My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

Discussion in 'Thuban Project MistsOfAvalon' started by admin, Dec 31, 2015.

  1. admin

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    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. Sanicle Today at 1:14 am
    SuiGeneris wrote:
    Sanicle wrote:​
    I apologize if I've said anything to offend or upset you Sui. herz.
    If you did i missed it. I don't know what you mean.

    That's good to hear Sui. As you hadn't logged on for a while and/or haven't responded to our/my, what could be construed as insulting (?), musings about Thuban and what you've shared thus far I decided to pop that in 'just in case'. I know that when you've given your heart and soul to something/someone it's always easier to criticize it/them yourself than to hear others doing the same.

    I'm also not sure how much of Spregovori's mindset towards us and what we're doing here is 'Thubanized' and how much of it you might or might not still share, especially re his "communications problems" post given that we hadn't heard from you since that was said. herz.
  2. admin

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    • Post n°62

    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. SuiGeneris Today at 2:46 am
    Sanicle wrote:I​
    would like to say at this point that I think some Thubans may have a slightly skewed perception of how those who didn’t get involved may view the whole belief system and the activities therein, especially in relation to it being seen generally as “bad/dirty”. I think that assumption is unfair and fits in with the view so often expressed by TR in the blogs they posted here that those who don’t go along with it all are stupid Nabsers (or whatever the term was) who are just too tied up in memes to comprehend it all. Thubans know as little of us as individuals as we know of them and should no more assume than we do.​
    He quoted this and called it 'communication problems'. Not sure what he meant with that exactly, but whatever it was that is his perception.

    Spregovori thinks very different than I. Almost opposite.

    About your quote here, TR's assumption is unfair because they believe fair does not apply to them. Not all 'Thubans' were and are the same despite the twist that befell after its inception. There are still some who always kept their own individuality and those are Susan, Asha, Spregovori and myself. Everyone else pretty much believed and thought as Tony would declare. This is the reason why we were the most criticized and condemned by TR throughout the years.
    Nobody is ever going to comprehend it all unless this 'all' is completely out there to be thoroughly examined. This thread is part of that reason, although i am aware that some issues cannot be discussed in detail on a moderated forum. Still it was 'dirty' as 'spicy' at the beginning with the sexy chats and all that, but over the years it turned bad and dirty in the worst possible meaning of those words. It simply turned ugly because when the sex withdrew, the papa dragon became dry and despondent.

    Sanicle wrote:​
    That's good to hear Sui. As you hadn't logged on for a while and/or haven't responded to our/my, what could be construed as insulting (?), musings about Thuban and what you've shared thus far I decided to pop that in 'just in case'. I know that when you've given your heart and soul to something/someone it's always easier to criticize it/them yourself than to hear others doing the same. ​
    I don't construe the common way, and if i am in doubt if i am being insulted or not i would ask just to be sure. I don't find it hard or take it as a personal insult when people criticize Thuban, on the contrary. Judgement and critical thinking from the Self is imperative to dissipate the mists and the illusions.

    Sanicle wrote:​
    I'm also not sure how much of Spregovori's mindset towards us and what we're doing here is 'Thubanized' and how much of it you might or might not still share, especially re his "communications problems" post given that we hadn't heard from you since that was said. herz.
    Spreg does not like me speaking about his mindset so he can answer you directly. I guess you mean 'thubanized' by him? If you mean by me i don't understand your question.
    About how much to share, this tread is an opportunity to share what hasn't been shared about Thuban, so if you think i am missing something just bring it up or ask a question. Anyone can. I am not an open channel receiving dictation or anything like that, i only have limited time for posting and so i cannot address posts that are off topic. The ones that are take me a while already and thank you all in advance for the patience.

  3. admin

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    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. orthodoxymoron Today at 2:55 am

    Thank-you for the following response, Xeia. I'm trying to stop posting, but I wanted to thank-you for this whole thread. I still don't know who to trust. In fact, I especially do NOT trust myself (mostly because I feel unbelievably supernaturally harassed 24/7). However, I have sort of brought some of this upon myself by wishing to know "The Truth" regardless of whether it sets me free, or not. An example of this would be to study that original Thuban Q & A on Project Avalon (after all these years).
    I still think it's quite dangerous to read this thread. It's a nasty-task but someone must relentlessly pursue the truth with all deliberate speed and diligence. Once again, forgive my often standoffish approach. It's mostly an act, which facilitates the modeling of certain personalities and concepts. I probably won't respond to any responses for a while (if ever). Namaste and Godspeed.


