
Discussion in 'HEALTH AND WELLNESS' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 7, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Shamballa 1024 manual (2).pdf

    Shamballa 1024 "Shamballa 1024"
    By June Stephansen

    The Golden Gates of Conscious Expansion Welcome all who are here at this time of Great Change. The 11:11 2004 was the hardest hurdle of Gates to make it through but I see that many of you made it. There was much turmoil in your Beingness preceding the Gate closing. Many of you unloaded baggage at the door. A very hard thing to do is to let go of the old energies and leave it behind. You cannot move forward carrying the last negative lower vibrational energies around when moving into Euphoric Energies. The two just don't mix. You now have moved into an emotional consciousness transition of the 5 D where all things are to change or Manifest into Creation. You are Human Creators who can manifest and make a new 5 D world rise like a Butterfly who came out of the cocoon from which it lay dormant. I ask that you all be creators of your world for which you live. Dream the Dream, Live the Dream. It is only by your conscious effort that things will manifest themselves- your belief in yourselves and your future on this Star Planet you call Earth. Your caring ness of your brothers and sisters of humankind, come together in the I Am as like minded people and set examples for others to follow. You the Lightworkers and Starseeds are the ones to show others of the human population the way to becoming "One with All that Is". One with the Creator, one with the Universe, you the Starseeds and Lightworkers are to set the example for others to follow. For many of you, your Missions are about ready to begin. For many of you have been doing your Missions already. For some of you have been moaning and groaning about what it is that you will be doing- don't worry so much about it .for your time is coming very soon to start the work you were sent here to do. There will be many Gate crossings in the near future. It is important that each and every one of you cross. No matter how difficult situations seem at that moment, uplift "You" into making it through the Gate, for all future Gate crossings are crucial at this time. For time is growing shorter and you are growing more and more aware of who you are and for where you came, don't let small things get you down. Seek out help when you need it and get the help you require in releasing the old energies. You cannot get through the Gates with pent up negative low vibrational energies or Karma left over from this life and past lives. There are many groups out there to assist in the Ascension process. It is up to you to do the work. It is required you do the work. The Golden Triangles The Golden Triangles that appear in pictures and in you head and sometimes placed in your hand by your Guide are the Gates of consciousness. These are the Doorways so many have written about in their writings. The Gates open and close at least 6 times a year. The Gates appear as 8:8 the Lions Gate, 11:11 the Consciousness Gate. When you move forward again and another Veil is lifted. 11:11 is a major Gate and so are all the Gates for they all have a special meaning to many of you at any given time of your growth. The 11:11 Gate is also important that many of you will get a new Guide, for a Shift in your Consciousness has manifested itself and a new Guide or Guides may come forward to work with you for a few months, or many months, in some cases for many years. New Guides come and go when there is a 2 Gate opening and closing. Some of you may notice that the 8:8 Lions Gate is the usual Gate for your new Guide to appear. Think back about this .have you noticed particularly you get a new Guide it is at this particular Gate or is it the 11:11? It has to do with the numbers that appear all the time in front of you. Those numbers that appear very often, so many times. And these numbers have many meanings too! Like be ready for change .new Guide .makes sense! The Golden Triangles - Add up to the Merkaba When all these Gate Triangles manifest themselves in your Consciousness they become the final destination called the Merkaba. This is what YOU all are working up too! Many times you will see these in line drawings or Art created by the Artists who can see into other dimensions. These drawings may have a sub-conscious impact on you later down the line. But you may fine yourselves drawn to the Art which in many cases is Geometry in motion. You can actually see the Art or Geometry change its shape to what it is that you require for it to work in your consciousness. And it is at this time the Art takes shape in your mind. It becomes the tool for progression in your human DNA changes and uplifting you into a higher consciousness that you seek. When you are ready you move forward again. This is done in increments so that the human body is allowed for the adjustments required and the right amount of time for the changes to take place. All in good Time! Symbols Placed in your hands There are many meanings for Symbol(s) manifestations: 1) A symbols placed in the hand can signify that the new Guide is connecting to youa sort of initiation of energies bonding. 2) Receiving a symbol placed in your hand from a Galactic Loved one or family member. Many of you have Galactic families that you connect with on occasionsometimes you are given your Galactic name in a symbol(s) laid in your hands. Seek out and find the meaning. 3) New healing symbols may be placed in your hand as a gift from the Guide for which you do healing through. This may happen several times to you over a course of a few months or years. 4) You may receive a Healing symbol that is meant for you personally to heal or connect with a healing energy. 