Ley Lines Aka Leylines Aka Ley-lines Edenburgh/dragon

Discussion in 'Ancient Archaeology and New Discoveries' started by CULCULCAN, Aug 12, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    IN POST #21



    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    post 21 and 22

    Edinburgh, Scotland The Real Holy City of Jerusalem.
    May 31, 2022 ·

    The Ancient High Kings ''Ard Ri's'' of Ireland to The Most Earliest Kings of Scotland WERE JEWISH

    They Practiced "Judaism" Before Converting.

    Before Converting over To Christianity and the Christian Tradition,
    The High Kings ''Ard Ri's'' of Ireland and The Earliest ''SCOTTISH'' Kings of Scotland
    Were Practicing Ancient / Medieval Jewish Scottish Kings.

    Ancient / Medieval Ireland and Scotland Was Ruled By Both "Common Law Courts" and "Torah Law"
    and Guided By The 10 Commandments Under the DIRECTIVES of the ''OLD TESTAMENT'' Hebrew Scriptures.

    ((((The Druids where the Levites (High Priests) the Real Historical Jews (Judeans)
    That Existed they were the Levite Priest Class of The ''Ancient Hebrew Israelite Nation and Kingdom of Ancient Israel''.

    The Druids where Targeted By ROME / EDOM because of their Lineage and Ancestry
    going all the way back to the Hebrew ISRAELITE Tribe of Levi the True and Biblical Jews of Ancient Times.

    They also went by another Name and that was the YEWS are the JEWS
    and the JEWS are the YEWS they are both the HIGH PRIESTS and the DRUIDS of OLD
    they were known in Ancient Israel as the High Priests and Later in on History towards the Celts as the Druids.))))

    and took Part in ANCIENT JEWISH PRACTICES and JUDAISM itself. The Celtic TRIBES of IRELAND and SCOTLAND
    of Ancient IRELAND and SCOTLAND.

    Saint Patrick, Went Back To Ancient / Medieval Ireland To Convert The Jewish High Kings ''Ard Ri's'' of Ireland
    Over to Christianity and The Rest of The Jewish Population of Ancient / Medieval Ireland and Scotland.

    The Druids of Ancient / Medieval Ireland were Indeed ''The Jewish Priest Class'' of Jewish RABBIS / Jewish High Priests
    Who Had The Audience of The Jewish High Kings ''Ard Ri's''.

    So The Archdruids Were Jewish High Priests ''THE HIGHER MORE TORAH OBSERVANT HIGH PRIESTS''
    and The Lower Non Druids Were more of the Main Practicing Jewish Rabbi's Following TORAH LAW and COMMON LAW.

    So Most or Almost All of the Ancient Jews and the Ancient Jewish Population of Ireland and Scotland

    Were all but Mostly Converted Over to "Ancient Celtic Christianity" of The ANCIENT IRISH CHURCH.

    This Means that The Early "Celtic Irish Church" of Celtic Christianity Almost Converted Most of All
    of The Ancient Jewish Population at that time.

    This would actually be the FIRST and ORIGINAL Church that Was The Ancient "Celtic Irish Church" of Ireland
    Known As "Celtic Irish Christianity".

    So in all reality the Ancient "Celtic Irish Christianity" of The Ancient "Celtic Irish Church"
    IS THE 1ST / REAL ANCIENT ORIGINAL CHURCH of Christianity itself.

    The Most Earliest "First Church's" of All of Christianity / Christendom Were Built In Ancient Ireland and Scotland the Originals.

    Edinburgh Also Got Its Name From ''Kear Eden, Civitate Antiquissima'' and That of Dynguayth ''Dun Gad''.

    The Jewish Area of ''Judea'' would Get The Roman Name of ''Ejudensca'' Then Latter On The Final Name of ''Edinburgh''.

    Dynguayth ''Dun Gad'' as ''Giudi-Ail-Guarth'' Translated To ''Place of The Jews of The Gad''

    The ARK of THE COVENANT Belongs in (Edinburgh, Scotland)

    The Real Biblical City of Jerusalem This Is The True and Real Biblical Holy and Sacred Divine City of Jerusalem


    ONE of HEAVEN.

    (((("Julius Severus served as Governor of Moesia; he was appointed Governor of Britain around 131

    .In 133 he was transferred to Judea, to help suppress the Bar Kochba rebellion there.

    Because of his military reputation, historians have seen him as a troubleshooter,
    sent to troublesome provinces to bring peace through war and his presence has been taken as indication
    of unrest in Britain at the time.

    There is no archaeological evidence to suggest fighting in Britain under his governorship
    although a reference by the orator Fronto to many soldiers dying in Britain under Hadrian's reign
    may refer to trouble at this time.

