Predictions by Susan Lynne Schwenger

Discussion in 'SUSAN LYNNE SCHWENGER, Past, Present, Future & NOW' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 11, 2014.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    REMEMBER-GOOD iDEA to say away from ICE / Antifa Gatherings - EPIDEMiC in TRUMP ANXIETY DISORDER
    NO COMBAT - NON Violence - and, discovering and sharing
    REAL TRUTH - some of the world is losing THE PLOT,
    instead show them THE REAL PiECES of THE PUZZLE
    -your tax dollars fund 'ice' - so, let them deal with it
    iNViTE PEOPLE to join - Qanon Follow the white rabbit here:
    Q posts can be read here - i'll post other links to things in one place
    - susan lynne schwenger


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Susan Lynne Schwenger shared a post.

    August 11 at 6:35 PM
    The idea that JFK Jr & Carolyn faked their own deaths to avoid assassination and have lived in witness protection for two decades plotting & executing The Plan to take down the pedophile Satanists who killed President Kennedy is the most amazing and romantic thing I’ve ever heard!
    Seriously though, I threw this theory out a few months ago and made it clear it was just a theory and the Deep State immediately put out a hit piece on me & this topic. They only act THAT fast when they truly feel threatened. Hmmm...
    The way Q talks about President Kennedy with such passion, it strikes me as someone who knew him, loved him and was emotionally attached to him. That narrows it down to only a few people it could be. (I’m referring to who the main person running Q is because I do believe Q is a few people.) When I read about this theory, my body reacts and I get goose bumps and I can’t shake a strong feeling there is something to this. My body only reacts like this when I’m onto something that’s real.
    After learning what I’ve learned about the truth of how much evil exists in the world and what they do to children, I can fully understand why JFK Jr would not only want to fake his death but welcome it and embrace it. I’m so horrified at what I’ve learned I’ve found it hard to leave the house for days at a time. There are way more people awake now but imagine how awful and lonely it would be back then being totally woke and in the public eye with a target on your back!
    Now looking at these photos, I’m just so blown away. This woman looks so much like Carolyn. There is definitely something to this. How glorious would it be if they are alive?
    Summary - JFK Jrs ashes were put in a tiffany blue box before cast out to sea. What did Melania give 'Michelle' Obama when they were greeted at inauguration?
    - Q trip codes - lead to a book that effectively describes JFK Jrs life if he comes back alive
    - Vincent Fusca’s name in Latin: Vincent s derived from the Latin name Vincentius, meaning: “conquering”
    Fusca meaning in Latin: adjective
    Definitions: dark, swarthy, dusky
    “Conquering Dark” or “Darkness”
    - Vincent Fusca glasses look very similar to the ones President JFK used to wear
    - Vincent Fusca numerically = 11. 11:11 = awakening code
    - There are 5 stars on either side of Vincent Fusca van - 5:5
    - Bible reference - John 5:5 - a '38 year old man who had lived his life with an infirmity' (knowledge about how is father was killed?). How old was JFK Jr when he died? -
    - the number plate contains JF, and 58 (the age he would be now) - any help on the number plate im not that clued up on numerology
    - As you say, the woman in the Ohio Youngstown rally almost without doubt is Carolyn
    - The sign on the poster - completely random 'Ruby Cute' - Pet name first, still not sure on cute?
    - There are 2 Vincent Fusca, the first Fuscas was NOT JFK Jr, but he was used to create a profile so that when JFK appeared behind Trump, people would take interest having read the story previously about Fuscas on Trump campaign trail 2016 - optics.
    - There is a photo of 2nd JFK Fusca where he is holding his hands a unique JFK Jr kind of way
    - Supposedly Carloyns sister, Lauren Bassette, in the crash, was at the 2017 Ohio rally, she has blond hair? (I cant find the image)
    So much more, i havent even gone into the crash and the huge anomolies there. JFK Jr was not a stupid man he KNEW what they did to his father. He KNEW if he ran for office they would kill him. So are we really supposed to believe that he was naiive enough to think he could survive office and change the world as a Senator, after his father had tried and failed as President? At a time when the deep states control was so much stronger than what it was in the 60s. I dont believe it!
