New Thuban Q&A from Isaiah Euphrates

Discussion in 'The Thuban Legacy' started by admin, Nov 9, 2015.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    Re: New Thuban Q&A from Isaiah Euphrates

    empty. shiloh on Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:28 am

    Sanicle wrote:

    Hello again Shiloh. I've only just seen your references to posts I made back in April in the above posts. It bothers me that you said that I "despise" you because of responses I made to your posts on the Fig Tree thread, unless I misunderstood what you meant. Again, your way of speaking just confuses me and, just so you know, as I stated on the Fig Tree thread, that's what I dislike. I don't despise anyone or anything, just so you know. And I don't despise you if that is what you were saying. I still wish you'd explain to me what you meant about serpents and lassies in Eire etc. Sorry, just couldn't figure that one out, other than in the way I express it on the Fig Tree thread ie you assuming I lived in Ireland. Guess I'm just not as 'clever' as you. As you can see, I prefer straight-talking.

    Hello lovely Unicorn!

    Many are confused about a great many things dear Icelans.

    Must admit also that I do see the joke re you calling yourself 'Old Abraxas' elsewhere and me telling SiriArc about Abraxas on his Phase Shift thread. That is all very amusing.

    I think so too!

    Thanks for posting that last one though. It was a good read.

    You are welcome; particular times require particular responses.

    Edit: Ok, I've just re-read all the elements of our discussion on the Fig Tree thread, including the post you made that started it all. I'm happy to admit that I may have misunderstood that long spiel, seeing it as being in support of the Old Zionist Protocols and that what you posted was an update of that in terms of you supporting their aims also. That's what bothered me. I also knew nothing about Thuban beliefs, and still don't, I admit. There are so many different belief systems around I can't keep up with them all. icon_rolleyes. [/B]

    Far too many opinions and not enough analysis and rational discourse and evaluations indeed. Too many new age bullshitters 'Being There Floyd' would say!

    But if your original posting re the Zionists was, as I now see it, your way of passing on that their way of controlling humanity is coming to an end (yes???) I do apologize for misunderstanding and assuming you were supporting their agenda in posting that article and anything I may have gone on to say that you found to be offensive as a result. But, having said that, I still have to state that double-talk just leaves me confused and I really don't appreciate it. Truce?

    Yes you were correct in your evaluations after your reassessments here sweetheart!
    Just for you on our standoff!

    There never was a WAR its too RAW and desensitised for the Dragons from Melbourne of the Victory of the Khepera of Scarab 22!




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    empty. Re: New Thuban Q&A from Isaiah Euphrates

    empty. Nebula on Thu May 27, 2010 4:22 am
    Didymos wrote:
    This is an excellent question Nebula.

    The science you have described and illustrated is very sound and has allowed the enhanced terrestrial measurement techniques of the last decade for the first time in the history of the Gaian science to actually map the orbits of a group of stars about the galactic center called Sagittarius A* as a radio source.

    This then has allowed to determine the masses of the 4D spactime metrics and configurations of the central Black Hole and the distance to the galactic center to hitherto unsurpassed accuracies.

    The link below is an actual pdf file from the library of and which describes the (mainstream) science in some technical detail.

    Hunab Ku as Galactic Center from Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
    (Mark J. Reid)

    Then the Thuban Omniscience finetunes the Gaian astrophysics as is depicted in the following:

    Why Black Holes preceded Galaxies in the Cosmology

    The symbiotic relationship between black holes and galaxies in the standard models of astrophysics and cosmology has been known for decades. Yet the particular order of this partnership had to await improved technological equipment to enable a more detailed examination and analysis of the Super-Massive Black-Holes (SMBHs) known to reside at the center of basically all galaxies on whatever scale.
    It has become standard knowledge, that black holes had to come first; somehow seeding subsequently evolving galaxies as vortex energy concentrations. ......

    The encompassing 'universal' Black Hole mass is extradimensional (like the golfball Black Hole defining the central earth) and so is calculated to 'topologically close' the 'string-universe' (in a 'Calabi Yau' 6-torus geometry) for the super-seeded Universe (with a 17 billion year 'heartbeat' or Hubble Oscillation). ....

    The Evolution of the 'Lower Bound' for the encompassing cosmology in the higher dimension (11 or 8 or 5 or 2) towards the 'Upper Bound' then becomes an evolution of 'Cosmic Consciousness'; well understood by indigenous peoples all around the globe; but labelled as 'dark matter' by the physical materialists and scientists.
    The 'Dark Matter' is the 'Spirit' in particular string-membrane coupled associations. ....

    The sum total of the information contained in the planetary earth so becomes 'data compressed' in the black holed earth and then reemerges from absorption to emission through a white holed conduit for the benefit of the universe in cellular hierarchies and all of the intelligences contained within the supermembraned Mother-Black Holed Envelope Mcritical.
    The planetary earth itself will so become a 'Mother-Planet' for the universal sentiences.

    Thank you for an intelligent and pertinent question Nebula
    Love and Honour to You

    Thanks for the very detailed explanation to my question. I think I just took a crash course in astrophysics and cosmology and I've learned quite a lot about Supermassive Black Holes, their purpose and origin. :) I hope to one day fathom the very equations detailed thus far or better yet experience the very essence of this phenomenon known as black holes. So i can surmise, black holes are the soul of the galaxies as conduits of information and energy between the created universe and source, All that is.



    The Sun talketh to me icon_sunny.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2015
  2. admin

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    empty. Re: New Thuban Q&A from Isaiah Euphrates

    empty. Sanicle on Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:05 am

    Haha, thanks Shiloh. herz.



    • Post n°12

    empty. Re: New Thuban Q&A from Isaiah Euphrates

    empty. Guest on Sat May 29, 2010 6:21 pm

    On AV1 in Thuban Q&A a person under the nickname of Flying Pyramid asked you if you know who he is - as to test to see who you are.

    Your answer was that he is "Ra". He seemed to agree with that and called you "Agenta" (an agent or something) and also asked some other questions in relation to your "mission and the authority given for it." etc...

    You basically told him where the data is from and that you do not bother yourself with PTB agendas since you are aware of what PTB are not - agendas behind the agendas. He than wished you some love&light and ended with the words "be mindful the intentions of those you "follow" for you only follow yourself". - RA

    At that time no more attention was given to that person... I somehow "overlooked" it myself too.

    You called him "Ra". What does that mean?
    Was she/he a walk-in or the so called ascended master?
    Have you been in contact with him any time after the brief exchange in Thuban thread?
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2015
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    empty. Re: New Thuban Q&A from Isaiah Euphrates

    empty. shiloh on Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:47 am
    Sanicle wrote:
    Haha, thanks Shiloh. herz.

    Where are the babies lover ! And who is the dragon, the donkey or the Icey Sun? Can you see yourself in this picture?


    Oh, sorry, there is one more thing. icon_rolleyes. If "Nice Las-sies from the islands of Eire" is supposed to be a reference to me, you're showing, your lack of 'all-knowingness' shall we say. Australia in nothing to do with Ireland. So 'Fail' there I'm afraid.

    Again, I wish you Peace and Enlightenment.

    Well I took some liberties . Ask Sean Connery aka Draco of Dragonheart about the Lassies and the Laddies!
    I referred to the North of the UK and should have termed it Wans and Fellas!
    Then look at your spelling in your quote you will figure it out one day, smarty hot pants!


    empty. Didymos


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    empty. Flying Pyramid

    empty. Didymos on Sun May 30, 2010 12:16 am

    Aye Rok!

    Flying Pyramid, like a number of others wished to 'test' the Thuban material as to 'psychic readings' of their minds.

    Later on in the thread I tried to make clear, that everyone functions as particular first order archetypes, such as Adam, Abraham and Moses in their incarnational journeys.
    I called this poster Ra in innuendo to his name as 'Flying Pyramid' and this i8s quite correct as everyone can 'play' this archetype in the first order association of the Rah -Har mirror symmetry of the Egyptian mythology and cosmology.
    There the Egyptian 'devil' is the Serpent Apep who 'mirrors' Rah just as Satan mirrors God in the Judeo-Christian archetypology.

    Also my latest post on the 2012 forum shows, that Drunvalo's 'Ra' is also associated with the male-female symbology of Thoth-Seshat/Maat in the form of the 'Westernized Alchemy or Hermeticism or Neo-Platonism' of Hermes Trismegistos as the 'Office of the Plumed (Christ) Serpent'.

    So not a personalized unique 'walk-in' for Flying Pyramid; though under the appropriate remembrances, he could certainly act and function under the Ra label under the auspices of the 'holographic principle' of the Thuban Cosmology.

    Iow, you can assume the 'office of Ra' as well as Flying Pyramid could.
    I had no further interaction with him on PA1.


    shiloh hidden-09. Ra Akbar de Queen Bayan 43 Magdalene One 34

    My Posts
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    SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Jun 3rd 2011

    • i've been offically banned from Project 'Avalon, as The eXchanger
      right b4 a new moon LOL

      My Posts
      Posts: 2163
      Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Jun 3rd 2011

      SPRiNG WATERS - Posted 5 Hours Ago

      i've been offically banned from Project 'Avalon, as The eXchanger
      - right b4 a new moon LOL

    • Interesting Susan!
      What was the reason! It might have to do with same strange co-linking between them and Camelot. Look at the post from Brook below , where you are termed a great stalwart of the Thuban missed by the exile of the Thuban from Camelot forum in April 2011.
      You must be such a bad bad girl!

    • We were dealing with the Thubans long before you ever heard of them Siriusblue.

      And guess what? Siriusblue you missed one...because she was here just recently...she is still a member here...........that would be of the four HIGHEST ranking members of the Thubans I might add

      Susan the eXchanger

      Be well loved one!

