Crop Circles & Dates Of Eclipses, Etc.,

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Apr 14, 2014.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    2009 JULY 2 hummingbird crop circle - Nazca, Peru - hummingbird crop circle

    JUL 4, 2009
    The Hummingbird Nazca Lines Peru Crop Circle UK 2009


    The Hummingbird Nazca Lines Peru Crop Circle ... Reported on July the 2nd at Milk Hill, near Stanton St Bernard, Wiltshire.

    The Hummingbird symbolizes many different concepts. Because of its speed, the Hummingbird is known as a messenger and stopper of time since it hovers in one spot and appears to be motionless (thus appearing to stop time). The Hummingbird is a messenger of hope and jubilation.

    Hummingbirds are signs of:

    • energy
    • vitality
    • joy
    • renewal
    • sincerity
    • healing
    • persistence
    • peace
    • infinity
    • agility
    • playfulness
    • loyalty

    • affection


    The fluttering wings of the hummingbird move in the pattern of an infinity symbol - further solidifying their symbolism of eternity, continuity, and infinity.

    By observing the Hummingbird, we see they are seemingly tireless. Always actively seeking the sweetest nectar, they remind us to forever seek out the good in life and the beauty in each day.

    Amazing migrators, some Hummingbirds are known to wing their way as far as 2000 miles to reach their destination. This quality reminds us to be persistent in the pursuit of our dreams, and adopt the tenacity of the Hummingbird in our lives.

    The most profound questions the Hummingbird asks is:

    * "Where is your joy?"
    * "Is your happiness found within, or do you seek it externally?"
    * "What is the source of your joy?"
    * "What must you do to increase your joy?"

    The Hummingbird animal totem's most important message to you is : "The sweetest nectar is within!"


    References :
    Related Articles :


    moved to crop circle
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    JUN 4, 2009
    The Dragonfly Crop Circle UK June 2009


    A magnificent Dragonfly Crop Circle appeared in the fields of Little London, near Yatesbury on the 3rd of June 2009. Quite synchronistically the day before yesterday, on the 2nd of June my friends Vikas & Nitin were reminiscing how they used to catch these 'Dragonflies' or 'Helicopters' as they were referred to as when they were kids ... a day later on the 3rd of June, the same day the Dragonfly crop circle appeared, Nitin had a lucid dream about reading my blog which surprised even Nitin because he doesn't quite frequent this space and has little interest in the Esoteric or the Metaphysical ... Maybe now he will ! :) Thanks to our friends in their 'Helicopters' the world gets to witness these amazing crop circles, feel the magic of sacred art and be a part of the transformation, the metamorphosis of consciousness underway now ....


    Dragonfly eggs are laid within their territory near the water. Once hatched, these nymphs will live nearly two years on the bottom of streams and ponds. As they reach adulthood an amazing thing occurs, they transform into dragonflies and ascend to the air. In the air, they travelwith wings that sparkle with spectacular colors by reflecting and refracting light and other colors. No insect or bird can maneuver as well as a dragonfly. Flying up to 30 mph, they will twist, turn, move up and down, fly backwards, even change directions instantaneously and still will spot movement 40 feet away.


    The power of Dragonfly lies in its ability to see around things by looking from different angles. Using its ability to transform colors and lights by reflecting and refracting them, Dragonfly shows us that life, like light, can bend, shift, and adapt in various ways, making life's appearance never be what it appears to be. Dragonfly's magic shows us to see through life's illusions and find our true vision. It calls us to transform within our lives and reminds us to feel deeply so we will have the compassion necessary to help ourselves and others.


    The animal symbolism of the dragonfly deals with:

    • prosperity
    • good luck
    • strength
    • peace
    • harmony
    • purity

    These symbolic meanings of dragonfly are particularly associated in Asian (Japan) and Native American (Plains region) circles.

    As a creature of the wind, the dragonfly totem represents change. It's iridescent wings are incredibly sensitive to the slightest breeze, and so we are reminded to heed where the proverbial wind blows - lest we run into stormy weather.

    Dragonflies are also creatures of the water, and any creature whose habitat is in, or around water carries symbolism relative the the subconscious, or "dreaming" mind and thoughts.

    This is because in the animal world, water is symbolic of the subconscious mind ("deeper mind," "dreaming mind") and relates to the thoughts we have in relaxed/meditative/sleeping/subconscious states.

    Dragonflies carry messages that deal with deeper thought - and they ask that we pay attention to our dreams, deeper thoughts and desires.

