PUFF, ONE and the Black Madonna of Babylon

Discussion in 'Thuban Project Camelot' started by admin, Jan 5, 2016.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    The TERRORIST and the WHORE... RE: Labels
    #32244 March 28th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    Why Do We Label Each Other?

    Day 103 – June 21, 2008 – Stop Labeling Me., originally uploaded by viva la vibs.

    Labels can be just as damaging, as they are rewarding. It seems more than ever people are using labels to distinguish themselves from others. Believe me, I am not innocent. I have done this as well. It wasn’t until last night when someone labeled me that I realized that this is not a healthy way to view others or the world. Why do we do this? Why not just be happy that we are all humans and leave it at that?

    Two reasons people do this is for a sense of belonging and to feel like they have a uniqueness that isn’t shared by everyone. However, you are special because of you and not because of the group that you belong in. These ridiculous labels are not doing anything but disconnecting us from the world and each other. I feel like it even desensitizes you from feeling any empathy towards others we negatively label and feel are “not like us.”

    Before you start labeling people, and thinking that they are this or that label, think about the reasons you are really doing this. We constantly label people in a negative light due to difference of opinion due to religion, political view, sexual preference, parenting method, etc., but why? Is it to make yourself feel better? And/or feel like they are not like you? Why do we continue to label each other when we have seen how destructive it has been in the past? In the past, labels have caused slavery, genocide, human trafficking, and many more atrocities.

    I have been thinking about this a lot after having an argument with someone. I understand that she felt the need to label me because she has always told me that she feels like she doesn’t measure up to me (don’t even know what that means). Even with this knowledge, I still took offense and have let it ruin my day because you always wonder if that person is right. I talked to my friend about it, and he said, “Shevonne, you are you. Don’t let anyone make you feel like you are different to make herself feel better about herself.”

    I finally couldn’t keep quiet any longer and texted her the following:

    “Labels are a way to feel empowered over someone else. I’m not straight, gay, bisexual…I am me and proud of it. ”



    *Using the word "WHORE" (all caps intended) is NO different than the way in which the word "TERRORIST" is so commonly used to incite fear, confusion, and gain control over the actions of others. This is how the masses have learned from the controllers to treat eachother. Catch phrases and key words used to spark a particular and expected reaction from a particular demographic. A Method of controlling the feelings of others to your desired outcome. and it trickles down from the top of the pyramid to the every day behaviors of those at the would be bottom so to speak. And THUS the masses police eachother with fear. If we are responsible for our own actions, we need not have others to police over us. ;)

    Think about how the following clips automatically shut down so many people's normal thinking faculties, and cause the mob mentality of know it all's that really believe what may just be a total lie. But who will ever stop the madness and say... "HEY wait a minute! What do we REALLY know here?!?" In essence, If you carelessly throw around labels and cast aspersions at others, you are carrying out the subconscious orders of your human masters... Never let the false witness and harsh words of another make you accept their shame. For their shame inside is deep and they hide from it by projecting it onto another. Let's not continue their old ways any longer.


    Any comments posted on this thread may be subject to being copied elsewhere in the future. I do not have intention of doing so at this time, (This is intended to protect the integrity of my words as I am known here on this forum and for no other reason.)
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32245 March 28th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: The TERRORIST and the WHORE... RE: Labels

    #32246 March 28th, 2011
    Gif wrote:
    this is not a good idea

    Re: The TERRORIST and the WHORE... RE: Labels

    #32247 March 28th, 2011
    siamese wrote:
    Good on 'ya girl for being so thoughtful and clarifying quite a few things - transparency is a beautiful thing!

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32249 March 28th, 2011
    siamese wrote:
    Hey SCB where did 'ya learn the trick of vanishing into the mist of the


    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32250 March 28th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    sianellen wrote:
    Hey SCB where did 'ya learn the trick of vanishing into the mist of the


    I'll deal with you later...lol..right now I'm trying to get a straight answer out of Maryishtar.
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: The TERRORIST and the WHORE... RE: Labels
    #32251 March 28th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    Gift wrote:
    this is not a good idea

    LOL! Can only lead to tragedy.

    Re: The TERRORIST and the WHORE... RE: Labels

    #32252 March 28th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:

    hell yeah..labels are not a good idea

    Re: The TERRORIST and the WHORE... RE: Labels

    #32254 March 28th, 2011
    Gif wrote:
    it leads to time wasted

    Re: The TERRORIST and the WHORE... RE: Labels

    #32257 March 28th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    Maryishtar, I appreciate your efforts to slide the question and I know why, but for those who may not know why, why don't you just please answer the question.

    Did you know that the translation of your name was whore when you chose it? Or that if you google your name it comes up as whore on numerous sites?

    I'll give you an out. If you want to PM me the answer I'll go ahead and accept it as long as I can post the answer on this forum. And then you are free to post it on the other numerous sites that you troll.


    Love, light........................

    Re: The TERRORIST and the WHORE... RE: Labels

    #32258 March 28th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    how many marys do you know?
    why,i bet your own mother's name is mary-haha
    my point is,you don't go around calling them names do ya!
    so how is it okay for you to do it here,over and over to this one mary-why i bet we have sev'ral on this list who are offended -
    sorry about that-i apologise on behalf of this redneck who just won't stop using that...that word! as if it's 'the' translation of that name...oh reallynow....

    Re: The TERRORIST and the WHORE... RE: Labels

    #32259 March 28th, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    I don't think ANY of the terrorists put the name 'terrorist' in their name. Why do you compare your real intention to put 'whore' in your name with some poor innocent falsely accused of being a terrorist when we have serious reason to believe that the very people you posted above are the ones who arranged the 911 attack?

    Are you claiming some affinity with George W. Bush now? I don't see terrorist in his name. Hang on, maybe I should anagram that...

    HA HA! The "Egg Bus Whore"!
    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. " Martin Luther King.

    Re: The TERRORIST and the WHORE... RE: Labels

    #32261 March 28th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    how many marys do you know?
    why,i bet your own mother's name is mary-haha

    I'm only interested in this Maryishtar at this time. Do you know why she's ashamed of the translation of her name on google that has her as whore? I would have just let it go in the first initial thread but Maryishtar has now made two whore threads.

    She might have copy and pasted it onto another forum but since I'm only on this forum I can't see it or read it.

    Re: The TERRORIST and the WHORE... RE: Labels

    #32266 March 28th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    While we wait for an answer from Maryishtar let us enjoy a little music.

    Re: The TERRORIST and the WHORE... RE: Labels

    #32267 March 28th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:

    the humor isn't lost on me,still,no one named mary ,(including my own grandmother,bless her!) would've chose that name if that's what it meant-nor even would their parents...that is bullcrap and you know it-and you owe all Marys an apology--DON'T Y'THINK?
    well that goes to the very point of this thread...names can be used to glorify,honour,degrade or dishonor someone

    Re: The TERRORIST and the WHORE... RE: Labels

    #32269 March 28th, 2011
    siamese wrote:
    Thank God for Brain Cells and total transparency. ;)

    Re: The TERRORIST and the WHORE... RE: Labels

    #32270 March 28th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    the humor isn't lost on me,still,no one named mary ,(including my own grandmother,bless her!) would've chose that name if that's what it meant-nor even would their parents...that is bullcrap and you know it-and you owe all Marys an apology--DON'T Y'THINK?

    Bullshit. I'm only addressing one named Maryishtar. The person on the Camelot Project forum. Not your granny.

    Re: The TERRORIST and the WHORE... RE: Labels

    #32275 March 28th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:

    apology accepted!
    see how easy it is to be nice?
    thank you!

    Re: The TERRORIST and the WHORE... RE: Labels

    #32278 March 28th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    apology accepted!
    see how easy it is to be nice?
    thank you!

    I'm always nice...and charming...

    Re: The TERRORIST and the WHORE... RE: Labels

    #32280 March 28th, 2011
    Zen wrote:
    I wonder what Angus Young the guitarist for AC/DC would think of this particular interpretation of his band's song and the accompanying visuals..........hmmmmm

    Re: The TERRORIST and the WHORE... RE: Labels

    #32282 March 28th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    ZenSonic wrote:
    I wonder what Angus Young the guitarist for AC/DC would think of this particular interpretation of his band's song and the accompanying visuals..........hmmmmm

    He'd love it.
    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32285 March 28th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:

    Re: The TERRORIST and the WHORE... RE: Labels

    #32286 March 28th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:

    they made so many classics-
    in an interview once i remember one of them,probly angus said they play music the way they think it should be played- and i concur-
    of course we used to be musical snobs in high school,and it was only the jazz players that we really 'respected',and we'd laugh at the simplistic approach that ac/dc used-of course being so young,we didn't have much perspective..
    i still love all the old classics ,more than ever,yet we don't laugh so much now that we're older...
    i think i know the song you're referring to but i never saw a video for that...the visuals you speak of-well...
    i wanna see/hear that! hahaha

    Re: The TERRORIST and the WHORE... RE: Labels

    #32290 March 28th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:

    Re: The TERRORIST and the WHORE... RE: Labels

    #32291 March 28th, 2011
    Zen wrote:
    as you wish.....the one and only AC/DC - "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap"

    Re: The TERRORIST and the WHORE... RE: Labels

    #32292 March 28th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:

    that's in poor taste at best ! you're lucky i'm not a moderator!
    oops-i meant the one about sheep--not this last one

    Re: The TERRORIST and the WHORE... RE: Labels

    #32295 March 28th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    Talk about bad taste, read the title to this thread. Let's get a straight fucking answer from Maryishtar.

    Re: The TERRORIST and the WHORE... RE: Labels

    #32302 March 28th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    weeeeeelll whatever....she made her point...you've rendundantly made yours as well as i and others....
    you'll never convince me that her points are not valid,and i see yours,but i'm not sure you can convince her you're anything but a,uh,misogynist-
    hey i could be wrong and i would rather see you understand each other but what do i know-haha
    the point of this thread i thought was best explained by its author and i have to agree-but who asked me right?

    Re: The TERRORIST and the WHORE... RE: Labels

    #32304 March 28th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    weeeeeelll whatever....she made her point...you've rendundantly made yours as well as i and others....
    you'll never convince me that her points are not valid,and i see yours,but i'm not sure you can convince her you're anything but a,uh,misogynist-
    hey i could be wrong and i would rather see you understand each other but what do i know-haha
    the point of this thread i thought was best explained by its author and i have to agree-but who asked me right?

    She did? You've babbled along, creatively trying to change the topic of The Terrorist and the whore. All being a reference to Maryishtar (Google the name) WHORE thread. Meanwhile I along with a few others await Maryishtars answer. Do you Maryishtar need me to repeat the question? And as I previously said, we can do this via PM, but of course I wll have to copy and paste all transactions to this thread, and then as a bonus, you can past it to the multiple forums that you post on. A win / win, wouldn't you agree?

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?
    #32305 March 28th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:

    Re: The TERRORIST and the WHORE... RE: Labels

    #32306 March 28th, 2011
    connector wrote:
    Fascinating distraction by the way. like watching a school yard fight, though I ain't gonna tell ya who I am cheering for!

    Seriously...who f'n cares....
    Get on real things and subjects that matter.
    i am all about facts, what is or seems real and tangible...not fairy fluffy crap!

    Take the ego out on ....wait no do not take your ego out on anyone but yourself.

    lick your wounds and get prepared for what is coming and enough with the distration already.

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32315 March 28th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: The TERRORIST and the WHORE... RE: Labels

    #32316 March 28th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreidylad wrote:

    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    weeeeeelll whatever....she made her point...you've rendundantly made yours as well as i and others....
    you'll never convince me that her points are not valid,and i see yours,but i'm not sure you can convince her you're anything but a,uh,misogynist-
    hey i could be wrong and i would rather see you understand each other but what do i know-haha
    the point of this thread i thought was best explained by its author and i have to agree-but who asked me right?

    She did? You've babbled along, creatively trying to change the topic of The Terrorist and the whore. All being a reference to Maryishtar (Google the name) WHORE thread. Meanwhile I along with a few others await Maryishtars answer. Do you Maryishtar need me to repeat the question? And as I previously said, we can do this via PM, but of course I wll have to copy and paste all transactions to this thread, and then as a bonus, you can past it to the multiple forums that you post on. A win / win, wouldn't you agree?


