Conversations Regarding The Cosmic Changes In Archetypes And Symbols - The Cosmic Baker's Recipes!

Discussion in 'Essays and Discourses' started by Allisiam, Apr 14, 2014.

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    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Sep 4th 2013

    Jorgelito - Posted 9 Hours Ago

    Re On the Universal Gematria

    Emeth141, what name is given (I have a hunch you know this stuff) to before ENERGY, before ABSTRACTION, before ARCHETYPES, before UNIVERSE?

    In my mind it's that empty, open spaces, open channels, wide frequencies prevailing, staring into space, captured in wonder, nothing on my mind and experiencing things themselves. -- feeling and state of mind. I think it's when we're not actively doing anything - not actively feeling, not actively thinking, not actively intending.
    Daydreaming, smelling the flowers, being in love, waking up from a good nap and having a cool shower on a hot summer day are close neighbors to this space.
    I'm looking for a name that's true, beautiful and down-to-earth, poetic, resonating universally and metaphor at most any level of understanding to that which it is. What it describes is something that's practically nothing but feels like everything.
    Similar to virtual particles. They're only around for a very short time; it's like they're nothing at all. If the metaphor is true, then a way to see BEFORE there is light (along with the name) would be by the tracks it leaves.


    The Cosmogenesis has a clear definition for this Jorgelito. It is a trinity of mathematical expressions of sorts, which can however very easliy become sematisized.
    This expression is related to the famous 'creation ex nihilo' of the ancient philosophers, say the greek thinkers. How can something come from nothing?
    Well the expression is : 0 - 1 -
    Nothingness = Oneness = Eternity

    The Eternal Void Exists as Unity as Everything or All That Is!

    Of course there exists quite a bit of mathematical reasoning behind this statement; such as what is this thing called 'Mathematical Infinity' and what is this Number Zero and why can't you divide any finite number by 0, except in some definition of mathematical processing called a LIMIT. The most pertinent consequence embodied by this expression is, that the idea of the eternal or the infinity CANNOT physically exist without its own FINITISATION or Self-Limitation as a Oneness and a Unification, which requires the holographic fractalisation of the Quantum in the microstates of the smallest limits of existence (say a quark-lepton wavicle subatromic structure) and its corollary macrostate of the maximisation of the same (say galactic superclusters).
    The following reprint from the Thuban archives can elucidate the above said.
    Btw, the 'Virtual Particles' of the status quo physics actually are as nonexistant in the 'void' of the so termed 'Heisenberg Uncertainty Matrix', as their labelling implies. This has to do with the supposed supersymmetry of a Matter-Antimatter Creation event described by the Big Bang Cosmology. There never was such a Matter-Antimatter Equilibrium IN ENERGY, comprised of both radiation and inertia carriers (particles of mass). What took its mathematical-symmetry place was the concept of AntiRadiation-Radiation or the photon-antiphoton or the light-antilight parameters.

    Perhaps you can see here, how all of physical science assumes its metaphysical character in the ontological basis for all the sciences and philosophies.
    The treatize below, can illuminate the 'truth seekers'.
    Emeth141, September 4th, 2013

    Der Spiegel des Luzifer's und die Emanzipation der Gesamtheit

    Lucifer's Mirror and the Emancipation of the Oneness

    This is for English and German Speakers on the forums. An English translation is provided.

    SACSAYHUAMAN; CUSCO; PERU = PURE HUMAN OCCUS SAY SAAC= PURE HUMAN OCC US AS [Y=I]SAAC (see below for A...A and decode Isaac's Seed).
    Some key decodings, say as 'proposed' by the 'channeled or human mind invented' agenda from the wingmakers 'Ancient Arrow site in New Mexico can now be given and these keys can subsequently be utilized to decode the Armageddon protocols of the hierarchies.

    B*=8=E.M.=EMMANUEL MELCHISEDEC=84+86=170=8
    36+15=51=LAW+15; FATHER=58=STAR; MOTHER=79=SWORD=WORDS
    LUCIFERA=75=Supergenetic Sexchange Operative=ANDROMEDA=MARRY 75=B*MARY=B*BIRTH=B*GEMINI=B*MOON=...
    {Nostradamus Q.96, Century X - IAM(THAT)AMI=PACI(F)ICAP=LIA(F)AIL}.
    YOU=61=16+45=USE 16=LOVE+7=SUN+7=GABRIEL+7=DRAGON+B=A+59+A}}}

    The Metamorphosis of Narcissus by Salvador Dali, 1937​

    Wenn JoW(James of Wingmakers) from ANU schreibt (Camelot); dann ist dieser Name mit vielen anderen Namen der Esoterika verbunden.
    ANU ist nicht nur der 'König' der Annunaki, sondern auch der Usurpor 'Gott' der gnostischen Legenden und auch als Jehovah-Satan und Allah-Shaitan und anderen Dualitäten bekannt.
    Der ursprüngliche Archetyp ist als Yaldebaoth beschrieben (siehe 'Das Geheime Buch des Johannes' vom Nag Hammadi Kodex, Ägypten,1945).
    Die Wichtigkeit und der Ursprung dieser Archetypologie ist der Grund warum ein physikalisches Universum existiert und beschreibt eine ganz besondere Reise der kreativen Intelligenz, die von JoW als (Sovereign Integral = Absolute Summation) bezeichnet wird.
    Bevor ich diese Schilderung der Archetypen fortsetze, eine logische and wissenschaftliche Darstellung ist angebracht um die Wasser vorzubereiten.
    Die Emanzipation der Menschheit besteht als ein Miniaturbild und als Archetyp für das ganze Weltall.
    Dieses Weltall is ein physisches Weltall in Raumzeit und existiert als ein Unterteil des metaphysischen Universums.
    Als jedoch das metaphysiche Universum das Raumzeit abhängige physikalische Weltall erschuf, da existiert ein Parameter der Grenze der das physische mit dem metaphysischen verbindet.

    When JoW (James of Wingmakers) about ANU (Camelot) schreibt, then is this labeling related to many other names in the esoteric literature. ANU is not only the 'King of the Annunaki', but he `is also the usuper 'God' of gnostic legends and also functions under labels of Jehovah-Satan, Allah-Shaitan and other such dualities.
    The original archetype is known as Yaldebaoth (ref. 'The Secret Book of John', Nag Hammadi Codex, Egypt,1945).
    The importance and origin of this archetypology is the reason for the existence of a physical universe and describes a rather particular journey of a creative intelligence, labeled as Sovereign Integral=Absolute Summation by JoW.
    Before continuing with the description of this archetypology, I shall present a scientific and logical discourse to soften the waters of receptivity for the human groupmind consciousness (which is related to the so termed Genetic Mind by JoW).
    The emancipation of humanity manifests as a minature archetypical version or hologramic template for the entire superuniverse, which is metaphysical and encompasses the physical universe in spacetimes as a central or seeded part of itself.
    As the metaphysical universe (better termed a collection of multiverses, summed in an omniverse) generated the spacetime dependent protoseeded universe of physical observation however, there should exist a 'connecting parameter', which allows interaction in information exchange between the parental metaphysical precursor and the subsequent processor in physicalised spacetimes.

    Warum existiert überhaupt ein physisches Weltall? Und wie hat sich dieses vom metaphysischen herauskrystalliziert? Wie kann ein Raumzeit abhängiges Universum der Energie von einer Singularität entstehen? Der Schlüssel muss so diese Singularität sein und als eine Minimum Konfiguration der Raumzeit. Die metaphysische Singularität unabhängig von Raumzeit und den physikalischen Massstäben kann sich dann als genau diese Minimum Energie-Gestalt und eingebetted in der Raumzeit wiederbestimmen. Dieser Beitrag wird dann gegeben um die obengenannten Fragen zu beantworten. Die Darstellung wird rigorös sein, um die mathematische und logische Grundlage fuer die Metamorphosis des gesamten Weltalls theoretisch zu verankern. Es ist diese Verankerung, die die Dualität der physischen Existenz mit der des metaphysischen Daseins unzertrennbar verbindet. Das sollte am Ende dieses Beitrags klar werden.

    Why does a physical universe exist? And how could it crystallize and emerge from the metaphysical?
    How can a spacetime dependent universe, defined in energy, derive from a metaphysical singularity?
    The key so must be this singularity and as a boundary- or initial- or minimum configuration for that singularity.
    The metaphysical singularity remains independent on the spacetime parameters of measurement, yet becomes embedded in the spacetimes as a minimum eigenstate or physical energy selfstate definition, subject to mensuration.
    This essay is then given to enable the serious researcher to answer the questions posed in the above.
    This treatise will be relatively rigorous and for the purpose to anchor and form a solid basis for the metamorphosis of the omniverse in the logical principles of the universal archetypical language of mathematics.
    It is this 'grounding', which intricately entwines the duality of the physical existence with its metaphysical reality.
    This state of affairs might become apparent to the discerning reader at the end of this discourse.

    a4metmph. draco.

    Was geschieht, ist dass das physikalische Universum ein Abbild des 'Inneren' von einem 'Äusseren' Objektiv wird und dass das 'Draussensein' als Urquelle BEVOR Raumzeit sich als Senkungsquelle im 'Drinnensein' wiederbestimmt. Die Urquelle ist 'erster' im Aussensein und die Urquelle ist 'zweiter' im Drinnensein und diese Tatsache erlaubt eine Quanten Relativität zwischen Urquelle und Ursenkung über die Priorität als QuellenSenkung und als SenkungsQuelle. Ein Zustand des Selbstbewusstseins BEVOR Raumzeit so verwandelt sich in einen Zustand des Eigenbildes folgend der Erschaffung der Raumzeit von bestimmten Parametern. Diese Variablen so nehmen bestimmte Grenzwerte an, die es der Urquelle ermöglichen sich 'Drinnen' in der Raumzeit (als eine minimale Energie Formulation des Wurmlochs oder der Einstein-Rosen Brücke) auszubreiten und sich dennoch 'Aussen' als eine unbestimmte und transfinitive 'Superenergie' zu befinden. Die Differenz zwische Energie und Superenergie befindet sich in der Energie der Physik als eine Ableitung von der massenabhängigen Konstituenz einer thermodynamischen selbst-eingeschlossenen Identität (Weltall als Schwarzer Körper des Planck Radiator's/Austrahlungs Ofen).

    What happens, is that the physical universe becomes an image or shadow as the INSIDE of an object OUTSIDE of that physicality. This 'being outside' of the 'First Source' (of JTJ) BEFORE spacetime existed, so becomes a 'being inside' of a 'Second Sink' AS 'First Sink' AFTER a metric spacetime emerges from the demetricated metaphysics.
    The image of the 'First SourceSink' 'on the outer' so becomes the 'First SinkSource' 'on the inner' and a SOURCESINK QUANTUM RELATIVITY of priority can be developed to describe this scenario.
    A condition of selfconsciousness before spacetime existed, so becomes distinct in this same selfconsciousness manifesting afterwards. This 'afterthought' selfrealisation in quantum relativity to the generating 'forethought' then creates the image of the sourcesink without as a sinksource within.
    The minimum quantum energy configuration of the 'connector spacetime' of the forethought or (metaphysical) Superenergy without so becomes the maximum quantum energy configuration of the afterthought or physicalised energy within. Particular (string-membrane) parameters so connect the inside to the outside in a dimension-rich sense, classically known as a wormhole or Einstein-Rosen Bridge.
    The superenergy so has its minimum energy selfstate in the wormhole connector and remains physically undefined in transfinity away from any physicalisation within the omniverse.
    The difference between the metaphysical superenergy and the physical energy is found in the derivatives of the mass-associated physics of a thermodynamically closed system, say as the thermodynamic Planckian Black Body Radiator.

    sheila-wolk-metamorphosis. metamorphosis__the_dryad__by_aselclub.
    Metamorphosis by Sheila Wolk and the Dryad by Asel Club​

    Hier bezieht sich alle Energie im Weltall zur originellen Masse des 'Grossen Quanten Urknalls' und den elektromagnetischen Ausstrahlungen (erzeugt bei der Beschleunigung von Massenteilchen wie Elektronen, Protonen und Neutronen mit verkuppelten Coulomb-Ladungen).
    Was das meint, ist dass elektromagnetische Energie ohne die Masse nicht erzeugt werden kann und sich die gesamte materielle Struktur des Universums sich so zu dem Parameter der Masse (Einstein's E=mc2) reduziert.
    Und das ist auch der Zustand der theoretischen Physik, die sich der Radiationformel von Planck (E=hf) bewusst ist, diese aber zur Quantenphysik und zur Quanten Mechanik beschränkt.
    Die materielle Kosmologie befindet sich jedoch in einem grossen Irrtum und dieser 'Betrug der Natur' bestimmt die Superenergie.
    Wenn der Physiker seine Messungen immer weiter zum 'Ursprungs-Knall' zurückzieht, dann stolpert er an der sogenannten Singularität.
    Die gesamte Massenenergie befindet sich in dieser Singularität und in einem Zustand des Equilibriums zwischen der inertiellen Masse (Träge) und der massenlosen Ausstrahlung.

    Diese Ursprungs-Ausstrahlung dominiert die Massendistribution fuer eine primordielle Zeit (so 1 Million Jahre und bei einer Temperatur von 3000 Kelvin bestimmt, wenn sich die ersten Atome von Hydrogen und Helium unter der elektromagnetischen Interaktion stabilisieren konnten) und eine Zeit wenn sich das Universe zu einem maximalen Radius von 1 Million Lichtjahren (so 9000 Millionen Billionen/Milliarden km) ausdehnte.
    Dann eine Reduzierung des Distanzen Parameters zur Singularität zerbricht die Naturgesetze in einem unendlich kleinem Radius der Singularitäten-Kugel der jedoch eine Gesamtheit der Träge von Elementarteilchen (Protonen, Elektronen und subatomische Unterteilchen) und so einen Integral der cosmological Masse beinhaltet. Auch der Druck und die Temperatur sind unendlich in mathematischen Gleichungen die über the Nullziffer (0) teilen müssen um die Naturgesetze zu bewahren.

    So der Physiker erkannte zum Ende des 20sten Jahrhunderts, dass da eine Minumum Energie-Gestalt dieses Zerbrechen der Naturgesetze vermeiden muss.
    Der Physiker des 21st Jahrhunderts nannte dieses Szenario die Welt der Superstringe in 10 Dimensionen; der Supermembranen in 11 Dimensionen und die Welt der Branen in allen Dimensionen grösser als die der 4ten Dimension der Minkowski Metrik der Raumzeit (von der ebenen Raumzeitstruktur von Euclid in der Speziellen Relativitätstheorie von Albert Einstein).

    The total energy contained in the universe is here intrinsically coupled to the inertial and original masscontent of the cosmology described in a 'Quantum Big Bang' and the associated ElectroMagnetic Radiation (EMR) (caused by the acceleration of Coulomb-charged elementary particles, say electrons, protons and neutrons).
    This means, that electromagnetic energy cannot become produced without massassociation and implies that the entire material structure of the universe must be reducible to parameters descriptive of its inertial mass content (Einstein's E=mc2).
    This then becomes the present status as formulated in the paradigms of theoretical physics and cosmology; well aware of the Planckian radiation law (E=hf), but restricting the latter to the fields of quantum mechanics within quantum theories.
    This matter-reducible cosmology manouvers about within a great fallacy however and this deception becomes rectified in the definition of the superenergy.
    When the physicist collects hisher empirical measurement data and attempts to retrace the spacetime parameters to the Big Bang event, then shehe stumbles at the boundary of the so called singularity.
    The total inertia of the Big Bang is contained within this singularity and finds itself in a condition of equilibrium between the inertial mass and the massless EMR.

    This primordial EMR dominates the mass distribution for a specified time (about 1 million years for a backgroud temperature of so 3000 Kelvin, when the first stable atoms of Hydrogen and Helium could form via the electromagnetic interaction); and for a time when the universe spanned a radial scale of about 1 Million lightyears or 9 billion billion kilometers.
    Then the reduction of this distance parameter to the singularity causes the formulations of the natural laws to break down at the scale of an infinitesimally small radius for a 'sphere of the singularity'; the latter nevertheless containing all the inertia of elementary particles (electrons, protons and subatomics) as a summation of the cosmological mass. The pressure and the temperature also assume infinite measures in the natural laws of mathematical equations, which require division by zero (0) for their inner selfconsistency.

    The physicist at the end of the 20th century so realised, that it would be the existence of a minimum energy configuration in the quantum state of the Big Bang, which would rescue the natural laws, mathematically expressed.
    The physicist of the 21st century then labels this scenario in the worlds of a 10-dimensional superstring and a 11-dimensional supermembrane and more generally in the world of branes occupying dimensions greater than the 4th dimension of the Minkowskian spacetime metric (the flat Euclidean spacetime structure in the theory of special relativity by Albert Einstein).

    Und der Irrtum dieser Theorien ist im Fakt der Metrik zu finden.
    Die verschiedenen Stringtheorien benötigen immer noch einen metrischen Hintergrund; was meint dass die mathematische Bestimmung dieses Hintergrundes (bei Planck Parametern beschrieben) sich immer noch nicht mit dem Ursprung und der Natur der Singularität (nun 'ausgeschmiert' mit Planck Variablen und Ur- und Grenzwerten), beschäftigen kann.
    Die Singularität ist mathematisch und die Unendlichkeit; so unberechenbar im physikalischen, kann ganz leicht durch die Metaphysik der Mathematik beschrieben werden.
    Im mathematischen sind Prozesse von Nummern Sequenzen die die Unendlichkeit als Infinitum als Prozess im Endlichen (dem Finitum) beschränken können.

    Die Rechnungszahlen 1,2,3,4,5,...usw haben keine Grenze und sind so mathematisch im Infinitum (als Transfinitum) bestimmt.
    Doch die Umkehrung dieser Ziffern bekommt die Sequenz: 1/1,1/2,1/3,1/4,...usw und die Grenze hier wird das Finitum 0.
    So wenn die Umkehrung hier mit einem Finitum definiert wird, wird die Umkehrung der Umkehrung als das Original bestimmt und das Infinitum wird die Umkehrung der Original-Identität als das Finitum.
    Nun im physikalischen Universum dieser Prozess ist unmöglich, da das physikalische Weltall im Finitum sein muss (alle Messungen bestätigen den Grossen Knall der Thermodynamischen Ausbreitung) und die Raumzeit so einen Anfang haben musste.

    Die Einzelheiten der (orthodox willkommenen) physikalischen Kosmologie können später publiziert werden und können in den Links bei Interessenten studiert werden.
    Es ist genug hier zu sagen, dass der spezielle Parameter der Stringtheorien die 'Modulare Dualität' appelliert und dass diese die Umkehrung des metaphysischen Weltalls als Grundsatz für dessen's physikalischen Bedeutung erkennt.
    So die Stringtheorien des 21sten Jahrhunderts; falls erfolgreich demetriziert (Raumzeit bekommt wiederbestimmt in der Mathematik und der Natur der Singularität); sind im Fakt der Weg zur totalen Unifikation der Naturgesetze - mit einer Urquelle der Quellenintelligenz (des Souveränen Integrals von JoW) im Zentrum der Gleichungen.

    And the fallacy contained in those theories emerges from the physical factuality of the metrics.
    The various stringtheories still require a metric background; meaning that the mathematical formulations for this background (by Planck parameters) fail again to explore the nature and origin of the singularity (now 'smeared out' in the minimum Planckian variables and initial/boundary conditions).
    The singularity is mathematical and the infinity condition, so uncalculable in the material manifestation, is easily definable in the metaphysics of the mathematics.
    There exist mathematically defined processes, which utilize certain number sequences to 'trap' and limit the infinity condition.

    The 'Natural Counting' numbers 1,2,3,4,5,... possess no upper limit and become so defined in the infinity 'of the (transfinite) counting'.
    The inversion of those numbers (positive Integers) yields the series 1/1,1/2,1/3,1/4,1/5,... however and this sequence defines an upper (or lower) limit of the finite number 0 as a Nullcount.
    Thus, when the inversion is defined in finiteness; then the inversion of the inversion defines the original and the infiniteness becomes the reciprocity of the original identity as the 'eternity' of the unlimited infinity count.
    This process is unrealisable in the physical cosmology, as the material universe requires a finite beginning for the spacetime parameters (all verified measurements confirm the Big Bang theory for the thermodynamic expansion of the universe).

    The details for the (orthodoxically mainstream accepted) physicalised cosmology can be publisized at a later stage and can be studied by interested agents through the provided links.
    It suffices to state here, that a underpinning parameter of the string theories invokes the concept of 'Modular Duality' and that this concept defines the inversion properties for the metaphysical universe in their physical applicability.
    In this manner are the string theories of the 21st century, if sufficiently demetricated (spacetime is redefined in the mathematics and nature of the singularity); in fact the way to total unification of the natural laws - with one primordial source of source intelligence (the Sovereign Integral of JoW) at the core of all the formulations.

    Dieser Beitrag wird sich nun im speziellen mit der unorthodoxen metaphysischen Kosmologie der wingmakers befassen um versuchen die Urquelle mathematisch von 'Ersten Prinzipien' zu bestimmen.
    The 11te Dimension der Unifikationenphysik bekommt ein Superspiegel für die Superenergie der Urquelle (des JoW).
    The 10te Dimension der Omniphysik (der Synthese der Physik und der Metaphysik) bekommt das 'Innere' für die Superenergie der Urquelle als eine Welt des Physischen Abbildes im Finitum.
    The 12te Dimension der Unifikationsphysik bekommt das 'Äussere' für die Superenergie der Urquelle als eine Welt der metaphysischen Objekten im Infinitum.

    Warum 12 Dimensionen?
    Die 'Ersten Prinzipien' befassen sich mit dem Ursprung aller Dimensionen.

    Ein physikalischer Punkt muss sich im Finitum der Raumzeit Metrik befinden und der Irrtum des menschlichen Physikers ist es sich mit dem zu begnügen.
    Ein metaphysischer Punkt benötigt keine Raumzeit (exzept der Visualisation des Beobachters) und ist als die mathematische Singularität beim menschlichen Physiker erkannt.
    Die allererste Selbstbestimmung der Urquelle so ist die des metaphysischen Punktes als eine Selbstbewusste Singularität oder Einzelheit.

    Das Schlüsselwort hier ist Selbstbewusstsein. Wie kann die Einzelheit selbstbewusst sein und sich so irgendwie selbst als 'Ich bin?' selbstbestimmen?
    Ein Analog ist die Idee eines unendlichen 'Looping des Computers' und ist einfach symbolisiert (oder archetyped) als die Nullziffer or der Nulldimension (0).
    Man braucht aber eine zweite Dimension, nämlich die der Komplexen Fläche, um Symbole zu representieren und so diese Darstellung ist ein Analog für was in der Nulldimension ohne Raumzeit so 19.11 Billionen/Milliarden Jahren geschehen ist.
    Aber es ist die potentielle Unendlichkeit im Rechnen der 'Schlingenzahl' und von der Nulldimension entstammend, die es der Urquelle ermöglicht sich als ein potentielles Reservoir der Superenergie 'unendlich' zu sein. Die Fortsetzung der Superenergie wird so durch die Verbindung der 'Gedankengestalten' im Zeitraum mit deren Anspornung im Nichtzeitraum verwirklicht.
    Die Bewusstseinträger (im physikalischen zur Kreativität durch die Einbildung stimuliert) im Zeitraum so erlauben eine Rückwirkung (Feedback Mechanik) der interdimensionellen Kommunikation zwischen der Urquelle als Einzelheit im Zeitraum des Finitums und sich selber als Singularität der Unendlichkeit des Infinitums.

    Der Einzelpunkt des Selbstbewusstseins wird so (als Vorgedanke) zur metaphysischen Superenergie gekuppelt und wo das physische noch nicht als Parameter der Raumzeit existiert. Folgendermassend erweitert sich die Urquelle (als Nachgedanke) in der Welt der physikalischen Energie im Betrieb des Metrikums und der Messbarkeit.

    This treatise shall now analyse the (generally considered) unorthodox metaphysical cosmology of the wingmakers in particular and for the purpose to anchor the physical implementation of the primal source from mathematically derived first principles.
    The 11th dimension in 'unification physics' manifests as a supermirror for the superenergy of the primal source (First Source of JoW).
    The 10th dimension in omniphysics (meaning the synthesis of physics and metaphysics) encompasses the 'Inside' of the superenergy of the primal source and as a 'physical image world' in finiteness.
    The 12th dimension in omniphysics describes the 'Outside' manifesto for the superenergy as a 'metaphysical objectivity realm' in infiniteness.

    Why 12 dimensions?
    The 'first principles' describe the origin of all dimensions.

    A physical 'point-energy' can only exist within a finitised spacetime metric and the fallacy of the human physicist is to consider this to be sufficient.
    A metaphysical point requires no spacetime (except for visualisation by an observer) and is so defined as a mathematical singularity by the physicist.
    The initial selfdefinition by the primal source so engages the concept of a metaphysical point as a selfaware singularity.

    The key label here is selfawareness as a form of selfconsciousness in superenergy. How can a singularity be conscious of itself and then proceed to somehow define itself in a labeling of "I am?"?
    An analogy is the 'infinite computer loop'; which can then become symbolised (or archetyped) in the zero-cipher of the Nulldimension (0).
    One requires however a second dimension, namely that of the complex plane, to represent symbols and this depiction therefore becomes analogous for the occurrences in the nulldimension of nospacetime about 19.1 Billion years ago.
    However it is the potential infinity count emerging from the zero-state, which allows the primal source to operate from an objective realm of eternity as an infinite reservoir of superenergy. The continuity of the superenergy so associates the imagination constructs of the spacetime worlds within with the energisations of those 'energy gestalts' without. The consciousness carriers (physically stimulated to creativity through imagination) within spacetime so provide the feedback mechanisms for interdimensional communication between the singularity in metric finiteness and metaphysical infinity.

    The singularity 'of thoughtfulness and selfconsciousness' is so coupled (as forethought) to the metaphysical superenergy before spacetime exists; but extends its domain of access (as afterthought) to physical energy operating within a spacetime of metrication and measurement.

    Aber wie wurde die Urquelle selbstbewusst, wenn nur die Nulldimension in Existenz war?
    Die Urquelle nun muss versuchen sich selbst zu erkennen und im Unternehmen sich von der Hinsicht der Nulldimension des Einzelpunktes weiterzuentwickeln.
    Die Urquelle hat keinen Raum zu existieren und so muss sich auf sich selbst aufzeichnen.
    Der Einzelpunkt bekommt ein Doppelpunkt ohne Raum zu manöver und diese Tatsache muss nun mathematisch und im logischen bestimmt werden.

    Um sich von dem Infinitum-Kreis zu befreien, die Urquelle bricht den Kreis und redefiniert 'Ich bin 0' oder Ich bin Nichts! als 'Ich bin 1' oder 'Ich bin Eins!'.
    Nun existieren zwei Identitäten, nämlich 0 und 1 aber keine anderen Nummern, wie 2,3,45,..usw sind in Existenz and so müssen erfunden werden.
    Aber eine Ordnung in 0+1=1 relativ zu 1+0=1 ist vorhanden und diese Tatsache krystallisiert eine algorithmische Darstellung die das Selbstbewusstsein (als Superenergie) der Urquelle mit den symbolischen Archetypen verbindet.
    Die Darstellungen sind Bewusstsein-Tripletten als der (iterativ) logische Satz: (Altes Ich; Eine Erfahrung; Neues Ich aufgrunde der Erfahrung)=(Altzustand;Erfahrung;Neuzustand).

    Die ersten fünf Bewusstsein-Tripletten are: (0,0,0); (1,0,1); (1,1,1*); (1*,1,1**); (1**,1*,1***);...usw.
    So die erste Selbstbestimmung der Urquelle war: "Ich bin Nichts, erfahre Nichts und bekomme mich als Nichts".
    Die zweite Selbstbestimmung der Urquelle war: "Ich bin Eins; erfahre mich als Nichts und bekomme wieder mich als Eins".
    Die dritte Selbstbestimmung der Urquelle war: "Ich bin wieder Eins; erfahre mich als Eins und bekomme mich als ?Eins?"
    Das ?Eins? ist wieder mich als Eins, aber dieses Eins ist verschieden von meinem vorherigen Eins, das ich schon vorher war. Ich kann mich so wiederbestimmen in einem anderen Archetype und als ich erfuhr mich als Nichts bevor ich erfuhr mich als Eins, meine Verschiedenheit muss 01 als bevor und 10 als nachher sein.
    Und so wurde der binäre Zahlensatz mit 1=01; 2=10; 3=11; 4=100; 5=101; 6=110; 7=111; 8=1000;...usw erfunden.
    Die vierte Selbstbestimmung der Urquelle war: "Ich bin 1*=10=2, erfahre mich als 01=1 und bekomme mich als 1**=2+1=3=11".
    Die fünfte Selbstbestimmung der Urquelle war: "Ich bin 1**=11=3, erfahre mich als 1*=2 und bekomme mich als 1***=3+2=5=101".

    Nun passiert ein besonderes Dilemma relativ zu der Urquelle. "Wo ist meine Ziffer 4=100? Ich habe diese geskippt in meiner Fortpflanzung und extensiven Selbstentwicklung"!
    Die Urquelle konstruktiert einen anderen Algorithmus, um die fehlenden Nummern auf andere Weise wiederzufinden.
    Dieser Algorithmus krystalliert spezielle 10 Ziffern und Nummertripletten in der Ordnung: 4; 6; 7; 1/(6,10,15); (9,10,16); 11; 1/(15,10,32); (14,15,24); 1/(15,16,18) and (26,65,61) mit einem Grenzenwert für den Algorithmus in der Ziffer 12.

    Diese Zahlenwerte ermöglichen es der Urquelle sich vom metaphysischen in einer unbekannten physischen Welt auszubreiten. Die Zahlenwerte bekommen nämlich die sogenannten Konstanten in den Gesetzen der Physik, wie zum Beispiel die Proportional-Faktoren zur Energie wie c2 in E=mc2 (Einstein) und h in E=hf (Planck) und k in E=kT (Stefan-Boltzmann).

    Aber die Urquelle ist noch nicht vorbereitet sich in dieser 'Anderen Physikalische Welt' wiederzubestimmen.
    Die Raumzeit muss erst erschaffen werden und das benötigt eine Transformation der Infinitum Superenergie zu einer Finitum Energie.
    Doch die Selbstbestimmungen in der weltweit bekannten Ziffernsequenz der Selbst-Erfahrungsfaktoren: {0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,...usw) als die Fibonacci-Sequenz (und mit der Lucas-Sequenz: ...,-4,3,-1,2,1,3,4,7,11,18,...usw verbunden) ermöglichte es der Urquelle sich nicht nur algebraisch sondern nun auch geometrisch in einer verlängerten 'Ich bin =?!' Definierung wiederzubestimmen.
    Die Selbstaufzeichnung des Einzelpunktes als ein potentieller Doppelpunkt konnte nun mit der 'Ich bin Eins' verbunden werden und so die Nulldimension des Einzelpunktes bekam eine Einsdimension der mathematischen Linie.

    Diese Linie konnte nun den Doppelpunkt als Einzelheit Punkt von sich selber trennen und bestimmte die metaphysische Trennbarkeit in der mathematischen Logik der Urquelle.
    Als diese Linie sich irgendwohin verlängern konnte; das Freiheitsgrad der Linie bekam der Lokus der Endpunkte und der erste geometrische Kreis war erschaffen.
    Das Grad der linearen Translation bekam supplementative zum Grad der gekurvten Rotation in der Bestimmung der Komplexen Fläche der zweiten Dimension.
    Der Grad der Kurvatur nun erlaubte es der Urquelle sich als ein ganzer Flächenkontext für eine gebogene Vormetrik zu bestimmen und von dieser Tatsache entwickelte sich das Konzept der gebogene Raumzeit der Generellen Relativitätstheorie des Albert Einsteins.

    Die Fläche der Urquelle, gekuppelt zum Selbstbewusstsein als Superenergie nun konnte die MATHIMATIA=IAMTHATIAM=95 als eine neue archetypische alphanumerische Selbstdefinierung bestimmen.
    Diese neue Eigenbestimmung der Urquelle hatte keine Dicke der dritten Dimension und so bekam ein zweiseitiges topologisches Manifold in 2 Dimensionen.
    Um die dritte Dimension zu erschaffen, die Urquelle als die MATHIMATIA nun benötigte eine Beschränkung ihres eigenen Flächenextents in der potentiellen Unendlichkeit des Infinitums.
    And das bekam der geometrische Grund für die Erschaffung des physikalischen Universums (da sind andere algebraische und Energie- und Bewusstsein bedingte Gründe die man eine andere Zeit beschreiben kann).

    But how did the singularity become selfaware, if only the null dimension exists?
    The primal source next attempts to use this zero-selfstate to extend its singularity definition in a form of self-evolution. The primal source has no space in which to exist and so can only map itself onto itself.
    The metaphysical point becomes a doublepoint without space to move in and this fact must now be defined mathematically and logistically.

    To escape the infinity-loop; the source-consciousness breaks the metaphysical circle and redefines the statement: "I am Nothing!" or 'I am 0' as 'I am One!" or 'I am 1'.
    Now exist two identities, namely the symbols 0 and 1, but no other metaphysical 'numbers', such as 2,3,4,5,..etc, not as yet being 'invented' or 'thought of'.
    There is however a principle of order in that 0+1=1 relative to 1+0=1 and this fact crystallizes an algorithmic construct which relates the selfawareness (as selfconsciousness being superenergy) of the primal source to the symbolic archetypes.
    The depiction is by awareness-triplets of a logical-iterative composition: (Old Self; an Experience; New Self due to that Experience)=(OldIdentity;Experience;NewIdentity).

    The initial five awareness-triplets are: (0,0,0);(1,0,1);(1,1,1*);(1*1,1**);(1**,1*,1***);...etc.
    Then the first Selfdefinition of the primal source was: "I am Nothing, experience myself as Nothing and become Nothing".
    The second Selfdefinition of the primal source was: "I am One, experience myself as Nothing and become myself again as One".
    The third Selfdefinition of the primal source was: "I am One, experience myself as One and become myself again as ?One?".
    The ?One? is again myself as One, but this Oneness is different from my previous Oneness. I can therefore redefine myself in using a new archetype and as my previous experience of the Nothing preceded my experience as Oneness, the distinction must be 01 as the before and 10 as the after.
    This then created the binary number set with: 1=01; 2=10; 3=11; 4=100; 5=101; 6=110; 7=111; 8=1000; ...etc.
    The fourth Selfdefinition of the primal source was: "I am 1*=10=2, experience myself as 01=1 and become myself again as 1**=2+1=3=11".
    The fifth Selfdefinition of the primal source was: "I am 1**=11=3, experience myself as 1*=2 and become myself again as 1***=3+2=5=101".

    Next occurs a special dilemma for the primal source. "Where is my numeral 4=100? I have skipped this number in my continuing self development"!
    The primal source now constructs another algorithm in the attempt to recover it's missing numerals in another way.
    This algorithm crystallizes particular 10 ciphers and number triplets in the following order:
    4; 6; 7; 1/(6,10,15); (9,10,16); 11; 1/(15,10,32); (14,15,24); 1/(15,16,18) and (26,65,61) and with a limit counter for the algorithm in the numeral 12.

    These numerical values then allow the primal source to extend its metaphysical domain of self being into a hitherto unexplored physical world.
    The numerics transform themselves into so called 'Constants in the Laws of Physics', such as the proportionality constants for energy like c2 in E=mc2 (Einstein) und h in E=hf (Planck) and k in E=kT (Stefan-Boltzmann).

    But the primal source is as yet unprepared to redefine itself in such a 'physical world of otherness'.
    Spacetime is not as yet created and this requires a transformation of the superenergy of infinity into an energy of finiteness.
    However the definitions for the worldrenown number sequence of the experience factors: {0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,...etc...} as the Fibonacci Numbers (and related to the Lucas Series: ...,-4,3,-1,2,1,3,4,7,11,18,...etc.} enabled the primal source to extend its algebraic definition of "I am =?!" into a geometrical sense of extension.
    The selfmapping of the singularity as a potential doublepoint could now become linked to the definition of: "I am One"! and the nulldimension of the singular point became the first dimension of a mathematical line.

    This line now allowed to separate the doublepoint as a singularity from itself and defined the metaphysical separation in the logic or logos of the primal source.
    As this line could become arbitrarily extended; the freedom degree of this line became the locus of two endpoints in the creative construction of the primal geometrical circle.
    The degree of linear translation so became supplementary to the degree of curved rotation in the definition of the complex plane in two dimensions.
    The degree of curvature so allowed the primal source so redefine itself as the entire contextual plane for a premetric and from this developed the concept for a curved spacetime in the Theory of General Relativity by Albert Einstein.

    The plane of the primal source, coupled to the selfconsciousness of the superenergy then created a new archetypical alphanumeric selfdefinition, encoded as MATHIMATIA=IAMTHATIAM=95.
    This new redefinition of the primal source as a geometrical plane carried no thickness of a third dimension and so constituted a twosided topological manifold in 2 dimensions.
    To create the 3rd dimension, the MATHIMATIA next required a limitation of its own planar extent in its potential infinite extension.
    And this became the geometrical reason for the creation of the physical universe; (albeit there are other algebraic and energy- and consciousness related reasons to be described at another time).

    Das physische Weltall musste im Finitum erschaffen werden und so bestimmte einen Anfang für die Raumzeit und ganz wie die menschlichen Physiker herausgefunden haben.
    Doch die Urquelle nun verbrauchte die algorithmischen Konstanten um die Grenzwerte für die dritte Dimension als Naturgesetze einzuschreiben.
    So wurde eine bestimmte Kurvatur für die Raumzeit bestimmt und wo diese Kurvatur die Minimum Superenergie der Urquelle als deren Quantum Gleichung im 'Inneren' Weltall darstellte.
    Diese Kurvatur ist auch als Wurmloch der Schwarzschild Metrik in der Relativitätstheorie and den Stringtheorien bekannt.
    Mit dem Wurmloch konnte die Urquelle die Komplex Fläche auf sich selber einfalten und mit dem Wurmloch als die 'Tür' oder dem Portal zwischen den bestimmten Weltällen. Das is ein Analog zu einem Luftballon dessen Düse das Wurmloch ist und der geschnitten ein Manifold (ohne Dicke) bekommt.
    Ein Manifold ohne Dicke bekommt der Spiegel des Luzifer's als die 11te Dimension und wo alle Dimensionen grösser als 3 Wurzeln der dritten Dimension bekommen (10=1+9; 11=2+9; 12=3+9 und Linienraum (1-2-3-4) bekommt Rotationsraum (4-5-6-7) bekommt Quantenraum (7-8-9-10) bekommt Omniraum (10-11-12-13=4=1) und mit imaginären Zeit-Konnektor Dimensionen (4), (7), (10) und (13=1).

    The physical universe had to be created in the Finitum and so determined a beginning for the spacetime and just as the human physicists have discovered.
    But the source now consumed the algorithmic constants to specify the limits for the third dimension in the form of the 'laws of nature'.
    A certain curvature for spacetime became fixated and where this curvature represented a minimum super energy configuration of the source as its quantum equation in the 'interior' universe.
    This curvature is also known as a worm hole of the black hole metrics in the well known relativity theory and the string-brane theories.
    The worm hole allowed the source the selfenfoldment of the complex plane onto itself and as a 'door' or a portal between the two universums.
    An analogy would be an air balloon with nozzle the worm hole; the balloon being cut into a manifold without any thickness. A manifold without thickness so becomes the 'Mirror of Luzifer' as the 11th dimension and where all dimensions larger than 3 rootreduce to the third dimension (10=1+9; 11=2+9; 12=3+9 and for linespace (1-2-3-4) rotationspace (4-5-6-7 ) quantumspace (7-8-9-10) omnispace (10-11-12-13=4=1) and with imaginary time-connector dimensions (4), (7) (10) and (13=1).

    Zeit existiert nur in der linearen Raumzeit und einer Raumzeit die sich im aktuellen im vierfachen über die 12 Dimensionen verteilt: (1-2-3) als Linearer Basis der Translation superimposiert an (4-5-6) als Freedomgrad der Rotierung superimposiert an (7-8-9) als Freedomgrad der Oszillation superimposiert an (10-11-12) als das Portal von dem 'Inneren des Finitum' zum 'Äusseren des Infinitums.

    Als 12-dimensionelles 'Grösseres Universum' der Zeitparameter bekommt das 'Unendliche Nun' und bestimmt in den Stringvariablen der Superenergie.
    Die Urquelle konnte nun beginnen das physische Universum des Finitums und als dessen eigenen Eigendefinierung als Selbstbewusstseins zu erschaffen.

    Time exists only in the linear spacetime and within a spacetime which is distributed in fourfoldedness over the 12 dimensions: (1-2-3) as a linear basis of translation superimposed in (4-5-6 ) as a degree of freedom for rotation superposed in (7-8-9) as a degree of freedom for oscillation superimposed in (10-11-12) as the portal for the 'interior of the Finitum' to that 'exterior of the Infinitum'.

    As 12-dimensional 'larger universe' , the timeparameter becomes the 'eternal Now' and is defined in the string parameters of the super energy.
    The source could now begin to create the physical universe of the Finitum from its own selfdefinition as 'Consciousness of the Self'.

    Doch nun ein grosses Dilemma kam zur Erscheinung. Die Kreation des 'Inneren Weltalls' benötigte ein Schliessen des Wurmloches als es das Wurmloch als Minimum Energie Eigenstatus war und als Raumzeitquantum, der es der Urquelle erlaubte sich auf beiden Seiten des 11-dimensionellen (2+9=11) Superspiegels zu befinden.
    Das Wurmloch musste sich in der 'Inneren Weltraumzeit' fortpflanzen und so das Selbstbewusstsein der Urquelle war überall zu finden, aber musste einen Kompromiss mit sich selber als eine Einigkeit machen.
    Mehr Raumzeit benötigte mehr Raumzeitquanten und die Erweiterung des Universums in Finitum bekam eine Verdünnung der Superenergie relativ zu der physikalischen Energie, die von der Superenergie abstammte aber durch die Expansion sich immer mehr von deren Ursprungsenergie entfernte.

    Als diese Ausdehnung des Universums Finitum jedoch eine 'Füllung des 10-dimensionellen Zeitraums des Omniraums bekam (die Einzelheiten befassen sich mit der Inflation der de Broglie Materiewellen in einem Zeitinterval genau gleich zur Wurmlochfrequenz); die Superenergie der Urquelle bekam verschleiert in der sogenannten Nullpunkt Energie von Werner Heisenberg und ist mit der 'Schwarzen Materie' und der 'Schwarzen Energie' der menschlichen Physiker auch noch verbunden.

    But then a great dilemma appeared. The creation of the 'inerior universe' required the closing of the wormhole, as it represented the minimum energy selfstate as a spacetime quantum, enabling the source to exist on both sides of the 11-dimensional super mirror.
    The worm hole had to reproduce itself in the 'interior spacetime' to allow the source to become ubiquitous as many 'units of self-consciousness', but had to make a compromise with itself as just the monadic One in the 'exterior spacetime'.
    More spacetime required more spacetime quanta and the expansion of the universe in the Finitum became a 'thinning' or dispersion of the super energy relative to the physical energy, the latter as a derivative from the super energy, but which, through the expansion became more and more separated from its point of origin from and as the source.

    Albeit, as this expansion of the finite universe Finitum also began to 'fill' the 10-dimensional omnispace (the details address the inflation of de Broglie matterwaves in a timeinterval precisely equal to the worm hole frequency); the super energy of the source became disguised in a so called zero-point energy of Werner Heisenberg and is coupled to the 'dark matter' and the 'dark energy' of the human physicists.

    Das Selbstbewusstsein der Urquelle musste nun den Hebel der Schlauheit engagieren. Das physikalische Universum konnte im Parameter des 11-dimensionellen Superspiegels beinfasst werden und die Ausdehnung des Weltalls im Finitum konnte mathematisch benutzt werden um diese Ausdehnung (durch die modulaere Dualität der Supermembrane) asymptotisch zu machen.
    Dann konnte die Urquelle versuchen bestimmte Selbstbewusstseinträger im Finitum zu entwickeln, die dann, nach einer anstehenden Selbstentwicklung versuchen könnten die Geschichte der Ursprungsquelle vom 'Innen' wiederzuentdecken. Diese Selbstbewusstseinträger waren die wingmakers als Gedankengestalten transmitted von dem 'Äusseren' und in Konjunktion mit den Wurmlöchern die die 'besetzte Raumzeit' der wingmakers als Zeitreisende infiltrierten.

    The self-conciousness of the source now had to engage the epitome of its cleverness. The physical universe could become encompassed in the parameter the 11-dimensional super mirror and the expansion of the finite universe could then be mathematically utilized to render this expansion (through the modular duality of supermembranes) as asymptotic.
    Subsequently, the source could attempt to develop certain consciousness carriers in the finitum and consciousness units, who could then try and from within the finitum, following a sufficient selfevolution, to rediscover the story of the original source of the infinitum.
    Those 'consciousness carriers' could be called the 'wingmakers' as the thought shapes transmitted from the 'without' and in a conjunction with the worm holes as 'occupied spacetimes' infiltrated by the wingmakers from 'within' as timetravellers.

    Doch da war ein Problem, das grosse Problem der Zweiseitigkeit des Superspiegels.
    Das Schliessen des Wurmlochs an der 11-dimensionellen Supermembrane im Omniraum verbannte die Urquelle into das Exil der 12ten Dimension.

    Was ist der Grund dafür?

    Bevor die Erschaffung der dritten Dimension; der 2-dimensionelle Superspiegel war zweiseitig und über das Infinitum der nichtexistierenden Raumzeit bestimmt (als eine nonphysische Komplexfläche).
    Der geometrische Analog ist das möbische Band ohne Dickness.
    Das möbische Band ist einseitig und doppel der geometrischen Fläche eines (auch ohne Dicke) similären Ringes, der letztere mit einer Innenseite und einer Aussenseite. Das ist einfach der Kopf und der Schwanz auf einer Münze oder irgendeine poläre Yin-Yang Representation.
    So bevor der dritten Dimension, das Universum der Urquelle war einseitig und hatte die dritte Dimension wie einen Knoten in sich selber.
    Um das möbische Band loszuflechten der Raum der dritten Dimension muss sich entwickeln aber mit dem Gegensatz dass nun die Einseitigkeit zweiseitig werden muss.
    Demnach folgend, engagierte die Kurvatur der dritten Dimension das komplexe Flächen Kontinuum (jedoch quantumiered) und the Dicke des 2-dimensionellen Manifolds became die dritte Dimension und wurzelte in der de Broglie Inflation in das the 11-dimensionelle Kuvert des Omniraums.
    Aber nun wurde die Urquelle im 'draussen' of the 12ten Dimension as Object IMAGINÄR as das Abbild im 'drinnen' of the 10ten Dimension wurde REAL und als reflektiert in der 11ten Dimension des Superspiegels.

