Susan / Crystal Caves Of Atlantis, Keeper Of The Sphere Of Destiny

Discussion in 'SUSAN LYNNE SCHWENGER, Past, Present, Future & NOW' started by CULCULCAN, Feb 20, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Gem Quality Clear Quartz-Super Energizers
    Clears-Aligns-Balances the Aura Certified
    by our GIA Graduate Gemologist
    Powerful energy mover with Intention
    Clears-Aligns-Balances the Aura
    A Grade Quartz crystal
    This beautiful Double Gem Quality Quartz Crystal pendant is 2 one inch Vogels : 1 " (2.8 cm) = each .
    With the sterling silver settings the total length is 2-1/4" (6 cm ) long .
    Comes with a cotton cord and a gold gift box .
    When wearing a Star Crystal with the Male side out, the Higher Self energy is drawn from within, amplified, and radiated out into the aura, making it so brilliant it can act as a shield.
    Marcel Vogel suggested to wear the 4 small triangle side towards your thymus chakra with the one large triangle side facing outwardly with intention to bring out your personal energy for protection In reverse one can pull energy inward for healing . When wearing a Vogel pendant your energy field is being cleared and balanced. It is very important to be aware of your intention , the energy flow is directed by our thoughts and feelings so a good example is : Love In - Love Out .
    •Wearing a Star Crystal with the Female side out draws energies from the environment, and amplifies and directs them into the body. Therefore, wearing it with Female side out would best be done only in a sacred place or in a positive/healing type of environment. The female side has 4 small triangles.
    Certified by our Graduate Gemologist from GIA
    Peace thru Prosperity, Prosperity thru Peace, let's give peace and love of the Earth a chance!





    vogel - star of david
    hex - six triangles

    Walshy Jones says:
    The dark side used one called the star of rempham and made it vastly popular
    by saying it was the star of David when their religion was taken over,
    similarly to how a country can be taken over like the United States essentially is now.
    We hope the reversal happens quickly though so true light can shine bright without things turning it around anymore.

    Susan Lynne Schwenger says to:
    Walshy Jones
    the dark side; stole a lot of good symbols

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Vogel-Cut Siberian Quartz Crystal "Star of David", Herkimer Diamond Quartz Crystal
    & Spinel Crystals in Argentium Sterling Silver
    The Vogel SOD is designed to draw energy from the Female side (4 triangles) across
    and to the Male side, this one is cut from green Siberian-Quartz crystal
    by cutter for PRI Ray Pinto to be an optimal tool.
    I've set this along with an 11mm, AAA Herkimer Diamond Quartz Crystal
    from Middleville, NY, & two scarlet Spinel crystals in Argentium Sterling Silver.
    The Vogel is 28mm (1&1/8ths inches) along an edge & the entire length of this piece is 52mm (2&1/16ths inches).

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Joe Eigo

    =AZVlQljcQpA3Ot4-NvU0CYVsy3SyqEkZAF5XplGGl42lqTROalPmxiuuwD0COhaHBQVGGf_-2_-Pi6WoshlFVE_B37i7hQW-eNJrQdaJDdZCWTmP1EzxPBPYuQ_AMiNT_i_K96wyZBpKiP1vSzG2A-kZaoHTMT889c38yMllgpAS8w&__tn__=R]-R'] g_s851x315&_nc_cat=109&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=dbeb18&_nc_ohc=IYeMHOJCGN4AX9iopge&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Walshy Jones Unlike the menorah,[2] the Lion of Judah, the shofar and the lulav, the hexagram was not originally a uniquely Jewish symbol.[6]

    The hexagram, being an inherently simple geometric construction,
    has been used in various motifs throughout human history,
    which were not exclusively religious.