5) Sometimes many of you have symbols placed in your heads by your Guide(s) and you need to be activated. You will be activated at the right time. 3 New Guides Many of you will have Guides come and go. some of you will have a Guide assigned to you form many years and even a lifetime. The important thing to remember is to be open to the new Guide coming in. The new Guide is there for a short period of time to help you in your growth and Consciousness Expansion. Allow them to work with you and help you move forward. Many of you will feel abandonment but this is because a Guide has left and a new one is coming in. This usually happens around the Gate openings and closings. It does take time for the Guide to release you and for the new guide to connect. The Guides do this through energies and it is called Resonating Energies or Resonating Vibrations. The releasing and the connecting is a process that is gradual for many and as you go up in your Vibration it becomes a quick process of connecting and releasing. You should focus on connecting with these new energies as quickly as possible. Join groups that resonate with you! Join groups that resonate with who you are and what you are all about. If the Vibration level of the Group feels right to you- get involved. The energies of a group are too much for you to integrate; I suggest you move on to another group that feels more like your kind of energies. Many times Groups have different energy levels. It is hard to cope with the different levels when you are trying to focus on moving up in your vibration. If the current group you are in is a lower vibration, it may not feel good for you to stay. You may have to move on. It is a conscious decision but in the long run it will be the best decision for you and your growth. When you see friction in groups, this is the best identifiable way of seeing different vibrational energy levels repel each other. It does not mean everyone is in disarray, it just means that the energies are very different and something has to give. You either move on or just let it go and ignore it. Discernment of these kinds of energies that are overlapping is a hard thing to do. The approach is usually done in the mind. Don't let yourself be sucked into 3 D energies when you are in the 5 D state of consciousness. Discern what is really going on and move past it. Letting discourse of energies consume you emotionally is allowing you emotionally be 3 D. Train yourself to deal with the different energies in their levels so you can discern their elements for what they really are- none being bad, just on different levels of vibration. Everyone needs time to grow in the higher vibrational frequencies. Most humans are not on the same level. Only when you meet someone on your level will you truly be aware of the differences. The closer you are to the top the lesser the humans there will be on the Higher Vibrational Octave. Be aware! 4 The Symbols of the New Energies of Light 5 The symbols of Energies of the Light These Symbols are to activate the client’s Healing DNA by putting the symbols on your forehead from your mind (Healer). Touch the forehead or 3rd eye of the human or animal with your fingertips of right hand gently. Then telepathically transfer these symbols to their 3rd eye of the client. If you are doing a mini attunement by phone…touch the symbol and then touch your third eye during the mini-attunement at the very beginning. Then begin the mini-attunement of the “Healing Symbols” with the human or animal client. The Symbols shown are to “Lock In” the “Healing Symbols” into the client’s body. These symbols will activate the DNA to accept the Shamballa symbols to balance the body out during the mini-attunement. The Symbols will override the existing carbon base DNA present in the client’s body. These Symbols will allow the “Healing Symbols” to go to the core of the client’s “Beingness”. The Symbols will also allow the DNA to start the DNA recoding process if it has not started already. Over time you will have memorized these symbols and they will always be released into the client’s prior to the beginning of the mini-attunements wither in person or over the phone. Now for the Good Stuff: These symbols will stop any other Healing Modality from disrupting any of the miniattunement of the “Healing Symbols” of the Shamballa 1024. The good thing is no one will be able to tamper with your work. Western medicine in the form of drugs, vaccines or flu shots or anything like that cannot manipulate any of the work you have put into place. It is safe from corruption. It is safe from any other form of Healing Modality that is administered as a secondary healing application. Holistic Medicine, Homeopathy, Vogel Crystal Healing, Crystal Healing in other forms, Laying of the Hands, Acupuncture, and etc for this list can go on forever. Ascended Master St Germaine came to me one night in my sleep and put these into my head. I then transferred them to paper per Joelle’s request and sent them out to the Shamballa 1024 healers. Many clients will see these symbols when they are given telepathically during a mini-attunement. 6

    Attached Files:


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    All attunements will be sent to you in an orb of light.
    Please ensure that all personal grounding and protection methods are in place before calling in your attunement!!
    Also ensure that the room you will be receiving your attunement is free of any negative energies
    (to the best of your knowledge) and is also well protected…
    “I now call down my ……….. attunement as sent to me by susan lynne schwenger aka culculcan****
    and I affirm that I am energetically connected to her.

