dying ??? Regrets of The Dying - THE 7 passages of LIFE - What you need NOW is a SUPPORT CIRCLE

Discussion in 'Death, Past Lives, Rebirth and Reincarnation' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 13, 2015.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Why we dance ...
    Father & Son

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Oct 11th 2013

    This is NOT my story ...
    however, this is an interesting article
    ~ Susan
    How to Use Your Story to Find Your Life Purpose
    “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”
    ~ Maya Angelou
    "Everyone has a story.
    Some stories are happier than others.
    Some are tragic.
    But below the surface of our stories,
    each of us have wounds that need to be healed.
    My story is a mixture of happy and tragic.
    I grew up poor with a dad who was an alcoholic.
    He loved me deep down, wasn’t a mean drunk,
    but growing up with an emotionally unavailable father caused some deep wounds.
    I quit high school at 15 years old and managed to wiggle my way
    as a dancer in a strip club.
    This is something no 15-year-old should ever have see or do,
    but I was wounded and I wanted money, attention, and love.
    It’s taken me 33 years to realize this wasn’t my fault.
    I was doing the best I could with that I knew.
    I loved to eat. I loved to cook.
    Food was my comfort from early on and being in the kitchen
    felt as a natural as breathing.
    I had a deep need to find the sense of belonging I didn’t have at home,
    at school, or in my town, so I started moving around.
    I moved to Toronto and Montreal and collected people wherever I went.
    These people truly saw, heard, and loved me,
    and this became a major part of the path to healing.
    I miraculously enrolled in cooking school.
    My life’s dream was to move to NYC and making my dream happen was #1,
    even though I didn’t know how this was going to happen.
    Because of cooking school, I was able to offer free cooking
    to someone who had a room for rent in their home,
    and I moved to NYC from Toronto with $700.
    Stripping taught me how to work for myself.
    I created a job around my passion of cooking
    and supported myself doing what I Iove.
    In 2008, I moved to San Francisco to continue the quest of finding out
    where I truly belonged, and finally found my place
    amongst the most amazing city in the world.
    It’s not until this mission was fulfilled that
    I was able to begin climbing the ladder of self-actualization.
    Here are five ways to beat the odds and use your story to find your life purpose.
    1. Excavate your story
    Our story affects us in ways we don’t realize.
    It’s also what makes you special, unique, and YOU.
    Taking the time to write your story
    – figuring out your deepest pain points, your greatest achievements, your true strengths.
    You may share it with a friend, a coach, or on your blog,
    or you may never share it all.
    But having someone truly hear you, see you,
    and empathize with your story is a powerful way to heal your wounds.
    When you can find meaning in your deepest wounds,
    you catapult your life to the next level.
    You release the pain, shame, and discomfort little by little.
    And the next thing you know, your life feels more purposeful
    and you have more energy because you’re no longer entangled in your story.
    2. Locate your shame points
    Shame happens when we do things outside societal norms.
    Finishing high school, getting a college degree, getting a respectable job,
    having a wedding, buying a house and creating a family
    is the socially accepted path in our culture.
    When we deviate from this path,
    the sense of belonging we deeply yearn for can be missing from our lives.
    We feel deeply inadequate and a deep sense of shame over lives,
    as though we’ll never be good enough to belong anywhere.
    Working in the sex industry, not finishing high school,
    spending every penny I earn without saving
    – these are my shame points.
    I shed the shame by sharing it with the world,
    which helps dissolve the emotional charge around it.
    Moving past your shame is possible.
    You have to realize that you are not alone,
    it’s not your fault, and we all have things to work on and move through.
    No amount of socially accepted achievements is going to make you feel
    like you’ve had a purposeful life if it is not truly aligned with your path.
    3. Figure out what you truly value
    What’s important to you?
    Love? Connection? Professional success?
    Living in a nice house in the suburbs with 4 kids
    or traveling the world by yourself?
    Being connected to what is most important naturally
    aligns you with your higher purpose.
    For me, finding a sense of belonging has been my strongest drive.
    When I moved to San Francisco, I found people who truly mirrored me,
    believed what I believed, and valued what I valued.
    Finding my community healed my life in ways I cannot describe.
    From there, creating a career I love, spending quality time with friends,
    and having beauty around are the driving forces in my life today.
    Life isn’t perfect and things happen,
    but being connected to what’s important will hopefully bring you
    some peace at the end of your life.
    4. Find small ways to care for yourself
    When I started to make small changes in my life, everything changed.
    I started taking care of my body through eating healing foods.
    I lifted weights and felt strong.
    I found my take on spirituality through vipassana meditation and yoga.
    Instead of dwelling on my shame points
    and defaulting to old self-destructive behaviors,
    I learned that caring for myself changed the way I saw the world.
    I felt better, I had less desire to drink, eat junk food,
    or resort to other escapist behaviors.
    These changes didn’t happen overnight.
    It took years to become more aligned with my life
    and change my junk eating, couch lounging self-destructive behaviors.
    If you don’t know where to start, pick one area of your life that needs work.
    If it’s diet, come up with one SMALL change you can do every day.
    Maybe it’s adding a serving a vegetables to your plate.
    Drinking more water. Eating less sugar.
    Create the habit and do it every day for 30 days.
    Don’t let your mind tell you it’s not enough.
    Let yourself feel the success of change.
    Small change creates sustainable change.
    Go slow and be kind to yourself.
    Once you’ve mastered the art of one small change,
    it becomes easier to create traction.
    5. Realize you are NOT your story and create a shift in perception
    Your story is the path to uncovering your life’s greater purpose.
    A person who is in a car accident and ends up in a wheelchair
    copes with their pain and makes the best out of a difficult situation
    by helping others going through the same
    (see the show “Push Girls” for a beautiful example of this.)
    You have a choice:
    to accept your story and use it as a teacher,
    or reject it and become a victim.
    Your story isn’t who you are as a human being,
    but knowing yourself and turning your deepest wounds into strengths
    is the greatest contribution you can bring to yourself and to the world around you.
    You may find out you are much more valuable than you think,
    and that all that you’ve been through has a purpose after all.
    Are you ready to turn your wounds into wisdom?
    You can share your comments by joining the conversation
    in the comment section below."
    Brigitte Theriault
    This article was written by Brigitte Theriault.
    Brigitte is a transformational coach.
    She works with people who’ve tried everything from fad diets to sex
    to escape and helps them jumpstart their lives
    by situating what’s holding them back from being free, happy, and healthy.
    Connect with her through
    if you’ve been feeling stuck and are fired up to start making some real changes in your life.”

