Global Warming-since 1967 /1989 Climate Change Is Code Word For Weather Weaponry Equals Weather Wars

Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, May 18, 2021.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Michel Tessier
    August 1 at 12:48 PM ·



    August 1 at 12:27 PM ·
    ALERT: Huge news in case you missed it!!!
    I was proved right on weather modification from radio waves!!!!!!!
    The US Government / NOAA created a weather modification website about 1 year ago.. Nov 2021...... and it says directly on the website that Weather modification is capable of being done by electromagnetic means (radio waves etc)
    Link here:

    #8 on the list:
    You must report if using lasers or ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION!!!!!
    So much for it being 'impossible'!
    You just can't make this stuff up. If you know anyone who denied that weather modification using radio waves was possible, next time you see them, make sure to correct them and let them know they're wrong.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

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    GUEST OP-ED: “Virtue science” reigns | True North (

    GUEST OP-ED: “Virtue science” reigns

    Christopher Essex
    August 7, 2022


    Christopher Essex is Emeritus Professor of Mathematics and Physics
    at the University of Western Ontario.

    He is the coauthor with Ross McKitrick
    of the award-winning book Taken by Storm:

    The troubled science and policy and politics of global warming.

    I was trying to preserve my sanity by avoiding the endless hyperbolic news
    stories on cringeworthy science-based policy.

    But, despite my best efforts, the tale of the Dutch farmers came to my attention.

    Those poor folks have their backs against the wall because
    their government has declared war on nitrogen!

    They might lose their land and livelihoods over this war,
    not to mention creating needless hunger in the world.

    Now Canada aims to do something of the same ilk to farmers here.

    Like many grand policy actions of modern governments,
    it’s completely bananas.

    Nitrogen? That’s 78% of the atmosphere’s volume.

    N2, which is how nitrogen gas manifests,
    is rather inactive as molecules go.

    There’s no connection to the so-called greenhouse effect.

    You and I breathe it in and exhale it with our every breath
    and are none the wiser.

    So is this war on N2? Well, no.

    Scientific technicalities are not in play here. Virtue rules.

    So we must guess at what is really meant by “nitrogen”
    in “virtue science.”

    As the c-word (i.e. climate) has been deployed, nitrous oxide
    (i.e. N2O) is likely meant.

    Trudeau doubles down on his failed climate schemes



    “Virtue science” weirdly strips oxygen from the molecule’s name,
    just as it strips oxygen from carbon dioxide to call it “carbon” instead.

    If this “stripping” were applied consistently,
    the oceans would be described as “hydrogen” instead of H2O.

    H2O may simply be excluded because many don’t know
    its importance in greenhouse world.

    But then H2O’s presence is dominated by poorly understood
    natural hydrology, not human activities to which morality
    can be attached. H2O is more important in the greenhouse world
    than all of the other such gases combined.

    Accurate atmospheric models with nothing but H2O have been made!

    But that said, CO2 gained a small foothold because one
    of its absorption bands (i.e 15 microns) coincided with a small hole
    in the otherwise comprehensive, strong infrared H2O spectrum.

    It is known as the H2O “window.”

    Without it, you would never have heard of CO2.

    CO2 has another band at just over four microns,
    but it has little effect
    because H2O is dominant
    in the radiative transfer problem there.

    The same is true for methane (CH4).

    There is no H2O window for cow farts.

    No matter how strong the molecular absorption lines,
    and no matter how long CH4’s atmospheric lifetime is,
    H2O rules the actual radiative transfer problem.

    And finally we come to poor N2O. Like the others,
    it arrived at the party too late. H2O has already eaten all the food
    and drank everything.

    If you put N2O in a computation and compare
    to the radiative transfer problem with no N2O,
    there is no discernible difference: all the important optical paths
    are completely saturated by H2O.

    Climate change
    United Nations
    Climate change refers to long-term shifts
    in temperatures and weather patterns,
    mainly caused by human activities,
    especially the burning of fossil fuels.

    Trudeau's obsession with climate change



    N2O and CH4 are nothing, from a radiative
    transfer/greenhouse point of view.

    There is no c- word reason to be controlling nitrogen
    or cow farts, or farmers.

    This was generally known decades ago.

    That should have stuck!

    But “virtue science” is not about what’s known, but what’s moral.

    Instead of policy based on science we have the weird inversion of science
    based on policy.

    There are many “narratives” among scientists.

    Science proceeds by contenders knocking the rough edges off
    of each other’s opinions.

    In science for virtue, there is only one “correct” narrative,
    enforced by exterior political power.

    If a scientist deviates from this “truth,”
    the scientist becomes not only “wrong,”
    but worse than wrong.

    That is how science has been captured and corrupted.

    Normal science becomes moribund and “virtue science” reigns.

    I did not fully appreciate what we were dealing
    with over these years until the Covid mayhem captured
    the imagination of government officials, the courts, and the press.

    There were so many obvious clues.

    For example, one does not wear masks to protect oneself,
    but to “protect others”— moral reasons, not scientific ones.

    There was the redefinition of illness, of causes of death, of vaccination.

    There were the sketchy test-number-free case count data,
    and much more.

    There where the medical researchers who were frozen out,
    delicensed, or fired because of not following the narrative.

    There were the demonized alternative therapies,
    and the foolish discrimination against those who had
    reasonable doubts about what was being
    so harshly pushed.

    So much harm has been done and will be done by policies
    that lack any sort of common sense.

    Who knew that loony ideas, like cutting fertilizers
    to save the planet, would ever go beyond the fanatical fringe.

    But the fanatics have come to power because we let them.

    There is a simple solution to this corruption:

    give scientists who do not support whatever emerges
    as the narrative a fair hearing.

    That is not happening because too many
    do not comprehend the nature of science.