    Related Articles :

    Pandora's Box

    Has your curiosity ever got you into trouble? Have you ever been so desperate to know a secret that you took no notice of a warning? All through history there are stories of people being told not to open doors, caskets, cupboards, gates and all sorts of other things and, in so many of the stories, the people just did not listen. One person who did not listen was Pandora. Her story comes from Ancient Greece and her curiosity brought a whole heap of trouble!

    In ancient Greece there were two brothers named Epimetheus and Prometheus. They upset the gods and annoyed the most powerful of all Gods, Zeus, in particular. This was not the first time humans had upset Zeus, and once before, as punishment, he had taken from humans the ability to make fire. This meant they could no longer cook their meat and could not keep themselves warm.

    However, Prometheus was clever and he knew that, on the Isle of Lemnos, lived Hephaestos, the blacksmith. He had a fire burning to keep his forge hot. Prometheus travelled to Lemnos and stole fire from the blacksmith. Zeus was furious and decided that humans had to be punished once and for all for their lack of respect.

    Zeus came up with a very cunning plan to punish the two brothers. With the help of Hephaestos, he created a woman from clay. The goddess Athene then breathed life into the clay, Aphrodite made her very beautiful and Hermes taught her how to be both charming and deceitful. Zeus called her Pandora and sent her as a gift to Epimetheus.

    His brother Prometheus had warned him not to accept any gifts from the gods but Epimetheus was completely charmed by the woman and thought Pandora was so beautiful that she could never cause any harm, so he agreed to marry her.

    Zeus, pleased that his trap was working, gave Pandora a wedding gift of a beautiful box. There was one very, very important condition however, that she must never opened the box. Pandora was very curious about the contents of the box but she had promised that she would never open it.

    All she could think about was; what could be in the box? She could not understand why someone would send her a box if she could not see what was in it. It seemed to make no sense at all to her and she could think of nothing else but of opening the box and unlocking its secrets. This was just what Zeus had planned.

    Finally, Pandora could stand it no longer. When she knew Epimetheus was out of sight, she crept up to the box, took the huge key off the high shelf, fitted it carefully into the lock and turned it. But, at the last moment, she felt a pang of guilt, imagined how angry her husband would be and quickly locked the box again without opening the lid and put the key back where she had found it. Three more times she did this until, at last, she knew she had to look inside or she would go completely mad!

    She took the key, slid it into the lock and turned it. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes and slowly lifted the lid of the box. She opened her eyes and looked into the box, expecting to see fine silks, gowns or gold bracelets and necklaces or even piles of gold coins.

    But there was no gleam of gold or treasure. There were no shining bracelets and not one beautiful dress! The look of excitement on her face quickly turned to one of disappointment and then horror. For Zeus had packed the box full of all the terrible evils he could think of. Out of the box poured disease and poverty. Out came misery, out came death, out came sadness - all shaped like tiny buzzing moths.

    The creatures stung Pandora over and over again and she slammed the lid shut. Epimetheus ran into the room to see why she was crying in pain. Pandora could still hear a voice calling to her from the box, pleading with her to be let out. Epimetheus agreed that nothing inside the box could be worse than the horrors that had already been released, so they opened the lid once more.

    All that remained in the box was Hope. It fluttered from the box like a beautiful dragonfly, touching the wounds created by the evil creatures, and healing them. Even though Pandora had released pain and suffering upon the world, she had also allowed Hope to follow them.


    moved to crop circle
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    27 jun 2009 - 19 JULY 2009 - The Galactic Butterfly Hunab Ku Crop Circle

    JUL 13, 2009
    The Galactic Butterfly Hunab Ku Crop Circle


    'Phase 1'​

    The Galactic Butterfly Hunab Ku Crop Circle appeared in the fields at Cannings Cross, Wiltshire first on the 27th of June and then the circle maker(s) returned on 10th of July, 2009 to reconstruct and add on to thecrop circle. The formation symbolizes solar flares and the galacticalignment of 2012 with a stylized version of the mayan supreme creator god, Hunab Ku, which the mayans and the indigenous people know as 'The Galactic Butterfly' - The one that represents all consciousness that has ever existed in the galaxy. In Phase 2 of the crop circle tiny Orbs were created around the edges of the rays depicting solar flares, also improvising on the 'Galactic Butterfly'. The edges of the inner rays were damaged due to the farmer clipping the edges with his Tractor as you can see in the picture below.


    'Phase 2'​

    Overwhelmingly, cultural myth and lore honor the Butterfly as a symbolof transformation because of its impressive process of metamorphosis. From egg, to larvae (caterpillar), to pupa (the chrysalis or cocoon) and from the cocoon the Butterfly emerges in her unfurling glory. What a massive amount of transition this tiny creature undergoes. Consider for a moment the kind of energy this expends. Imagine the whole of your life changing to such an extreme you are unrecognizable at the end of the transformation. Mind you, this change takes place in a short span of about a month too (that’s how long the butterfly life cycle is).


