Predictions by Susan Lynne Schwenger

Discussion in 'SUSAN LYNNE SCHWENGER, Past, Present, Future & NOW' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 11, 2014.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    A prolific meteor storm
    occurred back on Nov. 17, 1966
    onlookers say they witnessed
    as many as 40 meteors/second,
    or 144,000 meteors /hour !!!

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    'Unicorn meteor storm' to be triggered by mysterious comet Thursday night

    By Brian Lada, AccuWeather meteorologist and staff writer

    Updated Nov. 19, 2019 11:29 AM

    This is not your typical meteor shower.

    On Thursday night, stargazers may get to see several meteors
    per second during a rare event known as a meteor storm.

    There is a chance that the upcoming alpha Monocerotid
    meteor shower could turn into an all-out meteor storm
    on the night of Nov. 21, according to Esko Lyytinen and Peter Jenniskens,
    two meteor scientists who have been studying the meteor shower.

    It is not a guarantee that such an event will unfold,
    but Lyytinen and Jenniskens say that there is a “good chance”
    that this will bring the first alpha Monocerotids meteor storm
    since 1995, when it produced rates of around 400 meteors per hour.

    What time to look for the flurry of meteors

    Knowing when to look for the potential meteor storm is extremely important.

    “Unlike most meteor outbursts which last for several hours,
    strong activity from the alpha Monocertids is over within an hour
    and easily missed,” the American Meteor Society (AMS) explained on its website.

    The outburst is forecast to reach its climax
    around 11:50 p.m. EST on Nov. 21, according to the AMS.

    Onlookers should start looking for shooting stars around 11 p.m. EST
    and continue looking through midnight for the best chance
    to see the potential meteor storm.

    If you are not outside during this window, you may miss the celestial light show entirely.

    “These meteors are never spaced evenly but appear in bunches
    so 2-3 meteors may be seen seconds apart and then
    an entire minute could go by without any activity,” the AMS said.

    What exactly is a ‘meteor storm’

    We have all heard of meteor showers, sparked
    when the Earth passes through a field of debris left
    behind by an asteroid or comet.
    f the dust trail is small and dense,
    then the resulting meteor shower may result in hundreds,
    or perhaps even thousands of meteors burning up in just minutes,”
    the National Weather Service (NWS) explained.
    “If this scenario happens, that the meteor shower
    is referred to as a meteor storm,” the NWS added.
    A burst of 1999 Leonid meteors as seen at 38,000 feet
    from Leonid Multi Instrument Aircraft Campaign
    (Leonid MAC) with 50 mm camera.
    (NASA/Ames Research Center/ISAS/Shinsuke Abe and Hajime Yano)

    One of the most prolific meteor storms in recorded history
    unfolded on Nov. 17, 1966 when onlookers witnessed
    many as 40 meteors per second, or 144,000 meteors per hour,
    according to the AMS.

    Outburst of unknown origins

    The alpha Monocertids is a mysterious meteor shower
    as scientists are unsure about when it started,
    or what exactly is causing it.
    “This outburst is caused by the dust released
    by a long-period comet, but the comet itself is still unknown,“
    Lyytinen and Jenniskens explained.

    Despite these uncertainties, one thing is known for sure:
    the meteors radiate from Monoceros,
    a faint constellation that is Greek for unicorn
    and located just to the left of the well-known constellation Orion.

    Contrary to popular belief, shooting stars will be visible
    in much of the night sky, not just the area
    near the unicorn constellation, as long as clouds do not obscure the sky.
    The best viewing conditions for the alpha Monocerotid
    meteor shower are expected across the western
    and north-central United States with only patchy clouds in the forecast.

    Unfortunately, a far-reaching storm will spread clouds
    across much of the southern and eastern U.S., as well as eastern Canada.

    Clouds are also in the forecast for much
    of Alaska and patchy clouds in Hawaii.


    Follow AccuWeather Astronomy on Twitter
    Why do meteors glow in vibrant colors?
    3 tips for stargazing without a telescope

    Stargazers should keep in mind that there is a chance
    that the meteor storm does not materialize.

