
Discussion in 'HEALTH AND WELLNESS' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 7, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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    'Seeing', 'hearing' and 'knowing' are three basic spiritual abilities
    that we all have the right to. They may seem like they are something
    for the 'spiritually-gifted' only, or to someone born with these
    innate abilities. Once again, however, I am no one special and it
    was 'easy' (with a little help) to get to be comfortable doing all
    these things so that I can now do what it was I once agreed to do
    upon this planet in this increasingly turbulent lifetime.

    There will be three postings in this series. The first, this one, the
    Spiritual Hierarchy have had me reposting out there online and its
    message is still very relevant, especially since we now have so
    many 'newer' people with us in the group. The rest of the article of
    Stranger in a Strange land is available in the group files or on
    either of Peter's websites.

    Strangers in a Strange Land?Alien-Nation # 2
    by Peter Farley

    The `gift of seeing' is not simply a matter of one day not being able
    to see and then the next day waking up and seeing. Famed psychic,
    John Edwards, appeared on The Larry King Live television show
    recently to explain the various processes involved with `seeing' into
    what other people would call `the other side.' So too has it been a
    journey of discovery and a gradual unfoldment of the seeing process
    for myself.

    Before proceeding with this subject, however, it must first be
    explained that (as many people will attest) that beyond the `gift of
    seeing' comes the `art of knowing.' When one learns to trust ones
    inner guidance beyond all shadow of a doubt, or has simply
    surrendered their will to the Higher Will, then `seeing'
    becomes `knowing' in more instances than not.

    The higher dimensional `gift of seeing', as Edwards agrees, is
    combined with and also dependent upon `hearing' at a higher
    dimensional level as well. Both are dependent upon an understanding
    of the spiritual language of metaphors. What a spiritual `seer' often
    is shown is a metaphorical image?a picture which in fact represents a
    thousand words.

    The reason for the pain in a man's back the other day which had
    avoided all cures by every conventional alternative healing method
    was `shown' to my co-worker, Susan, as an image of a bobsled. To me
    this then triggered the word `Rosebud', from the movie Citizen Kane
    where these were the aging patriarch's last words before dying, a
    remembrance of a time long ago when he was happy and simple with his
    bobsled. Having just passed in my travels the Rosebud Indian
    reservation in North Dakota and nearby the site of Custer's massacre
    at the Little Big Horn, a vision of this man as a scout for the
    infamous general and his troops arose in my inner vision like I was
    watching the scene through a fish-eye camera lens. The words and
    images had acted like a set of keys to unlock those specific events
    both in time and in this man's own dimensional grid.

    The cause for the man's long-held back pain then became clear, it was
    a large Indian war lance still there in this man's energy field from
    that past lifetime which had staked this man to the ground causing
    him not to die instantly, but to suffer a rather slow death watching
    those around him be slaughtered. The words which came through to aid
    the man in `letting go' of this lesson from the past were, "You need
    to return to Rosebud and to the site of Custer's massacre, and there
    you need to shed the tears never cried for all those who died on that

    Like my own experience of a few years back where I too had needed to
    resolve the past life lessons of forgiveness as an Anasazi shaman
    (see Anasazi: A Lesson in Forgiveness at my website), this man too
    had unresolved issues of guilt and sadness relating to the fact that
    his spirit felt it had betrayed his own kind by leading Custer
    against them.

    The removal of the lance's energy skewering his energetic field was
    only the first step to his healing. The tears Susan saw him crying in
    her dream state also helped wash away the past and allowed this man
    to wake without the pain, to begin a new life, a new day, without the
    deep-seated guilt and feelings of remorse that had for so long held
    him back from his true purpose here in this very important lifetime.

    With every new client, with every new experience in fulfilling my own
    particular mission here on the planet at this time, comes a greater
    clarity of `seeing' and of understanding what it is that I am seeing;
    also how it fits into the bigger picture I am trying to present to
    the world through the articles and books I write and through the
    talks I give. Even though my book Where Were You Before The Tree of
    Life? is four volumes, there is still so much more to the complex
    nature of the situation in which we are currently living here on
    Planet Earth.

    The first thought which came to mind when beginning this particular
    series of articles was "Stranger in a Strange Land." For so many
    people, Robert A. Heinlein's 1961 cult-classic novel was an
    expression of their innermost feelings at being thrust down here on
    Earth with no relevance or understanding of their place in what they
    saw going on around them. It struck close to home too as my own
    spiritual `gifts' have opened up and been put into use. In Heinlein's
    novel, an earthling, born and educated on Mars, arrives on our planet
    with superhuman powers and a total ignorance of the mores of men.
    Treated as a freak, a media commodity, a scam artist, a searcher, a
    sexual pioneer, and finally as a martyr and a messiah, the hero's
    struggle to come to grips with his `strangeness in a strange land'
    resonated with all the Lightworkers being born as part of the post-
    war babyboom.

    This theme was also reprised in the movie of a decade or so ago,
    Phenomenon, starring John Travolta. In it, a slow-witted country
    mechanic is `gifted' with extraordinary presence of mind that allows
    him to remarkable feats, but which eventually only leads to his own
    excommunication from normal society and to be seen as a threat to the
    status quo and to the inherent powers-that-be.

    So to do so many people I work with see themselves and their
    spiritual `gifts' as a curse that sets them aside from the world
    around them, making them feel like strangers in a strange land.
    Particularly do they feel most out of place when they try to fit
    their higher dimensional understandings of life as it should be, here
    into a 3rd-dimensional life in the illusory Matrix in place of planet
    Earth. Lightworkers sent here to be of service were never supposed to
    have bought into and invested themselves so heavily into believing in
    this illusory Matrix. This has been the difficulty with getting them
    triggered, awake, and up and running on their own particular missions?
    they have bought themselves into what can only be termed the great
    lie. The greatest lie of all is the one they have spent the most time
    trying to figure out?how to fit their `round-peg' idea of an all-
    powerful yet all-loving Creator Being who does not judge us and who
    cannot even see darkness because IT is so much infinite Light and
    Sound, into the `square-peg" of religion where everything mankind
    does is wrong and where we are all eternally separated from All That

    The understanding of who they are and what they are here to do is,
    perhaps, the greatest tool for healing that we can give to people
    lost in a lost world, and especially to those Lightworkers who are
    our particular mission in helping them to awaken. To let them know
    that it is exactly those things which have set them apart which are
    their greatest strengths and the gifts they brought along to share
    with the planet, changes their focus away from the `me' and into what
    it always should be, the `we.'

    Understanding that EVERYTHING in the Matrix is a lie, helps one stop
    going crazy trying to justify this part or that part of the Matrix as
    being true while everything else around it seems to be so much a lie.
    The whole barrel is rotten. There is no system here to be fixed, but
    only a system that will in the natural course of things be destroyed
    as it once was in Atlantis, offering up a new opportunity to rebuild
    life anew?the coming planetary ascension process.

    To aid people to an understanding that they are heart-oriented
    Pleiadeans, mind-oriented Sirians or Orions, rebel leaders, star-
    childs, star warriors, reptilians, or one of the countless other
    kinds of Being existing here currently on the planet to help it
    resolve its karmic imbalances, is to allow them the freedom to be who
    they are and have always known they were at the deepest core levels
    of their Being. To share with them and assist them in understanding
    that as well as being interdimensional, inter-planetary Beings here
    on a mission, that they are also individual sparks of a divine
    Creator, free to rise above their most recent planetary dimensional
    affiliations and limitations, is to also give them a vision of their
    own potential present and future progress in the never-ending
    evolution of Soul, and of Creation in and of Itself.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member



    Greetings Peter, & Group...

    There are a lot of things in life
    that many deem to be necessities,
    after getting Peter's sacred sound toning,
    on Friday -- i'd stop eating & drink only water,
    for as many days as it would take, to save up the $100 to have this done.

    Life is a very interesting voyage,
    back in the middle of November,
    my world, as, i knew it, feel apart,
    i lost my main income stream,
    i am single, without a spouse,
    and, i was self-employed without a contract,
    so, i didn't qualify for any kind of assistance.
    Also, my tenant, became unable to pay for his rent,
    due to an accident

    Instead of entering into the zone of fear,
    i was told to look at it, as, a door closing, and, many windows opening,
    and, this was necessary, if i was ever truly to discover why i am here.

    This has become a great opportunity for myself,
    to just see what i am truly made of,
    and, how, if i trust in the love of The Father,
    and, start to listen to my higher guidance,
    that my life would become altered for the betterment,
    of not only me, but, for humanity also.

    i was also told, to look around at people, i believed where doing good work,
    and, to give to them, in spite, of my own current lack.

    That i would truly learn about the value of "real giving"...
    and, "supporting others",who, i believed, walked their talk,
    and, i would also learn about what "good exchange" was...

    all i can say
    is the $100.00 for the sacred sound toning,
    with Peter Farley, was, and, is the singular best investment
    i have ever made, in this lifetime,
    this "sacred sound toning" has altered me, and, changed me,
    in absolutely fantastic ways.

    i feel a different sense of gratitude, i feel a different sense of love,
    i feel a different sense of my selves, and, with that being said,
    i am in my high heart, i feel joy there,
    i feel the sense of importance of exchanging, and, of sharing with others,
    and, a connectedness to embracing my own mission,
    and, walk around this earth, in ways, i would never truly have believed could be possible...
    i know in my heart, that Peter,
    was put on my path for a "grand purpose"
    and, i also know, there are many of you here, who will read this message,
    who, are perhaps, pondering, or thinking, about doing this,
    get past your thoughts-- and, just CHOOSE to DO it !!!

    i also feel for the first time in this lifetime,
    that my feet are truly planted to this earth,
    and, i have become grounded...
    you have NO idea how very good this feels
    to have my feet anchored to the mother earth.

    A mere "thank you" to Peter,
    doesn't truly say, what his work is, or what it does,
    it seems that every hour that passes,
    i come into an even higher sense of being,
    my handwriting, has totally changed,
    the colors, of all the things around me, has gotten more vibrant
    my eyes, are shining,
    and, my etheric body, is just ozzing this energy out to the world,
    what a wonderful feeling...

    Thank You Peter, for being who you are,
    and, for doing what you are doing,
    you truly are a wonderful example,
    of what being a "True Gift" to "Humanity" is all about ...
    your example, is one, that has given me inspiration,
    and, i truly thank you for that, with all my heart

    Light, Love, and, Blessings to you
    & The Spiritual Hierachy

    Dearest Dave...
    and, group

    My guidance & i read this message,
    and, a tear it feel down my cheek,
    it's funny, but, that type of tears that is now able to fall,
    is very cleansing,
    the integration of the higher pieces, to the lower pieces
    are now making up a whole new reality base,
    and, has brought us into a total re_alignment, and, re_attunement,
    that makes up the totality of what we are, in this moment of NOW
    The sacred sound toning was so cleaning,
    it shone light into dark places,
    and, it created a forging of the two rivers that flow within us,
    the divine feminine, as well as the divine masculine,
    and, pushed us off the shore,
    and, puts us, into our main stream.

    the lower part, now knows, i do NOT stand here on the earth alone,
    the higher part, now knows, it has a place to stand on the earth+plane
    and, also,
    we feel those around us, who are standing ready to support us,
    they have always been there, it's just that we were NOT awakened enough to know

    The father, he was always in the corner

    The higher pieces of us, can meet the higher pieces of them,
    and, and, if you did NOT assist in clearning the path,
    for this to take place,
    it would have been nearly impossible to
    land in the "bowl of The Father" or "bowl of God"
    that resides within.

    always remember, that we are all masters,
    and, everyone, and, everything, is in a constant state of
    awakening and, evolving.

    It is time, to realize our true potential,
    and, the potential that sits within us,
    as, it is "all ways" waiting,
    for it be to awakened,
    and, it is "all ways" waiting,
    for it be integrated, into your awareness

    "much gathers more"...is a process,
    where the much in another, allows you to gather more

    As we takes steps to heal ourselves,
    we realize, that many false beliefs, and, fear that we harboured within us;
    where NOT all truths, and,
    for the one, who is currently channelling this message,
    from her own higher guidance,
    her lower selves were conditioned as a child,
    to NOT to ASK ...and, she attached, "shame" to "asking"
    and, the number one rule, to advance,
    is TO ASK...now, that she has asked,
    she no longer carries "The Shame Program",
    it is shattered, and, it is gone.

    Do not just "ask"...remember, it is important to offer up,
    "exchange" with the "asking",
    this is why, this type of work; is NOT done for free...
    and, also, it is NOT just enough to PAY,
    and, then, not offer up, a healing to the healer,
    as, this is the way in which the universe operates.

    About this offering up "exchange" within the asking...
    this is why she was, and, is still guided
    when she started her process for total awakening,
    to donate, to give, to worthy causes, such as, the earth_walk of Peter, & Su Anne
    to the earth_walks of several, whistle_blowers, and,
    although, she was NOT able to give any of them, large sums of money,
    she was able, to give some, & every little bit helps.

    And, then,
    she has been able to send healings to Peter, and, to Su Anne,
    and, although she is NOT sure, if these have been received,
    she knows clearly in her high heart,
    that she was instructed to put all of these healings,
    into NOT only their prayer files,
    but, into the prayer files of all souls,
    not only on earth, but, in other dimensions, and, even between time and space,
    and, anywhere she did NOT know where they might be...
    and, all, that any soul needs to do, to receive these healings,
    is to ask, that their 9th dimensional over_soul, access and, clear the healings,
    and,allow only that which is in alignment with their 9th dimensional over_soul,
    and, 100% of The Father's light & love,
    and, be allowed, and, that should another ask
    that these energies be able to be downloaded,
    they will be able to flow to them, seamlessly.

    never take healing--without healing back

    this we are being told, will truly assist Peter, in re_charging,
    and, re_filling, he is quite a vessel, and, when you have quite a vessel,
    it is dually important, when so many drain on it,
    that, it is to be re_filled

    this is why, he does NOT let many too close to him,
    as, too many hanging off your shirt tails
    DOES not allow his good work to be done
    in the way, in which, he can do it

    perhaps, all of you; can sent to PETER,
    11 minutes of a good energy send,
    this earth_father, earth_healer,
    is very integral part, of what is going on,
    on planet earth at this time
    he will NEVER ask for this...
    SO, this is something, you can choose to do,
    go to your highest of hearts,
    and, send to him, and, also Su Anne, right now

    There has been very much, in the way, of work, that this one
    channelling this message can do,
    that, is also assisting, in paving a path, where the path,
    has become clouded
    and, is covering many,
    remember, YOU can NOT just merely ASK,
    you must also offer up, exchanges in your process of asking,
    to all things, her wise old teacher,
    Bucky aka Buckminister Fuller,
    would say, that everything has an equal, or opposite reaction.
    we would say, he stole this line from someone else, however,
    it is a powerful line, never_the_less.

    And, everyday, it would be wise, to consider,
    that you all have within you, these prayer files,
    and, when doing any type of healing;
    it is possible to park the benefits of all these healings;
    into the prayer files, of all souls,
    and, if you ask, for ArchAngel Michael, to come to you,
    he will assist you in the downloading, the information,
    and, this will bring many of the alterations & positive changes,
    you are searching for into your reality.

    The unfoldment that the sacred sound encoding did for Susan,
    by Peter, as, well as the spiritual hierarchy has allowed me,
    to fully integrate, and, become seated within her,
    for, now, i can reside,
    within her "bowl of The Father" aka "bowl of god", or, her "high heart"
    and, from this seat of her soul,
    that the two of us, can move together as one,
    for this sacred sound toning,
    has improved her ability to work through me, and, with me,
    to touch higher realms, and, higher dimensions of her being,
    for, i am one with her,
    and, i am also one with all of her higher dimensional pieces,
    that reside, within the 10th, 11th and, 12th dimensions, and, beyond.

    she is now able, to mental screen, with many of them open at the same time,
    she is now able, to hear, and, will be a very valuable asset to the spiritual hierarchy,
    as a pure channel of light, this for healing, and, this for bringing messages

    she is now able to integrate her lower six bodies,
    her physical, her emotional, her intellectual, the lower three bodies,
    and, has been able to loop, or to re_thread them,
    into her fourth body her etheric body,
    and, through this etheric body, into the 5th, the lower astral
    and, through that lower astral body, into the 6th, the higher astral
    and, through the higher astral, into the 7th, the low causal body,
    and, through the low causal body, into the 8th, the high-causal,
    and, to cause an awakening to the re_connection withf me,
    her 9th dimensional over_soul.

    "it could be said, her eagle has landed"...
    for, there have been times, when, i, her monad/or higher self,
    have walked upon this earth_plane,
    and, she has often asked me, who she is to say,
    she is channelling when she steps to the side, and, allows me to the fore,
    for now, she is to allow the words, to flow,
    into her existence, and, into the existence of others,
    it matters NOT who, or what i am,
    for i am now, her,
    and, i do honour her, for finally awakening to her magnificence,
    for it has been quite a long process, or integrating these energies,
    and, it is due to the work of Peter,
    that both of us, are honoured to take our seats,
    and, to assist in the processes,
    that will bring about positive changes,
    for, she is here, on earth
    to blow the winds of change.

    For the only way to truly honour The Father,
    as, well as yourself, is to carve this path,
    to the bowl of god, that resides within each and everyone of you,
    and, then, allow the 9th Dimensional Over_Soul piece,
    to forge a connection with you,
    which will allow you,
    both, to come into a grand alignment,
    and, come into a fully awakened, and, totally realized state,

    The future it belongs to the NOW,
    and, it is within this very moment of NOW,
    that we can reach out, and, touch you,
    we can lead you to the door,
    but, only you can offer up the exchanges,
    required, to allow you to come through this most important gateway,
    and, it is through this process, of being seated,
    that you can rise to higher levels,
    and, never again, become stuck in your seat,
    for, it is at this level, that one, re_earns their wings,
    and, truly has the ability to fly

    The work that Peter, Su Anne, and the Spiritual Hierarchy,
    have done with my lower pieces,
    has The Father, beaming with appreciation,
    Good Work, is always done in Love,
    and, Love is, the highest reflection of this truth,
    we honour you, for all that you have done for "us",
    and, we send you back this love, in the way of an on_going exchange of healing...
    you have blessed us, beyond the ability to express in words,
    and, have made us feel, not only a part of ourselves,
    but, also a part of you...
    you have made us feel our energy, our love, and, our truth
    may we all weave together, these two things,
    and, bring about the "good work",
    we were all sent her to do,
    and, make that our base of reality,
    to move forward from

    We love you, and, honour you,
    so very much,
    We are brothers and sisters, who have chosen to be here at this time,
    and, the time is NOW, to offer up many good exchanges,
    that will allow all of us, to walk this mother earth, in peace
    and, be a piece of the peace

    Susan / k
    ©2006-2007 4TruthSeekers.org - All rights reserved. ITWEBMEDIA

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Strangers in a Strange Land?Alien-Nation # 2
    by Peter Farley

    The ?gift of seeing? is not simply a matter of one day not being able to see and then the next day waking up and seeing. Famed psychic, John Edwards, appeared on The Larry King Live television show recently to explain the various processes involved with ?seeing? into what other people would call ?the other side.? So too has it been a journey of discovery and a gradual unfoldment of the seeing process for myself.

    Before proceeding with this subject, however, it must first be explained that (as many people will attest) that beyond the ?gift of seeing? comes the ?art of knowing.? When one learns to trust ones inner guidance beyond all shadow of a doubt, or has simply surrendered their will to the Higher Will, then ?seeing? becomes ?knowing? in more instances than not.

    The higher dimensional ?gift of seeing?, as Edwards agrees, is combined with and also dependent upon ?hearing? at a higher dimensional level as well. Both are dependent upon an understanding of the spiritual language of metaphors. What a spiritual ?seer? often is shown is a metaphorical image?a picture which in fact represents a thousand words.

    The reason for the pain in a man?s back the other day which had avoided all cures by every conventional alternative healing method was ?shown? to my co-worker, Susan, as an image of a bobsled. To me this then triggered the word ?Rosebud?, from the movie Citizen Kane where these were the aging patriarch?s last words before dying, a remembrance of a time long ago when he was happy and simple with his bobsled. Having just passed in my travels the Rosebud Indian reservation in North Dakota and nearby the site of Custer?s massacre at the Little Big Horn, a vision of this man as a scout for the infamous general and his troops arose in my inner vision like I was watching the scene through a fish-eye camera lens. The words and images had acted like a set of keys to unlock those specific events both in time and in this man?s own dimensional grid.

    The cause for the man?s long-held back pain then became clear, it was a large Indian war lance still there in this man?s energy field from that past lifetime which had staked this man to the ground causing him not to die instantly, but to suffer a rather slow death watching those around him be slaughtered. The words which came through to aid the man in ?letting go? of this lesson from the past were, ?You need to return to Rosebud and to the site of Custer?s massacre, and there you need to shed the tears never cried for all those who died on that day.?

    Like my own experience of a few years back where I too had needed to resolve the past life lessons of forgiveness as an Anasazi shaman (see Anasazi: A Lesson in Forgiveness at my website), this man too had unresolved issues of guilt and sadness relating to the fact that his spirit felt it had betrayed his own kind by leading Custer against them.

    The removal of the lance?s energy skewering his energetic field was only the first step to his healing. The tears Susan saw him crying in her dream state also helped wash away the past and allowed this man to wake without the pain, to begin a new life, a new day, without the deep-seated guilt and feelings of remorse that had for so long held him back from his true purpose here in this very important lifetime.

    With every new client, with every new experience in fulfilling my own particular mission here on the planet at this time, comes a greater clarity of ?seeing? and of understanding what it is that I am seeing; also how it fits into the bigger picture I am trying to present to the world through the articles and books I write and through the talks I give. Even though my book Where Were You Before The Tree of Life? is four volumes, there is still so much more to the complex nature of the situation in which we are currently living here on Planet Earth.

    The first thought which came to mind when beginning this particular series of articles was ?Stranger in a Strange Land.? For so many people, Robert A. Heinlein?s 1961 cult-classic novel was an expression of their innermost feelings at being thrust down here on Earth with no relevance or understanding of their place in what they saw going on around them. It struck close to home too as my own spiritual ?gifts? have opened up and been put into use. In Heinlein?s novel, an earthling, born and educated on Mars, arrives on our planet with superhuman powers and a total ignorance of the mores of men. Treated as a freak, a media commodity, a scam artist, a searcher, a sexual pioneer, and finally as a martyr and a messiah, the hero?s struggle to come to grips with his ?strangeness in a strange land? resonated with all the Lightworkers being born as part of the post-war babyboom.

