Conversations Regarding The Cosmic Changes In Archetypes And Symbols - The Cosmic Baker's Recipes!

Discussion in 'Essays and Discourses' started by Allisiam, Apr 14, 2014.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Jul 17th 2013
    Two Takes on New Age, with an Introduction
    Guido Mina di Sospiro


    In 1928 a brilliant philosopher/logician from Vienna, Rudolf Carnap, published Der logische Aufbau der Welt, The Logical Structure of the World. Ten years before, Ludwig Wittgenstein had conceived his highly cryptic Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, “the last philosophical book.” Carnap—and other exponents of the Vienna Circle—elaborated on Wittengstein’s message. Toward the conclusion of his mentioned work (183.Rationalism?) he inserted:

    REFERENCES. Wittgenstein has clearly formulated the proud thesis of omnipotence of rational science as well as the humble insight relative to its importance for practical life: “For an answer that cannot be expressed, the question too cannot be expressed. The riddle does not exist. If a question can be put at all, then it can also be answered... (...)” Wittgenstein summarizes the import of his treatise in the following words: “What can be said at all, can be said clearly, and whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.”

    That famous aphorism, which concludes the treatise, ought to have been interpreted as a confession of Gnostic humility, not as a “proud thesis of omnipotence of rational science.” All it takes is heeding all the implications of the opus. Just two aphorisms before the conclusive one, Wittgenstein states:

    "There really is ineffability. It shows itself, it is the mystic." (6.522)

    All of the above almost a century ago. Why should we care anymore? Because the implications of rationalism, positivism, determinism, reductionism, mechanicism, have invaded the globe like a plague. Wittgenstein is not to be blamed; he transcended his epoch, though he also epitomized it by using and developing its newly-rediscovered and perfected tools—those of logics. (One noticeable objection to his Tractatus is the use of aphorisms and a highly subjective ordering criterion in lieu of a more systematically structured text. Why should logic be disemboweled, as it were, through an assortment of cryptic aphorisms?) His less gifted followers, through their historical misunderstanding, went off the (wrong) tangent. And that just in the field of logics. In all branches of knowledge, determinism came and went, or rather, ought to have gone, but has not—it has persisted, and has permeated the world, aided by the amplification of its staunchest ally, economic “progress.”

    There follows a disrespectfully succinct summary of some of the “blows” that ought to have done away with determinism, mechanism, reductionism, Darwinism, etc. Those of you who are familiar with these scientific developments, need not read this section. Those who are not, may use it as an invitation for further reading into the works of the quoted scientists.
    Euclidean geometry was superseded by non-Euclidean geometry, whose chief figures were: Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevski (1793-1856); János Bolyai (1802-1860); and Berhard Riemann (1826-1866). If Lobachevski’s and Bolyai’s recognition is posthumous, acceptance of non-Euclidean geometry occurred under the influence of Riemann’s ideas, in 1866, Eugenio Beltrami’s in 1868, and Felix Klein’s in 1871.In 1927 Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976) published his indeterminacy, or uncertainty, principle. His radical reinterpretation of the largely Newtonian basic concepts of mechanics as applied to atomic particles in the context of quantum theory should have dealt the coup de grâce to Newton’s mechanics. (It did, as a matter of fact. Yet, the notion of time as mere “duration” is still cardinal to, for instance, the financial world, with repercussions of global proportions.)

    Logical positivism was wounded at its core—its true/false coercion and ensuing tacit adherence to the principle of bivalence—by Jan Lukasiewicz’s (1878-1956) discovery of three-valued logic as early as in 1917, nota bene: before Wittgenstein’s Tractatus. Many-valued logic (and multivalued calculi) were to follow, aided by the flourishing of the Warsaw school of logic, for the inception of which Lukasiewicz is to be credited.

    As for natural selection and the Darwinian world-view, coupled by the modern conventional molecular biological approach, which insists that when the DNA sequence of any organism be known, then all would be evident, and indeed all the reductionism and mechanisms it reeks of, it is becoming apparent, as Brian Goodwin and Gunther Stent, among others, suggest, that morphogenenis and development can be viewed as a dynamic system.

    The theory of complexity is just coming out of the closet, gradually gaining ground among biologists, mathematicians, and philosophers alike.

    In sum, all the mentioned developments in different but ever more interrelated branches of knowledge point to the fact that the world, life, and the very essence of being—ontology—must be reinterpreted and re-investigated through an entirely new (or entirely revivalist, in a sense) approach. Organisms are not merely collections of parts, such as genes, molecules and the various components of their organs. And what is more, they are alive.

    The prodigious proliferation of tarmac, concrete blocks, buildings and skyscrapers the world over; the ongoing, unprecedented process of global deforestation and outright desertification; the cultural homogenization the world has undergone, for the sake of a global one-size-fit-all subculture by which to supplant the previous, manifold endemic cultures; all of this seems to be an unstoppable process of appalling destructive magnitude.

    Over a century and a half ago Karl Marx had predicted, in true oracular tradition albeit in the disguise of a “modern scientist of history”, that the world would move, in a dialectical spasm, towards a global international proletariat. The current century, according to his predictions, was to herald and confirm the birth of a classless, international, transnational and supranational worldwide proletariat. But Communism has failed bombastically, despite the tenacious and forceful efforts the various regimes exerted to keep it alive. Mankind has “regressed” to god-worshipping, and, what is worse, if there is one single, overriding trend in the twentieth century, that is the one of unbridled nationalism. Marx has been proven completely wrong, and his historical determinism, flawed to cultivate the art of euphemism.

    But hundreds of millions, from the Soviet Union to China, from Cuba to Vietnam, have partaken, willy-nilly, in this colossal experiment of “forget your property (if any) -- your religion -- your customs -- your instincts...” Possibly as a reaction, we are witnessing the reemergence of long-forgotten tribal instincts, as nightmarish scenarios reemerge from the shadow side of humanity—ethnic cleansing, religious wars, etc.

    Androcratic, free-market, consumerist societies, with the US leading and inspiring the pack, have succeeded in making the world look the same by applying broad-sweeping concepts that are apparently at home everywhere, as they appeal to a component of the human psyche that most of us do not seem to be able to renounce—greed. An extraterrestrial observer, after a thorough evaluation of the world at the end of the twentieth century, could comment that it appears to be a Freudian and Adlerian delight—a turmoil of base instincts engendered by sex and power drives.

    Caught in between these major and, although different, equally destructive forces, is a peculiar class of human beings: New Agers. How can they be characterized?

    New Age (a sympathetic view)

    Nowadays the Abrahamic religions are concerned with very un-Hermetic matters, while Freemasonry is no more than another fraternal order. In a way, this has been to the advantage of the Hermetic Tradition, which now no longer hangs on the fringes of other institutions. In fact, it has become its own church, developing its most exoteric side as the New Age movement. A backward glance at history confirms the diagnosis.

    Like the Renaissance Hermetism that hoped to restore peace to Christendom and sanity to warring mankind, the New Age movement is ecumenical, undogmatic and pacifist. Like the alchemists, who believed that all matter is on its way to becoming gold, New Agers are dedicated to personal transformation and the realization of the latent potential in everyone. The occult sciences flourish, admittedly in their shallower modes, in divination systems (Tarot, Runes, I Ching), astrology, the science of plants (herbal medicine) and stones (crystals). Just as Paracelsus tramped through Europe chatting with woodsmen and wise women, the New Agers seek out and value the wisdom of indigenous peoples.

    Like all exoteric manifestations, the New Age has its unfortunate aspects. But at its worst it is silly rather than vicious, and to our extraterrestrial observer it would seem the most humanistic and earth-friendly of all our religions. In addition, it offers doorways that are not sealed by dogma or religious authority, through which a self-selected few may pass to learn a deeper wisdom.

    New Age (an unsympathetic view)

    If New Age is all about awakening, why is it that it puts me to sleep? Those glossy book-covers with kitschy drawings; that recycled elevator music with pompous titles; and particularly those prophets or enlightened ones or whatever they are with their brand new catechism—they put me to sleep.

    With all good faith I go to a “workshop”, that’s how it is called. So here is the enlightened one chatting away. The first impression to assail me is one of great torpor. But I can’t fall asleep, it would be impolite. So I listen. And what do I hear? A stupendous amount of conspicuous nonsense. Come to think of it, it is no small deed to amass so much nonsense in so little time. That’s noteworthy in itself, even if not necessarily praiseworthy.

    I learn that we reincarnate 84,000,000 times; that I’ve got black ectoplasm pouring out of my mouth; that some of us are about to see ultraviolet lights; that extra-terrestrial beings with a third eye are watching (I wonder with which eye?), etc., etc. Although suspension of disbelief is a conditio sine qua non, there’s a curios infusion of pseudoscience too, so that terms are borrowed freely from physics, chemistry, biology, etc. They do make for a good mouthful. Stock phrases abound I suppose because there’s no grammar check to alert the enlightened one with “Stock phrase — use sparingly.” Logos is confused with Logorrhea.
    Sentimentality of the basest kind thrives too, and that’s too bad, because there would seem to be room for humor. For example, from a catalogue of New Age books, here is a great title: Blame it on your Past Lives. Such a book actually exists. It should be a best-seller among losers, and I can already think of its sequel: Stake It All On Your Next Life!
    Is that what it is? Am I surrounded by losers? As I was sitting among them Beck’s song kept revolving in my mind with its wicked refrain: “I’m a loser, baby, so why don’t you kill me?” Are all New Agers in dire need of therapy? Are they all seeking a psychic, emotional rescue? Should that be the case, then, out of compassion, I am bound to respect their misguided endeavors and say no more.

    Indeed, New Agers, kitschy though they may be, are among the best representatives of the Western human race. For at least they sense thatsomething is amiss. Unfortunately, they seem to do so only when something in their lives goes awry. Then they seek a remedy and, having rejected the Catholic confession, if they are Catholic; the gypsy tarot or palm reader; and the psychiatrist, they flock to this new breed of quacks, i.e., people who dispense reshuffled stock phrases in the guise of transcendental wisdom. How, why do they get away with it? They get away with it because those who attend their workshops and read their books are in most cases desperate people willing to believe and embrace anything.

    We’ve all been there in our lives, helpless in the clutches of a depression. That’s when just about anything goes. Any painkiller capable of relieving us of our pain, we will welcome. In such a state of dire dejection, not only is suspension of disbelief automatically achieved, but the would-be enlightened will believe more than can be believed. And yet the Otherness is possessed of a sense of humor and, if you approach it so disarmingly, then you’ll probably never be able to sell it life insurance. The Otherness needs us, too, but has no interest in those who, having renounced a critical attitude, are willing to believe anything. The Otherness will snub such people altogether.

    Those of you who have not read any typical New Age book must buy a few and see what I mean for yourselves. Usually the preface hastily informs the reader that the Author has been uncannily guided by such and such (a spirit, a reincarnation, a divine voice... ) and that (s)he has a message to impart a, nay, the message. Then commences a long litany of rules. They’re listed in the most canonical causal order, i.e., from A follows B; from B, C, and so on. Apparently, the Revelation, the Message consists of a grocery list. Only, in lieu of carrots, bread and parsley, the list is made up of stock phrases borrowed from a half-digested potpourri of comparative religion/pseudoscience compiled by second-class book browsers.

    On the other hand, those whose life is in apparent order—rich in familiar and professional satisfaction—those who are “normal and healthy” seldom feel a need to approach that which, in fact, is deeply buried within us all. And then there are the masses, those who watch five hours of TV a day, and are bombarded by unceasing commercial advertisements—an average of 21,000 of them in a year, in the US; those who have gone brain-dead and, although still psychophysically functional, have in effect become clockwork dummies.

    Until, one day, one of such dummies is found, bound and gagged, strangled in a closet, or a basement. Eventually, the “normal and healthy” relatives, exceptionally stirred from their lifelong lethargy, learn from the police that their beloved was not murdered, but rather died of autoerotic death.

    Post last edited Jul 17th 2013
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2015
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Posted Jul 18th 2013

    Seven Days of an Old Creation redefined in Seven Days of a New Creation in the Logos of the AbbaBaab Dragon
    Genesis 9:8-17 - King James Version (KJV)
    8 And God spake unto Noah, and to his sons with him, saying,
    9 And I, behold, I establish my covenant with you, and with your seed after you;
    10 And with every living creature that is with you, of the fowl, of the cattle, and of every beast of the earth with you; from all that go out of the ark, to every beast of the earth.
    11 And I will establish my covenant with you, neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth.
    12 And God said, This is the token of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations:
    13 I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.
    14 And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud:
    15 And I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh.
    16 And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth.
    17 And God said unto Noah, This is the token of the covenant, which I have established between me and all flesh that is upon the earth.

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    Genesis 1 - King James Version (KJV)
    1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
    2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
    3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
    4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
    5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
    6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
    7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
    8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.
    9 And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.
    10 And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.
    11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.
    12 And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
    13 And the evening and the morning were the third day.
    14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
    15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.
    16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.
    17 And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,
    18 And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.
    19 And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.
    20 And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.
    21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
    22 And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.
    23 And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.
    24 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.
    25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
    26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
    27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
    28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
    29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
    30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.
    31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

    Genesis 2 - King James Version (KJV)
    1 And Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.
    2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.
    3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.
    4 These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens,
    5 And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.
    6 But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.
    7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
    8 And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.
    9 And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
    10 And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads.
    11 The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold;
    12 And the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone.
    13 And the name of the second river is Gihon: the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia.
    14 And the name of the third river is Hiddekel: that is it which goeth toward the east of Assyria. And the fourth river is Euphrates.
    15 And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.
    16 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:
    17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
    18 And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.
    19 And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.
    20 And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.
    21 And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;
    22 And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
    23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.
    24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
    25 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.

    Genesis 3 - King James Version (KJV)
    1 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?
    2 And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden:
    3 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.
    4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:
    5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.
    6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
    7 And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.
    8 And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden.
    9 And the Lord God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou?
    10 And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.
    11 And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?
    12 And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat.
    13 And the Lord God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.
    14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:
    15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
    16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.
    17 And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;
    18 Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field;
    19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.
    20 And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.
    21 Unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins, and clothed them.
    22 And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:
    23 Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.
    24 So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.


    For the Human Gardenkeepers!

    The Parable of Hans Schatten

    There once lived a gardener in a place not known in part but in all. The gardener so could not plant anything somewhere in particular, but could only plant where he himself was as being nowhere and everywhere.

    The gardener wished to plant an apple-seed he had found to be part of himself in the place he was and so the gardener thought of himself as not being nowhere anymore, but to be right in the place of the apple seed.

    So the apple seed became real and occupied a real space, but caused the gardener to disappear from that real space into an unreal space. The gardener so became the unreal image in unreal space of the real image of the apple seed in the real space.

    And so the apple seed was born as real space to occupy, but being surrounded by an unreal space and there where the gardener still followed his dream to see the apple seed grow and blossom into a full apple tree after he had planted it.

    For the dream of the gardener was to grow the apple seed into a full apple tree and after reaching maturity, the apple tree would blossom and yield its fruit of apples which carried their own apple seeds within.
    Because this was the plan of the gardener as the unreal image of the real image. Should the single apple seed become two apple seeds, then any two apple seeds could image each other and the real images in the real space, would enable the gardener to use the real image of one of the apple seeds to mirror himself in the realness of one of the apple seeds in the gardener's unreality becoming real in the reality.

    Then the single seed of the gardener could multiply and the single apple tree could become a forest of apple trees and so on ad infinitum.

    But there would always have to be the first single apple seed which the gardener had become in real space as the image of himself in the unreal space. There could not have been two seeds of the one gardener, because two seeds would have meant that the gardener divided itself into two and that was not the plan of the planter.

    This initial apple seed would always remain to be the Seed of all Seeds around which the other seeds and apple trees and apple forests could grow, multiply and reproduce.

    Then the gardener would find himself in the real space too and leave his exile in the unreal space. The gardener would become reborn as the image of the image and all other apple seeds would similarly become gardeners themselves, as this was the nature of all things and the beginning of it all.

    Hans Schatten; for my apple seeded daughter-lover-mother in the unreal space to become real in the fourth generation of All That Is!
    Hans Schatten is the German translation for John Shadow

    I Am One in Many and I Am Many in One!

    Ezekiel 17:

    1And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,
    2Son of man, put forth a riddle, and speak a parable unto the house of Israel;
    3And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; A great eagle with great wings, longwinged, full of feathers, which had divers colours, came unto Lebanon, and took the highest branch of the cedar:
    4He cropped off the top of his young twigs, and carried it into a land of traffick; he set it in a city of merchants.
    5He took also of the seed of the land, and planted it in a fruitful field; he placed it by great waters, and set it as a willow tree.
    6And it grew, and became a spreading vine of low stature, whose branches turned toward him, and the roots thereof were under him: so it became a vine, and brought forth branches, and shot forth sprigs.
    7There was also another great eagle with great wings and many feathers: and, behold, this vine did bend her roots toward him, and shot forth her branches toward him, that he might water it by the furrows of her plantation.
    8It was planted in a good soil by great waters, that it might bring forth branches, and that it might bear fruit, that it might be a goodly vine.
    9Say thou, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Shall it prosper? shall he not pull up the roots thereof, and cut off the fruit thereof, that it wither? it shall wither in all the leaves of her spring, even without great power or many people to pluck it up by the roots thereof.
    10Yea, behold, being planted, shall it prosper? shall it not utterly wither, when the east wind toucheth it? it shall wither in the furrows where it grew.
    11Moreover the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,
    12Say now to the rebellious house, Know ye not what these things mean? tell them, Behold, the king of Babylon is come to Jerusalem, and hath taken the king thereof, and the princes thereof, and led them with him to Babylon;
    13And hath taken of the king's seed, and made a covenant with him, and hath taken an oath of him: he hath also taken the mighty of the land:
    14That the kingdom might be base, that it might not lift itself up, but that by keeping of his covenant it might stand.
    15But he rebelled against him in sending his ambassadors into Egypt, that they might give him horses and much people. Shall he prosper? shall he escape that doeth such things? or shall he break the covenant, and be delivered?
    16As I live, saith the Lord GOD, surely in the place where the king dwelleth that made him king, whose oath he despised, and whose covenant he brake, even with him in the midst of Babylon he shall die.
    17Neither shall Pharaoh with his mighty army and great company make for him in the war, by casting up mounts, and building forts, to cut off many persons:
    18Seeing he despised the oath by breaking the covenant, when, lo, he had given his hand, and hath done all these things, he shall not escape.
    19Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; As I live, surely mine oath that he hath despised, and my covenant that he hath broken, even it will I recompense upon his own head.
    20And I will spread my net upon him, and he shall be taken in my snare, and I will bring him to Babylon, and will plead with him there for his trespass that he hath trespassed against me.
    21And all his fugitives with all his bands shall fall by the sword, and they that remain shall be scattered toward all winds: and ye shall know that I the LORD have spoken it.
    22Thus saith the Lord GOD; I will also take of the highest branch of the high cedar, and will set it; I will crop off from the top of his young twigs a tender one, and will plant it upon an high mountain and eminent:
    23In the mountain of the height of Israel will I plant it: and it shall bring forth boughs, and bear fruit, and be a goodly cedar: and under it shall dwell all fowl of every wing; in the shadow of the branches thereof shall they dwell.
    24And all the trees of the field shall know that I the LORD have brought down the high tree, have exalted the low tree, have dried up the green tree, and have made the dry tree to flourish: I the LORD have spoken and have done it.

    Just who or what the 'fowls of heaven' and the 'doves' and the 'vessels of mercy' are; I shall leave for the minds of the imaginations of the participators to discern.

    Who are these that fly as a cloud, and as the doves to their windows?

    And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory,

    [1]Job 35:11
    Who teacheth us more than the beasts of the earth, and maketh us wiser than the fowls of heaven?

    [2]Psalm 79:2
    The dead bodies of thy servants have they given to be meat unto the fowls of the heaven, the flesh of thy saints unto the beasts of the earth.

    [3]Psalm 104:12
    By them shall the fowls of the heaven have their habitation, which sing among the branches.

    [4]Jeremiah 7:33
    And the carcases of this people shall be meat for the fowls of the heaven, and for the beasts of the earth; and none shall fray them away.

    [5]Jeremiah 15:3
    And I will appoint over them four kinds, saith the LORD: the sword to slay, and the dogs to tear, and the fowls of the heaven, and the beasts of the earth, to devour and destroy.

    [6]Jeremiah 16:4
    They shall die of grievous deaths; they shall not be lamented; neither shall they be buried; but they shall be as dung upon the face of the earth: and they shall be consumed by the sword, and by famine; and their carcases shall be meat for the fowls of heaven, and for the beasts of the earth.

    [7]Jeremiah 19:7
    And I will make void the counsel of Judah and Jerusalem in this place; and I will cause them to fall by the sword before their enemies, and by the hands of them that seek their lives: and their carcases will I give to be meat for the fowls of the heaven, and for the beasts of the earth.

    [8]Jeremiah 34:20
    I will even give them into the hand of their enemies, and into the hand of them that seek their life: and their dead bodies shall be for meat unto the fowls of the heaven, and to the beasts of the earth.

    [9]Ezekiel 29:5
    And I will leave thee thrown into the wilderness, thee and all the fish of thy rivers: thou shalt fall upon the open fields; thou shalt not be brought together, nor gathered: I have given thee for meat to the beasts of the field and to the fowls of the heaven.

    [10]Ezekiel 31:6
    All the fowls of heaven made their nests in his boughs, and under his branches did all the beasts of the field bring forth their young, and under his shadow dwelt all great nations.

    [11]Ezekiel 31:13
    Upon his ruin shall all the fowls of the heaven remain, and all the beasts of the field shall be upon his branches:

    [12]Ezekiel 32:4
    Then will I leave thee upon the land, I will cast thee forth upon the open field, and will cause all the fowls of the heaven to remain upon thee, and I will fill the beasts of the whole earth with thee.

    [13]Ezekiel 38:20
    So that the fishes of the sea, and the fowls of the heaven, and the beasts of the field, and all creeping things that creep upon the earth, and all the men that are upon the face of the earth, shall shake at my presence, and the mountains shall be thrown down, and the steep places shall fall, and every wall shall fall to the ground.

    [14]Daniel 2:38
    And wheresoever the children of men dwell, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the heaven hath he given into thine hand, and hath made thee ruler over them all. Thou art this head of gold.

    [15]Daniel 4:12
    The leaves thereof were fair, and the fruit thereof much, and in it was meat for all: the beasts of the field had shadow under it, and the fowls of the heaven dwelt in the boughs thereof, and all flesh was fed of it.

    [16]Daniel 4:21
    Whose leaves were fair, and the fruit thereof much, and in it was meat for all; under which the beasts of the field dwelt, and upon whose branches the fowls of the heaven had their habitation:

    [17]Hosea 2:18
    And in that day will I make a covenant for them with the beasts of the field and with the fowls of heaven, and with the creeping things of the ground: and I will break the bow and the sword and the battle out of the earth, and will make them to lie down safely.

    [18]Hosea 4:3
    Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away.

    [19]Hosea 7:12
    When they shall go, I will spread my net upon them; I will bring them down as the fowls of the heaven; I will chastise them, as their congregation hath heard.

    [20]Zephaniah 1:3
    I will consume man and beast; I will consume the fowls of the heaven, and the fishes of the sea, and the stumbling blocks with the wicked: and I will cut off man from off the land, saith the LORD.

    [21]Matthew 6:26
    Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?

    [22]Revelation 19:17
    And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God;

    The future might be similar, but different from the above exhibition. A mentality destruction, rather than a physical one.

