Crop Circles & Dates Of Eclipses, Etc.,

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Apr 14, 2014.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    SWALLOWs NEST Crop Circle
    -14 JUN 2005 aka 14th June 2005
    - The magic stone at the centre

    - 14 JUNE 2005 aka 14th June 2005
    ~ The magic stone at the centre









    Had the swallows arrived?

    By the 12 June to confirm their arrival,

    a formation depicting 3 swallows appeared in the field

    next to the dolman at Clatford Bottom, nr Marlborough.

    A French Buddhist visited the formation

    and reported that

    "I lay in I lay in the middle of it for about 50 minutes

    and the middle of it for about 50 minutes

    and experienced various effects.

    Firstly my breathing became very slow

    and I became deeply relaxed.

    I counted about 8-10 seconds

    between the outbreath and the inbreath.

    After sometime

    I noticed that there were colours

    appearing in my vision (eyes closed);

    firstly red and yellow then turquoise,

    varying if I moved my eyes up and down.

    A couple of other people had arrived

    so I spoke to them for a while

    and left just after they did.

    I then went to the Dolmen,

    and then walked about four miles to Avebury.

    It was a hot sunny day.

    On the way to Avebury

    I walked for sometime alongside fields

    full of large rocks laying down,

    known as Sarsen stones.

    They don appear to be quarried,

    being quite rough.

    I felt that I could feel some kind of warm energy

    radiating from the stones,

    though they perhaps could have been warmed by the sun.

    When I reached Avebury

    I sat for a while in front of one of the large standing stones

    and ate my lunch.

    I noticed that I was feeling slightly euphoric and very peaceful."

    Seeing various colours internally could be termed as Chromatism,

    hallucinatory perception of coloured images

    which affect the eddy currents in the brain

    (neurological sign of brain energies).

    Pulsed signals however sourced

    (visual, acoustic, RF etc in very, very low frequency wavelengths)

    can trigger Variant Migraines,

    no headache but other strange symptoms.

    The person is `seeing` bright primary colours

    apparently in field of view, red, yellow and turquoise.

    If projected into the surrounding environment

    some will interpret the vision as the Virgin Mary (turquoise)

    or spirits etc.

    C.Lewis (Crop Circle Connector) tells us that:


    Also known as the 'sale' bird according to Danish folklore,

    the swallow received its name by trying

    to relieve the sufferings of Christ

    while on the Cross by crying 'Svale, svale'

    which figuratively translates as 'Cheer up, cheer up!'.

    In Scotland it was believed

    that the swallow had the blood of the Devil in its veins.

    The sight of this bird indicates that summer is on the way

    but watch to see if the bird flies low

    as this will signal that rain is on the way.

    If this bird builds a nest on the roof of your home,

    it is thought to be lucky

    and to be protective against fire, lightning and storms.

    Misfortune will follow if it suddenly abandons the nest.

    The swallow that flies into your home

    will bring considerable good fortune according to English folklore.

    Should a woman tread on the eggs

    it is believed that she will become barren

    according to an old German belief.

    A French belief tells that should one land

    on your shoulder then death is present.

    An almost universal belief held by farmers

    is said that to kill a swallow will result in the milk yield being poor,

    whilst if you disturb the nest then the harvest will be a poor one.

    It is traditionally seen as a sign of misfortune

    to see a group of swallows fighting amongst themselves.

    It was believed that the swallow carried two precious stones

    within their bodies:

    a red one to cure insanity,

    and a black one thought to bring good luck.

    The swallow like the wren is credited

    with bringing fire to humankind,

    but both suffered as a result,

    hence the red feathers."

    By Lucy Pringle, ©2005


    We arrived at this crop circle,
    NOT long after it had appeared,
    The Crop Circle Connector guys,
    were just leaving the area.

    Trevina and Susan Lynne Schwenger,
    along with Sal Rachele & Andrew Garley,

    started up the pathways through the farmers field,
    to reach the crop circle.

    It was really interesting
    ~ esp. when i found stones at the exact center of the circle
    almost, as if they had been pressed down,
    and, left there, for us to find them.

    The main centre stone, is pictured above.

    The other six stones,
    i've NOT taken pictures of yet,

    ironically, they were placed in a pattern of 3 + 3
    + this big one at the core,
    there placement where like 3 on the horizon,
    and, 3 on the vertical.

    One of the things, i had wanted to do,
    was walk in a freshly made crop circle
    and, i am so glad, this occurred.

    One important thing was 2005 in numerology is equal to - an energetic '7',

    A lower six and a higher six
    • and a core there was a crop circle of swallows,
    • that started as six, and, turned into thirteen, with a core.

    Back in 2005, i had been exploring my own theory
    for almost 30 years, now at the mark of 35+ years,
    everything is starting to fall into place.


    This is important ~ this crop circle, back in 15 JUNE 2005


    found it

    susan lynne schwenger
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Star of David Formulations
    in the sky & Crop Circle
    - 29 july 2013


    royal baby born exactly on day of star of David cosmic alignment.


    A Royal Dynasty: The "Moon Baby" Born
    2013 07 23
    By Red Ice Creations


    This week the great hordes waited with anticipatory fervor as celeb-royal Kate Middleton
    (aka Catherine Duchess of Cambridge) gave birth to a baby boy and the future heir
    to the British throne, continuing Britain’s chain of royals that seem to entrance the world
    with their influence and celebrity.

    Crowds Flood London to Wait For Royal Baby News

    Many have heard the story:
    Kate Middleton, ’a commoner’, was elevated to elite status
    during the romantic, fairytale narrative of being swept up
    to marry a Prince of the land.

    Prince William was young, fresh, and modern,
    a far cry from his father’s generation
    and the dark shadow of his mother’s death.

    This popularity came at a time when the approval of royalty
    was at a dangerous low.

    The role of an elite royalty class
    • symbols of inherited privilege,
    • and the royals’ own personal finances - largely funded by taxpayers,
      was being closely examined and questions were being raised
      about their usefulness in a modern western democracy.

    Not unlike the drama surrounding the Royal Wedding
    in 2011 pairing Kate Middleton and Prince William,
    this newly born baby has drawn the attention of well-wishers,
    royal followers, simple gawkers, and irritated naysayers alike.

    Most importantly, however, the wedding and baby
    has manifested popularity for the Royals
    as not seen since before the death of
    Diana Spencer, Princess of Wales.

    As always, surrounding the birth of a royal,
    there are symbols, ceremonies and rituals involved.

    Son During Moon

    The baby boy child was reportedly born
    via natural birth 22 July 2013, the day of a supermoon.

    This month’s full moon falls one day after July’s lunar perigee,
    which is the moon’s closest point to Earth for this monthly orbit.

    Astronomers will call this full moon a perigee full moon,
    but everyone else will call it a supermoon Source

    This is an interesting concurrence as the baby’s father,
    Prince William, was born on the summer solstice (June 21st, 1982),
    and the baby’s mother, Kate, was born during a total lunar eclipse
    the same year (January 9, 1982),
    and are sometimes referred to as
    the ’Solstice King and his Lunar Queen’.


    For those of you wondering if the marriage
    of Prince William and Kate Middleton is fated,
    defying all odds – it’s true!

    The remarkable birth of Prince William on a Solar Eclipse
    – meeting of the Sun and the Moon
    – on the Summer Solstice has dazzled many astrologers for years,
    as this reflects the “Solstice King” of the old myths of the UK.

    When studying the chart of Kate, lo and behold,
    she was born on the Lunar Eclipse
    just after the Winter Solstice in the same year as Wills!

    As many of you who know the basics of astrology are aware,
    the Sun is the “King” and the Moon is his sacred feminine counterpart.

    For those of us north of the equator, the Winter Solstice
    is the darkest day of the year
    and feminine in nature.

    The Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year and masculine in nature.

    Eclipses are considered to be the windows or gateways
    through which we communicate with all that is beyond time and space.


    Astrologers have pointed out that the end of July is hosting a rare alignment:
    Monday, July 29 features an incredibly rare aspect known as a Grand Sextile.

    It’s essentially a six-pointed star, or hexagram, comprised of seven planets
    that form harmonious angles (trines and sextiles) to each other.

    This synergistic seven are all in “feminine” (earth or water) signs,
    emphasizing stability, gentleness, love and harmony.

    Many astrologers view this as the moment our culture will take a step toward
    embracing “feminine” principles.


    Feminine Grand Sextile

    More rituals and traditions were observed,
    as reported by The Telegraph:

    The baby will officially be known as HRH Prince (name) of Cambridge.

    The Queen, other senior members of the Royal family
    and the Middleton family
    had already been informed
    when the announcement was made.

    In line with royal tradition,
    the Duke and Duchess have not yet revealed the baby’s name.

    The Duke of Cambridge was not named for a week after his birth,
    partly because his parents reportedly disagreed over names.

    Celebratory gun salutes will now be fired
    by the King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery
    in Green Park (41 rounds) and the Honorable Artillery Company
    at the Tower of London
    (62 rounds).

    Baby Cambridge will make his public debut
    when the Duchess of Cambridge
    leaves hospital and stands on the same spot where Diana,
    Princess of Wales was first photographed
    holding Prince William 31 years ago.

    No date has yet been set
    for when the baby will be christened,
    but it is likely to be some time in the autumn,
    when the Royal family return
    from their summer break at Balmoral.

    The Duke of Cambridge, for example,
    was christened six weeks after his birth,
    in the Music Room of Buckingham Palace,
    using water drawn from the River Jordan in the Holy Land,
    in keeping with a tradition dating back to the Crusades.

    Another royal tradition is for babies
    to wear a lace and satin christening robe
    made in 1841 and worn by all of Queen Victoria’s children
    and every generation of royal babies since,
    including Prince William.

    Diana holds Prince William, with husband Prince Charles, 1982.

    There have been many echoes between Kate and Diana.

    Presenting the baby in a polka-dot frock is yet another.

    Are these things arranged or happenstance?

    Power Names

    As of writing, the baby’s name has not been released,
    but these symbolic and important call signs
    are never made without precise planning and forethought.

    The name of a royal child isn’t a random selection,
    but almost always a purposeful and deliberate repetition of ancestors,
    who themselves maintained positions of power and rulership.

    The names can invoke gods, celestial bodies, desires for certain fates,
    and more.

    Whether or not these associations are aspects of real power or not,
    in many cases the elite believe them to be,
    and it’s wise to recognize that belief,
    for their actions and decisions may affect the world around us.

    In the end, you can follow the Royals and all their ups and downs
    or turn a blind eye to any aspect of their existence,
    but know that a royal baby means the monarchy
    endures whether people like it or not.

    Red Ice Creations

    Logos Thoughts on the End of the Thuban Timeline

    [2:49:56 PM-Tuesday, July 24th, 2013 +10UCT]

    Emeth 141: Xeia and Rok had their big fight July 12th

    [2:50:23 PM] Sirius 17: ok now i remember

    [2:50:38 PM] Emeth 141: Yes and we all were befuzzed by their intensities recall?

    [2:50:47 PM] Emeth 141: You tried so hard to calm down Xeia

    [2:51:13 PM] Emeth 141: They left the chats then

    [2:51:19 PM] Sirius 17: yes

    [2:51:27 PM] Sirius 17: it felt like i was battling for their lives

    [2:52:53 PM] Emeth 141: Yes this was when JT talked

    [2:53:00 PM] Emeth 141: Then they left July 13th

    [2:53:23 PM] Sirius 17: yeah

    [2:53:45 PM] Emeth 141: And then DD said something,
    I did not reply and she blocked again on the same day

    [2:54:06 PM] Emeth 141: Now look at the chart and you see this is Genesis.1

    [2:54:16 PM] Emeth 141: The recreation of the lot in archetypes

    [2:54:42 PM] Emeth 141: Those were my edits I felt 'compulsed' to add

    [2:54:54 PM] Emeth 141: Now I dont feel any compulsions anymore

    [2:55:22 PM] Sirius 17: ah ok

    [2:55:39 PM] Emeth 141: The best way to count the days to MM Day is on Moa

    [2:55:49 PM] Emeth 141: I mean it is blown up

    [2:56:39 PM] Sirius 17: yeah i am looking at the one you sent

    [2:56:46 PM] Sirius 17: i can blow it up in paint

    [2:57:23 PM] Emeth 141:

    [2:57:33 PM] Emeth 141: Ok then yes

    [2:57:50 PM] Emeth 141: I added a few things
    which will remain undecipherable for the many

    [2:57:57 PM] Emeth 141: But will be read by the One

    [2:58:14 PM] Emeth 141: So Logos is the door as it should be

    [2:59:06 PM] Emeth 141: Look at the 3 mirrors two midweek and the week one

    [2:59:13 PM] Emeth 141: Those are your days too

    [2:59:38 PM] Emeth 141: read the recreation description
    in 7 days night to day and 7 days day to night

    [2:59:59 PM] Emeth 141: This is the secret key
    to the Evening coming before the Morning in the old genesis 1.

