My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

Discussion in 'Thuban Project MistsOfAvalon' started by admin, Dec 31, 2015.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    empty. dear Rok,

    empty. SuiGeneris Today at 5:23 am
    Spregovori wrote:Do not argue in front of the kids or wash dirty laundry in the public...or how that goes.

    You are stating some quite personal things in here and this can be two edged.
    We learn by our personal experiences as well as personal experiences others have had. If I am going to worry about the sword coming back at me in life, then I would never do anything risky; and sometimes the benefits outweigh the possible risks.

    I am not so overly enthusiastic about this post being here. People (those who heard or read about it) are already confused and this will confuse them further.
    Who is confused and what are they confused about? I don’t think I understood this.

    Will try to fill in some gaps from my point of view. I am the one mentioned as Rok.

    Origins go back to old Avalon where forum admin GaiaLove (after Anchor recused himself) under the silent dictate of Bill Ryan, demonstrated "everything that is wrong today in the world". Yes the same GaiaLove who later "unknowingly to anyone else" installed a module to read private messages on Avalon2 and had a bit of a fallout with its "founder". The details of either story seek out yourself if u care to.

    It made me very grim seeing the actual thriving community of the old Avalon forum being taken apart (it worked best as long as the founders kept their distance) by its "leader" and one of the two (Bill) "most prominent" (at least at that time) people in the alternative UFO expose community. Kerry was never around much unless when she came to "bark orders", as one of the former moderators of that forum put it.

    Thuban was a group of ideas which to me at the very start formed a philosophy. Something i saw as a solid platform to build upon and eventually bypass the human mind frame i was seeing all around me among all those "awakened folk".
    I also saw it as a platform, but for me it was a POSSIBLE platform...not solid because it was just starting but at least it wasn’t afraid to touch upon taboo topics, so that felt refreshing to me. What I liked the most was that we were not only to “philosophize” about it, but to put it into actual practice and that is what captivated me. Statements like “many times attempted but never actually achieved in the history of humanity” sounded wonderful to me…and they are, so I was like OK! Let’s do it! Considering they were also mixed in with things like “We are to respect each other’s individuality and uniqueness”. And what better way to gain followers. I mean, who wouldn’t like that? Specially amidst that environment of AV1. But you know? Those WORDS were used but they really meant something else. Now I’m thinking they meant more like say: Smaug, the most magnificent and mightiest of Dragons alive on Earth sitting there in all his greatness over that treasure —his “information”, his ‘legacy’—. And so he isn’t going to care from whence that Gold came from. Do you think he cares? He has stolen the gold and jewels anyway. And some of those jewels were stolen from other races as well. No idea is really new…not even a compendium of some borrowed ideas put together under the name Thuban, as everything already exists in the Akash. So then all are invited, all are welcomed at first. All backgrounds, all ages, all genders, all opinions, doesn’t matter, so long you are to eventually assimilate the “databank” and give it the LIFE that it lacks.
    Have you noticed how all the facilities and factories of the world are just HUGE depositories of technological machinery devoid of energy? If electricity were to miss everything would come to a complete standstill. What good would these machines be? They would be ‘hollow’ and useless. Just as all those coins Smaug sleeps on holds no real value unless someone decides to give it some. WE are the electricity Thuban needed. Without US humans the idea of ‘Thuban’ withers and dies. WE RULE THE WORLD! Not machines! The soul becomes so enthralled by the Dragon’s wittiness and gives its power away unknowingly, but when our internal forge is fanned by our Will, we regain the CHARGE lost. (Will go back to the “human” label later)

    It later, very unfortunately in my view, became "evangelized". For me personally that was a huge setback (in various ways) but i decided to stick around, most notably, i decided to do so due to Xeia also being there. Not so much later thuban was upgraded with sexual under and over tones. To me that was confusing and seemed unnecessary.
    I understand how it is confusing for someone as pragmatic as you who hasn’t been exposed to the esoteric and such. But Thuban needed the sexual element, otherwise it would have never taken off. This sexual aspect of Thuban is huge, as huge as the secret of sexuality is, where it is exactly, how to ignite it, how to use it, when, etc. Maybe not you personally but we often told others directly or indirectly that we held this secret. Personally I can say I didn’t learn anything about sex while in Thuban that I didn’t already know beforehand. So if our sexual power is already in us, why struck that cord? It is not because we needed to be taught how to do it right, but because “The Logos” wanted us to do it to suck in that energy. Sex opens portals. You used that portal yourself coming to this world. Everytime we were told to have sex and “share it” with others, we were in fact being used as a means to an end that had more to do with opening these portals for the “dead ones” (another topic that needs going back to) than our own personal integration or individuation.

    I would not say people became hooked as Xeia put it. Those most eager to partake were actually the very first to leave. I know i simply held myself back and was not present on the "ning scene". After which the whole "sexy chat" thing actually subsided. I recall rejecting attempts or even demolishing some with my "hang-ups" as others called it.
    From the Thuban perspective, the Sexy chats were simply a mental prelude. A way to ‘test the waters’ and experiment seeing different ways to guide us into gradually ignoring or pushing aside inhibitions that some had more than others. For a time we were told to try to eroticize our minds to the max and exchange sexual energy MENTALLY and later releasing all that built up energy with our corresponding partners (for those who actually had one), or else alone. Tony said the “Logos’ was against retaining ‘emissions’, and so that right there discards in one swoop an entire school of thought that teaches reaching enlightenment via abstinence. So as you can see Tony, or ‘Thuban’, does reject philosophies point blank, and that did not go well with the mantra of INtegration we had at the beginning. In no way i am demonizing or implying that sex or erotica or sensuality is in any way inherently bad. On the contrary I feel it is amazing and I’m all for it, but only when it is used by your own spiritual consciousness with enough mental maturity to be able to realize what you’re doing. I am attempting to show how the true powers behind Thuban USE sex and emotions. OUR emotions. Love included. But the talk of love was a separate issue, just as the formation of the hexacore was also a separate issue, but up until then it was all to remain on the mental plane.
    The twist came later when we were told the couples formed needed to have physicalization in order for the Cores to actually work in ‘anchoring’—again that word—the NW or New World into the 3rd dimension. The Core was to be one of many. The ‘Core of Cores’…why the sharing of sexual partners was demanded. Yes demanded, in order to ‘qualify’ as a True Thuban aligned with the ‘Logos’. (We can expand on this at a future time if asked) This was of course around the time Tony was at peace with Debra and he thought she might travel to see him. After that never happened then we were told it was not necessary. Who notices these details? I do. Why? Because at that point I was making real life decisions based on this. I asked myself, how can a “Logos directive” say yes you do need to have sex in 3D one day and then some time later change to say no you do not need to have actual physical sex in 3D for the idea of the “Core” or ‘Twin Flame’ to work? Answer: It can be IF this “Logos” or ‘Words’ by which it is based upon, are not really true “dispensations” of the highest divine energy there is, which he called “ABBABAAB” (that btw only him and his Raven can decode), but rather the bipolar mental ideas of a capricious man disillusioned by human love and unable to come to terms with his reality in a healthy way.

    Your ‘hang-ups’ were frowned upon because they were not conducive to the transfer of energy. To the “sharing”. Even if you see nothing wrong with sharing sexually in whatever way it may be, the key for me is, if you are going to do it or anything sexual for that matter, to do it consciously from your own higher perspective, and not as a result of any external incentive be it by a man or a reptilian with wings somewhere on the other side. Do you know what I mean? This also has to do with what you said to me about none of this happening by force; that everything I did, I did out of my own volition. And although that might be true in a way, it is not entirely true. My volition, my Will, resided in me wanting to participate, but my participation was given in to work toward a specific ultimate goal. Had I known or realized at an earlier time that this “Cosmic Logos” had nothing to do with the unknowable God of Creation but more to do with a lesser demiurge force known as “The Lord” and one agent acting as its “scribe”, my so called ‘volition’ would have stopped right there.
    When you told me that it felt ugly. As if you’re thinking I’m trying to avoid personal responsibility and trying to make myself be seen as a victim to others. But that’s not it. The fact of the matter is that I WAS a victim, and so were you and others who were and still remain nailed on that cross. (We’ll talk about the love of this later) and I’m not ashamed to admit it. If you really look at it objectively, all humans on this plane of existence are victims at some point or another in their lives…or throughout their entire lives; the answer lies in REVERSING that stance and to be one…no longer. But not through guilt, because guilt does not empower, it destroys. Do you see how that word has been made to be “noisy” to us? How nobody likes it? It is like that by design. If you think it is your fault that you are being held without freedom then you will not have the IMPULSE you need to free your own Self.

    There ofc is "energy" tied to the sexual thought. I still stand at what i once said on Avalon1 which was something like "sex is the greatest kept secret of all times".
    Sex IS the greatest kept secret of all times, I have no doubt, and I am sure the unseen “principalities in high places” also know this.

    Things later evolved in many forms and ways, which anyone could ever look into via various forum posts (here and other places). Cryptic? Yes "somewhat". Confrontational? Aha. Extroverted? Pretty much. Controversial? All the way. Provocative? Mhm. Asked for? Never. Bannable? Most of the time.
    There is too much of it all to go into the details.

    Xeia, you also mention Mary left, u did not state why, you should if you are bringing it up. Be clear on such things, considerate and if possible - impartial
    Also Tony referring to thuban as "sex cult" in the posted chat picture is meant as sarcasm (from his end). Things like that should be pointed out for objectivity as it can also be seen as him confirming or agreeing to the label.
    The chat picture was more to show the comment he made about the "luck" he has had with 'femmes' in Thuban as this was a constant concern of his, only seemingly subsiding after the last failed relationship about two years ago. It would not even be appropriate to bring it up if it was not for the fact that it was always directly linked with the so called "Logos directives". Mary left because her hubby found out about the online relationship she was having with Tony, and so he asked her to choose between them. She left Thuban so her choice was obvious. In the chat picture you can also see Tony saying “Mary made it personal” and that is such an unfortunate comment to make. It is not true that only she made it personal…they BOTH did; and now he wants to make it look as if Mary had unrequited feelings for him and nothing could be further from the truth. Tony was so much into her Mary told me they even had talks of marriage, of her leaving her husband and going to Australia to live with him and together, work on expanding Thuban…and we all know he even sent her a ring as a love token. If that is not “making it personal” I don’t know what is. She was not crazy. She did not fall in love by herself. Tony also has his share of responsibility for what happened, and to salvage the dignity of all females on this regard I will say this: For a male to point the finger at a female in this passive aggressive manner saying SHE made it personal implying that he had nothing to do with it or that he actually made it personal himself when it came to her, even after time has passed, it is nothing short of despicable.

    ACTIONS make a man out of a male, NOT his words. This is at the core of him always wanting so desperately for us to disassociate him from the Thuban agenda itself, saying things like: It is NOT Tony the man, it is ‘The Logos’. Why? Because any person with enough common sense would ask himself, but what a minute, if he is such a “graduated ex-human” as he claims to be, then how come his personal life is so dysfunctional? How come HE is not able to live through and surpass the family archetype himself? It becomes a man saying —“Don’t look at me, just do what I say”. Problem is, or rather, the good thing is, that for all of those who have ‘eyes to see’, when the words and the deeds do not match, when they are not in tandem…then the hollowness echoes by itself.

    Another problem is that Tony (and Raven) can not respond to this. Whatever their response, if even any, it should be possible.
    Tony and Raven had said continually that they simply do not care one iota about what others have to say. They think of themselves so high above everyone else that responding would be going ‘down to that level’ or something like that. The fact is, even if they wanted to respond, they cannot do it here because they wanted to be banned, only to justify it later as it being a ‘divine sign’ from the ‘Logos’ in their mental war. The Skype history is there…how they schemed it all. If they ‘change their mind’ as they always do, do realize they were banned from the Mists forum not from the internet.