    The Thuban Council of the Flying Phoenix Fowls

    Emeth141 Ezekiel Friday, July 19th, 2013

    Post last edited Aug 22nd 2013
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    My Posts
    Posts: 2163
    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Jul 19th 2013

    Logos Conversations on the 7 Days of Creation

    [4:05:36 PM-Friday, July 19th, 2013 +10UCT]
    Emeth 141:
    [4:06:50 PM] Emeth 141:
    [4:07:25 PM] Sirius 17: hey Tony
    [4:07:35 PM] Sirius 17: how are things?
    [4:08:19 PM] Emeth 141: Another strange night. So I revisited the past and sent this message
    [4:09:00 PM] Sirius 17: yeah whats going on?
    [4:09:37 PM] Emeth 141: I was up all night the day before fixing or 'cleaning' computers
    [4:10:21 PM] Sirius 17: oh virus attack or just stuff breaking down?
    [4:10:28 PM] Emeth 141: Then I finally slept, but woke up early and had this strange feeling about the Genesis of it all - the first 7 days of creation
    [4:10:38 PM] Emeth 141: David's laptop was a mess
    [4:11:08 PM] Sirius 17: hmmm interesting, yeah i got into a bit of discussion on charlottes page
    [4:11:28 PM] Sirius 17: don't know if you saw any of that, her alchemical wedding page
    [4:11:48 PM] Sirius 17: i shared a few things and left it at that
    [4:12:13 PM] Emeth 141: Then it dawn on me, that the 70 weeks are also the Old Earth and Heaven at the start as an Old Creation+AntiCreation Image, which then become the New Heaven and Earth of Isaiah and Jesus as the last 15 days.
    [4:12:42 PM] Emeth 141: Yes, I know of it, but I eschew talking to her in the manner she left Thuban
    [4:12:57 PM] Emeth 141: She thinks us a sexcult
    [4:13:07 PM] Sirius 17: well i reminded her again
    [4:13:08 PM] Sirius 17: lol
    [4:13:33 PM] Sirius 17: in a subtle way of course, i quoted the free as angels
    [4:13:37 PM] Emeth 141: She tried to engage me a few times on facebook, but I am over chatting to people
    [4:14:12 PM] Kali 666: your chart ends 23 of July
    [4:14:16 PM] Emeth 141: Look at the last 15 days on the chart, bottom and look at the red-green-blue timeline added
    [4:14:28 PM] Emeth 141: This is the Hour as the Day in prophecies
    [4:14:41 PM] Emeth 141: MM Day yes
    [4:15:12 PM | Edited 4:15:20 PM] Emeth 141: There could be a synchro with this Royal baby as a symbol, which so far has refused to be born
    [4:15:32 PM] Emeth 141: It was due July 13th
    [4:16:00 PM] Kali 666: what Royal baby?
    [4:16:18 PM] Emeth 141: Recall this Kate's birthday being the 9th of January Raven?
    [4:16:28 PM] Emeth 141: This English chick
    [4:16:42 PM] Emeth 141: One day after Debbie's bd?
    [4:16:55 PM] Emeth 141: Her nurse killed herself because of a prank
    [4:17:29 PM] Sirius 17: yes kate and william, the prince , queen elizabeths grandson, Diana's son
    [4:17:48 PM] Emeth 141: Here in Oz it is big news, because we are still not a republic, but under the English monarchy politically
    [4:17:51 PM] Sirius 17: right i remember this, they had some special on CNN tonight all about them
    [4:18:04 PM] Kali 666: oh i see
    [4:18:13 PM] Emeth 141: Yes its not so important in the US psyche
    [4:18:33 PM] Emeth 141: But 7 days is rather late, even as the first baby
    [4:18:46 PM] Emeth 141: Kate Middleton
    [4:19:14 PM] Kali 666: so she's 7 days past due?
    [4:19:36 PM] Emeth 141:
    Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge

    Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, is the wife of Prince William, Duke of Cambridge. The Duke of Cambridge is second in line to the thrones, after his father, of the 16 Commonwealth realms; and the Duchess ...,_Duchess_of_Cambridge
    Born: January 9, 1982 (age 31), Reading, United Kingdom
    Height: 1.78 m
    Full name: Catherine Elizabeth Mountbatten-Windsor
    Parents: Michael Francis Middleton, Carole Elizabeth Middleton
    Education: St Andrew's School, Pangbourne (2005), Downe House School, Marlborough College, University of St Andrews
    Siblings: Pippa Middleton, James William Middleton

    [4:19:43 PM] Sirius 17: well maybe she has had the baby and they are keeping it hush hush
    [4:19:58 PM] Emeth 141: Yes and her birthday and Debbies deathday are related and Raven and I talked about this some time ago
    [4:20:20 PM] Emeth 141: Could be, though I doubt it
    [4:20:27 PM] Emeth 141: The royal ego
    [4:20:28 PM] Sirius 17: but yes if overdue the baby seems to be waiting for something
    [4:20:47 PM] Emeth 141: This is big business in the marketing commonwealth
    [4:21:03 PM] Kali 666: what does it mean from one moon to another
    [4:21:14 PM] Emeth 141: 15 days
    [4:21:15 PM] Kali 666: from one sabbath to another
    [4:21:43 PM] Emeth 141: 15 days between moon phases and 30 days between New and Full and 7 days between mirrors
    [4:21:53 PM] Sirius 17: wouldn't it be odd as hell if the baby is born on the 23rd
    [4:22:06 PM] Emeth 141: Twice 7+1+7 = I Lunar Cycle
    [4:22:20 PM] Emeth 141: Well it fits this recreation
    [4:22:38 PM] Emeth 141: Just as a symbol, because the political royalty is passe
    [4:22:55 PM] Sirius 17: yes but they are going against all traditions
    [4:23:16 PM] Sirius 17: i like their rebel style, seems William inherited a few traits from his mom in that regard
    [4:23:36 PM] Emeth 141: The point is the Birth not who or where. But as it is human psychological it counts like the death of Diana, MJ, Elvis and the popes etc
    [4:23:45 PM] Sirius 17: even stranger it would be if the queen abjucated on that day lol
    [4:23:56 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [4:24:36 PM] Emeth 141: Remember they said she fell pregnant in September, though we projected a birth in June?
    [4:24:52 PM] Emeth 141: This is a very late baby
    [4:24:52 PM] Sirius 17: vaguely yes
    [4:24:57 PM] Sirius 17: your right
    [4:25:13 PM] Sirius 17: seems we figured middle June
    [4:25:19 PM] Sirius 17: i can't remember exactly
    [4:25:32 PM] Emeth 141: Because in October, Kate went into hospital with morning sickness or such and then her nurse hanged herself
    [4:25:53 PM] Sirius 17: yes and according to this documentary she was only 12 weeks preganant then
    [4:26:06 PM] Emeth 141: It is related to the Sun going from Cancer into Leo
    [4:26:31 PM] Emeth 141: This is the Genesis Breach between the firstborns
    [4:26:46 PM] Sirius 17: the baby being born on the 23rd on the cusp though would be an interesting symbol indeed
    [4:27:10 PM] Sirius 17: yes i remember
    [4:27:31 PM] Emeth 141: Pharez and Zarah and those English royals all trace themselves to this Zarah lineage
    [4:27:32 PM] Sirius 17: i feel it is a girl
    [4:27:42 PM] Emeth 141: So do I
    [4:27:52 PM] Sirius 17: like really strong i have felt for a while now
    [4:28:16 PM] Sirius 17: so yes it is like a rebirth of Diana
    [4:28:19 PM] Emeth 141: It is an antiimage for the abortion of Debbie on November 4th, 2004
    [4:28:23 PM] Sirius 17: my feeling anyhow
    [4:28:31 PM] Emeth 141: Diana too yes
    [4:28:59 PM] Sirius 17: yes new life
    [4:29:09 PM] Emeth 141: All princesses and Eves and DQBees
    [4:29:32 PM] Emeth 141: Eve will transform into Lilith, MM Day
    [4:29:47 PM] Emeth 141: This is the new creation
    [4:29:49 PM] Sirius 17: so the 23rd for you is sunday?
    [4:30:13 PM] Emeth 141: Old Creation+Old Image.........New Image+New Creation
    [4:30:23 PM] Sirius 17: nice
    [4:30:38 PM] Emeth 141: 21st is Sunday, when Sun goes into Leo
    [4:30:47 PM] Emeth 141: This is it in a nutshell
    [4:31:00 PM] Emeth 141: Also reccall this mysterious passage:
    [4:31:07 PM] Sirius 17: oh yes ok 23 is tuesday
    [4:31:41 PM] Emeth 141:
    Seven Days of an Old Creation redefined in Seven Days of a New Creation in the Logos of the AbbaBaab Dragon

    Genesis 1:1-5 - King James Version (KJV)

    1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

    2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

    3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

    4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

    5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

    [4:32:00 PM] Emeth 141: The EVENING comes BEFORE the Dawn
    [4:32:29 PM] Sirius 17: oh i see
    [4:33:20 PM] Emeth 141: So Light and Day were created FIRST but manifested SECOND
    [4:33:38 PM] Emeth 141: Oh yeah this is very very deep and has eluded the 'experts'
    [4:33:45 PM] Sirius 17: yes so this is Lilith
    [4:34:09 PM] Emeth 141: This is mirrored and set 'right' in this last week undoing and imaging the Mirror=Sabbath Xeia
    [4:34:21 PM] Emeth 141: Sabbath=Mirror as code not anything religious
    [4:34:59 PM] Emeth 141: Yes Lilith=Lucifera=First Eve
    [4:35:18 PM] Emeth 141: Lilith=Barbelo=Old Jerusalem=Old Baab
    [4:35:40 PM] Emeth 141: The maleness of MM is Lucifer period
    [4:35:47 PM] Emeth 141: Recall GOT #114
    [4:35:52 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [4:35:59 PM] Kali 666: hmm
    [4:36:49 PM] Emeth 141: The 7th Day of 'Rest' = Day of Reflection and Light as 7th archangelic kingdom or principality
    [4:37:30 PM] Emeth 141: The 7th Archon of the archdemons is a Day of AntiReflection = Absorption as Darkness
    [4:37:44 PM] Sirius 17:

    (4) Jesus said, "The man old in days will not hesitate to ask a small child seven days old about the place of life, and he will live. For many who are first will become last, and they will become one and the same."

    [4:37:51 PM] Sirius 17: oh ok i see how it relates to this
    [4:38:02 PM] Emeth 141: About time
    [4:38:10 PM] Emeth 141: 7+1+7=15
    [4:38:20 PM] Sirius 17: the hour
    [4:38:25 PM] Sirius 17: lol
    [4:38:35 PM] Sirius 17: oroborous complete
    [4:38:35 PM] Emeth 141: Day 1 = First = |4th MidMirror Day|= Day 7 = Last
    [4:38:41 PM] Emeth 141: Yes
    [4:39:22 PM] Emeth 141: And it is just the time between 2 moons, full and new Xeia
    [4:39:26 PM] Emeth 141: You see this now?
    [4:39:41 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [4:40:06 PM] Emeth 141: So doubling or twinning the 'Hour' means Full Moon to Full Moon or New Moon to New Moon as per the Isaiah code
    [4:40:36 PM] Emeth 141: This is how the ancients looked at time and the natives still do today
    [4:40:52 PM] Emeth 141: They say like the Indians 'many moons ago' etc
    [4:41:01 PM] Sirius 17: yes they followed the moon
    [4:41:05 PM] Sirius 17: cycles
    [4:42:24 PM] Emeth 141: Like Day and Night precisely yes
    [4:43:22 PM] Emeth 141: So it was a question of daylight and darkness perceived and experienced through the senses
    [4:43:39 PM] Emeth 141: No scientific atomic clocks required
    [4:44:02 PM] Sirius 17: yes, natural circadian rhythm
    [4:44:12 PM] Sirius 17: nature taught
    [4:44:22 PM] Emeth 141: From which the science evolved and could grow in measurements from the observations
    [4:44:40 PM] Emeth 141: But Nature is the prior omni-science
    [4:45:18 PM] Emeth 141: Denying science is just as 'silly' as is denying the 'spirit'
    [4:45:28 PM] Sirius 17: true
    [4:45:41 PM] Sirius 17: Don't tell Devakas
    [4:47:19 PM] Emeth 141: I dont communicate with such Nabs guru mobs. My 'spirit' is rather incompatible with their 'spirits of perceptions'
    [4:47:47 PM] Emeth 141: And I can do without 'warring with Swords in Words'
    [4:48:36 PM] Sirius 17: i hear you
    [4:48:36 PM] Sirius 17: i hear you
    [4:58:41 PM] Sirius 17: i am going to bed hon, i am falling asleep
    [4:58:59 PM] Sirius 17: i did not get much sleep last night
    [4:59:29 PM] Sirius 17: buenas noches Xeia and Tony
    [4:59:38 PM] Sirius 17: emoticon-00152-heart. emoticon-00155-flower. emoticon-00152-heart.
    [4:59:52 PM] Kali 666: buenas
    [5:00:12 PM] Emeth 141: Good Night Julienne

    Post last edited Jul 19th 2013
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Posted Jul 20th 2013

    An Historical Extraposition of the World Logos across Metaphysical Philosophies and Global Religions defining a galactic synchronisation in 13,990 days from September 1975 to December 2013 in
    Alpha Head=A*=|888|= Z=Omega Tail

    Friday, September 12th, 1975 = JD#2,442,667.5=Day#0= Chichan 13 Mol
    Saturday, September 27th, 1975 = JD#2,442,682.5=Day#15= 2 Ahau 8 Chen
    Friday, December 21st, 2012 = JD#2,456,282.5=Day#13,615= Ahau 3 Kankin
    Tuesday, June 4th, 2013 = JD#2,456,447,5=Day#13,780= Chicchan 3 Zotz
    Monday, December 16th, 2013 = JD#2,456,642.5=Day#13,975= Ahau 18 Mac
    Tuesday, December 31st, 2013 = JD#2,456,657.5=Day#13,990= Kankin 2 Men
    Wednesday, January 1st, 2014 = JD#2,456,658.5=Day#13,991= Kankin 3 Zip


    This becomes further indicated by the precessional transit of the sun across the galactic equator.
    The Mayan master timeline spans five great cycles of longcounts; each longcount being comprised of 13 baktuns, each baktun encompassing 144,000 kin or days, and as 20 katuns of 7,200 kin each.
    It is the 65th and final baktun, which defines the 'birth of the starhuman' archetype to replace the older 'human' archetype initiated 5x13x144,000 kin or 9,360,000 days before the nexus date of December 21st, 2012.

    As the sun's angular diameter is about 0.53 degrees, 'ancient astronomers', like the Maya calculated the ending of their longcount in the last cycle of the winter-summer solstices as a function of the Mayan Precessional 'Great Platonic Year' of 25,626.81 kin (or civil Gregorian days).
    A precessional degree then becomes 9,360,000/360=26,000=71.1856.x365.2425 days and so in the Mayan kin count, 71.1856 civil years specify a 1-degree precession and the galactic synchronisation at the winter solstice will be 71.1856x0.53=37.728 civil years for the solar transit across the galactic centre. Since 37.728x365.25=13,780 'civil days' and 13,780=12,000+1,600+180; the solar transit of the galactic centre can be used by the World Logos to 'fulfil' the encoded timelines in various scrolls and 'books of prophecy' in a 'grand synchronisation' of the human history in the precessional cycle of 9,360,360 days or Mayan kin as stipulated.

    In conjunction with the 'Venusian Transit of the Solar Disc' {8 years apart in 243-year cycles (121.5+16+105.5=243) and manifesting June 7th, 2004 to June 5th, 2012 in the present Logos timeline}, the Maya obtained the longcount from the 'hermetic' tradition (of the Plumed Serpent Melchizedek) of Kukulkan (or Quetzalcoatl in the Aztec parallel) and this 'prophecy' relates directly to a scripturally encoded 'day count' of 12,000+1,600=13,600 days in a 'furlong' count of measuring the 'inside' and the 'outside' of the 'great city' {John.2.21;Revelation.11.1-2;14.20;21.16} as the 'Temple of God'.

    These 13,600 days from December 21st, 2012 will specify September 12th, 1975 as the beginning of the 37.728 civil year period of 13,780 days, so adding 180 days as the angular halving of 360 degrees of a circle in 180 days and as say the period between the two equinoxes in March and September or as the 180 Degrees between the two solstices of June and December, each 6 months apart in the assignment of the seasons.

    As the December 21st, 2012 date indicates the December Solstice; an additional 'Ancient Year' of 360 Days is added to this Solstice to define the Mayan Full Moon in Gemini for December 17th, 2013 and following a calibrated Mayan AHAU date on December 16th, 2013.

    Day*1300=Maya#5/260/65AHAU=18AHAU*=December 16th, 2013= End of Mayan Tzolkin Correlation

    Day*1301=Maya#6/1/1/66IMIX=19IMIX*=December 17th, 2013= 5th Full Moon in Gemini(+)

    Similarly a 360 Kin 360-Degree Year is added (in subtraction from a 0-Date defining the Start of Warpzone and as encoded as the 'Abomination of Desolation' in Matthew and Daniel) to the DayCount of September 12th, 1975 to specify the Ouroboros or the Galactic Serpent of the Mazzaroth of Job as the two parts of the Leviathan and the Behemoth.

    The HEAD or ALPHA of the Galactic Dragon is the SolarArrowed Unicorn of the SeaGoatian Dragonhorns as the Behemothian DNA-Strand of the FireEarth and the TAIL or OMEGA of the Galactic Dragon is the Hermetic FisherEagle of the Lunar Twins as the Leviathan DNA-Strand of the AirWater.
    Together they represent the 'Intertwined Serpent-Rod' of Moses of the Zodiac of Abraham; also known as the Caduceus of Thoth, the Egyptian Ibis God of Wisdom.

    And now we come to the birth of the major world religions. The archetype of the two Y-chromosomes of Yaldabaoth are renamed in the mythologies of all monotheistic systems and in the case of Mesopotamia, we find the ‘Oracle of Zarathustra’ and the origin for the Gnostic mythologies, as just indicated from a scroll known as ‘The Secret Book of John’, also known as the 'Apocryphon of John'.
    They are found in the Nag Hammadi Library as Codex II, tractate 1; Codex III, tractate 1 and in Codex IV, tractate 1; and in the Berlin Gnostic Codex 8502, tractate 2.
    The oldest ‘sacred texts’ of Hinduism are the four ‘Vedas’, dating to a time of the Aryan invasions of India in the second millennium BC and encompassing the Rig-Veda, the Sama-Veda, the Yajur-Vedaand the Atharva-Veda. They are composed in vedic, an ancient form of sanskrit and involve themselves mainly with ritual incantations and ceremonial instructions, such as hymns, poetry and magical spells.
    Vedas consist of four-verse collections called ‘Mantras’ and prose commentaries called ‘Brahmanas’. Vedas are revered as ‘not of human origin’ by many worshippers; yet the actual contents of the revealed canon of that ‘what had been heard from the gods’, and in which ‘no syllable can be changed’ remains unknown as the ‘Shruti’ and a compendium of ‘what is remembered’ or ‘Smriti’ is applied in religious practice. The first attempts of ‘speculative thought’ are found in the ‘forest treatises’ or ‘Aranyakas’, containing the Upanishads; written by Brahman sages meditating in the comparative isolation of the forest. Vedanta and most other Indian philosophical systems developed from the Upanishads from about 600 BC and the birth of Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha in 563 BC.
    Two main epic stories in the ‘Smriti’ are the ‘Mahabharata’ and the ‘Ramayana’. The ‘Mahabharata’ tells of the story of a war between two Pandava brothers, led by two groups of cousins in Krishna and the Kauravas. The ‘Ramayana’tells of Rama’s journey to recapture his wife Sita, after she is stolen by the demon Ravana.
    Both stories are continually edited by successive ‘wisdom keepers’, but originate at about 300BC. From the epics evolved the puranas, such as the Bhagavata-Purana, which are dedicated to the hierarchies of gods and goddesses, such as Shiva or Vishnu and Shakti, Devi, Durga or Kali. There is a Purana of the ‘Five Topics’, comprising the creation of the universe as a comic egg; its destruction and recreation in great cycles from Krita Yuga to Kali Yuga; the dynasties of the solar and lunar deities; the genealogy of the gods and the holy sages and the ages of the ‘Manus’, the founding fathers of humankind.

    The Hindu class system, based on ancient Indo-European society, is world reaffirming and seeks ‘good health, wealth, children and a good rebirth’; in the classes of the priest or Brahman; the warrior or Kshatriya; the general populus or Vaishya; the servants or Shudras and the untouchables in the Harijans. The Upanishadic principle of world renunciation led to the concept of Advaita or Nondualism. Interpretations discuss the nature of the relationship between ‘Brahman’ as the ‘Absolute Reality’ and the ‘Atman’ of the ‘Individual Self, breath or soul’. The ‘World-Soul’ or ‘Brahman’ is identical to the ‘Atman’, but an inbred ‘Avidya’ or ‘ignorance’ prevents the ‘Individual Self’ from understanding the nondual nature of the pure Brahmanic being. The ‘Brahman’ emanates ‘Maya’ or illusion to keep the majority of the individual selves unaware of the higher reality, perceiving themselves as separated from the oneness of the universe and from each other.
    The experience of ‘Samsara’ or continual existential personal dramas so unfolds in the unenlightened or unknowledgeable individual self. Through the proper knowledge of Vedanta, the individual self can self-realise itself and overcome the ‘Maya’ of the illusion of the phenomenal material world in its ‘Moksha’, the release from the ‘Karma’, and ‘Samsara’ and is then able to reach its ‘Nirvana’ in ending its ‘Avidya’ of the cycles of the rebirth and the reincarnation.
    The Bhagavad-Gita describes three paths to self-realisation and attempts to reconcile the two forms of Hinduism ; the ‘Way of the World’ and the ‘Way of the Upanishads’. To the Path of Karmic Good Works and the Path of Knowledge and ‘Jnana’or the meditation on the godhead, is added the Path of Devotion or ‘Bhakti’. In this passionate devotion, all the polytheistic Vedic deities with attributes or ‘Saguna’are subsumed in the godhead with no attributes or ‘Nirguna’as the monism of the Vedanta.

    The Buddah’s teaching differs mainly in the refusal to accept the existence of an individual ‘soul’. The ‘Atman’ is replaced by the ‘Anatman’, the nonpermanence of the ‘soul’ being made up of five aggregates in the material body, the feeling body, the perceptive body, the karmic body and the consciousness of the body. The four noble truths of life are: Suffering; Ignorance about the true nature of reality, causing this suffering; Attachements to the illusionary appearance of reality and the 'Eightfold Path of Enlightenment', which leads to an end of the suffering in the attainment of Nirvana, thought of as a state of one’s consciousness incapable of description. The Eightfold Path is the cornerstone for the Buddhistic faith in its morality, wisdom and concentration or ‘Samadhi’and engages the ideas of right views, action, speech, intention, effort, living, mindedness and contemplation; one’s righteous social behaviour or ‘Dharma’.
    The Buddha did not record any of his teachings in writing and after his death in about 483 BC; conflicts about the Buddhistic interpretations arose and by 383 BC the Buddha was worshipped as a transcendental omnipresence by the Mahasanghika- and later Mahayana sects. It considered the mortal Buddha to have been a mere image of the transcendental and ‘cosmic’ Buddha for the benefit of all mankind. This ‘christlike’ cosmic teacher then became the Buddha of the Mahayana as the ‘Body of the Transformation’.
    By the seventh century AD, Tantrism had developed as a blend with Hindu Tantrism and the idea of the holy sacredness of the sexual union as a divine sacrament and sacrifice within a mystic circle or ‘Mandala’as the ‘Diamond Vehicle’ or Vajrayana. Vajrayana became the dominant Tibetean form of Buddhism. About the beginning of the Christian era, Buddhism arrived in Central Asia, and despite opposition by the Confucian orthodoxy and periodic persecutions, it blended with the Chinese way of life and having arrived from China in Korea in AD 372.
    Zen Buddhism, advocating the importance of meditation to gain intuitive self realisation was founded by the Indian monk Bodhidharma, which arrived in China in AD 520. The official date for Japan’s introduction to Buddhism is AD 552, it became the nation’s official state religion in AD 593.

    About 630 BC the persian prophet Zarathustra, also known as Zoroaster was born, preceding the Buddha in a few decades. As a young man, he began to receive revelations from the ‘Lord of Wisdom’, or Ahura Mazda. Zoroaster had many quarrels with the religious authorities of his day, many of whom did not accept his claims of directly conversing with the ‘godhead’. Zoroaster’s homeland of Airyana Vaejah in Eastern Persia was mountainous and he raised cattle there considered sacred animals in that region. He eventually found an influential ally in Vishtaspa, the king of Chorasmia in Eastern Iran and from 588 BC Zoroastrianism became an important monotheistic religion, whose basic tenets were to become the corner stones for Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
    The religious idea of a supreme god, who created not only the universe, but also a heaven and a hell, and who would call upon a ‘day of judgment’ to reward eternal happiness to the good and eternal damnation to the wicked is the basic tenet of all of those major world religions. Such a philosophy of ethical dualism, votive volition or free will and posthumous reward and punishment constituted a real break with old unsystematic polytheistic religious traditions, set up in rituals and magic incatations to placate and please the ‘gods’ and ‘demons’.

    The Rig-Veda reflects the ancestral religions of the Aryan people of Indo-European origin, who had invaded the North of India and the Middle East from the plains of Southern Russia, beginning towards the end of the third millennium BC. The Aryan system divides numerous Aryan gods into two distinct classes in the ‘Ahuras’, concerned with the order of the universe and moral concepts such as loyalty (Mithra) and true speech (Ahura); and the ‘Daevas’, involved with more mundane matters, such as the elements and the weather, often personifying the same.
    Zoroaster redefined the ‘Ahuras’and the ‘Daevas’in a context of a conflict between ‘Good and Evil’. He subsumed all that was ‘Good’ in Ahura Mazda and his ‘Holy Spirit’ of Spenta Mainyu, who became the all encompassing ‘messenger’ for Ahura Mazda. The ‘Lord of Wisdom’ had a ‘Twin-Brother’ in Angra Mainyu who became the ‘Lord of the Lie’. Ahura Mazda ruled the light by his ‘fire’ and Angra Mainyu ruled the darkness by the fire’s absence. Ahura Mazda and Spenta Mainyu have six assistants in the ‘Bounteous Immortals’ or the ‘Amesha Spentas’.
    Zoroaster’s cosmology is recorded in the ‘Avesta’, comprised of the ‘Gathas’, which are psalms, describing the revelations of Ahura Mazda to Zoroaster; and the ‘Seven Chapters’, a liturgy composed in a dialect called Avestan, written after Zoroaster’s death about 550 BC and inclusive of editorial commentary. Some parts of the Avestan dialect have not yet been academically deciphered and little is known about Zoroaster’s autobiography; the earliest major scholarly contribution being made by the French orientalist Abraham Hyacinthe Anquetil-Dupperon, who translated the sanskrit-similar Avestan in the 18th century. Tradition holds that the Avesta was inscribed in golden ink on 12,000 oxides and deposited in the royal library near Persepolis in Egypt, where it was destroyed in the burning of the Achaemenid capital city in 330 BC by Alexander the Great.
    The Ahura of the ‘Seven Chapters’ have wives in the ‘Ahuranis’, mirroring the ‘Varunanis’as the wives of Varuna, the custodian of ‘Rta’or Truth in the Rig-Veda. The Gathas and the ‘Seven Chapters’ form the Yasna and a later addition is the Vendidad, composed after the Greek conquest of Persia by Alexander the Great in the 4th century BC. The Venidad is similar to the Old Testament Book of Leviticus; reflecting customs and rituals attributed by the Greek historian Herodotus to the Magi; a priestly caste of Median origin and including the exposure of corpses, protection of dogs and the wanton slaughter of crawling animals and incest.
    As members of a hereditary priesthood; (as are the Levites in Judaism); the Magi’s eventual administration of Zoroastrianism led to the erosion of the prophet’s monotheistic visions. After the Persian Empire under Cyrus the Great had annexed the New Babylonian or Chaldean Empire in 539 BC, coinciding with the release of the Israelite captives in Cyrus’ decree; Darius I fully embraced the tenets of Zoroaster and made it the official state religion under the Achaemenid kings – and a Hebrew advisor at the court of Darius the Great was the prophet Daniel.

