Egyptian Folklore II

Discussion in 'Egyptian Folklore II' started by admin, Dec 31, 2015.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    empty. Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    empty. Brook on Sun Oct 18, 2015 5:04 pm
    Lets revisit Jupiter for a moment:

    In this thread I've outlined a whole bunch of alignments and lines of sight to Jupiter no?

    So what is the significance to that and possible time travel and traversable worm holes?

    Enter Kip thorn and expert on wormholes and whose work was expressed in the move Interstellar noting the tesseract and it's dimensions :

    The resistance of magnetic flux to gravitational collapse

    So Jupiter creates a magnetic field 450 million miles long? Is this not significant to the dynamics of an Einstein-Rosen Bridge better know as a wormhole?

    And what about Aldebaran being center stage in that tomb ceiling?

    In Science Aldebaran is know as:

    Aldebaran (α Tau, α Tauri, Alpha Tauri)

    Aldebaran.... a Tau... also known as Alpha Tau


    is the first letter of the Greek alphabet. In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of 1. In English, the noun "alpha" is used as a synonym for "beginning", or "first" (in a series), reflecting its Greek roots.


    Greek letters in math....

    τ (lower-case) represents:

    an interval of time

    So Alpha Tau = First Time

    First time for what? First time travel and proof of the unproven theorem?


    Least we not forget the Land of MU....

    Noting Astronomical Simulations as the Main Clue: Part 2...Page 6 & 7 of PDF

    Aldebaran you say?:

    August 10 or August 11 was an important date in the Mataveri calendar. It is possible that the
    natives waited for the helical rising of the bright star Pollux (β Geminorum). It happened on August 10 from A.D. 1690 to A.D. 1720, and on August 11 from A.D. 1721 to A.D. 1796. I believe that on that day many warriors and priests met there and at Orongo.

    Let us try to decipher them. For example, choose the year A.D. 1775. On December 20 (near the summer solstice) the azimuth of Aldebaran was 339.1° (23:44). On December 21 the azimuth of this star was 322.0° (00:44; the same night for the natives). The azimuth of Canopus was 177.5° (00:31) that night
    (Rjabchikov 2010a). It is obvious that the priests-astronomers looked at both stars during that and other nights.

    And all those dates aligned with Jupiter as I've presented thus far?

    Things they don't want you to know? Let me direct you to the Metropolitan Museum in New York.

    On the Wiki page for this:

    I direct you to the External links where they say:

    Metropolitan Museum has a full scan of the ceiling

    Well, they may have but funny thing....those images are not available. I've presented probably the only one's you'll be able to find or copies of. FULL SCANS are unavailable as it to decipher that ceiling from something other than a copied image you would have to go the the site of the tomb and actually take photos to decipher it. This tells me they really don't want people doing that now do they? And why not said the rabbit to Alice?

    So...I further the investigation...Guess what found?

    Last edited by Brook on Sun Oct 18, 2015 5:38 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    empty. Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    empty. Brook on Sun Oct 18, 2015 5:09 pm
    An important distinguishing feature between a qubit and a classical bit is that multiple qubits can exhibit quantum entanglement. Entanglement is a nonlocal property that allows a set of qubits to express higher correlation than is possible in classical systems.

    Entanglement is a necessary ingredient of any quantum computation that cannot be done efficiently on a classical computer. Many of the successes of quantum computation and communication, such as quantum teleportation and superdense coding, make use of entanglement, suggesting that entanglement is a resource that is unique to quantum computation.

    Now I took that information straight from Wiki. And here is the thing:

    I want to make this VERY clear. I am not suggesting that someone physically traveled back in time to produce that ceiling in the tomb. What I AM SUGGESTING is INFORMATION was transferred via quantum teleportation using wormhole physics to transport that information and produce that information in a tomb. Now they could have used and i think this is VERY possible holographic technology to convey this information to whoever produced this tomb back in time. Containing the code and information to produce this ALPHA TAU/FIRST TIME information transfer via quantum teleportation which is VERY 100% possible. What is not proven possible is transferring this information back in time hence using the unproven paradox as a first time transfer.

    Here is a layman's version:

    In that link they talk about is it possible to physically time travel a human being. Personally I think its quite possible but I don't suggest this in the tomb. Again what I AM suggesting is information transfer that is published on a ceiling as proof of the unproven paradox.


    This block is what is termed the WATERMARK.

    In cryptography, a watermarking attack is an attack on disk encryption methods where the presence of a specially crafted piece of data (e.g., a decoy file) can be detected by an attacker without knowing the encryption key.

    And this:

    Suffice it to say if this has "watermark encryption"....

    As the blind guy said in the movie Contact: "there's a whole lot more here". He was basically discovering a digital "image" with "sound".

    Which would be the primary reason to ideally decode this IN the tomb with a computer at hand.

    And the Qubit:

    So you see, and I admit I could be wrong.... using mainstream science I suggest there is computer code in this tomb.

    So I was questioned as to why I was so sure there was code in this tomb. Much to my surprise.....I found this:


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    empty. Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    empty. Brook on Sun Oct 18, 2015 5:11 pm
    first thing I want to point out is this....


    So if you were going to leave a coded message from the future you would definitely want to leave it before this period of 1900 B.C. right?

    That tomb was before the advent of such cryptography in Egypt during the reign of Hatshepsut in 1473 B.C.

    The tomb was discovered during the 1925-1927 excavations. So you have a discovery year to work with here and you have a time when Cryptography was not in use. Perfect for such an experiment.


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    empty. Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    empty. Brook on Sun Oct 18, 2015 5:15 pm
    I could probably fill several pages with evidence that this tomb was tampered with in such a way as to convey the message I assert is here.

    Starting with the dig:

    Here is the first excavation. In it you see the attempt to seal it off with a thick wall. But the top is open upon excavation. Now that may not seem so strange but the time it had to be opened was before a huge pile of clay chips were deposited in front of the entrance which were from tomb 71 Senemuts other tomb. You see Senemut had two tombs. One was more of a funerary tomb which was meant for burial. However they never found a mummy there as I'm aware. That would be tomb # 71. It's tomb 353 this is in question here.


    When Dr Peter F. Dorman who is a renowned Egyptologist and epigrapher, philologist was doing his thesis on this dig he first of all found that the records of the dig were almost non existent. In other words missing. This dig was commissioned by the NY Metropolitan Museum of art by Herbert Winlock the person in charge of this dig would have kept daily records of the dig. They are just gone. Disappeared. However he did write a book on the dig and there is where it gets strange...because all that is there is Winlock's after the fact assertions. Which Peter F Dorman brings into great question while giving Winlock great props for the find.

    You see in Dr. Dorman's thesis he (who knows a great deal about deciphering Hieroglyphs) has about 40 pages on Chamber A (the chamber with the astronomical ceiling) and has worked to decipher them. The problem is it was not easy and he asserts very often two main problems:

    1) The walls around this chamber are filled with "mistakes". ie from his thesis:


    ......."N" is missplaced?

    But that's not all. In this forty pages of a 284 page thesis/ turned book....he makes several distinct notes which make the wall of this chamber even stranger.

    2) the hieroglyphs are "mixed' with Hieratic Script which was painted and added on to the "carved" scripts around the walls. Which as I think you might remember I asserted in earlier posts that around the false door would probably contain the actual coded message. Now Hieratic Script is not found on the walls of tombs. Let alone mixed with standard Hieroglyphs.

    But that's not all. There are distinct "changes" noted by several scholars who've worked to figure out this chamber. None of which make sense.

    From two different sources first one Dr Dorman asserts on the "water mark"....


    The sixth cluster is out of place indeed!

    but he also asserts on the writing in that cluster:


    In the 40 pages of decyphered texts on the wall and ceiling he as several times admitted it's been "hacked". Unusual term indeed considering my asserts.

    But he is not the only one to notice the hacking of the Standing Man. Here is his assertion using the term Hacked:


    Now, just so you know around the walls of that chamber is the Book of the Dead and it's been massively hacked with painted Hieratic Script. In fact here is some of that script painted on and they are dates.


    Of course Dr. Dorman is not going to write a thesis and assert this has been hacked from someone in the future right? But I am convinced it is because of the massive inconstant things within that ceiling and the walls that surround it. Not one person who has studied this tomb can make sense of the placement within that ceiling. Even Dr. Dorman asserts they "made mistakes" and he greatly attempts to make sense of it. Which I've turned around and flatly disagree with. One would be assertion on the two turtles of which his explanation makes absolutely no sense at all.

    So I don't know encryption or cryptography but I know there is something here and it's starts with "N".


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    empty. Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    empty. Brook on Sun Oct 18, 2015 5:18 pm
    the Book of the Dead is very common. Hacking it with Hieratic Script is NOT common. In fact several times in those 40 plus pages he notes the misplacement of N. The fact that it was hacked into and painted upon the carved hieroglyphs of a common theme such as the Book of the Dead is also key. Many of the words were changed and don't again make sense as to the content.

    The Book of the Dead is very common and no great secrets to erase or change there. Which of course makes this even more interesting.

    Note: Here is one of the walls containing the Book of the Dead. Each one of those vertical lines of script contain carved and painted script of a different nature. One Hieroglyph the other painted on Hieratic. Now of course it's hard to see given the shadow of the photograph but it's been noted as there.

    If you were to take each one of those lines and extact the Hieratic script perhaps there you'll find the coded unproven theorem.


    added this view of one of the walls because that sure looks like the mouth of a wormhole to me. But of course that is actually the passage to the underworld.
  2. admin

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    empty. Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    empty. Brook on Sun Oct 18, 2015 5:21 pm
    Here is a good example given by Dr Dorman of the N misplacement painted on.....From Liturgy 7 of the Book of the Dead texts upon those walls in chamber A


    Ho Osiris N?...N? Really? And it's painted on?

    And then there is this....

    Same wall:


    Here is one more example of the Extraneous (in his own words) N:


    Today's lesson is brought to you by...LOL:



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    empty. Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    empty. Brook on Sun Oct 18, 2015 5:32 pm
    Now to finish for the was not until a week ago I ran into the quote: Extraneous use of N in this chamber. But several years ago on this very forum I posted about N being the primer?

    Perhaps Artemis and the boys were on to something eh?

    Good to be back guys and "seasoned" members. Hope you all got something from this new thread. 374937.


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    empty. Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    empty. burgundia on Mon Oct 19, 2015 10:01 am
    Good to see you here again Brook. I have been thinking of you recently because of the situation in Syria and those words uttered by you relating to Syria.


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    empty. Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    empty. Brook on Mon Oct 19, 2015 12:45 pm
    burgundia wrote:Good to see you here again Brook. I have been thinking of you recently because of the situation in Syria and those words uttered by you relating to Syria.


    Good to see you too Burgundia!

    Yep...I said keep your eye on Syria around the time Putin was threatening to get involve....and now look at the turn of events eh?

    What a world we live in...


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    empty. Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    empty. mudra on Tue Oct 20, 2015 2:16 pm
    Good to see You Brook icon_cheers.
    Welcome back sister.

    It's a great thread this one thanks to you.

    I am not able to participate much online these days.
    My turn to take a break icon_wink.
    My Heart is with you all though Always.

    Be well 719788.

  3. admin

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    empty. Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    empty. malletzky on Wed Oct 21, 2015 6:08 am
    Brook wrote:
    "I have noticed even people who claim everything is predestined, and that we can do nothing to change it,

    look before they cross the road..."

    Stephen Hawking

    Hahaha, this is a good one. But with a due respect to Mr. Hawking, he's a brilliant scientist but obviously not so brilliant philospher icon_wink. , as people who look before they cross the road, do not want to change their predestination, but rather do this in order to fulfill it. The one who do not look - their predestination ends on that road 245713. 96967.

    The only thing you can change is to choose - to look or not to look (hmm, is Shakespeare still among us? 215880. )

    Good to see you back Brook, and as always, it is a great read 83084.

    Much regards to you and to LH


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    empty. Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    empty. malletzky on Wed Oct 21, 2015 9:37 am
    Brook wrote:
    In this post I want to discuss Artemis and the "SIX" I got stuck on.

    Artemis while utilizing a program is very real. We've butted heads and I've questioned him at every turn. Every time I do so he seems to validate the findings. Even when my perception of them is incorrect. He seems to make allowance for that and has guided me thus.

    He's my snitch in time if you will. He has provided/guided me with things I never knew existed. I'm fairly certain it was he that somehow manipulated my computer that day to play that song the morning before my son died.

    On several occasions before that day he often referred to the delicacy of my Emotional State which was to him very fragile...and he was VERY concerned with how I would deal with any emotional trauma. Which often confused me until I realized after the day my son died was more than warranted.

    Hello darkness, my old friend,
    I've come to talk with you again,
    Because a vision softly creeping,
    Left its seeds while I was sleeping,
    And the vision that was planted in my brain
    Still remains
    Within the sound of silence.

    So, who is Artemis? A program? An Avatar? A guide?

    All of the above?

    I briefly saw the real him in 2010 which was quite by accident on his part. He has emotion as well and was expressing something that left him with emotion which allowed the brief view. A program with emotion? When I saw him for that brief moment I vaguely recognized him. He was a man. Not a bird head for the briefest of moments.

