Crop Circles & Dates Of Eclipses, Etc.,

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Apr 14, 2014.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    7 gamma ray bursts in the last 10 days or so - approx. 09 June 2013 - 31 May 2013


    Gamma Radiation Bursts from Deep Space
    2 Gamma bursts last night from Andromeda and Leo Galaxies
    More Coronal Holes in the last 10 days as ever seen before

    June 10, 2013 - I just read in different places that the gamma rays help facilitate an evolutionary leap in humankind.
    This radiation, which is referred to as gamma ray bursts (GRBs), chiefly originates in the farthest reaches of our galaxy center
    (i.e., from the black hole). Hope the following helps.
    I learned something too. There have been about 7 gamma ray bursts in the last 10 days or so.
    Meanwhile, during this same period this overwhelming urge to be out in the ocean water has taken over.
    Only later I learned about GRB.Fully exposed to the elements. Eyes open, no fear.

    A "Galactic Synchronization Beam" that is emitted by the central Sun at certain times and affects the Earth's electromagnetic environment and our level of background radiation, spurring evolutionary changes and mutations. The gamma beam also calibrates the mental and psychic existence of humans by setting off vibrations in them that are transmitted via Earth and the Sun, and that are emitted by the central Sun, an enormous black hole or Hunab-Ku. Humans are extremely susceptible to cosmic electromagnetic forces and gamma radiation.

    Human DNA apparently exhibits a property that acts as an "antenna" for gamma radiation. Our DNA contains carbon crystals that react to radiation like a resonator. Moreover, all of the atomic elements of our DNA have the capacity to pick up electromagnetic energy like a radio antenna, whereas the carbon crystals amplifying incoming electromagnetic signals, which is a mechanism we know from broadcasting technology.

    Pretty much the same things happens with our cells, whose structure enables them to receive electromagnic signals from the cosmos. Furthermore, the resonance frequencies of gamma ray bursts (GRBs) are the same as those of the elementary particles of our atoms, thus setting the stage for far-reaching changes in our bodies and brains that probably also include complete restructuring or both. In essence, the gamma rays could transform, reencode the double helix of our DNA.

    Quantum physicist Brian Swimme became one of the first researchers to raise tis possibility, when, in commenting on and expressing agreement with Jose Arguelles's theories where he stated that actions and world views (mindset of entire cultures) are determined by the properties of galactic tides whose code may have been received and transmitted. On could even posit that an electrodynamic exchange occurs between solar electrons and human electrons.

    You can read more about this at the following link. Solar Revolution: radiation and evolutionary leap&source=bl&ots=IB1dvnCBRT&sig=UTW4t6RIygR90HRW0F50qsOK464&hl=en&sa=X&ei=qqS2Uf2BEsXniAKS94HoCw&ved=0CDEQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=gamma radiation and evolutionary leap&f=false

    Read more here: Solving the Mystery of Dark Gamma Ray Bursts:
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    July 15, 2013 - crop circle - 15 JUL 2013



    Add name, location & rearch

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    August 10, 2013 - Crop Circle - Wiltshire, UK- 10 AUG 2013





    Date August 10 2013, location: Wiltshire, Great Britain-- 10 aug 2013
    Photos: New Crop Circle Formation Appear At Chute Causeway, Near Tidcombe, Wiltshire In The United Kingdom – August 10, 2013! 

Read more at: | ET. Updates


    Name and add more info
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    August 1, 2013 - Crop Circle - Stonehenge near Wiltshire, uk - 01 AUG 2013



    name ???
    and, add more research to this one

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    September 30, 2013 - FIRE in THE SKY - 30 Sep 2013

    Fire in the Sky


    Breaking News: Meteor sightings in the 1000′s across the U.S. are reported to American Meteor Society

    Mon, 30 Sep 2013 15:11 CDT

    Reports of meteor sightings are coming into the American Meteor Society by the thousands. According to one of the latest reports posted at the American Meteor Society website, "Its been a busy week for the AMS as we are bombarded by fireball reports from all different parts of the country.

