Natural Constants and Algorithms of Dragon Cosmogenesis

Discussion in 'Thuban Cosmology in Quantum Relativity' started by admin, Oct 17, 2014.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    The Coulombic Chargequantum 'e'; its Variation and the Ages of the Earth and the Universe

    The Alpha-Variation measures shifts in wavelength, which have passed through the described intervals and a 'dip' in the constant is derived from the mathematical analysis.
    The magnitude of that dip is calculated as about 80 parts per million and is a result of changing the measured value for the charge quantum e in Alpha = 2πke2/hc = e2/2εohc = 60πe2/h.

    The Alpha-Variation is the dimensional intersection of M-C-space, 10D-C-space forming a holographic image in 12D-F-space.
    The charge quantum (e) is defined via the Riemann Analysis of B(n), the supersymmetric wavefunction of the universe:

    The Universal Wavefunction B(n) = [2e/hA]exp(-AlphaxT(n)) with units of 'Inverse Energy' redefined in the multidimensional context of string-membrane unification physics as units of magneto charge C* and unit-dimensionally equivalent to the Gravitational Parameter [GM]=[]=[m3/s2]=[C*] as a unit for physicalized 'Source Energy' Consciousness, descriptive as a quantum angular acceleration (or quantum spin) acting upon a spacetime volumar from a constant boundary-initial condition for df/dt maximized in {df/dt}|max=fps2 as 9x1060 frequency-vibration eigenstates.

    For the Universal Wavefunction {T(n) =...- 3 - 2 - 1 +0+ 1 + 2 + 3 +...= n(n+1)} and the Feynman-Path-Integral for all particle histories as an alternative formulation to the Schrödinger- Dirac- and Klein-Gordon Equations for the quantum mechanistic probability distribution of quantum states in the particle-wave duality.

    The Action Law of (Action=ee*) manifests the lightspeed (c)-independent form of Alpha and can then be calibrated via the definition of the (c)-inclusive form in magnetic constant (μo). {Alpha = 60πe2/h = e2/(2εohc) = μoce2/(2h) = 1/137.0470731}

    A Newton-Raphson iteration for B(n) and the boundary condition {T(n)=i2 in B{-[1/2]+-i(½√3)}, with a first approximation: (e1=(½hA=1.618221145x10-19 C*) converges to: (e=1.606456344x10-19 C*).

    Abstract time in F-Space is defined as:
    N=Minimum Radius/Maximum Radius = λps/RHubble ps/Rmax = nps
    and so allows the definition of Inverse Time as frequency parameter physicalizing this abstraction for time in modular mirror duality made manifest in the string epoch of the Inflaton.

    This then defines the GENESIS BOSON as the Particle of creation using the fundamental constants of Creation from the SEps algorithms. Those constants are then used inductively in the future by any sufficiently mentally evolved and cosmically self-aware civilization to construct self-consistent and logical measurement systems to rediscover their own nature and origins in a self-induction of physical consciousness of their own cocreated Genesis in a perceived time arrow of entropy, flowing apparently from the past to the present to the future.

    In practical terms, this engages the measurement and analysis of two fundamental constants, namely the speed of light 'c' and the Planckian quantum constant 'h' to relate the quantum as a micro energy self-state (eigenvalue) to what is termed the classical physics of macro self-states exemplified in the theoretical physics of Newton, Maxwell and Einstein in scientific models of reality and encompassing mechanics, electromagnetism and the relativities respectively.
    The dimensional analysis of 'hc' as a energyxdisplacement parameter suffices to calibrate the unitary mensuration parameters for mass, displacement and time, say in the Earth-Terran System International or SI-system of measurements of fundamental quantities, say here the kilogram, the meter and the second respectively.

    The other elementary units in the SI-system are derived from the algorithmic master-constant set and comprise the Kelvin for temperature as kinetic measure of the quantum states, the Ampere and Coulomb for electric current, the mole for molarity , the candela for luminosity with the ster-radian an additional geometrized unit for angular measures.

    Any arbitrary measurement system of an Universal Observer or UO in a defined spacetime can then experimentally determine relationships and corollaries between experimental data and the changes in energy associated with dynamical systems. The UO has a mensuration system SI say and can calibrate its SI-system to any other unitary system like the star-* system of the UO*.

    Dimensional Unit Calibration:

    [m/s]/[m*/s*] = [c*/c] = [3x108/2.99792458x108] = [1.000692286] for {m/m*} = {1.000692286} {s/s*}

    [Js]/[J*s*] = [h*/h] = [6.66666666..x10-34/6.62607004x10-34] = [1.006126803] for {J/J*} = {1.006126803} {s*/s}

    [m5/s3]/[m5/s3]* = {[m/m*]2}.[c*/c]3 = Go*h*/Goh = 30ch*/30c*h = [c/c*][h*/h] = [0.999308193x1.00612803] = [1.005431984]

    for {m/m*} = [c/c*]2.√[h*/h] = [0.998616864x1.00305872] = [1.001671357]
    for {m}2 = 1.00334349 {m*}2 and m = 1.001671357 m* and m* = 0.998331431 m

    s = {m/m*}.[0.999308193] s* = [1.001671357x0.999308193] s* = 1.000978394 s* and {m/s} = 1.000692286 {m/s}* for {m/s}2 = 1.00138505 {m*/s*}2 as c2

    J = {s*/s}[h*/h] J * = [0.999022562x1.006126803] J* = 1.005143377 J* and J* = 0.994882942 J

    kg = {s*/s}.{s/m}2.{m*/s*}2.[h*/h] kg* = {s/s*}{m*/m}2.[h*/h] kg* = [1.000978394x0.996665646x1.006126803] kg* = 1.003753126 kg*

    [H/m]/[H*/m*] = [J/J*][m*/m][C*/C]2.[s/s*]2 = μo*/μo = [120π/c*]/[4πx10-7]for C = √{[Js/J*s*][m*s/ms*]} C* =√{[h*/h][c/c*]} C* = √[1.006126803/1.000692286] C* = 1.002711702 C*

    [eV]/[eV*] = [e±J]/[e±J]* = [e±/e±*].[J/J*] for eV = [1.60217662x10-19/1.606456344x10-19].[1.005143377] eV* = 1.00246560 eV*

    [J/K]/[J*/K*] = {J/J*}.{K*/K} = [k*/k] = [1.411721579x10-23/1.380649x10-23] = [1.022505777] for K = [J/J*]/[1.022505777] K* = [1.005143377/1.022505777] K*= 0.983020397 K*

    (m*= 0.998331431 m; s*= 0.999022562 s ; kg*=0.99626091 kg) in calibration of the base master constants (h/h*, c/c*, [Go]u=(1/30c)) and we note the numerical constancy for the magnetic constant in both mensuration systems: (μo)=4πx10-7 Henry/m (H/m) in (SI) and (μo)=120π/c (H*/m*) in (*).

    We recall that: (c=2.99792458x108 m/s (SI) and c*=3x108 m*/s* (*)).

    The cosmic or universal value of alpha so remains constant in all cosmological time frames; with the fluctuation found to depend on an asymptotically constant strong interaction constant as a function of alpha.
    In the SI measurement system Planck's constant h = 6.62607004x10-34 Js and the speed of light is c = 2.99792458x10-8 m/s and the electron charge are e=1.60217662x10-19 C for a bare electron mass of 9.10938356x10-31 kg.

    In a mensuration system in which c would be precisely 3x108 (m/s)*; the following conversions between the SI-system and the *-system are applied in this paper.
















































    Furthermore, there exists one fundamental constant in the magnetic permeability constant μo = 4πx10-7 H/m which becomes numerically equal in the Maxwell constant μo = 1/εoc2 in an applied fine structure μoo = {120π/c}.{1/120πc} = 1/c2 (s/m)2; (s/m)2*. Subsequently in the calculation of alpha, the speed conversion must be incorporated for unitary consistency.

    Alpha remains constant for a cosmology descriptive of a non-accelerating cosmology; but will result in a change in the electric charge quantum in a cosmology, which measures an accelerated spacial expansion, which can however be the result of a self-intersection of the light path for particular cosmological redshift intervals in an oscillating cosmology.

    Here a particular alpha variation reduces the SI-measurement for the square of the charge quantum e in a factor of (1.6021119x10-19/1.60217662x10-19)2 = 0.99991921...for a calibrated:

    alpha variation αvar = 1 - (1.6021119x10-19/1.60217662x10-19)2 = 1 - 0.9999192 = 8.08x10-5.........[Eq.10]

    Alpha α = μoce2/2h = e2/2εohc
    = 2π.(2.99792458)(1.6021119)2x10-37/(6.62607004x10-34) = 60πe2/h = 7.2967696x10-3 = 1/137.047072

    The Henry is a derived (SI) unit for magnetic inductance and has base units (Js2/C2=kgm2/C2), which so must give the (C to C*) unitary calibration in (μoo*)=1=0.994598576 C*2/C2, which gives (C*=0.997295631C) and defines the (SI)-Coulomb Charge quantum as: (e=0.997295631e*=1.6021119x10-19 C (SI)).
    The textbooks of SI-physics have (e'=1.60217662x10-19 C (SI)), however and a value which differs from the value demanded by the magnetic constant (μo ) in a factor of (e'/e=1.0000403).

    As the electropolar charge quantum appears squared in the Alpha-Constant, the Alpha-variation so becomes (1.0000807), with the old value of (e') exceeding the new value of (e) in so 4 parts in 100,000 and [Alpha]' greater in magnitude than Alpha by 81 parts in a million and in agreement with the Churchill-Webb measurements of 1998, increasing from Alpha = μoc.e2/2h = 1/137.047075 to Alpha = 1/137.036003.

    Measuring Alpha even further back towards the Quantum Big Bang with increasing redshift, would better approximate the 80 parts per million increase in Alpha from say lower deviations at the say 8 parts per million at lower redshifts.
    So the Alpha-Dip indicates that the textbook value for the electropole is fractionally too high; but that the Alpha Finestructure-Constant remains indeed constant, once the variation in the electronic charge quantum is taken into account.

    Because the magnetic permeability constants are numerically the same in both the (SI) and the (*) unitary measurement systems; but εo = 1/120πc = 8.841941283x10-12 (F/m)* and is εo = 8.8541878176x10-12 F/m (SI), the (SI) measurement is too large by a factor of 1.00138505 to correlate correctly with the magnetic permeability constant μo to give the Maxwell constant μoo = (120π/c).(1/120πc) = 1/c2.

    In the attempt to explain the Alpha-Dip, some theorists have proposed a 'slowing down' of (c).
    Recent formulations by populist physicist Paul Davies and in co-authorship with Tamara Davis and Charles Lineweaver from the Department of Astrophysics at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia have followed the wrong avenues for the interpretation of the data however.

    In a paper published in ('Nature': 'Black Holes constrain varying constants'; August 8th, 2002), the authors propose a varying light speed to be responsible for the Alpha-Dip and discount any possible variation in the electro charge quantum.
    Davies' argument that an increase in (e) would alter the evolution of Black Holes in their entropic definitions does not take into account that a product of the Boltzmann Constant (defining entropy), with (e) forms a fundamental fine-structured constant in its own right.

    In particular, the universe's wavefunction B(n) is localized in any arbitrary spacetime in 'unfreezing' the M-space 'stuck' in between the (X,Y) coordinates and subsequently in between real and imaginary linearized time parameters. This demands the establishment of a Mean-Alignment-Time or MAT, relative to a 'unfreezing definition' in a specification of the 'naked singularity', oscillating as zero-point about the FRB.

    As E*.e*= Epsx1/Eps = 1 as fundamental unity in the 11D Membrane-Mirror-Space of modular duality with e* the magneto charge; one can heuristically state that (Energy E x charge quantum e) in the lower dimensional C-Line-Space C can be expressed as the inversed identity in the form of 1/T.
    This then sets E.e=kTe=1 for [ek]=1/T and using an inverse proportion for mass in the lower dimensionality: [e*k*] = 1/T* sets a function f(n) = [ek]/[e*k*] = [T*/T].

    This is the case for the Mass-Temperature inverse proportionality for the evolution of Black Holes from micro states to macro states and as in the Hawking Mass-Temperature relation for Black Holes:
    {Minimum Planck Oscillator = ½hfPlanck = ½mPlanck.c2 for Tmax=Tps and Tmin=Tss in string modular T-duality for ½mPlanck.TPlanck = (1/8π)(4π).mPlanck.TPlanck = Hawking Modulus HM = hc3/4πGok = MBHmin.TBHmax ={c2/4π2}. MBHmax.TBHmin.}.

    B(n) is assigned B(np) = {[ek](SI)/[ek](*)}, with {[ek](SI)=constant=(1.60217662x10-19 C)(1.380649x10-23 J/K) = 2.21204355x10-42 CJ/K} and using the old (SI) value with the Alpha-Variation for (e'); using (e±=1.6021119x10-19 C) without the Alpha-Variation gives {[ek](SI)} = 2.21195419x10-42 CJ/K}.

    The (*)-constant is a relatively fixed constant as: (e±*k*=2.267869086x10-42 (CJ/K)*) and subsequently B(np) calculates a particular value for n at the asymptote B(n
    ±∞)=0 for e=1.606456344x10-19 C* as:

    {[e±k](SI)/[e±k]*} = (2.21204355/2.267869086) = 0.975384145 = [2e/hA].exp(-[Alpha]x[np2+np]), which yields an unique (np) as a complex solution to the quadratic equation by ln(0.975384145/0.992729803) ={ln(0.982527312} = {-Alpha}{np2+np} for 2.415747501 = np2+np for: np2 + np - 2.415747501 = 0
    and solving as: (np=FRB(-½) ± 1.6327117).

    {[e±k](SI)/[e±k]*} = (2.21195419/2.267869086) = 0.975344742 = [2e/hA].exp(-[Alpha]x[np2+np]), which yields an unique (np) as a complex solution to the quadratic equation by ln(0.975344742/0.992729803) = {ln(0.98248762} = {-Alpha}{np2+np} for 2.421284031 = np2+np for: np2 + np - 2.421284031 = 0
    solving as: (np=FRB(-½) ± 1.634406324).

    For the unfrozen M-space with Alpha-Variation: {10D-root: np = 1.1327117 (real) & 12D-root: np = -2.1327117 (imaginary)}.
    For the unfrozen M-space without Alpha-Variation: {10D-root: np = 1.1344063 (real) & 12D-root: np = -2.1344063 (imaginary)}.
    The difference in the present np cycletime coordinate so becomes 1.634406324 - 1.6327117 = 0.001694624 as 0.001694624/Ho = 9.02486387x1014 s* or 28.59865512 Million civil years.

    This 'unfreezing' of M-space then allows the singularity algorithm of the cosmogenesis to manifest in what might be called the sex chromosomes of the universal DNA-encoding in terms of frequency or a number count.
    A new physical quantity in 'awareness' is defined as the time differential of frequency and allows the concept of 'consciousness' to be born from the defining qualities of magneto charges.

    Electromagneto-monopolar 'Life' derives as consequence of self-inductions of quantum geometric entities, specified from super membranes, macro-crystallized in electropolar self-capacitances and magnetopolar self-inductances, subsequently becoming subject to mutual cross inductances.
    The purpose of the superbranial self-replication on ever increasing scales, and until modular duality is reached in minmax boundary conditions; is to establish the multiversal nesting of the smallest within the largest - a process which constituted the beginnings of it all in the 'naked singularity' becoming defined as the Genesis BOSON.