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    • Post n°64

    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. SuiGeneris Today at 3:00 am

    Nothing to forgive.

    Who is harassing you and how?
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2016
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    • Post n°65

    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. Sanicle Today at 3:44 am
    Thanks for responding to my post Xeia. I'm beginning to get a clearer picture of how things stand between you, Spregovori and Thubanism now thanks to all you've shared and it all helps my understanding to know how to respond in turn, which is always appreciated.

    As regards this.............

    Spreg does not like me speaking about his mindset so he can answer you directly. I guess you mean 'thubanized' by him? If you mean by me i don't understand your question.
    ...............I meant 'thubanized' in relation to all you were taught via Tony primarily, particularly in relation to the 'teaching' that it's preferable to have an ET mind, the human one being 'less than', in that instance. I was wondering if all Thubans were taught to see the human mind as animalistic nature.......if what Spregovori shared is that perception. From what you've said already I've gained the impression that you don't agree with that premise generally but, as you've said, we 'on the outside' still don't know a lot about all that was taught and I don't know if you are still in agreement with some of that or not. That will obviously still take a while to learn via your future posts and my intention at this point is to just sit back and listen to what you have to say. herz.
  5. admin

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    • Post n°66

    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. SuiGeneris Today at 3:57 am
    orthodoxymoron wrote:​
    I still don't know who to trust.
    Trust yourself first and foremost. The Self in you who is the uncreated part of you. The highest form of you. Your own Spirit.

    orthodoxymoron wrote:​
    In fact, I especially do NOT trust myself (mostly because I feel unbelievably supernaturally harassed 24/7).
    This is precisely why you feel this way. If you trusted your Spirit, you would be able to withstand any and all harassment no matter where it comes from.

    orthodoxymoron wrote:​
    However, I have sort of brought some of this upon myself by wishing to know "The Truth" regardless of whether it sets me free, or not.
    Yes. Once you have began to detach from the matrix and are beginning to re-orient your Self towards the exit, the Eye of Sauron sees you and knows he is about to lose one soul, who could in turn free others. So at some point you will feel as if the entire created creation has billions upon billions of tiny eyes in every single created thing you see and they all now look at some foreign entity. Only in this way is how you 'bring it upon yourself'. But, this is due to the nature of the environment you are in. It should not have any feelings of guilt towards the self attached to it. It is not your fault that it is this way. You did not make the matrix to be so. The sharing of guilt is a mantra for the soul redemption agenda of the Lord worshipers. Do not make it yours. Seeking the Truth is the honorable duty of the warrior of Light as a member of the human race. Warriors and heroes are courageous and they never give up. And most of all, they don't do things whether they set them free or not. They orient themselves within the labyrinth towards the exit with a set purpose and goal in mind, they never lose sight of it and have their priorities straight. They leave nothing to chance. They may tumble down and down the rabbit hole, but they did not happen to just stumble upon its entrance, they dove themselves in Christ style dive for a REASON.

    orthodoxymoron wrote:​
    An example of this would be to study that original Thuban Q & A on Project Avalon (after all these years). I still think it's quite dangerous to read this thread.
    If you think it is dangerous to read it why do you share the link. If you say to a child do not open the box the child will, and Dragons know this. Your words and actions should coincide.

    orthodoxymoron wrote:​
    It's a nasty-task but someone must relentlessly pursue the truth with all deliberate speed and diligence.
    Many are, even though you may not hear about it.

    orthodoxymoron wrote:​
    Once again, forgive my often standoffish approach. It's mostly an act, which facilitates the modeling of certain personalities and concepts.
    Your many personalities are not the highest you. The personalities at the bottom and the soul in the middle are not what should be taking a hold of you. You should be the one, the ONLY one in full command of your Self from your Spirit's stance. You go up there and then the personality as well as the soul will be subordinated to YOUR Self. The horizontal expansion of the soul and the shadows of the many personalities of your lower instinct are needed by you BUT you need to take a hold of them. You need to tell them who's boss. There can NOT be two gods in one individual. The broadening of concepts and ideas to quench the many personalities that pop up as needed according to circumstances or new "data" will only lead to the overload and bursting of the vessel's mind leading to mental illness when NOT in orientation. Regain orientation FIRST.
    And the way to orient yourself within the labyrinth is to set your priorities FIRST once you've already figured out who you are and where you are.