    This theme was also reprised in the movie of a decade or so ago, Phenomenon, starring John Travolta. In it, a slow-witted country mechanic is ?gifted? with extraordinary presence of mind that allows him to remarkable feats, but which eventually only leads to his own excommunication from normal society and to be seen as a threat to the status quo and to the inherent powers-that-be.

    So to do so many people I work with see themselves and their spiritual ?gifts? as a curse that sets them aside from the world around them, making them feel like strangers in a strange land. Particularly do they feel most out of place when they try to fit their higher dimensional understandings of life as it should be, here into a 3rd-dimensional life in the illusory Matrix in place of planet Earth. Lightworkers sent here to be of service were never supposed to have bought into and invested themselves so heavily into believing in this illusory Matrix. This has been the difficulty with getting them triggered, awake, and up and running on their own particular missions?they have bought themselves into what can only be termed the great lie. The greatest lie of all is the one they have spent the most time trying to figure out?how to fit their ?round-peg? idea of an all-powerful yet all-loving Creator Being who does not judge us and who cannot even see darkness because IT is so much infinite Light and Sound, into the ?square-peg? of religion where everything mankind does is wrong and where we are all eternally separated from All That Is.

    The understanding of who they are and what they are here to do is, perhaps, the greatest tool for healing that we can give to people lost in a lost world, and especially to those Lightworkers who are our particular mission in helping them to awaken. To let them know that it is exactly those things which have set them apart which are their greatest strengths and the gifts they brought along to share with the planet, changes their focus away from the ?me? and into what it always should be, the ?we.?

    Understanding that EVERYTHING in the Matrix is a lie, helps one stop going crazy trying to justify this part or that part of the Matrix as being true while everything else around it seems to be so much a lie. The whole barrel is rotten. There is no system here to be fixed, but only a system that will in the natural course of things be destroyed as it once was in Atlantis, offering up a new opportunity to rebuild life anew?the coming planetary ascension process.

    To aid people to an understanding that they are heart-oriented Pleiadeans, mind-oriented Sirians or Orions, rebel leaders, star-childs, star warriors, reptilians, or one of the countless other kinds of Being existing here currently on the planet to help it resolve its karmic imbalances, is to allow them the freedom to be who they are and have always known they were at the deepest core levels of their Being. To share with them and assist them in understanding that as well as being interdimensional, inter-planetary Beings here on a mission, that they are also individual sparks of a divine Creator, free to rise above their most recent planetary dimensional affiliations and limitations, is to also give them a vision of their own potential present and future progress in the never-ending evolution of Soul, and of Creation in and of Itself.

    The following was sent to me by the head of Irish UFOlogy,
    In a letter from this entity in Utah, J.R., he writes about something and I?d like to ask if this information is true. He writes: ?You most likely have heard of the Mormon Church, LDS, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, here in Utah, of which they control the total state in all fields and phases of human endeavors. They have built temples in 100 countries. The missionaries in all these countries, including the USA work with the CIA. As the missionaries can get into countries where the CIA cannot, they collect information on the people and everything of any and all nature, the country?s government and all their activities. All this world-wide information is shared with the CIA and it is fed into three of the largest computers in the world, church-owned, here in Salt Lake City. This church is one of the most powerful and richest organizations in the world today. It has one of the largest and most secret police forces in the world. I have collected this kind of information for 45 years. The above is not all they are into. A high official of this church was recently kicked out of the church as he got too snoopy and asked too many questions. He came to me a few months ago and told me what happened. He said that his life had been threatened if he told anyone of what he had found out. So he told me that if anything happened to him, to release the information he gave me.

    This information concerns a giant cavern beneath Salt Lake City and the Wahsatch mountain range. It goes north to Idaho and south clear down past the Arizona line, with offshoots west into Nevada and east into Colorado. This cavern has been common knowledge for over 120 years. Many cases over the years has appeared in the newspapers of people and groups of people going into the cavern, but never coming out. Several did find their way out, were hopelessly insane. At least that?s what the newspaper said about them.
    At present, the Archaeological Dept. of Utah are down in southeastern Utah looking for a certain entrance into this cavern that fellow by the name of John Brewer of Manti, Utah, discovered around 30 years ago. He brought out of the cavern quite a few ancient plates of an unknown language. Some of the plates were gold, some silver, brass copper and clay. He also saw many strange things he won?t talk about, such as what he thought were weapons of crystal. His son was tortured and killed by some unknown person or persons trying to force the secrets out of him. The church wanted the plates in the worst way?they still do. . . Like he told me, ?After all, where on earth would be a better contact point for the aliens than Utah, with thousands of miles of deserts and places not even on the present-day maps. Plus a large and powerful organization with hospitals, schools and universities where aliens could undergo physical changes, educated in our languages and customs, using research labs, some of the best in the United States. A lot of genetic experiments and research is also going on here in different laboratories.
    Thousands of children and adults have vanished with out a trace of most of them, here in Utah. The fellow who is giving me this information also mentioned that for years now, the Church has been working on a vault-like repository in the mountains behind Salt Lake (East) part of the upper cavern to put all the church records, secret documents, and other valuables for safe keeping. He said for over a period of time he helped on this detail. Several times he said he spotted several small humanoids with extra-large eyes watching them from a distance. He said there was a lot of building going on in a lower portion of the cavern. He heard motor dynamos, the high whine of generators and voices. All this he said has been going on for over 15 years that he knew of. He said his curiosity got the best of him one day, he slipped away from the work gang he was in and went down to a lower part of the cavern. He came to some buildings with lots of rooms. There was a lot of building and other activity going on. There were many men and women working on work benches with computers, and building electronic units of some kind. Among these workers were more of these small humanoids with big black eyes. When he started back, two security officers caught him and escorted him back to the repository vault, where they reported his actions and wanderings into the off limits area, to his superiors. They in turn put him on a truck and sent him back to town. He was warned to keep his mouth shut about what he saw. They told him what was going on down there was a U.S. government operation and was Top Secret. If he talked about it to any one, he would get 20 years in a Federal prison or worse. He kept asking questions to different members he thought were friends. Someone reported him. In turn he was apostated from the Church, with a death threat. This is the third time in the last 20 years I have heard about this activity from different friends of mine who are members of this church. I didn?t pay too much attention to it until I received the info on ?The Web of Conspiracy? and Dulce, New Mexico which your organization sent out to me. I think its high time to put this info out to the public. Most people are so brainwashed by the church here, and by television, that most people won?t believe any of it anyway. But I believe there are people in this land of ours who will believe. Those are the ones who need all the information of this nature they can receive. At least they will be aware of the existing situation and won?t be so easily trapped. They in turn can help others. If you receive this letter, let me know. Sincerely, J.R.?

    It sounds far-out in terms of what a human being normally sees or is presented with. However, like the old cult-movie They Live! where a man wearing certain glasses is able to see ?people? for what they truly are, one of the most affirming aspects of an increased ability to ?see?, is the confirmation of what Zecharia Sitchin, David Icke, myself, and many other authors have been presenting to the world in recent years?that is, that planet Earth is in fact a prison planet, and that those of alien origins who helped make it that way, never left, but are in fact still here as the ruling power elite who have controlled the planet and its knowledge of history for as much as the past 100,000 years.

    A recent trip to a resort location in the mountains of Idaho was only further confirmation to me of this fact. There at the posh hotel where the backbone of corporate America and the world come to meet, I found myself surrounded by reptilians and other ?alien-intruders? in humanoid form, accompanied as they were by their human reptilian-wannabe lackeys much as portrayed in another cult TV-series of the early 80s, ?V?. Well-known author, Barbara Clow, says in her work that the mini-series ?V? was actually made by arrogant reptilians to show the world the way things really were. Like the popular movie ?Independence Day?, however, ?V? also portrayed the implausible ending of human beings rising up to overthrow their alien masters, much as if to keep the viewers placated in their mind-numbing state of lethargy.

    Here among this heavy concentration of reptilians and sundry other overlords in human form, it was easier to accept the statistic given to me by my guidance that there are as many as 25 million reptilians in human form here in the United States alone?one in ten ?people?. This also helps to make the whole scenario of what is taking place here on planet earth more understandable?the mind control, the ritual child abuse, the abductions, the political maneuvering and posturing, the control of the bankers and the secret societies---everything all of a sudden becomes far more believable especially if one has the ?eyes to see? and the ?ears to hear?.

    All the science ?fiction? movies of the past 50 years come flooding back into my consciousness as I more fully understand the ideas that were trying to be conveyed to the general populace through such media, by Higher Spiritual Beings intent on helping us free ourselves of this oppressive yolk of unwanted alien domination. Movies have always been a way to channel high level information to an unsuspecting population and make palatable to them deep spiritual meanings hidden behind simple formulas. Not only are we being invaded by beings from beyond this planet?s realm of commonly recognized experience but we HAVE been invaded and continue to be controlled by those who have always been responsible for creating and manipulating human history to suit there individual agendas. To take this one step further, many of us are aliens here to help defend planet earth from these agendas, and help it birth itself and its population into a new and wonderfully peaceful paradigm in the coming fifth dimensional ascension process.

    Furthermore, what I stated earlier in a piece I wrote about the ?alien energy forms? that seemed to be inhabiting the physical and etheric bodies of so many of our clients, has now blossomed into an understanding gifted to us that many people are indeed what our guidance term ?experimental hosts? for these energies.

    As you pick yourself up from the floor and continue reading, I understand the realization many of you will have just had relating to some of your own life experiences and health problems which have manifested away from any causitive factors of your own. Many human beings (and the alien ones in human form here to help) have now become experimental hosts for these alien parasitic lifeforms and I and my partner are not alone, nor the first, in discovering and describing this increasing alien presence in our midst.

    From ordinary people on my mailing list:
    ?Peter, joking aside....I trust you...if you realized you were married to a person who was unknowingly linked to the reptilian agenda (educated in a rigorous Kings college in London)....have even seen the weird eye thing....and you had a 2 yr. old offspring of that union...and you had many tools at your side to assist...apart from running......has anything ever been reported to suggest that holding ground and raising ones vibration to unconditional loving ....can shift even a shape shifter??
    I ask this from my heart, Mary

    ?Good Morning Peter, I was very interested in your work with aliens co-habiting physical bodies. I too have been working with this for some time. I was very interested in those who were assisting this planet in its progression, many came into bodies upon agreement with the host. However as you well observed there are a number of aliens who are NOT for the benefit of mankind who are also working within our government and various other organizations. I would be very interested in what you discovered especially any problems that the hosts had after the attachment was severed.?
    Thanks, Sharon

    ?Dear Peter, This is Alishaa....thank you for your emails...I do appreciate it and follow your work. I wanted to share with you a significant insight....Every Wednesday night I give two hour talks...at an Art Gallery...I teach body balancing...by Touch for Health as taught by John Thie...in Applied Kinesiology. I also help to provide the members with Enriching Gift products of which has the Red Heart Algae...the highest available pure food supplement...in the market which also has a mineral formula...that is in the minutest tetrahedron form...of super ionic minerals.....It is the fire element that makes our product so awesome and healing. I have most recently noticed there are aliens among us...and it is in our bodies...they are parasites that come through flea bites or any other mosquito bites...or in the food we eat that comes from the supermarket...that is infested with petrochemical preservatives. Parasites are these alien creatures that live off our flesh...and cause more problems in our health than anyone can imagine. One day...I heard a comment that parasites and viruses., do not live in oxygen....so I took 3 - 5 probiotic ....and learned that they make a lot of difference...in the swelling of the abdomen...it disappears...it is absolutely wonderful...so whenever there is an invasion of parasites...I take 3 to 5 probiotics. I also experienced skin rash for months at a time around my waist...which developed into eczema...and as soon as I heard that parasites do not live in oxygen I began taking 3 probiotic for therapeutic dosage...and within 3 days the eczema healed ...which in the past would have taken 5 months of eczema suffering itch. I do believe the overweight in the American population has nothing to do with diet...but with cellular density that happens when we host parasites under our flesh. I have experience people that I work with...change from a size 14 to a size 9 in three days sleeping in my space with about 4 ozone machines going on at the same time...my sister visited me because she was so swollen ( some people call it fat) and had difficulty time sitting and standing cause her knees hurt so much. Since then I have always recognized fat Americans...and not being fat and look at it as parasites....just take probiotic...which is cultured bacteria...made for large intestines but has wonderful oxygenating qualities...and the swelling, or ?pop? belly disappears. I also notice that there are some people who ask the body if they should take the plant enzymes of the probiotic...and the pendulum swings a ?no?....of course!!!! because I also notice that there are human personalities that are controlled by negative energies...which I have observed as being energies that are coming from the parasites in their bodies..Even hybrid plants...do not survive with the ozone machines that I use...and there are also humans too that cannot handle the ozone machines...because what the ozone machine does is break the molecules down...of all the man-made chemicals to the basic molecules of God?s creation...to hydrogen peroxide...then down to water, oxygen, carbon dioxide .....then I find that Alien entities...that have not been created with love cannot handle the Ozone machine....because their bodies slowly dissipate....and only real humans can handle the energy...

    It also dissipates the cysts and tumors which the body creates as ?pearls? when a toxic element enters the human body. I have seen ?gout? slowly pit...and shrink with the use of full spectrum light bulb which I have learned to use for healing of bruises...and injury to the body. Parasites do not like the light of full spectrum of the sunlight......nor oxygen...these two modalities is what I use and teach people how to use for their ailments. When one learns to do this...the body builds a stronger immune system.....
    Let me know when you decide to visit Hawaii...so much to share ...these are simple solutions and affordable...to everyone.?
    Aloha, Alishaa

    None of this is shared in order to create fear nor anxiety nor anything but calm internal resolve to educate and deal with the problem at hand. It is meant to educate and enLighten others to those things which have recently opened up our own eyes to the reality of things as they exist here on planet Earth, here in this galaxy, and at this current stage of the evolution of the Creator and of Creation.

    Things have not changed. Things have always been this way?at least for the past 100,000 years or so. It is now just coming to Light because it is time for the Great Healing process which will lead us and the planet into the 5th dimensional new paradigm.

    One chapter of my 7-volume work on the New World Order deals with the topic of Adolph Hitler and the Nazis, and how the corporate and political elite of the world supported Hitler?s rise to power, even at a time when the rest of the world was suffering through a worldwide Depression. After researching and writing on this subject, it comes as no surprise to find out that so many Nazi leaders were aliens and/or reptilians of one kind or another, or alien-controlled much like many of our own government and corporate leaders still are today, portrayed so realistically in the X-Files movie, Fight The Future.
    *Note: A complete list of the aliens, reptilians and alien-controlled politicians was circulated by me a while ago on the Internet, and is still available upon request.

    One point must be made clear again here, however. All aliens, all reptilians, all alien-controlled human beings, are not ?bad? or ?evil? per se. Nor are they all necessarily here to subvert the free will of man. I have already worked with many aliens here in human form who have as their missions to support Mankind in its struggle to be free. Created from starseeds, our alien ancestors are also here to help us save humanity. These people are your local newscaster, your checkout counter lady, your massage therapist, and oh so many other ?normal everyday people? you see around you.

    That is the reality of this planet and its Star Wars bar blending of so many galactic species.

    Many of these Beings are here to act as liaisons and ambassadors to the ?new? earth planet which is slowly but surely evolving out of the mire. Many are here to better understand man and what it is like to be human (a blending of heart and of mind) so that when that day comes when earth takes its rightful place as part of the 5th dimensional galactic community, the warring universe that this has been for so many eons may find some measure of peacefulness at last.

    And especially not all reptilians are ?evil?. This was portrayed even in the mini-series ?V? where there were rebels even among the invaders, those who helped man to overcome their own kind. One particular reptilian in human form that I recently came across in my work has as her specific mission to show humans that all reptilians are not ?bad?. She was honored to have been given such a difficult task to perform. Like some other individual sparks of Soul, she had chosen the most difficult of tasks not only to be of service, but also to drive her own Soul?s progress on to reach its furthest limits of experience.
    It is a very gratifying and freeing notion for a Lightworker to understand that they have come here to planet Earth at this particularly difficult time on a very dangerous, yet very necessary and important mission. That mission is to aid planet Earth and its group of 3rd-graders to ascend unhampered into the 5th grade (passing briefly as we are through the 4th grade level of existence).
    It is also gratifying to know that among more advanced elements of Soul, you, as the Lightworker that you are, have volunteered to serve in this, Creation?s hour of need. It is freeing beyond belief to also know that, having come from the 5th, 6th, 7th, and even 8th dimensional levels of Being, you should not have to worry about your own ascension process, beyond a simple recognition and acceptance of your choices in what energies to follow as you proceed along with your mission. Lightworkers are here to do exactly that?Work!

    They are the tutors, the teachers, the assistants, the leaders, who are here to help the third graders reach the fifth grade. Focus put on your own ascension process is wasted time once your are truly aligned with your purpose and who and what you are. More than that, focus directed this way is often an excuse for being what I call a Light Butt-sitter rather than a Lightworker.

    Strangers in a strange land we are. But residents and students of this strange land we have been before. Its lessons we already know if we choose to remember, but that is the danger of the mission we have chosen, for even the Highest of us fall if we forget that we are only here to serve.
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    Zero Point Time and The Healing of the Human Form
    (From a basis of Mila?s channeling through Karen Danrich www.ascendpress.org/articles/sun12.htm)
    by Peter Farley

    A few weeks ago I was asked to send out an edited piece on the coming planetary ascension channeled by Karen Danrich. This same piece has now been enlarged slightly by the Spiritual Hierarchy to give the reader even broader information on some areas of the subject. Peter

    What is ?Zero Point?? Zero point is a realignment (reassessing) of time to synchronize with solar, universal, cosmic, and creational time. It?s due to occur around 2012/2013, if we can create the right circumstances to accomplish it. (That?s right ?it IS NOT A given as many would have you believe). This reassessment is kind of like the atomic clocks which occasionally need adjustment to synchronize them with the planetary alignments. Zero point also realigns time to synchronize with the Central Universe and what Mila terms ?the Source of One that holds all creations inside and outside of time and space?. You?ll notice that physicists never mention time without also referring to space for one is a function of the other. Without movement through space, there is no time as we know it. The finer vibration Universal bodies travel slower through space causing their cycles of time, and the timespans of those living on them, to be longer as well. Earth resides in a creation that is a mirror of the Central Universe.

    There are, of course, seven Super Universes, each one an exact duplicate of the central Universe, except for this one, that is. The mirror reflects back the exact dance of the Central Universe, but in the inverse. If you know how the eye sees or a camera takes a picture, the image is inverted on the inner screen of the mind, and just translated by the brain ?right side up?. So too is the image on the film negative turned ?right side up?. We just hold the positive picture made from the negative up the right way that we perceive things to be in our vision. These other Super Universes that exist are simply a reflection of the Central Universe, the home of the Creator and the Original Trinity One Beings. Being the newest and least progressed form of the Central Universe, this super Universe with its flawed version of Creation is like a mirror that is cracked into three separate and entirely self-contained holographic realities. It is the healing of these three separate entities within the Universe that will come to fruition during the Zero Point ascension process.

    All of Earth and its neighboring planets and star systems and galaxies will be realigned with the central sun of this nebula, and from there, with the rest of the Super Universe and with the Central Original Super Universe. In the higher worlds it is called the Healing of the Three. When we think of Creation, we think of the positive charge or male side of things, the female or negative charge, and the neutral force of life essence or ?holy spirit? if you will. These are the three essential elements of Creation that split creating what we know of as sub-atomic particle physics. These three forces can then be divided into smaller or larger elements of Nature. The 9 rings mentioned in The Lord of the Rings and the One to rule them all, is an allegory of Creation Itself and of this splitting off into the three separate elements. It is the Ring of Power that rules them all (or is supposed to rule them all?and certainly to reunite them into one greater good (God) which is the problem.

    In this super Universe, the three are divisive. I think this too is reflected in The Lord of the Rings where the rings seem to be a negative force controlling Mankind?s future. Like Creation Itself, the energies can be used in either a positive mode or a negative mode since the creative force is the neutral force Itself and has no charge. Because of the rift caused within Creation by the flaw in our Creator Parents, the particular mirror that this Super Universe is, also holds souls that are ?non-conscious? in nature, or in other terms simply seek to experience and not necessarily understand the dance of life. This has been written about many times in my work and in some others. The Souls manifested into the other Super Universes have all surrendered their Personal Will to that of the Higher Will.

    This is the economic theory that was looked at as being so revolutionary that it won a Nobel Prize for its discoverer in the movie A Beautiful Mind. What?s good for the whole, is also good for the individual?and NOT the other way around. This is not a mindless state of being or giving up control so that there is no personal responsibility or learning. As the Nine explain it in the book The Only Planet of Choice, it is the use of Free Will in Service to the Higher Will?not to serve one?s own individual desires. In this Super Universe of course, for the most part, it is the flaw of Self Will that we inherited from our Creator Parents that rules our lives and our actions. Those who continue to focus on their own Self Will during this time of cosmic realignment will not be going forward in ascension with the rest of Creation, but will instead find themselves in a Matrix- like world where they will continue to suffer in this ?prison-like existence? until they learn the true nature of the ?dance of life?. As it stands today, this is about three-fourths of the souls currently manifested on this planet, and that number has dropped from about 91 percent just a few short weeks ago, so things we all do are making a difference.

    As Mila says in the original article, the part of the mirror that earth exists within fell into the hands of lawless souls who cast creations for the purposes of consumption. What this equates to be is that such souls require devouring other souls and soul fabric(the individual allotment of Light and Sound) in order to subsist as they have fallen into such great distortion. This, again, is the basis of the Vampire stories so prevalent on the planet today?those who suck the Life blood of others, suck their very Light and Sound. The Darkside does not have a Light of its own and so must suck the Light of others to exist in form. So as stated in my last article on the power of the butterfly wings, it is we who support or collude to support the Darkside in its conquest of Creation. ?Your creation is divided into light and dark with the great central sun holding the light portion of creation, and the unconscious darkness or space between holding the rest of creation.? When we speak of unconscious souls, we are speaking of those who were created and/or manifested with insufficient Light and Sound to begin with because of the flaw in this particular Creation, or who have been so drained of their essential Soul fabric as to virtually be unconscious of who and what they are. ?This is why there is such blackness in your nighttime sky with stars so very far apart; earth has been transiting the unconscious of the great central sun for 26 million years now (104 million years as humans measure years) and as she exited the light of the Great Central Sun . . .? What we are about to enter is a new minor golden age in terms of the evolutionary cycle of the planet, but far and above that phenomena is the realigning of this Super Universe with its true state as a reflection of the Central Super Universe of the Original Creator. This has only been made possible by the healing of our Universal Creator Parents, Enjliou and Callia if you have read the first volumes of my 4-volume work, and in particular the earthly forms they have taken on in attempting to do this phenomenal feat of self-discipline and Love.

