dying ??? Regrets of The Dying - THE 7 passages of LIFE - What you need NOW is a SUPPORT CIRCLE

Discussion in 'Death, Past Lives, Rebirth and Reincarnation' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 13, 2015.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    A previously abused horse gives goodbye kiss to the man who earned his love and trust....
    “I’ll never forget the day my mom called me in a panic: ‘Janna, you’ve got to convince your daddy
    to get rid of that horse, it’s gonna kill him.’”

    Major’s (AKA "Major Deal" as mama named him) was a young and vicious stallion
    that when dad bought him came with the warning, “he couldn't be broke".

    The men who owned him previously had used rough techniques to break horses
    that involved beatings and sometimes leaving them standing without food or water for the night.

    When dad first brought him home, he barreled through five strands of fence
    and he'd bite and strike at anyone within distance.

    The poor horse was traumatized.

    He was terrified of humans, and all he could do was to be vicious
    so he could protect himself.

    My dad never broke him.... he EARNED his heart.

    Every single day, for hours and hours dad worked
    to earn that abused horse's trust.

    Love won and after two full years,
    Major allowed my dad to ride him.

    When dad would go out, Major would kiss him on the head over and over.

    They had a bond that only horse people could ever understand.

    It seemed only fitting to let Major say goodbye.

    This is Major's last kiss.”

    Words and Photo by Janna Grapperhaus


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    My Heart Laid Open
    11m· 9 july 2022

    Growing Into His Will!

    What future are You weaving, Father
    That I shall grow up into?
    What Warrior of Faith shall I become
    As I rely and draw close to You?
    I’m standing on this mountain top Father!
    I tried ‘praying the mountain away’!
    But I heard You whisper for me to ‘stand strong’
    And take possession of this mountain today!
    What future are You weaving, Father
    Which I am growing in to fit?
    The view from here is stunning now!
    I can hardly wait for it!


    © Mary Bennett; Dancing Dove
    Photo Credit: Pinterest

    Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon,
    that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses. Joshua 1:3