    "Soon [AD 132], however, all Judaea had been stirred up,
    and the Jews everywhere were showing signs of disturbance ...
    Hadrian sent against them his best generals.

    The first of these was Julius Severus, who was dispatched from Britain,
    where he was governor, against the Jews."
    – Cassius Dio, History of Rome LXIX.xiii.1-2 - Epitome of Xiphilinus ".

    Jerusalem is actually Edinburgh- Old Comyns didn’t just stop at suggesting that Atlantis equaled Scotland,
    but by extension also went on to prove that Jerusalem was Edinburgh.

    How did he do this? Well he started off by taking as a given that Atlantis was Scotland,
    and for his supporting evidence claimed that the Palestinian Jerusalem simply did not conform
    to how the Bible describes it.

    Unlike Edinburgh, with its Mount of Olives (Arthur’s Seat),
    City of Zion (Edinburgh Castle) and port at Joppa.

    Furthermore, he looked at a number of Roman texts written at the time of the Jewish revolt
    against the Romans that show commanders from York being dispatched to quell the Jews.

    Surely, asks Comyns, this is simply untenable if Jerusalem really were in Palestine

    ? It makes sense, however, if Jerusalem was only up the road in Edinburgh.

    He supports his theory by proposing that the Catrail Wall was not built by the Picts,
    but by the Romans to keep the Jews in Edinburgh.

    He further maintains that when the Jews revolted again,
    Hadrian gave orders to destroy them and their city completely, leaving no trace.

    Later, when Constantine needed to resurrect a "new Jerusalem" for his own political reasons,
    he chose to locate it in Palestine.))))

    The Jews Scots / The Scots Jews & i.e. The Scythian's CELTS / GAELS / Vesigoths

    "GADITES" of The TRIBE of GAD Connection To The Jewish / Scottish Wars
    Against The Romans and the Entire Roman Empire.

    The Jewish / Scottish Wars Against ROME and The Jewish / Scottish Wars Against The Roman Empire
    itself was and is the Connection to the Vesigoths Destruction of the City of Rome.

    The JEWS and The SCOTS Are ONE and The SAME PEOPLE Cut From The SAME CLOTH

    Its Time For Both of My Kindred Brothers TO WAKE UP!!

    Both of My Kindred Brothers (MY UNITED TRIBE OF PEOPLE)
    the JEWS and the SCOTS Need To Realize THEY ARE ONE
    and THE SAME PEOPLE Period!!!!!!!

    From The SAME TRIBES!!!

    I Fully Recognize That Both The Jewish and Scottish People Descend
    From The EXACT SAME TRIBES of PEOPLE through a "Shared Lineage In Their Ancestries".

    So I Do Not Look At The Jewish and The Scottish People As Separate INDIVIDUAL Peoples
    and or Groups THAT WOULD BE A TOTAL LIE They Are My ENTIRE PEOPLE!!!!

    So In All Reality Both The Jewish and The Scottish People MAKE UP The ENTIRETY Of "MY PEOPLE"

    Who Would Be A Complete WHOLE Group.

    that has been Created to DIVIDE My People both the JEWS and the SCOTS as well and try to Separate Them both as.

    ''FALSE INDIVIDUAL PEOPLES and or CULTURES'' when in fact they BOTH STEM
    from that is the SAME EXACT ANCESTRAL and CULTURAL ''ORIGIN''
    in Ancestry Stemming from the Same TRIBES of People Going back to ANCIENT TIMES.

    The Jews and the Scots would in fact be of the SAME LINEAGE to that of
    the ANCIENT TRIBES themselves the Main Ancestral Tribes
    being the Forefathers and the Progenitors of both the JEWS and the SCOTS themselves.

    The Druids where the Levites (High Priests) the Real Historical Jews (Judeans)
    That Existed they were the Levite Priest Class of The ''Ancient Hebrew Israelite Nation
    and Kingdom of Ancient Israel''.

    The Druids where Targeted By ROME / EDOM because of their Lineage and Ancestry
    going all the way back to the Hebrew ISRAELITE Tribe of Levi the True and Biblical Jews of Ancient Times.

    They also went by another Name and that was the YEWS are the JEWS
    and the JEWS are the YEWS they are both the HIGH PRIESTS and the DRUIDS of OLD
    they were known in Ancient Israel as the High Priests
    and Later in on History towards the Celts as the Druids........................!!!!!!!!!!!

    Melchizedek ''The PRIEST KING OF SALEM / JERUSALEM''
    Was Actually An Antediluvian Who Was Known as The Son of Noah
    and His Name Was (Shem) one of the three son's of Noah himself

    He Would Anoint (Ab'Ram) Abraham With Oil.

