Crop Circles & Dates Of Eclipses, Etc.,

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Apr 14, 2014.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    23 AUG 2012 CROP CIRCLE - from the Higgs boson to the entire Universe- 26AUG2012

    23 AUGUST 2012

    All circular sacred symbols from all cultures throughout time are geometrical facets of the geometryyou see in the Crop Circle (CC) below that appeared today (8/23/12) 25 miles north northeast of Stonehenge.

    The trick is to recognize that the 2D CC symbolizes precisely the 3D spherical geometry of the Sacred Sphere resulting from nine great circles oriented in a specific arrangement that has the most perfect geometrical form known.

    Based on my research over the last nine years, the Sacred Sphere represents Unity of all things, each component of Universe related to the whole. So it is not surprising to have discovered that every component of energy and space are products of this geometry, from the Higgs boson to the entire Universe. And it is also not surprising to have found all sacred geometries (5 Platonic solids, Vesica Piscis, Seed of Life, Flower of Life, Tree of Life, and on and on) are geometrical aspects of the Sacred Sphere.

    There is intention behind having these discoveries made at this time.

    My purpose in life is to deliver this message - the truth of Mitakuye Oyasin (Lakota: We are all related), that the cycles of Universe, at all scales, are eternal and everywhere, and that there is indeed an Higher Power (which may be Universe itself) that provides the intention for all events within itself.

    My writings detail these findings supported by both science and the sacred. In fact, the geometry of this CC - and its spherical equivalent - are intersecting for the very first time as recognition of this fundamental geometrical form found at all scales, in all energies, everywhere, including ancient and indigenous symbols representing sacred relationships between humans, Earth, Cosmos and Creator. It is an amazing time to be alive, indeed.

    If you have need for further confirmation of the importance of the Sacred Sphere at this time, I believe it cannot be coincidence that this most universally significant of geometries represented by this Crop Circle, is created precisely 120 days before 12/21/2012. Is it possible that synchronicity is at work as the auction of almost 2000 acres of sacred land the Lakota say is the Center of Everything that Is, was cancelled today? My answer is a yes, without a doubt. PAUL BURLEY



    26 aug 2012
    A stunning and remarkable new crop circle has been reported today the 26th of August at Hackpen Hill, near Broad Hinton. Wiltshire, UK.


    6 sides - note, just 3 are seen



    It is NOT an Antahkarana; however, it is a cube that is made up of 216 cuboids and is the cube root of 6 and 6x6x6 = 216.

    144,000 divided by 216 = 666.6666666 and there are 144,000 kin aka days in The Mayan Baktun.

    The 144 is the number of fragments of a soul up to 10th density - you carry 72, and, your essence twin also carries 72 = 72+72 = 144

    Ironically, the collective consciousness is reflecting 1/1440 or .0007% which equals 50,000 of 7.2 billion souls who are energetically expressing themselves, above the collective consciousness.

    ~ susan lynne schwenger



    Who is making these crop circles? The last one looks good enough to eat. Maybe the geometry makes it so.

    This reminds me that cigarrette makers put their products in packages of the same dimension as that of the golden rectangle. People are attracted to the shape without consciously knowing why.



    Interesting -- a pattern or sphere operating in this universe giving expression of Itself in energy and space which we see in the geometries of crop circles, flower of life and Platonic solids. What could this be?

    It's like the expanding and contracting circles observed in Flatland when 3-dimensional spheres pass through a 2-dimensional world. To see what's going on it helps to have a view from above.

    The crop circle images seem specific and detailed - engineered, it seems, for the human mind which can process such data quite well. I am tempted to search for a magical key, the alpha and omega of Creation and a firm knowledge what is seen and unseen in these geometries. But I will wait until your book comes out!!

    Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions, 1884, Edwin Abbott


    must of already moved this ?
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Uranus Pluto Square Pluto Transit September 17 & 18, 2012

    Uranus Pluto Square Pluto Transit September 17 & 18, 2012

    ~ The big astrological buzz is that the second “Uranus/Pluto Square” or “Uranus Square Pluto” aspect is upon us!

    What does this all mean for us? Dynamic energy, powerful times…
    Here are the gathered *insights* from the most insightful astrologers…
    First from the wonderful Dipali Desai and her Celestial Space Astrology:

    “Any type of Pluto transit is one that promises to leave nothing – not one speck unturned or unchecked. There is complete and total demolition so something new is born in place of the old. A Pluto transit is an incredibly important phase of development.”

    “It is truly a magnificent process once you are at the end of the tunnel and see the light. Pluto transits symbolizes a time of total degeneration and decay. We journey into the symbolic ‘Underworld’ eventually emerge reborn. This can be a symbolism of ‘The Dark Night of the Soul.’”

    “Instead of fearing a Pluto Transit, join up with the potential. The potential of a Pluto transit can be viewed as a powerful ally and friend in the evolutionary process. Pluto symbolizes power, death, rebirth, transmutation, transformation and resurrection plus other things.”

    “We certainly come face to face with the deepest darkest fears that are lurking in the caverns of our being under a Pluto transit. Yet facing this is a basic requirement of Pluto’s transit. Pluto also symbolizes the unconscious as well as what we hold buried in our cellular memory. It is whatever has become extreme and gone way off-balance.”

    “Here are 7 suggestions to work with a Pluto Transit:

    1.)Â Do not resist it, try to avoid it, deny it or hide from it...
    2.)Â Eliminate whatever no longer holds value to you or your life…
    3.)Â Do not attempt to control…
    4.)Â Spiritual Insight and understanding arrives in the aftermath…
    5.)Â It starts on the subtle levels and arrives into the physical level…
    6.) A sense of death, dying, grief and loss. These themes are real under a Pluto Transit…
    7.)Â Becoming comfortable within the Void…
    8.)Â Have a select few Trusted people as support network…
    9.)Â Accessing Resources you never knew you had…
    10.) Have not doubt – There is Light at the End of the Tunnel. Just because you are dragged to your personal Underworld or hell through this type of phase of development does not mean you will always be there. Well you can if you choose it. However the ultimate goal with Pluto transit is to bring you back into the light or conscious awareness and empowerment. You are brought back to the world you live in so you can practice remaining empowered and in trust.”

    “So be prepared, it may not look good, feel good, smell good or taste good in the beginning or in the middle of such a Pluto transit. In the end, there is potential for you to resurrect like the Phoenix rising from the ashes with a higher level of awareness and empowerment.”

    © Copyright 2012 Dipali Desai. All Rights Reserved

    From Barbara Hand Clow from Red Ice Creations:

    “In my analysis of the first Uranus/Pluto square on June 24, 2012, I suggested we are awakening the human heart…This field is intensely creative, which causes our thoughts to manifest all around us, so we are challenged to clearly and wisely intend what we want to create.”

    “Whenever we navigate reality by means of clear intentions, we utilize quantum forces—the highly accelerated energy field that creates events based on what’s in our minds. Because more and more people have learned how to create this way, miracles are happening…”

    “..Resist allowing your mind to fog over when you hear the word “quantum!” Quantum physicists have discovered something astonishing that is also very simple: All realities are directed and transformed by the observer—you!”

    “This summer, many of you may have been rather shocked to see things ‘just happen’ around you that you were merely considering in your minds. For example, when you felt blocked and confused (often!), simply by moving your attention to something positive (anything really!) doorways opened….”

    “As I’ve already noted, astrology is rarely as clear as it is right now. The struggle over human resources is intense (Pluto in Capricorn), while the human creative potential to move beyond limitation (Uranus in Aries) is unstoppable…”

    “If you’ve found life murky and overwhelming this summer, you aren’t alone. So far, the trick to navigating this strange period is to scan each moment and each event for potentially positive things and to align your self with this flow….”

    “Just remember to be grounded in your dream of a beautiful world that we are intentionally creating together during this long-awaited planetary awakening. “

    © Copyright 2012  Barbara Hand Clow. All Rights Reserved

    From Willow’s Web Astrology:
    “Female warrior Pallas Athene continues to be a major player in the Uranus-Pluto squares. This asteroid is on Uranus like a second skin as the planet cries out for women and the feminine to step it up, speak out, and exert themselves at the threshold of this new astrological era.”

    “This feminine warrior asteroid is absolutely potent at this important time on the planet and will not be shuffled to the side. Pallas Athene was right up front in the proceedings, exactly conjunct Uranus in Aries and square Pluto in Capricorn, during the first of the seven Uranus-Pluto squares on June 24, 2012, and it has stayed there ever since.”

    “This asteroid holds crucial position for women and for the feminine, in general. It simply won’t back down. Like a dog on a bone, it moves retrograde, step-for-step, in tight conjunction with Uranus into the second Uranus-Pluto square September 18/19.”

    “…Our communications with others are taut, to say the least. People are wound tightly here, and things are simmering beneath the social interactions. Words are highly-charged and potentially incendiary with Mercury squaring volcanic Pluto and opposing unpredictably inflammatory Uranus and Pallas Athene.”
    “Mercury in Libra does its best to keep things socially smooth and congenial - often the domain of women. Pallas Athene, working on the astrological Aquarian vibe in conjunction to Uranus, is fighting to break us out of stifling, control-based social roles, particularly for women. You see the tension of this opposition.”

    “…With Saturn cementing our relational position in the last degrees of Libra, we have to maintain social standards here, but this is very tough to do when we feel like snarling Plutonic beasts with an overwhelming Uranian-Pallas Athenian urge to annihilate every social more in existence.”

    “…The feminine perspective is particularly at the breaking point here. It’s put up with all it is humanly possible to put up with, and speaking up on inflammatory issues when necessary becomes just as important as maintaining social decorum – probably more so.”

    © Copyright 2012  Willow’s Web.  All Rights Reserved

    Wow! Well here is what Anne Nordhaus-Bike and her ANB Communications Blog has to say about harmonizing with this energy:

    Â “Balance harshness with caring, compassion…”

    “The Sun’s placement in Virgo will give us the sharp eye for details and deep analytical skills needed to see clearly, while Uranus retrograde in Aries inspires us with courage to go within and face our truth and Pluto in Capricorn gives us the strength to make difficult, long-term changes built on integrity.”

    “These signs can be harsh, however: Virgo’s ability to spot flaws can become relentless self-criticism and even chronic self-hatred, Aries’s swift action can be self-absorbed and heedless of having to consider others’ needs, and Capricorn’s persistence and ambition can become joyless workaholism and even cynical materialism.”

    “To counter these tendencies, draw on emotions, intuition, and deep spiritual values to support holistic, balanced change…”

    “Use Virgo’s sharp analysis to see all that’s gone wrong. Then ask yourself what you need to improve your situation…Then remember Virgo’s ideals and imagine how you might achieve them…”

    “As you undergo this deep and healing process, may the hope of renewal remain in your heart, and may the social ideals seeded so long ago begin to flower at a higher, more caring level.”

    © Copyright 2012  Anne Nordhaus-Bike. All Rights Reserved

    From Nick Anthony Fiorenza and his

    “Although this may be an intense time, it should be paradigm-shifting in a very progressive and expansive way as we will see toward the end of this authoring. The meanings of the words, ‘Revolution & Revelation,’ may take on an entirely new meaning….”

    “Uranus, in its clear and evolved expression, brings the ability to spontaneously change and to create new frontiers in experience and consciousness. It is the true pioneer, uninhibited by convention and establishment (Saturn). Uranus inspires the expression of our unique individuality in radical confidence….”

    “Pluto is a freeing and opening force; a pattern disrupter and deprogrammer. Pluto is independent, individual, and autonomous; an extremist, isolationist and loner; a revolutionist, and is non-accepting of limiting conditions.”

    “For a younger immature soul, Pluto can express as a controlling arbiter, however Pluto will ultimately make one face their own controlling issues.”

    “For an older mature soul, Pluto can be a valuable ally when worked with consciously, freeing us from antiquated behavioral patterns. Pluto’s chart placement can indicate where we need to let go or surrender programmed patterns from early childhood and from previous incarnations.”

    “Pluto can bring up fears associated with survival, death and transformation; the fear to be alone, to let go, to release or to let die. Pluto brings attention to our attitude and issues we hold about authoritarian control and use of power, how we attempt to control and how we respond such control.”

    “Pluto demands that we take responsibility for our entrapments in life and deal with the longer-term ramifications of our actions and life scenarios—and our karmic responsibility, extending beyond a mere lifetime. Pluto also demands that we address how we co-participate and cooperate with humankind in our daily lives from an all-embracing global perspective.”

    Copyright ©2012 Nick Anthony Fiorenza, All Rights Reserved

    Wonderful insigh from astrologer Pat Liles from The Power

    “It’s crunch time at the collective level….We’re in a revolutionary/evolutionary zone which all can sense, even though we cannot know the final outcome because we are creating it as we go along out of our thoughts, feelings, visions and actions!”

    “Each one of these exact contacts of Uranus and Pluto acts as an intensifier and magnifier of this transpersonal energy that seeks to unlock our most disturbing, inner closeted energy (Pluto) and release and awaken us by giving us a reality jolt or a kick in the pants.”

    “It’s collective energy, so every society on the planet has their own lessons to learn, but we all have these planets active in our personal charts as well – some more intensely than others. Our own personal breakthroughs and lessons contribute to the collective awakening more than we can calculate.”
    “Personal awakening/evolution=Collective awakening/evolution….”

    “We are being offered a huge opportunity to create in a new way, to imagine, think and manifest in one fell swoop! Uranus (sign of inspired genius) will help us to create with quantum field support, and Pluto (God of the Underworld) will help us empty the trash of outmoded emotional programs, thinking habits and beliefs that supported the constructs for the concrete reality that has lead us to the end of this particular time frame represented, let’s say, by the end of this Mayan calendar (or Kali Yuga, Age of Pisces, etc.).”

    “We will no longer have to live solely in the world of ‘doing’. We can integrate our relationship to the divine and acknowledge our inner, receptive stillness of ‘being’.”

    Â “This month we will see two planets act as triggers to the Uranus/Pluto square activating opportunities for growth and resulting growing pains (especially in the lower chakras). Squares signal crisis and dynamic stress that forces action. On September 20, Mercury, the ruling planet of this Virgo New Moon cycle, will bring verbal/mental confrontations or show you just what needs pruning in your daily life.”
    “Go for the challenge. You have everything to gain if you take the initiative and shake your life up even on the most mundane levels. Makes choices, eliminate and commit. The ripples outward will revitalize you.”
    “Late in the month in conjunction with the Aries Full Moon, the Sun will move into position with the Uranus/Pluto square to bring its powerful, personal challenge to align our selves with the revolutionary/evolutionary energies of the times and test our willingness to ‘Let go and let God’. If you’re taking steps to awaken and bring conscious awareness to where you have fallen asleep or become unconsciously numb, then you are riding the edge of this dynamic time.”

    Â “The coming Full Moon (September 29) will very likely be a notably powerful time, so now is the window at New Moon to set your intention for what you want to create with this energy in your life.”

    Copyright ©2012 Patricia Liles, All Rights Reserved

    Lastly from Molly Hall and

    “The potential here is to rediscover who we are, and awaken powers that have been suppressed or dormant. Pluto’s method is elimination, excavation, clearing out, and if the world seems covered in shadow, it’s rising to be faced, confronted, transformed.”

    “As the old is cracked open, new fertile landscapes are created that weren’t there before. Raw energies are released, that are the fuel for the next move. A sense of mission comes from what’s been overcome, and this augurs a new chapter. There are many ways that Pluto and Uranus divinely work toward breaking through!”

    “What’s been stuffed down and denied is spilling out. Much that was in shadow, is being purged out into the open. The dumpster of denial, corruption and shadowy agendas is full. The ugly truth can no longer be contained, especially about institutions, monopolies, unholy alliances, hierarchies of power and industry.”
    “Seen with wise eyes, where nothing is “good or bad,” this is a golden opportunity. It’s time to find ways to clean it up, purify and reform. The intensity of the times activates a call, to play a role, in this great shift of the ages….”

    “Pluto is ultimately about letting go, and accepting what is. It’s also about getting things moving and unstuck from routine, or cultural assumptions, by any means necessary. If a relationship has fallen apart, look at ways it frees you to explore your own true and wildly alive sense of destiny again. If you’ve lost your home or other material possessions, how does it lighten your load?”

    “Pluto in Capricorn is challenging some to let go of who we think we are, in the eyes of society. If I don’t have this or that car, a certain size home, a college degree, who am I?”

    “Breaking out of tired old conditioning, we experience our own unique inherent value. By being stripped of outer branding and stultifying influence, each of us taps the source within. We let go of what’s stunting our growth, and spread our wings. We become the phoenix rising out of the ashes.”

    “… As these groundbreaking moments of Pluto crack us open, it lets to light in (to indirectly quote a famous poem). As we are broken open, we discover the will to really live, and the soul force that’s able to renew itself. We’re full of anticipation, even as things are “falling apart” around us.”

    “The surprise gift is a new sense of the possible. And, a brand new sense of who you are. We might sense much “work” to do, integrating the shadow. And yet, Uranus in the foolhardy optimistic fire sign of Aries keeps us in good spirits.”

    Copyright ©2012 Molly Hall. All Rights Reserved



    “This summer, many of you may have been rather shocked to see things ‘just happen’
    around you that you were merely considering in your minds.
    For example, when you felt blocked and confused (often!),
    simply by moving your attention to something positive (anything really!) doorways opened….”

    I have noticed that when I "get out of the way", "move on to something else" or "just give it a rest" from an endeavor -- the thing comes to pass fairly quickly.


    not sure, is this the right section for this ?
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    KOCH FRACTAL CROP CIRCLE ~ 23 july 1997 ~ A STAR GYLPH AKA STARGLYPH ~ Silbury Hill Nr Avebury, Wilshire, England

    The Silbury Hill Formation
    Wednesday, July 23, 1997 - Silbury Hill
Nr Avebury, Wiltshire, England


    An aerial shot by Steve Alexander © 1997

    Situated to the northern side of Silbury Hill, towards Avebury is a formation some are calling the Fractal Star of David. It consists of 126 circles.

    This is based on a diagram known as a Koch Fractal, based, of course, on the name of its discoverer, Lolita Koch.

    The main equilateral triangle has its sides divided into three equal parts. Smaller equilaterals fit into the central section of each of the three sides. This action is then repeated with a yet smaller triangle.

    In theory, this process is infinite, but in this formation for practical reasons of manufacture and scale,
    it is ended with a border of exquisite small circles.


    1998 Crop Circles
    (revised August 7, 1998)

    Avebury Flower
Friday, July 3, 1998

    Beckhampton Star
Saturday, June 20, 1998

    Bishops Cannings
Friday, June 5, 1998

    Clanfield Triangle
Friday, June 19, 1998

    Furze Hill
Monday, June 22, 1998

    Source images:

    All images presented in the 1998 Crop Circles have been photographed from the air by Steve Alexander ©1998, unless otherwise indicated. Crop Circle Radius has permission to share these images with you. Thanks to Steve Alexander and Mark Fussell from the Crop Circle Connector.


    The Avebury Avenue Formation

    Friday - July 3, 1998


    An aerial shot by Steve Alexander ©1998

    To the west of the Avebury Avenue and overlooking the stones from a gently rising field, this formation continues the theme of the six-petalled flower though we have had nothing quite like this before. A laid circle of about 70' diameter was surrounded by six petals which are in turn enclosed by a laid, "scalloped" circular enclosure.

The central circle was beautifully swirled anti-clockwise. Crop circles are never truly circular but in this case the cross dimensions were very consistent. The circle is surrounded by six petals of the type which are now classics. Based roughly on an equilateral triangle, the internal surface is concave (matching the curve of the centre circle) and the two outer edges are convex. This petal form with one concave and two convex sides has been used since at least 1991 when it appeared in Barbury Castle's northernmost element.

The whole flower is enclosed by a scalloped enclosure of clockwise lay. There are six scallops which at the widest point form a roughly circular shape of about 140' in diameter. Each of these six large curves swoops in towards the petal-point at each end, leaving a space of about 4'. At each point there is, within the standing crop, a beautifully made circle of about 3' diameter each of which contains - as we have come to expect - an elegant masterpiece of tight swirling.


    A drawing by Michael Glickman ©1998

    Curiously, the formation is distorted on the north side. The northernmost petal seems to have been pushed in and made smaller, and the two related scallops have shifted inwards with it.

On the afternoon of the first day, some kids were discovered making extra circles around the perimeter. They were chased away, but the damage had been done before - I believe - any aerial record was made. I have not seen the damage but it should be noted that there were only six small circles originally.


    The Beckhampton Star Formation
    Saturday - June 20, 1998

    An aerial shot by Steve Alexander ©1998

    The star formation at Beckhampton is of great significance. A pentagram, or five-pointed star, surrounded by ten classic crop circle "petals", it is very similar to the Bythorn Mandala of September 1993. Five-fold geometry is, according to ancient wisdom, the geometry of life, and the Golden Section or Phi ratio (1:1.618) is inherent in the pentagram. The work of John Martineau in the early '90s showed that many crop formations were ordered by a hidden pentagram, but Bythorn was the first ever to appear. Bishops Cannings 1997 was the second and the beautiful Beckhampton circle is the third. These three stars all pointed south. A very specific statement is reiterated here. Are we being told that earthly life is upside down or at least disoriented?