    By about 441 BC, Antaxerxes I, the successor of Darius’ son Xerxes, reorganised the Persian calendar, renaming the months of the year in labels for the older gods and names which had become purged previously in the tenets of Zoroaster. Zoroastrianism became a hybrid religion under the Achaemenid kings Darius II, Artaxerxes II, Artaxerxes III and Darius III until the conquest of Persia by Alexander the Great in 330 BC.
    The most prominent, and more worldly oriented god, and slowly displacing Ahura Mazda was the god Mithra, symbolised in the ritual slaying of a bull, representing the old ‘Age of Taurus’ being renewed in the new ‘Age of Fire’ and symbolised by Aries the Ram. The Magi were adept astrologers and using esoteric symbolism and ritual; they just like the Israelites in the wilderness of Sinai before them, replaced the mental devotion to an abstract deity by physical and customary ‘blood sacrifices’ to appease more tangible deities in the form of the elemental energies.
    After the Jews became exposed to the concept of Angra Mainyu in their Babylonian Captivity from 587 BC to 539 BC; Satan, who before had acted as an agent for god in a role of the ‘prosecuting adversary’, (as in the Book of Job), suddenly became a ‘Shaitan’ - and a powerful figure, opposed to God.
    The ‘Dead Sea Scroll 4Q392’ correlates Genesis.1.7 with a preZoroastrian impulse, which might be said to have formed the inspiration for Zoroaster’s direct or gnostic revelation from Ahura Mazda. This notion of a ‘Double Creation’ is without parallel in 2nd temple Judaism, but matches the Zoroastrian idea that all things in the material realm possess a ‘shadow’-counterpart in the archetypical world – a sacred reality known as ‘Menog’; which is the ‘Supersymmetry’ of modern physics.
    According to Martin G. Abegg Jr; a translator of scroll 4Q392; the author of the scroll states, that God created light and darkness for himself, not just as a background for subsequent creation events. Light and darkness are simultaneously present with God, a paradox incomprehensible for the human mind; but for mankind’s benefit is that differentiation made, resulting in a doubling of all that is.

    4Q392:“[...] and dominions [...][...] a man [...] God and not to turn aside from [...] and in His covenant your soul shall cling and [...] words of His mouth [...] and God [...] heaven above and to search out the ways of the sons of man, they have no hiding place. He created darkness and light for Himself, but in His dwelling place is the light of their light and all darkness rests before Him as well. He has no need to distinguish between light and darkness, but for the sons of man He distinguishes them as the light of day, with the sun, and night, with the moon and stars. He has a light which cannot be searched out, nor can its end be known. For all the works of God are doubled in this manner. We are flesh, which does not totally grasp these things. With us for [...] for a sign and wonders without number. [...] winds and lightning [...] servants of the holy of holies. They are as couches before him [...].” - translated by Martin G. Abegg, Jr.
    Genesis.1.7: “And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.”
    Isaiah.44.7:“I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.”
    And so do we find the convergence of the ancient origins of the world religions in the concepts of the archetype of the Oneness, doubling itself to create a scenario of duality, allowing the idea of opposites to manifest themselves. The Aryan invaders brought with themselves the Rig-Veda, from which the Hindu religion and Buddhism developed in the attempt to rediscover the nondualistic nature of that oneness, we now term the supersymmetry of the 11-dimensional supermembranes in the UfoQR.

    Zarathustra then began the initialisation of the ‘gnostic movement’; the idea of a direct and personal conversation with the ‘godhead’ as the archetypical memory of the Genesis within oneself. So when one feels such a devotion or ‘bhakti’ for getting to know one’s cosmogenetic inheritances, then the Path of Gnosis or ‘Insight’ opens up in the consciousness tuning into the archetypical data bank, the memory of being somehow on the other side of the firmamental divide, which is the 11th dimension in omniphysics and is the 12th heaven and the 5th hell in the gnostic mythologies.

    The Hebrews enriched their Mosaic philosophy during their stay in the Babylonian captivity in the teachings of Zoroaster and from that derived the movements of the Essenes and the Naassenes as evidenced in the ‘Dead Sea’ scrolls and the Egyptian preChristian documents of Nag Hammadi.
    As is the case in a political-militaristic society; the practicality of religious observance dominates the majority of the population, undereducated and not interested in abstract philosophical discourse. So the Hebrew splinter groups or sects attempted to preserve their ‘gnostic insights’ as personally experienced and validated revelations from the one true god and chose relative selfexile instead of conformity with an orthodoxy of the liason of the Mosaic-Levitical laws and the political agendas. The politico-religious authorities assuaged the impact of the gnostic teachings for the purpose to provide the general populace with an ordered state of affairs in their daily lives and routines. Not being of an inclination to think deeply for themselves, the majority of people did not understand that kind of state- or religion induced form of ‘mindcontrol’.

    Into that environment of powersharing between the occupying political authorities with a controlling Pharisaic- and Sadduccaic priesthood, was born a renewed ‘gnostic impulse’; first about 196 BC in the ‘Teacher of Righteousness’ and then in the birth of Jesus-Yeshua near the March equinox, March 24th,6 BC (Julian). After the Jews had become independent of the Greek-Syrian or Seleucid rule in 165 BC in the Maccabean revolt, they became governed by the priestly family of the Hasmoneans or Maccabees.

    From 152 to 63 BC, Judea was independent under that rule, until the Roman general Pompey invaded Jerusalem to begin the Roman occupation in 63 BC. The Hasmonean rule was characterised in two politico-religious factions. The Sadducees supported the Hasmoneans in an orthodox interpretation of the Mosaic law as the conservative faction; and were opposed by the Pharisees, which allowed an ‘oral’ tradition of the ‘father’ to be used to interpret that Mosaic law in a more liberal fashion.
    During the reign of Alexander Jannaeus, the ‘Lion of Wrath’ from 103-76 BC, the Pharisees were accused of conspiring to overthrow Alexander in a plot with the Seleucid king Demetrius III in 88 BC. The revolt failed and a civil war between the factions of the Sadducees and the Pharisees ensued, Alexander Jannaeus taking the side of the ‘conservatives’ against the ‘liberal’ Pharisees as the predecessors for the rabbinic lineages of the future.
    This brings us to the Essenes, the ‘Sect of the Righteous Ones’ and the disinherited ‘Zadokian priests of David’. From the Damascus scroll:

    4Q268.Frag.1: “For when they were unfaithful and forsook Him, He hid His face from Israel and His Sanctuary and delivered them up to the sword. But remembering the covenant of the forefathers, He left a remnant to Israel and did not deliver it up to be destroyed. And in the age of wrath, 390 years after He had given them into the hand of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, He visited them, and He caused a plant root to spring from Israel and Aaron to inherit His Land and to prosper on the good things of His earth. And they perceived their iniquity and recognized that they were guilty men, yet for 20 years they were like blind men groping for the way.” -Translation by Geza Vermes.
    The datings involve the prophecies of Ezekiel and Daniel in Ezekiel.3.15;4.3-8 & Daniel.9.24-27and the duration of the sojourn of the ‘Children of Israel’ in the Egyptian bondage, before deliverance by Moses in 1239 BC, coded in Exodus.12.40 and Noah’s Times, coded in Genesis.7.10-12,24; 8.3-14.
    The (in)famous and extra controversial 70-week prophecy, encoded in Daniel.9.24-27 has engaged the academician, the theologian, the rabbi and the historian and the evangelist and scriptural researcher throughout the existence and analysis of those scrolls and written records of antiquity. The 70 weeks are partitioned into a first 'jubilee' of seven weeks, followed by 62 weeks after which a 'messianic prince' is 'cut off' and a last and final week of two halfweeks. Many such commentators apply the 'ancient circle year' of 360 days or 'degrees' per a 'Great Year of Plato' of 12 months of 30 days each and as the 'Key of Ezekiel' and as encoded in numerous scriptures, such as Ezekiel.4.3-8; Daniel.12.7,11-12 and Revelation.11.2-3,11;12.6,14;13.5.

    Isaac Newton attempted to use the timeline encoded in Daniel, to determine the end of the 69 weeks of 'sevens' as the time of the death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, identifying the latter as the messianic prince of the prophecy. For this purpose Isaac Newton used the historical records about the 'Kings of Persia' from the 'Fall of Babylon' to Cyrus the Great in 539 BC to the 'Fall of Persia' to Alexander the Great in 330 BC and incorporatinmg the 'decrees' of the intermediate Persian kings as named in scripture:
    Cyrus (550-530BC); Cambyses (530-522BC); Darius I (522-486BC); Xerxes (486-465BC); Artaxerxes (465-424BC); Darius II (423-404BC); Artaxerxes II (404-358BC); Artaxerxes III (358-338BC); Darius III (336-330BC).
    The 7th year of Artaxerxes in 'Ezra's Decree' so becomes stipulated to be 459-458 BC and the 20th year of Artaxerxes in 'Nehemiah's Decree' becomes assigned to be 446-445 BC. As 32 years of Artaxerxes are encoded in Nehemiah.13.6; this 32nd year for Artaxerxes I would be 434-433 BC and for Artaxerxes II it would be 373-372 BC and for a general 'offset' of 61 years between the two decrees of Artaxerxes.
    Isaac Newton used the 483 'civil years' from 459-458 BC to define the 'cut-off' of the messiah-prince as the 'baptism by John' 483 years after the 'Decree of Ezra' in the Julian year -(458-457)+483=25-26 AD and to which he added the 7 years of the last week of the 70 'sevens' to arrive at the period 32-33 AD for the completion of the prophecy with a halfway point of 29-30 AD say for the death and resurrection of the messiah-prince.

    Many commentators dispute this on the grounds that the 'prophetic year' of 360 days should be used, and not a 'civil year' (either 'Julian' of 365.25 days or 'Gregorian' of 365.2425 days).
    5/360=1/72 and 5/365=1/73 so give the pentagonal division for a circle and also a precessional approximation for the 26,000 'Great Platonic Years' as 9,360,000 days (25,626.3 years Julian). Subsequently, every 72 years in the 'prophetic count' represent 71 years in the 'civil count' approximately.
    As the numbers of the day count in the day-for-a-year principle for the 70 week prophecy is 490x360=176,400 days; the 7-year period crystallizes naturally from the 'calendrical discrepancies' and in 176,400/365.25=482.96~483 'civil years', compared to the 'prophetic year'.
    Using the 'Decree of Nehemaiah' of 446-445 BC, then assigns -(445-444BC)+483=38-39 AD and a period which selfadjusts to 31-32 AD by application of the 'seven years of tribulations' as the 'last week'. The 483 'prophetic years' so translate into 476 'civil years'.
    As the Qumran scroll 4Q268 stipulates the 'Fall of Jerusalem' to Nebuchadnezzar at 587-586 BC followed by the 'jubilee' of the 49 years in the 'Edict of Cyrus' 538-537 BC; the partitioning of the 70-week prophecy into 7+62+1=70 crystallizes a intricate multi levelled superpositioning for this timeline. The difference between the three decrees from 538-537 BC to 459-458 BC to 446-445 BC describes the 'jubilee' of 49 years to which are added 79+13=92 years with an offset of say 1.2 years in the calendrical reckonings.

    The 'Edict of Cyrus' so represents a 'forerunner' or precursor of the 'tenth part' of the 490 years in the 49 years from the Babylonian Captivity to the fall of Babylon under Cyrus the Great and remain independent of the subsequent 70 week prophecy beginning at the decrees of Ezra and of Nehemiah.
    Now 390+93=483 and so the Qumran scroll defines the Edict of Nehemiah describing the nexus year for a 390 year period to become adjoined to this year of the return of the 'Children of Israel' into Judea. Because 390 'prophetic years' of 140,400 days are about 384.4 'civil years', the 483 'prophetic years' (or 476.3 civil years) from the 'Fall of Babylon' and the Edict of Cyrus stipulate the year (539-538BC)-(476.3)=63-62 BC and the 'Invasion of the Prince of Rome' in the 'General Pompey as the historical 'fulfilment' of the older 70 weeks and where Cyrus the Great archetyped the messianic-prince, say as wayshower for the latter one in Jesus of Nazareth.
    The 390 dayyears of 4Q268 also represents Ezekiel's 'Siege against Israel' and in adjoinment to the 40 dayyears of his 'Siege against Judah' become the 430 dayyears of the 'Captivity of Israel in Egypt' (Exodus.12.40). Those 430 dayyears than add a halfweek for the 62 sevens for 62x7=434=430+4 dayyears and with 434 'prophetic years' being 428 'civil years'.
    The historical timeline of the 70 weeks prophecy is intertwined with the other 'number codes' and previsits an actual 490-day period in a warping of the period from December 8th, 24/2004 to April 1st, 32/2012 and midpointed in the 'Mirror of Daniel' of August 4th, 28/2008 2300+370=1335=1335=2670 'prophetic daycount envelope'.
    August 4th, 28 AD so defines the historicity of the baptism of Jesus of Nazareth and a date, which is mapped or projected onto the warptime of the 'times of the end' in a 2670 day or 7.31 'civil year' period, which does not use the day-for-a-year key of Ezekiel. The period from December 8th, 24 AD to August 4th, 28 AD so spans 1335 days as a forwards movement in historical time, which then becomes mirrored or reflected in the backwards movement from August 4th, 28 AD to the first anniversary of the 'Resurrection' - Easter Sunday, April 1st, 31 AD.

    Isaac Newton's datings so closely approximate this scenario in counting 483 'civil years' from the 'Decree of Ezra' from 459-458 BC to 25-26 AD for a 'Beginning of the warpzone' at December 8th, 24 AD. Likewise, the supporters for the 'Decree of Nehemiah' and the 476.3 'civil year' adjustment, arrive at a date of -(445-444)+476=31-32 AD for the 'End of the warpzone' at April 1st, 32 AD. Both decrees so simply utilize the naturally present 490 prophetic years being 483 civil years adjustment from different perspectives. The 'cutting off' of the messiah-prince so becomes a 'fine tuning' or finestructure of the actual day count where a week is seven days onto the day-for-a-year key of Ezekiel.
    The 2300 dayyears of Daniel with the 370 dayyears of Noah then define 2670 dayyears for the historical timeline warped onto the 7.31 'civil year' period encompassed by all of the 'timed prophecies'. 2670 'prophetic years' are rendered as 2633 'civil years' in a 'shortening of time' by 37 years; with the 2300 dayyears calculating as approximately 2268 years Julian. These 37 years define the timeline of Jesus of Nazareth from his birth in March 6 BC to his ending the warpzone from 24-32 AD and so in say two equinoxes of spring in the Northern hemisphere.

    The 2633 'civil years' then specify a general period for the 'grand metamorphosis' of the 'old world' into a 'new world' or the 'passing away of the old heaven and earth' for a new dispensation and according to the 'Words of the World- or Cosmic Logos'.
    The 'Last Righteous' King of Israel is scripturally encoded as Josiah, who is killed in the battle of Harmageddon or Megiddo in 609 BC by the Egyptian pharaoh Necho, according to the archived sources. Then beginning the greater historical year count from Julian year -608 and gives -608+2268=1660 and -608+2633=2025 respectively. The historical period from 1660 to 2025 so spans 365 years for the 365 days for a year principle and also a general cycle of closing the alpha in the omega or the head of the beginnings becoming the tail of the ends or vice versa.

    Last 'Righteous' King: 609-608 BC-------1=Battle of the archetypical Armageddon in Megiddo Josiah-Pharaohnecho
    Siege of Nebuchadnezzar: 597-596 BC------12(+11)
    Babylonian Captivity: 587-586 BC------22(+10)
    Edict of Cyrus: 538-537 BC------71(+49)=69-70 years of Jeremiah from Josiah/Megiddo to Edict of Cyrus
    Edict of Ezra: 459-458-457 BC-----150(+79)=150 prophetic days of Noah's Flood/Scorpions
    Edict of Nehemiah: 446-445-444 BC-----163(+13)=70 years of Babylon + 93 years of the Return to rebuild the temple
    390 years of 4Q268: 203-200-197 BC-----[]=390-384 years from Babylonian captivity in Selecuid occupation
    20 years of 4Q268: 181-178-175 BC---=20-22 years of 'confusions' to Antiochus Epiphanes IV = 428 years from Megiddo as 62 'sevens'
    Half-Seven: 175-174-173-172 BC--[]=Rule of the 'Wicked Priest' Jesus-Jason in the Dead Sea Scrolls=435 years from Josiah as end of 63 'sevens'
    Last Zadokite Highpriest: 172-169-166 BC-----[]=7 Year tribulation in Maccabean revolt against Hellenisation after Jason
    Essenes: 165 BC------[]=Maccabean revolt for Hasmonean rule with Sadducee-Pharisee factions
    Qumran 4Q268: 63-62 BC-----546(+383)=Roman occupation under Pompey after Maccabean rule from 165 BC
    Warping Mirror I: 24-28-32 AD
    Agency of Jesus: 31-32-33 AD------474-477-480 years from the Edict of Nehemiah and 487-490-493 years from the Edict of Ezra
    Destruction of the Temple: 70 AD-------37-38 years from the agency of the messiah-prince as the time adjustment
    Birth of a New Language: 1660 AD------Birth of the Science of Gaia, symbolised by Isaac Newton
    Warping Mirror II: 2004-2008-2012
    Rebirth of the New World: 2025 AD------Birth of the OmniScience of Gaia

    {Diagram is from: "Daniel the Seer" -Gerhard Pfandl, 2004 and is a SDA publication, which is not in general supported by Thuban; but this diagram does appropriately illustrate the 70 Weeks as 490 Years in the primary historical evolvement from 457 BC to 33 AD, warped onto the 1980 year offset from 1523 AD to 2013 AD. and the actual 490 Days timelines of the World Logos as indicated on this and associated forums }.

    Ezra 1
    1Now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, that the word of the LORD by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled, the LORD stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom, and put it also in writing, saying,
    2Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia, The LORD God of heaven hath given me all the kingdoms of the earth; and he hath charged me to build him an house at Jerusalem, which is in Judah.
    3Who is there among you of all his people? his God be with him, and let him go up to Jerusalem, which is in Judah, and build the house of the LORD God of Israel, (he is the God,) which is in Jerusalem.

    Ezra 7

    1Now after these things, in the reign of Artaxerxes king of Persia, Ezra the son of Seraiah, the son of Azariah, the son of Hilkiah,
    2The son of Shallum, the son of Zadok, the son of Ahitub,
    3The son of Amariah, the son of Azariah, the son of Meraioth,
    4The son of Zerahiah, the son of Uzzi, the son of Bukki,
    5The son of Abishua, the son of Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the chief priest:
    6This Ezra went up from Babylon; and he was a ready scribe in the law of Moses, which the LORD God of Israel had given: and the king granted him all his request, according to the hand of the LORD his God upon him.
    7And there went up some of the children of Israel, and of the priests, and the Levites, and the singers, and the porters, and the Nethinims, unto Jerusalem, in the seventh year of Artaxerxes the king.
    8And he came to Jerusalem in the fifth month, which wasin the seventh year of the king.

    Nehemiah 2

    1And it came to pass in the month Nisan, in the twentieth year of Artaxerxes the king, that wine was before him: and I took up the wine, and gave it unto the king. Now I had not been beforetime sad in his presence.
    2Wherefore the king said unto me, Why is thy countenance sad, seeing thou art not sick? this is nothing else but sorrow of heart. Then I was very sore afraid,
    3And said unto the king, Let the king live for ever: why should not my countenance be sad, when the city, the place of my fathers' sepulchres, lieth waste, and the gates thereof are consumed with fire?
    4Then the king said unto me, For what dost thou make request? So I prayed to the God of heaven.
    5And I said unto the king, If it please the king, and if thy servant have found favour in thy sight, that thou wouldest send me unto Judah, unto the city of my fathers' sepulchres, that I may build it.
    6And the king said unto me, (the queen also sitting by him,) For how long shall thy journey be? and when wilt thou return? So it pleased the king to send me; and I set him a time.
    7Moreover I said unto the king, If it please the king, let letters be given me to the governors beyond the river, that they may convey me over till I come into Judah;

    Nehemiah 13

    1On that day they read in the book of Moses in the audience of the people; and therein was found written, that the Ammonite and the Moabite should not come into the congregation of God for ever;
    2Because they met not the children of Israel with bread and with water, but hired Balaam against them, that he should curse them: howbeit our God turned the curse into a blessing.
    3Now it came to pass, when they had heard the law, that they separated from Israel all the mixed multitude.
    4And before this, Eliashib the priest, having the oversight of the chamber of the house of our God, was allied unto Tobiah:
    5And he had prepared for him a great chamber, where aforetime they laid the meat offerings, the frankincense, and the vessels, and the tithes of the corn, the new wine, and the oil, which was commanded to be given to the Levites, and the singers, and the porters; and the offerings of the priests.
    6But in all this time was not I at Jerusalem: for in the two and thirtieth year of Artaxerxes king of Babylon came I unto the king, and after certain days obtained I leave of the king:
    7And I came to Jerusalem, and understood of the evil that Eliashib did for Tobiah, in preparing him a chamber in the courts of the house of God.

    The numbers involved are:
    When did ‘God’s people’ become unfaithful in the context of the Babylonian captivity? In 609 BC, Josiah, the last ‘righteous’ King of Israel was killed in the ‘Battle of Megiddo or Armageddon’ by Pharaohnechoh, King of Egypt, coded in 2Kings.22.2;23.25, 29-32. 70 years of the Babylonian captivity so add the ‘forsaken period’ of 609-608 BC to 587-586 BC, when King Nebuchadnezzar took Jerusalem, to the Edict of Cyrus in 538 BC, coded in 2Chronicles.36.1-23.
    Now 390 dayyears from 587-586 BC lead to the year 197-196 BC, from which the 22 years from 608 BC to 586 BC are subtracted for the yearweek of confusion (Ezekiel.3.15 & Daniel.9.27) from 174-167 BC.
    At the beginning of this 7-year period, that is in 174 BC, the ‘Teacher of Righteousness’, who was born in the year 196 BC, was ‘cut off’, coded in Daniel.9.26. The 20-year period from 196 BC to 176 BC ‘saw’ the ‘Teacher of Righteousness’ resisting the Hellenisation of Judea, instigated by the Seleucid empire established by Alexander the Great.
    Judea became a province of the Seleucid Empire ruled by Antiochus-Epiphanes IV from 175 BC to 163 BC.
    Antiochus-Epiphanes IV deposed the last Zadokite-Davidic Highpriest Onias III in 175 BC and replaced him with his hellenophile Zadokite-Davidic brother Jesus, the latter renaming himself in the Greek style as Jason.

    In 172 BC, Jason was deposed as the last true Zadokite-Davidic Highpriest by lineage; his office transferring to Menelaus from 172 BC to 162 BC.
    In 171 BC, Onias III was murdered at the instigation of Menelaus and as coded in Daniel.9.27.
    In 169 BC, Antiochus IV and Menelaus plundered the temple at Jerusalem.
    In 168 BC, Antiochus IV was defeated by the Romans in his 2nd campaign against Egypt.
    In 167 BC, Jews who opposed the unification of the Seleucid empire and accept Greek custom and religion are persecuted.
    Jewish religion was officially abolished under threat of death and the temple of Jerusalem became a shrine for the chiefgod of the Greek Olympians in Zeus.
    In 166 BC, the Maccabees rose in revolt under the leadership of Judas Maccabee to end the 7-year period of the confusion and so (in symbol and as partial historical manifesto) fulfilling Daniel’s prophecy in Daniel.9.24-27.

    So the ‘’Teacher of Righteousness’, as described in the ‘Dead Sea’ scrolls is the archetype or the gnostic impulse for the eternal priesthood of Melchisedec, and as manifested in the Zadokian-Davidic Priesthood, beginning with Abraham to David’s Highpriest Zadok and the lineage to Yeshua-Jesus.
    Its personification and inspiration for the empowerment of the Essenic movement was Onias III, who was ‘born’ into the role of the ‘Teacher of Righteousness’ in the year 198-196 BC, coinciding with Judea becoming a Seleucidean province.
    The ‘Wicked Priest’ was his brother Jesus-Jason, who abandoned his Zadokian-Davidic heritage for a perceived hellinisation of the covenant.
    The ‘Man of the Lie’ was Onias IV, the son of the assassinated Onias III, who emigrated to Egypt to build a ‘substitute’ temple in Leontopolis under the patronage of the Egyptian King Ptolemy Philometor (182 – 146 BC). His inauguration of Israelite worship outside of Zion is in direct breach of biblical law, only permitting a single sanctuary at Jerusalem and as coded in the Dead Sea Scrolls in 4Q266.Frag.5ii.
    The ‘House of Absalom’ is the ‘House of David’, his son Absalom rebelling against him, just as Onias IV dishonoured his father Onias III, and as coded in 1QpHab.v.9-12 and 2Samuel.13.
    Jason died in Egyptian exile:

    “Because you have plundered many nations, all the remnants of the peoples shall plunder you.....fleeing from city to city, pursued of all men, hated as a forsaker of the laws, and being had in abomination as an open enemy of his country and countrymen, he was cast out into Egypt. Thus he that had driven many out of their country perished in a strange land, retiring to the Lacedemonians, and thinking there to find succour by reason of his kindred. And he that had cast out many unburied had none to mourn for him, nor any solemn funerals at all nor sepulchre with his fathers;” and as coded in: Isaiah.14; 1QpHab.viii-ix; 2Maccabees.5.8-10.