    So Yes again Most People Don't Even Know That Melchizedek


    The Antediluvian Was (Shem) in the First place in the very Beginning
    The Actual Son of Noah Who would Meet With and Anointed (Ab'Ram) Abraham.

    So In All Reality The City of Jerusalem (Edinburgh, Scotland)
    Was Founded By Melchizedek The Antediluvian (Shem) Son of Noah
    Who Built it and Founded it.

    So Edinburgh, Scotland being the Real Holy and Sacred City itself

    i.e. The Real Biblical City of Jerusalem Was Built By Melchizedek The Antediluvian (Shem) The Son of Noah.

    The Term and the Word ''ISLES'' Is Mentioned All Over The Book of ISAIAH of the Bible / Hebrew Scriptures
    in Which Proves That It is The BRITISH ''ISLES'' of That Its About ((GREAT BRITAIN / THE UNITED KINGDOM)).

    All of The ''ISLES'' that are Mentioned BY NAME of The Book of Isaiah is Really Talking About The ''British Isles''

    The Entire Book of Isaiah Is talking about BRITAIN the ISLES THEREOF. The HOLY MOUNTAINS OF ISRAEL

    i.e. The ''Holy and Sacred Mountains of The Most High God of Heaven'' is in the ''ISLES'' of The Book
    and are of The Prophets of EZEKIEL, JEREMIAH, and ISAIAH is ''GREAT BRITAIN''.

    The Holy and SACRED City of Jerusalem and MOUNT ZION is in the ''ISLES''
    where MOUNT ZION is LOCATED within the ''ISLES''


    So this ALL PROVES that Great Britain is Indeed

    ''The United Kingdom of Israel'' of ANCIENT and BIBLICAL TIMES
    it Is The ISLES of the ''ISLES'' of The Book and are of the PROPHETS of EZEKIEL, JEREMIAH, and ISAIAH.

    The Entire History of the Ancient Kingdom of Ancient Israel was were the Real Land of Israel
    was Located at the History of Ancient Israel was Stolen from Scotland and Given to a.

    Group of People Far away on the Other Side of the Empire and Transplanted in the Middle East
    when in fact True Biblical History Originated from ''Ancient Prehistoric Scotland''.

    The whole Reason for the Roman Invasion of Scotland was to Export and Steal True Hebrew Israelite History
    from the Land of Scotland where the True Hebrew Israelite People Lives ''The Scottish People''
    and would give that Heritage away to a Distant Land not Belonging to Scotland at all.

    Everything that is in the Hebrew Scriptures are to be found in the Land of Scotland
    from the Mountains the Hills and the Streams and the Flowing Rivers that are Mention
    by Name in the Hebrew Scriptures are to be Located and Found within the Land of Scotland.

    The City that is in the Middle East is not the Real City of Jerusalem that is Described in the Hebrew Scriptures
    TANAKH it is a Satanic Counterfeit and is so likewise created by ROME
    and the. Roman Empire the Real Historical City of Jerusalem is none other then ''Edinburgh, Scotland''
    the Real Biblical City of the Ancient Hebrew Israelites People ''THE SCOTTISH PEOPLE''.

    Rome stole the Identity of the Real Hebrew Israelite City and Exported its True Identity
    and Transplanted it in the Middle East.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The Biblical Tribe of Dan
    is today the Danish 1f1e9_1f1f0. and Irish 1f1ee_1f1ea. People
    a Group of People from Denmark 1f1e9_1f1f0. and Ireland 1f1ee_1f1ea.

    Goes back to the Tribe of Dan.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    post 24 and 25 (words in post #25 to pic of post 24)

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    POST 24 AND POST 25
    Edinburgh, Scotland The Real Holy City of Jerusalem.
    May 31 ·

    Edinburgh Also Got Its Name From ''Kear Eden, Civitate Antiquissima'' and That of Dynguayth ''Dun Gad''.

    The Jewish Area of ''Judea'' would Get The Roman Name of ''Ejudensca'' Then Latter On The Final Name of ''Edinburgh''. Dynguayth ''Dun Gad'' as ''Giudi-Ail-Guarth'' Translated To ''Place of The Jews of The Gad'' IN ANCIENT SCOTLAND.

    The ARK of THE COVENANT Belongs in (Edinburgh, Scotland) The Real Biblical City of Jerusalem This Is The True and Real Biblical Holy and Sacred Divine City of Jerusalem The REAL HOLY and SACRED CITY of the DIVINE CITY of the MOST HIGH GOD / HIGH HOLY ONE (ETERNAL SOVEREIGN) ONE of HEAVEN.

    (((("Julius Severus served as Governor of Moesia;

    he was appointed Governor of Britain around 131.In 133 he was transferred to Judea,
    to help suppress the Bar Kochba rebellion there.