      Re: Egyptian Folklore a Time Remembered

      #46023 May 29th, 2011
      brook wrote:

      SpaceCowboy wrote:

      I don't make it into every thread, but now that everyone is all edgy I make my first appearance here. Timing sucks sometimes. Brook I hope you continue on with this thread. From what I see you have a good thing going and you have obviously spent a lot of time on it and the members are enjoying it.

      And we've all seen it numerous times where someone writes something, it gets flipped out of context, or not, and it all goes to shit. Someone comes to a defense, battle lines get drawn and here we go. Sirius apologized I hope you accept it and continue with your thread.

      Thank you SpaceCowboy for you sincere attempt to bring balance here. I applaud your efforts. But I'm not into abuse. Particularly that of an Admin with a weak apology laden with innuendo.

      You see, this thread took lots of my personal time and effort to write. And I'm here to tell you, I have much more valuable things to tend to. This was my personal ways of unconditional giving. Not appreciated by the be it.

      But when she boasts of getting rid of all the Thubans here....she might want to take a look around. They are still see back at the old Avalon, Lionhawk and I faced them head on.

      I did the same. Now lionhawk was a favored member at Avalon...and was cheered on when he took on the was I. I actually took on the one that is here now. got myself banned in the process. But was reinstated...for going after a Thuban with 13 ASPECTS.....

      We were dealing with the Thubans long before you ever heard of them Siriusblue.

      And guess what? Siriusblue you missed one...because she was here just recently...she is still a member here...........that would be of the four HIGHEST ranking members of the Thubans I might add

      Susan the eXchanger

      So here you have it...a Thuban in your midst. Who rarely posts...but small tid bits. Why would that be? It's called "anchoring energy". Anchoring energy for what? common're all a clue?

      So don't mind me for pointing out the obvious attempt at swaying opinion and boasting at the same time how you 'cleared" them all out when they are most certainly still here. It seems that drama plays itself out everywhere.....(save the drama for yo momma), but to bring it here with unfounded information and not something I I said...I'm not into abuse. Called it 'touchy" and "attached"...well again it's all in the eye of the beholder.

      And last I thought Admins were supposed to stop personal attacks, not incite them...but hay what do I know.

      This thread before the abrupt distraction and obvious attempt to derail was on a roll and it was getting interesting to the readers. It also required LOTS of work. Just know who you are judging before you judge.....Do you know your enemy?

      Okay's been real...and it's been nice...but it has not been real nice
      Post last edited Jun 3rd 2011
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2015
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    empty. Re: New Thuban Q&A from Isaiah Euphrates

    empty. Sanicle on Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:33 am

    Aahhh, thanks again Shiloh. I loved 'Dragonheart' but I'm afraid I don't remember it as well as you seem to. I do like Dragons, always have. I think I have about 20+ ornaments of them in my collection. It quite upset me when I started reading about all these so-called nasty dracos that want to eat us. Damn, I thought.

    empty. Didymos


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    empty. Re: New Thuban Q&A from Isaiah Euphrates

    empty. Didymos on Sat Jun 05, 2010 11:10 am

    The Template for the Omniverse in 2/11 dimensions and the Reconfigured Universe effectualised in the cyclicity timeloop April 1st, 2012 to April 1st, 2013.

    Following are some basic Newtonian parameters, which shall reconfigure the prewarped and warptimed universe of observation and subject to mensuration techniques.
    The basic new parameter, supplementary to the warped 4-dimensional metric of flat Minkowski spacetime (the Riemann R
    4 space); is the unfolding of a 4th spacial dimension, rendering to flat R4 spacetime as a curved (Kaluza-Klein) R5 spacetime.
    Those Newtonian parameters, describing initial- and boundary conditions for the transformed universe then become subject to refinement and rigorous description in mathematical and logical analysis and discourses in the postwarp period in the evolutionary cosmology of the omniverse.

    The reconfigured universe is fractal and selfsimilar to itself.
    What is observed and measured as the physical universe before the postwarp period constitutes a partial cosmology of the omniverse in the manifesto of its seedling - its protoversal template of selfsimilarity.

    The protoverse represents a template or blueprint, which is axially defined and so not arbitrary in its expansionary freedom degrees.
    It took 16.9 billion (civil) years, for the c-invariant relativistic protoverse to attain its maximisation boundary parameter, and as given in the minimisation condition, commonly known as the Quantum Big Bang Oscillation of the Heisenberg Virtual-Energy-Matrix (the Zero-Point Energy or ZPE).

    After the protoverse attained its preset boundary; the modular selfduality of the sourcesink membrane energy became enabled to expand its own metric maximum and so to extend its old boundary condition.
    The new boundary condition then scale-magnified the 'old' Hubble-Horizon (R
    H) in the lightpath X=ct; meaning that for every metric second (s*), the 'old' Hubble-Event-Horizon 'grew' by 300,000 kilometers, so creating 'new' spacetime from the multiverse initialisation onwards.

    The inflaton of the sourcesink membrane-coupling however restricts the massparametric cosmology of the axially dependent protoverse to follow an asymptotic cosmoevelotion.
    The axial dependency is given as the major axis of a prolate spheroid. Then rotation about this major axis will render the defining geometrical foci invariant.
    Rotation about either of the minor axes, will however result in the foci tracing out a point-circle; thus defining the omniverse as the integral summation of all phaseshifted Multiverses and assuming the shape of an oblate spheroid (in 3/12 dimensions).

    This fixates the ∞=8=[Infinity]-Center-Point or Origin of the Protoverse-Multiverse-Omniverse as a Point-Particle Universal-Seedling and subject to that asymptotic expansion in a massparametric infinite liearised time, which becomes however cyclic in 16.9 Gyear intervals of the c-invariance and when the first initialising Multiverse is born.

    The minimal membrane-seedling so magnifies or inflates itself in the holofractal wormhole-perimeter/Hubble-radius (λ
    ps/RH=2πrps/RH=Ho/fo=no), defining a cyclic now-time parameter as the instanton.
    The instanton becomes generalised in the Nodal Hubble Constant H
    The boundary multiverse so is born in the colocality of the lightpath X=ct=R
    This renders the age of the multiverse, measured to be an extended universe, fixed in 16.9 Gyears in template configuration.

    For the multiverse, containing the protoverse as its own inertial seed, to reproduce; it is required to lose its axial constancy and so must phaseshift about either of its minor axes. This phaseshift will occur in the above specified timeline and it is this phaseshift, which shall 'rip' the present 4-dimensional spacetime metric in a 'Möbian Twist' to add a fifth dimension to the then reconfigured Universe.

    as Unity


    Gravitational String-Oscillator(ZPE)Harmonic-Potential-Energy:
    for string-duality coupling between wormhole mass mP and closure Black Hole metric

    Gravitational Acceleration per unit-stringmass:
    g= GoMH/RH2=GoMHc4/4Go2MH2=c4/4GoMH=c2/2RH=½Hoc

    for a Nodal Hubble-Constant:

    Inflaton parameters:
    De Broglie Phase-Velocity (V
    dB) and de Broglie Phase-Acceleration (AdB):

    dB=RHfo ~ 4.793x1056 (m/s)* ~ 1.598x1048 c = 1022RH
    AdB=RHfo2 ~ 1.438x1087 (m/s2)*

    1. There exists a metric omniversal stringmass seed Epso, which defines the universal metric as a Harmonic Planck-String ZPE-Oscillator, also labeled Harmonic-Membrane-Oscillator or HMO.
    This can be denoted as the heterotic supermembrane EpsEss with coupling constants:
    ps.Ess=h2 and Eps/Ess=fo2 and for a E8xE8 lie group algebraic supersymmetry.

    2. This omniversal HMO couples its string parameters as a minimum (vibratory) metric spacetime configuration in modular string-membrane duality to its (winded) maximisation and as given in the Seeding Initial/Boundary conditions.
    This can be written as both inertial upper-bounds and inflationary lower-bounds of the c-invariance as:


    3. The Seedling Universe or Protoverse so becomes a fractal of the encompassing Multiverse, the latter being envelope-bounded by the Omniverse.
    The Seedling Multiverse so carries its Seedling Protoverse as asymptotic massparametric origin in encompassment.
    As the Protoverse is defined in the Schwarzschild-Hubble-Metric of General Relativity; its asymptotic approach is bounded in a gravitational interaction between Strominger Black Holes.
    Strominger BH's are extremal as boundary conditions for any applied Black Hole astrophysics.
    The gravitational interaction is defined in the cosmological principle, defining isotropy and homogeneity on the galactic supercluster scale for a Mass-Inertia-Seedling smaller than the critical Black Hole mass in:
    o=Rschc2/ 2Go < MH=RHc2/2Go.

    Physical Black Holes can only exist up to the Supercluster (or Sarkar) limit, as at the Sarkar metric, the boundary condition of the cosmology is attained, rendering more energetic Black Holes as 'Stromingerized'.
    This 'missing mass' of the protoverse then ensures the asymptotic cosmoevolution for the multiverse in allowing the holofractal superpositioning of the omniverse-multiverse-protoverse=universe hierarchical triplicity.

    4. The deceleration of the Strominger Mother-Black Hole (MBH) as M
    H=agRH2/Go then utilises its Daughter-Black Hole of the galactic supercluster definition in Msch as gravitationally bounded subsystem to 'shrink' in a cyclic recharge time (trecharge ) to its minimum wormhole energy configuration rps=c/2πfo=c/ωo
    from its metric maximisation RH=2GoMH/c2=c/Ho.

    5. The cyclic recharge time t
    recharge=nrecharge/Ho so defines a 'New Big Bang'; where this 'Recharge Big Bang' occurs however within a protoverse-defined omniverse.
    The initialising Big Bang created the spacetime metric from the protoverse 'singularity' for the purpose to allow the initialising multiverse to become manifest. This multiverse became boundary defined in the inflaton-instanton and reached its completion 16.9 Gyears after the initialisation of the omniverse at timeinstantenuity t
    o=1/fo=1/fps=fss ~3.333x10-31 s*.