    A drawing by Michael Glickman ©1998

    The Bythorn Pentagram was "drawn" with clockwise paths, about 3'4" wide that could be walked following a labyrinthine route. The pentagram within the Beckhampton formation was made as a single laid shape.

In both these formations two petals connected to a single point of the star can be read as an elongated heart.


    The Bishops Cannings Formation

    Friday - June 5, 1998


    An aerial shot by Steve Alexander ©1998

    This formation overlooks the A361 road between Beckhampton and Devizes. It is some distance from Bishops Cannings and this name might have caused some confusion. I was too late to visit it but I have seen excellent ground shots and spoken to early visitors. This is a second-hand report.

A ring of fifteen circles and an eye surround a somewhat larger central circle. There seems to be something pressured about the construction. Several of the circles appear to come together imprecisely and the eye is a little distorted by its two circular neighbours. Despite this, the eye clearly approximates the classic almond shape of a vesica. The "tracer path" which defines the whole formation runs clearly through the iris and pupil of the eye.


    A drawing by Michael Glickman ©1998

    The lay was exemplary.
    Each circle contained both clockwise and counter-clockwise sweeps which,
    when they met, formed a raised ridge of crop.


    The Clanfield Triangle Formation

    Friday - June 19, 1998


    An aerial shot by Steve Alexander ©1998

    Many crop formations are so large or so elaborate that they are difficult to understand from the ground, certainly if you have not seen an aerial photo before your visit. Clanfield would be one of these.

The formation is located in a field to the west of the A3. It is easy to access but the complexity, grace and elaboration of the formation and its lay are almost too much to take in. A ring of circles, of three differing sizes, is disposed around a central element, itself ringed. It is a form of great subtlety. Though constructed entirely of circles and rings, it contains clear references to hexagons and, more significantly to triangles. Euclid's first theorem, a perennial favorite of the Circle Makers, is also referred to here.


    A drawing by Michael Glickman ©1998

    The anti-clockwise lay is beautifully handled.
    The edge between laid and standing crop is very precise, giving the cleanly cut feel of many of the better formations.

This year's innovation, a meticulous zig-zag sweep which seems to be almost woven, is widely used.
    Each of the circles has an "eyebrow" which links around the formation
    to form a delightful perimeter pathway of about four feet wide.

    Walking this path, the wheat is swept diagonally before you,
    first to the left and then to the right, continuously around the formation.


    The Furze Hill Formation

    Monday - June 22, 1998


    An aerial shot by Steve Alexander ©1998

    The Furze Hill formation, tantalisingly close to the East Field at Alton Barnes, had one of the best and most complex lays I have ever seen. The wheat was strong and close-growing and acted as a very powerful medium for the circle makers. On the first day the surging sweep of the crop had the vigour of powerful brush-strokes in oil paint. A few days later, while the overall form remained, the elegant carpet had grown out very quickly, perhaps because of the consistent rainfall which followed.

Geometrically, it played an inventive and sophisticated game with the Vesica Pisces. Classically, this is formed when a circle is drawn with its centre on the perimeter of another of the same size. The resulting almond shape is known as the Vesica Pisces and the diagram is the symbol of the Division of Unity or of manifestation.


    A drawing by Michael Glickman ©1998

    In this case, the diagram has been elaborated by the addition of two further circles.
    These serve both to develop four "petals" and to create an enigmatic seed-form at the centre of the vesica.
    If these four circles are overlaid on the formation its numerical genius can be seen.
    One-ness, two-ness and three-ness are oviously dealt with,
    but four circles with four petals become five vesicas and then six petals.
    I know of no other geometric form which can do this.


    1997 Crop Circles

    The Six Moons Formation
Sunday, April 20, 1997
Barbury Castle, Wiltshire, England

    The Barbury Castle Formation
Tuesday, May 6, 1997
Barbury Castle, Nr Wroughton, Wiltshire, England

    The Wiltshire Formation
Wednesday, June 1, 1997
Winterbourne Bassett, Nr Avebury, Wiltshire, England

    The Stonehenge Formation
Monday, June 9, 1997
Stonehenge, Nr Amesbury, Wiltshire, England

    The Alton Barnes Formation
Friday, July 11, 1997
Alton Barnes, Nr Avebury, Wiltshire, England

    The Lane End Down Formation
Saturday, July 12, 1997
Lane End Down, Nr Winchester, Hampshire, England

    The Bishops Cannings Formation
Sunday, July 13, 1997 
Nr Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire, England

    The Cley Hill Formation
Monday, July 14, 1997 
Cley Hill, Warminster, Wiltshire, England

    The Morestead Formation
Monday, July 21, 1997
Morestead, Nr Winchester, Hampshire, England

    The Silbury Hill Formation
Wednesday, July 23, 1997
Silbury Hill, Nr Avebury, Wiltshire, England

    The Henwood Down Formation
Friday, July 25, 1997
HenWood Down, Nr East Meon, Hampshire, England

    The Liddington Castle Formation
Monday, July 28, 1997
Liddington Castle, Nr Swindon, Wiltshire, England

    The Etchilhampton Formation
Wednesday, July 30, 1997
Etchilhampton, Nr Devizes, Wiltshire, England

    The Keysley Down Formation 
Thursday, July 31, 1997
Keysley Down, Nr Warminster, Wiltshire, England

    The Liddington Castle Formation
Sunday, August 3, 1997
Liddington Castle, Nr Swindon, Wiltshire, England

    The Fosbury Fort Formation
Tuesday, August 5, 1997
Fosbury Fort, Nr Vernham Dean, Wiltshire, England

    The Milk Hill Formation
Friday, August 8, 1997
Milk Hill, Nr Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, England

    The Etchilhampton Formation
Friday, August 8, 1997
Etchilhampton, Nr Devizes, Wiltshire, England

    The Hackpen Hill Formation 
Monday, August 18, 1997 
Hackpen Hill, Nr Broad Hinton, Wiltshire, England

    All images presented in the 1997 Crop Circles have been photographed from the air by Steve Alexander © 1997,
    unless otherwise indicated. Thanks to Steve Alexander and Mark Fussell from the Crop Circle Connector.



    Age of Aquarius


    05 APRIL 1993 ~
    The 'Beginning of the 'Age of Aquarius' is so scripturally determined
    within the last of the 20 katuns of 7,200 days or 19.713 civil years 
beginning on this April 5th, 1993 (20 civil years as 20x365+5=7,200+360 days 
and ending on December 21st, 2012 as a 37.728 Civil Year Period
and extended in the encodings in the Degree Calendar Round 
of the Ancient Year of the 360 Degree Time on December 16, 2013
for the 'Aquarian Transit' from 1998 to 2012
and as the galactic synchronisation of the galactic center 'Hunab Ku' with the Sun 'RahSol'.

    from the work of The Thuban Group, Tony Bermanseder & Susan Lynne Schwenger

    from: (this site)

    Day*1300=Maya#5/260/65AHAU=18AHAU*=December 16th, 2013= End of Mayan Tzolkin Correlation

    Day*1301=Maya#6/1/1/66IMIX=19IMIX*=December 17th, 2013= 5th Full Moon in Gemini(+)

    Similarly a 360 Kin 360-Degree Year is added
    (in subtraction from a 0-Date defining the Start of Warpzone
    and as encoded as the 'Abomination of Desolation' in Matthew and Daniel)
    to the DayCount of September 12th, 1975 to specify the e Ouroboros
    or the Galactic Serpent of the Mazzaroth of Job
    as the two parts of the Leviathan and the Behemoth.

    The HEAD or ALPHA of the Galactic Dragon is
    The SolarArrowed Unicorn of the SeaGoatian Dragonhorns
    as the Behemothian DNA-Strand of the FireEarth
    and the TAIL or OMEGA of the Galactic Dragon
    is the Hermetic FisherEagle of the Lunar Twins
    as the Leviathan DNA-Strand of the AirWater.

    Together they represent the 'Intertwined Serpent-Rod' of Moses of the Zodiac of Abraham;
    also known as the Caduceus of Thoth, the Egyptian Ibis God of Wisdom.

    The Galactic Alignment so spans 13,600+15+720=14,335 Days,
    which must encompass the 13,780 Days
    for the solar transit as defined by the angular scale of the solar disc.
    and where the 270 Days are representative
    for the three quarters of the added Outer two 'Ancient Years'
    with the one quarter being the two Inner parts as the sum of the 180 days
    from the precession calibration (180/540=1/3=90/270 for 90+270=360).

    Day#-3873=Wednesday, May 2nd, 14AD/Monday, May 2nd, 1994= MidPoint of 13,615 Days
    and Midpoint of 14,335 Days from #½(-10,680+(0)+2935 and 6808+6808 inclusive). from f
    Day#-3872=Thursday, May 3rd, 14AD/Tuesday, May 3rd, 1994
    Day#-3790=Monday, July 23rd, 14AD/Saturday, July 23rd, 1994=
    MidPoint of 13,780 Days from LionNode#1 from 82+1+82=165=13,780-13,615 from f
    Day#-3789=Tuesday, July 24th, 14AD/Sunday, July 24th, 1994

    This Date then is offset by the 1260 Days of the 'Witnessing'
    as the 'Times and Time and Half a Time' for a 'Time'=360 Days and 360(3½)=1260
    and the 15 days of the 'Hour' as 1275 Days; (Daniel.12.7;Revelation.11)

    Day#2515=Monday, January 19th, 1998=Halfway Nexus +1260 Days+15 Days as the 'Witness period'
    of the Prophecy in archetypology.

    Day#-2514=Tuesday, January 20th, 1998=Begin of Age of Aquarius
    (Sun ingresses Aquarius from Capricorn, 6.46 hours GMT)= Halfway Nexus + 1260 Days 15 Days
    as the 'Witness period' of the Prophecy in archetypology.

    The 'Beginning of the 'Age of Aquarius' is so scripturally determined
    within the last of the 20 katuns of 7,200 days or 19.713 civil years
    beginning on this April 5th, 1993 (20 civil years as 20x365+5=7,200+360 days
    and ending on December 21st, 2012 as a 37.728 Civil Year Period
    and extended in the encodings in the Degree Calendar Round
    of the Ancient Year of the 360 Degree Time on December 16, 2013
    for the 'Aquarian Transit' from 1998 to 2012
    and as the galactic synchronisation of the galactic center 'Hunab Ku' with the Sun 'RahSol'.

    Overall however, in the Mayan longcount September18th,1618
    began this last baktun of 144,000 days.

    it talks also of 'the twins'


    Text © Freddy Silva 1997. Photos © Derrick Christopher, Richard Beaumont, Lucy Pringle, Ron Russell.
    After Doug and Dave's orchestrated appearance many people, predictably, stayed away from the fields by the thousands. Researchers, too, were despondent, many losing heart in the face of public humiliation. Government infiltrators and CIA operatives spread lies, misinformation, and generally set researchers against each other. More importantly, the media stayed well away from the subject since they didn't wish to spend any more energy on a phenomenon that had, supposedly, now been rationally explained.

    For the first time, hoaxed formations superseded genuine ones in number but, as always, not in appearance. Yet the unfakeable characteristics of the real phenomenon continued to appear in the few pictograms of the season; and all this a year after Doug and Dave's supposed retirement from the scene.


    For those researchers still determined to continue in the face of seemingly unsurmountable odds, new and surprising evidence kept turning up. One notable event was an experiment conducted by Steven Greer of SETI (Search For ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence). His group had already been fortunate enough to come face-to-face with structured craft in the vicinity of Alton Barnes, the location of many notable crop circles in the past. The group decided to establish contact by performing a meditation during which, it was agreed, everyone should focus on a particular symbol to be transmitted subconsciously. The design- three circles laid in the form of an equilateral triangle connected by three pathways- appeared a week later as a crop circle at the foot of ancient hill fort, Oliver's Castle, near the main female energy line that runs across Britain.

    To make up for a truly disappointing season, the Circlemakers seemed to acknowledge the perseverance of the remaining researchers by producing one of the most beautiful formations to date. The season finale, near celebrated Silbury Hill, was the first mandala design with obvious references to Buddhist and Celtic traditions. The Dharma Wheel (left) was not only significant in the way it represented the eightfold path of human spiritual development, as represented by each symbol, but the Circlemakers decided that the message was important enough to lay the outer path of the design right through a physical water trough. Here was an intriguing situation: did the water trough simply get in the way? Or was there a purposeful communication behind this? On closer observation the only symbol missing in the design just happened to be on the location now taken up by the water trough. And the symbol, had there been no trough in the field, would have been the one for 'cleansing', typically symbolized by water.


    With the negative events of the past two years now tucked away, the 1993 season appeared to pick up where it left off and showed that the phenomenon was indeed alive and well despite efforts to derail it. There were few genuine formations. Overall, about 130 formations were reported. It was also a time when cooperation became more important between the various research factions. Plant biologists became interested in the phenomenon, biophysical testing on plants became normal proceedure, mathematical ratios were studied, and since diatonics were discovered in the geometries of formationms, experiments with harmonics and music got under way. Psychics continued to predict the appearance of crop circles, and channeled information spoke of the relevance of the phenomenon to our spiritual awakening. Even the case studies of psychological and physiological effects on humans encountering crop circles continued to grow; in hindsight it looked as if the slowing down of the phenomenon in 1992 had actually given people a moment to breathe and catch up.


    The phenomenon also began to show up noticeably across the globe. Reports of simple formations came in from Holland, Hungary, Switzerland, USA, Canada, Japan, Australia, Russia and France. Ironically, the same theories and pattern of logical explanations that had occured when the phenomenon first appeared in England were also present in these countries: that it was all the product of wind, plasma vortices, sex-mad hedgehogs, etc.

    The season finale for 1993 was the Bythorn mandala, a magnificient representation of pentagonal geometry. The pentagram was revered by the ancient Greeks as a symbol of the five-fold nature of humanity and used as a talisman of good health (incidentally, the land on which this formation appeared belongs to a farmer who cares for sick animals). This optimistic thought is repeated throughout nature. As noted geometer Paul Devereux noted: 'Pentagonal geometry is present in many aspects of nature. The human body relates to the Golden Mean and pentagonal geometry, or more humbly in a wayside flower. A temple [or crop circle] based on the Golden Mean and pentagonal geometry will therefore automatically integrate the human being with the Cosmos.' The number five, ironically, is also the number associated with wheat, the crop in which the mandala appeared. Certainly the ten-petalled lotus flower on the outer edge of the design indicates in the eastern tradition the third chakra which deals with emotions and (again) cleansing. In Rossicrucian tradition it indicates humanity's spiritual nature.

    As another season came to an end this crop circle, with its symbolism of spiritual rebirth, left devotees in no doubt that their efforts were being rewarded. And little did they know how well.



    The Six Moons Formation

    Sunday, April 20, 1997 - Barbury Castle, Wiltshire, England


    An aerial shot by Steve Alexander © 1997

    The Barbury Castle formation carries several important messages. It is the earliest elaborate formation we have ever had and certainly the most complex crop circle in Oil Seed Rape (Canola).

    Last year, the arrival in June of the double helix formation in East Field at Alton Barnes set a new record.
    Not for the date - there have been many formations in that month
    - but for the quality and complexity so early in the season.
    Barbury Castle formation sets a new record.

    Clearly, there is significance in the choice of location, for the words "Barbury Castle"
    are very important in the history of crop circles.
    Click on each picture to see greater detail.


    Littlebury Green - Liddington Castle - Barton-le-Clay

    In design terms, two strategies are being pursued. First, the "spinner" aspect illustrated last year in Patricia Murray's videon at the Glastonbury Symposium (A video which has been developed substantially during the last months).

    Second, the very close stylistic relationship to the Littlebury Green/Liddington Castle/Barton-le-Clay group of 1996.

    This was a very articulate trio of designs which telegraphed a totally innovative formal direction which Barbury Castle now continues.

    A comparison with Littlebury Green shows that the scale is very similar, the overall profile is absolutely identical as are the flattened, almost banana-shaped crescents.


    A drawing by Michael Glickman © 1997

    The Six Moons formation coordinates precisely with five-fold pentagram geometry.
    This does not mean that the formation is divided into five slices like a pizza.
    It refers to the ratios from center outwards.

    Thus, if the points of the pentagram are aligned with the periphery of the formation,
    the center of the star
    - a pentagon
    - will exactly contain the central standing ring.

    It is our view that this is an "agenda circle" and that the six moons indicate a six month season,
    from April to September.

    This is a powerful six-fold spinner. Will we get a seven-fold spinner this season? Let's ask for it.


    The Barbury Castle Formation

    Tuesday, May 6, 1997 - Barbury Castle, 
Nr Wroughton, Wiltshire, England


    An aerial shot by Steve Alexander © 1997

    The CircleMakers have revisited the area around Barbury Castle,
    and have Transmitted a formation some are calling the "Tree of Life" into a rape field.

    The Tree of Life is an ancient geometric figure mentioned in (among other sacred writings)
    the Kabballah, a mystical spiritual text revealed to ancient rabbis.

    From a recent conversation with a friend from the fileds,
    regarding the Tree of Life formation at Barbury Castle:

    "It was literally pulsing with energy.

    Several people separately noticed a kind of throbbing.

    I tried to measure it on three different occasions,
    but the first two times the feeling of sacredness was too strong.

    It was like a temple or a church inside.

    I arrived with the purpose of measuring and each time I entered it,
    the whole activity seemed meaningless in conjuction with the hallowed nature of the event.

    On the third attempt I succeeded.

    The dimensions are as follows: length 297 feet, width 184 feet; diameter of all circles 33 feet."

    The numbers 33 and 333 have a great numerological significance in ancient wisdom
    and these numbers are often employed to underline the importance of formations or parts of formations.

    The south-eastern circular element of the seminal 1991 triangle, also at Barbury Castle,
    is a case in point.

    Known popularly as the Ratchet Spiral, its path, if measured outwards with the lay of the wheat,
    was exactly 333' in length.

    333 is the number associated, among other things, with Hermes Trismegistos.


    The Wiltshire Formation

    Wednesday, June 1, 1997 - Winterbourne Bassett, 
Nr Avebury, Wiltshire, England


    Appearing June 1st, the first formation in cereal (barley) this year in Wiltshire is located three miles north of Avebury, in Winterbourne Bassett.

    The 150 feet diameter circle features a triangle bisected three ways and cutting three circles in the corners to create the unusual design.


    A drawing by Michael Glickman © 1997

    The elegant and complex formation at Wintebourne Bassett uses a checker-board design strategy which has never been seen before in the crop circles.

    The diameter of the three part-circles is exactly the same as the circle which would fit precisely inside the triangle.

    This Euclidian idea, which shows that a circle contained by an equilateral triangle
    is half the size of the circle containing the triangle, has long been a popular device of the circlemakers.


    A drawing by Michael Glickman © 1997


    Monday, June 9, 1997- Stonehenge, 
Nr Amesbury, Wiltshire, England


    An aerial shot by Steve Alexander © 1997

    The Formation is a hexagon shape with a small circle in the middle with six arms pointing towards each apex of the hexagon. On the end of each arm there are many small circles.
    The formation is in barley and is appx 500 feet. The formation was discovered on Monday 9th June by a local.


    The Alton Barnes Formation

    Friday, July 11, 1997 - Alton Barnes,
Nr Avebury, Wiltshire, England


    An aerial shot by Steve Alexander © 1997

    The formation is near to Woodborough Hill opposite the East field. The Formation can be seen from Knapp Hill on Tim and Polly Carson's field. It is 300 feet in diameter with a large central circle.


    The Lane End Down Formation

    Saturday, July 12, 1997 - Lane End Down
    Nr Winchester, Hampshire, England


    An aerial shot by Steve Alexander © 1997

    Spotted about 5 miles out side of Winchester towards Petersfield.


    The Bishops Cannings Formation

    Sunday, July 13, 1997 - Bourton
Nr Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire, England


    An aerial shot by Steve Alexander © 1997

    The formation is near to Devizes on a flat piece of land.

    The star shaped formation is in wheat and is 150 feet in diameter.

    Crop formations are often based on an implicit fivefold geometry
    but it is rare for this to be manifested clearly in the design.

    Bishops Cannings is the fourth Crop Circle to embody fivefold geometry
    and only the second precise pentagram, the first being the Bythorn Mandala of 1993.

    The outline of the star has been simply and directly drawn here,
    unlike Bythorn where the outline was continuous and formed a central pentagon.

    The elegant three-barred features which sit between the points of the star precisely
    indicate a second ghost pentagram rotated 36 degrees.


    Bishops Cannings is an ancient village, previously called Bishops Cannynges,
    which was in ancient times the most important settlement in the area.