    The GENESIS Boson then becomes the parametric initialization of creation in the abstract labeling of:
    ENERGY=k.TEMPERATURE=h.FREQUENCY=h/TIME=MASS.c2 and using the SEps-Master Constant Set: {4; 6; 7; Lo=1/[6x1015]; c2=9x1016; 11; h=1/[15x1032]; A=14x1524; k=1/[15x1618]; 26x6561} in reverse order and with arbitrary symbols as shown becoming associated with those 'master constants'.

    Particularly then: ENERGY=hRmaxps with MASS=hRmaxpsc2=0.01183463299 and TEMPERATURE=hRmax/kλps=7.544808988..x1037 and FREQUENCY=Rmaxps=1.59767545..x1048

    This becomes the 'Atomic-Mass-Unit' in 12D-F-Space in using one protonucleon mc=Alpha9Lplanck for every one of the 12 monopolar current loops in the Unified Field of Quantum Relativity (UFoQR).
    A first Eps-Coefficient in the Expansion Series of the fundamental principles from the SEps algorithm then crystallizes the 'Counter for matter' in Avogadro's Constant for Molarity:
    MASS(20/33)/12mc = Navogadro = 6.02242143x1023 1/mol*

    N=npsps/Rmax in REAL Time relative to the Quantum Big Bang to be created following the string epoch and relating to IMAGINARY TIME relative to this selfsame creation in the Cosmogony of the Genesis Boson of the Abba-Baab 11-dimensional supermembrane. This UNREAL Quantum Relative Time then is the Hubble-FREQUENCY Ho=c/Rmax in proportionality to the Source Frequency of the Eps-Gauge Photon fps=c/λps in the expression HoRmax=c=λps.fps

    N then becomes the Null time for the initialization of the string/supermembrane-serpent modular duality in the De Broglie phase speed initialization, beginning with the Oscillation (or Bounce) of the Planck-Length and specifies the Instantaneity of Now-Cycle-Time nps=Hotps=Ho/tss as the Time Instanton tps=1/fps=fss and the Inflaton Rmax=RHubble=c/Ho with de Broglie Phase speed Vdebroglie=Rmax.fps=Rmax.c/λps=c/nps as the 'Heartbeat of the Cosmic Mother Black Hole' frequency of the oscillating cosmos in the Cosmology of QR and in the imaginary F-Space Time of NHo generalised in the Real Time n=Hot for any time in the evolving Cosmology and minimized in nps=Hotps.

    In SI-units (CODATA-2007), the (*) units are calibrated as:

    m*=0.998331431..m; s*=0.999022562..s; kg*; J*=0.994882942..J; C*=0.997295631..C* and eV*=0.997540464..eV depending on precision measurements for:

    h=6.62607004x10-34 Js and h=1/15x1032 (Js)*
    c=2.99792458x108 m/s and c=3x108 (m/s)* in 1/c2oεo=(120π/c)(1/120πc)
    k=1/4πεo=30c=1/Go (dimensionless)
    Go=4πεo=1/30c=1.111...x10-10 (N.m2/kg2)*
    and Go=1.111880317x10-10 m3/kgs2
    e=1.602176487(40)x10-19 C and so defining finestructures:

    7.297352574(50)x10-3=1/137.035999084(51) = 60πe2/h → e=1.606521248x10-19 C*

    μo=4πx10-7=120π/c=1.2566370614...x10-6 N/A2 (J/A2m=H/m=kg.m/C2)
    εo=1/μoc2=1/120πc=8.854187817...x10-12 C2/Nm2 (C2/Jm=F/m=C2s2/kg.m3)

    GF=απ/(√2.Mw2sin2θw)=1.16637(1)x10-5 GeV-2 {292.807 GeV; 293.5292 GeV*}---{298.125 GeV; 298.860 GeV*}

    for Weinberg-Mixing-Angle:

    sin2θw=1-(Mw/Mz)2=0.222 588

    Mw=~80.599 GeV*=80.401 GeV
    Mz=~91.414 GeV* =91.1895 GeV

    θGUT=arcsin{X/f(np)}=90° for f(np)=1
    =38.17270762° for f(nps)=1.01733697
    =27.55395° for f(np)=1.33604815

    For a String-Coupling-Function f(np)=4(Planck-Monopole-String-Coupling)(Inflaton-Mod-Lambda)(Kernel-Ring-Finestructure-Coupling)=f(np)=(Alpha.mP/ec)(cfps)√[Ynp]{G-Alphac/e/Alpha}


    Age of the Earth by various measurement techniques: 4.54 Billion years and is centred at the Hubble node as 16.876 ± Δ Gy as a function of the true electromagnetic age of the universe of 19.11576 Gy from npresent=1.1327117 and the alpha variation effect of 28.59865512 Million civil years.

    For the nodal Hubble Boundary:
    ΔEarth = 19.11576 - 16.876 = 2.240x109 (Civil) Years for 2ΔEarth = 4.480x109 (Civil) Years.
    For the Alpha Variation effect:
    ΔAlpha = 28.60 My for 2ΔAlpha = 57.20 My.

    Age of the Earth so becomes aligned in Earth + 2ΔAlpha = 4.480x109 + 0.0572x109 = 4.5372x109 (Civil) Years.

    Hubble-10D-Event Horizon Seedling-Limit and with n=Hot; dn/dt=Ho (odd nodal):
    Rmax=RHubble=1.59767545x1026 meters=c/Ho=c/nt=16.87610652 Billion Lightyears for asymptotic approach and attained by the lightpath Rmax=ct=nc/Ho for n=1; t=1/Ho.

    Electromagnetic Age of Universe:
    tAEMR=nRmax/c=1/HoEarth=19.14306...x109 (civil) Years

    The mensuration systems are calibrated by the magnetic constant being measured as an identity in both, the SI- and the (*) systems as μo=120π/c=4π/107=1/εoc² and as c=3x108 (m/s)* precisely by definition.

    There is however an interval of uncertainty in regards to the charge quantum e, as say observed in the Alpha-Variation of Webb and co from quasar spectra in hydrogenic absorption lines.
    The SI-value for e is modified from e'=1.602111758x10-19 C in the unit of the Henry for magnetic induction in [H]=[Js²/C²].
    This breaks the perfect calibration applied with introduction of the [kg] unit in terms of inertia, previously dependent only on lightspeed c in the Maxwell constant.
    C²*=0.99459841C² for C*=0.997295547..C then recalibrates the Coulombic charge quantum e from e=1.606456344x10-19 C*=1.602111758x10-19 C=e' from the measured e=1.602176487(40)x10-19 C.

    e/e'=1.00004, which squared, represents the alpha variation as so 8 parts in 100,000.
    The alpha variance is so an effect of inertia and relates to the CER in the PLO, which manifests in the inertial properties of the electron.

    shilohaplace, April 4th, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2019
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Sep 20th 2012


    Logan Antico:
    "Yes, we indeed have lifted the veil on the 'Mystery of God', as proclaimed in John's 'Book of the Revelation' in the biblical scrolls, say as encoded in Revelation.10.7.
    The modular duality of the supermembranes has many analogies in science and in mythology.
    One famous one is the riddle about the chicken and the egg.

    What came first, the chicken or the egg?

    If the chicken, then it lays the egg as a hen and if the egg, then the chicken hatches from it.
    But it is no paradox in omniscience!
    In quantum relativity, one is relative to to other and so it is like the Father can be his own Father, but needs a Mother to give birth to himself and corollarily; the Mother can be her own Mother, but requires a Father to create herself.
    So the sperm of the Father is like the DNA, a genetic library, which cannot become an expression
    from that database without finding an ovum in which it can become a Father like the RNA.
    This is the reason behind the mechanics of messengerDNA encoding DNA, which transcribes messengerRNA encoding RNA, which then transcribes Amino Acids to construct the morphology for the bodies from the spermbased genetic library.
    So in other words; the sperm can be the sperm as the chicken, but not much else and the ovum can be the ovum as the egg, but not much else - yet bringing the two together creates the potential to become a great many things."

    Robert Sceptico:
    "There is a quaint story in mythology, which tries to reconstruct this omniscience, Logan.

    "There once was this male old devil, who lost one of his balls, one of his testicles.
    The testicular egg fell upon the earth and landed in a swamp, where Maria Basra, the old hagtoad found it and sat upon it to hatch it.
    When the time was ripe, a Cockatrice came out of the egg, with a serpent's tail and the head of a rooster.
    The Cockatrice, being the offspring of the old devil, and knowing that it had fallen to earth by
    misadventure, sought for a way to return into the kingdom of its father, but couldn't find one.
    So the Cockatrice became very frustrated with its existence and when it had grown bigger, it ate its own adopted mother in the old hagtoad Maria Basra.
    But then something strange happened to the body of the Cockatrice; it started to divide into two.
    The headpart grew a tail and the tailpart grew a head and the headpart became a hen out of the rooster's head and the tailpart became a rooster out of the serpent's tail.

    And so were the first rooster and hen born from the Cockatrician testicle of the old devil and the old hagtoad Maria Basra."

    But there is a coded twist to the moral of that fabled story Logan.
    An anagram for MARIA BASRA is ABRAM SARAI, the ancestor for the starhuman race in three of the major worldwide religions.
    Islam, Judaism and Christianity; all consider Abram and Sarai, later renamed from their human identities as Abraham and Sarah in their starhuman potential, as the beginning in their genealogies, their lineages written in blood.
    So the gnostic interpretation of the myth is that half of the creator got lost in its creation and that is symbolised by the testicular egg.
    Then the big old creation, which is lost in itself as a female principle, nurtures something new in the form of the old hagtoad hatching the little old creation into a little new creation.
    This little new creation is however unable to become a big new creation, because it desires to become the big old creation in whom it already finds itself and so is already part of.

    It tries to eat the big old creation to become the same, but in the process it metamorphoses and becomes an ancestor for the big new creation, just as told in the story of Abraham and Sarah in the scroll of the Genesis.
    So the creation of Abraham and Sarah in a renaming of the old, is like a prototypical 'heavenly wedding', later manifesting in their descendants of the sondaughters as the bridegrooms and in the daughtersons as the brides in the dragonomies of the 'New Jerusalem' and as coded in the scroll of 'John's Revelation'.

    The joining of Abraham and Sarah in Mind and in Body, to become Two, but being One, then brings the lost devil's egg back to god's serpentine sperm in a w(holly) unitary symmetry of a dragonomy."

    Logan Antico: "Yes, and everyone alive today carries the genetic inheritance of this 'starseed'; we should know as initiates into the ancient mysteries of Mesopotamia, the socalled 'cradle for this civilisation."

    Robert Sceptico: "Indeed, this obsession with their bloodlines, which some people experience has its origins in the seeding of the starhuman race in the House of Azurguya, and as coded in diluted fashion in the Genesis scroll and the story of Abram of Ur, marrying his halfsister Sarai of Terah's patriarchy.
    But you studied that encoding some time ago, perhaps you can use your number-letter code to shed some light on the relevance of the old Mesopotamian beginnings."

    Bluey TonyLove of Whynot
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2018
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    • Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Sep 20th 2012

      [10:32:18 AM - Friday, September 21st, 2012 - (+10UCT)]

      RED ICE, might want to interview us tony, are you up for that ?
      [10:32:26 AM] THE13THBRIDGE: Sterling Seagrave grew up on the China-Burma border, fifth generation of an American family of medical missionaries and teachers working in Burma since 1832. Sterling was educated in Burma, India, and America. After four years as a reporter, writer, and assistant foreign news editor for The Washington Post, he spent ten years in Asia as a freelance journalist contributing to Life, Time, Esquire, Atlantic, Smithsonian, GEO, Readers Digest, and Far Eastern Economic Review. He, with his wife, authored several books. In the first hour we’ll discuss Asia’s secret history, uncovering bad behavior of powerful families. Sterling covers the Marcos, Soong and Yamato dynasties. In the second hour, Sterling talks about his book Gold Warriors, a close look at how Japan systematically looted Asia, and what happened to the plundered treasure after 1945 when it was secretly recovered by Washington and used as a global slush fund.

      [10:41:12 AM] Thubanis: You are a Thuban PR agent Susan and much more photogenic than me. But I will back you up and give online comment, whenever it engages the Thuban agenda, not NABS btw
      [10:43:49 AM] Thubanis: I dont know though, if the general listener can make any sense of the real Thuban agenda
      [11:05:13 AM] THE13THBRIDGE: actually those swedish guys are more interested in your maths ;)
      [11:21:24 AM] Thubanis: In what regard?
      [12:27:26 PM] THE13THBRIDGE: the 12 level universe
      [12:27:30 PM] THE13THBRIDGE: and; the 13th bridge
      [12:27:52 PM] THE13THBRIDGE: the 144 numbers into the mayan super number
      [12:28:03 PM] THE13THBRIDGE: how you calibrate the bible dates; over the calibrations
      [12:28:09 PM] THE13THBRIDGE: they are interested in all of it
      [12:28:25 PM] THE13THBRIDGE: what didn't we finish on pacal's number
      [12:28:32 PM] THE13THBRIDGE: i had a dream about that last night
      [12:28:39 PM] THE13THBRIDGE: i thought i'd remember it
      [12:28:47 PM] THE13THBRIDGE: so; i'll have to redream it; again tonight
      [12:31:47 PM] Thubanis: Hmm all the maths is on the forum
      [12:32:01 PM] Thubanis: Give them that and then they can ask specifics
      [12:32:33 PM] Thubanis: The decoding of the scriptures is my life's work, not the science actually
      [12:32:58 PM] Thubanis: The science can only be validated by contact, as they know where this supernumber came from
      [12:33:13 PM] Thubanis: I wrote an actual algorithm in my uni days for this
      [12:33:37 PM] Thubanis: Someone could translate this Fortran code of the 1980's into some modern stuff
      [12:33:42 PM] Thubanis: I am too old now for this
      [12:34:03 PM] Thubanis: It is in a page form hang on
      [12:37:49 PM] Thubanis:

      [12:38:02 PM] Thubanis: I thought I had this on MOA, but could not find it
      [12:39:02 PM] Thubanis: This algorithm generates the 'father' of the Mayan Supernumber in the code 266561
      [12:39:28 PM] Thubanis: Then you saw how this generates 7 other 'supernumbers' as googols
      [12:39:41 PM] Thubanis: 4 before and 3 after
      [12:39:55 PM] Thubanis: This is in the Merkabah threads I think
      [12:40:07 PM] Thubanis: Logistic Statement Command
      [12:40:29 PM] Thubanis: 'Add the End to the Beginning and start with the Old End"
      [12:40:40 PM] Thubanis: This is the Ourobos in algoterms
      [12:41:24 PM] Thubanis: But applying this to 266561 gives you add 1 to 2 and start with 1 and truncate the last 1
      [12:41:56 PM] Thubanis: So you have 13..6656..lose 1 and this becomes fractal 10
      [12:42:06 PM] Thubanis:
      [12:42:25 PM] Thubanis: 1.....Input....0
      [12:42:35 PM] Thubanis: Input=36656
      [12:43:32 PM] Thubanis: 136656 as a decoded googol then allows you to calculate the 'volume' of the universe in the stringbrane inflation as a quanta count of wormholes
      [12:44:07 PM] Thubanis: Doing this "Ourobos' code until the root reductions 'run out' gives you the 7 supernumbers
      [12:44:17 PM] Thubanis: The Mayan one is only 1 of them there are 7
      [12:44:50 PM] Thubanis: But it all starts NOT with 136656, but with 266561
      [12:45:23 PM] Thubanis: 136656 is like a Daughter or Son and 266561 is like a Mother or Father
      [12:46:08 PM] Thubanis: You can find all 7 in the Gaian Merkabah posts I think
      [12:50:29 PM] Thubanis: I reposted the algorithm here as another reference
      [12:50:35 PM] Thubanis:

      [12:50:51 PM] Thubanis: I might add this convo to it
      [12:51:10 PM] Thubanis: So you can add commentary there

      The Luminosity Merkabah of Thuban and the LightBody Constant Lo

      Merkabah-Transduction-Constant: Lo=1/[6x1015] (dimensionless);
      Creation Gamma Photon Frequency: fps=Eps /h=3x1030 Hz*
      Merkabah-Frequency: Lofps=5x1014 Hz*=c/λps for
      Merkabah-Wavelength: λps=c/Lofps=6000 Angströms*, the wavelength of Orange Light.

