dying ??? Regrets of The Dying - THE 7 passages of LIFE - What you need NOW is a SUPPORT CIRCLE

Discussion in 'Death, Past Lives, Rebirth and Reincarnation' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 13, 2015.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    DENIAL versus LIVING



    Watch What You Say

    Expression of What Is Important

    Don't Cause Any Problems

    Expect Assistance On
    Important Issues

    Unimportant Things Are Important

    Find What Is Important

    Leave It To Someone Else

    Let's Get Started On It NOW

    Being Stressed Is Normal

    Relaxation Is Normal

    Think BEFORE You Speak

    Be Spontaneous

    Covering Things Over Is
    The Best Policy

    Honesty Is The Best Policy

    Self-Value Comes From
    'Behaving' And 'Working'

    Self-Value Comes From
    Doing What Is Important

    How I LOOK Is Important

    How I AM Is Important

    Give Up Hope - 'Forget It'

    Hope and Dreams Are Important

    Life Is Stress and Work

    Life Is A Creative Situation

    The Respect OTHERS Have
    For Me Is Important

    The Respect I Have For
    Myself Is Important

    TV and Newspapers Tell
    Me Everything

    Listen To My Intuition

    Shut Up, and Don't Be A Nuisance

    Speak UP, and Find A Good
    Way Forward



    "To be yourself, in a world that tries, night and day, to make you just like everybody else - is to fight the greatest battle there ever is to fight, and never stop fighting." - E. E. CUMMINGS


    "We must do what we conceive to be the right thing and not bother our heads or burden our souls with whether we will be successful. Because if we don’t do the right thing, we will be doing the wrong thing and we will just be a part of the disease and not a part of the cure."
    E. F. Schumacher, author of 'Small Is Beautiful'

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    ~ A Key To The World Situation ~

    The 100th Monkey Effect began in 1952:
    Something started in 1952, which was accomplished by 1958, which had never been noticed before.... the 100th Monkey Effect.
    Huge global Spacecraft sightings in 1952:
    In recorded history, 1952 was the busiest year for the sightings of Spacecraft and UFOs in the atmosphere of Earth. Was friendly ET giving humanity - via an obliging species of life on Earth - a helpful hand in understanding how consciousness and change function?
    1952... A SPECIAL YEAR...​

    The following is from 'Lifetide', by Lyall Watson.
    Book Club Associates, London, 1979. Pages 155-158.

    "..... This might imply that the essential conflict is between the newer parts of the forebrain and the more primitive parts in the mid and hind brains. Between the mammalian and reptilian memories. And in a sense this is probably correct, but I doubt that it is possible or even necessary to isolate the command centres of the opposing forces in any spatial location. The war is between the old selfish instructions and the new self-awareness. Between genotype and aspects of the phenotype. Between the needs of the replicators to keep on doing their thing, which is replicating, and the desire of the organism for identity. The battle lines are drawn between orders and ideas.

    Where the two coincide, a truce is declared and progress takes place by leaps and bounds. But where they disagree, skirmishes are fought in the no man's land of the mind and ambivalent we, with all our special strengths and peculiar frailties, are the result. I believe the seeds of this conflict are sewn in every cell by the presence there of nuclear DNA and factors connected with the contingent system. And that just as the presence and pattern of a number of cells behaving in a certain way can produce sensations such as sight or sound, so the mere existence of contingent factors in sufficient numbers in certain critical configurations could account for their recent intrusion in evolutionary affairs.

    There is a biological analogy which makes this process clear.

    The behaviour of the Japanese monkey Macaco fuscata has been studied intensely for more than thirty years in a number of wild colonies. One of these is isolated on the island of Koshima just off the east coast of Kyushu, and it was here in 1952 that man provided the monkeys with the right sort of evolutionary nudge. Provision stations were established at selected sites in the range of the troop. Normally young monkeys learn feeding habits from their mothers who teach them by example what to eat and how to deal with it, and in these macaques the behaviour had grown to a complex tradition involving the buds, fruits, leaves, shoots and bark of well over a hundred species of plants. So they approached the new artificial food supplies equipped with a formidable array of behavioural predispositions, but nothing in their established repertoire enabled them to deal effectively with raw sweet potatoes covered with sand and grit.