    The remnant of the people refers to a symbolic tenth of all the Children of Israel, as coded in the Book of Revelation and incorporates the descendents of the ‘Lost Samarian Tribes of Israel’, centred about the lineages of Joseph’s Egyptian descendants in Manasseh of the present USA and in Ephraim as a ‘Company of Nations’, defined in the British Empire, as the successors of the political Kittim or Rome becoming the ‘Holy Roman Empire’, say from AD 962 to the present time.
    On a deeper level, the remnant is the quantisation of the tenth principle as the first, an old identity transforming into a new identity, as in 1+0=0+1=01=’10’ , transforming into 01bin=1dec, 10bin=2dec. There are seven principles, reflected in the seven heavens, which have an antiidentity in the seven antiheavens, upon whom the five hells are mapped.
    The seven principalities are: 1.Identity-Antiidentity; 2.Expansion-Contraction; 3.Order-Chaos; 4.Symmetry-Nonparity; 5.Infinity-Limitation; 6.Inversion-Constancy and 7.Reflection-Absorption.
    The eighth principle is Relativity and the ninth principle is Quantisation, both having no antiprinciple. The tenth principle is a New DoubleIdentity, transforming the Anti-state of the first principle under utility of the other eight principles. The eighth principle is coded as:

    “And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition,” in Revelation.17.11; the ‘ten horns of the beast’ symbolising the ten principles there also, say in Revelation.17.12-14.
    There are more number codes in the prophetic sections of the biblical scrolls, interwoven in the dates given in Noah, Ezekiel, Daniel and the Book of Revelation. The key is to superpose the greater historical cycle upon its quantisation in the individual transformation or ‘redemptive selfdeliverance’ in unison with the ‘gnostic insight’ as exemplified by Abraham Melchisedec and his Davidic-messianic lineages. Zoroaster was a ‘gnosis-commissioned’ Zadokian priest, as was the Buddha and as was the prophet Mohammed. The Buddha’s gnosis was the realisation that the real duality was also a real nonduality, emanating from himself; he selfrealised to a profound degree, but could not transcend the material nonduality because in a sense he denied its existence – the ‘Maya’ is as real as the illusion of the absolute reality and vice versa. Because he was close, his followers elevated him into his true status of ‘The Christ’ after his bodily demise. Zoroaster’s gnosis became the forerunner for the complete truth or ‘Asha’, in revealing, that the duality is the appearance of the nonduality as a doubled creation, but for the higher purpose to bring two estranged parties together again.

    GOD and DOG or Husband and Wife or the two Y-chromosomes of a ‘wayward brotherhood’, all become eventually archetyped in the Yang and the Yin or the Ahura Mazda-Angra Mainyu duality, being the Head and Tail of the same coin in actual factuality. It would be the gnostic commission of Jesus-Yeshua to manifest the complete gnosis in the actual transformation of hisher material form into the transcended supersymmetry of the RadiationMass. The omniscientific process of blending matter with light, became coded in concepts of ‘The Transfiguration’ and ‘The Resurrection’. Heshe was able to do this, because heshe was a heshe and not a mortal he or she, also known as a 'Dragon of Antiquity' or an 'Elder from the Stars' in an 'Office of Melchisedec, the 'Plumed Serpent' of Kukulkan, Gugamatz, Quetzacoatl or the Rattlesnake of the Ourobos of the Behemothian Leviathan of the Mazzaroth or Milky Way or Zodiac and as encoded in the supposed 'oldest book' of the bible in the 'Story of Job'.
    This then brings us back to the heavenly wedding and the numerical encodements in the scrolls. The historic supercycle must be completed, before it can be used as archetype for individual transformations. In other words, the archetypes of the dragonomy must be defined and set in place, before the individual metamorphoses of the ‘human caterpillars’ into the ‘starhuman butterflies’ can proceed.

    Defining the scriptural chronos is completely arbitrary in the linearity of any calendrical timeflow; but once a particular 'Mirror Day' becomes defined; this specification will align and correlate all dates encoded in the scrolls and scriptures of 'prophecy'.
    The greater timeline of Daniel gives the doubling of the 1335 days in 2x1335=2670=2300+370 and so envelopes all of the 'end times' as defined in the 'Season' or 'Cycle' of the 'Sevens'.
    The Warpzone so is defined in 2670 days or 7.310..'Civil Years' and with the 1335th day being the Mirror Day of the 'Blessings' as per Daniel.12.
    Defining this Mirror Day then will uniquely define the Timeline of the World Logos as the 'warptime of the logistics' in the doubling of the 12-Hours of day and night as a Day.
    The 'Mirror of Daniel' is defined in August 4th, 2008 as the 1938th 'anniversary' for the destruction of Jerusalem under the Roman General Titus on August 4th, 70 AD and as the 1980th 'anniversary' or 'Jubilee' of the World Logos on August 4th 28AD in the River Jordan as the encoded 'Baptism of Jesus of Nazareth' by John the Baptizer and describing the 'Blessing from Heaven ' in the symbol of the Dove.
    Defining this 'Day of the Blessings' as the 1335th day of the Midpoint of the warpzone; then uniquely fixes the Beginning of the Warptime as December 8th, 2004 and in the beginning of the 'Abomination of Desolation' and the 'Pollution of the Sanctuary' as per the Book of Daniel.
    Corollarily; the warptime must then end on March 31st, 2012 as the 2670th Day, stipulating April 1st, 2012 as the 'Day for the Impregnation of Gaia', followed in a gestation of 265 days to December 21st, 2012 for the Rebirth of Old Gaia as New Gaia Serpentina - Serpentina meaning 'In A Serpent' or ''In A Present'.
    Following this Birth, Serpentina 'weans' a new race of starhumans for the 360-Circle Year to calibrate the ancient indigenous calendars of the lunar- and solar cyclicities and seasons with the 'modern precision' ones, the latter utilizing scientific measurements for the 'temporal duration' of time as a function of frequency.

    Using such a calibration for a Mirror day as stipulated in the 'prophecies' then allows any extended timeframe, comprised of such 2670 day periods to be constructedas an alternating sequence of (370+2300)+(2300+370)+(370+2300)+...and mirroring the longer parts of the '2300 days of Daniel's Sanctuary' alternating with the shorter part of the '370 days of Noah's Flood'.
    A 8-cycle period then can mirror a 'First Coming' in a 'Mirror Coming' or 'Second Coming' of the 'World Logos'; the 'first' manifestation being a Oneness in Individuality of MANY in the ONE and the 'second' manifestation becoming the ONE in the MANY as the Particularisation of the Wave in the Quantum Duality of the Mind-Body dualism described earlier.
    The historical occurrences of 28 BC to 32 AD so are mapped on a parallel timeline from 1953 to 2012 and as encoded in ancient monuments like pyramids and indigenous calendars.
    In regards to the 'Life, Death and Resurrection' of Jesus of Nazareth as the individual incarnation as the 'Word of Gods' so becomes the 'Words of God' in the 'Sword of God' in the apocalypse of the 'Words of Dog', namely Gaia the executioner for the Legislature and Jurisdiction of the cosmic lawmaker.

    The 1st Time-Loop of 2670=370+2300 Days manifests from:
    Day-18689=Saturday, October 8th, 28BC/Thursday, October 8th, 1953 to Day-16020=Monday, January 28th, 20BC/Saturday, January 28th, 1961

    The 2nd Time-Loop of 2670=2300+370 Days manifests from:
    Day-16019=Tuesday, January 29th, 20BC/Sunday, January 29th, 1961 to Day-13350=Thursday, May 21st, 13BC/Tuesday, May 21st, 1968

    The 3rd Time-Loop of 2670=370+2300 Days manifests from:
    Day-13349=Friday, May 22nd, 13BC/Wednesday, May 22nd, 1968 to Day-10680=Sunday, September 12th, 6BC/Friday, September12th, 1975

    The 4th Time-Loop of 2670=2300+370 Days manifests from:
    Day-10679=Monday, September 13th, 6BC/Saturday, September 13th, 1975 to Day-8010=Wednesday, January 3rd, 3AD/Monday, January 3rd, 1983

    The 5th Time-Loop of 2670=370+2300 Days manifests from:
    Day-8009=Thursday, January 4th, 3AD/Tuesday, January 4th, 1983 to Day-5340=Saturday, April 26th, 10AD/Thursday, April 26th, 1990

    The 6th Time-Loop of 2670=2300+370 Days manifests from:
    Day-5339=Sunday, April 27th, 10AD/Friday, April 27th, 1990 to Day-2670=Tuesday, August 17th, 17AD/Sunday, August 17th, 1997

    The 7th Time-Loop of 2670=370+2300 Days manifests from:
    Day-2669=Wednesday, August 18th, 17AD/Monday, August 18th, 1997 to Day#0=Friday, December 8th, 24AD/Wednesday, December 8th, 2004

    The 8th Time-Loop of 2670=2300+370 Days manifests from:
    Day#1=Saturday, December 9th, 24AD/Thursday, December 9th, 2004 to Day#2670=Monday, March 31st, 32AD/Saturday, March 31st, 2012
    Day#1335=Wednesday, August 4th, 28AD/Monday, August 4th, 2008
    Day#2670=Monday, March 31st, 32AD/Saturday, March 31st, 2012
    Day#2671=Tuesday, April 1st, 32AD/PalmSunday, April 1st, 2012=Impregnation for the 'New Jerusalem'
    Day#2935=Sunday, December 21st, 32AD/Friday, December 21st, 2012 = Birthday for the StarHumanity as the New Jerusalem
    Day#3295=Wednesday, December 16th, 33AD/Monday, December 16th, 2013 = Maturing of the New Jerusalem
    Day#3310=Thursday, December 31st, 33AD/Tuesday, December 31st, 2013
    Day#1=Friday, January 1st, 34AD/Wednesday, January 1st, 2014 = New Year Day for StarHuman Civilization

    This chronology and parallel timelines for the mapping or superimpositioning of the two warpzones now relates to the 'Building of the Sanctuary', the 'Holy City', as encoded in the 'Outside Measurement' of 1,600 Days in Revelation.14 and the 'Inside Measurements' of Revelation.11 as the 'Time+Times+HalfTime' count and the 12,000 Days of Revelation.21.
    The 'Outside Measurement' for the 'Winepress of God' is 1,600 Days from the 'Mirror Day of Daniel' and so brings the apocalypse from Day#1335 to Day#2935.
    Biblical prophecy so aligns the Mayan longcount across cultures and calendrical systems in the fixation of the 'Day of the Cosmic Mirror'.
    The 'Inside Measurement' so must be stipulated as beginning 12,000 Days preceding the 'Mirror Day' in Day#-10,665=Monday, September 27th, 6BC/Saturday, September 27th, 1975 and precisely offset by the 'Hour of the Beast' as the 15 days from the 4th timeloop beginning September 13th, 1975.
    The 'Prophetic Timeline' for all the interwoven scriptural encodings so begins on Day#-10,680=Sunday, September 12th, 6BC/Friday, September 12th, 1975 and end in a ±15 or 30 Day variation as 2x15 Days on Day#3310=Thursday, December 31st, 33AD/Tuesday, December 31st, 2013.
    These are 13,991 Days made up of 12,000 (Inside) + 1,600 (Outside) + 360 (Circle) + 30 ('Hour' of Light/Day + 'Hour' of Darkness/Night) + 1 Day as the Evening of the First Day being the Night of the Last Day as the 'switching' of the end of the 3rd timeloop to the beginning of the 4th timeloop.
    In other words the count is inclusive of the first day with September 12th, 1975 + 13,991 Days fixating January 1st, 2014 as the New Year Eve to New Year Day transition.
    This then defines the 1290 days in Daniel.12 as being 30 days longer than the 'Time+Times+HalfTime' =1260 days by the Inclusion of the 'Hour' added to the 'Year+Month+Day+Hour' as 360+30+1+'15'=391+'15' in the Offset of the 15 days between September 12th/6BC;1975 and September 27th/6BC;1975.
    The 1260+75=1335 days doubled, so define the partitioning of 2x75=150 Days of the 'Flood of Noah' in Genesis and the '5 Months' of Tribulations of the 'Scorpions' in Revelation and where the 75=40+30+5 is divided in the '40 Wilderness Days'; the 15 'Hour Days' and the 5 'Pentecost/Prison Days' all doubled in the Day-Night halving of the 24 hour count.

    The 'Life and Times' of the World Logos in forwards and backwards manifestation so begins in a Descent of a 'HalfCycle' of 6 months as encoded in Luke and in a Birthday of Jesus of Nazareth in March 6BC as a (March 28th - September 27th, 6BC) for a 7-day variation to the March-September Equinoxes, say March 24th, 6BC (Julian) to September 25th, 6BC (Julian); the Julian calendar at this time being so 2 days forwardly offset relative to the Gregorian calendar.
    This is encoded as the 6 month pregnancy differential between 'cousins' Mary and Elizabeth, wife of Zacharias and Mother of John the Baptizer in Luke.1.5,23-41,56-60, as well. The Conception and Birth of John so stipulate the December Solstice 8 BC and the September Equinox 7BC respectively and are complimented by the Conception and Birth of Jesus of Nazareth in the June Solstice 7 BC and the March Equinox 6 BC, also respectively and in a timespan of five Seasons or of 15 months of two Solstices followed by two Equinoxes in December 8 BC - June 7 BC - September 7 BC - March 6 BC.

    The June Solstice of 7 BC then is warped onto the June Solstice 2008 which is 'time warped' in 15 Seasons or 42+3 months or 3½+¼ years as 42x30+90=1260+75+15=1335+15=1350 days of the 'witnesses' of Revelation.11 and Zechariah.4 onto the March Equinox 2012 for an actual hyperdimensional birth on the December Solstice 2012, 9 months later.

    Historical evidence relates to the 'Molnar Coin' and the related interpretation of the 'Star of Bethlehem' and the astronomical Saturn-Jupiter Moon conjunctions, say the two New Moons on March 20th and April 17th in the year 6BC.
    The 'Conception' of the World Logos then is again offset from say December 25th, 7BC - January 6th, 6BC (as a 265 Day Gestation from September 27th and extended in 12 Days of Christmas as the orthodox remembrances) as the June-December Solstices to June 25th, 7BC (both Julian).
    To accomodate this 6-Month offset between the physical manifestation of the World Logos in the June/December-Solstice Conception and the March/September-Equinox Birth across the 7BC-6BC Seasons, the End of the warpzone in 32AD becomes defined in the physical Death and Rebirth at the March Equinox; being offset however as a first anniversary of the historical unfoldment. The passion of Jesus of Nazareth so occurred in the Passover Week of 31AD from PalmSunday, March 25th, 31AD to Resurrection-Easter Sunday, April 1st, 31AD and halved by the Crucifixion Day, Wednesday, March 28th, 31AD.
    This adds a calendrical year to the Mission of the Logos as beginning from the baptism on August 4th, 28AD to define the 1335 days to be 1260+30+45=1290+40+5=1335 Days for the specification of the 40 days in the Wilderness and the 2x5=10 days between the ascension and the WhitSunday of Shabuoth aka the Pentecost 7 Weeks or 50 days following the Resurrection, being 10 days longer, than the 'wilderness days' in 31AD becoming mapped onto the warpend mirror in 32AD.
    The 'Mission of the Logos' as Many in One so encompasses Conception Day June 25th, 7BC to April 1st, 32AD (both Julian) with the June-Solstice falling onto Thursday, June 25th, 7BC about 04:27 UCT/GMT.
    The March Equinox 6BC is Wednesday, March 24th, 6BC about 11:00 UCT/GMT for a 'seasonal' gestation of 272 Days, being the 265 Days + WOC as the 7 days of the 'Week of Confusion'. The total summation of the 'Logos Days' of the 'First Coming' so are 13,795 Days or 37 years 280 days as the 37 years + Gestation of 265 days +15 days.
    These 13,795 Days are the 12,000 + 1,600 + (360-180) + 15 = 13,990 - (180 + 15) = 13,795 days to recalibrate the two warptime flows in the Equinoxes/Solstices a 6 Months or a HalfYear apart and the offset of the 'Hour' of the 15 Day proportionality in 1Hour/24Hours=15Days/360Days.

    The 1975-2012 Days then become mapped or mirrored as specified with the descent-conception of the Solstices no longer of requirement of any offset, due to the insertion of the additional year and the Descent of the World Logos as the One in Many given in the June Solstice 2008 as the physical conception of the 'Second Coming' mirroring the 'First Coming' of 7BC and fixed as June 25th, 2008 a year differential of 2014 'Civil Years'.

    Day#0=December 8th, 2004 to Day#2555=December 7th, 2011 becomes a 7-Year cyclicity from the beginning of the warpzone in partitioning 1335+1220=1290+5+1260=2555 days in Day#1295=Wednesday, June 25th beginning the 1260 Days as one form of the 'witnessing' of the 'Time+Times+HalfTime' being 5 Days from the June-Solstice of 2008 at Day#1290=Friday, June 20th, 2008 at 23:58 UCT/GMT.
    Subtracting the Gestation Period of 265 Days from the 1260 'witnessing' daycount to 995 days, then added to the June Solstice 2011 then gives 1290+995=2285 in Day#2285=March 12th, 2011 as the Day of the Great Earthquake in Revelation.11 and the Blowing of the 7th trumpet as indicative image in the Logos Mirror of Day#=Monday, March 28th, 2011 as the ending of the 2300 Days of Daniel and the beginning of the 370 days of Noah. This day represents the 1980th anniversary of the Crucifixion of the World Logos in the Passion Week; which in 2011 represents a Shadow PalmSunday, March 20th, 2011 at 18:10 UCT/GMT and a Shadow EasterSunday, March 27th, 2011 as per the orthodox Full Moon - Easter calculus indicated earlier.

    The March Full Moon on Saturday, March 19th, 2011 at 18:10 UCT/GMT falls just 1 Day before the March-Equinox March 20th, 2011 at 23:31 UCT/GMT and following the March New Moon of Friday March 4th, 2011 at 20:46 UCT/GMT and with a halfway Nexus for the two moons for the 'Great Earthquake' of Revelation at Sendai (Send I A for a heralding of a New Beginning) at March 11th, 2011 at 05:46 UCT/GMT.
    There are 3:14 hours of March 4th and 18:10 hours of March 19th for a total of 21:24 hours added to the 14 full days from March 5th to March 18th inclusive to specify an exact midpoint for the 'fulfilment of this prophecy' as the 1284/2=642 Minutes or 10:42 Hours GMT March 11th, 2011 and 296 Minutes or 04:56 from the measured time.
    So in a symbolic sense; the last and 8th greater timeloop of the 'Mirror of Daniel' ends the 'prophecies of Daniel' on March 28th, 2011 as the end of the 62nd week of the shadow resurrection of Shadow EasterSunday, March 27th, 2011.

    In particular the 3½ years in prophecy span the seven half cycles between the September Equinox 2007 to the March Equinox 2011 and since 1260 days are 14 days less, than 3½ 'civil years' with the 2008 'leap year'; the Sendai earthquake fulfils the prophecy in Revelation.11.
    September Equinox 2007: Sunday, September 23rd, 2007 at 09:51 UCT/GMT and precisely 2 weeks later is Sunday, October 7th, 2007 and 180 weeks after this is
    March Equinox 2011: Sunday, March 20th, 2011 at 23:21 UCT/GMT.
    180 weeks from the September 2007 Equinox so is Sunday, March 6th, 2011 as the end of the witnessing period and 3½ days following then defines the 'Great Earthquake' of Revelation.11 shifted by two days in the calendrical adjustment between the Julian calendar of 31 AD and the Gregorian calendar of 2011 AD in Tuesday, September 25th, 2007 09:51 UCT.GMT to Tuesday, March 8th, 2011 AD 09:51 UCT/GMT.
    Adding the 3½ day then specifies the 'Great Earthquake' at Friday, March 11th, 2011 at 21:51 UCT and 16 hours 5 minutes following 05:46 UCT/GMT and approximating the time difference between the September 2007 and March 2011 equinoxes in 23:51 - 09:51 in 14 hours as the 14 days.
    The Julian days for the 1260+14=1274 days then are:
    September 23rd, 2007 = 2,454,367 to March 20th, 2011 = 2,455,641

    The seven preparatory Time-Loops are aligned as the sequence: ,-2,-1,0,+1,+2,+3,+4 and initialize in the 3rd time loop in Daniel-Node#0 and
    Day-13349=Friday,22May13BC/Wednesday,22May1968 to Day-10680=Sunday,12September6BC/Friday,12September1975 with
    Daniel-Mirror#0 on Day-12015=Tuesday, January 16th, 9BC/Sunday, January 16th, 1972.
    Principality-Loop#1 as Daniel-Node#1 then begins the prophecy count in Day-10679=2300+370=Conception of the Beast=Monday, September 13th, 6BC/Saturday, September 13th, 1975.
    There are Ten 1335-Day loops from Daniel-Node#1 on September 13th, 1975 to Daniel-Antinode#5 on March 31st, 2012.

    Time-Loops 3 and 4 then supplement each other in the count from Daniel-Node#1 to Daniel-Mirror#2 and encompass the 70 Weeks Prophecy of Daniel in 2670+1335-490=3515 Days from Day-10679 to Day-7164.
    The 3515th Day then is offset by the 15 Days of the offset of the Daniel-Node#0 to the Node of the Apocalypse in the 3530th Day.
    The overall prophetic timeline is both preceded and finalised in a 490 day or 70 week period and so begins on
    Day-11169=Monday,11May7BC/Saturday,11May1974 and ends on Day3160=Monday,3August33AD/Saturday,3August2013.
    The New Starhumanity is so born on Sunday, August 4th 2013 in the mirror of universal and cosmic consciousness.
    The final 5 years of the 'end Times' so encompass the period from August 4th, 2008 to August 4th, 2013.

    From Tuesday, April 1st, 32AD/Sunday,April 1st, 2012; 15 WarpDays=BeastHour become part of a 150+74+40=264 Gestation-Period for the metamorphosis of the human groupmentality culminating, via the birthing pains, to the birth of a new starhuman groupmind on Sunday, December 21st, 32AD/Friday, December 21st, 2012.
    This Birth will be followed by a 'weaning' of the starhuman 'baby' to be completed 360 days later on Wednesday, December 16th, 33AD/Monday, December 16th, 2013 and intersected in 391 Days from the Conception of the human starchild on Sunday, April 26th; 33AD/Friday, April 26th, 2013 and 490 days from the Conception on Tuesday, August 4th, 33AD/Sunday, August 4th, 2013.
    All 'prophecies' encoded in any of the 'scrolls' and 'books of divinity' so are ended in the completion of the 'timelines' on Friday, January 1st, 34AD/Wednesday, January 1st, 2014 in the addition of the 15 days from December 16th to December 31st in either choronology.

    In particular the 'First Coming' of the World Logos from say the 'birthing nexus date' of Sunday, March 28th, 6 BC Julian (March 26th proleptic Gregorian) to the 'death nexus date' of Wednesday, March 28th, 31 AD (March 26th proleptic Gregorian) becomes a 'warped' 36-year period from Friday, September 12th, 1975 to Monday, September 12th, 2011 as the 'Second Coming'.
    The Pregnancy of the Virgin Cosmos so is initiated in the beginning of 12,000 days or Mayan kin of the 'Inner Temple' from Friday,September 12th, 1975 and is mirrored or imaged in the final 265 days for the actual pregnancy of the 'Outer Temple' in the 1,600 days or kin of Revelation.14.20 as 13,601 days or 1945 weeks or 'sevens'.
    Friday, September 12th, 1975 +13,615 days = Friday, December 21st, 2012
    Friday, September 12th, 1975 + 265 days = Thursday, June 3rd, 1976
    Friday, December 21st, 2012 - 265 days = Saturday, March 31st, 2012
    The gestation of 266 days or 38 weeks, then become partitioned into ten weeks and 10 mirror weeks, which are separated by 18 intermittent weeks in 70+126+70=266=7x38.
    The 'Day of the Water Bearer' for the 'Preparation pf the last Supper/Seder' and signifying the 'Age of Aquarius' in the 13th 'starsign' of Ophiuchus as Dinah, 11th daughterson of Jacob-Israel to Leah-Heal then defines the 'Old Harmageddon' of 'King Josiah' as the 'last righteous king of Israel' of 608 BC in the 'Siege of Nebuchadnezzar' of 597 BC and the subsequent encoded '70-year Babylonian Captivity' until the 'Edict of Cyrus' of 538 BC as 608-11=597 and 597-59=538.

    Mark 14

    12And the first day of unleavened bread, when they killed the passover, his disciples said unto him, Where wilt thou that we go and prepare that thou mayest eat the passover? {Inner Temple as 1600 'furlongs'}
    13And he sendeth forth two of his disciples, and saith unto them, Go ye into the city, and there shall meet you a man bearing a pitcher of water: follow him. {Transition of the Ages from Pisces Benjamin to Joseph Aquarius by Dinah Ophiuchus}
    14And wheresoever he shall go in, say ye to the goodman of the house, The Master saith, Where is the guestchamber, where I shall eat the passover with my disciples?
    15And he will shew you a large upper room furnished and prepared: there make ready for us. {Outer Temple as 12,000 'furlongs'}
    16And his disciples went forth, and came into the city, and found as he had said unto them: and they made ready the passover.
    17And in the evening he cometh with the twelve.

    Astroanalytical transit of the Sun from Sagittarius into Scorpio/Eagle: Saturday, November 22nd, 1975 at 22:31 UCT
    September Equinox 1975 as solar transit from Virgo into Libra: Tuesday, September 23rd, 1975 at 15:55 UCT
    September Equinox 2011 as solar transit from Virgo into Libra: Tuesday, September 23rd, 2011 at 09:04 UCT

    Friday, September 12th, 1975 + 11 days = Tuesday, September 23rd, 1975
    Friday, September 12th, 1975 + 70 days = Friday, November 21st, 1975
    Saturday, September 13th, 1975 + 70 days = Saturday, November 22nd, 1975 = Birth of Ophiuchus Dinah
    Sunday, September 14th, 1975 + 70 days = Sunday, November 23rd, 1975

    Saturday, June 5th, 1976 - 70 days = Saturday, March 27th, 1976
    Friday, June 4th, 1976 - 70 days = Friday, March 26th, 1976 = Imagebirth of Dinah Ophiuchus
    Thursday, June 3rd, 1976 - 70 days = Thursday, March 25th, 1976

    Sunday, September 14th, 1975 - Sunday, November 23rd, 1975 - Sunday, March 28th, 1976 - Sunday, June 6th, 1976 then define the beginning of the 'Building of the New Jerusalem' as a 38-week (38=ALPHA=BRIDE 83=GNOSIS=WISDOM LOGOS=SOPHIA=68=14=41=KING=OMEGA=41=104=JERUSALEM=EXPERIENCE=EXISTENCE=LOVEJOY) 'Cosmic Pregnancy' imaged in a warping time from Sunday, April 1st, 2012 - Sunday, June 10th, 2012 - Sunday, October 14th, 2012 - Sunday, December 23rd, 2012 as the 'Completion of the New Jerusalem' aka New Gaia Serpentina, metamorphosing from its characterisation as a Planet to that of a Starplanet.