    Every thing, living or ?dead? is only made of energy, and energy cannot be created nor destroyed, it can only be changed into a different form. All that is, is all that ever there was. What my partner, Susan, and I do in part in our healing work is transmute energy from one form to another. Energy which is unreleased is the core issue of our health that we will address today in this article. Energy is meant to flow. Like a river which is dammed and not allowed to flow IN A NATURAL WAY, the water stagnates and festers and breeds sloth from in its inactivity. Stagnant energy does not allow for new energies to come in because the cup is already full. If we do not keep the flow out of the cup going, then the new energies will not flow in to take their place. This is what causes diseases, the blockage of the natural flow of energies?particularly physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energies. This is the whole meaning and purpose behind everything we are doing leading up to the ascension process, which in reality is simply a new paradigm, a new way of seeing and doing things. Imagine if you will a clear glass of water. Then imagine another glass of indigo-colored water being poured slowly into the clear glass. The more indigo water poured in, the more the clear glass of water also become colored as the old water overflows and runs out. Eventually, with enough new infusion, the old glass of clear water will now be a new glass filled with indigo-colored water. The new paradigm is already fast approaching and every change we make now allows some of those old energies to flow out to be replaced with the new energies of reason and stability. Earth exited the Great Central Sun as a 12th dimensional vessel. She now returns after 26 million years of consumption practices prevalent in the unconscious of the Great Central Sun as a 3rd dimensional vessel. The falls in consciousness and drops in frequency are all related to the pattern of consumption (as discussed in my book?how earth rises and falls through the dimensions depending on the consciousness of those existent here on the planet, and also all those who have influenced her). This pattern earth is choosing to transcend so that she may re-enter the Great Central Sun, for the Sun knows not such a thought-form. If earth failed to transcend consumption, she would combust upon entry into the fifth dimension as her own thought-form of destruction would reverberate back upon her, as the Great Central Sun holds no resonance for such thought-form, thereby causing her own demise. Combustion upon attempted entry has occurred many a time in our creational history; along with other creations come and gone throughout time and space, most of which have gone extinct. Earth (the Spiritual Hierarchy, the FATHER, and Creation Itself) is learning from their ascensions gone wrong in the examination of the records of other planets that combust, and in so doing altering her thought-form so that this will not be the outcome in her ascent. It is the thought-form of consumption in particular that also underlies warfare and disease, along with abuse, terrorism, barbarism, slaughter, and mutilation in all of its varying expressions, both internal and external. Internal war is known as dis-ease. Like its outward counterpart war, this is where parts of the body turn against or attack other parts of the form. These are also called viruses. Underlying all such thought-form is the thought-form of consumption. Consumption has become the prevailing thought-form of the human species, more than any other species upon earth. All other species consume also, however they only consume what they require to exist. Humans consume for other preoccupations, and are consuming earth and her resources so rapidly that she cannot regenerate what is taken rapidly enough. If this were to continue, earth would fail to ascend, but humanity now enters a time in which the very patterning of consumption shall be inverted back upon humanity causing an end of the consumption of earth.

    Why is this so?

    Everything stems back to what the Spiritual Hierarchy has given me as a key message to share leading into this new paradigm??Say to yourself, I have what I need for today, I will have what I need for tomorrow.? Beyond today and tomorrow we have little control except that which we exercise in taking care of today?s business which will lead to tomorrow?s essence of stability. The essential lesson of most soul?s is to learn that it is a bountiful and supportive Universe, one that loves us so dearly it would never let us be without. The word ?sin? simply means ?without?, and the only time we are ever without is when we allow our minds to see ourselves as being separate or ?without?. We are certainly never ?without? God, as I can attest to by having the Hierarchy talking to me 24/7. It is only we, ourselves, who separate ourselves from God, usually through allowing some church or some parent or one of the myriad institutions of the New World Order that have been put in place to control us, to make us feel guilty, to make us feel less than, to make us feel like we are not good enough, do not have enough, or to judge ourselves as less than those we see around us who may have completely different needs and wants and lessons than we do.

    This is the lesson we should learn in Middle School but our education system does not allow us to. As the Desiderata (Go placidly amidst the noise and haste . . ) once so well put it, ?Do not compare yourselves with others, or you will become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser people than yourself.? Much like earth entering the star gate without transcending consumption and having it combust her form causing extinction, the thought-form of combustion will now revert back upon those species that have failed to transcend along with earth, causing their extinction rather than earth?s. As humans who consume become extinct, the consumption of earth shall cease, and those humans remaining shall be led into the experience of the dawning of a new golden age.

    I received the following excerpt this morning as par t of my usual e-mail load. It shows what MUFON and so many others are doing in helping delude people that there is a problem from ?out there? when really the only problem is right here.

    FILER?S FILES #42 - 2002, MUFON Skywatch Investigations George A. Filer, Director Mutual UFO Network Eastern October 16, 2002, Majorstar@aol.com. SIGHTINGS INCREASE WORLDWIDE THE THREAT?I spoke with Dr. David Jacobs from Temple University on Saturday, ?He is more than ever convinced there is a serious threat to Earth from Space.? His book, ?The Threat? is excellent and explains this potential threat. If David is correct, ?We are preparing for the wrong war, and the people of the world should unite and strive for friendship and research the possible threat.? Regards, George Filer http://www. filersfiles-ufo.com

    So much more everyday Susan and I see how consciousness carries on upon death and therefore nothing is ever really lost, how aliens in human form have home planets and star systems from which they take a short ?vacation? to planet Earth to assist or hinder the work here, depending on the particular planetary star system they hail from. As I was explaining to one client the other day, the lifetime she is living now is just a continuation of one that began back in ancient Lemuria. Every new physical body she takes on is just writing a new chapter in this one on-going saga. Pretty much what is occurring in her lifetimes is that she is wearing out physical forms, but carrying on with the old emotional and mental patterns from the previous lifetimes. All her lessons revolve around one core issue?learning to stand in her power and do what she is already capable of doing without being drained by all the forces that surround her who seek to suck her Light. Earth can ascend in no other manner than by cleansing herself and expunging all forms of negative thought forms that infest her consciousness. This is true of the humans and other souls who reside upon her, also. As I channeled in a piece a few years ago from the Gaia consciousness, She would have loved to carry all humans with her to the next evolutionary gate. Alas so many humans are so low in consciousness, not only can they not awaken to the greater dance that is underway, but the very holographic nature of most humans is not prepared for ascension. Those humans that hold holographic relationships from the Annunaki (our biological prison warders) are prepared to ascend in another creation that is electrical and radioactive-based. They have not the proper information nor correct amount of Light and Sound for ascension in this creation or entry into the magnetic Great Central Sun. Furthermore, those humans who are holographically related to the Annunaki slave race have no ascension information whatsoever available unto them, as such information was omitted from their hologram deliberately by the scientists to ensure a ?slave? race that would not overthrow their ?masters?. This is the basis of the crystal implant information written about in my article Abductions, Implants and Other Alien Stuff.

    Mila?s channeling suggests that such humans cannot ascend at this time, and this is sad indeed, appearing to affect approximately 60% of the current human population. If we subtract 60 percent from the 75 percent who are currently not going, that leaves fifteen percent of the population who are capable but not yet willing to go. These are the fence-sitters who I was told were the major thrust of my and our mission here. These are the people who have not definitely made up their mind, or who are uneducated in what the heck is going on and what they need to be doing to get out of here. Nothing is lost, really and truly, although it may appear as a great travesty in the physical, but the essence of Creation is and always has been free- will. Indeed many new diseases and plagues may be the result of the times of cleansing ahead and as the thought-form of consumption is inverted back onto humanity in earth?s global mastery; however for those who are ascending one will not be affected, as one will alter the biology and immune system in a manner that the body will be strong enough to survive. For those of you reading this article, survival is not even the key issue?service is. Where you are supposed to be is where you are needed. So many Lightworkers are looking at survival through the coming Earth-changes rather than seeing their presence here as work. We don?t always work where things are the easiest. In fact, we should be where we are most needed, usually in the places that are most difficult.

    These coming times (beginning in earnest next September--2003) may leave many ascending children without parents, husbands without wives, wives without husbands, moving into the future. Many people may find that their preoccupation then becomes watching over and taking care of ascending children that shall make it through the times ahead. Such children allow for the ascent of the human species not only to the next dimension with earth, but home to the Source, and each shall witness such an ascent through future generations yet unborn that will make this leap along with earth. As one watches over the ascending children, one will assure one?s own continued journey of ascension, for all humans are ONE SPECIES.

    The greatest expression of the new paradigm can here be summed up by one of my e-mail list in response to a request for help with some of my workload. Peter, I?m here for you. Just tell what to do. Raul He was not alone in offering. This is the cooperative aspect of the new paradigm, rising out of the Self-will into the Higher Will, getting out of the Me and into the We. Mila continues with the addition of information from the Hierarchy:

    Each species that consumes flesh is undergoing a parallel biological shift into vegetarianism in the coming generations. For the masses of humans, newborn children will enter the world with this tract in place, and it is anticipated that the parents of such offspring or those attending to them will have enough awareness not to feed the child flesh. Like us, you are probably already experiencing this shift in many of the young people these days. Too often though we are finding parents who have bought into the old paradigm of health that says that health can be generalized ??this is supposed to be good for you . . ., This is supposed to be bad for you . . .?

    Generalizations never have and never will work for people?s health. As soon as I mention something is good or bad for a client, the very next client has exactly the opposite situation true. This attitude would only cause the child to enter the paradigm of destruction again, as the act of eating flesh causes the thought-form of destruction to remain in any ascending field. Our human Anunnaki predecessors ate of the blood of their slaves and the flesh of certain crustaceans in the ocean to sustain their embodiments up to 18,000 years in life span; and in so doing, fell into consumption thought-form. Although hinted at in Sitchin?s work, the meat vs grain diet of the Annunaki shows up most prominently in the story of Cain and Abel.

    Slaughter through consumption leads to war; it also leads to disease. Disease became prevalent as an energetic war between the Annunaki and other alien races raged causing the Earth?s grid work to move outside of her form, debilitating her embodiment---in so doing the grid work of the slaves (their Higher Self) also moved outside of the etheric form and into machinery that has been called ?Disease Machinery?. Our Higher Self, for most of us, is now not in our bodies where it was always carried in our higher dimensional forms. The machinery caused disease and a shorter lifespan for all slaves to become the norm. The Higher Self of many people is now trapped in the magnetic grid of the planet and the two are inextricably aligned. So the healing of one and the freeing of one will mean the potential freeing of many.

    This is why the New World Order seeks to control or already does control most of the grid system of the planet. It also has much to do with OK City and the destruction of the twin WTC towers. Oklahoma, and in particular the Murrah Building Memorial Site lies on the Heart Chakra meridian of the North American continent. By controlling that site with the energy-harnessing Memorial that has been built there, those in power are able to also harness the heart-energy of all those in every part of the continent.

    Indeed, this war that rages between Humanity and the New World Order is all about Heart vs. Mind, the male patriarchy vs the female- led new paradigm. Control of the female heart aspect of Creation allows the darkside to control all the Creative processes. Much of the work we as Lightworkers have to do is to connect people up to their Higher Self while helping them release all those old thought- forms and emotional patterns which keep their Higher Self enslaved or trapped in this magnetic grid. The biggest problem here is that so many Lightworkers who have come here to help have bought into these thought- forms and emotional patterns and become stuck here. Think of someone trying to help a drowning or sinking person in the ocean or in quicksand also becoming trapped and going down with the intended rescuee. Be careful lest the rescuer also become the victim.

    It was not until the nuclear war on earth created by the Annunaki, which included the destruction of such cities as the biblical Sodom and Gomorrah, that humans remaining upon the surface of the earth turned to slaughter and consumption of the animal kingdoms in order to survive. This has occurred twice in your human history. Over time and as the vegetation restored itself, the red race humans (Atlanteans and former Atlanteans) reverted to a vegetarian diet again ceasing to eat flesh. However, the white race related to the Annunaki and their slave populations continued to eat flesh from this point forward (30,000 years ago). Furthermore after the fall of Atlantis some 10,000 years ago (the Biblical Flood as explained in my book), all humans fell so low in consciousness and became so mechanical that all of humanity has retained it?s meat-eating and consumption based habits ever since.

    It is only as one understands nature that ascending humans will build a bridge towards working in unity with all kingdoms upon earth. Currently there are more than a dozen people on the planet who hold the Gaia consciousness and manifest its various problems. They are here to aid humans in understanding the planets problems and helping the consciousness to heal before ascension. At this time and in the next 10-12 years, consumption karma shall be released by earth upon a global scale. As this occurs, the false intervention and souls that have used consumption-based tactics to pull apart earth?s field, grid work, libraries and moving energy systems apart into many falls in consciousness will cease to have any affect. To paraphrase Captain Picard on Star Trek, if we can make it so. One can understand in this that it is thought-form that causes any experience; transcend the thought-form and the experience changes. It is exactly the same with viruses that are, to best describe them, simply alien thought forms. For it is thought-form that calls the experience into one?s dance of life. (Watch The Andromeda Strain ?Michael Crichton?s first novel/movie to get a better idea of ranges of existence). In the transcendence of consumption-based thought-form, earth will cease to be consumed. In so doing, she shall exit the dance of unconscious harm that has plagued her, particularly over the past 50,000 years of global history.

    Zero point and the fifth star gate acts as a filter that filters out all of those certain frequencies and thought-forms that no longer resonate. As one passes through this filter, they are aware of a pulling or tearing at their field of that which was too dense to pass through. One needs to simply surrender to the experience and choose to allow the filter to do it?s job, removing that from their field that they were ready to release that no longer resonated with the frequencies inside the fifth star gate. This is the key to the work my partner and I do in our healing work, and that we have been asked to train others to do in the very near future. All ascending are asked to make parallel intentions of the form: I INTEND TO RELEASE ALL PATTERNS, THOUGHT-FORM, MACHINES AND ENTITIES THAT DO NOT RESONATE WITH THE PRESENT STAR GATE THAT EARTH IS TRANSITING. What is releasing at this time through this star gate and in the realignment that zero point means? The seven planes of the MIND and their opposite planes discussed above along with all machines, entities and patterns or thought-forms associated with them. Earth is pushing beyond the thought- form of pain, fear, death, suffering, judgment, greed and lust in her global field. Those who are ascending may utilize this global transition to augment one?s ascent which requires transcendence of the MIND and the integration of all parts of self trapped upon such planes . . .

    Making intentions that support global ascension will be fulfilled upon in greater ease, as earth will have a direct modality of providing for what one requires in so doing. So this is so for all dreams that support ascension. Again, the mantra for the coming age is ?I have what I need for today, I will have what I need for tomorrow.? There is a dream for human awakening. This dream will turn the current human civilization in a new direction, one that supports the focus of spiritual pursuits. Before this can be fulfilled however, the current phase of leadership must complete their karma and exit this role. Then another wave of leaders, perhaps not much different than those who exist within the current paradigm, will emerge. The current human leadership has not lineage for power in most cases; but rather such humans hold power due to lineage manipulation that acquired lineage for power, augmenting whatever leadership role they play in the physical in present time. So this is so for most in positions of great authority upon earth at this time and in human form, such humans were manipulated to hold such positions of authority through a manipulation to their birth inheritance by forces of the dark. . . .. . . This will augment those leaders currently in power with manipulated inheritances to exit the dance of leadership and another group of leaders to emerge as the current leadership fades in popularity. The new group of leaders will be able to clear the karma for dominion-based leadership through their life dance, as it is sincerely their biological inheritance. Therefore it may take the coming 10-12 years of human history to clear the karma for dominion based leadership in full; however after this has occurred, a new form of ascending leadership can and will emerge to guide humanity through. . .

    For each ascending human, understand that any dream that one holds that is not in alignment with the dream earth holds for itself as an ascending being is now canceled in full due to zero point and entry into the fifth star gate. Only those dreams that support ascension shall be made manifest, and earth will soon be in command of the human dream at last. . . .. . .For those dreams that one?s ancestors never fulfilled upon (racial karma), and as a result one has a need to experience because they had been unfulfilled in many lifetimes, now is the time to manifest such dreams, and earth?s dream will support such a goal. Fulfillment of dream is one of the main rewards of ascension at this time in history, and earth wishes each who chooses to ascend to experience a fulfilled state. .. . . Zero Point may be a good time to take inventory. What do you wish to make manifest? What do you choose to let go of. Is it a beloved to dance with your life, or birthing an ascending child? Is it to move to a new home and region that supports your ascent and allows for a greater connection to earth? Is it to fulfilled upon a creative project that brings one joy? Whatever one?s dreams are, now is the time to allow one?s dream to be intended, and then live to experience the dream fulfilled upon within one?s life dance. Earth recommends that each initiate tune inward and listen to earth, listen to one?s own ancestors, and listen to the nature kingdoms (and those who represent the Gaia consciousness). Forgiveness is a way of letting go of the past and choosing to stand in one?s own power walking forward upright into the new paradigm. The forgiveness/reclaiming- your-power exercise following is an updated version of the one from my first Humanity Vs The New World Order article: ?The one thing that must be done above all to begin our own healing with regard to our low self-esteem is to love. To forgive both those who we feel have wronged us, and most importantly of all ourselves, is to regain our lost power. To reclaim this lost power (that which we have so readily given away to both friends, family, and enemies alike, I recommend the following exercise borrowed liberally from the Native American Shamanic tradition of erasing personal history (and thereby reclaiming the personal power given away). The exercise must be done from the heart, and not simply from the mind. It is recommended to get away from family, kids, phones and anything that might distract us when doing the exercise. Treat it with that kind of importance. Reclaiming your Power: 1. With plenty of time to complete the task no matter how long it takes (usually a full day or two), find a quiet comfortable area where you will not be disturbed?a place where you feel safe, a place where you feel some kind of nurturance from your surroundings such as a room filled with your favorite books, a quiet garden space, a hotel room in a peaceful location, or somewhere out in nature. 2. Center yourself in whatever way is most comfortable for you?by chanting, by smudging, or simply by sitting peacefully with your eyes open or closed for a short period of time focusing on the peacefulness of the moment. 3. Open yourself to your own highest Good, your Higher Power, some non- denominational sense of the Cosmos that you know loves you and that you trust. 4. As you find yourself ready, go slowly over the decades of your life- -either chronologically or in reverse order. Think of and/or write down a list of all those you have been involved with you in some way and to whom you have given a part of yourself. This could be either in a positive or negative way through some kind of attachment of love or hate or fear or some other emotional state. This list should include such people as your parents, your teachers, your school mates who you envied or tried to copy, the neighborhood bully, the girlfriends or boyfriends?real or imagined, the husbands or wives, your children, your neighbors, the bosses and co-workers with whom you have shared both good times and bad- -everyone who you can say took or was given a piece of you that you now need to reclaim in this attempt to regain your personal power. Kenneth Meadows, in his book The Medicine Way?A Shamanic Path to Self Mastery, says to use the phrase, ?Things would have been so different IF . . .? The things which follow that IF are the very attachments you now need to release. In releasing attachments we let go of what is draining us of our personal power. We reclaim the focus and the attention from the past and are now able to recrystallize it on our present circumstances and stand in our power and in our strength. 5. Once we have made this list or identified those with whom our personal power has been in storage, then comes the essential act of reclaiming our power, thanking?and if necessary, forgiving them, and ourselves. No matter what has happened between the two of you?things either positive or seemingly negative?the lessons have been there for you to learn, and these people have done their best, limited though it may appear to you, to help you learn your lessons and make you the best person you can be. Thank them for whatever part they have played in your own spiritual growth, and forgive them for whatever they did or did not do to you in any other way. To hold any strong feeling for anyone in the past is to give away a piece of your energy to that person, and the personal power you will need here in the very near and very real future that awaits us all in combating the New World Order. Do this for each and every person on your list, savoring each moment as you recall it and then letting it go. 6. And when all is said and done, then look at your own behavior over these same times and know that, although you may not always have been at your best, that to live in shame or blame or with some degree of guilt is the greatest source of giving away your personal power to a source which is not real. The real Creator has only. and is only, Love. Darkness cannot even come near to it because IT is so much Light. If IT cannot see Darkness, then it certainly does not judge us for it knows we are learning, and that there is a balance for everything we do. In this spirit, love yourself as IT loves you, and then forgive yourself. 7. Make a small ritual of burning or destroying your list, and feel the weight being lifted from your shoulders as your strength and Will and power return to you. Then be cognizant of every person and situation that enters your day and may try to steal some of your power away again. Bless them or the situation and give them love and be on your way, safe in your newfound strength, prepared for the difficult days ahead, knowing that although the Darkness may reign for a short time longer on the planet as it solidifies its power base here?there can only be one eventual winner?and of that there is no doubt. The Light will always overcome the Darkness and drive it back into the Void from whence it first came.?

    There is a special dream for each ascending initiate that will bring about the experience of fulfillment and place oneself in the right place in the right time to avoid many of the global catastrophes that lie ahead. There shall be some natural disasters; these cannot be avoided as the tug of human density is too great for earth to move without expending so much chi that global ascension would fail. Therefore the corrections in energetic flow brought forth through changing weather patterns, flooding, earthquakes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions and so on, like those occurring in the individual human form as well as the collective consciousness, move the energy that will not move otherwise. They are necessary to earth?s continued ascent. As one tunes into earth?s dream for oneself as an ascending being, one will simply be able to avoid such an experience altogether if that is in one?s line of service. The current dream upon earth is stepping down in a 7-year cycle for non-ascending humans. This is the dream that is also tuned into in relation to regional and global changes. There is a seven-year cycle of world cleansing beginning next September (2003)which despite all rumor and misinformation, have nothing to do with the supposed return of the planet Nibiru. There are shifts coming for dense regions around the globe, and because human cities are often the cause of such density, the damage done to human civilization can often be great. Earth does not wish humans to suffer; but most are not attuned enough to understand what is due to transpire shortly. As each learns to turn inward and listen, one will be where they need to be and remain unharmed.