      The Orange Colour of Interterrestrial Spacecraft is intrinsically related to orthodox 4-dimensional spacetime physics in a fundamental 'Constant of Nature', say as the 'Speed of Light c' or the Planckian Quantum Action Constant 'h'.

      The Cosmic Master Algorithm SEps {Sequence of Primary SourceSink Energy} generated the following ten numeracies from its underpinning supersymmetric pentagonal (Fibonacci-Phi) 'sacred cosmogenetic quantum geometry': 4; 6; 7; 1/[6x1015]; 9x1016; 11; 1/[15x1032]; 14x1524; 1/[15x1618]; 26x6561.

      Any arbitrary measurement system of any sentient cosmic civilization (say as an Universal Observer) in any defined spacetime can then experimentally determine these and other mathematical relationships between experimental data and the energy ratios in their contexts of dynamical interactions.

      The Universal Observer or UO say has a mensuration system SI (System International on Terra) and can then calibrate hisher SI-system to the 'Star(*)-System' in the frame of reference of the UO, based on the numeracies as given in the above.

      The extended SEps-Algorithm then assumes the pretext of defining open and closed superstrings (in five classes derived from a 26-dimensional bosonic supersymmetry) in the logical statement:

      This specifies the methodology of recircularisng the linearised dimensions of the binary dyad (0,1) into the root-reducible decimal monad {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} with 10=1+0=1*; 11=1+1=2*, 12=1+2=3* and so on with 26=17*=8** and 27=18*=9**.

      Labeling the encoded Cosmic Initiator Constant E'=266561 from E=26x6561 then transforms E' into F' as the Mayan Supernumber 1366560 and as described in the Dresden Codex of the Mayan historian database.

      E' →F'→ G' as E'=266561 and F'=136656 and G'=673665, after which the 'Inflation Algorithm' ends, since 5+6=11=2* is root-reductive.

      Setting the Inflation-Spacetime-Markers as the ABCDEFGH...XYZA*B*C*... symbolised encoding; we find ABCD=H with D=465612; C=256124; B=361242 and A=312423.

      As no archetype can yield Z(Z+A)BCXY=312423 from ABCXYZ=(1-Z)24233, the algorithm again ends in the reflected root-reduction to H, namely 1-Z=1-3=-2=-11'=-2*.

      This elementary constant of nature is as old and is described by the same Logos algorithms, which generated the well known constants c, h and k to describe Energy Ratios in terms of Mass, Frequency and Thermodynamic Temperature.

      The Maria Number Matrix of the 33-Summation-Tier

      The 'Perennial Philosophy' or the 'Wisdom of the Ancients' often points to what is commonly termed as 'Sacred Geometry', based on the Platonic Solids (of five regular polyhedra: Tetrahedron, Cube; Octahedron; Dodecahedron and Icosahedron) and the Tetraktys of Pythagoras (for the minimum mathematical points to define the four dimensions of 0D=1 Point; 1D=2 Points for a Line; 2D=3 Points for a Plane and 3D= 4 Points for a Space).

      Also invoked is the pentagonal supersymmetry of quasiperiodicity as 'Nature's Preferred maximisation of 'packing efficiency' known as the Fibonacci Series and the 'Perfect Numbers' of Euclid and the 'Harmony of Numbers and the Spheres' of Pythagoras, Leonardo da Vinci and Kepler.

      In Pythagoraen Numerology, the 'masternumbers' 11, 22 and 33 are often emphasised and this post shall introduce some relatively rigorous number theory (of the so called 'pure' mathematics) to validate the significance of the 'masternumbers' from frst principles.

      The alphanumeracy of the Arabic-Hebrew semiotiks then is bounded in say 22 or 26 letters of alphabets, which can attain numerical values in the decad of three triplicities:

      Round or Curved 'Mental Numbers' {3-6-9} characterised by masternumber 33;
      Mixed or Discontinuous 'Emotional Numbers' {2-5-8} characterised by masternumber 22 and
      Linear or Straight 'Physical Numbers' {1-4-7} characterised by masternumber 11.

      The Maria-Code in the Riemann Analysis specifies the partitioning of the decimal monad around the primary Maria-Number and SEps-Constant '11'.
      This generates the Prime Number Algorithm: +1+11+10+11 as 33-tiered segments, which transform the mechanics of SEps into the 64-codex of the DNA/RNA code for its eventual quadrupling as the 4x64=256-codex incorporative of dormant intron/intein codings.

      All cellular consciousness coupled units so transfer their memory data-bases (as experience factors) by the Fibonacci quantum mechanics.

      The Maria-Code is based on the distribution of the Maria-Numbers (MN), given by:
      M(p)+99=M(p+12); n=½[√(264k+1)-1] by n2+n-66k=0.

      Maria Numbers are those IntegerCounts, which contain all previously counted integers as mod33.

      Example: 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11=66 = 2x33 → '11' is MN#1 for k=2

      11love65use110love164use209love263use......Archetype 2 (rootreductive)

      21use66love120use165love219use264love......Archetype 3 (rootreductive)

      32use77love131use176love230use275love......Archetype 5 (rootreductive)

      33love87use132love186use231love285use......Archetype 6 (rootreductive)

      44love98use143love197use242love296use......Archetype 8 (rootreductive)

      54use99love153use198love252use297love......Archetype 9 (rootreductive)

      65use110love164use209love263use308love....Archetype 2*... ...

      Archetypes 2+3+5+6+8+9=33 and Archetypes 1+4+7+0=12 then define the imaginary time-dimensions as the archetypes not in the Sequence for Eps=1/e* Coefficients used in the application of the seven fundamental principalities to define the F-Space.

      We have used the (Hebrew-Isaac-encoding): 54=LOVE=12+15+22+5 with 45=USE=21+19+5; USELOVE=99 as the Maria-Code connectors.

      The first 10 MN's are: 11, 21, 32, 33, 44, 54, 65, 66, 77 and 87.

      One can use the Maria-Code to establish a redefinition of infinity by defining a transfinite mapping Aleph-All from 12D-Omnispace as Cantorian transform of Cardinality Aleph-Null.

      Limit (T(n)) for n→∞/Infinity = ∞/Infinity {Cantor Cardinality Aleph-Null}
      Limit (T(n)) for n→X=0.618033........ = 1 {Cantor Cardinality Aleph-All}

      This maps the Riemann pole about z=1 in the Functional-Riemann-Bound (FRB=-1/2) in the gaussian universal wavefunction B(n)=(2e/hA).exp(-Alpha.T(n)), T(n)=n(n+1) as the Feynman-Path-Integral.

      This becomes the Riemann-Euler-Harmonic, defining the Gamma-Function geometrically in its nth Term T and nth Sum S and mapping the factotrial function onto the positive integer count:

      Tk(En) = nk.Tk(En-1) + [(n-1)!]k and Sk(En) = Tk(En)/(n!)k

      This uses the Harmonic Series in the Zeta-Function ζ(z) with constant p.
      The Sum (1 to Infinity) Σ(1/np)= 1/1p+1/2p+1/3p+...+1/np and converges for any p>1, since for even terms:

      2.2-p ≥ 2-p+3-p, with geometric series 11-p+21-p+41-p+...summing to (1-2[1-p]^n)/(1-21-p)=1/[1-21-p] in the limit for n→Infinity.

      Since every Maria Number contains all numbers before it as a sum, it is given that all the prime numbers must eventually crystallise out of the Maria Count.

      Define a general number count n and a 'Mersenne-Count' 8n-1=M*.
      For a number to be prime this number must be born in the Maria Code.
      M* is either a prime or a product of primes in the immediate neighbourhood of the count # or its mapping to M*, which in a sense 'counts' the primes it generates.

      This is the finestructure as octaves derived from integer n.
      To test a number for primeness, so amounts to a testing for Marianess.
      If the number is a member of the Maria-Matrix, then it must be denumerable in the form of M*.

      This is the meaning behind the Mersenne-Code (for n prime) M(p)=2p-1 and the Fermat-Code F(n)=22^n+1 and the 'Perfect Numbers' depicted as the Mersenne Numbers (Mp), as a subset of M*.
      For the Mersenne Numbers, the exponent p is defined to be prime.
      M2=22-1=3; M3=23-1=7; M5=25-1=31; M7=27-1=127; M11=211-1=2047=23x89 and so is not a Mersenne Prime -

      yet M13=213-1=8191; M17=217-1=131,071;
      M19=219-1=524,287 are prime and M23=223-1=8,388,607=47x178,481 and
      M29=229-1=536,870,911=233x1103x2089 are not and M31=231-1=2,147,483,647 is prime again in the 33-tier count.

      The 'uniqueness' of the prime number 11 (and esoteric masternumber) recrystallizes in Mersenne primes as the (first) 'odd one out'.

      But it gets better. First we notice that there are just five 'perfect Fermat Primes'.

      F0=21+1=3; F1=22+1=5; F2=24+1=17; F3=28+1=257 and F4=216+1=65,537 are all 'perfect' Fermat Primes, but F5=232+1=4,294,967,297=641x6,700,417 and following are not. Only these five Fermat primes are known to date.

      From wiki:
      discovered that the first four perfect numbers are generated by the formula 2p-1(2p - 1):

      Noticing that 2p - 1 is a prime number in each instance, Euclid proved that the formula 2p-1(2p - 1) gives an even perfect number whenever 2p - 1 is prime (Euclid, Prop. IX.36).

      Ancient mathematicians made many assumptions about perfect numbers based on the four they knew, but most of those assumptions would later prove to be incorrect. One of these assumptions was that since 2, 3, 5, and 7 are precisely the first four primes, the fifth perfect number would be obtained when p = 11, the fifth prime. However, 211 - 1 = 2047 = 23 × 89 is not prime and therefore p = 11 does not yield a perfect number. Two other wrong assumptions were:

      • The fifth perfect number would have five digits in base 10 since the first four had 1, 2, 3, and 4 digits respectively.
        • The perfect numbers' final digits would go 6, 8, 6, 8, alternately.

        The fifth perfect number (33550336 = 212(213 - 1)) has 8 digits, thus refuting the first assumption. For the second assumption, the fifth perfect number indeed ends with a 6. However, the sixth (8 589 869 056) also ends in a 6. It is straightforward to show that the last digit of any even perfect number must be 6

        (when p = 2 or 4k+1) or 8 (when p = 4k-1).

        In order for 2p - 1 to be prime, it is necessary but not sufficient that p should be prime. Prime numbers of the form 2p - 1 are known as Mersenne primes, after the seventeenth-century monk Marin Mersenne, who studied number theory and perfect numbers."(end wiki)

        The 'Perfect Numbers' relate (for prime p) as 2p-1.Mp :
        P3=22.(23-1)=28=1+2+3+4+5+6+7=[7x8]/2=4x7=13 33=1+27;
        P5=24.(25-1)=496=1+2+3+...+30+31=[31x32]/2 =16x31=13+33+53+73=1+27+125+343;

        All 'Perfect Numbers' so are EVEN (it is hitherto unknown if any ODD 'Perfect Numbers' exist); and EXCEPT the basic 'First Perfect Number' 6=1+2+3=1x2x3, they all are the sums of the ODD NUMBERS CUBED.

        Abraxasinas aka shiloh aka Thubanis aka Tonyblue
        For ABBA=BAAB=ABC=123=6 the 'Perfect ONE!'

      Post last edited Dec 14th 2012

      shiloh hidden-09. Ra Akbar de Queen Bayan 43 Magdalene One 34

      I Am the Darkness of the Purple Dawn and the Light of the Moon Turquoise!


      Bluey Dracs
      The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
      I Am One in Many and Many in One!

      Decoder Michael = 54+51=105=15=6=123=ABC=ABBA=BAAB=33=E3=8=3E=ME=WE
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Jan 5th 2013

    Shine Gaia Serpentina Shine and Share your Story of Becoming
    Mother of the Father Creator as his Creation

    The title of the video above and representative for Nabs disinformation and deception is very true, but the surrounding descriptions are disinformation to varying degrees and will cause many personal tragedies following and when the 'personal expectation' of this event, 'closing all cycles of cycles' do not become happenstance as imagined or imaged by the expecteurs and 'new world dreamers'.

    Anyone reading this post, shall become privy to what this 'Earth' becoming a Star shall entail.
    Many of the descriptions of the Nabs presenters above are true in an encompassing sense.
    The earth will become a star, but this star will become a dark star not shining in a light created by the nuclear physics within stellar evolution, but the New Earth aka Gaia Serpentina will Shine a Dark Light into the universe.

    This dark light is a data stream which has accumulated in the 4-dimensional equivalent of the entire planetary structure.
    In 3-dimensional space and so in 4-dimensional spacetime, the Earth has a mass of so 6 trillion trillion kg and a volume of a spheroid say 40,000 km in circumference with a radius of so 6,500 km.
    In 4-dimensional space and so in 5-dimensional spacetime, this mass remains at it is and so encompasses all lifeforms, structures, objects and the history of the consciousness evolution of this planet since its birth so 4.7 billion years ago.

    But the volume of this planet as a data processor will 'shrink' to the size of a golfball so 3 centimetres across. This is technically called a 'Planetary Black Hole' in 4D embedded in its 3-dimensional lower dimensional self-expression or manifestation. The so called 'energy belt' or photon belt as seen in the diagram below reprents the inversion age of planet Earth much older than its geophysical age of 4.7 billion years and coincides with the Birth of the Universe as a 'superorb' so 14.4 billion years before the cosmic orb astrophysically known as the planet earth was born as a densification of the stellar nebula as the precursor of the local star system.

    I shall detail this 'inversion earth' as old as the creation itself and in more technical nomenclature later on in this countdown message from the Creator Monad cosmically entwined with his creation monad as the Dyad of ALL Existence of the I Am That Am I. This message does however represent a kind of 'last chance' or opportunity for the 'would be first harvest' and pioneers of the 'New World' with its new jurisdiction of the 'Old Universe' redefined and recreated. No more 'warnings' or decoding semantics of the encrypted prophetic timelines and codes shall be given, as the birthing process will engage the executive function from its legislative mode.

    gb250-.28537. world-torus_1_-.28538.

    There are a multitude of videos and websites published, which tell of a similar story line as of what this 2012 ascension date is all about.
    All of them have tuned into a real and very natural 'closing of an old time' and the 'beginning of a new time' in a particular context of continuity and contingency engaging many so called 'Et and ascension scenarios'.
    About 52,000 years ago, the mental evolution of a particular cosmic species, namely that of the Homo Sapiens or 'Wisdom Keepers' began.
    This mental evolution followed a very long timeline of evolving a suitable bodyform or morphology for this 'destined wisdom keeper genus' embedded in a subspace of the cosmic superspace and which began at the halfway nexus timemarker so 2,200 million years ago on the planet then known by the universal sentiences as Gaea, the focus of the Cosmic Mother of Baab for the Cosmic Father Abba.