    Friday, September 12th, 1975 = #0 = Lower Boundary for a archetypical reconfiguration of Solomon's temple
    Saturday, September, 13th, 1975 = #1 = Conception of the New Land as the Rebuilding of Solomon's temple
    Saturday, September 20th, 1975 = #8 = 1st Week = New Moon in Pisces in Virgo Sun at 11.:50 UCT/GMT
    Saturday, November 22nd, 1975 = #71 = 10th Week = Birth of Ophiuchus Dinah Phoenix as the New Land Image
    Saturday, March 6th, 1976 = #176 = 25th Week = 105 Days as 15/18=5/6 of New Land Gabriel Zerubbabel
    Saturday, March 27th, 1976 = #197 = 28th Week = 21 Days as 3/18=1/6 of New Land Gabriel Zerubbabel
    Saturday, June 5th, 1976 = #267 = 38th Week = Birth of Phoenix Arachne Ophiuchus as the New Land
    Sunday, June 6th, 1976 = #268 = Upper Boundary for a archetypical reconfiguration of Solomon's temple

    image10. big_201170203352746. wimage10.

    The Metamorphosis of the Human He&She Mind-Body Cartesian Duality into a HeShe-SheHe template for a merkabah of the dragonomy of the starhumanity by the Cosmic Logostwin JCCJ=Male Logos entwined with Female Logos

    capz. wormhole-alpha-centauri-copie-1. capz.

    Daniel 12
    1And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.
    2And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.
    3And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.
    4But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.
    5Then I Daniel looked, and, behold, there stood other two, the one on this side of the bank of the river, and the other on that side of the bank of the river.

    6And one said to the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, How long shall it be to the end of these wonders?
    7And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever that it shall be for a time, times, and an half; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished.
    8And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things?
    9And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.

    10Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.
    11And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.
    12Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.

    13But go thou thy way till the end be: for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the days.

    #0=Wednesday, December 8th, 2004 = Lower Boundary for the Warpzone
    #1=Thursday, December 9th, 2004 = First Day of the Warpzone
    #1260=Wednesday, May 21st, 2008 = Last Day of the Preparation of the Time, Times and HalfTime
    #1290=Friday, June 20th, 2008 = Last Day of Daniel's Abomination of Desolations
    #1335=Monday, August 4th, 2008 = Twin Day of the Midpoint Mirror of the Warpzone
    #2300=Sunday, March 27th, 2011 = Completion of the Preparation of the Sanctuary in 62 Sevens
    #2301=Monday, March 28th, 2011 = Day of the Logos Mirror in the Beginning of the Flood
    #2405=Sunday, July 10th, 2011=Day#0 Boundary of the 150 days in 153 days 104 days from the Flood
    #2406=Monday, July 11th, 2011=Day#1=First Day of Flood/Scorpions in 10x15 Cycles
    #2450=Wednesday, August 24th, 2011=Day#45=Last Day of the Flood
    #2465=Thursday, September 8th-9th, 2011=Day#60-61 Twin for #0 warped onto #2671 in #1335-#1335
    #2466=Friday, September 9th, 2011=Day#61-60=Midpoint Day of the Scattering in 120 'Days of Man'
    #2480=Friday, September 23rd, 2011=Day#75=September Equinox 2011

    Daniel 12
    7And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever that it shall be for a time, times, and an half; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished.

    #2524=Sunday, November 6th, 2011=Day#119=74th Day of Mount Ararat
    #2525=Monday, November 7th, 2011=Day#120=Last Day of the 'Age of Man' as 75th Day of Ararat

    Genesis 6
    1And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,

    2That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
    3And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.
    #2555=Wednesday, December 7th, 2011=Day#150=Last Day of Flood/Scorpions
    #2556=Thursday, December 8th, 2011=Day#151 as 153rd 'Day of John's Fishes'

    John 21

    1After these things Jesus shewed himself again to the disciples at the sea of Tiberias; and on this wise shewed he himself.
    2There were together Simon Peter, and Thomas called Didymus, and Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, and the sons of Zebedee, and two other of his disciples.
    3Simon Peter saith unto them, I go a fishing. They say unto him, We also go with thee. They went forth, and entered into a ship immediately; and that night they caught nothing.
    4But when the morning was now come, Jesus stood on the shore: but the disciples knew not that it was Jesus.
    5Then Jesus saith unto them, Children, have ye any meat? They answered him, No.
    6And he said unto them, Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find. They cast therefore, and now they were not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes.
    7Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved saith unto Peter, It is the Lord. Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he girt his fisher's coat unto him, (for he was naked,) and did cast himself into the sea.
    8And the other disciples came in a little ship; (for they were not far from land, but as it were two hundred cubits,) dragging the net with fishes.
    9As soon then as they were come to land, they saw a fire of coals there, and fish laid thereon, and bread.
    10Jesus saith unto them, Bring of the fish which ye have now caught.

    11Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land full of great fishes, an hundred and fifty and three: and for all there were so many, yet was not the net broken.

    #2564=Friday, December 16th, 2011=114th Day of Ararat as 74+40=114
    #2565=Saturday, December 17th, 2011=40th Day of the Wilderness from 'Age of Man'=Raven Noah
    #2572=Saturday, December 24th, 2011=Dove Noah Christmas 2011
    #2579=Saturday, December 31st, 2011=Dove Shalom New Year's Eve 2012
    #2580=Sunday, January 1st, 2012=13=5+8 Weeks in 91=35+56 Days of a Drying New World
    #2615=Sunday, February 5th, 2012=Uncovering of the Ark of Noah
    #2670=Saturday, March 31st, 2012 = Last Day of the Warpzone
    #2671=Sunday, April 1st, 2012 = Upper Boundary for the Warpzone = Rainbow Covenant

    DragonHead (Caput Draconis) of the Northern True Saros Node is at 24°13' Scorpio on Day#0 = Friday, September 12th, 1975
    DragonTail (Cauda Draconis) of the Southern True Saros Node is at 24°13' Taurus on Day#0 = Friday, September 12th, 1975

    DragonHead of the Northern (Mean) Saros Node is at 25°9' Scorpio on Day#0 = Friday, September 12th, 1975
    DragonTail of the Southern (Mean) Saros Node is at 25°9' Taurus on Day#0 = Friday, September 12th, 1975
    The Pisces Full Moon in the Virgo Sun occurs on Day#8 = Saturday, September 20th, 1975 at 11:50 am GMT.
    DragonHead of the Northern True Saros Node is at 23°20' Scorpio on Day#8 = Saturday, September 20th, 1975
    DragonHead of the Northern (Mean) Saros Node is at 24°43' Scorpio on Day#8= Saturday, September 20th, 1975
    The Pisces Full Moon in the Virgo Sun occurs on Day#13,149 = Monday, September 12, 2011 at 9:27 am GMT.
    DragonHead of the Northern True Saros Node is at 18°57' Sagittarius on Day#13,149 = Monday, September 12th, 2011
    DragonTail of the Southern True Saros Node is at 18°57' Gemini on Day#13,149 = Monday, September 12th, 2011

    DragonHead of the Northern (Mean) Saros Node is at 18°51' Sagittarius on Day#13,149 = Monday, September 12th, 2011
    DragonTail of the Southern (Mean) Saros Node is at 18°51' Gemini on Day#13,149 = Monday, September 12th, 2011
    DragonHead of the Northern (Mean) Saros Node is at 17°16' Sagittarius on Day#13,179 = October 12th, 2011
    DragonHead of the Northern (Mean) Saros Node is at 25°9' Scorpio on Day#13,596 = Sunday, December 2nd, 2012
    DragonHead of the Northern (Mean) Saros Node is at 24°11' Scorpio on Day#13,615 = Friday, December 21st, 2012
    DragonHead of the Northern (Mean) Saros Node is at 23°36' Scorpio on Day#13,626 = Tuesday, January 1st, 2013
    Dragonhead of the Northermn (Mean) Node is at 10°9' Scorpio on Day#13,880 = Thursday, September 12, 2013

    Pisces Full Moon in the Virgo Sun occurs on Day#13,887 = Thursday, September 19th, 2013 at 7:12 am GMT.
    Dragonhead of the Northern (Mean) Saros Node is at 9°43' Scorpio on Day#13,888 = Friday, September 20th, 2013
    DragonHead of the Northern (Mean) Saros Node is at 5°7' Scorpio on Day#13,975 = Monday, December 16th, 2013
    DragonHead of the Northern (Mean) Saros Node is at 4°16' Scorpio on Day#13,991 = Wednesday, January 1st, 2014

    The Regression of the Dragon Nodes takes a period of 6793.4 days for an angular westward drift of 19.356°=360°x(365.25/6793.4) per 18.6 year cycle.

    445 Lunations, each of duration of a Synodic Month of 29.5306 'mean solar days' are 445x29.5306=13,141=36x365.25-8 as 36 Civil Years of 36x365.25=13,149 Days. 446 Lunations then specify 13,179 Days as 36 Civil years plus a Month as 30 days.
    2x223=446 Lunations become 2x6585.32 days ~ 2x6585.78 days of 2x19=38 Eclipse Years as 13,171 days, with a discrepancy of 2x0.46~1 day in 13,171 days and harbouring an average of so 70 eclipses and resulting in a westward shift of the eclipses by 0.46x360=165.6° per cycle. An Eclipse year of 346.62 days is shortened from 365.25 days by the westward drift of the Moon's Nodes in 19.356° in an orbit of 18.6 years or 6793.4 days by 207.9 days or 7.04 lunations.

    To align the 446 Lunations of the 38 Eclipse years with the 446 Lunations of the Civil Calendar so adds 8 days to 13,171 as 13,179 days.

    13,171 Days are extended in two Metonic Cycles to 2x6939.55=13,879 days for 2x235x29.53 Lunations for a matching of the lunar phases in 38 tropical years 38x365.2422=13,879.2~2x29.5306x235=13,879.4 in 2x354.37=708.74 days, being 2 Lunar Years of 24 synodic months as 24x29.53=708.7 (mean solar) days in 13,171+709=13,880 days and 13,179+709=13,888 days.
    2x6585.5=13,171=13,141+30 for one additional lunation of 30 days in 445+1=446 lunations as 38 Eclipse Years, calibrating to 38 Tropical Years in the difference of 355+355=710 Days of Two Lunar Years and counting the Boundary Day.

    A doubled Saros Cycle of 36 Civil Years with One added Month then is extended by 416 days the westward drift of the lunar nodes to 13,179+416=13,595 days or 37.22 Years and becomes 38 Civil years in 13,595+285=13,880 days. The DragonHead Degree so becomes shifted by 36 Years + 1 Year + 80 or 81 days, say from September 12th, 1975 to September 12th, 2011 to December 2nd, 2012 as 30+415=466=2x233 days for the last Year and the 80 or 81 days (with leapyear).

    The plane of rotation of the Moon about the Earth is inclined by 5°8'40" to the plane of rotation of the Earth about the Sun, manifesting the Lunar Nodes above and below (North and South) in an gravitational interaction between Sun, Earth and Moon. The True Node calculates the eccentricity of the Dragon Nodes (Draconiticity or Nodicalicity) in their 'Wobbling' about the Barycentre of the Earth-Moon 'Centre of Gravity', also accomodating the gravity of the Sun as a 'jiggling' factor of the 'above and below' journey of the Nodes. The (Mean) Node approximates this with the Centre of Gravity being the geometric centre of the Earth. The deviation between true and Mean Nodes amounts from 0-1½ degrees as the encoding of the Key of Ezekiel in the Day=day+night=12 Hours+12 Hours in 360 Days/24 Hours = 15 days/1 Hour and 1 Degree being a day for a year.

    The Pisces Full Moon in the Virgo Sun occurs on Monday, September 12th, 2011 at 9:27 am GMT.
    Abraxasinas, September 8th, 2011 - September 12th, 2011


    Emeth141, Saturday, July 20th, 2013

    Post last edited Aug 22nd 2013

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    • Jorgelito - Posted Jul 20th 2013


      Emeth141, I like the illustration incorporating Alpha Centauri. It gets my imagination cells going. Stellar events seem to emerge into a black universe from a folded over one (or the other way around) creating wormholes, but what is interesting to me is that Earth has a special relation with Alpha Centauri.

      Post last edited Jul 20th 2013
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2015
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Jul 21st 2013

    Jorgelito - Posted 8 Hours Ago


    Emeth141, I like the illustration incorporating Alpha Centauri. It gets my imagination cells going. Stellar events seem to emerge into a black universe from a folded over one (or the other way around) creating wormholes, but what is interesting to me is that Earth has a special relation with Alpha Centauri.

    Yes and this relationship between Alpha Centauri and Gaea can be quantified as in this earlier message.

    First Contact between Old Earth and New Earth (Xylanthia Revisited) as an Extraterrestrial Sentience in the Starsystem of Sirius

    sirearth. sirsymb.
    maj15s. carhathor. carsirius. carankh. maj06s.

    sirius. siriusorb. dracows.
    thuban. 15564_10.

    The wiki entry below calculates the distance scales to the nearest stars to the best approximations available using the present status of the technology of terrestrial science and astrophysics. It is observed, that the two nearest star systems to Earth are observed in the constellation of the Southern Cross and the 'brightest star' in the sky in the Dog Star Sirius, also known to the Thuban observers as the God-Star Sirius A or Alpha in the constellation of the Great Dog or Canis Major.

    The 'Southern Cross' contains the Centaurian triple star system of Alpha Centauri, Beta Centauri and the closest known star to Earth in Proxima Centauri at 4.2421(16) lightyears.
    The brightest star in the nightsky, as observed from earth is Sirius A or the Dog-Star of antiquity known as Sothis (Greek) and Sopdet (Egyptian) and its distance is measured to be 8.5828(289) lightyears as part of a binary star system with Sirius B or Beta and which is a White Dwarf star the mass of the Sun, but compressed to the size of a planet like the earth.

    As can be ascertained from the completing diagram at the end of this message; the Thuban Commission of the World Logos stipulated December 8th, 2004 as the beginning of a warping timeperiod ending on March 31st, 2012 with a 265 gestation period to December 21st, 2012. On December 21st, 2012, the 'normal or long time' count ended in the prophetic encoding and synchronisation patterns as found in the ancient scrolls of antiquity and including the historical bible, the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi documents.
    Then from December 21st, 2012 onwards a contracted time scale of 'shortened days' came into effect and it is this time count which ends on June 17th, 2013 as the Image of March 31st, 2012 and also the 265 day offset of the 'cosmic pregnancy' permeating the entire time day count from March 18th, 2004 (265 days before December 8th, 2004) and July 5th, 2013 (265 days after October 12th, 2012) in 2935+2935/15=2935+195⅔ = 3130⅔ days.

    3131 days are 3130.66/365.25=8.57129... 'Civil/Gregorian' years for the period in question and so the time for contact, being either the reception of a Sirian message sent from Sirius or received by the Sirian starsystem from Earth can be calibrated using the uncertainty of the measurement of the astronomical displacement scale under consideration.
    The average displacement value for the Dog-Star is 8.5828 lightyears with an error spread of 0.0289 lightyears for an interval of 8.5539 - 8.5828 - 8.6117 lightyears.
    For a lightspeed of 299,792,458 meters per second (SI units), this interval of 0.0578 lightyears or 0.0578x365.25=21.11 lightdays so becomes centred in a three week period of 10 days before and 10 days after a mean value day at the 8.5828 lightyear marker or nexus point.
    8.57129.. lightyears are 8.5828-8.5713=0.0115 lightyears or 4.2 lightdays from the average value of displacement calculated for Sirius A. This then calibrates the 21 day period to be cosmically marked in July 4th-July 5th, 2013 as 21=10+1+10=6+4+1+10 days and beginning on June 30th-July 1st, 2013 and ending on July 21st-July 22nd, 2013 on Mary Magdalene Day 2013 and becoming midpointed on July 10th-July 11th, 2013 as stipulated by the error spread of the terrestrial measurements.

    At the time of the beginning of the Dragon Made Warpzone (Dragon Made is an anagram for the coded label of Armageddon), a message can be said to have been sent between the cocooned or cosmically quarantined planet Earth and the Dog Star Sothis to mirror the binary Sirian starsystem in a male-female or yang-yin image of the local star Sol (Thuban's RaHSol) with its biovital planet partner Gaia or Earth. This signal then would arrive as a 'First Contact' between the 'outer terrestrial space' and the 'inner Gaean space' either as a signal sent from the God Star 'Father' to its exiled 'Mother' Gaia or Baab or vice versa as a returning or homecoming message from the cocooned cosmic mother planet to her original creator partner Abba, as the cosmic father sun.

    It is deemed necessity by the cosmic jurisdiction and jurisprudence, to synchronise the historical linearised timeflow in a lower physicalized dimensional cosmology with its higher dimensional metaphysical progenitor. The linear timecount of 3131 days (3131=1331=26=8==Number of alphanumeric ciphers or identities as 26 bosonic superstring dimensions) then defines the 'Path of the Light' as a cosmic Logos dispensation as the WORDS aka the SWORD of God as metaphorically symbolised by the GoDDoG Star in a modular duality monadized in the Abba-Baab archetypology.

    The Zephania code 3.9 emphasizes this requirement of harmonisation of historical edifices and systems of thought, which are and were often considered mutually incompatible and often became factionalised in divisiory labels such as 'Reason of Science' versus 'Superstition and Fantasy of Religion' and similar semantifications.

    Zephaniah 3 (KJV)
    9 For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the Lord, to serve him with one consent.

    The 'pure language' represents then a new cosmic harmonisation and reconfiguration of previously often thought incompatible and opposing principles and statutes of legislature. The 'Lord' likewise is not some extraneous deity or entity of supernatural potency and origin, but the overall encompassment of the creation ex nihilo par infinitum itself. And those 'extrahuman' identities include all lifeforms terrestrial and extraterrestrial by definition of the nature of Abba and Baab as the original creator-creation dichotomy itself.
    The 3131 days so complete the final three chapters, 20-22 in the 'Book of Revelation' in the Christian bible with June 17th, 2013 triggering chapter 20 and July 5th initialising chapter 21 in a 'resetting' of the cosmic code of the origins in the cosmogenesis of the cosmogony as the ontology for all possible cosmologies across all spacetimes and trimespaces. Details on the omni-science of the cosmic dragonhood can be found in the Thuban data bases.
    From July 5th, 2013 a new cosmic lawfulness and encompassing all lower dimensional sciences, including its physical determinants will so come into effect. As is detailed in other messages, since December 21st, 2012 the 4-dimensional Minkowskian Euclidean 'flat' spacetime metric has become reconfigured into a 'curved' 5-dimensional timespace metric with one extra spacial dimension 'opened up' to allow a dedensification of all physical parameters.

    This, in practical terms means, that this 'extra curvature spacetime' can be utilised for hitherto unmeasurable hyperphysical phenomena such as plasmic phase changes associated with so called UFO- and ET perceptions to be rendered 'physicalised'. This 'new dimensionality' is especially relevant for the energy cocoon or bubble around the Earth and extending so 2 million metric kilometres from the Centre of the Earth into the 'Bubble- or Noosphere space' surrounding it. Since December 21st, 2012, this 'planetary core' (Hill Sphere defined by a starsystems Lagrangian positions of gravitational equilibria) serves its cosmic agenda in opening the communication channels of the old planet Gaia as a new Starplanet Gaia Serpentina in geometrically defining the new 5-dimensional hypertimespace expanding at lightspeed from the Gaian centre into the old universe in this cosmic process and ambassadorahood of manifesting a new universe seeded on the old. This agency is more detailed in the references and links given in this message as the update regarding Starplanet Gaia Serpentina.

    In view of those stipulations, it can be inferred, that no ET contact between Earth and any starsystem is possible until the message sent 8½ years ago has been received; despite the new hyperspace realm beginning on December 21st, 2012 having extended past the local solar system of RaHSol. At the time of writing on May 7th, 2013, the hypertimespace, centred on the core of the starplanet Gaia Serpentina , 136 lightdays have elapsed to cover a lightpath radius of 136x24x3600x300,000,000=3,525,120,000,000,000 meters or 3 trillion 525 billion 120 million kilometers or so 23,501 AUs (Astronomical Units). This will increase to 5 trillion 80 billion 320 million kilometers or so 33,869 AUs by July 5th, 2013 in a location of the so defined Ooort Cloud at the edge of the starsystem named after the local star RaHSol.
    December 8th, 2004 as the beginning of the Thuban warpzone also contains a historical timemarker in the form of John Lennon, who 'dragonised' on December 8th, 1980 and so 24 years prior to December 8th, 2004. One of his most known composition is 'Imagine' written in 1971 and this song in words and melody is most appropriate as a cosmic signature connecting the human family to its extraterrestrial or cosmic inheritance and legacy.

    John Lennon: October 9th, 1940 - December 8th, 1980

    Star List
    Stars visible to the unaided eye have their magnitude shown in light blue below. The classes of the stars and brown dwarfs are shown in the color of their spectral types (these colors are derived from conventional names for the spectral types and do not represent the star's observed color). Many brown dwarfs are not listed by visual magnitude but are listed by near-IR J band magnitude. Some of the parallax and distance results are preliminary measurements.[2]

    Light-years (±err)
    DesignationStellar classApparent magnitude (mV or mJ)Absolute magnitude (MV or MJ)Epoch J2000.0Parallax[2][4]
    Discovery dateAdditional
    SystemStarStar #Right ascension[2]Declination[2]
    Light-years (±err)
    SystemStarStar #Stellar classApparent magnitude (mV or mJ)Absolute magnitude (MV or MJ)Right ascension[2]Declination[2]Parallax[2][4]
    Discovery dateAdditional
    DesignationEpoch J2000.0
      Solar SystemSun G2V[2]−26.74[2]4.85[2]has eight planets
    14.2421(16)Alpha Centauri
    (Rigil Kentaurus)
    Proxima Centauri (V645 Centauri)1M5.5Ve11.09[2]15.53[2]14h 29m 43.0s−62° 40′ 46″768.87(029)[5][6]1915[7]
    4.3650(68)α Centauri A (HD 128620)2G2V[2]0.01[2]4.38[2]14h 39m 36.5s−60° 50′ 02″747.23(117)[5][8] 
    α Centauri B (HD 128621)2K1V[2]1.34[2]5.71[2]14h 39m 35.1s−60° 50′ 14″1689has one known planet[9]
    25.9630(109)Barnard's Star (BD+04°3561a)4M4.0Ve9.53[2]13.22[2]17h 57m 48.5s+04° 41′ 36″546.98(1 00)[5][6]1916largest known proper motion[10]
    36.52(49)WISE 1049-5319WISE 1049-5319 A5L7.5[11]10.7 J 10h 49m 15.57s−53° 19′ 06″496 (37)[12]2013 
    WISE 1049-5319 B5T0.5[11]  
    47.7825(390)Wolf 359 (CN Leonis)7M6.0V[2]13.44[2]16.55[2]10h 56m 29.2s+07° 00′ 53″419.10(210)[5]  
    58.2905(148)Lalande 21185 (BD+36°2147)8M2.0V[2]7.47[2]10.44[2]11h 03m 20.2s+35° 58′ 12″393.42(070)[5][6]  
    (α Canis Majoris)
    Sirius A9A1V[2]−1.46[2]1.42[2]06h 45m 08.9s−16° 42′ 58″380.02(128)[5][6]brightest star in the night sky
    Sirius B9DA2[2]8.44[2]11.34[2]1844
    78.7280(631)Luyten 726-8Luyten 726-8 A (BL Ceti)11M5.5Ve12.54[2]15.40[2]01h 39m 01.3s−17° 57′ 01″373.70(270)[5]1948 
    Luyten 726-8 B (UV Ceti)11M6.0Ve12.99[2]15.85[2]
    89.6813(512)Ross 154 (V1216 Sagittarii)13M3.5Ve10.43[2]13.07[2]18h 49m 49.4s−23° 50′ 10″336.90(178)[5][6]  
    910.322(36)Ross 248 (HH Andromedae)14M5.5Ve12.29[2]14.79[2]23h 41m 54.7s+44° 10′ 30″316.00(110)[5]  
    1010.521[13]WISE 1506+702715T614.3 J 15h 06m 49.9s+70° 27′ 36″310(042)[13]2011 
    1110.522(27)Epsilon Eridani (BD−09°697)16K2V[2]3.73[2]6.19[2]03h 32m 55.8s−09° 27′ 30″309.99(079)[5][6] believed to have two planets[14]
    1210.742(31)Lacaille 9352 (CD−36°15693)17M1.5Ve7.34[2]9.75[2]23h 05m 52.0s−35° 51′ 11″303.64(087)[5][6]  
    1310.919(49)Ross 128 (FI Virginis)18M4.0Vn11.13[2]13.51[2]11h 47m 44.4s+00° 48′ 16″298.72(135)[5][6]  
    1411.208[13]WISE 0350-565819Y1>22.8 J[15] 03h 50m−56° 58′291(050)[13]2012 
    1511.266(171)EZ Aquarii
    (Gliese 866, Luyten 789-6)
    EZ Aquarii A20M5.0Ve13.33[2]15.64[2]22h 38m 33.4s−15° 18′ 07″289.50(440)[5]  
    EZ Aquarii B20M?13.27[2]15.58[2] 
    EZ Aquarii C20M?14.03[2]16.34[2] 
    (α Canis Minoris)
    Procyon A23F5V–IV[2]0.38[2]2.66[2]07h 39m 18.1s+05° 13′ 30″286.05(081)[5][6]  
    Procyon B23DQZ[2]10.70[2]12.98[2] 
    1711.403(22)61 Cygni61 Cygni A (BD+38°4343)25K5.0V[2]5.21[2]7.49[2]21h 06m 53.9s+38° 44′ 58″286.04(056)[5][6] first star (other than Sun) to have its distance measured[16]
    61 Cygni B (BD+38°4344)25K7.0V[2]6.03[2]8.31[2]21h 06m 55.3s+38° 44′ 31″ 
    1811.525(69)Struve 2398
    (Gliese 725, BD+59°1915)
    Struve 2398 A (HD 173739)27M3.0V[2]8.90[2]11.16[2]18h 42m 46.7s+59° 37′ 49″283.00(169)[5][6]  
    Struve 2398 B (HD 173740)27M3.5V[2]9.69[2]11.95[2]18h 42m 46.9s+59° 37′ 37″ 
    1911.624(39)Groombridge 34
    (Gliese 15)
    Groombridge 34 A (GX Andromedae)29M1.5V[2]8.08[2]10.32[2]0h 18m 22.9s+44° 01′ 23″280.59(095)[5][6]  
    Groombridge 34 B (GQ Andromedae)29M3.5V[2]11.06[2]13.30[2] 
    2011.824(30)Epsilon Indi
    Epsilon Indi A31K5Ve[2]4.69[2]6.89[2]22h 03m 21.7s−56° 47′ 10″275.84(069)[5][6]  
    Epsilon Indi Ba31T1.0V12.3 J[17] 22h 04m 10.5s−56° 46′ 58″January 2003
    Epsilon Indi Bb31T6.0V13.2 J[17] August 2003
    Map of nearby stars

    The following map shows all of the star systems within 14 light-years of the Sun (shown as Sol), except for four brown dwarfs discovered after 2009. Double and triple stars are shown "stacked", but the true location is the star closest to the central plane. Color corresponds to the table above.