    Because of his military reputation, historians have seen him as a troubleshooter,
    sent to troublesome provinces to bring peace through war and his presence has been taken as indication of unrest in Britain at the time.

    There is no archaeological evidence to suggest fighting in Britain under his governorship although a reference

    by the orator Fronto to many soldiers dying in Britain under Hadrian's reign may refer to trouble at this time

    ."Soon [AD 132], however, all Judaea had been stirred up,
    and the Jews everywhere were showing signs of disturbance ...
    Hadrian sent against them his best generals.

    The first of these was Julius Severus, who was dispatched from Britain,
    where he was governor, against the Jews."
    – Cassius Dio, History of Rome LXIX.xiii.1-2 - Epitome of Xiphilinus ".

    Jerusalem is actually Edinburgh- Old Comyns didn’t just stop at suggesting that Atlantis
    equaled Scotland, but by extension also went on to prove that Jerusalem was Edinburgh.

    How did he do this?

    Well he started off by taking as a given that Atlantis was Scotland,
    and for his supporting evidence claimed that the Palestinian Jerusalem
    simply did not conform to how the Bible describes it. Unlike Edinburgh,
    with its Mount of Olives (Arthur’s Seat), City of Zion (Edinburgh Castle)
    and port at Joppa.Furthermore, he looked at a number of Roman texts written
    at the time of the Jewish revolt against the Romans that show commanders from York
    being dispatched to quell the Jews. Surely, asks Comyns,
    this is simply untenable if Jerusalem really were in Palestine?

    It makes sense, however, if Jerusalem was only up the road in Edinburgh.

    He supports his theory by proposing that the Catrail Wall was not built by the Picts,
    but by the Romans to keep the Jews in Edinburgh.

    He further maintains that when the Jews revolted again,
    Hadrian gave orders to destroy them and their city completely, leaving no trace.

    Later, when Constantine needed to resurrect a "new Jerusalem"
    for his own political reasons, he chose to locate it in Palestine.))))

    The Jews Scots / The Scots Jews & i.e. The Scythian's CELTS / GAELS / Vesigoths

    "GADITES" of The TRIBE of GAD Connection To The Jewish / Scottish Wars Against The Romans
    and the Entire Roman Empire. The Jewish / Scottish Wars Against ROME and The Jewish / Scottish Wars
    Against The Roman Empire itself was and is the Connection to the Vesigoths Destruction of the City of Rome.

    The JEWS and The SCOTS Are ONE and The SAME PEOPLE Cut From The SAME CLOTH
    Its Time For Both of My Kindred Brothers TO WAKE UP!! Both of My Kindred Brothers
    and THE SAME PEOPLE Period!!!!!!!

    From The SAME TRIBES!!!

    I Fully Recognize That Both The Jewish and Scottish People Descend
    From The EXACT SAME TRIBES of PEOPLE through a "Shared Lineage In Their Ancestries".

    So I Do Not Look At The Jewish and The Scottish People As Separate INDIVIDUAL Peoples
    and or Groups THAT WOULD BE A TOTAL LIE They Are My ENTIRE PEOPLE!!!!

    So In All Reality Both The Jewish and The Scottish People MAKE UP The ENTIRETY Of "MY PEOPLE"
    Who Would Be A Complete WHOLE Group.

    Created to DIVIDE My People both the JEWS and the SCOTS as well and try to Separate Them both as.

    ''FALSE INDIVIDUAL PEOPLES and or CULTURES'' when in fact they BOTH STEM
    from that is the SAME EXACT ANCESTRAL and CULTURAL ''ORIGIN'' in Ancestry Stemming
    from the Same TRIBES of People Going back to ANCIENT TIMES.

    The Jews and the Scots would in fact be of the SAME LINEAGE to that of the ANCIENT TRIBES themselves
    the Main Ancestral Tribes being the Forefathers and the Progenitors of both the JEWS and the SCOTS themselves.

    The Druids where the Levites (High Priests) the Real Historical Jews (Judeans) That Existed
    they were the Levite Priest Class of The ''Ancient Hebrew Israelite Nation and Kingdom of Ancient Israel''.

    The Druids where Targeted By ROME / EDOM because of their Lineage and Ancestry
    going all the way back to the Hebrew ISRAELITE Tribe of Levi the True and Biblical Jews of Ancient Times.

    They also went by another Name and that was the YEWS are the JEWS
    and the JEWS are the YEWS they are both the HIGH PRIESTS and the DRUIDS of OLD they were known in Ancient Israel
    as the High Priests and Later in on History towards the Celts as the Druids........................!!!!!!!!!!!