    Earth also recommends that ascending initiates leave jobs in the cities, and move out to the country if at all possible, except in a small number of cases in which such cities are under major global chakras, such as Honolulu. This also does not mean that one should relocate to Honolulu, as each has karma in the region that one already resides that must be settled in order to ascend. One will also have karma in a specific region that will be chosen as the place one moves to as one completes the karma for the region that one now resides; and for most it will not necessarily be Hawaii. Why is this so? If one has a large number of ancient Native American lineages, one will have more karma with the mainland US or Canada than Hawaii. If one has more karma from their Atlantean lifetimes, they may find themselves in the East, as opposed to Lemurian lifetimes in the Western half of the United States. For those in other parts of the world, so this is also so. One may have karma with other regions as one ascends that are related to one?s more ancient inheritance, and strive to move to regions that serve in settling such karma. . . .. . .

    There are also many companies of small to large size that fall under a particular group soul that one may have karma to settle with. One may work for any of such related corporations, businesses or business opportunities and settle one?s karma. Therefore one need not remain in one?s current job if it is in the city, even if one has karma. One can simply find another employer of the same group soul in another region, and pay off the debt in this manner. From another channeled group know as The Hosts of heaven where They explain this same idea of Zero Point Time: ?Now, however, we are at the ?end game? stage. There are certain geometries that occur in the movements of the planets, stars, galaxies, and indeed the entire system of created universes. They each have their own period, much like the gears in a clockworks. Each turn at different rates, and every so often, they align with other gears (planets, stars, and galaxies) in particular geometries that make certain potentials available. There is a ?window of opportunity? available that permits or supports certain things that cannot occur at any other time. This is what is behind the system of divination you call astrology. When certain aspects or alignments occur, it has been noticed that certain other phenomena are associated with them. This is true, because the ?working beam? (holographic terminology) is altered in its orientation to the ?reference beam? (the Absolute) so that a different ?picture? (outpicturing) occurs in the hologram that constitutes your perceived reality. We shall have more to say on the subject of holograms later. The point of this is that if you picture all the ?gears? to have a mark on them and that all the marks were lined up at the ?beginning? of the Creation, they are all approaching that same alignment again. It is a window of opportunity for a new beginning, a wholly new Creation. ?

    The largest shift and affect that transiting Zero Point has is in relation to how time is held and recorded upon earth. Over time and in the distortions of the manipulations of the forces of the dark, time has become polarity based. Polarity based time swings from periods where time moves very rapidly; to periods during which time moves so slow that it drags seemingly forever. The period from 1920 to 1980 was a slow moving period for time upon earth. The polarity shifted in 1988 and introduced a period of more rapid movement of time, and has increased even more so due to the vibrational shifts upwards in the global initiations mastered by earth in recent times. Speeding up of time has the affect of causing there to be less time in any given day. Many humans have found that it takes twice as long to accomplish the same task that once could be accomplished in half the time. This is the result of the speeding up of time. Ascending initiates however begin to command time; as this is mastered one can lengthen or shrink time at will and through conscious intention. We invite initiates who are reading this material to intend to stretch time and see what happens. We have had initiates who were late for work stretch time and make it on time, with a 30-minute drive occurring in only 15 ?stretched? minutes . . . When Al Bielek of the Philadelphia Experiment fame visited with me last year in Roswell, he told of the often occurrence of being picked up at an airport and being dropped off at his hotel half an hour or so earlier then he left the airport. Scanning his aura, I found he still has a time warp surrounding his person, one that is still being used by alien entities to access planet earth. Another being scanning him summed up what he ?saw? as Al being surrounded by a Matrix-form, suggesting kind of some holographic imaging at work. .. . . Attaining Zero Point allows all regions sitting under major chakra centers to align in to a single synchronistic energy flow. Up until the recent level of global ascension, earth was fragmented between east and west, (Like the male-female sides of ourselves) and in multiple regions around the globe. Such shattering was not only from nuclear bombs detonated in recent human history, but continued nuclear testing by current human scientists.

    The inner earth people are augmenting the balancing of the pH of all waterways and landmasses upon the surface of the earth through the release of certain gasses into the air. They are doing so to support their own ascension as much as earth?s ascension. Such gasses will collect in the clouds and then shower upon all oceans, lakes and river ways along with the land bringing an end to acid rain. Such substances will also enter the drinking water, and have a tonic affect upon the form for those who are ascending. This tonic affect balances the pH of the form. All disease is related to an imbalance of pH of the form or a part of the form caused by physical, emotional, mental or spiritual traumas; and as this is corrected most diseases can go into remission. One also is less likely to ascend into disease if one retains the proper pH balance through dietary means. Often the pH in human form is thrown off due to the presence of parasites that excrete a very acidic substance in their waste known as ammonia, which causes the pH to go off and yeast to grow throughout the form. As the yeast grows, it eats away at wherever it is rooted; if it is rooted in the brain and causes enough deterioration, Alzheimer?s results; as the yeast eats away at a particular organ or gland, the organ or gland is weakened and ceases to function properly, leading to disease; and if compromised enough and in an important enough part of the form necessary to sustain life, death is the end result. Deparasiting the form is perhaps the first step any ascending person can take to begin to bring one?s personal pH back to balance. After one has deparasited, one can focus upon diet to retain a proper pH to support the form in ascension.

    Gregg Braden is currently traveling around the United States and in the media, telling of the scientific proof he has gathered of the Earth passing through the Photon Belt and the slowing of the Earth?s rotation. At the same time there is an increase in the resonant frequency of the Earth (Schumann Resonance). Unfortunately, and with greatest respect to Gregg and his work, some of his summations are incorrect and entirely misleading to the process of ascension. These have been suggested or corrected in the following partial explanation of Gregg?s work. When the Earth stops its rotation and the resonance frequency reaches 13 cycles we will be at a zero point magnetic field. Braden suggests the Earth will then be stopped, and in 2 or 3 days it will start turning again in the opposite direction. This, he says, will produce a reversal in the magnetic fields around the earth and so forth. This is not what happens during ascendancy.

    Geophysical Condition #1: Earth?s Rising Base Frequency Earth?s background base frequency, or ?heartbeat,? (called Schumann resonance, or SR) is rising dramatically. Though it varies among geographical regions, for decades the overall measurement was 7.8 cycles per second. This was once thought to be a constant; global military communications were developed on this frequency. Recent reports set the rate at over 11 cycles, and climbing. Popular science doesn?t know why, or what to make of it. Gregg has found data collected by Norwegian and Russian researchers on this; though it?s not widely reported in the U.S. (The only reference to SR found in the Seattle Library reference section, is tied to the weather. Science acknowledges SR as a sensitive indicator of temperature variations and worldwide weather conditions. Braden believes correctly that the fluctuating SR may be a factor in the severe storms, floods, and weather of recent years.)

    Geophysical Condition #2: Earth?s Diminishing Magnetic Field While earth?s ?pulse? rate is rising, her magnetic field strength, on the other hand, is declining, a typical process in the refining of the planet?s vibration in preparation for the planetary ascension process. According to Professor Bannerjee of the University of New Mexico, the field has lost up to half its intensity in the last 4,000 years. And because a forerunner of magnetic polar reversals is this field strength, Prof. Bannerjee believes that another reversal is due. Indeed it would, were the planet not entering into the ascension process. Braden believes that because these cyclical Shifts are associated with reversals, Earth?s geological record indicating magnetic reversals also marks previous Shifts in history. And, within the enormous time scale represented, there were quite a few of them. What is a Schumann Resonance? Believe it or not, the Earth behaves like an enormous electric circuit, just like the human body. This is one level of the macrocosm and the microcosm referred to in the mystical saying ?As above, so below.? The atmosphere is actually a weak conductor and if there were no sources of charge, its existing electric charge would diffuse away in about 10 minutes. The resistance of the atmosphere is 200 Ohms. The voltage potential is 200,000 Volts. This source of potential energy was a key to the workings of Nikola Tesla?s work and the high altitude weaponry being produced by the US military and other governments. The Schumann Resonances are quasi standing wave electromagnetic waves. Like waves on a spring, they are not present all the time, but have to be ?excited? to be observed. Given that the earth?s atmosphere carries a charge, a current and a voltage, it is not surprising to find such electromagnetic waves. The resonant properties of the terrestrial cavity were first predicted by the German physicist W. O. Schumann between 1952 and 1957, and first detected by Schumann and Konig in 1954. The first spectral representation of this phenomenon was prepared by Balser and Wagner in 1960. Much of the research in the last 20 years has been conducted by the Department of the Navy who investigate Extremely Low Frequency communication with submarines. For more information, see: ?Handbook of Atmospheric Electrodynamics, vol. I?, by Hans Volland, 1995 published by the CRC Press.

    Chapter 11 is entirely on Schumann Resonances and is written by Davis Campbell at the Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska, Fairbanks AK, 99775. There is also a history of this research and an extensive bibliography.

    1. Time will appear to speed up as we approach Zero Point. A 24-hour day will seem to about 16 hours or less. Remember the Schumann Resonance (or ?heart beat? of Mother Earth) has been 7.8 cycles for thousands of years, but has been rising since 1980. It is at about 12 cycles at present. Braden incorrectly suggests however that it stops at 13 cycles. This would be true if not for the jump to hyper-space known as ascension.

    2. Zero Point or the Shift of the Ages has been predicted by ancient peoples for thousands of years. There have been many shifts including the one that always occurs every 13,000 years at each half of the 26,000 year, Precession of the Equinox.

    3. Braden?s scenario suggests that Zero Point or a flip of the magnetic poles will probably happen soon, within the next few years. It could possibly synchronize with the Earth?s four-cycle biorhythm that occurs every 20 years on the 12th of August. The next occurrence is supposed to be 12th August 2003 (agreeing with what I have said since the beginning of my writings that September, 2003 would see the earth changes beginning in earnest). The Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk Project (secret military time traveling) both locked up to the 12th August/20 year biorhythm.

    4. It is said that after Zero Point the Sun will rise in the west and set in the east, approx. Past occurrences of this change, Braden suggests, have been found in ancient records.

    5. Interestingly, the New World Order plan is scheduled to be in power by 2003. Braden suggests this may or may not happen, depending on many factors and agendas, but as one can tell from current news events and Bush?s unfolding agenda, it more likely than not. Stay centered and follow your intuition.

    6. The Zero Point flip, Braden suggests, will probably introduce us to the 4th dimension. Here, everything we think or desire will instantly manifest. This includes love and fear. Our INTENTION will be of utmost importance. We are, however, already passing through a hollow ?tube-like tunnel? through the 4th dimension that allows us to remain both 3rd dimensional while being semi-4th dimensional as well. The Twilight Zone is a good analogy for this multi-dimensional state we are in as we head for the 5th dimension that is the final result of our planetary ascension.

    7. Braden suggests that most technology that we know will cease to operate. Possible exceptions could be technology based on so-called ?Zero Point? or free energy.

    8. Everyone agrees that our physical body is changing as we approach Zero Point. Our DNA is being ?upgraded? to (returning to its normal) 12-strand state. Braden says that a new light body is being created, and that we are becoming more intuitive. What is really happening, in fact, is that we are being reconnected with our Higher Self that has for so long been held prisoner in the grid surrounding the planet since its fall into the third dimensional state.

    9. The Mayan Calendar predicted all the changes that are occurring now, though with a slight flaw in the actual working out of the calendar that allows for up to a 9-month discrepancy in the timing of the actual events. They say we are going beyond technology and back to the natural cycles of nature and the Universe. By 2012 (actually 2013) the planet will be entering the 5th Dimension. Will all those ascending be on it? No. The current plan in the Higher Worlds is for everyone to leave the planet (to a holding Matrix depending on one?s choices of which energy they follow), and for those scheduled to return to help rebuild society to return in time after the planet has settled, and then create the new golden age here on Earth. 10. All this information is not fearful. Be prepared for changes that will bring in the new age of (the True) light. We are going beyond money and time where fear-based concepts are totally dissolved. ***BREATHE in and BREATHE out LIGHT and LOVE daily. ***ALL IS WELL.

    In parallel manner, earth is augmenting the choice to balance her own pH through conscious intent and will and application of vibrations that will have the affect of eliminating overly acidic or basic regions upon her global body. Such regions that are the most toxic tend to be deserts or wastelands upon earth. Most waterways near human cities are a toxic wasteland devoid of the fish and life that was once prevalent when the pH was balanced therein. Humans could easily choose to add substances that balance the pH of the water, but are more focused upon greed than the environment. In counterbalance the inner earth people are more interested in the environment than greed, and are choosing to take action as anything less would mean a cease-ascension for all of earth. And yes, it could happen. This ascension process must be earned and anyone saying different is attempting to mislead us into not doing the work we came here to do as LightWORKERS. If it were all so easy, we would NOT have been sent here to help assist the process to happen. Earth is on target to balance her pH global wide by 2007. This will occur not only through the substances that the inner earth people are releasing, but also due to focus upon the part of earth and your solar sun. The sun in parallel manner is planning a series of vibrations through solar flares that shall augment the burning off of those vibrations that cause pH to go overly acidic or basic. The vibrations shall successfully begin to detoxify earth global wide, and this shall also cause a detoxification of all form residing therein as well, including mankind. . . A big part of this detoxification is the detoxification of our thought forms. One of the chief sources of negative thought forms is the media that influence our lives so much on a daily basis, and keep the thought- form of consumption growing.

    Again, from those known as the Hosts of Heaven (MESSAGES FROM THE HOSTS OF HEAVEN VOLUME ONE? Copyright Sara Lyara Estes, 1999, 2000, 2001 Web site: http://www.opertionterra.com e-mail: lyara@operationterra. com), a piece in which They address this key control factor affecting the planet at this time:

    ?The media on your planet are not there to tell the truth. They are there to sell things, for that is how they get their portion of the power medium you call money. Fear sells. Sex sells. Romance sells. Emotion sells. Truth does not sell, except when it ?exposes? something, and what is that but emotional titillation? The media is there to stimulate you to ?buy? whatever it is that they are selling, whether it is a product, a philosophy (Who does it serve?), or a point of view that empowers you or (more likely) disempowers you. ?The media has treated the subjects of ETs, UFOs, and ?paranormal? phenomena in ways that increase the emotional titillation, the rush of adrenaline, also known as fear. Lately that has shifted a little, as there is more acceptance of higher realities, but on the whole the media serves the purposes of the (Darkside). It is natural that this would be the case, because the entire planetary economy is operating in ways that serve the STS individuals in high positions of authority more than it serves the general populace(which is so ignorant and unconscious of the consequences of their choices that they are easy pawns for the power-mongers above them). ?We are here in great numbers, and when the time is right, we shall render ourselves visible to those who have ?eyes to see,? those whose frequency is that of love (as we have defined it), and can therefore see others who operate in that frequency. Those who are in fear will never see us. If you are in fear and see an ET, be assured it will be of the STS flavor.

    You cannot see love unless you are in that state of love, through the principle of resonance. But you can always FEEL love, even if you still contain some fear. So while you cannot see us yet, except with your inner vision, you can always FEEL us and our presence. You can also FEEL the feelings you get when STS (dark) energies are around you, whether they are of ?human? or ?ET? origin, whether they are in your visual frequency band or currently in frequencies beyond those your physical eyes can see.

    ?Trust your feelings. We will say that again. TRUST YOUR FEELINGS. No matter what something ?looks like? on the surface, ask yourself, ?How does this FEEL to me?? There are many whose tongues drip with honey, who tell you what you want to hear, who put you to sleep with their hypnotic droning voices. But you can FEEL when you are being lulled, you can feel when you are being led astray. It is a subtle difference between that and moving out of fear on your own. You can be comforted when you are in pain, but only you can deal with your fears. You must face them down within yourself. No one can do that for you, although others can?by their example, advice, and encouragement, show you the way.

    ?You are about to become ETs yourself, so it behooves you to become masters of your own feelings, to use your feeling capacity to detect who is playing what game. Do not rely on your media to tell you what is going on. Only your feeling sense and a willingness to examine the deeper levels of the surface phenomena will help you chart your course. In the end, though, you can never know enough to be safe. You must create your own sense of safety within yourself. Put your energy into creating that internal sanctuary, where you can connect with Source. But as you thread your way through these last days before the (changes), know that there are those who would use you for their agenda, and there are those who are here to help you move through your fears into love (as we have defined it). It is up to you to choose in each and every moment, to move through your fears into love, as that is the ticket Home.?

    Mila continues: . . . Ultimately, earth must turn her skin to detoxify enough to ascend into a fifth dimensional frequency. This will cause the birth of new continents through volcanic activity along with the partial sinking of the current continents that are toxic. It will take the coming 1000 years of global ascension to see the turning through to fruition, after which point earth will be able to move into fifth dimensional tones of creation in full, and finally enter into the fifth dimension of life.

    Humans who are not ascending sit in toxic thought-form. Such thought-form is more comfortable sitting in its waste that it is in the purity of the Language of Light. As a result, non-ascending humans will go where they best resonate, perhaps moving closer to the city, until one day the city becomes unsafe as it has begun to crumble faster than it can be repaired due to the rising vibrations of the land. It is anticipated that by 2007- 2008 most cities will be uninhabitable for this reason. As earth begins her detoxification process, humans who are not detoxifying through the conscious choice to ascend may become ill. In essence, if a form detoxifies more rapidly that it is ready for due to vibrations applied through the land, or detoxifies more rapidly than one is mastering in one?s ascension, then the form will become ill.

    **If one detoxifies so much more rapidly than the ascent can handle, the body will die.**

    Many deaths will be avoided in the simple choice to ascend at this time in history. Dogmatic thought-form is radioactive in nature, and thick, black, and sticky as a vibration or as perceived clairvoyantly as energy. Such energy causes energy to cease to move in the ley lines of the grid work of the form leading to disease; as the vibrations around humans rise and rise, the stuck energy will exacerbate already weakened organs leading to disease and death. (This explains how the New World Order blocks or stymies the energy flow of the positive vortexes of the planet.) One can think of dogma as toxic thought-form. It pits humans against humans, and one can bear witness to this in the atrocities occurring in the Middle East in particular at this time in history. As humans rise above dogma, many changes will be born that augment a shift towards a unity-based civilization for the entire human species in the future, and this will bring an end of the desire to war upon one another, as all warfare is related to dogma. It will also allow for a transcendence of the internal war known as disease.

    Earth is reaching a point in her ascension that the times of cleansing are ahead; one will either ascend with earth or perish in the physical and move on to a new place of learning the same old lessons. The need to war will die also with those who fail to ascend out of such a need, though it will take a healing on a grander scale to end war in this corner of the galaxy. Disease shall cease in those who ascend out of great biological imbalance, or shall consume yet others unto the end. However, consciousness carries on, and therefore nothing is lost really, just the density and those that will not ascend out of it, and this requires transmuting if earth is to ascend as a whole . . .

    All toxicity in biochemical form is related to thought form. Next earth shall tackle the transmutation of the thought-form of the alien beings known as the Annunaki. These are the beings talked about in Zecharia Sitchin?s translation of ancient Sumerian and Babylonian scrolls, those the Old Testament talks about as ?the Sons of God who came down to mate with the daughters of Men.?

    The Annunaki anchored 18 thought-forms that hold in place dominion based experiences. Such thought-form also is related to the extremes of greed and poverty. The Annunaki thought-form was discussed in detail in prior Great Central Sun Transmissions. (See ?A New Divine Plan for Humanity and Earth is Launched? for more information.) One can think of these 18 thought-forms as the underlying vibration of all (most of the) toxicity upon earth at this time in history associated with pH imbalances in the physical. Such thought-form in a nutshell encompasses the patterns of slavery, control, manipulation, secrecy, privacy, exclusivity, dominion, usury, dogma, arrogance, fantasy, blind trust, faith, hope, perfection, external god, pride and obedience. Each of the above 18 thought-forms are layered like the layers of an onion surrounding earth and on top of the 7 planes of the Mind and their polar counterpart. We say more or less as the pockets of density that your cities sit within still hold these seven planes in tact and will probably do so up until they disintegrate, are flooded, or are destroyed by earthquakes, fire, tornado, or other natural disasters. One can see in this why natural disasters are a part of earth?s ascension ahead, unless more humans are able to ascend lifting the vibrations of such regions instead. Each of the 18 thought-forms of dogma, the Seven mind-planes and the 1thought- form of the Annunaki era can be equated to a biochemical substance related to decay and disease of the form and a part of the genetic fabric of all species upon earth. Through ascension to evolution, little by little all biochemical components related to all fear-based and dominion-based thought- form are transmuted in the physical, leading to resurrection of all remaining decay and some scar tissue of the form. What biochemical substances are related to toxins? Heavy metals, addictive substances (nicotine, marijuana, alcohol addiction, cocaine) and pesticides are related to the vibration of dogma. One transcends such patterning as one ascends. One will also transmute or remove such substances from the form in the act of ascension.

    Many are concerned about mercury used in fillings in your current dental practices. It has been found that mercury ceased to have an affect as soon as they could master vibrations that altered the Mercury to another metal that is no longer is toxic to the form. This is accomplished during ascent. Ascension is about alchemy; or in other terms the ability to transmute lead to gold. Your body is the temple through which the alchemy of ascension occurs; therefore one can transmute heavy metals by either detoxifying them through the kidneys or intestinal tract; or by altering them in biochemical compound to another substance that no longer is toxic to the form. Such is accomplished through focus and intention. (We have found with so many of our clients the need the importance of sea salt added to the drinking water occasionally as a flush for the kidneys). In mastering the addictions in the ascent, one must be willing to cease drinking or smoking or utilizing the drugs associated with addiction. This may be difficult for many humans, and yet such substances continue to kill the form when used in an addictive manner. Smoking either nicotine or pot in particular causes the combustion of the lungs. The lungs must modify themselves through ascension to ingest greater and greater amounts of oxygen through the breath to be converted to blood sugar to support the crystalline form. We have seen initiates fail to master anything due to an unwillingness to give up smoking. Such a cease-ascension is simply due to the lack of development of lungs that is required to support an ascending form that this is so. Cease to smoke and the ascension is much more likely to come forth. Preservatives, hormones, additives, prescription drugs and vitamins are related to the thought-form of the seven mind planes.