    Then an eighteen month old female, a sort of monkey genius called Imo, solved the problem by carrying the potatoes down to a stream and washing them before feeding. In monkey terms this is a cultural revolution comparable almost to the invention of the wheel. It involves abstraction, the identification of concept, and deliberate manipulation of several parameters in the environment. And, reversing the normal trend, it was the juvenile Imo who taught the trick to her mother. She also taught it to her playmates and they in their turn spread the news to their mothers. Slowly, step by step, the new culture spread through the colony, with each new conversion taking place in full view of the observers who kept a constant watch right through all the daylight hours.

    By 1958, all the juveniles were washing dirty food, but the only adults over five years old to do so were the ones who learned by direct imitation from their children.

    Then something extraordinary took place.
    The details up to this point in the study are clear, but one has to gather the rest of the story from personal anecdotes and bits of folklore amongst primate researchers, because most of them are still not quite sure what happened. And those who do suspect the truth are reluctant to publish it for fear of ridicule.

    So I am forced to improvise the details, but as near as I can tell, this is what seems to have happened....


    In the autumn of that year an unspecified number of monkeys on Koshima were washing sweet potatoes in the sea, because Imo had made the further discovery that salt water not only cleaned the food but gave it an interesting new flavour.

    Let us say, for argument's sake, that the number was ninety-nine and that at eleven o'clock on a Tuesday morning, one further convert was added to the fold in the usual way. But the addition of the hundredth monkey apparently carried the number across some sort of threshold, pushing it through a kind of critical mass, because by that evening almost everyone in the colony was doing it.

    Not only that, but the habit seems to have jumped natural barriers and to have appeared spontaneously, like glycerine crystals in sealed laboratory jars, in colonies on other islands and on the mainland in a troop at Takasakiyama.

    The latest news from Japan is that Imo has by no means exhausted her powers, but has unleashed several additional cultural bombshells. Another of the foods provided at the stations is wheat, which the monkeys enjoy but find difficult to deal with once it has blown out of containers onto the sand.

    Imo was only three when she solved this dilemma by picking up mixed handfuls of sand and wheat and winnowing the grain by casting both into the sea. There the sand soon sank, leaving the wheat floating free on the surface where it could easily be scooped up and eaten. At the moment this sub-culture has spread only to Imo's immediate associates, but it will be fascinating to see what happens next. I personally wouldn't be surprised if, in her later years, Imo re-invented agriculture.

    The relevance of this anecdote is that it suggests there may be mechanisms in evolution other than those governed by ordinary natural selection.

    I feel that there is such a thing as the Hundredth Monkey Phenomenon and that it might account for the way in which many memes, ideas and fashions spread through our culture.

    It may be that when enough of us hold something
    to be true, it becomes true for everyone.

    Lawrence Blair says:
    'When a myth is shared by large numbers
    of people, it becomes a reality.'

    I'll happily add my one to the number sharing that notion, because it may be the only way we can ever hope to reach some sort of meaningful human consensus about the future, in the short time that now seems to be at our disposal.
    Lyall Watson, 'LIFETIDE'

    'Whatever You Can Do, or Dream You Can Do, Begin It.
    Boldness Has Power And Magic In It' - Goethe

    Please read:
    "KEEP ON TALKING", by Professor Stephen Hawking

    Also please read:

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member




    A dog is the only being on earth that will love you,
    more than he or she loves himself or herself
    - Susan Lynne Schwenger

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted 23 Minutes Ago

    #92 - Sustainable Man Top 100 Viral Posts of 2013 - #92
    Here are 10 Things Your Dog Would Tell You:
    1. My life is likely to last 10 to 15 years. Any separation from you will be painful: remember that before you get me.
    2. Give me time to understand what you want of me.
    3. Place your trust in me- it is crucial to my well being.
    4. Do not be angry at me for long, and do not lock me up as punishment.
    5. You have your work, your entertainment, and your friends. I only have you.
    6. Talk to me sometimes. Even if I don't understand your words, I understand your voice when it is speaking to me.
    7. Be aware that how ever you treat me, I will never forget.
    8. Remember before you hit me that I have teeth that could easily hurt you, but I choose not to bite you because I love you
    . 9. Before you scold me for being uncooperative, obstinate, or lazy, ask yourself if something might be bothering me.
    Perhaps I might not be getting the right food, or I have been out too long, or my heart is getting too old and weak.
    10. Take care of me when I get old; you too will grow old. Go with me on difficult journeys. Never say: "I cannot bear to watch"
    or "Let it happen in my absence."
    Everything is easier for me if you are there, even my death. Remember that I love you.
    Post Date: 4/27 Original Post:http://on.fb.me/1hfCQx7 http://sustainableman.org/