    Even if the outburst does not unfold, people
    should still be able to see up to 10 "sporadic"
    meteors per hour, according to the AMS.

    Additionally, the moon will not rise until around 3 a.m.
    local time, meaning that the shower will not be contested
    by the biggest source of natural light pollution.

    If the forecast meteor storm does pan out,
    it will be just the fifth-known outburst
    of the alpha Monocertids on record.

    The previous occurrences were recorded in 1925, 1935, 1985, and 1995.

    Download the free AccuWeather app
    to check the forecast in your area. Keep checking back on and stay tuned to the
    AccuWeather Network
    on DirecTV, Frontier and Verizon Fios

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    'Unicorn meteor storm' to be triggered
    by mysterious comet Thursday night

    This is not your typical meteor shower.

    On Thursday night, stargazers may get to see several meteors
    per second during a rare event known as a meteor storm
    -- an event not seen from this shower in nearly 25 years.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    LOOKS like susan lynne schwenger, predicted this one :

    Asteroid as big as the pyramids
    on its way and could zoom past Earth on Friday

    which is 6 DEC 2019 !!!
    READ ARTICLE HERE:[/bcolor]

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    TURNS out
    like Susan Lynne Schwenger
    predicted in 2016,
    that there is a 2nd moon !!!

    There's more than one 'moon' orbiting Earth

    | MNN - Mother ...
    2018-08-17 · Scientists identified a second,
    mini-moon orbiting our planet in 2016
    that has probably been around for about 100 years, said NASA .

    This second moon looks to be a recently captured asteroid,
    and like a mistress, its subtle dance with Earth may be fleeting,
    only sticking around for a few centuries.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Susan Lynne Schwenger said:
    Be on the lookout for a comet
    approx 22 NOV 2019
    22 + 11 = 33 in 2019/12/3
    ENDiNGs &
    ~susan lynne schwenger

    15 AUG 2019


    Susan Lynne Schwenger said: ↑
    Be on the lookout for a comet
    approx 22 NOV 2019
    22 + 11 = 33 in 2019/12/3
    ENDiNGs &
    ~susan lynne schwenger
    (also predicted comet ison for 16 dec 2013,
    back in 2010)
    15 AUG 2019

    COMET ATLAS IS BRIGHTENING FASTER THAN EXPECTED: Get ready for a wild ride. Comet ATLAS (C2019 Y4) is plunging toward the sun and, if it doesn't fly apart first, it could become one of the brightest comets in years.
    "Comet ATLAS continues to brighten much faster than expected," says Karl Battams of the Naval Research Lab in Washington DC. "Some predictions for its peak brightness now border on the absurd."
    The comet was discovered in December 2019 by the Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (ATLAS) in Hawaii. Astronomers quickly realized it might be special. On May 31, 2020, Comet ATLAS will pass deep inside the orbit of Mercury only 0.25 AU from the sun. If it can survive the blast furnace of solar heating, it could put on a good show.
    However, no one expected the show to start this soon. More than 2 months before perihelion (closest approach to the sun), Comet ATLAS is already "heating up." The worldwide Comet Observation Database shows it jumping from magnitude +17 in early February to +8 in mid-March–a 4000-fold increase in brightness. It could become visible to the naked eye in early April.
    "Right now the comet is releasing huge amounts of its frozen volatiles (gases)," says Battams. "That’s why it’s brightening so fast."
    Can ATLAS sustain this crazy pace? If it has a big nucleus w ith large stores of frozen gas, then yes; we could get a very bright comet. Otherwise, Comet ATLAS might run out of gas, crumbling and fading as it approaches the sun.
    Current best estimates of the comet’s peak brightness in May range from magnitude +1 to -5. If Comet ATLAS hits the high end of that range, a bit brighter than Venus, it could become visible in broad daylight.
    image: Comet Atlas (upper left) glides by spiral galaxy M81 on March 18th. Credit: Rolando Ligustri [more]