    The latest event took place over Alabama and Georgia last night September 28th 7:30 PM local time. Over 250 witnesses from Virginia, Maryland, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, Alabama and Georgia have reported the event so far. Below is a heat map of the witnesses who saw the event. Click the image below for the event detail page and witness reports[1]


Exactly why these meteors are coming into the atmosphere at this time is unknown. NASA and NOAA have yet to publish any reports on this phenomenon, although they did confirm the September 10, 2013 meteor that streaked across the sky in Alabama in article 'Meteor enters atmosphere over Alabama and disintegrates, says Nasa'. An excerpt from the article reads, "Officials at the Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville say a baseball-size fragment of a comet entered Earth's atmosphere above Alabama at 8:18pm CDT Monday. Nasa officials say the meteor traveled at a speed of 76,000 mph.

    They say just three seconds after hitting the atmosphere, it disintegrated 25 miles above the central Alabama town of Woodstock, noducing a flash of light. Nasa spokeswoman Janet Anderson says that because it penetrated so deep into Earth's atmosphere, eyewitnesses heard sonic booms." [2]


    (Note: unable to copy original posted video -- Meteor across Alabama Sept 9, 2013)

    The thousands of sightings of meteors are located at the American Meteor Society Observation page, where you can also sign-up to be a registered user. will be monitoring this news and possibly a separate page for these reports as they happen. [3] Any video reports submitted to can be emailed to

    Interestingly, there are reports of meteor sightings from 40 states, including Atlanta, Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, North Carolina, Kentucky and Tennessee as of September 28, 2013. Register to make reports at

    One explanation of the increase in sighting is mentioned on the American Meteor Society website in the article 'Meteor Activity Outlook for September 28 - October 4, 2013' which explains, "The September-October Lyncids (SOL) are only well seen on 3 nights centered on September 29th. Maximum occurs on the 30th when the radiant is located at 07:24 (111) +47. This position lies in western Lynx, 12 degrees north of the second magnitude star known as Castor (Alpha Geminorum). This area of the sky is best placed in the sky during the last hour before dawn, when it lies highest above the horizon in a dark sky. Rates at maximum are expected to be near one shower member per hour as seen from the northern hemisphere. These meteors can be seen from the tropical southern hemisphere but rates would be less than one per hour. With an entry velocity of 67 km/sec., most activity from this radiant would be of swift speed." [5] posted an article by Deborah Byrd titled "U.S. sees another bright fireball on September 27' which covers the meteor sightings in detail, which reads, "The American Meteor Society (AMS) has reported at least 373 reports of another bright fireball - a very bright meteor, likely a small chunk of natural incoming space debris - over the U.S. last night (September 27, 2013). These reports followed a similar event over approximately the same area the day before (September 26). The AMS called the coincidence of two bright fireballs, or bright meteors, spotted over approximately the same region on consecutive days "surprising." Witnesses from Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, Wisconsin and West Virginia reported a bright light moving across the night sky on September 27 at around 11:33 p.m. local time, according to the AMS." [6]


    [1] Another Massive Fireball Over Atlanta -

    [2] Meteor enters atmosphere over Alabama and disintegrates, says NASA -

    [3] American Meteor Society Observations -

    [4] Meteor lights up early-morning sky in Midwest -

    [5] Meteor Activity Outlook for September 28-October 4, 2013 -

    [6] U.S. sees another bright fireball on September 27 -

    Writer Bio:

    Avalon is an Investigative Journalist and Strategist working for

    For media inquires, interviews, questions or suggestions for this author, email: or telephone: (347) 759-6075.

    Read more articles by this author here.


    Huge Fireball seen in the skies of Delaware, Dozens witness Spectacular Event

    Posted on October 1, 2013 by END TIME HEADLINES

    SIGNS IN THE HEAVENS: A large fireball was seen streaking through the night sky by at least 21 people – three of them from Delaware – about 7:30 p.m. Sunday. Witnesses reported the sighting on the American Meteor Society’s website. Middletown-area resident Dan Foraker said he also spotted it, and described the meteor as a “perfectly round ball of fire.”

    Foraker, who lives near Drawyers Creek off Shallcross Lake Road, said he was sitting outside talking on the phone with his son about the Redskins game, when all of a sudden a ball of fire appeared over the line of trees. “I’ve never seen anything that big. I didn’t know if there was a plane going down,” he said.