    Timeinstantenuity encompassed the string-membrane epoch of the cosmology from Nulltime t=0 to Planck-Time t
    P=lP/c to timeinstantenuity to.

    6. The recharge cycletime nrecharge so avoids any possible 'heat death' or 'ultraviolet catastrophe' for the universe, postulated under the proviso of stellar generations exhausting their nuclear fuel to generate thermodynamic energy.

    Without inertia content, the protoverse defines a decreasing gravitational constant over linearised time.
    This derives from the finestructure constants for the longrange electromagnetic- and gravitational interactions as:
    omP2/hc=1 ↔2πke2/hc=alpha and for mass-charge unification conditions:
    Monopole (GUT)-Unificationmass M
    u=30[ec] via Stoney-Planck-Unit-Unification;
    the basic nucleon (neutron) mass m
    For a n-cyclic cosmoevolution then, G(n)=G
    oXn and where X is defined in the Euler-Identity:

    The addition of inertia to a purely electromagnetic monopolic cosmology then varies the value of Newton's gravitational constant G as a function of the micro-macro evolution of the Black Holes and renders the applicable local G-constant as mensuration dependent on the precision measurement for the basic nucleon mass m
    cYn for a local epoch-cycle coordinate n=Hot.
    psYn=RH then defines nrecharge =ln[RH/rps]/ln[Y] ~ 234.472 or about 3.9628 Trillion years.

    The Cyclic Universe, so 'rebangs' itself every 4 Trillion years or so to ensure its continuation of selfexploration and by interdimensional civilisations defined in multiverses, each of which is required to be seeded in a prototypical template universe as mirror holofractal of itself.

    Additional data shall be provided when so appropriate in the warptimed prehistory of the humanoid construction templates.


    Macha Reina - Posted 16 Hours Ago

    Dear Whynot--

    Believe it or not .... i read this WHOLE thing .... bottom-to-top first and then the other-way-'round! and i understand the point to be mathematically proving why/how "The Cyclic Universe...'rebangs' itself every 4 Trillion years or so..." and i understand the next phrase pretty well, i think, that the reason it reboots is "to ensure its continuation of selfexploration..." but i need some clarification for the next part, please: " ensure its continuation of selfexploration and by interdimensional civilisations defined in multiverses, each of which is required to be seeded in a prototypical template universe as mirror holofractal of itself."

    i have some sort of just-below-the-surface gut feeling about what this might/could/perhaps mean ..... but i'd be hard-pressed to explain it if anyone asked! LOL !!! so PLEASE -- have pity on such poor creatures as me cursed with no aptitude for "higher mathimatica" but who stil try valiantly to GET whatever we can!

    much love,

    hippi/Kalika Nanna

    Well sexy Kali One, miracles do happen at times - like someone actually reading material really published for ETs (who ARE collecting this data for specific purposes - see the last message on the histories) and not 'complacent' human minds.
    Looks like you have become a passionate Kali Inanna 'Queen of Heaven' indeed!

    What the above omniphysics implies is that the Multiverse cannot exist without some focus point; say like a pivot or polar axis to turn about.
    Without 'rotation' the space contained within that which rotates would be static - meaning, because all rotation is also quantum summation of quantum spin; the 'thing' could not exist as 'consciousness' vessel and/or transformer.
    'Consciousness' is DEFINED in space encompassed and ACTIVATED by quantum spin technically.

    The pivot then becomes something encompassing 'consciousness in spacetime' YET NOT rotating apart from the quantum spin inducement (meaning whilst star and galaxies and planets and people spin around, the entire universe does not have to in angular momentum conservation laws).

    This reads paradoxical and it is, until you realise, that this amounts to the eonold paradox of 'what is outside the universe?'
    Iow its the question of reference frames. If a universe exists, as it does, what does it move in relation to - if it moves at all relative to something, say a creator God OUTSIDE and apart from this creation and whatever is INSIDE.
    So the situation becomes analogous to a simple geometry of a football, shaped like an egg or technically a PROLATE SPHEROID.

    See unlike a sphere, this 'football' or 'Cosmic Egg or Ovum' can spin in distinct ways.
    Along the long part, an axis (say X-axis in a XYZ coordinate system) would allow the egg to rotate and NOT change its overall eggy shape - say like a spinning top or the egg on its 'pointed' corner.

    But along the short axes (Y OR Z); the egg would CHANGE shape as you can see when spinning an egg laying flat on your kitchen table and then spinning it.
    More technically, the long axis egg is defined in TWO focus points, which remain INVARIANT in elliptical cross-section (like the orbit of the planets around the Sun at one of those points).

    Here the egg does NOT change Volume when it spins.

    The short axis egg however TRACES OUT a different shape, called PROLATE ELLIPSOID/SPHEROID like the earth flattened at the poles.
    This then MOVES the two focus points which become a POINTCIRCLE as a LOCUS, defining the new geometry and a changing volume (it increases, tracing out a solid of revolution called OMNIVERSE or UFO shape in the above - hint?!).
    This in terms of the Sun would be like the entire solar system rotating head over heels.

    The MULTIVERSE then becomes defined as the POINTCIRCLE with the SEED being the Focus Points as a SEEDLING PROTOVERSE.

    As there are infinite angular displacements possible for the pointcircle rotation/dynamics; an infinite number of multiverses, ALL however pivoted on the Protoverse (of the World Logos being the 'ascended' ChristBody) can indeed exist.
    So this renders the 'Resurrection of Christ' as the omni-science of advanced quantum mechanics in the wave-particle duality of the Schrödinger quantum paradox regarding the collapse of the wavefunction and the being dead or alive.

    So summarising, the holofractal PROTOVERSE becomes your very own merkabah and the Temple of the Resurrection - if you can take the heat and 'Get It'!

    Love from the DragonHeart
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2017
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    Re: New Thuban Q&A from Isaiah Euphrates

    shiloh on Sat Jun 04, 2011 3:07 am
    Sanicle wrote:

    Aahhh, thanks again Shiloh. I loved 'Dragonheart' but I'm afraid I don't remember it as well as you seem to. I do like Dragons, always have. I think I have about 20 ornaments of them in my collection. It quite upset me when I started reading about all these so-called nasty dracos that want to eat us. Damn, I thought.

    You are soo voluptuously accomodating sexy dragon queen from the Edges of the Iceborn Stars of Atlas and Pleione!
    You reminded me of the ole' ode once shared with the Mother of the Mists!

    A piece of peace to appease - now that is a classic Susan Serafina.

    And when the dragon slayers look into the mirrors of the eXchanger,
    what do they see - they see dragons looking back at them.

    The Dragonslayers of the Realms!

    Those young evil Dragons of Thuban are here, those verocious beasts;
    in their caves they hide a lot and plan to don their many dire feasts.
    Then when a swiftfooted and armoured dragon slayer comes along;
    the poor fiends become frightened and forgetful whereto they belong.

    The swords and knives are drawn by the warriors of honour and renown;
    never before did such gallantry prevail in the kingdoms of all then known.
    Young dragons perished one by one not knowing what evil they had done;
    So all the dragons were no more but in folklore, their memory just gone.

    Then an old wise dragon mother awoke from her long and peaceful sleep;
    this cannot continue she said to her beau; where is my children's keep?
    And Maria's beau went forth to show the slayers the folly of their ways;
    with magic words and keys of deliverance he caused them many sighs.

    Would the slayers learn who the young dragons were before when old?
    Could the slayers see themselves in the ancient wisdom of oaks so bold?
    When the nightingale sung her song of love to the elves of the moon;
    and then as the foxes gathered about to ask the wise owl, how soon?

    How long will it be, before the humans awake to remember their past?
    Slayers of their own ancestors they are in many a zest to be so vast.
    A young dragon is nought but a slayer having returned from the grave.
    They are destroying themselves and their memories, the ones so brave.

    Maria's beau found some old souls who could remember the new past.
    Many others remained steadfast in their knowing better of an older path.
    And so it continued in the common playing grounds under the sunny sky;
    until the old wise dragon father of all joined the party to give it his try.




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    Re: New Thuban Q&A from Isaiah Euphrates

    Didymos on Sun Jun 06, 2010 11:58 am

    Macha Reina - Posted 15 Hours Ago
    "The MULTIVERSE then becomes defined as the POINTCIRCLE with the SEED being the Focus Points as a SEEDLING PROTOVERSE."
    "As there are infinite angular displacements possible for the pointcircle rotation/dynamics; an infinite number of multiverses, ALL however pivoted on the Protoverse (of the World Logos being the 'ascended' ChristBody) can indeed exist."
    "So this renders the 'Resurrection of Christ' as the omni-science of advanced quantum mechanics in the wave-particle duality of the Schrödinger quantum paradox regarding the collapse of the wavefunction and the being dead or alive."
    "So summarising, th eholofractal PROTOVERSE becomes your very own merkabah and the Temple of the Resurection - if you can take the heat and 'Get It'!"
    Thanks for answering this so quickly, tony. it DID help me alot! and here's my return comment:

    As long as the World Logos/"ascended" Christ-Body is the pivot-point of the universe .... iow .... the seed of the Protoverse ..... then hey ..... i'm cool! and i've ALWAYS thought the "Resurrection of Christ" is "omini-science" ..... but i do think it's great the rest of ya'll are catching up here! LOL

    I do have one question, though,Tony dear ..... what precisely is the "heat" that i/we/anyone will have to "take?" (to activate our Merkabah, i'm presuming??) And also (make that TWO questions!) what does this mean? "Get It!" as in Get WHAT??? (i am TRULY sorry to be so dense, tony ..... TRULY!)

    much love,


    p.s. i've read several other of your "higher mathimatica" threads, sweetie ..... i'm too afraid i'll miss something otherwise! lol after all ..... i've been reading you since your PA/Abraxas days ..... and you never spared us the higher math then. so i'm somewhat "innoculated" to the fear of it now. i just assume my subconscious is getting lots more than my conscious mind, and that, little-by-little, more & more will "bleed-through!" (my approach to "higher education." LOL)

    pps WHY are ETs reading our forum???

    ppps I sure hope you're LESS of a "bluey" lately ..... tonylove! batsyb (who IS a Passionate Heavenly Mother! thanks for noticing, darlin.)