    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle
    Post last edited May 9th 2011

  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?
    #32350 March 29th, 2011
    ashera wrote:

    You can call me a whore, a slut, I do not mind that. Was it right was Jaweh did? What his mouthpieces Moses and Isaiah told? What the Demiurge did? What Sol Invictus imposed?

    It was the destruction of the garden in fact, the banning of life from the Houses of God.

    "You shall not plant for yourselves any kind of tree dedicated to Ashera beside the altar of the Lord your God..."

    So, this sentence was the beginning of the end in fact because it forbade trees and woods - all life in deed - close to the houses of God. It drove life into nonexistence in the long run, and dead constructions became its determinators. So the abstract and the concrete changed values - the abstract became the real and the concrete the irreal.

    Paul V. established the Bank of the Holy Spirit in 1605 (the year he became pope), and he died in 1621 (beside many other things he did, he was the founder of the Vatican*s secret archive, and also he deepened the gap between the Roman and the English church).

    The petrification of the world preceded its monetarization. And now, as effect the fluid state of the monetary economy is reached, driving all into virtuality. And all that happened based on silly beliefs and on Jahwe*s certainly under Roman/Etruscan influence uttered dictum that Ashera, who deeply resisted to be seen as Juno Moneta, is bad...


    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32353 March 29th, 2011
    ashera wrote:

    Too sad that the American socialists never translated Paul Lafargue*s best essay: The Sermon of the Courtesan...

    What did Lafargue say? That the only thing of value is money. Life has no value, work has no value, mothership has no value, knowledge has no value, only prostitution has. And a good courtsean earns so much more than any professor...

    Yes, I know, the idea of the stupid slut is a running gag... but in fact the whore is a Goddess, or?

    Could there be any other reason to give her so much money?

    Maybe all money at last? I am quite horney for the money heaped up at the Bank of the Holy Spirit....

    I would use it to plant trees, shrubberies and forests everywhere, aye, some brandnew Ashera poles too, close the houses of God...

    "GOD-CAPITAL presented a new moral to the world, he proclaimed the dogma of freedom. And how do you reach this freeedom? By conquering the right to sell it!" Paul Lafargue

    "Oh, holy virgin, you who have conceived without to sin, give that I sin without to conceive..."


    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32359 March 29th, 2011
    templar wrote:
    I googled her and got this


    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32360 March 29th, 2011
    templar wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:

    HI SpaceCowboy...

    What does



    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32361 March 29th, 2011
    smurfette wrote:

    Manasseh was not the only king to bring this worship into the temple. King Ahab under the influence of his wife Jezebel also brought the worship of Ishtar into the house of God. "And Ahab the son of Omri did evil in the sight of the Lord above all that were before him. And it came to pass, as if it had been a light thing for him to walk in the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, that he took to wife Jezebel the daughter of Ethbaal king of the Zidonians, and went and served Baal, and worshipped him. And he reared up an altar for Baal in the house of Baal, which he had built in Samaria. And Ahab made a grove; and Ahab did more to provoke the Lord God of Israel to anger than all the kings of Israel that were before him...But there was none like unto Ahab, which did sell himself to work wickedness in the sight of the Lord, whom Jezebel his wife stirred up. And he did very abominably in following idols, according to all things as did the Amorites, whom the Lord cast out before the children of Israel." (1 Kings 16:30- 33; 21:25-26)

    Ahab, through the influence of Jezebel built an altar to Baal and also made groves. Remember the groves were for the worship of Ishtar, from the Hebrew word Asherah/Ashtoreth. Let's now go to these end times and see what God has to tell us about this Easter/Ishtar worship. "And the angel of the church in Thyatira write; These things saith the Son of God, who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire, and his feet are like fine brass; I know thy works, and charity, and service, and faith, and they patience, and thy works; and the last to be more than the first. Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols. And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not. Behold I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds." (Revelation 2:18-22)

    King Ahab suffered that woman Jezebel, his wife, and brought the worship of the goddess Ishtar into the House of God. Do you suffer that woman Jezebel? Are you still practicing your worship of Easter, whose worship goes to Ishtar and not to Christ? God has given you His warning. He has given her space to repent of her fornication, and she repented not. Where do you stand, with Christ or with Jezebel?

    In this study we have presented you with the facts and history concerning Ishtar/Easter. You have had the opportunity to see that the worship of Ishtar and the ritualistic sexual orgies were symbolic for the resurrection of the dead god, the very thing Christians purport to be celebrating the resurrection of Christ.


    End Quote.

    Oh, it all sounds too familiar!

    Funny thing though: not since I was a small child have I celebrated Easter. For me and my family it was just a great time to come together and celebrate the start of spring in joy and happiness. Far, far away from the mass of resurrection.

    Love and light,
    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. " Martin Luther King.

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32363 March 29th, 2011
    smurfette wrote:

    The historical Semiramis (later Ishtar/Easter) was the wife of King Nimrod who built the tower of Babel and the city of Babylon. He is said to have tried to murder Abraham, who lived in the land of Ur of the Chaldes (Chaldea was absorbed by Babylon). After her death and supposed ascention to heaven, she was known as Ishtar/Easter the "Queen of Heaven" just as Mary supposedly resurrected to heaven and became known as the "Queen of Heaven."

    Ishtar/Easter was often represented as a half-dressed woman with a lion on each side of her hence the winged lions on the Ishtar gate, as seen in other photos. Much of "Chrisitanity" has gone through the Spiritual Ishtar Gate, to go back into Babylon, instead of coming out of her, and touching no unclean thing. In fact, the unclean things are painted and eaten every year at Churches as she supposedly fell from heaven in a giant egg on what we know as "Ishtar/Easter" Sunday. Due to her sexual promiscuity she was known as the "Whore of Babylon" in life, and in death, known as the Ishtar/Easter in Babylon, also called Eostre by the Celts, Ostara by the Vikings, Aphrodite by the Greeks, and Venus by the Romans. When someone contracted an STD they were sent to temple of Ishtar to be "cured" of their VENereal disease (diseases of Venus) sometimes given "Aphro-desiacs" (from her greek name, Aphrodite) by sleeping with the temple prostitutes. Her husband Baal was also said to be a stud, as evergreen trees were erected every December 25th to represent his ever erect penis, with red easter eggs hanging on the branches to serve as his testicles (like the red glass ornaments we have today.)

    End Quote.

    What did I hear recently about Venus?

    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. " Martin Luther King.

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32370 March 29th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    Templar wrote:
    I googled her and got this


    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    plumr2007 wrote:
    That's true arc but its the degrees of good and bad that we need to keep an eye on.

    Who says YOU need to keep an (EYE) on anyone??? So it is that saying IS true, "Once a cop always a cop." Good to see you can oink out a few more gasps after you went into retirement there buddy.

    Hence you aforementioned 'apparent' knowledge of pigs!

    You have that same I rule world vibe as the rest of em. I feel sorry for any women in your life too.

    You enjoy arguing with YOU. MERK, Sundance, 'kerry' aka the one with the little k, not the one of Camelot, Lovedancer, Cognitiu, Red, Aura, Cherri, Dan, Arvin, Homer, freethinkingfairy, Soulfire, paradox, ed, eddyan, ... and pretending to hit on 16 year old girls that are not 16 year old girls... have I left any one out? yeah just because I don't really care Birds of a feather... and don't get me started on your little group here. Grow up sicko. It has only bee five years now, you'd think you'd realized he has the benefit of my doubt until ... well, I know what happens, and YOU clearly clueless, as to the nature of certain things. Get a grip. take your bored azz elsewhere, or talk about something that people on Camelot want to see, something relevant, please, lol. You are NOT a real police officer. Get ahold of yourself man. Haha. ;)



    Re: The TERRORIST and the WHORE... RE: Labels

    #32374 March 29th, 2011
    Chasm wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    that's in poor taste at best ! you're lucky i'm not a moderator!
    oops-i meant the one about sheep--not this last one

    what would you do if you were a Mod Arctorust????
    would you Ban space cowboy for a sheep video?
    Free speech dude,, works both ways
    What does that mean? It Means ....Buckle your seat belt Dorothy - Because Kansas is going Bye! Bye!

    Re: The TERRORIST and the WHORE... RE: Labels

    #32377 March 29th, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    For a long time now, I've got used to nothing happening by accident. So why is it that MaryIshtar is still jumping up and down trying to get my/our attention?

    As I do some research, I find the Mary Ishtar is also Eostre the goddess of fertility and 'eggs' are a symbol, I anagram George W Bush's name and get : Egg Whore (Bus/Sub?) ...

    I do a bit more research and come across this:

    The Gate of Ishtar, the Gate of Hell...

    Link to Recommendation 666

    Notice how she says 'Western' like 'Eostren'

    Chocolate bunnies and colored eggs. Satan’s Communion, every Easter Sunday! Will you and your children be participating in demonic rituals celebrating Molech and Baal, or will you turn your eyes to God this year?
    The English and German names, “Easter” and “Ostern,” are not etymologically derived from Pesach [Passover] and according to the 8th century Christian monk and historian Bede are instead related to ancient name for the Anglo Saxon goddess, Eostre, who was celebrated during Eosturmonath, equivalent to April/Aprilis. Bede wrote in Latin:

    “Eosturmonath, qui nunc paschalis mensis interpretatur, quondam a dea illorum quae Eostre vocabatur et cui in illo festa celebrabant nomen habuit.”

    Translated: “Eosturmonath, which is now interpreted as the paschal month, was formerly named after the goddess Eostre, and has given its name to the festival.”

    There's more, much more here but I need to research some more. If you watch the entire 6 parts, I recommend you think at the same time that the actors in this play rely on it happening behind the scenes. As you shine your light of awareness and enlightenment on these matters, these plans lose power.

    As they act, so you will see what they do and the chances are someone somewhere can intervene to delay or obstruct the final pieces coming together.

    If you're wondering why I'm not giving sources to most of this, it's because this Thuban crew don't either. They pretend it's their own material. I won't pretend, I will just treat them with the same lack of respect as they treat us.

    Love and light,
    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. " Martin Luther King.
    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32379 March 29th, 2011
    ashera wrote:

    Babalon, or Barbelo, has only few to do with Babylon; it comes from Bar Ilu, meaning "Land of God".

    All the old meanings got corrupted while shifting from startime to solar time. In this process many of the old Goddesses got masculinized, or at least submitted to a male deity, like Sefekh for example toThoth.

    In this process the Living Word almost vanished into oblivion.


    Re: The TERRORIST and the WHORE... RE: Labels

    #32384 March 29th, 2011
    templar wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    While we wait for an answer from Maryishtar let us enjoy a little music.

    Mr. SpaceCowboy

    Do you have a large collections of sheep videos??

    Just Asking..... smile.

    Re: The TERRORIST and the WHORE... RE: Labels

    #32386 March 29th, 2011
    templar wrote:
    siriusblue wrote:
    For a long time now, I've got used to nothing happening by accident. So why is it that MaryIshtar is still jumping up and down trying to get my/our attention?

    As I do some research, I find the Mary Ishtar is also Eostre the goddess of fertility and 'eggs' are a symbol, I anagram George W Bush's name and get : Egg Whore (Bus/Sub?) ...

    I do a bit more research and come across this:

    The Gate of Ishtar, the Gate of Hell...

    Link to Recommendation 666

    Notice how she says 'Western' like 'Eostren'

    Chocolate bunnies and colored eggs. Satan’s Communion, every Easter Sunday! Will you and your children be participating in demonic rituals celebrating Molech and Baal, or will you turn your eyes to God this year?
    The English and German names, “Easter” and “Ostern,” are not etymologically derived from Pesach [Passover] and according to the 8th century Christian monk and historian Bede are instead related to ancient name for the Anglo Saxon goddess, Eostre, who was celebrated during Eosturmonath, equivalent to April/Aprilis. Bede wrote in Latin:

    “Eosturmonath, qui nunc paschalis mensis interpretatur, quondam a dea illorum quae Eostre vocabatur et cui in illo festa celebrabant nomen habuit.”

    Translated: “Eosturmonath, which is now interpreted as the paschal month, was formerly named after the goddess Eostre, and has given its name to the festival.”

    There's more, much more here but I need to research some more. If you watch the entire 6 parts, I recommend you think at the same time that the actors in this play rely on it happening behind the scenes. As you shine your light of awareness and enlightenment on these matters, these plans lose power.