    Herein lies the deepest symbolic lesson of the Butterfly. She asks us to accept the changes in our lives as casually as she does. The Butterfly unquestioningly embraces the changes in her environment and her body. This unwavering acceptance of her metamorphosis is also symbolic of faith. Here the Butterfly beckons us to keep our faith as we undergo transitions in our lives. She understands that our toiling, fretting and anger are useless against the turning tides of nature – she asks us to recognize the same. Interestingly, in many cultures the Butterfly is associated with the soul – further linking our animal symbolism of faith with the Butterfly.
    It’s connection with the soul is rather fitting.

    We are all on a long journey of the soul. On this journey we encounter endless turns, shifts, and conditions that cause us to morph into ever-finer beings. At our soul-journey’s end we are inevitably changed – not at all the same as when we started on the path. To take this analogy a step further, we can look again to the grace and eloquence of the Butterfly and realize that our journey is our only guarantee. Our responsibility is to make our way in faith, accept the change that comes, and emerge from our transitions as brilliantly as the Butterfly.



    The two most important crop circles ever. No joke


    As of 24Jun2008, an old Humanity has entered its Cocoon to begin its Metamorphosis into a new Starhuman Papillon or Butterfly-DOG and as GOD's (Primal Source) 'Best Friend', offspring, cosmogenetic inheritors and Family.

    papillon. 2398-l.

    Old 'Caterpillar' Humanity is required to grow Wings, to transform its nature from a 'verocious' annihilator of its environments in search for 'food' into a subtle selfidentification as a fertilising and pollinating 'Butterfly' of a New Starhumanity.

    a4metmph. excerpt_ap_0330.

    This and related sites around the globe address this human transformation in a profound manner, which unifies and harmonises the divers thought systems and philosophies hitherto invented and discovered by a collective humanity, searching for its purpose of being incarnate upon Gaia during these times of transition.

    The 'ancient wingmakers' are also the 'Original Cosmic Intelligence' encompassingly known as the 'Ancient Ones' and whose phenomenal existence requires elucidation in its scientific and metaphysical origins and purposes. The answers are found in a precursive metaphysics for a physics of the quantum and how the smallest realms of the subatomic nature of superstrings and supermembranes relate as holofractals to the macroworlds from bacteria to clusters of galaxies and the universe as encompassing and unified entity and as the 'Goddess' Aphrodite or the 'Body of the Cosmic Mother' as the archetypical Eve as ambassadora for Barbelo as the cosmic womb.

    Aphrodite is also Venus and the Star of the Mornings and Evenings {Revelation.2.28;22.16; 2Peter.1.19} as Lucifer, Quetzacoatl or Kukulkan of various ancient scrolls and texts of interrelated cultures. SheHe is also known as Lucifera as 'A Lucifer' and as Satanina as 'In A Satan' and as Serpentina as 'In A Serpent' as the Old Gaia encompassed by the Ouroboros, the Galactic Serpent Hunab Ku aka Milky Way aka Perseus and transforming into the New Gaia Serpentina as a StarPlanet.

    sheila-wolk-metamorphosis. metamorphosis__the_dryad__by_aselclub.

    Metamorphosis by Sheila Wolk and the Dryad by Asel Club

    In 23,616 BC, an ET-message:"I Love You!" was sent by Hunab Ku, from the center of the Milky Way Galaxy to the heart of Gaia, arriving 21Dec2012 after travelling 9,360,000 kin at lightspeed.

    On August 4th, 2013 and December 16th, 2013 particular 'timelines' will reach their archetypical (and encoded or prophecied) completion to culminate on New Year 2014 in the addition of 1 Hour as 15 days {360/24=15/1} in an archetyped 'New World'.
    From these nexus dates onwards; a new physical reality will be able to manifest in universal reconfiguration, due to the redefinition of the older symbols.


    Welcome in the Dragon's Den of Plato's Cave of Shadows, also being Noah's Ark!

    The Metamorphosis of Narcissus by Salvador Dali, 1937

    The content of this site is however not directed to only interest the professional scientist, researcher or enthusiast in cosmology; but is attempted to embrace any reader of some philosophical orientation. This should become evident in a perusal of those parts on this site, which are not suffused by multitudinous formulas and symbolisms (see survey on the Cosmic Identity).

