dying ??? Regrets of The Dying - THE 7 passages of LIFE - What you need NOW is a SUPPORT CIRCLE

Discussion in 'Death, Past Lives, Rebirth and Reincarnation' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 13, 2015.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Second Brain Found in Heart Neurons - Trust your Gut Feelings

    The idea of transplanted cellular memory emerged as early as 1920
    in the film "Les Mains d'Orleac" written by science fiction writer
    Maurice Renard.

    A second brain in the heart is now much more than an idea.

    Prominent medical experts have recently discovered that many recipients
    of heart transplants are inheriting donors' memories
    and consequently report huge changes in their tastes,
    their personality, and, most extraordinarily,
    in their emotional memories.

    Today new science is testing the theory that the heart is involved in our feelings.

    So what have they discovered so far?
    Discovery of Case Studies

    Amazing new discoveries show that the heart organ
    is intelligent and that it sometimes can lead the brain
    in our interpretation of the world around us,
    and in the actions we chose to take.

    A large number of case studies were enough to prompt some scientists
    to look differently at the heart and test old theories that the heart
    is involved in our feelings, emotions and premonitions.

    Since cardiac surgeon Christian Barnard's first successful human heart
    transplant in South Africa in 1967, heart transplant recipients
    have had intriguing experiences, so strange and out of character
    that they seek to meet the families of their donors
    to find out what is going on.

    Could they have inherited certain behavioral and character trait
    s through cellular memories from the heart of their donors?
    Meeting Donor's Family

    Upon meeting their donors' families, the heart transplant patients' hunches
    were confirmed: the new personality traits had indeed been passed on
    from their donors.

    Families of donors often tend to bond with a recipient of an organ
    donated by their departed loved ones.

    They, in many ways, recognize and like the recipient,
    almost as if a part of their lost one was, somehow, still alive.
    Not just a pumping machine? | Source
    The Little Brain In The Heart

    Neurologist Dr. Andrew Amour from Montreal in Canada
    discovered a sophisticated collection of neurons in the heart
    organised into a small but complex nervous system.

    The heart’s nervous system contains around 40,000 neurons
    called sensory neurites that communicate with the brain.

    Dr. Amour called it “the Little Brain in the Heart”.

    It has been known for many years that memory is a distributive process.

    You can’t localize memory to a neuron or a group of neurons in the brain.

    The memory itself is distributed throughout the neural system.

    So why do we draw a line at the brain?

    The following facts are only a few of the many cases reported
    as evidence of something extraordinary happening to heart transplant
    recipients: They seem to take on the likes and dislikes of their donors.

    A gentle, soft-spoken woman who never drank alcohol
    and hated football got a heart from a crashed biker donor
    and turned into an aggressive beer drinking football fan.
    Her new heart wants to play football | Source
    A lazy male couch potato received a heart from a stuntman.

    He inexplicably started training fanatically for no apparent reason
    until he became a true athlete.
    Couch potato turned athletic. | Source
    A 47-year-old Caucasian male received a heart from
    a 17-year-old African-American male.

    The recipient was surprised by his new-found love of classical music.

    What he discovered later was that the donor, who loved classical music
    and played the violin, had died in a drive-by shooting, clutching his violin case
    to his chest.

    A man who could barely write suddenly developed a talent for poetry.
    turned poet
    Most Amazingly...

    An eight-year-old girl who received the heart of a ten-year-old murdered girl
    had horrifying nightmares of a man murdering her donor.

    The dreams were so traumatic that psychiatric help was sought.

    The girl’s images were so specific that the psychiatrist
    and the mother notified the police.

    Using the most detailed and horrid descriptive memories
    provided by the little girl, the police gathered enough evidence
    to find the murderer, charge him, and get a conviction for rape
    and first-degree murder.
    Scientific Evidence
    Possible Explanations

    Doctors now attempt to explain why organ recipients are hosts
    to donors’ memories and emotions, also known as "cellular memories".

    While a handful of scientists are skeptical and dismissing this
    strange phenomenon as post-surgery stress or reaction to anti-organ
    rejection drugs, there are also a growing number of experts who believe
    cellular memories are indeed transplanted from donor to recipient with organs.
    Nothing Mystical, Pure Science

    Other medical experts offer different explanations,
    but all agree that it is not so much mystical as it is science,
    and a science that needs further exploration.P

    rofessor Pr Paul Pearsall and Pr Gary Schwarz got together.