    Updated chart to show the significance of the Oort Cloud and the frequency of related 'cometary visitations relative to the anniversary of the December 21st, 2012 solstice with the solar sunspot cyclicity and a Calendar Calibration of the Maya of 5-Tzolkin in 260x5=1300 Kin or 'civil days' from
    May 26th-27th, 2010 = 13Zip 13Ahau & 14Zip 1Imix to December 16th-17th, 2013 = 18Mac 13Ahau & 19Mac 1Imix
    The 5-dimensional 'New Earth' de Gaia Serpentina timespace matrix (or bubble) will have reached the 63,000 Astronomical Unit marker as a lightyear anniversary of the metamorphosis of the old planet into a starplanet

    Details are in the thread above and in the Constitution thread on this forum

    emeth, April 12th, 2013


    Update on Starplanet Gaia Serpentina's 5-dimensional timespace matrix and the occurrence of 'cometary visitations'

    As the message preceding this update indicates; the above picture (said to be shrouded in an amount of secrecy according to the mentioned Nasa sources) relates to observed and implied changes in the magnetic fields throughout the solar systems of the local starsystem of Rahsol (or Sol as the local Sun, so 8 light minutes or 1 Astronomical Unit (1 AU) of so 150 million kilometres distant from the Earth). As 1 AU is the distance between the Sun Rahsol and the Earth, it takes approximately 150,000,000/300,000=500 seconds or 8⅓ minutes for a light signal travelling at lightspeed 'c'=300,000 km per second to travel the distance between the Sun and the Earth.

    Zephaniah 3 - King James Version (KJV)
    1 Woe to her that is filthy and polluted, to the oppressing city!
    2 She obeyed not the voice; she received not correction; she trusted not in the Lord; she drew not near to her God.
    3 Her princes within her are roaring lions; her judges are evening wolves; they gnaw not the bones till the morrow.
    4 Her prophets are light and treacherous persons: her priests have polluted the sanctuary, they have done violence to the law.
    5 The just Lord is in the midst thereof; he will not do iniquity: every morning doth he bring his judgment to light, he faileth not; but the unjust knoweth no shame.
    6 I have cut off the nations: their towers are desolate; I made their streets waste, that none passeth by: their cities are destroyed, so that there is no man, that there is none inhabitant.
    7 I said, Surely thou wilt fear me, thou wilt receive instruction; so their dwelling should not be cut off, howsoever I punished them: but they rose early, and corrupted all their doings.
    8 Therefore wait ye upon me, saith the Lord, until the day that I rise up to the prey: for my determination is to gather the nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour upon them mine indignation, even all my fierce anger: for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy.

    9 For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the Lord, to serve him with one consent.

    10 From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia my suppliants, even the daughter of my dispersed, shall bring mine offering.
    11 In that day shalt thou not be ashamed for all thy doings, wherein thou hast transgressed against me: for then I will take away out of the midst of thee them that rejoice in thy pride, and thou shalt no more be haughty because of my holy mountain.
    12 I will also leave in the midst of thee an afflicted and poor people, and they shall trust in the name of the Lord.
    13 The remnant of Israel shall not do iniquity, nor speak lies; neither shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth: for they shall feed and lie down, and none shall make them afraid.
    14 Sing, O daughter of Zion; shout, O Israel; be glad and rejoice with all the heart, O daughter of Jerusalem.
    15 The Lord hath taken away thy judgments, he hath cast out thine enemy: the king of Israel, even the Lord, is in the midst of thee: thou shalt not see evil any more.
    16 In that day it shall be said to Jerusalem, Fear thou not: and to Zion, Let not thine hands be slack.
    17 The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing.
    18 I will gather them that are sorrowful for the solemn assembly, who are of thee, to whom the reproach of it was a burden.
    19 Behold, at that time I will undo all that afflict thee: and I will save her that halteth, and gather her that was driven out; and I will get them praise and fame in every land where they have been put to shame.
    20 At that time will I bring you again, even in the time that I gather you: for I will make you a name and a praise among all people of the earth, when I turn back your captivity before your eyes, saith the Lord.

    Emeth, May 7th, 2013

    Post last edited Jul 21st 2013

    My Posts
    Posts: 2163
    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Aug 7th 2013

    The Minimum Condition for Extraterrestrial Contact with respect to Information Transmission and the Cosmic Chronos in the Mayan 360-Kin Cycle Year

    Step One:
    A Signal is sent from Earth into the Universe and reaches the nearest ET occupied starsystem at a time marker: treceiving

    Step Two:
    The received signal and data becomes processed by the receptive starbased intelligence in an time interval: temitting - treceiving

    Step Three:
    The data processed information is sent back to the original signal emitter on Earth at a time marker: temitting

    Jorgelito - Posted Jul 20th


    Emeth141, I like the illustration incorporating Alpha Centauri. It gets my imagination cells going. Stellar events seem to emerge into a black universe from a folded over one (or the other way around) creating wormholes, but what is interesting to me is that Earth has a special relation with Alpha Centauri.



    Computing the Distance Between Two Stars

    In this case of computing the distance between two stars, we are treating the stars as simple points in 3D space. So, finding the distance between them, becomes a simple matter of 3D trigonometry.

    In astronomy, we generally give stars 3D spherical coordinates. They are the standard right ascension, declination and distance coordinates of the stars. On Earth we use longitude and latitude, in astronomy, we use right ascension and declination respectively as coordinates. These standard stellar coordinates are cataloged for many stars (Epoch J2000 is used here) and they can be used for 3D computations to the extent of their accuracy.

    The 3rd coordinate, the distance, is often symbolized by R because it represents the radius vector (radius of a sphere), the line directed between the eye and star. The coordinates are envisioned as a grid drawn on the surface of an infinitely large sphere with our eye at the center and the star at distance R from the eye with apparent longitude (right ascension) and latitude (declination) coordinates as viewed projected against the sphere.

    From the stellar spherical coordinates (α,δ,R), we compute the corresponding rectangular (X,Y,Z) coordinates from which the linear spatial distance (D) between two stars can then be computed.

    For any given star, let:
    α (alpha) = Right Ascension (0 to 360 degrees) = Celestial longitude
    δ (delta) = Declination (0 to ±90 degrees) = Celestial latitude
    R = Distance in light years

    Given the spherical (α,δ,R) coordinates of a star, the corresponding
    rectangular (X,Y,Z) coordinates may be computed from:

    Given the spherical (α,δ,R) coordinates for two stars, distinguished
    by subscripts, to compute the distance between the stars, we first
    compute their corresponding rectangular (X,Y,Z) coordinates:

    For the first star:

    For the second star:

    We now take the differences between the computed (XYZ) coordinates:

    Finally, the distance between the two stars
    in 3D XYZ-space may be computed from:



    Yes Jorgelito and the following treatise will enhance your impressions about the Centauri Starsystem, being the nearest star systems to this human occupied planet called Earth.

    Step One:

    A Signal is sent from Earth into the Universe and reaches the nearest ET occupied starsystem at a time marker: treceiving

    The Mayan Calendar of the Longcount as Maya date: = 3 Kankin 4 Ahau = Friday, December 21st, 2012 can be correlated with the December Solstice 2012 at say 11:12:00 UCT. This 'seasonal' time marker then can also be decoded as a particular encoding in other prophecies, such as the 'pyramidal inch' count in the King's Chamber in the great pyramid of Cheops and the '1600 furlong' prophecy embedded in the Book of Revelation {Rev.14.20 related to the 12,000 furlongs of the 'New Jerusalem' in Rev.21.16 and as 1,600/12,000=7.5=15/2 as the Lightpath of the Earth Perimeter as the basic Schumann Frequency of 7.5 Hertz=Lightspeed (300,000 km/s)/40,000 km}.

    Details on the 'received' signal from the galactic centre called Hunab Ku and travelling along the 'Cosmic Butterfly Street' or Universal Highway 'Kuxan Suum' (and the 'Rebuilt Street' of Daniel.9.24-27), are found in the information messages you have replied to.

    Using the measured displacement scales for the distance between Earth and the Centauri star system then, will require a roundtrip of 2x4.2914=8.5828 lightyears and using the December solstice 2012, this would set a minumum time marker for the sending back of the Earth signal, received 4.3 years from the December solstice date 2012 to 8.6 years from December 21st, 2012.
    As 0.3 years approximate 106 days, the earliest time a Centaurian receiving station could begin to process the Earth signal would then be around April 5th, 2017 and the earliest time Earth could receive a signal sent back almost immediately upon receiving this signal, would be about July 20th, 2021.

    So it is a common misperception in both the mainstream media and the alternative information sources, that the Mayan longcount date of the December 2012 solstice did not result in any major changes to the happenstances upon this planet Earth. As you may have discerned in the linked article and the apparent 'climate changes' and 'cometary visitations' addressed and speculated upon by divers sources and channels; the Mayan calendar simply defined the RECEPTION of the signal from the galactic centre Hunab Ku (The 'Mover of all Things') by Earth at the end of their 65 baktun count of 9,360,000 days, which relate to the Earth's approximate precession rate of 25,626.8 civil years.

    It was at that time, that a variance of the homo sapiens genotype became focused on 'Modern Cro Magnon Man' as homo sapiens sapiens and witnessed geologically in the demise of other hominid races, such as the Neanderthals and the Floriensian 'Hobbits'.
    It was this 'change in the human genotype' the Maya forsaw or intuited in their longcount calendar and not some terrestrial catastrophic events, causative for the extinction or drastic reduction of 'life on Earth'.

    Now you and many might ask themselves a question: "If this old world in some manner requires Extraterrestrial Contact and the input of a 'more advanced' sentience to both save the human civilisation and the planetary environments from the overpollution perpetrated by the human civilisation; then does this global populus and intelligence structure and complex have another 8 years to wait for ET input?"
    How many nonhuman species would go extinct and how far would the 'living standards' of the Gaian lifeforms become jeopardised in those 8 years of wars and the human worship of the mammon gods and devils as the 'economic necessities' and cultural standards and jurisprudence of this civilisation?

    Matthew 24:21-24 - King James Version (KJV)

    21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
    22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.
    23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.
    24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

    Genesis 7:19-21
    King James Version (KJV)

    19 And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; and all the high hills, that were under the whole heaven, were covered.
    20 Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered.
    21 And all flesh died that moved upon the earth, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of beast, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, and every man:

    This 'shortening of days' has been extensively analoged on this forum and it suffices to say, that this relates to the 'Size of the Cleansing Flood' repeated in the above scripture code as '15 Cubit-days', which are of course precisely double the 1,600/12,000 ratio code in John's Apocalypse. This also defines the 200 Million 'ET-Invasion' of Rev.9.16 as double the number of the 'many ministering angels' as 10,000x10,000=100 Million, encoded in Rev.5.11 in the New Testament and also in Daniel.7.10 in the Old Testament.

    So we now fractalise the 4.2914 lightyears as 4.2914/15=0.2861 lightyears for the Centaurian Intelligences to receive the Earth signal as the reflected or mirrored original message from the galactic centre, the Centaurians received before the Earthbound observers did, say 106 days and 4 years previous to the December solstice 2012 as a 'straight line' calculation for September 6th, 2008.

    The coordinates of Hunab Ku as the location of the Galactic Centre relative to Earth and the RaHSol starsystem as a designated 'Sagittarius A' radio source are:

    Distance: RHunab Ku =25,626.81 lightyears
    Right Ascension: α = 17h 45.6m = 162° 3' 33.6"
    Declination: δ = -28°55'

    Hunab Ku = (X; Y; Z) = (Rcosα.cosδ; Rsinα.cosδ; Rsinδ) = (-21,341.0379; 6,909.6986; -12,391.5115)
    Centauri Nexus = (X; Y; Z) = (Rcosα.cosδ; Rsinα.cosδ; Rsinδ) = (-1.5816; -1.2545; -3.7869)
    Earth-RahSol = (X; Y; Z) = (Rcosα.cosδ; Rsinα.cosδ; Rsinδ) = (0; 0; 0)

    Therefore, using those coordinates, the displacement between Hunab Ku and the Centauri Nexus is:
    √(dx²+dy²+dz²)=√{455,372,395.2+47,761,272.7521+153,455,720.8} = √{656,589,388.8} ~ 25,624.000 lightyears

    This calculation then shows, that the Hunab Ku signal will reach the Centauri starsystem approximately 2.81 years earlier, than its collision with the RahSol system and denoted as the center of the Earth at the December solstice 2012 UCT.

    We can so finetune our 'straight line' calculation designating September 6th, 2008 to a later date of 365+366+.81(365)=1026.65 days or 2 years and 296 days before December 21st, 2012 to February 28th, 2010 for the time marker of the Centauri starsystem receiving the galactic message in the form of an concentric wavefront travelling at lightspeed 'c'=300,000 kilometers per second.

    As you might recall the 'fiscal crisis mode' began at that time in the human chronos regarding the 'Great Financial Crisis' or GFC and accentuated from the September Equinox 2008 during this timeperiod indicated and say to the March Equinox 2010 and bounded by the superdestructive Haitian 7.0 earthquake of January 12th, 2010, followed by the 8.8 Chilean earthquake of February 27th, 2010 coinciding with the calculated time of the Centaurian reception of the signal from the galactic centre.
    And of course, the overall Cosmic Logos timeline is semi-mirrored on August 4th, 2008 in an encompassing calculus for the 'Times of the End or greater changes' as encoded in scriptures and divers scrolls of antiquity and the 'intuitive seeings' of channels of various validity and nous. The twinned Venus transit of June 7th-8th, 2004 and June 5th-6th, 2012 also relates to this chronos and as indicated in various other messages archived on this forum and elsewhere.

    However applying our 'Fractal Time' as a Cosmic ET time to the Hunab Ku signal travelling back to blend with the Centaurian nous about the galactic data; will only require 0.2861 lightyears from the December solstice 2012.

    We can so finetune the timemarkers in fractal ET time.

    tgalactic receiving = tplanetary emitting = Friday, December 21st, 2012 at 11:12:00 UCT

    0.2861 lightyears = 0.2861(365x24x60)=150,374 light minutes or 2,506.2 light hours or 104.4 light days

    It so will take about 104.4 days for the 'time warped' Gaia-mirrored galactic signal to be received at the Centaurian nexus station about April 4th, 2013 and if this signal is immediately reflected back towards Earth, then Earth will receive the Centauri feedback about 209 days from December 21st, 2012 on July 18th, 2013.

    tstar receiving = tstar emitting = Thursday, April 4th, 2013 at 11:12:00 UCT = Minimum Fractal Time Condition for Earth to receive data feedback from the Centauri nexus station.

    Step Two:

    The received signal and data becomes processed by the receptive starbased intelligence in an time interval: temitting - treceiving

    The processing of the Earth signal depends on the exact location of the Centaurian receiving station and the locale of this 'Centauri Antenna Dish' is described in the Centauri min-mid-max differential calculus described above as a function of the celestial coordinates.

    Long Time Coordinates: 4.2421-4.2914-4.3650 transform into Warped Short Fractal Time Coordinates: 0.2828-0.2861-0.2910 or 103.2-104.4-106.2 lightdays as this minimum condition in its deviational matrix of spread and so can be assigned as a 3 day interval as the geometrized Centauri nexus given by the midpoint as a 'mirror day' for the extended intervals {102.95-104.7-106.45} and {205.9-209.4-212.9}.
    This 3 day interval as Warped Short Time for the Centauri Nexus crystallizes as a Long Time Earth Nexus in the geometrized difference between the displacement vectors from the galactic centre to the Centauri - and Gaian radial extensions respectively.
    2.8125 long lightyears + 2.8125/15 short lightyears = 3 lightyears using the 'day for a year' prophetic time code of Ezekiel.4 to connect February 27th-28th, 2013 as 2.8125(365)/15=68.4375 days from December 21st, 2012 to February 27th-28th, 2010 in a 3 year anniversary and including the leap year of 2012 in this calculus of 2.8125(365)+1=1027.5625 days from the Mayan longcount calendar date

    Using this deviance as a minimum 'processing time' and as a halfcycle calibrates this Centaurian fractal warptime with the 'prophetic' 3½ Times used extensively in the Thuban database in its efforts to decode and translate the scripture codes. The 'processing Time' of the Centauri starsystem so is assigned as a 'Warped Week' or WOC=Week Of Confusion or Astonishments (Ezekiel.3.15-16); with two halfweeks each assigned to the reception and the emission of the Gaian signal.

    temitting - treceiving = 7 days or 168 hours = Minimum Fractal Time Condition for Earth to receive processed data feedback from the Centauri nexus station approximated by the Gaian Week in 103 - 106.5 - 110 days: Wednesday, April 3rd - Thursday, April 4th - Saturday, April 6th - Wednesday, April 10th, 2013; (the Wormwood Days encoded as the 3rd Trumpet of the Angel of the Waters of Wormwood of Rev.8.10-11 to the New Aries Moon at 09:39 UCT on April 11th, 2013).

    Step Three:

    The data processed information is sent back to the original signal emitter on Earth at a time marker:

    tearth receiving = 7 days or 168 hours = Minimum Fractal Time Condition for Earth to receive processed data feedback from the Centauri nexus station.

    206 to 213 days from December 21st, 2012 = Monday, July 15th - Monday, July 22nd, 2013

    This timeframe then aligns the Cosmic Logos timeline with the ''Last or Seventieth Week' characterised in the Gaian geocentric chronos to the Aquarius Full Moon in the Leo Sun at 18:17 UCT of Monday, July 22nd, 2013.

    One WOC later, the 'Grand Sextile' of Monday, July 29th, 2013 manifested the initialising WOC from the Centaurian ET-Intelligence and from July 29th, 2013, the Centaurian ET Sentience can be said to have arrived on planet Earth in a participatory fashion and agenda on behalf of the Cosmic World Logos.

    As can be discerned in the diagram below, a one year interval and also a 360-KinDay Platonic Degree year span will create a multidimensional 'Gaian Bubble' as the reflected concentric wavefront of the Hunab Ku signal. The lightpath of this wavefront, originating from the centre of the Earth on December 21st, 2012 so will reach the outer regions of the Oort Cloud at the Mayan Calibration Date of = 18 Mac 13 Ahau on December 16th, 2013.



    This then becomes the long time for the Kuxan Suum as the 'Street of prophecy' to create a New World from the remnant of an Old World and as this one year cycle from one December solstice to the next encompasses the local starsystem of the RahSol-Gaia galactic location; the constituent parts of this starsystem and including the Kuiper belt of the asteroids and the cometary locale of the Oort cloud will all display an accelerated and increased activity in their interaction with the RahSol-Gaia nexus as a cosmic prototype or holographic fractal of the Abba-Baab archetypology for the underpinning cosmogenesis and the ontology of existence.


    Emeth141, August 8th, 2013

    Post last edited Aug 8th 2013
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2015
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Posted Jul 21st 2013

    Update on the 'Grand Sextile' fyi only from the Drunvalo Melchizedek 'New Age' forums. I am sharing this here for an historical indicator regarding the rarity of such sextiles; here claimed to be about 10 years ago on November 8th, 2003 in its occurrence before the one on July 29th, 2013.
    For more Nabs orientated people a presentation from two 'pretty chicks' is added following before the Melchizedek post.
    Caveat, this comment is not meant to be sexist in any way, but addresses the Nabs communities.


    Star of David,Grand Sextile Mystic Merkaba, how to’s

    Jul 20
    Posted by Tara Greene

    On July 29 a VERY RARE formation of planets creates a Star of David or GRAND SEXTILE in the sky. AKA the BIG EASY. AS ABOVE SO BELOW.
    Composed of intertwined Grand Trines- they are created by 6 or more planets, 60 degrees apart,with a 5 degree orb allowed which form a six pointed star, or a Merkaba, a MYSTIC sacred geometrical formation. You can clearly see the formation in the Astrology chart below in blue lines.

    They are very rare, the last one was November 8 2003 @ 8:13 PM EST when the Sun, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Chiron and the Moon formed a Star of David and it was called the Harmonic Concordance as it also occurred on a Lunar Eclipse. There was only two in the 20th Century.
    The Star of David, Solomon’s Seal or interlocking Grand Trines are an ancient symbol from India known as the SRI YANTRA, symbolizing the SACRED MARRIAGE, the balance of HEAVEN -an upturned Triangle; with EARTH, a downwards pointing Triangle- a Yoni symbol, which the Jews adopted, and which adorns the flag of Israel. It is a very powerful ALCHEMICAL symbol.

    July 29 forms with the Moon in TAURUS in Sextile to Jupiter conjunct to Lilith and Mars in CANCER, sextile to VENUS in VIRGO sextile to Saturn in SCORPIO sextile to Pluto in CAPRICORN sextile to Neptune in PISCES which is sextile to the MOON.
    The EARTH Grand Trine consists of the Moon in Taurus Trine to Venus in Virgo Trine to Pluto in Capricorn. All the planets are from 4-10 degrees in their respective signs. Check out how the STAR OF DAVID aligns with nyour own chart. The WATER GRAND TRINE is Jupiter Mars and Lilith to Saturn in Scorpio to Neptune in PISCES.

    This Grand Sextile contains 7 planets + Lilith which is 8 which is PHENOMENAL.
    The 6 pointed Star also echoes the numerology of the year 2013 reduces to 6 which is THE LOVERS in the Tarot. Good for balancing sex and love. This is all about LOVE and Higher Consciousness.Balance in relationships within and without.
    This is one of the major highlights of the year. These Grand Trines have been coming into focus and climaxing with this.

    If you have planets between 4- 10 degrees of any earth or water sign- YOU ARE IN the mix.
    A Grand Sextile allow you to step into the merkaba which is a mystic transcendent 3rd- 5th Dimensional vehicle to ASCEND to Higher consciousness and Dimensions.

    MEDITATE on this image
    Imagine yourself at the Center of the Grand Sextile with the powers of the MOON, VENUS, MARS, JUPITER ,SATURN, NEPTUNE & PLUTO surrounding you as a vehicle to ascend to higher consciousness with. The Markaba will expand -20- 30 feet around your body in 3 D. The Merkaba has been used for thousands of years and the planets are taking anyone HIGHER who tunes in to those planes of consciousness.

    Use crystals on your body as you meditate- I would use CELESTITE or LABRADORITE, AMETHYST or clear quartz crystals.
    TAKE IT EASY and meditate on making life easy for yourself. But beware of the shadows. A Grand Sextile allows one to free oneself from hindrances of all types. Take time out on this day.

    Fired up by JUPITER in CANCER conjunct MARS + Lilith =WOMEN are SO ANGRY about being denigrated, these planets oppose PLUTO in Capricorn and are squaring Uranus in Aries.
    A T- square of dark shadow angry Women a powder keg ready to ignite and explode.
    This is fantastic. The dark shadow energy of Lilith,the free powerful sexual liberated Goddess whole and complete unto herself is ready to take on all comers now, governments, laws, corporations.

    Like the Movie Kick Ass- which we were just watching again for the 2nd time and the sequel due out soon, the young heroine known as HIT GIRL takes revenge on all the male gangsta’s. Not that I RECOMMEND Violence, it is more the symbolic energy of Hit Girl, as women refuse to get beaten, accept patriarchal religious laws, being put down, and stand up for their rights and on their own. Hollywood always has an unconscious spiritual side too.
    The SUN in LEO, which it RULES, at 6 degrees at the top of the chart squares almost exactly Saturn in Scorpio -death and change to the EGO and the Moon opposite in Taurus which is simplistic materialism. This is another very HEAVY T- square which symbolizes the basic stress of EGO, CONTROL, POWER, MONEY. This is the DEVIL side, which is the other side of the LOVERS in the Tarot.

    The SUN is QUINCUNX to PLUTO and NEPTUNE so the SUN is it’s own FINGER OF GOD, or YOD aspect peak. The Sun in LEO is shining at high noon. Follow the Highest Light of the SUN, Neptune in PISCES and PLUTO, the SOUL.

    VENUS in VIRGO opposite Neptune and CHIRON the wounded healer. Neptune is the Higher Octave of Venus. Neptune is in its home sign so it outweighs nitpick-y Venus here. It symbolizes the withdrawing of projections, the healing of co-dependent relationship addictions, the “I need you, I can’t live without you,” of which most pop and country music songs depend. The delusions and illusions which Venus in Virgo will surely discard as unproductive, unrealistic and too expensive.