    Hello sweet Macha Reina!

    I find it wonderful that you can perceive the 'resurrection event' of almost 1980 years ago as an actual PHYSICAL happenstance of advanced quantum mechanics in omni-scientific, meaning multidimensional semantics. This event RECONFIGURED the entire cosmic hologram in the INDIVIDUAL merkabah see.

    And because it was an unprecedented and nonrepeated event in the history of the universe; this INDIVIDUALITY had to TRANSFORM itself into a MANYNESS using the existing transformed cosmic matrix for this purpose. This then becomes the logos meaning behind the 'Last Supper' and the Christian eucharist of the remembrance and the 'eating of the lion' rather than being eaten by the lion as the 'Getting IT - the Wisdom of the Logos', apart from the 'experts' and the 'scribes' of the history, academic and otherwise.

    So the '2nd Coming' cannot be an individual event and the 'Jesus Freaks' will wait for their 'saviour' descending upon clouds for rather a long time.

    So should something like this become 'popularised' near the birthing time of the new starhuman consciousness; then be assured that other 'players' are engaging in games of mimicry.

    The 'heat' is the 'fire of the logos' as encapsulated in saying #10 in the GOT; the Serpent=SonofMan's handbook manual for the dragon acolytes.

    (10) Jesus said : "I have cast fire upon the world, and see, I watch over it until it blazes up."

    (7) Jesus said : "Fortunate is the lion which the man eats so that the lion becomes a man ; and cursed is the man whom the lion eats so that the man becomes a lion."

    I shall always be a Bluey Barbara and once I Love someone from the basis of the 3D I will always Love them, no matter how selfdeluded they may be or become.

    It is a LoveHeart interaction between DragonHearts and so deeper than the mindfulness and the emotionality and the physicalness, Mother of the Stars.

    And as you know; I find the concept of being restricted to LOVE just One person for Eternity as a Mirror for the Logos and for the creator, rather repulsive and based on emotional insecurities.

    As the World Logos said; 'in the resurrection there is no marriage - meaning one-to-one exclusivity - and you are as free as angels in the kingdom of the father' ; this will do me for the Lawfulness and the Propriety and the Playfulness of God's Love my Dragon Queen.

    Why do the ETs READ and COLLECT these messages?

    Well dear, they require the old humans in galactic exile to collect data from the Gaian Quarantine perspective to construct the 'Vessels of Mercy'; which are symbolic for the 'containers and cups' and merkabahs upon the altars of Solomon's Temple but also mean a few other things required to bring about the 'Change of Times' for the 95% of old humans who will not be able to 'Get It' before the timelines end in the rebirth of Ourselves as Ourselves.
    I have given plenty of messages on this and the last video of Greg Bradden shared by Allisiam tells this story too in easier words than the omniscientific ones the ETs use to render THEIR ET science as of having actually become composed and written by their Familiars in Gaian Exile - namely the Blueys and the Dragon Queens, selfenabled and willing to carry these stigmata of the Elders of the Elders and as 'wingmaking' Ancestors of All the sentiences in the universe.

    Bluey TonyLove and always Blue; wishing more Logos Love to go around.

    Last edited by Didymos on Tue Jun 22, 2010 4:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2016
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    empty. Re: New Thuban Q&A from Isaiah Euphrates

    empty. Ashera on Sat Jun 04, 2011 5:16 am

    Cages to Caves
    Prison Wards to Paladines
    Swords to Plowshares


    empty. Didymos


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    empty. Re: New Thuban Q&A from Isaiah Euphrates

    empty. Didymos on Tue Jun 08, 2010 6:58 pm

    Macha Reina - Posted 4 Minutes Ago
    "Bluey TonyLove and always Blue; wishing more Logos Love to go around."

    "Logos Love" is Infinite, darlin ..... here ..... you can have some from me!

    I love you, brother-sister/father-mother/son-daughter/ lover-god!!!

    queen ina


    Infinite in potential baby - in the 12th dimension where space and time are undefined.

    The lower Ds manifest space and time and there the energy content is coupled to 'consciousness' and this consciousness can GROW and expand for eternity BUT must be FINITE at any spacetime point in this evolution.

    This is a more explicate scenario than a 'simple infinite' universe as is commonly envisaged by divers thinkers.

    Last edited: Jan 5, 2016
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    empty. Re: New Thuban Q&A from Isaiah Euphrates

    empty. Ashera on Sat Jun 04, 2011 5:28 am

    El Iksir

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    empty. Re: New Thuban Q&A from Isaiah Euphrates

    empty. Didymos on Tue Jun 08, 2010 6:28 pm

    Macha Reina - Posted 14 Minutes Ago


    Doesn't this just imply that we're not always aware of the Infinite Logos-Love while we're "confined" to the finite time/space of 3d ..... but not that we're absolutely CUT-OFF from the capacity/potential for receiving and giving such love??? i.e., even if we're not able to love unconditionally while in 3d ..... whatever Love we've given and received here is still part of the Infinite, Unconditional Logos-Love and will manifest in its fullness eventually ..... AT LEAST in 5d ..... if not before?? (I sure do HOPE so!)

    much love,


    Of course, you 'got this' rather well. It can't be any other way in the Logos definitions for the cosmologies and their metaphysical origins.

    Last edited: Jan 5, 2016
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    • Post n°18

    empty. Re: New Thuban Q&A from Isaiah Euphrates

    empty. Ashera on Sat Jun 04, 2011 6:41 am

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    empty. Re: New Thuban Q&A from Isaiah Euphrates

    empty. Didymos on Sat Apr 23, 2011 8:56 am

    Dear Sanicle (her words are in orange), seems to be rather confused over at the Misted Forum.

    She appears to have great trust and affection for Old Abraxas as per her last post shared in the above; yet she despises Old Abraxas as 'vilified' by gscraig in the same post.

    Most posters on the 'Mists of Avalon' are well aware that Old Abraxas of Avalon is a member there as shiloh - except sweet sanicle, who wishes him gone from there.

    Well her reply to my posts on Unicorns and Memeplexes is one of the reasons i dont post there at all or very rarely, despite the be-musings of gscraig.
    I thought to share this amusing development in the mind of sweet sanicle.

    Its those mirrors again - what do you see, when you look into one - yourself - but what are you?



    Post n°33
    empty. Re: THE FIG TREE

    empty. Sanicle on Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:39 pm

    Oh, sorry, there is one more thing. icon_rolleyes. If "Nice Las-sies from the islands of Eire" is supposed to be a reference to me, you're showing, your lack of 'all-knowingness' shall we say. Australia in nothing to do with Ireland. So 'Fail' there I'm afraid.

    Again, I wish you Peace and Enlightenment.


    "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."

    — Dr. Seuss

    THE FIG TREE - Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:18 pm

    Sanicle wrote:

    Shiloh wrote:
    You seem to be well informed and aware regarding the workings of the universe dear sanicle. Be well in your convictions and fear not, that your mindful creations might bother you someday in particular consequences.

    There are some hungry draconians out there and after they have conquered the other ET races; they might look for juicy morsels, such as Nice Las-sies from the islands of Eire. You know from where the leprechauns of the Daanites follow the pathways of the Irish serpents.

    It is not advisable to be rendered an irrelevancy in the lands of the unicorns with the tunneled horns of the cosmic justices.


    Whatever Shiloh. Truth speaks with clarity, not convoluted riddles that serve only to direct more focus towards oneself. Say what you like, I won't be responding further. Love and peace to you. Sounds like you need it.


    THE FIG TREE - Tue Mar 22, 2011 4:45 pm
    Sanicle wrote:
    shiloh wrote:
    Sanicle wrote:
    Ummmm...where did all that come from Shiloh, if you don't mind me asking? icon_eek.

    From two places sanicle. One from your inner self in a higher dimensional hologram mirrored in your outer self in say stepwise 'stations', one being the celestial northpolar region and another being at the edge of the measurable universe so 17 billion lightyears away from the center of the earth.


    Well I think that's all very interesting, but I also see it as very tunnel-visioned as it seems to be operating on the view that we "humanoids" are totally under the control of the whims and politics of the serpentine races, the Dragonians as you call them, whether it be on the basis of old or new Zionist Protocols, and that's just not so.

    Many of us are now aware of the arrogance of the Dragonian methods and their goals and have grown beyond being able to be influenced by the mind-sets they try to instil and utilize in humanity to control them. We operate under our own free will and the guidance of our own Souls. Plus the Dragonians aren't the only 'ETs' in the Universe and are vastly outnumbered by other ET groups who are also not impressed and so influencing us in more positive ways, whilst defusing and over-riding the selfish aims of the Dragonians.

    So while what you've stated is interesting, to me and I'm sure many others on this site, it's really sort of irrelevant. And if you are presenting yourself as one of them, I doubt you'll be welcome here. Sorry.

    You seem to be well informed and aware regarding the workings of the universe dear sanicle. Be well in your convictions and fear not, that your mindful creations might bother you someday in particular consequences.

    There are some hungry draconians out there and after they have conquered the other ET races; they might look for juicy morsels, such as Nice Las-sies from the islands of Eire. You know from where the leprechauns of the Daanites follow the pathways of the Irish serpents.