    “It lasted for about six seconds and went down behind the trees. I didn’t hear a sound, but I was waiting to hear a loud boom.” Foraker said he called police and a county officer showed up later and said that the state police helicopter was the only aircraft that had been up in the air about that time. A supervisor with the New Castle County fire board today said no call were received about that time and no one was dispatched on any calls for a plane down.

    Last edited: Sep 16, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    03 NOV 2013 -- A Rare ‘Hybrid’ Solar Eclipse on November 3, 2013 - David Dickinson

    Rare ‘Hybrid’ Solar Eclipse on November 3, 2013: How to See It

    by David Dickinson on October 28, 2013
    Want to stay on top of all the space news? Follow @universetoday on Twitter


    A partially eclipsed setting Sun as seen from Dallas, Texas on May 20th, 2012. This weekend’s eclipse will offer U.S. East Coast residents a similar sunrise view. (Credit: Jason Major/Lights in the Dark).
    It’s almost upon us. The final eclipse of 2013 occurs this coming weekend on Sunday, November 3rd. This will be the fifth eclipse overall, and the second solar eclipse of 2013. This will also be the only eclipse this year that features a glimpse of totality.

    This eclipse is of the rare hybrid variety— that is, it will be an annular eclipse along the very first 15 seconds of its track before transitioning to a total as the Moon’s shadow sweeps just close enough to the Earth to cover the disk of the Sun along the remainder of its track.


    How rare are hybrid solar eclipse? Of the 11,898 solar eclipses listed over a 5,000 year span from 1999 BC to 3000 AD in Fred Espenak’s Five Millennium Catalog of Solar Eclipses, only 569, or 4.8% are hybrids.
    Who can see this eclipse?

    People from northern South America, across the U.S. Eastern Seaboard and up through the Canadian Maritimes will see a brief partial solar eclipse finishing up around 30 minutes after local sunrise. The brief annular “ring of fire” portion of the eclipse begins at sunrise just ~1,000 kilometres east of Jacksonville, Florida, as it races eastward across the Atlantic. See our timeline, below.


    Nearly all of Africa and the southern Mediterranean region including Spain will see partial phases of the eclipse, while greatest totality occurs just off of the coast of Liberia and heads for first landfall on the African continent over Wonga Wongue Reserve in Gabon. At this point, the duration of totality will already have shrunk back down to 1 minute and 7 seconds. The shadow of the Moon will then cross central Africa, headed for a short but brilliant sunset total eclipse over Uganda, Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia.


    This particular eclipse part of saros series 143 and is member 23 of the 72 eclipses in the cycle. The first eclipse in this saros occurred on March 7th, 1617, and the last one will occur on April 23rd, 2897.

    Saros 143 also has a checkered place in eclipse history. The last eclipse in this series crossed south eastern Asia on October 24th, 1995.

    The first detailed picture of a solar eclipse was also taken of a saros 143 member on July 28, 1851. And one saros later, a total solar eclipse on August 7th, 1869 may have saved the butt of astronomer and explorer George Davidson while traversing the wilds of Alaska. And one more saros period later, Dmitri Mendeleev (he of the modern periodic table) observed the total solar eclipse of August 19th, 1887 from a balloon.


    A daguerreotype image of the 1851 eclipse captured by Berkowski of the Royal Observatory in Königsberg, Prussia. (Public domain image).

    We’ve compiled a brief worldwide timeline for the November 3rd hybrid eclipse. Keep in mind, the shift back off of Daylight Saving Time occurs on the same morning as the eclipse for North America, putting the U.S. East Coast once again back to -5 hours off of Universal Time (UT):

    10:04 UT: The partial phases of the eclipse begin.

    11:05:17 UT: annular phases of the eclipse begin.

    11:05:36 UT: The eclipse transitions from an annular to a total along its track.

    12:46: The point of greatest eclipse, occurring off of the SW coast of Liberia along the coast of Africa. The path will be 57 kilometres wide at this point with a maximum duration for totality at 1 minute & 40 seconds.

    14:27 UT: The total phases of the eclipse end.
    15:28 UT: Partial phases end.

    Remember that solar safety is paramount while observing an eclipse during all partial phases. This is especially critical, as millions of viewers along the U.S. East Coast are poised to catch the eclipse at sunrise over the Atlantic on Sunday. Use only glasses designed specifically for eclipse viewing or welder’s glass #14. One project headed by Astronomers Without Borders is also working to provide eclipse glasses to schools in Africa.