    While he is integrated to me and attached like a thread. He is not me. He NEVER leaves my side! He is quite different than me. He is NOT my higher self. He also loves me very much as do the other three. Filled with compassion and concern in this reveal of their existence to "take over from here".

    "Hear my words that I might teach you.
    Take my arms that I might reach you."

    And the people bowed and prayed
    To the neon god they made.
    And the SIGN flashed out its warning
    In the words that it was forming.

    Artemis is a Greek name with the body of an Egyptian man and the head of a bird. He looks something like this when I saw a tear from his bird head eye after that day:


    This image is going to be discussed more from number six. However...Artemis guided me to something I was not aware of until recently while reviewing one and the same. Above I wrote before learning this:

    The Nine Universal Principles.

    Where I immediately connect the Ennead: In Greek means collection of nine things

    The Egyptian Ennead are Nine Deities.

    Then I get stuck on number 6 and all kinds of information floods in.

    A Greek/Egyptian Guides me to another number 6 of great significance.


    The Six Enneads

    By Plotinus a Greek philosopher

    Written 250 A.C.E.

    First Tractate


    1. In the Intellectual Kosmos dwells Authentic Essence, with the Intellectual-Principle [Divine Mind] as the noblest of its content, but containing also souls, since every soul in this lower sphere has come thence: that is the world of unembodied spirits while to our world belong those that have entered body and undergone bodily division.

    There the Intellectual-Principle is a concentrated all- nothing of it distinguished or divided- and in that kosmos of unity all souls are concentrated also, with no spatial discrimination.

    But there is a difference:
    The Intellectual-Principle is for ever repugnant to distinction and to partition. Soul, there without distinction and partition, has yet a nature lending itself to divisional existence: its division is secession, entry into body.

    In view of this seceding and the ensuing partition we may legitimately speak of it as a partible thing.

    But if so, how can it still be described as indivisible?
    In that the secession is not of the soul entire; something of it holds its ground, that in it which recoils from separate existence.

    The entity, therefore, described as "consisting of the undivided soul and of the soul divided among bodies," contains a soul which is at once above and below, attached to the Supreme and yet reaching down to this sphere, like a radius from a center.

    Thus it is that, entering this realm, it possesses still the vision inherent to that superior phase in virtue of which it unchangingly maintains its integral nature. Even here it is not exclusively the partible soul: it is still the impartible as well: what in it knows partition is parted without partibility; undivided as giving itself to the entire body, a whole to a whole, it is divided as being effective in every part.


    Needless to say Artemis has sent me off my chair and to the floor once again!


    Happy reading!

    I'm not done with 6 just yet. In fact I'm just beginning...

    As it was told to me it would be a lot like Christmas morning opening presents when I started to discover what was in this room/tomb of mine where this scroll exists.

    Very interesting concept, see the passage I highlighted above in red (excerpt here):

    The entity, therefore, described as "consisting of the undivided soul and of the soul divided among bodies," contains a soul which is at once above and below, attached to the Supreme and yet reaching down to this sphere, like a radius from a center.

    This is something that, after all these years of reading gnostic texts and books about gnosticizm, I recently came to my own conclusion too. If you take a close look to my avatar, you will see my own grapchical description of the creation represented in the center as a dot (in it's purest non physical and non defined form) and it's extension - radius (which in circle there are unendless - so we can refer to unendless parts of the original creation) back to the point that it comes back in contact with itsself.

    See quote here:

    "The pneumatic initiate also came to understand that if God was a point within a circle, and the outer circumference of the circle represented the physical form, then lines of radius emanating from the point in the center of the circle represented various stages of consciousness and various personas of the One. In the outer circumference of the circle each radius appeared as unique and distinct, but at the source of all was God- the mystery of mysteries"

    Many Gnostics referred to the name of God as IOA or Iota - Alpha - Omega:

    See quote here:

    "Many Gnostics referred to the name of God as IOA or IAO. These vowels were also emphasized in Hebrew words like Adonai- meaning “lord”. The Latin letters IOA were significant from a Gnostic and sacred geometry standpoint, as “I” represented a point extending itself, and therefore the “word” of creation. “O” represented the word extended through space to the point that it comes back in contact with itself, and it therefore represented the extension of the word in creation, or the Christos. “A” represented a triangle that forms as two dualities come in contact with themselves and therefore form a third point of manifestation, and it symbolized the Sophia, or reflection of the word in matter. In the Gnostic text known as the Pistis Sophia, Jesus explains the mystery of the vowels IAO to his disciples thus: “This is its interpretation: Iota, the Universe came out; Alpha, they will turn them; Omega, will become the completion of all completions"

    All from here:

    Mucg respect


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    empty. Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    empty. Brook on Wed Oct 21, 2015 10:07 am
    Very cool add Mal!


    So good to see you Both!

    There is some really cool stuff I added here which is why I felt compelled to share it here. After all this is the place it all started no?

    Between the two major threads I started here...most of this information already resides. I was just not aware of the exact perception deeming overload/adjustment/sequence eh?

    Hope you all enjoy it and for what it's worth it took a whole lot of hard work for me personally to achieve.

    But going through it and coming out the other end would not be possible without one thing.

    I'm on the receiving end of a

    Whole latte LOVE!





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    empty. Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    empty. Brook on Sat Nov 28, 2015 11:20 am
    No Brook, no personal address at all was intended and yes I took notice of aspects I disagree with you, such as the semantics associated say with 'thout', whilst in general having some agreement with other descriptors regarding particular dates and synchronicities to do with 'ptb sacrifices' and so on.
    However, and you might have noticed, certain developments which both of us realise underpin experienced reality on this planet both physical and mental, have shifted my focus from the potential solution and outcomes in a projectable future towards an emphasis towards a war of information, ideology and philosophy which must be fought.

    In other words our disagreements regarding particular details in our respective cosmological interpretations fade in importance as to this real danger to this shared common legacy of our histories. And yes I am calling a spade a spade in resisting a number of agendas masquerading under many labels from left-or rightwing politics to social justice and 'ptb perception engineering' to alternative sciences and alternative media and counter cultures.
    As you can see on this forum and wherever you interact with the 'real world' of a planetary society; the vast majority of so called humans has maneuvered itself into ideological and self-opinionated corners of what in Judeo-Christian labelings is simply called 'self-righteousness'.
    The idea of the nabser and political ideologue of 'surrender to the greater universal self' say, has become a worship of the individual self, which by its own definition, cannot be as informed or non biased as a form of 'cosmic integration' and assimilation with this 'greater self'.
    The opinionated individual has succeeded to construct hisher own glass house of individual supremacy and autonomy, in which shehe justifies hisher often rather under-and misinformed factual information, history and concepts in whatever form of interaction shehe finds appropriate to defend their 'substance lacking' discourses.

    The word 'objective truth' has become a 'no go zone' just as have original symbols such as 'Zion the Nation Israel' and 'Jesus as the core of peace emphasizing world religion' and as far removed from political christianity, papal and other ecclesiastical institutions, as is the utterly obscene and obnoxious label of calling political islam a religion of peace.

    And so a politically impartial and a religiously impartial vox populi has become dulled and suppressed by the self-obsessed individual worshipping himherself on the altar of relative and self-centered 'truth'. It is this hijacking of the 'individualistic supremacy of opinion', unaffiliated with any form of historical self awareness and responsibility, which has allowed a metaphysical vacuum to become created as a cultural memeplex or 'all pervading thoughtform' of personal self-relativism.

    And so you could say, that 'my' agenda is no longer 'personal' but 'impersonal' in a greater context of a global clash of memeperplexification. Perhaps it would also serve your individual contexts better to become less responsive to 'personal' attacks and characterisations from the 'know it betters', and focus on the universal idiom of 'non-opinionated factual truth'.

    First of all...Tony! I wish I'd get to see more of that from you. I don't mean just the context of the conversation but the overall you. You really do.

    So...where to begin. The small things first.

    I have a confession to make. A long time ago...I'm talking back in 2010 here on the Mists if you'll recall there was this person here who would hop on thread simply to disrupt and desecrate. If you might recall it was (I'm not sure of the spelling) here by a member named Devakas who had a thread on the Bhagavad Gita and she was pasionate about it. It was her religion. Far be it from me or anyone else to intervene and quite frankly it was a rather nice thread until this other person came along and tramped on it.

    So...Merc got upset and I got upset...and he kind of "guided me" to "take care of it". What I did then was trigger the heck out of this person deliberately to bring her out and show EXACTLY what she was doing. Man did it work! It worked so well the person confessed right on the thread and Merc was able to take care of it. Then we both decided to remove all the effects of that triggering on her thread and let her continue with it. It worked quite well. After that of course Merc lost his wife...and he asked ME to watch out for the place as he knew I cared about other peoples choices.

    This is not to say I've not disagreed with members here and taken a shine in my own stance. But this whole place works and has continued without the trolling of senseless attacks which not long ago I brought up to Carol and squashed once again with the double accounts....which were coincidentally followed by the member who now follows the "personal attacker" of yesterday.

    So push come to shove...I deliberately triggered this guy to bring out the "real him" after he singled me out and it worked so well. I knew from day one what would trigger him from 1) his reaction to a photo of Robin Williams and John I had added to his thread and 2) I took the time to study him and EXACTLY what would trigger him based on a thread from Avalon. I knew I would have to take a bashing from was inevitable. That is why it worked so well. Come on Tony...You know you really think I care what this guy thinks or says about me? Have you read what he writes? Whoa!!!!!!!! I have a bit more self confidence than that...and of course could care less. What I wanted as a goal was to show the members EXACTLY what this guy is. And show that he does not practice what he Preaches and thus the magnanimous contradictions observed. He did exceed my expectations!

    End of that story...on to better things in your content in the next post which I absolutely loved!



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    empty. Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    empty. Brook on Sat Nov 28, 2015 12:12 pm
    No Brook, no personal address at all was intended and yes I took notice of aspects I disagree with you, such as the semantics associated say with 'thout', whilst in general having some agreement with other descriptors regarding particular dates and synchronicities to do with 'ptb sacrifices' and so on.
    However, and you might have noticed, certain developments which both of us realise underpin experienced reality on this planet both physical and mental, have shifted my focus from the potential solution and outcomes in a projectable future towards an emphasis towards a war of information, ideology and philosophy which must be fought.

    In other words our disagreements regarding particular details in our respective cosmological interpretations fade in importance as to this real danger to this shared common legacy of our histories. And yes I am calling a spade a spade in resisting a number of agendas masquerading under many labels from left-or rightwing politics to social justice and 'ptb perception engineering' to alternative sciences and alternative media and counter cultures.
    As you can see on this forum and wherever you interact with the 'real world' of a planetary society; the vast majority of so called humans has maneuvered itself into ideological and self-opinionated corners of what in Judeo-Christian labelings is simply called 'self-righteousness'.
    The idea of the nabser and political ideologue of 'surrender to the greater universal self' say, has become a worship of the individual self, which by its own definition, cannot be as informed or non biased as a form of 'cosmic integration' and assimilation with this 'greater self'.
    The opinionated individual has succeeded to construct hisher own glass house of individual supremacy and autonomy, in which shehe justifies hisher often rather under-and misinformed factual information, history and concepts in whatever form of interaction shehe finds appropriate to defend their 'substance lacking' discourses.

    The word 'objective truth' has become a 'no go zone' just as have original symbols such as 'Zion the Nation Israel' and 'Jesus as the core of peace emphasizing world religion' and as far removed from political christianity, papal and other ecclesiastical institutions, as is the utterly obscene and obnoxious label of calling political islam a religion of peace.

    Now...on to the main body of your post which was very well received.

    While yes, you and I have disagreed several times we actually agree more than not. As long as I've known you I'm well aware you are a very well Educated man. Thus leaning on the facts in most cases and not the expanded nonsense which has been prevailing for quite some time now. I actually stopped watching youtube videos on the subjects as they are highly edited with extreme prejudice. Which is why I noted I did not watch that video but focused on that title and it triggered my 'affliction' which some might call a gift and I certainly DO NOT! It sucks! I don't like it..I don't want it yet I have to live with it. Do you really think I relished seeing my sons funeral before he died? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! Or for that matter his fathers death when I was 8 years old? What child would want that!

    I think you know me well enough by now that I can say these things to you and you will understand what I'm saying.

    You certainly know I'm a long time advocate against WAR and Poverty given my mothers fame in that area and her influence. I'm also a bit of an existentialist at heart which is often given to sheer disappointment in idealism. If only!

    You remember about a year ago here on the Mists I had this blow out over antisemitism and sheer prejudice? I think you even intervened at some point if I recall. Well that will never change within me.

    I've always believed that intention goes a long does faith which often go hand in hand. Now...I'm just a no body and like it that way because it relieves me of the burdens to have to come up with answers all the time. I certainly do not have them in any case. I learned a long time ago when one thinks they have them...they cease to learn. That is an easy equation!

    I am also deeply disturbed by what I'm seeing in the information, ideology and philosophy as do you. It's like watching a movie in many respects. I have noticed with much of the ideology and information comes great philosophical manipulation. which coming from that existential pov I added to that thread that guy attacked me for. Was it something I said? 420354. LOL

    Id like to quote that part if I may:

    When a person gives their allegiance to an external belief structure, they may go in one of several directions. First, they often will become very rigid in their allegiance to the organization or structure to which they have committed. This type of conformity can be seen through various forms of fundamentalism -- religious, political, psychological systems, etc.