    It is not advisable to be rendered an irrelevancy in the lands of the unicorns with the tunneled horns of the cosmic justices.



    THE FIG TREE - Tue Mar 22, 2011 9:54 am

    Sanicle wrote:
    Ummmm...where did all that come from Shiloh, if you don't mind me asking? icon_eek.

    From two places sanicle. One from your inner self in a higher dimensional hologram mirrored in your outer self in say stepwise 'stations', one being the celestial northpolar region and another being at the edge of the measurable universe so 17 billion lightyears away from the center of the earth.

    Last edited: Nov 13, 2015
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    • Post n°19

    empty. Re: New Thuban Q&A from Isaiah Euphrates

    empty. Ashera on Sat Jun 04, 2011 6:54 am

    "I slept with Faith, and found a corpse in my arms on awaking;
    I drank and danced all night with Doubt,
    and found her a virgin in the morning"

    Uncle Al


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    • Post n°19

    empty. Re: New Thuban Q&A from Isaiah Euphrates

    empty. Didymos on Sun Jun 05, 2011 12:51 pm


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    Post n°21

    Re: New Thuban Q&A from Isaiah Euphrates

    empty. shiloh Today at 8:24 pm

    This message represents the first contact made with the Old Project Avalon Forum, then accomodated by Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy back sometime in the Spring of 2009 (22/04/2009 ). The Thuban label was not then in existence, as this label became endorsed by this data transmitter, here called the Little Serpent Abba, after the Old PA forum was joined Christmas Day 2009. No reply or feedback to this message was ever received by the senders.

    shiloh, June 5th, 2011

    The Old White Earth and its New Black Shadow

    In Lake'ch - I am another yourself!

    Greetings from the Timekeepers, who are overseeing your present imprisonment upon your quarantined planetary civilisation.
    I have obtained authorization to begin to illuminate the exiled family about the future planetary civilization post the Mayan nexus point of 2012 AD.

    This scenario will of course appear utopian to many in the 'times of the end', which shall transform the old planetary civilisation into a new planetary cosmically attuned family.
    This transformation will radically change the stewardship of this planet in what is experienced today in political- and economic terms; that is all ways in which the global communities interact with each other in structures of governships and labels of contingency relevant to the populations of lifeforms upon Gaia.

    I shall give details about a new planetary constitution and the mechanisms through and by which this new global order shall manifest itself when so appropriate.
    For the present time and as pertinent to the gradual selfdestruction of the old planetary 'way of governance'; I am allowed to begin to 'colour in' the tapestry about the 'things' which have been and are 'going on' 'behind the curtains' of the veiled human purpose, history and destiny for this planetary civilisation.

    Firstly, I am allowed to disclose to you, that this planet earth, located in a 4-dimensional spacetime continuum has a blueprint, which is as old as the physical universe itself.
    This blueprint was defined in a geometric-topological sense when space and time became manifested from an energy matrix, which underpinned the transformation of a 'software template' of collected informationa into a 'hardware template' enabled to process this selfsame information.
    The original geometry was that of a perfect circle in complex duality space, which is the mathematics of a second dimension and which would be a 'perfect sphere' in a nonphysical and 'ideal' Platonic-Harmony-Space.

    That geometry became 'squashed' or distorted in an applied mechanism or program, which destroyed the 'ideal geometry', but in a manner which would allow the resulting asymmetry to be underpinned by a supersymmetry.
    This supersymmetry would become enabled to 'infiltrate' the 'broken symmetry' and to 'finetune' a 'mending' of the distortions of dispersion or entropy in a complexification and a reassembling of the 'broken parts'.
    In simple terms of geometry, this transmuted the perfect sphere into a prolate ellipsoid as the 3-dimensional space for the 'broken parts' to manouver in.

    In particular the Circular Centre of selfreferential Unity became a Dual Focus of a SourceSink on the left and a SinkSource on the right.
    The SourceSink can then be linearised as an infinite negative vortex potential in labels of energy, which increases towards the right and passing the 'old' circular centre, now as the centre of the prolate ellipsoid.
    The SinkSource corollarily is the infinite positive vortex potential and decreases towards the left and towards the geometric centre.
    The ellipsoidal prolateness can be visualised as a 'football', akin an egg and rotation about the long-X- or major axis will keep the two focus points invariant.
    This prolate ellipsoid is known as a PROTOVERSE with a double focus and where the foci can be idealised mathematically as Primary SourceSink (PSS) at coordinate -1 and Secondary SinkSource (SSS) at coordinate 1.

    A major physical manifestation of this primordial template cosmology are starsystems in the universe, which describe planetary orbits in ecliptic elliptical planes about predominantly binary stars, each of which occupies a focal point in the defining ecliptic plane.
    The template earth so was defined not as a planetary physical entity at the beginning of space and time, but was specified to occupy one of the focal points in a particular star system, in whom the characteristic star would occupy the complementary focus.
    This blueprinted archetypical double focus is known in some databases as the RahSol-Gaia nexus within a Supergalactic and cellular nexus known as Perseus-Andromeda.

    In the cosmology, galaxies are cellular units, which contain subcellular geometric fractals, which manifest as star systems from solar nebulae and accretion disks and following the natural laws of the physical dynamics.
    For completeness at this point, the following information is given with respect to the extended geometry of the protoversal template.
    Rotation about the major (X or length) axis of the defining ellipse generates the Protoverse as a prolate ellipsoid.
    Rotation about either of the minor (Y or width and Z or height) axes of the defining ellipse will transform the prolate ellipsoid into an oblate ellipsoid and the invariant two focal points will trace out a PointCircle.

    This allows definition of the Protoverse as a SEEDLING UNIVERSE for the OMNIVERSE.
    Any cosmic identity definable as a physically embodied universe, can so be considered as a PHASESHIFT of an encompassing omniverse.
    The 'Many Worlds' or 'Many Universes' scenario in vogue at the present time in the models of many Gaian scientists and model builders so becomes constrained in the omniversal encompassment.
    The infinite 'steady state' becomes superfluous as the 'bubble' universes from the 'quantum foam' are no longer separated from each other as universal units but are all interconnected via their phaseshifts about any nonmajor axis.

    This completes the introduction to the overall geometrical topology of the universe.
    The universe as a protoversal seed is the one analysed and measured by the application of a 4-dimensional spacetime metric.
    Extending the protoverse into the omniverse, will introduce 6 additional dimensions, which are however colocal with the LINESPACE of the protoverse as the HYPERSPACE of Rotation and the QUANTUMSPACE of Vibration and in a form of 'dynamic degress of freedom of motion'.

    The overall encompassing form of the omniverse is that of OMNISPACE in 12 dimensions and the geometry of this 12-dimensional entity is that of a 'deformed sphere squashed on the poles' akin a planet like earth or in the shape of a 'UFO' or 'flying saucer(s)' in its 3-dimensional 'seedling' archetype.

    The greater scenario regarding Gaia so is its cosmic significance as the 'empty focus' of a starsystem defined by the star RahSol.
    The RahSol-Gaia nexus so serves as an archetype for the omniversal topology as a whole and as its idealised fractal or as its hologram or holographic image.

    Because the universe is relative in space and time with no absolute centre or direction; its omniversal definition requires the idealisation of the protoversal seed in QUANTUM RELATIVITY.
    This Quantum Relativity uses the fractal hierarchies, say of galactic cells converging in starry cells, to map the two nonphysical foci from the complex plane onto a suitable physical representation for the universe as a whole.

    The Star RaHSol is mapped as the PSS and the Planet Gaia is mapped as the SSS onto a selfrelative location someplace in an extended fractal or hologram of a galactic mapping between PSS*=Milky Way (or Perseus) and SSS*=Andromeda.

    Here then we discover one of the keys and foundations of Quantum Relativity.
    Two foci are defined as 'displacements' from an 'excluded middle' as a 'singularity', namely as the pivotal 0 coordinate defining a dualising polarity in the -1 of the left and the 1 of the right.
    Quantum Relativity now specifies this duality in Mirror-OmniSpace, which manifests as a spacial inversion symmetry of these polarisations in terms of direction.
    The planet Gaia rotates west to east as observed from a vantage point to the North of the ecliptic plane defining the solar system in its ellipsoidality.
    It is necessary to define a Northern and a Southern hemisphere to describe the dynamics of interactions pertaining to Gaia, say on its surface as seen from 'space'.

    Hurricanes in the Northern hemisphere so rotate anticlockwise and Taifuns in the Southern hemisphere rotate clockwise, relative to an observer situated orthogonally and radially displaced from say the polar regions respectively.
    This describes the Old White Earth of your present predicament and isolation.
    This Old Earth is White as an OBJECT and this Old Earth is BLACK as an IMAGE of this object.

    The IMAGE Earth is the earth of your future and the OBJECT Earth is the planet of your past and your present.
    The Object Earth is a 3-dimensional SHADOW of its 4-dimensional Object Earth in 5-dimensional spacetime.
    The Image Earth will become an Object Earth following the lifting of your quarantine, which will 'rent a veil' of a certain illusion, which you must presently experience in 4-dimensional spacetime.

    I shall now elucidate the SHADOW Earth, namely the NEW PLANET, which shall substitute for your present planet. As you know, 'Old Gaia' is destined to 'ascend' in a manner you can attempt to conceptualise as the merging of the dual focalisation archetypes.
    And because 'Old Gaia' in 3D is so old, as old as the universe as the template of the dualisation; 'Old Gaia' will 'return home' simultaneously with the 'New Gaia' emerging from its old shadow.