    Melchizedek ''The PRIEST KING OF SALEM / JERUSALEM''
    Was Actually An Antediluvian Who Was Known as The Son of Noah
    and His Name Was (Shem) one of the three son's of Noah himself

    He Would Anoint (Ab'Ram) Abraham With Oil.

    So Yes again Most People Don't Even Know That Melchizedek
    ''The PRIEST KING OF SALEM / JERUSALEM'' The Antediluvian Was (Shem)
    in the First place in the very Beginning The Actual Son of Noah Who would Meet With
    and Anointed (Ab'Ram) Abraham. So In All Reality The City of Jerusalem (Edinburgh, Scotland)
    Was Founded By Melchizedek

    The Antediluvian (Shem) Son of Noah Who Built it and Founded it.

    So Edinburgh, Scotland being the Real Holy and Sacred City itself

    i.e. The Real Biblical City of Jerusalem Was Built
    By Melchizedek The Antediluvian (Shem) The Son of Noah.

    The Term and the Word ''ISLES'' Is Mentioned All Over The Book of ISAIAH of the Bible / Hebrew Scriptures
    in Which Proves That It is The BRITISH ''ISLES'' of That Its About ((GREAT BRITAIN / THE UNITED KINGDOM)).

    All of The ''ISLES'' that are Mentioned BY NAME of The Book of Isaiah is Really Talking About The ''British Isles''

    The Entire Book of Isaiah Is talking about BRITAIN the ISLES THEREOF. The HOLY MOUNTAINS OF ISRAEL

    i.e. The ''Holy and Sacred Mountains of The Most High God of Heaven'' is in the ''ISLES''
    of The Book and are of The Prophets of EZEKIEL, JEREMIAH, and ISAIAH is ''GREAT BRITAIN''.

    The Holy and SACRED City of Jerusalem and MOUNT ZION is in the ''ISLES''
    where MOUNT ZION is LOCATED within the ''ISLES''

    So this ALL PROVES that Great Britain is Indeed ''The United Kingdom of Israel''
    of ANCIENT and BIBLICAL TIMES it Is The ISLES of the ''ISLES'' of The Book
    and are of the PROPHETS of EZEKIEL, JEREMIAH, and ISAIAH.

    The Entire History of the Ancient Kingdom of Ancient Israel was were the Real Land of Israel
    was Located at the History of Ancient Israel was Stolen from Scotland and Given to

    a. Group of People Far away on the Other Side of the Empire and Transplanted in the Middle East
    when in fact True Biblical History Originated from ''Ancient Prehistoric Scotland''.

    The whole Reason for the Roman Invasion of Scotland was to Export and Steal True Hebrew Israelite History
    from the Land of Scotland where the True Hebrew Israelite People Lives ''The Scottish People''
    and would give that Heritage away to a Distant Land not Belonging to Scotland at all.

    Everything that is in the Hebrew Scriptures are to be found in the Land of Scotland
    from the Mountains the Hills and the Streams and the Flowing Rivers that are Mention
    by Name in the Hebrew Scriptures are to be Located and Found within the Land of Scotland.

    The City that is in the Middle East is not the Real City of Jerusalem
    that is Described in the Hebrew Scriptures

    TANAKH it is a Satanic Counterfeit and is so likewise created by ROME
    and the. Roman Empire the Real Historical City of Jerusalem
    is none other then ''Edinburgh, Scotland''
    the Real Biblical City of the Ancient Hebrew Israelites People

    Rome stole the Identity of the Real Hebrew Israelite City and Exported its True Identity
    and Transplanted it in the Middle East.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    0132_n.?_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=7B7kuhEdzk8AX_CneB2&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1. post #29 and 30
    (words in post #30)

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    post 29 and post 30

    Edinburgh, Scotland The Real Holy City of Jerusalem.

    May 28, 2022 ·

    The Constellation Gemini and the Book of Revelation,
    The 2 Candle Sticks,
    The 2 Trees, The 2 Witnesses,
    The 2 Branches and the 2 Cherubims upon the Ark of the Covenant
    and the 2 Handles Upon it.

    GEMINI and the GREAT AWAKENING and the GREAT REVEALING of Revelation.

    The Time of Prophetic Biblical Prophecies at the Time of the Setting Up of the Kingdom
    of the Most High God.

    GEMINI does not Like Deceit, Lies, Cover-ups, Corruption, Evil
    or Conspirators the Hallmarks of GEMINI is Revealing Truth as well as Exposing Lies.

    The Constellation Gemini and the Trump of the Book of Revelations connection.

    Gemini Rules the Time and Era of the Prophetic Revelation itself
    the GREAT REVEALING is Guided by GEMINI hence the STAR SIGN of TRUTH and JUSTICE.