    Drunvalo Melchizadek has taught Merkabah meditations for many years. see links below

    FIND out how Grand SEXTILE is easing up your Life –


    This last (nabs infected) video was added by me fyi, independent from the previous messages for the purpose of provision of general historical background data.
    Emeth, July 21st-22nd, 2013 at the time of the transit of the Sun from Cancer into Leo at 15:56 UCT on (Royal) "Princess Mary" Mary Magdalene Feast Day, July 22nd, 2013
    The princess went into labour about 05:56 am UCT on July 22nd, 2013 at Saint Mary's Hospital in Paddington, London, UK. So the baby will be a Leo if the labour continues for 10 hours minimum. The baby will definitely be born on Mary Magdalene Day, July 22nd, 2013 as a symbolic indicator for the Logos timeline.
    Four Concurrent Generations of Completions in GrandMotherFather & FatherMother & DaughterSon & GrandSonDaughter {Genesis.15.16; Mark.13.29-31; Matthew.23.32-37 and 24}
    'Cosmic Royal StarHumanity' symbolised in co-living 'Royal Humanity' in Elizabeth-Philip & Charles-Diana & Catherine-William and GALMary
    Mary Magdalene MM-Day 2013 with the 'Birth Symbol' of the Pharez-Zarah Leo-Cancer breach of Genesis.38 as the Cancer-Leo Cusp 2013 at 15:24 UCT of the Aquarius Moon in the Cancer Sun transiting at 15:56 UCT into Leo and with a Full Moon in Aquarius in the Leo Sun at 18:17 UCT

    Weekly Forecast July 22:
    Sun Enters Leo, Full Moon in Aquarius

    Jul 21, 2013 | Forecasts

    Creations of the Sun. © Pat Paquette, 2013.

    In contemplating what to write this week, I’m at a loss to come up with anything new.
    The news gets more and more depressing. The Obama administration has given itself a free pass to keep spying on the world, U.S. citizens included, while Edward Snowden is trapped at the Moscow airport, and Bradley Manning faces life in prison. Did you see the photos of him leaving the courtroom at Fort Meade? Why does such a little guy need to be surrounded by beefy, gun-toting guards? Obviously, he scares the bejeesus out of some powerful people.


    News headlines get multiplied by orders of magnitude on the social media. I have to tell you, I’m burned out on the constant stream of posts screaming, “Oh my god, have you heard what they’ve done now?” I get it! Everyone with a brain connected to a heart gets it. Those without that connection aren’t going to get it, no matter how many times the message is repeated on Facebook or how loud it’s shouted. Really, it’s not much different than trying to convert someone to your religion.
    OK, so we know it’s bad. The police state is so far advanced that it’s too late to fight without risking life and limb. Even more frightening, many of the 99 percent defend it. Yet, every now and then, between the predictable comments on news articles, an intelligent voice in the wilderness asks, “OK, but what can we do about it? Venting in comments and on the social media does nothing.”

    So here we are, looking over a deep chasm, the bridge collapsed and rusting, and no way across. Which brings me back to where I started. I’ve been saying all of this for so long that I feel like a broken record, and I don’t have any new answers. All I can do is look at planetary movements and form some kind of an educated guess about how long the current situation will last. Unfortunately, the news isn’t good. We’re in for several more years of turmoil, and things are going to get worse before they get better. You don’t need to be an astrologer to know that. In the meantime, we need to get our priorities straight, examine our values, revise our goals, and work within our communities – not necessarily in that order.
    Of all those strategies, finding your community is the hardest, especially if you’re a free thinker. The trick is to maintain your individual voice while working for the common good. Humans are social animals, and most of us do care about our fellows. I’d venture that a good majority are even willing to give more than they get back – provided, of course, that they feel they’re giving to a worthy endeavor. But we don’t like being just another cog in the wheel, especially when that wheel powers a destructive machine.
    This is precisely the message of Aquarius, sign of Monday’s Full Moon. Aquarians (of which I am one) tend to be freethinking individuals who don’t go along with the groupthink, and yet this is the sign of humanitarian causes, community action, and our human “family.” Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité. I’ll talk more about the Full Moon, but first let’s have a look at the general lay of the land.

    This week we’re in the in-between zone of last week’s dreamy grand trine and a tense cardinal T-square. In both configurations, Jupiter and Mars play a key role, and we start right out on Monday with an exact conjunction of this dynamic pair. Indeed, Monday is the biggest day of the week. Right after the conjunction of Mars and Jupiter, Venus enters Virgo, then the Sun enters Leo, and just over two hours later, we have our first Full Moon in Aquarius of the summer. Yes, there will be another on August 20.
    Mars and Jupiter are conjunct not only by latitude but also in declination. In other words, they will be extremely close to each other in the sky, which isn’t always true of conjunctions. This makes the aspect all the more powerful. In earlier times, this combination in the birth chart of a prince was considered a good sign that he would be a strong king, bringing the country wealth and military might. I’m not a big fan of European royalty, but I can’t help notice that Queen Elizabeth has a close conjunction of Mars and Jupiter in Aquarius. If Baby Cambridge is born in the next few days, she (I’m hoping) also will have this signature. Incidentally, if Kate has the baby right before the Full Moon, it could still be a Cancer. That was my bet, but we’ll see. (Tomorrow’s Full Moon was my third choice.)


    Mars and Jupiter conjoin at 6 degrees Cancer, which is still quite close to trining Saturn at 5 degrees Scorpio and Neptune at 4 degrees Pisces. The trine continues through the first week in August, so there’s still time to work with these flowing energies to find solutions to tough problems before the window starts to close. Indeed, the Full Moon might add some urgency. The chart to the right is kind of messy, but if you look closely, you can see a faint red triangle from the Sun and Moon to Saturn. That’s a square, and while we’d normally consider a Full Moon squaring Saturn to indicate trouble, any crisis that might arrive could come with a brilliant solution, perhaps not short of a miracle. Remember, Saturn is the traditional ruler of Aquarius (before Uranus was discovered in 1781), and he represents structure. Now, with Saturn in Scorpio and in mutual reception with Pluto, any structures we build these days are subject to immediate collapse. However, a sound, workable plan initiated since late June could put a strong foundation under your project.
    The closer a planet is to the Sun, the faster it appears to move in the sky. While Jupiter is pulling away from the grand trine slowly, Mars is quickly heading for his next connection, which is a cardinal T-square with Uranus and Pluto. Mercury currently is closest to the third leg of the T-square, so we’re getting a glimpse of what’s ahead. Later this week, Mars opposes Pluto, and we descend into the belly of the beast. Mars squares Uranus next week, and then Jupiter comes along in early August. This is one of the stormiest astrological periods of the year, second only to early November. The one consolation I can provide is that you probably already know how the Uranus-Pluto square is manifesting for you personally – if it is, which isn’t a given – so whatever comes at you, while it may seem out of the blue, likely will be part of a ongoing crisis and not an entirely new situation.

    Right before the Full Moon on Monday, the Sun enters Leo, sign of individualism and will. Leo has a reputation, not undeserved, as “self-oriented,” but the Full Moon in Aquarius reminds us that individuals form communities, and successful groups value the creativity and individuality of all their members. When the group itself becomes more important than the individuals in it, it’s a slippery slope to forced allegiance and tyranny. It’s interesting that we get a Full Moon both at the first degree of Aquarius and again near the last. That’s nearly a month to contemplate the concept of communities made up of empowered individuals.

    © Pat Paquette, 2013.

    Turning to Venus, she’s not at her best in Virgo, and on Friday, she opposes Neptune. The conventional interpretation of Venus opposite Neptune is delusions in love (on a date night, no less). Again, however, we’ve got a mitigating circumstance via a sextile to Saturn that makes it possible to see clearly and make sound decisions. That could be anything from recognizing a one-night stand for what it is and enjoying it while it lasts, to realizing that the guy or gal of your dreams has been sitting under your nose all along, and you were too scared, proud, or downright stupid to notice. On Sunday, Venus sextiles Jupiter, another fine day for settling into a realistic partnership. Positive Venus-Jupiter combinations also can be terrific for your finances, depending on where they’re transiting your chart.
    To sum up, we’ve got our work cut out for us for the next few weeks, but we’re not without the resources to get it done.

    I leave you with a stunning video that could change how you think of Saturn forever. And this is just the trailer:
    In Saturn’s Rings
    Wishing you all much love and lion-hearted courage,

    Copyright © 2012 -

    Post last edited Jul 24th 2013
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2015
  7. admin

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    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Jul 23rd 2013

    It’s a “Story Problem”: What’s Behind Our Messed-Up Economy

    The peoples of earlier times prospered from the guidance of simple stories that offered answers to their deepest questions. We need those now more than ever.

    by David Korten
    posted Jul 18, 2013

    Photo by Porsche Brosseau / Flickr.

    For people, generally, their story of the universe and the human role in the universe is their primary source of intelligibility and value. ... The deepest crises experienced by any society are those moments of change when the story becomes inadequate for meeting the survival demands of a present situation.
    —Thomas Berry, Dream of the Earth

    According to evolutionary biologists, the first living organisms appeared on Earth some 3.6 billion years ago. As the organisms increased in number and diversity, they organized themselves into a planetary-scale living system. Trillions upon trillions of individual organisms were constantly experimenting, testing, and learning. In the process, the living system evolved toward ever-greater complexity, beauty, awareness, and possibility. In the course of this grand evolutionary journey, these organisms filtered excess carbon and a vast variety of toxins from Earth’s air, waters, and soils and sequestered them deep underground—thus creating environmental conditions suited to the needs of species with ever-greater capacities for conscious self-reflective choice.
    We humans live by stories and have a particularly passionate need for stories that give our lives meaning and direction.
    We humans pride ourselves on being the most intelligent of the species made possible by the supposedly lesser, mostly microscopic organisms that transformed Earth from a toxic dead rock into a living jewel. Now, in an insane fit of arrogance, we devote our best minds and most advanced technologies to accelerating the extraction and release of those sequestered carbons and toxins back into Earth’s atmosphere, waters, and soils. We do so in a foolhardy attempt to dominate and suppress the natural processes that maintain the conditions essential to our existence.
    Our current life-destructive and climate-disruptive—but financially profitable—expansion of tar sands oil extraction, deep-sea oil drilling, hydraulic fracturing for natural gas, and mountaintop removal for coal is a particularly visible current example.
    It seems that despite all of our extraordinary scientific and economic advances, we humans are a species out of touch with reality.
    Millions of people now ask, "Why do we get it so terribly wrong?"
    I believe it’s a story problem.

    Story awareness

    We humans live by stories and have a particularly passionate need for stories that give our lives meaning and direction—sacred stories that serve as our guide to what is important and worthy of our respect and care. These are familiar examples:
    1. The story of a Distant Patriarch who by his will created all that is and rules it from afar. In this story, God is sacred and it is an article of faith that God is all-knowing and all-powerful.
    2. The story of a Grand Machine universe that mechanistically plays out its destiny as its spring unwinds. In this story, objective knowledge and the scientific method are sacred and it is an article of faith that a combination of mechanism and chance explain the dynamic processes of creation and that any form of intelligent agency is an illusion.
    3. The less public story of an Integral Spirit engaged in a sacred journey to discover and actualize its possibilities as it manifests in and through all the expressions of creation. In this story, the unifying spiritual field of love, life, and the living Earth that births and nurtures us are sacred. It is an article of faith that we achieve happiness and spiritual fulfillment through our service to the health and vibrancy of the community of life.

    The Distant Patriarch and Grand Machine stories have a highly visible public presence and powerful institutional sponsorship. The Integral Spirit story, in its many variations, generally lacks institutional sponsorship and public presence.

    Photo by David Roessli / Flickr.

    I explore all three in greater depth in an essay, "Religion, Science, and Spirit: A Sacred Story for Our Time," and suggest the need for public conversations about their quite different implications for how we live. A foundational purpose of these conversations is to raise what Rev. Stephen Phelps, senior minister of New York’s historic Riverside Church, calls our "Story Awareness."
    The essay has generated significant interest and discussion. Some readers suggest, correctly in my view, that many adherents to the Abrahamic religions identify more with a universal spirit than with the Distant Patriarch story and many scientists, perhaps even a majority, privately reject the narrow Grand Machine story. Most agree on the need for a conversation that transcends traditional cultural boundaries.
    It seems that virtually everyone with whom I’ve discussed the essay holds in his or her heart some version of the story of a universal, unifying spirit. Only a few, however, probe the deeper questions at the core of the Integral Spirit story, specifically:
    • "What is the purpose of the illusion of separation?"
    • "How does the illusion relate to the expression of agency throughout creation?"
    • "In what ways might individuality and diversity be essential to creation’s extraordinary capacity for self-organization toward ever greater complexity, beauty, awareness, and possibility?"
    I share my thoughts on the answers in the aforementioned essay, so we need not repeat that discussion here.

    A story adequate to the needs of our time

    The peoples of earlier times survived and often even prospered with the guidance of simple stories that offered easily understood answers to the deepest questions and simple prescriptive rules for personal behavior. Humans were sufficiently few in number and limited enough in their material expectations and technology that, although their actions sometimes wounded their Earth mother, she absorbed and recovered from the assaults and insults with relatively modest and localized distress.
    Within human ranks, those who engaged in intentional brutality against their neighbor were few relative to the total human numbers, and the technological sophistication of the available instruments of violence were limited. Therefore, the self-inflicted losses were readily offset in most instances through rapid reproduction.
    Our time of innocence has passed. We are too many. Our material appetites are too great. Our technologies are too powerful. Our demands on our living Earth mother grow, even as we deplete the living systems on which we depend to meet those demands.
    Our future depends on our readiness to take a step toward species maturity. We must recognize and embrace our own agency and accept responsibility for our numbers, technologies, and material expectations. To save ourselves from ourselves, we must make full use of our gifts of intelligence and capacity for self-reflective choice to construct a shared story adequate to the needs of our time. As we learn to live as responsible contributing members of a Sacred Earth Community, we will bring ourselves into balance with the generative systems of a living Earth.

    We are a self-reflective, storytelling, choice-making species gone astray for want of a sacred story adequate to the needs of our time.

    To guide our path, we need a sacred story that is true to the totality of our human experience and understanding and to our nature as living beings that survive and thrive only as responsible members of a Sacred Earth Community.
    Each of the prevailing sacred stories contains essential insights into a larger reality and contributes to the new story called for by our time. The Integral Spirit story, as described in "Religion, Science, and Spirit: A Sacred Story for Our Time," brings together the contributions of many wisdom traditions. These include the contributions of indigenous peoples who honor Earth as sacred mother, mystics who honor the oneness of creation, religious traditions that honor divine agency, and sciences that honor the complexity of creation and its extraordinary ability to self-organize.

    In combining these contributions into an inclusive, multi-layered story of an Integral Spirit, we can recognize our role as creative beings in the ever-unfolding journey of a creative, evolving cosmos in which intelligent agency is pervasive. This story lends profound meaning to our lives, calls us to accept our responsibility to and for the whole, affirms the reality of Earth as a sacred living being entitled to reverence and respect, and provides a narrative system frame for a life-serving Sacred Earth economy that organizes in service to a Sacred Earth Community.
    Such a story also compels us to acknowledge and accept the implications of what we do not know.

    A time for humility

    Perhaps the greatest threat to our common future is a combination of extreme individualism and extreme arrogance. It is time for a generous dose of humility as we deal with proposals to expand—through the genetic engineering of species and the geo-engineering of Earth’s climate—our domination of forces of nature of which we have only the most superficial understanding.
    The most important findings at the current frontiers of science are those that expose the great gaps in our knowledge of the cosmos and most particularly of the living Earth Community to which we belong.

    Be Part of the Solution; Engage the Conversation

    Invite a few friends to read "Religion, Science, and Spirit: A Sacred Story for Our Time."
    You might also suggest they read
    "The Personal Story Behind the Essay, 'Religion, Science, and Spirit: A Sacred Story for Our Time'"
    and this blog to provide context.

    Then meet and share your thoughts, perhaps using our suggested questions as a guide.
    If they find it a positive experience, urge them to in turn do the same with a circle of their friends.​
    For example, we now know that the observable cosmos contains hundreds of billions of galaxies, each with hundreds of billions of stars, which in their totality account for as little as 4 percent of what scientists calculate to be the mass of the universe. Beyond vague and untested theories, we have no idea what constitutes the other 96 percent—assuming the calculations based on our current limited understanding are correct.
    With regard to the living Earth Community, science is discovering the extent of our human dependence on countless microorganisms essential to the fertility of our soils and the function of the digestive systems of our own bodies. We are only beginning to identify and develop the barest understanding of these organisms, their varied functions, and the methods of their self-organization and contribution to our well-being.
    Until recently, scientists dismissed 90 percent of human DNA as junk. Now they are suggesting that the "extra" DNA may have essential functions that we have yet to discover—possibly including the preservation of ancestral memories.

    I believe every human is born with a deep sense in his or her heart of the basic elements of the Integral Spirit story. Perhaps carrying that memory may be part of the function of the 90 percent of "junk" DNA.
    One likely reason the Integral Spirit story lacks a coherent public presence and institutional sponsorship is that in its full expression it provides the framing narrative for a radically democratic society. It thus challenges the authority of imperial institutions that invoke variants of the Distant Patriarch and Grand Machine stories to affirm their legitimacy. The Integral Spirit story also has profound implications for how we think about the overall structure of the economy, individual economic institutions, and the distribution of economic power.

    A life-serving sacred Earth economy

    Once we acknowledge that we belong to a complex, evolving, self-organizing Earth Community within an evolving, self-organizing cosmos, we realize that we properly look to nature as our partner and teacher in life’s collective struggle to prevail over the dissipative physical forces of entropy. Rather than working in opposition to nature, we will transform our economic culture and institutions to align with the values, structure, and dynamics of a life-serving economy that aligns, integrates, and collaborates with the structure and dynamics of the biosphere.
    Just as nature organizes by bioregions, so too will our planetary system of bioregional economies. The people of each bioregion will strive to live within the generative capacity of their bioregion’s self-organizing generative systems. They will allocate their resources with awareness that their well-being depends on the continuing health and natural generative vitality of the living system in their care. They will recognize that all beings have a right to contribute to and benefit from the bounty of the whole that they create and maintain together.

    Creating a “new story economics” may be one of our defining intellectual challenges.

    Self-reliant bioregions will exchange their surpluses in fair and balanced trade and they will freely share information, culture, knowledge, and beneficial technology. As each bioregional community comes into balance with its generative system, the human species will come into overall system balance with the generative capacity of Earth’s biosphere.
    This new living economy will need a new economics. The current discipline of economics embraces and promotes its own sacred story in which money and markets are sacred; life is but a commodity freely exploited in whatever way yields the greatest financial return.

    The sacred story of contemporary economics is a perverse and destructive one lacking legitimate intellectual and moral foundation—yet enjoys fawning support from the powers that be. We must put it behind us in favor of a true new story/new paradigm economics that embraces life as its defining value and the logic of living systems as its organizing principle. The new economics will draw from disciplines ranging from physics, biology, and ecology to psychology, anthropology, and theology. It will be trans-disciplinary, meaning that it will transcend the isolated old paradigm frames of the academy’s established disciplines.
    The old story economics asks, "What will generate the greatest financial return?" The new story economics will ask, "What would nature do?"

    Creating a “new story economics” may be one of the defining intellectual challenges of our time.
    We face a similar challenge with respect to our old story legal system. By the reckoning of this system, corporations (legally protected pools of money) are the most sacred of institutions and corporate rights are the most sacred of rights. Nature is mere property to be freely exploited at the will of its owners.
    By contrast, a Sacred Earth legal system will recognize that nature is the foundation of our human existence and that we survive and prosper only as members of a vibrant, living Earth Community. Therefore, life is sacred. Our Earth mother is sacred. The rights of sacred Earth Community— the rights of nature—are therefore the most sacred of rights. The corporation is simply a legal instrument useful for some limited functions.

    We are a self-reflective, storytelling, choice-making species gone astray for want of a sacred story adequate to the needs of our time. The essential story lives in the human heart, but remains private and unacknowledged for want of a public conversation that weaves together the seemingly disparate narratives of indigenous wisdom, the teachings of the great spiritual teachers, the findings of science, and the lessons of history and daily experience.

    The needed conversation is underway. As it expands and deepens, the possibilities it reveals offer hope that together we can and will take the step to species maturity and accept our responsibilities as members of a Sacred Earth Community before the economic, social, environmental, and political system failure wrought by inadequate stories becomes irreversible.

    Dr. David Korten is the author of Agenda for a New Economy: From Phantom Wealth to Real Wealth, The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community, The Post-Corporate World: Life after Capitalism, and the international best seller When Corporations Rule the World. He is board chair of YES! Magazine, co-chair of the New Economy Working Group, a founding board member emeritus of the Business Alliance for Local Living Economies, president of the Living Economies Forum, an associate fellow of the Institute for Policy Studies, and a member of the Club of Rome. He earned MBA and PhD degrees from the Stanford University Graduate School of Business and served on the faculty of the Harvard Business School. He blogs for YES! Magazine.

    Post last edited Jul 23rd 2013
  8. admin

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    Jorgelito - Posted Jul 23rd 2013

    Re It’s a “Story Problem”: What’s Behind Our Messed-Up Economy by David Korten, Jul 18, 2013

    Stories help us create ourselves and the world. Some are very practical. My brother-in-law is fond of answering difficult questions with Because this is what I do.


    I like the garden metaphor in the movie Being There. A simple gardener provides the country an understanding of life and the economy that everyone can understand . . .

    But the very best stories are the ones we catch. The ones we call myth. Thay make a person feel alive.
    Once a myth “catches you,” Campbell says, you develop such a longing “for one or another of these traditions of information of a deep, rich, life-vivifying sort, that you won’t want to give it up.”

    Post last edited Jul 23rd 2013
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    thurman - Posted Jul 23rd 2013

    The Life and Teachings of Thoth Hermes Trismegistus

    THUNDER rolled, lightning flashed, the veil of the Temple was rent from top to bottom. The venerable initiator, in his robes of blue and gold, slowly raised his jeweled wand and pointed with it into the darkness revealed by the tearing of the silken curtain: "Behold the Light of Egypt! " The candidate, in his plain white robe, gazed into the utter blackness framed by the two great Lotus-headed columns between which the veil had hung. As he watched, a luminous haze distributed itself throughout the atmosphere until the air was a mass of shining particles. The face of the neophyte was illumined by the soft glow as he scanned the shimmering cloud for some tangible object.
    The initiator spoke again: "This Light which ye behold is the secret luminance of the Mysteries. Whence it comes none knoweth, save the 'Master of the Light.' Behold Him!" Suddenly, through the gleaming mist a figure appeared, surrounded by a flickering greenish sheen. The initiator lowered his wand and, bowing his head, placed one hand edgewise against his breast in humble salutation. The neophyte stepped back in awe, partly blinded by the glory of the revealed figure. Gaining courage, the youth gazed again at the Divine One. The Form before him was considerably larger than that of a mortal man. The body seemed partly transparent so that the heart and brain could be seen pulsating and radiant.
    As the candidate watched, the heart changed into an ibis, and the brain into a flashing emerald. In Its hand this mysterious Being bore a winged rod, entwined with serpents. The aged initiator, raising his wand, cried out in a loud voice: "All hail Thee, Thoth Hermes, Thrice Greatest; all hail Thee, Prince of Men; all hail Thee who standeth upon the head of Typhon!" At the same instant a lurid writhing dragon appeared--a hideous monster, part serpent, part crocodile, and part hog. From its mouth and nostrils poured sheets of flame and horrible sounds echoed through the vaulted chambers. Suddenly Hermes struck the advancing reptile with the serpent-wound staff and with snarling cry the dragon fell over upon its side, while the flames about it slowly died away. Hermes placed His foot upon the skull of the vanquished Typhon. The next instant, with a blaze of unbearable glory that sent the neophyte staggering backward against a pillar, the immortal Hermes, followed by streamers of greenish mist, passed through the chamber and faded into nothingness


    Iamblichus averred that Hermes was the author of twenty thousand books; Manetho increased the number to more than thirty-six thousand (see James Gardner)--figures which make it evident that a solitary individual, even though he be overshadowed by divine prerogative, could scarcely have accomplished such a monumental labor. Among the arts and sciences which it is affirmed Hermes revealed to mankind were medicine, chemistry, law, arc, astrology, music, rhetoric, Magic, philosophy, geography, mathematics (especially geometry), anatomy, and oratory. Orpheus was similarly acclaimed by the Greeks.
    In his Biographia Antiqua, Francis Barrett says of Hermes: "* * * if God ever appeared in man, he appeared in him, as is evident both from his books and his Pymander; in which works he has communicated the sum of the Abyss, and the divine knowledge to all posterity; by which he has demonstrated himself to have been not only an inspired divine, but also a deep philosopher, obtaining his wisdom from God and heavenly things, and not from man."

    His transcendent learning caused Hermes to be identified with many of the early sages and prophets. In his Ancient Mythology, Bryant writes: "I have mentioned that Cadmus was the same as the Egyptian Thoth; and it is manifest from his being Hermes, and from the invention of letters being attributed to him. " (In the chapter on the theory of Pythagorean Mathematics will be found the table of the original Cadmean letters.) Investigators believe that it was Hermes who was known to the Jews as "Enoch," called by Kenealy the "Second Messenger of God." Hermes was accepted into the mythology of the Greeks, later becoming the Mercury of the Latins. He was revered through the form of the planet Mercury because this body is nearest to the sun: Hermes of all creatures was nearest to God, and became known as the Messenger of the Gods.
    In the Egyptian drawings of him, Thoth carries a waxen writing tablet and serves as the recorder during the weighing of the souls of the dead in the judgment Hall of Osiris--a ritual of great significance. Hermes is of first importance to Masonic scholars, because he was the author of the Masonic initiatory rituals, which were borrowed from the Mysteries established by Hermes. Nearly all of the Masonic symbols are Hermetic in character. Pythagoras studied mathematics with the Egyptians and from them gained his knowledge of the symbolic geometric solids. Hermes is also revered for his reformation of the calendar system. He increased the year from 360 to 365 days, thus establishing a precedent which still prevails. The appellation "Thrice Greatest" was given to Hermes because he was considered the greatest of all philosophers, the greatest of all priests, and the greatest of all kings. It is worthy of note that the last poem of America's beloved poet, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, was a lyric ode to Hermes. (See Chambers' Encyclopædia.)