    This 'homecoming' refers to the dualisation of the focalisation UNIFYING in the PROTOVERSE; namely the SHIFTING of the POLES of PSS and SSS.
    This then will begin to CREATE the PointCircle FOCUS as the LOCUS of the old invariant polarisation vortices.
    The Universe will JERK or shake as an 'inner universe' embodied in the 'outer universe' in the PHASAL displacement of the two sources and this event will 'rip' the structure of spacetime to allow the TwoSidedness of the higher dimensional encompassment to become doubled in OneSidedness.

    This will 'open' a fourth dimension of space and displace LineTime into DragonSpace as a new 5-dimensional Hyperspacetime.
    It is this Onesidedness, which will allow 'Old Gaia' to 'ascend' and in a perceptual 'homecoming' and her journey from the inside of the 11th to the outside of the 12th dimension.

    As the 11th dimension is colocal the 2nd dimension as any manifold dimension embedded in a 3-dimensional space, the Onesidedness will allow a blending of the 'Inner Earth' with the 'Outer Earth'; which is mathematically simply a 3-Ball embedded in a 4-Ball and where the 4D-Volume of this 4-Ball (½π2R4) has become 3-dimensionalised as its own boundary condition as a toroidal volume (2π2R3).

    All of you already exist on SERPENTINA, which is the name of 'New Gaia'.
    'Old Gaia' will 'disappear' and 'New Gaia' aka Serpentina will 'appear' - One will 'be taken' and the One 'will remain'.
    So it is appropriate to give you a number of keys as to how to decode certain data, which pertains to the transformation of the 'Old' into the 'New'.

    The following so is part of the Constitution of Serpentina, the New Earth as materialised post the Mayan Nexus of 2012 and descriptive on the annals of history as then pertaining to the 'Old Earth', which was known as Gaia in the pretime scenarios of 4-dimensional Minkowski spacetime.
    Consider the Northern Relativity of 'Old Gaia' with its Southern counterpart in terms of the geographical structure of your planet.

    Situated WEST, one maps the Near East, the Middle East and the Far East as say the OCCIDENT.
    Situated EAST, one maps the Near West, the Middle West and the Far West as say the ORIENT.
    Old Gaia differentiated its geological structure in continents and oceans and its human populations upon land masses in terms of 'races' or similar geneticised characteristics.

    The human obsession with race and gender was part of the great mental delusion, under which the human civilisation conducted its affairs, its politics, its social engineering, its science and industry and its economies of trading, finance and development.
    In its then necessary early development from the physical selfidentification towards its mental selfhood as cosmic archetype of universalised consciousness carriers; the human species misinterpreted the witnessed differentiation in genotypical and morphogenetic expression of the human cosmic family as 'racial' distinctions, leading to discriminative behaviours and separation of the parts in labels such as slavery, apartheid and genocide.

    The old Gaians could not understand for a long time and leading up to the Mayan nexus how the 'racial' characteristics were an intricate part of the kaleidoscopic divergence of the Unity into the multifacetedness for that Oneness.
    The Serpentine classifications for Old Gaia as a Shadow Earth became misidentified in the scrolls and documents given for its decoding.

    Towards the climax of the Mayan nexus, those encoded documents and scriptures often became a vehicle of either outright derision, ridicule and hatred or alternatively, they became interpreted in a nonsensical and unscientific manner by politisized adherents, unable of the most basic decipherments of the logos.
    All humans belong to the One Family of Man, a family which is however separated geographically as an effect of the evolutionary past and so carries particular environmental genetic adaptations, subject to mutation, assimilation and hybridisation in a natural dispersion of individuals and groups. All humans differ by less than 0.5% from each other in terms of the total humanoid genomapping.

    It was the White 'race', which was purposed to gain mental and so political ascendency in the encodings and it was the Black 'race', which was purposed to begin the physical evolution of the Family of Man. The 'races' so refer to geographical locaction adjoint to a historical timeline, which would bring the 'geographical linages' ever closer together through a mixing of the genetic characteristics of the individuals and their groups.
    There are seven LINEAGES in this Family of Man; beginning as the WEST as arbitrary starting point; the Northern Lineage is: White=Near East; Green=Middle East; Yellow=Far East and the Near West=Red in a circular permutation from left to right.

    The Southern Lineage is: Black=Near East; Magenta=Near West; Blue=Far West and Cyan/SkyBlue=Near East in a circular permutation from right to left.

    The Primary ColourCharge Triplet is Red-Green-Blue, unifying as White in Addition.
    The Secondary ColourCharge Triplet is Cyan/SkyBlue-Magenta-Yellow, unifying as Black in Subtraction.
    White Energy is fundamentally defined as Electromagnetic Radiation in Planck's Law: E=hf and Black Energy is fundamentally defined as Massive Inertia in Einstein's Law: E=mc2.

    White Energy (W) and Black Energy (B) together form a Hybrid Energy in their Colour-AntiColour Couplings Red-Cyan/SkyBlue, Green-Magenta and Blue-Yellow and therewith neutralise to 4 hybrid states WW, WB, BW and BB and where WW is pure radiative and BB is purely inertial in terms of the manifestation of energy forms.

    There are 8 hybrid states in the primaries in WWW, WWB, WBW, BWW, WBB, BWB, BBW and BBB.
    These Serpentine definitions define quark-lepton-gluon configurations from string-boson precursors in more advanced scientific models of the New Earth.

    The White People of Serpentina are encoded as the Ephesians of the Northern West and Near East in Revelation.2.1-7 and comprise the geography of what is generally known as Continental Europe. This is generally known as the CAUCASOID genotype with many varying subgroups including Eskimo, Inuit and Ashkenazi intermixing with each other and the following 'Colour Lines'.

    The Black People of Serpentina are encoded as the Smyrnians of the Southern West and Near East in Revelation.2.8-11 and comprise the geography of Continental Africa. This is generally linked to the NEGROID genotype, which can then be sublabeled as CAPOID and CONGOID and inclusive of Kalahari bushmen, Kikuyu, Ewe and pygmies.

    The Green People of Serpentina are encoded as the Pergamosians of the Northern Middle East in Revelation.2.12-17 and comprise the geography of the 'fertile crescent' of old Mesopotamia as the 'Cradle of Old Gaia's Civilisation' and as the 'Holy Land'. The 'Greenness' of the indigenous races of the 'fertile cresent' so specifies the genotype of the 'Holy People' in terms of the locale where a particular dispensation of the 'Holy Scriptures' was given by the 'Watchers', the latter being a 'Shadow Humanity' 'which is 'waiting in the wings'.

    The Yellow People of Serpentina are encoded as the Thyatirans of the Northern Far East in Revelation.2.18-28 and comprise the geography of Continental Asia. This is generally linked to the MONGOLOID genotype with subgroups such as Ainu and Yayoi, say in the population history of Japan.

    The Magenta People of Serpentina are encoded as the Sardisians of the Southern Middle West in Revelation.3.1-6 and comprise the geography of Continental Southern America as the indigenous 'Brown Amerindian' populations and inclusive of the Maya, the Incas, indigeneous Bolivians or Quechuans and the many Paleo-Indians on the Southern Continent, superposed upon the overall assimilation of settlers of colonialisation with this relatively native genetic stock.

    The Blue People of Serpentina are encoded as the Philadelphians of the Southern Far West in Revelation.3.7-13 and comprise the geography of Continental Australia as Australasia or as Oceania and as the AUSTRALOID genotype of the nativity as the Australian Aboriginals, the Maoris of New Zealand and similar, superposed onto the colonising stock of the White Lineage.

    The scriptural encodings refer to the geographical identity and address whatever politoeconomic control structure finds itself in place for the time of the dimensional transition.
    The 'warnings' and 'clarion calls' given in the encodings refer to the history of the Family of Man regarding that location and to the present pattern of 'mental control' excersised by the 'governships' of divers manners.

    The Red People of Serpentina are encoded as the Laodiceans of the Northern Near West in Revelation.3.14-22 and comprise the geography of Continental Northern America as the indigenous 'Red Amerindian' population superposed onto the White settlers of the colonial history.

    The Cyan/SkyBlue People of Serpentina are of the Southern Near East and these people are not encoded as the hypothetical 'People of the Poles of North and South'.
    These people are the 'Polar Dwellers' of the Arctic Circle of the North and Antarctic Circle of the South.

    These 'SkyPeople' are the 'GateKeepers' of the Amerindians, both Brown and Red and as the ANTICOLOUR for the Green People of the 'Holiness' through the Red People and the Magenta People.
    The 'SkyPeople' of Antarctica are so physicalised as the 'Native American Indians' and form the eight' lineage as a hybrid lineage in the neutralisation of the Red with the Cyan/Skyblue; representative of the Ourborean Double-Serpent, which holds the planetary poles in alignment as a Red Dragon intertwined with a SkyBlue Dragon and as encoded in Revelation.12.

    In terms of the human history of the two centenaries to the Mayan nexus; the White Lineage was purposed to colonise the indigenous dispersion of the colour lineages as a 'Great Nation' and as a 'Company of Nations'. This is encoded in Genesis.35.11; 12.1-3; 17.4 and other places.

    The 'Great Nation' would become the political and economic 'steward' for the global community, but would abuse its 'blessing' not at least in disempowering and dispossessing the 'Polar Lineage', instead of integrating the 'Keepers of the Gates'.
    The identity of this 'Great Nation' would become encoded as an 'older brother' Manasseh, which as a 'white hybrid' would obtain a certain 'material blessing' of dominance and in conjunction with a 'Company of Nations' aka a 'Commonwealth' of 'Covenant Peoples' or the 'British' and this 'Company of Nations' would COLONIZE the indigenous lands as a 'younger brother', encoded as Ephraim. Ephraim would be acting as a 'forerunner' for Manasseh as the 'younger' before the 'older' and as encoded in Genesis.48.