    The 2 Candle Sticks, The 2 Trees, The 2 Witnesses, The 2 Bronze Pillars of The Temple of King Solomon,
    The 2 Cherubims Upon The Ark of the Covenant, The 2 Tablets of Stones / 10 Commandments,
    The 2 Houses of Israel (Israel and Judah) and The 2 Branches......!!!!!

    I Have Personally Met with ''The Four Archangels'' (Michael, Gabriel, Rafael, and Uriel)
    when I Was 6 Years Old The Four Principle CHIEF ARCHANGELS.

    The Four LIGHT BEINGS That Stood On The FOUR CORNERS of my Bed in the Middle of the Night
    were in fact the ARCHANGELS themselves.

    SO I AM AN ANGELIC CONTACTEE of the HEAVENLY KIND this Took Place in 1990.

    I have Always Been Protected From EVIL ALIEN ENTITIES and DEMONIC SPIRITS
    as well as the FALLEN ANGELS themselves. )

    ( So I Do know that I happen to come at the right time
    when I am to Fulfill a FAR GREATER ROLE

    The Constellation (Gemini) Castor & Pollux (Shavuot / Hebrew Month of Sivan = Number 11)
    of the (Feast of Weeks) Represents (Moses / Moshie) // Gemini the Twins (Thaumim / Hebrew)
    are of the 3rd House of the Zodiac (Hebrew Mazzaroth / Calendar). Pollux (Mekbuda / Hebrew)
    and Caster (Mebsuta or Mebusah / Hebrew)
    The Christos Moshiach // The Two Tablets of Stone (Ten Commandments)
    and the Twins (2 Stone Tablets and the Twins the Two) of the Constellation Gemini.

    Kokhav Khamma is the Hebrew version for the Planet and Sign of Mercury it means "The Star",
    "The Sun's Star" or the "Traveling Planet". It is also Associated with
    "Gabriel The Messenger Archangel" which is Mostly Associated with the "Constellation Gemini / Thaumim / Hebrew".

    (Savor and Ruler) // (Jesus/Yehoshuah) was born in the Springtime in Early June
    in the Hebrew Month of SIVAN (May-June) of the Biblical Hebrew Calendar.

    He would have been Born under the Sign of Gemini at the Biblical time of Shavuot
    celebrating Moses coming back down on Mount Sinai.

    Anointed One The Prince & The King. // A Mountain of Fire, The Name Brandon Chants
    around the World and the La Palma Volcanic Eruption in the Canary Islands connection (A Fiery Hill / Brandon)
    a Beacon of Light....!!!!

    BERISHEET (Sheen) (Aleph) (Reysh) (Beyt) and My Name BRANDON = (A Firery Hill / A Beacon of Light).

    Skellig Michael the Twin-Pinnacled Crag of 11.6 Kilometers the Connection to the (Constellation Gemini 264a. )
    and Michael The Arch Angel and to the Planet (Murcury) and the Book 1f4d6. of Revelation in Ireland.

    Gemini is right above the Head of the Bull the Constellation Taurus and the movement of the Moon ((THE CELESTIAL TIMEPIECE of the Most High God of Heaven)) is headed towards in the direction of the Constellation Gemini from the direction of Taurus the Bull towards the south of is from underneath of it of which is directly next to Gemini of which is directly next too and right above Taurus. The Moon will Cross in to that of Gemini and will be Located inside of the Constellation Gemini itself from the Direction of Taurus the Bull and will be Located in the Constellation Gemini thereafter. Taurus comes Before that of Gemini Taurus the Bull is paving the way for that of Gemini of which comes after that the Moon is moving in the Celestial direction of Constellation Gemini of which is located above the Head of the Bull. May-June = Gemini.
    The REAL CHRISTMAS STAR or STAR of BETHLEHEM Appeared In EARLY JUNE over 2000 Years Ago.....!!!! In The Sign of Gemini / of The Biblical / Hebrew Month of Sivan of the Hebrew Calendar itself. The real Biblical Star of Bethlehem was above the Earth in the Heavens appearing in Early June. This all took place After Passover and shortly around and After Shavuot in the Time of May-June period in the Hebrew Month of Sivan the Correct Time Period of thee Appearance of the CHRISTMAS STAR or the STAR of BETHLEHEM.

    So the Biblical Hebrew Time of Shavuot is in the Biblical and Hebrew Month of SIVAN of which is In The Sign and of the Time of Gemini of which Sivan that has come after that of PASSOVER is situated in the Months of both May-June this is the Biblical Connection to that of the SIGN OF GEMINI (May-June) of the Month of SIVAN. Shavuot and the Time of The Biblical Month of SIVAN in the Sign and the Time of Gemini ((Constellation / House)) May-June and the Great Mighty Most High God of Heaven and the Shavuot Connection to GEMINI of May-June.

