School Shootings - Like How Many Times Do They Kill The Same People?

Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, May 27, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Are These the Dead Sandy Hook Kids All Grown up….Alive and Well? (

    Are These the Dead Sandy Hook Kids All Grown up….Alive and Well?

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    1[​IMG] Are These the Dead Sandy Hook Kids All Grown up….Alive and Well? Tue Jan 02, 2018 12:13 pm

    Posts : 105475
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    Are These the Dead Sandy Hook Kids All Grown up….Alive and Well?

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    Date: January 2, 2018Author: 50 Shades Of Pissed Off 0 Comments
    Um wow, so Wolfgang Halbig just tweeted this.
    — Wolfgang W. Halbig (@halbigW) January 1, 2018

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    What do you guys think?
    And remember the Sandy Hook Kids choir? The “anonymous group” of kids who sang at the Super bowl just a few weeks after Sandy hook happened? Where they paraded some of the victims out in front of the world basically laughing in our face? (first part of this vid).[/sup]
    Also can’t forget the dead teacher who reappeared as a man.
    Ann Marie Murphy was supposedly one of the teachers killed on December 14th, 2012, when crazed killer Adam Lanza opened fire at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Here’s a picture of her.
    Well it turns out Ann Marie Murphy is now living as a man named Michael Murphy. And not only that…but Michael Murphy attended her own funeral! As her husband! This is a pic of Ann Marie’s “husband” (aka her) and her two daughters.

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    Watch this video by Youtube channel “Crisis Actor” to hear all the evidence & details surrounding it. This is TRULY incredible stuff.


    The guy behind the ”Crisis Actor” channel lived near the Newton area and actually knew many of the people involved. He began uncovering all sorts of things and started being harassed and threatened by the police there…they even threw him into the psych ward for his reporting on Sandy Hook. It was a horrific experience and he said at times he didn’t know if he’d make it out alive. Here’s his video where he speaks about that experience.


    He even saw Debbie Wasserman-Schultz at the “School of Rock”….a school in the area where it’s suspected they borrowed many of the victims and crisis actors from….some even suspect it’s a trafficking front. So this YouTuber Crisis Actor was finding out big things…then suddenly he stopped and began making absolutely ridiculous videos….the Dallas Goldbug kind where they say things like Sarah Palin is actually Tina Fey, Wolfgang Halbig is actually River Phoenix… I mean the most ridiculous comparisons of ppl….its basically a tactic to discredit truth seekers and make us look stupid. So anyways it’s obvious they got to him somehow. But his earlier work is great….
    And you know one thing that I heard that made a lot of sense to me…. a video he did on the subject….he was really shaken up….he had just spoken to someone and wouldn’t reveal any details…but he had found out that these crisis actor parents and crisis actor family members at Sandy hook had all been informed about the incoming planetary body….the one they’ve known about since the 80′s which is almost upon us now….anyways they had been told about it and promised a spot for they and their families in the underground cities….the ones they’ve built funneling billions of our tax dollars to all these years. So finding out about this cataclysm thats coming….and being promised a spot on the ark if you will…along with money….the govt launders the payment through the go fund me and any donations gained from the public are icing on the cake.
    If you had the choice what would you do? I know I could never do what they did no matter what…but if you’re a liberal who already thinks guns should go then it’s prob not that huge of a moral decision. Also they’re told it’s for the greater good that guns be confiscated before the cataclysm as they’ll only cause more death and violence when society breaks down. Of course we know the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. And bad guys will always have guns.
    But anyways he made that video a few years ago and it was the first he had heard about Nibiru so he was really shook up over it as you can imagine. But it makes sense that perhaps this safety is the carrot they are dangling in front of these crisis actors….one that is huge enough and important enough for these ppl to continue the charade no matter what.
    A friend of mine has a family member who lives in Newton who played a role in this hoax (I promised him if I ever spoke publicly about this that I wouldn’t give any identifying details…so forgive me for being vague).
    Anyways my friend told me that back in 2008 this family member suddenly had loads of $ rolling in…he didn’t know where it was coming from…but his family member was boasting about the hundreds of thousands of dollars they were being paid to participate in a future event…a fake event that would be covered by the media as real…one that would be used to get Americans to give up their guns. He didn’t understand what his family member meant at the time but when it finally happened FOUR years later in 2012 and his family member played an important role…he knew that was it. So this tells us it was being planned at least as far back as 2008 and these ppl were being paid HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS…from our taxes no doubt. (What’s interesting is that my friend saw this same family member as a crisis actor in a recent false flag… the airport terminal shooting in (was it FL?). This family member was very blatantly doing the Shh sign in the photos. With one finger over the lips.)
    They truly believed Sandy Hook was gonna be it. That it would be the catalyst that makes everyone willingly bow down and hand in their firearms. This false flag was modeled after another false flag which successfully resulted in the citizens willingly surrendering their firearms….in Scotland…the Dublane massacre… where someone walked into a school and “killed” a bunch of fake kids. The nation was so traumatized and in grief that they allowed their govt to take away their right to bear arms. They thought it would work here, too. They were mistaken.
    Was Sandy Hook based on the Dublane massacre?