    It now sits, a typical small English village, below the A361,
    which links Beckhampton (the location of Silbury Hill) to Devizes,
    a market town to the south west.

    This area was in 1994 the site of the astonishing dragonfly formation which many called the King Scorpion.

    On the morning of July 13th the 198 foot star appeared about 1/4 mile to the east of the road.

    It was positioned on the top of a slight rise in the valley which meant that,
    from inside the formation, you had a comprehensive view of the surrounding landscape.

    In the early '90s it was discovered that the five-pointed star, or pentagram,
    played a very important role in the design of the circles.

    Though the star itself was rarely visible (Bishops Cannings is only the second pentagram to appear)
    it was often apparent as the proportion-giving skeleton of the formation.

    A pentagram drawn over scale drawings of crop circle events often clicked
    into place with the precision of a component of a Swiss watch.

    It should be noted that the pentagram contains the Phi ratio also known as the Golden Section.

    This ratio, 1 - 1.618, has been a basis of art and architecture for millennia.

    It is a ratio which occurs in biological life and which can be found in our own skeletal structure.

    The Fibonacci series is another Phi-based system.

    Five-fold geometry is associated with Life and the ancients associated it also with magic,
    which is why the pentagram plays such an important part in many rituals.

    In our day, it has been appropriated by several countries, many armies and one gas company.

    The formation itself was exquisitely laid in wheat.

    The lay was entirely clockwise.

    The five arms of the star terminated in the outer ring before they reached a point
    and therefore fivengs,
    each about three feet wide, were left for people to enter.

    This was the second pentagram star,
    the first being the Bythorn Mandala of September 1993.

    Interestingly, both of these formations were placed "upside down".

    In our use of the star, one of the arms always point upwards.

    The Circlemakers know the importance of north and are aware that,
    to position the start conventionally,
    one arm should point north or up.

    In the case of both Bishops Cannings, Bythorn and Bishops Cannings, an arm pointed directly south.

    What might the meaning of this be?

    If the pentagram is the symbol of life and, more particularly man
    (Leonardo's man in a pentagram) might these formations be stating, symbolically but clearly,
    that Mankind is upside down?

    This interpretation is supported by the discovery that the Bythorn Mandala
    incorporated five precise location points for a north-pointing star.

    It suggested the way the pentagram, and by implication man, could be correctly realigned.

    Remarkably, Bishops Cannings contains exactly the same clues.

    At Bythorn, the implicit positions were indicated by "slots" showing a housing of 36 degrees
    which would contain the arms.

    At Bishops Cannings the sets of three bars indicate the corrected location.

    If a second - ghostly - pentagram is drawn in the right position,

    the bars will indicate the 36 degrees of the new arm position.


    The Cley Hill Formation

    Monday, July 14, 1997 - Cley Hill
Warminster, Wiltshire, England


    An aerial shot by Steve Alexander © 1997

    This enormous formation is sited just below Cley Hill. The numerous pathways form a hexagram at the center which is similar in overall form to the Silbury formation. It is the second hexagonal formation to have appeared this season.

    The first at Stonehenge, contained a snowflake design which seemed to be a confirmation of the Oliver's Castle formation last year.

    The Stonehenge formation was angrily closed to the public after an irresponsible researcher suggested to the farmer (as usual without evidence) that it was a hoax.

    Perhaps Warminster continues the Circlemakers' tradition of repeating formations which have become inaccessible.


    The Morestead Formation

    Monday, July 21, 1997 - Morestead
Nr Winchester, Hampshire


    An aerial shot by Steve Alexander © 1997

    Situated within the village of Morestead,
    5 miles southeast of Winchester.


    The Silbury Hill Formation

    Wednesday, July 23, 1997 - Silbury Hill
Nr Avebury, Wiltshire, England


    An aerial shot by Steve Alexander © 1997

    Situated to the northern side of Silbury Hill towards Avebury is a formation some are calling the Fractal Star of David.

    It consists of 126 circles.

    This is based on a diagram known as a Koch Fractal, based, of course, on the name of its discoverer, Lolita Koch.

    The main equilateral triangle has its sides divided into three equal parts.

    Smaller equilateral triangles fit into the central section of each of the three sides.

    This action is then repeated with a yet smaller triangle.

    In theory, this process is infinite but in this formation for practical reasons of manufacture and scale, it is ended with a border of exquisite small circles.


    The HenWood Down Formation

    Friday, July 25, 1997 - HenWood Down
Nr East Meon, Hampshire


    An aerial shot by Lucy Pringle © 1997

    Situated within the Meon Valley close to the village of East Meon,
    is what can be described as an insect type design, some calling it, The Ant.

    The lovely secluded valley of East Meon was the site of the beautiful nested crescents of 1995.

    These fields have again been visited, this time by an ant,
    which is the only figurative crop formation we have had this year.


    The Liddington Castle Formation

    Monday, July 28, 1997 - Liddington Castle
Nr Swindon, Wiltshire


    An aerial shot by Steve Alexander © 1997

    The formation consists of a big cicle (ca. 25m) and a smaller one (ca. 15m)
    both were connected with a winded path with a length of about 150m and a width of about 1.50m.

    The center of the big spiral was not in the geometrical center of the circle.

    The spiral started in the center and moved clockwise to the edge and the path
    to the next circle was a perfect continuation of the circle pattern.

    The path continued the direction of the pattern into the second circle
    which was entered at the right edged (seen from the path)
    and described a counterclock spiral ending in the center of the circle.


    The Etchilhampton Formation

    Wednesday, July 30, 1997 - Etchilhampton
Nr Devizes, Wiltshire


    An aerial shot by Steve Alexander © 1997

    The formation is a six petalled design incorporated within a circle.

    It is approximately 150 feet in diameter.

    During the crop circle season Michael Glickman and Patricia Murray live at Etchilhampton.

    The field, which is known locally as Gypsy Patch, is a little over a mile from their house.

    In 1996 this field received the longest crop circle ever recorded.

    It was too big to measure by hand so Michael drove a car carefully along the adjoining farm track measuring the distance on the odometer as he went.

    It was eight tenths of a mile long and was a track linking thirteen circles very much like pearls on a necklace.

    At the centre, and seperate from the track, was a circle which contained a perfect equilateral triangle.

    Though the points of the triangle were intact the centre had been cut away to form what appeared to be a flying horse.

    From this circle could be seen the white horse of Alton Barnes.

    This formation, apart from the fact that it was so close to their home appeared on the very day that Michael and Patricia spoke at the Glastonbury Symposium.

    It was natural, then, that they assumed that there would be another formation in the same field during the 1997 season.

    They visited it often.

    On the night of 23rd July, as they drove home, a brilliant luminosity dropped vertically in front of their car
    and then shot off in the direction of the Gypsy Patch field.

    They tried to follow it but lost it very shortly.

    Though they visited he field almost daily, there was no activity and then on the night of 30th July, turning the corner near the field, Michael suddenly said: "It's landed!"

    He is wary of predictions the third circle until, during harvesting the combine driver stopped his machine to speak to them and told them of a third circle in the corner of the field.)


    An aerial shot by Steve Alexander © 1997
    The formation was accompanied by this design. Detail below.


    An aerial shot by Steve Alexander © 1997


    The Keysley Down Formation

    Thursday, July 31, 1997 - Keysley Down
Nr Warminster, Wiltshire


    An aerial shot by Steve Alexander © 1997

    On Keysley Down (South of Warminster),
    100 feet long, in wheat.

    It appears as an early 1990's style dumbell.


    The Liddington Castle Formation

    Sunday, August 3, 1997 - Liddington Castle
Nr Swindon, Wiltshire


    An aerial shot by Steve Alexander © 1997

    This Necklace design resembled a formation which appeared on the Oxfordshire border last year,
    with some twenty seven circles making the overall Design,
    similar in construction to the Julia Sets of 1996.


    The Fosbury Fort Formation

    Tuesday, August 5, 1997 - Fosbury Fort
Nr Vernham Dean, Wiltshire


    An aerial shot by Steve Alexander © 1997

    A very unvisited formation because of its remoteness below Fosbury hill fort,
    on the exquisitely beautiful valley opposite Conholt Hill.

    The 130+ foot formation can well viewed from the road up Conholt Hill, south of Verham Dean.


    The Milk Hill Formation

    Friday, August 8, 1997 - Milk Hill
Nr Alton Barnes, Wiltshire


    An aerial shot by Steve Alexander © 1997

    Below Milk Hill at Alton Barnes, the diameter of this fractal-like formation
    was approximately 200 feet in wheat.

    Very similar to the earlier Silbury Hill formation,
    except the interior of this one has standing crop with an inward-facing fractal pattern.


    The Etchilhampton Formation

    Friday, August 8, 1997 - Etchilhampton
Nr Devizes, Wiltshire

    An aerial shot by Lucy Pringle © 1997

    This pictogram spanned 5 tramlines and is estimated to be 300 feet long.

    This formation seems like a reflection of the early 1990's formations.


    The Hackpen Hill Formation

    Monday, August 18, 1997 - Hackpen Hill
Nr Broad Hinton, Wiltshire


    An aerial shot by Steve Alexander © 1997

    The Hillside, along from Winterbourne Bassett which incorporates its own White Horse, is known as Hackpen Hill.

    The first reported formation in this area was back in 1991 when we had a beautiful triple Dumbell positioned close to the White Horse itself.

    This year, the formation contains the same element of geometry from the Koch Fractals
    earlier in the season.

    It can't be classed as a true Koch, as it only incorporates part of the overall shape from the other two.




    Text © Freddy Silva 1997. Photos by George Wingfield, Alick Bartholemew, Richard Wintle and David Parker.

    Despite the disinformation campaign performed by the British government to quell public interest in crop circles in 1990, the formations continued to appear throughout southern England in greater numbers, larger dimensions and intricate designs. The first set of 'insectograms' appeared in the field next to Stonehenge, seemingly undetected by the ever-vigilant security teams. Several sets of pictograms involving 'keys' also manifested in the now legendary Alton Barnes area. One was a staggering 360 feet long.

    Then came even more bizarre shapes- dolphinograms, six-pointed stars, threefold dumb-bells and other strange symbols. In one surveillance operation an entire field was rigged with perimeter laser alarms, super-sensitive microphones and overhead cameras. In the middle of the night a fine mist descended over the field. When morning broke, a perfect crop circle lay in the field and none of the sensitive equipment was triggered. It literally materialized out of thin air.

    During the summer of 1991 some 600 new crop circles appeared. One of the most celebrated cases involved the British Prime Minister's country residence. This location, consisting of several dozen acres, is guarded against terrorist attack by Britain's most expert crack troops. It is a maximum security zone patrolled 24-hours a day. Yet despite these precautions, a Celtic cross design appeared in a field in from of John Major's house, one of the circles transformed into an arrow pointing directly at the residence. The media were quick to ask the Prime Minister if a serious breach of security had taken place. "No," he replied, "it was all merely the result of poor soil conditions."

    his was the summer when serious contamination of formations began to take place. Some of the hoaxing was done by pranksters looking for attention, some by mischief makers. But, more sinisterly, it was also carried out by known government infiltrators who purposely added man-made features to genuine formations in a attempt to throw the researchers into total confusion. At the height of the hoaxing, an American tourist etched out huge letters on the side of a hill, 'Talk to us'. A reply came back a few days later when a most bizarre-looking formation resembling Hebrew script appeared at Milk Hill. Thought to be a hoax at first but since confirmed to be genuine, it was deciphered as a form of post-Augustan Latin and etched in Freemasonic script, creating two words: OPPONO ASTOS "I oppose acts of craft and cunning." How appropriate given the circumstances. To this day this formation represents the closest the Circlemakers have come to communicating in recognizable script.

    Then on the morning of July 11 the British tabloids announced, 'NOW EXPLAIN THIS!'

    At the foot of a Neolithic hill fort named Barbury Castle lay an enormous design, some 12,000 sq. yards in area. Local residents had reported mysterious lights the night before, accompanied by a loud rumble more intense and prolonged than thunder. A nearby town had also reported total loss of power, and its military base scrambled all helicopters. In the morning, the military sealed off all access roads, citing 'military exercise' as an excuse (incidentally, Salisbury Plain, which lies barely twenty miles further south, is a sealed-off military area of several thousand acres where the military always conduct their exercises. It is unheard of for them to seal off civilian areas in peace time).

    One thing was certain- the government's official line that this phenomenon was a manifestation of mini-tornadoes was now seriously ill. For here was an unmistakable symbol, a design that is perhaps one of the most important in Hermetic philosophy (top of page, centre). It is a cosmic law, a collection of numeric, musical and geometrical harmonies which founded the prevailing order in every ancient civilization. It is literally a depiction of the realm of God: it embodies the principle of the Three In One- the Father, son and Holy Ghost, with the Godhead at the centre; it is representational of the cosmic egg, symbol of creation where the three elements- mercury, sulphur and ether- are given substance by the breath of God and made into matter. The central circle contains the total area of the surrounding three circles. The sum of all circular areas comes to 31,680 sq. feet which, 3168 being the gematrian number representing Lord Jesus Christ. The same number was also revered by pagan religions as the number of the highest principle- the Creator.


    A month later, yet another unmistakable symbol appeared, this time at the opposite end of the country near Cambridge University. It was a replica of a Mandelbrot Set, an important element of chaos theory which was discovered by Benoit Mandelbrot who, ironically, had taught at Cambridge. Even more coincidental was that this crop circle had appeared one year to the day when a lead article in New Scientist Magazine had admitted that it was impossible to draw this diagram without a computer.
    Then, as if on cue, Today newspaper announced, 'THE MEN THAT CONNED THE WORLD'.
    An article described how two elderly - and presumably extremely active - pensioners had made all the crop circles. Doug and Dave had sneaked out under cover of darkness, without either of their wives suspecting for 15 years, and constructed all the circles with a plank of wood, a rope and a baseball cap fitted with a ludicrous apparatus to, supposedly, help them construct straight lines in the dark by aligning the sight with distant objects (in the dark!).

    The two men proceeded to demonstrate for all the world's cameras how they had done it. After several hours, the result was an embarrassing mess. A second attempt proved just as pathetic.

    Doug and Dave were challenged to a TV debate with several researchers, including an authority on the subject, Colin Andrews. "Had they hoaxed the first formations in 1978 ?" "Yes," said Dave. Then Colin pulled out photos of patterns going back to 1971. "Who then had made these?" "No," they answered, sheepishly, "we didn't make those." And if they had faked 200 circles, as they claimed, by whom were the remaining 2300 or so circles created? They had also claimed never to have been active in the Avebury area, but this had in fact been the prime circle-making area since 1988. Who made the the Barbury Castle tetrahedron? And the Mandelbrot Set? Who made those in other parts of the country? And since the countryside was swarming with people on the lookout for hoaxers, how come they had never been caught? No answer. How had they created the anomalies, the mathematical precision? The more questions were asked the more they backed down their claims. In the end, even Doug and Dave were not sure which ones they had done. But something in their soundbite-style replies gave the impression that their whole scheme had been orchestrated.

    A newspaper article credited the Doug and Dave story to MBF Services. After much reluctance from the newspaper staff, it was explained that a freelance press agency had passed on the story to the newspaper. When asked for the phone number of MBF, the phone was hung up. Investigations eventually led to a 'research and development' lab in Somerset where work is conducted on classified government defense projects.

    Just before the Doug and Dave incident, a French government scientist had warned researchers not to risk their reputations on the crop circles, for shortly the British Government would engage two artists and would present them to the press as the crop circles creators, to "put an end to all the wearisome fuss."
    But in the end the damage was done. The event demonstrated how quickly public interest in crop circles- or any unexplained phenomenon- could be deflated simply by presenting a pair of alleged hoaxers. Once again the public was given a logical reason to believe the whole thing was a joke.


    Pentagram in Perspective

    This formation is woven of dark and light triangles, that emerge from the three bisecting diagonals. A unique axis of asymmetry swaps over the dark and light, and is cleverly divided into four equal parts. The triangles are all similar, having areas in the geometric series ratio 1 : 3 : 9.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Koch Hexagon
    Silbury Hill July '97

    The Circlemakers developed the 'Star of David' motif in 1997. This design has an enveloping hexagon around the outside, touching its 18 corners at equal intervals.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Koch discovered his 'fractal' process back in 1905, and its first three steps are as shown.

    A more complicated iteration is of this fractal was published by Gerow and Holbrook in 1996 - their diagram shows a Koch-star going though three steps of iteration. A formation appeared in August of 1997, in which the circlemakers developed the theme by using the same Koch fractal line to generate a pattern within.



    The Koch Snowflake
    8 August 1997 Milk hill, Wiltshire

    This always appears to me as one of their supreme masterpieces. It is twelvefold in its division of the circle and has six axes of symmetry. There are three Koch-fractal bars on the outside and six on the inside. The later are pointing inwards, and stand on a hexagon which has been rotated at a 30° angle to the outer structure. Those within are shrunk, and to help find the scale-factor let's compare the two stars in the diagram. Can you show that one has twelve times the area of the other?

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]





    The Dolphins (or 'Scimitars') appeared within two concentric circles having a 3:4 ratio. I found a construction based on dividing the two circles into 6 in the usual way, here shown. I did have to admit, however, that they came out looking a bit thin by this method.

    A different version was found by Bert Janssen. This used two concentric triangles one four times larger than the other.

    Quoting from his instructions: Construct a circle with it's centre in the left corner of the large triangle and with its perimeter just touching the side of the small triangle. Now do the reverse! Construct a circle with its centre in the left corner of the small triangle and with its perimeter just touching the large triangle. The two circles overlap and form a crescent'

    This is neat, and moreover gives us the two circle arcs in the ratio of 2:3 and the Circlemakers do like these integer ratios. There is a problem with his construction in that it doesn't well connect up to the surrounding circles.

    Hemp Leaf
    21 July 2000 Alton Barnes, Wilts



    Twelve circles make up this formation: nine meeting at the centre, and another three concentric upon it. There are three strong axes of symmetry. The 'hemp leaf' effect comes when two circles of unit radii have one-sixth overlap of their circumferences; or, a distance of root three between their centres. This repeating grid, (from Martineau,. Altair Design, 2000) gives us some insight into the design.

    Celtic Knot

    Six arcs here mark out a twelvefold division of the circle - see figure. The arcs are octagonal, they use a one-eighth division of the circle. The basis of this design was a twenty-four fold division, as shown in the second diagram: this includes the centres from which the arcs were drawn. Using this diagram, draw in the one-eighth arcs. Also, the distance across the centre, between opposite arcs, should be the same as the one-twelfth interval. Six and eight are factors of 24. We see how the knot moves round, clockwise.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    25 July 2001 Cambridge


    There are altogether 13 x 6 = 78 rays which converge towards the 'heart' of the Cambridge 'angel', so she is in a sense lunar as the number 13 pertains to the Moon. The centre of these rays is one-third of the diameter from the top. There seems to be only one straight line going right through this centre, and that line was horizontal, here shown in blue. I counted 47 rays below this line, from which one may derive a total of 78 as the original division of the circle. The radius of a circle is further divided into sixths, to construct her head and shoulders.

    Let's quote from Charles Mallett, writing on the Crop circle Connector: "Gog and Magog have once again been chosen to receive a rather simple, but nevertheless incredibly stunning crop circle event, this time of such majestic beauty and harmonious proportion that, for this writer, it's set far apart from the bulk of the English crop formations in 2001. This exquisite, overtly feminine work leaves one with a feeling of almost child-like awe. For me this 'angel' is possibly one of the most attractive and inspirational crop glyphs to have ever graced the magical lands of England."

    He counted 75 'rays' which is correct, insofar as the three at the top are not visible. He described the 'ray' tracks as being razor-sharp, about six inches wide, and as having alternate directions of flattening.
    Hexagon Lattice
    24th July, 2005, Avebury Wiltshire.



    Rhombi and hexagons are string onto a charming necklace. We need a hexagon lattice to construct it. The overall pattern is twelvefold rather than sixfold, however, and why is that? It is because the triangles at the centre have suffered a half-turn (i.e., 30°) rotation with respect to the outer ones. These inner triangles are larger, scaled up by a factor of 3 if we include their outer layer. The design has six axes of symmetry, and the three different hexagons which appear have their areas as 4, 12 and 100.


    The sides of the central 'Star of David' reach out to touch corners of the outer hexagons. This may remind us of the Triune Mandala (June 1st, 2000: West Kennet Longbarrow) where lines used in the centre design reached out to touch key points on the outer frame. Thus outer and inner are linked together. A more intricate reconstruction by Allan Brown is also shown. Note that a single circle touches both outer and inner designs. A sixfold pattern will normally express harmony, whereas a twelvefold design is more to do with wholeness and integration.

    The Author of this remarkable design must surely also have made the very comparable triangle-hexagon design one month earlier (Windmill Hill, Wiltshire, June 2005), as some kind of practice run. Its hexagon-motifs have a half-turn rotation with respect to each other, making a twelvefold design altogether. That construction had only one axis of symmetry.