    More than that, what i miss in the post is the actual fallout reason. While there can be many or as to say "things piling up" you did not state it (clearly enough), but you should have. Also since you are doing this, tell us why you are doing it or why do you think it has to be done??
    The 'fallout' is complex, and you can also give me your own opinion about it as well as any other “Thuban” or ex Thuban out there reading this. I think the fallout began ever since its inception, because anything that is not held by Spirit is going to end up destroying itself sooner or later in the time of the kali Yuga. When words are not backed up by Spirit…it has no real power. No matter how magnificently detailed a chart is or how precise a mathematical equation may seem, when raw “data” is not accepted as truth or acted upon by a human, it is rendered powerless. Everything has to be done via us, everything, otherwise it (the mental world) becomes meaningless.
    Just as any fallout it is gradual; it only varies in degrees of speed. It is not completely dead yet, and it will still be alive so long there is a single person believing in it; and this is exactly the reason why I feel what I’m doing has to be done. Since this Thuban amm…”program” was ‘downloaded’ into the Matrix, incepted into the mind of someone alive at this time on Earth, that alone has made a record of it in the Akash and as a result of this it is now able to be ‘downloaded’ by others also. It is available to download and install into your own personal vessel in order to run its program to a T. IF the soul allows it. Now, the truth about “Thuban”, as a cult, as a group, as an idea, as a sect as whatever anyone wants to take it as, was nowhere to be found. It only existed in the memory of a few of us who had actually gone through the developing of that “experiment” (term Tony also used extensively to characterize his Logos’ agenda) from day one. When I first realized this I knew I had to do it somehow…with or without help, meaning with others also coming out as well making their voices heard without fear of being emotionally abused and ridiculed. So i am also bringing data “down” from the subtle into the physical. From memory into actual 3D words that can be decoded; only difference is that my words act as an ANTIvirus. If I do nothing and keep silent then my memories stay with me and would not be available to be shared with anyone, and Spirit will never allow that. It is not a personality issue or an emotional issue…it is the Spirit’s stance.

    Thank you for bringing up some important points to the table.

    In the vesica,

    Xeia Kali SuiGeneris

  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. B.B.Baghor Today at 09:17

    Hello Sui-Generis, I don't think we've met before, really, but I salute you for such clarity of mind and courage of heart.
    Thank you very much! Your recent posts here, this Spirit's stance, reading them offers great relief to me, for I've known always,
    that the Thuban world was a "no go" area to me. I've ignored that world, while registering in Project Camelot and later Avalon,
    end of 2009. Only last year I began to reply to Thubans, present here. Mainly with shilo. I've always made clear that I cannot
    and will not accept the ridiculing and gossip behind member's back, in the chat-room. Why on Earth these needed to be shared
    in Thuban posts I can't grasp fully. Of course, I have my thoughts about it, but let's leave that for now.

    I can relate to these parts of your reply to Spregovori, very thoughtful and very well put too, today Jan 2nd 2016 at 10.23 am.

    In the right order from top to bottom, here I quote your words. Some of it is in bold, for they're as true as bold to me:

    "Your ‘hang-ups’ were frowned upon because they were not conducive to the transfer of energy. To the “sharing”. Even if you see nothing wrong with sharing sexually in whatever way it may be, the key for me is, if you are going to do it or anything sexual for that matter, to do it consciously from your own higher perspective, and not as a result of any external incentive be it by a man or a reptilian with wings somewhere on the other side. Do you know what I mean? This also has to do with what you said to me about none of this happening by force; that everything I did, I did out of my own volition.
    And although that might be true in a way, it is not entirely true. My volition, my Will, resided in me wanting to participate, but my participation was given in to work toward a specific ultimate goal. Had I known or realized at an earlier time that this “Cosmic Logos” had nothing to do with the unknowable
    God of Creation but more to do with a lesser demiurge force known as “The Lord” and one agent acting as its “scribe”, my so called ‘volition’ would have stopped right there."

    I think I know exactly what you mean here, with "stopping your so called "volition". I'm a minister's daughter.

    "When you told me that it felt ugly. As if you’re thinking I’m trying to avoid personal responsibility and trying to make myself be seen as a victim to others. But that’s not it. The fact of the matter is that I WAS a victim, and so were you and others who were and still remain nailed on that cross.
    We’ll talk about the love of this later) and I’m not ashamed to admit it. If you really look at it objectively, all humans on this plane of existence are victims at some point or another in their lives…or throughout their entire lives; the answer lies in REVERSING that stance and to be one…no longer.
    But not through guilt, because guilt does not empower, it destroys. Do you see how that word has been made to be “noisy” to us? How nobody likes it?
    It is like that by design. If you think it is your fault that you are being held without freedom then you will not have the IMPULSE you need to free your own Self".

    Very well put with wisdom and beauty. A great truth to me.

    "......anything that is not held by Spirit is going to end up destroying itself sooner or later in the time of the kali Yuga. When words are not backed up by Spirit…it has no real power. No matter how magnificently detailed a chart is or how precise a mathematical equation may seem, when raw “data” is not accepted as truth or acted upon by a human, it is rendered powerless".

    Much yes to that!

    So i am also bringing data “down” from the subtle into the physical. From memory into actual 3D words that can be decoded; only difference is that my words act as an ANTIvirus. If I do nothing and keep silent then my memories stay with me and would not be available to be shared with anyone, and Spirit will never allow that. It is not a personality issue or an emotional issue…it is the Spirit’s stance.

    Gracias, Sui Generi icon_sunny. Although I need a break from the MoA right now, this place is cleared and shines brighter for it.
    In the Mists on this Jan. 2nd day, anno 2016. It's for the recent events with the Thubans, that I simply had to log in and share something
    about it. Good health and safe journeys in your new year!

    And to you all, member or guest, who read this: Safe journeys, blessed be.
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. B.B.Baghor Today at 10:56 am

    It seems that the subject of sincerity and truth is in the air, here and now. Yesterday, I've published the following page on my
    Oranda website. Some of it I've published earlier here, but to me, it's appropriate in this thread.


    Oranda is about honoring the memory of our ancestor's history, their heritage present in rock and soil, residing in our dna too, as genetic memories. Oranda means the heritage of our ancestors and the name was used by the North American indians. It's about honouring the values and moral courage, that respects the origin of life, nature´s wisdom, and honour the authenticity of each fellow human being and the cohesion of a society, tribe or clan.

    Oranda is a word and a verb both, therefore it's also the way this was expressed through working together on the land, at home and in crafts and toolmaking, love- and hay-making, in love for life that was expressed in relatonships, through gatherings and ceremonies, in sharing of sorrow and
    joy in co-operation. A communal creation. The nature of the N. American indian-warrior required knowledge of the prevailing rules in diplomacy,
    of their own tribe and tribes they visited, the art of moving and juggling between arguments of parties and to be in the know of secrets and history,
    that proved to be useful in creating relationships of all kinds. Creating friendship as well as animosity.

    Doesn't this sound like a set of skills, that is required in diplomats of the modern Western world? And here in the Mists? To me, it's the abillity to use
    head and heart, with wisdom and a good sense of humor. The totempole in the picture above, shows the important events in the life of the resident,
    by the use of symbols as codes that are understood by the members of the tribe. And those of others, so that most visitors could "read" on the pole,
    about the resident and his background, in that place.

    In the same way, our values and principles, our way of life in a connection with the origin of our life, which I call spirituality, could become more
    immersed in our daily life, our practical work and our attitude, towards ourselves and others, maintaining our wellness in that way. The Sumerian
    name for king and shepherd is the same, that's meaningful to me. In ancient times, kings were capable of being a shield, metaphorically speaking,
    holding the foundation of their realm, maintaining safety for their people. In down-to-earth terms, a shepherd holds his herd of sheep within
    boundaries, with his staff and the assistance of his dog. The latter is a piece of cake, compared to present global and human affairs, anno 2016.

    When true safety for body and soul is ensured, the expression of spirituality in ceremonies should be arranged in such a way, that they're free and
    open to all. Also discussed and pondered by all, with an open mind and heart. When hierarchy and dogma determine such practice, soon power may
    reign over human hearts and mindcontrol will be part of it.

    Where I stand for, in my life and work is the application of this quality of life, in the circumstances and with the potential in these bewildering and beautiful times, anno 2016. This is a dream I bring into manifestation. At the root of every problem lies the answer to it. It all depends on our ability to find that answer, there's no recepee for that in our exploration of it. The readiness for it, in you and me, is the key, I think.

    By a respected teacher, who explained to the class how physical planet Earth was formed, in a most beautiful way, I received the following text,
    when we joined together for the last time, ending our study.

    He calls it "Modern quote to keep up your courage"

    "Search for the reality of a practical life.
    But search for it in such a way, that it doesn't obscure the Spirit that works in and through it.
    Search for the Spirit, but don't search for it in supersensual lusting, in sensual egocentricity.
    But search for it, because you long to apply it in a practical life, in the material life.

    Use the old adage:
    The world of Spirit is never without the world of form, of matter.
    Matter is never without the presence of Spirit"
    In such a way, that you say

    "We want to do all the material work in the light of the Spirit
    And we want to search for the light of the Spirit in such a way
    that warmth is generated for our practical work."

    Our willingness and ability to try as best as we can, determines our succes without failure being a part of it. Isn't that fun? No need for judgment.
    And that's a relative new "higher" form of freedom in expression and autonomy, welcoming us, although "stumble and fall" may also be part of it.
    We're human beings. By going that path we gain wisdom, more or less with bruises on our soul.

    In our weakest spot we can find our greatest strength, by healing and understanding. There's as much personal story in this as there's a human
    collective story, as I perceive it. Our wounded heartaches are a portal to a greater love and compassion, when we're ready to surrender to
    acceptance of our nature's truth, and humanity's truth, for better or for worse. And..... in freedom.. let it be true.

    "The wound is the place where the light enters you" Rumi.
    PS. Thank you, dear mudra, for sharing such kind wise words about the one whose posts sound like a hickup attack, to one of us.
    It shows how we all have an impression of a member, often a "stranger" to us, based on paradigms that can hardly be checked online..
    Therefore, to me, it's of great value that the essence of Oranda, described in here, is honored. Not because of that name, or me, but for
    the respect that we all deserve to be treated with.

    Aloha, adios, au revoir!

    Last edited by B.B.Baghor on January 2nd 2016, 11:13; edited 1 time in total
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2016
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°13

    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. Spregovori Today at 11:00 am

    This thread here can either be an open discussion or daily dose of "yellow press" which people just love, as long as it does not happen to them. Problem is, it can not be an open discussion if a mind is already made up. In this case it can only be a community bashing and cheering one (you) up for making this move.

    The databank is there "for all to see". The bad part is that is has "take it or leave it" slogan attached to it and yes, it did not use to be like that at the beginning. I will not speculate on the origins, there is no point in doing that. This is where the "take it or leave it" becomes something of a benefit, you take what you like, you leave the rest and then you simply just move on.
    If someone else wants to give it energy, let them.

    Someone wants to jump off a bridge? By the holy Ignoramus, go (let them) DO IT. Free willy ftw. Never forget that.

    Humans do not rule the world. The stupid "mind" of man does.

    No, thuban had no need for the sexual element which was later "personalized". Without one, it would more than just took off, it would go to the moon. All doors should ofc always be opened, but you decide what you let through them.

    Oh you just had to go into that...

    When you mention sharing here, people might be getting all kinds of ideas.

    To "clarify" the theory for the reader (was probably already posted at one time i guess): a Core is to be 2 people of opposite gender who share everything including the unconditional love and all the romance and good and bad that comes with it and are together as one. Their bodies however "extend" to those of others. The mental loyalty is to be exclusive "old world" 1-1 marriage like. The physical not. One is meant to enjoy others via its Core. Something which was said is being wrongly manifested in homosexuality or changing gender. As your Core is having an intercourse the other Core partner is to feel the sensation via him/her as him/her.
    The difference from swinging here is the mental presence or the "state of mind" one is to have during the act. One is to "include" others with the mind as to "bring them in". Most notably that other is to be the Core partner.
    Because then "He will be in the midst of them".

    That is theory.

    Weather or not such an "energetic exchange" can be misused, hijacked, taken advantage of...etc that is again (without the proper concept) a speculation.

    You mention demiurge....just to provide the concept on this and then to relate it to thuban, you can "write a book about it".

    Yes he sent her the ring, in spite of "there is no marriage in heaven", yet this came later as circumstances changed. Here i can agree with you that some of the "databank" was "personalized" (adjusted) in this manner. It did however hurt him, a lot. The feelings were/are true and this is important to mention since you are putting his character on the spot here.

    Ok see you mention fallout in regard to spirit and kali yuga. What is which, what are you telling these people here or to whomever is reading this. Where are you taking it from? What makes it different from thuban? Do you see the point?

    Do you want to be rational about your experience and share it with whoever due to whatever, or do you want to counter one super abstract cluster with another?

    You have established that human belief is a juice for manifestation. Good. We are the battery in so many ways, as it was also depicted in so many ways already.

