atlantis and things taking place in ourcurrent culture, i.e. gene experimentation, ET technology, and a society run by the elite.It’s almost as if we are being given a second chance to make wiser decisions. I believethat by using unconditional Love, which is the basis of the Shamballa systems, that wecan empower people to choose the path that will allow all humanity and our belovedplanet to move with grace into the Golden Age.

    The attunement is an initiation where in the master teacher passes theShamballa energies and the appropriate symbols to the student. Thisawakens the healing ability that is available to, and inherent in allhuman beings.During the attunement the finger chakras will be activated with theChrist Light. This has nothing to do with religion, but rather is anacknowledgement of our own divinity as a part of Mother Father God.After these initiations, many people have reported interaction withhigher dimensional beings who represent their particular religious faith.The unconditional Love energy of the Mahatma is also brought forthduring the attunement. The Mahatma energy is a direct circuit, or link,to Mother Father God and was anchored on the planet, for the very firsttime ever, just after the harmonic convergence in 1987. This energy,being new to the planet, is extremely pure, as it has never beenmanipulated or abused by those drawn to being powerful over others. TheMahatma energy is available to everyone on the planet regardless ofwhich spiral they are currently experiencing on their spiritual path.One does not have to go a workshop to experience the Mahatma energy, just call on it during prayer or meditation! The Shamballa system is a system of self-empowerment, and as such, weask the workshop participants to claim their divinity and to own their mastery.The Grand Master of the Shamballa family, John Armitage, has said that the Shamballa family is a gathering of the Violet Tribe of the 7thray. My sense of this is that we who work with the Shamballa energy do so because eons ago we contracted to assist one another and Lady Gaia during these wondrous times. We are all, each of us, Spirits playing with matter. As a Shamballa Multi-Dimensional Healing Master Teacher ,my passion is to empower students with the tools that will assist them in remembering this!

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Shamballa Reiki has 4 levels:


    Level 1:
    teaches how to offer a hands-on healing session for yourself,other people, also plants, Earth and animal friends.

    Level 2:
    introduces symbols used for distance healing also forunderstanding how to live Shamballa and creating community via anawareness of the interconnectedness that is life.

    Levels 3 and 4:
    are for anyone who wishes to teach Shamballa and whowish for a spiritual growth intensive. Levels 3 and 4 include all theShamballa symbols not taught in level 2, for a total of 352 symbols

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