dying ??? Regrets of The Dying - THE 7 passages of LIFE - What you need NOW is a SUPPORT CIRCLE

Discussion in 'Death, Past Lives, Rebirth and Reincarnation' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 13, 2015.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    i heard your voice
    blowing in the wind, today
    and i turned to see your face
    the warmth of the wind
    it caressed me
    as i stood silently in my place.

    i felt your touch
    in the sun today
    as its warmth filled up the sky
    i closed my eyes
    was touched by your embrace
    My spirit soared high

    i saw your eyes
    in the window pane
    as i watched the falling rain
    it seemed as if
    each raindrop fell
    it quietly said your name

    i held you close
    in my heart today
    it made me feel complete
    you may have died, and, crossed over
    but, strangely you are NOT gone

    you will always be
    a part of me
    as long as the sun still shines
    as long as the wind still blows
    as long as the rain still falls
    you will live on deeply inside of me...

    forever, it may seem
    forever, it is all my heart knows

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The Dance with Sadness - /WE REMEMBER


    So here, we are
    we dance here alone

    Safely holding those old pieces of you
    hidden deeply, beneath my breasts

    those original golden threads
    we spun together

    still form a very unique tapestry
    those incredible sparks we ignited

    are still a blazing fire
    we still do tend

    deep within my heart
    your magic, it still lives on in there

    it is all, that you are, to me
    it is all, that, we are

    it is there, in that place
    that we come to celebrate, YOU

    it is there, in that place
    that we come to embrace, YOU

    for there lives,
    in that special place

    where two essences still show up,
    to remember

    they still meet each other
    in their dream time, to dance

    if only, for a few brief moments
    we can still feel, we can still touch

    for that essence of you,
    is a part of me

    that still shines forever,
    it still shines bright

    it is here, in this place
    we can feel you, we can touch you

    just, as if, it is,
    still all real

    here you are, we know it,
    we can feel it

    For you dance on,
    deep within me

    these pieces of
    your Great Spirit given light

    it is the place,
    that we escape to

    it is the place,
    of out great retreat

    To Dance, To Dream
    To Create, To Realizse

    That another time is coming
    That day, we will re - meet

    Love, Susan
    11 NOV 1987 3;33



    You, asked me,
    "how do you make love stay?"

    you give them plenty of rope,
    and, hope they do NOT hang themselves

    you allow, them, to be them
    and, they allow, you, to be you
    and, if per chance,
    you find each other
    all is, as, all can be,
    wUnder_FULL again

    there's a tree outside my front door
    it's there for a reason
    i hang, all my troubles, out there
    i do NOT bring them inside

    i give, the best, i can
    all of me, and, hold nothing back

    i eXchange, only, with those
    who are ready, willing, and, able
    to do, the same, sort of thing

    i love, always, and, in all ways
    the best i can
    it is NEVER a requirement
    they love me back

    i do NOT believe in unconditional love
    especially, in a 3D world
    everything in lower vibrations
    has conditions

    low energetic exchange-is dismissed

    high energetic exchange-is welcomed

    if someone treats me poorly
    it is NOT necessary to love them
    it is necessary only
    to release, and, forgive them
    and, let them go
    to, send them some energy
    that points them
    in the direction of
    good light and pure love

    i am a deep well,
    but, NOT one,
    that will be drained.

    i strive to create good conditions,
    that express love, in it's totality

    i look for another,
    who is already doing the same thing

    i give space, and, i expect space

    i let another be, authentically them, i do NOT change others

    i expect another, to let me be, authentically, be me

    i respect the free_will of choice

    i am open the change

    living in love, with love
    is win-win, and
    appreciation, caring, kindness, and, thoughtfulness
    are the 4 pillars, that hold it ALL up

    i give willingly, and
    share what i can
    within reason
    yes, i do utilise my mind, as, well, as, my heart

    i do NOT look for a "free_ride"
    nor, do i expect a "free_ride"...
    free, oft times,
    has the highest of hidden cost
    i invest into the things i do,
    by giving it, the best i can

    i look for someone
    who can be the driver
    and, be the passenger too
    it gets tiring
    being only, the driver

    i look into the mirrors
    that are presented to me
    and, see, very deeply
    what they show me

    i look very deeply into the eyes
    that are presented to me
    and, see, that they have a heart
    and, it is already, at home

    where, i see, no heart
    i try to help them see mine

    i look deeply, to find, the golden strings
    the threads of connection
    the ones
    that once before
    a long time ago
    where a stitch in many times
    are part of a grand tapestry
    we wove together before
    and, realise, it is possible
    to pick up the strings
    exactly, where we left of
    and, we do it
    together, in love

    i push only, when two people
    are pushing on the same side
    or, are on the same direction

    i pull only, my share, of any load

    i expect another,
    will pull, their share

    albeit, there will be times

    when, i do all the pulling

    and, there will, be times

    they do all the pulling

    but, it is those times
    they will do, or, i will do
    because, we are doing it
    in love -- and, the other
    truly needs us, and
    both of us, are in our hearts

    perhaps, that's compassionate love
    the knowing, that, at all times
    it is NOT possible, for another
    to bring equal measures