    Vitamins are also terribly toxic as they provide way too much of a single substance. We recommend the use of herbs for supplemental reasons during ascension. However one can learn to master the vibrations behind the herbs, and then provide it to oneself upon an energetic level rather than consuming the substance. This ultimately is also what ascension is all about, learning to be self-sustaining and sovereign in frequency. Additives are transmuted by vibration after the ascent is mastered or as they are removed through the waste management systems of the form. One can further avoid purchasing or consuming food with additives that are incompatible with ascension. One of such additives is the sulfur dioxide often used to retain color in dried fruit. Sulfur dioxide can be equated with the forces of the dark and karma transferred from Arcturus to earth, and who would want to eat this? (Except for some Arcturians in human form we have dealt with in our healing room)(See ?Earth Transits the Reign of the Dark? for more information on Arcturian karma deposited upon earth. . . ) .. . .Biochemical substances that imbalance the pH of the form are related most often related to the Annunaki based thought-form of slavery and dominion- based patterning. Such substances are both innate in the DNA, and a part of the dietary patterns of humanity. Humans rarely are in touch with the form enough to know what they need to eat to bring forth balance of the pH of the form. Human habits and the machinery associated with group souls such as McDonalds often overrides what the body really and truly needs.. However we see that there will be those who ascend into the future that will have a greater understanding of the biochemistry of form, and will be able to explain ascension from such a vantage point. Ultimately, the density of substances of the form can be equated to the density of thoughts that are dogmatic, self-serving, and self-centered. As the density of thoughts rise to a new vibration of the Language of Light, the density of the form is transmuted to a new biochemical system that is lighter in weight, ceases to age, and ceases to become ill. . .

    Addendum: As part of this article, the Spiritual Hierarchy has asked me to add an abbreviated text of H.R.3162 (the anti-terrorism Act) because so few people realize the whole purpose behind the New World Order?s machinations is to stop or at least control the whole ascension process. Just about everything the NOW controlled governments of the world are doing right now is restricting or getting us to surrender our liberties, and getting us used to being in a controlled environment no worse than the slavery we were created under by the Annunaki mentioned in the article above:

    One Hundred Seventh Congress of the United States of America AT THE FIRST SESSION Begun and held at the City of Washington on Wednesday, the third day of January, two thousand and one An Act To deter and punish terrorist acts in the United States and around the world, to enhance law enforcement investigatory tools, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,

    (a) SHORT TITLE- This Act may be cited as the ?Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA PATRIOT ACT) Act of 2001?.

    (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS- The table of contents for this Act is as follows: Sec. 1. Short title and table of contents. Sec. 2. Construction; severability.
    TITLE I?ENHANCING DOMESTIC SECURITY AGAINST TERRORISM Sec. 101. Counterterrorism fund. Sec. 102. Sense of Congress condemning discrimination against Arab and Muslim Americans. Sec. 103. Increased funding for the technical support center at the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Sec. 104. Requests for military assistance to enforce prohibition in certain emergencies. Sec. 105. Expansion of National Electronic Crime Task Force Initiative. Sec. 106. Presidential authority.

    TITLE II?ENHANCED SURVEILLANCE PROCEDURES Sec. 201. Authority to intercept wire, oral, and electronic communications relating to terrorism. Sec. 202. Authority to intercept wire, oral, and electronic communications relating to computer fraud and abuse offenses. Sec. 203. Authority to share criminal investigative information. Sec. 204. Clarification of intelligence exceptions from limitations on interception and disclosure of wire, oral, and electronic communications. Sec. 205. Employment of translators by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Sec. 206. Roving surveillance authority under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978. Sec. 207. Duration of FISA surveillance of non-United States persons who are agents of a foreign power. Sec. 208. Designation of judges. Sec. 209. Seizure of voice-mail messages pursuant to warrants. Sec. 210. Scope of subpoenas for records of electronic communications. Sec. 211. Clarification of scope. Sec. 212. Emergency disclosure of electronic communications to protect life and limb. Sec. 213. Authority for delaying notice of the execution of a warrant. Sec. 214. Pen register and trap and trace authority under FISA. Sec. 215. Access to records and other items under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Sec. 216. Modification of authorities relating to use of pen registers and trap and trace devices. Sec. 217. Interception of computer trespasser communications. Sec. 218. Foreign intelligence information. Sec. 219. Single-jurisdiction search warrants for terrorism. Sec. 220. Nationwide service of search warrants for electronic evidence. Sec. 221. Trade sanctions. Sec. 222. Assistance to law enforcement agencies. Sec. 223. Civil liability for certain unauthorized disclosures. Sec. 224. Sunset. Sec. 225. Immunity for compliance with FISA wiretap.

    TITLE III?INTERNATIONAL MONEY LAUNDERING ABATEMENT AND ANTI-TERRORIST FINANCING ACT OF 2001 Sec. 301. Short title. Sec. 302. Findings and purposes. Sec. 303. 4-year congressional review; expedited consideration. Subtitle A?International Counter Money Laundering and Related Measures Sec. 311. Special measures for jurisdictions, financial institutions, or international transactions of primary money laundering concern. Sec. 312. Special due diligence for correspondent accounts and private banking accounts. Sec. 313. Prohibition on United States correspondent accounts with foreign shell banks. Sec. 314. Cooperative efforts to deter money laundering. Sec. 315. Inclusion of foreign corruption offenses as money laundering crimes. Sec. 316. Anti-terrorist forfeiture protection. Sec. 317. Long-arm jurisdiction over foreign money launderers. Sec. 318. Laundering money through a foreign bank. Sec. 319. Forfeiture of funds in United States interbank accounts. Sec. 320. Proceeds of foreign crimes. Sec. 321. Financial institutions specified in subchapter II of chapter 53 of title 31, United States code. Sec. 322. Corporation represented by a fugitive. Sec. 323. Enforcement of foreign judgments. Sec. 324. Report and recommendation. Sec. 325. Concentration accounts at financial institutions. Sec. 326. Verification of identification. Sec. 327. Consideration of anti-money laundering record. Sec. 328. International cooperation on identification of originators of wire transfers. Sec. 329. Criminal penalties. Sec. 330. International cooperation in investigations of money laundering, financial crimes, and the finances of terrorist groups. Subtitle B?Bank Secrecy Act Amendments and Related Improvements Sec. 351. Amendments relating to reporting of suspicious activities. Sec. 352. Anti-money laundering programs. Sec. 353. Penalties for violations of geographic targeting orders and certain record-keeping requirements, and lengthening effective period of geographic targeting orders. Sec. 354. Anti-money laundering strategy. Sec. 355. Authorization to include suspicions of illegal activity in written employment references. Sec. 356. Reporting of suspicious activities by securities brokers and dealers; investment company study. Sec. 357. Special report on administration of bank secrecy provisions. Sec. 358. Bank secrecy provisions and activities of United States intelligence agencies to fight international terrorism. Sec. 359. Reporting of suspicious activities by underground banking systems. Sec. 360. Use of authority of United States Executive Directors. Sec. 361. Financial crimes enforcement network. Sec. 362. Establishment of highly secure network. Sec. 363. Increase in civil and criminal penalties for money laundering. Sec. 364. Uniform protection authority for Federal Reserve facilities. Sec. 365. Reports relating to coins and currency received in nonfinancial trade or business. Sec. 366. Efficient use of currency transaction report system. Subtitle C?Currency Crimes and Protection Sec. 371. Bulk cash smuggling into or out of the United States. Sec. 372. Forfeiture in currency reporting cases. Sec. 373. Illegal money transmitting businesses. Sec. 374. Counterfeiting domestic currency and obligations. Sec. 375. Counterfeiting foreign currency and obligations. Sec. 376. Laundering the proceeds of terrorism. Sec. 377. Extraterritorial jurisdiction.

    TITLE IV?PROTECTING THE BORDER Subtitle A?Protecting the Northern Border Sec. 401. Ensuring adequate personnel on the northern border. Sec. 402. Northern border personnel. Sec. 403. Access by the Department of State and the INS to certain identifying information in the criminal history records of visa applicants and applicants for admission to the United States. Sec. 404. Limited authority to pay overtime. Sec. 405. Report on the integrated automated fingerprint identification system for ports of entry and overseas consular posts. Subtitle B?Enhanced Immigration Provisions Sec. 411. Definitions relating to terrorism. Sec. 412. Mandatory detention of suspected terrorists; habeas corpus; judicial review. Sec. 413. Multilateral cooperation against terrorists. Sec. 414. Visa integrity and security. Sec. 415. Participation of Office of Homeland Security on Entry-Exit Task Force. Sec. 416. Foreign student monitoring program. Sec. 417. Machine readable passports. Sec. 418. Prevention of consulate shopping. Subtitle C?Preservation of Immigration Benefits for Victims of Terrorism Sec. 421. Special immigrant status. Sec. 422. Extension of filing or reentry deadlines. Sec. 423. Humanitarian relief for certain surviving spouses and children. Sec. 424. ?Age-out? protection for children. Sec. 425. Temporary administrative relief. Sec. 426. Evidence of death, disability, or loss of employment. Sec. 427. No benefits to terrorists or family members of terrorists. Sec. 428. Definitions.

    TITLE V?REMOVING OBSTACLES TO INVESTIGATING TERRORISM Sec. 501. Attorney General?s authority to pay rewards to combat terrorism. Sec. 502. Secretary of State?s authority to pay rewards. Sec. 503. DNA identification of terrorists and other violent offenders. Sec. 504. Coordination with law enforcement. Sec. 505. Miscellaneous national security authorities. Sec. 506. Extension of Secret Service jurisdiction. Sec. 507. Disclosure of educational records. Sec. 508. Disclosure of information from NCES surveys.

    TITLE VI?PROVIDING FOR VICTIMS OF TERRORISM, PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICERS, AND THEIR FAMILIES Subtitle A?Aid to Families of Public Safety Officers Sec. 611. Expedited payment for public safety officers involved in the prevention, investigation, rescue, or recovery efforts related to a terrorist attack. Sec. 612. Technical correction with respect to expedited payments for heroic public safety officers. Sec. 613. Public safety officers benefit program payment increase. Sec. 614. Office of Justice programs. Subtitle B?Amendments to the Victims of Crime Act of 1984 Sec. 621. Crime victims fund. Sec. 622. Crime victim compensation. Sec. 623. Crime victim assistance. Sec. 624. Victims of terrorism.

    TITLE VII?INCREASED INFORMATION SHARING FOR CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE PROTECTION Sec. 701. Expansion of regional information sharing system to facilitate Federal-State-local law enforcement response related to terrorist attacks.

    TITLE VIII?STRENGTHENING THE CRIMINAL LAWS AGAINST TERRORISM Sec. 801. Terrorist attacks and other acts of violence against mass transportation systems. Sec. 802. Definition of domestic terrorism. Sec. 803. Prohibition against harboring terrorists. Sec. 804. Jurisdiction over crimes committed at U.S. facilities abroad. Sec. 805. Material support for terrorism. Sec. 806. Assets of terrorist organizations. Sec. 807. Technical clarification relating to provision of material support to terrorism. Sec. 808. Definition of Federal crime of terrorism. Sec. 809. No statute of limitation for certain terrorism offenses. Sec. 810. Alternate maximum penalties for terrorism offenses. Sec. 811. Penalties for terrorist conspiracies. Sec. 812. Post-release supervision of terrorists. Sec. 813. Inclusion of acts of terrorism as racketeering activity. Sec. 814. Deterrence and prevention of cyberterrorism. Sec. 815. Additional defense to civil actions relating to preserving records in response to Government requests. Sec. 816. Development and support of cybersecurity forensic capabilities. Sec. 817. Expansion of the biological weapons statute.

    TITLE IX?IMPROVED INTELLIGENCE Sec. 901. Responsibilities of Director of Central Intelligence regarding foreign intelligence collected under Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978. Sec. 902. Inclusion of international terrorist activities within scope of foreign intelligence under National Security Act of 1947. Sec. 903. Sense of Congress on the establishment and maintenance of intelligence relationships to acquire information on terrorists and terrorist organizations. Sec. 904. Temporary authority to defer submittal to Congress of reports on intelligence and intelligence-related matters. Sec. 905. Disclosure to Director of Central Intelligence of foreign intelligence- related information with respect to criminal investigations. Sec. 906. Foreign terrorist asset tracking center. Sec. 907. National Virtual Translation Center. Sec. 908. Training of government officials regarding identification and use of foreign intelligence.

    In service, Peter
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    Zero Point Time and The Healing of the Human Form
    (From a basis of Mila?s channeling through Karen Danrich www.ascendpress.org/articles/sun12.htm)
    by Peter Farley

    A few weeks ago I was asked to send out an edited piece on the coming planetary ascension channeled by Karen Danrich. This same piece has now been enlarged slightly by the Spiritual Hierarchy to give the reader even broader information on some areas of the subject. Peter

    What is ?Zero Point?? Zero point is a realignment (reassessing) of time to synchronize with solar, universal, cosmic, and creational time. It?s due to occur around 2012/2013, if we can create the right circumstances to accomplish it. (That?s right ?it IS NOT A given as many would have you believe). This reassessment is kind of like the atomic clocks which occasionally need adjustment to synchronize them with the planetary alignments. Zero point also realigns time to synchronize with the Central Universe and what Mila terms ?the Source of One that holds all creations inside and outside of time and space?. You?ll notice that physicists never mention time without also referring to space for one is a function of the other. Without movement through space, there is no time as we know it. The finer vibration Universal bodies travel slower through space causing their cycles of time, and the timespans of those living on them, to be longer as well. Earth resides in a creation that is a mirror of the Central Universe.

    There are, of course, seven Super Universes, each one an exact duplicate of the central Universe, except for this one, that is. The mirror reflects back the exact dance of the Central Universe, but in the inverse. If you know how the eye sees or a camera takes a picture, the image is inverted on the inner screen of the mind, and just translated by the brain ?right side up?. So too is the image on the film negative turned ?right side up?. We just hold the positive picture made from the negative up the right way that we perceive things to be in our vision. These other Super Universes that exist are simply a reflection of the Central Universe, the home of the Creator and the Original Trinity One Beings. Being the newest and least progressed form of the Central Universe, this super Universe with its flawed version of Creation is like a mirror that is cracked into three separate and entirely self-contained holographic realities. It is the healing of these three separate entities within the Universe that will come to fruition during the Zero Point ascension process.

    All of Earth and its neighboring planets and star systems and galaxies will be realigned with the central sun of this nebula, and from there, with the rest of the Super Universe and with the Central Original Super Universe. In the higher worlds it is called the Healing of the Three. When we think of Creation, we think of the positive charge or male side of things, the female or negative charge, and the neutral force of life essence or ?holy spirit? if you will. These are the three essential elements of Creation that split creating what we know of as sub-atomic particle physics. These three forces can then be divided into smaller or larger elements of Nature. The 9 rings mentioned in The Lord of the Rings and the One to rule them all, is an allegory of Creation Itself and of this splitting off into the three separate elements. It is the Ring of Power that rules them all (or is supposed to rule them all?and certainly to reunite them into one greater good (God) which is the problem.

    In this super Universe, the three are divisive. I think this too is reflected in The Lord of the Rings where the rings seem to be a negative force controlling Mankind?s future. Like Creation Itself, the energies can be used in either a positive mode or a negative mode since the creative force is the neutral force Itself and has no charge. Because of the rift caused within Creation by the flaw in our Creator Parents, the particular mirror that this Super Universe is, also holds souls that are ?non-conscious? in nature, or in other terms simply seek to experience and not necessarily understand the dance of life. This has been written about many times in my work and in some others. The Souls manifested into the other Super Universes have all surrendered their Personal Will to that of the Higher Will.

    This is the economic theory that was looked at as being so revolutionary that it won a Nobel Prize for its discoverer in the movie A Beautiful Mind. What?s good for the whole, is also good for the individual?and NOT the other way around. This is not a mindless state of being or giving up control so that there is no personal responsibility or learning. As the Nine explain it in the book The Only Planet of Choice, it is the use of Free Will in Service to the Higher Will?not to serve one?s own individual desires. In this Super Universe of course, for the most part, it is the flaw of Self Will that we inherited from our Creator Parents that rules our lives and our actions. Those who continue to focus on their own Self Will during this time of cosmic realignment will not be going forward in ascension with the rest of Creation, but will instead find themselves in a Matrix- like world where they will continue to suffer in this ?prison-like existence? until they learn the true nature of the ?dance of life?. As it stands today, this is about three-fourths of the souls currently manifested on this planet, and that number has dropped from about 91 percent just a few short weeks ago, so things we all do are making a difference.

    As Mila says in the original article, the part of the mirror that earth exists within fell into the hands of lawless souls who cast creations for the purposes of consumption. What this equates to be is that such souls require devouring other souls and soul fabric(the individual allotment of Light and Sound) in order to subsist as they have fallen into such great distortion. This, again, is the basis of the Vampire stories so prevalent on the planet today?those who suck the Life blood of others, suck their very Light and Sound. The Darkside does not have a Light of its own and so must suck the Light of others to exist in form. So as stated in my last article on the power of the butterfly wings, it is we who support or collude to support the Darkside in its conquest of Creation. ?Your creation is divided into light and dark with the great central sun holding the light portion of creation, and the unconscious darkness or space between holding the rest of creation.? When we speak of unconscious souls, we are speaking of those who were created and/or manifested with insufficient Light and Sound to begin with because of the flaw in this particular Creation, or who have been so drained of their essential Soul fabric as to virtually be unconscious of who and what they are. ?This is why there is such blackness in your nighttime sky with stars so very far apart; earth has been transiting the unconscious of the great central sun for 26 million years now (104 million years as humans measure years) and as she exited the light of the Great Central Sun . . .? What we are about to enter is a new minor golden age in terms of the evolutionary cycle of the planet, but far and above that phenomena is the realigning of this Super Universe with its true state as a reflection of the Central Super Universe of the Original Creator. This has only been made possible by the healing of our Universal Creator Parents, Enjliou and Callia if you have read the first volumes of my 4-volume work, and in particular the earthly forms they have taken on in attempting to do this phenomenal feat of self-discipline and Love.

    Every thing, living or ?dead? is only made of energy, and energy cannot be created nor destroyed, it can only be changed into a different form. All that is, is all that ever there was. What my partner, Susan, and I do in part in our healing work is transmute energy from one form to another. Energy which is unreleased is the core issue of our health that we will address today in this article. Energy is meant to flow. Like a river which is dammed and not allowed to flow IN A NATURAL WAY, the water stagnates and festers and breeds sloth from in its inactivity. Stagnant energy does not allow for new energies to come in because the cup is already full. If we do not keep the flow out of the cup going, then the new energies will not flow in to take their place. This is what causes diseases, the blockage of the natural flow of energies?particularly physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energies. This is the whole meaning and purpose behind everything we are doing leading up to the ascension process, which in reality is simply a new paradigm, a new way of seeing and doing things. Imagine if you will a clear glass of water. Then imagine another glass of indigo-colored water being poured slowly into the clear glass. The more indigo water poured in, the more the clear glass of water also become colored as the old water overflows and runs out. Eventually, with enough new infusion, the old glass of clear water will now be a new glass filled with indigo-colored water. The new paradigm is already fast approaching and every change we make now allows some of those old energies to flow out to be replaced with the new energies of reason and stability. Earth exited the Great Central Sun as a 12th dimensional vessel. She now returns after 26 million years of consumption practices prevalent in the unconscious of the Great Central Sun as a 3rd dimensional vessel. The falls in consciousness and drops in frequency are all related to the pattern of consumption (as discussed in my book?how earth rises and falls through the dimensions depending on the consciousness of those existent here on the planet, and also all those who have influenced her). This pattern earth is choosing to transcend so that she may re-enter the Great Central Sun, for the Sun knows not such a thought-form. If earth failed to transcend consumption, she would combust upon entry into the fifth dimension as her own thought-form of destruction would reverberate back upon her, as the Great Central Sun holds no resonance for such thought-form, thereby causing her own demise. Combustion upon attempted entry has occurred many a time in our creational history; along with other creations come and gone throughout time and space, most of which have gone extinct. Earth (the Spiritual Hierarchy, the FATHER, and Creation Itself) is learning from their ascensions gone wrong in the examination of the records of other planets that combust, and in so doing altering her thought-form so that this will not be the outcome in her ascent. It is the thought-form of consumption in particular that also underlies warfare and disease, along with abuse, terrorism, barbarism, slaughter, and mutilation in all of its varying expressions, both internal and external. Internal war is known as dis-ease. Like its outward counterpart war, this is where parts of the body turn against or attack other parts of the form. These are also called viruses. Underlying all such thought-form is the thought-form of consumption. Consumption has become the prevailing thought-form of the human species, more than any other species upon earth. All other species consume also, however they only consume what they require to exist. Humans consume for other preoccupations, and are consuming earth and her resources so rapidly that she cannot regenerate what is taken rapidly enough. If this were to continue, earth would fail to ascend, but humanity now enters a time in which the very patterning of consumption shall be inverted back upon humanity causing an end of the consumption of earth.

    Why is this so?

    Everything stems back to what the Spiritual Hierarchy has given me as a key message to share leading into this new paradigm??Say to yourself, I have what I need for today, I will have what I need for tomorrow.? Beyond today and tomorrow we have little control except that which we exercise in taking care of today?s business which will lead to tomorrow?s essence of stability. The essential lesson of most soul?s is to learn that it is a bountiful and supportive Universe, one that loves us so dearly it would never let us be without. The word ?sin? simply means ?without?, and the only time we are ever without is when we allow our minds to see ourselves as being separate or ?without?. We are certainly never ?without? God, as I can attest to by having the Hierarchy talking to me 24/7. It is only we, ourselves, who separate ourselves from God, usually through allowing some church or some parent or one of the myriad institutions of the New World Order that have been put in place to control us, to make us feel guilty, to make us feel less than, to make us feel like we are not good enough, do not have enough, or to judge ourselves as less than those we see around us who may have completely different needs and wants and lessons than we do.

    This is the lesson we should learn in Middle School but our education system does not allow us to. As the Desiderata (Go placidly amidst the noise and haste . . ) once so well put it, ?Do not compare yourselves with others, or you will become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser people than yourself.? Much like earth entering the star gate without transcending consumption and having it combust her form causing extinction, the thought-form of combustion will now revert back upon those species that have failed to transcend along with earth, causing their extinction rather than earth?s. As humans who consume become extinct, the consumption of earth shall cease, and those humans remaining shall be led into the experience of the dawning of a new golden age.

    I received the following excerpt this morning as par t of my usual e-mail load. It shows what MUFON and so many others are doing in helping delude people that there is a problem from ?out there? when really the only problem is right here.