    (Jesus/Yehoshuah) was born in the Springtime in Early June in the Hebrew Month of SIVAN (May-June) of the Biblical Hebrew Calendar. He would have been Born under the Sign of Gemini at the Biblical time of Shavuot celebrating Moses coming back down on Mount Sinai. The Corrupted ROMAN VERSION of the Date itself when in fact it was back in EARLY JUNE the real DATE of BIRTH itself the Real Date going back to the 3RD HEBREW MONTH of SIVAN (June) at the time of Shavuot at the TIME of the EXODUS out of EGYPT. Celebrating the Feast at which at the time of MOSHIE (MOSES) led the Children of Israel out of the Land of Egypt freeing and Liberating the TRIBES and CHILDREN of ISRAEL / JACOB.
    The 3RD Month of the Ancient Biblical Hebrew Month of Sivan (May-June) specifically in EARLY JUNE In the Time of Gemini of ''Mercury'' attributed to that of (Gabriel the Archangel) the Messenger Archangel of The Most High God of Heaven. // (Jesus/Yehoshuah) was born in the Springtime in Early June in the Hebrew Month of SIVAN (May-June) of the Biblical Hebrew Calendar. He would have been Born under the Sign of Gemini at the Biblical time of Shavuot celebrating Moses coming back down on Mount Sinai.

    Gemini the Twins (Thaumim / Hebrew) are of the 3rd House of the Zodiac (Hebrew Mazzaroth / Calendar). Pollux (Mekbuda / Hebrew) and Caster (Mebsuta or Mebusah / Hebrew) also the Hebrew Month of Sivan is the 3Rd Hebrew Month of the (Mazzaroth / Hebrew Calender). At the time of the Hebrew Festival and Time of Shavuot the Biblical (Feasts of Weeks) Celebrating the Time after the Exodus and when. Moses Received the Laws / Ten Commandments and Giving it to the Hebrews / Israelites at the Time Mercury was the Ruling Prominent Planet / Sign in the Heavens along with the. Constellation Gemini (Thaumim / Hebrew Mazzaroth) at the Time the 3Rd house of Gemini and the 3Rd Hebrew Month of Sivan. The Two Tablets of Stone (Ten Commandments) and the Twins (2 Stone Tablets and the Twins the Two) of the Constellation Gemini. Kokhav Khamma is the Hebrew version for the Planet and Sign of Mercury it means "The Star", "The Sun's Star" or the "Traveling Planet". It is also Associated with "Gabriel The Messenger Archangel" which is Mostly Associated with the "Constellation Gemini / Thaumim / Hebrew". Which is Associated and Connected to the 3Rd Hebrew Month of Sivan just as Gemini is of the 3Rd Zodiac House. The Mayan Calendar actually Predicted June 21ST 2021 NOT December 21ST 2012 that was a Lie it was always June 21ST 2021. The Mayan Calendar is very much like the Hebrew Lunar Calendar (Jewish Calendar).

    My Connection to that of My Ancient Celtic / Gaelic Nobility and Royalty as well as My Ancient Hebrew / Israelite Royalty and Ancestry Going back to KING DAVID and KING SOLOMON. THE HOSTS OF HEAVEN and the MANY CELESTIAL REALMS of the HEAVENS / SPACE and the UNIVERSE to that of the COSMIC LIFE of OTHER HEAVENLY COSMIC BEINGS OF LIFE that Fills the HEAVENS / SPACE.....!!!!!!

    The Number 6 and The 6Th Month of The Year JUNE Represents The 6TH Day of Creation and The Sign of The Son of Man. The Number 11 and The 11Th Day of The Month Represents DIVINE AUTHORITY and Leadership From God A Power Number = Strength. The Number 84 of the 84Th Year of The 20Th Century of The LAST CENTURY Represents The number 84 is highlighted more than once in the Bible. First, it is found during the famine of Jacob's day. Jacob and his house went into Egypt after two years of a seven year famine. Incidentally, 7 years equals 84 months.
    The 1989 The Isle of Arran, Earthquake, of Hebrides Western Scotland Struct When I Was Just 5 Years Old = The First 5 Books ''THE TORAH'' i.e. The BOOK of The LAW of The Most High God of Heaven. In 2017 A 3.8 Mag Earthquake Struct Moidart Area of Western Scotland 30 Years After The Last One At My Current Age of 33 Years Old so there is a 30 Years Time Span Within My Ages. So yes back in 1989 The First Earthquake Struct I Was 5 Years Old = The First Five Books of The TANAKH / OLD TESTAMENT (Hebrew Scriptures) & In 2017 A Second One Struct At 33 Years Later in 2017 of Last Year.