    Your further point being (at least i think so) that thuban is working in service of a demiurge?

    You know it would really not hurt sometimes to write less and say more. But since you did bring that up

    "To you, therefore, I say what I say, and write what I write. And the writing is this. Of the universal Æons [periods, planes, or cycles of creative and created life in substance and space, celestial creatures] there are two shoots, without beginning or end, springing from one Root, which is the power invisible, inapprehensible silence [Bythos].
    Of these shoots one is manifested from above, which is the Great Power, the Universal Mind ordering all things, male, and the other, [is manifested] from below, the Great Thought, female, producing all things. Hence pairing with each other, they unite and manifest the Middle Distance, incomprehensible Air, without beginning or end. In this is the Father Who sustains all things, and nourishes those things which have a beginning and end.""

    Do you spot any correlations to thuban?

    And then an "already formed opinion":

    By this we are to understand that manifestation is the result of a positive and a negative principle, one acting upon the other, and it takes place in the middle plane, or point of quilibrium, called the pleroma.
    This pleroma is a peculiar substance produced out of the blending of the spiritual and material æons. Out of the pleroma was individualized the Demiurgus, the immortal mortal, to whom we are responsible for our physical existence and the suffering we must go through in connection with it.
    In the Gnostic system, three pairs of opposites, called Syzygies, emanated from the Eternal One. These, with Himself, make the total of seven. The six (three pairs) Æons (living, divine principles) were described by Simon in the Philosophumena in the following manner: The first two were Mind (Nous) and Thought(Epinoia). Then came Voice(Phone) and its opposite, Name(Onoma), and lastly, Reason(Logismos) and Reflection(Enthumesis).
    From these primordial six, united with the Eternal Flame, came forth the Æons (Angels) who formed the lower worlds through the direction of the Demiurgus.

    Or this?

    "the Gnostics divided humanity into three parts: those who, as savages, worshiped only the visible Nature; those who, like the Jews, worshiped the Demiurgus; and lastly, themselves, or others of a similar cult, including certain sects of Christians, who worshiped Nous (Christ) and the true spiritual light of the higher Æons"

    "to propagate the human species was to increase and perpetuate the power of the Demiurgus; for the lower world was looked upon as an evil fabrication created to ensnare the souls of all born into it--hence it was a crime to assist in bringing souls to earth"

    "a great beast which rose out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns It is in this form that Jehovah is generally pictured by the Qabbalists. The drawing is intended to represent the Demiurgus of the Greeks and Gnostics, called by the Greeks "Zeus," the Immortal Mortal, and by the Hebrews IHVH."

    " Demiurgus established all the qualities and powers which He Himself possessed. The Demiurgus, however, did not possess immortality and, therefore, could not bestow it upon Adam. According to legend, the Demiurgus strove to keep man from learning the incompleteness of his Maker. The Adamic man consequently partook of the qualities and characteristics of the angels who were the ministers of the Demiurgus"

    " the redemption of humanity was assured through the descent of Nous (Universal Mind), who was a great spiritual being superior to the Demiurgus and who, entering into the constitution of man, conferred conscious immortality upon the Demiurgic fabrications"

    "among the Greeks and Romans, the eagle was the appointed bird of Jupiter and consequently signified the swiftly moving forces of the Demiurgus; hence it was looked upon as the mundane lord of the birds, in contradistinction to the phœnix, which was symbolic of the celestial ruler. The eagle typified the sun in its material phase and also the immutable Demiurgic law beneath which all mortal creatures must bend"

    "Certain Rosicrucian scholars have given special appellations to these three phases of the sun: the spiritual sun they called Vulcan; the soular and intellectual sun, Christ and Lucifer respectively; and the material sun, the Jewish Demiurgus Jehovah. Lucifer here represents the intellectual mind without the illumination of the spiritual mind; therefore it is "the false light. " The false light is finally overcome and redeemed by the true light of the soul, called the Second Logos or Christ.
    The secret processes by which the Luciferian intellect is transmuted into the Christly intellect constitute one of the great secrets of alchemy, and are symbolized by the process of transmuting base metals into gold"

    "when the uncreated, unnamed Father saw the corruption of mankind, He sent His firstborn, Nous, into the world, in the form of Christ, for the redemption of all who believe in Him, out of the power of those that have fabricated the world (the Demiurgus, and his six sons, the planetary genii). He appeared amongst men as the Man Jesus, and wrought miracles"


    And then:

    Man, the banished Adam, seeks to pass from the outer court of the Sanctuary (the exterior universe) into the sanctum sanctorum, but before him rises a vast creature armed with a flashing sword that, moving slowly but continually, sweeps clear a wide circle, and through this "Ring Pass Not" the Adamic man cannot break.

    The cherubim address the seeker thus: "Man, thou art dust and to dust thou shalt return. Thou wert fashioned by the Builder of Forms; thou belongest to the sphere of form, and the breath that was breathed into thy soul was the breath of form and like a flame it shall flicker out. More than thou art thou canst not be. Thou art a denizen of the outer world and it is forbidden thee to enter this inner place."

    And the Adam replies: "Many times have I stood within this courtyard and begged admission to my Father's house and thou hast refused it me and sent me back to wander in darkness. True it is that I was fashioned out of the dirt and that my Maker could not confer upon me the boon of immortality. But no more shalt thou send me away; for, wandering in the darkness, I have discovered that the Almighty hath decreed my salvation because He hath sent out of the most hidden Mystery His Only Begotten who didst take upon Himself the world fashioned by the Demiurgus.
    Upon the elements of that world was He crucified and from Him hath poured forth the blood of my salvation. And God, entering into His creation, hath quickened it and established therein a road that leadeth to Himself. While my Maker could not give me immortality, immortality was inherent in the very dust of which I was composed, for before the world was fabricated and before the Demiurgus became the Regent of Nature the Eternal Life had impressed itself upon the face of Cosmos. This is its sign--the Cross.
    Do you now deny me entrance, I who have at last learned the mystery of myself?"

    And the voice replies: "He who is aware, IS! Behold!"

    Gazing about him, Adam finds himself in a radiant place, in the midst of which stands a tree with flashing jewels for fruit and entwined about its trunk a flaming, winged serpent crowned with a diadem of stars. It was the voice of the serpent that had spoken.

    "Who art thou?" demands the Adam. "I," the serpent answers, "am Satan who was stoned; I am the Adversary--the Lord who is against you, the one who pleads for your destruction before the Eternal Tribunal. I was your enemy upon the day that you were formed; I have led you into temptation; I have delivered you into the hands of evil; I have maligned you; I have striven ever to achieve your undoing. I am the guardian of the Tree of Knowledge and I have sworn that none whom I can lead astray shall partake of its fruits."

    The Adam replies: "For uncounted ages have I been thy servant. In my ignorance I listened to thy words and they led me into paths of sorrow. Thou hast placed in my mind dreams of power, and when I struggled to realize those dreams they brought me naught but pain. Thou hast sowed in me the seeds of desire, and when I lusted after the things of the flesh agony was my only recompense. Thou hast sent me false prophets and false reasoning, and when I strove to grasp the magnitude of Truth I found thy laws were false and only dismay rewarded my strivings. I am done with thee forever, O artful Spirit! I have tired of thy world of illusions. No longer will I labor in thy vineyards of iniquity. Get thee behind me, rempter, and the host of thy temptations. There is no happiness, no peace, no good, no future in the doctrines of selfishness, hate, and passion preached by thee. All these things do I cast aside. Renounced is thy rule forever!"

    And the serpent makes answer: "Behold, O Adam, the nature of thy Adversary!" The serpent disappears in a blinding sunburst of radiance and in its place stands an angel resplendent in shining, golden garments with great scarlet wings that spread from one corner of the heavens to the other. Dismayed and awestruck, the Adam falls before the divine creature.

    "I am the Lord who is against thee and thus accomplishes thy salvation, " continues the voice. "Thou hast hated me, but through the ages yet to be thou shalt bless me, for I have led thee our of the sphere of the Demiurgus; I have turned thee against the illusion of worldliness; I have weaned thee of desire; I have awakened in thy soul the immortality of which I myself partake. Follow me, O Adam, for I am the Way, the Life, and the Truth!"

    So, where to begin?

    Last edited: Jan 2, 2016
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°14

    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. Carol Yesterday at 9:42 pm

    This seems apropos given what has been going on with this particular situation and a way to move on by putting what has transpired into the past. I've been listening to some of Dolores Cannon's youtube videos and she talked about what one needs to do if they hope to move onto the 5th dimension. Forgiveness toward others and towards oneself. I like what she shared so am posting it here in this thread.

    Dolores Cannon on forgiveness and how to forgive.

    We make contracts with people prior to being born when we come into the life to work on.
    This is how to end the contract.

    1. Close your eyes and picture that person in our mind.
    2. Say.. we tried, we really tried, it didn’t work.
    3. Let’s tear up the contract and see it in your minds eye the contract as being thrown away.

    4. Say to yourself:
    I forgive you, I release you, I let you go.
    You go your way with love,
    I go my way with love.
    We don’t have to be connected any more.

    Also, remember to forgive oneself for everything that one may have done or not done.

    I forgive anyone who has harmed me in this life and any life I may have lived...

    and I forgive myself for anyone I may have harmed in this life and any life I may have lived.


    P.S. Cute avatar MCJosiah. Welcome to Mists. 374937.

    JapA013. What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
  6. admin

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    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. mudra Today at 12:14 pm
    SuiGeneris wrote:
    Walls are not all bad in my view. Specially in this age that we're still living in. I know we are in the Kali Yuga and that things are about to change but until they do...i still need walls. The point for me is to be able to use these walls in a strategic manner, to allow me to use them in my own journey towards freedom. Not having them would be a great error for me, because it would put greater strain on me mentally and emotionally when i am right smack in the middle of the labyrinth with its full entropic power. In my experience i've seen that i needed to build not just a mere wall but a fortress around me (beautifully and personally decorated inside) my own personal stone castle, in order to live protected from all those ugly things out there that i dislike but keeping myself open only to those things that i allow entrance and know will help me. And this place i consecrate mentally and take it OFF the Matrix's reach. This is where my SPIRIT resides. [/size]

    Yes walls are not a bad thing. The way you describe the fortress you built around you seems like this is a beautiful place for Spirit to be.
    I would only say build these walls for they will help you define yourself from the world around you but keep them transparent enough that the light may shine through both ways :)
    Happy New Year 2016 to you too Sui .

    Much Love for You


    Last edited: Jan 4, 2016
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°16

    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. mudra Yesterday at 1:03 pm
    Carol wrote:
    This seems apropos given what has been going on with this particular situation and a way to move on by putting what has transpired into the past. I've been listening to some of Dolores Cannon's youtube videos and she talked about what one needs to do if they hope to move onto the 5th dimension. Forgiveness toward others and towards oneself. I like what she shared so am posting it here in this thread.

    Dolores Cannon on forgiveness and how to forgive.

    We make contracts with people prior to being born when we come into the life to work on.
    This is how to end the contract.

    1. Close your eyes and picture that person in our mind.
    2. Say.. we tried, we really tried, it didn’t work.
    3. Let’s tear up the contract and see it in your minds eye the contract as being thrown away.

    4. Say to yourself:
    I forgive you, I release you, I let you go.
    You go your way with love,
    I go my way with love.
    We don’t have to be connected any more.

    Also, remember to forgive oneself for everything that one may have done or not done.

    I forgive anyone who has harmed me in this life and any life I may have lived...

    and I forgive myself for anyone I may have harmed in this life and any life I may have lived.


    P.S. Cute avatar MCJosiah. Welcome to Mists. 374937.

    To me forgiveness is synonym to our ability to let go from the entanglements we may encounter while meeting and dealing with others in life.
    We let go, we cut the sticky strings not because of pride or arrogance but because we realize that particular path we find ourselves on leads nowhere.
    Hence we forgive, we let go . It is a freeing process on multiple levels.

    Love from me


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    • Post n°17

    empty. hei Sanicle

    empty. SuiGeneris Yesterday at 4:00 pm
    Hi, Sanicle, and thank you for your kind remarks.