    FILER?S FILES #42 - 2002, MUFON Skywatch Investigations George A. Filer, Director Mutual UFO Network Eastern October 16, 2002, Majorstar@aol.com. SIGHTINGS INCREASE WORLDWIDE THE THREAT?I spoke with Dr. David Jacobs from Temple University on Saturday, ?He is more than ever convinced there is a serious threat to Earth from Space.? His book, ?The Threat? is excellent and explains this potential threat. If David is correct, ?We are preparing for the wrong war, and the people of the world should unite and strive for friendship and research the possible threat.? Regards, George Filer http://www. filersfiles-ufo.com

    So much more everyday Susan and I see how consciousness carries on upon death and therefore nothing is ever really lost, how aliens in human form have home planets and star systems from which they take a short ?vacation? to planet Earth to assist or hinder the work here, depending on the particular planetary star system they hail from. As I was explaining to one client the other day, the lifetime she is living now is just a continuation of one that began back in ancient Lemuria. Every new physical body she takes on is just writing a new chapter in this one on-going saga. Pretty much what is occurring in her lifetimes is that she is wearing out physical forms, but carrying on with the old emotional and mental patterns from the previous lifetimes. All her lessons revolve around one core issue?learning to stand in her power and do what she is already capable of doing without being drained by all the forces that surround her who seek to suck her Light. Earth can ascend in no other manner than by cleansing herself and expunging all forms of negative thought forms that infest her consciousness. This is true of the humans and other souls who reside upon her, also. As I channeled in a piece a few years ago from the Gaia consciousness, She would have loved to carry all humans with her to the next evolutionary gate. Alas so many humans are so low in consciousness, not only can they not awaken to the greater dance that is underway, but the very holographic nature of most humans is not prepared for ascension. Those humans that hold holographic relationships from the Annunaki (our biological prison warders) are prepared to ascend in another creation that is electrical and radioactive-based. They have not the proper information nor correct amount of Light and Sound for ascension in this creation or entry into the magnetic Great Central Sun. Furthermore, those humans who are holographically related to the Annunaki slave race have no ascension information whatsoever available unto them, as such information was omitted from their hologram deliberately by the scientists to ensure a ?slave? race that would not overthrow their ?masters?. This is the basis of the crystal implant information written about in my article Abductions, Implants and Other Alien Stuff.

    Mila?s channeling suggests that such humans cannot ascend at this time, and this is sad indeed, appearing to affect approximately 60% of the current human population. If we subtract 60 percent from the 75 percent who are currently not going, that leaves fifteen percent of the population who are capable but not yet willing to go. These are the fence-sitters who I was told were the major thrust of my and our mission here. These are the people who have not definitely made up their mind, or who are uneducated in what the heck is going on and what they need to be doing to get out of here. Nothing is lost, really and truly, although it may appear as a great travesty in the physical, but the essence of Creation is and always has been free- will. Indeed many new diseases and plagues may be the result of the times of cleansing ahead and as the thought-form of consumption is inverted back onto humanity in earth?s global mastery; however for those who are ascending one will not be affected, as one will alter the biology and immune system in a manner that the body will be strong enough to survive. For those of you reading this article, survival is not even the key issue?service is. Where you are supposed to be is where you are needed. So many Lightworkers are looking at survival through the coming Earth-changes rather than seeing their presence here as work. We don?t always work where things are the easiest. In fact, we should be where we are most needed, usually in the places that are most difficult.

    These coming times (beginning in earnest next September--2003) may leave many ascending children without parents, husbands without wives, wives without husbands, moving into the future. Many people may find that their preoccupation then becomes watching over and taking care of ascending children that shall make it through the times ahead. Such children allow for the ascent of the human species not only to the next dimension with earth, but home to the Source, and each shall witness such an ascent through future generations yet unborn that will make this leap along with earth. As one watches over the ascending children, one will assure one?s own continued journey of ascension, for all humans are ONE SPECIES.

    The greatest expression of the new paradigm can here be summed up by one of my e-mail list in response to a request for help with some of my workload. Peter, I?m here for you. Just tell what to do. Raul He was not alone in offering. This is the cooperative aspect of the new paradigm, rising out of the Self-will into the Higher Will, getting out of the Me and into the We. Mila continues with the addition of information from the Hierarchy:

    Each species that consumes flesh is undergoing a parallel biological shift into vegetarianism in the coming generations. For the masses of humans, newborn children will enter the world with this tract in place, and it is anticipated that the parents of such offspring or those attending to them will have enough awareness not to feed the child flesh. Like us, you are probably already experiencing this shift in many of the young people these days. Too often though we are finding parents who have bought into the old paradigm of health that says that health can be generalized ??this is supposed to be good for you . . ., This is supposed to be bad for you . . .?

    Generalizations never have and never will work for people?s health. As soon as I mention something is good or bad for a client, the very next client has exactly the opposite situation true. This attitude would only cause the child to enter the paradigm of destruction again, as the act of eating flesh causes the thought-form of destruction to remain in any ascending field. Our human Anunnaki predecessors ate of the blood of their slaves and the flesh of certain crustaceans in the ocean to sustain their embodiments up to 18,000 years in life span; and in so doing, fell into consumption thought-form. Although hinted at in Sitchin?s work, the meat vs grain diet of the Annunaki shows up most prominently in the story of Cain and Abel.

    Slaughter through consumption leads to war; it also leads to disease. Disease became prevalent as an energetic war between the Annunaki and other alien races raged causing the Earth?s grid work to move outside of her form, debilitating her embodiment---in so doing the grid work of the slaves (their Higher Self) also moved outside of the etheric form and into machinery that has been called ?Disease Machinery?. Our Higher Self, for most of us, is now not in our bodies where it was always carried in our higher dimensional forms. The machinery caused disease and a shorter lifespan for all slaves to become the norm. The Higher Self of many people is now trapped in the magnetic grid of the planet and the two are inextricably aligned. So the healing of one and the freeing of one will mean the potential freeing of many.

    This is why the New World Order seeks to control or already does control most of the grid system of the planet. It also has much to do with OK City and the destruction of the twin WTC towers. Oklahoma, and in particular the Murrah Building Memorial Site lies on the Heart Chakra meridian of the North American continent. By controlling that site with the energy-harnessing Memorial that has been built there, those in power are able to also harness the heart-energy of all those in every part of the continent.

    Indeed, this war that rages between Humanity and the New World Order is all about Heart vs. Mind, the male patriarchy vs the female- led new paradigm. Control of the female heart aspect of Creation allows the darkside to control all the Creative processes. Much of the work we as Lightworkers have to do is to connect people up to their Higher Self while helping them release all those old thought- forms and emotional patterns which keep their Higher Self enslaved or trapped in this magnetic grid. The biggest problem here is that so many Lightworkers who have come here to help have bought into these thought- forms and emotional patterns and become stuck here. Think of someone trying to help a drowning or sinking person in the ocean or in quicksand also becoming trapped and going down with the intended rescuee. Be careful lest the rescuer also become the victim.

    It was not until the nuclear war on earth created by the Annunaki, which included the destruction of such cities as the biblical Sodom and Gomorrah, that humans remaining upon the surface of the earth turned to slaughter and consumption of the animal kingdoms in order to survive. This has occurred twice in your human history. Over time and as the vegetation restored itself, the red race humans (Atlanteans and former Atlanteans) reverted to a vegetarian diet again ceasing to eat flesh. However, the white race related to the Annunaki and their slave populations continued to eat flesh from this point forward (30,000 years ago). Furthermore after the fall of Atlantis some 10,000 years ago (the Biblical Flood as explained in my book), all humans fell so low in consciousness and became so mechanical that all of humanity has retained it?s meat-eating and consumption based habits ever since.

    It is only as one understands nature that ascending humans will build a bridge towards working in unity with all kingdoms upon earth. Currently there are more than a dozen people on the planet who hold the Gaia consciousness and manifest its various problems. They are here to aid humans in understanding the planets problems and helping the consciousness to heal before ascension. At this time and in the next 10-12 years, consumption karma shall be released by earth upon a global scale. As this occurs, the false intervention and souls that have used consumption-based tactics to pull apart earth?s field, grid work, libraries and moving energy systems apart into many falls in consciousness will cease to have any affect. To paraphrase Captain Picard on Star Trek, if we can make it so. One can understand in this that it is thought-form that causes any experience; transcend the thought-form and the experience changes. It is exactly the same with viruses that are, to best describe them, simply alien thought forms. For it is thought-form that calls the experience into one?s dance of life. (Watch The Andromeda Strain ?Michael Crichton?s first novel/movie to get a better idea of ranges of existence). In the transcendence of consumption-based thought-form, earth will cease to be consumed. In so doing, she shall exit the dance of unconscious harm that has plagued her, particularly over the past 50,000 years of global history.

    Zero point and the fifth star gate acts as a filter that filters out all of those certain frequencies and thought-forms that no longer resonate. As one passes through this filter, they are aware of a pulling or tearing at their field of that which was too dense to pass through. One needs to simply surrender to the experience and choose to allow the filter to do it?s job, removing that from their field that they were ready to release that no longer resonated with the frequencies inside the fifth star gate. This is the key to the work my partner and I do in our healing work, and that we have been asked to train others to do in the very near future. All ascending are asked to make parallel intentions of the form: I INTEND TO RELEASE ALL PATTERNS, THOUGHT-FORM, MACHINES AND ENTITIES THAT DO NOT RESONATE WITH THE PRESENT STAR GATE THAT EARTH IS TRANSITING. What is releasing at this time through this star gate and in the realignment that zero point means? The seven planes of the MIND and their opposite planes discussed above along with all machines, entities and patterns or thought-forms associated with them. Earth is pushing beyond the thought- form of pain, fear, death, suffering, judgment, greed and lust in her global field. Those who are ascending may utilize this global transition to augment one?s ascent which requires transcendence of the MIND and the integration of all parts of self trapped upon such planes . . .

    Making intentions that support global ascension will be fulfilled upon in greater ease, as earth will have a direct modality of providing for what one requires in so doing. So this is so for all dreams that support ascension. Again, the mantra for the coming age is ?I have what I need for today, I will have what I need for tomorrow.? There is a dream for human awakening. This dream will turn the current human civilization in a new direction, one that supports the focus of spiritual pursuits. Before this can be fulfilled however, the current phase of leadership must complete their karma and exit this role. Then another wave of leaders, perhaps not much different than those who exist within the current paradigm, will emerge. The current human leadership has not lineage for power in most cases; but rather such humans hold power due to lineage manipulation that acquired lineage for power, augmenting whatever leadership role they play in the physical in present time. So this is so for most in positions of great authority upon earth at this time and in human form, such humans were manipulated to hold such positions of authority through a manipulation to their birth inheritance by forces of the dark. . . .. . . This will augment those leaders currently in power with manipulated inheritances to exit the dance of leadership and another group of leaders to emerge as the current leadership fades in popularity. The new group of leaders will be able to clear the karma for dominion-based leadership through their life dance, as it is sincerely their biological inheritance. Therefore it may take the coming 10-12 years of human history to clear the karma for dominion based leadership in full; however after this has occurred, a new form of ascending leadership can and will emerge to guide humanity through. . .

    For each ascending human, understand that any dream that one holds that is not in alignment with the dream earth holds for itself as an ascending being is now canceled in full due to zero point and entry into the fifth star gate. Only those dreams that support ascension shall be made manifest, and earth will soon be in command of the human dream at last. . . .. . .For those dreams that one?s ancestors never fulfilled upon (racial karma), and as a result one has a need to experience because they had been unfulfilled in many lifetimes, now is the time to manifest such dreams, and earth?s dream will support such a goal. Fulfillment of dream is one of the main rewards of ascension at this time in history, and earth wishes each who chooses to ascend to experience a fulfilled state. .. . . Zero Point may be a good time to take inventory. What do you wish to make manifest? What do you choose to let go of. Is it a beloved to dance with your life, or birthing an ascending child? Is it to move to a new home and region that supports your ascent and allows for a greater connection to earth? Is it to fulfilled upon a creative project that brings one joy? Whatever one?s dreams are, now is the time to allow one?s dream to be intended, and then live to experience the dream fulfilled upon within one?s life dance. Earth recommends that each initiate tune inward and listen to earth, listen to one?s own ancestors, and listen to the nature kingdoms (and those who represent the Gaia consciousness). Forgiveness is a way of letting go of the past and choosing to stand in one?s own power walking forward upright into the new paradigm. The forgiveness/reclaiming- your-power exercise following is an updated version of the one from my first Humanity Vs The New World Order article: ?The one thing that must be done above all to begin our own healing with regard to our low self-esteem is to love. To forgive both those who we feel have wronged us, and most importantly of all ourselves, is to regain our lost power. To reclaim this lost power (that which we have so readily given away to both friends, family, and enemies alike, I recommend the following exercise borrowed liberally from the Native American Shamanic tradition of erasing personal history (and thereby reclaiming the personal power given away). The exercise must be done from the heart, and not simply from the mind. It is recommended to get away from family, kids, phones and anything that might distract us when doing the exercise. Treat it with that kind of importance. Reclaiming your Power: 1. With plenty of time to complete the task no matter how long it takes (usually a full day or two), find a quiet comfortable area where you will not be disturbed?a place where you feel safe, a place where you feel some kind of nurturance from your surroundings such as a room filled with your favorite books, a quiet garden space, a hotel room in a peaceful location, or somewhere out in nature. 2. Center yourself in whatever way is most comfortable for you?by chanting, by smudging, or simply by sitting peacefully with your eyes open or closed for a short period of time focusing on the peacefulness of the moment. 3. Open yourself to your own highest Good, your Higher Power, some non- denominational sense of the Cosmos that you know loves you and that you trust. 4. As you find yourself ready, go slowly over the decades of your life- -either chronologically or in reverse order. Think of and/or write down a list of all those you have been involved with you in some way and to whom you have given a part of yourself. This could be either in a positive or negative way through some kind of attachment of love or hate or fear or some other emotional state. This list should include such people as your parents, your teachers, your school mates who you envied or tried to copy, the neighborhood bully, the girlfriends or boyfriends?real or imagined, the husbands or wives, your children, your neighbors, the bosses and co-workers with whom you have shared both good times and bad- -everyone who you can say took or was given a piece of you that you now need to reclaim in this attempt to regain your personal power. Kenneth Meadows, in his book The Medicine Way?A Shamanic Path to Self Mastery, says to use the phrase, ?Things would have been so different IF . . .? The things which follow that IF are the very attachments you now need to release. In releasing attachments we let go of what is draining us of our personal power. We reclaim the focus and the attention from the past and are now able to recrystallize it on our present circumstances and stand in our power and in our strength. 5. Once we have made this list or identified those with whom our personal power has been in storage, then comes the essential act of reclaiming our power, thanking?and if necessary, forgiving them, and ourselves. No matter what has happened between the two of you?things either positive or seemingly negative?the lessons have been there for you to learn, and these people have done their best, limited though it may appear to you, to help you learn your lessons and make you the best person you can be. Thank them for whatever part they have played in your own spiritual growth, and forgive them for whatever they did or did not do to you in any other way. To hold any strong feeling for anyone in the past is to give away a piece of your energy to that person, and the personal power you will need here in the very near and very real future that awaits us all in combating the New World Order. Do this for each and every person on your list, savoring each moment as you recall it and then letting it go. 6. And when all is said and done, then look at your own behavior over these same times and know that, although you may not always have been at your best, that to live in shame or blame or with some degree of guilt is the greatest source of giving away your personal power to a source which is not real. The real Creator has only. and is only, Love. Darkness cannot even come near to it because IT is so much Light. If IT cannot see Darkness, then it certainly does not judge us for it knows we are learning, and that there is a balance for everything we do. In this spirit, love yourself as IT loves you, and then forgive yourself. 7. Make a small ritual of burning or destroying your list, and feel the weight being lifted from your shoulders as your strength and Will and power return to you. Then be cognizant of every person and situation that enters your day and may try to steal some of your power away again. Bless them or the situation and give them love and be on your way, safe in your newfound strength, prepared for the difficult days ahead, knowing that although the Darkness may reign for a short time longer on the planet as it solidifies its power base here?there can only be one eventual winner?and of that there is no doubt. The Light will always overcome the Darkness and drive it back into the Void from whence it first came.?

    There is a special dream for each ascending initiate that will bring about the experience of fulfillment and place oneself in the right place in the right time to avoid many of the global catastrophes that lie ahead. There shall be some natural disasters; these cannot be avoided as the tug of human density is too great for earth to move without expending so much chi that global ascension would fail. Therefore the corrections in energetic flow brought forth through changing weather patterns, flooding, earthquakes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions and so on, like those occurring in the individual human form as well as the collective consciousness, move the energy that will not move otherwise. They are necessary to earth?s continued ascent. As one tunes into earth?s dream for oneself as an ascending being, one will simply be able to avoid such an experience altogether if that is in one?s line of service. The current dream upon earth is stepping down in a 7-year cycle for non-ascending humans. This is the dream that is also tuned into in relation to regional and global changes. There is a seven-year cycle of world cleansing beginning next September (2003)which despite all rumor and misinformation, have nothing to do with the supposed return of the planet Nibiru. There are shifts coming for dense regions around the globe, and because human cities are often the cause of such density, the damage done to human civilization can often be great. Earth does not wish humans to suffer; but most are not attuned enough to understand what is due to transpire shortly. As each learns to turn inward and listen, one will be where they need to be and remain unharmed.

    Earth also recommends that ascending initiates leave jobs in the cities, and move out to the country if at all possible, except in a small number of cases in which such cities are under major global chakras, such as Honolulu. This also does not mean that one should relocate to Honolulu, as each has karma in the region that one already resides that must be settled in order to ascend. One will also have karma in a specific region that will be chosen as the place one moves to as one completes the karma for the region that one now resides; and for most it will not necessarily be Hawaii. Why is this so? If one has a large number of ancient Native American lineages, one will have more karma with the mainland US or Canada than Hawaii. If one has more karma from their Atlantean lifetimes, they may find themselves in the East, as opposed to Lemurian lifetimes in the Western half of the United States. For those in other parts of the world, so this is also so. One may have karma with other regions as one ascends that are related to one?s more ancient inheritance, and strive to move to regions that serve in settling such karma. . . .. . .

    There are also many companies of small to large size that fall under a particular group soul that one may have karma to settle with. One may work for any of such related corporations, businesses or business opportunities and settle one?s karma. Therefore one need not remain in one?s current job if it is in the city, even if one has karma. One can simply find another employer of the same group soul in another region, and pay off the debt in this manner. From another channeled group know as The Hosts of heaven where They explain this same idea of Zero Point Time: ?Now, however, we are at the ?end game? stage. There are certain geometries that occur in the movements of the planets, stars, galaxies, and indeed the entire system of created universes. They each have their own period, much like the gears in a clockworks. Each turn at different rates, and every so often, they align with other gears (planets, stars, and galaxies) in particular geometries that make certain potentials available. There is a ?window of opportunity? available that permits or supports certain things that cannot occur at any other time. This is what is behind the system of divination you call astrology. When certain aspects or alignments occur, it has been noticed that certain other phenomena are associated with them. This is true, because the ?working beam? (holographic terminology) is altered in its orientation to the ?reference beam? (the Absolute) so that a different ?picture? (outpicturing) occurs in the hologram that constitutes your perceived reality. We shall have more to say on the subject of holograms later. The point of this is that if you picture all the ?gears? to have a mark on them and that all the marks were lined up at the ?beginning? of the Creation, they are all approaching that same alignment again. It is a window of opportunity for a new beginning, a wholly new Creation. ?

    The largest shift and affect that transiting Zero Point has is in relation to how time is held and recorded upon earth. Over time and in the distortions of the manipulations of the forces of the dark, time has become polarity based. Polarity based time swings from periods where time moves very rapidly; to periods during which time moves so slow that it drags seemingly forever. The period from 1920 to 1980 was a slow moving period for time upon earth. The polarity shifted in 1988 and introduced a period of more rapid movement of time, and has increased even more so due to the vibrational shifts upwards in the global initiations mastered by earth in recent times. Speeding up of time has the affect of causing there to be less time in any given day. Many humans have found that it takes twice as long to accomplish the same task that once could be accomplished in half the time. This is the result of the speeding up of time. Ascending initiates however begin to command time; as this is mastered one can lengthen or shrink time at will and through conscious intention. We invite initiates who are reading this material to intend to stretch time and see what happens. We have had initiates who were late for work stretch time and make it on time, with a 30-minute drive occurring in only 15 ?stretched? minutes . . . When Al Bielek of the Philadelphia Experiment fame visited with me last year in Roswell, he told of the often occurrence of being picked up at an airport and being dropped off at his hotel half an hour or so earlier then he left the airport. Scanning his aura, I found he still has a time warp surrounding his person, one that is still being used by alien entities to access planet earth. Another being scanning him summed up what he ?saw? as Al being surrounded by a Matrix-form, suggesting kind of some holographic imaging at work. .. . . Attaining Zero Point allows all regions sitting under major chakra centers to align in to a single synchronistic energy flow. Up until the recent level of global ascension, earth was fragmented between east and west, (Like the male-female sides of ourselves) and in multiple regions around the globe. Such shattering was not only from nuclear bombs detonated in recent human history, but continued nuclear testing by current human scientists.

    The inner earth people are augmenting the balancing of the pH of all waterways and landmasses upon the surface of the earth through the release of certain gasses into the air. They are doing so to support their own ascension as much as earth?s ascension. Such gasses will collect in the clouds and then shower upon all oceans, lakes and river ways along with the land bringing an end to acid rain. Such substances will also enter the drinking water, and have a tonic affect upon the form for those who are ascending. This tonic affect balances the pH of the form. All disease is related to an imbalance of pH of the form or a part of the form caused by physical, emotional, mental or spiritual traumas; and as this is corrected most diseases can go into remission. One also is less likely to ascend into disease if one retains the proper pH balance through dietary means. Often the pH in human form is thrown off due to the presence of parasites that excrete a very acidic substance in their waste known as ammonia, which causes the pH to go off and yeast to grow throughout the form. As the yeast grows, it eats away at wherever it is rooted; if it is rooted in the brain and causes enough deterioration, Alzheimer?s results; as the yeast eats away at a particular organ or gland, the organ or gland is weakened and ceases to function properly, leading to disease; and if compromised enough and in an important enough part of the form necessary to sustain life, death is the end result. Deparasiting the form is perhaps the first step any ascending person can take to begin to bring one?s personal pH back to balance. After one has deparasited, one can focus upon diet to retain a proper pH to support the form in ascension.

    Gregg Braden is currently traveling around the United States and in the media, telling of the scientific proof he has gathered of the Earth passing through the Photon Belt and the slowing of the Earth?s rotation. At the same time there is an increase in the resonant frequency of the Earth (Schumann Resonance). Unfortunately, and with greatest respect to Gregg and his work, some of his summations are incorrect and entirely misleading to the process of ascension. These have been suggested or corrected in the following partial explanation of Gregg?s work. When the Earth stops its rotation and the resonance frequency reaches 13 cycles we will be at a zero point magnetic field. Braden suggests the Earth will then be stopped, and in 2 or 3 days it will start turning again in the opposite direction. This, he says, will produce a reversal in the magnetic fields around the earth and so forth. This is not what happens during ascendancy.