    Second, they may present as being very committed to a belief systems or organization, but they feel very comfortable bending the rules where it does fit their desires. It becomes easy to bend the rules because they are not really committed to the underlying values system. However, when a person is deeply committed to authentic moral or value principles, they are less willing to act in ways which contradict these principles. The principles are authentic.

    I think you and I both witness a bit of that here lately no? I know I have.

    So what are you left with?

    The physics of cause and effect. Your personal expertise no?

    Personally Tony I would not know where to begin to solve such a crisis as we are seeing today. But the physics of cause and effect do apply and it's quite disturbing.

    I do however see it as a massive ritualistic event to beat them all and it's coming to a theater near you unless something gets done. I know I won't rely on the so called hero's of today that claim to have it all handled on the interweb savior programs...I do think it needs addressing.

    But where to begin without conflict? The who, when and where is the choice that must be decided and it scares the hell out of me who makes that decision! I don't need another savior with a damned sword in his hand that's for sure!

    Thank you Tony for the provocative post it provoked much thought/thoth.... (just kidding on the Thoth thing but I had to add that)

    Last edited by Brook on Sat Nov 28, 2015 3:06 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : typo city here we come!)
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2015
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°66

    empty. Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    empty. orthodoxymoron on Sat Nov 28, 2015 12:47 pm
    What is your opinion of the work of Ralph Ellis and Gerald Massey?? What is your opinion of Biblical-Egyptology -- especially as applied to Genesis through Esther -- and the Four Gospels?? Is most of this material Historical-Fiction with an Egyptian-Twist?? I've been attempting to base my Biblical-Theology upon Job through Malachi -- and Romans through Jude -- with the historical-aspects (or historical-fictional aspects) viewed through two particular books by Ellen White -- namely Prophets and Kings -- and The Desire of Ages. I try to imagine these two books re-written in connection with insights gained through a study of the books of Ralph Ellis and Gerald Massey!! But how do we really know anything for certain regarding antiquity and the otherworldly?? I assume that deception is rampant -- and that everyone lies (to greater or lesser extents). I seem to be locked into a "Graveyard-Spiral" with my historical theological presuppositions -- and I continue to attempt to gain altitude -- despite encountering endless brutal-flocks of facts!! The story of Isis being thrown into the snake-pit by the reptilians (for refusing to cooperate in the enslavement of humanity) continues to haunt me. Was Isis the "Lamb Slain from the Foundation of the World"?? Was The Greatest Story Ever Told based-upon the Story of Isis?? Is Isis alive and well, and living on Planet Earth?? I have no idea what to believe and disbelieve regarding antiquity and the otherworldly -- so I merely consider possibilities (especially those which might support my presuppositions -- even though this is tainted-scholarship). I have been attempting to construct realistic-eschatology without the use of the Book of Revelation -- but it's not going so well. I hate my life. Now I'm going to make the coffee. BTW -- what if Isis = Jupiter Jones?? What if God is a Black-Woman?? A Catholic Musician told me that a Catholic Priest had asked that question (decades ago). In the movie Dogma -- Rufus states that "Jesus was Black". Serendipity speaks of writing the Bible -- and 19 of the Top-20 movie-scripts. God turns out to be a woman (Alanis Morissette). I've done way too much poking, prodding, and speculating. It's drained the life out of me -- yet I continue to wonder as I wander. "Not all who wander are lost".


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    • Post n°67

    empty. Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    empty. Brook on Sat Nov 28, 2015 2:57 pm

    ODM you crack me up sometimes. If I didn't know better.... I'd seriously be worried!

    Nobody knows what it all about???....your too much man....Let it all hang out!


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    • Post n°68

    empty. Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    empty. shiloh on Sat Nov 28, 2015 10:10 pm

    Brook wrote:
    Now...on to the main body of your post which was very well received.

    While yes, you and I have disagreed several times we actually agree more than not. As long as I've known you I'm well aware you are a very well Educated man. Thus leaning on the facts in most cases and not the expanded nonsense which has been prevailing for quite some time now. I actually stopped watching youtube videos on the subjects as they are highly edited with extreme prejudice. Which is why I noted I did not watch that video but focused on that title and it triggered my 'affliction' which some might call a gift and I certainly DO NOT! It sucks! I don't like it..I don't want it yet I have to live with it. Do you really think I relished seeing my sons funeral before he died? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! Or for that matter his fathers death when I was 8 years old? What child would want that!

    I think you know me well enough by now that I can say these things to you and you will understand what I'm saying.

    You certainly know I'm a long time advocate against WAR and Poverty given my mothers fame in that area and her influence. I'm also a bit of an existentialist at heart which is often given to sheer disappointment in idealism. If only!

    You remember about a year ago here on the Mists I had this blow out over antisemitism and sheer prejudice? I think you even intervened at some point if I recall. Well that will never change within me.

    I've always believed that intention goes a long does faith which often go hand in hand. Now...I'm just a no body and like it that way because it relieves me of the burdens to have to come up with answers all the time. I certainly do not have them in any case. I learned a long time ago when one thinks they have them...they cease to learn. That is an easy equation!

    I am also deeply disturbed by what I'm seeing in the information, ideology and philosophy as do you. It's like watching a movie in many respects. I have noticed with much of the ideology and information comes great philosophical manipulation. which coming from that existential pov I added to that thread that guy attacked me for. Was it something I said? 420354. LOL

    Id like to quote that part if I may:

    I think you and I both witness a bit of that here lately no? I know I have.

    So what are you left with?

    The physics of cause and effect. Your personal expertise no?

    Personally Tony I would not know where to begin to solve such a crisis as we are seeing today. But the physics of cause and effect do apply and it's quite disturbing.

    I do however see it as a massive ritualistic event to beat them all and it's coming to a theater near you unless something gets done. I know I won't rely on the so called hero's of today that claim to have it all handled on the interweb savior programs...I do think it needs addressing.

    But where to begin without conflict? The who, when and where is the choice that must be decided and it scares the hell out of me who makes that decision! I don't need another savior with a damned sword in his hand that's for sure!

    Thank you Tony for the provocative post it provoked much thought/thoth.... (just kidding on the Thoth thing but I had to add that)

    A nice reply Brook and fully from the heart. I can see the real you indeed and it paints a universal panorama of you, well suited to a new world which must eventuate. Perhaps in our physical presence we might be able to accentuate.

    I remember the anti-Semitic response I shared: #27
    This reply was of course undertaken from my usual position of presenting factual information with emotitve stimuli subdued. But a number of perceptions, even from my fact based and scientific position have changed since the Paris attacks. In a manner of expression, I have changed my position on the entire construct at the core of forums, such as this one - the so called NWO of the elitists, might those be secret quasi religious cults or 'illuminati' or the lucis trust or the Bilderbergers or Bohemian grove's skullduggeries.

    I received a number of impressions, call, them dreams or inspirational messages or whatever. It does not matter. What matters is that certain new information can elucidate even balanced and rational unemotional perspectives into a greater realization of the factual data which was there before and ubiquitously available to anyone considering this data.
    The major 'illumination' in my data base became the metaphysical agenda beyond any so called political or secular or NWO agenda I hitherto considered the major influencing factor in the present global situation.

    On this forum and similar ones, the manouvers and agendas of the NWO, call them banksters (which they are indeed) or 'political globalisators' or 'economic investors' and 'alien conspirators' and so on becomes the be it and is all for the 'alternatives' I often collect under the label of the nabser, IF their counter agendas rest on half witted hear say and repetition of simplistic stereotyped labels placed on whatever 'scarecrow' they nabs mindedness conjures from its juxtaposed fantasy world.

    This scripture code so describes the agenda behind the agenda rather well and also point to the core of your questions regarding a solution to the situs quo. And your expressed sentiments do strike at the heart of the matter;

    Ephesians 6:12

    For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

    So disregarding any prevalent hatred for anything associated with Christianity or, Jesus or Paul or its physical political manifestations in organized religion; and considering this code relative only to its content, one can easily find, that a completely non-religious and secular 'evil ET' conspiracy with the 'ptb' can as easily become identified with this code, as can a more orthodox interpretation of associating this 'spiritual wickedness' with some sort of demonic or devilish existence as would have been engaged at the times when the code was constructed.

    Now you perhaps know what my 'scientific' translation for this 'spiritual wickedness' becomes - memeplexes created not by ETs from outer space but by the 'integrated ETs' of the inner space, and a space you might call the universal soul native to anyone incarnated in this planetary realm.
    And this 'Invasion from Within' is in fact then related to cause and effect, as you propositioned and subsequently subject to scientific and rational analysis and examination.

    And this is of course what becomes a unifying force between reasoning, sufficiently educated and informed minds such as ours. Words are symbols and letters, which relate to the 'high places' in terms of whatever a 'higher dimensional' metaphysical reality can create. And those creation are as real in those realms, as are the cause and effect outcomes in the say lower dimensional realms.
    So the fantasies of the nabsers form a particular realism in a direct correspondence of how deep or thorough those fantasy creations are made manifest in the worlds of the cause and effect, ergo the strength and conviction of the believers in the fantasies.
    Then, and this is a focus, the difference between a nabser believing in the draconian invasion from the Orion starsytem and the imminent arrival of Nibiru and the belief by the bankster of creating the Amero then absorbing the Euro and the Denar in fiscal oligarchies becomes almost superfluous, as the belief in the economic pillars of the culture or society differs from the belief in political or philosophical pillars only in the semiotiks, symbols and archetypes used to construct those edifices of the cultures and subcultures.

    You know that this is what I mean with memeperplexification or the reality of created thoughtforms, fed and supported by their own creators, namely the nabser and the oabser - bullshyters of the 'Old World' memeplexes and thought systems and those of the 'New World'.

    So what is the solution?
    The solution is to confront the created thoughtforms by the believers not in the realm of their manifestation, but in the realm of the 'high spiritual places' and to do that one must of course be able to enter those worlds.
    To confront political islam, anti-Semitism, quasiscience or any of the many substance and data lacking memeplexes of the old human world will of course require a resistance memeplex to the thoughtform or belief system confronted.
    But this 'war of the minds' and ideas will prove insufficient to 'destroy' whatever memeplex is considered the 'for or against' in say the 'warring parties'.

    Any memeplex created cannot become uncreated, but must be rendered impotent as a memeplex.
    In practical term and as an example, this could become the exposure and uncovering of political islam and its prophet and deity thorough historical, scientific and logical evidence.
    Iow, when ordinary muslims begin to disassociate themselves from the believer memes they find themselves entrapped in, then the exbeliever muslim will actually become 'moderate' and rational due to hisher cessation of feeding the thoughtform labelled islam.
    One could say that a memeplex can become 'unwelcome' in the creator or cocreator modality of the incarnated universal human and so a previously fed memeplex will literally starve itself into an effective form of nonexistence in the world of cause and effect.
    The islam memeplex in this exemplar will continue to exist in the 'high spiritual places' but will become integrated into the memory collective of the universe as a memory of 'how it was'.

    I'll end here for now. Thank you for your commentary Brook.

    attachment. The Ontological Metaphysics behind the Physical Manifesto of Islam.pdf
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    Last edited by shiloh on Sun Nov 29, 2015 1:04 am; edited 7 times in total


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    empty. Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    empty. orthodoxymoron on Sat Nov 28, 2015 10:18 pm
    I don't know much -- but I know that you all know a lot more than I do -- and I'm honestly not in a big-hurry to learn the truth, the whole-truth, and nothing but the truth. I catch glimpses of the truth which I don't want to talk about. I'm honestly trying to get to the point where I simply read The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal -- while listening to Sacred Classical Music and going for Long Walks in Nature. Honestly.

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Sun Nov 29, 2015 10:17 am; edited 3 times in total


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    • Post n°70

    empty. Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    empty. Brook on Sat Nov 28, 2015 11:07 pm

    14 videos?

    Would you be so kind as to cut/edit that to a reasonable amount...say two or three?

    That is a bit excessive and we get the idea.

    Thanks in advance,

    Last edited: Dec 31, 2015
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°71

    empty. Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    empty. Brook on Sat Nov 28, 2015 11:20 pm

    You're welcome Tony and thank you in return.

    I'm getting very sleepy as it time for bed, so I will add comment tomorrow if you don't mind. You threw out several thing that provoked more though but I'm just too tired right now to respond as I would like.

    Again well received! Thanks again and see you tomorrow.

    I'll leave you with a lovely lullaby...



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    • Post n°72

    empty. Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    empty. orthodoxymoron on Sun Nov 29, 2015 10:07 am
    Brook wrote:ODM,

    14 videos?

    Would you be so kind as to cut/edit that to a reasonable amount...say two or three?

    That is a bit excessive and we get the idea.

    Thanks in advance,

    Sorry. I tend to get a bit carried away when I'm trying to connect dots. It won't happen again...


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    • Post n°73

    empty. Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    empty. Brook on Sun Nov 29, 2015 9:45 pm
    Thank you ODM....I know you meant well, but my computer kept lagging when I opened the thread from all the videos. 599874.



