Fauci / Gates - Roommates - Moderna - Ib Farben - Soros Connection

Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Jul 21, 2021.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    SMALLPOX? Is this the next 'plandemic'? Globalist Bill Gates, the man behind the Wuhan Lab and Depopulation promoter is now talking about a possible SmallPox scenario soon and a "dark winter". Even if a chance at being true, it's worth mentioning. Smallpox has been eradicated since the 1980s, and only the US and Russia have a sample in the world.

    [​IMG]Hit repost and let's get some awareness on this.

    #plandemic #smallpox #vaccine #nwo #greatreset #saveamerica #billgates #depopulation #mandate

    View: https://youtu.be/yHiENsIbfsQ


    Bill Gates: Smallpox, germ games and 10-15% fewer people in the world

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    [Click and zoom to read. More slides in comments. Relevant links on slides or in my linktree]

    So tonight (Nov 16 2021) they just found vials of smallpox at Merck facility,
    inside the facility.

    But there are only two places in the world qualified to store it, a lab in Russia, and the CDC.

    Gates just suggested a few weeks ago that "terrorists would try to use smallpox to cause a pandemic",
    and asked for a "smallpox pandemic exercise". Sounds a lot like Event 201
    (a Pandemic Exercise which involved a coronavirus) that was hosted in October 2019
    by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World*Economic*Forum, and Johns Hopkins Center for Health and Security...
    with Gao, head of the Chinese CDC in attendance.) [You can find all of this information on my page,
    but the website can be searched or found in my linktree, watch the Highlights reel in 'videos'
    and look at the bios under 'Event 201 Players']

    I decided to see who manufactured Small Pox Vax, and the FDA granted it to Sanofi Pasteur.
    So I wanted to see if Gates was involved since he's involved in all of this stuff anyway,
    and sure enough Gates has given them grants....

    but also they are COLLABORATING on vax's! Coincidence? I think not.

    Remember, Gates started GAVI, and GAVI, WHO, UN, and CEPI started COVAX,
    and they also started IA2030 (Immunization Agenda 2030)
    which is global regular mandatory testing and vax, as well as globalized healthcare.

    [If you see slide 2, in 2015 Gates boasts about being able to eliminate as many as 4 diseases with a plethora of vax's by 2030!]

    Merck is "coincidentally" is producing a new Covid pill, and originally produced ivermectin).

    I can't say for sure that the reported smallpox Vax they found today is related, but it's very suspect given everything else I just presented.
    63 likes71 reposts

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Corey Lynn
    2h· 17 nov 2021

    I'm going to add to this, because I believe it's a significant piece.

    1) In 2014, Bill Gates funded Durham-based Chimerix’s drug brincidofovir to allegedly treat Ebola.
    The trial was funded by the Wellcome Trust and led by Oxford University.
    The FDA authorized the study.


    2) On June 4, 2021, the FDA approved Chimerix's Tembexa (brincidofovir) to treat Smallpox.
    Tembexa received priority review and fast track to expedite it.
    Small pox was eradicated in 1980 but they are concerned about its use as a "bioweapon."

    3) Here is Chimerix's press release and breakdown of Tembexa (brand name):

    [Click and zoom to read. More slides in comments. Relevant links on slides or in my linktree]

    So tonight (Nov 16 2021) they just found vials of smallpox at Merck facility, inside the facility. But there are only two places in the world qualified to store it, a lab in Russia, and the CDC.

    Gates just suggested a few weeks ago that "terrorists would try to use smallpox to cause a pandemic", and asked for a "smallpox pandemic exercise". Sounds a lot like Event 201 (a Pandemic Exercise which involved a coronavirus) that was hosted in October 2019 by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World*Economic*Forum, and Johns Hopkins Center for Health and Security...with Gao, head of the Chinese CDC in attendance.) [You can find all of this information on my page, but the website can be searched or found in my linktree, watch the Highlights reel in 'videos' and look at the bios under 'Event 201 Players']

    I decided to see who manufactured Small Pox Vax, and the FDA granted it to Sanofi Pasteur. So I wanted to see if Gates was involved since he's involved in all of this stuff anyway, and sure enough Gates has given them grants....but also they are COLLABORATING on vax's! Coincidence? I think not.