    As they act, so you will see what they do and the chances are someone somewhere can intervene to delay or obstruct the final pieces coming together.

    If you're wondering why I'm not giving sources to most of this, it's because this Thuban crew don't either. They pretend it's their own material. I won't pretend, I will just treat them with the same lack of respect as they treat us.

    Love and light,

    Thanks Sirius--- interesting

    Re: The TERRORIST and the WHORE... RE: Labels

    #32397 March 29th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    siriusblue wrote:
    For a long time now, I've got used to nothing happening by accident. So why is it that MaryIshtar is still jumping up and down trying to get my/our attention?

    As I do some research, I find the Mary Ishtar is also Eostre the goddess of fertility and 'eggs' are a symbol, I anagram George W Bush's name and get : Egg Whore (Bus/Sub?) ...

    I do a bit more research and come across this:

    The Gate of Ishtar, the Gate of Hell...

    Link to Recommendation 666

    Notice how she says 'Western' like 'Eostren'

    Chocolate bunnies and colored eggs. Satan’s Communion, every Easter Sunday! Will you and your children be participating in demonic rituals celebrating Molech and Baal, or will you turn your eyes to God this year?
    The English and German names, “Easter” and “Ostern,” are not etymologically derived from Pesach [Passover] and according to the 8th century Christian monk and historian Bede are instead related to ancient name for the Anglo Saxon goddess, Eostre, who was celebrated during Eosturmonath, equivalent to April/Aprilis. Bede wrote in Latin:

    “Eosturmonath, qui nunc paschalis mensis interpretatur, quondam a dea illorum quae Eostre vocabatur et cui in illo festa celebrabant nomen habuit.”

    Translated: “Eosturmonath, which is now interpreted as the paschal month, was formerly named after the goddess Eostre, and has given its name to the festival.”

    There's more, much more here but I need to research some more. If you watch the entire 6 parts, I recommend you think at the same time that the actors in this play rely on it happening behind the scenes. As you shine your light of awareness and enlightenment on these matters, these plans lose power.

    As they act, so you will see what they do and the chances are someone somewhere can intervene to delay or obstruct the final pieces coming together.

    If you're wondering why I'm not giving sources to most of this, it's because this Thuban crew don't either. They pretend it's their own material. I won't pretend, I will just treat them with the same lack of respect as they treat us.

    Love and light,

    Here's a clue. Real women do not act like Tra and Sirius are acting. That said, I do not respond to Sirius most of the time because I choose not to argue with someone who clearly has no clue (all due respect) what is even being discussed, and is clearly looking to bait people. Same with a few others. They do not even understand the very clear answers they do get and if they do choose to ignore them because they know they do not understand what is being discussed.

    I give the example of all of the ranting about 'reptilian' beings that they were doing. talking about using ebergy to slay dragons and such. When you ask them direct questions about their own personal experiences with these things, they have no answer other than to throw in a distraction, name call, slander, OR if you are really lucky they pretend to know what they are talking about until it becimes obvious that they just 'heard' something somewhere (and have NO direct personal knowledge themselves of the topics)... And thus can be considered irrelevant racist rumor mongering trolls mind controlled into holding up the old ways of dominate and control structures by attacking people with baseless bolony.

    One of their favorite tricks is to yell really loud that they are leaving to get it stirred up again, only to come back, and IF they admit it is them when they come back, come back in supporting and embodying this sadly ill percieved notion that they are 'meant' somehow to war with every one.

    They clearly know very little about even Kerry's material, and have probably spent a few days playing catch up in some cases so they could come back in to 'the fight' (the one they created for no reason other than fear) with renewed vigor. They laugh at things that Kerry says are real without even realizing it because they are not even here for the information like everyone else which is made very clear by what they do.

    Sometimes I choose to stand up and say it is a crock more directly and other times I use the situation they present as a teachable moment for the others who actually visit the site to learn from others by exposing most clearly what is really taking place and then theri pride gets hurt and they call names again. If I were to really sing to their level of lame crap to the fullest I can promise they would all be running for their mommies.

    I have dealt with much worse, and much more knowledgeable and much more powerful people and beings than them so they do not get to me with the crap they spew because I realize they are as children and do not know better. Which is why I try to be polite, and then still would be open to discussion. But before you can be nice they get on a thread that either I or one of the Thuban members have posted and start being ignorant and rude with clear intent to do nothing but harm to someone else's nice posts about things that are not anything like what they are used to posting which is idle chit chat about drinking, and other random stuff that could be more appropriate for a forum where people don't believe in Magick and things they cannot see, or that they have been lied to and thus can do naught but copy and paste same old versions of the "story" that have been fed to humanity for years thus keeping it in shackles. I do not let the projections of these people effect me on a personal level. If you were to bother looking for the truth of this matter it is clearly laid out from thread to thread. One more thing, Yes, I felt it appropriate to point out that Tommy might need to take care of the post clearly calling me a whore, after it was also suggested I was fat, and all of this on a beautiful thread that was started by a nice person to help others learn to see what we see.

    Honestly, You people and the way you choose to act is a joke to someone who regularly experiences the visual and energetic dissolution of the three D material world and interacts with many beings far larger than trees, Native American spirits included.

    You people are ridiculous and generally due to your behavior towards others I choose to consider what you have to say irrelevant. It bothers me to say that because all of the harm being done to the planet and humanity right now, it is made worse each time people choose to act as you people act. A MAJOR reason why I ignore you is because I can hear the crying of the souls that suffer each day do to humanities lack of growth and knowledge, And when you cry out for people to show you more, you then become afraid and attack them. It becomes then time to just keep posting with the fact in mind that there are many others who visit this site with a true desire to learn more. Reaching just one who would then choose to use their freedom responsibly and give to the whole and not be selfish attention...*blanks* haha, then it lessens the suffering of all that much more.

    Each time you choose to do what you have been doing it hurts the planet (energetically of course), it contributes to war, and suffering of children. The day you will see the truth of this you will surely weep like you have never wept before. By then your damage to the whole will have been done. BUT will you have learned from it even then after you see the killing you help to perpetuate? Or will it be too late anyway by then? Time will tell.

    I am trying to do something good with my abilities, what are you doing?

    At any time when this cools down, I will be glad to speak with these same perpetrators of violence and hatred against their fellows, in an effort to help them grow. Only if sincerity is present. There will one day be a telepathic society... some of us CAN sense your vibes from a long distance, so you cannot fool every one. And there are a lot of people around you on a daily basis that can do it too... and just are not necessarily saying so. You might want to consider that before trying this kind of crap and feeling like you are sneaky out there in the world. Because we are not alone in the ability to see right through you. Nothing you will respond with is going to change what I have just said. And NO I won't feel bad for how did Sirius say it? "not mincing words?";)

    Have a GRRREAT Day!;)

    And thank you to those who are of sound mind enough to actually try to see what is true instead of joining the mob mentality of a few on here who are mad about something that happened weeks ago, and refuse to let it go. I suggest you look for some of Tommy's posts and see the Thuban thread about ET's if you want to learn how this really started. Basically someone wanted them banned and they got reinstated. They did not think the material was true is my take on it, but look for yourself if you are so inclined to really get to the root of this bolony that should have been over weeks ago. I suggest ignoring them. Tommy took care of it as per the rules is my understanding of it. I have better things to do than fight.

    I do not have intention of doing so at this time, but any direct response to my input on this topic may be subject to being copied elsewhere at a later time. (This is intended to protect the integrity of my words as I am known here on this forum and for no other reason.)

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: The TERRORIST and the WHORE... RE: Labels

    #32399 March 29th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32401 March 29th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    Repost from responding to the same people who leap like toads from thread to thread seeking to confuse, LOL.

    Here's a clue. Real women do not act like Tra and Sirius are acting. That said, I do not respond to Sirius most of the time because I choose not to argue with someone who clearly has no clue (all due respect) what is even being discussed, and is clearly looking to bait people. Same with a few others. They do not even understand the very clear answers they do get and if they do choose to ignore them because they know they do not understand what is being discussed.

    I give the example of all of the ranting about 'reptilian' beings that they were doing. talking about using ebergy to slay dragons and such. When you ask them direct questions about their own personal experiences with these things, they have no answer other than to throw in a distraction, name call, slander, OR if you are really lucky they pretend to know what they are talking about until it becimes obvious that they just 'heard' something somewhere (and have NO direct personal knowledge themselves of the topics)... And thus can be considered irrelevant racist rumor mongering trolls mind controlled into holding up the old ways of dominate and control structures by attacking people with baseless bolony.

    One of their favorite tricks is to yell really loud that they are leaving to get it stirred up again, only to come back, and IF they admit it is them when they come back, come back in supporting and embodying this sadly ill percieved notion that they are 'meant' somehow to war with every one.

    They clearly know very little about even Kerry's material, and have probably spent a few days playing catch up in some cases so they could come back in to 'the fight' (the one they created for no reason other than fear) with renewed vigor. They laugh at things that Kerry says are real without even realizing it because they are not even here for the information like everyone else which is made very clear by what they do.

    Sometimes I choose to stand up and say it is a crock more directly and other times I use the situation they present as a teachable moment for the others who actually visit the site to learn from others by exposing most clearly what is really taking place and then theri pride gets hurt and they call names again. If I were to really sing to their level of lame crap to the fullest I can promise they would all be running for their mommies.

    I have dealt with much worse, and much more knowledgeable and much more powerful people and beings than them so they do not get to me with the crap they spew because I realize they are as children and do not know better. Which is why I try to be polite, and then still would be open to discussion. But before you can be nice they get on a thread that either I or one of the Thuban members have posted and start being ignorant and rude with clear intent to do nothing but harm to someone else's nice posts about things that are not anything like what they are used to posting which is idle chit chat about drinking, and other random stuff that could be more appropriate for a forum where people don't believe in Magick and things they cannot see, or that they have been lied to and thus can do naught but copy and paste same old versions of the "story" that have been fed to humanity for years thus keeping it in shackles. I do not let the projections of these people effect me on a personal level. If you were to bother looking for the truth of this matter it is clearly laid out from thread to thread. One more thing, Yes, I felt it appropriate to point out that Tommy might need to take care of the post clearly calling me a whore, after it was also suggested I was fat, and all of this on a beautiful thread that was started by a nice person to help others learn to see what we see.

    Honestly, You people and the way you choose to act is a joke to someone who regularly experiences the visual and energetic dissolution of the three D material world and interacts with many beings far larger than trees, Native American spirits included.

    You people are ridiculous and generally due to your behavior towards others I choose to consider what you have to say irrelevant. It bothers me to say that because all of the harm being done to the planet and humanity right now, it is made worse each time people choose to act as you people act. A MAJOR reason why I ignore you is because I can hear the crying of the souls that suffer each day do to humanities lack of growth and knowledge, And when you cry out for people to show you more, you then become afraid and attack them. It becomes then time to just keep posting with the fact in mind that there are many others who visit this site with a true desire to learn more. Reaching just one who would then choose to use their freedom responsibly and give to the whole and not be selfish attention...*blanks* haha, then it lessens the suffering of all that much more.

    Each time you choose to do what you have been doing it hurts the planet (energetically of course), it contributes to war, and suffering of children. The day you will see the truth of this you will surely weep like you have never wept before. By then your damage to the whole will have been done. BUT will you have learned from it even then after you see the killing you help to perpetuate? Or will it be too late anyway by then? Time will tell.

    I am trying to do something good with my abilities, what are you doing?

    At any time when this cools down, I will be glad to speak with these same perpetrators of violence and hatred against their fellows, in an effort to help them grow. Only if sincerity is present. There will one day be a telepathic society... some of us CAN sense your vibes from a long distance, so you cannot fool every one. And there are a lot of people around you on a daily basis that can do it too... and just are not necessarily saying so. You might want to consider that before trying this kind of crap and feeling like you are sneaky out there in the world. Because we are not alone in the ability to see right through you. Nothing you will respond with is going to change what I have just said. And NO I won't feel bad for how did Sirius say it? "not mincing words?"

    Have a GRRREAT Day!

    And thank you to those who are of sound mind enough to actually try to see what is true instead of joining the mob mentality of a few on here who are mad about something that happened weeks ago, and refuse to let it go. I suggest you look for some of Tommy's posts and see the Thuban thread about ET's if you want to learn how this really started. Basically someone wanted them banned and they got reinstated. They did not think the material was true is my take on it, but look for yourself if you are so inclined to really get to the root of this bolony that should have been over weeks ago. I suggest ignoring them. Tommy took care of it as per the rules is my understanding of it. I have better things to do than fight.