    The information and data on this site is FREEWARE and intended to benefit both the individuals who find utility for it and the human grouptype in general. It is a cosmic legacy of sorts, provided as SHAREWARE by a perennial omni-science or gnosis, say a 'wisdom of the ancients' and so not subject to 'ownership' or patentability of any kind.
    There is nothing to sell on this site and all the information can be freely copied and distributed in any form or manner without acknowledgement of the author.
    (Perhaps whoever uses this data base is a coauthor by default anyway and therefore cannot infringe copyright? The concerning and insightful reader might come to this conclusion!).

    As there is such a great amount of misinformation, both scientific or philosophical or otherwise on the internet; this site will necessarily appear to be semantically specialised and mathematical on a first perception.
    And indeed, the serious investigator will indeed encounter a logical and selfconsistent derivation of formulations and correspondences. Many such professionals or well-informed theoreticians and experimenters would quickly find their own scientific and ontological endeavours somewhat reflected in degrees in the content and topics addressed.

    So what distinguishes this site from the multitudes of similars, is its basically complete embracement of the standard models in both contemporary cosmology and in particle physics.
    All formulations accept the foundations of contemporary physics in their historical development, but seek to extend this basis as a continuing paradigm and agenda of modern physics through its methodology of experiment and logical discourse.
    A dramatic extension of those standard models will however become apparent to the discerning reader.
    But it is more than the fundamental problems in elementary physics and cosmology, which should find elucidation in the content of this site.

    The basic questions of existence shall also be addressed and the answers necessarily must encompass the sciences in their ontology as well as the general puzzles as to the nature and purpose of life and being, hitherto confined to the spheres of religions and spirituality and subsequently often eschewed by the echelons of scientific discipline and rigour.

    The discerning reader will perhaps find out for himherself, what this 'spirituality' must be, if it is 'real' or 'truth'. And if so, then this will perhaps allow the reader to come to a certain understanding as to how the foundation of science is omniscience - incorporating all those concepts of spirituality and its derivatives and labeled as such throughout the history of humankind.

    Platonic idealised quantum geometries crystallise a refined elementary particle structure of the standard model of particle physics in wavequarkian blueprints through an innate pentagonal supersymmetry connecting the microcosm of the quantum realm to the macrocosm of galaxies and their extended structures. Nature's 'sacred architecture' so assumes a powerful identity as the underpinning symmetry for the cosmos.
    This can be said to be embodied in a mathematical statement, known as Euler's Identity:

    e = XY=X+Y =i2=cos(π)+isin(π) =-1

    In the language of fundamental theoretical physics this identity then translates in the following formulations to define a universe of selfcreation in its inital- and boundary conditions:

    E*=kT*=hf*=hc/λ*=m*c2=1/e* for Unity-Condition E*.e*=1

    for lightspeed invariance: (wavespeed=wavelengthxfrequency)

    λ*f*=c= RmaxHo

    with a nodal Hubble-Frequency Ho and a Hubble-Radius Rmax

    and where:


    Fibonacci patterns are seen to manifest a hierarchy of superstrings, which can be observed and measured as Cosmic Ray spectra, linked to monopolic supercurrents of Cosmic Strings seeding the primordial universe.

    Today's mass-parametric universe is found to have a massless precursor, (as gravitational mass transmuting into inertial mass as the origin of the Equivalence Principle in General Relativity), defined in gauge symmetries of magnetocharged 'consciousness' quanta, which pervade a holographic universe as wormholes defining the Heisenberg Zero-Point-Energy metricated background.

    12D-DNA/RNA Templete of the 8x8=64 Nucleotidal Base Extension

    Finis Hominis Incere Hominidae Draconis Astrum!

    "Humanity has ended, enter the Starhumanity of Dragons!"

    A Pythagorean alphanumeric encoding from the archives of ALEXANDRIA DRACONIS: SPACETIME=MIRROR=SPIRIT=91=Light-Matrix-EMMR

    It synergises the Father's F-Theory of Forethought Understanding with the Mother's M-Theory of Afterthought Knowledge, which might be considered inductive and intuitive.

    A Growing in the Mother's Understanding becomes harmonised in an advance in the Creator Father's Knowledge about things, namely hisher Creation, which is the shehe of the Mother.

    Quantum Relativity links the metrics of Einsteinian Relativity to their original metaphysical cosmogenesis. Theistic- and Spiritual archetypes become a consequence of magnetocharged superbranes as wormhole singularities 'before' spacetime creation as progenitors for inertia.

    LOVE is a VIBRATORY RESONANCE described in a GAUGE SOURCESINK-PHOTON in its supersymmetric selfcoupling under modular duality and which can be defined in its own resonance eigenstate as:

    E*=kT*=hf*=hc/λ*=m*c2=1/e* for Unity E*e*=1 and its coupling parameters.