    [3:00:17 PM] Emeth 141: And why she is called Eve
    as the Mother of the Evening for All

    [3:00:38 PM] Emeth 141: Then becoming The Morning Star
    as the Evening Star as JCCJ as you know

    [3:00:57 PM] Sirius 17: yes

    [3:01:11 PM] Sirius 17: i see the stuff you added about the royals and the birth

    [3:01:36 PM] Emeth 141: Yes there is much stuff
    now all interwoven with the END of the Tuban data flow

    [3:01:44 PM] Sirius 17: what do you think about it being a boy?

    [3:01:59 PM] Sirius 17: we had thought it would be a girl lol

    [3:01:59 PM] Emeth 141: Oh good as it is really a ?Mary as you can see

    [3:02:07 PM] Emeth 141: Look at the 4 gens

    [3:02:14 PM] Sirius 17: yes

    [3:02:19 PM] Emeth 141: GrandMother-Father-Daughter-Son

    [3:02:31 PM] Emeth 141: It switches the sex

    [3:02:32 PM] Sirius 17: yes and Diana is there i feel her

    [3:02:36 PM] Emeth 141: Of course

    [3:02:46 PM] Emeth 141: She is 2nd gen

    [3:02:54 PM] Emeth 141: FatherMother

    [3:03:00 PM] Sirius 17: yes

    [3:03:25 PM] Emeth 141: You can spend hours
    just looking at those dates and moons etc to see the prophecies unveiled

    [3:03:38 PM] Sirius 17: wouldn't it be funny if they named him James? lol

    [3:03:39 PM] Emeth 141: But it is TLTR or to bother with for the know betters

    [3:03:52 PM] Emeth 141: Could be and there will be 4 names anyhow

    [3:04:02 PM] Sirius 17: yes the royal names

    [3:04:22 PM] Emeth 141: They give them 4 names
    and us saying it is a girl is the Mary M hospital too

    [3:04:37 PM] Sirius 17: oh yeah i had forgot the hospital lol

    [3:04:40 PM] Emeth 141: It is a GrandSonDaughter to Diana

    [3:05:04 PM] Emeth 141: Simply HeShe as 4th gen and not a SheHe

    [3:05:33 PM] Emeth 141: If it would have been a girl,
    then I would have to put Philip before Elizabeth see?

    [3:05:50 PM] Emeth 141: And he is the consort, so it should have been a boy

    [3:05:56 PM] Sirius 17: oh

    [3:06:07 PM] Emeth 141: Yes it is deeper than most would see

    [3:06:22 PM] Emeth 141: Point is it is androgenous in the first place

    [3:06:34 PM] Emeth 141: It will be a Heshe

    [3:06:37 PM] Sirius 17: yes

    [3:07:05 PM] Emeth 141: The 4th gen is the androgenous one
    as stated in Gen.15.16

    [3:07:35 PM] Sirius 17: yes the starhumans

    [3:07:43 PM] Emeth 141: It is fitting that Abba as father
    delegates his own 'birth' to his Mother and NOT his 'father' see this?

    [3:08:01 PM] Sirius 17: yeah

    [3:08:06 PM] Emeth 141: So for Abba to be Father
    he requires a GrandMotherFather

    [3:08:26 PM] Emeth 141: This was the role of Jesus
    in the first place to replace Barbelo

    [3:08:38 PM] Emeth 141: This is the Chicken-Egg paradox

    [3:08:44 PM] Sirius 17: right

    [3:08:55 PM] Emeth 141: Quantum Wave-Particle duality

    [3:09:00 PM] Sirius 17:

    [3:09:10 PM] Sirius 17: this is titled strange

    [3:09:17 PM] Emeth 141: So see how the English lineage
    her does symbolise something cosmic?

    [3:09:27 PM] Sirius 17: but i thought it was a strange synchro of sorts

    [3:09:41 PM] Sirius 17: yes i can see it

    [3:09:53 PM] Emeth 141: Charles and this babyboy
    are the maleness and Elizabeth and Catherine
    are the femaleness in primary mode

    [3:10:27 PM] Emeth 141: Charles and Babyboy are like Abba and Jesus

    [3:10:42 PM] Emeth 141: Elizabeth and Kate are like Baab and CJ

    [3:11:14 PM] Emeth 141: So blending the 4 gens allows Abba and Baab
    to get together without the generation jumps

    [3:11:43 PM] Emeth 141: This is then the Father-Daughter and Mother-Son sexcomplexes resolved

    [3:11:54 PM] Emeth 141: Oedipus-Electra

    [3:12:52 PM] Sirius 17: did you see the EQ in new zealand

    [3:14:52 PM] Sirius 17: this also fits with developments too

    [3:16:11 PM] Sirius 17:

    [3:16:14 PM] Emeth 141: yes at Wellington

    [3:16:23 PM] Emeth 141: There was a bigger one in China

    [3:16:41 PM] Sirius 17: yes that one too

    [3:16:44 PM] Emeth 141: I am sharing this last bit as it is of general interest

    Logos thoughts on the End of the Thuban Timeline

    [3:22:30 PM] Emeth 141: 44 evacuated from 47 yes, I see

    [3:22:55 PM] Emeth 141: The DD 8=17=26=35=44=53=62=71=80 code
    to the 47=74

    [3:23:16 PM] Emeth 141: 'For your eyes only' as James Bond would say

    [3:23:40 PM] Sirius 17: lol

    [3:23:49 PM] Emeth 141: 53=Deborah=Harobed

    [3:24:17 PM] Emeth 141: There was a pertinent encoding
    about the Nurse Deborah related to this baby in another conversation
    with Debra I am sharing here, as it is of general interest also

    [3:25:54 PM] Sirius 17: i am going to call it a night hon

    [3:26:10 PM] Sirius 17: i am getting sleepy
    and i have classes starting at 8:30 am now

    [3:26:14 PM] Sirius 17: it was a long day

    [3:27:00 PM] Sirius 17: i am glad that DD is talking to you


    [3:27:10 PM-Tuesday, July 23rd, 2013 +10UCT] Emeth 141:
    Pregnancy is considered "at term"
    when gestation has lasted 37 complete weeks
    (occurring at the transition from the 37th to the 38th week of gestation),
    but is less than 42 weeks of gestational age
    (occurring at the transition from the 42nd week to the 43rd week of gestation,
    or between 259 and 294 days since LMP).

    "Full term" refers to the gestation having lasted 40 weeks
    from the first day of the mother's last menstrual period.

    This is the end of gestation on average.

    Alternatively expressed, this corresponds to a gestational age
    of 40 weeks and 0 days, or 280 days,
    or approximately 9 months,
    and occurs at the transition from the 40th to the 41st week of gestation.

    On average, it corresponds to an embryonic age of 38 weeks or 266 days.

    [12:15:33 AM] Debra: and we know she wasn't 38 weeks pregnant
    if they announced a pregnancy in July

    [12:15:46 AM] Debra: Why I said let's stick to 42

    [12:16:38 AM] Emeth 141: The actual science uses 38 weeks
    Debra and this is all I inferred

    [12:16:58 AM] Debra: I know. I'm just saying let's figure out her conception date.

    [12:17:07 AM] Emeth 141: But see the synchro
    between your 38 days and the 38 weeks. It is a seventh

    [12:18:08 AM] Emeth 141: I said it dear just add 4 weeks
    backwards and you have it covered as the 42 weeks

    [12:18:08 AM] Debra: seventh?

    [12:18:16 AM] Emeth 141: 38x7=266

    [12:18:30 AM] Emeth 141: So it was a seventh of the term she fell ill

    [12:18:41 AM] Debra: Hmmm

    [12:18:57 AM] Emeth 141: And more or less
    became associated with the suicide of this Indian nurse

    [12:19:25 AM] Debra: Nurses don't commit suicide

    [12:19:26 AM] Emeth 141: From October 30st to July 22nd it will be 38 weeks

    [12:19:40 AM] Emeth 141: From October 2nd to July 22nd it will be 42 weeks

    [12:19:58 AM] Debra: Is there a Nurse in the Bible?

    [12:20:02 AM] Emeth 141: Well they found her hanged on her cabinet door

    [12:20:03 AM] Debra: That dies?

    [12:20:33 AM] Emeth 141: Yes Deborah,
    Rebekahs Nurse after the birth of Esau and Jacob

    [12:21:15 AM] Debra: Rebekahs nurse was called Deborah?

    [12:22:18 AM Emeth 141:

    Genesis 35:8
    But Deborah, Rebekah's nurse died,
    and she was buried beneath Bethel under an oak:
    and the name of it was called Allonbachuth.

    Judges 4:4
    And Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lapidoth,
    she judged Israel at that time.

    Judges 4:5
    And she dwelt under the palm tree of Deborah
    between Ramah and Bethel in mount Ephraim:
    and the children of Israel came up to her for judgment.

    [12:22:23 AM] Emeth 141: Yes

    [12:22:47 AM] Emeth 141: Those codes are deeply connected

    [12:23:19 AM] Debra: Kate had an Indian Nurse?

    [12:23:23 AM] Emeth 141: Genesis.35.8 as a double 17+17=35+8

    [12:23:37 AM] Emeth 141: She was Indian

    [12:23:58 AM] Emeth 141: They took her body back to Bombay
    or someplace

    [12:24:15 AM] Debra: Really?

    [12:24:34 AM] Emeth 141: Yes, I gave you the source codes

    [12:24:34 AM] Debra: What was the baby called
    when it was delivered after Nurse died?

    [12:25:00 AM] Debra: Esau and Jacob were twins?

    [12:25:05 AM] Emeth 141: Kate was 8-12 weeks pregnant with morning sickness.

    [12:25:14 AM] Emeth 141: There was no baby born in December 2012

    [12:25:21 AM] Emeth 141: Yes

    [12:25:27 AM] Debra: I'm talking about Rebekah's delivery

    [12:25:51 AM] Debra: Maybe Kate lost a twin?

    [12:26:08 AM] Emeth 141:
    This is the myth of Jesus-Judas
    and Didymos Thomas
    and also the earlier Cain-Abel brotherhood
    then Nabs hijacked in Enlil-Enki etc

    [12:26:17 AM] Emeth 141: Ah, I see

    [12:26:39 AM] Emeth 141: Rebekah had twins yes,
    Esau first then Jacob

    [12:27:25 AM] Emeth 141: But Esau 'sold' his birthright
    to Jacob (The Supplanter) and was later renamed
    as Israel (Prince with God)
    after he 'wrestled with an angel' in Genesis at Peniel
    Genesis 32:20-32

    King James Version (KJV)
    20 And say ye moreover, Behold, thy servant Jacob is behind us.
    For he said, I will appease him with the present that goeth before me,
    and afterward I will see his face; peradventure he will accept of me.

    21 So went the present over before him:
    and himself lodged that night in the company.

    22 And he rose up that night, and took his two wives,
    and his two womenservants, and his eleven sons,
    and passed over the ford Jabbok.

    23 And he took them, and sent them over the brook,
    and sent over that he had.

    24 And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man
    with him until the breaking of the day.

    25 And when he saw that he prevailed not against him,
    he touched the hollow of his thigh;
    and the hollow of Jacob's thigh was out of joint,
    as he wrestled with him.

    26 And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh.
    And he said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me.

    27 And he said unto him, What is thy name? And he said, Jacob.

    28 And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob,
    but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God
    and with men, and hast prevailed.

    29 And Jacob asked him, and said, Tell me, I pray thee, thy name.
    And he said, Wherefore is it that thou dost ask after my name?
    And he blessed him there.

    30 And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel:
    for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.

    31 And as he passed over Penuel the sun rose upon him,
    and he halted upon his thigh.

    32 Therefore the children of Israel eat not of the sinew which shrank,
    which is upon the hollow of the thigh, unto this day:
    because he touched the hollow of Jacob's thigh in the sinew that shrank.

    [12:27:47 AM] Emeth 141: This is just what I mean
    with the Cancer-Leo breach defined in MM Day

    [12:28:22 AM] Emeth 141: Because this Esau-Jacob twinship
    is revisited in Jesus' Judahic Linage in Pharez-Zarah as per Genesis.38

    [12:28:42 AM] Emeth 141: As you know Eliza's olympian granddaughter
    is called Zarah

    [12:29:29 AM] Emeth 141: Pharez came out first,
    but because Zarah had stuck his finger out of the womb before,
    the nurse put a ribbon on it to change the birth order

    [12:30:13 AM] Emeth 141: So this code (and it is a code not actual history)
    shows you what the Esau-Jacob
    and later the JC-CJ codes mean in greater depth

    [12:30:25 AM] Debra: Jacintha

    [12:31:17 AM] Emeth 141: You think there is a lost twin?