    I ask the orb of light containing this attunement to enter this space now.

    I ask the Source, The Archangels, The Angelic Hosts, The Ascended Masters,
    All Beings of Light, my Higher Self, my Guardian Angel and my Guides to help me receive
    this attunement to the highest level I am able to receive, for my highest good,
    with love

    . Once the attunement is completed I ask that all links between myself and Susan Lynne schwenger aka culculcan****
    be severed and cleared away as I bathe myself in the golden light of the lord/Source/Creator for cleansing.

    In the name of love and light, love and light, love and light, thank you…….”

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Shamballa 1024
    Golden earth dragon foo dog
    Artist; susan lynne schwenger

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    this goes way back

    THe Sacred Sound Toning: Susan workingwonders@aol.com

    Greetings Peter, & Group...

    There are a lot of things in life
    that many deem to be necessities,
    after getting Peter's sacred sound toning,
    on Friday -- I'd stop eating & drink only water,
    for as many days as it would take to save up the $100 or so to have this done.

    Life is a very interesting voyage,
    back in the middle of November,
    my world, as, i knew it, feel apart,
    i lost my main income stream,
    i am single, without a spouse,
    and, i was self-employed without a contract,
    so, i didn't qualify for any kind of assistance.
    Also, my tenant, became unable to pay for his rent,
    due to an accident

    Instead of entering into the zone of fear,
    i was told to look at it, as, a door closing, and, many windows opening,
    and, this was necessary, if i was ever truly to discover why i am here.

    This has become a great opportunity for myself,
    to just see what i am truly made of,
    and, how, if i trust in the love of The Father,
    and, start to listen to my higher guidance,
    that my life would become altered for the betterment,
    of not only me, but, for humanity also.

    i was also told, to look around at people, i believed where doing good work,
    and, to give to them, in spite, of my own current lack.

    That i would truly learn about the value of "real giving"...
    and, "supporting others",who, i believed, walked their talk,
    and, i would also learn about what "good exchange" was...

    all i can say
    is the $100.00 for the sacred sound toning,
    with Peter Farley, was, and, is the singular best investment
    i have ever made, in this lifetime,
    this "sacred sound toning" has altered me, and, changed me,
    in absolutely fantastic ways.

    i feel a different sense of gratitude, i feel a different sense of love,
    i feel a different sense of my selves, and, with that being said,
    i am in my high heart, i feel joy there,
    i feel the sense of importance of exchanging, and, of sharing with others,
    and, a connectedness to embracing my own mission,
    and, walk around this earth, in ways, i would never truly have believed could be possible...
    i know in my heart, that Peter,
    was put on my path for a "grand purpose"
    and, i also know, there are many of you here, who will read this message,
    who, are perhaps, pondering, or thinking, about doing this,
    get past your thoughts-- and, just CHOOSE to DO it !!!

    i also feel for the first time in this lifetime,
    that my feet are truly planted to this earth,
    and, i have become grounded...
    you have NO idea how very good this feels
    to have my feet anchored to the mother earth.

    A mere "thank you" to Peter,
    doesn't truly say, what his work is, or what it does,
    it seems that every hour that passes,
    i come into an even higher sense of being,
    my handwriting, has totally changed,
    the colors, of all the things around me, has gotten more vibrant
    my eyes, are shining,
    and, my etheric body, is just oozing this energy out to the world,
    what a wonderful feeling...

    Thank You Peter, for being who you are,
    and, for doing what you are doing,
    you truly are a wonderful example,
    of what being a "True Gift" to "Humanity" is all about ...
    your example, is one, that has given me inspiration,
    and, i truly thank you for that, with all my heart

    Light, Love, and, Blessings to you
    & The Spiritual Hierachy

    ©2006-2007 4TruthSeekers.org - All rights reserved. ITWEBMEDIA

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    SURRENDER -THE KEY TO ASCENSION (FOR SUSAN) = susan lynne schwenger workingwonders @ aol.com
    Surrender -The Key to Ascension (for Susan)
    by Peter Farley

    Earth is now caught in an energetic whirlpool in which the perceptions of time and space are changing.