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Be on the lookout for a comet
    approx 22 NOV 2019
    22 + 11 = 33 in 2019/12/3
    ENDiNGs &
    ~susan lynne schwenger

    15 AUG 2019

    predicted by Susan Lynne Schwenger
    back on 15 August 2019

    Experts believe Comet Atlas will be as bright as the Moon when it approaches the Sun
    Buddy_Nath / Pixabay
    Tuesday, March 17, 2020 6:10 AM UTC
    Being able to see comets is not as anticipated

    compared to seeing meteor showers,

    which occur at least once every month

    by a different group of meteorites.

    Now, experts believe one particular comet,

    the Atlas comet, will shine as bright as the moon

    when it approaches the sun.

    Express reports that the comet, which is also referred to
    as C/2019 Y4, is expected to shine brightly
    when it gets closer to the Sun.

    The comet is currently within the vicinity of Mars’ orbit
    and is expected to go nearer by the latter part of May.

    By this time, ATLAS will be 0.25 astronomical units away
    from the Sun, but the distance will shorten the closer it gets.

    When ATLAS approaches the Sun,
    scientists believe that the comet will shine as bright
    as a waxing crescent moon.

    According to the Space Weather website,
    “The comet is about as bright as an 8th or 9th magnitude star.

    That’s too dim to see with the naked eye but consider this:

    The comet is hundreds of times bigger than astronomers
    predicted when it was discovered 4 months ago...”

    and that by May when the comet is closer to the Sun,
    the comet will be as bright as a 1st magnitude star
    or a waxing crescent moon.

    For those who already want to see a glimpse of ATLAS before May,
    astronomers or space enthusiasts will already be able
    to see the comet with a mid-sized backyard telescope.

    It is also encouraged to observe the comet as it gets brighter
    the closer it gets to the Sun and look out for possible outbursts
    that may happen in the coming weeks due to the volatile material
    within the comet getting exposed by the increasing sunlight.

    Although comets are usually observed,
    there is a possibility that a comet may decide to strike Earth
    instead of passing by it.

    Asteroid and comet expert Dr. Steve Chesley previously revealed
    what makes a comet dangerous,
    especially if ever it decides to strike. Dr. Chesley
    noted how comets usually were seen as a bad omen all throughout history
    and explained that because comets move faster than asteroids,
    they will cause more damage.

    Aside from the speed, the size of the comet is also a concern,
    as Dr. Chesley revealed that comets coming from deep space
    would most likely be much larger.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    One pill, lots of side effects and more pills to cover than, crazy

    Muse - Uprising [Official Video]

    Watch the music video for "Uprising" now!

    "Uprising" was released as the lead single
    from Muse's fifth studio album,
    The Resistance, on September 7, 2009.


    The paranoia is in bloom,
    the P-R Transmissions will resume

    They'll try to push drugs
    That keep us all dumbed down

    and hope that
    We will never

    see the truth around

    (So come on)

    Another promise,
    another scene,

    Another package lie
    to keep us trapped in greed

    With all the green belts
    wrapped around our minds

    And endless red tape
    to keep the truth confined

    (So come on)

    They will not force us

    They will stop degrading us

    They will not control us

    We will be victorious

    (So come on)

    Interchanging mind control

    Come let the revolution take its toll

    if you could Flick a switch

    and open your third eye,

    you'd see that

    We should never be afraid to die

    (So come on)

    Rise up and take the power back,
    it's time that
    The fat cats had a heart attack,
    you know that Their time is coming to an end

    We have to unify and watch our flag ascend

    (So come on)

    They will not force us

    They will stop degrading us

    They will not control us

    We will be victorious

    (So come on)

    Hey, hey, hey, hey Hey, hey, hey, hey
    Hey, hey, hey, hey

    They will not force us

    They will stop degrading us

    They will not control us

    We will be victorious

    (So come on)

    Hey, hey, hey, hey

    - from 2009, but, sure holds the possibilities and potentials
    to be a hit song in 2020 !!!

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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