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    In my opinion, Sandy Hook is still one of the biggest stories of our time. It should never be “let go of” until the truth comes out and justice is served and everyone involved is in jail. Crisis actors…govt officials…police officers…doctors..everyone…every single person who participated in this egregious lie. No one lies about dead first one with a soul that is. How dare they traumatize the nation with a story that never even happened?
    Ending with this classic piece. I haven’t laughed this hard in awhile. This is pure gold right here.


    Thanks to:


    2[​IMG] Re: Are These the Dead Sandy Hook Kids All Grown up….Alive and Well? Tue Jan 02, 2018 9:02 pm

    Posts : 486
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    "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a "Good" guy with a gun."
    Said no sane person, ever...


    3[​IMG] Re: Are These the Dead Sandy Hook Kids All Grown up….Alive and Well? Tue Jan 02, 2018 9:48 pm

    Posts : 1808
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    Age : 66
    Location : Ct
    Trying to get you out of the box ave....This didnt happen...It was a hoax...Ct guy here, we covered it...Nothing happened. It was a closed school...All actors....Paid for participation and speaking engagements...Gov caught in numerous lies...This one is a no brainer....

    Ps...I have hunted my whole life...So thanks, I will keep my guns...


    4[​IMG] Re: Are These the Dead Sandy Hook Kids All Grown up….Alive and Well? Wed Jan 03, 2018 9:47 am

    Posts : 486
    Join date : 2017-05-11
    Show caption
    Noah and Lenny Pozner. Noah, 6, was killed when a gunman opened fire at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., on Dec. 14, 2012.
    Sandy Hook dad fights lies about murdered son
    NAPLES, Fla. — Here is the reality that Lenny Pozner faces every day:
    On a Friday morning four years ago, Lenny dropped off his son, Noah, at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. It was three weeks after Noah's sixth birthday, and he had just lost his first tooth. He was a little guy, bright and inquisitive, who loved books and started reading at an early age.
    "He had this charm about him,” said Pozner. “He was handsome. He was incredibly loving."
    But that morning, on Dec. 14, 2012, Adam Lanza walked into Sandy Hook and gunned down Noah, along with 19 other children and six staff members.

    Sandy Hook denier arrested after death threats made to parent of victim

    "I feel like I really only had a year or two with him where he wasn’t Noah the toddler or Noah the baby, but was Noah the person.”
    While Pozner and his family must live with their loss of Noah every day, there is another story circulating the Internet, and it often comes in the form of slanderous remarks and even death threats against the Pozner family:
    Noah never existed. Pozner is an actor, paid to perpetuate a massive hoax staged by the government and the media to build support for gun control.
    One man told Pozner he should “be put in boiling feces.”
    A memorial for Noah Pozner outside his funeral in Fairfield,
    A memorial for Noah Pozner outside his funeral in Fairfield, Conn., on Dec. 17, 2012.
    Others have insisted that he and other Sandy Hook parents exhume the bodies of their children to prove they existed.
    On Dec. 5, federal agents arrested Lucy Richards, 57, of Tampa, believing her to be the woman who has been leaving voicemails on Pozner’s phone, saying, “You gonna die, death is coming to you real soon,” and “Look behind you, it is death.”
    This is what fake news fuels, Pozner said.
    “You’ll never be able to convince these people of anything," Pozner said.
    The Internet, he said, is a great equalizer that gives an equal voice to a lie and the truth. When enough people believe the same lie, it spreads like a "thought virus."