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Oct 12th 2013

    Huge snowy white owl almost hit my Rav4 at 70mph+ on hwy 69 at 5;55 pm est on 06 Sep 2013

    SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Oct 12th 2013

    R. Warren Harris
    Some people take that as a sign.
    Sylvain Faubert
    69=15=6. 555=15=6 6/9=15=6 2013=6 , 6+6+6+6=24=6 !!!
    Susan Lynne Schwenger
    which predicts what Sylvain ?
    Susan Lynne Schwenger
    the owl is a symbol of a death and a rebirth
    Sylvain Faubert
    Six is the logos of the Lord of Light while the owl
    is the chief-bird of this 4th world for the Hopis.
    To the Mayans however we are in the 5th World.
    So it can predict that this Lord of Light is coming soon.
    His name is Goyana according to the Emerald Tablets of Thoth.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Oct 12th 2013

    Owl Medicine

    *Mary Summer Rain/On Dreams:
    Owl characterizes heightened observational skills and developed awareness coupled with sharpened perceptive abilities;
    wisdom resulting from high spiritual enlightenment. An *owlet* will signify one on the correct spiritual path.

    *D.J. Conway/Animal Magick:
    A nocturnal bird of prey, these birds are related to the goatsucker and gaucharo. They are found nearly everywhere in the world.
    Owls have hooked beaks and curved talons. They range in size from about five inches to over two feet.
    They have a variety of color combinations, such as black, white, gray, brown, buff, and reddish.
    Their eyes are quite large for seeing in the dark, and their face is surrounded by a disk of feathers.
    Their calls vary from cackling to low-pitched hooting.

    Since ancient times, the owl has been associated with wisdom, deep learning, and the Underworld deities.
    Later, it came to be connected with black magick. It is a bird of prey and a night hunter.
    The owl is a powerful, noiseless flyer with good hearing and sight.

    The owl is armed with vicious talons and a beak for protection and hunting.
    It is also so alert to its surroundings that it appears to turn its head completely around when watching something.