    Six Crescent Moons
    Waden Hill, Avebury Wiltshire. Reported 19th April 2008

    The first formation of the season, it appeared in oilseed rape. Draw two lines between the corners of a regular hexagon, as shown. These, the two radii, are in the ratio of 2 to 3. Draw circles around each of the six corners using them. Voila! Colour in the crescent moons.

    Thanks to Gerow and Holbrook for use of their Koch-fractal, Lucy Pringle for Hemp Leaf and Steve Alexander for Celtic Knot.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Crown of Thorns
    10th July 2010 Guy's Hill nr Old Milverton, Warwickshire


    This design is reminiscent of the Scimitars (or 'dolphins') of 24 July 1999, , clearly the same team has designed it - but, the circle is here divided into twelve. At the centre of the image one can faintly see a repeat of the first step - the drawing of six arcs, each starting from one-quarter way round the circle. If the circle has unit radius, then these arcs are of 2 radius (on the diagram, OA is one and AB is 2).

    The big question is, how are the other arcs to be drawn so that they exactly interlock, as shown? We are startled to note that AC in the diagram turns out to be equal to phi , the golden ratio. How did that happen? Phi turns up in pentagram geometry but one hardly expects it in a sixfold hexagonal structure.

    Bisecting the radius OA gives a point, from which the second arc may be drawn. So the secondary arcs are all drawn on a circle concentric with the first but of half its radius. If the first arcs were of 2 length, these next lot have shorter radii of 5/2.

    In Warwickshire a 'Crown of Thorns' motif appeared, with a gleam of the golden ratio.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]


    The Philosopher’s Stone
    ‘A Stone Most Precious’

    By Kris Weber Sherwood


    (excerpted from the work in progress: 
The Word is Nine
by Ed and Kris Sherwood)

    Having the glory of god: and her
light was like unto a stone most precious,
even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal;
Revelation 21:11 ‘These are the days of miracle and wonder...’
Paul Simon/Graceland
    The Philosopher’s Stone is an ancient symbol that originates in the roots of Hermetic philosophy and the alchemical arts. It is a metaphorical symbol of ultimate accomplishment. It represents the reward to the quest for a ‘higher purpose’; an allegorical concept of refinement of an element to its perfection. And as such, to the medieval alchemist it was the catalyst in the long sought after magical process that could transmute lead into gold, and its resultant reward: The Philosopher’s Stone.

    In a spiritual sense, attaining The Philosopher’s Stone is a metaphor for ones’ personal evolution toward perfection of the soul. It is the prize for achieving spiritual enlightenment. It’s the ‘coming forth as gold’; the ’pearl of great price’; being one with Cosmic Consciousness; having undeniable personal experience of God.

    A graphic image found in alchemical manuscripts of the Philosopher’s Stone is that of a six-pointed star which has a ‘small dot above the upper right point’ (Fig.2a). The ‘small dot’ representing the ‘presence of God and guidance of the Divine Spirit’.

    In 1997, breathtakingly presented at the foot of Silbury Hill, those of us witnessing the modern day miracles expressed in Crop Circles received our own Philosopher’s Stone! (Fig. 1) It was the magnificent ‘Fractal Star of David’, as named by Peter Sorensen in his silhouette drawing of it (Fig. 2b); also called the ‘Koch I Snowflake’ after the fractal Swedish mathemetician Helge von Koch, who defined the principles of the ‘Koch Curve’ (Fig. 3), a fractal shape with the paradoxical qualities of a finite space contained by an eventually infinite border. This fractalised six-pointed star Crop Circle design was in fact an ultimate embodiment of The Philosopher’s Stone! Not only did it have the ‘small dot above its upper right point’ to signify the ‘presence of God, it was surrounded with a joyous garland of ‘small dots’, emphasising the abundant presence of God and Divine Guidance! When aligned with Silbury Hill at the top of the picture, the ‘small dot’ representing God was positioned just above the upper right fractal point of the star! A glorious confirmation of our collective move toward higher consciousness. The complex interleaving of the ground lay created a glinting, crystalline image that moved with depth and dimensional structure when viewed from the air; its green-gold facets gleaming ‘even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal;’.


    This formation was supremely layered with vast and interconnected meanings of profound significance; implicit in the timing, placement, design, and physical components. I have found so many incredible layers to this single formation alone, that I will have to just scratch the surface here and save much of the minutia for ‘the book’. Ed also has his own astounding experiences and observations that add to the genesis of this formation. In a chronology that had its beginning in 1992, his name is rightfully the first that should be inscribed on this ‘Stone’; but that is his to tell, and he will do in his part of this larger ‘work in progress’.

    The genuine Crop Circle phenomenon has demonstrated its ability to be psycho-interactive with those giving their attention to it. There have been multitudinous examples of this remarkable component to its creative process. Most researchers can relate personal experiences with this aspect of the phenomenon. My husband, Ed Sherwood, has realised that the Collective Mind and the Infinite Intelligence of God is the true Source of all genuine Crop Circle formations, and has known this since the Spring of 1991, when he decoded the 1990 Alton Priors East Field ‘Weather Symbol’ formation. Ed’s comprehensive understanding and experience of the phenomenon has deepened and enriched my own ability to understand how it can manifest interactively with and through our consciousness. I have been able to apply that knowledge to my own observations of what is being shown to us through Crop Circles, thus seeing more clearly and intuitively the many intricate facets to their meaning. I have found that understanding the ‘Source’ clarifies the message and renders the Creator’s ‘handwriting’ legible. The symbols and numbers so ingeniously encoded in the genuine glyphs say their Creator’s own name repeatedly and resoundingly for all who will look, to be able to find and know. The signs reveal pan-cultural clues, many that can be traced to the beginning of written records, that can only point to a single, all inclusive, Omniscient source.

    The spectacular ‘Snowflakes’ of 1997 had multiple influencing factors instrumental in their creation, and there were at least three major events of Collective Conscious focus that, in my view, contributed directly to the genesis of their particular designs. I will elaborate further on them in following paragraphs. The first of the contributing events was the controversial, and subsequently dismissed as the hoax it was, Oliver’s Castle Lights video that supposedly shows a ‘Snowflake’ crop formation being created by flying balls of light. The second event contributing to the snowflake designs was a synchronised worldwide meditation for the healing of the Earth Mother Gaia, called the GaiaMind Global Meditation in January 1997. The third main contributing event was a gathering


    of like-minded folks, focused by researcher Dana Thibault on the fractal principles of the mathematician Koch, during a Sophia Institute presentation in Denver, Colorado on February 22nd of 1997; wherein he screened an illustration of the Koch ‘snowflake’ fractal, while speaking of the awesome fractal designs seen in past Crop Circles formations. (I recommend anyone who has not seen Dana’s astounding ‘Fractal Miracles of Nature’ presentation to contact Backcountry Productions in Colorado and order a copy of the video.)

    The true Crop Circle phenomenon has been known to respond interactively to the efforts of hoaxers as well as to dedicated researchers. There are many stories from admitted hoaxers, who have had first hand experiences with the real phenomenon in the fields while attempting to make their hoaxes. I don’t think it is any coincidence that, as the end of the ‘96 Crop Circle season was rife with controversy over the infamous ‘Snowflake’ video and as researchers argued, some vilifying each other mercilessly for their opinions of it in the following months; no coincidence that one of the first truly impressive authentic formations of the ‘97 season was in the hexagonal shape of a snowflake! So much time and energy was spent debating the authenticity of the video, that has now been proven to have been an elaborate hoax. This one disreputable video clip has gotten more attention from the mainstream media than all the genuine Crop Circles that have appeared since 1996! Snowflakes and six-pointed stars were in the forefront of consciousness as the new Crop Circle season began; the genuine ‘Circlemaker’ had answered back stunningly, but it was just one layer of the fantastic ‘glass onion’ in store for us in 1997.

    The GaiaMind Meditation was a globally synchronised event meant to focus ‘unified global consciousness’ on our ‘interconnected relationship with Gaia - the living Earth’. A moment to direct our love and healing, both environmentally and spiritually, toward our precious endangered planet, and hopefully a new planetary awareness of our vital interdependence: ‘a healing transformation of the Earth’ (sort of a global ‘Philosopher’s Stone’ for Gaia?).


    A time to envision a balancing of the long neglected feminine aspects of creation, and reclaim our Goddess before she finally suffers irreparable damage. The inspiration for the timing of the meditation being a very rare and ‘archetypally appropriate’ and balanced astronomical alignment of stars and planets on January 23, 1997, that would form a gigantic six-pointed star spread out across the heavens. The alignment, that had not occurred since Renaissance times, would be marked around the globe, with synchronised groups of mediators at exact local times, as the galactic Star of David passed overhead (Fig. 4). Visit the permanent website at <> to see and read more about this historic event. At the time it was the largest global meditation ever organised.

    I posted the GaiaMind announcement on the wall above my desk at work, where it stayed for the rest of the year. Ed and I wholeheartedly joined in on the 23rd of January along with many friends, and all the others around the world, who meditated on peace and healing and the Mandala of that six-pointed star. The astrological chart of the GaiaMind alignment on the wall poster was inscribed with multiple lines delineating the archetypal star within a hexagonal frame of tangents, which looked remarkably like the basic structure of the Stonehenge Snowflake that would appear on June 9, nearly five months later (Fig.5). After it appeared in June, I posted a photo of the Stonehenge Snowflake over my desk next to the GaiaMind notice. Within a few days it occurred to me in a ‘revelatory flash’, that the Snowflake formation was a near perfect representation of the GaiaMind alignment! The effect of focused consciousness and meditation in relation to Crop Circle creation again apparently demonstrated, brilliantly and elegantly, and in seeming answer to the question posed on the GaiaMind website: ‘What influence could millions of people joined in simultaneous meditation and prayer have on global consciousness?’

    The Stonehenge Snowflake turned out to be the first of several hexagram based formations of 1997, including the atypically straight-line structure of the Cley Hill Formation that followed in early July (Fig. 6). The ‘Snowflake’ formations not only looked remarkably like the grid of lines forming the alignment of the GaiaMind astrological chart posted on my wall: they also contained the multiple and ancient symbolic references and meanings of the six-pointed star/hexagram, including: the two opposing overlayed triangles that are the archetypal representation of the ‘sacred union’ of male and female principles, the heiros gamos, the ‘chalice and the blade’; to alchemists fire and water; also the Yin/Yang; the spinning double tetrahedra of the ‘living merkaba’, and it is the earliest


    A month after the GaiaMind meditation took place, Dana Thibault presented his ‘Fractal Miracles of Nature’ talk during a Crop Circle oriented seminar in Denver, Colorado, also attended by fellow researchers Peter Sorensen, Ron Russell, and Michael Glickman. During his presentation Dana illustrated the intricacies of fractal structure in nature as expressions of the Creator’s infinitely ingenious Mind. He included Koch’s fractal theory, and projected a graphic of the ‘Koch Snowflake fractal’ to the rapt audience. Dana’s insightful and eloquent demonstration of evidence also reveals the true Creator behind the Crop Circle mystery, compellingly, and undeniably. When the Koch I Snowflake appeared the following July, he was given a personal response: he held The Philosopher’s Stone.

    Browsing in the Avebury bookshop after visiting the fresh Koch I Snowflake formation in July of 1997, I was drawn to a book of Runes that I bought and tucked away for the long flight back to California. Opening the book later I was stunned to confront the image of Hagal, the Mother Rune (Fig. 9); the rune of disruption that creates change needed for growth, at times catastrophic change, but one that suggests an eventual move toward a more harmonious natural balance. Hagal, the ‘lucky star’, the ‘hex (hexagonal ) sign’ of folk tradition, commonly seen as a decoration on barns or windows, to ward off bad weather and other natural disasters. I read with mouth agape as I realised the significance of Hagal, the ninth rune. The ‘language’ of the ‘Northern Tradition’, of the ancient local people of the land, had materialised as yet another layer of meaning I was to find in that summer’s Crop Circles.


    I suddenly recognised Hagal in magnificent ‘hex’ signs embossed across the English landscape! I wondered in amazement what possible future ‘bad weather’ such heroic invocations of Hagal’s protection might possibly portend.

    Enigmatically, in the spring of 1997 in a paper written by Nancy Talbot, and released by BLT Research on their biophysical research, Nancy commented on the geometry found in nature in relation to Crop Circle designs: "Think, for example, of snowflakes--their amazing variety and delicacy of pattern. If snowflakes were considerable larger than they are we would surely be as astounded by them as we often are by the crop formations."

    It appears that we did just that, and they certainly were, and we absolutely are.
    Kris Weber Sherwood
    Ó Millennium Research
    May 1999
    (To be continued... in The Word is Nine - Part Two by Ed & Kris Sherwood)

    Fig. 1 Koch I Snowflake Crop Circle formation July 22/23 1997- (frame capture*) from
    ‘The Stars Alight’ - Peter Sorensen’s 1997 video
    Fig. 2 Philosopher’s Stone (2a) & Koch I Snowflake Crop Circle formation (2b)
- diagram by Ed Sherwood
    Fig. 3 Step 3 of the Koch Curve Snowflake fractal - diagram by Ed Sherwood
    Fig. 4 GaiaMind astrological chart - GaiaMind website graphic @
    Fig. 5 Stonehenge Snowflake Crop Circle formation June 1997- diagram by Ed Sherwood
    Fig. 6 Cley Hill Hexagram Crop Circle formation July 14 1997- diagram by Peter Sorensen
    Fig. 7 Astrological Pisces symbol - Diagram by Ed Sherwood
    Fig. 8 ‘Double Ringed Pisces’ Crop Circle formation July 22/23, 1997 - Roundway, near Oliver’s Castle Hillfort, Wiltshire, UK - diagram by Ed Sherwood
    Fig. 9 The rune ‘Hagal’, as the ‘solid hagalaz’ (9a) - Runelore by Edred Thorssen/Samuel Weiser, Inc.1987/Hagal variations (9b & 9c) - Runic Astrology by NigelPennick/Capall Bann Publishing/UK, diagrams adapted by Ed Sherwood
(* Thanks to Kristina Schoentag for her assistance.) 

    Hidden Symbolism of Alchemy and the Occult Arts - Dr. Herbert Silberer/Moffat, Yard & Co.1917/Dover Publications Inc. NY USA - Reprint 1971 as referenced in The Woman With the Alabaster Jar - Margaret Starbird/Bear & Co. Publishing Santa Fe, NM USA 1993

    The Holy Bible - King James Version

    The Scorpius Hour of 1994 - Kris Weber Sherwood/Sightings Magazine/UK Vol. 2 Issue 7; The Circular/Issue 30; Millennium Research Publication 1997 

    Let Us Remember Dragons: Meteorological Connection in Crop Circles - Ed Sherwood/Sightings Magazine/UK Vol. 2 Issue 4; The Circular/Issue 29; Millennium Research Publication 1997

GaiaMind Global Meditation and Prayer - Website @
‘Fractal Miracles in Nature’ Dana Thibault video presentation - 1998 available through Backcountry Productions 831 Alpine St. Longmont, CO 80501 USA. Material derived, in part, from the book Fractals For the Classroom - Heinz-Otto Peitgen, Hannut Jurgens, Dietmar Saupe/Springer Verlag 1992; and the work of fractal mathemeticians Michael Beardsley and Benoit Mandelbrot.

The Archetypal Mandala of the Star of David - essay by Margaret Starbird posted on the GaiaMind website @ <> Winter 1996

The Women’s Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects - Barbara G. Walker/Harper San Francisco 1988

    The Flower of Life Workshops - Drunvalo Melchizedek

    Dictionary of Symbols - Carl G. Liungman/W. W. Norton & Company NY/London 1991

Runic Astrology - Nigel Pennick/Capall Bann Publishing UK 1995

    Runelore - Edred Thorsson/Samuel Weiser, Inc. USA 1987

Crop Formations: A Biophysical Investigation - Nancy Talbot/BLT Research, Spring 1997
    * These articles posted on The Millennium Research/Ed & Kris Sherwood

Homepage hosted by The Crop Circle Connector Website (
    Mailing address: 
Millennium Research
P.O. Box 2084
Santa Monica, CA
    Email address:

    Song lyric references from:
    Graceland - Paul Simon/Warner Bros. Records 1986
The White Album - Beatles (John Lennon)/Apple Records 1968
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    KOCH FRACTAL CROP CIRCLE ~‘Koch fractal’ 08 AUG 1997 - Milk Hill, Wiltshire, 8 August 1997 ~ A STAR GYLPH (NOT JULY 1998)


    see this thread:

    (the dates given for the crop circle above, are NOT correct) from Star Nation Gallery; however, their information, is quite good)

    ~ we too, utilized crop circles for encoding work. See this thread:


    NOT sure, why this person, or company Star Nation would put the date of this crop circle wrong on their website
    A little bit of research shows it,
    The ‘Koch fractal’, Milk Hill, Wiltshire, 8 August 1997 or 08 AUG 1997


    Fig. 3.12 ‘Koch fractal’, Milk Hill, Wiltshire, 8 August 1997.

    Two engineering firms estimated that staking out the 346 reference points required to construct the design prior to flattening the wheat would take 6.5 to 7.5 days, or 11 days if done under cover of darkness. Yet the formation had definitely appeared overnight.


    NEVER-the-less, the research on their website is quite interesting


    In July, 1998 the Star Nations sent another Starglyph that was important for all people. It appeared under the white horse of Milk Hill, in Wiltshire, England. Mathematically it is referred to as a >Koch Fractal. This glyph had an unusual geometric flower in its center.

    One of the elements I uncovered as I was working on this glyph, became important to its entire understanding. After having worked on it for a length of time, I had a feeling that the inner star or flower may have been an important fractal, not recorded in the text or literature archives of Earth. Could the Star Nation People have sent something that might show a geometric sample yet to be understood here within the framework of our knowledge?

    I knew of a mathematician in Canada who had an extensive understanding of mathematics, and whom I thought might have the knowledge for what I was researching. I asked if he knew of this fractal. He hadn’t seen it and didn’t know. He referred me to a colleague of his in Germany, (a top notch mathematician) who responded to me with a note that explained it was not his field of expertise and he had not seen it before. This left me with only one person who might be able to answer my question, Dr. Benoit Mandelbrot, the world’s foremost authority on fractal geometry. I drafted a note to him in question of this glyph.


    Some weeks later, I received a reply explaining that he had formulated this inner flower’s geometry, only to discover it had already been discovered in the early 1900′s, by another mathematician. He called it the Inner Infinity

    Dr. Mandelbrot referred me to his textbook he had written for university level students. In a grueling search, I found no other reference of this fractal.

    I did discover through my own visionary abilities, that the relationship between the outer outline of the Koch Fractal and the center flower, were geometrically perfect relationships

    The conceiver of this Starglyph had presented in a field, a relationship between this inner flower and outer fractal, which to the best of my research never existed on this planet before, until it appeared in the field. It was my belief the Star Nations had succeed in finding a way that might express something we could understand, but had been beyond our knowledge base to present, in a very beautiful and simple way. In fact, it was astonishing, yet at the same time I was not surprised at all of their abilities.

    koch_-island_drawing1-300x221. six_star_geo1-292x300.

    When I first saw the formation with the central flower, I noticed that the flowers geometry housed six-pointed stars. So with an illustration, I showed how this exists (Fig. 5). Soon after I saw this, I saw that it held another set of six-pointed stars in its perimeter. There were twelve here (Fig. 6), creating a total of eighteen stars in the perimeter (Fig. 4). There were six groups of two.

    I knew there was more to be seen. Only I had no way of knowing where to look or in what direction. Days passed and I kept looking but nothing was crossing my path. I could feel there was something there.

    Then one evening, I went into a ceremony. During that ceremony, I received in a vision the answer I was looking for. I realized the answer I was looking for was like the crossing willows of my lodge. In my vision, I saw them bending in the wind, moving and crossing. I saw the stars beyond them.

    When the ceremony was completed, I went to my drawing. As I was looking at it, I saw the willows of my lodge in the drawing. They were connecting the stars together as one.


    I illustrated this in the way it had come to me in this vision (Fig. 7). The answer I was seeking was there. You see in my lodge the crossing willows create a star at the top of it. It was the same with the Starglyph. The crossing lines between the stars created a central star. It would be considered the thirteenth star.


    Those who understand numbers, know that twelve is considered one of the higher elements of spirit. Thirteen is a very sacred number in my ways, and was demonized over time by powers to be. It revealed the extreme abilities and universal levels that people where able to move within.

    This six-pointed star I found in the center of the drawing, is yet another level of an inner Koch Fractal as it is evolving (Fig. 8-9). It illustrates a never-ending flow to which we are connected.