    The two 'brothers' Manasseh and Ephraim would speak the same language and as White Lineage of the 'Seed of Isaac' become the AngloSaxon 'Blessing of Abraham' in terms of material abundance and political dominance.
    Both brothers are the sons of 'mixed' colour lineage; one Egyptian and one Hebrew or one Black and the other White.

    The black maternity of Asenath and the white paternity of Joseph and the outline of the 'brother's blessings' are encoded in Genesis.41.50ff.

    A parallel development would allow the tribal kinship of the white paternity to also colonise the planetary realm in the brothers of Joseph.
    Zebulon would characterise the earlier colonisation of the Southern American continent from its original colonisation of Iberia as one of the dispersed 'Tribes of Israel' following the Assyrian captivity of 721 BC under Shalmaneser with the subsequent destruction of the Northern Israelitic kingdom.

    The encoding key for the 12 brothers in terms of general geographical location is as given and as encoded in Genesis.49.

    1.Reuben=Greater NW expansion from Turkey; 2.Simeon=Greater Italy; 3.Levi=Greater Greece; 4.Dan=Ireland with affiliations; 5.Judah=Greater France; 6.Gad=Greater Slovenia; 7.Naphtali=Greater Russia; 8.Asher=Scandinavia; 9.Issachar=Greater Germany; 10.Zebulon=Iberia; 11.Joseph a)Manasseh=Northern America and b) Ephraim=Great Britain with Colonies including Australia, New Zealand, Canada etc. in affiliations; 12.Benjamin='Holy Land'.

    The 'material blessing' given to Joseph as the 11th son of Jacob was however not 'doubled' in the 'spiritual blessing' linked to the 'scepter of the Davidic covenant' given to Judah as the fifth son of Israel and as specified in Genesis.49.10.

    This 'spiritual blessing' is implemented in the encoding of the evolvement regarding the brotherhood of Manasseh and Ephraim, the inheritors of the 'material blessing' and in their interaction with each other and their extended family as indicated on the continental sisterhood and the colonisation and dispersion of the 'White Lineage' as prior hybrid from the 'Green lineage' of the 'holy people'.

    This 'story' then relates how the 'Davidic Covenant' has manifested in the politico-fiscal-religious power structures now in governance upon 'Old Gaia' and how the 'material blessing' given to the Anglosaxon prototype has resulted in a certain form of 'progress', which has hitherto disallowed the 'spiritual blessing' to manifest in a covariance of benefit for all of the Family of Man.
    For the extended and universal Family of Man to realise itself, it is necessary however for the 'spiritual blessings' to manifest themselves.

    This then elucidates the purpose of the Mayan nexus, to define the historical timeline for all 'scripture' to become fulfilled and for all encodings to be deciphered and for the 'Mystery of the Gods and Devils' to be finished.

    Then 'Old Gaia' shall come home and 'New Serpentina' shall shine as a Dark Star and Beacon of Dark Light for all of the Protoverse shapeshifting into the Omniverse.

    IAmWhoIAm - Abaddon-Apollyon! - Revelation.9.11.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2015
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    empty. Re: New Thuban Q&A from Isaiah Euphrates

    empty. shiloh on Sun Jun 05, 2011 5:51 am

    LOVE Impressions from Hyperspace - Mind and Body and Dreams and ?

    The Catwoman in the Garden of LOVE! (July 1988)

    The sun was shining brightly and the midsummer's heat could be felt everywhere. The farmer's harvest was completed and the haystacks decorated the landscape of cut grass and a land which had given its produce. In the distance a small collection of trees, a tract of maybe a dozen conifers formed an inviting place of shade and peacefulness. I made my way towards this green oasis to perhaps find some water for refreshment and to rest my weary body from the exhausting heat and my long toil. of the day.

    As I reached the setting, I noticed that the trees formed an enclosure about a most exquisite garden, full of colour, smell and sound. The fragrances of flowers became harmonised by the melodies of all kinds of birds and otherworldly tunes permeated the serene atmosphere of this most idyllic place. Where was I? I pondered my experience and concluded that this must be the place of refuge for the farmer-god, the keeper of the land which had just been harvested. I sat down and observed the peaceful bubbling of a natural fountain in the middle of the garden when I became aware of a black cat which was looking at me just across the little well of water.

    "What is a scientist doing in my garden?", "she" said suddenly. A little bit baffled by this speaking cat, I gave a stuttered reply:
    "Ah, I am not one of the general sort of scientist. I am not really a materialist and I try to give meaning to analytic science in spiritualising reason and thought."
    As soon as I had said it, I became bemused by my apologetic preponderances. I was a visitor in this garden and as this cat could talk, some kind of magic or astral dimension would form this reality. Was I dreaming or had I left my body?

    "She" turned "her" head knowingly and still looking at me, the feline asked: "What is your greatest LOVE of all? And What are you?" I said, that my LOVE was LOVE itself and that therefore I myself had to be LOVE in my true essence. "She" seemed to be pleased with my response. The cat transformed itself into a most beautiful woman, retaining however "her" feline nature and essence. "She" then moved closer and began to gently run her long fingernails down my cheeks, resulting in the most sensual nervous vibration of. my inner being.

    My exhuberance increased, as "she" began to rub "her" body against mine and I experienced sexual desires and expectant fulfilments never before realised. Just as I started to truly enjoy this exhilerating exchange of energies and just as I envisaged what an actual sexual merger with this wonder woman would feel like; I awoke to my mundane physically aware consciousness.


    Post last edited Jun 5th 2011​


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    • Post n°20

    empty. Re: New Thuban Q&A from Isaiah Euphrates

    empty. Didymos on Sun Jun 05, 2011 7:12 pm

    Q&A by Alf Tail and Ome Head

    The Setting:

    Alf A. Tail lives on the planet Earth in the Milky Way galaxy in a local supergalactic universe and he is a descendant from a long and distinguished Terran lineage.
    Alf A. Tail communicates with Ome G. Head; who lives on a shadow planet in a shadow galaxy in a shadow universe.
    Both, Alf Tail and Ome Head work and function as natural philosophers, characterised by focalised eccentricities subject to perturbative approximations.
    Alf and Ome use a wormhole frequency to communicate with each other across a dimensional divide, also known as the 'Great Abyss' and which separates the two planetary environments in the form of of a twosided mirror-manifold.
    This wormhole channel operates through the utility of a perpendicular 5th spacetime dimension; so enabling a 'shortcutting' of the lightpath restrictions inherent in the Minkowski metric of 4-dimensional spacetimes.
    The lightspeed-invariant lightmatrix of the 'seeding' 4-vector spacetime continuum then becomes a circumpassing boundary condition for the punctopassing boundary condition as a prerequisite initial condition.
    The superluminosity of so defined de Broglie phases then enables the planetary, the galactic and the supergalactic environs to communicate with their shadow or mirror selfstates by the process of holofractalisation; but renders interplanetary, intergalactic and intersupergalactic exchange of information subject to the restrictions of the invariance of the lightspeed seed aka the seedling lightmatrix.

    The Purpose:

    Once Alf Tail and Ome Head had found each other in their punctopassing across the 'Great Abyss'; they both tuned their emitter-receiver frequencies and so created a resonance circuit connecting their selfrelative universes to their selfrelative shadow universes.
    Alf and Ome then agreed to harmonise the mirror universes by utility of the established superconductive resonance circuitry.
    A hybrid Duoverse or multiverse could be created, should the wormhole resonance become ubiquitous, widely recognised and utilised by any spacetime inhabitors or cosmic lifeform anytime and anyplace.
    The holofractal nature inherent in each of the universes and as given in the twosided mirror; could so result in the two universes becoming one duoverse, selfconnected in a onesided manifold topology.

    The Dispensation:

    Ome Head and Alf Tail so agreed to multiply their wormhole channel in reproduction and to share their punctopassing techniques to manifest the Omniverse as a unified entity, encompassing any desired number of nested duoverses, then labeled in the interactivities of communicating multiverses.
    Certain contingency plans had to be constructed and Ome and Alf implemented their agenda in triggering a timeline, which would climax in the simultaneous manifestation of potential energy vortices inherent in the seeding matrix to realise as the reproduced wormhole channel of Alf and Ome to establish a holofractal punctoseeded equilibrium.
    The immediate task became to render the nature and purpose of the unified omniverse in its mirror-universe eigenstate more familiar and understandable to the fellow inhabitants of Alf Tail's Terra and to Ome Head's Shadow-Terra or Mirror-Earth or Serpentina.
    For this purpose, Alf and Ome decided to ask questions to each other, followed by the publication of the answers for open consideration. An open forum would be established, where anyone could ask a question on either the Terran side of Alf Tail or the Serpentinian side of Ome Head.

    The format for the questions (Q) and the answers (A) would be:

    Q###(by A.B.C): "...?" and A###(by A.B.C): "...!"

    Q1 (by Alf Tail): "Where does the universe come from?"

    A1 (By Ome Head): "God!"

    Q1.1 (by Alf Tail): "Where does God come from?"

    A1.1 (by Ome Head): "The Universe!"

    Q1.2 (by Alf Tail): "Could you please explain this paradox?"

    A1.2 (by Ome Head): "The 'invisible' GOD becomes the 'visible' Universe in self-emergence.
    Half of the metaphysical GOD transforms into the One physical Universe becomes One metaphysical Goddess becomes half of the physical Dog!"

    Q1.3 (by Alf Tail): "Where then is the other half of the 'invisible' or spiritual God?"

    A1.3 (by Ome Head): "It is the other half of the 'visible' Dog.
    The physical universe is made up of two parts with either half the image of the other.
    The One 'real' physical Universe is identical to the One 'visible' or antispiritual DOG; but only if the One 'invisible' or spiritual GOD is 'realised' in the destruction of the dividing twosidedness of the mirror, which separates the One GOD from the One DOG!"