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Maria Stanimirova
    1h ·

    1f4ab. 2764. 1f4ab. When you break up with your partner, give yourself time to be alone. 1f4ab. 2764. 1f4ab.
    Give yourself time to come back to yourself.
    To have a sense of who you are.
    The woman is a powerful energy portal. We connect deeply with the men with whom we have an intimate union. All of our energy changes when we allow a man into our personal temple and open up to him. The Female Womb is a deep center of acceptance of the male initiating and penetrating principle. The woman accepts. It opens up. It's unfolding for the husband. It's about to wrap it up. Right in the Womb. It takes up a lot of your partner's energy, gives it away. Therefore, we are created this way - to unfold our sacred space for the Man and the Divine Spirit in him to expand, fulfill us.
    With every intimate exchange with a man in us remains a huge connection to him. Whether we realize it or not. And, as we know, most women also connect emotionally with their partners on a very deep level.
    After a breakup with a man with whom the woman was deeply connected, there is often a feeling of emptiness left. Emptiness. Sometimes a suffocating, suppressing, unimaginable emptiness. And it's normal when you open yourself, your life, your heart, your Womb to someone when they leave there's nothing. This is how we were created to be. This is how we function as women. We dissolve, we allow in ourselves. Often this void is extremely painful, challenging. It's hard staying there, going through it alone.
    Therefore, and often after a difficult breakup, a woman chooses to immediately connect with another man to "help" her overcome the breakup. She often looks for someone outside to complete her. To give her what she lacks. And again, “there is someone out there”. Who that someone is, often times doesn't matter.
    Unfortunately, that never works. The only person who can fill this void is you. To fill her up with yourself. With your own power, light, love, tenderness. By the power of his spirit. By the power of your sacred divinity.
    After a breakup, especially after a long-term relationship, one of the most important things for a woman's well-being is to remain alone. Taking time to center, coming back to your personal center.
    Who am I without my partner?
    Who am I to myself?
    They say it takes 7 years of total abstinence from intimate life with a man for a woman to completely cleanse her Womb and energy field from all her past partners. 7 hours of being completely alone. To find out WHO she really is without the presence of a man in her life. If he practices devotedly and constantly, this period may be a little shorter. But it takes a lot of time.
    Especially if you were in a relationship with men for a long time.
    It takes time to choose yourself again. Realizing all those places you've been present in your relationship from a place of lack. Into the void. From a place of lack. All those places within yourself that have been attached, attached to your partner. Be there for yourself through everything that comes up.
    The fear of being alone.
    The fear of being left behind.
    The fear of not being good enough.
    The fear of not deserving of love.
    The fear that no one loves you.
    The fear that there is someone, better than you.
    The fear of never having a person next to you again.
    The fear that you can't do it alone.
    The fear that you are not strong enough.
    To get through it all. To choose yourself in everything. Saying YES to yourself. Yes to myself beyond the fears. Beyond the trauma. To choose yourself.
    Finding who you are again. No matter how understanding you feel in the beginning. Only when someone breaks you into pieces can you put yourself back together completely again. In a much, much better way.
    To feel all that there is to be felt. This may be the hardest part. Letting everything pass through you - the sadness, the disappointment, the grief, the anger, the denial, the resistance. Everything. Just to make you feel. Allowing your heart to feel free everything, without attachment. To let go of all of yourself. Even if it means spending hours or days crying.
    To give yourself everything you need. Everything. Care, tenderness, attention. Taking care of yourself as the most special person in the world. Because you are.
    Integrating all the parts of yourself that have been completely changed since the separation. To give them space, to come back to you and in you with new strength.
    To tend to your inner child that feels completely alone, abandoned, sad. Be there for him unconditionally. To make him realize he is never alone. That it is priceless, that it is loved always, forever, just the way it is.
    To give yourself time for complete integration.
    And while there is still room for scarcity, lack - to find new and new ways to be there for yourself. To fill yourself with the love, tenderness, care, strength, support you need.
    To step into yourself, into your power in a totally new way. Which you didn't even dream of. You never even knew it existed. Realize that there is no room in you for any more compromising relationships. Finding out what you really want. Healing the wounds in your heart so it can open to life much, much more powerfully than before.
    After breaking up with my partner, a year ago, I promised myself to give myself a year to stay alone. In which I give myself everything I need. Not looking for anything outside. This breakup was very hard and challenging for me. I went through many things - fears, trauma, pain, resistance. Everything. And just staying there . I was staying down. There's no where to run from all that's alive inside of me. I can just be there for myself.
    This one year changed my life forever.
    I couldn’t be more thankful that it all happened for me the way it did.
    Cause you gave me the most valuable.
    He gave me all of myself. Bring me back to myself. I have found myself anew. Falling in love more than ever before I gave myself everything I needed. And I continue to do so.
    I’ve learned to be unconditionally here for myself, every single day. Every single moment. And I will continue to do so, I will continue to learn. How to truly love, myself and others. How to be more and more true to myself, authentic, as I am.
    This is definitely one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life.
    Therefore - give yourself time. A time to find yourself again. A time to find out what you really want from your partners relationships. What are you looking for. What is important to you.
    Take time to love yourself again. No, because someone out there loves you. And because you love yourself. Just the way you are. Sometimes broken to pieces, sometimes in all its glory, strength and might. But always, always perfectly perfect. Always be there for my self. Always.
    Give yourself some time.
    Give yourself time to shine with a new, even stronger glow than before. Make your choice. Start yourself off. Learn what it means to be a Temple. Temple of Life. Learn to understand what you allow within yourself. What are you making a space of. What do you tolerate in your life. What attitude, what people, what circumstances.
    Learn to choose yourself.
    Learn to make space for the Spirit within you. To the sacred divine beginning that you are.
    Of the Light that you are
    So that the next time you get into an alliance with a man, it's totally from place to place. A place of integrity . A place of clarity A place of conscious choice. A place of love. A Place of Light.
    To multiply the Light in our hearts.
    To build a life of beauty, sharing, abundance, enjoyment.
    As a whole. In a l o v e

    See original
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    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Creative Design: Dev Kamath

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    if you knew
    the how and when
    it wouldn't take any trust or faith


    • Active

      Susan Lynne Schwenger
      anyone who ever ask me to trust them; was NOT trustable 1f609.

      Susan Lynne Schwenger
      and; faith is the negative pole of a spiritualist, whilst verification is the positive pole

    • Susan Lynne Schwenger
      if you have it;
      without earning it;
      did you deserve it ?
      (is a good question to always be asking yourself)
      because sometimes;
      that gets us ahead of our curve;
      and; that is NOT always a good thing
      - sometimes; we need to pay off the choices of the past;
      to migrate into the future
      in good ways

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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