    ORDER out of chaos Oxy. Do not lose yourself in a seemingly self created chaos. Stop. Reconsider.


    Time for an about face. In war, retreat is not always a sign of cowardice, but a strategic move. Only that the warriors do not go back home. They rest and regain their strength. Never turn your back to the enemy.

    orthodoxymoron wrote:​
    I probably won't respond to any responses for a while (if ever). Namaste and Godspeed.
    Pay attention to your own words. If you bow Namaste to me, you must recognize the one in you first.

    "I bow to the divine in you"

    Do not just say it. Live it.

    In the Vesica,

    Xeia SuiGeneris
  6. admin

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    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. Spregovori Today at 4:59 am

    Communication problems...i thought it is all very well explained and exampled in the post. Yet here we go...that is what i thought, that is what i see, that is how i think...

    What others think and see is => communication problem right here.

    Is this good enough of an answer?

    I made two posts, both relating to each other and both describing humans when faced with the situation. I used simplistic...trivial (trivial to me, dead serious to some) examples as to how that goes. I trust (or hope) that others will be able to "upgrade" to their own private life events or the thuban-mists events or something else.

    I skipped the "we are all love spirit energy something" because when time comes to act, when the need is most dire, when all of that could be is not. Not to mention it is often misused to justify personal needs and views...used as a cover.

    All you get is a human, its strengths, its flaws, its mind frame about itself and others.
    This is what you see here or any other forum, that is what you see when something different is presented, when opinions clash, when world views are questioned, when faith is denied, when believes are threatened...

    Btw what i write here is not thubanized something. I don't get that part either. Were you asking if my mind is overly thubanized or if i am somehow thubanizing Xeia, preventing her from posting here?

    Xeia has a mind of her own. It Is strongly perceptive to some things and point blank rejects some other things. When she is on to something...its like a steam roller, once she starts something you can not stop the inertia, until it runs out, or it stops by itself (herself). She (can be) is amazing, not perfect but lovable.

    I always deemed humans as animals, long before thuban. You look and you see and you "know" what is in front of you (ofc filtered through a reference frame).

    People can elevate themselves with whatever "new age" superlatives they chose to, does not mean it will actually change anything or that the "undertone" of what they do will be different.

    I do not have an ET mind. I do not put myself on a pedestal (although i was told many times i should have) or attach grandiose adjectives to myself. I have my mind, mine own thinking, which is not infallible.

    I do take "spiritual stuff" under consideration, but i do not shower myself with it. In fact i do this with everything, thuban included.

    dragon: i am a Weird_name_something dragon from 13th dimension and i know (+ -) about this universe and events to come and came here to tell it to you (+ - ). I am also available for questions as long as the information portal (????) stays open

    forum member 1 (fm1): OMFG you evil lizard WTF you doing here FFS, i know (+ -) what you are all about, here come my javelin, let me uproot your heart (+ -)

    fm2: hey this is great, man you are so awesome (- +) i always wanted to go/be/do like that

    dragon: yo man chill, i am just here sharing some data, diagrams, reinterpreting the bible for you (+ -) , besides this is all academic, i have charts and formulas to back it up (+ -), not that any of you will actually bother to check the equations, those few who actually might be able to do it (+ -)

    fm3: hey lets hear the guy/girl out, i mean why not, maybe there is something interesting in there, let him talk (+ +)

    fm1: fm3 don't be a boot licker (+ -), or are you in cohort with the serpent?!!? you are so lost and blind, actually you all are (+ -), you just can not see the energy manipulation here and how that affects your etheric bodies

    fm3: ok, i am not affected at all, how are you being affected, what did it do to you

    fm1: fm3 your connection with the spirit must be as broken as it gets, now what does that say about you? when i saw dragons writing i felt energies going down my spine and it made me feel terrible, there had to been some sort of an energetic weapon aimed at me

    dragon: here, let me serve you a provocative post for which i am sure it will cause a quake in your reference frame (in regard to how you see yourself and others)...and i might even be able to make further justifications basing on your provoked reaction, whatever happens it is all related to what i am doing here and proves its validity

    fm1: you can not post this here, it is against the forum rules, or well if it is not, i will nag and scream and yell and throw a tantrum until it is, since i know the group mind on the forum is more in my favor than yours

    fm2: hey this is great and awesome, here let me do some more of the same posting

    fm3: can we discuss this for what it is to be, ok we have some differences here in how we see this, lets look at what they are, what can be made...