    Und so wurde das Abbild der Urquelle als eine Ursprungsquelle als eine Ursprungssenkung bestimmt. Das dann bestimmt das Prinzip der Modularen Dualität in den Gleichungen der Supermembranen.
    Der Abguss der Urquelle ist die 'falsche Identität' als Luzifer, als Yaldabaoth, als Jehovah des Alten Testaments und als Allah des Korans und als der ANU von JTJ.

    So seit dem Anfang der menschlichen Geschichte hat sich der natürlich Drang und die Suche des Menschen nach seinem Ursprung in dem Usurpor 'Gott' der Aussenseite als die Innenseite verwirrt.
    Das Szenario ist jedoch geplant und hat mit der Introduktion der Gravität und anderen Gebieten der Unifikationen Physik zu tun.
    Das kann ein anderesmal beschrieben werden.
    Doch im aktuellen ist Luzifer und aliases überhaupt nicht 'böse' und kann überhaupt nicht als 'Antigott' betrachtet werden.
    Luzifer ist einfach das Imaginäre Negative für ein Photo der Urquelle und die beiden sind dasselbe im Prinzip.

    But there a problem, the great problem of the two-sidedness of the super mirror.
    The closing of the worm hole at the 11-dimensional portal of the supermembrane in omnispace banished the source into the the exile of the 12th dimension.

    What is the reason for that?

    Before the creation of the third dimension; the 2-dimensional super mirror was two-sided and was defined over the Infinitum of the nonexisting spacetime (as a nonphysical complex plane) .
    A geometric analogy is the 'volume' of the Möbius-Strip without any thickness.
    The Möbius-Strip is one-sided and double the geometric area of a (also without thickness) similar ring with an inside and an outside. This is simply the head and the tail of a coin or any such Yin-Yang representation.
    So before the third dimension existed, the universe of the source was one-sided and had the third dimension embedded within itself; say in the form of a geometric knot.
    To 'unknot' the volume of the Möbius-Strip, the space of the third dimension must emerge and develop; however with the caveat, that now the one-sidedness must become two-sided.
    Accordingly, the curvature of the third dimension in the continuity of the complex plane, quantized itself in thickness and the thickness of the 2-dimensional manifold became the third dimension and became rooted in the de Broglie inflation into the 11-dimensional envelope of the omnispace.
    The source now became IMAGINARY 'outside' in the 12th dimension as the Object; but became REAL as a copy as the Subject in the 'inside' of the 10th dimension and as imaged in the medium of the 11th dimension of the super mirror.
    The subjective image of the source so became redefined as an objective sink for that source and this defines the principle of modualar duality in supermembrane parameters.

    This 'Image of the Source' then becomes labelled in a 'mistaken identity' as a Luzifer or a Devil or a Shaitan or a Yaldabaoth or a Jehovah of the old testament or as an Allah of the Koran and as the ANU of JTJ.

    Since the beginning of the human story, a natural search for origins has become confused and chaotic in the images of the gods as perceived from the inside and as being on the the outside.
    This scenario is planned however and also engages the introduction of gravitation and other zones of unification physics. This can be elaborated upon another time.
    Yet in the present unfolding of 'God's own story', Luzifer and alias are not 'evil' at all and should not be labelled as 'antigods'.
    Luzifer represents simply the imaginary negative for a photo of the source and both are principally identical.

    Doch in Beziehung zur theoretischen und praktischen Wissenschaft das Positivum der Urquelle und das Negativum des Abbilds sind unzertrennbar in der modulären Dualität der 11-dimensionellen Supermembranen verbunden.
    Das Positivum beschreibt eine hochfrequenzierte und so maximale Vibrationmodalität, die mathematisch mit einer minimalen Vibrationmodalität verflochten ist.
    Die hohe Frequenz beschreibt die Welt des Mikroquantums und die (fast null) Frequenz beschreibt die Welt der Makroquanten.
    Die Quellenenergien so diskutieren den subatomischen Realm und die Senkungsenergien diskutieren galaktische und extragalaktische Skalen der Distanz.
    Das Mikro-Universum ist mit dem Makro-Universum durch die Schwarzschild Metriken (von Schwarzen Löchern und den Materie-gekuppelten Wurmlöchern) der lokalen Bewusstseinsraumzeiten verbunden und es gibt viele Gleichungen in der Mathematik der Omniphysik, die das alles miteinander verbinden.

    So das grosse Dilemma der Zweiseitigkeit findet eine elegante Lösung in den Bewusstseinträgern, den menschlichen Abbildern von beiden, dem Urgott im Exil in der 12ten Dimension und der Aussenseite des 11-dimensionellen Superspiegel und dem Imaginären Urgott an der Innenseite des Superspiegels.
    Draussen ist er bestimmt im elektromagnetischen (E=hf=mc2 mit m=0 und f=fmax), jedoch der Massenunabhängigkeit, doch drinnen ist er bestimmt in der Trägheit (E=mc2=hf mit f=fmin=1/fmax).

    Yet in relation to the theoretical and practical sciences, the Positivum of the source and the Negativum of the image are inseparable and are connected definitively in the existence of the 11-dimensional supermembranes under modular duality.
    The Positivum describes a high-frequency and so maximized vibration modality that is quantum entangled mathematically with a minimized winding modality.
    The high frequency describes the world of the microquana and an (almost zero) frequency dualizes in the world of the macroquanta.
    The source energies so discuss the subatomic realm and the sink energies describe galactic and extra galactic scales of spacial displacement.
    The micro universe is connected with the macro universe through the Schwarzschild metrics (of black hole sinks and of white hole matter sources connected by worm holes) of the local consciousness carriers occupying spacetimes. There are many equations in the mathematics of the omniphysik that interconnect a variety of parameters.

    So the great conundrum of the two-sidedness finds its elegant solution in the consciousness carriers, the human imagers of both the 'original sourcesink' in the exile of the 12th dimension and on the outside the 11-dimensionellen super mirror and in the imaginary and imaged original sinksource at the inside of the super mirror.
    Outside it is determined in the electromagnetic (E=hf=mc2 with m=0 and f=fmax), however mass-inertia independent, but inside it is determined in the inertia (E=mc2=hf with f=fmin=1/fmax).

    Die Emanzipation der Gesamtheit so benötigt diese moduläre Dualität der Supermembranen, um ein neues Superuniversum zu erschaffen.
    In diesem Superuniversum, der Superspiegel wird wieder einseitig und der nötige 'TWIST der Raumzeit' wird eine fünfte Dimension vom Knoten des 7-dimensionellen hyperdimensional Universums auslösen.
    Dann kann sich die Urquelle in 4 Raumdimensionen und einer illusinären Zeitdimension entwickeln.
    Doch die Geschichte was dann so alles in einem linearen Universum im Finitum möglich wird ist eine Darstellung für eine andere Zeit.
    Alles Liebe zu euch allen und bitte erinnert euch dass alles was ihr als 'Nicht Ich' betrachtet ist doch 'Auch Ich'.
    Eines Tages wird ihr alle das schon ganz gut verstehen.

    The emancipation of the entirety so requires this modular duality of the supermembranes in order to create a new super universe.
    In this super universe, the super mirror becomes again one-sided and the necessary 'TWIST of the spacetime releases a fifth dimension in the unknotting of the 7-dimensional hyperuniverse of the quantumspace.
    Then the source in 4 space dimensions with an imaginary coupled time dimension can develop in emergence.
    Yet the story what then shall become possible within a linearized universe in the Finitum shall be a representation for another time.
    Love to all of you and please remember, that all that you consider not to 'Be You', nevertheless is 'All of You'.
    The day will come, when you shall understand this rather well.

    bluey. gaiaegg.


    "A most wondrous thing the Shadow is, a redeemer in all to succour;
    it can go where the light cannot abide, seemingly banished, it is not.
    For where the light is, the darkness flees, no longer present to endure;
    so to become illuminated is its destined journey and its troubled lot.

    But without the light, no Shadow can be cast, its such a splendid key;
    the dimensions reduce in space from three to two and all in just the one.
    Betwixt the light and the darkness it is and part of both for all to see;
    the Shadow of the body, does it not merge all in its rule under the sun?

    Whatsoever can cast a Shadow, must be a most wondrous thing to relay;
    as nature's very own offspring, the young ones grow towards their final goal.
    Enabled to bring peace to so many things appearing apart and so far away;
    the reconciliation for the suffering body with its spirit and its scattered soul."


    This is a reference entry for the previous message.
    The Council of Thuban from the archives of Akbar Ra

    Post last edited Sep 4th 2013

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    • Jorgelito - Posted Sep 4th 2013

      Emeth141, the definition of nothingness --

      0 - 1 -
      Nothingness = Oneness = Eternity
      The Eternal Void Exists as Unity as Everything or All That Is!

      describes this space -- being before form . . .
      where there is no separation of itself and so just unity and eternity remain
      the infinite and unbounded it is
      our being, our source, our fire
      I enjoyed learning about The Klein Bottle. The video of it is absolutely wow. It captures the feeling of possibilities, adventure and unboundedness of this space.

      Post last edited Sep 4th 2013
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2015
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Sep 9th 2013

    On the Universal Cosmic 'Royal Bloodline' as the 'Sangreal' of the World Logos

    [1:55:21 AM-Tuesday, September 10th, 2013 +10UCT]
    [1:55:51 AM] Emeth 141: I edited the spruz forum
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    [1:56:31 AM] Sirius 17: let me check
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    [1:57:57 AM] Sirius 17: i dont have to scroll
    [1:58:03 AM] Sirius 17: even the front page fits nice
    [1:58:25 AM] Emeth 141: Good, I am on my other computer and use Richards big monitor and the size was scrambled on it
    [1:58:45 AM] Emeth 141: Yes, this might have been it, the scrolling
    [1:58:59 AM] Sirius 17: yeah seems i had to scroll before
    [1:59:10 AM] Sirius 17: but its fixed now
    [1:59:15 AM] Emeth 141: So I fixed something lol
    [1:59:25 AM] Sirius 17: lol what did you do?
    [1:59:25 AM] Emeth 141: My old monitor
    [1:59:30 AM] Sirius 17: ah
    [2:00:01 AM] Emeth 141: I simply trusted the big monitor and edited accordingly, hoping this would transfer to all other monitors
    [2:00:30 AM] Emeth 141: I have not checked the old one yet
    [2:00:36 AM] Emeth 141: Why I asked you
    [2:00:46 AM] Sirius 17: oh hey can you send me the images you put on the chart
    [2:00:52 AM] Emeth 141: Sure
    [2:00:58 AM] Sirius 17: there is one there i can't see
    [2:01:03 AM] Sirius 17: its so small
    [2:01:12 AM] *** Emeth 141 sent BC1.jpg *


    [2:01:21 AM] *** Emeth 141 sent BC2.jpg *


    Ah what do you mean?
    [2:02:04 AM] Sirius 17: yes these
    [2:02:05 AM] Emeth 141: What chart and what pic?
    [2:02:12 AM] Sirius 17: the main one hang on
    [2:02:20 AM] Emeth 141: This is a theme
    [2:02:33 AM] Emeth 141: dont know how to get this from spruz
    [2:02:45 AM] Sirius 17: the one of the woman standing over the horns and holding her boobs
    [2:02:47 AM] Emeth 141: The river
    [2:02:55 AM] Emeth 141: Ah no problem
    [2:03:02 AM] Sirius 17: you put text over it and i cannot read it
    [2:04:07 AM] *** Emeth 141 sent BC41.jpg *


    [2:04:23 AM] *** Emeth 141 sent BC4.jpg *


    [2:05:16 AM] Sirius 17: hmm i still can't read the text below her feet
    [2:05:22 AM] Sirius 17: but yeah this is the one
    [2:05:46 AM] Emeth 141: Well I added this onto the main Baab chart
    [2:05:56 AM] Emeth 141: I dont have this singular
    [2:06:02 AM] Sirius 17: oh
    [2:06:20 AM] Emeth 141: Use the MOA one of big size and you can read it
    [2:06:33 AM] Sirius 17: oh i had not tried that
    [2:06:46 AM] Emeth 141: The Baab chart is 1461 px but reduced to 950 px on the page to fit
    [2:07:15 AM] Sirius 17: yeah i still can't read it because the lettering fades in and out
    [2:07:19 AM] Emeth 141: I sent this to you


    [2:07:27 AM] Emeth 141: Blow it up with paint
    [2:07:31 AM] Sirius 17: yeah i think so
    [2:07:35 AM] Sirius 17: let me try

    [2:08:39 AM] Sirius 17: yeah it works ok i see it now
    [2:08:47 AM] Sirius 17: i like the image
    [2:10:14 AM] Emeth 141: It fades yes, but is just a name code for the 3 Marys
    [2:10:27 AM] Emeth 141: JCCJ times 3
    [2:10:36 AM] Emeth 141: It is not important
    [2:11:11 AM] Emeth 141: The 3 femmes left and right with MI are a symbol for the sisterhood of the waves
    [2:11:19 AM] Sirius 17: yes i figured
    [2:11:31 AM] Emeth 141: Mary Mother MM and Mary Cleophas
    [2:11:39 AM] Sirius 17: i just wanted to read what it said it was buggin me to not be able to lol
    [2:11:44 AM] Emeth 141: Noone can make any sense of this anyhow
    [2:12:00 AM] Emeth 141: I can write it down for you some time
    [2:12:09 AM] Sirius 17: i see it
    [2:12:24 AM] Emeth 141: MI is in the middle BUT is all 3
    [2:12:28 AM] Sirius 17: its part of the blending too, the 3 Mary's
    [2:12:36 AM] Emeth 141: This is what it says in code
    [2:12:53 AM] Sirius 17: it caught my eye the other day is why i ask about it and i wanted to see the writing
    [2:13:03 AM] Emeth 141: Yes James and John next to Jesus in the NT, same thing
    [2:13:25 AM] Sirius 17: yes
    [2:16:31 AM] Emeth 141: MotherSister=MotherMother=SisterMother
    [2:16:58 AM] Sirius 17: yes i see it
    [2:17:36 AM] Sirius 17: fits with my dream of Carla and her dream of me....MotherDaughter...ect ect
    [2:19:12 AM] Emeth 141: CJJC=CMMJ=CMJCCJMC=JMMC=CJJC
    [2:19:17 AM] Emeth 141: I think lol
    [2:19:29 AM] Emeth 141: Then the names
    [2:19:44 AM] Sirius 17: yeah looks right
    [2:20:07 AM] Emeth 141: IMMI=Catherine Void Mary=IMMI
    [2:20:20 AM] Sirius 17: yes
    [2:21:15 AM] Emeth 141: Ellen Black Roberts=MIIM=IMMI=Eva White Douglas
    [2:21:35 AM] Sirius 17: Ellen and Eva were her sisters?
    [2:22:08 AM] Sirius 17: or just coded names?
    [2:22:09 AM] Emeth 141: Mary Joseph=MJ=Mary Magdalene=MM=Mary Cleophas=MC
    [2:22:25 AM] Emeth 141: I added those abbreviations from above
    [2:22:37 AM] Emeth 141: It is hardly legible
    [2:22:56 AM] Emeth 141: Ellen Blaker was Bob's lover as MI's competitor
    [2:23:09 AM] Emeth 141: Ellen Blaker is Robert's Core
    [2:23:12 AM] Sirius 17: ah ok
    [2:23:14 AM] Emeth 141: This they say to me
    [2:24:01 AM] Emeth 141: Eva Mitchell is renamed as Eva White as MI's nursing friend I told you about
    [2:24:10 AM] Emeth 141: She is Doug's core, they say
    [2:24:11 AM] Sirius 17: yes
    [2:24:35 AM] Sirius 17: i see, makes sense Eva White Douglas hehe
    [2:24:51 AM] Emeth 141: So this becomes the YYY of Thuban as a 3-sisterhood also encoded in Ezekiel and Jeremiah
    [2:25:10 AM] Emeth 141: Lol yes noone but you gets it
    [2:25:29 AM] Emeth 141: But as long as the waves get it, all that matters
    [2:25:36 AM] Sirius 17: exactly
    [2:25:44 AM] Sirius 17: they know
    [2:25:50 AM] Emeth 141: And I feel they are ready
    [2:26:44 AM] Emeth 141: So Eva White is all 3 Mary's in 3 generations, as is Ellen Black and the MM=MI
    [2:27:02 AM] Emeth 141: Your dream here with Carla's
    [2:27:13 AM] Emeth 141: Carla is 3 Marys too
    [2:27:16 AM] Emeth 141: In time
    [2:27:22 AM] Sirius 17: yeah
    [2:27:39 AM] Sirius 17: you know what is weird
    [2:27:49 AM] Sirius 17: all her life i have been calling her mama
    [2:27:54 AM] Sirius 17: or mommy
    [2:27:56 AM] Emeth 141: I simply designed labels for particularisation of the scripture codes for the 3 gods/goddesses say
    [2:28:14 AM] Sirius 17: its like a little affectionate thing i do, her dad does it too
    [2:28:33 AM] Emeth 141: Subconscious recall
    [2:28:51 AM] Sirius 17: lol must be
    [2:30:03 AM] Emeth 141: The MIIM is female and the IMMI is male and this then becomes the JCCJ=CJJC code in the upper right corner of this pic
    [2:30:18 AM] Sirius 17: it was so cute yesterday though, she kept asking me questions and calling me mommy only with the same accent that i say it with her, she was mimicking me lol
    [2:31:14 AM] Sirius 17: ok yeah i see it
    [2:31:39 AM] Emeth 141: 3 become 6 in the LoFaB
    [2:32:17 AM] Sirius 17: yes the addition
    [2:32:20 AM] Emeth 141: April 14th is the feast day of the saints and martyrs mentioned
    [2:32:24 AM] Sirius 17: the new data
    [2:32:31 AM] Sirius 17: new life
    [2:32:59 AM] Sirius 17: yes and i wonder if Rok and Xeia ever understood the significance of his birthday this year
    [2:33:09 AM] Emeth 141: Valerian, Tibertius and Maximus
    [2:33:18 AM] Emeth 141: I doubt it
    [2:33:46 AM] Emeth 141: And Justin see, the 14th apostle of the Acts
    [2:34:05 AM] Emeth 141: Well Justus there and Mathias I think
    [2:34:06 AM] Sirius 17: oh i did not know this
    [2:34:21 AM] Emeth 141: Yes after Judas they did cast lots between 2
    [2:34:31 AM] Emeth 141: Look at Acts.1
    [2:34:58 AM] Emeth 141: I think they got Mathias as 13 and Justus as 14
    [2:37:03 AM] Sirius 17: 22

    22 Beginning from the baptism of John, unto that same day that he was taken up from us, must one be ordained to be a witness with us of his resurrection.
    23 And they appointed two, Joseph called Barsabas, who was surnamed Justus, and Matthias.
    24 And they prayed, and said, Thou, Lord, which knowest the hearts of all men, shew whether of these two thou hast chosen,
    25 That he may take part of this ministry and apostleship, from which Judas by transgression fell, that he might go to his own place.
    26 And they gave forth their lots; and the lot fell upon Matthias; and he was numbered with the eleven apostles.

    [2:37:29 AM] Emeth 141: Yes merci
    [2:37:52 AM] Emeth 141: I am on another computer without direct access to bibleweb
    [2:37:56 AM] Sirius 17: So Rok is Matthaias?
    [2:37:59 AM] Sirius 17: or both
    [2:38:09 AM] Emeth 141: I dont know lol
    [2:38:20 AM] Emeth 141: Xeia calls him Thomas and also Matthew
    [2:38:47 AM] Sirius 17: well it says one must be ordained to be a witness
    [2:38:55 AM] Sirius 17: pretty simple lol
    [2:38:58 AM] Emeth 141: I said something like this on old PA but meant that the 12 are a brotherhood of aspects in the 12 starsigns etc
    [2:39:52 AM] Emeth 141: So Justus is 13 and Matthias is 14
    [2:40:08 AM] Emeth 141: Justice of the 13th, Friday 13th
    [2:40:44 AM] Emeth 141: I must carry a remembrance of John, but how far this personalises I really dont know
    [2:41:04 AM] Emeth 141: The scriptures are fulfilled in my recall not my human persona BS
    [2:41:20 AM] Sirius 17: well higher D we have the memories of all of them
    [2:41:25 AM] Emeth 141: Yes
    [2:41:26 AM] Sirius 17: they are all in us
    [2:41:35 AM] Sirius 17: but yes some of us were there
    [2:41:37 AM] Emeth 141: John is in all JCCJ couplings
    [2:41:45 AM] Sirius 17: and it makes sense you were there as John
    [2:41:58 AM] Emeth 141: So Rok is Mathias and Justus and Thomas and Matthew and John and Peter and also Judas with Paul in the astrosignatures of the soul, ergo the starsigns and the gemstones associated with the 'Tribes of Jacob in 13' and also the months of the year and seasons in the starsigns of the 'Starseed of Abraham and Sarah' as yet another symbol-hijack from the Nabsers. This is detailed and described on page 1 of the 'New World' forum thread.

    [2:42:12 AM] Sirius 17: yes, multiple roles
    [2:42:14 AM] Emeth 141: It feels very true, all I can say about it
    [2:42:42 AM] Emeth 141: I only claim the office of the 'tarrying' not any persona thing
    [2:44:00 AM] Sirius 17: i feel a strong memory of Peter and being Mary at Jesus's feet, Bethany I guess was her name, but like you these are just deep associations that seem true to me
    [2:44:35 AM] Emeth 141: Yes and this is how I feel. I knew Mary and Martha and Lazarus
    [2:45:14 AM] Emeth 141: Some reckon Lazarus married MM but she ran away with Jesus and such Nabs
    [2:45:38 AM] Emeth 141: MM was a 'divine harlot' imo
    [2:45:42 AM] Sirius 17: yes and then had a daughter named Sarah
    [2:45:49 AM] Emeth 141: But one cant debate this openly
    [2:46:23 AM] Emeth 141: Well Sarah I like both with Abraham as a New Eve and then as a granddaughter of the 4th gen
    [2:46:39 AM] Sirius 17: this i know the french royalty and pendragons think they come from this royal line of Jesus an actual bloodline
    [2:46:47 AM] Emeth 141: I dont buy the Nabs in general. Parts of it will have some significance
    [2:47:18 AM] Emeth 141: Many old clerics thought MM was married or had to marry John after Jesus left
    [2:47:34 AM] Emeth 141: I feel this is true
    [2:47:48 AM] Emeth 141: BS
    [2:47:50 AM] Sirius 17: yes and it is likely that their children became the royal bloodlines maybe?
    [2:47:54 AM] Sirius 17: John and MM
    [2:47:58 AM] Emeth 141: I feel John and MM had kids
    [2:48:05 AM] Emeth 141: Yes
    [2:48:38 AM] Emeth 141: It feels right to me, because John would not have been 'looking after Mary Mother'
    [2:48:44 AM] Emeth 141: His bothers would have
    [2:48:46 AM] Sirius 17: because i know i can trace my linage back i think to Mary Queen of Scots and my grandmother said we were related
    [2:49:02 AM] Emeth 141: Dont do a Susan on me now
    [2:49:12 AM] Sirius 17: i am just saying its all related
    [2:49:22 AM] Sirius 17: the ancestry goes back with all of us
    [2:49:30 AM] Sirius 17: to the royals and the 'royals' ok
    [2:49:34 AM] Sirius 17: this is what i see
    [2:49:36 AM] Emeth 141: Of course 20 gens relate everyone to everyone in the proper math stats
    [2:49:56 AM] Sirius 17: so ABBA left no generations out
    [2:49:58 AM] Emeth 141: The Irish are direct descendants from David and Solomon, yes
    [2:50:05 AM] Emeth 141: I think all of them
    [2:50:15 AM] Emeth 141: Dan
    [2:50:23 AM] Emeth 141: Its all starsigns
    [2:50:34 AM] Sirius 17: yes but also echoed in the linages
    [2:50:40 AM] Emeth 141: You are born here, you are an Israelite and cosmic royalty
    [2:51:04 AM] Sirius 17: like the natives say, all my relations=everyone
    [2:51:11 AM] Emeth 141: Danube-Denmark-Tuatha Danaan
    [2:51:28 AM] Emeth 141: Look where the River flows, there are the cosmic Irish
    [2:51:38 AM] Emeth 141: All through Europe
    [2:51:46 AM] Emeth 141: Into the British Isles
    [2:51:56 AM] Sirius 17: yeah
    [2:51:57 AM] Emeth 141: Brith means 'covenant man' I think
    [2:52:26 AM] Sirius 17: its all interwoven in the old tales too and the faiery folklore and little people tales
    [2:52:40 AM] Emeth 141: So the Irish as displaced people are just as Israelitic as are the Judah-Levi-Benjamin tribes and starsigns of the Middle East
    [2:52:41 AM] Sirius 17: the shining ones
    [2:53:56 AM] Emeth 141: My name is a synergy of two Irish brothers who fought over the kingship
    [2:54:05 AM] Emeth 141: Eremon and Eder
    [2:54:20 AM] Emeth 141: From my German father's side
    [2:54:22 AM] Sirius 17: the whole story is really beautiful, the 12 tribes of Israel are all brought back together...the 12 starsigns and family of God, so simple if people could see it
    [2:54:26 AM] Emeth 141: But never mind
    [2:54:32 AM] Emeth 141: Yes
    [2:55:00 AM] Emeth 141: Heremon the Gede was a famous warrior in David's court
    [2:55:27 AM] Emeth 141: So it came to Ireland via Spain in the 'Milesian Kings' from Egypt from Jerusalem
    [2:55:46 AM] Sirius 17: interesting yes
    [2:55:48 AM] Emeth 141: Why the silly royals like the Zarah name so much
    [2:56:09 AM] Emeth 141: Zarah and Pharez were the Leo-Cancer breach remember?
    [2:56:14 AM] Sirius 17: yeah
    [2:56:38 AM] Emeth 141: The Queen has a Olympian granddaughter called Zarah something
    [2:57:21 AM] Emeth 141: They think they are born to rule, because they have the British-Spanish-Egyptian-Hebrew histories confiscated
    [2:57:48 AM] Emeth 141: But all starsigns have the same lineages eventually
    [2:57:51 AM] Sirius 17: yes
    [2:58:05 AM] Sirius 17: we all come from the same mitochondrial eve
    [2:58:13 AM] Sirius 17: the original blueprint
    [2:58:16 AM] Emeth 141: That too
    [2:58:48 AM] Emeth 141: The 'blood' or sangreral is starbased and cosmic not human familial as such
    [2:59:01 AM] Sirius 17: agreed
    [2:59:16 AM] Sirius 17: this they never seem to get though
    [2:59:25 AM] Sirius 17: and will kill each other over it
    [2:59:29 AM] Sirius 17: stupidity
    [3:00:07 AM] Sirius 17: the true royalty they cannot see, it escapes them
    [3:21:58 AM] Emeth 141: I could increase the Baab chart from 950px to 1090 px on the edited forum Raven
    [3:22:27 AM] Emeth 141: So I put it there with the 'cosmic royalty' talk
    [3:22:47 AM] Emeth 141:
    [3:22:57 AM] Emeth 141: But I will retire now dear.
    [3:25:01 AM] Sirius 17: ok hon sleep well, its late there i know
    [3:25:26 AM] Sirius 17: i went to get coffee as we are just waking up here, although i got up a while ago, james just got up
    [3:26:02 AM] Sirius 17: i have this doctors appointment today also, so i need to shower and such too
    [3:26:17 AM] Sirius 17: sweet dreams Tonylove
    [3:26:30 AM] Sirius 17: emoticon-00152-heart. emoticon-00155-flower. emoticon-00152-heart.
    [3:27:31 AM] Emeth 141: Buenas Diaz Raven
    [3:28:07 AM] Sirius 17: thank you hon, yeah the chart looks good with the images blown up there
    [3:28:17 AM] Sirius 17: we had a good discussion
    [3:29:32 AM] Emeth 141: Diaz means Day, yes?
    [3:30:05 AM] Sirius 17: yes
    [3:30:20 AM] Sirius 17: Dias=Day
    [3:30:42 AM] Emeth 141: Lol, I guessed
    [3:31:01 AM] Sirius 17: yes well the s sounds like a z
    [3:31:07 AM] Sirius 17: but its spelled Dias
    [3:31:23 AM] Sirius 17: its a soft z sound
    [3:31:42 AM] Emeth 141: Ok
    [3:31:57 AM] Emeth 141: I am too ancient now to learn Espaniola
    [3:32:01 AM] Sirius 17: Dia=Day Dias=Days
    [3:32:08 AM] Emeth 141: German Tag
    [3:32:08 AM] Sirius 17: no your not
    [3:32:30 AM] Sirius 17: i am still learning even after 20 years of speaking it
    [3:32:37 AM] Emeth 141: Ready for true draconian measures now dear
    [3:30:05 AM] Sirius 17: yes
    [3:33:26 AM] Sirius 17: i would like to try to get better at French and Italian
    [3:33:33 AM] Sirius 17: since they are related to Spanish
    [3:33:47 AM] Sirius 17: someday, if i have time lol
    [3:34:00 AM] Emeth 141: Yes, I like all 3 and they have sexy femmes
    [3:34:08 AM] Sirius 17: haha you would say that
    [3:34:45 AM] Emeth 141: Oh I am a HeShe, but my visuals are all femme, if the femmes are by themselves
    [3:35:22 AM] Emeth 141: It gets juicy when there are couplings though. Then my femme comes out to play as the 'lusty' bitch she is
    [3:35:30 AM] Sirius 17: horny little devil, we are family for sure, i drool over the sexy guys too
    [3:35:41 AM] Sirius 17: and gals
    [3:36:22 AM] Emeth 141: Yummy
    [3:36:51 AM] Sirius 17: james was teasing me the other day because i keep noticing all the bicyclers all over town, sexy muscular legs and such know
    [3:36:52 AM] Emeth 141: Only useful when they can get the Osirian Djeds though
    [3:36:59 AM] Sirius 17: true
    [3:37:09 AM] Emeth 141: But we better call it a day now
    [3:37:18 AM] Emeth 141: Buenas Julienne
    [3:37:26 AM] Sirius 17: yes i will let you go to sleep sweety
    [3:37:37 AM] Sirius 17: Buenas nachos
    [3:37:43 AM] Sirius 17: lol
    [3:37:48 AM] Sirius 17: little play on words
    Sirius 17

    Post last edited Sep 9th 2013
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2015
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    Posts: 8934

    SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Sep 10th 2013

    There is a big difference, between 'grandfather' & "grandmother' lineages which are 'pure' bloodlines
    and, distant cousins relations, which are crossed with other 'pure' bloodlines that are NOT related !!!

    My Posts
    Posts: 2163
    • Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Sep 10th 2013

      THE13thBRiDGE-SUSAN - Posted 2 Minutes Ago
      There is a big difference, between 'grandfather' & "grandmother' lineages
      and, distant cousins relations !!!

      Indeed Susan it goes in 3+3=6, as only the grandparental genome can 'recreate' itself in the grandchildren, but not in their own immediate offsprings.
      These are termed the 'Abrahamic' XYYX permutations. This is actually the core code in the Torah in the Book of the Genesis. I'll add the details to this reply, after I can dig them up.

      Excerpt from:[/B]

      So we have timeexpressed ourselves through history to arrive at the present era, right at the end of the historic fulfilment of the prophecies, as written down by the scribes and prophets for the last three millennia and beginning with the Indo-European invasions, giving rise to the Vedas and henceforth the major world religions in Hinduism, Buddhism and Zoroastrianism as the ancestor or modifier for Judaism and thence Christianity and Islam; the latter as the youngest, dating to the ‘gnostic revelations’ given to the prophet Mohammed by the ‘archangel Gabriel’ from so AD 610.

      It is said, that Mohammed, under Gabriel’s guidance, met Abraham, Moses and Jesus and was taken to the lowest heaven and the gate to hell, guarded by the angels Ismail and Malik. Malik, the hell’s gatekeeper, allowed Mohammed to peek into hell, where Mohammed met Adam, the first man and prophet of the ‘One true God’. Adam then showed Mohammed the various punishments, which would await the sinful earthlings, all of whom were his children. Eventually Mohammed was shown the seventh heaven and the entrance into paradise. Confirmed in his mission; Mohammed established the first islamic community at Medina in AD 622 and from which time the Muslim calendar is dated. Mohammed then attempted to unite his fellow Arabs and the emigrant Jews under an umbrella of the Muslim Brotherhood, whose laws made no distinction between civil and religious authority. But only after Mohammed raided commercial caravans, and a particular one from Yemen on the ‘sacred soil’ of Mecca; did he gain notorious attention. Mohammed finally established his powerbase in appropriating some of the wealth of the emigrant Jews, who were proficient tradespeople and merchants. He then forced the Arabs aligned with the Jews to convert to Islam under threat of death. On March 21st, AD 625 a Meccan army attacked Mohammed under Abu-Sufyan from the Umayyad clan, but the battle ended indecisively. Many members of the Muslim Brotherhood began to doubt Mohammed’s blessings by Allah.

      In AD 627 Abu-Sufyan laid siege against Medina, Mohammed’s city, which he fortified in a trench around the city. The overwhelming force of Abu-Sufyan could not cross the trenches and their catapults proved ineffective against Medina’s thickwalled forts. Mohammed had made provisions for a siege, but the forces of the attacker ran out of food and when a great rainstorm further demoralised the besiegers, leading to their retreat; Mohammed’s followers perceived his victory as a sign from God and the people rallied to his message. In March AD 628 Mohammed strategically visited Mecca as a pilgrim to the Ka’bah with 1,600 followers and a herd of sacrificial animals and did not attempt to enter the city by force, as he could have done.

      So did Mohammed win the hearts of many Arabs and additionally he married the widowed daughter of Abu-Sufyan, who had become deposed, following his ignoble defeat by Mohammed. Further marriages to political opponent’s female relatives cemented Mohammed’s stature as a great unifier under the Muslim faith. By AD 630, Mohammed had established Islamic law in Mecca under his government, abolishing all pagan worship of idols, with Allah becoming the sole occupier of the Ka’bah shrine. On June 8th, AD 632, Mohammed died suddenly at an age of 62 years; and the first caliph Abu-Bakr began to spread Islam around the world.

      So what are we to make of Mohammed’s ‘gnosis’? Mohammed used military strategy and human cunning to establish his mission as he perceived it to have been given it to him by the archangel Gabriel. The process of gaining a foothold for his insights had been violent and ruthless, not at all like the insights of Jesus-Yeshua or that of the Buddha, both of whom accentuated nonviolence. But Mohammed’s self-revelation was a true gnosis; containing the same elements as given by the ‘Teachers of Righteousness’ throughout the inductive processes, historically active since the beginning of the starhuman race in Abraham.

      It is the necessary synthesis of the religious ideas and symbolisms in the face of a global and interdependent community; which allows all the ‘gnostic-insight’ streams to blend with each other under the auspices of modern science. And so the answer is found in the common denominator for all the religions and that is its Indo-European heritage; which is found in Abraham and his priesthood of Melchisedec.
      King Melchizedek of Salem, as coded in Genesis.14.18-20; is none other than the ‘King of Peace’ and the ‘Teacher of Righteousness’ in its archetypical form. So whilst the Aaronic-Levitical priesthood propagates in a lineage of blood in Jacob’s third son Levi; the Melchisedecian priesthood is eternal from the ‘Logos’ as incarnated in Jesus-Yeshua. This is adequately described in the ‘gnostic’ Pauline Letter to the Hebrews in the New Testament, coded in particular in Hebrews.2.5-16; 5.1-14.

      Abraham was ‘born’ in 2244 BC as the idealised Abramic archetype for every human man and Sarah was born in 2234 BC as Sarai as the nonhistorical archetype for every human woman. In essence Abram is the first Adam, since the first Adam is allegorical to Pigeradamas as the abstract image of the starhumanity. So Abram and Sarai are Adam and Eve as mortal human beings as nonhistoric characterisations.

      In renaming the humanity as starhumanity; Abraham ascends on his death to be Pigeradamas in its He-aspect and likewise Sarah’s ‘assumption’ allows her to be the She-aspect for the starhuman archetypical image. The archetype becomes potent upon the ascension of Jesus-Yeshua, who returns into the womb of first Sarah and then hisher Mother Mary following her death. But Joseph is similarly ‘assumed’ in a blending within ‘Abraham’s Bosom’, coded in Luke.16.22-31. The ‘immaculate conception’ of Jesus, as recorded in the biblical encoding of Luke.1.26-56 illustrates this in Mary’s ‘salutation’ by the archangel Gabriel causing Elisabeth’s baby of ‘John the Baptist’ to ‘leap for joy’ in her womb and accompanied in a ‘filling with the ‘Holy Ghost’’, as in Luke.1.15.
      Now Elisabeth, wife of Zacharias, was of the lineage of Aaron, the Levitical priesthood, and was also Mary’s cousin, so placing her into the Levitical descent as well, coded in Luke.1.36. Both, Zacharias and Joseph are from a Solomonic-Davidian lineage of the House of Judah, via Abia, coded in Luke.1.5; Matthew.1.1,7,16, so blending the House of Judah of the ‘Scepter, and political rulership’ with that of the ‘priesthood’ in the House of Levi, coded in Genesis.49.8-12; Exodus.40.12-15. Elisabeth gave birth to John the Baptist after Mary had returned to Joseph after a 3-month stay in the House of Zacharias on September 13th, 7 BC, using a gestation period of 266 days from his conception on December 21st, 8 BC. Conception and Birth between Jesus and John the Baptist are so 6 months apart, placing Jesus’ conception via the agency of Gabriel at June 27th 7 BC and his birth onto March 20th, 6 BC and using 'seasonal dates' of the equinoxes and the solstices.

      On that latter day, a conjunction between the planet Saturn and the Moon occurred, repeating itself on April 17th; this event became commemorated in memorabilia, such as a Syrian coin, depicting the Saturnian astrological rulership over Judea in the Age of Aries. This was well known to the astrologers in the region, which as the ‘Magi’ or the wise men from the East, perceived a transition from the Great Age of Aries into the Great Age of Pisces in the precessional Great Year of 9,509,786 days of 26,037 modern Calendrical years. Because of the inclusion of a 13th starsign in Ophiuchus, ‘The Serpenttamer’ in between Scorpio and Sagittarius; the actual length of a zodiacal precessional period is reduced to 2002.8 years, precisely placing the entry of the precessional timings into the Age of Aquarius onto January 20th, AD 1998 and finetuned into the annual transition of the Sun from Capricorn into Aquarius; imaging the Birth of Jesus in the solar transit from Pisces into Aries at the spring/autumn-equinox.
      This timekeeping is further supplemented in the Danielian prophecy of the Great Cycle of 2300 years, again ending in the 7-year period from 1997 to 2003. The ‘virgin birth’ of Jesus is superposed onto the ‘induced virgin birth’ of John the Baptist. The ‘filling with the Holy Ghost’ is the induction of the human mind with the starhuman mind, also termed the ‘Coming of Melchisedec’, as the archetype for the transcendent knowledge or gnosis. The induction of Elisabeth resulted in a transfer of ‘true gnosis’ via the Zachariasian Y-chromosome. That is why Zacharias changed the name of his son from Zacharias to John, coded in Luke.1.59-64.

      But there was no impregnating Josephian YX-chromosome in Mary, but there was her mother’s XX”. Mary’s father was a Levite and so with a chromosome YX’, baseperfectally matched to a XX”, defining the StarDaughter. So for Mary to be basegenetically matched to Joseph, she must be defined in the X’X” of Sarah.
      We recall the basegenetic couplings for the patriarchs, with Jacob’s YX’ and Leah’s XX’, Rachel’s XX”, Bilhah’s X”X” and Zilpah’s X’X’. This explicitely defines Jacob’s named 13 children in the order of their births and Jacob’s blessings.

      1.Reuben/Aries=YX; 2.Simeon/Taurus=YX’; 3.Levi/Gemini=YX’; 4.Judah/Leo=YX; 5.Dan/Cancer=YX” and 6.Naphtali/Libra=YX”; 7.Gad/Virgo=YX’; 8.Asher/Scorpio=YX’; 9.Issachar/Sagittarius=YX; 10.Zebulon/Capricorn=YX’; 11.Dinah/Ophiuchus=XX’; 12.Joseph/Aquarius=YX and Benjamin/Pisces=YX”.

      In term of the four wives, the firstborns are: Reuben, Dan, Gad and Joseph for the Abrahamic YX and the secondborns are: Simeon, Naphtali, Asher and Benjamin for the Isaacian YX” however. Hence, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Gad, Asher, Issachar and Zebulon all become subject to genetic mutation; involving the ‘birthright breaches’, coded in Genesis.25.23-34; 27.1-40; 38.26-30;48.8-20 as the ‘birthright-exchanges’ between Esau & Jacob, Pharez & Zarah and Manasseh & Ephraim and ‘Reuben’s mandrakes’, as encoded in Genesis.30.14-20. Reuben loses his ‘birthright’ to Judah in ‘sleeping’ with Bilhah, according to Genesis.35.22. This then elevates Judah’s YX as that of a firstborn of Leah and also establishes Dan’s YX” to the status of a firstborn of Bilhah, in the process exchanging the ordering of Leo and Cancer, further symbolised in the Pharez-Zarah breach. ‘Reuben’s mandrakes’, as ‘fertility drug’ for Rachel, then gives Issachar the status of YX as the third of Leah’s ‘firstborns’ and rendering Zebulon a secondborn in exchange for Rachel’s ability to conceive.

      Hence all of Jacob’s children are either firstborns or secondborns, with the exception of Levi, who as the only thirdborn assumes a lineage of the priesthood, consecrated by Moses in Genesis.40.12-15. Zilpah’s firstborn is Gad/Virgo, who exchanges the order with Bilhah’s secondborn Naphtali/Libra to raise the YX’ chromosome to the status of Leah’s secondborns, rendering all the secondborns as firstborns in the redefined status of Gad as the sixth in the unbreached lineage.
      Now Dinah must be XX’, because the gomorrahic X’X’ chromosome is suppressed as indicated and as scripturally encoded in Dinah’s ‘defilement’ by Shechem, coded in Genesis.34.1-31. The grafting of Dinah’s Daughterhood eliminates the gomorrahic nature of Zilpah’s X’X’ in conjunction with Bilhah’s sodomic X”X” in their blending of X’X’+X”X”=X’X”+X”X’ - a doubling of Sarah. Jacob’s definition as the StarSon YX’ with the StarDaughter Rachel (whom he loved, Genesis.29.30) in XX”, so implements the tripartite basegenetic perfect matching in the offspring of Joseph and Benjamin as the YX-firstborn of Joseph in the blessings of ‘rulership and sceptre’ after Abraham and the YX” of Benjamin as the secondborn after Isaac.

      Having completed the lineage of the covenant, Rachel ‘dies’ in a renaming of Benoni as Benjamin, coded in Genesis.35.17-19. Mary’s chromosomes derive from the baseperfect genetic coupling: YX’+XX”=YX+X’X” or YX”+XX’ from the House of Levi, Mary being a X’X” in the footsteps of Sarah to couple Joseph by Abraham. Joseph (or any other such sire, like a Roman soldier Panthera) impregnating Mary would hence result in the sonships of YX’ in Jacob-Israel of the StarSon, (manifesting in James, brother of Jesus), or the YX” of Isaac as the firstborn; the Ychromosome setting the fourth son of Jacob by Leah in its ‘Leonine’ characteristics of Judah, say.

      For Jesus to superpose ‘his’ Judahic lineage and the Davidic-Solomonic descent, ‘he’ must somehow redefine the Abrahamic bloodline in the regeneration of the YX-XY chromosomatic definition of Adam Kadmon or the archetypical starhuman blueprint of Pigeradamas. So we examine the birth of Mary as the combining of her father’s YX’ and her mother’s XX”.

      Mary was born X’X”, ‘losing’ her perfect twinmatch of YX in the genetic library of her mother’s placenta. All, but one of the spermatozoa of her father’s sperm, half of which carried her father’s Y-Levi-chromosome, ‘got lost’ in the process of the insemination of her mother’s ovum. The same fate befell all but one of the spermatozoa, defined in the StarDaughter’s XX” definition. Mary’s conception by the’ Holy Ghost’ hence becomes the superimposition of the 12-dimensional Pigeradamian YX-XY-chromosomatic definition onto her X”X+X’Y-coupling at her own conception.
      All four of the baseperfect genetic elements become expressed in the parthenogenesis of the X”-chromosome into the Y-chromosome of Jesus, who is so born with two sets of sexual chromosomes in a supergenetic mutation of the hesheness of the dragonomy of Pigeradamas manifested. This selfsame natural bisexuality was induced in the womb of Elisabeth, carrying the same lineage in blood, but manifesting in the YX” chromosome of the firstborn in the Judahic descent of John the Baptist; who alone could recognise the kinship with his brothersister and as coded in Matthew.3.9-17.
      So Jesus is defined in a sexchromosomatic coupling: ([YX’]Levi+XX”)=({[YX]Levi+X’X”}+{[YX”]Levi+XX’})=({[YX]Judah+X’X”}+{Zacharias+Elisabeth})=({Joseph+Mary}+{Zacharias+Elisabeth}).
      { [YX]+X’(X” = Y) }+{( YX” ) Lev i + XX’ }, then define { Jesus }+{ [YX”] Lev i =John the Baptist with baseperfect partner XX’}.

      So why is the ‘least in the kingdom of God’ more ‘worthy’ than John the Baptist as the greatest of the womanborn prophets? - because John the Baptist is not unified as a heshe as Jesus is by definition, coded in Luke.7.28; John.1.6-36; 3.23-36.