    Professor Gary Schwartz says that “Feedback mechanisms
    are involved in learning.

    When we talk, for example, about how the brain learns,
    we talk about what we call neural networks in the brain.

    It turns out that the way a neural network works is that the output
    of the neurons feeds back into the input of the neurons.

    And this process goes over and over again.

    So long as the feedback is present the neurons will learn.

    If you cut the feedback, there is no learning in the neurons."
    The Mind is Not Just in the Brain

    Dr. Candace Pert, a pharmacologist at Georgetown University
    believes that the mind is not just in the brain,
    but also exists throughout the body.

    This school of thought could explain such strange transplant experiences.

    "The mind and body communicate with each other through chemicals
    known as peptides. These peptides are found in the brain
    as well as in the stomach, in muscles and in all of our major organs.
    I believe that memory can be accessed anywhere
    in the peptide/receptor network.
    For instance, a memory associated with food may be linked
    to the pancreas or liver and such associations
    can be transplanted from one person to another".
    Feedback Memory

    "The implication is that it's important for the neurons
    to have the feedback for the learning to take place.

    By extension, any system that has feedback is going to learn.

    We learn to shoot a ball into a basketball net by getting feedback
    about whether we are accurate or not.

    We learn to speak by getting feedback about whether we're accurate or not.

    And so consequently, any system, any set of cells that has feedback
    mechanisms in a network is going to learn the same way that neurons learn.

    That's what is called feedback memory."
    Love and Emotion

    A heart transplant is now a routine operation.

    The heart has been seen for centuries as a symbolic organ
    associated with love and emotion.

    Scientific research today clearly shows that poets and great scholars
    throughout history have been right all along.

    The heart has intelligence and plays a particular role in our experience of emotions.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Callings don’t go away.

    You don’t find a calling
    — your calling finds you.

    Like a true love, your calling won’t let you go.

    You might leave behind what you thought
    was once a calling but no longer feels like one.

    And yet, your calling keeps trailing you like a shadow.

    You might deny your calling for a long time,
    but callings are patient.

    They wear you down until you finally fall to your knees,
    bow down, and say, “I’m in.”

    Jenny Webb jC78Rnw2Q2h. "

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    THE LiNE from page 1
    (found this online)
    THELINE. .

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Monads – Archetypal Relationships
    check out the amazing site of my friend: Stephen Cocconi

    Seeing the Common Themes of Human Behavior

    Betrayal, unrequited love, altruistic heroism, rescue, abandonment;
    so familiar are these events upon the human journey that every language has a word for them with similar meaning.

    How these appear in a persons life resume’ can be as unique a story with varied characters and circumstances
    and settings to be sure. And of course, not all people experience first hand, each and every one of these persistent themes.

