
Discussion in 'HEALTH AND WELLNESS' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 7, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    wingmaker culculcan = 1572 / 1146 / 191
    erasing all the parasites out of creation

    = two witnesses / the perfect storm / love conquers all / yeashua the lord MQ / return of jesus
    the beginning of the end / very top secret / the boy who became king / keeper of the stars
    mission completed / return of the king / believe the prophet / your connection / key stone christ
    order of melcheizedik / prayers answered

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Cosmic Grandmother culculcan
    • 1080 / 1650 / 275
    • = 1080 = Jade the female Christ
    • = healing now
    • = hoodwinked
    • = sown
    • = god alive on earth
    • = the messenger of the true god
    • = the divine bloodline
    • = all wins
    • = ben elohyim mary (mary of zeebeedee?) a teacher in the temple of the children b4 they turn 13; and; go to priest/priestess in higher temples

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Cosmic Grandmother culculcan
    • 1080 / 1650 / 275
    • 1650
    • six hundred and sixty six
    • = reality = (project of taking down)
    • = world health organization
    • = divine teacher messenger of god
    • = the key to unlock reality
    • = i am the second coming of chirst
    • = chosen by the holy spirit
    • = the trumpet will sound
    • = our father who art in heaven
    • = revelation ten is fulfilled
    • = crystal blue persuasion
    • = highly perceptive person
    • = i am the apocalyptic prophet
    • = goddess mother of all that is
    • = this is why au equals gold
    • = explore babylyon the great
    • = rise and return to jesus
    • = united we stand divided we fall

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Original Gabber
    Dec 30, 2022·
    #yikes and #wow
    i dip my toes into 8 decades
    born late 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 2000s,
    2010s, 2020s :(
    long ago, when i was young i thought
    when the song played
    'when i am 64' was a big huge forever, away !!!
    now, i find,
    myself reflecting on the past 13 years :(

    3cb4981be9ec4096. Susan
    Original Gabber
    ·Dec 30, 2022
    glad to be saying goodbye
    to 2010-2019 , 2020, 2021 and 2022 too !!!
    ~might write a book about some of the horrific things
    that have occurred during these 13 years
    ~seriously, I find myself
    tossed between doing the 'right thing'...
    instead of just 'sweeping shit' under the rug...
    ironically when people scam you
    ~you get 3 times richer from other directions
    and, they get 3 times poorer
    ~why would someone steal X, to have to pay back 3X
    ~why would someone ruin their honour & integrity ???
    ~why would someone risk losing a good friend,
    just for money ???
    WOW; it SEEMS they do NOT understand
    The Laws of Karma, and, The Laws of Returns
    ~so, you got to wonder why do they do it ???
    ~susan lynne schwenger

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Preparing to receive the energies Ensure your environment is secure while your attention is drawn away during your healing experience and please take care if lighting candles to assist you in relaxing and creating your healing space. If a situation does arise during your meditation that requires your full attention, you will become fully aware and will be able to deal with it calmly and efficiently. Begin by finding a time when you will not be disturbed and you will be able to gain maximum benefit from your experience. Prepare your healing space. If you like, light some candles, burn some relaxing essential oil or incense and bring together any comforting objects, pictures, plants or other talismans. Sit or lie with your spine straight and begin by focusing on the breath. Take in a deep, full breath through your nose, deep into your body…then gently allow it to escape from your body in its own time. Simply let it go. Repeat with a second deep breath and again, gently let it go. Allow your breathing to find its own natural rhythm and go with it. Breathe in…breathe out… and as you focus on your breath, allow all other thoughts and feelings that may come to your attention to simply drift by, like clouds on a summer sky. Let them go….. let them float on by… and focus on your breathing, on the rhythm of life itself. Each breath into your body is warmed by a golden sun, bringing healing energies, warmth, protection and comfort to you. Each out breath allows you to relax and let go… a little at a time… one breath at a time… Each breath in brings healing, love and light… Each out breath releases tension…stress…and worry… Each breath in brings peace, relaxation and contentment… Each out breath allows you to relax and let go… Be aware of your breath giving back to the Universe your unnecessary burdens… notice them float away on the waiting breeze… You are relaxed… calm… and open receiving your attunement and the healing journey it brings… Your attunement will be received here… When your attunement is complete, you will automatically become distracted or otherwise awake… take some deep, cleansing breaths and you begin to focus on your breathing…each breath in brings you more awake and aware…aware of your body… your thoughts and your feelings… Each breath in brings your awareness back to your physical self…your energies are grounded back into your body… You become aware of the room and your surroundings…as your guardian angel leads you back to the room…safe and protected, empowered and confident… As you become fully aware of your thoughts and feelings, your body and your surroundings, thank your guides and Angels for their guidance and support today… and thank the energies we have been working with for sharing their healing gifts with you today. When you are ready… take a nice full, deep breath into your body…slowly let it go…and open your eyes! Namaste x

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    2nd certify

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