Over 101 Pages/videos~fall & Takedown Of The Cabal~deep State Sequel Part 1-26 ~ Important Videos

Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Dec 31, 2020.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Don Morrison · Interesting email regarding municipal politics and how they have been captured by the globalists... Please read and pass this on to others! Here is the email I received from Shelagh McFarlane who is running for mayor of Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Here she explains the basics of how municipal politics in Canada has been captured by the globalists. I forwarded her email to Don McIsaac who is running for mayor of Orillia, Ontario, Canada after I talked with him on the phone. I think it's important to get this information into as many mayoral candidates’ hands as possible. Good morning! Thanks for the email. There was a restructuring of "mayors" by the United Nations that started in 1992.... it helps to know how it was done in order to undo it.... On my website are all the founding UN document s are listed under Resources. This is how i learned about the fraud of public/private partnerships & how they got to our town & Mayor. A brief summary: CANADA was signed on to UN Agenda21 in 1992 by Brian Mulroney. A total of 178 countries agreed because this international agreement promised them "big money" to go "green". Once signed, CANADA became a UN Member State (Nation State) & no longer a "sovereign country" under the rule of law & the supremacy of God. Any country that signed on to UN Agenda21 ceased to be a "nation" & all their governments were restructured as UN MEMBER STATES. All towns were to be either abandoned or merged with others to form UN CITY STATES. By 2000, we saw countries being "governed" by directions of the United Nations, G7, G20, Council of Foreign Relations, World Bank, World Economic Forum (WEF), World Health Organization, International Council on Local & Environmental Issues (ICLEI) etc... instead of following parliamentary procedures for law changes. The Municipal Primer, on my website, was sent to all of our local towns in 1994 & it outlined how they were to restructure their governments. Our public officials/office - which is your elected Mayor & councillors - were "partnered" with a private corporation (CITY) that would "help" the local agenda implement these global goals HERE. Chief Administrative Officers (CAOs) were brought into every town to "work" with the Mayor to implement the global agenda instead of a local one.... to commit local public funds to private sustainable development goals & foreign investors. Under the guise of "saving the planet". They also brought ICLEI into your town... this is the United Nations... (Cam Guthrie partnered with them & they tell him what to do.) Government restructuring included rewriting our local laws & this became the Municipal Act, 2001 - which initiated amalgamation, regionalization & incorporation of independent, autonomous local towns into a private 'governing' environment. The Municipal Act converted the public Mayor (head of local government) to a private Head of Council (for the CITY) which basically makes him answer to a BOARD & controllable. The BOARD determines their own "Code of Conduct".... which means ZERO liability for ALL of this, while the United Nations/ICLEI steal everything.... right in your town. Which is why we are where we are today.... in a "corporatocracy" - where the corporations/partnerships (The CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF GUELPH, International Council on Local & Environmental Issues -ICLEI, non-government "public health agencies etc.) CONTROL EVERYTHING & we no longer have a say.... AND we no longer have a local government protecting us. My platform simply is to UNINCORPORATE the Mayor, councillors & Guelph from these global partnerships, agreements & UN financial commitments we are not obligated to pay for. This frees up all our local tax base etc. & back under our control. I intend to restore the "local public government" to independence/autonomy from CITY "MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT". We will establish an independent local financial system (co-op bank?) for property tax etc deposits & immediate payments for local services - outside the control of the corporations. If this "corporatocracy" is not fixed here at the local level, foreign investors will continue to treat Guelph like customers or collateral & Guelph WILL BECOME A CITY STATE. They are foreign companies - they don't care, they don't live here like you & i. They can't be negotiated with. The CITY Board of Directors are all invested HEAVILY in the WEF & SDGs. Your Mayor & councillors MUST be independent from global interests. Their jurisdiction is LOCAL ONLY. Unincorporating is the only solution. I haven't seen a better one & i think we've tried them all. We don't have anymore time to waste - the children are all in crisis from this coup d'etat & need immediate help. We can get it to them in less than a month if people understand how to take back their Mayor & their power. I would be honoured to help us do so. Please contact me if you have questions, but it helps to know how we undo this if you understand how it was done.... if they incorporated our "public" into "private", we simply unincorporate them.... 'Mayor Secret meetings' are fraud... a public servant does NOT negotiate behind closed doors with globalists... but he LEGALLY can if he is operating "privately". FRAUD. If you know a lawyer, send them this. They have been CRIMINALLY silent about ALL OF THIS. I'd like to hear their "explanation". Thanks & i look forward to meeting you on the campaign trail. Shelagh 519-635-1488


    Tue 2:32 PM

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    AI Unveiled: ChatGPT and Deepfake - Hear this Critical Warning! video https://youtu.be/1EDqNyefUmM
    AI Unveiled: ChatGPT and Deepfake - Hear this Critical Warning!

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Boris Epshteyn On The House GOP-Led “Weaponization Committee” Frank Speech the Home of Free Speech Boris Epshteyn, Senior Advisor to President Donald J. Trump @realdonaldtrump On The House GOP-Led “Weaponization Committee” video https://frankspeech.com/video/boris-epshteyn-house-gop-led-weaponization-committee @dacase @iLdonaldotrumpo @catturd @genflynnfeed @kashscorner @kiwiblokedaza #nz @13linesofspirit #america #canada
    Boris Epshteyn On The House GOP-Led “Weaponization Committee” | Frank Speech the Home of Free Speech



    Tue 7:02 PM

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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