    [12:31:44 AM] Emeth 141: Interesting as I called this twin Mary
    as the 4th generation as a GrandSonDaughter ?Mary

    [12:32:01 AM] Debra: It seems a possibility

    [12:32:33 AM] Emeth 141: It is everyones 'lost twin' of course
    as the genetic data from the father and the mother in 4 permutations
    of the sex chromosomes

    [12:33:07 AM] Emeth 141: So you are a girl,
    because it was the X of your father hitting one of the X's of your mother

    [12:33:44 AM] Emeth 141: If your father's Y
    would have hit one of those X's
    (which are presumed the same, but are not),
    then you would have been born a boy

    [12:33:54 AM] Emeth 141: But there are 4 ways

    [12:34:44 AM] Emeth 141: So everyone is already a individuation
    cosmic in 4 parts which 1 part incarnated in a body and 3 parts,
    which are as much you as you are in waveform invisible

    [12:35:36 AM] Emeth 141: You are actually 2 male configs
    and 2 female configs but are manifesting as a female particularisation

    [12:36:25 AM] Emeth 141: The 3 part in bodyform,
    were 'chucked' away with the placenta

    [12:36:42 AM] Emeth 141: But they contain the genetic library
    of the parental history

    [12:36:59 AM] Emeth 141: This is where the totipotent stemcells etc
    derive their potency from

    [12:38:18 AM] Debra: See that! Both 31 with their first child.

    [12:38:29 AM] Emeth 141: So when I talk about cosmic cores,
    I mean that the 'missing 3 parts' of you lost at your birth
    CAN in fact be rediscovered in your core lover
    BUT only if the other 2 parts also as waveforms
    AGREE to the 'walkin into'

    [12:38:56 AM] Emeth 141: Yes they are both 31

    [12:39:19 AM] Debra: I say IVF played a part.

    [12:39:47 AM] Emeth 141: Could be yes
    and this is very likely if the earlier reports
    about her infertility have substance

    [12:40:20 AM] Emeth 141: But I see no reason to speculate;
    after all they are just one of billions of couples having a baby

    [3:27:17 PM] Emeth 141: well we see what happens

    [3:30:38 PM] Sirius 17: yes hopefully something good

    [3:30:43 PM] Sirius 17: its about time

    [3:31:33 PM] Emeth 141: Well I know something shifted
    but how this personalises is literally written in the stars of JCCJ

    [3:31:38 PM] Emeth 141: Good night sweety

    [3:31:47 PM] Sirius 17: good night hon

    [3:31:59 PM] Sirius 17: sweet dreams

    [3:32:11 PM] Sirius 17: emoticon-00152-heart. emoticon-00155-flower. emoticon-00152-heart.

    [1:26:06 PM-Thursday, July 25th, 2013 +10UCT]
    Sirius 17: i dont know what the waves are up to,
    but i am sure they are constructing things however it turns out

    [1:26:22 PM] Emeth 141: Yes and we can trust this I'd say

    [1:26:35 PM] Emeth 141: It is out of our hands now with the end of the timeline

    [1:26:42 PM] Sirius 17: well i have quit smoking
    and this to me is a big damn deal, i am having help

    [1:26:51 PM] Sirius 17: this willpower comes from my higherself

    [1:26:53 PM] Sirius 17: i know this

    [1:26:58 PM] Emeth 141: This could be a parallel

    [1:27:09 PM] Emeth 141: between the phys-phys and the ment-ment

    [1:27:24 PM] Sirius 17: my 3-d body is freaking the hell out
    but my mind is made up you know

    [1:27:47 PM] Sirius 17: and it does feel like a war of sorts

    [1:28:11 PM] Emeth 141: Yes you seem resolved
    and resolute as you should and can be

    [1:28:43 PM] Emeth 141: Your body issues would so mirror in DD's
    as well in a different form there

    [1:28:56 PM] Emeth 141: Like not wishing to be seen as a whore etc

    [1:29:09 PM] Sirius 17: the new world does not contain
    an essence of me smoking, so yes i have my mind made up

    [1:29:17 PM] Sirius 17: i no longer wish to be sick from it period

    [1:29:22 PM] Emeth 141: Good

    [1:29:23 PM] Sirius 17: no matter what happens

    [1:29:38 PM] Emeth 141: Yes we can be in those frames of mind now

    [1:30:37 PM] Sirius 17: and i really have no expectations,
    just my unwavering faith in the Logos,
    that no matter what my life has meaning
    and that i am living it through listening
    to that higher calling

    [1:31:07 PM] Emeth 141: Yes and here we share the resolve
    For my human life is practically over as well

    [1:31:16 PM] Emeth 141: Productivity etc.

    [1:31:24 PM] Emeth 141: All I carry now is wisdom

    [1:31:51 PM] Sirius 17: yes and it is a wisdom not of this world

    [1:31:57 PM] Emeth 141: Which noone except a few desire
    and even want to know about
    [1:32:02 PM] Emeth 141: Excatly
    [1:32:10 PM] Emeth 141: It belongs into a New World
    [1:32:14 PM] Emeth 141: Not here
    [1:32:37 PM] Sirius 17: so what do you think of the baby names?
    [1:32:45 PM] Emeth 141: Old hat but traditional

    [1:33:01 PM] Emeth 141: GALMary as I said

    [1:33:05 PM] Emeth 141: The codes are cool

    [1:33:12 PM] Emeth 141: GAL means female

    [1:33:14 PM] Sirius 17: yes i am surprised they stuck with the old names

    [1:33:34 PM] Sirius 17: shows just how much influence the old crone
    still has over the monarchy

    [1:34:18 PM] Sirius 17: i would of thought kate and william
    might of rebelled from this tradition a bit too
    [1:34:40 PM] Emeth 141:
    As Susan and many say, there is a sort of 'illuminati'
    going on of wishing to preserve the status quo of the 'blue blood'

    [1:34:53 PM] Sirius 17: oh i am sure

    [1:34:57 PM] Emeth 141: But they are taking the conspiracies too far too

    [1:35:13 PM] Sirius 17: well the monarchy is secure
    and has a 3 generational heir

    [1:35:25 PM] Sirius 17: in Elizabeths eyes

    [1:35:44 PM] Emeth 141: The 4 generations are the 4 sexchromosomes,
    we talked about

    [1:36:04 PM] Emeth 141: You are only a fourth of what you
    were at conception

    [1:36:11 PM] Sirius 17: right

    Shared by Susan Serafina Addendum:
    My Posts
    Posts: 6358

    A Royal Dynasty: The "Moon Baby" Born
    2013 07 23

    By Red Ice Creations


    This week the great hordes waited with anticipatory fervor as celeb-royal Kate Middleton (aka Catherine Duchess of Cambridge) gave birth to a baby boy and the future heir to the British throne, continuing Britain’s chain of royals that seem to entrance the world with their influence and celebrity.


    Crowds Flood London to Wait For Royal Baby News​

    Many have heard the story: Kate Middleton, ’a commoner’,
    was elevated to elite status during the romantic,
    fairytale narrative of being swept up to marry a Prince of the land.

    Prince William was young, fresh, and modern,
    a far cry from his father’s generation
    and the dark shadow of his mother’s death.

    This popularity came at a time when the approval of royalty
    was at a dangerous low.

    The role of an elite royalty class - symbols of inherited privilege,
    and the royals’ own personal finances
    • largely funded by taxpayers, was being closely examined
    • and questions were being raised about their usefulness
    • in a modern western democracy.

    Not unlike the drama surrounding the Royal Wedding
    in 2011 pairing Kate Middleton and Prince William,
    this newly born baby has drawn the attention of well-wishers,
    royal followers, simple gawkers, and irritated naysayers alike.

    Most importantly, however, the wedding
    and baby has manifested popularity
    for the Royals as not seen since before the death
    of Diana Spencer, Princess of Wales.

    As always, surrounding the birth of a royal, there are symbols,
    ceremonies and rituals involved.

    Son During Moon

    The baby boy child was reportedly born via natural birth 22 July 2013, the day of a supermoon.

    This month’s full moon falls one day after July’s lunar perigee,
    which is the moon’s closest point to Earth for this monthly orbit.

    Astronomers will call this full moon a perigee full moon,
    but everyone else will call it a supermoon Source

    This is an interesting concurrence as the baby’s father,
    Prince William, was born on the summer solstice (June 21st, 1982),
    and the baby’s mother, Kate, was born during a total lunar eclipse
    the same year (January 9, 1982), and are sometimes referred
    to as the ’Solstice King and his Lunar Queen’.


    For those of you wondering if the marriage of Prince William and Kate Middleton is fated, defying all odds – it’s true! The remarkable birth of Prince William on a Solar Eclipse – meeting of the Sun and the Moon – on the Summer Solstice has dazzled many astrologers for years, as this reflects the “Solstice King” of the old myths of the UK. When studying the chart of Kate, lo and behold, she was born on the Lunar Eclipse just after the Winter Solstice in the same year as Wills!

    As many of you who know the basics of astrology are aware,
    the Sun is the “King” and the Moon is his sacred feminine counterpart.
    For those of us north of the equator, the Winter Solstice is the darkest day
    of the year and feminine in nature.

    The Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year and masculine in nature.

    Eclipses are considered to be the windows or gateways through which we communicate with all that is beyond time and space.

    Astrologers have pointed out that the end of July is hosting a rare alignment:

    Monday, July 29 features an incredibly rare aspect known as a Grand Sextile.

    It’s essentially a six-pointed star, or hexagram, comprised of seven planets that form harmonious angles (trines and sextiles) to each other. This synergistic seven are all in “feminine” (earth or water) signs, emphasizing stability, gentleness, love and harmony. Many astrologers view this as the moment our culture will take a step toward embracing “feminine” principles. Source

    Feminine Grand Sextile​

    More rituals and traditions were observed, as reported by The Telegraph:

    The baby will officially be known as HRH Prince (name) of Cambridge.

    The Queen, other senior members of the Royal family and the Middleton family had already been informed when the announcement was made.

    In line with royal tradition, the Duke and Duchess have not yet revealed the baby’s name. The Duke of Cambridge was not named for a week after his birth, partly because his parents reportedly disagreed over names.

    Celebratory gun salutes will now be fired
    by the King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery in Green Park
    (41 rounds) and the Honorable Artillery Company
    at the Tower of London (62 rounds).

    Baby Cambridge will make his public debut
    when the Duchess of Cambridge leaves hospital
    and stands on the same spot where Diana, Princess of Wales
    was first photographed holding Prince William 31 years ago.

    No date has yet been set for when the baby will be christened,
    but it is likely to be some time in the autumn,
    when the Royal family return from their summer break at Balmoral.

    The Duke of Cambridge, for example,
    was christened six weeks after his birth,
    in the Music Room of Buckingham Palace,
    using water drawn from the River Jordan in the Holy Land,
    in keeping with a tradition dating back to the Crusades.

    Another royal tradition is for babies to wear a lace and satin
    christening robe made in 1841 and worn by all of Queen Victoria’s children
    and every generation of royal babies since, including Prince William.

    Diana holds Prince William, with husband Prince Charles, 1982. There have been many echoes between Kate and Diana. Presenting the baby in a polka-dot frock is yet another. Are these things arranged or happenstance?​

    Power Names

    As of writing, the baby’s name has not been released, but these symbolic and important call signs are never made without precise planning and forethought. The name of a royal child isn’t a random selection, but almost always a purposeful and deliberate repetition of ancestors, who themselves maintained positions of power and rulership. The names can invoke gods, celestial bodies, desires for certain fates, and more. Whether or not these associations are aspects of real power or not, in many cases the elite believe them to be, and it’s wise to recognize that belief, for their actions and decisions may affect the world around us.

    In the end, you can follow the Royals and all their ups and downs or turn a blind eye to any aspect of their existence, but know that a royal baby means the monarchy endures whether people like it or not.

    Red Ice Creations
    Genesis 15

    King James Version (KJV)
    1 After these things the word of the Lord came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward.
    2 And Abram said, Lord God, what wilt thou give me, seeing I go childless, and the steward of my house is this Eliezer of Damascus?
    3 And Abram said, Behold, to me thou hast given no seed: and, lo, one born in my house is mine heir.
    4 And, behold, the word of the Lord came unto him, saying, This shall not be thine heir; but he that shall come forth out of thine own bowels shall be thine heir.
    5 And he brought him forth abroad, and said, Look now toward heaven, and tell the stars, if thou be able to number them: and he said unto him, So shall thy seed be.
    6 And he believed in the Lord; and he counted it to him for righteousness.
    7 And he said unto him, I am the Lord that brought thee out of Ur of the Chaldees, to give thee this land to inherit it.
    8 And he said, Lord God, whereby shall I know that I shall inherit it?
    9 And he said unto him, Take me an heifer of three years old, and a she goat of three years old, and a ram of three years old, and a turtledove, and a young pigeon.
    10 And he took unto him all these, and divided them in the midst, and laid each piece one against another: but the birds divided he not.
    11 And when the fowls came down upon the carcases, Abram drove them away.
    12 And when the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell upon Abram; and, lo, an horror of great darkness fell upon him.
    13 And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years;
    14 And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge: and afterward shall they come out with great substance.
    15 And thou shalt go to thy fathers in peace; thou shalt be buried in a good old age.
    16 But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again: for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full.
    17 And it came to pass, that, when the sun went down, and it was dark, behold a smoking furnace, and a burning lamp that passed between those pieces.
    18 In the same day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates:
    19 The Kenites, and the Kenizzites, and the Kadmonites,
    20 And the Hittites, and the Perizzites, and the Rephaims,
    21 And the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Girgashites, and the Jebusites.