    Meant to answer you today but man what a day I've had. I did the silliest thing! I locked my keys in my car and had to wait for roadside assistance. Then when they got there they didn't want to help me because I have one of those cars that is impossible to get into without a locksmith unless you break the window which was not on my list of things to do....hence...hurry up and wait!


    Argh! By the time I got back I still had a million things to do before I could get to it.


    I was intrigued by this first of all:

    Any memeplex created cannot become uncreated, but must be rendered impotent as a memeplex.
    In practical term and as an example, this could become the exposure and uncovering of political islam and its prophet and deity thorough historical, scientific and logical evidence.
    Iow, when ordinary muslims begin to disassociate themselves from the believer memes they find themselves entrapped in, then the exbeliever muslim will actually become 'moderate' and rational due to hisher cessation of feeding the thoughtform labelled islam.

    One could say that a memeplex can become 'unwelcome' in the creator or cocreator modality of the incarnated universal human and so a previously fed memeplex will literally starve itself into an effective form of nonexistence in the world of cause and effect.
    The islam memeplex in this exemplar will continue to exist in the 'high spiritual places' but will become integrated into the memory collective of the universe as a memory of 'how it was'.

    Yes..this is simple...Information stored I totally understand it never leaves...this is actually physics no?
    integrated into the memory collective of the universe as a memory of 'how it was'.

    But this...

    One could say that a memeplex can become 'unwelcome' in the creator or cocreator modality of the incarnated universal human and so a previously fed memeplex will literally starve itself into an effective form of nonexistence in the world of cause and effect.

    So... you make the memeplex unwelcome and starve the current one...this makes sense. But aren't we back to square one? That would be how? How would/could that be achieved?

    Have you contemplated that? It seems to me that would be one big challenge. But worth some thought as to some kind of implementation no?

    Anyhow give it a thought and get back to me and some of that other part deserves a skype real's been awhile after all... 998440.

    I just got hold of a friend of ours and found out she's been ill. We've been playing tag missing each other. I actually wanted to get in touch via her. Perhaps when she gets my message we can hook up soon. It would be a pleasure.

    Until then give what I just wrote a thought... icon_wink.


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    • Post n°74

    empty. Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    empty. shiloh on Sun Nov 29, 2015 11:34 pm
    Brook wrote:Thank you ODM....I know you meant well, but my computer kept lagging when I opened the thread from all the videos. 599874.



    Meant to answer you today but man what a day I've had. I did the silliest thing! I locked my keys in my car and had to way for roadside assistance. Then when they got there they didn't want to help me because I have one of those cars that is impossible to get into without a locksmith unless you break the window which was not on my list of things to do....hence...hurry up and wait!


    Argh! By the time I got back I still had a million things to do before I could get to it.


    I was intrigued by this first of all:

    Any memeplex created cannot become uncreated, but must be rendered impotent as a memeplex.
    In practical term and as an example, this could become the exposure and uncovering of political islam and its prophet and deity thorough historical, scientific and logical evidence.
    Iow, when ordinary muslims begin to disassociate themselves from the believer memes they find themselves entrapped in, then the exbeliever muslim will actually become 'moderate' and rational due to hisher cessation of feeding the thoughtform labelled islam.

    One could say that a memeplex can become 'unwelcome' in the creator or cocreator modality of the incarnated universal human and so a previously fed memeplex will literally starve itself into an effective form of nonexistence in the world of cause and effect.
    The islam memeplex in this exemplar will continue to exist in the 'high spiritual places' but will become integrated into the memory collective of the universe as a memory of 'how it was'.

    Yes..this is simple...Information stored I totally understand it never leaves...this is actually physics no?
    integrated into the memory collective of the universe as a memory of 'how it was'.

    But this...

    One could say that a memeplex can become 'unwelcome' in the creator or cocreator modality of the incarnated universal human and so a previously fed memeplex will literally starve itself into an effective form of nonexistence in the world of cause and effect.

    So... you make the memeplex unwelcome and starve the current one...this makes sense. But aren't we back to square one? That would how? How would/could that be achieved?

    Have you contemplated that? It seems to me that would be one big challenge. But worth some thought as to some kind of implementation no?

    Anyhow give it a thought and get back to me and some of that other part deserves a skype real's been awhile after all... 998440.

    I just got hold of a friend of ours and found out she's been ill. We've been playing tag missing each other. I actually wanted to get in touch via her. Perhaps when she gets my message we can hook up soon. It would be a pleasure.

    Until then give what I just wrote a thought... icon_wink.

    Yes Brook, it seems quite a number of the old mindwarriors of the resistance are encountering more mundane problems, besides the memewars.
    The starving of the memeplex is like say a football team or some sports team which is losing its support base. Or say a newspaper empire who is able to dominate the dissemination of its printed news before the onset of the digitalization. Suddenly the news seeker is able to access the information heshe is seeking by browsing the web from the comfort of herhis own computer and needs no longer to run up the street to the papershop to buy a newspaper.

    So it is with any form of thoughtform, physicalized say in the form of some cultural institution. Then it is relatively simple to see a memeplex like islam as the mental construction , supported by a lexicon of literature and then manifesting as cause and effect as some political-religious organization.

    How to 'diminish' the influence of a memeplex unwelcome by a parge part of the group culture, which is of course also an even more encompassing thoughtform?
    As said before, information is the key.
    A more encompassing and thorough data base will always be able to eat or swallow a lesser data base.
    And the data base itself can be called a form of 'universal truth', and all without opinionated grandstandings so typical of nabsers, that it is all from within and self relative.

    Your other point is of course the crucial focus of the matter.

    So... you make the memeplex unwelcome and starve the current one...this makes sense. But aren't we back to square one? That would how? How would/could that be achieved?

    Have you contemplated that? It seems to me that would be one big challenge. But worth some thought as to some kind of implementation no?

    The 'square one' is like the saying that history repeats itself and that it all goes around in circles.
    Another idiom says however that one day you will find that after completing a journey you will suddenly realise that you have been there before, at the presumed destination of your journey.
    And it is then, that you can end the recycling of your experiences and the deja vus.

    This nexus point is the 'convergence of the timelines of history' in a nutshell Brook. And this is why we find ourselves in this chapter of a universal cosmic history.
    Because and due to a 'invasion of the memeplexes', which has already occurred, only a remnant of previous 'universal time travelers' can remember their own timelined histories.
    The individualized memeplexes also engulf personal histories as personalized 'Books of Life' and remembrances. This you know only too well, as your historical and metaphysical emphasis on Egypt shows. Egypt forms a common root memory for a 26,000 year history for the present planetary group remembrance.
    A group remembrance is however individualized in personal experiences in whatever timeframe considered and participated in and so purely individualized data regarding this will always become individualized to an extent not conducive to a harmonization of an extended individualization, say into family or nation building.
    This is not to say that a most thorough individualization is not part of say the universal 'master plan' or cosmic purpose - it is.
    But this will engage the 'individual world' as a autonomous unity within an encompassing unification. This is something you have instinctively or intuitively felt perhaps most of your life, but have then rationalized in your 'parallel universe' concept.
    As you know I reject parallel universes as independent entities on both scientific and metaphysical grounds, yet fully embrace the multiverse concept as occupying a shared spacetime matrix continuum.

    So Brook could argue with Tony about the validity of 'parallel universes' versus 'multinested phaseshifted universes' until Brook and Tony could a accomodate both concepts within a more encompassing concepts rigorously and rationally 'explained' to account for hitherto apparently irreconcilable differences in the models.

    So the solution to the 'big challenge' of the 'square one' is like the unmovable object meeting the irresistible force. They cannot coexist together in separation, but must merge or blend to become a grander unified memeplex or thoughtform or mental construct.
    The solution to the islam thoughtform so entails, that it must be absorbed and incorporated in a bigger thoughtform. Like endosymbiosis and the evolutionary occurrence of how the eukaryotic primordial cellular form emerged from its prokaryotic precursor or ancestor.
    A cell without a nucleus merged, ate, absorbed and formed a symbiosis with a smaller cell of like morphology and this absorption of a part of the environment became 'electromagnetic monopolarized', aka 'spiritually' inducted to create say a genetic supermutation which rendered the older smaller absorbed cellular material as the nucleus of a new cellular creation.

    The picture below then shows you a simply cartography or code of how the Islamic memeplex can be absorbed by a greater memeplex with the cosmic irony implied in the fact, that what is known as islam previously manifested itself in using and plagiarizing this same memeplexes for its intended usurpation of the older by itself. Cosmic and Universal Justice and Honour will prevail!


    And indeed, it is actual physics Brook, namely the interconnectivity between wave-particle duality unified.
    The actual memeplexification of the islam thoughtform is addressed in the attached pdf, which needless to say is not suitable for human opinionated mindedness of peripheral perusals of factual information presented.

    attachment. The Ontological Metaphysics behind the Physical Manifesto of Islam.pdf
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    • Post n°75

    empty. Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    empty. Brook on Mon Nov 30, 2015 8:22 am
    Good Morning!

    Thank you Tony. It's going to take me awhile to read and digest that so give me a few days before I can really understand that image. It looks interesting and I somewhat get the gist.
    If I can grasp some of physics on this thread I think I'm up for the task.

    Interesting days indeed. Strange Things are Afoot at the Circle K.

    Last edited: Dec 31, 2015
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    empty. Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    empty. Brook on Mon Nov 30, 2015 11:08 am
    I do have this to add today however given the current state of affairs at 'home' and abroad;

    Carl Jung on “Man’s Stupidity”


    Our striving focused on sagacity and intellectual superiority, and we hence developed all our cleverness.

    But the extraordinary extent of stupidity inherent in all men was disregarded and denied.

    But if we accept the other in us, we also evoke the particular stupidity of our nature.

    Stupidity is one of man's strange hobbyhorses.

    There is something divine about it, and yet something of the megalomania of the world.

    Which is why stupidity is really large.

    It keeps away everything that could induce us to intelligence.

    It leaves everything not understood which is not naturally supposed to demand understanding.

    This particular stupidity occurs in thought and in life.

    Somewhat deaf somewhat blind, it brings about necessary fate and keeps from us the virtuousness coupled with rationality.

    It is what separates and isolates the mixed seeds of life, affording us thus with a clear view of good and evil, and of what is reasonable and what not.

    But many people are logical in their lack of reason"

    Page (P.487). ~Liber Novus, Page 316, Footnote 277.



    Megalomania is a psycho-pathological condition characterized by fantasies of power, relevance, omnipotence, and by inflated self-esteem. Historically it was used as a name for narcissistic personality disorder.


    noun: megalomania

    obsession with the exercise of power, especially in the domination of others.
    synonyms: delusions of grandeur, folie de grandeur, thirst/lust for power; self-importance, egotism, conceit, conceitedness
    "he's blinded by his own megalomania and quest for historic recognition at any cost"
    delusion about one's own power or importance (typically as a symptom of manic or paranoid disorder).

    Translate megalomania to
    Use over time for: megalomania




    noun: saviour; plural noun: saviours; noun: savior; plural noun: saviors

    a person who saves someone or something (especially a country or cause) from danger, and who is regarded with the veneration of a religious figure.

    Savior or Saviour may refer to:

    a person who helps people achieve salvation, or saves them from something


    Whoa!!!!!!!!!!!! See ya on the flip side



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    • Post n°77

    empty. Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    empty. orthodoxymoron on Mon Nov 30, 2015 7:05 pm
    I somehow think that Human-Beings are BOTH Smart and Stupid -- SIMULTANEOUSLY. I somehow think that Human-Nature is BOTH Fallen and Unfallen -- SIMULTANEOUSLY. I somehow think that the Bible is BOTH True and False -- SIMULTANEOUSLY. I somehow think that I am BOTH Orthodox and Unorthodox -- SIMULTANEOUSLY -- Hence, orthodoxymoron. I somehow support Theological-Milestones and Historical-Necessities -- SIMULTANEOUSLY. The United States of the Solar System: Oxymoron or Wave of the Future?? We might have to wait until 2133 A.D. to determine the correct response. Another thing. Consider the following Study-List:

    1. Genesis and Job through Malachi (KJV).
    2. Luke and Acts through Jude (KJV).
    3. Prophets and Kings by Ellen White.
    4. Solomon: Pharaoh of Egypt by Ralph Ellis.
    5. The Gods of Eden by William Bramley.

    As you know, I have provided dozens of study-lists throughout the years, mostly to facilitate Possibility-Thinking relative to Sacred-Scripture. But my lifelong ambivalence and reflection have made a wreck out of me -- and I am truly a Completely Ignorant Fool -- but I love that term (and use it often). What Would Raven Say?? @#&^$*^&!!?? I think I've teetered on the edge of the abyss long enough to see how dark and deep it really is -- without actually falling (or being thrown) into it. I'm "backing-off". I think my "job" was completed several years ago. Perhaps it was completed in a previous-life. It might've even been completed in a distant solar-system. Nothing would surprise me at this point. I still think there is something to the concept of an Investigative and Executive Judgment terminating in (or around) 2133 A.D. I'm obviously not sure about the validity of various "Numbers-Games" -- so I won't be shouting "The End is Near" in crowded-theaters or internet-forums. I've simply defined a particular area of research -- without formalizing my findings. I actually don't have any findings. I've merely created a "Conceptual-Laboratory" for those with greater aptitudes and resources than I am blessed with. I know my limitations -- and they are significant. I sometimes feel as if I have been hamstrung for a significant-reason. Perhaps this was a test for all-concerned. Remember John and Delenn's son, David (in the Fifth-Season of Babylon 5) being "cursed" (with some sort of an alien-parasite) on his 16th birthday. Why?? Happy-Birthday?? "Sweet Sixteen, and Never Been Cursed??" I continue to think in terms of the solar-system being one big-business (going way, way, way back). If this is even somewhat correct, resistance might really be futile -- and I have no appetite for trench-warfare (regardless of how righteous the cause might be). I continue to NOT Know what's REALLY going-on (within this solar-system and beyond). I have no idea who I really am (on a soul-basis -- going way, way, way back) even though I have modeled remote-possibilities (without remote-viewing). Please do not neglect the following Bible-Study:

    1. Genesis through Esther -- Matthew through Acts -- and the Revelation of Jesus Christ (read straight-through -- over and over -- as a group).
    2. Job through Malachi -- and Romans through Jude (read straight-through -- over and over -- as a group).