    Geophysical Condition #1: Earth?s Rising Base Frequency Earth?s background base frequency, or ?heartbeat,? (called Schumann resonance, or SR) is rising dramatically. Though it varies among geographical regions, for decades the overall measurement was 7.8 cycles per second. This was once thought to be a constant; global military communications were developed on this frequency. Recent reports set the rate at over 11 cycles, and climbing. Popular science doesn?t know why, or what to make of it. Gregg has found data collected by Norwegian and Russian researchers on this; though it?s not widely reported in the U.S. (The only reference to SR found in the Seattle Library reference section, is tied to the weather. Science acknowledges SR as a sensitive indicator of temperature variations and worldwide weather conditions. Braden believes correctly that the fluctuating SR may be a factor in the severe storms, floods, and weather of recent years.)

    Geophysical Condition #2: Earth?s Diminishing Magnetic Field While earth?s ?pulse? rate is rising, her magnetic field strength, on the other hand, is declining, a typical process in the refining of the planet?s vibration in preparation for the planetary ascension process. According to Professor Bannerjee of the University of New Mexico, the field has lost up to half its intensity in the last 4,000 years. And because a forerunner of magnetic polar reversals is this field strength, Prof. Bannerjee believes that another reversal is due. Indeed it would, were the planet not entering into the ascension process. Braden believes that because these cyclical Shifts are associated with reversals, Earth?s geological record indicating magnetic reversals also marks previous Shifts in history. And, within the enormous time scale represented, there were quite a few of them. What is a Schumann Resonance? Believe it or not, the Earth behaves like an enormous electric circuit, just like the human body. This is one level of the macrocosm and the microcosm referred to in the mystical saying ?As above, so below.? The atmosphere is actually a weak conductor and if there were no sources of charge, its existing electric charge would diffuse away in about 10 minutes. The resistance of the atmosphere is 200 Ohms. The voltage potential is 200,000 Volts. This source of potential energy was a key to the workings of Nikola Tesla?s work and the high altitude weaponry being produced by the US military and other governments. The Schumann Resonances are quasi standing wave electromagnetic waves. Like waves on a spring, they are not present all the time, but have to be ?excited? to be observed. Given that the earth?s atmosphere carries a charge, a current and a voltage, it is not surprising to find such electromagnetic waves. The resonant properties of the terrestrial cavity were first predicted by the German physicist W. O. Schumann between 1952 and 1957, and first detected by Schumann and Konig in 1954. The first spectral representation of this phenomenon was prepared by Balser and Wagner in 1960. Much of the research in the last 20 years has been conducted by the Department of the Navy who investigate Extremely Low Frequency communication with submarines. For more information, see: ?Handbook of Atmospheric Electrodynamics, vol. I?, by Hans Volland, 1995 published by the CRC Press.

    Chapter 11 is entirely on Schumann Resonances and is written by Davis Campbell at the Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska, Fairbanks AK, 99775. There is also a history of this research and an extensive bibliography.

    1. Time will appear to speed up as we approach Zero Point. A 24-hour day will seem to about 16 hours or less. Remember the Schumann Resonance (or ?heart beat? of Mother Earth) has been 7.8 cycles for thousands of years, but has been rising since 1980. It is at about 12 cycles at present. Braden incorrectly suggests however that it stops at 13 cycles. This would be true if not for the jump to hyper-space known as ascension.

    2. Zero Point or the Shift of the Ages has been predicted by ancient peoples for thousands of years. There have been many shifts including the one that always occurs every 13,000 years at each half of the 26,000 year, Precession of the Equinox.

    3. Braden?s scenario suggests that Zero Point or a flip of the magnetic poles will probably happen soon, within the next few years. It could possibly synchronize with the Earth?s four-cycle biorhythm that occurs every 20 years on the 12th of August. The next occurrence is supposed to be 12th August 2003 (agreeing with what I have said since the beginning of my writings that September, 2003 would see the earth changes beginning in earnest). The Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk Project (secret military time traveling) both locked up to the 12th August/20 year biorhythm.

    4. It is said that after Zero Point the Sun will rise in the west and set in the east, approx. Past occurrences of this change, Braden suggests, have been found in ancient records.

    5. Interestingly, the New World Order plan is scheduled to be in power by 2003. Braden suggests this may or may not happen, depending on many factors and agendas, but as one can tell from current news events and Bush?s unfolding agenda, it more likely than not. Stay centered and follow your intuition.

    6. The Zero Point flip, Braden suggests, will probably introduce us to the 4th dimension. Here, everything we think or desire will instantly manifest. This includes love and fear. Our INTENTION will be of utmost importance. We are, however, already passing through a hollow ?tube-like tunnel? through the 4th dimension that allows us to remain both 3rd dimensional while being semi-4th dimensional as well. The Twilight Zone is a good analogy for this multi-dimensional state we are in as we head for the 5th dimension that is the final result of our planetary ascension.

    7. Braden suggests that most technology that we know will cease to operate. Possible exceptions could be technology based on so-called ?Zero Point? or free energy.

    8. Everyone agrees that our physical body is changing as we approach Zero Point. Our DNA is being ?upgraded? to (returning to its normal) 12-strand state. Braden says that a new light body is being created, and that we are becoming more intuitive. What is really happening, in fact, is that we are being reconnected with our Higher Self that has for so long been held prisoner in the grid surrounding the planet since its fall into the third dimensional state.

    9. The Mayan Calendar predicted all the changes that are occurring now, though with a slight flaw in the actual working out of the calendar that allows for up to a 9-month discrepancy in the timing of the actual events. They say we are going beyond technology and back to the natural cycles of nature and the Universe. By 2012 (actually 2013) the planet will be entering the 5th Dimension. Will all those ascending be on it? No. The current plan in the Higher Worlds is for everyone to leave the planet (to a holding Matrix depending on one?s choices of which energy they follow), and for those scheduled to return to help rebuild society to return in time after the planet has settled, and then create the new golden age here on Earth. 10. All this information is not fearful. Be prepared for changes that will bring in the new age of (the True) light. We are going beyond money and time where fear-based concepts are totally dissolved. ***BREATHE in and BREATHE out LIGHT and LOVE daily. ***ALL IS WELL.

    In parallel manner, earth is augmenting the choice to balance her own pH through conscious intent and will and application of vibrations that will have the affect of eliminating overly acidic or basic regions upon her global body. Such regions that are the most toxic tend to be deserts or wastelands upon earth. Most waterways near human cities are a toxic wasteland devoid of the fish and life that was once prevalent when the pH was balanced therein. Humans could easily choose to add substances that balance the pH of the water, but are more focused upon greed than the environment. In counterbalance the inner earth people are more interested in the environment than greed, and are choosing to take action as anything less would mean a cease-ascension for all of earth. And yes, it could happen. This ascension process must be earned and anyone saying different is attempting to mislead us into not doing the work we came here to do as LightWORKERS. If it were all so easy, we would NOT have been sent here to help assist the process to happen. Earth is on target to balance her pH global wide by 2007. This will occur not only through the substances that the inner earth people are releasing, but also due to focus upon the part of earth and your solar sun. The sun in parallel manner is planning a series of vibrations through solar flares that shall augment the burning off of those vibrations that cause pH to go overly acidic or basic. The vibrations shall successfully begin to detoxify earth global wide, and this shall also cause a detoxification of all form residing therein as well, including mankind. . . A big part of this detoxification is the detoxification of our thought forms. One of the chief sources of negative thought forms is the media that influence our lives so much on a daily basis, and keep the thought- form of consumption growing.

    Again, from those known as the Hosts of Heaven (MESSAGES FROM THE HOSTS OF HEAVEN VOLUME ONE? Copyright Sara Lyara Estes, 1999, 2000, 2001 Web site: http://www.opertionterra.com e-mail: lyara@operationterra. com), a piece in which They address this key control factor affecting the planet at this time:

    ?The media on your planet are not there to tell the truth. They are there to sell things, for that is how they get their portion of the power medium you call money. Fear sells. Sex sells. Romance sells. Emotion sells. Truth does not sell, except when it ?exposes? something, and what is that but emotional titillation? The media is there to stimulate you to ?buy? whatever it is that they are selling, whether it is a product, a philosophy (Who does it serve?), or a point of view that empowers you or (more likely) disempowers you. ?The media has treated the subjects of ETs, UFOs, and ?paranormal? phenomena in ways that increase the emotional titillation, the rush of adrenaline, also known as fear. Lately that has shifted a little, as there is more acceptance of higher realities, but on the whole the media serves the purposes of the (Darkside). It is natural that this would be the case, because the entire planetary economy is operating in ways that serve the STS individuals in high positions of authority more than it serves the general populace(which is so ignorant and unconscious of the consequences of their choices that they are easy pawns for the power-mongers above them). ?We are here in great numbers, and when the time is right, we shall render ourselves visible to those who have ?eyes to see,? those whose frequency is that of love (as we have defined it), and can therefore see others who operate in that frequency. Those who are in fear will never see us. If you are in fear and see an ET, be assured it will be of the STS flavor.

    You cannot see love unless you are in that state of love, through the principle of resonance. But you can always FEEL love, even if you still contain some fear. So while you cannot see us yet, except with your inner vision, you can always FEEL us and our presence. You can also FEEL the feelings you get when STS (dark) energies are around you, whether they are of ?human? or ?ET? origin, whether they are in your visual frequency band or currently in frequencies beyond those your physical eyes can see.

    ?Trust your feelings. We will say that again. TRUST YOUR FEELINGS. No matter what something ?looks like? on the surface, ask yourself, ?How does this FEEL to me?? There are many whose tongues drip with honey, who tell you what you want to hear, who put you to sleep with their hypnotic droning voices. But you can FEEL when you are being lulled, you can feel when you are being led astray. It is a subtle difference between that and moving out of fear on your own. You can be comforted when you are in pain, but only you can deal with your fears. You must face them down within yourself. No one can do that for you, although others can?by their example, advice, and encouragement, show you the way.

    ?You are about to become ETs yourself, so it behooves you to become masters of your own feelings, to use your feeling capacity to detect who is playing what game. Do not rely on your media to tell you what is going on. Only your feeling sense and a willingness to examine the deeper levels of the surface phenomena will help you chart your course. In the end, though, you can never know enough to be safe. You must create your own sense of safety within yourself. Put your energy into creating that internal sanctuary, where you can connect with Source. But as you thread your way through these last days before the (changes), know that there are those who would use you for their agenda, and there are those who are here to help you move through your fears into love (as we have defined it). It is up to you to choose in each and every moment, to move through your fears into love, as that is the ticket Home.?

    Mila continues: . . . Ultimately, earth must turn her skin to detoxify enough to ascend into a fifth dimensional frequency. This will cause the birth of new continents through volcanic activity along with the partial sinking of the current continents that are toxic. It will take the coming 1000 years of global ascension to see the turning through to fruition, after which point earth will be able to move into fifth dimensional tones of creation in full, and finally enter into the fifth dimension of life.

    Humans who are not ascending sit in toxic thought-form. Such thought-form is more comfortable sitting in its waste that it is in the purity of the Language of Light. As a result, non-ascending humans will go where they best resonate, perhaps moving closer to the city, until one day the city becomes unsafe as it has begun to crumble faster than it can be repaired due to the rising vibrations of the land. It is anticipated that by 2007- 2008 most cities will be uninhabitable for this reason. As earth begins her detoxification process, humans who are not detoxifying through the conscious choice to ascend may become ill. In essence, if a form detoxifies more rapidly that it is ready for due to vibrations applied through the land, or detoxifies more rapidly than one is mastering in one?s ascension, then the form will become ill.

    **If one detoxifies so much more rapidly than the ascent can handle, the body will die.**

    Many deaths will be avoided in the simple choice to ascend at this time in history. Dogmatic thought-form is radioactive in nature, and thick, black, and sticky as a vibration or as perceived clairvoyantly as energy. Such energy causes energy to cease to move in the ley lines of the grid work of the form leading to disease; as the vibrations around humans rise and rise, the stuck energy will exacerbate already weakened organs leading to disease and death. (This explains how the New World Order blocks or stymies the energy flow of the positive vortexes of the planet.) One can think of dogma as toxic thought-form. It pits humans against humans, and one can bear witness to this in the atrocities occurring in the Middle East in particular at this time in history. As humans rise above dogma, many changes will be born that augment a shift towards a unity-based civilization for the entire human species in the future, and this will bring an end of the desire to war upon one another, as all warfare is related to dogma. It will also allow for a transcendence of the internal war known as disease.

    Earth is reaching a point in her ascension that the times of cleansing are ahead; one will either ascend with earth or perish in the physical and move on to a new place of learning the same old lessons. The need to war will die also with those who fail to ascend out of such a need, though it will take a healing on a grander scale to end war in this corner of the galaxy. Disease shall cease in those who ascend out of great biological imbalance, or shall consume yet others unto the end. However, consciousness carries on, and therefore nothing is lost really, just the density and those that will not ascend out of it, and this requires transmuting if earth is to ascend as a whole . . .

    All toxicity in biochemical form is related to thought form. Next earth shall tackle the transmutation of the thought-form of the alien beings known as the Annunaki. These are the beings talked about in Zecharia Sitchin?s translation of ancient Sumerian and Babylonian scrolls, those the Old Testament talks about as ?the Sons of God who came down to mate with the daughters of Men.?

    The Annunaki anchored 18 thought-forms that hold in place dominion based experiences. Such thought-form also is related to the extremes of greed and poverty. The Annunaki thought-form was discussed in detail in prior Great Central Sun Transmissions. (See ?A New Divine Plan for Humanity and Earth is Launched? for more information.) One can think of these 18 thought-forms as the underlying vibration of all (most of the) toxicity upon earth at this time in history associated with pH imbalances in the physical. Such thought-form in a nutshell encompasses the patterns of slavery, control, manipulation, secrecy, privacy, exclusivity, dominion, usury, dogma, arrogance, fantasy, blind trust, faith, hope, perfection, external god, pride and obedience. Each of the above 18 thought-forms are layered like the layers of an onion surrounding earth and on top of the 7 planes of the Mind and their polar counterpart. We say more or less as the pockets of density that your cities sit within still hold these seven planes in tact and will probably do so up until they disintegrate, are flooded, or are destroyed by earthquakes, fire, tornado, or other natural disasters. One can see in this why natural disasters are a part of earth?s ascension ahead, unless more humans are able to ascend lifting the vibrations of such regions instead. Each of the 18 thought-forms of dogma, the Seven mind-planes and the 1thought- form of the Annunaki era can be equated to a biochemical substance related to decay and disease of the form and a part of the genetic fabric of all species upon earth. Through ascension to evolution, little by little all biochemical components related to all fear-based and dominion-based thought- form are transmuted in the physical, leading to resurrection of all remaining decay and some scar tissue of the form. What biochemical substances are related to toxins? Heavy metals, addictive substances (nicotine, marijuana, alcohol addiction, cocaine) and pesticides are related to the vibration of dogma. One transcends such patterning as one ascends. One will also transmute or remove such substances from the form in the act of ascension.

    Many are concerned about mercury used in fillings in your current dental practices. It has been found that mercury ceased to have an affect as soon as they could master vibrations that altered the Mercury to another metal that is no longer is toxic to the form. This is accomplished during ascent. Ascension is about alchemy; or in other terms the ability to transmute lead to gold. Your body is the temple through which the alchemy of ascension occurs; therefore one can transmute heavy metals by either detoxifying them through the kidneys or intestinal tract; or by altering them in biochemical compound to another substance that no longer is toxic to the form. Such is accomplished through focus and intention. (We have found with so many of our clients the need the importance of sea salt added to the drinking water occasionally as a flush for the kidneys). In mastering the addictions in the ascent, one must be willing to cease drinking or smoking or utilizing the drugs associated with addiction. This may be difficult for many humans, and yet such substances continue to kill the form when used in an addictive manner. Smoking either nicotine or pot in particular causes the combustion of the lungs. The lungs must modify themselves through ascension to ingest greater and greater amounts of oxygen through the breath to be converted to blood sugar to support the crystalline form. We have seen initiates fail to master anything due to an unwillingness to give up smoking. Such a cease-ascension is simply due to the lack of development of lungs that is required to support an ascending form that this is so. Cease to smoke and the ascension is much more likely to come forth. Preservatives, hormones, additives, prescription drugs and vitamins are related to the thought-form of the seven mind planes.

    Vitamins are also terribly toxic as they provide way too much of a single substance. We recommend the use of herbs for supplemental reasons during ascension. However one can learn to master the vibrations behind the herbs, and then provide it to oneself upon an energetic level rather than consuming the substance. This ultimately is also what ascension is all about, learning to be self-sustaining and sovereign in frequency. Additives are transmuted by vibration after the ascent is mastered or as they are removed through the waste management systems of the form. One can further avoid purchasing or consuming food with additives that are incompatible with ascension. One of such additives is the sulfur dioxide often used to retain color in dried fruit. Sulfur dioxide can be equated with the forces of the dark and karma transferred from Arcturus to earth, and who would want to eat this? (Except for some Arcturians in human form we have dealt with in our healing room)(See ?Earth Transits the Reign of the Dark? for more information on Arcturian karma deposited upon earth. . . ) .. . .Biochemical substances that imbalance the pH of the form are related most often related to the Annunaki based thought-form of slavery and dominion- based patterning. Such substances are both innate in the DNA, and a part of the dietary patterns of humanity. Humans rarely are in touch with the form enough to know what they need to eat to bring forth balance of the pH of the form. Human habits and the machinery associated with group souls such as McDonalds often overrides what the body really and truly needs.. However we see that there will be those who ascend into the future that will have a greater understanding of the biochemistry of form, and will be able to explain ascension from such a vantage point. Ultimately, the density of substances of the form can be equated to the density of thoughts that are dogmatic, self-serving, and self-centered. As the density of thoughts rise to a new vibration of the Language of Light, the density of the form is transmuted to a new biochemical system that is lighter in weight, ceases to age, and ceases to become ill. . .

    Addendum: As part of this article, the Spiritual Hierarchy has asked me to add an abbreviated text of H.R.3162 (the anti-terrorism Act) because so few people realize the whole purpose behind the New World Order?s machinations is to stop or at least control the whole ascension process. Just about everything the NOW controlled governments of the world are doing right now is restricting or getting us to surrender our liberties, and getting us used to being in a controlled environment no worse than the slavery we were created under by the Annunaki mentioned in the article above:

    One Hundred Seventh Congress of the United States of America AT THE FIRST SESSION Begun and held at the City of Washington on Wednesday, the third day of January, two thousand and one An Act To deter and punish terrorist acts in the United States and around the world, to enhance law enforcement investigatory tools, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,

    (a) SHORT TITLE- This Act may be cited as the ?Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA PATRIOT ACT) Act of 2001?.

    (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS- The table of contents for this Act is as follows: Sec. 1. Short title and table of contents. Sec. 2. Construction; severability.
    TITLE I?ENHANCING DOMESTIC SECURITY AGAINST TERRORISM Sec. 101. Counterterrorism fund. Sec. 102. Sense of Congress condemning discrimination against Arab and Muslim Americans. Sec. 103. Increased funding for the technical support center at the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Sec. 104. Requests for military assistance to enforce prohibition in certain emergencies. Sec. 105. Expansion of National Electronic Crime Task Force Initiative. Sec. 106. Presidential authority.

    TITLE II?ENHANCED SURVEILLANCE PROCEDURES Sec. 201. Authority to intercept wire, oral, and electronic communications relating to terrorism. Sec. 202. Authority to intercept wire, oral, and electronic communications relating to computer fraud and abuse offenses. Sec. 203. Authority to share criminal investigative information. Sec. 204. Clarification of intelligence exceptions from limitations on interception and disclosure of wire, oral, and electronic communications. Sec. 205. Employment of translators by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Sec. 206. Roving surveillance authority under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978. Sec. 207. Duration of FISA surveillance of non-United States persons who are agents of a foreign power. Sec. 208. Designation of judges. Sec. 209. Seizure of voice-mail messages pursuant to warrants. Sec. 210. Scope of subpoenas for records of electronic communications. Sec. 211. Clarification of scope. Sec. 212. Emergency disclosure of electronic communications to protect life and limb. Sec. 213. Authority for delaying notice of the execution of a warrant. Sec. 214. Pen register and trap and trace authority under FISA. Sec. 215. Access to records and other items under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Sec. 216. Modification of authorities relating to use of pen registers and trap and trace devices. Sec. 217. Interception of computer trespasser communications. Sec. 218. Foreign intelligence information. Sec. 219. Single-jurisdiction search warrants for terrorism. Sec. 220. Nationwide service of search warrants for electronic evidence. Sec. 221. Trade sanctions. Sec. 222. Assistance to law enforcement agencies. Sec. 223. Civil liability for certain unauthorized disclosures. Sec. 224. Sunset. Sec. 225. Immunity for compliance with FISA wiretap.