    The 7th part of Reflection of 10 Principalities of the Amorites of the 10 Horns of Babylonia and as per the mandala chart and related to the 'tithings' of the tenth as regarding Sodom and Gomorrah as per Genesis.18 with Revelation.11.13.

    when we forget the known and move into the unknown
    at the appointed time in which things are possible . . .

    When the appointed time comes, it's probably best to forget everything, Go forward; work out the details as they come. Everything else gets in the way. When we're with someone we love and respect, we do this anyway to be with that person.

    Emeth141, July 24th, 2013 with Doug Hagens' "Appointed Time"

    The Mayan Calendar calibrates to this Logos Timeline as a warping of the 'Ministry Time' of JCCJ as the Entwined Serpent of the Cosmic Twinship, symbolised in the Gemini Constellation of Castor and Pollux and related creation mythologies like Remus and Romulus in the origins of Western Civilization as an earlier 'Closing of the Circle' allegory of the Ouroboros-Milky Way as Galaxy-Zodiac-Egyptian Nile etc.
    The Baptism of Jesus decoded as August 4th, 28AD, then began a 970 day period of interaction with the environment, which ended in a 'passover week' from Palm Sunday March 25th 31AD to the original Easter Sunday seven days later on April 1st, 31AD and interspersed in 2 halfweeks of 3½ days each as the 'Week of Redemptive Passion'. It was those seven days later then, that the JC cosmic twinship also became baptised in the form of the CJ code of Mary Magdalene as the Original Eve aka Lilith and as found in the Genesis Codes.
    Those 970 days are then warped in a 1980 year cyclicity onto Easter Sunday 2011 as the mirror image of the Baptism of Mary Magdalene or MM or CJ and so stipulate a 2 year and 8 month period for the cosmic twinship in a superposition and inversion of the appropriate archetypes and symbols defining the original.
    The 'baptism' of Mary Magdalene so as the July 22nd, 2013 nexus day so can be considered the 'Day of the Cosmic Alchemy' or 'Heavenly Wedding of the Androgyne' {Hermaphroditus=Hermes+Aphrodite} and mirrored in the two 'baptisms' of Mary Magdalene not touching JC on Easter Sunday as a separated CJ, but being required to wait for 3½ days as per the general encodements to manifest and template the cosmic and universal JCCJ=CJJC as the Lake of Fire (CJ) and Brimstone (JC). The 'seven devils' are the 7+1+7=15 days of the overall decoded scriptural dispensations.
    As there are exactly 153 days as consecutive five months between July 22nd, 2013 and December 22nd, 2013; the 'prophecy' of the 'unbroken net' of John.21.11 is fulfilled in this timeperiod and relates to the 40+110=150 days as 5 30-Day months as encoded in Genesis.7 with Revelation.9.
    John 20

    King James Version (KJV)
    1 The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark, unto the sepulchre, and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulchre.
    2 Then she runneth, and cometh to Simon Peter, and to the other disciple, whom Jesus loved, and saith unto them, They have taken away the Lord out of the sepulchre, and we know not where they have laid him.
    3 Peter therefore went forth, and that other disciple, and came to the sepulchre.
    4 So they ran both together: and the other disciple did outrun Peter, and came first to the sepulchre.
    5 And he stooping down, and looking in, saw the linen clothes lying; yet went he not in.
    6 Then cometh Simon Peter following him, and went into the sepulchre, and seeth the linen clothes lie,
    7 And the napkin, that was about his head, not lying with the linen clothes, but wrapped together in a place by itself.
    8 Then went in also that other disciple, which came first to the sepulchre, and he saw, and believed.
    9 For as yet they knew not the scripture, that he must rise again from the dead.
    10 Then the disciples went away again unto their own home.
    11 But Mary stood without at the sepulchre weeping: and as she wept, she stooped down, and looked into the sepulchre,
    12 And seeth two angels in white sitting, the one at the head, and the other at the feet, where the body of Jesus had lain.
    13 And they say unto her, Woman, why weepest thou? She saith unto them, Because they have taken away my Lord, and I know not where they have laid him.
    14 And when she had thus said, she turned herself back, and saw Jesus standing, and knew not that it was Jesus.
    15 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, why weepest thou? whom seekest thou? She, supposing him to be the gardener, saith unto him, Sir, if thou have borne him hence, tell me where thou hast laid him, and I will take him away.
    16 Jesus saith unto her, Mary. She turned herself, and saith unto him, Rabboni; which is to say, Master.
    17 Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God.
    18 Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord, and that he had spoken these things unto her.
    19 Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you.
    20 And when he had so said, he shewed unto them his hands and his side. Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the Lord.
    21 Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.
    22 And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost:
    23 Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained.
    24 But Thomas, one of the twelve, called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came.
    25 The other disciples therefore said unto him, We have seen the Lord. But he said unto them, Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe.
    26 And after eight days again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them: then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you.
    27 Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing.
    28 And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God.
    29 Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.
    30 And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book:
    31 But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.

    John 21

    King James Version (KJV)
    1 After these things Jesus shewed himself again to the disciples at the sea of Tiberias; and on this wise shewed he himself.
    2 There were together Simon Peter, and Thomas called Didymus, and Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, and the sons of Zebedee, and two other of his disciples.
    3 Simon Peter saith unto them, I go a fishing. They say unto him, We also go with thee. They went forth, and entered into a ship immediately; and that night they caught nothing.
    4 But when the morning was now come, Jesus stood on the shore: but the disciples knew not that it was Jesus.
    5 Then Jesus saith unto them, Children, have ye any meat? They answered him, No.
    6 And he said unto them, Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find. They cast therefore, and now they were not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes.
    7 Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved saith unto Peter, It is the Lord. Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he girt his fisher's coat unto him, (for he was naked,) and did cast himself into the sea.
    8 And the other disciples came in a little ship; (for they were not far from land, but as it were two hundred cubits,) dragging the net with fishes.
    9 As soon then as they were come to land, they saw a fire of coals there, and fish laid thereon, and bread.
    10 Jesus saith unto them, Bring of the fish which ye have now caught.
    11 Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land full of great fishes, an hundred and fifty and three: and for all there were so many, yet was not the net broken.
    12 Jesus saith unto them, Come and dine. And none of the disciples durst ask him, Who art thou? knowing that it was the Lord.
    13 Jesus then cometh, and taketh bread, and giveth them, and fish likewise.
    14 This is now the third time that Jesus shewed himself to his disciples, after that he was risen from the dead.
    15 So when they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me more than these? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my lambs.
    16 He saith to him again the second time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my sheep.
    17 He saith unto him the third time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time, Lovest thou me? And he said unto him, Lord, thou knowest all things; thou knowest that I love thee. Jesus saith unto him, Feed my sheep.
    18 Verily, verily, I say unto thee, When thou wast young, thou girdest thyself, and walkedst whither thou wouldest: but when thou shalt be old, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, and another shall gird thee, and carry thee whither thou wouldest not.
    19 This spake he, signifying by what death he should glorify God. And when he had spoken this, he saith unto him, Follow me.
    20 Then Peter, turning about, seeth the disciple whom Jesus loved following; which also leaned on his breast at supper, and said, Lord, which is he that betrayeth thee?
    21 Peter seeing him saith to Jesus, Lord, and what shall this man do?
    22 Jesus saith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? follow thou me.
    23 Then went this saying abroad among the brethren, that that disciple should not die: yet Jesus said not unto him, He shall not die; but, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee?
    24 This is the disciple which testifieth of these things, and wrote these things: and we know that his testimony is true.
    25 And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.

    Mark 16:8-10

    King James Version (KJV)
    8 And they went out quickly, and fled from the sepulchre; for they trembled and were amazed: neither said they any thing to any man; for they were afraid.
    9 Now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast seven devils.
    10 And she went and told them that had been with him, as they mourned and wept.

    GOT #22 (Lambdin)
    (22) Jesus saw infants being suckled. He said to his disciples, "These infants being suckled are like those who enter the kingdom."
    They said to him, "Shall we then, as children, enter the kingdom?"
    Jesus said to them, "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; and when you fashion eyes in the place of an eye, and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, and a likeness in place of a likeness; then will you enter the kingdom."
    GOT #114 (Lambdin)
    (114) Simon Peter said to him, "Let Mary leave us, for women are not worthy of life."
    Jesus said, "I myself shall lead her in order to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every woman who will make herself male will enter the kingdom of heaven."

    The final week of the 970 days so indicates the 9,360,360 day-kin timeline of the historical Mayan calendar and includes a 'Cycle year' of 360 days as 12 30-day months centred on December 19th, 2013 as the midweek Sunday, common to both the Julian and the Gregorian timecounts separating the 1980 warp years.
    Sunday, December 15th, 2013 as = 17 Mac 12 Cauac = March 28th, 31 = Crucifixion Wednesday
    Monday, December 16th, 2013 as = 18 Mac 13 Ahau = March 29th, 31 = Sabbath Thursday
    Tuesday, December 17th, 2013 as = 19 Mac 1 Imix = March 30th, 31 = Good Friday
    Wednesday, December 18th, 2013 as = 0 Kankin 2 Ik = March 31st, 31 = Sabbath Saturday
    Thursday, December 19th, 2013 as = 1 Kankin 3 Akbal = April 1st, 31 = Resurrection Sunday
    Friday, December 20th, 2013 as 2 Kankin 4 Kan = April 2nd, 31 = Easter Monday
    Saturday, December 21st, 2013 as = 3 Kankin 5 Chiccan = April 3rd, 31 = Easter Tuesday
    Sunday, December 22nd, 2013 as = 4 Kankin 6 Cimi = April 4th, 31 = Easter Wednesday

    Emeth141, Friday, July 26th, 2013

    George Alexander Louis Windsor = GALW = GALM = GALWM = GALMM =GALMary
    Post last edited Jul 26th 2013
    shiloh hidden-09. Ra Akbar de Queen Bayan 43 Magdalene One 34

    I Am the Darkness of the Purple Dawn and the Light of the Moon Turquoise!


    Bluey Dracs
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Decoder Michael = 54+51=105=15=6=123=ABC=ABBA=BAAB=33=E3=8=3E=ME=WE