    It appeared as a decorative motif in both 4th-century synagogues and Christian churches in the Galilee region.[7][8]

    Gershom Scholem writes that the term "seal of Solomon" was adopted
    by Jews from Islamic magic literature, while he could not assert
    with certainty whether the term "shield of David" originated in Islamic or Jewish mysticism.[2]

    Leonora Leet argues though that not just the terminology,
    but the esoteric philosophy behind it had pre-Islamic Jewish roots
    and provides among other arguments the Talmud's mention of the hexagram
    as being engraved on Solomon's seal ring.[9]

    She also shows that Jewish alchemists were the teachers of their Muslim
    and Christian counterparts, and that a way-opener such as Maria Hebraea of Alexandria
    (2nd or 3rd century CE; others date her earlier) already used concepts
    which were later adopted by Muslim and Christian alchemists
    and could be graphically associated with the symbolism of the upper
    and lower triangles constituting the hexagram, which came into explicit use after her time.[9]

    The hexagram however only becomes widespread in Jewish magical texts
    and amulets (segulot) in the early Middle Ages, which is why most modern authors
    have seen Islamic mysticism as the source of the medieval Spanish Kabbalists'
    use of the hexagram.[9][10]

    The name "Star of David" originates from King David of ancient Israel.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    These 2 are the same crystal
    ~and, this crystal is said to have
    "skull consciousness"
    ~this one in one way carries a lot of ind. energies,
    however, it also, has a flavour of
    some sort of buddhist type of goddess
    (Kuan Yin or Kwan Yin) compassion
    bodhisattva Kuan Yin (Quan Shi Yin or Kwan Yin).
    Quan equates energetically: to inquire or to look deeply into
    while Shi equates to the people of the world, or back into the generations of the ancestors, while Yin is related to the first element water - and; perhaps; to 'tears' related to 'compassion' or highly empathic / sensitive of the goddess

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    14k solid yellow gold
    Marcel Vogel cut vogel crystal
    - dark deep purple amethyst crystal
    - cut into the Star of David
    - 4 triangles one side, 1 triangle other side
    For all of you who are into the healing properties of gemstones
    - purple Amethyst has been highly esteemed throughout the ages for its stunning beauty and legendary powers to stimulate,
    and sooth the mind and emotions.
    Back in the day, Amethyst was highly esteemed
    - worth as much of Diamond.
    It carries the energy of fire and passion,
    creativity and spirituality, yet bears the logic of temperance and sobriety.
    The Hindu's believe it relates to the planet Saturn.
    The symbol of the Star of David has been known
    for thousands of years in religious tradition,
    as the shield of God.
    The Star of David has symbolized protection and strength to many who wear it.
    In Judaism, the Star of David, and extension of the Divine, or God, shielded the Biblical David in his battles.
    The hexagram, or 6 pointed star,
    is also a mandala symbol in Hinduism,
    that represents a perfect meditative state
    and balance between us and the divine.
    The downward triangle on the front symbolizes
    the sacred embodiments of the feminine,
    while the upward triangle on the back represents the masculine focus.
    These two energies intertwined ultimately
    represent the most powerful energy of all creation.
    In the crystal/metaphysical world, the Star of David gained momentum of power and use
    because of IBM research, scientist, and crystal alchemist Marcel Vogel
    who not only discovered that quartz crystal shaped into sacred geometry wand form
    could induce a powerful healing effect, but that a pendant could do so as well.
    This one was cut by Vogel himself, carved into the sacred geometry of the Star of David
    and, given to a lama, this pendant was also blessed by a
    Buddhist Monk Kundrol Rinpoche
    during one of his visits to NY.
    The amethyst is beautiful
    with many inclusions and rainbows; lots of positive energy!

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    gold wrap crystal - with time link windows
    interesting pillar of lights coming down from my baby healing finger

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    14k gold wrappred crystal - with time link windows
    interesting pillar of lights coming down from my baby healing finger

    14k gold wrap RED Diamond naga eye - which is a space stone (like a meteroite) that falls into the Yangtze River, in China as a molten blob, and, then crystallizes, and, takes form - somewhere i read; that a 'red diamond naga' marked the birth place of The Buddha - (but, i'll check that data)

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