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    NOW, at www.exploremichaelteachings.com

    Michael Teachings

    "The Michael Teachings" refers to a channeled philosophy of CHOICE, as well as a system for understanding the dynamics of the soul and personality. These teachings are best used as a MAP to help you better navigate, understand and enjoy your self and life to the fullest!
    In a nutshell, Michaels' teaching is that "WE ARE HERE TO LEARN HOW TO CHOOSE AND TO CHOOSE HOW TO LEARN."

    Old Sage


    "Michael" is the name used to refer to a group of individual soul essences or "fragments" from the same entity (spiritual family) who, due to the natural course of evolution (as they understand and teach it), have "moved on" from the physical plane and astral plane and now experience reality as a combined, reintegrated group consciousness on the causal plane (in some dimensional models, this would be called the 5th dimension). They say they were human just like the rest of us but have already completed all of their experiences on the physical plane. Though they no longer have physical bodies, they still exist on the causal plane, and they teach from this new perspective.

    Michael is one of my non-physical teachers. They are a very wise and infinitely compassionate guide who only wishes to share their perspective with the intent to help me grow and experience more love and peace within myself, between myself and others and between myself and life itself.

    Michael acts as a teacher and guide to many others who consider themselves "Michael Students."

    As Michael is non-physical, they must use a physical "channel" or "medium" in order to communicate their knowledge and perspective to us, and Michael works with many channels in order to reach their students. In this process of being channeled from the causal plane, some of the information gets lost in translation or distorted in some way. Even so, Michael students and channels have gathered a large body of information that has a great deal of consistency. This information attempts to answer these questions that many spiritual seekers and philosophers have asked throughout the ages:

    What is the meaning of life?
    (Life itself! You create the meaning for yourself.)

    Who am I?
    (From our perspective, you are whoever you decide you are in each moment.)

    Why am I here?
    (You are here because you CHOSE to be here, and you continue to choose to be here, otherwise, you would not be here.)

    What is my purpose?
    (Your purpose is defined by YOU.)

    Do I exist beyond death?
    (You most certainly do, though not in the same form.)

    What is love?
    (Love is the reality of NON-ATTACHMENT that is also a reality of RESONANCE.)

    Is there a God?
    (There is no "God" the way your religions have taught. But there is your essence and "TAO," which would be the only "Gods" we know of.)

    And the questions and answers go on and on.

    Below, I will briefly share the basics of their philosophy and teaching. If you resonate with these concepts and words, then you may very well be a Michael student. And to clarify, a Micahel student is simply someone who is attracted to and intrigued by this material to some degree and desires to study it, question it, test it, validate it (or not) and implement what has been learned and validated, so as to bring more understanding and compassion to the s/Self, others and the life experience. Michael teaches that all of their students have agreements with them to study and explore this teaching on some level, and they teach that these agreements span many lifetimes.


    We are a part of a greater whole that Michael calls the TAO (In traditional Chinese philosophies, "TAO" means "The Way"). TAO is the seen and unseen Universe of which we are a part. Michael specifically picked this term instead of the word "God" because they knew we would not be able to personify it. In this teaching, TAO refers to the greater whole that birthed us and to which we will always "belong." TAO is the CONTEXT in which we exist, our "playground," so to speak, our HOME.

    The structure of TAO is made up of three axes of experience: INSPIRATION, EXPRESSION and ACTION. Each of these axes has an ordinal aspect (concrete, narrow) and a cardinal aspect (abstract, broad). There is a neutral realm of experience that permeates the three axes, which Michael calls the realm of ASSIMILATION. This reflects a total of 7 distinct aspects of experience within the TAO.