    Beware of expressions like “consensus,” or “the science.”

    You could be being “handled” by some politician.

    Finessing, and fooling their opponents though they may,
    nature cannot be fooled.

    Attempting to do so can only bring tears and despair.

    World leaders fear-monger over climate change
    while ignoring the real issues



    Christopher Essex
    + posts
    Christopher Essex is emeritus Professor of Mathematics
    and Physics at the University of Western Ontario.
    He is the coauthor with Ross McKitrick of the award winning book
    Taken by Storm:
    The troubled science and policy and politics of global warming.

    We’re asking readers, like you, to make a contribution in support
    of True North’s fact-based, independent journalism.
    Unlike the mainstream media, True North isn’t getting a government bailout. Instead, we depend on the generosity of Canadians like you.

    How can a media outlet be trusted to remain neutral
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    We don’t think they can.

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    GUEST OP-ED: “Virtue science” reigns | True North (
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2022

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    i find it hard to believe,
    that people were wearing winter clothes with hats etc;
    if it was that hot ??? however; i think we do have 'hot' summers once in awhile
    and; this article is a good one

    POSTED in:

    The Killer 1911 Heat Wave That Drove People Insane - HISTORY


    The Killer 1911 Heat Wave That Drove People Insane

    Railway tracks buckled, people slept in parks, hundreds died, while others tried to die as the heat and humidity became unbearable.
    Bain News Service/The Library of Congress

    In July 1911, along the East Coast of the United States, temperatures climbed into the 90s and stayed there for days and days, killing 211 people in New York alone. At the end of Pike Street, in Lower Manhattan, a young man leapt off a pier and into the water, after hours of trying to nap in a shady corner. As he jumped, he called: “I can’t stand this any longer.” Meanwhile, up in Harlem, an overheated laborer attempted to throw himself in front of a train, and had to be wrestled into a straitjacket by police.
    In an age before air conditioning or widespread use of electric fans, many struggled to cope with this multi-day deadly heat. June had been easy enough, but a sweep of hot, dry air from the southern plains suppressed any relief from the ocean breeze. In Providence, Rhode Island, temperatures rose 11 degrees in a single half hour. New York City and Philadelphia became sweltering centers of chaos, while all across New England, railway tracks buckled, mail service was suspended and people perished beneath the sun. Total death tolls are estimated to have topped 2000 in just a few weeks.
    Though temperatures never quite broke 100 degrees in the first two weeks of July in New York, the city was poorly equipped to handle the heat, and the humidity that went with it. Poor ventilation and cramped living spaces exacerbated the problem, ultimately leading to the deaths of old and young alike, with children as small as two weeks old becoming overcome by the heat.

    A man resting under the shade of a tree in Battery Park, 1911. (Credit: Bain News Service/The Library of Congress)
    In the peaks of the wave, people abandoned their apartments for the cool grass of New York’s public spaces, napping beneath trees in Central Park or seeking shade in Battery Park. In Boston, 5,000 people chose to spend the night on Boston Common rather than risk suffocation in their own homes. Babies wailed through the night—or failed to wake up at all.
    The streets were anarchic: People reportedly ran mad in the heat (one drunken fool, described by the New York Tribune as “partly crazed by the heat,” attacked a policeman with a meat cleaver), while horses collapsed and were left to rot by the side of the road.
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    Around July 7, when temperatures returned to ordinary levels of July sweat, the humidity remained high. It was this, reported the New York Times, that was responsible for so many of the casualties, “catching its victims in an exhausted state and killing all of them within the hours between 7 and 10 a.m.” The New York Tribune phrased it still more dramatically: “The monstrous devil that had pressed New York under his burning thumb for five days could not go without one last curse, and when the temperature dropped called humidity to its aid.”

    Children licking blocks of ice to keep cool during the heat wave. (Credit: Bain News Service/The Library of Congress)
    Outside of New York, however, temperatures had climbed higher still. In Boston, people struggled in 104 degree heat; in Bangor, Maine and Nashua, New Hampshire, it reached a record-breaking 106. In Woodbury, New York, a farmer left his field when the outside temperature reached high enough to melt candle wax. People didn’t just die from exhaustion or heat stroke, but from their efforts to escape the sweltering air. Some 200 people died from drowning as they dove head first into the ocean, ponds, rivers and lakes.
    City authorities did what they could to handle the heat, including flushing fire hydrants to cool off streets. In Hartford, Connecticut, people rode around on free ferries and trolleys, trying to catch some kind of a breeze, while a local brewer donated water barrels to parks. Factories were closed and mail delivery was suspended as transport went haywire: boats oozed pitch and railways buckled in the heat. “The tar surface on some streets is boiling like syrup in the sun,” reported the Hartford Courant, “making things sticky for vehicles as well as pedestrians.”

    A man using water from a fountain to cool his head in the intense New York City heat. (Credit: Bain News Service/The Library of Congress)
    At the end of the first week, even a terrific thunderstorm did little to alleviate the discomfort. In New York, the Times reported, it was simply a few showers “accompanied by much thunder, which rumbled as early as 5:45 a.m., giving promise of big things, and then disappeared into the ocean.”
    In Boston, the storm had disastrous consequences, damaging already charred property throughout the town and killing those who strayed into its path. A second thunderstorm, around the 13th, finally brought temperatures back down to manageable levels. As it did so, however, five more people died from lightning strikes. The record-breaking heat wave was over, but at still greater cost for the exhausted, grieving people of New England.


    The Killer 1911 Heat Wave That Drove People Insane - HISTORY

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Climate fear porn.
    Even though it's COOLER now
    the red colours help with the mind control programming.
    Climate fear porn.
    Even though it's COOLER now
    the red colours help with the mind control programming.

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