    Students in Tanzania demonstrating proper eclipse viewing safety. (Credit: Astronomers Without Borders).

    Projecting the Sun onto a wall or a piece of paper is also a safe method to observe the eclipse. Construction of a Sun Gun, a pinhole projector, or even using a spaghetti strainer or colander to project the partially eclipsed sun are all fun projects to try.

    Shooting pictures of the rising eclipse is also possible using a DSLR. To capture the disk of the Sun plus an outline of the foreground, you’ll want to use a combination of low ISO 100 and a fast shutter speed (1/4000 or faster) and a zoom lens of at least 200mm or greater. Keep in mind, DO NOT look at the Sun through the camera’s view finder— simply set the focus to infinity and aim via projection. It’s worth practicing your technique a morning or two prior to the main event!

    As the partial phase of the eclipse progresses, keep an eye out for “tiny crescents” that may litter the ground. These are caused by gaps in things such as leaves, latticework, etc that may act as natural “pinhole projectors”. Those lucky enough to stand in the path of totality may snare a look at shadow bands sweeping across the landscape as totality approaches, as well as catch a brief glimpse of Baily’s Beads and the pearly white corona of the Sun.

    Totality will last less than a minute across most of central Africa, giving viewers a very hurried view before partial phases commence once more. Venus will be easily visible at magnitude -4.4 just 47 degrees east of the Sun. Unfortunately, prospects aren’t great for air or seaborne viewers in the mid-Atlantic to catch sight of comet ISON during the frenzied moments of totality, which will sit 50 degrees from the Sun between magnitude +7 & +8.

    The sky over Gabon during mid-eclipse. (Created by the author using Starry Nite).

    Weather prospects are an all-important consideration when planning for an eclipse. Jay Anderson maintains an outstanding site with projections tailor-made for each eclipse. For the U.S. East Coast, clear skies right down to the crucial eastern horizon will be key!

    A recent surge in piracy off of the West Coast of Africa may also factor into travel considerations for eclipse chasers. You can actually monitor such activities on the high seas now in near real time. Perhaps one could take a page from Mark Twain’s A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, and impress any would-be-brigands with the glory of an impending solar eclipse…

    Unfortunately, the International Space Station will have an orbit nearly perpendicular to the Earth-Moon-Sun syzygy, and won’t lend itself to any great prospects of a transit during the partial phases of the eclipse. ESA’s Proba-2 and JAXA’s Hinode will, however, see several partial eclipses from orbit:


    Sunspot activity has also been on the upswing as of late, making for a photogenic Sun heading into the partial phases of the eclipse. A well-placed, naked eye Coronal Mass Ejection on the solar limb also isn’t out of the question. Eclipse historian and expert Michael Zeiler notes that a CME last occurred during a total solar eclipse way back in 1860.

    Sunspot activity as of October 28th… will it stay active until this weekend’s eclipse? (Photo by author).

    Totality for this eclipse passes over some wild and largely wifi free areas; few plans to broadcast the eclipse live have surfaced thus far.

    Slooh plans a broadcast, as did a proposed Indiegogo project whose current status is unclear. BRCK also plans to broadcast the eclipse live from the shores of Lake Turkana, Kenya. Got plans to webcast even the partial phases of the eclipse? Let us know!

    And speaking of eclipse chasing, we plan on heading to the Florida Space Coast Sunday morning at o’dark thirty to nab the partial sunrise eclipse over the Atlantic.

    And as always, the question posed immediately after totality is: when’s the next one? Well, the next annular eclipse graces Australia on April 29th, 2014. The U.S. will also see a partial solar eclipse on October 23rd next year… but totality will not touch the surface of our fair planet until a high Arctic eclipse on March 20th, 2015.

    Good luck, clear skies, and safe journeys to all who are chasing after this one near and far, and don’t forget to post those pics to Universe Today’s Flickr page!

    -See more of Michael Zeiler’s work at Eclipse Maps.

    -Simulations were created using Starry Night Education Software.