    Remember, Gates started GAVI, and GAVI, WHO, UN, and CEPI started COVAX, and they also started IA2030 (Immunization Agenda 2030) which is global regular mandatory testing and vax, as well as globalized healthcare.
    [If you see slide 2, in 2015 Gates boasts about being able to eliminate as many as 4 diseases with a plethora of vax's by 2030!]

    Merck is "coincidentally" is producing a new Covid pill, and originally produced ivermectin).

    I can't say for sure that the reported smallpox Vax they found today is related, but it's very suspect given everything else I just presented.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The threat of 'shedding'-transmission is real but nowhere near as bad as taking the blood disease toxin. The simple science answer is that your natural immune system will eventually detoxify the 'transmission' poison. This is the opinion of real uncompromised medical professionals. I do agree with this but it could be worse. That said my advice is for you is to do some simple things to superboost your own immune system. I recall you being anemic? This of course endangers you.
    Now what are the best remedies? I give you a recipe. Mix pure fresh garlic with honey and ginger and make a paste or something you can brew. This mixture is 'mother nature's' antitoxin elixir and advisable for about all illnesses.

    As said before fresh unpasteurized pineapple juice (plenty in FL) and anything Dandelion and Pin Needle tea and perhaps rosebud are other antivax agencies many folks can use to perhaps not reverse if blood poisoned, but useful for the 'shedding' issue
    As you would be aware of, professional athletes like soccer players dropping dead across Europe and the medical cabal cult will murder many children now in the next few months and years. So anyone you know and who might listen; the word is that perhaps only one third actually got he vax and two third received saline solution, as the cabal knew that many folks would suffer severe consequences. But the time of the pretending is gone and the boosters, any boosters will be like ten times as deadly as the one third of the initial 'experiment'

    Watch Dr. Jane Ruby on say the Stew Peters show to get many more details and to get the confirmations I am sharing with you here.
    Many many true medical experts are speaking out now, but are media cabal suppressed.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Dr. Zelenko@ZZ611
    1. Gates the sociopath warns about small pox bio terror attack


    2. Small pox is known to be housed in American and Russian level 4 virology labs.


    3. Small pox vials are found in a regular fridge at a Merck lab.


    4. Bill Gates owns stock and supports Merck.



    5. Bill Gates is a sociopath, bio-terrorist, and eugenicist

    6. Bill Gates should be arrested and brought to justice by international military tribunal court.

    Vladimir Zev Zelenko MD
    Bill Gates warns of smallpox terror attacks and urges leaders to use ‘germ games’ to prepare
    The Microsoft founder also called for the formation of a new billion-dollar World Health Organisation Pandemic Task Force

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

      • Do You know who is responsible for these statistics?
        There are 23.8 million infected persons in all of Africa.
        91% of the world's HIV-positive children live in Africa. More than one million adults and children die every year from HIV/AIDS in Africa alone.
        In 2011, 1.7 million people worldwide died from AIDS.
        The More You Know ...
        Join The Official Telegram Channel of Patrick Bouvier Kennedy
        1f447. 1f447. 1f447. 1f447.

        Another Virus Faucci was going to cure with his vaccine.

        Audra Sorensen Seldeen says: Hell he created aids!

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Australian Conservative
    Bill Gates Pumped $319 Million into Media Outlets to Shape Public Narrative..

    Beneficiaries include CNN, NBC, NPR, PBS, the Atlantic, documents show..

    Bill Gates Pumped $319 Million into Media Outlets to Shape Public Narrative
    Beneficiaries include CNN, NBC, NPR, PBS, the Atlantic, documents show - Billionaire Bill Gates has pumped $319 million into select media outlets around the world…

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Covid Pandemic ?
    more, like it is all about MONEY - and, was planned - like a PLANDEMIC


    Attached Files:


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Fauci and CCP China are to blame for this across the world [​IMG] for what was done in a Lab in Wuhan China.Changeing a Bat virus to be communicable to humans
    and then call on big Pharmaceutical industry to create an injection to protect civilization
    from getting and spreading their man made Manipulated bat virus .

    Who the fuck does that kind of shit?

    These motherfucking clowns
    Big fucking Pharma and
    the Chinese government

    all take natural immunity off the table,
    again who in the hell do these motherfucking clowns think they are?

    They are all in on it together.

    All of them have conspired together to kill over 3 billion people across the globe over a 3-7 year period.

    The conspiracy of mass murder.
    #wow this is #vienna #austria #EU today (22 Nov 2021)

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