HMR 11 - A Wide View of the Soul

Discussion in 'Jorgelitos Corner' started by Jorgelito, Jan 18, 2015.

  1. Jorgelito

    Jorgelito ¡Olé!



    Sometimes when we encounter problems that must be solved but cannot be solved for one reason or another (a situation not uncommon to most of us), something extraordinary happens if we are fortunate. It’s more like it’s being invoked. We don’t have a lot to do with it at this end -- a trap door -- to a reality not normally seen -- falling, letting go, releasing it feels.

    It's like our secret garden is knocking on our door instead of the other way around, A magical, powerful, love embracing space this is residing in our heart from which our strength, our life and our being proceed, where things are possible.
    And it may have nothing to do with the problem at hand.

    In fact, it may become apparent the unsolvable problem was manufactured by soul solely to create the components necessary so that soul (that’s us) could make an entrance (into the world). And resolution of the problem, if there is one, is simply a bonus.

    It has tangible aspects. It feels like (to this observer) wind blowing, churning, flowing inside. Being true and loving increases the wind velocity. Releasing our consciousness to soul increases the rpm. Here are some examples. . .

    view 1

    view 2

    view 3

    These are not literal images of this space -- just what it feels like. When we release our consciousness to this space, we do things like this . . .

    Last edited: Jan 18, 2015
  2. Jorgelito

    Jorgelito ¡Olé!

    Being a Multi-Universe Being

    Rainbow Rain

    Living in a universe of several dimensions is an awareness of the different ways we can be. Our center and source, who we really are, is the one thing we can know for certain. Everything else can change with the wind and the season.
    We know we are and that we are alive when we look in the mirror in the morning. There’s no need for someone to tell us this or to prove it to us because we already know it first hand.
    Everything else is a stage for being every aspect that we are.

    Basic Dimensions
    When we are anything, we are this -- sun and fire of being before being anything.

    b0c554aff816d1415689791accceba9d. .

    When we feel anything, we feel this. We feel life . . .


    We live in many worlds simultaneously at different frequencies . . .


    We are no stranger to living in more than one dimension . . .


    We approach the front door of a good friend we are visiting. As our hand just touches the doornob, we joyfully accept the love we will find in whatever form it may take. And right in the middle of this magical moment, our stomach growls and wants food. We allow both.

    Writing our own story
    We write the story -- Including marriage to an angel but seen as a shrew . . .


    Exploration of galaxies . . .


    Even a tree branch . . .


    What we do
    We take on sundry shapes and sorts in many realms; they are aspects of ourselves. This is what we do.

    The knack
    The divine in us — god space, our center, our source, our being — becomes visible (projected onto Earth space so to speak) when there's enough freedom for the divine to walk around in.
    We may know how to do this already. It’s a technique we pick up when it’s necessary to find the right train going in the right direction and we don’t speak the language . . .

  3. Jorgelito

    Jorgelito ¡Olé!

    Let me connect to just one of my other selves. Make it Bagdad.

  4. Jorgelito

    Jorgelito ¡Olé!

    letting the energy in & letting it out

    Looking At The Sky by Lena Karpinsky

    I feel the wonderful wonderful energies coming through this window, but the real treasure is the window we don’t see at all. It allows the light to pass through.

    If we could be a window, what would it be like? This it would be. We pass through our body and soul every kind of light — every frequency, every energy, light and dark and in between — to make available experience of whatever there is.

    Window is the forever we know in quiet moments. It feels like Source we cannot see (lke a window we cannot see). Permiting every energy and frequency to flow freely (what a window does). Its real value though is not in what it does but in what it is.
  5. Jorgelito

    Jorgelito ¡Olé!

    The Real Thing


    Sometimes we substitute the real thing for the shape and color.

    Samual Weinstein

    My brother-in-law calls it Life by Proxy and invokes it whenever convenient to do so. When some of us are going on a walk, he says, “Take the walk for me”. It is a learned skill requiring some creativity of doing something without actually doing it. Here are examples from my own life . . .

    regular appointments vs good hygiene

    being in the right vs being accident free

    good tracking vs good health

    pretending vs actually being there

    master of time vs master of self

    being smart vs just being


    blaming the usual suspects vs being free

    being wealthy vs being the forever in my heart

    The real thing is stepping into jungle rain . . .

    The real thing is that loving feeling . . .


    The real thing is passion for life . . .

    Last edited: Jan 18, 2015

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