    Last edited: Sep 16, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    SWALLOWs NEST Crop Circle -14 JUN 2005 aka 14th June 2005 - The magic stone at the centre

    - 14 JUNE 2005 aka 14th June 2005
    ~ The magic stone at the centre









    Had the swallows arrived? By the 12 June to confirm their arrival, a formation depicting 3 swallows appeared in the field next to the dolman at Clatford Bottom, nr Marlborough. A French Buddhist visited the formation and reported that "I lay in I lay in the middle of it for about 50 minutes and the middle of it for about 50 minutes and experienced various effects. Firstly my breathing became very slow and I became deeply relaxed. I counted about 8-10 seconds between the outbreath and the inbreath. After sometime I noticed that there were colours appearing in my vision (eyes closed); firstly red and yellow then turquoise, varying if I moved my eyes up and down. A couple of other people had arrived so I spoke to them for a while and left just after they did. I then went to the Dolmen, and then walked about four miles to Avebury. It was a hot sunny day. On the way to Avebury I walked for sometime alongside fields full of large rocks laying down, known as Sarsen stones. They don appear to be quarried, being quite rough. I felt that I could feel some kind of warm energy radiating from the stones, though they perhaps could have been warmed by the sun. When I reached Avebury I sat for a while in front of one of the large standing stones and ate my lunch.

    I noticed that I was feeling slightly euphoric and very peaceful."

    Seeing various colours internally could be termed as Chromatism, hallucinatory perception of coloured images which affect the eddy currents in the brain (neurological sign of brain energies). Pulsed signals however sourced (visual, acoustic, RF etc in very, very low frequency wavelengths) can trigger Variant Migraines, no headache but other strange symptoms. The person is `seeing` bright primary colours apparently in field of view, red, yellow and turquoise. If projected into the surrounding environment some will interpret the vision as the Virgin Mary (turquoise) or spirits etc.

    C.Lewis (Crop Circle Connector) tells us that the "SWALLOW : Also known as the 'sale' bird according to Danish folklore, the swallow received its name by trying to relieve the sufferings of Christ while on the Cross by crying 'Svale, svale' which figuratively translates as 'Cheer up, cheer up!'. In Scotland it was believed that the swallow had the blood of the Devil in its veins. The sight of this bird indicates that summer is on the way but watch to see if the bird flies low as this will signal that rain is on the way. If this bird builds a nest on the roof of your home, it is thought to be lucky and to be protective against fire, lightning and storms. Misfortune will follow if it suddenly abandons the nest. The swallow that flies into your home will bring considerable good fortune according to English folklore. Should a woman tread on the eggs it is believed that she will become barren according to an old German belief. A French belief tells that should one land on your shoulder then death is present. An almost universal belief held by farmers is said that to kill a swallow will result in the milk yield being poor, whilst if you disturb the nest then the harvest will be a poor one. It is traditionally seen as a sign of misfortune to see a group of swallows fighting amongst themselves. It was believed that the swallow carried two precious stones within their bodies: a red one to cure insanity, and a black one thought to bring good luck. The swallow like the wren is credited with bringing fire to humankind, but both suffered as a result, hence the red feathers."

    By Lucy Pringle, ©2005


    We arrived at this crop circle, NOT long after it had appeared, The Crop Circle Connector guys, were just leaving the area. Trevina and myself, along with Sal Rachele & Andrew Garley, started up the pathways through the farmers field, to reach the crop circle.

    It was really interesting ~ esp. when i found stones at the exact center of the circle almost, as if they had been pressed down, and, left there, for us to find them. The main centre stone, is pictured above.

    The other six stones, i've NOT taken pictures of yet, ironically, they were placed in a pattern of 3 + 3 + this big one at the core, bthere placement where like 3 on the horizon, and, 3 on the vertical.

    One of the things, i had wanted to do, was walk in a freshly made crop circle and, i am so glad, this occurred. One important thing was 2005 in numerology is equal to - an energetic '7', A lower six and a higher six - and a core there was a crop circle of swallows, that started as six, and, turned into thirteen, with a core.

    Back in 2005, i had been exploring my own theory for almost 30 years, now at the mark of 35+ years, everything is starting to fall into place.