    These series of stars show how this central flower of the Starglyph goes deeper and deeper in an infinite way, through the very center of the inner universe. So while the outer fractal continues to evolve in an infinite way outwardly (Fig.3), the inner will continue to evolve inwardly to the infinite. The following illustrations show the evolving sequence of the unfolding nature of the Starglyph.

    The Koch Fractal was one of the first Starglyphs I found which contained extensive amounts of hidden qualities. I spent a six month journey unfolding it’s content. Not only did it possess a tremendous amount of mathematical correlations, it had an equal amount of spiritual understandings related to my Native American ways. I found the Starglyph was like a running waterfall of geometric relationships of an infinite nature. As I was looking even deeper, I also had a vision there was a square involved with this Starglyph. Something kept pulling on me that this square, unusual as it might be, could reveal a universal truth. I placed a line between upper and lower arms of the Koch Fractal. I used the distance between them to create a perfect square. The Great Mystery (the Universe, Spirit), suggested I place a circle on its corners. When I did, I found an amazing correlation. When I placed the circle in this manner, the circle encompassed the perimeter of the entire Starglyph and its smaller circles (Fig.12). There was no mistake that it was intended.

    fractal_8_91-232x300. fractal_10_111-231x300.


    In 1905 Helmig Von Koch, a mathematician, conceptualized the mathematics of the “fractal,” seen as the outer outline in these drawings. On Aug. 8, 1997 the Star Nation People gifted to the people of Earth the symbol in the center. My research has led me to believe that this symbol was never seen by mathematicians prior to it appearing in the fields of England. This symbol is the seed, the flower of life, and is the egg from where Koch’s Fractal would emerge. I would wish to gift at this point the name of this Fractal and would now call it after those to whom it belongs: “The Star Nation Fractal.”

    The placement of the circle was pure spirit. I could also see that it reflected a very important and ancient symbol from my traditions. This square and circle is found on some obscure pictographs on reservations here in North America, and is connected to my ancestors, the mound builders (Fig. 13). Some of these date back thousands of years. These ancient relatives knew of the importance of this concept of the circle and the square. One of our elders explained this to be an expression of our divine balance between our physical and spiritual roads. It is a mystical understanding people are beginning to learn to reawaken.

    circle_square11. geo_highbank1.

    Right: One of the many Ancient Mound sites in Ohio, composed of a circle and a square. The larger circle is 20 acres; the square is 18 acres.

    It did not stop there. I kept feeling there was more to this vision and looked further into the square and circle. I felt called to resize and reposition the circle in a way that seemed to reflect an understanding important to the ancient Egyptian ways of spirit, and also my ancestral ways. It is a mathematical formula known as a squared-circle. In this mathematical expression, the square is the same size geometrically speaking as the circle. I did not know how to find or solve this mathematical formula to see if what I had uncovered was correct, so I contacted a mathematician and friend of mine, Michael Glickman. He worked within the crop circle community, so I asked him to see if what I had uncovered was correct. Within a short time, he returned my call astonished at the finding, saying to me, “Oh my god, do you know what is here?” I laughed, as I knew exactly what was there. A circle just touching the points of the star in relationship with this square, created a perfect squared-circle (Also Fig. 12). It is a symbol reflecting the elements of perfect balance as well as a symbol of chaos. It showed the harmonic qualities that exist between the earth and spirit, or the sky, that in truth, exist within all beings.

    The six-pointed star is carried by many nations on the planet as a geometric expression of a higher truth of the universe. The aboriginal of Australia, ancient Egyptian, the eastern peoples, Hindu and Buddhist, the Jewish people, all carry this understanding. Here, native people of North America carry this symbol as well. There is for example, Wanblee Zee Zee (Golden Eagle), a relative of mine that keeps a six-pointed star altar, as I keep one myself. He has written a book called the Maka Wicahpi Wicohan. These are Native American Sioux words meaning the universal and spiritual laws of the Creator reflecting the understanding of the six-pointed star. I assure you, this symbol is the coming together of the earth and the sky; a symbol of perfect balance.

    This article is little more than the title of the meaning of this star. It could take a very long time to understand its full meaning. We understand the six-pointed star when we are able to fully embody its concepts. Until then, it is only some thoughts passing through our logical minds. It is my belief the concepts of the six-pointed star are important for every person on the planet. It is why I believe the Star Nation People sent it to begin with. Because of the way the Star Nation People have sent this formation in the field, I would call it the Star Nations Six-pointed Star Altar. The nature of its hidden qualities, for me, reflect the essence of the understanding of the six-pointed star, as I know it to be so beautifully.


    There are a series of six unseen, six-pointed stars, of which one of them is illustrated in red (Fig. 15). The upper point of the red six stars is not visible in the field. There are six stars that would fit around the Koch Fractal if one looks closely. There is an additional unseen six-pointed star created by the points of these stars in the center. I have colored it in a lighter yellow. When the ring of six-pointed arrows (blue) have been sized so that the center of each arrow finds each point of this unseen central star, then you have the exact geometry that was in the field, in this Starglyph under Milk Hill.

    This Starglyph is a flawless, relationship illustration, done in a way that I have never seen before. I can say that nothing has surfaced in the ten years to follow it. We have an understanding of this Koch Fractal. So it is my belief the Star Nation People have taken a known understanding and have gifted an illustration that shows the components of the inner infinity and the Koch Fractal outer infinity, in a way never known before.

    Please note that the small circles within the central flower in the field, house the six-pointed star (illustrated in orange). They center in each six-pointed arrow (blue). There are six, six-pointed arrows in a circle. Also if you look closely at the circle of arrows, the Koch fractal outer infinity is illustrated in purple.

    I would ask to what school of thought does the creator of this Starglyph belong? I would ask them how were you able conceptualize such a symbol of harmonic balance with this geometric statement? Did you study at such universities as Cambridge, MIT, or Harvard? To what school of geometry has inspired you so deeply? I would perhaps ask why would you present such a geometric harmonic finding in a field of wheat, rather than perhaps in an article in a mathematics magazine or in a book with such other works of inspiration? Perhaps it wasn’t geometry at all but was a school of truth or faith. Then I would ask to what nation do you belong? This is not the traditional ways of the Native American, Buddhist, Christian or many others I am aware of. Is there a great elder of this nation that would be considered the father of your path? They talk of spiritual knowing not truly understood before in this way. I would like to sit before your elders of this way and listen to their knowing, for they have a deep understanding of the ways of human beings and the balance of the universe, in such a way never presented before.

    In my view point, those who made this Starglyph are of such spiritual evolvement, and possess such knowing, understanding, and connection, as to possibly have the ability of walking on water.

    With my truest and deepest appreciation,




    From Star Nation Gallery . . .













    There are even more of them, than they have indicated, thank "j" for posting this
    it will make it a lot easier, to see, the relations, thank you !!!



    You're very welcome
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    donderdag 05 maart 2009 09:52


    According to Jungian psychology three elements can be brought into the field of consciousness, but the fourth element will remain outside of it. That is why Plato begins his Timaeus by stating:

    ‘One, two, three – but … where is the fourth?’

    The fourth has remained in the unconscious. Since he did not cross the threshold of consciousness the fourth is at the same time the one, since he still partakes in the primeval unity of the night. This is of vast importance for our psychic functioning. According to Jung human consciousness rests on a foundation of four elementary psychological functions:

    a function which ascertains that something is there (sensation);
    a second function which establishes what is (thinking);
    a third function which states whether it suits us or not (feeling);
    and a fourth function which indicates where it came from and where it is going (intuition).

    But only three of these four orienting functions at the most are available to consciousness.
    The fourth function will resist the attempt to differentiate it to the same level as the other functions:

    ‘It refuses to come along with the others and often goes wildly off on its own.’
    (Psychology and Religion: West and East, CW 11, par. 245)

    The step from three to four is difficult because we are again confronted with the other one in ourselves. Von Franz notes that Jung devoted practically the whole of his life’s work to demonstrating the vast psychological significance of the number four. He considered the four as the number of wholeness. Only at the level of four do we arrive at the concept of the Self, the inner God-image.

    The quaternity or the circle divided by four is a frequently occurring symbol of the Self in dreams and fantasies. Just as the division of the horizon into four quarters helps to orient us in outer space, the quaternity helps to orient us in inner space. The four symbolizes the parts, qualities and aspects of the One.

    The Self is defined by Jung as the principle and archetype of orientation and meaning. Without this principle Jung would have lost the way in the unconscious and Jungian psychology would never have come into being. It is thus not far from the truth to consider Jungian psychology itself as the level of consciousness related to the number archetype four.


    Everleigh Ashes nr Milton Lilbourne, Wiltshire
    19th Jul 2000


    A Celtic Cross appeared at Milton Libourne near Everly and Pewset, July 19, 2000.
    Photograph by Lucy Pringle.

    The quaternity appeared a lot of times in crop circle formations in the form of a Celtic cross. Barbara Lamb notes in Crop Circles Revealed:

    'Crop circles in the late 1980s and early 1990s often had designs of Celtic crosses and long-shaft crosses, both of which are spiritual symbols.' (p. 76)

    In a Celtic cross a fifth element is situated in the center of the four. Marie-Louise von Franz remarks about such a fifth element:

    'The next step to number five is also described in medieval natural philosophy.

    It is included in the concept of the “philosophers’ stone” as the quinta essentia. The latter is not merely a fifth element added on to the four known ones, but represents their realized unity of existence.' (Number and Time, p. 65)

    A Celtic cross has the rotation symmetry of four. A rotation over an angle of 90° brings the figure back to itself. This angle is the fourth of 360°. The Celtic cross with its five elements still belongs to the psychological sphere of the number four. Only the pentagon with its five angles geometrizes the number fivein its quantitative and additive form.

    A pentagram consists of five triangles of which the smallest angle equals 36°. The sides of such a triangle stand in a certain proportion to each other. If we denote the length of the smallest side by m, and the length of the two bigger sides by M, one can prove that

    m : M = M : (m + M)

    In other words, the two lengths m and M are related in a specific proportion that is called the golden section. One can calculate that the two ratios m/M and M/m are determined by the square root of five:

    m : M = - 1/2 + √5 /2 = 0.618033989...,
    M : m = 1/2 + √5 /2 = 1.618033989... .

    The second number is often called the golden mean or golden number Phi. It is of course closely related to the golden section which we often find in architecture because of its aesthetic value. Phi is an irrational number and can be approached by a series of rational numbers given by

    1, 2/1, 3/2, 5/3, 8/5, 13/8, ….

    The whole numbers occurring in this series are called Fibonacci numbers:

    1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, …

    Every number in this series is the sum of the two preceding ones. The above mentioned ratios slowly converge to the golden number. We find 8/5 = 1.6, 43/21 = 1.6190, 610/377 = 1.6180371. One can prove that Phi is the most irrational number. Of all the irrational numbers it is the most difficult one to approximate by rational numbers, i.e. by numbers given by a ratio of whole numbers.

    Nature uses this property to create structures that are maximally asymmetrical. In packing seeds around a core, many plants choose the strategy of placing each one at the most irrational angle possible to the one directly below it. We find the Fibonacci numbers in the spiral structure of pineapplesand in the pattern of sunflower seeds.

    Green Street - Avebury, Wiltshire
    6th Jul 2003


    A complex series of pentagonal segments arranged in a circular formation.


    A complex series of pentagonal segments arranged in a circular formation. (photo 2)

    Crop circle with 5-fold symmetry, found at Green Street near Avebury, July 6, 2003.
    Photograph by Bert Janssen.

    The number archetype five does not fit easily in traditional Jungian psychology. But it is possible to relate specific archetypal symbols to the chakras, the spiritual centers in the human energy field. The Danish meditation teacher Jes Bertelsen assigns in Droemme, chakrasymboler og meditation different alchemical experiments to different levels of the whole chakra system. He borrows the description of these experiments from The Chemical Wedding by Christian Rosencreutz, a text which was used as a source of inspiration for the libretto of The Magic Flute (Mozart).

    Rosencreutz describes in The Chemical Wedding a tower with at least seven floors. At every floor certain alchemical experiments have to be carried out. The renewal of the king and the queen proceeds in seven stages. Bertelsen compares the seven floors with the levels of consciousness known from the psychology of the chakras. In The Chemical Wedding there is death at the first level where the corpses of the king and queen are lying.

    There is only new life if the psychic energy moves upward. The elements water and fire are necessary to bring this about. At the fourth level in The Chemical Wedding a bird is born from an egg. At the fifth level the bird turns blue. This is the level related to the throat center. At the next level, the level of the brow center, the blue bird has to die and be burned to ashes. The final rebirth results from the ashes, just like the phoenix which arises from its own ashes. Bertelsen remarks about the throat chakra:

    'If we come to the fifth chakra we move from the experience of the Self to the experience of the cosmic condition of the Self.'

    On the level of the throat chakra one becomes conscious of the fact that the whole or in other words the cosmos is carrying the Self as a womb does a foetus. The mother image reveals herself as an archetypal, cosmic experience. The color that belongs to the throat center is blue. Bertelsen concludes:

    'The blue of heaven and sea is a unification or fusion of matter and spirit,earth and heaven, dust and consciousness.

    In the dozing of the horizon heaven and earth meet each other. The feelings of being taken into the cosmos and into the color blue are brought together by Goethe in the famous poem at the end of Faust:

    Supreme Mistress of the world/ Let me behold thy secret
    In the outstretched azure/ Canopy of heaven.'
    (Jes Bertelsen, Droemme, chakrasymboler og meditation, pp. 119-120)


    *this picture, and, more info, can be viewed on this PDF


    The Queen of the Night, crayon by Peter Birkhäuser,
    appearing as cover of my Dutch book on the thirteen tones of creation.

    The transition to the number archetype five brings about a revaluation of the feminine principle.
    Five is the sum of the first even and odd number (2 + 3 = 5). It is in Pythagorean philosophy a sign of marriage (the Pythagorean ‘nuptial’ number).

    In the Muslim world five is considered as a lucky number. The pentagram then points to the five senses and to marriage. Five is the number of the hours of prayer, there are five types of fasting, five motives for ablution and five keys to the Koranic mystery.

    The Freemasons regarded five as their sacred number. Masonic tradition calls the pentagram the Flaming Star.

    The Queen of the Night in Mozart's opera The Magic Flute personifies the flaming five-pointed star of Isis.
    The five-pointed star points as pentagramma Veneris to the planet Venusin its appearance as morning or evening star.

    The sixth chakra corresponds to the power of the mind, but this power can lead us astray. That is why Caroline Myss writes in Anatomy of the Spirit:

    ‘The sacred truth of the sixth chakra is Seek Only the Truth.
    It compels us to search continually for the difference between truth and illusion.’

    Like the number three, six has a close connection to time. The cyclical measurement of time always involves the number six. An hour has 60 minutes, a minute 60 seconds. According to Jes Bertelsen the brow center is the place where the opposition of time and eternity can be transcended.

    The step from five to six thus brings us into the sphere of the spirit. Or as Ruth White explains:

    'One of the aims of alchemy is to effect a mystical marriage between spirit and soul.

    Spirit is thus seen as clear, direct and initiating, while soul is receptive and gestating. The spirit initiates and commands life and its evolutionary tasks; the soul receives and sifts the experience gained. The spirit seeks completeness, commands action to enable it, and fertilizes inspiration and insight.' (Working With Your Chakras, p. 106)

    Spirit is directly related to the ajna or brow center. Ajna literally means ‘command.’ Hence, from an alchemical point of view we cannot stay at the level of five. The throat center is a gateway to the world of the spirit. In order to get inspired we should reach higher than five.

    White is of the opinion that the soul is clouded by the burden of experience and by working out the pattern of karma. But ‘when the karmic journey nears its end the soul becomes a clear chalice in which the spark of the spirit can burn as a strong flame. This image represents the consummation of the mystical marriage and the birth of knowledge, light, vision, healing and wisdom.’ (p. 117)

    Silbury Hill, Wiltshire
    23rd Jul 1997


    Elaborate 'Koch' fractal snowflake design.


    Elaborate 'Koch' fractal snowflake design. (photo 2)

    Fractal Star of David (Koch fractal), found on July 23, 1997, near Silbury Hill. Photograph by Lucy Pringle.
    The number six appears frequently in the world of crop circles. The underlying pattern is often the Star of David or a fractal variation of this pattern (see above).

    Six points to the Higher Self as it appears geometrically in the form of the merkaba, the star-tetrahedron. In many esoteric teachings the sixth dimension is the realm from which the Higher Self communicates with us and connects with us on a soul and spirit level.

    The sixth dimension is particularly related to mathematics: ‘In Creation, this is the stage at which thought, color,and sound take on geometric form and numerological significance.’(Amorah Quan Yin, The Pleiadian Workbook, p. 307)

    It seems as if the number six becomes more and more important to us. Physics tries to explain the evolution of the universe with the help of four forces of nature: gravitation, the electromagnetic force, the strong and the weak interaction. But it fails to account for the so-called dark matter and dark energy in the universe. That is why it is said on the internet: 'There are six forces of nature.

    Although four is a factor of 12, six and 12 are the ones that appear the most, and are most nature-like.
    Look at the chemistry of DNA and behold the factors of 12 in the chemistry. It’s everywhere. Before I tell you what the other two forces are, let me tell you about naming things. I will give them attributes, not names because they will be named according to what science wishes to name them later, and they will then explain dark matter...

    There’s a whole set of laws that must be developed for a strong and a weak interdimensional force. These are the last two, and now you have the six. You have gravity, you have electromagnetics, you have strong and weak nuclear, and now you have number five and number six, which are strong and weak interdimensional force.' (Kryon,Channeling Physics and Science, Mount Shasta, June 17, 2007)
    Herbert van Erkelens

    NOTE: Pictures missing from website will try to find them all, and, insert them
    ~ Also, we have our own theory related to understanding the 12 levels, that you are, along with the higher 'd' mathematics of Tony Bermanseder which explains them.
    ~ Susan Lynne Schwenger



    The history of humanity, my Brothers, is that of a rough stone fallen from the Heavens, fallen from so high that it became planted in the Earth and believed it was one with her. It is the history of that stone to which the solar winds give a cubic form and which they will transform into a jewel of 144,000 facets when its time has come to regain the heavenly gardens.

    The Way of the Essene

    When in 1970 I began to study physics, mathematics and astronomy, I was in the grip of the world of numbers. I was a great admirer of Albert Einstein (1879-1955), the man who had created relativity theory and together with Hermann Minkowski (1864-1909) had shown that time was the fourth dimension of a higher geometrical structure.

    But after three months of study I got interested in Jungian psychology. What in particular impressed me was the vision of the “world clock” published by Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) in Psychology and Alchemy. In contrast to the relativity theory the world clock clearly demonstrated to me a dynamic aspect of time related to the human soul. The clock has three pulses of which the meaning was not entirely clear to Jung. Through this vision I learnt that physics alone would never lead me to the secret of the cosmos.

    I understood that dreams and visions constitute a more personal way of getting into contact with the mysterious center where the Self and the cosmos meet.

    For more than a year I felt torn between physics and depth psychology. But then I discovered in an antiquarian bookshop the study Zahl und Zeit (Number and Time) by Marie-Louise von Franz (1915-1998). As apears from the subtitle which reads in English Reflections Leading toward a Unification of Depth Psychology and Physics, the book was an attempt to bring the two worlds that were bothering me together. To that end the author had investigated the natural numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 from a Jungian perspective.

    According to Jung numbers have an archetypal foundation. As he explains in his essay on synchronicity, numbers are archetypes of order that have become conscious. In fact they are the most elementary archetypes of the collective unconscious. At the same time they seem to point to different levels of consciousness. Hence it is not easy to step from one natural number to another. With every step we enter a new world.

    Jung himself devoted his life primarily to the step from three to four. As the son of a parson he heard about the God-image of the Trinity, but his father could not explain to him its meaning. In August 1940 World War II was raging around Switzerland and only one Swiss speaker went
    to Eranos near Ascona for a small Eranos gathering. Andreas Speiser was at that time professor of mathematics at the university of Zürich and gave a lecture on the Greek philosopher Plato and the Christian Trinity. Jung found the lecture so fascinating that he decided to speak extempore about the Trinity from a psychological point of view. He emphasized that the Christian dogma was purely masculine and needed to be completed by a fourth element that could bridge the gap between the Christian God-image and the world of matter with its four elements earth, water, fire and air.

    In June 1993 a conference was held in hotel Monte Verità, again in the neighborhood of Ascona. The conference was called: ‘The Irrational in Science. Wolfgang Pauli’s Encounter with the Spirit of Matter.’ It was devoted primarily to dreams, letters and essays by theoretical physicist and Nobel-prize winner Wolfgang Pauli (1900-1958). This material had recently been found in the archives of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH). Pauli was the scientist whose dreams Jung had published in Psychology and Alchemy. The conference had been organized jointly by the ETH in Zurich and the C.G. Jung Institute in Küsnacht. One of the organizers was the Jungian analyst Eva Wertenschlag- Birkhäuser. She had managed to transport a number of paintings by her father Peter Birkhäuser (1911-1976) to the conference room of the hotel. Birkhäuser had been in analysis with Marie-Louise von Franz for more than 20 years. He had depicted the world of the unconscious in a sublime way. During the conference scientists, analysts and students were surrounded by a world that as yet has no place in our universities.

