Nordstream Or Nord Stream - Is It A Black Swan ??? Sabotage ???

Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Sep 27, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Jim FJB@dutchjim
    The CIA warned about the attack weeks earlier, there was a US convoy exactly at those spots, and “Experimentation was conducted off the coast of Bornholm, Denmark”

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Baltic Pipe launches, full start-up expected one month earlier

    September 27, 2022, by Nadja Skopljak
    Polish gas transmission system operator (TSO) GAZ-SYSTEM and its Danish partner Energinet
    have held the opening ceremony for the Baltic Pipe project at the gas compressor station in Goleniów.
    Source: GAZ-SYSTEM
    Energinet recently announced that the Baltic Pipe gas pipeline can be put into full operation from the end of November,
    more than one month ahead of the initially planned commissioning on 1 January 2023.
    According to the Danish company, the change in plans comes as the completion of pipelines across Denmark is progressing well.
    “Like everybody else, we have also been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and the geopolitical situation in Europe.

    On top of that, bad weather has hit Baltic Pipe hard during some periods,” said Torben Brabo, Energinet’s director of international relations.

    “On this background, we are pleased to announce that a major part of the vast project has been completed and is ready for use.

    Due to an extraordinary effort on the part of everyone involved, we were able to lay the remaining pipelines faster than expected.

    Full commissioning can therefore take place ahead of time.”
    Parts of the large-scale construction have been delayed, but Baltic Pipe still remains on track to be operational with partial capacity from 1 October.
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    The receiving terminal in Western Jutland will have a one-week delay because safety systems need to be in place
    before it can be put into operation.

    This means that Norwegian gas will not enter Denmark via the new terminal during the first week.

    However, gas is still available in Denmark and can be sent through Baltic Pipe, Energinet said.

    “We are constructing very large and complex plants, not least in Everdrup and Nybro, and the construction work is not all.

    When the plants are ready, pressure tests must be completed, and we need among other things, to have the electricity,
    control and IT systems in place, before we obtain the necessary commissioning permits,” Brabo added.

    “Because of challenges associated with the technical facilities in Everdrup, commissioning from October 1, 2022
    will still operate with partial capacity, and less than previously calculated.

    The volume of gas will be continuously increased until full commissioning at the end of November.”
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    The pipelines in the North Sea and in the Little Belt have been pressure tested and have the necessary permits for commissioning. The gas pipeline is pressurized all the way to the Nybro terminal.
    On Zealand, the pipe has been pressurized from the Great Belt to the new compressor station in Everdrup and from Everdrup to Faxe, from where the gas will be sent through Baltic Pipe to Poland.
    The last sections on land, in East Jutland and in West Funen where the work was long at standstill, will be completed next month. They will then be tested and ready for full operation at the end of November.
    Baltic Pipe launches, full start-up expected one month earlier - Offshore Energy (

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    First gas flows between Denmark and Norway after Baltic Pipe North Sea construction ends

    First gas flows between Denmark and Norway after Baltic Pipe North Sea construction ends

    April 27, 2022, by Nadja Skopljak
    Energinet has completed all work on the Baltic Pipe project in the North Sea, after several years of preparation and construction work.
    According to the Danish transmission system operator (TSO), the extensive construction work in the North Sea
    has been completed and this weekend there was a “hole through” from the Norwegian gas pipeline Europipe II.

    This means that the gas can flow through the over 120-kilometer-long new gas pipe which is connected to Europipe II
    and led all the way to the receiving terminal in Nybro by Varde.
    “It’s a really big day for the Baltic Pipe project. The gas application went as planned.

    We have kept to the schedule and lived up to the quality requirements, but we have also spent a year and a half preparing for this commissioning,”
    said Mark Christian Degn Eskesen, technical project lead.
    To mark the milestone, a small figure was put down on the bottom of the North Sea. Source: Energinet
    The visible part of the North Sea work began when the gas pipe was drilled in 2020
    through the dunes on Houstrup Strand on Jutland’s west coast.
    Shortly before Christmas, the pipeline end manifold (PLEM) was placed on the seabed.