    To answer your question about my name, yes that’s me. Some years ago I asked Tony to edit my name because I noticed he was publishing a great deal of our Skype chats and sometimes in conversation TR would call me by my birth name which is Julissa btw, and we agreed it was best to use our handles instead, so he just made a twist and used a mix of my name and the number 666 that is mathematically associated with me I was told. I don't use this number because it is not something i chose myself. I know it has a very bad reputation being associated with evil and the antichrist and all that, but in Thuban it was supposed to be ok and even good in a way. Personally (not that I was ever asked), I think this number is not inherently evil, or any other number, but this one in particular has a certain meaning symbolizing duality, the number of ‘the beast’ found in the 666 of all barcodes for instance. The circle. If I look at this circle as this 3d world that we live in, as a ‘prison’, then the number -666 would be a better fit for me, the reverse, the anti of it or antimatter, the number found outside of that circle…the opposite frequency.

    About your other comments, the last couple of years I mostly came into the group chats just to ask questions among so many monologues or pastes. On a personal note, everything began to downgrade for me quickly when Tony made the statement he only considered Raven his friend…after all that talk about us six being quantum entangled and what not it felt weird to me. I take friendship seriously so things began not to add up since way back.

    Thank you for welcoming me and I look forward to many good exchanges.

    Xeia 934918.


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    • Post n°18

    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. mudra Yesterday at 4:49 pm

    I think we enter in cult like relashionship when we give someone our trust so fully that we go go there heart and soul. And in a way this gives us power for we now have a group backing us but it also makes us blind or careless as we forget everything is subject to change always.It is our responsability to constantly define our goals with clarity and accept when the time comes that these may not be in alignment with those of the group we gave our allegiance to in the first place. That way we can outgrow any place we feel trapped in and keep our own space whole.
    When I hear of your story Sui I can't help but being reminded of the butterfly finding it's way out of the cocoon realizing the bounderies that were once his to grow no longer serve their purpose and must be left behind.

    Much Love for you




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    • Post n°19

    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. mudra Yesterday at 4:56 pm
    And yes warm welcome in the Mists MCjosiah.
    Hope you'll enjoy your stay with us.

    Spregovori nice to see you here again.
    You too enjoy your stay.

    Love from me


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    • Post n°20

    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. B.B.Baghor Yesterday at 6:46 pm
    mudra wrote:
    Carol wrote:​
    This seems apropos given what has been going on with this particular situation and a way to move on by putting what has transpired into the past. I've been listening to some of Dolores Cannon's youtube videos and she talked about what one needs to do if they hope to move onto the 5th dimension. Forgiveness toward others and towards oneself. I like what she shared so am posting it here in this thread.

    Dolores Cannon on forgiveness and how to forgive.

    We make contracts with people prior to being born when we come into the life to work on.
    This is how to end the contract.

    1. Close your eyes and picture that person in our mind.
    2. Say.. we tried, we really tried, it didn’t work.
    3. Let’s tear up the contract and see it in your minds eye the contract as being thrown away.

    4. Say to yourself:
    I forgive you, I release you, I let you go.
    You go your way with love,
    I go my way with love.
    We don’t have to be connected any more.

    Also, remember to forgive oneself for everything that one may have done or not done.

    I forgive anyone who has harmed me in this life and any life I may have lived...

    and I forgive myself for anyone I may have harmed in this life and any life I may have lived.


    P.S. Cute avatar MCJosiah. Welcome to Mists. 374937.
    To me forgiveness is synonym to our ability to let go from the entanglements we may encounter while meeting and dealing with others in life.
    We let go, we cut the sticky strings not because of pride or arrogance but because we realize that particular path we find ourselves on leads nowhere.
    Hence we forgive, we let go . It is a freeing process on multiple levels.

    Love from me

    Beautiful to find your posts on the subject of forgiveness, couldn't resist joining, although I'm supposed to have a break 854501.
    It seems that the start of the new year is happening in that light, in this clearing of the Mists. For myself, the move overseas held
    silent endings of relationships in its tail. I've begun to see that my guilty thoughts like "Have I been wrong and neglecting maybe?"
    just fool me and lead me away from forgiveness towards myself, showing me how I beat myself up, by feeling guilty. As soon as
    I find myself freezing up, I have a good look at myself.

    There's no sign of evil or neglect present in me, there's consistent loyalty, for I always try to do more of "my best". Acknowledging
    myself for that, which is a very new thing that I started to do on 2nd Xmas day 2014, is freeing up a fresh breath of compassion
    for myself. I will always remember that moment, on that day, when I stood up and said "It's been enough, I'm done with it"
    The magic that began to unfold from then on is a great surprise and very welcome, for things began to unfold in a way that
    was beneficial to my being and my life in all aspects. I began to create my reality based on that new attitude. If I may, I like to
    see the step that Sui Generis took, the liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult, as taken in a similar stance or calibre.

    I've learned a thing or two in how those actions or attitudes of others, which cause me to feel hooked, hurt and abandoned, find
    their way into my energy-system, due to unclear or missing boundaries. We speak here of autonomy and awareness of what
    happens in one's energetic playground and about discernment of what's owned as one's own and what's entering as energy of
    others. Like when a person in my company thinks I should do something in a different way, feeling a surge of energy rising,
    expressed in anger a moment later. In the trainings of intuitive development, that's called "Dealing a blow to a person's 3rd
    chakra" it's a forceful attempt to bend another person's personal will. By projecting one's own. See what I mean?

    It makes little difference if this happens in the 3D world, or in the virtual world. Although a physical presence may offer an
    acuteness of sensation, when expressed also a chance to discuss.... what on Earth.....? is happening. Often participants are
    unaware of those kind of energetic acrobatics. Most of us don't receive an education on that sort of things, do we?

    Regarding the cutting of strings and attachments, although it's an understandable action, it usually isn't effective on the long run.
    Naturally, that's relative to the strength of the string or contract. When it concerns a one time event, it's relatively easy to let go.
    When it concerns a long existent connection with another person, also through more than 1 life, it's different. For that I suggest
    to use the method I will describe below and see if that works for you.

    There's no law or rule, saying how to do it. Please, feel no obligation to use the method I present here. From my own experience
    I found it very useful and it worked well. What's at the root of the contract is valuable to know, so that the meaning can be
    understood, the information gained and used to learn, is in itself often the start of a healing process and forgiveness. In that way
    one finds the gift that is hidden in the experience. We all have a life-storybook, a script to direct it in the theatre of life. Sometimes
    stories repeat themselves, our being waiting for the moment that one arrives at that point of "I've had enough, I'm done with it"
    That's about ending a story that doesn't serve you anymore. Call it an agenda or program, if you will.

    Cutting the ropes of a ship that leaves the shore for a dip in its element, is a clear example of effectiveness. Energetic strings
    are present in another way and of a whole different nature. For those of you who welcome it, here's another way of ending a
    contract on a body-and-soul-level, by going to the Akashic Records, where one's life-storybook and contracts are saved like in
    a library. If you're new to flowing your energy and awareness of it, please practice that first and leave the other work for later.
    Those of you familiar with a way that works for you, of course that's what I recommend. See for yourself what visiting the
    Akashic Records may offer you, if you choose to go there. Support of another person, experienced with this work, might be
    welcome to you. Specially for the moment afterwards, in giving words to your experience, helpful to "get real" and get on
    with your life on planet Earth.

    Now here's the "Ending-a-contract-method" I learned and use:

    * Close your eyes and let your body calm down and relax, sit in a comfortable position with your legs at a 90 degree angle from
    the knees down and your feet flat on the floor. Sit in an upright position with relaxed shoulders and arms. Ground yourself and
    let your in-and outbreath be steady, not deeper than what feels normal to you. Open your feet chakras so that earth-energy can
    flow through your legs and meet with cosmic energy, that enters through the backside of the crown chakra, flowing down along
    the backside of your spinal chord, joining the earth energy flow in your first chakra on your in-breath.

    * Breath out and allow that "earth-cosmix" of energy rise up through your chakra-system, flowing through your 7th chakra and
    spread out of it like a fountain that fills up your aura-space around you. At the same time you let go of general tension and your
    "debri" through your grounding chord, all to the center of planet Earth. Don't try to know what and where it is present, just tell it
    to leave your system by intention.

    * Invite energy that is left elsewhere, in places and people you met that day, to return to your personal icon_sunny. positioned one
    handlength above your head. Keep breathing calm and allow the golden energy of your icon_sunny. fill up your physical body and
    aura, like as if you're taking a shower of golden energy rays also entering your body.

    * Use your imagination to make it pleasant, as colorful and sparkly as you like, try to use as less effort as possible. Don't try
    checking yourself too much in "Am I doing it right?" If you check yourself on that, just stop for a moment and breathe,
    feel your heart for yourself and place a smiley in it. Be playful but try to position your awareness in the center of your head.
    If you like, you can place your hands, palms down and horizontal, at the side of your head, thumbs at the back of it and middle-
    finger on the tip of your nose. That is the level where the center is present inside your head. For some, it's helpful to move it
    slightly backwards, after having found it's location. This center is a neutral place where you can have a look at things in an objective
    way and see them for what they are. It's also, where your image-ination resides.

    * Keep your grounding at work, feel your feet in touch with the floor, or soil. Pay attention to the 3 lower chakras, comfortably closed
    to an extent. Not shut fully, I mean. Don't force yourself to immediately learn all the ropes at once. It takes some practice to achieve
    the ability to own and manage one's energetic playground, this "multi-tasking" 854501.

    * Enter a state of calmness and close the 3 lower chakras to a comfortable state, Now, in order to end a contract, a little journey
    begins and you're going to make a connection with the Akashic Records, present in a grid around planet Earth. Exact distance isn't
    important to know, you imagine yourself rising up reaching that level. Don't leave your body behind as in "out of body".

    * Imagine you're standing in front of a library entrance where you can walk in and find the librarian who takes care of it. How this
    appears for you is unique for you, there's no fixed manner. Just trust your process and keep moving towards the main desk.
    Ask the librarian for the contract you choose to empty, he/she needs no number or name, he/she will go find it for you and bring it
    to you.

    * He/she takes you with him/her to a table and chair and invites you to sit on the chair. You see some instruments, a dvd-player and
    screen, in front of you. The contract is a video placed in the dvd-player and its content is displayed on screen. You're shown where the
    button is for play, pause and stop. Concentrate for a moment on your physical body and grounding, be aware, coming from the center
    of your head. What you're going to see now, is a scrolling by of "data" like archive-film-material. That's the story entailing all that is
    and was created around the issue you choose to let go of, the contract, including the person or group involved.

    * You don't move forward to the screen with your attention, rather you allow the images to pass by, perceived from the point
    of view in the center of your head. I can't say I recognized any image or piece of data in my experience, it's more of a process
    of letting go as an unfolding. With the intention to end the contract, looking at the screen is equal to emptying it, if you can get that.
    Meanwhile, you may experience physical sensations, emotions, feelings, allow them to be present and let go of them also.

    * Stay centered in your head and choose to park some of what you touch upon, for a later moment, if that feels appropriate to do.
    Also you may feel the need for a break, you can put it on pause. You may even discover that there's another contract you need
    to empty. Feel free to do so, you're in the right place for it.

    +The DVD with your contract-story ends at some point and you may feel you like to thank and ask the librarian to take it out and
    put it away for you. This time as an empty shell on the shelf where he/she took it from. You might feel the need to ask for another
    one, or just stay and have a little rest, before you decide to walk out through the entrance and tell yourself to descend and leave
    the level of the Akashic Records, returning to your chair on planet Earth. Drink water and eat something as a treat.

    *Tell the one who supports you, about your experience. Or write about your experience, or draw, or paint. Take your time to let
    go of tears or laughter, both forms of healing and clearing. Eat something. Become familiar with having ended the contract and
    get settled, adjusting your physical body and energy-system to the new situation and new experience of your-self. Namaste.

    More about cleaning one's energy-system and ending a story so that a new one can start, is in this thread:

    Beautiful to find your posts on the subject of forgiveness, couldn't resist joining, although I'm supposed to have a break 854501. It seems that the start of the new year is happening in that light, in this clearing of the Mists. For myself, the move overseas held silent endings of relationships in its tail. I've begun to see that my guilty thoughts like "Have I been wrong and neglecting maybe?" just fool me and lead me away from compassion towards myself, showing me how I beat myself up, by feeling guilty. As soon as I find myself freezing up, I have a good look at myself and return to warming up inside.

    There's no sign of evil or neglect I can find in me, there's consistent loyalty, for I often try to do more of "my best". Acknowledging myself for that, which is a very new thing that I started in 2010 and practiced more, like on 2nd Xmas day 2014, is freeing up a fresh breath of love. I will always remember that moment, on that day, when I stood up and said "It's been enough, I'm done with it".