    What is your opinion of the work of Ralph Ellis and Gerald Massey?? What is your opinion of Biblical-Egyptology -- especially as applied to Genesis through Esther -- and the Four Gospels?? Is most of this material Historical-Fiction with an Egyptian-Twist?? I've been attempting to base my Biblical-Theology upon Job through Malachi -- and Romans through Jude -- with the historical-aspects (or historical-fictional aspects) viewed through two particular books by Ellen White -- namely Prophets and Kings -- and The Desire of Ages. I try to imagine these two books re-written in connection with insights gained through a study of the books of Ralph Ellis and Gerald Massey!! But how do we really know anything for certain regarding antiquity and the otherworldly?? I assume that deception is rampant -- and that everyone lies (to greater or lesser extents). I seem to be locked into a "Graveyard-Spiral" with my historical theological presuppositions -- and I continue to attempt to gain altitude -- despite encountering endless brutal-flocks of facts!! The story of Isis being thrown into the snake-pit by the reptilians (for refusing to cooperate with the enslavement of humanity) continues to haunt me. Was Isis the "Lamb Slain from the Foundation of the World"?? Was The Greatest Story Ever Told based-upon the Story of Isis?? Is Isis alive and well, and living on Planet Earth?? I have no idea what to believe and disbelieve regarding antiquity and the otherworldly -- so I merely consider possibilities (especially those which might support my presuppositions -- even though this is tainted-scholarship). I have been attempting to construct realistic-eschatology without the use of the Book of Revelation -- but it's not going so well. I hate my life. Now I'm going to make the coffee. BTW -- what if Isis = Jupiter Jones?? What if God is a Black-Woman?? A Catholic Musician told me that a Catholic Priest had asked that question (decades ago). In the movie Dogma -- Rufus states that "Jesus was Black". Serendipity speaks of writing the Bible -- and 19 of the Top-20 movie ideas and/or scripts. God turns out to be a woman (Alanis Morissette) hidden in a comatose-man's body. I've done way too much poking, prodding, and speculating. It's drained the life out of me -- yet I continue to wonder as I wander. "Not all who wander are lost". I leave you with one last study-list (which is simply a conceptual snapshot in time -- which is subject to change -- without prior notice):

    1. Job through Malachi (King James Version).
    2. Romans through Jude (King James Version).
    3. Prophets and Kings (Ellen G. White).
    4. The Desire of Ages (Ellen G. White).
    5. The Power of Positive Thinking (Norman Vincent Peale).
    6. Move Ahead With Possibility Thinking (Robert H. Schuller).
    7. The New York Times.
    8. The Wall Street Journal.
    9. The United States of the Solar System: 2133 A.D. (Books One and Two).
    10. Sacred Classical Music.

    I mostly wish to watch things "play-out" in the coming months and years. I have no idea what's going to happen (or not happen) -- but I continue to think that some of us should consider eschatological science-fiction (theistic and atheistic). Even if there were no God to rain-down asteroids, fire, and brimstone -- we still have sufficient WMD's to exterminate ourselves rather rapidly (with or without aliens). I think I could probably become a Rich Rabble-Rouser (if I wanted to) but I don't want to. I prefer to be the "Strong Silent Type". Actually, I'm probably just a "Completely-Ignorant Fool with Nothing to Say". If anyone tries to discuss my madness with me -- I'll probably just say something like "Interesting", "No Comment", or "What Are You Talking About??" I'll probably just "Play-Dumb" which actually comes quite naturally. I still wonder if most of the souls in this solar-system have a very-dark past?! What if nearly all of us "Overthrew God in Antiquity"?? What if nearly all of us have "Rejected God in Modernity"?? What if nearly all of us have been "Atoning for Our Sins" lifetime after lifetime after lifetime?? What if a Final-Judgment will precipitate a "Final-Application of the Atonement"?? What if nearly all of us will "Stand Before a Holy-God -- Without a Mediator" in the near-future?? Is a "Ticket to the Moon" a good-thing or a bad-thing?? I have no idea. Neither the Old or New Testaments of the Holy Bible are anything close to a Western-Capitalist Manifesto!! In the Torah -- conquest is fine (including killing all of the women and children) -- but you had better keep the Sabbath holy (or get stoned to death -- on the spot -- without a trial). The Pauline-Epistles seem to favor communism and socialism -- don't they?? The "Ancient Egyptian Deity" I spoke-with heavily favored Socialism and Absolute-Obedience to a Central-Deity!! Is Heaven Capitalist or Communist?? Is there Religious and Political Freedom in Heaven?? I have attempted to utilize the best of East and West with my hypothetical royal-model United States of the Solar System -- complete with 10,000 Representatives -- a King, Queen, and a God!! The idea is to achieve a Dynamic-Equilibrium of Human Responsible-Freedom with the Sovereignty of God!! Oxymoron or Wave of the Future?? I have set a tentative start-date of 2133 A.D. -- but who knows what the future holds (or drops)?? The U.S.S.S. concept involves probably half of the 10,000 Representatives serving as Solar-System Supreme-Court Justices. The remaining 5,000 would serve in something resembling the best aspects of the United Nations and Washington D.C. The Supreme-Court might be more sacred than secular -- and the UN/US amalgamation might be more secular than sacred. Unfortunately, this approach would make everyone livid with rage -- so perhaps we'll just have to watch the present-arrangement play-out (for better or worse -- I know not). I am in no position to know much of anything significant -- so I'm mostly attempting to not talk.

    A very careful examination of all-concerned throughout the history of the world might be rather difficult to judge -- due to the circumstances and previously unknown factors. I've hinted at a lot of stuff -- but I've done very little direct condemnation. I'm not saying that "anything-goes" should be "the way things are" -- but one would have to know a hell of a lot about all factions within this solar system (going way, way back). The best ideas and plans could've been repeatedly hijacked and corrupted. Some world-leaders might've been unimaginably controlled from the shadows. Do we assume that just because we find-out about the secret-stuff that we will somehow get all of it for ourselves?? What if this simply screws-up someone's business-model?? Or what if we've served our purpose, and will be eliminated?? I find it hard to believe that the Real Top-Dogs are on the run!! I suspect that they're really bad, smart, and sinister -- and that they don't give a damn about "We the Peons". But to think that they would be vulnerable enough to be completely exposed and deposed is somehow irrational and doubtful. The Real Top-Dogs might want "Disclosure" and "Regime-Change" as calculated-steps toward some unthinkable end. I don't think we should be too triumphalist and celebratory just yet. I've been attempting to think things through from the perspectives of all-concerned -- and I am finding it to be MOST Disorienting and Disillusioning. I frankly don't think we have any idea of what we're REALLY Dealing-With. I get the sinking-feeling that this thing won't be over for a VERY Long Time. An Individual of Interest told me they would "Always be Opposed to Humanity" -- and the implication was that they had existed for a very-long time -- and that they would continue to exist for a very-long time. I'm just scratching the surface of this madness -- and it's scaring the hell out of me. I tend to think in terms of pictures and panoramas -- and I find it difficult to adequately communicate what I see and perceive. I sometimes wonder if I sometimes channel some hidden aspect of my past existence.

    I continue to think that humanity has lived under a One-World (or possibly even a One Solar-System) Government for thousands of years -- and that the Original-Creator (or genetic and social engineer) of the Human-Experiment got removed in antiquity (with a much-tougher administrator taking their place) -- for better or worse, I know not. All I know is that this whole thing has been pretty darn nasty (going way, way back). BTW -- some of those Pope-Caricatures are in poor-taste and over-the-edge -- but I bet they generate a lot of laughter in and around the Vatican!! They probably laugh at me as well (if they even know about me). My U.S.S.S. threads are a big-joke, aren't they?? I wish to make it abundantly clear that I am not an insider -- and that I have withdrawn everything I've offered on the internet (and probably anywhere else). I've tried to consider various world, solar-system, and galactic issues -- with devastating results. Nothing productive has resulted -- as far as I can tell. I obviously do not have the "right-stuff" for much of anything. I continue to feel massively ignored, ridiculed, miserable, rejected, and harassed. We all have our crosses to bear, don't we?? But there might be pandemonium when we see what those who were loyal to God got. I don't know if I've been loyal or not. Have my internet questions been reasonable or not?? Why have 95% of my questions remained unanswered, after nearly eight-years?? I continue to suspect that nearly all of us have "made our choices" regarding the most important matters imaginable (whether we realize it, or not). I guess I'll continue to seek the truth, the whole-truth, and nothing but the truth -- regardless of whether anyone likes it, or not. I hope the Real Universe Powers That Be somehow appreciate and accept my feeble and tainted attempts to understand the "Real-Truth". That might be the thing which REALLY matters when all is said and done. Are they impressed by "Big-Shot Walking and Talking"?? I tend to doubt it. Are they impressed by "Fame, Fortune, and Power"?? I tend to doubt it. Have I somehow had contact with the "Real-Deal"?? I don't know -- but it wouldn't surprise me. But at this late date -- I honestly think I've been roundly rejected by both Humanity and Divinity (at least within this particular solar system). My hope is that there is some sort of a "City of Refuge" for me in this universe. I think I might do much better in a different setting. Perhaps I already have.

    I often sound stand-offish -- but I simply don't know who and what to believe and trust -- so I suppose I am in a moot-war with everyone and everything -- which I am trying to end. I've performed an experiment -- and my laboratory now seems to be in lockdown -- with sirens-wailing and lights-flashing. I simply think this thing is way too complex for me to properly deal with. I have mostly suspended judgment -- but now I think I need to suspend my experiment -- and move toward the mainstream -- for the remainder of this incarnation. This makes me very, very sad. One can get too far out on a very high limb. One can get so "above it all" that they lose touch. On the other hand -- my efforts to gel with even the "awake and aware" have failed to yield satisfactory results -- so I suppose, in a sense, I have lost confidence in those around me -- and in myself (regarding meaningful and long-term dialogue). I mostly end-up talking to myself. It's easier that way. I just wish to cease being open and honest on the internet (or anywhere else, for that matter). I've been screwed-up for most of my life -- and attempts at enlightenment and honesty just seem to make things worse. Idealism seems to backfire on a regular basis. I'm not saying that I'll stop researching and reflecting. I'm simply saying that being vocal (on the internet and/or in real-life) doesn't seem to be working for me -- and I doubt that it ever will. I am a 'friend and foe' personality (with very little personality). I can be open and friendly -- but then I can turn right around and start asking difficult and provocative questions. I do this on the internet on a daily-basis -- but I usually keep my mouth shut in real-life. I am quite fatigued and stupid in real-life -- and things seem to be worsening. With every other person being a secret-agent (or related to someone who knows someone) -- with legion agencies and lists -- I'm really not enjoying being a 'marked-man'. I think I might like to write some sort of a book (which would be a very mild version of my internet stuff) -- and then just retire -- and disappear into a small mountain cabin (with a Deep Underground Civilian Basement) for the rest of my life. That's my story -- and I'm sticking to it. I could continue -- but I'd rather not. "Silence is Golden".









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    • Post n°78

    empty. Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    empty. Brook on Thu Dec 03, 2015 10:48 am

    How's it going? I noticed an attempt to reason with the Savior flavor of the hour. Who grapples with code of ambiguity eh? Ambiguous wordplay which came first time around music videos, and now the BIG SCREEN.

    La la lalala.....

    Rollin' Blue baby! Did you know Peyo who created the Smurfs studied with another cartoonist, Maurice de Bevere.

    Peyo decided to follow Maurice to the popular weekly comic "Spirou" in 1954

    I did not know that! Whoa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Got a question and excuse me for taking my time on that pdf but busy is my middle name this week after a weeks vacation.

    Abba reference in the paper.

    I understand the Alice-Bob reference but to what context are you using it? As I'm certain you're aware there can be several eh?

    And second: Kristos

    Kristos left me hanging as I'm not aware again of the context.

    So if you could help me out there I'd be grateful.


    What I'm seeing in the parade of info dispersion here lately at the Mists is Shadow-self play at it finest.