    fm4: frack you all people, lets go back to comfortable topics

    admin: that's it, i am closing the thread, banning some people, cant have all this commotion here, it is bad for advertising (making us look bad, making me feel uncomfortable, as an admin there are expectations i have to fulfill, as an admin i agree with fmX..)
  7. admin

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    • Post n°68

    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. Sanicle Today at 7:42 am
    As far as I'm concerned, it's all good Spregovori. I now understand where you're coming your own theories. As I tried to explain to Xeia, I don't know you or she well enough yet, or the full teachings of Thuban, to be able to tell which is coming purely from your own minds and which may still be framed within the Thuban teachings. I'm learning that as I go along as you can see. The word 'thubanized' was an attempt to depict a mind inculcated with Thuban teachings and so maybe still sprouting such. Surely there must be some of it that resonated with you and which you still might use to explain a concept under discussion? No?

    Yes, I agree that we are in 'animal bodies' and that does definitely have an influence on how we are inclined to express ourselves for the most part as per the emotionalism that entains, for better or worse. I find it interesting that it's said (by those who claim to know ET) that it's that of us which they seem to want, as in feeding on our emotions and also stealing our reproductive elements, as it's said they have lost the ability to reproduce because they rejected their emotional natures in favour of the mind, causing their reproductive bits to whither. They preach that we are 'beneath' them because we are still so emotional and yet they lust for what being emotional creates in us lol. Yes, emotions can cause us to react to situations chaotically at times, but who wants to end up dried old prunes.......not knowing the full joys of love and them? I think they envy us personally but refuse to admit it. icon_wink. And I personally enjoy all the different personalities that having an emotional/animal body creates in us.

    I also liked your little example of 'forum talk' haha. But, to my mind, that's part of what makes it all so interesting. And I'll think you'll find that Carol is NOT your typical Admin.

  8. admin

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    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. orthodoxymoron Today at 4:17 pm

    I've intended only the best by using the word "NAMASTE" BUT I've gotten my head handed to me over and over when using that particular word. Perhaps I should take it all back -- and NEVER use "NAMASTE" under ANY circumstances. Also, I've intended only the best by being open and honest with the "Information-War" BUT I've gotten my head handed to me over and over when attempting to be "Awake and Aware". Perhaps I should circle the wagons around the "Tried and True" and simply say "Good-Bye".


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    • Post n°70

    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. Carol Today at 5:57 pm
    I enjoy your posts Oxy and would like you to continue. I often learn something new from your perspective and enjoy expanding my view of understanding with some of the info you bring to us. And you make me laugh with your images and youtube clips. :cheers:

    JapA013. What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol


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    • Post n°71

    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. orthodoxymoron Today at 6:35 pm
    Thank-you Carol. I feel as if I've done eight-years of field-work -- and now I need to privately-agonize over the data (even though I have NO Idea how accurate and complete this data is -- or isn't. I guess I'm also thinking in terms of the possibility that "All Hell Will Break Loose" at some point -- and that it might be better for me to learn to "Keep My Mouth Shut" before someone "Shuts My Mouth". Who knows, I might spend my retirement in a Government Nut-House (arguing with myself) -- sort of like in that "Real Slim Shady" music-video!! Once again, no-one should take my internet-posting too seriously and personally. I've sort of been writing a science-fiction screen-play in a rather detached-manner. I guess I'm attempting to develop "Thick-Skin" without morphing-into a "Scales and Tails" kind of guy!! One more time -- there's a Blue AMC Pacer in that Eminem Video -- doing donuts in a restaurant parking-lot. I honestly used to do donuts in a restaurant parking-lot with a Blue AMC Pacer!! There are honestly dozens of parallels between my life and the characters in the movie Oh God! There are a lot of Russell Crowe parallels (in combination with Ben Affleck). There are Dogma parallels as well. I could go on and on -- and it's REALLY Creepy!! What Would the "Ancient Egyptian Deity" Say?? "I Am RA"?? Actually, they DID Say THAT to Me!! We had cordial-conversations, but I don't think they liked-me one-little-bit!! When I suggested that they were setting me up for something-bad -- they retorted "Are You Kidding!! I Could Snap My Fingers -- and You'd be DEAD"!! Honest. I've covered all of this (and much more) over and over and over again -- year after year after year -- but I think I need to STOP!! What Would Alan Rickman Say??