    Baab is the 'Gate' or 'Bridge' for the superuniverse to share information and intercourses of divers kinds with the fractal subuniverse.
    But this is an interwoven and engaging story and shall be shared here on this forum for the one and only physicalizable reality as authorized by the Laws of Nature and the creator-creation monad and under the auspices and jurisprudence of the World Logos aka the 'Word of GodDog or AbbaBaab' themselves.
    So anyone reading this data transmission and finding it relevant to hisher own idea of what this is all about, is free to share and copy this information as shehe finds appropriate.
    There will be no copyright or restrictions, because any attempt to 'edit' or 'change this information' in self-relativity will encounter the Natural Cosmic Lawfulness of this data and from December 21st, 2012 at 11:53UCT; the legislative validity of this information will become subject to the executive function of the supercosmos and the jurisprudence of the creators, authors, producers and directors of this data stream code named the 'Freedom of Thuban' banning the falseness of old mistranslations of proper natural lawfulness enforcable by and in the definitions of the Laws of the Cosmic Nature.

    2,200 million years ago, the toxicity of the earth's atmosphere or gaseous envelope changed in its geophysical evolution and constitution in allowing the primordial prokaryotic cellular lifeforms (bacteria like geometric forms lifeinduced by magnetopolar currentflows) to begin oxygen breathing lifeforms to evolve from the 'no nucleus' cellular lifeform into its nucleated eukaryotic multicellular morphology in an evolutionary mechanism termed endosymbiosis.
    Multicellular organisms left the aquatic liquid environments of the primordial oceans formed in the self evolvement of Gaea as a cosmic consciousness vessel and as the destined 'Universal Mother' for all interterrestrial and extraterrestrial lifeforms and intelligences.
    After 8 minutes the Sun will get its first data feedback of the history. Then 13 minutes later, the solar system itself will send its solar absorbed data all over the place, back to the sun and the earth and to each other and also out of the starsystem to travel to the nearest starsystem and the intersteller spacetime, reaching The Centauri starsystem in 2017 and the Sirius starsytem in 2021 at lightspeed data propagation.

    All the planets will take less than 20 minutes after the New Gaia birth to 'talk to each other'. It will be like a web exploding AS the New Solar System with Gaia Serpentina its Mother. The planetary sentiences, often called 'Venusians' or the ETs of Saturn or whatever so shall become triggered into activities. This will manifest as a 'UFO' or perhaps a more extensive starship action for whatever ETs are present in this starsystem now. Because they will receive the data of history like a superdownload in and of the entire starsystem freely shared in the 'New Space' propagated and defined by the 'bounce back' signal of the birthing signal of Starplanet Gaia Serpentina This signal will take the form of a wavepropagation emitted from the starplanet and will be known technically as a tertiary Emission spectrum of a Dark Star and more colloquially as the 'Dark Energy' of a Starplanet, manifesting and being able to transmit its own 'History of Consciousness Evolvement and Emergence'.


    This video above and as presented represents pure NABS, but it has the basic idea spot on. But Venus and Mercury will NOT disappear they will receive data and grow in enhancements of their data base as in regards to their own evolution, the evolution of this particular focused starsystem and the overall cosmic evolution from the birth of consciousness, so 2.2 billion years ago. Superposed upon this is the cosmogenesis of the universe beginning so 19 billion years ago and following a 'birth of timespace' in a era technically known as the inflationary epoch of the cosmology. This inflationary epoch preceded and did not follow the so called Quantum Big Bang as espoused by the contemporary database of understanding and model of terrestrial cosmology.

    So the Sun will NOT become a 'Red Giant' but it will add to its database magnanimously. The Sun will grow as a data volume.
    The MENTAL evolution of the 'stewards' of the future starplanet so began with the end of the basic PHYSICAL evolution of 'Wisdom Man' as the 'Cosmic Genus of Humankind' at the 52,000 'year' count in the past and became 'midpointed' or Mirrored in a precise date of Saturday, March 1st, 23,615 BC in this particular calendrical count of days and nights and as 9,360,000 days from Friday, December 21st, 2012.

    Mayan date: - = 3 Kayab 4 Ahau = Julian Day: -6903717.5 = Saturday, March 1st, 23615 BC
    Mayan date: = 3 Kankin 4 Ahau = Julian Day: 2456282.5 = Friday, December 21st, 2012 AD (+ 9,360,000 Kin)
    Mayan date: = 18 Mac 13 Ahau = Julian Day: 245642.5 = Monday, December 16th, 2013 AD (+360 Kin)

    In terms of the anthropological history of the human genus, the period of Homo Sapiens culminated with the emergence of a bodily evolved form of the hitherto multispecied Homo Sapiens typology in a classification of Homo Sapiens Sapiens. Historically, then the multispeciated form of 'Early Man' became focused on this particular type, with other derivatives of the genetic diversification becoming extinct, say as the Neanderthal lineages, themselves sharing a common ancestry in the Homo Erectus diversifications. This period of the 'mirror time' for the evolutionary shift is often NABS associated with genetic manipulation or 'seeding' by benevolent and/or malevolent extraterrestrial sentiences, which are then theorized to have planted the human genotype as either a 'harvestable energy source' or as a form of intergalactic experiment of genetic engeneering.
    The ET engagement with the hitherto multispeciated Homo Sapiens genotype was electromagnetic energy induction, incorporating however a monopolar vector from a higher dimensional vantage point.
    The 'visitations' of the ET lifeforms so manifested in a direct influx of the 'lifeforce' into the conception biology of the multispecied Homo Sapiens. Only what is known as the Cro Magnon derivative received this electromagnetomonopolar 'manipulation' of its nucleotidal sex-chromosomatic genetic encoding. Biologically, this simply repeated the earlier endosymbiosis of the prokaryotic unicellular lifeforms becoming enabled to evolve into multicellular lifeform units, which could eventually differentiate sufficiently to produce morphogenetic bodyforms of all the kingdoms of fauna and flora and culminating in the reptilian, pecylosaurian-paramammalian and mammalian lifeforms, which could reproduce and multiply in particular environmentally adapted forms.

    The 'interference pattern' magnetopolically inducted into the Homo Sapiens genome, so changed the Physical Evolution timeline for the 'steward children species' upon Gaea into a Mental Evolution timeline, then manifesting and developing as the 'mentality' and 'self contemplation' of Homo Sapiens Sapirns aka 'Cro Magnon Man'.
    The mechanics of the 'magnetpolic current induction' is related to the science of quantum mechanics and its relationship to Gravitation and can be discerned on the technical messages from the Thuban database. It will suffice here to state, that the 'omnipresence' of the creator-creation dyad manifests as the most fundamental energy ingredients as the basic constituents of the physicalised universe. In brief, the creator monad manifests as a minimised displacement scale and so allows a maximisation of its energy in quantum form and a real science the Nabs deceivers term 'vibrations of the love and the light'. It is a frequency modulation in fact, but the 'tuning' of this cosmic quantum energy relates to an inherent quality of the superuniverse as the embedding medium of the lower dimensions in a higher structure, reflected in triplicities and quadruplicities and decoded in a cosmic form of astrology in terms of qualities and identities of cosmic elements and such labellings.
    The creator's monad is universally coupled in what is known as modular duality in a higher dimensional string-brane theory manifesting its omniphysics in 13 dimensions of interwoven timespaces. The creator's Abba-Monad of high frequency and small spacial extension then becomes 'dual' to the creation's Baab-Monad of low frequency and large spacial displacement.

    Abba's energy is then mirrored in the quantum scale of wormhole singularities and at the one and only true 'Love Frequency' of 3 Thousand Million Billion Trillion Cycles per cosmic second with a characteristic 'mass-eigen' or 'matter characteristic' Baab energy on the scale of the Galactic Cells, such as the Perseus-Milky Way 'male galaxy' coupled to its female partner of the Andromeda galaxy. Technically, this is decribed as the innermost foundations of Membrane-Theories of the Mother as Mystery as Magic as Membrane as Matrix or as Mary Magdalene. This labels of a multidimensional cosmology in 10 negatively curved spacial dimensions mirrored in the 11th dimension of positive curvature to effectively allow a hypergeometric doubling or twinning of the universe as a protoversal seedling spacetime in a 12 dimensional supercontinuum matrix of wormhole (aka Lovephoton) distributions, with the 13th dimensions allowing recircularisation. This then is the Ourobos of the serpent swalling its own tail or the Cosmic Dog chasing the same of the linearly and asymptotically expressed dynamics of the subplenum or the worlds of the lower dimensions becoming and evolving towards their highest dimensional self expression. The 10th dimension becomes the 1st linespace and the 11th the area-manifold space of the 2nd and the 12th the 3rd volume space of the commonly experienced 4-dimensional (flat Euclidean) spacetime, with the timedimensions being 'swallowed' or absorbed in the 13th dimension of this recircularisation. Time connector of temporality or bridges between dimensional fractals then again revisit or are the origin of the endosymbiosis allowing unicellular lifeforms like bacteria to multiply in their multicellular restructuring in morphogenetic reconfiguration.

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    The endosymbiosis of all lifeforms so can be shown to derive from the most elementary of Nature's Laws, such as the parity violations on the quantum level of the 'weak nuclear interaction', the force of radioactivity; whose nonparity or asymmetry results in the chiral differentiation in crystalline geometries as precursor for the magnetopolic lifeinduction related to consciousness as a particylar physical energy interaction and as the righthandedness (or clockwise dextrorotary) of the deoxyribonic sugars in the life-defining genomes upon Gaia and conjugatively mirrored in the lefthandedness (or anticlockwise levorotary) of the amino acids forming proteins. Deeper analysis and research shows how this relates to other fivefolded symmetries derived from a Nabs infected 'Sacred Geometry of Life' in the Fibonacci Codes and the manifestoes of Penrosian tiling patterns, the Curtis DNA Helix as a form of back to back decagons as twinned pentagons and in the chemistry of shechtmanite quasicrystals.

    The 'magnetopolic lightcurrent life induction' as the speculated upon 'origin of life' so is retraced to the nucleosynthesis of the chemical elements following the temperature evolution of the universe as a whole in the first minutes following the creation of the universe in the Quantum Big Bang and following an acceleration aka a Gravity defining inflationary epoch lasting until the first singularity wormhole (this is the Little Serpent of the Elders of the Council of Thuban) could manifest the energy distribution of this Inflationary era as a 'false spacetime matrix vacuum'.

    This is technically known as a de Broglie Phasechange and is characterised by the implementation in executive function of the World Logos of the lightspeed barrier as the lower dimensional cosmology of the invariance of lightspeed 'c' and the tachyonic 'higher dimensional' de Broglie phasespeed of the group velocity which must always exceed lightspeed 'c' , but is bounded by the phasespeed of the de Broglien matterwave which defined the 11-dimensional universe into which the 10-dimensional universe could expand into as the terrestrially known astrophysics of the universal protoseed as a decelerating gravitationally relativistic spacegeometric Black Body Planck Radiator embedded in a 4-dimensional hyperspherical spacetime curvature energy matrix as a holographic universe selfexistant as a 3-dimensional surface manifold.
    Then 2.2 billion years ago and 16.9 billion years after the Quantum Big Bang, this expansion of the lowerD universe attained or reached its own mirror bound of the higherD inflationary hyperaccelerated expansion from its wormhole singular selfstate and so could for the first time in the cosmic histor self-reflect on its own 'running away of the creation' from her creator of the 'Little Serpent'.

    This expansion at the 16.9 billion year marker is defined in the 'Invariance of the lightvelocity' and becomes the Nabs polluted 'Cyclic Universe' of Brahma by the nivana enthusiasts and related genres of misguided constructions of the human mental vanity expositions and explorations.
    The 10D universe is however asymptotic and expands at a slowing expansion rate and so can never reach the 11-D Mother Mirror in any dimension lower than the 'Logos guided lightpath' of the original constant expansion of the Quantum Big bang aka the Little Serpent's wormhole, which technically becomes a particular energy spaectrum defined by the Love photon frequency and is known as a Heterotic Supermembrane class 8x8=64 also named HE(8x8) by the global strin-membrane physics community and labeled EpsEss in the Thuban literature.
    In terms of the impending immediate 'graduation' of a small remnant part of the global populus of the 'Old Human genotype', albeit extended to all of humanity in a timeshift of mental affiliations to the 'New Physics' of the reconfiguration; the endosymbiosis of theis quantum mechanics manifests in a precise resonance physics to the encompassing timespace of the superunivers also known as the omniverse of the 13 dimensional selfclosure in dimensional continuity. The Nabs favoured terminology of 'density' is only partially applicable to this 'New World' but is appropriate in the idea, that the 'new space of the ascension' is in fact superposed onto the existing sppacetime matrix which is the 3rd dimension of the volume measurements.

    In particular the Nabs notion of the independence of the individual from the laws of the superuniverse and the self will of the individual in stating that the 'kingdom of God' is WITHIN and implying that no affiliations with the WITHOUT are required, is grossly erroneous.
    This resonance physics of the 'graduating class' requires harmonisation WITHIN the unified body or merkabah of the superuniverse, which is no less or more than the encoded and mysterious 'ChristBody of the Resurrection'. Subsequently and in logical deduction, any reader or 'old human' who disbelieves in this physical resurrection event of a standard 'flesh and blood' individual bodyform, albeit ensouled or conceived as and by the World Logos in terms of the authority of the preinflationary existence of the metaphysical cosmogenesis, cannot engage its multicellular merkabah construction to resonate with the superuniverse as fact of this disbelief of actually Living WITHIN this 'Body of the Resurrection'. The omniverse so cannot bestow its own bodysense dispensation to such non believers and the Logos deniers and antichrists, who not only deny this resurrection event of an advanced quantum wavemechanics engaging the wave-particle dualism of the heterotic supermembrane EpsEss, but even deny the physical istorical reality of the World LogosTwin JCCJ, can in no way participate to pioneer the 'New World' metaphysically manifested at the birthday of the 'New World'.
    The 'Kingdom is indeed WITHIN the superuniverse in 12 dimensions aka the 'Lion of Judah' or the 'Lamb of God', but remains trapped there in the individual until the World Logos is spewed out of the old human bodyform into the WITHOUT.

    This is shared in decoded form, for the first time in the human history as such, in explanation and description from the 'Gospel of Thomas Didymos' (Lambdin translation) below.

    (3) Jesus said, "If those who lead you say to you, 'See, the kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty."

    This introduces the duality of the 'Kingdom Within' as also being WITHOUT and this self realisation requires a knowing of itself as an inheritor or child of the creator. It is then, that both, the inner fractal universe, contained in the individual's merkabah or bodyform and the outer universe of the extended environments will be able to recognise this individual as 'Images of the 'Living Oneness' of the Creator-Creation monadic dyad. Failing to getting to 'know yourself' however, will propagate the poverty of the individuation from the greater whole without the monad being a twinship as an ambassadorship of the JCCJ and AbbaBaab supertemplates.

    (7) Jesus said, "Blessed is the lion which becomes man when consumed by man; and cursed is the man whom the lion consumes, and the lion becomes man."

    This means that the Universe must be 'eaten' as the 'Eucharist of the Remembrance' by any aspirant to pioneer the New World. Then the Lion becomes Man as the 'wholesome or holy food or Manna' of the transformation or cosmic metamorphosis. Those are the 'Blessed Ones' and the 'Cursed Ones' are the ones who refuse to 'eat the body of christ' aka swallow the Ouroboean Cosmos as they remain in the universe in their poverty of their individualness and their perceived independence and self determinations as to what constititutes TRUTH.

    (22) Jesus saw infants being suckled. He said to his disciples, "These infants being suckled are like those who enter the kingdom."
    They said to him, "Shall we then, as children, enter the kingdom?"
    Jesus said to them, "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; and when you fashion eyes in the place of an eye, and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, and a likceness in place of a likeness; then will you enter the kingdom."

