Mars Goes Direct - 12 Jan 2023 To 23 Mar 2023 - Raquel Spring

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 12, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Friday the 13th
    13-Eagle/Men - Let go and ASCEND...
    Today's energy of EAGLE resonates to heightened aspiration
    and taking new aim, 13 assists with ascending over the horizon
    to the next stage of growth. It is time to see the larger view
    by being "complete" to the process "within".
    below from Jaguar Wisdom, thank you...
    Sean Caulfield

    13 January, 2023- 13 Tz’ikin (Men)
    In some highland Maya towns, 13 Tz’ikin was widely celebrated as
    “the great day to ask Ajaw (the divine power) for prosperity.”

    Since just about everyone wants more prosperity in life,

    it was a pretty popular day.

    Even if you got up before dawn, you could go to all the shrines
    and still not find space at any of the altars, because everyone in town
    was already there.

    This is the day to express your intention for more abundance in your life.

    How does one create abundance?
    By giving thanks, even if you belie
    ve that you have nothing.

    At one ceremony, my teacher called out the names of all 20 day signs
    and told the two of us who were working with her to say a prayer (out loud!)
    giving thanks for each one

    – even and especially the day signs that we felt to be personally rather difficult to deal with.

    We create abundance by praising the world for its beauty."
    Sean Caulfield
    Source of image unknown

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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