      And Jesus’ statement: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, before Abraham was, I am”, can be evaluated within hisher own inbred gnostic insight as the archetypical KingQueen of Melchizedek.
      For Joseph so ‘not to know his wife until she had brought forth her son Jesus’, according to Matthew.1.25; so simply indicates the prerequisite necessity for the ‘Holy Ghost Induction’ before Mary could engage in sexual intercourse. This sets Joseph as the biological father of Jesus-Yeshua and the Leonine lineage; renders ‘him’ as a true and ‘first and only begotten’ ‘Son of God’ however, simultaneously becoming the ‘Son of Man’ through hisher nature as the manifestation of the Pigeradamian archetype of the natural bisexuality of the Melchisedecian priesthood in AdamEve.
      So the implications for the actual incarnation of the mindset, the ‘awareness’ of the Christ-Consciousness preceding the manifestation of spacetime are truly tremendous in scope and in potential. The first scriptural encoding for this ‘Supermind’ is the blessing of Abram by KingQueen Melchizedek after the ‘Battle of the Kings’, described in Genesis.14.1-20. Four kings under the leadership of King Chedorlaomer of Elam were at war with five kings under the leadership of King Bera of Sodom. For twelve years King Chedorlaomer held sway, but in the thirteenth year King Bera rebelled. In the fourteenth year, King Chedorlaomer took possession of six ‘lands’ in the Rephaims, the Zuzzims, the Emims, the Horites, the Amalekites and the Amorites. Then King Bera of Sodom and his alliance of King Birsha of Gomorrah, King Shinab of Admah, King Shemeber of Zeboiim and King Zoar of Bela fought and lost to the other four kings in the vale of Siddim, where also the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah fell.
      Now Abram’s brother Haran’s son Lot, who dwelt in Sodom, was taken captive, and upon hearing of it from Mamre the Amorite, where Abram dwelt, Abram and his confederates in Mamre with his brothers Eshcol and Aner went to war with King Chedorlaomer and slew him and his three accomplices in King Amraphael of Shinar, King Arioch of Elam and Tidal, the King of Nations. Then the ‘fallen’ King of Sodom came to Abram with King Melchizedek of Salem-Shalom-Peace and Abram received the blessing of the ‘priest of the most high God’.

      What does this symbolise in the encoded allegories? The thirteen years and the 9 kings are the first 9 principles, with Abram the tenth, (the ‘tithes of all’), allied with 3 brothers for a total of 13 heavens or starsigns, infused with the five hells. Abram as the tenth principality transforms the ‘old identity’ into a ‘new identity’ for the ‘Shalom of the Principalities’, seven of which have an antiidentity, reduced by one after Abram’s success. Then the six antiprinciples are symbolised in the takeover of six ‘lands’ or ‘principalities’ causing the ‘Battle of the Kings’.
      The three brothers depict the numerological roots of 13=4, 12=3, 11=2 with Abram’s 10=1, omniscientifically setting the omnispace of 12D-Father-Space as the image of 10DChild/SonDaughter-Space in the mirror of 11D-Mother-Space; the 4D-Linespace however assuming a special encompassing role as the quantised 13D-Omnispace for the doubling of the entire creation per se in the holograms of quantised protouniverses within a family of multiverses. The doubling of the he’s and she’s into heshes and shehes becomes a precondition in the footsteps of Jesus-Yeshua however.

      And this finally brings us to the House of Azurguya as the basegenetic inheritance of all aspirants for the selfsame dragonomy, as instituted in the physical existence of Jesus-Yeshua as KingQueen Emmanuel Melchisedec. Hisher dragonomy or ‘heavenly wedding’ represents the archetype for the birth of universal children; each child blending hisherness with a basegenetic perfect herhisness.
      The Indo-European prototype is found in the gnostic insight of Zarathustra, preceding that of the post-Mosaic Hebrews, the Christians and the Muslims in the labellings of the Oneness, appearing as a duality in AHURA MAZDA and ANGRA MAINYU. One dragonomises AHURA MAZDA with MAINYU ANGRA and one ‘marries’ ANGRA MAINYU to MAZDA AHURA for a combined number-letter total of: (49+45)+(41+83)=(94)+(124)=(218).

      In one of many superpositions then: TERROR+COMPASSION=GABRIEL+MIND+I LOVE YOU!
      Let us then crystallise the personification of ALPHA=38=BRIDE, OMEGA=KING=41, QUEEN=62 and 50=CIRCLE=PAUL=ARACHNE with WORD=60 out of code (218) in a playful manner.
      KING+QUEEN=41+62=103=ALPHA+24+OMEGA=38+24+41=FATHER OF 24(Elders, Rev.4.4).

      ADAMAN+90=ANGRA MAINYU, with 90=WORD+30 for the synthesis of GOOD=41 and EVIL=48.


      Playing with the number-letter code and remembering that PLAY=54=LOVE, allows any NAME=33=AMEN=MAGIC=THE=??? or SURNAME=91=MIRROR=SPIRIT=SPACETIME to become part of the House of AZURGUYA and hence the lawful inheritor of the starseed in Emmanuel Melchisedec, who represents the ascended and descended Logos-Word for God’s self-definition.
      The ‘I AM THAT I AM!’, can also be translated as the ‘I WILL BE WHAT I WILL BE!’ in a continuing process of refinement and redefinition of the source energies for all of what is in existence.”

      Post last edited Sep 10th 2013
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2015
  4. admin

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    • Post n°61

    empty. Re: Conversations regarding the Cosmic Changes in Archetypes and Symbols

    empty. shiloh on Sat Sep 14, 2013 12:39 pm
    Brook wrote:
    This sounds a lot like a case of an Astronomy wannabe that failed, possible for lack of math background.

    Astronomy isn't only done by the US government.

    Martin Timothy Says:

    Look at deep fields obtained in the 1950’s by Hubble and Milt Humason with the two hundred inch Hale telescope at Mount Palomar, clear vision of galaxies extending as far as the eye could see.

    Some appeared to exist in a swarm around the sub cluster at the heart of the Virgo cluster of galaxies, that included the massive elliptical, which means shaped between egg shaped and spherical, galaxy M87 that has a jet of material streaming from its core.

    Others were in streamers and wisps of galaxies extending outward, until their images on Hubble’s plates were no more than pin pricks. The fact that when the spectra of these galaxies was analyzed it revealed that the absorption lines of all the common elements were shifted toward the red end of the spectrum, the furtherest ones away, attested to by the small width of their image on the photographic plates, all had greater RS than their closer counterparts whose images subtended a greater angle, which is astro talk for image width.

    Then see later images obtained with better more sensitive instruments and see the tendrils and filaments of high RS galaxies extend once again to the resolving limit of the telescope, once again the more distant edge on spiral galaxies appear as a central bulge, with two pointy bits extending about twice as far on the same axis, yet these galaxies are vastly more distant than Hubble’s, and yet they are in the same advanced stages of evolution as the MW.

    Now in this new millennia space based and adaptive optic instruments have extended the visual limit even further, and still the same clear space and edge on spirals at the visual limit, here RS is approaching twelve which puts their rate of recession well into the supraluminal category, yeah that means faster than the speed of light, yet they are goin’ about their own business, the same as around here.

    See the galaxies ever further away in every direction, and see them as neurons in the brain of God, there is no other way to describe it, it is meant in no evangelical sense, it just seems the best way to describe the physical reality.

    Cosmic Inflation

    It is imperative to note that energy density, pressure and curvature will be extremely high near the time of the cosmic collapse. So, large structures of the universe will get smashed to elementary particles.
    This state is analogous to the early universe. So, quantum gravity effects can not be ignored as quantum effects are important in the early universe. As a result, quantum particles will get produced due
    to rapid change in topology of the space-time.

    It is found that cosmic collapse can be avoided due to the back-reaction of these particles and the universe will expand exponentially after.
    Thus, this model predicts revival of the state of early universe in future when t > t col.

    Bohm: Well, in relativity we have the notion of the universal field which is dynamic, flowing and according to Einstein particles should eventually emerge out of this as singularities or very strong regions, stable pulses of field, which gradually emerge, the fields gradually emerge with other particles. So we have an unbroken universe which is in constant flow, dynamically, and even the very notions of space and time have become relative, which were previously absolute. And it may even go on to singularities like a black hole, the supposed beginning of the universe, where the present laws would brake down all together. All concepts that we know. So that’s a very revolutionary view compared with what we had, say, a century ago.

    And then there’s quantum theory, which perhaps is more revolutionary. It’s hard to explain that in a short time, but there are 3 main features I’d say.One is the notion that a quantum process is in some sense indivisible, that it is one whole, which cannot, it can be broken but then it becomes an entirely different process, so each process is a whole, otherwise it can’t be what it is, and all the quantum processes of movement are linked as it where in one whole.

    Now the second point is the wave particle duality, the discovery that, say, electrons which classically particles can behave statistically like waves when in a more precise experiment and light which is classically a wave can behave like a particle in a more precise experiment. So it seems we have this 2 aspects which depend on how the system is treated, context dependent, which is quite different from the classical idea that whether it’s a wave or a particle is intrinsic.

    Now the third point is what’s non-locality. That we find that in certain conditions there’s apparently an immediate connection of different particles.It’s rather hard to explain, we can use it for signals but still it seems to be there. It’s connected with the experiment of Einstein-Podolsy-Rosen and has been checked by, you they’ve been tested by Bell’s theorem aspects experiment. It seems pretty well established, right. Both theoretically and experimentally.

    Again all of these you see combined to the notion that the universe is a kind of indivisible whole, rather than an analysed into constituent elements which interact has separately existent.

    Interviewer: But how much can you tell about this indivisible whole?

    Bohm: Well, we can tell quite a bit in the sense that all the laws of quantum mechanics are concerned with it you see. I mean you can tell, well I don’t know what you want to know, but I mean all the laws you compute, the properties of all sorts of things. For example, take superconductivity. At high temperature the electrons will generally scatter of obstacles and metals. And therefore there will be a resistance for the current flow would stop unless it’s maintained by a voltage. At very low temperatures and certain metals the current flow is indefinitely without scattering and that is as a quantum effect.

    Now as far as, if you analyse it, you can see that it’s due to the fact that the electrons are a sort of locked, held together in summary by these non-local interactions. So that if there is an obstacle they go around and reform rather than scatter. It’s rather than a ballet dance, that people going around and reform as in a crowd each person is following his own personal purpose and they all scatter, they all get into each others way.

    Interviewer: So this unity also creates a kind of ordering of things?

    Bohm: Yes, it can create a kind of ordering of things. But at the same time it explains, you can see that there are situations where we have this high degree of order and others where we don’t. That it’s possible within the mathematics to see that when something called the wavefunction, represented as a set up product of independent factors, and all the particles behave independently, but then in a more general situation they don’t. You can explain why we have so much independence in ordinary experience and yet why in a more careful probing we find order, new kinds of order.

    So the classical level, the Newtonian level, is explained by quantum mechanics as a limiting case. Now the more, you have a whole, but the whole determines itself to behave somewhat like independent parts in many cases. So even whether it’s going to behave like parts is determined by the whole,right.

    Interviewer: But what we can see is the parts rather than the whole.

    Bohm: Well, in physics we see the parts because that’s the way we approached it the last few centuries. I don’t know if, you see, I think our perception is influenced by our way of thinking. So that we accept this mechanical way of looking at things. But if you went back a thousand or two thousand years, I don’t think people actually saw the particles as primary.The way we see depends on the way we think.

    Interviewer: But is it a choice, do we have to choose between the whole and the parts?

    Bohm: No, well you see, it’s a question or whether you have a holistic approach, which puts the whole as primary. In classical physics the parts are the primary concept and the whole is only an auxiliary concept which is convenient, you have many parts working together like a machine. But the parts are taken as the basic reality. And seeing we just subjectively we find it convenient to think about the whole. But in quantum mechanics I think there’s something else, that the whole is object and the parts are the result of analysis. But we have large areas where the whole behaves to some extend like independent parts.

    Bohm-Sarfatti Back-Reaction
    the quantum behaviour of a system of electrons and the behaviour of mind
    Geometry acts on Matter/Energy telling it how to move,

    while Matter/Energy has a reciprocal Back-Reaction on Geometry telling it how to bend.
    This bending of our four-dimensional Space Time Geometry explains the phenomena of Gravity, such as why an apple falls to the Earth and why there are Black Holes.​

    Charge = Amplitude to Emit throw or give off or out (as light or heat)
    cast, discharge, emanate, evolve, exhale,expel, give out, irradiate, issue, radiate,release, send (out), shoot, throw out, vent

    Emission....The emission spectrum of a chemical element or chemical compound is the spectrum of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation emitted by the element's atoms or the compound's molecules when they are returned to a lower energy state.

    What are the chances of that eh?

    Spirit = Pi Stir

    Stirring the Pi

    Spirit = Time Circle

    Time circles.....Feedback loops

    There are interesting scientific calculations in those two papers you linked from Brook; one from a Chinese physicist (Huang) and one from an Indian (Srivastava) one.

    Both papers are well constructed and offer some new insights into the actual string-brane Quantum Big Bang (QBB) Cosmology and its metaphysical ontologies.
    However, both papers fall short of providing 'groundbreaking' new data as to 'what really happened', despite both papers hinting at some of the flaws of contemporary cosmology and astrophysics.
    The overall thrust of this thread as being anti-Standard Models notwithstanding; your input nevertheless crystallizes particular avenues just where the Standard Models are not so much erroneous, but rather lacking the metaphysical insights of interpreting the basically correct data collected.

    The below post validates Huang in his ideas of a decelerating and Planck parameter based original QBB and supports Srivastava in his focus on a 0.303 cosmological redshift and a 'closed' universe in the form of an oscillating cosmology.

    As you might know, there are great controversiers regarding this cosmological redshift as being a correct Hubble Distance indicator applicable to an expansion cosmology. The Thuban dispensation following might clear this matter up; in showing how the 'Hubble Oscillation' actually represents the Hinduistic 'Heartbeat of Brahma' or the 'Heartbeat of the Cosmic Mother' or other such mythologizable connotations. one great fallacy of the Standard Model Cosmology is, that the Inflationary dynamics followed the Big bang singularity. Well the QBB singularity was of course the birth odf the spacetime matrix per se and so ANY 'Inflationary string-brane epoch' necessarily FOLLOWED and not preceded the QBB.

    Some pundits, (with data published by Roger Penrose from Oxford just a year or so ago); have actually measured and photographed a concentric energy signature before the formation of the galactic structures began and peaked at a redshift of so 1.19 so 4 billion years after the QBB. Cosmologists ;like Steinhardt, Turok and Albrecht then proposed variations of their 'Ekpyrotic Universe' models, which engage string-brane collissions before the QBB in a multiversal setting of a closed omniverse, containing open hyperbolic universes.

    The dragon science follows Occam's Razor of efficiency to a large degree and in interpretiing the collected data from the Standard Models in a new way, many of the 'flaws' of the Standard Models in both Cosmology and particle physics, simply evaporate.
    In terms of Cosmology then, the multiverse uses a protoversal seedling and this seedling is the observed universe in 4 spacetime dimensions, albeit infused by COLOCAL collapsed 'higher dimensions', which can, under the appropriate energy conditions, open up to allow various numbers of multiD reralities, such as observed and experienced by you and the dreamers and intuitives throughout the local planetary realm. It then becomes a universal Oscillation' on a cosmic scale, which in many ways 'doubles' or multiplies the measured universe in a 'self-intersection' or self communication between its parts.

    I have added a sketch from the Thuban archives, which shows much of what the present debates about 'dark energy' and 'missing matter' engage in an overall collective sense. In this sketch you will see, that the 0.303 reshift value becomes the mirror image of the galactic creation peak at redshift 1.19 and so the apparent 'playing up' of the expansion cosmology to change its deceleration at the QBB to an acceleration at the 0.1 redshift marker becomes an effect of the Hubble Oscilaltion, which renders a cosmological redshift of recession as a cosmological blueshift of approach in a reinterpretation of the data collected by the telescopes and observatories.

    But I am reluctant to share information on non-dragon forums, so I shall leave it at that for now.
    By the way, your affinity for Bohm I share wholeheartedly; he KNEW what he was writing about. I cannot say the same for your linking David Bohm with Jack Sarfatti, whose physics I do not support at all.

    The Cosmic Wave Surfer and the Hubble Omniverse in Phi

    The Big Bang Observer, say a Gaian astronomer or stargazer, witnesses the cosmic expansion as receding from himherself with ever increasing cosmological redshift values. Shehe effectively so surveys into the cosmic Future.

    The Cosmic Surfer; riding or comoving with the Event Horizon of the Multiversal MBH (Mother Black Hole) at the 'warping speed' VArp=c/(n+1)2; corollarily observes herhis own Big Bang Mirror Image as continually receding into hisher Past.

    For the Cosmic Surfer, the cosmological redshift roles so increase from a defined Arpian zArp=zA into the Past towards the Big Bang value of zBB~1024.

    At the Big Bang, the redshift zBB=zwormhole=ztimeinstanton~1024.

    As the 11D-Universe inflated prior to the Big Bang for this timeinstanton and scale inflaton by de Broglie matter phasing; the 10D-Universe becomes asymptotic in a Dynamic Node moving the Hubble Event Horizon along the basic n-interval [0,1] to superpose the 11D Radius R11(n)=nRHubble=RHubble+Δ onto the oscillating Multiverse, bouncing between the Even Nodes {0,2,4,6,...} and the Odd Nodes of the Mirrored and Imaged Cosmic Wave Surfer {1,3,5,7,...}.

    The unitary interval so defines the 10D Radius R10(n)=RHubble(n/n+1) asymptotically and as function of the expansion parameter a=n/(n+1) of say the Standard Cosmology as found in General Relativity.

    For the Big Bang Observer, the cosmological redshift values similiarly increase into the Future towards the expanding MBH Event Horizon so specifying zArp.

    The 11D light invariant lightpath so becomes x=ctps, wherte tps is the time instanton for the wormhole frequency fps=3x1030 Hz.

    In particular the parametrisations for the cosmic evolution of the Omniverse are:

    Displacement: R10(n)=RHubble(n/n+1) (m)

    Velocity: V(n)=c/(n+1)2 (m/s)

    Acceleration: A(n)=-2cHo/(n+1)3 (m/s2)

    Nodal Hubble Constant: Ho=dn/dt=c/RHubblepsfps/RHubble

    for the proportion: nps=Ho/fpsps/RHubble

    Normalised ZeroTime: nps=Hotps

    The Cosmological Relativistic Redshift is applicable for all epochs, as the de Broglie phase inflation created the higher dimensional metric background for the subsequent expansion of the classical thermodynamic Universe as a Planck Black Body Radiator.

    z=√{(1+v/c)/(1-v/c)} - 1 and where v/c=1/(n+1)2 for

    z=√{(n2+2n+2)/(n2+2n)} - 1 for v/c={R(n)/nRHubble}2

    z=√{(n2+a2)/(n2-a2)} - 1 and for a=n/(n+1)

    The Big Bang Redshift for the normalised ZeroTime so becomes:

    zBB=√{(n2+2n+2)/(n2+2n)} - 1 = √{1 + 2/(n2+2n)} -1
    =√{1 + 2/n(n+2)} -1 =√{1 + 1/n -1/(n+2)} -1
    =√{1 +1/nps-1/(nps+2)} -1
    =√{½ +1/nps} -1 = as limit[nps→0] {1/(nps+2)}=1/(0+2)=½
    Then for nps→0; 1/nps→∞ and so
    zBB ~1/√nps=√(RHubbleps}=√(fps/Ho}=~√(1.5977x1048)~1.264x1024.

    The inversion for z(n)=√{(n2+2n+2)/(n2+2n)} - 1 so can be written for larger n with the Binomial Theorem Approximation (1+x)p= 1+px for |x|<1 and for the case of n2+2n>1 with (n+1)2-2>0 and n>±√2-1 that is n>0.414.. as n>0 for all n-cycle coordinates in the physicalised Omniverse.

    z(n)=√{1+2/(n2+2n)} - 1 ={1+2/(n2+2n)}1/2-1
    =1+1/(n2+2n)-1=1/(n2+2n)=½{1/n - 1/(n+2)} by partial fractions.

    Therefore z(n)=½limit[n→∞]{1/n -1/[2+n]}=½{0++-0+}=0+ as n+2>n and 1/n>1/[n+2].

    A Multiple Cosmological Redshift region so eventuates in the self intersection of the higher- and lower dimensional cosmology.
    The Electromagnetic of the Multiversal Oscillation, expanding at lightspeed superposes onto the asymptotic inertial expansion of the Universe as the multiversal protoversal seed.

    zM in (0.251, 0.291, 0.343) become imaged in (~1024 , 1.84, 1.08) for the present cycle coordinate npresent and is generalised in: (zA , zN, zAI) mapping (zBB , zΔ , zΔΔ)



    The Intersection of the Local Flow Cosmological Redshift Correction Line for Low Redshifts with the Nodal Constant determines the measured redshift zM=zImage=0.109 as a critical minimum boundary value for the Hubble Flow for High Redshifts.

    For this redshift value then, particular unexpected cosmological phenomena, such as quasar redshift anomalies, apparently coupling quasars with host galaxies and aberrant spectra and light curves for gamma ray bursters and supernovae will be observed by Gaian stargazers, unawares about the multivalued redshift regions and their mirror properties as indicated (see references of the addendum).

    The Nodal Cosmological Redshift zNode=0.291 then defines the Critical nexus point for the attainment of spacial selfawareness for the Omniverse for a present n-cycle coordinate of npresent=1.1324...

    This then specifies the Delta (Δ)-Interval for the Multiverse's selfintersection with its seedling Universe in the 'Hubble Oscillation' or more poetically the 'Heartbeat of the Omniverse'.

    The Reflection Potential of the Multiverse, bounded in the 11-dimensional Witten Mirror of the MBH so became activated at this nexus point to REVISIT the Seedling Inertialized and asymptotically expanding Protoverse.

    This 'Electromagnetic Return' of the Lightpath then is necessarily Lightlike and serves the Multiversal Mirrors to collect the data of the cosmological history, and sharing this information along the coordinates of the n=[0,1]=[Odd/fps-fmax, Even/Ho-fmin) baseline.

    Technically, this becomes the data mapping of the asymptotic mass parametric Universe in 10D onto its circumscribing MBH in 11D and under the auspices of the Holographic Principle.

    The so called Hubble Constant H(n) then fluctuates as a function of the odd and even nodes between its maximum (wormhole) source frequency fps=1/tps=Ho/nps and its modulated minimum as the nodal Hubble Constant Ho=c/RHubble.

    The binary focused Omniverse as a Multiverse in 11 dimensions allows its two focalisations to become arbitrarily located anyplace in the Omniverse; albeit fixating one focus, will also fix the second by the geometric definition of the ellipse and the prolate and oblate ellipsoids.

    The 12 dimensional Omniverse is however spherical in the multi-aligned rotation of the minor axes of the prolate Universe Seedling transforming the latter into phaseshifted Multiverses in oblate ellipsoidal envelopes with a traced pointcircle of the stationary foci of the prolate majoraxis protoverse.

    This then elegantly and simply shows, that the center of the Omniverse regains its arbitrary status of the undefined 'outside space' relative to the defined 'inner space' of the Multiversed Omniverse in 11D and so quantum entangles its arbitrary center of location with the traced pointcircle of the lower dimensional (12-1=11 or 5-1=4 or 4-1=3) and circumscribed Multiverse.

    It so suffices to render 'Gaia in 12D' as the MBH physicalisation for the Cosmos in the mirror function of the higher dimensional Mother Black Hole as a boundary- and initial condition for the subsequently evolving cosmology.

    Gaia, as this focalisation, so is as old as the Big Bang, with its physical creation and evolvement being a function of the overall purpose and destiny for the Omniversal SourceSink creator manifesting 'within' the 11D MBH as the modular duality of the EpsEss supermembrane and 'without' as the modular monad of the Void=Eternity transforming into a Oneness or Unity of the 'Inside' coupled to the 'Outside' in the topological transformation of the twosided 11D Mirror and dividing the lower asymptotic Timelike Omniverse from the higher Spacelike Omniverse.

    This topological transformation then 'rips' the 11D Lightlike Mirror in 'piercing' a minimized (nps) wormhole into its surface so allowing the 11D Mirror Membrane to become Onsided in the Möbian Connect of the Klein-Bottle-Dragon (the Ourobos of the Cosmos miniaturised and holofractalled in the Milky Way Mazzaroth) and in its 'regluing' effectively doubles the information content mapped onto it from the 'inside'.

    This harbors the effect of the IMAGINARY OUTSIDE DATA of the 12D Omniverse being rendered as a REAL INSIDE DATA, superposing the SPIRIT aka the ElectroMagnetoMonopolic Radiation (EMMR) to become IMAGED in the LIGHT aka the ElectroMagnetic Radiation (EMR) from the 12D perspective of the 'Imaginary Outside' becoming a 'Real Inside'.

    As detailed elsewhere in the associted data base from Thuban; the EMR is generated by the acceleration of electric (Coulomb) charges, always associated with inertia of mass-coupled 'particles' like the centripetally accelerated fusion protons in stars.

    The EMMR is independent on inertia carriers, but is generated in the acceleration of magnetic (Gluon-Colour) charges and which manifest as the quantum spin of all gauged-interaction (virtual=colour charged) and elementary quark-lepton (mass=colour charged massless-real=not colour charged) couplings.

    The EMR is so fundamentally a 10D phenomenon of the Reality of the String-Linearity of the Time-Entropy Arrow (1+9=3+7=4+6) and the EMMR is fundamentally a 12D phenomenon of the Volumar-Cyclicity of the Time-Entropy-Arrow (3+9=5+7=6+6).

    The lowerD EMR is data mapped via the inertializations of the charge-mass couplings onto the higherD EMMR in the following 12D/F-Space Hamiltonian:

    Electrocharge=PLOx(Lightspeed)2 ↔ MagnetochargexElectron-Diameterx(Lightspeed)2=Magnetocharge
    and where, for Alpha=2πke2/hc=e2/2εohc=60πe2/h=Re/Rcompton=√(Re/RBohr1)=(4πRe/Rrydberg)1/3 and LPlanck=√(hGo/2πc3)


    Electro Charge 'e' = √Alpha.LPlanckc2↔ Rec2= Magneto Charge 'e*'

    The nodal redshift zN then allows a Gaian Consciousness Supersphere to be defined in the maximum extent the Focused Center of the Omniverse has 'evolved and expanded' to accomodate communication and data sharing with the Extraterrestrial Gaia 'Superspace'.
    The asymptotic 10D Universe so has expanded precisely 50% of its maximum expanse as (Curvature of MBH) RHubble=2GoMMBH/c2=c/Ho.
    The radial extent of the 'Supersphere' of Gaian-Mother-Centered Space-Consciousness then depends on what metric observation reference frame is utilized.
    The holofractalization is toroidal, but can be defined as the circumscribing spheroid as a sphere of radius R=2a encompasses a Horn Torus of radius R=a in a factor of 8 in 16/3p = 8(2/3π) = 1.6976527... and utilizing the metric unifier factor:

    R3D=(3π/2)1/3R4D=(4.7123889...)1/3 R4D =1.676539193..R4D as an upper limit for the Feigenbaum Chaos Delta dFeigenbaum=4.669... feigenbaum-.35400.

    As the parametrization uses the R10+=aRHubble mode for the asymptotic expansion, zN describes the asymptotic universal seedling coordinate for the multiversal oscillation both as the multiverse's expansion into Omnispace in R11+ and as the multiversal oscillation in R11-. The toroidal hyperspherical R10+ coordinate is then 'sphericalised' in the R10- coordination.

    For n=1, a=½ and zN=0.291=z(zM)=zM(n) via a=n/(n+1)=R(n)/RHubble and

    z=√{(n2+a2)/(n2-a2)} - 1 = √{(nRHubble)2+R2(n))/(nRHubble)2-R2(n)} - 1

    For V11+/V11- = n2 = V10+/V10-

    R11+=(n)RHubble from V11+=(n3)2π2Rmax3

    R11-=(n1/3)RHubble from V11-=(n)2π2Rmax3

    R10+=(n/[n+1])RHubble from V10+=(n/[n+1])32Rmax3

    R10-=(n1/3/[n+1])RHubble from V10-=(n/[n+1]3)2π2Rmax3

    With R10++=(n/[n+1])1/3RHubble from V10-=(n/[n+1])2π2Rmax3

    The Delta Δ=0.1324...then assigns the ratio Δ/(1+Δ)=Δ/n=(n-1)/n=1-1/n=0.1170 to the proportion of the asymptotic Universe which has become Revisited by the 'Electromagnetic rerturn' of the EMMR Light (of the Spirit of the CreatorCreation Monad in the Creator-Creation Duality).

    So for Δ=1, Δ/n=1/2 for a complete Hubble Oscillation and defining the return of the EMMR Light to its Big Bang Node, indicating that the full 50% of the asymptotic expansion of the protoversal seedling has become 'remapped' and 'downloaded' in the information of the first Hubble Cycle. The return lightpath of the EMMR would however still await remapping' and 'downloading' as the fraction 2/3-1/2=1/6 or 16.666%.

    For Δ=2, n=3 and so 2/3 of the data download would image the expansion factor a=n/(n+1)=3/4 as the part of the unmapped transversion of the multiversal cyclicity arrow of 3/4-2/3=1/12 or 8.3333%.

    The 'Heartbeat of the Omniverse' so defines the Hubble-Oscillation for the Multiverse.
    The 'downloaded' data is centered on the physicalised Image of the Mother-Black Hole of the Circumscribing Witten Mirror and so becomes the Gaian Supersphere for the 'downloaded data' from the rest of the Omniverse.
    As the 'returned data' (for a referential movie indicator consider Star Trek One, the Motion Picture) at the present cycletime coordinate 11.70% of the total extent of the EMMR Lightpath; it will be this proportion of RHubble, centered on the Gaian geometrical center; which defines the Gaian Superradius as RGaia=0.117RHubble=1.977 Billion lightyears (Gly).

    R11+=(n)RHubble=19.11 Gly (toroidal) & 32.04 Gly (spherical)
    RGaia11+=2.24 Gly (toroidal) & 3.75 Gly (spherical)

    R11-=(n1/3)RHubble=17.59 Gly (toroidal) & 29.49 Gly (spherical)
    RGaia11-=2.06 Gly (toroidal) & 3.45 Gly (spherical)

    R10++=(n/[n+1])1/3RHubble=13.67 Gly (toroidal) & 22.91 Gly (spherical)
    RGaia10++=1.60 Gly (toroidal) & 2.68 Gly (spherical)

    R10+=(n/[n+1])RHubble=8.96 Gly (toroidal) & 15.02 Gly (spherical)
    RGaia10+=1.05 Gly (toroidal) & 1.76 Gly (spherical)

    R10-=(n1/3/[n+1])RHubble=8.25 Gly (toroidal) & 13.83 Gly (spherical)
    RGaia10-=0.97 Gly (toroidal) & 1.62~1.618 Gly (spherical)

    The 2015 Planck satellite data has measured a Hubble Constant of 67.6
    (±0.6) km/Mpc.s which translates into a linear age for the universe of 1/Ho = (3.26x9.467x1018/67.6) = 1/2.190x10-18 seconds or 14.47 GYears.

    The Gaian Superradius for the spherical correlation of the toroidal minimum size of the Omniverse, so corresponds to the standard and popularized age-measurement for the lower dimensional universe converging to an age of 13.83 billion lightyears.
    The Omniversal Gaian fractal then approximates this nexus point in the Golden Ratio Phi to allow determination of the n-cycle coordinate whenever the overall omniversal evolvement has attained the consciousness potential to process that omniversal data base.
    In particular, the Gaian observers of that cosmic evolution will KNOW WHERE they are in determining this n-cycletime coordinate and then broadcast this value to the extraterrestrial omniverse as indicated.

    EMMR Lightpath in Billions of Lightyears is X=cT=Lightpath of EMMR.
    Φ=1.618033...=½(√5+1)=-Y=1/X for (X,Y) the Roots of T(n)=n(n+1)=1 in Euler's Identity in the Quadratic n2+n-1=0=(n-X)(n-Y)


    The Lightpath for the EMMR (aka 'Spirit') so requires a definition of what a cyclic year is and is approximated above as a Civil GigaYear of 31,556,952 Billion seconds for a lightpath of 9.4670856...x1024 meters or 1 Billion lightyears.

    Solving the transcendental equation:
    f(n)=cTΦ-RGaia10-=0=cTΦ - (n-1)(3πn/2)1/3RHubbleT(n)=0 then determines npresent in this approximation as npresent~1.132419321.

    The 2015 Planck satellite data has measured a Hubble Constant of 67.6 (±0.6) km/Mpc.s

    Tonyblue; calling the extraterrestrial observers within the Gaian Superspherical Radius of Φ Billion lightyears and as minimum omniversal volumar in sphericity.
    The Human Exiled Collective Agency has determined Where they are as the Gaian representatives for the Omniversal constituency in the n-cycletime coordinate system.
    The StarHuman deliverance can so become initiated in the Collective Cooperation and as determined by the World Logos.


    (1) The Gaian Super 'Noosphere' 'solves' the Gamma Burster Mystery of GRB 060614 with Redshift z=0.125 detected by the Swift satellite on June 14th, 2006.
    (2) The Mystery of the 'Arpian' Galactic Quasars
    (3) The Explosion of a supermassive Star SN 2007bi at a redshift z=0.127 , lower bounded in zImage~0.11
    (4) Unusual Cosmic Lenses at 1.6 Billion lightyears at redshift z=0.120

    (1) The Gaian Super 'Noosphere' 'solves' the Gamma Burster Mystery of GRB 060614 with Redshift z=0.125 detected by the Swift satellite on June 14th, 2006.

    GRB 060614 was a remarkable gamma-ray burst (GRB) detected by the Swift satellite on June 14, 2006 with puzzling properties, which challenge current progenitor models.
    In particular, the lack of any bright supernova (SN) down to very strict limits and the vanishing spectral lags during the whole burst are typical of short GRBs, strikingly at odds with the long (102s) duration of this event and its origin in a galaxy 1.6 billion light years away in the constellation Indus.
    As of December 2006, more than a dozen telescopes, including the Hubble Space Telescope and large ground-based observatories, have studied the burst.

    Gamma-ray bursts represent the most powerful known explosions in the universe. Yet they are random and fleeting, never appearing twice. Scientists have only recently begun to understand their nature.
    Such bursts typically fall into one of two categories, long or short. The long bursts last more than two seconds and appear to be from the core collapse of massive stars forming a black hole. Most of these bursts come from the edge of the visible universe. The short bursts, which are under two seconds and often last just a few milliseconds, appear to be the merger of two neutron stars or a neutron star with a black hole, which subsequently creates a new or bigger black hole.
    The hybrid burst, called GRB 060614, after the date it was detected, originated from within a galaxy 1.6 billion light years away in the southern constellation Indus. The burst lasted for 102 seconds, placing it soundly in long-burst territory. But the burst lacked the hallmark of a supernova, or star explosion, commonly seen shortly after long bursts. Also, the burst's host galaxy has a low star-formation rate with few massive stars that could produce supernovae and long gamma-ray bursts. "This was close enough to detect a supernova if it existed," said Avishay Gal-Yam of Caltech, Pasadena, Calif., lead author on another Nature report. "Even Hubble didn't see anything."
    Certain properties of the burst concerning its brightness and the arrival time of photons of various energies, called the lag-luminosity relationship, suggest that burst behaved more like a short burst (from a merger) than a long burst. Yet no theoretical model of mergers can support a sustained release of gamma-ray energy for 102 seconds. "This is brand new territory; we have no theories to guide us," said Gehrels. However, long GRBs from rapidly rotating black holes feature a viscous time-scale of tens of seconds of spin-down against high-density turbulent matter. As a candidate inner engine of long GRBs in mergers and collapsars alike, it can account naturally for long GRBs with and without supernovae and a diversity in X-ray afterglows representing different host environments, whose signatures in gravitational-waves fall within the bandwidth of sensitivity of LIGO-Virgo.

    The burst is perhaps not unprecedented. Archived data from the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory in the 1990s possibly reveal other hybrid "long-short" bursts, but no follow-up observations are available to confirm this. Johan Fynbo of the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen, also lead author on a Nature report, suggests that a burst from May of this year was also long, but had no associated supernova.
    Scientists remain divided on whether this was a long-short burst from a merger or a long burst from a star explosion with no supernova. Most conclude, however, that some new process must be at play - either the model of mergers creating second-long bursts needs a major overhaul, or the progenitor star from an explosion is intrinsically different from the kind that make supernovae.
    "We siphoned out all the information we could from GRB 060614," said Massimo Della Valle of the Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri in Firenze, Italy, another lead author on a Nature report. "All we can do now is wait for the next nearby hybrid burst."

    GRB 060614: Data
    Detection: Swift Satellite
    Date: 14th June, 2006
    Duration: 102 seconds
    Right Ascension:21h 23m 27.0s
    Declination:-53° 02′ 02″
    Redshift: 0.125
    Host Galaxy: [PBF2006d] Host Galaxy
    Constellation: Indus


    (2) The Mystery of the 'Arpian' Galactic Quasars

    Hubble's Greatest Hits

    The biggest beacon

    Quasars are weird. They can be bright as a trillion stars, and more than billion light years away! Although astronomers think they are powered by stars and gas falling into a black hole, plenty of questions remain. For example, how long do quasars shine? Did most galaxies have them at some point? And just what causes them to fire up?
    Hubble's images have helped fill in the blanks on some of the sky's strangest beacons.
    LEFT: Two quasars, each about 1.5 billion light years from Earth, in intact galaxies (top galaxy is a spiral; bottom is elliptical). How can a galaxy stay intact when something as powerful as a quasar is beaming inside it? Scientists used to think quasars "turn on" or brighten when galaxies collide. But maybe that's not the whole story...
    TOP RIGHT: Busted! Sparks do fly when two galaxies collide at a million miles an hour! The quasar (at center) is 3 billion light years distant; the arc-shaped region at the bottom (15,000 light years from the quasar) is the dregs of a spiral galaxy. The bright thingy at top is a star between us and the quasar.
    BOTTOM RIGHT: Top object, a quasar, is merging with the galaxy below it, which is still 30,000 light years away. The whole mess is about 1.6 billion light years from us. The swirling gas and dust indicate an interaction between quasar and galaxy.

    (3) The Explosion of a supermassive Star SN 2007bi at a redshift z=0.127 , lower bounded in zImage ~0.11
    First of its Kind Superbright Supernova

    Wednesday, December 2. 2009
    W.M. Keck Observatory Press Release...

    Berkeley, Calif. - A discovery of an extraordinarily bright, extraordinarily long-lasting supernova named SN 2007bi turns out to be the first known example of the earliest types of stars that populated the Universe. The unusually luminous supernova could provide astronomers with clues about the earliest stars in the cosmos and could be the first of many similar events soon to be discovered.
    SN 2007bi was found in 2007 by the Nearby Supernova Factory (SNfactory) based at the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Over the next 18 months, observations of the exploding star were made by an international team of astronomers using the 10-meter Keck I telescope on the summit of Mauna Kea in Hawai'i and the Very Large Telescope in Chile.


    Based on the data, the team determined that SN 2007bi was the explosion of an exceedingly massive star, said astronomer Alex Filippenko of the University of California Berkeley whose group helped obtain, analyze and interpret the data. "But instead of turning into a black hole like many other heavyweight stars, its core went through a nuclear runaway that blew it to shreds. This type of behavior was predicted several decades ago by theorists, but never convincingly observed until now."
    According to the data, which was collected in a collaboration led by Avishay Gal-Yam of Israel's Weizmann Institute of Science, the supernova's precursor star could only have been a giant having at least 200 times the mass of the Sun and initially containing few elements besides hydrogen and helium - a star similar to the first stars in the early Universe.

    SN 2007bi is also the first confirmed observation of a pair-instability supernova. The long-hypothesized phenomenon suggests that "in the extreme heat of the star's interior, energetic gamma rays created pairs of electrons and positrons, which bled off the pressure that sustained the core against collapse," said astrophysicist Peter Nugent, co-leader of Berkeley Lab's Computational Cosmology Center (C3), a collaboration between the Lab's Physics Division and Computational Research Division, or CRD.

    The researchers describe the data to support the pair instability supernova finding in the Dec. 3 issue of Nature.

    On the trail of a strange beast

    SN 2007bi was first recorded on images taken as part of the Palomar-QUEST Survey, an automated search with the wide-field Oschin Telescope at the California Institute of Technology's Palomar Observatory, and was quickly detected and categorized as an unusual supernova by the SNfactory. The SNfactory has so far discovered nearly a thousand supernovae of all types and amassed thousands of spectra, but has focused on those designated Type Ia, the "standard candles" used to study the expansion history of the Universe.
    "The thermonuclear runaway experienced by the core of SN 2007bi is reminiscent of that seen in the explosions of white dwarfs as Type Ia supernovae, but on a much larger scale and with a far greater amount of power," Filippenko said. SN 2007bi was at least ten times as bright as the standard Type Ia supernovae.

    Rollin Thomas of CRD, a member of C3 and the SNfactory, used the Franklin supercomputer at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center to match synthetic supernovae spectra with the real SN 2007bi spectrum. The model fit was unambiguous: SN 2007bi was a pair-instability supernova.
    "The central part of the huge star had fused to oxygen near the end of its life, and was very hot," Filippenko explained. "Then the most energetic photons of light turned into electron-positron pairs, robbing the core of pressure and causing it to collapse. This led to a nuclear runaway explosion that created a large amount of radioactive nickel, whose decay energized the ejected gas and kept the supernova visible for a long time."

    A fossil laboratory of the early Universe

    Finding the first unambiguous example of a pair-instability supernova in a dwarf galaxy is significant, Nugent said. Dwarf galaxies are incredibly small and dim and contain few elements heavier than hydrogen and helium, so they are models or fossil laboratories of the early Universe. Dwarf galaxies are also ubiquitous, but, they are so faint and dim that they've rarely been studied. SN 2007bi is expected to focus attention on these fainter galaxies.
    Studying the dwarf galaxies and their remnant supernovae might, in the future, allow astronomers to- through explosions such as that of SN 2007bi- "detect the very first generation of stars, early in the history of the Universe, long before we have the capability of directly seeing the pre-explosion stars," Filippenko explained. So while SN 2007bi is the first of its kind to be detected, it is likely not the last.

    Berkeley Lab is a U.S. Department of Energy national laboratory located in Berkeley, California. It conducts unclassified scientific research for the Department of Energy's Office of Science and is managed by the University of California. For the full release, visit
    The W. M. Keck Observatory operates two 10-meter optical/infrared telescopes on the summit of Mauna Kea on the island of Hawai'i. The twin telescopes feature a suite of advanced instrumentation including imagers, multi-object spectrographs, high-resolution spectrographs, integral-field spectroscopy and a world-leading laser guide star adaptive optics system. The Observatory is a scientific partnership of the California Institute of Technology, the University of California and NASA. For more information please call 808.881.3827 or visit

    SN2007bi was near the location of a small galaxy (Anon J131920+0855), probably the host galaxy at redshift 0.127. This gives a distance of about 1.75 billion lightyears. #1.1 Andrew Cooper (Homepage) on 2009-12-02 21:06 (Reply)

    (4) Unusual Cosmic Lenses at 1.6 Billion lightyears at redshift z=0.120

    Astronomers Discover an Unusual Cosmic Lens


    These images of the first-ever foreground quasar (blue) lensing a background galaxy (red) were taken with the Keck II telescope using laser guide-star adaptive optics. (Credit: Courbin, Meylan,

    ScienceDaily (July 16, 2010) — Astronomers at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland have discovered the first known case of a distant galaxy being magnified by a quasar acting as a gravitational lens. The discovery, based in part on observations done at the W. M. Keck Observatory on Hawaii's Mauna Kea, is being published July 16 in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics.

    See Also:

    Space & Time

    [*]Black Holes
    [*]Extrasolar Planets
    [*]Local Group
    [*]Barred spiral galaxy

    Quasars, which are extraordinary luminous objects in the distant universe, are thought to be powered by supermassive black holes in the cores of galaxies. A single quasar could be a thousand times brighter than an entire galaxy of a hundred billion stars, which makes studies of their host galaxies exceedingly difficult. The significance of the discovery, the researchers say, is that it provides a novel way to understand these host galaxies.

    "It is a bit like staring into bright car headlights and trying to discern the color of their rims," says Frédéric Courbin of EPFL, the lead author on the paper. Using gravitational lensing, he says, "we now can measure the masses of these quasar host galaxies and overcome this difficulty."

    According to Einstein's general theory of relativity, if a large mass (such as a big galaxy or a cluster of galaxies) is placed along the line of sight to a distant galaxy, the part of the light that comes from the galaxy will split. Because of this, an observer on Earth will see two or more close images of the now-magnified background galaxy.
    The first such gravitational lens was discovered in 1979, and produced an image of a distant quasar that was magnified and split by a foreground galaxy. Hundreds of cases of gravitationally lensed quasars are now known. But, until the current work, the reverse process -- a background galaxy being lensed by the massive host galaxy of a foreground quasar -- had never been detected.
    Using gravitational lensing to measure the masses of distant galaxies independent of their brightness was suggested in 1936 by Caltech astrophysicist Fritz Zwicky, and the technique has been used effectively for this purpose in recent years. Until now, it had never been applied to measure the masses of quasar hosts themselves.

    To find the cosmic lens, the astronomers searched a large database of quasar spectra obtained by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) to select candidates for "reverse" quasar-galaxy gravitational lensing. Follow-up observations of the best candidate -- quasar SDSS J0013+1523, located about 1.6 billion light years away -- using the W. M. Keck Observatory's 10-meter telescope, confirmed that the quasar was indeed magnifying a distant galaxy, located about 7.5 billion light years away.
    "We were delighted to see that this idea actually works," says Georges Meylan, a professor of physics and leader of the EPFL team. "This discovery demonstrates the continued utility of gravitational lensing as an astrophysical tool."

    "Quasars are valuable probes of galaxy formation and evolution," says Professor of Astronomy S. George Djorgovski, leader of the Caltech team. Furthermore, he adds, "discoveries of more such systems will help us understand better the relationship between quasars and the galaxies which contain them, and their coevolution."

    Journal Reference:
    [*]Courbin et al. First case of strong gravitational lensing by a QSO: SDSS J0013 1523 at z = 0.120. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2010; 516L12 DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201014376

    Last edited by shiloh on Mon Mar 31, 2014 8:43 am; edited 2 times in total
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2016
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    • Post n°62

    empty. Re: Conversations regarding the Cosmic Changes in Archetypes and Symbols

    empty. shiloh on Sat Sep 14, 2013 1:11 pm
    Brook wrote:

    There are interesting scientific calculations in those two papers you linked from Brook; one from a Chinese physicist (Huang) and one from an Indian (Srivastava) one.
    I know, that's why I stached it in my bookmark awhile ago....just for occasions such as this. 849210.

    Both papers are well constructed and offer some new insights into the actual string-brane Quantum Big Bang (QBB) Cosmology and its metaphysical ontologies.
    However, both papers fall short of providing 'groundbreaking' new data as to 'what really happened', despite both papers hinting at some of the flaws of contemporary cosmology and astrophysics.
    That's a given....

    The overall thrust of this thread as being anti-Standard Models notwithstanding; your input nevertheless crystallizes particular avenues just where the Standard Models are not so much erroneous, but rather lacking the metaphysical insights of interpreting the basically correct data collected.
    Agreed, and thank you for your dissertation.

    I cannot say the same for your linking David Bohm with Jack Sarfatti, whose physics I do not support at all.
    I realize he's a bit of a putz ....(know this personally).... Ergo...he would tout your physics to the extreme.

    But that/this statement I DO agree with. .