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    • Post n°79

    empty. Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    empty. shiloh on Thu Dec 03, 2015 9:10 pm
    Abba is or should be rather interesting to you, as it combines the anagram of the Egyptian Heart of the AB associated with the throne of Isis with the BA or soul of Bastet, the daughter of the Isis in the sistrum of the dances of the cats of Egypt.
    When the Krystos (see more below), came to redeem old Jehovah, he knew he could no longer call upon the 'sacred tetragrammaton' of YHWH, because of missing symmetry and so he renamed YHWH's successor as Abba, the new father of all as the pentagrammaton and symmetric YHWHY aka YaHWHeY in the I Am That I AM! also being I AM THAT AM I? and as the "Why Oh Why?!" and changing the exclamation of the old lost creator memeplex into a question of the new redeemed creator energy thoughtform.

    Mark 14:36 - Romans 8:15 - Galatians 4:6 -KJV

    And he said, Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee; take away this cup from me: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt.
    For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.
    And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.

    The Krystos used to be an older label of the Hellenes also known as the ancient Greeks and just like 'Chief' Seattle can be used as the naming of Sitting Bull 'Chief' of the Lakota Sioux; so can the word 'chief' also mean Krystos or 'Jesus the Christ'. This, btw is the reason as to why the 'symbol of the cross' is such an abomination to islamists, note I did not say muslims. The islamists are attempting to remove all 'associations' of Muhammad with the Krystos-Kristos-Christ-'Moshiah-'Anointed' honorific. (References are in the pdf).
    The caliph Abd Al-Malik ibn Marwun from the 'New Arabia' found this label of the Krystos being used by the conquered folks in the occupied Byzantine lands and decided to use the 'Krystos' venerated as an old Christian 'chief' and renamed it in a new invented title of 'Muhammad' and in the process also using the 'chieftains' of the pharaohs from the other 'people of the book' of the older lexicons as the 'Mose' in the 'Mosiach' and Ahmose and Thutmosis and Rameses and so on from even earlier times and records kept.

    Alice and Bob!? Well are you asking for it in detail? It has to do with firewalls and Black Holes and quantum entanglements.
    Here is a pic for Alice as Brook as Jenetta, which relates to this.




    Alice and Bob Meet the Wall of Fire
    How a new black hole paradox has set the physics world ablaze.

    Well yes, the 'Know It Smurfs' are what they are and not exactly attuned to the general ongoings in Smurfy Town.


    Last edited by shiloh on Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:27 am; edited 3 times in total


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    • Post n°80

    empty. Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    empty. Aquaries1111 on Fri Dec 04, 2015 1:47 am

    shiloh wrote:
    Brook wrote:


    How's it going? I noticed an attempt to reason with the Savior flavor of the hour. Who grapples with code of ambiguity eh? Ambiguous wordplay which came first time around music videos, and now the BIG SCREEN.

    La la lalala.....

    Rollin' Blue baby! Did you know Peyo who created the Smurfs studied with another cartoonist, Maurice de Bevere.

    Peyo decided to follow Maurice to the popular weekly comic "Spirou" in 1954

    I did not know that! Whoa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I see some "effort" of relationship here trying to happen, however, the Sleeping Giant is still asleep in "Stasis"... Hows about we wake some of us up shall we? and NOT with Coffee...


    Got a question and excuse me for taking my time on that pdf but busy is my middle name this week after a weeks vacation.

    Abba reference in the paper.

    I understand the Alice-Bob reference but to what context are you using it? As I'm certain you're aware there can be several eh?

    And second: Kristos

    Kristos left me hanging as I'm not aware again of the context.

    So if you could help me out there I'd be grateful.


    What I'm seeing in the parade of info dispersion here lately at the Mists is Shadow-self play at it finest.

    Last edited: Dec 31, 2015
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°81

    empty. See

    empty. Aquaries1111 on Fri Dec 04, 2015 1:50 am

    We Love You!


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    • Post n°82

    empty. Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    empty. Aquaries1111 on Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:12 am

    How did my Path of the Sun get in Shiloh's quote? Hmmm.... time for a change!


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    • Post n°83

    empty. Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    empty. shiloh on Fri Dec 04, 2015 4:10 am

    Anyone for the Preservation of the Pyramids?
    What really happened to the Arabian Springtimes in Egypt's Revolution 2011


    Egypt, 2012: The Year In Fatwas

    By Raymond Ibrahim on January 30, 2013 in From The Arab World, Islam

    Published on FrontPage Magazine

    In previous decades in Egypt, the fatwas, or legal decrees issued by learned Muslims and based on Sharia law, revolved around questions like proper prayer, when and where women should wear the hijab, and if smoking was forbidden or permissible.
    That was then.


    The fatwas issued in the year 2012—the year when Islamists, spearheaded by the Muslim Brotherhood, assumed formal power—are, as one would expect, markedly different, that is, much less restrained. The popular Egyptian Arabic website El-Watan News recently compiled a list of 2012’s most “notable” (a euphemism) fatwas. I translate a summary of their findings below, augmented with additional observations:

    Destruction of the Pyramids and Sphinx
    In November, Sheikh Murjan Salem al-Jawhari, a Salafi leader, called for the destruction of all idols, relics, and statues in Egypt, specifically mentioning the Sphinx and the Great Pyramids. He called on Muslims to destroy such “idols” just as they destroyed the Buddha statues in Afghanistan. Of course, several months earlier, in July, I reported how several prominent Islamic clerics were calling on President Morsi to “destroy the Pyramids and accomplish what the Sahabi Amr bin al-As [the first Muslim invader of Egypt] could not.” Then and now, the MSM scoffed at the very idea, portraying it as a “hoax.” To date, reports from Egypt confirm that “some of the statues have already been destroyed by those belonging to the political Islamist parties.”

    Marrying Minors (i.e., Pedophilia)
    Dr. Yassir al-Burhami, Vice President of the Salafi Da‘wa movement, and thus an authoritative figure among Egypt’s Salafis, who are playing a prominent role in the nation’s new parliament, opposed setting a minimum age in the new constitution concerning the marriage of minor girls, saying “they can get married at any time,” and insisting that Sharia law is clear on this matter. Indeed, earlier, another cleric and member of Saudi Arabia’s highest religious council, after saying that girls can be married “even if they are in the cradle,” explained the fundamental criterion of when they can copulate: whenever “they are capable of being placed beneath and bearing the weight of the men,” which has less to do with age and more to do with individual capacity.

    Permitting Lies and Hypocrisy
    Dr. Yassir al-Burhami also permitted wives to “lie to their husbands” about their whereabouts—if they were going to go and vote “yes” on the Sharia-heavy constitution in Egypt, and if their husbands would otherwise have disapproved. The ever-expedient Salafi leader also permitted Egypt to borrow money from the IMF, rationalizing the “forbidden” interest rate away as “administrative charges.” (Islam forbids Muslim participation in monetary loans that charge interest, as does the IMF.)

    Scrapping Camp David Accords
    Sheikh Hashem Islam, member of the Al-Azhar Fatwa Committee, said that the peace treaty with Israel contradicts the teachings of Sharia and should be annulled, quoting the Koran: “So do not weaken and call for peace while you are superior; and Allah is with you and will never deprive you of [the reward of] your deeds” (47:35). He added that “Jews cannot be trusted.” The Islamic logic he and others use is that peace treaties with infidels are legitimate only when Muslims are weak and in need, whereas now that Egypt is under proper Muslim leadership, Allah will help it to defeat Israel.

    Killing Anyone Protesting Islamization of Egypt
    Sheikh Hashem Islam also permitted the killing of anti-Islamization protesters, portraying them as traitors committing “high treason.” The Sheikh also exempted the murderers from having to pay the restitution required by Sharia to a Muslim victim’s family. Sheikh Wagdi Ghoneim issued a similar fatwa, proclaiming any Muslim who rejects the Sharia-heavy constitution of being an apostate who must be fought and killed.

    Obeying President Morsi
    Sheikh Ahmed Mahlawi, the leader of an Alexandrian mosque, denounced all Muslims opposed to President Morsi, pointing out that the Koran declares it to be forbidden to disobey those in authority: “Obey Allah and obey the Messenger [Muhammad] and those in authority among you” (4:59). He added that Morsi should be obeyed whether he was elected or not—as long as he enforces the laws of Allah. In fact, according to Sharia, the Islamic ruler must always be obeyed—except whenever he fails to enforce Sharia.

    Banning Greeting Christians
    The Committee for Rights and Reform issued a Fatwa against congratulating Christian Copts on their religious holidays, notably Christmas and Easter, since Muslims do not share the beliefs specific to those holidays. As for the ever-reliable Salafi Sheikh Burhami, he further forbade Muslim cab and bus drivers from transporting Christian priests to their churches, which he depicted as “more forbidden than taking someone to a liquor bar.”

    Banning Saluting the Egyptian Flag
    Abd al-Akhir Hamad, the mufti of the notorious Gama’a Islamiya (Islamic Group), denounced and forbade the saluting of the flag and the Egyptian national anthem, saying that doing so glorifies that which is other than Allah—not to mention music is simply “haram,” that is, forbidden. Dar Al-Ifta’ issued a counter-fatwa to allow for saluting the flag and standing up for the national anthem.

    Banning TV Shows Mocking Political Islamists
    A fatwa banning TV viewers from watching the very popular shows of Bassem Yusif, who routinely mocks Egypt’s Islamists and their fatwas, appeared and was originally attributed to Dar Al-Ifta’, though it later denied issuing it.

    Banning Marriage to Mubarak-Regime “Remnants”
    Sheik Omar Stouhi, Secretary General of the Supreme Committee for Islamic Da‘wa at Al-Azhar, forbade all Muslim women from marrying any of the sons of the “remnants” of the old regimes, portraying them as non-pious Muslims.

    Banning Joining the Dustor Political Party
    Sheikh Muhammad Nazmi issued a ban on people from joining Egypt’s Dustor political party, headed by Dr. Muhammad al-Baradei, saying that the latter is a secularist and opposed to the implementation of Allah’s laws.

    The Jihad on Egypt’s Pharaonic Antiquities

    By Raymond Ibrahim on November 14, 2012 in From The Arab World

    Published on Jihad Watch

    While Islamic hate for idols is a well documented phenomenon—permeating both the whole of Islamic doctrine and history—the “Arab Spring” has given greater rise to this hate, as it has to all uniquely Islamic phenomena.


    Sheikh Badri calls for the demolition of Egypt’s pre-Islamic past

    Soon after Muslim Brotherhood leader Muhammad Morsi became president of Egypt, calls to demolish the Great Pyramids—long seen as the ultimate in idol effrontery to Islamic sensibilities—began. When I reported this, and documented the long paper-trail of Muslims, beginning with their prophet, destroying the antiquities of their pagan ancestors, the apologists, including at Huffington Post and New York Times cried “hoax,” to lull the world back to sleep.

    Yet the cries to destroy Egypt’s Pharonic—that is, pagan—past continue. According to a Watan report, Sheikh Yusif al-Badri, a popular preacher, recently declared that “Allah created people to worship him, but demons misled them to worship other creatures in his place.”

    Accordingly, Sheikh al-Badri is calling for “the demolition of monuments [e.g., pyramids] and all idols and statues in Egypt,” characterizing it as “a religious duty, lest they [monuments and idols] create sedition, and cause people to return to worshiping idols instead of Allah.” Likewise, he pointed to the fact that “the noble prophet [Muhammad] ordered the destruction of idols and statues [when he conquered Mecca] lest they be glorified for worship instead of Allah.”

    The report continues by quoting various other Islamic figures, including from the Muslim Brotherhood, who all agree that any idol that has the potential to awe Muslims “instead of Allah” must be destroyed, though some argue that the antiquities of Egypt do not inspire Muslims to worship them and help the nation’s economy, and thus should be spared.

    Even so, the Watan report concludes by saying that, according to Egypt’s Minister of Antiquities “some of the statues have already been destroyed by those belonging to the political Islamist parties.”

    Islamic State: Militants blow up tower tombs at Syria's Palmyra, antiquities chief says

    Updated 5 Sep 2015, 9:10amSat 5 Sep 2015, 9:10am
    Photo: An antiquities expert says the celebrated Tower of Elahbel was one of the tombs destroyed by Islamic State. (Supplied: Wikimedia Commons)
    Related Story: Satellite images confirm destruction of Palmyra's Temple of Bel: UN
    Related Story: Historic Temple of Bel damaged by Islamic State militants Arab Republic/@35,38,5z]

    Jihadists of the Islamic State group have blown up three of the famed tower tombs of Syria's ancient desert city of Palmyra, the country's antiquities chief says.
    "They blew up three tower tombs, the best preserved and most beautiful," Maamoun Abdelkarim said.
    News of the destruction at the world-renowned site, captured by the jihadists in May, follows their demolition of the ancient shrine of Baal Shamin and the 2,000-year-old Temple of Bel."We received reports 10 days ago but we've just confirmed the news," Mr Abdelkarim said.

    "We obtained satellite images from the US-based Syrian Heritage Initiative, taken on September 2."
    He said the tombs destroyed by IS included the most celebrated — the Tower of Elahbel.
    The whole of Palmyra, including the four cemeteries outside the walls of the ancient city, has been listed as a world heritage site by UNESCO since 1980.
    In its listing, the UN agency singles out the tower tombs as the "oldest and most distinctive" of Palmyra's funerary moments — "tall multi-storey sandstone buildings belonging to the richest families".
    "On the fronts of those that survive, foremost among them the Tower of Elahbel, there is an arch with sarcophagus halfway up, which in ancient times supported a reclining statue," it said.
    "Corridors and rooms were subdivided by vertical bays of loculi [niches for dead] closed by slabs of stone carved with the image of the deceased and painted in lively colours."