    The magic that began to unfold from then on is a great surprise and very welcome, for things began to unfold in a way that was beneficial to my being and my life in all aspects. I began to create my reality based on that new attitude. If I'm right, I tend to see the step that Sui Generis takes, the liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult, as chosen in a similar stance or calibre.

    I've learned a thing or two in how those actions or attitudes of others, which cause me to feel hooked, hurt and abandoned, find their way into my energy-system, due to unclear or missing boundaries. We speak here of autonomy and awareness of what happens in one's energetic playground and about discernment of what's owned as one's own and what's entering as energy of others. Like when a person in my company thinks I should do something in a different way, feeling a surge of energy rising, expressed in anger a moment later.

    In the trainings of intuitive development, that's called "Dealing a blow to a person's 3rd chakra" it's a forceful attempt to bend another person's personal will. By projecting one's own. See what I mean? It makes little difference if this happens in the 3D world, or in the virtual world. Although a physical presence may offer an
    acuteness of sensation, when expressed also a chance to discuss.... what on Earth.....? is happening.

    Often participants in such an experience, are unaware of those kind of energetic acrobatics. Most of us don't receive an education on that sort of things, do we?

    Regarding the cutting of strings and attachments, although it's an understandable action, it usually isn't effective on the long run. Naturally, the effect is relative to the strength of the string or contract. When it concerns a one time event, it's relatively easy to let go, although the impact of it can be very strong. When it concerns a long connection with a person, or a group, also through more than 1 lifetime, it's often a more complex attachment. For that I suggest to use the method I will describe below, a method I learned in intuitive trainings.
    Please, see if that works for you, if you're in a position, wishing to free yourself and get on with your life.
    There's no law or rule, saying how to do it. Please, feel no obligation to use the method I present here. From my own experience I found it very useful and it worked well.

    What's at the root of the contract is valuable to know, maybe with the support of a trustful coach, so that the meaning can be understood, the information gained and used to learn and let go, is in itself often the start of a healing process and a path of forgiveness. In that way one finds the gift that is hidden in the experience. For that
    one needs to leave the path of the victim. As it's a gradual process of weaning off victimhood, due to our human condition with programs deeply ingrained, a compassionate attitude to one's taking of steps: 2 forward, 1 backward, stumbling, a leap forward... suddenly brave, but suddenly anxious once in mid-air... not resonating with the old and still unfamiliar with the new... easily losing your grounding. But this one looks happy 854501.


    We all have a life-storybook, a script to direct it in the theatre of life. Sometimes stories repeat themselves, our being waiting for the moment that one arrives at that point of "I've had enough, I'm done with it" That's about ending a story that doesn't serve you anymore. Call it an agenda or program, if you will. Cutting the ropes of a ship that leaves the shore for a dip in its element, is a clear example of effectiveness. Energy- strings are present in another way and of a whole different nature.

    For those of you who welcome it, here's an example of how to end a contract on a body-and-soul-level, by going to the Akashic Records, where one's life-storybook and soul-contracts are saved like in a library. Those of you familiar with a way that works for you, in freeing yourself, of course that's what I recommend. That works for you. We should keep in mind that people in general are able to free themselves and clear their energy, from instinct, or intuition, during the night, mainly.

    The practice of using life-force energy is happening on the level of each chakra in our 7 chakra-system, each level showing different expressions. If you believe in re-incarnation, we all.created a world to live in as comfortable as possible. That's as old as Earth existence with aware human beings on it. In all these aeons of time, much force and power is invested to find out if this works... or if that works... including all acrobatic excersizes in games of power, also in astral connections with strings attached.

    Instructions for spiritual/magical/occult work with one's imagination, in invisible realms, like those in mystery schools of the past, are examples of this exploring in trial and error. It works on the 3D level of planet Earth,
    accompanied by mindcontrol. To me, it's exactly as Sui Generis describes so very clearly:

    (quote) What I dislike is how the cultural paradigms have misused it in a way that it has become detrimental to people. What I don’t like is how society believes you need to be licensed in order to know, and if you are not licensed, then you cannot know.(end of quote)

    I believe that we're meant to arrive at a place where awareness is present in such a way that no instructions
    are needed. In that place that concept doesn't even exist, for a "full knowing" is part of our beings, being together, know what I mean? In our now, potentially, we may come to much deeper understanding of dimensions and astral realms, learning and discerning. The veil is thinning, as I perceive it. Isn't this thread proof and part
    of it?

    See for yourself what visiting the Akashic Records may offer you, if you choose to go there. Support of another person, experienced with this work, might be welcome to you. Specially for the moment afterwards, in giving words to your experience, helpful to "get real" and get on with your life on planet Earth.

    Now here's the method of "Ending-a-contract" that I learned and used:

    * Close your eyes and let your body calm down and relax, sit in a comfortable position with your legs at a 90 degree angle from the knees down and your feet flat on the floor. Sit in an upright position with relaxed shoulders and arms. Ground yourself and let your in-and outbreath be steady, not deeper than what feels normal to you. Open your feet chakras so that a neutral earth-energy can flow through your legs and meet with a neutral cosmic energy, that enters through the backside of the crown chakra, flowing down along the backside of your spinal chord, joining the earth energy flow in your first chakra on your in-breath.

    * Breath out and allow that "earth-cosmix" of energy rise up through your chakra-system, flowing through your 7th chakra and spread out of it like a fountain that fills up your aura-space around you. If you like, you can specify the balance, that feels good for you, of feminine and masculine energy, part of these energy-flows.
    At the same time you let go of general tension and your "debri" through your grounding chord, all to the center of planet Earth. Don't try to know what and where it is present, just tell it to leave your system by intention. Planet Earth knows how to deal with it, she's a great transformer. If you're new to this, what's called "flowing your energy" and new to the awareness of it, but love to learn, please practice that first if you will. And leave the other work for later. Excersize is key and playfulness offers joy. Usually it's recommended to flow your energy twice a day, for 30 minutes. After waking up and before sleep in the night. This is something you seldom overdo, unless you begin to feel awkward and overwhelmed or simply unwell.

    * Invite energy that is left elsewhere, in places and people you met that day, to return to your personal icon_sunny. positioned one handlength above your head. Keep breathing calm and allow the golden energy of your icon_sunny. fill up your physical body and aura, like as if you're taking a shower of golden energy rays also entering your body.

    * Use your imagination to make it pleasant, as colorful and sparkly as you like, try to use as less effort as possible. Don't try checking yourself too much in "Am I doing it right?" If you check yourself on that, just stop for a moment and breathe, feel your heart for yourself and place a smiley in it. Be playful but try to position your awareness in the center of your head. If you like, you can place your hands, palms down and horizontal, at the side of your head, thumbs at the back of it and middle-finger on the tip of your nose. That is the level where the center is present inside your head. For some, it's helpful to move that center slightly backwards, after having found it's location. In general we tend to move forwards with it, for our eagerness and fondness of visual impressions. This center in the middle of your head is a neutral place where you can have a look at things in
    an objective way and see them for what they are. It's also, where your image-ination resides.

    * Keep your grounding at work, feel your feet in touch with the floor, or soil. Pay attention to the 3 lower chakras, comfortably closed to an extent. Not shut fully, I mean. Don't force yourself to immediately learn all the ropes at once. It takes some practice to achieve the ability to own and manage one's energetic playground, this "multi-tasking" 854501.

    * Enter a state of calmness and close the 3 lower chakras to a comfortable state. Say, 20 %. Now, in order to end a contract, a little journey begins and you're going to make a connection with the Akashic Records, present in a grid around planet Earth. Exact distance isn't important to know, you imagine yourself rising up reaching that level. Don't leave your body behind as in "out of body", stay connected to it.

    * Imagine you're standing in front of a library entrance where you can walk in and find the librarian who takes care of it. How this appears for you is unique for you, there's no fixed manner. Just trust your process and keep moving towards the main desk. Ask the librarian for the contract you choose to empty, he/she needs no number or name, he/she will go find it for you and bring it to you.

    * He/she takes you with him/her to a table and chair and invites you to sit on the chair. You see some instruments, a dvd-player and screen, in front of you. The contract is a video placed in the dvd-player and its content is displayed on screen. You're shown where the button is for "play - pause and stop". Be aware, for a moment, of your physical body and grounding, your connection with the center of planet Earth. Be aware of visual impressions, coming from the center of your head.

    Choose your time and push on "play". What you're going to see now, is a scrolling by of "data" like archive-film-material. That's the story entailing all that is and was created around the issue you choose to let go of, the contract, including the person or group involved. The pace can be fast, no need to go into detail, perceive it as a recollection in a holographic way. It's about getting "the whole picture" an expression we use when we feel pieces of the puzzle falling into place.

    * You don't move forward to the screen with your attention, rather you allow the images to pass by, perceived from the point of view in the center of your head. I can't say I recognized any image or piece of data in my experience, it's more of a process of letting go as an unfolding. With the intention to end the contract, looking at the screen is equal to emptying it, if you can get that. Meanwhile, you may experience physical sensations, emotions, feelings, trust and allow them to be present and let go of them also.

    * Stay centered in your head and choose to park some of what you touch upon, for a later moment, if that feels appropriate to do. Also you may feel the need for a break, you can put it on pause. You may even discover that there's another contract you need to empty. Feel free to do so, you're in the right place for it.

    * The movie with your contract-story ends at some point and you may feel, that you like to thank and ask the librarian to take it out and put it away for you. As an empty shell on the shelf where he/she took it from. You might feel the need to ask for another one, or just stay and have a little rest, before you decide to walk out through the entrance and tell yourself to descend and leave the level of the Akashic Records, returning to your chair on planet Earth. Adjust your lower chakras, to your familiar level of opening. See, if there's energy of you outside your energy-system, that loves to return to you. Call it back to your icon_sunny. above your head and let it enter through your crown-chakra and around your body, in your aura. Fill up any empty space in your energy-system that you find present. Drink water and eat something as a treat.

    *Tell the one who supports you, about your experience. Or when you're alone, with yourself, you may like to write about your experience, or draw, or paint. Take your time to let go of tears or laughter, both forms of healing and clearing. Eat something. Become familiar with having ended the contract and get settled, adjusting your physical body and energy-system to the new situation and new experience of your-self. You may find a need for much sleep, swimming, quietude and silence, your presence in nature. Allow yourself a rest of 3 days, if possible. At least, be gentle with yourself for some time, while adjusting to a greater sense of freedom.

    Namaste 3562770023.

    Last edited by B.B.Baghor on Tue Jan 05, 2016 2:19 pm; edited 2 times in total
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2021
  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°21

    empty. Oxy,

    empty. SuiGeneris Today at 3:52 am
    orthodoxymoron wrote:​
    Congratulations Sui. An unbiased-observer and experienced-journalist should write a book covering the history and details of the Thuban-Phenomenon.
    Hi Oxy,
    I agree, I think that would be a great idea and I am willing to talk to any who is interested in doing just that. They are welcome to pm me here or reach me on Skype.

    orthodoxymoron wrote:​
    I've used some of the Thuban-Material in "My" Threads, mostly because they are so different and colorful -- and because they added another dimension to my "Moot Holy-War".
    What is a Moot holy war?

    orthodoxymoron wrote:​
    I am troubled by the following post by rich288 (who only made this one post).
    rich228 wrote:​
    I would like to ask Abraxas and her so called 'Council of Thuban,' why they are possessing people and holding them hostage in their own bodies and implanting them with excruciating devices that causes intense suffering for years on end (12 years and counting in my case)? Oh...and why they lie, and deceive, mislead, act in a degenerative manner, disrespect the body of the host, causing them to hurt themselves in agony, pain, and unrelenting suffering caused by the entities possessing the body. Is this part of the dragonization process? Is this legit?

    I remember that guy now that you brought him up. It’s been a year since he came forth to ask that question and looking back I wish that I had answered him using “I” and not “us Thubans”. In reality the answer I gave him was my own, not that I ever consulted with anyone as far as what I will say…at least I don’t do that; but I was still trying to salvage a little bit of the Thuban ‘image’ back then. I banned him because after his exchanges with him, Rok became convinced that he was a troll and as I did not have any previous experience dealing with trolls before, I took Rok’s words for it. But I have to say that now, reading back at what he had to say I can see his point of view better and I can also see as well where he took offense when I told him that what he had, seemed to be the result of a “psychic self-attack that originates in the mind of the believer”. All of my responses after that statement were more or less based on this premise. I can tell you Oxy that right now…I am not so sure he was wrong in the first place. He came to me convinced that the beings who had him possessed were Thubans because he said they told him they came from many places including Thuban, so he found Thuban on the net and came to ask questions. I understand that, but what I was trying to tell him was that “we” didn’t do it. I was speaking for myself and I should’ve said hey I’m not those beings, i’m not “Sirebard Beardris” or a founding member of this “Council of Thubans” as I used to say.