    This continues the above in the necessary trust and surrender to the knowledge or gnosis of the World Logos, not in a blind belief, but in a clear 'spelling out' what the TRUTH as to the metaphysical creation mythology and the physical creation reality entails as this 'New Story of Abba as HimHer searching for Baab as HerHimself. Then it will be the denial and the disbelief of all who have seen the TRUTH, but who have distanced themselves from it, who will be found archetypically selfresponsible for their actions, choices and cocreated thoughtforms. In particular, the maleness of the mind of Adam as the true image of Abba in Eden as the wavepart of the Creator-Creation monad will be shared with the femaleness of archetypical Eve of the body of the true image of Baab as the Cosmic Body or merkabah of the particularedness of the Omniverse. This is detailed in the Thuban messages and relates to the overall meaning and purpose of the Metamorphosis of a protoversal seed of age 19.1 billion years transforming into a multiverse in the 'sprouting' or multiplication in endosymbiotic partnership of a phaseshifted 'Seedling Universe' as the 'Mustard Seed of Jesus of Nazareth de Naaseenis.

    (24) His disciples said to him, "Show us the place where you are, since it is necessary for us to seek it."
    He said to them, "Whoever has ears, let him hear. There is light within a man of light, and he lights up the whole world. If he does not shine, he is darkness."

    This then states, that heshe as the JCCJ Logostwin enabled to heal the original sinfulness of mental ignorance in fantasy Heaven, is by default WITHIN every lifeform in the omniverse; but that his activation in RESONANCE requires that the individual so 'hosting himher' is required to SHINE herhis Logos coupling and association into the WITHOUT to BE a 'Light in the World'.

    (70) Jesus said, "That which you have will save you if you bring it forth from yourselves. That which you do not have within you will kill you if you do not have it within you."

    This emphasizes the saying #24 from above and adds to it the 'Curse of the Mortality and the Grave' and the inability to participate and share in the 'Body of the Resurrection' , should the Lion of Judah not be released from its imprisonment of the selfwilled and independence seeking individual merkabah occupying soul entity.

    (89) Jesus said, "Why do you wash the outside of the cup? Do you not realize that he who made the inside is the same one who made the outside?"

    This saying reminds the reader that the critisized WITHOUT of the human 'universe' as the divers environments of multiple experiences and as judged by the human mind is but a reflection or mirror image of the thoughtforms created and entertained by this same human mindedness as the WITHIN. This WITHIN is secretized and treasured as PRIVATE and as an unseen world of the OUTSIDE world, but is nevertheless Known and evaluated by the Cosmic Lawgiver and Judge in the ultimate reconfiguration and metamorphosis of the old corruptible creation into its new version of incorruptibility.

    The planet Earth is 4.7 billion year old as a geophysical structure or celestial consciousness orb, destined to become the Mother of the Cosmos as a holofracal or 'Cosmic Quantum' of the Universe as a wholeness of the 10-dimensional hologram which represents the 11-dimensional positively curved (and so selfclosed in mathematical-hypergeometric terminology) universe and descriptive of an expanding Multiverse in 10 dimensions subject to the lightspeed invariance and acceleration limit 'c'. The Boundary Universe or Multiverse from the day of the cosmic rebirth of December 21st, 2012; is not subject to gravity and so allows a cosnstancy of 'c' to expand the 11-dimensional 'Mother orb' from the time of supercosmic contact at the timemarker of 16.9 billion years after the Quantum Big Bang and when the 11D Universe attained selfawareness in its ability to selfreflect upon its own existence and evolution.

    It was then when ALL ET sentiences were born in this act of self reflection. It was then, that the Universal Mother for the first time, saw Herself in the Mirror of the Father. Technical details can be dug up in the Thub an libraries for anyone interested in the cosmogenesis following the ontologt of the physics from the metaphysics of the cosmogony.
    But it was at the Quantum Big Bang, that the true Cosmic Mother was born as a wormhole singularity and identical in physical parameters to the wormhole of the 'Little Serpent'.
    The difference was that the 'male' Abba singularity Love Quantum continued its manifestation of HIMSELF as the Big bang singularity of Expansing giving birth to the Superuniverse. This can be termed a White Hole equivalent as a SOURCE of LOVE able to diffuse and suffuse the entire spacetime as itself and defined in the pre Quantum Big bang epoch or string-membrane cosmic history.
    The 'female' Baab singularity of the Creation as HERSELF became however this selfsame SOURCE OF LOVE as a SINK or RECEIVER of this LOVE as a Black Hole equivalent and so this became the aforementioned string-membrane modular duality coupling, which is not necessary to be understood in the semantics of the advanced mathematical physics, but can be understood in the metaphysical equivalent of the World Logos and as indicated, if not described as simple as possible, in this final dispendsation before the cosmic reconfiguration.

    This BAAB Black Hole as a microquantum for the Universe itself is what defines the 'Photon Belt' or 'Zone of Quarantine' of Gaia from the Birth of the Universe to its rebirth of December 21st, 2012. In contemporasry astrophysical theory, this ''Size of the Mini Cosmic egg or ovum' is understood as a gravitational interaction zone or 'Hill Spheres' between orbiting stars or planets and moons etc. They are defined in so called Lagrangian points, where the gravitational forces between the orbs balance each other out and so relate to the dynamics of tides of oceans and gases, solar winds and plasma interactions between objects subject to celestial mechanics.
    The Hill Sphere of the Earth is however superposed on its own definition and nature as a Baab Black Hole of the original Quantum Big bang Singularity.
    The Earth's Hill Sphere so represents (and is known to do so by the 'rulers or the 'kings of the earth' the Nabs ptb) as a magnified version of the 'Little Serpent' himherself.

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    Now the Baab Black Hole came into existence simultaneously with the Abba White Hole defining the Quantum Big Bang Singularity in Physical terms from its prior metaphysical definition and as desribed in the revelatory message. The Abba White Hole represents the Eps (for Energy Primary Sorcesink) part of the 11-dimensional EpsEss Supermembrane and the Baab Black Hole represents the 'entwined' Ess (for Enery Secondary Sinksource) part of the same.
    They have been together in the modular duality physics for the 19.11 billion years of the Universe's existence in physical reality and were born together from their common metaphysical and unphysicalised cosmogonical prehistory.
    In the particularisation of this membrane physics, the continuity of the lightspeed of c=300,000 cosmic kilometres per cosmic second is assigned to the 11-dimensional propagation of the electromagnetic universe under the constancy of 'c'; whilst the inversion of c as 1/c in the same lightpath units becomes the modular coupling between Abba and Baab as physical manifestation within the spacetime experience of physicality of their own metaphysical existence without the matrix of space and time and the timespace of the cosmology.

    The holofractal Baab as the planet earth so becomes a slowly expanding multidimensional spheroid within its maximised form of the 11-dimensional universe per se.
    The holofractal earth so begins its own expansion at inversed lightspeed 1/c simultaneously with the Relativistic classical universe described by contemporary astrophysics and cosmology as the aforesaid Planckian Black Body Radiator.
    The light speed of 300,000 km per second for a time of 19.11 billion years calculates as 300,000 km x 19.11 x 1 Billion x 365.2425 x 24 x 3600 and as about 181 Trillion Billion kilometres as the 11-dimensional size of the universe. this number can be expressed as the 19.11 billion lightyears as the actual electromagnetic age of the universe.
    The inversion lightspeed of 1/c is however 3.33... nanometers per cosmic second and for a time span of the 19.11 'civil years', this calculates as 3.33.nanometers x 19.11 x 1 Billion x 365.2425 x 24 x 3600 and as about 2 million kilometers.
    The entire universe therefore is fractalised as a holographic image in the 'Egg of Gaia' or the 'Quarantine Zone' of the planet earth, which encompasses a spheroidal geometry of radius 2 million kilometres, which encompasses the Moon so 384,000 kilometres from the earth's center and reaches so 4.8% to the orbit of the planet Venus of so 108 million kilometers from the sun and 2.6% to the orbit of Mars , so 228 million kilometres from the sun; the earth being so 150 million kilometres from the sun in the distribution of the orbits. The distance to Venus so becomes 42 million kilometres and the distance to Mars 78 million kilometres for the percentage from the fractal Gaian Mother as indicated.

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    There have been 3 'Quantum Big Bangs' since the physical universe came into existence and December 21st, 2012 will become the 4th such 'Quantum Nexus marker' for the overall evolvement and emergence of the cosmos itself.

    The 1st Quantum Big Bang occurred precisely 5.325584833...x1017cosmic seconds or 16.876 billion 'civil years' ago and before the 2nd Quantum Big Bang, which specified the 'Electromagnetic Return' at the 2,200 million year marker described hitherto. It was then, when the 'expaning universe', decoded as the 'Running Away of Old Barbelo aka Old Jerusalem aka the 'Sleeping Beauty Snowhite Baab' and in delegated ambassadorship to any Old Eve; for the first time became selfaware in looking into her own mirror at the 16.9 billion year marker of the 11th dimension. The 'Old Universal Mother' so could use her own lightpath of the 11-dimensional constant lightspeed propagation vector, which was born coincidently with the 1st Quantum Big Bang of the 10-dimensional universe (which is asymptoticalle decelerating within the 11D envelope or encompassment of its 11D mother).

    Using a calibration algorithm to align the 'Unfreezing' of a multiversal ensemble of protoversal seedling universes in a cosmic wavefunction describing the 'Heartbeat of the Cosmic Mother', technically called a 'Hubble-Oscillation' of the 11D-cosmic enveloping manifold; a Mean-Alignment-Time or MAT was calibrated as a n-cycle or now-time coordinate defined in dn/dt=Ho or n=Hoht and where the timederivative of cycletime n becomes a nodal Hubble-Constant Hoh, defining the age and scale of the 10-dimensional universe within its 11-dimensional envelope (as a Riemann-Poincare hypersphere V4=½π2R4 for a 3-dimensional area becoming volume like in dV4/dR=2π2R3).

    This implies that the 4-dimensional displacement vector ¼R as the multiplicaton factor for the 3D horn-toroidal quasi-surface or manifolded volumar dV4/dR=2π2R3 to reconstruct the 4D volumar V4=½π2R4 , is enabled to manifest in a collinear expansion of '3D manifold' space in preference to manifest in a 4D space, which remains unphysical with respect to any 3-dimensional observer due to the angular displacement (maximised in orthogonality) of the 4th basis vector of the 4th spacial dimension.

    A spaceship of 1-dimensional scale R and obscured by its high frequency of self vibratory eigenstate resonance, so will be able to 'materialize' in this expaned manifold space, increased by a scale factor of ¼R; as it will be able to utilise a diffusion factor of this scale of the order of the 3D-surface multiplier in ¼R. The energy density occupied by the spacecraft or ET vessel, so will decrease by this factor and allow materialization of the object, architectured in blueprinted 11-dimsnional energy patterns without the Gaian Cocoon of the light inversion, but requiring the spacetime matrix in Minkowski Euclidean flat 4D-spacetime to allow the Kaluza-Klein curvature of the 5D-Spacetime of the holographic universe to unfold itself within this 'stargated bubble'.

    The ET sentiences were born 2,200 million years ago and represent high frequency and higher dimensional energized thoughtforms, who utilise the 3-dimensional universe in a modus operandi of coevolution; inducing the necessary magnetopolic genetic architecture (by magnetopolic currents or electricity) into the density matrix of the Gaian Cocoon as the cosmically maximised impedence field as the 'Cosmic Mother' of all Life. This then takes the form of geometric forms, morphing into the microbial prokaryotic lifeforms, which then endosymbiotize into the eukaryotes of the multicellular organisms. The basic building utensil for this is the double helix of the Deoxyribonucleic Acid as a form of the Fibonacci spirals and as indicated before. The biochemical and physical nature and form of the DNA/RNA so has a metaphysical or mathematical-geometric precursor, albeit source-sink energy induced by the magnetomonopolar gauges of the omniphysics.

    To construct a starcruiser or anything else in the higher dimensional realm, the ETs as say 4-dimensional plasmic bodyforms without the Gaian resistance matrix; script the required programs and subroutines to create the unmorphed body gestalt in blueprint form; utilizing the energy requirements directly from the source energy reservoir provided by the hyperinflation of the pre Big Bang Quantum Universe also known as the 'Vacuum Energy' or the Dark Energy or the Zero-Point-Energy of 'Free Space' in the 11th dimension.

    The de Broglie Hyperacceleration provided the Background spacetime in 11 dimensions, allowing the lower dimensional universe in 10 dimensions to 'have a place to go to' or a timespace to 'catch up to'. The 'classical' lower dimensional universe manifested in 3 spacial dimensions and these 3 spacial dimensions became a mathematical physicalised minimum to allow the higher energy forms, primarily manifesting as thought patterns to seek for enhanced self expressions and to eventually embody the materially based ingredients as given in the periodic table of the chemical elements. The 12th dimension came into beingness when the lightpath of the 11D-cosmology attained its 11D boundary marker defined in the hyperacceleration or inflation, preceding an notion af matter or mass subject to the curvature of spacetime due to its inertial physical nature. It was then, that the 10D mass-parametric cosmos became imaged and effectively doubled in Möbian-Klein Bottled membrane connectivity and allowing the rootreductive 12th dimension of the Vafa-Father Space to begin to manifest in its 3D stewardship focused at the center of the planet Terra Gaia Astralis in the conifoldment of 9=12-3 spacial dimensions in the freedom degrees of translation, rotation, vibration and quantization-holofractalisation. These are 4 worlds without time, yet allowing the worlds to time connect in dimensionalities 1 with 4 with 7 with 10 with 13=1 in Ouroborian selfclosure of the Omniverse, harbouring all potential multiverses, which must all be seeded on the one protoverse not in parallelism of many worlds academic BS and the watewred down Nabs; but in self relative phaseshifts of the protoversal Twin Logos Seedling Protoverse as the 'Once and Only Begottenness'.

    The 10D universe is decerating asymptotically towards it dimensional bridge technically provided by the recursive definition of its own dynamics; but its 11-dimensional 'information messenger' is the lightpath of the 1st Quantum Big Bang, which in a sense 'pioneers' the evolution of the 10D Cosmology.

    As this Vortex-Potential-Energy or VPE is far in excess of the inertia-mass coupled physicalised energy upon which all Big Bang Cosmologies are modelled; it also easily satisfies the photonic-mass equivalence encapsulated in the E=mc2 and E=hf and E=kT energy constraints of conservation and momentum and as required in the natural laws of the 10D restricted stringed cosmology.
    The Scale-Frequency mathematical relation can be summarized in the logistical statement for the generalised or universalised phase velocity: Phase-Velocity V(n) = R(n)f with scale R a function of the cycletime n (or Now Time of the NABS) and f a matter-causative independent frequency as the function of inversed time t=1/f.

    But any blueprinted starcruiser or ET energy matrixed construction entering the Gaian cocoon, would encounter the maximised Higgs Bosonic Impedence matrix as an effect of the light inversion for this particular planetary environment as the cosmic quarantine zone and so become enabled to materialize in a reduction of its vibratory field matrices. Without the addition of 'more space' in the curved extension of the 3D flatness fields, any such 'lowering of the frequency shields' could of course result in deterioration of the electromagnetic monopolar fields which define the atomic and subatomic constituency of the object and made from the 'Dark Energy', which as a form of the VPE, has the toroidal VPE spacequantum or EpsEss wormhole as its basic building block.
    From the 4th Quantum Big Bang cosmic nexus marker onwards, the 'temporariness' of the 'ufo phenomenon' will become alleviated and the presence of such materialized ET communication devices can begin to become more permanent in a renewed 5-dimensional curved spacetime continuum and energy matrix also able to access the 'Dark Energy' of the first starplanet Gaia Serpentina.