    I search for a banquet
    hoping, we do NOT bring,
    all the same things to the table
    that there will be living, loving, and, learning- expansion/and, growth

    i believe, a life shared
    is never halved, but it doubles

    i get up expecting a good day
    and, generally get it

    i do nice things for others
    willing to put, their needs, and, desires
    ahead of my own, however, i am NOT anyone else's fool
    albeit, i am a silly old fool, who understands that journey, quite well

    i avoid people, full of "wants"...
    if they can NOT handle their own life
    i know, it will become me
    playing a baby_sitter

    needs must be met
    & desires fulfilled
    those who want stuff
    those who need you, only to fill,
    their desires
    and, once, you do, they are gone
    i avoid those people

    To live a happy, and, joyful life...
    it is only important
    that needs are met
    and, desires are fulfilled
    and, that leaves NOTHING to want for

    i love to surprise people
    i am NOT big
    on giving, on giving days
    as, i believe, everyday
    is a day to give

    i do NOT give to get, nor, expect to get
    so, i am rarely let down

    if someone takes, and, leaves
    i bless that moment
    for in it, the taking, is stopped
    the draining, is NO more
    sure, i count my losses
    calculate & learn from my lesson
    and, let it go --
    I release it, and, forgive it
    and, be thankful
    it is less draining NOW
    that it has stopped
    and, it is good
    since, it can exist NO more
    and, i celebrate my freedom

    i send things,

    that make them "hOWL" with laughter

    or....make them curious
    or....make them happy
    or....make them ponder/or think

    actually, in truth; i send them things
    that are reflective of me,
    and, my world

    in one line --

    it is, to be, and, reflect me,
    as, best i can

    and, if, per_chance

    they see me, as, i truly am
    then, all, will be, as, all should be

    the two of us
    will always be more, rather than, ever be less

    the two of us
    might weave golden strings
    through the higher mind & higher heart of one another
    so, that, when we do show up
    they will know, and, i will know
    they will see, and, i will see
    and, they will sense me, and, i will sense them
    deep inside
    that we both will know
    who we are, and, be glad
    that we have returned
    to pick up the threads

    Perhaps, then,
    The Dance with Sadness,
    will truly come to its end.
    where the pain, of starting again,
    is less, than, the memory
    of the pain involved, in the last separation

    Perhaps...my most clever line to your
    question, could be summed up this way:

    how do you make love stay ???

    true love, never leaves us
    it is the dance, we do
    that old dance
    The Dance of Sadness
    it's deep inside
    it's magical
    it's the old memories
    of what once was
    and, already is
    it always has been there
    buried under the pain
    of the last parting
    trouble is
    that the "pain" of "re_starting"
    is, often, more painful
    than, when the original dance
    came to an end.

    And yet, it is a risk
    we must take....
    we do this, to be that
    and, to have, it all again ...

    it is,
    that love,
    that stays with us forever

    love/ susan




    You, asked me,
    "how do you make love stay?"

    you give them plenty of rope,
    and, hope they do NOT hang themselves

    you allow, them, to be them
    and, they allow, you, to be you
    and, if per chance,
    you find each other
    all is, as, all can be, wUnder_FULL again

    there's a tree outside my front door
    it's there for a reason
    i hang, all my troubles, out there
    i do NOT bring them inside

    i give, the best, i can
    all of me, and, hold nothing back

    i eXchange, only, with those
    who are ready, willing, and, able
    to do, the same, sort of thing

    i love, always, and, in all ways
    the best i can
    it is NEVER a requirement
    they love me back

    i do NOT believe in unconditional love
    especially, in a 3D world
    everything in lower vibrations
    has conditions

    low energetic exchange-is dismissed

    high energetic exchange-is welcomed

    if someone treats me poorly
    it is NOT necessary to love them
    it is necessary only
    to release, and, forgive them
    and, let them go
    to, send them some energy
    that points them
    in the direction of
    good light and pure love

    i am a deep well,
    but, NOT one,
    that will be drained.

    i strive to create good conditions,
    that express love, in it's totality

    i look for another,
    who is already doing the same thing

    i give space, and, i expect space

    i let another be, authentically them, i do NOT change others

    i expect another, to let me be, authentically, be me

    i respect the free_will of choice

    i am open the change

    living in love, with love
    is win-win, and
    appreciation, caring, kindness, and, thoughtfulness
    are the 4 pillars, that hold it ALL up

    i give willingly, and
    share what i can
    within reason
    yes, i do utilise my mind, as, well, as, my heart

    i do NOT look for a "free_ride"
    nor, do i expect a "free_ride"...
    free, oft times, has the highest of hidden cost
    i invest into the things i do, by giving it, the best i can