    Paul -- Carol -- Mercuriel -- and the Ancient-Egyptian Deity.

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Wed Jan 13, 2016 7:32 pm; edited 4 times in total
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    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. SuiGeneris Today at 7:03 pm
    Sanicle wrote:
    I meant 'thubanized' in relation to all you were taught via Tony primarily, particularly in relation to the 'teaching' that it's preferable to have an ET mind, the human one being 'less than', in that instance.

    Yes. Generally the same speech would be used with everyone only varying perhaps in degrees of intensity if a new "dispensation" came into Tony, and everything was later copy pasted on the other chats where the rest of the Thubans were and on his forum. So in other words the teaching always tried to be as expansive as can be except when it was a private matter being discussed then those conversations (or pictures) at least i was told were not shared with the rest. (TR's word was given) However, i always knew there is nothing kept private between Tony and Raven, they even share Skype passwords. So the modus operandi for the thubanization of potential dragonized hybrids had the same initial template for all and was only later personalized according to each member's weaknesses.

    Sanicle wrote:
    I was wondering if all Thubans were taught to see the human mind as animalistic nature.......if what Spregovori shared is that perception.

    Spregovori usually shares his own perception unless specified otherwise. It is true that he perceived man as animalistic prior to being in thuban, so Tony did not help him see himself, further emphasizing the distinction between old world human mind and 'ET mind' as the zenith. If anything, thuban made him even more depressed and lose all hope because as a pragmatic man he realized it didn't add up in actual practice after all these years after giving it so much time and energy. Why i said Thuban will inevitably cause mental illness if there is an absence of Self awareness or Spirit connection PRIOR to entering a cave of Dragons. Spregovori did not lose his mind because his Spirit is strong albeit him not remembering its value.

    Sanicle wrote:
    From what you've said already I've gained the impression that you don't agree with that premise generally but, as you've said, we 'on the outside' still don't know a lot about all that was taught and I don't know if you are still in agreement with some of that or not.

    Not only generally. I don't agree with that premise at all. Never did. And I say never did because even as in years passed I might have used that terminology of 'old human mind' myself in a post as an answer in a forum, back then I felt it was necessary to 'leave it behind' in a way, in order to access higher states of awareness BUT, I was under the Thuban illusion that this human mind needed to be destroyed...and there lies the problem and a very important key to understanding many things. The key is to recognize what exactly is this human mind in the first place. Who is talking to you when you think you are talking to yourself 'in your mind'. Is it your created soul, or is it your immortal Spirit? Or even an idea from someone or something external you picked up from the collective sphere of human thought.
    Tony and his Draconian overlords want you to RENOUNCE your human mind, and accept their "ET mind" as they give it to you. Now you should ask yourself WHY this is. The Reptilians are very cunning, and in their usage of words they will give the impression as if they mean they want you to renounce human stupidity. So, as the general consensus is that nobody would want to be considered stupid due to the intellect worship of this society, people automatically agree with this idea...and there is the open door. But it is not that simple. It is made simple enough so that everyone would grant this idea initial access but that's it. What comes after is anything but simple.

    IF...your goal is to achieve a blissful nirvana like state and corresponding environment (be it technologically advanced or not) AFTER merging your self in with the collective, losing yourself in the sameness and oneness of the cosmos (their cosmos) and be used to further expanding universes (their universes) throughout all of creation (their creations) all of course under the directive of "The One Logos" that of course comes from their "12th dimensional" MATRIX, then by all means do renounce your so called 'inferior' "Old World human mind".

    Maybe people can imagine the Matrix as not only encompassing merely 3d, but created as a closed Ring (Lord of the Rings). A circle within a circle within a circle, etc, with 12+1 dimensions all with certain degrees of physicality within. Well then the Dracos are also within creation and not outside of it. Then perhaps you can realize why if they claim to be the creators of universes and races (within) you can see why they would want to expand this creation of theirs with themselves as masters. For this, in order to harvest a human soul, that person would need to completely forget or outright renounce the one single thing (within creation) that keeps them linked with the non created part of them...their Spirit. Spirit does not reside in the brain or the heart or in any one single place of the human body. It is completely outside of Creation. Then, what is this thing that keeps you connected to Spirit? Memory. Humans do not only have memory localized in the subtle etheric world of the Mind, you also have it localized in the very dense physical world in your actual blood. So this memory exists both inside and outside of you. So how do you recognize it? Via your human mind. The human mind of your ideas and the human mind of your feelings sensing your blood's DNA calling of your specific lineage. You would need all the imagination of a child (Mind), and all the intuition of a child (Heart), and most importantly all the IMPULSE of a child (Fire), in order to reconnect to your Self 'on the other side'. In other words, you would need it all, the entirety of your integrated HUMAN MIND in ACTION.