    When PLEM was securely on the bottom, the connection pieces were measured and then manufactured in Norway
    so that they could be installed in February or March this year.
    The commissioning took place in such a way that gas was first sent through from Denmark towards Europipe II.
    The valves were then opened so that the gas could flow in the opposite direction.

    In recent weeks, the gas pressure has been quietly raised to 130 bar.
    The PLEM structure which connects Baltic Pipe and Europipe II. Source: Energinet
    “The whole operation has gone well, but there are always challenges in such a large project.
    We had to make sure that the necessary vessels could be present at sea at certain times
    and we have had some technical challenges due to last-minute design changes,” Degn Eskesen said.
    “We have actually been lucky with the weather, but occasionally we had 5-6 meter high waves.
    As we have worked on relatively shallow water – 40 meters depth – the waves affect the seabed extremely much,
    so visibility has at times been limited and down to around 30-50 centimeters, which makes the work demanding.”
    Related Article

    Although gas can now come ashore from the North Sea, it will be a few more months before consumers can benefit from the project.
    The expansion of the receiving terminal in Nybro must be completed, as well as other parts of the project.
    Baltic Pipe is scheduled for partial commissioning this October and full commissioning on 1 January 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Baltic Pipe lands in Poland

    Baltic Pipe lands in Poland - Offshore Energy (

    Baltic Pipe lands in Poland

    September 14, 2021, by Ajsa Habibic
    The offshore pipeline of the Baltic Pipe project has reached landfall in Poland, according to the latest update.
    The pipeline was pulled from the Castoro Sei vessel using a 1,500-metre long and 119-millimetre wide wire rope pulled by a winch to the shore
    . In the nearshore area, the pipeline was pulled through a specially prepared 800-metre long and two-metre deep trench.
    Under the beach and the cliff, it was pulled through a two-metre wide and 600-metre long tunnel.

    The pipeline was laid using micro tunnelling technology, ensuring no visible interference with the shoreline
    or the project’s onshore environment, the developers informed.
    The recommended route of the offshore pipeline (Source: Baltic Pipe)
    The strategic infrastructure project between Poland’s GAZ-SYSTEM and the Danish Energinet will create a new corridor
    supplying gas from Norway to the markets in Poland, Denmark, and neighboring countries.
    The project faced a setback when the Danish Environmental and Food Appeals Board ruled to repeal the permit
    for the onshore part of Baltic Pipe in early June, stating that the environmental assessment does not sufficiently
    describe the measures taken to protect certain animal species.

    However, shortly after the permit repeal, Danes allowed construction works to resume in certain parts of the project across Denmark.

    On 27 June, Castorone started laying the Baltic Pipe at a site close to the island of Bornholm, Denmark
    and passed the 100 kilometre milestone on 19 July.
    On 5 August, it was reported that all crossings with gas pipelines and cables intersecting the route of the Baltic Pipe
    had been completed and the day after Castorone and Castro Sei installed over 70% of the offshore gas pipeline.

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    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    5. Biden Nord Stream- Alex Jones weighs in

    rst - Biden put us in a real pickle.

    Europe is rapidly piecing this together. Right now they are in shock while the Globalists try to keep them in a Matrix deeper
    than most Americans can comprehend. But soon, they will be universally ENRAGED- at the USA.

    We need to be mentally prepared. Time to be contrite, offer free heating aid, offer to repair the pipeline ourselves, and offer up Biden's resignation.

    Any Dem or RINO in the way of such a peace effort needs to be ostracized pronto.

    Unless we want to wage a war against the entire world...

    Alex Jones / Link

    Evidence Confirms, Pentagon NATO Alliance Behind Destruction of Nord Stream Pipelines
    (see video on link 2 lines above)

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    On top of this what boggles the mind is how gullible one would have to be to accept the State's narrative
    with all that stellar track-record of such shenanigans, and the last one being endless war against Iraq based on lies?

    James Melville
    The key question:
    Why would Putin order blowing up his own pipeline when he can just switch the pipeline gas supply off?

    It’s absolutely incredible (but not a surprise) that so many politicians and journalists aren’t asking this obvious question.


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