    On the subject of the Hermetic books, James Campbell Brown, in his History of Chemistry, has written: "Leaving the Chaldean and earliest Egyptian periods, of which we have remains but no record, and from which no names of either chemists or philosophers have come down to us, we now approach the Historic Period, when books were written, not at first upon parchment or paper, but upon papyrus. A series of early Egyptian books is attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, who may have been a real savant, or may be a personification of a long succession of writers. * * * He is identified by some with the Greek god Hermes, and the Egyptian Thoth or Tuti, who was the moon-god, and is represented in ancient paintings as ibis-headed with the disc and crescent of the moon. The Egyptians regarded him as the god of wisdom, letters, and the recording of time. It is in consequence of the great respect entertained for Hermes by the old alchemists that chemical writings were called 'hermetic,' and that the phrase 'hermetically sealed' is still in use to designate the closing of a glass vessel by fusion, after the manner of chemical manipulators. We find the same root in the hermetic medicines of Paracelsus, and the hermetic freemasonry of the Middle Ages."
    Among the fragmentary writings believed to have come from the stylus of Hermes are two famous works. The first is the Emerald Table, and the second is the Divine Pymander, or, as it is more commonly called, The Shepherd of Men, a discussion of which follows. One outstanding point in connection with Hermes is that he was one of the few philosopher-priests of pagandom upon whom the early Christians did not vent their spleen. Some Church Fathers went so far as to declare that Hermes exhibited many symptoms of intelligence, and that if he had only been born in a more enlightened age so that he might have benefited by their instructions he would have been a really great man!

    In his Stromata, Clement of Alexandria, one of the few chroniclers of pagan lore whose writings have been preserved to this age, gives practically all the information that is known concerning the original forty-two books of Hermes and the importance with which these books were regarded by both the temporal and spiritual powers of Egypt. Clement describes one of their ceremonial processions as follows:
    "For the Egyptians pursue a philosophy of their own. This is


    From Historia Deorum Fatidicorum.

    Master of all arts and sciences. perfect in all crafts, Ruler of the Three Worlds, Scribe of the Gods, and Keeper of the Books of Life, Thoth Hermes Trismegistus--the Three Times Greatest, the "First Intelligencer"--was regarded by the ancient Egyptians as the embodiment of the Universal Mind. While in all probability there actually existed a great sage and educator by the name of Hermes, it is impossible to extricate the historical man from the mass of legendary accounts which attempt to identify him with the Cosmic Principle of Thought.

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    principally shown by their sacred ceremonial. For first advances the Singer, bearing some one of the symbols of music. For they say that he must learn two of the books of Hermes, the one of which contains the hymns of the gods, the second the regulations for the king's life. And after the Singer advances the Astrologer, with a horologe in his hand, and a palm, the symbols of astrology. He must have the astrological books of Hermes, which are four in number, always in his mouth. Of these, one is about the order of the fixed stars that are visible, and another about the conjunctions and luminous appearances of the sun and moon; and the rest respecting their risings. Next in order advances the sacred Scribe, with wings on his head, and in his hand a book and rule, in which were writing ink and the reed, with which they write. And he must be acquainted with what are called hieroglyphics, and know about cosmography and geography, the position of the sun and moon, and about the five planets; also the description of Egypt, and the chart of the Nile; and the description of the equipment of the priests and of the place consecrated to them, and about the measures and the things in use in the sacred rites. Then the Stole-keeper follows those previously mentioned, with the cubit of justice and the cup for libations. He is acquainted with all points called Pædeutic (relating to training) and Moschophaltic (sacrificial). There are also ten books which relate to the honour paid by them to their gods, and containing the Egyptian worship; as that relating to sacrifices, first-fruits, hymns, prayers, processions, festivals, and the like. And behind all walks the Prophet, with the water-vase carried openly in his arms; who is followed by those who carry the issue of loaves. He, as being the governor of the temple, learns the ten books called 'Hieratic'; and they contain all about the laws, and the gods, and the whole of the training of the priests. For the Prophet is, among the Egyptians, also over the distribution of the revenues. There are then forty-two books of Hermes indispensably necessary; of which the six-and-thirty containing the whole philosophy of the Egyptians are learned by the forementioned personages; and the other six, which are medical, by the Pastophoroi (image-bearers),--treating of the structure of the body, and of disease, and instruments, and medicines, and about the eyes, and the last about women.

    One of the greatest tragedies of the philosophic world was the loss of nearly all of the forty-two books of Hermes mentioned in the foregoing. These books disappeared during the burning of Alexandria, for the Romans--and later the Christians--realized that until these books were eliminated they could never bring the Egyptians into subjection. The volumes which escaped the fire were buried in the desert and their location is now known to only a few initiates of the secret schools.


    While Hermes still walked the earth with men, he entrusted to his chosen successors the sacred Book of Thoth. This work contained the secret processes by which the regeneration of humanity was to be accomplished and also served as the key to his other writings. Nothing definite is known concerning the contents of the Book of Thoth other than that its pages were covered with strange hieroglyphic figures and symbols, which gave to those acquainted with their use unlimited power over the spirits of the air and the subterranean divinities. When certain areas of the brain are stimulated by the secret processes of the Mysteries, the consciousness of man is extended and he is permitted to behold the Immortals and enter into the presence of the superior gods. The Book of Thoth described the method whereby this stimulation was accomplished. In truth, therefore, it was the "Key to Immortality."

    According to legend, the Book of Thoth was kept in a golden box in the inner sanctuary of the temple. There was but one key and this was in the possession of the "Master of the Mysteries," the highest initiate of the Hermetic Arcanum. He alone knew what was written in the secret book. The Book of Thoth was lost to the ancient world with the decay of the Mysteries, but its faithful initiates carried it sealed in the sacred casket into another land. The book is still in existence and continues to lead the disciples of this age into the presence of the Immortals. No other information can be given to the world concerning it now, but the apostolic succession from the first hierophant initiated by Hermes himself remains unbroken to this day, and those who are peculiarly fitted to serve the Immortals may discover this priceless document if they will search sincerely and tirelessly for it.

    It has been asserted that the Book of Thoth is, in reality, the mysterious Tarot of the Bohemians--a strange emblematic book of seventy-eight leaves which has been in possession of the gypsies since the time when they were driven from their ancient temple, the Serapeum. (According to the Secret Histories the gypsies were originally Egyptian priests.) There are now in the world several secret schools privileged to initiate candidates into the Mysteries, but in nearly every instance they lighted their altar fires from the flaming torch of Herm. Hermes in his Book of Thoth revealed to all mankind the "One Way," and for ages the wise of every nation and every faith have reached immortality by the "Way" established by Hermes in the midst of the darkness for the redemption of humankind.


    The Divine Pymander of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus is one of the earliest of the Hermetic writings now extant. While probably not in its original form, having been remodeled during the first centuries of the Christian Era and incorrectly translated since, this work undoubtedly contains many of the original concepts of the Hermetic cultus. The Divine Pymander consists of seventeen fragmentary writings gathered together and put forth as one work. The second book of The Divine Pymander, called Poimandres, or The Vision, is believed to describe the method by which the divine wisdom was first revealed to Hermes. It was after Hermes had received this revelation that he began his ministry, teaching to all who would listen the secrets of the invisible universe as they had been unfolded to him.

    The Vision is the most: famous of all the Hermetic fragments, and contains an exposition of Hermetic cosmogony and the secret sciences of the Egyptians regarding the culture and unfoldment of the human soul. For some time it was erroneously called "The Genesis of Enoch," but that mistake has now been rectified. At hand while preparing the following interpretation of the symbolic philosophy concealed within The Vision of Hermes the present author has had these reference works: The Divine Pymander of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus (London, 1650), translated out of the Arabic and Greek by Dr. Everard; Hermetica (Oxford, 1924), edited by Walter Scott; Hermes, The Mysteries of Egypt (Philadelphia, 1925), by Edouard Schure; and the Thrice-Greatest Hermes (London, 1906), by G. R. S. Mead. To the material contained in the above volumes he has added commentaries based upon the esoteric philosophy of the ancient Egyptians, together with amplifications derived partly from other Hermetic fragments and partly from the secret arcanum of the Hermetic sciences. For the sake of clarity, the narrative form has been chosen in preference to the original dialogic style, and obsolete words have given place to those in current use.

    Hermes, while wandering in a rocky and desolate place, gave himself over to meditation and prayer. Following the secret instructions of the Temple, he gradually freed his higher consciousness from the bondage of his bodily senses; and, thus released, his divine nature revealed to him the mysteries of the transcendental spheres. He beheld a figure, terrible and awe-inspiring. It was the Great Dragon, with wings stretching across the sky and light streaming in all directions from its body. (The Mysteries taught that the Universal Life was personified as a dragon.) The Great Dragon called Hermes by name, and asked him why he thus meditated upon the World Mystery. Terrified by the spectacle, Hermes prostrated himself before the Dragon, beseeching it to reveal its identity. The great creature answered that it was Poimandres, the Mind of the Universe, the Creative Intelligence, and the Absolute Emperor of all. (Schure identifies Poimandres as the god Osiris.) Hermes then besought Poimandres to disclose the nature of the universe and the constitution of the gods. The Dragon acquiesced, bidding Trismegistus hold its image in his mind.
    Immediately the form of Poimandres changed. Where it had stood there was a glorious and pulsating Radiance. This Light was the spiritual nature of the Great Dragon itself. Hermes was "raised" into the midst of this Divine Effulgence and the universe of material things faded from his consciousness. Presently a great darkness descended and, expanding, swallowed up the Light. Everything was troubled. About Hermes swirled a mysterious watery substance which gave forth a smokelike vapor. The air was filled with inarticulate moanings and sighings which seemed to come from the Light swallowed up in the darkness. His mind told Hermes that


    From Wilkinson's Manners & Customs of the Ancient Egyptians.

    It is doubtful that the deity called Thoth by the Egyptians was originally Hermes, but the two personalities were blended together and it is now impossible to separate them. Thoth was called "The Lord of the Divine Books" and "Scribe of the Company of the Gods." He is generally depicted with the body of a man and the head of an ibis. The exact symbolic meaning of this latter bird has never been discovered. A careful analysis of the peculiar shape of the ibis--especially its head and beak--should prove illuminating.

    p. 39

    the Light was the form of the spiritual universe and that the swirling darkness which had engulfed it represented material substance.

    Then out of the imprisoned Light a mysterious and Holy Word came forth and took its stand upon the smoking waters. This Word--the Voice of the Light--rose out of the darkness as a great pillar, and the fire and the air followed after it, but the earth and the water remained unmoved below. Thus the waters of Light were divided from the waters of darkness, and from the waters of Light were formed the worlds above and from the waters of darkness were formed the worlds below. The earth and the water next mingled, becoming inseparable, and the Spiritual Word which is called Reason moved upon their surface, causing endless turmoil.

    Then again was heard the voice of Poimandres, but His form was not revealed: "I Thy God am the Light and the Mind which were before substance was divided from spirit and darkness from Light. And the Word which appeared as a pillar of flame out of the darkness is the Son of God, born of the mystery of the Mind. The name of that Word is Reason. Reason is the offspring of Thought and Reason shall divide the Light from the darkness and establish Truth in the midst of the waters. Understand, O Hermes, and meditate deeply upon the mystery. That which in you sees and hears is not of the earth, but is the Word of God incarnate. So it is said that Divine Light dwells in the midst of mortal darkness, and ignorance cannot divide them. The union of the Word and the Mind produces that mystery which is called Life. As the darkness without you is divided against itself, so the darkness within you is likewise divided. The Light and the fire which rise are the divine man, ascending in the path of the Word, and that which fails to ascend is the mortal man, which may not partake of immortality. Learn deeply of the Mind and its mystery, for therein lies the secret of immortality."

    The Dragon again revealed its form to Hermes, and for a long time the two looked steadfastly one upon the other, eye to eye, so that Hermes trembled before the gaze of Poimandres. At the Word of the Dragon the heavens opened and the innumerable Light Powers were revealed, soaring through Cosmos on pinions of streaming fire. Hermes beheld the spirits of the stars, the celestials controlling the universe, and all those Powers which shine with the radiance of the One Fire--the glory of the Sovereign Mind. Hermes realized that the sight which he beheld was revealed to him only because Poimandres had spoken a Word. The Word was Reason, and by the Reason of the Word invisible things were made manifest. Divine Mind--the Dragon--continued its discourse:

    "Before the visible universe was formed its mold was cast. This mold was called the Archetype, and this Archetype was in the Supreme Mind long before the process of creation began. Beholding the Archetypes, the Supreme Mind became enamored with Its own thought; so, taking the Word as a mighty hammer, It gouged out caverns in primordial space and cast the form of the spheres in the Archetypal mold, at the same time sowing in the newly fashioned bodies the seeds of living things. The darkness below, receiving the hammer of the Word, was fashioned into an orderly universe. The elements separated into strata and each brought forth living creatures. The Supreme Being--the Mind--male and female, brought forth the Word; and the Word, suspended between Light and darkness, was delivered of another Mind called the Workman, the Master-Builder, or the Maker of Things.

    "In this manner it was accomplished, O Hermes: The Word moving like a breath through space called forth the Fire by the friction of its motion. Therefore, the Fire is called the Son of Striving. The Workman passed as a whirlwind through the universe, causing the substances to vibrate and glow with its friction, The Son of Striving thus formed Seven Governors, the Spirits of the Planets, whose orbits bounded the world; and the Seven Governors controlled the world by the mysterious power called Destiny given them by the Fiery Workman. When the Second Mind (The Workman) had organized Chaos, the Word of God rose straightway our of its prison of substance, leaving the elements without Reason, and joined Itself to the nature of the Fiery Workman. Then the Second Mind, together with the risen Word, established Itself in the midst of the universe and whirled the wheels of the Celestial Powers. This shall continue from an infinite beginning to an infinite end, for the beginning and the ending are in the same place and state.
    "Then the downward-turned and unreasoning elements brought forth creatures without Reason. Substance could not bestow Reason, for Reason had ascended out of it. The air produced flying things and the waters such as swim. The earth conceived strange four-footed and creeping beasts, dragons, composite demons, and grotesque monsters. Then the Father--the Supreme Mind--being Light and Life, fashioned a glorious Universal Man in Its own image, not an earthy man but a heavenly Man dwelling in the Light of God. The Supreme Mind loved the Man It had fashioned and delivered to Him the control of the creations and workmanships.

    "The Man, desiring to labor, took up His abode in the sphere of generation and observed the works of His brother--the Second Mind--which sat upon the Ring of the Fire. And having beheld the achievements of the Fiery Workman, He willed also to make things, and His Father gave permission. The Seven Governors, of whose powers He partook, rejoiced and each gave the Man a share of Its own nature.
    "The Man longed to pierce the circumference of the circles and understand the mystery of Him who sat upon the Eternal Fire. Having already all power, He stooped down and peeped through the seven Harmonies and, breaking through the strength of the circles, made Himself manifest to Nature stretched out below. The Man, looking into the depths, smiled, for He beheld a shadow upon the earth and a likeness mirrored in the waters, which shadow and likeness were a reflection of Himself. The Man fell in love with His own shadow and desired to descend into it. Coincident with the desire, the Intelligent Thing united Itself with the unreasoning image or shape.
    "Nature, beholding the descent, wrapped herself about the Man whom she loved, and the two were mingled. For this reason, earthy man is composite. Within him is the Sky Man, immortal and beautiful; without is Nature, mortal and destructible. Thus, suffering is the result of the Immortal Man's falling in love with His shadow and giving up Reality to dwell in the darkness of illusion; for, being immortal, man has the power of the Seven Governors--also the Life, the Light, and the Word-but being mortal, he is controlled by the Rings of the Governors--Fate or Destiny.

    "Of the Immortal Man it should be said that He is hermaphrodite, or male and female, and eternally watchful. He neither slumbers nor sleeps, and is governed by a Father also both male and female, and ever watchful. Such is the mystery kept hidden to this day, for Nature, being mingled in marriage with the Sky Man, brought forth a wonder most wonderful--seven men, all bisexual, male and female, and upright of stature, each one exemplifying the natures of the Seven Governors. These O Hermes, are the seven races, species, and wheels.
    "After this manner were the seven men generated. Earth was the female element and water the male element, and from the fire and the æther they received their spirits, and Nature produced bodies after the species and shapes of men. And man received the Life and Light of the Great Dragon, and of the Life was made his Soul and of the Light his Mind. And so, all these composite creatures containing immortality, but partaking of mortality, continued in this state for the duration of a period. They reproduced themselves out of themselves, for each was male and female. But at the end of the period the knot of Destiny was untied by the will of God and the bond of all things was loosened.

    "Then all living creatures, including man, which had been hermaphroditical, were separated, the males being set apart by themselves and the females likewise, according to the dictates of Reason.
    "Then God spoke to the Holy Word within the soul of all things, saying: 'Increase in increasing and multiply in multitudes, all you, my creatures and workmanships. Let him that is endued with Mind know himself to be immortal and that the cause of death is the love of the body; and let him learn all things that are, for he who has recognized himself enters into the state of Good.'


    From Bryant's Mythology.

    The name Hermes is derived from "Herm," a form of CHiram, the Personified Universal Life Principle, generally represented by fire. The Scandinavians worshiped Hermes under the name of Odin; the Teutons as Wotan, and certain of the Oriental peoples as Buddha, or Fo. There are two theories concerning his demise. The first declares that Hermes was translated like Enoch and carried without death into the presence of God, the second states that he was buried in the Valley of Ebron and a great treasure placed in his tomb--not a treasure of gold but of books and sacred learning.
    The Egyptians likened humanity to a flock of sheep. The Supreme and Inconceivable Father was the Shepherd, and Hermes was the shepherd dog. The origin of the shepherd's crook in religious symbolism may be traced to the Egyptian rituals. The three scepters of Egypt include the shepherd's crook, symbolizing that by virtue of the power reposing in that symbolic staff the initiated Pharaohs guided the destiny of their people.

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    "And when God had said this, Providence, with the aid of the Seven Governors and Harmony, brought the sexes together, making the mixtures and establishing the generations, and all things were multiplied according to their kind. He who through the error of attachment loves his body, abides wandering in darkness, sensible and suffering the things of death, but he who realizes that the body is but the tomb of his soul, rises to immortality."

    Then Hermes desired to know why men should be deprived of immortality for the sin of ignorance alone. The Great Dragon answered:, To the ignorant the body is supreme and they are incapable of realizing the immortality that is within them. Knowing only the body which is subject to death, they believe in death because they worship that substance which is the cause and reality of death."
    Then Hermes asked how the righteous and wise pass to God, to which Poimandres replied: "That which the Word of God said, say I: 'Because the Father of all things consists of Life and Light, whereof man is made.' If, therefore, a man shall learn and understand the nature of Life and Light, then he shall pass into the eternity of Life and Light."

    Hermes next inquired about the road by which the wise attained to Life eternal, and Poimandres continued: "Let the man endued with a Mind mark, consider, and learn of himself, and with the power of his Mind divide himself from his not-self and become a servant of Reality."

    Hermes asked if all men did not have Minds, and the Great Dragon replied: "Take heed what you say, for I am the Mind--the Eternal Teacher. I am the Father of the Word--the Redeemer of all men--and in the nature of the wise the Word takes flesh. By means of the Word, the world is saved. I, Thought (Thoth)--the Father of the Word, the Mind--come only unto men that are holy and good, pure and merciful, and that live piously and religiously, and my presence is an inspiration and a help to them, for when I come they immediately know all things and adore the Universal Father. Before such wise and philosophic ones die, they learn to renounce their senses, knowing that these are the enemies of their immortal souls.
    "I will not permit the evil senses to control the bodies of those who love me, nor will I allow evil emotions and evil thoughts to enter them. I become as a porter or doorkeeper, and shut out evil, protecting the wise from their own lower nature. But to the wicked, the envious and the covetous, I come not, for such cannot understand the mysteries of Mind; therefore, I am unwelcome. I leave them to the avenging demon that they are making in their own souls, for evil each day increases itself and torments man more sharply, and each evil deed adds to the evil deeds that are gone before until finally evil destroys itself. The punishment of desire is the agony of unfulfillment."

    Hermes bowed his head in thankfulness to the Great Dragon who had taught him so much, and begged to hear more concerning the ultimate of the human soul. So Poimandres resumed: "At death the material body of man is returned to the elements from which it came, and the invisible divine man ascends to the source from whence he came, namely the Eighth Sphere. The evil passes to the dwelling place of the demon, and the senses, feelings, desires, and body passions return to their source, namely the Seven Governors, whose natures in the lower man destroy but in the invisible spiritual man give life.
    "After the lower nature has returned to the brutishness, the higher struggles again to regain its spiritual estate. It ascends the seven Rings upon which sit the Seven Governors and returns to each their lower powers in this manner: Upon the first ring sits the Moon, and to it is returned the ability to increase and diminish. Upon the second ring sits Mercury, and to it are returned machinations, deceit, and craftiness. Upon the third ring sits Venus, and to it are returned the lusts and passions. Upon the fourth ring sits the Sun, and to this Lord are returned ambitions. Upon the fifth ring sits Mars, and to it are returned rashness and profane boldness. Upon the sixth ring sits Jupiter, and to it are returned the sense of accumulation and riches. And upon the seventh ring sits Saturn, at the Gate of Chaos, and to it are returned falsehood and evil plotting.

    "Then, being naked of all the accumulations of the seven Rings, the soul comes to the Eighth Sphere, namely, the ring of the fixed stars. Here, freed of all illusion, it dwells in the Light and sings praises to the Father in a voice which only the pure of spirit may understand. Behold, O Hermes, there is a great mystery in the Eighth Sphere, for the Milky Way is the seed-ground of souls, and from it they drop into the Rings, and to the Milky Way they return again from the wheels of Saturn. But some cannot climb the seven-runged ladder of the Rings. So they wander in darkness below and are swept into eternity with the illusion of sense and earthiness.
    "The path to immortality is hard, and only a few find it. The rest await the Great Day when the wheels of the universe shall be stopped and the immortal sparks shall escape from the sheaths of substance. Woe unto those who wait, for they must return again, unconscious and unknowing, to the seed-ground of stars, and await a new beginning. Those who are saved by the light of the mystery which I have revealed unto you, O Hermes, and which I now bid you to establish among men, shall return again to the Father who dwelleth in the White Light, and shall deliver themselves up to the Light and shall be absorbed into the Light, and in the Light they shall become Powers in God. This is the Way of Good and is revealed only to them that have wisdom.

    "Blessed art thou, O Son of Light, to whom of all men, I, Poimandres, the Light of the World, have revealed myself. I order you to go forth, to become as a guide to those who wander in darkness, that all men within whom dwells the spirit of My Mind (The Universal Mind) may be saved by My Mind in you, which shall call forth My Mind in them. Establish My Mysteries and they shall not fail from the earth, for I am the Mind of the Mysteries and until Mind fails (which is never) my Mysteries cannot fail." With these parting words, Poimandres, radiant with celestial light, vanished, mingling with the powers of the heavens. Raising his eyes unto the heavens, Hermes blessed the Father of All Things and consecrated his life to the service of the Great Light.
    Thus preached Hermes: "O people of the earth, men born and made of the elements, but with the spirit of the Divine Man within you, rise from your sleep of ignorance! Be sober and thoughtful. Realize that your home is not in the earth but in the Light. Why have you delivered yourselves over unto death, having power to partake of immortality? Repent, and change your minds. Depart from the dark light and forsake corruption forever. Prepare yourselves to climb through the Seven Rings and to blend your souls with the eternal Light."

    Some who heard mocked and scoffed and went their way, delivering themselves to the Second Death from which there is no salvation. But others, casting themselves before the feet of Hermes, besought him to teach them the Way of Life. He lifted them gently, receiving no approbation for himself, and staff in hand, went forth teaching and guiding mankind, and showing them how they might be saved. In the worlds of men, Hermes sowed the seeds of wisdom and nourished the seeds with the Immortal Waters. And at last came the evening of his life, and as the brightness of the light of earth was beginning to go down, Hermes commanded his disciples to preserve his doctrines inviolate throughout all ages. The Vision of Poimandres he committed to writing that all men desiring immortality might therein find the way.
    In concluding his exposition of the Vision, Hermes wrote: "The sleep of the body is the sober watchfulness of the Mind and the shutting of my eyes reveals the true Light. My silence is filled with budding life and hope, and is full of good. My words are the blossoms of fruit of the tree of my soul. For this is the faithful account of what I received from my true Mind, that is Poimandres, the Great Dragon, the Lord of the Word, through whom I became inspired by God with the Truth. Since that day my Mind has been ever with me and in my own soul it hath given birth to the Word: the Word is Reason, and Reason hath redeemed me. For which cause, with all my soul and all my strength, I give praise and blessing unto God the Father, the Life and the Light, and the Eternal Good.

    "Holy is God, the Father of all things, the One who is before the First Beginning.
    "Holy is God, whose will is performed and accomplished by His own Powers which He hath given birth to out of Himself.
    "Holy is God, who has determined that He shall be known, and who is known by His own to whom He reveals Himself.
    "Holy art Thou, who by Thy Word (Reason) hast established all things.
    "Holy art Thou, of whom all Nature is the image.
    "Holy art Thou, whom the inferior nature has not formed.
    "Holy art Thou, who art stronger than all powers.
    "Holy art Thou, who art greater than all excellency.
    "Holy art Thou, who art better than all praise.
    "Accept these reasonable sacrifices from a pure soul and a heart stretched out unto Thee.
    "O Thou Unspeakable, Unutterable, to be praised with silence!
    "I beseech Thee to look mercifully upon me, that I may not err from the knowledge of Thee and that I may enlighten those that are in ignorance, my brothers and Thy sons.
    "Therefore I believe Thee and bear witness unto Thee, and depart in peace and in trustfulness into Thy Light and Life.
    "Blessed art Thou, O Father! The man Thou hast fashioned would be sanctified with Thee as Thou hast given him power to sanctify others with Thy Word and Thy Truth."

    The Vision of Hermes, like nearly all of the Hermetic writings, is an allegorical exposition of great philosophic and mystic truths, and its hidden meaning may be comprehended only by those who have been "raised" into the presence of the True Mind.

    Next: The Initiation of the Pyramid
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2015
  10. admin

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    • Jorgelito - Posted Jul 23rd 2013

      Thurman, thank you for posting the Vision of Hermes. I don't think I've seen it before.

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      SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Jul 23rd 2013

      are you Thurman, the author of this info ?

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