    [7/22/2013 11:26:16 AM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : full moon
    - feast of mary M - day for the birth of the royal :D baby - 22 JULY 2013
    [7/22/2013 10:02:28 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : baby born
    [7/22/2013 10:02:35 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : 6;24
    [7/22/2013 10:02:47 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : so; 18 hrs. 24 minutes
    [7/22/2013 10:03:15 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : 8 lbs 6 oz
    [7/22/2013 10:03:22 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : i wonder what that is in kilos
    [7/22/2013 10:03:38 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : 8.6 x 2.05 lbs/kilo =
    [7/22/2013 10:07:54 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : 22 / 7 / 2013 = 35/8
    [7/22/2013 10:08:03 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : same energy as me (i think)
    [7/22/2013 10:08:25 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : 27 / 12/ 1958 = 53/8
    [7/22/2013 10:08:58 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : opps; 27/12/1958 = 35/8
    [7/22/2013 10:15:41 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge :
    Catherine was admitted to hospital at 5.30am yesterday (UK time)
    and believed to have endured an 11-hour labour.
    Just like one in 20 first-time mums,
    she was at least a week overdue.
    He was born at 4.24pm local time (1.24am AEST).
    [7/22/2013 10:15:55 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : 5.30 am on 21 jul 2013
    [7/22/2013 10:16:42 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : born 4;24PM GMT = 16;24 (1+6+2+4=13)
    [7/22/2013 10:20:21 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : He weighs 8lbs 6oz or 3800 grams (3.74kg),
    [7/22/2013 10:20:55 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : HMMM
    [7/22/2013 10:21:09 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : 3 - 74=11 = 33
    [7/24/2013 4:27:40 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : George Alexander Louis Windsor
    "G 7 Neutral, good or bad, indifferent. Real meaning of masonic G
    E 5 Unbalanced, bad, war, stress, work, confusion, deceit, chaos or lies.
    Represents the masonic Compass and Square
    O 6 An illuminated secret society member who has contributed
    to the Great work (which is keeping the masses at sleep!)
    R 9 The End or to end, apathetic, cruel, cold, evil, calculating, ruthless.
    G 7 Neutral, good or bad, indifferent. Real meaning of masonic G
    E 5 Unbalanced, bad, war, stress, work, confusion, deceit, chaos or lies.
    Represents the masonic Compass and Square
    A 1 The top, the best, the key
    L 3 The bottom, low quality
    E 5 Unbalanced, bad, war, stress, work, confusion, deceit, chaos or lies.
    Represents the masonic Compass and Square
    X 6 An illuminated secret society member who has contributed
    to the Great work (which is keeping the masses at sleep!)
    A 1 The top, the best, the key
    N 5 Unbalanced, bad, war, stress, work, confusion, deceit, chaos or lies.
    Represents the masonic Compass and Square
    D 4 Secret Society related or a member of a secret society
    E 5 Unbalanced, bad, war, stress, work, confusion, deceit, chaos or lies.
    Represents the masonic Compass and Square
    R 9 The End or to end, apathetic, cruel, cold, evil, calculating, ruthless.
    L 3 The bottom, low quality
    O 6 An illuminated secret society member who has contributed to the Great work
    (which is keeping the masses at sleep!)
    U 3 The bottom, low quality
    I 9 The End or to end, apathetic, cruel, cold, evil, calculating, ruthless.
    S 1 The top, the best, the key
    W 5 Unbalanced, bad, war, stress, work, confusion, deceit, chaos or lies.
    Represents the masonic Compass and Square
    I 9 The End or to end, apathetic, cruel, cold, evil, calculating, ruthless.
    N 5 Unbalanced, bad, war, stress, work, confusion, deceit, chaos or lies.
    Represents the masonic Compass and Square
    D 4 Secret Society related or a member of a secret society
    S 1 The top, the best, the key
    O 6 An illuminated secret society member who has contributed
    to the Great work (which is keeping the masses at sleep!)
    R 9 The End or to end, apathetic, cruel, cold, evil, calculating, ruthless.
    7 + 5 + 6 + 9 + 7 + 5 + 1 + 3 + 5 + 6 + 1 + 5 + 4 + 5 + 9 + 3
    + 6 + 3 + 9 + 1 + 5 + 9 + 5 + 4 + 1 + 6 + 9 = 139 1 + 3 + 9 = 13 1 + 3 = 4
    4 Secret Society related or a member of a secret society"
    Corey otf Lake
    [7/24/2013 4:28:26 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : .
    Royal newborn named named George Alexander Louis
    [7/24/2013 10:21:00 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : Tony -
    [7/24/2013 10:21:08 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : from the 22nd july 2013
    [7/24/2013 10:21:13 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : until 16 dec 2013
    [7/24/2013 10:21:22 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : is there 144 days of sign.
    [7/24/2013 10:21:57 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : 10+31+30+31+30 + 16
    [7/24/2013 10:22:42 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : 148
    [7/24/2013 10:26:47 PM] Emeth 141: I have to check Susy
    [7/24/2013 10:26:50 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : between
    [7/24/2013 10:26:56 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : 1990 and 2013 - there are 13 of them
    [7/24/2013 10:27:22 PM] Emeth 141:
    George Alexander Louis Windsor = GALW = GALM = GALWM = GALMM =GALMary
    [7/24/2013 10:27:28 PM] Emeth 141: I added this to the posts
    [7/24/2013 10:27:30 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : yes
    [7/24/2013 10:27:46 PM] Emeth 141: Very old fashioned names eh?
    [7/24/2013 10:27:54 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : yes, i knew there would be an
    [7/24/2013 10:28:10 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : a form of alexandria
    [7/24/2013 10:28:16 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : somewhere in the name
    [7/24/2013 10:28:24 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : i am surprised they didn't call him
    [7/24/2013 10:28:28 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : david
    [7/24/2013 10:28:31 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : or solomon
    [7/24/2013 10:28:41 PM] Emeth 141: 9+31+30+31+30+16=70+77=147 days
    [7/24/2013 10:28:56 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : these alignments
    often have brought about great wars
    [7/24/2013 10:29:30 PM] Emeth 141: The baby was said to be due July 19th
    and those would be 144 days
    [7/24/2013 10:29:48 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : yes
    [7/24/2013 10:29:59 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : maybe; she did have it early
    [7/24/2013 10:30:06 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : they are NOT exactly truthful people
    [7/24/2013 10:30:12 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : and; funny thing;
    [7/24/2013 10:30:16 PM] Emeth 141: Lol no
    [7/24/2013 10:30:23 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : diana her father wasn't spenser
    [7/24/2013 10:30:32 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : her mother messed around with a rothschild
    [7/24/2013 10:30:33 PM | Edited 10:31:10 PM] Emeth 141:
    But I dont buy into all this conspiracy nabs either dear
    [7/24/2013 10:30:52 PM] Emeth 141: They feel privileged as direct descendents from David though
    [7/24/2013 10:30:59 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge :


    Prophecy Alert for July 22, 2013: The Star of David Planetary Alignment
    [7/24/2013 10:31:08 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : i am a direct descendant
    - he was my great grandfather SOLOMON & DAVID (see curated lineages)

    [7/24/2013 10:31:32 PM]
    Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge :
    Below from Kimberlyanne Montgomery...
    "From a silversmith's site of all things, very Grail, so is the story.
    "The great mythical Turul Falcon is one of the most important symbols of the Magyar.
    It represents the power and will of god. Turul is the bird of the origin myth of the Magyars
    who sits on top of the Tree of Life along with
    the other spirits of unborn children in the form birds.
    Torgul or turgul means peregrine falcon.
    In Asian legend the Turul brings the priesthood first
    to the woman Emesh and her son by causing her to be fertile.
    They and their descendants are the first priests (KHAM),
    who can read the will of god from the heavens and stars.
    The Turul is also the symbol of the house of Atilla
    as well as the Árpád dynasty kings of Hungary."

    [7/24/2013 10:31:47 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge :

    [7/24/2013 10:31:57 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : funny thing - the first feather i was given was that, of a falcon
    Story above was shared by Kimberlyanne Montgomery

    [7/24/2013 10:31:59 PM] Emeth 141:
    July 29th +144 days = Summer Solstice 2014

    [7/24/2013 10:32:13 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : when i got one
    - from a bird dropping it to me ; in eluthera bahamas
    [7/24/2013 10:32:51 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge :
    i also have an arpad great grandmother - and, great grandparents
    [7/24/2013 10:34:36 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge :
    which would make the baby a cancer, not a leo
    [7/24/2013 10:35:02 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge :
    they wanted that 0 - 22 degrees of the full moon
    [7/24/2013 10:35:04 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge :
    in the chart
    [7/24/2013 10:35:15 PM]
    Emeth 141: It is on the cusp as is, so 30 minutes before Leo
    [7/24/2013 10:35:26 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge :
    interesting that the full moon was on 22
    [7/24/2013 10:35:40 PM] Emeth 141: Yes and they missed this by 3 hours
    [7/24/2013 10:35:46 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : 0 degrees - 22 minutes
    [7/24/2013 10:36:02 PM] Emeth 141: Full Moon was IN Leo Sun
    [7/24/2013 10:36:16 PM] Emeth 141: Close enough for them I guess
    [7/24/2013 10:37:15 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : however 60 sec x 22 = 132
    [7/24/2013 10:49:05 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : ours seems right - in all ways
    [7/24/2013 10:49:17 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : it would be interesting to create
    [7/24/2013 10:49:27 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : a chart - that puts them all in

    [7/24/2013 10:49:29 PM] Emeth 141: Yes as it fits the data stream
    of the old prophets going back 3000 years
    [7/24/2013 10:49:54 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : it is also interesting; that moses
    - prophet muh. etc., are all great grandfathers
    [7/24/2013 10:50:03 PM] Emeth 141: This is the key dear,
    not the new age guides or ascended master crap
    [7/24/2013 10:50:38 PM] Emeth 141: WHOEVER wrote the Book of Isaiah
    and Genesis 3000-4000 years ago THERE IS the historical lineage power
    [7/24/2013 10:51:17 PM] Emeth 141: 2000 years later Jesus came
    and could read those 2000 year old words correctly
    [7/24/2013 10:51:34 PM] Emeth 141: 4000 years later Jesus family
    and friends follow him period

    [7/24/2013 10:51:36 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : and, was told of a lifetime
    [7/24/2013 10:51:47 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : that myself and DQ (an old friend)
    [7/24/2013 10:52:08 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : that one of us; rode a chariot to the stars
    - and, the other stayed on earth and a staff turned into a snake
    [7/24/2013 10:52:18 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : and, it was related to sandalphon ?
    [7/24/2013 10:52:25 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : maybe it was elijah ?
    [7/24/2013 10:52:32 PM] Emeth 141:
    Those are symbols from the codes as the Serpent Rod of Moses
    [7/24/2013 10:52:45 PM] Emeth 141:
    Again you are tuning into cosmic archetypes and symbols
    [7/24/2013 10:52:59 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge :
    that goes back to approx 1984
    [7/24/2013 10:53:10 PM] Emeth 141:
    There is no need to bring 'past lives' into it
    as you are embodying all past lives by nature
    [7/24/2013 10:53:41 PM] Emeth 141:
    The Serpent Rod is also the Caduceus
    [7/24/2013 10:53:44 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge :
    elanor and longshanks (also great-great grandparents)
    [7/24/2013 10:53:48 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : he laid 12 crosses

    [7/24/2013 10:53:58 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge :
    you know i went the same route as that in 2005
    [7/24/2013 10:54:22 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge :
    and; the sea eagle came in; with a court of 4 birds;
    that followed me; everywhere we went ; til the storm in devon
    from glastonbury-w.cathedral-cadbury hill, tintagel, right to devon
    [7/24/2013 10:54:31 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge :
    it was a wicked storm
    [7/24/2013 11:01:09 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge :
    However, in 2005, there was a prolonged thunderstorm
    that affected Glastonbury.
    Several of the stages were struck by lightning.
    Here in Devon, I witnessed vivid lightning and strong thunder
    for nearly 12 hours from 01:30LT until 13:00LT.
    This is till my most pyrotechnical storm to date whilst living in Devon.
    Formed on a slow moving trough.
    Cell after cell passed overhead,
    bringing pulses of torrential rain,
    and occasionally gusty winds.
    Lightning was mainly cloud-cloud.
    This storm ushered in a particularly thundery period
    that lasted until December 2006,
    where parts of mid Devon had over 40 days with 'thunder heard'.

    [7/24/2013 11:02:06 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : 24th June 2005
    [7/24/2013 11:02:11 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : was the date of that storm
    [7/24/2013 11:02:17 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : it hit the hotel i was staying in
    [7/24/2013 11:09:09 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : there are 13 angels in rosslyn chapel
    [7/24/2013 11:14:46 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : The Flower of Life can be found
    in all major religions of the world,
    it contains the patterns of creation as they emerged from the great void.
    The flower of life holds a secret symbol created
    by drawing 13 circles out of the Flower of Life.
    By doing this,one can discover the most important
    & sacred pattern in the universe.T
    his is the source of all that exists,it's called the Fruit of Life
    .It contains 13 informational systems.
    Leonardo da Vinci has studied the Flower of Life's form
    & its mathematical p
    roperties.He has drawn the Flower of Life itself,
    as well as components therein,
    such as the Seed of Life.
    He has drawn geometric figures representing shapes
    such as the platonic solids,a sphere,a torus,etc,
    & has also used the golden ratio of phi in his artwork,
    all of which may be derived from the Flower of Life design
    [7/24/2013 11:16:23 PM] Emeth 141: No issues with this Susan
    [7/24/2013 11:16:44 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : the colors
    [7/24/2013 11:16:55 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge :
    they likely can be placed into the flower of life
    [7/24/2013 11:17:37 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge :
    the locations of the 12 sun disks -

    [7/24/2013 11:17:38 PM] Emeth 141:
    The 13 colours as chroma emanations, yes
    [7/24/2013 11:17:54 PM] Emeth 141:
    You already did this in the ROY.. series
    [7/24/2013 11:18:17 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge :
    although; there are 144 in 10d earth, 288 in 11d earth; and; 432 in 12d earth
    [7/24/2013 11:18:21 PM] Emeth 141:
    Just adhere to this and call the 13th colour invisible purplered or something like that
    [7/24/2013 11:19:18 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : yes
    [7/24/2013 11:19:45 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge :
    and, a left spin black; a right spin white
    - and; spin in all directions - is opal (white purple)
    [7/25/2013 10:50:42 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge :
    there is a crocodile on the wall of a cathedral of pyrenees - imix is croc
    [7/25/2013 10:52:29 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : “Cathedral of the Pyrenees”