    TITLE III?INTERNATIONAL MONEY LAUNDERING ABATEMENT AND ANTI-TERRORIST FINANCING ACT OF 2001 Sec. 301. Short title. Sec. 302. Findings and purposes. Sec. 303. 4-year congressional review; expedited consideration. Subtitle A?International Counter Money Laundering and Related Measures Sec. 311. Special measures for jurisdictions, financial institutions, or international transactions of primary money laundering concern. Sec. 312. Special due diligence for correspondent accounts and private banking accounts. Sec. 313. Prohibition on United States correspondent accounts with foreign shell banks. Sec. 314. Cooperative efforts to deter money laundering. Sec. 315. Inclusion of foreign corruption offenses as money laundering crimes. Sec. 316. Anti-terrorist forfeiture protection. Sec. 317. Long-arm jurisdiction over foreign money launderers. Sec. 318. Laundering money through a foreign bank. Sec. 319. Forfeiture of funds in United States interbank accounts. Sec. 320. Proceeds of foreign crimes. Sec. 321. Financial institutions specified in subchapter II of chapter 53 of title 31, United States code. Sec. 322. Corporation represented by a fugitive. Sec. 323. Enforcement of foreign judgments. Sec. 324. Report and recommendation. Sec. 325. Concentration accounts at financial institutions. Sec. 326. Verification of identification. Sec. 327. Consideration of anti-money laundering record. Sec. 328. International cooperation on identification of originators of wire transfers. Sec. 329. Criminal penalties. Sec. 330. International cooperation in investigations of money laundering, financial crimes, and the finances of terrorist groups. Subtitle B?Bank Secrecy Act Amendments and Related Improvements Sec. 351. Amendments relating to reporting of suspicious activities. Sec. 352. Anti-money laundering programs. Sec. 353. Penalties for violations of geographic targeting orders and certain record-keeping requirements, and lengthening effective period of geographic targeting orders. Sec. 354. Anti-money laundering strategy. Sec. 355. Authorization to include suspicions of illegal activity in written employment references. Sec. 356. Reporting of suspicious activities by securities brokers and dealers; investment company study. Sec. 357. Special report on administration of bank secrecy provisions. Sec. 358. Bank secrecy provisions and activities of United States intelligence agencies to fight international terrorism. Sec. 359. Reporting of suspicious activities by underground banking systems. Sec. 360. Use of authority of United States Executive Directors. Sec. 361. Financial crimes enforcement network. Sec. 362. Establishment of highly secure network. Sec. 363. Increase in civil and criminal penalties for money laundering. Sec. 364. Uniform protection authority for Federal Reserve facilities. Sec. 365. Reports relating to coins and currency received in nonfinancial trade or business. Sec. 366. Efficient use of currency transaction report system. Subtitle C?Currency Crimes and Protection Sec. 371. Bulk cash smuggling into or out of the United States. Sec. 372. Forfeiture in currency reporting cases. Sec. 373. Illegal money transmitting businesses. Sec. 374. Counterfeiting domestic currency and obligations. Sec. 375. Counterfeiting foreign currency and obligations. Sec. 376. Laundering the proceeds of terrorism. Sec. 377. Extraterritorial jurisdiction.

    TITLE IV?PROTECTING THE BORDER Subtitle A?Protecting the Northern Border Sec. 401. Ensuring adequate personnel on the northern border. Sec. 402. Northern border personnel. Sec. 403. Access by the Department of State and the INS to certain identifying information in the criminal history records of visa applicants and applicants for admission to the United States. Sec. 404. Limited authority to pay overtime. Sec. 405. Report on the integrated automated fingerprint identification system for ports of entry and overseas consular posts. Subtitle B?Enhanced Immigration Provisions Sec. 411. Definitions relating to terrorism. Sec. 412. Mandatory detention of suspected terrorists; habeas corpus; judicial review. Sec. 413. Multilateral cooperation against terrorists. Sec. 414. Visa integrity and security. Sec. 415. Participation of Office of Homeland Security on Entry-Exit Task Force. Sec. 416. Foreign student monitoring program. Sec. 417. Machine readable passports. Sec. 418. Prevention of consulate shopping. Subtitle C?Preservation of Immigration Benefits for Victims of Terrorism Sec. 421. Special immigrant status. Sec. 422. Extension of filing or reentry deadlines. Sec. 423. Humanitarian relief for certain surviving spouses and children. Sec. 424. ?Age-out? protection for children. Sec. 425. Temporary administrative relief. Sec. 426. Evidence of death, disability, or loss of employment. Sec. 427. No benefits to terrorists or family members of terrorists. Sec. 428. Definitions.

    TITLE V?REMOVING OBSTACLES TO INVESTIGATING TERRORISM Sec. 501. Attorney General?s authority to pay rewards to combat terrorism. Sec. 502. Secretary of State?s authority to pay rewards. Sec. 503. DNA identification of terrorists and other violent offenders. Sec. 504. Coordination with law enforcement. Sec. 505. Miscellaneous national security authorities. Sec. 506. Extension of Secret Service jurisdiction. Sec. 507. Disclosure of educational records. Sec. 508. Disclosure of information from NCES surveys.

    TITLE VI?PROVIDING FOR VICTIMS OF TERRORISM, PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICERS, AND THEIR FAMILIES Subtitle A?Aid to Families of Public Safety Officers Sec. 611. Expedited payment for public safety officers involved in the prevention, investigation, rescue, or recovery efforts related to a terrorist attack. Sec. 612. Technical correction with respect to expedited payments for heroic public safety officers. Sec. 613. Public safety officers benefit program payment increase. Sec. 614. Office of Justice programs. Subtitle B?Amendments to the Victims of Crime Act of 1984 Sec. 621. Crime victims fund. Sec. 622. Crime victim compensation. Sec. 623. Crime victim assistance. Sec. 624. Victims of terrorism.

    TITLE VII?INCREASED INFORMATION SHARING FOR CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE PROTECTION Sec. 701. Expansion of regional information sharing system to facilitate Federal-State-local law enforcement response related to terrorist attacks.

    TITLE VIII?STRENGTHENING THE CRIMINAL LAWS AGAINST TERRORISM Sec. 801. Terrorist attacks and other acts of violence against mass transportation systems. Sec. 802. Definition of domestic terrorism. Sec. 803. Prohibition against harboring terrorists. Sec. 804. Jurisdiction over crimes committed at U.S. facilities abroad. Sec. 805. Material support for terrorism. Sec. 806. Assets of terrorist organizations. Sec. 807. Technical clarification relating to provision of material support to terrorism. Sec. 808. Definition of Federal crime of terrorism. Sec. 809. No statute of limitation for certain terrorism offenses. Sec. 810. Alternate maximum penalties for terrorism offenses. Sec. 811. Penalties for terrorist conspiracies. Sec. 812. Post-release supervision of terrorists. Sec. 813. Inclusion of acts of terrorism as racketeering activity. Sec. 814. Deterrence and prevention of cyberterrorism. Sec. 815. Additional defense to civil actions relating to preserving records in response to Government requests. Sec. 816. Development and support of cybersecurity forensic capabilities. Sec. 817. Expansion of the biological weapons statute.

    TITLE IX?IMPROVED INTELLIGENCE Sec. 901. Responsibilities of Director of Central Intelligence regarding foreign intelligence collected under Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978. Sec. 902. Inclusion of international terrorist activities within scope of foreign intelligence under National Security Act of 1947. Sec. 903. Sense of Congress on the establishment and maintenance of intelligence relationships to acquire information on terrorists and terrorist organizations. Sec. 904. Temporary authority to defer submittal to Congress of reports on intelligence and intelligence-related matters. Sec. 905. Disclosure to Director of Central Intelligence of foreign intelligence- related information with respect to criminal investigations. Sec. 906. Foreign terrorist asset tracking center. Sec. 907. National Virtual Translation Center. Sec. 908. Training of government officials regarding identification and use of foreign intelligence.

    In service, Peter
    ©2006-2007 4TruthSeekers.org - All rights reserved. ITWEBMEDIA

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Sound Encoding
    Like the new release of, or new model of, some outstanding invention, what is now coming back into this corner of the Universe so devoid of the true Light and its companion the Divine Melody, is sound-encoding of the DNA-stream of supreme energy grid consciousness.
    The twin pillars of Creation are Light and its companion, Sound. Spiritual paths which speak of only one without the other are out of balance and not undertsanding of the composite nature of Creation–the Male and female, and the catalyst that ignites and fuses the two into one. This is the Holy Trinity.
    In transcribing the original Creation story of this Super Universe–Nebadon, I thought I had the basic understanding, until recently. The more the Spiritual Hierarchy have had me working with the ‘healing’ and ascension’ of the female energies of this area of Creation, the more I have had to delve deeper into the role played by the female in creating the Darkness that existed long before planet Earth was created.
    This led me to a better understanding of the Biblical ‘tales’ of Adam and Eve, and Eve’s role in metaphorically taking the first step AWAY from the true Light of the FATHER.
    “Sofia is patterned with the DNA of a Dark Mother Incarnation on planet Earth. She is the one capable of bringing through the army or darkness’s energy and opening the gates for the energy of Dark Mother to incarnate on Planet Earth, pushing/splitting Gaia away from its present Heart.”
    Since I begun this mission more than a dozen years ago now, the presence of Creator energies in certain Beings walking the planet and interacting both with each other and tha world at large, has been an understanding it has been difficult to accept.–not just for me, but for those very Beings whose physical form carries the imprint of these energies.
    To say that one Being such as the one referred to above as Sophia could bring about the complete domination by Darkness of a planet, galaxy, or Universe by what she decides to do here in the physical ups the stakes for our own understanding of how Creation works and even our role in being here in this lifetime to help prevent such events from happening.
    As reflected in the motto of Thoth (Hermes Trimistegus), “As above, so below”, the spiritual war taking place in Creation right now is manifested, reflected, and even brought to resolution by the events presently taking place on planet Earth.
    Spirit(God) works THROUGH people, is a major understanding of doing the spiritual work here on Earth. Especially is this true in the type of healing and grid work I do. No healer can take credit for being more than a good channel for the energies working through him or her. With the grid work, it is very much the same. Our higher selves do much of the work in tandem with the Guidance directing the overall war.
    “The energy that she brings along with herself is that of a corruptor of the highest level, for she is about to bring on the energy that would convert a whole planet. Her intent, as that of her dark mentors, is to destroy the connection that lightworkers have to the Light, and bring about a shroud of darkness that will engage them in the terrible attempt to clear Earth of any Energies trying to heal the darkness already installed here trying to disrupt the ascencion.”
    As with the series of Matrix movies, the war taking place outside the Matrix is reflected in what is taking place inside the Matrix. The key to winning the war outside the Matrix relies heavily on doing the work of capturing the right people and energies existing within.
    “The planet has reserved a special darkness that is kept away within a core of diamond encrusted caverns in South America and is kept away even from the dark eyes of the New World Order. These diamonds include much of the darkness that was already cleansed, and they need time to be removed from the planet as a whole type of new energy, and then sent into the Sun for transmutation.”
    Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only changed from one form to another. So often in doing the healing work I do with these special energies, it is I who must take on the darker or corrupted energies within the person to be healed so that my ‘clearer’ etheric body can process them at a faster rate. Yes, many energies can be ‘thrown’ into the Light for transmuting, but many energies created here on planet Earth MUST be transmuted here on planet Earth –especially if that person is to ascend into a higher level of Soul resolution.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Sound Encoding
    Like the new release of, or new model of, some outstanding invention, what is now coming back into this corner of the Universe so devoid of the true Light and its companion the Divine Melody, is sound-encoding of the DNA-stream of supreme energy grid consciousness.
    The twin pillars of Creation are Light and its companion, Sound. Spiritual paths which speak of only one without the other are out of balance and not undertsanding of the composite nature of Creation–the Male and female, and the catalyst that ignites and fuses the two into one. This is the Holy Trinity.
    In transcribing the original Creation story of this Super Universe–Nebadon, I thought I had the basic understanding, until recently. The more the Spiritual Hierarchy have had me working with the ‘healing’ and ascension’ of the female energies of this area of Creation, the more I have had to delve deeper into the role played by the female in creating the Darkness that existed long before planet Earth was created.
    This led me to a better understanding of the Biblical ‘tales’ of Adam and Eve, and Eve’s role in metaphorically taking the first step AWAY from the true Light of the FATHER.
    “Sofia is patterned with the DNA of a Dark Mother Incarnation on planet Earth. She is the one capable of bringing through the army or darkness’s energy and opening the gates for the energy of Dark Mother to incarnate on Planet Earth, pushing/splitting Gaia away from its present Heart.”
    Since I begun this mission more than a dozen years ago now, the presence of Creator energies in certain Beings walking the planet and interacting both with each other and tha world at large, has been an understanding it has been difficult to accept.–not just for me, but for those very Beings whose physical form carries the imprint of these energies.
    To say that one Being such as the one referred to above as Sophia could bring about the complete domination by Darkness of a planet, galaxy, or Universe by what she decides to do here in the physical ups the stakes for our own understanding of how Creation works and even our role in being here in this lifetime to help prevent such events from happening.
    As reflected in the motto of Thoth (Hermes Trimistegus), “As above, so below”, the spiritual war taking place in Creation right now is manifested, reflected, and even brought to resolution by the events presently taking place on planet Earth.
    Spirit(God) works THROUGH people, is a major understanding of doing the spiritual work here on Earth. Especially is this true in the type of healing and grid work I do. No healer can take credit for being more than a good channel for the energies working through him or her. With the grid work, it is very much the same. Our higher selves do much of the work in tandem with the Guidance directing the overall war.
    “The energy that she brings along with herself is that of a corruptor of the highest level, for she is about to bring on the energy that would convert a whole planet. Her intent, as that of her dark mentors, is to destroy the connection that lightworkers have to the Light, and bring about a shroud of darkness that will engage them in the terrible attempt to clear Earth of any Energies trying to heal the darkness already installed here trying to disrupt the ascencion.”
    As with the series of Matrix movies, the war taking place outside the Matrix is reflected in what is taking place inside the Matrix. The key to winning the war outside the Matrix relies heavily on doing the work of capturing the right people and energies existing within.
    “The planet has reserved a special darkness that is kept away within a core of diamond encrusted caverns in South America and is kept away even from the dark eyes of the New World Order. These diamonds include much of the darkness that was already cleansed, and they need time to be removed from the planet as a whole type of new energy, and then sent into the Sun for transmutation.”
    Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only changed from one form to another. So often in doing the healing work I do with these special energies, it is I who must take on the darker or corrupted energies within the person to be healed so that my ‘clearer’ etheric body can process them at a faster rate. Yes, many energies can be ‘thrown’ into the Light for transmuting, but many energies created here on planet Earth MUST be transmuted here on planet Earth –especially if that person is to ascend into a higher level of Soul resolution.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Sound Encoding – The Completion of Creation Part 2
    “The energy she carries along with her will be activated when you least expect it. It is necessary to disable the DNA patterns responsible for allowing her to channel this type of energy altogether. The energy that she has brought about so far was repressed by her self, in an attempt to keep the darkness contained within her being.”
    The more I work with all of those, all of US, who have had our flirtations with the Darkside, the more I see the tendency toward a schizophrenic duality going on within higher level Beings fighting back their past failures in succumbing to the darkside, and their drive and the opportunity Edgar Cayce says we all now have to come back ‘at the rising of Atlantis’ to make different choices from those we have made in the past. the patterning of the past is within each and every one of us and is too difficult for most of us to overcome without a great deal of spiritual healing aid. Reprogramming the DNA is a function of this new Light and Sound Encoding process.
    ‘Like others (André) the darkness will spring forth as she develops and becomes more aware of who she is, in the process of her spiritual healing. It is important that the connection she has to darkness is permanently disabled and permanently turned to Light, so that the Light she attracts and channels will be able to repel (keep away) the darkness that will be sent to reactivate the dark DNA sequences.
    “Her intent about this reprogramming is of ultimate importance as it will decide what she will permanently become – a Light Warrior or a princess of darkness, soon to become a queen and embodiment to dark mother as the process of planetary posession takes place – in the supposed scenario that it can be if not stopped.”
    In my explanations of the experiment that planet Earth is, it is explained that the third group of ‘aliens’ interacting with the planet were the ‘good’ guys of the bunch, or well-meaning at least. They decided, as a committee, to use the planet for an experiment in breeding a new kind of Being in the Universe using some of the old Beings as starter material. Like a selective breeding program, 12 or more races were chosen as the basic breeding stock with which to enhance the basic slave Being existing on the planet at that time.
    The eventual goal of the breeding enhancement program was to create a new kind of Being, one that was more multi-dimensional in its potentiality, have a wider range of experiences available to it, and one that could potentially speed up the evolutionary process of spiritual awareness in the entirety of Creation. This, of course, would be done through DNA modification and the process of genetic enhancement.
    Good plan, bad execution. As one might say, even the best laid plans.
    The major flaw with this plan was that the races that were chosen to be the breeding or genetic stock for this new race of Beings, didn’t get along out there in the Universe, and bringing them all together here on planet earth -with a few too many cooks already stirring the broth as well as the occasional loose canon group of aliens thrown in to boot . . nothing seemed to go right.
    The DNA, the Holy Grail of planet Earth, the Da Vinci Code of our alien heredity, the ultimate Tree of Life reaching back from planet Earth into the heavens, was screwed up from day one on this planet. And before that, without both the Light AND Sound encoding from the correct highest process of Creation involving BOTH the male and female energies in creation, Mankind’s ability to fight their own ‘bad genes’ has been almost impossible from the very beginning.
    The grooves in our record are too well worn, too deep, and too well manipulated by everything around us for most of us to even put up a good fight against what the darkside knows how to do so well — keep us as slave prisoners for their own ulterior motives.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Sound Encoding – The Completion of Creation Part 3
    The New World Order’s stranglehold on Man is based in the control of this DNA. The Caduceus or Thoth’s Staff shows the snakes holding sway over Mankind’s DNA respresented by the staff trying to take wing back heavenwards.
    Here are the words of the Darkside leadership sending Sophia on her way to her dark, dark mission here in this lifetime: :
    “Go now my dear, for you are the serpent that will encoil Planet Earth, and corrupt its essence, turning Gaia away from her children and making it the Dark Whore House that we deem it to become.
    “Once you accomplish this task my dear child, you will be taken back to the core of the planet where Gaia once resided, and you will then be turned into the very Dark Mother that runs the Planetary portal into the Heart of Creation and the Father’s Essence will be yours to command…
    “But fail and i will make sure that you are encrusted beneath the roots of the dead trees on Planet Earth itself as it is destroyed by my dark legion of marauders – the space pirates.”
    Many Beings I have worked with over the past few years of doing this type of spiritual healing work have memories of such threats against their Soul’s very existence should they once again take up the Sword of Righteousness, or stray from their dark programming. Many of the implants and crystal imprints by which we are controlled ‘energetically’ have such programming which triggers and creates fatal diseases within the lifeform should their existence be threatened or attempts made to to go beyond their limiting abilities.
    And just as pretty much every one of us is implanted or programmed to accept these darker purposes, so too is the entire crystalline network of the consciousness grid surrounding the planet.
    “Go now, your time is running out already. You are to channel Dark Mother’s energy from our Sortha energy form and turn it into the grid crystals that will enable population sensitivity to this type of energy. As the humans become sensitive to this depravated energy pattern, they will automatically lower Gaia’s defences against outside darkness.’
    Since I was very young I have looked at life around me and commented to myself, “It’s not supposed to be like this.” How can anyone judge another when the cards are so heavily stacked against Humankind. How can anyone overcome such an advanced technology of control?
    “And then we will become able to send in more energy to your physical form, opening an enormous portal that will allow the conversion of Gaia into an empty rock, the ultimate possession by the Dark Mother, which will then be guided by your conscious energy form!!”
    Faced with the eons of dark control and reprogramming of this Being’s initial grander mission here in this Super Universe, it took all of the powers of heaven and earth to finally get Sophia erased of this old programming and newly encoded by the Light and Sound of the FATHER–her Higher Self being returned to the Central Universe for cleansing and healing from all it had gone through.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Sound Encoding – The Completion of Creation Part 4
    It was important that not only Sofia’s DNA be released from its Dark patterning and that the Crystals on the Grid that were connected to her dark energy form also be turned to the Light, but that the DNA of every living individual aspect of Soul in this corner of the Universe also be returned to the correct way of encoding Soul–that is with both Light AND Sound encoding, that of the male AND female aspects of Creation.
    The dark crystals implanted along the grid system of the planet are meant to transmit the energy Sophia would supposedly channel to mortals, and these mortals would, through there own weaknesses and self-willed actions, magnify, thereby weakening Gaia’s defenses.
    The crystals on the grid are still very much linked to her Higher energy form. However, now that she, through her own courage and the help of many here on Earth and in the higher worlds, has been healed, the Crystals can also be turned to relay her healing energies to the whole Planet, or at least the areas that are most influenced by her Soul’s higher will.
    Being a representative of the grandest female energies of Creation, this act of healing both Sophia and her Higher Self will then be able to bring about or heal most of Earth’s negative programming regarding the female energy blockages. This will also strengthen Gaia’s defenses against darkness and the corruption of female energy since people will be receiving healing energy– female healed energy–which will allow for the weak points or imbalances inherent in the creation of this corner of the Universe to be fixed. This will begin to take place as people are newly Sound AND Light encoded, and as the sound encoding which has been missing from this corner of Creation is reprogrammed into the planetary consciousness grid to be filtered out to every living thing.
    (The previous sections have been written with the aid of The Spiritual Hierarchy’s Council of Light, with contributions from AREHMMZELL as well).
    Intent–Perfect Intent– is everything in this type of healing.
    “There is no need for people to be afraid, of Light, for their Soul is made of Light. What blocks the will to become again one with the FATHER is that their intent has been literally hijacked by darkness in the way that it was isolated from the vehicle of their manifestation – the lightbody, and on Earth, the physical body more than anything else.
    “Trapped witout the will to escape, so it is that the person is completelly dependent on external aid for becoming released from the darkness that engulfs its Heart and Soul, for they are one and the same – the portal that is fully linked to Creation’s Origin, The FATHER
    “The problem with the encoding of sound is that, since Lucifer made, or modified the light bodies of his staff, he was unable to guide the process in Perfection as the Creator Parents did once.
    “Imbalance makes for a lesser portal, and so Light does not make it through in perfection, if at all, it only makes it through the deformed prana tube, to come out as lesser, dark light.
    “There is a need to pull from both sides when creating a Being – a pull from a Mother, and a pull from a Father, so that the Being is created through a balanced process. If there is no balance, then the Being is created lacking a sufficiency of Light and of Love, and will be prone to abuse from others that are dark, or if there is no dark, then the Being is prone to creating patterns of lesser light, which is darkness.
    “There is no need for making scary faces to show the ones on the side of the Light, because the ones on the side of the Light that came here to work and do not, are already far more than scared by themselves. They fear the contact with their Hearts because of how they have grown used to the lesser lightbodies that they live through. The lesser enlightened bodies make it seem like the Light burns and sears through one’s consciousness, when the only thing that is seared through is the deformity of the ego, and its progrmmed errant self will.
    “Their light bodies are no longer able to house patterns of the Highest Light because they were either modified or damaged or created in a lesser/dark way by Lucifer and the errant Soul known as Kali. There is also the shattering of the lightbodies, usually each with different programming, that are awakened and used by the darkside, and are easier to control and subdue than a perfect whole Being of Full Light.
    “Some Hearts/Souls of perfect beings were implanted further with imprisonment mechanisms. The hearts were then limited and unable to hold together the lightbodies – thus making it impossible for the Being to function as it should.
    “That is the corruption of the Heart – the surrounding of it by darkness and the limiting of its ability to communicate and hold the body together, so then the body is no longer guided by Light, because there is a separation from its Source… which is the Heart of the Being.
    “There is no more need for running, for all that can be healed is laid before you, and made clear, with help for you to reach through for it. You will reach through it, if you have the will to do so, and nothing can stop your Will from being the Highest, but yourselves focusing on lesser objectives.”

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