    According to Wayne Moody, these changing perceptions are altering relationships between humans,
    as well as between themselves and their environment.

    He predicts that as these perceptions of relationship change, the need for damaging physical change
    will be alleviated, and although great physical change will still occur,
    it will be as a result of changing human perceptions of relationships.

    In this manner, he says, humans will experience a greater understanding of their role as creators.

    The increasing difficulty with exploring these human relationships is laid out
    in a another recent article in the Deseret News entitled ?

    Virtual Reality?

    Coming Sooner Than You Think.

    Here, Raymond Kurzweil, one of the most respected innovators of the past century,
    predicts that the boom in ?
    technology will quickly see the creation of what he terms ?virtual personalities?.

    Kurzweil, author of ?Age of the Spiritual Machine,?
    is a man who touts technological growth and potential,
    while at the same time warning of the dangers it may bring.

    By 2010, he says, we will have ?full immersion visual and auditory virtual reality,?
    though tactile virtual reality may still be limited in some forms.

    By 2020, these limitations will be overcome, however, though we will still be able to tell what?s real
    from what?s not.

    By 2030, as full tactile immersion is achieved, a Matrix-like world would be possible
    in which there will be ?no clear distinction between virtual reality and reality.?

    Every day, new stories of ?technological advancements?
    come leaping across my computer screen in large bold fonts,
    telling me how life will be in the future?should there be any life to speak of, that is.

    Working on talks for my summer tour, I am led more and more into reminding people
    of the limitations this technology is increasingly putting upon them ?
    not freeing them as the advertisements would have them believe.
    Almost every big-budget movie of the summer address themselves more and more
    to an end of the world scenario than it they do to any possible scenario of a bright and peace-filled future.

    More and more the technological nightmare of The Matrix looms increasingly upon our horizon.

    Surveillance cameras, brain scans, computerized ID cards, implants?
    all promise more a prison-like world that people such as David Icke speak of,
    rather than a spiritual re-awakening of the planet and an Eden built here upon the Earth.

    Chemtrails and nature?s fury unleashed complete a pretty impossible picture of any kind of enjoyable life
    left upon the planet.

    So what are we all to do, especially as individuals, to deal with this growing apocalyptic nightmare?

    There is only one answer I have found, and that is surrender.

    Of course this word has many connotations in people?s mind, but the surrender I speak of,
    and that the spiritual hierarchy ask of us individually, is not the surrender to a slave state.

    It is more the surrender to the greater spiritual truth that is all around us,
    only hidden from us by the media, the mainstream press, and those who seek to keep us enslaved.

    The Earth changes are a reality that is beginning to take place even as we sit here writing or reading this.

    The sun?s poles are shifting into alignment with the Galactic Center
    and all the planets in the solar system are being affected.

    The chemtrails clouding our skies show the fear those in the New World Order
    have that we might just escape to a higher dimensional world and leave them holding the bag,
    or worse still for them, finding themselves having to transmute themselves
    into a higher reality where they are just ?one of the crowd.?.

    The shutting down of our personal freedoms and the restrictions increasingly placed upon us
    by our governments and our oppressors, should say to each and every one of us that the time for Freedom
    is at hand.

    All we need to do is reach out and grab it as it passes by; then, hang on and ride the Light
    and the Sound into a new and unbelievably magnificent future where freedom
    is not something which must be struggled for, but is an accepted fact;
    where the Earth is not something to be owned or to be controlled,
    but to be shared and stewarded, and enjoyed by all EQUALLY.

    The worse things get over the next few years, the more we should be hopeful
    because the stronger one grows spiritually?in the true Light?

    and toward a free spiritual union with one?s Higher Self,
    the greater the fear the Dark Side has and the stronger will be its opposition.

    The Darker things grow, the closer we will know that true Freedom approaches,
    if we are ?in tune?.

    That Freedom that approaches, however, is also here now?in surrender,
    the key to the whole ascension process.