    [7/25/2013 10:52:58 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge :
    [7/25/2013 10:53:17 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge :
    [7/25/2013 10:54:55 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : 66 stalls, on two levels (38 on top, 28 on bottom),
    [7/25/2013 10:55:01 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : 38 = 11 28 = 10
    [7/25/2013 11:08:54 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : 13 angels
    [7/25/2013 11:08:57 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : the fallen angel
    [7/25/2013 11:08:58 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge :
    [7/26/2013 12:05:07 AM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge :
    [7/26/2013 12:05:25 AM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge :
    each of which is studded with 17 or 18 small stone cubes.
    The 213 cubes bear 12 distinct patterns (below) that repeat in irregular sequences.
    Each color in the interactive diagram of the arches (bottom)
    represents one of the 12 patterns.
    Click and hold the mouse over a square to see a photo of the cube in question.
    [7/26/2013 12:05:39 AM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : now to try to figure out the formula for this
    [7/26/2013 12:06:01 AM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : i see the angels - etc.,
    [7/26/2013 12:06:07 AM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : are likely pointing at angels
    [7/26/2013 12:06:11 AM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : in the double start of david
    [7/26/2013 12:06:19 AM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : one on the horz; and; one on the vertical
    [7/26/2013 12:06:36 AM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : gathering pics; etc.,
    [7/26/2013 12:06:41 AM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : and, putting them here; on this link
    [7/26/2013 12:06:42 AM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge :
    [7/26/2013 1:30:22 AM] Emeth 141: The Mayan Calendar calibrates
    to this Logos Timeline as a warping of the 'Ministry Time' of JCCJ
    as the Entwined Serpent of the Cosmic Twinship,
    symbolised in the Gemini Constellation of Castor and Pollux
    and related creation mythologies like Remus and Romulus
    in the origins of Western Civilization as an earlier 'Closing of the Circle' allegory
    of the Ouroboros-Milky Way as Galaxy-Zodiac-Egyptian Nile etc.
    The Baptism of Jesus decoded as August 4th, 28AD,
    then began a 970 day period of interaction with the environment,
    which ended in a 'passover week' from Palm Sunday March 25th 31AD
    to the original Easter Sunday seven days later on April 1st, 31AD
    and interspersed in 2 halfweeks of 3½ days each as the 'Week of Redemptive Passion'.

    It was those seven days later then, that the JC cosmic twinship
    also became baptised in the form of the CJ code of Mary Magdalene
    as the Original Eve aka Lilith and as found in the Genesis Codes.
    Those 970 days are then warped in a 1980 year cyclicity
    onto Easter Sunday 2011 as the mirror image of the Baptism of Mary Magdalene
    or MM or CJ and so stipulate a 2 year and 8 month period for the cosmic twinship
    in a superposition and inversion of the appropriate archetypes
    and symbols defining the original.
    The final week of the 970 days so indicates the 9,360,360 day-kin timeline
    of the historical Mayan calendar and includes a 'Cycle year' of 360 days
    as 12 30-day months centred on December 19th, 2013 as the midweek Sunday,
    common to both the Julian and the Gregorian timecounts
    separating the 1980 warp years.
    Sunday, December 15th, 2013 as = 17 Mac 12 Cauac = March 28th, 31 = Crucifixion Wednesday
    Monday, December 16th, 2013 as = 18 Mac 13 Ahau = March 29th, 31 = Sabbath Thursday
    Tuesday, December 17th, 2013 as = 19 Mac 1 Imix = March 30th, 31 = Good Friday
    Wednesday, December 18th, 2013 as = 0 Kankin 2 Ik = March 31st, 31 = Sabbath Saturday
    Thursday, December 19th, 2013 as = 1 Kankin 3 Akbal = April 1st, 31 = Resurrection Sunday
    Friday, December 20th, 2013 as 2 Kankin 4 Kan = April 2nd, 31 = Easter Monday
    Saturday, December 21st, 2013 as = 3 Kankin 5 Chiccan = April 3rd, 31 = Easter Tuesday
    Sunday, December 22nd, 2013 as = 4 Kankin 6 Cimi = April 4th, 31 = Easter Wednesday
    Emeth141, Friday, July 26th, 2013
    [7/26/2013 1:32:59 AM] The
    13th Bridge: :)
    [7/26/2013 1:35:36 AM] Emeth 141:
    [7/26/2013 3:09:20 AM] *** Emeth 141 sent 16Dec2013.jpg ***
    [7/26/2013 3:09:46 AM] Emeth 141:

    [7/26/2013 3:10:08 AM] Emeth 141: They reckon now ISON is defining the Maya date 16Dec2013
[7/26/2013 3:14:46 AM] Emeth 141:
    [7/26/2013 3:47:06 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : my computer is busted :(
[7/26/2013 3:47:12 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : i can't get anywhere but skype
[7/26/2013 3:47:21 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : i seem to have lost my 'windows vista 7' programs
[7/26/2013 3:47:35 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : not sure; if someone could get me a link
    - that maybe, i could get to; from skype
[7/26/2013 3:48:15 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge : however, i can't get to the link posted above
    - and, can't scroll back and forth thru posts
[7/26/2013 4:02:13 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge :
    yes, predicted that comet would be at its zenith on 16dec2013
[7/26/2013 4:02:24 PM] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13th Bridge :
    it won't come as close to the earth, as, the last big one



    Saturn square Sun / Pluto opposes Mars
    July 26, 2013 at 2:05am

    Saturn is in Scorpio and the Sun is in Leo soon to be in square aspect to each other this coming saturday.

    This is an indication that speaks of one's creative purpose as represented by the Sun meeting and hopefully mastering the challenges of one's circumstances as represented by Saturn.

    This combination can express in different ways as the positive energies of the Sun can be motivational and steadfast to hold to one's purpose, or Saturn's energy may bring blocks and frustrations that can leave a person feeling less than satisfied with the outcome....

    It all depends on how well you have been meeting your responsibilities and therefore creating the freedom to enjoy what you are creating.

    If you feel depressed because life is less than satisfying, then take some time to look at ways to find more fulfillment in your creative expression....

    Also happening the same day and strongly connected to this Saturn square July 27 is the Mars in Cancer

    - Pluto in Capricorn opposition.

    These two rule Scorpio, the sign that Saturn is occupying, so they speak of the intensity and anger that is stirring things up in the hot spots of the world, or in your personal life. And the need to find balance between issues related to your home reality (Cancer) and with your work (Capricorn).

    This fire and passionate drive of Mars energy can set the wheels in motion for doing what is necessary to transform your reality more to your liking. Independence and pioneering spirit are being compromised by the opposition with Pluto.

    This opposition can bring into play conflicts of desire which could create a stressful atmosphere
    if one ignores the complications of others in the environment.

    Ultimately, its about being clear with what you need to do to create the freedom and security that you need on your own terms. Meeting the requirements of your karma as represented by Saturn will help lay the foundation for potential breakthroughs and new possibilities if the Mars - Pluto energy hasn't disrupted your plans as signified by the Sun - Saturn square.

    This leads to the Grand Sextile soon to form with the Moon's transit into Taurus on July 29th...

    and this pattern is one of harmony and opportunity driven by the power of the before mention hard aspects of Saturn square Sun and Mars opposition Pluto.

    So this can be like heaven for some and hell for others. You do the choosing of how you want it in your life by how you react to any potential dramas in your life. It can be a time a great insight for many and open doors of spiritual blessings for those working in the light.

    So hold strong to your spirit and have faith in the process. One day at a time, shift is happening both within us and in the world around us...


    Rahelio Rodriguez

    Toltec Wisdom Teacher


    Venus opposing Neptune
    July 27, 2013 at 7:07pm
    Venus is in opposition to Neptune already coming into exact aspect this past Friday morning,
    but still an important part of the Grand Sextile that completes
    on Monday the 29th with the transit of the Moon into Taurus.

    Venus, goddess of love, is all about what makes us happy.

    Love, material pleasure and expressions of beauty including music, art and dance, etc…
    Neptune, god of the Ocean, is about our being One in the ocean of life
    like the individual waves in the sea are all part of the greater whole that is the ocean.
    So Neptune’s energy opens us to greater possibilities,
    to transcending our boundaries and merging with the greater, the collective and with Great Spirit…

    Venus with Neptune speaks of the ideal love, of a higher truth and a sacred beauty.
    It’s about unconditional love and the surrender of lower ego attachments
    to that which inspires our soul yearning.
    Yet while living in the 3rd dimension and defined by the boundaries set for us by Saturn,
    the lord of karma, it may be difficult to connect
    or maintain the high frequency that Venus and Neptune opens us to.

    It can be an elusive thing the bliss of the transcendental,
    and difficult to maintain such inspiration in a world full of duality and suffering.
    Like the beauty of a magnificent sunset,
    it will soon pass into the darkness of night and journey into the underworld,
    hopefully to be reborn with the rising sun.

    The key word is surrender…
    Surrender of our attachments to an ideal which can only let us down
    unless we become grounded in the practicality of our day to day living while still maintaining our inspiration.
    Many are the people who will find themselves disillusioned with that which is intangible but always present.
    Like a divine love that is out of reach or the elusive pot of gold at the end of the rainbow,
    we have to center in our inner being to not lose our balance.
    Neptune can make us face our illusions which can be totally disheartening…

    With Venus in Virgo we have the influence of self-refinement and putting our affairs in order.
    Virgo is an influence linked to work and service, and themes of self-improvement including health and diet.
    Linked to Neptune in Pisces, is a call for spiritual attunement
    and for reaching to the Higher Power in prayer and devotional activity.

    It may be that many people cannot connect with the high frequency
    of what this planetary combination represents,
    but for those who are striving in the Light and are here to do the work of the Spirit,
    it’s a call to raise up ones frequency to bring this blessing energy into the everyday world
    through compassionate acts and selfless works of healing and/
    or creativity expressed through music, dance and the healing arts, etc.

    It is the embodiment of a higher love that transcends the yearning for the elusive soul mate
    and union with the intangible spirit.
    It is a calling to raise our hearts to a higher beauty within us.
    And requires that we be able to forgive and accept ourselves
    and others when and if we are unable to live up to this truth.
    To heal and find blessing in the shadow of our limitations, frustrations and human conditioning
    is an important step on the path of walking our truth into being.
    Rahelio Rodriguez
    Toltec Wisdom Teacher


    this photo is of the hexagon at Saturn's pole and as the forming of the grand sextile is now coming into formation. i thought it a good reminder that it all goes through Saturn if we are to master our time and space here and now...





    They reckon here, that the ISON comet has something to do with the Mayan calendar enddate of December 16th, 2013.
    FYI only, I have not analysed this.


    Grand Sextile July 27th 2013
    July 29, 2013 at 7:52pm

    Today is the day of the 6th pointed star that has formed between the planets of our solar system
    and culminated with the Moon moving into place in the sign of Taurus.
    It is interesting that in 1969 the song Aquarius sung by the 5th Dimension
    was sharing a message of a time (‘when the Moon is in the 7th house and Jupiter aligns with Mars’)
    when the dawning of the Age of Aquarius would begin.
    This planetary signature is happening as I write this.

    Of course, Jupiter and Mars align approximately every 26 months
    so this happens quite frequently, but being a part of a 6 pointed star pattern is quite unique.
    We know that the Mayan calendar has come to its shift date of December 21, 2012
    and that many people believed the great shift of dimensions could happen then.
    Now that it has come and gone and the shift hasn’t happened yet,
    we face a world of change and unrest that seems to be intensifying every day.

    We live in a reality based in duality on this 3rd dimension of earth.
    And this duality is the school ground for souls to learn the meaning of life
    and awaken to their true identity as spiritual beings.
    There is an age old battle of light and dark that is being played out for the souls of humanity.
    As a cycle comes to a close those souls who awaken to recognize that they are one with the Creator
    and one with all of our relations in the circle of life, will begin to graduate to the next level up.
    And those who stay in their lower mind of separation and selfishness
    will have to go back around in another cycle of 3rd dimensional duality
    until they wake up from their ignorance.

    We as the people of this planet must make a choice as to the future we will invite in.
    We can choose consciously or unconsciously but we will decide our fate one way or the other.
    In the face of difficult times we must shine our light and awaken from the veil of forgetfulness.
    And as we remember who we are as souls,
    we can continue to shine our light even if we stumble and fall along our way.
    It is believed that if we are at least 51% in the positive than we will graduate and move on up.
    It is the vibration of our thoughts and feelings that will determine
    where we are on the balancing scales of our energetic reality.

    So it is my hope and prayer that this Grand Sextile planetary formation is bringing an opportunity
    for a shift within humanity that may help many people to connect with the truth of their authentic selves.
    And as this inner shift is happening, it can help us face the challenges of this time we are stepping into.
    Because we are being faced by the shadow of this duality that is raping and polluting the Earth Mother for oil and coal,
    genetically modifying our food crops, corruption in the financial institutions, governments,
    big pharma and other such powers that be…

    So this Grand Sextile is a pattern that presents an opportunity…
    like a snow flake or honeycomb pattern, it is a shape that gives positive energy and healing potential.
    The six points are connected internally by three axis of opposition.
    Oppositions require us to become aware and object of the big picture
    and seek to find resolution to the conflicting energies opposing each other.