    I do not have intention of doing so at this time, but any direct response to my input on this topic may be subject to being copied elsewhere at a later time. (This is intended to protect the integrity of my words as I am known here on this forum and for no other reason.)
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: The TERRORIST and the WHORE... RE: Labels

    #32419 March 29th, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    Chasing dragons and charming snakes...

    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    Here's a clue. Real women do not act like Tra and Sirius are acting.

    They should act like you? Illogical, hysterical and incoherent?

    That said, I do not respond to Sirius most of the time because I choose not to argue with someone who clearly has no clue (all due respect) what is even being discussed, and is clearly looking to bait people.

    You don't respond to me because you're too stupid to respond to me, you're scared you'll just get picked to pieces. Here are some links which will educate you on your name because it seems you don't understand it yourself:



    I give the example of all of the ranting about 'reptilian' beings that they were doing. talking about using ebergy to slay dragons and such. When you ask them direct questions about their own personal experiences with these things, they have no answer other than to throw in a distraction, name call, slander, OR if you are really lucky they pretend to know what they are talking about until it becimes obvious that they just 'heard' something somewhere (and have NO direct personal knowledge themselves of the topics)... And thus can be considered irrelevant racist rumor mongering trolls mind controlled into holding up the old ways of dominate and control structures by attacking people with baseless bolony.

    The one doing the ranting was YOU MaryIshtar. Here are the links to the original rant which came out of the blue and was completely unjustified in a friendly topic which was EXPLORING whether they exist or not. YOU come out with weird accusations when none of us have even scratched the surface. Everything that comes up after that is YOUR doing from YOUR stupid rant:


    They clearly know very little about even Kerry's material

    We know more about it than you do because Kerry's material, from 2008 until just last month, has nothing to do with Thuban, snakes and dragons, it's only YOUR DISTURBED MIND that seems to have made any link.

    they call names again.

    You started that and haven't stopped. Acting worse than a badly behaved spoilt child of 5.

    Link, just one example: camelotforum.com/index.php?option=com_ku...amp;Itemid=164#31050

    With your 'friend' Raven posting sandboxes and broomsticks. You think you scare me? Your magick is weak to non-existent. Not surprising, your knowledge is NIL or full of nonsense and your brain is as undisciplined as a pit full of snakes...

    I have dealt with much worse, and much more knowledgeable and much more powerful people and beings than them so they do not get to me with the crap they spew because I realize they are as children and do not know better. Which is why I try to be polite, and then still would be open to discussion.

    Then go back to them or have they kicked you out of their forum? Which forum is it so I can go compare notes?

    But before you can be nice they get on a thread that either I or one of the Thuban members have posted and start being ignorant and rude with clear intent to do nothing but harm to someone else's nice posts about things that are not anything like what they are used to posting which is idle chit chat about drinking, and other random stuff that could be more appropriate for a forum where people don't believe in Magick and things they cannot see, or that they have been lied to and thus can do naught but copy and paste same old versions of the "story" that have been fed to humanity for years thus keeping it in shackles.

    Very few, if any, of your posts are nice. Kerry's Project Camelot has nothhing to do with Magick you are OFF TOPIC, spreading your own 'philosophy' which has NOTHING to do with Project Camelot's core mission.

    I do not let the projections of these people effect me on a personal level.


    You people are ridiculous and generally due to your behavior towards others I choose to consider what you have to say irrelevant.

    Insults and name-calling from you Mary Ishtar...

    It becomes then time to just keep posting with the fact in mind that there are many others who visit this site with a true desire to learn more.

    ...and not YOUR rubbish. You have not answered a single QUESTION put to you.

    At any time when this cools down, I will be glad to speak with these same perpetrators of violence and hatred against their fellows, in an effort to help them grow. Only if sincerity is present. There will one day be a telepathic society...

    I am already telepathic and I know where you are coming from. I see straight through your lies and deceit which is why you run away and don't answer my questions.

    And NO I won't feel bad for how did Sirius say it? "not mincing words?"

    No, I don't. I speak the truth.

    ... and see the Thuban thread about ET's if you want to learn how this really started. Basically someone wanted them banned and they got reinstated. They did not think the material was true is my take on it, but look for yourself if you are so inclined to really get to the root of this bolony that should have been over weeks ago. I suggest ignoring them. Tommy took care of it as per the rules is my understanding of it. I have better things to do than fight.

    Every single one of the Thuban followers pretty much admitted either NOT HAVING READ IT or NOT UNDERSTANDING IT.

    There is NOTHING about ETs in it. It's full of lies and false information as I have pointed out again and again. Even you have not read it and understood it because you have no education to be able to understand it.

    You CANNOT EVEN ANSWER the following questions:

    Why did you pick the name Mary Ishtar?

    If you were being accused and sentenced to death would you not be hoping for a fair trial? I don't believe I have made any claims as of yet that need to be supported as such. And it is clear to me that you are not ready to *hear* what I have to say because you are still using the word dragon as a derogatory term, lol AS IF.

    You don't understand what they are in the first place. That is clear to anyone who does.

    Please explain to us this comment: "you are not ready to *hear* what I have to say because you are still using the word dragon as a derogatory term, lol AS IF."

    Please explain this comment: "You don't understand what they are in the first place. That is clear to anyone who does."
    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. " Martin Luther King.

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32422 March 29th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    Templar wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:

    HI SpaceCowboy...

    What does



    I don't care right now I'm just trying to get an answer out of Maryishtar. Start a ".." thread.

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32423 March 29th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    Repost from responding to the same people who leap like toads from thread to thread seeking to confuse, LOL.

    Here's a clue. Real women do not act like Tra and Sirius are acting. That said, I do not respond to Sirius most of the time because I choose not to argue with someone who clearly has no clue (all due respect) what is even being discussed, and is clearly looking to bait people. Same with a few others. They do not even understand the very clear answers they do get and if they do choose to ignore them because they know they do not understand what is being discussed.

    I give the example of all of the ranting about 'reptilian' beings that they were doing. talking about using ebergy to slay dragons and such. When you ask them direct questions about their own personal experiences with these things, they have no answer other than to throw in a distraction, name call, slander, OR if you are really lucky they pretend to know what they are talking about until it becimes obvious that they just 'heard' something somewhere (and have NO direct personal knowledge themselves of the topics)... And thus can be considered irrelevant racist rumor mongering trolls mind controlled into holding up the old ways of dominate and control structures by attacking people with baseless bolony.

    One of their favorite tricks is to yell really loud that they are leaving to get it stirred up again, only to come back, and IF they admit it is them when they come back, come back in supporting and embodying this sadly ill percieved notion that they are 'meant' somehow to war with every one.

    They clearly know very little about even Kerry's material, and have probably spent a few days playing catch up in some cases so they could come back in to 'the fight' (the one they created for no reason other than fear) with renewed vigor. They laugh at things that Kerry says are real without even realizing it because they are not even here for the information like everyone else which is made very clear by what they do.

    Sometimes I choose to stand up and say it is a crock more directly and other times I use the situation they present as a teachable moment for the others who actually visit the site to learn from others by exposing most clearly what is really taking place and then theri pride gets hurt and they call names again. If I were to really sing to their level of lame crap to the fullest I can promise they would all be running for their mommies.

    I have dealt with much worse, and much more knowledgeable and much more powerful people and beings than them so they do not get to me with the crap they spew because I realize they are as children and do not know better. Which is why I try to be polite, and then still would be open to discussion. But before you can be nice they get on a thread that either I or one of the Thuban members have posted and start being ignorant and rude with clear intent to do nothing but harm to someone else's nice posts about things that are not anything like what they are used to posting which is idle chit chat about drinking, and other random stuff that could be more appropriate for a forum where people don't believe in Magick and things they cannot see, or that they have been lied to and thus can do naught but copy and paste same old versions of the "story" that have been fed to humanity for years thus keeping it in shackles. I do not let the projections of these people effect me on a personal level. If you were to bother looking for the truth of this matter it is clearly laid out from thread to thread. One more thing, Yes, I felt it appropriate to point out that Tommy might need to take care of the post clearly calling me a whore, after it was also suggested I was fat, and all of this on a beautiful thread that was started by a nice person to help others learn to see what we see.

    Honestly, You people and the way you choose to act is a joke to someone who regularly experiences the visual and energetic dissolution of the three D material world and interacts with many beings far larger than trees, Native American spirits included.

    You people are ridiculous and generally due to your behavior towards others I choose to consider what you have to say irrelevant. It bothers me to say that because all of the harm being done to the planet and humanity right now, it is made worse each time people choose to act as you people act. A MAJOR reason why I ignore you is because I can hear the crying of the souls that suffer each day do to humanities lack of growth and knowledge, And when you cry out for people to show you more, you then become afraid and attack them. It becomes then time to just keep posting with the fact in mind that there are many others who visit this site with a true desire to learn more. Reaching just one who would then choose to use their freedom responsibly and give to the whole and not be selfish attention...*blanks* haha, then it lessens the suffering of all that much more.

    Each time you choose to do what you have been doing it hurts the planet (energetically of course), it contributes to war, and suffering of children. The day you will see the truth of this you will surely weep like you have never wept before. By then your damage to the whole will have been done. BUT will you have learned from it even then after you see the killing you help to perpetuate? Or will it be too late anyway by then? Time will tell.

    I am trying to do something good with my abilities, what are you doing?

    At any time when this cools down, I will be glad to speak with these same perpetrators of violence and hatred against their fellows, in an effort to help them grow. Only if sincerity is present. There will one day be a telepathic society... some of us CAN sense your vibes from a long distance, so you cannot fool every one. And there are a lot of people around you on a daily basis that can do it too... and just are not necessarily saying so. You might want to consider that before trying this kind of crap and feeling like you are sneaky out there in the world. Because we are not alone in the ability to see right through you. Nothing you will respond with is going to change what I have just said. And NO I won't feel bad for how did Sirius say it? "not mincing words?"

    Have a GRRREAT Day!

    And thank you to those who are of sound mind enough to actually try to see what is true instead of joining the mob mentality of a few on here who are mad about something that happened weeks ago, and refuse to let it go. I suggest you look for some of Tommy's posts and see the Thuban thread about ET's if you want to learn how this really started. Basically someone wanted them banned and they got reinstated. They did not think the material was true is my take on it, but look for yourself if you are so inclined to really get to the root of this bolony that should have been over weeks ago. I suggest ignoring them. Tommy took care of it as per the rules is my understanding of it. I have better things to do than fight.

    I do not have intention of doing so at this time, but any direct response to my input on this topic may be subject to being copied elsewhere at a later time. (This is intended to protect the integrity of my words as I am known here on this forum and for no other reason.)

    Goodmorning Maryishtar, why did you start two whore threads? Did you know the meaning of your name when you became a member here?

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32426 March 29th, 2011
    templar wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    Templar wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:

    HI SpaceCowboy...

    What does



    I don't care right now I'm just trying to get an answer out of Maryishtar. Start a ".." thread.

    Maybe she can't answer you because she does not know who SHE is through YOUR eyes...

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32435 March 30th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    Templar wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    Templar wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:

    HI SpaceCowboy...

    What does



    I don't care right now I'm just trying to get an answer out of Maryishtar. Start a ".." thread.

    Maybe she can't answer you because she does not know who SHE is through YOUR eyes...

    Scan up to her last post, something like a 1,000 words of babble. She knows.

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32447 March 30th, 2011
    siamese wrote:
    Maryishtar creiddlad I will not bother to propagate and plaster your previous post by copy / paste on this page as you clearly enjoy being victimized and would not like to disappoint your Grace in any way! You have such a lovely demur ambiance about you - NOT. Get over yourself and realise your work and ethics are not to everyone's taste and requirements. Its about time you stopped crying out "wolf" and relying on others to fix your messes, you may like to look at your own actions before you blame others for your demise. THERE IS SUCH A PHRASE AS CAUSE AND EFFECT! - go look it up for yourself you may learn a valuable lesson in life.

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32457 March 30th, 2011
    Crystal wrote:
    It just dawned on me, I slapped my head... how did I miss this... Mary... oh Mary... you poor darling you are a victim.. do you always play this role of victim, what is it from your childhood that makes you see yourself this way... you might need to get some help with this.
    Re: The TERRORIST and the WHORE... RE: Labels

    #32458 March 30th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    siriusblue wrote:
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    Here's a clue. Real women do not act like Tra and Sirius are acting.