    This is important ~ this crop circle, back in 15 JUNE 2005


    found it

    Attached Files:


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    SWALLOWs NEST Crop Circle -14 JUN 2005 aka 14th June 2005 - The magic stone at the centre

    - 14 JUNE 2005 aka 14th June 2005
    ~ The magic stone at the centre









    Had the swallows arrived? By the 12 June to confirm their arrival, a formation depicting 3 swallows appeared in the field next to the dolman at Clatford Bottom, nr Marlborough. A French Buddhist visited the formation and reported that "I lay in I lay in the middle of it for about 50 minutes and the middle of it for about 50 minutes and experienced various effects. Firstly my breathing became very slow and I became deeply relaxed. I counted about 8-10 seconds between the outbreath and the inbreath. After sometime I noticed that there were colours appearing in my vision (eyes closed); firstly red and yellow then turquoise, varying if I moved my eyes up and down. A couple of other people had arrived so I spoke to them for a while and left just after they did. I then went to the Dolmen, and then walked about four miles to Avebury. It was a hot sunny day. On the way to Avebury I walked for sometime alongside fields full of large rocks laying down, known as Sarsen stones. They don appear to be quarried, being quite rough. I felt that I could feel some kind of warm energy radiating from the stones, though they perhaps could have been warmed by the sun. When I reached Avebury I sat for a while in front of one of the large standing stones and ate my lunch.

    I noticed that I was feeling slightly euphoric and very peaceful."

    Seeing various colours internally could be termed as Chromatism, hallucinatory perception of coloured images which affect the eddy currents in the brain (neurological sign of brain energies). Pulsed signals however sourced (visual, acoustic, RF etc in very, very low frequency wavelengths) can trigger Variant Migraines, no headache but other strange symptoms. The person is `seeing` bright primary colours apparently in field of view, red, yellow and turquoise. If projected into the surrounding environment some will interpret the vision as the Virgin Mary (turquoise) or spirits etc.

    C.Lewis (Crop Circle Connector) tells us that the "SWALLOW : Also known as the 'sale' bird according to Danish folklore, the swallow received its name by trying to relieve the sufferings of Christ while on the Cross by crying 'Svale, svale' which figuratively translates as 'Cheer up, cheer up!'. In Scotland it was believed that the swallow had the blood of the Devil in its veins. The sight of this bird indicates that summer is on the way but watch to see if the bird flies low as this will signal that rain is on the way. If this bird builds a nest on the roof of your home, it is thought to be lucky and to be protective against fire, lightning and storms. Misfortune will follow if it suddenly abandons the nest. The swallow that flies into your home will bring considerable good fortune according to English folklore. Should a woman tread on the eggs it is believed that she will become barren according to an old German belief. A French belief tells that should one land on your shoulder then death is present. An almost universal belief held by farmers is said that to kill a swallow will result in the milk yield being poor, whilst if you disturb the nest then the harvest will be a poor one. It is traditionally seen as a sign of misfortune to see a group of swallows fighting amongst themselves. It was believed that the swallow carried two precious stones within their bodies: a red one to cure insanity, and a black one thought to bring good luck. The swallow like the wren is credited with bringing fire to humankind, but both suffered as a result, hence the red feathers."

    By Lucy Pringle, ©2005


    We arrived at this crop circle, NOT long after it had appeared, The Crop Circle Connector guys, were just leaving the area. Trevina and myself, along with Sal Rachele & Andrew Garley, started up the pathways through the farmers field, to reach the crop circle.

    It was really interesting ~ esp. when i found stones at the exact center of the circle almost, as if they had been pressed down, and, left there, for us to find them. The main centre stone, is pictured above.

    The other six stones, i've NOT taken pictures of yet, ironically, they were placed in a pattern of 3 + 3 + this big one at the core, bthere placement where like 3 on the horizon, and, 3 on the vertical.

    One of the things, i had wanted to do, was walk in a freshly made crop circle and, i am so glad, this occurred. One important thing was 2005 in numerology is equal to - an energetic '7', A lower six and a higher six - and a core there was a crop circle of swallows, that started as six, and, turned into thirteen, with a core.

    Back in 2005, i had been exploring my own theory for almost 30 years, now at the mark of 35+ years, everything is starting to fall into place.