    Energy*=Heterotic Supermembrane HE(8x8)=EpsEss


    This is the selfstate for a love vibratory resonance, which created the universe!

    A new scientific paradigm (OmniScience) so allows a synergy between Modern Physics, Cosmology, the natural sciences and worldwide religions in the decipherment of timeless historic encodements of scrolls of antiquity, such as the 'Dead Sea Scrolls', the Nag Hammadi Documents and Kabbalistic Torah.

    The Great Pyramid of Giza and the Sphinx





    The Freedom for Humanity is its Metamorphosis from its Cocoon!

    All Humans are ETs, born in 3D incarnation from a cosmic and intergalactic perspective, nous and origin.

    All Humans know on the soul-level, who they are and why they are here.

    Namely to break their Cocoon of their own Metamorphosis from the Inside-Out.

    All Humans are like little Reptilian Serpents, Dinosaurs or Chickens, who to be born as Starhumans, are required to peck at their encompassing eggshells from the inside to get out.

    If they fail to break their prison walls, they will die as unborn starhumans within their 3D prisons and so recycle their own beingness until they can self create their 4D merkabahs.



    yes, that is how it all fits together
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Last edited: Aug 30, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    26 jul 2012 SPACE TENTACLES - CROP CIRCLE - Hill Barn, near East Kennett, Wilshire

    A very unusual crop circle was reported at Hill Barn, near East Kennett, Wiltshire on the 26th of July 2012. It does bear some kind of a resemblance to the 'Jellyfish Crop Circle' from 2009, hence "Space Tentacles" :)

    [7:56:58 PM] Thubanis: Tentacles Crop Circle at Hill Barn, Wiltshire UK 26th July 2012.jpg



    i wish someone would help me here
    to label this crop circle
    1 2 3 4 5 6
    and, then flip it over
    and, label it 7,8,9,10,11, 12
    call the top diamond 1/2 of 13 - HCVC - HIGHER CENTRAL VERTICAL CHANNEL
    and, call the lower diamond 1/2 of 13 - LCVC - LOWER CENTRAL VERTICAL CHANNEL


    JUL 27, 2012
    Space Tentacles Crop Circle at Hill Barn, Wiltshire !

    A very unusual crop circle was reported at Hill Barn, near East Kennett, Wiltshire on the 26th of July 2012. It does bear some kind of a resemblance to the 'Jellyfish Crop Circle' from 2009, hence "Space Tentacles" :)
    Here are some more images of the formation ... this formation is quite intriguing indeed ... Feel free to share your views in the comments section ...​
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    25 june 2010 - crop circle


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Crop Circle Metatrons Cube 2007, Sugar Hill & 2011, Etchilhampton


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Crop Circle 09 JUL 2012, 9 june 2012, 25 june 2012, 29 june 2012





    in the right category, just needs a summary
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Crop Circle Ship
    © 2006 - 2012 Jeremy Stride

    . . .

    There are blueprints for building a star ship inside (some of) the crop circles.

    To read everything, click on the Wiki image link below, or watch the introduction videos by scrolling down.

    Sorry a lot of Wiki content was lost due to personal chaos. I haven't had time to fix it all.

    Download Video 1
    Part 1: The Crop Circle Ship - Blueprints in the Crop Circles I Part 1.flv
    Part 2: The Crop Circle Ship - Blueprints in the Crop Circles I Part 2.flv

    Download Video 2
    Part 1: The Crop Circle Ship - Blueprints in the Crop Circles II Part 1.flv
    Part 2: The Crop Circle Ship - Blueprints in the Crop Circles II Part 2.flv



    The geometry of the crop circle ship is an octahedron (double pyramid) at the core of a large tetrahedron.

    Contact me:

    Also see


    7129 6105195 Jeremy Stride



    I wonder and feel that the geometry of the crop-circle-ship diagrams might also be a map of consciousness that shows pathways between levels of being or awareness.


    yes, that is true, i've said that for a long time - unfortunately, NO one will help me to label up drawings


    in the right category, just needs a summary

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Aug 31, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Crop Circle - Egyptain Winged Gods- 21 AUG 2005 - 6+ 1/2 + 1/2 + 6 = 13/12

    Another awesome photo by Lucy Pringle of the crop formation 'Egyptian Winged Gods'
    that appeared in East Field, Alton Priors, Wiltshire. 21st Aug 2005

    The tiny specs seen on the right wing are people in it.



    & also my 3+1/3+3+1/3+3+1/3+3=13 formula - susan lynne schwenger
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2014

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