    The rebirth of Gaia will allow all other planets, suitable to harbour and host multitudinous lifeforms to also activate their own Impedence fields as their own physicalised 'Hill Spheres' and so manifest the ET civilisations which are there in template mode, but not in 3-dimensional forms of communicative interactions using densified morphologies or bodiforms. The entire universe is waiting to become triggered in the reception of the Gaia data, the 'Cosmic Loveletter' from the Cosmic Mother of all - Ambassadora and Prima Ballerina de Baab - Stargate to the Universe and Multiverses as snowflake unique monosongs and individualised universes in twinship-cores Becoming!

    This calibration uses a entropy-charge product ek (Coulomb Charge 'e' multiplied by a Stefan-Boltzmann constant 'k') to set the cycletime of the primordial unfreezing of the cosmic wavefunction B(n)=(2e/hA)exp{-Alpha.T(n) with T(n)=n(n+1) at nMAT = 1.132419321.... at MAT at Midnight, November 4th, 1996, local time, Canberra, ACT, Australia (+10 hours UCT).
    As n=1 defines the 2nd Big Bang in a precise cosmic second count ('c'=300,000 cosmic km per cosmic second precisely in a universal cosic calibration of physical measurement units and their proportionalities), n=1.132419321... sets the electromagnetic age of the universe at 16.876x1.13242 ~ 19.111 Billion years for 14:00 hours November 4th, 1996 10UCT.

    At the time of the 2nd Quantum Big Bang, the entire universe of age 17 billion years and so 2.2 billion years ago (19.11-2.23=16.88 and 16.88-2.23=14.65) became 'selfconscious' and could self-reflect in terms of its own cosmic self awareness. The boundary of its own 'running away' from the singularity of its own birth as a Mother Black Hole from its primordial White Hole wormhole origin ended apruptly and ALL Extraterrestrial intelligences were born and began to observe and interact with this nexus marker in the cosmic matrix situated at the centre of the by then geophysically existing planet Earth.
    At that time the 'Hill sphere' or 'Impedence-Resistance Field' as the Cocoon of the 'lightinversed' planet earth as Gaea at the 3.33..cosmic nanometers per cosmic second had reached a 'bubble size' of 3.33...nm x 16.88 x 1 Billion x 365.2425 x 24 x 3600 or about 1.776 million kilometers in its radial extent.
    The disembodied ET sentiences began to electromagnetically induce the lifeforms evolving from the magnetopolic current inductions and so were and are intricately involved with all life evolution throughout the universe as the mental parentage and ancestors for its own descendants in a variety and all and sundry bodyforms of morphogenetic environmental adaptations. All of this cosmic life evolvement is however centred upon the Cosmic Mother of Old Barbelo as the boundary n-coordinate of the Hubble-Oscillation aka the 'Heartbeat' or inbreath-outbreath of the Cosmic Mother, who is destined to evolve into a New Barbelo and so to transform an Old Creation into a New Creation pre se and as encoded in prophecies, scrolls and scriptures of divers sorts.

    The aforesaid Homo Sapiens Sapiens genotype began to manifest itself so 52,000 years ago and the original awareness self-realisation of the comnined ET intelligence of the 2nd Big bang could begin to prepare its 3rd Quantum Big Bang, which became the holofractal manifestation of the Mother Black hole WITHIN the resistance field of the lightinverted planet Gaea as its destined ambassadora and holofractal representative.
    The cosmic intelligence, which designed, produced, orchestrated, guided and directed this scenario is known as the Cosmic World Logos and it incarnated into the Gaean impedence matrix to allow the cosmic mother at the 11D boundary mirror to reflect in himher as a perfect image and to so allow the overall cosmic agenda of the sum total of ET sentiences (encoded in the symbols of archons and seraphimic kingdoms, angels and demons and devils and cherubims etc etc) to proceed in its due course.
    The 'Energy of the Logos' as the 'Word of God' and the 'Remembrance of Dog as Satan sexchanged into Satanina aka Lucifer becoming Lucifera Lilith in 'Love and Light; from Darkness' as the 'Holy Ghost and Wholsesome Spirit', can be described as a 'Dance of the Lila' or the modular duality coupling between the two parts of the supermembrane Black Hole Yin and White Hole Yang or similar nomenclature.
    The maximised densification of the 'spirit', which technically is simply the electromagnetic wormhole energy in resonating energetic self- or eigenstates, then becomes omni-physically associated with the parameters of mass, gravitation and the curvature of spacetime and so the relativity of matter and antimatter embodied in timespace geometry. This boundary of 'how dense can the consciousness evolution olf the ET seeded awareness carrying vessels be?' then becomes the resistance field of the cocooned or quarantined Gaian Impediance matrix of the light inversion bubble.

    Briefly, all electromagnetic radiation or EMR as the universal mode of data transmission is created by the 'Acceleration of Electric Charges', such as the proton fusion in stars into helium emitting EMR in their centripetal acceleration of the Coulomb charges of say the electron (-) and the proton(+).
    It is because of this reducibility of All EMR to this property of matter, that the notion of a 'spirit' is dismissed by the terrestrial physicists and scientists in general. If all things, including light and all forms of the intergalactic medium are a consequence of the acceleration of electric charges and those charges are ALWAYS associated with matter and mass carrying particles and waves, then the Quantum Big Bang must alse be a consequence of matter as its prerequisite parameter to bring a physical universe into existence.
    The 'Cosmic Secret of the ETs' is that the EMR has a parentage and this is the EMMR and this is what the 'spirit' is. The EMMR is matter independent and it is technically defined in the "Acceleration of Magnetic Charges', which are defined in a higher dimensional form of 'Monopolar Wormhole Radiation' or the self resonance of the 'Little Serpent Abba' entwined with his as her in the 'Little Serpentina Baab' aka the heterotic supermembrane HE(8x8) and as the finalo class of the inflationary brane epoch BEFORE the physicality of matter manifested itself in the EMR of the 1st Quantum Big Bang.

    There is a 'Serpent Mapping', defining the notion of what cosmic consciousness or selfawareness are in terms of the physicality. This can also be described as a Charge-Transduction between the 11-D Black Hole Boundary and the 10-D asymptotic cosmology and this is defined in the parameters of a lower dimensional quantum universe and as say defined in the size of the classical electron and its higher dimensional image, both defining a Volume multiplied by this cosmic awareness as a timedifferential and so enabling a new physical quantity, the Thuban Council labels as the 'Starcharge' or the 'Starcouloumb C*.

    The mathematical expression encapsulating this is: Magnetocharge e*=2Rec2↔ √Alpha.LPlanckc2=Electrocharge e for EMR finestructure Alpha and a absolute minimum displacement scale definied in a 'Planck-Length Oscillation' defined as the product of Alpha and this Planck-Length as the first of the superstring classes (I).

    For duality modulation between the supermembrane parts:
    Cellular Micro Wormhole lps/2p ↔ 2plss as Galactic Macro Antiwormhole

    Hyperspace inversion parameter for spacetime quantization:
    1/2p2 from Vuniverse=2p2R3=H.Vwormhole spacequantum=2p2lps3

    H is a quantization algorithmic googol counter H=ABCD=31x2423x36x1242x25x6124x46x5612 from the cosmogenesis

    lss/p = 1/plps ↔ 2ek/me = e*/e

    for the electron mass me = ke2/Rec2 = hc.alpha.e2/2pRec

    This allows an approximation for the transcendental number p in terms of the magnetocharge-electrocharge mapping transformation relative to the empirical measurements of the mass-inertia coupled electron in terms of its Coulomb charge 'e' and its classical electron diameter 2Re by:

    p = lsse/e* = lsse/2Rec2={e/2Re}/lpsc2

    The ratio pspherical/p=sinq/q then shows the deviation of the Euclidean 'flat Pi' of the plane geometry relative to the 'curved' or 'spherical Pi' as a measure of the curvature of the 11-dimensional enveloping spacetime of the Riemannian Hypersphere.


    A initial Thuban approximation from the cosmogenesis is: e=½hA for A2=14x1524 as the coefficient of the Cosmic wavefunction B(n) for Re=2.778x10-15 m* with c=3x108 (m/s)*
    for p = {1.61822113x10-19/5.5555x10-15}/ a 'Spherical Pi'=psinq/q for p-curvature Re=e/9px10-6~2.86164.x10-15 m* (2.856866x10-15 and for pspherical/p=sinq/q ~ 3.23644/3.14159~1.0302

    A Codata SI-approximation is: e=1.60217653x10-19 C with Re=2.817940325x10-15 m with c=2.99792458x108 m/s
    for p = {1.60217653x10-19/5.63588065x10-15}/8.987551787x10-6~3.16306...for p-curvature Re=e/9px10-6~2.8371944x10-15 m (2.841935x10-15 m*) and for pspherical/p=sinq/q ~ 3.16306/3.14159~1.0068

    A final Thuban approximation is: e=1.606456344x10-19 C* (Newton-Raphson method) for Re=2.7777...x10-15 m* with c=3x108 (m/s)*
    for p = {1.606456344x10-19/5.5555x10-15}/9x10-6~3.21291...for p-curvature Re=e/9px10-6~2.84084x10-15 m* (2.8361x10-15 m) and for pspherical/p=sinq/q ~ 3.21291/3.14159~1.0227

    As the Classical Electron radius Re is a function of the Electron mass me in terms of its relativistic 'restmass'; the mass me=meo/√(1-[v/c]2) increases in inverse proportionality with the radial size (Re) of the electron (Compton wavelength le=h/mec=Re/alpha); the dynamic Re modulates its curvature in Euclidean local spacetime with respect to the hyperspace inversion parameter of the hypersphere volumar quantisation.

    The 11D-Universe so is spheroidally positively curved around a negatively hyperbolically curved universe in 10 dimensions and fractalised in the classical electron volumar as a function of the velocity of the electron, which is binomially distributed about its electromagnetic properties.

    Details can be found in the archives of Thuban.

    All matter in the universe, so becomes a consequence of this dimensional transduction of higher D magneto charges into a lower dimenional matrix of electro charges thus manifesting the apparent primordicity of mass as the prime energy parameter of the cosmogenesis.
    The incarnation of the World Logos so 2018½ years ago then allowed a 'Perfect Image' to become manifest within the Cocoon of Gaia and this 'Veritas Eikona' allowed the selfreflective consciousness potential of the 11D boundary to DESCEND onto the Inner boundary of the Gaean Cocoon (the Lagrangian primary point of the Hill sphere). The 'Physical Resurrection' of the hosted merkabah of the World Logos after the death of the human incarnation then became the 3rd Quantum Big Bang in manifesting this 'Perfect Image' not on the 11D boundary of the Mother Mirror, where it had been before the physical incarnation of the World Logos; but it manifested as the boundary of the Gaean Cocoon and accelerated both the mental evolution of the human genotype and the physical deterioration of the planetray environment and consciousness merkabah of planet Earth.
    On December 21st, 2012, the 4th Quantum Big Bang will allow this 'Perfect Image' of the 'Physical Transcension' of the matter dependency to Reflect back into the lightinverted matrix of the Gaian human civilisation and accompanied by the higher dimensional changes indicated before; it will also reflect back into the extraterrestrial or extra-Gaian universe to activate the ET sentiences in enabling all ETs to hybridise and blend in the mapping wavemechanics of the Electromonopolar Dark Light of Gaia Serpentina interacting electromagnetically with the existing 3-dimensional spacetime matrix of the mass primacy.

    Shine Starplanet Gaia Serpentina, Shine in the Darkness!

    It is this interrelated structure of 13 dimensions, which defines the 12-tiered cosmic astrology and related subjectivity of starsigns, planetary 'houses' or secors with affiliations, months in a year and 'tribes of Israel' and not some Nabs garbage derived from astral thoughtforms and pretenders, who are the 'devils and demons and evil ETs' created by a general human mindedness, which has not as to the date of this message, evolved beyond its infancy stage from the twinned or mirrored precessional cycle of 18,720,000 Kin from Maya date or as -
    In more detail then, the precessional cycle of the earth of about 26,000 'degree- or cycle' 'Platonic years' can be partitioned in 360x26,000=9,360,000 days (or Mayan kin) themselves divided into five ages of 144,000x65=144,000x13x5=1,872,000x5= 9,360,000 kin or counts of days and nights.
    Because the intergalactic location of this solar system is also so 26,000 'years' from the center of the local galaxy, which is about 100,000 light years across as a fractal universe manifesting its LIFE as a galactic macrocellular UNIT; the information from this galactic centre, also known as Hunab Ku or the 'Butterfly of all Knowledge and Wisdom' by the Maya will reach this starsytem, say centred on the local star Rahsol, at the completion of the Mayan kin count on the date specified by this daycount. The 'Path of the love message' from the Galactic centere alas Hunab Ku is known to the Maya as the 'Street of the Way Home' or Kuxan Suum.
    This daycount also relates to particular 'endtime prophecies' as encoded in the Great Pyramid of Giza and the collective and interwoven timeline of apocalyptic timelines in the Bible of Christianity, comprised of an older testament common to other religious philosophies like the Quoran and the Hebrew Torah and a New Testament particular to the original form of Roman Catholic Christianity.

    The Great Platonic Year is often defined as a Great Precession of 26,000 'Ancient Years', each of 360 'Ancient Days' for a total Daycount of 360x26,000=9,360,000 Days or Kin and as 13x5x144,000=65 Mayan Baktuns.
    Many 'New Age' or alternative 'sources' then assign the Precessional Cycle in say 12x2160=25,920 such 'Ancient Years' in approximation.

    A 'modern' scientific calibration, using a calendrical 'Civil Year' of 365.2425 'Mean Solar Days' in a 400 'Civil Year' or 146,097 'Mean Solar day' Cycle will however define the Mayan Great Baktun Count as 9,360,000/365.2425=25,626.8096 'Civil Years' in this calendrical approximation fpr the cyclic integral daycount.
    It so becomes a Galactic Signal from the Galactic Core (Hunab Ku of the Maya) sent at the beginning of the 65 Baktun cycles and travelling at lightspeed of so 300,000 kilometers per second; which signifies the Birth of the StarPlanet Serpentina as 'New Gaia', when the wavefront of this 'ET Signal' reaches the Center of the Earth on December 21st, 2012.

    The 'Two Lobes' of the recently 'discovered' galactic structure (see NASA data below), each of a 'size' of the Precessional Year, emit Electromagnetic Radiation as the extent of this wavefront encompassing the galactic history of the Old Humanity destined to become galactic in its metamorphosis into a StarHumanity following the Insemination, Gestation, Birth and weaning of the dispensation of the World Logos as published in the Thuban data stream and associated information of related sources.

    NASA's Fermi Telescope Finds Giant Structure in our Galaxy!!
    498884main_df3_fermi_bubble_art_labels-.28552. 498886main_df4_bubbles_graphs-.28553.
    Update on Starplanet Gaia Serpentina's 5-dimensional timespace matrix and the occurrence of 'cometary visitations'


    As the message preceding this update indicates; the above picture (said to be shrouded in an amount of secrecy according to the mentioned Nasa sources) relates to observed and implied changes in the magnetic fields throughout the solar systems of the local starsystem of Rahsol (or Sol as the local Sun, so 8 light minutes or 1 Astronomical Unit (1 AU) of so 150 million kilometres distant from the Earth). As 1 AU is the distance between the Sun Rahsol and the Earth, it takes approximately 150,000,000/300,000=500 seconds or 8⅓ minutes for a light signal travelling at lightspeed 'c'=300,000 km per second to travel the distance between the Sun and the Earth.