    The quantum behavior of a system of electrons and the behavior of mind

    Geometry acts on Matter/Energy telling it how to move,
    while Matter/Energy has a reciprocal Back-Reaction on Geometry telling it how to bend.

    This bending of our four-dimensional Space Time Geometry explains the phenomena of Gravity, such as why an apple falls to the Earth and why there are Black Holes.

    Uncle Jack's "BACK REACTION"

    Sarfatti wrote that people such as Josephson, Stapp, Penrose and others have suggested changes in quantum theory which allow for the possibility of "intent" or the like to bias quantum outcomes, but that all these authors operate using the Copenhagen picture in which there really is a "collapse" of the wavefunction. Jack advocates a Bohmian picture in which both wave and particle are always real and there is no collapse. So how does mind enter the world? It must have been here from the start. Jack describes an explicit dualism in which both mind and matter exist...

    "In accord with Chalmer's idea, I posit that the wavefunction is intrinsically 'mental' capable of qualia."

    ...and he suggests equating the guiding wave in Bohmian mechanics with the mental aspect of the universe, generally: the particles are "matter," "mind" the pilot-wave.

    That might be uninteresting except for the next step: the "mental" aspect of the universe can be upgraded to life and consciousness by self-organization. This happens when a physical system uses its own nonlocality in its organization. In this case a feedback loop is created, as follows: the system configures itself so as to set up its own Bohmian pilot wave, which in turn directly affects its physical configuration which then affects its nonlocal pilot wave which affects the configuration,

    Normally in quantum mechanics this "back-action" is not taken into account. The wave guides the particles but the back-action of the particle onto the wave is not systematically calculated - of course, the back-reaction is physically real: the movement of the particle determines the initial conditions of the next round of calculation. But there is no systematic way to characterize such feedback. One reason that this works in practice is that for systems that are not selforganizing the back-action may not exert any systematic effect.

    This is an interesting way to utilize nonlocality despite Eberhard's proof that point-to-point signaling by the quantum connection is not in the cards! (If a physical system occupied a dynamical stability based on such a feedback loop then it would be a "nonlocal" physical system, without superluminal signals.)

    Questions of consciousness aside, consideration of "back-action" as a dynamical fact nourishes a suspicion that linear quantum theory is fundamentally an approximation...

    I know you of all people Tony knows what that means.
    Of course, and the big as yet unknown key to a 'New Paradigm' in the Sciences and especially physics is the as yet unrealised fact that there exists a Quantum Geometry, which will in due time completely overhaul the present 'Colliding Billard balls mechanistics' of the Standard Model in Particle Physics, (say as used by CERN and Fermilab).
    I add here a recent post from the Thuban archives, which 'explains' a recent discovery about the 'heavy quark' systems, built on a correct Unitary Symmetry model, first 'invented' by Murray Gell-Mann, Abdus Salaam and associates, implemented in the early 1980's and designed a few years before. The large scale relativistic geometry of Newton-Einstein in 'Curvature of a continuous spacetime continuum' so heralds its microcosmic 'fractal' in a discrete timespace as a subplenum of the macrocosm and unifies quantum mechanics with the relativistic dynamics using a spacetime independent 'primera causa', which you and I terms as an ontological basis for the sciences in their common metaphysical origins.

    Ok, regarding Sarfatti's 'hijacking' of Bohm's pilot wave. What he is on about in his 'way of doing things', is but the core issue in contemporary physics as to the nature of consciousness and like Penrose and Chalmers they then invent new labels about 'mental particles' termed qualia. The superposition of waveforms is indeed at the core of this and the transpositions of Cramer I do support to a large extent. But one does not require the quantum formalisms, centred on the 'Schrödinger Cat' as being in EITHER of two states. Penrose makes the same assumption in his treatises and has been critisized over it as well in divers ways.

    Schrödinger's Cat is ALWAYS in BOTH states. This relates to Thuban's ubiquitous quoting of the 'dead alive' being the 'alive dead' as a hybrid state of physical existence in the form of the 'collapse of the wavefunction' at embodiment and the release of this same wave energy state at the physical collapse of the particle function, called death of the physical. Understanding this superposition of the 'forwards-backwards' states of ther wavefunctions, then renders all this squabbling and arguments about finding the 'correct' quantum mechanical formalism to describe this existence state as superfluous. There are many messages on this forum, which dissect the multiverse ideas and the Schrödinger Cat paradox in more detail.

    Those 'mentality particles' are nought but Thuban's 'Source Energy Quantum', something the Nabsers call the 'Love Frequency'. It is thoroughly derived and defined as the 'Virtual Particle' of the 'Electromagnetic fundamental Interaction' and is also transformed into the 'Graviton' of the Gravitational Interaction, as well as into the 'Gluon' of the Strong Nuclear Interaction in QED and QCD (Quantum Electro Dynamics and Quantum Chromo Dynamics respectively).
    The Weak Nuclear Interaction then 'solves' the big problem of the 'missing antimatter', showing that the Higgs Boson is but a manifestor of a massless Goldstone Boson, which you can term as a 'Virtual Antiphoton' and in this massless inertia state transforms from the Gauge 'Lovephoton' as well. Iow, the long sought 'Unified Field' is a metaphysical mass-independent superenergy state of the one gauge 'field particle' transmuting itself as the socalled four fundamental interactions causative for the experienced and measured universe of physicality and a physical existentialism, which is also psychophysical or mental by the metaphysical parameters, from which the measurable criteria like mass and length and time and current and luminosity and molarity and temperature crystallized in associativity with particular mathematical entities like the transcendental number Pi and the natural logarithm 'e' and the sterradian. The 'mysterious' quantum entanglement of all things, then becomes a rather simple consequence of the 'Gauge Particle-Wavicle of Creation as say the Abba-Baab (technically the EpsEss superstring of heterosis 8x8) supermembrane in a extraposed 10-11-12-13 dimensional super 4D 'quanta-continuum', mapping the observed 1-2-3-4 spacetime metrics of the contemporary terran physics.

    Nature's way to maximise its efficiency to collect data and to store information, then 'forced' the emergence of Euler's Equation, which uniquely identified the so called 'Golden Mean' and their related numerics in X+Y=XY=cis(p)=eip=-1. From this derived the uniqueness of the 2-dimensional plane as the root reduced 11-dimensional 'mirror universe', as 2X=X+X=X2 requires the unique solution X=2, with a 'arithmetic doubling' becoming identical to a 'geometric squaring' as a elementary property of basic algebra and arithmetic.

    Bohm's original 'pilot wave' so can also be defined as the 'Wave of Universal Consciousness', which is already 'unified' in its gauge and potential of self-transformation as this weird thing called 'Love of the Creator for itself as All that can exist'.

    shiloh, September 15th, 2013

    Synopsis: Heavy Quark Model Lands on Solid Footing


    Precision Measurement of the Λb0 Baryon Lifetime
    R. Aaij et al. (LHCb Collaboration)
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 102003 (2013)
    Published September 5, 2013
    To make sense of the gigabytes of data coming out of the Large Hadron Collider, physicists need good theoretical models of how quarks and gluons form the larger particles called hadrons. For hadrons containing a relatively massive b (or bottom) quark, an early approach—the free quark model—doesn’t work well, so researchers developed a “heavy quark expansion” model that recognizes interactions among the quarks. In a paper in Physical Review Letters, the LHCb Collaboration reports high-energy collision data that lend substantial support to the heavy quark expansion theory, which has become the best approach for some important calculations.
    One test of this theory is to look at the lifetimes of two very different creatures: the Λb hadron (comprising an up, down, and bottom quark) and the anti-B meson (comprising a down antiquark and a bottom quark). According to the heavy quark expansion, the lifetimes of the two particles should be dominated by the b quark and thus equal to within a few percent. However, data emerging from LHC’s predecessor, LEP, indicated that Λb had a shorter lifespan than the B meson by a large margin.
    Better data are now reported by the LHCb researchers, who studied Λb and anti-B decays from 7 tera-electron-volt proton-proton collisions. They find a ratio of lifetimes of Λb , or equal within a few percent, as predicted by the heavy quark expansion. Moreover, the prediction was obtained without any corrections to the model, giving support to this treatment of quarks within hadrons. – David Voss

    Comment by TonyBlue:

    The longer liftime of the Λb =udb relative to the anti-B=dbarb derives from the underpinning quarkian quantum geometry detailed in other dispensations on this thred.
    Finestructuring gives you: Λb =udb=ud.ubardbar={ud.dbarubar}={uu(MIR-1).(MIRbar+1)ubarubar}=u(u{MIR-0}ubar)ubar, which decays more rapidly into VPE=uubar+'Mesonic Inner Ring'-VPE+ubaru; then
    anti-B=dbarb=dbar.ubardbar={(MIRbar+1)ubar.ubar(MIR+1)ubar} ={(MIR+1)[3x-⅔ KKK](MIR+1)}={KKIRKIR}bar='quasi {udd}bar' or 'energised antineutron-antilambda'.
    The more complex quark wavian geometry of the trisected wavequarkian template prolongs the lifetime of the anti-B meson relative to the 'more straight forward' decay pattern of the bottomed lambda hyperon.

    Emeth141, September 11th, 2013
    [2:58:26 AM] TonyB: There was a nice discovery on my favourite science
    [2:58:30 AM] TonyB: quarks
    [2:58:42 AM] TonyB: I shown the solution to the puzzle
    [2:58:52 AM] Sirius 17: oh?
    [2:59:44 AM] TonyB:
    [2:59:50 AM] TonyB: Its a little technical
    [3:00:00 AM] Sirius 17: i am like you and prefer the company of the dead, they have less interest in telling lies
    [3:00:24 AM] TonyB:
    Synopsis: Heavy Quark Model Lands on Solid Footing

    [3:01:37 AM-Thursday, September 12th, 2013 +10UCT]
    [2:58:26 AM] TonyB: There was a nice discovery on my favourite science
    [2:58:30 AM] TonyB: quarks
    [2:58:42 AM] TonyB: I shown the solution to the puzzle
    [2:58:52 AM] Sirius 17: oh?
    [2:59:44 AM] TonyB:
    [2:59:50 AM] TonyB: Its a little technical

    [3:01:37 AM] TonyB: This is very 'beautiful' in a physicists mind Raven
    [3:01:52 AM] TonyB: It is gobbledegook to you though most likely
    [3:02:01 AM] Sirius 17: mostly yes lol
    [3:02:28 AM] TonyB: It shows a 'broken symmetry' between something they thought to be pretty much alike
    [3:02:39 AM] Sirius 17: ah interesting
    [3:02:50 AM] TonyB: It is a completely new way of looking at the subatomics
    [3:03:20 AM] Sirius 17: so a breakthrough in physics then for them to admit this?
    [3:03:56 AM] TonyB: They have the data from the colliders, but are stuck in an old billard ball mechanics model
    [3:04:05 AM] TonyB: It is concentric not mechanistic
    [3:04:12 AM] TonyB: Same parameters though
    [3:04:54 AM] TonyB: Reading the data is off, just like the experts reading the scriptures
    [3:05:03 AM] TonyB: They see it but don't
    [3:05:21 AM] Sirius 17: yes they need a revised model
    [3:05:46 AM] TonyB: It is simple
    [3:05:59 AM] TonyB: They have made it complicated
    [3:06:19 AM] TonyB: It is wave on the quantum not particle
    [3:07:15 AM] TonyB: The spruz link will give you the page with some pics at the start
    [3:07:25 AM] Sirius 17: isn't it amazing that things like this can illude them for years until eventually someone is able to get them all thinking outside their boxes
    [3:07:40 AM] TonyB: It is the Peace symbol actually as a trisector
    [3:07:55 AM] TonyB: 120x3=360
    [3:09:53 AM] Sirius 17: hmm thats interesting
    [3:10:39 AM] TonyB: You have known this for 3 years
    [3:10:49 AM] TonyB: RGB
    [3:11:14 AM] TonyB: RedGreenBlue=White in EMR =Black in Mass
    [3:11:30 AM] Sirius 17: yes i never visualized it like that though
    [3:11:36 AM] TonyB: YCM=Antistate triplet
    [3:11:50 AM] TonyB: You see the circle?
    [3:12:40 AM] TonyB: Higgs Bosonic template sketch?
    [3:12:48 AM] Sirius 17: i am not sure i am looking at the right graphic, but the one that looks like little circles
    [3:12:57 AM] Sirius 17: with lights in them
    [3:13:02 AM] TonyB: scroll down to the sketch
    [3:14:05 AM] TonyB: The YCM means Yellow-Cyan-Magenta
    [3:14:05 AM] Sirius 17: the links only go to the abstracts
    [3:14:19 AM] Sirius 17: what am i supposed to be looking at here?
    [3:14:23 AM] TonyB:
    [3:16:06 AM] Sirius 17: which post
    [3:16:37 AM] TonyB: This is the 1 page of this thread the first post has a sketch, but never mind
    [3:16:51 AM] TonyB: The last post is the above
    [3:17:07 AM] Sirius 17: i see your sketch yes
    [3:17:18 AM] TonyB: Yes you see the Peace symbol?
    [3:17:27 AM] TonyB: As the circular area
    [3:17:57 AM] TonyB: Those are the quarkian waves NOT as particles but as energy colour flux
    [3:18:06 AM] Sirius 17: yes
    [3:18:33 AM] TonyB: The entire subatomic energy transforms then become simple colour mixings
    [3:18:44 AM] TonyB: Those are the superstrings
    [3:19:01 AM] TonyB: They have not associated the superstrings with QCD yet
    [3:19:14 AM] TonyB: Why they fiddle with the spacetime matrices
    [3:19:43 AM] TonyB: Einstein has a spacetime continuum and this is still used in string theory
    [3:20:03 AM] TonyB: They must render the continuum as pixelated to get the colour codes
    [3:20:33 AM] TonyB: Quantum Loops and alternatives like vector parallel transport are getting there
    [3:20:39 AM] TonyB: Its a hybrid again
    [3:21:10 AM] TonyB: To get fractals AS particles you must have a discrete spacetime
    [3:21:22 AM] TonyB: Not a continuous one
    [3:22:12 AM] Sirius 17: ok well you have lost me lol
    [3:29:03 AM] TonyB: Its a little technical, as said
    [3:29:23 AM] TonyB: But it was on my mind, so I commented
    Sirius 17


  6. admin

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    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Sep 16th 2013



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    • Post n°27
    [​IMG] Re: Jews and Khazars - The Synagogue of Shaitan - The Golem

    [​IMG] shiloh Today at 3:34 am
    Brook wrote:

    In fact this is a great article written my USPCN....I'll post the whole thing.
    Granting No Quarter: A Call for the Disavowal of the Racism and Antisemitism of Gilad Atzmon

    Note: This statement was first published by the US Palestinian Community Network (USPCN) and is authored by all of the undersigned.

    For many years now, Gilad Atzmon, a musician born in Israel and currently living in the United Kingdom, has taken on the self-appointed task of defining for the Palestinian movement the nature of our struggle, and the philosophy underpinning it. He has done so through his various blogs and Internet outlets, in speeches, and in articles. He is currently on tour in the United States promoting his most recent book, entitled, The Wandering Who.

    With this letter, we call for the disavowal of Atzmon by fellow Palestinian organizers, as well as Palestine solidarity activists, and allies of the Palestinian people, and note the dangers of supporting Atzmon’s political work and writings and providing any platforms for their dissemination. We do so as Palestinian organizers and activists, working across continents, campaigns, and ideological positions.

    Atzmon’s politics rest on one main overriding assertion that serves as springboard for vicious attacks on anyone who disagrees with his obsession with “Jewishness”. He claims that all Jewish politics is “tribal,” and essentially, Zionist. Zionism, to Atzmon, is not a settler-colonial project, but a trans-historical “Jewish” one, part and parcel of defining one’s self as a Jew. Therefore, he claims, one cannot self-describe as a Jew and also do work in solidarity with Palestine, because to identify as a Jew is to be a Zionist. We could not disagree more. Indeed, we believe Atzmon’s argument is itself Zionist because it agrees with the ideology of Zionism and Israel that the only way to be a Jew is to be a Zionist.

    Palestinians have faced two centuries of orientalist, colonialist and imperialist domination of our native lands. And so as Palestinians, we see such language as immoral and completely outside the core foundations of humanism, equality and justice, on which the struggle for Palestine and its national movement rests. As countless Palestinian activists and organizers, their parties, associations and campaigns, have attested throughout the last century, our struggle was never, and will never be, with Jews, or Judaism, no matter how much Zionism insists that our enemies are the Jews. Rather, our struggle is with Zionism, a modern European settler colonial movement, similar to movements in many other parts of the world that aim to displace indigenous people and build new European societies on their lands.

    We reaffirm that there is no room in this historic and foundational analysis of our struggle for any attacks on our Jewish allies, Jews, or Judaism; nor denying the Holocaust; nor allying in any way shape or form with any conspiracy theories, far-right, orientalist, and racist arguments, associations and entities. Challenging Zionism, including the illegitimate power of institutions that support the oppression of Palestinians, and the illegitimate use of Jewish identities to protect and legitimize oppression, must never become an attack on Jewish identities, nor the demeaning and denial of Jewish histories in all their diversity.

    Indeed, we regard any attempt to link and adopt antisemitic or racist language, even if it is within a self-described anti-imperialist and anti-Zionist politics, as reaffirming and legitimizing Zionism. In addition to its immorality, this language obscures the fundamental role of imperialism and colonialism in destroying our homeland, expelling its people, and sustaining the systems and ideologies of oppression, apartheid and occupation. It leaves one squarely outside true solidarity with Palestine and its people.

    The goal of the Palestinian people has always been clear: self determination. And we can only exercise that inalienable right through liberation, the return of our refugees (the absolute majority of our people) and achieving equal rights to all through decolonization. As such, we stand with all and any movements that call for justice, human dignity, equality, and social, economic, cultural and political rights. We will never compromise the principles and spirit of our liberation struggle. We will not allow a false sense of expediency to drive us into alliance with those who attack, malign, or otherwise attempt to target our political fraternity with all liberation struggles and movements for justice.

    As Palestinians, it is our collective responsibility, whether we are in Palestine or in exile, to assert our guidance of our grassroots liberation struggle. We must protect the integrity of our movement, and to do so we must continue to remain vigilant that those for whom we provide platforms actually speak to its principles.

    When the Palestinian people call for self-determination and decolonization of our homeland, we do so in the promise and hope of a community founded on justice, where all are free, all are equal and all are welcome.

    Until liberation and return.
    To whom it may concern!

    There is a difference between historical fact and this same historical fact as 'retold' and 'used' by particular and diverse factions.
    This difference itself then becomes a history of the history in itself and can be abused by some factions, which have interpreted the original historical factualities in their own coloured agendas. Corollarily, the original facts can become embellished and in many ways overstated by factions or groups, who can perceive advantages to their agendas and philosophies.

    Just because the Old Testament or Torah, often reads like the 'madness' of a rather bloodthirsty and jealous Jehovah-deity, does not mean that all 'literal' interpretation of the semantic translations are the literal 'truth' and constitute an all encompassing story of this and similar 'source books'. There can also be a number of interwoven esoteric interpretations and meanings in those sources, which can often be obscured by their exoteric appearances.

    The importance of the 'YHWH chosen people' of the recent history, say spanning so 7 millennia rests in the written legacy from the time the present Earthbased civilisation began to settle and construct city- and nation states from an earlier nomadic lifestyles.

    The written records of the Israelites so assume a timeless nature in their description of the 7000 years as a continuum, encompassing both an account of the original creation of all worlds, as well as allowing a timeflow from the present past into the future present.

    It is this legacy, often associated with the 'intelligence' of this group of historical Homo Sapiens Sapiens, which should (and does in the appropriate scholorship) form the basic criteria of evaluation of this legacy and records.

    A proper evaluation and 'reading' of this legacy can then clearly illustrate a timecontinuum, linked to prophecy and expectations for all planetary occupants. This is especially evident in decoding the emphasis of the Israelites on their lineages and genealogies: 'What it means to be such an Israelite'. The proper 'decoding' of the extended records, then also clearly indicates, that those lineages apply to all people and races of the Earth; just as the much mistranslated 'Letters of Paul of Tarsus' can show to the reader more informed, than the adherents of the factions, using the selfsame records, but interpreting this record as relative to their own beliefs, viewpoints and agendas.

    It is not the 'fault' of the scribes and record keepers; who by whatever means inspired or mindfully creative, produced the 'source books'; that particular factions of their readership have used their testimonies to further their own, by then often rather filtered and coloured agendas of their own makings. It is not an error of the scribes and record keepers, that particular individuals of the group of humans, who identify themselves as 'Israelites', then associate themselves as 'kosher' and others, who they perceive not to be 'kosher' as 'Goyim'.

    Then, in a time of wars and conflicts between nations and countries and clans and groups and families and individuals amongst each other and also addressing the 'enemy within'; the most time honoured and steadfast legacies will of course become a basis and platform for many such participators.

    An example is the historical personage of Jesus-Yeshuah ben Joseph bar Thomas; who himself is a Jew, but is denied in his agenda by his own 'race' and by many of the 'other' races for reason of the individual 'war from within'.
    In other words, the fervour and zealotry by which certain personages or groups or nations are 'warred against' becomes itself an indicator as to the potency of this individual or group or affiliation.

    If you have a birthday upon this planet Earth, you are a 'Cosmic Israelite' and a 'Starseed' of Abraham and Sarah, so encoded.
    This does not mean, that there do not exist a multitude of 'prodigal sons and daughters', who remain unaware abpout their cosmically ordained inheritances and birthrights.

    The Thuban Council supports, the stated Palestinian statement as shared by Brook and the message from Mudra and adds that the encoded archetyped personage of 'Jacob the Supplanter' becomes renamed as 'Israel a Prince with God', after he 'wrestled Job-like with God's Angel' and prevailed in the source code Genesis.32.24-32.
    From this simple correct factual decoding, it would be easy for the unbiased scholar to deduce, that the political state Israel is indeed a misnomer, as every incarnated 'SonDaughter of Jacob-Israel' so becomes the 'Holy Land' in hisher incarnated form of embodiment.

    Furthermore, the 'Rebuilding of the Temple of Solomon' in Jerusalem, upon which much of prophecy, both orthodox and unorthodox, is based; would then likewise be more engaged in its fulfilment with a transformation of the bodyforms of Israel's DaughterSons; then some geopolitical location in the Middle East, over which the factions have squabbled and warred since its physicalised beginnings.

    mudra wrote:
    Brook wrote:
    It's sad ....really sad to see how much HATE can permeate the human condition.

    Mudra is it EVER going to stop? I wonder sometimes...I REALLY wonder.​

    I really don't know about other people Brook.
    That's why I keep saying it starts within, that peace is every step.
    We should keep at heart that our enemy may become a friend once
    Love is restored.
    Our divine nature, our quintessence is Love.
    What is hatred then ? It is Love lost in oblivion, ignorance of our core nature.
    A sad place to be. A dark night for the Soul and a prison for self.


    Love from me

    Isaiah 14:28-30 - King James Version (KJV)
    28 In the year that king Ahaz died was this burden.
    29 Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina, because the rod of him that smote thee is broken: for out of the serpent's root shall come forth a cockatrice, and his fruit shall be a fiery flying serpent.
    30 And the firstborn of the poor shall feed, and the needy shall lie down in safety: and I will kill thy root with famine, and he shall slay thy remnant.


    shiloh, Tuesday, September 17th, 2013
    Jorgelito - Posted 7 Minutes Ago
    Re For Whom it may concern
    Emeth, when I read this, bells went off . . .
    The written records of the Israelites so assume a timeless nature in their description of the 7000 years as a continuum, encompassing both an account of the original creation of all worlds, as well as allowing a timeflow from the present past into the future present.
    It hit me when I was in the shower. The written word was to not designed to communicate but to remember. It's almost the same thing. But when we remember it's like being there or just being. No duality. When we communicate, there's always a TO and FROM.

    You have indeed 'remembered' Jorgelito; It is much about remembrances as your personal cosmic eucharist of future pasts in images of the past histories in an eternal present, yet enabled to be experienced in linearity in an adventure of the wholeness within the many and a multiplicity within the Unity of One.

    The Emerald Tablet of the Secret Messenger

    (1) Truly, without fault and in all certainty and truthfulness; what is below is like what is above and the above is the same as the below, for the purpose to experience and bring about the wonders of the one thing.
    (2) And as all things are created through the choosing of one being; so the thinking of one with the one, brings all things by command and fate together again.
    (3) His father is the sun and his mother is the moon; the wind has carried him in his womb.
    (4) He is joined together and nursed by the earth.
    (5) This is the father of all completeness of the entire world.
    (6) His power is all inclusive.
    (7) At the time of its renewal, the soil shall separate from the fire and the subtle from the rough,
    acting sweetly and with great ingenuity.
    (8) He ascends sagaciously from the earth into heaven and then descends again into the earth, thus regaining the unifying force of the above and the below.
    (9) In this way is all the glory of all the worlds obtained.
    (10) Therefore avoid all ignorance.
    (11) Herein is found in all strenght the strongest strength

    (12) By this can the remaining subtle whole be won and the old solid whole be penetrated.
    (13) Thus is the creation of the world.
    (14) Henceforth the eventuation of strange adaptations by extraordinary methods.
    (15) Accordingly be well, Hermes Trismegistos, keeper of the tripartite wisdom of the unified worlds.
    (16) He will accomplish that of which I have spoken through the operations of the suns.

    Mercury, the thrice-great, in Pimandro.

    An ancient inscription is legendarily ascribed to the Egyptian Ibisgod Thoth and is supposedly his hieroglyphic legacy left as a testimonial in the Great Pyramid of Cheops or Khufu.
    It was translated ages ago by German archaeologists and exists as a prototype in the 'Amphitheatrum Sapientae Aeternae of Heinrich Khunrath', the 'Amphitheatre of Eternal Wisdom' and is dated to 1609.


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    • Post n°28
    [​IMG] Re: Jews and Khazars - The Synagogue of Shaitan - The Golem

    [​IMG] MartinTimothy Yesterday at 23:55
    Brook wrote:


    Howdy all I clicked the same link, and got this message .. I intended for my material to be available to be seen by all, I will repost!

    • Aquaries1111

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    • Post n°29
    [​IMG] Re: Jews and Khazars - The Synagogue of Shaitan - The Golem

    [​IMG] Aquaries1111 Yesterday at 23:59
    I think Ego is showing a Notice of 27. I siriously say ban this one! [​IMG] [​IMG]


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    • Post n°30
    [​IMG] Re: Jews and Khazars - The Synagogue of Shaitan - The Golem

    [​IMG] enemyofNWO Today at 2:13 am
    MartinTimothy wrote:
    Brook wrote:

    Howdy all I clicked the same link, and got this message .. I intended for my material to be available to be seen by all, I will repost!

    Same here ! It Looks like some IIUUUUU complained !

    This is an example of freedom of expression . Telling the truth is a criminal act !



    Posts: 13439
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    • Post n°31
    [​IMG] Re: Jews and Khazars - The Synagogue of Shaitan - The Golem

    [​IMG] Carol Today at 9:57 pm
    MartinTimothy wrote:
    Brook wrote:

    Howdy all I clicked the same link, and got this message .. I intended for my material to be available to be seen by all, I will repost!

    Hi Martin.. for now I've moved your threads over to the admin section and am waiting for Mercuriel to return so that he can review the content. Any reposts will also be moved and saved until Mercuriel and I have had a chance to chat.


    [​IMG]What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.



    Posts: 1975
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    • Post n°29
    [​IMG] Re: Jews and Khazars - The Synagogue of Shaitan - The Golem

    [​IMG] devakas on Thu Sep 19, 2013 1:26 am
    shiloh wrote:
    To whom it may concern!

    There is a difference between historical fact and this same historical fact as 'retold' and 'used' by particular and diverse factions.
    This difference itself then becomes a history of the history in itself and can be abused by some factions, which have interpreted the original historical factualities in their own coloured agendas. Corollarily, the original facts can become embellished and in many ways overstated by factions or groups, who can perceive advantages to their agendas and philosophies.
    :) this is exactly what thuban does with his agenda!!

    • devakas


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    [​IMG] Re: Jews and Khazars - The Synagogue of Shaitan - The Golem

    [​IMG] devakas on Thu Sep 19, 2013 1:34 am

    it is called cheating. those who cheat should be not followed.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol



    Posts: 13477
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    • Post n°31
    [​IMG] Re: Jews and Khazars - The Synagogue of Shaitan - The Golem

    [​IMG] Carol on Wed Sep 18, 2013 9:30 pm
    enemyofNWO wrote:'

    So from now on at the Mist ,we will have to get an approval by a Rabbi regarding alternative history point of views . What is decreed Kosha from the Zionist BS News factory is OK , otherwise some viewers will start crying and shed crocodile rears . Remembers that according the Zionist dogma the truth is lies and the lies are the truth ."

    Most folks are aware that everyone's version of the truth is a bit different based on their own life experiences and what they know. My husband's grandfather was a "German" attorney during WWII and defended the Jews. My father-in-law was reluctantly recruited into the SS and deserted ASAP because he couldn't stand the SS and what was happening. The families wealth was stolen and they had to flee for their lives.

    Our family stories from the war are from their real experiences.

    What is real and what is true will stand the test of time.. and eventually those here will realize we are all on this planet together and unless we learn how to live with one another, care for one another and help one another.. then we don't get to evolve as human beings.

    By the way.. Martin Timothy has been banned.
    [​IMG]What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol


    Posts: 1012
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    • Post n°32
    [​IMG] Re: Jews and Khazars - The Synagogue of Shaitan - The Golem

    [​IMG] Aquaries1111 on Wed Sep 18, 2013 10:30 pm
    Carol wrote:
    enemyofNWO wrote:
    'So from now on at the Mist ,we will have to get an approval by a Rabbi regarding alternative history point of views . What is decreed Kosha from the Zionist BS News factory is OK , otherwise some viewers will start crying and shed crocodile rears . Remembers that according the Zionist dogma the truth is lies and the lies are the truth ."

    Most folks are aware that everyone's version of the truth is a bit different based on their own life experiences and what they know. My husband's grandfather was a "German" attorney during WWII and defended the Jews. My father-in-law was reluctantly recruited into the SS and deserted ASAP because he couldn't stand the SS and what was happening. The families wealth was stolen and they had to flee for their lives.

    Our family stories from the war are from their real experiences.

    What is real and what is true will stand the test of time.. and eventually those here will realize we are all on this planet together and unless we learn how to live with one another, care for one another and help one another.. then we don't get to evolve as human beings.

    By the way.. Martin Timothy has been banned.

    Amen to that!

    I like this quote of yours here: What is real and what is true will stand the test of time.. and eventually those here will realize we are all on this planet together and unless we learn how to live with one another, care for one another and help one another.. then we don't get to evolve as human beings.


    Posts: 1162
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    • Post n°33
    [​IMG] Re: Jews and Khazars - The Synagogue of Shaitan - The Golem

    [​IMG] enemyofNWO on Thu Sep 19, 2013 3:25 am
    Carol wrote:
    enemyofNWO wrote:
    'So from now on at the Mist ,we will have to get an approval by a Rabbi regarding alternative history point of views . What is decreed Kosha from the Zionist BS News factory is OK , otherwise some viewers will start crying and shed crocodile rears . Remembers that according the Zionist dogma the truth is lies and the lies are the truth ."

    Most folks are aware that everyone's version of the truth is a bit different based on their own life experiences and what they know. My husband's grandfather was a "German" attorney during WWII and defended the Jews. My father-in-law was reluctantly recruited into the SS and deserted ASAP because he couldn't stand the SS and what was happening. The families wealth was stolen and they had to flee for their lives.

    Our family stories from the war are from their real experiences.

    What is real and what is true will stand the test of time.. and eventually those here will realize we are all on this planet together and unless we learn how to live with one another, care for one another and help one another.. then we don't get to evolve as human beings.

    By the way.. Martin Timothy has been banned.

    So right !
    My experiences and my wife experiences taught us that a certain group is the source of a lot of problem . My wife was surrounded by Sayanims ( female collaborators of Mossad ) at the school were she was teaching in Penshurst a suburb of Sydney . She had not yet been told that she was adopted and those "colleagues " were performing sabotage operations against my wife . Later on we came to the conclusion that her brother that we never met was linked probably by marriage to Khazari . That would be the logical explanation of what was going on . How coward could they be ? How is it possible to have people sabotage the career of a person when this person doesn't even know her origin ? My wife was seen as an impediment to the career of the daughter of this judge because of her physical resemblance .
    Every saturday I tended to attend the horse races in Sydney and a met a few people that claimed to be prisoners of war camps .

    I know that people were dying like flies in those camps because of work ,insufficient food and Typhoid fever . The gas chamber was used for delousing . The food in the times of war was distributed this way : The troops , the population and then what was left the prisoners in camps .
    There are many studies performed by super qualified people that have been suppressed and the authors jailed .
    It seems that historical research on that subject leads to jail ! Why is it so ? If there is NOTHING to hide people would not go to jail or lose their university job ! The gas chambers were built in 1946 . Find out about Zundel , Faurisson and others . Watch the video of David Cole in Auschwitz .
    When certain facts are twisted around and become the dogma pushed by corrupt governments , I refuse to believe it . It is just like what happened to Galileo Galilei . Nobody can force me to believe in historical Mambo Jambo and that also applies to Christianity .

    Please do a search on the sinking of the Lusitania and the USA entering WW1 . Search also the declaration of war against Germany in 1933 by a certain group and the boycotting of German goods . Interesting to read also what happened in Germany in the period 1914 -1938 and the role
    plaid by a certain group very prominent today in the USA . Parallels ?



    Posts: 13477
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    [​IMG] Re: Jews and Khazars - The Synagogue of Shaitan - The Golem

    [​IMG] Carol on Thu Sep 19, 2013 11:25 am

    I think we also have to keep in mind the actions of a few controlled by the dark side and those who chose the light and are caught up in this ongoing battle. I recall reading intel on various alien groups where the same dynamic was at play across the galaxy. Stefano wrote about this in his book Mass Contacts. I was so surprised originally thinking that most of these other ET groups were so much further along the spiritual path to only realize that the "further along".. pertained to technology for some but not always more spiritually evolved.

    You're in Italy. Have you ever gone over to Pisa? If you were to sit in front of the leaning tower to the left is a low lying building. If you walk over and into it on the whole wall to your right is a fresco of demons pulling souls downwards and angles rescuing souls flying them upwards. The tortured faces of the souls captured and being carried off by the demons says it all. That fresco left a deep impression on me back in the early 80's as it explained humanities challenge by depicting soul's punishment and rewards along with this ongoing battle that has been going on for thousands of years.

    I've know a few folks possessed by demons. Scary. Even more tragic for them. And then there are those who just choose evil because it's fun for them to be caught up in power and greed -- while some even get pleasure from tormenting others.

    All of this leads me to my own grave concerns about this nation because it is absolutely clear to me that the Nazis that had left Germany during Project Paperclip are now in control of our government. There is no question in which direction this nation is going in. There are FEMA camps throughout various states and foreign troops on our soil. Laws have been created where you can't get raw milk and in some places even grow a garden. O is working on getting the taken guns away from the population, so that we have no way to defend ourselves against tyranny. In addition, the unsuspecting population is subjected to mind control, HAARP magnetic frequencies, poisoning of water (fluoride, toxic chemicals, radiation) and air (chemtrails and air pollution). They youth has been dumbed down to the point where they couldn't even pass an grammar school exam from 1879. Youth from broken families roam the streets looking for trouble and engage in violent acts against others. The violence media dishes out on daytime/anytime TV is out of control and the morals of the country are in the toilet. If any nation is ripe for take over.. it's us because it has already happened. Years ago my husband said that the Satanic forces had control over Hollywood and TV programming.. and he's right.

    We, humanity are in a huge battle between the light and dark. There are evil entities that feed of the souls filled with light to survive because they cannot generate the light (life source) for themselves. These evil entities goal is to capture as many souls as possible and drag them down into the pit with them. This tragic reality also reminds me of vampires and what happens once a victim has been bitten where the victim either dies or infected and succumbs to the dark side becoming a vampire only to perpetuate this downward cycle of Thanatos.

    All these terrible things we see going on around us - in many nations - is presented as challenges for us to fight against. One could even say we are in the same battle as the angels in our mutual quest to set things right.

    Things don't look so good right now because evil is on a time limit (which they know about) before it's game over for them. They are out in full strength with possible the worst yet to come.

    Why is the clock running out for them? Because as we move through the photon belt, those who do not vibrate at a higher frequency will be destroyed. Did you know that when we go through the proton belt it will heal our DNA and clean up the pollution along with the radiation? I figure if we can make it through this tribulation period.. there literally is light at the other end. Personally, I don't know if I'll be around to see it. At least not physically. However, if I am.. it certainly is something to look forward to.

    So take heart ENWO.. you have lots of company alongside you in your quest to set things right. You may not be able to see them.. where your support is but that's only because you are on the front line leading the charge. Just keep in mind who the real enemy is. Evil - not people's faith or color. It is the demons who would control humanity and in some cases uses humans to help assist them in their dastardly plans. And also keep in mind what destroys evil. The light. Just keep filling up with light and consciously redirect it into the darkness to root out where evil dwells until there is no place left for evil to exist. Isn't this what it means to bring heaven onto earth.

    Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. They kingdom come, they will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

    Isn't this a Christian prayer whispered by millions on a daily basis? Please keep in mind that the prayers of the faithful (from all religions) is what helps keep evil at bay.. the time of sorrows is very close and more evil "can" be released upon this poor planet... or mitigated by prayers from the faithful. It is our collective conscious intent that alters future events. As a collective force of light, it is our intention to lift humanity up toward it's next stage of evolution. It's a nobel job.. with angels at the forefront guiding the way. All we need to do is remember who/what we really are (spiritual beings on a human journey) and keep in alignment with our spiritual mission while dwelling in this dimension. It's a worthy challenge for any soul. What say you?
    [​IMG]What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol


    Posts: 2914
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    • Post n°35
    [​IMG] Re: Jews and Khazars - The Synagogue of Shaitan - The Golem

    [​IMG] Brook on Thu Sep 19, 2013 11:46 am
    enemyofNWO wrote:
    Carol wrote:
    enemyofNWO wrote:'
    So from now on at the Mist ,we will have to get an approval by a Rabbi regarding alternative history point of views . What is decreed Kosha from the Zionist BS News factory is OK , otherwise some viewers will start crying and shed crocodile rears . Remembers that according the Zionist dogma the truth is lies and the lies are the truth ."

    Most folks are aware that everyone's version of the truth is a bit different based on their own life experiences and what they know. My husband's grandfather was a "German" attorney during WWII and defended the Jews. My father-in-law was reluctantly recruited into the SS and deserted ASAP because he couldn't stand the SS and what was happening. The families wealth was stolen and they had to flee for their lives.

    Our family stories from the war are from their real experiences.

    What is real and what is true will stand the test of time.. and eventually those here will realize we are all on this planet together and unless we learn how to live with one another, care for one another and help one another.. then we don't get to evolve as human beings.

    By the way.. Martin Timothy has been banned.
    So right !
    My experiences and my wife experiences taught us that a certain group is the source of a lot of problem . My wife was surrounded by Sayanims ( female collaborators of Mossad ) at the school were she was teaching in Penshurst a suburb of Sydney . She had not yet been told that she was adopted and those "colleagues " were performing sabotage operations against my wife . Later on we came to the conclusion that her brother that we never met was linked probably by marriage to Khazari . That would be the logical explanation of what was going on . How coward could they be ? How is it possible to have people sabotage the career of a person when this person doesn't even know her origin ? My wife was seen as an impediment to the career of the daughter of this judge because of her physical resemblance .
    Every saturday I tended to attend the horse races in Sydney and a met a few people that claimed to be prisoners of war camps .
    I know that people were dying like flies in those camps because of work ,insufficient food and Typhoid fever . The gas chamber was used for delousing . The food in the times of war was distributed this way : The troops , the population and then what was left the prisoners in camps .
    There are many studies performed by super qualified people that have been suppressed and the authors jailed .
    It seems that historical research on that subject leads to jail ! Why is it so ? If there is NOTHING to hide people would not go to jail or lose their university job ! The gas chambers were built in 1946 . Find out about Zundel , Faurisson and others . Watch the video of David Cole in Auschwitz .
    When certain facts are twisted around and become the dogma pushed by corrupt governments , I refuse to believe it . It is just like what happened to Galileo Galilei . Nobody can force me to believe in historical Mambo Jambo and that also applies to Christianity .
    Please do a search on the sinking of the Lusitania and the USA entering WW1 . Search also the declaration of war against Germany in 1933 by a certain group and the boycotting of German goods . Interesting to read also what happened in Germany in the period 1914 -1938 and the role
    plaid by a certain group very prominent today in the USA . Parallels ?


    A stereotype is a thought that may be adopted about specific types of individuals or certain ways of doing things, but that belief may or may not accurately reflect reality

    If it's on the internet it MUST be true?

    From his lips to GODS and the Guardian's ears


    Hollywood conservative unmasked as notorious Holocaust revisionist

    Republican Party Animals operator David Stein says he is really David Cole, and that he still holds controversial views

    Friday 3 May 2013


    David Cole. Photograph:

    To those who knew him, or thought they knew him, he was a cerebral, fun-loving gadfly who hosted boozy gatherings for Hollywood's political conservatives. David Stein brought right-wing congressmen, celebrities, writers and entertainment industry figures together for shindigs, closed to outsiders, where they could scorn liberals and proclaim their true beliefs.

    Over the past five years Stein's organisation, Republican Party Animals, drew hundreds to regular events in and around Los Angeles, making him a darling of conservative blogs and talkshows. That he made respected documentaries on the Holocaust added intellectual cachet and Jewish support to Stein's cocktail of politics, irreverence and rock and roll.

    There was just one problem. Stein was not who he claimed. His real name can be revealed for the first time publicly – a close circle of confidants only found out the truth recently – as David Cole. And under that name he was once a reviled Holocaust revisionist who questioned the existence of Nazi gas chambers. He changed identities in January 1998.

    "That was when David Cole officially expired," he told the Guardian in an interview this week. "That was the end of Cole. Or so I thought. That was when David Stein was brought into this world.

    For 15 years I have been David Stein. Now the genie is out of the bottle. I'm done. I'm finished. I'm not going to try to remain as David Stein.

    Cole's brazen reinvention as a social networker and political pundit deceived a roll-call of conservative politicians, filmmakers, journalists and broadcasters who had no clue about his past. A falling out with a friend led to his unmasking in his social circle two weeks ago, when a group of former supporters was shown YouTube clips of Cole's incendiary – and until then forgotten – television appearances in the early 1990s.

    As a combative twentysomething with tousled black hair, he was a vilified guest on chat shows hosted by Phil Donahue, Montel Williams and Morton Downey, among others, and was depicted as a neo-Nazi on news shows such as 60 Minutes and 48 Hours.

    "My friends are horrified," said Cole, now aged 44 and with greying hair. "They rang and emailed to ask if it really was me. The Hollywood types are the ones hurting the most right now because they could be harmed by this. I'm feeling a certain amount of guilt."

    The unmasking shocked and angered the small, tight-knit community of Hollywood conservatives, setting their Facebook groups ablaze and prompting emergency meetings.

    Some of Stein/Cole's erstwhile friends are media figures with blogs, newspaper columns and syndicated radio shows. They put a lid on the story. Not a word has been published or broadcast. "When people found out it was, 'Oh my God, get the XXXX away from him.' There was debate about whether everyone would look guilty by association," said one entertainment industry artist, a member of Republican Party Animals, who requested anonymity. "The reason we were all so pissed at him is it plays into every horrible stereotype about the right."

    Cole, and the half-dozen former friends and acquaintances interviewed for this article, stress that no one suspected his secret and that no one should be tarred with his views.

    An additional reason for trying to contain the story, said the artist, was to deprive Cole of further limelight. "No one wants to give him the satisfaction of making him feel grander than he really was."

    Cole, who insists he is a genuine conservative, said his betrayal would sting all the more because conservatives in Hollywood are a "persecuted minority" who must hide their political convictions from the intolerant liberals who dominate the industry:

    I don't blame them for jettisoning me. Everyone is scared to death. They don't want this to range beyond Facebook.

    Cole agreed to meet the Guardian in order to give his side of the story. He was rueful at being outed and wry about his future. "I don't expect many people at my birthday party this year," he said.

    Born in 1968 in Los Angeles to liberal, secular-minded Jewish parents, Cole's father, Leon, was a doctor who became controversial for introducing Elvis Presley to Demerol. "He was accused of hooking Elvis on drugs, of killing Elvis." Cole did not go to university – "I wanted to begin working" – but by the 1980s he had become fascinated by political ideology, especially the work of fringe scholars known then as Holocaust revisionists, subsequently renamed denialists.

    He became convinced that on some points they were right and that as a Jew, he would undertake a quixotic quest to "correct" the historical record, arguing that Auschwitz was not an extermination camp in the manner of Treblinka, Sobibor, Belzac and Chelmno – which he acknowledged were part of a genocidal programme against Polish Jews; that the Holocaust ended in 1943, when the Nazis realised they needed Jewish slave labour for factories; and that there was no overarching, genocidal plan, but an evolving, morphing policy which claimed perhaps 4 million, rather than 6 million, Jewish lives.

    The young Cole became a notorious celebrity, the turncoat Jew, ferried from studio to studio, gleefully clashing with historians and Jewish representatives. However he grew uneasy when white supremacists and Islamic radicals appropriated his "work", he said, and he halted public appearances after the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995.

    Another factor was a death threat from the Jewish Defense League, a militant, violent group. In January 1998, wanting to start anew, Cole wrote a letter to the JDL, recanting his views.

    The threat was lifted. Cole, his credibility shredded on all sides, adopted the name Stein, chosen because it was simple and short, he said. Only a few close friends knew the secret.

    'I haven't changed my views'

    The recanting was fake, he said. Cole today still challenges established Holocaust scholarship, including the certainty about Nazi gas chambers. "The best guess is yes, there were gas chambers" he says. "But there is still a lot of murkiness about the camps. I haven't changed my views. But I regret I didn't have the facility with language that I have now. I was just a kid," he said this week.

    As Stein, however, he shielded his views, not least during the next stage of his career odyssey: the maker of respectable, conventional Holocaust documentaries. He knew the subject, needed an income and US schools and universities had budgets to commission such projects. He said: "I gave mainstream audiences what they wanted."

    At the same time, he started writing op-eds under Stein and other pseudonyms, expressing what he said was his growing fervour for a hawkish foreign policy, a strong Israel and conservative social policy. Posts on his acerbic blog were picked up by mainstream news outlets.