    We have the before mentioned Mars – Jupiter conjunction opposition Pluto aspect.
    As with all aspects there are both positive and negative sides to this equation.
    The shadow side speaks of the issues and conflicts of war and rumors of war.
    This includes the military industrial complex and vested interests that prosper through war, foreign policy, etc.

    and the conflicting values that are creating struggle in many areas of our society and in our personal lives.
    This also includes themes of violence and sexuality, or on the positive side,
    the need to claim ones personal power to create what one needs to be empowered in their life.
    This is a wake up call for the spiritual warrior to come into the light and be a conduit for love.
    Being in the signs of Cancer and Capricorn, we can see conflicting energies
    linked to security for home and country, and power struggles regarding the ruling parties and the will of the people.

    Then we have the Venus opposition Neptune aspect which speaks of a higher love and truth
    that is not based on false glamour and materialistic desire.
    This aspects test us to not lose faith and become disillusioned with the world.
    It is our quest for meaning and yet there may be many who feel life has no meaning,
    and that it’s a dog eat dog world so I will chase that illusion because it’s all I know.
    On a positive level, relationships can touch on soul mate and twin flame themes that vibrate
    with a pure love and soulful passion, or they may be illusive
    and requiring one to be alone to look within to find the balance.
    Being in the signs of Pisces and Virgo, we see the need to find spiritual alignment
    and personal healing combined with the need for right action in working for a cause
    or somehow trying to make things better with practical solutions of an inspirational nature
    which can also be expressed through art, music, etc. and being of service for the greater good.

    And last we have the Saturn opposition with the Moon aspect.
    This one is about finding balance with the family, and the karmic circumstances that come with it,
    and the social status and career issues that can dominate themes about ones sense of security and
    place in society.

    Saturn to the Moon can create issues dealing with depression and stagnant life conditions,
    as well as, fulfilling karmic agreements and responsibilities.
    Here it can be about our past history and the success and failures that have shaped who we are now.
    Being in the signs of Scorpio and Taurus brings in the theme of transformation
    and metamorphoses of old karmic issues and renegotiating agreements
    that can allow us to feel empowered and in balance.
    Finding clarity and manifesting what we need to be happy and secure in our financial reality
    and the values that support us is very important, as well as,
    being clear to not struggle with our own shadow emotions and desires resulting from unfulfilled needs, etc.

    So these oppositions present the challenges that are coming to a head.
    By linking them with the harmonious pattern we see in the Grand Sextile
    it gives an opportunity for humanity to make a choice in what we want.
    It gives an opportunity for individuals to step up and move forward with positive momentum
    and creative possibilities to meet the challenges of one’s life in a productive and harmonious way.
    It may be that the social reality that we are living in is being controlled
    by forces that are ultimately working against our best interests.
    And it may be that many are jaded by the reality of what they see going on in the world
    and lack hope for a better future.
    But for those who realize that this earth is only our school ground, that what we see is not the ultimate reality,
    and that we awakening spiritual warriors who can and are connecting to the power of heaven within us,
    even if we have failures and disappointment, we can still step up and create beauty and see the blessings in life…
    And in that we can find happiness in this time of transition, in that we can be whole in the truth of who we are.
    And in that we can vibrate our awareness in ways which inspires us and gives hope to others… Aho

    Rahelio Rodriguez
    Toltec Wisdom Teacher




    Susan, thank you for sharing Rahelio. I shared it with my cousin.


    my will would include, someone helping me with art
    • we've got answers, however, people NEED visuals ;( ~susan lynne schwenger


    Re Request for Visuals



    I find there's image, sound and video already out there and available. The artwork you're looking for may be of ancient origin, but it's waiting for someone with the right frame of mind (like you) to find it.

    Remember we are in a dream we are dreaming (you know this stuff already); when we respond to what is available, we respond to life (and the dream) so we find ourselves waking up to both and the artwork too.

    Ask your team for help -- like Grandfather, the Earth and the land that is sacred, spirits of the land, certain ancestors you know, even yourself in the past or the future and some beings you may not even know -- your eternal friends who are always there for you.

    You're creating a knowledge base that makes available a world of unconditional living, loving, being. I hope this has been of some help.

    these drawings; aren't something you'll find online
    anyway ~ still looking for an artist to help me
    thank you - susan
    29 july 2013


    Photo of the new formation in Wiltshire.
    29 july 2013

    6 Swirls + Core
    More info regarding possible access soon on or
    © Nils Kenneth Fordal, CICC


    Good, perhaps you might check around the internet
    and, see if you can post anymore 'star of david' formations
    to this thread - thank you
    (remember, date, location, etc., is always good to post)



    The pentagram:
    additional illustrations
    (Appendix 1)


    Mediaeval and Renaissance authors of hermetic manuscripts and texts made use of a large number of figures, sigils, seals and designs based on the iconography of alchemy, astrology and magic squares. The pentagram does not appear to have been a central theme or image, being restricted mainly to a warding device.

    There are no pentagrams found in The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage(1655), Robert Turner’s 1657 edition of The Ars Notoria - The Notary Art of Solomon; The Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy(1654), (Robert Turner’s collection: Of Geomancy and Of Occult Philosophy, attributed to Agrippa; Isagoge by Georg Pictorius Villinganus; On Astronomical Geomancy by Gerard Cremonensis; and The Arbatel of Magic; The Hieroglyphic Monad(1564) by Dr. John Dee, The Rosicrucian Manifestos: Fama Fraternitatis(1615) and Confessio Fraternitatis(1616); nor The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz.

    Giovanni Battista Nazari’s Il metamorfosi metallico et humano... Brescia, 1564, retitled Della tramutatione metallica sogni tre... in 1572 and 1599, does not depict the pentagram. The illustrations are reminiscent of woodcuts in the Hypnerotomachia Poliphilio, 1499, which also does not depict the pentagram.

    Roberto Fludd’s titlepage for Utrusque Cosmi MALORIS solicet MINORIS METAPHYSICA, PHYSICA ATQUE TECHNICA HISTORIA, Oppenheim: 1617, uses an illustration of a male figure inside concentric rings on the cover but, like the balance of his published works, no pentagram. John Dee included a pentagram, one point up, in a seal designed in wax, now in the British Museum, but does not include any pentagram in a similar gold disc. No other text ascribed to Dee incorporates a pentagram image.

    A collection of 244, predominantly mediaeval, illustrations in Ernst and Johanna Lehner’s Devils, Demons, and Witchcraft, has no depictions of pentagrams. Noteworthy is a pact with the infernal powers allegedly signed and sealed by Lucifer and Satan in 1634.

    The twentieth century preoccupation with identifying the pentagram with magic appears to be the result of opinions expressed by Éliphas Lévi and Aleister Crowley. The images seen below, and at , represent the greater number of usages prior to Éliphas Lévi in 1861.

    Unrelated to any overtly mystical usage, Colonel Allotte de la Fuÿe in Le Pentagramme Pythagoricien, notes five cuneiform impressions of the pentagram taken from Fara, Sargon and Gudea.


    1. Mesopotamian City Seal Impression: 3,500-2,700 BCE. "The term 'city seal impressions' is used to mean those impressions representing, or at least thought to be representing, names of cities." [p. 33.] Detail of Figure 12:5. U14169. IM 49703. UE 3:400. UET 2:323. SIS4. H .3.8, L .4.9. One rolling. Rather freely arranged symbols: U 4+NUN (Adab), UB, bird, SU2 AN DUG3+DU3 (kesh), URI3+AB (Ur), ?AN, ?edinnu. Filler motifs in field. Sealing 5.5 x 4.6 x 2.0. Reverse eroded, no clear marks. Functional type: ? [p. 62.]

    Cities, Seals and Writing: Archaic Seal Impressions from Jemdet Nasr and Ur. Roger J. Matthews, British Archaeological Expedition to Iraq, Baghdad. Gebr. Man Verlag, Berlin: 1993. ISBN: 3-7861-1686-5 [Materialien Zu Den Frühen Schriftzeugnissen des Vorderen Orients, Band 2 (MSVO II)] 73 p. plus 29 figures and 3 plates.


    2. Catalogue description [p. 60.] Tablet No. MSVO 1, 60, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. MSVO 1 = Englund, R.K. and Grégoire, J.-P., 1991. The proto-cuneiform texts from Jemdet Nasr. 1: copies, transliterations and glossery. (Materialien zu den frühen Schriftzeugnissen des Vorderen Orients 1). Berlin, Gebr. Mann. "Another motif which occurs in a variety of forms is the five-pointed star or UB sign. There is a possibility that this city represents the city of Umma, later known in one of its name forms as UB=ME (Lambert 1990, 78) but there is perhaps a likelier candidate for ancient UB in the site of Jemdet Nasr, where excavations in the 1920s yielded several artifacts bearing the UB sign, such as spindle whorls (Mackay 1931, Pl. 24:9) and painted ports (Field and Martin 1935, Pl. 33:3), as well as numerous tablets with incised UB signs. More recent excavations have recovered a fragment of a baked clay cylinder seal with an UB sign

    (Matthews 1989a, Fig. 4:1). With the exception of an amulet with an UB sign from Tell Agrab (Delougaz 1952, 47) such non-textual representations of the UB sign are not known to me from other Mesopotamian sites, which strengthens the claim of Jemdet Nasr to be ancient UB." [p. 41-42.] Plate 1a. Matthews, Ibid.


    4. Plate IIa. "British Coin with pentagram, 2nd cent. B.C." Cornelia J. de Vogel, Pythagoras and Early Pythagoreanism, An Interpretation of Neglected Evidence on the Philosopher Pythagoras. Assen, Netherlands: Van Gorcum, 1966. Note also: b. Gallic coins with pentagram, 1st cent. B.C.; c. Small symbols on the denarii of L. Papius, c. 78 B.C.; d. Inscription on a tombstone in Tortosa (Spain) 4th cent. A.D. [plate facing page 34]


    5. The monastery of Ravna, Bulgaria, consecrated in 889 CE, existed from the end of the ninth to the end of the tenth century. Of the 3000 odd graffito-drawings found in the church, the scriptorium with library and school, and the refectory and dormitory, a total of 25 are pentagrams. Most of the graffiti have a shallow profile (1 mm width and length). The authors of these images and their motives is unknown.
    Rossina Kostova (in: Mitteilungen der ANISA 17.Jg. 1996) EU-Budapest, Hungary, Veliko Turnovo University, Bulgaria. 1994-95 MA thesis, Department of Medieval Studies, Central European University, Budapest, Departmental Library.


    6. "Pentacle on baptismal font of Sibenik Cathedral (Dalmatia). Marble relief, medieval."
    Dictionary of Symbolism: cultural icons and the meanings behind them, Hans Biedermann (1930-1990). Meridian, New York: 1994. ISBN: 0-452-01118-3. p. 262.

    Compare this with Eckhardt’s illustration from a carving on a wall in the Baptistory of St. John at Split, 50 km south on the Croatian coast, or the next image.


    7. Found at Whether Eckhardt and Biedermann are confusing the same carving or if they are illustrating two different carvings is unclear.


    7a. This illustration is taken from an intrecci remains from the ninth century found in a parapet of the Church of Saint Abbondio (Como, Lombardy, northern Italy), founded in 1013 CE. Although irregular, a pentagram knot can be seen in the top quartering. The overall effect is reminiscent of the preceding two figures. [Mackey’s Encyclopedia, Vol. 2, p. 234.]


    8. Frontispiece detail. The Lesser Key of Solomon, Goetia, The Book of Evil Spirits, contains two hundred diagrams and seals for invocation and convocation of spirits, necromancy, withcraft [sic] and black art. Translated from ancient manuscripts in the British Museum, London. Ceremonial Magic, Only Authorized Edition Extant, Published Under the Editorship of L. W. de Laurence, Member of the Eastern Order of Sacred Mysteries, De Laurence, Chicago. Copyright, 1916 by de Laurence Scott & Co. 80p. 13cm x 19.5 cm. [translation of the first book of the Lemegeton by Macgregor Mathers in 1903.] Out of 200 drawings of seals, three contain pentagrams, all one point up: figs. 34, 156 and frontispiece, 153. Also see Greater Key of Solomon.


    9. De Nigromancia (attributed to) Roger Bacon [c. 1220-1292] Sloane MS. 3885 & Additional MS. 36674. edited and translated by: Michael-Albion Macdonald. Heptangle Books, Gilletten, New Jersey: 1988. ISBN: 0-935214-10-0 96 p. 14cm x 22cm.[of 8 figs. one is a pentagram: fig. on p. 50.]