    About this “Council”, what I always meant with this statement —that originated with Tony anyway— is that I was one of the founding members of this online group, and not the actual Council of Thuban in some other dimension if there even is one. At least this is how I understood it. Many things were inferred but never actually expressed. Many things were sort of accepted and used by us without actually giving it much thought…just because that is how things were form the beginning, and we all took Tony’s word for it. Was it because I as well as some of us or all of us were somehow “in the zone” ourselves…a place in the mind and brain where information has been able to reach without our actual soul’s consent? I think it is possible.
    I just reinstated his demonic possession thread for two reasons. 1. Just due to the slight possibility that he might not have been a troll after all. And 2, due to the answer Tony chose to give him.
    Tony decided to answer rich228 with an excerpt from a paper Rok made named “Thuban 101”, designed to explain in simple terms the basics of Thuban ‘philosophy’, which should be said it is Tony’s point of view, not Rok’s. In other words, it is Tony’s data but explained in Rok’s words as Rok understood it. It is the part titled “About the so called Possessions” and the main idea as you can see is basically self-induction. Not surprisingly it was the first thing that came into my mind in my reply to rich. But now I find myself asking, these entities, devils and daemons…is it true they really don’t exist? Are they really manmade and reside only in the mind? Since man uses his mind as a processor it makes sense that at some point these ideas are going to be in the mind, but do they really originate from there? Does the collective reptilian memeplex originate solely in the mind or did it also have an external origin? I say ‘also’ because we already know it is in the mind, but how did it get there? If humans “tune into” these ideas then that means these ideas are also outside. And not just hollow ideas but the force that comes with it. I think that is what he tried to explain to me at one point, and I wish now that I would have thought about it then so maybe we could have gone deeper into it together. Typical TR response was —oh he’s full of memes.

    Memeplexes would be then the effect of the cause, and NOT the cause itself. Memes have grown exponentially now and are spread all over since we all share our minds in the subtle world or Noosphere. If humans, just being born on this planet, have the potential ability to tap into these archetypical forces, and we assume that they reside on the ‘beyond’ or on some subdimension of the same physicality we’re in, yet in another frequency we cannot see; then why is it that some people are more prone to these ‘assaults’ than others? Why don’t they affect us all equally and to the same degree? We have heard countless people with similar testimonies of not only seeing what they describe as daemons but also interacting with them, even revealing physical marks on their bodies…tales of abduction and inseminations, etc. Are all these people lying? Have they all gone insane? Is this memeplex so HUGE that they actually believe they have seen and undergone these experiences and just made them all up in their mind? We already know it’s in the Mind because that’s where it’s stored and why it comes out under hypnosis. Are these memories self induced? I guess the possibility definitely exists that at least some of them COULD be…by way of resonance with the collective mind, BUT are they all this way? Could some of these memories also be incepted as some AI mind control victims propose?
    Is it possible that “The Council of Thuban”, as a non physical authority, NOT the group of people made up by TR and some on 3D, do not wish to be seen by humans…or even be considered to actually exist? If these archetypes or ‘principalities in high places’ are the same forces that existed before physicality and are now in the end times ready to be reintegrated or are “coming home”, then there is no way that humans can ‘get rid of them’ or ignore them or not sense them, since they as thought forms are embedded into the very fabric of this Matrix. So the only way of “destroying them” would be to actually reabsorb them into your own vessel or to “eat them” yourself. Now, I do not know if they are only thoughtforms or they are also actually holding some form of less dense physicality, as I know there is a certain level of physicality throughout all levels or dimensions. But let’s assume for argument’s sake, that they are physical as well, in some place “out there” also. How are humans going to allow this ‘invasion’ from ‘higher places’ if they lack enough reconnection to actually make sense of the experience or to guide the pace at which this occurrence is manifesting? IF the human is already re-connected to its original and purest form aka his Spirit, then it would be a SELF ‘invasion’, because humans are in fact in both places at the same time, inside and outside. It would be a reconnection done from the Spirit’s perspective; but when the link to the Self outside of this plane is weak or nonexistent, then at the time when the very fabric of this plane of existence intensifies putting pressure on all living beings, souls will have a ‘fight to the death’ inside of them feeling they are literally being assimilated and ultimately destroyed. So I feel the seemingly mental imbalance or ‘crazyness’ or attacks, might be the very soul fighting to survive a fight they sense they cannot win; hence the snapping into different personalities or various other ‘dis-orders’.
    Tony said: “There are so at this time, 50,000 old humans upon Gaia, who will be able to resonate with the Extraterrestrial assimilation plan.”

    having considered all this, I feel this statement sounds a lot like the borg saying “Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated”, and no matter the degree to which this MAY be true at some metaphysical or quantum mechanical level, it will bring terror to the minds of people; not to mention that those not “attuned” are supposedly destined to die…and this creates an automatic clash emerging out of a primal instinct of survival within the human mind. Perhaps what SHOULD be stressed further instead is the way by which each individual will allow this “assimilation” to take place FROM the Self stance. This will be the only way to bring power back to the human being where it belongs.

    orthodoxymoron wrote:​
    I continue to think that New and Cutting-Edge Developments (of all varieties) should be viewed with Extreme-Suspicion. I strongly lean toward a Recent-Historical Approach, wherein one studies the last 100 years -- which would mean studying 1915 to 2015 presently -- in a Multidisciplinary-Manner -- so as to avoid getting sucked-into various schemes and hysteria. I haven't gotten involved in ANYTHING other than my Online Tempest in a Teapot -- and I have been rather badly-burned even by that passive and vicarious exposure to the madness. I'm presently trying to not post at all -- and just review what I've already done (with shame and regret). I keep getting the sinking-feeling that all-options are somehow bad (in various ways). Our "civilization" seems to be in the process of facing-reality -- and simultaneously embracing new-delusions. I think everyone wants things to be better -- yet few of us know how to actually make things better (individually or collectively).
    I've been attempting to avoid the Bad-Aspects of Biblical-Prophecy -- while seeking a High Moral and Spiritual Road -- and things aren't going so well (personally or collectively). But Hope Springs Eternal. Will a Human-Collective combined with Advanced-Technology save-us or destroy-us?? Time Will Tell (as it always does).

    You can actually ‘make it better’ Oxy, by bettering the conditions of your OWN Self first.
    NOT telling them to choose between Islam and Christianity, but by explaining the truth of their extradimensionality first, by helping them remember their origins so that they themselves would naturally choose integration (of themselves) over rejection…or immortality over death. You can only do this via resonance, and that means that you must’ve had to undergone it yourself first…you can never expect to ‘show the way’ to others other than by example. You cannot force people to make a decision they cannot understand. You can only try to clear the way yourself, if you can, as in taking all the grown branches of a dead vine twisted around a healthy tree, so that it would be then clearly visible.
    Tony might be a genius, but why was he and a few other Thubans labeled schizophrenic at some point by the medical establishment? Personally I never liked psychiatric labels because I think that industry has abused humans long enough. I am not saying absolutely all mental disorders are a fraud…maybe a few might be true, I don’t know much about the subject to have an informed opinion. I feel that it is no coincidence that so many Thubans have had to deal with this issue, and I think it might be because some people must have a certain propensity for it due to a heightened sensorial awareness of the metaphysical world or sensitivity of the soul. I liked this article I read recently that touches upon this, and being Peruvian and knowing about the Shamanic world of the Amazon, this article did make sense to me

    This ‘hypersensitivity’ can be good at times like now, but it can also be bad, depending who is doing the thinking in you, the personality, the soul or the Spirit. Depending upon what part of you is actually ‘in charge’ in you. Because IF there are negative entities who are trying to take advantage of this cosmic energetic ‘push’ to force themselves into a place they do not belong; then, stressing terms like “Extraterrestrial assimilation plan” may not be a good idea when alluding to what actually is a divine occurrence, otherwise you would be feeding the very memeplexes you are trying to overcome.
    Believing you are to leave yourself completely opened to external forces might be actually inviting them in and they will take possession of your vessel because you have allowed them access. See, it never felt ok to me this almost ‘veneration’ of the ETs and their ‘starcruisers’ by Thuban rhetoric, not because I feared them, but because they are external to me and because I consider a species who needs human female eggs in order to further their evolution having become way too technologically advanced that have degenerated themselves by omitting emotions or that never had emotions to begin with, are actually inferior to humans.

    The word “human” in Thuban was used way too many times for comfort to denote negativity “OW” (Old World) as something passé, something entropic. Humans in essence are NOT that. Humans are not inherently evil…it is society that corrupts them. And so, I propose to do the exact opposite. I propose that it is not a good idea to reject your humanness…your humanity, but to build upon it instead. Not to call yourself an ET thinking that this label is somehow better than you, but to see yourself as you actually are and take pride in your innocence embracing your unique capacity to FEEL emotions. In all my years in Thuban I have learn by experience…by observation of what NOT to do, that there is no “skipping” or jumping right into becoming a “Starhuman” just because someone external has declared you so. Neither will it come from some external “salvation” be it from a “starcruiser command” or the efforts someone else did 2,000 years ago. Alchemical Transmutation requires actual Self-WORK to be done. It is not easy but it is not impossible either, as it has been shown.
    ‘But Xeia, the real ET’s are the plants and animals…you must love them all cosmically while you can go $%*# yourself because I despise your human mind’ Well…this “love of all” is another issue I can go over at a later time.

    Big hug, 934918.

    Last edited: Jan 4, 2016
  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Thuban Endtime Musings and Amur the Tiger with his Friend Timur the Goat and the Burden of Babylon the Baby Alone

    [6:31:16 PM] ShilohaPlace: Simon Parkes: Humanity must save itself from The Dark VIDEO
    Published on Dec 26, 2015
    Global Mission of Peace:

    On The GoldFish Report No.41, The Ambassador welcomes UK Counselor Simon Parkes to discuss major world changes that humanity faces in the near future. Simon provides an update on the events in Paris and at CERN and how they are connected. Both the Ambassador and Simon encourages humanity to wake up and take your destiny in YOUR OWN hands and to not think someone or something will save us. HUMANITY MUST SAVE ITSELF! To learn more about Simon and his work please visit To follow the topics we present for discussion and analysis on The GoldFish Report, please follow us on facebook at and at https://www.thegoldfishreportcom,, and

    [6:31:46 PM] ShilohaPlace: Just so you know humanity can do it all by itself - from the nabs within I suppose lol.
    And yes evil CERN is responsible for the Paris islam murders; what a nutcase and GURU this Simon Parkes is and poor Xeia has no friends in Thuban, she feels so neglected perhaps?
    After supporting and listening to her dramas in Florida with and without Rok there for 4 years or so?