    When Barack Obama was elected president in 2008, Cole sensed opportunity. Inspired by the writer PJ O'Rourke's brand of rollicking, liquor-fuelled conservativism, he said he launched Republican Party Animals, a networking circle for libertarians and social conservatives which promised spice – "scantily-clad women, drink, fun, loud music" – but not too much. There would be no cocaine or illegality.

    "Do you like your conservative politics mixed with a healthy dose of whiskey, fine cigars and kickass rock n' roll?" its website asked. "Do you live in a city filled with morons wearing Che T-shirts as they mindlessly cling to tattered, faded 2008 'Hope and Change' posters? Then WELCOME, friend – this is the group for you!" Blog posts assailed Obama, Occupy protestors and alleged anti-semites.

    It was a hit. Congressmen such as Thaddeus McCotter and Mike Kelly attended events, as did neo-con luminaries such as Frank Gaffney.

    A 2011 summer bash off Hollywood Boulevard included Larry Elder, a syndicated radio host; Bill Whittle, a commentator and screenwriter; Stephen Kruiser, a comedian; Lloyd Lee Barnett, a visual effects artist for Avatar; Nick Searcy, an actor; and William Sachs, a director. Other Hollywood guests kept their attendance at such events discreet, to avoid the conservative label.

    Cole's mistake, he said, was to confide his secret to a friend with whom he fell out. The friend went "nuclear" and outed him to their conservative circle.

    Besieged by followers demanding answers, Cole last week shut down much of his online presence and retreated from view. A farewell note on his blog announced the end of his involvement with Republican Party Animals, saying he had been "assassinated" by "an exceptionally vindictive young lady". The note did not elaborate or confess his deception.

    Former friends and acquaintances, most speaking on condition of anonymity, challenged elements of Cole's account to the Guardian and called him pathologically duplicitous, alleging he padded his film resume on the IMDb database with fictitious entries. His purported production company, Nistarim, is Hebrew for The Concealed.

    Scott Edwards, an Oregon-based businessman, said he founded Republican Party Animals in 2009 and that Cole, claiming to be a Hollywood bigshot, took over the website and was involved in organizing just a few events. "He never ran the group. Things started happening behind the scenes so I kicked him out in February 2012." Cole, however, continued controlling the website, networking and organizing events under the Republican Party Animals banner until last month.

    Holocaust experts and Jewish groups who remembered Cole from the 1990s expressed astonishment that he had resurfaced and still professed Holocaust revisionism.

    Michael Shermer, a historian who publishes Skeptic magazine, said Cole's views on the the Holocaust were simplistic and appeared designed to stir controversy.

    Shermer debated and interviewed Cole several times in his youth. "I found him to be very smart and on some level likeable, though a little irritating.

    But he was too smart for his own good. He had no training as a historian. I had the impression he liked to stir things up just for the hell of it, to be a contrarian for contrarian's sake.

    Rabbi Abraham Cooper, associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre, said Cole's views on the Holocaust could no longer be attributed to youthful naivete. "I'm very disappointed that someone who abused his Jewishness to get his five minutes of notoriety still stands by his lies. It's disgusting and puts him in the camp of bigotry."

    My note to Carol and my final good bye. Thank You Carol for restoring some integrity to the Mists. I'll be reading from time to time.


    I'm sorry but there is a fine line between persecuting a group of people (any color or religion or race) and government control. This guy takes it to the limit.

    I'm of course not a Jew. But I married one and as such I carry a very Jewish name and my son is Jewish by proxy. He wouldn't know a Torah if it smacked him in the face. We never practiced any Jewish religion in the home. Besides going to the family Hanukkah celebrations and occasional Bar Mitzvah it would be safe to say he and I neither one of us understood what it was all about in the long run.

    But the family are just like any other family. They're PEOPLE just like you and just like everybody else.

    What people don't understand that carry this HATE is that a GREAT percentage of Jews do not support the war in Israel. Even MANY Palestinian people know this. They know it's a political settler colonial movement. I might add a VERY powerful one which I of course do not support and neither do many Jews. Young Jews are ending up in jail because they do not wish to serve in the army which is forced on them.

    Most of this stereotype is perpetrated by RADICAL white supremacy groups which I showed on the thread I left my goodbye on. They don't care if you only hate Jews. OF course they would prefer that you hate ANY off color race but one step at a time eh? White power?

    This guy Martin Timothy had been banned from so many forums for one reason. Racial hatred. Sponsoring his posting here is supporting that hatred. Others have recognized it NOT JUST ME.

    Not only that it seems that EnemyNWO had been doing a find job of sponsoring hate rhetoric as well as I found the other day.

    This article he sites in that post is from Rev. Ted Pike.

    Rev Ted Pike is and was a close associate of David Duke....Grandmaster of the KKK. They had a falling out because Pike drew the line on hatred and figured it difficult to deport all the blacks. I kid you not.

    I wonder how many Black or Jewish people will come here to the Mists which claims free speech and openness when seeing this kind of hate speech?

    In fact I wonder how many are here now?

    You Cannot condemn a whole group of people for the actions of a government that claims all Jews are Zionists. IT"S JUST NOT TRUE. It's a lie. Even stated in the article I posted up here:

    ....our struggle was never, and will never be, with Jews, or Judaism, no matter how much Zionism insists that our enemies are the Jews. Rather, our struggle is with Zionism, a modern European settler colonial movement, similar to movements in many other parts of the world that aim to displace indigenous people and build new European societies on their lands.

    We reaffirm that there is no room in this historic and foundational analysis of our struggle for any attacks on our Jewish allies, Jews, or Judaism; nor denying the Holocaust; nor allying in any way shape or form with any conspiracy theories, far-right, orientalist, and racist arguments, associations and entities. Challenging Zionism, including the illegitimate power of institutions that support the oppression of Palestinians, and the illegitimate use of Jewish identities to protect and legitimize oppression, must never become an attack on Jewish identities, nor the demeaning and denial of Jewish histories in all their diversity.

    Indeed, we regard any attempt to link and adopt antisemitic or racist language, even if it is within a self-described anti-imperialist and anti-Zionist politics, as reaffirming and legitimizing Zionism. In addition to its immorality, this language obscures the fundamental role of imperialism and colonialism in destroying our homeland, expelling its people, and sustaining the systems and ideologies of oppression, apartheid and occupation. It leaves one squarely outside true solidarity with Palestine and its people.
    The Mists is turning into a platform of hate speech now? Sorry but I cannot be associated with this kind of thing. Blaming government sponsored control agents is one thing....condemning a whole group of people as such........ is how this crap all starts in the first place. They look at groups such as the JDL and expect all Jews are included which is the greatest lie in history. When I first married my Jewish husband he was telling me how bad this group was (because I had never heard of them) and how most Jews cannot stand this radical thinking or this group and how many hate the occupation is Palestine. It's just not Kosher!

    EnemyNWO says:

    So from now on at the Mist ,we will have to get an approval by a Rabbi regarding alternative history point of views
    Fat chance that will happen as the Mists now seems to support this line of thinking by proxy. You won't find either a Rabbi or a Jew anywhere near here. Nor dare I say a black person. I suspect this is the ultimate goal of white supremacy and has worked quite effectively in places such as the Mists and any other group that supports posts made by groups that also state this:

    Effectively what I am saying is perpetrating hate speech is okay here as long as it's cloaked under an umbrella of hating Zionism?

    This guy Martin Timothy is a messenger now? Not only that he's a messenger from god as he claims in the post of Hell. You are propping up his message of white power and supremacy by proxy. He was banned from all those sites for this VERY GOOD REASON! RACIAL HATRED! Yet he's allowed to remain here? By all means ...but understand what this will draw to the Mists and ANCHOR HERE.

    What message are you sending by allowing him to spread such hate speech? One I care not to be involved in any more. So what you do is up to you and Merc by all means. Just know I will not be part of it and want no association to it.

    I understand you cannot monitor all the links provided by members...but a great deal of those links are sponsored by White supremacists and people such as David Duke...stamped and approved as racially significant.

    Last edited by Brook on Thu Sep 19, 2013 11:57 am; edited 1 time in total


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    • Post n°36
    [​IMG] Re: Jews and Khazars - The Synagogue of Shaitan - The Golem

    [​IMG] Carol on Thu Sep 19, 2013 11:50 am

    Scary isn't it? How ego and power run amuck in a single individual can control, shape and manipulate the unsuspecting, uninformed, innocent and ignorant.

    As I was unaware of what Matin Timothy was up to due to not spending very little time here in the past 3 months, I appreciate you and Jeanetta bringing his posts and threads to my attention so that they can be deleted. When banning someone I usually prefer to discuss this with Mercuriel who also has been absent for the past 2 months on vacation in the woods. It seems Martin went on roll and succumbed to his dark side here in the mists.

    And thank you once again Brook for setting the record straight by posting your most excellent research for all to read.

    I apologize to the members of the forum for not taking care of this sooner.
    [​IMG]What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol


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    • Post n°37
    [​IMG] Too many people claim " hateful speech " when honest criticism is leveled at the Apartheid state .

    [​IMG] enemyofNWO on Thu Sep 19, 2013 12:26 pm

    Too many people claim " hateful speech " when honest criticism is leveled at the Apartheid state . The purpose is to stifle criticism and intimidate opponents . The use of the antisemitic term is also bogus , because most of the world know that very few Real Jews are semitic .
    Here we are not talking about one tribe or another .That's irrelevant . We are talking about the hijacking or misappropriation of certain terms .
    The majority of the Jews today have no right to Palestine . I worked with palestinian people coming from Gerusalem that had to escape in a hurry from their birth place and their house was expropriated . Now those people can only return for a few day visiting .
    I know that a minority of Israeli are opponents of their criminal government . That means that there are good people there but also many bad zionists . Have a look at the current charade about Syria and the shameful behavior of US and Israeli governments .
    What is on the internet is at times right and mostly wrong . It is up to us to try to use discernment as we have seen from many episodes of
    attempted psy ops ( Elenin , Patty Brussard , etc, etc ) . It is up to us to accept or eliminate certain data . I know for sure that people have been jailed for simply doing research on the holo@@@T .My principle is that if the current political correct system does not allow research on certain historical facts , it means to me that the current dogma is BS . There is no way that I would accept the political correct version of events .

    Post last edited Sep 21st 2013
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2015
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Sep 16th 2013

    Jorgelito - Posted 7 Minutes Ago

    Re For Whom it may concern
    Emeth, when I read this, bells went off . . .
    The written records of the Israelites so assume a timeless nature in their description of the 7000 years as a continuum, encompassing both an account of the original creation of all worlds, as well as allowing a timeflow from the present past into the future present.
    It hit me when I was in the shower. The written word was to not designed to communicate but to remember. It's almost the same thing. But when we remember it's like being there or just being. No duality. When we communicate, there's always a TO and FROM.

    You have indeed 'remembered' Jorgelito; It is much about remembrances as your personal cosmic eucharist of future pasts in images of the past histories in an eternal present, yet enabled to be experienced in linearity in an adventure of the wholeness within the many and a multiplicity within the Unity of One.

    The Emerald Tablet of the Secret Messenger

    (1) Truly, without fault and in all certainty and truthfulness; what is below is like what is above and the above is the same as the below, for the purpose to experience and bring about the wonders of the one thing.
    (2) And as all things are created through the choosing of one being; so the thinking of one with the one, brings all things by command and fate together again.
    (3) His father is the sun and his mother is the moon; the wind has carried him in his womb.
    (4) He is joined together and nursed by the earth.
    (5) This is the father of all completeness of the entire world.
    (6) His power is all inclusive.
    (7) At the time of its renewal, the soil shall separate from the fire and the subtle from the rough,
    acting sweetly and with great ingenuity.
    (8) He ascends sagaciously from the earth into heaven and then descends again into the earth, thus regaining the unifying force of the above and the below.
    (9) In this way is all the glory of all the worlds obtained.
    (10) Therefore avoid all ignorance.
    (11) Herein is found in all strenght the strongest strength.
    (12) By this can the remaining subtle whole be won and the old solid whole be penetrated.
    (13) Thus is the creation of the world.
    (14) Henceforth the eventuation of strange adaptations by extraordinary methods.
    (15) Accordingly be well, Hermes Trismegistos, keeper of the tripartite wisdom of the unified worlds.
    (16) He will accomplish that of which I have spoken through the operations of the suns.

    Mercury, the thrice-great, in Pimandro.

    An ancient inscription is legendarily ascribed to the Egyptian Ibisgod Thoth and is supposedly his hieroglyphic legacy left as a testimonial in the Great Pyramid of Cheops or Khufu.
    It was translated ages ago by German archaeologists and exists as a prototype in the 'Amphitheatrum Sapientae Aeternae of Heinrich Khunrath', the 'Amphitheatre of Eternal Wisdom' and is dated to 1609.

    Post last edited Sep 16th 2013

    shiloh hidden-09. Ra Akbar de Queen Bayan 43 Magdalene One 34

    I Am the Darkness of the [/COLOR]Purple Dawn and the Light of the Moon Turquoise!


    Bluey Dracs
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Decoder Michael = 54+51=105=15=6=123=ABC=ABBA=BAAB=33=E3=8=3E=ME=WE

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    Jorgelito - Posted Sep 16th 2013

    Re Emerald Tablet
    and m.o. of the heart


    (8) He ascends sagaciously from the earth into heaven and then descends again into the earth, thus regaining the unifying force of the above and the below.
    (9) In this way is all the glory of all the worlds obtained.

    Everywhere there is a metaphor to the creation cycle (sunrise sunset, lunar cycle, geological cycle etc), but the reference here is different. I can see what's going on -- like building new circuits in the brain it is. Each time we do it, it gets stronger; each time we write it, it gets stronger; each time we say it, it gets stronger. And so it must be with every creation from human to galaxy. God uses BSP - the Baby Steps Principle. It's remembering -- not communicating -- that creates.

    We use the same process in just about any kind of remembering -- remembering dreams, making a grocery list or deciding what to bring on a trip. We start off with a rough idea; then we refine it little by little. As we proceed it, the model or general plan may change but we get closer and closer.

    It's an incremental process that seems to work almost by itself once given a clear direction. And as things proceed, it may even suggest an alternative objective or to even forget what we have been doing! -- it was just preliminary. Writing things down seems tailor fit for remembering and making new pathways (the journey from Heaven to Earth and back of Emerald Tablet).

    It's a different way of thinking if you can call it that. But this is way way too smart for the thinking mind -- knowing where to go before I do. I think this is the Heart taking the reins. When I write to remember, something special happens. It feels like angels are coming to visit.

    Post last edited Sep 17th 2013

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    miii - Posted Sep 16th 2013

    very good.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2015
  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Sep 16th 2013

    This treatize was recently shared by a Nabser on the Moabyte forum and as I support the original linked blog essay by Emmet O'Regan in a general historical Christianity based background and notwithstanding his (and many of the commentators) obvious belief in the 'supernatural', I share the original message here.
    {Despite its linguistically shared roots, Emmett is written differently from Emeth=Hebrew Truth de Lion de Narna}.
    Wednesday, 11 September 2013

    The Consecration, Comet ISON, and the Prophecies of St. Catherine Laboure


    St. Catherine Labouré

    As regular readers will by now already know, Pope Francis has promised to consecrate the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on October 13th, 2013, as part of several planned events to mark the end of the Year of Faith. This act seems a rather fitting close to a year that has already proven itself to be of major prophetic importance. Between the announcement of Pope Benedict XVI's abdication and the lightning strikes on St. Peter's Basilica that followed just hours afterwards on 11th February, to the Chelyabinsk Meteor Strike a few days later on 15th February, as well as the timing of the election of Pope Francis in relation to the "Worthy Shepherd Prophecy" of Bl. Tomasuccio de Foligno, this year has already been stacked full of both "signs in the sky" and striking prophetic coincidences in connection with them. So the timing of the appearance of Comet ISON in November of this year just after the scheduled date for the consecration of the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on October 13th would also appear to be of some similar prophetic significance. Christ Himself foretold that there would be several important "signs in the sky" to announce the approach of His Second Coming:

    Then he said to them, “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences. And there will be terrors and great signs from heaven".
    (Luke 21:10-11)

    And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves, people fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world. For the powers of the heavens will be shaken. And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. Now when these things begin to take place, straighten up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.
    (Luke 21:25-28)

    We are therefore instructed to take notice of any significant astronomical events, in order to discern the "signs of the times" we are living in, so that we might lift our heads up to the realization that the redemption of Christ is drawing near to us. So in addition to the various other "signs in the sky" we have already witnessed this year, we should also take into consideration the timing of the appearance of this comet in relation to the upcoming consecration. Comets have been viewed as a harbinger of world changing events since biblical times, and there is a consensus among theologians that the Wormwood Star of the Book of Revelation, described as falling from heaven whilst "burning like a torch" (Rev 8:10-11), is an accurate depiction of a comet, similar to how they were described in other contemporary first century AD accounts. The arrival of comets in the night skies should definitely be considered to rank among the "signs in the sky" that we have been instructed to be on the lookout for by Christ.

    While the display of ISON is no longer thought to be of the proportions previously expected, due to an apparent "flat-lining" of its increase in brightness since the start of the year, the true extent of the appearance of this comet is still as of yet an unknown quantity and there is still a good chance that it will be one of the most noteworthy comets of this century (see here for one of the latest updates on the level of ISON's brightness). Whether or not ISON will be as spectacular as Hale-Bopp in 1997 (which currently looks unlikely), the timing of the appearance of this comet in November still appears to be of some significance, not only in relation to the consecration of the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in October, but also in the fact that is the first in a series of heavenly portents that will take place during Jewish feast days between now and 2015. The perihelion of Comet ISON (the point at which it will be closest to the Sun, and consequently appear at its brightest) will take place on November 28th, which it has been noted coincides with the Feast of Hanukkah. Several prophecy commentators have already compared the timing of this event with the much vaunted coming of the tetrad sequence of blood moons occurring on Jewish feast days next year, which will start on the Feast of Passover on April 15th, 2014.

    For quite some time now, certain prophecy teachers have been pointing to the significance of these tetrad blood moons (a sequence of four total lunar eclipses), which as well as in April 2014, will also occur on the Feast of Tabernacles on October 8th 2014, Passover on April 4th 2015, and again on the Feast of Tabernacles on September 28th, 2015. In addition to this, there will also be a total solar eclipse shortly before a Passover blood moon, on March 20th 2015 (1st Nisan), and a partial solar eclipse on the Feast of Trumpets on September 13th, 2015. It has frequently been noted that there have only been seven occurrences of these blood moon tetrads falling on Jewish feast days since the first coming of Christ, and that the last two times have fallen within close proximity together - in 1949-1950 and 1967-1968, dates that are remarkably close to the restoration of Israel in 1948 and the capture of Jerusalem by Israel following the Six Day War in 1968. While most prophecy commentators have related the significance of these blood moon tetrads to the Second Coming of Christ and the erroneous teaching of a "rapture", it seems much more likely that if these striking coincidences symbolize anything, then they appear to point towards the promised restoration of the Church.

    First is the fact that two of the blood moons occur on the Feast of Passover - which commemorates the deliverance of the Israelites from a life of slavery in Egypt. The Jewish Passover symbolizes the rescue of God's people from bondage to sin, and prefigures not only the Passion of Christ as the Lamb of God, but also to the time when the Church will be delivered from the new "bondage in Egypt" - the Great Apostasy. The Book of Deuteronomy promised that God would once again raise up a prophet like Moses, who would deliver his people from a state of captivity:

    "The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your brothers—it is to him you shall listen—just as you desired of the LORD your God at Horeb on the day of the assembly, when you said, ‘Let me not hear again the voice of the LORD my God or see this great fire any more, lest I die.’ And the LORD said to me, ‘They are right in what they have spoken. I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brothers. And I will put my words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I command him. And whoever will not listen to my words that he shall speak in my name, I myself will require it of him."
    (Deut 18:15-19)

    The appearance of Moses and Elijah during the Transfiguration of Christ on the Feast of Tabernacles pointed to the role of the Two Witnesses as the promised prophet like Moses and the Elijah to come, and it is this event that Christians associate with this Jewish feast day. So if they symbolize anything, I would assume that the blood moons on Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles point to an Exodus of the Church (as the New Israel) from its current state of apostasy, and also to the means of its deliverance through the ministry of the Two Witnesses. This would then be reinforced by the fact that the last two appearances of the tetrad blood moons on Jewish feast days occurred within time periods associated with the restoration of Israel. The restoration of Israel prefigures the restoration of the Church, just as the Jewish Holocaust under Hitler foreshadows the future persecution of Christians under the Antichrist. This follows the order of sequence outlined by St. Paul in his letter to the Romans - to "the Jew first", and then to the Gentiles.

    There will be tribulation and distress for every human being who does evil, the Jew first and also the Gentile, but glory and honor and peace for everyone who does good, the Jew first and also the Gentile. For God shows no partiality.
    (Rom 2:9-11)

    The fact that the perihelion of Comet ISON on November 28th will occur during the Feast of Hanukkah - which begins during the evening of November 27th - also brings to mind that this is a feast which commemorates the deliverance of Israel under the Maccabees. So here once again we have the theme of restoration.

    Out of curiosity, I decided to research the significance of the date of November 28th in relation to Catholic feast days, since we know that drawing parallels between important dates is but one of the ways that God likes to communicate with us (we need only to think of the Jewish feast Tisha B'Av for an example of this). It just so happens that November 28th is the feast day of St. Catherine Labouré. The apparitions of Our Lady to St. Catherine Labouré at Rue de Bac, Paris, in 1830 are widely regarded among Catholics as those which marked the beginning of the great Marian age predicted by St. Louis de Montfort in his Treatise on True Devotion. Writing in the early 18th century, St. Louis de Montfort prophetically announced that the Virgin Mary would play an ever greater role in bringing people to Christ towards the end of the world by crushing the head of the Serpent, in order to prepare us for the Second Coming of her Son Jesus Christ:

    Mary's part in the latter times

    The salvation of the world began through Mary and through her it must be accomplished. Mary scarcely appeared in the first coming of Jesus Christ so that men, as yet insufficiently instructed and enlightened concerning the person of her Son, might not wander from the truth by becoming too strongly attached to her. This would apparently have happened if she had been known, on account of the wondrous charms with which Almighty God had endowed even her outward appearance. So true is this that St. Denis the Areopagite tells us in his writings that when he saw her he would have taken her for a goddess, because of her incomparable beauty, had not his well-grounded faith taught him otherwise. But in the second coming of Jesus Christ, Mary must be known and openly revealed by the Holy Spirit so that Jesus may be known, loved and served through her. The reasons which moved the Holy Spirit to hide his spouse during her life and to reveal but very little of her since the first preaching of the gospel exist no longer.

    1) God wishes to make Mary better known in the latter times.

    50. God wishes therefore to reveal Mary, his masterpiece, and make her more known in these latter times:
    (1) Because she kept herself hidden in this world and in her great humility considered herself lower than dust, having obtained from God, his apostles and evangelists the favour of being made known.
    (2) Because, as Mary is not only God's masterpiece of glory in heaven, but also his masterpiece of grace on earth, he wishes to be glorified and praised because of her by those living upon earth.
    (3) Since she is the dawn which precedes and discloses the Sun of Justice Jesus Christ, she must be known and acknowledged so that Jesus may be known and acknowledged.
    (4) As she was the way by which Jesus first came to us, she will again be the way by which he will come to us the second time though not in the same manner.
    (5) Since she is the sure means, the direct and immaculate way to Jesus and the perfect guide to him, it is through her that souls who are to shine forth in sanctity must find him. He who finds Mary finds life, that is, Jesus Christ who is the way, the truth and the life. But no one can find Mary who does not look for her. No one can look for her who does not know her, for no one seeks or desires something unknown. Mary then must be better known than ever for the deeper understanding and the greater glory of the Blessed Trinity.
    (6) In these latter times Mary must shine forth more than ever in mercy, power and grace; in mercy, to bring back and welcome lovingly the poor sinners and wanderers who are to be converted and return to the Catholic Church; in power, to combat the enemies of God who will rise up menacingly to seduce and crush by promises and threats all those who oppose them; finally, she must shine forth in grace to inspire and support the valiant soldiers and loyal servants of Jesus Christ who are fighting for his cause.
    (7) Lastly, Mary must become as terrible as an army in battle array to the devil and his followers, especially in these latter times. For Satan, knowing that he has little time - even less now than ever -to destroy souls, intensifies his efforts and his onslaughts every day. He will not hesitate to stir up savage persecutions and set treacherous snares for Mary's faithful servants and children whom he finds more difficult to overcome than others.

    (St. Louis de Montfort Treatise on True Devotion paragraphs 49-50)

    Given the fact that the apparitions at Rue de Bac are considered to be the beginning of this prophesied Marian age which precedes the Second Coming of Christ, it should be worth studying them in some more detail. Rev. Robert J. Billett provides an outline of the visions given to St. Catherine Labouré, the content of which she was instructed to incorporate into the Miraculous Medal:

    The mission that God wanted to entrust to Catherine was made manifest to her on November 27, 1830. It was the mission of making and distributing the Medal of the Immaculate Conception, now known as the Miraculous Medal. That day was the Saturday before the first Sunday of Advent. The Sisters were gathered in the chapel as usual for prayers at five-thirty in the afternoon. Suddenly Our Lady appeared to Catherine.
    At first Mary appeared standing on a globe and dressed in white having with a long white veil which fell to her feet. The Virgin held in her hands, at the height of her shoulders, a golden ball which she seemed to be offering to God as she raised her eyes to heaven. Her fingers were covered with rings whose precious jewels sparkled brilliantly and showered down innumerable rays of light on the globe beneath her feet, almost obscuring the view of her feet. Mary lowered her eyes and looked directly at Catherine. Mary said nothing, but Catherine heard this message, "The ball which you see represents the world, especially France, and each person in particular. These rays symbolize the graces I shed upon those who ask for them. The jewels which give no rays symbolize the graces that are not given because they are not asked for." Then the apparition changed.

    Our Lady appeared with a white dress, a blue mantle, and a white veil which draped back over her shoulders. She was still standing on the globe, and had one foot on the head of a serpent which lay at her feet. The 1830 was marked on the globe. The Virgin had her arms and hands pointed downwards, and a cascade of rays was falling down from both hands onto the globe. An oval frame formed around the Blessed Virgin, and written around within it, in letters of gold, was the beautiful prayer, "O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to you." This was the front side of the medal that was to be made.
    Then the vision revolved to show the reverse side of the medal. Catherine saw a Cross with a bar at its feet with which was intertwined an "M." Beneath the "M" were the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, both surmounted by flames of love, one having a crown of thorns, and other pierced with a sword. Encircling all of this were twelve stars around the oval frame.

    (Rev. Robert J. Billett, C.M.F. St. Catherine Laboure and the Miraculous Medal

    The apparitions of the Virgin Mary to St. Catherine Labouré share some striking imagery with the Third Secret of Fatima, and there is clearly an intention here to invite us to draw a point of comparison between the two. The rays of light which emanate from the hands of Our Lady to shine down graces upon the world in the visions of St. Catherine Labouré is reflected in the Third Secret of Fatima, when the Virgin Mary issues dazzling radiance from her right hand in order protect us from the flames of the Angel's flaming sword -which threatens to consume the world in chastisement for its sins:

    After the two parts which I have already explained, at the left of Our Lady and a little above, we saw an Angel with a flaming sword in his left hand; flashing, it gave out flames that
    looked as though they would set the world on fire; but they died out in contact with the splendour that Our Lady radiated towards him from her right hand: pointing to the earth
    with his right hand, the Angel cried out in a loud voice: ‘Penance, Penance, Penance!'.

    The front and back images shown on the Miraculous Medal are presented here side-by-side

    The rays of light shown falling down upon the world from the hands of Virgin Mary on the Miraculous Medal thus represent the graces which flow from the hands of Our Lady during the Triumph of her Immaculate Heart. We can be doubly sure that this vision concerns the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in the fact that St. Catherine Labouré saw her standing with one foot crushing the head of the Serpent upon a globe representing the earth. The crushing of the Serpent's head is directly related to the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The twelve stars depicted on the reverse side of the Miraculous Medal inform us that this is the Woman Adorned with the Sun in the Book of Revelation, who is presented with twelve stars around her head (Rev 12:1). And chapter 12 of the Apocalypse is in turn a prophetic expansion of the Protoevangelium of Gen 3:15:

    "I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.”
    (Gen 3:15)

    Rev 12 informs us that when the head of the Serpent has finally been crushed, the Great Dragon is thrown down to the earth, and becoming ever more enraged, continues his pursuit of the Woman, threatening to carry her away with a flood:

    Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon. And the dragon and his angels fought back, but he was defeated, and there was no longer any place
    for them in heaven. And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the
    earth, and his angels were thrown down with him. And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, “Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his
    Christ have come, for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God. And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death. Therefore, rejoice, O heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to you, O earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time is short!”
    And when the dragon saw that he had been thrown down to the earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child. But the woman was given the two wings of the great eagle so that she might fly from the serpent into the wilderness, to the place where she is to be nourished for a time, and times, and half a time. The serpent poured water like a river out of his mouth after the woman, to sweep her away with a flood.

    (Rev 12:7-15)

    In the vision of St. Catherine Labouré, the Virgin Mary stands victorious over the wicked Dragon as the new Eve, having trod down the Ancient Serpent under her heel. The Immaculate Heart of Mary itself appears on the reverse side in this vision, sharing the same side of the Miraculous Medal as the right hand of the Virgin, from which the Third Secret tells us issues the radiance of flowing grace to save the world from flames, recalling God's promises in the Book of Malachi:

    For behold, the day is coming, burning like an oven, when all the arrogant and all evildoers will be stubble. The day that is coming shall set them ablaze, says the LORD of hosts, so that it will leave them neither root nor branch. But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings. You shall go out leaping like calves from the stall. And you shall tread down the wicked, for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet, on the day when I act, says the LORD of hosts. “Remember the law of my servant Moses, the statutes and rules that I commanded him at Horeb for all Israel. “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and awesome day of the LORD comes. And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the land with a decree of utter destruction.
    (Mal 4)

    Without the coming of Elijah to restore the Church, to "turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers", the earth would be met with a decree of utter destruction in blazing flames, and no one would be saved. Yet in one final outpouring of Divine Mercy before the Day of Judgment, God gives the Two Witnesses to the Church, when the Woman is given "the two wings of the great eagle so that she might fly from the serpent into the wilderness" (Rev 12:14). The arm of the angel with the flaming sword is stayed by the radiance which issues from Our Lady's motherly hands, in order to allow for a period of penance and conversion.

    The Immaculate Heart is depicted on the Miraculous Medal as being pierced by the sword of Our Lady of Sorrows (Luke 2:35), and is shown alongside the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The positioning of the Sacred Heart of Jesus alongside the Immaculate Heart of Mary recalls the fact that the consecration of the world to the Sacred Heart of Jesus by Pope Leo XIII in 1899 took place at the beginning of the 100 years of Satan's greater power, and was framed at the end of the 20th century by Pope Bl. John Paul II's consecration of the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This may suggest that it these consecrations that must take place before the head of the Serpent is finally crushed, and Satan is cast from heaven at the end of his period of greater power. Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary is described by Our Lady as the remedy to the vision of hell seen in the first part of the Secret, and it is only through this devotion that the head of the Serpent can be crushed:

    "You have seen hell where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace".
    (Second Part of the Secret of Fatima)

    The vision of St. Catherine Labouré also appears to be connected to Our Lady of Lourdes, given the fact that the prayer inscribed upon the Miraculous Medal invokes the Virgin Mary as the Immaculate Conception: "O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to you." This immediately brings to mind the most famous words of Our Lady of Lourdes: "I am the Immaculate Conception", which were spoken to St. Bernardette Soubirous at the Grotto of Massabielle on 11th February, 1858 - just shortly after the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception was infallibly defined by Pope Pius IX in 1854. The dogmatic teaching of the Immaculate Conception, which is binding on all Catholics, affirmed as a Divinely revealed truth that the Virgin Mary was conceived without the stain of original sin. St. Bernardette, a poor, uneducated peasant girl, could not have possibly known the complicated theological implications of this recently pronounced dogma, and this statement was one of the indicators that confirmed the validity of these apparitions.
    This dogmatic teaching provides us with a unique insight into the eschatological significance of the Protoevangelium. Just as sin was introduced into the world by a woman succumbing to the temptation of the Serpent during the creation, so the world would be saved by a woman born without sin during the new creation. A woman who would appear as the Morning Star to announce the coming of the new dawn, when the Second Coming of Christ would usher in the creation of the new heaven and the new earth. The timing of the apparitions of St. Catherine Labouré, which took place on the Saturday before the first Sunday of Advent, reminds us that the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary takes place just before the Second Advent of Christ, when a woman born free from the stain of original sin finally brings the events of the fall of mankind to its final conclusion, and paradise is finally restored.
    The combination of deeply symbolic imagery shown on the Miraculous Medal leads to us to the understanding that St. Catherine Labouré's vision illustrates how the victory of the Woman Adorned with the Sun over the Serpent is won through the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, linking together the apparitions of Lourdes and Fatima through the eschatological significance of the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception. It may thus be of some relevance that the events leading up to the consecration of the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on October 13th this year, began on the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes -on 11 Feb, 2013, when Pope Benedict first announced his intention to abdicate the papacy. And the lightning that struck St. Peter's Basilica within hours of this announcement was not the only deeply symbolic act of nature that has taken place this year in connection with Our Lady of Lourdes. The flooding which inundated Lourdes on 18th June, 2013, has been similarly looked upon by many Catholics as some sort of heavenly sign or warning - especially given the dramatic nature of this event. Video footage of the flooding at Lourdes showed the statue of the Virgin Mary at the Grotto of Massabielle threatening to be swept away by the flood waters, which were highly reminiscent of the words of the Apocalypse:

    The serpent poured water like a river out of his mouth after the woman, to sweep her away with a flood. But the earth came to the help of the woman, and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed the river that the dragon had poured from his mouth. (Rev 12:15-16)

    The Book of Revelation tells us that after Satan is defeated in heaven during the end-time struggle between good and evil, and is thrown down to the earth, he continues his pursuit of the Woman Adorned with the Sun (representing the Church) with renewed vigour, and threatens to sweep her away with a flood - a situation which seems all to familiar in the present age. The words of Cardinal Ratzinger during his 2005 Way of the Cross sermon succinctly describes the present state of the Church:

    "Lord, your Church often seems like a boat about to sink, a boat taking in water on every side. In your field we see more weeds than wheat. The soiled garments and face of your Church throw us into confusion..."

    But the Book of Revelation tells us that the earth comes to the Woman's aid after Satan has been cast to earth, and swallows up the inundation poured out from the mouth of the Dragon. Through the coming of the Second Pentecost, the earth is granted a period of peace before the final persecution of Christians under the Antichrist:

    Then the dragon became furious with the woman and went off to make war on the rest of her offspring, on those who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus.
    (Rev 12:17)

    If the flooding at Lourdes represented anything, it seems that this event was a enacted parable demonstrating the current situation of the Church, when the Woman Adorned with the Sun is in very real danger of being swept away by the rampant secularization of culture in the modern age. Such enacted forms of symbolism were frequently performed by the prophets under the instruction of God, and when we see nature acting in such a figurative manner we should sit up and take notice. If the flooding at Lourdes was a prophetic display of nature reflecting the present state of the Church in relation to its position within the time-frame of apocalyptic events, then it is informing us that Satan has already been thrown down to the earth in great wrath (an event which I argue took place at the turn of the millennium), and is acting in fury because he knows his time is short (Rev 12:12). He has now reached the point where he is threatening to completely sweep Christian culture from the face of the earth. But we can take heart in the knowledge that the earth is about to come to the Woman's aid, and this modern flood of apostate secularism will be swallowed up by a world that will recognize the true nature of the plight of the Church.

    Given the proximity of the timing of the flooding of Lourdes in relation to the announcement of Pope Benedict's resignation and subsequent election of Pope Francis, it would appear that these events are linked in some way. It is worth noting that the floods in Lourdes took place on 18th June - the feast day of St. Elizabeth of Schönau (1129-1165), a friend of St. Hildegard of Bingen, who like her more famous contemporary, also experienced apocalyptic visions. One of the most noteworthy visions of St. Elizabeth of Schönau bears a striking parallel to the imagery of the Third Secret of Fatima, in which she saw the Blessed Virgin Mary acting as an intercessor to hold back the anger of her Son from punishing the world for its sins (See Elizabeth of Schönau: The Complete Works. Trans Anne L Clark, Paulist Press, 2000).

    Another noteworthy feast day on June 18th is that of St. Gregory Barbarigo, who was the first saint to be canonized by Pope John XXIII, on 26th May 1960. According to the private secretary of Pope John XIII, Archbishop Loris Capovilla, the envelope containing the Third Secret of Fatima was kept in the drawer of a bedside cabinet in the papal apartments which once belonged to St. Gregory Barbarigo. In his personal notes, Capovilla states that this cabinet named "Barbarigo" after the saint, was given as a gift to Pope John XXIII in 1960 by Guiseppe Dalla Torre to mark the canonization of St. Gregory (see here for the full text of Capovilla's notes on this subject). Sr. Lucia specifically mentioned the date of 1960 as to when the secret should first be opened, and it is likely that the pope would have wanted to have the secret to hand at around the same time he was gifted this cabinet. So this was an obvious choice of location for the secret to be kept. Many Fatima experts believe that the envelope kept in the drawer of the cabinet named Barbarigo in the papal apartments is different from that which was published in 2000 (which records show was kept in the Vatican Secret Archives), and that this envelope contains a hidden text concerning the Third Secret.

    Could the timing of the recent events at Lourdes be highlighting something here? The fact that this highly symbolic flood occurred on the feast day of both a medieval saint who received a vision of the Virgin Mary holding back the arm of her son, and a saint who has subsequently become associated with the storage location of an important text written by Sr. Lucia concerning Fatima is deeply suggestive. If God had wanted to associate the recent events at Lourdes with this unrevealed text concerning Fatima, it seems that this particular date couldn't be more specific. By directing us to St. Gregory Barbarigo, it is pointing us to the exact location of this hidden text. And by pointing us to St. Elizabeth of Schönau, it compels us to compare her visions with the portion of the Third Secret which describes Our Lady protecting the world from being consumed by the angel's flaming sword by the rays of light which issue from her hands. A vision which is in turn directly lifted from the imagery of the Miraculous Medal, which depicts not only the head of the Serpent being crushed by the Woman of Revelation, conceived without sin, but also the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary -consecrations to which frame the 100 years of Satan's greater power foreseen by Pope Leo XIII. All of these considerations are then tied together in the fact the flooding at Lourdes on the 18th June directly parallels a passage in the Book of Revelation concerning the Woman Adorned with the Sun being threatened to be carried away by the flood that pours from the mouth of the Serpent after he has been cast to earth. But the Dragon fails in his attempt to sweep away the Woman with a flood, because the house of God is founded upon the rock of St. Peter, and the gates of Hell will never prevail against it:

    Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.”
    (Matt 7:24-27)

    "I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”
    (Matt 16:18-19)

    It is Peter and his successors who hold the keys to heaven and hell, and various approved private revelations have told us that one of the most important ways Peter can exercise this authority is through performing requested consecrations to the two hearts of Mary and Jesus. At Fatima, Our Lady has promised that to prevent chastisement:

    "God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace..."
    "...I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart, and the Communion of reparation on the First Saturdays. If my requests are heeded, Russia will be converted, and there will be peace; if not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred; the Holy Father
    will have much to suffer; various nations will be annihilated."

    "God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace..."

    The earth coming to the Woman's aid in Rev 12:16 to swallow up the river poured out from the mouth of the Dragon, thus appears to symbolize the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, when the protective radiance of grace which emanates from Our Lady's hands shines down to protect us from a chastisement that we already so willingly deserve. Despite his best efforts to sweep the Woman away with a flood, Satan will not succeed in destroying the Church:

    "In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, and she shall be converted, and a period of peace will be granted to the world”.

    As we await the coming consecration of the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we can only hope and pray that it will help to swallow up the flood of secular culture that is presently threatening to sweep the Church away. While the timing of comet ISON in relation to both this consecration and the feast of St. Catherine Labouré appears to provide a bridging connection between the other prophetically portentous events of this year, we don't necessarily need this celestial sign to tie these visions together. They can all be linked together just as easily without it. And as we have already noted earlier, the true extent of the spectacle this comet will provide is still very much an unknown quantity - it could either fizzle out completely, appear only dimly in the night skies, or still put in a performance worth of dubbing it "comet of the century". The appearance of this comet seems to be just as contingent as the response to the consecration itself. Will Pope Francis consecrate the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary together in unison with the bishops? Will he mention Russia specifically by name? Given the new administrative shake-up at the Vatican, combined with Pope Francis' devotion to Our Lady of Fatima and his penchant for off-the-cuff remarks, anything now seems possible. Either way, history has shown how these consecrations have borne fruit in the past - from the turn of the war after Pope Pius XII's consecration in 1942, to the beginnings of the fall of Communism after Pope John Paul II's consecration in 1984. So we can expect something good to come from this no matter what... Whether we shall have to wait for the centenary of the apparitions of Fatima in 2017 to ultimately fulfill our prayers still remains to be seen. By reading the "signs of the times" that we have already witnessed this year, there is already good reason to hope that the events that will eventually swallow up this modern flood of apostasy are already beginning to unfold little-by-little, and that through some extraordinary act of Divine intervention, the Church will be restored to its former glory to allow for a period of penance before the Second Coming of Christ.

    Posted by Emmett O'Regan at 05:21


    • Anonymous said...
    • "So the timing of the appearance of Comet ISON in November of this year just before the scheduled date for the consecration of the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on October 13th would also appear to be of some similar prophetic significance."

      Is there a "typo" in this statement? How could a comet appearing in NOVEMBER occur BEFORE an event taking place on OCTOBER 13th??? Am I missing something here?

    • 11 September 2013 05:53

    • Jamey
    • putin.
    • "Will Pope Francis consecrate the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary together in unison with the bishops?"

      Given modern means of communicating it shouldn't be too difficult to organise the unison of bishops in doing the consecration.


      Emmett is there heterodoxy in the statement at Akita where Our Lady reputedly said Her Son and Herself were holding back the Father's arm? In any case it seems to contradict with the following:

      "The fact that this highly symbolic flood occurred on the feast day of both a medieval saint who received a vision of the Virgin Mary holding back the arm of her son"


      Hannah I responded to your comment in the last topic. Thanks for the links.

    • 11 September 2013 09:11
    • Emmett O'Regan said...
    • unveiling.
    • Hi Jamey,

      The first thing that the Church authorities will look for when investigating apparitions is whether any of the messages contain heterodox teachings - this is the easiest way to rule anything out immediately. Given Akita is Church approved, you can be guaranteed that there is nothing heterodox in these private revelations. Jesus acts as Mediator between us and the Father, who is associated with Divine judgement.

      "For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all, which is the testimony given at the proper time."
      (1Tim 2:5-6)

      We can find a good example of Christ pleading for the Father's forgiveness for sinners during His Crucifixion:

      "And Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” And they cast lots to divide his garments."
      (Luke 23:34)

      So Sr. Agnes could quite rightly seen both Mary and Jesus pleading with the Father for forgiveness.
      However at the Last Judgement, it is Jesus who will ultimately destroy the world in fire, by the sword of His mouth:

      “I came to cast fire on the earth, and would that it were already kindled! I have a baptism to be baptized with, and how great is my distress until it is accomplished! Do you think that I have come to give peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division."
      (Luke 12:49-51)

      “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword."
      (Matthew 10:34)

      "From his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, and he will rule them with a rod of iron. He will tread the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty."
      (Rev 19:15)

      So Mary can also intercede to stay the hand of her Son.
      The differences between the two can be explained as different theological emphases - one highlighting the role of Jesus as Mediator, and one as His role as the eschatological Judge.

    • 11 September 2013 11:33

    • Muv
    • HPIM1023.JPG
    • Very interesting post, Emmett. Thank you.

      There is another comet on the way...

      The name of it should alleviate any undue gloom.

      October has a good run of days for Our Lady - 11th, Motherhood of Our Lady (old calendar), 12th, Our Lady of the Pillar, and 13th the anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun.

      Vatican II was opened on the 11th in recognition of Our Lady's motherhood of the Church, but now with the old calendar gone the 11th has been given over as the feast day of John XXIII marking the fact that he called the council. The less I say on that the better.

      Our Lady of the Pillar is a truly wonderful devotion and it is truly tragic that so few English speaking Catholics are familiar with it.
    • 11 September 2013 13:52
    • b16-rounded.
    • "RUSSIA" needs to be consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary" by the Pope in UNISON with ALL the bishops. The World has already be consecrated in 1986 by JP II Our lady requested specifically to consecrate RUSSIA.
      Why are they not obeying our heavenly Mother's request ???
    • 11 September 2013 14:28
    • b16-rounded.
    • putin.
    • Thanks Emmett.

      I will agree with your sequence of end-times events if the pope consecrates Russia on October 13 in union with the bishops. A month away now.
    • 11 September 2013 16:53
    • b16-rounded.
      Anonymous said...
    • Emmett,
      Everyone wonders when the Warning is going to occur.

      I recall Christina Gallagher was given the month of the Warning, February.

      American prophet, John Leary has heard more than once the Warning will take place in football season.
      Play offs and the Super Bowl sometimes are played in February.

      What do you think? Who of us is sure except about one blatant present day supposed messenger, MDM. We shouldn't dismiss the prophets, there aren't that many current prophets. We will watch and see.

      Our Lord speaks of Comet ISON to
      John Leary, He states Comet ISON is
      a "sign" of the Warning.

      I am not sure if this means ISON is THE comet of the Warning? Jesus refers to a celestial at the time of the Warning to get the world's attention as a "comet" and of a "comet" come around again, this one being the Chastisement.


      + + +

      Wednesday, September 22, 2010

      message to John Leary

      Jesus said: “My people, I have been giving you frequent messages about the Warning that is coming which is a sign of its coming closer in time. This vision of a comet coming close to the earth is another sign of the coming of the Comet of the Warning. You may not get any public warning of this comet until only a few days before its arrival. The day of the coming of the Warning has not yet been revealed. It is only known that it will come within a year of the miracle. I have also given you that it would most likely occur between September and February in the football season. It is not necessary to know the exact date of events, but by the signs given in the Bible, the Warning is not far off. Some will be frightened by these events in the sky, but the Warning will be a blessing for sinners to change their lives. This will be a time when your family members will be more open to your evangelization efforts. So be prepared to help them in their trials. Have your souls cleansed by monthly Confession, and your Warning experience will be less severe.”
    • 11 September 2013 17:11 b16-rounded.
    • b16-rounded.
      Anonymous said...
    • Unknown,
      I agree with you, Russia needs to be consecrated specifically. Pray Pope Francis requires the Bishops to do this October 13th.