    Summary - JFK Jrs ashes were put in a tiffany blue box before cast out to sea. What did Melania give 'Michelle' Obama when they were greeted at inauguration?
    - Q trip codes - lead to a book that effectively describes JFK Jrs life if he comes back alive
    - Vincent Fusca’s name in Latin: Vincent s derived from the Latin name Vincentius, meaning: “conquering”
    Fusca meaning in Latin: adjective
    Definitions: dark, swarthy, dusky
    “Conquering Dark” or “Darkness”
    - Vincent Fusca glasses look very similar to the ones President JFK used to wear
    - Vincent Fusca numerically = 11. 11:11 = awakening code
    - There are 5 stars on either side of Vincent Fusca van - 5:5
    - Bible reference - John 5:5 - a '38 year old man who had lived his life with an infirmity' (knowledge about how is father was killed?). How old was JFK Jr when he died? -
    - the number plate contains JF, and 58 (the age he would be now) - any help on the number plate im not that clued up on numerology
    - As you say, the woman in the Ohio Youngstown rally almost without doubt is Carolyn
    - The sign on the poster - completely random 'Ruby Cute' - Pet name first, still not sure on cute?
    - There are 2 Vincent Fusca, the first Fuscas was NOT JFK Jr, but he was used to create a profile so that when JFK appeared behind Trump, people would take interest having read the story previously about Fuscas on Trump campaign trail 2016 - optics.
    - There is a photo of 2nd JFK Fusca where he is holding his hands a unique JFK Jr kind of way
    - Supposedly Carloyns sister, Lauren Bassette, in the crash, was at the 2017 Ohio rally, she has blond hair? (I cant find the image)
    So much more, i havent even gone into the crash and the huge anomolies there. JFK Jr was not a stupid man he KNEW what they did to his father. He KNEW if he ran for office they would kill him. So are we really supposed to believe that he was naiive enough to think he could survive office and change the world as a Senator, after his father had tried and failed as President? At a time when the deep states control was so much stronger than what it was in the 60s. I dont believe it!
    Summary - JFK Jrs ashes were put in a tiffany blue box before cast out to sea. What did Melania give 'Michelle' Obama when they were greeted at inauguration?
    - Q trip codes - lead to a book that effectively describes JFK Jrs life if he comes back alive
    - Vincent Fusca’s name in Latin: Vincent s derived from the Latin name Vincentius, meaning: “conquering”
    Fusca meaning in Latin: adjective
    Definitions: dark, swarthy, dusky
    “Conquering Dark” or “Darkness”
    - Vincent Fusca glasses look very similar to the ones President JFK used to wear
    - Vincent Fusca numerically = 11. 11:11 = awakening code
    - There are 5 stars on either side of Vincent Fusca van - 5:5
    - Bible reference - John 5:5 - a '38 year old man who had lived his life with an infirmity' (knowledge about how is father was killed?). How old was JFK Jr when he died? -
    - the number plate contains JF, and 58 (the age he would be now) - any help on the number plate im not that clued up on numerology
    - As you say, the woman in the Ohio Youngstown rally almost without doubt is Carolyn
    - The sign on the poster - completely random 'Ruby Cute' - Pet name first, still not sure on cute?
    - There are 2 Vincent Fusca, the first Fuscas was NOT JFK Jr, but he was used to create a profile so that when JFK appeared behind Trump, people would take interest having read the story previously about Fuscas on Trump campaign trail 2016 - optics.
    - There is a photo of 2nd JFK Fusca where he is holding his hands a unique JFK Jr kind of way
    - Supposedly Carloyns sister, Lauren Bassette, in the crash, was at the 2017 Ohio rally, she has blond hair? (I cant find the image)
    So much more, i havent even gone into the crash and the huge anomolies there. JFK Jr was not a stupid man he KNEW what they did to his father. He KNEW if he ran for office they would kill him. So are we really supposed to believe that he was naiive enough to think he could survive office and change the world as a Senator, after his father had tried and failed as President? At a time when the deep states control was so much stronger than what it was in the 60s.

    post by:
    Liz Crokin

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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