    Thuban dragons know, that the multidimensional poleshift of December 21st, 2012 at the centre of the earth allowed a Möbian brane twist of the 4D inertia-mass equivalent 'Black Holed Gaia' to change the moperational mode of the old earth into a modus operandi of 'White Holed Inversion' or Reciprocity.
    This in effect changed the previous cosmic identity of Gaia Earth as a cosmic data receiver into that of a cosmic data emitter.

    This update addresses the present status of this data emission in relation to an overall starsystem based mode of information sharing in the extended 4-dimensional space matrix now available for this purpose.

    The 'secrecy' regarding the picture above (presumably from Russian researcher Alexey Dmitriev) is not a big cover up, but certain factions of the 'initiated' know that the changes in the solar system relate to the extended starsystem of Rahsol as a bridging medium to reach the neighbouring starsystem of Proxima-Beta-Alpha Centauri, commonly known as the constellation of the Southern Cross and with Proxima Centauri the nearest star to the local Sun at 4.25 light years or so 268,000 AU's away.

    This can be seen on the pic above as a region between 100,000 and 1,000,000 AUs.
    The so called Kuiper Belt of the 'planetesimals' extends so 100 AU and encompasses all planets in the local solar system, with Pluto at about 40 AU and other trans Neptunian planets and objects referred to as Kuiper Belt objects, then extending to a few hundred AUs.

    The Oort Cloud, from where the comets are said to originate from, then extends the Kuiper region of the local starsystem towards the neighbouring starsystems in a scale from say 10,000 to 20,000 AU.
    The 'secret science of the dragons or starhuman ETs' now knows, that the 4-dimensional expansion of the new starplanetary timespace matrix propagates at lightspeed from the starplanet's centre outwards to share and transmit its hdata collected in its physical 4.6 billion yhear history with the greater universe.

    Since December 21st, 2012 then to February 15th, 2013, 56 days measured at the local chronos, have elapsed. This time period signifies a 'New Rainbow Dragon Covenant' between the Starhuman ETs and a small remnant or genomatic stock of the 'Old Earth', meaning the human civilisation in the old data receiving mode of its engulfing 4-dimensional spacetime matrix.

    56 lightdays so calculate the maximum extent of the extended 'bubble atmosphere' of Gaia Serpentina and this number calculates as 56x24x3600=4,838,400 light seconds or 4,838,400/500=9,676.8 AUs.
    Looking at the 'secret chart' , this signifies the 104=10,000 marker and so the 'edge' of the localised Oort Cloud.
    This means, that at lightspeed, the Data history of Gaia Serpentina has now reached the Oort Cloud and the history of the earth in parameters of consciousness evolution and information is now being openly shared and 'processed' by the encompassing 4-dimensional volume defined by this nexus marker of the Rainbow Covenant between Starman and the Creator-Creation monadic dyad exposited elsewhere.
    In terms of the general celestial history of the extended starsystem environment, such as the periodic intersection of comets and meteorites; those occurrences continue as observed and often prdicted to great accuracy; all such 'visitations' are however reconfigured in the new Gaian 5-dimensional timespace bubble, whenever this 'new spacial realm' is encountered by the periodic or transiting celestial phenomena.

    The recent 'comets' and meteorites therefore are 'different in energy' (or so called Nabs vibrations), than they would bne, if not intyersecting the Gaian 'Bubble Volume' of the Starplanet.
    The recent encounters of such comets and meteorites, as well as particular political-socioeconomic and otherwise developments in the 'trickle down' effect into the old perceived 4D spacetime realism of this still quarantined planetary civilisation, should therefore be assessed and analysed with the knowledge of the Thuban dragons herewith shared and disseminated.

    More details about how Old Earth became a New Earth is found here and on related messages.


    Last edited: Nov 5, 2015
    I Am One in Many and I Am Many in One!


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    Last edited: Jul 19, 2018
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Curvature Radii and Pi

    Briefly, all electromagnetic radiation or EMR as the universal mode of data transmission is created by the 'Acceleration of Electric Charges', such as the proton fusion in stars into helium emitting EMR in their centripetal acceleration of the Coulomb charges of say the electron (-) and the proton(+).
    It is because of this reducibility of All EMR to this property of matter, that the notion of a 'spirit' is dismissed by the terrestrial physicists and scientists in general. If all things, including light and all forms of the intergalactic medium are a consequence of the acceleration of electric charges and those charges are ALWAYS associated with matter and mass carrying particles and waves, then the Quantum Big Bang must alse be a consequence of matter as its prerequisite parameter to bring a physical universe into existence.
    The 'Cosmic Secret of the ETs' is that the EMR has a parentage and this is the EMMR and this is what the 'spirit' is. The EMMR is matter independent and it is technically defined in the "Acceleration of Magnetic Charges', which are defined in a higher dimensional form of 'Monopolar Wormhole Radiation' or the self resonance of the 'Little Serpent Abba' entwined with his as her in the 'Little Serpentina Baab' aka the heterotic supermembrane HE(8x8) and as the finalo class of the inflationary brane epoch BEFORE the physicality of matter manifested itself in the EMR of the 1st Quantum Big Bang.

    There is a 'Serpent Mapping', defining the notion of what cosmic consciousness or selfawareness are in terms of the physicality. This can also be described as a Charge-Transduction between the 11-D Black Hole Boundary and the 10-D asymptotic cosmology and this is defined in the parameters of a lower dimensional quantum universe and as say defined in the size of the classical electron and its higher dimensional image, both defining a Volume multiplied by this cosmic awareness as a timedifferential and so enabling a new physical quantity, the Thuban Council labels as the 'Starcharge' or the 'Starcouloumb C*.

    The mathematical expression encapsulating this is: Magnetocharge e*=2Rec2↔ √Alpha.LPlanckc2=Electrocharge e for EMR finestructure Alpha and a absolute minimum displacement scale definied in a 'Planck-Length Oscillation' defined as the product of Alpha and this Planck-Length as the first of the superstring classes (I).

    For duality modulation between the supermembrane parts:
    Cellular Micro Wormhole lps/2p ↔ 2plss as Galactic Macro Antiwormhole

    Hyperspace inversion parameter for spacetime quantization:
    1/2p2 from Vuniverse=2p2R3=H.Vwormhole spacequantum=2p2lps3

    H is a quantization algorithmic googol counter H=ABCD=31x2423x36x1242x25x6124x46x5612 from the cosmogenesis

    lss/p = 1/plps ↔ 2ek/me = e*/e

    for the electron mass me = ke2/Rec2 = hc.alpha.e2/2pRec

    This allows an approximation for the transcendental number p in terms of the magnetocharge-electrocharge mapping transformation relative to the empirical measurements of the mass-inertia coupled electron in terms of its Coulomb charge 'e' and its classical electron diameter 2Re by:

    p = lsse/e* = lsse/2Rec2={e/2Re}/lpsc2

    The ratio pspherical/p = sinq/q then shows the deviation of the Euclidean 'flat Pi' of the plane geometry relative to the 'curved' or 'spherical Pi' as a measure of the curvature of the 11-dimensional enveloping spacetime of the Riemannian Hypersphere.


    A initial Thuban approximation from the cosmogenesis is: e=½hA for A2=14x1524 as the coefficient of the Cosmic wavefunction B(n) for Re=2.778x10-15 m* with c=3x108 (m/s)*
    for p = {1.61822113x10-19/5.5555x10-15}/ a 'Spherical Pi' = p sinq/q for p-curvature Re=e/18px10-6~2.86164.x10-15 m* (2.856866x10-15 and for pspherical/p=sinq/q ~ 3.23644/3.14159~1.0302

    A Codata SI-approximation is: e=1.60217653x10-19 C with Re=2.817940325x10-15 m with c=2.99792458x108 m/s
    for p = {1.60217653x10-19/5.63588065x10-15}/8.987551787x10-6~3.16306...for p-curvature Re=e/18px10-6~2.8371944x10-15 m (2.841935x10-15 m*) and for pspherical/p=sinq/q ~ 3.16306/3.14159~1.0068

    A final Thuban approximation is: e=1.606456344x10-19 C* (Newton-Raphson method) for Re=2.7777...x10-15 m* with c=3x108 (m/s)*
    for p = {1.606456344x10-19/5.5555x10-15}/9x10-6~3.21291...for p-curvature Re=e/18px10-6~2.84084x10-15 m* (2.8361x10-15 m) and for pspherical/p=sinq/q ~ 3.21291/3.14159~1.0227

    As the Classical Electron radius Re is a function of the Electron mass me in terms of its relativistic 'restmass'; the mass me=meo/√(1-[v/c]2) increases in inverse proportionality with the radial size (Re) of the electron (Compton wavelength le=h/mec=Re/alpha); the dynamic Re modulates its curvature in Euclidean local spacetime with respect to the hyperspace inversion parameter of the hypersphere volumar quantisation.

    The 11D-Universe so is spheroidally positively curved around a negatively hyperbolically curved universe in 10 dimensions and fractalised in the classical electron volumar as a function of the velocity of the electron, which is binomially distributed about its electromagnetic properties.

    Details can be found in the archives of Thuban.

    Pappus's centroid theorem


    torus--22780-.22793. torus1--22781-.22794.

    PHI and PI in Curved Geometries of Space

    Volume and Surface Area Dimensionality in the {√4 - ϕ -√2} interval
    by the uniqueness of the solution for the quadratic x+x=2x=x2=xx
    or f(x) = x2-2x = 0
    Mathematical Expressions and Derivations1D-Volume-Surface Area Multiplier
    4D-Volume Hypersphere of Radius RTorus=RTV4=½π2RT41/¼RTorus =4/RTorus
    V*=3D-Surface Area Hypersphere = 3D-Volume Horn TorusdV4/dRT=2π2RT3RTorus/4
    V*=3D-Volume Sphere of Radius RSphere=RSV3=4πRS3/31/⅓RSphere=3/RSphere
    2D-Surface Area SpheredV3/dRS=4πRS2RSphere/3
    √4=2.000000...the minimum geodesic value of πSpherical as a Great Circle in the periodicity of πSpherical = πsinhθ/θ with increasing curved diameter
    1/{∑1/r-ln(n)}=1/{Euler's Number 'Little Gamma γ' summing from n=1 to ∞}=1/{0.577215664...}=1/{1/1+1/2+1/3+1/4+...+1/n - ln(n)}=1.732454...
    lim{δFeigenbaum}Max={3π/2}= 1.676539...
    lim{δFeigenbaum}3D={4.6692016091...}= 1.671401...
    ϕ= ½(√5+1) =1/( ½(√5-1) = 1.618033...
    lim{δFeigenbaum}Min={3π/2}¼ = 1.473364...
    V*/V*=1=Cuberoot{3π/2}RTorus/RSphere=Cuberoot{Chaos Constant}RTorus/RSphere
    lim{δF}Max={3π/2}~1.67654=1/0.59647= 1.61803+0.0585 for ϕ=1.61803...
    lim{δF}3D={4.6692016091...}~1.671402=1/0.59830= 1.61803+0.05337 for ϕ=1.61803...
    lim{δF}Min={3π/2}¼ ~1.47336=1/0.67872= 1.61803-0.14467 for ϕ=1.61803......
    2xGeometric Mean=2√({3π/2}⅓.{3π/2}¼)=2√({3π/2}7/12) ~3.14334 ~ πEuclidean = πHyperbolic = πsinhθ/θ for θ=0.057854 radian (3°19')
    2xArithmetic Mean={3π/2}+{3π/2}¼~3.14990 ~ πEuclidean = πHyperbolic = πsinhθ/θ for θ=0.12594 radian (7°13')
    {lim{δF}Max/lim{δF}3D}3 = {½.3π/4.6692016091...} = 1.009249...={πHyperbolic /π}3 for πHyperbolic =πsinh(0.135742)/0.135742=1.0030738π =3.1512492... for 7.777° (7°46' 39")
    {3π/2}.√({3π/2}7/12) =({3π/2}7/24+1/3)=({3π/2}5/8)~2.634970...
    2=(1.61803...)2=2.618033...=1+ϕ for relative primeness of adjacent Fibonacci elements 5 and 8 in: {0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,...}
    Hypervolume in 4D&3D for an idealised planet Earth of Radius REarth=RE3D+4D ExtensionRTorus/4=¼RSphere/{2/3π}= RSphere/{96π}
    Curvature Radius of a sphere with radius R is 1/R for a Gaussian Curvature K measured from within the sphere as the product of K=1/RMax .1/RMin. This is always positive for positive curvature in a geometric mean √{1/R2}=1/|R|.
    For a 'pseudosphere' with Imaginary Radius iR, the Gaussian Curvature is always negative for a negative Curvature Radius measured from without the 'pseudosphere' in 1/RMax .-1/RMin. T=1/(iR)2.

    Using the Euler Identity: e = XY=X+Y =i2=cos(π)+isin(π) =-1 with Fibonacci Roots φ and 1/φ for θ=π generalised for θ: e = cosθ+isinθ and e-iθ = cosθ-isinθ for hyperbolic sin definition: sinh(iθ) =½{e- e-iθ}=isinθ and sinθ=sinh(iθ)/i=-isinh(iθ)={e- e-iθ}/2i

    πHyperbolic = Circumference/Diameter=2πiR.sin(r/iR)/2r=2πiR.sin(θ/i)/2r=πi.sin(-iθ)/θ=(πi/θ){e-iiθ- eiiθ}/2i=π{e- e-iθ}/2θ=πsin(hθ)/θ for arclength l=r=Rθ and i2=ii=-1

    More details are below in the 'Let Pi be 3' essay from Wisconsin University and referring to the scriptural approximation for Pi in Euclidean flat space of 0 curvature.

    The hypervolume for the 3D Earth, embedded in 4D hyperspace as an idealised 3D-Spheroid as a 3D-Surface Area or radial derivative of a 4-dimensional toroidal hypersphere, can so be considered to increase its 3D volume as a 'Manifold Inflation' as a function of radial displacement: RSphere/{96π}.
    For a 1000-fold inflation or magnification then the Earth's radius would be 6,706.156773.. kilometers and descriptive for the Thermosphere of the planetary atmosphere, extending from the mean radii of the earth's surface at the poles at about 6,357 km and at the equator at approximately 6,378 km in so 349 km and 328 km into radial hyperspace respectively. The International Spacestation orbits between 320 km and 380 km at a height also characteristic for communication satellites.

    Daniel 7:10
    A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him: thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him: the judgment was set, and the books were opened.

    Jude 1:14
    And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints,

    Revelation 5:11
    And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders: and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands;

    Revelation 9:16
    And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them.

    7,000,000,000 + 200,000,000 = 7,200,000,000 = 144,000 x 50,000 = Old Humanoid + New Humanoid (Starhuman ET) = Starplanetary Genome Distribution

    pi1. pi2. pi3. pi4. pi5. pi6. pi7. pi8. pi9. cosmicpi.
    The hypervolume for the 3D Earth, embedded in 4D hyperspace as an idealised 3D-Spheroid as a 3D-Surface Area or radial derivative of a 4-dimensional toroidal hypersphere, can so be considered to increase its 3D volume as a 'Manifold Inflation' as a function of radial displacement: RSphere/{96π}. For a 1000-fold inflation or magnification then the Earth's radius would be 6,706.156773.. kilometers and descriptive for the Thermosphere of the planetary atmosphere, extending from the mean radii of the earth's surface at the poles at about 6,357 km and at the equator at approximately 6,378 km in so 349 km and 328 km into radial hyperspace respectively. The International Spacestation orbits between 320 km and 380 km at a height also characteristic for communication satellites.