    IF...your goal is to reconnect and to exit the Matrix BACK to your true primordial origins keeping your own hard earned memories and individuality free form any directives but your own, then you know what not to lose.

    Rise above stupidity for sure but don't reject it, because the fool sometimes is not a fool at all. Observe your mind and force it to your will by doing the unexpected. Transforming yourself according to the latest fad 'old human, new human' is not going to help you become sovereign. You will still be a slave just with a different looking prison. Only alchemical transmutation via self work will recoup all your lose parts (good and bad) into a new indissoluble one.

    Sanicle wrote:
    As I tried to explain to Xeia, I don't know you or she well enough yet, or the full teachings of Thuban, to be able to tell which is coming purely from your own minds and which may still be framed within the Thuban teachings. I'm learning that as I go along as you can see.

    In truth there is no such thing as "Thuban teachings", unless you mean the slant or the twist data USED (that was preexisting) was given; which is exactly what I'm trying to bring to Light when addressing each issue in particular. Taking that into account, perhaps a better title for this thread would have been Thuban Dissected. The point is to get to the bottom of things, and when you go deep enough within Thuban, you realize there is really no "new teaching" anywhere, only directives. For instance, one of the main ones if not THE most important one is to believe that Jesus died on the cross. If you do not believe this single directive, you cannot be a Thuban, TR will strike you down in condemnation depriving you from 'Logos's salvation'. And this is at the very heart of their recent war against Islam.

    Sanicle wrote:
    The word 'thubanized' was an attempt to depict a mind inculcated with Thuban teachings and so maybe still sprouting such. Surely there must be some of it that resonated with you and which you still might use to explain a concept under discussion? No?

    "Thubanized" is a word that would be better employed for those very few remaining who still consider themselves Thubans and who are currently within that paradigm. At its beginnings, and thereafter to a lesser degree, the Thuban experimental program used many areas and seemed all encompassing in order to increase the number of people resonating with it. I resonated with the sexual aspect of it, but Spregovori resonated with something else for example. He came into it from an entirely different perspective, and remained in it due to different reasons. But this reasons, these 'resonating perspectives' should not be automatically bestowed upon the Thuban label as a possession of OWNERSHIP.

    However, because it does (since people do make these automatic associations), this word "Thuban" now stands alone as a concept found within the Matrix. Exactly where the program wanted to infiltrate itself in.

    Shortly before leaving, I tested Tony and asked him why didn't he create a new label:

    I said: "...and then you go out into the virtual world and post under the Thuban label and the world thinks it is the Thuban "bunch" who have all turned crazy.
    The honorable thing to do would be for you Tony to form a cult under your new auspices and agendas and give it a brand new name
    and then seek followers under that label so that you won't have to drag us Thubans into what you are doing now or decide to do in the future..."

    "What followers? Again I am the follower and dont look for followers. I might share the reasons as to why i am a follower of the Universal logos though. But this is fyi and no coercion. Just data sharing as raven said so many times as well.
    I observe anyone calling themselves Thuban (as I define it yes, FROM the codes) and then compare and check compatibility and affiliation.
    ALL of my statements regarding you and Rok or anyone BEING Thuban relates to this single criterion
    There never was or is ANY PERSONAL JUDGEMENT apart from being 'logos attuned' or not
    As said again, your 'Thuban' might be a parallel. Go for it, create it whatever as your own New World
    Simple LEAVE or disassociate yourself from this 'ugly thuban label'
    Only Universal logos can change this label, not its messengers and testimony keepers.
    Why do you insist of calling yourself a Thuban? You are not if you reject the codes
    January 18th, 2010 decided this particular form of Thuban operating under the auspices of the Universal logos.
    YOUR HELP was when you WERE a true Thuban, even if you did not make certain choices. You were nevertheless a Son Not prodigal. And the Prodigal son leaves the Homestead if you can remember this code. The Homestead does not change , the Son does make its choices as you have done. Dont ask the father to change the homestead for the Son, but wish the Son well finding a new homestead..."