    They should act like you? Illogical, hysterical and incoherent?

    That said, I do not respond to Sirius most of the time because I choose not to argue with someone who clearly has no clue (all due respect) what is even being discussed, and is clearly looking to bait people.

    You don't respond to me because you're too stupid to respond to me, you're scared you'll just get picked to pieces. Here are some links which will educate you on your name because it seems you don't understand it yourself:



    I give the example of all of the ranting about 'reptilian' beings that they were doing. talking about using ebergy to slay dragons and such. When you ask them direct questions about their own personal experiences with these things, they have no answer other than to throw in a distraction, name call, slander, OR if you are really lucky they pretend to know what they are talking about until it becimes obvious that they just 'heard' something somewhere (and have NO direct personal knowledge themselves of the topics)... And thus can be considered irrelevant racist rumor mongering trolls mind controlled into holding up the old ways of dominate and control structures by attacking people with baseless bolony.

    The one doing the ranting was YOU MaryIshtar. Here are the links to the original rant which came out of the blue and was completely unjustified in a friendly topic which was EXPLORING whether they exist or not. YOU come out with weird accusations when none of us have even scratched the surface. Everything that comes up after that is YOUR doing from YOUR stupid rant:


    They clearly know very little about even Kerry's material

    We know more about it than you do because Kerry's material, from 2008 until just last month, has nothing to do with Thuban, snakes and dragons, it's only YOUR DISTURBED MIND that seems to have made any link.

    they call names again.

    You started that and haven't stopped. Acting worse than a badly behaved spoilt child of 5.

    Link, just one example: camelotforum.com/index.php?option=com_ku...amp;Itemid=164#31050

    With your 'friend' Raven posting sandboxes and broomsticks. You think you scare me? Your magick is weak to non-existent. Not surprising, your knowledge is NIL or full of nonsense and your brain is as undisciplined as a pit full of snakes...

    I have dealt with much worse, and much more knowledgeable and much more powerful people and beings than them so they do not get to me with the crap they spew because I realize they are as children and do not know better. Which is why I try to be polite, and then still would be open to discussion.

    Then go back to them or have they kicked you out of their forum? Which forum is it so I can go compare notes?

    But before you can be nice they get on a thread that either I or one of the Thuban members have posted and start being ignorant and rude with clear intent to do nothing but harm to someone else's nice posts about things that are not anything like what they are used to posting which is idle chit chat about drinking, and other random stuff that could be more appropriate for a forum where people don't believe in Magick and things they cannot see, or that they have been lied to and thus can do naught but copy and paste same old versions of the "story" that have been fed to humanity for years thus keeping it in shackles.

    Very few, if any, of your posts are nice. Kerry's Project Camelot has nothhing to do with Magick you are OFF TOPIC, spreading your own 'philosophy' which has NOTHING to do with Project Camelot's core mission.

    I do not let the projections of these people effect me on a personal level.


    You people are ridiculous and generally due to your behavior towards others I choose to consider what you have to say irrelevant.

    Insults and name-calling from you Mary Ishtar...
    It becomes then time to just keep posting with the fact in mind that there are many others who visit this site with a true desire to learn more.

    ...and not YOUR rubbish. You have not answered a single QUESTION put to you.

    You CANNOT EVEN ANSWER the following questions:

    Why did you pick the name Mary Ishtar?

    Mary you are transparent. You have contradicted your own words over and over, yet somehow you are unable to see. Everything you have accused of others has actually been an echo of your voice and a mirror image of your own behavior.

    You see... Kerry has been a good teacher. She has taught us to reseach, pay attention, to look carefully at what is presented, and to question everything. We also provide sources to our info to show it's origins. Then it becomes up to each one to discern and decide for themselves. She also teaches us about intuition which is my favorite.

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32459 March 30th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    CrystalChi wrote:
    It just dawned on me, I slapped my head... how did I miss this... Mary... oh Mary... you poor darling you are a victim.. do you always play this role of victim, what is it from your childhood that makes you see yourself this way... you might need to get some help with this.

    Maybe if she'd just answer the question she'll be set free. What do you say Mary?

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32464 March 30th, 2011
    siamese wrote:
    Priceless ;):rolleyes:
    Post last edited May 9th 2011
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2016
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?
    #32471 March 30th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    Maryishtar, why did you start two whore threads bringing all this attention to the meaning of your name?

    Did you know the meaning of your name when you selected it?

    Are you ashamed of the meaning of your name?

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32477 March 30th, 2011
    zaina wrote:

    I too am a whore .SpaceCowboyboy .and Sianellen ,,problem is ,can you handle me

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32478 March 30th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    zaina wrote:
    I too am a whore .SpaceCowboyboy .and Sianellen ,,problem is ,can you handle me

    I don't really care who is a whore.

    Maryishtar, why did you start two whore threads bringing all this attention to the meaning of your name?

    Did you know the meaning of your name when you selected it?

    Are you ashamed of the meaning of your name?

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32489 March 30th, 2011
    zaina wrote:

    Spacecowboy this posting is turning out to be fun ,,never tried it before ,

    you didn't answer my question and yet you expect Mary to answer yours ,,do you see ?

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32493 March 30th, 2011
    siamese wrote:
    Hey lady zina... pay attention!!!!


    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32497 March 30th, 2011
    zaina wrote:

    YOU again ,,,And i was thinking i shook you off the first time ,,,flee's yack

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32500 March 30th, 2011
    zaina wrote:

    Waiting Cowboy ..big boy

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32503 March 30th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    zaina wrote:
    Waiting Cowboy ..big boy

    Zaina, take a number. There's a lot of lizards who want a piece of my ass. Bring it on!


    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32505 March 30th, 2011
    ZACKUK wrote:

    WOW looks like some is loosing his Cool here! grin.

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32509 March 30th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    ZACKUK wrote:
    WOW looks like some is loosing his Cool here! grin.

    I'm the same yesterday, today and forever. Where have you been.

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32514 March 30th, 2011
    ZACKUK wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    ZACKUK wrote:
    WOW looks like some is loosing his Cool here! grin.

    I'm the same yesterday, today and forever. Where have you been.

    Nowhere! Just open your eyes and see.......

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32515 March 30th, 2011
    zaina wrote:

    OH big boy responded ,,

    but lizards do not live in my world ,you see ,that what i meant in saying ,can you handle me ..big boy

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32526 March 30th, 2011
    zaina wrote:

    Have not forgot you cowboy ..

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32527 March 30th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:

    thanks again mary-
    if it wasn't fun,then we just wouldn't interact at all,so let people say what they will-what could be more fun-haha

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32538 March 30th, 2011
    zaina wrote:

    Great Arctouist ,,,we are friends already ,,,love ya

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32541 March 30th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    zaina wrote:
    Have not forgot you cowboy ..

    Here's a little treat for you in your cave.


    Free today as well. Enjoy.

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32543 March 30th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    thanks again mary-
    if it wasn't fun,then we just wouldn't interact at all,so let people say what they will-what could be more fun-haha

    In case you're feeling left out.


    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32549 March 30th, 2011
    zaina wrote:

    confused here ,,,care to enlighten me ,,babe ,,

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32552 March 30th, 2011
    zaina wrote:
    Waiting big boy ,,,,you are taking such a long time ,,careful i may get tired and move on ,,

    if you know what i mean ,,,

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32555 March 30th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    zaina wrote:
    Waiting big boy ,,,,you are taking such a long time ,,careful i may get tired and move on ,,

    if you know what i mean ,,,

    LOL! What are you talking about?

    Re: The TERRORIST and the WHORE... RE: Labels

    #32560 March 30th, 2011
    templar wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    While we wait for an answer from Maryishtar let us enjoy a little music.

    Wait SC found one....


    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32563 March 30th, 2011
    zaina wrote:

    Trying to humour you ....big boy ,

    Hi i am zaina ,pleased to meet you ..

    Re: The TERRORIST and the WHORE... RE: Labels

    #32564 March 30th, 2011
    Gif wrote:

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32565 March 30th, 2011
    kamicad wrote:
    I am new here so I do not really know what is going on but I have read this whole thread. I guess I just expected this kind of stuff not to happen on a forum like this. I will not take sides since I am new and do not know the lay of the land or the whole story. So I will stay in the middle and say to Maryishtar. If the people arguing against you are releasing negative energy into the world, are you not doing the same thing by arguing against them. Just ignore them completely. To the people arguing against her like space cowboy. You say Maryishtar is only seeking attention and crying wolf. Yet you keep paying attention and answering the wolf call. Can't we all just get along lol. I never thought I would be one to try to mediate a conflict. I am usually the one starting the conflict. But we all live on the same planet. Gots to learn how to share infinite space lol.

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32572 March 30th, 2011
    zaina wrote:

    I am also new here ,,my first post is on this page ,,welcome brother

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32580 March 30th, 2011
    kamicad wrote:
    Hello Zaina. I am glad I am not the only newbie lol. I expected to come here and find like minded people. But the more threads I read, I just find myself walking into battlefields. I guess divide and conquer is the name of the game even amongst our selves. The supposed enlightened crowd. So sad.

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32584 March 30th, 2011
    zaina wrote:
    karmicacid, we will talk i am sure ,,

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32588 March 30th, 2011
    2sink wrote:
    How's the old 'conscious co-creation' going then, Camelot Peeps? Seems like it's still easier to expend energy on trivial squabbles! Very entertaining, though. Keep it up! Whore today, gone tomorrow...[​IMG]

    Re: The TERRORIST and the WHORE... RE: Labels

    #32602 March 30th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    Templar wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    While we wait for an answer from Maryishtar let us enjoy a little music.

    Wait SC found one....



    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32603 March 30th, 2011
    kamicad wrote:
    I am sure we will Zaina.

    Lol to 2sinkeboy2, so true, so true. While sad it is very entertaining.

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32605 March 30th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    My observation has been that some "new members" seem to be curiously drawn to this thread to stir things up and bait others. There are many other highly informative topics and yet some seem to be focused here. Why is that? What brought you here? [​IMG]

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32608 March 30th, 2011
    zaina wrote:
    Feeling stalked now ,,is this allowed

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32610 March 30th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    it's hard to keep up with a lot of threads
    hey again everyone
    i had a dream i went back 14 years in time-for real!
    it was the greatest dream i ever had...i was so pissed to be awoken...helicopters flew over my house...seemed too low and too slow...most peculiar!
    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?
    #32611 March 30th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    zaina wrote:
    Feeling stalked now ,,is this allowed

    Actually feels more like you are doing the stalking.... [​IMG]
    and you might notice I directed my comment to no one in particular. That was a conscious decision on my part. As I suggested, there are many other threads on this forum.


    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32612 March 30th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    don't let anyone discourage you-there's so many of us,yeah,a few people get funny ideas and then project them onto whoever they fancy...it's like a test,but only if you care to play

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32614 March 30th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    don't let anyone discourage you-there's so many of us,yeah,a few people get funny ideas and then project them onto whoever they fancy...it's like a test,but only if you care to play

    I know what you mean. Now we know how Ripley felt in the movie Alien2.

    You seen Maryishtar around lately?

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32619 March 30th, 2011
    kamicad wrote:
    To answer TraLaLa's question. For me personally I came into this thread because it was started by Maryishtar and she was the first person to say hello to me in my introduce yourself post. So because of that little synchronicity I clicked on this thread.Since I am new and impartial I thought I would try to play peace maker. Oh and plus it had the word whore in the title lol jk. But like my first post said I really do not know the whole story and I guess this conflict has been going on in multiple other threads that I have not read....................PEACE

    Re: The TERRORIST and the WHORE... RE: Labels

    #32621 March 30th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:


    Any comments posted on this thread may be subject to being copied elsewhere in the future. I do not have intention of doing so at this time, (This is intended to protect the integrity of my words as I am known here on this forum and for no other reason.)
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32623 March 30th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    karmicacid wrote:
    To answer TraLaLa's question. For me personally I came into this thread because it was started by Maryishtar and she was the first person to say hello to me in my introduce yourself post. So because of that little synchronicity I clicked on this thread.Since I am new and impartial I thought I would try to play peace maker. Oh and plus it had the word whore in the title lol jk. But like my first post said I really do not know the whole story and I guess this conflict has been going on in multiple other threads that I have not read....................PEACE

    Thanks karmic, appreciated.