    In an earlier article on Choice at my website (www.4truthseekers.org),
    the Spiritual Hierarchy spoke of the simple choices needed to be made at this time,
    especially the choice as to which energy we shall follow in the coming days.

    Once that choice is made, all we need to do is to surrender to our inner knowingness
    that we are connected?and then keep moving forward?

    taking care of what is needed today, and knowing that tomorrow will be taken care of also.

    The two major factors that will halt or hinder this process of ascension are Fear and Attachment.

    The solar plexus chakra or energy center of the body is the origin of both our fears
    and our self-esteem. Herein lies the origins of our choices, to live in fear?

    or to live in self-knowledge of our own Higher Purpose.

    This same chakra also has to do with gaining control of our physical functions
    and developing the mind/body connection, and is the starting point to the acceptance of soul?s ability
    to make an impact on the world and to achieve success.

    It is the origin of issues regarding the interplay between our life?s energy and the world.

    And the quickest way to shut all these wonderful aspects of our being down ?

    is to switch the dial on this chakra from self-esteem to fear?the other side of this very same chakra.

    Constipation, stomach and digestive problems develop from prolonged worry, fear,
    or feelings of terror originating in this oh-so-important chakra.

    Breathing problems that are emotionally caused such as asthma and various allergies
    may also develop from events in which a fearful or terrorizing traumatic event occurred
    along with other accompanying smells, such as pollens, chemicals, flowers, garbage, molds,
    musty odors, animals, or other smell.

    And they all stem from this central energy center of our bodies.

    Nerve problems are usually hatched in this very same chakra from fears
    relating to one or a myriad of problems we associate with our lives.

    The solar plexus affects beliefs relating to cognitive development, self and the world,
    and formative beliefs about the world and our place in it. It holds beliefs about power,
    abilities, and how we affect the environment.

    It is only fear which causes us to not be ?all that we can be? in life; that stops us from getting up
    and being counted, from singing our song, and from walking forward in confidence
    that we are loved and cared for by a very potent Universe and all of its spiritual inhabitants.

    As the ?mind? of the body, the solar plexus or third chakra affects thinking processes,
    attitudes and the intuitive process of mental empathy significantly linked to the body .

    If we overcome or do not allow fear to rule our lives, then we will be free loving, empathic beings ?
    at home in a world full of other wonderful beings just trying to learn and share our lessons.

    If blocked by fear, our lives will be tortured and we will always feel alone and threatened.

    It is at an early age when this chakra is just beginning to open,
    and when we are most vulnerable to criticism, that our deserving issues
    tend to get locked in place spiritually.

    If we think we can make an impact on the world and that we deserve to do so,
    we will be ready to meet and master any challenges.

    If we don?t believe in ourselves?

    mainly because the important people in our life don?t

    believe in us and support our self-development at this early age, then our lives play out differently.

    We take on the fears imposed upon us by others or develop a reliance on our own self-defense mechanism
    of building walls and barriers and hiding behind them in fear.

    We allow ourselves to be shut down and to live out the fears of those who were supposed
    to have nurtured us and shown us the way to true a spiritual freedom within ourselves.

    But so often this is not what happens and so many of the people that I work on in spiritual healing,
    especially women, are still blocked at this level of their development
    and steeped in fear of what life might be like without their self-maintained prison walls.

    The New World Order does not need to imprison us if they can keep us in Fear
    and locked behind these prison walls of our being.

    That is why they know to grab us as children and shut us down through ritual abuse,
    through televised violence and the portrayal of a dangerous world where everything is ?out to get us?.

    It can take a lot of work to break down these walls, or it takes just one instant in our lives ?

    an instant in which we surrender.

    What is surrender? Surrender is recognizing that we already have everything that we have ever been seeking.

    To desire something we already possess invariably has the result of denying it!

    Like some of these computer screen savers that are so popular ?
    the more you chase them the faster they run from you.

    All we need to do is to sufficiently let go of trying to control our world, just long enough
    to realize that our world can be controlled by a Higher Will
    that does a far, far better job for us than we can ever do for ourselves.

    This is faith and trust in the Universe and that our lives are not random acts of selfish lust or cosmic stupidity.