    The owl was early on a creature of the Great Goddess. It was often combined with the goddess figure
    to make an owl-woman in early matriarchal cultures such as Le Tene.
    Stelae, figurines, and amulets belonging to the Megalithic era of France, Spain, Portugal, and Great Britain
    show a goddess iwth great staring eyes; this figure has come to be referred to as the Eye-Goddess.

    In Peru and Ecuador, the owl image deccorated spindle whorls along with a birth-giving goddess.
    In Crete, during the third millennia B.C.E., jug-vases shaped like a winged owl
    with female breasts were a ritual vessel; the breasts were perforated for pouring.

    Originally, such Middle Eastern goddesses as Mari, Lilith, and Anath were closely connected with owls.
    A Sumerian relief of the goddess Lilith shows her naked except for a horned tiara;
    she has owl-clawed feet and is accompanied by owls.
    The Hebrew translation of this goddess's name is "screech owl".

    As the patriarchies gained control, people began to believe the owl, and the goddesses with which it was associated,
    was an ill-omenened bird whose form could be taken by an evil spirit.
    Babylonians said that hooting owls were the souls of dead mothers crying for their children.
    This gradually changed into the owl being an evil spirit which prowled the night and carried children off.

    In Egyptian hieroglyphs, the owl signifies death, night, the black Sun in the Otherworlds.

    There are differences of opinion as to whether the Chinese and Japanese considered this bird to symbolize evil and death.
    The Ainu of Japan, howeer, did call this bird "beloved deity".

    Athene/Minerva had an olw as her sacred familiar; its image was cast on coins to represent the city of Athens.
    Homer writes that Pallas Athene was sometimes portrayed with an owl-face.
    The Etruscan god of night and darkness was associated with the owl and death;
    the Romans adopted this view of the bird, saying that it was prophetic
    but its hooting prophesied death and misfortune.
    In Latin, the owl was called strix (pl. striges), a word which later changed into the Italian word strega for witch.

    To the Celts, in general, this bird was a sacred magickal creature,
    sometimes called the Night Hag and the Corpse Bird.
    It symbolized Underworld deities, such as the Welsh god Gwynn ap Nudd, and the Welsh Mood goddess Blodeuwedd.

    The messengers of the Hindu death god Yama were usually two dogs,
    but occasionally he would send an owl as his messenger.

    The Scottish Gaelic word cailleach means "owl"; this word connects it with the goddess Cailleach,
    who was a deity of death.
    The owl is identified with many Crone or Underworld goddesses in Europe and the Mediterranean area.
    During the Middle Ages, the owl became known as the Night Hag.

    This bird was called the Night Eagle by Native Americans.
    Most of them believed the owl was a bird of sorcerers.
    However, the Cherokees held sacred both the owl and cougar for their ability to see in the dark.
    they said the owl brought messages at night through dreams.
    This creature was Chief of the Night to the Pawnees, who said it gave protection.

    Superstitions: Many cultures believe that to see an owl is unlucky,
    while others consider this bird to be a messenger and guide, particularly in spiritual affairs.
    Supposedly owls see in total darkness; the turth is they must have some light just as cats do.
    They are not blind during the day. If you look into an owl's nest, you will be unhappy the rest of your life.
    In Wales they say that if an owl hoots around houses, an unmarried girl has lost her virginity.
    In France, if a pregnant woman hears an owl, the child will be a girl.

    Magickal or Magical Attributes: Silent and swift movement; keen sight into obscure events;
    unmasking those who would deceive you. In meditation, often a guide to and from the Underworld.
    Wisdom, magic, magick, darkness, freedom. Dreams, shape-shifting.
    Clairvoyance, astral projection, magick or magic.
    A messenger of hidden truth, secrets, and omens. Moon magic or Moon magick.
    Wisdom to make positive changes.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Oct 12th 2013

    • Quote:Wisdom to make positive changes.

      I was hoping I'd find something along the above lines in Owl Medicine.

      During the summer before EarthSky and I were married, we were talking about getting married, and about moving to Canada.
      In June I miscarried, but we were sure that this soul didn't want to come through just yet, that (s)he was waiting for Canada.
      That whole summer, while we were in the midst of wedding thoughts, Canada thoughts and children thoughts, we were accompanied by Owl.
      Owl would start off near our window, and as we moved outside, Owl would move a bit further away but still within sight;
      on the chimneys of the terrace houses behind us. Owl in the middle of a city wasn't very common,
      so we were rather surprised that this Owl was where it was. And at one point, there were two Owls, communicating together.