    From this basic foundational structure of 7, comes the 7 PLANES of existence that exist within the TAO: the buddhic, messianic, mental, akashic, causal, astral and physical plane. TAO represents the whole of the planes that is greater than the sum of the parts. It is the gravity which holds all the planes in place and the context within which the planes exist. TAO permeates all planes, even as it transcends all planes.

    We exist within TAO as individual SPARKS of consciousness. In order to expand consciousness and the experience of LOVE, we are "cast" or "birthed" from the experience of oneness with TAO into the astral plane (where the non-physical part of us is focused while incarnating on the physical plane). As sparks, we choose other sparks to bond with who have similar interests, and we form a spiritual family called an ENTITY that will be our closest "relatives" throughout our adventure on the physical plane and beyond.

    As individual sparks, we also choose a ROLE in essence. This role represents our core "style" of being. The role is similar to the concepts of "soul type" or "soul personality." Once the role is chosen, we play this "role" throughout the entire physical plane experience. Throughout each of our incarnations, we have and play the same role. This role establishes our style of individuality while we incarnate through physical bodies, but once we complete out physical plane experiences and "cycle off," our individuality (and therefore, our role) becomes less and less emphasized.

    There are 7 ROLES that reflect the structure of 7, the basic structure of the Tao that was discussed above, and each role has its characteristic part to play in the whole:

    SERVER (ordinal) - The Server's essence is SERVICE
    PRIEST (cardinal) - The Priest's essence is COMPASSION

    ARTISAN (ordinal) - The Artisan's essence is CREATIVITY
    SAGE (cardinal) - The Sage's essence is DISSEMINATION

    WARRIOR (ordinal) - The Warrior's essence is PERSUASION
    KING (cardinal) - The King's essence is MASTERY

    SCHOLAR (neutral) - The Scholar's essence is KNOWLEDGE

    Once we have chosen our role or individual "style" of being, we begin to incarnate on the physical plane. For this particularGrand Cycle (a cycle of being "cast" or "birthed" from Tao, incarnating through physical bodies, cycling-off the physical plane, and evolving "up" through the other 6 planes, until we are "one" and back home with Tao), we have chosen to incarnate on Earth as human beings.

    SOUL AGE refers to the individual essence PERSPECTIVE that has been achieved through having experiences on the physical plane. Each soul age has a specific focus of learning that lays the foundation for the later soul ages. To describe this progression of awareness and consciousness, Michael has chosen a progression of words/concepts that mirror our physical and psychological growth from infant to elder. This reflects the truth that just as bodies and personalities have experiences and age, so too, do souls or essences. Soul age reflects where the soul is in its context of maturity relative to the soul age progression. It does not reflect on how inferior or superior a soul essence (and by extension, the personality that is embodying a particular soul essence) is relative to other souls. "Better" or "worse" are human concepts that have no validity at the level of the soul. At the soul level, ALL IS DIFFERENT YET EQUAL, and every part is just as necessary and significant to the whole.

    There are 7 SOUL AGES. Only 5 of these are experienced as an individual essence incarnating through a body/personality. The other 2 soul ages reflect essence group consciousness that has reunited after individual essences have cycled-off the physical plane. These reunited entities and cadres (a larger spiritual family) return to the physical plane and incarnate through a body for "unique" purposes.

    Here are the 7 SOUL AGES and their specific lessons or perspectives:


    CIVILIZATION (structure/order)



    CONTEXT (the whole of which we are all a part)

    (a reunited entity that returns to affect social transformation - Ghandi, for example)

    (a representative of TAO itself that returns to affect spiritual transformation - specific periods of the incarnations of Jesus and the Buddha, for example.

    In order to evolve and grow in soul age perspective, an essence must experience physical life through a physical plane "vehicle" or "medium." This medium is PERSONALITY and its BODY. For each lifetime, each personality of essence is designed with a primary BODY-TYPE, GOAL, MODE of operation and basic ATTITUDE through which it will view life. In the teachings, these terms are called OVERLEAVES because these personality traits "over-lay" the spiritual essence.