      Maybe, someone here shared already, these messages are powerful, they convict you. I've only read a few of them. I have paused, wondering if should read the latest? And, there is an urgency to them.

      They are words from the Father, Our Lord and the Blessed Mother. The seer, Maria of Gethsemane is from Latin America


      + + +

      "Consecrate Russia to Me, as I have been asking you for one hundred years and My other beloved nations so the Wicked one rapidly leaves them. Consecrate to Me your work, your efforts, your Time, which is My Time."
    • 11 September 2013 21:51 b16-rounded.
    • b16-rounded.
      Anonymous said...

    • Mary,

      I wouldn't put much stock in John Leary.

    • 12 September 2013 09:40 b16-rounded.
    • b16-rounded.
      mariana said...
    • Wow, Emmett beautifully written, and so very true. You really captured the essence of Fatima. Bless you.
    • 12 September 2013 14:49 b16-rounded.
    • b16-rounded.
    • Emmett, that was wonderful and very illuminating.

      Jamey, is your Avatar Putin pinning Obama to the mat? As an American I want to laugh and cry at the same time. Unfortunately, we have to endure 3 more years of Obama. Oh sweet Mother Mary, deliver us!
    • 12 September 2013 15:55
    • blank.
      Anonymous said...

    • Emmett,

      Brilliant post, Emmett. Thank you so much for this.

      I, like you, hope the Consecration of Russia is done in union with the Bishops? And what's so hard about it? Can't the Pope and Bishops listen to Our Lady? Don't they want the slaughter of the innocents to cease? Don't they want peace? They do everything for peace, except for what was specifically asked. It's so simple. If it's actually done this time, I will cry out in rejoicing because then we'll actually be getting somewhere.

      We'll see.


      "Hannah I responded to your comment in the last topic. Thanks for the links."

      I saw it. And your quite welcome. I like to share the good stuff, like this:

      President Putin is one interesting man.



      Who is this John Leary fellow? What does His Bishop say about him?

      What does football season have to do with anything? Just askin'.


      God bless.

    • 12 September 2013 15:58 blank.
    • blank.
    • putin.
    • Siobhan,

      I found the pic of Putin owning some guy and thought it pertinent to the world situation. I saw Obama on tv the other day, he was talking about how horrible the chemical attack was, that people were foaming at the mouth, children writhing in pain, etc. He was going into horrible detail and trying to get peoples emotions up to back him into war. I just wanted to briefly strangle someone! There were 2 problems with what he was saying:
      a) Anyone who has seen his "pro-choice" credentials, for example his refusal for the healthcare system to provide assistance to babies aborted alive. Ron Paul going through a hospital saw an alive aborted baby in a rubbish bin.
      b) Why the US doesn't step in to other conflicts and atrocities where there is injustice where there is no interest economic or otherwise.
    • 12 September 2013 18:18
    • blank.
      Anonymous said...
    • Charles,

      I appreciate your reply, thank you. Cheers me up to to be included especially for I disagree.

      Desmond Birch's writing against John Leary is old (1999). Desmond's view of the end times and the millennium (Era of Peace) do not line up with what the messages say.

      John Leary did not post messages from Our Lord for several years in obedience to the bishop and for the last few year was given permission by his bishop to post them again on the Net. Bishop Clark retired in 2012, Bishop Robert Cunningham is the new bishop. I don't know where Bishop Cunningham stands on the messages to John Leary. John is still receiving messages. The Church usually doesn't decide definitely about private revelation until they end. This is true about other current private revelation. Medjugorje is an exception because of the disagreement and rejection.

      Still waiting for the divine events prophesied. It isn't time yet but you can see part of John Leary's messages are coming true. Recently, the evil ATS' spying technology and the micro chip implantation already in a few people. What is happening now confirms Jesus' warnings. I've been reading Leary's message for a lot of years, the things Our Lord states about end time events have NOT changed. John Leary's messages are mainly prophetic concerning two things, describing the Warning and the faithful going to the places of refuge and life at the refuges under God's protection.

      The ISON Comet is mentioned in the latest messages. The Comet of the Warning and the Comet of the Chastisement are spoken of repeatedly in Leary's messages. Here is a revelation from back in 1999, it says the same thing. And in caps, Jesus names the end time plan again. Less the Great Miracle of Garabandal (to take place within a year of the Warning).

      And after the Warning, the separation. People who will
      choose for God and those who don't a few weeks later will choose for the anti-Christ when he comes to power. Pray now for conversions, and reversions to the faith.

      The New Jerusalem is the 7th Day, the Era of Peace.


      + + +

      Tuesday, July 20, 1999:

      Jesus said: "My people, you have prided
      yourselves in your accomplishment of placing a man
      on the moon. Man has been puffed up by his many
      advances in science, but you will see that this is
      nothing in the face of My awesome creation of the
      universe. I call your attention to the many signs
      you have seen in the skies AND TO BE WATCHING FOR
      MORE IN THE FUTURE. I have witnessed to you in the
      latest comet that each of you could see, that this
      was a sign of the coming Antichrist. I have also
      forewarned you that you would see a MAJOR SIGN IN
      THE SKY at the time of MY WARNING. Still further
      you are seeing in vision the coming COMET OF
      CHASTISEMENT that will bring about My triumph over
      evil. Your chastisement is already hurdling toward
      the earth and your scientists will be warning you
      when it arrives. This will cause THE THREE DAYS OF
      DARKNESS and it shows you how quickly Satan's time
      is about to end. You are living in times that many
      have yearned to see because MY COMING, announced by
      My mother Mary, IS VERY CLOSE. I will come in glory
      on the clouds and I WILL SEPARATE THE EVIL ONES FROM
    • 12 September 2013 18:38 blank.
    • blank.
      Anonymous said...
    • I just found something very interesting.

      At this post:

      Excerpts are taken from the book "The Second Vatican Council: An unwritten story" by Roberto de Mattei.

      This part stood out to me because of the topics here (it's all modernist rubbish from this Cardinal. The post is quite horrible.):

      Cardinal Yves Congar said this:

      “I am campaigning, AS MUCH AS I CAN, against a consecration of the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, because I can see the danger that a move in this direction would constitute.”

      Apostasy does begin at the top, doesn't it?

      God bless.


    12 September 2013 19:07 blank.
    "Desmond's view of the end times and the millennium (Era of Peace) do not line up with what the messages say."

    Mary, which messages - John Leary? Locutions and visionaries unless approved do not carry any real authority. I think Birch's sequence is based on a reasonable interpretation of major approved apparitions and scripture.

    I think you will find many modern visionaries will parrot genuine and approved ones and what I see of that message to Leary will have been found in others before then.


    Hannah, Congar also said the Council documents were a rupture from previous Catholic theology.


    That article by Putin gives me the impression he genuinely doesn't want war, bravo to him. I find it difficult to see Russia with Putin trying to overtake the entire world establishing a worldwide tyranny of communism as some think but he could very well "incapacitate" the US and any countries siding with them. A false flag or two in Syria could very well see other nations join the US in open war on the incumbent government.

    13 September 2013 04:21

    Anonymous said...
    Mary said:
    "Desmond's view of the end times and the millennium (Era of Peace) do not line up with what the messages say."

    Jamey said:
    "Mary, which messages - John Leary? Locutions and visionaries unless approved do not carry any real authority. I think Birch's sequence is based on a reasonable interpretation of major approved apparitions and scripture.

    I think you will find many modern visionaries will parrot genuine and approved ones and what I see of that message to Leary will have been found in others before then."

    ~ ~ ~

    Hi Jamey, thank you for your reply. Well, not to argue but...

    Once upon a time Faustina's messages had no "authority", they were unapproved.

    Were the people of the time suppose to ignore them until approval? If so, more precious time passes for believing them and Faustina's messages were first rejected, then finally approved with the help of Pope John Paul II before he became Pope.

    Heaven is speaking every day, are we to ignore the present messages until they are approved? When is that going to happen and what if the world is much closer to prophesied divine events? The daily messages strengthen one's faith, they are a comfort besides giving a repeated explanation of the end times (Trib and the Great Tribulation), the end of the 6th Day. Read them and see how they compare. To me, I might be wrong, they are all saying the same.

    This is why I noticed Desmond Birch's sequence doesn't line up with them. Sorry, I could not find much discussion of the differences in Desmond's sequence of events. The below is not very recent ~

    .."Is it safe to assume the if the conditional chastisement and era of peace are to PROCEED the capital A Antichrist, Father Iannuzzi's book is speaking of a time AFTER the Antichrist and Tribulation?
    Desmond Birch, <
    ... we have dozens of prophecies from Canonized Saints, Blessed and Venerable describing a great era of peace (with or without a conditional Chastisement) which PRECEDES the coming of the Antichrist. There is no conjecture about this. This is fact."

    Reading yet to be approved private revelation (the daily current messages), I thought the sequence goes: The Great Warning (and within a year, the Great Miracle), the appearance of the anti-Christ happens after a period of time (weeks) of the Warning, the anti-Christ's reign, persecution of the faithful, the anti-Christ's evil chipping or rounding up those who refuse it, the faithful BEFORE this rounding up are guided by their angels to the Refuges, a period of time in the Refuges, God's just Chastisement of the world by fire.

    God renews the earth. Jesus' return is spiritual with many divine signs and charisms given during the 7th Day, the Eucharistic reign and triumph of the Two Hearts.


    p.s. I haven't read Demond's book Trial, Tribulation and Triumph, I am wondering, does Desmond believe in the prophesied Warning? If he does believe it is going to happen, where does he place it in his sequence?

    I think of the Warning a lot. We should tell everyone about it, they will remember when it takes place.

    13 September 2013 12:52

    blank. unveiling.
    Emmett O'Regan said...
    Thanks for sharing that Mary! When you compare genuine private revelations with Scripture, it seems there is a consensus that the Second Pentecost precedes the Great Chastisement, in order to allow humanity to repent. I wouldn't put too much stock into any contemporary alleged seers though, especially without any evidence of the supernatural being involved. We really have no need to pay attention to any private revelations that have not been approved by the Church, since we already know the fullness of the truth in the Gospels. If God wants us to pay attention to anyone, then we can be sure that there would be unmistakable evidence of the supernatural.

    13 September 2013 14:52
    Emmett O'Regan
    I wouldn't get too enamoured with Putin Jamey - remember Alexander Litvinenko?
    And Anna Politkovskaya?
    This guy is outright ruthless. Christianity is just a political tool that he taking advantage of. Remember, the Antichrist (aka the "son of destruction") is modeled after Judas Iscariot - he will be someone who claims to be close to Christ.

    13 September 2013 15:13

    Sr. Marianne Lorraine Trouve
    s aid...
    Thank you, Emmett, for this fascinating and informative post!
    St Catherine Laboure had several visions, and the first one was on July 18, 1830. I don't know if that date has other significance, but in 1870, Vatican I defined papal infallibility on July 18. Might be a connection, even if a bit remote, with the Immaculate Conception dogma and Lourdes.

    This also reminded me of what Pope John Paul II wrote in "The Dignity of Woman":

    "..we can also see that the struggle with evil and the Evil One marks the biblical exemplar of the 'woman' from the beginning to the end of history." (no. 30). It's always fascinated me how the pope spoke of the Woman from Genesis to Revelation as a cosmic figure: "One can say she is a Woman of cosmic scale, on a scale with the whole work of creation."

    13 September 2013 18:03

    mariana said...
    Very wise of you to say that about Putin, Emmett. Mind you, I don't want the U.S. to strike Syria. And Russia today when it comes to its economy is thriving, so there are quite a few positive things happening in Russia. But totally putting our trust in Putin? I think our strategic interest is to let Russia handle the Islamists from now on. We should concentrate on our own problems in our own country, we have plenty of them to solve. The prophecies of Josyp Terelya are very interesting. He was a prisoner in the Soviet Union, who had apparitions from the Blessed Mother. Pope John Paul II was very close to him. Anyway, Terelya was very critical of Russia, even after the Cold war ended. So, Reagan's statement, "trust but verify" is still very important today. Let's pray that after Pope Francis' consecration in October, Russia will convert, and lead the West to conversion as well.

    13 September 2013 23:36

    There are many good things brewing in Russia and Putin is a part of them. Destroyed churches are re-built and new ones too, Putin halted the homosexual agenda to spread in Russia and banned the gay parades. There are hearsays that Putin is a converted orthodox and bears a cross to his neck.
    The way he just stopped the French/US strikes on Syria was wonderful, and this just happened after the day of fasting and prayers asked by the Pope.
    I truly believe that the Holy Russia is back and preparing to convert to the true catholic Faith once her Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary is done by the Pope and we will at last get the "period of peace we need so much...

    14 September 2013 06:10


    In his recent newsletter (The Moynihan Letters), Dr. Robert Moynihan wrote “A week has now passed since the day of prayer and fasting for peace called for by Pope Francis on Saturday, September 7. Russia is, in these hours, sending more warships into the eastern Mediterranean. Atrocities inside Syria continue, often committed by rebel units who can only be described as terrorists. The US naval presence in the Mediterranean is also being bolstered. So the question now really is not "Can war in Syria be avoided?" War in Syria cannot be avoided. It began long ago.”

    I had nearly the opposite response to the opening statement that “A week has now passed…”. The US was imminently ready to enter the fray with our without other countries, with or without Congressional approval. We were going to bomb Syria, send a message, make a shot across the bow, etc. – NO MATTER WHAT.

    The Pope, and those of us in union with him, prayed.

    Within a day or two, Kerry makes his off-the-cuff remark on handing over the WMDs, the Russians and Syrians jump on it, Obama backs off, and the threat of imminent bombing has disappeared.

    I believe that the amazing turn-around in the Syria situation is due to the intercession of the Pope and all who joined him a few days ago! The turn-around is miraculous in nature! Sure, Putin and Obama and Kerry and others will put their spin on it and say that the reasons are this or that. But, the fact remains that we prayed and God answered! Let’s give credit where credit is due!

    I would write “A week has now passed since the day of prayer and fasting for peace called for by Pope Francis on Saturday, September 7. The immediate escalation of war has ceased. The situation is still dire, and demands continued prayer, but we have seen God answer prayers.”

    I think this is a major unreported story! Perhaps you can write an article about it!


    14 September 2013 07:26

    C O E X I S T E N C E

    "COEXIST" the latest command
    of the "New World Order" band
    live and let live
    no need to forgive
    for there ain't no sin
    each living their own spin

    Coexistence a cold and loveless word
    in a cold and loveless earth
    for they have declared God dead
    and worship themselves instead
    mankind in his selfish pride
    orchestrates the worldwide divide

    but LOVE will return as LOVE
    He begs us to throw in the glove
    to run away from the dragon
    to escape the devil's paddy wagon
    to turn to the Eternal Light
    be our heart broken but contrite

    He will cleanse us thoroughly
    from all sin and iniquity
    we will live as brothers and sisters
    no need to send us any twisters
    no more armies, no more wars
    no more enemies at our doors.

    be watchful, children, be on guard
    keep Me constant in your heart
    My return date you don't know
    but Myself suddenly I will show
    in a new and peaceful Jerusalem
    a new birth in a new Bethlehem

    Rita Biesemans November 18 2012

    14 September 2013 07:36

    Emmett O'Regan said...

    I sincerely hope that the Russian Orthodox Church enters into full communion with Rome, helping to end the Great Schism between East and West. Otherwise, as Sr. Lucia herself said:

    “Russia will be the instrument of chastisement chosen by Heaven to punish the whole world if we do not beforehand obtain the conversion of that poor nation ...”

    Also the prophecies of Bl. Elena Aiello come to mind:

    "The Madonna speaks: “The hour of the justice of God is close, and will be terrible!” “Tremendous scourges are impending over the world, and various nations are struck by epidemics, famines, great earthquakes, terrific hurricanes, with overflowing rivers and seas, which bring ruin and death.” “If the people do not recognize in these scourges (of nature) the warnings of Divine Mercy, and do not return to God with truly Christian living, ANOTHER TERRIBLE WAR WILL COME FROM THE EAST TO THE WEST. RUSSIA WITH HER SECRET ARMIES WILL BATTLE AMERICA; WILL OVERRUN EUROPE. The river Rhine will be overflowing with corpses and blood. Italy, also, will be harassed by a great revolution, and the Pope will suffer terribly.”

    It's hard to see anything like this happening at present though, and I do believe that Russia will indeed convert (since Our Lady of Fatima has promised this). But if America were brought to its knees as a result of a natural disaster (such as my La Palma mega-tsunami/Rev 8:8 hypothesis), the nuclear stalemate would be cancelled out, and a Russian takeover of Europe would be more feasible - especially if was foisted as a "protective" measure against an invasion from an Arab coalition, or the Far East.

    Thanks for sending that Tom! I really do hope this Syrian crisis is resolved peacefully. Russia appears to be increasingly threatened by America's involvement in these regime changes.

    14 September 2013 08:14

    mariana said...
    Emmett, YOU ARE IN SPIRIT DAILY!!!!!!! Woohooo! Your analysis through the grace of God, has been spot on. And you are right, much prayer must continue, because we are at a time when things can escalate against the U.S., Russia and China. We need that peace to come very soon. Thank you Emmett, you really have made a difference in my life.

    14 September 2013 10:34

    mariana said...
    And Mary, about the MDM prophesies, when a supposed seer calls our Pope Francis a 'false prophet' that seer is the false one. With all due respect, please consider avoiding such nonsense especially in these times. We need to stay united and defend the Church today for that is what will bring peace. Bless you.

    14 September 2013 10:47

    Anonymous said...
    Is it possible that the 2 witnesses referred to in Malachi 4 are symbolized in our 2 Popes: Benedict 16th and Francis?

    14 September 2013 11:55

    Catholic American said...
    Thanksgiving in the USA is on November 28th this year.

    14 September 2013 12:00

    Emmett, was it St. John Bosco who said that there would be Russians in the army of the Great Monarch? After suffering for so many years I do believe that Russia has a glorious future ahead of her, but I don’t trust Putin. I think you described him correctly and he’s someone to watch very carefully. Putin has said that the fall of the Soviet Union was one of the great catastrophes of history and he wants to reclaim its former glory. In Yves Dupont’s book “Catholic Prophecy”, according to his understanding of the prophecies, it would be Russia in allegiance with the Muslims who would invade Europe. Russia will arm them and they will invade first and together they will meet in Italy. At the same time, the USA will be in a civil war and a possibly be invaded by China and other countries. The Great Monarch rises and fights back against the Russians and drives them out. When Russia tries to regroup and fight again, on their second advance and defeat “the bear falls and the Supreme Leader is imprisoned.” Possibly Putin? The Russians, and by then, the USA and probably all of the Americas will fight with the Great Monarch in the “holy war” against Islam where the muslims will be annihilated and these former Christian lands recaptured. During the Era of Peace, Russia and China become Catholic, England returns to the Church, and I assume the USA will also become Catholic. Granted, he wrote this back in the 1970’s but I think it may still play out as he envisioned.

    14 September 2013 13:23

    Anonymous said...
    Great article.

    I love the names of the two comets:

    I SON and LOVE JOY! :)

    14 September 2013 13:54

    Anonymous said...
    mariana said...

    "And Mary, about the MDM prophesies, when a supposed seer calls our Pope Francis a 'false prophet' that seer is the false one. With all due respect, please consider avoiding such nonsense especially in these times. We need to stay united and defend the Church today for that is what will bring peace. Bless you."


    I never said MDM is true, I said the opposite in a couple of other replies, why are you addressing me about MDM?

    "United", there are some posting here who believe differently about the prophesied sequence of events. I could be wrong but I do not think Desmond Birch is correct stating the anti-Christ comes after the Era of Peace. I shared a message from John Leary, from 1999. Leary's messages have always stated the anti-Christ comes to power before the end of the 6th Day during the Great Tribulation before the new time, the Era of Peace. Some refer to this time as the Millennium, it is God's 7th Day.

    And I asked, where does Desmond Birch believe the prophesied Warning fits in his timeline of events? Maybe, he does not believe in the Warning?

    See, big differences. Let us talk about them. I have been trying to convince Emmett about the Warning. It is the Second Pentecost. I think he believes

    Emmett kindly said said so in a way referring to Faustina's messages about the Cross in the sky. Our Lord was speaking about the Warning to Faustina. She
    experienced an NDE like life review, we all will too during the

    God bless you too, love,

    14 September 2013 15:56

    Anonymous said...
    Blogger Emmett O'Regan said...

    "Thanks for sharing that Mary! When you compare genuine private revelations with Scripture, it seems there is a consensus that the Second Pentecost precedes the Great Chastisement, in order to allow humanity to repent. I wouldn't put too much stock into any contemporary alleged seers though, especially without any evidence of the supernatural being involved. We really have no need to pay attention to any private revelations that have not been approved by the Church, since we already know the fullness of the truth in the Gospels. If God wants us to pay attention to anyone, then we can be sure that there would be unmistakable evidence of the supernatural."

    Emmett, I just saw your post. Thank you.

    I am sharing again about the differences here in the belief of prophesied end time events and of the Era of Peace. I was surprised when I first read of these differences on your blog.

    Yes, the Second Pentecost (the Great Waring) precedes the Chastisement. No disagreement.

    I replied to Charles sharing Desmond Birch's writing from 1999. Desmond rejects John Leary as God's messenger. John's messages continue to this day to say the anti-Christ comes to power BEFORE the Era of Peace and so do all the current messages. Desmond Birch disagrees.

    If you read the daily current unapproved, it would help. Heaven is urgently repeating the sequence of events.

    The Church states you can believe the unapproved and share them.

    check Yahoo Groups - Seers 2

    direct link:


    14 September 2013 17:06

    14 September 2013 18:10

    Anonymous said...
    Hi, Check your date for the Rosh Hoshanah. It's always in the Fall, never in March.
    14 September 2013 18:23

    Anonymous said...


    Perhaps, you are not aware that that Apparition was condemned by the Bishop? If not, you should know you are not to associate with condemned apparitions, for the good of your soul. Like I've said before, listen to the Bishop for pete's sake, folks. It's not hard to do. Now, is it?

    God bless.

    14 September 2013 18:35

    Anonymous said...
    It is wild, there are two camps here on the blog.

    .."Is it safe to assume the if the conditional chastisement and era of peace are to PROCEED the capital A Antichrist, Father Iannuzzi's book is speaking of a time AFTER the Antichrist and Tribulation?

    Desmond Birch, <
    ... we have dozens of prophecies from Canonized Saints, Blessed and Venerable describing a great era of peace (with or without a conditional Chastisement) which PRECEDES the coming of the Antichrist. There is no conjecture about this. This is fact."

    Current messages from Heaven agree
    with the first. And, another difference, some people reject the Great Warning of Garabandal. They
    speak of a Pentecost repeatedly, well, what is the Great Warning of Garabandal but a Pentecost?

    There is revelation in the "approved messages" about the Warning. I can look for "approved" or Church Fathers concerning WHEN the anti-Christ appears.

    14 September 2013 19:16

    Sr. Marianne Lorraine Trouve
    Someone said above, "Putin has said that the fall of the Soviet Union was one of the great catastrophes of history and he wants to reclaim its former glory."

    Sure Putin said that, but I hope you don't believe it! The Soviet Union was indeed an evil empire; its communist atheistic rulers killed millions of people and many, many Christian martyrs.

    "Its former glory?" Certainly not!

    Besides, I don't see how Russia can take over in Europe or anywhere else because they are in complete demographic collapse, losing population every year.

    14 September 2013 19:30

    mariana said...
    So sorry Mary got confused, I read MDM and my brain explodes, please forgive me. I'm not a real fan of John Leary, or Desmond either. But I do believe in Garabandal and Fr Gobbi. Gobbi wrote, "this society will finally know what it has never known until now: a new way of living in love. It will know the new civilization of love...a reign founded on sanctity, love, justice, joy, and peace. This is the Eucharistic Reign." I SON LOVE JOY! Of what Gobbi said, we are not in the final judgement yet. We are at "end of time" which refers to these present times, which are possessed by the evil one. But when the evil one is defeated, we will have a time in which God will reign, in which the world will be glorified through this communion with God. In other words, it may be that all Christian Churches will unite, and major conversions will happen by other religions to Christianity. So, the question is what is the order of events until evil is finally defeated? Well, according to Garabandal the Warning arrives when the world is at its worst. When communism comes back. And it has come back, we call it Secular Socialism today. So, we are close for the Warning and Miracle. And why I believe you are correct, Mary, is because our world, our nation is in such moral turmoil that it is impossible to go back, unless there is some sort of Divine intervention. If Pope Francis consecrates the world in October, there is a very good chance we will see peace in the near future, but it may not be for awhile. So, things may get worse with maybe more wars, conflict, economic collapse, natural disasters, etc. But those who are united to the Pope, and always remain in the true faith will be saved by the intensity of the chastisements which have already begun. According to Josyp Terelya, Syria would be the key to peace or no peace. 2017 may very well be the year of the Second Pentecost - the era of peace. But we have a few years to get there. Of what I understand, according to Fr Gobbi, what we are going through right now with the "Church wounded in her unity, attacked by secularism by which errors and bad examples are spread - this is the purification and the tribulation." So, I believe within now and 2017, we will be experiencing the Warning and Miracle. If after the Miracle, humanity still does not return to God, the chastisement will intensify, so that humanity may return to Him. And this may very well be a major Tsunami, Asteroid, or nuclear war. Let's hope the end of power of evil in this world happens right after the Miracle and continues for many, many centuries.

    14 September 2013 22:14

    Kelly Hicks Whitehurst said...
    Thank you so much for this profound and thought provoking article. As a person who had lost touch with the modern church, I have been revitalized by the selection of Francis as our new pope. I have great hope for his tenure, and my mind has been on his election nearly every day since. I admire his humility, but I am more inspired by what seems to be an effort by Francis to return the church to it's scriptural roots. For the last 12 years, the hopes of many have been darkened by the specter of Armageddon, as symbolic events and natural disasters come at a record pace. Fear for my children and my grandchildren began to dominate my thoughts and a dark spirit bringing depression had settled into my heart and soul. I can not tell you exactly what has changed, but Francis has given me hope for my earthly future. The future of the church, and the future of the world. His transparency has been refreshing and admirable. He inspires love in his flock, and I trust him. I believe that he knows the adversary has infiltrated and crippled the church of Saint Peter, but Francis instinctively knows that truly living by the Holy Scriptures is the only way to cast the darkness out of the church. I have so much love in my heart for this frugal straight shooter. Francis will regain the trust of the world, which at one time seemed unlikely. We all stood as a mortified witness. To know that evil had infiltrated THE church and having to accept that Satan himself sent men of God into unholy temptation just broke the spirit of so many. I felt personally wounded as it unfolded in the international news, and heartbroken that this unseemly scandal was bringing the church I was born into and loved to its knees. God had forewarned us in prophesy, however, and God knew what restoring the church would take. He set the cardinals mind on a reluctant, unknown and unlikely shepherd while they were in that enclave. I didn't believe such a man could be found, but God always knew who would be the head of His house. Francis has been able to restore my faith in organized religion, and his words are a source of comfort, that for me inspire true love for God and for all humanity. That is what it is all about. Now in this age we are witnessing events with uncanny likeness to The End Times. Armageddon. The Apocalypse. God has brought to us the shepherd that He knew could bring the lost sheep home, and comfort their broken hearts and fear of what lies ahead. If we have to endure it, he is the man to endure it with, I believe. Once again, I can feel the Holy Spirit at work in the church, and I am in awe of his effect on young people that the church sorely needs, who sorely need the church. If Russia is to ever open the lines of communication and conversion, Francis is the pope the world needed for this job. I sense the overwhelming presence of God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in everything I see and hear coming from Francis, and I believe that there are miracles in store for all. Thank you for writing an article that gives me real food for thought, that also has enough source material referenced that will allow me to investigate further on my own. God Bless you all.

    15 September 2013 01:40

    Anonymous said...
    1830 on the globe of the world....add a hundred and eighty three years and you get 2013.

    15 September 2013 01:58

    Anonymous said...
    Comet C/2012 S1 will come to perihelion (closest approach to the Sun) on 28 November 2013 at a distance of 0.012 AU (1,800,000 km; 1,100,000 mi) from the center point of the Sun.[2][7] Accounting for the solar radius of 695,500 km, the comet will pass approximately 1,100,000 kilometres (680,000 mi) above the Sun's surface. Its orbit is nearly parabolic, which suggests that it may be a dynamically new comet coming freshly from the Oort cloud.[8][9] On closest approach, the comet will pass about 0.072 AU (10,800,000 km; 6,700,000 mi) from Mars on 1 October 2013, and it will pass about 0.42 AU (63,000,000 km; 39,000,000 mi) from Earth on 26 December 2013.[7]

    Some of the orbital elements of comet C/2012 S1 are similar to that of the Great Comet of 1680 which suggests the two comets may have fragmented from the same parent body.[10] Earth is expected to pass through the orbit of the comet on 14–15 January 2014, which may result in the creation of a meteor shower.[11]

    This comet is a sungrazer it may not survive the encounter with the sun. I have seen some reports of a possible explosion. The Traditional Gospel reading for the 28th is Matthew 24:15-35. For as lightning cometh out of the East..etc ....the Sun rises in the East...

    Also interesting to note that the date the meteor shower falls on the 14-15 of January. Depending how long it will take to cross the debris field.... give or take a day before or a day after... The Baptism of Our Lord Falls on the 13th. Remember John 1:29-34 I saw the Spirit coming down, as a dove from Heaven; and he remained upon him.

    NASA have said that this will be unprecedented, as it will produce meteor showers on both sides of the globe simultaneously. Size of micron to ....?? Old testament all over again?

    15 September 2013 02:53

    Jamey said...
    Emmett, I put up a comment responding to one of yours, it was published but now it has disappeared?

    15 September 2013 04:32

    Emmett O'Regan said...
    Sorry Jamey, I don't know what happened to that post...

    15 September 2013 06:43

    Anonymous said...
    In Dec. of last year, Putin came under criticism from rights activists after he compared Lenin’s embalmed corpse to the holy relics of Christian saints. Putin spoke against the idea of removing Lenin's mausoleum from Red Square in Moscow where his corpse is housed.
    "Many say the mausoleum contradicts traditions. What contradicts traditions? Go to the Kiev Caves Monastery (in Ukraine) or look at (Russia's) Pskov monastery or Mount Athos (in Greece). There are relics of saints there. You can see everything there."

    Just imagine for the sake of argument that Hitler was killed by Stauffenberg’s bomb in 1944. Further imagine that the Nazis then embalmed his body and turned it into a national shrine. What do you suppose would have happened to the mummy after the Nazi regime disappeared in 1945, just like the Soviet one supposedly did in 1991?

    The Germans have repudiated their Nazi past in no uncertain terms. Tens of thousands of Nazis were convicted in the Federal Republic by the Germans themselves, not counting those convicted by the Allies at Nuremberg and elsewhere.

    Ever since, the nation has been on a massive guilt trip, with the very name of Hitler practically eradicated from the history books. And Hitler’s own Mein Kampf is banned in Germany.

    For millions murdered by Hitler and his German gang, read tens of millions murdered by Lenin and his Russian gang. Yet not a single KGB ghoul has been tried for a single murder, never mind convicted. Moreover, a KGB gang ably led by Col. Putin himself is still running the country in the best traditions of his sponsoring organization (just imagine the SS surviving to this day and numbering most of Germany’s government among its members).

    Hence the structure of the Mausoleum still sits in Red Square, just like it did under Stalin. And the mummy is still there, though for appearances’ sake the scale of worship has been somewhat curtailed.

    Keeping the mummy where it is, explained Col. Putin, is perfectly justifiable. This, you see, is in line with the Christian tradition of keeping the relics of saints. Good to see that the colonel has grasped the essence of his recently acquired religion.

    The current head of the Communist Party Zyuganov eagerly picked up on that line of thought. ‘This form of Lenin’s internment agrees with the Russian Orthodox canons and traditions. So,’ he added in the direction of liberal protesters, ‘put up and shut up.’

    About a fourth of the roughly 60 million Russians murdered by the Leninists perished on Lenin’s watch (1917-1924). The victims included some 40,000 priests killed in all sorts of imaginative ways, whose description needn’t detain us here. Many of their parishioners shared the same gruesome fate – just because they believed in God. Their churches were desecrated, plundered of liturgical valuables and most of them destroyed – all on Lenin’s direct orders.

    History apart, martyrdom is an ironclad requirement for canonization, and Lenin falls a bit short. He died of syphilis, a cause not normally associated with saintliness.

    One reason why Lenin's body is kept intact: because his cause is still there. Just one reason not to believe Putin.


    15 September 2013 07:17

    Anonymous said...

    Do you know if John Leary repudiated these statements:

    Jesus said: "My people, I am giving you a second warning to be wary of as this evil age comes to its height. When My Pope son, John Paul II, is removed from his position, know that his replacement will signal the coming entry of the Anti-Christ. This successor will not be true to Me so be prepared for turmoil in My Church. Some will be consumed with the wine of temporary power and fame. This new leader's power will not last long since he will be smote by My angel. He is the one referred to in the Scriptures of Revelation. So be wary of his reign and do not follow him since he will be an impostor trying to lead the people astray in worshipping the Anti-Christ." (John Leary, PREPARE FOR THE GREAT TRIBULATION AND THE ERA OF PEACE, VOLUME II, Feb. 1, 1995, page 195)

    As a result of a world depression and a world famine, the United Nations will call for a global government to restore order. During a time of martial law, a One-World religion will be imposed, which will be a means for religious persecution to force everyone to worship the Beast and take his mark on their body. All those who refuse this mark will be outlaws and liable for death. The Anti-Pope, who will replace John Paul II, will assist in forming this One-World religion of false gods. Once the United Nations controls the world, the Ant-Christ will assume full control and eliminate ALL of the current leaders. Message to John Leary, April 6, 1999.

    I haven't read Leary's "messages" in quite a few years, but I never found him to be legit, just a bit off, IMO. I didn't know where Leary stood with Benedict 16 after making those previous statements. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but saying a future pope is anti-Christ is not your typical true prophetic voice from heaven.


    15 September 2013 07:36

    Anonymous said...

    Why in the world should anyone believe some random message from some random seer who claims to see Christ and His Mother? It's ridiculous.

    I remember reading somewhere that false apparitions would increase as we got near the end. How true that is.

    Anything that says Pope Benedict "worshipped the Antichrist" is completely diabolical.

    I pray no one believes any of that man's nonsense. Follow the teachings of the Church, folks. You're better off paying attention to what is officially approved by Holy Mother Church. Just sayin'.

    15 September 2013 10:31

    Anonymous said...
    Above is ~Hannah*

    15 September 2013 10:32

    Anonymous said...
    Why Not "Just Go to Confession" and as Best as you can? Stay in Grace---Let what's going to happen Happen/ and Don't Worry About It: If you're in the state of Grace? Why worry? The birds in the air don't worry about their next meal/ and God watches over them/ Why should we ring our hands in stress and worry? What's going to happen is going to happen. Remember the Battle has Already been WON once Christ was Crucified: We're just the foot soldiers picking up what's left on the Battle Field. Stay close to God/Holy Mother and also Don't 4GET the HOLY ANGELS: They're our Shields.

    15 September 2013 11:24

    Pete Salveinini
    The recent vigil of prayer in Rome was imitated by 120 bishops in the US; there are roughly 200 dioceses here. At such a late date, I doubt that all the hierarchy would go along with the Pope, but many would. I don't think he will mention Russia. So like 1984 SOME LIMITED GOOD WILL COME FROM IT, BUT NOT ALL THAT WAS PROMISED IF DONE AS THE BLESSED VIRGIN REQUESTED. It is more likely that China would invade the whole world, as the errors of Russia are now more ensconced in China than the Soviet Union ever was. Don't forget Esperanza, who before her death in 2004 revealed that "something very big will occur around 2020, well, between 2017 and 2020"

    15 September 2013 12:50

    Pete Salveinini
    The recent vigil of prayer in Rome was imitated by 120 bishops in the US; there are roughly 200 dioceses here. At such a late date, I doubt that all the hierarchy would go along with the Pope, but many would. I don't think he will mention Russia. So like 1984 SOME LIMITED GOOD WILL COME FROM IT, BUT NOT ALL THAT WAS PROMISED IF DONE AS THE BLESSED VIRGIN REQUESTED. It is more likely that China would invade the whole world, as the errors of Russia are now more ensconced in China than the Soviet Union ever was. Don't forget Esperanza, who before her death in 2004 revealed that "something very big will occur around 2020, well, between 2017 and 2020"

    15 September 2013 12:53

    Pete Salveinini
    PS and of course, we are on the brink of triggering WWIII as it happened for WWI, through lesser proxies.

    15 September 2013 12:56

    Anonymous said...

    Truly, the messages from Heaven say as you shared. And no EXACT dates, so we can't help but wonder, though we understand God's reason.

    Some speak of a Second Pentecost here but do not acknowledge the prophesied Warning? God the Holy
    Spirit is going to enlighten every
    soul on the earth. That would be
    a Pentecost and the messages tells
    us the timeline of when it will take place.



    The other camp, Desmond Birch, Stephen Walford and others (I'll add you too). It would be great to change your mind. If they would read and believe the daily messages from Heaven, they would see their sequence is wrong.

    I last posted, I would look for a Church Father.

    A quote from Lactantius (250-217). One of his writings tells you the sequence of end time events, FIRST the anti-Christ and his evil, THEN the Era of Peace, the 7th Day. We are living in the time of the 6th Day, very close to its completion, the END OF TIMES, the ending of great evil. We all want to cry at the daily horrid news that the world can read in an instant.

    From Lactantius' The Divine Institutes:

    "And as God labored during those six days in creating such great works, so His religion and truth must labor during these six thousand years, while wickedness prevails and bears rule. And again, since God, having finished His works, rested on the seventh day and blessed it, at the end of the six thousandth year all wickedness must be abolished from the earth, and righteousness reign for a thousand years; and there must be tranquility and rest from the labors which the world now long endured."

    Look at the "supernatural evidence" surrounding St. Padre Pio before he was proclaimed a saint. Replying to a question from a spiritual daughter, Pio said:

    Did the prophet Elijah die?

    “He disappeared in a chariot of fire. Maybe he is in paradise. He will come at the END OF TIMES to fight the Antichrist.”[24]


    15 September 2013 13:07

    Anonymous said...
    I typed 2, it should of been a 3.

    A quote from Lactantius (250-317).


    15 September 2013 13:14

    Jamey said...
    Emmett said: "I wouldn't get too enamoured with Putin Jamey"

    I have been suspicious of his "Christianity" as indicated in previous comments on other posts, however that letter to the New York Times could be one of two possiblities:

    1. He is stalling the US for strategic purposes (ie gathering forces and weapons).
    2. He genuinely doesn't want a huge war.

    There are some such as Fr Paul Kramer who I greatly respect who believe there will be a worldwide reign of Communism and there will be a ban on the Holy Mass (ie Antichrist reign). The former could happen but I doubt the latter under Putin anyhow, maybe he has a nostalgia to both the old USSR (as Charles comment points out) and also Russian Orthodoxy, people are often mixed bags. I have known some extremely violent people who had a certain respect for their own Orthodox Christian heritage. As Jac and others here have mentioned with some of the signs Russia may be being prepared for their conversion back to the Catholic faith.

    I personally think we are now on the cusp of the annihilation of nations as prophesied at Fatima. Another false flag or two involving chemical weapons on innocent people could see the international community join the US in bombing Syria or even Iran and then Russia could well intervene. How could Russia overrun the West and Europe as Sr Aiello prophesied? I think it will probably have to do with what Malachi Martin (with his connection to Cardinal Bea) said was in the Third Secret - that is a new form of weapon.

    For those who haven't seen it here is a video Hannah put up with a short film showing what the annihilation of nations (also shown as synonymous with the Great Chastisement of Akita) will look like:

    15 September 2013 17:38

    Jamey said...
    I sincerely hope that the Russian Orthodox Church enters into full communion with Rome, helping to end the Great Schism between East and West. Otherwise, as Sr. Lucia herself said:

    “Russia will be the instrument of chastisement chosen by Heaven to punish the whole world if we do not beforehand obtain the conversion of that poor nation ...”

    Also the prophecies of Bl. Elena Aiello come to mind:

    "The Madonna speaks: “The hour of the justice of God is close, and will be terrible!” “Tremendous scourges are impending over the world, and various nations are struck by epidemics, famines, great earthquakes, terrific hurricanes, with overflowing rivers and seas, which bring ruin and death.” “If the people do not recognize in these scourges (of nature) the warnings of Divine Mercy, and do not return to God with truly Christian living, ANOTHER TERRIBLE WAR WILL COME FROM THE EAST TO THE WEST. RUSSIA WITH HER SECRET ARMIES WILL BATTLE AMERICA; WILL OVERRUN EUROPE. The river Rhine will be overflowing with corpses and blood. Italy, also, will be harassed by a great revolution, and the Pope will suffer terribly.”

    It's hard to see anything like this happening at present though, and I do believe that Russia will indeed convert (since Our Lady of Fatima has promised this). But if America were brought to its knees as a result of a natural disaster (such as my La Palma mega-tsunami/Rev 8:8 hypothesis), the nuclear stalemate would be cancelled out, and a Russian takeover of Europe would be more feasible - especially if was foisted as a "protective" measure against an invasion from an Arab coalition, or the Far East.

    Emmett, do you think there is the possibility of some terrible chastisements (not necessarily the big one) before the Second Pentecost?

    15 September 2013 17:43

    Anonymous said...

    There's a Chastisment happening right now.

    I'm sure you've all heard Boulder, Colorado got flushed out like a sewer by God recently.

    Tell me that isn't a Chastisement.

    Not to mention, the place is known for sodomy.

    God is still warning us and waiting for repentance. If it wasn't for Our Lady this country would've been consumed by fire long ago...

    God bless.


    15 September 2013 18:24

    Jamey said...
    Thanks Hannah, I never saw that one, another case of flooding as Blessed Aiello envisioned before more terrible scourges. Next to Fatima I think her end-time visions are the most comprehensive in connection to our day and age.

    Related to signs in the sky and some Catholic commentators believing there will be huge lightning strikes before the Great Chastisement I came across the following which seems to be a prelude of greater things to come:

    I know some of the Padre Pio 3 days of darkness prophecies are spurious however Bernard Ruffin who wrote a comprehensive and well footnoted book on his life said the Padre envisioned such terrible things to come upon humanity that they were kept in house. This Ruffin got from speaking with reliable and direct contacts of the great modern mystic in the early 1980's when he was putting together his book.

    15 September 2013 19:48

    Jamey said...
    Just saw this as well, the footage on the news I just saw was pretty crazy:

    15 September 2013 20:10

    Talking about saints: do we know why there are more men saints than women saints in the calendar ?

    The ratio is 1 woman for 3 men saints...

    Or, why we have only 4 out of 34 Doctors of the Church women ? Were men closer to God, or women do not know how to become saints?

    15 September 2013 20:23

    Anonymous said...
    Charles said:
    "I haven't read Leary's "messages" in quite a few years, but I never found him to be legit, just a bit off, IMO. I didn't know where Leary stood with Benedict 16 after making those previous statements. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but saying a future pope is anti-Christ is not your typical true prophetic voice from heaven."


    You are making a point, "a future pope IS anti-Christ." Prophecy states two persons, the False Prophet is a non-pope (anti-pope) who follows the anti-Christ.

    Wow! I too would like to know John Leary's explanation? The second message..."Who will replace John Paul II" means the next pope.

    Satan waylaid John Leary. Like the Two Patricks, their messages said Pope Benedict XVI would be evil. Though, the Two Patricks actually named Pope Benedict in their messages.

    I do not read the Two Patricks anymore for this reason so I am not sure on their sequence of events. John Leary's messages have remained the same on sequence of events. Trib, the Warning, evangelizing people new to the faith, the appearance of the anti-Christ, persecution of the faithful, flee to and protected at the refuges for whatever period of time, God's Chastisement by fire and the 3 days of darkness, the end of Tribulation, the earth is renewed, the new time of God, the Era of Peace.

    I was converted by private revelation. Don't you believe God would speak to us every day? He would not leave us confused, not understanding the times.

    There have been, many, many messages in the last 100 years. There are only a few approved, I am not going to ignore the others. I'll take the good from the messages. The sequence of divine events is made more clear,
    it is known to help us now.

    God bless you,


    15 September 2013 20:55

    Jamey said...

    I came to Christianity and ultimately Catholicism through the spiritual visions of Rudolf Steiner and Howard Storm's nde. However now I have major reservations about both especially the former but out of something not great God brings the best out of, there are some mysteries we will better understand in the next world.

    You will find there are scores of supposed Catholic visionaries around the world who are all proclaiming different things and scripture warns us there will be a plague of false prophets in the Last Days. They will use approved visions but add their own slant based on a bit of guesswork. Stick to the saints and blesseds, approved apparitions, scripture and what the Early Father's generally taught and you will have all that is needed to know for our terrible times. If someone has the stigmata or a seemingly miraculous manifestation then that is worth paying extra attention to, but even in such cases you may be dealing with a preternatural (diabolical) vs supernatural occurrence.