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32624 March 30th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    don't let anyone discourage you-there's so many of us,yeah,a few people get funny ideas and then project them onto whoever they fancy...it's like a test,but only if you care to play

    I know what you mean. Now we know how Ripley felt in the movie Alien2.

    You seen Maryishtar around lately?

    Hey there you been hiding behind Jack Nicolson's image since our first interactions online five years ago... Time to show your own face ... again... there lovely one. ;) BTW, he was a murderer in that film correct? Gee the symbolism... you are SO clever. ;)

    Here For You. [​IMG]



    Any comments posted on this thread may be subject to being copied elsewhere in the future. I do not have intention of doing so at this time, (This is intended to protect the integrity of my words as I am known here on this forum and for no other reason.)

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32625 March 30th, 2011
    Tangy wrote:
    zaina wrote:
    Feeling stalked now ,,is this allowed

    Apparently anything is allowed. Didn't you get the memo?

    The moderators who tried to follow guidelines here got overruled. Surely your buddies got that particular memo, since they created it.

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32628 March 30th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    don't let anyone discourage you-there's so many of us,yeah,a few people get funny ideas and then project them onto whoever they fancy...it's like a test,but only if you care to play

    I know what you mean. Now we know how Ripley felt in the movie Alien2.

    You seen Maryishtar around lately?

    Hey there you been hiding behind Jack Nicolson's image since our first interactions online five years ago... Time to show your own face ... again... there lovely one. ;) BTW, he was a murderer in that film correct? Gee the symbolism... you are SO clever. ;)

    Here For You. :D



    Any comments posted on this thread may be subject to being copied elsewhere in the future. I do not have intention of doing so at this time, (This is intended to protect the integrity of my words as I am known here on this forum and for no other reason.)

    Do you prefer me as a cartoon with no arms, and legs? LOL! Did you know the meaning of your name when you chose it?

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32629 March 30th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    Tangent wrote:
    zaina wrote:
    Feeling stalked now ,,is this allowed

    Apparently anything is allowed. Didn't you get the memo?

    The moderators who tried to follow guidelines here got overruled. Surely your buddies got that particular memo, since they created it.

    That would not be possible if there had not been an actual "rule" to support such "overruling" as you say it. Which implies that they must not have followed the rules themselves, it would seem. And since one came back after a big dramatic crash and burn of martyrdom for her lovely mind master (so it seems anyway) as a secret profile and stalked people waging her virtual secret back door war against those whom she perceived had done her wrong... and pretended to be someone else... until she was exposed as a former mod with an alternate profile, I would say it seems like it is very clear what kind are in that same flock. Mods are not police. They are supposed to be 'moderate'... [​IMG] and to set an example for others of behaving in a moderate, tempered, fair fashion.
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: I Got Called a WHORE does that fit in w/ the rules? Tommy?

    #32630 March 30th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    shyeah...tell me about it....
    hey i think she should've just come back under her own 'name',but whatever-it's all good-it just goes to show anything goes depending on who you are dudn't it!
    i think she's great,greater than ever now that she's just one of us...but anyway...
    yup,i wouldn't be here at all if she'd had her way-so there y'go-
    Allisiam - Posted Mar 30th

    • CrystalChi wrote:
      MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

      Tangent wrote:
      zaina wrote:
      Feeling stalked now ,,is this allowed

      Apparently anything is allowed. Didn't you get the memo?

      The moderators who tried to follow guidelines here got overruled. Surely your buddies got that particular memo, since they created it.

      That would not be possible if there had not been an actual "rule" to support such "overruling" as you say it. Which implies that they must not have followed the rules themselves, it would seem. And since one came back after a big dramatic crash and burn of martyrdom for her lovely mind master (so it seems anyway) as a secret profile and stalked people waging her virtual secret back door war against those whom she perceived had done her wrong... and pretended to be someone else... until she was exposed as a former mod with an alternate profile, I would say it seems like it is very clear what kind are in that same flock. Mods are not police. They are supposed to be 'moderate'... [​IMG] and to set an example for others of behaving in a moderate, tempered, fair fashion.

      Ok you piece of human poor me garbage, I as a member here have the same rights as you, I left my mod position on principle unlike you trashing this place, you want to take me on filthy WHORE go for it, at lest I am not a whining better than a human garbage whore like you are.
    • I came back in here because of the human crap that you are, unlike you whore I liked the people in this forum. the reason for the new me profile a/c is because of garbage like you who just have to keep this shit going how many time do I have to say I backed up a friend, then saw what the garbage you7 and your dragon friends were doing to this place and thought gee couldn't say any of this shit when I was a mod.. just because you didn't like it I was the police...dealing with whores like you maybe I need to be but seems the rules have changed ..MaryIshtar whore..
    • I can call you that as its a thread about you being called a whore so I am in context...you want to take me on go for it, make up your mind though, and I a little follower of friends or am I ex mod police.. or maybe both..so come on you fucking little whore... go for it, or I could just reach through here and get you anyway... see you don't know me...you just snipe at me.. ask your friends about my avatar , I never did answer Tony about that now did I... would I want to waste my time with somebody so far down the food chain as you..have not made up my mine yet, have to have coffee first while I ponder how to handle you once and for all. because the more I write the more I see that you might not be worth my trouble... poor little MaryIshtar the mouth that was...hahahahahahahaha gee I was about to just leave this place again, see I can go and come back...you fuck whit whore.

      Arctourist, you 2 faces shit ball I would hit the ban button again on you if I had the chance...you want to join in the love me 1 min hate me the next..
    • I will take you on too if you like.. but honestly and truthfully you really are not worth it.. your more like an ant underfoot... so still wanna play honey
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2016
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: Like my new Avatar!
    #34916 April 6th, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    I quite like this one for Raven.


    Re: Like my new Avatar!

    #34918 April 6th, 2011
    Raven wrote:
    Smurfette devil.




    With love,
    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    ONE Point Zero ( WARNING: Potentially TLTR ;) LOL
    #35354 April 8th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    This post is prompted in part by the post of another member which can be found here: camelotforum.com/index.php?option=com_ku...34895&Itemid=164 For the most part I agree with this member's veiw point and would like to expand upon it with a few thoughts which I will express here. (Though not at all directed at the other member, it just provoked thought! smile.

    I want to stress the fact that this is by no means my feelings on the subject in their entirety, but a small portion of what I could express on the subject.

    Recently the Thuban materials have suggested if my understanding is correct that their view is that there is a distinct difference between what is commonly referred to as tptb, and another group which considers itself to be TPTB. I have previously had an

    opportunity to discuss the "NWO" situation with another person (a couple of years ago) who had also expressed this same concept in

    conversation with me. This seemed to make sense to me. That in mind I consider ALL to be of the same Source, "God", "Creator"

    however you wish to refer to that which would be the intelligent origin of all that is. In other words Light and dark are both "of God". In my opinion both can produce bad things when out of balance.

    With that in mind, I personally believe that a One world Governing body which is of a High spiritual nature can be a good thing.

    Now that I have said that and readers are tweaking out, I would say that it was expected by me this idea would be met with resistance reactionism as I wrote it.

    Point in case the Unity concept recently brought to this forum and how it seems to have triggered outrage and division.

    What is it that scares people so about unity? Is it that they are underneath it all really all afraid of joining forces with some bad guys and being damned to an eternal hell they have been told exists even when they outwardly profess with great fervor not to take any religion seriously? When they profess to believe beings they can not see for themselves to be evil based on those very ideas I would say this is likely the underlying cause of the division we still see today. Even when people proclaim that they do not believe in any of those "so over" religious texts of old. Be they old, or not, be they corrupted by the hand of man, or not, they all contain within them ideas. Ideas can spread like a virus be they good or bad. Some believe there is no such thing as good or bad. I disagree with that notion personally, but do see all as being under the umbrella of "God's" creation.

    All of everything is from the same original Source. The bad from the light and the dark are both there for us to learn from. There for us to learn from so that we do not make the same mistakes that have been made before. History does not have to repeat. It repeats because we allow it to. Extremes on 'both' (if you want to simplify it) sides allow this to continue.

    A few notes maybe you want to take into consideration:

    Said if I am not mistaken also by Ashayana Deane; It has been my experience to encounter many things that suggest to me that people are not supposed to die a physical death. This same concept is also expressed to the best of my abillity to remember in the Celestine Prophesy. Most people seem to accept that they are 'supposed to' and thus live their lives accordingly which of course seems to result in just that. But if people could find out for certain that there was a way to not do this without stealing chi
    from others to do it would they put in the work required to achieve it? Also who would stand to benefit from keeping people from coming to such a realization that this might be possible?

    Also, and this skips a bit here to another topic but is also relative to the main point of this post. Marijuana. Yep no doubt it should be legal for adults to use, and has many other useful purposes as well.

    IS ENERGETICALLY GOVERNED BY SATURN. Same as your middle finger.

    Alcoholic beverages and Pot can be a much needed release form the day to day grind of human existence, and I see no reason in and of themselves to suggest they should not be allowed to be used by responsible adults. (Yes I know some places allow more and I am just not addressing that in this because it gets off the point I am getting to here.)

    A responsible adult who has spiritual awareness would then also be fully aware that when you do either one both of which are energetically governed by spiritual entities, energetic consciousness's of a sort; that you are making the conscious choice to allow something other than your fully present spiritual sovereign self to check in to your physical being and energetic bodies, as you are effectively taking perhaps even a breif 'check out' from yourself. This is fine if you are aware of this and so choose.

    I am not much of a drinker. But if it were legal, and 'as things in the world are currently not conducive to fully awakened states 24/7 for many of us' I would indulge occasionally myself in the other. Personally I made the choice not to when I became aware of a situation that required me not to do so because I was more help to the whole out of jail than in, and that would have given an opening to those who wish to harm children and keep the masses in the dark for bad reasons.

    I chose not to give my power away as such for others. Believe me I don't like that I feel I had little choice but to make that decision, as it is one of the few things that makes it possible for me to not think, and even laugh. Yes I can be in the natural fully awakened state and be in nirvana basically and of course that is by far the best place to be, but to function amongst the masses of energy vampires it is not
    really feasible to be in that state all of the time. Sure you can, but they might be raping your children, or locking you up as insane as a result. This society is not yet ready for that.
    When a society is subjected to things before they are able to fully understand, and be spiritually mature enough to handle it things do not tend to work out very well. Case in point... Nazi Germany. Many, Many, MANY very spiritual concepts were mis interpreted, and twisted and the knowledge which was of a high spiritual nature was stolen and thus has become so taboo to even consider discussing by many people that good was effectively hijacked by bad. The result has been a societal conditioning which prevents many people from coming to understand knowledge that would be beneficial spiritually to many. Labels have been placed on it so that people fear to tread into the arena of openly discussing such topics.

    This same type of societal conditioning has resulted in the divisions we have seen play out in this most recent microcosm of the macrocosm (on this forum, and several others).

    What I saw take place at Project Avalon was very similar in some ways to a situation that took place several years ago between a smaller group of people. A discussion was brought up by someone who had a reasonable level (at that time) in my opinion, of spiritual where with all to make a positive difference in the world. I was at the time wondering what prompted that person to bring up the topic. It was not long after that I saw why. The conversation was basically about how she thought there should be a council of people to rule the world. There was a great deal of fear in the person's eyes as she was talking about it. I was perplexed by the things that she was saying. There was a sequence of events that eventually lead to clarity. This person became so driven by the need for some sort of power that she eventually used her (what had been) gifts in an attempt to manipulate herself into a position of (what she thought would be a position of Earthly) power. She became very damaging to the whole because of the type of things she misused for the purposes she misused them for.

    Very often those who concern themselves with that type of thing (ruling the world) do it for what might be considered the wrong reasons. I think though that this can also be said to have been for the right reasons so long as those who need to learn from the situation do actually learn what they need to from it. Sort of like those who would be maybe in the group of TPTB learning what NOT to do from tptb, in their run up to being able to actually transform that which we might consider to be poison in the way the world works into a sort of vaccination against it ever happening again. To reclaim those things which were good and were hijacked and turned bad, and with some semblance of compassion towards those who chose to come here to serve by exemplifying what does NOT work (doing 'bad' things) to help those who are seemingly gifted with the abilities they have earned over lifetimes to learn by example and serve as a reminder of what happens when the wrong choices are made. When one chooses to follow greed, self service, and creature comforts to the detriment of all else that they might decide is of no consequence to them. That person said herself many times that people do not change, that they are just bad forever if they are bad. Hmm.