    At this conference, Karl Alex Müller, an experimental physicist and Nobel-prize winner, gave a lecture about the number archetype five. He wondered why Marie-Louise von Franz had devoted her attention only to the first four numbers. For some reason she had not gone any further. The curious thing now was that during the lecture a beautiful crayon by Birkhäuser was hanging behind Alex Müller. The crayon was entitled ‘The Queen of the Night.’ This Queen had the face of a cat and on her forehead there was a diadem or flower of light with the rotation symmetry of five. After the lecture the picture aroused a lively discus- sion, as appears from the proceedings of the conference. It was clear
    from Birkhäuser’s Queen of the Night that there must be some connection between the number five and the Feminine.

    The first aim of this study is to investigate the psychological signifi- cance of the number archetype five. I will consider whether it is mean- ingful to speak about a step from four to five. In contrast to Number and Time the discussion of the various number archetypes will be kept fairly elementary in order to interest a wider public for this field of study where science, psychology, music and art meet. In order to elucidate the archetypal background of numbers I will turn my attention to The Magic Flute (1791) by Mozart, the dreams of Pauli and the paintings by Birk- häuser. In particular I will look at the way the feminine soul of matter is symbolized and personified in these examples of modern alchemy. It will appear then that five is not the end of the story. It is possible to ‘count’ beyond five by making use of the levels of consciousness related tra- ditionally to the seven main chakras in the human energy field. At the level of six we encounter the world of the masculine spirit. The arche- type of the spirit is present in Birkhäuser’s paintings in the figure of a cosmic bear-spirit. He helps us to make the transition to the Age of Aquarius. Traditionally the six is related to time, since, according to Gen- esis, the world was created in six days. The seventh day is the day of rest and symbolizes the fullness of time. The number eight, just like the number four, points to the Self, the Eternal Man. Jung often called the Self the window into eternity.

    Nine chapters of this manuscript were written during a heat-wave in August 2003. The impulse to complete a manuscript on number arche- types was induced by a dream. In the month June I awoke every night with pain in my breast. I asked for a dream and obtained the following message from the unconscious: ‘I accept an invitation to visit the C.G. Jung Institute in Berne, the capital of Switzerland. I am supposed to in- vestigate the symbolism which Jung himself has chiseled in the hall of the institute. I pay a visit to Eva Wertenschlag-Birkhäuser and I start the investigation. I surmise that a certain mathematical operation – a shift – constitutes the missing link. Some people try to lead me from the hall.’ Since I did not know any Jungian Institute in Berne, the message of the dream first escaped me. But a friend of mine suggested that Berne could
    mean ‘city of the bear.’ Berne is named after the bear, shot down near the Aare river by Berchtold V, Duke of Zähringen who founded the city in 1191. Since Peter Birkhäuser had a close relationship with the bear- spirit of Wotan, I decided to use his work for an investigation of number symbolism. I knew that the mathematical operation in the dream could only refer to counting. Since every natural number corresponds to a certain level of consciousness, the counting from one natural number to the next corresponds with a shift of consciousness. That would explain the content of the dream. The missing link might indicate some bridge between Jungian psychology and higher levels of consciousness. Apparently there were some tendencies in myself to abandon the investigation before it was finished.

    At least I succeeded to complete a manuscript, entitled Five and the Feminine. My friend Dr. Jos van Meurs, former lecturer in English litera- ture at the University of Groningen, kindly provided the necessary cor- rections. Dr. Roderick Main from the University of Essex did some useful editing. Main, van Meurs and myself had collaborated before in publishing an English rendering of the so-called Piano Lesson by Wolfgang Pauli. But I did not succeed in publishing Five and the Feminine. In 2004 I got interested in the Mayan creation cycle of thirteen days and so I began to think about the psychological meaning of numbers higher than eight. Two years later I published in Dutch a book entitled De dertien tonen van de schepping (The thirteen tones of creation). And finally I was led to add in the English manuscript five numbers to the previous eight ones. To that end four new chapters were written.

    In some sense I try to play the black keys of a piano. A diatonic scale has seven different tones. The eighth tone, the octave, is equal to the key tone but on a higher frequency level. One can play diatonic scales by using only the white keys of a piano. But since the time of Johann Sebastian Bach we also use a chromatic scale with seven white and five black keys. Together with the octave we then have a scale of thirteen tones and have enriched our musical ways of expression enormously. In the same way we may gain quite new perspectives on ourselves by going beyond the number eight. To that end I make use of some channeled material. It then turns out that the higher numbers acquire more
    meaning within a context that goes beyond Jungian psychology and incorporates a cosmic perspective on the development of mankind including extraterrestrials, crop circles and the sacred Mayan calendar.

    Jos van Meurs again checked the English. I am very grateful for his assistance. To Marie-Louise von Franz, who died in February 1998, I owe much inspiration for my work. I have greatly benefited from her warm support of my research into the relationship between modern physics and depth psychology. She herself never managed to extend her research of number archetypes beyond the number four. The time was not yet ripe. After the mega success of The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown, it has become clear that both the number Five and the Feminine are constellated in our time. I now understand that the pain in my breast which I experienced in June 2003 had to do with Birkhäuser’s Queen of the Night that now adorns part I of this book. I had promised myself to present this Queen with a book, but I was reluctant to do the hard job of writing, editing and looking for a publisher. I am grateful to Kaspar Birkäuser and Eva Wertenschlag-Birkhäuser for their permission to reproduce so much from the work of their father. My brother Ernst very helpfully scanned most of the illustrations. I thank Dr. Thomas Arzt, Prof. dr. Karl Alex Müller and the School for Initiatic Therapy, founded by Karlfried Count Dürckheim and his wife Maria Hippius Countess Dürckheim. The conferences they organized in Todtmoos-Rütte (the Black Forest) on Jungian psychology and Initiatic therapy gave me the opportunity to present my ideas to an audience of willing listeners. Regula Bühlmann, publisher of writings from initiatic work, kindly asked me to submit a manuscript, even though it was about Jungian psychology and in English. I am grateful to her for bringing this work on number archetypes into the open. Last but not least, I wish to thank my loving wife Inge Teunissen who supports my work no matter how weird it may look to others.

    Herbert van Erkelens June 22, 2007 7 SUN
    The Queen of the Night, crayon by Peter Birkhäuser.
    1. The Secret of Numbers

    At the end of his life depth psychologist Carl Gustav Jung came to the conclusion that there must be at least two ways of access to the secret of Being, namely, the material occurrence on the one hand and the psychic reflection of it on the other. In a letter to theoretical physicist Wolfgang Pauli, dated October 24, 1953, he concluded from this that the task facing the disciplines of physics and depth psychology

    is to locate and describe that region which is indisputably common to both. My dreams and my intuition have both referred me to the natural numbers. These seem to be the simplest and most elemen- tary of all archetypes. That they are archetypes emerges from the psychological fact that simple whole numbers, given the chance, amplify themselves immediately and freely through mythological statements; e.g., 1 = the One, absolute, nondivisible (advaita = two- less) and thus the unconscious, the beginning, God, etc. 2 = the division of the One, the pair, the connection, the difference (agens- patiens, masculine-feminine, etc.), counting, etc. 3 = the renaissance of the One from the Two, the son, the first masculine number, etc.1

    In addition to this Jung remarked that natural numbers possess that characteristic of the psychoid archetype in classical form, namely, that they are as much inside as outside. Thus, one can never make out whether they have been devised or discovered; as numbers they are inside and as a quantity they are outside. Accordingly, the possibility can be predicted that equations can be devised from purely mathematical prerequisites and that later they will turn out to be for- mulations of physical processes. I therefore believe that from the psychological point of view at least, the sought-after borderland between physics and psychology lies in the secret of the number. Hence the saying, fittingly enough, that man made mathematics, but God made the whole numbers.

    When he wrote this letter Jung had already been busy for over a year listing characteristics of the whole positive or natural numbers. He must at least have come to the number five, since he had noticed that equa- tions of the fifth degree could not be solved in an algebraic way. He was

    1 C.A. Meier (ed.), Atom and Archetype, p. 127. 2 Ibid, p. 127.
    in particular interested in statements that freely resulted from specific numbers: ‘In other words, I am not interested in what mathematicians can do with numbers but what the number itself does when given the opportunity.’3 Jung was of the opinion that whole numbers have a life of their own, because they are archetypes. Hence he liked to refer to a saying by the mathematician Leopold Kronecker (1823-1891): ‘Whole numbers have been made by God; everything else is the work of man.’4 In other words, a number is a dynamic force that has an archetypal numinosity. In reply to the letter by Jung, Pauli stressed his basic agreement with Jung’s adopting of two roads to the secret of Being. Moreover, he remarked that the natural sciences nowadays ‘take their dynamis from the archetype of the quaternity, this is how the ethical problem of evil is constellated, which has become particularly manifest through the atom bomb.’

    It took about two years before Jung could find time to write his next letter to Pauli. In October 1955 he reacted to a paper by Pauli that had ap- peared in the magazine Dialectica and dealt with the unconscious from the standpoint of natural science and epistemology. Jung repeated his earlier statements about natural numbers and explained that he used the term “psychic statements” to refer to statements made by the psyche itself:

    The autonomy of a psychic factor lies in the fact that thanks to its dynamic force, it is capable of making its own statements. [...] Thanks to its “dynamis,” number as archetype is capable of making mythical statements. If it is permitted to express itself at all, then it will produce “psychic statements.” In the eyes of the psychologist, these are among the indispensable characteristics of number, even if the mathematician merely views them as a means of counting.

    A year later Pauli sent Jung a long manuscript entitled ‘Statements by the psyche.’ It contained many of his own dreams from the period when his relationship with Marie-Louise von Franz had become less dynamic. In
    3 Ibid., pp. 127-128. 4 Cited in C.A. Meier (ed.), Atom and Archetype, p. 129. The saying by Kronecker did not meant to himself that every whole number is an archetype. That is a conclusion
    drawn by Jung. 5 Ibid., p. 130. 6 Ibid., p. 132.
    October 1953 Pauli had dedicated a piece of active imagination, entitled the Piano Lesson, in friendship to Miss Dr. M-L. v. Franz. It contained an in- teresting fragment about the significance of the number four that easily could have supported Jung’s intuitions about number archetypes. In November 1953 Pauli had had a numinous dream and vision about the relationship between ego and Self, in which both the numbers three and four play a central role. We shall pay attention to these products from the unconscious in a later chapter. In his correspondence with Jung, Pauli never referred to these more intimate inner experiences. He only sent descriptions of them to von Franz and forbade her to speak about them with Jung. According to von Franz, Pauli was afraid of the contents of his dreams: ‘It frightened him to draw conclusions from what his dreams said. They said, for instance, that he should stand up for Jungian psychology in public. And that he feared like hell. Which I understand. He moved in the higher circles in physics. They were very mocking and cynical and also jealous of him. If he had stood up for dreams and irrational things, there would have been a hellish laughter. And he hadn’t the guts to face it. So that was really tragic.’

    A new myth
    When Jung wrote his book on Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO’s), he was unaware of the progress Pauli himself had made with respect to the rela- tionship of physics and depth psychology. What bothered him in this book was a new myth by which humanity was gripped after World War II. Jung had collected many reports about so-called flying saucers, round objects from outer space that flashed through the atmosphere, and he tried to distil the psychological significance of this rumor. To that end he compared the various reports with dreams and paintings that covered the same theme of extraterrestrial beings visiting the Earth. From a psychological point of view the UFO’s clearly meant an epiphany of the Self. Such an epiphany was to be expected at a time of transformation, when the Platonic month

    7 HerbertvanErkelens(ed.),‘WolfgangPauli,theFeminineandthePerilsofthe Modern World’, pp. 146-147.
    of Pisces would slowly clear the way for the Age of Aquarius. At the beginning of the Age of Pisces the Self had been constellated in the life of Jesus of Nazareth. He had been regarded as the Son of God who could bring salvation to a suffering humanity. But surprisingly the new myth stressed an epiphany from outer space: ‘It is characteristic of our time that the archetype, in contrast to its previous manifestations, should now take the form of an object, a technological construction, in order to avoid the odiousness of mythological personification. Anything that looks techno- logical goes down without difficulty with modern man. The possibility of space travel has made the unpopular idea of a metaphysical intervention much more acceptable.’8 Jung was not in a position to judge the possible physical existence of flying saucers. He left the question open. It could be that an objectively real, physical process had given rise to an accompanying myth, or that the archetype of the Self had created corresponding visions, or that a physical process had coincided meaningfully with a psychological expectation. Jung could not decide which of those three possibilities happened to be the right one: ‘As a psychologist, I am not qualified to con- tribute anything useful to the question of the physical reality of UFO’s. I can concern myself only with their undoubted psychic aspect.’
    In order to investigate the psychological meaning of UFO’s Jung made use of dreams and paintings about visitors from the extraterrestrial world. An oil painting by the Swiss artist Peter Birkhäuser was extensively analyzed in his book. It is entitled ‘The Fourth Dimension.’ The picture is based on a vision which Birkhäuser had on September 14, 1956. He must have seen a huge face in the sky. That’s why the picture was first called ‘Water Face.’ Von Franz gave the following commentary in Light from the Darkness:
    8 9
    The town represents our usual conscious three-dimensional world, and through it flows the world of a fourth dimension, right down into the solid earth but without touching the town. In it is a sort of cosmic background, also a “source of living waters”. In it ap- pear eyes, some clear, some dim, partly animal and partly human.
    Civilization in Transition, CW 10, par. 624. Ibid., par. 594.
    The vision portrays the “other side” or our world, in which a new God image becomes dimly visible.10
    10 Light from the Darkness, p. 40. 18


    Figure 1.1: The Fourth Dimension. Oil by Peter Birkhäuser (1956/57).

    Jung also discussed ‘The Fire Sower,’ a painting by Birkhauser’s friend Edward Jacoby. On it a round, fiery object is visible rotating in the heavens above a darkening city. The artist has given it the suggestion of a human face. It became a head separated from a body, both head and body consist of flames. The figure sows flames but it seems to be an invisible fire, for the city takes no notice of it. It does not start a conflagration: ‘It falls unheeded, apparently to no purpose, like seed from the hand of the sower. Like an immaterial essence the fiery figure strides through the houses of the city - two worlds which interpenetrate yet do not touch.’11 The dreams and paintings about UFO’s and extraterrestrial beings that were considered by Jung all stress the contrast between these two worlds, an enigmatic higher world and the ordinary human world. The horizontal axis of our empirical consciousness, which is aware of inner, psychic contents and outer bodies in motion, is crossed by another order of being, a dimension of what Jung calls the “psychic,” since the only statements we can safely make about this other order refer to the psychic. It is a bit confusing that Jung calls this other dimension psychic, since the UFO’s themselves may appear in a physical manifestation as well, or at least appear to do so. But what interests us here is that Jung makes a connection between his philosophy of numbers and the higher order of being which according to him is on the one hand mathe- matically abstract and on the other hand fabulous and mythological:

    Now if we conceive numbers as having been discovered, and not merely invented as an instrument of counting, then on account of their mythological nature they belong to the realm of “godlike” human and animal figures and are just as archetypal as they. Unlike these, however, they are “real” in the sense that they are encoun- tered in the realm of experience as quantities and thus form the bridge between the tangible, physical world and the imaginary.12 Jung concludes from this:

    [Numbers] are an aspect of the physically real as well as of the psychically imaginary. They do not only count and measure, and are not merely quantitative; they also make qualitative statements and are thus a mysterious something between myth and reality,

    11 Civilization in Transition, CW 10, par. 726. 12 Ibid., par. 776.
    partly discovered and partly invented. [...] The opposition between the human world and the higher world is not absolute; the two are only relatively incommensurable, for the bridge between them is not entirely lacking. Between them stands the great mediator, Number, whose reality is valid in both worlds, as an archetype in its very essence.13

    After finishing his book on UFO’s Jung himself had a dream which illustrated that the whole rumor about flying saucers touched upon a central theme of his own psychology, namely the relationship between eternal man, the Self, and earthly man in time and space:

    I caught sight from my house of two lens-shaped metallically gleaming disks, which hurtled in a narrow arc over the house and down to the lake. They were UFO’s. Then another body came fly- ing directly towards me. It was a perfectly circular lens, like the ob- jective of a telescope. At a distance of four or five hundred yards it stood still for a moment, and then flew off. Immediately after- wards, another came speeding through the air: a lens with a metal- lic extension which led to a box – a magic lantern. At a distance of sixty or seventy yards it stood still in the air, pointing straight at me. I awoke with a feeling of astonishment. Still half in the dream, the thought passed through my head: “We always think that the UFO’s are projections of ours. Now it turns out that we are their projections. I am projected by the magic lantern as C.G. Jung. But who manipulates the apparatus?”14

    We can conclude from this dream that in some ‘magical’ way our bodily existence is projected from a higher dimension into three-dimen- sional space and linear time. Our higher existence is stressed in the dream as being of extraterrestrial origin. It looks as if the psychological explanation of UFO’s as projections of the image of the Self is one- sided. There is something out there, it comes from outer space, but is not alien to us. In a certain sense we encounter ourselves. We are inclined to take our bodily existence for granted as a true expression of ourselves, but we seem to live in higher dimensions as well. But Jung cannot answer the question who is the one who manipulates the apparatus. If we would like to attach a name to that unknown intelligence, we could call it the Higher Self. But Jung is more interested to investigate the hidden con-
    13 Ibid., pars. 777-778. 14 Memories, Dreams, Reflections, pp. 354-355.
    nection between the tangible, physical world and the higher dimensions. According to him number is the mediator between the different dimensions. Since the secret of numbers is at the same time the sought- after borderland between physics and psychology we get the following scheme illustrating Jung’s philosophy of numbers:


    Higher world 7 6 5
    Depth psychology ---
    4 --- Modern physics 3 2 1
    Earthly existence
    Figure 1.2: Basic idea behind the work of Jung intended to bridge the gap between psychology and physics, bodily existence and the Self.

    Because of his advanced age Jung was not able to develop this scheme any further. Two years before his death he handed his research into the number archetypes over to Marie-Louise von Franz. Over a period of more than six years she tried to build a bridge between modern physics and depth psychology based on the idea that natural numbers in their qualitative aspect can be regarded as psychophysical patterns of motion. The results of her research were published in Zahl und Zeit (1970), a book that in particular throws light on the meaning of the first four integers in physics, depth psychology and the wide field of divination and synchronicity. An English translation, entitled Number and Time, ap- peared four years later. It is clear that von Franz had adopted Jung’s idea that whole numbers possess a dynamis of their own. She writes:

    Numbers [...] as archetypal structural constants of the collective un- conscious, possess a dynamic, active aspect which is especially im- portant to keep in mind. It is not what we can do with numbers but what they do to our consciousness that is essential. Because of this
    my subsequent remarks balance to some extent on the razor’s edge between philosophical-mathematical and numerical-symbolical state- ments. But individual number, its unique and fundamental material, stands always at the center of my attention, because in the final analysis it has given rise to mankind’s most varied assertions.15

    Moreover in a footnote she remarks: ‘For this reason I have not “counted” beyond the number four. My chief purpose is to expand a new principle whose applications are not yet fully explored.’16

    Von Franz gives a slightly different motivation for the omission of higher integers in a paper entitled ‘Matter and Psyche from the Point of View of the Psychology of C.G. Jung.’ In it she first recalls that Jung had defined number as an archetype of order that had become conscious. When he tried to work out this idea, he came to the conclusion that he was too old. He told von Franz: ‘Now I have the feeling that I’ve hit my head against the ceiling. I can’t get any farther than this.’ That was shortly before his death. Von Franz continues:

    Now, I have not tried to produce any creative new ideas, but rather, in my book Number and Time, I have tried to take this idea that Jung hinted at somewhat further and to show that the natural numbers in fact do possess in exactly the same way in the world of psychic re- presentations all the qualities that they possess mathematically and that they have in physics and the hereditary code. Thus a real, abso- lute isomorphism is present. I was able to take this up to the number four. Then it became too complicated, and at that point I also hit my head on the ceiling.17

    Apparently the number archetype five had been too difficult for Marie-Louise von Franz. Nevertheless she writes about the five. She re- marks in Number and Time after a discussion of the first four numbers:
    The next step to number five is also described in medieval natural philosophy. It is included in the concept of the “philosophers’ stone” as the quinta essentia. The latter is not merely a fifth element added on to the four known ones, but represents their realized unity of existence. Examples such as these can be multiplied at will. In China, for instance, eleven is the number of Tao, but it is not taken in the quantitative sense of ten plus one
    15 Marie-Louise von Franz, Number and Time, pp. 33-34.
    16 Ibid., p. 34.
    17 Marie-Louise von Franz, Psyche and Matter, p. 37.
    Rather it signifies the unity of the decade in its wholeness.18

    From this point of view five could be the unity of the four. But such an aspect of unity is present in every natural number conceived as an archetype. The number one first and foremost signifies the monad, the indivisible whole. Von Franz calls it the one-continuum. According to her this monad runs through the whole series of natural numbers:

    ‘Whereas numbers above the threshold of consciousness appear to be quantitative discontinuities and qualitative individual numbers, in the unconscious they interpermeate and overlap (as do all the other archetypes of the collective unconscious), participating in the one- continuum which runs through them all. From this viewpoint all numbers are simply qualitatively differentiated manifestations of the primal one. The latter is a mathematical symbol of the unus mundus, [the one world] isomorphic to the collective unconscious.’
    But if five means the quintessence of the one-continuum, why is it more difficult than four? Von Franz’s reasoning is sometimes hard to follow. Ac- cording to the physicist Charles Card von Franz herself considered Number and Time ‘a rather unreadable book.’20 She evidently feared that by going into discussion with the world of modern science she risked the danger that her reasoning would become too abstract and too complicated for most Jungian ana- lysts. But one can still reconstruct the point where she hit her head on the ceiling. In Number and Time von Franz notes: ‘Whereas the pentagon with its five angles geometrizes the number five in its quantitative and ad- ditive form, the quintessence is represented by the quincunx as the center of four.’
    The quincunx with its four corners fits easily into Jungian thinking. But what could be the psychological meaning of the other geometrical figure? Von Franz proceeds by discussing the difficult step from three to

    18 Marie-Louise von Franz, Number and Time, p. 65.
    19 Ibid., pp. 65/66.
    20 Charles Card, ‘Reflections on von Franz’s Work with Number Archetypes’, in: Emmanuel Kennedy-Xypolitas (ed.), The Fountain of the Love of Wisdom, p. 182.