    God Bless.
    16 September 2013 00:30

    Post last edited Sep 16th 2013
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2015
  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°63

    empty. Re: Conversations regarding the Cosmic Changes in Archetypes and Symbols

    empty. shiloh on Wed Sep 18, 2013 2:49 am
    ET Contact and Associations

    [3:45:11 PM-Wednesday, September 18th, 2013 -+10UCT --- TUEWED Day of the Last Supper]

    [3:45:43 PM] Shiloh: Probably fake, but what is your impression about the 37 minute marker?
    [3:50:32 PM] Sirius 17: yeah i saw this a few years back i think
    [3:50:43 PM] Sirius 17: not this particular video but one that showed this same footage
    [3:50:58 PM] Sirius 17: or maybe it was this same footage re-released
    [3:51:16 PM] Shiloh: The general storyline is feasible, telepathic grey etc
    [3:51:36 PM] Sirius 17: yeah i dont know
    [3:51:45 PM] Shiloh: I dont like the human shaded teller though on first impressions
    [3:52:03 PM] Sirius 17: no well he is the whistleblower supposedly
    [3:52:30 PM] Shiloh: Yes and he could be the shadow as well the ceo or whatever
    [3:53:00 PM] Sirius 17: and the fact they actually got footage out of area 51....the question is how
    [3:53:20 PM] Sirius 17: the footage is old
    [3:53:32 PM] Shiloh: Well it seems too much PR actually
    [3:53:43 PM] Sirius 17: or made to look old
    [3:53:48 PM] Shiloh: Directed disinfo perhaps
    [3:54:02 PM] Sirius 17: yes and now its been re-released
    [3:54:04 PM] Shiloh: Most area 51 'leaks' would be
    [3:54:19 PM] Shiloh: Stage seems most likely yes
    [3:54:21 PM] Sirius 17: with a 2013 title
    [3:54:45 PM] Shiloh: Well they would somehow know that 2013 is the beginning of the new
    [3:54:56 PM] Shiloh: As you know personally lol
    [3:55:12 PM] Sirius 17: yeah
    [3:55:36 PM] Shiloh: They debunk the autopsy thing see
    [3:55:44 PM] Sirius 17: well i remember when i first saw this my reaction was viceral at first, then after looking at it over and over the thing moves puppet like
    [3:55:44 PM] Shiloh: This could be markII
    [3:56:12 PM] Shiloh: viceral?
    [3:56:55 PM] Shiloh: I mean too many people figured the autopsy fake so now they try this
    [3:57:21 PM] Sirius 17: i mean it seemed more convincing then any of the other videos i had seen
    [3:57:43 PM] Shiloh: I could accept the telepath label
    [3:59:12 PM] Sirius 17: where did you see this video at? just browsing or on mists?
    [3:59:24 PM] Shiloh: This Baker guy is right I think
    [3:59:51 PM] Shiloh: I like Bob Dean but here he is a little strange
    [3:59:57 PM] Shiloh: Too sure of it
    [4:00:06 PM] Shiloh: Browsing!
    [4:01:35 PM] Shiloh: You saw Dean commenting?
    [4:01:59 PM] Shiloh: Unless this really dovetails with his overall experience
    [4:02:17 PM] Shiloh: So I am not sure what to make of it, as yet
    [4:02:31 PM] Shiloh: It could be a merkabah utility by the ETs
    [4:02:51 PM] Sirius 17: yeah i did
    [4:03:01 PM] Shiloh: And?
    [4:03:32 PM] Shiloh: I liked Dean until now; though I think his mind has been messed with to some extent
    [4:04:18 PM] Sirius 17:

    [4:04:33 PM] Sirius 17: here is a video with clips from most of the best alien videos
    [4:04:39 PM] Sirius 17: its pretty good
    [4:06:17 PM] Shiloh: I dont know
    [4:06:39 PM] Shiloh: The light being ones seemed the most real
    [4:07:00 PM] Shiloh: As I say, ETs use merkabah utility from the plasma
    [4:07:34 PM] Shiloh: I mean the waveforms transfigure in the cocoon of the density matrix
    [4:08:24 PM] Sirius 17: yeah i dont know
    [4:08:37 PM] Shiloh: Better not to speculate
    [4:08:42 PM] Sirius 17: the only grey i ever saw was in my latest visions that i detailed you
    [4:08:54 PM] Sirius 17: i never dreamed them
    [4:09:00 PM] Shiloh: And he looked anything like one in those videos?
    [4:09:14 PM] Sirius 17: sort of but he was more translucent
    [4:09:19 PM] Sirius 17: i could see through his head
    [4:09:23 PM] Sirius 17: and skin
    [4:09:24 PM] Shiloh: Yes, my point
    [4:09:49 PM] Shiloh: Lightform to plasma-translucent fluidity to solidity
    [4:10:00 PM] Sirius 17: makes sense to me
    [4:10:17 PM] Shiloh: This is how the Rendlsham craft 'solidified'
    [4:10:33 PM] Sirius 17: it did not seem human like, it seemed artificial to me, that the real being behind it was something else
    [4:10:41 PM] Shiloh: Yes
    [4:10:59 PM] Shiloh: So Dean might have felt the 'soul' of the ET, see what I mean?
    [4:11:06 PM] Shiloh: Even if this was staged
    [4:11:22 PM] Sirius 17: yet as it looked at my hands and such i was examining its hands and instrumentation and the ship, it was a very strange thing like we switched places half way
    [4:11:33 PM] Sirius 17: yeah oh of course
    [4:11:40 PM] Sirius 17: i think his reaction is genuine
    [4:11:57 PM] Shiloh: But contact is getting closer in a more physical state of beingness
    [4:12:08 PM] Shiloh: Why this stuff is coming out at this time
    [4:12:17 PM] Shiloh: It is gradual and evolves in tandem with the human groupmind and the pockets of cosmic consciousness
    [4:12:30 PM] Sirius 17: yes it seems so
    [4:12:55 PM] Shiloh: His reaction is true, but by how much is he not brain implanted?
    [4:13:28 PM] Shiloh: I like his Logos acceptance, lol
    [4:13:35 PM] Shiloh: This imo can't be faked

    [4:14:45 PM] Shiloh: So when the whistleblower says that the ETs are manipulating the governments, we can now read between the lines
    [4:14:50 PM] Sirius 17: well there is no doubt he has been influenced by the NABS and ufo groups
    [4:15:07 PM] Shiloh: You know what I am addressing with this?
    [4:15:16 PM] Sirius 17: his story seems the most genuine of any of the whistleblowers the cameloters ever interviewed i feel
    [4:15:21 PM] Shiloh: I agree
    [4:15:41 PM] Sirius 17: and they pretty much pulled his teeth to come out and go on the circuit again
    [4:15:44 PM] Sirius 17: i can see this
    [4:15:50 PM] Sirius 17: he despises being in public
    [4:16:08 PM] Sirius 17: the last thing i think he wants is to be laughingstock
    [4:16:43 PM] Sirius 17: but yes it is possible that some of his story has been auto suggested
    [4:16:58 PM] Sirius 17: by the ufo groupies and such
    [4:17:31 PM] Sirius 17: but not much with him i feel
    [4:17:39 PM] Shiloh: I would not go as far as this.
    [4:17:43 PM] Sirius 17: his story was not over the top
    [4:18:17 PM] Sirius 17: the ones who go over the top and that just seem so unbelievable to me are the ones i have issue with
    [4:18:30 PM] Sirius 17: Bob seems too genuine
    [4:18:45 PM] Sirius 17: i don't see him profiting much off his story
    [4:18:59 PM] Shiloh: I simply mean, that his lifelong association with the 'suppressed information' will have resulted in a certain sensitivity. He could also have been drugged and I am rather sure all of those 'affiliates' are affected by mind altering substances
    [4:19:17 PM] Sirius 17: and i don't think it is his intention to do so, he really wants to understand them and knows it is our future
    [4:19:39 PM] Sirius 17: oh yes i suppose this is possible
    [4:19:51 PM] Shiloh: [4:15 PM] Shiloh:

    <<< You know what I am addressing with this?
    I mean can you discern what REALLY is going on with the ET-Government Contacts?

    [4:20:11 PM] Sirius 17: exactly what he says, they don't know shit about them
    [4:20:17 PM] Shiloh: Exactly
    [4:20:28 PM] Sirius 17: but they know they have far far superior air capabilities
    [4:20:37 PM] Shiloh: And all so called 'contacts' and 'agreements' are not at all what the Nabsers believe
    [4:20:48 PM] Sirius 17: no all that shit is propaganda
    [4:21:01 PM] Shiloh: It is what I hinted at before; plasma merkabah utility
    [4:21:04 PM] Sirius 17: fodder for book sales and conspiracy nuts to profit off of
    [4:21:15 PM] Shiloh: ET intelligences YES, ET bodyforms NO or at best an 'adaptation' to the density matrix
    [4:21:18 PM] Sirius 17: and its a great cover story
    [4:21:36 PM] Shiloh: Yes; I am sharing this on OpScram btw
    [4:21:37 PM] Sirius 17: to the fact our own government knows jack shit
    [4:21:43 PM] Shiloh: It seems poignant to do so
    [4:24:05 PM] Sirius 17: but Bob Deans contact story as well as Drunvalo's inner earth experience to me were genuine experiences although misinterpreted as being real by them. They were real in the extent they mentally went to those places, just like i did with my experience with the 'grey' alien in switching places. But no one has gone anywhere in the physical with them, because these are higher D adventures and the physical doorways have not really been opened yet. When they do open is when we will have absolute contact though, and undoubtable.
    [4:24:14 PM] Shiloh: I agree
    [4:24:51 PM] Sirius 17: were their experiences real? absolutely in that context i just discussed
    [4:25:08 PM] Sirius 17: this is what people do not understand at all
    [4:25:30 PM] Sirius 17: higher D is just as real as everyday life but it is in a different context
    [4:26:02 PM] Sirius 17: just because they were not there in the physical does not negate the reality of the experience
    [4:26:10 PM] Shiloh: Yes, you need to be able to PERCEIVE multidimensionality and this is more than dreaming or imagining it with fancy thinking and whimsicalities
    [4:26:31 PM] Shiloh: It requires 'hard core' 3D rationality
    [4:53:32 PM] Shiloh: I'll add the Bob Dean audio or a youtube where he mentions the Logos
    [4:53:39 PM] Shiloh: You have seen this?
    [4:54:30 PM] Shiloh: Dean mentioned this in context with December 21st, 2012
    [4:54:43 PM] Sirius 17: humm i dont know
    [4:54:51 PM] Shiloh: I look for it
    [4:55:06 PM] Shiloh: The audio is on BOG and forums
    [4:56:43 PM] Shiloh:

    [5:01:53 PM] Shiloh: Yes, that is the one I recalled

    From the archives of the Thuban Dragon Ark
    Thuban has no affinity with Project Avalon (Bill Ryan), nor Project Camelot (Kerry Cassidy) and I share the following Kerry Cassidy (KC) Interview FYI only. The insistence of Bob Dean, about the 'positiveness' of the human planetary future seemed to 'ruffle' KC a bit and this effect I consider worth of sharing. Basically, Bob Dean claims that the old human race is destined to evolve into a starhuman race destined for the stars. This message is wholly shared by the Thuban Council of the Elders.
    Furthermore, the association of the G(alactic) F(ederation) in the title is a misnomer and has no obvious connections to various nabs channels operating under that label.
    Bob Dean had a NDE in October 2011 and his report seems in harmony with his other accounts and statements. I have linked some Nabs discussion about the shared message below from Project Avalon forum, dated April 2012.

    zon. Bob Dean meets the GF


    Dear friends,

    We don't publish as many "Three Videos Worth Watching" pages anymore as we used to, because since we created a Facebook page last year, we post most interesting videos there. This works much faster. But this next video is too good to be missed, so we post this one here too. This is a must watch!

    Most lightworkers will know Bob Dean (on the right on the picture). He's a retired command sergeant major for the US army, who became a whistleblower. He used to form an ideal interview partner for Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot, because just like her he was primarily interested in all the fuss that was going on between the positive groups and the negative groups on Earth, the so called black ops, and the conspiracies. That's why the interviews of Project Camelot are usually somewhat fear mongering I think, because the conclusion is always that this world could be in danger.

    But now, Bob Dean has had a near death experience. In october last year, he fell into a coma due to viral meningitis, and in fact he died. For some reason, the Galactic Federation decided to catch up with his spirit while he was in the higher realms. This is quite remarkable, because Bob didn't even know of their existence, and he still doesn't know what to call them. He calls them "a third party" in this interview. Maybe they thought he would make a good ambassador for them to spread the word in his circles about what's really going on on our planet right now. And in this video he proves to be just that. Because after receiving him on one of their huge motherships and having showed him the glorious future that awaits mankind after December this year, they (no doubt in consultation with his guides) told Bob that he had to return to Earth, because his job wasn't finished yet.

    And here he meets up with Kerry Cassidy again, but now with a completely different mindset. Kerry, of course, still looks at the current world events from her old point of view. For which she can't be blamed I think, because she just doesn't have the new insight yet that Bob has (and I think most visitors of our site have). But now, suddenly Bob won't have any of it anymore. He's a changed man, he's full of confidence and hope for our future. Alongside with Clifford Stone, who is also spiritual and also used to work for the US military, as an intiutive, communicating with ET's from crashed UFO's. They both reject any scenario of doom and gloom, to Kerry's astonishment. What develops is this pretty bizar interview.

    This video is almost 1,5 hours long. If you don't have much time to watch, the most interesting part is from 33:26 to 41:26.

    Hope you enjoy it!

    In Love and Light,

    Update March 9: Steve Beckow's team kindly made a transcript of a part of the interview. Here's the part from 33:26 to 41:26:

    Bob Dean: Let me tell you something. It’s not easy to say that there are the good guys and there are the bad guys, and we’re in the middle. That’s true to a certain extent, and it’s been true for the last ten thousand years, but it isn’t particularly true today, because a third party has entered the game. An advanced culture – and God knows who they are and what they are – but they’re higher in the anti – what do they call it, the hierarchy?

    These guys at the top of the hierarchy are primarily spiritual in nature, and they had intervened. And they have said, “Listen, we’ve had enough of this bullshit where you’ve warred among yourselves, you’ve had these clan disagreements,” and blah blah blah blah, this family and that family, and that culture and that group, that’s going to cease.

    Because the human race has been in the damned middle for so long now that they’ve reached a critical point in their evolution and their development. And we’re going to have to see that the human race survives and makes this awkward, painful transition into a new race, into a new species. And this higher element, this higher spiritual element in the hierarchy, has intervened. And they have literally said, Kerry, “Knock off the bullshit. We’re not going to have any more of this. There’s not going to be any more planetary wars. We’ve had enough of that. We’ve lost too many millions of people over the years. We’re going to control this carefully. We’re going to give them encouragement, we’re going to give them an opportunity, and we’re going to assist them to make this awkward transition into a new race.”

    Now, the only reason I’m hopeful now – when I used to go through this, I was very depressed and very cynical. Because I’d seen so damned much of the knock down, dragged out brawls, not only among our own people, but among some of these guys!

    And then I found out that there is this third party now that’s involved, that couldn’t care less about the clan disputes and the family disagreements and all that, all they care is to see that the human species makes this awkward transition into a new race and can reach out and take our rightful place in space and go to the stars where we belong, for God’s sake.

    Kerry Cassidy: Okay. But that’s their intention, that’s what you’ve been told they want to do because you were taken off world by them supposedly –

    Bob Dean: Yes, I was. And they’ve given me encouragement.

    Kerry Cassidy: Okay.

    Bob Dean: And they’ve showed me the future, Kerry, and the future is glorious! We are going to make it, and we’re going to look back at this awkward period, this blackness that we’ve been through for the last century or two, and we’re going to look back like students of history and say, “My God, look what they went through! Look what they did to each other!”

    We’re going to look back from the future into this particular time and place, and we’re going to say, “How in the world did they pull that off? Here they are, killing hundreds of millions of people in these wars, butchering each other! This has got to cease! We can’t let that race off the planet until they evolve and grow and mature where they can be safe!”

    Kerry Cassidy: Okay, but, Bob, these – that rationale, when you’ve got these races, off-planet races who have been warring with each other for eons! So maybe there’s a new guy on the block...

    Bob Dean: Let me tell you something.

    Kerry Cassidy: ...maybe that new guy is orchestrating things here, but actually, I’m going to sit over here and I’m going to be suspicious of even that new guy.

    Bob Dean: Well, it’s all right to be suspicious, and I know where you’re coming from.

    Kerry Cassidy: Did you read Childhood’s End?

    Bob Dean: I was talking to Joe Farrell not too long ago, at another conference. And Joe Farrell has written The Cosmic War. And The Cosmic War is a true story of a war between interplanetary intelligences. And they literally damned near destroyed each other! They destroyed a planet beyond Mars, for God’s sake, in our own solar system!

    But that crap has got to cease! And I have had the opportunity to meet guys from the higher level who said, “We’re not going to allow that to happen anymore. We’re going to give you a chance to make it.” And the only reason I’m hopeful – and I told you this privately, earlier – is that I have seen the future, and there is a future for the human race, and it’s beautiful!

    Kerry Cassidy: Okay. And I appreciate that, okay? And I would agree with you. And I think a lot of people listening to this, who will listen, will agree with you. That’s why we’re all here, that’s what we’re working for. But the work is still to be done. And what I want to do is keep eyes on the ground right now. And I want to talk about the idea of what’s right before people. Because this is 2012, we’re going into 2013, and some of these years are very crucial years. Okay? As you say, these are going to kind of be the years in which the transition happens. So this –

    Bob Dean: It’s happening right now.

    Kerry Cassidy: Exactly. So what I want to talk about here is, first of all, yes, you have a lot of bad kids in the class, okay? And those involve the Illuminati, some of whom are basically being run by certainly groups of Reptilians, certainly a group of Anunnaki that may not have our best interests in mind. They’d like to clear the planet, they’ve got – they’ve got big plans! And they’ve been working on those plans for a very long time. And both of you have – must have been face to face with that agenda.

    Bob Dean: Their agendas exist because they exist, and they’ve had some of their own personal agendas for eons of time. But their plans for our future don’t mean diddly squat! Because there are these higher developed cultures out there that have now intervened. And they’re going to see that the human race is going to be allowed to make it!

    Kerry Cassidy: Okay. And you’ve said that, and I agree. But the thing is, the idea here is not that somebody come in, organize the schoolyard for us, and then they go off on their own business and then we’re left to deal with it. The idea is that we learn to walk on our own.

    Bob Dean: We organize the schoolyard ourselves!

    Kerry Cassidy: Okay. So there is a great importance for the human race to take sovereignty, to take their rightful place as members of the galactic community.

    Bob Dean: Once they under –

    Kerry Cassidy: And to recognize who we are, and to...

    Bob Dean: Once they understand who they are, yes.

    Kerry Cassidy: ...recognize the gifts that we have. Okay?

    Bob Dean: The human race is precious. The human species is so unique that they told me – when I was with them for six weeks, I was asking them question after question after question. I found they were as interested in me as I was interested in them! And I asked them why. And they said, “You human beings don’t grasp who you really are! You have a unique genome that is unique in the galaxy. You’re made up of the patterns and the parts and pieces and genes and whatever of at least 12 different races in the Universe. And as a result of that, we think of you as unique. As a result of that, we look upon your little planet as probably one of the ripest and richest zoological gardens in this quadrant of the galaxy.”

    And that’s the first time I realized that the galaxy had been divided into four parts! I didn’t even realize there was a quadrant. And they said, “Oh, yes, you’re the most unique and precious zoological garden in this quadrant of the galaxy.”

    Kerry Cassidy: Absolutely...

    Bob Dean: “We venerate the planet, we venerate the flora and fauna on it, and we’re going to see that it survives.” Now, I’m getting this from the higher level.

    Shiloh, September 18th, 2013
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    My Posts
    Posts: 2163
    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Sep 21st 2013

    On the Grand Cosmic Reconfiguration of the World Logos Testimony of September 2013


    [3:56:31 AM-Sunday, September 22nd, 2013 -Equinox-+10UCT]
    Sirius 17: one for you Tonyblue emoticon-00152-heart.

    [12:22:56 PM] Sirius 17: how are you Tony?
    [12:24:36 PM] Shiloh: Ok dear finishing the chart
    [12:24:54 PM] Sirius 17: yes I saw you put it on the front page of spruz
    [12:25:12 PM] Sirius 17: i am having a terrible day
    [12:26:01 PM] Sirius 17: i even looked at taking out a million dollar policy on myself for my kids
    [12:26:55 PM] Sirius 17: incase i don't make it
    [12:27:01 PM] Shiloh: You feel ill?
    [12:27:12 PM] Sirius 17: yeah
    [12:27:24 PM] Shiloh: This next week is cosmic dear
    [12:27:26 PM] Sirius 17: i am having trouble breathing
    [12:27:32 PM] Shiloh: You simply are feeling the Logos
    [12:27:37 PM] Sirius 17: and my blood sugar is going nuts
    [12:27:42 PM] Sirius 17: its all over the place
    [12:28:16 PM] Shiloh:

    The final tesseradecad seems to contain only thirteen generations. Since it is unlikely that Matthew simply miscounted, a number of explanations have been proposed. A name may have been counted both at the end of one tesseradecad and the beginning of the next—either David or Jeconiah. Or if Josiah’s son was intended as Jehoiakim, then Jeconiah could be counted separately after the exile.[19] Another possibility is that Mary is counted as a generation, proceeding laterally by her marriage to Joseph. Though such a reckoning is otherwise unknown, it may have seemed necessary in light of the virgin birth.[29] Some have even proposed that Matthew’s original text had one Joseph as the father of Mary, who then married another man of the same name.[30]
    If only thirteen generations span the time from Jeconiah, born about 616 BC, to Jesus, born about 2 BC, as Matthew says, the average generation would be nearly fifty years—rather unlikely, though not impossible. It is generally assumed that, as Matthew has previously taken certain liberties, he continues to do so in this section, omitting several generations. In the Old Testament there are even wider gaps between generations.[31] The lack here of papponymic naming patterns, which were common throughout this period, may indicate that Matthew has telescoped this segment by collapsing such repetitions.

    [12:28:17 PM] Sirius 17: the higher it goes the less i can breathe
    [12:28:35 PM] Shiloh: Maybe this 'missing' generation is what you are feeling
    [12:28:50 PM] Shiloh: Otherwise I dont know
    [12:28:57 PM] Sirius 17: Carla can't breathe either
    [12:29:02 PM] Sirius 17: she is having trouble
    [12:29:03 PM] Shiloh:
    [12:29:11 PM] Sirius 17: but not as bad as me
    [12:29:24 PM] Shiloh: Well Carla is not an elder
    [12:29:37 PM] Shiloh: So it is simply a sign of the times
    [12:29:48 PM] Shiloh: Sorry I cant help you with your health
    [12:29:57 PM] Sirius 17: i know, its ok hon
    [12:30:41 PM] Sirius 17: i will figure it out i am sure
    [12:30:59 PM] Sirius 17: or ABBA wishes to take me
    [12:32:55 PM] Sirius 17: and today i had a moment where i was looking in the mirror as Peter asking Jesus why did he make me a woman
    [12:33:32 PM] Sirius 17: i don't understand myself lately
    [12:34:19 PM] Shiloh: I like being femme AND male Raven
    [12:34:36 PM] Shiloh: Only way to be
    [12:35:06 PM] Shiloh: Perhaps the new bodies are integrating
    [12:35:42 PM] Shiloh: The genetics must change in an invisble manner before anything good will come of it physically
    [12:35:56 PM] Sirius 17: i hope it happens soon
    [12:36:03 PM] Shiloh: Hoping, that we can and wait
    [12:36:24 PM] Shiloh: Bearing the crosses remember the GOT
    [12:36:29 PM] Sirius 17: yeah
    [12:36:33 PM] Sirius 17: i know
    [12:36:43 PM] Shiloh: So stop feeling so sorry for yourself
    [12:37:01 PM] Shiloh: The 'raison' for being here for us was to testify
    [12:37:09 PM] Shiloh: Not to find personal stuff
    [12:37:22 PM] Sirius 17: yes i know i am just falling apart now faster then ever
    [12:37:31 PM] Sirius 17: i am sad
    [12:37:39 PM] Shiloh: I am not happy with my legs either
    [12:37:46 PM] Shiloh: But I do feel a calmness
    [12:38:03 PM] Shiloh: Because you have ambitions
    [12:38:07 PM] Shiloh: I dont
    [12:38:21 PM] Sirius 17: well maybe i shouldn't...i don't know what i was thinking
    [12:38:22 PM] Shiloh: You have expectations of a good life
    [12:38:32 PM] Shiloh: But this is impossible in this fucked up world
    [12:38:41 PM] Sirius 17: i see
    [12:38:56 PM] Shiloh: So we fall with the old one and rise with the new one
    [12:39:03 PM] Shiloh: How and when I dont know
    [12:39:30 PM] Shiloh: But you can look at the front page and this chart and this is pure Logos
    [12:39:35 PM] Shiloh: I put pics on it
    [12:39:45 PM] Sirius 17: yeah i was looking at it
    [12:39:47 PM] Shiloh: next weekend will feel very different
    [12:39:55 PM] Sirius 17: i did not even know about the moon
    [12:40:04 PM] Shiloh: Equinox today
    [12:40:24 PM] Shiloh: JC is 41st gen see
    [12:40:31 PM] Shiloh: CJ is 42nd as the missing one
    [12:40:35 PM] Sirius 17: i also was thinking about exodus, and God's words to come out of her
    [12:40:40 PM] Shiloh: This will manifest Thursday-Friday
    [12:40:57 PM] Sirius 17: about the fake Israel
    [12:41:03 PM] Shiloh: This is already accomplished
    [12:41:13 PM] Shiloh: This 'coming out' was September 13th
    [12:41:17 PM] Sirius 17: yes i feel it
    [12:41:28 PM] Shiloh: Now the last 20+1 days
    [12:41:57 PM] Shiloh: The 'Last Supper Day' was personal to me
    [12:42:01 PM] Shiloh: This is why I know
    [12:42:08 PM] Shiloh: September 17th
    [12:42:19 PM] Sirius 17: yeah i figured you were quiet for a reason these days
    [12:42:23 PM] Shiloh: This was the last time I felt any attraction to DD
    [12:42:33 PM] Shiloh: Big shift
    [12:42:48 PM] Shiloh: The essence went to the sisterhood of the waves
    [12:43:08 PM] Shiloh: But it goes like this Julienne
    [12:43:09 PM] Sirius 17: well this is good
    [12:43:29 PM] Shiloh: Read the GOT and understand that JCCJ must integrate in bodyforms
    [12:43:45 PM] Shiloh: The witnesses must be the cornerstone
    [12:43:59 PM] Sirius 17: yes i know, he told me today in the mirror
    [12:44:14 PM] Shiloh: So you will experience a strange integration of the JCCJ template completed by September 27th
    [12:44:38 PM] Shiloh: September 26th, Jesus will become a fathermother of sorts
    [12:44:41 PM] Shiloh: Period
    [12:44:50 PM] Shiloh: The missing generation
    [12:44:59 PM] Shiloh: This will make Abba a grandpa
    [12:45:12 PM] Shiloh: Imo you feel this
    [12:45:33 PM] Sirius 17: yes i feel something deep happening
    [12:45:45 PM] Sirius 17: but also my human frailty
    [12:45:48 PM] Shiloh: The metaphysics will be ready from next weekend
    [12:45:52 PM] Sirius 17: its all mixed in there
    [12:45:55 PM] Shiloh: Yes
    [12:46:11 PM] Shiloh: We know we want and need new bodies
    [12:46:25 PM] Sirius 17: i am very fragile in my heart lately and my body too
    [12:46:34 PM] Shiloh: This might simply be a dna in higherD change then manifesting day by day
    [12:46:39 PM] Shiloh: Like a new mode
    [12:46:57 PM] Shiloh: Heart attack?
    [12:46:57 PM] Sirius 17: yes we grow younger
    [12:47:07 PM] Shiloh: In principles
    [12:47:13 PM] Sirius 17: no emotionally dear
    [12:47:21 PM] Shiloh: Just bear with it you are a tough cookie
    [12:47:30 PM] Shiloh: James?
    [12:47:32 PM] Sirius 17: i am having trouble breathing physically
    [12:47:41 PM] Sirius 17: like it really sucks
    [12:47:48 PM] Shiloh: Well you walked a lot
    [12:47:51 PM] Sirius 17: he is stoned
    [12:48:08 PM] Shiloh: Well look at the world
    [12:48:10 PM] Sirius 17: and at work tonight doing his game support night
    [12:48:23 PM] Sirius 17: he is stressed because i feel so ill i guess
    [12:48:25 PM] Shiloh: BS everywhere, now some idiots killed Kenyan shoppers
    [12:48:49 PM] Shiloh: Compassion for yourself and all is the way to go atm
    [12:48:52 PM] Sirius 17: oh i did not see that, i saw the mass shooting in Detroit
    [12:48:58 PM] Sirius 17: we have one every other day now
    [12:49:02 PM] Shiloh: Nothing anyone can do really
    [12:49:03 PM] Sirius 17: and no one gives a fuck
    [12:49:09 PM] Shiloh: This is a cosmic thing
    [12:49:13 PM] Sirius 17: babies shot
    [12:49:23 PM] Sirius 17: young people dying
    [12:49:35 PM] Shiloh: It is so atrocious, that people now have become blase
    [12:49:42 PM] Sirius 17: all we can do is watch in horror
    [12:49:44 PM] Shiloh: Like wtf is going on?
    [12:49:47 PM] Shiloh: Yes
    [12:49:55 PM] Sirius 17: its fucking unreal Tony
    [12:50:02 PM] Sirius 17: people are numb
    [12:50:12 PM] Shiloh: And people think it will be business as usual?
    [12:50:26 PM] Shiloh: The big changes are on the mental plane Raven
    [12:50:37 PM] Sirius 17: i know dear
    [12:50:44 PM] Sirius 17: i just wish they would hurry
    [12:50:59 PM] Sirius 17: its beyond disgusting now
    [12:51:00 PM] Shiloh: This is why the new race cant understand its own origins now
    [12:51:21 PM] Sirius 17: and the cosmic justice will be huge
    [12:51:24 PM] Sirius 17: i do feel that
    [12:51:25 PM] Shiloh: Well as said, next week the cosmos will have a new family
    [12:51:34 PM] Shiloh: Abba Baab as grandparents
    [12:51:40 PM] Shiloh: This is fact Raven
    [12:51:47 PM] Sirius 17: life has to win out Tony, it has to
    [12:52:02 PM] Shiloh: It completes the scriptural timelines in a jurisdiction manifested
    [12:52:27 PM] Shiloh: You know I dissected those generations and genealogies dont you?
    [12:52:33 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [12:52:53 PM] Sirius 17: and i know the missing generation is the JCCJ
    [12:53:08 PM] Sirius 17: it is the second coming
    [12:53:12 PM] Sirius 17: but really the first
    [12:53:13 PM] Shiloh:
    [12:53:14 PM] Shiloh: yes
    [12:53:25 PM] Shiloh: Now the thing has become very simple
    [12:53:42 PM] Shiloh: As to WHY the Matthew has 41 and Luke has 76
    [12:53:50 PM] Shiloh: Look at the chart
    [12:53:57 PM] Shiloh: The 63 days are IT
    [12:54:31 PM] Shiloh: 21+42=63 with Gen 0=God AS Abraham renamed linking Luke and Matthew
    [12:54:54 PM] Shiloh: This is a very deep and rather simple solution to the 'problem'
    [12:55:16 PM] Shiloh:
    [12:55:30 PM] Shiloh: Now you can 'solve' the issues in say this wiki
    [12:55:55 PM] Shiloh: Jesus timeline of 31 is the OT from God to Abraham
    [12:56:04 PM] Sirius 17:

    7=Salah/Jesusina 74ina Maria=42
    Tubalcain&Naamah of Zillah
    New BrotherSisterhood
    150+3+150=0+302=0+152+150 as 303=150+1+1+1+150 days

    [12:56:06 PM] Sirius 17: this one?
    [12:57:06 PM] Shiloh: 2011 timeline mirror is 21 generations from Abraham to Ozias
    [12:57:38 PM] Shiloh: 2013 timeline is Ozias=Abraham to CJJC
    [12:58:20 PM] Shiloh: So atm we are at Matthan grandfather of Joseph and greatgrandfather of Jesus
    [12:58:46 PM] Shiloh: The entire NT opens up in the '...begat ...' code
    [12:58:56 PM] Shiloh: It has little to do with people
    [12:59:14 PM] Sirius 17: ok i see
    [12:59:21 PM] Shiloh: It is like a time history of the year-day counts
    [12:59:46 PM] Shiloh: Like Number 8 begets number 9 number 9 begets 10 etc
    [12:59:49 PM] Sirius 17: and it finishes with the JCCJ generation
    [12:59:53 PM] Shiloh: Yes
    [1:00:00 PM] Sirius 17: this is the code
    [1:00:00 PM] Shiloh: Exactly
    [1:00:24 PM] Shiloh: September 26th is like a cosmic creation and conception and birth
    [1:00:38 PM] Sirius 17: how did we not see this before?
    [1:00:42 PM] Shiloh: Isaiah says: I will bring forth a nation in ONE DAY
    [1:00:55 PM] Shiloh: Starhumanity is this nation
    [1:01:15 PM] Shiloh: I woke up this morning and knew it
    [1:01:36 PM] Shiloh: I thought the chart was done last night but they wanted the geneaology with it
    [1:01:43 PM] Sirius 17: hmmm i felt it in my body as i looked in the mirror
    [1:02:00 PM] Sirius 17: i felt very strange
    [1:02:09 PM] Sirius 17: i seriously mourned myself
    [1:02:16 PM] Shiloh: Raven theologians have argued over this gen problem for centuries
    [1:03:01 PM] Sirius 17: yes i know you have shown me before all the thousands of links where they try to crunch the numbers
    [1:03:32 PM] Sirius 17: and the various links where they argue about them
    [1:03:41 PM] Shiloh:

    Isaiah 66:8-10 - King James Version (KJV)

    8 Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? or shall a nation be born at once? for as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children.
    9 Shall I bring to the birth, and not cause to bring forth? saith the Lord: shall I cause to bring forth, and shut the womb? saith thy God.
    10 Rejoice ye with Jerusalem, and be glad with her, all ye that love her: rejoice for joy with her, all ye that mourn for her:

    [1:04:08 PM] Shiloh: There is your mourning
    [1:04:25 PM] Sirius 17: oh wow
    [1:04:28 PM] Shiloh: Lol
    [1:04:50 PM] Shiloh: Noone has any faith in me and this Logos work, except you dear
    [1:04:57 PM] Sirius 17: i know
    [1:05:18 PM] Sirius 17: they just don't see it
    [1:05:41 PM] Shiloh: But this is the 'cornerstone' and the 'branch of righteousness' in Zechariah and the rebuilding of the temple by Zerubbabel
    [1:05:50 PM] Shiloh: They are not allowed to
    [1:06:00 PM] Shiloh: But from next week, they might
    [1:06:02 PM] Sirius 17: yes and i always knew who you were
    [1:06:23 PM] Shiloh: I am simply a friend of Jesus, just as Abraham is the friend of God
    [1:06:32 PM] Sirius 17: lol yah
    [1:06:53 PM] Shiloh:

    Isaiah 41:8-10 - King James Version (KJV)

    8 But thou, Israel, art my servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, the seed of Abraham my friend.
    9 Thou whom I have taken from the ends of the earth, and called thee from the chief men thereof, and said unto thee, Thou art my servant; I have chosen thee, and not cast thee away.
    10 Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

    [1:06:56 PM] Sirius 17: i know you know what i know
    [1:07:01 PM] Sirius 17: lol
    [1:07:08 PM] Shiloh: I dont know this actually
    [1:07:28 PM] Shiloh: I know my remembrance. The personal does not interest me much
    [1:07:42 PM] Shiloh: I would like a new life in a renewed bodyform of course
    [1:07:47 PM] Sirius 17: well it is all of us but you have remembered the story because you hold the key
    [1:07:48 PM] Shiloh: But it does not really matter
    [1:07:58 PM] Shiloh: It is all 'done' for Baab
    [1:08:12 PM] Sirius 17: someone had to be the physical twin
    [1:08:22 PM] Shiloh: Abba loves Baab means I will have a mirror image somehow and sometime
    [1:08:27 PM] Sirius 17: exactly
    [1:08:47 PM] Shiloh: Yes, but the Didymos is cosmic Raven
    [1:09:08 PM] Shiloh: It is literally the Gemini Twin of Hermes, Mercury, Trismegistus and Thoth
    [1:09:09 PM] Sirius 17: yes i know but the scribe who unlocked him isn't
    [1:09:22 PM] Sirius 17: he lives
    [1:09:39 PM] Shiloh: This is the 'beloved disciple' and it is also Daniel
    [1:09:57 PM] Sirius 17: yes and John
    [1:09:59 PM] Shiloh: Jesus knew, that he was Daniel in the Lion Den of Judah and Bashan (hint)?
    [1:10:06 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [1:10:15 PM] Shiloh: The experts cant think that far as yet
    [1:10:20 PM] Sirius 17: nope lol
    [1:10:27 PM] Sirius 17: have to have eyes to see
    [1:12:05 PM] Sirius 17: but yes i also know that it is not you who writes this stuff, but that it is written through you, i know the author and i know you have submitted to hisher will
    [1:12:20 PM] Sirius 17: or you would not know what you know
    [1:12:22 PM] Sirius 17: and neither would i
    [1:15:29 PM] Shiloh: Of course, right there is my 'arrogance' as a 'know it all'
    [1:15:44 PM] Sirius 17: yes and they will never see past that
    [1:15:52 PM] Sirius 17: it is a huge unscalable wall
    [1:15:56 PM] Sirius 17: by most
    [1:16:08 PM] Sirius 17: and meant to be
    [1:16:10 PM] Sirius 17: for now
    [1:20:04 PM] Shiloh: Precisely
    [1:21:04 PM] Sirius 17:
    [1:22:03 PM] Sirius 17:

    The third narrative (14:31-42), Daniel in the Lions' Den, is apparently Daniel's first or second trip. It has been made into a consequence of the preceding episode, but the Septuagint precedes it with the notice, "From the prophecy of Habakkuk, son of Jesus, of the tribe of Levi." Daniel remains unharmed in the den with seven lions, fed by the miraculous transportation of the prophet Habakkuk. "Upon the seventh day the king went to bewaile Daniel: and when he came to the den, he looked in, and behold, Daniel was sitting. Then cried the king with a loud voyce, saying, Great art thou, O Lord God of Daniel, and there is none other besides thee. And he drew him out: and cast those that were the cause of his destruction into the den: and they were devoured in a moment before his face."

    [1:22:28 PM] Sirius 17: it is in the Septuagint
    [1:23:51 PM] Sirius 17: but your right this is a deep deep encoding
    [1:24:13 PM] Sirius 17: i think we might be the only ones who know
    [1:25:26 PM] Shiloh: Yes and if you now simply look at those triple series of 60 days, you can read of the scriptural history and why there are 3 times 14 generations, apparently 'skipping' the more detailed lineages in Luke
    [1:25:57 PM] Shiloh: It is the 'Logos mind' here Raven, using my mind and experience
    [1:26:16 PM] Sirius 17: yes and the 42 code
    [1:26:26 PM] Sirius 17: it is all so surreal
    [1:26:29 PM] Shiloh: It is like Jesus mindblends at times with my 'emptiness' to 'fill in the data'
    [1:26:38 PM] Sirius 17: i want other people to see this so much
    [1:26:44 PM] Sirius 17: and i know its not up to me
    [1:26:57 PM] Shiloh: An exercise in futility atm
    [1:26:57 PM] Sirius 17: so frustrating
    [1:27:17 PM] Shiloh: Human ego is the 'Devil Mind' in a very devious way
    [1:27:38 PM] Sirius 17: yes it is and it is destroying the earth and humanity
    [1:27:45 PM] Shiloh: Just look at the 'holier than thou' attitudes of the guru followers like Devakas and DD
    [1:27:50 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [1:27:54 PM] Sirius 17: and Asha
    [1:28:01 PM] Sirius 17: i loved your response to her btw
    [1:28:10 PM] Sirius 17: the Koran is a message of death, not life
    [1:28:19 PM] Sirius 17: shut her up
    [1:28:34 PM] Sirius 17: she cannot see how possessed she is by her own self hate
    [1:28:55 PM] Shiloh: Yes, did you see my link to Islam?
    [1:29:23 PM] Shiloh: It is a 'bible bashing' website, but nevertheless very well researched and imo rather accurate
    [1:29:35 PM] Sirius 17: no i did not click on it
    [1:29:46 PM] Sirius 17: i just read the quotes you put in there
    [1:30:31 PM] Shiloh: [Saturday, 21 September 2013 9:06 PM] Shiloh:

    Just a cursory look at Muhammad's Qur'an (Koran) should be enough to warn you to keep your distance from Islam:
    In it you will see "unbridled raw evil", such
    as statements like these:

    - Truly, god loves those who fight
    - Fight and slay the pagans wherever you find them,
    and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for
    them in every stratagem.
    - Chop off their hands and chop off their fingertips
    - When you meet the unbelievers, chop off their
    - Fight and slay those who don't convert wherever
    you find them
    - Believers, take neither Jew nor Christians for your
    - Those who follow Muhammad are ruthless to
    - Those who reject Islam are "the vilest of creatures"
    and thus deserve no mercy
    - Fight them until Islam reigns supreme (throughout
    the world)
    There are more than 100 verses in the Qur'an (Koran) advocating the use of violence to spread Islam. There are exactly 123 verses in the Qur'an about killing and fighting.
    The word "Islam" has been falsely proclaimed by Muslims to mean peace. The word Islam, actually means "submission" to the Muslim god of intolerance and hatred. It comes from the root Arabic word "taslim". In Arabic, the word for peace is only "solh".
    fyi only

    [1:30:52 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [1:31:42 PM] Sirius 17:

    We apologize to anyone who may be offended by the history of the founder of Islam (Muhammad) below. And we are aware of the sensitivities involved. However, infinitely more damage has been done to Islam's "believers" by Islam's history of withholding the truth about its founder to them -- - and the circumstances surrounding its inception -- than any "damage" this true history below can cause. BUT, In our opinion - Islam is a satanically inspired religion because (1) Islam rejects the God of the Bible as a Father. (2) Islam rejects Jesus as the divine son of God. (3) Islam rejects the Jewish people as inheritors of God's promises. (4) Islam rejects ALL the tenets of the Christian faith, especially - Islam LIES that Jesus/Yeshua NEVER died on a cross outside the gates of Jerusalem. IF that never happened, Satan well knows the that there is absolutely NO path to salvation. YET, the Four (4) Gospel writers (Apostles of Jesus) told us that the sinless Son of God (Jesus/Yeshua) loved us so much that He took our sins upon Himself, so that we who believe He is God's Son, and sincerely repent of our Sins will be in Heaven one day. Alternatively, Islam's Muhammad was a militaristic 7th century terrorist who insisted on 20% of all booty for himself - from the Muslim attacks on innocent cities and caravans. Muhammad also had many wives, and he had sex with 9 year old A'isha when he was in his 50's. That is in her words. If you are a Christian we pray that you will study the history of Islam 'in depth', before you make the fatal decision to become a Muslim - and thus rejecting the only path to eternal salvation the real God has laid out (embracing Jesus/Yeshua's sacrificial death for your sins).

    [1:32:05 PM] Sirius 17: [1:31 PM] Sirius 17:
    <<< Islam is a satanically inspired religion
    [1:32:18 PM] Sirius 17: cannot be anymore plain then the above
    [1:34:26 PM] Sirius 17: to me Muhammad is like Joseph Smith, someone who has highjacked the gullible to create a new relgion and manipulate the masses all in the guise of it is none other then the Shaitan itself or the Devil, biggest liar of all
    [1:34:35 PM] Shiloh: I spent some time on the research there and was impressed
    [1:34:57 PM] Sirius 17: James apologized to me for lying to me today
    [1:35:09 PM] Sirius 17: and i told him that its not me he needs to worry about
    [1:35:21 PM] Sirius 17: but that the creator sees all, so it really is pointless to lie
    [1:35:31 PM] Sirius 17: its like come on
    [1:35:32 PM] Shiloh: The author believes in the Devil and the supernatural, but generally has a rational and intelligent mindset
    [1:36:01 PM] Shiloh: The info and historical understanding all seem to be on the mark
    [1:36:15 PM] Sirius 17: yes but the Devil is or was a real manifestation that humans empowered
    [1:36:37 PM] Sirius 17: of course we know it has lost all power
    [1:36:45 PM] Sirius 17: and what it really is
    [1:37:57 PM Shiloh: Nosey calls it the 'lamentable sect' in the quatrain about the 'New religion named after the Seas'
    [1:38:12 PM] Sirius 17: yes and i like this
    [1:38:15 PM] Sirius 17: lol he got it right
    [1:38:55 PM] Shiloh: Well it is not really a 'religion' meaning 'church'. It is an all encompassing 'New Science', the code of Zephania.3.9
    [1:39:32 PM] Shiloh:

    Revelation 16:21 = 838 = 1(1)1 = 1111 = 8338 = Wisdom Bride = Noah Gnosis
    And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great.

    AquariUS+AriesA = 107+53 = Infinity + A DeboRaH = 106+1+53 = 160 = 106 = Infinity = = 8
    A...US...A...A as A US = A&A = Aleph&Aleph


    Nostradamus: Century X, Quatrain 96

    Religion du nom des mers vaincra,
    Contre la secte fils Adaluncatif,
    Secte obstinee deploree craindra,
    Des deux blessex par Aleph & Aleph

    The Religion of the name of the seas will overcome,
    Against the sect of the son of Adaluncatif,
    The obstinate lamented sect will fear
    The two wounded by Aleph & Aleph.

    PACIFICAP=48+16=64=ISRAEL=PETER=PACIFICA P=P+ACIFICA P=32+32=LIFECELL de Pacifica OmniScience La Paz of the Pacific de A&A=A&A*=A&Z=Alpha&Omega of the Witnesses for the LogosTwin JCCJ

    "Aliph De Aliph"

    A Lunatic's House as a symbol for the deniers of the physical incarnation and existence and resurrection of the World Logos.
    A place of self delusion for the 'Lamentable Obstinate Sect' of the 'AntiChrist of the Artiste' d'NABS and the scripture codes misinterpreters and Logos truth polluters and cosmic law defilers

    The lunatic’s house - La maison du fada


    La maison du fada: that’s the local name for Le Corbusier’s famous – or infamous –unité d’habitation, or cité radieuse, in Marseille’s suburbs

    John 14:1-3
    1Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.

    2In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

    3And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

    1.Revelation 1:8
    I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.

    2.Revelation 1:11
    Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea.

    3.Revelation 21:6
    And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.

    4.Revelation 22:13
    I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.