    Whereas the role in essence remains the same throughout the soul's incarnations through various personalities, the overleaves do not. Essence chooses the specific overleaves it would use to create a personality before each incarnation. What overleaves it chooses depends on its intentions for the incarnation. How carefully and masterfully it chooses depends on its level of soul age maturity (its experience with creating personalities).

    * Essence also uses astrological influences to help create personality. To learn more about how astrology plays into our design and lifetimes, please go to my "Astrology" page.

    There are 7 GOALS, 7 MODES and 7 ATTITUDES to choose from (there are also 7 BODYTYPES, but I will not go into those in this brief introduction), and these also reflect the basic 7-realm structure of the Tao. Below is an introduction to the overleaves or the core personality design elements:

    The 7 GOALS (the primary aim of the lifetime that underpins all DECISIONS, CHOICES and ACTIONS)

    RE-EVALUTATION (ordinal) - Aims for SIMPLICITY

    ACCEPTANCE (cardinal) - Aims for AGAPE (unconditional acceptance)

    SUBMISSION (ordinal) - Aims for DEDICATION
    DOMINANCE (cardinal) - Aims for LEADERSHIP

    FLOW (neutral) - Aims for PEACE/FREEDOM

    The 7 MODES (mode of operation used for reaching the goal, RELATING and RELATIONSHIPS)

    RESERVE (ordinal) - at best, operates through RESTRAINT
    PASSION (cardinal) - at best, operates through SELF-ACTUALIZATION

    CAUTION (ordinal) - at best, operates through DELIBERATION
    POWER (cardinal) - at best, operates through AUTHORITY

    PERSEVERANCE (ordinal) - at best, operates through PERSISTANCE
    AGGRESSION (cardinal) - at best, operates through DYNAMISM

    OBSERVATION (neutral) - at best, operates through CLARITY

    The 7 ATTITUDES (basic PHILOSOPHY through which life is viewed and interpreted)

    STOIC (ordinal) - at best, views life through a lens of TRANQUILITY
    SPIRITUALIST - at best, views life through a lens of VERIFICATION

    SKEPTIC (ordinal) - at best, views life through a lens of INVESTIGATION
    IDEALIST (cardinal) - at best, vies life through a lens of COALESCENCE

    CYNIC (ordinal) - at best, views life through a lens of CONTRADICTION
    REALIST (cardinal) - at best, views life through a lens of OBJECTIVITY

    PRAGMATIST (neutral) - at best, views life through a lens of EFFICIENCY/PRACTICALITY

    As ALL IS CHOSEN, personality has its own context of choice within a lifetime. It is not guaranteed that we as personality will be in alignment with our own creator or essence. Essence, as an extension of TAO, loves each of its personalities UNCONDITIONALLY. Therefore, personality has ultimate control of each lifetime. Essence designs the lifetime and personality and attempts to guide both, but it will never impose its will or override the choices of personality.

    Each lifetime, personality has the choice of whether or not to align with its essence. When personality is in alignment with essence, it experiences itself as it was designed; it experiences TRUE PERSONALITY. When true personality is embodied,LOVE is experienced and essence can manifest on the physical plane, co-creating a fulfilling life with personality. Until this orientation in true personality is chosen, personality lives much of its life "disconnected" from its essence and oriented in FALSE PERSONALITY.

    FALSE PERSONALITY is the conglomeration of family and worldly conditioning and imprinting (beliefs and behaviors) that a personality adopts and embodies. The foundation of this false personality is FEAR. Fear is meant to protect personality from ACTUAL threats, but personality most often uses fear to protect and defend itself from IMAGINARY threats. This reliance on fear as a defense and protection distorts personality's perceptions and influences its decisions and choices. This reliance on fear effectively cuts-off personality's capacity to experience its own soul, which is the personality's primary guide in each lifetime. When in false personality, a person makes decisions and choices motivated from FEAR. When in true personality, a person makes decisions and choices motivated from LOVE.

    There are 7 CHIEF NEGATIVE FEATURES or OBSTACLES that keep a person attached to false personality. They are fear-based, habitual, protective behavior patterns that are chosen during adolescence (one or two are chosen as the primary and secondary defensive mechanism), and they "block" the experience of love and essence. The only way to transcend them is to first acknowledge that they exist. Then we must be able to catch them in action when our fears are triggered. Finally, once we are adept at noticing when we are being triggered and using the protective device, we must be able to evaluate whether or not there is an actual threat. When we can see and understand that there is not an actual threat (which is most of the time!), then we are able to make a conscious choice to drop our defenses and unnecessary protection. As we drop them, we are again able to experience love and essence.