    Yet so prevalent are these motifs to our history here, on the physical plane, that great literature art, religion, and science alike turn their attention to these topics for the foundations of their study. The philosopher psychologist Carl Gustav Jung gave us his term for these recurrent patterns of encounter, he called them Archetypes. As you have probably concluded, these thematic patterns, poises of co-creation, are so important to spiritual and human evolution that institutions exist to impart them regardless of the presence of a monad.
    More archetypes exist than the small subset above. Each presents a test, or assist us, and cause us confront a weakness or unawareness. Michael’s Teachings offer a frame of reference and explanation for these thematic relationship plot lines and applies the term Monad. It is derived from the Latin monas – a primary unit of being. Monads are dynamic one-on-one relationships the purpose of which is engaging distinct learning experience, or for initiating or ending karmas. Both sides of a monad are experienced by the individuals participating. Monads can be initiated over the course of a lifetime or endure over many lifetimes. They can be lifelong relationships or a contained in a specific event. What makes all monads similar is an unyielding sense of obligation teasing one forward; like the itch that will not go away until it is scratched. Monad have a relentless and persistent calling that Essence instills in personality to explore the many nuisances of human relationships. Thus, monads are defined as the encounter with another mortal person, for the purpose to enter into an agreed upon partnership with a unique archetypal plot line. They are compelling for both; and paramount to each Being’s fulfillment of a fundamental study of the human drama. These are very impact-full relationships.
    Why would any soul willingly engage in these combats, comedies, tragedies, and labyrinths? It runs counter to the animal/Ego driven mandate to avoid pain and seek pleasure. Ah, but to state it in this way and assume the Essence views pain as “bad”, reflects our own immaturity and misguided perception of what Divine might be. No Essence is a victim of the exchange because the Soul agreed to the terms of engagement on the Physical Plane. However, it is accurate to say that a person could, as part of the curriculum of any particular monad, have chosen to learn about victimhood. For the culmination of each Monadal gauntlet, some pleasant some not, is a triumph for wisdom and a unique contribution to the sum total of perception that TAO/GOD co-creation of you intended. All learning is valuable and desired.
    To perceive Pleasure and Pain as the teachers’ methods of carrot and the stick is to underscore that the objective is learning, the discernment and refinement of knowledge leading to omniscience of all that IS. Each person is a point of reference for the TAO/GOD and as such will perceive from a specific vector toward a problem of life. No two are ever the same! Yet like a room that contains a personality, the windows into reality open from different walls and angles toward the light. Yet, every room is built with the same instruments (overleaf units) and window is equipped with a unique group of the same types of filters or decorations. So the window(s) of the soul that the TAO sees through are infinite and diverse. Yet through those windows, the spectrum’s of light and shades of darkness which are what we perceived through are universal and common to all Human beings.
    When in a channeling session, and if one perceives the occurrence of a Monadal theme, your being acquainted with the mapping of Monadal aspects can yield the client and explanation of great depth. It also offers the channeler a lens of greater refraction allowing them to view the unique subtleties present in the script of the clients’ play. Words are how human beings transfer to each other the ideas for understanding or framing an experience. Telling someone does not eliminate the monad itself but informing the person of the context of it can allow them to cope with it differently. What is influenced is awareness. Indeed, the ultimate gift in channeling is the sharing and activation of awareness in another.
    Each monad has patterns built within it. They are designed to cause a Personality/Essence system to arrive at certain outcomes in a proscribed way. Using the analogy of arithmetic, people learn by performing the simple operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Why? Because it prepares them to solve more in-depth problems and complex calculations when they enter the world of variables and unknowns explored in algebra and calculus. One might say then, a gradual compounding of diversity, subtlety, and discernment makes monads the specific learning encounters of human survival and of universal beingness.