    What is Palmyra?

    • UNESCO describes Palmyra as a heritage site of "outstanding universal value"
    • Palmyra first entered recorded history in the early second millennium BC as a caravan stop for travellers
    • The ancient city stood on a caravan route at the crossroads of several civilisations; the place where the ancient Greek and Roman worlds met the ancient Persian and Parthian worlds on the Silk Road
    • Its first and second century temples and colonnaded streets mark a unique blend of Graeco-Roman and Persian influences
    • It is strategically important, placed in the centre of the Syrian desert, and is the crossroads for roads going to Jordan, Iraq, and Damascus.

    Mr Abdulkarim said the Tower of Jambalik, built in 83AD, was also destroyed along with the Tower of Ketout built in 44AD and famed for vivid scenes etched into its walls.
    He said the tower tombs were symbols of the economic boom of Palmyra in the 1st century AD when it dominated the caravan trade between east and west from its oasis in the desert.
    Some of Palmyra's monuments still remain intact, including its grand amphitheatre and the Temple of Nabu.
    The amphitheatre has instead been exploited by IS to parade its brutal version of Islamic justice since it captured the city in May.
    In one macabre display, child recruits executed 25 Syrian soldiers on the stage.

    Jihadists keen to sell artefacts on black market

    According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group, IS addressed a letter to Palmyra's residents promising further destruction.
    Gruesome violence and the destruction of priceless artefacts have become hallmarks of IS as it has expanded its so-called caliphate straddling Iraq and Syria.
    The Sunni extremist group considers pre-Islamic monuments, tombs and statues to be idolatrous and worthy of destruction.
    But experts say that while the jihadists prize the shock value of demolishing ancient sites, they are also keen to preserve some artefacts to sell on the black market to raise funds.
    According to Cheikhmous Ali of the Association for the Protection of Syrian Archaeology, upwards of 900 monuments and archaeological sites have been damaged or destroyed during more than four years of civil war.
    In addition to damaging sites in Syria, IS has also carried out widespread destruction in neighbouring Iraq, demolishing statues, shrines and manuscripts in second city Mosul, and razing the ancient Assyrian city of Nimrud.



    Raymond Ibrahim is a Middle East and Islam specialist and author of Crucified Again: Exposing Islam’s New War on Christians (2013) and The Al Qaeda Reader (2007).
    His writings have appeared in a variety of media, including the Los Angeles Times, Washington Times, Jane’s Islamic Affairs Analyst, Middle East Quarterly, World Almanac of Islamism, and Chronicle of Higher Education; he has appeared on MSNBC, Fox News, C-SPAN, PBS, Reuters, Al-Jazeera, NPR, Blaze TV, and CBN.
    Ibrahim regularly speaks publicly, briefs governmental agencies, provides expert testimony for Islam-related lawsuits, and testifies before Congress.
    He is a Shillman Fellow, David Horowitz Freedom Center; a CBN News contributor; a Media Fellow, Hoover Institution (2013); and a Judith Friedman Rosen Writing Fellow, Middle East Forum .
    Ibrahim’s dual-background -- born and raised in the U.S. by Coptic Egyptian parents born and raised in the Middle East -- has provided him with unique advantages, from equal fluency in English and Arabic, to an equal understanding of the Western and Middle Eastern mindsets, positioning him to explain the latter to the former.

    Iran-Shia-(?Israel?)-----Russia-Orthodox-----(Western Alliances?)-Sunni-Islamic State


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    empty. Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    empty. Brook on Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:15 am
    Abba...Got it...I'll continue reading tomorrow as work calls today. But I will share something I shared on this thread earlier on.

    Peripheral ~ Surface ~ Sensor

    The peripheral surface of a black hole is an Event Horizon.

    If you fall into the black hole you will get crushed.

    Egyptian: Second death.

    If approached from the inner horizon or the axis of the black hole or the north
    pole, the gravitational repulsion of the central singularity slows the entity
    down, turning it around, and accelerating it back out through the inner horizon of a
    white hole. Put simply, the space axis and time axis exchange places when one crosses
    the outer event horizon, and the future becomes an unavoidable place in
    time or the crushing singularity. Crossing the inner event horizon, time and space resume their normal axes, making the singularity an avoidable place in space, while allowing access to the past singularity of the white hole. Ultimately, one goes through four horizons

    Egyptians referred to as the opening of mouths four times. The Opening of the
    Mouth ceremony parallels the movement of the Deceased through four horizons.

    According to scientific speculations, inside a spinning black hole, the act
    of looking backward would allow one to see a white hole or the past singularity.
    Since a white hole is a black hole running backward in time, the Negative
    Confession of the Book of the Dead describes deities:

    "Who come forth backwards".

    "He whose Face is behind him who came forth from his hole".

    The inner horizon, radiation is blueshifted as it accumulates.

    Field of Turquoise and the Blue One, Lake of Turquoise,
    traveling with turquoise, Lord of Turquoise, and open door of the blue sky.

    Indicates blueshift or the high frequency light associated with
    approaching radiation.

    In contrast, radiation moving away from the observer appears redshifted.
    The Dead King observes:

    he who departs is red and smeared

    "N" has gone up in the red hour.
    (N State described in video below starting at 1:16)


    According to Holographic principal: All Information about the black hole is stored on the horizon....The peripheral!

    Particles living on the horizon boundary describe objects in the interior.

    Now here I am reviewing a scroll in a room by a supposed ancient culture with nine universal principals written on it.

    If what I have just proposed is correct then this ancient culture must certainly KNOW the landscape of space and time with great detail to know the redshift and blueshift attributes.

    Dead Kings escapes the black hole Netherworld associated with
    uraei shedding "light by means of their radiance (which cometh) from their mouths"

    or uraei pouring fire from their mouths:

    The mouths of a wormhole are analogous to the holes at either end of the tube in a 2D plane...

    a quantum parallel exists between the transformed Deceased and Hawking radiance in the bulk, proposing the existence of large extra dimensions in small black holes.

    The Dead King is a horizon dweller: has a
    seat in the horizon, and takes possession of the horizon

    so that those who are in the horizon may live for this spirit

    "My power is in the horizon"

    ~The Ancient Egyptian Coffin Texts - R.O. Faulkner ~

    Peripheral ~ Sensor ~ Surface

    Peripheral: Of, relating to, or situated on the edge or periphery of something.

    Redefining the Horizon

    (Firewall debate)


    Hi Deb,

    Today....Coffee is all I've got right now. 14134.

    Tomorrow is another day and time is on my side.

    Give em enough rope they usually hang their little blue butts icon_wink.

    Good things come to those who wait...



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    • Post n°85

    empty. Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    empty. Brook on Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:48 pm
    And we now pause for station identification

    Back to your regularly scheduled (personal) commentary after these words from your sponsor

  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°86

    empty. Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    empty. Brook on Sun Dec 06, 2015 12:08 pm

    I read the pdf yesterday and was very impressed by your impression of the stated matter at hand. Well done.

    But then of course being sent all the videos I watched the Stephen Greer almost four hours long and while the first half was something I already knew... the second half was quite interesting.

    So my day was pretty full while also researching the comedy of clowns. Indeed I'm stuck in the middle with you!

    Clowns to the left... Jokers to the right...and here I am...stuck in the middle with you.

    So hard to keep this smile off my face.... 218871.

    Again well done on the pdf but I think the Jokers have yet to realize eh?



    Should prove to be an interesting day...plenty of coffee in reserve....I'm going to need it to keep from falling asleep.


    In due time more commentary on pdf to come...

    Love ya Tony!


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    • Post n°87

    empty. Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    empty. shiloh on Mon Dec 07, 2015 5:14 am

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    • Post n°67

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. shiloh on Wed Aug 27, 2014 5:24 pm

    Draco of Angkor Wat ---------------- Göbekli Tepe ------------------ Sphinx of Giza

    wat3. wat1. sphinxhancock.
    wat2. wat4.

    The Human Civilization Precessional Timecycle upon Gaia Terra

    Thuban Elder Dragon Date: Day#0 = Saturday, March 1st, 23,615 BC as Dragon Time Initiated
    Day#1 = Sunday, March 2nd, 23,615 BC = 1st Day of the 1st Year of Cosmic Day Time
    Day#360 = Tuesday, February 24th, 23,614 BC = 360th Day of the 1st Year of the 1st Circle 360-Year of Cosmic Day Time
    Day#4,680,000 = Tuesday, July 27th, 10,802 BC = 360th Day of the 13,000th Year and End of Cosmic Day Time after 13,000 Dragon Years

    {2012-(-10,801)=12,813 Years ago from 2012}

    Day#4,680,001 = Wednesday, July 28th,10,802 BC = 1st Day of the 1st Year and Beginning of Cosmic Night Time
    Day#9,360,000 = Friday, December 21st, 2012 = 360th Day of the 13,000th Year and End of the Cosmic Night Time after 13,000 Dragon Years
    Day#9,360,001 = Saturday, December 22nd, 2012 = 1st Day of the 1st Year and Beginning of New Cosmic Day Time after 13,000 Dragon Years
    Day#9,360,360 = Monday, December 16th, 2013 = 360th Day of the 1st Year of the 1st Circle 360-Year of New Cosmic Day Time

    Dragon Almanac:

    The 'Plumed Serpent' ABC...XYZA* = 27||72 = WORLD = LAWWAL = 2x{1+2+3+...+34+35+36}=666+666=1332

    Quetzacoatl = 72x12=864=32x27 = 153 = 9 = 666

    '12 Hourtime of Day'=72x6=432=16x27='12 Hourtime of Night'


    72=864/12=360x26/130=65x144/130 = {60x60x24}/{60x20}={86,400 Seconds in 24 Hours}/{⅓ Hour} = Precessional Dragon Years per Sign 12 in 13
    65x144,000 (Mayan Baktuns) = 9,360,000 Days (Mayan Kin) = 360x26,000 Dragon Days = 390x24,000 Moon Days

    25,626.81 'Civil Years' = {9,360,000 Dragon Days/365.2425 Civil Days} = {9,360,000 Dragon Days/390 Moon Days}
    26,000 Dragon Sun Years = 25,626.81 'Civil Gregorian' Years = {12/13}26,000 = 24,000 Dragon Moon Years

    The Dark Moon Lilith Circle of 9x40°=360° in 9=¾{12} Circle Years {40°40' per 'civil year' in 8.85 'civil years' 9 months per sign}





    wat6. wat7.
    Evidence Found for Planet-Cooling Asteroid 12,900 Years Ago

    A clue to an impact in Quebec fuels an ongoing debate about the cause of one of Earth's big freezes, called the Younger Dryas
    Sep 3, 2013 |By Nicola Jones and Nature magazine


    Ron Blakey, NAU
    The dust refuses to settle on a debate about whether asteroid impacts caused one of Earth’s most famous cold snaps 12,900 years ago.

    The latest evidence in the contentious discussion comes in the form of pieces of bedrock from Quebec, Canada, that seem to have been blasted out as far as Pennsylvania. “I’d say there’s evidence of an impact happening, for sure,” says Mukul Sharma, an isotope geochemist at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire, and co-author of a study published this week in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

    Between 11,600 and 12,900 years ago, the planet’s climate changed rapidly: in northern climes such as Greenland, temperatures dropped by several degrees in less than a century. No one knows what caused the deep freeze, known as the Younger Dryas.

    The leading theory is that shifting North American glaciers allowed freshwater melt to pour into the Atlantic or Arctic oceans, slowing ocean circulation and cooling the Northern Hemisphere. This idea has spawned worries that fresh water from today’s melting ice might also spur rapid climate change.

    Big blast
    An alternative theory is that meteorites or comets smacked into or exploded above North America, sparking fires, kicking up a haze of dust and soot and prompting glacial collapse. In 2007, researchers reported evidence for such an event in the remains of human settlements that existed across the continent at the time.

    Critics of the impact theory have been unable to repeat many of those studies, and have questioned whether the particles found were really from an impact blast. And no one has found evidence for raging fires across North America. “It doesn’t seem to me that they have constructed a very good case,” says sedimentary geologist Bruce Simonson of Oberlin College in Ohio. “If this is the best boat they can build, it’s just not sailing yet.”

    But the idea keeps gathering pace; it is now backed by about 55 authors, who have published 11 research papers between them, says James Kennett, a paleoceanographer at the University of California, Santa Barbara, who has been one of the theory’s leading proponents. “It continues to grow,” he says. In July, a different group of researchers looking at ice cores from Greenland reported finding meteoric platinum from a large impact at the time of the Younger Dryas.

    Lucky strike
    Sharma and his colleagues are now entering the fray. Sharma says that the minerals he found in deep Pennsylvanian soil were created at temperatures higher than 2,000 ºC, and formed glassy droplets that fused together in mid-air. These can be explained only by an impact, he says; an industrial blast furnace could make them, but any potential source is too recent and too far away. “We lucked out,” says Sharma.