    Florida professor who questions mass shootings fired

    But Richards’ arrest shows there is a limit to what people can say, Pozner said.
    “It shows that, yes, there is a threshold.”
    Wednesday marked the fourth anniversary of the Sandy Hook shooting.
    For most of that time, Pozner, who said he once held conspiracy theorist views of his own, has been confronting lies and false stories about the massacre that have been spread through an echo chamber over the Internet.
    He started by confronting the conspiracy theorists themselves, joining Facebook pages dedicated to proving that his son's murder was a hoax and answering the group’s questions. He spoke with “hoaxers” over the phone and by email.
    A mourner walks into a funeral service for 6-year-old
    A mourner walks into a funeral service for 6-year-old Noah Pozner on Dec. 17, 2012, in Fairfield, Conn.
    But he said it didn’t work.
    When skeptics demanded his son’s birth certificate, Pozner published it. When they asked for Noah’s kindergarten progress reports, Pozner produced them. Hardest of all, when they asked for his death certificate, Pozner, after weeks of struggling, posted a copy online.
    They didn’t read Noah’s report card and see that his kindergarten teacher had included a note saying that he was a sweet, inquisitive boy she would miss having in her class. They didn’t take note that he was born a healthy 7 pounds, 2 ounces. They weren’t moved by the death certificate that said he was found lying on his back in his classroom, wearing his red and black Spider-Man sweatshirt, with wounds around his mouth and chin.
    “They’d find a typo or spelling error and pick it apart,” Pozner said. “They needed to claim it was fake because it would shut down all their theories. They’d point to variations in typefaces and fonts.”
    In 2015, Pozner decided that he couldn’t hold the hands of conspiracy theorists and convince them of the truth. He shifted his focus to taking away their platforms, trying to flag content and convince Silicon Valley behemoths like Facebook, Twitter, Google and YouTube to remove their videos and articles online. He created the HONR Network, a team of volunteers dedicated to flagging content that crosses over into slander and attacks, one at a time.

    'Pizzagate' gunman attempted to recruit 2 others

    “This online hoaxer world is pretty large,” Pozner said. “I’ve been saying for years that it’s like this brush fire that’s ready to burn down the entire forest. It’s starting to rot out the Internet at the core. This online hate does lead to violence and murder.”
    He said he is starting to see progress.
    The world, at least, is becoming more aware of the violence that can be caused by rumors, lies and false stories spread online.
    On Dec. 4, Edgar Maddison Welch, a 28-year-old North Carolina man, walked into the Comet Ping Pong pizzeria in Washington, D.C., with an AR-15 rifle and opened fire as employees ran for cover. According to D.C. Metro Police, Welch told them he was there to investigate a fictitious online conspiracy that the pizza parlor was a front for a child sex ring operated by former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

    Sandy Hook mom sent this message to Orlando victims

    “Lawmakers and police aren’t tuned into this,” Pozner said. “They weren’t in school when this stuff existed. It’s not on their radar until somebody shows up to a pizzeria and unloads bullets.”
    Pozner said he has no doubt that he needs to continue confronting the spread of conspiracies and fake news.
    It’s the only way, he said, he can protect his son’s memory.
    Noah was born on Nov. 20. This year, Pozner bought a few balloons in Noah's name. He wanted to do something very little, he said, because it’s a complicated day.
    Noah has a twin sister.
    “I felt so bad in 2013 because we didn’t properly celebrate our daughter’s birthday,” he said. “It brought us down. I tried really hard this year to focus on her good day. We might have celebrated it twice as much to make up for it.”


    5[​IMG] Re: Are These the Dead Sandy Hook Kids All Grown up….Alive and Well? Wed Jan 03, 2018 12:26 pm

    Posts : 1808
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    Age : 66
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    USA today, really ave.....This is what you deem reliable news....I think your box has been nailed shut...


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    Are These the Dead Sandy Hook Kids All Grown up….Alive and Well? (

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Uvalde TX FALSE FLAG!
    Reason: to confiscate guns and imprisoned children in schools with no parental access
    Multiple suspicious actions now reported 1f447.