    The following list is an overview

    1. Adept-Apprentice Monad: In it’s simplest expression, Involves one individual passing on a tangible craft or skill-set to another person. It is a type of teacher and student relationship that depends less on the philosophy as it does on performance of a task to a high level of achievement. A coach and player, a journeyman craftsman and their apprentice, a maestro and her protege all classify under this archetype. A monad extends over a prolonged period of interaction and causes both to commit to a course of action. This teaches endurance, focus, concentration, and dedication. The upshot of which is skill-based knowledge of a certain type continues to be passed for subsequent generations. (Ex. Sigmund Freud & Carl Jung, or Obi Wan Kenobi & Luke Skywalker)
    2. Artist-Patron Monad: One who produces at the behest and enabling of another facilitating the process with the resources to accomplish it. Michael Angelo and Pope Innocent were a famous duo living out this monad, in a almost classic sense. This monad typifies ones own ability without having to “make-it-happen” alone. Usually a soul takes on this kind of arrangement to get the experience of being supported become a virtuoso at some skill and allowing someone else the provide for them as they do so. As you might imagine, their can be many interesting variations on this theme. All of which test both parties to balance how and when either exerts influence over the other. One individual is supported by another to in develop a unique ability. In the modern era, prior to the change in rules, Olympic athlete’s would find “sponsors” to pay expenses while they trained for the games. Direct or indirect support is the hallmark of this monad. Lessons of appreciation, philanthropy and control are available to the patron; while the artist can learn receiving, gratitude, concentration, and freedom to produce. (Ex: King Ludwig and Wagner or Michelangelo and Pope Julius II or Andrew Lloyd Weber and Sarah Brightman).
    3. Attacker-Victim Monad: There is a definite relationship between the Victim and the Attacker, which generally takes place over a long period of time. The Victim learns how to own their power and how to defend themselves. The Attacker learns about their anger and how to control themselves. This includes emotional, intellectual, and physical levels. (Ex: Parent and child; Fatal Attraction; Rodney King/Powell & Kuhn).
    4. Betrayer- Betrayed: Like few other monads, a single event can mar a life. In the Count of Montecristo, a Edmund Dantes is falsely accused of a crime by a jealous rival Fernand Mondego who covets the future Count love Mercedes. The theme contains a richness for many lessons including greed, persecution, and potentially transcendence. The betrayer’s life is usually racked by the guilt of his sedition and must deal with the consequence of being on-guard against being found out. For the betrayed, victimhood, powerlessness, and the opportunity to decide if God is against him/her. A huge bundle of lessons go with this theme.
    5. Defender-Defended Monad: Like many of these Monads, this one rests upon the imbalance of power. The theme calls for one person to come to the defense of another somehow less able. The difference is usually a physical difference in strength and ability and signifies a primary instinctive lesson relating to how and if one person learns trust on another. By no means is the encounter heroic or even noteworthy, but the pattern displayed is fairly straightforward. (Ex: Movie: The Bodyguard, defense attorney, big brother or big sister against a bully).
    6. Deserter-Abandoned Monad: One person leaves, abandons another. The Abandoned individual is somehow dependent on the Deserter. The Deserter is someone experiencing the overwhelming desire for self-preservation. In some cases, the deserter might not even be aware that the other person is capable of being saved, but is so motivated by fear that he leaves the other person. The Abandoned person is left to be in hopelessness and potentially terror. The lesson causes an examination of their worth, and can cause a resentment and leave the opening for a revenge plot in later lives.
    7. Healer-Healed Monad: A very powerful, life-preserving and occasionally a life-altering relationship. The Healer relieves suffering where will heal the Healed physically, emotionally and/or psychologically.(Ex: Jack Kevorkian)
    8. Hidden-Disclosed Monad: One person is hiding something and the other person feels driven to expose that secret. Generally what’s being hidden should be exposed, such as illegal activities, unethical behavior. This tends to be a very karmic relationship. Based on what’s true. (Ex: Watergate/Deep Throat) Confessor – Confessed is a version of this monad.
    9. Hopelessly Loving-Hopelessly Loved Monad: One person is smitten with another, and the recipient feels basically neutral about them. (Ex: John Hinkley/Jodie Foster)
    10. Imprinter-Imprinted Monad: A common term for this shaping is “role model”. Not as intense as Parent-Child Monad, but is similar. This relationship is created when an individual wants different experiences about how to handle their life apart from the parental imprinting. Generally ages 0-14. (Ex: My Fair Lady) (Aunt, Uncle, Neighbor, Grandmother, Grandfather, Friend)
    11. Independent-Dependent Monad: Generally, this is when one is completely dependent on another for survival. This monad teaches control and surrender. Dependent person is learning to receive. Can involve Dominance, Submission, Martyrdom.
    12. Innocent-Sophisticate Monad: One person is very naive about a certain area of life and the other person knows everything there is to know. This monad allows the Sophisticate to see life in a fresh way again through the Innocent’s eyes. The Innocent can see life more realistically through the Sophisticate.
    13. Integrator-Eccentric Monad: The Integrator can take the interesting and unusual ideas of the Eccentric and make them workable or market them. They blend and feel productive together. Often shows up in the business world. (Ex: Integrator/Spielberg- Eccentric/Lucas)
    14. Jailer-Prisoner Monad: One person physically incarcerates another. Prisoner learns about internal freedom and how they got there. The Jailer learns about what it feels like to imprison another. Younger souls learn they will be locked up for doing something wrong. (Ex: Gandhi, Nelson Mandela; Cool Hand Luke; prisoners of war)