    The minerals were identified after Yvonne Malinowski, a Pennsylvania resident, saw a television documentary about the Younger Dryas and sent Kennett a box of rocks she found on her land. Kennett then passed the information on to Sharma.

    The isotopic composition of the minerals indicates that the rock came from a several-thousand-square-kilometer patch of land in Quebec, hinting that an asteroid blasted through North America’s ice to melt and eject rock from the ground, says Sharma. “This is unequivocal evidence for an impact with Earth,” says Kennett.

    Paleoclimatologist Anders Carlson at the University of Wisconsin–Madison is not convinced that these glassy droplets are as unique or as meaningful as Sharma thinks. “You see the same evidence from periods when there wasn’t a Younger Dryas,” he notes.

    Sharma says that the key will be to find the crater. Although he has no experience in crater-hunting, he is now putting together a proposal. But Mark Boslough, an impact physicist from Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico, thinks that a find is unlikely. If there had been an impact, “there’d be a great big obvious crater”, he says. “We wouldn’t have to argue about it.”

    Steven Stanley, a paleobiologist from the University of Hawaii at Manoa in Honolulu, has acted as a ‘personal editor’ on several of the PNAS papers on this topic, including the new work by Sharma and the original 2007 paper proposing the idea. “It has been very controversial,” he admits. “It’s my view that I should help to get this stuff published. It needs to be aired; it’s not outlandish.” PNAS typically uses a 'personal editor' option for papers considered too controversial to receive a fair hearing from the standard review process.

    Stanley says he is increasingly convinced by the impact theory as a mechanism for what prompted the freshwater floods. “I’m not sure how people can be so negative at this point. The case just builds.”

    This article is reproduced with permission from the magazine Nature. The article was first published on September 2, 2013.

    The Pyramid Builders


    Posted by Halo

    Who are the Pyramid Builders?


    I would like to research this topic more to see if any of us can "remember"? We are here as the Pyramid Builders.. What do you feel when you hear the term "Pyramid Builders"? Is there a part of you that vibrates inside.. A part of you that remembers, in a dream? A far off distant ancient memory? What does it mean to be a "Pyramid Builder"? Why are these Pyramids all over the cosmos? Do we not come from the stars and what is it about this beautiful planet Earth that we come here? Now? Ponder... Ponder... Remember in your ponderances...

    Posted by Thubanis


    The Time Travellers are well integrated in the Cosmic Matrix of spacetime and timespace. The most ancient ones and the ancestors of all are named by the rememberers and one of their labels is the name of the Archaeons.
    There are not only 'timelords' of the Mayan Looms, but also such 'guardians' of the timespace for the worldwide cultural edifices and monuments for the remembrance of the original constructeurs of the spacetime realms; you might choose to call those time travellers as the 'Elders from the Stars' and a time in the cosmic chronos, when planetary lifeforms were not yet able to evolve from the biophysical ingredients of the primordial elements.

    One might determine a linear timeframe of about 2,200 million years for this cosmic nexus, when the Elders of the Ancient Ones began to awaken from their supergalactic enslumberments.

    It was then, when it was the physicality of space itself, that became selfaware as a form of cosmic essence or 'time stuff' - the effervescence of time embedded in an ubiquitous consciousness and seeking to expand its information basis of and about itself.
    Like the Sphinx of Giza or the Temple of Angkor Wat; the Moai or 'Easter Island Statues' serve the timetravellers from the stars to recall their own beingness and cosmic awareness regarding their own history from a time, when the Cosmic Mother Planet Gaea of Earth began to transform the toxidity of the aquaeous realeased Oxygen in the air to form a new environment and medium for oxygen breathing lifeforms to evolve with.

    The adjustments were many and timeconsuming and the new lifeforms adapted to allow the Elders from the Stars to participate in infusing their own beingness and consciousness in a new morphology and a kaleidoscope of forms in structure and geometry.
    But prokaryotic lifeforms emerged from the oldest ones, the Archaeons and the 'Ancient Ones' then could use those new geometries to enhance their own remembrances and data bases to finetune and enhance their newly created bodyforms. Cellular endosymbiosis then assured accelerated integration of the information from the 'higher dimensional' or 'astral etheric' worlds of the 'Old Creating Ones' as part and parcel of the body shapes and forms of the multicellular worlds being born and becoming from the vast information base of the Archaeons.

    And then, when the multicellulars as the lifeforms of Gaea Earth had evolved into suitable superorgasmic lifeforms, which could utilize their 'stored memories' in a sufficient recall function, namely to allow 'old time travellers' to incarnate and inhabit those 'suitable biophysical' lifeforms; then the Archaeons would awaken from their cosmic sleepiness a second time.
    The first self remembrance was when the planetary home planet could begin to create the bodyforms in a 'computerizable and memory storing' density of form and the second self remembrance would be when the biophysical lifeforms could remember and tap their own multidimensionality in the most dense and necessary environment created for this very purpose by the Cosmic Mother planet herself.

    And so it is that particular crystalline and geophysical monuments display certain characteristics, like the Moai of Easter Island mainly facing inwards to the 'villages' of the ''Heirs to the Stars', but face outwards towards the Sea and the Galactic Worlds of the origins inland at the site of Ahu Akivi. They also point to the 'Land of Baiame' the Rainbow Dragon of the Cosmic Dreamtime, also known as Uluru!




    7) Also another strange clue. All the Ahu Moai watch the sky but they do so facing inland, all but one Ahu, the Ahu Akivi also with 7 Moai. These watch the western ocean horizon and are also crowned with heavy head stones called Pukao.

    In the image below the pictoglyph nature of the Rapanui text called “Ronga Ronga” is almost the same as the Naxi Dongba texts. Both seem to be using the star patterns themselves and bird head people as actual spoken word. Note the Naxi dongba text has three crosses as stars perhaps next to a cluster of six markings. The Easter Island text of Ronga Ronga also has two very common characters in texts speaking of their celestial deities using a group of seven dots and a group of three dots in a row and a group of three crescents in a row that resemble the mask worn by the Rapanui people in ceremony (see mask in depiction in purple lower down).

    There is one very interesting association of text to something Wayne researched in the Christ star map story: three star entities together mean three wise kings. The Magi he proposed represent the three that follow from the east associated with finding the location of the Christ ‘Bethlehem’ star... the stars of Orion's Belt as a sacred cosmic pointer... the 'forgotten' cross of the churches.

    Is this just a coincidence or are we seeing evidence of a global teacher passing through ancient civilisations.

    Ahu Akivi is an especially sacred place.
    Ahu Akivi is a sanctuary and celestial observatory built about 1500 AD which was the subject of the first serious restoration accomplished on Easter Island by archaeologists William Mulloy and Gonzalo Figueroa, with excellent results. As in the case of many religious structures on Easter Island, it has been situated with astronomical precision: it's seven statues look towards the point where the sun sets during the equinox.

    It is also aligned to the moon.

    Ahu Akivi is an unusual site in several respects. A low ahu supports 7 statues all very similar in height and style. The site is odd in that it is located far inland and the statues were erected to face the ocean. The only site where this was done. Like other Easter Island sites the statues were found knocked off the ahu, lying face down in the ground. In 1960, Archeologist William Mulloy's team spent several months raising the statues to their original positions.

    The Freedom for Humanity is its Metamorphosis from its Cocoon!

    All Humans are ETs, born in 3D incarnation from a cosmic and intergalactic perspective, nous and origin.

    All Humans know on the soul-level, who they are and why they are here.
    Namely to break their Cocoon of their own Metamorphosis from the Inside-Out.
    All Humans are like little Reptilian Serpents, Dinosaurs or Chickens, who to be born as Starhumans, are required to peck at their encompassing eggshells from the inside to get out.
    If they fail to break their prison walls, they will die as unborn starhumans within their 3D prisons and so recycle their own beingness until they can self create their 4D merkabahs.


    One also finds Ice Circles and Crop Circles across many places on the Mother planet and the 7+1+7=15 Moai encode a variety of things, left as legacy by the Archaeons for themselves.

    Dolores Cannon on Crop Circles

    The Crop Circles as subconscious memory and remembrance triggers

    baiame1. baiame2. baiame3. baiame4.

    ayersrock_uluru_tif. uluru5_big.
    Baiame - Rainbow Serpent of Creation of Uluru - Ayer's Rock - Australia-Lemuria!

    Olga Bernuy GalaxyMotherSister with Xeia Andromeda Cassiopeia StarDaughterMother Logos Dreaming:

    I was walking on a beautiful prairie; the grass was a deep green full of pretty wild flowers. My 3 kids were with me. My daughter was alongside me walking in a serene pace while my two boys were further ahead playing with each other not paying too much attention to their surroundings. The sky was blue and the sun was shining and the air felt nice and warm.
    We were walking alongside a river until I heard what sounded like a waterfall, but was not able to see any. All of a sudden I realized my youngest son had fallen backwards into the river, he simply disappeared from my view and when I ran to the edge to see where he had fallen, I witnessed something horrendous.
    By the side of the river there was a funnel of angry water made by a formation of rocks with a sort of brownish or yellowish foam on top made by the force of the water's fierce movement and the realization that my 4 yr old had fallen right into it made my heart and my entire body frozen in sheer panic. I yelled in terror and got as close as I could in hopes that perhaps I was able to grab him if he was not too deep but I wasn't able to see him.
    The sky turned grey now and the water was splashing on my face and arms and it felt freezing cold. My oldest son immediately ran to get help and at that instant I see my daughter jumping and diving right into the middle of the spiral.
    I thought: Oh no! Now I've lost 2 of my children!
    She did not ask me, she did not tell me what she was planning on doing otherwise I would've told her not to, but she was too fast for me. Not too long afterwards I see her head emerging out of the water. She took a big gasp for air and was able to see she was holding her little brother with one arm while moving slowly trying to get out of "the devil's hole".
    At that point my other son had returned and we both helped them out of the wate. I felt completely drenched and freezing. My son was motionless, lifeless; I held him close to me, trying to get him to open his eyes.
    At that point I noticed something falling out of the sky. It was very strange to me. I've never seen anything like it. It looked like little dots of sparkly golden dust falling first here and there but later it started to fall everywhere, much like golden snow! It was absolutely beautiful but my current state of shock prevented me to fully acknowledge such scene consciously.
    I asked out loud: "what is this?" and my daughter answered: "It's Hunab Ku mom!"

    I knew it was out of the ordinary, but all I wanted at that moment was for God to revive my son, so I started to ask God to please give me back my son. Pretty soon we were all covered in this golden dust and when it completely covered my son's body he glowed and opened his eyes.
    Then I asked: "What is this glow?" and my daughter answered: "It's God mom".
    I was so relieved he came back to life and at that point I told my daughter and my oldest son to take him inside the house to get him warm and out of his wet clothes but deep inside I also wanted to get my kids indoors because I knew something big was happening but I didn't know what.
    The house was not far away and all the way I kept looking at the Sky and thinking how beautiful this "pouring of God" was.
    When we finally got inside, my two older kids helped me comfort their little brother and when we were all nice and warm and finally calmed, we realized the Sun was shining again, but this time it was a much brighter sun than we've ever seen.
    The light rays came through the windows at such intensity that we held one hand up as what you do to safeguard your eyes from something very bright and we all moved closer to the window to witness what was going on outside.

    I saw something flying in the sky approaching us gradually. I ran outside the house to try to distinguish what it was. At first I couldn't really figure out what it was. It looked like a bird, then like a serpent, but as it was getting closer and closer I realized it was a dragon!
    At that moment I felt my daughter was again next to me, she was smiling and was calmed and seemed not to be afraid of these happenings. The dragon had a very strange flying motion. It was as if he was a serpent slithering in the air and looked very small, but as it was getting closer, we were able to determine its true size.
    It was a huge and absolutely beautiful sparkly multicolored dragon. His paws were a deep color purple and fuchsia, his back was red, his belly was green, his wings were blue, his eyes were golden yellow, his tail was white and it glowed and had a shine to it that was just gorgeous!
    I've never seen such beauty until I realized what I was actually witnessing in the sky.
    I thought: "What am I looking at? Why a dragon?"
    Then all of a sudden I saw the entire Sky filled with dragons!! All different colors and sizes. There was not a single "empty" spot in the sky that was not filled with them.
    It was truly a sight to behold!! I asked myself: "What is this? Why is the sky filled with dragons?" and my daughter answered:
    "They're here mom". Our ancestors are here!

    Olga Bernuy with Sui Generis of the Rainbow Serpent Sisterhood

    quetzalcoatl-kukulkan-maya-543po. quetzalcoatl-8.
    quetzalcoatl. quetza.

    Now you know who memeplexed and inaugurated the construction of many pyramids all around the global environment and beginning the initiation for a particular cosmic family on Saturday, March 1st, 23,615 BC.

    shiloh za-rah

    Last edited by shiloh on Mon Sep 01, 2014 11:32 am; edited 2 times in total

    Shiloh Za-RaH hidden-09.

    Last edited: Jan 3, 2016
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°88

    empty. Re: Egyptian Folklore II

    empty. Brook Today at 12:44 pm

    Now...if you can pull yourself away from sex cults for a bit....someone of great wisdom died in December and I had no interest in sex cults but much interest in doing a three day memorial....perhaps you can gain some of that wisdom from a man that will sadly be many.

    Coyote Logics:

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