Over 101 Pages/videos~fall & Takedown Of The Cabal~deep State Sequel Part 1-26 ~ Important Videos

Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Dec 31, 2020.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Exclusive: WHO Proposals Could Strip Nations of Their Sovereignty, Create Worldwide Totalitarian State, Expert Warns
    In an interview with The Defender, Francis Boyle, J.D., Ph.D., bioweapons expert and professor of international law at the University of Illinois, said the World Health Organization’s (WHO) latest proposals may violate international law. Boyle called for U.S. federal and state governments to exit the WHO immediately.
    Exclusive: WHO Proposals Could Strip Nations of Their Sovereignty, Create Worldwide Totalitarian State, Expert Warns
    In an interview with The Defender, Francis Boyle, J.D., Ph.D., bioweapons expert and professor of international law at the University of Illinois, said the World…

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    1 of 2

    Jain 108 Academy part 1 of 1 & is part 1 of 2 posts
    2h ·

    Plato (circa 400BC) gave us the first stories about Atlantis and its great submersion, its cataclysmic flood.
    We know that Greece ruled the world at this time, became supremely powerful but succumbed to cruelty and greed which led to its dissolution. The ancient Greeks were great navigators of the seas, builders, healers and scholars of the highest order. In fact, our modern day mathematics books that we studied at high school, in the western world, had its transmission from the Greek syllabus.
    Plato tells us about Silon often known as the Father of Law-Making, who lived at the time of Pythagoras circa 600BC. Thus Plato’s ancestor was Silon, who visited Egypt, met the High Priests of the Delta, and he enquired about Atlantis. They told him that it is recorded on their walls, that the great destruction happened 9,000 years ago.
    So this tells us that Atlantis must have sunk 9,600 years ago, and from the perspective of our modern calendar, this is 11,600 years ago.
    Today, modern archaeologists and scholars ridicule us for this notion of a sunken great civilisation but lo and behold, evidence has arisen from the realms of geology who have recorded that a global cataclysm did happen 11,600 years ago. They even give the research a name: “Melt Water Pulse 1B”. So this suggests that perhaps, the Flood from Noah’s Ark time, which was 6,000 years ago from biblical sources, could have happened at this time 11,600 years ago.
    There is also more evidence of this in the strata or exposed layers of the Grand Canyon in the USA.
    So bring on the debate, allow these forums to be aired and remove all bias, as we search for the Truth. This is our aim.
    This account touches on the very definition of what Sacred Geometry means: the search to remember who we are, and where we came from,
    and that includes investigating the Earth’s true History.
    Jain 108
    nb This write-up by Jain is based on a speech given by Graham Hancock, being interviewed by Brian Rose of London Real, an alternative video platform based on the sharing of Knowledge with no censorship. Watched august 2020.
    link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BlFBBwrKoI








    • Simon Doppler
      Richard Lengauer
      • Like
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      • 1h

    • Aaron Palmer
      I’ve heard the story of Atlantis called, “The Allegory of Hubris.” I always thought it was a metaphor about Egypt, but who knows. People do find sunken cities…
      • Like
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      • 1h

    • SasHA X Doo
      �He is among us and in our � hearts.
      In the silence of peace � and contemplation patiently waiting for right moment to announce his second presence.Those wise who find it � have found themselves
      in a moment of perfect harmony or eternity.

      =AZXMqhIUIXYUoBwkdbRkNVw1f0VyoAO9LePiJWKXdhwfXB1EScpqz_HgJ6JdFfL-bopedq67iPjiPVmwKtwIU1QSJqpZavOqzBJcAUY61uEFvyyqK_IC3TAEsw2EGZdcC24jZmWxYBuPT2Q2Y6gK-pwYr03t3orOy56z5T8j_MxW7VCp2C0Ga9AfbNa-QiIxn14&__tn__=R]-R'] 51x315-_nc_cat-105-ccb-1-7-_nc_sid-dbeb18-_nc_ohc-_qeuftxv61eax-l6eun-_nc_ht-scontent-yyz1-1-.
      • Like
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      • 1h