    15. Leader-Follower Monad: The Leader does something and then another will follow. Unlike Teacher-Student in that it doesn’t necessarily mean a close relationship. What’s learned is a comparison of how each other handled your lives. Note comparing generally takes place after the lifetime. You will check in with this person from time to time.
    16. Love Monad: Generally done by Mature and Old Souls. When you have experienced all the monads on both sides with another, you develop a deep love for them. You tend to be very forgiving and understanding to a Love Monad individual. (Ex: Ben and Jerry)
    17. Master-Slave Monad: One person wants to own, control and manipulate another. The Slave gets to see how they want to respond to the experience. This monad is about control and surrender, which includes how one handles their power. This involves learning about boundaries. (Ex: Pimp/Prostitute relationship) (Ex: Patricia Hearst/William DeFreeze (Sinque)
    18. Mate Monad/Marriage Monad: This is a very strong life-long mate agreement, which teaches unconditional love. The individuals generally feel mated immediately. Very strong learning experience. (Ex: Al and Tipper Gore)
    19. Parent-Child Monad: One person feels the need to parent and look after someone else. Very strong and bonded relationship. This monad is not necessarily with your own biological children, although it can be. The Parent has a very fulfilling parenting experience. The Child gets the best possible imprinting they can have. Often people will choose a “spiritual” mother or father to have this experience. (Categories: Father-Son, Father-Daughter, Mother-Son, Mother-Daughter) (Mother/Queen Elizabeth-Son/Prince Charles)
    20. Promiscuous-Impotent Monad: This monad is based on sex.
    21. Passionate-Repressive Monad: This can also be described as a passion mode/repression mode relationship. Many couples have this monad. Repressive can teach the Passion individual to be more appropriate, and the Passion teaches the Repression individual to relax, lighten up and have more fun. (Ex: Morticia and Gomez Addams. The Accidental Tourist – Geena Davis/William Hurt)
    22. Passive-Aggressive Monad: One person is hot-tempered and confrontative and the other is calm, cool and resigning. Two different fighting styles and teaches each one to learn about how to handle anger.
    23. Penitent-Confessor Monad: This is where someone reveals themselves as a private act of venting or contrition. For the Penitent the opportunity to release themselves of the burden is often quite a relief though puts them on notice of having trusted someone. Indeed, it is the foundation of the Catholic Churches role for the confessional and its power to ease the parishioners conscience.
    24. Pivotal-Facilitator Monad: The Facilitator intensely impacts and causes great changes in the Pivotal individual’s life. (Ex: The person that breaks up a marriage.)
    25. Player-Pawn Monad: One person manipulates another without his/her knowledge. This usually involves playing out power issues. (Ex: Dynasty)
    26. Profligate-Temperate Monad: One person is wildly extravagant while the other is a tightwad.
    27. Promiscuous-Impotent Monad: This monad is based on sex. The Promiscuous desires a lot of sex to be balanced, while the Impotent’s response to that person’s demand is lack of sexual desire. Promiscuous learns to see a relationship as more than sex — emotional bondedness. Impotent learns to relax and experience their sexuality.
    28. Rescuer-Rescued Monad: The Rescued individual is being helped by the Rescuer with a circumstance that they cannot possibly handle. Generally a life-altering experience, such as being saved from drowning. (Emotional, physical, intellectual)
    29. Sibling Monad: (Brother-Sister, Sister-Brother, Brother-Brother, Sister-Sister) Helps you relate to men and women as friends. This relationship can be created with individuals that are not your actual brother or sister. Often children will do this monad to experience loving another. (Ex: Warren Beatty/Shirley Maclaine)
    30. Slanderer-Slandered Monad: One person who doesn’t like another does whatever they can to slander them. Generally based on lies. The Slandered learns what they can do to survive the slander. The Slanderer learns what it feels like to attack another in this way.(Ex: Michael Jackson, Political campaign smears)
    31. Slovenly-Meticulous Monad: The slob and the neat person. Teaches tolerance. (Ex: The Odd Couple – Oscar Madison and Felix Unger)
    32. Tandem Monad: It takes many lifetimes with another to do this monad. Both individuals will do almost exactly the same things at the same time.
    33. Teacher-Student Monad: The word teacher is generally a title we apply to those men and women who lead academic courses and dispense a particular curriculum. In a way, life itself can be thought of as a grand university and various times certain moments and or ongoing situations act as the classroom. The teacher imparts something to the student, something that the learner does not know but which is life-affecting. It can be simple information, wisdom or the proverbial “hard lesson.” Frequently, however, the relationship does appear in some setting where there is a more formal set of roles. Spouses or siblings could play this rare occasions, and so can child to parent, but build into this form is an element of authority to novice, refined molding course. It is common, that the student, at least at a personality level, is quite uninterested in being taught, but the Essence has paired them with this person for a reason. The life information is generally of the intellectual type which means that a person comes away with both new data, but a fresh perspective about a life arena or learning itself. Not necessarily a teacher/professor, but can be. (Ex: Helen Keller/ Ann Sullivan)

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    12 Positions of your Support Circle

    1. LOVE:



    4. MENTOR:

    5. BEAUTY:

    6. CHILD:

    7. HUMOR:


    9. ANCHOR:

    10. HEALER:


    12. MUSE:

    Mine are done thru the mode of power,
    but, there are 7 modes, and, they are:

    Do you know who fills these spots in your life ???
    ~susan lynne schwenger

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member



    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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