    This is important ~ this crop circle, back in 15 JUNE 2005


    found it

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    SWALLOWs NEST Crop Circle -14 JUN 2005 aka 14th June 2005 - The magic stone at the centre

    - 14 JUNE 2005 aka 14th June 2005
    ~ The magic stone at the centre









    Had the swallows arrived? By the 12 June to confirm their arrival, a formation depicting 3 swallows appeared in the field next to the dolman at Clatford Bottom, nr Marlborough. A French Buddhist visited the formation and reported that "I lay in I lay in the middle of it for about 50 minutes and the middle of it for about 50 minutes and experienced various effects. Firstly my breathing became very slow and I became deeply relaxed. I counted about 8-10 seconds between the outbreath and the inbreath. After sometime I noticed that there were colours appearing in my vision (eyes closed); firstly red and yellow then turquoise, varying if I moved my eyes up and down. A couple of other people had arrived so I spoke to them for a while and left just after they did. I then went to the Dolmen, and then walked about four miles to Avebury. It was a hot sunny day. On the way to Avebury I walked for sometime alongside fields full of large rocks laying down, known as Sarsen stones. They don appear to be quarried, being quite rough. I felt that I could feel some kind of warm energy radiating from the stones, though they perhaps could have been warmed by the sun. When I reached Avebury I sat for a while in front of one of the large standing stones and ate my lunch.

    I noticed that I was feeling slightly euphoric and very peaceful."

    Seeing various colours internally could be termed as Chromatism, hallucinatory perception of coloured images which affect the eddy currents in the brain (neurological sign of brain energies). Pulsed signals however sourced (visual, acoustic, RF etc in very, very low frequency wavelengths) can trigger Variant Migraines, no headache but other strange symptoms. The person is `seeing` bright primary colours apparently in field of view, red, yellow and turquoise. If projected into the surrounding environment some will interpret the vision as the Virgin Mary (turquoise) or spirits etc.

    C.Lewis (Crop Circle Connector) tells us that the "SWALLOW : Also known as the 'sale' bird according to Danish folklore, the swallow received its name by trying to relieve the sufferings of Christ while on the Cross by crying 'Svale, svale' which figuratively translates as 'Cheer up, cheer up!'. In Scotland it was believed that the swallow had the blood of the Devil in its veins. The sight of this bird indicates that summer is on the way but watch to see if the bird flies low as this will signal that rain is on the way. If this bird builds a nest on the roof of your home, it is thought to be lucky and to be protective against fire, lightning and storms. Misfortune will follow if it suddenly abandons the nest. The swallow that flies into your home will bring considerable good fortune according to English folklore. Should a woman tread on the eggs it is believed that she will become barren according to an old German belief. A French belief tells that should one land on your shoulder then death is present. An almost universal belief held by farmers is said that to kill a swallow will result in the milk yield being poor, whilst if you disturb the nest then the harvest will be a poor one. It is traditionally seen as a sign of misfortune to see a group of swallows fighting amongst themselves. It was believed that the swallow carried two precious stones within their bodies: a red one to cure insanity, and a black one thought to bring good luck. The swallow like the wren is credited with bringing fire to humankind, but both suffered as a result, hence the red feathers."

    By Lucy Pringle, ©2005


    We arrived at this crop circle, NOT long after it had appeared, The Crop Circle Connector guys, were just leaving the area. Trevina and myself, along with Sal Rachele & Andrew Garley, started up the pathways through the farmers field, to reach the crop circle.

    It was really interesting ~ esp. when i found stones at the exact center of the circle almost, as if they had been pressed down, and, left there, for us to find them. The main centre stone, is pictured above.

    The other six stones, i've NOT taken pictures of yet, ironically, they were placed in a pattern of 3 + 3 + this big one at the core, bthere placement where like 3 on the horizon, and, 3 on the vertical.

    One of the things, i had wanted to do, was walk in a freshly made crop circle and, i am so glad, this occurred. One important thing was 2005 in numerology is equal to - an energetic '7', A lower six and a higher six - and a core there was a crop circle of swallows, that started as six, and, turned into thirteen, with a core.

    Back in 2005, i had been exploring my own theory for almost 30 years, now at the mark of 35+ years, everything is starting to fall into place.