    The 7 CHIEF NEGATIVE FEATURES (defensive behaviors that are rooted in fears that are related to BEING, HAVING, DOING and UNDERSTANDING/KNOWING.

    SELF-DEPRECATION (ordinal)
    Related to the fear of NOT BEING ENOUGH (leads to SELF-ABASEMENT)
    ARROGANCE (cardinal)
    Related to the fear of vulnerability or BEING TOO MUCH (leads to VANITY)

    SELF-DESTRUCTION (ordinal)
    Related to the fear of HAVING TOO MUCH (leads to SELF-HATRED)
    GREED (cardinal)
    Related to the fear of NOT HAVING ENOUGH (leads to VORACITY)

    MARTYRDOM (ordinal)
    Related to the fear of LOSING CONTROL OF SPACE (leads to VICTIMIZATION)
    IMPATIENCE (cardinal)
    Related to the fear of LOSING CONTROL OF TIME (leads to INTOLERANCE)

    STUBBORNNESS (neutral)
    Related to the fear of CHANGE and THE UNKNOWN (leads to OBSTINACY)

    There are many more aspects to this teaching, but this is a good place to begin. And why share all of this anyway? Some ask what is the benefit of having all of this knowledge, or having these labels and categories? From Michaels' perspective, this mapping can be useful for helping us to know WHO/WHAT WE ARE, WHERE WE ARE and HOW TO GET TO WHERE WE WOULD LIKE TO BE. When we have this information, it can help us to move away from many of our DISTRACTIONS so that we can simply enjoy who we are, where we are and where we are going. They offer this information as a TOOL TO HELP US NAVIGATE OUR LIVES WITH MORE UNDERSTANDING, CONFIDENCE AND COMPASSION. Most importantly, they share this teaching with us to support the ultimate goal of embodying AGAPE (unconditional love). Nick Sweeney - http://www.phoenixwisdomhealing.blogspot.ca/p/blog-page_6.html

    the library at: hA
    much more info on: www.truthloveenergy.com

    and, esp; in the library at: http://library.truthloveenergy.com/

    NOW, at www.explore.michaelteachings.com

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Graham Hancock
    2013 January 18 says:

    "William James pointed out that we can take two positions concerning the relation between the body and life;
    one is that the body produces life;
    the other that the body reflects life.

    Light is produced by a candle;
    if the candle is put out its light disappears.

    Light is reflected by a mirror;
    if the mirror is taken away the light still continues.

    Now is it not at least as easy to suppose that the body reflects the soul
    as it is to
    to suppose that it produces the soul?

    It may be that this human carcass, full of aches and diseases,
    produces things like 'Hamlet', the theory of evolution, psychoanalysis,
    and the fortieth chapter of Isaiah, but it is a great deal easier for me to believe
    that these things are the work of living souls
    who used bodies as instruments."

    From J. Paul Williams essay "Belief In a Future Life."

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The World is a dangerous place - Einstein

    "The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil,
    but because of the people who don't do anything about it." - Albert Einstein


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The Knots Prayer

    Dear God:
    Please untie the knots
    that are in my mind,
    my heart and my life.
    Remove the have nots,
    the can nots and the do nots
    that I have in my mind.
    Erase the will nots,
    may nots,
    might nots that may find
    a home in my heart.
    Release me from the could nots,
    would nots and
    should nots that obstruct my life.
    And most of all,
    Dear God,
    I ask that you remove from my mind,
    my heart and my life all of the 'am nots'
    that I have allowed to hold me back,
    especially the thought
    that I am not good enough.
    Author: Father Ronnie Knott of Rhodelia, Kentucky

    to which we will add the following :
    "if the essence of my own being has created a smile upon your face
    or it has reached in and given you a touch of joy within your lower or higher heart
    or it has light a spark of remembrance within your lower or higher mind.
    Then in the totality of my doing, and, of my living...
    we have come, and, made our mark." ~ susan lynne schwenger

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