    Posts: 1212
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    Location: Gaia

    Post n°17

    hei Sanicle
    Post SuiGeneris Yesterday at 4:00 pm

    Hi, Sanicle, and thank you for your kind remarks.
    To answer your question about my name, yes that’s me. Some years ago I asked Tony to edit my name because I noticed he was publishing a great deal of our Skype chats and sometimes in conversation TR would call me by my birth name which is Julissa btw, and we agreed it was best to use our handles instead, so he just made a twist and used a mix of my name and the number 666 that is mathematically associated with me I was told. I don't use this number because it is not something i chose myself. I know it has a very bad reputation being associated with evil and the antichrist and all that, but in Thuban it was supposed to be ok and even good in a way. Personally (not that I was ever asked), I think this number is not inherently evil, or any other number, but this one in particular has a certain meaning symbolizing duality, the number of ‘the beast’ found in the 666 of all barcodes for instance. The circle. If I look at this circle as this 3d world that we live in, as a ‘prison’, then the number -666 would be a better fit for me, the reverse, the anti of it or antimatter, the number found outside of that circle…the opposite frequency.
    About your other comments, the last couple of years I mostly came into the group chats just to ask questions among so many monologues or pastes. On a personal note, everything began to downgrade for me quickly when Tony made the statement he only considered Raven his friend…after all that talk about us six being quantum entangled and what not it felt weird to me. I take friendship seriously so things began not to add up since way back.
    Thank you for welcoming me and I look forward to many good exchanges.
    Xeia Hugs

    [6:38:06 PM] ShilohaPlace: Is Xeia displaying her superstitious mind here after all?
    Like Carol she is 'trying' to sound scientific, here in implying antimatter, without knowing what this is and how to use this label in a correct context. Both matter and antimatter have mass and NOT antimass or negative mass, which is something completely different, but nevertheless is used in the above as some form of antistate of physicalized energy.
    Iow antimatter CANNOT be used metaphysically in the way Xeia here tries to do as it is part of the 'old matrix' say and fyi so termed shadow matter sometimes used in a higher D sense is NOT in any way or form antimatter as well.
    This Simon Parkes and many nabs quasi science videos also mix those labels up profusely and ignorantly regarding its actual universally standardized meaning and application

    [6:44:13 PM] ShilohaPlace: For you rax; about 666

    Add up 1+2+3+...+34+35+36 and see what you get? Now 36=6x6=6+6+6=18=1+8=9=3+6
    Also add up the first seven squares of prime numbers: 2x2+3x3+5x5+7x7+11x11+13x13+17x17=? 4+9+25+49+121+169+289=?
    So much evil mathematics and Thuban ET Omni-science.
    WO-MAN is the number of a MAN yes? WOMAN=66=FREEDOM=THUBAN=ABRAXAS=ANUBIS=THE MAGIC=THE NAME = THE AMEN with OM=28=MAN=IS=WE=ME=WO=... 28=LAMB and IS=28=IS the Neith or Nut of Egypt
    The heavenly envelope with Geb as the Father Earth with Mother Sky. From a previous Egyptian generation called the Egyptian Lion Twin Shu and Tefnut.
    Shu becomes Father Sky and Tefnut Mother Earth, later retold as Uranus and Gaea in the Greek mythology of the creation of the worlds/kosmos from the primordial Chaos.
    You then can retell this again in the Celtic mythology/Yddragsil/Loki/Odin/Nibelungen etc and basically all and sundry 'creation mythologies' native to this planet.

    And of course, Thubans are suspect and OW labeled as 'schizophrenic' and so Xeia has finally aligned with Bill Ryan and co lol; both of whom themselves are of course
    'sensitive' to the 'truth from the higher worlds of whatever' and so are well qualified to sit on the 'judgement seats' of unbiased and objective observations regarding their encountered physical and metaphysical and 'spiritual' environments.
    Her linked article is a good 'alternative' descriptor however and well worth a read and contemplation.

    Tony might be a genius, but why was he and a few other Thubans labeled schizophrenic at some point by the medical establishment? Personally I never liked psychiatric labels because I think that industry has abused humans long enough. I am not saying absolutely all mental disorders are a fraud…maybe a few might be true, I don’t know much about the subject to have an informed opinion. I feel that it is no coincidence that so many Thubans have had to deal with this issue, and I think it might be because some people must have a certain propensity for it due to a heightened sensorial awareness of the metaphysical world or sensitivity of the soul. I liked this article I read recently that touches upon this, and being Peruvian and knowing about the Shamanic world of the Amazon, this article did make sense to me

    [7:10:35 PM] ShilohaPlace: Nabsers might therefore be valid judges of what is 'psychiatric illness' and what is 'hypersensitive' or 'shamanic'?
    Here comes the ET 'borg assimilation plan'!

    This ‘hypersensitivity’ can be good at times like now, but it can also be bad, depending who is doing the thinking in you, the personality, the soul or the Spirit. Depending upon what part of you is actually ‘in charge’ in you. Because IF there are negative entities who are trying to take advantage of this cosmic energetic ‘push’ to force themselves into a place they do not belong; then, stressing terms like “Extraterrestrial assimilation plan” may not be a good idea when alluding to what actually is a divine occurrence, otherwise you would be feeding the very memeplexes you are trying to overcome.
    Believing you are to leave yourself completely opened to external forces might be actually inviting them in and they will take possession of your vessel because you have allowed them access. See, it never felt ok to me this almost ‘veneration’ of the ETs and their ‘starcruisers’ by Thuban rhetoric, not because I feared them, but because they are external to me and because I consider a species who needs human female eggs in order to further their evolution having become way too technologically advanced that have degenerated themselves by omitting emotions or that never had emotions to begin with, are actually inferior to humans.

    [7:13:11 PM] ShilohaPlace: The mind boggles as to how Xeia's mental perceptions and discernments have become hijacked by ashera and co. And yet asha would fully support ET wars and invasions, so figure. Asha is 'positioned' in some extraplanetary orbit remember? --- Spock and Data would not be pleased lol in becoming reduced to some emotionless ET or AI culturalivization.

    Again she does not mention THAT (un)holy name, but at least she points to THAT names' perceived impotence to do anything or much in the present world in its endtimes crisis.

    The word “human” in Thuban was used way too many times for comfort to denote negativity “OW” (Old World) as something passé, something entropic. Humans in essence are NOT that. Humans are not inherently evil…it is society that corrupts them. And so, I propose to do the exact opposite. I propose that it is not a good idea to reject your humanness…your humanity, but to build upon it instead. Not to call yourself an ET thinking that this label is somehow better than you, but to see yourself as you actually are and take pride in your innocence embracing your unique capacity to FEEL emotions. In all my years in Thuban I have learn by experience…by observation of what NOT to do, that there is no “skipping” or jumping right into becoming a “Starhuman” just because someone external has declared you so. Neither will it come from some external “salvation” be it from a “starcruiser command” or the efforts someone else did 2,000 years ago. Alchemical Transmutation requires actual Self-WORK to be done. It is not easy but it is not impossible either, as it has been shown.
    ‘But Xeia, the real ET’s are the plants and animals…you must love them all cosmically while you can go $%*# yourself because I despise your human mind’ Well…this “love of all” is another issue I can go over at a later time.

    [7:17:46 PM] ShilohaPlace: A true face revealed and the reason why Xeia is not and was not a true Thuban from the start--- "Neither will it come from some external “salvation” be it from a “starcruiser command” or the efforts someone else did 2,000 years ago."

    [7:20:33 PM] ShilohaPlace: Now what does the scriptures say about Physical Demonstration and the 'F-owls of heaven', the 'screech owls' of the Lilithian Serpents?

    Isaiah 60:8
    Who are these that fly as a cloud, and as the doves to their windows?

    Matthew 24:30
    And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

    Revelation 1:7 with 19:17-21
    Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.

    17 And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God;
    18 That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great.
    19 And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army.
    20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.
    21 And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.

    [7:22:35 PM] ShilohaPlace: Now where is the falsity?
    In the scriptures or the meanderings of a disbelieving antichrist energy meme which has indeed HIJACKED the minds of Xeia and hers?
    But the film has not ended and the theatre is still seating the audiences BOTH ET and human, both extraplanetary and terrestrial. And yes the ETs are manifesting this superimportant code;

    Isaiah 11:6-10 - King James Version (KJV)
    6 The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.
    7 And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.
    8 And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice' den.
    9 They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.
    10 And in that day there shall be a root of Jesse, which shall stand for an ensign of the people; to it shall the Gentiles seek: and his rest shall be glorious.


    Isaiah 65:24-25 - King James Version (KJV)
    24 And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.
    25 The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock: and dust shall be the serpent's meat. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the Lord.

    [7:29:13 PM] ShilohaPlace: ETs are watching the planetary dramas indeed

    [7:29:33 PM] ShilohaPlace:


    Strange Bedfellows: A Tiger and His Goat

    © Sputnik/ Vitaliy Ankov
    18:46 01.01.2016

    A tiger and a goat have continued to peacefully coexist for over a month in a safari park in Russia’s Far East.

    It’s been over a month since Amur the Tiger and Timur the Goat started living together in a safari park in Russian Far East, and the two creatures still act like they’re best buddies.
    In fact, the goat apparently treats the tiger as a pack leader, often refusing to eat if his feline companion isn’t around.
    The two creatures became friends on November 26, when the goat was thrown into the tiger's cage as his next would-be meal, but instead managed to befriend the predator.

    Read more:

    Isaiah 13 - King James Version (KJV)
    1The burden of Babylon, which Isaiah the son of Amoz did see.
    2 Lift ye up a banner upon the high mountain, exalt the voice unto them, shake the hand, that they may go into the gates of the nobles.
    3 I have commanded my sanctified ones, I have also called my mighty ones for mine anger, even them that rejoice in my highness.
    4 The noise of a multitude in the mountains, like as of a great people; a tumultuous noise of the kingdoms of nations gathered together: the Lord of hosts mustereth the host of the battle.
    5 They come from a far country, from the end of heaven, even the Lord, and the weapons of his indignation, to destroy the whole land.
    6 Howl ye; for the day of the Lord is at hand; it shall come as a destruction from the Almighty.
    7 Therefore shall all hands be faint, and every man's heart shall melt:
    8 And they shall be afraid: pangs and sorrows shall take hold of them; they shall be in pain as a woman that travaileth: they shall be amazed one at another; their faces shall be as flames.
    9 Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it.
    10 For the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light: the sun shall be darkened in his going forth, and the moon shall not cause her light to shine.
    11 And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.
    12 I will make a man more precious than fine gold; even a man than the golden wedge of Ophir.
    13 Therefore I will shake the heavens, and the earth shall remove out of her place, in the wrath of the Lord of hosts, and in the day of his fierce anger.
    14 And it shall be as the chased roe, and as a sheep that no man taketh up: they shall every man turn to his own people, and flee every one into his own land.
    15 Every one that is found shall be thrust through; and every one that is joined unto them shall fall by the sword.
    16 Their children also shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses shall be spoiled, and their wives ravished.
    17 Behold, I will stir up the Medes against them, which shall not regard silver; and as for gold, they shall not delight in it.
    18 Their bows also shall dash the young men to pieces; and they shall have no pity on the fruit of the womb; their eyes shall not spare children.
    19 And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldees' excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah.
    20 It shall never be inhabited, neither shall it be dwelt in from generation to generation: neither shall the Arabian pitch tent there; neither shall the shepherds make their fold there.
    21 But wild beasts of the desert shall lie there; and their houses shall be full of doleful creatures; and owls shall dwell there, and satyrs shall dance there.
    22 And the wild beasts of the islands shall cry in their desolate houses, and dragons in their pleasant palaces: and her time is near to come, and her days shall not be prolonged.

    Revelation 14:6-20 - King James Version (KJV)
    6 And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,
    7 Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.
    8 And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. {December 21st, 2015 || December 26th, 2015}

    9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
    10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
    11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
    12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
    13 And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.
    14 And I looked, and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of man, having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle.
    15 And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to him that sat on the cloud, Thrust in thy sickle, and reap: for the time is come for thee to reap; for the harvest of the earth is ripe.
    16 And he that sat on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the earth; and the earth was reaped.
    17 And another angel came out of the temple which is in heaven, he also having a sharp sickle.
    18 And another angel came out from the altar, which had power over fire; and cried with a loud cry to him that had the sharp sickle, saying, Thrust in thy sharp sickle, and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth; for her grapes are fully ripe.
    19 And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God.
    20 And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs.


    Isaiah 47 Malachi 47 John
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2016
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    There are memeplexes and there are memeplexes!
    Is adding a memeform to - the same as subtracting a thoughtform from - the universal 'soul' morphology?
    A Thuban Dragon knows!

    Revelation 22:16-21 - King James Version (KJV)
    16 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.
    17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.
    18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
    19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

    20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
    21 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

    By WakingTimes August 22, 2014
    Read More →

    Stephanie Marohn​

    with Malidoma Patrice Somé
    Waking Times


    The Shamanic View of Mental Illness

    In the shamanic view, mental illness signals “the birth of a healer,” explains Malidoma Patrice Somé. Thus, mental disorders are spiritual emergencies, spiritual crises, and need to be regarded as such to aid the healer in being born.
    What those in the West view as mental illness, the Dagara people regard as “good news from the other world.” The person going through the crisis has been chosen as a medium for a message to the community that needs to be communicated from the spirit realm. “Mental disorder, behavioral disorder of all kinds, signal the fact that two obviously incompatible energies have merged into the same field,” says Dr. Somé. These disturbances result when the person does not get assistance in dealing with the presence of the energy from the spirit realm.
    One of the things Dr. Somé encountered when he first came to the United States in 1980 for graduate study was how this country deals with mental illness. When a fellow student was sent to a mental institute due to “nervous depression,” Dr. Somé went to visit him.