    A quick exercise to do at night before bed is to use a mirror technique to review the personal activities
    and events of the day in the reverse order to which they originally took place (in a mirror?everything is reversed)

    This is time reversal as a psychological and moral preparation for transcendent awareness.

    The aim of this exercise is to allow us to see ourselves as others see us?

    to see whether we are the conscious co-creators of our lives,
    or the products of other people?s wishes and desires for us.

    One group of 5th dimensional Guardians
    who are here to help with the ascension process
    say that what is to come is going to be a global choice, a collective choice.

    For many of us looking at our lives in this mirror technique,
    we can see that we are not used to making conscious decisions in our lives.
    Rather, we are the effects of everyone else?s choices.

    When a civilization is sent into extinction it is by their own choice?
    or lack thereof.

    The fear we are being kept in by the media and by our politicians and those around us
    , does not have to be accepted.

    That, too, is surrender. Surrendering to our inner knowing that our choice has been made
    and that we have done everything we need to do to go forward,
    whether the rest of the planet does or not.

    The end game is now here. It is time for the darkness to be cast off or get transmuted into Light.

    We only give the Darkness more power by allowing ourselves to be fearful.

    Surrender means we do not care for the physical existence,

    but choose to remain here because we can be of service to others once our own choice is made.

    The best example that comes to mind of attachment holding people back
    is a scene from the movie Schindler?s List.

    In it, the Jewish people being herded off to the ghettos seek to carry all their worldly possessions with them,
    only to have them all taken away as they are crowded onto cattle cars or into cramped little living quarters.

    With the coming Earth changes, and as evidenced by the stories coming out
    of a recently flooded Houston, Texas?

    when Nature acts, there is no time to hesitate.

    Like Lot?s wife, there is no looking back, and only what is most important to survival can be taken with us.

    Nothing material is going with us into the 5th dimension.

    It is only what we carry in our hearts and the lessons learned in our minds
    that will serve us in good stead after the new paradigm shift.

    This means helping each other stay focused out of the plane level energy,
    that of the physical, and off those and that which would control us.

    Since we all know we can push the physical plane energy
    anywhere we want it to in being co-creators of the Universe?

    it is very important to make sure that we hold ourselves out of this level
    and adhere only to the higher spiritual levels of existence.

    To think and create on the third dimensional level is to remain behind.

    To think in terms of a higher spiritual awareness and a new paradigm is to go forward
    with the planet in its ascension, and in our own spiritual growth.

    The easiest way to do this is to stay in the moment. A litany for this time forward is:
    I have what I need in this moment, (shelter, clothing, food, enough money for the moment, transportation, etc.) I will also have what I need in the next moment as well.

    The changes coming into our lives are going to come one way or another. If we can stay to a higher focus and try not to make things happen, then we will be protected from what goes on and not get caught up in it all. For those who seek refuge away from the duties of serving at this time, this will be a good way to stay out of the fray.

    Keep centered and KNOW you are LOVED. That is what the Spiritual Hierarchy always say to those who are not feeling happy. That is also the key to this time. In the moment, I am fine. In the next moment, I will be fine too, and each moment adds onto the next until we are out of this stage and ready for the next and we will be where we need to be by the Grand Grace of the Creator rather than by our deciding to handle just this ?one thing? ourselves with our own power.

    It is true that we have the power to put ourselves anywhere we wish or that we think will be better than where we are. But it is not always possible for us to truly know where we are going to be in the safest, most perfect space given what is going to come. All of our knowing of how to manipulate the energy here is just about at a close for when the energies shift we will not be in charge any more!!!

    For now, it is time to get in the right frame of mind and let what is coming be what we KNOW to do
    and not worry about anything but doing what we are asked to do in this moment.

    It is a time for asking more from our guidance rather than less.

    There is nothing easy about any part of this

    , it is just one step and then another and then we will be where we are needed to be

    and best part is we will KNOW why we are there.

    That will be a good thing.

    We all have the opportunity to go forward and to be in the right space in the right time.

    And all it takes is surrender. What a deal!!!

    ?Virtual Reality? Coming Sooner Than You Think by Lois M. Collins, http://deseretnews.com/dn/view/1,1249,270017782,00.html (5-10-1)
    waynemoody@earthlink.net A Call to Creative Action
    With thanks to Kathy.

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