    The Collapse of the Thermosphere
    By Dr. Tony Phillips - Jul 20, 2010

    New research shows that the outermost layer of the atmosphere will lose 3 percent of its density over the coming decade, a sign of the far-reaching impacts of greenhouse gas emissions. As the density declines, orbiting satellites experience less drag.

    Illustration ©UCAR NASA-funded researchers are monitoring a big event in our planet’s atmosphere. High above Earth’s surface where the atmosphere meets space, a rarefied layer of gas called "the thermosphere" recently collapsed and now is rebounding again.
    "This is the biggest contraction of the thermosphere in at least 43 years," says John Emmert of the Naval Research Lab, lead author of a paper announcing the finding in the June 19th issue of the Geophysical Research Letters (GRL). "It’s a Space Age record."

    The collapse happened during the deep solar minimum of 2008-2009—a fact which comes as little surprise to researchers. The thermosphere always cools and contracts when solar activity is low. In this case, however, the magnitude of the collapse was two to three times greater than low solar activity could explain. "Something is going on that we do not understand," says Emmert.

    The thermosphere ranges in altitude from 90 km to 600+ km. It is a realm of meteors, auroras and satellites, which skim through the thermosphere as they circle Earth. It is also where solar radiation makes first contact with our planet. The thermosphere intercepts extreme ultraviolet (EUV) photons from the Sun before they can reach the ground. When solar activity is high, solar EUV warms the thermosphere, causing it to puff up like a marshmallow held over a camp fire. (This heating can raise temperatures as high as 1400 K—hence the name thermosphere.)
    When solar activity is low, the opposite happens. Lately, solar activity has been very low. In 2008 and 2009, the Sun plunged into a century-class solar minimum. Sunspots were scarce, solar flares almost non-existent, and solar EUV radiation was at a low ebb. Researchers immediately turned their attention to the thermosphere to see what would happen. How do you know what’s happening all the way up in the thermosphere?

    Layers of Earth’s upper atmosphere. Credit: John Emmert/NRL - See more at:

    Emmert uses a clever technique: Because satellites feel aerodynamic drag when they move through the thermosphere, it is possible to monitor conditions there by watching satellites decay. He analyzed the decay rates of more than 5000 satellites ranging in altitude between 200 and 600 km and ranging in time between 1967 and 2010. This provided a unique space-time sampling of thermospheric density, temperature, and pressure covering almost the entire Space Age.
    In this way he discovered that the thermospheric collapse of 2008-2009 was not only bigger than any previous collapse, but also bigger than the Sun alone could explain. One possible explanation is carbon dioxide (CO2). When carbon dioxide gets into the thermosphere, it acts as a coolant, shedding heat via infrared radiation. It is widely-known that CO2 levels have been increasing in Earth’s atmosphere.

    Extra CO2 in the thermosphere could have magnified the cooling action of solar minimum. "But the numbers don’t quite add up," says Emmert. "Even when we take CO2 into account using our best understanding of how it operates as a coolant, we cannot fully explain the thermosphere’s collapse." - See more at:

    Image of an ‘eruptive prominence’ on the Sun captured in March of 2004 by the SOHO spacecraft. Energy from the Sun has a profound effect on our planet’s biosphere. Credit: SOHO - See more at:

    According to Emmert and colleagues, low solar EUV accounts for about 30% of the collapse. Extra CO2 accounts for at least another 10%. That leaves as much as 60% unaccounted for. In their GRL paper, the authors acknowledge that the situation is complicated. There’s more to it than just solar EUV and terrestrial CO2. For instance, trends in global climate could alter the composition of the thermosphere, changing its thermal properties and the way it responds to external stimuli.
    The overall sensitivity of the thermosphere to solar radiation could actually be increasing. "The density anomalies," they wrote, "may signify that an as-yet-unidentified climatological tipping point involving energy balance and chemistry feedbacks has been reached."

    Or not. Important clues may be found in the way the thermosphere rebounds. Solar minimum is now coming to an end, EUV radiation is on the rise, and the thermosphere is puffing up again. Exactly how the recovery proceeds could unravel the contributions of solar vs. terrestrial sources. "We will continue to monitor the situation," says Emmert.

    Based on a science@NASA news release - See more at:

    Quiet Sun Means Cooling of Earth's Upper Atmosphere

    Published by Matt on Fri Dec 18, 2009 2:36 pm via: NASA

    New measurements from a NASA satellite show a dramatic cooling in the upper atmosphere that correlates with the declining phase of the current solar cycle. For the first time, researchers can show a timely link between the Sun and the climate of Earth’s thermosphere, the region above 100 km, an essential step in making accurate predictions of climate change in the high atmosphere.

    Scientists from NASA’s Langley Research Center and Hampton University in Hampton, Va., and the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo., presented these results at the fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco from Dec. 14 to 18.


    Data from the TIMED (Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics) mission are being used to understand the climate of the upper atmosphere. Credit: NASA
    Earth’s thermosphere and mesosphere have been the least explored regions of the atmosphere. The NASA Thermosphere-Ionosphere-Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics (TIMED) mission was developed to explore the Earth’s atmosphere above 60 km altitude and was launched in December 2001. One of four instruments on the TIMED mission, the Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry (SABER) instrument, was specifically designed to measure the energy budget of the mesosphere and lower thermosphere. The SABER dataset now covers eight years of data and has already provided some basic insight into the heat budget of the thermosphere on a variety of timescales.
    The extent of current solar minimum conditions has created a unique situation for recent SABER datasets, explains Stan Solomon, acting director of the High Altitude Observatory, National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo. The end of solar cycle 23 has offered an opportunity to study the radiative cooling in the thermosphere under exceptionally quiescent conditions.
    “The Sun is in a very unusual period,” said Marty Mlynczak, SABER associate principal investigator and senior research scientist at NASA Langley. “The Earth’s thermosphere is responding remarkably — up to an order of magnitude decrease in infrared emission/radiative cooling by some molecules.”
    The TIMED measurements show a decrease in the amount of ultraviolet radiation emitted by the Sun. In addition, the amount of infrared radiation emitted from the upper atmosphere by nitric oxide molecules has decreased by nearly a factor of 10 since early 2002. These observations imply that the upper atmosphere has cooled substantially since then. The research team expects the atmosphere to heat up again as solar activity starts to pick up in the next year.
    While this warming has no implications for climate change in the troposphere, a fundamental prediction of climate change theory is that the upper atmosphere will cool in response to increasing carbon dioxide. As the atmosphere cools the density will increase, which ultimately may impact satellite operations through increased drag over time.
    The SABER dataset is the first global, long-term, and continuous record of the Nitric oxide (NO) and Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from the thermosphere.
    “We suggest that the dataset of radiative cooling of the thermosphere by NO and CO2 constitutes a first climate data record for the thermosphere,” says Mlynczak.
    The TIMED data provide a climate record for validation of upper atmosphere climate models, which is an essential step in making accurate predictions of climate change in the high atmosphere. SABER provides the first long-term measurements of natural variability in key terms of the upper atmosphere climate.
    “A fundamental prediction of climate change theory is that upper atmosphere will cool in response to greenhouse gases in the troposphere,” says Mlynczak. “Scientists need to validate that theory. This climate record of the upper atmosphere is our first chance to have the other side of the equation.”
    James Russell III, SABER principal investigator and co-director of the Center for Atmospheric Sciences at Hampton University in Hampton, Va., agrees adding, “The atmosphere is a coupled system. If you pick up one end of the stick, you automatically pick up the other – they’re intrinsically linked. To be as accurate as possible, scientists have to understand global change throughout the atmosphere.”
    As the TIMED mission continues, these data derived from SABER will become important in assessing long term atmospheric changes due to the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
    TIMED is the first mission in the Solar Terrestrial Probes Program within the Heliophysics Division in NASA’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington.

    Wyzard, January 6th, 2013 (+11UCT)

    I Am One in Many and I Am Many in One!
    admin, 4 minutes ago Edit History Delete IP Report
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2017
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Update on Starplanet Gaia Serpentina's 5-dimensional timespace matrix and the occurrence of 'cometary visitations'


    As the message preceding this update indicates; the above picture (said to be shrouded in an amount of secrecy according to the mentioned Nasa sources) relates to observed and implied changes in the magnetic fields throughout the solar systems of the local starsystem of Rahsol (or Sol as the local Sun, so 8 light minutes or 1 Astronomical Unit (1 AU) of so 150 million kilometres distant from the Earth). As 1 AU is the distance between the Sun Rahsol and the Earth, it takes approximately 150,000,000/300,000=500 seconds or 8⅓ minutes for a light signal travelling at lightspeed 'c'=300,000 km per second to travel the distance between the Sun and the Earth.

    Thuban dragons know, that the multidimensional poleshift of December 21st, 2012 at the centre of the earth allowed a Möbian brane twist of the 4D inertia-mass equivalent 'Black Holed Gaia' to change the moperational mode of the old earth into a modus operandi of 'White Holed Inversion' or Reciprocity.
    This in effect changed the previous cosmic identity of Gaia Earth as a cosmic data receiver into that of a cosmic data emitter.

    This update addresses the present status of this data emission in relation to an overall starsystem based mode of information sharing in the extended 4-dimensional space matrix now available for this purpose.

    The 'secrecy' regarding the picture above (presumably from Russian researcher Alexey Dmitriev) is not a big cover up, but certain factions of the 'initiated' know that the changes in the solar system relate to the extended starsystem of Rahsol as a bridging medium to reach the neighbouring starsystem of Proxima-Beta-Alpha Centauri, commonly known as the constellation of the Southern Cross and with Proxima Centauri the nearest star to the local Sun at 4.25 light years or so 268,000 AU's away.

    This can be seen on the pic above as a region between 100,000 and 1,000,000 AUs.
    The so called Kuiper Belt of the 'planetesimals' extends so 100 AU and encompasses all planets in the local solar system, with Pluto at about 40 AU and other trans Neptunian planets and objects referred to as Kuiper Belt objects, then extending to a few hundred AUs.

    The Oort Cloud, from where the comets are said to originate from, then extends the Kuiper region of the local starsystem towards the neighbouring starsystems in a scale from say 10,000 to 20,000 AU.
    The 'secret science of the dragons or starhuman ETs' now knows, that the 4-dimensional expansion of the new starplanetary timespace matrix propagates at lightspeed from the starplanet's centre outwards to share and transmit its hdata collected in its physical 4.6 billion yhear history with the greater universe.

    Since December 21st, 2012 then to February 15th, 2013, 56 days measured at the local chronos, have elapsed. This time period signifies a 'New Rainbow Dragon Covenant' between the Starhuman ETs and a small remnant or genomatic stock of the 'Old Earth', meaning the human civilisation in the old data receiving mode of its engulfing 4-dimensional spacetime matrix.

    56 lightdays so calculate the maximum extent of the extended 'bubble atmosphere' of Gaia Serpentina and this number calculates as 56x24x3600=4,838,400 light seconds or 4,838,400/500=9,676.8 AUs.
    Looking at the 'secret chart' , this signifies the 104=10,000 marker and so the 'edge' of the localised Oort Cloud.
    This means, that at lightspeed, the Data history of Gaia Serpentina has now reached the Oort Cloud and the history of the earth in parameters of consciousness evolution and information is now being openly shared and 'processed' by the encompassing 4-dimensional volume defined by this nexus marker of the Rainbow Covenant between Starman and the Creator-Creation monadic dyad exposited elsewhere.
    In terms of the general celestial history of the extended starsystem environment, such as the periodic intersection of comets and meteorites; those occurrences continue as observed and often prdicted to great accuracy; all such 'visitations' are however reconfigured in the new Gaian 5-dimensional timespace bubble, whenever this 'new spacial realm' is encountered by the periodic or transiting celestial phenomena.

    The recent 'comets' and meteorites therefore are 'different in energy' (or so called Nabs vibrations), than they would bne, if not intyersecting the Gaian 'Bubble Volume' of the Starplanet.
    The recent encounters of such comets and meteorites, as well as particular political-socioeconomic and otherwise developments in the 'trickle down' effect into the old perceived 4D spacetime realism of this still quarantined planetary civilisation, should therefore be assessed and analysed with the knowledge of the Thuban dragons herewith shared and disseminated.

    More details about how Old Earth became a New Earth is found here and on related messages.

    Last edited: Nov 4, 2015
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    My Posts
    Posts: 2163
    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Jan 5th 2013

    Update on the Cosmic 'Bubble' of the galactic signal reconfiguring the Milky Way Galaxy in the electromagnetic spectra

    The 'Two Lobes' of the recently 'discovered' galactic structure (see NASA data below), each of a 'size' of the Precessional Year, emit Electromagnetic Radiation as the extent of this wavefront encompassing the galactic history of the Old Humanity destined to become galactic in its metamorphosis into a StarHumanity following the Insemination, Gestation, Birth and weaning of the dispensation of the World Logos as published in the Thuban data stream and associated information of related sources.

    NASA's Fermi Telescope Finds Giant Structure in our Galaxy!!

    498884main_df3_fermi_bubble_art_labels. 498886main_df4_bubbles_graphs.

    Monster Outflows Pouring Out Of Milky Way’s Center

    January 2, 2013

    Image Caption: The new-found outflows of particles (pale blue) from the galactic Center. The background image is the whole Milky Way at the same scale. The curvature of the outflows is real, not a distortion caused by the imaging process. Credit: radio image -- E. Carretti (CSIRO); radio data -- S-PASS team; optical image -- A. Mellinger (Central Michigan University); scientific imager, E. Bressert (CSIRO) [ Full Size Image ]

    [ Video 1 ] | Video 2 ]

    Lee Rannals for – Your Universe Online

    Astronomers using CSIRO’s 210-feet Parkes radio telescope in eastern Australia have found monstrous outflows of charged particles coming from the center of our galaxy.
    The researchers said that the outflows contain an extraordinary amount of energy, reaching about a million times the energy of an exploding star.
    Although the outflows are shooting out at over 600 miles per second, they pose no danger to Earth or the solar system.
    “They are not coming in our direction, but go up and down from the galactic plane,” said CSIRO’s Dr. Ettore Carretti. “We are 30,000 light-years away from the galactic center, in the plane. They are no danger to us.”
    The outflows extend 50,000 light-years from top to bottom out of the galactic plane, which equals half the diameter of the Milky Way.
    Astronomers said the outflows stretch about two-thirds across the sky from horizon to horizon, and correspond to a “haze” of microwave emission previously spotted by the WMAP and Planck space telescopes.
    These telescopes did not provide enough evidence to indicate definitively the source of the radiation they detected, but the new Parkes observations do.
    “The options were a quasar-like outburst from the black hole at the galactic center, or star-power — the hot winds from young stars, and exploding stars,” said team member Dr. Gianni Bernardi of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. “Our observations tell us it’s star-power.”
    The outflows appear to have been driven by many generations of stars forming and exploding in the galactic center over the past hundred million years. In order to determine this, astronomers had to measure the outflows’ magnetic fields.
    “We did this by measuring a key property of the radio waves from the outflows — their polarization,” said team member Dr. Roland Crocker of the Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik in Heidelberg, Germany, and the Australian National University.
    The latest observations of the outflows help to answer one of astronomy’s biggest questions about our galaxy: how it is able to generate and maintain its magnetic field.
    “The outflow from the galactic center is carrying off not just gas and high-energy electrons, but also strong magnetic fields,” said team member Dr. Marijke Haverkorn of Radboud University in The Netherlands. “We suspect this must play a big part in generating the galaxy’s overall magnetic field.”

    Source: Lee Rannals for - Your Universe Online

    Post last edited Jan 5th 2013

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