    I Was Born On JUNE, 11TH, 1984 My Sign Is A Gemini of Which Is Ruled By The Planet and The Sign of Mercury so that would be Attributed to that of The Heavenly One (Gabriel The Archangel The Messenger of God) Also My Name Brandon Means A Beacon of Light, Also On Top of That My Middle Name is MICHAEL Just Like Michael The Archangel. Along With The VERY POWERFUL NUMBER of 11 A Sign of POWER and PROVIDENCE within the Meaning of the Number 11 Sign of My BIRTH and The 6TH MONTH of My Birthdate Symbolizes The 6TH DAY OF CREATION before the 7TH DAY OF REST (SABBATH) Also My Last Name Keys Stands For Rulership, Divine Authority, KINGSHIP, and To Bind and To PROTECT and to Defend I Have Three GOLDEN KEYS On My Family Crest and Coat of Arms, The 3 KEYS IN TOTAL ON MY FAMILY'S CREST AND COAT OF ARMS REPRESENTING THE THREE BIG NATIONS OF ''GREAT BRITAIN'' IRELAND, SCOTLAND and THUS ENGLAND..!!!

    A Mountain of Fire, The Name Brandon Chants around the World and the La Palma Volcanic Eruption in the Canary Islands connection (A Fiery Hill / Brandon) a Beacon of Light....!!!! BERISHEET (Sheen) (Aleph) (Reysh) (Beyt) and My Name BRANDON = (A Firery Hill / A Beacon of Light). The name Brandon and Genesis 1:1 THE LIGHT OF CREATION Genesis = Gemini and Gemini = Genesis and the Connection to. (Baruch) BET, RESH, VAV, CHAF (Blessed) = High King Bran of Blessed of ANCIENT BRITAIN,. The Biblical TAU, YOD, SHIN, ALEF, RESH, BET. My Sign is under Gemini of Early June in the 3Rd Hebrew Month of Sivan = (Number 11) at around the Biblical Time of Shavuot (Feasts of Weeks) I was born in June 11Th the Day after June 10Th the Day of the Solar Eclipse. Ancient High King Bran the Blessed of Ancient Britain and the Biblical Connection to (Baruch) BET, RESH, VAV, CHAF, the Blessed One. The Connection to My Name Brandon = (Light) the Firery Hill or the Beacon of Light or the (Prince of Peace).

    BrAnDONAI (Brandon-Adonai) Brandonai the Names of Brandon and Adonai (BrAnDONAI). Ancient High King Bran the Blessed of Ancient Britain. (Baruch) Bet, Resh, Vav, Chaf, = (Blessed) also the (Prince of Peace). My Name Brandon Comes From the Gaelic Name ''Breandáin'' of Ancient Great Britain of the British Isles.!!!! It is of Ancient IRISH / SCOTTISH Origins but Also from the OLD ENGLISH ''Brendan'' which is the more Anglo-Saxonised Version of the Gaelic Name of ''Breandáin'' then it BECAME the OLD ENGLISH ''Brendan'' in the Anglo-Saxon Spelling now in today's time ''Brandon''.


    Volcanic Eruptions taking place while Everyone is Chanting the Name of Brandon a
    (Fiery Hill or a Mountain of Fire i.e. a Beacon of Light).

    The Chanting of the Name Brandon and the Rising Volcanic Activity and ALL MOUNTAINS OF FIRE's Going Off.

    Skellig Michael the Twin-Pinnacled Crag of 11.6 Kilometers the Connection to the (Constellation Gemini 264a. )
    and Michael The Arch Angel and to the Planet (Murcury) and the Book 1f4d6. of Revelation in Ireland.

    My Birthday June 11Th 11.6 is 6-11 June the Eleventh
    and the Number 11 is Associated with the Third Hebrew Month of Sivan
    (Around Shavuot) the Feast of Weeks.

    The Sun's Alignment with the Pleiades Occurs 2 Times out of the Year.

    Day 23 of the 15-23 Connect's the Beginning Gemini to the Beginning Sagittarius.

    The Pleiades Connection to Gemini and Sagittarius. Bridging the Beginning of the Constellation Gemini 264a.

    to that of the Constellation Sagittarius 2650. through the Number 23 one in towards
    Late May and one in towards Late November at on the 15-23 Day Mark 203c. .!!!!!!!

    The Gemini 264a. Sagittarius 2650. Connection through the Number 23.

    So there is a Huge Connection between the Sun the Pleiades and that of the Constellation Gemini 264a.
    and that of the Constellation Sagittarius 2650. .

    Lapis Lazuli is the Gemini 264a. 1f48e. Stone that is Associated with Gemini 264a. 1f48e.

    Lapis Lazuli the Main Crystal 1f48e. that Solely Represent Gemini 264a.

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