    i look for someone
    who can be the driver
    and, be the passenger too
    it gets tiring
    being only, the driver

    i look into the mirrors
    that are presented to me
    and, see, very deeply
    what they show me

    i look very deeply into the eyes
    that are presented to me
    and, see, that they have a heart
    and, it is already, at home

    where, i see, no heart
    i try to help them see mine

    i look deeply, to find, the golden strings
    the threads of connection
    the ones
    that once before
    a long time ago
    where a stitch in many times
    are part of a grand tapestry
    we wove together before
    and, realise, it is possible
    to pick up the strings
    exactly, where we left of
    and, we do it
    together, in love

    i push only, when two people
    are pushing on the same side
    or, are on the same direction

    i pull only, my share, of any load

    i expect another, will pull, their share

    albeit, there will be times
    when, i do all the pulling
    and, there will, be times
    they do all the pulling
    but, it is those times
    they will do, or, i will do
    because, we are doing it
    in love -- and, the other
    truly needs us, and
    both of us, are in our hearts
    perhaps, that's compassionate love
    the knowing, that, at all times
    it is NOT possible, for another
    to bring equal measures

    I search for a banquet
    hoping, we do NOT bring,
    all the same things to the table
    that there will be living, loving, and, learning- expansion/and, growth

    i believe, a life shared
    is never halved, but it doubles

    i get up expecting a good day
    and, generally get it

    i do nice things for others
    willing to put, their needs, and, desires
    ahead of my own, however, i am NOT anyone else's fool
    albeit, i am a silly old fool, who understands that journey, quite well

    i avoid people, full of "wants"...
    if they can NOT handle their own life
    i know, it will become me
    playing a baby_sitter

    needs must be met, & desires fulfilled
    those who want stuff
    those who need you, only to fill, their desires
    and, once, you do, they are gone
    i avoid those people

    To live a happy, and, joyful life...
    it is only important
    that needs are met
    and, desires are fulfilled
    and, that leaves NOTHING to want for

    i love to surprise people
    i am NOT big
    on giving, on giving days
    as, i believe, everyday
    is a day to give

    i do NOT give to get, nor, expect to get
    so, i am rarely let down

    if someone takes, and, leaves
    i bless that moment
    for in it, the taking, is stopped
    the draining, is NO more
    sure, i count my losses
    calculate & learn from my lesson
    and, let it go --
    I release it, and, forgive it
    and, be thankful
    it is less draining NOW
    that it has stopped
    and, it is good
    since, it can exist NO more
    and, i celebrate my freedom

    i send things,

    that make them "hOWL" with laughter

    or....make them curious
    or....make them happy
    or....make them ponder/or think

    actually, in truth; i send them things
    that are reflective of me,
    and, my world

    in one line --

    it is, to be, and, reflect me, as, best i can

    and, if, per_chance

    they see me, as, i truly am
    then, all, will be, as, all should be

    the two of us
    will always be more, rather than, ever be less

    the two of us
    might weave golden strings
    through the higher mind & higher heart of one another
    so, that, when we do show up
    they will know, and, i will know
    they will see, and, i will see
    and, they will sense me, and, i will sense them
    deep inside
    that we both will know
    who we are, and, be glad
    that we have returned
    to pick up the threads

    Perhaps, then, The Dance with Sadness,
    will truly come to its end.
    where the pain, of starting again,
    is less, than, the memory
    of the pain involved, in the last separation

    Perhaps...my most clever line to your
    question, could be summed up this way:

    how do you make love stay ???

    true love, never leaves us
    it is the dance, we do
    that old dance
    The Dance of Sadness
    it's deep inside
    it's magical
    it's the old memories
    of what once was
    and, already is
    it always has been there
    buried under the pain
    of the last parting
    trouble is
    that the "pain" of "re_starting"
    is, often, more painful
    than, when the original dance
    came to an end.

    And yet, it is a risk
    we must take....
    we do this, to be that
    and, to have, it all again ...

    it is,
    that love,
    that stays with us forever

    love/ susan

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    "BE who YOU are,
    and, DO iT ELOQUENTLY"
    ~susan lynne schwenger
    The Journey to
    The 13th Bridge where:
    "THE WiLL is THE WAY"
    ~susan lynne schwenger
    "Will iT to be,
    so, iT WiLL BE,
    and, SO iT iS"
    ~susan lynne schwenger
    333 333 315* ***
    #in12d #the13thbridge #thefinalfire #theoriginalspark

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Susan Lynne Schwenger
    27 Dec 1960 - 2nd birthday

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    "BE who YOU are,
    and, DO iT ELOQUENTLY"
    ~susan lynne schwenger
    The Journey to
    The 13th Bridge where:
    "THE WiLL is THE WAY"
    ~susan lynne schwenger
    "Will iT to be,
    so, iT WiLL BE,
    and, SO iT iS"
    ~susan lynne schwenger
    333 333 315* ***
    #in12d #the13thbridge #thefinalfire #theoriginalspark

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

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