    I tend to think Ashayana Deane makes much more sense. We all have a choice, and even those who have chosen to do bad things can make themselves 'right' again. I think though that it has already been seen by many that there are those who will choose to do what they need to to climb, and those who will just enjoy the ride of the downward spiral and return to Source much later as "space dust" or something of the like having lost their individual conscious awareness. While we are still here, until a full ascension scenario rolls out so to speak, what do we do? I have seen many suggest no gov.

    I have seen many suggest localized self organized self sustaining communities. While I think those are great ideas... I think if you are going to do that you might better hope that you are fully into another higher plain in your new communities. Otherwise you will probably find yourselves subject to the wills of those with less peaceful intentions. Maybe those communities can literally disappear from this plane if everyone in them is able to maintain the right vibes and so forth. If not you can still encounter people who desire to prevent your way of life. Also is everyone in your community going to be of the same mind? What will you do when you have someone in your community that wants to do bad things to someone else in your community, and you did not see it coming? For instance a rapist or a child molester? Will it be like the wild west? If so who amongst you will decide who is guilty and who is innocent, and by what standards will this be determined? My experience leads me to think that separation and localization in some specific ways might not be so good. There runs a high risk of local corruption with little ability to gain external assistance.

    I do not say these things to deter anyone from what they believe is right, but to give some insight into
    things that perhaps people are idealistically viewing through rose colored glasses. Make sure if that is what you are reaching for that you have thought, or felt your way through. There will always until we reach another form of existence be other people in the world who think you need to be ruled over, or maybe even that you don't have the right to live.

    Hence in my opinion the idea of a real and highly spiritual NWO, which would eventually come to replace the false mechanical and void of spirit one we seem to be looking at around us. Sort of like if the Pure spiritual beings that the swastika originated with were to come back in and take over say for instance that (I believe it is an...) airport that is built in the shape of a swastika and reclaim the power of the symbol for Source and enlightenment. Seems to me that the forces that people believe according to
    some texts must be warring against eachother are actually just stages in the all of a Creator's plan. It also seems to me that people in their striving to understand this seem to decide they want to identify with one perceived side or another and thus set out to enact what they believe they should in an effort to fix things and therefore feed war that does not need to be at all.And this idea of a false Christ or anti Christ... a Mirror image of Christ, or the Christ consciousness and thus is also misunderstood by many. I feel that the NWO is what will make way for the eventual Peaceful world of the Christ rule, which is of consciousness (and by choice)... and after that more people will be able to go farther up the ladder if they so choose.

    That is VERY generalized, and I may see fit to reword, or clarify some thoughts further later. These are difficult concepts to sum up into a small post, but

    we don't have time for you to wait for book to be published, lol. Hahaha.

    I think Unity and tolerance should not be feared. If you fear unity and tolerance maybe it would be a good idea to really take a deep look at where that originates for you. I think unity and peace and tolerance are beautiful concepts. I also think they can become more that just concepts, but it is unlikely to happen over night short of an involuntary reprogramming of the entire human species and everything existing within it.

    This only from my point of view; having seen, and experienced things that make the best things in this world pale in comparison.

    If I could be 'there' all of the time, that is what I would choose hands down. That said, I have agreed to be helping others until that is no longer an option. I don't really like it much, but I feel it is the right thing to do. I would much rather be frolicking amongst the nether realms with my beautiful other half enjoying myself beyond all imagination, believe me! And I tire of feeling that it makes so little difference when I see the continuation of the same old patterns. Lets change that before it is too late. I know there are others who are tired of carrying forth the old divisions like a torch.

    Wordy maybe. But I feel a little better, and maybe it helps just one person 'out there'. I am not trying to preach to anyone as if I am perfect either. I am far from it just ask ... nah nvm, don't do that either [​IMG]

    I have no intentions of doing so at this time, however; any comments posted on this thread may be subject to being copied elsewhere in the future. (This is intended to protect the integrity of my words as I am known here on this forum and for no other reason.)

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: ONE Point Zero ( WARNING: Potentially TLTR ;) LOL
    #35371 April 8th, 2011
    archy wrote:
    Thank you. We mustn't become scared of name-tags such as "NWO" as "NWO" may be good if it produces freedom. The freedom I'm thinking about perhaps is the Four Freedoms of : Freedom of Speech; Freedom from Fear; Freedom from Want; and Freedom of Worship. If we become scared of name-tags then we are certainly not free from fear! Otherwise, the next fears will be the name-tags of "esoteric" and "the occult" which both simply mean "that which is hidden", and we start again with the witch-hunts of the past. We must have faith in our own spiritual destiny and our own soul endeavour with the great spritual guidance we receive from above.

    Re: ONE Point Zero ( WARNING: Potentially TLTR ;) LOL

    #35377 April 8th, 2011
    HM wrote:
    I agree. I have an open mind and am not apposed to a NWO (Unified Earth) provided it is free and I mean truly free. I believe this can and will probably happen if/when the Vail stupidity has been removed. Realistically, we as a race are currently too divided by race, religions, politically, patriotically, etc. I don't see much changing until we as a race can throw away these childish judgments.

    Re: ONE Point Zero ( WARNING: Potentially TLTR ;) LOL

    #35380 April 8th, 2011
    chrissy wrote:
    Wow...Wooosaaaaa, chilllll....so much to read, so little TIME!.....so ill respond to the NWO thing---thats as far as i went w00t. . My thought is that most people want UNITY and a "global" experience, just not with the accompaning "Business As Usual" residing under a different BANNER.
    If u keep banging into the same walls, take the window or back door smile.

    Re: ONE Point Zero ( WARNING: Potentially TLTR ;) LOL

    #35383 April 8th, 2011
    archy wrote:
    Do you know the Louis Armstrong number "We have all the time in the world"...well, we have don't we! After all, we are an eternal soul if you believe in the soul. And, if you don't believe in the soul, then you ain't got anything to worry about anyway anything thats important that is!

    Re: ONE Point Zero ( WARNING: Potentially TLTR ;) LOL

    #35403 April 8th, 2011
    Yep wrote:
    good and evil we are one.........yeah that works....NOT!

    I accidently had the cap LOCK on.....sorry....

    I will leave it (no edit)
    wow that's a 1st...


    if it sounds too good to be true, then.....

    and you choose to believe it.....

    does not mean it's true....

    beware the wolf in sheeps clothing....

    if NWO sounds good to you, you very likely are selling out (your soul) ...

    you've been tricked...

    in my opinion (gt's disclamer, thanks tommy)


    Re: ONE Point Zero ( WARNING: Potentially TLTR ;) LOL

    #35582 April 8th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    arch60 wrote:
    Thank you. We mustn't become scared of name-tags such as "NWO" as "NWO" may be good if it produces freedom. The freedom I'm thinking about perhaps is the Four Freedoms of : Freedom of Speech; Freedom from Fear; Freedom from Want; and Freedom of Worship. If we become scared of name-tags then we are certainly not free from fear! Otherwise, the next fears will be the name-tags of "esoteric" and "the occult" which both simply mean "that which is hidden", and we start again with the witch-hunts of the past. We must have faith in our own spiritual destiny and our own soul endeavour with the great spritual guidance we receive from above.

    I very much appreciate you sharing your thoughts on this subject. Good to know I am not the only person who feels this way! :D

    There are so many opinions 'out there' lol that I was not even sure where to begin, so my post was a starting point in organizing my every day thoughts and awareness into a written communication with regard to all of the things I see others discussing. It has been my experience that to take each separate issue one at a time it does not so easily form a cohesive big picture illustration of the overall issues and leaves great room for confusion when attempting to come up with potential solutions. One thing is clear to me however, and that is that things need to be discussed in some sort of organized fashion as things are deteriorating on planet at a rapid pace. Perhaps it is necessary, but also perhaps the damage can be lessened to some degree. We shall see. But thank you because I know now someone else sees and feels similarly which makes it easier to continue trying to help. smile. It is difficult when you are somewhat restricted from expressing your thoughts in a way which would be more conducive to clarity. The important thing is to start somewhere I suppose or the same old same old continues most easily.

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: ONE Point Zero ( WARNING: Potentially TLTR ;) LOL

    #35583 April 8th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    Hugh_Mann wrote:
    I agree. I have an open mind and am not apposed to a NWO (Unified Earth) provided it is free and I mean truly free. I believe this can and will probably happen if/when the Vail stupidity has been removed. Realistically, we as a race are currently too divided by race, religions, politically, patriotically, etc. I don't see much changing until we as a race can throw away these childish judgments.

    Thank you very much as well! It is good to communicate with others who feel similarly about these things!

    I typed a little longer reply but got tossed offline and zshooom! there it went... Lol.

    Basically my reply to arch60 applies here too. ;)

    Again, THANK YOU. :D

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: ONE Point Zero ( WARNING: Potentially TLTR ;) LOL

    #35586 April 8th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    christinedream7 wrote:
    Wow...Wooosaaaaa, chilllll....so much to read, so little TIME!.....so ill respond to the NWO thing---thats as far as i went w00t. . My thought is that most people want UNITY and a "global" experience, just not with the accompaning "Business As Usual" residing under a different BANNER.

    LOL. I am chill, LOL. Too cold to shiver in fact, haha... *JOKES* anyhoo. Time is not so much a factor when you can 'jump' or bend it at will, but that for another post.

    It is long I know, and I know many won't read it. I just feel it important to actually begin to DO something to move towards building that world with what we each have to contribute. Discussion with others of like mind I think is a great place to start. It won't build itself, and there are many things we each need to share with others who might see fit to begin creating Unity. It is not going to create itself against our wills. If our will are to do nothing... little will be accomplished and someone else will be building our futures, and those of the little ones who have come here to help free us from the illusion. I still see a lot of people who openly profess they don't want unity unless they can pick and choose who to exclude... Which is not unity, but another form of what we already seem to have. :p

    I do appreciate your expressing your opinion so honestly even if you did not read the entire post. ;)

    Thank you! smile.

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: ONE Point Zero ( WARNING: Potentially TLTR ;) LOL

    #35589 April 8th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    GT_Big hair wrote:
    good and evil we are one.........yeah that works....NOT!

    I accidently had the cap LOCK on.....sorry....

    I will leave it (no edit)
    wow that's a 1st...


    if it sounds too good to be true, then.....

    and you choose to believe it.....

    does not mean it's true....

    beware the wolf in sheeps clothing....

    if NWO sounds good to you, you very likely are selling out (your soul) ...

    you've been tricked...

    in my opinion (gt's disclamer, thanks tommy)


    And the Wurms ate into his brain??? :(

    I no longer await salvation love, I only wait until it can be fully enjoyed for what beauty it truly is ! ;) If I explained how beautiful it is... Yes, it would sound too good to be true!

    Difficult to pull one over on a saved seer with owl medicine and an occasion to have x ray vision of a sort... But hey, maybe... all I know is we gotta start somewhere, even if that somewhere is figuring out we disagree on some things! ;)

    I do like you gt ... bit of an odd bird you seem to be... :confused: LOL. *Jokes*

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts even if they are in disagreement with my own! Communication is good and I at least find you have a sense of humor in your posts. Good to lighten to mood sometimes! :p

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2016
  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: ONE Point Zero ( WARNING: Potentially TLTR ;) LOL
    #35595 April 8th, 2011
    Rolling wrote:
    Good post Mary smile.

    Yes there is this conditioning to believe the NWO is going to be a bad thing but in reality we are in a NWO it's a OWO with a new name.

    How can humanity as a whole move forward into space to meet our neighbors in the universe if we are so divided between religions and culture?

    An acceptance an understanding of other's thought's should be the way to go but how would a NWO accomplish that, thats a hard question to answer and people will just balk at that through fear of being controlled.

    *To Tommy RE: "harrassement"*
    #37449 April 17th, 2011

    Hi Tommy,

    I would like to know (and I will also send this to you in message to be sure you have received it.) are you the one who has removed the posts I made on this thread that were simply copies of things that other members had posted openly on this public forum about me? You see I have to do this out in the open as it seems that this is what is expected here at Camelot. It was posted that I "took an ass woopin' by Cryslal Chi (Lita) when she threatened me with several things including her own apparent (admitted use over several posts made by her) with black magick, etc. which coupled with the threat post that followed which someone keeps deleting so no one can see it, the posts by Crystal Chi Lita begin on this page and between my question to her about her magickal sygil which is being used in a negative energy way as she admitted in the threat itself it can be clearly seen that this is not something I made up.


