dying ??? Regrets of The Dying - THE 7 passages of LIFE - What you need NOW is a SUPPORT CIRCLE

Discussion in 'Death, Past Lives, Rebirth and Reincarnation' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 13, 2015.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    "you are the sum total of all of your choices...
    if you do NOT love The Consequences,
    simply change The Choices"
    ~susan lynne schwenger
    the eXchanger
    In order to love who you are,
    you cannot hate the experiences that shaped you.
    - Spiritual Awakenings

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    What defines greatness for you?
    And are you striving for it in your life?

    It breaks my heart (and kinda frustrates me) when I hear someone say,
    “we can’t all be great”.

    Call me an ‘optimist’, a ‘dreamer’,
    whatever makes you feel better if you wish...

    But I believe we can.

    I think the reason so many feel they can’t be, or live a ‘great’ life
    is because their definition of what that means or involves is out of whack.

    They believe that greatness is measured in how high on a ladder you climb,
    or how many ‘achievements’ you notch up on your belt.

    But here’s what I’ve learnt in all my study of ‘great’ people
    and what makes them so (ask anyone who knows me
    and they will concur that I’ve read
    my fair share of biographies 1f923. )

    Greatness is knowing what you value in life and living to those values day in day out.

    It’s doing the things you want people to remember you for when you’re gone,
    with the humility to understand that they probably won’t.

    It’s making things happen, instead of waiting for things to happen ‘when the time is right’.

    It’s living with purpose that extends far beyond yourself.

    Greatness is giving with zero expectations of anything in return.

    It’s putting in the work to get where you want to go even though you know you may never get there.

    It’s not taking shit from people who try to knock you off your path.

    It’s not trying to please everyone.

    It’s surrounding yourself with people who people who bring value to your life,
    and walking away from those who don’t.

    It’s seeking forgiveness for those who’ve done you wrong,
    and using their wrongs as fuel to your fire to do right.

    It’s harnessing the pain of your past to create a happier future.

    It’s being the change you want to see in the world.

    Greatness is taking responsibly for every single part of your life;
    the good, the bad, and the ugly.

    It’s getting back up every time you fall and learning from it.

    It’s owning your mistakes.

    It’s catching yourself out when you’re making excuses.

    It’s having courage to face up to fear and not letting it control your life.

    It’s being true to your word and apologising and accepting the consequences when you’re not.

    Greatness is saying thank you.

    It’s opening the door for someone at your local cafe, because you can.

    It’s letting another car in front of you as they merge onto the freeway
    because you know you’re not the only one trying to get somewhere.

    It’s wanting other people to win too, and celebrating with them when they do.

    It’s recognising that your life is no more,
    and no less important than any other on this planet.

    It’s treating others the way you wish to be treated.

    It’s knowing that even when you’re right, you’re probably wrong.

    Greatness is waking up and realising that every action you take,
    small as it may be, has a ripple effect on the rest of the universe;

    From yourself, to your family, to your friends, to friends family,
    to your friends friends, to your audience, to complete strangers.

    You see, we all have the ability and potential for greatness,
    no matter what cards life has thrown us.

    Greatness is not a matter of what you achieve,
    or the public recognition you receive for your achievements.

    All the accolades in the world won’t mean much to you
    if you don’t know who you are.

    Greatness is knowing what you stand for and being prepared to stand for it.

    It’s how you carry and respect yourself and others.

    And I really do believe that every single one of us is destined for it.

    However, it all comes down to the individual to decide that is the path they wish to walk.

    Stop settling for good, and go be great. 1f44a_1f3fd.
    Shaun Kirk @ShaunKirk


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Shaun Kirk

    June 2, 2022 at 4:02 AM ·

    Remember when you were just a child and your every hour of every waking day was spent in wonder…?

    Wide eyed.

    Bushy tailed.

    Helplessly lost in deep fascination and curiosity for everything that moved around you.

    Every sound that sung to your ears.

    Never dwelling on the past, or biting your nails about the future.

    Each millisecond of every minute spent ever so effortlessly ‘in the moment’.



    Unattached to the ego.

    But somewhere along the line things began to change, right?

    As you grew older, that effortless feeling of wonder slowly faded, only to make an appearance on rare occasions.

    Where did it go?

    When did it begin to deteriorate?

    And why?

    Do you ever just wonder… why?

    Why and how did life become so trivial?

    So serious.

    So routine.

    So mundane.

    I’ll tell you why… (and I’m speaking from first hand experience.)

    Somewhere along the line you ‘grew up’.

    You began to learn and be taught how to ‘operate’ in order to survive this dog eat dog world that us humans have created.

    You began to take on ‘responsibilities’.

    Maybe you got a job, you got your drivers license, bought a house, or even had some kids of your own.

    All in an effort to get by.

    To fit in.

    To be ‘happier’.


    Ain’t nothing wrong with that.

    We all do it.

    But these things can serve just as greatly distractions as they can add to one’s sense of fulfilment.

    They can turn your eyes away from the little things in life that truly light you up.

    The things that fill you with energy and give your eyes that magical spark that inspires every other pair that they come into contact with.

    The little things…

    The gentle breeze on your skin, the sound of birds singing in the trees, the smell of the salt in the air as the waves crash the shoreline, or the sight
    of a baby giggling hysterically in amusement at sweet nothings.

    If you think and feel you’ve lost your ability to live in happiness and joy, I understand.

    I’ve been there.

    But I have news for you…

    You haven’t…

    I promise.

    You’ve just lost touch with what truly fills your soul with joy.

    True joy that can not be created in more ‘stuff’.

    True joy that can’t be created in more ‘achievement’.

    In fact, it can’t even be ‘created’.

    It is already, and always has been there.

    Within you…

    Your heartbeat.

    Your lungs, and their ability to take in the air around you.

    Your touch, taste, sight and hearing.

    That’s where the true magic it.

    By all means, strive for more.

    Strive to grow and achieve all that you dream of.

    But don’t lose sight of just how incredible it is that you are here.




    Right here.

    Right now.

    Life is a serious privilege, not to be taken too seriously.

    Make the most of it.


    Shaun Kirk

    @ShaunKirk @ShaunKirkMusic

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    John 15:2 "He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit,
    while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes
    so that it will be even more fruitful."
    Sometimes our branches are barren
    or our heavenly Father wants us to produce more fruit.
    So God “prunes” us.
    Pruning really pains many times in our lives.
    Pruning can mean God removing things in our lives
    that produce no fruit
    – like pointless or destructive habits, friendships
    or problematic family relationships
    that sap our energy, jobs going nowhere
    and other things that are fruitless.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    "iT would be advisable to toss, the following words:
    could, should, or would
    anyone who says these things,
    never can, never shall, nor wills anything into eXistence
    instead say...we can, we shall, we will"
    Susan Lynne Schwenger
    ~ The eXchanger

    13 is an orator icon_wink. one of 12- known as 13

    june 7, 2020



    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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