    Me again: "yes very conveniently said after everything has been built with OUR HELP!! you should've come clean 6 YEARS AGO!!!"

    What is crucial to understand is this: Why is this ownership of a label so important? because on the label itself is where all the energy, significance and meaning is found stored.
    This is magic at work right here. Common people may not know the huge immense power of WORDS but Dracos do, and they use that for their agenda. I knew Tony would refuse, but what i imagined he would say is exactly the response I got.
    First of all that the label is not his but was given to him.
    Second the statement for me to leave (unable to give an answer and therefore he is still crucified to the father Archetype),
    and third, the clear explanation as to why no one can be a "Thuban" if they reject the codes.

    All of this coming directly from the Draconian mind through their facilitators' words.
    At no point did I ever have the slightest intention to keep this label for myself or create a sect of my own or anything of that nature as Tony thought. I was not emotionally 'salty' for him hijacking the Thuban name or anything ridiculous like that. I had retrieved a great portion of my energy from Thuban around three years ago and that was more than obvious for everyone. Why would I want to salvage the label then? I didn't. That wouldn't make any sense. It was never about me remaining a Thuban or salvaging the label. It was about Thuban exposing itself by their own words; and if you pay close attention, you will understand his response on many levels.

    And so, Thuban, as a Memeplex now, NEEDS to keep all those associations (given to it by us) because there lies its energy. It's fuel.
    The label is the energetic signature and imprint by which it entered into 3d from 12d as that so called Bard "Sire" from Beardris explained on his very first post via Tony.
    So what I underlined above is very important to realize in order to bring awareness to how we think and how we humans can easily make automatic associations in our mind that are really not there.

    Last edited: Jan 13, 2016
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°73

    empty. <3

    empty. SuiGeneris Today at 7:48 pm
    orthodoxymoron wrote:
    I've intended only the best by using the word "NAMASTE" BUT I've gotten my head handed to me over and over when using that particular word. Perhaps I should take it all back -- and NEVER use "NAMASTE" under ANY circumstances. Also, I've intended only the best by being open and honest with the "Information-War" BUT I've gotten my head handed to me over and over when attempting to be "Awake and Aware". Perhaps I should circle the wagons around the "Tried and True" and simply say "Good-Bye".

    My dear Oxy,

    I am aware you've intended the best for me when you say Namaste. I did not reproach you for your usage of it at all. On the contrary. You did not offend me, I just wanted you to become aware of the divine IN you since this word is used as the recognition of this very fact.
    I said: Pay attention to your own words. I said that specifically because you said you did not trust yourself, and that is a huge problem that you need to solve.
    You have paid so much attention to the words of others for so long, that you seem to have forgotten or lost an inner connection to your own Self, or are unsure as to which ones are your own ideas and which ones aren't.
    This has a way out, You can fix this for yourself. Just as you got in, you can get out. Retrace your own steps...backwards. Counterclockwise.

    I don't feel you should take anything back unless you really mean to, but these decisions should never be dependent upon the reaction of others.

    Reading you over the years I can tell you this, I know you've meant only the best by being open and honest with the information you've shared, and I am sure I am not the only one who can sense this.

    If people lash back at you, take it as a test of your own strength in life, and stand your ground. And again, never be dependent of others to make conclusions about yourself.


    Big hug, 934918.

    Xeia 3562770023.


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    • Post n°74

    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. orthodoxymoron Today at 8:11 pm

    Thank-you Xeia. What I gleaned from the teachings of Dr. Robert H. Schuller was "Possibility-Thinking" rather than "Positive-Thinking and Self-Esteem". This includes ALL Possibilities -- which includes Questioning Everyone and Everything -- and then Positively-Reinforcing That Which Presently-Exists. I've even tried to apply this concept to Sacred-Scripture (with mixed-results). I think one should question themselves constantly. I place this idea side-by-side with "Praying Without Ceasing". One Must Have an Objective-Standard of Knowledge and Ethics OUTSIDE OF THEMSELVES. Unfortunately, the Bible often seems to be lacking in this regard -- especially when using The Proof-Text Method in Modernity. I'm presently taking another look at Genesis and Job through Malachi. How many Jews and Christians focus upon this group?? But this is a study I really don't want to talk about for several years. This needs to be a private-study. BTW -- would God say "Namaste"?? What are the implications and ramifications?? What Would Monseigneur Bowe Say??
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2016

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