    This is important ~ this crop circle, back in 15 JUNE 2005


    found it

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    SWALLOWs NEST Crop Circle -14 JUN 2005 aka 14th June 2005 - The magic stone at the centre

    - 14 JUNE 2005 aka 14th June 2005
    ~ The magic stone at the centre









    Had the swallows arrived? By the 12 June to confirm their arrival, a formation depicting 3 swallows appeared in the field next to the dolman at Clatford Bottom, nr Marlborough. A French Buddhist visited the formation and reported that "I lay in I lay in the middle of it for about 50 minutes and the middle of it for about 50 minutes and experienced various effects. Firstly my breathing became very slow and I became deeply relaxed. I counted about 8-10 seconds between the outbreath and the inbreath. After sometime I noticed that there were colours appearing in my vision (eyes closed); firstly red and yellow then turquoise, varying if I moved my eyes up and down. A couple of other people had arrived so I spoke to them for a while and left just after they did. I then went to the Dolmen, and then walked about four miles to Avebury. It was a hot sunny day. On the way to Avebury I walked for sometime alongside fields full of large rocks laying down, known as Sarsen stones. They don appear to be quarried, being quite rough. I felt that I could feel some kind of warm energy radiating from the stones, though they perhaps could have been warmed by the sun. When I reached Avebury I sat for a while in front of one of the large standing stones and ate my lunch.

    I noticed that I was feeling slightly euphoric and very peaceful."

    Seeing various colours internally could be termed as Chromatism, hallucinatory perception of coloured images which affect the eddy currents in the brain (neurological sign of brain energies). Pulsed signals however sourced (visual, acoustic, RF etc in very, very low frequency wavelengths) can trigger Variant Migraines, no headache but other strange symptoms. The person is `seeing` bright primary colours apparently in field of view, red, yellow and turquoise. If projected into the surrounding environment some will interpret the vision as the Virgin Mary (turquoise) or spirits etc.

    C.Lewis (Crop Circle Connector) tells us that the "SWALLOW : Also known as the 'sale' bird according to Danish folklore, the swallow received its name by trying to relieve the sufferings of Christ while on the Cross by crying 'Svale, svale' which figuratively translates as 'Cheer up, cheer up!'. In Scotland it was believed that the swallow had the blood of the Devil in its veins. The sight of this bird indicates that summer is on the way but watch to see if the bird flies low as this will signal that rain is on the way. If this bird builds a nest on the roof of your home, it is thought to be lucky and to be protective against fire, lightning and storms. Misfortune will follow if it suddenly abandons the nest. The swallow that flies into your home will bring considerable good fortune according to English folklore. Should a woman tread on the eggs it is believed that she will become barren according to an old German belief. A French belief tells that should one land on your shoulder then death is present. An almost universal belief held by farmers is said that to kill a swallow will result in the milk yield being poor, whilst if you disturb the nest then the harvest will be a poor one. It is traditionally seen as a sign of misfortune to see a group of swallows fighting amongst themselves. It was believed that the swallow carried two precious stones within their bodies: a red one to cure insanity, and a black one thought to bring good luck. The swallow like the wren is credited with bringing fire to humankind, but both suffered as a result, hence the red feathers."

    By Lucy Pringle, ©2005


    We arrived at this crop circle, NOT long after it had appeared, The Crop Circle Connector guys, were just leaving the area. Trevina and myself, along with Sal Rachele & Andrew Garley, started up the pathways through the farmers field, to reach the crop circle.

    It was really interesting ~ esp. when i found stones at the exact center of the circle almost, as if they had been pressed down, and, left there, for us to find them. The main centre stone, is pictured above.

    The other six stones, i've NOT taken pictures of yet, ironically, they were placed in a pattern of 3 + 3 + this big one at the core, bthere placement where like 3 on the horizon, and, 3 on the vertical.

    One of the things, i had wanted to do, was walk in a freshly made crop circle and, i am so glad, this occurred. One important thing was 2005 in numerology is equal to - an energetic '7', A lower six and a higher six - and a core there was a crop circle of swallows, that started as six, and, turned into thirteen, with a core.

    Back in 2005, i had been exploring my own theory for almost 30 years, now at the mark of 35+ years, everything is starting to fall into place.


    This is important ~ this crop circle, back in 15 JUNE 2005


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