    Figure 1.3: The quincunx as the five dots on a dice.

    21 Marie-Louise von Franz, Number and Time, p. 121.
    four and never returns to the pentagon. As we shall see, the number five in its quantitative and additive form enters the scene as soon as we shift our attention from physics to biology.


    The above entry is from:


    donderdag 05 maart 2009 09:53


    TEN (2+0+0+8): NEW BEGINNINGS

    It is impossible to divide a circle in seven equal parts using only a pair of compasses, a ruler and a rectangle. Hence we cannot easily draw a regular heptagon this in contrast to the regular pentagon.
    In the famous cathedral of Amiens there is a rose-window with a five-rayed star. The cathedral in Laon shows an attempt to construct a rose-window based on the number seven, but the architect didn’t succeed in making the window regular. For the same reason we cannot expect to find the number seven in a mandala symbol.

    The seven derives its psychological significance primarily from the six. The six has a close relationship to time. Genesis tells us that the world was created in six days. Seven is the number that transcends six. The seventh day is the day of rest after the six days of creation.

    Within the Jewish and the Christian tradition seven symbolizes the end of the world and the fullness of time. The number eight again points to the Self or to the eighth day as day of eternity. Universally it is the number of cosmic balance, fulfillment and completeness. Jean Chevalier and Alain Gheerbrant note in A Dictionary of Symbols:

    ‘As for the eighth day, following the six days of creation and the seventh day of rest, [eight] is a symbol of resurrection and of transfiguration and heralds the age of eternity which is to come. It comprises not only Christ’s resurrection, but that of the human race.’ (p. 343) On day seven God is not making anything.

    There are six directions in a three dimensional world: north, west, south, east, above and below.
    If there would be a seventh direction it would be the direction ‘within.’ On the Shabbat God is exploring Himself by slowing down his frequency:

    'When he does, the visible spectrum (the rainbow) appears.

    Music, the harmonious reflection of sound, dances across the seven notes of the scale and through the universe echoes the Music of the Spheres. On the seventh day, God, the artist, lays the groundwork for your evolution out of matter – the chakra wheels of light, energy and vibration: divinity reaching for an ideal, the inspiration of the soul.' (Patricia Cori, The Cosmos of Soul, p. 164)

    In a diatonic scale the seven tones have to be complemented by the octave, the eighth note that exactly sounds like the key tone, but on a higher frequency level. From a Jungian point of view, 7 as number of perfection acts as a bridge to 8, a symbol of wholeness. In a major scale the 7th tone is the guide tone to number 8. Nine is the number of completion. It plays an important role in the work of Lee Carroll who is a channel for the messages of an angel called Kryon.

    An angel is not a he or a she. But for the sake of convenience I will write about Kryon as being male.
    Kryon uses in his messages a lot of numerology that is quite useful to understand the psychological meaning of numbers.(See: ‘The Seven Cosmic Laws’, November 2006)

    Number 1 stands for new beginnings and number 2 represents duality. 3 is the number of action and power. It is the catalyst. A catalyst is an energy that provides the push for transformation of one energy to another, yet never changes itself.

    4 is the foundation number and 5 the number of change. 6 means to Kryon communication, balance and harmony. 7 is the sacred number, representing the divinity of God and 8 is the number of balance and responsibility. On its side 8 represents infinity. 9 is the number of completion and 10 reduces numerologically 1 to (1+0), meaning ‘new beginnings.’ We so get the following scheme of meanings:

    1 New beginnings 4 Wholeness, foundation 7 The sacred number
    2 Duality, polarity 5 Change 8 Balance, responsibility
    3 Action, power 6 Communication 9 Completion

    Willem Versteeg of the spiritual center Poustinia in the Ardennes calls 1, 2 and 3 numbers of form, 4, 5 and 6 numbers of character, and 7, 8 and 9 numbers of essence.

    The numbers 3, 6 and 9 act as catalysts on three different levels. 9 is the essence of the numbers of essence. Annemarie Schimmel calls 9 ‘the magnified sacred 3.’

    In Germanic mythology there are nine worlds around the world tree Yggdrasil. The woman seer in the Norse epic, the Völuspa, sings ‘Nine worlds I know, nine woods I know, of the mighty central tree in the dust of the earth.’ (The Mystery of Numbers, p. 173)

    The Germanic god Odin hung on the world tree for 9 days and nights before he discovered the sacred runes. There are nine months in a human pregnancy. Nine is etymologically related to new, in particular in French, neuf (nine) and neuf (new) and in German, neun (nine) and neu (new). It is the number of rebirth. Nine has a strong feminine energy. As the nine months of a pregnancy the number has a connection as well with the moon.

    Ten would be the child born from the nine.

    *****************************************inserted by Susan Lynne Schwenger
    Bishop Cannings, nr Devizes, Wiltshire. Reported 27th June.
    GPS Reference (to come)


    .Image Steve Alexander Copyright 2000
    Crop circle, discovered on August 6, 1999 near Bishops Cannings.
    Photograph by Ulrich Kox. This exceptional and unique crop circle became the target of the landowner's wrath soon after it was found (Martin Keitel).

    Many crop circles might express a numerology in accordance with the scheme above.
    (end of insert by Susan Lynne Schwenger)

    A famous example of 7-fold symmetry is "The Basket" so called because the wheat between the circles seemed to be woven and the edges of each circle remained in a neat, thin ring (Barbara Lamb).
    Laiolin calls the beautiful pattern the 'Beloved Flower of Peace.' She further remarks: 'This is the Flower of Life's sacred geometry...

    This is the seed of peace that has been carried and preserved by the beloved souls who incarnated to carry the torch and keep the flame of peace alive. You know them by the names of Gandhi, Mother Theresa, St. Francis, Martin Luther King and Hildegard of Bingen...

    Mathematically it is the resonance of pure Christ light and the essence of the higher frequency of love vibration that exists within the spectrum of universal light and sound...

    This is the ultimate symbol of peace in divine union, empowerment and mutual cocreation...

    This is a practical tool that can be infinitely useful in the transformation of the warrior/destroyer paradigm the healing of the heart of the beast. I suggest that this geometry be created into jewelry and art pieces and widely distributed to the masses.'
    (Crop Circles Revealed, p. 142)

    Bishop Cannings, nr Devizes, Wiltshire. Reported 27th June.
    GPS Reference (to come)

    Image Steve Alexander Copyright 2000


    Figure 23 on page 227 of 
James Churchward's 'The 
Sacred Symbols of MU' 
is an eight-pointed star 
formed by two over-
lapping squares. It is 
symbol of the Sun. The dot in the center
usually represents
the deity.


    Note, that in the original formation, one of the "rays" of the 8-pointed star has not been fully completed.
    Copyright © 2000, Zef Damen, The Netherlands

    On the very night this formation appeared, a couple of night watchers decided to camp out (literally only a hundred yards from the formation) within the field. Around the early hours of the morning, they were awoken by strange sounds coming from the field itself, and had an uneasy feeling about the whole experience. Amazingly they soon went back to sleep, only to be woken up by sounds of Helicopters flying low over the field, with Police Cars, and mobile cranes. This was the scene, early on that Tuesday morning.
    The formation itself, is really a play on design, already seen in the Avebury area. Early indications suggest that the inner central pattern, has the same dimensions as the Silbury Hill (ringed) formation, and possibly Southfield. More research needs to be established on this, using tracings to overlap different formations on top of each other. I am however predicting a very similar overall measurement.

    The outer ring was extremely neat, with a small outer pathway circumscribing the entire formation. This pathway was put down first with the rest of the plants flattened later. The triangular outer sections contained some of the best sunburst centres seen this year, each one has a splayed central part, with a three directional flow making up the shape. On the inner central 8 pointed star arrangement, standing centres on each of the triangular bases, with neat twists around the standing crop.

    This is a highly impressive formation, with regards to its design, and proportions, but was placed in the wrong part of the Avebury landscape. We very rarely here at the Crop Circle Connector have to show our alarm at the positioning of certain formations, but this time the circle makers (whoever you are) had got it wrong! I just wish that they would learn from the basket weave last year, as their design may only be temporary?

    NOTE: He is meaning that the farmer on whose property the basket weave was placed last year, the farmer cut it down as fast as he could so nobody would come on his property.
    Report by Stuart Dike.


    West Bretton, Yorkshire - 6-26-00
    This formation appeared the day prior
to the star which has this similar formation
in the center. I didn't find out about this one until 7/1/2000

    This diagram is from: THE NOISE ROOM
    (I note here that the reason I didn't see this one is because the 'cropcircleconnector' does not have this image. Perhaps they will post it at a later date.

    Eight-fold symmetry in a crop circle at Bishops Cannings near Devizes,
    found on June 26, 2000. Photograph by Lucy Pringle. According to Kryon we now live in an age with a new dispensation, the dispensation of responsibility: 'On its side, this number [eight] represents infinity. Standing up end to end, it can be turned any way, yet it means the same thing.
    There’s no up and there’s no down to the number symbol. It’s in the now, and it’s balanced. It’s an eight. If there was going to be a numerological energy assigned to the dispensation of responsibility, this is it. The eight speaks of stability and structure, and it’s about time, isn’t it?' (‘The Celebration – What’s Next’, December 2002)
    In Crop Circles Revealed every crop circle is combined with a so-called star glyph
    that expresses the meaning of the circle in a star language originated from the Great Central Sun (See: Crop Circles Revealed).
    Crop circle and star glyph constitute together a set of codes. Laiolin remarks about the set that includes the mandala figure from Bishops Cannings of June 2000:
    'This set resonates the release codes for freeing individual souls and families long bound in states of depression and chaos. These codes will cause the interdimensional shift in parallel time zones that will release fear, heal wounded souls, allow for peace and heal the trauma cycles that have repeated generation upon generation throughout the long dark night of the soul.' (p. 158)
    The number eight. present in the pattern of the two squares, points to the taking of responsibility for your own life. 7 is the number of evolution, whereas 8 is the number of eternity. 8 awakens us from a perspective of linear time. Trauma and fear programs tend to persist from generation to generation. But the Self as window on eternity releases us from trauma cycles. Freeing ourselves from the shadows of the past enables us to lead a life of our own choice.
    The year 2007 is particular suited to put an end to unnecessary suffering, since it is an 9-year (2+0+0+7 = 9), a year of completion. Kryon notes:
    'What if it was the completion of war?
    What if it was the completion of a thought that now comes together and gives you peace?
    What if it's a completion of strife in a romance and brings about peace in a family?
    What if it's a completion of those who would remove themselves finally from bad habits?
    What if it's a completion of your children on drugs?
    What if it's the completion of things that need to be completed? This is the year for it, and whereas you would ask me what's going to happen with your government and what's going to happen with those around you, I'm going to say, look to yourself!
    For what you do with you will determine the rest of the story. Whatever humanity needs to complete, this is the year for it. The numerology will give you the energy tools. They lay upon you as a posturing of help.
    Two thousand and seven is the year and the number.' (From: 'Viewing the Other Side of the Veil', January 7, 2007)
    Nine-Pointed Star Crop Circle
    Crop Circle formation with 9-fold symmetry, found on August 4, 2007,
    near Pewsey white horse, UK. Photograph by Lucy Pringle.
    Crop Circle formation with 9-fold symmetry, found on August 4, 2007 near Pewsey white horse. Photograph by Lucy Pringle. A beautiful example of 9-fold symmetry in crop circle formations appeared in 2007 near the white horse of Pewsey. It had in the middle an equilateral triangle around a circle.
    A variation of the same archetypal motif appeared earlier in a crop circle found on August 3, 1999, at Henwood. In that case Laiolin explained:
    'The center of the crop circle is the eye of God, now viewed in the psyche of mankind as being in the center of the great pyramid, not at the top. The center is the heart source.' (Crop Circles Revealed, Plate 37, p. 146)
    The nine-pointed star around the central triangle may point to the solar plexus which is symbolized in Kundalini yoga by a 9-petal flower. The nine-pointed star or sun is enclosed by a symbol that looks like a mighty crescent moon, a powerful feminine symbol. The union of sun and moon is a famous hierosgamos motif from late-medieval alchemy.
    Nine, however, means taking action. Completion only occurs by making choices. The Dutch artist Janosh, who is quite familar with crop circle codes, interprets the 9-fold design from Pewsey as referring to choices:
    'All the time we are dealing with choosing, and the choices we could make are getting bigger every time.
    Realize that every choice you make is a good choice. You can't make wrong choices. The only thing is that your choice may prolong or shorten the way towards your goal. The energy of 'Choices' helps you step aside for a while to create an overview of what could be the best choice for you in a certain situation.' (See hologram 'Choices' on the website of Janosh)
    The year 2008 (2 + 0 + 0 + 8 = 10) was a year of new beginnings. It stood in relationship to the Venus Transit that occurred four years earlier. A Venus Transit is when Venus retrogrades and passes in front of the Sun. Venus retrogrades every 260 days but it only passes the Sun every 130 years. The planet does so twice with an interval of eight years. The exact Passover in 2004 was on June 8. The Venus Transit recurs on June 6, 2012, a few months before the end of the Mayan Long Count calendar. Kryon remarked that the eight years between the two Venus Passovers can be viewed as a spiritual window of action.
    There is a window of 8 years following the Venus Transit of June 2004. The new dispensation of 8, of responsibility, began with the first Venus Transit.The two Venus Transits are like a pair of bookends representing a new energy window of eight years.
    But there are more eights to be explained in recent history. The team of Kryon visited Israel in October 2000. Kryon seems to have told then that nothing significant would happen on Earth with respect to peace until the year 2008. Since 2008 is a 1-year, it would be a year for a New Jerusalem. But Kryon also knew that in 2008 there would be new presidential elections in the USA:
    ‘How many of you in 2000 were thinking about a specific election in your country in 2008? How many of you put together the “Dispensation of Responsibility” with the eight-year Venus Transit that was scheduled to happen in 2004?
    The answer is that few did. Now it all starts to come together.’ (Kryon, ‘The Venus Transit Gift’, June 2004) Indeed, the year 2008 would mark the beginning of new leadership on Earth.
    Herbert van Erkelens
    donderdag 05 maart 2009 09:51
    In order to get some feeling for the language of crop circles one can start with the psychological meaning of numbers.
    In Jungian psychology natural numbers are considered as archetypes of order that partly have become conscious. They have not lost their numinosity. Depth psychologist Marie-Louise von Franz remarks in her book Number and Time:
    'Numbers as archetypal structural constants of the collective unconscious possess a dynamic, active aspect which is especially important to keep in mind. It is not what we can do with numbers but what they do to our consciousness that is essential.' (Number and Time, p. 33)
    As regards the numbers 1, 2 and 3 Number and Time is based to a large extent on what Jung wrote about these numbers in his psychological commentary on the dogma of the Trinity.
    Jung first turned to the mathematical speculations of the Greek philosophers. He quotes Zeller who wrote in A History of Greek Philosophy:
    'One is the first from which all other numbers arise and in which the opposite qualities of numbers, the odd and the even must therefore be united; two is the first even number; three the first that is uneven and perfect because in it we first find beginning, middle and end.' (Psychology and Religion: West and East, CW 11, par. 179)
    The psychological meaning of one, two and three becomes more clearly if we take into account that natural numbers refer to different levels of consciousness in case these numbers are connected with specific God-images.
    The step from one number to the next one then marks an increase in consciousness.
    Von Franz writes about this aspect:
    'In his paper on the Trinity, Jung describes the first three of these steps in detail: at the level of one, man still naïvely participates in his surroundings in a state of uncritical unconsciousness, submitting to things as they are. At the level of two, on the other hand, a dualistic world- and God-image gives rise to tension, doubt and criticism of God, life, nature and oneself.
    The condition of three by comparison denotes insight, the rise of consciousness,and the rediscovery of unity on a higher level; in a word, gnosis and knowledge.' (Number and Time, pp. 124-125)
    Traditional icon of the Holy Trinity​
    The number one stands psychologically for beginning and for unity on an unconscious level.​
    Becoming conscious is only possible if the number two is constellated that makes it possible to reflect the one into something else, the other. In general the number two creates conflict, since the other has to stand besides the one.​
    Jung remarks about the one and the other:​
    'According to the natural philosophy of the Middle Ages, one is not a number at all.​
    The first number is two, because, with it, separation and multiplication begin. About the number two Jung remarks:​
    'With the appearance of the number two, another appears alongside the one, a happening which is so striking that in many languages “the other” and “the second” are expressed by the same word.​
    Also associated with the number two is the idea of right and left, and remarkably enough of favorable and unfavorable, good and bad. The “other” can have a “sinister” significance – or one feels it, at least, as something opposite and alien.' (Psychology and Religion: West and East, CW 11, par. 180).​
    The “One” and the “Other” form an opposition. In Jungian psychology the Other has to do with the experience of the unconscious. As long as one feels identical with oneself, one does not need any concept such as the unconscious. But as soon as the unconscious shows tendencies that go against the intentions of our ego-personality, one suddenly discovers the Other in oneself.​
    This is a most unfavorable condition and that is why God created the number three:​
    'Thus there arises a tension of opposites between the One and the Other. But every tension of opposites culminates in a release, out of which comes the “third.”​
    In the third, the tension is resolved, and the lost unity is restored. Unity, the absolute One, cannot be numbered, it is indefinable and unknowable; only when it appears as a unit, the number one, is it knowable, for the “Other” which is required for this act of knowing is lacking in the condition of the One.​
    Three is an unfolding of the One to a condition where it can be known – unity becomes recognizable; had it not been resolved into the polarity of the One and the Other, it would have remained fixed in a condition devoid of every quality.​
    Three therefore appears as a suitable synonym for a process in time and thus forms a parallel to the self-revelation of the deity as the absolute One unfolded into Three.' (Psychology and Religion: West and East, CW 11, par. 180)​
    These observations run parallel to the meaning of the first three integers in the world of crop circles.​
    Judith Moore receives transmissions from Laiolin, a Cosmic Being of Light:​
    ‘Laiolin is an ambassador of the Council of Aboraha, a member of the Galactic Federation and the Galactic Council of Light. She is a thirteenth-dimensional being of pure frequency. She explained to me that she is pure light, her presence is so bright that it would blind the human eye. She chose to appear to me as an angel of light to help me to accept the apparition. She has taught me that there are 13 dimensions in totality, she is a thirteenth-dimensional aspect of my divine soul presence. She comes from the Great Central Sun.​
    ‘I am a child of the Sun, a daughter of the beings from the Sun of Suns.’ (Judith Moore, Johan Keijser, The Language of Crop Circles, pp. 11/12, 241)​
    The Council of Aboraha seems to be a Council of Light of the Cosmic Elohim. The Great Central Sun is the highest level of consciousness in the cosmos. According to Laiolin there are twelve Solar Temples around the Central Sun. The thirteenth temple is the crystalline center within the Central Sun. The Great Central Sun is the Great Father, the black hole is the Great Mother. It is by union of these two vast forces that all was created.​
    The number archetypes one, two and three are closely related to the process of creation. Laiolin remarks in A New Formula for Creation:​
    'The One is the essential core of Creation. Next is the Primal Universal Matrix, the spiral, which contains all potential. The Infinite One puts forth an intent and creates a reflection of itself. This becomes Alpha and Omega, the Divine energetic complements. They polarize into opposites and set the dynamics of Creation in motion.'​
    The Alpha and Omega are male and female, or yang- and yin-energies that can polarize and go out of balance. Their subsequent merging has important consequences for our life on earth.​
    On July 22, 2000, a crop circle appeared in Avebury Trusloe that showed a kind of interference pattern between two energies. According to Laiolin the two spheres in the crop circle represented the merging of the Alpha and Omega (mother/father) in the creation of the new paradigm.​
    She further remarked in Crop Circles Revealed:​
    'Prepare for massive rapid metamorphosis of the world as you know it. Obstacles for ascension that appeared unsurmountable will dissolve before your eyes. Do not limit your thought patterns by what was once unattainable. The future is filled with potential, and a return to divine creation is in process Although to your perception the world appears the same, it is not. Be prepared for what have been termed miracles, for the world will open like a lotus blossom before you.' (p. 154)​
    Knoll Down nr Avebury Trusloe, Wiltshire​
    22nd Jul 2000​
    A series of intersecting radial lines from two centre points, resembling a 'rippling' effect.​
    A series of intersecting radial lines from two centre points, resembling a 'rippling' effect. (photo 2)​
    Crop circle at Knoll Down near Avebury Trusloe, found on July 22, 2000. Photograph by Lucy Pringle.​
    Laiolin states in A New Formula for Creation:​
    'The divine intent or breath brings the winds of Heaven through the prism of the 'Womb of Sophia,' the infinite black hole, to activate the forces of Creation. This breath, or Holy Spirit, is the precursor to form, and it births Creation. A matrix is created and a self-replicating quantum field is activated, causing other geometric codes to manifest, expanding the matrix and organizing vibrational fields to prepare for form. The Cosmic Egg is the manifested.' (p. 7)​
    We already know that the black hole is the Great Mother. From a Jungian point of view she would be the fourth principle next to the Trinity. Only when the winds of Heaven traverse the prism of Sophia they obtain form. A matrix refers in mathematics to a two-dimensional weaved pattern of numbers.The word matrix is related to the Latin word mater for mother. The Primal Universal Matrix is the prima ground of Creation. Gregg Braden calls it the Divine Matrix.​
    Quantum fields seem to be fields that act and react as a whole in contrast to the fields known from relativity theory that obey the principle that the speed of light is the maximum velocity of communication in the universe.​
    They can replicate themselves causing other geometric codes to manifest. A matrix is geometric in nature. The matrix is the basis, or the blueprint, for the formation of mass and matter.​
    Laiolin proceeds:​
    'Trinity is the structure that organizes Creation and permits replication of quantum fields. The triangle is the symbol of trinity and is an expression of the Universal Law of balance and cocreation. The polarities of Alpha and Omega are symbolized by two intersecting triangles forming the Star of David, or "merkaba.'​
    A dot in its center represents the Holy Spirit uniting and balancing the two polarities and thus forming a trinity. The trinity becomes a persona through the manifestation of male and female polarities.'​
    Another precise design was the "Star of David-Starburst" that arrived at Burham in Kent on the 12th of July.​
    Photo 4 - Burham, nr. Maidstone Kent -12th July​
    Now whilst there was overwhelming evidence to suggest it was genuine, the farmer wasn't convinced! He thought it must have been the handiwork of the boys from the pub after chuck out time.​
    This though begs the question, if you've got three or four pints inside you, how the hell do you make lines as straight as that ?!​
    The Burham Starburst crop circle formation found on July 12, 2003 at Burham near Maidstone (Kent).​
    The merkaba or star-tetrahedron consists of the interlocking of two tetrahedrons. A tetrahedron is a pyramid consisting of four equilateral triangles. The merkaba is related to the phenomenon of ascension. The prophet Elijah ascended to heaven in a chariot (Merkawah) of fire.​
    We may consider the star-tetrahedron as the three-dimensional representation of the Star of David. Both figures symbolize the interlocking of Alpha and Omega. The Holy Spirit is the third principle bringing the two polarities into balance.​
    The Trinity represents this balance and actively supports the process of creation and cocreation. We find the dynamics of the Trinity beautifully expressed by a crop circle formation known as the Burham Starburst. Laiolin remarks about this formation in The Language of Crop Circles:​
    'The pyramid is the foundation for balance of cosmic force. It is the initial geometry in the matrix of creation. One is the center and the force of creation. Two is the unification of the forces of creation that create a matrix. Three is the form that expands the matrix into a self-replicating field that then can self-replicate into a merkaba. The centre of the universe is symbolized by a dot, the initial forces of creation as a pair and creation as a triangle. The merkaba of the old world is ceasing to spin. Simultaneously the merkaba that is the mechanism of the blueprint of the new creation is activating. This is the merkaba of the emerging matrix, the cosmic forces that birth a new creation.'​
    Trinity and merkaba are closely related. If the Trinity represents the force of Creation, the merkaba stands for 'Manifest Creation, capable of infinitely replicating itself and thus expanding Creation.​
    Geometry is the universal language of the Matrix of Prime Creation. The triangle is a major principle of that geometry and is used throughout the spectrum of Creation on all levels to express the principle of the Sacred Trinity.' (A New Formula for Creation, pp. 7/8)​
    I wasn't aware of the 3 pulse World Clock. Fascinating. It's setting off triggers somewhere inside me..