    “I was so shocked. That was the first time I was brought face to face with what is done here to people exhibiting the same symptoms I’ve seen in my village.” What struck Dr. Somé was that the attention given to such symptoms was based on pathology, on the idea that the condition is something that needs to stop. This was in complete opposition to the way his culture views such a situation. As he looked around the stark ward at the patients, some in straitjackets, some zoned out on medications, others screaming, he observed to himself, “So this is how the healers who are attempting to be born are treated in this culture. What a loss! What a loss that a person who is finally being aligned with a power from the other world is just being wasted.”
    Another way to say this, which may make more sense to the Western mind, is that we in the West are not trained in how to deal or even taught to acknowledge the existence of psychic phenomena, the spiritual world. In fact, psychic abilities are denigrated. When energies from the spiritual world emerge in a Western psyche, that individual is completely unequipped to integrate them or even recognize what is happening. The result can be terrifying. Without the proper context for and assistance in dealing with the breakthrough from another level of reality, for all practical purposes, the person is insane. Heavy dosing with anti-psychotic drugs compounds the problem and prevents the integration that could lead to soul development and growth in the individual who has received these energies.
    On the mental ward, Dr Somé saw a lot of “beings” hanging around the patients, “entities” that are invisible to most people but that shamans and psychics are able to see. “They were causing the crisis in these people,” he says. It appeared to him that these beings were trying to get the medications and their effects out of the bodies of the people the beings were trying to merge with, and were increasing the patients’ pain in the process. “The beings were acting almost like some kind of excavator in the energy field of people. They were really fierce about that. The people they were doing that to were just screaming and yelling,” he said. He couldn’t stay in that environment and had to leave.

    In the Dagara tradition, the community helps the person reconcile the energies of both worlds–”the world of the spirit that he or she is merged with, and the village and community.” That person is able then to serve as a bridge between the worlds and help the living with information and healing they need. Thus, the spiritual crisis ends with the birth of another healer. “The other world’s relationship with our world is one of sponsorship,” Dr. Somé explains. “More often than not, the knowledge and skills that arise from this kind of merger are a knowledge or a skill that is provided directly from the other world.”

    The beings who were increasing the pain of the inmates on the mental hospital ward were actually attempting to merge with the inmates in order to get messages through to this world. The people they had chosen to merge with were getting no assistance in learning how to be a bridge between the worlds and the beings’ attempts to merge were thwarted. The result was the sustaining of the initial disorder of energy and the aborting of the birth of a healer.
    “The Western culture has consistently ignored the birth of the healer,” states Dr. Somé. “Consequently, there will be a tendency from the other world to keep trying as many people as possible in an attempt to get somebody’s attention. They have to try harder.” The spirits are drawn to people whose senses have not been anesthetized. “The sensitivity is pretty much read as an invitation to come in,” he notes.
    Those who develop so-called mental disorders are those who are sensitive, which is viewed in Western culture as oversensitivity. Indigenous cultures don’t see it that way and, as a result, sensitive people don’t experience themselves as overly sensitive. In the West, “it is the overload of the culture they’re in that is just wrecking them,” observes Dr. Somé. The frenetic pace, the bombardment of the senses, and the violent energy that characterize Western culture can overwhelm sensitive people.

    Schizophrenia and Foreign Energy

    With schizophrenia, there is a special “receptivity to a flow of images and information, which cannot be controlled,” stated Dr. Somé. “When this kind of rush occurs at a time that is not personally chosen, and particularly when it comes with images that are scary and contradictory, the person goes into a frenzy.”
    What is required in this situation is first to separate the person’s energy from the extraneous foreign energies, by using shamanic practice (what is known as a “sweep”) to clear the latter out of the individual’s aura. With the clearing of their energy field, the person no longer picks up a flood of information and so no longer has a reason to be scared and disturbed, explains Dr. Somé.
    Then it is possible to help the person align with the energy of the spirit being attempting to come through from the other world and give birth to the healer. The blockage of that emergence is what creates problems. “The energy of the healer is a high-voltage energy,” he observes. “When it is blocked, it just burns up the person. It’s like a short-circuit. Fuses are blowing. This is why it can be really scary, and I understand why this culture prefers to confine these people. Here they are yelling and screaming, and they’re put into a straitjacket. That’s a sad image.” Again, the shamanic approach is to work on aligning the energies so there is no blockage, “fuses” aren’t blowing, and the person can become the healer they are meant to be.
    It needs to be noted at this point, however, that not all of the spirit beings that enter a person’s energetic field are there for the purposes of promoting healing. There are negative energies as well, which are undesirable presences in the aura. In those cases, the shamanic approach is to remove them from the aura, rather than work to align the discordant energies

    Alex: Crazy in the USA, Healer in Africa

    To test his belief that the shamanic view of mental illness holds true in the Western world as well as in indigenous cultures, Dr. Somé took a mental patient back to Africa with him, to his village. “I was prompted by my own curiosity to find out whether there’s truth in the universality that mental illness could be connected with an alignment with a being from another world,” says Dr. Somé.

    Alex was an 18-year-old American who had suffered a psychotic break when he was 14. He had hallucinations, was suicidal, and went through cycles of dangerously severe depression. He was in a mental hospital and had been given a lot of drugs, but nothing was helping. “The parents had done everything–unsuccessfully,” says Dr. Somé. “They didn’t know what else to do.”
    With their permission, Dr. Somé took their son to Africa. “After eight months there, Alex had become quite normal, Dr. Somé reports. He was even able to participate with healers in the business of healing; sitting with them all day long and helping them, assisting them in what they were doing with their clients . . . . He spent about four years in my village.” Alex stayed by choice, not because he needed more healing. He felt, “much safer in the village than in America.”

    To bring his energy and that of the being from the spiritual realm into alignment, Alex went through a shamanic ritual designed for that purpose, although it was slightly different from the one used with the Dagara people. “He wasn’t born in the village, so something else applied. But the result was similar, even though the ritual was not literally the same,” explains Dr. Somé. The fact that aligning the energy worked to heal Alex demonstrated to Dr. Somé that the connection between other beings and mental illness is indeed universal.
    After the ritual, Alex began to share the messages that the spirit being had for this world. Unfortunately, the people he was talking to didn’t speak English (Dr. Somé was away at that point). The whole experience led, however, to Alex’s going to college to study psychology. He returned to the United States after four years because “he discovered that all the things that he needed to do had been done, and he could then move on with his life.”
    The last that Dr. Somé heard was that Alex was in graduate school in psychology at Harvard. No one had thought he would ever be able to complete undergraduate studies, much less get an advanced degree.
    Dr. Somé sums up what Alex’s mental illness was all about: “He was reaching out. It was an emergency call. His job and his purpose was to be a healer. He said no one was paying attention to that.”
    After seeing how well the shamanic approach worked for Alex, Dr. Somé concluded that spirit beings are just as much an issue in the West as in his community in Africa. “Yet the question still remains, the answer to this problem must be found here, instead of having to go all the way overseas to seek the answer. There has to be a way in which a little bit of attention beyond the pathology of this whole experience leads to the possibility of coming up with the proper ritual to help people.

    Longing for Spiritual Connection

    A common thread that Dr. Somé has noticed in “mental” disorders in the West is “a very ancient ancestral energy that has been placed in stasis, that finally is coming out in the person.” His job then is to trace it back, to go back in time to discover what that spirit is. In most cases, the spirit is connected to nature, especially with mountains or big rivers, he says.
    In the case of mountains, as an example to explain the phenomenon, “it’s a spirit of the mountain that is walking side by side with the person and, as a result, creating a time-space distortion that is affecting the person caught in it.” What is needed is a merger or alignment of the two energies, “so the person and the mountain spirit become one.” Again, the shaman conducts a specific ritual to bring about this alignment.
    Dr. Somé believes that he encounters this situation so often in the United States because “most of the fabric of this country is made up of the energy of the machine, and the result of that is the disconnection and the severing of the past. You can run from the past, but you can’t hide from it.” The ancestral spirit of the natural world comes visiting. “It’s not so much what the spirit wants as it is what the person wants,” he says. “The spirit sees in us a call for something grand, something that will make life meaningful, and so the spirit is responding to that.”

    That call, which we don’t even know we are making, reflects “a strong longing for a profound connection, a connection that transcends materialism and possession of things and moves into a tangible cosmic dimension. Most of this longing is unconscious, but for spirits, conscious or unconscious doesn’t make any difference.” They respond to either.
    As part of the ritual to merge the mountain and human energy, those who are receiving the “mountain energy” are sent to a mountain area of their choice, where they pick up a stone that calls to them. They bring that stone back for the rest of the ritual and then keep it as a companion; some even carry it around with them. “The presence of the stone does a lot in tuning the perceptive ability of the person,” notes Dr. Somé. “They receive all kinds of information that they can make use of, so it’s like they get some tangible guidance from the other world as to how to live their life.”
    When it is the “river energy,” those being called go to the river and, after speaking to the river spirit, find a water stone to bring back for the same kind of ritual as with the mountain spirit.
    “People think something extraordinary must be done in an extraordinary situation like this,” he says. That’s not usually the case. Sometimes it is as simple as carrying a stone.

    A Sacred Ritual Approach to Mental Illness

    One of the gifts a shaman can bring to the Western world is to help people rediscover ritual, which is so sadly lacking. “The abandonment of ritual can be devastating. From the spiritual view, ritual is inevitable and necessary if one is to live,” Dr. Somé writes in Ritual: Power, Healing, and Community. “To say that ritual is needed in the industrialized world is an understatement. We have seen in my own people that it is probably impossible to live a sane life without it.”
    Dr. Somé did not feel that the rituals from his traditional village could simply be transferred to the West, so over his years of shamanic work here, he has designed rituals that meet the very different needs of this culture. Although the rituals change according to the individual or the group involved, he finds that there is a need for certain rituals in general.
    One of these involves helping people discover that their distress is coming from the fact that they are “called by beings from the other world to cooperate with them in doing healing work.” Ritual allows them to move out of the distress and accept that calling.
    Another ritual need relates to initiation. In indigenous cultures all over the world, young people are initiated into adulthood when they reach a certain age. The lack of such initiation in the West is part of the crisis that people are in here, says Dr. Somé. He urges communities to bring together “the creative juices of people who have had this kind of experience, in an attempt to come up with some kind of an alternative ritual that would at least begin to put a dent in this kind of crisis.”

    Another ritual that repeatedly speaks to the needs of those coming to him for help entails making a bonfire, and then putting into the bonfire “items that are symbolic of issues carried inside the individuals . . .
    It might be the issues of anger and frustration against an ancestor who has left a legacy of murder and enslavement or anything, things that the descendant has to live with,” he explains. “If these are approached as things that are blocking the human imagination, the person’s life purpose, and even the person’s view of life as something that can improve, then it makes sense to begin thinking in terms of how to turn that blockage into a roadway that can lead to something more creative and more fulfilling.”

    The example of issues with an ancestors touches on rituals designed by Dr. Somé that address a serious dysfunction in Western society and in the process “trigger enlightenment” in participants. These are ancestral rituals, and the dysfunction they are aimed at is the mass turning-of-the-back on ancestors. Some of the spirits trying to come through, as described earlier, may be “ancestors who want to merge with a descendant in an attempt to heal what they weren’t able to do while in their physical body.”

    “Unless the relationship between the living and the dead is in balance, chaos ensues,” he says. “The Dagara believe that, if such an imbalance exists, it is the duty of the living to heal their ancestors. If these ancestors are not healed, their sick energy will haunt the souls and psyches of those who are responsible for helping them.” The rituals focus on healing the relationship with our ancestors, both specific issues of an individual ancestor and the larger cultural issues contained in our past. Dr. Somé has seen extraordinary healing occur at these rituals.

    Taking a sacred ritual approach to mental illness rather than regarding the person as a pathological case gives the person affected–and indeed the community at large–the opportunity to begin looking at it from that vantage point too, which leads to “a whole plethora of opportunities and ritual initiative that can be very, very beneficial to everyone present,” states. Dr. Somé.

    Excerpted from: The Natural Medicine Guide to Schizophrenia, or The Natural Medicine Guide to Bi-polar Disorder, pages 178-189, Stephanie Marohn (featuring Malidoma Patrice Somé).
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    Last edited: Jan 4, 2016

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