    You have clear admittance at the very least of intent to cause harm through the use of black magick. Perhaps this ought not to just be swept under the rug. It would not be ignored of some alphabet soup agency were to have done it, why should the rules here be any different than what the overall forum would seem to like to have for the rest of the world? You cannot change the world for the better by espousing the same methods as those you wish to expose. I was discrete about that part and trusted you to see Tommy. Maybe you do see. ?

    The reason for this post (the one I made on Sianellen's thread) should have been obvious. The way in which the threat was removed from all threads and covered up someone on here not only leaves things to be taken out of context by any one who reads anything that has been previously posted, and anything that gets posted with regard to my character in the future. It makes no sense to try to handle things in a better way when the problem of this same group saying deleterious things on any public post remains protected as it would seem by whomever is controlling the posts behind the scenes.

    Sianellen said this: on Kerry's post the other night.

    "Well, MaryIshtatCreiddylad, yes this site has been hit for a long time, and if you have been so dissatisfied
    with everything why have you bothered to post so much of your stuff here, I wonder who's been playing the bigest games Mary, ask yourself? This site was taken down about a half our ago, this hasn't happened to me for about 2 weeks aprox. I think this was good timing!"

    which was not only taking it off topic, but again personal attacks based upon the foundation which has been previously laid out by the way other things were 'handled'.

    In response to my addressing it in relation to what Sianellen posted on her own thread rather than bicker on Kerry's, Then Crystal Chi Lita Joined in. Am I not allowed to refresh people's memory, or clue in new viewers to the source of the banter by posting her threats and Spacecowboys awful drunken words in response when either one of them slanders me? I trusted that you would handle the original issue with fairness and integrity.

    ... Is not the idea of a open fair and EQUAL for all Place what Camelot is all about? So then am I to understand clearly that You believe I am the one who did the harassing on the most recent thread here:



    Because it is clearly made to look as if I was saying harassing things there where the worlds were removed, when in fact what was posted was a whole lot of not very nice things that had been directed at me by other members who are clearly looking like they are acting in accordance with policy here by suggesting that I should have been openly lowering myself to using those same words and threats back at them instead of bringing it to your attention? (You know so as not to get an 'ass whoopin', which clearly allowed the same bolony to continue?) Is that how an issue should be handled here?

    I should threaten other members well being and call them names? Because I have had to really bite my tongue here Tommy. I have never in all of my life EVER taken that kind of crap from other people laying down, (and I have won every battle that has come before me even when it has in some cases taken a decade to do so. Because when I am right and am speaking the truth I believe it is important to stand up for it.)but I also believe there should be a civilized way of handling such a situation. You may suggest that when they 'call me out' as they seem to like to say on a public forum that the right thing to do is to handle it quietly behind the scenes with discretion, But What I see that has gone on here clearly ranks right up there with EXACTLY the kind of dirty cover up and corruption that one might expect to hear from one of Kerry's sources about a black op's group or crooked gov officials.

    What good does it do to have this forum or organization at all when the activities here and the way they are addressed seems to fall very much short of rising above the type of structure and abuse of power to cover up for the good ol boy's that this site is supposed to be about in the first place. There is a lot I could say to help, and a lot that I could do to help people help themselves in a more informed and healthy fashion toward having the world be a better place for every one in it if that is the goal of this site as I believe Kerry intends it to be... Just as I understand it, not to put words in her mouth or anything.

    I have not really felt like putting myself on the line to do this after seeing that Lita was protected and rewarded by the admin as it seems after she outright threatened me the way she did. I am not whining, but I would expect this site to uphold certain standards and ideals considering the mission statement. I want to know if you removed it Tommy, or if it was someone else, and if you could clarify what exactly the said harassment was. If you are considering that harassment on my part having re posted their words, perhaps you could also remove the original posts at the following locations by those members? If you felt the original words posted by them perhaps they ought also to be removed?




    I could do a whole lot of different things with this situation, but because I believe that if this organization does what it says in its mission statement it can change the world, and possibly avert a total war scenario in which case many people will loose a lot. This small handful of members with apparent squatters rights, that even talk with complete lack of respect for Kerry and Bill after all they have done by disagreeing in a confrontational fashion and swearing in the process rather than act at all civilized in their posting of opinions, could in all seriousness prevent the other thousands of people who come here for truth and disclosure from having the opportunity to hear from people with valuable information. Information that could prevent wars rather than trying to solve the problem with the same level of consciousness and the same old methods that created it.

    Yes I am angry at this point Tommy. I know you don't care about that, but if you understood fully you would understand my desire to have things resolved properly and in a civilized calm fashion before they get to this point. If I get followed from post to post with insults from yours ans "Steve's" friends and nothing is said to them, then why would I not have equal right to respond with even re post of their own words? That makes No sense in the context of the purpose of this forum.



    I have no intentions of doing so at this time, however; any comments posted on this thread may be subject to being copied elsewhere in the future. (This is intended to protect the integrity of my words as I am known here on this forum and for no other reason.)
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: *To Tommy RE: "harrassement"*

    #37464 April 18th, 2011
    Lighter wrote:

    My reply here Tommy
    I never did say I was using black magic, that was implied by Tony in the Thuban thread when he saw my new avatar. He put that label of black magic on it not me...I just didn't answer his post on it, left it hanging, didn't want o get into it any more..yes I told her in that post of mine to ask her fiends.

    This is what it means
    Saturn's Seal of Protection Amulet.
    This talisman is meant to protect against all forms of evil: hexing, curses, bad fortune and black magic.
    Do a search on it.

    I use it for protection for all that has gone down here. Each time I say something on this forum the post I made that was taken off and never put back has been continually posted again and again..I posted it once, after that other people mainly Mary posted it numerous times.. today at least 3 times in 1 short thread.. DeeDee posted it once telling Mary it was for her, I call that harassment. I did what you are supposed to do here.. I did a 'report to mod' on each of them as you should be able to see.

    The baiting that has gone on is ridiculous, it is as it Mary and DeeDee are running the forum .. continual put downs that I/we try very hard to ignore. It has become almost impossible to say anything here any more without being picked up on it. They call that free speech..

    If you think I am evil, I do not nor have I even used magic of any kind that is not where my spirituality is.. that is not what is going on here, this is the exact same post above that happened when the Thuban material was taken off, the pleading of innocence the turning around of what was actually happening .. did either of these people work their butts off for this forum daily until recently..no.. but they will not be happy until they have me gone and a few of the other members as well I didn't think that was the way the forum worked. If memory serves Mary had already had a warning by you a short time ago.
    Can you please tell me have the rules changed. Are the rules now that anything goes and 1 post written out of pure frustration is continually posted, is it going to be used against me forever on this forum, that is the question I guess...but I will not have then accuse me of black magic when there is no truth to that.
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey
  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    #37655 April 19th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    ******MAKE SOMETHING UP THREAD****************

    Anything not made up is off topic. I hope this clears up any confusion. If it doesn't, get drunk and come back and try again.


    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Unpublished (on Camelot forum) Reply by Phoenix aka Tonyblue: April 19th, 2011


    The TALIBAN=BAN LITA misread Mary's address about the use of 'Black Magic', associated with a Saturnian talisman she used as CrystalChi. Lita misconstructed Mary's association of this Saturnian 'Protection Amulet' with 'Black Magic' with her information and belief it to be a symbol for 'White Magic'.

    The 'Black Magic' represents a bottom-up approach of invokation of the 'root chakra' and can therefore be used in particular ritualistic agencies using the sexual and 'base' energy of say the ritualee. The 'White Magic' corollarily would engage a top-down approach or invokation of the 'crown chakra'.

    Apparently unbeknown to Lita; the distinction between the 'Black Magic' and the 'White Magic' has become reconfigured and redefined in a return path of a semi warpzone timeline beginning August 2008 and so both forms of 'Magic' have become impotent in isolated application.

    Lita then believed that Tonyblue associated her with 'Black Magic' in some statements and under this misapprehension continued to attempt to obscure her many instances of ad hominem slanders and personal atatcks on Mary, Deedee and the 'Thubans'.



    #37660 April 19th, 2011
    Chucky wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    Alright, the creative juices are flowing.

    Toilets are actual spying devices.

    I built a 'toilet webcam' once! LOL Seriously - for the film Controlled Alt Delete

    It was only a prop - never actually worked as a webcam of course - I built it from a book light you get at the dollar stores.
    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle - Plato


    337669 April 19th, 2011
    shiloh wrote:
    Chakra wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    Alright, the creative juices are flowing.

    Toilets are actual spying devices.

    I built a 'toilet webcam' once! LOL Seriously - for the film Controlled Alt Delete

    It was only a prop - never actually worked as a webcam of course - I built it from a book light you get at the dollar stores.

    This film begins and is all about toilets and comics and drunken ghoulies.


    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    #37675 April 19th, 2011
    Raven wrote:

    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    Raven wrote:
    plumr2007 wrote:

    All further communications will come from my protege DDDIshracneraven. She lives in the first toilet on the left at the YMCA and currently holds the title for being hit in the face by the most balls since Reggie Jackson.


    So nice you missed me!!

    A little curve ball for you.


    You are in my VVOMB Plumr2007
    I Love you!!


    Amzara Ishtara Behemoth of The Sacred Fires of Hell,
    RavenDove of The Logos Womb, Mirror of Hathor, AMEN RA

    Isaiah 54 (King James Version)

    Isaiah 54:1-17

    1 Sing, O barren, thou that didst not bear; break forth into singing, and cry aloud, thou that didst not travail with child: for more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife, saith the LORD.

    2 Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of thine habitations: spare not, lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thy stakes;

    3 For thou shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left; and thy seed shall inherit the Gentiles, and make the desolate cities to be inhabited.

    4 Fear not; for thou shalt not be ashamed: neither be thou confounded; for thou shalt not be put to shame: for thou shalt forget the shame of thy youth, and shalt not remember the reproach of thy widowhood any more.

    5 For thy Maker is thine husband; the LORD of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called.

    6 For the LORD hath called thee as a woman forsaken and grieved in spirit, and a wife of youth, when thou wast refused, saith thy God.

    7 For a small moment have I forsaken thee; but with great mercies will I gather thee.

    8I n a little wrath I hid my face from thee for a moment; but with everlasting kindness will I have mercy on thee, saith the LORD thy Redeemer.

    9 For this is as the waters of Noah unto me: for as I have sworn that the waters of Noah should no more go over the earth; so have I sworn that I would not be wroth with thee, nor rebuke thee.

    10 For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the LORD that hath mercy on thee.

    11 O thou afflicted, tossed with tempest, and not comforted, behold, I will lay thy stones with fair colours, and lay thy foundations with sapphires.

    12 And I will make thy windows of agates, and thy gates of carbuncles, and all thy borders of pleasant stones.

    13 And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD; and great shall be the peace of thy children.

    14 In righteousness shalt thou be established: thou shalt be far from oppression; for thou shalt not fear: and from terror; for it shall not come near thee.

    15 Behold, they shall surely gather together, but not by me: whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake.

    16 Behold, I have created the smith that bloweth the coals in the fire, and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work; and I have created the waster to destroy.

    17 No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.


    LoVE IT
    . :rolleyes:

    LOL loVE that video dear, hehe nice sychronisity. :oops:
    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    Griffy Leo
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!


    #37701 April 19th, 2011
    siamese wrote:
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    I thought you might enjoy it... :p

    Good to see you BTW! :D I mean even my MOD friend left the site I guess. I was like Hey where'd everybody go!?!?

    I did have a MOD thank me for being a member that was a refreshing change up... then up out like Steve. Geez. WTH.

    ASK YOURSELF Mary why you are attracting all this BS, there is a difference between standing tall for
    your beliefs and deliberately trying to manipulate and OVER-THROUHG something already in place.
    Your arrogans is your downfall. Don't expect everyone to fall for your false deeds however much
    you try. To live is to be of humility and not arrogance, to live is to be of whit and not victim, to live
    is to be of noble intent and not of false dogma.
    Post last edited May 8th 2011

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