    It would seem natural numbers are the root archetypes; nature's geometry, structure of matter and consciousness itself would stem from these numbers; the manifest world would extend from and reflect these natural numbers; root reality would be formed from these numbers; what we see and know as reality would be metaphor to these numbers.

    If this be the case and natural numbers are as a fractal unit or pattern in which all of the universe is constructed (including every aspect of ourselves), then we could expect to experience numbers much the same way we would energies. That is, they would resonate in ways that we could know in our heart and understand in our mind.
    It follows we could identify the numbers operating in any one space at any one time. The first interesting task would be to identify the numbers of body, soul, spirit, monad, etc.

    Am I getting close to what Tony is presenting?


    Actually, its my theory of the 12 aspects through The Central Vertical Channel aka CVC.
    ~ tony understands how to write the higher D mathematics, which mate with my own discovery
    ~ there is more than one way up the mountain ;)
    Tony is defining 'the cosmos', where i am defining 'the part, you are within the cosmos" - that might be a good way to explain it.

    i think it is important to see how others see things as it will make explaining 'my roadmap' much easier
    (this is why i need the help of a computer literate , artist-type person). if you know of one who would help me, that would be appreciated. Once i have 'the art', then i can explain it. And/or if i have 'the ear' of an artist, perhaps, they could draw it as i explain it to them.


    THESE ARTICLES were missing the photographs,
    so, i've had to add them back in, above - and, quote where to find the original articles


    wish, i knew how to get a picture of the painting posted
    of this link:
    called: The Queen of the Night, crayon by Peter Birkhäuser
    do you know how to do that 'j' ?


    At your service :)

    Last edited: Sep 12, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Start of 2012 Crop Circle Season - In the heart of Mexico - 23 Sep 2012


    Reported September 23rd, 2012, Tlapanaloya, México.

The Crop Circle consists of an internal central circle that measures 10.20 meters and on its north and south poles has half moons (or ‘’hatchets’’, as the locals defined it) that measures 24 meters each; east and west we find two circles that are 7.60 and 6.50 at a distance from the center of 3.50 and 7.30 meters, ergo, the image is not simetrical.

    All this surrounded by a a bigger circle of one meter width with the spikes bent counterclockwise and of 25.40 meter radius; that is to say that this part is 50.80 meters wide. But surrounding all these elements there are 16 triangles evenly distributed that measure 3.10 by 4.70 meters each one.

    The whole Crop Circle occupied an área of 60.20 meters. The formation was laid on two properties, Adolfo Perez’ and José Luis Cordero’s, both measuring 1.25 hectare and both sown with oat, that is used for cattle feeding. Together they lost about Mex $6,000. Seven Thousand people visited the Crop Circle.

    This formation presented a peculiar weave in the crushing of the crop, and we must point out to the fact that no single stem was broken, they were just bent, still alive, something that surprised the farmers because they had not seen anything like this before.

    We questioned the owners of the field, if they thought the formation was made by animals, water runoff, or a prankster that wanted some attention. They adamantly said: ‘’No, no; we don’t want to fool people, this thing just appeared here overnight, we don’t know who made it. And even more, we lost the money invested in the crop. Who is going top pay for that?’’ They were worried more about gathering some money to buy seeds for the next season.

    To date, more than 7,000 people have come to see the Crop Circle from nearby towns and from the neighboring states of Hidalgo and Queretaro. When we flew over the formation, we noticed the damage caused by the curious visitors and many took soil, plants, or stones as souvenirs of the ‘’alien message’’ as some referred to the design.

    Read more:


    Source 1:
    Source 2:

    URGENT. Appears "agrograma" of 52 meters in Mexico.
    Starts the 2012 season.
    Tlapanaloya. State of México. Reported 23rd September.
    The Diameter is 54 meters and Oats.

    September 23 This was reported the presence of a "agrograma" composed of circles, halfmoons Triangle to a growing field in Mexico, local authorities are surprised of what has appeared, locals say That is for decades have been sightings of UFOs. An extraordinaryevent which starts the 2012 season of crop circles in Mexico. Extraordinary event which starts with the 2012 season of crop circles in Mexico.


    Image 2 /inter2012/mexico/sept23-mexico-stretch.jpg


    It’s a pleasure to greet you all. My name is Yohanan Díaz Vargas. I am a Jaime Maussan’s Tercer Milenio TV show and website reporter. The reason to contact you is that we understand that you have been following the events of Crop Circles around the world, and we want to establish links to participate in an exchange of news, images, films, ideas and general communication with your organization.

    Crop Circles in México

    Yohanan Díaz Vargas, @yohanandiaz

    Image 3 /inter2012/mexico/la-foto1.jpg

    The 2012 Crop Circles season has begun in Mexico with an amazing design, including triangles, circles and half moons. This is so far, the most impressive crop circle know to us in Mexico.

    Image 4 /inter2012/mexico/IMG_0793-1.jpg

    This event was reported on last Sunday September 23rd morning to our staff during our Tercer Milenio show, and to me through a call to my cell pone by the El Llano, Tlapanaloya inhabitants at Tequixquiac municipality, a rural área, one hour and a half drive north of Mexico

    Image 5 /inter2012/mexico/CROP-CIRCLE-MEXICO.jpg

    The Crop Circle was embossed over an oat field; they assured us that the image was not fabricated by them, and they don’t know who made it.
    We inmediately went to see for ourselves.

    Image 6 /inter2012/mexico/DSC07118.jpg

    An impressive Crop Circle.
    The Crop Circle consists of an internal central circle that measures 10.20 meters and on its north and south poles has half moons (or ‘’hatchets’’, as the locals defined it) that measures 24 meters each; east and west we find two circles that are 7.60 and 6.50 at a distance from the center of 3.50 and 7.30 meters, ergo, the image is not simetrical. All this surrounded by a a bigger circle of one meter width with the spikes bent counterclockwise and of 25.40 meter radius; that is tos say that this part is 50.80 meters wide. But surrounding all these elements there are 16 triangles evenly distributed that measure 3.10 by 4.70 meters each one. The whole Crop Circle occupied an área of 60.20 meters.

    The formation was laid on two properties, Adolfo Perez’ and José Luis Cordero’s, both measuring 1.25 hectare and both sown with oat, that is used for cattle feeding. Together they lost about Mex$6,000.

    Image 7 /inter2012/mexico/DSC07085.jpg

    Seven Thousand people visited the Crop Circle.

    This formation presented a peculiar weave in the crushing of the crop, and we must point out to the fact that no single stem was broken, they were just bent, still alive, something that surprised the farmers because they had not seen anything like this before.

    We questioned the owners of the field, if they thought the formation was made by animals, water runoff, or a prankster that wanted some attention. They adamantly said: ‘’No, no; we don’t want to fool people, this thing just appeared here overnight, we don’t know who made it. And even more, we lost the money invested in the crop. Who is going top pay for that?’’ They were worried more about gathering some money to buy seees for the next season.

    Image 8 /inter2012/mexico/DSC07080.jpg

    To date, more tan 7,000 people have come to see the Crop Circle from nearby towns and from the neighboring states of Hidalgo and Queretaro. When we flew over the formation, we noticed the damage caused by the curious visitors and many took soil, plants, or stones as souvenirs of the ‘’alien message’’ as some referred to the design

    Image 9 /inter2012/mexico/mexico-septermber1.jpg

    The First Crop Circle 2012

    Image 10 /inter2012/mexico/Mexique---Tula-de-Allende-0.jpg

    The first crop circle appeared on March 7 in Mexico near the town of Tula Atlante see the site in Spanish:

    Por César Martínez

Tula de Allende, Hidalgo.- Extrañas figuras geométricas y hasta en forma de laberintos aparecieron repentinamente, este fin de semana, en tierras donde se cultiva trigo.

El singular hallazgo lo hicieron campesinos del lugar situado cerca del libramiento Tula-Tlahuelilpan y del Colegio de Bachilleres de Tula, en el ejido de la primera sección de la colonia El Llano, en esta ciudad.

La mañana de ayer, decenas de habitantes de esta región observaron las figuras que se plasmaron en las tierras de cultivo. La mayoría simbolizan estrellas gigantes, círculos y laberintos.

"Nadie sabe en realidad quién pudo haber hecho estas obras de arte exactas en las tierras donde hay trigo; sin embargo, se especula que pudieran ser seres extraterrestres que viajan a bordo de Objetos Voladores No Identificados (OVNI)", opinó el empleado de Tula Juan Jiménez Gutiérrez, quien acudió al referido sitio en compañía de su esposa e hijos.

Por otro lado, el maestro Ulises Fernando Sánchez mencionó que ya sólo se esperaba la visita del investigador de OVNIS Jaime Maussan en la Ciudad de los Atlantes..

"La tarde de este martes, acudieron decenas de investigadores, quienes utilizaron un aeroplano a fin de observar desde el aire las extrañas figuras gigantes en los trigales", indicó Arturo Sánchez, quien iba acompañado de su menor hijo y hasta tomaron algunas fotografías desde su celular.

Este singular fenómeno no ha sido explicado por nadie, incluso por reconocidos investigadores de esta región.


    I'LL come back to this one; moved to right section
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 12, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Voyager 1 Mystery -- Solar Wind Ceases

    Voyager 1 Mystery -- Solar Wind Ceases


    Voyager 1 Mystery


    Don Scott's response to the Voyager 1 mystery (in PDF format):


    Voyager 1 Mystery -- Solar Wind Ceases


    Voyager 1 Mystery

    Susan, I fixed your video download above.

    Generally, I only partially support the 'Electric Universe Proposals', as say from this site and basically expanding and using (as a seedling data), the works of the astrophysicists Hannes Alfven and Halton Arp.

    This video regarding the 'Solar Wind' is fine and the emphasis on the electro-magnetic field properties in the cosmos are well founded and are part and parcel of the Thuban Dragonphysics regarding a reformulation of the Biot-Savart Laws of Tesla magnetism.

    However the videos (two below) and ideas deriving from this solid basis; like the attempted debunking of the Big Bang Cosmology and the existence of the Wormhole Bridges connecting Mother Black Holes and Father White Holes are very misleading and are fundamentally flawed.



    In particular the 'plasma physics' of Quasars manifests just this 'inverted Black Hole' physics attempts to eliminate.
    It is so a win-win situation actually.

    Yes, the Big Bang Cosmology is flawed in the hypothesis, that the Cosmic Inflation or Hyper Acceleration followed the so called 'Big Bang Singularity' - it preceded it in the Thuban Cosmology.

    The existence of Black Holes is factual and so is the prevalence of magneto currents connecting all cosmic entities in a web of fractal galactic superclusters and their dynamically and quantum-geometric derivatives, both in the macro quantum and the micro quantum sense.




    Electric Sun


    I'm grappling with the idea of an electric sun . . .

    Positive ions are emitted by the sun; electrons are attracted to the sun. This sets up electric currents in the sun whose outward form is sun flares. The solar wind at the outer boundary of the solar system (where Voyager I is) is dropping immediately and completely to zero giving support to the notion that this region is the cathode of the solar electric system.

    Instead of becoming less and less and less like walking away from the heat of a campfire like one might expect, the solar wind just stops. No wall. No black hole gobbling up the solar wind. It's like the solar wind has found its home (cathode home).


    nice post J
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    17 JUL 2010 - 4 FLYING TRIANGLES 3+3+ 1/2 + 1/2 +3+3=13

    A little more; on the 4D one
    Crop Circle in the Forth Dimension
    which shows very clearly, The Four Flying Triangles
    Forsbury, Wiltshire, United Kingdom on July 17 2010.
    The crop circle is an illustration of a 4d cube within a cube or a hypercube.
    See, previous post, for how to interupt it (holds 13 magnificently)
    Most definitely, it came in, as, a cosmic message
    Encased within it is a geometric shape this time a hexagon.



    Crop Circle that is important - needs marking up
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    CROP CIRCLE 11 JULY 2006 1ST 3d 13 ASPECTS 12 + core

    World's first 3-D crop circle found in English field

    11 JULY 2006 -- july 11th 2006 -
    THE MAGIC of 13
    shows 12 ASPECTS + CORE = 12/13 OR 13/12 - OR, just the magic of 13

    The crop circle is 360-feet in diameter and was discovered on a wheat field in Oxfordshire
    The world's first three-dimensional crop circle has been discovered deep in the English countryside, sparking the start of the corn circle season.

    Experts have been left in awe of the intricacy of the latest sighting, which is 360-feet in diameter, on a wheat field in Oxfordshire.

    The formation gives an impression of looking down on skyscrapers from above and was only spotted last week by a microlite pilot.

    Steve Alexander, a crop circle photographer of more than 15 years, said: "I thought it was a groundbreaking formation. We have not seen anything like it before.

    "The floor lay and the way the design appears to weave in and out has never been seen before, certainly not that I am aware.

    "It is the first of its kind and is a very, very powerful thing to look at.
    "There is a lot of symbolic number play at work here. The square in ancient times represented the material world.

    "The move from a two-dimensional square into a three-dimensional cube might indicate that these patterns emanate from a dimension of reality we cannot access.

    "Of late the crop circles seem concerned with the moving of one dimension into another. This is perhaps one of the most striking and overt expressions of that idea to date.

    "The crop circle community is very excited about this event."

    The site is less than a quarter of a mile from the Uffington White Horse and Wayland's Smithy, a Neolithic burial chamber built in 3700 and 3400 BC.

    Slow season

    Crop circles are often found near ancient sites but the significance of this particular design has been increased by the fact this has been the slowest season for more than ten years.

    Steve, 34, of Gosport, Hants, added: "It has been a slow start, one of the quietest years since 1993 which makes it even more impressive.

    "I have been studying them since the late eighties and it is one of the best two formations I have ever seen.

    "A lot of people are getting very excited at something so unique and I cannot wait to visit it at ground level."

    Some residents in the nearby village of Ashbury have claimed it to be a hoax due to the nature of the way the sighting spread across the Internet once it had been discovered.

    Within hours sites dedicated to crop circles had featured it on their pages and it quickly became the talk of the crop circle community.

    Steve said: "It is very difficult to say what it's purpose is and how it got there but how could somebody create such an intricate design overnight.

    "They would have seven hours of darkness to cut it in the wheat and such a formation would be near on impossible to create in such a small space of time."
    July 11, 2006

    The world's first 3D crop circle


    The world's first 3D crop circle appeared in an Oxfordshire wheatfield this week. It is a stunning work of art, an intricate formation 360 ft in diameter that weaves the grain together in a manner heretofore unseen. The formation appears as if one is looking down on skyscrapers from above.


    sure could use help to label this crop circle


    still looking for label help ​
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    23DEC2012, 29MAR 2011, 22JUL2008, 15JUL2008-crop circles predict big object passing thru Milky Way

    23DEC2012, 29MAR 2011, 22JUL2008, 15JUL2008-crop circles predict big object passing thru Milky Way


The crop circles at Avebury Manor in England on 7-15-2008 and 7-22-2008 are similar to the blue "solar system" and unknown large object in the heavens above Christchurch, New Zealand on 3-29-2011. What do they share?

    They show our solar system the night of 12-23-2012. The Christchurch heavenly phenomenon adds something very noteworthy, a very large unknown object passing through our milky way galaxy. 

To recap: the sky display, signs in the heavens, over Christchurch, New Zealand on 3-29-2011 recreated and forecast a 12-23-2012 pair of crop pictures from Avebury Manor earlier on 7-15-2008 and 7-22-2008.

    There is also the matching image of a large, unknown astronomical object passing through our milky way solar system close to Earth and Moon on 12-23-2012.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2014

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