    10. "Plate 9. The magic circle and triangle of Solomon, with pentagram, from a late medieval magic text book, the Lemegeton. [Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris.]" A History of Magic, Richard Cavendish. Sphere Books Limited, 30/32 Gray’s Inn Road London WC1X 8JL. 1978 pb.


    11. "Plate 12. Gnostic gems and amulets, used as portable magical power sources [1 of 9: only one with pentagram or hexagram. The Danish National Museum, Copenhagen.]" A History of Magic, Richard Cavendish. Sphere Books Limited, 30/32 Gray’s Inn Road London WC1X 8JL. 1978 pb.


    12. Sir Robert Moray (1609-1673) used the pentacle as his personal mark prior to his initiation into Freemasonry in the Edinburgh Lodge on May 20, 1641. An example can be found in a letter of March 28, 1641. His interpretation and use of the pentagram were personal and did not reflect masonic usage of the period. Moray wrote to Alexander Bruce in 1658: "This character or Hyeroglyphick, which I call a starre, is famous amongst the Egyptians and Grecians. For the Egyptian part of it I remitt you to Kircherus [Athanasius Kircher] bookes that I named in my last. The Greekes accounted it the symbol of health and tranquility of body and mind, as being composed of capitall letters that make up the word Hygieia, and I have applied five other letters to it that are the initials of 5 words that make up the summe of Christian Religion, as well as stoick philosophy, all which are to be found in it without much distortion or constraint, and make up the sweet word Agapa, which you know signifies love thou, or hee loves, which is the reciprocall love of God and man, and that same word is one of the 5 signified by the 5 letters. The rest are Gnothi, Pisteuei, Anecho, Apecho. There’s enough at once. On the reverse if it were a double seal I would have my Crest in a wreath, being a solid starr rising with ridges from the points to the centre."

    Kincardine papers, f. 67r, property of the earl of Elgin. A microfilm copy can be found in Edinburgh University Library Mic, M.714. The Greek words italicised in this transcript are in Greek characters in the original.
    cf.: The Origins of Freemasonry. Scotland’s century 1590-1710. David Stevenson, Ph.D. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1988. pp. 169, 173.


    13.One Mi'kmaq heiroglyphic representing heaven.

    Symbole der Indianer Nordamerikas, Heike Owusu. Darmstadt : Schirner Verlag, 1997, p. 212. Note that other translations use variations on the pictograms. That found at uses a uniform, one point down, pentagram.


    14. Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie Part I: The Doctrine of Transcendental Magic. Eliphas Lévi (Alphonse Louis Constant). Translated by A. E. Waite. Originally published by Rider & Company, England, 1896. Transcribed and converted to Adobe Acrobat format by Benjamin Rowe, June, 2001. [p. 25 image of pentagram]


    15. The Great Star Flag—with twenty stars— was designed by Captain Samuel Chester Reid, U.S. Navy, at the request of New York Congressman Peter Wendover and flown over the U.S. Capitol on 13 April 1818. Variations on this flag, with additional stars as states joined the Union, were common up until the American Civil War. Several extant versions display the pentagram with one point down.


    16.This pentagram in the doorway keystone at
    1 rue Jean-Gouthière, in Chaumont, France,
    is reminiscent of hermetic usage
    such as Robert Moray's ""mason's mark" (see above).

    Also in Chaumont, the side door of the Saint John Basilica
    displays a pentagram-like carving,
    framed by two rotating stars or burning stars.


    nice :)
    this will be helpful, since i am capturing photographs to make a movie with

    Last edited: Sep 21, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Crop Circle 6/18/2008, 7/10/2008, 7/22/2008 Swallows 6 + 6 = 12 + 1 = 13

    The Eclipse, the Swallows and Crop Circles -
    Cosmos and Culture in the wheat fields.
    Bernadette Brady M.A.




    The Eclipse, the Swallows and Crop Circles -
    Cosmos and Culture in the wheat fields.
    Bernadette Brady M.A.
    Every summer the south west of England is awash with the most magical and beautiful phenomena known as crop circles. Reported since the seventeenth-century, these circle have defied researchers as to how to understand them. Considered by most to be hoaxes, the simple fact stands that although some may well be made with ropes and planks, others are so large, so perfect and so mysterious in their geometry and appear so quickly that most unbiased viewers are left only with awe and wonder.

    Independentof the nature of their creators, these circles are a cultural part of an English summer. The circles vary from one year to the next but this particular summer there has been a collection of astronomical circles suggestive of this current eclipse season [1].


    Figure 1. Formation (left) at Winterbourne Bassett, England, on 18 June, possibly showing an eclipse, solar or lunar. Formation (right) at East Kennett, England, on 7 July appeared to give the correct timing to the lunar eclipse due on 16 August 2008.

    The first of these cycles [2] appeared at Winterbourne Bassett, England, on 18 June (see Figure 1). It was rough which suggests that it is not made by the “crop circle artists” but it seemed to be showing an eclipse image. If we considered the large circle to be the sun with its corona, then this might be talking of the total solar eclipse on the 1 August 2008. If the large circle is the shadow of the earth and the smaller circle is the Moon passing through this shadow, then this might be talking of the lunar eclipse due on 16 August, 2008. Within a few weeks of this crop circle appearing, the eclipse theme was taking shape with the clearest example being a formation at East Kennett, England, on 7 July which shows "forty days or two Mayan months" until a near-total lunar eclipse on August 16, 2008” [3]

    To possibly underline the Mayan message of this circle, on 15 July at Avebury Manor, Wiltshire, the “crop circle artists” then gave an almost standard Mayan signature - a circle which was a orrery in the wheat field showing the orientation of the solar system for the date 21 December, 2012 (Figure 2).


    A crop circle orrery for 21 December 2012 seems to be referring to the ever-growing concerns for the year 2012. At the heart of these concerns is the ending of a Mayan calendar great cycle. The Mayan calendar includes the great cycle of precession where the north celestial pole slowly rotates through an ellipse which takes around 26,000 years to complete. Pole stars are rare, the last one being in approximately 2790 BCE with Thuban in Draco. This alignment of the pole with the star Polaris was, apparently, for the Mayans the marker for the beginning and end of their great cycle of ages.
    Many people believe this to be apocalyptic but one must remember that, as with all cycles, they do not have shape edges but tend to slowly emerge as they step through their stages. thus any so called endings could take several thousand years to manifest.

    Here the crop circle artist is capturing the cultural interest in this date – a literal cosmos and culture phenomena in the fields around Avebury, UK, and possibly suggesting the early eclipse crop circle is indeed based on the Mayan system of months.




    So what are the eclipses of this current season that someone seems to be wanting to draw in the landscape?

    The August 2008 Eclipses

    The eclipse season of July-August 2008 produces a solar eclipse at 100 Leo on 1 August. This eclipse is from Saros Series 10 South which began on 10 March 1179 and will not complete until 13 April 2423. This series, based on its "birth" chart, is delineated in Predictive Astrology, the Eagle and the Lark as:
    This saros series concerns itself with breaking out of a very negative situation where no hope can be seen to a more positive space containing many options. A worry that may have been affecting a person will suddenly clear. [4]

    Already this theme is emerging with the Serbian ex-leader, Radovan Karadzic, who has been in hiding for the last 13 years, being found and bought to trial. On a smaller more personal level many clients have been reporting that their old problems, large and small, are emerging again but now with clarity and solutions. However, it is not the solar eclipse that is the theme of the wheat fields in the west of England.

    The Lunar Eclipse on 16 August 2008

    The lunar eclipse on the 16 August is at 240 Aquarius and belongs to the lunar Saros series labelled with the van den Berg number of 138. The series began on the 5 October 1503. [5]

    This first eclipse, in 1503, occurred with the Moon located in the Babylonian constellation of “the swallows” which we now know as the fishes of Pisces.


    Figure 3.The lunar eclipse series began (5 October, 1503) with a lunar eclipse in the stars of Pisces, known as "The Swallows" (Left). On the 10 July in Alton Priors, Wiltshire, a formation containing six birds appeared called the "Swallows" which expanded on 22 July to contain twelve swallows.

    On 10 July 2008 a beautiful crop circle appeared on the hills around Alton Priors, UK, and it was named by the crop circles image collectors as “The Swallows”. It contained six swallows. However, by 22 July the crop circle had grown to contain twelve swallows. This formation was over 100 meters wide and 150 meters long and drew bus loads of foreign tourists to its beauty. I visited this formation myself and had the joy of watching swallows perform low flying swoops along the “rivers” of flattened wheat.

    Various websites suggested that this huge formation was associated with the eclipses in August. However, the three way link between the eclipse, its origins within the Swallows in the sky on the on 5 October, 1503, and the crop circle formation of "The Swallows" is probably more synchronistic than planned. Nevertheless, it set me off on a journey of research of this particular lunar saros series. For me the zeitgeistwas "speaking".

    The Lunar Saros Series #138

    The series, like a solar eclipse series, will produce a new lunar eclipse every 18 years 9 or 12 days (depending on the number of leap years in the 18 years). Each eclipse will occur 11-to-12 degrees further along in zodiacal degrees. At the beginning of the series the lunar eclipses (the position of the full moon) occurs in front of the transiting node (greater zodiacal longitude) but at each occurrence the orb decreases by around half a degree. Thus the lunar eclipses slowly become total and then move out again to partial and final complete and in this way the series unfolds over a period of 1481 years.

    The dates of the entire Lunar Saros series (van don Berg #138).

    Poison, popes and power - the first eclipse.


    Poison, popes and power - the first eclipse.

    October 1503 was a time of intrigue in the Vatican. The Pope Alexander VI had died, believed by poison, and the newly elected pope Pope Pius IIIwas dead within ten days of being anointed. Into this time of upheaval, the power-hungry cardinal, Della Rovere succeeded by dexterous diplomacy to trick the weakened college of cardinals into supporting him.

    Figure 4 - The Lunar series #138 origin chart of 5 October, 1503

    Della Rovere was elected to the papal dignity by the near-unanimous vote of the cardinals. He became Pope Julius II and his reign was marked by an aggressive foreign policy, ambitious building projects, and patronage of the arts and literature. Indeed in 1506 he laid the foundation stone for the new Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome and Michelangelo painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel for him.

    The first Lunar eclipse in the series captured a cardinal grand cross of a partile square between Neptune and the eclipse and a Mars-Jupiter-Saturn combination. 

Issues of poison, the arts, and religious military power and intrigue within the Vatican or any halls of power all seem to sit comfortably with chart. However, being the "birth" chart of an eclipse series, these themes, I believe, become embedded within the whole series.

    We can follow this theme through history by looking at events at times of other occurrences of eclipses of the series. Here follow are some interesting examples:

    June 1990 - The Boxer Rebellion in China - China in conflict with westerners.

    13 June, 1900 - This was the period of the Boxer Rebellion in China when troops from the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary, Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands, the United States, Russia and Japan were all under siege in an area near the Forbidden City in Peking (Beijing) and the provincial governments of China was declaring war on all westerners and Christians in the city.

    Figure 4 - (left) A Chinese Boxer rebel (1900) waving a banner supporting the imperial armies conflict with ALL foreigners; and (right) a Chinese member of the Olympic ceremony waving a banner for the games.

    This same series which is linked with the Boxer rebellion, where the Chinese declared war on all western countries, is now returning. With the Chinese staging the Olympic games, athletic teams from all the different nations of the world are "invading" China and the Chinese, being the host country, are openly in "conflict" with them all in order to win medals.

    The Partition of Vietnam and its reuniting in 1972.

The series also occurred in mid July 1954 and this was the timing of the Geneva Conference which partitioned Vietnam into North and South Vietnam. This partition was in place until the very next occurrence in the series on 26 July 1972, when the last US troops were removed from Vietnam on 25 July 1972.



















    Last edited: Sep 24, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Michel Tessier
    East Field Alton Priors, Wiltshire, United Kingdom on 3rd July 2005
    Credit : Lucy Pringle
    This specific crop circle appeared to me while in meditation
    ( with a complete 3D view) a few days before was created in 2d.
    I will greatly appreciate what you decode it on day, thanks Susan !

    =AZV6N5vV0xSTOWiijV446jIdFTRnVMRDhEJXC8iqa3pBX8UIdLWA8Ue2k6cCkEXHKUvpLYSfdp92YtTQUgD6X5FXjQ7YZQqW5AhQfHahFMWhG64Pf7fU2XVZPbZJ_EeTIVDUctWunOMq7bvK9aKqS-g5z6mMcJ0ucgJgR4oxYZErpw&__tn__=R]-R'] nc_oc=AQmXB8dk_cb36p6S0b8zqSayN3MLW8dlx-cAE0xIGimQEf2SgDurtQSPYtB0E0CrUfU&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    crop circle stones
    story on this thread ?
    Stone found at the centre of a crop circle - swallow nest 6/14/2005

    What to you see in it, this is a 3 photo question

    next photo to be loaded up , on next post !!!

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