      We remember one night specifically. We'd been working at home, into the evening hours, it was coming up to midnight.
      As we were getting ready to have "dinner" (our schedule was a late one at that time...
      we even went out for two hour walks after "dinner") we heard Owl. We opened the back door,
      and heard that the back neighbours were playing music.
      "From the New World", by Dvorak. This is a piece that EarthSky and I both have an affinity with,
      we recognized it immediately.
      To our surprise, Owl was sitting on the roof of the house where that music was coming from,
      and Owl was punctuating the music at rhythmically correct moments with her rather magical hooting.
      EarthSky and I felt that this was a sign that the "New World" was coming. T
      hat new world did arrive, within five months of that night, we were married, living in Canada, and pregnant with our firstborn.

      We also feel that the miscarriage and the constant rejections to job applications that Earthsky was getting
      (he'd get to the final shortlist, but get rejected for not having published enough papers... )
      were comforted by Owl's presence.
      Owl kept our hopes up, our dreams alive, and kept us in touch with our intuition.
      We could have seen it as "negative"... "see, Owl is telling us that this plan isn't working, that this is wrong".
      But there was something about Owl.
      The death of the fetus, the death of our time in Europe, the rebirth into our new lives as friends and partners,
      our rebirth into Canada and the birth of our son. We do feel that Owl was the bringer of this medicine.
      Although the Japanese generally regard the owl as a wise and benevolent night creature,
      most of the cultures of Asia fear the bird as a demon of darkness that delights in carrying off human souls.
      Conversely, in the Polynesian tradition, the owl is a special protector in battles or danger
      and brings back to life any souls that may be lost and wandering.

      If you have long cherished the owl as a totem animal, you are quite likely a student of the mysterious
      and the unknown who loves to ferret out clues to the unexplained enigmas of existence on the Earth Mother.
      You probably enjoy watching magicians perform their craft, and you may even be an amateur magician.
      Even your closest friends may consider you something of a paradox--on the one hand,
      you seem to worship logic and reason; on the other, you appear to prefer fantasy and the illogical.

      With the owl as your spirit helper, you will not cease to explore the most distant perimeters of the unknown.
      And you will not cease spending an equal amount of time in the Silence, receiving messages from the Great Mystery.

      *More to follow.
      "The power and ways are given to us to be passed on to others."
      ...........Fools Crow, Ceremonial Chief, Teton Sioux
    • Quote:If you have long cherished the owl as a totem animal,
      you are quite likely a student of the mysterious and the unknown who loves to ferret out clues
      to the unexplained enigmas of existence on the Earth Mother.
      You probably enjoy watching magicians perform their craft, and you may even be an amateur magician.
      Even your closest friends may consider you something of a paradox
      --on the one hand, you seem to worship logic and reason;
      on the other, you appear to prefer fantasy and the illogical.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Susan Lynne Schwenger at age 2
    1505011_10152472497917581_3685729677983722189_n[1]. 10402803_10152459046732581_6066442836649593470_n[1].

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Oct 12th 2013

    Three Promises, from The Book of Love
    "There are three promises made at the dawn of time, each of them sacred.
    • The first promise is to God, your Mother and Father in heaven.
    • It represents your most divine mission, what you have come here to accomplish in the image of your Creators.
    • It is the reason for incarnation, the purest intention of your soul
    • The second promise is to the Family of Spirit within which you were created and will belong through eternity.
    • It represents your relationship to each of the souls in your family and how you have agreed to assist them in their mission and they in yours.
    • The third promise is to yourself. It represents how you desire to learn and frow and love within the context of incarnation.
    Align yourself with these promises you have made, for they are sacred above all else.
    Remember them and cherish them, and you will know the greatest joy available to humankind.
    Do nothing that you know to be against your sacred promise, for that is the truest definition of sin.
    For those with ears to hear, let them hear it. "
    From The Book of Love as preserved in the Libro Rosso (interpreted by KDM, in The Book of Love, 2009)
    Matilda's Rose, Orval.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Jorgelito - Posted Oct 12th 2013

    Re Three Promises, form The Book of Love
    Thank you for sharing, Susan. Evidently it was a book with a red cover, copied by Phillip the Apostle. See Secrets of the Cathars.

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