    1. Congressman and police department confirmed the shooter Ramos had been involved with the police four years ago for planning to shoot up a school with another person
    2. He did not have the money from pushing hamburgers to buy two $5,000 rifles
    3. He was put under psychiatric care with a hypnotist and psychoactive drugs.
    4. He was on the same chat room with another shooter involved in a previous Mass killing and may have been groomed
    5. The side effect of the psychoactive drugs is murder and suicide. 90% of all mass shootings have been committed by people under psychoactive drugs
    6. The weapons used are the preferred weapons of FBI and law enforcement.
    7. An unidentified male teacher propped the back door of the school open and left it that way even after the crash
    8. Police officers inside reportedly rescued their own children and then stood down
    9.. Police officers outside were ordered to stand down by the chief for almost an hour
    10. The shooter had multiple encounters with the police because of violent activities with his own family and classmates
    11. Initially the police denied all of the above!
    12. The school was reportedly a gun-free zone so teachers had no self-defense
    13. The guard who was supposed to be on duty that day was absent
    14. Live videos of parents screaming to save their children has created a hysterical atmosphere where even Republican senators now have the excuse to try to initiate major gun control measures.
    15.Discussions are underway to lock down schools so that parents may not enter either! That would make the children essentially prisoners of the state
    16.. This is the precursor to the globalist agenda for their dystopian takeover that we now see out in the open at davos

    • 08&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=dbeb18&_nc_ohc=Vuw08B-2g4wAX_0bm6c&tn=HzgJAPWBdA4op9O1&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1.

      Borrowed from comments on another post.

      I am posting on the heels of my Texas tragedy post to bring some disturbing updates.
      We are only learning of this information through credible citizen journalists streaming through alternative news outlets.
      For those who are unfamiliar with the gaming culture, gamers have their own basic networks enabling them to communicate either through a text based chat system, or via full audio duplex (2 way voice).
      These networks can be used for social purposes and are partitioned into specific chat rooms much like the old AOL.
      Digital evidence has beed discovered on the "Discord" gamers chat network that has exposed several explosive revelations tying the Buffalo shooting to the Uvalde shooting.
      Both shooters; Payton Gendron and Salvador Ramos were in the same chat room but, it is unclear at this time wether the two 18yr olds were communicating directly with each other.
      Gendron was communicating with someone known only so far by their screen name as "SandMan" and Ramos was communicating with someone known as "Armee".
      These conversations appear to be "motivational" in subject and to many authorities' professional opinions, an attempt at "grooming a shooter".
      Both mystery chatters offered money to the boys and other encouragements.
      It is important to note, niether shooter had money.
      They were broke or near broke but both used expensive AR 15s with $600 holographic red dot sights.
      As an AR owner myself, I can tell you these rifles can get very expensive.
      Ramos was also wearing 3A+ body armor and a molle plate carrier both combined cost around $800.
      Now, let's look at the starteling similarities between the 2 shootings from a tactical angle.
      Trained professionals have viewed what footage was available from both incidents and all agree, both of these shooters were formally trained in close combat shooting.
      Gendron engaged targets with precission, speed and accuracy.
      He was seen on video clearing and advancing through the store like a swat team member.
      Engaging and firing only on the targets nearest to him 1st, then firing from distance.
      Professional and compeditive shooting instructers drill constantly on clearing and engaging targets on a near to far priority and it is a skill that takes hours and hours of practice to acheive to the level Gendron apeared to have.
      Ramos was involved in 2 shootouts with police before he entered the school.
      Dashcan and bodycam video shows Ramos making military style use of cover and "run and gun" tacticts while engaged with police and in both shootouts, was able to escape unharmed while several officers were hit.
      These skills cannot be learned or practiced playing video games.
      So, something is going on here.
      And it doesn't look good.
      Could these shooters have been groomed, trained and financed?
      Sure looks like it.
      They both appeared to have "life problems".
      Which could've made them vulnerable to cyber grooming.
      There is also the question of media coverage.
      These 2 incidents were covered as expected but, many many other multiple victim shootings have not been covered by the mainstream press at all.
      This simple fact could shed light on the motives behind the grooming as well as the shootings themselves.
      Close attention to echo-chamber talking points will reveal the motives behind these acts but always remeber, the shooter himself may only be acting as a tool for the people who have the motive.
      This is why careful and complete investigations must be conducted on a transparent level.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    SICK: Uvalde Killer Salvador Ramos Threatened Rape and Mass School Shootings on French Social Media App Weeks Before Heinous Crime – USERS REPORTED HIS ACCOUNT BUT NOTHING HAPPENED
    SICK: Uvalde Killer Salvador Ramos Threatened Rape and Mass School Shootings on French Social Media App Weeks Before Heinous Crime - USERS REPORTED HIS ACCOUNT BUT NOTHING HAPPENED
    Uvalde mass murderer Salvador Ramos told girls in live stream videos on the French social media app Yubo that he would rape and murder them. He also bragged about…

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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