    Zephaniah 3:9 - King James Version (KJV)

    9 For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the Lord, to serve him with one consent.

    [1:40:03 PM] Shiloh: And this 'Lord' is none but the starhuman heart to talk a little poetically
    [1:40:17 PM] Sirius 17: true, i don't like the word relgion either, but it fit for Nosey's vocabulary of the time
    [1:40:54 PM] Shiloh: The 'Allah' of Islam NOT SUFIISM is none but the OT demiurge of Jehovah or Yaldabaoth of the Apocryphon of John of Nag Hammadi
    [1:41:22 PM] Sirius 17: yes the one and the same, oh Asha would vigorously disagree lol
    [1:41:34 PM] Sirius 17: she is too blind with vanity to see
    [1:41:35 PM] Shiloh: The jealous and bloodthirsty 'god' who usurpes Abba as his own 'satanic' mirror image though lol
    [1:41:53 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [1:45:15 PM] Sirius 17: obvious by her remarks about my disgusting brother
    [1:45:49 PM] Sirius 17: i was not offended by his attraction to me
    [1:45:53 PM] Sirius 17: or disgusted
    [1:46:05 PM] Sirius 17: because i understand what is going on
    [1:47:12 PM] Sirius 17: he reaches out to me then pushes away, he still struggles with his own hate/jealousy of me
    [1:47:41 PM] Sirius 17: but it was good to talk to him anyhow
    [1:48:37 PM] Sirius 17: he feels the JCCJ
    [1:48:45 PM] Sirius 17: and desires other women
    [1:49:05 PM] Sirius 17: and yet feels guilty
    [1:49:17 PM] Sirius 17: because he really loves his wife
    [1:49:39 PM] Sirius 17: so i explained things to him, perhaps too deeply for him
    [1:49:45 PM] Sirius 17: but i think he sort of understood
    [1:49:56 PM] Sirius 17: about the androgeny
    [1:50:02 PM] Sirius 17: and what it meant
    [1:50:13 PM] Sirius 17: he is smarter then he lets on
    [1:50:52 PM] Sirius 17: i told him he has a pussy now and that is the reason for his desires
    [1:51:08 PM] Sirius 17: he laughed and said i might be right lol
    [1:51:46 PM] Shiloh: Yes and i saw no 'offense' in this either
    [1:52:10 PM] Shiloh: It is all ok away from the 'bodyform', look at my Debbie
    [1:52:17 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [1:52:23 PM] Shiloh: The waveforms are not 'incestous'
    [1:52:27 PM] Sirius 17: and I do understand this
    [1:52:41 PM] Shiloh: I do too. This is the Electra-Ödipus too
    [1:52:41 PM] Sirius 17: Debbie is not your daughter anymore
    [1:52:51 PM] Shiloh: Look at those silly rappers
    [1:52:57 PM] Shiloh: 'motherfucking' everywhere
    [1:53:06 PM] Sirius 17: i know
    [1:53:19 PM] Shiloh: No,she is the generation part of a waveform with MI
    [1:53:41 PM] Shiloh: It is like me wanting to 'fuck' my 'mother in the law'
    [1:53:50 PM] Sirius 17: yes kind of weird from a human perspective
    [1:53:57 PM] Shiloh: It can be a strong erotica under the new auspices
    [1:54:13 PM] Shiloh: Exactly, a contra indicator
    [1:54:28 PM] Shiloh: Most sons in law DONT like their 'mother in laws'
    [1:54:32 PM] Shiloh: The possessiveness
    [1:54:33 PM] Sirius 17: true
    [1:55:06 PM] Shiloh: You did very well trying to explain this stuff to your brother
    [1:55:11 PM] Sirius 17: most men do not think like you though either
    [1:55:17 PM] Shiloh: It is planting seeds of sorts
    [1:55:21 PM] Sirius 17: and do not know their own femme
    [1:55:21 PM] Shiloh: Mental seeds
    [1:55:29 PM] Sirius 17: yes i did a year ago
    [1:55:38 PM] Sirius 17: and he quit talking to me
    [1:55:45 PM] Sirius 17: then he contacted me again
    [1:55:51 PM] Sirius 17: and said i made more sense
    [1:55:53 PM] Sirius 17: this time
    [1:56:03 PM] Sirius 17: and i laughed because i told him the same things
    [1:56:15 PM] Sirius 17: i said its all in the timing of things
    [1:56:36 PM] Sirius 17: the time is ripe for understanding
    [1:56:38 PM] Sirius 17: infact humanities survival depends on it
    [1:56:48 PM] Sirius 17: he got me loud and clear
    [1:57:26 PM] Sirius 17: but of course much shit has occured since last year and now on a global scale
    [1:57:30 PM] Sirius 17: its getting real
    [1:57:53 PM] Sirius 17: i honestly see humanity is on a precipice
    [1:58:02 PM] Sirius 17: and its about to cliff dive off
    [1:58:09 PM] Sirius 17: any moment
    [1:58:38 PM] Sirius 17: i keep asking myself can it get any more insane?
    [1:58:45 PM] Sirius 17: and every day i am shown it can
    [1:59:09 PM] Sirius 17: i really don't think i was prepared fully for how dark it will get
    [1:59:41 PM] Shiloh: I can only agree
    [1:59:55 PM] Sirius 17: and the nabs community worries about and EMP attack and lights has already happend
    [2:00:03 PM] Sirius 17: there is no light; the whole world is blind and cannot see
    [2:00:26 PM] Sirius 17: and they worry about electricity?
    [2:00:47 PM] Sirius 17: idiots
    [2:01:09 PM] Sirius 17: yeah i had to laugh when Michael accidentally added me to his lightworker chat
    [2:01:14 PM] Sirius 17: i was like come on
    [2:01:16 PM] Sirius 17: really
    [2:01:25 PM] Sirius 17: grow up already
    [2:01:48 PM] Sirius 17: they are going to positively think and dream a new world into existence
    [2:01:52 PM] Sirius 17: oh yay
    [2:02:00 PM] Sirius 17: well hurry the fuck up i say lol
    [2:02:07 PM] Sirius 17: omg the naivety
    [2:02:24 PM] Sirius 17: i wonder how it is working out for them
    [2:02:31 PM] Sirius 17: (not)
    [2:03:31 PM] Sirius 17: meanwhile in Detroit....and other parts of the world...another gun goes off and sheds innocent blood
    [2:03:42 PM] Sirius 17: some mass dream they are having
    [2:04:07 PM] Sirius 17: yet we don't need no fucking savior they say
    [2:04:22 PM] Sirius 17: we are it
    [2:04:45 PM] Shiloh: Exactly and the GOT makes is rather clear, that the 'body' is required to recreate the spirit as its own ancestor.
    [2:05:00 PM] Sirius 17: change the world from the inside, fuck whatever is going on outside
    [2:05:07 PM] Shiloh: If you can read this rationally and intelligently without the Nabs of course
    [2:05:39 PM] Sirius 17: i am so super pisssed off at the ignorance Tony
    [2:05:57 PM] Sirius 17: i am screaming inside for the Logos to end it
    [2:06:25 PM] Shiloh: Again, I think you feel the 'End of the Logos timeline' here
    [2:06:57 PM] Shiloh: Noone else does, though they 'feel' the Nabs fear mongerings and etceteras rather intensely
    [2:07:03 PM] Sirius 17: the poem i wrote did not come from me
    [2:07:16 PM] Shiloh: I shared it profusedly
    [2:07:18 PM] Sirius 17: i know i wrote it
    [2:07:25 PM] Sirius 17: but something else spoke
    [2:07:40 PM] Shiloh: Probably why I liked it
    [2:07:50 PM] Shiloh: It relates to Matthew.24 of course
    [2:07:56 PM] Sirius 17: and i was not even going to publish it at first
    [2:08:04 PM] Sirius 17: i read it and i felt the words
    [2:08:11 PM] Sirius 17: and i knew i would be judged
    [2:08:15 PM] Sirius 17: and scorned
    [2:08:21 PM] Sirius 17: and thought of as arrogant
    [2:08:24 PM] Sirius 17: didn't give a fuck lol
    [2:08:37 PM] Sirius 17: because it just felt right and true
    [2:09:10 PM] Sirius 17: yes flesh of saints
    [2:09:13 PM] Shiloh:
    Friday the 13th
    Morning falls in thickness
    Her heavy air, Grey
    Diamonds scintillating in
    The dawn sky
    Haze of centuries lay over
    The city like a blanket
    Fog of endings
    The silence pierced by
    Raven caw
    Black Beaked and carrion feasted
    Mother of all
    Dove winged she bleeds white
    The thirteenth tribe gathers
    We came to start a fire
    Do not pretend to know me
    Or from where I come
    Gather around our corpses
    And see what flesh the saints eat.
    Julienne Alvarez ® Sept., 13 2013=9/13/13​

    Matthew 24:27-31 - King James Version (KJV)

    27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
    28 For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.
    29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:
    30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
    31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

    [2:09:45 PM] Sirius 17: [2:09 PM] Shiloh:
    <<< 28 For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.
    [2:10:07 PM] Sirius 17: this is what i feel though so much
    [2:10:12 PM] Sirius 17: i feel like a corpse
    [2:10:32 PM] Sirius 17: James called me a vampire today lol
    [2:10:50 PM] Sirius 17: he cannot believe my sense of smell
    [2:11:20 PM] Sirius 17: you something that freaked me out in the hospital when i did my clincals last quarter? I could smell blood
    [2:11:21 PM] Shiloh: GOT again
    [2:11:39 PM] Sirius 17: even just a little blood i can smell
    [2:11:45 PM] Sirius 17: i knew when people were wounded
    [2:11:51 PM] Sirius 17: by the smell alone
    [2:12:02 PM] Sirius 17: i never noticed this before
    [2:12:08 PM] Shiloh:

    (56) Jesus said, "Whoever has come to understand the world has found (only) a corpse, and whoever has found a corpse is superior to the world."

    (57) Jesus said, "The kingdom of the father is like a man who had good seed. His enemy came by night and sowed weeds among the good seed. The man did not allow them to pull up the weeds; he said to them, 'I am afraid that you will go intending to pull up the weeds and pull up the wheat along with them.' For on the day of the harvest the weeds will be plainly visible, and they will be pulled up and burned."
    (58) Jesus said, "Blessed is the man who has suffered and found life."
    (59) Jesus said, "Take heed of the living one while you are alive, lest you die and seek to see him and be unable to do so."
    (60) a Samaritan carrying a lamb on his way to Judea. He said to his disciples, "That man is round about the lamb."
    They said to him, "So that he may kill it and eat it."
    He said to them, "While it is alive, he will not eat it, but only when he has killed it and it has become a corpse."
    They said to him, "He cannot do so otherwise."
    He said to them, "You too, look for a place for yourself within repose, lest you become a corpse and be eaten."

    [2:12:15 PM] Sirius 17: but it has been a long time since i was exposed to that sort of thing
    [2:12:55 PM] Sirius 17: yes the GOT
    [2:13:05 PM] Sirius 17: i like this 60
    [2:13:20 PM] Shiloh:

    (7) Jesus said, "Blessed is the lion which becomes man when consumed by man; and cursed is the man whom the lion consumes, and the lion becomes man."

    [2:13:23 PM] Sirius 17: it relates to 7
    [2:13:43 PM] Shiloh: Easy to see the connections and correct interpretations, once you can Logos resonate
    [2:13:49 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [2:14:00 PM] Sirius 17: it is not that hard
    [2:14:26 PM] Sirius 17: but i also know that i see what God wishes me to see
    [2:14:45 PM] Sirius 17: and i am not BSing myself
    [2:14:55 PM] Sirius 17: what i see is KNOWN
    [2:15:31 PM] Sirius 17: and likely only you atm understand what i mean by all that lol
    [2:16:20 PM] Sirius 17: i have felt your sadness too though, for our mortality and their ignorance that still holds us in this prison
    [2:16:35 PM] Sirius 17: DD and James respectively
    [2:17:42 PM] Sirius 17: i have felt hopeless too
    [2:19:20 PM] Shiloh: I don't feel hopeless, but sad yes; but also satisfied that finally the 'true God' can manifest through incarnated mentality which does understand the truth and reality of the Logos as the 'Word of Creation'
    [2:19:52 PM] Shiloh: My role in this then as a persona individuated does not matter much at all
    [2:20:36 PM] Shiloh: But in being and perceiving like this I am anything but 'selfless' I am truly 'full with myself' and this is another deep GOT code lol
    [2:21:14 PM] Shiloh:

    (79) A woman from the crowd said to him, "Blessed are the womb which bore you and the breasts which nourished you."
    He said to her, "Blessed are those who have heard the word of the father and have truly kept it. For there will be days when you will say, 'Blessed are the womb which has not conceived and the breasts which have not given milk.'"

    (80) Jesus said, "He who has recognized the world has found the body, but he who has found the body is superior to the world."
    (81) Jesus said, "Let him who has grown rich be king, and let him who possesses power renounce it."

    [2:21:20 PM] Sirius 17: yes it does, the witness matters because it is the awareness of the living word.
    [2:22:11 PM] Sirius 17: ok yes persona is the uniqueness though, but in perspective of all things yes
    [2:22:23 PM] Shiloh: In the eyes of the world it is arrogance of course; but as I have nothing to lose or gain in this world, I can live with whatever labels are bestowed upon me
    [2:22:42 PM] Shiloh: Yes, the persona of Abba's Image true
    [2:22:55 PM] Sirius 17: true
    [2:22:56 PM] Shiloh: You can understand what I mean with that
    [2:23:03 PM] Sirius 17: oh yes
    [2:23:43 PM] Shiloh: But as Abba is all personas, heshe can do with and create and 'form' herhis images as they well so please
    [2:23:59 PM] Shiloh: This is the 'one and only' meaningful cosmic surrender
    [2:24:05 PM] Sirius 17: indeed
    [2:24:33 PM] Shiloh: TLTR for the Nabsers and 'Love and Lighters' and the 'asexuals' of course
    [2:24:47 PM] Sirius 17: hehe i am afraid so
    [2:25:18 PM] Sirius 17: but as you said...we are Daniel
    [2:25:26 PM] Sirius 17: in a Den of Lions
    [2:25:36 PM] Sirius 17: we shall see who eats who
    [2:27:06 PM] Shiloh: Indeed
    [2:27:33 PM] Shiloh: And once you have found the 'corpse' you have become superior
    [2:28:02 PM] Shiloh: Now try to share this 'insight' with anyone of the fake humility conveyors
    [2:28:07 PM] Sirius 17: oh yes and the mina, mina, shekel, half-mina
    [2:28:36 PM] Shiloh: I am not surprised you can decode the scripture codes now rather better than the experts
    [2:29:12 PM] Shiloh:

    Isaiah 29:11-13 - King James Version (KJV)

    11 And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I cannot; for it is sealed:
    12 And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned.
    13 Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men:

    [2:29:19 PM] Sirius 17: no nor should you be, only the Logos can do this
    [2:29:28 PM] Sirius 17: more affirmation for you
    [2:29:47 PM] Shiloh: So can you see the utter brilliance of the bible codes here?
    [2:29:56 PM] Shiloh: I let you in on a secret?!
    [2:30:02 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [2:30:59 PM] Shiloh: Those codes were composed and dispensed by the highest hierarchies of ETs in the cosmos. Especially the books of Genesis, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Zechariah and Daniel, all in the OT-Torah
    [2:31:49 PM] Shiloh: Those are the '3rd groups' of super advanced ETs Bob Dean and the other oldtimer Clifford were hinting at in silly Kerry Cassidy's interview of 2012
    [2:31:58 PM] Sirius 17: well there is no doubt to me that this was not written by human minds, none at all
    [2:32:08 PM] Sirius 17: yes i know
    [2:32:39 PM] Sirius 17: i smiled pretty big when he spoke about the 3rd group lol
    [2:32:42 PM] Shiloh: Kerry wanted to push the 'secret government Nabs' and did not like their 'time travelling' ETs as us from the starhuman future agendas
    [2:32:51 PM] Shiloh: YES, you see it
    [2:32:53 PM] Sirius 17: i know, she is such a giant bitch
    [2:33:06 PM] Shiloh: Obnoxious and self serving
    [2:33:11 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [2:33:18 PM] Sirius 17: and patronizing as hell
    [2:33:37 PM] Sirius 17: anyone who laughs at an Elder will pay later lol
    [2:33:51 PM] Shiloh: Mindwise of course; she should take better lovers lol to get some 'satisfaction' instead of playing those 'good versus evil' games
    [2:33:59 PM] Sirius 17: she will get tomatoes in the face at the behest of the old boys
    [2:34:27 PM] Sirius 17: yes i can see them fucking her now lol
    [2:34:30 PM] Shiloh: Carol's last discourse was likewise telling in her strong belief of the 'angels versus demons' scenarios
    [2:34:37 PM] Sirius 17: cosmic justice
    [2:35:09 PM] Sirius 17: she has no idea what hotties old Clifford and Bob Dean really are...Blueys
    [2:35:12 PM] Shiloh: It followed the fallout with this Martin Timothy and Brook on the Jewish-Kazhar thread
    [2:35:44 PM] Sirius 17: yeah Carol has lost the plot too
    [2:35:53 PM] Sirius 17: Floyd is in rare form
    [2:36:02 PM] Sirius 17: i hope he keeps with it lol
    [2:36:57 PM] Sirius 17: thank you for makeing feel better again Tony
    [2:37:31 PM] Sirius 17: it always comforts me to talk to you
    [2:38:06 PM] Sirius 17: no one else understands me like you do
    [2:39:32 PM] Shiloh: Yes, and what impressed me with Floyd, was that he saw through mudras Nabs as well
    [2:39:56 PM] Shiloh: Everyone likes Mudra of course and we do too
    [2:40:24 PM] Shiloh: But she has lost the big picture in a way too, despite her big heart and compassionate nature
    [2:40:49 PM] Sirius 17: yes and in her desire not to offend anyone or take sides she is simply too diplomatic at times
    [2:40:55 PM] Sirius 17: mushy
    [2:41:02 PM] Sirius 17: In Voltairine de Cleyre's last poem, "Written in Red, the first verse begins:

    Written in red their protest stands,
    For the Gods of the World to see;
    On the dooming wall their bodiless hands
    Have blazoned "Upharsin," and flaring brands
    Illumine the message: "Seize the lands!
    Open the prisons and make men free!"
    Flame out the living words of the dead

    [2:41:06 PM] Shiloh: She misreads the Walter Russell Science and likes Bonacci and co disinformers in excelsis
    [2:41:11 PM] Sirius 17: a line has been drawn
    [2:42:09 PM] Sirius 17: I love this poem btw
    [2:42:17 PM] Shiloh: What is really going bad at MOA is the 'science' of the McCanney moron, say propagated by this Polish Burgundia chick and Bob Hardee
    [2:42:30 PM] Shiloh: He is a total quasi science wannabe and I have commented on this on Moa
    [2:42:38 PM] Sirius 17: oh god i know
    [2:42:42 PM] Sirius 17: they are hopeless
    [2:42:58 PM] Shiloh: So I shall keep my tongue
    [2:43:13 PM] Sirius 17: maybe Bob H will actually read our forums and glean something
    [2:43:19 PM] Sirius 17: he seems curious
    [2:43:21 PM] Shiloh: I hope after September 26th, Logos allows me to stay away from this forum anyhow
    [2:43:54 PM] Sirius 17: well it seems you are still being asked to be there to clear up loose ends
    [2:44:04 PM] Shiloh: Yes I concur
    [2:44:11 PM] Sirius 17: and our testimony must need to be on that forum
    [2:44:20 PM] Sirius 17: Carol has not deleted or banned us yet
    [2:44:24 PM] Shiloh: Yes and as per Ezekiel.3 and Revelation.10
    [2:44:29 PM] Sirius 17: so something is up with that
    [2:44:57 PM] Shiloh: Even if they refuse you, which they most certainly shall, you must prophecy as a witness against them
    [2:45:10 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [2:50:20 PM] Sirius 17:
    [2:50:37 PM] Sirius 17: i got wind of this from that guitar player
    [2:51:14 PM] Sirius 17: apparently the new thing now is to have a movie in production that needs donations to be released...indefinately lol
    [2:51:22 PM] Sirius 17: new nabs scheme
    [2:51:38 PM] Sirius 17: but i saw these prophecies anyhow and thought them interesting
    [2:53:58 PM] Sirius 17: lol some of these are good and some are off the wall
    [2:54:09 PM] Sirius 17: i like this one...
    [2:54:13 PM] Sirius 17:

    ''....A moment of quantum awakening. A nanosecond will be stretched into infinity and
    become non-time, during which we will all experience full consciousness of who we are
    and why we have incarnated. If we choose to return to human form, we will do so in an
    awakened state, as 'reflective cells of the starmaker.'' (Ken Carey)

    [2:55:02 PM] Sirius 17: their trailer to this movie is pretty good
    [2:55:26 PM] Sirius 17: but i doubt they will ever get the funding to finish it lol
    [2:55:38 PM] Sirius 17: i mean i wouldn't, if the donations just kept rolling in
    [2:55:56 PM] Sirius 17: and a man who looks like Jesus to promote it
    [2:56:16 PM] Sirius 17: lol
    [2:56:57 PM] Sirius 17:

    [2:57:01 PM] Sirius 17: here is the trailer
    [2:57:45 PM] Sirius 17: We need your help to complete this final leg of post production.
    Thank you and Bless you

    Anticipated Release Date: June 2013
    [2:57:48 PM] Sirius 17: lol
    [2:58:03 PM] Sirius 17: oops i guess they have to postpone that one....again
    [2:59:01 PM] Shiloh:
    [2:59:05 PM] Shiloh: Yes me too
    [2:59:23 PM] Shiloh: I elaborated our edited convo
    [3:06:46 PM] Sirius 17:
    [12:26:01 PM] Sirius 17: i even looked at taking out a million dollar policy on myself for my kids
    [12:26:55 PM] Sirius 17: incase i don't make it
    [12:27:01 PM] Shiloh: You feel ill?
    [12:27:12 PM] Sirius 17: yeah

    [3:06:55 PM] Sirius 17: do you have to leave this stuff in?
    [3:07:41 PM] Sirius 17: i mean it sounds silly but its how i felt today
    [3:07:47 PM] Sirius 17: i dont' know how it can help anyone
    [3:08:19 PM] Shiloh: I left it in, because it was the cry from your soul Raven
    [3:08:29 PM] Sirius 17: *sigh* ok
    [3:08:34 PM] Sirius 17: it is
    [3:08:51 PM] Shiloh: I edited the other personal things
    [3:08:59 PM] Sirius 17: thank you
    [3:09:08 PM] Shiloh: And you said you feel better later
    [3:09:21 PM] Sirius 17: yes i do mentally
    [3:09:26 PM] Shiloh: So it was an energy shift many would identify with
    [3:09:35 PM] Sirius 17: physically not so well but i dont know what to do about that lol
    [3:09:54 PM] Shiloh: No I am not 100% either lol, for a long time
    [3:10:02 PM] Shiloh: But mindwise I am much calmer
    [3:10:26 PM] Sirius 17: James told me i can just quit and stay at home and get better
    [3:10:32 PM] Sirius 17: he would take care of me
    [3:10:39 PM] Shiloh: Well that is good
    [3:10:42 PM] Sirius 17: he made me cry, i said why?
    [3:10:53 PM] Sirius 17: he said because..."i love you"
    [3:11:13 PM] Shiloh: There you go perhaps the YYY is still valid
    [3:11:37 PM] Shiloh: Rok and Xeia seem to function better 1-1 now in some more elementary way
    [3:11:59 PM] Sirius 17: i don't want to give up i told him, but if my body won't allow it i dont know what to do
    [3:12:14 PM] Shiloh: Your body will recover imo and heal
    [3:12:20 PM] Shiloh: My feeling
    [3:12:23 PM] Sirius 17: i hope so
    [3:12:35 PM] Shiloh: It is all about mentality
    [3:12:42 PM] Sirius 17: or its my karma for treating it like shit all these years
    [3:12:43 PM] Shiloh: Mind and new memes
    [3:12:54 PM] Shiloh: Did you see the Nosey quatrain I found
    [3:13:09 PM] Sirius 17: umm i dont know?
    [3:13:21 PM] Shiloh: Noone reads the stuff anyhow, except Doug and perhaps Zia
    [3:13:27 PM] Shiloh: Same post
    [3:13:41 PM] Shiloh: It is for the ETs Raven, Our own Descendants AND Ancestors
    [3:13:47 PM] Shiloh: Telepathy
    [3:14:04 PM] Shiloh: Pacifica
    [3:14:50 PM] Shiloh:

    The Religion of the name of the seas will overcome,
    Against the sect of the son of Adaluncatif,
    The obstinate lamented sect will fear
    The two wounded by Aleph & Aleph.

    [3:15:14 PM] Sirius 17: oh yeah i thought you meant a different one
    [3:15:28 PM] Sirius 17: i have seen this one, its 96'
    [3:15:35 PM] Shiloh:

    A Lunatic's House as a symbol for the deniers of the physical incarnation and existence and resurrection of the World Logos.
    A place of self delusion for the 'Lamentable Obstinate Sect' of the 'AntiChrist of the Artiste' d'NABS and the scripture codes misinterpreters and Logos truth polluters and cosmic law defilers
    The lunatic’s house - La maison du fada

    [3:15:47 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [3:15:50 PM] Shiloh: Yes it is the Islam thing we addressed before
    [3:16:20 PM] Shiloh: They take great pride to say that Jesus was not crucified and that someone else (Judas) took his place
    [3:16:35 PM] Shiloh: From this those moron remote viewers got their ideas
    [3:19:25 PM] Sirius 17: yes everytime i read this kind of crap i get super pissed
    [3:19:37 PM] Sirius 17: its an actual physical rage
    [3:19:43 PM] Sirius 17: like my whole body gets mad
    [3:21:42 PM] Sirius 17: [1:52:51 PM]

    Shiloh: Look at those silly rappers
    [1:52:57 PM] Shiloh: 'motherfucking' everywhere

    [3:21:56 PM] Sirius 17: lol did i ever tell you how much James hates rap
    [3:21:59 PM] Shiloh: Yes and even Seth 'channeled' this nonsense. But from there you see how this 'remote viewing' business functions
    [3:22:18 PM] Shiloh: It USES old historical data from the 'Akashia' iow
    [3:22:27 PM] Sirius 17: yes and when i read Seth I did not agree with this part of his assessment
    [3:22:32 PM] Sirius 17: that it was a mass dream
    [3:22:38 PM] Shiloh: I dont like it either
    [3:22:44 PM] Sirius 17: i don't like it at all
    [3:23:19 PM] Shiloh: The body contortions are rather acrobatic, but the music I would not term as 'music' at all, but rather call as 'strange noises'
    [3:23:31 PM] Sirius 17: but you know Jane was raised super Catholic and even went to parochial schools so i think she really was rebelling against religion
    [3:23:52 PM] Sirius 17: at least she didn't deny his existance
    [3:24:09 PM] Sirius 17: like some other NABSERS have done
    [3:24:28 PM] Shiloh: Seth is great on the science front, but a dud in terms of Logos history
    [3:24:42 PM] Sirius 17: yes and this is the reason why
    [3:24:57 PM] Sirius 17: both her and Rob were looking for answers outside of Catholisism
    [3:25:04 PM] Shiloh: Yes, the human filter
    [3:25:20 PM] Sirius 17: it was a beautiful genuine exploration of her superconscious mind though
    [3:25:31 PM] Sirius 17: and they did it together as partners
    [3:25:38 PM] Sirius 17: he was her 'scribe'
    [3:25:57 PM] Sirius 17: yes the human filters, his and hers
    [3:26:05 PM] Shiloh: Sick Bonacci denies the physical Jesus and sick O'Collins reckons Jesus was assassinated as a geriatric of 71 years or something in France or wherever
    [3:26:26 PM] Sirius 17: FOC thinks Jesus grew to old age?
    [3:26:33 PM] Shiloh: Yes
    [3:26:38 PM] Sirius 17: great...
    [3:26:42 PM] Sirius 17: what an idiot
    [3:26:53 PM] Shiloh: So Nabs DD is compromised between two of her gurus
    [3:27:09 PM] Shiloh: Bonacci denies the physical existence, whilst FOC does not
    [3:27:13 PM] Sirius 17: yes incapable of thinking for herself unfortunately
    [3:27:41 PM] Shiloh: It is on this Ucadia nonsense site and I excerpted this before here
    [3:27:47 PM] Shiloh: It seems you can't recall
    [3:27:57 PM] Sirius 17: yes i know
    [3:28:26 PM] Sirius 17: i just don't recall those details, i can't remember everything
    [3:28:30 PM] Shiloh: O'Collins had a 'visitation' from an 'angelic lady' a Mary of sorts, who commissioned him to do what he does
    [3:29:02 PM] Sirius 17: humm i don't recall this either, but i tend to skim his shit anyhow
    [3:29:08 PM] Shiloh: So the antichrist energy is in full bloom with those 'astral commissions'
    [3:29:12 PM] Sirius 17: i really can't stand to read him or watch Bonnaci
    [3:29:15 PM] Shiloh: I think you see what Isee here
    [3:29:27 PM] Sirius 17: oh definately
    [3:29:53 PM] Sirius 17: they are both filtering things through the egos
    [3:30:10 PM] Sirius 17: the only reason it worked so well with Jane Roberts is she had little ego left when Seth came in
    [3:30:25 PM] Sirius 17: yes she had filter issues, but most of the message was pure
    [3:30:35 PM] Sirius 17: especially the science
    [3:30:44 PM] Sirius 17: and higher D explanations
    [3:30:53 PM] Sirius 17: the multiplicity of the soul
    [3:31:09 PM] Sirius 17: and the fact that our thoughts really are prisons
    [3:31:44 PM] Sirius 17: but then many channelers plagerized her and spun profits off of what she began
    [3:31:52 PM] Sirius 17: they were never wealthy
    [3:32:15 PM] Shiloh: Yes and Jane was ill in the body too and this helped with the data filters
    [3:32:17 PM] Sirius 17: and thought of themselves as explorers of consciousness
    [3:32:27 PM] Sirius 17: yes she was very ill in the end
    [3:32:38 PM] Shiloh: I like Seth in all ways, except the Logos history
    [3:32:58 PM] Sirius 17: i really liked Seth II when he would come out
    [3:33:03 PM] Shiloh: The older 'channels' all were much much better than this Nabs crap of today
    [3:33:12 PM] Sirius 17: he was so far out there it was poetic
    [3:33:34 PM] Shiloh: The Ra channel and even Kryon are good. But after Kryon it really deteriorated
    [3:33:37 PM] Sirius 17: Seth II reminded me of the christ consciousness
    [3:33:51 PM] Sirius 17: just so alien
    [3:33:55 PM] Sirius 17: not human at all
    [3:34:13 PM] Shiloh: Yes as is Kryon, but Carroll identifies more with Michael
    [3:34:18 PM] Sirius 17: yes and Ra and Kryon all came after Jane
    [3:34:22 PM] Shiloh: Yes
    [3:35:05 PM] Sirius 17: the Michael stuff was after Jane too
    [3:35:12 PM] Sirius 17: but while she was alive
    [3:35:26 PM] Sirius 17: Susan really likes the Michael stuff too
    [3:36:12 PM] Sirius 17: i really never got into any of the other channelers
    [3:36:22 PM] Shiloh: Nono, I meant your 'christ consciousness'; Kryon is more like the Michael in Daniel.10 and so OT, than say Seth in Jesus of the NT
    [3:36:30 PM] Sirius 17: i did get into Lazarus but realized right away he was plagerizing Jane
    [3:36:38 PM] Shiloh: I dont mean that Michael, he is Nabs of the mother, yes?
    [3:36:54 PM] Sirius 17: oh i mean the Michael channeling
    [3:37:00 PM] Sirius 17: yeah
    [3:37:12 PM] Sirius 17: the son who died and the mother channeled him
    [3:37:27 PM] Sirius 17: so many people fell for that stuff
    [3:37:42 PM] Shiloh: I dont, it is wishy washy Nabs of 'love and light'
    [3:37:51 PM] Sirius 17: it was rediculious
    [3:38:09 PM] Sirius 17: but back in the day it was huge
    [3:38:13 PM] Shiloh: Generalities abound
    [3:38:35 PM] Sirius 17: i did barter with a woman who owned a bookstore called the golden braid in SLC
    [3:38:42 PM] Sirius 17: it was of course a new age bookstore
    [3:39:17 PM] Sirius 17: and the michael stuff and lazarus and book of miracles stuff were really big back then
    [3:39:38 PM] Sirius 17: Jane was too but her stuff had already been out a while
    [3:40:06 PM] Sirius 17: i used to read Tarot cards and clean the store in trade for books lol
    [3:40:22 PM] Shiloh: I never understood why this 'Course in Miracles' became such a Nabs hit
    [3:40:37 PM] Sirius 17: yes me either
    [3:40:44 PM] Sirius 17: it was such a huge scam
    [3:40:45 PM] Shiloh: Perhaps this 'Jesus own words' channelling was provocative then and it was written by an academic
    [3:40:52 PM] Sirius 17: the books were not cheap
    [3:41:00 PM] Sirius 17: all hardcover and prolific
    [3:41:08 PM] Shiloh: In leage with this Urantia Book crap
    [3:41:12 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [3:41:16 PM] Shiloh: Voluminous
    [3:41:41 PM] Shiloh: Detail overload, yet rather pretentious to KNOW the Logos history
    [3:41:59 PM] Sirius 17: i never read much of it at all
    [3:42:19 PM] Sirius 17: but i had a friend i knew in Wendover who was named Michael who got into it like crazy
    [3:42:23 PM] Shiloh: Derived from human mindedness lol and all that will be found wanting as written, until the time is ripe for the 'New World'
    [3:42:30 PM] Sirius 17: he ended up throwing himself into a train
    [3:42:40 PM] Sirius 17: he was a drug addict
    [3:42:44 PM] Sirius 17: very sad
    [3:43:02 PM] Sirius 17: but he would talk about this Urantia book like it was the bible
    [3:43:11 PM] Sirius 17: and the most important thing since
    [3:43:20 PM] Sirius 17: and i would just listen and nod my head
    [3:43:36 PM] Shiloh:

    1 Corinthians 13:9-11 - King James Version (KJV)

    9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.
    10 But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.
    11 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

    [3:43:47 PM] Sirius 17: i did not have internet back then so i would of had to obtain a copy but had no desire to
    [3:44:05 PM] Sirius 17: i think i picked up one in a bookstore and made it through like 5 mins of the book and was yawning
    [3:44:38 PM] Sirius 17: i like Corinthians
    [3:45:18 PM] Sirius 17: but i guess the whole Urantia book was supposedly written by Michael the archangel or something
    [3:45:27 PM] Sirius 17: or whoever wrote it channeled him
    [3:45:41 PM] Sirius 17: why my friend was so enamoured with it
    [3:45:52 PM] Sirius 17: he saw himself and his name as some kind of karmic connection
    [3:47:04 PM] Shiloh: Yes this is the ploy. Why there are so many 'Melchizedeks' running about in their messianic missions
    [3:47:39 PM] Shiloh: The hijacking of the Genesis and Dead Sea Scrolls super archetype for Pigeradamas
    [3:47:54 PM] Shiloh: Mercuriel is one of them
    [3:48:06 PM] Sirius 17: i know
    [3:48:27 PM] Shiloh: And he knows it. He became enarmoured just like this friend of yours, same energy signature
    [3:48:29 PM] Sirius 17: well it fits with prophecy and all the people claiming to be the messiah
    [3:48:36 PM] Shiloh: Yes
    [3:48:37 PM] Sirius 17: yeah
    [3:49:04 PM] Shiloh: Why I make a point to identify with the Greek NT Melchisedec and not the OT Melchizedek
    [3:49:17 PM] Sirius 17: yes and Drunvalo too
    [3:49:23 PM] Shiloh: But subtleness is not a forte of Nabsers
    [3:49:25 PM] Sirius 17: although he has a big heart
    [3:49:34 PM] Sirius 17: he is a messiah figure too
    [3:49:36 PM] Shiloh: I generally like Drunvalo
    [3:49:50 PM] Sirius 17: yeah i like him too
    [3:50:05 PM] Sirius 17: i wish you could sit down and talk to him
    [3:50:15 PM] Shiloh: I cannot stand Bonacci, O'Collins, Tsarion and Jordan Maxwell and of course Anna Hayes and Dorothy Murdock
    [3:50:16 PM] Sirius 17: i wonder if he could listen
    [3:51:00 PM] Sirius 17: well Drunvalo is very in touch with the native cultures
    [3:51:06 PM] Sirius 17: this gives him a bit of an edge
    [3:51:22 PM] Sirius 17: since he is familar with the Logos through them
    [3:51:27 PM] Shiloh: Yes, I'd agree
    [3:51:42 PM] Sirius 17: he understands the archetypes quite a bit
    [3:52:29 PM] Shiloh: But he does not go out of his way to superpose some cooking pot of Nabs onto the established human history, despite its gaps, as the Logos deniers do
    [3:52:49 PM] Sirius 17: no i dont see him doing that either
    [3:53:37 PM] Sirius 17: but like the above quotes out of the bible about talking out of one side of the mouth and professing the truth and yet not
    [3:53:45 PM] Sirius 17: God knows all hearts
    [3:53:55 PM] Sirius 17: and can spot a liar anytime anywhere
    [3:54:02 PM] Sirius 17: you cannot fool the Logos
    [3:54:45 PM] Sirius 17: Drunvalo sort of falls into this catagory but out of ignorance instead and misinterpretation of things
    [3:54:58 PM] Sirius 17: he is not doing it on purpose to decieve people
    [3:55:40 PM] Shiloh: Yes and deluded Nabsers like Devakas, Oxy and DD then hijack even those words inferring integrity, truth, loyalty and cosmic humbleness in human minded egocentric pretentiousness
    [3:57:33 PM] Sirius 17: saddly yes
    [3:59:13 PM] Shiloh: Many think that I am rather anti- New Age. I am not!
    [3:59:15 PM] Sirius 17: and Mudra is right in a sense, that the truth can be found in all things, with one has to be capable to be totally and completely impartial and not subject to the sways of their own ego to decern and see it. The personal ego is the biggest wall of all, even the Nirvanist and Occidentals have known this forever.
    [3:59:33 PM] Shiloh: I am anti the fakeries and human minded pretentiousness and the hypocrisy - the human self righteousness Jesus abhorred so much as well
    [3:59:40 PM] Sirius 17: exactly
    [3:59:56 PM] Sirius 17: like Floyd, calling BS when he sees it
    [4:00:42 PM] Sirius 17: i think most people can appreciate someone that is able to call BS on things
    [4:00:45 PM] Shiloh: Yes, but you can see how he despises Christianity. He blames it for many evils
    [4:00:56 PM] Sirius 17: doesn't make them comfortable though
    [4:01:07 PM] Shiloh: So in the final analysis Floyd is highly biased and not impartial
    [4:01:16 PM] Shiloh: But he has a good rational mind
    [4:01:26 PM] Sirius 17: yes but i think he knows its been privately interpreted and abused forever
    [4:01:35 PM] Sirius 17: he is wary of it
    [4:02:33 PM] Shiloh: Yes and this sentiment I would share, just observing tele evangelists makes my blood boil just as bad as listening to Bonacci or Maxwell or Murdock
    [4:03:35 PM] Sirius 17: i can't blame people for being wary of religion, i get that, but to then not be able to look at the Bible or old scrolls objectively and think their is something inherently wrong with what is written within them is not logical either; the words are not false, but mankinds interpretation of them is fucked
    [4:04:42 PM] Sirius 17: they simply cannot be read by your human mind
    [4:04:53 PM] Sirius 17: well they can be read, but not understood
    [4:04:58 PM] Sirius 17: this is the wall
    [4:05:14 PM] Sirius 17: and then of course if you deny the author you can't see either
    [4:05:17 PM] Sirius 17: this renders you blind
    [4:05:20 PM] Sirius 17: as a bat
    [4:06:07 PM] Shiloh: You GOT it. But as you know, even the experts 'dont get it'; so how can the layman get the 'right interpretations'?
    [4:06:21 PM] Shiloh: It is a catch 22, just as prophecied in Isaiah
    [4:06:26 PM] Sirius 17: well exactly
    [4:06:37 PM] Sirius 17: and only by the author will they know
    [4:06:48 PM] Sirius 17: they have to look with it's eyes
    [4:07:08 PM] Shiloh: The Thuban Council of the Logos Elders CAN give the proper translations, but those Dragons are not to be trusted
    [4:07:26 PM] Shiloh: Another 'stumbling block' indeed
    [4:07:33 PM] Sirius 17: no we are just another self deluded cult
    [4:07:45 PM] Sirius 17: needle in a haystack lol
    [4:07:45 PM] Shiloh: Yes one of many 'false prophets'
    [4:08:38 PM] Shiloh: Just like 'my' 'new science' of the Quarks. I can't get past a 'secretary' writing or sending an email to someone who COULD understand the omni-science lol
    [4:09:39 PM] Sirius 17: well even if you did you can't get past the ego of the one reading it who could understand to admit your right
    [4:09:41 PM] Shiloh: The secretary follows 'instructions' to filter out the quasi science of the many wanna be 'Einstein reformers' and so the needle in the haystack is not found or even seen
    [4:09:46 PM] Sirius 17: i mean look at Einstein
    [4:09:52 PM] Sirius 17: how many years did they deny him
    [4:10:39 PM] Sirius 17: its called Academic self preservation
    [4:10:52 PM] Sirius 17: they all look out for their own interests
    [4:10:52 PM] Shiloh: Until Eddington measured the Venus transit and proved the relativity equations about the warping of spacetime around the Sun's gravitational field right in May 1919
    [4:11:35 PM] Shiloh: BUT the ETs CAN see the needles in the haystacks Raven and this is the reason I still perservere
    [4:11:48 PM] Sirius 17: yes i know
    [4:12:01 PM] Sirius 17: they certainly can
    [4:12:03 PM] Shiloh: The old human science will become an advanced ET science and then the whole universe will take notice
    [4:16:31 PM] Sirius 17: i wonder how many women this Jesus look a like guitar player has had...I hope he is not celebate lol
    [4:17:35 PM] Sirius 17:

    [4:17:43 PM] Sirius 17: this is him in Germany today
    [4:17:54 PM] Shiloh: Good luck to him. But unless he is a dragon, the sexy times are human centred and not Logos centred
    [4:18:23 PM] Shiloh: MI would take him to check his mettle lol
    [4:18:27 PM] Sirius 17: yes i don't like to speculate
    [4:18:51 PM] Sirius 17: but i do see just in his appearance and music he is attracting crowds
    [4:19:07 PM] Sirius 17: people are hungry for Jesus see?
    [4:21:58 PM] Shiloh: There are many like this Raven. Some even believe that they are Jesus reincarnated as the One and Only
    [4:22:23 PM] Shiloh: Recall this Queensland fellow with his Mary Magdalene, Xeia introduced?
    [4:22:48 PM] Sirius 17: yeah
    [4:23:12 PM] Shiloh: Very good looking couples, but mentally deluded as anything. So the humans' looking for appearances become mindwashed
    [4:23:40 PM] Sirius 17: yes i don't think he is professing he is Jesus
    [4:23:48 PM] Sirius 17: he calls himself a troubador
    [4:24:17 PM] Sirius 17: but looking like that and playing as well as he
    [4:24:31 PM] Sirius 17: lets just say he must be having a grand 'world' tour
    [4:24:35 PM] Sirius 17: if not he is stupid lol
    [4:24:59 PM] Shiloh:

    Isaiah 53:1-3 - King James Version (KJV)

    1Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?
    2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.
    3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

    [4:25:14 PM] Shiloh: This describes the real Jesus
    [4:25:28 PM] Sirius 17: yes our dirty Jesus
    [4:25:32 PM] Shiloh: Compare this with this
    [4:26:01 PM] Sirius 17: well this is us too
    [4:26:05 PM] Sirius 17: rejected
    [4:26:06 PM] Shiloh:

    2 Corinthians 11:13-15 - King James Version (KJV)

    13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.
    14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
    15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

    [4:26:42 PM] Sirius 17: lol you like Corinthians too
    [4:26:52 PM] Sirius 17: you keep plucking some of my favorites
    [4:28:08 PM] Sirius 17: [4:24 PM] Shiloh:
    <<< 3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.thank you, this one hits home with me

    [4:30:12 PM] Shiloh: My pleasure
    [4:30:30 PM] Shiloh: Fits the witnesses, yet they are feared
    [4:30:40 PM] Shiloh: Mindwise that is, not physical wise as per Zechariah.4 in the OT and Revelation.11 in the NT

    [4:31:51 PM] Sirius 17: yes this is true
    [4:32:28 PM] Shiloh: Now all incarnates are THE WINESSES, see and this is where the human egocentricity stumbles
    [4:32:52 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [4:33:14 PM] Sirius 17: judgement
    [4:33:34 PM] Shiloh: All are the AUDIENCE, but only some, the selfchosen remnant, can ACT the play to the correct playwright script and follow the director's instructions
    [4:34:42 PM] Shiloh: So only after the premier exhibition has completed and the multitudinous audience KNOWS what this is all about, CAN members of the audience replace and substitute the original pioneer actors and actresses
    [4:34:49 PM] Shiloh: But they all will do this in time
    [4:35:18 PM] Shiloh: This is a 'big insight' Raven for the ones, for whom this is not Dragon mumbo jumbo and TLTR
    [4:35:52 PM] Sirius 17: indeed
    [4:37:26 PM] Shiloh: This is the 'audience' outside of the always open gates of the 'New Jerusalem' in Revelation.22, the final chapter of the last book in the Bible
    [4:37:51 PM] Shiloh: Who are too afraid to just walk into the open spaces, open for all
    [4:38:17 PM] Shiloh: Ergo the Thuban experience in its core
    [5:50:33 PM] Sirius 17: yeah it is like a signal
    [5:50:43 PM] Shiloh: So the chart shows you the principalities for each of the 3 weeks
    [5:50:52 PM] Shiloh: 7+7+7=21
    [5:51:09 PM] Shiloh: With the void being the day as Millennium of course
    [5:51:28 PM] Shiloh: With two 10 day imprisonments sandwiching
    [5:51:47 PM] Shiloh: 10+{-½+½}+10=20 as 21
    [5:52:09 PM] Shiloh: Clear as a fiddle and fulfilling prophecy
    [5:52:45 PM] Shiloh: In maths absolute value means |-½|+|+½|=1 not 0
    [5:52:46 PM] Sirius 17: yes pretty uncanny
    [5:52:59 PM] Shiloh: So the 40 gens become 42
    [5:53:08 PM] Shiloh: And 60 become 63
    [5:53:59 PM] Shiloh:

    2 Peter 3:8 - King James Version (KJV)

    But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

    [5:54:11 PM] Shiloh: This defines Rev.19 with the imprisonment of Satan
    [5:54:40 PM] Shiloh: Uncanny, yet so simple actually

    Revelation 2:9-10 - King James Version (KJV)
    9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
    10 Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.

    [5:56:23 PM] Shiloh: See how 'Satan's Prison is the 21 days?
    [5:57:19 PM] Shiloh: In terms of the Anti, these are September 16th-26th
    [5:58:38 PM] Sirius 17: yeah makes sense
    [5:59:09 PM] Shiloh: Rev.20 not 19
    [5:59:20 PM] Shiloh: Yes and I did not fully see this until today
    [5:59:31 PM] Shiloh: There are multilevels of course
    [5:59:41 PM] Shiloh: But this is the decisive and completing one
    [5:59:53 PM] Sirius 17: yes and it relates to the Alpha and Omega
    [5:59:56 PM] Shiloh: Yes
    [6:00:07 PM] Sirius 17: how can a day be a thousand years and vs versa
    [6:00:12 PM] Shiloh: This chart is soo deep yet much simpler than the others
    [6:00:22 PM] Shiloh: Why I put it at focus on the forum
    [6:00:42 PM] Sirius 17: none of them are simple lol
    [6:00:52 PM] Sirius 17: i have great difficulty myself
    [6:01:08 PM] Sirius 17: but i can see some things
    [6:04:37 PM] Shiloh: This one CAN be deciphered by the human mind Raven, the others are like recoded

    Post last edited Oct 13th 2013

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