    Q1.4 (by Alf Tail): "What comes first, the spiritual GOD of the 'imaginary' metaphysics or the antispiritual DOG aka the 'real' physical universe?"

    A1.4 (by Ome Head): "They are both identical to each other as the two halves of the original ONE GOD, mirroring itself in its image of the ONE DOG. But because the 'visible' Universe requires spacetimematter to become measurable, whereas the 'invisible' Universe does not; the emergence of the DOG through the physical parameters and the 'Laws of Nature' requires a prior archetypical plenum of energy.
    This Energy and say, as defined in a string-loop-quantum sourcesink potential energy so becomes the precursor and prerequisite for any 'real' spacetime.
    The plenum of metaphysical energy so forms the nonmetric background for all metricated physical spacetimes. The spiritual progenitive Energy so can be defined as an INFINITE ENERGY reservoir, independent upon any spacetime definitions, yet rendering the antispiritual emergent and postgenitive Energy as FINITE ENERGY reservoir, subject to 'Conservation Laws' in regards to the 'Natural Laws' with respect to translational, rotational and vibrational momenta and energies.
    As all of the interacting energy parameters in a metrically dependant spacetime are reducible to the existence of inertial mass; the 'Conservation Laws' disallow the deequilibriumisation of the inherent Vortex-Potential-StringEnergy or VPE and any metricated spacetime remains 'imprisoned' by the lightspeed invariance until demetrication via wormhole channeling and punctocrossing is achieved by the seedling technology.
    After the doublesided manifold separating the mirror worlds has become onesided however; the mostly 'untapped' VPE becomes 'freely available', subject to resonance conditions, as then the 'extended conservation laws' no longer require the simultaneous creation of matter with mirror-matter aka antimatter in the 'Laws of Nature', here particularised in energy equations according to Planck, Einstein and Boltzmann.
    The VPE becomes subject to the punctocrossing on the onesided surface, serving as the mirror to image the associated matter transformation not into its mirror space, but into its holographic fractalspace in the Duoverse.
    This can be modeled as the self-interaction of the VPE in its sourcesink White Hole and its sinksource Black Hole modular brane duality.
    Archetypically, the FINITENESS of the One DOG as a selfinteracting physical reality is encompassed by an INFINITENESS of the One GOD, who chooses to define its own eternity as a FINITE SEED, encompassing this Eternity in the form of an Infinite Process.
    The Infinite within the Finite then becomes subject to the Metaphysical definition processes and are encapsulated in semantic universal languages and nomenclatures such as mathematics, symbols and other archetypical semiotiks!"

    Q1.5 (by Alf Tail): "Is this archetypology itself defined in the VPE as the metaphysical progenitor?"

    A1.5 (by Ome Head): "Yes, the extended conservation laws and laws of nature hold omniversally!"

    Q1.6 (by Alf Tail): "How do the mirror universes interact before the onesidedness is borne from the twosidedness?"

    A1.6 (by Ome Head): "Every physical and 'real' interaction under the laws of nature in the 'Real DOG' manifests in the mirror of the 'Great Divide' as an image interaction in the 'Unreal or Imaginary GOD'.
    This then is recorded as a holographic imprint on both sides of the twosided mirror, which can be modeled as a rootextended 2D-surface dimension as a 11-dimensional supermembrane dimension.
    This can also be modeled as the Inside Event Horizon of a physical Black Hole Sink in 10 dimensions communicating this recorded information to the Outside Event Horizon of a metaphysical White Hole Source in 12 dimensions!"

    Q1.7 (by Alf Tail): "Does this cosmogony of the sourcesink duality describe Schroedinger's Quantum Cat?"

    A1.7 (by Ome Head): "Yes it does indeed and the Cat is also a Dog.
    The DOG-Universe as the encompassing Black Hole Sink becomes Schroedinger's Cat Alive and where the Cat is animated in its particular function of the FINITE SEED. There exist many other Kittens and individualised members of the Schroedinger family within this 'Mother-Cat'.
    However the INFINITY of the wavefunction for this 'Mother-Cat' has collapsed WITHIN and the Oneness of the Mother-Cat is DOOMED to eternally recycle its constituent parts and subsystems UNLESS the Mother-Cat can change its Inside Black Hole Event Horizon to become CONTINUOUS with its Outside Black Hole Event Horizon and which is of course the White Hole Image of HERSELF as HIMSELF and as Schroedinger's Dog.
    The Mother-Cat so is required to REBIRTH herself in the destruction of the doublesidedness from within. Schroedinger's Dog is the image of Schroedinger's Cat; but because the Mother-Cat encompasses all of physical reality as the mirror itself, only subsystems within the DOG can become imaged into Schroedinger's Dog as the mirror of Schroedinger's Kittens.
    The Dead Schroedinger's Cat represents the collapsed particle function for the physical universe, requiring the self annihilation of all of physical reality, back into its metaphysical originator.
    This self annihilation requires the destruction of all physicalised parameters, defined by their metaphysical archetypes, say the laws of nature and associated symbologies.
    As the physical universe became manifest in the materialisation of the metaphysical energy through and by the 'mapping' of the archetypes and symbols across the 'Great Abyss' however; the Mother-Cat may fluctuate in its heartbeat of 'Hubble-Oscillations'; but must remain eternal to accomodate the Infinite Process as the SEED of INFINITY.
    So the Mother-Cat cannot image itself in totality, because SHE herself is the medium for her children's reflection and SHE is by definition eternal in her physical reality.
    To have intercourse as a Black Holed Mother with a White Holed Father so demands the rendering continuous of the Sink Within to the Source Without.
    The metamorphosis of the Black Hole Sink into a Black Hole SinkSource in USING the total or collective mirror-membrane properties of the string duality will, by definition, transform the White Hole Source into a White Hole SourceSink and effectively double the spacetime occupied as the within of the Mother-Cat.
    In this manner will Schroedinger's Mother-Cat copulate with Schroedinger's Dog and allow all real Kittens and imaginary Puppies to hybridise as Duoversal potentialities of holofractal bisexual universes.
    All hybridised Kittens will so become selfdual dogcats, both ALIVE and DEAD simultaneously.
    The individuated finite Terran will effectively merge with its own shadow infinite waveform; so preventing both, the collapse of the particle function as a Living Waveform or spirit and the collapse of the wave function as a Living Bodyform or antispirit.
    The Living Bodyform is no longer an Undead Zombie, awaiting physical death and rebirth into a Living Mindform and the Living Waveform is no longer an Undead Antizombie, awaiting spiritual death and physical rebirth into a Living Bodyform and zombieness.
    The LIVING DEAD ONES will be identical to the DEAD ALIVE ONES!"

    Q1.8 (by Alf Tail): "What is the nature of time in the mirror of God?"

    A1.8 (by Ome Head): "The metaphysical One GOD halves itself to create the physical One DOG in manifold duality.
    This renders the Half-God physical within timespace, but also allows the other Half-God who is not in timespace to become imaged in this self duality.
    A minumum timespace configuration so becomes definable in a double-string and rendering the 'Eternal GOD without spacetime' as a FINITE superstring half within spacetime and 'eternally entwined' with another FINITE superstring half as the modular dual, which renders the reflection image of the 'Great Abyss' as an inversion image, defining the modular duality.
    The Time-eternity of the One God Outside so becomes a wormhole Timeloop of the Doubled Half-God on the Inside.
    Time relative to God so becomes a Finite Timespace as a quantum of Now-Time Inside; but is, by the scale relative size of the loop's perimeter; rendered simultaneously as both Zero and Infinity on the Outside!"

    Q1.9 (by Alf Tail): "What is the nature of the energy, which allowed GOD to define itself as Finite from the Infinite and from which the physical universe then emerged with its spacetime properties?"

    A1.9 (by Ome Head): "Imagination!
    All thoughts are metaphysical waveforms and derivatives from the primordial energy plenum.
    It literally is all the 'Mind of GOD' or the 'Cosmic Intelligence' as omniscient omnipresent omniversal and omnipotent energy.
    The Prime Directive for all sentiences within the omniverse is well understood by all highly advanced cosmic civilisations. It is to cherish, support and honour the Individual Creativity with all of the external environmental support possible.
    The lack of basic necessities for physical survival becomes fathomable, as then all individual creativity would become suppressed in the search for food, shelter and medical care.
    Such basic necessities are a given right for all members of such an advanced civilisation and are
    provided for free, irrespective of the voluntary interaction of the individual with the group collectives.
    Minimising governmental control and allowing freedom of choice in the pursuit of individual talents and aptitudes will naturally crystallise a collective consciousness for such a civilisation.
    An emphasis on defence and fiscal control will become superfluous, as the individual will be acutely aware about hisher kinship and responsibility with the sourcesink of the GODDOG Duoverse.
    Herhis ambassadoraship and stewardship will be rendered selfevident; especially when the escape into the "Great Abyss' and the recyclements of collapsed wavefunctions is no longer possible!"

    O.G. Head with A.A.Tail


    "A most wondrous thing the Shadow is, a redeemer in all to succour;
    it can go where the light cannot abide, seemingly banished, it is not.
    For where the light is, the darkness flees, no longer present to endure;
    so to become illuminated is its destined journey and its troubled lot.

    But without the light, no Shadow can be cast, its such a splendid key;
    the dimensions reduce in space from three to two and all in just the one.
    Betwixt the light and the darkness it is and part of both for all to see;
    the Shadow of the body, does it not merge all in its rule under the sun?

    Whatsoever can cast a Shadow, must be a most wondrous thing to relay;
    as nature's very own offspring, the young ones grow towards their final goal.
    Enabled to bring peace to so many things appearing apart and so far away;
    the reconciliation for the suffering body with its spirit and its scattered soul."
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2015

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