    • Mark Cava
      You could eat fish there everyday! 1f64f_1f3fd-. 2764-. 1f64f_1f3fd-.
      • Like
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      • 1h

    • Jennifer Loquez Vidad
      My Soul is Connected to Atlantis I can easily connect to the Atlantis underworld the Planet inside planet Earth which is underworld 2b50-.
      • Like
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      • 1h

      1 Reply

    • Jamel Coaxum
      It's about time... Give thanks
      • Like
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      • 1h

    • Jay Stevenson
      Assassin's Creed absolutely NAILED it
      • Like
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      • 1h

    • Eva Farkasová
      Škoda chybí překlad 1f972-.
      • Like
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      • See translation
      • 55m

    • Jarred Wilson
      I lived on atlantis , I left before its fall carrying the freedom fire with me , which I believe the statue of liberty to be a tribute too . I am also friends on tiktok with one of the people who caused the fall
      • Like
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      • 55m

    • Active

      Ailean Anndra Earnuig
      Sumerian's had a world wide empire
      Doggerland was Atlantis
      Seth's land/Shetland
      Akkadian/ Orcadian
      Sumer /Summer Isle's
      Lewis still has a Ur
      Ancient Greece was the Hebrides/ Hebrews
      Chaldea /Culdees
      Ionia /Iona
      Argadia/ Argyle
      Skye/ Scythia
      Tiree/ Tyre
      Mull Cain Tyre
      Phoenician/ Fenian
      Macedonia/ Caledonia
      City of Eden/ Joppa
      • Like
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      • 47m

    • z-dbclqdxlv-. Top fan
      Arash Nohehgar
      Look like earth from core to the serfs with layer
      • Like
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      • 38m

    • Steven Robertson
      We have completed a great year and are on the cusp of a new golden age last visited during the time of Atlantis
      We have also entered the age of Aquarius
      The water bearer
      • Like
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      • 33m

    • Amaya Walker
      excellent post
      • Like
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      • 15m

    • Kerekes Zita
      Így van
      • Like
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      • See translation
      • 14m

    • Filip Makowski
      In the words of the great Owen Barfield, "'Re-member' means to become a member once again."
      • Like
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      • 9m

    • z-dbclqdxlv-. Top fan
      Ozone Bhaguan
      They belive they found the site where the city could have been https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richat_Structure

      Richat Structure - Wikipedia
      Richat Structure - Wikipedia
      • Like
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    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    atlantis 2 of 2

    Michel Tessier




    Atlantis Waites
    4h ·
    THIS is what you should be preparing for.
    THIS is probably why you incarnated here at this time.
    For this fantastic show.

    Wonderful connection he makes, in the video,
    of the four horsemen and how it correlates to what our sun is going to do
    and does on a regular 12000 year cycle.

    See the link to the video in the comments since Fb shadows yt links in posts.

    I’ve been following this for years now.

    Prepare. Now. This summer might be rough based on what I’ve been told.
    Beware the Sirius Gateway thru the Lion’s Gate.
    I hope I’m wrong, cuz it’s gonna suck… but they told me and science follows it.

    The Next Age of Earth | A Preview of the Shift


    View: https://youtu.be/R8DHU0NT7Is

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Atlantis Waites
    4h ·
    THIS is what you should be preparing for.
    THIS is probably why you incarnated here at this time.
    For this fantastic show.
    Wonderful connection he makes, in the video, of the four horsemen
    and how it correlates to what our sun is going to do and does on a regular 12000 year cycle.
    See the link to the video in the comments since Fb shadows yt links in posts.
    I’ve been following this for years now.
    Prepare. Now. This summer might be rough based on what I’ve been told.
    Beware the Sirius Gateway thru the Lion’s Gate.
    I hope I’m wrong, cuz it’s gonna suck… but they told me and science follows it.

    The Next Age of Earth | A Preview of the Shift

    View: https://youtu.be/R8DHU0NT7Is

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